#maybe ill attempt it
ashoss · 4 months
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this idea wont leave my brain please help me !! YIPPEE HADES BATKIDS !!!
without the bg and text under the cut :))
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asdhj probably gonna post like,, two at a time because thats ,, a lot,,,, of drawing ,,,,,,, so heres tim and jason! i think i got the hang of it more with jason lol
thank you to those who helped me with the titles for the batkids!! they were all really good :D (all on insta lol)
timothy: the tenured - thomson_at
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meoskyan · 10 months
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acephobia is so stupid to the point it's comical
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ohnoitsz1m · 2 months
Halflife ponies. Btw.
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A warning to any MLP enjoyers: if this ends up on derpibooru or any similar site I'll gnaw you into splinters like a cheap plastic dog toy. I'm on the DNP lists under animatorfun and I'll request a new link for this blog specifically if I havw to. Please stop reuploading my shit 💀
Edit: i forgot to reenable the layer with Gordon's glasses it's so over. I was wondering why she looked weird oughhgggh
Edit2: fixed gordon <3
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chickenoptyrx · 10 months
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...this is dumb. That background was legit just a last min attempt to fill in empty space and this whole thing is just.. look im watchin ocean dub rn.
Its from this bit when hes about to kill gohan :T
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feelo-fick · 4 months
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Q: What's your favourite food? A: THE ALE THEY SERVE AT THE TAVERN!
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other versions : )
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dunkinbublin · 1 year
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& knuckles
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arcaneyouth · 2 months
you know what i am gonna make my own post about it. ghost trick spoilers under the cut
in a very non judgemental way, this post was prompted by people who read yomiel as queer for the same things that made me see him as a lot like myself in a chronic/terminal illness way. the queer readings are extremely valid, i just wanna point at how much this connects to people like me in a very blatant way, and yet not a way i have (personally) seen talked about much
it is so dehumanizing to be chronically/terminally ill. (for the purposes of this post, i am going to use these terms interchangeably because i am a person who is chronically ill with an illness that could have killed me easily so they are, for me, quite the same). it is so awful and horrible to feel like you are doomed to this fate of being a ghost when you think you're supposed to be alive but no one will look at you that way because to them you are already dead. and yomiel captures that fucking excellently.
forced to ""live"" for 10 years but never being alive the entire time. all he fucking wanted was to live until it was time to die properly. he wanted people to accept that he's like this and love him anyways. he wanted to Exist but the way he's existing isn't right, so he's been forced to be alone for 10 years stuck in this fucking limbo of life and death.
and as a chronically ill person that really. really fucking resonates. maybe it would have been ok if he had just been allowed to exist as he is. been allowed to be dead. if he hadn't become so isolated by the giant shadow that is his own death. being ill is isolating. the fact that he's puppeting around a body that doesn't feel like it's really his anymore.... what terminal illness does to a motherfucker fr fr.
and god. the moment with lynne, where she is the first person to understand what he's feeling. how everything about his death feels like it dragged him down into an endless void, and she Gets It and that alone makes him really start to want to change.... fuck dude. it's not pity, it's not denial, it's someone finally reaching out a hand and understanding what it means to be like This. to be nothing but a ghost to everyone. and that's what makes him feel like a person again.
makes me insane. anyways happy disability pride month
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aroanthy · 6 months
trying to write something about how much i hate the ‘misandry in utena/the utena fandom’ crowd but it feels kind of redundant to me. i think i just don’t consider people who use the word ‘misandry’ serious people. i do however feel an obligation to occasionally make my position clear on that front, because im aware i tougapost and some people love to bring that guy up as the misandry in the utena fandom poster boy. which is so fucking stupid because touga is not victimised by ‘misandry’, touga is victimised by homophobic violence which is wrapped up in misogynistic violence, both of which are the cogs in the machine we call patriarchy. touga is not affected by misogyny in the same way that anthy is, that’s one of the key takeaways you can get from their being foils, and i don’t really like the whole ‘oh patriarchy hurts men too’ stuff because it neglects the fact that men reap so many material benefits from what some people deem ‘harm’ to them (emotional repression being the big one. it’s not great but when you’re the privileged party and gain power from it, who cares? it’s like the inverse of kozue trying to use sexuality to gain power: she can’t do that). but touga is a shitty dysfunctional person who has been shaped by violence and in turn perpetuated violence, and his character excels, imho, at examining how patriarchy functions and attempts to homogenise life’s many complexities. same deal as nanami really. they just play different roles in this gender essentialist nightmare that crunches out any grit. and you can extend that idea to all rgu characters but i am who i am and that is a kiryuu siblings enjoyer
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gordon-furman · 9 months
aka speculative biology + how my shock troopers work (this post requires at least a bit of knowledge of Half Life/ Opposing Force lore)
First, an explanation of the relationship between the shock trooper/Race X homeworld and Xen.
