#maybe I’ll eventually get to a place where I’m okay like living on my own and farther away
deityofhearts · 1 year
even if it’s not very far, the idea of moving away from where I’m at now (like the general county) seems very exciting and is like idk I think a step in the right direction
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Why is death feederism ok? It is objectively self harm, as one is doing something that will result in them hurting themselves and eventually dying (as fetishized). I just can’t understand it… I am someone in this space that likes being stuffed and full, and doesn’t mind a little biy of wg… but I just don’t understand why gaining until death is encouraged so much when it’s so extreme and life ruining.
Like if there was a feeder and feedee couple that were into it… what would happen if the feeder had issues and couldn’t help the feedee that is reliant on their feeder? What happens if they break up and the feedee is dependent enough where they need family or something to help?? I mean it’s just… they could literally die if they were so dependent and forced to live on their own.. encouraging people to ruin their lives because it makes their private part excited is encouraging self harm.
This is my opinion and I seriously want to know what you have to say… I brought this up to someone else and their response was to block me and say “I think death feeding women think more critically about the fetish🤔” without response. And just so you know this isn’t fatphobic, i never once said I find fat people gross or anything, I just find the idea of fetishizing self harm gross. It’s fetishizing being disabled and or dead.
TW for death feedism, kink talk, self harm/suicide
so general disclaimer - I am not a death feedist and so I don’t know that I’m a good representative to speak on this topic but I’ll share some brief thoughts.
I think it’s okay to look at extreme fetishes and feel uncomfortable with them, so I’m not going to try and tell you that you can’t feel the way you do. I was very critical of people who practiced this fetish in ways I personally didn’t like and this community helped me realize it’s not my business to do that. There is no moral superiority in kink.
The thing is though - in order to be sex positive and an ally to our fellow feedists (yes, even the ones we disagree with or don’t like how they practice the fetish) we have to respect their bodily autonomy and allow them to make whatever decisions they think is best for them. It’s not our job nor our place to tell folks what they can and can’t do.
I would maybe agree that it’s a slippery slope and in a very extreme case, you could argue that this line of thinking would allow us to excuse a suicide fetish, for example (unsure if that’s a real thing). But there ARE disability fetishes and a fetish isn’t inherently bad as long as there are informed consenting parties and you are practicing RACK.
I don’t know if that line of thinking is even worth arguing because it could only serve to slip the other way up the slope back to overt purity culture. I want to validate your thoughts and questions because its important to critically analyze things and i want to believe you are coming from a place of good faith (and I have it in me to try and discuss this).
Regarding the statement of “death feedists think more critically about the fetish” could be true, as realizing you’re a death feedist DOES require reflection and understanding of yourself and of fatphobia in general. I haven’t had at length discussions with folks about this but the death feedists on my dash that post about fat lib seem to know their shit.
At the end of the day, why death feedists enjoy that aspect of the fetish is not for me to debate with or without them present. It’s not for me to tell them what they can and can’t do with their bodies. That aspect of the fetish isn’t for me, but that doesn’t mean I have the right to tell others what they should get off to. I also think death feedists are a smaller portion of the community and it’s easy to block the tags they use if you don’t want to see their content. I know a few death feedists and I like them (at least their online persona) and they are probably more equipped to discuss this if they want to. So please feel free to add some comments if you’d like, death feedist friends.
My advice is practice radical acceptance. It feels uncomfortable but I think ultimately it makes you a better person when dealing with things you think are weird or gross or bad.
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yjhariani · 5 months
A brief scenario of Simon teaching gn!reader how to drive a motorcycle.
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“Are you sure you’re not supposed to be on the back seat?” you asked as you balanced yourself on the motorbike.
You put both hands on the handle, holding the brakes while Simon flipped up the kickstand with one hand holding the back handle.
The two of you now were idle in the edge of an empty field near where you live. The area was fairly empty and Simon picked this place specifically for convenience of teaching you how to drive a motorcycle. 
One day, you brought it up to him that you wanted to learn how to and Simon was on board immediately, without doubt. He did not even have to know if the reason was practical or because you wanted to do something that was of his interest. He did not care other than that you wanted to learn something from him.
“I could, but it’s going to be heavier for you,” Simon explained.
“Then, what if I fall? Or crash?” you questioned.
“Believe it or not, love, I might sound cruel, but it’s part of the process. You’ll fall or crash at some point, but my job here to make sure that it’s not going to be too bad of an accident,” Simon explained.
Looking at him disappointedly, Simon translated your face as concerned.
“I’ll be right next to you, I will catch up if you go too fast,” Simon promised. “Just remember to not panic.”
“You’re saying it like it’s easy,” you said.
“I believe in you,” Simon assured. “In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if at the end of the day you’d be the one driving us home.”
Those first four words alone injected you with a sheer of confidence. It could be his tone, it could be his voice, or whatever. Maybe it was Simon all the way since he had always had that effect on you.
“Okay,” you nodded. “What do I do from here?”
“Turn the key,” Simon instructed, followed by you doing as he said. “Hold the break and press the started.”
The bike started humming into life.
“Then?” you asked.
“You loose the brake and… slowly accelerate,” Simon said. “Slowly. You’ll know when to take your foot off the ground.”
So, as he said, you slowly and carefully twisted the accelerator, feeling the bike vibrating more the more you cranked it up. The digital rev counter started to raise from 0 to around 10 and you eventually started to feel the bike moving forwards.
“Yeah, keep going,” Simon encouraged.
At some point, you lifted your foot off the ground and actually started going forwards as the counter keep rising.
“Doing good, love,” Simon commented, now lightly jogging next to you. “Don’t go too fast yet.”
For some reason, you kept looking at the counter that now had reached the number 20 and hearing Simon telling you not to go too fast caught you a little bit off guard. In result, you accidentally cranked the accelerator, but also immediately following it by gripping both brakes at the same time.
Before you knew it, you advanced past Simon and your balance was off.. Not even on the next second, you ended up on the ground with one of your foot trapped under the bike.
As any other time you messed up and ended up on the ground, the pain was nothing compared to the embarrassment. So, you started off with a little chuckle as you, with Simon’s help, pulled the bike up.
“Are you alright?” Simon asked, flipping down the kickstand with his foot and twisted the key to turn the bike off.
“I’m fine,” you said.
“Did I startle you? I’m so sorry, love,” Simon said.
“No, I’m just… well, I mean, a little, but that shouldn’t have stopped me,” you said.
“Well, now we both know something we shouldn’t do,” Simon said. “Now, let me have a look at your foot.”
“It doesn’t feel so bad,” you admitted, looking at your own foot, twisting it around so you both could see all sides of it. “The shoes softened the impact.”
“Just a bit of scratch. Let me know if it’s hurting, yeah?” Simon replied.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
“Alright. You ready to get back on?” Simon asked.
“Sure,” you nodded.
Whilst getting back on the driving position, you tried to remember the feeling of driving the bike right before you fell.
“Now that I think about it, I do feel that I was gripping the handles really tightly,” you said holding your upper arm before continuing, “It’s a bit tight here.”
“Yeah?  Just remember to relax a little this time,” Simon said. 
“Alright,” you nodded.
“Ready?” Simon asked.
You nodded.
From there, you redid the start up. This time, you did better than the previous one. Simon was smoothly jogging along next to you and letting out some encouragements every now and again. When it came to it, he instructed you on how to take a turn and how to eventually stop when you reached the full lap.
You did another lap with Simon simply jogging next to you. Eventually, his pace got faster and faster, following your own on the bike.
Stopping at the end of the lap again, you and Simon took a moment to rest. You sat next to the bike, drinking your water. Simon, right away, started to gently massaged your arm where you very earlier on said that you felt a little bit of stiffness on.
After some time, you decided to continue.
“Now, how ‘bout you get on the backseat?” you asked once you turned the bike on and was ready to move.
“Are you sure?” Simon asked.
“Yeah. Unless you don’t want to in case I fall again,” you answered.
“Won’t happen,” Simon assured. “Now, hold on tight and make sure you balanced the bike. There’s going to be a little bit of a shift when I get on.”
You gripped the brakes and propped both feet on the ground. Simon carefully got on the bike. As he said, there was a shift, but once he was settled, his balance supported yours in a way.
“Ready?” you asked.
“Ready,” Simon answered.
With that, you started the drive again. There was a difference on the drive now you had someone on the backseat. As Simon said, it was quite heavier on the accelerator, but otherwise it all felt almost the same.
Having an additional weight did caught you a little bit off guard during the turn and, in a state of panic, you gripped both brakes and ended up with the two of you being thrown forwards.
Luckily, Simon managed to keep the bike upwards with the only casualty being him pressing you against the handles.
“Are you hurt?” Simon immediately asked, his arms now holding the handles, entraping you, but not squeezing.
Again, it was probably the adrenaline, but the embarrassment somehow felt more painful than the little bit of pain you felt.
“No, just surprised,” you chuckled.
“Are you sure?” Simon continued.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Let me continue.”
“Alright,” Simon replied.
However, you both only stayed there for a moment.
“You can let go, boo,” you said.
“Right, yeah,” Simon said, realising that he still had his arms around you.
One more time, you did the start up and did a couple of laps.
When the two of you decided to go home, you volunteered to drive and, as he said earlier, Simon was not surprised.
Did the journey home went smoothly? Not as much as when Simon was driving. Did you both get home uninjured? Not entirely per the previous incidents. However, Simon was glad that he got to spend the day out with you. Surely today would be something that he thought about for quite a few months in the future.
Simon was just proud that you wanted to learn something, actually learned it, and got him involved.
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hannahssimblr · 4 days
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“Is that everything?” Mom’s car idles as I haul my last suitcase out of the boot and onto the pavement. The wind is frigid, slicing through the tunnel of concrete and asphalt at departures, and whipping my clothes about my body like sails.
“Yeah,” I say. “That’s it now.”
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“Alright,” she says, and pauses, her face halfway turned, so I see her in profile from my place by the open boot, her sharp cheekbone silhouetted by the sunrays through the open floors of a car park.
“Right, well.”
“Yes. I better go.”
“Thanks for the lift.”
She hesitates, her chest rising and falling with a sharp breath. “I- It’s a shame you have to go,” she says eventually. “But it’s for the best.”
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“Call me when you land.”
“I’ll text.”
“That’s fine.”
I slam the boot shut, and she pulls away from the curb with a roar of her engine. 
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“Would all passengers travelling to Berlin on flight DLH-3478 please have your boarding passes and passports ready for boarding? Flight DLH-3478 now boarding at gate 41.” 
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“Welcome on board,” says a peppy flight attendant. “Can I help you find your seat?”
