#maybe it's a personal thing but I feel like being 'successful' and 'ambitious' are really ideals thrust upon us
kdramakitty · 1 year
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casual-tarot · 1 year
Pick a Pile: What your friends love about you
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Pile 1
You're an optimist! You see the good in just about every situation and you see the endless possibilities ahead of you. You're not one to back down just because the going gets tough. If you get beat down by life, you always bounce back up. Your friends admire this about you, they wish they could have your optimism, could see the world from your eyes. You're also an incredibly and creative person. You're dream job may include being a creative in some way; music, art, photography, writing, etc. Your friends love your creations and are inspired by them. You are a very generous person as well, if someone needs your help, you won't hesitate to do what you can. You Love helping people if you're able to. And that's the thing, you know when to pull back and away from things. If you need time to think or to heal, you pull back and spend time alone to rejuvenate. You won't overextend yourself and that makes people admire you. You might also be a healer, a good one at that. You help lift people up without straining yourself. You welcome help from others and pat them on the back for a job well done. Inspiring!
Lucky Colors and Numbers; Shades of Orange, Shades of Pink, Fuchsia, Hot pink, White, Green, Light Shades of Blue, 5, 9, 19, 22, 48, 55, 74
Signs, Symbols, and Phrases; Skunks, Spiders, Foxes, Arctic Foxes, Flowers, Pink Flowers, Snow, Webs, The Moon, New Moon, The Night Sky, Stars, The Galaxy, Uranus, Mars, Wine and Wine Glasses, Leo, Scorpio, Pisces, 2, 22, 9, 3, 33, 12, 99
Some Advice: Spend some time with friends. Hone in on your creativity, make something new. Take a break, go on vacation if you can, maybe somewhere with a beach or a lake, maybe you can even surf a little bit. Focus on some of your hobbies, enjoy yourself. Focus on self love, though I get the feeling that you're already doing that. Buy some new clothes and/or accessories. Honestly your doing pretty well for yourself and I don't feel like I need to give you much advice, it seems you k ow perfectly well how to take care of yourself. Good for you!
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Pile 2
You are kind and extremely loyal. Your friends feel like they can trust you with just about everything. You always stand with them to help make the best decisions they can, and you always lift them up. You're very supportive and your friends are incredibly thankful for that. You're very intuitive and you tend to trust your gut. Your friends admire this because your gut is usually correct. You're very good at picking up on vibes and will clock a bad person as soon as you meet them. Sometimes you get overwhelmed with priorities going on in your life, but you always take a step back and let yourself breath. As soon as you realize you're stressed, you stop and think. You plan and map things out, and you make sure to add some leisure time in there as well(although I think you could stand to take a bit more time for yourself). You refuse to let things overwhelm you, too stubborn to let things really pile up. You're friends admire your drive, and wish they could hold that same ambition. You seem to be well connected to people. Maybe you know a lot of people and are good friends with most of them, or maybe you only know a handful that you have an extremely close bond with. Either way, you are well liked and people feel like they can talk to you about anything, even if you just met. You aren't very judgmental, you tend to see everyone's point of view, even if you don't agree with them. You're friends wish they had that same optimistic view in people. You don't focus on the bad things happening in life, you take it in stride with grace. You aim for success, you're ambitious but not in a way where you let it consume you. You are very healthy about taking breaks. Your friends really admire that one lol. You seem like a very compassionate person, you're friends are very thankful for that.
Lucky Colors and Numbers; Light plum, Whites, Lighter Purples, Light Browns, Beige, Caramel Browns, Coffee Stained Browns, Shades on the Spectrum of Light Orange to Hot Pink, Gray's, Light and Pastel Pinks, 10, 8, 99, 48, 22
Signs, Symbols, and Phrases; Whales, Butterflies(especially purple ones), Peacock's(especially males), Ants(especially if they're lined up), Snakes, Seals, Hawk's, Turkey Vultures, New Moon, Waxing Crescent Moon, The Moon as a Whole(Especially Crescent), Uranus, Venus, Neptune, Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn, Aries, Taurus, Fire and Flames, Fire signs, Plants, Sprouts, Earth signs, Farming, Wine and Wine Glasses, 10, 6, 12, 3, 9, 2, 4, 22, 33, 7, 77, 66, 1
Some Advice: You may have a hard time listening to friends. Whether that be because you're too busy or focused on your own problems or because they sometimes bring you down, it's good to take a moment to sit down and listen to them. Lend an ear. That being said, don't over extend yourself, I'm not saying to go way out of your way to comfort someone. If you don't have the time or mental strength, don't force it. But it is definitely a good reminder for you to check in on your friends and see how they're doing. I think you have a lot of good karma, and it's coming back your way. All that good you put out into the world if finally coming back to you, good things in your future! I'm getting the vibe that some of you don't think you deserve good karma or didn't do enough good deserve it, but rest assured you did do good. You deserve all the good things coming your way, even if you don't believe it. It doesn't matter if you think you deserve it or not, the universe knows and is sending back your good karma like punch to the face haha.
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Pile 3
Immediately getting the vibe that you're adventurous. You like to have fun and chill out. Maybe a night owl? You love going out with friends. You may be the type to buy the next round of drinks if you're able to. Your friends just think you're an overall cool person to hang out with. Rarely do they think of going somewhere without you. You are a strong, confident person. Someone who isn't afraid to stand up for a friend or to send back an order you know is wrong. But you're also kind, in a loud energetic sort of way. If you watch anime, think of those beefy sunshine characters(like kirishima or goku) that are always smiling and yelling, thats the vibe I get from you haha. You have a critical eye, maybe a good sense of intuition, you know the perfect path to take to get what you want. This applies with people, places, and even events. Your friends trust you make the right call in a lot of things. You seem like a leader, it might never be said but you might be the one introduce your friends to new places and experiences. Your friends really look up to you. You're not one to look back at "what ifs," you make your decisions and continue forward assured, knowing you made the right choice at that moment. You know you can't change the past and continue on into the future, knowing it's your past that has made you into who you are today. When you make a decision, you go all in on it, confidently, even if it turns out to be "wrong" later on. You pride yourself in not dwelling on past mistakes. You are very assured of yourself, whether that be in personality, looks, your job, whatever. You know your worth in all aspects and don't let people talk down to you because of it. You are very confident in spending your money, when you go out especially. Like I said before, the type to buy a round for everyone or pay for dinner. Rest assured, you're friends don't love you because of this, they love you because of you. They don't care if you have the money to hang out because they just want you to be there. You're very generous with your close friends, and they love giving back when they can. I'm getting the sense that they love getting you gifts and paying for the check as a thank you. They see your overt generosity as charming, something they fondly roll their eyes at. They are thankful to have you as a friend.
(Note: I had a lot of trouble articulating myself with this one, maybe that's something you struggle with too. You might have so much to say in your brain but your mouth can't keep up haha. I'm hearing adhd for some of you.)
Lucky Colors and Numbers; All Shades of Purple, Peaches and Light Pinks, Salmons, Fuchsia, Dark Blue, Black, White, Light Browns and/or Beiges(especially for accessories), 74, 57, 85, 88, 14, 33, 56, 55, 32, 5, 87, 91, 911
Signs, Symbols, and Phrases; Hawk's, Snakes, Whales, Blue Whales, Mice, Sharks, Cougars, Ants, Coyotes, Spiders, Rabbits, Gray Rabbits, Salmons, Koi Fish, Dolphins, White flowers, the Sea, Waves, Mountains, Snow, Yellow flowers, Blues, Reds, Twilight, Evening Sky, Pink Sky, Webs, Stars, Koi Fish Art, Dark Purple, Dark Purple Sky with Stars, A Dark Purple Sea Glittering in the Light, Chiron, Pluto, The Sun, Mercury, North Node of the Moon, New Moon, Waxing Crescent Moon, Last Quarter Moon, Full Moon, Virgo, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius, Windy Clouds, Fast Moving Clouds, Storm Clouds, Puffy Clouds, Fire and Flames, 5, 55, 555, 10, 4, 6, 1010, 1, 7, 44, 3, 33, 11, 77, 444, 333, 777, 7777, 22
Some Advice: I get the feeling that you love hanging out with friends, but remember to take some time for yourself too. Go out alone, just chill, or maybe even meet new people. Maybe take a vacation for yourself, or with a loved one, away from your group of friends and just with the people/person/pet closest to you lol. Balance your alone time with the time you spend with friends, even your extroverted side needs a break sometimes. Take a day off or stay home when you would normally go out. Watch TV, play some video games, or try something new altogether. Try out some new creative hobbies, or get back into old ones. I'm getting the vibe that you haven't been letting your creativity shine lately, let it out. Your work is perfectly balanced, what I mean by that is you can take a break. Everything is ok, they can handle a day or two without you there helping. So take a day off from work too, even if you don't think you need it. It can still help! Some of you definitely overwork, so you people especially should heed this advice. Take whatever resonates with you. I guess the major message here is basically this; take a break, take a vacation, and let yourself relax alone.
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thynisia-pac-readings · 10 months
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[PAC - Your first date together. Please do not copy or repost any part of the reading.]
There are 4 piles. This a general, collective reading as usual, take what resonates, this is for fun! Regardless of the banner, it doesn't have to be a romantic relationship - it could be friends or relatives.
This extensive reading includes sub-questions, signs and quotes! I also read possible things about you and about them, because why not! You can take it as further confirmation that it's your pile. XD
Take a slow breath, clear your mind and intuitively pick an image or number (you can ask your higher self and your spirit guides to help you choose it).
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Pile 1
It's 1:11PM I'm not even joking, number 8, relating to each other, reciprocated feelings, sudden confession and realising it's reciprocated, February, Lewis
No way I just got a poem on reciprocity by Cleo Wade!!! Two messages on that; for some it's reciprocated, for others don't waste time on someone who doesn't reciprocate your feelings!
United States, North America, Mexico, area between North and South America.
Astrological placements: Moon domiant, Cancer, Jupiter dominant, Sagittarius, Pisces, Moon conjunct Jupiter. Virgo rising, Gemini rising, Mercury in Aries, Mercury in Capricorn.
Possible things about you:
Life path 7, deep thinker, big on self-improvement and self-reflection. Maybe you're into manifestation as well. You might be very pretty according to societal standards, or you like to take care of yourself and your appearance. I think you're someone very kind and caring to others too. Do you do the same for yourself? Such an empathetic soul. You're a gift on Earth my love, know that.
