#maybe what's beautiful is what's meant to be broken and put back together and maybe there is beauty in putting it back together
I saw you naked before I saw your armour. And I don't mean that about your body.
And I while I am a fan of how you look in that suit of hardened armour, especially when I get to watch you put it in. It would kill me if you truly undressed from the layers of it. And all I can say is how I now have nothing but a deathwish.
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kakushino · 4 months
hello can i get a giyuu x reader angst , like where giyuu had an argument with the reader , but it turns out the reader is pregnant? you can add any other plot twist cus i love plot twists thank you !<3
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Tomioka Giyuu x Fem! Reader
He had lost a lot of people in his life by his own making. He refused to lose you too.
Tags: pregnancy, arguments, blood mention, abortion mention (no actual abortion), hurt/comfort Word count: 2k
AN: Hope you enjoy it! I actually had a WIP of an argument + making up before, so I got to revisit it and add the pregnancy spice you asked for hehe~ Huge thanks to my dearest beta reader @glitchtricks94 for helping me clear it up (o゜▽゜)o☆ another huge thanks to @starrierknight for brainstorming with me
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Giyuu’s injuries weren’t worse than normal, but that didn’t stop you from fretting over him – especially when he had a gash on his cheek, the same cheek you kissed a week ago when he was leaving for his mission. It made your chest feel tight to see his pretty face marred by demons. Your grandmother was surely rolling in her grave that such a classical beauty was hurt, the thought spurred you on to care for him.
No detail went unnoticed under your eye. He seemed tired, as usual, and a little stressed, as usual too - just a regular morning after slaying demons.
You sat him down at a western style dining table with a medical kit and supplies to clean the cuts with next to you. Your hands shook slightly when the damp cloth wiped away grime and blood, your lips pressed together when a fresh drop of blood oozed from the wound.
“You need to be more careful,” you murmured as you worked, the statement automatic, thoughtless.
Giyuu’s whole body stiffened. “Or what?”
You froze in place, your hand dipping the cloth in warm water. This was a new tone of his – a new way words could cut you if he wanted you to hurt: it was rough, serrated, mean. “What?”
He rolled his shoulders back a little, rearing for a fight. “You heard me the first time.”
You clenched your hand, leaving the rag in the water, and turned to fully face him. “Why are you so defensive? I meant no harm,” you replied, trying to calm the storm before it fully set in.
He stood abruptly, nearly knocking the chair he had sat in over. The look he shot you sent your heart galloping in your chest, from fear or indignation, you didn’t know. “You’ve done enough. Leave me be.”
Did he like you like this? Was the hurt in your eyes enough? That was – did he like the way it glinted, the way it caught the light? Hours upon hours spent on making your suffering pretty, and perhaps now it would pay off. He could cut you down into something pretty if he wanted to, and maybe you would let him.
Before he could walk away, before he could twist the rusty blade, you rose from your seat, “I have done nothing to warrant this tone with me, Tomioka Giyuu. Now tell me-“
"Stop bothering me," he cut you off, heading towards the door.
A violent whirlpool of emotion threatened to drown you, and for once, you let go. “You- you oaf! I can’t stand you being like this! What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect,” he snapped, voice like a viper and words just as stinging. “Or at least it would be if I didn’t have you nagging me every time. I’ve been through this enough to know what to do with myself. Unlike you who sits here all pretty and safe and fat, ready to wrap a bandage and call it a day.”
You flinched, for the first time in your husband’s presence, tears springing from your eyes, which you rapidly blinked away. What have I ever done to deserve this? You had waited on your hands and knees for this man every time he’d come home battered and bruised and broken and put him back together, without complaining, with love. This was what you got in return for your devotion? Pretty and useless. That’s what he basically called you.
Your throat tightened. You hardly had the energy to respond so you turned away and just… left. You couldn’t continue listening to Giyuu when he sounded so much like… like Shinazugawa. Whatever was bothering him best be left alone to cool off before you could talk about it.
You nodded to yourself as you packed an overnight bag. Some time apart would be good for you both. You knew he wouldn’t be sent out on a mission for a few days again, since he just returned from a longer stint, so you would come back tomorrow and try to resolve it then.
It was time for a check-up with a midwife anyway.
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He had really said all that.
And you left.
Your eyes filled with tears, and you left, as you should. He had treated you like garbage.
There was no going back, no taking back his idiocy, no swallowing back his words.
‘Let's stop fighting’ was at the tip of his tongue. ‘Come here and let me hug you’ nearly spilled from his lips. ‘I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry’ choked him up as you walked away.
He knew you were right. You did nothing wrong.
He felt nothing.
He was worth nothing.
Giyuu picked up the shards of his heart up and finished cleaning up his wounds. A short bath later, he walked into the kitchen to find food already made for him, now long gone cold. It just reminded him how much he butchered his relationship by what – stress and tiredness? A demon taunting him right before its death? If so little shook him up, did he even deserve to be with you?
A sharp pain pierced his heart at the thought of leaving you. His selfishness truly knew no bounds, hurting you and putting you in danger for being a Hashira’s partner yet wanting you to remain by his side.
After eating his portion, he made tea and waited to see if you would join him. There was no movement in the house at all; were you in your shared bedroom, laying in bed as you were used to when upset? He would give you time to cool off, give himself time to breathe, and then he would approach you with a clearer head. He needed to apologize.
One hour. Two hours.
Had he angered you so much that you wouldn’t come out? Your spats had never lasted this long.
The tea had long grown cold, but Giyuu couldn’t bring himself to make more. There were no sounds coming from the house.
Were you even here?
The thought jolted him from his seat, quickly walking to your shared bedroom.
“I’m coming in.”
He somehow expected it, though he’d hoped against it. You weren’t there.
Already turning to check all other rooms, he called out your name. His pace was brisk, his throat starting to clog up with a familiar emotion. Claws of anxiety sunk into his stomach, his heart beat like a drum, his lungs struggled to take in air. You weren’t there.
Where were you?
He ran through the whole estate and back two times but came up with no clue as to where you were. Panic mounted, crawling up his spine like a spider he couldn’t shake away.
Giyuu slammed the gate of his home open, very nearly running into his elderly neighbour.
She was hardly phased, though confused by his frazzled visage. “Tomioka-san? What’s got you in such a hurry, young boy?”
“Have you seen my wife?!” he’d never been as rude as he was now, but you were gone so what was he supposed to do?
