#maybe give me answers in full sentences instead of making me guess until I myself find the right solution
annaraksta · 8 months
the two nurses working in my GP's office are like a spiteful witch and an unkind troll (both evil) that I have to battle to get through to my nice and professional doctor
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stanknotstark · 3 years
Truth Serum
Hello everyone! My name is Amber and I’m not new to writing however I am new to actually posting my writing but recently I really got back into Loki with all the trailers dropping and stuff and I’ve had so many ideas crossing my mind so I figured I’d write some of my ideas out and post them here! Honestly this is my first time writing for Loki so he might be a bit OOC until I really get him under my buckle! This piece doesn’t have a lot of Loki in it because I’m also testing out writing with more than two people getting focus so I apologize in advance but I’ll probably write the 2nd piece tomorrow where Loki confronts ‘you’. Enjoy! Gif not mine!
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You had just finished sweeping and mopping in Tony’s lab because there was glass on the ground. The only abnormal thing was that there was opalescent liquid in-between all the broken glass, your guess was that it must have been in some vial for safe keeping meaning you should have been careful. 
Should. Key word right there.
Realizing you had gotten some of the mystical liquid on yourself you quickly finished up cleaning then found Tony who was visiting with Steve in the living room. 
“Tony, Tony, Tony,” You incessantly said in a sing song voice as you approached, “Heya, Stevo.”
“Look there was a broken vial in your lab and you know I was down there for my blueprints and while cleaning said broken glass the liquid might have touched my skin....”
Tony frowned and Steve’s eyes widened and looked at Tony.
“Listen just tell me if I’m dying or not?”
Tony stood there staring at your face for another few seconds before you literally saw the realization hit him like a bus. Tony smiled.
“You know I’ve always had this question in the back of my brain since you said your blueprints were apparently....’Only meant for clearance level 10s’ I think I remember you saying...”
You frowned at Tony and shrugged, “I mean...no one is level 10 so don’t be offended...What does that have to do with this?”
“What exactly are those precious blueprints?”
You were going to give a witty remark but suddenly it was like word vomit and you couldn’t stop the next words from flowing out of your mouth, “They’re a new helmet I’m making for Loki that include audio, kinda like headphones, so he can listen to his favorite Mid-guardian books while on missions with us.”
Tony smirked which then turned into a full on smile before letting out a laugh. Steve looked at you with a confused puppy look on his face. You, unfortunately, realized what that liquid was.
“Tony I swear to God if that liquid I touched was a truth serum I’m literally going to castrate you!”
Tony, still laughing, put his hands up in a surrendering way and shook his head.
“I’m not the one that decided to clean up a mysterious liquid in my lab, of all places, without proper cleaning gear!”
At this point everyone in the room was looking at you three. Natasha and Clint were on one couch in the living room, Loki sat with his legs criss cross, back to the window overlooking NYC, and Wanda and Vision sat on the opposite couch from Natasha and Clint. The only two missing were Thor and Bruce. Much to your luck as you looked around at everyone, you realized they all overheard Tony because they all had mischievous smirks crossing their faces.
“STOP! I’ll answer questions BUT nothing too personal please...” You said putting on your best puppy eyes and giving an exasperated sigh. Surprisingly enough you looked at your crush, Loki, and saw he was the only one without a mischievous smirk, for once. He did however put down the book he had been reading and instead had a focused look on his face as he played with the green magic floating between his hands. No one else paid him any mind though.
“Who’s your favorite Avenger?” Natasha shot out leaning back into the couch with a smirk.
“YES!” Tony shouted pumping a fist into the air.
“Why?” Natasha asked.
“Because he’s like a dad to me, not to mention he makes us really cool gear meaning I don’t have to slave away in the lab by myself anymore.” You rolled your eyes as you finished the sentence. Tony beside you pulled you into a gut crushing hug and said, “Awe, FRIDAY can you put up adoption papers on my computer in the lab and set a reminder to fill them out later today?” 
“Tony, stop, God, you’re embarrassing.” You pushed from his hug, blushing. 
“For some reason I’m not really surprised.” Nat said shrugging. 
You giggled and made your way to the middle of the room, taking a seat in an available love seat, Tony and Steve coming to stand behind it. 
Next Wanda sat up with an excited look on her face and asked, “Who do you think is the strongest Avenger?” 
Thor walked in and gave a hearty chuckle, “Me, of course!”
“No, actually, I think it’s a tie between you, Wanda, and Loki.”
“What, no no, surely you’re mistaken, dear?” Thor said now chuckling nervously.
Steve smiled over to him and shrugged, “No, Thor, she accidentally touched a truth serum, this is as honest as she’ll ever be buddy.”
“Why am I one of the strongest Avengers?” Loki asked, his hands still playing with the magic but his complete attention on you.
“Your magic may not be on Wanda’s par, at least what I know about it, but you’ve endured quite the amount of emotion grief and came out on top so I guess I see you as the strongest, emotionally...” You finished with a wince since it kind of aired out Loki’s dirty laundry and was a bit mushy if you were being honest. Loki hummed but went back to focusing on his magic. 
Thor frowned then a happy look over took his face, “Are you in love with anyone in the room?”
“Wait, Thor!”
You laughed out loud and let the answer go freely, unconsciously glancing back to Loki who wasn’t looking at you but had a raised brow and seemed to only be half focusing on the green magic cloud in his hands, “Yes.”
“Thor buddy that’s a bit personal.” Tony said, an eyebrow raised in a disappointed dad sort of way. 
“My apologies!” Thor said making his way to the kitchen, “I hear a Poptart calling my name, perhaps a smores today.”
“Is it fair to say we may ask questions about this love interest considering it’s one of us?” Vision asked with a vexed look on his face. 
Loki cleared his throat and everyone gave him attention, “Perhaps we should keep that as a restricted topic considering she did say nothing too personal?”
You weighed the pros and cons in your head, while you were nervous for Loki to find out it was him maybe this was the way to get it out in the open. Lord knows you would take advantage of it considering every time you spoke with Loki nowadays you turned into a blabbering mess and tended to leave every conversation read in the cheeks from fluster and embarrassment. 
“I don’t mind you asking questions but don’t out right ask me his name.” You said deciding to get this over with. 
“Well we can cut out Natasha and Wanda then.” Tony said catching onto you saying him. “Reindeer games what on Earth are you doing anyways?”
Loki glanced at Tony and smirked, “Nervous?”
Tony frowned and backed up a bit, “You know, I wasn’t but I am now...”
Loki chuckled and went back to focusing on his magic flowing freely between his fingers and pulsing between his hands now, “Nothing that will harm anyone, Stark, don’t get your britches in a bunch.” 
You smiled at Loki then looked around at everyone, “Ok, hit me!”
“I know you said don’t ask a name but you did just say Tony was a father figure I was hoping you didn’t...” Clint started and ended softly with fear in his eyes.
Seeing as it wasn’t a full question you didn’t feel word vomit coming up but decided to play around with Clint since he never ceased to prank you all the time.
“I might have a daddy kink...” You said looking up at Tony, trying your best to give him a lustful look but couldn’t hold in your laughter when Clint started gagging, “No, Clint, it’s not Tony.”
You laughed a bit when you heard Tony let out a heavy sigh of relief. You then brought a hand up and covered your giggle when Clint said a tiny, “Oh thank god.”
“I swear, it better not be Vision, he’s mine!” Wanda said suddenly with wide eyes.
“Not vision.” You responded. 
You could feel Tony’s fingers behind you rhythmically tapping on the leather love seat, showing his growing impatience. 
“It’s not Steve, Tony.” You said trying to placate the man since he had told you in confidence that he was trying to find a good way to ask the man out. 
“You realize that only leaves Clint...and me, right?” Loki said with an unsure smirk. You gave the man a smile and stood up. Loki had finally finished playing with his magic, halfway through you realized what he had been doing seeing as you felt the truth serum slowly letting up in you. He had finally worked out the chemicals from your system and you were back to normal. 
“Unfortunately I’m not outright telling you all who it is, if you haven’t been paying attention to me recently that’s on you.” You said before heading towards the kitchen, Loki still smirking as he watched you walk away.
“I feel a smores Poptart calling my name too.” 
After you had disappeared Clint cleared his throat and looked at Loki, “It’s totally me, sorry i mean have you seen these guns, Loki? You have nothing on me.”
Loki chuckled and picked his book back up, “I think I have more to offer than you think Clint, but keep telling yourself it’s you if it helps that mortal brain of yours sleep at night.” 
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Hey love, was wondering if we could get some more mean girl x soft boy with Peter with promts 10 and 37??
Yes!! My favorite, of course, I made reader a Stark too cause spoiled rich mean girl with soft little Peter kills me. Hope you like it!
Requests are still open guys, you can use the prompts or just request whatever you want to, I write for Peter and Tom, love you guys xx
Full of Surprises
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark! Reader
Summary: Peter wants you to take him to a party, which ends up being nothing like he expected
Prompt #10 - “I don’t think you’re down for the parties I go to pretty boy.”
Prompt #37 - “You wanna sneak out?”
It would be hard to summarize (y/n) Stark in any sort of brief, meaningful fashion, she was too complicated for just a few sentences. If Peter had to call her just a few things he’d say she was complex and charismatic. She could be a little bratty, she liked getting her way, but most people still liked her, they still wanted to be around her. She was glamorous, with her designer clothes and nice cars and the paparazzi, she held the whole Stark legacy in a custom made, diamond encrusted pink birkin. Peter didn’t get the appeal of the money or the popular girl front she had at school, he thought the real her was a lot more interesting.
In getting to know her he had found she was actually a lot softer than most people thought, she just took a bit to warm up to people. He couldn’t blame her really, he’d seen firsthand the way kids at school tried to get close to her just for the exclusive invite or a Twitter follow, so he understood her hesitation. What he didn’t understand was why she wanted to be popular and famous, why she liked it all so much. It was puzzling to him, but he found both sides of her equally endearing. Even dorky little Peter couldn’t resist the pull of her glamorous life, he couldn’t deny that part of him wanted to be closer to that side of her too. He wanted to be the boy on her arm at all the parties she went to, but he had to get out of his comfort zone to do that…
“Yo Parker, you riding with me?” (y/n) turned around to face him as their final class drew to a close.
He nodded, “Yeah, if that’s cool with you.”
“I was hoping you would, I need your help,” she winked, slinging her bag over her shoulder as she stood.
He followed after her, his brows knit in confusion, “What do you need my help with?”
“There’s a party this Friday, dad said I can’t go,” she rolled her eyes, “So annoying, anyways, I was going to ask you to cover for me. I’ll tell him I’m at your place studying or something and you just tell him I’m with you if he asks. I know you're a perfect little angel, but I’ll owe you so big and I promise you won’t get in trouble with him. Plus I’ll buy you whatever you want.”
“You don’t need to buy me anything, you know that,” he blushed, biting down on the inside of his cheek as he contemplated his next move, “There is, uh, something you could do for me though…”
“Oh really?”
He nodded, “I want to go with you.”
She paused right in front of the limo and raised a brow at him, “Seriously?”
He nodded, “Yeah.”
She laughed as she climbed into the car, apparently finding the suggestion to be the funniest thing she’d heard all week, “Peter it’s a party with people and dancing and alcohol, I don’t think it’s your scene.”
“Then I’ll sneak out.”
His cheeks flushed and he frowned, “I’ve been to parties, I want to go, you always have fun don’t you?”
“You’ve been to high school parties,” she rolled her eyes, “There is no way May would let you go to this kind of party.”
“You wanna sneak out?”
“I sneak out all the time,” he reminded, “I’m probably better at it than you.”
“Point taken,” she smiled brightly at him, “Okay, why do you want to go out to parties all of a sudden?”
He shrugged, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible, “I might as well give it a try, maybe I’ll like it.”
She hummed, contemplating what to do for a moment, “Okay, I’ll take you, but no dorky t-shirts.”
“What’s wrong with my shirts?” he glanced down at himself with a frown.
“Well I think they’re cute, but they aren’t really party material. In fact I don’t know if anything you have is…”
He blushed at the compliment, “I can just wear a plain shirt then.”
“I’ll pick something out for you,” she smiled, “My arm candy has to match me.”
“Okay, but I’m not wearing the Spiderman suit.”
“You’ll wear what I tell you too babe,” she patted his cheek, smiling while his blush spread up to his ears, “Pick you up at 8?”
“Y-Yeah, sounds good.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
As promised, (y/n) arrived at Peter’s house at 8 sharp, holding a garment bag and dressed in a knee length tan trench coat.
“That’s what you're wearing?” Peter cocked his head in confusion, looking her up and down before quickly adding, “N-Not that you look bad or anything! I-It's just not what I normally see you wear to parties and stuff…”
His mouth went dry and he could only nod as he took it all in, “Y-Yeah, you look great.”
“I’ve got an outfit on under it, I just didn’t know if May would be home,” she pushed the garment bag into his hands with a smile.
“She’s working late tonight, I told her we’re going to the movies,” he shut the door behind her, his whole face blooming red as she tossed the trench coat off.
“Great, I look hot don’t I?” she giggled, spinning so he could admire her full outfit, a baby blue cropped cami and a matching skirt that fell just above her knee. The skirt had a slit leading up her right thigh and the whole thing was covered in a slightly darker blue Louis Vuitton monogram.
“I know,” she smiled proudly before gesturing to the bag in his hands, “Well come on, promise you’ll look hot too.”
He swallowed and opened up the bag to reveal a blazer with the same color and print as her outfit, “You don’t expect me to wear just this right?”
She burst into a fit of laughter and shook her head, “No, I was thinking just some jeans and a white shirt underneath, but hey, if you’re really feeling yourself I won’t stop you.”
“No, no, tshirt and jeans sounds great,” he pulled the blazer from the bag, “I’ll be right back.”
“Don’t keep me waiting,” she sang as he disappeared into his bedroom.
Peter was only gone for a second, returning almost immediately dressed per her instruction, “Happy?”
She nodded, “You look great, blue’s your color,” she stood, grabbing the edge of his jacket, “And red, and yellow.”
“You just listed all the primary colors,” he laughed.
“And I was right,” she moved up to his collar, flattening it out for him, “You for sure look best in yellow, but I know blue is your favorite, so I figured we’d wear blue.”
“Thanks,” he didn’t know how else to respond, “So what are we going to do there?”
“Oh come on Peter, you know what happens at a party,” she laughed, her hands moving up to his hair, tussling it slightly, “Didn’t you tell me you went to parties?”
He blushed, “Well one party, and it didn’t go great… I mean it can’t be anything that crazy right? Just like spin the bottle or beer pong or something?”
“Oh sweety,” she clicked her tongue before stepping away from him and slipping back into her coat, “If that’s when you’re hoping for then I don’t think you’re down for the parties I go to, pretty boy.”
He went wide eyed, “W-What do you mean?”
“You’ll see,” she smirked, “Ready to go?”
He nodded, his stomach beginning to fill with nerves, “I guess, I’m a little worried now though.”
“You should be,” she winked, “Not even Spiderman can save you from the night we’re gonna have.”
Her words had put Peter a bit on edge, and had him wracking his brain for every party he’d ever seen on tv. Once they got in the car he tried to drill her on the matter, but she only continued to tease him, never giving him a straight answer on anything, going as far as to tell him they were going to be summoning a demon at midnight. Something he had rolled his eyes at until they pulled around to the back of what Peter had to assume was some kind of club.
“(y/n) are you sure this is the right place?”
She nodded, “Yeah, it just looks sketchy from the back,” she flicked the car off and smiled at him, “Come on, you’re gonna love it here.”
He knit his brow in confusion as he followed her, “You sure about that?”
She rolled her eyes, “Yes, just come on,” she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the door.
He was hesitant as he followed her up to the large metal door, worried momentarily she might have been serious about the demon thing until she opened the door.
“Holy shit,” he swore as he glanced around the giant arcade.
She clenched her hands in front of her nervously, “What do you think?”
There was no party, not even close, in fact the only other people in the building were employees.
“I’m confused.”
She sighed, “I thought it was weird when you said you wanted to go to that party, I mean it’s not really your scene,” she glanced away from him, her normal confidence seeming to fade in an instant, “I don’t know, I kind of got to thinking maybe you just wanted to go because we were going together, and I thought that maybe you’d want to do something a little more personal so I rented out this old arcade,” she bit her lip, “I don’t know, maybe that was stupid, the party is real though, we can go to that instead if you want…”
Peter stared at her for a minute, trying to connect the dots, “L-Like a date?”
She nodded, “Maybe, I don’t know, it kind of seemed like that was the vibe.”
“No, no, no,” he grabbed her arms, stopping her from walking away, “I want to go on a date with you so bad.”
“So you rented a whole arcade?” he gaped.
“Oh come on Peter, you already know I’m excessive,” she groaned, “God, this was so stupid, let’s just go to the damn party.”
Her cheeks flushed, “You do?”
He nodded, “Yeah, I’m just a little shocked, you didn’t have to do this for me.”
“I didn’t really know what to do,” she fiddled with a piece of her hair, still unable to meet his eyes, “I mean you know I’m pretty sure of myself most of the time, but you make me nervous.”
“I make you nervous?” he went wide eyed while she nodded.
“I’ve never really liked a guy before, at least no this much,” she explained, “And I mean we can go to the party if you want still, but if you want this to be a first date I just thought something a little more special would be nice…”
A smile spread across his face, “There is nothing I’d like more than for this to be our first date.”
She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck, “We haven’t even started the first one.”
“Thank god, it would have been totally humiliating if you said no,” an airy laugh escaped her lips.
“There wasn’t a chance of that happening,” he assured, “I can’t really afford to rent out an arcade, but I’ll plan our second date okay?”
“No but you went through all this trouble, I figured you’d want another.”
She rolled her eyes, “You know Peter if this relationship is gonna work I think my ego is big enough for the both of us.”
He laughed and pressed his head to hers, “We’ll see how you feel after I kick your ass at every game in here.”
“There is not a chance in hell you’re winning even one game tonight,” she leaned in just a tad, “But I’ll tell you what, if you do I’ll give you a kiss.”
He smiled and pressed a quick kiss to her nose before pulling away, “You’re on.”
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Babysitting in the Devildom
Chapter Six: Beel- Dinner Indifference
"Beel n-"
Solomon had to cast a teleportation spell before he could even finish his sentence. Beel's wings fluttered furiously as he burst through a portal and into Solomons arms instead. He immediatly clamped down on Solomons shoulder and started to chew. Solomon sighed as he watched his cloak get drooled on, big violet eyes watching him back as more of the cloth disappeared into his mouth.
Solomon paused. Should he take Beel to you? You seemed to know what you were doing but you also already had Asmo and portioning out food for the rest of the kids...Beel would be in the presence of food either way. He glanced back down and the chipmunk-cheeked Beel and considered trying to take the cloak out of his mouth.  Buuuuut if Beel cried again it was his fault, again...but he really shouldnt be eating fabric...not that it would ruin his appetite but-
He was running out of time to make a decision as the delivery person made their way back to the door. Beel seemed content eating his cloak for now. Beel would be fine, right? Yeah- its Beel. Solomon tightened his grip just slightly on the baby as he approached the front door again, ready to take the bags.
He should have taken Beel to you.
It was like fighting Taz from Looney Toons as Solomon stumbled about, half eaten cloak and a blur of movement around him as he used small portals to keep the bag of food away from Beel.
Barbatos had walked into the kitchen with Luke, wondering if he could help somehow. You had taken Luke from him and used one hand while also sometimes directing him on how to help you while Asmo followed behind him to make sure each plate "looked pretty". Everything was going really well....until the other bag of food appeared suddenly in your free hand and you heard a demonic screech come from the hallway and a loud buzzing noise which was curiously silenced soon after, though Asmo had given you wide berth after hearing that. You sighed and asked Barb to continue portioning things and to go tell the rest of the kids that if they had to go to the bathroom, the time was now. You held Luke close to you as you ventured just outside the kitchen doors and nearly bumped into Solomon.
