#maybe I’ll eventually write out some of his lore
oddlyother · 9 months
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Don’t touch what he protects
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chycoin · 4 months
Last part of my acoustic review!
First Previous
(Ik @lizaluvsthis pointed this out but I still wanted to talk about this scene as well)
When Smg3 hides Mario inside his hat for almost a good minute, Mario jumps out of there claiming that Smg3 needs to use shampoo or in other words needs a good shower.
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Now, if we look into the latest video from the SMG4 Crew, if you’re one of those people who looks closer into the background details to find lore or clues that can lead up to a possible plot in future episodes of the series, you can see that Smg4 has researched if Smg3 takes a shower (as if Google is going to know that ._.xD) because he also has noticed that 3 stinks to the point that is kinda unbearable to be near him and even calling him out on it.
During the writing of this, I was talking to my partner and pointing out that Smg3 hasn’t taken a shower in days if not weeks, which I didn’t expect to have the same idea as him about the reason that he hasn’t taken a shower could be because maybe the guy is depressed since having depression can lead to not care about your hygiene that much or even yourself.
Which I’m going say that its probably going to get worse but who knows, maybe after this episode Smg3 will open up more but trust takes a long time to build up and specially when you lived almost your entire life alone, with no one to trust or cry to. Being in someone else’s shadow and everyone just viewing you as just the bad guy and never looking underneath that evil persona that you built up over the years.
But moving on, after Mario complains about Smg3’s odor. Getting poisoned, carried has a football, kidnapped and pulled like a rag doll…
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Some may think that Smg4 still sees Smg3 as someone selfish and all but here’s the thing…
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How was he supposed to know that Smg3 wasn’t feeling alright, if 3 isn’t letting his feelings out and just bottling himself to the point he snaps to Smg4 and tells him how he feels. How he’s been viewing himself as. Not caring anymore if Smg4 judges him or makes fun of him for being vulnerable, just like it happened when they wrecked his studio.
He even sounded like he was about to breakdown in front of Mario and Smg4, definitely a lot of emotion right there. To which I’ll say that James really did a good job with the voice acting👌
Now that Smg4 knows how 3’s been feeling, he does what a friend does and he well said it at the beginning of the episode
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He lets Smg3 have the USB that was going to make 4’s channel popular, so 3’s café can be popular instead because he knows how much it matters to Smg3. He knows that this is going to give 3 that love and fame he’s been wanting for years.
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If you guys remember that Sun and Moon example I did on the first part of this long ass review.
If I well said that the moon (Smg3) can’t shine that bright because is just a floating rock, it doesn’t mean the moon can’t receive help from the sun (Smg4) to shine a little bit by sharing some of that light. So, that’s what happened here.
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(I expected a hug but I still like the fist bump 🤲✨)
After a beautiful and sentimental moment between these goobers, they see a light that at first they thought it was a sunrise but of course, they forgot that the dump was having a daily clean up that same night and like any normal human being, they would freak out and try to escape the place before getting blown to ashes.
Smg3 blames Mario for running away and Mario tells him that if only they knew how to BLJ, they wouldn’t have taken that long to find him. That’s when Smg4 has an idea to get them out of there, telling Mario to BLJ for their lives.
Eventually they get out of there and land on 3’s CnB. Smg3 grabs the video and starts to upload it to endorse his café buuut the plot twist is that the video with “Michael Jordan” didn’t have “Michael Jordan” and instead had a snail with name of “Mikel Jorden” endorsing the café.
Here’s where I question if Smg4 really know’s how to read? Like I get it, people can misread and it isn’t crime at all but man, there’s no way you didn’t catch the differences between “Michael Jordan” and “Mikel Jorden” ._.xD
Anyways, Smg3 was about to hand 4’s ass to him, after realizing he went through all that trouble for nothing and Smg4 wasn’t going to do anything about it since he would’ve probably done the same thing in 3’s place.
Though, someone enters the place, to which 3 & 4 turn around to see who entered the establishment and realized it was no other than Mikel Jorden and a bunch of more snails entering the place, causing the place to temporarily close down due to snail infestation.
My final thoughts of this episode:
Without a doubt one of my favorites. James really did a great job with the voice acting in this episode.
He’s done a great job with Smg3 over the course of the series but this episode he really sent it with the emotion 👍
The jokes landed nicely, making me laugh more than once of course.
And finally, the plot was really good. I like that we get to dive into Smg3’s character and see what’s going on with him a little more. I wonder what other things the next episodes will have in store to discover ;)
With that said, that’s it from me.
Thanks for reading this attempt of a review I did and sorry for taking long to finish this part but I kind of procrastinated this and not to mention I had other stuff going on. If ya’ll find grammar errors, misspellings, or some misplaced arguments or thoughts, that’s because I’m no good writer nor reviewer.
Though, I wanted to give it a try since I’ve been a fan of reading and watching this kind of stuff and I’ve seen a lot of people sharing their opinions and povs about Smg4 episodes, which gave me the courage to give this a try.
Will I do this again? Idk, maybe if I get the courage to try this again but let’s see what happens ;)
Welp that’s it (frs this time xd)
Have a goodnight guys *passes out*
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thatringboy · 15 days
A Body Built for an Undeserving Soul, A Boothill Theory
My definitely sober thoughts while grinding for the eventual Ruan Mei rerun and writing some robinhill have led me to a startling train of thought. I’ll do my best to sound sane as I say this, but the 18 minute discord voice memo I originally made is definitely anything but. Spoilers for Boothill’s backstory, character stories, and other lore, and no I’m not really gonna be citing things because it’s 3 in the morning and I’m high. If at any point I say something that isn’t really supported by canon, please be nice i’m a little silly boy
I don’t think Boothill is a Pathstrider.
Let me cook, please. Here’s my reasons why:
The way he talks about Aeons and Paths
The way his body is designed
And 3.
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Enjoy the madness below the cut
So, there’s not really a proper way to word any of this without it being an ADHD word vomit. Bear with me. Please.
Penacony has been a fantastic update for those of us waiting for worldbuilding. We’ve learned a LOT about the many factions in the cosmos, the true nature of the IPC, the powers of the Aeons, and that the Paths are tangible things in the universe. The Luofu arc opened up a bit about this, but since it was so focused on The Hunt and The Abundance and The Permanence, we sort of fell back into the same story beats as the Herta Station arc. Either way, Penacony has been amazing for little lore bugs like me.
So what does this have to do with the wild claim that Boothill somehow isn’t a Pathstrider?
Let’s touch some grass for a minute and consider our places in the irl universe. Hi, I’m Perseus, a young transmasculine white adult guy from South Texas who grew up reading too many Rick Riordan books and now has a complicated relationship with both the christian god and the greek gods. It’s an autism special interest of mine to learn about the greek pantheon and while I don’t know everything about it, I’m a silly little guy and can recite fun facts about dozens of gods. I can also recite fun facts about the christian bible and christian mythology because I was forced to study christianity when I was younger. Nice to meet y’all. Now, when I, Perseus, talk to people about the various religions I know a thing or two about, I infodump. A lot. I think I once ranted about Dionysus for 20 minutes before my sister told me to shut up. It happens.
Now focus back in on the important topic: the fictional cyborg with jiggle physics. I’m working purely on memory, but I’m pretty sure when he first meets Dan Heng and Pom-Pom, he does go on a spiel about the Aeons and Paths as he tries to prove his identity as a Galaxy Ranger and Acheron’s identity as Not a Galaxy Ranger. The way he describes The Hunt, The Nihility, Emanators, and Paths, it all just sounded… i don’t know, canned? It came across as very emotionally disconnected, even as he talked about The Hunt, but he was saying all the right words. Like someone who studied a religion but isn’t actually a part of the religion. 
On its own, this means absolutely nothing besides just reminding us of his home planet’s hostile takeover by Qlipoth-worshiping IPC workers. If you haven’t seen the post yet, I really recommend reading the So, Honkai: Star Rail made a cyborg cowboy... an INDIGENOUS cyborg cowboy. post by @ahworm I’ll link it here, please check it out because it recontextualized a lot of how I viewed Boothill’s actions and mannerisms
So the way Boothill talks about the Path he should be a Pathstrider of sounds more like an encyclopedia than a follower. Now, maybe this can be explained by the fact that Galaxy Rangers aren’t the most zealous bunch, especially when standing next to the Xianzhou Alliance who worship Lan as a deity more than The Hunt itself. The Galaxy rangers are the opposite, they are hunters first and last regardless of what Lan in THEIR “greatness” does.
But if Boothill is just a normal Galaxy ranger (whatever that means), then how does he recognize the Jade Abacus of Allying Oath instantaneously? Dan Heng’s barely put the damn thing on the table and Boothill’s already jaw on the floor amazed. One could make the argument that, well, Boothill’s a well-traveled guy, of course he’d know the most valuable artifact to his Path. To that, I say: there’s more to it.
Boothill’s main accusation against Acheron in the beginning is, what? “An Emanator that shouldn’t exist.” He talks about The Nihility and Device IX the same way he talks about The Hunt; learned and detached in an agnostic way. He’s aware these are real concepts and beings, he’s crossed paths with an Emanator of Elation before so he can’t deny the existence of literal gods in the universe
We also know that it’s canon in the star rail universe that there are planets who haven’t heard of the Aeons before, like Sigonia - Aventurine’s planet. Instead of Aeons, we know the Avgins worshiped the goddess Giathra Triclops. I’ve seen the argument that Giathra is just another name for Xipe since THEY have three faces, but Aventurine’s flashbacks are very clear in showing that the worship of Giathra was very different from the worship of Aeons. We don’t know much about Aeragan-Epharshel, but from how the IPC described the indigenous people as needing civilization and other disgusting things (not to mention how they forced a synesthesia beacon into boothill when he was maybe like a teenager? And then his brain nearly broke from the influx of information?), I think it’s safe to say that the tribes of Aeragan-Epharshel also didn’t follow any specific Aeon.
But Aventurine is now a Pathstrider of Preservation, so why can’t Boothill be a Hunter Pathstrider too? Well, dear reader, allow me to bash my head against the wall trying to form words. Aventurine doesn’t believe anything about the sovereignty of The Preservation, just like the rest of the Stonehearts. He has his agenda, and if he has to play Preservation to do so, then he will. I think Boothill is the same, which is also why I can’t wait to see what happens in the upcoming quests with the two of them in the same room. That being said, Aventurine’s Preservation powers only come from his Cornerstone, crafted by an Emanator of Preservation. It’s how he and Topaz and Jade can all be such different people but all be classified as Pathstriders of Preservation, the sheer proximity to an Emanator’s powers canonically give them powers equivalent to actual Pathstriders.
So… what about Boothil? This leads me into my next point: Boothill’s cyborg body. By looking at his Character Story Part 3, we learn that Boothill VOLUNTARILY became a cyborg to become stronger. He literally shed the skin and name from an ancient, dead tongue to become a real loaded gun. His voice lines in combat talk about death a lot, his name literally is in reference to a graveyard - this man cannot wait to finally die in some sort of blaze of glory and vengeance. I say that with a little bit of sarcasm, but Boothill designed his body to be a weapon. 
In a lot of parts of the USA, it’s illegal to even insinuate that you have a firearm as that constitutes as the crime of  “armed robbery”, even if you don’t even have a gun. The threat alone is enough to warrant a higher penalty. But Boothill is already a great shot with a gun, why does he also need augmented teeth and crosshair eyes and hips that can fold his body into any sinful shape he needs? Because the threat alone is enough to give him power over his prey. Almost as if he’s compensating for a lack of magic godly powers. He needs to be able to keep up with even the strongest IPC goons, to pierce their Preservation shields with his bullets so that he can get closer and closer to Oswaldo Schneider.
But how can I prove that Boothill doesn’t have any Path magic? Well, let’s take a spin around his character model. What’s that thing sitting snugly against his exposed asscheek? His pistol? But that’s not weird, Perseus, most cowboys hold their guns there!
But what other playable character has their weapon on their actual model like him?
There are so many in-game cutscenes showing that, canonically, the Pathstriders summon their weapon from some sort of unseen storage or hammerspace. I like the term hammerspace, let’s use that. The playable Pathstriders all use hammerspace to easily summon their weapons. None of them actually carry their weapons on their model. Even Welt Yang has scenes of him summoning his herrscher cane (I’ve never played hi3 please forgive me for using incorrect terms) from his hammerspace. But not Boothill. He has his arm gun and he has his trusty 9 millimeter pistol on his little slutty hip. His idle animations involve reloading his weapons and putting them back on his person. No particle effects, no vanishing tricks, just a man sticking his tongue out to catch a bullet for a snack.
So what have we learned?
Boothill doesn’t have an emotional connection to his Path, it most likely is just the Path he figured met his needs and decided the philosophy was good enough
Boothill’s body is designed to perform specifically to kill Pathstriders, especially sturdier Pathstriders of The Preservation
Boothill either can’t or won’t use the same hammerspace the other canonical Pathstriders use
Each point by themself means nothing, or can be chalked up to unique character designs. But together? My intoxicated mind theorizes that Boothill is not a Pathstrider, merely a broken man trying to play the game according to the rules of the oppressors that colonized his planet and bombed his tribe into reservations and the dirt. Thank you for your time.
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zweetpea · 8 months
Zhongli x reader The Dragon of Geo (Spicy, no smut)
The classic tale of a young lady and a dragon, but with a twist. AU no deities, or Tevat (I’ll still use Liyue and the Qixing just for convenience), no Archons. And I made Shenhe an Adepti because I thought that thematically it fit better. Also female reader.
Warning: not for the kiddos! Has foul language and mentions of heat and breeding. And if you want me to write you smut based of the sultry scene feel free to ask.
Feel free to request any genshin ideas
Ao3 version here
Once upon a great beast roamed the sky. His scales, as brown as mud yet they sparkled like crystals. His hair as thick and shiny as gold yet it was softer than silk. His claws as sharp as rocks yet somehow held a gentleness reserved for the mortals of his land. And did he ever love his mortals. Hewent by many names, Rex Lapis, The Great One, Mighty Dragon of Geo, the children often called him Zhongli, but my favorite name for him has always been Morax. Something about it just presented power and authority. To me it screamed “I am your protector! You are mine to love! Though the seasons may change and life caries on for mortals, I will be here to protect you always!”
But those were the foolish wishes of a young girl who knew nothing of the world. A girl who was enchanted by the glimmer told to her as a child to keep her innocent.
He protected us for a millennia, but a century ago he decreed that unless he was given a bride by sunset he would ravage the land. The Qixing gathered everyone together to see if there was anyone who was willing to go. In the end they had to draw up a lottery since no one volunteered. Five years later he demanded another girl. And another after another five years. Some mothers or sisters left instead to protect their family, some had to be carried away screamed and crying. When I was fifteen years old I even witnessed a girl ask that she be escorted there in a carriage with a beautiful white dress. She was convinced that she was going to die and wanted to be pampered and treated like a princess in her last minutes.
