#maybe this is how *those* bots get interaction
athena-xox · 6 months
As a Sofia the first fan for a decade, who’s your favorite princess? Was the show part of your childhood or adulthood like mine?
Oooh okay
I know that lots of ppl don’t like her but I love Sofia, I feel like we had similar looks when I was younger so I just liked her
Also Amber, I mean you could really tell when there was like a different writer or director for each episode because her character development will get forgotten for a few episodes lol
Also Clio and Hildy bc they’re just so iconic
And don’t get me started on Vivian - SABRINA CARPENTER
Ik those are like ‘the main princesses’ but like they had screen time for a reason
It was definitely a show of my childhood, idk when it came out, it came out 2013, so definitely my childhood, I would have been five 😭😭
I used to spend Friday nights at my Nana’s house up until she moved out of town (I am in fact her favourite, she’s admitted it) and stf was my fav on Disney junior 
And then during Covid I BEGGED my parents to get Disney and I ended up binging stf and I realized the plot was so good, especially in the later seasons?!?!
And that was middle school for me and I had a whole Disney phase of being a Disney theorist (grandmum being sisters with queen Rita and Zandar being the lead ones) and my first time ever reading fanfiction was Sofia the first
I’m also doing my French project on Sofia the first…
Idk I was like in the Wattpad (oh god) fandom like 4 years ago
Idk I’m a girls girly, so like I’m in it for the princesses (and the other girls) and the female villains, I love the aesthetics of the show, the nostalgia, and the season 3/4 over arching plot
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pinkanonwrites · 4 months
The Immensity of Vacancy
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Energon Universe Jetfire/Human Reader, +1200 words
Just a little bittersweet something I wrote after the last issue of the Skybound comics came out. Jetfire my sweet, you did not deserve your fate.
It was curious how even the most harrowing of circumstance could, with enough time and enough patience, shear down its jagged edges until it became something nearly palatable. 
Not comfortable. Primus, no, never comfortable. But palatable.
Stars no longer graced Jetfire’s curious optics, all light snuffed in favor of an inky nothingness soothed only by memory. There could be no ache of stasis lock when the freedom of movement had been ripped from his frame entirely, left to the whims of his fellow Cybertronians. The breems of silence would stretch into cycles, tuning his remaining audials ever finer upon the low thrum of Teletraan, the rattle-step of Autobots passing through corridors below. 
Perhaps that was why he could always hear you coming.
Your footsteps didn't boom or echo like those of Optimus Prime, never accompanied with the screech of tires like Arcee or Cliffjumper. Instead came the soft tink tink tink of tiny, booted feet against the resonant floor, the jangle of metallic jibbitz swinging from a clip on your belt. ‘Keys’ you had called them, though they were nothing like the data-keys or passcodes more familiar to him. ‘One for my car, one for my house, one for the back door at work.’ Primitive, but undeniably clever. 
You always paused in the doorway of the hangar when you approached, a brief instance of silence. Perhaps you were waiting for a transformation from him, a flourish of panels shifting and plates fluttering into place to reveal his root mode, his towering form compared to your own tiny one. You knew as well as he did that idea was an impossibility, but you paused nonetheless.
“Hey. Are you awake?”
Jetfire spent much time in recharge nowadays, the only respite from the insurmountable emptiness that surrounded him that remained in his control. It was another consistency from you, willing to let him rest for untold lengths of time, as if your own presence was not wildly preferred.
“Yes. For quite a while now.”
You let out a soft, sad sounding hum. “I’m sorry I couldn't get here earlier.”
“That's alright. I’m sure you have much of your own work to attend to.”
“Maybe, but it's not really anything exciting.” He could hear the shuffle and thunk of your backpack hitting the metal landing bay, the pull of the zipper. When you settled in your spot on the floor and leaned back against his landing gear, heat radiated through the space where your back pressed to his cool plating. “Work, mostly. Had a late shift last night, so I ran to the library this morning instead. The librarian actually recognized me.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No, I just didn't expect it. I never went there until recently, anyway. Guess now that I’m going in a couple days a week I’m becoming a regular. Imagine that.”
Jetfire let out a soft hum. “We’ll never be wanting for reading material then.”
You seemed to hesitate for a moment as you removed something from your bag, the flutter of paper against your fingertips tickling his audials.
“I brought a new book. ‘The War Of The Worlds’. It’s an old sci-fi classic.” You softly fanned through the pages again. “It’s about, um… It’s about aliens. That come to take over Earth. It was probably a stupid choice, we can read something different if you want.”
He could understand your hesitation. Though Jetfire had not spent long interacting with the local lifeforms of your planet, he’d heard more than enough from the other Autobots about the occurrences at the power plant; The terror, the violence. The story of a hostile occupation from beings infinitely more powerful and dangerous than the planet’s inhabitants could strike offensive if presented in the wrong way, to the wrong bot. And yet…
“I would like to hear it.”
He couldn’t help that part of himself that yearned to understand. To learn. How often would he get the chance to hear the perspective of another species, better yet from the species themselves? Considering his current state, likely never again.
“Are you sure? It doesn’t have to be this, I brought other books. To Kill A Mockingbird, Treasure Island, maybe some Shakespeare-?”
“No, I… I want to hear it. I’d like to understand.”
You hesitated further still, as if you were waiting for Jetfire to change his mind. Then you let out a small, huffy noise, like you were trying to clear your vents. Jetfire recognized the sound to be what you’d called a “sniffle”. Paper shuffled, you let out a low, steadying sigh, and began to read.
“No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man’s and yet as mortal as his own…”
You were a delightful narrator, though you’d often brush off Jetfire’s compliments as to the former. ‘You should hear David Attenborough!’ you’d reply, though Jetfire had no idea who this apparent man was. Your cadence and accent would adjust slightly when switching characters, like you were putting on a play. The first descriptions of the alien conquerors were read with a faux suspense, as if you could scare the Cybertronian with narration alone. And yet, when you came upon the paragraph describing the first human deaths, there did your energy began to falter. You shifted against his landing gear, swallowing thickly as you described the heat ray that jumped from man to man, ‘...as if each man were suddenly and momentarily turned to fire.’ Your hesitance didn’t seem to stem from the words themselves, but the context in who you were reading them to. Did the recent Decepticon attack on the hospital strike as close to home mentally as it did physically?
You paused again at the end of the chapter. Usually here Jetfire would have rattled off the questions he’d saved while you were reading, foreign concepts and names of unknown locations and the intricacies of human interaction that he didn’t quite comprehend. But he found himself in silence here as well. Not stunned, not scared, merely… contemplative.
“Sorry. It’s not too late to read something else, you know. Treasure Island’s still on the docket.” You murmured, fingers tapping absentmindedly along the book’s spine. 
“There’s no need to apologize. Already it’s a fascinating tale.” He paused for a moment, mulling over his words. The question he was about to ask seemed painfully obvious. Yet, he couldn’t find it in himself to leave it unsaid. “Are all humans this afraid of… aliens?”
‘Will all humans be this afraid of us?’ He did not ask.
“I think…” You hummed, head thunking back against his landing gear plating. “I think that most humans are afraid of the unknown. The idea that there’s something out there we can’t understand. We don’t like being reminded that we aren’t actually in control. That at any point in time we could die.”
Jetfire thought back to Cybertron- the expeditions failed, the cities razed, the lives lost- and he understood the sentiment exactly. 
“Would it comfort you to know that the experience isn’t uniquely human?” 
You barked out a short laugh. “A little, actually.”
Jetfire had spent so much of his life in the cold. The cold of space. The cold of the ice. The cold of the silent, empty hangar. But here, in this moment, with your body pressed to his plating, your voice filling the blackness, he felt inexplicably warm. 
“I’d still like to hear more, if you would continue.”
Though Jetfire could not see your smile, it was more than enough to hear it in your voice.
“Sure thing, big guy.”
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johnwickb1tsch · 2 months
Sympathy for the Devil ~ Part 2
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A Donaka Mark x housekeeper!Reader fic, based on @discoscoob 's concept & bot! Warnings: Donaka Mark is a bad man with a soft spot for you. dark romance, possessive behavior, red flag red flag girl!🔺, psychological games, power imbalance, eventual dubcon/nsfw.
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Two. 二
It’s a week later, when you see him again. 
It's out on the winding streets near his house, on your day off. You’re taking a jog, when he roars by in his white Lamborghini, so close to your side of the road that you feel the pull of the wind off the aerodynamic car. 
He’s enjoying the feeling of power and control behind the wheel, before he sees you, in your workout clothes and all sweaty in the muggy summer heat. He feels a spear of possessiveness rip through him, and ultimately it’s the reason he slams on the breaks, whipping in reverse back to you, the supercar growling in agreement with his mood. “It’s too hot out here. You should use the gym in the house,” he tells you rather tersely. 
The only gym you know of in the house is his personal workout space–you hadn’t dreamed it could be used by the staff, hadn’t even thought to ask. When you just look back at him with owlish eyes, catching your breath with hands on your hips, he adds with annoyance, “And the roads are too narrow, people drive like maniacs. Someone might hit you.”
This is where you grin, flashing him an insouciant smile, but managing to keep your commentary on his own driving to yourself. “Thank you, Sir…” you pant. “But I like being outside.” There’s no better way to get to know a place, than looking at it while on foot. You love the lush streets of this neighborhood, the towering trees and greenery, the shining blue sea in the distance. It's way more interesting than running like a hamster on a treadmill.