I shuffle down the aisle to the sounds of sleepy murmuring from the other passengers. A combination of English and German. I find my seat and shove my bag into the overhead compartment. 
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As luck would have it, I was randomly assigned a window seat. I squeeze in, my knees bent and nudging the seat in front of me. 
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Next to me, an older lady, in her sixties maybe, struggles in. “Oh, goodness’ sake,” she says, in this lilting, Donegal brogue. “These seats weren’t made for tall fellas like you, were they?”
“Suppose not.” I turn my face to stare at the asphalt out the window. 
She settles in, hauling a heavy purse onto her lap, from which she unloads her reading glasses, a book with a WHSmith sticker on the cover, a BLT sandwich and a knitting project, still on the needles. 
I breathe slowly from my nose. 
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“Terrible early flight, isn’t it?” She says, wiggling into her seat. 
“Yeah, I suppose.”
“I came all the way from Letterkenny. I had to get a bus at midnight. Imagine that. Took three hours overall. It’s desperate.”
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“Where are you coming from?”
“Clontarf. It’s like, fifteen minutes away.”
“Oh, lucky you!” She pulls down the table, but soon has to fix it back in place when the flight attendant coming to close the overhead lockers asks her to. The handbag is repacked and squeezed under the seat in front. 
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She happily talks over the safety announcement. “I’m excited about this,” she whispers as the attendant demonstrates how to blow up the life vest. “I’m visiting my sister. She’s lived over in Berlin for years and years. She’s got a German husband. Gerhard, and I’d say the last time I visited, well, we were trying to figure it out together when I was on the phone with her. Was it eight years? When was… No, it was 2001…”
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When the engines roar to life, and the plane begins its slow taxi across the runway, she produces a bag of sweets from her cardigan pocket. “For your ears?” she says. 
“I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?” She rustles the bag, and I look. They’re lemon bonbons. I like those. 
“Yeah, actually, thanks,” I say, and pluck one from the packet. I haven’t yet decided if I can eat it while my stomach is so knotted up and queasy. Maybe I’ll just hold it.
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“What’s bringing you to Berlin?” She says, as the plane rounds a wide corner to reveal the expanse of sky over the flat of north Dublin. 
“I’m moving, actually.”
“Oh! Wow, isn’t that exciting?”
“Yeah, I suppose it is.”
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“What has you going to Germany?”
“College,” I say, because it’s all I think I can say. Something is happening behind my face. I clench my fist around the lemon bonbon, sticky in my hot palm. 
“All on your own?”
“Oh, well, it’s a big change, isn’t it?”
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“Yeah, it is.”
“You’ll miss your family and friends, won’t you? It’s not far, but you know how these things are. It’s never easy leaving home for the first time.”
“You’re very brave.”
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A murmuration of starlings cuts through the blue. “Mm. I suppose. I-” I break off as my voice catches. No. I think. Not here. So I blink, hard, but it can’t stop the tears coming, because they’ve been waiting, as though building behind a dam, and now at last, in the most inconvenient location on the planet, something has given. “I… um…”
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“Oh, sweetheart,” she produces a tissue and I take it, pinching it against the bridge of my nose while tears spill over and snot flows, my teeth bared. I can’t bear to look at her as she fusses over me, her hand stroking my sleeve. I sniff, and it’s loud, and thick, and humiliating. 
“Darling, you’ll be alright, c’mere, now, you can just let it all out.”
“No need.”
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Like a mother, she murmurs vague, comforting sentiments as the tears pour, and build, and flood my vision until the view of Dublin blurs like wet paint. I sob until I think I’ll retch. The plane speeds along the runway, and lifts, and takes off into the sky, and I leave my little green island behind. 
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kurishiri · 3 months
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02 . . . the past records ˗ˏˋ🍎🪞´ˎ˗
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or may contain creative liberties. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost or claim these as your own!
— cw: near death experience (drowning).
Alfons: Well, you see, one of the teacups was a completely ordinary cup of darjeeling tea.
A: But the other cup of tea had a poison that could send you straight to the afterworld with naught but a single sip!
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Liam: Eehh!?
Alfons: You never fail to exceed my expectations with your priceless reactions, Liam.
Roger: How’d you even get your hands on that poison in the first place?
Alfons: By staining said hands with sins that a well-to-do doctor’s son such as yourself wouldn’t even dream of thinking about.
Liam: So, since you left whether you ran away or not up to fate, Lord Elbie would have made the correct choice if he chose the tea that didn’t have the poison in it.
L: And so you couldn’t leave Lord Elbie’s side… is that it?
Alfons: No, quite the opposite, in fact.
A: Had Elbie chosen the tea which did not contain any poison, I would have drank the one with it.
A: I would say my farewells and depart from this world with grace.
A: Well, what do you think? It’s truly a game befitting of the name Dead or Alive, no?
Liam: …That is a lie, right? There’s no way that can be true.
Alfons: Maybe, or maybe not, who knows? Are you going to bring in Harry to confirm your suspicions?
A: Anyhow, were Elbie to choose correctly, I would die an honorable and graceful death. And if he made the wrong choice, I would admit my defeat and rescue him.
A: And with that, I would stay by his side, just a little longer. It’s a rule of mine, you see.
Roger: So, the fact that you are with Elbie still must mean…
Alfons: Ever since we met, up to now, we would play this game every now and then when the mood struck…
A: …but, it’s truly a wonder where Elbie’s luck — or rather, lack thereof — comes from, as every single time, he has made the wrong choice.
—— Flashback ——
Alfons: Anyway, back to the tea.
A: Which one do you want?
Elbert: Umm… this one.
Alfons: …Are you sure?
Elbert: …? …Mn.
Alfons: …Well, then.
Elbert: Then, I’ll drink thi—
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Alfons: I wouldn’t drink that if I were you, seeing that tea’s got poison inside.
Elbert: …eh-?
Alfons: Here, drink this one, Elbert. I’ll throw out the poisoned tea.
Elbert: …? …?? …Mn, okay.
—— End flashback ——
Liam: Lord Elbie really is too pure.
Alfons: And I wholeheartedly agree. Why, once in a mission several years back, the two of us were on a boat that looked like it would sink down any minute—
Liam: Wait, you were about to sink!?
Alfons: Indeed, we were. It happened before you and Roger had joined Crown.
Roger: I’m starting to question your validity now.
Liam: Should I actually bring in Harry?
—— Flashback ——
Alfons: It seems there are two lifeboats here… well, which boat do you choose? I will take the other.
Elbert: …I feel like we could just ride one together.
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Alfons: The boats are small and narrow, so how about we don’t. Besides, this would be a prime opportunity to try what I’ve dreamed of doing — a boat race.
Elbert: I see… then, maybe this one?
Alfons: …Sometimes, I do find myself wondering why you are like this.
Elbert: …?
—— Time skip ——
Elbert: Al…
Alfons: Yes, what is it?
Elbert: …There’s water flooding into the boat.
Alfons: I can’t say I’m surprised, considering your boat has a hole in it.
Elbert: …You’re right. …A lot of the boat is underwater now…
Alfons: You can swim here then. Oh, and I do recommend taking your clothes off, as they will feel heavy underwater.
Elbert: Ah…
Alfons: ? Is something the matter?
Elbert: That fin… could it be a shark…?
Alfons: …I will come over to you, then, so try your best to stay on the surface with that bloody useless boat.
—— End flashback ——
Alfons: And so, we washed up on a beach with our lives hanging by a thin thread, taking a break while collapsed on the sand with the fallen coconuts.
A: Eventually, Victor and William [1] came around with a steamboat, and we returned to London. The end.
Liam: For some reason, I have more questions than answers...
Roger: So, if Elbie made the right decision and chose the safe boat, you would’ve sunk down with that bloody useless boat while saying ‘adieu’?
Alfons: To die by becoming shark food... putting a dramatic end to my life so early on like a cannon fodder villain does indeed have a nice ring to it, I must admit.
Liam: Wait, about that thing you suddenly asked about earlier!
L: The one where you asked me to think of ‘a game that is thrilling, the type where you’d die if you lose’…
Alfons: Ahh, yes.
A: The chicken race where we’d choose between carriages driven by either a drunk person or a sober one, and ride in it to the cliff. It was a great game.
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Liam: Wait, are you telling me… you played that game with Lord Elbie…? I thought this was for a mission or something…
Alfons: You can rest assured, as Lord Elbie had, once again and admirably so, made the wrong choice and chose the carriage with the drunk driver.
A: Oh, and not to worry, I saved them before the carriage dove down the cliff.
A: All that said, even if this was all a game of luck, I couldn’t help but feel it was very like Elbie to only make choices that end up hurting himself, and for some years I was genuinely concerned…
A: But as of late, I seem to have grown out of feeling both concern and amazement for him. So emotionally, I have nothing left in me. Nothing.
A: And so, that was how I came to stay by his side, even now.
A: Well, how about it? Quite the comedic tragedy, no? Go on now, I implore you to burst out laughing now.
Elbert: …Al, there you are.
Alfons: Oh, and if you speak of the devil. …Ahh, it’s already time.
A: Well then, I have a mission I need to do, so I’ll excuse myself here.
A: Oh, and you can just stick the photos of Lord Elbie somewhere in that mountain of documents Roger has.
As if to provoke him, Alfons snatched Roger’s liquor before leaving the room with Elbert.
Liam: ……
Roger: You got something you wanna say?
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[1] wasn’t sure how to translate this, or if there’s some reference in the EN game, so I just… omitted it, but I’d like to give a bit of an explanation. Here, Alfons says [ヴィクトル様とウィリアムさん] (vikutoru-sama to wiriamu-san), where he refers to Victor with —sama and William with —san. These are honorifics in Japanese, and they have no direct English translation. Alfons usually refers to most people with the —san honorific (he had always referred to Roger and Liam with —san), which is like an average “polite” honorific, but he refers to Victor with —sama, which is commonly used to denote a social status higher than yourself or it can be used to show respect or reverence. I think he just refers to Victor with —sama because he is the Queen’s Aide and basically like his boss. And, while we’re on the topic of honorifics, Alfons seems to switch on a whim (maybe?) between using and not using —sama (‘Lord,’ in this case, as Elbert is a count) with him.
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fuctacles · 8 months
in love and war part 2
For Spicy Six Winter Challenge hosted by @thefreakandthehair
T | 2221 | feelings realization, bi awakening | read part 1 here | part 3 here
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And this takes us to the present. The revenge plan.
The sun has just come up and there are four of them camping in Steve’s car, sharing thermoses full of hot beverages of choice. (Steve brought one full of hot cocoa and it's the crowd’s favorite.)