I was never convinced that he ate them. I thought that they were a part of his harem and he got bored with them eventually. But it was undignified and unlawful to let a woman marry a man after she had been deflowered, lest she be a widow.
Anyway, it’s now five years later. Liyue is waiting on a letter from one of the four Illuminated Beast. This time 15 years ago Xiao came. He was a beautiful black and teal eagle (A/n: Don’t question the animal forms). 10 years ago Yanfei a lovely salmon pink deer came. 5 years ago an adorable little blue goat named Ganyu arrived with the letter. So this year should be the elegant white crane Shenhe.
Right on time she flys down with the letter in her mouth. I inform her of my name, how I knew her and the other Adepti’s name. “Don’t worry Shenhe, there’s is no need to go back to the others. I’ve been informed that I should wait here until the letter arrives and if it never came I was to return at the end of the day. I am the new bride of the dragon of Geo.”
Well truth be told the reason that I didn’t want to go back to the others was because I had a plan to stop all of this. In the back of my traditional dress I hid a dagger. I’m not much of a fighter but I figured... someone had to try? I guess? I dressed modestly as I figured that he would like it enough to not eat me immediately. If I died in battle I was going to take down Rex Lapis. I don’t need the praise, and I just want my people to live peacefully oblivious lives. In a few centuries this nightmare will become folk lore. A cautionary tale to spook children into being good. It’s finally going to end. I wonder if they’d get most of the details accurate, maybe they’d try to scope out the cave to try and find more details.
We walk out to the middle of the wild and into the mountains. The cave of the beast. Surprisingly it had doors. They’re beautifully sculpted and chiseled with various pattern that made me stop and gape at them in awe.
“This way, young one.” Shenhe motions with her wing. The doors open slowly and I enter the unnatural dark cave.
Once they close lanterns illuminate the corridor and standing before me was a gorgeous woman with long white hair that fades to black at the end, tied in a beautiful braid. “Who...?”
“Right my apologies. It’s still me Shenhe. In the cave myself, Xiao, Ganyu, and Yanfei take on more human characteristics. Come on, we mustn’t keep the master waiting.”
She leads me to the end of the corridor and into a large room. It looks like it had to be a thrown room due to the throne at the far back on top of a short flight of stairs but it feels as if someone could throw a party in here.
“Shenhe. You’ve returned earlier than usual.” A deep voice from behind a burgundy curtain called. His glowing gold eyes peer through the semitransparent cloth. She kneels to him once we reach the bottom of the stairs.
“The mortals came prepared, this time.” She informs the man on the throne. Gold and brown plush pillows surround him as he lay there waiting for his next plaything.
I kneel too to show him that I am as loyal and docile as his servants. “Shenhe you are dismissed.” She exits the room and he rises from his throne and draws back the curtains. “Rise my bride. Rise and look at me.” I do as he commands. I gape with wide eyes at the man before me. Long thick black hair pulled back in a ponytail, he had on a strange white outfit that showed off his chest and yet was like a skirt at the bottom. His arms were black at the shoulder and gradients to a yellow at his hands, I wonder if that was natural or part of his clothes. He starts to descend towards me as I’m standing there like an idiot. He chuckles, his voice even more sultry. “Like a little bunny caught in her predictors sight.” In the blink of an eye he’s behind me, holding my dagger to my throat. His hood most likely fell off as he dashed for me. “You are the only one who has ever tried to kill me. Others have begged or tried to bargain. Some I’ve even fed to Xiao because they only cared about the prestige of becoming my wife.”
“Your eyes... the legends and one own imagination cannot do them justice. I’ve imagined them thousands of times. How could I have hated these beautiful ambers for five years?” I looked up at him as he leaned over me.
“Excuse me? Did you just ignore what I said? Maybe I wasn’t clear enough. Women who try to seduce me are fed to my servants.”
I’m off in lala land and can’t fully register his word. “My father’s probably told me your legend 100 times when I was younger. If you’re going to kill me please let me die with your eyes being the last sight I see.”
“100 times? I could never fathom hearing something 20 times let alone that many.”
“Ironically I am your 20th bride.”
“Do you think that makes you special?”
“That’s for you to decide. Are those horns real?” His horns came up from his head and slanted back then curled back towards the front. I turned around in his hold.
“Yes they are, and they’re vERY—” He cuts himself off as I grab his horn. He groans at the contact dropping my dagger, it clangs as it reaches the ground. “—Sensitive.” He grabs my hips and nearly grinds our waists together. He breathing is heavy as he layers his head on my neck and guides me up the stairs. I almost trip a few times as I have to walk backwards. “If you ever do that again, you won’t be walking for a week.” He pushes me down on his throne. He pins my hands above me.
“Was- was that supposed to be as erotic as you made it sound?” My face feels hot and is undoubtedly red.
He looks at me surprised and then angry. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t take you right here, or better yet call in the Adepti to watch as I fuck you dumb on my cock like the whore that you are?”
“Morax, I know that you probably won’t care but I’d like to ask you a question before you deflower me.”
He looks a bit surprised, probably because of the name I called him by. “... this better be good.”
“Why did you ask for a bride?”
“Why? Why?! I don’t have to tell you anything!!”
“Okay. I’m ready.” I say nonchalantly. This caught him off guard.
“Excuse me.”
“You granted me my question, and from the stories I’ve been told Morax keeps his word. You told me you were going to torture the poor Adepti by forcing them to watch us propagate.”
“Do you just believe everything that you’ve been told or read in a book?” His face like the fabled Jueyun Chili’s.
“I was actually also wondering about those stories. But you’ve only permitted me with one question, so I guess I’ll never know.”
“If you were so curious about me why’d you try to kill me?” He lets me sit up.
“I mean, you are quite well known for your brides going missing and never coming back. It would be stupid not to have some kind of protection, whether or not it would work is a whole different argument. I figured that if for some reason I changed my mind I should still have some protection.”
He smirks at me. “I don’t think that’s you wanting to kill me is the truth. Not anymore at least. You wanted to convince yourself that you would be the hero. But what you really wanted was answers. Answers to the questions that you’ve been tossing and turning in your sleep about. I can see it in your eyes. The was they sparkled when you went to grab my horns. The way you looked over my body as I came closer to you just a few minutes ago. The way you were ready to use your last boon on something that should be so innocent, just so that you could get the answers that were just eating you alive.”
Could he really read you like an open book? One with the letter printed big and bold? “Okay, you forced me to face a truth I really didn’t want to confront. What does this mean now? You know that I won’t try to kill you, you know that I don’t want your power, and you know that I’m not gonna beg for my life or try to bargain for the sake of Liyue. So what will you do now?”
“It’s been a long time since I’ve had someone who’s interested in history and my stories stumble into my life. I’d like to keep you around for now.”
“What happens when you don’t want me anymore?” He walks back to where he dropped my dagger and comes back with it. He makes a slit on his palm and smeared the golden blood on my forehead in a single line.
“I make this contract to you that should I get bored of you that you may leave this place and never return. Once you wash off my blood the contract with solidify.”
(A/n: just go with it)
“Well what happens if you take my virginity then get bored of me? It wouldn’t be proper for me to marry another.”
He makes another slit on his palm as the first healed already. Then drags another line across my forehead. “If I am to take you, let our first contract become null and void and I will make you my wife.”
“Does this mean that I may ask you anything that I want?” My eyes widened probably sparkling.
He chuckles. “How about you go explore while I um... ahem, straighten up.” He gestures to the tent in his pants.
I blush and look away. “Right! So Um, bye!” I run from the room to the door on the left of the main entrance to the throne room.
I didn’t see him again until dusk that same day. I got well acquainted with the rest of the rest of the adepti in their human forms. I also found water to wash off his blood. He found me wandering around and brought me to a bedroom.
“This will be your room. Mine is just across the way if you need me.”
“Thank you.”
“Think nothing of it. This is my only article of clothing and if we were in the same room then I’d be too overwhelmed by that little body of you little bunny to resist.”
“Um, will I have more than one piece of clothing?”
“I’ve already asked Shenhe to get your clothes from your father. I believe that some of the other citizens have given you presents as well. Something about this being a change for the better.”
“They probably think that if I’m moving my clothes here that you’ve accepted me and won’t seek another bride at least for a few decades.”
“By then who knows what invention they will make to stop me. I might be done for.”
“I don’t think so. You’re the oldest documented creature in the world!”
“And yet you still wonder why I want a bride.”
“Your lonely?” He goes into his own room and closes and locks the door. “But what about the Adepti!”
“Good night bunny.” He says through the door.
“That not my name!” I shout my name to him.
3rd person POV
When Shenhe reached Liyue she was confused about the what the people were doing. Most were celebrating. But there was a lone man in the background shaking and trying to stay calm. When she arrived the celebration stopped dead in its tracks and everyone looked panicked.
“Where is the new brides father?” No one new who she was talking about so she informed them that a new bride had offered herself up. The brides father steps up to Shenhe and asked what happened to his daughter. She asks for your clothes and tells everyone that the girl was alive and well.
After that everyone ran back to their homes and grabbed something nice to give her for the new bride. They all tagged the gifts so the bride knew, who gave her what.
1st person POV
I found the gifts in my room. Very pleasant silk clothes and finely made hair pins, combs and brushes. A few even sent toys. ‘Wait, they think...’ I thought as my face heated up. ‘No, no. Get those disgusting perverted thoughts out of your head girl! He’s just keeping you around for entertainment!’
The next day at breakfast I started asking him questions.
“So if you only fed a few to Xiao what happened to the rest?”
“Well I either got tired of their nonsense and killed them or they ate a Jueyun chili and died. The ones I fed to Xiao I turned into mice first. And the rest of them who left behind bodies were buried.”
“They’re real? Jueyun Chili’s I mean.”
“Of course.”
“Are they really as hot as a thousand fires?”
“Oh no, it’s more like ten thousand.” He chuckles.
“Are you making fun of me? I really am curious!”
“I know. You’re just too cute Little Bunny.” He smirks. “They are spicy enough to kill a mortal with a single bite. Even the smallest nibble would kill a fragile soul.”
“Are you going to set a limit to how many questions I get to ask you per day?”
“Why would I do that? That would just restrict my fun!”
“I just don’t want to make you annoyed.”
“You are very interested Little Bunny.” He chuckles again, as I blush.
“Are your arms... naturally like that?”
...it’s how I look because I my dragon form.”
“Right, Shenhe mentioned that in this cave you all transformed into human like beings. Why is that? What is it about this cave that allows you to transform.”
“I was the only one able to shape shift. They all longed to have the ability to have a human form. I carved these halls and cast a spell over this place that allows them to transform into whatever human form they desire.”
“I’m happy for them!”
“As am I.”
After a four months I was still living with them and it was reaching near my birthday.
“Hello Morax! Do you want to know why today is so special for me!”
“I’ll bite, why?”
“I’m 21 today! It’s my birthday!”
“Birthday?” He looks confused.
“Well yeah! Mortals have this tradition called a birthday where we celebrate the day that we were born and how many years we’ve been alive!”
“Well good Birthday to you then.”
“Silly! Mortals say happy birthday and whoever is having the birthday receives presents. So can yours be you telling me stories from the millennia that you protected Liyue? Please?”
He looks at me like I’m crazy. “You are certainly interesting. You can ask for anything and you ask for that?”
“I wasn’t sure that if I asked any other day that you would tell me stories.” I look down in embarrassing.
He pulls me onto his lap as he sits on his throne. “I’ll tell you anything that you want if you tell me what else you want for your birthday.”
“Um, well I guess... the only other thing that I’d want is to maybe go outside. Only for an hour or two. It’s just, I haven’t been out since I moved in and I’d like some natural sunlight.”
“I’ll do you one better. As long as myself or one of the Adepti are with you, you can go out anytime.”
“Really?” My eyes shine brightly. He nods. “Thank you so much!” I squeal and hug him, as well as giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Do you want to go now?”
“Just let me hug you a little longer.” I request a bit embarrassed.
It’s getting close to a year now and I’ve noticed that Morax seems withdrawn from me.
“Hey. Morax? Rex Lapis? Zhongli? Are you okay?” I knock on his door and don’t get a reply. Xiao is walking past when he decides to pull me away from his masters room. “Hey what was that for?”
“You’ve made it farther than most. Except for one. Guizhong, the first bride.”
“What happened to her?”
“The legends you’ve been told are wrong. Guizhong offered herself to the master. She was much like you. Curious, fearless, trusting but not naive, but the biggest difference is that she could tell him to back off. You just let him tease you like a masochist.”
“Okay so why isn’t she here?”
“He had never had a lover before, he was possessive over her. And as time went on she started to hate him. And she flung herself off of the balcony in his room.”
“Oh my goodness, poor Morax.”
“On top of all of that she was his first love.”
“Xiao please, help me get in there! I want to let him know that I won’t leave him! That I want to stay with him!”
“Luckily I have the only other key to the masters room. I have to warn you though, he’ll be in his dragon form but it’ll be only a tenth his true forms size.” He unlocks the door and I rush in to the lavish room. It’s the most beautiful room in his palace. He lays motionless in his dragon form. Around his bed. In this form he huge. 50 feet long, brown scales, gold locks and curly horns. The legends really don’t do his majestic beauty justice.
I rush to his side and hug his head in my arms. He’s very thick though so I can’t get my hands all the way around. “I’m here, and I’m not going to leave you. You’re stuck with me whether you like it or not.”
He lets out a small roar, something akin to a whimper.
I’m in my fifth year staying with Morax, and I’m madly in love with him.
On this wonderful day all of the Adepti are running around the hall in a panic.
“Ganyu what’s going on?”
“Well um... maybe you should stay in your room for a few days to about a week... and lock the door... and hide if someone tries to come in.”
“Ganyu, where is Morax?”
“Please for your own safety stay away from the master this week.”
“But-” before I could ask her anymore questions she rushed off. ‘Morax what are you hiding?’ I thought. I know that it’s rude to go into someone’s room without their permission but I am supposed to be his bride so surely an exception can be made just this once.
I slip through the door and the room is almost pitch black save for a few candles. His balcony door is closed and his curtains are drawn. I hear rustling around the room and feel arms snake around my waist. “What are you doing here, my cute little bunny?” Morax’s voice sounds strained, and yet hungry. Husky and low and so sultry. As he spoke that into my ear his hot breath hitting the shell I almost melted right there.
“Morax? What’s going on?”
“Seems there are stories that even my little scholar doesn’t know. Once every 100 years or so I go into heat, it’s a time period called breeding season. You seem so ravenous right now.” He groans in my ear and suddenly I feel my underwear becoming damp. “Don’t you know how rude it is to enter someone’s room without knocking? I think that you need to be punished.”