Xen is a borderworld comprising of many floating islands and the wildlife that live upon them. Existing between dimensions, most creatures upon Xen inhabit it by accident; having been brought by portal storms and then unable to leave. Other creatures purposely fled to Xen due to an oppressive alien force, such as the Nihilanth, the Vortigaunts, and other unnamed/unknown races.
Some of these are Race X native species.
Black Mesa found out about Race X by chance through their teleportation experiments. Through very calculated and very risky missions, Black Mesa was able to obtain some specimens from the places where Race X resided, as well as Xen. Those scientists then took them down to the deepest parts of Black Mesa to study.
Black Mesa had been extracting crystals and wildlife from Xen for a while, these new species were kept secret to only those with the highest clearances. Still, they were not able to gather enough data before the Cascade; when all the alien species contained within Black Mesa were unleashed unto the world.
There is no determined number amount of Shock Troopers who reside on Earth, but we estimate that they are few and far between. Unlike Vortigaunts, most (if any) Shock Troopers who inhabit Earth nowadays are hostile towards both Humans and Combine alike. However, they prove to be smart and reliable allies when possible.
Most everything we know about Shock Troopers and the other species of Race X has been filled in by Shock Troopers themselves. The following information was gathered by a Shock Trooper who had joined a small team of rebels stationed in an abandoned quarry, then passed on to rebel scientists.
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(Pictured: a murky healing pool with Spore Launchers)
On their homeworld and their other colonized planets, shock trooper young (called spore launchers) start their lives in pools. They are amphibious in nature and are able to crawl upon land with their tiny arms. The majority of their life, however, is spent in the pools.
Those familar with the borderworld Xen will recognize the healing pool that serves as their watery cradle. Starting from eggs, spore launchers hatch into these pools by the dozen and stay there for much of their adolescent lives. As more hatchlings leave their leathery eggs and inhabit the pools, the natural healing power lessens and lessens; until the pool itself is murky and stagnant.
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(Pictured: infant Jack, Tiger, and Spot; my half life ocs)
Adult shock troopers do not care for their young outside of feeding (though it is a common occurrence that they don't get fed), which leads to their pools being a very hostile environment in their later stages. The natural properties of the pool that healed their wounds when they were newborn no longer nurse the bigger and older spore launchers. It is not uncommon for spore launchers to be aggressive towards each other at this time. There are often so many babies in one pool that feeding is foregone entirely; leading to a strictly cannibal diet among the young (though cannibalism is a regular occurrence in pools that are well supplied with food as well.).
Spore launchers come in the same colors as Shock Troopers do, though a Shock Trooper's patterns are often determined by how much nutrients that they collected as a baby. (Which often leads to the most complex and abundant patterns belonging to the most aggressive shock troopers. Or, at least, those that were aggressive in their infant stage.)
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(Pictured: Two Shock Troopers and a baby Spore Launcher)
Spore Launchers turn into Shock Troopers via a sort of metamorphosis. Mature Spore Launches encase themselves in a cocoon of their own spit (often mixed with juices and remains of Spore Fruit, a main staple in their diet) and emerge as fully grown Shock Troopers. It is at this point that they assimilate into Shock Trooper culture and community.
Shock Trooper culture is very militaristic and nationalist. They are very competitive and engage in sparing as a sport, though they do not have much to bet but food and actions. (A Shock Trooper who lost a bet, for example, might have to do an unwanted chore or something embarrassing.) They do not have clothing or music, though the very few who have spent time on Earth have enjoyed wind and percussion instruments.
Shock Trooper relationships are different from human ideas of the concept. Romantic relationships are extremely rare (occurring only under rare circumstances and only with Shock Troopers from different colonies) and sexual ones are nonexistent. This means that, in human terms, most Shock Troopers are aromantic, and all of them are biologically asexual.
Instead of romantic relationships, some examples of high value relationships within the Shock Trooper community are mentor-mentees, tight knit friend groups (or squads, as they call them) and leader- follower groups. These relationships can be as complicated as human ones at times; as one Shock Trooper might see their bond as friendship, while the other Shock Trooper might see them as a leader-follower pair.
