#maybe I can do my work AND watch vanguard hmm….
Someone stop me from rewatching vanguard g instead of doing work I CANNOT do that my grades can’t take it
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by calligomiles)
“Why do you think they split Guard and Vanguard into two roles?” Zima asked Istina as they went to sit down for lunch. “All the others are fairly well-defined, but the only difference I’ve found between Vanguards and Guards is when they join a battle. Couldn’t they just be two parts of the same role, like the fast-deployers and the push/pullers?”
“I think it’s a matter of symmetry; eight is a nice round number, and you can easily split it up several different ways...Hey, Sonya, who’s that sitting at our table?”
The General focused her eyes on the offending Feline for a moment before going into a full glare. “I don’t know, but she’s got some nerve taking our spot. Wait here; I’ll deal with her.”
“You don’t have to just-” She was already storming forward. “Right. I forgot for a moment who I was talking to.”
“Hey. You’re in our spot.” Zima rolled up to Swire in a fightin’ mood.
All that managed to rouse from her was a smug smile. “I’m sitting here right now, though. There’s enough space for all three of us, isn’t there?”
“...Fine.” Something about that smile defused her argument, but not her attitude. “Hey, An- Where the hell did she run off to?”
“I didn’t see. She can find us then she comes back, though, can’t she?” The money-cat plucked a potsticker from her plate and dipped it a couple times in a small cup of chili paste.
The Ursus sighed and sat right next to her. “Probably. Might’ve gotten scared off by you. I didn’t know they were serving dumplings today.”
“Hmm? Oh, no, these are mine. Made them myself.” Swire plucked one off her plate. “Want one?”
“Yeah, but not one you’ve touched with those.”
She scoffed. “What, you want to stab one with a fork instead? Then the broth will run out.”
“Wait, you put broth IN your dumplings?” Zima also saw the pan-searing. “And you burnt half of them but didn’t cook the other side?”
“Look, if you’re going to be such a critic, you should just try one already.” The Feline scooted her chair a little closer so she could properly deliver the potsticker.
The General sighed. “Fine, but I don’t wh- hrm! Hrm...Mmm. These are good.”
“See? You sear the one part so you get a bit of crispy, but the rest of it is soft and kinda gooey, so you get the different textures together. Makes sense, right?” She chuckled when the Ursus’ eyes flashed back to the potstickers and not her own plate. “Hey, I said I’d let you try one, not finish my lunch for me.”
“Yeah, you did. What’s your name? I don’t think we’ve met.” Zima offered a hand to shake.
Would you look at that? This girl did have manners somewhere in there - hell, better than Chen’s, maybe. “Operator Swire, working with Rhodes Island on loan from the LGD- what’s with that look?”
“Nothing.” Flashbacks to fighting Reunion in the streets of Lungmen blended into memories of Peterheim in the blink of an eye. “Operator Zima, General of the Ursus Student Self-Governance Group. Can you make me some of these sometime?”
“Just you? What about your friend?”
Sonya rolled her eyes. “Do I look like the kind of girl who wants to share?” [was tempted to just link to the Zima tag of the archive...she’s shared a lot more than food historically]
“Well, I do have some leftovers in my fridge still.” Swire flashed her a disarming smile. “We could share those if you’re free for dinner.”
“...Sure, I guess.” Cha-ching!
The Feline’s mission accomplished, she looked back at her plate. “I guess I could spare a second one.”
“You can?” Her eyes lit up for a moment before she reined herself back in. “I’ll take it.”
“It’s nice to meet someone who can appreciate the finer things in life.” Swire popped the next potsticker in her mouth.
The General’s eyes followed said potsticker as a plan began to form. “There’s a game people play where they split food between them; do you know what I’m talking about?”
“I think it has to be something long, though. Oh!” She opened her thermos and, using the same chopsticks, revealed a long noodle. “Something like this.”
“That works. Winner gets the rest of the dumplings.”
Her eyes sparkled mischievously. “I think I can afford that wager. You know you’ll lose, right?”
“We’ll see about that.” Zima watched as Swire held the noodle between them so they could each take an end. “Three.” She set it between her teeth.
“Two.” The Feline did the same.
There was no ‘one’; in fact, there wasn’t even really a fight for the noodle, as once they were close enough, they simultaneously bit down and swallowed their half before continuing to close the gap anyway.
From her vantage point with Hoshiguma a few tables away, Istina sighed contentedly. “As expected, they get along rather well. Thank you for your assistance.”
“Anything to get that cat out of Ch’en’s hair,” the Oni replied, popping the top on a beer bottle with her thumb and sliding it to the Ursus. “Here; on the house.”
“Do you normally give alcohol to middle schoolers off-duty, Officer Hoshiguma?”
Hoshi gave her a wink. “Only if they’re Ursans.”
“...Fair enough.” The adviser held it out to her. “Cheers to a job well done.”
“To a job well done.” They clinked bottles before racing each other to the bottom. Who won?
In the end, didn’t they all?
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sp00kworm · 4 years
Can I maybe... ask for... some 😏 with Drifter? Like reader comes back from a super long mission for his least favorite people I.e Vanguard and he’s just relieved she’s alright and some adult things happen... 😉
Pairing: The Drifter x Female Reader
Warnings: Adult Content below the cut
The Snitch
You smelled like Vex milk and swamps. Io was the single most annoying planet to visit when the Vex decided to try build new spires or fight tiny wars with the Taken. You’d spent the past week searching through the Pyramidion for a single piece of important data. A location of another, vaulted small Warmind. It had never been finished in its construction, but the Vew were looking to scavenge final pieces of its data input. They wanted old strongholds and access to weaponry that was never fired. Stopping them had been a task. A week of shooting, running and tearing open the middle of many robots before you’d managed to access the Warmind and properly vault the data before destroying it, blowing the old AI up with a mass of scavenged charges from the area. It was sad to see such ancient technology gone, but you booted up your tablets and laughed at the AI fiddling with the programs and building itself a little home in your information.
‘The world that I was never able to see – Delilah’
It would no doubt be a bad idea, but you’d gotten into the habit of defying what the Vanguard told you to do. The AI was toned down thanks to your own work, no longer a program for killing, but a small snippet of the personality that enjoyed simply organising data. Hopefully it wouldn’t backfire in your face.
 “Guardian. Report.” Zavala woke you up from your ship controls. You jolted awake in the leather chair and groaned at the pain in your back. Your Ghost flitted into being and answered the Titan.
“We’re here…Sorry. She was mid-nap.” He laughed awkwardly as you pushed fingers into your back, attempting to rid yourself of the burning pain. Ghost tutted and set to healing the muscles as you patted your cheeks to wake yourself up.
With a deep breath you opened the communication link properly, “Commander.” You addressed, voice thick with sleep.
“I trust you were successful in stopping the Vex’s attempts to access Warmind data?” He snapped. In the background you could hear Ikora talking over something with someone. It was a council meeting.
You yawned and scrubbed at your hair, “Yep. The Warmind is gone. I had to blow it up before leaving. Most of the Vex created were wiped out and the data you requested has been wiped and salvaged.” You yawned again as you sat back, your Ghost taking over automatic piloting of your ship once more, “I’ll be back within the day.”
“Very good, Guardian. Safe journeys.” The line closed with a click and you groaned at the sharp Commander, making faces at your Ghost as you headed back towards the Tower.
 Your scolding and general debrief under Zavala had gone on far longer than you wanted. They’d wanted everything destroyed. Delilah observed that Zavala was a hardass from inside your helmet, and you had just enough willpower not to break down laughing as he signed paperwork and muttered. You knew that one person in particular would be upset with you. The Drifter, as everyone named him, would be furious that you had ignored his messages in favour of heading to the debrief. You signed off for the night as Delilah pottered around your tablet, sorting data and growing interested in your private messages.
“Delilah. Out of those please.” You hissed at the tablet as you tried to craft a message for the man who was never in one place for too long. He wouldn’t be by the recaster at the moment, not with the slight of being blatantly ignored for the day.
‘Curious images – Delilah’
“DELILAH PLEASE!” You closed all the tabs and huffed at the repurposed artificial intelligence, “Can you send The Drifter a message, please? Tell him to meet me around the back of the Hangar. He’ll know where I mean.” The AI typed a message and you sighed as she signed it with her own name then yours.
‘Look alive, sunshine. I’m at the door already.’
You jumped at the voice message from the couch and growled at the laughter behind your door. The small apartment seemed smaller as you opened the door to the rogue.
 “Did ya miss me?” The man swaggered in, thumbs tucked into his sash belt as he moved into your entry way and looked at the couch, “Because to me,” He flicked a coin and snapped it upwards, tucking it back into his sleeve, “It comes across like you don’t want to see me at all.” He huffed, running a hand through his dark hair in frustration, “That damn Vanguard has had you from me for a week, kitten!” He snapped as he pulled his gun out of his sash, laying the hand cannon on the side with a metallic clank, “They better have had a good reason or so help me…” He flung his arms out and snarled, “I’ll take my concerns to Zavala, and that ain’t gonna be pretty, you bet.”
“LISTEN TO ME!” You snapped at him, holding up your tablet to show the reports, “I had to destroy an ancient warmind and wrestle a future from the Vex and all you can speak to me about is how long I was gone?” You tossed the tablet at him, “Spare me the lecture, Drifter. I haven’t got time for your old man peacocking!”
Fury turned into sadness on his face before he lamented, “I’m sorry, kitten.” He apologised gruffly, “I shouldn’t have raised my voice… but I…They have you more than I ever do. I’m sick of listening to them whittle on and on about my operations while they run their Guardian’s ragged.
“That’s because I work for the Vanguard, Drifter.” You stood in front of him with a scowl, “Not you.”
 The anger and upset disappeared with a lazy smirk before he leaned back against your countertop, “That’s because you decided snitching on my operation was worth more than my feelings.” He teased, “Well, snitching utterly wrong information that is.” He reached a gloved hand and dragged you closer by the hips, pressing you up against his hard front where guns and assorted buckles dragged against your skin. His hands gripped tightly at your backside as you squirmed, unhappy with the sudden arrangement.
“Snitching the wrong information to save your backside.” You huffed as he pushed your mouths together, needy, hungrily for a taste of his mouth. His facial hair was abrasive against your chin and cheeks as he pushed his tongue against your lips teasingly.
“More because it means you don’t have to put a gun to my head.” He hissed against you ear, “And you won’t have to try and pull the trigger.” The Drifter hitched you upwards, fingers reaching to pull away your bottoms down your thighs.
You pushed aside his scarves and the high collar of his coat to expose enough skin to deliver a harsh nip to his neck, “I wouldn’t miss if I did.” You teased, even as naughty, rough fingers, moved to slide against your opening, testing the slickness between your thighs.
The Drifter watched you drag open his trousers and smirked, “Hmm. A discussion for another time.” He teased as your hips collided roughly, “Right now, I think I have to show you just how much I’ve missed you.”
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57 Pings
The prompt from anonymous was this:
From the prompt list!! Can I get #51 w/Cayde-6 x female hunter reader? I don’t see any Destiny stories on ur page but it look like u mentioned it!🙏🏻
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Cayde-6 x Female Hunter!Reader
Warnings: fighting and non-descriptive mentions of dying
1,698 words
“He is pinging us, again.”
You banked your sparrow against the Exodus Black debris sending up a spray of sand and dirt as your ghost spoke in your ear. Your cloak whipped around you, slapping against your helmet once, making you feel even more aggravated than you did 10 seconds before it happened. Usually you weren’t so sloppy or reckless on your sparrow, but according to the 57 pings from your Vanguard, time was of the essence.
“Open the communication channel.”
Static briefly filled your helmet before it turned to voices. The first full statement directed to you came from a cheery, robotic voice you recognized with ease, “Captain! Welcome back! The Cayde-6 is once again in grave danger, are you here to provide assistance?” Glitching static turned into a disappointed, dreary version of the robotic voice, “Somebody needs to put out the fire he’s caused.”
“Yes, I’m here to help the dumbass. Where is Cayde-6, Failsafe? Is he still in the Glade of Echoes?”
“Why yes, I am, and I do not appreciate the tone or derogatory comment on my intelligence.” Cayde replied himself and you had to resist the urge to roll your eyes. A pack of Fallen fired on you as your sparrow flew by them, but you just hunkered down onto your seat and sped up.
Nessus scenery was a blur of red and white around you as you finally reached an open portion of the terrain where you could really open up the engine. Failsafe, both her cheery and depressed side, rattled off another comment this time directed at the Exo himself.
“Just know this, Vanguard.” You interrupted whatever he was replying to Failsafe to speak up, “If the Vex and Fallen don’t kill you, I will.”
“Oof. Vanguard? You’re really upset at me aren’t, you? Did I interrupt something important? Were you—”
You groaned, “Shouldn’t you be shooting and not talking?”
“I’m a very good multi-tasker.”
You took another sharp turn and the sound of gunfire and yelling filled the air. The Glade of Echoes was not your favorite spot to visit on Nessus even on a normal day. It was a mess of metal wreckage where Vex and Fallen liked to wage war against one another, and there was just enough tunnels and coverage spots that made fighting back a giant pain in the ass.
A large Vex minotaur stood in an alley opening firing toward a half-broken billboard relentlessly while a smaller pack of Vex goblins fired at a pack of Fallen that were also shooting at the billboard. Something told you that’s where you’d find a certain, impossible Exo.