“Your wife? Oh, that’s right, I saw her. If I recall, she was on her visit… hmm, who was she going to visit?” his neighbour mused. Giyuu waited with all the patience Urokodaki beat into him, that was – quite impatiently. “Oh right! A midwife! I was very surprised when-“
He stopped listening, or rather, he stopped hearing anything going on around him. A midwife? A midwife was a profession with a very specific set of skills for a very specific group of people… Did that mean-?
“Isotani-san,” Giyuu interrupted, breathless, eyes wide with surprise. “Are you saying my wife is pregnant?”
She squinted at him, “You didn’t know?”
It felt as if lightning came from clear skies and struck him. Every nerve itched with some kind of energy telling him to move.
He later vaguely remembered asking his neighbour for the direction you left in, but at the time, he saw nothing, and felt everything all at once.
Were you going to… terminate it? Were you going to tell the midwife, and would she terminate it? Was the midwife going to terminate it and help you move on? Would you move on without him?
Thoughts racing, heart galloping, Giyuu felt feverish. He stumbled back, deaf to his neighbour’s concerned questions as he turned the way you had left just hours ago. One foot in front of the other, a step by step, getting faster with each meter he passed until he was running nearly as fast as Uzui, desperation spurring him on.
Kanzaburo flew overhead, and when he cleared the village bounds, he called out to get the crow to lead him to you.
Time was of the essence. He may have botched his life, but he was too selfish to let go of you. He wanted, no- needed to get you back. You were his love, his soul, his home. He wouldn’t be able to go on if you left.
He felt crazed, desperate, as he ran.
Giyuu would have been faster had he not have to follow Kanzaburo but he wouldn’t be able to find you alone. He felt as if he was racing against the time. Any minute now, you would be in a the midwife’s home, waiting for the release from his clutches; any second now, you would sever the only tactile link you had to him – your baby.
His baby.
He swore, his mind supplementing him with your argument. It had been all his fault, he’d just lashed out because of nothing, like a toddler throwing a tantrum. How childish he’d been – and he was supposed to be a father? No, he wanted to be a father. He’d fix himself and he’d support you and he’d even carry you your whole pregnancy, so you didn’t have to walk. He’d learn to cook more than the basics to feed you and your baby.
Please, let me be in time.
Then he saw you.
The whole world seemingly froze, grey and empty save for you.
You were a pearl amongst rocks, still as beautiful as the first day he saw you, as beautiful as you were on your wedding day.
Giyuu didn’t stop, even as you turned to him in surprise when he called your name. He didn’t stop until he had you in a soul-crushing hug, tight and near bruising – one he immediately eased up on, since he didn’t want to hurt you.
“Calm down, Giyuu! What’s going on?”
“D-don’t-“ he stumbled over his words, still frantic and breathing heavily, “don’t get rid of it!”
You were confused, “Get rid of what?”
His hands were heavy clutching onto your clothes, his frame nearly hanging onto you. “Our – our child,” he gasped out. “Isotani-san told me you were- she told me you were pregnant.” His words came out in a rush, eyes wide as he stared at you, his pupils darted all over your face for a sign of – of anything, be it forgiveness, anger, sadness, anything.
Looking at him in such a state, near quivering in his spot, you felt powerful. Giyuu was at your mercy for once. You could topple him as easily as a sandcastle, crush him under your boot and grind down to juice him of all that made him who he was. It made you realize you held just as much power over him as he did over you. Oddly, you felt reassured - of his love, of your love, of the relationship. 
Heart hammering in your chest, cheeks filling with warmth, the adoration you carried in your heart spilled over and pooled in your stomach. You hungered for more of this power, positively starved to sink your teeth into him and drain him.
But that could wait.
“I am indeed pregnant,” you confirmed, your hands resting on his arms, thumbs stroking soothing lines over his muscles. You paused, letting the seconds painfully stretch out, “I’m not terminating the pregnancy.”
His whole being sagged with relief. Giyuu fell to his knees in slow motion, his hands sliding down your yukata to rest over your hips, now clutching the fabric there with a weak grip. “Thank gods…” he rasped out, his breathing stuttered as if holding back sobs. “Please, love, let’s not- I apologize – I apologize for everything. I shouldn’t have lashed out. I was wrong…”
His impossibly blue eyes met yours, the surface glistening with unshed tears, his guilt bitter but his plea tasting sweet on your tongue. Saliva gathered in your mouth, wanting more.
Did that make you a bad person?
“You dismissed my concern,” you stated, fighting back any expression wanting to take over your face. “You said I nag you. You called me useless.” And pretty, your mind supplied. He’d also called you fat, so there was that. “I didn’t deserve that.”
Giyuu’s lips were downturned, “You didn’t. I was an oaf.” His admission did nothing to soothe the ache he’d given you. “I’m willing to take whatever punishment you deem worthy of my misdeeds.” He let go of your yukata, smoothing over the wrinkles he made. He didn’t know what to do with himself, trying not to fidget as you rolled his actions and words in your mind.
“There will be no punishment,” you told him. If possible, he became even more tense, the need for absolution great. Perhaps no punishment would be a punishment of itself. “But don’t think you’re entirely forgiven. I accept your apology; you however have to make up for it your own way.” You studied his earnest expression, brows slightly furrowed as he started thinking about ways to win you back. It shouldn’t be too hard. He did it once, he could do it again.
Giyuu slowly stood up, taking your hands in his. “I won’t disappoint you, love,” he said resolutely, kissing your fingertips softly. He adored you, with his whole heart, mind and body.
Everything would work out – just like the ice always melts and clouds disperse, a typhoon passes and the sea calms.
“If you pull this act again, I’m leaving.” You glared at him for a second to get your point across. Giyuu nodded and pulled you in for a sweet kiss.
He almost lost you and he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.
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Thanks for reading! Reblog or comment if you liked it :3
Networks: @enchantedforest-network @themovingcastlez
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starboye · 2 months
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pairing: rafe cameron x male reader
summary: rafe fucking ex reader but could there be something deeper
warnings: smut, cheating, cursing, slight degradation, slight daddy kink, lil angst
rafe was one of your worst exes, he was a total dick, manipulative, crazy, and a gaslighter to the max so you broke up with him and dated your beloved john b and he was way better, he was nice, full of life, and cared for you but there was something so addictive about rafe, maybe it was the way he could make you cum in seconds and the sex was amazing unlike john b who couldnt satisfy you in that way, the sex was more lack luster but you knew he meant well.
thats where right now led you, fucking yourself with your fingers in bed watching some trash porn but it wasnt enough and after doing this for about an hour you were tired, that was until your phone dinged with a notification and you couldnt believe it, it was from rafe "hey there beautiful" the text read "what do you want rafe" you quickly typed back "just wanna see how your little life is going" rafe replies and you could feel the smugness through the screen.
