#maybe they will develop her outside of her friends and then she'll be more interesting
mythicalartistx · 1 year
KH2 Kairi is actually decent
I wish they do more with Kairi. For the little she's in, she seems like a cool character. I really appreciated and liked her in KH2. That's when I felt she had the most part in things.
I felt that she actually does things herself and takes part in the ending battle.
When Sora was surrounded by Heartless and it's way too much, Kairi jumps down and starts fighting with him with her keyblade.
When she was being chased by Axel for leverage, (that way Sora would go to her and Axel would perhaps turn Sora into a heartless, so he could see Roxas) Kairi gave him a chase for awhile.
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She managed to outrun him for awhile and even went into a dark portal to get away. Axel himself remarked that not many would do that. Of course she did get caught but still I feel like that's pretty good.
Then she was trying to escape on her own too when she found Riku. That's when he gave her a keyblade to use.
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Before Sora realized who Riku was, Riku was acting shy and didn't want to see him while looking like Ansem (SOD) along with the fact he kinda caused bad things to happen.
Riku wanted to leave and he kept pretending he was just a figure from the darkness. This is the moment where Kairi grabs Riku's arm and is like Riku don't go. There she is like, why is he acting like this, being shy and embarrassed.
She probably is thinking, why is he acting like this, we're all finally together again. Sora is surprised, but she pulls them together so everyone could realize it's their friend.
In the manga, she mentions this:
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"Geez, when's you get to be like this?"
She obviously didn't know what happened to him or that Sora had his memories reformed and everyone almost forgot him and Riku had to deal with saving him and hurting Roxas (Riku is shown to feel compassion and remorse towards nobodies), along with the fact on the darkness he used and what he caused in the first game.
However, she gets him to stay and she tells Sora who he is. I felt like that was really big for her to try to reconnect her friends again.
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That's the only time I'd probably say I like that she was able to connect all of their friendships again.
Honestly, I feel like she should try to be her own person outside her friends too because while the three of them are all friends, she ends up being pushed aside a lot. There she wasn't.
She was able to fight and defend Riku's back. Kairi was able to hold her own ground. But after KH2, it's not the same especially in KH3 which is her next role (DDD ending doesn't count nor does BBS)
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In KH3, she could have come in the game much sooner. I feel like the training part was kind of something she shouldn't have done. I mean yeah she needs training, but couldn't they have her do that when Riku and Sora were in Dream Worlds?
Why couldn't they decide to train her then? Is it because the stakes were high when they realized Xehanort had gathered a new organization for his vessels?
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I feel like they could have gotten her a lot sooner. Maybe even not train as long in the game? Remember at the end of DDD Sora goes to see the dream eaters and is there for a while, maybe during that time she could have and once Sora is done with seeing Hercules, Kairi could have helped Ienzo and the others with reviving Namine.
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She could have helped some other way like how Riku and Mickey was searching for Aqua.
Sora was traveling to get stronger and gain the ability of waking.
Ienzo and the ex organization members were studying things to help Roxas and figure out what the enemy is trying to plan.
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Kairi could have helped them or even helped with Namine return instead.
But she just gets pushed to the side. While her conversation with Lea is fine and shows that he is sorry for what he has done and sees Xion in her, that could have been in that beginning and only then. Why does she have to train for that long?
I feel like actually going to worlds and helping is better.
Then in the battle at the end she is absolutely kind of useless. Like she isn't holding up as much in KH2, of course there will be stronger people but I don't know... I feel like she could have kept going and trying. Then she gets taken by Xemnas, until Xehanort destroys her.
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Thus she becomes a damsel in distress and a plot device again. Sora saves her and then he is launched off to the Quadratum.
And her being a plot device is one of the exact reasons I think she should be her own person outside of her friends, Riku and Sora.
She could do so much more as a character without them because the story is about Sora and Riku among other things. They are the main focus, they are in every game (besides mobiles since those are in the past) and are even focused more on in birth by sleep— a game where they aren't the main characters. They have greater screen time than her. It's still little, but it's more.
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Hopefully since in MoM she is going to train under Aqua, it will show some interesting development of a character for her.
She's only in the main numbered games really, and it seems she might not be in the next installment. However, I really hope we get more on her or more of a story relating to her. Because her backstory has potential, her character has potential. It's just not used enough.
Even in parts of the novel and manga that I've seen, she seems almost better there. It's probably because she's not the focus.
But hopefully in the future she will be more
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rosenclaws · 7 days
Hi again lol 👋
Here's the leopold idea I had:
The reader is a shy baker who lives next door to Stuart. Her and Stuart are friends, and sometimes she'll bring meals/baked goods over to make sure he's eating (she's soft like that). She also has a cat, Appa, who likes to visit Stuart. When Stuart takes Leo home, they get introduced to each other due to her cat coming over and finding Leo instead.
Leo and the reader build a friendship, and she introduces him to all the different cuisines/baked goods the 21st century has to offer. Over time, they start to develop feelings for each other but won't say anything to the other because they don't think the other likes them in that way. Stuart, our awkward wing man, informs Leo that the reader definitely likes them due to how much time they spent with them and may have overheard a conversation that the reader has with a friend about him.
They admit their feelings in a fluffy way and throw in a kiss and maybe like a timeskip into the future where they're married, and they're telling their kids how they met and all that fluffy goodness.
I'll leave the ending up to you. I was running out of creative juice on how to end it, lol.
Made With Love || Leopold Mountbatten x Reader
warnings: fem!reader, fluff, a little messing with the Kate & Leopold canon, me making shit up about Leopolds past, leopold is a girl dad
a/n: I love this request and it actually ended up being longer than I thought haha. I have also crafted this total backstory to Leopold's childhood and parents in my head so now that's gonna be a running theme in my leo fics i think. Anyways I hope you like it!! Also i made some little divider in canva in like 3 seconds im sorry its not very original sdfalkj
wc: 2.9k
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The sun shines through your balcony windows as another day begins, well for you the day had began at 4am. Preparing dough for the large order of baked goods you had to deliver today. It's a very small business, one that you run from your apartment but you love it.
"Good morning Appa, finally decided to wake up huh?" You wipe your hands on your apron and scratch his head softly. He stretches happily before heading towards the window. Appa is a very spoiled cat so you have no worries of him running off. He often travels to your neighbors, seeing if they're free to give him even more attention.
"Okay pretty simple order today." You check your list over before giving yourself a little time to rest.
A loud yowl makes you jump as you hurry towards the window. That's definitely Appa and you've never heard him make a sound like that. Peeking out the window you see him standing outside of Stuarts window, back arched and ears flat as he hisses.
"Appa what has gotten into you!" You climb over and pick him up.
"Sorry Stuart I have no..." When you look into the window it's not Stuart you see. A strange man is on the couch looking disheveled and confused and wearing really strange clothing.
"You're not Stuart." You hold your cat closer, debating if you should run and call the cops or not.
"I'm afraid not, he'll be back in just a moment." You slowly inch back towards your apartment.
"Um, okay. Who are you? Exactly?"
"Leopold. Do you know the man that lives here?" He gets up and walks towards you making you take a step back. Appa jumps out of your arms and scampers back to your apartment. The door opens and you spot Stuart and Bart.
"Stuart! What the hell did you do!?" You shout. Leopold stops in his tracks when he notices the nervousness in your voice.
"Dammit!" Stuart hurries over to the window.
"Now is not a good time, I'll explain later." He abruptly slams the window in your face.
You slam your fist against the window but the blinds go down, locking you out. You knew Stuart has had some, interesting ideas before. He's shown you but you never believed they could actually do anything. Just a work of science fiction.
Climbing back into your apartment you check on your baked goods. Taking a few sheets of cookies out of the oven you decide to grab a few and put them on a plate. Stuart could never resist your homemade chocolate chip cookies.
"Stuart! Let me in! I have cookies." You hear shuffling behind the door before it swings open.
"Not fair." He opens the door to let you in and you smile happily.
"So, who is he?" Stuart explains as much as he can. That he traveled back in time to 1876 and accidently brought back his great great great grandfather Leopold and now he has to get him back or else he'll disappear.
"You're kidding right? This is some elaborate prank?" Stuart shakes his head as he takes a bit of a cookie.
"I swear on my life." Your eyes drift to Leopold who was currently looking through some magazine.
A look of utter bewilderment on his face. He throws the magazine down and lets his head fall into his hands. To him this must be a nightmare. Not that you fully believed Stuart but you were willing to entertain the idea. You take the plate of cookies and place them in front of him.
"You want one?" He lifts his head to see you standing there. You actually start to feel bad. He looked stressed, upset, and genuinely lost.
"What is this?" He reaches out and turns it around in his hands.
"Have you never seen a chocolate chip cookie?" You ask with a laugh, though it quickly dies down as you realize he hasn't.
"Try it, it's good." He hesitates but takes a bite.
"This is marvelous. Did you make these?" He stands up abruptly, startling you just a bit.
