#maybe bc they loved their jobs and being a parent shouldnt stop you from doing a job you like doing
oifaaa · 1 year
Wait so do u think timmy wasnt neglected as a child or do u think that neglegence isnt a big deal as long as their rich
Damn friend you really asked that in the most dishonest way you possibly could, like the only reason why I wouldn't think tims parents are neglectful is bc they're rich and not bc I just don't think they qualify as neglectful but let's go into it anyway
First off let's get our definition correct neglectful in parenting means the failure of a parent or guardian to provide basic needs for a child such as food clothing shelter medical care or supervision, which when people refer to tims parents being neglectful they're usually talking about that last one but even that's a stretch considering while tims parents were away working alot they never just left tim to fend for himself usually tim had someone else to watch him mostly in the form of boarding school so by the broad definition Jack and Janet drake were not neglectful parents - just bc theyre weren't always physically beside tim does not make them neglectful
Now do I think Jack and Janet were perfect parents - no but I do think people give them a lot of grief for reasons beyond their control such as them being away alot since theyre archaeologists and it's part of their jobs to travel alot personally i think it'd be worse if instead of leaving tim in a safe stable environment they were constantly upheaving him, moving him around and disrupting his schooling so what he could hang out at a dig site? Also we don't actually know for sure how often Jack and Janet were away for - we just know Tim wishes they were home more which btw is understandable I'm not saying Tim can't be upset at his parents not being around more, I'm just saying it's not exactly a good enough reason to jump to jack and janet were the worst parents ever like a lot of people seem to do.
The other thing people like to point to when talking about bad parenting is Jack and how he interacts with Tim after Janet died which honestly is just alot of the parent and child love each other but don't understand each other causing conflict troupe it's not exactly something I could really say puts Jack on the worst dad's list especially since he does try to be better and does get that character development as time goes on (you know before he dies too)
Anyway this is all long enough but I wanted to end on a cute note with these pages from this week's issue of batman #134
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heyitsyn · 4 years
a/n: this is kind of an au like what if you were
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
- 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 i would like to request a seijoh!manager reader who’s a first year and is siblings with ushi and the team’s reaction to finding out that she was supposed to go to shiratorizawa with ushi and their reaction with her getting along with the shiratorizawa volleyball team and maybe the manager is a small cute soft little energetic ball of sunshine 🥺🥺 also hewwo, hope youre doing well! ☺️ -🎷🐛
- Ir seijoh manager series is so gooood. Can we get something where by some weird reason yn-chan is close to ushijima and tendou and the seijoh boys dont know about it and how they'd react to her being so affectionate w them ahahwindkdn
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so this is a what if thing
like what if ushijima was your older brother
you didnt exactly have the best relationship with your mom
you remember when you were younger that she used to yell at your brother for using his left hand and you got angry a lot because you were fiercely protective of your brother
this caused her to yell at you too for being nosy and being involved in something you shouldnt be in
duh we know that ushi’s dad takashi actually supported him for this and protected him too and you were also a papa’s girl so you always ran to him
he understood you both better and while your mother worked, he was at home taking care of you two
then when they mentioned wanting to separate, you were very sad but somewhat relieved
mostly because you hated hearing your parents arguing and you felt bad for your brother as he constantly did whatever to get you out of the house
thats what brought on your love for volleyball
you werent exactly the best player but you were interested in it and often watched matches with him
but you also liked volleyball because your brother liked it
you liked whatever your brother liked
he adored you too and he was a boy who didnt talk much due to your mother but he was always a talker with you
especially when you couldnt sleep, he would sneak you out of your room and you both would run to the kitchen and eat ice cream
even with just a 2 year age difference, he looked as if he was older than you due to his massive height
‘just wait nii-chan! i will drink enough milk to reach your height!’
*insert lenny face*
when they divorced, you thought your father would take both you and ushi
like the lady at the court even asked you where you wanted to go and not a breath of hesitation you chose your father
you weren’t very concerned because you knew your brother was going to choose your dad as you both were closer to him
so imagine your surprise when he said he didnt care and naturally, the mother would get the child
lowkey you felt hella betrayed and when your dad whisked you away overseas, there was this grudge you held against toshi
yall youre like 5
i would be hella mad too if my brother chose the person who yells at him all the time
in california, your father made sure you still remembered your brother and you tried to detach from the japanese lifestyle to your new one but you just couldnt
maybe around 6 years you were already fed up with the hot california heat and you wanted to go back to japan to see toshi again
you got over that grudge years ago but your mother refused to have any contact or anything to do with your father and so that included you too
she refused to let you both video chat and any type of connection
your dad obviously noticed your sad expressions and your obvious longing to go back to your brother again and so he arranged something
you shut the door gently before taking off your shoes by the doorway
the large house was often quiet except for the constant typing of a keyboard in your father’s study
you meekly mumbled but his sense of hearing never wavered so he heard your voice
‘oh? y/n?’
his voice echoed through the hallways and you heard his chair squeak as it was moved back so he could stand
your sock-cladded feet padded against the hard wood floor and you walked towards his study where indeed he was standing there
your father has definitely aged yet his job as a coach made him as fit as he was decades ago
as much as it disgusted you, you could tell what your friends meant when they said your dad was good-looking
they actually said your dad was hot but you refuse to acknowledge that
you and your friends are like 12 tf
you closed the door and sat down on the loveseat at the corner of the room as it was your designated spot
‘hey, papa’
you greeted with a smile and he gave you the same grin
‘i ordered f/f (favorite food) for dinner tonight so try and listen for the bell to ring, okay?’
you nodded
there was bit of small talk and you asked about his team while he asked about school and you both arranged to hang out over the weekend at some ice cream shop
the conversation dragged on until you heard the doorbell and you ran to the door to answer the delivery man
your dad put out the plates on the table and you excitedly dug in
‘also, you remember your grandmother? and her terrible back?’
oh god of course you did
they lived about 30 minutes away from your house in japan and she constantly worried your father bc the woman was approaching 90 and was still picking peppers!
with old coach ukai
‘what did she do now?’
your father chuckled at the exasperation in your voice
‘she misses you. says something about the family’s princess needing to go back to her country or something’
there was a smile in your face
your grandmother was your favorite and she always said you were the princess
she hated your mother because of how insensitive she was so she only acknowledged you as the only other female in the family
obviously your brother was also liked but there was just a special bond between you and your grandmother
‘so when are we going back?’
you asked and it was clear that you were excited at the thought of going back to japan as you havent been back since you moved due to your father’s busy job and your school
takashi swallowed his food before revealing the news
‘actually, if you want, you could finish your schooling there. but only until college first though because your old man needs you over here too’
nah bro you didnt even care about the last part
literally your fork fell to the table and you shrieked 
and thus brought you back to japan
you stayed with your grandmother on your dad’s side and you quickly got accustomed back to japan life
so waka-chan def heard you coming back
your mother was grumbling about it the other day and he was sure he heard your name in there
‘sdkfjkdslfjdkslfj y/n dkfjlsdkfjldkf’
there was a mutual giddiness in there too and he was excited to see you again after many years without contact
there was a bit of fear in there that thought back to when you were younger and his choice of not really having a specific parent despite your pleads to stay together with him
but he was going to make sure your bond was still intact!
he would do anything in his power to do so!
when you arrived
your dad accompanied you back to japan and you both were walking out to the exit of the airport when you saw your grandmother excitedly waving a sign around
in bold sparkly letters, it said ‘USHIJIMA’
okay wait i love grandma usui 
you quickly ran over to her and she grasped you into her arms
you sobbed and she hugged you tightly
‘im so happy youre back home’
your father shook hands with the friend she brought to help drive you guys back home
old man ukai was basically the chauffeur but hes really good friends with your nana so it was okay
the entire ride you guys basically caught up with each other and you couldnt help but laugh whenever your dad would go on a rant about your grandma being too reckless and your nana defending herself
‘oh stop it, takashi. i was only given one life and if it’s over, it’s over. for now, ill live it how i see fit!’
your old family home was exactly as you remember it but you didnt expect the 6′2 boy in the living room
you meekly whispered and he let out a soft smile before opening his big arms
you ran into them and he held you tightly
‘i missed you. so much’
he whispered and you nodded 
it was def such a nice thing to have your brother again
oooo your dad been knew that you would be sticking to waka like you did when you were itty bitty young
so when you practically begged waka to stay at your nana’s house the entire summer, he couldnt refuse you
duh your mom went to see you but you just quietly sat there and smiled at her
polite but distant
due to being around waka so much, you naturally went to his volleyball practices and their training camp
you met his friends and you guys quickly got acquainted especially with tendo bc he was just so fun
and he was your brother’s boyfriend best friend
the others were still kinda distant with you ahem ahem im looking at you shirabu
but they were mostly amazed at how powerful the genetics played in your appearances because wowza you were beautiful
lmao dont let waka hear them say that bc they would be benched all season in a single snap
during training camp, you usually sat at the sides or you would be their stand-in manager
goshiki absolutely LOVES you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
him and you were the same age so there was an easier way of being friends and your energies just matched so well
he would run up to you whenever he got a play right and you would ruffle his hair affectionately
hell even ushi was getting annoyed at goshiki’s constant need for you
tendo would steal you away and he would be giggling to you about how adorable you were and you just giggled along bc wow this beautiful man is really talking to me right now
‘cmere, y/n-chan. i taught toshi this the other day and he was very impressed and wanted me to do it again. okay so it goes in a rhyme, ya ready?’