A small squeak was all I could muster as he threw me over his shoulder and walked me over to his bed. He dropped me down onto it and made quick work in getting rid of my clothes, leaving me in only my underwear.
“Naughty little thing aren’t you.” He teased as he felt my slit through my underwear.
“Morax, please. Stop teasing me, and just fuck me.” I whimper.
“Eager are we?” He smirks.
“I really love you and I want this. Please, let me help you. I want to help you, I want you!”
He blushes at my confession and gently smiles at me. “Whatever my love wants, she will get.”
“Do you think that I’m pregnant?”
“I’m not sure. I fucked you good though.” He teased.
“Yeah and I can’t feel my legs.” I deadpan.
“What a shame. Looks like you can’t leave then.” He snuggles closer to me as the week of his breeding period is over.
“I love you.” I tell him.
“I know you’ve practically chanted it this entire week.”
“Well you better get used to it because you promised to marry me if we had sex.”
“I’ve known for a while now that I wanted to marry you.”
“Does that mean that I can touch your horns whenever I want?”
“Didn’t you get enough of that this week?”
“I like your horns, I find them very cute and so smooth.” I smile as he flushes red.
“Given the chance to become immortal and live with me forever, would you take it?”
“Staying young with you forever? Yes please, where do I get this immortality?”
“The Valberry. A single bite will give you keep you young forever and you will get to be with me, forever.”
“Really? Screw til death do us part! I want you to myself forever!”
“Do you Rex Lapis, The Great One, Mighty Dragon of Geo, Zhongli, Morax, take this woman to be your wife for eternity?” Yanfei asks.
“I do.”
“And do you-”
“I do!”
“She doesn’t even need to think about it, that’s what I like to hear! I now pronounce you husband and wife.” We embrace is a long loving kiss.
All of Liyue cheers at the sight of their protector finally being satisfied.
After the wedding we went back to the palace and Morax lays me down on our bed and crawls on top of me.
“I hope you’re ready for me to fuck a baby into you.” He licks his lips with his long dragon tongue.
“We don’t have to rush anything we’ve got all this time in the world.” I smirk at him.
“I am your protector. You are mine to love. Though the seasons may change and life caries on for mortals, I will be here to protect you always. I love you bunny.”
“I love you too Morax.”
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yoru-no-seiiki · 11 days
def something w/ canon eren! but other than that you can could go as wild as u want! :p
god where do i start?? i’ll mostly write for early seasons eren since i refuse to watch the whole thing until i’m done with season one on my quotev book as a motivator but i’ll add some tidbits that i got from other fanfics. go check it (my book) out btw!! it’s called Walk With Me!! (currently on the next chapter which is around 10k words atm huhu)
as always he’s aged up to 18 during enlistment and massive spoilers for those that don’t know the lore/story yet.
yandere! eren is a force of absolute willpower. he is obsessive, he is protective, and very much goddamn possessive. he needs you, he needs you to need him too if not moreso. he grew up in a very traditional household and expected to be the provider in the family. the least you could do is have him in your thoughts at all times.
if you want max yandere! potential with him, it’s best to have known him even before armin. be close family friends. maybe your parents worked with his dad since marley and were similarly banished (but not turned into mindless titans).
as children he’d always been protective of you. he’d always stick to you like glue. and because of future him’s influence over grisha and essentially your parents, you were arranged to even sleep in the same bed.
but this sort of backfired in the long run cause you saw him as this annoying brother figure that just wouldn’t stop bothering you.
and one day you just blurt out, tired of the suffocation you felt with your friend, with your parents that vehemently kept pushing you two together, of everything in your life that you couldn’t control.
“i wonder what it’s like beyond the walls.”
i feel like armin would still be the true trigger of eren’s obsession with the outside and freedom (after all, he doesn’t give a shit about yours so why and how would you influence him in that area?), but you probably pushed him in terms of the survey corps.
you were dumb at the time. i mean as a kid, who isn’t? so you announced to literally everyone you knew that you planned to join the military and eventually explore the outside world.
you didn’t really understand the concept of death and all but whatever that was, you still thought it would be better than eren’s basically isolating you from anything that moves.
you dont truly understand death until eren kills those intruders in mikasa’s house right in front of you.
you were supposed to help him, but only stood there frozen in fear.
thankfully mikasa awakened just in time, with eren shouting at her to save you.
speaking of mikasa, her true allegiance/ackerman blood thingy is still with eren in this fic but i headcannon that since his first command was to for her to fight for you she also has the same knee jerk reaction for whenever she perceives you’re being harmed.
in anycase, that day ™️ happens and you all start training.
it had already been obvious since you were teens but eren started looking at you from a different angle. the sexual kind.
your lack of contact with other people due to his influence had made you a bit of a pushover, as such he’d often coerce you into sex or other related acts.
i mean, you had to pity him! he never had the opportunity to explore and act on his urges. mans stayed a virgin til he enlisted and he’s pent up. you try to argue that it’s cause he was so hung up on revenge that he’s bitchless but that only leads to him questioning you if you’ve been seeing other people behind his back.
i mean you two were basically together, why would he see other people? don’t tell him that you’ve been … cheating on him? how could you!
so yeah he does the same thing to mikasa (the manipulation not the sex lol) and forces her to guard the two of you during your ‘trysts’ (which is just him, the inexperienced boy rutting into you and getting off while you stood/laid there uncomfortable silence)in addition to basically shutting down whatever feelings she might have brewing for him (poor mikasa dude)
but surprisingly eren is the most lax to you during this time period. despite the literal r*pe, he basically allowed you to roam around and do whatever for a change. frankly, it was mostly cause he had to catch up in terms of training, but also cause his FREEDOM ideal is the strongest during this phase.
anddd depending on your behavior you might get pimped out. only to those that he can trust though. god even jean got a taste of you because he lost a bet. he promptly beats up the man afterwards though.
if you’re more focused on training and acquiesce to his demands (hormones) however you’ll be enjoying the only three years of your life where eren’s presence wasn’t looming like dread of your death by a titan’s hands.
now i can’t vouch for how accurate i can portray later seasons eren but basically he’s the worst in yan levels at that point.
once he can fully utilize his powers there is literally no escape for you, not even his death, unless you have some sort of power that hides your ass. he’d already prepared for everything from your captivity to how your life will be like after his inevitable demise.
like i said before, he’d be the type to give you an illusion of freedom. he hates the idea of being caged and vice versa. so specifically speaking after his death and the end of the series, you’ll go from being stuck in a remote area to being free but with hundreds of armed guards watching your every move. hell maybe even the whole “town/village/city” you live in will all just be paid actors he had staged. he will never let you move on from him. whether you like it or not, you’re his in life, in death, as he is dying, and beyond that.
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samobservessonic · 8 months
Why do you want to read Sonic the Comic?
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The short answer is because it was my intro to the Sonic series as a whole, but I haven’t reread most of it since I was a kid. But I’ll go into a little more detail about that below the readmore, as well as outlining what I will and won’t be reading for this blog
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Sonic the Comic issue #80 rewired my brain and changed my life
Now, the first issue of StC that I bought as a kid was #80. I should add a disclaimer here that there was a kid I knew back then who recommended me the comics - she had issues #78 and #79, so I probably at least glimpsed those as well. But #80 was the first issue that I had for myself (and I still have my copy!), so that’s the one that gave me my first impression of Sonic
I’m sure StC fans will know why this issue was a big one and even Sonic fans who have a casual familiarity with StC will probably see Super Sonic on the cover and guess that a lot of stuff happens in this issue… and you’d be right! I’ll save the review for when I actually get to this issue in my reread, but the basic premise is that Sonic goes to visit his friend Porker Lewis on the Floating Island (later known as Angel Island in the games), where the chaos emeralds and master emerald are kept suspended above a giant… hole thing that holds their power (kid me didn’t ask questions, adult me still doesn’t). Sonic fell in this hole and got a full whack of their power, turning him into the evil Super Sonic who’s hellbent on destroying the last person who’d been on Sonic’s mind, who happened to be Amy Rose
The story ends on this cliffhanger and I can pin-point this single image as the reason I got into Sonic in the first place
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…Like, look at this!! The art is so cool! What’s going to happen to Amy Rose? Why has Sonic turned into a crazy powerful being who wants to kill her? I have to know more! I have to get the next issue and maybe devote my entire life to this series! Like, Super Sonic looks so powerful and Tails looks terrified of him! But Amy still looks quite calm and collected. Maybe she’s only just noticed Super Sonic zooming into the scene or maybe she’s just composed enough to not be as fearful of him as Tails is. Obviously, even without knowing anything about the series, I could tell that Amy is Sonic’s friend and I want her to be okay. But something about seeing her reaction in this panel made it seem like the “Next Issue: Amy vs Super Sonic!” advertised at the bottom of this page wouldn’t be as one-sided as some might expect it would be And that’s how, on (roughly) 21st June 1996, an 8-year-old who’d just spent their £1.20 pocket-money had their socks blown off by a Sonic comic (Out of curiosity, I looked up where Archie Sonic was at around this time and it was… issue #37! The Knuckles spin-off comics would also be released the month after this. But I wouldn’t know about the existence of either of these until later)
Now, 80 issues into an on-going series is obviously a late point to hop on, but I can honestly say that it never hindered me reading the comics as a kid. Every two weeks I’d get to see Sonic and his friends have adventures and sometimes they’d mention established lore that I might not have known, but it was easy just to write that off as something from an earlier issue and carry on Also, after a certain point, StC started to reprint older stories. Which was both a blessing and a curse, because on one hand it meant that I could catch up with older stories I hadn’t read before, but on the other hand it deprived the issues of newer stories, until the comic would eventually become entirely reprints from issue #185. Even so, I can confidently say that there are probably stories in the first 79 issues of the series that I’ve never read, so I’m looking forward to getting to those on my read-through So, will you stop reading at issue #184? While I intend to read from #1-184, the reprints issues do feature new covers from Richard Elson
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Many of which show newer takes on earlier stories, featuring the green-eyed Sonic of the modern era. So while it’s far away now, I’ll most-likely do a post about these covers to conclude my read-through. Although man, looking at #185’s cover in particular puts me right back into being there as a kid, expecting to see new stories, only to open the comic and get entirely reprints…
Will you be reading the non-Sonic stories?
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Early on in its run, StC featured stories from other SEGA titles of the time, before committing to being entirely about Sonic. While not to diminish the merits of these stories, I just don’t have the same familiarity with most of their source material that I do for Sonic, so I won’t be reading them. The exceptions being probably the Ecco stories (because I did play Ecco as a kid) and Decap Attack, because Decap Attack was still running after I started reading the comic and I remember enjoying it. But I won’t be blogging about either of these in the same way that I will be the Sonic comics themselves, so you won’t have to skim past posts about loads of other series to get to the Sonic stuff
What about the Sonic spin-offs?
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I will absolutely be reading these once I find or make a good reading-order that slots them into their proper place. The above summer ‘96 special was also one of my first StC issues and I remember it fondly
What about the Captain Plunder stories?
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Yep! Captain Plunder exists in Sonic’s universe and I enjoyed his standalone stories as a kid, so I’ll be including him in my reread Anything else?
For a time, StC included game reviews and ofc they also had a fanmail and fan art section, like Archie and IDW. For the most part, I’ll only be including small bits of these that I find interesting or relevant, but I won’t be talking about them wholesale. Though I’m sure that a Sonic comic’s reviews of Sonic games will be worth a look at
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top 5 wips you’re most excited to write? :D
AH …. anon my beloved 🥺🥺🥺 tysm for giving me an excuse to talk about them!!!! i have a whole bunch but here are the ones i’m most excited for/planning to write soon :3 hopefully
TITLES ARE STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION BTW but if you know where any of them are from you get a big gold star ⭐️
it’s your touch that i need
the best friend’s brother!satoru fic that i’m planning on posting next….. i’m . Unsure if i’ll have time to post it this week but :’3 i’ll get it done!!! honestly i just think bfb!toru is insanely attractive so this is mostly an outlet for that but . i have a plot mapped out kind of… the unrequited love trope is just perfect for him but it’s Me so it’ll probably be less angsty and more funny/bittersweet !!
here’s a snippet from it <3
”you’re a good kid,” he says, and his smile teeters on the edge of something apologetic. mostly, it’s pitying. ”there are lots of people out there for you.” the weight of his palm on your head is usually a comfort, but like this? it’s a specific kind of torture. he ruffles your hair, as affectionate as ever, the same as it’s always been. not a trace of any romantic intent. there are lots of people out there for you. (i know, you want to tell him, but your voice is raspy and your throat feels sort of dry. i know. but i want you.)
hunter, you were human
my neglected mer!sugu fic…… our beloved fish man….. one day. i’ll write it out. i’m having some trouble deciding the order of events + general formatting of the outline so 😭😭 i’m a bit stuck. i’ll get there though!!! this au has angst potential but it’s Me so trust that this will be fluffy and nothing else. lots of banter and cutesy moments. i have a lotttt of thoughts about this au and character/reader dynamic so….. i’m. really excited to eventually write it all out!!! i love him sm :cc
“i don’t really like freshwater.” … your eyes widen. his voice is silky, smooth, like a silver river running from the forked tip of his tongue; a melodic lilt that makes you think of the lullaby your mother used to sing you to sleep with. a long, slow moment passes you by, like the rocking of a rusty ship. silently, your tongue forms around a bundle of words, your mouth gaping like a fish out of water. staring at the merman in your bathtub. “you can talk?!”
consider the hairpin turn
THE BELOVEDEST OF THEM ALL …… my extremely neglected best friend’s brother!kenjaku fic T_T my magnum opus even . i started writing it out a while ago but had to stop bc i can’t decide how to format it …. i think it’d be best to tell the story through a lot of flashbacks but it’s difficult to decide where to put what flashbacks in a way that doesn’t disturb the flow, yk??? but i do have everything outlined and i’m super excited to finally post it :33 someday… bfb!kenny is the actual loml i have so much lore planned for him. this fic is just a whole bunch of yearning and tension… the tiniest tiniest bit suggestive bc he truly makes me ill.
nervously, your gaze trails towards the stairs. worried, your teeth gnawing at your bottom lip. kenjaku notices. a large palm cradles your cheek; making sure your eyes stay locked onto his own. ”don't worry about him,” he soothes, a rough thumb smoothing down your skin. ”it’s just us here… just you and me. why don’t you take a deep breath for me, hm?” (you do. without thinking. as if your body was waiting for instructions, waiting to satiate this gnawing desire to impress him, make him proud. be good for him.)  “now,” he exhales, in tandem with you, molecules mingling together. “do you want this?” 
only in the next world
ANOTHER DEARLY BELOVED WIP that’s been rotting in my drafts for a while ….. 👉👈 i think that out of all of these fics this is the first one that i wrote the outline to?? probably even before i made this blog. it’s basically just a canon-aligned au where gojo navigates his maybe-possibly-feelings for you, a new teacher at jujutsu high!! sooo really just my attempt to write what i view as a more canon-aligned gojo and his feelings towards love :3 mostly character-centered fluff and slowburn… some office au vibes…. i’m very fond of this reader!! and i love this version of gojo so bad i really hope i can do him justice…
“they’re a softie, huh?” shoko exhales — smoke drifting past her lungs, mingling with the cold air, a stench of tobacco that makes him crinkle his nose. ”they are,” she hums, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. a dangerously knowing look. “it’s not often someone captures your attention.” gojo smiles. ”is that what it seems like?” he drawls, almost a chuckle. closing his eyes and thinking of you, the fading scent of your perfume. ”well, who knows.” (certainly not him.)
signs of affection
my sickeningly fluffy cult leader geto fic <333 bc i’m spreading the agenda that he is a puppy of a man towards his s/o. this one is just meant to be funny and sweet!! i adoreee the thought of him dating a retired sorcerer with a normal ass job so in this one the reader works at a preschool…. and they’re meant to attend some kind of event for the preschool + is offered to bring a plus one. mild chaos ensues (geto doesn’t want to be anywhere near your non-sorcerer colleagues but he also wants to support you so he’s having a bit of a crisis rn…..) i LOVE this one and i’m so excited to write it out <333333 i think this geto is the most endearing man alive.
suguru blinks, eyelashes fluttering, gleaming under the shallow light of the lamppost just behind him. illuminating the peach-dyed flush dusting his ears, those wide pupils. and his lips, glossy with something cherry-flavoured, soon to curl up into a smile — fond, fond, fond. melting into your touch, basking in your long-sought attention. if he were a cat, you’re sure he'd be purring. he places one big palm over yours, where it rests on his cheek, and he stares. silently, like you’re the only thing worth seeing; dreamy galaxies inside his eyes, all honey and star clusters, leaking adoration. a milky way of love. ”… another,” he pleads, nosing at your fingertips.