"Yeah, have you really never had this before?' You ask in disbelief. Leopold finishes the cookie quickly, savoring every bite as the flavor takes over his taste buds.
"Never, I've had shortbread before but never something this rich and delicious." He compliments. You're slightly taken back, yes people like your baked goods but they aren't usually this forward about it. Or this charming
"Oh it's nothing, I make these all the time."
"Nonsense, the work of a baker is like art. Crafting such succulent breads and goods with your own hands is no easy task." The way he speaks is enchanting, maybe it's the accent but you've never met a man so well spoken before. Maybe he really was from the past.
"I can show you how I make them, if you want." You offer.
"It would be my honor."
“Hey wait a second,” Stuart interrupts.
“You said the next chance to get him home is Monday right? Well thats a week away so we have time. Bye Stuart!” You grab Leopold’s wrist and take him back to your apartment. He’s met with the smell of fresh bread as he steps foot into your place. It’s comforting, reminds him of his childhood.
“I have a couple orders that are getting picked up today, so can you help me roll out some dough?” You don’t hesitate to put him to work as you prepare the pie filling for your order. Leopold takes off his coat and rolls up his sleeves. You hand him five separate balls of dough for the five pies.
“You mentioned orders, do you run a bakery?” He questions as he watches you weigh ingredients.
“Not quite, I wouldn’t really call this a bakery. More of a small business.”
“A businesswoman?” You raise an eyebrow and stop mixing.
“What? Hard to believe?” You tease.
“Not at all. I find it very fitting.” You hum in response, finishing up the filling for the order. You turn on some music to fill the air and time goes by quickly. Leopold is a great help, the pies getting into the oven ahead of schedule.
"Now we wait." You say with a sigh as you stretch your arms above your head.
Appa jumps onto the counter and rubs his head against your side. He stares at Leopold for a moment before cautiously sniffing his hand. Leopold reaches and pets Appa's head, scratching his chin and smiling when Appa starts to purr happily.
"So, tell me Leopold, how did you get here from the past?" He sighs and leans against the counter.
"I haven't the faintest idea. One moment I'm about to announce my engagement and the next I'm falling off a bridge and waking up here." He looks around, staring out the window to look at what is supposedly New York.
"Engagement?" You say shocked, I mean he's a good looking guy so it's not too shocking but that's quite the information to dump. His face shifts to a look of annoyance.
"My uncle had decided that it was time to get married. We were running out of money and marrying a wealthy American was..."
"A means to an end?" You finish for him.
He nods, he smiles but there's sadness in his eyes. You couldn't imagine what it must be like for him. Having to marry for money instead of real love. Without think you start to play with your necklace.
"That's a beautiful necklace. May I?" He reaches out but waits for your okay. You nod silently and he gently holds the stone in his hands.
"It was my grandmothers, real diamond so she claimed." You joke, real diamond or not it belonged to her and you loved it.
"My mother had a ring like this. A beautiful ruby at the center." He gently places it back down against your skin. You suddenly become incredibly aware of how close he is. Your timer rings out through the apartment making you take a step back. You clear your throat and move to check on your pies.
"Tell me more, about your life before you came here." You ask, wanting to know everything about this man. He's like a magnet that you can't help but move towards.
"It's a long story." He says gently. You glance at the clock and shrug your shoulders.
"We've got time."
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The week passes by too fast. Way too fast. Leopold was over almost every day. Helping you with your orders and telling you wonderful stories.
He was a natural in the kitchen with you. For that he gave credit to his mother. His mother wasn't born royal, working in an orchard for her family. She was a wonderful cook according to Leopold. His father was the one with royal blood, like Leopold he was meant to marry for power, for status but he didn't. He fell in love with Leopold's mother, love at first sight. Soulmates that were destined to be together. Their love story is what made love so hard for Leopold. Love is a leap, that's what he said. Yet there has been no one worth jumping for.
You understood, there hasn't been anyone like that for you either. Well, not until Leopold showed up. You used to scoff at the idea of love. It feels impossible to find love these days, no matter what you tried there never was this spark. So you stopped caring for now, focusing on your business instead.
Then Leopold fell into your life and ruined it all. You want to tell him, to kiss him, to save him from a loveless marriage but the deadline looms over you like a cloud and the fact that he's told you he's never been in love suppress any real chance of you saying something. So you decide to enjoy your time with him now, hoping its enough to last you a life time.
Sunday night comes too quickly. He has to leave tomorrow. Leopold stares out at the city he's gotten to know. The lights are on in your apartment but he can't bring himself to go over. He has to say goodbye but he doesn't know how. He hears the window open behind him.
"She's home. I can hear her through the walls." Stuart nudges Leopold's shoulder. He glances over but stays put.
"I...If go now, I don't think I would leave. I love her." He looks down at his hands.
"She loves you too. I know it. I've never seen her light up around someone like she does with you." Stuart rests a hand on his shoulder in an attempt at comfort him.
"I'm sorry, I wish things were different." The light in your apartment goes out and he feels his heart clench.
It's too late. He sighs and heads back inside, laying on Stuarts couch as he stares at the celling. At least he's gotten the chance to know what love is.
Even if it's a fleeting moment, he knows.
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You knock on the door, a plate of fresh cookies in your hand. You want Leopold to have them one last time. You wait and wait but no one comes.
A pit forms in your stomach as you leave the cookies at the doorstep. You hurry through your apartment to the window. Your heart stops as you see a letter with your name on it sitting on your window sill.
Hello my love,
I apologize for not seeing you in person before I have to leave. The truth is I am a coward. I knew that if I had said goodbye, if I had seen your face that I would not have had the strength to leave. Though I return to my time, I must tell you that my heart is yours. It will always be yours. I love you.
Yours truly,
You wipe the tears that are forming in your eyes with the back of your hand. He can't be gone. He can't just leave like that. You love him. You love him so much. You fold the letter and tuck it in your back pocket.
"Appa!" You grab your cat and run out the door.
This is stupid, this is so stupid. You race down the street towards the Brooklyn bridge as fast as your legs could carry you. Appa clings to your shoulder as you weave through the people.
"Stuart!" You shout as you spot him across the street. He looks at you confused as you run through traffic, dodging cars to get to him.
"Is he gone? Is it too late?" You ask desperately.
"I...what?" Stuart asks in disbelief.
"Is it too late to go back?" Are you really going to do this? Go back in time to be with him? This is crazy, absolutely crazy. But Leopold told you that love was a leap and for once you want to jump.
"Are you sure about this?" Stuart asks as you both race towards the bridge.
"Yes, for once in my life I am sure." You stop on the edge of the bridge.
"I just have to jump right?" You hold Appa tightly as you peer over the side.
"Don't look down, it's going to be okay." You take one last look back.
"Thank you Stuart, Thank you." You give him a hug before take a deep breath and jumping off the side.
You feel the wind rushing past your face, you're falling and falling. Until you're not. Everything seems to stop. As you open your eyes you see cobblestone streets and people dressed in old clothing.
"We made it!" You look around for any sign of where to find Leopold.
Racing down the streets towards his home, he told you about it once. Pointed it out, he was shocked it was still there. You sneak your way past some people dressed in fancy clothes. Head's turning your direction as you stick out amongst the crowd. Your breath stops as you see him steps above the crowd.
"Sorry, excuse me." You push past a crowd of people to get his attention.
"Leopold!" His eyes dart around the room, searching for your voice. Perhaps it's a trick of the mind.
"Leo!" You push to the front, not caring that everyone is staring at you.
You're here, you found him. A look of pure shock on his face as he steps down. For a moment he doesn't think you're real. How could you be? You set Appa down and walk towards him.
"How could you leave me without saying goodbye?" You take the letter and shove it against his chest. He stands there, still stunned by your presence.
"I love you Leopold, I love you." He leans in and kisses you passionately.
One hand cupping your head and the other resting at your waist as he pulls you as close as he can get you. Your arms wrap around his neck, his nose brushes against your cheek.
"I love you." He says breathlessly. Without hesitating he gets down on one knee, taking his mothers ring from his pocket.
"Will you marry me?" You don't wait a second before saying yes. He slips the ring on and pulls you into another kiss. Nothing else mattered as you held Leopold in your arms.
You were home.
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"Tell it again!" Your oldest daughter pleads. She puts on her best puppy dog eyes. You laugh and brush the hair out of her face.
"Yes please!" The younger one joins in the begging.
"You've already heard it a million times." You say but they don't care.
"But it's such a good story. You're like a princess!"
"Actually, she's a duchess." Leopold says as he walks through the door. Your girls jump from your lap straight into Leopold's arms.
"How are my darling girls today?" They start to babble on about their day and you watch happily. Appa sits on the window sill, lazily sleeping in the sun.
"Alright go wash up for dinner." He gently sets them down and watches as they go running. You stand up and kiss him gently.
"How was the bakery today?" You ask as Leopold wraps you in a warm hug. He smells like bread.
