#maybe life is good après tout.
echoland · 6 months
Today theweather is so beau its not even funny....
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amkblue · 1 month
I wrote that for a theater class. I was so afraid to share what I wrote, it made me feel really insecure and really exposed too. This is hard to show other people that you don't know much personal writings about feelings and emotional stuff, you become totally vulnerable, everyone can access to your personal area. It was painful for me. I'm still insecure about my writings. My mother told me it was great so it helped me. My partner saw me play at the presentation show of the school and they told me it was good. I think my teacher kinda liked it even if I don't think he understood what I meant. He was harsh with me sometimes thou. At least this is what I felt. He was actually really hard on everyone.
The subject was to write a scene about love like in pommerat's play "La réunification des deux corées". So for me, it should be about love but with pain and always with a sort of twist at the end. You think you know what's happening but not always. I got inspired by a scene that I experimented with a friend (hey guuuurl you could read this) and I thought that this situation could have some potential. It's a remix ofc. Also the scene take place on the streets because the teacher was saying that every scene was always in appartments blablabla and it was a bit boring. Ok dude 2 hobos on the streets ! No but no joking I think this is really interesting a situation where the characters don't own anything except their feelings, emotions, relationships. You get rid of the material and you start crafting with what you have around you. It's like starting from a blank sheet, it's a sandbox : you can build what you want and express your creativity.
Here, Ana is inspired by me. I saw her as a peoplepleaser who could do anything for people in order to be loved. I don't know if she loves Dani. Maybe she likes the idea of not being alone. She wants to save Dani to feel good about herself or maybe cause she dreams of an happy life where she could have some company and live peacefully in a chaotic world with Dani. She would take care of her and Dani would bring her joy and life. If Dani leaves, Ana would be by herself. Alone.
Dani is seeking affection. But she is totally blind to the feelings of Ana. She is too focus on her own story with Malika. Even if Malika was abusive with her, Dani is always looking for their strong but toxic bound. Dani must be intense with her feelings. She wants to feel good right now (she seems to drink a lot). She's not over Malika because she felt loved even if the situation was painful and abusive, she found in this relationship the reward of an harsh and hard sort of affection. This is not healthy but this is what she wants. She won't think for a long time, like Ana would do. Dani wants action, she's afraid of the void and of the loneliness that Ana happens to feel with her way of living. Ana is waiting for other people to love her, Dani won't. But at the end, she also suffers but in another way.
Dani est seule devant une tente, et essaie de se réchauffer devant un feu rudimentaire.
Dani.- Dépêche-toi, je caille ! Ça fait une heure que je t’attends. J’en peux plus !
Ana.- J’ai fait comme j’ai pu Dani ! Il y avait plus grand-chose en stock à la boutique.
Ana sort les courses, Dani prend vite une bouteille et se met à boire goulument.
Dani.- Ah ! Ça fait trop du bien !
Ana.- Eh ! Moins vite ! Bois pas tout. Après t’en auras plus et tu seras triste. C’est atroce quand t’es en manque.
Dani.- Merci de m’accueillir en tout cas, et de partager ta bouffe avec moi.
Ana.- C’est normal. J’allais pas te laisser dormir n’importe où dans la rue. Il faut se soutenir dans les coups durs. Et puis, ça me fait de la compagnie pour une fois, c’est agréable.
Dani.- Merci. Vraiment.
Ana.- C’est rien, je te dis. T’es ici chez toi.
Un temps.
Dani.- Tu as vu Malika récemment ?
Ana.- Non. Je lui achète plus rien maintenant. Je veux pas la voir. C’est pas une personne fréquentable.
Dani.- Elle traînait pas au niveau de la grande place ?
Ana.- J’en sais rien Dani et ça m’intéresse pas vraiment. J’essaie de l’éviter, tu vois. J’ai vraiment pas envie qu’elle capte que tu crèches dans mon chez moi, ou qu’elle ait des infos sur ta vie. Je veux pas qu’elle puisse t’atteindre. Pourquoi tu me demandes ça ? Je croyais que tu voulais plus rien savoir d’elle, qu’elle appartenait au passé.
Dani.- Non, non, c’est pour rien.
Ana.- Vraiment ? Dis-moi.
Dani.- Elle m’a envoyé des messages tout à l’heure. Elle me dit qu’elle a ma thune.
Ana.- Mais tu l’avais pas bloqué de partout ?
Dani.- Si, si !... Enfin j’ai fini par la débloquer, quand t’es parti tout à l’heure et que j’étais toute seule. Après tout, elle me doit beaucoup. Et j’ai besoin de cet argent.
Ana.- Laisse tomber Dani. Elle te la rendra jamais ta thune. C’est qu’un prétexte. Tant qu’elle te rend pas ton argent, elle sait qu’elle peut faire ce qu’elle veut de toi.
Dani.- Mais c’est ma thune quand même… Il faut bien que je la récupère.
Ana.- Je suis là, moi. Je peux couvrir tes besoins, c’est pas un problème.
Le téléphone de Dani sonne.
Dani.- Attends deux secondes. Allô ?... Ah c’est toi ?... Non j’ai rien pris je te jure. C’est la vérité… Je suis dans mon état normal. Je te mens pas, je te promets… Je suis avec une amie… Oui tu la connais, c’est Ana… Non, c’est juste une copine, j’ai pas couché avec elle. Et puis, on est plus ensemble toi et moi…
Ana.- C’est Malika ? (Dani acquiesce) Putain raccroche !
Dani.- Oui, elle me loge… Elle vit boulevard du président wilson… Au niveau de l’ancienne gare centrale… Ouais, juste en face… On dort dans une tente… Elle est bleue sa tente… Quoi ?... Mais pourquoi faire ? Tu vas me rendre ma thune alors ?... Non, ne te fâche pas s’il te plaît. Je voulais pas te contrarier. Je suis désolée. Ne m’en veux pas s’il te plaît... D’accord… À tout de suite. (Dani raccroche) Elle arrive. Elle vient me chercher.
Ana.- Attends quoi ? Pourquoi ? Elle va te rendre ton argent ?
Dani.- Je crois pas… Elle a dit qu’elle me donnerait rien du tout.
Ana.- Mais pourquoi tu vas la voir alors ? Dani, tu fous quoi là ?
Dani.- J’ai pas le choix.
Ana.- Pas le choix de quoi ? T’as vu comment elle te traite ? Elle te parle comme à un chien. T’as pas besoin de la rejoindre. Tu peux rester ici, avec moi. Je m’occuperai de toi.
Dani.- Mais elle a besoin de moi ! Elle a personne. Elle m’a dit que c’était à cause de moi qu’elle allait pas bien, parce que je la laisse toute seule. Si je vais pas la voir, elle m’a dit qu’elle se tuerait. Je sais de quoi elle est capable. Tout ça c’est de ma faute, c’est parce que je l’ai quitté.
Ana.- N’importe quoi ! Tu lui dois rien du tout. Et puis tant pis pour sa gueule, qu’elle crève. Elle te fait du chantage, elle veut te faire culpabiliser pour te récupérer.
Dani.- Elle m’attend… Je peux pas la laisser en plan.
Ana.- Après tout ce qu’elle t’a fait endurer, tu vas y retourner ? Dani, reste, s’il te plaît.
Dani.- Je peux pas. Je dois y aller.
Dani fait son sac.
Ana.- Tu l’aimes ?
Dani.- Non.
Ana.- Alors, pourquoi tu la rejoins ?
Dani.- Elle a besoin de moi.
Ana.- T’en es si sûre ?
Dani.- Peut être pas. Mais elle m’aime, elle.
Ana.- Tu crois qu’elle t’aime ? Non, Dani, non. C’est pas de l’amour ça. Tu le sais très bien.
Dani.- J’en connais pas d’autre.
Dani part.
 Ana récupère la bouteille que buvait Dani, elle est vide.
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boooklover · 2 years
January Wrap-Up
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Le porteur de mort #2: Tenshin, Angel Arekin
Après 5 longues années d'apprentissage, Seïs rentre enfin auprès des siens. Cependant, l'appel du sabre grandit en lui et, malgré ses sentiments pour elle, Seïs abandonne une nouvelle fois Naïs, pour prendre ses fonctions de Tenshin à la capitale. Le sacre du nouveau roi est l'occasion idéale pour mettre en action tout ce qu'on lui a enseigné à Mantaore... Mais rien ne pouvait permettre de prévoir l'attaque d'envergure fomentée par le Renégat. En dépit de tous ces pouvoirs si durement acquis, Seïs ne peut rien y faire...
The First Law #3: Last Argument of Kings, Joe Abercrombie
The end is coming. Logen Ninefingers might only have one more fight in him but it's going to be a big one. Battle rages across the North, the King of the Northmen still stands firm, and there's only one man who can stop him. His oldest friend, and his oldest enemy. It's past time for the Bloody-Nine to come home.
With too many masters and too little time, Superior Glokta is fighting a different kind of war. A secret struggle in which no one is safe, and no one can be trusted. His days with a sword are far behind him. It's a good thing blackmail, threats and torture still work well enough.
Jezal dan Luthar has decided that winning glory is far too painful, and turned his back on soldiering for a simple life with the woman he loves. But love can be painful too, and glory has a nasty habit of creeping up on a man when he least expects it.
While the King of the Union lies on his deathbead, the peasants revolt and the nobles scramble to steal his crown. No one believes that the shadow of war is falling across the very heart of the Union. The First of the Magi has a plan to save the world, as he always does. But there are risks. There is no risk more terrible, after all, than to break the First Law...
Skyward #3: Cytonic, Brandon Sanderson
Spensa’s life as a Defiant Defense Force pilot has been far from ordinary. She proved herself one of the best starfighters in the human enclave of Detritus and she saved her people from extermination at the hands of the Krell—the enigmatic alien species that has been holding them captive for decades. What’s more, she traveled light-years from home as an undercover spy to infiltrate the Superiority, where she learned of the galaxy beyond her small, desolate planet home.
Now, the Superiority—the governing galactic alliance bent on dominating all human life—has started a galaxy-wide war. And Spensa has seen the weapons they plan to use to end it: the Delvers. Ancient, mysterious alien forces that can wipe out entire planetary systems in an instant. Spensa knows that no matter how many pilots the DDF has, there is no defeating this predator.
Except that Spensa is Cytonic. She faced down a Delver and saw something eerily familiar about it. And maybe, if she’s able to figure out what she is, she could be more than just another pilot in this unfolding war. She could save the galaxy.
The only way she can discover what she really is, though, is to leave behind all she knows and enter the Nowhere. A place from which few ever return.
To have courage means facing fear. And this mission is terrifying.
Dawnshard, Brandon Sanderson
When a ghost ship is discovered, its crew presumed dead after trying to reach the storm-shrouded island Akinah, Navani Kholin must send an expedition to make sure the island hasn't fallen into enemy hands. Knights Radiant who fly too near find their Stormlight suddenly drained, so the voyage must be by sea.
Shipowner Rysn Ftori lost the use of her legs but gained the companionship of Chiri-Chiri, a Stormlight-ingesting winged larkin, a species once thought extinct. Now Rysn's pet is ill, and any hope for Chiri-Chiri’s recovery can be found only at the ancestral home of the larkin: Akinah. With the help of Lopen, the formerly one-armed Windrunner, Rysn must accept Navani's quest and sail into the perilous storm from which no one has returned alive. If the crew cannot uncover the secrets of the hidden island city before the wrath of its ancient guardians falls upon them, the fate of Roshar and the entire Cosmere hangs in the balance.
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junosartsthetic · 4 years
I Know you like Polnareff alot so I'll request one .. can I get a Polnareff oneshot where the reader is part of the crew and knows french so she flirts with Pol. And no one else has a clue what's going on?
I used google translate for the French so R.I.P. to the accuracy. I’ll put what I was trying to say in brackets, however, and if anyone who actually speaks French wants to correct me they are more than welcome. Also this uhh... this is one of the longest things I’ve written in a while. Did someone say comfort character?
As soon as the frenchman spotted you getting off the bus, he flashed you a wide smile. It’d been a while since he’d last seen you, but he’d recognize your features anywhere.
The other crusaders looked on, waiting to see who the special person Pol called in to help was. All he said was that you were an old friend.
Your boots moved against the concrete elegantly as you tucked a stray hair out of your face. The light blouse and sleek pants you wore complimented your figure nicely.
You waved, blowing Pol a kiss when you spotted him. “Bonjour,” you said, the French rolling off your tongue as though it was your first language.
Polnareff opened his arms for a hug but you just clicked your tongue. “Oh, no. I’m still mad at you, Jean. Now, why did you make me come all the way out here? Where even is here? What country is this?” you shook your head. “God, it’s been such a long trip.”