“Eddie is not an early riser, we’re wasting time,” Lucas complains while observing the trailer with his binoculars. 
“I think his uncle’s gonna wake him up for us,” Robin assures him. And like clockwork, Wayne Munson’s truck comes into view, almost knocking down one of their sculptures. The man steps out, takes a look at the dozen snowmen surrounding his trailer, and disappears inside. 
About fifteen minutes later, the curtains in one of the windows move. Steve’s buzzing in his seat. Or maybe just shivering. He reaches into his pocket for a tissue to wipe his runny nose.
“There’s a message!”
“Well, read it!”
“Nice move, Stevie,” Lucas reads the paper that appeared in the window. “Can’t play with you tho, I’m sick. Sad face.”
“Did he draw a sad face or…?”
“Of course, he drew it!”
Steve yanks the binoculars from Lucas to see for himself. The papers disappeared but Eddie took their place in the window, wrapped in a blanket. There’s a scarf around his neck and his nose is red. He looks bad.
“Damn. He really is sick.”
“Full offense but you look like shit, too.”
“Can it, Mayfield.”
He steps out and walks up to the trailer. Eddie finally spots him and he perks up and waves at him.
Even through the window, Steve can hear how croaky his voice is.
“Guess there goes your next campaign.”
Eddie laughs weakly, it turns into a cough.
“Guess so.”
“You started it,” he reminds him.
“I know. Sorry.”
“Why?” Steve frowns at him. Eddie shrugs.
“Seemed like a fun idea.”
“Imagine how much fun you could be having playing DnD now.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie waves his hand. “But. You know.” He shrugs again.
“No, I don’t know.” He shakes his head, frowning again.
“You don’t play DnD.”
He taps against the glass nervously and Steve collects himself quickly.
“We can find something that doesn’t end with you in bed.”
Eddie’s eyes sparkle with mischief and Steve immediately realizes the double meaning in his words.
“Okay, shut up.”
He turns around and leaves quickly. The inside of his car is surprisingly warm and he shivers from head to toe.
“Well, I’m leaving before I catch whatever this is,” Max eyes him before escaping the car. She stops once outside. “Lucas, you coming?”
The boy scrambles behind her.
“Let’s get you home,” Robin squeezes his arm. 
He takes one last glance at Eddie’s trailer and nods. 
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It’s all misery from there. He makes camp in the living room because that’s where the tv is and he needs some entertainment while sitting on his ass and coughing. Robin takes stock of his medicine cabinet and whatever else he may need while housebound. She forces him to take his temperature. He’s prissy about it because it would make the sickness real, but it’s barely above average.
“Good. Let’s keep it that way.” Robin pats him on the head while inspecting the thermometer. “Where’s your walkie?”
“There’s no need-”
“Little shitheads need to know they’re on their own. Or rather on their parent’s mercy.”
He nods.
“It should be on my desk.”
She’s gone for a while which makes him assume he’s excluded from the conversation. There’s probably a lot of yelling happening from the kids and Robin’s saving him the headache, bless her heart. She comes back eventually, walkie in hand. 
“I’ll leave it nearby in case you need anything, but I told them not to bother you, that you’ll contact them if you need anything.”
“Thanks,” he smiles. “You’re the best.”
“I know,” she smiles back. “Dustin isn’t happy, of course, but his mom said they’ll come with some soup later. Max said, and I quote “serves them well.”
“She's not wrong,” he mutters.
“Will and Lucas said they’re sorry. Will said Mike’s sorry too.”
Steve snorts.
“Course he did. What did Eddie say?”
“Nothing,” she shrugs. “Either he was sleeping or too sick to speak up.”
“Huh.” He’s weirdly disappointed about that.
“Anyway, I gotta go to work now because my coworker called in sick.” She pats his knee as she stands up.
“Uh, I’m sorry?”
She shakes her head.
“You’ll pay me back when I come down with whatever I just caught from you. I’ll come over tomorrow with some movies. don’t forget Dustin’s coming later today!”
He groans.
“Right, of course.”
“Yeah, not jealous about that, buddy.” She pats his head. His hair is ruined enough that he doesn’t protest. “Walkie if you need anything, do not leave the house, keep yourself warm. Toodles!”
“See you, Rob.”
Later he has to listen to Dustin yelling at him from the other side of the room (“I’m not getting any closer to your germs, Steve!”). Claudia, the wonderful mom she is, doesn’t have such reservations and hands him the soup she brought after heating it.
“Dusty made us make rounds to all your friends to gather a care package for you.”
Steve makes a surprised sound over his cup.
“Being sick is so boring, we thought it could help!” Dustin adds, still yelling from afar. But the anger seems to have seeped out of him. “We’re going to Eddie’s next, his care package is cooler.”
Steve laughs.
“He’s probably right, Ms. Claudia, I don’t think our interests overlap as much as with Eddie.”
“Well, you’re gonna get educated because we do not have boring jock shit for you.”
“What?! It’s the truth!”
Steve snorts so hard, he needs a tissue.
After they leave, he digs into the care package like it’s a Christmas morning. Everything has little post-it notes with get-well wishes and signed who it’s from. From Robin, he got promised medication restock and some hard candy for his throat. Will gave him a copy of Hobbit and a tape which upon opening, turned out to have a small joint hidden inside, courtesy of Jonathan. El lent him a Wonder Woman comic. Dustin gave him a Batman comic and a handwritten guide titled “D&D for dummies”, that actually made him chuckle. At the bottom, probably because Dustin was ashamed of his friend, was an issue of Sports Illustrated with a note “Read the Magic Johnson interview!” and below that, a girly-looking magazine, dryly signed “from Erica.” He chuckled to himself and opened it first. Inside was another Post-it note that read “page 17”. Intrigued, he flips the pages to find it.
On page seventeen, there is a segment titled “Flirting or bullying?” and one of the questions/stories is highlighted with a pink marker. Steve gets to reading.
“Dear TM team,
My friend, S, is being followed by this boy who keeps starting snowball fights. He’s waiting for S’s shift to end, sitting in his van outside the shop to do so. It’s turning into a full-blown snowball war by this point. My other friend thinks they are pulling pigtails, but I just think they are dumb. So, is it flirting or boys being idiots? -E”
Steve drops the magazine and goes into the kitchen to have a refill of his soup.
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When Robin comes in the next day, the magazine still lies where he left it, taunting him. His heart stutters when she picks it up with a laugh.
“I guess under all her snark Erica is just another girl, huh?”
Oh, how wrong she was.
He licked his dry lips before speaking up, barely audible and fucking terrified.
“Open it.”
Surprised, her eyes snap at him, but something in his tone makes her comply without a word. He pretends to busy himself studying the romcoms she brought.
“Huh,” he hears among the rustle of the pages. He looks up, too tempted to watch her face while she reads.
“What’s so fucking funny?” he asks, watching her lips quirk.
“Nothing!” she squeaks. “I’m surprised she did that.”
“I’m not. It’s Erica.”
“True,” she giggles, closing the magazine. He frowns at her.
“What did they say?”
“You didn’t read it?”
He taps his fingers against his mug.
“I chickened out,” he admits.
“Why don’t you ask Eddie yourself?”
“Robin,” he whines.
“Steve,” she whines back. She scoots closer and takes the mug out of his hand to lace their fingers together. “Listen, I rejected you and now we’re friends. You’re friends with Nancy too. You can let him down gently, it’s not the end of the world.”
“No, Robin…” He sighs, squeezing her hand. “I think I was, um… pulling his pigtails back.”
“Oh shit.”
“Oh shit,” he nods.
They look into each other’s eyes, giddy and nervous, before bursting into giggles. Their eyes fall back on the magazine. 
“Didn’t Eddie get a care package from them too?”
“Oh shit.”
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“Dude I can’t stay here forever, pick up the phone!”
“Your yelling is really not helping me.”
“Oh, so you’d rather do it by yourself?”
He winces.
“No? Yes? I don’t know!”
She groans and he’s pretty sure she’s about to strangle him when the phone calls. They both jump and stare at it. Robin eyes him but he’s not moving a muscle so she groans and picks it up in the middle of the third ring.
“Yes?” She sounds calm and collected. “Oh, hi Eddie!” She smiles like an imp, staring straight into Steve’s soul. “You sound like shit.”
He makes a sound of protest, but she puts a hand up to stop him.
“Oh, you just got your voice back? And you’re calling Steve first thing? How sweet!” She’s making kissy faces at him and he’s about to commit murder. “Yes, he’s awake, I’ll get him.” She holds out the receiver. “For you.”
“Fucking obviously,” he murmurs, snatching it from her. She snickers.
“I’ll be in the living room,” she says and struts away, but he keeps an eye on her just in case she decides to eavesdrop. 
He does sound terrible.
“It’s me, hi.”
“Hi, um. Did you, by any chance, maybe, perhaps, get a care package from the kids?”
Steve’s insides twist.
“From Erica too?”
“A magazine?”
“Page seventeen?”
Eddie breathes hard into the receiver. 
“Yes, that.”
The silence hangs between them. His clogged sinuses make it hard to formulate thoughts.
“What did they say?”
“Was it flirting or bullying?” he clarifies, fumbling with the cord. 
“You didn’t read it?”
“No.” He tries to find an explanation that doesn't sound bad. “Wanted to hear it from you.”
Eddie takes a ragged breath, it turns into a coughing fit. Steve frowns.
“You should go back to bed, we can talk about it later.”
“No!” Eddie protests straight away. Coughs a bit more. “I just… Yes, they say it was flirting,” he spits out.
Steve suddenly feels worse.
“But they were wrong,” he pushes for clarification.
Eddie sounded like they were.
“I don’t know,” he admits instead. Steve frowns.
“What do you mean you don’t know? You either flirt or-”
“I never thought about it, okay?” Eddie interrupts him. “I always assumed I’m into chicks but I’d definitely not flirt with one like that.”
It feels like a punch in the gut and Steve knows his own answer. Robin’s right, he’s survived rejection and unrequited feelings and got life-long friendships out of it. He can bear one more.
“Well, I’m pretty sure it was flirting on my part.”
Eddie starts coughing again.
“It’s okay if you weren’t i just wanted to be clear,” he adds as soon as the coughing subdues. “I never thought about it before either.”
“No, listen. Steve. Stevie.”
Steve’s stomach makes a backflip against his will.
“I’m still thinking about it, okay? Just, the fever isn’t helping. Like, I want to say yes, but I’d rather say it when I’m not sick and half out of it, you know?”
Steve barks out a laugh, relieved and hopeful.
“Sure, makes sense. I’ll still be here.”
Waiting, like a dumbass.
