#maybe i will just keep complaining on the internet for the next ten hours and then it will be bedtime
skarnish · 1 year
job interview tomorrow I'm Nervous
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sopejinsunflower · 2 years
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2022.001.007: The Blip
a/n: Tada! Are you surprised? hehe Sorry for the late update but this week has been hectic! I hope the Namjoon one shot was enough to make it up to you guys. This chapter is a bit short and rushed though but I hope it's still just as good. Again, I want to remind people that this is a slow-burn. I promise things will begin to get more interesting later on down the line ;)
Once again, the house is empty.
This time though, I go door to door and knock three times each, waiting a few seconds before moving on to the next. None of them is home and it’s ten o’clock on a Saturday. I make my way downstairs to the dining hall as Mrs Oliviera pours me my cup of tea and retreats back into the kitchen without as much as looking at me. I eat my breakfast in silence, wondering about where the guys went off to.
After breakfast, I fetch my laptop and bring it outside to the patio. The day is good to be spent sitting outside for hours without worrying about it being too hot. The sun is out but there are too many clouds in the sky to call it sunny yet the clouds are white and fluffy for it to be considered cloudy. No hint of rain anywhere. 
The patio is set up like an outdoor living room under the sky, with wooden sofa sets and a glass table in the middle. A swing chair sits in one corner and I pick that one as my perch to do my assignments in. It’s cosy and provides that bit of a gentle rock that keeps me focused enough to finish my work uninterrupted. Thirty minutes later, Mrs Oliviera comes out with a tray of sweet iced tea and a bowl of cut up fruits. Again, she doesn’t say a word before going back inside. 
You watch her go, her steps quick and almost like she doesn’t like being outside walking through grass. Mr Chang is by the greenhouse, a small smile on his lips as he looks at the housekeeper zooming past him.
 “I really don’t get her,” I think aloud, sipping on the iced tea. It’s good and refreshes your slightly parched throat. I make a mental note to maybe be nicer to her next time.
“I really don’t get her,” you say aloud and Taehyung snorts back a laugh.
“Neither of us do,” he says back, peering into the bowl of fruits in front of you, wishing he could pluck at one of the grapes. He smacks his lips together before pouting sadly and Jungkook pats him on the back in comfort. 
The seven of them occupy the sofa set, all sitting in a variety of positions to get comfy. Taehyung and Jungkook sit closest to you with Namjoon at the other end, ankle resting on one knee. He’s looking at the house in quiet contemplation, one finger casually rubbing at his chin. Jimin and Hoseok are both on the two-seater, easily facing you, both of them leaning on their elbows against the armrest on either side, eyes never leaving you. They could watch you for hours. Yoongi takes the single sofa on your other side, occasionally leaning over to see you work. 
Standing behind your swing chair, leaning against the basket that makes the chair, is Jin, arms crossed over his chest, scowling softly at your screen. They’ve lived through centuries, have watched the world warped and changed by war and evolution, been through colleges and universities too many times to count, so Jin prides himself as very knowledgeable in a lot of different courses. Right now he’s observing your writing and thinks, if he’s being honest, that you could do better. 
Jin clicks his tongue loud enough for the others to turn around. He’s fully frowning now, eyes still glued to your laptop screen. “I don’t think that’s correct, love,” he complains, shaking his head. “C’mon. Research some more. Dig deeper. Go to a library where you can get authentic, reliable information. This internet thing is a huge mess. And you keep getting distracted! Stop checking the little blue bird thing!”
“This is hard!” you suddenly groan and Jin stumbles backward, tripping over his own feet. The others laugh but almost nervously as they look at you to confirm that you really didn’t actually hear him. 
Jin’s mouth is in an O, eyebrows all the way up and his philtrum elongated, looking from you to the others then back again. You heave a sigh and throw your head against the back of the swing chair, shaking it. “I hate this topic. I hate this class,” you mutter with your eyes closed. 
Jin steps forward cautiously. “Then why did you sign up for it?”
You pull a pout and open your eyes, staring up at the sky, watching the clouds pass by. Then you let out a sigh. “I wonder what they’re up to now.”
It takes a second for Jin to comprehend that you meant them and a cheeky lopsided smile creeps up his lips. The others first let out the breath they had been holding before sitting back calmly, joy and pride clear on their faces. You’re thinking about them. You’re thinking about them; them, who are supposedly her new sudden housemates. Only two days and you’re already thinking about them when they’re not around. 
Hoseok knows this pattern too well but he didn’t think for it to happen so fast. Most importantly, he didn’t think he would get to see it as it happens, sitting in the front row seat. Your forehead is scrunched up like you’re annoyed that they’re not there and he’s probably right. You’re here tackling homework while they’re missing. Do you think that they’re out and about, somewhere in the city, enjoying the weekend? Oh, baby girl, I wish you knew how wrong you are.
Then you let out another whine. “It’s the fucking pandemic! Why would they go out and about like that? Are they dumb?”
Okay, maybe not exactly what he thought you were thinking. Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon start to laugh and Hoseok lets out a chuckle. Jimin is shaking his head but with a smile and Taehyung gets up to stand in front of you, feigning anger. “Hey, missy, how dare you talk bad about us in front of us.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?” Yoongi has a soft smile on his face but he keeps his eyes on the glass coffee table instead. 
You’re still grumbling, removing the laptop from your lap and finally spearing a piece of apple onto your fork and plopping it into your mouth. “An invite would’ve been nice, guys. Like, hey, we’re going out tomorrow to get infected with a virus, wanna join us? But nooo~ I get left behind all alone while they get to have fun.” Your words are a little incomprehensive, spoken over your attempt to chew the fruit, your scowl growing deeper and deeper. “And I gave you a place to stay, too!”
Yoongi finally turns to look at you, growing more endeared just from the look of your annoyed face, knowing that you’re just venting. Your mouth is too small for the piece of fruit to fit properly, your tongue all tangled up as you try to speak and chew at the same time. As much as he’s amused at your little private monologue, he’s also a little regretful that he can’t, in any way, soothe your mind that no, they haven’t disregarded you, that they’re right here next to you because there’s nothing else they'd rather do. Or could do, but the latter isn’t important.
If you’ve existed for as long as they have - he doesn’t say live because this is not living, merely existing - then you know that they have done everything and anything that this plain world has to offer. When you have travelled to every corner, eaten every cuisine, jumped out of a plane or deep dived into the ocean, experienced life a hundred times over; everything, and he means everything, is reduced to be mundane. Everything except anything that comes to you. 
You - the silver lining, the blessing in this curse. You could be sleeping and they’d still watch you as if you’re a masterpiece drawn by a dead artist hung in the Louvre’s main hall. The world changed so many times through the centuries but the one thing that remains constant is the love, the fascination, the adoration that comes from being with you, both platonically and, later down the line, romantically. 
Jungkook stretches his arms over his head. “We’ll have you know that viruses can’t see ghosts so we’re good, princess.”
“So unfair,” you whine in a smaller voice, pouting a mile. But you pull your laptop back to you and focus on your work, much to Jin’s delight, though he still prefers that you hit the local library. He’s old school like that, having none of this technology crap but that could also be because the last time they had been out of the attic had been in the nineties. They have a lot to catch up on.
After making sure that you’re actually making headway on your university assignment, Jin finally steps back to sit with the others. He looks up at the house, creeper plants covering most of the walls, strategically flowing around the big windows with the sailor’s knot in the glass, the celtic knot that represents eternal love. It was a private joke they shared a long time ago to incorporate it into the building, something that doesn’t seem so funny anymore now. 
Don’t get him wrong, he loves you, still in love with you as much as the first time. But there’s only so much one can take before the soft edges turn sharp from being broken too many times too much. The jagged pieces are the reason that he thinks eternal is starting to feel too long. It’s exhausting. He just wants to fall in love, grow old with it and die peacefully, knowing that he had had the fortune to even experience a love like this, a love like you. 
Jin heaves a heavy sigh before turning to the others. “So, what do we tell her about our day today?”
Hoseok rubs a hand over his face. The beginning of every cycle is always the worst; they’re nothing but a lying mill, producing every lie in the book to establish themselves seamlessly into your life. With a sigh, he starts to explain to the others how you had tried to look them up on the internet and that whatever information they offer should be something you can’t verify easily.
His stomach churns at the deception they’re cooking up but as Namjoon lays out his ideas, he only nods along quietly.
I spent the better half of the day tackling most of my homeworks, assignments and projects. After lunch time, I was free and literally bored out of my mind.
The guys are still not around so I find myself wandering the house back up to the third floor. The cloud has shifted and it’s too hot to remain outside. For the first time in a while, the house suddenly feels too big and too silent in the absence of other people, something that I haven’t really noticed before. It’s a loneliness that comes around after being with companions, noticing how quiet it can be when it’s just you and your thoughts filling the space. 
I don’t go into all of the rooms, just pacing the hallway. Suddenly reminded of the incident of the housekeeper walking through walls, I go back to it to try and debunk what I saw. Again, the wall looks plain enough, wide and empty with yellowing wallpaper that’s peeling back around the edges if you look closely enough. It’s the wall between the window at the end of the hallway and the first door where my grandaunt kept most of her relics. 
My eyes fall to the baseboard of the wall. Instead of a smooth length running from end to end, there’s a sort of grooves in two places, about two metres apart. I crouch down to look at them closer and see the markings on the floor, a semicircle of flattened carpet. I stand up, getting excited. Tentatively, I push at the wall but nothing happens. I push harder and this time the wall gives, swinging backward under my palms while the other side swings forward. A revolving wall. 
The child in me literally claps her hands together gleefully. I glance back down the hallway making sure that Mrs Oliviera isn’t suddenly appearing up the stairs. Convinced I’m alone and that she wasn’t going to storm up the stairs anytime soon, I peer in, not quite stepping through yet. It’s pretty dark but I can tell where the carpet meets grey masons, telling me that through the wall is a hidden part that is probably from the original house. How old is the house? 
“Is she supposed to go in there?”
They all shake their heads, answering Taehyung’s question unanimously. It’s just an old hidden passage, made to be used by servants back in the day, not that they ever had any. There’s nothing particularly spectacular about it except that it’s old and dark and dingy, a bit moist if they would explain it. Dangerous for untrained eyes as there is no source of light. It’s mostly a moot feature of the house, installed by the mason on Jungkook’s whim. Only the housekeeper uses it for reasons that are more personal than they care to know. 
You take a step in, pass the wall and stop. Namjoon is only hoping that the dark would deter you from going further in but you take one more step, peering into the darkness. You’re hesitant so that’s a good thing. Namjoon sticks close anyway, literally breathing down your neck, willing for you to turn back around. He, on the other hand, remains on the carpet, safely in the light.
Jin slips through the wall to stand in front of you, hands on his hips. He’s about to tell you to go back when you take one more step forward, craning your neck, stepping through him that makes him gasp the same time you shiver, rubbing your hands against your arms. God, he hates it when that happens.
The cold spot feels a little clammy, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.
My heart starts to race but I don’t move, feeling slightly rooted to the spot. The passage is dark and damp and the light that passes through the opened wall only reaches so far. There’s a curve up ahead and that’s as far as I can see. From the slight incline, I’m guessing it leads downstairs. A part of me wants to explore, the childlike curiosity of wanting to go down the passage and see what secrets it will reveal, but another part of me is frozen in fear. The thought of going forward and having the wall closed on me is, quite frankly, paralysing. Something about the darkness gives me complete fear. 
But I can’t move backward either. The house has ghosts. That's the only thing that’s echoing in my head right now, reminding me of the pastely phantoms I encountered just above my head where the attic is. Suddenly it feels like something is crawling up towards me in the shadows ahead, just seconds from rounding the corner and coming face to face with me, something so hideous that I cannot, should not turn my back towards it lest it attacks me and drags me to wherever monsters and demons come from. 
I have to leave, I have to go. Now, before it’s too late and it gets me. But I can’t move.
Jin watches your face change from curious to anxious to completely frozen all in just a few seconds, your hands still resting on your upper arm but almost laxed. 
You’re staring at a spot somewhere behind him but when he turns to look there’s nothing there, just a stone wall in the curve of the bend. Jin can literally see the colour draining from your face, the blood disappearing from your pink lips as your eyes grow wider and wider in horror.  The look on your face itself is enough to make his stomach sink. You’re not breathing, he notes, and then it hits him that you’re having a panic attack. Or about to. He goes over to that bend in the passage and starts waving his arms around. 
“There’s nothing here, love,” he says loud enough that it surprises the others waiting on the other side of the wall. “There’s nothing here.”
Of course, you can’t hear him. 
It’s coming. It’s coming.
I can feel my chest constricting, heart beating wildly enough for the sounds to fill up my ears that I hear nothing else. The rational part of me, the one that can easily explain this fear away has been reduced to a tiny speck, pushed to the back of my mind. Like a child that truly believes that there’s a monster in the closet, I stand there transfixed to that one dark, shadowy part, feet frozen, blood running cold.
Without any warning, the revolving wall behind me moves on its axis and swings back into place, drowning me in complete and total darkness. I can feel myself growing tense, the muscles spasming so hard until I can’t feel my fingers. My throat constricts and breathing is difficult. The darkness is debilitating, the kind where you can’t see anything yet the shadows seem to be moving, swaying, shifting.
I need to get out of here. Someone, anyone, please... 
One word, a whisper barely audible if Jin wasn’t literally in your face, repeating over and over again that there’s nothing in the spot that you’re staring at, that whatever you’re seeing now is not real, attempting to shake your shoulders. And this, this is the part of the curse that Jin hates the most, the fact that he can’t reach you the way he needs to when he needs to. You’re here in front of him but nothing has ever been this out of reach, untouchable.
For a moment, Jin is pulled back in time, far, far back when things first started, back when time flowed for them just like it did for everyone else. He remembered the glare of the sun in his eyes and that it had been hot. They had been hiking for awhile now, just you and him, heading for the waterfall spot Jin and Namjoon had discovered long before you came into their lives. It’s only about a couple of hours out through the forest behind the house and Jin had the whole day planned out.
They did get to the place but the beauty of it is long erased from Jin’s mind, distorted by the traumatic event that happened not even half an hour after arriving. They had played on the shallow side, the water cool against their hot and sticky skin. He doesn’t remember the details but he does remember watching you climb the side of the waterfall in alarm, scaling the rocks nimbly right to the top. You had called for him, waving your arms over your head to get his attention, grinning from ear to ear.
And then you jumped, disappearing into the water with a splash. Seconds passed by and then it became too long for you to be underwater, too long to be normal, too long for him to not panic. He waded in further to the middle, water up to his waist and called out your name, warning you that this wasn’t funny, that the prank should be up now, and that he was getting angry. Yet you still hadn’t resurfaced.
The panic rising in Jin made him lose all senses, everything was both too loud and too quiet, the water too cold, his feet too heavy to move. He took a few more steps forward and felt his feet sinking in what felt like mud. He looked down, but compared to the shallow end’s flat rocks, the water was suddenly murkier, darker.  
Jin dove, not even thinking twice and swam through grey water, pushing against twigs and other debris out of his way. He searched for you blindly, his arms motioning wildly in front of him to find you. His feet no longer touched the bottom. It’s too deep. His chest burned from the lack of oxygen. He had to resurface, filling himself with gulps of air before going back down again, searching, searching. Frantic. Desperate. 
His fingers brushed your shoulder. Jin had been tall and lanky but strength and stamina has never been his thing. That was Jungkook’s and Namjoon’s. But you weren’t moving, buried up to your chest in mud,  the momentum plunging you deep the moment you hit the water. He struggled, pulling and pulling, air bubbles escaping his lips before he could finally dislodged you. When he pulled you out of the water, he begged and begged that you’d be alright. As he pumped against your chest, tears and water mixed together dripping off of his face and nose. And when you finally coughed and spluttered water, Jin sent a thank you to the heavens above, whether silently or not he can’t remember, tears prickling his eyes. 
He had held you, rocked you back and forth more to comfort himself than to comfort you, to reassure himself that you were fine, that he could feel your heart hammering against his touch, your warmth coming back as your blood pumped through your veins. He barely even registered how every muscle on his body screamed with pain from all the energy extorted to pull you out of the mud and then swim with you to shore. He doesn’t even acknowledge the stinging in his pain from the lack of oxygen. 
None of that mattered because you had been safe. Safe in his arms. You were safe because Jin had been able to reach you, did reach you in time. 
Unlike right now where his transparent fingers flow just inches through your shoulders as he tries desperately to pull you back out from the abyss you’re sinking into, the abyss that’s much like the water, mentally drowning you, sucking you into its mud. He’s calling out to you, throat rubbed raw from pure anguished. If he doesn’t reach you now, you’ll forever be lost and Jin can no longer differentiate between then and now, reliving the memory of being under the waterfall, searching and searching. 
Please, I need to get to her.
Suffocating. It feels like I’m choking on air, unable to make it go in the right pathway, stuck somewhere between my oesophagus and trachea, not really flowing. 
I can feel the tears and snot flowing, sticky against my cheeks, salty on my lips. The sensation of drowning is so overwhelming I’m convinced that if I take a breath, water will surely fill my mouth. The distant knowledge of where I am, that I’m at home, in the wall of a hidden passage, standing on the old rock foundation of the house, floats just within grasp of comprehension. 
I’m drowning, please, somebody help. 
A face so familiar yet hard to place flickers in front of my eyes long enough for me to start blinking rapidly, my neurons suddenly starting to fire up again and reconnecting. Then I hear my name, loud and clear and almost like someone is screaming it in my ear, calling me. My brain is slow to process, dismissing it as only a voice in my head. The only problem is that it’s not my voice.  
What happens next feels more like a blur. I thought I saw Jin, standing in front of me, face so distraught that it pains me to see. There’s a sharp pain in my shoulders and I look down to see him gripping me so hard. He’s shaking me. I can feel his hot breath against my face as he screams, “Baby, please!”
Light is starting to come back into your void eyes but Jin doesn’t let up, not until you’ve fully recovered, not until you’re fully back, here with him.
He doesn’t notice that he can feel you in his hands, flesh squeezed so hard it’s turning white from the pressure of his distress, his nails digging little semi-circles all over the skin of your shoulders for you to discover later in the privacy of your bath. What he does notice is the sudden fluttering of your eyelids and your hyperventilating short breaths finally starting up. 
Jin finally has half a mind to look for the others but they’re nowhere to be seen. He’s a little angry because for fuck’s sake, why isn’t anyone else walking through the damn wall to help him help you?! When he looks back down to you, his eyes make contact with yours seconds before your eyes flutter up and roll back in their sockets. You stumble backwards into the wall, pushing it open again, revolving against your weight, and Jin’s hands close over nothing as he misses from catching you before you crash to the floor, unconscious.
 He hears the voices of the others scrambling around him, asking him questions, panicking about what happened to you or something or rather, but he’s not listening. He’s kneeled by your head, fingers curled into fists in his lap to prevent them from shaking too much. The others crowd around you, speaking over each other but incomprehensible in Jin’s ears. He doesn’t care for what they’re saying because there’s only two things on his mind. 
One, he failed to catch you. Two, he is as sure as hell that right before you went down, your eyes had met his, dead on like you could see him. The eye contact had been a lucid one, one that he could tell somewhere in the recesses of your brain, something connects. You had seen him.
He stares down at his fists, translucent as always, a useless form. What’s the point of being seen when he couldn’t do what he needed to do? In a burst of anger and frustration, he slams his fist against the floor. The pain that travelled up his arm and into his shoulder surprised him just as much as the others were surprised at his outburst, cradling his fist to his chest and looking up to Yoongi with wide eyes. He had connected with the carpet, felt the wooden flooring beneath.
It’s not just that; in between Jin and Yoongi, you startled awake, looking around in mixed confusion and surprise, rubbing at the ear closest to where Jin’s fist had landed. 
“Y/n?” Jin watches your face closely, wanting to see if he can catch your eye again. 
You stagger to stand, swaying on your feet, shaking the dizziness from your eyes. You don’t look like you heard him. You hobble forward, stepping through Jin before approaching the wall for support. 
They watch you struggle your way downstairs, back to your room, unaware that you just left them staring after you, like fools struck across the face, wondering what in the bloody hell just happened.
Three years prior…
“I said, I don’t want to go.”
I stomped through the small apartment from the bedroom to the kitchen, wrenching the fridge door open a little hard that the whole thing shook, threatening to topple the microwave on top of it down onto me. I peered into the insides of the fridge, trying to find something I can make for dinner, aware that Nick is standing right behind me. I can even picture his irritated face without having to look.
“C’mon, babe,” he pleaded through a heavy sigh. “It’s Halloween week and you won’t even get in the spirit of it. Everyone’s going!”
I took out the packet of turkey slices, a tomato and a bag of mixed salad and slammed the fridge door shut. I don’t bother to look at him, making my way to the kitchen table to start making my sad dinner. “Then you go. You know I don’t like haunted houses.”
Nick let out a groan, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “You’re being fucking ridiculous right now. What am I going to tell them if you’re not there?”
I rolled my eyes at him. “I don’t know, Nick. Be creative. You didn’t seem to have any problems making up a story about the whole thing with Britney last month.”
“For fuck’s sake,” he muttered. “I thought we’ve been over this. Just because you’re insecure about Britney-”
A sarcastic laugh escaped my lips. “Wow. You’re an asshole, you know that?”
He kicked the kitchen chair in and stormed back towards the bedroom. My hands shook from the anger but I finished making the sandwich and stood there munching on the first bite when Nick came back in, his face soft. He rounded the kitchen table and came to wrap his arms around my middle. He kissed my neck, nuzzling it. “I’m sorry. I’m an asshole, I know. But can we just go out to the carnival? Please? You know I love Halloween. We don’t have to go into the haunted house if you don’t want to. Okay?”
Of course, an hour later, we’re at the stupid carnival. His friends greeted him enthusiastically but barely paid me any mind, glossing over me like I didn’t even exist with just a weak ‘hi’ and ‘hey’. This was also why I didn’t feel like coming; his friends are a group of pretentious douchebags who sat around talking about some self-help book that they swore saved their lives that I’ve never heard about. They’d rolled their eyes at me like I’m a child when there was only a five-year gap between Nick and I, and Nick never really seemed to see what the problem was.
The group made a beeline straight to the haunted house queue, lining up, talking excitedly among each other as they compared their experiences with other haunted houses or the same one but from different years. The consensus was that the one last year had flopped so bad that they were not expecting anything better this year. So why come, I wanted to ask but I bit my tongue and, again, reminded Nick that I won’t go in but I’ll wait for them out here when they are done.
“Don’t start,” Nick warned under his breath, squeezing my hand. “Seriously, I don’t know why you’re making a scene. It’s just a stupid haunted house. It’ll be fun.”
I pulled my hand away, anger surging. “No, I told you I wasn’t going and you said I don’t have to.”
Nick’s face was contorted now, anger and annoyance visible enough that his friends turned to look and asked what’s wrong. Nick just smiled apologetically. “Sorry, y/n here don't think the haunted house is fun. She wants to sit this one out.”
“That’s not what I said,” I retorted. “I just don’t like haunted houses and I’ll just wait for you guys out here.”
 One of them, Rosie, sneered at me. “Oh, it’s alright if she doesn’t want to come.” She scooted closer to Nick, touching his elbow. “You can just stick with me, Nicky.”
Nick had the audacity to look smug before he pulled me in by the shoulders and held me close. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll keep you safe inside, okay?”
I can recall that night perfectly even today. He did not, in fact, keep me safe. The moment we all stepped inside the main doors and plunged into darkness, I lost him. The group had run forward and his fingers slipped through mine. Imagine having to navigate a haunted house by yourself when one, you’re not keen on haunted houses and two, you’re scared of the dark. 
I had been in tears, desperately calling out for him. I could hear their laughter somewhere up ahead but whenever I got to where I thought I heard it, they had gone. This was a moving carnival, one where they didn’t provide an emergency exit where people can leave the haunted house when they feel overwhelmed. I was more than overwhelmed, I was shaking, fumbling in the dark trying to make my way through the maze, swearing that when I saw Nick again I was going to give him a piece of my mind. 
 I had barreled through the exit when I finally reached it, tumbling out on my hands and knees, gasping for air, vision blurry with tears, chest tight. The first thing I noticed when my heartbeat finally decreased was the loud cackling of the friend group. When I looked up, the scrape on my palms singing, I saw Nick leaning on his knees, holding his stomach hollering. 
“Oh my god, babe,” he spluttered through bouts of guffaws. “You should’ve seen the look on your face! It was hilarious!”
I had taken an Uber home, left him there with his friends without another word. He had stumbled in at half past three in the morning, drunk off his ass, smelling like the perfume I had smelled on Rosie. That night the fight was the worst; glasses shattering against walls, my throat rubbed raw from screaming, a hole through the bedroom door and a dent in the living room wall next to the TV. The neighbour had called the police and by the time they rang the doorbell, I had locked myself in the bathroom while Nick dealt with the authority.
I’ll never know what he said to convince them but they had left and a few minutes later he had banged on the bathroom door so loud I opened it out of fear. 
I don’t know why, as I drag myself to my room and to my bed, this memory is resurfacing. The fear I had felt back in the wall somewhat reminded me of that haunted house and I guess the memory just unreels on its own, replaying the whole night instead of just a segment of it. 
As I lay on my bed, my head heavy, all I want right now is for the boys to come home. I remember thinking, before I slipped into unconsciousness again, that I don’t want to be alone anymore especially in a house so big, a house with a haunted attic and secret passages.
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a/n 2: lmk what you think about this chapter in the comments or ask :)
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vainilla-milk · 3 years
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masterlist | 1. i don't want it at all | next chapter
tw: tinder mention, prejudices, catfish, awkward and fraudulent dating, rage (a lot of rage), swearing, insecurities
wordcount: 3.8k
check the neon dividers here!
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The outfit looks good, it fits your body well, the boots make your legs look more stylish, your hair is well styled. Frankly, you love how your outfit is making you look.
"It's okay, it's all good" you say to yourself looking in the mirror while arranging a few strands of hair.
Today you would finally have your date with a boy you met on Tinder about two weeks ago, although the conversations hadn't flowed organically like you wanted, he had told you that he was better in person than online. You believed him, after all, it's a common thing and you didn't want to miss the opportunity to meet a boy as handsome as him. He was tall, blond and you weren't going to fool yourself by saying that his sculpted muscles on his body didn't cause you attraction, just like his gaze and sharp features.
You grabbed your handbag, took one last look at yourself in the mirror and went out hoping to have the best evening of your life.
You had agreed to meet at the restaurant he invited you to, it was quite far from your house but you didn't want to complain. He was sometimes a little intolerant of complainers, and you really didn't want to miss the chance to see him in person, thinking that maybe he was different from the way he was on the internet.
You would have to walk when you left the subway station to get to the place, but you didn't care, you had left a long time in advance so you wouldn't have to rush there and that would ruin your look that you had spent so much time on during the day to look and feel pretty, so you could impress him too.
You felt the excitement in your skin.
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You were walking for fifteen minutes, the sun was beginning to set. You could see the restaurant in the distance, you saw the time on your phone and smiled to see that you had arrived at a good time, only ten minutes before the agreed time. The place looked luxurious, therefore, probably their food and drinks would be expensive.
You hoped you wouldn't have a problem with that in that fancy building.
You sent him a message to let him know that you were already at the agreed point, he didn't answer you, although you played it down. You were excited, nervous, restless, impatient, you just wanted to see him once and for all.
After a few minutes that seemed eternal, you saw the time on your phone and it was the exact time they had agreed for the appointment.
And any trace of him? Nothing.
You thought that he had some mishap that delayed him or prevented him from communicating, it happened to you once, your cell phone died the day you had an appointment during high school and you had gotten your period. It was a disastrous day.
You decided to wait a while longer, firmly believing that it would come. People passed by and some of them looked at you sideways, sometimes making you uncomfortable. You tried to suppress any feelings of embarrassment believing that people might see through you and realize that you might have been stood up.