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poppyseed799 · 7 months
Since I mentioned how Martyn saved Last Life for me, I think it’s time I finally make my Martyn Appreciation Post that I’ve been meaning to make because the fandom is too mean to him sometimes.
Once upon a time, I discovered a series called 3rd Life. I watched it because I had watched Grian many years ago and figured “sure, I’ll see what he’s up to now.” The premise was very interesting and the episode got me hooked. The second episode came out and I watched Scar’s, it was so funny I subscribed despite never knowing anyone except Grian before 3L. I watched the series as it came out, always watching Scar but branching out to see the other POVs too, because I was invested in the whole story. And of course, how could you watch 3rd Life without watching Martyn, the hand. His editing was great, he added so much to the enjoyment of the story with just editing.
And then suddenly, (I think this was the first instance but I could be wrong) he had almost died and there was a voice telling him it wasn’t his time to die yet. I watched Scar first as always, so I knew Martyn would survive, but the editing made it feel like he wouldn’t until that voice came and “saved” him. I wasn’t expecting anything like that at all. What was that voice supposed to be? Why wasn’t it the right time for him to die? Fans all talked about it of course. Back then, it was called the “voice lore”, cuz that’s all we really knew. A voice. This voice lore gave fans even MORE to talk and theorize about, which is always great in fandom spaces. The series went on, the voice coming back sometimes as we’d try to figure out what was going on. It wanted him to kill Ren, but he never did. He couldn’t, because Ren had died and Martyn fell shortly after.
The 3rd Life finale was fantastic. I cried. Like actually I cried, and despite not writing often I even wrote a little retelling of the cactus fight mere hours after watching the finale. It was that inspiring. I was crying as I wrote. Eventually, I got around to watching Martyn’s POV of it, cuz how could I not? It was amazing, a totally different side of the war, a very tragic one at that. Of course, Martyn died. I knew he would, I watched Scar first every time. But I wasn’t expecting what would happen after he died. His character falling in a dark void, some speech about always fighting, even if you have nothing to live for. It made me cry. Yes, I cried a lot in my time in the life series. It’s great that a series could make me feel that way. Anyways, I cried at that speech. Then it ended, and the voice returned. It wasn’t very happy with Martyn. I was actually legitimately worried for his character. Until that point, I had been imagining afterlives for all of the characters (yes I cried at Scott’s finale too). Happy afterlives for them, since I loved the characters so much. But when I saw that last bit of Martyn’s finale, I was worried he wouldn’t get a happy ending like I wanted for all of them. But of course, my feelings aside, this was lore. Why wasn’t the voice happy? What was it going to do?
I went on twitch and found Martyn streaming, talking about 3rd Life. I watched and learned so much behind the scenes stuff. I’m just going to bring up this point now: Martyn’s interactions with life series fans is part of what makes him and his lore so great. But more on that later.
Then Last Life came out. I was so excited, I actually recently dug up my old DMs with my sister from when I found out about it, apparently I was a couple days late to realize it came out lol. Not sure what I was doing, I also don’t think I knew there would be a second season, even though I know I watched Grian’s finale where it said there would be. Idk maybe I forgot. Anyways… I was OBSESSED with Last Life. Completely and fully invested. My birthday was during its run and all I asked for was my family members to draw wizard Scar. But anyways the point is Martyn. The voice returned! And this time… there was more! Martyn was acknowledging the voice. There was a secret shadow group formed, and we learned more and more about the voice but not enough… yet.
One of my favorite parts of Last Life was when Martyn was… hallucinating? Jimmy and Mumbo were alive and he did Mumbo’s intro. It was well put together, disturbing, sad, and also a great teaser for the episode when he uploaded that Mumbo intro compilation. Then he runs and has an argument with the voice before finally giving in. Like… wow. What was that lol. It was awesome! Martyn’s character has always had such… character. He’s merciless and willing to betray, yet also loyal and empathetic. It feels like he would be a sweet guy and a nice friend if it weren’t for the circumstances. I love c!Martyn so much, he really feels like he has feelings even tho he’s just real life Martyn’s OC he roleplays as in minecraft.
But now, that famous Last Life Finale. Martyn dies (in a very bad way I might add) and the same thing that made me sad last time happened again, but worse. The voice was upset with him. This time, to his face, and VERY angry. That end speech is one of my favorite parts of the life series EVER. I want to have it memorized. It explained so much, was so powerful, just vague enough that you might not understand at first but could easily figure out with a bit of thinking what they’re referencing. And since that day, it was no longer called voice lore. We knew what the voice was now. It was now known as the watcher lore.
Now, to be honest, I think I actually first experienced this legendary speech from a stream. I was just absorbing the Last Life finale (which was disappointing for me personally but that’s a different post) when I saw Martyn was streaming an explanation of his lore. I watched it, and it was amazing. I got to learn what everything meant, little bits of trivia and behind the scenes, all that! It honestly saved my slipping enjoyment of Last Life. I had never watched EVO, but the great thing was you didn’t really need to. If there was something you didn’t understand, you could ask other fans, or just ask Martyn. That’s one of the best things about the watcher lore! The guy writing it is very open to discussing it with fans so you can understand it better, show him your theories, learn behind the scenes and all that!!
I just don’t see how people could hate it so much. Out of all the life series creators, Martyn interacts with the fans the most. Not even in an uncomfortable way, he seems to understand fans and fandoms well. Here on tumblr if you’re interested in his lore you can just shoot him an ask and he’ll likely answer! He’s planning on making an explanation video for his lore too, which will be really helpful. It’s the most interactive part of the life series (aside from the new “suggesting secrets for secret life” thing), of course the fandom will obsess over it!
It’s just disheartening to see people diss it so hard just because they think the fans are annoying. First of all, most posts that talk about that reek of cringe culture, second of all, have some respect for the hard work Martyn puts into this!!! There’s no reason to drag him down just because his work inspires the fandom more than you’d like it to. I’ve seen people say it’s just fan service. First of all, I don’t see a problem in him seeing fans talk about watchers a lot and think “let me give them more to work with!”, especially when second of all HE WAS PART OF EVO, I’M PRETTY SURE HE WAS ONE OF THE WRITERS FOR IT. He has full right to continue the watcher story. Also people don’t seem to realize the lore has existed since 3rd Life? Probably because we didn’t know it was watchers back then. But still, he didn’t randomly see watchers and go “I’ll do that”. Before the watcher reveal I think I saw watchers in the fandom like twice? Because Grian made the series. It was mostly just AUs anyway. So yeah. Martyn wasn’t like stealing fanon lore for clout he just wanted to use watchers and we went “that’s so cool” and went insane.
Within the series, the lore isn’t as overbearing as people claim it is either. Once again stop dragging Martyn down for gripes you have with other fans. There wasn’t even ANY in double life. In Limited Life, it was just a few rhymes and such, which was still awesome! His finale also added more to the lore, was very cinematic and cool. Lots of work put into it.
On that subject I also made it to the Limited Life Finale Stream!!! Explaining the lore and answering questions and giving behind the scenes information!!! It was great! Other members of the series helped him with his finale which is cool. He gives us tons of stuff to work with all the time, lore to theorize on, he just gives so so much to the fans. It’s no surprise at all that we love his lore.
Just… most hate I see is so misdirected towards Martyn. Don’t hate him because he made an incredible story! I stand in front of him with a sword and a shield and say “he is not your enemy! Everything you’re complaining about is because of the fans!” So you turn around to fight the fans only to see I am also standing in front of them with a sword and shield. But that is a conversation for another day.
Basically, Martyn lore so good he is great for the fandom and I cried ten million times while in this fandom. In a good way.
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aconites · 6 months
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happy 2024! as it's a new year, i thought this was the perfect time to post a plotting call for those who might be interested in writing with me!  if you want to do threads with someone who will message you at the crack of dawn with random headcanons, musings and create graphics (manips, gifs manips, crackships, etc​ )  for our characters — look no further. i also have no triggers, am sm.ut friendly and i love to do multiple plots with the same partner. bellow the cut you’ll find a list of wanted faceclaims, opposites, ships and plots that i would love to do and if anything catches your interest please give this post a like and i’ll message you. this is for mutuals & non mutuals, so feel free to like this even if we have threads/plots happening already!
faceclaims i’d love to play! * melissa barrera** * greta onieogou* * ana de armas* * phoebe tonkin* * margot robbie* * camila queiroz** * sydney sweeney* * ayca aysin turan * hande ercel * alycia debnam-carey* * simone ashley * melisa pamuk* * adria arjona* * olivia cooke * grace van patten * jessica alexander* * madelyn cline* * madison bailey * priscilla quintana* * meghann fahy * benedetta porcaroli * camila morrone * riley keough * suki waterhouse* * adelaide kane* * florence pugh * sophia bush * ester exposito * lily james * lily collins * gabriella wilde* * sofia carson * josephine langford * danielle rose russell * danielle campbell * abigail cowen* * halston sage * camila mendes * brianne howey * gemma chan * eiza gonzalez * lindsey morgan * zendaya * sabrina carpenter * candice swanepoel * elsa hosk * jasmine tookes * emily ratajkowski
faceclaims i’d love to play against!
* all the ladies above * pedro pascal** * ben barnes** * joseph quinn* * joe keery* *christopher briney* * henry cavill * ricky whittle * casey deidrick* * jd pardo * jamie dornan * adam demos * richard madden * sam clafflin * carlos miranda * scott eastwood * garrett hedlund * drew starkey * clayton cardenas * jonathan bailey * jeffrey dean morgan * rudy pankow * felix mallard * dj cotrona* * charlie hunnam** * sebastian stan* * alex fitzalan * dylan o’brien* * nick robinson * manny montana  * chris evans* * harry styles * jacob elordi * boyd holbrook
some ships i’d love to do! * any of the above fcs combined tbh. ( m/f or f/f ) * click here for full list since tumblr has a text limit.
plots id love to do! * this unhappily married dad/babysitter plot. * * this angsty/fluffy my best friend is having my baby plot. * * this zombie apocalypse/last of us inspired plot* but also any za plot. * celeb plots! especially this one. something like two super famous actors hiding their relationship or famous person/non famous plots?* * single dad/nanny plots! give me something cute and angsty. * * escort/client plot where she breaks the most important rule… don’t fall for your client* * grumpy ceo/soft assistant plots.* * royal plots! bridgerton esqued plots! * * f/f socialites plot… blair/selena/upper east side inspired muses but make it gay* * college professor/teacher’s assistant plot.  * college professor/student plot. * crimey plots? sons of anarchy inspired? or maybe m.afia/m.ob/gang stuff?* * bodyguard/client plots bc i’m a sucker for them* * soulmates plot. i have a whole lore i’ve been wanting to write out for ages so * sugar b.aby / sugar d.addy plots *  * best friends to lovers plots ( gimme angst) * WHEN THE M.OB PRINCESS MEETS THE M.OB PRINCE: forbidden love is always angsty so why not do that and add rival g.angs to the mix?  muse a is the daughter of the head boss of the local g.ang and is sick and tired of having her life controlled by her overprotective father. so, to rebel against his wishes after an argument, muse a decides to go to a nightclub that her father had always forbidden her to attend. unknown to her, the club is run by the rival g.ang’s boss’ son, muse b, and not knowing who she is, can’t stop looking at her on the dance floor. they eventually bump into each other and after having a few drinks, end up at muse a’s apartment and they hook up. i was thinking they both never brought up their families and their true professions and maybe start to hang out/go on dates and then bam, the truth comes out and drama begins. especially when they can’t stay away from each other.
* MY BEST FRIEND IS A ROCKSTAR: (tw: death) muse a & muse b have been best friends since they were kids and grew up together. throughout their childhood, muse b had always told muse a about his plans to become a famous musician and as he grew older, became more and more determined to make those dreams come true. when they both hit their teen years, feelings eventually grew and the two were head over heels for each other but neither of them was ever able to admit it. they were both terrified that the feelings would be unrequited or that it would ruin their friendships so just imagine the angst of them seeing each other with other people and FGHDFG. anyway, when muse b finally turns twenty-one, he decides to move to hollywood to make his dreams come true, and muse a stays in their small hometown. they keep in contact with one another but as time went on, muse b becomes a huge rockstar with his band and their contact start to drift but they always had each other in their thoughts, wishing they were closer to one another. a few years pass and they still speak but it’s not like before. muse b was hugely successful and enjoyed the life he was now living but always felt like something was missing. that someone was missing… it’s not until he gets a distraught call from muse a telling him that her mother died does he rush on a private jet and comes home to her. after helping her arrange the funeral and being there for her through her grief, he suggests that she comes on tour with him and the band. wanting to run away from everything and everyone in her small town, she agrees. queue cute ass moments on the tour bus, traveling the world and falling in love like they did when they were young. add drama, angst ( because they’re both still dumb and won’t admit to their feels) stadium tours, TENSION!!!, groupies, etc, etc. 