“Cool. I’ll call you tomorrow, I’m out of stamina for today.”
“Sure, uh, sleep well.”
“You too, sweetheart.”
Steve’s too stunned by the pet name to put the phone away, so they just breathe into each other's ears, startled. But he won’t let Eddie one-up him like that.
“Goodnight, handsome.”
Eddie made a choked sound before ending the call. Steve puts the phone down and walks back into the living room, where Robin is waiting for him, the TV forgotten.
“Well? What did he say?” she asks before he can sit down.
“That he’s still thinking about it.”
“But he did call me a sweetheart.”
“I guess neither of us realized we were flirting.”
“Steve!” She starts slapping his arm.
“What? What?!”
“I hate you so much! You were each other’s gay awakening? How is that fair?!”
She’s pouting when he grasps her hands to stop the assault.
“Well, we can plot a snowball war against Vickie next,” he offers.
“Are you kidding me?! She’d hate it!”
Steve imagined a gaggle of kids ganging against the poor little redhead.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I guess men are a simpler species.”
“You are so lucky I love you.”
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imaginefan · 1 year
Give It A Try
Scott McCall X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1055
Requested: Anon
Request: Can you do scott mcall x mate reader where the teen mother with pups and luna and she comes to beacon and scott falls in love and treats her pups like they were his own
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Scott had seen you around town a few times, he knew that you were new because there were no other werewolves he first opened the shelter but when you walked into the shelter with your two little ones holding each of your hands, he couldn’t help but smile. You had one little girl who was holding a little teddy under her arm and a little boy who upon seeing Scott stretched his little arms up for you to pick him up, he buried his face in your neck and you smiled. “Sorry he’s a little shy.” “No, don't worry about it, what can I help you with?” Scott asked. “Actually we just moved down here and I promised them that as soon as we got a garden we’d get a dog.” You explained “so I was wondering if you could point us in the right direction with one of your friends.” “Oh sure.” Scott smiled as he crouched in front of your little girl. “What kind of dog are you looking for?” “Big one!” She exclaimed her hands spreading past the width of her body as he smiled. “You think you can handle a big one?” He asked. “Yeah!” She nodded. “What about you little man, you want a big one?” Scott asked, you felt him nod against your neck. “What do you think mama?” “I think we’re probably not going to go too big, the house isn’t that big, so medium sized maybe.” You shrugged. “Have you ever had a dog before?” He asked. “Had one when I was a kid, my family has always loved dogs.” You shrugged “when I was a kid I thought I was going to work in a place like this.” “Why didn’t you?” Scott asked. “Things just didn’t work out.” You answered “wasn’t much of this stuff available where I lived and I needed a job sooner rather than later, ended up working retail instead.” “Sounds like the worst job.” Scott smiled sympathetically and you shrugged. “I’m Scott by the way, so do you guys want to see some of the dogs we have up for adoption?” “Yeah!” Your daughter cheered, he smiled as he put his hand out to her and you followed after, Scott took you all to meet all dogs that he thought would work for you eventually finding one that seemed to like your kids as much as they liked you. You didn’t take him home that day but as you left Scott stopped you. “You can swing by. I'm always looking for help, I can even pay you part time hours for when they are at school.” “Sure I’ll come back and talk to you about it.” You nodded, you don’t know why you said that usually you’d dismiss the idea it was a missed opportunity for you and you never really entertained the idea of going back to it… Well until now.
It had been a couple of weeks since you met Scott and during that time you had ot to know each other very well, including the fact that you were both werewolves, he helped out with the kids a lot and had even come around the house to keep them occupied when you had something that you needed to do but you were starting to realise that you missed him when he was gone and you found yourself thinking about him all the time, but you were sure that he didn’t feel the same to you, he didn’t need to be tied down with a single mother and her two kids, he had given you a job, a well paying one, that was good enough but it was becoming a problem when female customers came in and you felt jealous that Scott was talking to them or even interacting with them, you really needed to get under control.
One day you found yourself standing at the welcome desk when Scott walked out “hey are you okay?” He asked. “Huh?” You asked. “You know I can smell the anxiety on you.” He said and you looked at him and shrugged. “It’s nothing.” You answered and he looked at you and raised an eyebrow. “I’m working through it, don't worry.” “Working through what?” He asked, you knew that he was asking because it was normal for an alpha to want to fix everything. “Honestly it’s nothing to worry about.” You assured him. “Okay well I wanted to talk to you about something.” He said as he walked over to the door, turning the sign to close, you frowned. Why did he do that? Scott took your hand leading you around the back into his office where he leant against his desk. “I wanted to ask you about something.” “Oh okay.” You said softly as he smiled and put his hand out to you. You slowly walked forward taking his hand as you did. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately and everytime I’m with you and the kids, I feel so protective of you like your part of my pack even though you’ve never told me that you were, it’s not usually like that, so I talked to a friend if mine, he knows a lot about all this and considering the way you just tried to lie to me out there-” “I wasn’t-” “I’m not angry, I just think that you should know that if you're feeling the same way it’s normal apparently this happens with mates.” He explained. “Mates?” You asked. “Destined partners.” He said softly “we were both bitten so we didn’t really get taught all of this stuff and mates are rare.” “You think we’re mates?” You asked. “Then what about the kids, I fell in love with someone else.” “I fell in love with someone else too, apparently we can fall in love with other people because of how rare it is to find your mate but we’re here and neither one of us are in love with anyone else, I wouldn’t mind taking you out some time.” He explained. “You want to take me out even though I have two kids?” You asked. “I love you kids and if you give me the chance I will protect you all with my life.” He promised and you smiled as you nodded. “Okay, let’s try.” You agreed.
Requests and general question!
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Okay so I’ve been thinking about soap which led me to thinking about your soap and introvert!reader 🫠
For one I know soap loves listening to her talk (obviously cause she doesn’t do it a lot) but he loves bringing up topics that she’s passionate about cause 1. She looks so beautiful when she gets into it digging into all the details and the way the personality she keeps under wraps comes out when he gets a part wrong and 2. Intelligent women turn him on 🤷🏻‍♀️
The first time he gets her to be comfortable enough around him to start actually get her talking to the point where he’s just listening he has a very hard time hiding his hard on lol 100% covers it with a couch pillow and tries not to make it obvious and thank god reader wasn’t really paying attention cause it was so obvious it’s embarrassing 💀
Another thing, reader accidentally finds out that Johnny draws. She wandered over to his place to give him some food since she made way to much and she knocks but there’s no answer and Johnny has told her before just to come in if he doesn’t answer (obviously witching certain times lol) so she makes her way in and find him sitting on his couch with head phones on drawing in a sketch book. (I want to say it’s her he’s drawing but I’m not going too 😤) He’s drawing a set of brown eyes that seem to be surrounded by a mask? She’s in awe for a moment and goes to tap Johnny’s shoulder when he notices her and screams like a girl 🤣
Anyways this leads to them eventually getting to the point of (when Johnny is on extended leaves) he’ll wander over to her place and sit and draw while she does whatever it is that she does, reading, writing, music, or maybe even art herself. It would be so beautiful if this is when Johnny realizes he loves her. She calls him so much but he also gets to be who he truly is around her and he also bring out who she really is too 🥹
(Hope this all makes sense… anyways these are just thoughts not even really hc’s just little thoughts that came forward. Oh, and i also have another little thing for Simon and roommates!reader that I’ve been conjuring up and it won’t leave my mind so I’ll eventually send that ask 😈)
you are always giving me good thoughts because you're 100% right!!!! @random0lover
Soap would absolutely fall more in love with you the moment you start talking on and on about your favorite thing or something that you're interested in. He's 100% into intelligent people he will be turned on by someone who knows their stuff and by golly the first time you went crazy he was hanging onto every word but also trying really hard to not make it obvious he wanted to make out with you
(If you've seen that tik tok audio where it's like "i'm way too horn y to talk to this woman right now" that's him when you start talking passionately)
Soap would also definitely tell you you can enter his home whenever (as if you lived there too).
I think Soap would be a little embarrassed if you saw him drawing in his journal because his very nervous about you finding out he's drawn you so many times. But he's very willing to draw you something and if you suggest he can come over and draw while you do your own thing he might actually marry you
(i am so excited for the roommate series ask that will be coming you feed me so well)
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Too Late To Go Back
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Danny x Reader (f)
Warnings: Allusion to alcohol consumption
Find All Parts Here
You wake up to the sound of knocking on your front door. Sitting up in bed, you lean over and grab your phone checking the time. It’s 2:30 am. Huffing, you get out of bed and pull on an oversized sweatshirt. Walking out of your bedroom and into the living room, you walk the distance to the front door and look through the peephole. Closing your eyes with a sigh, you unlock the door and open it.
“Danny, what are you doing here?” You ask.
“I didn’t know where else to go.” He replies, clearly very drunk.
“Were your brothers not with you?” You question as he stumbles inside.
“No, they all had something or someone better to do.” He hiccups.
Taking a deep breath, you close and lock the door. You watch as he makes his way to your room. “Danny no, you can’t stay here. I’ll call Sam and have him come get you.” You say as you walk over and grab his arm to stop him from entering your room.
“He won’t answer. I’ve tried calling.” He says with a whine.
“Okay then, I’ll call Jake or Josh.” You huff.
“Nope. Josh is in Michigan and Jake’s with Jita somewhere.” He says raising a finger and twirling it around.
“So there’s really no getting you out of here.”
“Nope.” He says, popping his lips.
Groaning, you rub your temples. “Okay fine. You can sleep on the couch. Stay here and I’ll grab a blanket and pillow.” You say.
Walking into your room, you go to your closet to grab what you need. When you turn to go back into the living room, you find Danny sprawled out on your bed. “Damnit Danny!” You shout, startling him awake.
“What? What?” He asks in his confusion.
“Get out of my bed. You’re sleeping on the couch.” You snap.
With a whine, Danny flops back onto the bed. “I won’t bite. Your bed is so comfy. I’ve missed it.” He says turning onto his side and cuddling your pillow.
“I’m serious Danny, get up.” 
“Please just let me sleep here.” He begs.
Swallowing your anger and rolling your eyes, you decide not to argue with him and start walking out of the room to sleep on the couch. Danny notices and calls out to you. “Will you please come hold me?”
Scoffing, you turn to look at him. “No Daniel. You’re lucky I even opened that door. Now go to sleep.”
Sitting up on one arm, he holds out his other hand and says, “Please baby?”
You walk out of the room and go lay on the couch. Getting yourself settled, you close your eyes to try and get a couple more hours of sleep. Just before you fall asleep, you hear Danny talking. “I never should have let you go. You were perfect. Are perfect. I’ll never love someone like I love you.”