Fifteen minutes had passed, you were already bored and didn't want to keep leaning against the wall staring at your phone. Suddenly, as if by miracle, you got a message from your date letting you know he was coming.
Your eyes lit up and your hope had returned.
About five more minutes had passed and you watched every car park in the hope that he would get out and walk towards you.
Another fifteen minutes passed, your feet ached and you avoided looking at the entrance where the doorman was greeting the diners. He had watched you worried all this time, even so, you preferred to avoid glances, you didn't want someone to believe that your date forgot you.
Anyway, he already told you he was on his way, didn't he?
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One hour, ONE HOUR had passed. You were tired, annoyed and hungry, for the thousandth time you went to your cell phone to check the time, but you also went to Google maps to look for a fast food place to eat something cheap and go home.
As you were about to leave, you took one last look at the cars and a faded and dirty light blue van parked in a free spot near the entrance of the restaurant caught your attention. You played it down and resumed your search, there must be a McDonald's nearby, there's always one.
Suddenly someone stood next to you, you felt his gaze fixed on yourself. You looked up and your expression was one of confusion as you saw a man with whom you were not at all familiar.
He called your name.
You watched him, he wasn't your type at all, but in his hand he held a bouquet of flowers with some that were somewhat battered and with the petals ruined.
"I'm Reiner" he smiled sheepishly at you.
You were speechless.
"This must be a fucking joke" you thought.
He was by far the most different from what he had in his profile. He wasn't blond, nor muscular, in your eyes, he wasn't attractive either, at least to you he was far from everything.
"You kidding me" was the first thing you said.
The boy's face turned to one of great concern.
"No! Listen" he interjected "I know you might be so disappointed now, but I've really liked you ever since we made match! You're cute, funny and so interesting and I... I know I'm not the best in face or body and I didn't want to miss the opportunity..." he lamented.
You felt very sorry, you knew the fear of not wanting to disappoint someone because of your physique, but it was hard to bear considering the great embarrassment you had not only because you had to make a huge trip from your house to the restaurant and wait an hour for your date, but because you were about to leave when the one who should have been the love of your life arrived and you realized that everything had been a vile lie, that you had fallen into the catfish of someone who was also desperate to meet someone.
Reiner stretched out his arm offering you the bouquet of flowers, he was embarrassed. You received the flowers, you didn't even know what to respond.
"At least let me make up for it with dinner" he says.
You sighed wearily.
He smiles and you start walking towards the entrance, Reiner stretches his arm to put it behind your back and put his hand on your hip. The gesture disgusted you and the worst thing was that you smelled a smell that made you a little uncomfortable, the man smelled like onions and sweat. One of your eyes started to twitch, but you tried to come with your head held high, having to see the doorman again made your stomach clench with embarrassment.
You both introduced yourselves and the doorman gave you a confused look out of the corner of his eye as Reiner gave him the reservation information. You were shown in and a waiter directed you to your table, you repeated to yourself that you shouldn't judge him so vilely but there was something about his attitude that was bothering you too much.
You were going to eat and get the hell out of there. You felt sorry for Reiner, but mental exhaustion and hunger were driving you crazy.
"A salad maybe for the lady" he said to the waiter giving you a smile. You looked at him... too disgusted.
You ordered your drink, food and dessert on your own from the waiter. When he left, a hellishly uncomfortable silence settled in. After a few minutes, Reiner tried to bring up some topic of conversation.
"What have you been doing these days? I marathoned movies this week."
"Watching movies is fine" you settled back in your seat. "Sometimes I like to watch something light in my spare time, not necessarily movies."
The gaze of the man in front of you lit up and he started talking again.
"Yeah? That's great, although I'm more into watching something that makes me think. I find it a bit unbearable that everyone is pigeonholed into mainstream cinema when there are so many gems in unconventional cinema" he blurts out, with a smug air.
Reiner started rambling on about how he liked it when movies had philosophy in them, and he veered off into philosophical currents he studied or something, you didn't take the time to pay attention to him. It wasn't that you didn't like those topics, but the way he was rambling on and the petulant tone of voice he was using was irritating you. Suddenly he seemed to start talking about politics, but you weren't really listening.
The waiter arrived finally cutting the monologue, the food was not abundant but you were still too hungry to continue complaining.
Dinner passed in silence, you were oblivious to almost everything except for one thing: the noise of your date eating.
You heard his chewing sounds all too clearly, he didn't shut his mouth either. You were fed up but you still preferred to keep quiet, it would only be this once and you would never see him again.
You both finished, he seemed to want to have a romantic evening. You weren't going to let him.
"I need to go home, my mom told me she came home feverish from work and I need to see her" you said after checking your phone pretending you had read a message.
"Oh, yes, don't worry. No problem, I'll get the check"
"Finally" you sighed mentally.
The waiter returned with the check and Reiner swiped his card through the reader.
You looked at him trying to hide your concern and anger.
"Insufficient balance" the waiter said.
You were going to tear your hair out.
"What?" you asked annoyed looking at the man sitting in front of you, who looked at you aghast almost expecting you to give him a solution.
"I'm really sorry, but I can't let you go without paying" spoke the waiter again.
"I... Hey, uhmm... I'll transfer you what I have and you pay the rest?"
Your eyes widened to the point where you felt like they would pop out.
"Fucking damn it" you whispered in annoyance pulling your wallet out of your purse. You saw the price of the bill and you swore you even heard your card cry.
You paid 65% of the dinner, including the bottle of wine Reiner ordered.
"I'm leaving, bye" you said quickly and almost ran out of the place. It was night, it was cold, you checked your phone with 20% battery and you almost burst into tears because you were out of the public transportation schedule.
Behind your back you heard someone yelling your name, of course, your date, this Reiner guy.
"I'm really sorry this date didn't go as planned, seriously!"
You kept walking, until he grabbed your forearm almost making you fall.
"What the fuck is your problem!" you yelled at him pulling away from him.
"I-I have a car, I can drop you off at your house or wherever you want" he replied nervously.
You thought about ordering an uber, but it would be expensive and you spent a hell of a lot of money in an unplanned way a while ago.
You agreed.
You got into his van, the interior was somewhat dirty and smelled strange. The trip began in an uncomfortable silence.
You were looking out the window, exhausted, desperate to get home. You had asked him to drop you off at a place close to where you lived, not even thinking of revealing your address.
You were in the middle of the road when you noticed the car began to slow down drastically, Reiner quickly pulled to the side of the road before becoming completely stranded.
"Out of fuel..." he said fearfully.
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Your feet were begging for mercy, your outfit may have been ruined, as well as your hair, your shoes, your mood, your day, your illusions... Everything, everything has been ruined.
You had spent a stupid hour helping your stupid date push his stupid van to get to a stupid gas station that Reiner said was stupidly close.
It wasn't, not on foot and pushing a van that to make matters worse was dirty inside and out, your hands were filthy with dirt. Luckily you had alcohol gel in your handbag, but you were worried about staining your clothes, you made a huge effort not to touch the van even by rubbing it against your body.
You heard a car approaching, as well as its horn honking a couple of times before parking in front of the van they were trying to get you to the gas station.
You and Reiner leaned out to see that car waiting for the miracle of your lives, someone to provide you with fuel.
The driver got out, he was tall, muscular, blond, with sharp features and a slight but charming beard growing on his chin.
The man from the photographs they used to trick you. You were in shock.
"Daz?" he asked in a deep voice that made you melt all over.
Wait, did he say "Daz"?
"Daz?" you repeated looking with a frown at your fraudulent date.
"Hey, Reiner..."
He looked at you as he approached the van, then looked at the man accompanying you who wasn't named Reiner but Daz.
"You're fucking kidding me" you muttered with your jaw clenched glaring angrily at the guy next to you.
Meanwhile the real Reiner looked at you both confused.
"Are you okay?" he asked seriously concerned.
Daz was going to answer him, but you were quicker. You were already tired of trying to be nice and patient.
"No, nothing's okay! I got together with this guy who made me think he was you, used your pics and your name making me think that was his fucking identity. I make a fucking date that he shows up an hour late to at a miserable restaurant that charges you to even breathe, makes me pay the fucking bill and then tries to drive me to my fucking house in his stupid van that wrecks in the middle of the road because his useless fucking tank wasn't loaded at all!"
You exploded.
Reiner looked at you perplexed, in silence, while Daz looked at the floor embarrassed at being confronted in front of the man whose identity he had usurped in order to get a date. And the cherry on the cake, they were former high school classmates.
"This is... awkward" he finally spoke, his hand going to scratch the back of his neck. He didn't even know how to react. "There's a gas station nearby, I'll get you some jerry cans in the meantime."
Before he turned away he looked at you one last time, you felt like crying.
Daz tried to stroke your arm in an attempt to comfort you.
"Don't even try to touch me, please" you pulled away quickly as soon as you saw his hand come near you.
You hugged yourself as you felt the cold invade you, all you wanted was to get home and forget about everything.
Reiner came back and handed the gas to Daz, who wasted no time and went to fill up. You stood off to the side, keeping your distance, staring into nothingness.
Reiner saw you from a distance too and he wasn't going to deny that he found you cute, plus he felt sorry that you had had a very bad day because of a serious deception where he was used as bait to lure you in.
Let's see, you already have an interest in him thanks to Daz. He thought about giving you a ride, since he also saw you cold and Daz was going to take a while to get his truck back up to speed.
It's supposed to be wrong to take someone else's date but... Nah, screw that. Daz hurt you by usurping an identity, HIS identity.
Yeah, Reiner was going to take his date away from him.
You felt a nice warm hand on your shoulder, you turned to look and found the real Reiner next to you.
"I... Sorry, maybe you don't want any more hassle or anything, but I was wondering if I could at least come drop you off at your place" the kindness in his voice brought back the warmth and sparkle in your eyes. As long as you were away from Daz, you agreed, even if the real Reiner might never look interested in you.
"Daz, I'll go drop off... "he fell silent and turned to look at you. "I don't know your name," your cheeks warmed as he looked at you and you answered him. Reiner turned back to Daz and let him know he would be dropping you off at your house.
"Oh, yeah. I... I understand... I'm so sorry, really" he apologized hugely flustered. "I'm sorry I misled you, (Y/N), and I'm really sorry I used your photos and name, Reiner."
You felt sorry for him, but you weren't going to be nice to him anymore.
Reiner made sure Daz's van was running again, and when it started up again, the blond man motioned for you to get in his car. You were finally getting the hell out of there.
You settled into the passenger seat and sighed wearily, avoiding pulling out your phone to check the time for the millionth time. Instead, you pulled out the alcohol gel and wiped your hands. Reiner climbed into the pilot's seat, buckled his seat belt and started the car.
"I'm sorry about everything that happened," his voice broke the silence. "I had no idea what he was doing, I'll talk to him later."
You looked at him in surprise.
"You don't have to apologize, it wasn't your fault" you replied with your voice low, you didn't know whether to look at him or at the road.
"No, it wasn't. But if I had known he was stealing my pictures to get dates, I would have stopped him right away" he gave you a sidelong glance.
"Yeah, I guess" you smiled slightly, your eyes expressing weariness.
A silence settled between the two of you, however, it didn't feel as awkward as it did with Daz. You watched the window trying not to fall asleep, the inside of the car was warm and fragrant. Suddenly, Reiner burst into the silence once again.
"Are you in a big hurry to get home?"
You turned to look at him confused, he seemed to notice.
"I was... I was thinking of inviting you over for a pizza, to at least make up a little for the hard time Daz gave you."
Your eyes lit up, but you remembered the money you spent at the restaurant and your lips lost the urge to crack a smile.
"I don't know, do you have any money?" you replied weakly, as did your vague attempt at a polite smile.
He laughed, and you don't know how much it comforted you to hear it.
"Don't worry, that's why I'm inviting you. So, do you accept?"
"I do" you smiled looking down the road wanting to keep the blond from noticing your flushed cheeks.
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You weren't aware of how unsatisfied the restaurant food left you until they got to a pizza place and Reiner ordered a family sized one with garlic bread and two sodas in a can.
You could feel the pizza melting in your mouth, it was like you were eating for the first time in a thousand years.
Reiner looked at you with amusement, but he was hungry too, so he only watched you for a brief moment.
"This is one of my favorite places to come and eat" he blurted out after a few minutes.
You looked at him as you wiped yourself with your napkin.
"Do you come here often?"
"Yeah, although I usually order takeout more than anything else."
You smiled at him and continued the chat, talking to the real Reiner felt totally pleasant and comfortable.
What started out as a pizzeria conversation morphed into funny life anecdotes, which then mutated into what you do for a living, and from what you do for a living to whether you've had partners, and from partners, to insinuations.
Before leaving, you went to the bathroom to relieve yourself. You took advantage of the moment to clean yourself as much as you could and fix your clothes and hair. Even if nothing else happened, at least you would be presentable.
When you came out, Reiner was waiting for you at the entrance, and when he saw you he smiled warmly. The gesture made you feel butterflies in your belly.
You got into the car feeling happy, the failed date a couple of hours ago with Daz seemed like just a distant nightmare. Reiner settled into his seat and made the car go. You chatted actively on the way, it seemed neither of you had any notion of time, until one question broke your whole atmosphere.
"Where do you live, or where would you prefer me to drop you off?"
Right, you had remembered. Reiner had offered you a ride home, not to his house.
You gave him your address feeling the bewilderment rise in your chest, you didn't want the night with him to end so soon. Little did you know that on the blond's side, he didn't want it to end either.
Yes, it sounded crazy that he would hook up with a girl he was just getting to know and who had been a victim of catfish, but he wasn't blind and actually found you to be too nice and likable, as well as cute.
After a while, Reiner parked in front of the building where your apartment is located. You had told Daz that you had to come back because your mother was sick, the truth is that you live alone and obviously your mother is safe and sound in her own home away from yours.
"Thanks for the pizza, and for the chat. It really was fun" you told him honestly, despite the fact that you were gnawing at the uncertainty of not knowing if you would ever see him again.
"It was nothing, I actually really enjoyed your company too" he smiled at you.
Silence fell over you as you looked at each other, you wanted to ask him for his number, but for some reason you were embarrassed. Maybe because of everything that happened with Daz and how naive you had been.
"Can I ask for your number? Or your Instagram?" he broke the silence once again, as it had been every time since you met him on the road.
Your heart pounded and you told him yes, he gave you his number and Instagram too.
"At least now you can go on a real date with the real Reiner" he joked, you laughed like a fool.
"I guess I should get off now" you uttered quietly, Reiner looked at you silently as if he was analyzing you. "Thanks for everything"
You both said goodbye, despite everything, you entered the building sighing as a young girl in love, but you still wanted to keep your illusions in check. You hoped to see the real Reiner again, and besides, never having to run into Daz again.
You walked into your apartment, kicked off your shoes and plopped down on the couch, plugged your cell phone into the charger you had plugged into your living room and logged into Tinder to cancel the match so you'd never hear from the man who scammed you again.
You didn't even want your money back for the dinner he had "invited" you to, just because you didn't have the slightest intention of staying in contact with him. You have a good job anyway and you were close to the pay date, you would get the money back.
Two notifications burst into your navigation, one from whatsapp and one from Instagram.
The first was two messages, one greeting you and checking that it was your number and the second asking if you wouldn't mind accepting a formal date with him for the week ahead. The second was from his profile that he had started following you.
You followed him back, then went back to whatsapp to schedule him.
Of course, you accepted his offer.
Nothing bad could ever happen again, could it?
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note: hii! i hope you've enjoyed this first chapter, i have brought the publication forward because i won't be at home tomorrow. if you're interested in being tagged, send me a dm or ask to add you ♥
taglist: @madamxrose @chaotic-nick
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jadequeen88 · 4 years
Smart Girls Make Fast Learners
My contribution to the BNHarem’s monthly collab. The theme was SEx work. ⛓This piece is a first real deep dive into darker themes and was actually really, really exciting to write. 🖤 A massive thanks to my dear friend @libiraki​ for beta reading this.
TW: yandere behavior, toxic relationship, degradation, non-con, dub-con, degradation/praise kinks, mind break, oral (M and F receiving), over stim, loss of virginity, mentions of physical violence.
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone this type of relationship. This is a work of fiction and if this happens IRL please get out of the relationship!
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There is a very specific type of dread that occurs when you discover that the person you built your world around has been lying to you. Tamaki Amajiki was experiencing this brand of betrayal for the first time in his twenty-one years on a rainy Tuesday in October in the dim lighting of your dorm room. His grip tightened around the open laptop as he stared at glimpses of flesh in the thumbnails of the many, many videos posted to the site. Previous live streams with thousands of views. He gulped down the bile in his throat as he scrolled through the videos. His shock and disgust morphed into a pure rage as he counted up the live streams that you’d had since first kissing him. 12. There had been twelve. Three times a week for the past four weeks. 
Those big doe eyes that looked into his eyes as you tentatively licked the tip of his cock for the first time… mere hours later they were rolling in the back of your head as you got off for strangers on the internet. He couldn’t take it. You were his first… everything… he knew that you hadn’t been innocent in your past. The way your tongue expertly wound around his when you first kissed him amongst your plush pillows and goose-down comforter reminded him of the fact. The low violet LED lighting of your bedroom made him feel like the two of you were in your own ethereal world. He could forgive you for not waiting for him as he’d waited for you. 
For the past four years, he kept to the shadows. He was there when the football player from freshman year cheated on you with one of your terrible friends (and when it happened the second, third, fourth time). He was there to binge your favorite shows with you (“*insert current guy you were fucking* just doesn’t get it, he’s not into it. I’m so glad I’ve got you to watch it with!”) He bit back the heartache that would wash over him when you’d pet him and coo over him… you didn’t see him as a man. He wanted to bend you over and prove he could fuck your brains out. He KNOWS he’d be perfect for you. But he never rejected the attention. He smiled and accepted whatever crumbs fell from your table. Whether it be helping you study or letting you complain about your shitty friends or your shitty jock boyfriends or your shitty parents… He gave and gave and gave… until that one day, 35 days ago to be exact, a shift in the tide occurred.
“So why don’t you have a girlfriend, Tama-kun?”
Tamaki dropped the pencil he’d been using and before he could bend to get it himself, your hand was on his thigh and he was putty in your grasp. You giggled and cooed over him like you always did, but this time you did it while assaulting his mouth and neck with your skilled tongue. This time, for the first time, you made Tamaki feel like a man. Like YOUR man.
Over the next few weeks, Tamaki had become quite skilled in pleasing a woman. It only took a little guidance to have him sucking at your clit with just the right amount of pressure. He learned on his own how to couple that with his long, delicate fingers twisting and pumping in and out of your slick hole. You’d cling to his silky hair, pulling him closer as a constant stream of praise tumbled from your lips:
“No one has ever made me feel this good.”
“Your fingers are perfect Tama-kun”.
“I love your mouth on me so much, baby.”
The first time you came on his face, Tamaki knew there was a god because he’d found heaven between your thighs.
But that was gone now… ripped away with one mouse click on the night he was going to finally give you his virginity. He had held on to it like it was a treasure. A treasure he’d present to you one day wrapped up in life-long devotion and worship... But Tamaki wasn’t in heaven anymore. He wasn’t going to worship you tonight. For the first time since laying eyes on you, Tamaki wanted to hurt you.
You turned the shower off and dried yourself. Wiping the condensation from the mirror, you couldn’t help but smile at your reflection. You felt like this was going to be the first time giving your body to someone. Tonight was a redo. You were wiping the slate clean. Your first time would no longer be underneath the football captain in the passenger seat of his truck, left feeling sore and unsatisfied. It was going to be with the guy you should have noticed long ago. It would be soft and slow… passionate and filled with sweet words and caresses… limbs tangled in soft sheets that smell like lavender and vanilla. 
You applied your lotion and moisturized your face. The red lace adorning your body was arranged perfectly, accentuating the soft swell of your hips and chest. With one last glance in the mirror and adjustment of your bra, you opened the door to the cool air of your dorm room…
...And saw Tamaki looking murderous. 
His eyes slowly left the screen to meet your gaze. His tear-stained face had never looked this harsh. His normally sweet eyes were narrowed and red from crying. The sweet lips you’d licked and sucked with such tenderness were hard and cold as they pulled upward in a grimace.
The only thing he said before rising from the bed and setting aside your laptop was your camgirl username. Then he was on you before you could draw a breath to explain.
Tamaki always thought he liked you best on top of him showering him with kisses and threading your fingers through his hair, but he had to admit… having your arms tied to a bed frame with the silky sash of your bathrobe cutting into your skin was doing things to him. When you sniffled, face stained with tears and snot, his dick twitched in his boxers. The whines you were choking back behind the silky red panties stuffed down your throat sent chills up his spine. You had to learn the hard way not to spit them out after a harsh slap echoed against your skin when you fought back the first time.
Tamaki stood back to survey the mess of skin, spit, and tears for a moment. You were a blank canvas for him to mark up with his rage and lust. You tried to hide away your bare pussy by clenching your thighs together. It only spurred him on.
“Do you have any clue what you’ve done?” he hovered over you, sleek muscles rippling over your own soft body, “I waited, and waited, and WAITED,” he bit down on the side of your exposed neck and you screamed behind the silky gag, trying your best not to expel it from your mouth and receive more punishment.
“I want to give you everything, Y/N,” he licks over the bite, almost apologetically, “I don’t want to hurt you. I didn’t want it to happen like this… FUCK, why?! Why did you ruin this?” his long fingers dug into your cheeks as he forced you to meet his fiery gaze. You couldn’t help whimpering and sniffling back more clear runny snot. You were so humiliated at how disheveled and disgusting you must look. His head ducked into the soft spot between your neck and shoulder and you felt him sob. 
Despite the abuse he’d inflicted upon you in the last ten minutes, you nuzzled your cheek into the top of his head in an attempt to comfort him. And he let you… he hated himself for it and he hated you for making this all so hard for him.
“No… no, no, no,” he rose from the bed to set up your ring-light and laptop, ice running through your veins at the sight. Your mind couldn’t accept what was about to happen.
“I’m... I’m not letting you get away with this,” he shook his head and pulled at his hair as he finished setting everything up, “If you’re insisting on being a slut, you’ll be MY slut. And everyone will know…” he jerked your ankle to force you flat on your back.
Maybe if he’d let the gag out of your mouth, you’d be able to tell him this was just a job to you. That it was clinical… that he was the only one who had ever been able to get you off, that his face was the only one you’d come on… that you needed the money since your parents had disowned you…
But you only laid there, accepting whatever he was going to dish out. You knew he was hurt. You weren’t stupid. You overlooked him while knowing how he felt about you. It took years of horrible one-night stands and countless frat parties pretending that whatever guy you’d picked that night was interesting for you to come to your senses. You hated yourself for being so blind for so long… You adored Tamaki, truly. And you hated yourself for all the times you’d hurt him… so you swallowed your fear and tried to prepare yourself for whatever came next.
Any soft parts of Tamaki that you’d grown to love were gone, hardened by heartache and desperation. After angling the laptop to get the perfect shot, he started the live stream countdown. Subscribers started trickling in, commenting on how this was a pleasant surprise since it wasn’t one of your regularly scheduled streams. You shut your eyes to pretend this wasn’t real.
Without fanfare or warning, Tamaki ripped apart your thighs, exposing your bare slit. A raw shrill was pulled from your lungs, your back arching from the sting of an abrupt slap. Neurons fired off in your brain… were you in pain? Was it pleasure?
“Since my girlfriend likes to keep secrets from me, I can’t trust what comes out of her whore mouth,” he emphasized his point by stuffing his fingers past your lips, pushing the soaked silk further into your throat, “So she’s going to keep this gag right here until I can fuck the truth out of her,” he trailed his fingers along your reddened folds. Were you getting wet? Horror and shame blossomed in your chest. The fact that you were growing aroused wasn’t lost on Tamaki. His foreign, sadistic grin was back… aimed directly into your soul.  
“So that’s what you like, huh?” His nails bit into your thighs leaving tiny crescents behind, “I’ve been too nice? Too soft?” He pushed your thighs impossibly wide, the stretch causing you to moan. He hovered over your core, onyx orbs blown wide with a mix of hate and lust. Tamaki looked like the devil himself and you wondered just how fucked up you were for wanting his punishment.
He opened his mouth and lolled out his tongue, never severing the desperate gaze you both shared, his intertwined with hunger, yours with fear. You’d never noticed how long and thick his tongue was and couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel caressing every ridge and crevice of your inner walls. He flattened the warm, wet muscle and pressed it along your slit. As he slowly slid it closer and closer to your burning clit, you whimpered and bucked your hips chasing the pleasure you knew he was capable of giving… but this was not your sweet boy and he wasn’t doing any of this for your pleasure.
He slung his arm over your lower stomach and growled into your drenched lips. You were pinned down, helpless against his torturous tongue. Fresh tears pricked at your eyes as you remembered how he’d let you pet him and buck into his face, how sweetly he’d ease you into a gentle release. Not this time… it was all teeth and sharp sucks, his tongue forcing you open violently. You were being shoved over a cliff and despite the horror and violence of what was happening to you. You were approaching an orgasmic state at record speed. Tamaki caught on and doubled down. The arm that wasn’t pinning you into the mattress pulled your leg down straight, your knee in a death grip. The new angle made the sensations even more intense. His face pressed harder into your core and you noticed that at some point, he’d started weeping, small sobs vibrating against your skin. The overwhelming mix of emotions and the vigor in which he was eating you shoved you over the edge.
He kept going along at the same speed with the same determination through your orgasm until it became painful. You pushed past it as best you could, allowing him to sob into your over-sensitive skin until he had his fill. As the pain started intermingling with pleasure, your legs shook and the gag couldn’t hold your screams back any longer. You released against his tongue once more, both of you sobbing. He laid against your thigh for what felt like an eternity before he lifted himself to lay on top of you, his hip bones digging into your soft thighs. You could feel the bulge through the thin material of his boxer briefs. Your hips rose to meet it, a pleading gesture filled with the desire to comfort and please him. Your eagerness encourages his mercy, there’s a meek cry that leaves your lips when the damp silk slips from between your teeth.
“Please baby… I’m so, so sorry I didn’t tell you…” your voice was as weak as a kitten’s cry and Tamaki couldn’t deny it made his heart (his dick) clench.
“Say it…” his lips were close enough to kiss, but you resisted… fearful of what he’d do if you did.
“Say what, Tama?” your eyes were wide with concern and confusion. You were desperate to please him.
He turned your face to the camera that you’d forgotten was there and the gravity of the situation crashed around you again. New tears leaked from your stinging eyes as Tamaki whispered into your ear.
“Say that you’re a lying whore…”
“I..I’m a lying whore…”
The last syllable broke as your abused throat grew accustomed to speaking again. He rewarded you with a soft kiss to your cheek and your eyes closed at the tender gesture. The familiar pain in your chest welled to the surface causing even more tears to escape.
“And tell everyone that you’re my own personal slut”
You repeated the phrase to the audience behind the screen and he hummed with approval, trailing one finger along your wet cheek. 
“Good girl…” the praise sent shivers through your wrecked body.
“And tell them from now on, your boyfriend will be the only one making you come… that they only get to see you be HIS slut.”
You noticed the chat going absolutely haywire at your announcement. Before Tamaki shut your laptop, you realized you’d made three times as much as you’d ever made before and a twisted sense of accomplishment filled your cloudy mind.
“Please,” your voice came out in a croak, “Please untie me. I wanna make it up to you,” his clothed bulge was burning into your core and you could tell he was close to breaking.
“Please let me make you feel good. I’m so, so sorry,” the clench of your thighs around his waist made him whimper.
He reluctantly pulled away to sit on the foot of the bed. The way he curled in on himself hugging his knees made him appear so small, so fragile… a complete change from the man who’d just manhandled you into restraints.
“You’re a liar…” you almost didn’t hear the whisper, his face buried into his knees.
“Please!” you were losing feeling in your hands and all you wanted was to be free to comfort him.