You drove your sparrow straight into their warpath and leaped off last minute. The sparrow tumbled into the goblins while you slid under the Minotaur, between its legs, tossing up a grenade at it at the same time. Shots were fired at you, you didn’t even know who from, but you ducked and rolled toward the billboard. The grenade went off, throwing the minotaur off balance, and you took this opportunity to climb up the wreckage and dive behind the cover it provided.
“Well howdy, Guardian.”
Cayde-6 was crouched down in front of you. His back was pressed against the wall and his hand cannon, Ace of Spades, was held up in front of him ready to fire when needed. His signature cloak’s hood was pulled up as per usual but none of the hood hid the smug look on his blue, metallic face.
You dismissed your helmet, letting strands of your [hair color] hair fall into your face. Cayde’s glowing blue eyes were trained on you and his jaw flashed yellow as he spoke, “Welcome to the party.”
“How did you manage to make every living thing in the vicinity angry at you?”
“Hmm, good question.” He held a finger up and motioned it toward you, “Why are you angry at me? That might help me figure out an answer.”
You pulled out your own hand cannon and Cayde’s eyes darted to it before landing back on you. Quickly, you made sure it was fully loaded and Cayde mimicked your actions. This wasn’t the first time the two of you were up against a crowd of angry enemies who wanted you dead. As Hunters, working as a team didn’t come naturally to either of you granted. It took years before you found a fireteam you trusted or worked well with. Cayde-6, though? Working with him was never difficult. Interacting with him was effortless, and you’d done it enough now that much talk wasn’t needed.
Your Vanguard gave you a look, and you returned it with one of your own. His eyes lit up with amusement as you brought your helmet back into place. Cayde nodded once, and then the two of you went to work. In a flurry of gunfire and solar energy, the two of you took out Vex and Fallen alike one by one.  Their numbers dwindled down to only a handful.
You fired your last shot, blowing a particularly annoying Fallen away, and then backtracked away from the corpse while reloading your weapon. As you turned, you watched as Cayde threw out his knife, taking out a Vex, and fired the Ace of Spades point blank into the face of a Fallen that leapt toward him.
One Vex crept out from behind a lump of broken metal and snuck up behind Cayde. You hadn’t finished reloading but gave up on it to grab your knife in your opposite hand. Without hesitation you lunged forward and buried it into the back of its head at the same time that Cayde spun around with his gun up.
The barrel was aimed at your head for only a second or two before Cayde grabbed the cloth of your cloak wrapped around your neck, yanking you towards him. He kept his grip tight on you as you stumbled into his chest and then he fired two shots towards enemies behind you. You glanced over your shoulder in time to see the last two Vex fall to the ground in sparks.
“Captain! The two of you did amazing! Thanks to you, the area is clear.” Failsafe spoke over the comm channel in her typical flip-flopping ways, “Granted, it was your fault the area was flooded with enemies anyways.”
Your shoulders relaxed and you put your hand cannon back into its holster. It was only then that you realized Cayde still had one hand tangled in your cloak, and now his other hand twitched at his side as his gaze didn’t waver from your helmet.
“Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now?” Cayde said in a tone that held amusement and something you didn’t quite recognize.
You dismissed your helmet again, gave him a soft smile, and replied, “No.”
His blue eyes blinked in shock, and you took his confusion as an opening to untangle yourself from him. Cayde rubbed the back of his neck, the confusion still evident on his features, “Well, either I’m bad at reading a room or you just ruined a perfectly romantic moment.”
“Romantic moment?” You scoffed, “Cayde, you’ve ignored me for nearly a month now and suddenly just call me up out of the blue to save your ass on Nessus randomly??”
You shook your head and brushed past him to leave the area. Maybe you’d stop by and see Failsafe in person before taking off entirely. That thought was interrupted as Cayde caught up to you with ease, “So that’s why you’re upset at me, huh?”
It was silly to be upset at this situation which was why you tried to avoid thinking about it the past month. There was too much going on in your life, and the universe, for you to worry yourself on the Hunter Vanguard dodging your messages and calls.
Cayde whipped around to stand in front of you, forcing you to come to a screeching halt, “Hold on, hold on.”
“What?” You crossed your armored arms over your chest tightly and twisted your lips in annoyance and embarrassment.
“Yes, I did sort of ignore you for a month and that is on me.” Cayde spoke with his hands, “But in my defense I was… thinking about something.”
You scoffed, “Oh, you were? Hope you didn’t hurt yourself too badly.”
You tried to push around him again, but Cayde side stepped easily and stopped you. This time he kept his hands on your shoulders as he spoke, “You said we should hang out more.”
That was accurate. On one of your last missions together, before the silent treatment, you suggested that the two of you should spend more time together. It came from an after-mission buzz of confidence. Things had gone very well, the two of you walked away with some great loot, and the words slipped out before you even really knew what you were asking. Cayde had nodded in response, went his own way, and then hadn’t talked to you until today when he sent a random message asking for back up on Nessus.
“I want to hang out more.” He said quickly. For the first time in a long time, maybe the first time ever, you saw hesitance on his face. Cayde-6 was a lot of things, but hesitant was not one. He tore his gaze away briefly before settling it back on you, “Sorry it took me some time to work through it and figure it out.”
Your own features softened and Cayde squeezed your shoulders with both hands. With a sigh, you lifted one of your hands to set on top of one of his, “When I said hang out more, I meant like get a drink. Notpiss off every Vex and Fallen in a 2-mile radius.”
Cayde shrugged and shifted so his hands on your shoulders turned to one of his arms hanging off it. You responded by putting your own arm around his waist as the two of you continued walking through the now abandoned Glade of Echoes, “Who says we can’t do both?”
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changingourdestiny · 5 years
Shadowkeep Part 1: Moon’s Haunted
Fireteam Vanguard Rae and her Fireteam head back to the Moon for the first time in years to investigate odd Hive activity. But it quickly turns from a simple investigation mission to something more sinister...
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Next Part: Here
It’s been a year since Prince Uldren and his Barons were killed at the hands of Rae and her Fireteam, and lot can happen in the span of a year. Rae has now been officially recognised as the Fireteam Vanguard, taking her duty of training newly formed Fireteams and keeping tabs on their missions very seriously. Of course, this hasn’t kept her from joining up with her own Fireteam for missions (much to the jealousy of a certain Hunter Vanguard). Speaking of Fireteam Paralight, Adam remains as Petra’s eyes in the Tower, often returning to report to her in the Dreaming City whenever he can. And as for Blaze, she’s currently competing with Marcia for Gambit’s top competitor and has even joined the Drifter’s crew. However, even though she’s opened up more to her Fireteam, Rae can’t help but feel there’s still something Blaze is hiding from them. But that aside, everything seemed to be peaceful once again in the Tower. But as Rae knows from experience, peace doesn’t last long. “My Hunters have been trying to scout the area up there, but they’re not able to get far without being ambushed by a bunch of Thrall.” “I’ve been revising the battle data I’ve received from all Fireteams that have return from the Moon. They all say the same thing: the Hive are more erratic than usual, scattered even, and they’re even more vicious than before. Especially the Thralls, who have seemed to grow in numbers.” The four Vanguard stood around the meeting room table as books, files and maps relating to the Moon and the Hive were scattered about the table. “Some Fireteams are also reporting seeing strange red apparitions.” Rae continued as she flicked through a few pages of mission reports and battle data from different Fireteams, “When I first saw that, I thought maybe they were fatigued from the amount of fighting they had went through, but I’ve started to receive more of these reports from other Fireteams so I doubt it’s fatigue.” “Interesting…” Zavala muttered as he scanned over the reports. “You think it’s another Hive god or somethin’?” Cayde asked. “I wouldn’t rule it out.” Ikora added. “If that’s the case, then I could round up my Fireteam and investigate.” Rae suggested, “We’ve had experience with two Hive gods, three in my instance. Should it be the case, we’re the most experienced to handle it.” “Hmm…” Zavala seemed to think for a moment before nodding his head, “Very well. Gather your teammates and set a course for the Moon. I’ll brief the three of you when you’re in the air.” “Aaand the extremely handsome Hunter that helped take down one of the Hive gods can go too, right?” Cayde added with a hopeful tone. “No. You’re to remain here and help sort out any further reports that come in.” Zavala replied. Cayde sighed as his shoulder’s slumped in disappointment. Sundance popped up beside him, “We die one time and suddenly the Vanguard wanna cover us in bubble wrap.” “Don’t worry, Sunny. I’ll bring you back a souvenir.” Rae winked. “Yay! Thanks, Rae!” Sundance chirped happily as she disappeared once more. “You spoil her, you know that?” Cayde asked. “Ramen on me when I get back?” “I love you!!!” Rae laughed as Cayde threw his arms up excitedly. She gathered her files together and left the meeting room, “See you when I get back!” ——————————————————————— “So tell me again why we’re going back to Hive Central?” Blaze asked as she, Rae and Adam approached their ships in the hanger, “Because I had no problem staying away for 4 years and I still have no problem staying away from it now.” “Relax, it’s just a quick investigation mission.” Rae reassured, “Kill some Hive, see what’s got them all riled up. In and out.” “Fiiiiiiine…” Blaze groaned, “By the way, any of you seen Mars lately?” “Yep. It’s just as Hive infested as the Moon and Titan. Why?” Adam grinned. “Oh, hardy har har. I mean Marcia. I haven’t seen her in Gambit recently and Drifter hasn’t seen her either.” “If even Drifter doesn’t know where she’s at, she must be up to something.” Rae muttered, “We’ll work on that after this mission. Fireteam Paralight, let’s hit the stars.” The three Guardians transmatted onto their ships and took off into the sky, breaking through the planet’s atmosphere as Zavala was heard on their comms, “Fireteam Paralight, what is your status.” “We are airborne and on route to the Moon.” Rae replied, “Awaiting mission briefing.” “Anyone tell you you’ve become like 10 times more professional since you became a Vanguard? It’s weird. You’re starting to sound like Ikora.” Blaze’s voice rang through the comms. “Well, Ikora is her mentor so…” Adam added. Zavala was heard clearing his throat before continuing, “Good. Last night, we detected a seismic disturbance on the Moon. Within hours, it was swarming with Hive. This plague must not be allowed to spread. Await further orders upon arrival.” “Yes, Commander.” “Yes sir.” “You got it, Commander Z!” Rae, Blaze and Adam touched down on the Moon’s surface, guns at the ready. “Commander, we’ve arrived at the Lunar Battlegrounds. What’s our orders?” Rae spoke. “The Hive pour onto the surface of our Moon from the Keep. That is where our disturbance originated.” Zavala replied, “We will investigate, but first we must regain a lunar foothold. Whatever this is, we will not let the tragedies of our past repeat themselves.” “Understood.” Rae turned to Adam and Blaze, “Find a vantage point and begin taking down the Hive. We can’t let them overwhelm us.” “You got it.” Adam nodded, activating his helmet, “Nothing a rocket or two can’t handle.” “As long as I don’t get to smell Thrall breath again, let’s do it!” Blaze threw up her hood and put on her mask. Rae followed suit and the three took separate positions on the lunar base as they began to push back the Hive. ——————————————————————— “The Hive seem to be retreating.” Ghost spoke up as the Hive began running back towards a break in the cliffs. “Ha! Yeah, you better run!” Blaze called after them. “Commander, the reports are right.” Rae began, “These Hive are erratic. Scattered. I’ve never seen them like this.” “They lack leadership. Crota’s death left a void they have yet to fill.” Zavala replied, “But the disturbance seems to have emboldened them. They must be stopped.” “We’re on it.” The Fireteam followed the retreating Hive through the cliffs until they reached a large red fortress. “Okay…that was definitely NOT there the last time we came here.” Blaze stared at the fortress in a mix of awe and fear. “The Hive are coming from that portal up ahead!” Adam pointed towards a large portal outside the fortress. “Well, let’s shut it down!” Rae replied, gliding upwards and throwing a solar grenade down