"Busy as usual." When you got married it's safe to say his uncle was not amused.
So the two of you left and much to Leopold's dismay you sold your necklace. He tried to get you to keep it but you were set on it. With the money you opened up a small bakery. You tried not to mess too much with the past but somethings slipped through as your bakery became the biggest hit in New York. Now you live a nice life. Two kids and a loving husband. What more could you ask for?
"The girls say we're soulmates," You hum happily. Leopold kisses you again, and again, and once more for good measure.
"We are my love,"
"Through space and time." You add.
Looking back maybe it was crazy that you left everything behind so quickly. To leave everything you knew to be with him. But you loved him. It felt like there was this string pulling the two of you closer and closer, through all of time. You built a life with him. There's no regrets, no worries. Just Leopold.
He was yours and nothing else mattered.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
Could I request a yandere arkhamverse catwoman concept? -🎂
Yes! Catwoman could be fun to write ^^ I used the Arkham wiki for her personality and appearance but this could probably go for any Catwoman. Takes place during no specific game.
Yandere! Arkham!Catwoman (Selina Kyle) Concept
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Flirtatious behavior, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Blood, Protective/Possessive, Violence, Forced relationship.
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Selina seems like she could be an interesting but docile yandere.
I say this as compared to most DC yanderes originating in Gotham she isn't really violent.
She is neither villain or hero and goes her own path.
While most would kill to keep their darling to themselves, Selina does not.
As a whole she avoids fatal force, stating she isn't psychopathic.
She steals things, that's how she's survived in this world.
She doesn't need murder to do it.
Like the Harley concept you requested I'm going to explore her going from platonic to romantic.
Selina isn't that bad of an ally when she decides to help.
Maybe how you meet is you're someone who helps Batman.
As in, maybe you're part of the Bat family in someway or just an ally.
Not necessarily as a hero, you could be a detective or something similar.
That way you and Selina would have crossed paths multiple times.
You are aware of the history Batman has with Catwoman.
Despite her being a criminal she can be helpful as a spy.
As a result your communication with each other may be sharing information to aid Batman.
Selina is a naturally flirtatious yandere.
As a platonic she could be teasing but would hold her flirting off for Batman.
Selina seems like she'd be okay as a friend with you.
Things between you primarily starts with exchanging information or small chats.
At first you're hesitant to converse with her.
Yet she eases your worries with her charm.
She'll be well behaved when you speak, she promises.
Your friendship with each other is strictly business related for awhile.
Nothing forced, it's mutual, especially when you two start to speak more outside of business.
Soon you two start to interact away from Batman.
You try not to let Batman know that you've become friends with the burglar.
Honestly, a friendship with Selina seems relatively normal.
She has a tendency to show up at strange times to speak with you as friends.
You could say she's stalking you... she is but she'd never tell you.
Selina is someone who plays her cards right.
She doesn't mind taking risks when it comes to you, like how it's a risk to hunt you down after a robbery.
Especially if you are an ally of Batman.
She picks her words around you and is manipulative at times.
As a friend she'll be simply looking out for you.
When she has time after one of her clients she'll hunt down your location and just watch.
If she feels up to it she prepares a conversation and meets up with you.
She's mostly the type to watch over you and doesn't drag you into many things.
She tries to respect your personal life and give you privacy.
But if you're out and about then... surely you won't mind if your friend follows, yeah?
You won't notice her anyways.
It's when she develops the more romantic type of feelings that she can become more intense.
Selina would be an intense romantic yandere.
Her friendly teasing over time becomes playful flirting.
You try to tell her to knock it off but she doesn't entirely want to listen.
She's stubborn.
Her occasional feelings of wanting to jump in to help you turns into something more sadistic.
Now she feels like getting her claws bloody for those who try to take what she feels is hers.
Speaking of taking what's hers, Selina would be on the more possessive side as a romantic yandere.
Cats can get rather territorial, no?
Plus, maybe she's even had eyes on you since you two became friends.
The perfect jewel for her collection...
She just loves jewels.
If someone threatened you she'd step in regardless of how she feels.
Sometimes you have to get your claws dirty... but she'd never kill them.
Batman can do whatever he wishes with them, she's done what she wants with them.
While Selina isn't the most violent Gotham yandere, she'd certainly kidnap you.
She's a thief who takes what she wants.
You happen to be someone she wants once she realizes she loves you.
She stalks you from the darkness for a long time before pouncing.
She apologizes for betraying her trust but hopefully you forgive her reasoning.
Even if you didn't, she doesn't care.
Once she has you she's flirty yet caring.
She confesses the reason she hid you away was because she loves you.
She isn't sure why she didn't see it before.
She'll keep you in a room lined with her favorite pieces.
You look perfect in the middle on that bed she's picked.
She'll even steal you a few gifts to give you.
Her little treat to you....
She even admits she's been jealous of the people you're around at times.
She wishes she made them blind with her claws.
Essentially, once she has you she confesses what she's been doing since she's known you.
She should've done this sooner.
It's thanks to her you're safe and thanks to her that you were able to help Batman.
She feels there should be... compensation?
She didn't really wish to resort to manipulation and kidnapping...
But the cat knows what she wants when she sees it.
You're the best prize she's stolen yet.
"Oh, baby, don't give me such a look. You've skillfully stolen my heart, it's only fair I get to have you in return, isn't it?"
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tsunflowers · 5 months
list of which precures I think are lesbians
nagisa: we see her suffering from terrible comphet. one day she will see herself as bi honoka: lesbian hikari: I don't know her :(
saki: doesn't know she's bi yet. probably will swing more towards girls once she figures out mai: lesbian michiru: I think she would go on a date with a boy to gather intel and feel nothing but if she went on a date with a girl she would feel something kaoru: I can't imagine her crushing on anyone but maybe that'll change
I feel like I still don't know the yespre girls well enough but I do think karen and milk are both lesbians
love: bi but completely oblivious to romantic overtures from any gender miki: I could see her dating another girl one time but she's mostly straight inori: ally setsuna: lesbian
tsubomi: probably bi or lesbian but the idea of romance in real life is still kinda scary erika: girl who calls her friends her girlfriends and it makes tsubomi uncomfortable for reasons she doesn't understand yet itsuki: bi but around the end of the series and immediately after she'll explore her interest in boys more bc she never thought she could express that before yuri: lesbian
hibiki: lesbian bc if she dated a boy she'd be letting us girls down kanade: bi ellen: I just can't imagine ellen having a crush on anyone bc it's been so long since I watched the show ako: still too young to be interested and also the examples of romance she's seen are hibikana and whatever her parents have going on so she's sort of down on the whole concept
miyuki: well her crush is peter pan. I think she's not interested in romance in real life. maybe she will be someday, maybe not akane: I remember shipping her with nao but somehow it's funny to me to say she's straight. she did have a crush on brian yayoi: like miyuki she's more interested in fictional romance. if she dated someone she would expect it to be like in anime nao: bi. she's like makoto sailor jupiter where she thinks boys dont like her bc she's too tall so she has to date girls reika: lesbian
mana: canonically straight rikka: canonically into mana. lesbian alice: I think she's still working on developing her own self-image outside the expectations of her family, who would certainly want her to marry a man makopi: disease where instead of brain you have princess marie-ange. lesbian aguri: still at the age where she thinks romance is something that happens in a movie where a prince rides in on a white horse
megumi, hime, yuuko, iona: bi
haruka: lesbian minami: lesbian kirara: bi towa: bi
mirai and riko: lesbian kotoha: I don't see her ever being interested in romance due to her whole thing
ichika: bi himari, aoi, yukari, akira, ciel: lesbian ciel flirts with guys but it's like when a gay man jokingly flirts with a woman. no real interest
hana: I don't have a strong feeling for her. wait she was into homare that one time. bi saaya: I don't have a strong feeling for her either homare: I think homare's straight actually emiru: lesbian lulu: no interest in boys, ever. lesbian
hikaru, lala, elena, madoka, yuni: lesbian I don't know if they have lesbians on lala's planet though
nodoka: I think for most of her life she was like "romance is something that happens to other people" so she hasn't spent time figuring it out yet chiyu: bi hinata: bi asumi: doesn't have those feelings which is good bc can you imagine asumi trying to date
manatsu, sango, minori, asuka, laura: lesbian
yui: bi but oblivious, like love kokone: lesbian ran: bi amane: lesbian
sora: lesbian. replace every time she says hero with lesbian mashiro: she definitely thinks she likes boys but I'm not sure if she does tsubasa: his curse is that if he hangs out with anyone his own age ageha will keep elbowing him and raising her eyebrows and he has to be like "it's not like that!!" so he doesn't know what it is like yet ageha: I feel like she does kind of have straight girl who calls her friends girlfriend energy elle: I dont know what to say about elle due to her situation
komugi: lesbian in dog years iroha: I think bi but hasn't explored it at all bc she's told herself it's not important yuki: lesbian cat mayu: lesbian human
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lady-nuggetz · 16 days
Choco Valentine Cookie [OC Infodumping🤎💕]
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Noticed that my recent art of Choco Valentine Cookie has gotten some bits of attention here and there, so I wanted to create a quick post about her to inform! I intend to maybe draw her more cause I'm getting back into CRK [it's been like a year] so why not blabber a bit and share a couple drawings? 💕
[Mind that Choco Valentine is an oc x canon character as well, if you're not a fan of that, move along~! 💕🩷]
Now let's get started:
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Toy house Profile [For bonus art and info]
Who is she??!? Well she's my cookie run oc! I made her back in 2021 and recently brought her back as I started fixating!
