#maybe other sillies will see em and go 'im not the only one here!'
just-miru · 8 months
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got em aro ace pins hell yeagh!!
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 8 months
Mercs proposing hc?? So basic but Im literally one corny mf
The TF2 Mercs proposing to their partners
WARNING: Mild gore gifts because this is the Mercs we’re talking about here.
- Biggest panic attack of his fucking life. Has no idea how to function like a normal human being anymore. It was that feeling of being in love with somebody all over again and needing to tell them. What’s worse about this though is that marriage is a huge commitment. One that many aren’t ready for yet. What if you reject him and he messes this relationship up?
- Goes to Spy for comfort. In all honesty he’s just a very damaged little boy on the inside and scared that he is incapable of receiving unconditional love. The other Mercs catch him behind the base crying into Spy’s shoulder on the curb while Spy holds him. He’s telling Spy how much he loves you; and how terrified he is that you cannot return that same vow. Spy knows the feeling. “Shh, mon lapin.” Boy howdy Spy’s certainly grateful that Scout’s mom didn’t teach him a word of french.
- Spy has to shove Scout into your room to actually finally get him to do it. “Your idiot boyfriend has a few words for you, and apparently I have to be present or i’m certain he’ll break down crying again.” He says to you. While poor Scout curls up into a ball on the floor.
- First of all, why him? Second of all, this is the type of guy to go all out and spend half the money he earned in mercenary work to get one of those “will you marry me Y/N?” banners hooked up to a plane. Complete with the pilot being ejected and the plane crashing nose first into a rock formation. Apparently that was 100% intentional because a bunch of confetti came out of the explosion. You don’t know if you should be horrified at the audacity, or head over heels.
- Brings you an entire necklace of ears. But that’s not all! For limited time only you can get one of soldiers’ severed heads that was purposely boiled and skull cut into the shape of a helmet! Great, right? “Wow, what type of animal is this?” You ask. “A DOG. PACKAGED WITH PURE, NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR, PASTEURIZED AMERICAN GLORY!” well that’s not reassuring. “OOOHH SAAAAY CAAAAN YOU SEEE—“ Soldier immediately gets hit over the head by Heavy and knocked unconscious.
- After the initial silliness dies down you see adoration as you tend to his awful head wound. Maybe Heavy knocked the stupidity out of him? No. He’s still insane. Soldier grabs your wrist as you apply alcohol to his wound and squeezes your hand. “Somebody like me doesn’t deserve somebody like you.” He says. “Bullshit, Soldier.” You say, leaning in for a kiss.
- He can only achieve this when drunk off his mind. Not to mention it arrives in the most unromantic way possible. But it doesn’t make you love him any less. He holds you close to him after a New Years party at the base and pats your back. “Jus’ so you know, you’d look mighty fine with a ring on your finger.” He flirts, getting incredibly physically affectionate. He makes sure never to cross your boundaries.
- “Me mum would kill me but fuck all. y’know? Old wench’s days are numbered anywae. We could live ina nice cottage by the sea.. If ya want wee lil’ bastards I’ll actually take care of em. I’d have to stop me drinkin tho.” He says, pecking your neck. His remaining eye is pleading with you to say yes. “Pleaaase?”
- Has no recollection of these events in the morning so imagine his dumbfounded expression when one of the Mercs asks about his new fiancé. Cue the embarrassment mixed with pride and excitement.
- Will 100% go to your window in the dead of night and sing a song for you on his guitar. Particularly I imagine this would be the contender. You have no idea this is even a marriage proposal. You just think he’s being incredibly sappy. Imagine the surprise while mid song he pulls out a small box and throws it up and down recklessly like a baseball. You’re slowly beginning to catch on as he opens it with his free fingers after finishing the song.
- Complete overconfident show off. He pep-talked himself before all this and rehearsed his performance repeatedly. By using the wrangler and effortlessly throwing the box up in the air and propelling it forward with a single bullet, the sentry successfully aided in getting the box up to you. You don’t even know how you managed to catch it, to be honest.
- Tips his hardhat to you. “Whadda say? Marry me?” He can barely contain his smile. Both excited and somewhat relieved he pulled that off.
- “Heavy made you dead person crown..” He walks into your room one day and puts it on your head. It’s a bunch of severed ears meant to resemble a flower crown. “Hey, thanks big guy.” You’re grateful for the gift, being a crazed Merc yourself is it really any surprise? You give him a huge kiss on the cheek. Heavy looks thrilled that you accepted his gift. Which is very much unlike him. Usually he’s reserved. Maybe he’s just having a good day?
- Well.. you eventually find out why. That was apparently his way of proposing to you. Soldier nudges you the next morning and teases you for being engaged to Heavy. You’re horrified to say the least. You had no idea this meant marriage. Not that you wouldn’t marry him. But what about his gun Sasha? Wouldn’t she feel jealous? You’ve been with Heavy so long you keep referring to that damn thing as a person.
- Immediately upon seeing you; goes up to you and gives you a list of stuff he wants at this wedding. There’s even a blank page for you to write your own needs. He seems oddly motivated to plan this out months before it actually happens. There is countless mentions of Russian authors he wants to attend the wedding. As if they’d ever consider going to a stranger’s wedding. “If they won’t come then Heavy will crush them..” He says. Same goes for your guests.
- Wow.. Kind of the most normal out of all of them. For the most part. If TF2 took place in modern day they’d propose with a ringpop but all they have is a bag of candy and an actual ring (That they may or may not have stolen from someone in Tuefort.)
- They get on their knees and offer the ring to you in an extremely professional manner. It’s quite surreal to see Pyro pull off something so domestic and normal when he’s always destroying stuff with fire. In fact this is a little too normal.. This is Team Fortress we’re talking about here. Shouldn’t something be wacky happening right about now? It’s like the perfect opening for slapstick. Through your cries of love and laughter you begin to feel anxious at the back of your head.
- Yup.. There it is. Pyro tells you that Scout offered to be the ‘Ring bear’ for the wedding. There’s Scout dressed up in a cutesy teddy bear costume. You’re certain that’s not how it works. “Just for the record, if you tell anybody about this, I’ll fuckin’ saw off both your knees boston sandwich style. Capeesh?” He says. You have no idea what that means so you quickly agree.
- Afraid he’s going to mess it up, much like Scout. Gets incredibly physically ill as a result from stress and isolates himself in his camper van. You’re convinced he wants to tell you something but you have no idea what it is. One day on the frontlines an arrow narrowly misses your face and embeds itself into the wall next to you. You were about to turn around and bombard Sniper until you saw the note attached to it. “Pardon, Will you marry me? -Sniper.” With a very worried sad face drawn next to the note. He even bothered to draw his hat on it.
- Disbelief clouds your face at first. Sniper? Marry another Merc? You’re in shock. This isn’t something you’d ever suspect from a guy like him. But your initial thought makes way for an uncontrollable smile.
- He literally will not approach you first after this. You have to knock on his camper van because god knows he won’t be even able to face his team for months. As you jump into his arms and kiss him he immediately pulls you inside to love on you in private.
- Just kidding. But he wishes he were dead right now. How could he do something so… Un-mad-sciencey? Marriage is just a concept brought upon by money hungry people. It only exists within the mind… Yet, that’s how he feels. An eternal vow to you is something he wishes to do. He’s already planned to make you a god alongside him once the time came so you could be his beloved consort forever. It reminded him of the greek story of soulmates.
- Gets a little fruitier than usual. The most feminine moan you ever heard left this man’s body as you brushed against him while trying to help him grab a syringe he dropped. This man gets unusually hornier and that’s how you know something’s up.. “Looking up my skirt, I see!” He says, as you glance up his long lab coat. There isn’t anything there but his pants so you roll your eyes. “Ah yes.. “ You respond. You decide he’s just clingy and horny as usual and carry about your assistance. You’re not in the mood for that. He never even bottoms so he’s feigning it anyway.
- “Err—Uh— Ho! Wouldn’t it be just shameful if I knew what was going on inside your head?” He asks. “Alright, i’ll bite. What are you saying, Doc?” You sigh. He fixes his glasses back up on his face thoughtfully. “One body, one mind. That would be quite intriguing don’t you think? If we were to.. Become one.” He placed an odd amount of emphasis on that, as if the thought was simply music to his ears. Lord he’s creepy. Medic grabs you and holds you close to him. “Think of the possibilities. We’d never be lonely again. I could stitch our bodies together and we could feel each other’s essence. Forever.”
- “Medic, you good?” You ask. Although his words were strangely flattering nonetheless in their own way. You smile at him. He seems to be lost in the idea. Fantasies of being with you for eternity flood his head. Particularly ones where you’re both a weird hybrid god. Weirdest marriage proposal world record goes to Medic.
- No, no no no no no. He can’t do this again. Marriage never worked out for him. After losing Scout’s mom and many partners that followed, he couldn’t bare hurting somebody like that again. His job always got in the way of what he truly desired but he had to live with it. This life chose him after all. His hand was forced into this position. Seeing your bright smile for the rest of his days was all he ever wanted. His urges to get up and say something to you were too strong.
- Has to metaphorically slap himself in the face and remind himself to act like a fucking adult. He wasn’t a little rambunctious teenager in Paris anymore. Yet he felt like one whenever he saw you. Such boyish feelings for an old put together gentleman like him. Spy decided to trust you and himself. But if something went wrong he wouldn’t hesitate to jump off a fucking cliff. Spy would stare at his reflection in the bathroom mirror for hours and contemplate his decision before making it.
- He proposes to you under a starry moonlit night. Not even bothering to kneel down, he slides the box across the balcony to you. “Well?” he asks, taking a long drag of his cigarette. His eyes fixated on the horizon. “Do I have to say it?” He asks. “Yes..” You tell him. Your eyes gleaming with joy. You never felt happier in your entire life. “Fine.. Will you marry m—“ He couldn’t even finish before you jump on him, ultimately knocking you both down.
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 11 months
hey bbg 😽
so i was reading a fic for an entirely different character but i think itd be absolutely adorable for my husb- i mean OUR husband Quill
Maybe reader is like stressed (over smthn i have no idea) and the guardians tried to cheer em up but nothing worked so they brought the big guns: peter. jason. quill.
and he tries to cheer reader up with lil jokes and just the stuff he knows makes reader smile hshsjshjss all the fluff bbg 🛐
hope you can get to this soon! have a great week/end 🫶
hii bbg!! angelface, I love it, I love it all. and im glad you corrected yourself, ‘our’, yeah you’re right😏 jk jk, when I talk to you, he’s yours, but here he’s ours🤭 thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
surprise visitor
Peter Quill x f!reader
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— word count: 559
— warnings: none, just fluff
₊✧ masterlist + taglist
Whenever you felt stressed, it often accompanied other emotions you were unsure of. You found it difficult to cope and manage the stress, and ultimately it would lead to you shutting down. You didn't like others to know how you felt, so you preferred to keep up the facade and pretend. Lately, you've been feeling more stressed than usual, and it was starting to get you down. It made you feel silly for getting so worked up over nothing. 
The other guardians could tell something was bothering you, more specifically, Nebula. She was often highly observant of everyone around her and would notice the slightest change in others. So she pulled Mantis aside to plan ways to help and comfort you. 
Although the gesture was sweet and heartwarming, it wasn't what you needed. It wasn't what you wanted. What you wanted was Quill, but he wasn't here. He was away on a planet restoration mission with Rocket and Groot, so there was no way of seeing him right now, or so you thought. Once Mantis touched your arm, she could feel what you felt, understand you- even though you couldn't identify it yourself. She could feel how much you missed Peter, so she wanted to give you the one thing that would help, the only person that could soothe and calm you, Quill.
"I heard someone's missin' me," Pete bellows, a playful expression on his face as he enters the ship. "Someone's missin' me real bad," he smirks, pacing towards you. 
"Hi," you earnestly smile, instantly wrapping him up in a tight hug.
"Hi, honey," he says quietly, his lips brushing against your forehead as he strokes your back with his easing palms. 
"I missed you," you muffled into the crook of his neck.