Maybe you want to fly away, you want some freedom and get away somewhere far, but for some reason you've got to stay where you are. It's alright, all in due time.
Some of you may like Aphrodite or Venus, or you're in that phase of your life that she rules over, such as beauty, goddess energy, sacredness, femininity, etc.
Some of you may want to be a mother really bad, you want your own baby, you love children. A small minority of you could have a child already, but some may get pregnant/be a new father in the near future. :)
Possible things about them: 2 groups came up so you may intuitively pick 1 or 2, or both!
group 1:
they're the ones who feel the same about you haha!
they may also want a child or want their own baby, that's so sweet Pile 1. very caring individuals too and maybe that's something you relate on between each other.
they may feel like you uplift them whenever you speak or are physically with them. I feel like whenever you're around, they don't have these dark thoughts anymore. Maybe you ease their anxiety naturally, without even trying. I feel like they really feel comfortable and safe with you, and whatever the future holds, they hope that you don't let go of them. Actually, they wish to not let go of you. They don't want to. They see you with such respect and admiration, they really love you in that sense. It's not just infatuation or attachment, they love your traits/character.
their love language could be gift giving or handwritten notes.
group 2:
wow, we've got an ambitious and hard working person here. very powerful and independent. wants to rise to the top, they want to be successful and go higher. they want to excel at what they do, career wise or romance. it's like Suga singing "I wanna big house, big car, big ring" (something like that lol). great at multitasking and overseeing plans, but they could tend to be a bit controlling as a result. like their work mindset spills over in the personal life and relationships. it is not very bad though, but they may not realise. For some of them, if you tell them honestly that they're being a bit controlling or disrespectful in certain ways, they will feel bad and apologise and try to correct their attitude. They're not a bad person, they want to do their best so much that they are less self aware.
Your first date together:
How - probably not in the most romantic way? whatever is going to lead to that first date is not peaceful. maybe some misunderstanding or friction has to happen for you two to take that step forward.
Where - somewhere dry or far from water. Or there's not much around, far from the city. i.e. you might go hiking with them for the first date...are y'all dating a German? LMAO. On a more serious note, if you're a woman don't go on first dates where there's literally no one around. Safety first.
What - again could be hiking, rock climbing, risky/outdoorsy activities, dates in nature...
"Friendship is a sheltering tree" (Cornwall, L., 2015)
"When we focus solely on validation from the outside world, we end up being very easily controlled by circumstance, but when we remain humble and firmly rooted in our ever-present goodness, we can celebrate our accomplishments and learn from our disappointments without letting them be the things that define us" (Wade, C., 2018)
That's it Pile 1, I really enjoyed reading for you. Remember this is a collective reading, so take what resonates only.
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Pile 2
Hi Pile 2! This is my creative pile <3
November, teenager, architecture, museum, fashion lover, gossiping together or telling each other the crispy stuff, someone with a loyal character, someone looking after a garden or wanting to have one - maybe likes flowers.
Being a romantic, someone wants to be in love, someone has Venus in Pisces, someone thinks about love or their crush.
Be careful of trains.
Someone is going through an experience which pushes them to find their inner strength and resolve, which increases their self-confidence.
Venus trine Saturn, Venus in the 8th house.
Hawaii, Japan, Africa/South Africa cities, East China cities, South Korea, your person can be from Argentina
Possible things about you:
Pile 2, I'm getting some of you like gardening and drawing. In particular, you might like bees and are a strong supporter of saving our bees. You might have a green hand. Not even a green thumb, the whole hand lol! Some of you might have had past lives as nature spirits like faes, you might have an affinity with them or have them as spirit guides.
Some of you might know a lot about nature in general or you might even know a lot about indigenous flora and fauna, or specific species of plants. Some of you may have seen orbs of faeries outside...
Possible things about them:
I think the person you're thinking about likes fashion, or for some they might relate to you regarding nature/gardening. They might have fine features or seem delicate and gentle. It feels like looking at ice in their eyes, but it is so gentle. It is reflected in their personality as well. Very kind and calm. Number 33 on the card is jumping out to me, so you might see this number as well.
Ok definitely they are into fashion. For some, this is someone older than you. For others, your person is definitely more mature than their actual age. Like, very very mature and wise. It doesn't feel like it comes from difficult experiences, it feels like they didn't have as much of a difficult upbringing. Maybe they were naturally this way, and good parenting may have helped.
Side note, they could be a bit dreamy.
I don't usually get the past lives card but here it is, so this friend could be from a past life. Or, I'm getting they might remember theirs.
First date together:
They might tell you straight up that they want to go on a date with you. They might text you or ask you face-to-face. You guys have a good connection, very in synch. You two might be very vocal on your date, as in talking a lot and expressing yourself.
Some people in Pile 2 might go karaoke or sing at some point while you have fun together.
Some of you might actually have a unique date where you dress up, put on makeup, get all pretty and fun i.e. cosplay! You might take photos or film your date, you're going to be out there! Ooh lala so fancy! xD
It feels like it's your usual hangout as friends but somehow it's also different, closer and it's getting more realll. I.e. you might get more touchy-touchy this time, they might hold your waist or your hand, or they might kiss your cheek by surprise... Aw this is cute xD
"the time has always been now"
"I will not be a victim"
"you are going to be okay"
"the timing is always right to love someone"
(Wade, C., 2018)
That's it Pile 2, I wish you the best 🤗. Remember this is a collective reading, so take what resonates only.
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Pile 3
Hi Pile 3! What an interesting and sweet pile.
November, strong friendship bond that was made naturally, finding your tribe, realising your own value and worth, sticking with your real friends, be grateful for the loving people and goodness in your life.
Neptune in Taurus, Gemini Rising.
Australia, Sydney/Canberra, Pacific Islands, Samoa, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Russia.
Possible things about you:
You are very shy, secretive, and value personal space and privacy very much.
Some of you like to read physical books.
I'm seeing of you are teenagers, younger girls.
You are a good listener and confident, people always trust you to keep their secrets, and you will not even tell your best friend or your dog a word of it.
You keep many parts of yourself hidden, for example you are secretly very nurturing and creative. You might like little children.
Possible things about them:
I'm seeing yellow and a ball, so I feel like they really like children.
They are also like a big ray of sunlight. They are that person that illuminates the room as soon as they walk in.
They are very honest and open, and perhaps you like that about them.
They are also very warm and compassionate. They bring people in and make sure not to leave out anyone. Never puts themselves above anyone else and aways try to harmonise everyone.
Like you, they dislike discord. You just have a different way to deal with peace/discord and people. But they like your own way of being and they don't want you to change.
Your first date together:
Interestingly enough, I feel like some of you might have your first date with children around, maybe looking after some, i.e. their little cousins or siblings.
Some you might go fishing and/or have a picnic outside.
During this date, they will absolutely love how you don't hide any part of yourself, you're just being yourself and expressing yourself without restriction. You'll come out of your shell because you'll be influence by him, by the children, and you'll be super comfortable overall. You might actually have lots of fun. Scenario example of the date could be that you, them and their little cousins all go fishing, and then you have your picnic nearby; you have fun all day.
I feel like you and your date are seemingly opposite but actually very similar within. You just express yourself differently and process things differently. You might even be a ENFP/INFP or ENFJ/INFJ duo.
"Shepherd-like compassion means considering the benefit of the masses first, so that we place others first and 'I' last". (Yuthok, L. C., 2005)
Aw that's it Pile 3. Thank you for reading. As always, this is a collective reading so take only what resonates and the general ideas with you.
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Pile 4
October, fake friend, chasing after someone's love - love is to be received, not chased after, someone wise and mature, compassionate, someone who likes include everyone and whose motto is "we're all in this together"
Someone here has to let go of someone that does not deserve them.
Someone here could receive a letter from the person they are thinking of in this PAC.
Someone's person for this PAC is a romantic relationship and it could be very passionate.
Mars in Scorpio, Mercury square Neptune, Mercury square Pluto, Jupiter in 10th, Jupiter in 12th
Sudan, South Pacific, NZ, Hawaii, Cuba
Possible things about you:
You could be very emotional and sometimes letting emotions get to you, and it might be hard for you to be more in control. I feel like you guys might sometimes let your emotions get the better of you or affect situations you're in. And then you suffer the consequences. I.e. getting overly angry and saying things you regret later, or getting upset, crying, and not being able to react properly and also regretting later on.
I sense some of you are super generous, but you're so kind and compassionate that some people take advantage of you. I feel like a minority of this group are super kind-hearted and never see the worst in people; you never expect people to lie or have bad intentions - or you could be neurodivergent and just not realise it. I'm feeling upset for you 😭
Actually, if you're neurodivergent, it would make sense why it's hard for you to manage your emotions sometimes.
Some of you could have been having a hard time taking care of yourself and organising things ahead, almost feeling like a ghost or a shell. You're especially lacking self-care and that's been taking a toll on you. I also sense that it's causing you to feel disconnected from yourself. You could be trying to desperately hold on to yourself.
Overall, Pile 4, you're very wise and mature, very compassionate and you have strong values. You do not tolerate lying or deceiving, unfairness and similar unacceptable behaviours.
Some of you like to bring people together, others like things to be peaceful in a social context even if you're not the social butterfly.
Possible things about them:
I'm getting that they are someone really smart and intelligent in that they are very creative. They like to create and build things. They are innovative. However, they are possibly channeling this energy in the wrong place or activity and it's wasted. Their confidence and self-esteem is affected as a result.
They're very optimistic and positive so once they regain their spirit, they will get a breakthrough.
Might have a very messy mind, octopus mind, or hyperactive mind
Head in the clouds type of person, they don't mean to ignore you Pile 4. That's also how they get all their cool ideas and solutions
Some of you may have manifested them
The smoke in the card is calling at me so perhaps someone will understand bc I don't lol
I think they could also be someone who values justice and fairness, as well as respect in general
Your first date together:
Honestly all I'm seeing is you might spend your first at home with this person, or at least most of you will
Super chill, relaxed, comfy. Doesn't look like you'll be doing much or do anything that requires much effort.
Could be something simple like playing video games at home while eating snacks, but it's just you and them in the house.
I think part of the reason is because there's not much else to do? Maybe you live in a boring area for your age range.