She's the princess of the Valentine Kingdom, a totally canon Cookie Kingdom known for being a military superpower and not being seen very fondly by other kingdoms. They're unwelcome to outsiders and very prideful of their ability to wipe armies and towns to the ground!!
Choco Val is beloved by the people of her kingdom! They see her as a charming and cutesy princess who will do anything to keep her people safe! And she certainly is! Though to those who oppose her, she can be cruel, cunning, and completely heartless. You can only pray that she'll be merciful to you if you dare cross her. She knows how to play up an act well and is unafraid to use both her charms and her power to get what she wants. Her ultimate goal is to rule all of earthbread with an iron fist so all may recognize her beauty!
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She lugs around a massive pink mace made of delicious chocolate that acts as a heirloom to her family, titled the Mace of Confectionaries, which she personally modified to turn into a parasol to carry around much easier. Being the princess of such a fierce kingdom, she trains herself to battle against anyone who stands in her way and can be considered a threat if provoked. And underneath her pink eyepatch is an eye made completely made up of chocolate mousse. She was born with it, as it's a condition that many of her ancestors have had prior to her.
The singular friend Choco Val has is her bonbon puppy, Boxxy. She's had her since she was a young cookie and never leaves without her by her side.
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Choco Val at some point later on joins the Cookies of Darkness as she agrees to aid Dark Enchantress cookie with her conquest of Earthbread, making her a deal that as long as the Valentine Kingdom is spared, she'll offer her kingdom's military aid. She works alongside her and the other cookies of darkness, though Choco Val has intention to hopefully betray Dark Enchantress and rob her of her power. She doesn't get along with many of the other cookies, though she's close with Affogato and Red Velvet.
Affogato as she takes a liking to his manipulative behavior and overall flamboyant attitude, the two often spending time together when they have the time to talk shit and share dreams of conquest. Red Velvet she finds rather attractive and interesting, seeing as he's half cake and cookie. He was assigned to protect Choco Val and work alongside her as a personal knight by Dark Enchantress. Choco Val often loves to tease Red Velvet and poke fun at him, referring to him as a puppy and a dog in a loving, yet playful manner. Though she may appear to see him as nothing more than a toy, she has a deep fondness for him and won't hesitate to fight alongside him to keep each other safe. She's unfamiliar with feeling genuine love for someone, but she cherishes every moment with him, wether it be battling against opposing forces or simply taking Boxxy and Chiffon on walks through the forest :3
That's all I have to add for now in terms of lore!!! I'm absolutely hoping to develop her more cause AUUUGGHH I LOVE WRITING!!!
Runs away to go snort KitKats I'm embarassed!!!
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leoneliterary · 8 months
so excited to learn more about sarai! she seemed super low-key pissed abt our "family name", and am so ready to see more of her! other than romance, what other relationship dynamics can you develop with her? being a good friend (or an enemy) with the queen seems a really interesting playthrough!
I'm glad you like her!!
And you'll still be able to interact with her outside of a romance. Without getting into spoiler territory, you're right about being able to become her close friend or her enemy. She might also become something more neutral, like a wary ally. Or maybe she'll despise you but tolerate you. It depends on your choices!
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deva-arts · 3 months
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Human Vince and Sera are not on the best terms, but at least they talk to each other!
They're waiting for the others so they can take the train.
Some human au lore under the cut! it's kind of disjointed ahah
Just raising Vincent in a 'normal' environment outside a lab would change the outcome of his character a LOT.... But some parallels still stand!
He's always been a very performative and willful person (even as a kid! He's lived for the spotlight just to prove he can shine in it), so I imagine he'd still have that spitfire in him... But directed towards means and goals that aren't as destructive to himself and others.
He was the type that was categorized as the gifted child, but his talents were never really given much space to develop since Sera's birth took the forefront of their parent's priorities in an already failing marriage. He felt neglected and even replaced in many ways, trying and failing to get their attention and recognition... And suffering academically because of it, which created more rifts. He dealt with his frustrations using physical means- exercise, running off without knowing where, and spending the day roaming and doing dumb tricks with his friends. "Ooh, this makes people pay attention to me? they're looking for me? I should keep doing this!"
Vincent is a bit directionless, getting in trouble with his parents, his school, the law... Until eventually he realizes his shithead hobbies (parkour, stupid dares, sports and street racing) could get him somewhere. He becomes quite successful in this field! but he never seems to get his family's approval... Nothing he does is perfect in their eyes. Is he just a bug to them? He gets kicked out after going to jail for reckless endangerment.
Vincent and Sera grow to be somewhat estranged; Sera thinks that he hates her for being the 'perfect child', and he thinks that she looks down on him for his rockier go at life. "She doesn't know how hard I had it. She'll never understand." His jealousy certainly doesn't inspire any bonds, even though he knows it's not really about her as a person. Their idea of the other was never dispelled with an earnest conversation, and so it continued to build until... They felt it was their reality.
Sera is the quiet, good child. She doesn't bicker, does her tasks well, and their parents even go so far as to say they learned from their mistakes with Vincent. However, she's always swallowing her feelings, and never feels secure when moving outside the lines set for her. Vincent never understood Sera's plight with always having their parent's 'approval', and so she never brings it up. If anything, he was the bad example. She somewhat envies his freedom, and resents it all the same. "Maybe if he tried harder I wouldn't have to pick up after him. "
She grows up quite alone, with few friends if any. She's always in new clubs and practices and study groups, out by six and back by nine. Sure, it's great to train your child to be multi-talented, but the pressure placed on her leads to whittling herself down into a utilitarian shell to meet her family's expectations, and she loses interest in the things that made her happy. She doesn't have time for herself anymore, nor does she make any. She has work to do, things to attend. What's the point of anything?
Sera leaves home early after a very, very low point in her life and goes to juvenile bootcamp with her highschool friend, Eric, in search of some sort of release from her life, where she'd eventually continue on until entering the Airforce under Monica Herrera's mentorship. There, she eventually meets Nathaniel.
Vincent wanders around the country a lot, likely working in fields that give him the sweet thrills he seeks without staying in one place too long. Good way or bad way, he learns regardless, like a renaissance man of risk taking. Stuntman gigs, extreme sports, racing, and competitions would be his bread and butter. It brings in the dough. And the dopamine. When things slow down, he often leaves to try the next thing and see where it takes him. His unabashed nature opens both doors and windows, while also closing many others. Maybe monotony just scares him.
It's only years later, when Sera and Vince reach a more stable time in their lives and careers, that they reluctantly see eye-to-eye.
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foibles-fables · 1 year
okay…I have to know what you think of Seyka? Any other thoughts?
Man, nonny, I...really hope I like her! I'm curious to see how they are going to differentiate her from Aloy's other (both in general and...One Very Specifically, lol) allies.
I was chatting it out with some folks--and I think it could be really compelling if she's a fierce and confident fighter, but quick to frustration, prone to overcompensation, maybe downright pessimistic at times? She looks pretty petulant at times in the trailer. Maybe this is her flaw and her room for growth throughout the plot of the DLC.
@finrays and I were tossing around the idea of her being a lower-level but ambitious grunt in the Quen marines, always passed over for rank promotions due to nepotism, etc. Has a chip on her shoulder because of it. This would set up some interesting initial friction with Aloy, who is...from a frustrated outsider's POV, especially an outsider who is versed in the Ancestors, the very definition of nepotism, lmao. "How could you know how this feels? You've always been important."
This could also set up an interesting potential for betrayal?? If either the or a big baddie is a higher-level Quen military person, they could ask Seyka to quit Aloy's meddling and she'll be rewarded with what she's always wanted--to rank up, to be Important. And hey, maybe she does betray Aloy. Maybe she betrays Aloy only to realize her mistake and then sacrifice herself to keep her alive. Maybe she says "screw you" to the baddie and sticks with Aloy.
In any case, definitely could be a cool dynamic. Aloy has never really been betrayed before in earnest, IMO. Tilda's scheme doesn't really count, and Sylens...sure, maybe with the lance, but I don't think Aloy has ever trusted him like she might trust Seyka eventually. That would be a nifty little twist.
Ooh, and yeah, maybe she takes that Focus from a Diviner friend (dead or alive).