you nodded along and he shot you a close-eyed smile before starting to draw on the dirt with a stick
‘there once was a man with-’
lets just say
you were definitely your brother’s sister
sometimes though
you would try and go towards the calmer players to get away from the rowdiness from baby daddy tendo and baby goshiki
you would find them at the gym just doing drills and at the sight of you, they would turn red but continue playing
they didnt really mind seeing you there bc youve always been such a positive energy and cheered them on which gave them strength
you were like a cute ball of serotonin >o<
‘wah, of course its expected for you guys to be the top in the prefecture. youre like,,,,, silent but deadly~!’
duh a compliment from a girl?
shirabu’s bangs would get in the way of his vision sometimes yall i will never stop making fun of that ridiculously adorable haircut so you would use a clip and tuck it away for him
this big babie is so awkward that he turns red when you whisper in his ear that you were done
semisemi baby and you got along bc you guys had a similar taste in music and because you lived in california, he was fascinated that you were in the music capital of america
‘did you see celebrities down the street?’
he asked you excitedly one day during lunch
you stopped then smiled softly
‘semisemi-kun, i didnt live at that part of california’
nah to him, america is just filled with celebrities
taichi is a generally quiet guy
like you thought he was actually selectively mute when you first met him
but you gradually got him to talk and you would help him whenever he would want to practice
usually it was during the ungodly hours of the morning
you woke up and went to grab a drink from the common room but you noticed his large build exiting the door so you followed him into the gym
you called out and felt guilty when he jumped 
‘oh, hey’
he aknowledged
you stopped to yawn causing your eyes to close making you miss the brief second of softness that flashed in his eyes
‘what are you doing?’
you tiredly asked
taichi dusted off his trackpants after kneeling down to rummage through his bag and you couldnt help but gawk at his height
‘im training early’
he answered
‘why? is it because you want to keep up with the others?’
you mumbled and he was surprised for a second but reverted back to his stoic expression
‘i have to make sure i am able to reach my seniors level for next year’
taichi turned away to grab a stray ball and you moved to go to the storage room for the ball cart
‘oi, what are you doing? go back to bed’
he said from the other side of the gym but you just looked back at him with a tired grin
‘meh, i want to spend time with you, senpai’
you reasoned
he shook his head before walking over to you then ruffled your hair
‘no wonder youre so tiny. you dont sleep enough and let your body grow’
yep that was the closest youve gotten to taichi joking with you
usually, hes training and when hes in the zone, nothing else has his attention but the ball
maybe thats why the others ahem goshiki has said that he was very scary
his game face was practically a mean face
basically you spent the entire training camp with them and then soon, you were going back to school
duh everyone hmm maybe not shirabu bc he most definitely read the school book of rules thought you would be going to shiratorizawa with them 
but you broke the news to them one afternoon and imagine the tears from both tendo and goshiki
‘why can’t you?’
semi asked and you were about to answer when shirabu beat you to it
‘the school doesnt allow late transfers’
oh right
the american school system was set in a different schedule than a japanese school system
it was considered the summer for them yet school already started a few months ago
since shiratorizawa was a very academically and physically prestigious school, they refused anyone who would potentially be late or behind their curriculum
‘so where ya headed to then, chibi?’
tendou pouted and you leaned against his arm
‘hmm some school named aoba johsai? i dont know its near my grannie’s so that’s all that mattered’
oh dear
they consider seijoh a rival bc theyve played against them practically in every prefecture tournament and they were worried for that infamous setter
‘ne, y/n-chan, promise us that you won’t be swept away by them! especially a guy named oikawa tooru!’
tendou’s warning was kinda ignored bc you ended up being seijoh’s manager
but they weren’t really really shocked tho bc they knew you liked volleyball so you would naturally be in the volleyball team
even as a manager
meanwhile in seijohhh
OooOOOoOoOooooo sEiJOOhHHHH~~~~~~
okay so you were actually registered under your father’s last name usui rather than the ushijima last name
therefore you werent exactly immediately known as HEY! USHIJIMA’S SISTER!
you still became the manager the way you did as mentioned in part 1 
and you still are their adorable baby manager
you were aware of their oikawa’s hatred for wakawaka so you try not to talk about him even though youre literally the closest person to him
was it traitorous? 
but you actually even help them when they practice
duh the boys are like eyebrow raise emoji 
‘wow youre really into volleyball, huh, manager-chan?’
matsukawa commented and you just smiled
‘hmm, my family likes it so ive picked up a thing or two’
little do they know your brother is literally the best volleyball player around and is a member of the under 19 team and your father is a volleyball coach in america and would someday be someone iwaizumi hajime (19) would apprentice under
there was a lot of times you thought you would slip up like your home screen was of you and waka but youve been careful to cover it up
you cant always be sneaky
it was during the first day of the tournament and you were filling up their water bottles I SWEAR WHY IS MANAGER-CHAN ALWAYS FILLING UP WATER BOTTLES when you found a familiar bunch of boys at the end of the hallway just chatting
you havent seen tendou and the boys in so long so you placed the bottles down and rushed over there so quickly
you shouted and the oddly-haired boy turned and he gasped before grabbing you into a large hug
this grabbed tendou’s attention and he cheered then hugged you too
your giggles and happy cheers were so infectous and they just absolutely missed you so much 
these tall boys were at a advantage so someone scooped you up and you were just affectionately being talked to and hugged and LKDSJFSLDFJ SO LUCKY SO LOVED
the plant babies were wondering where the heck you went to 
‘y/n-chan?! where is she?!’
oikawa panicked quickly while iwaizumi hit him to shut up
‘be quiet! you won’t find her if you’re too busy freaking out!’
‘ill find her’
matsukawa volunteered and they nodded, feeling at ease of him being capable to find you if you were in trouble
but when he returned empty-handed and with large eyes, they knew something was up
they ran behind mattsun to stop and copy his shocked expression at the sight in front of them
is that
oh my god
oikawa shouted, being the first to speak
you jumped and your own eyes widened
‘oh. oh no’
you mumbled
the others were so stunned and seijoh itself was so hard to make speechless but they were just shocked
‘what is happening’
iwaizumi mumbled
yea the others were just shocked period
‘hey guys’
you waved and you motioned them closer
‘uhh,,, well,,, um they are my friends’
you smiled uneasily and they could see that
oikawa signalled you to say everything bc he knew it wasnt the whole story
you sighed
‘ushi,,, jima is my brother’
you mumbled the last part
but they heard you
you cringed and the shira boys were about to move to protect you but they saw you glare at them
‘what? what about it? hes my brother? and?’
you babbled
‘but,, why are you,, in seijoh? dont get me wrong! its just,, youd naturally go to shiratorizawa right?’
mattsun waved his hands around and asked the question thats bugging the team
‘i came to the country late’
turns out you havent exactly told them everything about you yet :/
even when youve cleared the air and introduced waka as your brother, seijoh still didnt say anything
they were stuck in this shocked and surprised moment even at the end of the day and when you went straight to the shiratorizawa team,
they watched with wide eyes as you laughed with goshiki and was jumping around with tendou
wow you were actually really beautiful when youre happy
‘i dont think ive seen her this happy with this much energy’
makki said and they nodded
it was true
you were usually calm and collected and was the perfect balance to this chaotic team
so seeing you so free and loose with them was so refreshing, even if it was with damn ushiwaka
you finally went back to the seijoh boys and they all sent glares to the violet team before sending you a smile
‘you ready to go, manager-chan?’
watari ruffled your hair before handing you your bag to start walking to the bus
‘yea. lets go home’
as you all walked, oikawa was already starting his tantrum
‘y/n-chan~! why aren’t you that happy around us? are we not enough for you?’
oikawa whined and pouted
but you just turned to smiled at him and stopped walking to pat his head
‘im not their manager, therefore im not pressured to act like anyone except as a friend and a spectator. but i try to be as professional as i can with you guys to make sure you dont appear bad to others. and you guys are perfectly chaotic enough, adding me into the mix will just about kill coach’
oikawa didnt seem satisfied though
‘but! thats not fair! they get to see you smile and i dont!’
iwaizumi growled at him to be quiet but you beat him to it
you smiled at tooru but your eyes shone maliciously
‘i knew you would act like this, oikawa-san. as punishment, i gave nii-chan your phone number. good luck avoiding him now’
oikawa screamed
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cinnamonest · 3 years
I am a bully and mean and saw that Childe’s a Family Man so I decided to be depraved and write some ideas for DadSon and really I feel like Childe can get worse in that situation- especially if we have an AU where the parents are divorced and his Dad is doing the single dad thing. Like, young Ajax is... precocious- a troublemaker as always- but he’s always been perceptive and more aware than any child should be. He figures its not normal for kids to be this attached to their parents, but he sees how his siblings cling to his mom when he comes for visits and decides nah, he’s fine. But then his Dad introduces him to his girlfriend and he’s... quiet. He dislikes her and wants her gone, but he’ll play “nice” for now bc you like her. When he goes to sleep for the night, he wakes up due to some noise from your room and peeks in and sees you fucking your girlfriend and thats the first time he learns what masturbation is. He can’t get it out of his head and he spirals as he gets older. There’s guilt, bc you’re so sweet and kind and here he is, your son, wanting to fuck dear old dad till he’s weak in the knees and bedridden and drowning in his cum.