"I missed you," he softly sighs, pulling away to look at you. "Mant told me," he sadly smiles, looking into your eyes. "Not feelin' too good, huh?"
You slowly shake your head, avoiding his soft green gaze.
"I'm sorry, hon," he frowns, leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose. "That's okay. You don't have to be okay all the time— well, it's not okay, but not not okay— you know what I mean," he chuckles, clearing his flustered haze. "You get what I'm tryna say," he grins, wrapping his big warm arms around you. 
"I know," you softly laugh into his chest, hugging him tighter as if you were afraid he'll slip through your fingers.
"You know I'm not going anywhere— you're gonna end up popping my lungs," Peter chuckles, brushing slow, comforting strokes over your back. 
"Sorry," you giggle, muffling against him before you pull away. It was the first time you really laughed since he left, and it all felt right. Felt like how it was supposed to. "When do you go back?" you ask, questioning the inevitable.
"I'm not— well, until you're feelin' better," he says, kissing your cheek. "Drax is taking my place," he adds, noticing your puzzled expression.
"What if I never feel better?" you smile, speaking playfully.
"Then I guess I'll have to stay forever," he grins, slipping his hand into yours, leading you to the back of the ship. 
"Where we going?" you ask, catching up with his long strides.
"Secret," he looks over his shoulder, a boyish grin lining his lips. "No, no, just kiddin'. Goin' up top to look at the stars and cuddle."
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
quill taglist: @annielr @spacetalbot @bubblezuku@idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @queerponcho @selfryed @traiitorjoe
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notnights · 11 days
i legit love the idea of jax leaving anonymous gifts for gangle, and enjoying being on stage w/her bcs he's actually challenged and active enough to a point where he isn't feeling boredom or dread. also, there's a certain escapism in taking on the role of a character.
hmm, other ribbun scenarios? i can imagine gangle infodumping to zooble abt smth she used to watch, and jax feeling irritated by her rambling at first, but soon becoming accustomed to it and enjoying hearing her voice and opinions. perhaps he even remembers some of the shows she talks about. maybe he chimes in absentmindedly from his hiding spot and zoob n gangle are both like "u were here this whole time ??"
or what about caine using his ringmaster authority to make sure that jax is kind to gangle for a day? and now he has to do whatever gangle asks, and he's not allowed to break her mask. i wonder what she would do with that opportunity? dress him up in silly outfits? get him to pose in different ways for art references? like a mannequin doll.
i love seeing dynamics like these in moments where they have to work together for a common goal, as well. like, they get paired up together in an event and the reward is like. new crayon colours and a can of silly string/sticky hand/centipede or smth. i imagine a lot of yelling and fighting and cartoon violence shenanigans, but maybe, mayhaps, a "good job! we crushed em!" every here and there when things go well.
i also think jax trying to drag gangle away from a teaparty (hosted by ragatha ofc, no jaxes allowed) so that he can have an accomplice in ruining said teaparty for everyone would be fun. he wants to cause some chaos with his favourite victim
anyway hope u like these misc thoughts. idk im new to their dynamic :3c
1). Yeah it's a good thought! For a moment he can be someone else, someone who cares or someone who is open about being in the company of others.
2). I like to think sometimes Jax enjoys Gangle talking... but that's also why he doesn't like it. Doesn't like that something as simple as Gangle going on about something she likes makes him happy. Doesn't know why yet. Too close, too sentimental maybe. Feelings he's not ready for. So then he breaks her mask to shut her up. :(
3). I really want to imagine Jax and Gangle can get along in that way a bully and his lackey does. Bully picks on his lackey too but sometimes they get up to nonsense together and laugh at others together. Comedy!Gangle liking funny things too, which can range from something as silly as giving one ice cube to someone who asked for a couple, to seeing people get physically hurt (to the extent it happens in the DC anyways).
She won't go as far as Jax, when the going gets tough she'd start feeling guilty before Jax does, but up until then she's laughing and fooling around at Ragatha stepping on and getting slammed in the face by a misplaced rake.
Rare moments where they get along because Gangle is acting more willingly in Jax's interests. Idk if this idea has any merit with what we've seen so far. We still have no reference for Comedy!Gangle, and Jax atm really doesn't have any respect for her as an actual friend, at least when she's Tragedy!Gangle. I can only really imagine him getting along with Comedy!Gangle if she really is completely different though, and again we don't know if she is yet.
So it's an idea I haven't worked too much with despite how much I want it. I want them to be silly together. They both ave forever smiles in that aspect.
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(concept for the next chapter-promo for the zooblecaine fic)
Anyways, with that said yeah something that gets them working with mutual goals is a good way to get that kind of interaction going. Awful together in a different way. Awful at each other vs Awful together at others lol.
4). Yeah I like the idea he'll drag her to help him with things too. Much to her dismay but she goes along with it, she doesn't really have a choice poor girl. Drags her around like a wet rag until he gets bored of dragging her because, what a drag!
"Wants to cause some chaos with his favorite victim," is such a good line also. I hate Jax, love to see him be awful. My poor girl Gangle deserves better.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 1 month
saw your arc-v livepostings on twitter n' your z-one/aporia posts and now i really wanna get into the show and into ygo in general. do you have any recommendations on where to start so that it won't be too confusing for a poor sap such as i if you can? please and thank you (:
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yugioh really is something truly special and an absolute blast to really dig into, but it IS a very big franchise.... forgive me for being a bit inexperienced at giving recommendations, but I shall do my best!! here's some pointers that I think could be helpful if ya wanna get into the show(s) (not getting into the mangas too much on this, for the sake of brevity LOL) (the spinoff mangas are fun reads, though!)
ok so the thing with yugioh is there are Eight Different 'Main' Yugioh Series (and a few little stray other series but we ain talkin bout those right now)--my recommendations are focusing on the first five series, since those the ones i've seen (though ive heard glowing reviews for VRAINS and Sevens and you could certainly go check either of those out if you wanted to! You don't really need to know anything about the plots of the other series to follow those stories)
as a yugioh fan i am of course obligated to recommend Duel Monsters as a starter. It's the OG, just absolute Yugioh at its most tried and true Yugioh, it Is that good, the dub and sub are both classics--but IF i am being my most honest true self, if my arc-v postin and zoneporia chattering have got ya ygo hooked then I would recc maybe taking a gander at one of the spinoff series first instead ;3
(In general what's cool about yugioh is you can basically pick up any of the series as your 'first' ygo experience to start with and have a great time with it! I know tons of people who've all started with different series/only are invested in 1-2 series,Theyre all made to be their own self-contained plots, and there's really something for everyone among 'em! you could honestly just read wiki blurbs on each series and go with whatever one sounds most interesting to you, and that's a fine start right there.) (though sometimes youll see characters from one series show up in another one, the Entire Storyline isnt Hinged on that--i.e. a bunch of alternate version GX/5D's/Zexal characters show up in ARC-V, but you dont need to have seen all those series to watch arc-v or follow its plot.) also idgaf what anyone says, the dubs are just as wonderful a watch as the subs are when it comes to ygos--you have to deal with some scene censorship or dialogue changes, but to me it doesn't really impede the experience. (in fact I almost want to recommend the dubs MORE for someone just starting to get into yugioh--it can be easier to follow the duels sometimes. AND a lot of the dubs are free on Youtube!!)
ANYWAY Z-one and Aporia are from Yugioh 5D's!! The, Last twenty episodes or so. Of 5D's. 🥴 <--the suffering nicherfaverrrr. So if you want to meet them properly you Do unfortunately have to be in for the long haul (i am of course biased and will say: Worth It.) 5D's is all around fantastic though; it has its slow spots, but the duels get crazy fun on those damn motorcycles, so even if you do buckle in for the All of It you'll have a good time--there are some chunks in the second half of the show that never got dubbed though (sad!) which is just something to keep in mind.
RE: Arc-V! since youve seen me tweetin about it, I will say, the first 50 episodes or so of it, that first season, does make for a really great crash course intro to yugioh and its worlds/how dueling works, since it touches upon all the main types of summoning as part of its plot, and talks about how they work. You get to learn about them as the characters do, which is really cool! My main hesitance from suggesting it 100% as a starter series is that it gets. fucking Bonkers. like characters from the other series showing up aside there is just So Much Going On in Arc-V At Any Given Point. IT CAN BE A BIT OVERWHELMING. AND APPARENTLY ITS ENDING IS. NOT VERY GOOD. which might not be very fun for a first time ygo experience 😭BUT BY ALL MEANS GIVE IT A WHIRL IF YOU'RE INTERESTED. I'm having fun with it at least, hehehe.
OK HONESTLY. HONESTLY. I think if I have one good recommendation to take away from all of this: watch Zexal. Zexal is a fantastic starter yugioh, I can't recommend giving it a go enough. Yuma as a protagonist starts out dogshit at the game and gets better over the course of the series, and that really helps the viewer follow along with the card game and start to understand it at a nice pace without getting confused over all the finer points of it. It does a really nice job of explaining how things work imo! It's also just, a gorgeous show. It's one of the most beautiful cartoons ive ever seen art direction wise. It's so kind and so fun and goes hard as hell and the characters are so full of love and personality. AND THE WHOLE DUB IS FREE ON YOUTUBE. BTW. BONUS.
THIS ENDED UP SO LONG SORRY tl;dr you can pretty much start with whatever yugioh sounds most interesting to you personally as your first series and you won't be missing any critical lore! Also Zexal is one of the best, consistently good and really easy to pick up. I think if you could only ever watch one yugioh make it that one.
also this is a less a recommendation and more just "little things about watching yugioh to keep in mind" but: don't let the card game aspect intimidate ya too much! the show really does it's best to explain how cards work and keeps it engaging; it's a show geared towards kids so of course it tries to keep things pretty easy to follow along, game-wise (also do not listen to the 'The Duels Arent Important' Crowd they are Wrong. yugioh is a sports anime but the sport is a card game. that's the crux of its storytelling. and it's genuinely really cool!!!) And if you're interested in giving the game itself a whirl, Duel Links is pretty beginner friendly imo!
I HOPE THATS AT LEAST SOMEWHAT HELPFUL the trials and tribulations of recommending where to start with a franchise that boasts some 1000+ episodes across 8 series is mighty but that should give ya some sort of idea!! whatever you end up going with I hope you have a ton of fun! YUGIOHHHH
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badnew2005 · 1 year
rehashing this post from right before s15 like. hm !!!!! first half of the post died like hoodie gate and dennis in macs room turned to be Nothing. i’m still maintaining they fucked over quarantine (SINGING HAPPY SILLY LITTLE COUNTRY LOVE SONGS ?????? country mac vs mac) but. dennis is still emotionally in north dakota. he’s still fight or flight. he’s learnt he can’t survive without mac without the gang and still had to come crawling back to philly But he’s not emotionally back. he’s not accepted he’s back and this is Who He Is. that he couldn’t survive as someone else once again. he’s terrified mac and the gang can see through him. he still wants to run. the gang go on holiday. go where PURPLE ??? that’s not a place !!! vocal stim of all time. they go to ireland back to their Roots. they’re an Irish bar. macs so aggressively american irish. let’s tell him he’s dutch. to shut him up. need to confuse him, spin him around, give him a different focus other than Me.