You pretend you didn’t hear him. Turning on your side, you face the back of the couch. Before you can stop yourself, you start replaying that night in your mind. You’d just gotten back to Danny’s from Jake and Jita’s engagement party. You’d had a great time celebrating their love and your mind wandered to when you and Danny might have an engagement party of your own. You’d been together for years and had both talked about marriage a lot recently, so it wasn’t an odd thing to think about. You’d expressed to Danny the things you’d like and what you’d want to do differently. Then suddenly, Danny got really quiet and wouldn’t even look at you.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Are you feeling okay?” You asked concerned.
“Yeah, it’s nothing.” He says with a wave of his hand to try and brush it off.
“Oh okay. You know you could tell me if something’s wrong. But I won’t pry.” You say gently.
“What if I didn’t want to get married?” He blurts.
Taken aback, you stutter, “I— I don’t know. I guess we’d just keep living how we have been. But maybe eventually get a place together.”
“I mean what if I didn’t want to marry you.” He says as he raises his face to watch your reaction.
“If that’s the case, why be with me at all?” You ask, anger and hurt seeping from you.
“I don’t know. We started dating pretty young. We’ve been together so long it feels like it’s just a habit at this point.” He says, leaning forward and resting his arms on his thighs.
Your face heats up with rage. “Excuse me?” You ask, voice rising.
“I guess I just thought I’d have more experience before settling down.” He says with a shrug.
“More experience.” You repeat back, folding your arms across your chest. “You wouldn’t want to marry me because I prevented you from having more experiences with other people?”
“You could put it that way.” He sighs, annoyed.
“What other way would you put it?” You ask curtly.
“I don’t know—” He starts.
“You know what, I don’t want to hear it. You want more ‘experience’? Fine. Go have it. I’m clearly just wasting my time thinking we loved each other and only wanted to be with one another.” You say cutting him off, throwing your hands up and walking away.
That was the last time you’d seen Danny before tonight. You’d gone back to your own apartment and refused to talk to him since. That was four months ago. Sighing, you close your eyes and try to not think about it. 
“I’d give all I have to go back and change that night. To stop myself from being so stupid.” Danny murmurs.
“It’s too late to go back. Go to sleep Danny.” You say.
“Is it? Is it really too late?” He asks, tears coating his voice.
“Yes. It is.”
taglist: @demolitionndann, @ichoosetheroad-gvf, @gvfjakesjooty, @gretavanloverleaver, @lolipopsandgumdrops, @lightmylove-gvf, @positivegvfthings, @myfavsstuff-blog
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pleasegodwhy81 · 11 days
After days and days of travel, we finally made it to Zandvoort. People zip and circle around me, getting everything ready. Once they’re done and my driver joins me, they let me out of the garage, they take my leash off. I can hardly hear the roar of the crowds over the thunder of my own engine. This is what I've been waiting for. This is what I was made to do, to go fast.We line up on the grid and wait for the lights to go out. And away we go! Barreling down straights, battling g-forces in corners, defending our position, fighting for higher ones. This is what I live for. What we live for.
We turn on the apex, he keeps us on the curb, on the ideal line. My right rear wheel can’t get over the curb. It slips into the grass. We have no traction anymore. I feel myself go flying down the track, my wheels barely grazing the ground. We spin to face oncoming traffic as we slam into the barriers over and over. I can hardly breathe through the pain. It feels like my insides are scattered across the track. I feel the back of my chassis heat up, I’m on fire. It burns. Where is my driver? Is he out? Where are the marshals? Are they coming to save me? They drown me in fire extinguishing gas and I choke on it. My driver is okay, and I’ll be okay eventually. He puts his hand on my chassis and breathes a sad sigh. He looks defeated, as if it's all over for him. It’s okay, I try to tell him, we’ll be racing again tomorrow. Except we don’t, I wasn’t ready to race in time.
I’m finally back on track. After my crash in Zandvoort, mechanics had slaved for hours fixing me and putting me back together again. I’m ready to race here in Monza. I go through all the pre-race checks, they look me over again and again. And then my driver arrives. But that’s not my driver, who is that? My driver is blonde, and blue eyed, and sounds different. My driver loves me; I don’t know who this man is. I don’t want to race with him. It’s not up to me though, and we take our place on the grid. He’s better than my driver, at least that's what everyone seems to think. He makes mistakes that my driver wouldn’t, but he does things that my driver couldn’t.
Yet, for as shiny and new that he is, he’s still inexperienced. He crashes out leaving my front wing totaled. He gets out as the marshals rush over. Everything is fine except that we can’t finish the race. I see this new driver coming towards me, maybe to comfort me, to hold me. We’re connected. When we’re driving together going 300 kilometers an hour down a straight we are one. We meld. Instead, he kicks my wheel and curses us both for costing him the race. He’s mad at me. But I can’t do anymore than he tells me to do. Maybe they’ve never taken my leash off. They red-flag the race, and I’m airlifted off the track.
It’s the next race, and it’s still this new driver. Is my driver really not coming back? Do I never get to see him again? We didn’t even get our last race together; I didn’t even get to say goodbye. I miss him. I hope he’s happy- my driver. I hope he’s home
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midnightkens · 3 months
ken and colt have a simultaneous chronic illness flare up.
ken can usually predict when his flare ups are coming. he doesn’t get an actual period anymore, but the debilitating symptoms come around the same time as his cycle used to. like clockwork.
for colt, it’s different. he never really knows when it’s coming and feels grossly unprepared. he’s usually laid up for a few days.
it happens shortly after they move in together. ken wakes up around three AM with the familiar agonizing cramps. he’s in the bathroom by himself for a few hours, no longer puking but hurting too much to move. when he checks his phone, he startles at the time. 9 AM. colt hasn’t stirred.
he may or may not army crawl over to their bed to check on him, and ken’s stomach sinks when he sees how tense colt is. how he has his pillow shoved over his head to block out the light. he knows exactly what’s wrong.
it hurts to stand, but for colt, he’d do anything. he gently rubs colt’s shoulder. “colt?” he says lowly. “bad day?”
colt huffs in response, and ken knows he has his answer.
okay. not ideal for either of them. they’re great at caring for each other during solo flare ups - but simultaneous flares have never happened before.
ken’s taken care of himself during flares before. he can take care of himself and colt, he tells himself.
it’s painstakingly slow, but he shuffles his way to the kitchen. glass of water, check. excedrin, check. and with the way their bodies like to make them feel like they’re being stabbed, they usually have two heating pads on standby. he eyes his own heating pad, but decides to come back for it.
colt’s still in the same position when ken comes back. it hurts to see him like this, to know that he’s in pain and there’s little he can do to help. he turns on the heating pad and gently places it on colt’s back and runs a hand through his hair. colt’s shoulders slump as the heat eases his aching body, and he moves the pillow so ken can see his face. his eyes are still pinched in pain, but he offers ken a small smile.
“thanks, dollface,” he whispers. he moves to put the pillow back, but ken grabs his wrist.
“not yet. excedrin first.”
colt grumbles, but accepts the meds with little fuss. he takes a few slow sips of water and leans back, finally getting a good look at ken’s face. “you okay? you look like shit.”
“i feel like shit.” he can’t hide anything from colt. he’s never been able to, not since they met and he was inexplicably drawn to the stuntman. “i’m getting my stuff and i’ll be back in bed in a few minutes.”
he’d had his own medicine ready to go since last night, since he’d felt the first twinge of worsening cramps. all he has to do is get some water, get a heating pad, and maybe a trash can and he’ll be good.
it’s a testament to how awful he feels, that colt doesn’t protest. by the time ken gets back to the kitchen, he’s sweating. he feels so disgusting. he downs his medicine, grabs his heating pad, and beckons jean claude to follow him to the bedroom. the dog eagerly follows, and ken stumbles back to bed. he’s breathless; the nausea is starts creeping up again. he waits for the heating pad to work its magic and doubles over, resting his head on the rim of the trashcan he’d brought back with him.
colt fishes blindly, eventually landing on ken’s thigh. ken laces their fingers together. “you okay?” colt’s voice is low and soft.
ken hums noncommittally. “it’s been worse. how are you feeling?”
“it’s been worse.” ken huffs a small laugh, and they lapse into silence.
he makes it about three more hours before he finally caves and calls barbie. he tries not to feel guilty about it. “i thought i could handle it,” he tells barbie morosely. she’d nearly manhandled him to the recliner in the living room, where he can reposition himself without disturbing colt. “i was doing so good.”
“you did great.” barbie hands him a plate of toast and some powerade, the first thing he’s eaten all day. “but you’re sick, too.”
“i’ve been worse.”
“you blacked out trying to make colt eat something. that hasn’t happened in ages.”
“okay, but - “
“no buts. i’m here now. sit down and eat your toast. i’ll check on colt.”
ken picks at his toast. tries not to feel guilty about falling for help. he was doing okay! it was all going fine until he tried to get his partner some toast. but nooo, he stood up for too long and his body hates it when he does that.
ken hates his body sometimes. a lot of the time, actually. even when he’s not debilitated by them, he still has annoying cramps. he hasn’t been pain free since dollhood.
he wipes away frustrated tears, angry with himself. it hurts, not being able to take care of colt the way he usually does. what if colt’s angry with himself for calling barbie? what if this is punishment for the kendom? when will colt get sick of him and leave him?
everything always fucking hurts, and he’s so tired of it.
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“Hello!” It was as simple as that. “Oh! Um…hi, are you…uh….ok?” You took notice of me, granted I was strung upside down on some pole-branch thing or whatever it was. “I could really use some help right now. I’d get myself down but seeing as I’m a bit tied up at the moment I can’t.” I decided to play a joke on you. I let down my prosthetic arm down for you to reach and as soon as you grabbed it and pulled it, POP! It came off! Naturally you started to freak out, to which i started to laugh. What? It was funny ok? “You’re creepy! Maybe I should move along!” Oh shit wait!! “No please! Wait! I’m sorry ok! It was supposed to be a joke, I’m sorry! Please help me!” You sigh and began to walk towards me. “Alright I’ll help you, but if you pull any more jokes, I’m going to thwack you with your own arm while you’re still strung upside down!” “I promise I won’t do anymore jokes! Please don’t hurt me, I’m really sorry! Please help me!” You began to untie me, freeing me from the restraints. “Thanks so much! I really owe you!” “So how’d you get into that predicament anyways if you don’t mind me asking?” “Oh um, I just ran into some trouble is all.” I said while readjusting my arm. It’s really not worth mentioning on how that happened, really it’s not! “Well I best be going now, safe travels!” No wait! “Uh wait! Where are you going?!” “It’s not your concern.” “Um…I…uh… I only ask because I’m concerned for your safety, that’s all! I promise! It’s not exactly safe to be traveling alone, let alone on foot! Look you can come with me, there’s a dinner nearby! I can take you there so that way you can rest up!” “How can I trust you? I just met you!” You’re so smart! And so cautious too! Heh heh, so cute!!! “You can trust me! I devote myself into helping others and saving people! I promise!” “Okay then.” Yes! You gave me a chance! “I promise you won’t regret thi-hey! Wait! Whoa!” You still had that rope!