He gets... bold, one night. Dad broke up with his girlfriend and he’s drunk himself into oblivion to cope. Ajax carries him to bed and then he... notices the bulge in your pants... the odd squirming and twitch of your legs as he tugs down your bottoms and watches your dick rise to half mast. He plays with it, unsure of wtf he is doing as he feels your harden in his hands- and he gets bolder, touching you as he would touch himself and freezing up when your climax splatters across his face. You passed out, and Ajax hurriedly cleans you and pulls your pants up then runs back to his room with his heart thundering in his chest. His mind running a mile a minute as his obsession grows and darkens his mind.
He searches how gay sex works later that night, and carefully but steadily works his way towards it.
He’s long since taken over the household chores due to your busy work schedule- especially cooking. Your diet is healthy and full of fruits, and you applaud him for being a better cook than his mom as you tuck in. What you don’t know is your after dinner tea is laced with sleeping pills that make sure you stay deep asleep as he practices stretching your hole and finding all your sweet spots. He’s learned to earn money from doing... things, and managed to procure everything he needs to properly prepare you to take his dick when the time comes. Its rewarding when you begin to react to his fingers without him sucking and fondling your cock, how you whine and twitch and come undone in a handful of sharp thrusts at specific angles, how though unconcious, you squeeze his head with your thighs as he goes down on you, and he makes sure to come on your face and belly everytime and take pictures. Every once in a while he compares dicks and marvels at how he’s beginning to outgrow you, and ruts in between your thighs to satiate his desire.
Its taken some time but he’s going to be an adult soon. He already has everything lined up- a scholarship, a job with good advancement opportunities, a new apartment he could py for wholly by himself, etc. He’ show you he’s independent and totally capable of taking care of both of you- so you don’t have to worry about your cute little son anymore, Dad. He’s all grown up and ready to take care of you now- financially, emotionally, and sexually.
He’s so happy that when he comes home he nearly overlooks his mother- his birth mother- in the living room talking to you, a stack of documents on the coffee table as you look nervous but amiable to whatever the fuck she is saying. When he asks what’s gotten you two so happy, thinking oh maybe Tonia got into the highschool she applied for or Teucer made the soccer team- you ruin his mood by telling him you two are thinking of getting married again. And he lashes out. Screaming and arguing about why you two separated in the first place and you CANT get back together! You cant, cant, cant! You have to calm him down and send his mother away, saying youll discuss it later. And ohhhh boy are you miffed with his outburst. You start scolding him and nagging that he shouldnt have done that- there are better ways to express his disagreement and he’s being an emotional, angry brat about it.
And Childe snaps. He grabs his Father and drags him to Childe’s room as he flails and struggles, unable to fight off his son’s honestly inhuman strength as he throws him on the bed and strips him down. Your words are cut short as he gags you with your own balled up underwear, and ties your hands back your own shirt as he rummages for the lube on his desk drawer and settles between your legs. You kick at him and he brushes you off as he soaks your hole in the cold lube and pushes his fingers in, making you choke and stutter at the invasion that- doesnt hurt. Childe sighs, saying he wanted to do it more romantically, but if you’re going to ruin his chances like that then he’ll just speed up and skip a few steps. Your eyes are wide as you beg him to stop through your gag when he shucks off his bottoms and digs his dick out of his pants- already at half mast and huge, as he pumps it while pressing it against your ass cheeks, taking pleasure at how you flinch when he drags his cock head along the crack, over your slick hole, and nestle it lovingly against your testicles, letting you realize just how big he is, then return to your hole. You feel tears in your eyes as he pushes in, groaning loud and low into your ear as he bottoms out. Your brain is still trying to process as he leans back and grins, making sure to drag your hips up so you can see where you two are connected, giggling that his cock was made to be inside you. That he was born to give daddy dearest all the love that mommy failed to.
As he rocks his hips you shut your eyes tight and try to ignore his wanton moans, the absolute aching fullness in your anus as its speared open by your son’s dick, the disgust that swirls in your gut to your body not only being postively receptive to his actions, but also his many confessions of what he’s done to prepare you for this moment, how you almost ruined it. But he’s a good son, he’ll forgive you. Just don’t speak to mommy ever again, okay?
You come with your cock untouched and long before he does, and your face burns in shame. Childe takes a moment to stop and collect some of it on his fingers, smearing it on your face so you don’t forget, and licking it off your stomach with his tongue, giggling that you taste sooooo much better than when he first sucked you off. He’s so glad you like his cooking.
Then he starts thrusting himself in, deep and harsh and forcing your legs flat against your torso as you cry out in pain and pleasure as he chases his own high- dangerous threats falling from his lips as he makes you swear to never ever think of anyone else other than him. Convulsing as he empties out inside of you and you cry at the burn of cum splattering against your bruised guts.
Tears fall from your face as you hiccup and wait for him to pull out, to end the humiliation. Childe merely smiles when he sees the look on your face as he flips you onto your stomach, pressing himself against you and slowly massaging your sensitive dick as he asks sweetly, if you think one round could really satisfy a healthy young man like himself, when he’s been lusting for you for years? Oh no, Dad. He’s going the whole goddamn night and day. And with that horrific revelation sinking in, Childe smiles and presses a kiss to the side of his daddy’s temple and leans back, ready to truly breed his father to the brink. Who knows, maybe if he fucked him hard enough dad could become all nice and round- like he was pregnant. Even if Childe knew that sadly couldn’t be.
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calumthoodshands · 3 years
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number two!!🤗
hMhmmm yes hey ana thanks for the muke i ammmmm interested okay lets see what we’ll get
At first glance they honestly just seem to judge me somehow and i’m not even mad bc who am i to tell them not to judge me right. I probably deserve it. Anyway. have a meet cute!!
the bg to me looks like a park kinda. and im listening to the boys right now (this will be relevant in a sec). i could imagine michael being like... one of those guys in parks who sell flowers. not that michael exactly strikes me as that kinda guy -- his parents told him to get a job if he wants to buy himself all that gaming equipment he so desperately “needs” (his words). so in the afternoon, he goes to the park around the corner, and tries to convince people to buy flowers and brighten up ‘a loved one’s day’. hes not bad at his job. but he could be better at it, definitely. people like to stop at his little stand surrounded by colourful flowers of all sorts all day long, smelling them, but rarely anyone buys them. and that fucking guy shows up -- luke hemmings, aspiring muscian and street singer. just a guy trying to make in the big, big world. except there are other people in that world, and michael really doesnt like to share his space. okay? that was his little square. this was were he was supposed to make a living (kinda.) (not really.) anyway. he ignores luke when he shows up for the first time. he ignores him when he puts his set up up. he doesnt look over once throughout the whole day, and when he packs his things up and passes luke by, he cant help but say “you suck.” knowing very well luke doesnt. not even at all. but he has to find a reason to hate this pretty guy that showed up out of nowhere and seems to actually be good at something, so he decides to just hate the thing he came here to do: singing. luke just shoots back “you suck” which is such a weak comeback michael cant help but hate him even less. it was just endearing. so the next time he decides to ignore luke completely and not even talk to him. but then, luke starts to gain an audience. which shouldnt be surprising, bc hes fucking good, but suddenly people also give him more attention. and suddenly people start buying flowers again. and michael knows its bc of luke. and maybe luke seemed to be pretty nice. so one day, when the park isnt as crowded as usual, michael decides to be kind. just once. his shift was over, and was all ready to go and luke was packing up too -- early for once, the park was just dead somehow -- and he looked so discouraged michael couldnt take it anymore. so he just told him “you were really good today” and quickly gets out of there before luke can answer him. the next day, michael listens. really listens. and he doesnt ignore luke, at least not all the time. and slowly, they start to work next to each other, every now and then glancing over, catching smiles. and then one day michael doesnt walk away but waits for luke, and from then on its a daily ritual. turns out, luke is quite nice, and really funny actually, so when one day day luke doesnt show up, michael gets worried. he doesnt want to, it just happens, and hes antsy all day until suddenly a guy with blond curls shows up and grins at him. “hey” he says, and michael has given up pretending not to care and smiles with relief to see lukes alive. “i was hoping to buy some flowers, but i have a problem.”
“What do you mean you have a problem?” - “i dont have any money.”
“oh.” - “yeah. do you think i could give you my number instead?”
it was so smooth michael could just laugh. he does give luke his number, and a flower too, a sunflower, bc shes bright and sunny and just fit luke. “ill make it up to you” luke promises, “if you want. just say how, anything you want.” - “how about a date then?” It had to be michael’s lucky day considering luke said yes without any hesitation.