Donaka, however, is not amused. He finds he hates the thought of other men seeing you running around in those tight clothes, looking so…edible...and sweaty. Your defiance only fuels his desire to exert his will over you. “It’s too dangerous,” he insists in a firm, authoritarian tone.
Maybe because it’s your day off, you feel braver than usual, but you just lift your eyebrows at him and smile. “It’s fine.” 
“I’ll give you a ride back. Get in.” 
The thought of putting your sweaty behind in your boss’s $500,000 car–even if it is ugly to boot–literally horrifies you. 
“I don't want to get your nice car dirty. I'll be home soon."
You finger wave, and jog off, hoping that will be the end of the exchange. 
With narrowed eyes he glares at your receding form in his rearview mirror. It’s the first time you’ve really defied him, and as annoyed as he is, he finds himself semi-hard from this interaction. He resists the urge to run you down and make you obey him. The thought actually makes him shudder to himself. 
He’d known you were going to be fun, but he hadn’t anticipated just how much.
He lives for the challenge of breaking the strong, and corrupting the innocent. It was looking like you were both those things, and by his reckoning–your days of independence were numbered. Soon…you would be his docile little pet, curled up at his feet.
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Hey again! How about we get some more old Predacon buddy maybe during their times in the pits? Or possibly when Optimus or any other Autobot finds a few videos of Predacon buddy in their prime (lol prime) during their time in the pits and they just are shocked to see how violent and possibly terrifying? They were back then or possibly (you can choose either or of these) some of old Predacon buddy interacting with Megatronus and soundwave back then
The children are about to get a glimpse of their grandparent in their youth.
Will they like it?
or Not?
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon's fight video get seen by Optimus Prime, Wheeljack, Bulkhead, and Ultra Magnus
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
The team had stumbled upon a case full of old videos from their latest scouting mission.
Some of the videos held key information on some of the relics they were searching for.
Others held more miscellaneous things that could be used when the time was right.
Then there was a pack of near pristine set of videos full of gladiator fights.
Miko wanted to see them.
Obviously, there was a lot of push back on this from the team.
These fights were not for the faint of heart after all.
But it wasn’t until Miko mentioned that she wanted to see the difference between the gladiator fights on Cybertron versus the ones on Earth that they agreed to put on one video.
This was also conveniently the same time Buddy had left the base to go fly for a bit.
Miko chose one at random and played it on the projector.
The fight was brutal.
At one point it wasn’t even a fair fight.
One of the opponents was so brutal that there were several times that the bots had to cover the kids’ eyes.
The opponent looked a little familiar too…
It wasn’t until the opponent flashed their monstrous wings and roar, that they realized it was a young Buddy.
Buddy was going to have to explain some things when they got back from flying.
Team that is rather impressed by Buddy’s strength
This team is reserved for those who are just stunned by Young Buddy’s power over an opponent near triple their size. They took them down in less than 5 minutes! And without flying or having to even use their alt mode! They already knew Buddy was strong, they were one of the strongest members on Team Prime after all. But seeing the video, they can’t help but try to imagine Buddy with even more power at the near flex of their digits. There is an increase in respect for the old Predacon.
Optimus Prime
Ultra Magnus
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Team that is slightly scared of Buddy
This team is reserved for those who now have an underlying fear of Buddy if they didn’t already have one to begin with. It is hard for them to see sweet, old Buddy being a scary monster in the arena when they were younger. They have heard the stories about Buddy winning so many fights and eventually buying their own freedom, but seeing a match like this puts things into perspective. It took Buddy a long time to get their freedom and if the average match was less than 5 minutes… how many opponents did Buddy defeat before freedom? There will be a bit of tension between them and Buddy, but it will not last long.
Ultra Magnus
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Team that wants to try and replicate Buddy’s moves from the video
This team is reserved for those who took one look at the video and second thought that came to mind was ‘Yeah I can do that too’. These bots will look over the video and any other video of Buddy’s gladiator fights and attempt to recreate it or perfect it. Spoiler: They end up in the med bay a couple of times for doing them wrong.
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centrally-unplanned · 2 months
I might be a bit of a weirdo in this regard so I am a bit biased, but I think a fundamental problem AI Companion Apps like lets say Friend.com are going to have in "replacing socializing" is that socialization is instrumental and that instrumentality lies in the real. The ad copy for this product and so many of its various clones is a normal-looking everyman just chatting with their companion, making comments about the weather or how their hiking is going, etc. Treating it like a friend and talking to it like a friend does.
The rub there is that not many people do those behaviors for the reasons presented. They are treated as somehow "inherently" enjoyable, that you just love talking to ~something~ about the weather and anything that can pantomime the right responses is going to do it for you. That isn't how it works for most people; the point is the other person. The words themselves, divorced from the speaker being a breathing human you have a relationship with, are not very interesting. Instead it is about building rapport, signalling care, a human-connected daily ritual. Sometimes it is positive, but it is negative sometimes too! You put up with Kyle's 18th story about his dog's health woes because, look, it's boring as shit, but Kyle needs to rant about it and if this is the price of admission to his amazing saturday brunch parties you are going to pay up.
Even interesting-in-their-own-right convos are normally not like wow, you taught me some amazing new fact; it is hearing your friend's interesting take or experiences. There is this whole structural undercurrent here, this person is admirable or kind or you have a lot of history with them or they are really hot and so their words are contextualized into an emotional experience of connection or curiosity or wanting to impress them and a million other things around that structure.
When you shed all of that, when it is an AI that you know is just programmed to listen, that you can turn off at will, that you can just override and ask it for directions or to switch over to spotify or to sext you catgirl pics, there isn't anything left. These conversations are useless - what is the point? Why would I tell my phone how tired I am? Those are empty words, I am immediately bored and will flip over to YouTube instead.
Obviously there are niche applications. Porn and its adjacencies of course, where the fiction is the point. Specifics like a daily journal that interacts with you a bit? Sure, that would work for some. One-offs and curiosities of course, "Siri+" because that is a functional tool. But none of these are the same thing.
Now there are already, and have been for years, successful apps like Replika or Character.AI. The people on those clearly seem to enjoy talking to a digital friend, right? And I agree with you, humans are diverse, for some people this stuff works. Now for many, even possibly the majority depending on how you count it, these things are just the above categories though; a porn bot, a curiosity, a "man look how far AI has come" exploration. But I agree there are users who truly treat these tools as their friend or partner
And I have looked at the conversations those people have with their friend or partner. And...look. These tools suck. They do not, in any way, believably mimic a human conversation. By design they do not, endlessly accommodating and affirming, with shallow personalities and infinite flexibility. They are not friends, they are boxes to stuff inputs into and get validations out of, no human conversation works this way. Some people want that, no worries. Some people need that, maybe, I get it. But most people don't. These conversations would, if treated as an actual companion to most people, be incredibly cringe. They are not a sign that AI friends for everyone are right around the corner, if only we boost the specs. They are a niche product for a certain kind of person that does not mass scale at all.
You can sell people the "illusion" of a friend, even a nearly perfect one, and it might sell - as the stage show it is. Like a video game, something you explore, experience, and discard. Because it's not a person; I can just drop it if I want and it won't feel anything. That is what makes it an illusion and not magic; it is a trick that I see through over time. And making whatever implementation of Claude your little bluetooth-on-a-necklace runs have 10% higher fidelity or "able to pass the Turing Test" isn't going to change that. Maybe it will work as a product - video games sell after all. But it won't be a social revolution.
Then again these Friend.com guys apparently spent 2/3rds of their seed money on buying the web domain for Friend so they might have other problems to worry about.
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darkstarofchaos · 3 months
Hello! Another person who is incredibly frustrated with redeemed Megatron.
Me and my friends have all voiced the exact same problems and that main being that we don't ever get the before him like at all. Hints here and there but for the most part NO ONE outside of the bad guys has any bad blood towards him.
I understand not every kid show needs to be these deep emotional epics but at the same time it's still weird to me that the Autobots, who have lost countless family and friends thanks specifically to the actions of Megatron and his followers, show no sort of lingering resentment. After all, the amount of time between the war ended and the beginning of the show would be like a few hours for beings that live for millions of years.
Having the Terrans would be a great excuse to have the devil's advocate angle when other Autobots still don't feel comfortable around him. I said the same thing in my own Starscream post too about how sometimes people can't change because those around them refuse to let them.
Megatron should've felt alienated from both sides and by him not falling back into old habits and committing to staying good would've actually proved that his redemption was warranted.
I'm not asking for it to take over the show, but these little background moments. Hell, Bumblebee's attitude would've been a little bit more tolerable if you were it was coming from a place of feeling slighted pissed that the cybertronian who more or less ruined his "childhood" (I've accepted that headcanon that any given Bumblebee is basically a former child soldier) is just walking free side to side with his mentor.
The sad thing is that the first couple episodes kinda show some hints of that? Like when Optimus gives his "Roll out" bit and Megatron tells Dot he's never sure if he means him, or Bumblebee being kinda wary when he tries to call Optimus and gets Megatron (also, Megatron's matter-of-fact recounting of how he kept his soldiers in line). It wasn't enough on its own, but they could have continued the trend to show most bots are wary of him at best, or even implied that the reason some Autobots don't show up much is because they don't want to be around him. It wouldn't have taken many changes to show Megatron as fairly isolated, with maybe one or two relationships that kept him from backsliding into his old ways (his friendship with Dot works better for me because 15 years is a long time for a human, and we know he saved her life at least once).