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shimmiemoonie · 1 year
Jotaro x Reader Buzzfeed Unsolved
Just went on a buzzfeed unsolved binge when i got bored last night and this came out as a result. This is crack so please treat it as such. I may write a second part if people enjoy this. I just like the idea of Jotaro using Splat to mess with you. (Also this is an everyone lives AU bc I said so)
Also when I wrote this out I had this in the original Buzzfeed Unsolved meme format but it didn’t copy over so the stuff written like this is Joot speaking
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“Hello and welcome back to another episode where we explore the question, are ghosts real? Today—stop rolling your eyes, Jotaro!”
“I didn’t roll my eyes.”
“You clearly did! Covering your head with that hat won’t undo what I’ll find on the footage when I’m editing later.”
“Good grief.”
“Don’t good grief me. We’re exploring serious stuff.”
“Ghosts are serious. Maybe not to you, but for me they are. I’m actually terrified right now. I’m about to spend a good chunk of my night conversing with the undead. You just choose not to believe in their existence.”
“Because they’re not real.”
“I dragged your ass outside an allegedly haunted building. You're wasting your breath trying to convince the wrong person.” You turn back around so you’re facing the camera. “We’ve been over this before but in case you suck at picking up context clues, I’m on a mission to prove to Jotaro that ghosts are real and Jotaro thinks this is nothing but a waste of time.”
“Definitely a waste of my time.”
“You act like I force you to come every time but you and I both know it’s not true. You’re built like you belong on an American football team. I can’t force you to do anything you truly don’t want to do. That shows me there’s an inkling of hope that there may be a chance I could change your mind.”
You pretended not to see the second eye roll to allow yourself a moment to explain the lore behind the building. It took you longer than you had anticipated due to Jotaro’s scoffing at some outlandish claims or holes in your story.
As you bickered, you couldn’t help but be reminded of how this whole situation came to be. A few weeks before Jotaro suddenly disappeared for over a few months, you had begun to notice strange and unexplainable occurrences that had begun to happen around him. You offhandedly joked about him being haunted by a ghost before he had disappeared completely.
You weren’t sure if you would consider him to be a friend at the time. He wasn’t particularly close to anyone and you just happened to strike up a conversation as he sat down around the spot where you usually ate by yourself at lunch.
Once he had gone missing for some time, you had found yourself missing him. You changed up your spot at lunch when you got lonely and happened to overhear some girls talking about a haunted bathroom on the second floor of the school.
You didn’t have much equipment at the time, just your phone to record. You sat in the bathroom a while timidly asking if there were spirits present. You didn’t gather much evidence, just the stall closing by itself and some tapping, but when you uploaded it to the internet you found yourself gaining a small following.
The support encouraged you to buy a better camera and a microphone so you could be heard better. You began checking out abandoned buildings and homes and eventually your work became relatively well-known throughout the school. People who never bothered talking to you before began to ask if they could be featured in videos. It was overwhelming but you decided to keep the project to just yourself.
Not long afterward Jotaro returned to school and as a joke you asked him how his ghost problem was going. He had tensed at the question so in order to ease the tension you began to ramble about how you had started a ghost hunting show on the internet and even showed him snippets from an episode to prove your point. 
When your rambling was over he surprised you with a snort. “Ghosts aren’t real.”
You felt your jaw drop. Jotaro Kujo—the most haunted person you knew—didn’t believe in ghosts. 
You invited him jokingly to join you for your next video after school and to your surprise he had shown up after a remark about how his friend had something to do so he wanted to kill time.
With your banter, his abrasive taunts, and his attractive looks your following skyrocketed and your videos became more popular than ever. You begged him to star in another video and with some convincing from his friend, Kakyoin, Jotaro became a permanent staple to your show. 
“Stop blowing air on the back of my neck. You’re not funny.”
“I’m all the way over here. Maybe it’s one of your ghost friends.”
You looked over to find a considerable distance between the two of you. He wasn’t far, but he was far enough that you shouldn’t be able to feel his breath. “Are you not feeling this right now?”
“It’s just the wind.”
“I only feel it on my neck! The wind doesn’t concentrate on one singular point!”
“It’s probably just a draft.”
“You’re really telling me you don’t feel anything—” you cut yourself off as a door slowly creaked shut behind you. The sound was eerie and dragged on. It sent shivers throughout your body.
“Nothing a little grease can’t fix.”
“Are you kidding me? Are you really trying to rationalize that?!”
“Everything can be rationalized. Are you trying to convince me Casper did that?”
“And if I say possibly?”
“I’ll tell you that you’re full of shit.”
“You’re the one who’s full of shit. How, after everything we’ve seen, don’t even believe in the possibility that there may be something out there you can’t quite explain with a grounded explanation?”
“Are you telling me ghosts are a more grounded explanation than the wind?”
“Maybe I am.”
“You’re full of shit.”
“Agree to disagree. Now can I move onto the lore behind this room so we can leave?”
“No. How about you face your fears for a change?”
“Face my fears? I just saw a ghost close the door and I didn’t high-tail it to the next town over. I have to be the bravest person you know.”
“Kakyoin was on this shitty show too, remember? He believed in ghosts.”
“No, he said he could be persuaded into believing ghosts were real. There’s a difference. Now lets–” Whatever you were trying to say got cut off by the door slamming open behind you with a bang. “Fuck the lore, lets go,” you say as you begin to push Jotaro toward the exit on the other side. Jotaro, being the stubborn bastard, didn’t move an inch.
“No, we have time. What were you saying?”
“Doesn’t matter. I know how to read a room. We’re getting evicted.”
“Did your ghost friends tell you that?”
“They actually did. They were pretty adamant about it. Told me the tall guy was getting on their nerves.”
“Wonder who that is.”
If Jotaro noticed his stand dematerializing from behind the same door that had been moved, he didn’t say anything.
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Hello lovelies! And welcome to the reading list for March 2023. I hope this month has been kind to you. And if it hasn't, I hope you'll still be kind to yourself. Kick off those shoes, put do not disturb on your door or your phone or what have you and take a dive into any one of these fics. You're here and you made it.
Thank you, all you talented writers for providing us with an escape. It's so needed and appreciated. You're awesome. 😘
Happy Reading!
2023 reading list | fic rec masterlist
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
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Hold On by @princessmisery666 Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Bucky is tired of you being a brat. Warnings: smut, angry Bucky, preludes to roughness, could be perceived as non-con I guess.
My Girl by @girl-next-door-writes Bucky Barnes x Reader Just some fluff about Bucky slowly realising why he feels so happy lately.
Best Girl by @there-must-be-a-lock Steve Rogers x Reader Prompt: I’ll fuck you until you fall asleep… maybe after that too Warnings: 18+. Steve is equal parts sweet and nasty. Lil bit of degradation, lil bit of possessive dirty talk.
Star Wars
"That's terribly distracting" by @softlyspector Din Djarin x Gender Neutral Reader Request: “Please stop rolling your shirt sleeves up, it’s terribly distracting” with Din except instead of shirt sleeves he’s removing pieces of his armor? Warnings: very lightly nsfw-ish toward the end
Significant by @softlyspector Din Djarin x Gender Neutral Reader Din has been calling you riduur for months. You finally find out what it means, and get a little more than you bargained for. Warnings: pining, absolute FOOLS in love, bit of grumpy x sunshine, lil angsty, possibly incorrect lore, fluff, lots of Mando'a (translations for the Mando'a at the end)
Not Your Friend by @smol-and-grumpy Dean Winchester x Reader Prompt: “Friends? I don’t think so. Friends don’t know the way you taste.”Warnings: Public stuff, dirty talk, praise kink
Can't Keep My Hands to Myself by @carryonmywaywardcaptain Dean Winchester x Female Reader While attending a black-tie event, Dean has trouble keeping his hands (and thoughts) to himself. Warnings: teeny bit of dirty talk and touching, implied future smut
Huh, Not That Complicated After All by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior Dean Winchester x Y/N Dean figures out show to make shower sex not so complicated. Warnings: Explicit 18+. Smut - this is just all smut. No plot. Shower sex, brief semi-public sex, fingering, overstimulation, edging, showerhead as vibrator, mentions of oral sex (f receiving).
Livin' a Lie by @deanwinchesterswitch Dean Winchester x Female Reader Dean thinks he’s doing the right thing, believes it’s for the best. Still, he struggles to let go, even when he overhears that you’ve moved on with someone new. Warnings: 18+ Angst; Some fluff; Dean being Dean; Language; Mentions of smut; Canon divergence.
People Will Notice by @princessmisery666 Sam Winchester x Reader You interrupt Sam while he’s in a compromising position and he thinks you should finish him off. Warnings: smut, language, slight public sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), soulless!Sam.
A Hunter's Heart by @deanwinchesterswitch Choose your Winchester Kink: Cardiophilia Warnings: Mild smut, NSFW-18+ only
Top Gun: Maverick
No One's In The Room series by @princessmisery666 fwb - Ryleigh x Fanboy, eventual Ryleigh x Hangman, platonic Rooster x Ryleigh Jake and Ryleigh find themselves stranded in a remote location when a mission goes sideways. Injured and dependent on his help, she gets a glimpse of the man beneath the façade of ‘The Terminator’. Once they are rescued, the bubble of their personal Vegas bursts, and Jake struggles with new emotions while Ryleigh hopes he will finally see the man she came to know when no one else is in the room. Warnings: enemies to lovers, slow burn, cheating mentioned, bad family relationships, friends with benefits, fluff, angst, asshole!Jake.
Other Characters
First Class by @lokislastlove Ransom Drysdale x Reader Prompt: I could just pull your panties to the side, no one will notice Warnings: Public Sex, fingering, implied kidnapping/hostage.
Soiled by @navybrat817 Motocross!Curtis Everett x Female Reader Curtis can't stand you. At least, that's what he tells himself. Warnings: Very mild eventual enemies to lovers, quick judgement, light banter, Curtis doesn't want to admit he wants you. Motocross!Curtis Everett (he's a warning, okay?)
Dominion by @deanwinchesterswitch Jensen Ackles x Reader
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naffeclipse · 1 year
I feel like I might have had the wrong reaction to “The Lost Episode” because the whole time, I was just like:
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(But also my heart ripped out at the realization that y/n won’t ever see the sun again ;; at least they still have their Sun)
I owe you so many comments on your fics, and I’m so sorry for taking this long to get to them 😭 Maybe I should make my New Year’s resolution leaving comments on all the fics I haven’t gotten to. I promise I will get to loving on each of them eventually! 💜 It’ll give me a good excuse to binge read new fic and reread some other fics hehe
Also, I have a bit of a research question for SJ for reasons 👀 I might have missed it while reading the series, but is there a time estimate for how long it took Moon and Sun to join the police academy after they left the daycare and Eclipse began running around with gangs? And when would you say Eclipse rose to power and became a mob boss? Were Sun and Moon detectives by that point or still a lower rank?
Typing that out just made me curious about how Eclipse did become a mob boss and how he got a gang, and I’m restraining myself from sending you a bunch of lore questions. So I’ll just imagine him sending out fliers with his face printed on them and a caption that promises a competitive base salary. Just ignore the super fine small print that says there are no health benefits with this job
Hope you had a nice holiday as well, Naff! You’re a freaking powerhouse with all the writing you’ve been getting done, so I hope you’re taking care of yourself and resting too! Much love <3
PFFFT LUMI!!! Nah, I love all reactions, it fuels me and I'm glad you enjoyed hehe ♥
No, don't apologize!! I get it! I'm behind on reading/commenting on fics, too ;-; but ahhh, I do look forward to when you do comment!! You always leave such nice ones ♥
Oh ho! Research you, say? I am gazing directly at you, Lumi!
Okay, I'm really bad with timelines and dates so I'll try my best to keep this coherent and hopefully non-contradictory with the main storyline!
15 years after the boys left the daycare, Sun and Moon were finally able to join the police academy while Eclipse was digging deeper into gang activity. Now mind you, Sun and Moon were attempting to join the academy much earlier, but due to politics and human-animatronic relations still being tense despite animatronics being legally recognized as individuals with rights, they were discriminatorily barred from joining the program. It took Eclipse calling in favors, owing a favor or two himself, and offering a lot of bribes to those in charge of the program to get Sun and Moon in. At that current time, Eclipse was climbing the ranks. He was gaining a reputation and a name for himself, but he was still a thug working under someone else's command.
Eclipse didn't control his own gang until after Sun and Moon were detectives and after the Afton Family's fall, but by then, the brothers weren't in contact with each other. Learning that big brother was a crime lord was something the detectives discovered in their work. It was disappointing, but not surprising—just a lot to think about piled on top of everything else.
Fun fact! Eclipse killed his gang leader and took the man's gang for himself. It happened after he learned the crime lord was conspiring against him (funny enough, this was due to others looking towards and being loyal to Eclipse due to his ruthlessness and efficiency, which spooked the gang leader so he thought it would be wise to act preemptively, but ah, Eclipse was not amused to see his loyalty repaid with betrayal.) Eclipse had no qualms with reigning in control and very little resisted his takeover. Eclipse did take care of those who stay loyal to him, but he ran a tight ship. Great risk, great reward.
Wow, sorry, I just went on a ramble there, but I hope that helps answer your questions! But you're absolutely right, there are no health benefits in Eclipse's gang. *Shrek voice* They don't even have dental.
Thank you, I hope you had a nice holiday as well! Ahhh, thank you so much! I've been taking breaks, don't worry, babe! ♥ Much love *smooch ya on the head*
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sanctum-stinker · 2 years
Stinky Sinister Strange Infodump!
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Since you fellas seemed to like Defender so much I decided that I would upload more info about my re-write Sinister as well!
In the Movie Sinister has more character than the other Stranges, but most of his story is up to interpretation. I have some headcanons regarding his actual story in the movie, but for this post I will be focusing on my own version of him which is quite different. He’s the only Strange variant who I have gone out of my way to change the appearance of, and I will explain why in a mo.
He doesn’t have as big of a role as Defender does, but he has more of a backstory, so most of this will be explaining why he is the way he is. Most of his backstory isn’t explicitly shown in the actual course of the re-write, but I like to have it there anywho, just for my own enjoyment.
Let’s rip into it!
Universe 51 (there was no number so I made one up) is an identical universe to 616, being a branch reality where the same things occurred, but just at a faster rate. (I have a glossary and explanation for multiversal terms and how they work which I’ll upload later.) Sinister is basically a version of Stephen from the future if America and Defender hadn’t caused a multiversal interference.
Though we can never truly be sure that 616 Stephen would’ve turned out this way, everything in both of their universes leading up to America and Defender’s arrival is identical. Sinister simply continued on into a future where he never went through the developments in character that Stephen did in this re-write.