at a group of incoming Thralls, “There seems to be six sigils, so we’ll take two each to cover more ground. When you have your two down, group up with whoever’s closest and help them.” “You got it!” “Roger!” ——————————————————————— “And that’s that!” Rae breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the portal closed, “Portal’s down, Commander.” “Good work, Guardians.” Zavala replied, “Thanks to you, we’ll have an LZ up and running soon. In the meantime, press on towards the keep.” Rae turned to her Fireteam, “You heard the Commander. Let’s-” “Guardians. There’s no time to lose.” Rae was cut off by Ikora’s voice coming through the comms. “Ikora?” “This ‘disturbance’ – I know what triggered it. Who triggered it. Eris Morn.” “Eris is here? She disappeared before the Red War.” Rae muttered. “I feel like I should be surprised, but…” Blaze began while looking at the large fortress and the bodies of Hive littered across the Moon’s surface before following Adam and Rae into the fortress. “Last I heard from her, she was headed into the Keep.” Ikora replied, “I don’t even know is she’s still-” Ikora seemed to cut herself off. “Don’t worry. We’ll find her.” Rae reassured, “Alive.” ——————————————————————— After clearing out the surrounding Hive (and Blaze getting a bit trigger-happy in a tank), Fireteam Paralight finally made their way to the Keep. “Hey, Rae?” Adam began, “Sorry if this is classified or something, but were the Vanguard aware of what the Hive were up to before the disturbance.” “We’ve been keeping an eye on their progress, but as for the purpose of the Scarlet Keep? No dice.” Rae replied, “I suggested it might be another Hive God, which is why Zavala sent us to check it out.” “Whoa, whoa, whoa! You said this was just a short investigation! In and out!” Blaze argued. “It is. We’re investigating if it’s another Hive God!” “I hate you sometimes.” “Love you too, bud!” Rae chuckled before contacting Ikora on her comm, “Ikora, why was Eris up here anyway? And how’d she cause this disturbance?” “Eris came to me. She’d found evidence of something very old on the Moon.” Ikora began, “A potential threat to humanity. Eris insisted on going alone. Just a scouting mission, she said. And I let her.” “What scouting mission takes over 2 years?” Blaze muttered. “Eris is resilient. She’s proven that again and again. Often to her own detriment.” “If anyone can take care of themselves, it’s Eris Morn.” Rae added, but was only met by static, “Ikora?” “We lost her signal.” Ghost spoke up, “That’s strange” “Makes sense.” Stormbringer added, we’ve travelled pretty far underground now.” Just as he said that, the group turned a corner in time to see a strange red object disappear into a wall. “What was that?!” Blaze exclaimed. “Red apparitions…” Rae muttered, “Just like the ones mentioned in the reports.” “Hold up. Are you saying you got reports of ghosts down here? As is spirit-ghosts, not our ghosts?” Adam asked. “Oh, great!” Blaze threw up her hands in frustration, “The Moon’s haunted now! Just add that onto the long list of reasons to hate this place!” “Shh! Do you want to attract more Hive?” Rae shushed, “Let’s just keep moving.” ——————————————————————— “The source of our…disturbance…should be right around here.” Ghost explained as the Fireteam made their way through the tunnels, rounding a corner. “What in the worlds…?” Rae gasped. They arrived on a ledge overlooking what looked like a large black pyramid. “What…is that?” Ghost asked, “I’ve never seen anything like it.” “Your guess is as good as mine, bud.” Rae replied, “It must be what Eris was after.” As the three Guardians made their way along the cliff face, Rae noticed the Ghosts seeming anxious, “Guys? Are you alright?” “No. Something’s off…” Stormbringer replied. “Yeah, I feel funny…a bad kinda funny.” Firefly added. “It’s like someone – or something – is invading my Light.” Ghost finished. “Hang in there.” Rae reassured the three Ghosts, “We’re almost at that pyramid.” The Guardians arrived into a clearing on another ledge near the pyramid. “That…thing across the way. What is that?” Ghost asked, referring to a strange red glow near the edge. “I’ll go check it out.” Blaze volunteered. “Be careful.” Rae warned as the Hunter carefully made her way towards the glow. “Weird…there’s a super big energy spike here.” Firefly observed, “But it’s too heavy to get through.” “Rae…I got a bad feeling about this.” Adam spoke, “Something’s not right here. I think we should leave.” “We promised Ikora we’d find Eris first.” Rae replied, “We’ll find her and-” “RAE!!! RUN!!!” Rae was cut off by Blaze screaming. She whipped around to see Blaze running towards her, a terrified expression on her face, as she was being chased by…Crota? “Wait, Crota?!” Adam exclaimed, “But he’s dead!” “Fall back! Fall back now!!!” Rae yelled as more Hive sprung up out of nowhere along with…Fikrul and Ghaul?! “Fall back where?! We’re trapped!” Blaze yelled as she narrowly missed a swing from Crota. As the three enemies came charging towards the Guardians…
“Ģ̸̵̵̢͎̜̫̬̱̗̹̳̙̋͛ͤ̾͌u̶̡͍̹͉͕̝̣͚̿̏̂́ͩͧ͌ͤͬ̓ͨ͂̂͐̃ͧ̅ͭ̅͠ͅa̛͍̻͇͙͚̹̯̔̎͗̏̍͌̿̑͊̈́͜r̸̗̞̼̱͍̫͚̤̳̫͙̗̬͓͆͛̌ͤͧ̎͡d̴̫̩̺͕̬̪̭̈́̓͊̏͟ͅͅi̷̸̶̩̰̲͉̞̭̝̠̤̥̦̞͔̜͙̇̆̃̾ͮ̏̀̎ͅͅā̛͉͍̺̦̗̟͓̯͈ͮ̓ͪ̅͛́̆̓͛̔ͨ̄ͩ̌́͝n̢̟̬̘͚̝̬̣̭̫͇̥̙͑ͥ͒̊͐̀́̀͞s̸̶̢̠̥̯͉̟͐̍̂ͣͮ̊̃̄͢,̵̡̡͇̠͎̺̺̖̙̪̥̱̠͚͓̝̮̝̀̂̈̐ͤ̓ͧ͠ ̶̡̘̫̤̫̪̞͖̜̙ͥͧͮ͗ͨ̿͑́c̸̹͇̭̠̥͓̺̭̈ͨ̓̑̈́̀͜͠��͎̱o̅̓ͫ͌̾ͤ͊̕ṁ̧̤̞̻͓̟͙͙̙͚̰̎͌̐̏̐ͦ͆͟ͅe̦͖͖̭̣͕͉̮̼͉̠͎̭̖̱̺̺̯̊̂̒̓̒ͥͯͦ͂͐̓̓̇̄̀̚͢͝ͅ…̭͔̼̺̺̝̬ẃ̶̨͔̜͕̜̳̘̌̒̍̉̇͋͋ͫ̇ͧ̄́͡i̵̛̞͕̻̫̥̘̯̯͇̦̞ͤ̐͒̈̉͗͆͗̇̑̓̈̿̇͆͘͜͠t̡̛͉͔̘̹̭̘̟̟͎͒ͬ̌̋̍̈́ͦ͌͘͜h̷͉̙̣͓̉ͬͪ͗́ͬ̀͝…m̨͙͇̩̦̘̈́ͩ̾̆̓̔͒̑́̒ͫͦ͊ͨͣ̽̀ͥ̕͟e̷̴̴̦̭̠̟͓̩̳̦̱̦͔̥ͥ͋ͬ̃̀̌͂͒́͘!̻̱͔̤̥̮̪̘́̏ͦ̔̕͝”
“That voice…Eri-!”
Before Rae could finish her sentence, there was a flash of light and the Guardians found themselves on another ledge with Eris Morn standing back turned to them by the edge. “Eris Morn…” Rae began as the three walked towards her. Rae noticed one of the red apparitions floating beside Eris but tried to ignore it. “What is that Pyramid?” Adam asked. “You’ve heard the stories. Of the Traveller’s sacrifice.” Eris began, “Of Darkness descending upon humanity. Before us lies a dark remnant of their existence. Was it struck down by the Traveller? Left here on purpose? The truth is ours to discover.”
“I’m almost afraid to ask…” Blaze began, “But discover how?” Eris turned to face the Guardians, clenching a fist in front of her, “We find a way inside.”
“Eris?” A voice called out, causing Eris and Fireteam Paralight to turn towards a nearby entrance as a certain rogue Nightstalker Hunter walked out, “When you start chanting stuff, I get concerned. What in the name of Light are you-?” Marcia stopped in her tracks upon seeing the group in front of her, her gaze switching between Rae, Blaze, Adam and Eris.
“Son of a Nightmare Thrall…”
To Be Continued…
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arcaneglitch · 5 years
An innocent Crucible match reveals that Oryx might still have more influence over Harley than anyone thought.
"You want to what?"
"I want to play some Crucible," Kai repeated, "You've been acting kind of weird and stressed out lately, so I thought we could decompress."
"I must have missed something," said Harley, "Since when has Crucible been a place to relieve stress?"
"Since always," said Liv, "Duh!"
Harley couldn't agree. While he had enjoyed Crucible the last time he played it, he also remembered it as very stressful. Points weren't something you had to think about when clearing out a Fallen base. And going up against other Guardians had been an entirely different experience. Still, he saw the merit in Crucible acting as training for Guardians. It was excellent for learning tactics and cohesive teamwork. And he'd done rather well the last time he'd entered it. Maybe there was something to the idea after all. At any rate, it would probably be better than dodging his friends until his next patrol assignment, which is what he seemed to spend most of his time doing.
"Alright, I'm in."
Liv cheered. "Hell yeah! We'll show those other Guardians a thing or two!"
"Are any of the others coming?" asked Harley.
"Besides us three, Rogue, Rae, and Kay all said they'd join," said Kai.
"Not Tristan?"
Kai shook her head. "He's studying in his room… I'll slot us in for the next match."
As the Titan typed on her interface, Liv turned to Harley. "So what weapons are you going to use?"
"Hmm, probably the Freelancer and my sniper."
"You any good with it?"
"You've seen me snipe, Liv."
"Yeah but not in the Crucible. It's different in there."
"Well, I used it last time and it worked pretty well."
She shrugged. "You do you… It'll probably be good to have some variety anyway. A lot of the others like to go short or medium range."
"Next match is Zone Control in Bannerfall," said Kai, "We should probably head out now."
Liv clapped Harley on the shoulder. "See ya there!"
Harley watched as his friends transmatted away and then had Prism do the same for him. Once they were on their way to the chosen area, he worried over his gear, checking his weapons.
"Nervous?" asked Prism.
"I guess I kind of am," he replied, "It's been a long time."
 "When was the last time you played?"
 "I think it was before Oyrx and all the Taken stuff. I meant to go in a couple times since then, but then there was the stuff with you-know-who."
 "And then you were avoiding everyone."
"I wasn't avoiding… Ok, maybe I was. But they keep asking about the you-know-who situation and I don't feel like talking about it."
 "Understandable. Crucible should be good for you, then. You can hang out with them but they'll be too concerned with the match to bring it up. And hopefully, you'll be too focused to worry about it."
Guardian and Ghost fell silent, watching the scenery of the City go by as they approached their destination. Soon, Harley found himself being transmatted down into the arena below. Bannerfall marked the place where the Guardians of New Monarchy had defeated the Concordat, a faction that had attempted to wage war against the Vanguard. Later on, Shaxx had turned the site into a map for the Crucible.
Shaxx made the opening announcements and then the match began. A display popped up on Harley's HUD, showing the score, roster, and the waypoints for the three zones.
"Let's head for B," said Kai, "But split up."
"Ace, why don't you get sights on B," said Liv, "I'll watch your flank."
Harley nodded and ran off to find a good sniper lane. He knew that most Guardians figured out where all the good sniping areas were after playing a few matches on a map. There was a good chance that someone on the other team would be expecting them. But he could see nothing on his radar.
"Those dumbasses all went for B together!" exclaimed Rogue over the comms, "If only I could smash 'em now…"
The point counters on the scoreboard ticked up as Harley's friends engaged the enemy team.
"Son of a Dredgen!" cursed Kaedro, "I had a perfect line on B and one of them shot me out of it!"
Harley tuned the chatter out, sighting down his scope. But as he focused on the zone, he caught the flash of an opposing sniper scope that wasn't aimed at him.
"Liv, get down!"
The crack resonated across the map. Harley spun to find Liv sprawled on the ground and watched as her body was transmatted to the designated respawn area. Then his radar flashed red and he looked up to see a Hunter lunging at him. He dodged out of the way, drawing his knife, and plunged it into the Hunter's chest.
All of a sudden, something inside him twisted and he fought the urge to be sick. He found himself kneeling next to the Hunter's body, hands outstretched as the transmat kicked in. He shivered. Cold sweat beaded on the back of his neck. He heard Prism's voice calling to him, but it sounded so distant. The sonorous voice of Oryx filled his head.
"Your Traveler cannot reach you here, Child of the Sky… Your will is mine."
A pair of legs entered his field of vision, only to disappear in a violent flash. A different pair took their place, striding up to him with quick, sharp steps. Hands clamped down on his shoulders, yanking him roughly to his feet. The sharp movement only worsened his nausea and he groaned. The person holding him up was yelling something. Suddenly, they reached up and yanked off his helmet.
"Wake UP Hayden!" Kai was shouting, "This is the Crucible, not a summer camp!"
 "Kill them all. Make them pay."
Harley's hands were trembling as he clamped them over his ears, trying to block Oryx out.
"I can't…"
"Can't what?"
"I can't… I don't want…"
"Don't want what?!"
"I don't want to kill them! Don't make me kill them!"
Kai pulled his hands away and said something else, but all he could hear was Oryx commanding him to kill her. He broke free, pressing his hands over his ears once more. Kai snapped her fingers in front of his face, waving irritatedly. He screwed his eyes shut and found the voice quieted. He could hear Kai better now.
"-on Prism?"
His Ghost's reply was worried. "I think it may be a panic attack."
Why wasn't she phased? He had to find her, but he feared that if he saw her, Oryx would tell him to destroy her.
"I have no idea why he's reacting this badly. He was better for a while..."
A hand settled on his arm. He flinched, but the touch was light, barely putting pressure on him. Kai's voice was much less irritated. Instead, she sounded concerned.
"Look at me."
Harley shook his head, eyes still closed. He heard the faint sound of approaching footsteps. But then Kai said something that made them stop. Everything was still muffled. Hesitantly, he brought his hands away from his ears. The voice was silent.
"Look at me," Kai repeated.
He shook his head again. "Can't."
"If I see you, he'll tell me to kill you."
He heard her inhale. When she spoke again, her voice was measured.