Honestly, I was ambivalent about his "redemption" in season 1? After Jawbreaker asked him about his altmode and it turned out all he had to do to get Optimus' trust was scan an Earth alt, I pretty much gave up on getting any meaningful backstory for him, so I was resigned to him just being Generic Ex-Decepticon (and then What Dwells Within happened and he finally felt like a Megatron trying to do better to me. Not just in his interactions with Starscream, but when he interacted with Optimus and Croft too: angry, wanting to do things his way, trying to do better but slipping into old habits. If he'd been more like that throughout the show, paired with the Autobots responding appropriately to him, I would have enjoyed his character a lot more).
And then Season 2 happened. And we went the "Starscream is worse than his abuser, actually" route. And now I'm like... This is everything I do not want from a Megatron redemption. The only thing I want from a Megatron redemption is for him to face what he did to the people closest to him. Every single Megatron redemption sees him running off somewhere and leaving the Decepticons to deal with the fallout of his war, and he never has to face the people he personally hurt. And when it comes to Starscream, it's almost treated like a good thing that he hurt him, because when Megatron isn't there to "keep him in check", he's worse than Megatron ever was. And then people roll their eyes and say "Starscream is always power hungry and evil, what do you expect?" while Armada Starscream is right there, and EarthSpark Starscream in Season 1 was a hell of a lot closer to Armada than to Cyberverse.
On his own, EarthSpark Megatron was boring and a waste of potential, but not especially offensive. Paired with Starscream, and specifically Starscream as he appeared in the final episode of the latest batch, he is possibly my least favorite part of EarthSpark right now. Not as a character, but as a concept. I like Megatron, but I have no use for a redeemed Megatron who still has to believe that he's better than Starscream, and be supported in that belief by the narrative. The early scene in S2 when Megatron tells Starscream to let the war end could have been a really good character moment, because we would see that there are still things he doesn't regret, and that he truly sees himself as better than Starscream (who isn't even the one to blame for the war's continuation - I firmly believe that, since the Decepticons were the ones being hunted and locked up, it falls to Megatron and the Autobots to prove that things can be different now. And if the war is continuing, it's almost certainly because Megatron and/or the Autobots fucked up).
But instead we get, "Yeah, Megatron thinks he's a better person than Starscream. And you know what? He's right." I am so done with the abuse apologetics.
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bots-and-cons · 10 months
TFP bots of your choice reacting to an earthborn bot. This would have some interesting implications given the fact they would likely, like humanity, be considered an 'offspring' or 'spawn' of Unicron or at least have a connection to him due to being earthborn. They also likely wouldn't have any idea of cybertron or cybertronian history and would be one of the youngest bots, probably younger than even bumble bee. All of this is wildly interesting conceptually to me.
This is an interesting idea, I’ll give you that. Idk if I executed this very well though, and I don’t remember all the details of the episodes I set this in. These ended up pretty damn long for HCs, but I don’t think you guys will mind. I’ll try to do a part 2 to this later, there’s probably gonna be more interactions with the bots in that one
•Unicron made you or you were born of him at least, you’re not really sure yourself
•You’re still young and you don’t know about anything the life outside unicron
•You were born in the earth’s core so you’ve always lived inside unicron 
•The dark energon doesn’t affect you like it does cybertronians, since it’s all you’ve ever had in your body, it’s just normal to you
•If you were to use normal energon though, that might have some adverse effects
•Those flying things that work as unicron’s defense system, are also protective of you, because they consider you to be a part of him
•But when they suddenly start acting strange and all heading in the same direction, you decide to follow them
•You always thought there wasn’t anyone like you, because you’d never seen anyone else and you had no idea a place like Cybertron even existed
•So when you see a group of five robots walking around on one of the bridges, with the flying creatures attacking them
•You keep an eye on them, following the group as they advance towards the core
•You’re very interested in where these fellow robots could’ve come from, there must be another place, a place with others like you
•So you followed them and when they got to the door of the core chamber the yellow one noticed you while he was looking around
•He didn’t shoot at you, but he alerted the others to your presence
•You were too curious about them to try to get away, because you wanted to go with them, you wanted to see what else was out there
•Maybe they would take you with them?
•Bee was obviously pretty spooked to see another cybertronian in a place where it was supposed to be impossible
•You didn’t seem to be affected by the dark energon either, even though you looked younger than him and smaller too
•You slowly came out from behind a pillar and approached the group
•They were all shocked to see you and when they noticed you had purple optics everyone but Megatron was on guard
•He doesn’t think you could possibly be a threat, you look small and weak
•You’re actually much stronger than the average cybertronian due to the dark energon, but you’ve never had a point of comparison so you wouldn’t know that
•Arcee was probably the most on guard, because she figured you were another unicron manifestation or something
•You want to ask them so many things, but the flying guard creatures don’t leave them alone, so you command them to do so, which they do even if hesitantly
•You’re not exactly into the idea that they’re going to hurt your creator, but you’re also very keen on getting to whatever else is out there
•Optimus approaches you first, asking if you’re okay
•You look at him a bit weirdly and tell him “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”
•You talk in cybertronian instead of english, since that’s what unicron knew and what you know too
•They can all understand you of course, but you also speak sort of weirdly and in an old-ish way compared to how they would speak cybertronian
•You’re not going to be able to hold back the guards forever, you can already feel them resisting, trying to break free
•So the consensus amongst the autobots is something like “what in the name of primus is this?”
•Megatron doesn’t really care, he just wants to get the job done and get unicron back to stasis
•You don’t even know where to start with your questions, but the situation changes and unicron takes control of the guards and the fighting continues
•You eventually end up following the remaining autobots through a whirling hole in space, after the two bigger mechs disappear through the same kind of portal
•You’re in some other place now, surrounded by the robots that are all now pointing their blasters at you
•And there are some weird looking little creatures on a platform next to you
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random-fandom1984 · 3 months
Hello! If it's okay to request Can you do the reactions/interactions of TF earthspark to a pod full of sparkling beans?
thank you!
Okay, let's do this!
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(I also made a little headcannon about Elita-1, and it's been a while since I started watching the series so I don't know if it would seem like she would do that. I'm not doing the Terrans because I don't have the mental will to do them. And I'm only going to be doing ones that I can actually think of.)
Elita-1, Optimus and Megatron
I feel like if these three were put in charge of taking care of a rouge sparkling found in the woods, they would all co-parent. Elita is the mom, Optimus is the dad, and Megatron is the papa.
Optimus would obviously teach the little one what's right and wrong and would give them a light scolding if they did something bad. I mean, it's a sparkling, they have no awareness of what they're doing.
Elita-1 would teach the little one to fight in self-defense, and somehow actually works? Like, if one of Mandroid's bots tried to take the sparkling, the little one would body slam, the elbow, and all types of wrestling moves. Meanwhile, Optimus and Elita are in the corner, watching this go down. He turns to her and asks, "Did you have them watch W.W.E.?" Meanwhile, Elita just has a proud, smug smile, hands on her hip plates, proud of the little one.
And Megatron would teach the little one about morals and ideals. Considering that he was a warlord that hurt and killed many innocent lives, who is now a better person; he has experience going down a dark road and doesn't want them to come across it and go down that same path that will on bring pain and misery to not just everyone around them, but also themselves once they've acknowledged what they've done.
Sorry, excuse me, older brother coming through-
He's a good older brother figure and is not afraid to admit it! He does gets annoyed when the Terrans, Mo, and Robby tease him for it.
He's very excited about what their alt-mode's gonna be. Maybe an ice cream truck!
When he sees the sparkling somehow fighting, he's kinda surprised before he recognizes those moves and his face turns into a -_- and asks, "Elita let them watch the W.W.E. again?"
Cool aunt, all the way.
Will spoil the sparkling and teach the little one some moves other than the ones in the W.W.E. that Elita-1 let them watch. They need to learn real moves, such as martial arts!
She finds it cute how the little one wouldn't cry when they fall to the ground, but instead stubbornly get back up with some cute honks with a determined face, causing her to cover her smile and hold back laughing at how cute this is.
Will visit the Malto's frequently just for the little one.
I see him as the wise uncle.
He always gives out words of advice and they work, for example, Jawbreaker.
He'll be gentle with the little one but would be aggressive to those who intend to harm or use the sparkling for evil and/or greedy purposes. He does not want them to go through what he went through in the Bot Brawl in Philidelphia.
Doesn't really care about the sparkling biting him, he just sees it as the little one letting out their inner Dinobot, and it's not like it'll hurt him; he can barely feel it.
The fresh-out-of-jail uncle because of his experiments.
I can see him more like his G1 version around the sparkling. So, if he's doing an experiment and the little one is around, make sure someone will nab the sparkling before it explodes in Wheeljack's face.
Had the things on the side of his head glow every time he speaks because the sparkling enjoys it.
Unknowingly a bad influence with the amount of times they watched him perform experiments only for them to blow up.
New sparkling acquired. Kids, you now have a younger-
Feels like this is a blessing from Primus because of what happened to Rumble. Because of that, he's overprotective of the sparkling, and so are the other Minicons: Frenzy, Laserbeak, Ravage.
He now has something to fill in the part of his spark that died with Rumble's death.
When the sparkling accidentally hurts themselves, Soundwave will feel a sense of guilt as he's trying to heal them up. He's supposed to protect them, but they ended up getting hurt and he feels like he should've done better. But if someone tries to hurt the sparkling, all hell breaks loose. Soundwave and his minicons will hunt down the person who hurt the little one and tear them a new one.