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“This is insurance for me in case you try something funny. Don’t think I didn’t see your gun there mister!” Wow you’re so smart!! I really like that! “Ah! Uh, ok! Whatever you say! I’ll take you there!” “So where is this dinner anyway? Is it over here?” “Ah! No it’s this way!” “This way?” “Ah! No the other way!” “Other way? You mean this way?” “Gah! No wrong way still!” “Is there even a dinner! Are you trying to take me somewhere else secluded!” “Yes! Wait, I mean no! I mean there is a dinner I promise!” “Then where is it?!” “I can take you there if you stop dragging me around! Whaaahaahaha!” Eventually, we got there. I had to explain to Rosa that you were a friend of mine, and only reason why you had me tied up was because I spooked you. “Vash! That’s no way to treat someone that’s trying to help you! You could’ve gotten shot! Or worse! I’m so sorry about him! He’s such a goofball! He means no harm! Honest!” Thanks Rosa. That really means so little a lot! Wait, what? I care about Rosa. “So what brings you here? Other than Vash that is.” Rosa asks. “Oh, I’m just resting up. Trying to get somewhere else.” “Oh where are you going?” Yeah, where are you going? I don’t want you to leave my side just yet. I want you to stay around me Jeneora Rock a little more. “Just somewhere better for me, that’s all.” What could that mean? Where is better? “Well, I hope you find a better place to live, you won’t find much here. Our Plant hasn’t been working well.” “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, I hope you can get that fixed. I know that it must be difficult to live with broken Plant.” “Yeah it is, all we can do is hold out for hope though. Vash has been wonderful to us! He helps us out! Isn’t that right Vash?” “Y-yeah! guilty as charged! Heh heh he!” An idea formed in my head. “You should stay at my place! Free of charge! I mean you aren’t sticking around that much, so I figured my place would be a best place for you to rest up!” Please work please work PLEASE WORK! “Well, I guess I could, I do need to save up on cash,” Yes yes YES! “in that case I’ll stay with you. But just for a little bit! Okay?!” “Y-yes, that’s fine.” YEEEEEEAAAASSS! “I’ll show the place! It’s not much, but it’ll do. I’ll let you have my bed, I can sleep on a chair or on the floor.” “What?! I can’t take your bed!” “Sure you can! I insist! You’re my guest! You should have my bed, I can handle sleeping on the floor or a chair.” “Okay then, if you insist.” You looked hesitant on taking my bed, you’re so considerate! How nice. Soooooo nice. “Say, I never got your name, what is it?” You tell me your name, it’s wonderful. “What a lovely name! I like it!” You began to giggle. Your giggles are so cute! “Thanks!” You ended up sleeping on my bed, and well, I slept on the floor. I faced worse, this is nothing. I can’t believe I have you all to myself right now. Why do these thoughts keep happening? What’s happening to me? Anyways you’ll be leaving in the morning, with more supplies to spare! I do hope you find a place that’s mean for you. Wishing you the best. Morning comes and you’re off. You said you’re goodbyes and I wished you farewell. “I hope we see each other again in the future Vash!” “Me too!” You wave goodbye, so do I, and your off before I even knew it. I watched you leave and become smaller and smaller. Becoming a small dot until I couldn’t see you anymore. I really hope I do see you again. I look forward to it. And it all started with a hello.
“Vash. Why have I heard that name before? Come to think of it, why does he look so familiar?”
A/N: Holy shit this is my first time doing something like this! I’m really nervous and excited about it at the same time! I hope it’s good! Not sure if I’ll make another part anytime soon, or make it into a series, I would need to take my time on that. Make sure you check my tags! I put little tidbits in there!
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bellmo15-blog · 22 hours
Like A Whole New World
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Are you all that surprised I eventually got something relating to Aladdin? I mean this is me we are talking about heh. XD And if you are surprised… good lord, have you people even been TRYING to pay attention to some of the stuff I’m interested in?!?!
If you were to ask me what my favourite animated Disney movie was, well that would be a hard question because there’s a lot of great movies they have made when they aren’t pointlessly making live action remakes of those movies for reasons I don’t think I’ll ever understand, but one of them definitely has to be Aladdin… Well, Aladdin and Hercules but seeing as how this is an Aladdin pic of course I’m gonna talk about that here! Aside from just the overall design of the film fitting into my kind of design aesthetic of that old Middle Eastern/Arabian Nights kinda look it’s just a generally great movie held up by it’s amazing characters (ESPECIALLY the Genie) and how there’s never really a dull moment in this whole thing.
And nothing says “I like this film” more than getting not only my own sona dressed as the main character but also my waifu and there girlfriend Shantae dressed as Jasmine. Fitting two considering Shantae herself is Half Genie and a genie plays a massive role in the story of Aladdin. Or I guess she’s dressed as Princess Buddir al Buddoor if we’re going by what the Princess was actually called the original story of Aladdin from the 1001 Nights. And also technically Aladdin lived with his parents in the original story compared to the Disney version where he’s a street rat. And also there’s actually two genies instead of one. Also Jafar isn’t defeated by his own hubris but rather… Oh, what’s that? You didn’t know that Disney’s Aladdin was an adaptation of an already existing story? It’s okay, lots of people still don’t realise pretty much all of Disney’s Animated Library is lifted from already existing sources lol. And so is some of Dreamwork’s two. No seriously, look it up!
Yeah the whole concept behind this pic more or less writes itself. Me with my wired little interest in this sort of aesthetic and liking this movie a lot and Shantae with her heritage as being half genie and a belly dancer. Plus, apparently at least according to one friend, Aladdin and Jasmine are a pretty popular cosplay couple anyway. Plus, it’s nice to get something involving my sona and Shantae together on the more wholesome side again. And I’m sure the place that holds those Magic Carpet races in Half Genie Hero won’t mind us borrowing one of their carpets for this. Or maybe the carpets a present from Sharah from Sonic and the Secret Rings after Shantae finally met her. *Or, since I am brining up Sonic and the Secret Rings, maybe this is just our equivalents in the world of Arabian Nights. Hey, who said that whole thing was limited to JUST Sonic characters lol?*
Artist is AmeerAshourDraws.
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Things I'm doing rather than my 600 followers event and my school work: This
I'm sorry
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Pairing: Mahito x Reader
Word Count: 2'560
Warnings: Forced Relationship, Implied kidnapping, Escape attempt, Brief gore, Murder (not reader), Blood, Torture (not reader), Knives, Noncon kissing, Mahito is his own warning.
Bonus points if you can see what two scenes I got heavy inspo from
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“So let me get this straight.” Your friend had their elbows resting on their knees -  hands pressed together in a prayer position with their fingertips against their lips, “You were kidnapped.”
“Not by a man, but by a monster.”
“A monster that it seems only you can see, but it can still interact with everyone else despite this.”
“Are you sure you didn’t hit your head on your way here?”
“Damn it, I’m being serious!” You hissed, looking towards the living room window nervously, “I don’t know how long I have, I need a place to hide.”
They held up their hands in surrender, “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. It’s just…” Their expression softened, “you’ve gone for weeks, hun, when others find out about your explanation, they’re going to throw you in the loony bin.”
You laughed dryly, “Yeah, and he would have endless fun with that.”
A beat of silence passed as they looked you up and down, eyeing you with concern.
“You really aren’t making this up…”
There was another stretch of silence as the weight in the room officially set in.
“...How did you get out?”
Flashes of memories far too fresh for your taste sent a chill down your spine, and you shook your head rapidly - drawing your knees up to your chest.
In all reality, it was pure and honest to god luck. You could barely remember half of the events that led to your escape, adrenaline doing its job in being one hell of a drug, but frankly you did not want to remember.
The thought of possibly having to do it again would break you completely.
The cushion beside you dipped with weight, and you felt your friends arms wrap around you - hugging you closely to their chest.
Your flinch was ignored by the both of you.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be asking you things like that.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, “It’s fine.”
“No, it isn’t.” They moved their hand in soothing circles on your back. “Of course you can hide here, although I’m trying to think of the best place to put you while also not triggering the shit out of you.”
That made you laugh a little, dissipating the tension ever so slightly. “Just don’t put me in a basement, and we’ll be fine.”
They chuckled, hugging you closer. “No basement, got it.”
A somewhat comfortable silence fell between the two of you, and for the first time in ages you felt hope that maybe, maybe, you would soon be able to relax.
“I have an idea.” They said, releasing you gently and standing up, “Follow me, I’ll need your help.”
You obeyed, sending a last worried glance towards the window as you followed them out of the living room. Eventually you came to a stop in front of a closet in one of the hallways.
“Where I’m planning on putting you doesn’t have a lot of heat, so you’ll need these.”
They pulled out a pile of blankets - each differing in texture and thickness as he handed them to you. You took them wordlessly, setting your chin on top of the pile to keep it from falling over. They looked towards you and smiled warmly.
“You can never have enough blankets when utility is expensive as shit.”
Your lips twitched upwards as you were directed back the way you came - your friend sporting their own bundle tucked under their arm as they eventually led you out their back door into their yard.
It was a quiet night, and very clear. It had been a while since you had experienced one of them.
“In the absolute worst case scenario, I thought this would be the best place.” They explained, nodding towards a small shed that was in the back left corner of their yard. “I haven’t used it in a while, but I still keep it pretty tidy so you should be somewhat comfortable until you feel enough time has passed to move to a place that’s a little more conspicuous.”
They leaned against the wooden door with their shoulder and it opened with little resistance. Inside, moonlight illuminated the contents, revealing an assortment of all kinds of tools - all of which had a thin layer of rust on them.
“Pretty much anything that’s sharp is either on the upper hooks or in a drawer, so unless you are explicitly trying, you won’t have to get a tetanus shot while you’re here.”
They set the blankets down on one of the steel counters before facing you fully, resting a hand on your shoulder. “But in all seriousness, by having you in here, you are completely out of sight. I’ll bring you food for as long as you want to stay, and you’re absolutely free to leave at any time. However, for the sake of staying as hidden as possible, I’d recommend only coming inside when you need to use the washroom. Is that okay?”