"Ace, Oryx can't control you. You're not Taken anymore. That was two years ago."
Harley cracked his eyelids open by a sliver. Sunlight poured in, making his eyes water a bit. Kai stood in front of him with Prism floating next to her. Both were watching him with concern. When Oryx's voice didn't emerge to give him commands, he opened his eyes the rest of the way.
"Harley?" asked his Ghost.
"Are you still hearing him?"
He shook his head. "Not anymore."
"You haven't had an attack this bad for a while," she said worriedly, "Do you know what might have triggered it?"
He took a slightly shaky breath. "When I...killed that Guardian, it… It was like when I was Taken and Oryx was telling me to kill you guys. Like when I almost killed Kay."
"I didn't know you remembered that." The Titan's voice was carefully calm.
"It's fuzzy… Everything's fuzzy except when it's not. Does that make any sense?" She shook her head. "I don't remember much. But...I remember turning on Kay. But only sometimes. When I'm...reminded."
"I think I'm starting to get it," said Kai, "Are you ok now?"
He nodded. "Better."
"Do you want to finish the match?"
He shook his head feverently. "I don't think I could make myself kill another Guardian… I know they're on the other team, but killing that Hunter made me feel...wrong."
"Ok. I'll get Shaxx to pull you out. He'll understand… Look, Ace. I think you should tell the others about this stuff. You've been...affected by this since you were in the med bay. It's the kind of thing your team should know."
"No! I don't want them to worry about me. I can manage this. They have other things to worry about. Promise me you won't tell them!"
"Alright, alright. Calm down. I'm not gonna say anything without your say-so. But you should think about it. This isn't the kind of thing you should suffer through alone."
"...I'll think about it," he said unwillingly.
Kai nodded. "Good. We'll meet you back in the Tower, yeah?"
He nodded. With one last glance at him, the Titan returned to the match. Harley retrieved his helmet, then allowed Prism to transmat him back to the Star.
"I shouldn't be a Guardian," he said as they flew back, "What kind of Guardian can't even play one Crucible match?"
"Plenty of Guardians don't play Crucible," said Prism comfortingly, "That doesn't make them better or worse than the ones who do. It's not a weakness to not want to kill other Guardians."
"It is a weakness to fall apart on the battlefield. What if next time something like that happens, it's someplace like the Vault of Glass? What if someone dies because I'm incapacitated? ...I never should've been given the Light in the first place."
"You are more than deserving of the Light, Harley. Don't torture yourself by wondering about things like that. If something like this ever happens again, we'll get through it like we always have: together."
Harley gave a small smile. "Thanks, Prism."
"Anyone who thinks my Guardian doesn't deserve the Light will get a piece of my mind. And that includes you."
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thedistantstorm · 5 years
Phoenix Protocol 14
Zavala x Awoken Female Warlock | Mid/Post Forsaken | Slowburn | Gratuitous Descriptions of Light | Self-Confidence/Self-Worth Issues | Redemption
When the Traveler’s Light was returned to the Guardians after the defeat of the Cabal, it did not manifest itself the same in everyone. Miyu, an Awoken Warlock, finds herself struggling with her abilities, her Light feeling different and not her own. With her Vanguard preoccupied with grief and all eyes turned to the Reef, she finds herself turning to an unlikely source in an attempt to rediscover her connection to the Light and define what it means for her as a Sunsinger.
The sun casts deep oranges and purples across the sky as it sets. She lays awake in her spot on the floor for a while, watching it descend beneath the horizon. The Traveler always glows so ethereally in the earliest moments of night. She’s always enjoyed watching it.
Tucked into her arm - the other one now, since she's rolled over to face the window - is Zavala's ghost. She's been resting since this afternoon. Tamashii, her Ghost, is alert and perched carefully on her shoulder.
“That position can't be comfortable, Yu-mi,” He says, in his softest voice.
The Commander shuffles paperwork behind her, in the vicinity of his desk. She doubts he knew she was awake, based on the hard-stop of what sounded like furious scribbling. She wonders if he was drafting something, or perhaps revising.
“I'm fine,” She replies, tipping her head up to her Ghost. He nuzzles against her cheek.
A teeny, tiny voice drones from beneath them, sounding sleep rough, “Why you always call her Yumi?” The all-white Ghost squirms a little to turn herself to face Miyu, but stays cuddled in her arms.
Behind them, the sound of pen on paper starts and stops. Miyu can't be sure if she's smiling at Zavala's behavior or his Ghost's cuteness.
“It's a nickname,” Miyu's own ghost replies.
Adelaide is having none of it. “It's the same length as her name is. Isn't a nickname supposed to be shorter? Zavala calls me Addy sometimes.”
“Does he now,” Miyu's voice is teasing, gentle. “They're meant to be affectionate more than they're meant to shorten a name, unless a name is difficult to say or spell.”
“Zavala gave me my name,” She boasts, puffing her cones up in pride.
“Tell me, Addy-” She pauses. “Can I-”
The Commander's Ghost chimes happily, bestowing permission for the polite Sunsinger to use her informal name, “Mmm hmm!”
“The name Tamashii ga-”
“Her nickname is special,” Ghost interrupts. “The characters you use change the meaning. It can mean ‘archery bow’ and I use it when she's wound up.” He swivels around, moving from the Warlock's shoulder. “Or,” He imparts, “It means ‘beautiful friend.’”
“I bet he means it that way the most,” Adelaide chirps sweetly.
Both Guardian and Ghost laugh. “You'd be surprised,” They say, in perfect sync.
Addy erupts into shrieking giggles, floating around the two of them in a carefree way. She spots her Guardian watching them and trills a happy note before launching herself at the space between his shoulder guard and neck in a Ghost’s version of a hug. Despite her youthful nature, those are rare.
“Having fun?”
“This is nice,” She hums back. “We should do this more.”
“What, fall asleep and let me do all the work?” He teases, his voice soft and warm. “I see how it is.”
“You know what I mean,” She pouts, looking at the report he’s working on. It’s nothing important.
He smiles at her and she nudges him again in a surprise bout of affection. “I do. We’ll see.”
The Warlock rises just as the sun sets, a perfect, lean line against the dimly glowing skyline below. Her hair tumbles down, a bit longer than he recalls by comparison to their first meeting. He wonders idly when he started realizing such trivial details. Her gaze is serious, focused on the Traveler. He sees her fingers clench into fists at her sides, wonders what it is she’s feeling right now, in this moment.
She inhales deep and meets her Ghost’s optic. He bobs over her left shoulder in an affirmative. He wonders if they’re talking to themselves, or if perhaps they don’t need words at all. He finds himself wondering a lot about this woman and what lies beneath her gentle, damaged exterior.
As if sensing his thoughts, she yawns - it sounds like a sound that his own Ghost would make, a high pitched yowl as she stretches that’s - dare he say it - endearing. She tips her head over her shoulder, and fixes him with a smile.
“You almost done over there? I was going to see if you had some spare time.”
“To train?”
“Sure,” She allows, before looking up at the Traveller, looming close and then back at him. “Or, just to talk. Something was bothering you.”
“It’s nothing.”
Her silvery gaze narrows on him, and he finds he is back to being surprised at the seriousness, the force of her gaze. “I don’t expect you to carry all my burdens without me shouldering some of yours,” She finally says.
“That is not necessary.”
“Even still.”
Zavala looks down at the contract he’s reviewing. It can wait. “Has Ikora said anything else to you?”
“No,” Miyu says carefully. Her instincts are good, he can tell she’s trying to figure out the rationale behind him asking. “Should she have?”
“No,” Zavala parrots. “Unless you believe something’s happened.”
She shakes her head. “I’ve been in the Crucible like you two decided. I haven’t heard anything about what she’s asked Osiris, or if he truly wants me to visit like she insists he will.” Still shaking her head, she turns her eyes to his. She taps a finger to the side of her face. “What is it?”
“Nothing.” He organizes his things. “Let’s head down to the City and decide from there how we feel.”
Adelaide watches her eyes cloud and turns her optic from the petite Warlock to her Guardian. Tamashii hovers nearby.
“What is it?” Miyu pushes. When he doesn’t answer, she moves into his personal space, slipping between him and his desk. Her eyes are big, wide, and worried, but they smoulder with with pale flame.
“Miyu. Really, it is nothing.”
“I don’t believe you,” She says, her words biting.
Zavala sighs, lets his eyes flutter shut. Damn it all. “Fine.” He leans forward. “Shaxx decided we needed to have a discussion earlier.”
“Meddling in affairs that do not concern me. Specifically ones involving Warlocks who have their own Vanguard.”
He watches her connect the dots, sees her nose scrunch as she thinks. “You’re not meddling,” She growls. Her protectiveness is fierce. “You’re helping me.”
“It doesn’t seem that way. It looks to everyone else that I’m turning you against Ikora.”
She steps back, bumping against his desk. “But - how?”
“You continue to seek me out,” He says, finally.
The room is silent for a moment, the two Guardians standing off, the two Ghosts hovering protectively nearby.
“I - but,” Miyu frowns, looking over at Tamashii, who shrugs with his fins. “You’re the only one who listened... Who didn’t just look at me like some puzzle to unravel, or some charity case who needed treatment. You- I,” She gulps. Inhales and exhales. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to make things more difficult on you.”
The Commander shakes his head, lifting her chin up so he can look into her eyes. His hand rises up to cup her cheek. “For all that transpired earlier, I... realized that I do not care.”
“What?” Her eyes widen, immensely so.
He shakes his head: once, twice. Tips his chin down as he does, speaking in that low, serious tone, his breath warm on her lips. “Make my life difficult. I do not care.”
It’s as if her body reacts before her mind fully catches up, one second she’s marvelling at what he’s saying, wondering if he means it the way it sounds, and the next she’s pushing off from the desk and slotting her mouth against his. He yields to her immediately, though he does not move otherwise.
She draws back a few frantic heartbeats later, her breathing labored. “Oh, Traveller above. Please tell me I didn’t read too much into-”
Zavala descends upon her then, and it’s clear who is in charge of this kiss. It is tender but firm, gentle and strong, his arms coming around her not to cage her in but simply because it feels as if he cannot be close enough to her. His tongue seems to flick gently along her lower lip for permission, though it’s not necessary. She tips her head back in invitation, hums something part enchanted, part hungry when he does. He only relents when it’s clear they need to breathe.
“When I said I did not care, I did not mean-”
The Warlock curls the fingers of one hand over the edges of his breastplate, seeking purchase, chest heaving. She wears a warrior’s look of triumph; A smile, strong and true. “I know,” She grins, the pad of her unoccupied thumb swiping at her kiss swollen lower lip. It’s both confident and enticing, like a glimpse of the woman - of the Light -  within her that’s trapped inside.
He kisses her again, and she surges up against him, warm and wanting.
It feels like her heart is singing. She feels the flames within her, but for once it doesn’t feel like they're controlling her or burning up from within. She feels like she’s making a move, taking a step in the right direction. Like something is going right. She needs to harness, to come to terms with what’s inside her. Like… maybe this is her path.
And maybe she and her Ghost won’t be walking it alone.
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aprilbrowines · 6 years
The Initiation
Setting: The Coffee Store, Chillaxation
The door flew opens as a young adult arrives at the coffee store. The man has reddish brown hair done in a short pompadour with a curl in front. He's broad-shouldered build and has wide pupiless red eyes, skin lightly grey wearing a yellow shirt with a lightweight leather jacket with the name tag, Lucius Vreedle written in red marker, dark blue jeans and engineer boots.
Roasted coffee is filled the air with a hint of vanilla. The whoosh of the espresso machine, and the clink of coffee cups and silverware that surround. Including the chattering from a few people talking behind a huge bookcase filled with books; spending hours perusing pages of books full of history, information, stories, inspiration, and new ideas. He listened to the sound of the jazz band played. He could tell it is a mixture of cozy, casual, and upbeat atmosphere in this place.
Lucius envelops himself from the coffee store until he bumped into a stranger, until he stared at the line of people waiting for them to order a hot or cold cup coffee. He realized his purpose on visiting the coffee store. He's looking for someone. He decides to join in the line and ask the person from the counter for help. He waited until he have not realized he found the person he was looking for, in front of the counter. Holly Test is in pouring a cup of coffee, and insert a black plastic lid. She put the drink on the tray, gave the cup to the customer and ask him to have a great day as she put the cash in the cashier. She exchange her glance at her next customer, Lucius.
“Hello,” Said Holly Test.
“Well Hi, sorry to bother you, but I’m looking for a Holly Test,” Lucius replied. Holly looks at him and gave him a nervous smile and answered:
“Um, that is me.”
Lucius extent his hand. “Oh well it's nice to meet ya miss.”
Holly stared at his hand and gulp. She didn't expect anyone to know her. She never Lucius see this expression on her face
“Aw come on I won't bite,” said Lucius.
“How do I know you won't?" Holly questioned.
“My Meema always taught to respect ladies. Otherwise I'll end up like my why you might call deadbeat dad.” answered Lucius.
Holly accept the hand shakes.
“This man know my name," Holly thought. "Hmm he is honest,"
Holly examines in carefully carefully. "The question is.... who told him about me?"
“Might as well get something don't want keep the line long, got anything strong?”