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sapphicomenn · 4 years
it was a dark and stormy night when padme, an old man, and a beautiful nerd named darcy a find bright light in the sky with thunder and s giant tornado in it. AND CHRIS HEMSWORTH HOLY SHIT
agard. sounds like ass guard. baby thor and loki are adorable. story telling ended up being fairytail for children. WINGED HELMET
ah yes. the hammer named MILJinoNOR made in the heart of a star. ohshit walls got frosty. AMBUSH
“i swear, i swear, i sWEAR!” SHUSH IT AND GET TO FIGHTING. YALL GOT FROSTY BOYS INVADING ASS GUARD- oh fuck eye beam giant is OP.
thor is bloodthirsty, thats how you get the plot of the movie when you get turned mortal :/
loki is lovely i love him. he will never ever ever do anything wrong- oh hes starting drama between thor and frosty boys
“and who proved wrong that a young maiden could be one of the fiercesr warriors.” “i did” “true, but i supported you, sif.” JSHSKHSKSJSKSJSJ
HORSES ON THE GLITTER GLASS BRIDGE. this is all beautiful wtf i love asgard. HEIMDALL- thor stfu dont shut loki down ya fucker. yall are bullying loki and then get shocked he turns evil?
MAGIC SWORD IS THE KEY TO ALL THE REALMS. HAHA ROUND THINGY GO SPINNY SPINNY. heimdall tells em the bridge to frosty realm might fuck em over and leave em to die.
“You’re nothing but a boy. who came to prove hinself a man.”
“know your place. brother.” STOP BEING MEAN TO LOKI, THOR :(
LOKIS MAGIC IS AMAZING YOU’RE DOING GREAT BBY- laughing during a sword fight because fuck every other emotion righ- OHSHIT NVM HE GOT IMPALED ON A SPIKE OF ICE
GIANT SNOW BEAST GO BRRRR. THUNDER ON THESE FROST COVERED ASSES- whY is he still laughing he got a spike through his chest what the hell dude you good?
ODIN TO SAVE THE DAY AND GET HIS CHILDS ASS OUT OF TROUBLE. thor started a fucking war because of this fightboner jesus christ this child. SHOUTING MATCHES
daddys angry with his child- thor is unworthy this, unworthy that. AND BANISHED TO EARTH LIKE A FUCKING LOSER SKSHSKSJSJ
and back to padme’s modern time wE GO
“How dArE YOu aTtAcK tHE SoN oF oDIN😡😡😡” hes like an angry puppy
body in a photo?? pog info??? WHY HAS HE BEEN HIT BY A CAR TWICE ALREADY
THOR IS FUCKING RIPPED. meanwhile is ass guard. loki snitched for a good reason. but nOoOoO thors, friends, blame loki.WHY ARE THEY BLAMING LOKI FOR BRING IN THE FROSTY BOYS- oh shit he can controll the snow cube. backstory for loki? mayhaps?- HOLYSHIT HES A SMURF
“the casket wasnt the only thing you took from jotunheim that day, was it?” HES ONTO YOU ODIN. odin literally kidnapped- oh no nvm loki as a baby was left for dead. I WANNA HUG LOKI SO BAD HES IN EMOTINAL DISSTRESS :(
“because i-i-i’m the monster, parents tell their children about at night?” LOKI BABY EVERYTHINGS GONNA BE OKAY
holyshit loki’s breakdown killed odin wtf. my man collasped onto the staircase
“this drink. i like it.” “i know its gre-“ “ANOTHER! *SHATTERING GLASS*”
“myeu muh? whats a myeu muh?” DARCY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH SKSHSKHSKS
man coulson thats a dick move to snatch up all of padmes shit- AND DARCYS IPOD???
loki do be looking snazzy on the throne👀 good for him. look at these fucker friends of thor tryna make him inbanish thor :/
BOOKS- on norse myth.? yeah norse myth
padme is sus of thor, and almost got em into a car crash. “god i hope you’re not crazy.” oh wait till you aee what happens
frigga is tryna convice loki they meant well. kinda hard too ngl. damn shield has beefed up security around this fucking hammer
oh shit electrical thunder is fucking with the shield tech once thor showed up. RAIN AND MAGIC HUMMING- thor is kicking shield’s ass- COULSON- who the fuck chooses a bow and arrow to shoot a target when they had sniper rifle- barton- HAWKEYE NVM BADASS ARROW GUY IS AMAZING
oh shit thor found miljjnor. mudfight but make it less smexy. epic momentt pogg.. its totally gonna fail him so fucking bad its gonna be funny
told you so.
now hes yelling at the sky like an insane person
AND got arrested :I
poor heimdall having to watch this all like a sad sitcom. OLDMAN STFU
“look its myeu-muh!” darcy needs to be protected at ALL COST. ohmygod they think thor is a solider from enemy lines aIshsksjskks
LOKIII- oh shit hes telling thor everything went wrong bc him and that a truce was- NVM LOKI IS TRYING THE HAMMER. YOU GOT IT LOKI
old man go save thors stupid ass. redeem yourself. bar talk is somehow wholesome. oh shit thors gotta dip outta town bc oldman said so. he didint listen to odin and ended up starting a war- OH CRAP LOKI DID LET THE FROSTY BOYS INTO ASGARD.
heimdall knows loki is causing trouble. good for loki. HA RHE OLDMAN GOT FUCKING WASTED BY THE BOOZE LIKE A COWARD.
padme is so awkward around thor. shes in looovvveee. awh thor snatched up her genius book from shield. YIGHDRISLE is such an amazing name for a tree filled with planets and worlds
thor knows loki lied- heimdall knows loki let in the frosty boys, and is currently frozen soild by that blue cube thingy. AND NOW THE OP METAL LAZERBEAM BASTARD IS ON EARTH
dude things were getting blown up left and right but suddenly thor’s plot armor engaged and a car just flips over him and instead of going boom. standoff between lazerface and thor- whomst shall win? find out next week on: HOLYSHIT THE NORSE GODS EXIST
loki just watched thor try to give up his life and now lazerface is leav- FUCK NVM IT BITCH SLAPPED THOR SKSHSJSJSJSKKSKSJ. oH now it leaves
hammer go brrr soon? HAMMER GO BRRRRRR
oh shit the frosty boys are on asgard- HEIMDALL NEEDS TO UNFREEZE AND WORK ITS MAGIC LIKE NOW
oh god the animation for some dead frosty boys got so noticable that was horrible.
lokis “ohshit thors back” face is amazing
loki hun what the fuck are you doing- stop tryna destory shit like a hero.
brothers fighting while a energy tree builds around him? sure why not. ohfuck loki got his ass handed to him- THOR WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE HAMMER ON HIM LIKE THAT SKSHSKSJSJSK
awh this is making me sad i dont like this sad ending this sucks so much. loki deserved better then to die knowing odin hated him :(
heimdall is out of a job now that the bifrost is broken haha loser.
ignore the misspells and the bad grammar its almost two AM by the time i finished watching and writing this up
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
back at it again w/the hxh, heres my recap of the last few eps 
ok so i totally forgot to recap that one ep at the end of the hunter exam arc lets see what i remember from like 3 wks ago lollll
i thiiiiink i left off in the middle of ep 21 lol. i really dont remember much tbh so im gonna skim the ep to refresh
exposition time! its so wild that if you lose ur hunter card That It like u cant get another or retake the exam hgabjdfuhasjf Ls 
also the fact that you can sell it is rlly interesting 
leorio & kurapika backing up gon as he confronts illumi again :’) good lil family 
illumi u fool. gon is a shounen protag. he can do anything he sets his mind to
the fact that gon thanks illumi for telling him where killua is....hes literally THAT polite like...what a perfect boy 
hisoka just fuckgin stepping out of the shadows....ok bitch 
the fact that gon fucked up illumis arm that bad with one hand....boi is STRONK 
ok but like is illumi implying that hisoka is a fr p*do bc uhhhhh thats so nasty oh lord. pls stay away from gon, and killua, and like everyone as a matter of fact 
no but rlly what IS hisoka gonna do now. im assuming he’ll show up p soon (tho probs not in the zoldyc arc like i thought bc its shorter than i thought) 
ok the fact that they have the internet is hilariously wild to me for some reason....it just seems like this would be one of those fantasy shounen worlds with very little tech (a la one piece) but lol nope we can just google shit hvbhjdhjdfks
gon: it was fun when you beat me up for 3 hours and broke my arm! seeya dude!
i love gon he is so chill and doesnt seem to hold grudges except when it really matters (like hisoka and illumi) 
hanzo has.....ninja business cards....thats amazing hvbhsdjkujfnd
dont worry pokkle, leorio was basically carried thru the hunter exam by various people and also won by default. he still deserves his license tho
an exotic game hunter sounds pretty cool! i wonder if we’ll see pokkle again. kinda doubt it? that sounds pretty firmly non-combat based, and therefore probably pretty far from any plot lol
so gons dad is a bigshot huh.....whatever hed be a bigger deal if he didnt abandon his son tbh 
gon swinging his feet on the bench....sooo cute 
so ging could restore a bunch of ruins but he couldnt raise his son...ok
im just gonna be bitter at this guy for abandoning the most perfect boy vhbhjfbsjhdhbfsk sorry dude but being a good hunter doesnt make up for being a shit father 
gon is so precious ;_; 
why does it look like theyre googling things on MS paint 
ah yes, padokea, on the continent of Africa But Sideways 
idk if i talked abt it before but the world map is WILD lmao i love how its all the continents/landmasses scrambled around.....im super curious abt that weird island in the top center of the map, thats the only thing that immediately sticks out as not having a real life equivalent 
the music in this show is so charming :’) i love the main theme sm 
gon is sooo precious i literally cant get over it. and his hurry to rescue killua is so sweet....and i love how naturally charming/charismatic gon is....pretty much everyone he meets likes him, especially leorio and kurapika, who basically adopted him after knowing him for like a day, and continue to be completely taken by him
ok wtf is satotz & co talking abt......do they know something abt ging that they arent allowed to tell gon???? shouldnt gon have access to the same info now that hes a hunter? i need ANSWERS
i bet this whole thing abt the hunter exam not rlly being over is a metaphor abt the hunter exam NEVER truly ending bc youre always being tested, or st
ok the ED continues to be So Much like especially the last shot where the 4 main characters look like theyre posing for a JC Penny catalog while the singer goes FULL metal-screamo
ok ruth and i just rewatched the next two eps woohoo
i love that there are tourist busses that take people to the front gates so they can like pose for pics and stuff vhbhjafdsfkj and its like ‘ah yes here are where the local assassins live!’ thats so funny yet it makes so much sense
i love that leorio passed tf out during the bus ride. big big mood 
gon is so cute...hes like ok yes i understand that we’re not supposed to go in but i think they can make an exception for me bc im very polite. 