mac and dennis barely interact in ireland. dennis’ obsession with authenticity almost killing him. he’s trying so hard to be Real to be a Real Person. not Himself of course. someone real here. s14 health scare dennis NOT vigilant about covid ???? REFUSING to admit he had it. because it wasn’t authentic. wasn’t Real. because he spent 2020 hiding away with mac, slowly falling back into old routines, back in love back to being see through. fuck. that’s Not what ireland was for. dennis being the one to point out charlie’s dad died from covid. weird washy vision. dennis the “Only One” who didn’t get vaccinated. s14 health freak out dennis more about mac than anything else. he wanted Everything to be The Same back to when they could read eachother BUT he’s terrified of being Seen by mac. by mac who can Now see himself as gay, what the fuck is he finally going to be able to see in dennis. macs been spun around by dennis so he just goes to i’ll look after dennis Directly when he asks. i don’t want him running away from me again. also pizza poisoning. building back up that codependency. dennis needing anything else than Mac to blame all his mac problems on. Macs priest journey he’s thinking about Himself he’s Looking After Himself. not dennis. big mo should we quit the game. if you’re not having fun anymore. he’s not. everything with dennis is more Pain than anything else. being suffocated by his own love. sorry about the delusional maccricket hopes. mac and cricket ex boyfriends i’ll never stop believing in you though. macden using cricket as a middle man instead of just fucking eachother. den and charlie trying to spin him around confuse him saying he’s not irish. okay. next aspect of my identity is catholic. i’ll just go Full into that. the wars over. the storm has stopped raging. maybe. it’s complex. but it’s easier than dennis. feeling unfulfilled by the church though. this isn’t what i wanted this isn’t filling my dennis shaped hole. coming back together on the mountain. to help charlie. finding the truth. they lied to me told me i wasn’t irish just because they thought i was annoying? heartbreaking. DEVASTATING honestly. fuck you im leaving. i don’t have to help you. you’ll never help me. all i’ve been DOING is trying to Look After Myself so you wouldn’t have to. macs whole LIFE trying so desperately for someone to Love him. fuck man.
but back in the pub. mirror of paddys. we’re never escaping paddys. but why would i want to. we’re always running out into the world looking for treasures when everything we need is right here in the bar. their own ecosystem. and we carry out country (us. giggling like yeah the United States US and just. Us as a relationship) with us wherever we go! BECAUSE WE LOVE HER! and when you love someone , you can’t BEAR TO LEAVE EM BEHIND” watch dennis. face journey. he realises before mac. he loves philly he loves paddys he loves the gang he loves mac. HE CANT KEEP RUNNING AWAY. it’s okay to stop and be stationary. it’s okay to be who you are. “not ever” he’s ran away so many times. even this holiday with the gang he’s running from them. mac looks at him. mac knows. it’s okay that mac can read me that he can see through me like this. it’s good. i missed it. i’m weak and tired of running and I’m Sorry. everything i’ve done to you because i hated myself because i was scared of myself. they go to charlie. it’s the big game. they’ve embraced who they are (american) (Who They Are) and that’s when you WIN. dennis was in north dakota during the big game. wasn’t part of it. was still running. i’ve said it a thousand times sure he’s physically back in philly for years but emotionally he was still running. he’s stopped. laid down to rest.
i don’t want to hypothesise about s16 too much but after the first two eps are out i feel confident saying. the cat is poking his head out of the wall. he’s missing mac. i’ve said before end of clip show SINISTER “we’re back to normal” it’s dennis’ fantasy he wants so badly to become reality. he’s the best at monitoring reality and pulling one over on the gang. because that’s all he Ever does. that’s all he’s been doing. they’ve only just caught on or directly challenged him or tried to live in their own fantasies. i don’t know if dee’s cat is fully coming out of the wall but he’s poking his head. barely saw macden apartment last season because they were running away from her. sterile. in the season Opener we saw Her Insides. the fridge. casual domesticity. throwing out all of their furniture and sleeping on a blow up bed together. he’s stopped running. when you embrace who you are then you WIN. but. macs moving on. it’s been too long. took dennis too long to adjust. that happens. i’m so scared to tinhat about johnny but. i’m still your leading man. macs got another leading man. he’s being replaced maybe. it’s me it was always me. i think we’re gonna see more of that. i have always trusted the structure. i don’t think it’s going to be fruitless. yeah i think i’m out now. he’s BACK from north dakota he’s working on himself. macden doorway in inflates mirroring macdenbreakup. we don’t need to tell you our business. he’s protecting himself protecting their relationship. he’s not getting angry anymore. working to be a person. not letting small things blow up anymore. but it’s not going to be enough. he needs to Show Mac he cares More. it’s going to be difficult but. i trust the structure
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actualbird · 2 years
Hihi zak!! Been a while, love the cookies, very zakcore, hope they were as delicious as they looked
(Um.. artbook spoilers? LMAO)
Nonetheless I am here to sob and wail over luke pearce yet again. someone on twitter(@/chanuanzi i believe? shoutout to them) posted pages from the artbook, and theyre all in chinese so i cant get extra context, but i can see with my eyes my two wonderful somewhat functioning eyes and theres art and i saw so many lukes HES SO????!?! Found out the key has feather and fire motifs which is SO HIM and i believe his phone has a sherlock tobacco pipe for some reason(?did he make his phone?? is there a brand of phone with a pipe logo in stellis?? is it his phones cover???) and his silly little socks and he still wears those godforsaken boots even in childhood bless him
theres also pages with all the other guys, AND MC!! The mc concepts looked so pretty!! Shes stunning and gorgeous no matter what. Alternate outfits for everyone,, little sketches of the guys with different emotions.. artem wink.. luke with a little cat mouth. All of which is lovely, very interesting to look at. Love how theres a specific sock drawing for all the boys, only god knows why is Vyn wearing sock garters (do you have to go that far for the aesthetic, vyn?), MARIUS COULDVE HAD A TATTOO?? No idea, i think so?? this is driving me insane. and did i mention everyone gets little alternate outfits… yeah.
Anyway, thanks for reading my rant of the day! Hope youre doing well zak! Sorry if this was incredibly long and incoherent </3 -K
hi k!! and hehe, thank u for the kind cookie words :DDD
and GOSH YEAH, ive been delightedly freaking out about all of the pics of the tot artbook ive been seeing on twt. linking one of the tweets below so others can see, check em out! i dont think u'll need a twitter to see these :D
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every single luke detail has added like power to my life force i swear JKHVAKJSHFASFKA. and all of ur thoughts, UR SO RIGHT!!! out of all the details ive seen from the different pics tho, ive got so much to say!! and no idea how to order any of them orz
but heres some bits i really fixated on for some reason
(among them, yes, the socks JKHAVKJSHFA)
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the socks rlly did something to me , im past saving
pls dont apologize for stuff being incoherent bc as u can see //gestures at this response. Same. maybe some other time when ive got more energy and more braincell, i can put it into words a bunch of the rlly cool things that struck me and Why from the artbook, but thats for another day mayhaps :'D
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omegasmileyface · 2 years
HEY ITS ME although I am obviously super invested in Astro Boy I still want to ask questions out of evil intent. So I wanna know !! What are your favourite versions of Bem and Atlas ?? Which adaptation do you think handled their characters best / most interestingly ?
hmm... the only versions of Bem i can think of are the 60s one and the 2001 one (though i do see a bit of em in tima metropolis) and i actually haven't seen the 2001 movie hehe ,, so i don't think i can pass judgement here BUT. 60s bem is perhaps my favorite astro boy character Period, and the 2001 version would have a hard (but not impossible) time beating the original with regards to their weird alien magic, their apathy in response to catastrophe, their grace in self-sacrifice, whatever the FUCK they were doing with gender, and their relationship to atom. ough. i want to find a method to save them at the last minute and then adopt them and let them enjoy human hobbies forever. here have this bem i doodled last night
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[ID: a cartoony red pencil doodle of Bem from Astro Boy. Their humanoid part (a robot which looks like a preteen human, with hair shaped like bird wings) is floating casually above their non-humanoid part (a box like a minifridge), wearing a chef's outfit and giving a peace sign. End ID.]
now what would you do if i said 50s atlas. huh ?
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[ID: a picture from a black and white manga panel. It shows a robot who looks like a teenage boy. He's not wearing clothes, and the tube of his torso extends down past his pelvis and works as a rocket propeller, giving him the look of a torpedo with limbs. His solid, black "hair" has several tubes jutting up from it. End ID.]
actually in the process of getting that screenshot i reread The Entire Atlas Story. not as silly as i remember! he serves as sort of an introduction to the capability of robots to do evil on purpose. he's capable of evil thought because of the Omega Factor (not to be confused with the Omega Radar, which atom and cobalt use to find each other), which his creator also wants to put in atom, so that they can help him get revenge on colonial/imperialist society (one of tezuka's semi-successful attempts at commenting on systemic racism). its implied that atlas is capable of good, too, he just hasn't been introduced to it. he gets fucking disintegrated btw.
that serves as a very good intro ramp before the Blue Knight Saga and its approaches to good amd evil, and tezuka's preferred order puts it shortly before, likely for that reason. I'm not sure how to feel about the idea that atom isn't capable of evil, and what that might say abt how "advanced" he is- i like to think he's capable of evil, and actively chooses to be good, but whatever. also im just gonna say it this design is ugly as fuck lol
80s was fun. kinda fused atlas and blue knight into the same character? ive never gotten the chance to see the anime episode with small atlas, so i only know his lore from the 80s comics, which i bet is different and siller. he's like atom, except he needed a special 8th power, and his creator decided that would be pissing on things to blow them up? "Like a cicada"? ok . he drank ink once. i love him. hes like jetter mars to me. anyway. as an adult in the anime he did surprisingly well as a long-term antagonist for astro. it's hard to take that damn show stylishly, but i did cry in the finale when atlas declared himself atoms brother. i liked the idea that they were going for, where the two have a lot in common both physically and mentally, and this omega radar ties them to each other unendingly, but atlas will always have a grudge against humans and atom will always love them? that's great. but i feel like they didn't explore it much, and a lot of it was just Come Fight Me I Fucking Dare You (maybe also to mix in Pluto with atlas and bk? saving on voice actors lmao). and i don't even know what was going on with Livian. shrug. congrats to atlas for having a third boob added though!
now 2003. OUGH 2003 did so nicely as an addition of previous atlases. they kind of departed a little bit from previous versions by having him be, for instance, a creation of tenma, but i don't dislike how they used that change. the way they took the "im just like you" thread that they started on with 80s and amped it up by making atlas not only the second robot ever to be made with the same heart/adaptability as atom, but also to be ANOTHER desperate failed father's attempt at fixing his mistakes, resulting in a new person coming out of the ghost of his neglected son?? he's not just atom's foil to the viewer, he's atom's foil to tenma. he leads up perfectly as the step before Pluto (before Shadow) and before Blue Knight in introducing robots capable of evil to society, in introducing robots who don't want to be nice to atom, and in developing tenma's obsession with evolving atom to greater lengths. here's a vengeful robot with the memories of a vengeful son. here's a robot too powerful for atom to fight without, somehow, growing. here's a victim of the growing anti-AI tide. here's someone who's just like you, here to warn you that something bigger is coming.
also he looks cool as hell. shoutout to 03 atlas
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salt-volk · 2 years
am i the only one whos still interested? ive been here since alpha so maybe is just sunk cost fallacy but i dont even feel impatient at all lmfao. i never get fed up or bored or angry with dv. its just a casual thing to check up on every once in a while n see how its doing. whenever there are set backs or delays its understandable with the small team n mismanaged code shit especialy. most other issues are easily explainable to me or make sense as well like theres a perfectly logical reason for most content delays. even the bad design choices while i disagree with them i can see where they come fom or the logic of how they were suppose to work.
plus most of em are getting reforms down the road if dv last that long. idk when something new happens my reaction is usually "meh, yeah, sure *shrug*" i feel like if they get enough funds n staff n a good direction going then dv still is really good in concept n has so much potential that i dont wanna just walk away unless its for super major problem. id feel silly selling all my stuff for fr only years from now to come back n wish i had it. i guess i just dont attach much emotional weight to dv n am more around out of curiosity so maybe thas the difference. i buy turnip monthly but only a small amount so maybe itd be different too if i was spending thousands. i dunno.
i just feel awkward sometimes like everyone else is furious n all leaving dv n talking about the site dying n so much catastrophic n get really mad over delayed events or customs then im here chilling. i wonder if i am literally the only person left who doesnt want dv to die. also not judging ppl who do get emotional about it all n feel angry thats valid feelings. im not talking down to yall more just wondering out of curiosity how many people actually still care. n the difference between those who do n dont. is it a financail investment thing? or just different expectations? maybe all pet game ive been on just suck in comparison so dvs management doesnt seem as bad to me? something else? 