Lucius scans the menu to see what to buy. In the back of the line, a young tanned skin teenager in the back waiting patiently. He have medium-length wavy honey blond hair and is wearing a black skinny jeans, purple plaid shirt, and red converse with white leather gloves. He try to be cool but Lucius is talking to the redhead. He tapped his foot on the floor and staring at the clock as time goes by. Suddenly he started to snapped.
“HURRY UP DUDE GET OUR FOOD AND LET’S GO!” said Morgan, with his hands in the air. , Yelled Morgan.
Lucius turns his head to glare at Morgan.  Holly gulps as she watch the two starting to fight. People began to noticed and stared at them. One person is filming them on their phone. She took a deep breath and let go in order to avoid thinking negative possibilities. Holly watched and thinks of the possibilities of what would happens: One of them getting injured, properties being broken, and worse of all, a video posted on the web and goes viral. So Holly did the best she could to stop the fight.
“We have black coffee,” suggested Holly. “But I suggest sea salt and caramel coffee float for a mixture of bitter and sweetness.”
“Sorry about that miss my friend is a little bit in a hurry,”
“Well maybe if you weren't taking your sweet ass time I wouldn't be.”
As the air grew more tense, no one did not interfere the problem because until Janaya returning from the kitchen holding a tray of fresh-baked pastries and putting them in a large tin metal box, a keeper (A storage unit to preserved pastries), arrives to stop the fight by staring at the two emotionlessly. He cannot believed they started fighting again.
“Settles down you two” said Janaya. “You Don't want to give a lot of attention.”
Morgan and Lucius looked at Janaya and said: “Sorry sir.”
Janaya crossed his armed and true his stare into a glare. “Don't apologizes to me,” he replied, pointed at Holly. “You two are lucky... you should not mess with the this girl.”
The two looks at Holly thinking that she looks like a normal and sweet person. Holly heard this and starting to flushed deep red. She could not believe.
“Does he thinks she looks tough?” Lucius thought as he got his cup. “How much would that be?”
“$1.85 plus tax.” Holly stated. Lucius reach in his pocket pulling out a crumpled five dollar bill Holly put the money in the cashier and gives him the changes.
“Thank ya kindly,” Lucius thanked.
“Any time.”
Setting: The Coffee Store again, but this time outside.
“So you know my name. Mr. Vreedle,” said Holly sitting at a table outside as she is talking to the potential recruit. She's twirls her pen between her two fingers and tap her pen on the table reserves for customers, but since her shift is over, and Janaya and her father suggested she should be interviewing the man named Lucius Vreedle. After all, he is interested  in joining The Synonymous. This is her first time being a interviewer. It is usually Ethan, Tamara, Andrew who done these.
“You have gotten have connections somewhere. The people who know my name are either my friend, family, and a few people. A lot of people who know me during my childhood have forgotten me. You can say I was invisible. I am guessing is our magical friends sitting with us.
Holly stared at Morgan and Janaya sitting with him. She never thought two recruits would come to meet her rather than Ethan Corduroy himself.
“So..... you two want to join The Synonymous hmm?” Holly questioned. “The flyer?”
The two candidates answered her question in their own manner:
“Well I tried to go join the Plumbers but due to some "accident mishaps" they've kick me out. So I check out this flyer saying they needed members and I went.”  
“And I was a vigilante taking the law into my own hands and protecting the little people.” said Morgan, standing on the table doing a dramatic pose. Lucius pulls Morgan down back on his chair. Morgan glare Lucius.
“This is a "community service" group not a comedic duo try out. The comedy try out is a few blocks away,” Janaya said sarcastically. “Go get your performances somewhere else.”
“Stop being sarcastic Janaya,” said Holly.
He rolled his eyes. "I may seem normal until people get to know me."
Holly ignored him and continuing interviewing Morgan and Lucius.
“I expects that you and Morgan are childhood friends then enemies,” Holly affirmed. She wrote their answer down on a piece of paper. She lean Morgan's ear and whisper: "You do realizes there are people in the cafe, which means we are not alone. So you made a mistake on saying you been doing vigilante work. But anyway. I would like to know about what skills you possess. So that my and Janaya's boss, Mr. Ethan Corduroy would determined which group you are in. Plus what jobs do you guys take. We split our earnings in order to support our organization of our, since we are not like the Vanguard League.”
Holly's tone is cold and expression match as well the two recruits notice that her pen is covered in frost.
“You ok miss?” said Lucius
“Yeah your pen it's…”
Holly snapped out of her trace and stared at her pen. She cannot believe she freezes her pen. Luckily, she got a spare pen on the flap of her ear and lend it to Morgan.
Morgan wrote "I have magic power” and gave it to Lucius. Lucius wrote “I'm a gifted mechanical engineer. Creating weapons and gadgets what not”
Holly stared at their answer and thinks for a moment. But Lucius, he is a mechanical engineer, which he is perfect for The Synonymous because the van that Lucky fixed that he found in the dump. It barely work and run down easily.
Holly wrote the next question down on a sheet of paper. “Do you have any fighting skills, for "self-defense"?”
Lucius wrote his weapons the Aquablaster and shock gloves down on the napkin and gave it to Holly
Holly stared at it the napkin. She never expects that Lucius use weapons for fighting. It awfully reminds him of Lucky. Lucky could use his microwave rifle gun, his M.U.G. (Multiple Usage Gun), an army of ninja bots, and his own battle suit to fight to make up for his combat skills.These two would be best friends if they get along. But then she starting to doubt that they might be rivals.
Holly wrote down the Synonymous’ subgroups: Arcane, Stormbreakers (Heavy-hitter missions), and Huntsmen (Stealth missions) and Affiliate on the paper.
“Even if you circle any. Ethan will get to decides which group is best for you.” Holly added.
Morgan wrote two questions down on a piece of his own napkin and passed it on to Holly. While Lucius circled Affiliate.
“What's arcane and affiliate?”
Holly wrote the answer down on the napkin. “The definition of Affiliate is officially attach or connect (a subsidiary group or a person) to an organization. While, Arcane are subgroup that have versatile abilities, being to fight up close or from afar, and being able to use these versatile abilities to do stealth.”
Morgan circled Arcane.
"He's want to be with Janaya,” Holly predicted in her mind. “I am not sure. I means....... true they are magic users. But they need to pass “the test”."
Lucius *writing*: So which group are you in miss test? "Janaya said to not mess with her better keep that in mind" Lucius thought
Holly wrote her answer. “I am a member of The Arcane likes Janaya.”
“Cool,” Morgan thought.
Holly got up and whisper to Lucius. "Meet me at the abandon subway. Lucius nodded.
At the abandoned subway:
Lucius walked into the hollowed-out cavern. People thinks it is a waste of space, but him, it is a beautiful, imposing art deco relic that, for the last 20 years, has been left to crumble. The uncompleted subway tunnels and stations have been described as "in good shape". This is partially credited to the original construction quality, and partially the usage of tax revenues, due to the presence of Verdona Hills on top of it.
The subway tunnel is double-tracked throughout its entire length, with a concrete wall separating the two tracks. There are openings in the wall enable persons to step from one track to another. The tunnels are well ventilated and provide much light. Probably someone must have fixed them. Each tunnel has parallel wooden stringers which are bolted to the floor, and are intended to support steel rails that were never laid.
“Where is she?” Lucius thought as staring at his watch and then he looks around the subway. He would have scowl off and complains, but his meema always taught him to wait for a woman if she is late due to making a good impression, even during a battle.
"Well, well. Looks have I found."
Lucius hear a robotic-like voice and turns around He saw Holly but different. Instead of looking at her teal/navy blue gradient eyes covering with her glasses that are so warm and sweet that matches her smile. He see her eyes ice blue underneath her goggle. Her the color of her eyes could diminish the fire, yet Holly have that determination on face. She was wearing a lower face mask with voice. She is wearing an armor under a puffy purple jacket, she has icy blue skin. Her hair is covered in her hood. It appeared that her blasters are an ambidextrous arm cannon. They are both connected by a huge machine on her back. This reminded Lucius of Mei from Overwatch and Megaman.
“Nice outfit,” Lucius complimented. “Your alter ego I presume?”
"Lucifer, that is what you were called as a vigilante," Said Holly in a robotic voice from her voice modification low face mask. "This is where we fight to see if you are worthy enough to be an affiliate for The Synonymous. Instead of fighting me as Holly Test, you are facing the Synonymous' Ice Queen."Holly's eyes glows. Lucius running to the tunnel. Holly take a single step, causing ice to encased the ground. “Not so fast!” Holly shouted, as she took another step forward and the ice caught his legs. “Shit,” he said as he tried to pull his legs out, but to no success. Holly converts her shoes into ice skates, by forming blades of ice on her soles and skated on the ice. She aimed the blaster to his face."You thinks I created them do you?" she questioned him. "Yes, only to enhanced, controlled, and improved my powers."
Morgan and Janaya witnessing the fight. in the tunnel. Janaya filming the fight using a video camera while Morgan's mouth opened wide as he watch in awe. Lucius’ hand start to emitted electricity, activating his taser gloves.
“Sorry,” said Lucius, he push his hand to tased Holly. “Go Lucius!” Morgan cheered. But, the dramatic scene cut short when Holly’s deactivated her blaster canon and grabbed his wrist, quickly freezing his arm. Holly gave Lucius an unamused expression.
"Holly Test, aged 17, A metahuman by chemical mutation." said Janaya. Morgan and Lucius hears the word “metahuman”, they never expects that The Synonymous also have metahuman like her. The Synonymous have many members that are extraordinary that the Vanguard League doesn't have. "I told Lucius that she is more than just an inventor. And a shy girl."
Holly then shifts her hand back to blaster mode and blast cold frost at Lucius causing him “Didn't your mama told you it's past your bedtime,” Holly taunted him. Janaya's eyes widen in fear he shove the video camera to Morgan and tackled Holly. Morgan keep the camera filming.
“As no, Holly, no get out of character. You almost gave him frostbite”
“Sorry,” she apologized staring at the ground, flushing in embarrassment. “I’m trying my best to act cool to be just like my father. But not in a villainous way.”
Morgan watch in horror as Lucius shivers from the cold. There is frost all over his body.  "Are you all right?”, Janaya questioned with a concerned voice.
“N-n-never been b-b-better s-s-s-sorry I w-w-wasn't q-q-quick to the draw.” Lucius answered.
“Thanks God she didn't bring a baseball bat.”
At Holly's place Lucifer return after a hot shower. Lucius having a towel wrapped around his neck and a blue bathrobe, he watched as Holly getting scold by her father, Mr. Test in the living room. “Holly, I understands you are testing his strength and all, but freezing him to death? I expects you to be better with that behavior of your.”
Morgan and Janaya sitting there watching TV while Josie threw shurikens on the wall. Mr. Test turns his head toward his niece and starts scolding at her as well. “Josie, how many time have I told you not to throw shurikens on the wall?”
“I am sorry but I don't speaks-pbbt” Josie said angrily closing her eyes and sticking out her tongue. Joby doing his best to finished his math, but still struggling. "Holly, would you please help me?"
"Coming" she reply, as she went over to help him.
“I'm guess I fail that test?” Lucius said sadly.
“That was so crazy.”
“At least it is not worse than your,” said Janaya.
Morgan give Janaya a mystified expression as though he had just declared himself to be a flying purple cow.
“Huh? Your what?” Morgan questioned because he is confused on what Janaya said.
“Your test.” Janaya answered.
Morgan eyes widen while, Janaya reach into his trench coat to reveal a foreign stainless steel telescopic staff and dual telescopic ends. He removes his trench coat and gives it to Mr. Test.
Lucius pat Morgan back. “Well good luck lil bub hopeful you’ll do much better than I did.”
A couples minutes have passed. Morgan is unable to move from being binded by snakes made of written runes. Janaya used his bo staff and wrist elbow strike him, finishing the final blow. Morgan flips out of the way. Janaya detached his bo staff into escrima sticks and swing one of them in the shoulder and the other one to the chest. He low sweep him. Morgan rolls out of way blast some mana blast janaya dodges the blast teleport does a Sirkulo (Circular strikes) to Morgan's collarbone and then a linear strike on the same area. Morgan grabs his hand.
Morgan hand glows as he felt somewhat recharged He pulls his hand back quickly, Janaya de-extend his escrima sticks attached them back together and it turn into a wand. “Crap that wasn't supposed to happen,” Morgan thought.
“Sea Serpent's Hiss!”
Morgan throws a small stone creature which in turn grew to the size of a pit bull.The wand manifests the head of a sea serpent with sharp teeth, and fires it at the pit bull. The pit bull breaks because water is super effective against rocks causing the pit bull and Morgan to push back against the wall causing him to falls down on the floor.
“Try and catch me now,” Morgan chants, he slide in the portal closing it behind. Janaya concentrates and use his ears to visualizes what Morgan is going to do between instinct and prediction.
Janaya's eyes are widen and turn to see Morgan out of the portal. “You are there!!!!” he said as he points his wand and shoot a blast of fire at him. Morgan summon a force field to protect himself. Janaya snapped his fingers from his right hand and summon of ring of ball of fire surrounding him and the force field.
“Ring of Fire: Shield Break.”
The fireballs all go together and hit the force field causing it to break. Janaya summon rain of fire balls at Morgan. Morgan zigzags to escape the fireballs.
“Flash frenzy!”
Small explosions of flashing lights appear causing a diversion. “Dusty darkness,” Morgan said as he released black smokes from his mouth toward Janaya. Janaya obscure by the surrounding of the fog of smoke. Janaya point his wand at a moment of the smoke.