those 2 dudes r so ugly and so dead god bless
that bigass buster sword....sir please 
ruth and i rlly thot that the old guard guy was gonna turn out to be grandpa zoldyk or st lol
the fact that the dog managed to eat All their flesh but left some clothes....skill 
also the dog is named mike but it sounds like the guy is calling him miku hvbjdfssk
this cant be the first time some morons have been killed here likeeee 
i cant believe nobody has visited the zoldyk estate in 20 years damn they all rlly b havin no friends. depressing 
the whole gates thing is wild. also that part where gon gets the math wrong on the weight.....BIG mood kiddo 
ok the part where gons on the phone w/the butler is soooo good oh man. i love how gon just calmly dials the phone again after hes hung up on the first time and then YELLS....and leorio and kurapikas faces r so good 
also the butler guy unfortunately has a point, it isnt foolproof that gon is here Legit....but he IS let him see his tiny bf :( 
as ruth pointed out, the butler guy is reminiscent of kuro from one piece. same vibes 
maybe if leorio was jacked like he is in the manga/1999 anime he couldve opened the gate that first time around....Ls 
god i love this shows approach to Everything so far,....as ruth put it, half the time its like ‘oh wow they should do [x]/i wish theyd do [x] but ofc they wont cause its a shounen’ but then they DO do [x] and its like damn thats dope 
anyways i love how gon is increasingly approaching situations with his Plucky Shounen Protag Attitude in full swing, and he pretty much gets shot down every time. BUT his general determination to see killua bc killuas his FRIEND and hes gonna RESCUE HIM is still a good and pure motivating force 
like here, when hes climbing over the wall and hes like whatever i dont wanna have to deal w/being tested thats bullshit, i wanna see killua, my intentions are pure, im gonna try my luck with the dog....i was like ok yeah he’ll get over and like tame or defeat the dog and the guard will be suitably impressed bc nobodys ever done That before, and then gon will continue on to get killua 
but NOPE instead the guard calls him down and explains that gon Will Die if he tries that, and then the guard will die too for letting that happen. and gon is like oh shit my actions have consequences for people other than me, wow. 
and THEN the guard takes them in to meet the dog. and hot DAMN that is a scary creature. not even really a dog tbh. they did an excellent job making the dog Legit Scary and not just like, big and flashy looking....those eyes are so soulless, and the proportions are freaky 
and the guard says exactly what i was thinking - that gon would use his Country Boy Woodland Creature Skills to workaround the dog....but then the subversion - this creature is NOTHING like the woodland critters gon is probably used to dealing with. theres no way gon stood a chance here. the guard just saved him from a really unfortunate death 
i love all the Super Heavy Stuff in the servant house that seems so inconvenient vbhjdkfasjfld. also forgot to mention earlier but the guard guy being Absolutely Ripped was wild and kinda funny 
training montage! gon continues to be so cute. and i love so much how leorio and kurapika are like no, you rest, we’ll take care of this. good parents!!!!
and then!!!! they sync up and use the power of gay love to almost open the gate. but then gon uses the power of Improbable Shounen Protag Healing Speed to toss that arm sling off and help out
i feel like leorio was side-eyeing gon like w8 a sec u broke that arm like a few days ago that aint right.....
oh man i almost forgot abt that scene with the zoldyks torturing killua :( :( this poor kid he doesnt deserve that 
also mom zoldyck seems truly awful but i must say her aesthetic does fuck. the victorian-lookin outfit paired with the futuristic cyclops visor thing....excellent. also im betting this face bandages are from killua cutting her face 
this family is so fucked up hvbsjdhjfbakdfn
killua telling his mom that gon is definitely gonna make it there :’) hes got such unshakable faith in his bf thats so good.....
back w/the gang, and immediately they run into more trouble in the form of the young girl butler, whose name i dont know, but i love her....her design is SO good oh man. a non-caricature black person? who also isnt sexualized? in MY anime??????
 i love how gons approach to conflict is currently ‘let more powerful person beat me up for hours straight in hopes that they get tired or something idk bro’ like....i love him lol, is it in an effort to show how determined he is? he doesnt even try to dodge her blows or get around her....id be tryin to hop that fence lol 
oh shit the tiny zoldyk kid from earlier is spying on them....she was w/the mom so im sure thats not good
when he punches the rock part and it breaks....strong boiiii 
oh man that little flashback from when killua first came back and told her that he made a friend ;_; bruh 
i love butler girl :( she wants to let gon but knows it isnt allowed....and as soon as she starts to waver BAM here comes mom zoldyck JFC that was so sudden and jarring....im assuming butler girl isnt dead cause that would be lame and anticlimactic 
also IS THAT NEN??? NEN>>>??? NEN??? HM? NEN????????? 
im so annoying abt nen i need to make one of those ‘is this a pigeon?’ memes w/’is this nen?’ bc thats me anytime anything remotely weird happens lmao
i do think its rlly nen this time tho
anyways shit is wild, cant wait to meet the full zoldyck family 
as i said above i doubt hisoka will show up now bc this arc is a lot shorter than i anticipated. also im doubting that illumis even gonna show up honestly 
i think we’re gonna have this OP for a while, as the part just at the end shows gon and hisoka fighting in what looks to be an arena, and ik the next arc is the heavens arena arc, which im assuming is the tournament arc....
also i have no idea what that weird building in the OP is but my guess is that its the building w/the heavens arena in it bc its tall and,,,,heaven 
i predict there wont be much fighting in this little arc bc how tf else is it so short. at this point i rlly think gon is just gonna grab killua and go lmao. im super curious abt how thats gonna go down, considering that killua is currently strung up just bc he wont apologize...so i cant imagine his family would just let him leave w/gon. i wonder if killua will fight them, or if gons determination will impress them and then theyll let killua go (doubt it)
thats basically it....we’ll see abt the next few eps holla
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starrysence · 6 years
Almer headcanons
almer is the Good Shit. here we gO
warnings: mentions of abuse (some are kind of graphic?? maybe?) please please please be careful if these trigger you and you choose to read ahead anyway!
●so, its canon that albert has 2 older brothers
▪they do their jobs as siblings and tease these boys pre-dating. all the time. try to change my mind, you fucking cANNOT.
▪"i hope youll let me be your best man, al" - matt, the second oldest dasilva brother
▪"in your fucking dreams, MATTHEW. iT's GoNnA bE mE" -drew, the oldest dasilva brother
▪"if you guys argue about this one more time its gonna be race" -albert
●elmer deals with this times 4 bc he has 8 older siblings
▪hes thankful that 3 of his siblings are either away at college/constantly busy with senior year shit bc thats 3 siblings less to tease him constantly
●so. albert rlly doesnt like talking about his biological parents bc of the way they treated him and his brothers (i wont go into graphic detail, but they were physically, emotionally, and mentally abused - especially albert bc he was the youngest so he didnt have an excuse to be away as often as his brothers did)
▪elmer finds out abt everything when he wakes up bc albert is crying in his sleep and whimpering and trembling even though he has the warmth of about 3 blankets and el's body heat
▪and thats the first time he realises albert has gone through so much shit and hes still coping
▪yall he refuses to go back to sleep until albert feels SAFE and COMFORTED
●al had a toxic relationship w/ this girl named lorie once
▪she would NOT let him talk to el or race or basically anyone else and she would constantly complain abt how he wasnt doing enough for her
▪it all put him in a really bad mental state
▪and hed break down about it and not be able to tell anyone and she would just complain abt how pathetic he was being and it just made him feel worse
▪he doesnt really like talking about that either 
▪fun fact,, that was his only relationship before he started dating elmer
●if albert and elmer ever have a pet......... its a chinchilla named blossom and you cant change my mind
▪also at some point they adopt the SWEETEST corgi husky mix pup named gizmo
▪race comes over. constantly. he practically lives there bc of blossom and gizmo
▪it earns them lots of complaints from spot (or davey or jojo or whoever you want honestly go wild)
▪"race go home your boyfriend wants you"
"my boyfriend always wants me ;)))"
●elmer love love LOVES kissing al's cheek or his jaw
▪he also likes kissing albert's shoulder when theyre in bed and albert has his back to him
▪it makes al melt. every time.