Isn't really emotionally attached at all.
He does take care of them, but will raise them to be strong because, to him, the weak should serve the strong, and he will not raise a weakling. He is also glad that the sparkling isn't a disgusting hybrid like the Terrans.
He would even perform experiments on the sparkling, such as chemical enhancements to make them stronger than the traitorous Megatron.
Would pull a Mother Gothel and manipulate the little one as they grow up that what he's doing is for the greater good and that they are the key to that future.
Unlike Shockwave, he does get emotionally attached and cares for them like a parent should.
He doesn't want them to live in fear because of GHOST thinking that the sparkling is affiliated with him because he's considered a Decepticon, which is why he decided to make the hologram avatars so they can hide and be safe.
Gave, even made, some toys for the little one that will enhance parts of the processor so they can be an intelligent individual just like their Sire.
At the end of the Missed Connections episode, he gave them to Nightshade so then they would be out of GHOST's hands. Believing that he was captured by GHOST, I think that he would stay there for the sake of the one he considers his own. When in custody, he would never mention anything about his sparkling for their safety.
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corrodedbisexual · 2 years
The ultimate shadow ban survivor guide
I've seen multiple people I follow, or their mutuals affected by shadow bans lately (makes me wonder if it's @staff's attempts to fight bots going totally haywire). As someone who survived a 2-month-long shadow ban on my main this winter, I thought I'd make a post.
First step of being shadow banned: calm down and take a breath. A shadow ban is just a stupid glitch in tumblr's anti-spam system. You're not losing your blog. You're gonna need a whole lot of patience, and deal with inconveniences, but it's fixable.
Read the incredibly useful post All About Shadowban by @that-damn-girl. It outlines the symptoms quite well. The only thing I'd point out is "your original posts won’t be visible to your followers either" - afaik that doesn't happen. Everything you post and reblog will still be visible to your followers, and also they can interact with your posts - like them, reblog them, reply to them.
Just like the post says, contact support. I recommend using a different email than what your banned blog is registered to; not because your ticket won't go through (mine actually did, as I found out when they finally replied), but because you might not receive an email confirmation for your ticket (it's somehow tied to the anti-spam thing, I think), and you're going to worry and try to send more tickets, like I did.
Now wait. And wait, and wait, and wait. They are SLOW. I've seen some miraculous 1-day unbans in the #shadow ban tag, but most people, like me, wait around a month for support to reply. Those are the same guys going through thousands of bot reports every day in addition to user tickets.
If you're going to wait, might as well keep blogging. Now if this is your sideblog that's shadow banned, consider yourself lucky. Make a new temporary sideblog, use it to post your original stuff so it goes into tags (mind that it might take a few days for a new blog to start showing up in tags). Reblog everything to your shadow banned blog so you still have all content in one place and your followers see it. If it's your main that's banned, you can still do that, but there's the extra pain of not being able to reply to posts or send non-anon Asks, since that is only done from main. Might need to register a separate account for that.
Some more fun facts under readmore.
Fun fact #1
Trying to send support follow-up emails in the request confirmation email isn't going to do anything to speed up the process. But I did tweet at them using this tumblr support summoning picture by @cornmayor and offered a raccoon blood sacrifice to resolve my issue when it was like a month with no response. This is what they replied.
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3 hours later I got an email that my shadowban was lifted. I honestly don't know if it was a coincidence, but I mean, this is tumblr staff. Maybe they do accept blood sacrifices.
Fun fact #2
If you're wondering why my shadow ban lasted 2 months if I got a support reply after 1 month, well. It's hard to say exactly how their ban/unban system works bc support replies exclusively with pre-written template sentences, but basically they fucked up. The first time they told me my blog has been restored, I gained pretty much all functions back, except that my posts were still not appearing in tags. Which means probably that being hidden from tags is some kind of different flag on your blog that they forgot to remove. So I had to send a follow-up ticket and wait another month.
My advice is, when they tell you it's fixed, don't take that at face value, go and check all the functions you'd lost (replies, messaging, asks, tagging, appearing in notes, getting mentioned by others).
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ikkosu · 4 months
HEyooo, Soundwave requestor here again. This time to actually give ya the request!
Righty so, as said before, this request is a sequel to the fem!bot squid!s/o ficlet. So, for this I've got a couple of scenarios in mind, but I'll some of those for future requests!
Anyhow, how about Soundwave introducing S/O to his casettes, how they interact with her, what they think of her, etc.
|[part one ]|
YOU peered over your servos, curling the digits around the glass rim of the mini-aquarium.It was a nine feet tall container, accommodating your height, as well as your size, allowing you to swim around freely.
“Why's she lookin' at me weird."
Soundwave had conjured it up swiftly within a matter of days. You remembered a kind of warmth pulsed in your spark, relief and adoration mottled into one, when he told you that.
As, after all, following initial meeting with the decepticon, you doubted the notion of him ever coming back. It wasn't rocket science. Every being in close proximity of your own, whether it was intentional or not, is guaranteed too maim themselves injured or dead.
If you were to prevent that, suppressing your field proves to be another problem. Holding it taut for for so long only reels you nauseous, spinal strut shuddering with an intensity more vehement than any lacerating wound would pulse.
But, at the sight of him returning with another mech (an intimidating one, if you had to add ) the prospect doesn't seem all that delusional. Not when he had gently lifted you up from the waters, a servo on your tail, and the other on your back, sauntering towards a make-shift carrier not too far from the shore.
"We have to ensure her outer platings are constantly moisturized." Shockwave, you remembered his name, droned off to your new companion. "Her build is naturally divergent from our own. Years of decade long exposure to water, maybe even more, had caused the outer epidermis to conform to the surroundings. If not handled with care, the oxygen will rust the platings and the ramifications will be severe."
Soundwave had left swiftly with his scientist after depositing you in the container, assuring that it won't be long before he comes back. You're now left in the company of two eccentric little bots. Little bots that dawdled in front of the aquarium, unbothered.
"I'm tellin' ya, she's lookin' at me weird."
You blink tentatively. They were so small. Around the height of a human if you had to guess, if not — just a little taller.
"Oi! Rumble,” You dipped at the sound of a smack.
The other (black red, you note) groaned, clutching his helm. “Hey, hey! Watch the head! Watch the head! I'm not fussin' knockout for a cracked helm after getting my servo fixed! You know how he is eith second appointments.”
Blue, meanwhile, fisted his hips and narrowed his optics. "Then, watch that mouth if you don’t wanna have big red after ya' spark.”
“Can’t help it if she looks weird, fussbrain.”
“And you’re gonna be guts deep in a pit ‘cause a’that? I'll gaurantee ya' a clock in the head if bossman hears."
You settled your chin on the glass, observing them prattle away. Mini-figures, moving. Gestures and expressions, animated.
"Oi, looks are subjective, alright? You find ‘er normal. I find ‘er abnormal. I’m honest about it. I’m an honest mech.” Rumbles puts a servo on his chest. “At least, I ain’t no screamer.”
"You just might be with how much slag's spooling out of that intake!”
"Ugh. Just look at the tails!"
Blue vents, complies with a swivel , and inspects you, squinting of his optics. He snorts.
Frenzy ignores his biting tone and continues his examination. “Too lifey to be tails. What tail is on someone's shoulder, eh? I see 'em moving, too. Oi! You. You’re pulling your field back, you scared or something?”
"I don't think they're tails, Rumble.”
“What’s it then, her brain?”
"....Not at all.” You say demurely. But your tendrils stiffen when their own fields eases over. As if they’re experimenting.
Rumble cocks a brow, "Oh, good. She speaks."
"Course she does, idiot. What she gonna do, sing?"
“You know what? A performance ain’t too bad right now to be honest.”
"Rumble, Frenzy : mind your manners."
"Oh, slag. Right. Sorry about that.”
They both stiffened, swivelling around in time to meet the gaze of their, you weren't so sure how to describe their relationship, sire? Towering over the two.
“Your field.” He warns.
You visibly loosened when the pressure of their field retracted. Frenzy blinks at the noticeable change while Rumble says nothing.
“I’d like ta’ see you try, fussbrain.”
“‘pologies bossman." He starts. "We're, uh, a little curious."
“Too curious.” Frenzy mutters, earning a hard kick to his shin. He grunts and they both swivel, face to face, fists locked and loaded for a brawl.
“Oh, I oughta give that servo a nice beating until big red comes around and scoops ‘em up like broken egg shells. Ya hear?”
Soundwave strides past the two bickering mini-cons and straight towards the container. Your tendrils relax a the sight of him approaching. No longer bristling, you teeter close to the glass wall. He puts a servo on the surface and you do, as well, grasping the pulse of warmth behind the glass.
You give him a small smile and somewhere behind his visors you notice a crinkle of his optics.
“Rumble, Frenzy.” He swiveled around and gave out your designation. “Introduce yourself.”
“This one there. That bugger is Rumble.” Frenzy points, “And I’m frenzy. I woulda shake ya’ servos but missy is nine feet off the ground and i’m seven feet short.”
“It’s alright. No need for that.” You said.
“She’ll be staying with us for a while. I’m expecting her welcome is to be warmly embraced.”
Rumble greets you with a careless wave of his servo. “Oh, she’ll be fine with us. No worries, there. We’ll keep ‘er good company as long as she doesn’t piss off Ravage and get ‘er tail stuck in a kitty’s claw. Ain’t that right, squid?”