"Ribbon spiral"
A ribbon of dark energy blasted from his wand, wrapping around Morgan.
“No way.” Morgan said in awe as he is tangled and binded by a ribbon made of darkness. Morgan struggles to get out as Janaya walk up closed to him and  he finger pistol him.
“Mind Wave.”
At first, Morgan thought the spell failed, but soon something mind went blank all of a sudden. His will try tell him to starts thinking and strategizing, but his mind won't budge from the trace.
“Void Nova.”
A black hole from the bottom appears from Morgan's feet.
Janaya let go of the ribbon and let Morgan fall. Mr. Test, Lucius, Joby and Holly sat down on the couch watching the fight. While Josie holding a video camera.
“Why in my house!?” whined Mr. Test as he sat down on the couch that is slowly burning, looking down. The living room is now a mess; picture frames broken and on the floor, the other couch is up in flame (not big enough to burn it completely only a small flame), books all over the ground in ripped up piles.
“You know I am your sponsor.”
“Wait, why is your spell call Void Nova?" Holly questioned as she stare at the hole.
The hole engulfs Morgan in a searing white light. Holly, Lucius, Joby, Josie and Mr. Test see a pillar of white light out of the hole. Janaya smiles. "This is my own version of Eclipsa's dark magic spell, Black Velvet Inferno."
“Will he be ok?” Lucius asked in concern.
"To tell the truth, this is my first time using this spell. So I don't know, Dark magic is dangerous."
The light being to dimmer as Morgan’s eyes glow orange.  “I'm not giving up.” He said in determination. Morgan fly up to stop himself from falling and stares at Janaya.
"Heh bring it on" he extend his wand, now a bo staff and start spinning it, he teleported in front of Morgan and linear smack his head lightly. But suddenly Morgan made his own searing light, but instead of white, it is yellow, causing everyone to covered their own eyes until the light die down. Morgan eyes turned back to normal.
“Did I win?”
Morgan heard a groan of pain, he turned his back around and see Janaya lying on the floor. Lucius gulps in fear as he realized that Morgan used his life-draining powers.
“Will he be ok?”
Holly watch in horror as well.
“Yes,” Holly guessed. “But....He looked drained out....”
Morgan looked scared when Holly said it.
“There was a flash of light when all of sudden Janaya knocked out.”
Morgan’s lips starting to quiver. “No no not like this,”
Janaya struggling to get up. He clenched his no staff for support.
“I-I’m okay.”
“I’m so so sorry,”, Morgan said as tears being to form.
Janaya slowly walks up to him and pats his shoulder, to stop him from crying.
"I slept 3 hours of sleep, that is all You didn't use your father's powers. Honest.”
“Are you sure?
Janaya nodd, Morgan breath a sigh of relief that it wasn't his fault at all.
"He fell for my lies," Janaya thought. "Thanks goodness."
“So how did i do?”
Janaya starting to thinks. Morgan have been training magic and other skills by both his mother and great uncle. These skills he learnt have give him the advantages for him to fight crimes as a vigilante, such as robbery and carjacking. Yet Janaya thinks of the power that made his eyes, hand, and body glow. It could be dangerous to have someone in The Synonymous. But that would cocky or be a hypocritical because Holly used to be like Morgan, not using her powers because of her fear of hurting others. However she have been learning to controls it before joining The Synonymous. With the help of Vertex, The Synonymous’ intergalactic drifter, she have better controls of her metahuman powers. Maybe he can help Morgan as well. Janaya finally made his decision.
“I must say…... You pass,” Janaya concluded as he gave him thumbs up.
Morgan put his hands up in the air, bursting with energetic energy.
“All right!”
“Congratulation bub.” Lucius cheered
Josie gave Holly the video camera and smiles at the two recruiters.
“We will show the videos to Ethan and he will decide his decision for you two. He will sent you a text messenger if he know your contact numbers.
Lucius and Morgan gave each other a high five, then a elbow bump, Morgan crying happily while Lucius jump and twirl around as if they are celebrating New Year Eve.
As the boys celebrated, they didn't know that a winged creature covered in the color black, a fiend witness this from the window outside. The fiend fly back to the base, The Insomniacs. Once it got back, it landed on Vincent's head. Vincent's fiend came out of his body and have a long conversation with the flying fiend.
“Are you sure your eye on not fooling you?” said the Fiend.
The flying fiend answered with a nod. Vincent's fiend told his master everything. Vincent walked out of the kitchen and passed the hallway and headed straight to a lab where he see Ariel working on their weapon. Vincent scowled at them and leaned against the table with his arms crossed.
“Ariel,” Vincent muttered. Ariel stopped taking their notes as they caught his attention when Vincent said his name. “The Synonymous got themselves fresh meats.”
“I see,” Ariel replied as they he continue doing their little project of his. “But here is something interesting. Apparently my flying fiend, the one who had observed, said that you know these two.”
The flying fiend stretches his wings and used points at a photo frame on his table. The photo frame displayed a photo Ariel, Morgan, and Lucius as children. The genetic scientist shifted their eyes at the picture with his eyes widen, yet still remained as a stone
“We used to be friends,”, they answered. “But we...grew apart.”
“The plot thickens any second thoughts?” Vincent asked with a question along with it.
“Just be careful about Morgan,”, Ariel advised.
“He's more than Fool.”
Vincent start continuing stirring his mixing bowl until another flying fiendrised up out of his bowl.
“Very well,” Vincent accepted. “But do not say that. A Fool means he have powers far beyond others. Your so-called friends will regrets that they tarnish their honors of their evil roots of their parents he said as he release the fiends.”
“What the hell are those?” Lucius cried out as
Holly lower the temperatures causing the first group of fiends to breaks as they fall one by one as if they are fragile glass falling to their sweet death. Lucius pulled out his aquablaster, aimed at the remaining group of fiends and actives hydro pump mode. The fiends were squirted away. One of the fiend containing the Belladonna as a part of the ingredient attacked Lucius, paralyzing him.
Morgan use his stone creature to grab the fiend and throws it. “Janaya, can you fight?”, Morgan turned his head to see Janaya right behind him walking around with his BO staff. Janaya answered Morgan by casting a waves of fire, expanding rings of fireballs, rains of fireballs, and spiraling pillars of flames at the fiends. The second group of fiends are turned to crisps. As the battle roses on outside of the neighborhood of Holly, Morgan and Lucius see Ariel in the air. He is watching over them as his wings on his back are flapping continuously. In a matter of second, he vanished out of thin air.
“That's not good.” Morgan gulped.
Alverta sitting in her chair to stop reading her Necronomicon and coldly glares at both Vincent and Ariel for coming back from the base late. She have been ordered by Virus to wait for them before she can go to sleep. She is in charge of monitoring them tonight for evaluation.
“The two of you should spy on them, not attacked them,” signed Alverta. “I cannot believe you two disobey him.”, Vincent signed back to Alverta. “We have no choice. We do not want our predecessors to mocks us that we do not take actions.”
“Beside,” Ariel signed, joining in on the conversation.  “While they were distracted of the fiends got something from one of them.”, Ariel held Lucius's tooth in their hand.
Alverta’s eyes shifted on the tooth and then at Ariel. “I thought you do not performed experiments on humans?”
“It would be interesting if you do.” Alverta thought.
“Technically Lucius isn't exactly human per say.” Ariel corrected her so that she won't thinks they are a hypocrite. “He's an alien.”
Meanwhile, back at Holly's home. Holly and Lucius are in the kitchen. Holly is stand there putting both of her hands on an ice pack on Lucius' cheek while he is sitting down.
“Well guess I'll eating soup for a while,” Lucius joking around with a smile exposing his gap teeth.
“Good choice,” Holly replied.
Morgan biting the nail of his thumb angrily as he just witness his old friend, Ariel. He can not believed that Ariel would start an ambush and one of those things just remove lucius’s tooth.
“That Jerk I can't believe he..ARRGH!” he snarled as he gritted his teeth.
“Jerk who? Your friend?” said Janaya.
“Our...former friend.” Morgan quietly answer while glaring on the floor, instead of Janaya.
“He's a member of the Alliance.” Janaya predicted. “I never know how you 3 broken up. But it is not my business nor my concern.”
“Must have been a what you might call failed ambush.”
Holly examined the gap teeth to analyzed if the tooth, the failed ambush of fiends, and Lucius and Morgan's friend were connected somehow.
“His skills is must have allows The Young Blood Alliance to let him join must have something to do with science depending on your tooth. Am I right?” Holly asked. “Which means.... fiends with a hint of your tooth dust. Which contains your Alien DNA?”
Morgan and Janaya looked concern. Morgan and Lucius imagined Ariel's laughing in their hideout, extracting the tooth for whatever purpose he is planning to do. “We better keep our guard up then.” Lucius suggested. At the same time, Ariel held up a tooth, admiring what he did and thinking of all the possibility as they extract the Lucius’ tooth with an extractor. Ariel laughs maniacally, causing the laughter to echo across the base causing everyone to stay awake with his laugh, until it got cut short.
“Would you keep it down?!” Violet yelled as she breaks Ariel's door to his lab with her Starbolt. Her glowing eyes obscure her dark circles. “It's 2 fuckin’ AM!! God, just because our job is at night can't at least a few of us get some sleep.”
Ariel stopped laughing. “Sorry.”
Vertex, Lucky, and Ethan (mention) @ej-cappy-universe/EJTHE24TH
Violet @hotsassbacon
Alverta Tang, Vincent, Holly Test, Josie Test, Joby Test, and Janaya Lynn-Thomas by TheMarioFan1/ @froppy-butterflyfan2000
Ariel, Morgan, and Lucius belong to horohorogirl666/ @aprilbrowines
10 notes · View notes
handyhandman · 6 years
"You’re still as rude and insufferable as the day we first met."
Well, a lot of people could appreciate Shigaraki’s stone cold honesty, but to Dabi it comes off more as a threat. If Shigaraki tells the truth, then Dabi has to do the same, right? Tit for tat, this for that?
"So I guess you’re finally kicking me out."
Dabi never consented to that, though. Shigaraki’s visible eye narrows, and there’s a dangerous glint in it, but he somehow extinguishes it before it can really catch fire. Huh.
"I should, but no. Do something for me, and I might forgive you."
For the rest of the conversation, Shigaraki uses a level tone. He never stops looking at Dabi dead in the eyes, either. There’s a change brewing on the horizon, and in that moment, Dabi can’t decide on naming the feeling it gives him.
In fact, he shouldn’t.
"Like what?"
"There’s a difference between you and almost everybody else who joined. Guess what it is."
"What, that I’m not completely nuts?"
"You got it. And I’m gonna need somebody to lead the Vanguard Action Squad while I’m making final preparations."
"And you’re handing it over to me."
"Yeah. So, are you gonna make up for what you did or not?"
Gonna have to be a bit specific there, Shigaraki.
"I guess…" But does he even have a choice? "I was wondering how the attack was gonna work. It’s still gonna be chaotic as hell regardless, but that’s what we’re aiming for, anyway."
Shigaraki nods.
"I’ll give you a noumu, too, for extra support."
"Okay, I’ll do it. But…can I see it first? Or…"
"You can pick him out."
Some things don’t translate well on tv, and noumu are among them. Shigaraki is unnervingly quiet as he leans against the warehouse’s exit. Shigaraki’s presence doesn’t translate well on tv, either. There’s just something eerie about the concept of noumus- Genetic engineering, forcibly combining quirks… It doesn’t sit well with Dabi. Personal feelings aside, though…
There are so many of them.
There are so many of these things. As Dabi passes by them, he catches his reflection staring back at him. He stops for a minute. If someone cracked open his skull and he weren’t such a string bean, maybe he could fit-
"You like that one?" Shigaraki interrupts his train of thought.
Ah. Right. Dabi blinks, then he focuses more on the noumu cased inside like he’s supposed to be doing.
"He’s gonna be your responsibility, so you better like him."
What? Like a pet? Weren’t these things people at one time? Shigaraki said it with that exact tone, too. Well, of course he’d become desensitized to things like this…
People becoming monsters and people being born as monsters... Are they really that different?
Dabi can feel unease festering inside him as he stares at it. Lifeless, soulless, dead eyes. All it does is sit around and do nothing while waiting for orders… Damn it, Dabi shouldn’t have anything in common with a noumu.
No, maybe it would be better to pick one without eyes. Dabi keeps on moving until he finds one with half of its skull torn apart and only its mouth remaining. Okay. All right. That’s fine. He’ll take that over the blank, unfeeling stare.
It's like looking in a damn mirror otherwise.
Dabi hears the door creak as Shigaraki stops leaning against it. It isn’t long before he sees Shigaraki’s reflection. Shigaraki makes a gruff noise as Dabi looks over at him.
Isn’t this a big deal?
"Yeah… I’ll go with this one. So do I gotta feed it and water it? Take it out on walks?"
Shigaraki makes a sound against the hand that almost sounds like a laugh. "Ah, that’s a good one."
The joke or the noumu? Well, Dabi hasn’t been able to make anybody laugh in years. For Shigaraki of all people to find him funny would be absolutely nuts, but that might not be the craziest thing going on in his life at the moment. Shigaraki standing mere feet away without wanting to maim him is high up on the list.
Still, it’s gotta be the noumu.