●al loves to kiss the top elmer's head or his neck 
▪not even necessarily to get elmer excited (but sometimes it for that)
▪he just finds it easy to bury his face in the crook of his bf's neck and just. smorch. u know??
●they dont get into heated makeout sessions very often imo?? theyre just. soft.
●elmer esp wants to take it slowly and carefully bc of everything albert's gone through
▪4 months into their relationship he realises albert hasnt said "i love you" once
▪decides not to push it tho. he gets it and wants al to take his time!!
▪few weeks later albert brings it up and starts rambling
▪"i know you probably want to break up with me because its so sad and pathetic. i mean its almost been five months and im not saying these words because im too fucking scared to say them even though i shouldnt be because theyre true and i really do love you, i love you so fucking much it scares me sometimes-"
▪elmer cant help but grin, "albert. albert. you said it."
▪"i said it? oh my god i said it." 
▪"i love you. i love you so much"
▪"i love you, too, albert."
▪uhhhh al rarely ever drinks bc hes just scared he'll get addicted like his parents did 
▪he doesnt mind it if others drink tho. he just doesnt want to do it all that often
▪he has to admit, though, that when his boyfriend drinks, things get kind of wild
▪by wild i mean elmer is LITERALLY giggling about everything everyone says
▪"what the fuck??"
▪elmer, through giggles: "dont say that word. thats a baaaad worrrrddddd"
▪albert could literally say "hello" and he'd burst out laughing
▪so nobody lets race near elmer when hes drunk bc one time racer’s jokes made el laugh so hard he passed out
▪albert never stops teasing elmer about it and elmer hates it but at least it gives him a good excuse to kiss his boyfriend
▪that excuse is shutting him the FUCK up
alrighty thats all i got for tonight bc its 11:58pm and i should be asleep. but its diWALI AND I AINT SLEEPIN UNTIL ITS OFFICIALLY OVER (aka til any point after 2 minutes from right now). sorry this took so long, anon. hope you like!!
-sanj 💕
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
ok ik bitches are still going to complain but i gotta rant to keep my shit together;;; ngl after being stuck co-raising two babies now i really feel genuinely Disgusted by unnecessary parent critique. like it actually makes me feel so viscerally upset and depressed when i remember nobody gets this or cares to and probably just wants to call out what im doing wrong, instead of lend me a hand to do it better. man im not treading lightly here the ‘no excuses’ mentality is literally Inhumane to parents and dehumanizes them as these superhumans, they arent, they are people trying to take care of themselves Plus One. there Are ‘excuses’ for not being perfect. just bc every child deserves perfect doesnt mean it can be given and that fucking SUCKS but that is one of the only times im comfortable saying; ‘thats just life’. you cant magically make life better for kids the way you think, you’re not a protector, you’re their Rock to teach them How to DEAL with what life brings, that means you’re allowed to struggle with it too. childcare is like this cosmic design to work you physically and mentally to the brink, fucking forget the normalization of how many people you think you’ve seen raise kids and done fine, it is harder than you can even fathom. they probably did not do fine behind closed doors. the parents with the best behaved and most obedient kids probably did harmful things to make them that way that will eventually come back to them, the parents with the happiest most well adjusted kids probably had the money to provide the extra care for that. there are ‘excuses’. idc if it fucking annoys you or w/e, i dont like being the bitch that says stuff nobody wants to hear, but you truly deeply cannot 100% understand unless you are raising kids, i dont say that to hurt your feewings or exclude you, i used to think that way, i say it bc when you see me passed out on the couch while my nephew gets into something dangerous, its because i got one hour of sleep that night while he kicked me in our bed for 4 hours. he cant help not knowing how that affects both of us, but i cant help being affected by it just cuz im supposed to be ~the big strong adult~, bc i am not a fucking xman. i CANT pretend it all away. while im sitting there napping im also waiting for my mental health meds to start working. im also dizzy from not eating. it sucks that he gets into shit sometimes. hes still gonna get into shit sometimes, and i can do my best, but if i sit here worrying that karens are gonna get pissed abt that and work myself even harder im gonna straight up explode. who does that help. who does me falling apart help. come babysit my kid for free if you wanna help me bitch!
parents are doing twice the work of a normal person while also teaching one of these people theyre caring for, how to BE a person. i used to be SO pro judging parents and im literally nauseated by the judgments now. “i cant believe this parent looked away and their kid got hurt, i cant beleive they just leave them there with a tablet or a snack or a toy while they nap, i cant believe they let them do that, i cant believe--” btich you literally have no idea how lucky you are that they are not both already dead. you are so lucky tehy are both alive and the parent isnt hospitalized for mental health or even physical exhaustion, or addicted to a stimulant (which includes caffeine), or using smth to relax like weed or alcohol (hello wine mom culture), or the kid isnt traumatized from watching their parent have repeatd breakdowns. that is literally better than most situations already. no matter how impossibly perfect the family could be in your mind, kids fuckin get hurt and they make mistakes and the PARENTS make mistakes bc theyre PEOPLE and yall this blows my mind that ppl dont realize this but,,,,, Little kids??? THEY DO NOT LISTEN TO THEIR PARENTS bc they essentially CANT..... for like YEARS there is a period they WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOU at ALL while they have the full autonomy and smarts and strength to cause horrible consequential problems, they are capable of learning how to circumnavigate your ‘babyproofing’ in new ways every single day, but they have ZEROOOOO MORALS OR CAUSE AND EFFECT SKILLS to understand RIGHT FROM WRONG, NO MATTER HOW OFTEN YOU TELL THEM!!!!! IT WONT CHANGE, ITS LITERALLY A PHYSICAL BRAIN THING THAT THEY CANT LEARN WHAT ‘NO’ MEANS FOR A WHILE YET!!! THIS CAN LAST FROM AGE 1 TO 4, SOMETIMES LONGER! THATS GENUINELY INSANITY INDUCING FOR THE ADULT WHOS KEEPING THEM IN LINE HUNDREDS OF TIMES A DAY, KNOWING ITS AMOUNTING TO ALMOST NOTHING UNTIL YEARS LATER!!!! IT DOESNT HELP WHEN PPL JUDGE YOU AND DONT BELEIVE YOU AND THINK YOU JUST ARENT ~TRYING HARD ENOUGH~! holy FUCK dude, idc if you wanna judge, im losing it bc i am being forced to keep my cool while a child whos pinching me and genuinely HURTING and BRUISING me laughs in my face bc he truly DOES NOT KNOW this, and there is NO WAY for me to convey it to make him stop at the moment!!!! thats maddening!!!
listen to me, neither of you dying or experiencing lasting damage is literally the goal every day, not just ‘raising them’, but that you both survive to the end of it. im appalled by how different the lifestyle is and the way ppl just... dont know that/REJECT that information so they get to judge. ofc tiny vulnerable innocent kids deserve the best, parents cannot always provide that if they want to Survive, bc they also deserve , basic understanding and humanity. you call out abuse all you want, theres a difference between the 'lesser of two evils’ choices, or even the genuinely Bad choices you can Accidentally make when at your wits end (which you should immediately correct anyways), and ever causing intentional physical or mental harm to the child, but the secodn yall start nitpicking or blatantly being ignorant to a struggle just so you get your blame validation in i literally cannot AFFORD to give you the time of day, im busy running on minutes of sleep, so if you think i have enough free time to entertain ur whining that my kids got a messy face and has been on his tablet in a highchair for an hour or w/e, idc, im using that time to shower for the first time in 2 weeks bc nobody else is gonna be there for me to let me do that shit :) so frankly put your money where your mouth is and help struggling parents whenever you can. i cant make shit better out of thin air.
“oh, but i dont have the money to help you.” YOU THINK IM AFFORDING CHILDCARE?? YOU CAN COME OVER AND HELP DIRECTLY WHILE I DO CHORES. “oh, but i dont wanna babysit for my friends, i dont like kids.” OH REALLY?????? OH YOU DONT LIKE KIDS??? BC THEYRE DIFFICULT MAYBE ??? SO MAYBE YOU SHOULDNT JUDGE WHEN ITS HARD THEN????? LIKE YOU RLY THINK JUST ‘LIKING THEM’ SUDDENLY MAKES IT EASY FOR ME?? YOU THINK ME FINDING MY NEPHEW CUTE AND LOVING HIM AND HIS LAUGHTER GIVES ME FUCKING SUPERMAN POWERS TO DEAL WITH THIS???????? “but You chose to have kids” rt in my case i literally didnt and would be homeless if not offering to help care for them but HEY COOL CONCEPT PRO CHOICE KINDA FUCKIN INCLUDES WHEN PEOPLE ‘CHOOSE’ TO HAVE KIDS EVEN WHEN THEY STRUGGLE AFTER, TOO LATE TO FUCKIN COMPLAIN NOW, JUST HELP A BITCH OUT. LIke... bro BRO b R O im losing it stop giving parents the inspiration porn treatment while disrespecting the actual struggles they go thru any time the child actually suffers bc they are unable to shield them from their struggle. can i be real, life literally will not go without struggle. you cannot raise them to have a life better than what the world is, you can do your best but you really cant MAKE it fair. once again this is not a ‘raise the perfect child’ contest you are just . trying to raise them at all. its messy. every single day you will have successes and failures, and you’ll be running on empty, and you’ll be doing that just to make it through to do it again tomorrow, while it slowly (AGONIZINGLY SLOWLY) gets easier each day. im tired of pretending lmao i dont wanna hear you bitches judge parents anymore, i dont wanna hear the stupid ass ‘im allowed to’ shit anymore dude!!!!! for gods sake i can agree with you when some shits just plain wrong but ill never apologize for standing up for myself or other struggling parents even if it makes you uncomfy, i can care about Both the child and the parent at the same time, ig i wont ask you why you seemingly cant. 😶 ESPECIALLY when things like classism and ableism tie in so often with these situations. not to mention racism like im white but hoooo if i hear one more story about a black parents ‘negligence’ in efforts of just trying to help their family, like leaving their kids somewhere during a job interview or w/e, vs the white parents that LET THEIR 10 YR OLDS WANDER AROUND MALLS BY THEMSELVES... im gonna scream. im gonna fuckin scream. its so unfair. fuck off, stop the spiteful ignorance, change this shitty hateful culture.
tldr; you Can care about kids while respecting parents, even when they arent perfect. you can advocate for children while also advocating for parents, and in fact, you should fucking try.