".....I can expl-"
"Why is Beel eating your clothes?"
You didnt really want to laugh for fear of waking Luke up, but a wide silly smile bloomed on your face as you watched Beel use both his tiny fists to stuff more of Solomons cloak into his mouth, wide eyes staring at you as he cooed a bit and continued to stuff his face, Solomons cloak almost gone.
Solomon had a combination of exasperation and amusement on his face. "Uh...well I didnt want him to cry or attack the food- o-or you so I.....I fed him my cloak."
"....wHY? Earlier you were summoning food for him- you could have done that again right- or multiplied the food we already have even if he ate the bags worth of food-"
You were still smiling, the whole situation a little ridiculous as Beel finished Solomons cloak and started to sniffle, pouting and making grabby hands to the air for more.
Solomon paused before a goofy smile spread across his face as he summoned a popsicle to give to Beel. "I. Dont. Know." He laughed a bit before smiling fondly at you. "This is why you're the one in charge." He started to walk past you into the kitchen, but not before a quick kiss was planted on your temple and a small smirk at your expression was given to you. You gave yourself a moment before joining him and Barb, and a slightly startled looking Asmo.
".....can I have a posicle before dinner too?"
Asmo looked up at Solomon, pleading who just shrugged. "Thats not up to me." He looked at you and smirked a bit. *Motherfucker*
Asmo gasped and skipped his way to you, big, pleading amber eyes as he batted his eyelashes. "May I have a posicle before dinner too please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?"
It was too much. From the way he asked politely, to the way he said popsicle, to his little pose and big ole eyes-
You looked around the table of happy faces as all the kids destroyed popsicles that Solomon had summoned for them, all save for Beel, Barb, Diavolo, and Lucifer untouched food in front of them.
"They said we still have to eat our food if we want to have dessert tomorrow."
"But I'm not hungry anymore..."
"....I guess I can try to eat some food but Im full from the popsicle..."
"LOOKIT IM PUTTING MY FRIES IN MY ICE CREAM!  But I aint havin the green stuff, thats yucky."
"You're yucky Mammon."
"My father would NEVER let me do this!! Thank you MC!!!!"
A chorus of thank yous came from all of the kids, luckily before another fight. You sighed softly and forced a small smile as you said "youre welcome". You figured they wouldnt eat their food if they had popsicles. The bigger kids had eaten their food, and Beel had no problem eating his portion and Belphies who....oh. Belphie was sleeping in his mashed potatoes. You glanced around the table again, noting all the sticky faces and hands and...bodies in Satan and Luke's case. Solomon looked exhausted as he summoned another piece of food for Beel. Asmo was trying so hard to eat some more of his food but only ate a few more bites and looked a little upset. Mammon had eaten his fries, at least.
".....if youre full, give your food to Beel. Dont make yourself eat anymore, its ok. I just need to talk to Sol for a minute, ok?" You smiled as you walked to take Belphie out of his highchair and gestured to Solomon to put Beel in. He was a little confused but did so as you wiped some of the potatoes off Belphies face.
Levi spoke up very quietly. "Can we still have dessert tomorrow if we didnt finish our food for dinner?" The sound of plates being pushed towards Beel paused as the kids all looked at you, waiting for an answer.
".....it depends on how well you eat your breakfast tomorrow.." you smiled as the kids thanked you again as you asked Barb and Lucifer to make sure Beel didnt eat the actual plates as you took Solomon and Belphie into the kitchen.
"How are you feeling...you look exhausted.." geniune concern on your face once you had Solomon basically alone. His face twisted slightly and he sighed. "I had hoped the rejuevenating spell I casted would re-energize me more than it did...why? Are you worried?~" he smirked slightly, though it fell just short of smug. You rolled your eyes a bit and ruffled is hair, your turn to smirk as his face turned light pink and started to protest, pouting when you stopped, though you werent sure if it was because you stopped or because you ruffled his hair in the first place. You stopped his protesting by asking your next question, also avoiding answering his question. "Do you have enough energy to clean all of them or am I going to bathe them in an actual bath..."
"....I? It should be we..."
"Well if you're tired you should rest...I'll need your help tomorrow too..."
"I can sleep after the baths..."
"But if we're doing the baths then I need you to cast one last spell to keep the water in the tubs..."
"So I'll sleep after that spell...maybe..."
You gave him a withering look before sighing, though appreciative of his stubborness....for once. You smiled a bit.
"Alright then. Bath time. Especially for the babies. The bigger ones can probably just shower.... Belphie, Luke and Satan need baths the most. Beel made sure his food ended up *in* his mouth....the others..." you chuckled as you peeked back into the dining room, seeing only Barbatos' face clean, and Lucifer and Asmo both fussing over the little mess they had on themselves, Lucifer using Asmos mirror, and Asmo following Lucifers every action to get clean. You brought your attention back to the sleeping Belphie in your arms.
"....do you think he'll stay asleep for bath time?"
"Its Belphie. He could sleep through anything."
"Dont jinx it." You sighed softly and looked out at the kids again, some playing tag, others just watching. Satan continued to mash his food onto the platter in front of him, Luke giggling and copying in glee. Solomon tapped your shoulder to get your attention again.
"Are you ok? The bags under ypur eyes could hold all my potions-"
"Shut up- maybe if a certain sorceror had been more careful I wouldnt be as tired....not to mention the popsicle before dinner was a bad mov-" you were interrupted by Barb lightly tapping your arm.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I was just wondering if you want me to wash the dishes or just leave them in water in the sink....or if you have a dishwasher..." you were a little surprised when you turned and saw him carrying all the dishes from the table, and Lucifer behind him with garbage. Simeon was wiping down the table with a cloth, but gave the younger ones in high chairs some room. Diavolo was trying to talk to Lucifer, who just kinda kept nodding and saying "oh thats cool" before looking at you almost desperately. His look brought you back to your senses as you nodded at Barb.
"Just in the sink with water is fine, thank you Barbatos. Thank you for cleaning up Lucifer, Simeon. It makes a huge difference to me."
Barb and Simeon beamed, and Lucifer managed a small smile before shooting Diavolo a dirty look, but the other boy didnt notice, too busy rambling on about how this was so much better than home for the upteenth time. Ypu ruffled Lucifers hair as he walked by, and noted Diavolo's slight stumble in words as he eyed you a bit, but rushed past to go talk to Barb, glancing back at you, almost pleading, though your attention was divided again as you felt Levi hug you and snuggle into your side wordlessly. You patted his head softly and turned back to Solomon.
"I'll answer that question later. For now lets clean up. Then bath time."
Levi squeezed you a bit and beamed. "I love bath time!! I can do it myself! I promise, I can! I can!"
Though Levi couldnt see it, Mammon was mocking him from behind. You gave him a bit of a "look" before the hem of your shirt was being tugged at and you were met with those same amber eyes that had persuaded you into giving everyone treats for dinner. "I love bath time too! Me too! But you have to watch me. I make great bubble hair dos! A-and guess what? In the water, it might look like I have legs, but really Im a mermaid!"
"And Im a sea dragon!!" Levi cried out, still wanting your attention. "And Asmo, you're not really a mermaid-"
"Am too!"
"Are no-"
"Everyone can be who or whatever they want to be, in the water or otherwise. Fooooor example, I'm actually a sheep, see I go baaaaa" you smiled softly, and winked at Levi before turning to Asmo again who was practically dancing at your side, bursting to ask you a question. "Whats the prettiest animal you like mc?!!!"
"....whats your favourite sea animal mc?"
"Whats the coolest animal mc! No wait- whats your favourite animal?!"
"Yeah, whats your favourite animal?!"
"Oi, I asked em first!"
"Guys its ok, you can all be my or your favourite animal. Theres more than one of each." You chuckled, listing off animals as more questions were asked, meowing at Satan as you handed Belphie to Sol and took him out of his chair, who happily meowed back as you lead your noisy little zoo to the communal bathroom.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
Let’s talk: RUN Episode 131
by Admin 1
I know I’ve probably said this about literally every episode but this one was so fun! Admin 2 and I were honestly laughing almost the entire time while also trying our best to follow along their “debates” and just taking in all the chaos. But, I’m getting ahead of myself.
Quick recap: in this episode we’re at the pool that belongs to the same hotel at which they had lunch at the end of the previous episode and the objective is twofold--not get wet and win a debate. That’s basically it, it’s like the mint chocolate debate episode but even more hilarious and with the addition of wet Bangtan.
Something I truly love is how it took vmin exactly 57 seconds (which includes the 18 second long intro) to find some kind of ‘reason’ to hold/shake hands behind JKs back. Because of course they did.
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After the whole “mess” that ensued after the Titanic preview picture was posted yesterday, I can basically just say one thing--there was literally no need whatsoever to get all anxious and uncertain about the picture, or anything the shippers made out of it. As always the best course of action, which is the one I usually apply, is waiting until we get the full thing so we have context for what we’re shown in the picture/teaser/scene. It’s like that scene at the end of one of the ITS episodes where Jimin goes to JK to tell him about a supposed leak in his room which was taken way out of context and proportions until we got the next episode a week later and the actual events were completely different from anything and everything that was theorized. 
So, what’s the lesson? Wait until we get the full thing, dear fellow vminnies, that way we can avoid making each other anxious and unsure.
Anyway, let’s get into it by starting with the ‘warm-up’ which consisted of one-on-one “battles” where the members stood on these floating foamy mats being held by two staff members and having to make each other fall into the water by playing the hand pushing game. 
Yoongi VS Jimin -- I like how the two shortest members went against each other, which I’d assume might’ve had something to do with Yoongi’s shoulder and how chances of Jimin hurting him due to his height/size/weight were the smallest as opposed to Namjoon or even Hoseok. Maybe I’m imagining/overthinking things but it seemed like Jimin was a little hesitant/careful in how he approached the game and in the way he touched Yoongi, which honestly is very thoughtful and cute of him if that’s true, considering his shoulder and all. In the end Yoongi, after they basically goofed around more than actually tried to push each other, offers a deal of just doing it once properly, ending in both of them falling in the water since Yoongi leans forward, hugs Jimin and drags him down with him.
Tae VS Hobi -- These two might’ve been the quickest, given how Hobi said he’s scared at least three times and Tae basically use a moment to ‘attack’ where Hobi was distracted by the fact that a moment prior he thought Tae almost would’ve hit him in the face with his forehead on accident. That lucky did not happen, but Hobi did end up in the water and Tae remained on the float and completely dry.
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Namjoon VS Seokjin -- Now these two, how can I put my thoughts/feelings into cohesive words and sentences instead of just a long key smash? They were hilarious, and their round definitely took the longest out of all of them, both trying to make the other fall yet simultaneously seeming like they weren’t trying all that hard since neither wanted to land in the water? After all before the game started Seokjin did complain how the RUN crew told him they wouldn’t have to get into the water. And yet, in the end, after a visible moment of contemplation, Namjoon hugs Seokjin (who hugs him back) and they fall into the water together (when I tell you how much I love them, wow).
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JK VS Jimin --Here’s where we get the Titanic moment while JK and Jimin stand on the float and are being pulled to the middle of the pool, the members immediately jumping in with Hobi going “Jack, come back” in a breathy voice while Yoongi (?) sings the melody of My Heart Will Go On and everyone is laughing. It was an absolutely hilarious and cute moment. What made me laugh the most during the whole thing were the Jimin heads used to hide whatever, which I as a joke called the “Victoria’s Secret Fantasy Bra (Head Edition)” while talking to Admin 2. During the game itself Jimin and JK are hilarious, slapping each other’s chests and trying different tricks to make the other fall, showing how amazing their core strength and balance is, but eventually Jimin shoves JKs chest and JK falls into the water, winning the game since Jimin “cheated” and thus lost.
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Seokjin VS Tae -- Interesting to note is how Jimin remained in the water and close by while these two were playing. Seokjin and Tae though somehow seemed the most chaotic out of all of them, despite Seokjin offering that they should just do it in one go...which didn’t work out. They leaned into each other twice while laughing before starting to “wrestle” until Tae put his arms around Seokjin’s waist and basically threw him into the water while subsequently being pulled after him and falling in as well. Sometimes I think we forget how strong Tae is (though after his BE_log earlier today I doubt we’ll forget that again any time soon).
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Once “warm-up” was done, the members were split into two groups of three while one person, the MC, sat in the middle in a glass box (though missing the front glass panel). The rules were established and we basically figured out that there are water canons in front of the seated members and a bigger one releasing water onto the member sitting in the middle. They got words and things they were not allowed to do/say since otherwise they would get splashed.
Safe to say they all fairly quickly looked even more like very wet puppies. I mean look at Yoongi and his cute curly poodle hair, adorable!
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The debate portion itself was about “crunchy or soft cereal”, “eggs of peas on jjajangmyeon” and “firm or soft peaches” and truly more chaotic shouting than actually debating. The team members and the “MC” changed for each round, which lasted 11 minutes each. Who debated what was chosen by the crew (or the MC). My highlights for the cereal debate (besides Seokjin cutely complaining how he prefers his cereal soggy and Namjoon equally cutely telling him to just pretend he likes it crunchy) were Yoongi (who was team soggy cereal) and his argument that since Kendrick Lamar eats soggy cereal, that’s basically the winning argument, Namjoon arguing that since “cereal” and “crunchy” both start with a c that’s the only right answer, and Tae arguing that if you eat chocolate cereal it’ll melt and you’ll additionally get chocolate milk so obviously soggy cereal is better. The jjajangmyeon portion had discussions about prices, as well as Hobi (team peas) arguing he doesn’t like seeing animals in pain (which was quickly countered by JK saying he’d just eaten pork before the episode) and Tae generally being appalled by having to argue in favor of peas since he doesn’t like them yet used the argument that his dad likes them so if you argue against them...well. 
And finally the peaches debate had Tae and his galaxy brain using their Chilsung Cider ads as argument and how the peaches in it were firm since they bounced and thus they are better, which JK tried to counter by pointing out that those were just CGI to which Tae basically said he’s insulting their beautiful ads, how dare. I also love how Jimin, who was on Tae’s team, went along with whatever nonsense argument Tae came up with as though it was the most logical one in the world. Just lovely soulmate things, we love to see it. Speaking of nonsensical arguments, you have to give points to Namjoon for his ability to sound like he’s making perfectly sensible and logical arguments while doing, well, the exact opposite. Or Yoongi who just bs-ed his way through the entire thing while acting totally serious about it.
Can we please have a quick look at the following screenshot:
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And now, can we please talk about how everyone is nicely sitting in their designated place with space between them...and then there’s vmin who are like magnets because “Space who? We don’t know her”. 
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Admin 2 asked me to add their comment/thought about how it looks juuuuust a little as though vmin may or may not have been holding hands below the table, which, I mean, we’ll never know but, at this point (especially after the BE unit unboxing video) I wouldn’t even be surprised if it were true.
At one point when Seokjin became the MC the water kept on coming and coming and the members were desperate to figure out what was the thing they were doing that caused it. Jimin thought it could be the caps that some of them wore, so without hesitation or question, he took off Tae’s cap (bless Jimin for giving us another view at wet hair Tae, truly) and then, I swear, it looks like he wanted to ruffle Tae’s hair yet just a second before making contact he stops himself and instead turns his hand in like a “I’m presenting some kind of argument” way. Adorable.
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A final note goes out to the fact that they are wearing white button downs which, I mean, makes perfect sense I guess? And also how the crew gave them bathrobes so they’d stay warm, I’d assume, yet very quickly those were drenched as well thanks to the water canons so it basically defeated the purpose completely. And yet, despite all the water etc they all look fantastic.
Overall it’s a hilarious episode that’ll give your stomach muscles and lungs an amazing workout. Bangtan were their chaotic, loud, and mischievous selves and honestly, I can’t wait to see what else they’ll debate in the next episode.
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strayinvelvet · 4 years
still at it
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work is starting to pile and you kind of expected your boyfriend to support you, not annoy you
pairing: han jisung x reader
genre: fluff, implied enemies-to-lovers
wc: 1.3k
warning: swearing :(
a/n: happy hearts day, cuties! part of @districtninewriters​ dear skz, with love. this took so long mainly because of the recent news, yea. i’m so nervous about this i really hope i did the prompt and project some justice. phew (っ^▿^)💨. enjoyyy (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
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“You’re insufferable.”
You rolled your eyes at the neon yellow post-it note placed on your office desk. It’s still early in the morning and you have a long eventful day ahead of you which is why you tried to get to work as early as possible. 
The busy days have officially started for your company.  Your partner company is planning to launch a new collection in their fast-growing fashion brand in Berlin and your company, being the most sought out marketing team in the industry, is tasked to implement the most appropriate marketing and advertising plan for the collection. Even the people working for you are already on their desks working on what they are assigned to do. Some are having coffee while some are already writing papers that are nearing their deadline. In conclusion, everybody looked busy and none of them looked suspicious enough to be part of this very eye catching note thing.
Rolling your eyes once again, you sat at your table and picked up the surprise note. Truthfully, even at first glance, you already know the person behind it. How could you forget this one of a kind handwriting, the one you so hated to see back when you were in high school. Han Jisung. That little shit is still going at it.
You folded it in half before placing it in between the pages of your planner. As if on cue, your secretary knocked on your office door asking for permission to enter. As soon as she entered your office, she immediately briefed you of your schedule for today. Meetings, briefings and scheduling of future meetings and partnerships. Exciting. You’re starting to regret all of your life choices.
“Oh and by the way, is this yours?” she showed another yellow note, “this was stuck on your office door.” You sighed. Just how many of these did he make? “Leave it on my table and then meet me at the meeting hall for the first meeting,” you gestured towards your table. “Will do.” with that, she left you to do your own stuff. 
“And annoying.”
Yep, he’s one of the decisions you’re starting to regret (maybe not but you like exaggerating). You’re not gonna lie, at this time of the year, you expected little notes that would inspire you, make your heart sing love songs, or rush the blood to your cheeks. These notes, however,  only made your blood boil. You swore that when you see him once you’re back from Berlin, he’s going to get it. You kept the note the same way you did to the previous ones. Goodness, if only he wasn’t a major player of your partner company. 
You reached for your phone and dialed his phone number and true enough he answered just after two rings, “Are you fucking for real?”
You heard him laugh at the other line before asking your question, “Shouldn’t you be planning our marketing strategy?”
“I am and your lovely notes are helping me big time, seriously. And shouldn’t you be working on the collection’s designs instead of this bullshit?”
“Hey, I am currently approving those that are outstanding. I’m not like you who-”
You know he’s gonna bully you, you just know. So, you quickly ended the call before anymore bullshit comes out of his mouth. With your nth eye roll for the day, you stood up to attend your first agenda.
Hours passed and the series of formal business stuff is starting to get to you. Your butt is sore from sitting all day, plus your muscles are in dire need of a stretch. The last meeting of the day has just been adjourned minutes ago and you and your secretary are taking your time to breathe in your office. "Miss Y/n, your trip to Berlin is in two days. Have you packed?” well until your secretary went to business mode real quick. 
“Kim, please, give me a minute,” you laughed but answered her question nonetheless, “Yes, I have and oh, can you try to squeeze in my schedule for the first four days so I could have the last two to myself?”
“That would drain you,” she answered confusingly. She’s not wrong, tho. You contemplated for a while but honestly, you wanted to explore Berlin too and you can’t do that by sitting in a meeting room for a week. “Better than seeing Berlin through a floor-to-ceiling window glass pane.”
Kim nodded, "I will update your schedule. Maybe you should bring your boyfriend over," she suggested which also suggests that she doesn’t know who the notes are from. “It’s a business trip, Kim. And I don’t know if i should agree or disagree with that.”
You both laughed lightly before Kim left you to fix your schedule per your request. You, on the other hand, are willing to give everything just to lay on your bed or have a warm shower. Whatever door is nearer to your entrance. So you left as fast as you arrived at this building just to feel the comfort of your home.