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ask-vinyl-scratch · 14 years
WOW have I got a lot of bull to put down on paper. the voices in my journal seemed to have stopped too, just like Twi said they would, so Im feelin real good right about now!!!
so yeah its been like 5 days or something. (the dates on the top of the pages kept track of time, which, WTB??? gotta ask Twi about that—actually. maybe not, not after all the juicy gossip that I learned and gotta write down. AWWW BUCK IVE GOT SO MUCH I HAFTA WRITE ABOUT)
ive got so much to write about, but i really wanna write about what happened today... today...♡
ok ok so ill breeze through the other three days or whatever between the 19th and 25th
20th: First of all, Tavi hadda go to frickin' Manehattan by the express and wouldnt have come back until 10 so bleh. My day was going badly and i was a grumpypants, but Pinkie showed up and got me a whole-ass Chocolate cake so I was pretty good. I insisted upon saving 7/8 of it for Octavia's sake once she got back, much to Pinkie Pie's chagrin, but I simply had to, for there is no more romantic gift than Chocolate.
Otherwise, Pinkie took me to see her friends like she Pinkie Promised. eh. lemme give you the run down on em.
~Pinkie~ yeah she introduced me to herself and I buckin love her for it to no end!!
~Twi~ back to the weird-ass treehouse library thing and the purple unicorn who tried to take my journal from me. I swear that mare... she was in the middle of a very delicate experiment or something when we galloped in (literally) but that's not really important because she really DOES have a dragon for a little brother, and his name is
\_~SPIKE~_/ cool bro, y'know, just a chill wyrm. yeah, I'm kinda freinds with a dragon, but it's not like it's a big deal or anything. Pinkie wanted me to give him one of my bottles of Berry's Super-Squeezy Pan-Galactic Fizzling Champagne and I wholeheartedly agreed, but Sparkle said Spike's just a baby dragon and can't have alcohol. (but shouldn't dragons be able to drink way more than ponies...?) Spike protested and threatened to give me juicy gossip on Twi if she didnt let him have the bottle, and she didn't, and he did. HOLY BUCK. no i am not writing it here because that... euhg.
but yeah I would definitely invite him to my raves or to play at the arcade if only Sparkle did't say that Spike's too young to be out that late or to spend his bits on something so silly as an arcade game. i gotta find a way to get him a party of his own, at least, since he really is chill. only thing I can fault him on is that he has fingers and he talks about Rarity Belle a bit too much but at least he wasn't trying to scold me for 'corrupting a baby' like a certain somepony i know. I swear she's almost like a mother to that dragon, it's weird.
~Rarity~ Rarity Belle. Menace.
~Rainbow Dash!~ i did not get to bucking see rainbow dash. damn you, Pinkie! Damn you and your adorableness that makes me forget all about being angry at you and notn being able to find the rainbow mare... awwwwwww. I'd kiss you, but I'm 100% committed to Tavi. (especially AFTER WHAT HAPPENED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
~Applejack~ I get the feeling she didn't like me very much. Still gave me a free apple fritter that Pinkie forced me not to save for Tavi and had me eat right in front of Applejack, deliberately. kinda sus...
~Fluttershy~ Classic blushing wallflower. I bet Pinkie 10 bits she's a fillyfooler and that is 10 bits i intend to collect after I set Shy up with a nice mare. Maybe Tree Hugger? Well, by any means, Fluttershy sure is shy. Don't know what I expected, but it wasn't awkward manic conversation completely predicated on Pinkie Pie's motormouth. I loved it, as usual, as it meant I didnt have to talk a lot, and I think Shy loved it too, which was basically a prerequisite to being friends with Pinkie. Strangely enough, Shy knew I was a fillyfooler even before Pinkie brought it up...
I think she's the most sensitive mare I have ever met. She also rocks the emo hair-over-the-eye thing like a boss! I invited her to come hang with me and Octy since we weren't doing anything but she got real nervous and shaky like a puppy and made an excuse to not come, something about her animals. Which, fair. But I'm pretty sure her cheeks were blushing with the force of Celestia's sun under her pink hair, which is another Point in favor of the fellow fillyfooler fheory... She knew that me and Tavi've been fillyfoolers, so surely
Pinkie Pie really looked like she was 2 seconds away from hatching a harebrained scheme about herself looking after Shy's animals so Shy could come have a night with us but I made her back down. It's actually really easy, you know; all it takes is a hoof to her chest, closing your eyes, and shaking your head mutely. So we went from the cabin, Pinkie with unbridled joy in her heart and I, I with an evil plan to get my ten bits from Pinkie by getting knowledge of Shy's preferences through a straight conversation, a chat between girls, if you will >:)
Pinkie asked me what we were going to do that night, and I told her that we would be doing the same thing we do every night: trying to take over the world. By which I mean going back to my and Tavi's apartment and between us three, and a bottle of that Fizzling Champagne, making a party we can all enjoy. and yes, she did indeed bucking love the Chocolate cake i saved for her. (the parts Pinkie didn't eat, anyway :/)
21th: so i mean, well, when we were drunk on the 20th Pinkie Pie made me Pinkie Promise to 'spin my magic mare, make the music fly and we can have streamers and wubbalishious (sounds good to me) cakes flying around and we can give out kazoos (blashpemy) so ponies can humalong to the songs (even worse, but don't worry, l put a stop to it. too bad she just gave out free mini accordians to everyone...)' on this day.
this Pinkie Promise, though, was really a crazy idea, or whatever the right metaphor is. (i dont care, im tired as fuck and i wanna get to today AAAAAAA I CANT WAIT UNTIL I GET TO WRIITING WHAT I DID TODAY). anyway, A Pinkie Promise to have me hang out with a buncha ponies I dont know a thing about with totally incompatible tastes of music AND accordians???? in not just a rave, but a PINKIE-STYLE rave??????? BONKERS.
so I was setting up for the Pinkie-style rave and it suddenly like dawns on me that this is the perfect opportunity to finally convert the dishwasher so that it cleans dishes with wubs! heh lol. so I did.
aaawwww, whom i kiddin. it was a disaster. think of whatever disaster you're thinking of: technical malfunctions? angry drunks fighting? police intervention? raids against Lunar cultists? earthquakes? tornadoes? the CMC?
yes. multiply it by 10 and you get the party on the 21st
oh faust Tavi's askin me if I wanna go for round 2 rn. to whom it may concern, I think this is where I die. ill write about the other days tomorrowbutigottago
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docholligay · 3 years
Tracer/Emily “on a scar”
Talk about stuff I've meant to write for ages, this moment is finally out in the world. ANYWAY THANK YOU 1600ish words, all of my OW universe is here.
Tracer kissed her shoulder.
It should have felt good. She wanted it to feel good. She was incredibly attracted to Tracer, who had been a perfect lady over the past few weeks. Tracer, who was handsome and charming and gallant, who had treated her to dinner and walks in the park and made her laugh with all her stories, brought her flowers and told her she looked wonderful in purple, who had never invited herself up even though her eyes clearly wanted to be invited up.
But instead, there was a sort of deep grim that lapped at the corner of her mind. Emily was not good with women. She wasn’t good with anyone really, over the age of six, she thought, quiet and shy and awkward, the way she’s been all of her life. She wanted this, and she was afraid of it. She was not a casual person. Sometimes she wished she were.
The hard part, for Emily, was knowing when to tell someone. When she had been younger, it had been easy to blame her being trans for every ounce of hesitation she felt in a public setting, for every stumble through a conversation, and every bad date where her calls were never returned. It some ways, it had made things easier, to know that there was an immutable reason for such things, but life is rarely so kind, and she had met so many other women like her who glittered and had full dance cards, who lived life loudly.
So her own hated timidness had to, at least in some capacity, be an organic consequence of being Emily McNair, rather than anything else. It was disappointing.
But because she was Emily McNair, and because she had no idea of what it meant to be casual, and because she, like the silly fool that she was, was dangerously close to being truly in love with Tracer, she had to tell her. She wanted to tell her. Because if she was going to love Tracer, she had to know that Tracer could love all of her, even her history.
She tried not to expect too much of people in that vein.
“Em?” Tracer pulled away from her, ‘Can’t ‘elp but notice you don’t seem particularly engaged. You,” she seemed disappointed, “you not want to?”
“Oh, Lena, I do, but it’s only..” She tucked her hair behind her ear, “I have to speak to you, first.”
Her eyes darted around the room. “What ‘ave I done? Or not done?”
“No, no, of course no. It’s only me.”
“Alright. All ears.”
Emily was sure there had to be a perfect way of doing this, but over the twenty odd years of her life, she had never quite found it. Words were, most people would agree, not Emily’s strong suit, and generally she was as content to listen to others talk as they were. The handful of times she had gotten far enough to want to tell someone, it had never come out the way she’d imagined, and as Tracer looked at her, she realized that new and better speech she kept planning wasn’t going to reveal itself this time either.
“I’m trans. I just--thought you should know, before.” She swallowed and looked off to the side, waiting.
Tracer rocked back on her heels and looked at Emily.
“Is that all? Doesn’t matter, I don’t care about that,” she stopped for a moment, “Sorry. You know,” she tilted her head quickly and leaned forward, trying to put herself back into Emily’s gaze, “it’s just now occurred to me why me Dad put it that way when I told ‘im I was gay, can’t really think of a better way to say it--suppose it didn’t urt that ‘e wasn’t the slightest bit surprised by the news--but wasn’t helpful to me then either.” She took Emily’s hand. “Thank you for telling me. I feel all the same about you as I did. I think you are absolutely beautiful, and I cannot believe me luck, sitting on the sofa with you. You ‘ave no reason to be shy with me. Still buzzing about being invited up, love.”
Emily let her shoulders relax a little. “I’m shy with everyone.”
“I ‘ope sincerely that it’s not that people ‘ave been cruel to you.”
“Not, I think I’m just a bit awkward, I mean,” Emily shook her head. “Most people haven’t known since I left school. But I don’t much,” she fiddled with the strap of her dress, “you know, see women.”
Tracer smiled. “Right. Let me show you something.”
She slipped her shirt off under her CA with a speed and grace Emily would not have guessed was possible, leaving only her CA and a sports bra. The first thing she noticed were the bright toucans on Tracer’s bra. The second thing she noticed was that Tracer was as spectacularly toned as she might have guessed given her quick strength, and she blushed.
The third thing she noticed were two deep and heavily puckered scars, right at the edge of her rib cage. Her eyes widened and she brought a hand to her mouth, without thinking, and then immediately realized Tracer must be seeing her, after being so kind to Emily, showing shock, and she might think it was disgust--
But Tracer gave that loud peal of a laugh that Emily loved so much. “I know! Terrible, innit? Man shot me.” She scowled a moment. “Thought ‘e was me friend, once upon a time, but ‘e did disabuse me of that notion, as Fareeha put it, you know, love, for all the times she pretends she doesn’t understand a bloody thing I’m saying she manages to put up quite the English vocabulary when it suits her, right? Right, absolute tosh--listen to me waffling on, me Dad always said I could talk for England--what I mean is, love, you ain’t the only one with a thing or two unusual. Say nothing about the machinery. I’m loads of things to get used to, right? So you and I are of a kind. Me more than you, even, ‘ave no doubt you look better with your clothes off than me, if you don’t mind me saying so, right? So you never need be shy with me, for I’ll always do me best. I ‘ave no doubt that I will say or do something unbelievably bloody stupid, and when that happens, I want you to say, ‘Lena, you bloody stupid cunt,” Emily laughed and shook her head, “--No love, I’m being very serious just now--Lena, don’t do that” and then I won’t.”
Emily looked at her. Tracer’s eyes were bright and sparkling, but full of sincerity. Even now, she had that little resting smile on her face that Emily had come to realize just sat there, as unhappiness did on others. There was something about Tracer that drew Emily in, that made her feel safe, and suddenly it felt true, that someone like Tracer could not mind. Suddenly it seemed silly to Emily that anyone had ever minded at all. She had so many explanations planned out, ways to make it okay for Tracer and assure her that there wasn’t much different about Emily, but it all seemed completely unnecessary in the moment.
She had been honest, when she said she didn’t care.