And then there's the big question that everyone's been riled up about: Seyka as a love interest. I have--admittedly and predictably--many, many thoughts about this, most of them incoherent, I'll try to get some of them out. There are inclinations to suggest that maybe the DLC will lean in that direction? But they're all very, very vague. IMO--and I say this as a proponent of including romance in the series--I think it would be quite a....Very Choice, to enter Aloy into a deal-sealed canon romantic relationship with a character introduced in a console-specific DLC before the third game of the planned trilogy. What would work better, though, IMO? A couple options.
What we've always had. Meaningful glances/loaded gestures/everything we've seen for other fan favorites so far in ZD and FW. It'll seem more powerful in BS because the main-character base will be limited. But in comparison, it'll be similar to what we've been used to analyzing for years.
Aloy does develop an explicit crush on Seyka, but Seyka (probably very kindly!) rejects her? Which, like, POOR ALOY, but also an interesting character moment for her, I think.
Same as above, but the aforementioned betrayal/death deal gets in the way.
So like, am I calling her a stepping stone?? Maybe!! Who knows! Like I said, having a defined and sealed-deal thing moving into the final(?) would definitely be a storytelling risk, IMO. I feel like something so huge, character-wise, should be mainline story material.
I hope this was an at least half-coherent answer! My thoughts are very scattered as drop day approaches.
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nakuuro1994 · 2 months
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So essentially “Superman’s Nanny: Louisa Long” is a rather random DC Comics AU story that centers around a normally unremarkable & somewhat odd 32-year old Chinese American woman whose currently living in Metropolis (but was actually born & raised in Hong Kong) as she soon gets a rather strange job opportunity to become the “official” babysitter to Superman’s infant son Jonathan Kent after a particularly embarrassing first meeting with the two of them (mainly involving a particularly precious & precocious baby Jon Kent using his own X-Ray vision for the first time to see her hot pink panties) while on her way to a potential job interview around downtown Metropolis one fateful morning as super-heroic hilarity ensues!! Not to mention that Louisa herself was given some specialized “1 Hour Kryptonian Vitamins” by Superman himself in order for her to best handle Superman’s own baby son Jon Kent as his own personal stay-in nanny with some much-needed superpowers of her own!!
Plus, I could definitely see this particular character becoming a rather interesting new addition to the Superman Family as she’s now tasked with both raising & protecting a baby Jon Kent as she slowly grows more involved with the superhero community of the DC Universe through her connections with the Superman Family themselves.
~ (Fun Fact: Louisa Long’s own personal superhero costume is essentially just a XXXL Superman jersey & some hyper elastic sports panties that’s a skimpier updated version of Superman’s New 52 costume)
So overall, I was just thinking that Louisa Long’s massive physique is constantly growing & expanding with every dose of her Kryptonian Vitamins, so it only makes logical sense that she has to have a costume that rapidly grows with her!!
Not to mention that I was also just thinking about having them being made from a specialized Kryptonian metal weave fabric that would ultimately stretch and grow alongside her ever-expanding body.
Plus, I was also just thinking about having her get her own personal mentor character in the form of the highly obscure Superman character of Letitia Lerner when it comes to being the official nanny/babysitter for the Superman Family!!
Meanwhile Louisa Long’s own personal “1 Hour Kryptonian Vitamins” are accidentally making her body rapidly grow & expand on the daily basis with several thick layers of super durable subcutaneous body fat & muscle that essentially makes her have a rather gigantic plus-sized superhuman sumo-like physique as a unforeseen side effect of the highly advanced alien vitamins themselves as she continuously grows & hulks out into a super tall, strong burly giantess by the day as a result.
But when it comes to her eventual superhero name within the Superman Family itself, she's initially nicknamed “Super Nanny” after eyewitnesses reported her helping one baby Jon Kent who was in trouble. Then she's named “Super Auntie” by Jon and the rest of the Super Family & Close Friends.
Plus, sometime later on, she'll later become the “Superwoman of Hong Kong” or just simply “Supergiant” when she finally starts developing her own mythos outside of the immediate Kent Family!! Another awesome idea I just have is maybe we could even have it where she’s also the actual maternal aunt of The Super-Man of China as well!!
With her actual younger sister being revealed to be the enigmatic, stern, stoic & fiercely patriotic Doctor Omen as well (a.k.a. Super-Man/Kong Kenan’s estranged government mad scientist Mother)!!
Because I could definitely see Doctor Omen & the newly christened Superwoman of Hong Kong getting into a knockdown drag-out fight between the two of them, especially if Dr. Omen figures out the actual source of Louisa's powers and attempted to create an equivalent for herself.
Plus, I also imagine that Kong Kenan would probably look at Louisa as a proper maternal mother figure in his life rather than his actual birth mother at this point (in a very similar situation to Zuko & Iroh’s relationship from Avatar).
(Especially since Doctor Omen is more interested in maintaining law & order within the PRC & building her own Justice League like team to finally beat the so called “capitalist imperial superheroes” of The West). Meanwhile her older sister Louisa Long is just busy living her best life & saving lives in America with the greater Superman Family as both a super kind, loving & caring superhero nanny, mother & auntie while she also actively supports the independence movement of her old home of Hong Kong as the tiny nation’s premier superhero as well!!
But as a newly transformed “Pseudo-Kryptonian”, Louisa Long would probably have the same amount of superpowers as Golden Age Superman (just without the specific weaknesses to both Kryptonite & Red Solar Energy) as she’ll also gain some extra power from solar rays as well (which she does by sunbathing 3 times a day nowadays) as well as still having the weakness against magic alongside with regularly having to deal with her own personal 1 hour time limit respectively!!
~ (List of Louisa Long’s Main Powers & Abilities via 1 Hour Kryptonian Vitamins):
• Superhuman Strength
• Superhuman Speed
• Superhuman Senses
• Superhuman Stamina
• Superhuman Leaping
• Superhuman Durability
• Superhuman Agility/Reflexes
• Microscopic/Telescopic Vision
• Size Magnification
• Nigh-Invulnerability
• Skilled Martial Artist
• Heat Vision & Ice Breath
• X-Ray/Infrared Vision
Plus, she’ll probably start wearing less clothes in general to keep herself energized & sexy while also getting a awesome new semipermanent tan all over her body as, I'm just imagining her making up some stupid excuse in order to "Maximize my body’s daily sun intake and exposure" as she just sneakily finding new places around Metropolis where she can Sunbathe Butt Ass Naked.
Not to mention that I think the Superman Family themselves would find her quite the fun person to be around, as a regular…Flash/Wally West-type , as she’s just very upfront & courteous to everyone & tries to see the best in them as she ultimately serves as …”The Mom Friend” of The Superman Family, even if she’s not “technically” a mother herself but she exudes and acts upon energy befitting of a mother helping her young kids.
Also she pretty much reminds me of a female Soos from Gravity Falls (but generally more mature & moderately more book smart) as she just loves helping out young kids in need like a massive big kid herself (since I imagine that she mostly likely worked at a daycare back when she was living in Hong Kong) while also being rather awkward when it comes to normal social interactions with people around her age since she might be more intimidated by all of the “big names” of the superhero community like Batman, Superman & Wonder Woman. But yeah, I kind of figured that she would probably be a very fun-loving, laid-back & easygoing character overall even though she can be a bit of a ditzy aloof oddball at times!!
~ (Fun Fact: Louisa Long’s actual physical age is somewhere around her early to mid 30’s as I’m not really sure on what age she should be specifically yet?)
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sherwoodknights · 1 year
In honour of My Gang To Me day, on this most illustrious Wednesday 26th of April, I thought I'd have a bit of fun and think about all the things that could have been. The season 4 we could have had, if you will.
(Only it'll hopefully be better because I no longer trust the bbc to do right by this show)
I'm not exactly creative enough to come up with a whole plotline on the spot here (although if you amazing outlaws can, I applaud you) but I'd like to at least give a couple of characters I'd love to see reappear in a 4th season, maybe one set a few years, or a decade on from the final episode, when Prince John has become king.
You know I had to do it to 'em, of course it's my boy- Luke Scarlett
Anyone who knows me and my love for minor characters was expecting this one. BUT I wholeheartedly stand by that bringing Luke back to Nottingham would be a good idea. He has the connection to Robin and the gang, but he's also enough of a minor presence in his two episodes on the show that his personality could be developed pretty much any way a writer would want (unless they massacre my sweet angel baby's characterisation. Then I will be laying down a gauntlet 😂).
Maybe he got restless in Scarborough, maybe he got tired of waiting for Will to come and find him (😬), maybe he just needed a trip down memory lane. All I know is that this lad has something of an eye for justice that might come in handy somewhere like Nottingham....
She's been misunderstood for too long, and consider this my formal apology for all the hatred my uneducated self had when I watched season 3 for the first time- Kate
When we first saw Kate, she was a young woman angry with the world (and the Sheriff, of course). But she was certainly a woman who could hold her own, and she wasn't afraid to stand up for people she cared about. Now, imagine a decade down the line. Call it a cliché, but maybe in those years, she's had Robin's child (I know, I know, but it's just an idea) and she'll do whatever it takes to protect her child. Or maybe we bring in the old faithful headcanon for real; Kate as the new Nightwatchman, honouring the spirit of Robin Hood by helping those who are suffering.