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The apartment you were greeted with is not the same apartment you left. You left yours with unfolded clothes everywhere, full trash bin and sink and a disorganized living room. You tend to be messy when you’re ridiculously busy. But this, the place in front of you, is like a whole different scene. Every corner is squeaky clean from the shoe organizer to the kitchen. The apartment lights are also set to dim with candle lights and all but enough to see everything. Soon after, the smell of delicious food wafted through your nose. 
The hints are giving you an idea of what is going on.
You went to the kitchen only to see a romantic dinner set up complete with those fancy utensils, fancy food, candles and wine, and of course, a yellow note.
“But i’m willing to suffer for you. Happy valentines, baby”
This dork, you thought while smiling like a goof (which you tried to hide). 
“Han Jisung!” you called him. His head peeped through the doors of your bedroom with a big grin on his face. “Were you surprised?”
You couldn’t contain the smile anymore and so you let it out, “come here.” You gestured to him to come over with your arms hanging in the air as if waiting for him to come nearer so you could wrap it around his neck. He came out with a bouquet of fresh daisies in his hand which he had to place on top of the dining table in order to accept your cuddle invitation. Jisung kissed your forehead before securely wrapping his arms on your waist. “Did you like it?”
“Aside from being partly annoyed, yes actually,” you tightened your arms around his neck so you could pull him down to give him a proper kiss. This wasn’t part of your relaxation plan but you are glad to welcome him in your routine, as always. The kiss was starting to get heated when you pulled away from him and loosened your grip, making him look at you with a questioning gaze.
“Thank you for cleaning my apartment and all this.”
“Anything for you, my love,” he kissed your cheek, “and I also did almost half of your work in Berlin so you could relax a little,” then he kissed your other cheek. For some reason, he has to accompany each of his sentences with a kiss. But nevertheless, it still made you giggle. ��I’m not thanking you for the notes, though- wait, am i really insufferable?” You looked at him like you’ve just been betrayed. Out of all people, he had the audacity to tell you you’re the insufferable one?
He smiled, “no baby,” he pecked your lips before continuing, “ you just annoy me sometimes.”
“So you just had to annoy me first?” you asked with a smirk forming on your lips.
He shrugged, “guess I’m still at it.” This time, he accompanied his replies with a brush to your stray hair with his fingers just so he could look at you properly. You squished his chubby cheeks together, forming a pout in his already adorable face.
“Yeah,” you pecked the pout you forced, “I guess we’re still at it.”
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yayyy omg this may or may not be from an e2l au that is currently sitting in my drafts hmm 
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impalas-r-important · 4 years
Love of my Life - (5) Don't play games with me
Summary: Game night ends with a surprise
Warnings: N/A. Let me know if you find any that I should be listing!
A/N: I know Jody isn't a big player at this point in the show, and that Donna hasn't even been introduced. But I love them and we're just going to pretend for the sake of the story!
Series Masterlist
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It was your turn to make treats for game night, so after you had showered and dressed, you pulled together ingredients for cookies and preheated the oven. Sam, Bobby and Nick were in the living room and Dean had just joined.
“Of course, you show up after we’ve cleaned the place.” Bobby remarked as Dean sat down. The boys all talked and laughed for a while, and you were glad to see that Dean was finally warming up to Nick. Once you put the cookies in the oven, you began to clean up.
“I’ll wash if you dry.” A deep voice offered. You looked up to find Nick holding out a dish towel to you, which you accepted.
“I’m glad to see Dean is finally speaking to you.” You gave Nick a side glance.
“Yeah, me too. He’s a really cool guy, I’d love to pick his brain sometime.”
The two of you worked like a well-oiled machine and were done with the dishes in no time. Dean couldn’t help but watch from the living room.
“Dean, are you even listening?” Sam snapped his fingers and frowned. He knew exactly what Dean was watching.
“Yeah, sorry. What’d you ask?” Dean blinked a few times, bringing himself back to reality.
“What games should we play tonight?” Sam opened up an old cupboard full of card and board games.
“I’m always down for a little poker.” Dean said as he grabbed a few decks of playing cards.
Jody filed in soon after and brought Donna with them, who had been visiting. You yelled hello from the kitchen and pulled the cookies from the oven.
“Smells amazing.” Nick leaned over the tray and inhaled, then reached for a cookie. You quickly slapped his hand.
“You gotta wait until the games start.” Nick gave you an exaggerated puppy dog look. “Sorry, not buying it. Sam’s been giving me that look for years. I’m immune to it.” Nick huffed in defeat and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead.
Jody couldn’t help but notice the new hunter who was strangely close to you. She approached Sam with a headful of questions. “Sam, did I just see some guy give Y/N a kiss on the forehead?”
“Yeah, that’s Nick. He’s been hanging around here for a few weeks while he heals up from saving Bobby’s bacon. He’s a decent guy, and he’s got it real bad for Y/N.”
“Uh huh…” Jody paused to think. “I guess what I’m really wondering is why hasn’t Dean ripped Nick’s throat out for even standing 5 feet from Y/N?”
“I’m sure he wants to. But Dean made his choice, and I reminded him that. I hated seeing Dean lead Y/N on like he might eventually get back with her someday.”
“But we all know Lisa’s just a temporary thing, right?” Jody looked to Sam for assurance, but he stayed silent. “Right?!” She emphasized.
“I don’t know anymore. I don’t think she’s right for Dean, but he hasn’t given any signs of leaving her. Maybe it’s permanent.” Sam took a drink of his beer.
“Oh.” Jody looked back over into the kitchen to see Nick leaning against the counter watching you with adoring eyes as you moved the cookies from the baking sheet to the cooling rack. “She does seem happy with him, and hell she deserves to be happy. But I gotta admit, Dean and Y/N seemed like they were perfect for each other. Like a match made in heaven.” She scanned the room to find Dean sitting on a chair in the corner next to Donna, trying his best to look invested in their conversation, but stealing occasional glances into the kitchen. Jody excused herself from her conversation with Sam and placed her hand on Dean’s arm, interrupting Donna mid-sentence. “Can I steal Dean for a sec?” Donna nodded and smiled, and Jody signaled for Dean to follow her out of the room. She sat down on the bottom step of the staircase. Dean followed suit.
“Everything ok, Jody?” Dean asked with concern in his eyes.
“I should be asking you that.”
Dean looked taken aback by her question and simply responded, “Well I’m just peachy,” before finishing off his beer.
“Dean, you don’t seem happy. Maybe it’s none of my business, but I think you and I know each other well enough that I can ask… What the hell are you doing?”
“What?” A confused Dean looked at Jody with questioning eyes.
“I’ll say it once and then drop it, because I’m not one to nag.” Jody took a deep breath and exhaled. “You belong with Y/N, Dean. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. You were literally made for each other. The first time that I saw you with Y/N, I knew that she was the one for you. I saw it in your eyes, and how you spoke with her, how you touched her. It was straight out of a crappy romance novel.” Jody looked at Dean, who was avoiding eye contact. “So, I don’t know what’s going on between you two, or between Y/N and Nick, or between you and Lisa. But I know what I know, and I know that Y/N is the girl for you. You’re not really you when you’re not with her.”
Dean played with the label on his beer bottle and remained silent for a few moments, as did Jody. She wanted to give him the chance to talk if he wanted to.
“I’m still in love with her.” Jody could feel the pain dripping from his words. “I wake up every morning wishing that she and Sam had just rang the stupid doorbell instead of leaving for a year the night they came back. I would have left with them and I’m know I would still be with Y/N now. But I made a commitment that I can’t bring myself to break.”
“To Lisa?” Jody placed her hand on Dean’s back. He shook his head and closed his eyes, trying to contain his emotions.
“To Ben.” He answered and clenched his jaw. “I don’t love Lisa and I would have left the second I knew Y/N was back. But when Ben looked me in the eyes and told me that he thinks of me as his Dad, his real Dad, I knew I had to stick around for the long haul. I know firsthand how an absentee father can screw you up, and I can’t do that to him. But I can’t keep pretending that everything is all right.”
“I see.” Jody nodded. “Have you told anyone else about this? Sam or Bobby?” Dean shook his head. “Well, I can’t tell you what you do in this situation, but I do know that you’re a good man, Dean Winchester, and I’m here if you ever need to talk through things.” Dean nodded and Jody stood up, pulling him up by the arm. “Let’s go play some games.” She smiled and led him into the living room where the furniture had been pushed to the sides of the room to make room for the poker table.
“There you are!” You greeted as Dean and Jody joined your group. You could tell Dean was off as he sat down across from you. His eyes met yours and you immediately recognized the pain in his expression. Dean took a deep breath, picked up the cards he had been dealt, and put on a fake smile. At this point in his life, he was an expert at putting on a happy face, but you knew him too well and saw right through it. You were pulled back to reality by Nick putting his hand on your knee, signaling it was your turn. You gave him a sheepish smile and played your cards.
Your felt your heart being torn in 2 ways. For a long time, you thought Dean would be your forever, and you knew a part of you would always love him no matter what. But he was with someone else and showed no signs of wanting you anymore. Nick, on the other hand, was caring and had opened his heart to you quickly. He was handsome and funny and sweet, and any girl would be lucky to have him. You felt in the wrong because you knew that even if you pursued a relationship with Nick, you wouldn’t be able to give him all of you. Dean Winchester would always own a piece of your heart, a big one at that, and you were reminded of that every time you looked at him.
Hours had passed and it was getting late. You had all had fun, but people were filing out the door. You organized the cards into their proper decks and put them away. Sam helped you fold the table up and Nick and Bobby were picking up bottles and cans and clearing plates. You didn’t see Dean and assumed he must have left with the group but thought it was odd that he didn’t say goodbye. You said goodnight to the boys and headed up to your room. Dean had been off all night and you were worried. Your hand reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone. You scrolled down to Dean’s name and debated whether or not to call him. As you pushed your door open, you were startled to find someone sitting on your bed. You immediately went into defense mode, grabbing a knife from the top of your dresser.
“Dean?” You asked softly, putting down the knife and joining him on the edge of the bed. He was looking through an old photo album that you kept in the drawer of your nightstand.
“I remember when we took this. Sam was so mad that we stopped in the middle of the desert for one stupid picture.” Dean held up a picture of you sitting on top of his shoulders, pointing to the “Welcome to New Mexico” state sign. Dean was wearing a grey t-shirt and sunglasses and you had your hair pulled up in a messy ponytail. This was one of your favorite pictures. You made the boys stop so you could take a picture anytime you passed one of those state signs and were determined to get a picture with all 50 of them. Dean thought it was stupid at first, but he saw how happy it made you. Eventually he joined in, and the two of you would make silly poses next to each sign, leaving Sam to be the photographer.
“There’s still a few states that I need pictures of.” You took the book from Dean and slowly flipped through the pages. This album was one of your most cherished belongings, but you hadn’t looked through it for almost a year and a half. The memories that these pictures brought back were always happy at first but following closely behind was the pain of knowing that you and Dean would never be that close again.
“How many? Maybe we can take a few road trips and hit the ones you don’t have. Could be fun.” Dean suggested, raising his eyebrows.
You wanted to say yes, pack a bag, and leave right that minute. That’s the kind of thing the two of you used to do. But things were different now. Your smile faded, and instead of accepting his invitation, all you managed to say was, “Are you sure Lisa would be okay with that?”
Dean pursed his lips and nodded, silently agreeing that you had a point. He turned to look at you with desperation in his eyes and opened his mouth to say something before Sam walked in, breaking the tension.
“Hey, man, I thought you left. Thanks for helping clean up.” Sam said sarcastically as he flopped down on your bed. “Oh, man, I remember these pictures.” He took the book from your hands and scanned the pictures. “I miss these times. The three of us out on the road.”
“Me too.” You and Dean agreed in unison.
It was already late, but you and the brothers stayed up for at least another hour remembering stories about your past. You could hear Nick’s boot heavy on the stairs as he walked towards your room.
“Nick!” Sam yelled to get his attention.
Nick stopped and peaked his head in the door. “This must be the afterparty.” He smiled and you signaled for him to come in.
“Alright, you gotta tell us your craziest hunting story.” Sam demanded.
“Hmm…” Nick pondered and scratched his head. “Twin falls, Idaho, 2010. Four vamps, two werewolves, one ghoul, and two idiot hunters who thought they could handle it by themselves.”
“Sounds like the start of a crappy joke.” Dean chimed in.
Nick laughed and continued with his story. You all exchanged hunting tales until you grew tired and gave a big yawn.
“You know, my buddy found a case in Virginia. We could head out in the morning and help him if you guys feel up to it?” Nick suggested. “I’m dying to get back out there, even if I am limited.” He lifted his leg with the boot on it.
“I’m game!” Sam hopped off the bed. “I’ll go pack. Night guys.”
“Y/N?” Nick looked for your answer.
“Hell yes. I’m itching for a good fight.” You said sleepily.
“Sweet. See you in the morning.” Nick winked at you as he left.
“I’d offer for you to come, but…” You trailed off; your words directed at Dean.
“I know.” Dean nodded in acceptance. He readjusted himself to lay back on your bed, hands behind his head. “I miss hunting.”
“Hunting misses you.” You laid down next to him. “I mean, you’re Dean freaking Winchester. I’ve been told by a reliable source that some people call you The Ultimate Hunter.” You exaggerated your words and chuckled to yourself.
“More like the ultimate retiree now.”
You studied the ceiling and looked over to Dean, who had his eyes closed. It was at least 2 AM and you figured he was tired. “So, what were you doing in here tonight, anyway?” You figured you deserved an answer since he almost gave you a heart attack.
Dean’s breathing was slow and steady. “I don’t know. I just started walking and this is where I ended up.”
“Going through my stuff? You’re lucky I didn’t throw my knife at you. You scared the crap out of me when I first walked in.”
Dean smiled. “That’s what you get for beating me in poker tonight.”
“You mean kicking your ass in poker tonight?”
“Same difference.” He pushed you with his elbow a bit. The two of you lay in silence for a few minutes.
“You seemed off tonight.” You glanced at him.
“Just tired. Bobby’s couch wasn’t the most comfortable last night.”
“No, that’s not it. Are you feeling okay lately? You’ve been over here more in the past few weeks than you have in the past few months.”
Dean shrugged. “I guess it just sucks knowing that I’m being replaced.”
“Yeah. With Nick.”
“Uh, Nick isn’t replacing you.” Dean sat up and swung his feet over the edge of the bed.
“Sure feels like it. Sam has become fast friends with him, Bobby trusts the guy, and now the gang is going out on a hunt without me.”
“Dean, you know we’d love it if you came hunting with us, but you got out of the life and Sam and I are just trying to respect that.”
Dean rubbed his hands over his face. “But worst of all, I see the way he looks at you. I know that look because that’s how I used to look at you.” You looked down at the floor, searching for the right words. “Hell, I still do, Y/N/N.”
Chapter 6
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themattgirl · 4 years
Hiii, I was wondering if you could please do another part to breathless? I would like to see where she confronts the friend please?
Hii, I‘m sorry that this came so late. The past year has been shit and I just couldn’t motivate myself to write anything because i knew it’d be something depressing and I didn’t want to do that because that would result in me being even more depressed sooo anyway... I‘m finally back and ready to deliver. Enjoy, my lovelies! ✨
Please read Breathless first to understand this if you haven’t already.
Sequel to Breathless
Right in front of the door a white Tesla is waiting for Y/N. The guy sitting behind the steering wheel is looking out of the rolled down window with a cigarette between his index and middle finger, facing the street opposite Y/N’s and her boyfriend’s living place. He jumps in shock when he turns his head to face the person who cleared their throat only to find Harry standing there bent down and looking down at the smoker.
“This spot isn’t for you to park your car in, sorry.” Harry speaks after the boy’s face doesn’t look like he just saw a ghost anymore.
“I was waiting for her actually,” he tells him a little nervous and points to Y/N behind Harry. “We’ll get lost in a sec, c’mon babe, get in.”
Harry turns around and looks at her just so the guy doesn’t see the smirk he can’t keep at bay. Y/N hides hers by licking her lips. Harry faces forward again, but points over his shoulder with his thumb. “Oh, you mean Y/N? Why would she get in your car? How do you know her?” he asks questions he knows the answers well enough to.
“We’ve been friends since forever. We were gonna hang out today, but I don’t understand how that would be any of your business.”
“Ah, sorry, yes. You don’t know me. Let me introduce myself.”
Harry walks around the front of the car to the passenger side, Y/N right on his heels. He opens the car door and slides himself into the seat, not shutting the door yet, but holding his hand out for the boy to shake. “I’m Harry Styles,” he puts on a smile that shows his dimples while Y/N climbs onto his lap, now straddling him.
She cups Harry’s face and turns it so he faces her and leans down to lock their lips. It was just a simple kiss, lips meeting lips.
“I’m Y/N’s boyfriend,” Harry tells him, the smile turning into a mischievous smirk when he feels his girlfriend’s lips on his neck. “Who are you?” he keeps talking as if Y/N isn’t sucking a hickey right below his ear.
“I-I didn’t... uhh. Woah, s-sorry I–” the boy stammers with wide eyes, his cigarette long fallen from between his fingers to the ground out of the window. Y/N doesn’t seem to care about anything he has to say, because after kissing the dark red spot on Harry’s jaw better, she grabs his face and turns his head to her again so she can connect their lips again. This time she uses her tongue, too. It’s not a simple kiss anymore, they are full on making out in the car of someone who only came because he expected to have his dick sucked in the next 20 minutes.
“I didn’t know you had a boyfriend, I was told you give head for free,” the poor boy seems very confused.
Y/N separates herself from Harry and faces the third wheeler, “I do, but that deal only applies to that one here, I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not.” Harry laughs.
“He’s right, I’m really not sorry at all.”
“Wait, so–” The guy starts but cuts himself off to think before deciding to speak again. “So, does that mean I’d have to pay? How much–”
This time it’s Harry who interrupts his talking, “No, you prick. It means the only dick she swallows is mine.”
He has been friendly throughout this whole exchange, but this is the moment he was waiting for so patiently. The moment this scumbag proves he is a scumbag. How dare he assume that precious Y/N would seriously do anything with him, that she would want to do it with him? How does he translate her sitting on Harry Styles’ lap, making out with him, giving him hickeys and even saying she doesn’t do whatever he heard she does into it meaning she’d suck his little thing for a ridiculous amount of money?
His stupid question got Y/N just as mad, he can see it in her face and hear it through the way her breathing changed. And as much as Harry wants to just punch that wanker in the face and cut the top of his head off to check if there’s a brain inside, he promised Y/N he’d let her handle it herself. She didn’t tell him what she was thinking of doing though, so he’s curious to see what her crazy mind came up with this time. He is also kind of apprehensive because he knows when Y/N gets mad, she gets mad mad. And to see the put on guilty look on her face already meant trouble for the tosser in the driver’s seat.
“The only person whose dick I take into my mouth is Harry’s and honestly it’s more than enough for me. He’s quite big, you know? He fills me out completely and not only my mouth, you should see us fuck. Oof. Look, I don’t usually have to gag from anything but sometimes when he’s fucking my mouth it just happens. I gag around him and I can’t help it, it’s just too much sometimes. Do you think your little friend would make me gag?” She speaks lowly, but somehow still sounds innocent in a way. Harry squeezes her hips in question after that last sentence but Y/N rubs his cheek with her thumb as a way of telling him she knows what she’s doing. He trusts her enough to relax again. She continues.
“Hm, we can’t check that obviously. But do you think I’d be overwhelmed if we tried? Imagine my lips wrapped around your cock, my hands gripping your thighs-” she places one hand on his thigh, “-because I can’t keep my balance from how hard you’d fuck my mouth. And tears starting to make my vision swimmy because you keep hitting the back of my throat with the head of your dick. Would I gag? Oh gosh, the imagination is starting to make me wet.” She starts rubbing his thigh, very close to his crotch but not quite where he needs her hand to be.