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miallday · 5 years
✨2019✨ Jan.-July.
wow. You were a hard year, but you had a great ending to it.
January: I let go of my toxic relationship of 5 years. I let go of his entire family. We ended on a bad note.. pretty much all of them. Sarah and I had an awful fight. I was angry during one of my conversations with Maia. I was so hurt. I remember I was also broke. Like I had less than $100. I went through all my savings for 6 months. I am so blessed I was able to pay all my bills.. all on my OWN. I moved out from my apartment, separating myself from those familiar faces and became a live in nanny. I started school again.. from scratch. I went to school and worked, but I was still broke since I didn’t get paid. I lived off the 200$ a month from my church job. I wanted my head shaved. This is an easy decision. It had been over a year of thought. Jacob was so kind to do it for me. That was the first time I wore his clothes. I liked it. That was also the first time I slept on his bed. I was scared, I didn’t sleep well that night. But waking up that morning it made me happy. I was ok. Now I’m just bald. Yikes. But I liked the wig look... until hair started growing in. In the month of January I began praying to God so much. I remember one night I spoke to God and asked him to show me what to do. Show me the Autrys true colors. To show me the cards. Lay them on the table. Later on that month I had a dream giving me the answers. Time to let go. Jacob called me telling me about Shonté getting this chicks # and stuff and she looked just like Stefany. Jacob came to my rescue again. Jacob, Marcus and I went out that night. I remember it was the first week living at carols. My first Friday night out!! To zen! I’m 21! It was so fun! Jacob suggested putting my phone on airplane mode and the next day I ended everything with Shonté. He told me to go fuck myself... then texted me saying “ i dont know when but one day I will show you that I love you” lol... that’s the “love” I had for 7 years. (5 + the 2 we were talking.) wow. I wish none of that happened. I am embarrassed of it all. I had no self love at all. I didn’t know what love was. I was trying to find love in all the wrong places. I look back and I wish I could just hug my younger self. I am so glad I am out of that. ALL of it. I was in so much pain. I am thankful for Jacob. I really am, but I am also so proud of myself for finally choosing myself and my happiness. I put myself first for once in my life.
February: I wanted to ignore the hurt that I was feeling. I regret ever talking to justin. I shouldn’t have done it. I knew it was wrong. I didn’t want him to kiss me. I wanted to move my head, but I was lonely. I’m sorry. I knew you loved me since the 7th grade. It was nice catching up on life. We may have been best friends but Sam really did take you away from Zahria and I for years. I tried to tell you that we were just talking. I knew I didn’t want more, I’m sorry for going along with those conversations. I shouldnt have sexted you. I shouldn’t have made out with you in your car. I led you on. I am so sorry. It was wrong. I was lonely and I thought maybe our long friendship must mean maybe there could be more. But you were too much for me. You took me to meet your whole family on our first date. I spoke to everyone of course, but you continuously asked “are you having fun”. Ugh Justin I missed my friend. I hated when we were in the car stopped at a red light you’d want to kiss me over and over and over. I’d say stop & you wouldn’t. I didnt want this. I could never love you the way you needed to be loved. I am so happy you found someone, but Apart of me regrets losing my guy bestfriend since middle school, but after all that happened it’s too late. You became clingy and told me you loved me too fast. It was only a month. & you’d say it so often. You made me feel suffocated. I didn’t have that love connection with you. It was TOO much for ME. You’d call me every night around 7/8pm and you keep talking until 1am. I’d get frustrated bc I’m serious about my sleep. I’d say bye and you would somehow find another topic. So I even told you to give me space. While you were blowing up my phone I was sleeping next to Jacob in his bed, getting high and doing acid with him. Nothing happened ever, but you never knew. You just knew I was there. That’s how I knew I didn’t want this.. I could never commit to you. I knew you weren’t it. I wanted to be around Jacob more than I ever wanted to talk to you. And I’m sorry. This one day before work I walked up to a church and I sat down on their bench outside. It was like 8pm and I spoke to God. I asked him to show me if you were meant to be in my life.. not to long later God showed me the answers. The fact that after I went to visit Jenn for her birthday and Jacob mentioned who she saw him marrying I knew it was me but I was afraid I would be right and things would get awkward. But somehow Jacob smoothly brought up our pact by 30 if we were still single we’d get married and I was ok with that. Or when we did acid that day I was making a floor angel.. before we fell asleep I told you I didn’t mind being with you if by 30 we didn’t have anyone. My heart was with Jacob before I even knew.
March: Jacob and I began hanging out. During my spring break we went out to eat. We drank. I got high from brownie crumbs you shared with me. We drank. In the Uber I leaned on you and I dosed off, but you put your hand on my leg. I felt it but with you I wanted you to keep you hand there. We got to his place and we talked about tattoos. You even helped me decide what to do with mine and then we ended up wrestling. It was fun. Nothing more. That whole week we hung out. I went to go visit you in pentagon city. We texted daily. Anyways, Wednesday March 13 you kissed me. A couple days before I had a feeling something would happen between us. I was in shock that you kissed me. I dont know, I just never put mind to it. I accepted you for who you were, but I always turned my head bc I knew your body count. I am sorry for judging you. I did accept you, but that kept me from looking at your direction the whole time we were friends. I dont know if that sounds shitty of me. There was also something going on between you and Zahria and I really didn’t like it. In all honesty I didn’t want to give her your number the first time. Back in cityside. Big yikes. Anyways. I liked you. I liked how it felt when you kissed me. I wanted to know if you’d kiss me again. Then next morning you kissed me and said “does that answer your question.” So cute. From this moment I told Justin to let me go and find someone else. I didn’t want to waste his time. I wanted to do things right. For St.Patricks day Jacob invited me out to DuPont circle! This parents were there. That night was fun. Jacob and I clicked in a different way. We were out together. I held his hand for the first time outside. I also called him bby. There was a connection. I remember that night pretty clearly. Anyways, Jacob & I had sex like a week later. I wanted to. I wanted you. I wanted you since my 20th birthday. On acid I looked at you when I was laying on my bed and I literally said I wanna fuck him but I knew that was wrong of me to think that. I wasn’t scared the first time we did it. It was definitely better than my first time lol. And it was mutual and we were sober. That.. helps me.. in all honesty. All the time I think of that and I smile. The next day.. oof it was the first time I ever had good sex. It was hard having sex with you for a while after that though. I really felt like I lost my virginity. It was rough for a while. I am so lucky. I was always embarrassed but you helped me feel better. I’m sorry for bleeding on you. I really appreciate you comforting me every time... you are so sweet. I remember that following day you took me over to your parents house. That was my first time there. He brought me to his parents house ASAP. I met Shonté’s family 3 years later and that’s because I came over during Christmas break and his parents decided no one should spend Christmas alone in another state. Yeah I was literally going to stay at his dads apt alone if his parents didn’t want me to come. Yikes. You obviously really did like me. Don’t worry I can’t wait until you meet my brother and my nephews. My nephews are my treasure, so you are very special!!! I remember the last day of March.. March 31st we went on our first date!! No ones ever gone all out for me like that... I was speechless. You took me to the fish market. You got a small bowl of clam chowder and I got fish and chips. We walked down king street and we went to go see Kai. You paid for our tickets to get on the ferry. I’ve never been on that one!! It was cold but there was a beautiful view. We got to NH and we passed by a spicy sauce store. We still have to go there!!!! Then we got on the Ferris wheel. I had so much fun with you. The first time I went on it I didn’t have much of a good time. So thank you for giving me a better memory!!💗
April: Jacob called me his girlfriend over text. I remember I completely ignored it. You pointed it out and I told you I wasn’t your girlfriend until you ask me. I’m glad I stood up for myself. I wanted you to know I am different. April 12 we woke up super early and took acid. We spent the whole trip in bed binge watching breaking bad. I love that. Later that night you casted a slideshow for me. That’s when you asked me out. I found it so cute and I loved the effort you made to ask me to be your girlfriend. I went and got tested this month. I was scared tbh. I wish I would have been smarter and asked Jacob some more serious questions before having sex without a condom. But when we had sex I was okay with it, i could have said no put one on but i really wanted to know what you actually felt like too. & I loved it. I could never go back. Well unless I find those vibrating condom thing. We gotta try. But anyways. I didn’t have peace of mind until my dr. called. I don’t mean to judge. But I’m glad all is good. School was going well! I was working on my website. I was nannying and teaching Jonah Spanish on thursdays. I was also making $ in the side with Sophie, and Guy& Coleman as well as the church! I was productive... you see.. not smoking weed.. I was sober. This is why I’m harder on myself. I could be doing more. Anyways. April was a good month.