You nodded, tears filling your eyes. “I can’t even begin to think how to thank you.”
They smiled kindly, “You can thank me when this is over.”
With that, they left; leaving the door open behind them as they made their way back into their house.
The breath you hadn’t realized you were holding left you in a long sigh. This was really happening. You were really here.
There was still the gnawing sensation in the back of your mind, screaming at you to go back before Mahito found out you were gone, but it was far too late for that. He would have undoubtedly noticed by now, and you’d be doing your dignity and pride a favor by not crawling back to beg for forgiveness.
You doubted he’d listen to such pleas, anyways.
You set the blankets down in a corner at the back of the shed. It was partially hidden by the counter, leaving a three foot gap for you to curl up and tuck yourself out of sight, in theory anyways.
The blankets your friend had carried were layered on top of the others, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to lay down just yet.
Drawer contents rattled softly as you pulled each of them open, taking some of them completely out of the slot to get a better angle with the moonlight to see what was inside before putting them back. You stopped at the fifth one, reaching in and pulling an old, dusty box cutter and holding it up to the moonlight.
It had definitely seen better days, but the slide wasn’t stuck which was good news. You pressed the blade out, snapping the rusted tip off and placing it towards the back of the counter out of harm's way.
You stood in the doorway for a moment analyzing the knife before slowly closing the door, enveloping you in darkness.
It would have to do.
Curling up in your corner, you buried yourself under several layers of blankets - exacto knife clutched closely to your chest. The exhaustion of it all came to a head, and you let your eyes shut for your first night by yourself in a long time.
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You woke to the sound of glass breaking and muffled shouts.
Ice replaced all the blood in your veins and all the air was sucked from your body. You didn’t dare move, not a single inch. A sweat broke out all over your body, your grip around your impromptu weaponing tightening as you put all your effort into keeping your panic as silent as possible under the blankets.
A naive part of you questioned if it could be a robber breaking into one of the neighbouring houses, but that would have been too much of a coincidence.
You knew better.
The noises suddenly came to an abrupt halt, the previous evening silence returning, however its peace was now tainted with fear.
It was the not knowing that killed you inside. The overwhelming urge to leave the shed and enter the house to see what had become of your friend had to be stomped out, and you pressed yourself against the wall as much as you possibly could; hoping that your corner looked like a heap of old blankets rather than anything else.
There was no way to know how much time had passed between the crushing silence and the groan of the shed door on its hinges, but it stood still when you heard the sing-song call of your name.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are~.”
The inside of your mouth filled with blood as you bit down on your cheek to stop your whimpers from escaping, but it was impossible to keep yourself from flinching at a sudden, and incredibly loud *CRASH* sounded out. He must have been pulling things out of the cabinets looking for you.
The second time it happened you were ready, but you still flinched from the impact of several objects falling onto your blankets.
“There you are!”
Dread sank in your stomach and you pressed your lips together to keep your cries in while praying that his declaration was one of assumption of where you were rather than set in fact.
The latter was proven to be the case as the blankets were ripped away from you with ease, the shock from the cold air and exposure to your monster making you gasp.
As soon as he locked eyes with you, Mahito smiled - looming over you with satisfaction.
You sat up, pushing the blade of the box cutter halfway out and pointing it towards him with as much menace as you could muster. He looked down at your weapon of choice curiously for a moment, then back to you, his smile widening.
“You’re so cute, you know that won’t hurt me.”
“I can fucking try.”
To prove your point you took a swipe at him when he reached out to pull you up. Mahito dodged it effortlessly, his eyes darkening for a moment before disarming you faster than you could blink. The gap between you was closed just as fast, the tip of the blade now inches away from your own face.
You braced yourself, not even daring to breathe as he looked between you and the knife, the tension in the air increasing tenfold when he pressed his thumb against the slide - pushing out the blade as far as it could go.
The cheerful expression he gave you next was like whiplash.
“This won’t do a thing unless I let it, watch!”
To your absolute horror Mahtio opened his mouth and pressed his tongue against the blade, dragging it upwards like licking a lollipop. You couldn’t take your eyes off the grotesque display as you watched his tongue split into two, only minimal amounts of blood dripping down his chin and onto your blankets before the gashes closed on either side once he reached the tip of the blade - creating two separate tongues.
“There you go,” he popped his lips, looking back towards you in glee, “see?”
It was a miracle you weren’t sick right then and there.
He began to say something else, but the words went over your head as you focused all your energy in not throwing up on the spot. After a moment, the sound of your name brought you back to reality temporarily enough to shift your attention to his face, and you let out a gasp of simultaneous disgust and surprise when you felt his lips press against yours.
If it wasn’t a task not to puke before, it certainly was now. You tried your best to keep your lips clamped shut, but the effort was just as futile as your attempt with the box cutter. The sensation of two tongues invading your mouth made you squeal, unable to move while Mahito did as he pleased - moaning into your mouth and making you gag at the vibration. You didn’t dare bite him or push him away.
He broke it off almost as suddenly as he initiated it, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips for a moment before it snapped.
His eyes were half lidded when he spoke, “Now that I have your attention, we really do need to talk.”
You were yanked up harshly by your wrist, the skin burning underneath his grip as he hauled you out of the shed back towards the house.
“Now, we’ve been together long enough to know each other pretty well, don’tcha think?”
You yelped when your shoulder clipped the back door frame. He hummed contently in response as he weaved his way through the rooms.
“I think so too, so you know that whenever I make promises, I’m going to follow through with them, right?”
He came to an abrupt stop, holding you so your faces were mere inches apart and searching your face as you nodded - giving you yet another smile when you let out a meek “Yes”.
“Good! So this shouldn’t be a surprise.”
He pushed on your shoulder, turning you away from him as he spoke and you came,face to face with the grotesque remains of your friend.
Disfigured didn’t even begin to describe the state they were in, they were massacred.
It was obvious he didn’t just transfigure them, the blood that streaked across the walls and ceiling like a horrific Jackson Pollock painting was more than enough evidence that he took joy in beating them within an inch of their life.
The fact Mahito had kept them alive was another torture inofitself.
The only indicator they were still with you was a sickening gurgle as they attempted to say your name as you made eye contact, and your stomach twisted into knots.
They only managed to get half of it out as a tear fell down your face, and bile rose in your throat.
The look you sent him was withering, “You’re a fucking monster.”
Mahito waved his hand dismissively, “Semantics, I told you what would happen and you didn’t listen.” He walked over to the remnants of your friend, propping his foot up like he was fucking Captain Morgan, “I made it very clear when we first got together, ‘leave me, and it won’t be just you who suffers the consequences.’,” he gestured to the lump beneath him, “so this is just as much your fault as it is mine.”
The sorrow in your heart quickly shifted to anger, “I didn’t make you do this!”
“Oh but you did!” The look on Mahito’s face was haunting as he reached into his pocket, pulling out the same box cutter from the shed, “and to make you fully understand that, you’re going to finish what you had me start.”
Confusion set in first before the gut sinking horror, and you shook your head frantically - too appalled to even say anything. You knew it was dangerous to refuse him - especially at this point - but you didn’t care. There was a very clear line in the sand that you absolutely refused to cross.
But it was clear that meant nothing to him.
He clicked his tongue, staring at you for what felt like ages before he gave you the most sinister grin you had ever seen.
“Tell you what,” he placed his palm on their skin. Your eyes widened in terror.
“Instead you get to choose how they go.”
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© absolute-flaming-trash 2022. Do not repost, modify, copy, or claim.
Taglist: @prettycutebunny, @sai-my-beloved, @we-are-so-close, @shorkbrian, @biby-24k, @forcefulkitten, @siphite
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illustrious-rocket · 2 years
10 Songs, 10 People
Tagged by @blind-the-winds
Rules: list ten songs, then tag ten people to pass the game on to! (bonus points if it's from a wip/character playlist!) 
I hope it’s okay if I bend the rules a little bit because let’s be honest, I don’t know 10 people lol... I’m going to just list some songs that come to mind and talk about them, and I’ll tag someone who I know will have fun with this.
Tagging: @lilliths-httyd-blog
Jax, because you mentioned I might be able to add to your list and Eva came up in yours, I may as well start with filling in the songs from the Rebuild movies, Utada Hikaru’s “Beautiful World,” “Sakura Nagashi” and “One Last Kiss.” The original series’ “A Cruel Angel’s Thesis” was described as “ an anglerfish lure to make you think it's upbeat and kickass, when it's literally an anime about depression,“ and “Beautiful World” could be thought of in similar terms. It plays during the credits of the first two films in the series of four, and both times it wants you to think that maybe this time, the world really isn’t so bad. Shinji and Rei end the first movie finally connecting. At the end of the second, Shinji finally goes fucking postal after being kicked around by his rotten father and decides to get what he wants with his own two hands. Maybe there’s hope that this time everything will be different. Maybe.
Nope. It’s all a windup for the absolute gut punch the third movie delivers. Things are as depressing as ever, possibly worse. And fittingly, “Sakura Nagashi” replaces the upbeat, hopeful sound of “Beautiful World” with a bleak and mournful one suited for the bleak film it concludes. But even then, one sliver of hope slips through - “everyone finds love, in the end” - that reminds the listener that even when things look absolutely hopeless, they will eventually get better. “One Last Kiss” is the end point of that journey, providing the point of view of someone who has survived hitting rock bottom and is managing to move on.
To progress onto some other answers...
The next one has a story behind it. A couple years ago I learned of an (apparently?) obscure late-80s Italian horror movie, Paganini Horror. Directed by Luigi Cozzi (the director responsible for, among other things, the infamous Star Wars ripoff Starcrash a decade prior) it is pretty much what its title implies, a horror movie using the violinist Niccolo Paganini as a central figure. The first red flag was why it came to my attention in the first place - the main characters are an 80s girl rock band, and in their very first appearance in the movie, they’re performing an “original” song that is actually just 95% copied from “You Give Love a Bad Name” by Bon Jovi. Bad enough, but that’s not why I’m telling this story.
Last year I finally got around to actually watching this movie, and let me tell you, it is fucking unhinged. The plot literally revolves around the band needing a new song - because, in a moment of supreme irony, their manager feels the “You Give Love a Bad Name” ripoff is too unoriginal - and one of their members gets into contact with a shady salesman (played with ridiculous glee by Donald Pleasance, nearing the end of a career where he was in plenty better than this film including portraying James Bond archenemy Blofeld) who sells him “Paganini Horror,” an unpublished piece by Paganini.