Despite their differences, it is a common belief in their homeworld communities that Shock Troopers are 'above' all other specie, including those they have domesticated. Some domesticated species found in and around communities are Shock Roaches, Pit Drones, and Voltigores (not to be confused with Vortigaunts). Shock Roaches are symbiotic insect-like weapons, while Pit Drones and Voltigores could be compared (if need be, as these creatures are nothing like Earth creatures) to very aggressive dogs and livestock. Their farming habits support their omnivorous diet; which consists of Spore fruit and Voltigores, as well as anything else they can get their hands on.
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(Pictured: a Gene Worm)
While they seem primitive in many ways, Shock Troopers are one step above Black Mesa's scientists; they have mastered reliable teleportation. While they always have a Gene Worm to create teleportation portals, they were able to use Xen crystal constructs and Sprite-powered portals in order to create a reliable network. This network was how they were able to conduct their assault on Black Mesa and attempted colonization of Earth.
Gene worms are one of the final stages of Shock Trooper evolution. Much like ants or bees, Spore Launchers turn into Gene worms with the help of a special chemical jelly diet created in the throats of Shock Troopers. The fed Spore Launcher then feeds on anything it can fit in its mouth to support it's growth, then turning into their 'queen'.
The Gene Worm is the only reproductive being among their species; dedicating much of it's time to laying eggs. There are multiple Gene Worms across their home planet and other places, so not all Shock Troopers are directly related.
Interestingly enough, though Shock Troopers feed and care for the Gene Worm well into it's adulthood, it is not out of any obligation. Ants serve a queen. This queen serves its offspring. The Gene Worm is able to create and change the landscape around it to create a perfect home for Shock Troopers. This, mixed with their teleportation knowledge, has led them to successfully terraform and colonize one other planet besides their own.
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(Pictured: a Gene Worm and a Tentacle)
The last example of the Shock Trooper life cycle are Tentacles. Like the Gene Worm, these creatures evolve from Spore Launchers who are fed a special diet. Unlike the Gene Worm, however, these Tentacles are made to the guards of Gene Worm nests and other important areas. Relatively blind, they attack their opponents using hearing to pinpoint their locations. Shock Troopers make sure to vocalize loudly while in their presence to ensure that the Tentacles will not mistake them for an enemy.
Shock Troopers are complicated and highly intelligent creatures who are yet untouched by the decimation of the Combine. Maybe, just maybe, they would make good allies in the future for the war against the Combine; if they knew what was at stake.
However, knowing the overall nationalistic culture of the Shock Troopers and their previous attempt to colonize Earth...probably not.
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kholnt · 1 month
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i got hard read i see
(temp by @/gaylactic-fire)
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lemongogo · 3 months
do i finish dunmesh tn ..
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jade-len · 8 months
first time sketching bingbing (+ random person) with a sad attempt at the arcane style
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can you tell i can't draw baby faces. or anything below the torso.
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absurdumsid · 6 months
i DESPERATELY need to talk about bar sanses and at this point im willing to rewrite that stupid fanfic
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tartagliatum · 4 months
lyney eating less than his siblings because he wants to make sure they have enough to eat before meeting his own needs
i love it but dear god i have never hated anything more
gripping his growling stomach as he struggles to fall asleep, the hollow ache in his tummy and the never ending thoughts of food keeping him up all night :(
almost slipping up on missions where once he was vigilant and quick to gather intel. forcing a weary smile on his face whenever he finishes a magic trick; and even then, it’s because he managed to make it through without any forgetfulness or mishaps, rather than because of the cheer of the children in awe of magic
his body aches and his focus evades him, thoughts looping around his head and disappearing just when he’s about to grasp them - every day feels like wading through mud. his corset tightens and he becomes slow and lethargic and painful, but he decides as long as his siblings are safe and his audience is smiling (handing over money to keep them alive), the headaches and gnawing pain in his stomach each night are worth it
however i do think lynette is very sharp and would notice what he’s doing - in the tremble his magician’s fingers have never had before, in his pale lips and the barely noticeable furrow of confusion between his brow when he struggles to pull a trick he once knew like the back of his hand through his brain fog. he falls asleep before changing his clothes, makeup smudged the next day, far too exhausted to even think about dealing with all those accessories with such shaky hands and limbs. she sees through the tired smile he gives her when he says he isn’t hungry, that he’s having an adrenaline crash from the show, that he’s busy connecting intel, that he feels too sick to eat. she wouldn’t outright call him out, no, he’s far too temperamental and stubborn (and caring) to ever admit to it. instead she pretends to be full, or too tired to finish her food, and offers half to him instead.