"thats none of your business" you reply "well hows thats dating john b thing going" rafe texts trying to rile you up "better than out relationship ever was" you text "does he fuck you the way i do" you read the text and immediately were stunned "whatever" you text "no tell me does he get all those good spots in you or do you have to finger yourself every night to get off" rafe texts "no" you reply "ill be there in 10 make sure to put on those cute underwear i like" rafe texts before hes grabbing his keys and heading over to your house.
you couldnt believe this, rafe coming over to your house to fuck you, but you could never cheat on john b like that plus you live him to much,but then again one little fucking from rafe wouldnt be that bad... right, no you werent gonna do it, you pick up your phone to text rafe not to cu- i mean come over but when you go to type it your fingers freeze not being able to do it and soon you hear rafe pull into your drive way.
you walk to the door to stop him from coming in but as soon as you open it you see rafe standing there with that stupid smug face he always has "can i come in" rafe asks with a smirk and just as youre about to deny him you trip over your words and are unable to stop him "look at you so needy" rafe says picking you up and resting your ass in his hands as he takes you too your room.
he drops you on you bed and undresses himself, his abs flexing as he does so making you even more dumb "you gonna take your stuff off or do i need to do that too" rafe says in a slightly annoyed tone but you comply and quickly take off your clothes, rafe walks up to you and pulls your legs to get you closer to him, wrapping them around his waist "you barely feel like you've had sex" rafe scoffs prodding at your hole.
you look at him with a hateful look but deep down you missed rafe, the way he would love you was unmatched, he'd buy you anything your heart desired and showered you with love, although he did some fucked up shit you knew he was a good guy deep down it was just ward that fucked him up.
"you want me to fuck you right" rafe asks and you nod shyly "you know to use your words" rafe demands "yes please fuck me" you plea locking your ankles together around rafe "okay then" rafe says before sliding into you with ease "its like i never left" rafe says starting to thrust into you "and how would john b feel about the kook he hates so much fucking his sweet boyfriend" rafe smirks grabbing your chin to force you to look him in the eyes.
"shut up you dick" you snarls "'thats' rich coming from the slut cheater" rafe replies tilting his head to the side "just- fuck... just fuck me" you say broken by moans "you know you love this cock" rafe says "it makes you feel so good and it can rub all the right spots" he continues "fuck you" you spit out "you're already doing that" rafe laughs.
you lean up to give rafe a mean look "what cant handle me" rafe says flashing a cheesy smile before leaning down to leave some hickeys on your neck "wait rafe no" you yell trying to push rafe off but you couldn't and he leaves a couple hickeys across your neck "what the fuck" you say in disbelief "now who does this hole belong to" rafe asks roughly gripping his hands into your thighs "shut up di-" and before you could finish the sentence rafe pounds into you make you moan "wrong answer" rafe says.
"now who does this belong to" rafe asks again "rafe please" you say trying to slow him down "c'mon y/n i know you know the answer" rafe grins devilishly "its all yours" you huff rolling your eyes "don't you fucking dare roll your eyes at me" rafe says smacking your ass harshly "yes daddy" you moan out before cumming on your chest "look at that, cumming untouched, i didn't think i was that good" rafe laughs at your fucked out state.
"you want it in you" rafe asks as you feel his thrusts get a little slower, rafe wanting to edge himself in your amazing hole "yes rafe i want it so much" you whimper in that voice that rafe could never resist, he'd do anything to hear that voice every morning, and with that he cums without a thought in his mind, you tightening around him to get every drop of that delicious cum making his mind become even more hazy.
"if you need me again you know my number" rafe says pulling out of you and putting on his clothes "fuck you" you say scooting further onto the bed "yeah fuck you too kid" rafe says walking out of your room and you hear him close the front door and start up his truck, you run to the window to see him off and catch him looking at your bedroom window and as soon as your eyes meet his he pulls out your driveway.
you feel asleep that night feeling guilty but well filled, you wanted to get back with rafe but should you really risk the chance of a repeating argument, rafe pushing you away because hes hurt and you walking away from him but somehow you always end up back in his bed wrapped in his arms and him telling you how he wants to grow old with you and you believe it every time thinking this time could be different but it never is, maybe you guys are better apart than together.
taglist: @mailmango @spermeboy @ghostking4m
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danielcalmdown · 4 months
Here's a few thoughts i have about Disco Elysium and it's lack of philosophical approach towards Harry's experiences. (Not to mistake it with psychology. There is plenty of that in Disco and the characters and ideologies are pulled apart in many fun ways.)
Explanation below the cut, so it's not a long-ass post.
So, Harry is very much suffering. He says "I am in pain. I have no idea how to get better, I'm about to fucking give up." What he gets as response, from his own mind and other people, is things like: "Get your shit together. You have to go through this hell. It will be awful, depressing and boring. Forget her. Stay strong, don't give up, you will eventually feel better. This is how normal people live. Do it for the (...)." This is encouragement. What it does is it keeps him on his feet and helps him move forward. But it's the only type of response he ever gets. What it doesn't do is challenge how he experiences his life in the first place. There is not a single sentence, a thought, any kind of spark in the game that would begin some sort of reform within him. He's the same sad, old Harry utill the end. The rest is accessories.
Beyond that, the gameplay is screaming at you: SEIZE THE MOMENT! There is so much work put into describing things happening around Harry. And so much fondness towards that world. But it's just there, next to him and his pain. Beautiful and worth living for, but it's not used to reveal anything that would inspire him to change. Something about humanity, the meaning of his suffering, maybe a hint about that hole in the world. Yknow, philosophical stuff. Even the miracle of the story, the phasmid, answers Harry's most existential question with "I don’t know, nobody knows." It's not there to guide him away from the vicious circle he's stuck in. It's more like a pat on the back. "Look, something incredible happened today! Life can be great sometimes." Here are a few statements meant by the game to be impactful: "Something beautiful is going to happen", "The night is always darkest before the dawn", "One day, i will return to your side", "The road to healing is going to be a long one. You will make it, some day." They sound like coping mechanism. They are motivational, hopeful, but don't speak about reality. "I'm suffering RIGHT NOW. The world and my head are still fucking broken. Heelp!" Harry cries out. "Hope for a better future. Go for a run. Focus on your job, get a hobby, take your mind off the pain." Try to be happier while remaining the same. Switch alcohol and drugs for non destructive activities to help you endure through that persisting pain. Look out of the window each morning, wait for that special thing to happen. And when it happens? The core stays unmoved. You don't even know what it is about you, where lies the first mistake. You learned nothing new about yourself.