His eyes met yours and it was your Tamaki again... Your sweet boy… the snarling, green beast that threatened to devour you was sleeping now after it reached its fill of violence. He crawled over your body and released your restraint. Before you even regained feeling in your hands, you wrapped your arms around him. You littered his collarbone with sweet kisses and apologetic sobs. He began to melt into your affectionate gestures and you wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him impossibly close. Wet lips met and your tongues fought against each other for dominance. Hips began to roll against each other, increasing pressure until you both gasped. 
The violence was gone, but this was still not a gentle coupling like you’d been planning. Tamaki pulled away and freed his straining cock from his boxers. The skin-to-skin contact made your eyes roll back into your skull. You felt his long fingers grasp your throat, squeezing to remind you just how powerful they were. You shuddered in response, arching upward into his touch, chasing that high his dominance was giving you.
With one swift motion, Tamaki speared you onto his cock. With the minimal prep he’d given you, the stretch was agonizing. This was by far the largest cock you’d ever taken and it stole your breath from your aching lungs. You moaned earning a visceral reaction from the boy on top of you.  
Tamaki stayed as still as he could. He refused to come so soon… not when he’d waited so long for this. He tightened his grip on your throat and tentatively rocked his hips into yours. It didn’t take long for it to progress into the most frantic love-making you’d ever experienced.
There was no other way to describe it, he was hate fucking you… biting and sucking your chest until blood bloomed under your skin… hammering into your sore, sticky cunt with total abandon… he was using you like a toy, taking out all his frustrations on your body.
It was ecstasy.
When his hips stuttered as he met his release, the spasms of his tip against your gummy walls sent you into a painful orgasm. You were spent and it seemed like he was too. Your fingers twitched over the crown of his head, wanting to run your fingers through his hair but too scared to initiate any contact with him. As if he could read your mind, he grabbed your hand and placed it on his head. You sighed and began carding through the tangles, gently undoing them. You felt a stream of tears running down your chest as you worked your fingers through his strands. Lifting his face gently, you met his teary gaze with your own.
“Don’t…” he drew in a shuddering breath, “ever lie to me like that again…” the monster behind his eyes stirred quietly, a malicious glint in his eye, before shifting back into your gentle boyfriend. 
“Never, I swear to you, baby…” he lets you lift his chin gently to meet your lips. His eyes close and he sighs into your kiss. His muscles relax and when his eyes open again, his warm, adoring expression falls over your face. The hand that wanted to choke the life out of your eyes minutes ago now caresses your jaw tenderly,
“I trust you…” his lips turn up into a grin that’s just a little too wide, “Because you’re a smart girl, aren’t you?” his top lip brushed against your still trembling bottom lip…
You were fucked. This whole situation was fucked up and you weren’t blind to the fact. But as Tamaki nuzzled into your neck placing soft kisses and whispering praises into your skin, you let yourself bask in the gentleness of the moment…
Because you were a smart girl and smart girls learn their lessons quickly... 
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Casual Intimacy (Mark Lee x you)
a/n : it’s my soft hours I guess? I made this sweet Mark Lee imagine (well for me this is sweet. I want a boy like this... if you’re that kind of man dm me 😜)
fluff, no warning, no suggestive content but kisses, and just Mark being a wonderful man for you. 
Happy Imagining Mark Lee as your s/o! 
People often ask you how you can hold on to your “plain” relationship with your current boyfriend. You seriously do not like them bothering you about your relationship life, but you need to deal with it considering the fact that the man you are dating is the famous Mark Lee of NCT.
He is dorky in camera, and in real life too. You pray day and night to the angels to make sure Mark is not tripping on some random stone or bump a pole. Guess your prayer works, when you see Mark always smiling in front of the camera coping up and working so hard with his endless job.
You yourself work in a famous two Michelin restaurant in Seoul. You’re not going to lie, you met Mark lee on your duty. NCT was holding their debut birthday and you were appointed as the chef to cook for their meal that night. Apparently, Mark Lee was super fascinated by your dish and he requested you to come greet the team when your job in the kitchen is done. Your head cook lets you leave your station once desert is prepared and the plates coming into the washing room is clean.
That was five years ago, Mark Lee got love struck by your simple but attractive persona. His eyes couldn’t leave you as you answer their questions on the dishes and you congratulating them. They’re glad when they learn that you listened to their songs and followed their schedules, just that you don’t have much time to be like the other wonderful fans.
Mark Lee looked so intrigued on you and as you bow to them bidding goodbye, he just returned from the restroom. With his long legs trying to catch his other brothers, Mark happened to slip his number on a piece of tissue paper to your pocket and gave you a genuine smile plus a “thank you”.
You earned a good pay that night and even better, Mark Lee’s number.
Well, he isn’t your bias but come on who doesn’t have Mark Lee in their bias list? Want it or not, conscious or not, Mark Lee is always in the list. So, that night when you finish showering and eating a light midnight snack, you gave the number a shot.
You thought your message will never be replied, maybe Mark will have his phone in silent and only opened up messages from his contact list. You’re lucky when your notification bleeped and from that night both of you learn more about each other.
He kept your number under your name, plain business people say, you also thought maybe he wanted to call you for another dinner party. But the chats he had been sending was far from platonic business. It involves jokes, puns, memories of living in Canada (well you graduated from University of Toronto, but cooking is your passion), and even deeper like late night talks.
The relationship got deeper when Mark Lee called you one night, asking if he can meet you in the restaurant. He said he needed a good meal to write a song he was assigned for. You found no correlation between a good meal and writing a song, but believe it or not, Mark Lee came with one  of the hottest selling song that month. Earning him a title of “King of Lyrics”
Since then, he called you again and again when he didn’t have the idea to write. You finally invited him over to your house when you got closer. Mark got to eat in your small dining table with a simple dish that was made with love and care that Mark said tasted better than any other dishes he ever had.
You laughed saying he is exaggerating, but Mark never exaggerates when he is with you.
“Be my girlfriend will you?” he one night asked after you teach him how to cook a proper egg. Despite him succeeding the challenge back in 2020, he still needs practice. He succeeded cooking eggs after knowing you for more than a year.
“Suddenly Mark? After you can make a perfect runny egg?” you giggle but nevertheless nodded your head.
His smile that night was even brighter than when he received any awards and praises. His eyes spark joys and emotions uncaptured by cameras. The world never knows how Mark’s true happy face looks like, but if his world is you, then the world knows!
For the first two year of dating, both of you are keeping it low. Dates happen in your house (your wage is enough to buy you a house). You always cook him foods, tried new dishes to him, earned a lot of complains on how the food is not “suitable for Korean tongue” which you always shrug off because he himself is a mix.
But thanks to his constant brave inputs, your dishes are perfectly blended and well known. News media and TV shows started to cast you in their weekend shows. You were offered a contract of a cooking show in a known broadcasting company.
Mark told you to go for it. He knew how happy you are about cooking, and his faith told him “if that is what was given for you, go for it.”
He was right. The internet loves you, they love your simple but tasty dishes. Your show was ranked the hottest that month, famous for helping college student eat a more delicious food.
NCT even did a special relay cam for it, each group were doing a challenge on following your recipes.
Mark was caught off guard on that live shooting day. His team consisted of him, Ten and Johnny.
And you may guess, things went wrong but in a chaotic fun way. When the three of them are together, they just speak in English and forgot all of the filters they should have.
Mark spilled his relationship when he accidentally said out loud “Of course I know how to do that, my girl has been teaching me that.” Mark boasted when Ten asked if Mark could make the egg benedict for their dish.
Johnny and Ten froze on screen, well the NCT members knew your relationship with Mark but they kept quiet. Mark realized what he has said was recorded and forever lives in the web. The comment section went wild and the fans are thrilled about the “mysterious girlfriend Mark has”.
He eventually spilled the truth on a press conference. You were there beside him when he faced the board director and when he sit in front of different mics and cameras flashes. No one knows but throughout the time, when your heart is beating faster than when you took your SAT and final tests, Mark Lee held on to your hand whenever you are answering a question directed to you.
The magazines are taking the favor of the rising topic, inviting you and Mark to take a photoshoot. When you were insecure about taking a picture with him (who has did countless shoots), he squeezed your arm when walking past you and gave a small proud smile as he went to change clothes while you start your personal shoot. No one saw that, but his quick reassuring squeeze boosted your confidence that day and the couple shoot was very nice! You could print that as your wedding pictures!
When the internet goes wild when they connect the theories and Instagram posts Mark and you both made (fans are the best in deciphering codes!), you now walk through the streets crowded by fans. All asking how is it like to date Mark, but not few also told you to screw off. One day when you both are going back to Canada for a winter break, the fans are crowding the way. You gulped when you have to walk pass them, but Mark looked so used to it. He just chuckled and landed a small hand on the back of your waist. With the manager hyung and bodyguard pushing to make way, you made it through the crowd with confident steps.
On the Christmas dinner, Mark was invited to your family dinner and vice versa. You had to attend their family lunch and to say you were nervous was an understatement.
“Mark, what if they don’t like me?” you asked on your bus ride to his house from the airport.
Mark laughed, he always laughed as his first respond, “Baby, it’s going to be okay. Trust me.”
You snorted, “You calling me baby is already suspicious, for three years we dated you “dude” me 70% of the time, “baby” was only like 10%”
He did the math, “Then what’s the remaining 20?%”
“You just call me “Bro” for the res of them.” You squeezed his cheek and planted a kiss there.
“I like it though, not too cheesy.”
He grew red. “Gosh I am having the Jaehyun syndrome. Why are my ears burning?!”
He was not 100% wrong, his parents were nice they grew fond of you especially when you helped his mother prepared lunch. Well you both arrived earlier and you decided to give a hand for the busy mom.
Mark sat next to you on dinner and when you were diving into a yummy Christmas pudding, his parents began asking you the “platonic questions asked to your partner”.
You almost chocked on your pudding when they asked “Are you seeing a future with Mark? Can you make our son happy and us too?”
You were not ready, you expected questions like where you work or where you live. They said “We can find all that answers in the internet, but not the answer to our question.”
Mark’s gentle kick from under the table by your side made you looked at him and he gave you that sincere smile only you have the privilege to see. He nodded slightly and shot his eyebrow to his parents side “Answer them… I am also curious of the answer.”
You grew red, it wasn’t the drink or anything, but his parent’s happy and relieved face when you nod your head and said “I am seeing a future with him, if I get both of your blessing.”
They love you and Mark was right. That night, you invited his family to join your dinner instead. The same question was asked from your parents to Mark and Mark was more than ready to marry you.
But your wedding bells did not chime that fast. He has his career and so do you, both of you just keep the stable relationship going on. Together facing the problems and obstacles in your relationship. Fights occur, bickering occur, threads of breaking up also happened once or twice… but both of you used that to build a stronger bond.
You always melt when Mark came home from a long day. After he showered and savored his dinner, he always ended up leaning on your shoulder in the big snuggle sofa both of you never regret buying. His head on your shoulder, his hand scribbling words to a paper and you whispering ideas to him which brought a big smile to his face.
Writing lyrics has been even easier for Mark, he blended your frustration with his, splattered some love words, and voila a masterpiece! People said his lyrics were relatable and both of you always keep it to yourself that “those happened in our life, no wonder it looked real.”
He always kissed you gently on your lips, tasting the faint cherry flavour of your lip balm. Mark’s lips tasted of medical lip balm, but you love it nonetheless.
You blinked and realized the flashing cameras in front of you. Oh right, someone from the hot magazine company is asking you a question.
‘Can you please repeat your question?” you asked politely to the lady holding out a mic.
She quickly nodded, “A lot of fans are wondering If you are still in a relationship with Mark. Mark was busy for the last months with projects and comebacks. And the interaction update from both of you are little to none. Fans suspected you were over with him, considering that Mark looked like he is the “plain” type in a relationship.”
You pressed a smile, hiding your urge to laugh out loud. Weren’t the fans always picturing Mark as their dream boyfriend? Why did they judge him as the plain boring type then?
You clear your throat and while looking through the crowds, you spot Mark Lee seated in the crowd with a mask and a hat, giving you a nod, and you turned your mic on.
“We’re still going strong; well I think love is not the type of grand gestures or explosive displays.” You started off and caught everyone’s attention.
“It’s made up of little things,” you felt your heart clench upon remembering all the small affections Mark always did to you. “It’s the little things Mark Lee did that say he is here, and he cared for me and that my life has intertwined so deeply into his that there was no need to think.” You take a pause to look at the audience.
Everyone looked impressed, but amongst them you catch one pair of gleaming proud eyes, the pair of eyes you’ve been waking up to for the last years, and the one you want to wake up to in the future years.
“It’s Mark’s casual intimacy that made us both stay strong and stronger.”
Applaud was heard through the room, you were holding your press conference because you were retreating from all the cooking shows and rumor has it you are going to marry Mark.
“Please pray for both of us, as we will be tying our bonds soon.” You leave the room after a bow and the man with mask and hat is already waiting for you outside the big crowded function hall.
His hand naturally makes its way to your waist and you never felt more sure to step into life with this man you love, Mark Lee.
“That was wonderful (y/n)~”
You smile, he did not dude you nor bro you nor baby you. “I love you Mark Lee,”
He leaned in for a peck behind the tinted black van window, “I love you most (y/n) Lee,” he winked and you rubbed your cheeks “Guess I have the Jaehyun syndrome now! Also I like it when you call me with that name.”
He quirked his eyebrow and smirked, “Don’t worry, you’ll be hearing that soon for the rest of your life.” He reached for your hand and kissed the knuckles.
“I met you thanks to your amazing handy work in cooking unforgettable dish.”
You rolled your eyes, “You were so amazed on my egg benedict Mark! How is that an unforgettable dish?”
He shrugged his shoulder, “I don’t know, something about you, cooking, and love made me this love struck and awfully amazed by simple things you did.”
the end
thanks for reading, put in comments for I’d love to interact with you on the story plot .. rant to me what you hate or like idc :D i want to talk with my readers! to thank you all for reading and spending some time here
omg i didn’t know if I made the right choice of making Mark Lee as this character, but I want it to be him.. I’ve been writing a lot of Jaehyun and Yuta fic and I guess Mark can be a refresher. Please let me know if someone else suits this better!
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am-imagines · 4 years
I see you. - Alex Morgan Imagine.
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Request: “ Can I request this: Alex and r are together and the team knows and then they come out to the public in some really cute or funny way and maybe you can also incorporate some supportive reactions from the team? ”
I hope I did it justice, guys. Thank you for the patience to those that are still around. I love y’all. <3
No Beta, so you know the drill here, but I tried my best.
Sharing a room with Alex during the World Cup was somewhat rough when you were barely able to look at her without blushing. You were crushing on her since the day you met, but it was never that bad until you were on the bed next to hers.
The awkwardness that overcame you around her was odd, considering you texted practically nonstop. You became good friends like that, and there was an ease on your conversations that you’d never experienced with anyone else.
You shared so many interests, even had a similar lookout in life. You aimed for the same goals and put in equal amounts of effort to achieve them.
None of that changed the fact that Alex was stupidly handsome. Her beauty smacked you on the face whenever you looked at her and that was your downfall. It didn’t matter what you did, your cheeks would end up flushed with color and you’d stammer total nonsense that would make her chuckle. Alex would inevitably get closer to make sure you were okay, and just like that you were a gay mess.
A thing you learned quickly about Alex is that she never quit.
When you were too nervous to talk, she filled in the silence with a funny story or a new song to listen together. Free nights became movie marathons or just quiet moments where you’d work the nerves away before a match.
Halfway through the World Cup it wasn’t a rare occurrence for you to fall asleep in her bed and wake up cuddled on her side come morning.
Pointing the exact moment when your relationship became more than a friendship was near impossible. It was slow, steady and swift. One day you looked at her and realized that she was more than your friend, and when you leaned down to kiss her, she met you halfway.
This was a new side of yourself and Alex; one that you wanted to enjoy without rush or pressure. No one really knew you were into girls to start with although your crush on her wasn’t exactly subtle. Then again, everyone had to be a little starstruck by Alex Morgan when they joined the USWNT.
Once you were World Champions, you had time to explore that relationship and everything it meant to you. It was both exhilarating and terrifying with all the media swarming you, and yet no one noticed the slight changes in your demeanor.
No one really asked, and you never told.
Perhaps you just weren’t ready to come out to the rest of the world. Maybe wrapping your head around some of the details was harder than you thought. After all, you were dating Alex Morgan, for fuck’s sake!
Maybe the longing looks, the lingering touches and the secretive smiles were a few clues for the team, but if they knew or suspected something, you couldn’t tell. They were a part of your family, and in the end, they wanted you to be happy above everything else.
They would wait for you to be ready, and once things went back to normal after the victory tour, you finally were.
“How are we doing this?” Alex asked as she played with your hair. “Livestream?”
You look up at her, your head resting on her lap as you scroll through social media wondering what the fuck you’re about to do. But a second later all your attention is on her, and you find yourself breathless once again.
She’s stunning in a million different ways but you preferred this one; soft and relaxed. That was one of the perks of enjoying a quiet weekend at her place in L.A. before you went back to your respective clubs.
It seems like the National team is fond of Live Streams but it isn't how you want to come out. First because you’d become a nerve mess before actually sharing the news, and second because it isn’t original at all.
If you are about to come out to the fans and sponsors out there, you want to do so in a way they’d remember.
“I don’t think I could do it even if I tried,” you finally say.
Then it dawns on you: humor is the way you handle most of the things that would make you uncomfortable otherwise. That’s not to say you want the world to believe your relationship with Alex is a joke, but there has to be a way to come out in a funny, quirky and clever way.
“We’ll see each other in a couple of weeks, right?” You ask trying to remember the exact date when your clubs will face each other.
“Yeah,” she pauses for a second and you look up at her curiously. “Speaking of, any chance I can steal you for a night while you’re in Orlando?”
“Well, Ms. Morgan, I’m pretty sure that can be arranged,” you tell her with a coy smile. “For now, there’s some online shopping to do.”
With a kiss on her cheek and all the hesitation on the world to leave her side, you finally go to the other side of the room to retrieve your laptop. After all, you’re in a very important mission. And NWSL is the kind of merchandise you’re looking for.
For some miracle of the Gods above, you find both your jerseys in stock available for shipping within 24 hours with an extra fee. You don’t mind paying a bit more to stay on schedule, and even when you technically still have time, you like to be prepared.
It’d be nice to get your items before you and Alex go your separate ways.
You’d be lying if you say having her autograph wouldn’t be nice too.
“What’s the big idea here?” Alex asks while you finalize the purchase.
Her arms found their place around your waist and she rests her chin on your shoulder so she can see what you’re doing. Your plan is still a secret, and you want to keep it like that for a little longer.
“You’re gonna have to wait and trust me for a while.”
The smirk never leaves your face even when you can feel her little pout. It doesn’t last long, the laptop is forgotten on the coffee table and you turn on her arms to face her. A moment later you’re straddling her lap, your fingers undoing her ponytail and combing her hair until she closes her eyes.
“For now, what do you say we stop worrying about the rest of the world?”
“What should we do then?” She asks, already leaning in for a kiss.
“I think you got the right idea.”
“All set?”
You scan the place one last time to make sure nothing’s missing from your bag. Nothing important since Alex has already claimed half your clothes.
Cellphone and wallet already in your pocket, and keys right on your hand, everything seems to be where it should. The rest of your things are packed and ready to go for the last flight home.
The Victory Tour ended on a good note, so now all you have to do is say goodbye to Alex.
Sharing a room with her was hard at the beginning, and you never expected that not sharing it anymore would be exponentially harder.
“Yeah,” you finally answer after patting your pockets once again. “I think-, I think I’m ready.”
But just like you, Alex doesn’t really move and when she does, it’s towards you.
You’ve never seen her move as fast as she does while crossing the distance between you. But you don’t comment on it, really can’t when her arms are around you in a second and her lips are on yours.
It’s soft and yet firm. The kind of kiss that makes you weak at the knees and all you can do is hold onto her shoulders. You move with her, allow her to take control of it all as you try to burn her into your memory.
You try to memorize the softness of her lips, the silkiness of her hair between your fingers and even that scent that is purely Alex. You try to take all of it in, but you only have a moment that is over far too soon.
Technology is your saving grace, and you’re not sure what you’d do otherwise. And yet there are things you can’t convey through the Internet.
“I should go,” you whisper against her lips.
It’s hard -almost impossible-, to resist Alex. So despite the pressing matter of time, you indulge in another kiss.
Just like last time, you melt into her embrace and you consider staying there forever. It’s almost as if time stopped around you. Almost. Your alarm goes off startling you out of the daze, and you can help the little jump that makes Alex chuckle.
A step back creates just enough distance to clear your mind, the action making Alex raise an eyebrow in amusement but it’s really not your fault. She has that effect on you, has been that way for a long time, and yet she still finds it amusing.
With a tap on the screen you take care of the alarm. And there you are, right where you were ten minutes ago.
Time to go.
“Right. So...here I go then.”
“And-,” Alex adds with an excited smile, “-we have a game plan for next week.”
“That we do.”
Next week you’re playing against different teams on different days which gives you the opportunity to watch each other’s match. It’s the first step on your plan. Coming out seems like a big deal, and bit by bit the pieces get in motion.
“No regrets, right?” You ask.
This is not just about you. As big as coming out can be, this is also the reveal of your relationship with the biggest face of the USWNT. Whatever backlash you can get from this, it’ll be worse for her due to her massive following.
So you have to ask her again if she’s sure about this, if she’s as ready as you are.
“Y/n,” she calls softly as she cups your face. “No regrets at all.”
“Good,” you said with a small voice, barely believing this. “That’s...that’s good.”
You’re on this together, and yet, it’s incredible.
Her match is about to start when you pull out your phone to take a selfie.
The pride colors look kinda odd on you. Maybe it’s because you spent the last few months only wearing the National Team kit, or maybe it’s because you don’t wear purple that often. But well, you’re not requesting a team trade, and it was your idea, so you can’t complain.
One of your friends already helped you take one picture of the back where Alex’s name and number are perfectly visible.
You’re practically shaking, but manage to smile as you snap the picture.
It’s something simple, really. Something that shouldn’t mean too much and yet, it does.
Pulling up your social media, you add both pictures.
  |Cheering for the Pride today. #13 show me what you’ve got. ;)
The wink is cheeky; it’s a reason for people to read into it and wonder if there’s something else going on. Which is…well, totally the point.
It’s funny to see the diverse reactions to your post. Some are confused about what you mean, some jump to call a trade that simply won’t happen; at least not that you know. But the press, oh they are ready to call it a rivalry.
It doesn’t matter how many times you two were caught on camera during the world cup being friendly. It didn’t matter if you two worked like a well oiled machine on the field during every match; Victory Tour included. They wanted to push the rivalry angle; fueled by the lack of a rebuttal from either of you.
You can’t help but laugh later when you call Alex to congratulate her. She truly showed you what she got with a couple of goals and the victory for the Orlando Pride. Those have been rare for her team lately, although you can’t blame them with so many key players also going to the World Cup.
However, the rivalry angle is fun to play with and in the end it’s the one you decide to push a little more the next day when it’s you on the field while Alex watches.
You’re already done with warm-ups and head out to the locker room to change into the kit when you hear your phone pinging with a new post. As expected, you find Alex’s post already blowing up despite it has been up for a grand total of two minutes.
   |I already showed you what I’m capable of. Now it’s your turn, Y/n.
Attached it’s a picture of Alex wearing your club jersey and although the number isn’t really showing, it’s more than obvious she’s wearing yours.
A chuckle escapes your lips while you shake your head. A question running through your head as you prepare for the starting whistle.
What the fuck am I doing?
A week later the press is going wild with theories about you and Alex. They aren’t sure what to make of it, but everyone has been talking about it for days. The upcoming match up between your clubs has served to add fuel to the fire, but you ignore all the fuzz of it as you prepare.
Last week you obtained the victory with a last minute goal to earn the three points. And unable to resist temptation, you had to make another post about it.
   |I’d say I’m pretty good at delivering. What do you say, Morgan?
   |TBD. See you next week.
The last part was a clue that no one seemed to catch on considering you were staying at her place instead of sticking with your club in a hotel. Of course, you didn’t share that bit of information and instead let the tension grow outside of your happy bubble.
This match is the moment of culmination if everything goes the right way. But playing against Alex doesn’t mean you’re going easy on her. If anything, being on the same field always pushes you to play the best soccer and be the best player you can be out there. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing the same colors or not.
Being lenient with her as a rival is the kind of mistake that could and would cost you a game. You just don’t underestimate Alex Morgan. And she better not do so to you or you’ll make her pay.
Adjusting the captain armband once more, you follow your team into the field and take your place just a few feet away from your girlfriend.
“Good luck, Morgan.”
“May the best team win.”
You play your hardest on that field; push to your limits and beyond, but in the end it’s a draw. Two a piece. Of course it had to be a draw. But you left everything there.
The game became physical and you tackled Alex as much as she tackled you in order to get back a lost ball. That’s part of your motto, not giving up even if it seems like a lost cause. And considering Alex decided to date you even when you couldn’t look at her four months ago, you’d say Alex doesn’t give up either.
Well that and the couple of new bruises you have after the match.
You’re a bit disappointed with the final score; you always want to win and carry that inertia into the next game. But it’s a fair result considering how close the game actually was. You two put on a show and the fans of both teams can see that.
“Y/n! Y/n! Can you give us one moment of your time?”
Looking at the person calling for you, you have to fight the smirk as you see it’s a reporter. It’s not hard to imagine they’ve been waiting for this moment since the first post you made a week ago.
“What a great game you gave us today. Are you disappointed with the result?”
You can see this is not really what they want to ask, but you don’t mind playing along giving your commentary to this question and a couple of others.
“One last question, the fans and everyone really, are wondering about this new rivalry between you and Alex Morgan. What can you tell us about that?”
“Oh, there’s absolutely no-”
You could feel Alex lingering around, listening into this interview while being interviewed herself by another reporter for a quote after the game. But it’s only when you’re in the middle of your answer that she takes the few steps to wrap her arms around you from behind.
“We’re dating,” she announces proudly and straight to the point.
“-rivalry.” You finish your sentence before shaking your head. “Babe, I was going to say it!”
“What’s stopping you?” Alex challenges with that smirk you absolutely adore.
“You’re impossible.“
“Yeah, and…?”
“And Alex Morgan is my girlfriend,” you answer with just a little grumble as you look back at the camera. “But we’re definitely winning the next game.”
“Not on my watch,” she counters before turning your face towards her to kiss you softly.
Whatever argument you had is gone just like that. But it’s hard to keep track of your thoughts when she kisses you. Hell, it’s impossible to think straight when she’s too close to you. That’s why it took you so long to actually talk to her.
Your relationship is still so new, and yet you can’t help but feel like you’ve known her for decades. The connection between the two of you is meant to last, and you’ve never felt your heart skip a beat as it does when you look at her.
You’ve never felt your heart hammer against your chest so madly; and that’s something considering you played -and conquered-, a World Cup. You’ve never felt so in peace as you do when you look into her eyes. You’ve never felt so happy, or so whole, or so seen...or so you.
Alex has the ability to understand everything you say, but words aren’t needed for her to understand you. In a short amount of time, Alex knows you better than anyone else in the world, and as scary as that might seem, it’s also the best thing in the world.
“If you’ll excuse us now...”
Surely there are a thousand other questions the press wants to ask. However, you have no need to stay on the field as you guide Alex back to the tunnel. The fans will be all over that interview in no time, and it’s bound to appear in every social media and every news channel.
Even with the anxiety starting to creep in, the doubts nagging at the back of your mind, you don’t let go of her hand until you have to. After all, you belong to two different clubs. But your goodbye will be short lived as you’re going to her place for the night.
Still, the time apart is a bit scary when you’re about to face the backlash of many, and perhaps the support of most. After all, you’re not the first couple -or the only one-, in the USWNT, NWSL or even women’s soccer around the world.
After another gentle kiss, you part ways to reunite with your team.
You’re hesitant for a moment; taking a deep breath to steel yourself before facing them.