“I wish I was in a bed right now, getting fucked. Sex with Harry is incredible, he’s very good in bed. Are you? Do you think you’d hit all my right spots? Well, Harry knows everything about me already so I guess it’d be unfair to compare, right? In fact, he knows me so well he can make me cum with his fingers in only fife minutes. Oh and one time – actually, it was more than once – it took him only seven minutes with his tongue on my pussy to get me there. It was phenomenal. God, I remember how hard I came. I doubt you could do that to me but I bet I could bring you to cloud nine really fast.” She hears his breath picking up and getting heavier.
“I won’t do anything with you obviously, but still. I know I could. Oh my God, maybe you could watch? Wouldn’t that be nice too? Me and The Harry Styles getting each other to cum multiple times? Do you like it soft or rough? You look like someone who likes rough sex. Maybe you could watch Harry tie me up and fuck me until I’m screaming. Or would you rather enjoy it if we’d tie you to a chair and make you watch us doing all the things you wish you could do. Yeah, you’d like that, huh?”
Finally, when Y/N looks down on his lap she sees the bulge in his jeans and retrieves her hand from his thigh. She leans more into him and notices his eyes fluttering shut. When her mouth hovers in front of his ear she whispers, “Go get yourself someone else to take care of your little problem here because I surely won’t.”
She pulls back, pecks Harry’s lips once and gets off his lap and out of the car. Harry throws in a quick “It was nice meeting you” and hurries after Y/N who is already walking in the direction of her own car.
Once he catches up to her and they both get in the car, he waits until she drives off before he speaks.
“What the fuck was that?”
Y/N knows he isn’t mad, but she can hear how thrown off he is. He certainly did not expect this.
“Got him hard and left him to go home with blue balls. Good, huh?” she smiles, but doesn’t take her eyes off of the road.
Harry is silent for a few long seconds, which worries her a little, but then he laughs out loud, even throwing his head back and clapping his hands twice. “Amazing!”
Y/N relaxes and chuckles along with him.
“You said you were getting wet, though. Were you?” he asks when the laughter dies down.
“Ew, no. Are you crazy? I probably would have if it wasn’t for him being there and me bringing up his dick throughout the whole... story.”
“Yeah, same.” Harry agrees.
“You would’ve been hard from what I said?” Y/N smirks and glances at him for only a second before watching the road again.
“Shut up,” he laughs. “Where’re we going?”
“Kickin’ ass.”
Once in Y/N’s ex-best-friend’s dorm room, their mood changes completely. The first thing they see is a poster on the wall next to the small single bed with a shirtless Harry Styles on it.
“Oh God,” Harry murmurs behind his girlfriend.
“What are you doing here?” Jade, the owner of the room asks.
“You hang up a poster of my boyfriend right after I move out?” Y/N ignores her question and throws in one of her own instead.
“Not a poster of your boyfriend. A poster of Harry Styles, the singer I have liked ever since I discovered music.” Jade tries to explain.
“The singer who happens to be my boyfriend. And it’s a shirtless picture, for fuck’s sake. If it was anyone else’s room I wouldn’t care to look twice and laugh about it. But the facts it’s you just makes it weird.”
“It’s not weird, it–” Y/N cuts off whatever bullshit Jade was about to say.
“It is weird and you know it. Or else you wouldn’t have waited until I was gone to hang it up.”
“Why are you here anyway?” She asks when she fails to think of something to say to Y/N’s fact.
“Get the rumours out of the world,” Y/N crosses her arms over her chest while demanding it, Harry doing the same behind her.
“Or what?” Jade has the audacity to ask.
“You don’t want to risk finding it out. Do what I said.”
“I’m not scared of you, princess. And how would I even do that anyway?”
“The same way you started it, princess. I don’t care how you do it. Go on, I’ll wait here until it’s done.” she leans back against Harry who is quick to wrap his arms around her from behind.
“If so then you can move back in, ‘cause I won’t be doing shit. It’s your problem, not mine.”
“Oh, is that so?” Y/N smiles devilishly. That’s exactly how she expected this conversation to go. Honestly, she hoped it would.
She walks further into the room and sits down on the chair by the desk, Harry behind her with his hands on her shoulders and Jade’s open laptop in front of her. She closes all the open tabs – and if there was an unsaved 28k word document then oops – before opening Twitter. Luckily Jade was logged in, just like she expected.
“I wanted to give you the chance to choose what you want to say to clear things up, but it looks like I’m gonna have to do it myself. And it’s gonna end up bad. For you, obviously.” she chuckles quietly before she starts typing away on the keyboard of the laptop in front of her and reads word for word out loud for Jade to hear.
“Get your hands off my stuff!” Jade steps forward to try and stop Y/N but Harry quickly gets in the way. He doesn’t even have to touch her, all he does is block her way to Y/N.
Y/N types and reads, “Hello dear twitties.”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ridiculous, right? That’s how she starts off every single one of her Tweets,” Y/N laughs with him. “Anyway, how should I start this?”
Jade tries to get a word in but Harry speaks over her. “Make her admit she’s a liar and make her sound like a crazy bitch.”
“Mmh, I like that,” Y/N turns her head and smiles up at him, “Gimme a kiss.”
Harry leans down with a smile and does so.
Y/N faces the laptop again and starts typing, “I’m sure you all remember my post about Y/N giving BJs on campus for free. This is embarrassing to admit, but it was a lie. So I would like to apologise to her and to all of the guys who got turned down by her because of that lie. I have some good news for you, though. I did it because I wanted to see if there would actually be people contacting her and now that I’ve seen it work, I’d like to announce that I’m taking her place. I’ll be the one to suck you off. Please leave her alone and call me instead.”
“Wait, I’ll give you her phone number,” Harry suggests and fishes Y/N’s phone out of her jeans. Once the number is typed beneath the text she clicks the Tweet button so it’s for everyone to see. Then she closes everything again, but before she can shut the laptop, the picture Jade has saved as her screen wallpaper catches her eye. Not only is it a picture of Harry, but one where she herself is edited into it so it looks like he is kissing her cheek.
“Alright, this is getting too weird. C’mon babe, let’s get outta here.” Harry pulls Y/N up off the chair and leads her out of the room.
“This is a joke, right? She can’t be that sick,” Y/N murmurs more to herself than to anyone else.
“Let’s just go get you a new phone number, please.”
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
i knew you (Bucky Barnes soulmate AU) -- part nine
This felt like it took AGES to get out but college really has had me busier than ever. Anywho, all that’s left after this part is an epilogue :( This is pretty much all fluff! Love you all xx.
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After Sam, Steve, and even Bucky sign the Accords -- Colonel Rhodes signed while you were gone -- it is ratified. Which leaves the rest of you to tie up the loose ends.
For starters, where Bucky will be receiving help. For a moment you’re worried he’ll want to return to Romania, but he doesn’t even mention it. Instead, he says he’s up for suggestions.
To your complete surprise, T’Challa steps up and asks if he may offer his services.
“Wakanda is safe, no one will bother you there,” the King explains. “And we may be able to help rid your brain of the programming, not just give you ways to cope. My sister, Shuri, she will be able to help you.”
You look at Bucky, hopeful. It sounds like a good idea, but it’s ultimately up to him. Or so you thought.
Because Bucky turns his head to look at you, eyes soft, but so lost. “What do you think?”
“I think…” You pause. “I think you should do whatever makes you feel comfortable.”
“What would make you comfortable?” He asks. “You feel what I feel.”
You nod. “I know. I just don’t want to make any decisions for you that you won’t like.”
“I think I need your help with this one, doll,” Bucky says, gentler this time, pleading. 
“Okay, well, I think Wakanda is a good idea. Away from everyone else, you’ll really be able to heal.” You’re careful not to mention yourself, unsure as to whether or not Bucky will even want you to be with him. “And I think T’Challa’s offer is genuine.”
T’Challa nods. “I will go call my sister.” He disappears to do just that.
You stand in awkward silence, wondering what hit will come next. After the past two years, the past two hours seems too good to be true. There has to be a catch -- even if you desperately want it to be real, with no catch.
Without saying a word, Steve ushers Natasha, Sam, and Tony from the room, leaving you completely alone with your soulmate for the first time.
You never thought you’d feel this nervous.
You pull one of the chairs back from the table, sitting down to hopefully come across as relaxed as possible. You hate feeling like you need to tiptoe around Bucky, but right now, you don’t know what else to do.
He follows your movement, taking the seat directly next to you, though he keeps his distance, unsure.
One would think that if you feel what each other feels, then moments like these wouldn’t be so awkward. But they are.
“Thank you,” Bucky finally says. “For today. For everything.”
“You’re welcome,” you murmur, studying your hands to keep from studying him, which you desperately want to do. “How are you doing?”
“I have one hell of a headache.”
You laugh, something about the way he said it, or maybe the fact that despite the insane nature of today’s events, something as mundane as a headache still plagues him enough to mention. A reminder that you’re both only human.
Bucky doesn’t mind the laughter. It’s a sound he remembers only vaguely from his dreams, but his dreams have nothing on this. Nothing on the way your eyes squint, the way you cover your mouth and the way he wants to reach over and grab your hand so he can see your smile, the way his mouth aches to tell you that you should never hide. The real thing is a thousand times better than his dreams. He can’t believe he almost let you get away.
“How are you?” He asks, having realized he has yet to ask you this, even after all he’s put you through.
Your eyebrows raise slightly in surprise, though you hide it well. “I’m okay.” You pause, not wanting to elaborate, not knowing if he wants to know. Is it too weird?
“Steve told me you thought he was full of it when he would tell you about me,” Bucky tries a different route, a different conversation. “I swear he wasn’t lying. Your eyes are still my favorite color, and yes, I told everyone about you. There wasn’t a day when I didn’t talk about you.”
You’ve started smiling before you can stop it. “Really?”
“You think Steve drew portraits of you because he wanted to? No, I had to talk him into it after the first few. He kept telling me, ‘Buck, what could’ve changed?’ And truth was, nothing changed. I just wanted another picture to hold.”
You cup your cheeks, soreness settling in from how hard you’ve been grinning. Just like that, your Bucky has come back to you.
The one you’ve seen in your dreams is sitting in front of you, smiling sheepishly.
“I have the drawings now,” you confess, watching Bucky’s eyes widen in surprise.
“They survived?”
“Somehow,” you nod. “Steve gave them to me when we met.” You pause. “He also gave me a letter.”
Realization dawns on Bucky’s face as he remembers the letter, the night he wrote it. It was late, he was leaving the next morning, but he had to write this letter to you. He had to write it and get it to Steve if it was the last thing he ever did. He remembers shoving it into Steve’s chest, telling him he had to get it to you somehow, it didn’t matter how, he just had to do it for him. Bucky was a little drunk and a lot heartbroken, because he feared he’d never get to meet you. That he’d die in the war and leave you stranded.
After all those years, it finally ended up in your hands.
“Did you read it?”
You shake your head. “I hold it a lot. Sleep with it under my pillow. I could never bring myself to read it, though. Steve told me you wrote it in case you died before you got to meet me?”
Bucky nods slowly.
“Well,” you smile softly. “You’re right here.”
Bucky does the unthinkable. He reaches over with his flesh hand, fingers outstretched and palm up. It takes you a second before you realize what he’s silently asking. Gently, you place your hand in his, holding back your tears as his fingers wrap around yours.
“I’m right here,” he whispers, tears gathering in his eyes, too. Then, he shakes his head. “I can’t believe I finally found you.”
That sentence is the one that breaks you. Your lip quivers and the dam breaks. So many years of not knowing. More years of knowing, of living with the fact of your soulmate being dead. Two years of looking. And finally--
Finally, he’s here.
More of the unthinkable happens when the tears spill over your cheeks. Bucky doesn’t expect himself to do this either, but he can’t stand to see you crying. He rolls his chair closer, hand slipping from yours only so he can gather you in his arms.
Your arms wrap around his neck while his fit around your waist. 
“I’m so sorry,” he says into your neck, your skin wet with his tears.
“I’m sorry too,” you cry, fingers threading through his hair.
For a moment, all that exists are your two souls, finally at peace, now that they have found one another.
The plan is to travel to Wakanda by Quinjet. Tony arranged everything with T’Challa, so all that’s left is for you, Bucky, and Steve to board.
Steve opts to fly the jet, which leaves you alone with Bucky. Again.
“Hey Bucky?”
“Yes, doll?”
You’re still not used to him calling you doll. You never thought he’d be comfortable enough for that, let alone the way he hugged you earlier.
But you guess that’s just what happens when you finally find your soulmate.
You try to focus. There’s one question that has been gnawing at your mind -- and everyone else’s, even Steve’s -- since it happened.
“You don’t have to answer if it’s too hard, or complicated, but can I ask why--” You pause, gathering your thoughts. “When you were the Soldier, why were you protecting me?” Your eyes meet Bucky’s. “Why did you tell me that your orders were to protect me? You nearly killed anyone else you saw and it just…”
You see it when Bucky remembers that he said those words to you as the Soldier. He takes a few moments, collecting himself, and you expect him to not say anything else. Which you would be fine with. You know it’s hard-- more than hard, to deal with.
But he begins explaining.
“When they first tried to program me,” he sighs, almost shudders, “it didn’t work very well. I fought it harder than they were expecting, I guess.” There is no pride hiding in his tone, only disgust. “They had to somehow convince me I was doing it all for you, to protect you. I don’t think they ever thought I’d meet you, but at one point they had to tell me I was following your orders. All I could think about was you, so they had to...use that to their advantage.”
“I understand,” you say because you can’t think of anything else. What do you say to something like that? Nothing you say will make it better. He’s aching, you can feel it, and it kills you knowing that there are no magical words to make it all go away.
“You’re sure I didn’t hurt you?” Bucky’s worried voice brings you back down.
“No,” you shake your head, even though you know no matter how many times you say it, he won’t be convinced. “You didn’t, I swear. You wanted me as close to you as possible and you followed my every word. It was...strange. I could tell it wasn’t you, but…” You stop yourself, not wanting to admit that you had briefly wanted the Soldier to stay. But that was before Bucky would actually look at you and hold a conversation with you, like he’s doing now. Now, you know this is who you want to stay. Your Bucky.
“Could you feel it?” He asks quietly, eyes focusing on his hands instead of your face. “When I would…”
“Yes,” you answer, not needing him to say it. “I didn’t know that’s what I was feeling until I found out that you were the Soldier, but yes.”
“I remember when I started to feel you,” he says softly, a smile almost crossing his face. “It didn’t last long because they would wipe my memory, but it was...probably the best day of my life. Knowing you were somewhere out there.”
“Why’d you say you didn’t know me?” You ask, briefly wondering if you’re treading in dangerous waters.
“I didn’t want to believe it was really you,” Bucky admits, shaking his head. “After all these years-- All the hell I went through, and then there you were, standing in my apartment.” He looks up to meet your eyes and finds tears there. “I knew from the way you were feeling that it wasn’t for a good reason. I had seen the paper, too. I knew I was in trouble.” He pauses, wiping one of your tears away. “I wanted to protect you, doll. That’s all I’ve ever been trying to do.”
His hand lingers, and you lean into his touch, gripping his wrist to keep him there.
“And then you started jumping off buildings after me,” he jokes, earning a small laugh from you. 
“You were really pissing me off doing that, you know,” you tease.
“Yeah, well,” his serious tone makes you open your eyes. “If you ever jump out of a building like that again…”
“Don’t make me run after you again, then,” you reply, just as serious.
“That’s a fair deal,” he smiles.
A moment passes, Bucky’s thumb brushing your cheek.
“Just for the record,” Steve’s voice comes from the front. “You guys make me sick.”
Laughter fills the cab of the Quinjet, and your tears recede like an ocean’s waves. 
Steve talks to fill the silence, sharing more stories as he remembers them. Bucky jokes about how small Steve used to be, how he could pick Steve up with one arm back in the day. 
Of course, the “back in the day” comment earned a snort of laughter from you. They are extremely old, despite not looking like it.
Before you know it, you’re landing in Wakanda.
T’Challa and his sister, Shuri, greet the three of you outside the Quinjet. 
“You’re the famous Shuri we’ve heard so much about,” you joke. She’s a lot younger than you were expecting, but somehow that makes you love her a little more.
“He talks about me?” Shuri gasps, playfully nudging her brother’s arm. “What a shocker. You must be the one who talked some sense into his thick head.”
There is no muffling your laughter, not when Shuri is grinning, eyeing T’Challa for his reaction, which is a tired stare.
The King moves the conversation forward. “This is Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers,” he gestures to the two men beside you.
“Two broken white boys to fix?” Shuri asks, all in good nature.
“No, no,” Steve shakes his head. “I’m alright.”
You give Shuri a look, earning a laugh. Oh yeah. You’re going to love it here.
That’s if you’re staying-- if Bucky wants you to stay.
“Come, come,” Shuri turns and starts walking, motioning for you all to follow. “We have everything ready for you. And I think we have found a starting point on how to get all of that nasty HYDRA programming out of your brain,” Shuri gestures to her head with a look of disgust.
You can’t help but smile. That’s the best news of the day. If there really is hope for erasing all of HYDRA from Bucky’s brain, then you’re willing to believe in it.
Shuri leads you all to what you learn is Wakanda’s sort of hospital. It’s nothing like the kind in America. The blankness that would send any sane person spiraling if they were there for long enough. Wakanda’s hospital feels more like a home, a safe place where Bucky can get the help he needs.
You only say all this because you feel and see him physically relax when you enter the building. Some panic was still swimming inside of him, but you weren’t sure why, until now. He must’ve thought it was still too good to be true, until he laid his eyes on it.
You turn your head to look at him, offering a smile. He grabs your hand in return, squeezing gently.
“Will you be staying here as well, Captain?” T’Challa asks, seemingly out of nowhere. “We are happy to have you.”
“No, but I will visit,” Steve replies, sending Bucky a smile. “As much as he’ll let me.”
“You can visit whenever you want, punk,” Bucky shoots back easily, surprising himself.
“And what about you, Y/N?” Shuri asks. “I’m sorry I went snooping around on the background checks, but I could use a brain like yours around here.”
Bucky’s chest fills with confusion. Upon feeling this, you shrug and tell him, “My degree is in psychology with an emphasis on cognitive and neuropsychology.” You pause, suddenly sheepish. “You should’ve seen the look on my best friend’s face when I told her I was switching to that from history.”
“Didn’t you still minor in history?” Steve inquires -- basically throwing you under the bus.
“Yes,” you murmur. “With an emphasis on WWII.”
You feel it when some different emotion rises in Bucky’s chest, one you don’t think you’ve felt from him before. You can’t pinpoint it, but maybe that’s for the better.
“But to answer your question,” you chuckle, returning to Shuri. “I wouldn’t mind sticking around. If you’ll have me, of course.” You pause, tugging on Bucky’s hand. “And if you’re okay with that.”
“I don’t want you going anywhere, doll.”
“Good,” you murmur. “Because I’m not.”
Of course, this is when you and Bucky realize (yet again) that you are not the only ones in the room, which has Shuri grinning and T’Challa sharing a look with Steve.
Oh, well. You and Bucky have years of time to make up for. Everyone else will have to deal with it.
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personasintro · 4 years
My Tiny Secret | 17; Wine & Pride
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𝑴𝒚 𝑻𝒊𝒏𝒚 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒍𝒆 | 17; Wine & Pride
⏤𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; Pretty face doesn’t make it up for an ugly personality. And Kim Seokjin is the perfect proof of that.
⏤𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: seokjin x reader
⏤𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: angst, smut, mistress au, unexpected pregnancy au
⏤𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: strong language
⏤> 𝒇𝒊𝒄 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙
buy me a coffee?♡
a/n: this is a continuation of the flashback from the previous chapter!
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“Tell me something about yourself.”
You're done eating, empty plates already out of your sights as you hold a glass of red wine in your hand, the other one gently leaning against the table.