I think it would be nice to revisit her character as more of a solo act, especially since the writing of season 3 really let her down and didn't give her much chance to shine outside of her romance plotlines.
The most questionable of these characters for certain, but I felt like I had to give him a chance here- Archer
Archer always felt like a bit of a mixed bag for me. He had the flirty charm and charisma of early seasons Robin, combined with some Allan levels of con-man skill, but he was definitely a selfish guy, and maybe not the best choice to pass down the Robin Hood mantle to, despite the very weird character 180 in the final episode (lets just say, it's not a season 4 I'm sure I'd have enjoyed watching).
But an Archer who's had years to mature, to work on actively being a better man, could be an interesting addition to a series; a man constantly grappling the morals he seemingly grew up learning against the ones he saw in people like Robin and the outlaws. It could be that he's become disillusioned with the selfless lifestyle, until whatever event that kicks off the season ignites the little outlaw flame that's been hiding inside him.
Come on, you guys, it wouldn't be a Robin Hood season without them- the OG gang
You all knew this was coming, right? There's no way I would suggest a season 4 without these guys. While it would be bittersweet to be reminded of who we lost along the 3 season journey (*sniffles and wipes away a tear* no, I'm fine, don't worry about me, im doing okay I promise 🥲🥲🥲), it would be nice to at least see how our old friends have been doing. They could remain a regular presence in the season, or they could be relatively background to the action, doing what they can, but maybe not being quite so active in a fight.
It would be so lovely to see their reaction to Robin's spirit and influence reaching somewhere outside of the gang, being kept alive by people with a drive to make the world a better place. Also, imagine what a tearjerker it would be for all of us og viewers to see a gang reunion 14 years on....
An honourable mention to the best beta couple of the show, and no, I'm not talking about Much and that roast pork- Will and Djaq
A few years ago, the return of Will and Djaq would have been the ultimate dream, and who am I kidding, deep down it still kind of is. While a return in season 3 would have been something I would have gladly celebrated, I am now very much of the mind that a post-canon return would destroy me, heart, soul and all. I don't think I would be able to emotionally handle Djaq and Will learning that Allan died while they were gone (and Robin too, of course, but we all know that i am not above blatant favouritism when it comes to this show).
However, I am very much an angst enjoyer, so maybe this is a good time to invite the fandom to make me cry about this before I manage to do it to myself 😂
And the final honourable mention goes to all the RH ocs people have created over the years
I know that I am certainly not above the creation of shameless oc creation (I have at least 5 ocs that I have created for this show alone) and neither are many of my beloved mutuals- big shoutout to @chaoticbitheatrekid and @muchadoaboutcj for being some of the first people I talked ocs with in this fandom, and in general (love you both so much, happy Robin Hood day to both of you x)
So many of the ocs I've seen in this fandom are absolutely brilliantly written, creatively developed and irresistibly lovable, and since an official season 4 doesn't seem to be on the bbc cards anytime soon, consider this my official encouragement to go wild! Write your own season, use all the ocs you can imagine (or if you're anything like me, procrastinate indefinitely on the actual writing and just very vividly imagine your ideal season)
So there we have it! It's certainly not an exhaustive list, but I felt like I had to do something special for my 3rd active My Gang To Me day considering how much I slacked off last year
Much love to everyone out there keeping the fandom alive, I wish you all a wonderful anniversary of the Locksley Four Rescue, and never forget:
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myjinri · 10 months
hi hi hi! here is my little plot call for the event. vry quickly put together so this may seem a little scrambled but pls bear with me. this will def get edited randomly as i continue thinking throughout the days. feel free to leave a like if u'd like to plot something for the event <3 or lmk if one of my ideas interests u and would like a starter
december 11-14
jinri's one of the early arrivals against her wishes at the four seasons hotel. it's very likely to run into her there, or during/on her way to or back from one of her spontaneous night escapades.
will be at some of the offered activities because it's "for her image" and potential connections. more likely to be at the art classes, second likely are the wellness activities, and third is anything food related. she'd rather not do things in big crowds which is what she does during the night. might even catch her at any other muse's event if she so feels inclined to stop by.
might catch her potentially songwriting (or attempting to) in her free time. (she's at a weird state in her career where she feels like she has lost her way since she's not constantly working on something, so she's grasping at straws here..
vibes are casual small talk and brief conversations during the day, but at night she's more casual, esp if you catch her outside. the 12th, 13th and/or 14th may be filled with her doing fan events idk yet but i'll update this when i make a final decision.
some thread/plot ideas (can be adjusted): in art class and jinri gets emotional and maybe sheds a tear or two over art / being used as an excuse for jinri to escape her manager and then being roped into whatever plan she has / going on a tour and jinri attempts to convince the other to join her in leaving to do their own / simple running into each other in passing / past friends taking advantage of being in the same place and finally hanging out.
december 15
once again, she annoyingly early arrival to the gala so she might not be in the best mood near the start. after the ceremony she'll be mingling and be all over the place so high chance of seeing her or even chatting with her.
occasionally stops to just enjoy the music throughout the event. the easiest time for anyone to approach her since she's not on the move. once she's exhausted she'll be settled for the night near the bar. likely internally struggling with the decision to drink or not.
some thread/plot ideas (can be adjusted): someone convinces jinri to drink (intentionally or unintentionally) / jinri really likes the song being played and asks for a dance / sat next to each other during dinner and jinri's spacing out. / jinri loses her prized possession and is silently panicking trying to look for it.
december 16-17
if u guessed she'd be at the resort in chiang rai, you'd be correct.
jinri isn't too ecstatic to be participating in a campaign for the resort, but what choice does she really have when she's supposed to be "rebranding" herself. once she's done she's running as far away as possible from the cameras.
tbh, this is probably the one night she completely lets loose. this is probably the easiest time to talk to her, but also potentially the most aggravating since she's likely not taking anything seriously.
i envision potential budding friendships or the strengthening of old ones as she'd have a group of people she hangs out with for majority of the time they're there?
far, far, very far stretch! but since it's likely she got wasted that same night, there's also potential for jinri to have started shamelessly flirting and say things she definitely regret. i don't know but this could be an interesting angle to play out and develop further.
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years
*throws sweet fish boy upon thee*
kidding..but i do offer Cary to see if any of your ocs would interact or ship with him?
Buckle up cause we got a lot of OCs to go through✨
Cweepy is naturally very shy, but she'll just need a bit of time to get used to the friendly and outward personality!
I feel like Cho-Hee might unintentionally scare him💀 but he'll try to be slow and gentle! (And guide him back to the right school)
Dallas... I think we can all agree that Dallas is banned from meeting certain characters-
Salvatore and Vincenzo are always a package deal! Sal just has 2 people to look after now lol- But I think Vincenzo's especially gonna like them and question a lot about the sea
Momo is running away Im sorry💀 ITS NOT HIS FAULT!!! She's just spooked bcs he's tall as hell
Dell would probably approach him first! They are registering and taking notes of him just like all the other students! They'd also compliment his singing and say that they think he can make it big
I feel like he might take Faust's teasing a bit too seriously so its probably not a good idea
I dont know if he can tolerate Hextian's smell so maybe not💀 bro cant even get near water/fishes without bad consequences-
Benibara is a no<3
Kenzo is also a no<3 he's very confused as to why he likes forks
Venus also probably approached him first! Gives some advice on how to get used to legs (although she's lowkey confused about the fork thing)
MARINUS IS A HELL NO- he probably joked about eating him once but I don't think its a joke anymore-
Kumo probably wouldn't really talk to him
Aotome is also analyzing/obtaining data from him! Although unfortunately she cant really be near water</3
Banji is only upset he's from RSA, he doesnt like those students either
Kamïk thinks he's interesting, probably more likely to find him when he gets lost though (although if it werent for the uniform, he would've thought he was from octa)
Clover, Avery and Jolie are a NO (unless its just Clover ig lol) but the three of them together are absolute bitches and will definitely set him up in a bad way
Roan probably doesnt even know what RSA is- if he gets lost, he has no idea how to bring him back, he'd also question a lot of the stuff he's collected
Pepper is a NO.
Wolfo, Creek and Poppet are also a NO. Mainly because Wolfo and Creek have had enough of RSA students making fun of Poppet and just automatically think anyone from there is gonna do the same
Seine probably actively tries to scare him at first before being friendly!
Toma probably developed a small crush on him (DO NOT CONFRONT HIM ABOUT THE DOODLES HE WILL BE VERY EMBARRASSED), absolutely head over heels about his singing, I imagine Toma accidently stabbed himself with one of the forks at some point and Cary is very confused as to why Toma doesn't feel it but somebody else does
Vysio is just a GIANT lady holding him in her hands- (I just like imagining giant women holding teeny tiny people ONSODBSLDN) She'd probably only ever leave him just outside RSA however because she's too nervous to step inside (probably introduces him to Yuta!)