 Sinister's universe naturally perished and died out. Nothing horrific, nothing sudden, just the slow and steady decline of mankind. Being Sorcerer Supreme he cannot age or die of natural causes, thus he remains the only living human being on earth after it’s collapse. (I also have a lore on magic and how this is possible which I’ll upload with the multiverse glossary)
After a lifetime of service and devotion to the mystic arts he feels that he deserves a happy life now. After a long long time of existing alone in his sanctum his desires begin to be drawn to the Darkhold. Eventually he caves in and dreamwalks.
Sinister tries to find a universe where he can slip right in undetected. A Universe similar to the one he used to live in. He only lingered in a universe long enough to find out wether it was like his. As time goes on and he dreamwalks more and more he slowly gets corrupted by the Darkhold. He becomes reckless in his dreamwalking, lingering too long, or being too careless in the variant’s body. As a result people start to get hurt, and people close to their Stephens notice his presence. It becomes harder and harder in his unstable state to be able to compose himself enough to dreamwalk undetected. However, with the Darkhold’s vice grip he continues his never ending endeavor, regardless of the cost.
Due to the Darkhold corruptive nature the healing factor of his supremacy becomes weaker, and he also starts to physically age. This is why he looks a lot older than the other variants.
For the die hard fans out there, he’s based on Stephen from Doctor Strange: The End! My all time favorite comic.
A short break before I get into his involvement in the plot. This break is brought to you by Sinister’s Harp!
I loved the harp included in the movie, so I decided to make him attached to it. Christine gave it to him as a last gift before she too passed away from old age much like most of the people he was close with. He enchanted it so it would never perish, and he gets distressed if it’s damaged. He plays it to sooth himself and clear his mind, it’s the only time when he can exist without the Darkhold’s influence.
Anywho, back to it!
He continues his rituals until Stephen (616) is thrust into his sanctum by Wanda after she captures America.
Sinister, at first is fascinated and afraid of Stephen, thinking that maybe the consequences of his dreamwalking had become due. However, after a brief chat he realizes Stephen is no threat at all, and instead turns to manipulating information about his universe out of him in hopes that he could replace Stephen by leaving him in the sanctum and taking his place in 616.
He asks about Christine and Wong, asking for information on how they are, or what they’re up to, pretending to look for comfort in the fact that they’re alive in his universe. Stephen answers, though he starts to grow suspicious of Sinister.
Eventually Sinister becomes malicious, realizing Stephen’s universe is ideal for his parasitic ideals, and he uses the Darkhold to try to possess Stephen.
Stephen is having none of it, and realizes that the Darkhold is probably the only hope he has in communicating with his own universe, and thus the two engage in battle.
I’ve altered it slightly so that Sinister plays the harp, and Stephen plays the piano. Both struggle to because of their hands, but because of the lack of core magic (magic lore coming soon!) in the earth, the two need to create their own runes using the energies from sound waves to create magical projectiles. This is also an opportunity to remind people that Stephen has a music related hyper-fixation which I am very passionate about.
The two go about battling and using different compositions to create different runes, but eventually Stephen uses an off key to create an unstable projectile which explodes, causing both of them to be disarmed. The Darkhold comes loose from Sinister’s grasp and lands on the floor between them.
Sinister is mortified, not at the loss of the Darkhold, but because of the fact that one of the strings on his harp has broken. This emotional distress allows him to break from the Darkhold’s influence for once, and he tries to warn Stephen about the dangers of using the book, explaining that they were copies of each other, and that Stephen would certainly fall into the same state of corruption as he did.
Stephen states that using the Darkhold is (drumroll please) ‘The only way’ to save America, and picks it up. The transfer of dark energies and magic from Sinister to Stephen is powerful and causes a huge shockwave to explode out of the book, sending the harp (that was put to the side as sinister tried to bargain) out of the nearby window.
With all hopes lost Sinister leaps after it, managing to grab it as he dangled off the edge of the Window ledge. Stephen rushes over to help him, and Sinister passes him the harp which Stephen pulls up to safety. He’s too slow to grab Sinister’s hand and he falls into the void. (Not onto a fence I prommy. It’s hard to explain, but that big void that his sanctum was being sucked into in the film? He falls into that.)
Stephen is in a state of shock, but he realizes he had more pressing matters to attend to.
Timeskip to the lead up to the big final battle. Wong has been captured by Wanda after attempting a 1V1 to buy Stephen time to do whatever he was up to. Wanda is about to kill Wong when America, who is also captured nearby, panics and opens her multiversal Portals. Three of them open, and outstep Defender Wong, 838 Christine and Sinister (who unfashionably falls flat on his face).
Because he was falling in the void he never hit the ground, and thus he lives to fight alongside those he lost to save America from Wanda.
He lives to return to his own universe free from the darkhold’s influence :).
The final battle and how that works out is a whole new bag of worms so I’ll leave that till later on. Man, that was a lot of writing, I hope you fellas don’t mind. I am so sorry (it will happen again).
Sinister was a favorite of mine from the get go, but I really hated the Christine obsession, it gave me the ick. Regardless, this is my version of him, and I hope you like him! I think I’ll be uploading stuff about 838 Stephen next, so look out for that if you’re interested in the smooth clean shaven baby girl.
Thanks for your time!
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gatheryourships · 4 months
So, because @gunslingerorchid asked, here's a post about my self-insert Tav, Rosenna.
I’ll be honest I don’t have a whole lot about her fleshed out. And even trying to write this up for you, so much got changed and rewritten a number of times, and even this response is a complete start over from the very long and honestly confused lore bit I wrote.
Basically what I wrote for the fake BG3 intro post I reblogged on here is pretty much all I got, lmao. But I’ll try to give some more info, as much as I got nailed down right now. Maybe some more that’s not so concrete yet either.
Um, so. Rosenna is an only child, born and raised by a farmer and his wife (last name undetermined) in a little hamlet (also name undetermined) located along the Chionthar river a little ways down from Baldur’s Gate.
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Right around that little nook maybe, where the red dot is. I still haven’t decided which side of the river it’s on. But around that area. So that’s it’s between the Fields of the Dead and the Woods of Sharp Teeth.
Rose (for short) lived a nice, little life with her parents. Helped her mom with house chores and what not as commoner daughters do. Also helped her dad a little with the farm - probably a bit less common for daughter to do, but eh. She likes helping and only doing house chores drove her crazy. And it’s something different so she was fine with it, despite getting a little dirty sometimes because of it. Also it was spending time with dad, so… That’s nice. xD
From a young age, Rose had been immersed with stories about heroes. Not necessarily intentionally mind you. Just parents telling their kid stories, censored versions of course. And from there, as she grew up, just got into reading stories about heroes herself.
And between having a good, kind, caring heart and just being a feisty, determined woman who only wants to do right she naturally felt an inclination towards such a life.
However… her mother had another plans for her. Not out of ill-will, just normal life plans that a commoner daughter would typically live. Help her mother until she (Rose) found someone to marry, which her parents were starting to push that onto her, except Rose didn’t have much interest in that. (Yet, anyways. Hero thing first, romance later possibly, ya know.)
What Rose did have an interest in was going to the docks and rubbing shoulders with people who came from Baldur’s Gate and even elsewhere afar, wanting to hear real stories of adventures and journeys from real people that they’ve had, especially recently.
Now it’s here where I’m unsure whether to spin it off as how she picked up some sense of handling a sword. One way is that because going to the docks and rubbing shoulders with strangers is obviously a terrible, dangerous thing to do and her father (and mother) become worried for her and so her father (who’s also maybe part of the citizen militia for the little hamlet - no standing army) decides to teach her (in secret/aka behind mom’s back) so she stops trying to go to the docks (and possibly end up kidnapped or worse one day). Fun, nice, gets interaction with her dad. But like, I just realized it’s the same as the other self-insert for another character I like/liked. So, since I’m already doing that plotline with another character, I’ll probably go with the second option then lmao.
The other one was an idea I had before but was unsure about it (then not now) where she does meet someone from the docks. Not a romantic interest, but thankfully a friendly and honorably decent person. He obviously realized that she’s young (20s, since I didn’t mention that before) and a bit starry-eyed, but she means well and was looking for more in her life, more than this little hamlet could give her. He befriended her and indulged her in giving her stories of his travels and interesting little adventures and happenings he found himself in every time he came into town (only ever stopping by, as did anyone else whoever found themselves at the docks there). Eventually, he himself buys her a sword and trains her how to use it.
From there to BG3 events however… One day it’s too much. Rose’s reckless immaturity has become too much for her mother. So Rose and her mother got in an argument. Her mother had not been oblivious to Rose and her love of heroes, but had hoped that Rose would grow out of it as she got older (she didn’t, it only grew stronger). And enough was enough. It was time to be a grown woman, look for a partner, and settle down and become not just a wife but mother herself. To say Rose was unhappy about this would be a completely understatement. After a yelling match with her mother, Rose quickly packed some things (including her stashed away secret sword) and left home. She got on the first ship to Baldur’s Gate and that was that.
For a year, Rose tried her best there. She got jobs. But they weren’t great. Didn’t pay great. By the end of it, things were… pretty bleak, mentally speaking for Rose. (In my playlist, as confused as it is with this summarization of character, I literally have The Parting Glass (Walking Dead version) followed by the instrumental version of I Want to Live from BG3. I think that says plenty.)
The next morning as she’s going about town is when the mindflayers come and she gets unfortunately (or technically speaking, quite fortunately) snatched up. (Only way to become a hero is go on a crazy adventure right? 😉)
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jamieedlund · 2 years
I absolutely love the au you have built! I just recently got into this fandom and I loved seeing this!
Just wanted to ask some questions:
1. Have you ever thought of writing a fic for this au??
2. What would the other characters reactions be to finding out callum freed aaravos and even ran away with him? I really wanna know rayla and his brother's reactions maybe even the other elves reactions to his actions.
3. I genuinely want to know your thoughts on canon callum, his writing, his story, his actions, his lore, his magic?
4. Do you think there's ever a chance of seeing any part of your au in canon? Specially with the new season.
5. What are your thoughts on rayllum? Would their canon relationship have any affects in your au?
6. Would callum and aaravos remain fugitives in the future of your au or will that change?
7. Do you think there's a character that would for whatever reason join callum and aaravos?
8. Is there anyone who would secretly be happy for callum and aavravos? Or even secretly support them maybe even help them and tell them about whats going on?
9. When, and why did you create this au?
10. Will we get more backstory and lore for your au in the future?
11. Since callum is human he would eventually die right? What would aaravos do then?
12. What are your thoughts on the theory that callum is a half elf? Or even aaravos son?
13. What is your favorite tdp theory regarding these two?
14. If you could have rewritten s3 or even the whole show what would you have changed?
Sorry about asking so many questions!! I just really wanna know your thoughts on these 😭
⚠(WARNING!!! READING. AN UNGODLY AMOUNT OF READING)⚠ Hello hello~ Welcome to (what is essentially hell for me) BUT OTHERWISE PROBABLY A GOOD TIME FOR YOU maybe hopefully ヾ(•ω•`)o
First of all, thank you so much, I’m super glad that you found my chaotic somewhat ugly doodles to your liking! Laughs in i also enjoy genshin quite a lot and I really like childe as well!
ALRIGHT ON TO THE QUESTIONS SO BUCKLE UP, BUDDY! Because I’m about to do something that only a few people would ever get through - R A N T i MEAN ansWERINg questions. Please, and this is very important, take my answers with a grain…no…A GIGANTIC OCEAN WORTH OF SALT. I’m but a commoner who loves Callum and Aaravos a little bit too much. Also due to the nature of tumblr ask limiting me to only 10-30 images(?)…in this arguably somewhat of an argumentative essay…So um SORRY for the lack of illustrations and that I tried my best to answer as clearly as I could. With that being said…Bust out the popcorn and enjoy!🍿🍿🍿
1. Have you ever thought of writing a fic for this au??
I’m not the biggest fan of writing or reading for that matters (hahah which is ironic because I have to somewhat write a script for this) BUT! I did have all of the outlines of the plot planned out. I’m only good at writing dynamics - aka relationships between people. I still need the canon explanation on a lot of things because there is no way in hell I’ll get the magic system right UNLESS THEY SHOW IT TO ME JESUS FRICKIN CHRIST-
So yea, no written fanfic but there is an existing script, several comic drafts with some missing lore that I hope the show will reveal~ I dub their story ‘Masters of the Primals’ and here’s a sketch of one of the covers~
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I hope you like it. I think they’re very cute together…
2. What would the other characters reactions be to finding out callum freed aaravos and even ran away with him? I really wanna know rayla and his brother's reactions maybe even the other elves reactions to his actions.
Oh I’ve actually written a draft abt this so I can either dump all the ugly sketches in your face— or tell you about it… Let’s do both because only the most obscure of my followers have the patience for my shenanigoogles anyways.
So! Due to the fact that we saw the mirror is now placed in a regular room within the castle (in ss4 trailer) chances are the whole situation you’re looking at here
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probably took place within the walls of A REGULAR ROOM OF THE CASTLE. Therefore if Aaravos’s return did trigger some sort of ancient alarm and the place was swarmed, Ezran and Soren would be the first to know of this incident. The way I see it… it was shown in ss4 that Callum has been brooding and upset for 2 years ever since Rayla left. So in the brief moments that Ezran got to see his brother with Aaravos, Callum was smiling and genuinely being the happiest that he has ever seen for the first time IN FOREVER (when he tried to introduce Aaravos to Ezran and explained himself with whatever the truth relating to this man is) was enough proof for him.
Ezran would probably be the first, and quickest to trust in Callum’s heart. I think he would definitely yell at his brother to get his ass out of the kingdom and pursue his own happiness and that he will see him later (maybe when Aaravos told Callum to stay with Ezran, nudged him forward but instead Callum hugged his brother goodbye, then grabbed the man’s hand and and booked it before all hell break lose)
Soren’s reaction might be the most fun and one that I’ve also written a script for. He would at first, definitely be on the elves side because well…Aaravos is evil and dangerous is all that he’s told. So he might have been neutralized either frozen in place or sent flying when Aaravos impulsively protected Callum from being harm. Later him and Rayla would definitely try to hunt Callum down believing that Aaravos somehow - brainwashed or manipulated Callum into running off and doing evil with him (which there is no proof of btw they’re REALLY JUST ASSUMING that they’re doing bad things because of Aaravos’s history lol.) Callum will always opt to tell the truth, what he did know about Aaravos, how he manipulated Viren and how he was the caterpillar bug thingy that Soren saw before. This, of course, would reasonably anger Soren. As for Rayla, well she has all the reasons to destroy Aaravos because that’s all she’s told about him, and considering she now know he did played a role in the previous war via what the elves had told her...it’s not like she would think otherwise.
So they fight.
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I dub this the ‘Callum kicking literally everybody’s ass’ - The Arc.