You noticed Pol’s companions and shook hands with each, introducing yourself as you did so.
“So, you’re the old friend Polnareff has been mentioning,” the man who introduced himself as Avdol prompted.
You nodded. “Something like that. But I still don’t know why I’m here.” Joseph piped up. “We’re trying to defeat an enemy that goes way back. Polnareff said you could assist us.”
You glared at the silver-haired man who was currently distracting himself with his nails. “Oh, he just assumed I would, huh?” you huffed. “Well, I’m already here so I might as well.”
That was the start of your inclusion as part of the crusaders. As time went on, you got to know the others more, befriending them as best as you could. You still gave Jean the cold shoulder, however. The others weren’t sure why, but Jean knew what he did wrong. That’s for damn sure.
The others found out, eventually, though; over a dinner, in fact.
You sat next to Avdol, chatting about nothing in particular. Pol directly across from you, simply pouting.
Joseph looked between the two of you. “So, uhh, what’s your past together, really? I know you said not to bring it up but if we’re to defeat Dio together we should get along. All of us. And that means fixing whatever shit Polnareff did to make you mad at him.”
“Moi? Why do you assume it was ME that did something?” Polnareff spoke up, crossing his arms.
“Because it was you,” was your reply as you took a sip of your beverage.
His face flushed. “That was a long time ago.”
You glared at him. “But you never apologized.”
“Es-tu sérieux? Qu'ai-je fait de mal? [Are you serious? What did I do wrong?]”
“Tu veux vraiment y aller? Tu n'as même jamais dit au revoir! J'avais dix-huit ans à l'époque! Vous êtes parti sans un mot et je ne savais pas où vous étiez et vous m'appelez soudainement de nulle part et vous attendez à ce que je voyage des centaines de kilomètres pour vous aider? [Do you really wanna go there? You never even said goodbye! I was eighteen at the time! You left without a word and I didn't know where you were and then you suddenly call me up out of nowhere and expect me to travel hundreds of kilometers to help you?]”
“J'avais dix-huit ans aussi, au cas où tu aurais oublié! J'étais un enfant stupide! Tu étais mon ... tu sais ce que tu étais pour moi! Je ne voulais pas tout gâcher! [I was eighteen too, in case you forgot! I was a stupid kid! You were my... you know what you were to me! I didn't want to mess it up!]”
You scoffed. “Gâcher? Et vous pensiez que me quitter après que nous ayons dormi ensemble pour la première fois n'était PAS une erreur? [Mess it up? And you thought leaving me after we slept together for the first time was NOT messing it up?]”
The others were simply looking back and forth in confusion. Obviously, you two had a rough past. Joseph cleared his throat awkwardly. Maybe he shouldn’t have brought it up…
Pol glanced down at his plate. “Je ... je suppose que c'était mal de moi. Je suis désolé. Je ... t'aime toujours, tu sais? Je n'ai jamais arrêté. [I ... I guess it was wrong of me. I am sorry. I... still love you, you know? I never stopped.]”
You began to cry.
Avdol put a comforting hand on your shoulder, though he didn’t know what to say.
“God damnit,” you muttered. “I still love you too, moron.”
There was silence. Though they understood only that, the other crusaders knew what went down between the two of you.
After that, everyone went to their rooms. Nothing else was spoken other than unmeaningful ‘good night’s and ‘see you tomorrow’s.
In the morning, you woke up with a newfound purpose in life. You knew how he felt, and he knew how you felt, but you were determined to grind his gears in revenge, anyway. He broke your heart so he deserved it. How to do it, however? You had a plan.
“Good morning, everyone,” you said as you walked into the breakfast area, your black silk robe still tied neatly against you. “I hope you all slept well. I have a feeling today is going to be a great day!”
“Uhh, yeah,” Kakyoin muttered, raising a brow. “You okay? You were… crying last night.”
You ruffled his hair. “Oh, don’t even worry about it, I’m great! More than great, actually.”
With that, you mozied off to grab a plate and start piling on breakfast items to eat. Luckily, the man you were looking for was right in front of you.
“Bonjour,” you said, tone light.
Pol shot you a look, but didn’t question your cheery attitude. “Salut.”
“Tu as l'air différent ce matin. Plus beau. Avez-vous fait quelque chose avec vos cheveux? Ou changer de tenue? [You look different this morning. More handsome. Did you do something with your hair? Or change your outfit?]”
“Non? Qu'est-ce que tu fais? [No? What are you up to?]”
You shrugged. “Je te donne juste un compliment. [Just giving you a compliment.]”
He finished stacking up his food and started to head back to the table, you following behind him.
As soon as you sat down, you began conversing once more. Running a hand lightly through his styled hair, you asked, “Êtes-vous sûr de n'avoir rien changé? [Are you sure you didn't change anything?]”
Jotaro let out a sigh, tilting his hat down. “Good grief. Here we go again.”
Pol shooed your hand away. “Oui. Maintenant mange. [Yes. Now eat.]”
This was the regular all day. Any chance you got, you’d pay him a compliment in French. The poor frenchman didn’t know what you were up to, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to find out.
After dinner, when the ones who were old enough to drink went down to the bar, was when things really started heating up.
Avdol and Joseph sat beside you as you sat beside Pol. They were busy chatting when they noticed you start a conversation. Despite not understanding, they decided to listen in.
“Belle nuit, non? [Beautiful night, no?]” you said, leaning your head against his shoulder as you stirred your glass. 
You were right. It was beautiful.
“Oui [yes],” he agreed.
“Pas aussi beau que toi [not as beautiful as you],” you quipped, nudging him with your elbow.
He let out a sigh. He would love nothing more than to take the compliment as it was, but he knew not to. He felt stupid not knowing what you were up to, but he had a feeling it had to do with him falling for your scheme of compliments. His expression remained neutral, though you spotted color appearing on his cheeks. You smirked.
“Cette nuit n'était pas si mauvaise, non? C'est pour ça que tu es parti? Parce que je n'étais pas assez bon? Parce que je serais prêt à réessayer. Donnez-moi une autre chance et je jure que vous ne voudrez plus jamais quitter le lit. [That night wasn't so bad, was it? Is that why you left? Because I wasn't good enough? Because I'd be willing to try again. Give me another chance and I swear you'll never want to leave the bed.]” Your feet nudged his legs as you spoke.
You felt his shoulder tense underneath you.
“Ce n'est pas ça et tu le sais. [That's not it and you know it.]”
You began to trace the top of his hand with your nails, drawing little shapes. You noticed the hair on his arms stand up.
“Je ne te crois pas~~~~ [I don't believe you~~~~]”
Joseph leaned over to whisper to Avdol. “I think she might be flirting with ‘im.”
“Why would she do that if he broke her heart?”
Joseph shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve never understood a woman’s true motives a day in my life, that’s why I was asking you what you think.”
“I’m a fortune teller, Mr, Joestar, not a mind-reader.”
Dismissing Avdol, Joseph tuned back into what was happening on the other side of him.
You now had one arm wrapped around his bicep, the other trailing a nail from his hand up to his shoulder and towards his neck.
“Rejoignez-moi dans ma chambre et convainquez-moi, n'est-ce pas? [Join me in my room and convince me there, won't you?]”
Polnareff gently grabbed your hand, stopping you from caressing his face. “Pourquoi fais-tu ça? Je sais que tu gardes toujours rancune. [Why are you doing this? I know you still hold a grudge.]”
You let out a weary sigh. “Oh chéri. S'il vous plaît. Arrêtons-nous avec les présentations et le bavardage. [Oh, love. Please. Let's just stop with the introductions and chit-chat.]”
With that, you stood up, moving to grasp his wrists and lead him away from the bar.
Joseph turned to Avdol but the Egyptian shook his head. “We’re not following them. Well, I’m not. I’ll be in the room. You’re welcome to do whatever, Mr. Joestar, but I’ll have no part.”
Avdol got up, moving towards the stairs.
Joseph scoffed. “Well, fine.” He ran after Avdol. “Wait for me!”
You let out a sigh of relief. You brought Pol out into the empty patio, and there was no sign of the other two following you. You breathed out, breath visible in the cool air.
“I think we’re alone now,” you said. “Finally.”
Polnareff turned to you, expression one that was commonly found on him present. Confusion. “What are you trying to accomplish? Just tell me.”
You said nothing, your hands tracing up both of his arms before resting against his cheeks. You used your thumb to caress his face. Fluttering your eyelashes, you gave him a look he recognized from way back in that hotel in France. You leaned up, getting on your tippy toes.
Despite the logical side of his brain telling him he shouldn’t, he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in.
Your lips met, but before anything could happen, you pulled away suddenly. You were crying.
“I’m such an idiot,” you muttered. “Why did I think this was a good idea?” You backed away from his grasp. “I’m sorry.” Polnareff’s heart shattered. He hated seeing you in tears, especially since he didn’t know the reason. He assumed it was probably him. “What’s wrong?”
You bit your lip. “I was going to get revenge,” you said. “Do to you what you did to me. But I can’t. If… if I go up to your room and do what we did together when we were teens I could never convince myself to leave you. Because I’m still in love with you, and not just a little bit. A lot. So much that it hurts. And I don’t want you hurt, even though you hurt me. Because I’m stupid in love with you.”
For such a talkative man, he had nothing to say. 
You two just stood in silence, cold air freezing your skin as you rubbed your arms. You let out a shaky sigh, eyes closing. You felt like an idiot. A love-sick idiot.
Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you against a broad chest that smelled of French alcohol and cigarette smoke. You took in a breath.
“I should be the one apologizing, ma chérie,” he said, voice cracking with emotion. “You deserve the world and if I could go back I never would have left you in that room. I just-- you had such big plans. You were an exchange student from America who was studying things I couldn’t even pronounce. I was some dumb nobody scrounging and wallowing about with no real purpose.”
“You’re an idiot,” you mumbled, arms moving to wrap around his neck as you glanced up at him. “You’re such an idiot, Jean Pierre.”
“I know,” he said, giving you a small smile. His cheeks were pink. “I really do know.”
“But I’d like you to be MY idiot from now on, if that’s okay with you.”
He gave a chaste kiss to your forehead. “If you’re willing to take me back, even in this hell of a situation we’re in right now, then I’d love nothing more, ma chérie.”
Your response was in the form of a kiss. But this time, it wasn’t a short one.
What finally pulled you two apart was a familiar gruff voice from a few stories above. “I knew it! I knew it!”
You both looked up, shooting glares at the elderly Joestar. He gave you a quick smile before popping his head back inside his window.
You let out a giggle, Polnareff chuckling along.
“Oh my,” you sighed. “What have I gotten myself into?”
He grinned. “I have no idea, myself, ma chérie. But we’ll have a bizarre adventure finding out!”
That night, you two shared a bed, snuggled up against each other. There was nothing more than scattered kisses shared, but it was a pleasant night, nonetheless.
When morning came, however, and you were met with strong arms embracing you from behind as a familiar snore sounded in your ear, you felt better than you had in years. More specifically, since that night in France.
Letting out a hum, you turned to kiss his forehead. “God, I love you, you big French idiot,” you mumbled. And you meant it. 
Hope you enjoyed! <3
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Personal favourite HP (&FB) fanfictions (but unfortunately it’s mostly GGAD)
posted: 08-10-2020 edited: 08-24-2020
(really sorry for the mistakes! fanfics are better i swear)
I read several HP and FB fanfics during the last few months, and in order to sum up my favourite ones, here is this post. It’s entirely and obviously personal, and to be honest, it’s more something which is more supposed to help me than recommanding something to you
But I truly think those fanfictions are great, so if you didn’t already read them, you may enjoy them!
I might update it every now and then, by the way!
(most of them are already quite well-known though, sorry)
Put Your Guns Away, it’s Tea Time (52k) and Put Your Curse in Reverse (276k) (from the It’s Tea Time serie), written by ellizablue :
A very lovely, funny and well-written story which follows Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy, Harry and Ginny Potter, the rest of the Potter-Weasley family and all of the surrounding people after the events of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
It’s technically canon-compliant - the author created an amazing story based on HPCC - and did it so well! I admit I was a bit disappointed about HPCC when it had been published, but It’s Tea Time “fixed” all of the things I was confused about.
Albus’ and Scorpius’ relationship is adorable, both of them are interesting characters. Harry and Ginny are amiable and attentive parents, they protect people they love. James Sirius and Lily Luna are also great - and to be honest, all of the characters are refreshing, complex, ect. I could talk about it throughout countless of pages. So many themes are brilliantly treated. I still didn’t read the third opus of the series!