Dude, I am not fucking kidding when I say this “unpublished score” is just “Twilight” by Electric Light Orchestra with the lyrics removed. They want you to believe a composer from the 16th century wrote an ELO song from 1981. The entire movie hinges on this. The band decides to use the score for their new song and creates a new set of lyrics (titled “Paganini Horror” in the film but more likely called “The Winds of Time” based on the lyrics) and decide to film a video for it in a house where Paganini once lived. Listen to this. Tell me that is not literally the EXACT SAME SONG as “Twilight.” (Warning for the image in that video, there is a skeleton and blood.)
It gets more unhinged from there. It turns out - though not without some extremely unsubtle foreshadowing - that the guy who sold them the score either is the devil or an agent thereof. They sold their souls to commit copyright infringement. Thus, when they go to Paganini’s old manor to film their video, they become trapped due to his curse from when he sold his own soul, and are stalked throughout the mansion by his demonic spirit. Now, you might have looked at that image in that video and thought, wow, that looks awesome. A skeleton with wispy white hair playing a violin with a bow that’s dripping blood?
Yeah, that ain’t true. In the actual movie, he looks like Tommy Wiseau wearing a cheap costume from Spirit Halloween, with a mask that you can clearly see the actor’s face beneath through the eye holes. He doesn’t even kill the way the poster implies; he has a switchblade hidden in his violin instead. Really, it’s just a slasher movie with the novelty of the killer being a famous composer from centuries ago. The concept is so off the wall insane that it’s bizarrely entertaining.
On a similar note is “Crystal of a Star” by Stefani Christopherson, the cherry on the top of the absolutely batshit crazy ending of the 1986 Alien ripoff Star Crystal. This movie is pretty much what you’d expect from that description - it stars by showing “Mars” with a blue sky and degenerates from there. Two whole groups of characters are briefly introduced only to be killed off minutes later before the actual protagonists even show up once. The sets are so cheap you can see that the floors in the spaceship are made of paper and bend under the actors’ feet. The ship itself is ridiculously designed, requiring one to crawl through a network of tubes to go anywhere. The acting is Z grade. The kills, except for the admittedly decent goop and blood effects, aren’t very frightening (they’re all done by a tentacle controlled through puppetry; at one point you can see the hand controlling it.)
None of that compares to the absolutely surreal experience of the last 20 minutes of this movie. The first sign something is about to go wildly off the rails is the fact that the alien, who has used the titular crystal (an all-purpose “computer” that can do whatever he needs of it) to hack into the ship’s mainframe, reads a digital Bible, specifically passages about treating one’s enemy as you would want to be treated.
That’s just the warning. It gets crazier.
With about 12 minutes left in the movie, the two remaining humans realize they need to confront the alien, who has taken up hiding in the engine room of their ship. When they face him, this weird killer alien who has been stalking them and killed their three crewmates.... apologizes and becomes ET instead of a Xenomorph. I’m not making this up. I couldn’t. The alien, GAR, even looks like ET, just having been put into a microwave and exploded first (the puppet used when GAR is fully on screen is admittedly well made, representing his slimy and somewhat ethereal appearance effectively. It’s easily the best thing in the film.) The entire ending of this movie has the two survivors become friends with GAR, repair the ship together with him, eat with him, and even play board games with him!!! He killed their three crewmates, the entire first crew of the ship, and possibly thousands more if he was at fault for the space station that exploded early in the film! And then, after all of that, the ending is born from sheer, unadulterated audacity - a “gravity tunnel” that can get the ship to Earth opens, which leads the humans and GAR to realize they have to part ways. This fucking movie actually has the gall to make the ending a sad farewell to GAR, who is taking another ship to return to his planet, This is complete with “Crystal of a Star”, a sad song that depicts GAR as a lonely space traveler the singer is better for having met. Now, I get they were going for some sort of spiritual thing (especially considering GAR’s redemption begins when he reads the Bible) but when all of it happens in the last 15-20 minutes of the movie, and he was an unstoppable killer alien prior to that point, it just does not land.
Just to knock a few better answers off the list...
I’ve been listening to a lot of the German synth-pop band Alphaville’s music of late, particularly their first two albums, 1984′s Forever Young and 1986′s Afternoons in Utopia, plus last year’s orchestral album Eternally Yours. Forever Young is an interesting one - by the admission of founding members Marian Gold and Bernhard Lloyd they didn’t know what they were doing at the time and made heavy use of machines that could generate music to make up for their lack of skill in playing instruments, yet it not only produced the group’s three most well-known songs (the title track, “Big in Japan” and “Sounds Like a Melody”) but a solid B-tier of secondary tracks (”Fallen Angel” and “The Jet Set” stand out for me.) Afternoons in Utopia shows a great evolution in their sound since the first album - they got more comfortable playing instruments, and the album seems to tell a loose story with a vivid, sci-fi hippie bend to it, using dreams, space and gods as recurring themes across the tracks and employing a gimmick where the first track on the album begins halfway through a sentence and the last track ends with the first half of that sentence, creating an endless loop. “Jerusalem,” “Fantastic Dream” and “Lassie Come Home” are my standout picks, but it’s such a solid album that even “Universal Daddy” - the song Gold has identified as his least favorite from the band’s entire history - is above average despite its silly lyrics.
And just to drop in one more, even though I’m way over 10 by now, I’ll stay in the same era and mention that Duran Duran’s “Save a Prayer” has long been a favorite. Its melancholy tone and lyrics struck a chord with me from the first time I heard it, to me depicting the theme of letting go of worry about what will come in the future to live in the moment, even as temporary as it might be.
(And since the original game asked about character playlists, I’ll answer that despite having long left the framework of this game behind: both “Save a Prayer” and “Sounds Like a Melody” both embody the Matt/Nekou dynamic I envision so clearly they might as well be theme songs, lol.)
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mymoodwriting · 2 years
Out Of Love
Omega!Reader x Alpha!Key
Genre: A/B/O
Warning: None
Words: 1K
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Epilogue
Prompt: Everyone knew the rules, at eighteen, omegas would be taken from their families. It was a kinda harsh reality for them, and the years leading up were just as bad, or so you’ve heard. All you could ever do was watch and maybe lend a hand to your schools only omega, but you could never imagine or understand their pain. You even felt guilty sometimes for how great of a life you had in comparison. Loving parents, awesome friends, it was the best, but nothings perfect and past mistakes will always catch up to you, even if you don’t know about them.
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“How are you feeling?”
    You didn’t really feel like talking with Minseok. He just needed to look you over to make sure nothing was wrong, that didn’t require you to speak.
“You seem just fine, a perfectly healthy omega.” Minseok smiled at you. “Do you have any questions for me?”
“Still upset, I see. That’s fine, I’m just glad you’re alright. Come see me if you need anything.”
    With that Minseok made his exit. You had been on good terms before but you weren’t sure you could get back there again. You did have questions but you weren’t going to ask him.
“So… what happens to me now?”
“You recover. A few more days in the observation room to make sure you’re alright. Then you’ll return to your room. Everything should go back to normal.”
“I figured but… what about me? I don’t… it’s not like I can run away…”
“We’d certainly hunt you down and find you. If you try anything like that there will be consequences. They’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again so please… stay.”
“So is that just it? I live out the rest of my life here, a simple and boring life?”
“Besides that eventually you’ll be mated and move out.”
“Move out? You’re saying I won’t be here forever?”
“No, of course not. One of the agents here will be your mate, and when they retire you both leave this place.”
“Where do we go?”
“Uh, well, I don’t know all the details as I haven’t retired myself, and you can’t tell anyone else this, but there are actually small towns hidden out there for retired agents.”
“There are?”
“Yes. Remember the town near the academy?”
“Yeah… is that one of those towns?”
“It’s a delicate system as you can imagine. Everyone who lived there is a retired agent with their mate. The town does have measures in place so it’s not obvious, hence why you didn’t catch the scent of an omega, but you’ll live well. It’s better than being out in the world all alone.”
“I could have found someone…”
“To keep your true identity a secret? To get you secret medication? Your own parents didn’t tell you the truth.” Key sighed. “Look at where you are now. How do you think things would have gone if you had your first with just anyone? Do you think you’d be okay? You wouldn’t even know what would be happening. Neither would they, you-”
“I get it. I understand how I’m a danger to myself… and why you can’t just share this information… I just… there were so many things I wanted to do…”
“I’m sorry… I can’t pretend to know how you feel, but you don’t have to hate it here. There’s plenty of things to do.”
“When… when I move out and all that… would it be possible to read those books? The history ones that agents read?”
“It’s possible. Although it might be something you’d have to keep a secret.”
“You can have a good life y/n, as long as you let yourself be happy, I promise you that.”
“Will you be the one to take care of me?”
“Ah, well… I was here for your first and that’s a special moment… I would like to take care of you, to spend our years together, but if not, I’ll be alright making sure someone else looks after you and makes you happy.”
“I’m not entirely sure I’d be comfortable with someone else…”
“Me neither.” Key took your hand. “I’ll happily be by your side.”
    He slowly leaned over to press a kiss to your cheek. It brought a smile to your face and you squeezed his hand. This was to be your home now, there was no denying or running away from it anymore. A few days later you returned to your room, a strange sense of calm coming to you. This was your place, even if it wasn’t how you imagined moving out, it was still yours. You sat down on your bed for a while, just looking around. You didn’t have much, but you should figure out how to make the most of your life. In a sense this was all a blessing. You didn’t have to worry about food or a roof over your head, or even bills. Any hobbies you wanted to pursue, you had all the time in the world to do what you wanted.
    Key certainly helped you figure out what you wanted to do with your time. Eventually you did come to an understanding with Minseok, and returned to help around in the infirmary. He never brought up the incident from before, and you were grateful for that. You never apologized either, and he wasn’t expecting one. Things kinda went back to normal, even if you had a new perspective on this place. You knew things you shouldn’t, but you would keep them to yourself for everyone’s sake. It took a while but you eventually came to appreciate the simple things that might not have been possible before. Picnics with Key were always the best, since being out in such a way would have been too dangerous otherwise.
“So when would you… mate… or claim me?”
“When you’re much older, and I’m ready for retirement.”
“You’ll still be going out and stuff right…”
“I’ll shower properly to get scents off and then go straight to you for cuddles, okay?”
“You better.”
“Aish, you’re so cute.”
You giggled. “Are you barely noticing now?”
“I’ve known for a while, but I haven’t gotten to see you smile so beautifully until now.”
“Didn’t have much to smile about before.”
“I know. And I promise I will do everything in my power to make you happy, always.”
    Key leaned in to pepper your face with soft kisses, making you smile brighter. This life surely wasn’t what you had envisioned for yourself, but given everything, it was the best you could have. Maybe one day things could be different in the world, but for now you’d make the most of your life with Key.
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