Emily reached her hand out and brushed her fingertips against the deep crater on Tracer’s stomach, and Tracer did not flinch away from her touch, even for a moment.
“It must have hurt terribly.”
Tracer shook her head. “You know, actually, I lost a great deal of blood very quickly, which doesn’t necessarily recommend itself but I will say made the pain a bit of a non-issue.” She laughed again. “Honestly, Winston’s more traumatized by it than I am, I only remember little bits of the thing. Lost some of me liver though, and I am sore about that, as I make quite a bit of use of it,” she looked down, “ as you can see by the fact that I lack a bit in the definition department.”
“You’re very handsome, Lena.” Emily said, still looking at the scar, unable to look Tracer in the eye when she said it.
“Well, you’re kind to say so.” Tracer put her hand on top of Emily’s. “I still am keen to root about the cabbages, so to speak, and I want you to know I won’t be put off so easily in future,” she grinned, “but if you’d rather not tonight, I understand that, as well.”
“Oh, but I don’t want you to go!”
Tracer took Emily by the shoulders. “I can stay then, love. ‘Appy to ‘ear it. Can stay all night, if you like. But we don’t ‘ave to do nothing.”
Emily leaned forward and put her head on Tracer’s shoulder, letting herself fall into her embrace. Tracer kissed her forehead.
“We can stay just like this, love.”
I love you, she wanted to say, I love you, and I feel excited and happy and utterly terrified at the fact. But, she reasoned, she had tripped over her own tongue enough for one evening, and in this moment, she thought she would have plenty of other chances. Tracer would stay. She kissed Tracer’s cheek and settled into her arms as Tracer laid back against the couch.
“You know, the scars aren’t even the worst of it, with me. ‘Ardware neither.”
“Right, there’s the entirety of me personality to deal with, as well. Messy. Can’t pay attention to save me own life, sometimes quite literally, depending on who you ask. Touch of P--well, honestly, just ask Fareeha, when you meet her, she’s got a list of me negative qualities, I think. Probably alphabetized. Maybe categorical.”
Emily felt herself melt into Tracer and allowed herself the joy of a laugh.
The cool wind of October shook the trees outside, and litter blew along the street next to her shabby little London flat, and Emily had never been happier.
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
(hi its highseasgirlbossing) hmm how abt either local lieutenant experiences midwestern winter or more things in heaven and earth, or both if you feel like it? :3 (i admit that im also curious abt not not catboy keith but i'm afraid it won't mean much to me since i havent read it yet. still, if you want to go ahead!)
you know what, let's do all three, why not!
for the first, the actual midwestern winter of it all isn't really the focus of the fic, but in the first few months of the year, I had enough nice descriptions of Trudging Through The Snow amassed from my own experiences being a fool in the midwestern winter that I thought I'd send poor dear william bush on a little journey through an extra excessive wintertime.
‘now, em, why didn’t you just put these in a terror fic, since that’s already chock full of ice and snow and other frosty times?’ you may ask, but see, it happened to fill out one of my pre-existing half-thought-out ideas quite nicely, which happened to be ‘what if all those seafaring superstitions actually came to something for once’, which I then directed into ‘bush rescues hornblower after he’s stolen by the fae’.  makes no sense, yeah, but it compels me, so.
He paused, and stood for a moment as the snow sifted down around him.  It shifted over the ground in little waves, the light dusting carrying in arcs and curves over the ice.  It was almost unnerving to watch it move so, each swirling, eddying gust of it almost a thing alive.  He looked to the left, to the right, and before knowing why, backwards.  The ship was gone, and all that remained in every direction was a swirl of austere, granular white.  The only sound remaining was the gentle crunch of the snow as Bush shifted from foot to foot.  Every surface in sight, the slow, soft arcs of snow stretching up to where a horizon should have been, glittered white and featureless and lovely.
of course, I am taking a good number of liberties with it to give it a bit more tone than what it’s based on, since ‘oh heck I tripped and fell over in the snow again. and then I did that again. and a third time.’ doesn’t quite hit the spots I’d like to hit in this one.
I am almost certain that 'more things in heaven and earth, horatio' will be one of my favorite things I've ever written, if I can just manage to buckle down and write the rest of the darn thing. that's right, this is the buzzfeed unsolved au! 
it’s drawn from a number of things I’m inordinately fond of, such as spending about a week every winter watching buzzfeed unsolved while I sculpt until my brain begins to drip out my ears, and visiting the uss hornet with my brother.  since it’s sliding rapidly back and forth between silly and spooky, I’ve gone with show-hornblower for this one.  and also because I felt like this was archie’s kind of adventure, and I felt sad to leave him out of it. 
“Can you say my name?”  The box popped and hissed, crackling at a frequency that set Archie’s teeth on edge.  “I just want to talk to you.  Do you have anything you want to say?”
“Leg.”  The sound emerged vague and mangled from the static, barely discernible.
“What!”  Even after hundreds of investigations, the spirit box still made Archie more than a little unsettled.  However, he managed to quickly recover his cool and keep the conversation going, hard on the ears as it was.  “Did… did something happen to your leg here?”  The box chittered ferociously, interspersed with faint and flickering voices.
“Is that a yes?  Can you say …yes?”  The box made an awkward squawk.  Archie sighed.  “Be sociable, won’t you?”
I think maybe a bit of the difficulty I’ve been having with writing it is having to first-name all three of them, which is something I don’t think I’ve ever done or seen done for them in a way that I’ve wholly enjoyed.  I don’t think that that Premium Ghost Bros energy would hit right if I called them by their surnames either, so that’s something that I’m planning to keep fiddling with as I go along.  it’s a very slow write, but it is also just 100% me being silly and having a good time, so it’s remained quite fun!
if you'd believe it, this is actually the third time I've started writing something where at least one character is inexplicably a catboy, and then gotten less confident with that plot point over time until it just resulted in Just A Lot of Very Strong Cat Comparisons.  (although, I've rotated enough actual attempts at worldbuilding catboys into eighteenth-century britain through my mind at this point that I should probably give up and just do that for real at some point...)
His was a lean, sharp, wildcat sort of handsomeness, and so, remembering his features set into a snarl seemed hardly out of place.  Just the same, like a cat he was but little weight, all bones wrapped up in layers of uniform.  No softness, nothing going spare, and instead, a sort of concise, sleek ferocity that made Ewen almost expect to be hissed at.
He laughed a quiet little laugh to himself, thinking of other cats he had known, and wondering if, with enough coaxing, Captain Windham might be convinced to make himself comfortable on the hearthrug.  As Ewen did so, he could almost hear the man’s scowl deepen, though neither could see the other’s face.  He allowed himself the rest of a smile, but ceased to chuckle, thinking it better to allow Windham as much of the little dignity that remained to him as he could.
I actually don’t have much of a plot to this one yet, it’s more of the smack-sentences-in-my-notes-app sort for now, but we’ll see what comes of it!
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lasquadrasfuckhouse · 3 years
Hi! Can I ask for la squadra reacts to a Ghost in their base who love singing like a siren. But other members can't see or hear.
This is my first asking, im not sure of i did it correct.
Thank you so much♥️♥️
you did wonderful!!! i LOVE this concept. i wrote more general 'la squadra if their base was haunted' stuff here so i'll be working off of that
this one's dedicated to both the ghost that would hum in this one washroom at my high school when no one else was there and melissa the beautiful scene queen ghost that haunts my house and sings fall out boy and mcr with us 🙌
la squadra with a singing ghost in their base 🎶
first and foremost all of them would probably make sure it's not a stand attack and THEN would make sure they're not hallucinating but once those explanations are out of the way, here's what would follow
risotto ✂️
he's mostly just kinda confused but he doesn't let it bother him. he's a logical dude: you can't prove ghosts but you can't exactly disprove them either so he's just kinda like.... ok i guess
the singing is nice, actually. eerie but very beautiful. as long as he can still sleep, he doesn't mind. if he can't sleep, he may like.... politely ask please no singing while he's trying to sleep? he really doesn't know how to talk to a ghost. but they seem nice.
he won't go out of his way to either interact with them or avoid them and it doesn't really bother him that no one else can see or hear them. they just kinda peacefully coexist.
if the others ask him about it, he'll tell them straight up about the singing ghost, as long as the ghost doesn't appear distressed about being known to the others. but he doesn't want this ghost thing to distract them either, so he reminds everyone to keep their heads on.
prosciutto 🚬
prosciutto is dumbfounded. for real? a ghost? this is ridiculous! and why is he the only one who can see or hear it? he's just kind of annoyed by it more than anything.
the singing is rather lovely, though. if there's too much noise going on in the house and he's getting a headache, that's probably the first time he'd try like, talking to them? to be like, please--and he feels ridiculous just talking to thin air or an apparition--no singing rn. he will begrudgingly thank them when they stop, and while he's at it he may as well let them know that they do have a beautiful voice there's just too much noise right now. the ghost seems to like the compliment.
it's very soothing otherwise. maybe after some time has passed since that first interaction and he's the only one in the house, he may ask why he's the only one who can see or hear them, cause he is a bit curious. whether the ghost has an explanation or not, he'll just kinda be like aight then
really he's a bit curious about the whole ghosts existing thing in general but he just kinda takes what he's presented with. may not give straightforward answers about the whole ghost thing if the others are making a ruckus about it, at least at first, cause he doesn't want to rile em all up.
pesci 🎣
YEAH, HES FUCKIN SCARED. he can't explain it, he can't get rid of it with his stand, and now he feels embarrassed b/c he thinks he seems either incompetent or silly. in reality at least the others know that lying isn't his style so some of them are starting to wonder if he is seeing something unexplainable
the singing gets his teeth chattering. sure, it's pretty, but it's chilling. catch him hiding under the blankets with his pillow pressed over his ears.
he may very meekly ask the ghost to leave him be if they're around him and he'll leave them alone too. way too scared to interact with them and avoids them almost at all costs.
won't initiate conversation about it. some of the others may goad him on to freak him out more. be nice to pesci you losers!!!!! >:( but even if someone asks nicely about it he won't want to talk about it much but he'll be relieved that someone believes him.
formaggio 🧀
yeah, all cockiness goes out the window when he realizes it's a ghost. like, he tries his best to cling onto the attitude, but honey he is freaked out. no ghostes for him thanks
the singing gives him shivers. he'll be like HAHA YEAH.... REAL NICE VOICE YA GOT..... BUT IM NOT GONNA FALL FOR THAT....... U AINT POSSESSIN ME but the ghost is literally just chillin. he doesn't trust like that tho
may try some methods of banishment he remembers from his nonna. even if they don't work in the sense of forcing them to disappear or leave, the ghost probably still gets the message and leaves him be.
will insist with a hand over his heart that yes there IS a fucking ghost and no way in HELL is he fuckin w/ it or joking HES NOT JOKING HE SWEARS, but will puff up his chest like yea i told that ghost to get lost!!!! my love you are fooling no one everyone heard you shrieking like a little baby.
illuso ✨
he's actually a bit freaked. thought it was ridiculous until he actually couldn't find an explanation for it and it's unnerving that he was somehow singled out. should he be flattered? yes yes he knows he's lovely and cool but please don't only show your ghost activities to him or preferably no ghost activities at all
because he's freaked out he may lose his cool and yell into the air to shut up with the singing, which really does not help him feel any better.
with time, he may just get used to it, seeing as the ghost doesn't really do much aside from being a ghost and sing. he might come to appreciate the singing for how pretty it is, too.
will use the opportunity to scare everyone and definitely won't give straightforward answers just for the fuck of it
melone 🍈
VERY fascinated. thrilled, honestly! how fucking cool is it that there's a ghost right in front of him? too bad the others can't see or hear it, but he supposes that makes him lucky.
will compliment the ghost on their beautiful voice and ask a whole bunch of questions. why is he the only one who can see or hear them? do they like to sing just because? are they bound to the base, or to him, or something else keeping them tethered to this world? do they know what's beyond? can they see or interact with their stands? souls exist, seeing as someone's stand is a manifestation of it, so are ghosts souls without bodies? or something else?