They might gift you something speciallll. Maybe a birthday present. Or a handwritten letter, like I mentioned in the signs part at the beginning.
Honestly I'm just seeing this date is something pure, just nice and you guys are super kind and have a great time with each other.
"Love yourself enough to tell the truth." (Wade, C., 2018)
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
"Often we don't want to act as though we did something beneficial all by ourselves; rather, we feel a need to acknowledge the help of others." (Yuthok, L. C., 2005)
That's it beautiful Pile 4, thanks for reading and I hope you had fun reading this PAC. Let me know your thoughts!
Hi! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed! I quite enjoyed this Pick-a-Pile. I also tried a new format, so that the post is shorter and hopefully easier to read. Let me know if you prefer the paragraphs though 😂
I might do a Past Life PAC next! I want to do something original, so the format could be different again 👀
Enjoy your date! 💕
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rainy-astrology · 10 months
ATEEZ San Birth Chart Analysis
Based on my opinion and observations. Not a professional astrologer. May change later.
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July 10th, 1999
Jinju, South Korea
10:08 AM
☀️♋️, 🌙♊️, ⬆️♍️
Sun in 11th shows a drive and ambition towards his future dreams and goals. San has always wanted to be a singer since he was young and has worked very hard to achieve his dream. He has improved his performance and vocal skills immensely over the years, often being the most eye catching member for many people who aren't ATINYs.
Mercury Leo in 11th shows a preference for like minded people. San seems to really enjoy the company of others - seems considerate of others feelings and cares to be on good terms with people. He has a natural charm and sweetness about him.
Moon in 9th also adds onto his ambitiousness - he truly seems to want to make a great influence on the world and be successful. Especially as a Virgo rising...I've never seen a lazy Virgo placement, they always work so hard for they want. He's very strongly opinionated, all of his beliefs come from the heart.
Saturn is also in 9th, which solidifies his strong beliefs/opnions. Saturn here puts a heavy focus on building future career and life. He makes sure to implement a sense of strictness and discipline into his routine.
Saturn trine ASC can make him appear serious and quiet. Physically, it can give people sharp features (Saturn and prominent bone structure), which San definitely has: sharp cheekbones and jaw, nose and eyes, prominent brow bones. Angular brow shapes suit him the best too (at least imo - it looks more cohesive with the rest of his features compared to straight brows). This is also likely why many people may find him intimidating at first or think he's older than his real age.
Mars Scorpio in 2nd is such a possessive and protective placement. It also creates an incredibly hardworking individual who always goes for whatever they want with no limit. San may be especially inclined to working hard towards his finances and can be particular about things he owns (iirc he has a black card but also won't bother to buy new things sometimes).
Jupiter in 8th...this could be about being good with finances, it is a priority for him (could obtain wealth from someone else maybe). This could also be about transformation of himself as 8th house is "death" and Jupiter is expansion. San seems to focus a lot on being authentic and true to himself, so it would not be too surprising if it is about him constantly trying to improve his character for the better. Maybe he has gone through a lot of life changing experiences or will be/is going through them.
Venus Leo in 12th is interesting, especially since Venus squares Moon and Pluto too. He's certainly loyal and devoted to those he loves (Leo's loyalty + Pluto's possessiveness). In 12th though, perhaps San is shy at first? Or at least very selective. It seems once he trusts/loves a person though, he really clings onto them (just look at the way he's glued to the other members and how he always says Yeosang is his. Venus square pluto behavior). Moon square Venus can add onto his attached and affectionate nature (though, many Leo venuses are just affectionate in general)
Uranus and Neptune in 5th makes for a creative and expressive individual. San clearly loves the arts and always expresses his passion in every performance. He may be a bit strange and unconventional, but I think that's just an artist thing in general
Pluto in 3rd explains his thoughtfulness so much! San is a little silly at times, but he seems to have a very deep side to him due to this placement. You can especially see it in the way he talks/writes in his letters to the members and fans - he writes in a way that pulls at heart strings (even I've gotten emotional at one of his letters and I'm not the type to get soft hearted so easily) and makes people reflect. It also explains his strong beliefs and opinions - he's such an advocate for authenticity. Pluto in 3rd folks have a very specific way of talking and thinking that makes them stand out.
Chiron in 3rd may make him feel insecure about the way he talks and thinks though - maybe San is going or has gone through a period of feeling misunderstood by others. A lot of Chiron in 3rd ppl do. Although he does like spending time with others, I think he may accidentally drive people away by oversharing and/or talking too much...He seems a bit intense and clingy, which may be overwhelming for others. Communication and self esteem is a struggle for many with this placement.
Being a Virgo rising, he may appear quiet and serious, observant and disciplined. Hard working with high standards. Pluto and Saturn aspect his ASC so it adds onto the natural stern energy he has.
North Node Leo in 11th is focused on building community, contributing to groups, and celebrating the individualities of others. I think he is doing a pretty good job at this as he's very encouraging and kind to others and is always advocating for people to simply be themselves.
Gemini MC can appear sociable, curious, and optimistic. San is a pretty positive person, I don't think I've seen him be negative to himself or others much...He always seem to be active on socials as he talks to ATINYs a lot. ATEEZ considered him one of the more talkative members in the group too.
Other Analysis:
MBTI | Enneagram
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
{karma for your abusive mother} ~ oracle pac
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• pile one •
lioness ~ "you've earned all your stripes"
angel of alchemy ~ miracle
relinquish control
witch ~ healer
shelegiel ~ angel of snow
raziel ~ angel of mysteries
today for tomorrow
your mother could have some type of spell-work on her, and if so then i'm hearing that it's a "freezer spell" or something like that. something that is keeping her stuck in the same place. i'm also feeling a chronic sense of wasted potential coming from her. she won't feel satisfied with her life goals and achievements (or lack thereof), and as if she hasn't reached her full potential. maybe she tries to put pressure onto you to be ambitious and get perfect results in school or work because of how much failure she feels within herself, but she's not going to be able to run away from her own insecurities. i'm also seeing that her karma could be you detaching yourself from her. if that is the case, then she'll be forced to watch you be successful.
it seems like she will be codependent on someone else who is quite controlling. she will never be able to catch a break in her life in any capacity, because of her refusal to self-reflect and heal. her karma is to never find whatever it is that she's seeking. she could feel like she's running out of time with something (something that she feels would bring her good luck). the reason why is because she'll be tied down to something or someone. while you're living a better life than she is, she'll be forced to watch you heal and guide yourself to a much better future than she wants for you. when you find your freedom from her, she's going to feel iced out which will come as a shock to her. her karma is to see you grow into the person who you're meant to be, while you leave her behind, stuck in her ways. her karma is seeing you grow into your power and maybe even ice her out emotionally completely. i'm hearing that you're going to look back on all of the lies that your mother raised you to believe about yourself and life in general, and she's going to have to see you grow above that into a whole lot of success. clearing her out of your life will be the way that you heal yourself.
i'm seeing that your mother could be very codependent on you. despite scapegoating you and abusing you. you seem to be someone who she needs. and she's going to have to watch you clear her out of your life and grow your confidence and abundance for yourself afterwards. i'm hearing that people are going to become aware that she's keeping a secret or withholding valuable information. she could actually snitch on herself because i heard "truth serum". she's not going to feel protected, in the same way that she allowed you to feel unprotected too. things are going to be very cold and harsh in her platonic and romantic relationships - if she has any. and whoever she's around will be holding her back in life. i'm seeing her refusing to detach herself from these people, though. even if she could, she's going to feel stuck around them. and i'm hearing that this is because she tried to make you feel tied down to her so her karma is being stuck in a position to feel the same way.
she could develop an addiction to her phone - specifically to compare her own life with other people's or maybe even yours. she's never going to be happy with the way that she looks, her security, even her health. for some of you specifically, i'm seeing that she may have a health issue that she doesn't know about until it's too late. this could have something to do with her lungs or her heart. you standing up to her is also her karma, as well as anyone else who she might abuse and scapegoat. this will be something that she really never thought would've happened. secrets of her's are definitely being exposed - especially related to any addictions that she may keep hidden.
if this reading resonates, and you're interested in the extended reading to this pac, then find that on my patreon here :)
if you’d like a private reading, then please read my pinned post here
• pile two •
fated to suffer
princess ~ "you can be your own knight"
amara the menehune ~ "aloha healing"
candles ~ magic
naked before the stars
binah ~ "left eye - knowledge"
gabriel ~ "angel of heralds"
listen to your guardian angel
is this me?
a lot of you in this pile could have mothers who prioritised promiscuity and partners over you. she could be extremely attention seeking, the type of mother to fear maturing and growing old, just wanting to stay in her "party girl" phase. if not, then she's just extremely immature. yeah, a lot of you have mothers who are emotionally and/or mentally stunted. she could've become a mother at a very young age and she doesn't think like a grown adult. because of this, she's fated to fall for the same types of people and situations again and again, causing her a lot of pain and suffering. her karma is that she's going to be forced into self maturing.
her physical looks could decrease in some way, therefore decreasing her dating options/partners. she could be the type of person who relies on her partners for money, or who relies on handouts while using her sexuality to her advantage. she could be a straight up gold digger. but she is being forced onto a healing journey. she could have deep rooted issues surrounding her self-value and her body, and she's going to be forced to heal her relationship with her sexuality. she could literally have a "coming to jesus" moment. and if so, i'm feeling that there's going to be something that she experiences that scares her or shows her a lot about herself. i'm really seeing an expansion of her awareness happening, and although painful, it'll be what's needed for her to question herself and who she is.
just like pile one, your mother could have some type of witchcraft on her - candle magic to be specific. or, for this pile, i'm picking up on the fact that your mother has caused a lot of chaos through candle magic or some other sort of energy manipulation and she's being forced to face all of the consequences of this. i feel like she could have been hit with a return to sender (which is basically just karma). she's going to be forced into looking for a lot more meaning to life than just having sex appeal, men, and money. this may be uncomfortable to hear, since this is your mother we're speaking about, but some sexually explicit content of your mother could be exposed. and if not, then she's going to be gossiped about in relation to who she's sleeping with. i feel like she will be facing a lot of judgement from this. but her karma overall is definitely being forced to gain complete independence for once in her life in a whole new lifestyle.