Curious is what you are. Curious, why the man in that expensive suit with bank account bigger than you could ever imagine, is so interested in you. The ordinary woman that gets to spend her free time with some rich CEO, who seems to be too good for everyone. He barely shows any signs of happiness or something that could make him look in better lightening. Is he doing it on purpose? Is he hiding himself from everyone, or is he just being emotionless man?
“Why? I'm not that interesting person to talk about.” Your frown is switched to a puzzled look that you give him, noticing him licking the corner of his mouth.
“I'm quite intrigued in you, Ms. Y/L/N.” he says slowly, your mind processing his words as you feel a weird lump in your throat.
“Is it because my father owes you money?”
Seokjin has grown used to your bluntness, even if it's been a short time since he had the pleasure to talk to you. Nobody has ever thought about talking to him this way. You give him an attitude, testing his waters with each sentence that flows out of your mouth so naturally. But he has seen it. Him talking about your father brought an emotion on your cold face. Even though you showed the hatred that you feel towards one of your parents, you still care.
So you turn cold, letting him know that you don't care about your pathetic father that turned out to be a scumbag. Not only a thief that had the audacity to steal money, steal from the one and only Kim Seokjin, but a scumbag that left his wife and daughter.
He sees right through you, and in a way he can relate to you. Although, he's pretty much aware how of a big asshole he truly is. You're both different, yet he can see himself in you. Not entirely though, you're much more pure even with your sharp tongue and look of distaste.
He chuckles lowly, shaking his head. “No,” he answers. “I've never met someone like you.”
Even if it's unattractive, you snort in front of him, obviously not believing him. “Are you saying this to every woman you lay your eyes on?” you bite back, noticing a sly smirk appear on his juicy lips.
“Not every woman's father steals my money,” he points out, noticing the way your eyes flutter, glancing away from him in shame. “So, be a good girl and tell me about yourself.”
You gulp, heart shaking at him calling you a 'good girl'. No one ever talked to you this way. Unsure whether he's just being cunning or if it's his very interesting dark persona, you take a sip from the red wine instead.
He watches you with full attention, eyes not fluttering even for a split second as he patiently waits for you to talk. He's very persistent without using an actual words.
“I'm just a woman, working in the office and in the coffee shop during weekends. Woman that's too low for your standards.” you wave your hand off, taking another sip as a bitter taste of it makes the connect with your tongue.
You're usually not a wine drinker, especially if it's bitter and sour, but this fine expensive wine tastes different than the ones that Hoseok buys.
“Let me decide if you're up to my standards, would you.” he chuckles, shaking his head at you once more while you raise a brow at him.
“I'm not going to be your plaything, Mr. Kim,” you tell him bluntly, not paying too much attention to a small smirk appearing on his lips at you putting some distance between you two. “I believe you've got much more suitable women for that.”
There's no way a man like him is alone during nights. He surely has hookers to make him some company during nights or whenever he pleases. If he's not taken, you don't believe he doesn't have the urge to have sex. Every man does.
He's young, in the best age to start or have something without commitment.
“Nobody said anything about you being my plaything. And I believe they're plenty of other women who'd much more appreciate this dinner but I don't blame you. But I think you shouldn't think about yourself that lowly.” he leans comfortably against the chair.
“Oh, how charming,” you scoff, not believing him a single word. “I don't think about myself lowly. You don't know me, I could have a husband at home.”
He chuckles, the same dark and mocking way only he knows. “You don't.”
The confidence behind his statement sparks a realization inside of you. He knows much more than you knew, starting from the way he knows where you work and know that you've no husband at home. Also, you've got your last name. Maybe you shouldn't think into it too much, maybe he's just smart.
Or, he was testing you.
A triumph grin stretches on his lips, noticing the way you hesitate before you stare in a silent shock at him.
“Maybe I've a fiance.” you murmur, growing annoyed that he figured you out that quickly.
“Hmm, maybe. I'm sure he wouldn't be very fond of you having a dinner with another man.” he muses.
“Don't flatter yourself, this is strictly professional.” you remind him, hinting of the whole purpose of this dinner.
Deep inside, even though this man irks you in many ways, you're enjoying it. One half of you is torn between you thinking this whole dinner was a bad idea, but the other one is enjoying this. You're intrigued with him. He's different than anyone you've ever met.
“I've never said it wasn't,” he responds, irking another wave of annoyance. “Although, I'm not sure if any man could truly handle that mouth of yours.”
One second you glare at him, the other one you're a coughing mess after you've choked on your spit. You straighten up yourself, ignoring his amused eyes dancing on you before you lick your lips.
“I can assure you, I've had enough partners that could handle me.”
You've this urge to prove him that you're not some lonely woman with no actual experiences. It's hard to guess what he thinks all the time, and you're not sure why you just told him what you did. Maybe it's the way he looks at you. As if you were just some innocent woman that is desperate for any attention.
Enough partners. Maybe your one ex-boyfriend that didn't last long, until he had decided to dump you. But he doesn't know that.
And again, he chuckles mockingly at you, digging a knife into your pride.
“What? You don't believe me?” you press, frowning at the man that seems to have the time of his life at your previous comment.
“It's not important what I believe, Ms. Y/L/N. I just don't see you as the type whose life involves around men. I don't think you let that many men get close to you.”
Whatever the fuck he means by that, your puzzled look is an answer for itself.
He doesn't know you and the basic information that his people managed to found out about you, are just that. Basic and plain. He has no idea who are you, yet he sees easily through you. Just as he told you, he doesn't think you're desperate for attention or men in general. Surely, you're both from another worlds with different priorities. Even the way you push him away from you, you're still sitting on the one side of the table, with him at the other one. You want to be here, not just because he's your drive home. You could easily catch a cab or something.
“If I want any man close to me, I let him.” you tell him eagerly, watching how his eyes trail down onto the table, eyeing the shining glasses before he looks back at you.
“Mhm, I'm sure you do.”
And there he is, back to his mocking tone that even stupid person could recognized as his way of meaning the opposite.
And you're going to prove him wrong.
Just as the young waiter comes to your table, asking if you're interested in desert, you politely decline. He looks younger than you, politely asking Seokjin the same thing with timid eyes. You know guys like him, freshly out of college wanting to commitments. He thought he's being subtle when he eyed you whenever he passed the table. His hungry eyes set on you whenever Seokjin's attention was elsewhere.
It's a great opportunity to show him that he's wrong.
But it's a fucking bad idea, considering it's your second glass of wine. You don't usually get this tipsy so quickly and easily. It makes you wonder what kind of wine that is.
However, you're pretty aware of what you're doing when you pull out a pen out of your purse, writing something onto the white napkin. You glance at Seokjin, just as you're putting the pen back into your purse, noticing his eyes settled on you in a slight frown. He can see the outlines of numbers, his gaze darkening as he watches you shooting a confident smile to the young waiter.
The guy's eyebrows shoot up, covered by his fringe as he eyes the napkin that you delicately hand him. His cheeks gets red right away, along with his neck as you open your mouth.
“Call me.” you tell him, licking your lips as he glances at Seokjin, but he's staring at you with hardened gaze at the other side of the table.
Still, he takes Seokjin's lack of reaction as a green light, nodding as an obedient child that's ready to yell in happiness. His mouth ticks as he tries to hide a huge grin, before he coughs.
“Is there anything you'd like to order?”
Even his voice flatters, trying to hide the enthusiasm that he just managed to score a woman, without actually talking to her.
Just as you're handing him your empty glass, you're ready to order another one when Seokjin cuts you off way before you can utter a single word.
“Yes, she'll have a glass of water,”
You frown at him, but he's staring at the younger male. “And I'd like to have that.” he adds, pointing towards the napkin that's clutched in his hand.
The poor guy looks like someone just slapped him into his face, hastily hanging the white napkin with your number on it. You watch Seokjin scrunching it, raising a brow at him before he quickly scurries away, not even glancing your way.
“You proved your point.” he tells you, tossing that crumbled napkin on the table.
“I wasn't trying to prove anything,” you grumble, knowing how fucking wrong you are. “And I'm not drunk.”
It's true. You're not. You're completely fine, although that wine definitely gave you more courage but you feel like you've been more riled up by Seokjin himself.
“Oh, I know you aren't,” he says. “But you'd slowly get there, if you continued.”
Rolling your eyes at him, you're not surprised when a different waiter comes to bring you your glass of water. You can't help it but glance at Seokjin when that happens, but his eyes are focused on you, showing no emotion or reaction. He's aware that he probably scared that poor guy.
The dinner is over, right after you drink all of that water with Seokjin looking at you. You barely put your glass down, before his voice resounds.
“Come on, I'll drive you home.”
And for the first time that night, you actually feel disappointment pang in your chest, for unspeakable and unreasonable reasons.  
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Midnight struggles - Vitaliy Yuryevich Kravtsov
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Look at that Russian babe. Total sweetheart. 
A/N: I haven’t forgotten I just didn’t have it in me to finish this, but here I am again. @nhlandotherimagines​
“Listen... we have very thin walls and I heard you crying in the shower everyday this week; are you okay?”  - from this list
Word count: 2850
You would think that after dealing with insomnia for a couple of years, you would get used to it or at least find a way to make it better, but some nights there is nothing you can really do. You just have to try and tire the body even more and hope that the stars have aligned in the meantime and it will help you sleep.
Tonight was precisely one of those nights. I felt it was not going to be fun when I was getting ready for bed, not feeling tired and all. So here I am lying in my bed rethinking all of my life decisions and wondering how hard would I have to hit my head on the wall if I wanted to knock myself out the good old way.
I throw the covers off of me and sit up. The rather chilly air wraps its arms around my figure and I shiver. I reach for my robe and slip it on. I grab a pair of fuzzy socks from a drawer and put them on as well.
I make my way to the kitchen and grab a glass of water. Sipping on my drink I walk over to the windows in the living room of my apartment. The view never ceases to amaze me. It surprises me every single time I take a look. The entirety of New York drowning in the darkness, but lights in the windows and the lamp posts serving as emergency boats. If I can’t look at the stars at least I can look at a different kind of lights.
I keep staring out of the window until a sound from the next apartment reaches my ears. It’s running water, my neighbor’s bathroom is behind the wall of my living room for some reason and lately he has been taking rather late showers. Not that I have been spying on him or anything, but as I said, sometimes I just can’t sleep and when I can’t sleep I look around and listen. However, the water droplets falling is not the only sound I can hear.
Soft sobs accompany it and it makes me sad. What a terrible thing has to happen to someone to make them cry in the middle of the night in their shower? I would prefer some kind of singing much more even if it was worse than mine, which let’s face it, is not really that hard to beat.
I sit in the loveseat and stare at the wall facing me. The wall, which fails to muffle the sobs of the boy next-door. My neighbor, a hot-shot the Ranges drafted two years ago, is sort of a friend of mine. Well, more like an acquaintance.
Well, I know that he is Russian and I know for a fact that my Russian sucks and so do my social skills. Hence why we haven’t spoken much. I mean, we have made some small talk here and there, but I wouldn’t call us the best friends. However, Vitaliy has been crying for the past week or so and I am starting to get worried, but then again I have no clue how I could help him with his struggles.
I keep thinking and coming up with various plans on what I could do to make his day a little better. Maybe it is time to finally turn this relationship into a friendship of some sort. I should at least give it a shot and see how it goes, right?
I don’t remember how, but I fall asleep in the loveseat in a rather awkward position.
My neck hurts like hell, the bags under my eyes are bigger than a goaltender’s gear bag and I could count on one hand how many hours I have slept this time. A heavy sigh escapes my lips. I throw some clothes on, brush my hair and cover up the disaster another sleepless night has left on my face. I almost lose an eye applying the mascara, but I make it without becoming a pirate.
I throw my backpack over my shoulder and grab a sandwich while trying to put on some shoes. I lock the door and walk over to the elevator and so does my hot neighbor. Have I mentioned how attractive he is? I haven’t. Well, I am telling you now. He is smoking and extremely cute.
We get in with an exchange of a “good morning”. I watch him from the corner of my eye. He doesn’t look like has some heavy stuff going on at all. If anything out of the two of us I look like the one, who has cried in the shower. Had I not heard him, I would have never guessed it. I couldn’t be imagining it, because it has happened more than once already.
“How’s it going? “ I go for a small talk once again adding a polite, but nevertheless genuine smile.
“I had better days, what about you? “ If it wasn’t for the weight behind his words I would have smiled at the way his accent colored them.
“Yeah, couldn’t be truer.” I smile sadly.
“Is everything alright? “ He asks with curiosity written all over his cute face, tilting his head to side. Shouldn’t I be the one asking that question?
“Yeah, I just- I have had trouble sleeping again. “ I shrug and his face falls.
“Sorry about that. “
“Is alright. I am used to it already. “I don’t like the turn this conversation has taken. Luckily the elevator finally hits the lobby and spares me from continuing. He looks like he wants to add something, but I flee the second the door opens.
“Hope your day gets better, whatever it is that is troubling you. “ I say over my shoulder and disappear in the busy streets.
“You too. “ I barely catch it, but I am glad that I do.
During work I made my mind. I need to pay him a visit. I mean, I can’t possibly let him go on like this, I have to at least try. Before I head home I make a quick stop at the groceries and get a bar of dark chocolate.
At home I take a shower and put on some comfy, but also somehow decent clothes. I would make a cake or something, but I can’t bake to save my life and I sure as hell am not going to try and poison my neighbor I am actually trying to help. The chocolate serves as a replacement of some sort so I don’t show up completely empty-handed.
I walk over to the door and with a shaking hand I knock. Well, here goes nothing. Except there comes no response. I frown a little and try to calm my racing heart. I knock again, but nothing happens. I sigh and turn to leave.
“Looking for me? “Behind me stands the man in question.
“Yes, actually. Yeah. “I manage to get out. Wow. Great. Amazing. Put it together girl.
“How can I help you? “ He asks as he steps around me to unlock the door.
“I-“I have actually not thought over what exactly I am going to say so this is a little awkward. Instead of an answer I stare at him. He opens the door and walks inside. Looking at me expectantly he motions with his hand for me to come in and I do.
“Listen...” I start as the door closes behind me. “We have very thin walls and I heard you crying in the shower every day this week.” I fidget with the chocolate in my hands focusing on the chaotic movement of my fingers instead of his face. “Are you okay?”  I look up at him and search his eyes for I don’t even know what.
He studies me for a moment, not saying anything. Clearly, he is caught off guard and I get him.
“Actually I brought you this. “ I hand him the chocolate awkwardly. “I- I know we don’t know each other so well, but I thought it might make you feel better. “ I said. “It is dark chocolate so it shouldn’t be that bad for your diet. “ I try to lessen the tension in the air.
He takes the chocolate hesitantly with a smile tugging at the corner of his pretty lips. “Do you want coffee?” he asks and I nod happily.
Sitting on his couch a couple of tens of minutes later with a steaming coffee in hands we talk about anything, but the elephant in the room. However, he is the one to bring it up.
“You know, since you heard me, you obviously weren’t sleeping. Is your trouble sleeping really that bad? “He looks at me, curiosity written all over the pretty face of his.
I rub my sweaty palms over my sweats covered thighs. “Well, it has been bad the past week.” I give him a polite smile, that doesn’t reach my eyes.
“The last week sucks for both of us then. “ He says with a little chuckle.
“Yeah, it has been tough. “ Silence settles between us after my words.
“Things have been really, ugh...“ He trails off, struggling to find the right words. I just listen, patiently waiting for him to finish his sentence and get if off of his chest. “Hard. Lot of stuff goes on now. “He explains and I nod. “I just- There is a lot of ugh- Lot of pressure from everyone.“
Hesitantly I reach out and grab his forearm gently. “That is okay. We all have a lot on our plates sometimes.” I smile and he sighs looking at my hand. “And it is okay to let it out.” I squeeze his hand. “Sometimes guys need to cry.”
“I guess. “
“Listen, next time you feel like that you can come over and we can talk if you want to. I mean, I probably won’t be sleeping anyway. “I laugh and he chuckles. “We don’t have to talk about it, just if you need some company I am right here. Like, literally, I live next door. “Now he is full on laughing and shaking his head. I let go of his hand as my heart hammers in my chest at the sound.
“Thank you. “ He gives me a soft smile, which makes me weak.
Lying on my bed with my head hanging off of the edge I stare at the dark wall once again. I am very close to hitting my head on some hard surface if the sleep doesn’t consume me very soon. I sight dramatically and flip over settling on my stomach. Folding my palms under my chin I start counting sheep. Again.
When I get to fifty a knock on the door makes me stop my ridiculous antics. Normally I wouldn’t even hear it but it is so quiet here. The almost deafening silence is nothing I am not used to, though. Furrowing my brows I prop myself on my elbows. I grab my phone in case it is not Vitaliy standing behind the door and without rush move towards the hall. I check the peephole, relief washing over me at the sight of his messy hair. He came.
“Hi. “ I almost whisper moving behind the door so he can come in.
“Hi, you said I could-“He starts, but I interrupt him.
“Yeah, and I meant it. I wasn’t sleeping, don’t worry. “I assure him walking further into the barely lit apartment after locking the door. I turn on the lights in the kitchen and set my phone on the counter. He follows me quietly, his feet padding softly on the wooden floor.
“You want some water or something else to drink? “ I question him, reaching for a glass already.
“Water is fine, thanks. “ He says quietly. His voice is near the breaking point and I don’t like that. He stands on the other side of the counter as his hands find purchase on the marble surface.
“Do you want to talk about it? “ Placing the glass in front of him I try to catch his gaze. I fail and frown.
“Not really. “ He shakes his head. Looking at the liquid he toys with the glass. “How was your day? “ He looks up and takes a sip.
I chuckle. “Well, it was stressful.” I say leaning on my elbows. “A colleague is going through a break up and it seems like he has forgotten that he in fact is at work and he keeps ranting about how he misses her and how she was perfect and if he really deserves it all.” I explain waving my hands around. “But today I really got fed up with his antics and asked if I really deserve listening to his shit.” That sentence earns me a chuckle slipping past his pink lips.
“No, I was like. Seriously man? Do you know how many hours did I sleep last night? And he goes no.” I do my best to imitate my colleague’s mumbling and get yet another laugh in return. “So I told him. I slept 4 hours Johnny. Four. Did you know that four hours is way too little to sleep and way too much to talk about your ex?” I can’t help, but laugh at it again.
Vitaliy bursts into a heartfelt laugh throwing his head back in the process. I smile in victory, a happy gleam appearing in my tired eyes.
“I get that he is heartbroken and all that, but man it really wasn’t the day to let him cry over her again.” I shake my head chuckling slightly. As our laughter slowly dies so does his smile and a frown appears on his features.
I walk around the counter and take his hand. “Come.” I tug him towards the floor to ceiling windows. “Look.” I say and push him in front of me. The view of midnight New York unravels right in front of his very blue eyes. As he takes it in his lips part slightly and breath gets caught in his lungs. I watch him with a smile. He looks so astonished, like he hasn’t ever seen it before. “For someone who lives in New York you seem kinda surprised.” I joke, my eyes never leaving him.
“I don’t stare the window usually.” He says barely breathing. He is so cute. Like a child seeing the world for the first time. I keep getting lost in the way he looks and in my thoughts until he speaks again. “I am not child.” He is looking at me directly now and my brain short-circuits.
“What?” I ask genuinely confused.
“You said I was like child.” The lights flash in his irises as he takes a step forward.
“Did I?” My heartrate picks up and I find it harder to breath with every second passing.
“Yes.” After a short while he says. “You said I was cute so it okay.” He chuckles. “You are cuter, though.” He flashes me one of those toothy grins of his.
The way his lips curl up in a smile, the way his laugh makes my head spin, the way he is looking at me. The way his accent makes his words sound somehow more poetic or more sincere. How can I like so much someone I don’t really know? It is all too much. He is too much. Too perfect.