he's just very curious and friendly, maybe a bit overbearing, but he's just excited. even with all his questions, he avoids asking how they died cause even though social cues aren't his strong point (especially with the dead????), he still figures that must be pretty rude to say the least. he may happily sway to whatever tune they're singing or find himself humming it later.
will be very excited to share this with everyone as long as the ghost is okay with that. doesn't care if he sounds silly or the others don't believe him, that's not his problem. will assuage any fears from the ones who are more scared by the idea of a ghost (they're just a person!)
ghiaccio ❄️
this is dumb!!! ghosts aren't supposed to be real!!!! that doesn't make any sense!!!!! goes on a rant about how ghosts don't make sense, and maybe he'd be less ticked off if they made sense. like, sure, souls exist cause stands exist. but like, what the fuck? he's honestly not scared, just annoyed.
it's extra annoying how he's the only one who can see or hear them. he's another one who gets irritated when there's too much noise in the house, so he'll yell to cut it out with the singing, if you're gonna make him talk to the air and do ghost nonsense at least don't bug him with it!!!! but soft singing in the quiet is actually very relaxing. he'll find himself sighing and just about falling asleep to it.
he's not good with words and how the fuck does he talk to a ghost but over time he may be like hey.... nice singing. when the other assholes aren't being noisy too. he'll still grumble about it not making sense until he makes sense of it, but he gets used to it.
on that front, he may actually talk to melone about it. he thinks a lot of melone's pseudoscience stuff is nonsense but he's got something concrete right here and he wants to understand it and melone is great at working with weird ideas so they try to make sense of ghosty things
sorbet and gelato 🔪🍦
they're both just kinda like. well i'll be. sorbet isn't bothered by it, gelato is like oooo how chilling but isn't like, actually scared. he's the one who may fucking flirt with the ghost like oh my is there a reason it's only us who can hear your pretty voice?? ;) sorbet thinks that's pretty funny.
and their voice is pretty! they both really like the singing, they find it beautiful and soothing and it keeps things interesting on base. what's not to love?
sorbet continues just doin his thing, but he will nod to the ghost in greeting when he sees them and exists comfortably with them, he's very chill about it. gelato will chatter and joke and flirt and be like hey let's duet this [SCREAMS] just to fuck around and see if he can make them laugh
they will both absolutely play it up to freak out the others. eventually if their antics get to be too bothersome risotto will tell them to cut it out, and they'll be like 'no problem capo, there really is a ghost tho' and then that causes a whole new wave of fuckery through the squad because even sorlato aren't crazy enough to lie to risotto's face after he told them to knock it off which means there is a ghost but HOW MUCH IS TRUE AND HOW MUCH IS THE TWO OF THEM FUCKING AROUND??? it never ends with these guys.
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sapphire-innit · 3 years
MD is a trip in SO many ways lmao
HI!! So it's been a while but I was feeling sad about some minecraft boys and it finally kickstarted me enough energy to do this again. For those who haven’t seen this before everything is tagged “dream smp liveblog” if you wanna look back.
I was thinking about rewatching some of the exile vods again to get back into the right headspace but honestly I’m gonna ride this wave while I can and jump right back into it. Maybe when I catch up fully I’ll go back and watch them all in a marathon and see how much I can make myself cry, who knows
Intro out of the way here we go! VOD: Tommy Speaks to Mexican Dream in Exile
(rp): oh man I forgot how fucked up his skin was…. And hes drowning again
He’s also lashing out at people in chat and then pulling back “Ranboo: are you alright man” ahhh buddy YOU KNOW HES NOT
….You know. Some of the Dread HAS faded but it STILL sucks when Dream logs in.
“And Tubbo hasnt spoke to me…” :(
But hes still trying!!! Hes gonna make a path!!
Lol what is this melon monstrosity lol the youtube praise Tommy just screamed lmaoo
….Dream YOU can get out of VC 2 fuck off
….just the casual “oh yeah sorry” while he blows up the armor….
“DId anyone come to see you while I was gone” I see you, you obsessive fucker
“Weve become better friends” :/
“WHICH ONES HOTTER” cursed cursed cursed
Lol the tone is so absurd Im having a good time
cc!Dream taking the time to pinpoint the particular restaurant its from lmaoo this man is funny
Lol Mexican Dream just chasing Dream away with Spanish YEAH GET EM MD
Tommys so excited to have someone who might live with him omg
“Borderline my owner” ….
…,,,look I just needed a short hand ok Mexican Dream is too long to type lol
,,,,,I dont know how to process Mamacita asdfsdfsd
Cant believe this is canon lore because it gets. SAD?? What is happening right now
This must have been a great tension breaker for people watching live though. A Nice break. Honestly I have mixed feelings about this being my first stream back lol
…..what are those maps huh? Old Memories huh? Tommy seems actually a bit embarrassed lmao
TUBBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TUBBO!!!!!
Asfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfds these fuckign pictures jesus omg
Somehow this would be more sad if Tommy wasn't blowing out his mic fake crying lmao
…..hey fuck girl Dream though
Is girl Dream canonically Dream or a different character?
“You two are the happiest couple I know” … F for the dream smp where no relationship survives lol Love is Dead
….my heart was racing while Tommy was hiding the rest of the Tubbo pictures…
“Not on my stream you better not!” afdsfdsfsdfsd
Rip Mexican Dream lol Quackity dies to mobs a lot doesn’t he
………..I just got the walls joke F F F
……hi Dream you fucker
….. This is why Dream kills MD isn’t it
….. Welp this is turning serious, Tommy is literally trying to distract Dream from chasing MD
The fucking decapitation joke asdfsdfsdf
….well that was short lived. As was Mexican Dream, Rest in Pieces I guess
“That was my last friend on the server. And that was his last death” “.......” “WELL WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO TODAY ~ :D”
“I never thought I’d see the day where Mexican Dream is canonically dead”
….. The serious tone is back for sure ….. Its staring into lava and gaslighting time
Literally just killed his friend and Dream already getting Tommy to say they’re friends��
“He died of a drug overdose” “I watched you kill him” “Noo he died of natural causes” >:(
cc!Tommy really canonizing this just to twist the knife
...hes just standing in the fire :(
………begging him for company.. “I don’t think I have very long left” …….
At least Drista will be fun?
“Its fine, its really his rules now” “After tomorrow, then I think its over”.... This is the pillar isn’t it. The pillar is happening soon
“Tommy can you stop going insane please?” - FUNDY PLS LMAO
Strange interlude with Lazar… obviously Tommy is lashing out but I also feel like there is a bit of back-handedness to his interactions as well. Maybe the only one ACTUALLY only reaching out because of pity..?
Well that was a strange and oddly sad interlude. The middle was just the wildest of rides, but the end still managed to ground it back, mostly. 13 did NOT HURT in that regard honestly lol. I feel like I’ve definitely lost some momentum by splitting things up like this -- my recommendation to anyone watching is Definitely to shotgun it if you can do so safely. Its such a well written arc, even and up to including silly streams like this, and its a shame not to have watched it all at once.
STILL! Looking forward to seeing Drista, that little chaos godling has grown on me quite a bit, not least of all BECAUSE she’s a chas godling with creative mode lol. I’ve also heard thats the other “break” exile stream, so probably a bit more lighthearted (not least of all bc idk how much Drista the person actually knows and or cares about her brother’s block game role play canon lmao)
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paterson-blue · 3 years
Honey, You're Familiar (Like My Mirror Years Ago); Part 3
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Part 3: The Date
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4 I Part 5
Summary: Things don't go exactly to plan. Clyde stresses.
Word Count: 4,010
Warnings: fluff, spice, grumpy Clyde Logan, pouty boy (but he's still in love), sentimentalism, sickly sweet pet names, smoochin', grindin', oral sex (male receiving), cum on body (not in!), original female character–let me know if I need to add anything else!
A/N: Thanks again to @paper-n-ashes for being my beta reader & quelling all my writing jitters. You're the absolute best!
Prefer AO3? I gotcha!
It’s a fuckin’ disaster.
Starts out nice. Juniper shows up on his doorstep wearin’ a slinky little black dress, one that shows off her curves and makes Clyde’s mouth go dry. She tells him he looks handsome and he feels giddy. He sweeps his newly styled hair out of his face, sayin’ she looks absolutely stunnin’. Juniper beams, grabs his hand, tells him they better get a move on ‘fore they’re late.
They’re late. They’re later than late.
They aren’ five minutes outta town when lightenin’ starts to streak across the sky. Clyde shifts uneasily, eyes cast upward towards the swirling heavens. It’s rainin’ cats and dogs in no time and Juniper has to slow to half the speed limit to drive safely. Clyde’s thoughts go to the river up ahead, the one the road crew was still tryna’ re-stabilize since the last storm flooded it.
Fifteen minutes from their destination and they have t’pull to a stop on the highway, suddenly blocked in a jam. Flashin’ red and blue lights indicate an accident up front, and while Clyde spares a thought to whoever was involved, he can’t help but check the time. They aren’ gonna make their reservation, he just knows it.
The car behind ‘em lays on its horn, the sound makin’ both Clyde & Juniper jump. The driver either doesn’ seem to understand the concept of bein’ stuck or plain just don’ care. Clyde clenches his jaw, glowerin’ into the rear view mirror—he can only see the driver’s silhouette behind the bright glow of the headlights. He’s keepin’ his cool until the driver reaches his arm out, in the pourin’ rain an’ all, just t’give Juniper the finger.
Clyde’s unbucklin’ his belt quick as can be, chest heavin’ as he reaches for the door handle. He’s ‘bout ready to stomp to the car and yank the man out.Teach ‘im a lesson on manners, teach ‘im t’treat a lady like—
“Clyde.” Juniper stops him in his tracks with just his name on her lips. He looks over at her from under his hair, expression tense. She reaches up to caress his cheek, holdin’ his face in her little palm so sweetly, thumb brushin’ over the sharp line of his jaw. “Leave him be. It’s not worth gettin’ into trouble.”
Clyde deflates, honey brown eyes downcast. He sounds miserable when he speaks. “… We’re gonna miss dinner.”
“I know, sugar. It’s okay.”
His heart flutters in his broad chest despite his distress. She’d called him ‘sugar.’ He likes that; wants to hear it again real soon.
By the time they get through all the traffic and make it to the restaurant, their reservation is indeed gone, table havin’ been given away. They stand together just outside the building, under the little awning in an attempt to stay out of the rain.
Clyde huffs, so morose that he’s unable to enjoy the way she was pressed up against his side. “M’sorry.”
Juniper frowns, reachin’ up to pat his stomach gently. “You stop that. You haven’t done anything to be sorry for.”
Clyde shakes his head sadly, heavin’ out a sigh. “It’s the Logan Family Curse.”
She looks up at him, brows arched, her hand still settled on his belly. “Oh is it now?”
He nods, brows pinched together. Juniper reaches for his hand, pulling it to her lips and pressin’ a kiss to his knuckles. “You aren’t cursed, Clyde Logan. And if you are, I’m perfectly happy to be cursed right along with you.”
Clyde doesn’ quite know how to respond to that, but luckily, he doesn’t have to right away. Juniper moves her lips to the pads of his large fingers, kissin’ ‘em gently before lettin’ him pull his hand away. Clyde cradles her pretty face in his palm, takin’ the time to admire her. Finally, he speaks. “Thank you, darlin’. That’s mighty nice of you t’say.”
Juniper nuzzles into his touch, sighin’ happily; it makes Clyde feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“I’m only saying what’s true. Now c’mon. I know it’s a Friday night but there’s bound to be somewhere we can eat.”
They end up findin’ an old fashioned drive-in burger place, somewhere they can park and eat in the car out of the rain. It’s not where Clyde wants to take her; she deserves to be wined and dined all proper, not greasy burgers and milkshakes. But Juniper doesn’ seem to mind; as soon as they’re parked she’s squintin’ up at the menu, a big smile on her face.