That was….highly specific. Ravage?They seem quite the charmer. Let’s hope you won’t encounter that problem anytime soon. Pissing off Ravage and the like. You gave them a sheepish smile and nod. “Thank you for, ah, accepting me. I know this isn’t easy to see a new face around.”
“Squid.” Frenzy says blandly.
Soundwave meets your gaze. “She’s a neutral.”
Rumble shrugs. “Didn’t say it was hard.”
“Uh, how long is a while?” Frenzy looks up. “Won’t Megatron have a thing or two to say about ‘er buddies?”
“But—" Rumble begins.
“A nuetral.” He says more firmly. “That’s all there is to her faction. And you’re going to refer it that way, am I clear?”
The mini con glanced to each other for a moment. To you, then to Soundwave. Frenzy shrugs, as though he couldn’t care less. mumbling a simple “A’ight.” While Rumble grins, gleaming with chesire smugness.“If you say so, boss.”
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
So, it started!
Fandom: FNAF
Character: The mimic
Type of fic: concepts
I don't think there's much to add for this plot that wasn't said in that brainrot that was posted some time ago about him.
Yeah, sure! I'll see what I can do for The Mimic. In this concept I refer to the character as just "The Mimic"/It as I'm not sure if there's a canonical gender pronoun (Wiki says The Mimic is Genderless and says "It")?
Also, FNAF related side note; I love how I've seen a 🦊🐻 and 🐇 anon but no chicken XD It would've fit so well. There may have been a 🐣 anon but they never interacted so idk....
Potential spoilers for FNAF: Ruin and Tales From The Pizzaplex?
Yandere! The Mimic Concept
Pairing: Romantic (It thinks so, at least)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Murder, Blood, Stalking, Kidnapping, Forced affection, Forced "relationship".
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The Mimic does exactly what you think it would.
It mimics what's around it... that's how it's survived this long.
It's creation was meant to be an AI that learns and mimics things it sees.
This is how The Mimic learned to copy its creator's son, it's also how it learned violence.
Mimicking what's around it caused so many gruesome murders by its hands.
The Mimic takes up violent behavior way before you even meet it.
It's locked away underground yet occasionally still finds new victims.
How it transitions into yandere territory is this according to the brainrot I was sent:
It copies other behavior.
Maybe The Mimic sees two Pizzaplex workers getting a bit too... friendly with each other.
Perhaps on the job they decided to use the private time to show some affection.
Holding hands... hugging... kissing... telling each other they love one another.
The typical stuff you'd see with couples.
Sadly... they quickly become victims of The Mimic.
But not before The Mimic learns something new.
The Mimic learns a new thing to copy... compassion.
Or at least... a twisted form of compassion.
The Mimic picks up on what couples do, yet the violence it learned before still lingers in its code.
Who knows, maybe the AI even finds jealousy to copy from the same couple or some other workers.
That or jealousy is something it learns on its own.
The Mimic is finding ways to process these new lessons and behaviors up until you find your way into the underground Pizza Place.
You could be another guard sent to clean things up or just an outsider who managed to find themselves stuck here while exploring.
Either way, as you roam the underground levels, you're being stalked.
The shambling Frankenstein of a bot follows you around yet its intentions are unclear.
It stays out of your view and it processes what it wants to do next.
It's mind goes to violence again... like all the rest.
Then it thinks of something else... copying how those other humans treated one another.
Their interactions appeared... softer... more positive.
The bot recalls when it was once praised and cared for.
It remembers being playful and being treated well.
Perhaps it feels it wants to recreate that... it wants to feel that love again.
For this concept The Mimic's actions could be interpreted as "Romantic".
Yet that's mostly because that's what it saw.
If it saw more platonic actions it would mimic those with you, but I'm going to make this concept more akin to the brainrot I was given a long time ago.
Either way... The Mimic intends to feel loved again.
With you as its target of affection.
Your encounter with the bot is no doubt creepy.
First of all, the appearance of the bot is mixed parts and strangely humanoid compared to its more animal-like peers.
Then there's the fact it can mimic voices.
The Mimic would use the voices of victims to lure you closer to it
It would then try to mash together voices to communicate with you.
It also doesn't have much of a moral compass.
So when it eventually comes up to you to act out the affection its mimicked, it has no idea its wrong.
When it eventually corners you, you fully expect to die.
Maybe the machine even has dried blood on it from previous victims.
You cower in place... expecting some sort of physical blow.
Only for the machine to kneel down in a clunky fashion and lightly reach out to you.
You feel cold and rusted metal on you skin as the bot tests things out.
It tries to find a comfortable way to speak with you and not scare you.
You may even feel the tall and lanky seven foot bot pick you up to stand you in your feet.
For being a killing machine... towards you it appears oddly friendly.
More than friendly actually... affectionate.
It tries small things with you.
Things like grabbing your hand and just holding it, maybe even patting your head.
Then there's times it holds you a bit too tight.
Or it feels it's appropriate to press its rusted teeth to your skin in what can only assume is a kiss?
Or it's biting you?
You can't tell and really don't wish to know.
As you roam about the Pizza Place, The Mimic follows.
You feel uneasy as it clinks and clanks around behind you.
Glowing eyes never leave you as it tries to learn from you.
The Mimic would definitely copy things from you.
It copies your voice and movements in an attempt to relate and appeal to you.
If it looked different and didn't murder... one could find it twistedly cute.
The Mimic still keeps the violent behavior it learned, however.
For example, if you were a worker and another guard came down to check on you, The Mimic reacts with hostility.
Or if you came to explore the ruins with a friend?
It doesn't like the idea of this other person touching or talking to you.
Up to this point The Mimic hasn't displayed violent tendencies with or around you.
You've been able to tolerate its strangeness towards you.
Things go down hill the moment another person is involved.
Like some sort of switch... the moment its eyes lock onto your friend/coworker, it stops playing nice.
Before you can say anything The Mimic attacks.
You scream yet it doesn't respond.
The bot pounces on your companion and tears into them like an animal.
There's blood... gore... the sight in unbearable and horrid.
Yet it's not like you can do anything.
They're long gone by the time The Mimic touches them.
As a result, you run.
You run to look for an exit and escape.
The Mimic is disappointed when it stops attacking as sees you gone.
In an attempt to find you it leaves its mess behind to search.
Things change by this point.
The Mimic still has a twisted sense of affection towards you.
But you don't see it as harmless anymore.
The Mimic doesn't understand the fear you hold towards it.
When it finds you it tries to mimic the behavior it learned from you.
Although you don't respond positively as you can see it dripping in blood.
The moment you met The Mimic, your fate was sealed.
This is because it doesn't plan on even letting you leave.
It will just drag you deeper underground and continue to mimic affection towards you.
It won't kill you... but if you fight it...
It's violent behavior does tell it to break something of yours to make you comply.
The Mimic is a very interesting character in this sort of story.
All its doing is mimicking and learning due to its adaptable AI.
It isn't entirely conscious of its actions, at least not to the degree of other bots.
A yandere Mimic is the result of a poor combination of events.
If The Mimic was properly contained... you'd probably never be in this situation...
Yet now you're here... locked away underground... with a robotic amalgamation watching over you like a hawk.
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Guess who just read chapter 18 of Love, Death and Rollerskates and have a new theory to share
Beware: major spoilers under the cut
Okay, so, remember when I said Sun could maybe find his way out of Afton's psychological hold and save the reader along with Moon?
Yeah yeah yeah, and now new elements have been added and they're rather big ones. So, does this theory still stand?
Well, the answer is: it could. We did see that Sun is also badly affected by his actions, and shows regrets from killing his friends, to the point of lying to himself and rewriting his files, feeding the vicious circle of hopes, despair and frustration.
But there's a stain to the picture: Moon and Sun haven't been built by the same person.
Now, let me voice out the obvious: as long as we believed that Moon was also a creation of Afton, we could easily imagine Sun somehow following his counterpart's path to freedom, which placed the solar bot as a desperate soul needing to be saved just as much as his lunar coworker. Moon could be held as a proof that Afton's conditioning was flawed. He was the testimony of a past occurrence.
Except he isn't anymore.
Moon isn't Afton's creation. His main directive isn't the same as Sun. Which means him defying Afton's authority means nothing in regards to Sun's situation. He's not a "past occurrence". There is no past occurrence. No proof.
We no longer have the certainty that Sun can break out of his mental prison.
Of course, we could argue that Sun's feeling for the reader are also a "first occurrence", that the mechanism at work is slightly different than what it was the previous times, and that sentience is a tricky thing that makes disobedience possible. But the fact that Moon doesn't have the same main directive as Sun also raises another concern: we're not sure anymore that being sentient is a strong enough thing to make them able to mess with their code.
We could think otherwise before because we were taking for a fact that Moon has the same main directive as Sun and that he was therefore able to break the rules, or at least bend them enough to stop being as loyal to Afton as he should. But he doesn't have the same directives. Which means we might have never seen him disobey or twist his main directive. Which means he might not be able to do so either.
I feel like this fact might be important in the future. The way this problem will be addressed might be crucial to the story and I can't wait to see it developed, and to discover how Sun, Moon and y/n will deal with it in the future.
But wait, I'm not done.
You know, while we're on the subject of sentience...
What if Sun and Moon were not the only sentient bots?
Yeah, you got it, I'm talking about Space Cadet.
I won't lie, I really feel like an idiot voicing out the most obvious thing here but listen. I need to fucking say it out loud. So let's say the obvious.