I think all of this fits with the creators' views, which are sparsely hinted at throughout the game. "God is indifferent. This is our curse", "The world is inherently meaningless", "True love is possible in the next world, for new people, it's too late for us." Maybe that's why the game didn't allow Harry to change, because it doesn't believe there is anything out there that could help him. He's a human, therefore he has no choice but to think and suffer exactly the way he does. So yeah, that's my thoughts on it. Feel free to comment, disagree and enlighten me if you think i'm wrong. I'm always open to change my mind.
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gatorbites-imagines · 3 months
Bakugou x male reader where Bakugou got a thing for lingerie so he buys some to try on but is a little self-conscious and kinda runs away to bathroom to hide so reader don't see him, reader comfortes/reassures him that ofc he's beautiful and pretty. after comes the fucking
Katsuki Bakugou x male reader
(Aged up characters, obviously)
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Im not dead, how is everyone? Trying to get back into writing now that I have time. Not too smutty, more focused on the fluff, but I hope that’s still enjoyable.
Reader is based vaguely off Hiromi Higuruma from JJK, cuz im a sucker for tired lawyer type dudes.
Katsuki has always been the type of person to put on a tough front, that didn’t lessen after you two started dating. You met after he graduated UA and set up his own agency, when he needed the best legal help to set it all up.
He didn’t really know how to act around you in the beginning, with your dry humor and the fact that you didn’t take him too seriously. You had a quirk license, but you never once planned on being a hero, since the system was corrupt and broken in your eyes.
This also led to your guys first major argument, way before you started dating. But being forced to work together for months meant you guys grew closer. At this point Katsuki also learned about your quirk, which was the ability to see and use people’s karma against them.
This meant you could “see” when people were lying, but it was more of a sense than sight, but that’s the easiest way to explain it. it was also how you were able to point out quite early on that he was lying through his teeth when he snapped that he didn’t like you.
Being with somebody who could easily point out when he was bluffing or trying to hide how he really felt, was something Katsuki wouldn’t like in the beginning, since it meant he couldn’t use his usual defense mechanisms.
But as time passed, Katsuki was able to be himself more and more around you, seeing as you could always sense to some degree when he was hiding something, and all your court work meant you could easily tell when there was something he wanted to say but couldn’t get himself to do it.
It meant that Katsuki finally allowed himself to start exploring other parts of himself and his interests. Being soft and harmless has never been something the explosion hero had seen himself as, but with you it just came easy.
And if he imagined being your cute little househusband who would greet you when you get home form a difficult case, who would undo your tie for you and massage your shoulders, only to show you the silk pieces he wore in your favorite colors, then it was just for Katsuki.
Katsuki can’t explain what came over him when he bought the lingerie pieces he had been glancing at for months. Maybe it was the extra hours of hero work that left him loopy and exhausted, or it was that deep urge to be small, soft and pretty, instead of big, tough and strong,
He could deny ever having bought it, since you guys had your own personal finances. That was until it came in the mail, in a nondescriptive box that just looked like any other package. It had Katsuki thinking it was something random he had bought, until he opened it up and was met with soft pink tissue paper and a personalized “thank you for supporting my small business” card.
The stickers, raspberry candies, and a guide on how to wash and care for the lace, was shoved aside. Bakugou went bright red as he pulled the tissue paper open and saw with his own eyes the pieces custom made for his build, in the softest of pinks and whites.
Part of him wanted to just throw it away, even if hed spent way too much money on it. but another part of Katsuki was excited, a soft shudder run down his spine as he rubbed the material between his calloused fingers. Maybe he could just… try it on. That didn’t mean he had to use it for anything, right?
It didn’t take Katsuki long to move into the bathroom across from your shared bedroom. It was large enough for both of you to have your space, but most importantly, it had a large mirror where you could see yourself with ease.
In his nervous excitement, Katsuki didn’t realize the guide for caring about said lingerie had been brushed to the floor, just barely tucked under the kitchen table where hed dumped the other packages you guys had received.
The blonde was a blushing mess as he tucked the lingerie on, breathing shaky and uneven as he felt the soft delicate lace and fabrics brushing against his muscular scarred body. Hed always looked strong and dangerous, but like this he could almost see himself as… delicate.
The shape of the lingerie made his already small waist seem smaller, whilst also supporting his pecs and squeezing around his thighs in ways he knew would have your hands twitching with the urge to grab.
Katsuki was too distracted with admiring himself to notice you arriving home, your tired voice calling out to him as you knew he would be around. His silence had you raising a brow as you tucked off your coat and tie.
The pile of packages wasn’t anything new. Being a hero meant Katsuki got a lot of mail shipped directly to him, and you got things every now and then too, though it was normally thank you gifts from clients.
The soft pink paper under the table caught your attention, and after picking it up you could help but huff softly in interest. Was Katsuki trying to surprise you? How sweet. Better not keep him waiting then.
Your quirk allowed you to see vague splashes of color and waves, each color and swirl showing different feelings and intensities of said feelings. His embarrassment and arousal had you softly chuckling to yourself. The shame and fear mixed into it was worrying though.
It wasn’t hard to figure out where he was. If the light under the bathroom door wasn’t enough to tell you, then the intense swirls of colors radiating through the doors cracks was another sign. This truly made him feel good, you could tell. It also meant you felt bad that he hadn’t come to you with this before, as it clearly made him feel some type of way.
“Katsuki?” you pipe up, knocking softly on the door, eyes locked onto the swirls of color and waves that seemed to twist and turn, wanting to gauge his reactions and feelings. The flashes of new colors and erratic waving made you frown. Why was he scared? Self-conscious?
You didn’t say anything about what you had found in the kitchen, instead letting Katsuki take all the time he needed to answer. A gruff but meek “what?” snapping through the door.