“I like you.” I blurt out before I can really think about it. My eyes go wide and I think I have just lost my pulse. He merely grins and comes even closer. His hands reach for mine, the touch electrifying. His thumbs rub gentle circles on the back of my hands.
“I like you too.” He says quietly looking in my very eyes. “For some time actually.” He chuckles.
“Re-really?” Is all I can come up with and manage to say. I am actually pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t complete gibberish, considering the state of my mind right now. I am so out of it I am not even embarrassed for my awkwardness.
He nods smiling. One of his hands rests on my cheek, the fingers of the other one intertwining with mine. He leans in, his thumb brushing my cheek softly. The hot air he exhales gently strokes my reddening cheeks and his messy curls tickle the skin of my forehead. At the mere thought of a kiss my eyes flutter shut.
Just a few seconds later I get to feel the soft touch of his lips on mine. With my free hand I reach for his forearm and my small fingers wrap around his wrist delicately. He takes it as a good sign stepping even closer as our chests collide. His hand squeezes mine as he pulls away slowly. Savouring the moment as long as he can he pulls my bottom lip in the process.
“Good thing I couldn’t sleep.” I whisper with a smile.
“Good thing I cried.”
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Poe Dameron x Sex Worker Female Reader
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Summary: Poe’s found himself in a tight spot after a run in with the first order. Reader helps him out by lending him some clothes, though they aren’t exactly the proper attire.
A/N: Day 2 of 7 for my 500 follower celebration! This is my first Poe smut so I’m a bit nervous, I’ve only posted an angst piece for him before. I saw this post recently again and my head like ran wild with possibilities. Thanks to @reidlusts for helping fuel my thoughts! The premise is a bit ridiculous but I love it anyway! Requests are open!
Warnings: Leia’s infamous gold bikini but owned by someone else, Cross dressing, Reader is a stripper, Sub Poe, Begging, Thigh riding, Unprotected sex, Sex with a stranger
Masterlist Word count: 2.65k
The streets of Corellia were not a place I should have been in the dead of night but it's not like I had any choice in the matter. All the money I earned from work was invested in my savings so I could buy a ship to find a way off this wretched planet.
Speaking of work, it had been especially grueling today, the patrons had been more sleazy than normal (which was saying something) and my back was tense from the constant stress I had been put under by the manager. Normally, I’d be grateful for the job I had, stripping was not the most noble profession to have according to some people. But, it was the job that paid the most on this skughole planet plus it was a great boost for my confidence. However, the tension screaming in my body as I walked home that night dashed away any gratitude I had for the job at the moment.
If most of Corellia’s people had not been scum of the earth I would’ve found someone to warm my bed for the night. I’d have to be content with my own hand tonight I guess, I’d rather not get some disease by sleeping with a mildly attractive smuggler.
A noise from the back alley behind me caused me to swivel my head around. If one didn’t pay enough attention here you’d be robbed blind before you could even blink, so just for extra protection I pulled out my small blaster I had only for emergencies and set it to stun.
“Who’s there!” I shouted out with all the conviction I could muster, even though I had lived on Corellia for my entire life every time something like this happened I shook with a bit of fear.
I didn’t get a sentence out of whoever the stranger in the alley was, more of a rough grunt that sounded like whoever it was was in a struggle. Not wanting anyone to fall into harm's way I broached the entrance of the alleyway only to find something I wasn’t expecting. Instead of a man in a fight with another like I was expecting there was a singular man who was trying to put out a small fire that had erupted and had spread to the jacket he’d been wearing. Once I had gotten over the odd sight I moved forward to try and help him by pulling the jacket off of him, the stranger jumped at first not expecting the sudden touch of my hands. Pulling the leather jacket off swiftly I threw it on the ground, stomping it with my boots to get the flames to die. I got the fire to cease eventually though I was almost positive the jacket was ruined by the flames anyway.
“Thank you.” The mysterious stranger said gruffly sounding just as tense as I was. I turned to face him expecting a rougher man then I was met with. He looked like he had been through Mustafar and back, especially his clothes which were as destroyed as his jacket. Though he did have an air of familiarity to him.
“Aren’t you the flyboy that’s on those resistance posters?” He looked a little frightened at my words, probably afraid I’d turn him into whoever had been chasing him on this planet. I had recognized him specifically from the ones that were plastered outside the walls the club I worked at filled with the same shot of what I presumed to be the man in front of me. I put my gun away into my bag to reassure him slightly and made sure to put the safety back on.
“Yeah Poe- Poe Dameron” He supplied to me after a long pause of him gazing over me, no doubt trying to find out how much trust he could place in a stranger walking home from a strip club. I then gave him my name, a small token of good faith to him even though it was not nearly as important or valuable as his. “Do you happen to have anything I could change into in that bag of yours? I’d be eternally grateful.” I hesitated heavily before answering his question. Normally, I would help anyone in any sort of trouble even though I had little to spare myself. But, the options that I held in my bag seemed far more inadequate to me compared to the burnt clothing he was wearing.
“Ummm, the only thing I really have is this…” I pulled out what I had been wearing during my show earlier in the day, my cheeks blushing hard at the thought of the handsome pilot wearing my undergarments. The set I had been wearing was gold and maroon in color, it was rather expensive though it was worth buying for the extra tips I got just from wearing it. The gold wound around the bra in elegant detailing that paired perfectly with the bottoms that were made of a heavy gold chain that had a barely there flowing maroon skirt.
“No it’s fine I’ll just stay in this” He immediately remarked with a flushed face as soon as he had gotten a good look at what I had pulled out of my bag. I would have dropped the subject then and there if it wasn’t for the fact that one of his pant legs was almost completely shredded leaving less to the imagination then even my skimpy set and his shirt looked like it was hanging on his back by a thread.
“The walk to my apartment isn’t far, I’ve got more suitable clothes there, you wouldn’t have to wear it for long.” I hesitantly said not wanting to push him too far and push him away from someone who could partially insure his safety for the night.“Plus, I have a communicator you could use to get word back to the resistance.” He still hesitated at my offer, I didn’t know if it was still because of the outfit he’d have to wear or whether he was trying to contemplate if he could trust me fully or not. He’d already given me his name, which in these parts would be worth precious credits to most. Still, he must have weighed his options in his head, realizing that the random stranger in the streets was the only road ahead. He nodded his head in confirmation and hesitantly took the pile from me, then I turned around to give him some privacy.
Really the only thing he needed to put on was the bottoms so I was surprised to see that he put the top on at all, but maybe it just helped him feel more covered. The top fit much different on him compared to how it looked on me, I dare say he looked better than I ever did.
The bikini bottoms were the most scandalous part of the ensemble on Poe to say the least. It hid very little from the imagination- and it was only hidden by the long strip of maroon fabric that came down the middle. If he shifted in the slightly wrong direction I’d end up getting an eyeful I’m sure.
I couldn’t stop staring at the almost ethereal sight before me of the resistance poster boy being dressed in my lingerie, the only thing ruining the perfect image was the fact that we were still on the dirty streets of Corellia. Shaking my head I tried to get the image of his tan body in my clothes, though that didn’t really work too well the image of him was still burned into my eyes. Instead of dwelling on how much I wanted to jump his bones any longer I grabbed his hand guiding him quickly through the streets to get home fast and hopefully avoid any prying eyes that I’m sure Poe didn’t want gazing on his half naked body.
When we got to my rundown apartment I paused a little before leading him to my bedroom, even though my intentions were completely innocent, I didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable. I was surprised when he quietly sat on my bed not moving to remove the undergarments immediately or asking to get me some other clothes. Did he want me as much as I wanted him? I contemplated to myself in disbelief- there was no way he would do everything I wanted to do to him.
However, when I looked back up his eyes were blown wide in lust and I could see that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. I commanded dominance over him as I straddled his thigh, then pulled him into a kiss full of teeth and tongue that gave away just how desperate he already was for me.
“You ok with me being in charge?” I asked after reluctantly pulling away from his lips, I wanted to make sure that he really did truly want this as much as I did. I didn’t have to wait for a response to this question I asked as he confirmed it to me with a breathless yes. So I then stripped off the rest of my clothes and moved to restraddle his thigh.
His muscled thigh flexed underneath me as I started to rock my hips over it to bring myself to pleasure, the barely there skirt was then bunched up into my hands to get a better look at him even though he was practically naked already. As I continued to undulate my hips on his thigh Poe became restless, his hands fisting the sheets underneath him until they looked as though they could break from the pressure. Even though I hadn’t explicitly told him he could not touch me without permission he seemed to understand that only I was able to give him what he wanted, he couldn’t just take it for himself. He had to ask politely- and maybe beg a little.
“Please.” Brokenly came from his lips while his head tipped back in frustration. I used the hand that wasn’t bunched up in the skirt to wrap around his jaw and tug his face back forward to look at me.
“Please what? What do you want?” His eyes went glassy almost like he was going to cry from my words alone.
“Please let me touch you!” The cry of his words from his lips was beautifully desperate and it was almost enough for me to give in. Instead I moved both of my hands to his, taking them in mine and pinning them above his head while leaning forward.
“No.” I whispered tauntingly into his ear, biting a little on the shell of his ear a little before continuing,“You don’t sound desperate enough.”
The high-pitched whine that came up from his throat made my clit throb, loving the way desperation looked on him. His whole body now glistening with sweat as well as his jet black curls that were falling down around his face, ruining the perfect image of the poster boy ruined just for me. I pulled off of him just before reaching my release, the only thing I wanted to be orgasming on was what was teasing me beneath the skirt and chain.
Slipping my hand underneath the gold chain of the bottoms I wrapped my hand around his hard cock, I bit my lip in anticipation of what I was going to do next- thinking about how big he’d feel inside me. I wanted to keep the outfit on him while fucking him so I pulled the panties down just enough so his cock sprung free. I started jerking him a bit making sure to spit into my palm to get my hand nice and slick for him. I didn’t do it to get him hard as he was already definitely there, I just liked to hear his incoherent pleads.
Finally I obliged the man who was now well past desperate after all the teasing from me, his eyes glistened with tears that threatened to spill over. I moved to fully straddle him lining up his cock to my wet hole. When I sunk down I made sure to go slowly to feel every part of him with the added plus of his choked sounds every time I took him a little deeper.
‘“Please can I touch you now?!” He almost growled out once I settled all the way down on him, though it changed into a dragged out high pitched whine,“I’ve been so good for you..”
“Yes you have been really good.” I pretended to contemplate his words for a second while starting to roll my hips in a steady rhythm, before pulling his hands from above his head to rest on my hips, giving silent permission for him to touch me to his heart’s content.
He took my permission immediately and ran with it, he lifted his torso up so he was now sitting up chest to chest with me then dipping his head down to suck one of my nipples into his mouth. He then started to meet my thrusts harshly pulling us both towards our respective releases at vigorous speed.
My release hit me after a blissful buildup, it was the longest most devastating orgasm I had had in forever, so powerful that it was borderline painful. After my high satiated I went back to rocking my hips fiercely to try and give Poe as good a release as I had just had. As soon as I wrapped my hand back around his jaw, pulling him into a filthy kiss then whispering “Cum for me” into his lips his release broke over him. I pulled out just in time, wrapping my hand around him to milk his high, he met the twists of my wrist with his own shallow thrusts to prolong his release. After a few more thrusts into my hand he came down, though he was still panting heavily. We sat together in content for a few minutes, Poe was cuddling into my chest while I ran my fingers through his inky black locks.
The communicator beeped, bursting the little bubble we had created just for ourselves, his general right on the other line ready to confirm his location and bring him home. He fiddled with the edge of the silken material of the skirt looking contemplative after he’d confirmed his location with the rescue team. I hoped he’d at least take my comm code with him when he left- Maybe that’s what he was worried about, I still was a relative stranger after all. I hoped he felt the immediate connection that I felt, that this wasn’t just sex. I floundered in the awkward silence cracking my knuckles a bit while he continued to fiddle with the edges of the fabric.
“Keep it… As a souvenir.” It may have been an expensive purchase and it would be a pain to give away but I knew I could never wear it again around my workplace without thinking about the man that was about to leave me.
“Could I take you as a souvenir as well?” His words shocked me- He wanted me to come with? I hadn’t shown him any skills that would be valuable to the resistance (I was a pretty damn good pilot but everyone on Corellia was)- The only explanation is that he wanted me to come back with him because he liked me, enough at least to want to continue being in my presence.
“You want me to come with you?” He nodded and looked at me with melancholy eyes, almost like he thought I was going to say no. I was taken aback by his sudden care for a person he’d just met, there was no way in Mustafar that I was going to say no, I’d gladly be his souvenir any day.
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
To Be Continued - Part 7
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Summary: As an author, you had created Brian Kang for your current trilogy series to represent the ultimate man that everyone would love, along with Charli Evers - your female protagonist. What you hadn’t expected was for him to find a way out of the story and begin shaping up your world instead
Pairing: Brian Kang x female writer (ft. Park Sungjin)
Genre: writer au / romance / fantasy
Warnings: fictional characters coming to life / a bit of angst here and there / Sungjin as a cop (or does that only affect me?) >_>
Word count: 2198
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Epilogue
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It was as if you were writing a new novel. Instead of focusing on how Charli Evers would finally get with her battered beau, you were at the peak of experiencing all the emotions and excitement that came from a new romance. You were enjoying playing the main protagonist for the first time in your life as well.
“What are you doing?” Brian asked with a hint of amusement in his tone. You leaned in even closer, already entangled together on the couch after watching a movie, and lifted your index finger.
“Counting what?”
“How many lashes I gave you,” you murmured, your gaze honing in on one eye. You let out a whistle when you finished. “I gave you so many! Why are you this perfect?”
“I don’t see myself as perfect at all. You sure made a point of that in my creation, too.”
“How? You’re handsome, protective, honest, playful, charming, sensitive, and did I mention handsome?”
Brian’s lips curled up some from your description. “I think you might have said it twice.”
“Because you truly are that good looking!” you surmised, and Brian chuckled.
“Is being handsome all that matters to you?”
“Well, no.” You blinked a couple of times whilst trying to come up with an answer that didn’t make you feel shallow. The truth was, you really did enjoy looking at him a whole lot.
Over the past two weeks, that was what you had done an awful lot of. No matter what mundane task Brian did, he looked exceptional doing it. His laugh was music to your ears, and his voice made your heart flutter constantly. Any time he smiled, you worried your knees would give way, and on the rare chance they actually did, the way he caught you so easily with his strong embrace had you swooning further.
You wondered if this was all a dream. Instead of Brian coming out of your laptop, and your novel, perhaps you had died from your illness. That would explain why everything lately had felt so heavenly at his side.
Either way, you didn’t want to wake up or move on to the next realm. This was where you wanted to remain forever.
Especially when he kissed you. Leaning in to break you out of your reverie, Brian’s luscious lips pecked yours twice, a chuckle vibrating out of him when you realised you had zoned out again. “You’re too adorable.”
“If you keep calling me handsome, I’m allowed to call you how I see you.”
You sighed heavily and attempted to pull away from the man. “I don’t want to be just adorable if you’re handsome, Brian.”
“What do you mean?”
“Charli Evers is beautiful! She’s stunning and successful and has a body that would make any male swoon over her. She’s a goddess, and I’m just adorable.”
“You’re really adorable when you’re jealous,” he mused and shook his head, reaching out to pull you back in close to him again. “Charli isn’t real like you are.”
“What if she comes to her senses and finds out that you’ve left that world. She could come here, and it would be no competition between us!”
“You’re right. It wouldn’t be. Because I’d choose you over her every time.”
You scoffed loudly and pulled yourself away again, going over to the kitchen to get a drink of water to cool down. It was hard enough having insecurities as a person, and when you had lived alone, you barely thought of them, too busy up in worlds like Captivated to truly care. Your flaws, at points, made good fodder for some character traits, but you never wrote yourself fully into a world. You had come close in Destined, but even the main protagonist there was far more charming than you were to hook Park Jinyoung as she had.
Brian’s arms slipped around your waist, and he dropped his chin onto your shoulder. “It’s all about perception. You see Charli as superior to you. But she’s the type of woman you see in a magazine. Flawless, beautiful, and whilst you no doubt have made her relatable to your fans of the series as a person, as she does have a good soul, you are real. You aren’t sculpted to perfection. You aren’t going to star on the front cover of any Vogue or Marie Claire. Instead, you are starring as my leading lady.”
“I’m not sure if I’m flattered or not,” you mumbled, turning around to face Brian. “Maybe I want to be on the front cover.”
“It’s not in your personality to stand out like that. You much prefer this lifestyle. Domestic and homely and comfortable.”
“So she’s sexy, and I’m homely,” you deducted, whilst Brian groaned loudly.
“Can’t we go back to the part where we were thinking of just us? I don’t like you comparing yourself to someone else.”
“I’m sorry,” you admitted, lowering your gaze from his. Brian had a habit of making sure you were always looking at him, and he easily fished out your gaze again, smiling gently when he caught your eye. You sighed. “I guess whilst I made you to be the dream guy for me, and those who read my series, I never quite realised the impact you would have on my world if I actually had you.”
“If I have to make a point of telling you how much I appreciate and adore you daily, then so be it.”
“You shouldn’t have to though,” you pointed out, going around him and heading into your office. Brian followed you and leaned against the threshold as you sat down in your chair.
He nodded his head. “No, I suppose I shouldn’t. But isn’t that what makes a relationship work? I support you, and you support me. When one of us feels lower than the other, then it’s important to make sure they feel cherished and loved.”
“Loved?” you repeated, your eyes widening at his choice of words. Brian cleared his throat noisily, looking around your room as opposed to keeping eye contact. You smirked. He was cute when he was embarrassed.
“Isn’t it time to write, Miss Writer?”
“Perhaps I just got some inspiration for my starting point of Eternity. I mean, in the story, Charli Evers is cherished and loved by Brian Kang, isn’t she?”
“Have your fun at my expense.”
“It’s all those good lines I breathed into you. No wonder you make the world swoon, Brian. You’re full of the perfect lines to make any girl weak at the knee,” you told him as you opened your document for the final piece in this story. Admittedly, it was blank and had remained that way for some time. You knew it was because you were too busy with Brian in person that you couldn’t possibly think about writing about him as well.
However, you had received notice from Lily earlier in the day about your next deadline, and so you had promised after one movie tonight, you would end your evening with starting the next novel.
Glancing over at Brian who was still in the doorway, you smiled, and he nodded. “As long as you know it’s your knees I want to make weak every time. Have a good session, my love.”
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However, two days later, you were still staring at a blank page. It wasn’t without trying, of course. You wrote, only to erase the sentence immediately. You told yourself to just let the words flow out and not edit them until you were done. Except nothing but a trickle of nonsense made it onto the document each time and after every gruelling session, you found yourself exhausted, mentally, and from simply staring at a blank page.
In all your years of creative writing, you had never been as stumped as you were now. It made no sense! You were living and breathing your own romance in life. Surely, the amount of affection Brian poured over you would easily inspire you enough to write it out. And generally, when you stepped into your office to write, it came from feeling inspired and uplifted to write about a world where love conquered all.
As soon as you were in front of your laptop, however, words failed you.
You had tried everything, from changing your writing schedule to practising with unrelated scenes. That had you hopeful. Every time you wrote a drabble about something outside of this series, you were capable of penning an entire world. In fact, you had now written a series of short stories about random characters and scenarios with relative ease. The success you felt from doing these was short-lived as soon as you opened Eternity, however. Nothing formed, nothing came to mind.
“Maybe it’s because I don’t want to share Brian with Charli,” you wondered out loud, immediately shaking your head. Whilst the Brian you were falling for fast, was that of the same Brian Charli would risk her all for, inside your literary world, you felt no need to keep him to yourself. You wanted Charli and Brian’s story to wrap up with a neat bow after their final tribulations of proving their love would outshine the obstacles in their way. You were determined to gift your readers what you had planned all along for the star-crossed lovers. And you needed to send Charli off on her merry way with a confirmed end.