Aaravos would help but I think my boy got it cover. Callum on the other hand…he’s just so done with hearing the same thing over and over: Aaravos is evil; he’ll devour your soul; he’s going to take over the worlddd. Which to him sounded a bit much considering all they have been doing ever since running away was LITERALLY FIXING THE ELVES AND DRAGON’S PROBLEMS like fighting op bandits, quieting the cold wars that probably exist somewhere in Xadia, helping to restore the magic back to the dying lands, etc ALL OF THIS WHILST BEING HUNTED DOWN BY THE SYSTEM ITSELF BECAUSE ??? AARAVOS IS EVIL HE’S A CRIMINAL HE MUST BE STOPPED etc etc. Note that it might have been months when Rayla and Soren finally caught up to these two, which gave Callum plenty of time to learn combat tactics and creative ways to use his power with both his and Aaravos’s massive brains combined.
So in short, Callum is just done. He’s done perpetuating the broken system. A system, which by the way, if you remember, condemned Rayla’s parents thinking they ran away WHEN THEY HAD THE TOOL TO FIND OUT IF THAT WAS TRUE OR NOT BY USING THE SAME SPELL CALLUM DID AT THE STORM SPIRE A system that believed Amaya deserved death without giving her a chance to trial because — war and discrimination??? (Janai had to begged for her life and even then she’s still treated by the ruling class as a “pet”) A system that sent assassins to murder knowing that it will PROBABLY perpetuate the cycle of violence, with the person who ATTEMPTED THIS ACT aka the dragon queen btw don’t forget this, literally sent Callum and Ez’s dad to his grave, took a nap and woke up acting like this was what she wanted ALL ALONG (face palming so hard at the writing for this) AND FINALLY, a system where, from the start, knowingly half-heartedly helped human via the act of the unicorns giving the human primal stones itself (check the wiki for this I’m sure this is canon somehow) is a cruel joke disguises as an act of kindness, in my opinion anyway. I can say one thing for certain, if there is no need for dark magic, it wouldn’t have existed. No one would need it because well—they can already do primal magic. SO SOMETHING along the line of HOW primal magic was used and WHO used the primal magic AND WHAT was it used for, must have not been LIFE-SAVING due to the fact that the human poems recalled their town being attacked by dragons and the ancient dark mage recall tales of famine and plagues. A system that has been looking down on humanity since the dawn of their existence.
But this isn’t to say the humans didn’t do anything wrong either, as the show constantly trying to shove the fact that human mages and dark magic = bad at our faces lols. However…I wanna talk about something else... King Harrow’s bad kingdom management choices. It wasn’t dark magic that’s at fault. IT WAS HARROW(not entirely but for the main conflict of the show it's definitely his fault) — which i will dissect more in the later answer about Callum. But for now all I will say this: DARK MAGIC ISN’T THE BAD GUY HERE. Callum woke up to the truth when he met Aaravos and realized that he can’t choose between two ambiguously terrible systems…so he decided to leave them both! He recognizes that there are countless of people who still rely and are living some what happy and peaceful lives within these systems, therefore him and Aaravos running away to just be themselves, to live their own lives, to be happy was the best course of action to take.
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I think that the comic draft about their fights sorta already explained how the other elves and dragons see this scandalous(lol) event : Aaravos scheming something terrible with the human mage. Some of them probably think Callum got manipulated or brainwashed, others immediately condemned him because PREJUDICE~ Human’s always gotta be human~ and what not. That’s all I can say regarding to this aspect of the story. Bonus content, how Aaravos feels about his student’s friends comic draft:
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3. I genuinely want to know your thoughts on canon callum, his writing, his story, his actions, his lore, his magic?
oH BOY, here is the part where I warned you about. Take whatever I’m about to say with a massive amount of salt. I’ve had people asking this and then unfollowed me for my very infuriating take on him.
I genuinely, sincerely , without a shadow of a doubt, believe that the writers do not love him as a character. Let me give you all the evidence to why (spare my soul I TRIED to sit through all of the seasons to list out moment that he is on screen which included time stamps, episode number and the season I cited along with my thoughts on each of them… God knows if I miss anything because I just can’t stand the way they write him)
(click here if you wanna read all of them because I refuse to put any of you through this kind of hell, if your browser warns you about opening it just open it anyways I swear I'm not out here to steal your info lol)
If you came back from the link and still disagree with me then, idk what else to tell you. This will fall on your deaf ears I suppose… But if you understand, with or without reading my notes, I hope it’s been clear to you how he is the prime example of a wasted main character FROM THE START. He’s under written at worst… semi-mediocre at best. You will surely get it when I say he’s only written….purely to save Rayla, to make her character looks good and or other characters around him look good. His role in the story, is arguably, even more important than “the dragon prince” himself because CALLUM IS THE SOLUTION, THE ANSWER TO THE MAIN CONFLICT OF THE SHOW: M A G I C(the conflict between primal and dark magic ; or human vs magical creatures. Depends on how you look at it.)
And yet… a massive disservice was done to him. It makes no sense from both the lore and the importance of the story stand point that they would treat his character like this. I love him, I love who he has and surely still has the potential to be. I think I made this very clear in the examples that I’ve given but I’ll spell it out again here (given that maybe I’ve probably completely spiraled into insanity while watching the show again purely for that purpose…)
As someone whose mother was lost because of his own father’s bad choice as a ruler(and I’d argue that he understood this very well that it wasn’t dark magic. IT’S HIS STEP DAD) he could and would have become someone who’s sensitive to the truth. That dark magic is JUST, A, TOOL. A very dangerous, powerful one but A TOOL, NONETHELESS. It’s something someone willingly choose. It is a contract. You lose a bit of yourself in exchange for your desire. It was Harrow’s choice to help the neighbor when his kingdom barely had enough to get by. It was again his choice, not Viren’s, not dark magic’s “temptation”, HIS CHOICE to kill the titan. It was HIS choice that led to Sarai’s death. Then it WAS AGAIN, his choice to kill the dragon king. From Callum’s perspective, he should have seen it this way a long time ago. But the thing that was wasted about this, was even when he knew all of this, he still made an effort to love Harrow, because his love for his mother is greater than his hatred for Harrow’s mistakes. UNTIL WHATEVER TRANSPIRED IN EPISODE 1-3 in season one. He would have stood up to his father with vigor when this man again decided to be selfish AGAIN, wanting to die instead of staying alive at all cost for his very young son, and then would still risked his life fighting and protect him rather than running away because that’s just the type of person CALLUM IS. Not whatever the hell that went down in the show… I will fight for this version of him till the day I die. Make his flaw recklessness instead of cowardice. Make him love everyone as best as he can, not just his romantic interest. That is what I see in Callum, and sadly not what I’ve gotten.
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ABOUT HIS POWER The bit about him getting his magic was anti climatic and pisses me off to no end because of the execution (again this was in the link, see my notes on season 2) I won’t say more here but here’s the summary: The one Callum condemned should have been the image of his step father due to all the bad choices that he’s made, and then swiftly turn his back on the thing that saves him his pride (the fact that the show and Harrow refused to acknowledge that dark magic really did saved thousands of lives when he couldn’t); knowingly shackling his very young son Ezran to the throne which he DELIBERATELY SAID before hand: a child is freer than a king. Yea, real good of ya Harrow. Towards the dark mage version of himself, he should have been more gentle, understanding and kind. He wouldn’t make the same mistake as Harrow by completely becoming ungrateful to it. He would bargain for his soul, vowing that he will be a little kinder to himself and hope that it can give him a chance. He couldn’t go on living if he’s not himself anymore. This would have made the story infinitely more interesting because the show HAD THE CHANCE TO SHOW US THAT DARK MAGIC CAN BE FORGIVING(and in canon it…kinda is??? Because Callum was able to just noped out of getting corrupted so forgiving is in its nature…SO WHY IS IT BEING RIDICULE WHEN IT LITERALLY HELPED HIM SAVED HIS FRIEND’S LIFE BRUH) with the dark Callum slowly closes his eyes and fade away as Callum hugged him; dropping the key that was all dark magic runes into the abyss. THAT. is how you reject something like dark magic. THAT is how you are worthy of being the FIRST EVER HUMAN TO CHANEL THE PRIMAL - because YOU UNDERSTOOD THE TRUE NATURE OF DARK MAGIC: that it’s not EVIL. Not all the preachy prejudicial crap that transpired in that episode… It didn’t feel earned and it didn’t feel natural. To his character and to the story and I want to cry.
4. Do you think there's ever a chance of seeing any part of your au in canon? Specially with the new season.
I doubt it aha. With what they did to Callum and what I’ve seen so far with the new season derailing his character into “angst” instead of … letting him embrace his non-traditional masculinity and going all in on the “moe” aspect of his character…BUT THEY DIDN’T! SO it might just go down a typical angsty good vs evil generic writing… I’ve said this before but if they made my plot a reality I would literally eat dirt 🤣 and not just “oh Aaravos is using Callum so he took him as a student” no no no~ I mean e x a c t l y how it transpired in my writings. THEN I’ll eat dirt :)))
5. What are your thoughts on rayllum? Would their canon relationship have any affects in your au?
One of the other aspect I want people to take with another mountain of salt. I’ll answer in the shortest way possible though because it will take another essay for me to get through my thoughts. I’ll give you one word: Chemistry. I didn’t feel any chemistry between them from the moment they met till the moment they became a couple. (A friendly reminder that season 1-3 took place in only a month or a month and a half…maybe two months if you count the official comic. So their “romance” formed a little after …. two…weeks… yep I checked… and “fell apart” after like a month and a half…) Chemistry, is what you feel instantly. You can’t…make it happen, it just…happens. I think Aaravos said it best in the comic draft below: “If you had to force love, it’s probably shit.” 🙂 There is this innate compatibility within the characters themselves that makes their interaction explosive with emotions…and these two…has non... They are, in some ways sorta…good friends…? but take their first interaction for example! The first nice thing Callum expressed towards Rayla without fear was: YOU SWEPT THE LEG! She doesn’t understand this sentiment, her reaction wasn’t amused, it was this angry, somewhat confused look. Later on when he’s happy finding out that he’s a mage, she’s just annoyed, not finding this bubbly carefree somewhat loud personality charming. I get that this is when they first met and there is still barriers here and there… but like I said, it’s about the chemistry ; something that’s supposed to happen instantaneously. There are countless more times like this… when there is a chance for some sort of reaction to happen; but it just… did not? Then it did a 180 in ss3 for…the sake of shipping…huh..??? So to me at least, their chemistry has already failed.
For how this affects my own writings, take a look at these drafts:
In a valentine comic draft that I had right here (Callum is taking a look at some magical candied roses being sold at the market on the day of love)
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Callum: head empty, only master. Didn’t even think twice about anything else🤣
and this lunar new year draft right here (they’re waiting for the fireworks to start)
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You can’t tell me this isn’t good advice, also I stole this from “how I met your mother” the chemistry and timing talk.
Or refer to the previous draft in question 2 when Aaravos talked about Rayla
You can clearly see that Aaravos ACKNOWLEDGED his student’s relationship, whilst Callum seems somewhat dismissive of it. I do it this way because:
like it or not…that is still what happened in the canon;
Maybe a good thing because if Callum had decided to run away with Aaravos, a labeled WAR CRIMINAL, changing his perspective on what he believed in either about life or relationship, shouldn’t be a far fetch development either. I wrote about it in detail via this post. I think that he would slowly learn that he is super happy without the involvement of a romantic partner, thus he’s able to be more understanding to Rayla’s leaving him. Or maybe it’s Aaravos who helped him understand why she left and even be the reason for why he’s so emotionally stable and matured.
IN SHORT: Callum doesn’t think about or even wants to think about his romantic life when he’s with Aaravos. His reply whenever his master mentions Rayla (which doesn’t really come up that often) would always be: “I’ll deal with it when it comes to it!” My man Aaravos on the other hand… he’s literally just vibing. Touching grass, doing magic, getting mentally healthier and being happy. He’s still the biggest bastard that Callum has ever known though, so that won’t change any time soon 🙂
6. Would callum and aaravos remain fugitives in the future of your au or will that change?
No spoilers~ They might be still “considered” fugitives is all I’m saying! I hope you will get to see the result for yourself!
7. Do you think there's a character that would for whatever reason join callum and aaravos?
At one point…I felt like Claudia would? Mainly because I wrote a whole arc for Callum v Claudia which the focus would be Aaravos past mistakes (or “mistakes”, represented by whatever Claudia became) vs his aspiration (his present, his hope, his student - Callum) But then even if Callum successfully repelled the corruption out of Claudia, they would probably just leave her with Ezran or Amaya because these two are incredibly selfish when it comes to their bond. They’re too used to being alone together and they would rather keep it that way. WHICH IS UNDERSTANDABLE considering how literally everyone just wants to hunt them down.
Mayyybe with the exception being Zym??? Since Ez can’t leave the throne to go with Callum, Zym decided to accompanied them to sorta like being his eyes cough and keep tabs on Aaravos. That it’d make an interesting plot line. Plus it’s the most powerful elven mage, the first and probably most powerful human mage, and the most powerful dragon in the world… What a scary trio. Also…Aaravos big feeling times with Zym and Callum just trying to hold it together in the background is subjectively, a very fun and good story. Forgiveness, innocence, prejudice, love, redemption. All in one package.
8. Is there anyone who would secretly be happy for callum and aavravos? Or even secretly support them maybe even help them and tell them about whats going on?
Ezran. 100% Ezran. It’s …it’s Ezran… He took one look at his brother and went: yep yea you are CLEARLY HAPPIER WITH HIM BRO, GO FOR IT. RUN! BE FREE!
Amaya and Janai (mostly Amaya) Also um I wrote a fun plot line that Amaya and Janai pursued them thinking that Aaravos kidnapped Callum, caught them just chilling in a tavern and Aaravos proceeded to defeat a very angry Janai with a big spoon (or what people commonly call a ladle…curtesy of Callum panicking and tossing it to him…The man just went with it and WON lol) Meanwhile Callum successfully bested Amaya without hurting her thus convincing her that his master is indeed, helping him grow as a person. Amaya also witness them just being happy and caring for each other after battling them so she sorta understood. Janai … is still pissed at Aaravos of course but considering who he slayed um . . . I’m giving this one to Aaravos… — I guess they became sort of an ally??? Janai just begrudgingly became neutral but tbh these two are really trying to be the best aunties to Callum. After a bit of fighting, they would probably be on their side. They might meet up sometimes to exchange information and what not. Aaravos refuses to meet Janai again because he doesn’t have the patience to deal with her anger like the bastard that he is. But he does agree that she has every right to feel that way about him. He’s just not down to deal with it all over again. He might do this tho:
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Please wonderstorm let them make a deeznuts joke i stg it's gonna be iconic.