(if I should recommand one only series of HP fanfictions, I would recommand this one)
Several fanfictions written by meanwhiletimely :
Illumine (10k) :
In Prague in 1914, Albus Dumbledore goes to a Gellert Grindelwald’s brillant speech. The political discussion between Albus and Henry Potter, how Gellert is able to enthrall a breathless crowed, Gellert’s and Albus’ very special and intense relationship, the wonderful Christian imagery and parallels, the description of the surrounding world and the ambiance, Gellert’s speech... It is quite marvellous, well-written and perfectly bitter-sweet - more bitter than sweet though. Eventual smut, very good, but imo, it cannot be considered as the very heart of the text, even though the sexual tension is omnipresent. I can't help but read it oftenly, and everytime I'm amazed - it might be my favourite GGAD fanfiction in fact. Brilliant.
Extreme Incantations (10k) :
In order to find clues about the Elder Wand story, Albus and Gellert try a “decadent, degenerate, deranged” ritual. A lot of smut, but again, their relationship and their psychology are absolutely central. I loved how they are portrayed, loved to discover Gellert’s thoughts and point of view. Again, it’s brilliantly bitter-sweet - even quite heartbreaking. Like Illumine, I have so much more to say, but I’ll stop here and just say: if you are interested by Summer of 1899 fanfictions, you could be delighted to discover it.
The Seer in the Tower (2k5) and Collateral (3k) are as great as Illumine and Extreme Incantations. In the first one, Tom Riddle meets Gellert Grindelwald after 1945 ; in the second one, Gellert and Ariana talk thanks the Resurection Stone. Light Bringer (10k), which sums up the Summer of 1899, is also amazing - incredibly painful, hopeless and horrendous, and Gellert Grindelwald is definitely not a good person - but still amazing.
Thirty-Five Owls (11k) by Letterblade :
After 1945, Albus and Gellert sent letters to each other - and I will add nothing more about the plot. A quite famous fanfiction - published in 2008 - and rightfully recognised as a brillant one. Beautifully written, the tag "Everything Hurts" is accurate, constantly breathtaking. I loved more than everything else the end - overwhelming, and yet so simple. Even canon-compliant, what more could we ask? In a nutshell, an unmissable work.
White (2k) (M) by Vandrerska :
“The story Gellert Grindelwald would tell if somebody took the trouble to ask.”, or a magnificiently well-written 1st person POV fic with Gellert talking about Albus and 1899. Here is the same vibe we already have in Thirty-Five Owls, but with the benefit of a heart-to-heart conversation between Gellert and the reader directly. Needless to say that both of the hearts involved in the conversation are broken. I love how it is written (but it is no surprise, well-crafted angsty texts like this one own my heart). 
nobody else but me (5k) by Roflskate :
After meeting Percival Graves and starting a correspondence with the very head of MACUSA's Department of Law Enforcement in 1926, Albus Dumbledore thinks he's finally ready to move on from Gellert Grindelwald. Well, if you saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, you know he's not.
I'm fond of the plot: the way we, as readers, already know how that story is doomed to end, is the very heart of the text - and speaking of the end, I loved it - just like Thirty-Five Owls, simple and heartrending. Again, bitterness is back. Beware of the manipulation and the very questionable consent, it's literally the plot.
(btw, this work inspired this post: GG as Hogwarts teacher/librarian before FBaWtFT: where are the fanfics? (if someone wants to write it please i will be pretty happy))
(In every bloody fanfiction I recommend Albus is suffering, sorry about that) (and it's not going to end with the next fanfic) (suffering is inherent to the character though so)
The Trial of Albus Dumbledore (51k) by Aurora_xx :
In this post-FBCoG AU, Albus Dumbledore is questioned about his relations with Gellert Grindelwald. But before his trial, he unknowingly took Veritaserum. To be honest, I felt it first as a “satisfying” AU: people we don’t like became a bit ridiculous, people we like get through (well, mostly).
Nonetheless, it’s more than that: the trial scene is incredibly tense, the consequences are terrible, and we want to see what's going to happen next. Moreover, the character development is suprisingly remarkably well-done - Vinda Rosier has an amazing backstory, for example; Newt and Newt’s friends are also very likeable, complex, etc. We love to hate Travers, Grindelwald is a character we eventually support (for specific reasons, mostly because he’s powerful, self-confident, rather hilarious and badass, but also a bit more human than we could think). And all we want to do is taking care of Albus.
It’s definitely a really pleasant fanfiction - but not an “easy” one, there are a lot of hard themes and very tense scenes, etc. This story is still considered as a WIP, though the five first chapters are already enough. 
Three fics of mautadite :
A Metaphor for Change (1k) (M) : I will just rewrite the summary here, so: "Five things Albus could not bring himself to say to Gellert. (One of them is a lie.)”. I really liked it, it is angsty - but the sweetest way, the very sad way.
To Be Great (0.3k) (G) : What Albus and the Sorting Hat said when Albus put the Hat on his head for the first time. Really a relevant and sharp character study. Again, I felt a hint of a sweet kind of angst. I wonder if I am the only one, you tell me.
Love Letters (6k) (E) : Scenes of Gellert’s and Albus’ life from 1995 to 1899 - often conversations, so say hello to well-crafted relationships between mc and other characters. Here comes the angst again (I think the author writes Albus and Gellert that way - or maybe, the characters are meant to be suffused by angsty undertones). The fact that we go back in time hurts a lot, because every smile they have are perverted by our knowledge of what happens next - the happiness won’t last, and really, it hurts. Canon compliant.
GGAD works of verivala (bloodtroth on tumblr)
Many short one-shots, from fluff to angst - sometimes droll, sometimes soft, often painful, quite always (a bit or a lot) bitter-sweet. You might at least find few of them interesting.
Grindeldore one-shots (22 works)
Grindeldore requests (5 works)
Grindeldore prompt fills (38 works)
L’Indiscible (190k) by Neaniver279
This one is a French one! Deux ans après la fin de la guerre, Percy Weasley - profondément meurtri par la mort de Fred, de laquelle il s’estime responsable - est renvoyé par une mystérieuse potion au 25 décembre 1975. Plusieurs élèves de Poudlard attirent son attention et son affection, voire un en particulier, Sirius Black.
Un pairing très inhabituel qui fonctionne bien ; un Percy Weasley passionnant - faillible, perdu dans ses doutes et sa culpabilité, mais avec une répartie, une malice et une sensibilité hors du commun ; des Maraudeurs et des jumeaux Weasley attachants, avec une personnalité définie et nuancée ; une idée originale géniale, car si le voyage dans le temps ouvre des portes à une nouvelle palette de réflexions et d’expériences pour Percy, il permet aussi d’intégrer un mystère et de la tension autour de la potion, l’Indiscible.
Pas d’underage, mais une relation prof-élève tout de même - tout du moins, pendant un segment de l’histoire. Intéressante, touchante, très drôle, amère, complexe et pathétique. WIP.
Thanks for reading, I hope it had helped!
Thanks to all of the authors also! You are brave, tenacious and doing an amazing work. Thanks a lot! :)
(And of course, beware of the tags, if you are triggered by specific content - homophobia, blood, hospital, violence, explicit sex scenes, manipulation, death, etc)
08-24-2020 edit: Thirty-Five Owls, nobody else but me and verivala’s works added. 02-18-2021 edit: White and mautadite’s works added.
(08-24-2020: i’m also currently interested by Kierkegarden’s works, an already quite inevitable GGAD author, I might add some of them later)
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salon-du-salon · 4 years
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23/10/2020 - 19h 
Conversation avec Ndayé Kouagou, 
artiste invité dans le cadre de l’exposition 
Palette: Three-legged Evidence
Roots to Routes | Daria Meļņikova
Ndayé Kouagou
J’aimerais être un homme plein de passion, ça m’arrangerait bien, au lieu de penser à moi je penserais à mes passions. Et je dis bien un homme et non pas une femme, car seuls les hommes ont le talent de la passion. Un homme de passion se distingue par sa minutie et son scrupule, et comme disait Camus quand on n’a pas de caractère on a de la méthode. Me voilà en train de faire un sale portrait à la passion, certainement de la jalousie, rappelez-vous-moi je n’ai pas de passion et je ne me sens pas capable de passion. Ce n’est pas totalement vrai, il y a une passion dans laquelle j’excelle, la passion amoureuse ! Oui j’y excelle, dans l’amour je suis passionné comme personne, et personne n’est passionné comme moi. Mon ami dit que je suis un coeur d’artichaut et une autre me dit amoureux de l’amour. D’ailleurs c’est un très mauvais choix de passion, l’amour, car elle rapproche à soi. Et rappelez-vous le but d’une passion c’est de s’oublier.
Moi je suis pour une vision manichéenne de tout ! Une division simple des choses, bien ou mal, oui ou non. Quelque chose de simple quoi. Pour moi c’est un rêve plus qu’autre chose. Je suis une personne de doute, le doute ne me quitte jamais. Par exemple je ne suis pas certain de souhaiter une division simple des choses. Je ne suis pas certain du bon ou du mauvais de cette division manichéenne appliquée à tout. Mais malgré tout je la souhaite du plus profond de mon coeur. Voilà quelque chose dont je suis certain et qui peut être noté de manière manichéenne, la profondeur de mon amour. Mon amour est profond, très profond. Après j’avoue ne pas avoir vraiment idée de ce que cela veut dire mais au moins j’en ai la certitude. Qu’est-ce qui me fait dire que mon amour est profond ? C’est que je m’y suis déjà noyé. En vrai cela ne prouve en rien la profondeur de mon amour, on se noie pareil dans 30 centimètres ou 20 mètres de profondeur, mais j’ai plaisir à croire dans la profondeur de mon amour, et j’ai encore plus plaisir à croire que c’est quelque chose de bien.
Ndayé Kouagou
Do you think I’m in a position to talk about love? Do you think I’m in a position to talk about money? I just don’t think I can talk about anything in this position. I mean you’ve seen me, I’m a mess, or maybe a loser. To be honest, I don’t mind being a loser, you know there is no more comfortable place than the loser’s one. As I said before, comfort is a good place to die not to live in. So, is being a loser dying?
I don’t think so, no one is as free as a loser. If you’re obsessed with freedom I truly advise you of becoming a loser, there is no such things as value or judgement for a loser, so it can do whatever he wants, or NOT do whatever he wants.
So being a loser can be an amazing way to live. But honestly saying that there is no more comfortable place than the loser one seems kind of a stretch. Weirdly enough comfort is all I’m looking for in my life, and look at me, do I look comfortable?
I have to be sure of myself because I’m mainly made of doubt, doubt never leaves me. You can only have one or the other, I mean you cannot be only made of vulnerability and doubt. Sometimes you have to be sure of yourself. So right now I’m sure of myself, all I’m about to say is going to be true, I truly advise you of taking notes. It’s not everyday that you’ll hear a speech full of truth. Also, I have no idea how long my truth are going to last, truth are like a promotion in a supermarket or a coupon code, they’re not forever. That’s quite sad, everyone like things that are forever. What’s forever tho? My love is forever, or at least that’s what I think, yes, I’m back talking about my love. I’ve already said that my love is deep and now I’m adding that my love is forever. Same question as before, what make me think that my love is forever? Well, this time I don’t have a proper answer, but I like it that way, it’s more romantic, and who doesn’t appreciate romantic stuff.
I’m going to repeat it one more time for the people in the back; NOTHING IS FOREVER! Yes, I know I just said that my love is forever, but you know my love is nothing. You have to accept it, nothing is forever.