gradually, the garters loosen, he doesn’t need to pull his corset so tight anymore. his fingers don’t fumble for cards or hidden vices, and he doesn’t even come close to being caught in dangerous situations while doing fatui work. his eyes are shining again when he finishes tricks, when he sees how everyone claps and cheers and believes in magic because of him <3
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medu-nefer · 1 year
y'all seemed to quite like the little crocheted ruthari (TY 💘) so i thought maybe some of you would be interested in a few close-ups 👀
(i added some crocheter rambling so feel free to just click on the photo and swipe to skip all that)
i also throught perhaps @careful-silent-still and @hypherr would like to see them too? 👉👈
so. first up, runaan. he has wire inside so he has some degree of movement, but he's also quite stuffed and the movement is unfortunately limited
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i've been crocheting for a year, so the idea of coming up with my own patterns for his clothes was terrifying. therefore, i ended up doing just his boots, pants and the vest (it's hot in the silvergrove this time of the year, he doesn't need the shirt or the coat 😅), plus of course the horn cuffs. all accesories are removable of course. the original idea for the pendant was for it to be just one strand with a loop at the end but it didn't look good at all so i switched to something way simpler and more effective)
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i suck at embroidery and i hate it but what can you do 🫠
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so i made runaan first and he was going to be a little birthday gift to myself, but ofc it'd be criminal to make only him and the plan has always been to make him a little ethari too. i finished him on the 5th so i guess it all ended up being a gift for him 🤣
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once i saw his turnarounds, though, it took me quite some time to hype myself up to actually start making him, because it's so many different clothes with no existing patterns and they're all so detailed (runaan's were too but i had gained some confidence while making him and wanted to work on ethari properly) 😩 still, i somehow did it.
i did change the flap of fabric hanging from his belt as i had no way of making a smooth ombre transition from purple to dark turquoise like he actually has it - so instead of 2 jarring colours, it's 4 jarring colours 😂 and i also didn't do the embroidery on that part and it made me very happy - especially since there was plenty of embroidery i couldn't skip
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and just like with runaan, all of his articles of clothing are removable (the flap is sewn onto the belt, and the green patches are sewn onto the boots but other than that, everything is separate)
there is, however, one issue 😅 i think it stems from a couple of choices i made: 1. i used a different, slightly thicker type of yarn for ethari's body than i did for runaan; 2. i used a 3,0 mm hook instead of 2,5 mm; and 3. i messed up the patterns for ethari's limbs (i did them in rounds instead of rows; it was late and i was tired and by the time i realised that, i was on the 3rd one & couldn't be bothered to scrap them all - which i probably should have done XD oh well).
the first 2 choices were deliberate as ethari is canonically a little bit taller than runaan, but umm...
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let's just assume elves grow until they're 40 or so, and so after 2 years in the coin, runaan stayed behind 😅
oh, and i also wanted them to be able to hold hands so they have magnets in their hands but in the end, they weren't strong enough to still work through two layers of yarn ☹️ i guess i could still use a little clasp but we'll see about that
so yeah. here they are 😊
P.S. please enjoy runaan at his baby yoda phase:
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ravs6709 · 4 months
idk if this is something im maybe hallucinating or maybe its just the posts that i see occasionally but ifl sometimes its hard for the fandom to let yjh exist outside of kdj?? like i know the whole kdj being the reason for the story and yjh as an extension to exist is a thing but yjh separating himself from the narrative and establishing himself as not just the protagonist but a person is Also a thing and i feel like we don't talk about it as much.
like i dont know man!! maybe this is all in my head but sooo much of the yjh content also doubles as joongdok?? and you KNOW i love good joongdok but where are the character studies. where are the deep dives. where is the acknowledging yjh as an intricately convoluted and complex characters with his own wishes and desires and the way those desires fuel the narrative like goddddd hes SUCH a Character i think we need to discuss it more. anyways hes my fave btw no one gets him like i do
Like yjh becoming a Person is his whole growth??? I haven't been consuming nearly as much orv content, and I'm pretty sure it's for this very reason cause I want more character studies so bad!! Or dynamics with other members of kimcom!!
You ever think about him and mia, mia who is suddenly so distant from her brother, you ever think about him and jihye, how she wants to be strong like him
Or sp!!! Who carries so much grief, and it saddens me that his "why is it not me, but you?" line got reduced to "oh he's jealous he doesn't have a kdj" when it's "he doesn't have ANY companions he doesn't have a SISTER A DISCIPLE A TEACHER"
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