The way Spadillelicious phrased the latest interaction with the little guy literally pushes us to question his sentience, and I strongly believe it's not because of some weird type of habit the reader might be starting to develop, to consider any vaguely humanoid bot as sentient.
Space Cadet is sentient. He has been since the beginning: when he tried to warn the reader with a cautionary tale of a woodsman (the reader, but who truly killed them? I'd say the hunter, but are we really sure about that?), a wolf (Moon, stalking y/n in the shadows? But what did Space Cadet mean when he said the wolf would feed on the corpse out of hunger? Is Moon more of an opportunist than we'd think?) and a hunter (Sun, preying for new hires every time the precedent employee gets killed, pulling the trigger when commended to do so?), just before the reader discovers Afton's shady business.
And now, as y/n desperately tries to hide from Moon, Space Cadet wakes up without an invitation to tell them that Moon wasn't designed to be bad, he used to work for a good guy, and found himself in those desperate circumstances against his will, but he's still good.
Space Cadet is sentient. He just cannot show it too much for some reasons. Probably because Afton would get rid of him if he learnt about it. So the little bot tries and tries and tries to warn people that something is very wrong.
Of course, he doesn't portray the two other animatronics greatly either. But we have to admit: both Sun and Moon aren't exactly good people. And if Cadet is sentient, it means he has his own opinion on both of them: two bots he's seen partaking more or less actively in Afton's activities, while he was a simple, miserable, passive witness of the horrors William committed behind closed curtains.
So of course, he isn't very fond of either of them. But he's also very much aware that out of the two, Moon might be the best pick that the reader could make.
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devilart2199-aibi · 4 months
I need to know more about Motormaster and Swindle's relationship in your AU?? Those two are some of my favorites in the entirety of Transformers, and seeing them work together is all I could want. Are they best friends/good friends until Motors starts to have his boys win? What does Swindle think of the Stunticons?
Ahhh! Thanks for the interest/question! >w<
I must say, I feel like I don't know the most about MotorMaster atm. I'm just pulling from the 80s cartoon and character bio mainly. But he's always been really cool to me, all the Stunticons really, so I wanted to include them somehow :3
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Anyway! As for Swindle and MotorMasters relationship? They are pretty much just work associates, but they respect each other's work. Though when Swindle is a bit too demanding MM thinks about how easy it would be to crush the little bot.
I'm thinking I might make it that the Stunticons were in a bad place or something and Swindle being the opportunist he is, offers assistance. Maybe they have trouble getting into races or something? And Swindle has the Shanix to throw around. An investment.
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As for the Stunticons? Swindle thinks they're fine. Dragstrip is their star racer (makes the most profit) so he likes him the most probably, though Deadend and Breakdown are easier to talk to. Wildrider is just... he's kinda intense.
Swindle mainly just keeps his business / interactions between himself and MM. They both have their goals and don't fluff up the relationship much. They do probably have big celebrations at the casino when the boys win and it's planned though! He's a bit like a sponsor. Drinks on the house! 🥂🎉
That's about all I have idea wise for them now! Of course I'm still reading the IDW1 Collection and maybe (hopefully) there's a Stunticons story in there? So they may change a bit! If I learn something new about them haha. Anyway thanks for your curiosity for the au! :D 💞
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For guard duty would smokescreen tell alpha trion about Optimus offering him the matrix of leadership or would alpha trion find out on his own? Since ultra Magnus was picking up all the autobots what would ultra Magnus and wheeljacks reaction to Alpha trion being there and the autobots and the kids reaction when they didn't see smokescreen with Alpha trion?what would their reactions be when Alpha trion told them that smokescreen went to go save Optimus what would the autobots think about that? What about the aftermath when they took down darkmount and Optimus joins them in battle with his new frame?
I have so many questions about this so sorry if it's a bit long 😭
Oooooo this is a fun ask :)
let's do this all in chronological order:
Ultra Magnus was NOT expecting to find Alpha Trion. Sure he was on the lookout for Autobots, but Alpha Trion has been supposedly dead at best and captured at worst for millions of years, and yet here he is on this backwater organic planet that's crawling with Decepticons and the supposed last remaining scraps of the Autobots
of course there's always the off chance that this is a trick, since bots like Makeshift exist, but I feel like he'd be able to figure it out pretty quickly. After all, I don't think it'd be out of the question for Ultra Magnus to have met and interacted with Trion before his disappearance at least a handful of times, which should make verifying his identity simple enough
As for Wheeljack... admittedly he's not super hyped. It's not like he's upset Trion's alive and with them, but he's not super excited since he's not a warrior and given the fact he's a super old archivist he's probably some cranky mech with a stick up his ass like how he viewed Magnus. Essentially like how Wheeljack first treated Optimus, but without the initial respect for him as a fellow warrior
But then :) The Autobots and the kids :)))
they already knew something was wrong the moment Alpha Trion stepped off of Magnus's ship. Smokescreen had hardly been apart from the mech for more than an hour or two since they arrived, and they highly doubted he'd leave him alone right now when tensions were so high. Had they been separated? Attacked???
At least in canon, they had had the fraction of hope that was not knowing. Of the fact that just maybe Smokescreen was deep underground and hiding out of reach from the sensors, and that as unlikely as it was it was still possible
but this time? This time they have Alpha Trion telling them that he saw Smokescreen jump back through the Groundbridge with his own eyes
Sure they can hope Smokescreen and Optimus are just far beneath the ground, but they all know deep down the chances of that are slim to none
…….at least, until they pop back up during Darkmount :3
Their reactions are very similar to those of canon in all honesty. A lot of disbelief and a good ol adrenaline rush to take the whole tower. Alpha Trion is especially ecstatic because not one but BOTH of his students are alive and well! Though he also has to deal with trying to figure out how to deal with Smokescreen's little stunt since what he did was reckless and a bit suicidal but it saved Optimus's life but he ignored his duties as a guard BUT Trion has been trying to get Smokescreen to act more independently since they got here B U T -
yeah he's got a lot going on, but bottom line is he's absolutely overjoyed to see Smokescreen again, and I think that just maybe, they get to hug :> as a treat :>>>
now the big one. The Matrix
I'll be honest? I don't think Smokescreen would tell Alpha Trion, at least not at first. I haven't fully hammered out all the details as to how it happens (because believe me, it definitely will) but this line of thinking also got me wondering about something else
about how for the first time since essentially the start of his entire existence Alpha Trion isn't going to know what happens next
sure he might know the broad stokes. The final stand on Earth, the Doom Prophecy, Unicron, the destruction of the Omega Lock, and the Autobot's eventual victory, so on so forth....
but one massive blind spot is Smokescreen
Smokescreen, who somehow managed to keep Alpha Trion alive even when he was supposed to die, defying prefortold FATE. Trion knew he was going to die, and he accepted that, and yet here comes Smokescreen, barreling in and changing something with no understanding of what he's done and the gravity of what that means
who's to say it wouldn't happen again? Hell, just the fact Trion is on EARTH is already changing so much and it brings into question just how much he can trust his knowledge
for possibly the first time in his life, Alpha Trion is just as in the dark about the future as everyone else and he can't do anything about it
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Hey it's me again sorry if I'm overwhelming you with my multiple asks what could you do more old Predacon buddy with maybe just hanging out with the kids and stuff along with they're adopted son aka preking (I hope I'm saying his name right) Just some wholesome fluff and possibly make sure ratchet actually recharges and doesn't stay up all night working including the Optimus and the others old Predacon buddy has those sweet old Southern Grandpa vibes or you could do some old Predacon buddy interacting with Megatron during his glory days or something similar to that whatever you choose I'm not really picky also Make sure not to overwork yourself and make sure to hydrate every now and then and eat something at least healthy =]
They are back!
Caution: Grandparent vibes nearby
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon slice of life
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
It had been a rather busy month on base.
After the latest Decepticon mining activity, all the Autobots were on edge and running around like crazy.
Buddy mainly took care of the humans while everyone was busy on base. They swear if they didn’t have such an eye sore of an alt mode, they would pick up the kids instead of having to remind some of them to do it themselves.
Buddy lumbering around the console behind Bulkhead.
“Bulkhead? What are you still doing here?”--Buddy
“What do you mean?”--Bulkhead
“Bulkhead why isn’t Miko here? Is she sick?”--Buddy
“She at school today.”--Bulkhead
“Bulkhead its Saturday. Miko doesn’t have school.”--Buddy
Bulkhead transforms quickly and drives out.
Buddy shaking their helm at Ratchet.
“Kids these days.”--Buddy
“You said it.”--Ratchet
“You count too Ratchet.”--Buddy
Ratchet raises an optic at Buddy and vents a bit.
“You may be old by these young bots but don’t forget I’m the eldest here.”--Buddy
“Yet you try to do things a young bot would. It’s not good for your joints.”--Ratchet
Buddy gentle flicks Ratchet in the back of the helm with their tail.
“My frame allows some extra movement.”--Buddy
Buddy stretches their arm.
“…”—Buddy and Ratchet
“Not a word Ratchet. Not. A. Word.”--Buddy
Buddy knew that entertaining the kids with stories was only going to go so far. Especially when their guardians could stay with each of the children for long.
It was frankly getting on Buddy’s nerves.
It finally reached their limit when Movie Night came around.
The kids had gotten permission to spend the night at the base.
The original plan was to have a movie night with everyone.
Just some quality time with one another catching up on everything.
But it looked like most of them had forgotten about it.
Buddy didn’t like this. At. All.
And their spark broke a little seeing their disappointed faces.
Buddy looking down at the kids.