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sandriinehebert · 5 years
chère grand-maman,
ma belle grand-maman. tu nous as quittés il y a sept ans déjà. ce n’est pas un anniversaire que les autres soulignent, mais c’était ton chiffre chanceux, c’était l’année que je redoutais le plus. je t’avais promis que j’accomplirais quelque chose de ma vie, en sept ans. j’avais promis de te rendre fière. j’ai échoué, nonna. je n’ai pas personne avec qui partagé nos souvenirs, avec qui faire des cannolis les samedis après-midi. j’ai échoué à recoller les morceaux avec mon frère, même si je ne comprends pas ce qui s’est brisé. depuis ton départ, rien n’est pareil. je n’ai plus de phare à observer la nuit. je n’ai plus de souhaits à faire en soufflant sur un pissenlit. j’ai essayé. je sais que tu le sais aussi.
je sais que tu veilles sur moi, sur nous tous. je sais que tu nous suis partout. tu es avec moi quand je fredonne tes chansons préférées en revenant du travail. tu es avec adamo alors qu’il entame une nouvelle étape de sa vie. tu es avec maman, à la supporter dans ces temps difficiles. tu es avec papa, à lui dire de continuer à nous protéger même si nous sommes si loin les uns des autres. et nous, nous veillons sur ta mémoire.
je t’avais promis qu’en sept ans, j’aurai trouvé mon prince charmant ou ma princesse, je serais entourée d’enfants que je chérirais comme toi tu l’as fait avec les tiens. je t’avais promis que je serais de retour à la maison, notre maison. je n’ai rien fait de tout cela. tu me disais toujours que j’étais différente, spéciale. peut-être un peu trop. tu m’avais juré que je trouverais ma moitié. je commence à croire qu’elle s’est perdue, comme moi. tu m’envoies sûrement un signe. il est peut-être temps de retourner d’où je viens. de retourner vers toi.
je suis encore là-bas. je suis bien, ne t’inquiète pas. i still haven’t found what i’m looking for... tu te rappelles quand papa criait cette chanson pour nous réveiller le dimanche matin, adam et moi? je l’entends toujours, j’entends la mélodie. elle me pousse à continuer de chercher... qui étais-tu avant d’avoir changé de pays, de vie? qu’as-tu essayé de fuir? ne t’y sentais-tu pas chez toi? a house doesn’t make a home, celle-là aussi, papa l’aime.
si tu savais tout ce que je donnerais pour te serrer dans mes bras une toute dernière fois. pour te confier tous mes secrets. pour te confier tous mes regrets. pour me faire pardonner de t’avoir déçue. m’aimerais-tu encore? parce que, moi, oui. je t’aime, pour toujours et à jamais.
dear grand-mother,
my beautiful grand-mother. you left us seven years ago. it might not be an anniversary that other people celebrate, but it was your lucky number, it was the year i dreaded the most. i promised you i would have made something of my life, within seven years. i promised i would have made you proud. i failed, nonna. i have nobody to share our memories with, with whom i would bake cannolis on saturday afternoons. i failed at putting back the puzzle pieces with my brother, even though i don’t understand what’s broken. ever since you left, nothing is the same. i have no lighthouse to look up to at night. i have no wishes to make while blowing dandelions. i tried. i know you know it too.
i know you are looking over me, over all of us. i know that you are following us everywhere. you are with me with i sing along your favorite songs while coming back from work. you are with adamo while he’s taking a big step for his future. you are with mom, supporting her during these hard times. you are with dad, telling him to continue to protect us even though we are so far from one another. and us, we are remembering you.
i promised you that, within these seven years, i would have found my prince charming or my princess, that i would be surrounded with kids whom i would cherish like you did with your own. i promised you i would be back home, our home. i did nothing. you would always tell me that i was different, special. maybe a little too much. you swore i would find my other half. i’m starting to believe it got lost, like me.
i am still there. i am doing good, don’t worry. i still haven’t found what i’m looking for... do you remember when dad used to scream this song to wake adam and i up on sunday mornings? i still hear it, i hear the melody. it pushes me to continue searching... who were you before you moved to a different country? what did you try to run away from? did you not feel at home? a house doesn’t make a home, this one too, dad loves it.
if only you knew what i would give just to hold you in my arms one last time. to tell you all my secrets. to tell you all my regets. to apologize for failing you. would you still love me? because i would. i love you, forever and always.
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magicbench · 5 years
[Repost from my Patreon]
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And 2019 is coming to an end. It always feel weird for me to think I made it through one more year each year, and it's probably what the Fujiwara's characters are thinking as well, giving their not so happy circumstances x)
But a new year also means looking back to the past achievements and what will happen next, and honestly... this year was one of the best I've ever had for soooooooo long!
I'll... spare you the details of my life, because it's not that interesting, and surely super depressing, but let me at least say one thing to you... thank you.
To the ones who are cheering for me everyday, for those who are looking over me without a word, for those who slowly got attached to me, and for those who are just passing by or the ones who genuinely love my work... This year I met so many nice people. You made me laugh, sometimes you made me cry too, but more importantly, you helped and still are helping me going over my doubts and keeping me alive and happy. So yes, from the bottom of my heart... Thank you ❤
You and I, we survived one more year. Although it wasn't always a good day, maybe sometimes it was really plain sad or upsetting and we just wanted to stop it all, but we did it. We did it and we will try our best to made it once again this year, and, hopefully, for many other ones!
❇I wish you a Happy New Year, and the best for the future!❇
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Et 2019 arrive à son terme. Ça me fait toujours bizarre, de me dire que j'ai réussit à passer une année de plus, chaque année, et c'est probablement aussi ce que se disent les personnages du projet Fujiwara BitterSweet, étant donné leurs circonstances pas vraiment marrantes x)
Mais une nouvelle année signifie aussi regarder vers les accomplissements passés et ce qu'on envisage de faire pour la suite, et honnêtement... cette année a été de loin l'une des meilleures que j'ai eu depuis très longtemps!
Je vais vous épargner les détails de ma vie, c'est pas très intéressant et sûrement assez déprimant, mais laissez-moi au moins vous dire une chose... merci.
Merci à ceux qui m'encouragent tous les jours, à ceux qui veillent sur moi sans rien dire, à ceux qui se sont attachés à moi petit à petit, mais aussi aux curieux de passage ou encore ceux qui aiment sincèrement ce que je fais... Cette année j'ai rencontré tellement de personnes gentilles. Vous m'avez fait rire, pleurer parfois, mais le plus important et que, si je suis heureuse d'être là aujourd'hui, c'est surtout grâce à vous, dont la présence me fait petit à petit reprendre confiance en moi. Donc oui, du fond du coeur... Merci ❤
Vous et moi, on a survécu cette année encore. Ça n'a peut-être pas toujours été facile, parfois même, c'était sûrement juste triste ou irritant et on voulait juste tout arrêter, mais on a réussit à aller jusqu'au bout. On a réussit à aller jusqu'au bout et on fera de notre mieux pour continuer encore une fois cette année, et, je l'espère, pour encore plein d'autres après!
❇Je vous souhaite une Bonne Année et mes voeux pour le futur!❇
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fierce-little-miana · 5 years
Why do I like Medea?
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@irleughlivelyatalanteangodfan asked “May I ask what you like most about Medea?”
To which my first reaction is what is there not to like?
Of course of course someone might answered me that even in the more positive version of the myth Medea is at the very least a murderer. In the worst version she is a fratricide, infanticide, and mass-murderer. So there are indeed things to discuss.
First I must say that I love Medea the most at her worst. I do believe the academics working on the myth finding trace of older versions in which Medea is not at her worst are producing necessary content because it is solid and necessary academic work. And it is not uninteresting to see how with each newer version her depiction tended to be blacken. There is indeed something to be said of a myth that goes from a mythical magical woman to a murderous vengeful woman, especially when this woman is powerful in her own right (her magic) and foreign (three things that ancient Greeks despised). But that is not the appeal of the character to me.
No I love Medea in her murderous rage. I love everything that “dark” Medea stands for. One of the main thing being:
Feminine Rage:
This the name I give to something that became, without me noticing it, one of my favorite tropes in media. It is when a woman just snaps when confronted for the umpteenth time with something fundamentally unfair, fundamentally degrading, that is only leveraged against her because she is a woman.  
There are ways women are supposed to bear pain, humiliation, or attacks against themselves, that are dignified and are positively recognized by society. Gendered ways. While a man is going to fight against adversity a woman is going to endure it. I personally find it extremely disempowering. Resilience has good sides of course but it is not proactive, it is enduring a situation up until it changes of its own accord. Yet this is what women are taught to do. And women are taught to be resilient in the eyes of a society that covers them with outrages specifically because they are women.
A woman who ends up resorting to violence is a great transgressor. Violence is a transgression that might get women completely shun from the “civilized” world (whereas it is not automatic for men). And yet I think there is a secret fear/desire for a lot of women that they are actually one step or two away to falling into primal violence (I am not saying that all women feel like that obviously but the idea seems to speak to too many to be described as only personal).
I recently found this quote that goes in this sens pretty well:
“almost every woman i have ever met has a secret belief that she is just on the edge of madness, that there is some deep, crazy part within her, that she must be on guard constantly against ‘losing control’ — of her temper, of her appetite, of her sexuality, of her feelings, of her ambition, of her secret fantasies, of her mind”
Elana Dykewomon “Notes for a Magazine”
Women are divorced from their violent impulse, from a part of themselves, for the best and for the worst. This feminine rage is powerful way to reconnect with this part of themselves in a eyes of a society that keeps on tormenting them.
That’s what Medea story is in the end. A total dip in primal violence to avenge all the offenses she had to bear because she is a woman. And she only can regain her dignity, and a real agency through this violence.
Medea’s story is incredibly gendered. Sure there is the theme of who is the real criminal: the one committing the crime or the one not preventing it and benefiting from it? But it is mainly the story of a woman who sacrificed everything she had (rank, reputation, honor, morality) to make her husband and family succeed. She got her husband out of all dangerous situations they faced together, and has even offered him opportunity he wouldn’t have had without her. The story of Medea is the one of an older woman whose husband can’t use her anymore after having made her sacrifice everything.
So Medea snaps and exercises powerful violence on her husband and everyone who is working with him to strap her of what remains: her sense of self (I don’t know if it is in every version but in at least some of them Creusa asks to be able to wear Medea’s wedding dress to her own wedding). She punishes them all and finds herself back in the process. Even if she has to suffer excoriating pain in order to do so (killing her own sons) as long as the others suffer more than her and are punished according to their crimes she will not falter.
Medea is feminine rage at its peak, uncompromising and lethal. There is something extremely cathartic in this for me.
The story of Medea is also the story of a foreigner in an hostile land. It is less important than the woman part for me but still essential. And that is why I really like that in the french comic book by Le Called and Peña they do present her as significantly different from the Greeks women and significantly darker.
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Not like any other:
Medea, like most of characters in myth, is related to gods. Circe is her aunt, so she is related to Hecate, which is unsurprising considering that she is a magician (a deeply feminine power in most greek myth). But she is also the granddaughter of Helios (actually all four of her grandparents are gods or close to be). But Medea isn’t just related to gods, she behaves like one.
Medea destroys not only Creon and his daughter but in some of the version she is responsible for the burning of the entire city. Exactly like an angry god who has been disrespected by members of a community and brought their anger on all the community (granted the citizens of Corinth did not like her but still).
But it is the punition that she reserve to Jason that strikes me as the most god-like. In ancient Greek myths gods often punishes humans or other gods who had wronged them with fates worse than death (like Prometheus or Lycaon of Arcadia). This is exactly what she does to Jason. She takes everything from him, everything, but she leaves him alive so he has to live through his punishment. He is left with nothing except maybe the shame of being Jason. Even in the Divine Comedy (written in the 14th century and not directly concerned with the Argonauts or Medea) Jason is placed in Hell for what he did to several women.
Medea is superior to nearly everyone else she runs into in her story and her actions in Corinth is a way for her to reclaim that.
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A reasonable women:
Medea most famous deed might have been the killing of her sons in Corinth to annihilate Jason but even in this she keeps on being rational. She might fall prey to primal violence but she still plans and executes it with meticulousness.
After all apparently her name comes from the verbs μήδομαι / mêdomai which means to meditate, and might come from an earlier root meaning: understand/conceive.
Medea is victorious thanks to the power of her reason and cleverness. She doesn’t kill Pelias, she convinces his daughters to do so by tricking them into believing that they are going to make him young and healthy again. She gets the Golden Fleece. She gets the very dreadful idea of how to slow down her pursuing father’s fleet. Medea is not only powerful because she is a great magician. She is powerful because she is a smart, ruthless, dedicated woman.
In Corneille’s version, Pollux (an Argonaut whose role here is to be the confident of Jason) has this to say about Jason’s plan of marrying Creusa :
“Bien que de tous côtés l'affaire résolue
Ne laisse aucune place aux conseils d'un ami,
Je ne puis toutefois l'approuver qu'à demi.
Sur quoi que vous fondiez un traitement si rude,
C'est montrer pour Médée un peu d'ingratitude :
Ce qu'elle a fait pour vous est mal récompensé.
Il faut craindre après tout son courage offensé ;
Vous savez mieux que moi ce que peuvent ses charmes.”
Basically this replica starts with Pollux saying that he knows Jason isn’t going to listen to him but still what he is doing to Medea (repudiating and banishing her) is not cool. He finishes by “We need to fear her offended courage / You know better than me what her spells are capable of.” To which Jason answers something along the lines “no worries, her banishment should be enough to tame her”. To this Pollux retorts:
“Gardez d'avoir sujet de vous en repentir.”
Which roughly translates as “Be careful to not end up sorry about it.” Later in the play it seems that Medea has accepted her fate and she has given her wedding dress as a present to Creusa. Everyone thinks that everything is going great and this what Pollux as to say about this:
“J'eus toujours pour suspects les dons des ennemis :
Ils font assez souvent ce que n'ont pu leurs armes.