if this reading resonates, and you're interested in the extended reading to this pac, then find that on my patreon here :)
if you’d like a private reading, then please read my pinned post here
• pile three •
alone in the world
uriel - angel of flame
sword - "make the change"
unlock your heart
keter: the crown - spirituality
the three fates - "what comes around..."
beltane - fertility
from "the three fates" card, i'm hearing that her karma is definitely hitting her hard. this was a long time coming and she has really accumulated a lot of negative karma. spirit is saying that she was "idiotically confident" enough to believe that she’d be able to avoid this karma, but she’s being faced with a harsh reality.
your mother could have a lot of addictions that she has been stuck in cycles with. like with many people, your mother clings to these things as a way of suppressing pain (although this harms those around her) and her karma is that she’s going to be forced to make change in her life. drastic change too. she could be forced into some type of rehab or therapy. she could have tried to isolate you from the world, or keep you unnecessarily sheltered, and i'm seeing her ending up completely alone and maybe even "imprisoned" somewhere. this doesn't have to be prison (although it could be if your mother has a habit of getting into legal trouble) but this could also be some type of hospital or facility. your mother could be extremely delusional in some way, or just completely ungrounded and unrealistic in the way that she thinks. i'm also seeing that she could be a hot-head too, and if so, she's going to be forced to take something like anger management classes.
i'm also seeing that for those of you with mothers who struggle with alcoholism in particular, her alcoholism is going to affect her health. and it'll most likely be her reproductive system that's impacted. she could also be forced into making some type of change for the sake of her children. if she has a relationship with someone who she claims to want to have more children with, i feel like this person is going to force her get help. otherwise she's going to lose her dream of having more children due to her partner refusing to bring more kids into her life when she can't even look after herself properly. this could also be related to being given an ultimatum to get anger management or lose someone/something, for those of you who have mothers with anger issues. but for some reason, i'm feeling like she's really going to hit rock bottom in some way. in the sense of being forced into a time of isolation where she has to really reflect on how she got herself there in the first place, as well as the ways in which she needs to heal.
tigers could be significant to you guys. they symbolise healing, discipline, and cleansing toxins from the environment and the body. your mother's karma is going to be her being forced to get clean. whether that's from drugs, alcohol, anger, codependency in relationships - whatever her poison is. and with this, i'm hearing that you will be able to clear your energy and space from her if you haven't already. when you feel lonely, call upon your guides. because i'm seeing that you have one guide who is constantly around you. especially in your dream state. don't allow your mother to convince you that you're alone.
if this reading resonates, and you're interested in the extended reading to this pac, then find that on my patreon here :)
if you’d like a private reading, then please read my pinned post here
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revlischarm · 1 year
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Wouldn’t call this one of my most exciting edits for the Noodle Shop Ghost AU, but it’s what I was able to finish recently so it’s what y’all are getting since I’m impatient to share more details and have to divulge them NOW
More LMK Morro info under the cut
• Red Son’s nicknames for Morro include “Accursed witch” and “dead meat” (the witch one is due to Morro having spooky vibes and carrying around a broom)
-Deadass? The first time Red called Morro a witch, Morro did a full 180° and said “did you just call me a bitch?” (Credit to @breathlessmorro for this idea!)
•Morro’s still got some anger issues they’re working out
•Princess Iron Fan shows up with her wind and he’s like “bro I am unimpressed I could do that when I was like, ten”
-The teleporting à la wind gets his attention, tho, since he obviously can’t do that and is immediately jealous
•Morro was a big fan of JTTW Monkey King after reading the story, but then he meets Wukong irl and is just like “Oh. This is it?? That’s…disappointing.”
Wukong: “I haven’t even interacted with you yet and you already dislike me, what the hell.”
-Like Morro and Wukong definitely have some similar interests and hobbies, such as martial arts, protective over MK, a distain for rules…but Morro is still twitchy around him.
-Morro owns a JTTW shirt because he still thinks that the story slaps tho
•Morro thinks the Mayor has cool vibes upon first meeting
-Like, Morro respects how unhinged and creepy he is
•Morro does have a broom for a weapon I’ve decided! It’s comical and it works. He gets a new weapon during Season 3, tho!
-He absolutely 100% knows how to use a broom as a staff because he’s used a staff before. In Season 5 when he possessed Lloyd and was trying to steal Wu’s staff, in the tea shop fight he was kicking ass with it. He’s very proficient with a staff and you can fight me on that.
•Morro forgets that he’s mortal again and ends up walking into a lot of solid objects
•Morro strives for success and likes to be in the spotlight still honestly, he can’t help it.
-The man absolutely despises failing in any way; he doesn’t want to be seen as a disappointment.
-At least he’s ambitious!
•Morro’s working on his inability to let things go, and it’s going. Okay. Ish.
-He struggles so, so much with letting go of a grudge, he never forgets nor forgives but he’s trying to
-It’s part of his goal towards being a better person/not being evil lmao
-“I probably shouldn’t hold onto so much hate for what happened before, huh…well maybe I’ll hold onto a few things.”
•MK sometimes does morning exercises with Morro (stretches and stuff), so for the episode “Duplicination” he makes another clone to do said activities with Morro
-How would that go wrong? Contortionist clone is how. Motherfucker stretches himself into a creepy pretzel
-He crawls up a wall like a spider and gives MK nightmares
-He’s super flexible and very hard to catch; good at dodging!
•Morro definitely sees a lot of Lloyd in MK, but it’s not like he can go back to Ninjago rn (he doesn’t know how), and even then! Lloyd and he are on horrible terms. So Morro is inadvertently projecting onto MK to some extent the apology and like…just feeling guilty and almost responsible in a way
-They’re not doing it intentionally, they really aren’t
-MK just gives them Lloyd vibes that make Morro feel guilty
-Took one look at MK and went: “Is anyone gonna big brother that guy?” And didn’t wait for an answer (credit: @breathlessmonkie )
•Morro being referred to ironically as the “family pet” by Tang and the gang is a reoccurring gag in Season 1. It’s for comedy purposes.
-Pigsy: “This is my husband, Tang, our son, MK, and the family pet, Morro.”
MK: “He’s a rescue!”
-Morro just goes with it
•Morro has residual traits from being a former ghost and you can fight me on that
-For example, his teeth are just slightly more sharp than the average person’s. It’s barely even noticeable but it’s there.
-Morro’s eyes have eyeshine (tapetum lucidum?), basically if it’s dim lighting and you direct some light at him, his eyes seem to glow in the dark. That thing that some animals have, you know? Deer.
-On that note, Morro can see in the dark slightly better than the average person.
-There’s more stuff but I’ll go over it later
•Morro loves flying kites!!! He adores those super complex ones and is saving up money to buy one
•MK called Morro “responsible” one time/refers to him as his “responsible friend”, and Morro ends up having a whole new episode dedicated to him having a crisis over that
-Think a midlife crisis except more aggressive and despairing. Morro’s trying to find an outlet for aggression! He’s adamant he maintain his bad boy persona, and MK’s comment shook him
-Like, his whole thing was defying destiny, making his own path in life, beating the odds and being stubborn…and yet here MK is, saying that’s he’s responsible. It goes against what he thinks of himself and just sets him off. Man literally skips work (which he never does) and gets everyone worried about him.
-He’s just acting out to try and prove that he’s not some domesticated ex-villain, but it’s also about him having difficulty adjusting to this new norm
-Before, Morro was doomed to a cursed eternity for the longest time. He was pent up and bitter and focused on a whole lot of negative stuff, and now he’s waking up and going to work and living life like none of that happened. It’s jarring, and he’s realizing that it’s so far from how he once was.
-He’s thinking, “That angry person I used to be was me, that’s who I was. What changed?” When really he’d just been so bitter and upset for so, so long that that’s all he can think of himself as being—that’s who he was, that’s who Morro was. It’s just he wasn’t actively thinking about it or anything until MK prompted it. He’s changed, and he knows that, but now he’s like…he’s moreso conscious of it, like actually realizing it’s not just that he gave up being so spiteful and tried to redeem himself—he’s forgotten what he was like before he was a vengeful spirit.
-That was what defined them for so long. And now who are they?
-The other part of it is that he doesn’t want to feel like he’s conforming, doesn’t want to be responsible, that it feels like he’s just following along to fate’s rules. And he abhors that.
-Uhhhhhh anyways tl:dr Morro has an episode all his own about self-discovery and also demolishes some stuff along the way.
-OH ONE MORE THING Morro divulges some more about his past to MK and Mei in this episode and also I don’t have a title for the episode yet so suggestions/help with that is greatly appreciated
•Back to our regularly scheduled program
•Morro. Does not trust Wukong very much.
-Like, Morro already has past trauma with Wu, given how Wu told Morro he could be the Green Ninja and fed him a bunch of hopeful nonsense and all that. Morro knows that MK’s been told he has some big destiny and power and whatever by this mentor-figure.
-Also. The Golden Weapons’ parallels with Monkey King’s staff?? Fun stuff. The staff “chose” MK and all that jazz.
-Morro doesn’t trust him from the start, although it’s less of Morro being perceptive enough to pick up on Wukong’s crap and instead that his paranoia ended up being right
-Morro would definitely go “At this point I can’t tell if you or Wu are worse, and that’s fucking saying something.”
-There’s one instance in which Morro straight up punches Wukong square in the face. I’m keeping that scene to myself for now because I gotta have some secrets, you know? Heheh
•Mei’s green power startles Morro every now and then
-Like there’s a flash of glowing green in their peripheral and they jolt. Literally they don’t even do it on purpose, it’s a knee jerk response to glowing green powers.
•Morro drinks soy sauce. He’ll get a little dish and sip from it. Yes, I based this off of myself.
•Macaque is Morro’s dad now btw I should probably mention that /hj
•During the episode “Macaque”, Morro shows up when MK does and actually manages to like. Demonstrate a decently strong attack at Macaque’s shadow kaiju thing. Wind does wonders against smoke monsters (I think Mac called it that??)