S O R E N After getting his butt kicked twice by Aaravos (in the castle) and Callum (when he finally caught up with them) The next time they bump into each other, Soren would try and have a talk with Callum. I think the things he were angry the most about again was: it's exactly because his dad was a terrible person that Aaravos made him worse, while Callum’s aspiration is simply to be free with his master. At the end of the day, Aaravos is more of an enabler than anything good or bad. There is this whole jealousy within Soren that “why couldn’t you pointed my father to the right path” and “I know it’s not your fault but I’m still very upset that you’re such an enabler” towards Aaravos and also to Callum who in his eyes, he saw lucked out when it comes to receiving guidance from older figures. He would still apologize to them for feeling that way though when THIS glorious resolution kick in:
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Justice for Soren's apology being received in the worst way possible in ss3
That wise man being Aaravos, of course :)) He is a good teacher when it matters. Needless to say after all of this this, Soren is 100% on his side. Even in non canon, my boy Soren still had a very good character arc. Some other allies might includes the people they helped on the way either in the earthblood elves domain or the tidebound elves place, possibly even Neolandia of all places. There was a side plot I wrote that Kasef was alive and that Callum helped him regain his humanity then sent him back to his kingdom to reunite with his dad. But I might scrap it if they declare that Kasef is really dead (rip Kasef you had potential my man. I understood you).
9. When, and why did you create this au?
I had this thought at the back of my mind while crawling my way through season 2 in 2018…2019?? (don’t get me wrong…but to me the show’s writing is so…horrendous…However… I got nothing better to watch so…might…as…well) and that thought being: What if…Aaravos…and Callum just…run away from this terrible plot… And then I proceeded smiling to myself thinking about all the fun things I could have done with their characters. That kinda saved my sanity and kept me powered through the entire show somehow. I didn’t executed it until last year(2021) though… I think I have the worst case of “I don’t like the canon and the fandom is a bit too much so I will forget about this until no further notice.”
10. Will we get more backstory and lore for your au in the future?
I think this post already contains the most of the lore(or spoilers for the lore) that I haven’t released out into the wild yet. But most definitely! I will continue making art about these two as long as the canon doesn’t do anything that will collapse the potential of them being amazing together. I’m a huge believer in not supporting content that doesn’t make me happy… so until then! More stories are sure to come ♥
11. Since callum is human he would eventually die right? What would aaravos do then?
Haha this is more of a spoiler for my plot so I’m leaving you with this : I’m sure at one point Callum realizes that he IS going to have to leave Aaravos one day, whether he likes it or not. This then resulting in him visiting any nearby library wherever it is that they are currently in when he has the time. Using “wanted to learn new things” as a cover up, what he’s really after is a way to either prolong his life (in a safe and legal way) so that he can be together with Aaravos for as long as he could; or to cut Aaravos life span down because to no one’s surprise, out-living everyone around him has indeed took a big toll on Aaravos mental health. Think of it sorta like his side quest~ He doesn’t want to ask his master about it because… Callum knows Aaravos wanted him to live a normal, happy natural human life, what are the chances that he will give him an answer. Aaravos is so used to loss and war and people around him dying, so he had already accepted this ever since he decided to become Callum’s master.
The real question is… do you really think Callum can give up on his master that easily? 😊 and cough* yknow do you think Aaravos truly wants to give up Callum like this lol
12. What are your thoughts on the theory that callum is a half elf? Or even aaravos son?
According to a friend of mine, the writers had already dismissed the theory that Callum is Aaravos’ son. However…they didn’t say anything about them NOT being related… and I pray to god that they’re not because
Callum being part elf GREATLY UNDERMINES his own character arc, and over all is a very bad writing decision(not that it was good in the first place aaaa) With all the things I said in the bit for how I feel about Callum, making him be “born” special is a disgrace to the one thing that stood out about him: being the first human to have ever connected to the primals (albeit executed sorta poorly…) I strongly feel that Callum should have the agency to, at least, represent the fact that he earns his power for who he is as a person and not for his heritage. I see some might say well yea doesn’t matter if he’s a half or quarter or has elven blood in him, it’s who he is as a person — well to that I say why not just make him a regular human being from the start to REALLY hammer down the point? “Well that’s world-breaking cause it’s the rule that human can’t do magic” I hear some of you saying— There is already a plausible explanation right there.
It was Aaravos’s key that guided him through the darkness, provided that Callum has proven himself to be capable of understanding things for what they really are (which I have spoken of before…and not in anyway shape or form like what the canon made him said in that scene lol). No need to add something to make it feel like it’s not breaking the law (like yeaaa ofc he can do it he has elven blood aha)…because…it…wasn’t…breaking the law in the first place… *Laughs in Aaravos is the law* 2. Aaravos should keep his penis to himself that’s all I’m saying hahaha no okay. In all seriousness… I don’t think Aaravos should be romantically or sexually involved. I think it’s great to not shackle a character to the idea that only romantic and or sexual love will make them more interesting, likeable, relatable or …human? Because the truth is…I love not being able to put Aaravos in a box, whether it’s his sexuality or moral standard. I think he deserves to keep that alluring part of his character for himself. It would be more precious if his perception of “love” as “being worship and remembered” has never been challenged until he met Callum. The change from worshipping love to just simple yet somewhat multi-layers platonic love is the best thing I would argue they should give him. No more clichés “villain” upset because of romantic love and romantic love is all there is. Make him unique! Make him special! I also think as someone who frowns upon forced control, I’d rather think he views his affection (if he ever developed one) as some sort of imprisonment to the people around him due to him almost always out living them. He’d rather not lay something that personal, even if its for the sake of manipulation, on the table. I think this weirdly humanize him since it might also be a type of selfishness that’s unique to him. “I’m selfish. My feelings are my own, that’s just how I like it.” something along that line.
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I think it’s infinitely more precious that they’re not related because it really highlights that love isn’t necessarily fraternal nor romantic to be just as amazing and heart warming. Love can just. Exist.
13. What is your favorite tdp theory regarding these two?
I… like them being master and student and that’s it hahah!!! I have been told that some people had already thought of this as well…but by then I hadn’t really seen it being noticed by the majority of the fandom. I worry about sounding arrogant or condescending sometimes but … it’s because I haven’t seen it being written in a way that gave me joy that I’m resulted to making my own food… HAHAH I’M SORRY I HOPE THAT MAKE SENSE? AGAIN I’M VERY WORRIED ABOUT SOUNDING LIKE AN ASSHOLE lol my favorite is what I wrote ashiadkljfdskl
14. If you could have rewritten s3 or even the whole show what would you have changed?
I haven’t thought of it this way at all because I think the problems has already taken roots from the first season…(evidentially enough I’ve pointed it out in a massive word vomit relating to my boy Callum’s writing alone) I like to leave the canon material alone, as I know a lot of people really really enjoyed it. I unfortunately… did not…AND THAT’S OKAY!
At the end of the day, it’s still just a kid show… But I’d like to think that if we keep accepting mediocrity, we will never truly get anything good. I think this show has the potential to be something so much more, most of my anger (and maybe hatred) comes from the fact that I do genuinely love the world building and I do love Callum and Aaravos… I hope I’ve somehow managed to convey that to you <3
To end this on a somewhat light-hearted note, I would like to leave you and anyone who has made it this far, a canon fact: Did you know that on the key of Aaravos, the sky primal and the star primal are on the opposite side of each other? I see this as they’re always keeping each other in balance and that makes me happy~
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Sorry for any grammar mistakes I've made I'm sure there are tons of them.
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ananke-xiii · 2 months
(TW- fictional incest) What do you think about the possibility of a romantic relationship between Sam & Mary? Like not in a 'I ship this' way, but rather in a 'that's something that would be interesting to see explored in thr story' way. I am aware that SPN, for all it’s blood and blasphemy, was not a grownup enough show to handle that dynamic in a sophisticated way. Thoughts?
Thank you for your question and wow, this is a really big one, I’m not sure I can answer in a satisfying way but I’ll do my best!
I’ve broken down your question in three parts, let’s start from the easiest :P
"The show was not grownup enough to handle that dynamic in a sophisticated way":
I think one of the reasons why SPN is so loved and has inspired so many people to write *things (fanfics, articles, metas, you name it)* about it is because it’s so rich in terms of myths it’s insane. I’m not simply referring to “the lore” but, from a storytelling pov, you can explore so many themes it’s difficult to choose from: two brothers’ rivalry, the spouse’s blind vengeance for their partner’s death, the mother dying to protect her son, offspring carrying the sins of their parents (just to name a few)… I mean, literally it’s crazy, this is the stuff ancient mythology is made of.
So, on one hand, I give credit where credit is due and, in this case, to SPN writers because they somehow managed to weave (not always successfully) all these difficult threads together. The show lasted for 15 seasons because the actors were hot, yes, but also because the storytelling foundations were solid. On the other hand, it was maybe “a little bit of everything all of the time” and this translated sometimes into superficiality, some other times into “let’s sacrifice the plot on the altar of X theme” and it didn’t always work out.
I’m saying all this because, after s5, the biggest event in terms of foundational themes is the return of Mary. Carver spent his tenure as showrunner to reach that apex and it was a pity that he wasn’t the one who completed that arc. I think he was an interesting writer and he was clearly heavily invested into exploring the theme of family and the taboos pertaining to it. To sum it up: the show could’ve handled Mary and Sam’s relationship, they had all the raw materials ready to use and indeed they used them. How? Let’s see…
 “that's something that would be interesting to see explored in the story”:
I think that they’ve explored their relationship in s12. One of the possible readings for Mary in that season is that they basically gave her the 101 of s1-5 Sam’s arc. Mary is similar to Sam, like a lot. At least she's so narratively speaking. She starts off being thrown back in a world she didn’t want to be part of anymore and ends up in a different dimension with Lucifer. Sounds familiar?
The relationship between Sam and Mary, however, is not so much portrayed in much needed screen-time between the two characters (to my distress) but it’s prevalently mirrored in their MOTW episodes. And, let me tell you, it’s not a good one. I’d like to explore each episode but I don’t want to kidnap your precious time on this planet so I’ll just use “American Nightmare” as an example (also because it’s a great episode).
Yes, Magda has psychic abilities so the parallel with Sam is blatant. She is also considered The Devil by her mother. Oh-oh. She’s also a prisoner who’s forced to torture herself and bleed for her sins. Oh shit. Sam is pissed at Gail, Magda’s mother (“God didn't kill your daughter. You did”). Later, Gail will try to murder her whole family, her husband’s the first to go, then her son steps in to protect Magda and, eventually, Sam manages to convince Magda not to kill her mother. Meanwhile, Sam is tied up to a chair, unable to do anything but screaming. I thinks he feels a bit castrated. Interesting. From what I can infer, Sam is subconsciously livid at this mother. He hasn’t healed his separation wound. This is why he’s the first to smell something’s off with Mary even though she’s basically a stranger to him. This is also why he doesn’t even make an attempt at reaching her, the ties between them are very much severed. Of course, consciously he wants to know his mother and play the good-kid role for her. But scratch that surface and Sam’s totally not okay with Mary. And what about her? She feels guilty. Guilty for her past actions and guilty because she understandably doesn’t feel a real connection with the two adults in front of her. So she does the Sammest thing ever (but levelled-up) and asks for space to breathe. You see, it’s very very complicated.
The show has explored their relationship but only in the foreground and only via the MOTW episodes. Dean’s got his moment with Mary because, of course, this is also about him and he had to have it but, from the story pov, he was also the reason why she was back on earth so, you know, they had to complete that arc for him. That was okay with me as I was hoping that s13 had something more in store but it was a total disappointment as far as Mary and Sam’s relationship is concerned (well, tbh, it was a disappointment as far as everything is concerned but okay). So, again, to sum it up: I think the show explored Sam and Mary’s relationship specifically in s12 but what we’re offered is nothing exceptionally encouraging because there is a rift between them (seriously, s12 ends with a literal rift: symbolically it represents birth as both coming into the world and being separated from the world: the ties between The Mother and The Son are forever severed).
"a romantic relationship between Sam & Mary":
It’s time for the difficult part. Surprisingly, it’s also something I think about a lot.
Short premise: I adhere to a school of thought according to which stories are ways to explore our conscious and unconscious mind (mostly the second). Characters in a story play the role of some of the parts of our mind we cannot reach. For instance, I believe that it’s possible to interpret siblings in a story as the different side of the same coin representing a single part of our mind. Basically, siblings in story symbolize opposite things that must be integrated in order to move on. In a word, everything I’ll say from now on must be interpreted as symbolical.
As I said, I think that Sam and Mary’s relationship’s main feature is separation. Interestingly, there’s an ancient myth that combines the themes of motherhood, separation, romantic union and… castration. I’m talking about the myth of Attis which, I believe, could’ve been a way to explore Sam and Mary’s relationship.
Like all ancient myths revolving around the archetype of the Great Mother there are many different versions of this story. This is one of them (I apologize in advance for the deplorable retelling of such an ancient and fascinating myth): Agdistis was an ancient hermaphrodite deity closely related to the cult of The Great Mother of whom other deities were afraid of. They decided to tie them to a tree and evirate them. From their male genitalia an almond tree was born. Nana, the daughter of a river-god, picked one almond and became pregnant with Attis. He was later abandoned and raised by goats. Agdistis met him and fell in love with him. Attis was supposed to marry the king’s daughter and Agdistis, in the grip of jealousy, made Attis go insane and he ended up evirating himself by a tree.
Why am I talking about castration and mothers? Well, because this is a story about the separation wound, specifically pertaining to virility. It’s also a story that ends where it begins and this is exactly there s12 starts and ends too. Imo, it can be applied to Sam and Mary, too. Agdistis (Mary) being The Great Mother, the Alpha and the Omega, is separated from something that’s theirs in a brutal and coercive way. They are tied up and dismembered. Attis is born because of a violent act of separation that he’s forced to repeat. Sam as Attis also ends up tied up and dismembered in a brutal and coercive way. He has no voice at all. The two are basically the same person because they were the same person before separation happened. I know this all sounds sad but in ancient Rome they used to have a festival in Attis honor where people whipped themselves (just like Magda, come to think of it) to symbolize Attis’ castration and consequent death and, the next day, they would celebrate his resurrection (it’s a festival closely associated with Easter and it was celebrated around the same period, i.e. spring equinox).
To sum up: romantic relationship can’t even begin to cover how messed up Sam and Mary’s relationship is. We’re talking about The Love Above All, the unconditional love, something that, unfortunately, Sam has never discovered in the series. Mary was an opportunity for him to integrate this part and be able to move on a little with his life. Mary’s a bit different because in s13 we see that her guilt eases up a bit as she sees the world where she didn’t make the choices she made. Still, in terms of her relationship with Sam, working together, getting to know him would have maybe worked wonders in accepting that a part of her life was taken from her forever but that didn’t mean that all is lost. Reconnection and reunion are always possibilities.
Okay, wow, that was a lot. I still don’t know if I was up to the task, I did my best! Thanks again for your question, again, it’s a big one but I loved writing about it! I hope you enjoyed reading it (fingers crossed)!
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