Je connais de Médée et l'esprit et les charmes,
Et veux bien m'exposer aux plus cruels trépas,
Si ce rare présent n'est un mortel appas.”
He starts by saying that gifts from enemies are always suspicious and dangerous and then say that since it is something from Medea he is ready to bet his life that it is a deadly trap (and by the way he is absolutely correct). This is how the verse from the middle of the replica translates:  “I know of Medea her spirit and her spells”. We can see that in this version, Pollux is deadly sure that Medea isn’t going to take that laying down and that she is going to be a formidable foe. But it is not only her magical ability that he recognises as dangerous (even if he insists a lot on it), it is her courage and her mind (reason).
Medea isn't cold, she burns bright, but she is still a calculating strategist whose magic is as dangerous as the way she uses her mind.
In the end, Medea embodies one of my favorite trope which is woman giving in to a justified burning anger more than ready to bear the consequences of said anger. She does so while acting and thinking like a god and being the best strategist in the room.
A god-like angry clever scorned woman? What is there not to love in her?
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rasoir-national · 5 years
Welcome to Immigration law, where words have no meaning : a case study
While working on cases, I stumbled across yet another fun example of the way political pressure has rendered legal principles meaningless in Immigration law, to the point that judges have to go against the very words of the law they’re supposed to be applying.
If you need a refresher of what’s broadly wrong with immigration law in France, presumably because you hate yourself, you can hop over here.
Anyway, let’s talk about Refugee family reunification.
What is Refugee law ? Well, in the 19th Century... just kidding, we’re not doing that here. I mean, we’re absolutely doing that here someday, but not right now. If you’re unclear on what a refugee is, here’s the broad idea : if a person from a certain country finds themself in a situation where their life is in danger in that country, either because the authorities can’t/won’t protect them or because those authorities are the ones threatening them, then they can enter another country and ask for that country’s protection. If they can jump through all the hoops and get their request approved - and all I have to say about this at the moment is that it’s a goddamn miracle every time it happens- then they are recognized as refugees : they will be allowed to stay in that country for a consequential period of time, have civil rights almost similar to a citizen, and generally be taken care of.
Now as I said, when you get recognized as a refugee, it means you’re set to stay in the country that took you in for about 10 years, that can be renewed if the situation didn’t get better in your country of origin. Something would have to go massively wrong for you to lose that status before then. That’s time during which you are legally forbidden to go back to your country of origin, since the very point of getting the status is that it was critically unsafe for you to stay there. 10 years, that’s a good chunk of life. So it stands to reason that you should be able to have your family with you during that time. See, asylum seekers sometimes come as a family, but more often than not, only one person makes the trip and tries to get the status, then puts in a request for the rest of their family : the trip is extremely expensive and dangerous. Still, not only is it coherent to allow the refugee’s family to come as well - if they were in danger, their family most likely was too - it’s a human right : you have the right to have a private life, and therefore to be with your family wherever you are. So there’s a special procedure for refugees to get their family to rejoin them without having to go through a painful and most likely illegal trip : if the request is approved, they will get a visa, and then they can come to France simply by making the trip on commercial lines without being detained at the airport/train station and forbidden to enter the country.
But, of course, it’s not that simple.
One of the main principles of immigration law is, if there’s a risk, any risk at all, that an element of the system might be exploited by a few individuals to cheat its principles, then the entire system must be warped to avoid any possible fraud.
Let’s apply that principle to family reunification. See, one big fear of lawmakers is that people will use that system to create the dreaded “chain migration”, i.e get more people in the country that the system means for them to. What does that mean in practice ? Well, the people allowed to join a refugee are meant to be only the close family : the spouse, the minor children, maybe the parents in some cases. So the fear is that some refugees will present some people as being related to them, or more closely related to them than they are, in order to get them admitted. So we must make sure that the people presented as their spouse, their child, is indeed who they pretend to be.
Now let’s break this down to its core : because some people may undeservedly profit from a legal system - and some people always will, let’s not be afraid to admit that - then every single individual who wishes to benefit from that system must pay the price of that risk. Principles will be inverted. Assumptions will be flipped on their head. And make no mistake : that’s not the fault of the fraudsters. Yes, it’s “wrong” to exploit a system in a way it wasn’t meant to be exploited - that being said, i struggle to see how immigrants trying to get more people they know to safety despite them not being family is a bad thing - but there is NO REASON, NONE AT ALL, that the price for that state of affairs should end up on the asylum seekers and not on the government. If they government is that afraid of the “wrong” people coming in, then it should be on them to prove that there’s fraud in a particular case. It’s just logical.
But of course, that’s not how it works.
How do you prove someone is related to you ? If you live in a “developed” country, it must seem quite easy : you’ve got your marriage certificate, your birth certificate, your official papers... And even if you don’t have them, all you have to do is go to city hall and get new ones.
Now imagine you have all that, but you’re in a country that’s not your own. All those documents are legally worthless : the State has no reason to recognize documents from another country. But of course, it would leave you with literally nothing to prove your identity. So the way it works is while those documents don’t officially have the same value as they do in the country that delivered them, it should still be taken for granted that they are genuine, until there is proof to the contrary.
In France, that notion is enshrined in the civil code in its article 47 :
“ Tout acte de l'état civil des Français et des étrangers fait en pays étranger et rédigé dans les formes usitées dans ce pays fait foi, sauf si d'autres actes ou pièces détenus, des données extérieures ou des éléments tirés de l'acte lui-même établissent, le cas échéant après toutes vérifications utiles, que cet acte est irrégulier, falsifié ou que les faits qui y sont déclarés ne correspondent pas à la réalité.”
What this means in english is that if the document respects the formal presentation of the country that is supposed to have delivered it, and there’s nothing in the other documents or in the document itself that could hint at a forgery, then the document is regarded as authentic.
This principle is logical and straightforward : the civil statute from another country is assumed to be genuine, until there is proof of the contrary. That’s the legal concept of presumption in action right here : let the party whose claim would be the easiest to prove to have to bring that proof rather than the contrary : it’s much easier to prove a document is a fake than to prove it is authentic. An absence of fraud cannot be proven.
But that’s not the kind of eternal logical rule that can stop lawmakers. So let’s talk about the Central African Republic.
A beautiful country - I assume - the Central African Republic has had the misfortune of being in an off-and-on state of civil war since the beginning of the 2000s, with two powerful militias, the Séléka and the anti-Balaka, fighting for power on a background of religious conflict. I am not at all qualified to say more on the subject, but if it interests you - and it should - don’t hesitate to check primary sources. But here’s the part that’s relevant to my point : one of the consequences of this prolonged conflict is the utter disorganization of the administrative system, and particularly the impossibility to access civil registry services. Central African law requires you to register a birth right away in the circonscription in which the child was born - that is of course a problem if you’ve had to move because of the conflict, and that particular zone is inaccessible due to combats. On top of that, the vast majority of civil services are not equipped with computers, meaning many documents have been lost/inaccessible for the last 20 years. The result is that there are many, many children in the Central African Republic who have not been properly registered and therefore have no legal existence and no proof of their lineage.
The CAR government is currently trying to remediate this situation with the help of NGOs. See, if you weren’t registered as a newborn, then there’s need of a judicial decision for you to be registered as a child or a teen. One of the most notable solutions has been to create mobile courts who go from village to village and hold public sessions to get as many people as possible the right decision so they can ask to be registered, but there’s still a long way to go, and the system is far from back to normal functioning.
Now because french is spoken by most of the population of the CAR, and France has historical *coughs*colonial*coughs* ties to the country, many people who have fled the country have seeked asylum in France. And for those who got it, they asked, as was their right, for their family to be able to join them.
Do you see the problem looming on the horizon ? Oh yes, you do.
The children of refugees who remained in CAR were born in the last twenty years, and therefore many of them were not properly registered and have no direct way of proving their relation to the refugee.
But here comes the really perverted part : in order to get the request accepted, the families of refugees in CAR have rushed to register the children so they would have proof to present to the french authorities (in CAR’s case, the French Consulate in Bangui). They travel to their village of birth, they try to get to a mobile court, they put in the legwork.
And what does the consul say when they get those preciously obtained documents ? Well, they say that since it’s so rare for children born in that period to have the proper documents... Then those must be fake. Yeah. Let me remind you, by law, those documents should be presumed to be authentic. But because the context dictates that central african children are more likely not to have documents, those who do become suspect. The administration will cling to the tiniest mistake to claim “evidence of forgery” : technically, if you get the judicial decision allowing the registration, then you have to wait six months for your identity to be added to the family registry. But of course, because of the massive under-registration and the mobile courts system, the administration rather ignores that mandatory delay in order to get people a legal identity as soon as possible. But that’s apparently too outlandish an idea for the french administration to understand. No, everything in CAR must work exactly how the law dictates, except of course for the fact that the country is apparently so fucked up that the simple fact of having the proper papers indicates you’ve broken the law. I know a lot of paradoxes, but this is by far the most vicious I’ve ever met. This is no-win situation. How on earth can you prove documents are genuine when you having those documents is seen as evidence that they are fake ?
And that’s exactly the kind of shit I’ve been talking about. : in immigration law, there’s no reason words shouldn’t mean their opposite if it fits the political agenda. Immigration authorities are only pragmatic when it suits them. As a result, the day-to-day practice of immigration law is getting increasingly disconnected from what that law is supposed to be, until principles don’t exist anymore, and basic legal ideas are completely ignored. There’s always going to be a gap between a law and its application ; but this isn’t about being down to earth, this is ignoring the very principles you should be enforcing.
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shcjfrance · 6 years
Shinhwa Changjos
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I warn this will be a long and especially the last message I will post on this fanbase. Last message, simply because I decided to stop the fanbase, even if this decision will surely seem to you abrupt, it was made after careful reflection, months to question myself to finally decide to continue. But today the decision to stop has become the only solution for me. I got to the point where holding the fanbase became too difficult on my own. Not out of Shinhwa's disinterest, on the contrary my love for Shinhwa dates back of so long and only grows over the years; but mostly because I'm exhausted, and some other problems that I talked about not so long ago, like the fact that I ask not to repost my links without credits or to upload elsewhere etc etc (I do not want to talk about them anymore, because I just do not want to remember them) Holding this fanbase is hours and hours of my time, everyday, for years, and now I'm not so happy to do it anymore, it's make me feel sad and I'm just not good enough at it anymore. Some of you are already aware of this, especially the translators, I wanted to give myself time to think about this decision, at least until the next comeback and Shinhwa Broadcast, I wanted to finish on something "big" and not like that, but I can not take it anymore. Believe me, this decision was very difficult to take and hurts my heart, I want to cry by writing these words, but if I continue, I will end up remembering only the bad times and I want to remember only the good things, Shinhwa Changjo France held a big place in my life and my heart, it's been 6 years, 6 years of my life it's not nothing. I started when I was 18, and I was around 14 when I first started a French translation blog. The closing represents a big page that turns for me, it may seem selfish for some, because without wanting to throw flowers to myself, I know that I contribute a lot about the videos of members TV SHOWS, and I risk making things difficult to those who don't know how to have them other than with my links. I'm sorry and I'm not asking you to understand my decision. Clearly in this decade to hold a blog, fanbase on Shinhwa, there have been ups and downs. But I have always been able to count on the majority of you to cheer me up, support me, and thank me every day for what I was doing and it will always be warm to me to remember all this. Even when I had a bad time in my private life, those who have not been following me for a long time surely do not know it, but when I had my cancers, I always had a good time thanks to all of you, because the fanbase was my only way out of my daily life that was more than rotten at the time. I met so many incredible people via the internet and in real life via this fanbase. For all this, I will never be grateful enough to you. Thanks again. I think I have reached the point where I simply want to support Shinhwa by being a mere fan without obligations to anyone. All I can say is that I can not wait to continue supporting Shinhwa and the members with you all, because as long as Shinhwa is there, I have no reason to leave. I'll be there, even if it's as anonymous, maybe you will see me on twitter with my personal account shout out how great the comeback is, or that Junjin is so perfect xD I have so many people to thank and I'm so scared of forgetting names that I'm just going to say thank you all for all these years. Thank you. Jenny of Shinhwa Changjo France.
PS: I will let all my SNS, videos accounts open, maybe this can still help some of you.