"Really, though. If I mess up…"
"You won’t," Shigaraki interrupts him. "All you need to worry about is what you tell him to do. He’ll obey you up until he dies…but I don’t think anyone’ll be able to come close to this one."
There’s something about Shigaraki’s tone that makes him prickle- The kind of prickle where he knows his hair would be standing up on end if it weren’t already. It’s unfamiliar and slightly praising, and an unfulfilled part of Dabi aches for it for a moment before he awkwardly snuffs it out. Is he really that desperate to be praised that he’d want it from someone like Shigaraki?
"…Huh." Dabi almost surprises himself at how casual his voice is. His resting face serves him well. "Okay then. Second easiest pet I’ve ever had."
Inconsequential details like whether he’s a cat or dog person don’t really matter in the end. Now, the one about him not playing video games very much… Maybe that was a bit too much. But, hey, at least Shigaraki hasn’t prompted him to keep going.
For the record, he prefers cats. A certain someone preferred dogs.
Noumu seem more like dogs, though. Loyal to a fault and capable of obeying orders without question, but also being dangerous. You can’t tell a cat to attack someone, but they will if you’re a dick. With dogs… Hm.
Does he have to bond with the noumu? Can that even be done?
Dabi looks at Shigaraki’s reflection in the glass. The eye he can see has a glint to it. Narrow, but pleased. Above all else… What does Shigaraki value the most?
"I don’t think sensei needs to add anything more to him…" Shigaraki’s tone sends a chill down Dabi’s spine, but he’s able to stop from showing it by clenching his fists for a second. Shigaraki makes a curious noise. "Unless there’s something you can think of?"
Did Shigaraki somehow see him do it?
That’d be funny. The hand man watching his hands.
Dabi struggles for a second to keep his default expression. "Nah, there isn’t anything I can think of right now."
"Good. Don’t forget- Even if something happens to him, we can use whatever’s remaining later."
Like the noumu is a robot rather than a person. Formerly, whatever. Don’t piss off Shigaraki or All For One. Common sense, yeah, but staring at a noumu face to…half face really brings it home.
"Yeah…," Dabi says. "So… We done here, or…?"
"Nope," Shigaraki replies in a less approving tone. "Up next… If you’re representing the league, you’re gonna have to dress better. You look like a hobo right now, and that won’t cut it."
But I am a hobo, Dabi almost says. Or was, I guess? Does sleeping on the league’s couch count as me not being homeless?
"Sure, but don’t get mad if I turn anything you give me into ash when I use my quirk," Dabi says with a shrug.
"Sensei’s made sure of that."
"…Oh," slips out of Dabi’s mouth before he can stop it.
Shigaraki gives him a pointed look. "What? You think he wouldn’t be able to?"
"No, I…" Dabi sighs and shakes his head.
I hope they’re cool? I have an aesthetic I’m going for, and it’s gonna suck if those clothes fuck it up. I guess I have no other choice… If I make All For One mad… I’m not good enough to even be made into noumu food-
"…That's cool, I guess," is what Dabi settles on.
Maybe he can be noumu chow for one of the defective ones. A defect for a defect.
"God, you really do have the emotional range of a pile of ashes," Shigaraki mutters. Then he says louder with a wave of a hand, "Whatever. Let’s go."
Shigaraki leads Dabi out, and hmm… So that’s how Shigaraki sees him, then. And, on top of it, he’s accepted it. Begrudgingly, it seems, but that’s more than Dabi can say about a lot of people.
It’d be cool if that were true, though. Then he wouldn’t have this unsettling feeling when Shigaraki shows him the new outfit picked out for him. It fits- It fits so damn well. It brings out the exact aesthetic Dabi wants as well as a conflicting swirl of emotions.
It serves some unfortunate implications- Has All For One been watching him? Has he been watching all of them? What does All For One think of him? Of all of them?
The boots and jacket are the right size, and everything lines up together too well. It’s unsettling for things to be going in the right direction for once. It’s unsettling to have things specifically made for him. He’s just some scrub, right? Or has he been an absolute moron about all of this and just-
Wow, he's so stupid. Everybody else has to be stoked about having their own custom equipment ordered by The Big Bad man himself. That’s the appropriate reaction. That’s how he should be acting, but he slides off his old jacket and unties his shoes in silence while Shigaraki watches him with his arms crossed. Dabi is able to ignore it just long enough to slip on his new jacket and boots. Then he looks over and meets Shigaraki's stare.
"What?" Dabi asks. "You got somethin' to say?"
Shigaraki huffs and shakes his head. "It’s nothing."
"Yeah, sure…" Dabi taps the front end of his boots against the floor. So they’re steel-toed. Nice. "So, anyway, when’re you gonna get your outfit upgrade?"
Shigaraki tilts his head. "Huh?"
"Well, you’ve been showing your ankles ever since we met, and considering you can get anything you want…"
"I’m going through a growth spurt," Shigaraki interrupts him. "There’s no point right now."
"A growth spurt? What are you, a teenager?"
Shigaraki is always slouching... How tall would he be if he stopped that? When he's slouching, the tip of his head comes close to Dabi's lips- Okay, back up.
"Are you trying to piss me off?"
"Just trying to get all I can in before you forgive me for everything."
"I can always change my mind, you know."
God, please don’t be any younger than 20. If for anything, just for the fact that it would be fucked up in general for a kid to be my boss. Things are already fucked up enough.
"Yeah, but what’re you gonna do with my cool new clothes if I die?"
What is this?
"I’ll just disintegrate them, too."
Seriously. What is this?
"Seems like a waste, though."
Shigaraki isn't at his throat. He hasn't moved an inch. He's just standing there with his arms crossed and acting like an actual person, someone with self control, someone who Dabi could hold an actual conversation with.
"Ugh…" Shigaraki shakes his head. "Guess that’s your way of saying you like them."
"They’re…all right, I guess."
More like there's no way Dabi ever could've gotten clothes that match his aesthetic so perfectly on his own.
"You guess..." Shigaraki reaches up to his neck, but his scratching stops midway before he can break skin. He snaps out of it and turns away. "Okay, now we're done. In a few hours, we'll be holding a meeting. Be there."
"Yeah... I'll be on the couch like usual."
Because he's definitely already dreaming.
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cozyships · 3 years
Space As a Tower Vendor
[Mock-up dialogue lines for Space if she was ever a Tower vendor for her shop I got a bit carried away. Contains chatting, vents, and a bit of backstory.]
[Entering the shop]
"Oh, uh, hello?"
"Oh, a customer! Um.. Hi.."
"Uh, hello Guardian."
"Welcome back."
"Huh? Oh. I swear, someday you're going to walk right through my door. Literally." (Titan class only)
"Titans walk so loudly, I could hear you approaching." (Titan class only)
"Huh?! Oh, uh, hello Hunter. I almost mistook you for a robber, with you sneakin' around and all that." (Hunter class only) 
".. Do you need me to fix the holes in your cloak?" (Hunter class only) 
"Hello fellow Warlock." (Warlock class only) 
"A Warlock in my shop? I thought I was too 'lesser' for you guys?.. Well, never mind that, just enjoy the place." (Warlock class only) 
"Please watch your step, this place is kinda small. Ghosts like to hang out here too, so.." 
[Leaving the shop]
"Take care."
"Try not to get hurt."
"Good luck out there."
"Stay safe." 
[Idle dialogue, in proximity] 
"Umm.. It kinda feels like you're breathing down my neck.."
"Uh.. Are you just looking around..?" 
"Are you okay..? You've been standing there for a while." 
"Now, I don't mind customers, but when they stare at me, it makes working kinda hard.. Sorry.."
"When I'm not in my shop, I'm usually assigned small tasks from the Vanguard. I wish I could go on epic adventures like you do.. But it's okay, you don't have to take me with you."
*Thinking* "..Hm.. The Ace of Spades.. That's such a cool name for a gun! If I had a signature gun it would be called.. Uhh.. The.. Space of Spades?.. Hmm, nah.."
"People keep calling me a 'Kinderguardian', I mean yeah I'm kind of a new light, but still.. *sounding grumpy* I'm not always stupid or immature."
" Ada seems a bit distant and sceptical about my shop.. I sure hope she doesn't think I'm stealing her job.. Maybe someday we could work together, I mean that Loom she has does seem pretty interesting."
" Shaxx seems pretty cool. I heard about him playing dodgeball once, I'd like to join in, just not against him. I wouldn't stand a chance."
"Maybe I should feed the pigeons again with Saint. And maybe, just maybe, he could finally let me in on these pranks he keeps pulling."
"Someday I wanna be strong like Ikora, but keep my soft, caring side too. It seems like I wanna be a lot of things.. Boyish, tough, cool-looking, no-nonsense attitude, carefree, intimidating to enemies, but also caring, approachable, elegant-looking armor, but still make it look cool and not feminine, and.. Oh, I'm rambling again.. "
"You're free to use the machines, I don't mind. Just be sure to clean up after yourself. *mumbling under her breath* I hate it when I have to do it.." 
[Idle dialogue, out of proximity for a while]
"Heheh, I remember the time I spotted a can of purple spray-paint and wanted to get a little fancy by spraying some designs on me. I got the decals and the paint, but when I shook it up, it combusted right in my face. I kinda liked the purple spatter across my face, so I stuck with it."
*mumbling to herself* "Hmm.. Til this day I still haven't named my Ghost. I wanna give him a name that has meaning, something better than 'Ghosty'. I just don't know what." *sigh*
"Ya' know, one time my friends and Ghost were in danger, got hurt, and I just sorta.. Went out of control.. Attacking every enemy within sight until they were all gone. It's.. *sounding ashamed* Really not like me to do something like that.."
"I've heard of Warlocks doing crazy things in the pursuit of knowledge, leading to them going mad.. Or worse.. It sounds terrible.."
"People seem to assume that since I'm a Warlock, I must be all stuck-up, smart, and analytical, craving knowledge and power.. I'm really not.. " 
"I can understand why Hunters like their cloaks so much. It's a prized possession or a trophy, in a way."
"I'm out of purple again, I wonder why... Oh, wait, I'm why.. Oops." 
[Interacting with the Customization Machine for the first time.]
"Oh, you wish to use the machine? Sure, go ahead. Ah, but first I should tell you about it. So, the Guardians that have used it so far have come out looking different. They seem happy with how they look, and there's no side effects, so it's been deemed safe to use. My guess as to how it works..? Hm, I think it could be like how a Ghost transmats you, or maybe a cloaking sort of thing? But that's just a guess." 
[Using the Shader Creator for the first time] 
" Oh, that machine is a lot more simple! It allows you to make custom palettes out of ones you already have. Then you can use them on your equipment. Pretty nifty, huh?" 
[Season of the Splicer exclusive]
" I don't see what the big fuss is about the Eliskni being here.. They seem fine to me."
"One time I tried to help Misraaks with this whole splicing thing. The Vexs' land is strange and dangerous.. and pretty-looking in a way. But ultimately, we gotta stop 'em and I wanna try to help too!"
"Every time I take down a Fallen enemy in the field, I remember the Eliskni back here. Then I feel.. Sad.. How would they feel about me, knowing that I do things like that..? I don't wanna break this already fragile friendship I've made with them.."
"With everything that's been going on, it's a lot to take in so suddenly.."
"Sometimes I go down to the Eliskni quarters just to visit. They don't seem to mind me, or maybe they just tolerate me. I hope we're friends.." 
[A quest probably, where she opens up about herself more]
*talking to herself* "..The day that I was resurrected in that scrap heap is so vivid to me, even til this day. I've been dead for.. I don't know how long.. And I don't even know how many times I've been rebooted, or if I've been rebooted at all.."
*reminiscing* "I remember the first time I came to the tower.. People were surprised at me, this small Exo covered in rust and grime. After my cleaning-up and new paint, all the higher-ups had to figure out what class I would fit into. I almost got put into the Hunter class, but Ikora could immediately tell I was meant to be a Warlock."
"I'm grateful for all of this around me, and I'm glad my Ghost picked me, but sometimes I wonder if I'm fit to be a Guardian. Was I really the right choice..? It seems like such a big role of fill. I'm sure I'll get used to it soon."
".. Sometimes I dream about this strange place.. There's this person there, but everytime I approach her, she looks scared of me and runs away.. When I lose sight of her, the dream ends.."
"I just wish I knew more about who I was.. How I got into that scrap heap.. Who that person in my dreams is.. I try to brush those thoughts away, but they always come back, each time stronger than before."
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Destiny Fun
So this is the next chapter, installment of my Destiny fanfiction. Here’s the link for the first part if you want to read it.
The Vanguard
I wasn’t ready. Walking through the halls I started to feel dizzy and my vision started fading
“Ghost—” Humph.
“Well, I’m used to Guardian’s falling to me in the Crucible, but usually they put up a little more of a fight. She going to be all right, Ghost?”
“Yes, Lord Shaxx. I just revived her earlier today, her body isn’t used to it yet I guess. All her vitals are good, ley her down over there on the bench.”
“Will do. Is this the newest Guardian that took out an Archon first rattle out of the box?”
“Yes. We just got back from talking to the Speaker and were on our way to Commander Zavala.”
“Ha, you mean listening to the Speaker, don’t you?”
“Yeah, she stopped listening to him almost right after he introduced himself, said she had better things to do than listen to him.”
“Hmm, it’ll be a treat to see how she does in the Crucible… ah! She’s waking up. Have a nice nap guardian?”