Yuta is a blabber mouth, like a little parrot that wont shut up, so he's definitely rambling to him about something (wether its the most ridiculous thing or something more serious), they could show off their collections to each other!!! (Probably introduces him to Vysio!)
Astoria might try to convince him to put on the crown, especially since he seems "clumsy" or "gullible" (A BAD THING)
Elbarnes needs him to pass the clean check first (happens to everybody, including staff), but once that's over, he's more than glad to talk and be friendly! (Although if you show him the collection, he's cleaning everything regardless of how big it is)
Amos is genuinely confused about the sass/jealousy of popular singers on the surface, probably tries to help him get over it
"... No offense, but I'm afraid you wont really be doing much of a positive impact with this envy..."
Enid is very mom-friend like and definitely tried to help him not get lost all the time! SHE WONT LET ANYBODY HURT HIM-
Lorien is intimidated a bit by the height at first, but he'll get used to it! His neck probably hurt from looking up all the time though
Jessica is a NO. Because she envys his figure so much-
Oceana thinks he's really cute!!! Definitely tries to help him with his legs or probably picks him up if she can! She thinks his collection is cool and loves his singing voice!
Indira would probably pay more attention if he's with the fishes/in mer form, she just likes animals more than people💀
Torimiya probably intimidates him on accident in the beginning, but she'll slowly get close with him✨ She's just naturally a bit tough on the outside! ALSO WOULDN'T LET ANYONE HURT HIM
Asahise is definitely interested in the mer-form and probably rambling about something silly the first time they meet- Asahise is showing off their collection of plushies in exchange for getting to see his "junk" collection✨
Tokki is confused as to how he keeps getting lost- (he'd definitely try to help him out with that though!)
Jaiden would love to play the harp with his singing! Asks questions about life in the sea but also prone to rambling about space lol
Mindel is perplexed when he "steals" a fork and uses it for his hair...
"... What did you just do???"
Mindel will definitely ask questions about the sea life and fish friends though, he's just interested!
Frey is babbling about all of their plants and plant life, absolutely loses their shit over the fish friends (they think they're so cute!!!)
Sylvester is definitely flirting with him lmao (will he notice? Who knows✨)
Mao is very quiet so he'll probably have to bend down/lean in to properly hear what he's saying
I think Cherokee's little magic displays might surprise him✨
Omg imagine Shiloh and Cary being friends with the same school of fish- OSNDODNWF- Shiloh is also definitely introducing him to more of his animal friends! (Once he gets more comfortable with him though)
Midge thinks he's cute, but probably wouldn't act on anything, tries to help him get more used to his legs though! (Midge has plenty of legs so he knows✨)
Kendall is IMMEDIATELY designing something from the amount of inspo he gave them
Charlene would also make things for him! You could take her as the mom or grandma friend, she'd definitely introduce him to her friends so its not just her (you may touch the bunny tail ONCE)
Deedee, Janus, "Dolly" and Birsha are a NO.
-Deedee would probably say she wants to take off his face
-Janus is just a terrible person (although honestly its a coin toss), he'd probably trick him into thinking their friends only to do something sinister
-"Dolly" is actually a parasite latching on to someone and she doesn't mind switching hosts if she thought it was worth it (although she mainly keeps to herself so they probably wont interact)
-Birsha will just get him in trouble💀
Lucinda thinks he's very sweet and helps him get back to RSA everytime he's lost (you will probably never catch her without the bear mask though), she's also a quiet one so you might need to lean in close!
Panko just registers him as a cute "little" fish! Would definitely get comfortable enough to sleep on/near him (please dont wake her up)
Canela is a NO because she is literally poisonous and doesnt want to hurt him or the fish friends
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eightfifteen · 2 years
so, i've been thinking a lot on why the party (the core 4) are the most important characters on the show (silly wishful thinking? maybe). So i just realized that the boys, all of them would be talked about because of their love interests. You see, Lucas gets in trouble with Billy because the last was a freaking r***st. We know, in some places interracial couples are frown up to this day. Dustin meet a girl he is interested in and we've seen Suzie's father isn't happy with the fact he an atheist (or agnostic). We already know people in hawkins used to comment on Will being gay, and even Lonnie was really harsh on him, also, Ted is pretty homophobic himself and warns Mike "see what happens, Mike?" Implying whatever happened to Will was because he is gay, which i'm starting to believe could be the case. Wait for it.
So, we have four kids growing up in a pretty conservative town who all happen to find themselves in or could be in relationships that people in town wouldn't approve of? Weird right?
Also, let's focus on who are the love interests: Suzie, a girl who Dustin met at summer camp, with whom he has a long distance relationship, she is not part of their group per se, but she manages to get involved in the supernatural plot at some point even been so far away from it all. We also have Max, a girl who is new in town and two of the boys find themselves liking, which makes her a part of their group (whether some of them like it or not).
So we have a girl for summer camp, a new friend who at first only Dustin knows (later she'll meet Mike and Will), we have a new person brought into the group, Max...the outsider who became part of (if not completely) the group. So what kind of relationship are we missing? Maybe one that started as friendship and it developed to something more with time? Like childhood friends to lovers?
It's funny because the new girl coming to be part of the group could also be Eleven, but out of 4 seasons, in 2 of them her plot is alone, while Max has been relevant to the kids' plot since she became part of the group.
You could argue Will is missing in the first season and then in season 4 him and Mike are set apart of the main group but oh wait, in season 1 Mike would do anything to get Will back, and even if he isn't physically there that much, we is still so relevant to the plot. So what if in season 4 somehow the interactions between Mike and Will become more obvious to the watcher because they aren't in that unaccepting small town? Did El pick up on Will liking someone while in California but not when he was just right next to Mike while living in Hawkins? That's interesting.
And last but not least, why do i think Will being gay might be relevant to him disappearing in season 1.
As i said before, we have 4 friends falling for someone their town or society itself wouldn't approve of. Yet, they all fell for that someone while the supernatural plot was not relevant yet. You could argue about Will and Mike, but the main reason at least i started shipping Byler was because how hyperfocused was Mike to get him back in season 1, which would imply some feelings were thrre even before that. If Eleven were to be the real main love interest for Mike, she would be the only one actually coming from the supernatural plot herself, differently than Will who got involved in it. You can see Mike has always called El superhero, Yoda and such, while he tells Will he is NOW a spy, which implies he has seen him as just Will before, while El was a supernatural being the whole time.
So, what could this all mean?
We've seen four boys falling in love, getting dragged into a supernatural/action movie like plot that seems to pull them more and more into it as they keep growing up and developing their personalities and their feelings. Sure, it could be nothing, but also, could it be that when the world is falling apart why would you care about who other people love? Is it that important when everyone's lives are at risk?
Cue to when Joyce went to Hopper saying Will was missing, she comments on what Lonnie used to say about him and Hopper askjng if Will really is gay to what Joyce responds as if that it's not the important point here, but the fact that he is missing.
A complete reach out? Maybe, but i've seen them do crazy stuff before, so.. who knows, right?
I'm the anon about the core 4 relationships again, i forgot to mention the fact that oh, sp the upside down starts crushing Hawkins onlh after Will, Mike and El are back in Hawkins but Will and Mike dynamic goes back to how it was in season 2? Also, Will, Max and Suzie got involved again into the supernatural plot? As Max is at the hospital, Will can feel Vecna and Suzie is the one who led the Cali gang to Eleven so she could try and fight Vecna? My personal prediction is Mike will finally be really involved with the upside down next season.
i'm going to make a post about the core four because i've been thinking about it a lot pls hold
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acaciapines · 2 years
what are your takes on what kris and ralsei's character development will be going forward in the game itself?
well obviously i hope kris does SOME species-questioning (i mean. the whole 'wearing a horn headband as a kid bc you thought you were a monster' has to be leading to something right) but more realistically i can see their arc being about, like...okay idk the word for it. but like, i think there's going to be something there with the soul/player, and like, both what that means for us (players) playing a game, and kris, as a character in said game but also like, hmm.
i know toby fox said somewhere that you get to be friends with everyone in deltarune, and that has to include kris. so maybe, like--something about coming to terms with who you are? with where youre living? kris isnt a monster. (unless they are and they're otherkin but while thats the direction i go in my stories i doubt deltarune itself is going there). the soul, us, the players, whatever you want to call it--even if we stop playing the game theres still, like, kris, who is left, and has to do things on their own, now.
like, in the beginning of chapter one, toriel holds their hand and walks them into school. maybe thats what the soul is like? i usually take a more...negative view in my own writing but i think there is something really interesting in the soul being more morally gray than that. and like, we're gonna have to be able to talk to kris at some point, right? please?
basically i think kris's arc is going to tie into ideas of agency and control and the lack of it and figuring out who the fuck you are when nothing seems to fit right (i think there's a lot that can be said about us controlling a HUMAN soul. we dont control kris. we control the human soul. something something otherkin kris <3)
for ralsei, i think i have a lot more concrete ideas on her arc. for one i think it would be GREAT if trans girl ralsei is canon but im um. not counting on it ngdfg. but! even if it isnt it still ties in with where i imagine her arc is going to go, which is like, learning how to live outside this set role you were given, figuring out how to be on equal ground with these people you have imagined existing for so long, only to meet them and realize its like, way harder to be friends than just have some nice things to say?
ralsei brushes worrying things under the rug a lot. i imagine she's going to have to work on that. also she's like, a really good character to deal with the whole 'hey so darkners are kinda fucked up if you think about it too hard yes yes?' like, how they're there to make lightners happy....fucked up! i think ralsei might realize this is fucked up. i could also see her playing an antagonistic role (at the very least to kris) as she tries to cling to the prophecy/her set role even as things change to a point where that isnt possible, but i think she'll get through that.
im also a big 'ralsei is kris's red horn headband' truther so i think their arcs are going to intersect due to that. something something idealized versions of self.
is this anything? i hope this is something. i have a lot of deltarune thoughts but mostly i express them via fanfic.