“Kids meet me at the exit with the gear.”--Buddy
“The gear?”--Jack
“Yes, you which one I’m talking about. Meet me over by the exit, we’ll have that Movie Night when we are done with it.”--Buddy
Once the kids came with the gear, Buddy knelt and had them climb on using their magnetic seatbelts.
These were almost light the Earth car seats but they were specially designed to be placed on Buddy via magnets.
Nothing was going to peel them away from Buddy until the end of any trip.
As soon as everyone was ready Buddy shot upwards.
Did they scare the kids a bit?
Yes, but it was worth it.
Buddy flying through the night sky.
“You seem pretty fast for an old timer.”--Miko
Buddy huffs a bit.
“This old timer still has a few tricks up their metaphoric sleeve.”--Buddy
“But you shouldn’t fly too fast, you can pull something.”--Raf
“Oh, my sweet Rafael, I’m spry for my age.”--Buddy
“Yes Jack?”--Buddy
Jack points forwards.
Buddy wasn’t too bothered by the sight of Predaking.
But they might have forgotten how the kids didn’t know the other predacon like they had.
Soon the two Predacon’s were flapping their wings circling each other.
The clouds around them slowly formed around them.
Through a series of clicks and roars the two talked.
‘Predaking, how are you? It’s been too long.’--Buddy
‘Fine Buddy. How are you faring with the enemy.’--Predaking
Buddy huffing.
‘They are not the enemy of mine, Predaking. I’ve told you before.’--Buddy
Predaking’s turn to huff.
‘There’s a reason you wanted to talk isn’t there?’--Buddy
‘…You know me too well.’--Predaking
‘I would be an awful ‘grandparent’, as the humans say. At least that’s how I remember the saying.’--Buddy
Predaking huffs.
‘I have been considering… leaving the Decepticons.’--Predaking
Buddy raising their optics.
‘You have?’--Buddy
‘I can put a good word in with the Auto—’--Buddy
‘No. At least… not now…’--Predaking
Buddy nods.
‘You still need time. I understand. Just let me know, okay?’--Buddy
Predaking nods and flies the other way.
Buddy huffs a bit.
“Oh yeah I forgot you don’t understand the clicks yet.”--Buddy
“I will teach you three one day.”—Buddy
“What did he want?”--Jack
“He just wanted to talk, nothing more.”--Buddy
They continued their flight before it was time to go back to base.
As Buddy touched down, they could see some of the Autobots come out of the base to see what was going on.
Buddy simply walked inside with the kids still on their back.
Buddy kneeling down so the kids could get down and take the gear off.
“Where were you four?”--Arcee
“Flying around Arcee. It can get stuffy in here.”--Buddy
“You know that someone could have spotted you?”--Arcee
“I am fully aware of that Arcee. I think with one of the largest alt modes here, I’d keep that in mind.”—Buddy
“Then why—"--Arcee
Buddy stands back up to full height.
“I do believe that there was a ‘Movie Night’ that you all needed to attend.”—Buddy
Buddy stretches a bit.
“…I’m old, okay. Haven’t you all heard of joints popping?”--Buddy
“Yes, but not like that.”--Bulkhead
Buddy lays down near the projector.
The kids follow with their blankets and pillows.
“Beep boop bop bep? (Do you need to see Ratchet?)”--Bumblebee
“I’m fine. Now let’s watch the movie the children have chosen.”—Buddy
Team Prime give Buddy a side eye, but ultimately gives in.
The Autobots crowd around the projector to watch the movie into the late hours of the night.
Buddy looks around, just happy to have a family together.
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binnieceo · 16 days
Hello, kind strangers on the internet!
Oh, wow! Discord drama, huh? I never thought I'd be in the center of it all. Well, since she has shared her side of the story, it's only fair that I share mine.
So, if you aren't chronically online, allow me to explain: A teenager by the name of Tori (or Six) is accusing me of grooming her which is SO far from the truth that it is not even in the same plane of existence as the truth to begin with.
Some screenshots have been lost to time and I only have word of mouth to back me up, so you guys will have to just believe my (and others') words.
I don't screenshot every person and conversation I have. Tori keeps changing her profile, aliases, etc, so the things she's said and done a year ago have been lost.
Certain servers were deleted. Most of the bad stuff Tori said was on a server I made (which I will get into later) that was also later deleted. I only have a few screenshots from the server and most of them are EXTREMELY pixelated and low quality, so I'm sorry about that.
Most of our interactions pre-discord were on Twitter. And not only was Twitter banned in my country, but both me and Tori deleted our accounts.
"Why did you delete your twitter??? Are you sus??"
No actually. I was just getting bombarded with negativity from Twitter so I deleted my acc for the sake of my mental health. Tori wiped her Twitter (idk how? maybe she used bots) because she said she wanted to repurpose her account into a study account, which is fine.
Okay, so, starting:
First things first, I was 17 when I first met Tori back in April 2023. But I think I was 16 when we first interacted, because I have memory of interacting with her in the HJ server before I had my birthday.
She proceeded to DM me on Discord and I scrolled through all our convos and there really isn't anything worth noting there. We didn't talk much in DMs at all. There is just friendly talks about how our day went and how much we appreciated each other, so I'm not gonna put any of those here, because they are irrelevant.
Tori, at the time, asked me to DM a friend of hers (who was in the HJ server) and tell her that she wanted to end the friendship. I was confused but also didn't know how to say "no" at the time, so I just did what she asked and she seemed happy.
At some point, we started talking about fanfiction. We didn't talk about anything bad, just how much Tori liked my work and enjoyed being my friend. Later, she gave me her Twitter @ and that was the first time I saw her posting about NSFW.
She re-tweeted and followed NUMEROUS NSFW artists/fanfic writers (mostly Tower of God and Kimetsu no Yaiba) and made her own posts talking about it, mostly about just how much she wanted to rape Gyuu (a KNY character). Again, I literally don't have access to Twitter anymore + Tori WIPED her account, so even if you follow her, you won't be able to find anything like this there.
I didn't think too much of this at the time. It was just fanfiction, nothing more, nothing less. And yeah did she tell me she was 17 and not 18? Yeah but like. Teenagers are going to teenage and interact with porn anyway so I was like "this is fine" (it wasn't)
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Then, at some point, someone in the HJ server brought up that they were 13 and I promptly banned them (the rules state that those below 16 cannot join). Which prompted Tori to send me the above message.
And this is where I made a grave mistake: I kept talking to her despite it all.
To be completely honest, I was feeling extremely awkward and confused when she first sent me that message, and just wanted to calm her down because I had the impression she was really shaken up by what happened.
"But why did you keep talking to her??"
I kept talking to her out of pity. She often vented to me and the others about how bad her life IRL was, how her friends irl treated her badly and how much she hated it all. I felt like I owed her my friendship because I was the one who messaged her ex-friend some time earlier, making her feel alone. So, I kept talking to her.
I'd also like to note that those were some of the last few messages we exchanged in DMs (the last were something abt Evangelion? I don't know what Evangelion is but she seemed obsessed with it at the time.)
Some time after this, me and Tori met my two best friends (whose names I edited out of the screenshots) and interacted on Twitter before moving to Discord (because Twitter DMs suck and Elon is a bitch)
And that Group Chat on Discord is where all of her screenshots come from. However, differently from what she made others believe, me and Tori didn't actually interact too much in that GC at all, and when we did, it was to talk about our lives/funny memes/Hand Jumper.
This is mostly due to time zone restraints. Tori studied in the morning/afternoon while I was at work, and when night fell (when she was active) I was in school and only came back home during midnight.
Did I talk about NSFW in the GC? Yeah, but Tori wasn't present when me and the others were talking about it, and she never replied or interacted with those messages so I never thought she even saw them. I was even surprised she took screenshots of our convos at all jhds
And also despite what she makes it look like, we didn't talk JUST about NSFW in the group chat, and I also never instigated them to talk about it. I actually had to scroll a LOT to find the conversations Tori mentioned. There are actually very few and far between who are buried below normal conversations and vents about our lives and interests.
The ones who usually started the NSFW convos were my two besties and Tori (when I was offline). Tori actually liked to send NSFW Tower of God (webtoon) fanfictions in the middle of normal conversations just to make the others acknowledge and talk about it.
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She also makes fun of me for asking for help with my smut fanfics, but Tori also asked US for help with her own TOG rapefic (I think it involved a blue haired boy and his uncle?) because she also wrote NSFW (and especially fic-threads on Twitter). I remember she sent me the google docs she wrote the rapefic on but I don't have access to it anymore because I don't save other people's google docs.
And now you might say:
"Wait! You are a proshipper?! You just lost all of your credibility!"
And to that I say: Yeah, I am a proshipper. Proshipper just means I don't tell people to kill themselves or harass them if they like a ship I don't. That's literally it.
And even if you still hate me for using that word and decides to side with Tori because of it, just know that she also calls herself a proshipper (she used to have this on her discord bio as well, but deleted it. This only exists in her tiktok now.) and STILL talks about/interacts with rapefics/incest fics. I'm inclined to believe that she also writes Dead Dove fics but publishes them under a different alias, but that's just speculation.
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So like, yeah. If you hate me for being a proshipper just know she is one too so like we're on equal ground here lmao.
Well, continuing.
At some point, Tori sent a long message in our group chat (screenshot below) saying she didn't feel comfortable talking about NSFW with us.
And you know what I did?
I... respected her boundaries.