As soon as they see you, the room erupts in cheers and whistles of approval. Then again, your crush on Alex Morgan wasn’t exactly a secret. And after the World Cup, they could see something had changed within you.
Of all the people out there to get you, your club got your back. And after you get a chance to check your phone, you notice they ain’t the only ones.
   |Rivalry, that’s what they call it now, uh?
Megan’s post goes along with a picture of you smiling at Alex at the end of a World Cup match. It’s obvious you were smitten with each other back then, and nothing has really changed.
  |We all know how Rivalries work. One of them has to end on top. If you ask me, my money is on Y/n.
Your blush is impossible to hide when you read Ash’s words, and that’s something that you won’t ever reply to. There are things that you simply won’t share with the world.
  |Wait, hold on. Did you guys seriously not know?
Sonnett asks in her post with several pictures taken during camp. Some of them are during team bonding or well...movie nights. It wasn’t unusual for either of you to feel particularly tired and ended up falling asleep in the same bed.
But you’re surprised to see that you cuddled before you were together.
Then, there’s the evidence of you sitting next to each other whenever you could. During breakfast, on the bus, on the bench, on the plane. At some there was hand-holding added, and you wonder, truly wonder, how you called that subtle.
  |Hottest couple out there. Sorry, Krashlyn.
Bit by bit, every single player of the USWNT has shown their support, and it acts as a wave to generate more support from the fans, and it’s so overwhelming that the few people brave enough to try and drag your name on the mud are immediately silenced.
The world is still far away from being perfect, but your friends, your teammates, your family, they sure make it better.
“Ready to go?” Alex asks when you meet her outside.
“Sure, as long as I end on top tonight,” you say with a playful wink that earns you an eye roll.
“You wish.”
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kiruuuuu · 4 years
Smoke/Mute in which ten cups of coffee change Mute’s life. (Rating T, slice of life/fluff/budding romance, ~5.8k words) - written for none other than @nutbrain​ for being a remarkable human being and an even better friend 💖 Please enjoy!
Mark eyes the shopfront before him with suspicion. His safe haven apparently gone, a flashier version has taken its place some time during the semester break, keeping nothing but the location and the proffered goods. Instead of the old-fashioned, thick-cushioned chairs and dim lighting, the new café shines with an open-floor concept, simple wooden furniture and an overall dark look with specks of gold to brighten it up. Leo Coffee, reads the sign next to a golden logo displaying a roaring lion. What big cats have to do with coffee isn’t obvious to Mark, but he overcomes his initial distaste and steps inside nonetheless.
As visible from outside, the place is deserted. The previous coffee shop was frequented by businesspeople and students alike, located halfway between the campus and Mark’s dorm – on rainy days, people often took public transport and bought their coffee elsewhere, but even on those occasions, it’s never been as empty as this.
Not that Mark is complaining. If the coffee is good, he’ll continue frequenting the new shop, and being able to work in peace would be an added bonus. He is quite fond of Julien and Timur, but even so, they’re not the… easiest to live with. To say the least. A quiet place would be very welcome.
He sets his books down on the table furthest away from the counter, slings his bag over the back of a chair and approaches the empty void where an employee should be standing. This is when he notices another curiosity: there’s no menu board. There isn’t even a menu card by the counter or anywhere, really, only a glass case with a handful of baked goods inside, most of which look like a child made them. So far, the only redeeming quality is the delicious dark smell of roasted coffee beans lingering in the air.
After another minute, still nobody has appeared, so Mark checks his phone for reviews. If the place has less than four stars – alright, three, he’s giving them the benefit of the doubt purely because of their convenient location and quietness –, then he’s out of here. He can’t even remember the last time he had to wait this long to -
“Are you going to order or what?”
Nearly dropping his phone in the process, Mark jumps at the sudden gruff voice and looks up to find himself face to face with a grizzled man. The black apron is all that betrays him as an employee as the unimpressed glare and casual attire do nothing in his favour. “Uh”, he replies eloquently and vows that he’ll never set foot in this place again if this is how he’s going to get treated.
The old man’s expression melts into friendliness. “I’m sorry, I just wasn’t expecting anyone. Welcome to Café Leo – it’s your first time here, so have a loyalty card, lad.”
Mark accepts the piece of paper without thinking, still thrown off by the bloke’s sudden appearance (how does he move completely silent like that), and at least has the presence of mind to inspect it. Its contents are so absurd that he forgets to ask how the man opposite him knew he hadn’t been to the shop yet. “‘After 10 coffee purchases, you’re eligible for a free wish’”, he mumbles, reading the text printed white on black aloud. “‘This offer is not transferable.’ What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that only you can redeem your reward, not anyone else. Would you like some coffee?”
He blinks at the bearded man, trying to ascertain whether he’s being serious, and is met with an almost bored stare. Weighing his options, the scales are only slightly tipped in favour of staying, but only because he knows Julien has a ‘visitor’ over today and there’s no other place he can study – the library is overrun by frantic procrastinators who left finishing their coursework assigned over the break to the absolute last minute, and Manu is coming back tomorrow. Apart from her and his roommates, there’s no one with whom he’s comfortable enough to invite himself over.
Especially not him. God knows why Mark even considered him for a brief second.
Looks like he’ll have to deal with this awkwardness if he wants to get any work done whatsoever. “Alright then. What do you sell?”
“Coffee”, comes the curt answer.
Mark rubs his eyes in exhaustion. He’s beginning to understand why there’s no other customers here. “Sure. Yes. A coffee, then.”
“That’ll be…” The employee trails off while frowning down at his wristwatch. “…um, about £7.92.”
“For one coffee?”
“It’s free refills, son.”
Oh, so maybe this is an American chain. That would explain quite a bit. Mark considers whether he’s staying long enough to get the most out of his money, but seeing as the bloke doesn’t seem the chattiest type and he’s unlikely to get interrupted, he decides it’s worth it. Still, there’s something he simply can’t let go. “… what do you mean, ‘about’ £7.92?”
“Are you paying cash or card?”
Alright then.
The next ultimatum: if the coffee turns out dogshite, he’s never coming back. He’d rather travel an increased distance to a normal coffee shop than to have to deal with this nonsense. Wordlessly, he sets down a £10 note and scoops the change into his wallet before watching the obviously American guy (and maybe the chain imports all their workers, who knows) pour a cup of the darkest coffee he’s ever seen. He unceremoniously sets it down in front of him and makes no indication of mentioning neither cream nor sugar. He’s lucky Mark prefers his energy supply as-is.
“Ta”, Mark mutters and scurries away, glad to escape that hard stare. To make sure he’s not being scammed, he takes a quick sip of the fragrant liquid and is surprised at how pleasant the taste is. Minimal bitterness, a gentle, almost floral note, and just strong enough to satisfy his craving.
Well, crap.
Looks like he’ll have to come back after all.
“Did you guys know the old coffee shop closed?”, Mark voices his thoughts into the middle of a medium-sized food war between Manu and Timur involving entirely too many packets of salt.
“The one on campus?”, Manu asks and accidentally elbows Julien in the ribs, causing him to actually look up from his phone for once.
“No, the one halfway to our dorm.”
“I was there last week”, Timur pipes up, making him furrow his brows. A week can’t be enough to refurnish the entire café, let alone switch owners completely. “Is it closed now?”
“There’s a different one instead. It was dead when I went, but the coffee’s good. The bloke serving me was weird.”
“Look at you, stringing multiple sentences together”, Julien chimes in, grinning. “Something novel must’ve happened for you to even bring it up. Was the dude hot?”
“Because that’s the only reason anyone would ever get excited about anything”, says Manu drily. “We can check it out if it’s good, even if the employees suck. Not like we have to socialise with them.”
Mark shrugs and regrets mentioning the café in the first place – it feels somehow personal, whether it’s to do with the odd experience overall or the fact that he ended up staying more than three hours. His productivity was through the roof, the calm atmosphere helped immensely and the thought of his loud friends – as much as he appreciates them – invading his newfound hideout isn’t one he particularly enjoys.
It turned out that the employee wasn’t so bad after all: as soon as Mark considered asking for more coffee, he appeared right by his side and filled his mug again, without bothering him at all. Still, Julien would complain about him and Timur might agree and Manu is likely to judge his impolite manner, and Mark wouldn’t be able to defend him. Even if he doesn’t mind the silent company.
For the moment, he needn’t bother with these thoughts as his friends are wholly occupied with arguing over some internet memes (and Mark remembers vividly how they all had to talk Julien down from nibbling at their laundry detergent pods), so nothing could be further from their minds than sitting down and actually studying for their degrees.
Not that they’re bad students, quite the opposite, they’re just not as… ambitious as Mark. Some have called him obsessed, yes, and he can’t quite refute it, but he prefers to call it ‘determined’. There have been few who are able to keep up with him, which is probably partly the reason why he’s made friends with people from completely different departments. He tends to be a loner in most classes, which suits him just fine.
Well. Most classes.
“I would give my left bollock for you.”
Mark certainly doesn’t appreciate the imagery. He hands over the photocopied sheet to the bloke nearly bouncing in delight before shuffling after his fellow students into the lecture hall. Closely followed, of course. “Make sure to change enough details”, he repeats the reminder, earning a scoff.
“I’ll make it illegible, babe, don’t worry.” James plops down next to him, stretching and taking up too much space. “You’re the only reason I’ll actually get credit for this course.”
Oh, Mark is very aware of this fact. He lets his seat neighbour prattle on as he takes out his materials, lines up his pens, and waits for the lecture to start. If he were pressed to explain how he ended up in this position, with a chatterbox glued to his side too lazy to do any of the coursework, he wouldn’t have a concise answer. Other than his inability to say no.
The problem is that James knows exactly who to befriend. Mark is naturally drawn to the overachievers in each class and carefully selects his group for projects, going by people who do put the time and work in to get a good grade – anything where students are meant to collaborate is 30% actual work and 70% politics. The right people tend to listen to him whenever he knows better, because they’re interested in improving and learning, they tend to go along with his division of tasks, because he distributes them fairly and suited to everyone’s skills, and they tend to work best independently, so they can get it done even without excessive communication.
And James? He follows the same strategy as Mark, except that he’s a leech. He latches onto the teacher’s pets, chooses the easiest tasks, always volunteers for presentations (meaning he’ll just have to regurgitate what his group produced), and bribes his groupmates so they don’t throw him out. Whether it’s snacks or drinks after class, whether it’s attention and compliments, or playing matchmaker: he knows how to make himself useful in all aspects other than his studies.
He’s a clown. He makes everyone laugh and worms his way into their hearts so they would feel bad about calling him out. Not having to do any work is his reward for asking questions everyone’s thinking but doesn’t dare ask for fear of looking stupid in front of the prof.
Obviously, James has latched onto him ever since they crossed paths in chem last semester, and Mark considered dropping the current class when he found out that he was in it as well. Even worse, James began asking him for homework, giving excuses like having had no time, not being able to write it down concisely, and so on – and though Mark initially refused, classmates approached him and gently nudged him towards sharing his results with James. Just to be nice. Just to help him. He’s such a good guy after all.
So Mark’s homework gets copied and passed along. And James’ fondness of him only grows.
During the long, meaningless rant interspersed with an impressive amount of curse words, he perks up at a quiet: “Wait, this one doesn’t make any sense.”
His pride won’t let him ignore it. “Which one?”
James points at one of Mark’s answers, a complicated equation. “Shouldn’t that be on top?”
“The denominator?”
An uncertain glance. He points again. “This.”
“You mean the bottom fraction? That’s the denominator, yes. And it is where it should be.”
James frowns, indubitably not content with the reply but possibly unsure how to voice his dissatisfaction.
“Trust me, it’s correct. Just copy it.”
“But I want to understand it.”
Fat chance. No way did he get any of the previous homework without having engaged with the subject matter at all, so it’s impossible for him to work it out, even if Mark explained it. Which he doesn’t want to. Because he figures it’d be like explaining string theory to a brick wall. He’s saved by the prof’s entry, knowing James at least has the decency to shut up during class, and hopes he can simply slip away afterwards.
It turns out, however, James is fully aware of his biggest weakness. “Do you have a bit of time after? You think you can explain it to me? Please?”
Not only is Mark burning to show him how wrong he is, he’s also entirely unable to refuse a plea for help. And there’s no doubt James knows this. He can’t keep getting away with it, he’s exploiting Mark enough as it is without offering much – if anything – in return, plus it’s obvious the endeavour is futile and doomed from the start. And this is disregarding the possibility of James suggesting more meetings in the future. So, like the reasonable adult he is, Mark replies: “Sure.”
And has never wanted to kick himself more.
If this bloke really is the only employee they have, it’s no wonder the place is dead yet again. They stare at each other, unblinking, and seem equally dismayed about each other’s presence. “Hi”, says Mark after a few seconds of tense silence.
The old man is wearing the same clothes as last time, apron and jeans – even his disinterested expression hasn’t changed. “I’m Sam”, he offers completely out of the blue, surprising Mark with how unexpected the introduction is. “I figured you shouldn’t have to keep calling me ‘this bloke’ in your head.”
“… Mark”, he responds hesitantly.
“Is that a threat?” Sam barks out a brief, mirthless laugh. “I know. You wrote it on your loyalty card.”
He most certainly did not, but only because the card is solid black with white text. “Look, I’m just here to buy coffee.”
“You brought a friend.” Sam indicates James who already sat down by a window and is absorbed in his phone for the time being – and for all his faults, Mark has to admit that at least his (limited) attention is always on the person he’s talking to; he’s never seen his fellow student even checking for messages during a conversation.
“Not really”, he says nonetheless and is reasonably sure they’re out of earshot. “We just have chem together.”
“You have chemistry, hm?”
He wonders if it’s possible to set someone on fire with a hard look alone. “Just sell me the bloody coffee.”
“For the both of you?” Sam turns around and studies the clock on the wall behind him, whispering to himself for a few seconds before announcing: “That’ll be roughly £15.84.”
“Fine.” He holds out a card, scowling when Sam makes no move to take it.
“No complaint?”
“Is it gonna be cheaper if I do? Besides, he’s paying. So I don’t care.”
“Oh. Then it’ll be £22.43.”
“Why is it -” As quickly as his annoyance spikes, it ebbs again. It’s obvious there’s no logic behind all this nonsense, yet he still tries: “If it’s cheaper for me, I’ll pay and get the money back from him.”
“That’s illegal. You’ve already told me he’s paying.”
“I’m not trying to buy liquor, why would it -” Deep breaths. He already told James about how good the coffee is, and if they go anywhere else, someone else might see them. He’s strongly incentivised to stay. “Fine. Here.”
Sam runs the card and, as last time, pours two very unimpressive mugs before, to Mark’s horror, reaching into the display case and pulling out two slices of cakes on their own respective plates. The chocolate one is drooping and threatening to fall over if anyone looked at it wrong, and the sponge cake seems suspiciously wet. There’s no telling how long they’ve been sitting there. “It’s on the house”, Sam says, almost begrudgingly, as if he was the inconvenienced one.
Mark considers asking for forks or napkins but decides that the shorter their interaction, the healthier his sanity. “Ta, mate. Do you need my loyalty card?”
“No need.”
Fair enough, though he’s not sure what the point of it is, then. He carries the coffees and cakes over in two trips and wonders how he’ll get rid of the sickly-looking bakeware without Sam noticing. When James eventually tries his piece and doesn’t keel over immediately though, Mark gives his own a try.
It’s the best chocolate cake he’s ever had. And he’s never been madder in his life.
At some point, it turns into stubbornness. There’s a few mannerisms, the odd hobby and some of his preferences which started out as either ironic, as guilty pleasures or as things he actively disliked, but the more he engaged, the more he developed the attitude of: you know what? This is mine and I don’t care what anyone says about it.
He’s starting to adopt Leo Coffee. The awkward vibe about it, the indecipherable employee, the delicious food and drinks – it holds its own charm in a way, and he’s stopped wondering about being the only patron. It’s perfect for studying or unwinding, and does wonders for his stressed soul. He’s been returning regularly now, about once a week, and even brought James with him a second time to argue about yet another homework he criticised. The atmosphere renders Mark calmer, more patient, and so he endured the other man’s presence for much longer than he would’ve thought possible. They stayed for almost three hours the first time, even longer the second.
Just to make sure he’s not being a nuisance, he tried to check the coffee shop’s opening hours and wasn’t even sure what he expected to find. They’re listed nowhere, of course, and Sam switched topics the instant he brought it up.
So now the only people he has to drag in here are his friends, who have somehow evaded his efforts so far – but not today. Timur and Julien promised to come even though Manu has to go to some recital or other, meaning she’s excused. For now.
Eyes idly following pedestrians outside, he’s resting his chin in his palm and waiting. Being the only punctual one has always meant boredom, so he’s lucky his mind is imaginative enough to keep him occupied in the meantime. His train of thought meanders through all the topics occupying his brain recently, how the new guy Julien is seeing is basically moving into their apartment, how Timur keeps hanging around the wrong crowd, how unfair it is that Manu aces all her courses with so little effort, how he happened to run into James during his break today and almost suggested spending it together -
His phone buzzes, interrupting his aimless daydreaming and prompting him to check the colourful screen.
I got ambushed, writes Julien and it’s unclear whether he’s being cryptic on purpose. Mark sends a question mark and has to wait a minute or two for the explanation: Sudden date night, looks like Netflix & chill boys ;) sry for ditching you but the shop isn’t gonna go anywhere right?
An eye roll later, Mark responds with a simple TMI.
I don’t think I’ll make it either, adds Timur, a friend wants to yarn bomb the stature by City Hall and they need me as lookout.
This one gets points for creativity at least. He sighs and reassures them with a quick sure, no problem before commending himself for not going home first to drop his bag off. Now he can just study instead. Woohoo.
Another brief vibration, this notification from a completely different group chat, one Mark apparently forgot to leave once the project was done: @Mark: are there carrots in carrot cake?
The number is translated to ‘GirthControl’, so there’s just one person this could be. He stares at his screen. Is that a trick question? Yes, he feels confident enough to affirm to James.
Ah okay. Thanks babe.
This is when it occurs to him: Wait, why did you only ask me?
Silence. Whatever quest James is currently on, it apparently required Mark’s input and Mark’s input only.
He can’t help but laugh at the absurdity and suddenly feels a lot less abandoned. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter whether his friends don’t rank him at the top of their priority list as long as he’s on it somewhere. And knowing that he’s left a lasting impression on James beyond being the lad who supplies him with homework is oddly reassuring.
When he approaches the counter, Sam once again materialising out of nowhere (at least that’s what it feels like – he’s always there when Mark needs him and never at any other time), he’s decided to not get weirded out by anything today. “A coffee”, he orders confidently and inspects the haphazardly thrown together bagels featured prominently in the infamous display case. “And a bagel.” He doesn’t bother specifying, Sam will choose for him anyway.
After peering at the digital alarm clock on the counter, Sam announces the approximate value of the aforementioned items and then squints at him. “Weren’t you going to meet with somebody?”
Mark half-shrugs. “Kinda. They’re busy though.”
“Mind if I join you?” He must notice Mark’s surprise because he adds: “It’s your ninth time here. Would be a shame if we didn’t get to talk before you’ve filled up your loyalty card, don’t you think?”
“Alright”, he agrees and waits until Sam has poured himself a mug as well before they sit down at Mark’s usual table – tucked away in a corner but close enough to the windows to be able to do people-watching if his eyes need a rest from staring at textbooks or screens all day long. It’s the first time he examines the man opposite him more closely: the distinguished features, greying beard, wild mane of hair. He looks too… important to be working in a coffee shop, like he was destined for greatness. Mark can’t picture him angry even if he exudes a bitter, cynical aura which he’s likely to hide behind sarcasm.
“How did you end up here?”, he wants to know, genuinely curious.
“Good question.” Sam takes a few sips of his excellent coffee as he ponders how to reply. “It’s a temporary thing, that’s for sure.” He leaves it at that. “What do you study?”
Mark eyes the disorganised heap of books keeping his bagel company and sighs. “At this point, I don’t even know anymore.”
“Sounds fun.”
“It is”, he emphasises. “I love studying.”
“Where’s the problem then?”
There is none, he wants to say yet his mouth refuses to comply. He stares into the dark liquid, running his thumb over even porcelain and then decides to sod it – he asked, right? And somehow, it’s always easier to unload on a complete stranger. “I feel like it’s all I’m doing.”
“You keep others at a distance on purpose.” He nods, even though it wasn’t a question. “So don’t be surprised if they do the same.”
“I’m not.” The warmth seeps into his palms as he wraps his hands around the mug, providing as much comfort as Sam’s gentle tone. “I just want it to be different.”
“Make an effort. It’s never to late to change. I’m sure your friends will appreciate it. Put some trust in them, they’re your friends for a reason.” He nods again, lost in thought. “Have you figured out what you’re going to wish for next time?”
He scoffs, amused. There isn’t a single thing he can imagine himself wanting from the old man before him, so he’s unlikely to wish for anything at all. “No. Not yet.”
“Well, think about it. I believe in you, son.” With that, Sam downs the last of his own coffee and gets up, ready to walk back behind the counter and only stops when Mark calls his name.
“Is there someone you care about?”
It’s the first time he sees Sam smile. “Yes. There were two, but I lost one – so I keep the other one twice as close without trying to be suffocating. It’s hard. But remember, Mark, it’s never too late to tell the people in your life how you really feel.” And then he’s gone, disappeared into the back, leaving behind a faint nostalgia tinted with hope.
There’s no challenge from which Mark has shied away in his life, and this one isn’t going to be his first.
The word fuck on his lips, Mark bursts into the café like a panicked chicken. He’s juggling two bags and his phone, his frantic typing only interrupted by the need to breathe now and then, and nearly drops it when he slams his book bag to the ground at the counter. “Sorry, one sec”, he addresses an unimpressed-looking Sam as he dials a number and curses once more when it’s not immediately picked up. “Can I get a coffee to go?”, he asks, out of breath, as the dial tone beeps in his ear.
“I don’t serve people who are on the phone”, Sam replies, as calm as ever.
Mark mentally increases the number of people who’d be dead if his looks could kill by one. “This is the worst thing to ever happen to me”, he says gravely and hangs up after thirty seconds have passed. “I’m gonna fail this class.”
“An event without precedence, I assume?”
“You have no bloody idea. But yes, a coffee please, I need to go back to the library and get an entire semester’s worth of material because I’m too fucking dumb to read a syllabus correctly. This has never happened to me, I have one day to write this assignment and I’m lacking so much -”
“Can you give me the time?”, Sam interrupts him nonchalantly and stares at the screen of Mark’s phone as he holds it up for him to read. “Thanks. Let’s say £2.63.”
“And I can’t study at home because Timur has his friends over, and Manu is in a panic herself, and I know the library is going to be overrun by people who treat the study rooms like their social media accounts by loudly oversharing all the time, and I have no idea how I’m supposed to do this. Maybe I’ll just accept fate and fail. No clue how I’m gonna tell my parents.”
“Your loyalty card.”
Distracted, Mark fishes it out of his wallet and puts it on the counter. “And the other people in chem aren’t answering or are no help at all, I don’t get it, I’ve done group projects with them and still they don’t have the courtesy to help me out in this. It was a genuine mistake, as stupid as it is, and I’m just -”
“You need to write it down.”
He’s briefly interrupted in his rant to frown at the black paper card. “Write what?”
“Your wish.”
“But you won’t be able to read it. I only have black or blue pens.”
“Doesn’t matter. Write it down.”
With an irritated sigh, Mark takes out a pen and thinks for a second, the majority of his attention elsewhere still. Eventually, he scribbles someone who cares, not that it’d be legible in any way, and hands it to Sam. “That’s it? I’m not sure this reward system is going to pay off in the long term, you know.”
Sam holds the card up to the light as if he was inspecting a bank note and nods, apparently satisfied. “You’re all set. Good luck.”
“Ta, I’m gonna need it.” Mark shoves all his belongings in various pockets, hoping he’ll remember where he put them, and grabs the to-go cup. And then, without so much as a goodbye, he storms back out, steeling himself for an all-nighter certain to mess up sleep schedule for days, if not weeks.
He ascribes it to his flustered state that he doesn’t look up as he exits the coffee shop, and promptly runs into someone, collides with what feels like a solid wall. His coffee gets squished and sloshes over, soaking the front of his clothes – fortunately, it’s not hot at all, more like lukewarm which is odd in and of itself. He swears again, yanking his phone out of his pocket before it gets wet also and it’s only due to another hand grabbing the device that it doesn’t plummet to the ground straightaway.
“Oh bollocks, I’m so sorry”, says the wall he ran into which turns out to be none other than James. Of all people. “Are you alright? Is it hot?”
“No, no, I’m fine”, Mark presses through clenched teeth, the stress slowly overwhelming him. “But now I have to go home and change before I can start on this stupid fucking -”
“Babe. Calm down. What’s wrong?”
He takes a deep breath and ignores the quickly cooling wet patches on his clothes for the moment. “I still have to do the report. I didn’t realise we were meant to -”
“Oh, you haven’t done it? At all?”
“No! No, I didn’t, and everyone else is partnered up so I can’t just join someone else, so I’ll have to -”
“I’m not paired up.”
“Sure, once I’m done I’ll put your name on there, whatever, but that doesn’t -”
“Babe. Mark. Listen to me.” James waves in front of his face with a slight grin. “I did it. It’s almost done. I’ll put down that we did it together and you’re good.”
He stares at James, mouth open, for several unflattering seconds. “Wait – you… how?”
“I can show you, but it’s at my place. My roommate is around your height, he can lend you some clothes. Let’s go.”
And yet again, Mark finds himself unable to refuse. He drinks what’s left of his coffee in one go (and it really is tepid, he must’ve gotten really lucky), tosses the cup in the nearest bin and leaves Leo Coffee behind without a single glance back.
James’ flat looks exactly like Mark would’ve imagined it, only louder. Double bass and epic vocals are permeating every room, and all available horizontal surfaces are littered with stuff. The walls are plastered with posters, some funny, some pretty, some morbid, and it reeks of weed.
A small part of Mark feels right at home, oddly enough.
“Turn the fucking music down!”, James yells at the top of his lungs, throwing him an apologetic look, clearly uncomfortable with the state of it all and ignorant as to Mark’s growing amusement.
Somewhere, a door opens and the shrill guitars become clearer. “Whot?”, someone replies just as loudly.
“Exactly!”, is James’ deafening reply, and a few seconds later, the melodies decrease to a reasonable level. Another bloke joins them, tall and well-built with an unkempt beard and a band shirt as well as no socks.
“Who’s that? Is he allowed to be here?”, asks James’ roommate and regards Mark with suspicion.
“That was Sabaton, wasn’t it?”, Mark inquires back. “Primo Victoria?”
The dude’s entire face lights up like a Christmas tree. “Oh, a connoisseur. He can stay, James, I like him already.”
And while the two of them exchange more words, Mark goes exploring. He ends up in what must be James’ room which is covered in paper, be it books or hand-written notes, and most of it seems related to chemistry in some way. Curious, Mark looks around until he finds a spiral-bound notepad titled with the name of the course they’re sharing this semester. Contrary to his expectations, it’s far from empty – not only does it contain copious lecture notes, it also features every assignment they’d been given since the start of the course.
Solved differently from Mark’s own answers.
Confused, he checks more closely and finds a recurring pattern: equations that are struck-through, calculations lacking several steps in between which wouldn’t be accepted by the prof this way, and very little text. It looks like the writings of someone who certainly understands the material but simply has a hard time putting his thoughts in order, putting his ideas into neat writing.
He’s been immersed for several minutes when James finally joins him, and when he does, Mark holds up his notes and greets him with a simple: “What the fuck?”
James doesn’t seem to realise where Mark’s problem lies and shrugs. “Yeah, I’m a hopeless case, I know.”
“No. No, you’re really not. This is – look here, if you just shift this around, you end up with the correct result. You’re like 95% of the way there, you just didn’t finish it.”