May: In May I finished my spring semester!! I took 5 classes. All A’s and B’s. I worked SO hard. I remember I stayed up all night until 4am studying my history notes. Over and over and over. Took a 2 hour nap and went to school. Took my finals and had to hurry and pick up Jonah for tutoring. It was so nice to go out to eat for dinner that day. I was proud of myself. I finessed my communications professor to bring my grade from a B to an A. It took some convincing but he did it. He gave me those extra points. I went home for Mother’s Day. This was wonderful... 2019 I finished paying off to install my moms tombstone. And my brother and I went to see her for Mother’s Day. We got her a bouquet of red roses. Her favorite! It was nice even though my brother was a total dick to me on that 40 minute Uber ride. Zahria didn’t hang out with me this weekend and I was very upset about that. She was mad that I was going to see Michael. Michael and I still speak tbh. Mostly about drugs and life. I was always a real friend to him since freshman year. But now I understand where she was coming from. Jacob and I would FaceTime each other at night now & fall asleep. So cute. I went back home and it took sometime to be okay again. That toxic, negative energy back home is some serious shit. Summer semester started and I only took one class for 6 weeks!!
Pride was so much fun. I wish I went the second day, but I had school and work on Monday. I didn’t want to be out late on a Sunday. But I really had a great time. Too bad I’m so awkward. This is the month Jenn was helping me speak up to Carol and Aaron about the contract. I was terrified. THAT WAS HARD FOR ME. That was so hard for me. But I did it. I spoke to them about it and I decided the best decision was to move out. It’s crazy bc at this time I found my love for champagne. I was drinking so much of it. Tbh that’s how I gained so much weight. Alcohol!!!!!! Anyways. I was sitting in Jacobs closet and he came to talk to me. We talked about what happened and you brought up if I wanted to move in with you. I said yes. So I gave my decision. They didn’t want to give me any money. I would get $200 a month for food if I worked more hours from the morning. As well as no summer tutoring so I would have to readjust my hours on the weekends and I wasn’t about it. So I cleaned up my room. They wanted me out ASAP. Marcus and Jacob helped me moved half my stuff. The other half Aaron helped. They weren’t in a good mood that days Carol gave me a hug though and told me she loves me. I closed another chapter. I was nervous and worried to move in with Jacob but it wasn’t too bad.
July: Jacob always tries his best to make me feel welcomed. He moved his desk over and gave it to me. He moved his shelf and fridge to make more space. You were okay with me taking the closet. You never once complained. You were okay that I had a lot of things. I was so worried about it all, but you always comfort me. I started working with Andrea. It was a blessing answered from God. I remember telling Jacob I wanted to take care of another 3 month old again.. and then Bradley came along. That baby brought me a ton of happiness whereas Jackson gave me headaches 🤣 I felt good. I was in school. I was making money. I was also babysitting Cora a lot. I made a little over $500 in 3 days. I saw Guy & Coleman. Jacob, Marcus and I went to Dave & busters. I had a lot of fun. I love that wizard of oz machine. I also came across this letter I wrote for myself back in 2016. I was suppose to wait until 2021, but I read it anyways. Wow I accomplished a couple things in there, but the way I saw my life planned was SO WRONG. hahah. I went and renewed my cpr license. The instructor was tough. I was afraid she wouldn’t pass me. I was doubting myself but I had studying. It was just a lot of pressure. I am so proud of myself for passing and I have a renewed certificate now. I ended the month saying goodbye to the Barhydt’s. They moved back to MA.
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God en are so fucking gross, I seriously despise straight men right now. If y'all don't know I got a job at a fast food place recently and ive been working there for 8 days. Let me repeat that, EIGHT DAYS, 8!!! I'm 17, still a minor, I'm a fucking child. And so far I got hit on by a 45 year old man who called me beautiful and sweety and said he want me and my other 16 year old coworker in his bed. He then proceeded to push his number in my hand and tell him to call me. He left, came back in the store to give me an "expensive" gift (it was a Disney collection set of a film roll with fantasia written on it) and then hugged, without permission and told me to hit him up. And then he came back the next day to see me and say "I came back" and shook my hand, while I was working and running an order out. Like not only am I outside the store but it's also dark. So I'm really uncomfortable and try to get inside as fast as possible. Then a few days ago one of my coworkers, I have no idea how old he his but he's old, asks me if I would like to go to the movies with him. So I said I like to go with my friends and he said yeah as friends. So to save me from being murdered for saying no I tell him I have to ask my dad. And he's like "is he strict?" And I'm just like no but I'm sure he doesn't want me to be raped and murdered but I tell him he's just trying to protect me. So I didn't even ask my dad bc it was going to be a no from both of us and my dad would've probably gone up there to shoot him. So today he asked about it and I was like my dad said no and he was like I understand. But I mean come on, what man is going to disrespect another mans decision? It's just a woman's decision that is disrespected. And let me again remind you that i am a minor and have only been there for 8 days. And then there's one of my assistant managers who has been flirting with me from day one. It's subtle and shit so I can't call him out for it but like he's problem in his late 20s or early 30s. Anyways so he likes to rest his arm on my shoulder to tease me about height or just to fucking do it. He had never asked me if that was okay but honestly I didn't really care until today. I turn 18 in September. He always says shit like "stop looking at me with those dreamy eyes" and I'm like lol wtf w/e. But today he asks me when I turn 18, which is just wrong. Like I don't care how far along I am until I'm 18, you don't fucking ask a minor that with the intention of dating them. They are still a child, even if they are adults in the eyes of the law. I AM STILL A CHILD. A VERY UNEXPERIENCED STILL TRYING TO FIGURE MYSELF OUT CHILD. I'm still in fucking high school. So I'm sketchy bc I know what's coming, I tell him September 16th and he says "that's not that far away, good I can't wait to fu- mess with you legally" saying this like he's talking about fighting me bc we joke about "you want to take this outside" and at this point I so creeped out bc it sounded a lot like he was going to say fuck you. And this is my job, I don't know who to go to or how to tell my parents bc I have social anxiety and don't like causing scenes or putting attention on myself. I can't stand it. But then he asks he if I would maybe like to go to the movies in a month after I turn 18. But like I said that is not okay. You shouldn't be thinking of a minor in that way, no matter how far they are from "adulthood" like no that is not okay. And the fact that I'm a "girl" makes this worse for me. Because I lose either way. If I say yes I could die, if I say no I could die, if I'm nice, I like you but if I'm mean I'm a bitch. Like I can't win. So I tell him I don't know bc I fucking don't, like I don't know him, 8days working, I know his name and that's it. He's also whiny. He is a grown man hitting on a minor. These are all grown men hitting on a minor. Major red flags for pedophilla. So I tell him idk and he goes like why do you have to break my heart like that. So I say don't fall in love with your coworkers. And he's like well you always made dreamy eyes at me and I said your making stuff up. So anyways he fucking whiny and stepping in my toe and bumping into me (and he totally rubbed his groin on my ass when squeezing past me I swear to god) he's just acting childish. So later he gets off work and leaves, well he comes back and is trying to talk to me but I can't hear him bc IM WORKING so I go over to the counter and I'm like what??? And he GRABS ME BY MY SHIRT COLLAR AND PULLS IT TOWARDS HIM, like when the bullies pick up the kids by their shirts, ANYWAYS HE DOES THAT AND SAYS WHAT HE NEEDS TO. But this is crossing a major line, like not only did he just pull my shirt from my body, he could easily look down my shirt and that's 100% not okay!!! Plus he's doing this to a minor like where in the fucking world did he think this was okay, like doing this to a woman isn't okay but doing this to a minor girl is so far from okay. I was so uncomfortable and I had no idea what to do and it didn't even hit me what he had done until he left again and I wanted to scream. It was not okay. Like men are so awful and I don't even want to go in tomorrow but I need money for college and it took me a fucking month to get this job and I'm about to be starting school so I don't have time to change jobs but it's so not okay and I don't know what to do. And I want to cry. Men are literally awful. I'm besties with almost all my girl coworkers and 4 of the guys are okay bc they don't fucking it on me and they are in my age group but like omfg it's day 8 and I already don't want to go into work. Like I don't even know what I'm going to do tomorrow. And it doesn't help when everyone treats everything like a joke so if I made a big deal about shit id be "butt hurt" and it sucks bc I've dealt with shit similar to this and it fucked me up that I physically won't let myself react to this ad just try to ignore it. But like if your older than 19 and you're hitting on a minor or waiting for them to turn of age you're fucking disgusting and you have some pedophilla in you and that is not fucking okay. LEAVE MINORS ALONE, YOU SHOULDNT BE THINKING ABOUT THEM LIKE THAT! YOU SHOULDNT BE THINKING OF ME LIKE THAT!!
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