Inside the bathroom Katsuki started to feel horrible, wrapping his arms around himself. Hed been so distracted oogling at his body and the lace that he hadn’t even noticed you coming home, what type of hero was he to not realize?
The self-conscious feelings welled up, the imperfections he couldn’t see before almost blowing up to a much larger, much more noticeable scale. Why would you find him attractive like this? All muscles, sharp edges and ugly scars?
“What are you doing, honey?” you hum, keeping patient and open. Sure, you were jittery with the want to see him in whatever he had bought, but it was clear Katsuki was uncomfortable, mostly with himself than anything.
“Just- fuck. Go away for a moment, ill be out” he snapped, voice raising a few octaves that told you he was starting to get distressed. Katsuki couldn’t figure out why his eyes were welling up, or why he felt so weak and vulnerable like this. But the very thought of you seeing him like this and rejecting him felt worse than any wound he had ever gotten.
“What if I want to see” you mumble, close enough to the door to know he would hear you. Your quirk let you see the rapid fluctuations in the colors and swirls. Shock, annoyance, depressive self-hate, self-consciousness, begrudging acceptance.
He clearly wanted to demand to know how you knew what he was wearing, but Katsuki grumbled a little to himself. Of course you knew, you knew everything, you weren’t heroes go-to lawyer for no reason.
You took a small step back as the door unlocked, and nothing could have prepared you for the sight that would meet you. A hot breath was puffed out your nose as Katsuki stood so meekly before you, scarred arms still protectively wrapped around himself.
The longer you went without speaking, the more distressed your lover seemed to get, his red eyes
flicking from your face to the wall to the floor as he worried at his lip.
Finally, your explosive lover seemed to snap, throwing his arms out in a frustrated “say something for fuck sake!”, his eyes wide but shiny in a way that spoke of tears. His usual posturing and loud tone didn’t really have the same effect when he was wearing that pretty lingerie, and he was flushed so prettily in the face.
“you’re so pretty…” you finally muster out, his still locked to his face and body, hands clenched at your sides as familiar heat bloomed inside you like hot syrup. It wasn’t the usual ravenous hunger that had you bending him over the kitchen counter, or shoving him under your desk in your office, but it was similar.
He scoffed at your words, but his redder face and the bright colors swirling around him made it clear he felt flattered and noticed, a soft whimpered noise leaving his clenched lips when you finally started to touch him.
It was strange to have your usually self-assured and decided lover shuddering and gasping weakly from your hands just running up and down his sides, brushing against the delicate lace and the different stitches and patterns.
“s-stop saying stupid shit” he mumbled, his voice even sounding softer and more vulnerable than Katsuki normally allowed himself to be. The tone of Katsuki’s voice jumped up into a yelp as your hands grasp at his pecs, petting at his nipples through the sheer fabric, already so hard and sensitive from all his self-admiration earlier.
“If you don’t believe me, let me show you” you grumble out, finally looking Katsuki in the eyes with the look of a wolf about to eat its prey. The explosion of bright colors around Katsuki was euphoric in your eyes, even as he yelped when you picked him up with ease. The bedroom was right across the hall, but that wouldn’t stop you from carrying him there.
Katsuki wrapped his arms around his chest again as you laid him carefully on your shared bed, too flustered to look you in the eye. But you knew he wanted too, he was just to shy to allow himself to feel this way, which just meant you had to show him.
The gasped yelp that left him as you slide his thighs apart brought a hungry smirk to your face, Katsuki’s wide red eyes finally snapping to your own as you slowly slide lower and lower between them. You would make sure Katsuki felt more confident before the night was over, that was a promise.
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just-j-really · 8 months
Snow White-adjacent Dreamling AU?
Dream is the prince of Time and Night's kingdom (with skin as pale as snow, and hair as black as ebony). Hob has some sort of huntsman-ish role in the palace. Dream goes out hunting fairly often, not for the sake of hunting itself but to have some space from the weight of his responsibilities (and from other people) and the ability to be alone with his thoughts. Maybe to mope a little.
Hob has liked Dream from the moment he set eyes on him, half-despite-half-because he was acting like an arrogant little snot at the time. And although Hob's initial infatuation was mostly just that, infatuation, he really did want to get to know Dream better. So when Death told Dream that he should get out among the people more, which led to Dream, grudgingly, attempting to make conversation with Hob the next time they were alone together, Hob genuinely made an effort to keep the conversation going and get to know him. They meet up every month or so, Hob talks about what he's been up to, a beautiful friendship blossoms, etc.
But they're in a weird space, with each other. Hob thinks of Dream as a friend, and Dream... wants to do the same, but he's too aware of the difference in their stations and the politics of the court, the way it would be so easy for Hob to just be- pretending to like Dream, in order to get something from him. He wouldn't even have to try very hard. Dream's lonely.
And maybe, given enough time, they could have reached an understanding. But the problem is, everyone is aware of Dream's tendency to be alone, in the dangerous forest, with only his huntsman for company, and someone (Night? Time? Desire?) gets Hob alone and asks/bribes/orders him to kill Dream next time they go out hunting.
Hob does not want to do this. Obviously. But the person who ordered him to do it is literally royalty and could have him painfully executed if he doesn't. Not to mention that he has no idea how deep the conspiracy against Dream goes, if there's anyone else in the palace he can trust to help, who'd go running straight to Dream's enemies if they caught him making plans. But he can at least warn Dream, right? Maybe come up with some sort of plan to fake Dream's death and get him to safety.
So the next time Dream goes hunting, as soon as they're far enough from the palace, Hob tells Dream that his father ordered him to ensure that Dream didn't come home from this little excursion.
Dream, obviously, assumes that this is the prelude to Hob stabbing him, punches him in the face, and runs. Hob is left going "Wait! Come back! I said that really badly! I meant it as a warning, I want to help you!"
He chases after Dream, but between the punch and the fact that Dream has some level of magic powers over his namesake- either he made Hob hallucinate or put him to sleep for a bit- Hob isn't able to catch him. He panics for a bit, but he figures at this point the only thing he can do is feed Dream's enemies as much misinformation as possible. So he goes back to the palace and tells Time-or-whoever that he killed Dream and left the body in the woods, giving the completely wrong direction so that when/if someone goes searching for Dream's body they don't find him.