“Oh.” James blinks at him. “I guess. It’s kinda like that with the report. I was hoping you could help me write the conclusion, I’ve got the rest, but -”
“Sure. Yes.” Mark’s agreeableness seems to astonish his host. “That’ll take an hour, maybe two. And I won’t have to pull an all-nighter. James, you have no idea how much you saved me.”
And James, bless his soul, is blushing. “Well. No problem. I owe you anyway. Right?” He suddenly remembers he’s holding spare clothing and vaguely gestures in Mark’s direction. “You, uh, you can change in the bathroom. Don’t mind the cat, she just loves staring at naked people. Dom found out the hard way.”
Twenty minutes later, Mark is reading through James’ report with a ball of fur purring on his lap, faint metal playing in the background. There’s a lot of grammar and spelling to be fixed, as well as phrasing, but content-wise, it’s near flawless. He’s smiling to himself, enjoying the way James turns almost bashful whenever he compliments his work, and remembers Sam’s words from the second-to-last time he visited the café: it’s never too late.
He’s definitely treating James to dinner after he’s saved his arse like this.
The next time Mark passes by that familiar spot, the next time Mark develops a craving for caffeine and some peace and quiet, the next time he plans to go to Leo Coffee, all he finds is the same coffee shop which has been here for years already, the afternoon crowd populating the tables and several diligent employees taking care of the customers.
Somehow, Mark isn’t the least bit surprised.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
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"Hellooooo Bluooo... uhhh what rymthes with blue thomas?" Y/n asks sat on her sofa fixing her make up
"Uhhhh... screw? achoo? Emume?" He answers off camera
"Ohhh emume. I like those... they had a war"
"They did." He says as she put her make up away and he handed her a cup of tea before sitting beside her with his own cup "Also shoe?"
"Thank you for supplying me with rhymes"
"You're welcome, Are we going to film the video now?"
"You film the video"
"make me Biiitttchhh"
"Fuck you Thomas"
"That an insult or your to do list?" he smirked
"You are.. just in a fucking mood today aren't you? what is this mood you get in? Sassy Thomas? Bitchy? I don't know. this state where you just fucking roast me all day"
"Go on then y/n your the one wasting your camera battery"
"... I will pour this scolding tea on your head"
"Go ahead my motorbike helmet is open faced and I have hit the ground so many times I have very little feeling in my head anymore"
"I didn't mean the head atop your neck Thomas" she warned he then glanced down at his belt "Yeah that one"
"I'll be good" He answered having his tea
"Yeah you will bitch boy"
"What are we doing today?"
"Yes! we are doing more Internet Questions. By which I mean I found a random tag thing and now we are gonna answer dumb questions"
"We should have had wine for this"
"why didn't you say that suggestion ten minuets ago. that's a great idea" she complained "Fuck it! I'm already sat"
"I'm really not helpful today?"
"You are not." she sighed "How do you want people to deal with your body when you die?" she asks "That's a loaded first question"
"It is."
"This isn't really a question for you becuase... your immortal"
"I'm not immortal y/n"
"You haven't aged since you where fucking nineteen!"
"I aged"
"You grew facial hair that's different. that's not aging that's just refusing to shave"
"True. Took me six months. and I loved it"
"Yeah then I waxed it off because you looked like a 70's porn star"
"Bow chika wow wow" he laughs
"I will shove a fucking cactus up your ass now answer the question"
"Burn me. and shoot me off into space... I will be very happy"
"Yeah that does sound fun, you could become part of a planet, or explore forever"
"Yeah it sounds fun, maybe I'll find a black hole and get reborn?"
"I don't get that"
"Space Oddessy y/n"
"That's nerd shit"
"The best Sci fi film of all time"
"Nerd! shit!" she laughs "I wanna be turned into a tree. that's a thing they can burry you basically in a seed and then your decay fertilizes the tree as it grows, so I can make oxygen for the planet, and maybe be a home to some squirrels,  like an eco system around me and I'll be happy"
"awww that's sweet"
"But if that doesn't work out and the planet is too fucked by the time I die. Fuck it I'll come float around space and annoy you for all eternity"
"Will you just like start every day with the star trek opening?"
"Yes. Yes I will For all time" she laughs "next! What is your favourite mug?"
"Not this one. The uhh the funny one"
"The my dick's not small you have a large Virginia mug?"
"Yes. I like that"
"this one is mine" she smiled holding up a big sculpted mug of a sloth mama hugging a baby sloth "Because sloths"
"You're like a sloth?"
"why because I'm too lazy for my own good?"
"No because your hair is full of gross stuff"
".... bitch fuck you."
"Fuck you too" she laughs "next! What is your favourite pair of socks?"
"May I go get them?"
"Yes..." she sighs It then cut back and they both had socks in there hands "These are mine they are fuzzy and they have penguins on and the penguin has a scarf on, and they have little bits on the bottom so there socks but they still grip"
"They are good, you have kicked me while wearing those and it was very plush and soft"
"I have socks with the star wars text crawl on them" He smiled
"You colossal Nerd!"
"I love them!"
"NERD!!" she laughs "do they actually have all of it"
"Yes they do"
"are you sure? they could have missed a line"
"I would know if they missed a line y/n"
"Do you legit know it like off by heart"
"yes I do"
"... You fucking nerd." she sighed "Did you get them at tall darth and handsome?"
"What no? where's that? I wanna go there"
"Are you serious right now? You don't get that?"
"You fucker you where in it!"
"I was?"
"Phineas and Ferb star wars special. the thing you went on about for fucking months! because got to be a sith"
"Ohh yeah..."
"To anyone watching I will be crucifying Thomas in my garden after this video so feel free to come over and whip his bitch ass"
"Don't tell people to whip me"
"Why not?
"Because.... internet" He says "Don't tell the world to whip me"
"Why not? I thought you were into that?"
"Nooooo... I am not"
"Aren't you?"
"I kinda wanna do a video were we go though your house and just put everything star wars themed in a box just to show you the root of the problem"
"It's not a problem"
"Shirts, socks, your bath duck, the egg timer, The blanket under your bed, the lightsaber on your bedroom wall, The bubble bath, the Toaster, the ice cubes, The Massive poster on your landing, the star wars candles! literal candles that smell like fucking space ships!" she lists "and that's just off the top of my head.... Thomas?"
"... I have star wards hand soap now in my bathroom"
"You are in your thirties!"
"Say what you will, Millennium falcon smells amazing"
"It does. But that doesn't change my anger around you owning it as a candle"
"Okay ... If you could have any superpower what would you have?"
"Uhhhh teleportation"
"I'll never have to pay for the tube again"
"Good point"
"Or a plane?"
"Or deal with rush hour"
"Or pay for my car"
"Or your bike?"
"No, no I will keep my bike"
"But you can teleport?"
"Yeah but bike is for fun"
"Alright, Uhhh I think that I would want invisibility, Or the power to make someone cum if I poke them. Because you could get out of so much with that. You could rob a bank with that. you could never loose a fight"
"You are so evil."
"fun though" she smiled "Poke" she laughs poking his cheek
"No no no outta here with your magic cum hands"
"That's what she said" she laughs
"I think you said that earlier actually Thomas"
"God damn it y/n, No. No I'm done" He says getting up and going off screen
"what? Come on"
"Don't tell People on the internet what I'm into!"
"Ohh come on Thomas, this is the next video! where we go though the box under your bed"
"Oohh hell no!"
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iamyoursinblog · 4 years
Hell girl
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Pairing: Mark Tuan x Reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Word Count:  5,4 k
"Mom, why should I do this ?!" he practically yelled into the phone. “Okay, Mom. I understood. I'll call you later." He could hardly contain his anger, not wanting to quarrel with his mother. He hung up and threw the phone on the sofa, kicking it forcefully. From anger it seemed even the air in the hall was not enough.
“This is the first time I've seen you so angry after talking with your parents.” He heard Jaebeom laugh behind him and turned to him.
“Oh, hi, Jaebeom.” He was so confused that he didn't even notice when Jaebeom came in.
"Are you okay?" Jaebeom came closer squeezing his shoulder
“Almost” he sat down on the sofa, throwing his head back
"What happened?" Jaebeom asked anxiously, sitting down next to him.
“There is one, person...” he had to make every effort to restrain himself and choose the most neutral words in the description “she is the daughter of the best friends of my parents. Every time she appeared within a radius of half mile from me, my life turned to hell. She's a devil! And so this ... decided to come to Seoul. And my mother told her friends that I would meet her at the airport and spend her entire vacation with her. For some reason my family decided that I was a personal babysitter for this mad girl !!!” he was just seething with anger.
"Babysitter? She's that so young, how old is she? " Jaebeom laughed while watching him
“She's 5-6 years younger than me,” he shook his head.
“At 5-6? Well, she's not baby anymore, she's around 22. When was the last time you saw her?"
He looked at Jaebeom in disbelief. But really, you was 22. Only now did he realize that the last time he saw you ten years ago. For him you have remained an obnoxious child who spoils his life. He remembered how you beat him, without any physical training, on your first day of martial arts training in his studio, even though he had been in for a year and was older and stronger than you. After that, all his friends laughed at him for several more months. He shook his head, what's the difference how old you were, you hardly changed. “Moreover, if she’s already an adult, then I don’t understand why I should do this at all”
"If it worries you so much, do you want me to go instead of you and meet her, what does she look like?" Jaebeom smiled, clapping his knees
“I have no idea, I only remember her when she was 12. In addition, she will complain to her parents that I personally did not meet her, my mother will kill me after” he moaned, sliding to the floor, quietly and peacefully accepting his inevitable death. He got up off the floor picking up the phone from the couch. “I'll be back soon with this crazy girl, better hide the sharp objects just in case,” he said, heading out the door as Jaebeom bursts into laughter on the sofa.
... ... ...
He was leaning on the railing near the arrival gate. He raised his collar high and lowered the hat almost over his eyes, hoping that no one would recognize him. He looked at the time, your plane has already landed. “How long can she collect her luggage? Did she bring the whole house with her?" He doesn't stop muttering to himself as people keep walking past him. One girl caught his attention, a beauty in skinny jeans and a red jacket over a cropped top. Wow, he seems to fall in love from first sight, he chuckled above himself, unable to take his eyes off her. She walked in his direction, did she really recognize him, he hoped he would be able to persuade this girl not to post a photo in SNS at least until evening. Although he was glad that such a beauty immediately recognized him, despite the fact that dark glasses covered part of the girl's face, her beauty fascinated him and he could not take his eyes off. The girl came up to him and, without saying a word, took a selfie with him, that's stunned him a little, which made him just look at her while she typing something in the phone.
“Sorry, you couldn’t uploading our photo to SNS for at least a few hours later, I’m here not officially, I don’t want a bunch of fans to gather at the entrance.” He asked politely, hoping to negotiate with this girl. “Please, and I'll leave you an autograph and buy you coffee,” he smiled broadly, trying to get her attention. He realized that he secretly hoped that the girl would agree to drink coffee with him, giving him the opportunity to get to know her.
The girl dropped her sunglasses on the tip of her nose and looked down at him before meeting his gaze, "What are you talking about, moron?" the girl answered him in a cold tone, putting on her glasses again and throwing her black leather travel bag at him. The girl picked up the phone, answering the call, heading towards the exit, while he looked in complete shock at the heavy bag in his hands, not understanding what was happening. "Yes mom. Mark met me. Everything okay, so don't worry and stop calling me every five minutes. And I love you" you hung up the phone, turning again in his direction, while he came to himself from the fact that it is YOU! And how that ugly twelve-year-old duckling from his memory turned into this fatal beauty, into which he practically fell in love at first sight?! "Are we going to hang out here until nightfall? Of course I understand the place is cool and all that, but maybe we'll go already?" you said pointing to the exit
“Oh, yes,” he muttered, still unable to come from the shock. He silently trudged towards the car. You got into the car after you greeted his manager, and he continued to stand by the car hugging your bag. The manager walked over to him and took the bag, putting it in the trunk.
"Mark, are you okay?" the manager asked him when he didn't even move
"What? Yes, let's go" he got into the car. You took off your glasses and sat with your eyes closed, why were you so beautiful. He could not think about anything all the way staring at you.
"You're staring!" you said irritably without opening your eyes
He turned sharply forward, turning away from you. What's wrong with you, - he scolded himself mentally. After drove to the agency and taking your bag, he went to the elevator “Let's go. You will have to wait for me. I have a dance practice," he said, clicking on the desired floor.
You entered the practice room where Jaebeom was waiting for the others, who are clearly late. Jaebeom's eyes widened when he saw you. Yep, apparently he had the same reaction, he laugh at himself.
“Hi, you must be ________! I've heard a lot about you, nice to meet you” Jaebeom smiled broadly as he stood up from the couch.
You came closer to Jaebeom shaking his hand and smiling broadly, which made you look even more beautiful. "Hi, me too. Wow, oppa you're so handsome. Can I take a picture with you, I'm a fan of yours” you said sweetly, and his jaw dropped from what he just saw
"Oppa?" he stared at you
“Yes, he's oppa. Isn't that how girls call handsome guys like you?” You didn't take your eyes off Jaebeom, obviously flirting with him while taking a selfie.
Jaebeom laughed, nodding his head, “Well, as you say. I'll leave you, I need to call the others and find out where they are. See you later” Jaebeom smiled at you before heading for the exit.
You waved to him and when Jaebeom left, you called your mom “Hi Mom,” you said when she appeared on the screen. “We just arrived at Mark's dance practice. He's so cute and let me be with them. By the way, he already booked a hotel for me.” You came up to him hugging him “Tell his became so beautiful, it makes to want to take him in arms, no?” you slightly pinched his cheek, smiling broadly
“Hello, good to see you,” he said to your mom, listening to her gratitude for agreeing to take care of you. After you said goodbye, you hung up, shoving the phone back into your pocket.
“I didn't even think that you could be so nice. I thought bitchiness it was your only nature" he said, throwing your bag on the sofa. You turned in his direction returning your cold look, which you gave him before." What hotel? What were you talking about? "
"You didn't think I was going to waste my vacation on you, did you?" You asked raising an eyebrow. “I have my own business here, so let's not interfere with each other. Send me your schedule so that I know where you are if mom suddenly calls. Unfortunately, we will have to have dinner together several times in order to send joint photos to our parents. I will write when I can, when I'll be know my schedule” you continued to say adjusting your makeup while he looked at you in bewilderment “You at least react somehow, otherwise I’m as if talking to a statue” you looked at him in the mirror.
“Great, otherwise I was afraid that I would have to be a babysitter. Tell me your number, I'll send you the schedule. What will you be doing, I need to know in order to answer my parents if they ask" He was not sure he wanted to know for an answer or because he really wanted to know what you would be doing.
"It does not matter. They should think that I am dragging everywhere with you. If I had said that I came here for work, they would not have let me go. "
"Work? Do you know anything other than making life difficult for others?" He chuckled. You took your black stilettos out of your bag and changed your shoes, stuffing your sneakers in your bag. In heels, you looked even sexier. Damn, what is he thinking about?
"Did you come up with a joke yourself or did you find it on the Internet?" you looked at him. "Anyway, let's keep avoiding each other." You said pretendingly smiling “Bye“ you took your bag and went to the exit “Btw...” you stopped near the door, turned and looked at him “Your face is my style” you winked and went out the door, leaving him standing in the middle of the hall with open mouth.
“What a crazy...” he muttered and sat down on the sofa. After receiving the message, he pulled out his phone.
Thank you, sonny. I was afraid that you would send someone else for meet _______. I love you.
He continued to look at your joint photo from the airport, he did not even pay attention to the fact that he was smiling so broadly at that moment. You were smiling too, you seemed so happy and friendly in this photo. He caught himself smiling all this time while looking at your photo. He closed his eyes, leaning on back, as he expected, as soon as you appear next to him, you can say "bye" in his quiet life.
... ... ...
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Thanks God, neither his parents nor yours were persistent. Five days passed, and they never called or wrote. As like you ... why all this time he couldn't stop thinking about you. He should have been glad that he didn't need to take care of you, but why then did he not feel it. He was interested in what you were doing, where you were and who you were with. You sent him your schedule, if he could call it that, it was a list of dates marked 'busy' and 'free'. He took out his phone and opened your message, you were free today. For today, his schedule is over and he may invite you to dinner, although it might be too weird. Or not ... you still need to spend time together.
I'm free tonight and not even in a terrible mood, so I can sacrifice my evening and spend it with you.
It seemed to work out naturally, he laughed, rereading his sent message. He got a reply that made him practically growl.
I pass. There are more interesting plans.
An unbearable girl, he muttered, shoving the phone into his pocket.
"Everything okay?" asked Jaebeom, who was sitting next to him.
"Yes, everything is great. By the way, we are already free today and have not hung out together for a long time, besides, tomorrow is a day off. Shall we have a party? " he raised his voice to attract the attention of Jinyoung and Jackson, who were sitting in front.
Everyone made a noise, agreeing to his suggestions, discussing where to go. “How fortunate that we didn't wash off our makeup after the photoshoot. Maybe a club? " Jinyoung smiled broadly and everyone laughed.
"GREAT! A party!" clapped Jackson.
“It’s just worth changing. Unlike our faces, our clothes don't really fit the club.” He said while examining them, and everyone laughed again.
After three hours, they finally drove to the club. Turned out to "change clothe for the club" took longer than he could have imagined. They drove into the indoor club's underground parking lot, which was only allowed by invitation. It was the only place where celebrities could relax and have a good rest without worrying about going out in the morning millions of articles with incriminating photographs. All phones and other gadgets must be lefted at the guard at the entrance. They went inside behind the manager who escorted them to the table. Great, he thought, sitting down at the table. Their table was in a place where they could see everyone, but their no one saw. He looked around the hall sipping his drink while the others discussed everyone around.
“Wow who is this? Haven't seen her before" Jackson said, pointing to the middle of the dance floor. He and Jaebeom turned their heads and he froze wide-eyed when he saw you.
"Is it not a ..?" Jaebeom said with surprise
"Yeah, she is ..." he replied staring at the way you dance. What were you doing here? A thousand questions were spinning in his head.
"Do you know her?" asked Jinyoung, looking at you with interest too.
“Yes, we know” he and Jaebeom simultaneously answered
Some guy came up to you, beginning to dance next to you, obviously trying to meet you. He didn't even notice that his fists were tightening because of it. You smiled at the guy and turned away from him, you were clearly not interested in him. He couldn't deny that he was pleased with it. Unlike this guy who continued to persistently dance next to you and flirt, not wanting to accept your refusal. His jaw tightened and he got up abruptly from the table, heading to the dance floor, when this guy ran down your back and stopped his hand on your ass. He froze when a moment later you turned and twisted the guy's wrist, forcing him to kneel in front of you. He smiled broadly, continuing to walk towards you, apparently martial arts classes were not in vain. He came up to you and grabbed the guy by the collar with force, bringing him back to his feet.
"Are there no more shorter things in your wardrobe?" he asked, giving you a skeptical look.
You tilted your head to the side, looking at him in surprise "Do you really want to discuss the length of my dress now, daddy?!" you asked sarcastically. The way you called him daddy caused a wave of desire in his body. Stop, he was distracted, he kinda angry on you.
I'll be right back and we'll discuss your ‘more interesting plans’!” he said, pointing at you with his finger before dragging the jerk towards the guards. “Throw this garbage out of here, he was touching my friend, although she clearly refused him several times before,” he said when he saw a guard he knew. After the changes, this guy was escorted to the exit, and he returned to the dance floor. “We need to talk,” he said. taking your hand and dragging you towards the back exit, where the quiet zone was.
“Mark, let me go. Where are you dragging me?!" you kept trying to get out all the way. He closed the door behind him so that no one would disturb them when you entered the VIP room.
"What are you doing here and why do you look like this?"
"I look like?" you stared at him
"Like who?" you asked angrily, and you were right, your long-sleeved dress reached almost mid-thigh and was completely covered. But it hugged your beautiful figure, driving him crazy, wanting to run his hands along your curves.
“This dress is too short. What are you doing here? "He said the first thing that crossed his mind.
“You are not my older brother or parents to tell me where to be and how to dress” you shouted at him and you were right. But why was it so angry then that instead of having dinner with him, you chose to go to the club. Why now the only thing he could feel was excitement. "What's wrong with you ?!"
"Everything !!! Everything is wrong with me! Every time you appear in my life everything goes awry! ”
“Excuse me, what? Oh god damn sorry your fucking life is disturbed by my presence, Mr. Perfect Guy! ” you walked up to him poking your finger into his chest with every word.
"Shut up!" he screamed at you, no longer able to control his emotions
"Oh, no really ... let's hear how I destroyed your ..." He grabbed you, pressing you firmly against his body, closing your mouth with a kiss. It seemed that his brain was disabled because he absolutely did not understand what he was doing now. You tried to pull away from him, but he tightened his grip on your hair, deepening that killer kiss. Everything inside him turned upside down, plunging him into an all-destructive fire, not giving the slightest hope of salvation. He enjoyed too much, the sensation of your curves under his fingers, the sweet taste of your kiss, to think about the consequences.
He ran his hands down your back, squeezing your ass and pressing your body against his hard cock. You pushed him hard, causing him to lose his balance falling on the couch behind him. You left the room without even looking in his direction. He fell back on the couch, covering his face with his hands. “Congratulations, moron! You just ruined everything, "he growled, scolding himself. What was that all about. He thought he surprised himself more than you, in the moment he kissed you. How the thought that 'maybe he likes you' turned into a 'destructive passion', from which he could not control himself. But even more frightened him that if you had not pushed him away, he would not have been able to stop himself only with kisses. He pounded his fists hard on the couch before getting to his feet and headed towards exit.
"Have not seen _______?" he asked Jaebeom whom he bumped in the hallway.
“Oh, yes I saw her. She said goodbye, said that she was already leaving because tomorrow is a busy day. Weren't you together? It seems like you left together ... "Jaebeom looked at him in surprise
"Yes together. Well, I told you, she doesn't tell me anything except rudeness "he quickly changed the subject
“I don’t know, with me she’s always cute when we talk.” Jaebeom shrugged.
“That you only saw twice in total less than five minutes, of course she’s cute with you,” he laughed
"Not only when we meet, when we talk on the phone, too sweet"
"By phone?" his eyes widened
"Well yes. We exchanged numbers on the first day while we went down to the parking lot together. She told me to tell her how you are doing, because 'that angry ass, still won't write to her.'
“You seem to know more about her than I do. Maybe then you know what kind of job? " he could not hide that it made him angry
"Yes, she is a model, but her parents are against it, so I had to lie that she was going on vacation."
"I see you are almost the best friends!" he said through clenched teeth, and Jaebeom looked at him questioningly, “I don’t feel myself well, say goodbye to the guys for me. See you" he said as he walked past Jaebeom towards the exit.
He went outside breathing in the cool air. Taking his phone out of his pocket, he dialed your number "Where are you?" he asked when you answered.
"What is it to you?" you snorted into the phone
"Let's talk"
“ 'Let's talk' , or are you going to accuse me of all mortal sins again, and then you’ll kiss me?”
"Where are you?" his tone became calm and soft, least of all now he wanted to quarrel with you
"In a 7eleven a couple of blocks from the club," you answered by hanging up. When he reached the store, a wide smile lit up his face. You sat in a chair and dangled your legs with chopsticks in your mouth, waiting for the ramen to be ready. Now you looked like that the fidget he knew. Going into the store, he bought himself food and a few bottles of beer and after paid for everything, he went to you.
“Models have an interesting diet. Ramen, gimpab, kimchi and beer. Waaaaaa, and this is at one o'clock in the morning ... " he chuckled, putting his food next to yours, sitting down on a nearby chair.
"Who would say," you said took the chopsticks out of your mouth, examining his set. "When I'm angry, I always want spicy ramen," you said smiling broadly, stirring the noodles.
He laughed when you spat the noodles back out because you burned your tongue. "What a ninny" he said laughing. Tearing off your lid from the ramen, he made an envelope and stuck it into your hand. “Even children can eat ramen without burning their tongues. You take some noodles, put them in an envelope, blow on them and then eat them. " he brought chilled noodles to your mouth. “Eat” he said, placing a slice of kimchi on top.
"Yummy" you smiled, chewing on noodles and bouncing in your chair with happy. What a cutie, he thought, watching you.
He opened the beer and put it in front of you, swapping it with your closed “Here, drink”
“I could have opened it by myself,” you furrowed your eyebrows
“Yeah, that's why it's closed. Probably you almost broke all your nails while trying to open the can" he took your hands, turning towards him, examining your manicure.
You turned back and drank a sip of beer returned to the noodles "Did you come to watch on me or eat?" you said pointing to his food.
“Eat more slowly, otherwise your stomach will ache,” he smiled and you laughed
“From trying to fuck me, you went to worrying about my stomach. You never cease to amaze me today "you spoke so calmly about it that everything inside him turned into a tight knot
"I didn't try you ..." he couldn't even finish the sentence
“Okay. As you say" you got up and came to the bin throwing out the trash. "So what did you want to talk about?" You asked when you returned to your place.
“I ... About what happened in the club” he looked at his beer, unable to meet your gaze
“So...” you answered, and he stared at you in bewilderment, “What? It's you wanted to talk,” you raised the can of beer while taking a sip
"Don't you worries about that?" he asked you
“It pissed me off - yes, it worries me - not really. Does it worries you? "
"Yes, it worries me!" he looked at you with wide eyes
"Why?" you looked at him in surprise and leaned forward, getting too close “Mark, I'm not 12 years old. Even if you fucked me, it would have happened not because I could not resist you, but because I did not mind it" you whispered in his ear. “And here is my taxi” you got up from the chair pointing to the black car. “See you” you said and left, leaving him alone.
All he could do, was look at the leaving car. “Great talk,” he muttered, tossing untouched food and beer into the bin.
... ... ...
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These few days he was more like a robot that does everything that is told to him. He stared out the window at the lights as his manager drove him home. The head was empty, or vice versa, there were so many thoughts in it that the brain stopped responding to them, simply mute it. Saying goodbye to the manager, he went into the house. You had the weekend ahead, maybe he should call you, he thought as he took the elevator to his floor. In all the case, you have to meet. He was staring at his door when he heard soft music playing from his apartment. Some of the guys came to visit without warning him, he thought, entering the code. His stomach rumbled with the smell of delicious food as he came in. "Whoever you are, I won't kill you just because of the delicious food," he said loudly, walking into the living room. He stopped when he saw you sitting on the couch. "What are you doing here?" he was completely taken aback by your presence, you were the last person he expected to see in his house.
“Is this your favorite question? Why do you keep asking it every time you see me? " you asked getting up from the couch. “I didn't know what you like, so I chose meat and wine” you went into the kitchen and turned off the oven, took out baked meat with vegetables and put it on the table.
"_______, what are you doing here?" he asked again because you ignored his question
"Preventing a zombie apocalypse?" you smiled while handing him a glass of wine
"What?" he frowned at the fact that he could not understand if he heard you correctly, "You just said zombie apocalypse?"
"Yes. Jaebeom said I turned you into a zombie. Since you are patient zero, you can still be saved. Probably. Judging by the symptoms and incoherent speech, you are doomed.” You went up to him, raised his hand and gave him a glass of wine, which he had not taken before.
"Really? Are we talking about zombies now? " he stares at you “I think I’m going crazy,” he muttered, drinking all the wine in one gulp. "Why are you here?" he stepped closer, placing the empty one on the table.
“Make a selfie for parents” you raised your phone and opened the camera. He pushed your hand away, causing your phone to fall to the floor.
“If you needed a photo, you would meet on somewhere alse, and not cook dinner with wine at my place!”
“You’re right,” you said with a malicious smile, brushing a lock of hair from his forehead. This angered him even more and he grabbed your hand with force, stopping you.
"Why are you here?" he screamed at you. He did not even understand how a moment later he found himself lying on his back with his hands pressed to the floor.
“Finish what you started” you said, digging into his lips.