-Anyways Macaque quickly takes an interest in Morro! Morro tags along with MK for the training stuff because they’re not letting the kid get taken to some secondary location
-…unless they goes too, lmao
-Plus Macaque doesn’t actually mind him coming along, Morro’s wind powers peaked his interest
•Oh also Morro @ Macaque: “You know back where I’m from, we have an elemental Master of Shadow—I bet they could kick your ass, lol”
Macaque: “a fucking what”
•Also Morro? Actually really vibes with Macaque’s teachings?? Like he definitely reminds MK to take breaks and take it easy every once in a while, but for the most part Morro is like “fuck yeah? This guy is straightforward and makes a good point. Although strategy is important to take into account first and foremost it also helps to actually have a sense of direction here”
-So Morro thinks that Macaque’s got superior skills as a teacher to MK here
-Up until the whole betrayal thing haha
•Macaque keeps a close eye on Morro throughout the episodes following all of this actually!
-Like Macaque checks in on him throughout Season 2 and so they cross paths again fairly quickly
-Morro is very apprehensive at first but begrudgingly understands that it isn’t anything personal against MK, what Mac did—Morro’s literally been in that kind of situation before, sort of. “Nothing personal, just doing this to achieve my goals, you just happen to be involved in this and got hurt.”
-Like Morro gets it. You do evil and fucked up shit because it’s fun at the time and you wanna get back at someone who hurt you
•He’s still very protective of MK but he genuinely understands where Mac is coming from when he pulled that stunt
•They both absolutely open up to each other about their respective deaths eventually, though it takes time
•Macaque shows Morro some cool fighting stuff! They spar together a lot
-Morro finds himself looking forward to those sessions (he can get an actual challenge lmao) and so does Macaque! Mac hasn’t had a sparring buddy in. Well. You know ;)
•Morro 100% picks up on the ex vibes Macaque and Wukong have
•But anyways Morro and Macaque have a great time training and sparring together! Neither of them are afraid to get aggressive, but not because they’re angry—it’s because they know the other one can take it!
•They just overall bond offscreen (and maybe onscreen too? Do I need to make another new episode dedicated to this??) during Season 2/end of Season 1
•Macaque and Morro have a fun dynamic that I’ll expound more upon in Season 3 stuff, but I’m saving anything s3 for a different post because spoilers
•I will divulge that LBD has some difficulty handling Morro for reasons that are ghost-related and that Morro wants to kick her ass
-Well, related to the fact that Morro used to be a ghost and I have a very specific headcanon about his new physical body in that regard
•The Macaque thing is pure self-indulgence on my end because he’s one of my favorite characters
•If it feels forced in, it’s because it probably is, but serotonin go brrrrr in my head and that overrules all logic
•I want to draw what Morro’s intro screen would look like for the opening but I don’t have the skill (can’t draw complex backgrounds well at ALL) rip
-Concept for seasons 1 + 2 would have him standing in the front with a clear shot like the other characters do, arms are crossed or he’s leaning on his broom, and in the background we see a cool dynamic shot of him flying one of those neat Chinese kites. Color scheme is mostly greens and grays? I’m not sure.
-My idea for the Season 3 intro I’m reserving for now
•Morro doesn’t know how to drive I should mention. Man needs to learn to, lol
•Mei and MK teach him lingo and Morro honestly picks it up shockingly fast.
-He can understand some things about it? But others he’s at a total loss for.
-For example Morro doesn’t understand surreal memes or deep-fried stuff, he just doesn’t get what’s funny about them
•Morro knows a lot of occult/spiritual info!! He’s your man if you’ve got some form of spooky trouble ailing you
-So for spooky or supernatural happenings, Morro can give some decent advice.
•Don’t get him wet, he despises water.
•Also he’s still absolutely unhinged. Redemption doesn’t mean he lost any of his violent tendencies, so that’s a lot of manic fun.
-The vibe of what he’ll be saying is all good stuff, but the way he says it sounds like he’s delivering a villain speech
-Oh and don’t get me started on his dramatics either because this man is the smuggest and most theatric bastard ever and I love him for it
-A sore loser and a sore winner.
-So a ton of similarities to Red Son’s behavior, just…toned down a bit more and he’s not trying to be a villain. That’s just how he is. He slips back into villain mode sometimes because he was a villain, and he’s also just kinda like that.
-Morro’s villain tendencies/vibes are always more…creepy? Dark? Than Red Son’s are. Macabre, I’d say. He could actually scare you if he wanted to? It’s hard to describe.
-To sum it up: trying to do good things, but his attitude about it is so diabolical and dramatic. Aaaaannnnd his methods aren’t entirely moral all the time, either. He’s trying, okay??
•Although on that note, Morro is still a master at manipulation when it comes to it. He’s very adept at twisting his words around and can occasionally fall back on old habits without meaning to
-Fucking watch out for him when he’s intentionally being manipulative though, you don’t wanna mess with that
•Morro 100% attends Mac’s shadow plays, they really enjoy them and are the most enthusiastic person in the stands
-Macaque: The hero and the warrior were like the sun and the moon—
Macaque, confused and embarrassed: Uh, anyways.
•Morro would either be very good or very bad at fighting Red Son; wind can either fuel fire or snuff it out. Depends on the oxygen and stuff.
•Anything involving flying/air/heights? Morro is adept at that. Man would kill for one of Wukong’s clouds
•Trans he/they Morro rights
•This post is long enough so I’ll end it here
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noire-ainsworth · 1 year
Nevermore x Hogwarts Houses
Lenore: 100% a Gryffindor. She is the living embodiment of the house's qualities with her bravery, her devotion to her friends and her very strong sense of justice; but she also shows it's defaults as well with her impulsiveness and desire to help/save everyone even at her own risk. (Has a thing for Slytherins though).
Annabel: Slytherin without a doubt. I think she perfectly represents what a morally grey Slytherin is like: very cunning and manipulative, always thinking about her own interest; but with an utter devotion to the one she loves.
Duke: Also a Slytherin, who represents pretty well what a "good" Slytherin can look like. Just like Annabel, we can see that he's pretty cunning and clever, with a clear disdain for rules which Slytherins are also known for. But he's also a good friend, and shows care towards the people that he loves, which is a very Slytherin-like behaviour (not really caring about people in general but being very attached to a few close friends).
Pluto: For me it's a tie between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. He displays the interest in studying and seriousness of Ravenclaws but he's also an extremely loyal person, which is the main quality of Hufflepuffs, so I'll leave him between the two.
Berenice: I'm not really sure about her since we haven't really explored her character yet, but she gives me Slytherin vibes in the way she acts pretty similar to Duke as a friendly, playful person with a cunning side.
Eulalie: Like Pluto I hesitated with Hufflepuff but I ultimately think she's a Ravenclaw. She perfectly embodies the more spiritual/creative side of the house, and her fixation on creepy stuff makes me think she's also the type to be curious about a lot of things.
Prospero: The perfect illustration of the darkest side of Ravenclaws: cold, ruthlessly pragmatical, only interested in their own academic success and pretty much insensitive to those around them.
Ada: I can't really say for now as we've almost never seen her displaying her authentic self, but maybe a Gryffindor? Since she appears to be very determined and an "act before thinking type"?
Morella: I think she would be a Gryffindor but a less confident one and more of a follower. She's brave and has a strong sense of justice too but what she lacks is the sense of self and confidence that most Gryffindors display but there's still room for evolution.
Montresor: The worst that Slytherins have to offer. Very cunning and ambitious in a way but also selfish, sadistic and brutal with a complete disregard for other's feelings and a thirst for power. Would have been a Death Eater if he was in the Harry Potter universe.
Will: I really can't decide for him since we've never seen him act outside of his "people pleaser" persona. It's sad to think that he acts so little like himself that we don't even know of his qualities.
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horizon-verizon · 12 days
What is your opinion about this? Personally, I don't understand why people are so diligently looking for something in Aegon that isn't there.
I wrote about Aegon HERE.
Of course he cares, that's literally the essence of his personality. He cares. He and Aemond both feel too much emotion, but if Aemond sublimates into self–improvement, trying to be strong, cold and detached, then Aegon is literally an open wound. I want to talk about this, also using Tom's interviews (yes, I think the actor's opinion is valid in this matter) and the few scenes that we have in the first season
Having emotion/passion =/= sympathy, caring about others, or altruism. sympathy, altruism, etc. can cause or fuel passion, passion can be the motivation to maintain sympathy/compassion/altruism. Dany is a perfect example caring in hand with passion. But this person conflated "caring" with "being emotional and insecure".
Aegon, bk or show, is emotional bc he doesn't want to expend much energy into doing the ambitious things his family wants him to do, except if it is him showing militaristic prowess to prove masculinity and dominance.
Yes, show!Viserys largely didn't give him the "attention" (more here later) that he gave Rhaenyra, but this neither shows that Aegon truly "cares" since he constantly rapes, has his own bastard kids fight each other when he could have easily set up much better living conditions or have them grow up well-off--as most European noblemen did in real life, even Henry VIII. Viserys not giving him attention doesn't excuse, erase, or undermine how Aegon freely chose to abuse others. Dyana didn't ask to be raped, no one does. Should we ignore her pain for Aegon's "microexpressions"? Daemon's mother passing doesn't excuse his treatment of Rhea Royce (whether he kills her or not, show or book...in the book he still is nasty towards her), while also not having ever raped or SAed women (or really, that being a apart of his character GRRM chose to highlight). Both are princes. And many other men choose not to sexually abuse women despite actual abuse at home -- Samwell Tarly. Who is also a pretty emotional but also actually caring individual. He is not a prince. Aegon doesn't need to be named heir nor will it have a positive effect on the realm if he was made king, like how Rhaenyra needed to be Queen bc it's setting a better precedent for female rulership not just for the throne, but for women/girls to be more included in noble lines of succession and/or to lessen the probability of attempts to unseat female heirs who ascend to their places (Jeyne Arryn). That how Rhaenyra, who had been slandered to be undeserving bc of her gender--something Aegon will never receive and is actual discrimination--also benefits to affirm her worth. Finally, Aegon had to start a war and kill thousands to get what he wanted; Rhaenyra would have peacefully housed him after her ascension. so there's that.
HotD is really uwuing this man, bc canonically he just sees the throne as his male-given right; it was never about "confidence in capabilities" or "who'd make the best ruler" for Aegon. Or the greens. It just never was. Even in the show, if you think for 2 seconds, the only logical reason why he would care so much abt Viserys's treatment of him vs Rhaenyra is abt the throne. Viserys didn't "like" him? Oh, well, maybe that is bc the writers decided not to include the fact that bkViserys spent a lot of time with Helaena and that his probable distance b/t his sons is precisely bc they feel that Rhaenyra, his chosen heir, should not be queen? And that is coming from Otto/Alicent coaching them that way, thus creating that divide?