Je préviens ceci sera un long et surtout le dernier que je posterai sur cette fanbase. Dernier message, tout simplement car j'ai décidé d'arrêter la fanbase, même si cette décision va sûrement vous semblez abrupte, elle a été faites après mûres réflexions, des mois à me remettre en question pour finalement décider de continuer. Mais aujourd'hui la décision d'arrêter est devenue la seule solution pour moi. J'en suis arrivée au point où la tenue de la fanbase est devenue trop difficile à moi seule. Non par désintérêt de Shinhwa, au contraire mon amour pour Shinhwa date depuis tellement longtemps et ne fait que grandir au fil des années; mais surtout car je suis exténuée, et quelques autres problèmes dont j'ai parlé il n'y a pas si longtemps, comme le fait que je demande de ne pas reposter mes liens sans crédits ou encore d'uploader ailleurs etc etc (je ne veux pas plus parler d'eux, car je ne veux simplement pas me souvenir d'eux)
Tenir cette fanbase c'est des heures et des heures de mon temps, tous les jours, depuis des années, pour qu'au final je ne sois plus si heureuse de le faire, que cela me zappe le moral et n'en suis tout simplement plus à la hauteur. Certains d'entre vous sont déjà au courant, notamment les traductrices, je voulais me donner du temps pour encore réfléchir à cette décision,  du moins jusqu'au prochain comeback du groupe et Shinhwa Broadcast, je voulais finir sur quelque chose de "grand" et pas comme cela, mais je n'en peux plus. Croyez moi, cette décision a été très difficile à prendre et me fait mal au cœur, j'ai limite envie de pleurer en écrivant ces mots, mais si je continue, je vais finir par retenir que les mauvais moments, hors je veux me souvenir des bonnes choses, Shinhwa Changjo France a tenu une grande place dans ma vie et mon cœur, cela fait 6 ans, 6 ans de ma vie ce n'est pas rien. J'ai commencé quand j'avais 18 ans, et j'avais autour de 14 ans quand j'ai commencé un blog de traduction en français. La fermeture représente une grosse page qui se tourne pour moi, cela semblera peut-être pour certains égoïste, car sans me vouloir me jeter des fleurs, je sais que je contribue beaucoup concernant les vidéos des émissions et que je risque de désemparer ceux qui savent pas comment avoir les émissions autrement qu'avec mes liens. Je suis désolée et je ne demande pas à ce que vous comprenez ma décision. Clairement dans cette décade à tenir un blog, fanbase sur Shinhwa, il y a eu des hauts et des bas. Mais j'ai toujours pu compter sur la majorité d'entre vous pour me remonter le moral, me soutenir, et me remercier au quotidien de ce que je faisais et cela me fera toujours chaud au cœur de me souvenir de tout cela.    Même quand j'avais des malheurs dans ma vie privé, ceux qui me suivent depuis pas longtemps ne le savent sûrement pas, mais quand j'ai eu mes cancers, j'ai toujours pu compter sur vous pour tenir, car la fanbase était mon seul échappatoire à mon quotidien qui était à ce moment là plus que pourri. J'ai rencontré via internet et dans la vie réelle tellement de personnes incroyables via cette fanbase. Pour tout cela, je ne serai jamais assez reconnaissante envers vous. Merci encore. Je pense que j'ai atteint le moment où j'ai simplement envie de soutenir Shinhwa en étant une simple fan sans obligations envers quelqu'un. Tout ce que je peux dire c'est que je suis impatiente de continuer à soutenir Shinhwa et les membres avec vous tous, car finalement tant que Shinhwa sera là, je serai là, même si c'est anonymement, peut-être que vous me verrai sur twitter avec mon compte perso crier à quel point le comeback est génial, ou que Junjin est tellement parfait xD J'ai tellement de gens à remercier et j'ai tellement peur d'oublier des noms que je vais simplement dire merci à tous pour toutes ces années. Merci. Jenny de Shinhwa Changjo France.
PS: Je vais laisser tous mes comptes vidéos, et réseaux sociaux ouvert, peut-être que cela peut encore aider certains d'entre vous.
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zeephyrr15 · 6 years
For the 6th day of the Narumitsu Week, theme “Confessions”. (I put my own headcanon and experience, so, well...)
  I knock at the door of his law office. It's Maya who opens it. She smiles at me and makes me in. - Is Wright... here? - Yeah, in his office. She vaguely points out a door. Without acknowledging me more, she goes back to her video game. I sigh and knock again. - Come in. So I walk into his office. He is working, piles of certainly important law document on his desk. I wait a moment, standing just after the closed door. He lifts his head. - Oh, Edgeworth. I thought it was Maya. - Can I? I say, pointing the chair. - Yes, of course. I sit in front of him, silent. - So...do you need help for a case? - No, this is not work-related. It's more...a personal issue. - Oh... - If you didn't have time for this I can... - No, no, he cuts me. Go on, please. That's what friends are about. - Yeah, well... I'm a little bit stressed, to be honest, I'm not really sure about this. I'm afraid. But Wright is a good man, respectful and...quite selfless. Maybe I fear more this fact. Stop, I already thought about all that, now I need to say it. - Wright, I am an Aromantic, Asexual Trans man. Visibly surprised, he stays quiet one moment. - Okay, cool. You...you come out because it's June? I smile, more comfortable. Obviously, I knew he wasn't going to reject me, but a doubt was left. - Not exactly. I want you to answer one question, and I wanted you to have all the information. Do...do you want to share a queerplatonic relationship with me? I swallow, waiting for his response. Somes minutes pass. - You don't need to give an answer now, and you risk nothing to refuse, I always am your friend, whatever happens. Well unless you don't want me in your life anymore, but I know you're not this sort of person. He remains silent, again. I sigh. - I need to go back to work now, good afternoon. - Wait! I-I... Did you really propose me a relationship with you? You swear it's not a joke or a stupid bet? - Do I like the type to make a joke or stupid bets? - Of course, not, I mean no offense but it was...unexpected. - I understand your reaction. - It doesn't mean I don't want. That's quite the opposite... How...how a...queerplatonic relationship work? - It's a non-romantic type of relationship. But we can define it how it pleases us. - Non-romantic... Yes, it makes sense... Hypothetically, it is a problem if one party have romantics sentiment for the other...? - You mean...you're in love with me? - Yes. Do you mind? - We can make our relationship close to a romantic relationship if that can make you more ease. It's just...I feel better calling it queerplatonic. To be honest, I identify at quoiromantic, I don't precisely know what I feel for you, but it strong and, in my way, I love you. - I...I love you too. And I want to be in a relationship with you, I don't care how we call it, I just want to be with you.
  Je toque à la porte de son cabinet d'avocat. C'est Maya qui vient m'ouvrir. Elle me sourit et me laisse entrer.
- Est-ce que Wright est là ?
- Oui, il est dans son bureau.
Elle fait un vague signe en direction de l'une des portes. Sans m'accorder plus de temps, elle retourne à son jeu vidéo. Je soupire et toque à nouveau.
- Entre. Alors, j'entre dans son bureau. Il est en train de travailler, entre des piles de ce qui semble être d'importants documents légaux. J'attends un moment, me tenant devant la porte que je venais de refermer derrière moi. Il relève la tête.
- Oh, Hunter. Je pensais que c'était Maya.
- Je peux ? Je fais en pointant la chaise.
- Oui, bien sûr.
Je m'assois juste en face de lui.
- Donc...tu as besoin d'aide sur une affaire ?
- Non, je ne suis pas venu pour du travail. C'est plus...personnel.
- Oh...
- Si tu n'as pas de temps pour ça, je peux...
- Non, non, il me coupe. C'est à ça que servent les amis.
- Je suppose...
Je suis un peu anxieux, pour être honnête, je ne suis pas sûr... Je suis effrayé. Mais Wright est quelqu'un de bien, respectueux et...altruiste. Je crois que c'est ce côté là de lui qui me fait le plus peur. Stop, j'ai déjà réfléchis à tout ça, maintenant il faut que je le lui dise.
- Wright, je suis un homme transgenre aromantique et asexuel.
Visiblement surpris, il reste silencieux un instant.
- D'accord, c'est cool. Tu...tu fais un coming out parce qu'on est en juin ?
Je souris, un peu plus à l'aise. Évidemment, je savais qu'il n'allait pas que repousser, mais un doute subsistait.
- Pas exactement. Je veux que tu répondes à une question, et je voulais que tu ais toutes les informations nécessaires. Est-ce que...est-ce que tu voudrais bien partager une relation queerplatique avec moi ?
Je déglutis, attendant sa réponse. Quelques minutes passent.
- Tu n'as pas besoin de répondre maintenant, et tu ne risques rien à refuser. Je serais toujours ton ami, quoi qu'il arrive. Enfin, sauf si tu ne veux plus de moi, mais je sais que tu n'es pas ce genre de personne.
Il reste silencieux. Je soupire.
- Il faut que je retourne travailler, maintenant. Bon après-midi.
- Attend ! J-je... Est-ce que tu viens vraiment de me proposer de partager une relation avec toi ? Tu me promets que c'est pas une blague ou un pari stupide ?
- Est-ce que j'ai l'air d'être quelqu'un qui fait ce genre de blagues, ou même des paris stupides ?
- Non, bien sûr que non, je voulais pas te vexer.  Mais c'était...inattendu.
- Je comprends ta réaction.
- Ça ne veut pas dire que je ne veux pas. C'est plutôt le contraire... Comment...comment une...relation queerplatonique fonctionne ?
- C'est une sorte de relation qui n'est pas basé sur la romance. Mais nous pouvons la définir comme nous le souhaitons.
- Pas basé sur la romance... Oui, c'est logique... Hypothétiquement, est-ce que c'est un problème si l’un a des sentiments romantiques pour l'autre...?
- Tu veux dire...tu es amoureux de moi ?
- Oui. Ça te dérange ?
- Nous pouvons faire s'approcher notre relation d'une relation romantique si ça te fait te sentir plus à l'aise. C'est juste que...je me sens mieux avec l'idée queerplatonique. Pour être honnête, je m'identifie à quoiromantique, je ne sais pas exactement ce que je ressens pour toi, mais je sais que c'est fort et, qu'à ma façon, je t'aime.
- Je...je t'aime aussi. Et je veux partager une relation avec toi, je me fiche de comment on l'appelle, je veux juste être avec toi.
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chibi-jing · 7 years
FFXV in French - Translations for Ardyn (Pocket Edition - Final Fight)
Hello everyone!
This time I propose to you the French text for the last battle in the Pocket Edition of the game, with of course the literal translation in English and also the original English to compare (for the last part).
I didn’t put all lines from cutscenes that were already in the main game, but I leave some others to help the comprehension! (I put them in italic) And you have the video of course ^^
And for once, you can see that English and French are so close that they are almost identical! Maybe Square Enix finally noticed all these translations problems and harmonized localizations! ^^
 Ardyn (1ère partie)
« Tu penses donc être l’élu ? C’est uniquement parce que j’ai été injustement écarté ! »
« Tu as peut-être passé dix années à accumuler des forces, mais pendant ce temps, j’ai absorbé des myriades de daemons. »
« Que penses-tu de ce que j’ai fait de ce monde ? Comme tu as pu le constater, je n’ai pas chômé. »
« J’ai fait naître de ce corps de nouveaux parasites, dont j’ai imprégné les humains pour en faire des daemons. »
« Mais ça aurait pu être mieux ! Il s’en est fallu de peu que je transforme tes amis. Ils auraient fait des daemons de première classe. »
(les 5 lignes suivantes ne sont pas dans cette vidéo)
« Tu n’aurais plus eu aucun être cher à protéger. J’aurais aimé voir ta réaction. »
« C’est à ça que tu as passé ta vie ? A créer des parasites ? Tu as dû te sentir seul ! »
« Tiens donc ? Mais c’est que tu me prends de haut, maintenant ? »
« Je dois le reconnaître… Je me suis senti un peu seul. Mais maintenant, tu es là pour jouer avec moi ! »
« C’est donc ça, la force du roi élu ? C’est assez décevant… Tu pourrais essayer de faire mieux que ça ! Tu es censé avoir acquis un pouvoir incommensurable. »
Ardyn (dans les airs)
« Admire le paysage ! Ce royaume des ténèbres ! Ces vastes terres en proie aux daemons ! »
Ardyn (au sol)
« Même si l’aube venait à se lever, ce serait sur un monde en ruine ! »
« Les gens ne découvriraient que le désespoir ! »
« Mais ils auront toujours la force de vivre ! »
« Tu es conscient qu’ils ne sont pas là pour te protéger ? »
« Je sais ! C’est à mon tour de protéger les autres ! »
« Le cristal se sert de vous tous et vous vole vos vies. Vous n’êtes que d’ineptes pantins ! »
« Et je l’accepte ! Si c’est le prix à payer pour chasser les ténèbres ! »
« Ha ha ! Vous devriez plutôt me remercier ! Je vais tous vous entrainer dans les ténèbres ! »
« Je vais t’extirper de ces ténèbres ! Tout ce que t’y as trouvé, c’est la solitude ! »
« Que dis-tu ?! »
« Tu n’es que l’esclave des ténèbres ! Tant que tu y resteras… tu souffriras seul ! Reviens auprès des tiens ! Redeviens l’homme noble et bon que tu étais ! »
« Tu prétends me faire la morale, maintenant ? Tu me fais ton numéro de grand roi magnanime ? »
« Quand ton cher papa est mort… tu t’amusais comme un gamin irresponsable avec tes camarades ! Quand ta fiancée est morte… tu as passé des jours alité et tu t’es morfondu comme une loque ! »
« Et maintenant, tu oses venir me donner des leçons ? »
« Tu crois m’avoir surpassé après dix petites années ? Qu’est-ce que tu t’imagines ? J’ai passé des siècles au cœur des ténèbres ! »
Ardyn (dernière partie)
« Tu es résolu à aller jusqu’au bout, Noct ? »
« Tu es prêt à donner ta vie pour chasser les ténèbres ? »
« Je désirais tellement briser les espoirs des rois du Lucis… »
« J’ai attendu le jour de ma vengeance depuis si longtemps ! Mais tu as tout gâché… »
« Je te maudis, Noctis ! Du plus profond de mon être ! »
« Aaah… Je vois… Tu as bien choisi ton arme… »
English (Literal Translation)
 Ardyn (first part)
«So you believe to be the Chosen? It is only because I was unfairly excluded!»