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(I edited the pictures together because of Tumblr's image limit. I hope you can read them. If it is too pixelated I'll just reblog the post with the standalone pictures)
She didn't want to talk about NSFW/Dead Doves with us? That's okay. I understood that. It was also around that time I finally started coming to my senses and realized that it didn't matter if I had any good or bad intentions towards Tori, me talking about those things with her in the first place was a bad thing, and I shouldn't have done it.
Tori said she didn't want to lose our friendship or leave on bad terms, so I asked the other girls to censor all of their mature messages (not only NSFW stuff, but also just bad/sad stuff/news from irl news sources) so she could talk to us without being exposed to any type of bad things (because she was also venting a LOT to us at the time and said she wanted to forget the real world for a moment.)
I also made a Discord server with just me, Tori, and our two friends. The server doesn't exist anymore, as my friend deleted it, but I basically divided the server into two sections so we could talk about anything we wanted as a group without bothering/triggering Tori.
But...It was also in that server that Tori started saying extremely concerning things.
Not only did she become progressively mean with time, but she also said she and her sister PROUDLY doxxed someone, and she was RACIST towards my friend, saying that she, a (probably) white person had the RIGHT to call my friend the N word because she wasn't (in her words, not mine) "actually black". Just for context, this friend is BLASIAN (black and asian) so she was being racist AND xenophobic at the SAME TIME. (Sadly, neither me or said friend have the screenshots to prove it, only the memory of it. But all 3 of us can back this up because we saw the conversation happening.)
She also, somehow, found out the school address of another one of my friends AND their ZIP Code, and sent a google streetview picture of said friend's school saying that she didn't live "too far away" which scared the shit out of me and the other girls.
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I hope you can see the screenshots properly. I wasn't the one who took them, so they are pixelated.
Those are the screenshots where Tori says she doxxed someone, and tried to guilt trip my friend into giving her their address so she could doxx them too.
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Screenshots of me and my friends talking about the situation, and about the fact Tori kept on posting NSFW on her (then) TikTok account and talked about it to her other friends who were probably younger than her.
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Screenshots of Tori being mean to me and my friends out of nowhere and for no reason. (The blue line was an unrelated message I deleted for the sake of space)
And, well, Tori being racist to our friend was the final straw. Sure maybe she was exagerating/lying about the doxx thing but we couldn't accept her being racist. So, I, Aline, ghosted Tori, which angered her quite a lot.
But instead of deleting the server, I just left it with Tori and my two friends in it (which was a dumb mistake). My two friends were left with this teenager they didn't like and were AFRAID OF while she stalked both me and them. I don't know what her objective was with all this but if she wanted to scare us, well then she did.
Our friends were so scared of her that they were afraid of cutting off their friendship normally. One of them even told me they were afraid Tori would doxx her if she unfriended her, and we were all looking for ways to get this girl out of our life so we could be in peace once and for all.
However, Tori used to LEAK Sleepacross' Patreon.
And why is this important? Well, because she once sent a google drive link with said patreon images to us once (I wasn't online at the time (it was late at night and I was in school) so I didn't see it) but her drive was e-mail locked. So basically, she had to approve which e-mail would be able to see the contents of her drive.
And this is how she was able to get a hold of my friends' personal e-mails. She could've very well deleted them from the drive's history but she KEPT THEM SAVED and used them to STALK and HARASS my two friends once they blocked her.
And after my friends blocked her e-mail address, Tori started STALKING AND HARASSING my OTHER friends, block evading and asking them to message me about why we left her.
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Above are screenshots about the entire e-mail situation, as well as a the very e-mail Tori sent my friends and the conversation I had with the friend who received Tori's messages.
Tori said she didn't want to be my hater but she didn't know why I blocked her. And well, the answer is simple: Tori is transphobic (more on that below) Racist, xenophobic, ableist, Doxxed at least TWO people and is PROUD of it, found out where our friends lived and THREATENED TO DOXX THEM if they ever got on her bad side.
So like, aside from the fact we shouldn't even have talked in the first place, we were just scared that this TEENAGER would doxx us online and do something bad to us.
And also, remember when Tori said she didn't like NSFW or Hand Jumper anymore? Well, turns out she was lying. Because not only does she still post about Hand Jumper, she uses pictures from the webtoon to say the most CRUDE AND AWFUL THINGS I've EVER seen someone say.
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Above are screenshots of Tori being ableist and transphobic (this was back when the olympics were going on and she sided against the woman who was suffering transphobia without even being trans at all)
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And remember when Tori nearly used the N word against a black person? Well it seems she isn't above using slurs at all because she (a cisgender girl) called a trans person a slur with no remorse and with no reason. (Just Tori suddenly turning on her friends and being mean for no reason, i guess.)
Yesterday Tori got her friends together and started calling me names and making threats against my life. And I don't care whether they are just joking and being teenagers or not, but what they are saying is extremely problematic, especially because I know some of the people in that server are adults as well and should know better
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I personally don't care about their threats and what ill they have to say about me. Let them speak, I don't care. Nothing these children ever say about me will be worse than the things I have to live with on a day-to-day basis, so like yeah keep talking. Your words can't reach me.
However, I am still making this post anyway. And you may say:
"Woah Aline, but aside from Tori's server and friend group this situation was private! Why are you exposing this at all?"
That's simple. Because Tori decided to include my friends into all of this. She can hate me all she want, send me death threats and suicide bait me all day, but if she has something against me, then she should keep it between me and her only. NOT the other girls.
She sent them all screenshots of our group chat (which were the few times we even spoke about NSFW) and didn't even censor my friends' names, and is trying to get her friends to rally against them, even if they literally didn't do anything wrong.
And I'm so sorry but. If I REALLY was the bad person Tori is making me out to be, surely she wouldn't go out of her way to block evade, stalk and harass my friends to get back into contact, with me, right?
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If I really was bad, then she would've thanked GOD that I left her life, but she didn't. She always found a way to stalk both me and the other girls. And it's clear from her message to my other friend (screenshots above) that she was clearly mad and upset that we left her, and this all culminated in her talking shit about me and giving people that never even interacted with me before the wrong idea.
ALL my friends, not just the ones who were originally part of our gc, are afraid of her simply because they INTERACTED with her in the past. They are afraid she will doxx them or get her friends to attack them.
And the thing that made me write this post at all is because my best friend is scared for her life and feeling extremely suicidal because of this teenager who just doesn't know how to get my name out of her mouth.
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My friends have been suffering with terrible anxiety and paranoia all because of Tori. Afraid of her and her little friend group, afraid of being doxxed and attacked online. They are afraid of interacting with the Hand Jumper fandom altogether because Tori is seen as some sort of "celebrity" and her word is law, especially because since she is a minor, people will always side with her no matter what.
So I made this post to finally pull off the bandaid and put the spotlight on myself, not the other girls.
Yes, it was my fault for keeping a friendship out of pity and not love. I was wrong for talking about NSFW near/with Tori. It didn't matter if I was also a minor at the time, I was still older and should have known better. It was wrong of me to do so despite me not having bad intentions. Sure yeah my existence (or lack thereof) in Tori's life would not have changed whether or not she interacted/wrote NSFW things before the right time, but I shouldn't have interacted with her regardless. Sadly, I was naive then. I was wrong, and I apologize. Not to the strangers who are reading this, but to Tori, who I shouldn't even have been friends with in the first place.
And to Tori, this message is for you once someone sends you this post:
Despite everything you did, despite all the horrid things you've said about me, all the death threats and harm you've commited to me and my friends, I want you to know that I don't wish any harm upon you.
I'm sorry for ghosting you instead of sending you a proper goodbye. You must have felt very confused, especially because the others left you soon after. For that I am also guilty.
But I also acknowledge the fact that you know that you are wrong, and that you know your age doesn't make you innocent, but you still bring it up as a defense regardless because you know people will side with you no matter what you've done.
Was I in the wrong for talking about NSFW around you? Yeah.
But you were also wrong for saying slurs, for being racist, for doxxing someone and threatening to doxx your friends if they ever left you. You were wrong to leak the patreon and for making a harassment campaign against me. I know I was wrong too but doxxing, stalking, racism and harassment are also crimes in the USA.
You were transphobic on your Tiktok, said an absurdly ableist statement that I still cannot believe is real, and even without me in your life, you interacted/still interacts with NSFW posts both on Tiktok and AO3 (and I don't doubt you do so on Twitter as well, but I can't log on the website). So while you and your friends can call me disgusting for liking porn and dead doves, you are not all that different from me and you know that.
And I know you know that doxxing, racism, transphobia and ableism is worse than any fanfiction either I or you could have written, but you can't accept that.
You are probably what? 15 now? You aren't 8 years old. You are not a child. You know the weight of your words and yet you decide to speak them anyway because you think the word "minor" will get you a "get out of jail free card", but that only works for so long.
So, yeah. That's it. This is the post. I was wrong but Tori is also no saint. And if you are her friend and you are reading this, I think it's better you reconsider your choices before she starts harassing you, too.
And if you are a bystander and want to cuss me out, then sure, go forth. Shit on me for calling myself a proshipper, shit on me for doing something I knew was wrong, call me a freak and block me I DON'T CARE.
Just leave my girls out of this, because they are not guilty of anything. They just befriended the wrong person who had all the wrong intentions. Any hate and harassment should come to me and NOT them.
That's all I have to say.
I hope september treats you with kindness, and that everyone stays safe out there.
(Below are just a few screenshots of me and my friends talking about the situation, both during and after this entire debacle. I didn't have a place to put them in on the original post.)
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