His body reacted faster than his brain and he pressed your body against his, deepening the kiss. Rolling over, he was on top of you. He moaned as your legs wrapped around his waist, forcing him to rub his cock against your crotch. Pulling back for a moment, he tore his shirt violently, getting rid of it, not wanting to waste time for unbuttoning. Unbuttoning his jeans, he pulled them down to his hips. He lifted your skirt around your waist, ripping off your panties, pushing inside your pussy. He dug into your lips again, covering your mouth with a kiss as you screamed. He gripped your body tightly as you tried to pull away from him. He pushed hard at you all its length, causing your body to arched under him. He growled as you squeezed his dick hard. His head was spinning with pleasure, blurring the line between reality and ecstasy. He came out of you and pushed into you again with force. Your body relaxed with each deep thrust, making him want more and more pleasure. He pulled your blouse with force, getting rid of it, giving him access to your bare skin. He ran his tongue over your collarbone before biting it with his teeth. You hissed, digging your nails into his bare back. He abruptly left you and got to his feet, dragging you by the hand. He lifted you into his arms, pressing you against the wall again making a hard push into you. You hugged his shoulders tightly as he dug into your lips. This kiss was dizzying, revealing to you everything he felt now. Tenderness changed with passion and vice versa. It was crazy, he lost track of time.
It seemed to him that all eternity had passed, or maybe only five minutes. His moans mingled with yours as everything inside him raged, bringing him closer to orgasm. A wave of heat passed down his back, dropping down as you squeezed his dick hard, cumming hard. He wanted to hear as long as possible how you moan his name dissolving into your orgasm. His thrusts into you hardened, it seemed that something inside him snapped, releasing a wild beast that he was trying to hold back all this time. His fingers and teeth dug into your skin, leaving red marks on it. The more he fucked you, the more he wanted. His orgasm was like the horizon, which receded with each step towards it. Your body trembled violently in his hands with every thrust. He buried himself in your neck, hiding his smile. He growled loudly as he cum, filling you with sperm. The pleasure was almost painful, tearing everything inside him into small pieces. He continued to make shallow thrusts inside you, prolonging his pleasure, until he came to himself with intense pleasure. He put you on your feet, resting his hands on the wall and left a gentle kiss on your lips. He ran his hand over your body and laughed softly as you groaned while closing your eyes.
"Aren't you hungry?" you asked looking at the table with untouched food
“I'm terribly hungry. Let's continue?" he sank down and hugged your legs tightly, throwing you over his shoulder and heading for the bedroom.
"Oh my god ..." you moaned
"Sorry, babygirl, but he can hardly save you tonight" he slapped your ass and you giggled as he walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.
... ... ...
“You know that you look like a maniac when you smile like that?” Jackson said as he sat down opposite him. “At first you walk like a zombie for several days, now you giggle almost every second. Tell me honestly, have you lost your mind?"
He laughed at Jackson's words, it must have looked like that from the side. “No, I'm completely fine. I was treated to a delicious dinner.” He smiled broadly recalling that night. Dinner was really delicious, even though you ate it in the morning. He threw his head back on the sofa and closed his eyes, remembering how you yelled at him, saying that now you have to take a bath of bb cream, because your whole body was in red marks from his fingers and teeth. I miss you, he thought to himself. He has not seen you for several days, and why in the last days you have had more work than him. He opened his eyes when sounded a phone notification. He took his phone out of his pocket and laughed as he read the message from you. Oh yes, this is what he wanted to hear now:
I'm not hungry. Let's have dinner?
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huearmy · 4 years
The Smell of Truth - III
Summary: After years being forced to fight in clandestine hybrid ring, Jungkook is now living in shelter, but life remains bad, the place is abusive, and nobody seems to want adopt him. Until one night a pro-hybrid activist group invades the shelter, and a woman in black smelling like truth promises that things will get better, and he decides to follow her wherever she goes.
Pairing: pitbull!Jungkook x human!Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, future smut maybe.
Words: 5303
Rating: NC-17
Sorry that it took forever, my head is messed up.
Chapter I  Chapter II  -  Chapter IV Chapter V  Chapter VI Chapter VII
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For the first time in years Jungkook woke up on his own, when his body asked for it, without anyone waking him up with a bucket of cold water, or to meet some schedule. He felt numb and heavy, relaxed, rested. He stretched, sitting against the headboard in the dark room. He couldn't tell the time, since there was no clock, making him feel a little disoriented in space time. After so many years without freedom to come and go the boy was not sure what to do now. About ten minutes went by without anyone showing up to tell him to get up - and he didn't want at all, the bed hugging him - hunger settled in his stomach, as well as the urge to go to the bathroom. But could he really leave? He got up and tested the door. It wasn't locked. So he could leave the room, in theory. Without making a sound he closed the door again and went back to bed, thinking about what to do to make the best impression on the first day in his new home. He decided to make the bed and tidy up the room. When he opened the curtains, bringing light to the room, a pile of clothes on the armchair caught his attention - a pair of sweatpants shorts and a oversized t-shirt, a new toothbrush, a pink post it on top. These clothes are mine, but it’s for you to wear while we don’t buy some for you. I think it'll fit. By the smell it was obvious the clothes were yours, he didn't even need to read the note to know. It fit, but not the way Jungkook likes to dress up - he likes big clothes on him, to feel comfy, and your big clothes, wich are big for you, who are smaller than him, are just right to him.  Right now he was in clean clothes, smelling of fabric softener and you.  He put on his shoes and his cap too. Outside the window the now busy street was full of cars and people, making him excited to go out. But yet again, can he? Determined to be a good boy and not disobey, for you to love him, Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed and waited. More minutes passed before he heard light knocks on the bedroom door. He crossed the room in one step and opened the door as fast as he could, his tail wagging from side to side, but it wasn't you in the hall, his smile fell. It was the cat. "What are you doing?" Yeri asked, taking him by surprise. "I... I'm..." He stammered. She crossed her arms "You've been up for almost half an hour, why haven't you left the room yet? Are you alright?" "Yeah" He spoke so low that if Yeri didn't have feline hearing she wouldn't have understood a word. "I was waiting for Y/n." "Oh" Her confused expression softened. "She went to work." "She is not home?" Yeri couldn't understand the slight panic in Jungkook's voice at asking it, or why he didn't left the room by his own choice. She don't know the feeling of rejection like he does, or the pain of being treated like a animal. She knows she is privileged though, she don't need to understand to be empathic... And you asked her to be nice to Jungkook so... "No, and she asked me to keep an eye on you until she back." She smiled softly "Go wash yourself, Y/n let breakfast done for you." Jungkook loved the restroom, for no especial reason, he just he just never saw a bathroom so ... happy - all colorful and with little plants in cute pots, and smelling and clean like he never imagined a bathroom could be. Out of curiosity he decided to try the shower, turned the register slowly, and when the water started to fall he put his hand under it and ... oh, it was so warm. "Yeri!" Jungkook ran into kicthen , where the cat was waiting by the table, scearing her off. The white hairs on her tail were all standing on end when she answered in a hiss. "What?!" "Where do I find towels and shampoo?" He excitedly asked. Not quite understanding Yeri pointed to the hall. "In the closet under the stairs in the hall... But..." Before she could end the sentence he was gone, and the sound of the door of the bathroon closing againg. Jungkook love to shower, stay clean, water. This was often the only medicine he received after being beaten until he was unable to get up. After a while, the cold, limited water shower became the safe spot for him, where the world couldn't hurt him anymore, and he could just breathe. In the shelter the water was not so cold anymore, but there was still a time limit for each shower, it was still Jungkook's favorite time of the day, because he didn't need to think about anything other than himself. Now the water was hot and pressurized, massaging his sore muscles, more than the room you give to him, this felt like home. Of course Jungkook felt a litlle bit upset that you weren't home when he woke up, after all he wanted to see you, he never liked an owner so much that he missed them from one day to the next. But he wasn't going to complain, it's not like he's used to getting attention, in fact being alone was more common than anything. He understands that you can have more important things to do than show him the apartment or prepare and have breakfast with him... You are already too good to be real. He was rinsing his hair and ears, massaging his own scalp, when voices came from outside, caughting his attention. It was two voices, female. You were home. _________________________________________________________________________________________ You entered the apartment with arms full of shopping bags and document folders. You quickly dropped everything on the table or on the floor near the door, took off your coat to hang on the rack and kicked off your shoes. Your eyes searched the living room and kitchen, looking for Jungkook, without a sign of him. You tried to complete all your tasks at the office as quickly as possible and rescheduled some visits for other days of the week to be able to get home early to see him, you were anxious to know if he slept well, or if your male clothes fit him . The breakfast you prepared for him before leaving still wrapped on the counter. You frowned. "Where is Jungkook?" You asked to Yeri, who was lying on the couch by teh window, jumping through the channels. "Taking a shower. He just woke up." She said without looking away from the tv. You hummed. "Ok. Can you put on the news for me please. I didn't have time to check it today." Yeri complained despite obeying anyway, but you paid no attention to it, busy putting the mess you brought with you in its proper place. The TV journalist was talking about the economy updates, which was not the topic you wanted to see. The explosion of the shelter last night ended up on twitter trending topics, but you wanted to know what the official media outlets have to say about. On the internet your organization is seen as justice, everything you do is seen as a heroic act by many, and that brings strength to the movement. Those in favor of the slavery of the hybrids also speak out against you, but their ignorance only strengthens the abulutionist discourse too - in a slow process of difficulty, but there are so many people working for equality that you refuse to be shaken by these rotten people full of hate. This polarization of ideas, of course, also divides politics, and it is this part that interests you the most, because it is from the government that the rights of the hybrids will be guaranteed. Mess with the economy and popular opinion that it is possible to change the government, which is why you and your camarades love that much to explode some state buildings. "Why are you home? I was expecting you only in an hour." Yeri looked at you from the other side of the room with lazy eyes. "Ah, I have to go out to do some more sttuf, but I needed to come pick something... And maybe eat. I skipped lunch."   You decided to warm up the pancakes you made for Jungkook in the morning, and add toast and eggs to your meal. You heard the bathroom door and fast steps and was about to ask Jungkook if likes coffee, the moment you turned around he was already behind you, with a big smile and open arms to hug you. "Y/N!" You were enveloped by jungkook's long arms and squeezed against your chest, losing your balance the way he hit you with his whole body. By instinct and with no regrets, you hugged him back. His tail, which was already swinging from side to side, started to swing even faster. His dump hair was wetting you, and his litlle happy sounds were malink you soft. "Hi, Jungkook...." You give light taps on his back and opened up space between you two. " Let me see you... I knew the clothes would fit quite well. But if you don't like them, fine, they are only temporary, so you don't have to walk around in that shelter's hideous pajama." "I like the smell of it." He said smelling the shirt collar fabric. "Good. Because I'm a little paranoid about laundry." You really are. Actually you are kind of crazy tidy. "Are you hungry?" You softly said, still looking to how the clothes were wrapping his body. You didn't notices but you were making him blush with your stare. "Yes." He said in tiny. "Me too, lets eat breakfest together.". You reaffirmed your theory that Jungkook wouldn't be too picky about food, and that basically anything you put in front of him he eats happily. He just doesn't like coffee. And sweets are really his favorite. He ate the pancakes and egg with toast, plus a very large bowl of cereal, some fruit and a glass of juice. It wasn't just because everything was good, but he was happy you were eating with him, and that made him even more hungry. "Lucky me I have money." You still have a lot of questions in your head to do to Jungkook. You were curious about him in so many levels. Since from his habits and tastes to his past ... One doubt you have is: How is he so docile? His file said that he spent almost a decade in illegal dogfights. Most hybrids take less than five years to lost their and go feral, and then when they can no longer be controlled the owners put them down. But Jungkook doesn't. Furthermore, despite being a pitbull, he does not have his canine ears clipped, which is not common in the middle of where he came from. You wanted so much to ask... but you decided oposite it, thinking that it wasn't the moment. "Want more juice?" Jungkook offered, he was pouring himself more and saw your empty glass. "Of couse, thankyou, sweetie." You didn't notice the blush on his cheeks again, intending to pay more attention to the TV in the living room. Jungkook was not used to hearing praise like that, the most he heard from his former owner was 'champion' or 'good boy' when he won a fight and there was nothing satisfying about it. Your 'sweetie', on the other hand, accompanied by a smile from you, just because of a glass of juice seemed like the world to him. "Updates on the terrorist attack on a shelter in downtown Seoul last night: It was confirmed that despite the magnitude of the explosion and the damage to the building's structure, there were no victims, either by the hybrids or by the local staff. According to the authorities, the 100 hybrids that lived in the shelter were kidnapped by an anti-government organization as a form of protest, on social media entities defend that they were released by the Set Us Free movement." You got up and crossed your arms to watch the jornalist talking as aerial recordings of the burning building and post prints talking about took over the screen. "Early in the morning, a series of complaints linked to the shelter came to the knowledge of the police, involving corruption and money laundering, as well as mistreatment of resident hybrids. Among the evidence presented a list with names involved in the scheme ..." As the jornlist listed names of businessman and politicians. Many of these names you already knew, once your group that investigated and made the report, others were a surprise to you. In that moment you were so interested in the news that you sat on the end of the chouch supporting your elbows on your knees,  watching the TV without blinking. Jungkook recognized the images from the shelter last night, but he didn't find it so interesting, because seeing the explosion live was much nicer, and none of the information said anything to him. But seeing you so serious was interesting, he took the bowl of cereal and sat at your feet, looking more at you and your reactions than at the TV itself. "Senator Y/L/N spoke earlier in a news conference.." The image of the journalist was replaced by one of a man in a suit speaking in front of several different microphones. "Violent acts can't and won't be encouraged, but we need to pay attention to where it comes from. The social injustice and slavery of hybrids needs to be tackled in some way, and since the government is slow to guarantee the rights they deserve as similar to humans, manifestations of marginalized groups are to be expected. It is not giving them what they want, as the conservators say, it is guaranteeing them what should already be theirs by right. Situations like last night are nothing more than a symptom of the disease that we think we are entitled to own a hybrid." Jungkook thought it was cute the way you were biting the inside of your cheek or how it looked like you were narrowing your eyes with each word said. "Ya... Dad is so different when speeching..." Yeri mumbled.  It took Jungkook's attention away from you. "Dad?" He asked with his mouth full of cereal, looking from Yeri to you and to the man in the TV. "Yes." You awnsered, lying in the couch. "This is my uncle... He is cool isn't he?" Jungkook frowned, not thinking the guy is so cool... but since you say so... "Does he protect hybrids like you do?" You smiled to him, slightly petting his head. "On his way." At the same time that the news changed to weather forecast, your phone started to beep with messages. You praticaly jumped from the couch to your feet. "I need to go." You said. From the floor, Jungkook looked at you with doe eyes and a pout. "You are leaving again?" "I have something to do... But you can come with me. If you want." "I do." Jungkook jumped on his spot, finishing his cereal as fast as he could. "Then go put on that hoodie I gave you. Is kind of cold out side." You didn't need to say twice. Jungkook ran to his room to obligue, he came back finishing putting on his sweatshirt and putting on his shoes midair. He was so excited, and the look on your face when he took your hand was so affectionate towards him, just like the good dreams sometimes he have. He was intending on livig his best life with you while it lasted, as long as you wanted him, after so many bad, terrible things that he was forced to go through during his short life, Jungkook got used to not waiting for things to really improve, but he also learned to enjoy each of the good moments, whether they were truth or just dreams. Maybe he will wake up at some point and realize that he is still in the shelter ... or in the cold room, using a muzzle ... Until then he will not stop receiving all the affection that you are willing to give. Among the good things he was not expecting to happen, going out for a walk is one of Jungkook's favorite. "I'm ready." He told you with a cheekie smile, even if you could clearly see it for yourself. You just smiled back containing the urge to grab him by the cheeks. So cute. "Do you want a ride home,Yeri?" You picked the keys. "No thanks. Irene will pick me up in half of an hour." She didn't even looked at you to awnser, to busy scrowling throgh her phone. "Ok. Don't forget to lock the door when you leave," Said that you two left the apartment, and Jungkook got your attention all for himself again. ________________________________________________________________________________ It wasn't your plan to spoil Jungkook so much. Of course, you already intended to go shopping with him, and maybe, who knows, give the world to him if he wanted to, but the idea was that things would happen more slowly.  Instead, early in the morning on your way to work, you saw a beautiful jacket in a shop window and thought it would look beautiful on him, without hesitation you went into the store and bought it, and as a bonus some other pieces of clothing for essential use. Now you were supposed to go to the grocerie store, get an order of yours, and that's it. Kess than one hour and you both would be back home. Now its been almost two hours and your SUV is stuffed with shopping bags of clothes and other random things that made Jungkook's eyes sparkles as you strolled in front of shop windows - you let him buy a skate and an air freshener, for exemple. The tour was a big new world for him, clearly he was having fun just running around the store shelves and you had to pull him back into focus more than once. Like when he decided to try on all the hats in a store, first one hat at a time then all at the same time, it was cute, and you took the ones he seemed to like the most and added to his shopping pile without him paying attention. "Jungkook, do you want to choose some underwear? I have no idea what you like or what size you wear..." He was no where to be seen but you knew he was listening to you, especially after a few seconds, when the sound of the new boots you bought him two stores earlier approached fast, and then the hybrid's happy face appeared among the jeans racks beside you. "Oh, this is important, the only underwear I have is drying on my bedroom window." He said starting to look through the pile of new underwear, ignoring all the colored ones, and separating only the black and white ones. "Wait, what?" You blinked at him. "I washed in the shower and didn't know where to leave it, so I hung it in the window." He simply said. You were kind of shocked. "Jungkook... Aren't you wearing underwear? Like right now...?" He just made no with his head, too entertained in choosing several identical boxer briefs.. You looked around to see if anyone around heard it, taken with modesty but finding the situation a little funny. "Did you have more at the shelter? Why didn't you bring it when I said to get your things?" "I had it, but I didn't think about it at the time." You just laughed at him and hurried him so you would soon pay for everything and move on, with the promise of returning to buy more things later. You still needed to go to the grocerie store... Where together you filled a shopping cart with your list - last night he said he wanted to have a barbecue, so you were going to prepare one for him, lots of meat, charcoal and side dishes - and things that Jungkook thought might taste good by the look of it. "Jungkook, you will find some hygiene products for hybrid in this corridor. Take a look and choose, I'll be right back ... ". "Wait." He looked arond. The grocerie store was way bigger than the clothes shops you went before, with a lot more people, he was not comfortable being alone here. How would he know where to find you if you go too far? You read that in his expression and give his hand a squeeze. "I'll just pick a package. Three corridors from here to the right." You poited. "But don't worry I'll be right back. Can you look the cart for me?" "Of couse I can." He said, more confident now. "Thankyou, sugar." You gave him another of those smiles and then left him alone to choose deodorants and soaps for hybrids. But you didn't lie, as fast as you're gone you're back, now with a wrapped paper package in your hands. Out of curiosity Jungkook sniffed the package over your shoulder while you put it in the cart, but for some reason he was unable to identify what could be inside. "Please don't put anything on top of that, it's fragile." You said. "Ready to go?" "Yeah." Jungkook droped one of one soap bar into the cart, not seeing which of the two fragrances he had been choosing before. "What is it?" You gave him a mischievous smile, hooking an arm around his and then guiding him through the corridors to the cashiers. You knew he would be curious, and you specifically asked them to wrap the package in a special paper that will outwit his dog nose. "Its a surprise." Jungkook was convinced. He never had good experiences with the idea of 'surprise', but coming from you he did not imagine anything bad. If you were saying that he was supposed to wait to find out what was in the package, then he was just going to wait. ____________________________________________________________________ When you got home, you parked once again at the back of the building, the light from the florist indicating that although it was time to close, the employees still haven't left. The same thing in the office on the second floor. You thought it would take a lot of coming and going to take all the bags up to the apartment, but while you picked up some and thought it was too much for you, Jungkook picked up almost all the others, hanging them in his arms, and when he left the first batch on living room ran to get the rest alone. It had been a while since he had space to run a litlle, without even being able to remember the last time. He only slowed down when he heard voices on the second floor, adjusted the bags in his hands and tried to go unnoticed. "I want to finish this before call it a day." A soft voice spoke. "But I want to go home. I'm hungry..." Another male voice answered. "More fifteen minutes, Tae." The office door opened just when Jungkook was passing, and he felt like he was caught doing something he shouldn't have, even if he wasn't, two guys looking right at him. The one at the table in front of a computer and stacks of paper smiled and waved at him. The other, holding the door handle, didn't even blink at him, looking serious. Jungkook just bowed his head and continued on his way, stopping only after reaching you in the kitchen. You felt his arms embracing you from behind and his forehead on you sholder. The guy at the table was a hybrid, he couldn't tell what kind, but the smell was like a cat, and probably, since as far as he knows they both work for you, the two shouldn't be bad. Still, Jungkook couldn't make his heart slow down. Men scare him. You turned to look at him. He didn't let you go tho. "What's up?" You asked noticing his distress. Jungkook bited down his bottom lip. "Got tired." You smiled and pet his head for the second time today making him sigh and close his eyes. Without knowing it you made him calm down. "Go put your things on your room, the new clothes in the closet... When you're done, go up to the terrace." "And then we will eat a lot of meat?" "Yep" _______________________________________________ You were just finishing making the vegetable skewers, and putting the meat on the grill when Jungkook went up the stairs to the floor where his room is and the terrace, where he hadn't gone yet. Like the bathroom, the terrace were filled with plants, but here the vases and plants are much bigger. The starry sky was beautiful, and the movement of cars and people on the street is comforting and full of possibilities. Jungkook stopped by the glass door and just looked at you, who didn't noticed him yet. You were now in comfortable clothes and messy hair, drumming his fingers on the table to the beat of a song that was playing only in his head. Once again the thought that you seem inoffensive crossed Jungkook's mind. But that's a lie. You are powerfull in a way he isn't. During the tour of the city he saw your surname in names of shops and street signs more than once, your uncle is an important guy who appears on TV, and your friends do illegal things using guns and bombs... And you are human - and that's enough for you to be scary for any hybrid. You are not harmless, and one thing that would certainly hurt Jungkook hard would be if after today, when he felt at home after years of not knowing what that feeling is like, you decide that you don't want him anymore. That would be worse than every time he thought he was going to die in a fight. Rejection. Like in the shelter, Jungkook was trying to figure it out a way to be loved. To be so loved that someone would want to live with him forever and never leave him. But he doesn't know how to do it. "Do you want some help?" He approached you. "No. Now just don't let the meat burn." You proudly put your hands on your hips. "But I wantou to sit here... and close your eyes." You made him sit by the wooden picnic table and ran inside. He closed his eyes as you said so. You came back with calmer steps and put something in front of him, an instant after the smell of phosphor and sugar entered Jungkook's nose and you said... "You can open it now." In front of Jungkook was a cake with the words "Welcome home JK" written on it and some candles on top. His eyes got wet instantly. "This is an welcome party." You said softly, holding his hand. "And every party need a cake. Surprise, Jungkook." Jungkook wiped away the tears that began to flow with the sleeve of the hoodie - the hoodie that was yours and still smells like you. Seeing that he was crying, you tentatively rubbed a hand on his back and waited for the sobs to pass before you spoke. "Jungkook, we need to have this conversation sooner or later... But I don't want to be your owner." You said and he got freeze. He looked in shock to you and more tears ran down his face. He was so confused. The cake made him so happy and then you said exactly what he was afraid of hearing. A knowing look reached your eyes and you wiped the boy's face yourself. "Don't cry. Let me explain, ok?" He nodded, without realizing that he was holding your hand with all his strength. You couldn't care less. "I never intended on adopting or buying a hybrid. You are the only exception." You smiled sweetly. "When you said you wanted to come with me I couldn't say no. You were so sweet, trusting on me... You are very special to me, even if we've only known each other since yesterday." You took his face in your free hand. "But I'm unable to own a person. It may be strange for you to understand what I am saying now, but my intention in having you with me is for you to be free. If you want to live with me forever, in the simplest way in the world, I will take care of you. If you want to live your life in any other way, even if it is somewhere else, I will also take care of you, and support you. Because the choice is yours. Of course, you don't have to choose anything now. Today or years from now ... It will remain your choice." Jungkook relaxed but remained confused, not knowing how to respond. "What do you want?" He finally said. Your eyes saddened, the thought that your wanting to be more important to him than his own bothering you. "I want to be your friend." His answer seemed to be what Jungkook wanted to hear, because he opened a huge and beautiful smile. "That's enough for me. Can I eat the cake?" "Of couse!" You served him a piece and one for you, chattering like you never cared much for dessert after a meal, and that if he wanted to eat the meat and the cake together you wouldn't judge. His daydreams are cute, he concluded, determined to love you so that you love him. "Y/N... There are a lot of things about me that I don't like, and I know you won't like it either... And I don't like to talk about it, or to think about it at all... But since we are friends I feel like I should... " "That you should tell me?" He nodded. "You dont need to. Jungkook, I already know a lot of bad things about you." You made him freeze again. "Nothing personal, but enough that if it bothered me or changed the way I see you, I wouldn't even have brought you home. But I don't care, and if you don’t feel like sharing it with me now, or ever, okay, you don’t owe it to me just because we’re friends." He smiled to his cake. "Seriously, I have a lot of secrets my friends don't know. You can have yours too." "Thankyou, Y/N. I like you a lot, and I think I want to be with you forever." That was your time to smile to your cake. "So you are stuck with me forever then." Having a friend has always been more important to Jungkook than having a good owner. But for him the only friend he had stayed in the past, he was already sure that it would never happen again and that he was alone for the rest of his life. But now he had you, and that is enough. Regardless of the situation, friends are forever. If you are friends, he doesn't have to be afraid of you kicking him out, even with all the bad things he has done or all the fears he has.
And that good feeling tastes like cake. _____________________________________________________________
Tag list: @stayunderthelights  @deolly  @panconte @serendipityoreuphoria @madygswich
If you want me to tag you, pls tell me.
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
What's the heroes' morning routine to start their day before going to work? Or their night routine before they're going to sleep? (And here is sprinkle of positivity vibes for you today: 😊😉👌💕💞💗💓💝💝💖💖🌟✨🍀🍀🍀🍀💐💐 Have a nice day! ❤)
Thanks for the request, anon! ❤️❤️ sorry this took me so long to get to, hope you’re still around!
Tornado of Terror: I’ve said in a previous hc that she sleep-levitates and wakes up in the weirdest places. So, she’d probably spend 10 straight minutes prying herself out of her bathtub or some shit with hella cramps. After that, she’d spam Fubuki over text message, asking her how to make a cup of coffee for the 57th time, then manage to burn it anyway, and finally go to work salty as fuck.
Silverfang: Wakes up at the crack of dawn, mediates next to a waterfall or some shit, broods over Garou, and makes himself a nice breakfast with a cup of tea. After that, he drags Charanko’s ass up the mountain to do some training, meditate some more, drink more tea, and around then it’s gonna be like 9 AM, so he’d probably just go the fuck back to sleep for a quick nap before actually going to work. Look, he’s old. Let him vibe.
Atomic Samurai: Also wakes the fuck up at the crack of dawn and proceeds to freeload a breakfast off of Iaian, wash it down with some alcohol at 6 in the AM, and complain about the weather. Then, he’d probably run over some sorta training routine with his disciples before doing group meditation and finally, finish it off with another drink. His tolerance is so damn high at this point. He shows up to work while pretending he wasn’t ten seconds away from getting wasted that morning.
Child Emperor: Wakes up rather early (if he even slept at all), runs diagnostics on all of his machinery, does tests on his latest weapons, takes 7 decontamination showers, and then makes himself a hearty breakfast consisting of Froot Loops and choccy milk. He shows up to work early and energized, running solely on his 87th lollipop and the single shot of espresso he had that morning. If it’s a weekday, he’d wait off on going to Association headquarters and teach a few classes at the local university instead. He’d then go to work in the middle of the day, grading papers and dying internally at the dumb shit his students say. He keeps a mental tally of how many people forget to write their names on their assignments. He’s suffering.