«You may have spent ten years building up strength but during this time, I absorbed myriads of daemons.»
«What do you think of what I did with this world? As you can see, I have not been idle.»
«I delivered new parasites from this body, which I impregnated humans to turn them into daemons.»
«But it could have been better! I was close to transform your friends. They would have made first class daemons.»
(the next 5 lines are not in this video)
«You wouldn’t have had anymore loved one to protect. I wish I could see your reaction.»
«That’s what you spent your life? Create parasites? You must have felt alone!»
«Well, what do you know?!  You look down on me, now?»
«I must acknowledge it…I felt a bit lonely. But now, you’re here to play with me!»
«Is that what the Chosen King’s strength is about? It is pretty disappointing… You could try to do better than that! You are supposed to have acquired an immeasurable power.»
Ardyn (in the air)
«Enjoy the view! This darkness realm! These vast lands plagued by daemons!»
Ardyn (ground)
«Even if dawn shall rise, it would be on a world in ruins!»
«People would discover only despair!»
«But they will always have the strength to live!»
«You do realize they are not here to protect you?»
«I know! It’s my turn to protect the others!»
«The Crystal is using you all and steals your lives. You are only inept puppets!»
«And I accept it! If it’s the price to pay to banish the darkness!»
«Ha ha! You should rather thank me! I will drive you all into darkness!»
«I’m gonna extricate you from this darkness! All you found there, it is loneliness!»
«What are you saying?!»
«You are only a slave to darkness! As long as you’ll stay in there…you will suffer alone! Come back to your own! Become again the noble and good man that you were!»
«You pretend to lecture me, now? You’re playing me your great magnanimous king?»
«When you dear dad died… you were having fun like an irresponsible kid with your comrades! When your fiancée died… you spent days bedridden and you moped around like a rag!»
«And now, you dare teach me lessons?»
«You think you surpassed me after ten little years? What do you think? I spent centuries in the heart of darkness!»
Ardyn (last part)
«You’re determined to go all the way, Noct?»
«You are ready to give your life to banish the darkness?»
«I wanted so much to break the hopes of Lucis’ kings…»
«I’ve been waiting for so long the day of my revenge! But you spoiled everything…»
«I curse you, Noctis! With every fiber of my being!»
«Aaah…I see…You chose well your weapon…»
English (original from the game)
Ardyn (ground)
«Even were the dawn to break now…it would only bring the horrors to light!»
«The truth offers only despair.»
«Yet the people will live on.»
«You know those kings will not protect you.»
«I know—I am the protector.»
«The Crystal uses you. Drains you of life. It plays you all for fools.»
«I accept it…if it means driving out the darkness.»
«You should all thank me. In the dark, you would know peace.»
«I will drag you from that darkness. Out of solitude. Out of emptiness.»
«Will you?»
«You are a slave to the dark. Until you are free—you suffer alone! Return as you were…a kind and noble king!»
«You claim to know me. You fancy yourself benevolent and worthy…»
«Yet when your father died…you were off playing with your friends! When your beloved died…you lay watching, powerless to stop it!»
«And now you dare speak down to me?»
«You think ten years is a long time!? It is nothing to me! I have lived in darkness for ages!»
Ardyn (last part)
«Have you made your peace, king?»
«If darkness shall die, so shall you!»
«Curse you kings and your iniquitous Crystal!»
«Vengeance was to at last be mine! If not for you.»
«I hate you—with all my being!»
«So, that is how you would end it.»
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therez · 4 years
15 ‎juin ‎2020, 2300
Hey what's up hello. So as you don't know I finished my notebook the other day and my heart is broken because I loved it so damn much, it's so fun being able to just vomit my head on paper. Well, I guess from now on I'll just vomit my head on a keyboard and I guess it's not such a bad thing because I won't waste as much paper as I did before when I just printed everything... I have a lot to update you about because it's been so long since I wrote because I had nothing to write on (well, I thought I didn't). Anyhow, here I am on my computer, signing up to get retina cancer because I feel like getting my mind off my chest. So hello, in case my house burned down or in case you're too incompetent or just not curious or you just don't give a fuck or you just simply don't know me and you didn't get the prologue, my name is Linz, my friends don't call me Lili, first because it's a disgusting nickname and second because I don't have any friends. I was born in the east but I moved here very young so I just remember my time there in glances and it's probably just because I'm making myself create a scenario surrounding the pictures I was shown of those couple of years. So I grew up here, in the west beside the capital. And yeah I'm seventeen and couting, my prime is behind me and my best friend is my big sister MF. I've been with Ju, my boyfriend, for a little over two years and be surprised when I tell you I'm still a virgin and please tell me you're having major Gossip-Girl-Blair-and-Nate-throwback vibes; thank you. I'm a minimalist, eco-considerate, money-saver who likes reading and climbing and music and snowboarding and MCU (DC Comics take the back seat hun) and hamburgers and everything outdoors except running, en gros. Oh, and I really like Chris Evans: click off if you don't know who I'm talking about, seriously. Family-wise, the two sides of my bloodline are polar opposites and my mom's intense and my dad's silent and my sister's over it and I have one grandma left.
Now onto the actual updating of what's been going on. If you can read, one thing you do know is that it's summer now so college is cancelled for a few months until capitalism strikes again. My second semester was half online so the last part was kind of a joke for us science nerds except calcul intégral was a kick in the face. Right now I'm working with old people to help keep them alive whilst their remaining living days are numbered which is kind of counter-productive and useless because they'll die in a couple of months or weeks, if they're lucky enough. Ugh, us weak humans: we're inevitably all pussies when confronted with death or love. Or both. Therefore, I work nights at my region's center with a woman who constantly talks about threesoms and having sex on the hood of her car in the rain. It's odd but what makes it really weird and uncomfortable for everyone is that she's around forty-five years old. But appart from that, I really like my job, c'est relaxe et flexible and I even think that for once in my life, I'm kind of feeling a sense a purpose brewing inside of me, threatening to emerge. Tonight is my first off-day since I started this new job so it'll be interesting doing stuff at night that's not sleeping or watching porn. Last night it slapped me back in the face and it had been a while since it happened (probably because I was home, alone for a third of the year): I'm so fucking awkward, like an upsetting weird, a digging-my-nails-in-my-palms weird. I hate that I can't do the right thing en situation. And not even do the right thing, but just do something normal for once in your fucking life you dumb cow! Holy fuck Linz, you always feel the need to talk about youself even though the last time you did it you cried yourself to bed because you know you're behaving like a show-off because you're insecure. People don't need to know, keep it to yourself, your little secret. Ton jardin secret. Your life id unknown of, as it should be, just be a ghost, a memory, live your life unaccounted for so no one notices you, you won't have to please anyone. More importantly, you won't have to hate yourself because you deceive everyone in your life, because your best isn't enough. C'est récurrent: everytime the highs get higher but the lows get lower and longer. That's when my friend Melatonin comes in handy and my blanket is Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak. I want to dissapear, to be invisible. Off-the-grid, take me over, help me make my mind-and-body homey. It's unfair how one little bad moment overweights all of the good ones, the month-long really good giggling-for-no-reason good ones.
All right, I'll try to talk you through my last month, starting with Sandy losing her virginity to her boyfriend de deux jours in the context of her two-week old relationship with this stranger, Félin. At least her and I have a two somewhere in our relationship description, but we're not totally on the same scale here. Whatever, she's unpredictable, she's the I-lived-in-three-different-countries-around-the-world-before-I-reached-eighteen, the I-lived-alone-in-an-appartment-at-seventeen, the I-have-a-perfect-body, the I-am-good-at-everything-I-do. How can I be mad at her, and how can I be jealous of her, it's unfair to her because I love her with all of my heart and she's the one with who I really clicked even though she was gone for three years and when she came back it was like she never left. When we're together, we're guaranteed a laugh, a fall, a dick talk, a fucking amazing time. We're good together, we get each other. At least, I thought we did. What's new Linz, once again, I don't know why I expect things to change and to be different with various people. It's getting old and to be honest, it's getting so ironic and quite hard to take this mess seriously. My life, i mean. But at the same time, how can I not be jealous of her. Just look at her and try not to be complexed. Three weeks ago she was complaining about how no one loves her because she doesn't have a boyfriend and how she'll end up alone and now, she has a movie relationship with this stranger, they're together 24/7 and what I'm about to say will strip my propos of its seriousness but it's not a joke: it's dicks before chicks for her. And that breaks my heart, completely, ça me déçoit tellement. Après toutes les choses qu'on s'est dites quand on étaient saoules dans la salle de bain de Claue assises par terre alors que les gens nous cherchaient, quand on marchait de son appartement jusqu'à l'arrêt d'autobus pour aller à Altitude, quand on était dans mon hammac en train de sip une Heineken alors qu'un monsieur random se crossait probablement en nous écoutant parler de dread locks et de graines. Don't tell me this meant nothing, don't pull a Claue on me after we discussed it saying it made no sense how she didn't give a single fuck about us, non-soccer girls after all those years of the perfect illusion. How deceitful, what a pity: always being the one who loves harder but lives duller. I didn't tell her because I didn't want to scare her, but I love her so so much and I think we're best friends. "Best friends" means so much to me, it is not an expression to be taken lightly I think and it's probably because in my life, I've had about seven best friends and as you can see, none of them lasted longer than two or three years (I'm realizing just now, saying that, that I'm probably the problem). Maybe I'm not meant to be with someone and let them in so close to me and in my head or maybe they back out when they see I'm fucked up beyond fixing or maybe just beyond understanding. I just want my people, just one of them, for the rest of my life.
Ju wiggeled himself out of the heavy talk I was kind of ready to have with him, so right now, he's the good thing happening. The ray of sunlight piercing through les nuages de tornade, comme on dit.
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summersecs · 5 years
Dear future lover, I’m sorry
Faque je l’ai pas nécessairement eu facile dans mes anciennes relations, pis c’est en partie ma faute.
Y’a eu K, pour commencer. Le collègue de job parfait quand t’as 16-17 ans pis que « oh my god y’est don beau pis ya don des beaux bras pis des beaux yeux bleus » (les bras c’est un argument qui va revenir souvent, so bear with me. Ya des filles qui cherchent des belles mains, des belles fesses ben moi j’aime les mecs avec des beaux bras and I’m not sorry ). Faque là parle parle jasse jasse aux caisses du Iga pendant que toi tu scannes ben lui il emballe pis vous devenez LE couple goals. Parce que c’était ce qu’on était. Mais on était pas si goals que ça parce qu’on était plus des amis qu’autre chose, mais ça on l’a juste réalisé après.
K c’est un des premiers à qui j’ai osé faire mon coming out (parce que je pensais être bi à l'époque). Pis je lui ai dit un soir qu’on marchait pour aller chez eux ou whatever the reason pis y’a penser que stait une joke. Faque je l’ai resorti à son bal de finissant en joke devant ses amis pis ya pas benben aimer ça. That’s where we started breaking.
J’ai eu 18 ans pis K y’a pas benben aimer ça. 2 mois après y m’a laisser pour une histoire de Tesla pis I swear to god jtai même pas mad. J’avais compris que ça marchait pus pis qu’on était dans l’habitude. C’était une belle relation, mais c’était 100% amical. Pis y frenchait mal de toute façon faque un peu gros turn off, pis en plus fallait presque que jme batte pour qu’on se rende aux shirts off après almost 1 an I MEAN CALVAIRE.