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sidecharactersdomatter · 11 months
You're right about Nancy and Edward. It was so irresponsible of them to gift a baby a wishing wand that I don't know why the film didn't have her be aged up if I'm supposed to interpret she'll use it when she was older which is another point of criticism aimed at the film.
But anyway, I wanted to know a couple of things about the characters from The fairytale of my life if they're not spoilers from the story. Like, did Morgan enter any writing competitions? I read in one of your posts that Giselle's business was shut down, does she still make dresses but as a freelance seamstress now.
Exactly!!! You totally get me thank you. Disenchanted was basically a bunch of ideas that sounded interesting but they ended up being terribly executed. This is why Tftoml doesn’t have the Philips receiving the wand, because in my experience the wish granting wand trope has been overused by Disney. Examples being Disney Princess Enchanted tales: Follow your dreams, Keys to the Kingdom and Tangled the Series’ episode, Rapunzel: Day One.
If I was in charge of the plot I have 2 ways it could’ve been executed. They could’ve just had a magical bottle with an Alan Tudyk genie or an enchanted storybook with whatever you write in it magically becomes real, nothing would change. I think the enchanted storybook would be better than an unnecessary wand, whenever you erase or change the ending your world would end up going back to normal instead of Disenchanted’s disappointing ending where it just resets as another day. Maybe Disenchanted should’ve stayed in production hell a little longer so that way the story could get straightened out.
If Morgan made the wish, she would’ve wished for Giselle to not act so overbearing, but she wouldn’t be specific and the wish goes straight for the ‘evil stepmother’ persona and she would learn to respect and be grateful for her parents. If an aged up Sofie made the wish, they would’ve done what Pokemon: Spell of the Unown did and have her wish make her world like a fairytale so that way it could make life easier for her family but she’s unaware how’s it affecting Giselle, Robert and Morgan and she would have to tearfully learn that escapism isn’t always the answer and be grateful for what you have right now. Spell of the Unown perfectly pulled off the ‘Be careful what you wish for’ trope very well because Molly was alone in her home and the absence of her parents made her Separation Anxiety worse. So she wished for her life to be like the fairytales her father told her but she was unaware that she was causing harm outside her own home and decided to do the right thing by helping Ash and her friends defeat the Unown saving her home and I think she was also ready to face the consequences at the end of the movie.
If Disenchanted had better writers, came out in 2017 before Amphibia, Encanto and Turning Red, and made Morgan the main character. It could’ve started an era where Disney films don’t always have to have an actual or twist villain, but focus on an internal conflict, usher in films that touch on generational trauma, and where the female protagonist doesn’t always have to be happy go lucky all the time and can have more diverse personalities.
In the fairytale of my life, Morgan does not make the Memory tree, since to me it ended up being a poorly built up maguffin. Morgan does try writing activities at the Manhattan library and used to take an art class before the move to Grimmberg. Since Giselle’s business was shut down by a health inspector she did graduate An adult education class and as a stay home mom she does draw up new designs in her free time. I’m glad I aged up and made Sofie the tetartagonist and gave her an actual purpose in tftoml.
I hope this answers your latest question and tl:dr Enchanted symbolized a new age of films where their female protagonists go through character development, Disenchanted symbolizes that Disney’s still stuck in their old ways and are in desperate need of change such as Non white protagonists, LGBT+ and disability acceptance, and being able to deal with serious topics in a respectful way.
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selfshippinglover · 1 year
All the s/i asks with ur Undertale s/i??? >:33
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH ANON I OWE YOU MY LIFFE RNNN QWQ,, (Just gonna copy and paste the other two answers since it was only two)
✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
~As for traits? Well,. she is a soul of kindness so hopefully stuff correlating to that? Probvs cuteified too tbh cause I know I look naive to outsiders so i bet she does too
~In my inserts design I was aiming for her to be more of a side character but I think she teeters the line cause of development lol. So I'd guess she'd be taken as one of the two. She followed the skele bros around a lot, and is generally in their section. She'll also be in Hotland visiting Alphys tho <3
~I hope she's beloved but she could also just be the, "annoying love interest every story has for some reason" and I'd say that's fair.
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
~Obviously there would be new dialogue options, character interactions, a whole third bedroom in the skele bros house, a side mission, aaaand different stuff per which route the player is playing
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
~Probably naivety since that happens to me irl =-='
🥰: How would someone who loved you portray you?
~With lots of emotions, essays, silly edits, screenshots, and excitement! Just, real accurate portrayal, death fodder, or the silly <3
😡: How would someone who hated you portray you?
~haha guess just kill me off and make me being too stupid too understand shit?
👯: What canon character are you most similar to?
~Alphys 1000%! Our insecurities, flaws, and interests align too well afgkjg
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
~I'm hoping fluff but every fandom has people that thrive off angst soooo. Plus, hard to resist a good, "partner dies in their arms fic" right?
🏷️: What is you and your f/o’s ship name?
~ Not anything special, just combining names like "CiRus" or "PapCi"
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?
~Not sure? tbh I worry people would find the ship boring cause we're a lot alike
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
~Maybe Alphys or Sans sense we're besties? Tsunderplane cause I think their cute and would say so? idk really dsfkjsdg
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
~Heehee most likely friends to lovers going along with the source! More specifically, I bet there would be a lot of first confessions, pining, and/or angst involving their relationship in No Mercy timelines. (In a no mercy run she helps Alphys evacuate the citizens and is too late to save Papyrus. Instead, she ends up watching him die on Alphys lab screen :(( )
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
~Friends to Lovers
~Mutual Pining
~Endearingly Dorky
~ Insecure Love Interest
~Eh, stuff like that
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?
~The hopeless romantics like myself will appreciate the the facial expressions, the descriptors, and the the general fluff of it all <3
~Dislike it for feeling shoehorned, or uninteresting most likely
~I can't see it starting debates tbh. Just like, some people are more interested than others and/or some don't care either way.(It's a background thing anyways)
🙈: Why would your ship be thought of as cute/fluffy? Why would your ship be considered problematic?
~WE ARE THE CUTE FLUFFY SHIP EVER! THAT'S WHY!! No problems, just two mentally ill skeletons vibing and kissing sometimes <333
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
~Cici clearly excited whenever he's around
~VCi getting all nervous around
~She brings him a lot
~Idk it's everything with her tbh
~On Papyrus's end it's more subtle though. Little things like him offhandedly mentioning her unprompted in a phone call
~Saying how he wishes she was there to share something with him
~Waiting to do things until she's around
~For him it would be little text stuff
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
~I imagine it being shown over time or maybe in a slow burn kind of style? Lots of stuttering and red blush, stuff like that <33
~Strong focus on death or pining no in between gkjslgkh
~(Insert the many misconceptions with Papyrus here)
👀: How does your ship with your f/o influence both of your characterizations and the world? Would there be any interesting metas written about your dynamic?
~I mean, I'll be more willing to try things and be more silly in general. A bit more open with the things I usually feel insecure about sharing cause' they're viewed as childish. Really, they make me feel safe so I'd be more unabashed in everything.
~Papyrus would have a forever friend! Someone that can help with his low self-esteem and wants, hopes, and dreams!
~Won't affect the world so much. Paps and I are just seen walking together a lot and the townsfolk probably gossip(especially the bar-goers and Mettaton dkjgsd) (Did I ever mention that Alphys, Undyne, and Mettaton are dying for us to hook up? )
~I work at grillby's so he has more help and the player can talk to me there? idk lol
~I mean, there's lots that could be drawn from that considering Ci is a hacked in self insert that was added in by a human
~She has human memories but also lives with the monsters so she'll have a unque perspective on things for the time
~But idk if it would be too meta heavy??
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