Viserys actually doesn't treat Rhaenrya all that well despite her being his heir: forcing to marry Laenor, [show] punishing her or castigating her for feelings she rightly has towards marriage after he treated Aemma the way he did, reneging on his deal about Otto with he, etc.
bk!Aegon is threatening Rhaenyra before she gave her first terms, impatient to imprison Rhaenyra after the coronation before those terms, calls her a whore after hearing the terms, etc. He may feel bitter and sad about Viserys not giving what he thought was his "birthright", but I think the showrunners knew that this would not endear him to audiences or make them care abt his PoV, bc this is such a privileged sense of entitlement that is actually dangerous that goes beyond any slander against Rhaenyra's pride to be a female Targaryen heir. Viserys, as king, chose Rhaenya and that is well within his right as king, by these feudal monarchist customs. Female heirs have been chosen in Westeros. even with those girls and women having been chosen only bc there was no viable male candidate, or the ones there were too young, etc., they were still chosen and active in wars in different ways. Plus, if we actually care about victims, which a lot of those women were, you'd also see that having a female heir even with a male candidate, is a better step in the right direction of possibly minimizing that rather than to keep the male-preference primogeniture where the younger male is heir keeps going. Rhaenyra never victimized anyone at that point; Aegon had already done so to serving girls and that 12 year old. In the show, Aegon abuses Helaena by her own words about his sexing her only when he is drunk, but this is throwaway and we are not given a fuller picture (w/o actually showing us the sex, we can still witness their dynamic but as it is they have never been in the same room and we never saw them interact or try to, which HotD clearly takes advantage of bc a lot of people are not cognizant of this or care).
He "cares" about himself and pathetically whines about how he wasn't given or thought to be given what he thinks he deserves based on gender privilege. Boohoo. No one said he was emotionless in the first place! Should I feel bad for a man who doesn't get the expected privileges for being a man?
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hare-beneath-pine · 10 days
2024.05.07 - The fool again, and again, and again
I'm rebuilding my practice - this winter, I stepped away and never really got back into it again (essentially due to work + mental health issues, very pedestrian). Of course I feel shitty about it, but I'm trying to see it as an opportunity to build something better, more resilient, truer to who I am and who I want to be.
I'm really deathly allergic to being sincere on the internet, but I like the idea of blogging about this process. I like reading long-form candid posts about what people are up to, so maybe someone will get something out of this. At any rate, it can be an exercise in consistency—that word I can't escape lately.
This was my first week of meditating every day in a long while. Just 10 minutes per day of simple mindfulness meditation, but I find it really helps with focus and getting into the right headspace.
Not a morning person at all, but lately I've been getting up at 5:00 on weekdays to draw (or sometimes fuck around...) before work. Some days I was able to hurl myself out of bed, chug water, scribble in my dream journal and meditate, but I need to resist the allure of the snooze button... I may start putting my phone on my dresser or something.
I did keep up my dream journal but haven't been reviewing/analyzing it, so I did that this week. Themes? Stress, loss of control, and drag queens, baby.
Also, not really magic, but I started therapy. Hopefully it will help me live my yass kween best life, or at least stop being a high-functioning nervous wreck. Been trying to be more ~intentional~ about substance use as well.
Been reading Sigil Magic for Writers, Artists, & Creatives by T Thorne Coyle - will probably finish, although I wish there was a bit more to it. There's some decent inspiration for sigil design. And I can thank it for reminding me about consistency. I would recommend this to a beginner with creative hobbies who is mostly interested in psychological/internally-directed magic.
Also reading volume 2 of The Invisibles which just makes me want to practice. So many cool ideas, but the found sigils/incantations in an urban environment have a hold on me. I did some semi-successful workings with a weird symbol found on our local buses last summer, it reminds me of that.
Next week I'm going to add short daily prayers to the local spirits and my ancestors in the morning, before meditation. More generally I want to take things slow, and go for small actions I can do consistently over anything sexy and ambitious.
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itskillerheels · 5 months
[Part 1] My thoughts on Last Twilight (01x10-11)
Spoilers for eps 10-11, obviously!!
Hi guys, just finished watching ep 11, and to be CLEAR, I’m not here to complain about the ending- it’s one of the aspects that I actually quite agree with, but I do have some thoughts about the last few episodes, specifically eps 10-11.
Maybe it’s just me, or I just lack a nuanced perspective in watching dramas, but in my opinion, there are a couple of things that seem… off in terms of pacing and development.
1. Day’s Mom + Night + The Surgery
Throughout episode 10, Day’s mom was reticent and disapproved of Day’s relationship with Mhok, as evidenced by her barring her son from seeing his boyfriend, confiscating his phone and changing the wi-fi password, etc. Aside from this, she says lines such as:
“I’m losing him no matter what I choose to do. At least I feel more comfortable knowing he’s inside his room.”
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(Not her best moment HA)
From what I saw, the mom was acting as a mom should do— being protective of her son, worrying for his future, as well as the struggle that many parents go through, to let go of their children and see them as adults.
These are the underlying reasons for her behavior, and although we, as viewers, understood her motives and motivations, we also understood that Day being blind should not remove his right to autonomy. [This post by @befuddledcinnamonroll here, explains it well.]
Although he is blind, this does not mean that he is somehow unable to function as a human being, nor is he unable to live life and pursue his dreams and ambitions. Day is a person with his hopes and dreams, and his blindness does not define these intrinsic things that make up his humanity.
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If at episode 9, Day had embraced his blindness, and accepted the reality of his situation, his mother remains to be at the same point that he was at in episode 1- she is grieving.
She grieves her son’s future, the image of her son that she had built in her head, which that thereupon been shattered with the accident that led to his condition. Day was her Mirror - he was ambitious, successful, self-assured, and even overly cocksure. With him being so similar to her, it made sense why she had a bias towards him. He was the “golden child”, while Night was the “villain” because he was the “good-for-nothing” son that mirrored his father. They all had defined roles in the family dynamic, which then dramatically shifted when Day became blind. Suddenly, Day couldn’t be the successful or self-assured one. He couldn’t be the golden child and Night had to step up, ultimately breeding resentment between the parties. [ @btwinlines makes a really good analysis of this here.]
With the shift in dynamics, Day resented Night for seemingly “taking what was his” aka occupying the role that he once had. He resented Night as he believed that Night relishes in the spotlight, now that he has the opportunity. And aside from Day, the mother also resents Night, blaming him for the accident because she also feels like she has lost something, as a mother— the once bright future of her favored progeny.
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Throughout the show, Day grows past his resentment as he adapts and embraces his reality, but this is a growth that is not similarly reflected in his mother. While Night and Day were able to reconcile, what episode 10 failed to address (which I had hoped would be addressed in episode 11), was how she, too, had to face the reality that her son’s blindness did not take him away from her. He is still him, the same Day with the same personality and soul. Although he would not be able to accomplish the things that he initially set out to do in his life, his blindness doesn’t make him less of a person. Keeping him caged in his room and prohibiting him from contacting people outside of the house is choking the progress that her son had made from episodes 1-9, and she must see that Day has the capacity to be independent and NEEDS his independence to be a fully realized being. She needs to see that her son is not without agency now that he is disabled.
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And I had thought that this is where the surgery would come in. C’mon, no one actually thought it would work, right?
Ok so. With the surgery as a plot device, what could have been done is to create a catalyst— casting a glimmer of hope in what the mother believes to be a hopeless situation, and then forcing her to realize and accept the reality, like what her son had already done. In my head, it would all be slow, a depiction of the last 3 stages of grief— bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
Bargaining— the surgery is a representation of this stage, as the mom holds on to the hope that her son can be “cured” and all the previous familial dynamics of the past can return to “normal”.
Depression— the surgery fails, all hope is gone, and the mother will be left to pick up the pieces— Day’s devastation at the failed surgery and her own devastation as all doors to the past are now closed, all opportunities exhausted. Maybe this will bring out tension in the family, and maybe the mother would take initiative to repair her relationship with BOTH of her sons, making mistakes along the way.
Acceptance— the mother accepts all that I have highlighted above (Day is STILL Day, and he needs independence to live a fulfilling life as a fully realized person, Night should not be a villain in her eyes, and that change is necessary for her family to stay together).
But that is not what happened at all.
Instead of addressing the prior concerns of the previous episode, after Day’s surgery became an opportunity, it’s like the mom did an abrupt 180? She is suddenly accepting of Mhok (like… wow… didn’t see that coming) her issues with Night are never addressed beyond the beef stew scene in episode 10, and… all her previous controlling behaviors just… vanish… *poof* magic. And to top it all off, A TIMESKIP, OF ALL THINGS.
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Change takes time. It’s not like the mom can just flick a switch and then immediately change her viewpoints, address her internalized resentments and just be “fixed” herself, just like how all the problems in the family dynamic can’t just be fixed with one shared beef stew at a Christmas dinner. These are deeply rooted concerns, all planted before the show had even begun, even before Day’s blindness.
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Episode 11 had the perfect catalyst, a catalyst that would throw a wrench in the tenuous peace previously established that Christmas day, a catalyst that could have triggered a forceful, painful, organic growth in the lives of the characters, one that would have them take a step back and say,
“Man. We need to change things.”
Everything is not fine. The room is on fire, and we can’t continue to stay in this room.
Just… imagine how beautiful the contrast would have been. A calm before the storm, a truce on Christmas, immediately followed by a crack in the glass, a break in the fabric. And a reminder that change is painful, and the last stage of grief, acceptance, is crucial for any permanent state of change.
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And that’s not what happened. It feels… hollow, somehow.