Now, obviously Time doesn't fully believe that Hob went through with it and killed Dream, especially since there's no body. But the fact that Hob's nose is fully broken helps sell the story, at least for a couple of days. Hob spends those days trying to figure out a way to sneak out of the palace- he doesn't want to be executed, but also, if it's at all possible, he wants to make sure Dream got away. (And as long as he's daydreaming, he'd like a chance to apologize.)
He gets his chance when Death tries to kill him for killing her little brother. Unlike Dream, she actually gives Hob the chance to explain, and when he does, she helps him sneak out (under strict orders that he find Dream).
Hob is much happier to obey those.
Meanwhile, Dream has found shelter with a group of raven shapeshifters living in the woods (definitely Matthew, Jessamy, and Lucienne, maybe include other Dreaming residents to make seven). He is much happier being Dream, who lives in the woods and writes stories, than he was being Dream, prince who is hated to the point of assassination attempts. He's maybe making a little money granting people restful sleep and good dreams using his powers. He misses Hob, though. With some distance from the utter betrayal and terror of the moment Hob said he'd been sent to kill him, he's beginning to wonder if he hadn't overreacted, maybe just a smidge. But that's all tied up in and complicated by the fact that he's also beginning to realize he was probably in love with Hob, and he's not sure he can trust any of what he feels about him.
Unfortunately, the king of the neighboring kingdom, Roderick Burgess, hears about a powerful magic user living in the woods and decides to take that power for himself.
Double-unfortunately, Time realizes Dream is alive and sends one of Dream's former bodyguards, the Corinthian, to kill him. Dream's able to fight him off, but he's exhausted to the point of his powers turning on him and putting him into a coma, and that's when Burgess swoops in and captures him.
Dream is caught in a strange, deathlike sleep, making him mostly useless to Burgess. But having him nearby means that everyone around him sleeps peacefully, and occasionally has prophetic dreams, and Burgess is doing the same 'I'll force him to work for me' thing he does in canon except the logic is 'one day I'll figure out how to wake him up (and force him to work for me), and/or how to actively use his powers while he's still asleep.'
So Burgess has a glass coffin built for Dream, and seals him inside.
Back with Hob, he's spent most of this time on the run from Dream's enemies, unable to actively look for Dream, and slowly going mad with worry over what might have happened to him. He's also slowly, painfully come to realize that the feelings he'd felt for Dream were a little closer to 'love' than 'friendship'. It is a bad time. But eventually he hears rumors about Roderick Burgess, who 'rescued' a comatose prince from the woods and is offering a reward to anyone who can wake him up.
Hob goes chasing after these rumors- Dream showing up alive took a lot of the heat off him- eventually ends up in Burgess' kingdom, and decides to try his hand at waking up Coma Prince. Worst case scenario, it's not Dream. Best case scenario, it's Dream, he's able to rescue him and explain, and- well. Dream will go off and do whatever it is he wants to do, and maybe he and Hob can be friends.
(Hob doesn't let himself hope for anything more, any sort of soft little happily-ever-after.)
But for all that Roderick is pretending to have rescued Dream out of the goodness of his heart, Hob steps one foot into the room with the glass coffin and is immediately aware that isn't the case. He doesn't know much about magic, aside from the couple of times Dream showed off his powers for him. But it's not exactly difficult to spot that the glass coffin, and all the magic circles surrounding it, are somehow vampirically feeding off of Dream, and even though he only understands every third word of the larger explanation he's given, it's more than enough to confirm his suspicions. Burgess' fellow mages give Hob the tour of the apparatus, snickering among themselves because clearly this idiot won't be able to do anything magical that they couldn't. Hob nods along and plays up the 'idiot peasant with delusions of grandeur' vibe right up until everyone has stepped back to see what he'll do.
And then he drags his heel straight down the middle of the largest circle of runes, sending the spell completely haywire.
The backlash of the spell collapsing causes Roderick and his mages to pass out, and gives Hob time to smash open the glass coffin and get Dream away from all the spell circles.
But Dream doesn't wake up, even as the spell collapses. Just remains in Hob's arms, cool and lifeless.
Hob is not about to let it end like that. Sure, none of the most talented mages in the land had been able to wake Dream, but none of them tried getting him out of the stupid coffin, first, so Hob's clearly a step ahead of them already.
He sneaks out of Roderick's palace, carrying Dream, while Roderick and his servants are asleep. Gets him to relative safety (with the help of Jessamy, who'd been waiting for a chance to break Dream out and jumped in to help the moment Hob started breaking things).
And Dream's still in the weird death-trance but he isn't dead. Hob's sure of it. It might be wishful thinking but he swears Dream looks a little better now that they're away from Roderick's palace- a little more color in his cheeks, the faintest, threadiest suggestion of a pulse when Hob feels for one.
So Hob keeps a vigil at Dream's bedside that night, but eventually exhaustion causes him to drift off to sleep.
When he does, Dream is waiting for him.
"You need not have come to my defense," he says, staring at Hob suspiciously.
"Yes, I did," Hob tells him. "You're my friend. Of course I did."
Dream sizes him up for a long while. He's powerful enough, in this dreamscape, to tell that Hob genuinely means what he's saying. It takes a long time for him to decide it might be worth it to tell Hob how to shock him out of the dream he's trapped in (by fulfilling one of his most treasured dreams), but finally, he says, "You might be able to wake me up."
Hob's immediately like "Yes of course how whatever you need."
"Kiss me," Dream says, and then, while Hob is still trying to process that, "This dream is over."
And Hob wakes up.
And yeah, a good part of him dismisses the dream as some extremely strange wish-fulfillment fantasy. But it had seemed so real.
So, with the extremely romantic thought, alright it's worth a shot, Hob leans forward and kisses Dream.
Almost immediately, there's a little shiver of breath against his lips, and when he pulls away, Dream is blinking sleepily up at him.
Hob immediately pulls Dream into a hug, and by the time Dream is actually, fully conscious, Hob is sitting in the bed with him, supporting him with an arm around his shoulders, fussing over him just the tiniest bit frantically.
And Dream, eventually, manages to explain why Hob kissing him awake worked, which means that OBVIOUSLY Hob needs to kiss him some more.
(And they both get a soft little happily-ever-after)
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
────────── 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐜.𝐟
they did say that when two people are meant to be together, they will eventually find a way back to each other. however, are you ready to open your heart again to a person who has broken it in the past?
SEQUEL TO : you’re losing me
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“They say that your first love never dies. You can put out the flame but not the fire”
It was true, for me atleast. I’d be lying if I said that I don’t love Conrad, because I do, I still do — no matter how much he had hurt me before, a piece of my heart is still beating for him.