“This all sounds so fucking good.” She giggles, lookin’ over at him. It makes the disappointment in Clyde’s chest fade away, and he leans over the center console to peer out the window to see what choices they were offered. It puts him in her space, and Juniper leans in to press a gentle kiss to his temple. He blushes, his cheeks only getttin’ hotter when she brushes some of his hair out of his face. He desperately wants to kiss her but he doesn’ know if it’s the right time.
He’s finally acceptin’ the night’s change of plans—finally acceptin’ that this might be good, burgers and fries while dressed up nice, watchin’ the rain pour from the safety of Juniper’s little Corolla—when the carhop comes out to tend to them. Clyde’s already diggin’ into his wallet as Juniper rattles off their order; he holds his debit card out, arm reachin’ over Juniper’s lap.
The carhop doesn’ move for the card. Instead, they say “Card machine’s down. Cash only.” in what Clyde thinks is possibly the most bored tone they could muster. He tries not to bristle as he fumbles with his wallet for a second time, patience already worn thin from the night’s events. He’s only got a fifty in his billfold. The fifty.
Their fifty.
He hesitates, even though he knows it’s irrational; Jimmy always did tell him he was too damn sentimental for his own good. Juniper must realize—she always does, Clyde never seems to have to explain himself to her—because she grabs her purse from the floorboard. Clyde stops her, shakin’ his head as he tugs the fifty dollar bill out. “S’alright, darlin’. Y’told me t’save it for a rainy day.”
Juniper’s face softens at his words, and Clyde hands the money over to the carhop, who looks like they want to be literally anywhere else. Soon Clyde’s been given his change, and he quickly puts it back up. As soon as he’s done Juniper’s reachin’ for him, pullin’ him in by his collar. Clyde goes willingly, twistin’ in his seat to move his prosthetic to the middle of her back, arm wrapped around her.
“I’ll give you another one.” She tells him firmly, and Clyde huffs out a laugh.
“Well that’d be awful silly of ya, Junebug. You’ll run outta money real quick if y’keep givin’ it all t’me.” He tries to soothe her with a joke, wantin’ to let her know that it was alright. Sure, it had been special to him—reminded him of their meetin’—but it was just a piece a’ paper. What was a piece a’ paper when he had the most important thing right here in front a’ him?
He wants to curl up further into her, but their positions don’t allow for it—the vehicle doesn’ exactly allow for him to move his long limbs much a’ anywhere. If this was as close as he could get, he was satisfied. Juniper shifts suddenly, eyes trained on him as she leans closer. They share a breath, then two, and then she’s pressin’ her mouth against his.
It’s nothin’ if not chaste. Clyde gets the feelin’ she doesn’ exactly want to neck in the front seat of her car like teenagers—at least not in plain view of the drive-in’s staff and other patrons. Just a gentle kiss, a little more than a peck; firm and lingerin’ just enough that he knows it happened. Juniper follows it up with another one at the corner of mouth, their noses pressin’ against one another’s cheeks.
It’s more than enough for Clyde; more than enough to get his pulse to sky rocket. He can’t remember the last time he’s been treated so gently, so much love in such a small movement. She gives him a smile when she pulls away, and they both sit back in their seats, starin’ all heart-eyed at one another. She takes the metal of his hand in hers, holdin’ it, and Clyde thinks maybe he should reconsider the whole curse thing.
They head back home after finishin’ their meal, the storm slowly peterin’ off as they get closer to Clyde’s trailer. Juniper walks him to his door, gigglin’ when she offers him her arm to escort him. He takes it, grinnin’ like a fool as they stomp up the front steps. They stand there under the yellow porch light, humid heat surroundin’ ‘em. Clyde usually hated the humidity, but not when it was like this, creatin’ such a hazy, intimate bubble around ‘em. Juniper drops her arm, but only to reach for Clyde’s flesh hand, holdin’ it in both of hers.
“I had a really nice time tonight, Clyde. Best date I’ve ever been on—and I mean that.”
Clyde can feel himself blushin’, a pleased smile turnin’ his lips up. “I had a good time, too. Wouldja—wouldja wanna do it again? Sometime soon?”
“Yes.” She answers almost before he can finish askin’, and they both laugh. There’s a beat, a pause, a breath, and then Juniper is leanin’ up the same moment Clyde’s leanin’ down. It’s a relief when their lips touch, like the first drink a’ water in the mornin’. Clyde thinks he’s been parched his whole life and never even knew it.
Juniper’s the one who deepens it, the one who drops his hand to lean into him, to thread her fingers through his thick hair, holdin’ him close. And fuck, Clyde isn’ gonna fight it. He wraps his arm around her, prosthetic against her back as his hand moves to hold her face. His palm envelops her cheek, thumb under her chin to keep her head lifted. They kiss and kiss, and when she makes a little whine in the back of her throat Clyde swears he’s floatin’.
When she pulls away to breathe he makes a sound of his own, a disappointed little groan that she huffs out a laugh at. He’d be embarrassed if she wasn’ nuzzlin’ her nose against his cheek like she can’t get enough.
“Those lips a’ yours aren’t fair.” She murmurs, and Clyde hums, strokin’ his thumb along her jawline. He doesn’ want this to end, he thinks for possibly the thousandth time that night. He doesn’ wanna let her get back in her car an’ drive across town, over the train tracks, past the antique shop, until she gets to the bed & breakfast.
He wants her right here, and he’s never been the one in this position, but he doesn’ hesitate when he asks her, “D’y’wanna come in?”
She nods, and it sets his chest aflame. They straighten up, untanglin’ themselves from one another even as she leans into his side, not wantin’ t’be too far. Clyde’s hands shake as he unlocks the front door but he doesn’ care if she sees. He wants her to see, wants her to know what she’s doin’ t’him. Maybe then...maybe she won’t leave.
Clyde flicks on the lights, closin’ the door behind both of ‘em. He watches as Juniper assesses his things: his clumsily cleaned living area, the small kitchenette that was (thankfully) decluttered. The hallway leads back to the bathroom, and then his bedroom, but Clyde doesn’ dare look towards it, much less lead her that way. Instead, he steps towards the fridge, hand reachin’ out to brush against the door.
“Want anythin’ t’drink?” He asks, voice quiet, as if nervous to disturb the silence. Juniper shoots him a smile, shakin’ her head as she perches on the couch.
“No, I’m okay, thank you.”
Clyde nods, lingerin’ there even though he doesn’ want a drink neither. Her eyes look him over, amusement showin’ in them.
“Why don’t you c’mere? If you want, of course.”
He wants. Oh, how he wants. So he goes, movin’ across the distance between them in three long strides until he can sit himself next to her. He’s stock straight, heart thrummin’ in his chest; his nice button-down feels all tight against his skin, too itchy. He thinks only her touch’ll soothe it, but doesn’ wanna ask her. Juniper, however, reads his mind; she always can. She smoothes a hand over his jean-clad thigh, leanin’ in ever so slowly, like she’s gonna startle him if she moves too fast. Clyde’s breath catches in his throat as she kisses him again, and it's heaven, it's heaven.
It’s different from in the car, from on the porch. This time there’s more purpose to it. Juniper’s kissin’ him—tastin’ him— like he belongs to her, and Clyde thinks maybe it's because she knows he does. He’s tryna’ angle his body just right, tryin’ t’lean down without puttin’ a crick in his neck. Not that he’d care much, if he did--a crick was worth this, worth the feelin’ of her tongue brushin’ against his bottom lip, against his teeth.
Juniper makes a frustrated little noise, pullin’ back, and Clyde’s brows furrow in confusion.
“Wha--Wha’s--?” He stammers out, flesh hand flexin’ on her waist, the silky fabric of her dress feelin’ so soft and cool against his skin. Juniper’s lips are plush and kiss bitten; Clyde tries to take a picture of ‘em in his memory, eyes trained on their pretty color. He almost misses her question. Scratch that, he does miss her question; has to very ineloquently say “huh?” to get her to repeat it. She ducks her head, voice shy.
“Can I, uh--get in your lap?”
Shit. Shit. Clyde nearly feels dizzy for all the blood rushin’ down south. It makes him a little self-conscious; she’s not gonna want t’sit on his lap and have his cock pressin’ into her all demandin’ like. But damn, his little Junebug looks so eager, her eyes darker than he’s ever seen ‘em, and like he’d said: he wants. So he just nods, barely breathin’.
Juniper shifts, pushin’ him into the back of the couch and he goes easily, willingly. She hikes her dress up her legs and Clyde gets a barely there peek of dark green lace before she’s straddlin’ his lap. He moans, can’t fuckin’ help it, and Juniper dives in to capture the sound with her mouth. Her hands are on his face, in his hair, fingers rubbin’ the shells of his ears—he’s surrounded, he’s drownin’, suffocatin’. He’s never felt so alive.
His own hands are placed chastely on either one of her hips, though he knows his flesh hand must be grippin’ her somethin’ fierce. The thought flashes in his mind, of him leavin’ little fingerprint shaped bruises on her skin for her to feel the next day. It makes him shiver underneath her.
Juniper takes and takes, and Clyde lets her. Clyde wants to be taken, in whatever way she’ll have him. Suddenly she’s pullin’ away just enough to suck in a little air, lips still brushin’ against his. He presses his long nose into the soft skin of her cheek, breath hot between them. When Juniper speaks, her voice is strained.
“Touch me, Clyde. Please.”
He doesn’ hesitate. His good hand moves from her hip to her ass, grabbin’, kneadin’ as he pulls her tighter against him. She lets out the prettiest noise Clyde thinks he’s ever heard, and his lips find her neck as his other arm comes around to hold her close. God, she tastes so good; her perfume fills his head until he feels dizzy with it.
She's pressed flush to him like this, grindin’ her hips against his. Clyde’s hard and leakin’ in his brand new jeans and the only thing he can think of is hearin’ her little noises again. Her hands are back in his hair, pullin’ at it, sweepin’ it away from his face so he doesn’ get tangled in it as his mouth makes a hot path down the neckline of her dress.
It feels so damn good that Clyde doesn’ realize she’s tryin’ to get his attention until she yanks on his tresses, his scalp burnin’ from it. Honestly he thinks he groans, rough and wild in his throat, the pain shootin’ straight to his cock. But it makes him look at her, and she holds him from divin’ back into her skin.
“Clyde I wanna—I wanna taste you. Is that okay? Can I?”
Lord Almighty above. That should be his line, it really should. But how can he argue with her? He’d give her anythin’ she wanted, anythin’. And she wanted—wanted to put her mouth on him. Clyde spares a thought for all the trimmed and proper men he’s seen in porn, how much nicer they looked, how Juniper deserved the best. West coast mean surely didn’ look the way he did. But then,“Yes,” he’s sayin’, voice ragged, “yes.”
And she’s slippin’ out of his lap onto the floor between his legs. Clyde’s heart pinches, and he leans forward to pick her right back up. To say “oh, darlin’, y’don’ need to be on the hard floor like that. Lemme stand an’ you c’n sit right back on these here pillows.” But before he can get his legs under him she's pressin’ her face between ‘em, nuzzlin’ into the scratchy fabric of his jeans, right up against his cock. Clyde’s brain short circuits.
“Been wantin’ this.” Juniper murmurs, small hands workin’ at his belt, and Clyde arches his hips up, tryin’ t’help her get his jeans off. He can’t believe this—can’t believe this is happenin’. She tugs his jeans and pants down his legs, just enough that his cock is revealed. Clyde clumsily unbuttons the first couple buttons at the bottom of his shirt, not wantin’ to get the new fabric messy. Juniper seems to like his idea; she sighs and leans forward to press her lips to the bare skin of his stomach.
“Sweetheart.” Clyde whispers, voice all trembly. He stretches out a little, givin’ her more access to his pale abdomen. Her lips are so soft against his skin, against the dark trail of hair leadin’ down, down, down. She follows it, nosin’ to the crook of his thigh, teeth scrapin’ deliciously ‘fore she turns her attention to his cock—already plump and stiff, and very interested in her ministrations. She wraps a hand around it and Clyde’s breath catches in his throat. She studies his cock, gives it a gentle stroke, thumb rubbin’ at the velvety head.
“You’re so big.” Her voice is quiet, but it startles Clyde all the same—he’s been transfixed by the vision in front of him.