Metal Knight: Upon slapping the shit out of his alarm clock, he rolls out of bed and commands one of his bitchbots to make a Michelin-Star quality breakfast for him, then proceeds to stalk to the bathroom. He doesn’t shave or shower. He just takes a 45-minute shit because he’s forced himself to go to the bathroom once a day to “save time” when it, in fact, does not save time. After that, he takes a decontamination shower before entering his lab (also another 45 minutes because he’d spend the whole time je— nevermind) and doesn’t show up to work at all because he’s a little bitchboy hellbent on building Skynet in his mom’s basement.
King: Wakes up, cries, plays video games, cries some more, eats some cereal, takes a shower, cries, calls Saitama over, plays video games, Saitama leaves, cries. Then, he’ll show up to work for a single meeting at 4 PM just so everyone knows he isn’t dead, have an anxiety attack, go home, and then cry (while having another anxiety attack). After that, he’ll play video games until 3 AM. Rinse and repeat.
Zombieman: He’ll wake up at 3 AM and then sarcastically open his blinds like “oh wow, what a beautiful morning”. He’ll make himself a hearty breakfast consisting of leftovers, some protein pills, and half a pack of cigarettes. Next, he’ll shower, shave, and do some routine vigilante detective work out in the town before coming back home just as the sun is beginning to rise. After that, he’ll take a thirty second nap and walk his ass to work (because his car has been in the shop for like, seven years) so he can vibe for 3 hours before throwing in the towel and isolating himself for the remainder 18 hours of the day because depression.
Drive Knight: he sleeps plugged into the wall like a Samsung. Either that, or he’s solar-powered.... or maybe he runs on AAAs. I don’t know, but his ass ain’t waking up like everyone else. He’d power on, do some routine checkups on his laboratory or whatever the fuck he’s got going on, and then show up to work for 3 seconds only to dip the fuck back out and go poach some endangered monster species for his collection or some shit. Look, he’s a robot.
Pig God: wakes up at 10 AM like a king and eats a small breakfast consisting of three rotisserie chickens, a whole pot of rice, 57 eggs, and a cool glass of milk (because calcium is important, kids). He’d spend 4 hours on the internet before he gets hungry and decides to go outside, stopping to casually devour an entire species of demon-threat monsters in the middle of the street while simultaneously traumatizing every single child living in a 3-mile radius in the process of doing so. After that, he’d do some hero work for like 30 minutes (and somehow eat like, 200 living things in that timeframe), go back home, and then indulge himself in a 17-hour food coma. He’s earned it.
Superalloy Darkshine: Homie wakes up at 5 AM, works out for two hours, takes a shower, and eats a breakfast big enough to feed a small family of 19. After terrorizing every health expert in the country with his buckwild diet (ironic considering Pig God exists), he hits up his bro Tanktop Master for another 2-hour workout. He then proceeds to take 3 seconds getting dressed in his hero uniform because it’s literally just a thong, and goes to work for a full 8 hours because he’s a good boi who takes his job seriously and genuinely wants to make the world a better place. :)
Watchdog Man: wakes up, pisses on a fire hydrant, eats dog kibble, sits on his pedestal in city Q, and then gets dressed.
Flashy Flash: wakes up in a forest somewhere because he’s probably homeless. The local birds flock around him and sing a morning song. He feeds a baby deer like a Disney princess. Then, he bathes in a waterfall and spends two hours doing his hair. After that, he buys himself a fucking bagel and takes his ass to work smelling like the inside of a Cabella’s. He vibes at HQ for like, 30 minutes, before traveling 500 miles away on his 57th quest for revenge and ends up breaking a record for “most homicides committed by a hero” on the way there.
Genos: wakes up, makes breakfast for Saitama, takes a shower, and spends half an hour doing chores while Saitama bums around with a yolk stain on his pajamas. Then, he’d hit up the professor for any news about upgrades, and go on about his day handing out justice as he sees fit until Saitama suddenly gets the urge to go buy some cabbage. It’ll be another 2 hours of walking around the inside of a grocery store while holding 2 grams of food (because it’s all Saitama could afford, broke ass) before he actually goes to hero HQ for a single meeting (while Saitama tags along), and then slaughter 87 monsters on his way home.
Metal Bat: wakes up at 6 AM because it takes him 8 years to do his hair. He’d wake up Zenko about an hour later and tell her to get ready for school while he hauls ass downstairs to make breakfast (burnt toast and 8 Flinstone vitamins). They walk to Zenko’s school together. He takes ten minutes to shower her with love, and then he turns back around to walk to his own school only to show up like, 45-minutes late to his first class. He only attends hero meetings on weekends because A. Homework and B. He doesn’t give enough of a shit to juggle official hero business and school in the same day (unless it consists of a monster/criminal [or 12] in need of a beating).
Tanktop Master: same as Superalloy. He wakes up at dawn, works out, eats enough to feed a small army, and then calls his actual army over for a meeting. He and the gang discuss ways to better represent the Tanktop ideology over tea, while also sharing workout tips and just having a good time together in general. Around then it’ll probably be 8 or 9 AM, so he’d join Superalloy at Hero HQ and do hero work for the rest of the day alongside his homies. He’s living the life, honestly.
Puri-Puri Prisoner: he’s in prison so he’d wake up at 8 AM on the clock every day, eat his nasty-ass breakfast (although, I’ve said in a previous headcanon that he gets special meals prepared for him on account of being a literal superhero, but I digress), and then he works out in the courtyard for a good hour before going to work in the cafeteria for 3 bucks a day (or the yen equivalent). During visiting hours, he and his boyfriend are inseparable. They’d make some crafts together, gossip, and just hang out. If there’s a threat in the area, Puri will waste no time busting himself out and hugging that shit to death. A true icon.
Amai Mask: he either wakes up at 10 AM or 2 PM every day, there’s no in-between. He’d spend his morning doing every self-care routine under the sun: taking a warm bath, doing a face mask, eating a good breakfast (prepared by his own personal chef, of course), listening to an audio book, you name it. If he has a concert that night, he’d spend the entire day surrounded by people as he gets ready/rehearses/prepares. If not, he’ll just patrol the streets, handing out autographs and some slices of justice. He wouldn’t really show up to any meetings or do official hero business at HQ unless he’s in the mood to cuss out Sekingar and Sitch over some stupid shit or insert himself in S-Class business.
Iaian: wakes up earlier than any of the other disciples and Atomic Samurai because he’s like, responsible or whatever. He meditates, showers, does his own personal routine, and then kicks everyone out of bed for breakfast like an angry suburban mom. After that, he’d participate in everyone’s routine training, and then take his ass to work while showing up to every meeting at HQ (sometimes tagging along with Kami) because he’s a good boi and he has no problem engaging in business. :)
Okamaitachi: She sometimes wakes up with Iaian, but sleeps in most of the time because she needs her beauty rest, obviously. After breakfast and participating in everyone’s training routine, she’d do her hair/makeup and go do her own hero work the majority of the time. She’d sometimes tag along with Iaian, but she prefers to go on her own every so often. If she has some extra time before breakfast, she’ll also do a face mask or catch up on her favorite soap operas.
Bushidrill: this motherfucker sleeps like a log and Iaian wants to kill him for it. He wakes up like, 2 seconds before breakfast and hasn’t shaven in a month. Still, somehow, he manages to get ready in time for training without Kami trying to assault him for being a doofus.
Fubuki: She wakes up hella early and texts her herd of hooligans the daily plan before dealing with Tatsumaki’s shit over the phone. Then, she showers, does her hair, and takes fifteen minutes to get her makeup done right. It doesn’t take her long to plan out her outfit because she has like, 87 black dresses. After an actual hearty breakfast (unlike the rest of these clowns) that she makes herself, she meets up with the blizzard group to discuss business and engage in hero work together as a ✨team✨. She never gets asked to participate in official business by HQ because Tatsumaki strictly forbids it.
Saitama: he brushes his hair and sits on his ass all day.
Mumen Rider: wakes up at dawn, feeds the cats outside, eats a good-ass breakfast (despite being poor, because he’s actually really good at budgeting), and goes out for a nice, morning patrol. He’ll also call his mom and make sure she’s having a good time because that’s important. If it’s not a busy day, he’ll go to the gym and treat himself to some time at the park afterwards. If there’s monsters all about, he’ll spend the rest of the day in the hospital after getting his shit rocked for the 300th time that week. They’ve basically got a bed reserved for him at this point. He’s so pure but so, so selfless. And a little dumb. But mostly selfless.
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angelkurenai · 5 years
Imagine having the ‘Wired Autocomplete Interview’ with Jake and seeing all the things people have googled about him and you, only to find more ways to flirt with him and tease him.
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“Hello, I'm Jake Gyllenhaal.” the man smiled at the camera for the intro.
“And I'm (Y/n) (Y/l/n).” you introduced yourself the same way with a smile while adding “And we're doing a wired-”
“Autocomplete.” Jake added without you even having to look at him.
“Interview.” you ended, your smile getting even bigger when you heard Jake chuckle next to you, already knowing what was on his mind “This is like the perfect intro for us. You wouldn't even need to tell us, we complete each other's sentences on a daily basis like some-”
“Some old married couple. As Ryan says.” Jake completed your sentence once more with a nod of his head.
“Well, at least one of us is old enough, so-” you only shrugged, looking completely serious at the camera and without even having to glance at the blue-eyed man next to you, you knew he was giving you a look so in the end you burst in laughter.
“Ouch!” he placed a hand over his heart “My heart, no, my heart is bleeding! Ah they were not wrong when they said that love hurts.”
“Alright you drama queen, stop hanging out with Ryan and you'll be just fine.” you chuckled at his small act and he grinned as well “Now time for the interview!”
“We'd like you to answer this one question first, before you get the cards.” the person in charge said behind the camera and you nodded your head a bit “Have you ever googled your own name?”
“Googled your own name?” Jake pursed his lips nodding his head with a thoughtful look on his face “I think everybody has at some point, right?” he turned to look at you, comfortable in his chair as you still thought about it.
“Googled my own name. No.” you shook your head looking back at the camera “No I don't think I have googled my own name. Goggled Jake's name? Hell yeah! You bet!” you said so casually your made the blue-eyed man laugh in surprise “I spend hours upon hours googling this dude. So a warning: Half of the questions will be things I searched!”
“I'm-” he still couldn't even breathe properly because of all the laughter “I don't know if I want to ask whether you're joking or not.”
“Do I look like I'm joking, Gyllenhaal?” you raised an eyebrow at him smirking “What you don't want to know is the things I've googled.” you laughed “No, I'm kidding. I have googled your, I won't lie about that, but I think it was back when I was first getting started and I stumbled upon a movie of yours.”
“Oh, makes sense, yes.” he nodded his head “I'd admit I've done it too and it's how I became a huge fan but this will be out on the internet and Ryan won't let me hear the end of it, so... yeah.”
“Alright, we're good. We can get started now, here's the first card.”
“Oh you've played this game before, right? You were with Ryan too, weren't you?” you asked your co-star, taking hold of the first card.
“Yes, yes we have. You've seen it? How were we? I think I've completely forgotten.”
“Oh you-” you shrugged “You sucked.” you looked him seriously in the eyes “Just kidding. Kidding.” you chuckled “Alright... maybe I'm not. But hey, that's a good thing. How much worse can it be this time? Plus, I'm not Ryan and that makes everything 100 times better.”
“I guess it did show our- how do you say it? Our energy.”
“Yeah. That's for sure, I agree: 100% chaotic.” you shrugged, grinning casually while he looked hopelessly at the camera “Alright, onto the actual interview now cause this will get out of hand real soon.” you looked at the card “Oh I see it has your name. So I'll do yours and you do mine, yeah?”
“Sounds about good enough.” he nodded his head before you both looked at the card.
“Is Jake Gyllenhaal-” you pealed the first sticker “In the MCU?” you both nodded your heads as you spoke “Pretty easy. Yes, yes he is. He is Quentin Beck or better known as Mysterio or better known as that little shit in the new Spider-man movie you don't know if you want to love or hate.” you said matter-of-fact with a smirk, glancing at Jake when he laughed “Yeah I suppose you know what character I mean by now. Anyway, I remember I had to drag him to audition for the movie. I said either he auditions or he sleeps on the couch for the rest of the month.He complained like a little kid at first but really what other choice did he have? I could torture him even worse if I wanted to and he knows it. In the end he definitely enjoyed it, though. Don't deny it, Gyllenhaal.”
“I won't, really I won't.” he said when he recovered from his laughter “It was uhm a unique experience that you won't get to live every day, let me tell you, and the character himself is one that in many ways is similar to the kind of characters I want to portray and chose to portray. He is definitely a character to remember and one I will remember for a long time. Plus, we had so much fun on set that it made it all ten times more worth it.”
“Would you say you liked it that much as to play Quentin again?” you asked, leaning back in your chair.
“Oh yeah, yeah absolutely.  I had such a great time, I think doing a Marvel movie as Quentin again would be lots of fun!”
“And then he got to be Quentin in a movie with Deadpool.” you looked at the camera with a grin “And regretted everything he said that day.”
“Don't give them any ideas! Don't!” he said with wide eyes, unable to hold back his laughter though.
“Ryan will be visiting Kevin very soon I predict.” you giggled “Oh that's a movie I'd pay millions to see. But since I can't have it now yet, let's see the next one. Is- Oh this one's tricky. Is-” you pealed the sticker “Oh (Y/n) (Y/l/n) the reason why Jake Gyllenhaal auditioned for 'Light between oceans'? Oh alright-” you laughed “First, how did you google such a thing? This is a whole sentence. And second, I want to hear it from you Gyllenhaal, this is an interesting one. Am I?” you smirked, looking back at Jake.
“Alright, so there's actually a story about this.” his laugh was less nervous than you expected “I did admit I had been a fan for years and of course Ryan knew it and he wouldn't miss a chance to try to point it out. So uhm the promotional tour for the movie 'Life' which I did with him around the same time was no more than a month right after our movie and as you might expect he had to mention it every time we had an interview. One time a question came up about 'Light between oceans' and, well, leave it to Ryan to say that I auditioned for it because I knew you'd be my costar. Which-” he laughed a bit “I have to admit it was true, but I didn't give him the satisfaction back then by saying that yes I wanted to work with you on project that much. And after that it sort of became a big thing, I think, hence the google search.”
“How come I haven't heard of that before? I mean what the hell, I could have used that to my advantage!” you grinned even though Jake shook his head next to you “I think I should keep up with the net more.”
“What about you? Why did you audition for the movie? I don't think we ever talked about that.”
“Oh for me it was even easier. I saw 'making out' and 'Jake Gyllenhaal' in one sentence and I was immediately like-” you snapped your fingers “I'm in!” you shrugged innocently, only to make Jake double in laughter “It was that easy for me. I didn't even care to find out about the plot. I think I remembered to read it about a day before filming started. Let's be honest, I'm just in it to make out with Jake, don't thin I even remember any of my lines now. I only went in to be able to kiss this guy and let me tell you I didn't regret it one bit.”
“That's-” Jake started but pressed his lips as he tried to fight his laughter, or even a smile, but much as he tried he was failing miserably “An interesting reason, I must admit. Certainly good to know.” he glanced at you from the corner of his eyes and you giggled shaking your head.
“Much as I'd like to ask-” you cleared your throat, looking back at the board “I think we're going to get a lot out of this interview so the next one: Is Jake Gyllenhaal... real?” you both snorted “Wow now this! This is something I've googled. You know what?” you glanced at Jake before looking straight at the camera “I don't even know. I keep asking myself the same thing all the time, still no answer. Some would argue, namely Ryan, but-”
“We all know what Ryan would say, so let's just skip that part.” Jake completed your sentence.
“Yes, let's.” you agreed “Ok the next one. Is Jake Gyllenhaal... an actor?” you snickered while Jake made a funny face “Wow someone out there is having some serious doubts about your entire existence buddy.”
“What's up with that? Why am I getting all these weird questions?” he looked at the camera, his voice coming out slightly high pitched “Yes, yes I am an actor... I think. Or at least I try to be, for five minutes. Once a week.”
You laughed as he snickered “Come on! Yes-” you turned to the camera “Yes he is, and an incredible one at that. Whatever Ryan Reynolds tells you after this is a lie because he is jealous and on the occasion a mean little shit. Let me tell you that all jokes aside and I'm 100% serious when I say Jake might as well be one of the best if not the best actor I've had the pleasure to work with in my entire life.”
“Wow, I think I'm going to cry.” he said a bit jokingly but you could also tell there was sincerity in his words “Nobody has ever been that nice to me since I was a baby.” but of course his words were still funny so you couldn't hold back a laugh.
“Alright let's move onto the next one because we've got so many cards left. Ok the last one: Is Jake Gyllenhaal... single? Wow straight to the point huh? Now this-”
“Did you- Did you google this?” he grinned and you laughed.
“Wouldn't you like to know huh?” you winked at him “No, see, I didn't need to. You guys out there though-” you smirked at the camera “You really wanna know huh?”
“I'd like to see you answer this one.” he eased back in his seat.
“Easy.” you shrugged casually before looking back at the camera “No. He's mine. Sorry.” your smile was far from innocent, especially as Jake burst into laughter next to you.
“Have something to say, Gyllenhaal?” you raised an eyebrow at him and he raised his arms in surrender.
“No, no I definitely don't. If you say so, who am I to say no?”
“Gad to hear that. So there you have it.” you grinned at the camera before getting rid of the first card “Onto the next one!”
“Oh it's going to be a long interview!”
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markonasurface · 4 years
things you said i wouldn’t understand
things you said but not out loud
Thea stared down at Neil. He looked confused but stepped aside to let her pass.
“He’s sleeping,” Nicky called over his shoulder.
She walked down the short hallway and let herself into their room. Nicky was wrong. Kevin sat precariously on the window, long legs dangling outside. He didn’t turn around.
“You gonna jump?” she asked and she had to grab his arm to make sure he didn’t actually fall out. There was a loud shattering noise that let her know her idiot boyfriend was indeed sitting on the edge of a top story window, drinking.
Kevin turned and slipped back into the room with surprising coordination. His eyes passed over her as he crossed to the dresser on the other side of the room and grabbed a half full bottle of - “Are you drinking vodka? At ten-thirty am on a Monday?”
He raised the bottle to his lips and took in a mouthful. He grimaced slightly, then leaned back against the dresser. “I didn’t know you were coming,” he told her with overcareful pronunciation. “When did you get in?”
“An hour ago. Wymack picked me up.”
Kevin drank again. She waited for him to say something. He drank again.
“It’s ten-thirty in the morning, Kevin.”
“You’ve already said,” he answered and drank yet again, pointedly this time.
This was a mistake, she thought but didn’t say. Instead, she turned and walked out.
Neil leaned against the doorframe ten minutes later and asked, “Is Thea okay?” Before Kevin could ask what he was talking about, he said, “She was pulled from the lineup 30 minutes before her game last night.”
Kevin shrugged and waited for Neil to leave before digging in his pocket for his phone. He had to plug it in and wait for it to get a decent enough charge for him to turn it on. He called his girlfriend but it went straight to voicemail.
He grabbed his computer and pulled up an internet browser, typing in her name. He read a few headlines.
Theodora Muldani Missing From Friday Night Lineup
Why Thea Didn’t Play
Muldani Missing in Siren’s Lineup, Food Poisoning to Blame?
Kevin tried calling her again but was once again sent to voicemail.
“Hey,” he said, voice quiet but firm. “I’m sorry about this morning. I just heard about last night though. Are you okay? Call me back.”
Kevin caught the ball and hurled it toward Jack. Jack missed it and Kevin immediately positioned himself in front of Dan’s path to steal it back. He ignored Jack’s shout of, “I’m open!” and fired at the goal from halfway down the court.
Renee missed it by half a centimeter.
Wymack called for a break.
One of the other freshmen complained about how many balls Jack missed this scrimmage. Jack took off his helmet and said, “We’re only three points down. I’m playing better than you.”
“And yet, Kevin is five shots in this morning and outplaying both of you so that’s not really saying much, is it?”
As he walked off the court, Wymack called his name. Kevin rubbed his forehead on his shirt sleeve and walked toward his father.
“Andrew’s just talking shit,” he said. “I haven’t had anything to drink this morning.” His pounding head was a constant reminder.
Wymack looked a little skeptical but said, “Great. If you’re sober, you can go pick up Thea from the airport.” He held out keys and Kevin stared at them.
“She didn’t tell me she was coming,” he said before he could stop himself.
“Twice in one month?” Nicky raised his eyebrows but kept walking.
“She said she’s texted and called you.”
Kevin went to change. After puking, showering, puking in the shower, dressing, taking a handful of ibuprofen, and downing a bottle of water, he left for the airport. Thea was waiting out front by the time he got there.
“Hey,” she said, leaning across and kissing him.
He held her hand as they drove back toward campus. “How long are you staying?”
“I’m going back in the morning,” she answered, her voice was soft. He shot her a look but she was staring out the window.
Thea was not a soft person.
“Are you just here to check on me or …?”
“Yeah,” she said. “You weren’t answering any of my calls or texts so I just needed to come see you.”
“Sorry,” he said. “My phone is dead and I just haven’t gotten around to charging  -”
“You look like shit.”
He gave her an amused sort of grimace.
They got to Fox Tower a little after three. As soon as she closed the door behind her, she grabbed his hand, forcing him to turn back to her. He closed the space between them and she leaned back into the door.
He looked into her eyes, then she watched as his eyes moved to her lips, then the tip of one of her Dutch braids that he was twisting between his thumb and pointer finger. When he looked into her eyes again, she pulled him in.
His hand moved to her hip, then slowly down her thigh as he quickly deepened their kiss. His body pressed hers into the door. His fingertips trailed under her dress and she lifted her leg so her knee was pressing into his hip.
He opened his mouth, breathing hard, hands still gripping the back of her thighs. He lifted her higher for a brief moment before letting her slide her feet back to the floor.
We need to talk, she meant to say.
"Again,” she told him instead, shoulder throbbing from where he’d just bitten her. She kissed him and guided him backwards until they reached the bedroom.
When he opened his eyes, Thea was staring at him. He closed his eyes again and breathed deeply. He kissed her shoulder where a bruise was forming and asked, “What time is it?”
“I don’t know,” she answered, sounding distracted.
His arm was over her waist and he pulled her closer so their chests were pressed together. He moved to kiss her jaw and she wanted to say again but she forced herself to say, “We need to talk.”
Kevin pulled away, looking displeased. Talking was his least favorite thing to do these days, mostly because whenever someone talked to him, they wanted to discuss his “drinking problem.”
So he was surprised when the next words out of her mouth were, “I’m pregnant.”
Only then did he realize neither of them had thought to use a condom today, though it was probably deliberate on her part because she already knew they didn’t need one. Kevin had been careless.
His eyes narrowed slightly and he sat up. “Pregnant? We haven’t since -”
“Riko’s funeral,” she reminded him, sitting up, too. “This baby was probably conceived in the same bed you lost your virginity to - what was her name? Lauren? Liv?”
Her tone was cold. Thea was trying to rile him. He didn’t bother correcting her.
“Maybe we should have that bed shipped to us -”
He tuned her out, trying to do the math in his head. Riko had died in April. His funeral was held in May. She was still talking but he asked, “What are you, seven, eight weeks along?”
“Something like that.”
“Have you been to a doctor? Does your team doctor know?”
“Of course not,” she hissed, looking offended.
Kevin considered the information he had. “Are you going to keep it?”
Immediately he knew he had said the wrong thing. Thea turned. “Am I going to keep it?”
“That’s not what I meant -”
“I’m the woman so of course it falls on me, right? I shouldn’t have told you.”
He grabbed her arm to stop her from climbing out of his bed. “Thea, that’s not what I meant. I-I-I -” His head was spinning. He felt himself start to shake. He needed a drink.
Thea pulled her arm out of his grasp and pulled the sheet higher. “I just told you I’m pregnant and you’re thinking about your next drink.”
He wanted to refute it but he didn’t want to be a liar.
“I’ve been patient,” she said, a tear slipping down her cheek. “After everything you’ve been through and not being able to tell anyone for so long. I’ve tried to be supportive even as you destroy yourself and try to push everyone away.
“I thought when I told you I was looking for an answer from you, a-a-a declaration, a promise?” She shook her head. “Now I know I should’ve taken care of this myself and left you out of it completely.”
He offered his hand but she didn’t take it. He shook his head at it. “Thea, I’ll promise you anything you want if you want this baby,” he said. When she looked away he huffed a short laugh. “That’s what I thought.”
“You wouldn’t understand. You don’t know how much harder women have to work. I train twice as much as the men on my team because if I don’t, coaches will think I’m not dedicated enough. I stop 73 percent more attempts at the quarter line than Thompson and he still gets paid twice as much as I do.”
Kevin never dared to interrupt Thea when she was making a point.
“I can’t risk throwing away my career in the hopes that you’ll stop drinking and you’ll be there for us.” A tear fell down her cheek. “Even if it upsets my parents or you, I don’t think I can have this baby.”
He pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes and shook his head. He wanted to tell her she had nothing to worry about, but he knew everything she was saying was true. He was a 21 year old alcoholic with so many traumas he hadn’t even tried to start processing. Even without his issues, he would never ask her to give up Exy.
Thea climbed down the ladder and pulled her dress over her head. When she opened the bedroom door voices carried in.
“No one wants you in this apartment,” Nicky said.
“I just wanted to see if Kevin wants to run some drills tonight,” came Jack’s voice. “Oh.”
Kevin opened his mouth but Thea walked out.
“Thea! Nice to see you -”
She pushed past Nicky and snatched her bra from Jack’s outstretched hand. She stooped to pick up her panties and Wymack’s car keys, slipped on her shoes and left.
She sat in the car for awhile, trying to stop crying.
Four weeks later
When she left practice, she was surprised to see Kevin leaning against her car. She heard some of her teammates whispering. Even in the pros Kevin Day was a big deal.
He straightened as she came near. She stopped in from of him, a hand on her hip.
She expected him to ask her if they could talk. Instead, he reached out and took her hand, eyes never leaving hers. Her eyes narrowed slightly but then she realized there was something in the hand he had taken hers with.
Slowly, she opened her hand so she could see what was there. On her palm was a round, red chip. She looked back at him, eyes slightly rounder and wet.
She moved her duffle bag around to her front and opened the side pocket. She removed the envelope and held it out to Kevin.
His eyebrows furrowed and she saw his fingers trembling a little as he opened it. He took out the photo, stared, the crease in his forehead getting deeper. She saw the moment it registered as he glanced back up at her face, a question in his eyes. She nodded.
When he grabbed her hand again, Thea felt the tears falling down her cheeks. He pulled her to him, his other hand coming around to cup the back of her head as he pressed his lips firmly to hers.
She heard some wolf-whistles as she fisted the front of his jacket in her hands, a mixture of relief and nerves fluttering around in her chest.
They pulled apart only for Kevin to pull her back in again. They would have to talk but for now the red chip said everything she need to hear.
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youbloodymadgenius · 5 years
The Viking King and the Pancakes (Ivar x reader)
A/N: Modern AU but not exactly Modern!Ivar, you’ll see. 
This is not the second part of Pancakes in Bed again? But if you haven't read it, it would be better to read it first. Here 
Thanks to @inforapound​, without whom I couldn’t do anything 💖 And thanks to @ivaraddict​ for this precious gif 💖
Summary: the reader wakes up and finds out that she is not alone in bed. When she realizes who is lying next to her, the shock is even greater. 
Warnings: None besides my wacky ideas ; shaggy dog story. Ah yes, swearings too. 
Words: 2136
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Lazily opening your eyes, you startle when the sound of snoring wakes you completely.
Snoring?? How could this be?? You have been sleeping alone for… for… weeks? Months? So long that you actually aren’t sure… It could even be years…  
Immediately you are wide awake and screaming as you realize that a man is lying next to you. In your bed! Under your sheets! A wave of panic hits you. What did you do last night? Had you been drinking? Eating mushrooms?