Whilst your story with Brian continued.
“Just write something, Y/N!” you instructed yourself to do, poising your fingers above the keys.
It was a struggle, but they began to move, and you hoped this time would be the official start of your novel.
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“So, what do you think?” you asked cautiously, staring at Lily as she read over what you had sent her.
Your editor didn’t say a thing, and sometimes that was a good notion. You had rendered her speechless yet again.
However, you knew better than that. She wasn’t speechless, she was in disbelief. Lily finally looked at the web camera on the video call and blinked several times. Pulling off her glasses, she wiped at them before placing them back over her eyes. And then she screamed incoherently.
“Lily, I can explain.”
“You better, and fast,” your editor stated back, trying to recompose herself. “This isn’t your writing.”
“Well, it is,” you told her, attempting to smile. Her laser glare wiped it off your lips, and you groaned. “So I think I’m having a writer’s block.”
“But you don’t suffer from writer’s blocks, you overcome them before they get to that level. What have you been doing for the last month that this is all you can turn in for me to look over?!”
“I’ve been a little preoccupied,” you announced, rocking back and forth in your chair. “And it’s sort of been hard to write.”
“I don’t buy it. You love to write.”
“I mean, I have been writing,” you agreed, grinning sheepishly. “Just not on what I’m contracted to be doing.”
“Y/N!” she whined, and you sighed heavily. “How are you going to make up time if you don’t even have a first chapter formed?!”
“I don’t know exactly, but do you think delaying the third story, especially since my second one is only at the publisher’s now preparing to print, can happen? I’m sure we don’t need to bang this series out one after the other. The hype from the wait will make it only more worthwhile for the fans!”
“Not if you plan on producing this type of rubbish! There’s no life in this part you’ve sent me! It’s as if Brian’s soul was sucked clear of this world and only Charli remains.”
You choked on the drink you had reached for, and this alerted the man in the adjacent room, your hands waving him off inconspicuously before Lily saw him.
You didn’t know what your editor’s reaction would be to find out your writer’s block stemmed from you dating someone. And you certainly didn’t want to find out either.
“That’s it, I’m coming over!”
“Lily, that’s unnecessary. You don’t have to!”
“Oh, but I do. My star writer is fumbling around and not focusing enough on what she needs to be doing. Boot camp is on its way.”
“I could help her,” a new voice added to the conversation and you clamped your eyes shut as you heard the wind being knocked out of Lily entirely. Brian crouched down at your side and smiled at the camera. “Lily Morton, correct?”
“You know my name.”
“Of course. You’re an important figure in my life.”
“I… I am?!”
“I mean, you help Y/N with her stories a whole deal, so that’s a special role to have.”
“Y/N, who is this person? He looks far too familiar and yet I feel I haven’t quite met him in the flesh before.”
“It’s a--” Catching yourself from your stalemate sentence, you smiled. And for some reason, you felt compelled to introduce him properly to someone. Before you even realised it, the words fell from your mouth.
“You’ve kind of met him already, Lily. This is Brian Kang, the star of our series.”
Part 8
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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pocketramblr · 3 years
Poll Results
Alright, that’s it, i’m tired of trying to sort the answers so yall just get the big list of all the free response answers to that quiz about ofa. be aware some are less safe for work than others.
memorable ones: OfA Snickerdoodle, I’d Give It To A Cat, So You Know Vore Right?, I’m in Love With Nana, Slicey Blood Oath, and Homoerotic Sword Fight
(My answer above is how I think it did happen, not how I want it to happen.) I personally think something along the lines of a Bruce Banner Jennifer Walker blood transfusion where the OFA holder doesn’t realize they’ve passed it on until later.
a tender kiss. perhaps loving. perhaps they're dying, and i already knew that they loved me, either platonically or otherwise, and we always knew that i'd be next. perhaps they tried so hard to make sure it never happened, and perhaps that tender kiss as an apology as much as it is a gift. sure sucks to be gay i guess 
Peacefully? By doing the do and making it a wonderful moment of lovemaking and passing on the future.. If we're in the middle of battle you bet your freaking butt I want them to kiss me dramatically, tell me they love me, and then yeet me away as they turn back to the fight. Ow but relationship goals. 
If we're not romantic because I am obsessed with the Duo Holders ship currently, blood works fine. Ingest it or have them pressing a bloody palm into a wound of mine *shrugs* Gotta pass it along somehow
Personally, I'd rather drink blood instead of hair. It feels less gross. But I'd pass it on as hair just to fuck with my successor
Hair or blood eating, but no touchy-touchy or whatever thx.
Probably a vial of blood so it’s easy and over quick
kiss 👉👈
i would like it to be blood from an already opened wound just cause it would probably less weird, ..........but knowing my luck and because irl my sister has attempted to feed me her baby teeth by shoving it to my lips and saying "eat", thats actually how i would get ofa. ( >:/ i have almost eaten at least two teeth this way because i thought she was being nice and giving me candy )
Consider: doing one of those blood oath things where you swear to be BFFs for eternity except now you also get a quirk out of it. But lbr kissing is way more romantic and you’ve made First/Second my new OTP, so I’ll stick with that for them. <3 But also, maybe to make the kiss option more romantic First thought something more along the lines of wishing he could give ~everything he has/all of himself~ to Second which counted as including his quirk, rather than specifically about giving him the power to defeat his brother?
This is going to sound gross but all ways of transferring DNA is. Just work up a sweat and have the other party drink it. It would probably be the best tasting option which is kinda a weird thing to think about. Nvm sweat doesn't contain DNA looked it up but I don't want to delete all of this so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe a scraping of skin cells
Honestly the hair is probably the way I'd want to go. That or blood. Like just swallowing it.
Look, i know realistically it was probably some desparate on-the-brink-of-death "please defeat my brother" thing and oo, magic he gets the quirk. But consider. First's last fight with afo. Second is holding his bleeding body, crying. First gently cups Second's cheek and pulls him into a bloody kiss before dying. Second pulls himself together just long enough to flip off afo, barely resisting the urge to absolutely slaughter him, knowing he would lose. He finds his successor and trains him to the best of his ability, determined to not lose another person he cared for
I mean like dead skin cells probably dont work right? Except hair works so thats not true. So like you totally could lick someone to get OFA. Like could you imagine the whole holding your hand over someones mouth to shut them up but they lick you and they somehow wind up with your quirk, like crazy. What must have been the trial and error with this stuff cause they must have kept passing it inbetween each other to figure out its dna right. How long did it take for them to realize. Like you’re eating breakfast and theres a hair in your food like ew and why am i stronger now. Overall, comedic timing for getting a quirk would be hilarious.
My apprentice lays broken and bloody beneath me as I cradle them in my arms, crying on to an open wound on their face praying the power will be enough to save them
little bit of skin like a hang nail just like put it in a sandwich and dont thing about it
Put it in my coffee.
If I received it from Nana then I would love to have received it via eating her out~ though for passing it on to others I think I would just either spit into their mouths or shove a bleeding finger down their throat until they swallow and then run and get myself killed by AfO while taunting him with "I DON'T HAVE YOUR BROTHER'S QUIRK ANYMORE! SUCK MY NON-EXISTENT DICK YOU LOSER!"
knock me out and just inject the blood. if i have to actively think abt ingesting someone elses dna im gonna yeet myself into the ocean. to pass it on i'll just spit in a cup (or in their mouth) bc im not gonna make someone eat my hair nor is anyone getting my blood
who in their right mind would trust me with a power like ofa 💀afo just looks at me funny the quirk is his. im not a mc for a reason
Sexy battle where I’m the villain, and randomly the hero thinks “I wish I could save you”. Boom I punch them with bloody knuckles and the quirk passes to me. Now the hero has to teach me how to be good again. Also we fall in love.
You know, I always assumed I would head canon it as something romantic until canon proved me wrong But these options are so varied - I had to choose the most Dramatic (tm) one As for my actual answer: a gentle kiss with full consent from both parties
I will bite a holder as a sign of affection. There's probably some dead skin cells in the arm I can swallow by accident. They are used to this and sometimes we switch the quirk around for funsies.
You know, I spent like 10 minutes trying to think of something original here, but knowing my shit luck some bastard would spit in my drink or something and cast upon me the Curse of Bone Breaking and/or.... y’know..... AFO...........
okay this is gonna sound weird but. consider this i marry a very lovely women. we are in much love. we get attacked by evil people because she is a good hero but plot twist. i am secretly her nemisis. the attackers are my minions. i wanted her to protect me because i am very smol but. my comrades were too mean. she is nearly dead. "take this" she says. she kisses me and i am one for all. fuck, i say internally, but i dont tell her. she dies in my arms. i run and become vigilante and take down my once comrades. all is not well. i die unsatisfied. i eventually pass it onto a cat in an alleyway because they are the only one who is with me when i get hit with a back alley sniper
Blood or just like. skin. You could use nail clippers to take a bit off from a really fleshy area, like just under the nail. It's that easy
Spit in my food like an underpaid fast food worker.
i have long hair so that would not be ideal, but blood seems kinda...unsanitary, but i guess it would be better if i was 100% positive i wouldn't pass on some sort of disease. so if that could be ascertained then like a few drops of blood in a glass of water or something and then down the hatch, bam ofa passed on. i know other folks are probably typing some nsfw stuff but just. no. keep it in your pants y'all.
Blood transfusion First, pick a hospital Second, steal all their blood Third, have the previous user donate their blood to that hospital Fourth, get into a major accident and need a blood transfusion near the hospital you robbed Fifth, hope either OfA will only pass onto you bc your the intended recipient, or that no one else needs a blood transfusion Sixth, get the transfusion Seventh, steal all of the previous users blood back Eigth, return all the other stolen blood Ninth, get new identities, this crime leaves DNA everywhere Tenth, die of a blood clot due to incompatible blood types (optional)
okay realistically bleeding into a cut or a drop of blood into water and drinking it would be easiest but like... what if somehow dna could be baked into like a muffin or cookie or something... like i know when cooking with wines and stuff the alcohol cooks away and evaporates out but is that process the same for like blood? like if you baked your blood into a cookie would traces of your dna still be there? basically i want an ofa cookie (snickerdoodle preferably)
no i like my bones
drink a drop of blood. it'd go down easier than hair
Something dramatic and desperate in the heat of battle like blood or something
First of all, I think First passed OfA as he was dying entirely on accident, because Second was badly (though not critically) injured and they'd been sort of dancing around each other's feelings and doubting their own worth, so First, knowing he was dying and that his brother was a petty bitch who would probably kill Second anyway because he knows that First cared about him, kisses Second with blood on his lips and his last thoughts before dying are about how he wants Second to have the strength to survive if his brother comes after him.
If I was given the option of getting OfA, I wouldn't take it. I'm a coward and being given something like that is a death sentence.
If it was forced, probably ingesting the previous users blood, because blood is a lot easier to choke down than hair.
If I already had it and had to pass it on, I would want it to be something suitably dramatic like collapsing on the doorstep of a trusted loved one and explaining with my dying breath who killed me and why and then raising my blood covered hand to their face like I was going to caress their cheek only for them to taste blood. They cry and try to get me take it back and when I finally die they swear vengeance over my slowly cooling corpse.
Pass it on in a non-life threatening scenario where I decide I actually don’t like the weird bone breaking power a random person gave me as they were dying and wish I could pass it to someone else and through a weird set of circumstances end up accidentally cooking some of my own hair into brownies I was making because I shed like a dog and passing it to my new neighbor I came to welcome to the neighborhood.
Either drinking a glass of milk with their saliva (no icky hair taste), or an epic sharing of blood while clasping hands like knights in a noble brotherhood!
not by eating all mights long ass hair thats for sure, why did he give midoriya one of the longest ones he had, he has shorter hair right there on the back of his head. not to mention the fact of like how i would prefer to recieve it or give it away which would be just, fucking sharing a pop or something and swaping it through the backwash??? less nasty than hair and not as weird as the other options for spit which is like straight up spitting in a drink or the other persons mouth outside of kissing. if someone told me i had to eat their hair i would straight up say no thanks, cheers for the fitness glow up tho homie
I want nana 2 kiss me, on.,, the m,,,.."#*(@÷out.h pretty lady.,
Q-tip to the inside of the cheek
Those blood pacts where you slice your hands open and do a little handshake thing. Not very creative, but idk it just appeals to me
Via consumption of blood, babey
I would want it to be with a maybe maybe not homoerotic sword fight in a Wendy's parking lot, preferably while we are both being impaled on each other's swords. The sweet pain of almost dying is a very intense moment to share isn't it?
Sweet love
If it's someone cute, a kiss. Otherwise I'd probably just swallow a hair with some water.
i'd just like. spit in their water bottle. if thats not enough dna i guess licking a paper cut it is. hair is bad idwa bc it doesn't digest and can get wrapped up in things. and like. im too aroace for kissing and such
Last option, cause first is sexy as hell
okay you know what vore is, right. and you know how blood and organ transfusions work? well...
Not at all, like?? I enjoy being alive and not having my body destroyed thank you. Literally everyone with OfA died young-ish or has suffered debilitating injuries bc of it. Like Midoriya's bones are powder, and we don't even need to go into All Might's medical history. Like thanks but no thanks no freaky dna ingestion 4 me
Had a open cut from a can lid and ofa holder had an open cut. While lamenting about fins a successor.
Assuming we can bypass the rules of canon, it would be funny as fuck is OFA was passed on by intentional physical contact. So yes, a smooch for First and Second (and Second and Third) but also. Bitchslap of destiny. Nana giving her protege one last hug. All Might ruffles Mido’s hair like a dad to pass it on. I’m sure you get it
Bleeding over an open wound
lil bit of spit in a milkshake.
I hold their hand Platonically but it's summer and we're both sweaty and they're a little loopy and having weird thoughts due to dehydration and heat lmao, literally hanging around anyone for any extended period of time guarantees you accidentally ingest SOME of their dna. Dead skin cells are floating through the air ~constantly~ and if you have a friend I promise you've inhaled their dead skin cells before. Have fun with that knowledge!!
ok so like deffo a kiss, but in canon people get weird biological urges for using their quirks, like bby Toga drinking bird blood. First has had a LOT of "spit in their drink" intrusive thoughts over the years. immediately post first-kiss he is mystified that his intrusive thoughts have disappeared entirely, but then BAM it seems that second has the stockpile now, and with it, a preoccupation with vampire lore
drink from the same water bottle?
Pass it on by making them lick my arm because that would make them rly uncomfortable, passed to me by spiting in my 20oz Red Bull and then chugging it
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beldroxramscal · 4 years
Sway ~ part 1
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Javier Pena x female!OC
Word count: 2.690
Summary: One of Javier’s former informants came back to Bogotá. On his way to find out why, he encounters some unexpected trouble.
Warnings: guns, strippers, mentions of sex, language
A/N: No one asked for this and I doubt many people will read this, but I was so proud of myself for writing more than a few sentences, I decided to post this. My first fic in maybe 3 years? This is also my first time not writing for a ship and my first time posting something with my OC (very exciting and terrifying). I have a little more in mind with this, but we’ll see.
English is not my first language and I have no one to beta for me. That is just a very long way to say: sorry, my English sucks.
Part 1//Part 2//Part 3//
However he thought, or God forbid hoped, this night would go, this was not even in his top ten. Sweat rolled down his back, as the barrel of a gun dug under his chin. The mixture of gunpowder, iron, and raspberries hitting his nose while a pair of green eyes looked up at him. All he saw were flames. It was hard to connect her to the woman he saw just 5 minutes ago dancing with soft blue lights reflecting off of the glitter on her body. Along with the soft smiles and white bodice, she looked almost angelic. It was a stupid thought back then, and it’s even more stupid now.
“Layla! I don’t think this is a very good idea,” a shaky voice of reason came from the most unexpected source. Sweet Valentina hasn’t moved from the door since she brought him here, and he almost forgot she was standing there.
“Yeah? You know what’s not a very good idea? Bringing strange men backstage! How many fucking times have I told you?” Layla barked back without taking her eyes off of him. Her voice was angry and annoyed, but she was a complete picture of calmness.
“Look, my name is Javier Pena–”
“And you are looking for Izzy. I heard you. Where is your badge?”
Oh, so she knew who he was. He just hoped that was a good thing.
“Jeans. Back pocket.”
Layla moved to stand by his side as she blindly reached to his pocket. Instead, her hand landed on the small of his back, and she pulled out a gun from the back of his jeans. Without giving it a look, she threw it on the small couch behind her. Finally, she pulled out his badge, and her eyes left his for the first time since he came into her dressing room.
“What the fuck am I supposed to find out from this?” She closed her eyes forcefully, scrunching her nose in frustration.
“I am a DEA agent,” he answered a bit confused. No one ever questioned his badge before.
“So fucking what? Is there only one DEA agent? Anyone can fucking have this. Where’s some kind of picture, name… something. Jesus. Where’s your ID?”
Before he could tell her that it was in the inside pocket of his jacket Valentina started slurring words in a panic. By the look on Layla’s face, she wasn’t sure of what was said either, but it didn’t take much guessing when her last words were, “HE IS THE POLICE?”
“Why the hell are you still here, Val? Just get out.” Layla sounded as tired of all of this as he felt. He had some actual fucking work to do and instead he was here. Trying to figure out why one of his former informants came back to Bogotá and make sure she got out safe again.
“I’m not leaving you alone with him. What if he does something to you?”
“And how exactly would you help me?” There was a silence for a few moments, and then he heard Valentina move. Judging by the sound, she moved very slowly. Layla’s eyebrows raised in question and then her lips turned into an amused smile. “Good girl,” she said finally. Javier tried to turn his head and see what was going on, but Layla dug the gun even deeper into his skin making him hiss. It didn’t matter much either way because Valentina stopped in front of him. His own gun pointing at his chest.
“Now, where’s your ID?” Layla turned her attention back to him.
He felt her patting the side pockets and finally find her way to his wallet and ID. She studied it for a moment, looking up at him and back down to the piece of plastic and then, finally, lowering the gun.
“Give him back his gun, Val,” she nodded at her. Valentina almost threw it at him before Layla even finished her sentence. He caught it and put it back into the back of his jeans.
Layla took a few steps back and took Valentina’s hand into her own, giving it a kiss. “Go home, love,” her voice was full of tenderness and warmth as she spoke to the younger woman. Such simple gestures and somehow it felt too intimate for him to witness. “I’m sure Agent Pena will gladly pay for any emotional distress he caused you tonight.” Layla looked up from the woman up to him again with one of the fakest sweetest smiles he’s ever seen.
God, he hated strip clubs. You always pay way more than necessary for much less fun than a fucking brothel. Still, he took out a few bills from his wallet and reluctantly gave them to her. Valentina shoved them into her bra and, with a promise of a call from Layla, left.
“Unbelievable,” he let out, the bizarre nature of the situation finally hitting him.“Can’t say I’ve ever been held at gunpoint by a stripper.”
“I believe that,” she shot him a cold look. “Considering,” she gestured vaguely at him, “your whole deal. I mean, most strippers don’t have the inside information you want and very few of them fuck for money.”
He felt her words burn in his chest as he lit a cigarette to avoid her stare. He pondered if he should defend himself, but it seemed like she only wanted him to know that she knew what went down between him and Izzy. “Where is she?” he asked instead, trying to get to the point of this whole night.
“Safe. Her grandma got sick, so she came to visit her. She leaves tomorrow afternoon.”
“I would like to see her and make sure she’s alright,” he pressed. He didn’t come all the way down here and got his head almost blown off for words of reassurance.
She studied his face, lighting a cigarette of her own. Javier wasn’t sure of what she found out, but after a few moments, she turned her back to him and started packing her things into a bag. “Give me five minutes, and I’ll meet you outside.”