Time, curious time
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
Were there clues I didn't see?
And isn't it just so pretty to think
It wasn’t easy to move on, he made me feel things — things that I never felt before. He was different, he just was.
For two years, I had done my best to put the past behind me, but still, I would often find myself thinking of Conrad and wondering what could have been.
Until one day, when an unexpected text message popped up on my phone. It was from Conrad, of all people. Confused but curious, I opened the message. The only thing that it said was 'Are you free today?’ Could he possibly still care about me, after all this time?
A string that pulled me
Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar
Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire
Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons
One single thread of gold tied me to you
I thought back to the words we had said to each other; the heartache that had been so painful that it had taken so long for me to move on. But still, here he was, wanting to see me. Was I willing to open my heart up to someone who had broken it so badly in the past?
Conrad asked me if we could meet at the beach near Cousins. I dont know why why I said yes, maybe I wanted closure — maybe I wanted to hear his side.
I stood on the dock, the ocean air getting caught in my hair. Although the sun was out and the sky a brilliant blue,
I couldn't bring myself to take in the beauty of the day. I was too consumed with my thoughts, instead glancing around, distracted and flustered.
I saw Conrad — standing at the end of the shore, a better vision than the view of the ocean I had become accustomed to.
I swallowed hard as I stared into his eyes - the same eyes that had shattered my heart months ago. He looked different. Older, strong, different from the man I had said goodbye to all those months ago.
But there he was, standing in front of me, arms crossed — pain pierced through me like a hot knife as I remembered fond memories I shared with him. Memories that were now tarnished by the hurt he had caused me.
I took a deep breathe and stepped forward — walking towards him.
“Hey Conrad,” I said tentatively.
He looked up with surprise, then quickly looked away. “Hey y/n,” he muttered.
“It’s been so long huh?” Conrad asked. I looked at him before answering “Yeah, It has. I just want to get to the point already. Why did you want to see me?” I asked him.
His eyes met mine, filled with regret and longing. "I never stopped thinking about you," he confessed, his voice laced with raw emotion.
I listened, my heart warring between the past and the present. Memories flooded my mind - stolen kisses, whispered promises, and the crushing pain of betrayal. And yet, beneath it all, the flicker of what once was remained.
"You broke me," I replied, my voice steadying.
Conrad reached out to gently touch my cheek, sending a shiver down my spine. "Please, Y/n," he pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "What I did was fucked up, you didn’t deserve that — you didn’t deserve to be ignored, I-I should’ve paid more attention to you”
"I messed up, I admit it. I was a fool to let you go. I've regretted it every single day, and I wish I could turn back time and change things." He said, taking a step closer.
I blinked back tears, trying to resist the pull I felt towards him. "Conrad, it's not that easy. You hurt me so deeply, and I've spent so long trying to heal." I said, backing away from him.
"I know," he murmured, his voice cracked with emotion. "But I'm here now, and all I want is a chance to make things right, to prove to you that I've changed. I want to be better for you.”
His words tugged at my heartstrings, and I felt a glimmer of hope. Could we really find a way back to each other? Was it possible to rebuild what had been broken?
Time, wondrous time
Gave me the blues and then purple pink skies
And it's cool, baby, with me
The sound of crashing waves filled the silence between us, punctuating the weight of the moment. I looked into Conrad's eyes, searching for sincerity, I’m scared — scared of risking again. Scared of getting hurt again.
“I-I don’t know, Conn-“ I said looking down, he walked closer — his hands reaching for mine.
“I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything, just.. just let me love you. Let me be a better man for you.” he paused “I’ll wait for you”
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
I looked up at him, I saw the glint in his eyes — he was genuine, his voice sounded hopeful — his eyes filled with love. It wouldn’t hurt if I tried again right? maybe now, it’ll be right.
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rs-hawk · 5 days
Beauty and the Beast but the Beast doesn't return to full human when the curse is broken, because it was almost too late to break it when it happens
So instead of seemlessly regaining the throne and getting married with Beauty, the people of the town are still uneasy, even though they remember him now, and don't understand why Beauty stays by his side when they're free to return to the village
Likewise some of the humans-turned-objects-turned-humans still have characteristics of their former objects, like the candlestick's hair will sometimes catch fire when they're upset (harmless to them but still scary), or the alarm clock will get ringing migraines in a more literal way
I just think it could be a really neat story, fluff or smut or whathaveyou
I know that this is an o bylder ask but I have been thinking about it for awhile. I might do another part if y'all like it but I had a hard time narrowing it down to which characters to focus on.
Belle was surprised when Beast, Adam?, didn't return to fully human. Though to say that she was displeased wouldn't be true either. Her smile was always warm and genuine when she looked at him. He would smile back at her with his teeth that were a little too long, set on a face that almost, if you squinted, still looked like he was a beast. His horns had nearly disappeared, but when Belle would run her fingers through his thick, luscious hair, she could still feel just a prick of them.
Of course the town people remembered him, though they struggled with the fact that they too had been cursed. How could they have possibly been cursed for so long and no one had been the wiser? Belle tried to get more people to come to the palace to meet him, to participate in his welcome back ball, but very few came back.
"Maybe you should go home," one day Adam sighed, putting his head in her lap.
"I am home," Belle insisted, once again running her fingers through his hair.
"You know that's not what I meant. The townspeople... they are afraid of me. Your father still is cross with me, and how could I blame him? I kidnapped him and then you. I'm sorry," he muttered, nuzzling her leg and grabbing her thighs with his paw like hands, his long nails lightly scrapping her delicate skin there.
"Wherever you are is home to me," she purred, kissing the top of his head.
In the next room, Cogsworth was getting annoyed with Lumiere for once again flirting with the maids. It always caused such a mess. The large man grabbed Lumiere by the tie, tugging him closer to him.
"If you don't stop with this nonsense at once, I'm going to have to insist to the Master that you have a leave of absence, and where would you go if not here?" Cogsworth hisses, his mustache twitching as if they were hands on a clock ticking.
"Oh Cogsworth, my dear friend, are you jealous, mm? Do you miss us being, how would you say, stored together?" Lumiere smirked, looking up at the little man with a twinkle in his eyes.
Cogsworth blushed, letting go of the former candle. "I have no idea what you're talking about!"