Where did he come from? How did he get there? And more importantly, who is he?? And… did you have…? Oh, no, no, no, no! Looking under the sheets, you see that you are still wearing your pajamas. Phew!!
Releasing a loud sigh of relief, you hear the stranger growl as he shifts in the bed. Looking at him carefully, you are frightened – there's a man you don't know anything about in your bed! – and also fascinated – from what you can see, his muscles are… impressive…
It's highly inappropriate, but you are drooling.
Move a little more so I can see your face, you urge him silently.
It worked! Rolling onto his side, the man slowly faces you and…
"By the gods, who are you?"
From his thick accent you know he's not fluent in English. But you still understand. Which is good, as your knowledge of Old Norse is limited to "Du kan ikke drepe meg!" Although, thinking about it, telling him he can't kill you might not be totally stupid.
"I..I.." You pathetically babble. Fuck. Fuck! You must be dreaming, right? You pinch your arm, bite the inside of your cheek and end up slapping yourself in front of a dumbfounded Iv… No! It can't be him! It can? Noooo! Fuck, even after five slaps, he's still there.
"I'm Y/N," you finally say and are rewarded with a puzzled look.
"Strange name."
A man of few words, no doubt about it. Rolling your eyes, you sigh. Maybe you like it better when he doesn't say anything.
"And you?" Your question is somehow rhetorical as you already know who he is. But you need to hear it, clearly, from him.
"Ivar the Boneless, son of Ragnar Lothbrok and Aslaug Sigurdsdottir, king of Kattegat and leader of the great heathen army."
It sounds like he's reciting his service record.
Wow, wow, wow! The guy is slightly showing off, isn't he? You'd like to put him down and hesitate to remind him that unless you're mistaken, Bjorn overthrew him and he's not really king anymore. But it doesn't seem particularly wise, so you choose to keep quiet.
Not him.
"Are you my new slave? A gift from Ubbe, my silly brother, as a sign of his repentance and total allegiance?"
A slave??? You are in my fucking house, man!! And in my bed!!!
Six months later
You hurry up, eager to get home, looking forward to finding your man, Ivar the Boneless; the ruthless king. The bloodthirsty, fierce, cruel Viking. Your lover. Your Ivar.
Pushing back the door with your foot, you hastily lock it behind.
Not getting an answer, you put down your bag and take off your shoes before walking through the apartment. Putting your phone on the kitchen table, you inhale deeply, enjoying the delicious smell of a lamb stew that has certainly been simmering for hours.
Eventually, you find your great warrior asleep on the couch, the old wheelchair you unearthed in a second-hand shop right next to him. Smiling, you take your time, admiring his features. His facial structure, so perfect. He's astonishing, breathtaking. Painfully handsome.
He belongs perfectly in your living room and simultaneously seems completely out of place. You can't help but smile seeing the contrast of his hairstyle – "Never without my braids, woman!" – and his outfit, sweatpants and white T-shirt.
"Hi, my love!" Blinking, he almost purrs as you kiss his forehead.
Using his powerful arms to draw you close, he flashes you a broad grin as you carefully straddle him. With modern drugs working wonders, you taught him to rate his pain on a scale of one to ten and he's rarely over two. Yet, you haven't found a way to prevent him from breaking a bone at the drop of a hat.
"My queen!"
Your laughter fills the room. No matter how much you tell him you are not the queen of anything, he seems hell-bent on it so you let him, amused and surely flattered to be loved by a real king.
"Dinner is almost ready." You shiver as he kisses your temple, your cheek and eventually your neck. "And then…,” his voice is suddenly hoarse, "… you and I will make love."
Six months earlier
"Tell me again??"
The frightening Viking glares at you, threateningly, driving your heart rate crazy. Fortunately, you confirmed he came unarmed in your bed and then you took care, before inviting him to sit at the kitchen table, to lock up all the knives and sharp or pointed tools.
"I say…,” ashamed, you know you're blushing, "… that I have called the gods, yours as well as the Christian god."
"And for what purpose?" His piercing blue eyes are scanning you, his features harsh.
"I….” Your voice is shaky. "I have already told you."
Before you realize what's going on, his hand is on your throat, and he's squeezing. The little bastard!
"I said," he roars, "For. What. Purpose?"
Freaking out, it's hard for you to breathe and you can hardly speak, your face red, your eyes bulging and begging him for air.
His eyes demanding an answer, he barely releases his grip. You're sure he won't hesitate to strangle you if you don't say anything.
"I have… I begged the gods because I wanted… I wanted you in… my bed… Well, not you…" Suddenly your words are rushing out. "I wanted the other Ivar, the Ivar of the TV show, this TV show that you don't know but in which you play the lead role. And yes, I'm aware that you don't know what a TV show is, I'll explain later, but that's it, it's you I wanted, that's why I called the gods and I don't know why but apparently it seems they heard me."
Ivar's hand doesn't move but he doesn't squeeze anymore, allowing you to breathe freely. You can see a slight change in his eyes, and his face softens.
"You… You wanted me in your bed? …..Why?"
Suddenly, there's no longer a frightening warrior in front of you but the terrified little boy from the eleventh episode of season four. His huge, wide eyes screaming all his insecurities. You are dying to tell him that Margrethe is nothing more than a stupid girl who did everything wrong. After all, you'd only be telling the truth!
But because he's unpredictable and because you don't know him well, you choose to say something more simple. "Because you are extremely attractive.”
Pleased by your words, he puffs his chest, flashing you a cocky grin. "And what did you want to do in bed with me?"
His rapid mood swings are fascinating, even more impressive in real life than on TV. Weighing the pros and cons, you eventually decide to be honest. "I wanted to have sex with you.”
Six months later
"I'll take care of everything, just go chill."
Nodding gratefully, you watch Ivar, who's setting the table while stirring the stew and keeping an eye on the cooking pasta. Smiling, you can't help but assess the progress made.  
In six months, Ivar had become a perfect househusband.
Neither you nor he were able to explain by what miracle, sorry, by what magic, the word miracle made your proud pagan throw up, had him get there. But you didn't complain.
Neither did he – he who confessed that the last thing he remembered was fleeing Kattegat, alone, abandoned by all, hiding in the back of a stinking cattle cart.
Of course, you had to teach him everything and at first, it hadn't been easy. But he quickly got his bearings, at least in your apartment. Outside was harder. He was afraid of everything. Too much noise, too many colors, too many stimuli all the time.
That's why he spent most of his time inside. Running errands was terribly worrisome for him. Eating out too. At most, you forced him to go out sometimes late at night to get fresh air, and three weeks ago you managed to take him to the mountains. He loved it.
On a daily basis, you two didn't get out much, but you didn't mind. In your home, your cocoon, you were able to forget more and more that Ivar was more than a thousand years old. Forget that he was a character from history books as well as one of your favorite TV show. And the fucking fictive guy you've been fantasizing about for months!
He had adapted quickly enough to modern technologies, had discovered running water with delight and had been fascinated, almost mesmerized, by the Internet. It was so he could use it, he asked you to teach him how to read.
Learning in record time, you realized that the show had some truth: Ivar was certainly a brilliant and intelligent person.
Since he could read, he'd devoured every book he could find. He read all your books, even burning one that described the point of view of a Saxon monk during the Lindisfarne raid. The best thing about this interest was that he was always looking for new recipes on the web. "Helga would have been crazy with such a tool!", he told you after explaining that it was Floki's wife who had secretly taught him how to cook.
"Take your seat, my queen.”
Wheeling towards you, Ivar hands you a glass of wine. "For you." You thank him and then you both raise your glasses before clinking them. "Enjoy your meal!"
Bringing your fork to your mouth – Ivar, your stubborn Viking, still eats everything with a spoon – your eyes shoot wide as you let the flavors spread through your mouth. Once again, his meal is excellent, a true feast for the palate.
"Ivar!" Talking with a full mouth, you're slightly ashamed but know he won't hold it against you. "It's simply a pure wonder! Exquisite and perfect!"
Smiling proudly, your Viking king is sincerely happy. He doesn't need much. What he told to that bitch Freydis was the truth: all he wanted was to be loved. And in truth, he doesn't care about being king. For the first time in his life, he can be himself. With you. And that's enough for him.
"I'm glad you like it." Waving his spoon in front of you, he furrows his brows. "Are you working tomorrow?"
You can't hide the small smile curling the corner of your mouth up.  Ivar still has trouble with some concepts. "No, my love, tomorrow is Sunday. I never work on Sundays." Seeing that his face lights up, you know he has an idea in mind. "Why?"
"Nothing… I was just thinking… I could try to prepare… pancakes. And we could eat them in bed."
You are sure you've never mentioned pancakes and wonder when he heard about them. But whatever, you're in. "That's a great idea! I'm sure you'll do well."
Now, Ivar's biting his lower lip suggestively and you wonder what he’s up to.
Putting his spoon on the edge of his plate, he wheels towards you. "I'll prepare toast, eggs, and bacon too."
You can't help but feel aroused by his hoarse voice, even if it's ridiculous. Who would have thought that breakfast could be a turn on?
Wait. Wait. Fucking wait. Pancakes. Toast. Eggs. Bacon. Seriously???
"Why?!" You startle, slightly distressed. "I mean, what are you talking about? Why are you talking about that? Why do… Why do you want to eat that tomorrow? I mean, exactly that?" You know you're pathetic, but Ivar only smiles at you lovingly.
"Because I want to.” Stroking your breast, he leans forward and his mouth meet yours, giving you shivers. "And once I've eaten all this…,” backing up just enough to look you in the eye, his hand brushes your crotch, making you shutter, "… I'll enjoy my dessert."
Standing, you take a few steps back, panic setting in while you try to put the puzzle together. Your heartbeat becomes frantic when you eventually understand what it means. What he means.
"Ivar… You…?" Blushing, a lump forms in your throat, you can’t speak anymore.
Nodding at you, again and again, a broad smile on his face and his gaze almost naughty, he’s obviously having fun. Fucking pompous asshole!
"Yes, my queen. I found your Tumblr blog. And I read your fanfictions."
@waiting4inspiration​ @saldelys​ @lisinfleur​ @honestsycrets​ @gearhead66​
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tortoisesshells · 4 years
Six Sentence Sunday: Buying Time (1/3, ~1450 words, some salty language, people coping with grief poorly)
this was supposed to be modern!fake-dating!AU for Customs and Duties, but, so far, there’s no dating, fake or otherwise - just a lot of pottering around an antiques shop, with a side helping of cocktail-party knowledge of clockmaking and 19th century US naval scandals. I have a plan. maybe. I also may be sorry.
The first time Nellie Treat met James Norrington, esq., he was already drunk at 2:30 on a winter Tuesday. It was Tuesday simply because it was the day after Monday, and it was 2:30 because sometime after lunch the new-old naval clock had struck five completely uninspiring bells – and it was still light outside. A sixth bell rang from the door swinging open, and Nellie had glanced up from her unending round of correspondences and deep-internet trawling to see a tall, cleanshaven man glancing about himself with complete bewilderment, as though he’d been expecting Narnia – or maybe a drop into a bottomless pit.
“Welcome,” Nellie’d said, with her polished customer-service smile, “Can I help you find something specific? Do you have an inquiry?”
“I drank too much,” the tall man replied, gesturing vaguely behind himself down the main drag, to any number of establishments, “I’ve walked around for an hour but I left my coat somewhere.” He paused expectantly, as though what he said had made any sense whatsoever.
Unbelievably (or maybe believably – she was a widow with two children and wasn’t getting any younger, and it wasn’t like she got out much), this had been the start of a fairly interesting friendship  –
Even if he had spent the next hour rambling about the duel between Decatur and Barron and the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair.
What Nellie Treat learned about James Norrington, in fairly short order thereafter, was this:
(1) He was a graduate of Princeton, Yale, and Harvard, in some combination of B.A.s and M.A.s and J.D.s which, as a proud graduate of a state school, she forgot as quickly as she could,
(2) He had upper-class-WASP-male-appropriate love of all things maritime, which led her to believe there was probably a daysailer, at the very least, in a marina somewhere, and she would have bet Sam’s grandmother’s pearls that there was at least one model ship in his office, and a collection of Samuel Eliot Morison’s histories on his shelves, somewhere,
(3) He’d just been dumped by his fiancé at a political fundraiser luncheon in Boston, which didn’t precisely explain why he was here. “95,” was the closest thing she’d gotten to an answer, which she supposed was technically correct, and,
(4) He was both sharp and a little stuffily polite, because not two days after their inauspicious first meeting she’d received an immaculately-penned note thanking her for her coffee, her argument, and her kindness. A few days later came a formal inquiry through her shop’s email: he was looking for a shelf clock from a particular Newport maker she’d never heard of. Was this a commission she was interested in undertaking?
Considering Mary had one more year at Stanford, yes. Yes, she was.
God, that fucking clock.
There wasn’t any particular reason to believe that Elinor Coggeshall would have turned into a respectable antiques dealer, since as a kid the only thing old stuff meant to her was the endless round of family hand-me-downs. Antiques had been Sam’s thing – in part, he guessed, because he grew up around the stuff (that hadn’t been donated to places like the MFA or the Wadsworth Atheneum or even, in the case of his great-great-something-great Uncle’s punchbowl, with its bold maker’s mark, “REVERE”, in the Metropolitan). The other part had been his love of stories and people and the endless revolutions of historical rumor and gossip mills. So, Nellie had married into the business.
And then, after ten years of marriage, Sam started complaining about headaches. Six months later, he was gone.
Ridiculous as it was, she observed some of the old mourning traditions – she lived around the things that had seen it firsthand, over a century ago – and it gave her something to do, covering mirrors and tying black ribbons on her framed photos, and spending an atrocious amount of time on the internet only to discover no one really made mourning crepe anymore, because, well – who did that? Who needed it? She must have worn the same three black turtlenecks and the same two pairs of black slacks for three months, until Aunt B had kindly but pointedly told her she looked more like a beat poet than a widow. Polly and Sam seem pretty relieved, too – and Mary, all the way from Stanford, pointedly sent her a beautiful and brilliantly colored floral scarf, to mark the change.
And business went on. What else was she supposed to do? No amount of crying would ever bring Sam back – and it wouldn’t pay the grief-counseling bills, either.
Where the clock was concerned, she had little luck – furniture, really, was what she knew best, and sure, yes, there was a fair amount of overlap between cabinetry and clocks, particularly when, before the mechanization of clock production in the wake of Eli Terry’s innovations, clockmakers had really only focused on the gears and mechanisms, and left the housings to carpenters and cabinetmakers – but she’d never really dealt in clocks besides a novelty one every now and again. That was mostly for her own amusement, anyway – like the naval clock over the door to her office, or the clock in a fake old-fashioned diver’s helmet that she’d found at an estate sale and given to her brother, who laughed for a good fifteen minutes over Skype because of it.
At the end of the first month, she’d sent an email to Mr. Norrington, esq., reporting very nicely and not in so many words, that she’d found sweet fuck-all, but there were these promising leads on clocks similar in build, mechanism, or origin. She didn’t expect any of them were good enough, and, Mr. Norrington emailed back politely that he appreciated her effort, but none of these were correct, and he’d like her to keep looking.
March was much the same, as was April: Mr. Norrington, here are these clocks that aren’t exactly what you’re looking for; thank you, Mrs. Treat, but I’d appreciate it if you continued to look. There were a few more pleasantries from him, with reference to a short article on Decatur, belatedly making the point he’d tried to make but for the scotch those three months ago. It made her laugh a little, even.
May was shaping up to be much the same, save that, shortly before noon – an unimpressive seven bells, that was punctuated, again, by the ring of the shop-door-bell as it opened. “Welcome,” she said, looking up from her emails and list of estate sales she wanted to buzz through either for out of town friends or from her own sense of piratical treasure-hunting – and the intellectual challenge of getting in and out with two children at ten and eight in tow. It had been a good month since her last major commission.
At any road, she’d set aside her pen and paper, looking up with her placid expression, and –
“Ah, Mrs. Treat,” said Mr. Norrington, “Good morning.”
Nellie had a sudden presentiment that he’d come to thank her but dismiss her in person, since he seemed a thorough, conscientious, and probably old-fashioned sort. She probably should have expected that, and she smiled a little more determinedly and plastically as a result.
“Good morning, Mr. Norrington. How can I help you today?”
“I was passing through, on my way to New York,” he said, by way of explanation, “And I wondered, in light of that, and the work you have done for me, if I might not suspend the monthly email in favor of a short conversation?”
“All right.” She gathered her notes and her tablet under her arm, and gestured towards her office at the back of the shop. “It’s not the neatest place in the world, but it’ll do. Do you want some tea?”
“Would you like lunch? On my tab. I’ve never seen so many diagrams of mechanisms and assemblages, and I’ve certainly learned more about hardwoods than I ever expected. You must have gone cross-eyed, Mrs. Treat.”
Nellie protested that it was far too generous an offer, but Mr. Norrington pushed back that he had hardly discharged her – her kindness (he said, vaguely, a little color rising in his cheeks at the memory) towards him, from those months ago.
So, a little while later, that was how Nellie found herself locking up and setting the security system, setting her quaint little Out-To-Lunch sign that Sam had penned in during his calligraphy phase in the door, and poking her head into Hancock’s to tell Lydia that she’d be back in an hour.
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Jet lag & Webgott. I know the theme is PAIN but can I request something mildly to very funny??
a little fall of meme can hardly hurt me now  ( accepting )
‘make it funny,’ you say, at which point i instantly forget the concept of humor
By this point, David has become fluent in Joe’s bitching, whichever language it’s voiced in.
It’s an acquired skill — frankly, one he could have lived his entire life without acquiring — but knowing where Joe stands makes navigating their relationship a lot easier. When it comes to the little things, Joe wears his heart on his sleeve. If he doesn’t like a particular TV show, he’ll say it… loudly. When it’s snowing, he’ll agonize about it until David’s tempted to shove him outside and lock the door; when it’s too hot, he’ll strip without shame, hissing like a disgruntled cat all the while. By now, they’ve been dating long enough that David knows Joe like a familiar book, leafed through a hundred times over. Sure, sometimes he could do without all that context, but a working knowledge of Joe’s quirks makes dealing with him that much easier.
Joe Fact #263: He can’t stand long flights.
It’s not like he’s a nervous flier. He’s just… a lot to handle. Part of it has to do with Joe’s inherent restlessness, a genetic predisposition to never hold still for more than a minute; part of it is just Joe’s talent for being annoying. And he can be… really, really annoying. Damned obnoxious. He doesn’t read, he’s hardly interested in the movies — he just spends the entire flight complaining. Why can’t he get WiFi? Why can’t he order another gin and tonic? Why are the seats so lumpy? Why do you want me to close the window, Web, look at this view, it’s priceless —
Having the window open makes him air sick. Joe knows this.
It’s not a massive problem, but during any long flight, it becomes an inevitable one. Queasiness is just another thing Joe gets to complain about on long flights. Part of David thinks it’s all a ploy; an excuse to get up and move around the cabin, even if it’s just to hide out in the bathroom and try to get WiFi signal. 
To be fair — on their trip to the Amalfi coast, when Joe had to sprint to the bathroom mid-flight and stayed there for over an hour, he probably wasn’t faking it.
Flying with Joe is unbearable for everyone involved… so when Joe announces his new solution, David’s optimistic. They’re two days out from a trip to Hawaii when Joe reveals a bottle of air sickness pills — apparently “the best they sell on the whole Internet, Web, I checked.”
David’s skeptical. “Are you… sure you can’t just make it?”
Joe huffs, genuinely offended by the question. “Fine! This time I’ll just blow chunks all over you. In-flight entertainment’s gonna be The Exorcist. How about that, Web? Fuck.”
David rolls his eyes — but he doesn’t argue anymore. At the time, it seems like a testament to his self-control.
Oh, how naive he was.
The pills make it through customs in their carry-on bag — something Joe gloats about for the next half hour, like he’s just pulled one over on the government, even though David looked it up and medication is allowed on planes. While waiting for their flight, Joe insists on Cinnabon. Insists, like it’s the only thing he’s ever wanted. He pouts, he pleads, and finally he just tows David over to the stall without any forewarning and sits him down at one of the tables. (Joe Fact #312: Arguing with Joe while he’s got a pastry craving is like reasoning with a brick wall.)
The cinnamon bun in front of Joe is larger than your average infant.  “You ever heard of ‘tempting fate’?” David can’t help but ask around his own mouthful of pastry. 
Joe reaches over and smears frosting on his chin.
Without any delay, they make it on their flight in record time. Joe waits until they’re sitting, buckled in and watching the flight attendant go through safety procedures, to dig the pill bottle from his bag. A strange sense of unease churns David’s stomach, though he can’t for the life of him say why. Joe glances over, smirking; as David watches, he pops the two pills and swallows them dry.
“There. This flight’ll be smooth sailing.”
With four and a half hours of airtime ahead of them, David can only pray.
Joe’s not the researching sort — that goes without saying — but David has always been. He never takes a medication without looking up the full list of side effects in advance. When, twenty minutes into the in-flight movie, Joe’s head starts to loll against his shoulder, he’s not surprised.
“You alright?” he murmurs, turning just enough to speak the words softly into his boyfriend’s temple. Joe shifts, sighing heavily, and tries to straighten up again. It’s more effort than it’s worth.
“Might just end up sleeping through this thing,” he mutters. “Movie’s a snorefest anyway.”
It’s some movie about a dog. Neither of them have been really paying attention. “Okay,” David replies, keeping his tone casual. “That’s fine, just… get some rest.”
Joe shifts in his seat, making himself more comfortable. For about ten minutes, David stays very still. He doesn’t move; he doesn’t fidget; he doesn’t even breathe loudly.
When he looks over again, Joe’s dead to the world.
Oh, thank god.
David tilts his head back to grin at the ceiling, fist pumping the air without a sound — definitely earning a few sideways glances from other passengers, but he doesn’t care. Finally. After all this time, all this anticipation —
There’s no time to waste. He rummages through the carry-on at his feet, emerging with three large books, and headphones dangling from between his fingers. David drops his tray table, sets up his classical music Spotify playlist, cracks open the first book, and orders a Bloody Mary.
Peace at last.
The amount of long flights he’s endured through Joe’s whining… the amount of poking he’s had to deal with, the amount of dirty jokes whispered in his ear, all the times Joe’s stolen his books or drained his phone battery… he’s earned this, okay? As David leans back in his seat, it’s impossible to keep from grinning. Slumped against the window, Joe’s soft snores are easily drowned out by his headphones. They’ve got another five hours of flight ahead, and David plans to enjoy them.
Which he absolutely does, for the first hour. By the second, Joe’s got a specialty airline pillow under his head and a blanket tucked around him; David’s wallet is thirty dollars lighter, but it’s worth it. He runs his fingers through Joe’s hair absently, still engrossed in his book; after a while, he finishes it, and starts another one.
Somewhere around the third hour, Joe stirs, face smushing up against David’s shoulder. Gently, David repositions his head, only to find his boyfriend blinking drowsily at him.
“Hey, Web…” Joe’s voice is raspier than usual, thick with sleep. “How long’ve I been out?”
“A little while. We’re about halfway there.”
Joe hums, head flopping back against David’s shoulder. After a minute, he becomes aware of the blanket around him; a small huff escapes him, turning into a chuckle halfway through. “Aww, Web. Knew you cared.”
“As though I’d ever hear the end of it if you woke up with a sore neck.”
As though just to spite him, Joe cranes his neck at an unnatural angle to look up at him. “Wouldn’t be the first time we woke up sore together.” He pauses, thoughtful, then grins. “Wanna renew our mile high club membership?”
David shakes him off.
“Okay, okay, shit —“ Joe straightens up, disgruntled. Even sitting up in his seat, he sways a bit, as though rocking to turbulence no one else can feel. Davis observes as he gradually slumps against the window again, all the energy drained out of him. Mile high club — uh huh, very likely.
“These pills have any weird side effects?” Joe asks after a moment, brows furrowed. David rolls his eyes.
“How many times have I told you —“
“Read the fine print, yeah, damn it, Web. I get it.” Joe’s eyes scrunch shut. “They’re just not gonna — gimme an extra toe, or turn me green or anything, right?”
“No.” David diverts his attention, recommitting to his book with new stubbornness. “Orange, maybe.”
“That’s a color I can live with.” Without looking, Joe reaches over. Whatever he’s trying to grab, he ends up smacking David in the jaw. Hard, damn it. As David draws back with a muttered curse, Joe’s hand finds his chest; he gives it a few solid pats, maybe as an apology. “Mind if I sleep the rest of the way?”
“Please,” David rolls his eyes. “Be my guest.”
After a while, Joe’s snoring picks up again — and David is left to read in peace. He makes it through about a quarter of the next book before his eyes start hurting, and he finally has to set it aside. He orders a snack. He watches some late-night show. He doodles a bull shark on his napkin and daydreams about the white sands of Honolulu.
By the time the plane’s begun its final stretch, David is more than ready to start vacation. His pulse thrums with muted excitement, mind racing with all the things he wants to do as soon as they step off the plane. Every slight jolt of the plane as it descends kicks his anticipation a little higher.
By all rights, it should also jar Joe awake… but when David looks over, he’s surprised to find his boyfriend still sleeping.
“Hey,” he says, nudging Rip Van Winkle’s blanket-clad shoulder. “Nap time’s over. We’re almost there.”
Joe groans, shifting in his seat. When David tries again, he blindly smacks him.
“Jesus — will you —“ With a huff, David yanks the blanket away, leaving Joe bare. Suddenly exposed to the plane’s crisp air conditioning, Joe’s face scrunches up. He writhes in discomfort for a moment, fumbling around for the blanket, before at last cracking an eye open to look at Webster.
“You’re a sadist, Web.”
“I’m tired of watching you drool,” Webster retorts, busy packing up his carry-on. “Come on, rise and shine. We’ll be on the ground in a few minutes.”
Joe gives a drawn out sigh, as if it’s the greatest inconvenience in the world to ask him to be awake. Still, he props himself up. Over the next few minutes, as the airport tarmac slowly comes into view, he pulls himself from the syrupy haze of half-sleep, back into the land of the living. By the time they’re on the ground, he’s still blinking hard and rubbing his head, but awake.
“At least we’re had an easy flight,” David chirps as they make their way up the aisle.
“I dreamed I was on some tropical island, with a buncha pool floats, and the local girls were letting me eat fruit slices off their chests.”
“I already told you, we can’t do that in public — plus I have to wear sunscreen! I burn! Why do you want to eat fruit that tastes like sunscreen?”
“Just leave a spot bare —“
“I can’t stand tangerines,” Webster declares, cutting the argument off before it can take root. “Find a better fruit. If it’s pineapples, I’ll consider it.”
“That’s because you, like pineapples, are disgusting.” 
Joe suddenly stumbles, bracing himself against the ramp. On reflex, David catches him by the arm  —  but Joe isn’t falling, apparently, just steadying himself. When David raises his eyebrows, his boyfriend rolls his eyes and brushes him off.
“I’m fine, quit lookin’ at me like that.” A second later, Joe is on the move again. “Just a little jet-lagged.”
To be fair… David did enough research on the motion sickness pills in advance to know they made you drowsy. He just… didn’t look up how long it would last. 
By the time they’re collecting their luggage, Joe is lounging on a nearby-bench, half-asleep; David has to haul every suitcase off the conveyor belt on his own. He also has to hail a taxi by himself… and, when they pull up in front of the hotel, with Joe dead to the world against his shoulder, pay for it.
“Come on,” David mutters, dragging his boyfriend out of the car. “Home, sweet home.”
Joe wakes up just enough to blink at him in amazement. “Wow, that was some vacation, Web!”
The bellboy who comes out to greet them blinks at the sight of David, two suitcases braced against one arm, a comatose body against the other. With barely a word of apology, he deposits Joe on the luggage trolley. Joe, who seems delighted with this turn of events, just pulls his legs up. 
Hopefully the hotel has a big bed, because it seems like they’ll be spending their first night in Hawaii getting to know it well.
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