2 mois après, E m’offre de devenir sa fuckfriend. « T’as un esti de beau corps, j’m’ennuie de tes nudes. Mais j’aime pas ta personnalité, ça serait juste du cul pis ptetre maybe si je découvre dequoi on deviendrait plus ». I said no. J’avais un minimum d’estime de moi.
Un ptit 6 mois après ça maybe c’était LA GROSSE MODE DE TINDER. Faque j’ai embarquer dans le train pis BAM. Un match. Avec notre cher M. Beaux bras (again), belle gueule, un peu plus vieux, un air de ptit criss, just how I like them. Première date aux Galeries, ça va bien, on fini ça en regardant des vidéos dans son char pis c’est chill, un ptit french it was good. Ça allait quand même bien au début. J’pense c’est ça le mot magique. Début. Après t’as commencé à montrer ta vraie nature.
Je recommençais l’école pis ça faisait semi ton affaire que je fasse passer ça avant toi. Sauf que dude t’habitais à une heure de char de mon cégep, I mean j’ai pas toujours envie de me lever vers 3hrs du matin parce que tu partais travailler quand j’avais un cours à 8hrs big. Faque c’est comme ça que ça à commencer.
J’étais pas une assez bonne blonde, pis j’étais une marde parce qu’avec toi j’t’ai pas prête. J’t’ai plus grosse que tes ex pis tu me le rappelais souvent. So I started loosing weight et à prendre mes cours de training plus sérieusement (which was a good thing I LOVED these). Pis j’t’ai gossante à te demander des calins ou un bec ou juste vouloir cuddle quand on se voyait une fois semaine. Pis après t’as décidé que “non” stait pas dequoi à respecter. Peu importe la situation. Attouchement, violence, dénigrement enweille! J’avais même pu le droit d’avoir un code que tu connaissais pas sur mon cell, mais on s’en criss de toute façon. Parce que moi je restais parce que je tenais à toi M.
Pis c’est là que notre cher M a commencé son pattern. Sauf que je le savais pas, c’est les autres qui me le disait, mais je le croyais pas tsé, tu m’avais montée contre la plupart de mes amies, j’étais en fuck avec ma famille. Pis t’as match avec ma collègue sur tinder. Faque je t’ai confronté, tu l’as flosher en me disant que c’était juste pour faire du social (haha, beau mensonge). Tu redevenais sweet avant de recommencer ton pattern.
Je me suis ramassé avec un beau hickey dans face pendant 2 semaines. Pas parce que notre sex life était palpitante nenon. T’avais mis ça au clair, j’avais juste à faire la job pis t’allais te joindre à moi à moment donner ( sauf que ça te tentait jamais parce que tu baisais ailleurs de toute façon, mais ça, c’est pour plus tard). Juste parce que tu trouvais ça benben bennnnnn drôle de m’humilier. Je travaillais dans le public dans ce temps-là, c’était super. Un œil au beurre noir ou ça c’était du pareil au même.
Badoo this time. Dans ma chambre. Parce que M est con pis y swippait devant mon miroir en pensant que je verrais rien. Yeah sure. Y’a même nié en disant que j’étais conne. Asked me if I wanted to break things off. Didn’t happen parce que je t’ai cru quand t’as dit que c’était juste pour socialiser pis que tu l’as flocher dans ma face. Parce que je t’aimais.
Flash forward de 4 mois, tu déménages pis je peux aller chez vous en attendant que tu finisses tes shifts, ta sœur me laissait sa clé. Penses-tu vraiment que je le savais pas que y’en avait d’autres? Des cheveux blonds vs des cheveux bleu pepsi? Cmon dude. De toute façon t’avais pus de condom comme par magie. Tu me chokais plus souvent qu’autrement sans me le dire. Pis t’as commencé à être violent. Je faisais pas le poids contre toi et tu le savais. Faque me pousser sur tes meubles, stait easy pis ça laissait juste des bleus. Mon estime, on s’en caliss. Jusqu’à ce que se soyes des manettes de xbox que tu me garroches dessus parce que t’es mad. Mais tu t’excusais. Sauf que je suis partie ce jour-là. Pis c’est la dernière fois qu’on s’est embrassé.
L’avant-dernière fois qu’on s’est vu, t’es venu chez moi pour me laisser. T’avais passé l’après-midi avec mon amie de job pis « sur un coup de tête » t’as décidé que c’était fini. (mais ça, c’était de la belle manipulation). Tu m’aimais, mais ça marchait pus. Indeed. Flash forward 2 semaines. La vraie dernière fois qu’on s’est vu. Une petite date au cinéma. « C’est pas la dernière fois qu’on va se voir voyons tu le sais ben ». Tu m’as dit que j’étais pas tant cute dans cette robe-là, que je riais trop fort, que je devrais pas manger de twizzlers que j’allais devenir grosse. « C’est juste un see you next time ».
Pis t’as décidé que c’était pas fini. Cet été-là, t’en as profité. Ta sœur prenait de mes nouvelles pis me jasait de tes conquêtes, en me disant qu’elle avait hâte que je revienne dans ta vie. M et moi on se textait tous les jours, ça a pris 3 mois avant qu’il décide que, finalement, « il était bien tout seul ». Faque je t’ai fait chier M pis je t’ai shippé ton stock par la poste. Parce que je n’étais pas assez forte pour te revoir.
Pis c’est là que t’as match avec mon amie sur tinder. Que tu m’as dit de prendre mon trou, que je savais que t’étais plus fort que je le regretterais. Best friend deffended me and you blocked me.
Ça m’a pris un an avant de me dire que alright, I’m ready to give relationships another try. That’s where comes N. Tinder match, latino, babyface, des bras pas pires, un peu plus féminin tho. N m’avais prévenu, "jsuis un gentil fuckboy, un vrai ptit nounours". Sauf que j’ai oublié la portion fuckboy un peu. Ça a duré 2 mois ptetre? Finalement, t’étais pas prêt pour l’attachement. Le lendemain que je te disse de slow things down que 2 semaines de dating, je voudrais ptetre attendre d’être sur la pilule avant de baiser. Drôle de coïncidence. Inquiète-toi pas, je t’en veux plus. Je trouve juste ça ben drôle.
Pis là on est presque 2 ans après M. toutes mes histoires ça explique un peu pourquoi je rush en tabarnack pis que j’essaie un peu trop de pas prendre de place. Je veux juste pas fuckup mes chances maique y’aille quelqu’un qui m’intéresse pis qui prennent le temps de like me for me. I guess que c’est ma lettre d’excuse, dans le fond. Je m’excuse de pas être facile. Je m’excuse de te demander 3 fois par jour si t’es sûr que je te gosse pas. Que tu me like encore. Je veux juste pas fuck up comme je l’ai fais dans le passer. Parce que pour une fois je vais avoir une bonne vibe pis le goût de refaire confiance à quelqu’un. Mais j’ai la chienne pis je suis pas certaine de pouvoir me faire confiance. Who knows if one day you’ll come up reading this dear future lover, mais si jamais; je te dédie ces excuses. Pis je te les dédies pas juste parce que tu vas avoir des beaux bras.
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madamedupigeonsalon · 5 years
Psychologie : est ce que l’amour existe encore après une rupture
De nos jours, l(infidélité vole la vedette à l’amour, car ce dernier est devenu suspect aux yeux de tous. Donc, est ce que l’amour est impossible? C’est à se demander parfois si il est vrai?
Parfois, l’amour apparait comme de la magie parce qu’on l’espère tous ! Est ce que pour autant le vivrons nous tous?Parce que l’amour fou ou passionnel est mystérieux et aventureux en meme temps... il nous donne l’impression ( quand on le vit ) de vivre pleinement et sainement. Quand on le vit avec notre moitié d’orange, notre partenaire de crime ou encore notre “soulmate”, le désir et le sentiment amoureux se mélangent parfaitement mais que se passe t il quand l’un des deux se désunie de cette amour, qu’il ou elle n’est plus amoureux? On a le coeur brisé. Est ce la fin? 
Si l’amour est possible alors pourquoi n’est il pas éternel, pourquoi les gens changent et nous brisent le coeur? On entend souvent que les femmes aiment trop ou encore que les hommes n’aiment pas assez... mais l’amour c’est la recherche d’un supplement dont on a besoin. Plus d’hésitation, on se sent vivant que lorsqu’on aime et ça tout le monde le sait. Quand on a vécu une rupture, on est en déficience comme un manque de vitamines ou d’énergie. Mais alors, peut on arriver à se relever d’une rupture? De toute façon, l’amour pure et propre n’existe pas. Dans l’amour, il y a quelque chose de tragique et il faut compter avec tout ce qu’il y a de mal possible ( la gifle, les disputes, les cris, les prises de positions, encore plus de disputes etc) pour former un couple, il faut un peu de tout !
Pour être amoureux, il faut être heureux tout seul et s’accomplir tout seul aussi...c’est de se respecter et de trouver un accomplissement personnel dans la vie. Alors, oui, on peut se retrouver seul du jour au lendemain et pour autant rien perdre mais peut être gagner quelque chose. En effet, on a peut être appris quelque chose de notre relation ( C’est dieu qui nous emmène sur un autre chemin qui va nous apprendre autre chose sur nous ) C’est un cadeau et pas une malediction. Ceci nous amène a traiter la question suivante : est ce que l’amour parfait existe t il? Non, c’est evident qu’une grande belle histoire d’amour serait ennuie et donc pas vrai. Tout le monde a vécu des tromperies ou des mensonges ou encore des hauts et bas. Mais, peut être, que je m’avance trop rapidement. Quand on pense à nos parents ou grand parents, ils vivent ensemble depuis des années 30,40,50 ans... le secret d’une vie commune existe ! Alors, l’amour éternel doit pouvoir être possible. Je pense que pour le réaliser, il faut apprendre à prendre son temps !!! S’écouter et écouter son ou sa partenaire. La communication. 
La vie sentimentale est un chemin croisé entre bons et mauvais moments. L’amour peut apporter joie, pleur, rancoeur, rire, lassitude, enfants, voyages, souvenirs, disputes ou divorce etc... mais oui l’amour existe et il ne faut jamais perdre la foi ou l’envie de rencontrer quelqu’un quand le moment arrivera...l’objectif est de garder la tete froide et avoir de la hauteur pour pouvoir prendre un peu de recul avant de mieux se préparer pour la nouvelle étape qui nous attend...
Psychology : Does love still exist after break up?
Nowadays, infidelity steals the show from love, because it has become suspect in everyone's eyes. So, is love impossible? Sometimes you have to wonder if it is true?
Sometimes love seems like magic because we all hope! Because crazy or passionate love is mysterious and adventurous at the same time ... it gives us the impression (when we live it) of living fully and healthy. When on the live with our half orange, our crime partner or even our "soul mate", the desire and the feeling of love mix perfectly but what happens when one of the two disunited from this love, that he or she is no longer in love? On a broken heart. Is this the end?
If love is possible then why is it not eternal, why do people who change and break our hearts? We often hear that women love too much or that men don't like enough ... but love is the search for a supplement that we need. No more hesitation, you feel alive than when you love and that everyone knows. When we have experienced a breakup, we are deficient like a lack of vitamins or energy. But then, can we manage to recover from a rupture? In any case, pure and clean love does not exist. In love, there is something tragic and you have to reckon with all that is possible evil (the slap, the arguments, the cries, the positions, even more arguments etc.) to form a couple, you need a little bit of everything!
To be in love, you have to be happy on your own and fulfill yourself as well ... it's about respecting and finding personal fulfillment in life. So, yes, we can find ourselves alone overnight and still lose nothing but may be gaining something chosen. Indeed, we can be learned something has chosen from our relationship (It’s god who takes us on another path that will teach us another has chosen over us) It’s a gift and not a curse. This brings us to the following question: does perfect love exist? No, it is obvious that a great beautiful love story would be boring and therefore not true. Everyone has experienced deception or lies or highs and lows. But, maybe, I'm moving too quickly. When we think of our parents or grandparents, they have lived together for 30,40.50 years ... the secret of a common life exists! So, eternal love must be possible. I think that to achieve it, you have to learn to take your time !!! Listen to yourself and your partner. Communication.Romantic life is a crossroads between good times and bad times. Love can bring joy, cry, resentment, laughter, weariness, children, travel, memories, arguments or divorce etc ... but yes love exists and you should never lose faith or the desire to meet someone one when the moment arrives ... the objective is to keep a cool head and have the height to be able to take a step back before better preparing for the next stage that awaits us ...
Kevin Ngirimcuti
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