“O-Oh, I-m, uh—“
He’s attemptin’ to apologize—his first instinct, really. But his brain isn’t really functionin’ all that well, and then she’s leanin’ in to lave her tongue over his slit. Clyde groans, a sound comin’ deep from his chest as he zeros in on the pretty pink of her soft, wet tongue. Juniper hums as if she’s pleased, a little smile on her face, and then she’s slippin’ her mouth over his cock in earnest.
Clyde’s head drops back against the couch pillow, lungs strugglin’ to suck in air. Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck—it felt so good. She was gorgeous, she was perfect, she was a fucking angel doin’ this for him. She couldn’ take all of him into her mouth but goddamn she was tryin’. It didn’ matter—even if she wasn’ usin’ her hand to make up the difference, Clyde thinks he could cum just from seein’ her there between his legs, her silky soft lips on his skin.
He moves with her—not in a way where he’s pushin’ her or askin’ for more, but in a way where she’s pullin’ him; she’s the ebb and flow of the tide and he follows her willingly. His back arches, toes curlin’ up in his boots; his prosthetic settles on top of her free hand where it was grippin’ one of his large thighs. His other hand is too busy grippin’ the couch cushions to do much else. He’s lost to it—to her—an’ he doesn’ wanna be found.
It’s over far too quickly, embarrassingly so—it even surprises him. He’s ridin’ the high of his pleasure and his orgasm hits him so hard and fast that Clyde barely has any time t’warn her. All he can do is make a frantic noise, her name garbled in his throat as he quickly tries to push her off a’ him. But it’s too late—he’s cummin’ the same time that she’s pullin’ away, and Clyde can only watch in an odd mix of both arousal and horror as his cum paints her chin, neck, and cleavage.
Juniper’s mouth is held open in a surprised little ‘o’ shape, brows arched, and Clyde feels fuckin’ humiliated.
“J-Juniper, darlin’, m’so sorry, I—“ He scrabbles behind him for the throw blanket layin’ across the back of the couch, tuggin’ it into his lap so he can clean his mess off a’ her skin. He’s quick to tend to the spend on her cleavage first, hyperaware of how close it was to the fabric of her pretty black dress. “I’m sorry, I tried t’warn ya but it was too—“
“Clyde, it’s okay.” Her voice is all raspy and Clyde bites back a moan at the sound of it. She was so fuckin’ sexy, fuckin’ flawless. He’d cum all over her, messy and wild, and she was still lookin’ at him like he’d hung the damn moon. She pulls herself to standin’, and Clyde’s gaze dips down to where her knees were all red from kneelin’. Just another thing he didn’ know he found hot until now.
“But I guess it’s a little dangerous to keep this on, huh?”
His gaze snaps up to her face when she speaks, and she’s wearin’ a grin, eyes alight. Then she’s twistin’ her arms around, wrigglin’ out of that cute little dress until it graces the linoleum floor. She bends down to pick it up, drapin’ it carefully over one of the kitchen chairs. She moves like it’s nothin; like the sight of her in her heels and underwear ain’ makin’ his cock try to thicken up again.
“Yer so beautiful.” He tells her, gaze trained on her as she walks back over to him. Clyde feels so small with her standin’ in front of him; feels vulnerable even if he was still mostly dressed. Juniper steps out of her heels slowly, placin’ them to the side before leanin’ in, restin’ her hands on the back of the couch on either side of his head so she can kiss him.
Clyde runs his flesh hand over her bare waist, down the swell of her hip, toyin’ with the band of her underwear. He doesn’t push it down; he won’t without her permission. It’s enough to kiss her like this, soft and lazy, feelin’ her skin underneath his. He feels all gooey and happy from his orgasm, even if it had come sooner than he’d have liked.
He sighs into her mouth, content; chases her lips when she pulls away. Juniper starts to work on the buttons of his shirt, and he sits up to help her ease it off a’ his shoulders. She folds it neatly, settin’ it to the side; Clyde forces himself to speak, tryin’ to get his brain back in workin’ order. “D’y’wanna—wanna go back to the bedroom? You c’n lay down and I’ll—I’ll take care a’ ya.”
He thinks he sounds all awkward and silly, but Juniper gives him a warm smile, and his insecurities fade. She was always comfortin’ him, whether she knew it or not. She places one last lingerin’ kiss to his lips before noddin’ at him. “I’d like that.”
taglist friends!
@paper-n-ashes @glassbxttless @mariesackler @leatherboundbirate @millenialcatlady @jynzandtonic @peachyproserpina
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
hi! can i request a hxh headcannon with kurapika maybe like what it's like being a relationship with him? sorry if you can't do this or i requested this the wrong way-
- anon
a/n: it’s alright anon! i’ll try my best to write about the loml and the bad bitch himself kurapika! love hims i may have went CRAZY for this. also i write on my phone so sorry if this is so long!
lets get it!
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How yall started dating
okay so yall first met at the hunter exams elevator
the main four first walked in there and were surprised to see another person there
and gon being his friendly self started to chat it up with you
“hi im gon!!”
“hi gon. i’m y/n.”
kurapika there respectfully looking at you
like you’re attractive.
lookin at how those elevator lights shine on your beautiful melaninated skin
whew baby he went 😳 inside but greeted you
“im kurapika”
“well hello kurapika”
and that was the BEGINNING
timeskip up in this bitch rq
the arcs are pretty hazy to me so like.... lets say yall were feeling e/o during the york new city arc
yall both were trying to become bounty hunters and were alr pretty close to e/o
you suggested working with him and he liked that idea
yall alr fought really well tgt and he actually liked having you around him
so you both became neon’s bodyguards
yall were slowly becoming closer to each other each day yall worked together
like lingering touches, yearnful gazes
allat cute mushy shit
kurapika is one touch starved and closed off bitch so he’s struggling here
you on the other hand you KNOW you want kurapika like who wouldn’t want him???
he’s a whole package in that tuxedo 🥵🥵
n e ways
soon neon notices this shit and it goes downhill
this lil shit starts PURPOSELY locking yall in rooms together
like baby no we are supposed to protect you what are you doing???
“im not letting you out till you two kiss!!”
“i beg your pardon?” - kurapika
“neon huh???” - you
kurapika is internally like what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck i lwk wanna kiss em but.... feelings.
you can see the internal STRUGGLE thats going on in kura’s eyes
you just say fuck it and pray the gods and any other spiritual holy beings are on your side and kiss him
kurapika’s stomach said 🦋🦋🦋🦋 when you cupped his face
like your lips are SOFT
(no cuz like some of yall rlly be making y/n have crusty ass lips like um no baby i wear lip gloss and chapstick religiously you aint gon catch me w/ brittle ass lips)
and you cant tell me kurapika doesnt wear chapstick
and he’s like ✋🏽😳 hol up this kinda.... this kinda hits why didnt i do this earlier?
(bc you’re a gated ass bitch thats why honey)
my mans just has to kiss back
he kinda just gently holds your wrists and kisses back
now you’re deceased bc damn boy where you learned this???
no cap you kinda felt your knees buckle and he noticed that but yall not gon talk about that
and you two reluctantly pull away bc hello yall still on the job and literally are bodyguards
“the door wasnt even locked.”
“you cheeky lil shi—
cue you chasing neon while she runs away giggling
kurapika can only gently touch his lips and smile with a red face
In the Relationship
now yall are disgustingly cute in private
kurapika is definitely touch starved and he always needs to be touching you in some way
he always looks out for you too
he’ll definitely press tons of kisses to your face or the back of your neck
calls you a bunch of cheesy nicknames
darling, my love, my sun, sweetheart, beloved, honey, babylove (the stanely uris thats played by wyatt oleff makes me lose my sHIT)
my boy loves your hair so much
like the texture? the volume?
he’s all for it
he would probably ask canary about wash day bc she’s black herself
would 100% help you with wash day
want him to detangle your hair? hand him that rat toothed comb he’s on it
wash your hair? let him roll up his sleeves he’s on it
oil massages? pass them oil bottles baby he’s putting you to sleep
like you will be KNOCKED as he washes your hair or oils it bc he’s that skilled
i think he would struggle braiding your hair but after you show him?
this man is taking over and braiding your hair neater than you
like excuse me where did you learn this??
parting god.
them parts are crispy and straighter than a mf
literally doesn’t comb your hair like ya mama do w/ all that tugging and shit
he’ll just gently move your head along or softly apologize whenever he accidentally tugs on your hair and presses a kiss to your scalp
taking. baths. together.
my boy CRAVES that intimacy
no sexual shit
after a long day of work he just LOVES to take a nice bubble bath with you
either you leaning against his chest or you on the opposite end of the bath
he can always unwind around you and let go of that stoic facade he puts on
i would say he’s a lil goofy in private? like he’ll scoop up the bubbles and blow them in your face
if you want jokes you gotta give em
baby had to grow up quicker so he’s more mature for his age
i’d say if you want them giggles out? hold his waist and blow the back of his neck
the way he JERKS from that then starts laughing
heart eyes up in that bitch
his laugh is so 🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰
“darling!” “that was so FUCKING CUTE KURA WTFFF”
another way? blow kisses in his neck
he will giggle like a lil kid
god i love him
when you go to sleep he’s always big spoon
doesn’t matter if you’re taller than him
big. spoon. kurapika.
the only times you can hold him is when he has a breakdown and his scarlet eyes are activated
nightmares haunt him alot and he just needs to hear your heartbeat to know you’re still here
he needs to feel your warmth and you whispering that you’re here
other than those moments you better be fine with him holding you
i would say he doesn’t move alot in his sleep other than the small twitches
but for some reason his grip is strong as FUCK
like you aint getting out of his arms at ALL
if you gotta pee hold it
nah im kidding
just wake him up he’s not a deep sleeper but he isnt a light one either
if he were to wake up in the middle of the night he’d definitely fix your bonnet or durag if it fell off
morning kissies!
one way he loves waking up is kisses all over his face
especially kissing on his eyelids
it makes him wake up with a big ol smile
“morning beloved.”
ahem anyways
“morning pikapika.”
he used to hate that nickname
now? baby LOVES it bc it’s just for him
the lohl giving him a nickname just for him makes butterflies in his stomach go crazy
he can practically feel the love oozing from your eyes
the way he wakes you up?
if he’s feeling a lil goofy or silly he’ll lay ontop of you and blow kisses into your neck
if he’s still tired he’ll cup your face and gently call your name
yall cook together
if you cant cook he will respectfully say take your goofy ass out of the kitchen
if you can? show him how to season your food correctly. rmb how he made that pig look pretty asf but merchi basically said it taste like shit?
not on your watch
he’ll take mental notes as you teach him the ways of goya and sazon
sometimes he’ll just gently take over
not bc he thinks you cant do it right but bc he likes to provide for others
you just gotta lightly slap his hands away like bby i got this its okay
and he’ll understand
kisses with him are very soft but passionate?
like he isnt gonna eat your lips but he will hold you close and make sure you know how much he loves you
he’ll definitely twirl your curls around his finger
you of course gave him your permission when you started dating
he will always have one arm around your waist and one hand behind your neck
doesnt matter if you’re taller
he will 100% get on his tiptoes and do it
or make you sit down
he doesnt CARE if he has to step on a stepladder he’ll do it
he said run me my kisses NEOW
i would definitely say he’s a passionate lover and would throw hands with ANYONE if they make any snarky comments about your skin
“my s/o’s skin is beautiful mind your business and take yourself somewhere else before i do it for you”
you would throw hands for him too
anyone says anything about him being a girl?
its over
there was a time where someone called him a girl who was confused and you went off and got into a fight
you won by a landside
kurapika was like 😟😦😳🥺
bc you really fought for his honor
but he had to pull you away before you damn near put this person in the hospital
“honey thank you but it was okay. it didnt bother me.”
“no but it bothered me! nobody can just talk about someone i love like that.”
he went 🥺🥺🥺
he definitely kissed the FUCK outta you when yall got home
yall hands were rated e for everyone!
a ride or die couple
yall are in love love
maybe he’s looking for a ring and kurta wedding earrings
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