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blackcatreadstarot · 4 months
Ana De Armas Career Tarot Reading
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What will happen in Ana De Armas career in 2024: 4 of swords reversed + 10 of cups + 5 of wands reversed: she will give herself a well deserved break in order to come back refreshed and ready to work. She was working really hard, so now Ana is able to relax and spend more time with her family and loved ones. 6 of wands reversed + 7 of pentacles + the hierophant reversed + 8 of wands reversed + the magician reversed + 2 of swords reversed: yet, I feel that it will be very stressful year for her career wise. She will experience lack of ambition and support and that will lead her to focus more on what is working and what is not. She will focus on her career perspectives and it feels like she wants to try something new and to be a part of new projects, but she's unsure about it. Also now when her career is on a new level, her manager and team expect even more from her and put a lot of pressure on Ana, almost all cards above indicate a lot of stress. She is on cross roads: one road is where she chooses projects she really likes but not all of them might be nominations worthy and the other road - full of very serious projects that are great for her career but maybe not all of them excite her heart. There is a person in her team that pushes her to choose the second path, yet that person doesn't act in her best interest. Ana will feel like she's torn apart. And here's the thing - the magician reversed also indicates a person who lies, does trickery and presents the information that doesn't fully reflect the reality. Somebody in her team acts this way and that is why Ana feels indecisive, she doesn't have a full picture. the magician reversed (again!) + 2 of pentacles reversed + king of pentacles reversed: well, cards indicate that that person in her team, that I talked about above, will push her to choose the second path - she will be very busy and have a lot of projects, but with that the pressure and feeling of being overworked and overwhelmed will be over the roof. That person doesn't care about Ana and her feelings, that person sees her as "milking cow" - now when Ana is an oscar nominee actress and able to book more work and bring more money on the table - that's all that person cares about. Ballerina - the outcome of this project: king of pentacles reversed + the magician reversed + 3 of wands reversed; 3 of cups reversed + the tower reversed + 4 of cups: It feels like this project was created for materialistic purposes. There's a possibility that there will be selfish, greedy and manipulative person that will try to destroy someone's reputation or bring something out on the surface. Lack of success, lies, wasted potential, delays, conflicts, gossips, chaos - all those words describe the outcome of the "Ballerina". There's a possibility of some sort of delays - a lot of cards indicate delays and stagnation. Eden - the outcome of this project: page of swords + 4 of wands + the sun; the emperor + justice + 9 of swords (5 of cups + king of cups as clarification cards to 9 of swords): This is great! It's innovative and ambitious project, that will receive recognition, success and a lot of positive feedback. I think that audience will be very excited and happy about "Eden". Since 4 of wands card in term of career and work also indicates being supported by collegues, I feel that in this case critics will also give positive reviews about this film. And the emperor and justice cards indicate that this project will be successful and rewarded fairly, the hard work will be noticed. I feel that they will be anxious and have fears about this project being a disappointment and not creative enough, but again all those fears are only in their heads, because a lot of cards above indicate recognition, happiness and success.
Used tarot deck: tarot de carlotydes
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subconsciousmysteries · 9 months
Taylor Swift is a 2 (and some information on type 3)
I am once again making this post about this topic. Truly am I crazy? Am I the only one who can't see Taylor Swift as a 3? There's like a cult for the case that she's a 3... really people what am I missing? I've only seen the arguments "she's image focused" and "she's ambitious about her career." The first thing is something that could apply to the whole image triad. The second thing means that every world famous artist who worked hard for their spot is a 3.
The case for Taylor being a 2 is self evident, the case for her not being a 3 is that she doesn't brag or gloat, she doesn't talk about career in her music, she doesn't talk about success and fearing failure, and she doesn't make the drama and conflict in her art impersonal. These are the things that you will see if you're looking at the art of a core 3. If you don't see at least one of these things it's probably not a core 3.
If you're wondering what I mean by "making the art impersonal" look at Lady Gaga, who sings about a lot of love dramas that aren't her own life. Alejandro and Telephone are the best examples. When listening to any Lady Gaga song, and when watching any Lady Gaga music video, I never get the feeling that I'm listening to a piece of Lady Gaga's life story. I feel like I'm watching an opera where she's the director, the writer and lead actress. That's what making it impersonal means. Compare that to Taylor Swift who always sings about her own relationships and experiences.
To see 3s, look at the rap genre (save for emorap) where they brag obnoxiously about how they're better than the other rappers and that's the whole song. See superego 3s (31x and 36x), like Marina. Superego 3s are less braggy and rude to others than the id and withdrawn 3s, but they still don't sing about their relationships and boys they broke up with. they sing about themselves and their career and their success and their fears of failure and the way they approach love coldly like a game (Lady Gaga does this too, see Lovegame and Paparazzi). 3s like Lady Gaga sing about dramatic plays. 3s are often into drama, into putting on costumes and playing roles that clearly aren't them, because it's a healthy way to engage in their vice of Deceit. Acting and drama is a way for 3s to engage in the emotional, people-based nature of the heart triad without being too personalized and vulnerable about it.
3 cores find the personal relationship drama to be embarrassing to talk about. 3-wings and 3 fixes might talk about it a lot in their music; 3 cores will avoid discussing it publicly. 3 cores have a strong "the show must go on" attitude, stronger than any other type except for maybe 7. 3s are the most self-conscious type when it comes to appearing emotionally soft and fixated on their past. Their goal is to speak to everybody and be influential to everybody (this is what "success" ultimately is, isn't it?), so if they absolutely must whine about their personal life wounds publicly, they will try to make it impersonal and turn it into some broader public issue. 3s will never, ever project the image of a self-absorbed, whiny princess fixated on their own personal drama, at least not by their own will -- to be seen this way is a 3's worst nightmare. Being so emotionally self absorbed is the definition of being a "loser", to 3s. 3s are trying to project the image of competency, of being above all that icky gooey emotional stuff like their own relationship drama. I simply can't see a 3 core writing something like All Too Well or getting famous off of writing break up songs to Stephen about how mean he was to her and how much he broke her heart. Taylor Swift takes pride in her whiny breakup song princess image, or at least she did back in the day.
[A fun note here is that 3-fixes usually talk about their careers a lot, yet they are not as strict as the 3 cores about avoiding emotionally vulnerable expression which touches on their personal life]
A lot of new fans who only hear Taylor's new, slowcore, more reflective stuff think she's a 3w4 or 4. which is bloody hysterical to me. as soon as people get on the "my fave artist is a 4 cuz they're #deep" train I start laughing at them freely cuz it's so cliche. Cliche and basic like Taylor Swift was for 15 years before she started integrating to 4 in her music.
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rainy-astrology · 1 year
Mars Signs
My views on Mars in each sign. Mars is how you gain energy, motivation and drive, your aggression and anger expression. May change/add to this later.
Aspects to Mars, house placements, and degrees may affect your Mars expression.
Mars is domicile in Aries. Mars Aries people are motivated and focused, they'll always get things done. They seek independence and freedom. They're blunt and honest, even when you didn't ask for it. They can get physical when angry or just be really sour. Their anger will always show though.
Mars is detriment in Taurus. The Taurus Mars people I've seen are quite slow. Kind of have old people energy lol. They don't like to be rushed. Value stability and structure, they'll work hard for this. However, it may take them awhile to actually start working on something. They may be slow to anger as well.
Gemini mars people can be scatterbrained. A very mentally active sign seems to displace its energy in a planet concerned mainly with physical energy. They're always wondering what to do next and may forget to finish a task before starting a new one. Talking also seems like their way of expelling their energy. I also think it's pointless to fight with a Gemini Mars bc they will just talk in circles or just make it a confusing argument in general...I don't think they keep track of their own thoughts and actions well.
One of my siblings has this...She is a mess, even worsened with her Aries stellium. Both Aries and Gemini can be on the go. She likes to start several projects and not finish them.
Mars is in fall in Cancer. From what I've seen, Cancer Mars people tend to repress their anger. They don't want to cause fights but Cancer is an emotional sign, so when under a reactive planet, they can only repress so much before exploding. This can be through tears or pure harsh anger (although some ppl do cry when angry...). Very limited patience.
Leo Mars people can be confident and charming people. We want to be successful in both our eyes and others' eyes. Often motivated and driven. A bit image oriented. However, if not self aware/underdeveloped, Leo mars people can be egotistic and prideful. Their insecurity will make them mean and hurtful towards others. Dramatic anger expression.
As a Leo mars, I've been called bossy and arrogant several times before lol... I have a family member with this as well and I will admit, we both kind of have dramatic anger. I think I am more controlled with it now though, especially with the help of journaling. I was definitely a lot more dramatic about it when I was younger.
Virgo Mars like to keep busy. I've never seen a relaxed Virgo Mars. They're perfectionists who want to improve themselves everyday. They may be in constant competition with themselves. Can be critical on themselves and others. Detail oriented. They're a bit controlled with their anger.
The first person I think of ATEEZ's Hongjoong... He's a workaholic and a huge perfectionist for sure (legit recorded a song over a 1,000 times). When he gets mad at the members, he calls them into his room to lecture them. That's a pretty Virgo Mars thing to do imo lol.
Mars is also in detriment in Libra. Libra dislikes conflict and so may worry that being angry will disrupt harmony. They may try hard to control their negative feelings, which can result in awkwardness or passive aggression.
Mars is in domicile in Scorpio. A passionate and ambitious placement. Scorpio is driven to achieve what they want. They like to have control and power - it may make them feel secure. They can be kind of intense when angry. Maybe a resentful, seething type of anger.
Sagittarius Mars are opportunity seekers. Like to be on the move, learn, and experience new things. Their anger seems short lived. They do get annoyed easily and will argue, but overall it is not that harsh imo especially since Sags want to be positive. They may just end up being mad for a little bit before giving up and joking about it/acting like nothing happened. They brush a lot of things off to focus on things they want to do.
Mars is exalted in Capricorn. These people are very hardworking, always busy with something. They like to be productive, will rarely catch them relaxing. They want to excell at whatever they do (could be a particular passion or multiple things). They want to be their best selves. They're blunt and straightforward, they may not realize their words can be offensive. I've noticed immature Cap mars energy can be overwhelming and insulting towards others. Arrogant.
Aquarius Mars people are independent and usually calm people. They seem to only get angry if someone is being very rude to them or people they care about. Because other than that, they may not want to waste their time fighting with someone. Some may dislike/fear confrontations. They may gain energy being around others or by working on a new creative project/idea.
The Pisces Mars I've observed are quite calm, only get mad if you really push them that far. But even when they're angry, their anger passes easily. They would rather not indulge in it. They may also be slow moving people in general. I don't think they like to use a lot of physical energy lol.
If you like kpop and typology, I do typology profiles for idols and notes on my main blog @rainymbti
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trolagygirl2022 · 23 days
Hi! I would like to participate in your exchange game!