I looked around slowly, the lights here were brighter and it was hard to focus. There was an incredibly large man standing over me, with fur on his armor and a missing horn on his helmet. Ghost was next to him, looking at me anxiously.
“Who are you?”
“Lord Shaxx. I’m in charge of Crucible training, we will get to know each other very well Guardian; I expect to see you in the Crucible soon.”
“Uhh, sure. What happened?”
“You passed out.” Ghost said this so nonchalantly, like it happened to everyone all the time. Annoyance flared up in me, at myself and Ghost. What a great first impression to make, falling over.
“Why did I pass out Ghost? I was feeling fine.”
“It can happen after the first revival. Your body is used to being dead and now it’s not. That can be an adjustment for most. Try to let me know if you start feeling like you’re about to pass out next time, some warning would be nice.”
“What, are you going to catch me Ghost?” I smiled at him, it was a funny image in my head. Ghost didn’t respond. I don’t know if it’s because he didn’t find my joke funny or if it’s was because he didn’t have a sense of humor. He might have really been worried about me, he did just find me. I didn’t get a chance to say anything else as a large hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to my feet.
“That’s enough chit chat guardian, I hear you have an appointment with Zavala. He doesn’t like to be kept waiting. Until later.” With that, Shaxx pointed me in the direction of the Vanguard headquarters. I’d learn more about the Crucible later.
We walked through the archway and were greeted by three people standing around a very large table; it was full of maps and paperwork, I could guess maybe these were mission reports? They had a lot going on it seemed, it almost looked like they were overwhelmed.
“Well, look at this. A new guardian! It’s always exciting. Isn’t that right Zavala?” This was an Exo speaking, so I assumed it was Cayde-6. He was a hunter, he looked quick and a little more than just slippery; like he was used to talking his was out of things.
I nodded in his direction and looked towards the man he was talking to. He was an awoken and he just oozed with the authority he carried as commander of the Vanguard. He stood tall, but as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders; as commander, the protection of the city was his job, a responsibility that would make lesser men run.
“Yes, Cayde, new recruits are always nice. Especially when they take out an Archon on their way in. I’m Commander Zavalla and I must say I’m impressed. Looking forward to working with you.”
“And by that he means telling you what to do and where to go. He’s really good at that.”
“Don’t listen to Cayde. Come talk to me when you’re ready for your next mission.” A lady’s voice this time, the only name I had left was Ikora Rey. Looking at her I felt the hairs on my arm raise, she was powerful. There was some kind of energy radiating off of her, it felt similar to my Void but a little different and much more powerful.
“Yes, guardian. You came at a crucial time, the Fallen are pushing in and getting restless. We need someone to go back to the Cosmodrone and investigate what’s going on. Kill as many as you can and report back here when you know what is going on. Ikora Rey will have more info for you. Good luck.”
I walked over to Ikora and she sent something to my Ghost. I could feel him... uploading the info to me.
“Y’all sure don’t waste any time putting people to work, do you?”
“Do you need time to rest guardian?” Her voice showed little emotion, maybe annoyance? It was hard to get a read on her.
“No, I’m happy to be put to work. Just seems odd to trust someone that you don’t even know their name. Is this all the info I need for the mission?”
“We don’t have the luxury of time to get to know one another, the darkness is pushing in. Yes, report back to me when you’re done.”
Yes ma’am.” I turned and started walking back towards the commons area. I had some questions for my Ghost but felt it was better to wait until I was no longer in earshot of Ikora.
“Over here guardian.”
“Do you need me for something Cayde?”
“Take me with you!”
“I don’t want them to hear, I’m a hostage here. I’ll do much better in the field, take me with you!”
“Umm –”
“Cayde, we can all hear you.”
“Dammit Zavala, can you turn your ears off for just a second? I want to be out in the field again and you’re being a stick in the mud.”
“You have duties here as part of the Vanguard.”
“Blah, blah, blah. All you ever talk about are duties and responsibilities, never anything fun, Maybe next time guardian.”
“Yeah.” With that I turned and walked out. It was time to head out and I really needed to talk to Ghost about what just happened.
We talked to Holiday about our ship and then returned to orbit. I was glad to get out of there, my head still hurt and stuff was starting to come back to me. Everyone also wanting to talk to me was becoming too much and I wanted to punch something, hard.
“I wonder if I have anger issues.”
“Anytime things get to be too much or I get angry I have this desire to punch something. Multiple times and hard.”
Ghost scanned me again. I was starting to get used to something always watching and analyzing me but it was still a little weird. He spinned around in his little spikes and then just looked at me for a minute, studying me.
“What is it Ghost?”
“Your reactions are pretty normal for a Titan, you all seem to be highly aggressive and volatile, with a very strong sense of duty. That’s why Titans are usually used to push the front line in a battle; you are almost unstoppable when given a goal.”
“That’s nice. Why did you need to study me to tell me that? That seems like common knowledge.”
“Are your memories coming back yet?”
“Maybe. Answer the questions.”
“Did you just say ‘sigh’ instead of just sighing?”
“What’s it to you?”
“Answer the damn question Ghost. Why are you being so aggressive and evasive?”
“Because something is blocking all those memories and that might mean something is wrong. Partial and even whole amnesia is normal, but not for this long. Also, you passed out and your head still hurts. I’m concerned that this may mean something is wrong but I don’t know. You don’t seem to care about the past so that might be it as well. I just don’t understand why it doesn’t bother you that you have no memories.” He turned and looked out the window at all the passing stars. For a little machine, he had a lot of emotions and seemed to care deeply about a lot of things. I had to get stuck with an emotional Ghost.
“If it means that much to you I will try to remember. I don’t see why the past means so much. It’s not like I can go back or anyone that I knew would still be alive. The past is the past, it can affect the present and the future but really, it holds no sway for me. For you, I will try.”
“Thank you. I have something for you.”
“Oh yeah? You had time to buy me a gift?”
“No, but I might have found your name.”
“Just a name?”
“A name is all you need apparently…”
“Thank you, Ghost.”
“You are welcome, Esaria.”
“I like that.”
“You should, it’s your name after all.”
0 notes
akiharashizuka · 7 years
Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS episode 1 thoughts
Finally, it’s here.
This time however, we don’t get title screens. The tittle is displayed at the bottom, a few seconds after the opening. So, guess I’l go with this. Also, now they use “Turn”, but since I’m already using this term for my Vanguard reviews and I’ve been using “episode” for more than 3 years for Yu-Gi-Oh, I’ll continue with it.
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My Name is Playmaker
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The episode starts off in a rather bizarre surrounding, with Revolver destroying stuff.
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And there are a few sealed AIs who can’t do anything, except for the purple one who came to their rescue.
And that voice xD I didn’t expect it to sound like that. Though, I must admit, it fits perfectly. What makes me even more amused is that most characters I know voiced by Takahiro Sakurai (same seiyuu as the AI) are serious and have quite a big ego. I can’t listen to the AI without picturing some of these characters talking like that xD
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Whoa...that was brutal. It didn’t show exactly what happened, but I’m assuming the Dragon munched the AI and only that eye was left. Not a very nice sight.
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Now, 5 years later, we get some nice views of different locations in Den City. But, I guess the main attraction is the Playmaker vs a Knight of Hanoi short confrontation. Hmm, so this must be after our protagonist made a name of himself for defeating these guys.
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It took the AI 5 years so appear again...as an eye. And that looks kinda creepy.
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A dream, or maybe a flashback with little Yūsaku and a voice telling him to wake up. I guess we can all agree that this is meaningful to the plot and whatever happened to our protagonist.
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And with this we reach the scene featured in the title screen.
This Naoki Shima guy is way too straightforward. Saying right away that Yūsaku doesn’t seem to have many friend aside, he goes and shoves his new model Duel Disk in his face.
Speaking of which, the conversation turns out to be interesting. A Duel Disk that uses real cards, the one we’ve always seen so far, is considered old. Now, or at least the one Shima owns, they have an AI which allows them to use virtual cards, so to say. Hmm, I wonder how expensive is that thing.
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Pfff xD “Idiot” is a prohibited word.
Honestly, this is most likely the most inoffensive insult.
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Yūsaku is showing off his analyzing skills already. And his arguments do make sense. they also emphasize some of Shima’s traits, as he seems more concerned of appearances, rather than the essence. Gotta appreciate him for also pointing out Shima’s good traits. Though, Shima himself didn’t take that very well.
Guess this is a right time to talk about Yūsaku’s character, so far. I’ve seen comments saying that he is just another edgelord or emo kind of character...Personally, I don’t think that’s the case. Some people prefer being alone because it’s more comfortable for them. This doesn’t mean they look down on others. From this scene, I can say the same goes for Yūsaku. He was polite enough and even said that Shima isn’t a bad person.
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Three main rules for the Monster Zone...I think there are a lot more now, with the introduction of Link Summoning and Link Monsters. I don’t even think I can reduce them to 3 most important ones.
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Hmm, that’s interesting. If you read the cast list for this episode, you might have noticed a character named Bishop. Now, we see Akira Zaizen talking to a giant chess piece, which so happens to be the bishop one. Of course, that must be a real person, and the chess piece is his avatar or something.
In the back, there are also more pieces, the rook, the king, the queen (?), the knight and the last one might be the pawn, since it’s the only piece remaining. So, I’m guessing that SOL Technology higher-ups all have code names related to a chess piece.
Aside from that, it seems the mysterious AI is called Ignis, so I’m going to use that. 
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We also get a look at Revolver and Specter. They don’t really say anything too important. Though, it’s nice to know that Yūsaku made sure he won’t be tracked. I also liked how Revolver got to the conclusion that SOL Technology didn’t send out Playmaker.
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To think that they get displayed on billboards...The Charisma Duelists must be really popular and extremely admired by the public.
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Leaving that aside, Kusanagi’s introduction of Data Storm and Speed Duels was very pleasant to listen to. There’s also this image with the birds flying, which seems to be a recurring symbol. It was also present in the opening.
If you play Duel Links, you’re probably familiar with the Speed Duel forma. From what I know, it’s going to be featured in VRAINS as well. I’m going to explain it briefly, just in case. The differences from the usual Duel Format is that there are 3 Monster Zones (instead of 5), 3 Spell/Trap Zones (instead of 5), 20-30 cards in the Main Deck (instead of 40-60), 5 cards in the Extra Deck (instead of 15) and no Main Phase 2. Ok, I’m going to expand a bit on this one. In the anime, after the battle, there are characters who set cards, or even activate Spells, sometimes they even Special Summon. This is Main Phase 2. However, the turn in a Speed Duel ends after the Battle Phase. And there’s one more difference, that the starting Life Points is 4000. However, I wouldn’t count this since in the anime it has always been this way (except for early DM, when it was 2000). But in the official game, it’s 8000.
Moving on, I find it peculiar what Kusanagi said about Yūsaku enjoying dueling if he ran into Data Storm. Maybe it’s because it gives another perspective to the game, which can end up being a fun experience.
This is not entirely new info, but it’s clear that both Yūsaku and Kusanagi have some angst. I can’t wait until the writers dive more into that and show how these two started working together. I’m also curious about what exactly happened to Kusanagi’s brother. 
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It was a bit funny how Yūsaku just let himself in the van and closed it, while Kusanagi is like “Hey, I have to sell hotdogs”.
Hmm, so the cupboard is just for display, since it’s actually a high-tech computer.
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This episode might not be very action-packed, but there are definitely a lot of stuff going on: SOL Technology with their worries, the Knights of Hanoi with their agenda and Yūsaku and Kusanagi with their reasons.
Then, there’s this guy worried about which duel to watch xD
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That looked awesome.
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Hmm, I understand that the invasion is causing trouble in the virtual space, but then they showed people in the real world running away frightened...Anyway, for catching an AI, I think they are overdoing it.
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However, in all that commotion, Yūsaku just went out and waited for Ignis to show up. The moment it realized it was a caught was hilarious xD
What made the capture successful though, was the fact that Yūsaku could sense it, which I’m pretty sure it’s going to become an important plot point. And, Ignis was also looking for a way out, like it knew there will be an escape route. Though, that might be just me.
I must say, it was captivating to watch. We have SOL Technology trying to find it, then the Knights of Hanoi intrude, and it looks like there’s a conflict between these two. However, there’s Yūsaku and Kusanagi who make use of that (kind of) and set a good trap for Ignis.
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Their first meeting ended up being way sooner than I thought. Also, I didn’t imagine it will be just Playmaker rescuing her.
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Pff, now poor Ignis is treated as a hostage xD
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Hostage or not, Ignis still does what it wants. And so, the Data Storm Kusanagi was talking about came back. 
With this, the Data Material SOL Technology was looking for got unlocked. Hmm, I wonder what the higher-ups will have to say about this. Technically, they got what they were searching for, but there might be more to it.
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Am I the only one who thinks it’s weird that Yūsaku can ride the hoverboard without any trouble, despite being the first time he does that? Even if it’s virtual reality, I don’t think it’s that easy to control that thing.
All in all, I think it was a nice start. There might be a lot of dialogue and it sounds so complicated, but I’m sure things will become clearer as we go. I liked how we got some world building and how some of the characters were showcased. Plus, there were some memorable soundtracks, like the one which played when Yūsaku “transformed” into Playmaker.
I’m looking forward to the duel in the next episode.
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