The second she heard the door close behind him her hands tore away at the robe draped around her body. The material was light, but it felt like she was caught in a vice. Letting the flimsy material pool around her feet, she was finally able to take a deep breath. It still did not seem like enough. It did not matter though, she had no time to panic and wouldn’t have until Izzy and David were safely out of Colombia.
Taking one more deep breath she took off the silver bra and thongs and exchanged them for the more comfortable cotton pair she came to work in. She hastily stuffed all the costumes she used that night into her bag and then swept all the trinkets on the table on top of them with one broad sweep of her hand. She was already annoyed at the mess she’d have to go through later.
In her own clothes, she made her way through the back door outside the club. It took a little longer to get to the main street, but still better than being stopped by patrons asking for a private show.
Agent Pena was leaning on the hood of, what she thought had to be, his car. He was just finishing another cigarette, his eyes already on her as she stepped from around the corner of the building and into the street.
“That was more than five minutes,” he commented when she was within the earshot. Pushing off the hood of the car, he walked to the driver’s side without giving her a second look.
“I was hoping you’d fuck off,” she muttered to herself before sliding into the passenger seat.
He started the car and looked at her impatiently, waiting for instructions. She reluctantly told him their destination, not exactly ecstatic that she was about to take him to her flat.
Silence fell over the car when they hit the streets he was familiar with, and she didn’t have to navigate him anymore. Her head rested on the window, and she watched him drive. He seemed tired. Bags under his eyes and even his hands on the wheel kept sliding down now and then. She smiled to herself when his nose scrunched up as if something tickled it.
Pena turned his head as he stopped at an intersection and did a little double-take when he noticed her watching him. “What?” he asked seeming almost self-conscious. It made her laugh.
“Nothing,” she shrugged and kept her eyes unashamedly on him.
He looked at her again, holding her gaze for a few moments as if he was testing her, averting his eyes back to the road when she didn’t flinch. “I thought you wanted me to ‘fuck off’.”
“Oh, I do,” she agreed, completely serious. “I’m also kinda intrigued. I mean, Izzy risked everything for you. I’m just trying to figure out what it is about you that was worth it.”
He seemed to be caught off guard by her honesty. His fingers tightened around the steering wheel, and he shifted in his seat. This was obviously not a very comfortable topic for him. “I think you are giving me more credit than it’s due. I just offered her a safe way from Colombia with her son.”
“Sure,” she nodded, “seems reasonable enough.” The sarcasm in her voice did not escape him, but she just did not want to talk about that anymore. Both of them knew Izzy liked him more than she should have. She didn’t risk only her life, but also the life of her son and her grandmother. It didn’t matter now anyway.
“Is Layla your real name?”
She let out a laugh because the question was simply ridiculous. Especially after that little exchange they just had. The corner of his lip quirked up just a little. He seemed happy she wanted to move on from the conversation as well. “You are the big DEA agent here. What do you think?”
“So, what is your real name?” he looked at her again. The streetlights reflected in his eyes, and she realized that they were not as dark as she previously thought.
“Why? So you can go back to work tomorrow and try to look me up in one of your files?” she kept her tone light, teasing. He seemed more responsive to that, and it was nice to see him relax a little. Plus, she felt she owed him after holding a gun to his head.
“Of course not,” he shook his head, “I’m going back to the office right after I’m done with this.”
She laughed again, and he joined in with his reserved chuckle. “Well, I’m tempted to see how good you are and what you come up with only my address and a stage name.”
“So,” he turned his head to her and slowed down the car when she motioned to the apartment complex she lived in and parked right in front of it. “You think we will see each other again.”
“I think you like a challenge, agent Pena,” she winked at him as she got out of the car.
She closed her eyes in the cool air, mentally banging her head against a wall. Why did she always have to flirt? Barely, but still. It was like a curse she couldn’t get rid of, and it always came up in the most inappropriate of places. Like with a fucking DEA agent who fucked one of her best friends.
Pena closed the car door and caught up with her on the steps into the building. She led him to the second-floor terrace when he tried his luck one last time. “So you won’t tell me your name?”
“No,” she answered simply as she unlocked the door to her flat. “Izzy!” she called out into the apartment, but instead of Izzy, little David came running from one of the rooms.
“Auntie, Nat! Auntie, Nat!” he almost tackled her to the ground trying to show her little cars his grandmother bought him.
“No way! These are amazing!” she yelped, trying to match little David’s energy even if he just told Pena her real name.
“Auntie, Nat,” Pena repeated after the boy with a winning smile.
Natalia just shook her head at him disapprovingly, “that’s cheating.”
“Nat! I made di–” Izzy’s words died in her throat as her eyes landed on the man next to her. “What are you doing here?”
“Izzy,��� Pena walked slowly to her, “I just wanted to make sure everything was alright.”
Izzy nodded at him, her eyes blown in shock. “Why are you with Nat?”
Hearing her name, Natalia took David into her arms. “Why don’t you two have a little chat and David,” she turned her attention to the youngest one, “can tell me all about these fancy cars.” The little bugger nodded furiously and twisted his way out of her arms.
“Yes! Of course! He couldn’t wait to show you,” Izzy agreed, kissing her son on the forehead as he ran past her and into Natalia’s room. Nat followed him in silence, only squeezing Izzy’s hand as she walked past her.
Her room was a mess with bags and clothes and toys all around the place. It looked like Izzy was in the middle of a packing up. Natalia made some room on her bed and sat down with David, trying to give him her full attention. It wasn’t as hard as she thought it would. David made damn sure she wouldn’t have anything on her mind but the story of the two racing cars.
It didn’t take long before the doors to her room opened and Izzy came in. She was genuinely smiling, content. “He’s leaving, but wants to talk to you.”
Nat nodded and walked out of her room and to the living room, where Pena was standing by the door with his hands on his hips. He didn’t seem very happy with anything that just happened. “What’s going on?” She stopped closer to him than necessary, but she didn’t wanna risk David hearing anything.
“Do you know how to use that little gun of yours?” he ducked his head down, bringing him even closer.
“I-I,” she stammered. The intensity in which his eyes bore into hers scared her. “Yes… Yes I know how to use it.”
“Good. Izzy doesn’t want me to go with you tomorrow.” He handed her a little white card with his name and put it into her hand. “If there’s anything weird. If you see anyone you don’t like or even if you have just a bad feeling,” he closed her hand around the piece of paper with his hand, not letting go just yet. “I want you to immediately call me, okay?”  Somehow he was even closer now, but instead of recoiling from him, she stood motionless.
His eyes slid to her open lips that were unable to form the word to go with her nodding.
“Good,” he said slowly, dragging his eyes up to hers again. She felt as if she was under a microscope as if he could see every emotion she was feeling at that moment plainly in her face. Could he tell how scared she was?
“Good,” he repeated when his eyes landed on hers again. “Call me.”
“I will,” she finally found her voice. It was quiet and shaky and downright pathetic. She should have stuck with nodding like an idiot.
His head was tilting back and forth as if he could not bring himself to get out of her space even though he should. There was no reason for him to stay this close to her now, and she wasn’t sure if there was any need before, but neither of them was ready to make the first move.
With a quick swipe of tongue over his lower lip, he finally stood up to his height, squeezing her balled up fist in his hand as he turned to the door. “Good night, Nat.”
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I am so very sick and tired of the toxicity that’s been poisoning the snk fandom as of the last couple years. I gave myself time to digest the ending and my feelings on it, before embarking in a journey to debunk many misconceptions and critiques I’ve seen floating in the fandom.
By the way, by no means I think this ending is perfect. I think this is textbook execution by Isayama to tie together every loose end left behind in an orderly manner, and I think that it was a bit rushed and oversimplified. I would’ve wanted more of Eren and Armin’s conversation, more of the squad realizing what his true goal had been, and some narrative choices I don’t 100% agree with. But still, what I saw in other fans’ critiques post 139 frankly appalled me, so I feel the need to make this. Also, this obviously are my own interpretations, I am not Isayama himself lol
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“Ew, so Eren did pull a Lelouch after all”
No, Eren did not pull a Lelouch. While his action and the final result may seem similar, I find very different nuances between the two. Lelouch wanted for the whole world to be united in fighting against him, and thus he made himself the world’s greatest enemy. His will to turn himself into a monster was selfless. Eren didn’t give a damn about the world, he had no noble intentions whatsoever. He said it in chapter 122, his goal was to protect Paradis and, more specifically, his closest friends. He turned himself into a monster, killed 80% of human population, and endangered the lives of those very friends he wanted to protect, so that by stopping him, those friends could be safe. Eren had no intentions to break out of the cycle of hatred or unite the world against himself, he just wanted to give his friends a chance to survive, and that is not selfless, it’s selfish. Eren’s goal was incredibly selfish, and biased, and driven by his feelings instead of rationality. Nothing like Lelouch!
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Now this, this I myself am not the greatest fan of. I feel like it makes that great scene in chapter 122 loose a bit of its strength, Ymir obeying the king for 2000 years just because she loved him. Honestly, I always thought there was a bit of Stockholm Syndrome going on, but I didn’t think it would be the only reason. However, like it or not, it’s undeniable that it makes perfect sense in the narrative that aot has always strived to tell. Love has been a theme strongly woven in the story, and it also draws a great parallel between Karl Fritz/Ymir and Eren/Mikasa. Ymir was a slave to her love for King Fritz, just like Mikasa was a slave to her love for Eren, in that she struggled to accept reality until the very end despite the atrocities that Eren committed. Ymir stayed bound by her love for King Fritz, until she saw Mikasa break from her own poisoned love, aknwoledge it, and kill Eren despite of it, or maybe because of it. Only Ymir knows that one, heh. But the point is, Mikasa showed Ymir that she could break free of a toxic love, she was that someone that Ymir had been waiting for to finally free her of her burden.
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“What? But that makes no sense!”
Now, on my first read, I simply thought that Eren had ordered Dina to avoid eating Berthold, and that he had made her walk down that road unaware that his mother was trapped (because we know that the Attack Titan’s future memories aren’t infallible, there are still gaps), killing her indirectly. I’ve since then read some theories stating that Eren willingly killed his own mum in orther to give kid himself a reason to feel enough hatred to kickstart the whole story. Honestly, I like this version maybe more! But let me explain to you why this is not a plothole, like many people think. In this same chapter, we have Eren explaining how the Founder’s power works in synergy with the Attack’s: “There’s no past or future, they all exist at once”. This means that time travel in aot doesn’t work in a manner where Eren extracts himself from time and space, and from a separate realm he operates on the past. The way I understood it, the mechanics works kind of like Tokyo Revengers’ time travel. MInd you, I only watched episode one, so my understanding might be jackshit.
Spoilers for Tokyo Revengers’ episode one. In the show, the main character loses consciousness and finds himself reliving his past. He interacts with someone in this “new” past, and when he wakes up again in the present, past events had been over-written by the changes he made. I think this is how aot timetravel works, with the exception that, since past and future (and present, of course) all happen at once, side by side, there is no old past to be rewritten, neither a future to return to, and present Eren wouldn’t be aware of the changes that his future self would make. It creates sort of a time paradox, yes, in the sense that there’s a loop where present Eren’s mom has been eaten because future Eren, in the future, operated on the past by causing past Eren’s mom to be eaten, but all these Erens are one and the same, as all timelines exist at once.
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“Boo-hoo they ruined Eren’s character, he’s such a wimp!”
I have to confess (isn’t this appalling, that this is a thing that I have to confess, what the actual fuck), I am an Eren stan. I absolutely do not consider myself a Jaegerist, I think Eren’s option was better than Zeke’s, yes, but it was morally wrong and awful and he absolutely was not only in the wrong, but also if he wasn’t dead I’d want him to be punished for his crimes. I didn’t particularly enjoy him pre-timeskip, and I started to like him because I found his evolution fascinating. I wanted to understand his motives, what was going on in his head, he was a puzzle that I wanted to solve. Maybe because I’m a psychologist, who knows. Anyways, if you’re an Eren stan only because he acted like a chad and now you cry his character was ruined, I’m sorry to say, you never understood him. Eren was not a god, he was not a strategist playing 5d chess with perfect rationality, Eren was the same he has always been. He was a young man spun along by his passions. Eren feels things with burning intensity, he lets himself be driven by his emotions. He almost flattened the world because he was disappointed that he and his friends weren’t the only human beings inhabiting it, for fuck’s sake, he’s always been irrational, selfish, and immature. Of course he doesn’t wanna die, of course he want’s to live with all of them. You really expected a 15 year old hot-headed brat to become Thanos after he suddenly found out he killed his own mum and all his dreams had been crushed? Of course he felt conflicted, of course he suffered, of course he wanted to live, “because he was born in this world”. Honestly, when I read his meltdown, I felt relieved that his character hadn’t been turned on its head, it was heartbreaking to see that he really was the same brat he’d always been, that he’d tried to steel himself to do horrible shit for his friends’ sake and that he felt bad about it! It made me appreciate his character a lot more, I felt nostalgic towards the times when I was irritated by his screaming and pouting. Suffice to say, this is also my answer to all those people that believe his internal monologue to convince himself the Rumbling was what he really wanted were bullshit since he “pulled a Lelouch”. How can it be bullshit? Maybe he planned to be stopped, but he also said that he thought he would’ve still done it if they hadn’t. He also said that killing a majority of the population was something that he wanted to do, not a byproduct of the alliance not stopping him early enough, because with the world’s militaries in shambles Paradis would’ve had time to prepare accordingly. Anyways, of course he needed to convince himself to do this awful thing even if he knew he wasn’t gonna succeed completely, can you imagine how horrible it would be to know your only chance is to kill thousands?
I also maybe think it was because of the spine centipede thingy? When Eren says “I don’t know why I did it, I wanted to, I had to”, he gets this faraway look on his face and we get a zoom in on one of his eyes, which is drawn very interestingly and kinda looks like the Reiss’ eyes when they were bound by the War Renounce Pact? So maybe it was also the centipede’s drive to survive and multiplicate that forced Eren to do the Rumbling so that its life wouldn’t be endangered. I don’t know how much I like this, I feel like it takes some agency away from Eren and also makes it feel like he’s not as responsible for the genocide he committed that we initially though, which mhhh maybe not, let’s have him take full responsibility for this. As I said, I’m not defending Isayama blindly, I do have some issues myself with what went down.
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“What the fuck, did he say thank you for the genocide?”
Guys c’mon, this is like,, reading comprehension. Yes, it was poorly worded and a bit rushed, but by now you should have full context to make an educated guess on the fact that no, he didn’t thank him for committing a genocide what the fuck you guys. Armin started bringing up the idea that maybe they should have Eren eaten because he was doing morally questionable things ever since the Marley Arc, which for manga readers was like what, 2018? Isayama has been showing for three years how not okay Armin was with Eren’s actions, how could it make sense for him to thank him for a genocide? You see some poorly worded stuff, and your first instinct is to ignore eleven years’ worth of consistent characterization to jump to the worst interpretation possible? Let’s go over this sentences and reconstruct what they mean.
“Eren, thank you. You became a mass murdere for our sake. I won’t let this error go to waste”. Armin recognizes that Eren had no other choice, but does not condone it. He clearly calls it an error, which feels like an euphemism but for all we know the japanese original term used could’ve been harsher. Point is, he clearly states he think what Eren did was wrong. But he recognizes that Eren’s awful doing opened up a path for Paradis to break out of the cycle of hatred. Not a certainty, but an opportunity. He thanks Eren for giving them this chance, and promises not to waste it, even if it was born out of an atrocity. He thanks Eren for sacrificing himself for their sake, even if he doesn’t agree with the fruit of his labor, so to speak. He’s thanking Eren for the opportunity that his actions gave them, not for the actions themselves! Where the hell do you read “thank you for the genocide” guys, sheesh. I’m mad at y’all.
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“How could Eren send MIkasa memories if she’s an Ackerman and an Asian, and their memories can’t be manipulated by the Founder? I call plothole!”
Now, here we’re going into speculation territory, so you’ve been warned. I don’t think that that information they gave us was true, about Ackermans being immune to memory manipulation. We know at least that the clan is in some way subject to the Founder’s power, or Mikasa and Levi wouldn’t have been called in the Paths by Eren multiple times. Stories never being entirely true or false, or relativity, better said, has been a strong theme in the story, we know this by Marley’s and Eldia’s different accounts of history compared to the actual Ymir backstory we got. So who’s to say that the belief that Ackermans aren’t manipulable is the truth? Maybe they’re just hard to control, not impossible. We know that by the Founder’s ability Eren experienced past and future happening simultaneously, so he could’ve very well been trying to send those memories into Mikasa’s head ever since the beginning of the story, only just succeeding in chapter 138. It would at least explain Ackerman’s headaches as Eren trying to manipulate their memories and failing. Of course, we’d need Levi side of thing to know for certain, as he had headaches too and we weren’t shown in the chapter if Eren spoke to him in paths like he did with the rest of the squad. We know he didn’t talk to Pieck, but he even went and spoke to Annie who he basically hadn’t seen since Stohess, so I hope he spoke to Levi too. Who knows, maybe he even spoke with Hanji, but she died before she could remember. I wish we were shown that, honestly, I’m sad that it was skipped, especially after Levi said in an earlier chapter that “there was so much he wanted to tell Eren”. Fingers crossed for the anime to expand on it.
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“So Historia’s pregnancy was useless”
What? No, it wasn’t useless! Eren told her to get pregnant to save her life, so that she wouldn’t be turned into the Beast Titan. If she became the Beast Titan, then Eren would’ve had to enact the plan with her instead of Zeke, and yeah, Ymir brought the power of the titans with her, so theoretically Titan Shifter Historia would’ve had her time limit removed, but we saw that the only way for the Alliance to stop the Rumbling was killing Zeke, so Historia would’ve had to die. Useless to say, when Eren talked to her about his plan, she was very vocally against it, so I don’t think she would’ve helped Eren with his plan. It was Zeke or nothing, and the only way for Zeke to keep his titan was for Historia to be unable to be turned, hence the pregnancy. Did y’all read the same thing I read? Anyways, she could’ve definitely been handled better, but she wasn’t necessary to the plot anymore, and her being removed from it in such a way was sad, yes, but it made sense.
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“They massacred Reiner!”
Yeah, can’t really say anything about this. I definitely understand the sentiment behind this scene, which I appreciate. It’s to show that thanks to his Titan being removed and the times of peace approaching, Reiner was finally able to shed the weight he bore on his shoulders and “regress” to his more carefree persona he had when he thought he was a soldier, instead of a warrior. I am very happy for him, and I think it’s a nice conclusion to his arc, that he’s finally happy, but it could’ve been portrayed in a less comic relief-y way. It just sledgehammers all his characterization. Feels surreal that we saw him attempt suicide a couple month ago in the anime and now he’s sniffing Historia’s handwriting.
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Guys, this absolutely sends me. There are people who unironically believe Eren actually reincarnated in a bird? Guys. It makes no sense, it violates every rule that Isayama established for his universe’s power system. How could he even reincarnate in a bird? Guys, c’mon, this is symbolical! Birds have been heavily used in aot to portray freedom, and this is a nice, poetic, symbolic way to show that Eren who lived his whole life chasing freedom and never actually got it, is finally free, like a bird, now that he’s dead. It’s also a pretty explicit nod to Odin, I think. Aot is heavily inspired by Norse Mithology, and I think there were some pretty clear parallels between Eren and Odin/Loki in the later arcs of the story. Eren has been shown to “communicate” through birds like with Falco in chapter 81, or with Armin in chapter 131. Emphasis on “communicate” because again, this is symbolic, I don’t think he actually spoke through the birds, he simply talked to them via paths, but birds are associated with Eren’s character (see also the wings of freedom, y’know?) and the shots were framed so to give the impression that he was talking through the birds, but he wasn’t. Symbolism. Anyway, I really think they were supposed to be a nod to Odin’s crows.
Aaaaand that should be it! Even though I most definitely forgot some other criticism on the chapter, it’s crazy the amount of negativity floating around. Hope I didn’t bore you!
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