Physical description:
Your FS has a unique physical appearance . I think that maybe they are mixed if not they are from a different country . They have : medium or tanned skin , curly or wavy hair, brown or blondish hair, blue or green eyes , average height . They have big changes in their appearance. For example maybe your fs was a bit chubby but when he grew up or started to work out he became skinnier or more muscular , they have balanced facial features and well defined jawline, maybe they have tattoos or piercings.
Their aura or vibe:
At first your Fs give an intimidated vibe (something about their past makes them to protect their energy ) and very ambitious and hardworking vibe,they mind their own business( black cat or doberman vibe),but deeply inside they are soft and giving.They have orange aura 🧡.
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How others describe them :
Others think that your FS sometimes works too much , that they are authorotative,honest and too focused on the past sometimes . They also think that your FS is really good at controlling their emotions , that they are calm and collected, To have a quiet confidence in himself but people who are close to your FS know how kind hearted and giving they are .They love to travel and explore the world, your FS is maybe polyglot .
Wow this is such a cool reading!! Thank you for your time and energy used on it <3
Their appearance: The Fool rev, 10 of Cups, King of Wands, Page of Wands.
So with your future spouse, I see this person probably being a ginger. They have a reddish tone as well? I see them being the "standard" look of their country. For example, when you think of an Irish person you think of someone with red hair so that's what I'm getting. They have a more "tough" appearance? Like I'm seeing some type of bruise here and there. Their hair could be a bit messy at times as well. I see them being pretty tall, could be a bit bigger. I'm seeing them having a sharp look to them too. Their eyebrows seem to be prominent as well.
Their aura: Page of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, 7 of Cups.
Ok this person is someone that doesn't like to joke with things! They like to rest in the background and mind their own business! They care a lot about their finances and they're always finding ways to make money. They're probably a business person. They can come off as a bit closed off but they're someone that's supportive and you can really rely on them.
How do people view them: 3 of Swords, 2 of Swords, 2 of Cups, 9 of Pentacles
People feel comfortable with them and rely on them a lot. I'm getting "therapist" so they can good give advice and like to help others. They probably have some Libra placements. People see them as someone that they can bond with. Others see them as successful in what they do and could maybe flaunt their wealth at times? They see them as pretty resilient and they don't like hearing no. Pretty determined and bold and they like to work hard and do everything they can to achieve their goal. Your future spouse could also easily get into relationships or have people that have a crush on them. It's not something that they put a lot of effort in and can charm people without knowing.
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behindthewox · 2 months
It’s Aly here, previously the Ads Leader. I was made aware of a post here through a friend who sent it to me, and though my initial intention was to remain silent, I feel compelled to address some inaccuracies being spread about me.
Firstly, I'm taken aback by the level of disrespect and the audacity of some comments made here by individuals evidently lacking firsthand knowledge of the situations they critique. If you work as a Social Media lead as it seems you mentioned, and are discontent with your role in creating content for ads, I encourage open communication rather than resorting to public disparagement.
It's disheartening to witness such negativity and toxicity.
For context, I’m Aly, a 24-year-old working tirelessly in a hotel, including weekends, often taking on extra shifts to manage living expenses in an expensive locale. Alongside this, I volunteered my expertise in marketing to help Dan and the community grow their sites, asking nothing in return but hoping to make a positive impact. I didn’t gain anything from this, it was done purely out of kindness, generosity and freely. Your welcome.
My role of Ad Lead was not really official position but a voluntary effort to help out in addition of my site jobs. My aim was to support and guide, not to shoulder the entire burden of content creation—that responsibility falls to the SoMe Leads of each sites. If you don’t like creating social media content for your site, then perhaps you’re in the wrong position. It’s literally what you signed up for while applying.
Now, I’m no magician. It’s essential to understand that effective advertising hinges on quality content, which is why I provided resources to aid in this area. As for advertising efforts, we operated within a budget, doing our best to maximize the impact of our campaigns. The variable success across different campaigns is a natural outcome, influenced by numerous factors beyond any single individual’s control.
Anyways, the criticism lodged anonymously fails to recognize the humanity and good intentions of those working to support the WoX community. I loved working behind the scenes with Dan, Lessa and the wumps who do SO much. I've found great joy in collaborating with many of you as well and hope we can move forward with mutual respect and understanding.
Let’s not forget that this is a game, most of us are doing this for fun, and freely. Because we love the sites, we love writing, and we want to have a nice escape from reality.
Think I’ve said everything I wanted, now I’m going to put my energy into things that really matter. Maybe you should do the same!
Wishing everyone a wonderful day, Aly.
There's some good points here, and I appreciate the response.
WoX should be a hobby, something we do for fun because it's what we want to do and enjoy doing. It's a positive thing in life, and an important one at that. And it's important to keep it that way.
In order to keep it that way, no one should be burdened with more than they are willing and able to take on. The demands shouldn't be higher than what the average person would be willing and able to do. A system that relies on ambitious and generous volunteers that constantly dedicate that extra hour and goes that extra mile, that is not a sustainable nor reliable system. That is a system that will inevitably fail.
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maya-matlin · 3 months
I’ve been watching Degrassi for the first time and love Maya as much as you do so far! I loved her with Cam and can’t really fully embrace her and Zig, but maybe that will change! Don’t worry, I’m not one of those people who thinks Zig is at fault for Cam’s suicide – I think maybe Zig just isn’t my type?! Cam is the sensitive awkward troubled but sweet sort of guy I seem destined to love. I would love to hear how you think Maya and Zig are different and how you think they’re similar. And I saw someone saying that Zig and Maya would be an even more popular ship than it is if the writers had kept zig more of a goofball screwup than rewriting him as a drug dealing gang member criminal and wondered if you agree? This is actually the first ask I’m sending to anyone so I can’t wait to read your reply!
I think that's a pretty common reaction to their season 12 story line. Maya's relationship with Cam was so short lived and mostly untainted by anything "bad" or "toxic" due to Cam dying so young. So as a result, he's technically Maya's boyfriend that made the least relationship mistakes. I should make it clear that my interpretation of their relationship and Cam in general is kind of marred by the fact that the fandom has consistently misunderstood the suicide arc and Zig's alleged culpability in it for years on top of unfairly villainizing Maya for choosing to move forward in her life while having negative emotions surrounding Cam. But needless to say, Cam was fine? It's funny you think he was sweet, because I never saw it that way. He wasn't mean, but like.. he was more neutral? I think he was polite and very unsure of how to approach Maya and others, but I don't feel like his personality was on display enough for me to say any differently. I do believe he genuinely cared for Maya and was aiming to be a good boyfriend, though. Especially after getting back together with her.
I answered an ask very similar to this one not too long ago re: the similarities and differences between Zig and Maya, so I'm just going to copy and paste that.
Honestly, I’m not sure Zig and Maya are all that similar. The main similarities that jump out to me is that both seem to value a relationship based on an emotional connection and friendship rather than a mostly physical one. Both are extremely loyal people and will do whatever they can for their friends and loved ones as well as each other. Neither is afraid to get involved, often being the one to step in to defend someone else.
As for their differences, Maya’s more ambitious than Zig. By the time we meet Maya, her heart is already set on having a future in music. While her passion eventually shifted from being a cellist to wanting to be something akin to Taylor Swift, Maya always tried to put her dreams first. It’s not that Zig is lacking in passion, but he doesn’t have the confidence in himself to be successful. There are hints that he’d make a good chef and it’s implied Zig continued to cook off screen during Next Class, but we never see any story line or moment that suggests he’s all that passionate about cooking. It’s just something he does and seems to enjoy, but it’s never presented as his “thing” the way Maya has her music, Tiny has marine biology or Grace has technology (?). What’s funny is that compared to a lot of characters, Zig has a decent variety of talents. It’s just that they were eventually dropped or in the case of music, Zig was retconned into being a bad guitar player to make him look like an obsessive, pathetic boyfriend for wanting to join his girlfriend’s band when he’d literally been the lead singer/bassist of Maya’s last band. Zig is much more open about his feelings than Maya. Throughout their relationship (even before they were officially dating), Zig was the one voicing his wants while Maya was more hesitant and introspective. Maya had a tendency to go into denial if it meant her feelings would cause friction within her friend group. So in that way, you could say Maya is more selfless while Zig is a bit more self involved? He’s more impulsive than Maya, not always seeing the bigger picture, while she seems to consider everything first. When Maya is hurt and upset, she shuts down, removing herself from the situation and refusing to engage unless provoked. Zig feels the need to overcompensate, sometimes acting like an asshole to convince the person hurting him that he doesn’t care. In spite of all this, I actually think Zig is the more sensitive of the two and the more observant one. Maya’s also sensitive and pays attention, but she sometimes misses the mark.
I'm sorry, but I kind of hate that? Zig didn't choose to be a gang member. He was forced into that situation due to his upbringing and where he lived. I don't think it makes him lesser or defines his worth as a person or a love interest. It reeks of classism to me. I'm sure that wasn't your intent, but I've seen many comments that severely misunderstand Zig and what he was going through. The entire point of his gang arc during seasons 13 and 14 is that he too didn't want to be forced to sell drugs and do other gang affiliated activities that the writers couldn't be assed to expand on. It's easy to say people like Cam and Miles were "better" or "safer" than Zig because they came from very different worlds than he did. Like, once Zig and Maya started dating in season 14, Zig made it clear he wouldn't have blamed Maya for dumping him and felt like shit over the circumstances of them sleeping together for the first time. If anything, I actually think this era of Zig's life made him a stronger, richer character. In the long run, it was also one year of Zig being gang affiliated vs three where he wasn't? I can't change anyone's opinion, but this is mine and I can't fathom Zaya being "ruined" over that when season 14 was arguably their best season. In spite of the circumstances Zig found himself in, he was consistently a great, supportive friend to Maya even before they became a couple. Regardless of what anyone thinks of Zig personally or how they might judge him for circumstances mostly out of his control, Maya still felt safe with him. I think that's pretty telling and says a lot about the depth of their connection. And, honestly Zig as a person. My main take is that Zig was the same guy from season 12 during seasons 13-Next Class. This was even pointed out by Maya herself when telling Zig she initially thought he'd changed when they met up again in the rubber room. He hadn't. He'd literally just cut the sleeves off his shirts and adopted a new persona. He didn't become a worse person because he was pulled into a gang.
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