"Mm, don't be so quick to sweep, my dear friend. We could be stored together tonight if you like," he continued to smirk, the start of a flame sparking off the tip of a lock of hair, dying as the ember wafered between them.
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Do you ever feel your eyes dry yet your heart weeping and nothing but anger in your blood?
Because that's when you're most dangerous. And that's when you're most vulnerable.
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callsign-dexter · 1 month
Love At First Sight... Again 18+
Request: Hello darling ! I hope you're accepting Kelly requests and I also hope that you're still considering doing bday imagines 🙈 mine is this Wednesday and I hoooooped for a little present l, but if not, it's more than okay !
It would be an idea where the reader was with Kelly at high school but he was like the girl crush out of your league and she was a nobody minding her own business. Both had crushes on each other but in the end never talked with each other and after school time, both went their separate ways. Just until she maybe moves back to Chicago and gets in a little car crash (nothing bad, just some scratches) and Squad 3 shows up. Kelly first didn't recognize her, but when he does, he's totally taken aback by her and jeez you can be cheesy and call it love at first sight again 😁 so he makes sure that she's okay and nothing hurts too bad. And as he's being that close to her, she recognizes him too eventually and her heart skips a beat. Kelly then makes the step to ask her on a date and she agrees. But maaaaybe she can't wait till the date and shows up the next day at the station bringing over a thank you to all the guys, but secretly she just wants to see Kelly.. After shift then he comes to her apartment, wanting to thank her for the presents. But one thing leads to another and they end up spending a passionate night together and Kelly holds her close then, realizing she's all his heart ever wanted and he wants her to be with him forever?
Omg it's too cheesy right ? And I'm sorry it's too long 😂
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Dawson!Reader
Warnings: smut, angst, fluff, cursing
A/N: Happy belated birthday annon!
A/N 2: @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms prepare yourselves
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Chicago, Illinois your hometown and the town you grew up in, fell in love, had your heart broken, and moved away from. You had many boyfriends but none of them could ever live up to the one and only Kelly Severide and he could say the same thing about you. You are a Dawson, the youngest of the Dawson siblings. Antonio Dawson and Gabriela Dawson were your brother and sister and you all loved each other dearly. 
You just had brought a box full of miscellaneous stuff and you got to thinking about the last time you were here. You moved away from Chicago due to going to medical school away from Chicago and that meant you were moving away from Kelly, your longtime crush. Yours and Kelly’s crushes go away back, back to Freshman year of high school. You could remember the first time you saw him. You were practicing with your softball team and he with his baseball team. Your eyes met it and it was instant love at first sight. He was out of your league and you were a nobody. 
Classes had just ended and you were at your truck grabbing your gear out of the back when you felt like someone was staring at you and you looked up and was met with the most beautiful blue eyes you had ever seen. Your world seemed to have stopped and you immediately fell in love with him and his world stopped and he fell in love. A smile came to your face and you waved at him and he smirked and nodded his head at you. You immediately blushed and looked down and continued to grab your stuff. “So, you and Severide, huh?” She asked. 
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about. We were just talking.” You said as you started to put your gear down and went over to start stretching. You weren’t the most popular despite being on the softball team, you liked to be in the background and keep your head down. You liked to keep out of the way and help when you needed to. Kelly Severide was so out of your league and so you never stood a chance, or so you thought but you would never act on it.
“Those heart eyes and that smile says otherwise.” She said, smirking.
“Oh hush.” You said and she smirked but didn’t say anything as you stretched and you looked over to the other field and saw Kelly looking over at you and you smiled which made him smile and wave. You blushed and looked down.
Throughout the school year the two of you never talked but stole glances every now and then. He would give you this wink and smirk and you were blushing like mad. As senior year came to an end, neither of you had talked to each other but you both quickly became each other’s crushes but never did anything about it and wouldn’t do anything about it.
When graduation came you, both graduated with honors and were going to college for sports scholarships. You both had worked the courage to talk to each other but then you both were being whisked away. You two never spoke to each other or saw each other again which made both of you sad but life has mysterious ways to bring people back together.
“That should be the last of it.” Antonio said as he brought up the last heavy box which happened to be books along with Gabriela who had pots and pans. 
“Thank you. You’re a lifesaver, both of you. You can put the books by the couch and the pots and pans in the kitchen.” You said and he did as he was told. 
“Anything for our youngest sister.” Gabriela said and you rolled your eyes but smiled.
“Really though we're happy to have you back here. We missed you.” Antonio said
“I missed you both so much. It was so hard to be away from you and well, Chicago. But I graduated med school at The University of California San Francisco, did my residency there and back now starting my new job as a doctor at Med and am ready to take on the hustle and bustle of Chicago Med.” You said and they smiled.
“You're going to be a kick ass doctor.” Gabriela said
“Aww thank you sis. You're a kick ass paramedic.” You said 
“Hey, what about me?” Antonio asked fake pouting and faking hurt. 
“Eh, you're decent for a detective.” You said and that made your sister laugh. 
“Hey!” He said and you laughed harder.
“Kidding! You're a kickass detective.” You said and Gabriela nodded.
“I like that answer better. But in all seriousness, you're going to a kick ass doctor.” He said and you smiled.
“Thanks ‘Tonio. I would offer food but I literally have nothing. Order in?” You questioned
“Sounds like a perfect plan. We can help you unpack and get settled in.” Gabriela said and Antonio nodded.
“Is that Thai place still open by the med?” You asked and they both nodded.
“It is.” Antonio replied “Want your usual?” He asked, getting his phone out and you nodded.
“Please. I'll pay.” You said, going to grab your card.
“Not a chance little sis. My card is already in. I order from there all the time.” He said and you groaned but knew you weren't going to win. 
“Fine.” You said
“Good order is placed. Should be here in 20.” He said and you nodded.
“I practically lived on Thai food at college.” You said and they chuckled.
“That doesn't surprise us.” Gabriela said as she started to open the book box and started to put them on the shelf by the TV. It consisted of med books, notebooks with notes, and regular books. The three of you talked, unpacked, and broke boxes down while you all waited for food. When it did come Antonio was quick to get to the door before you could even get up. He brought the food over into the living room and you all sat around eating and talking. After you all had their fill, you got back to work you and Gabriela worked in the kitchen while Antonia got the TV hooked up. By the time everything got unpacked or mostly unpacked it was late and they were saying their goodbyes.
“Hey, we should meet up after you get done at Med.” Antonio said 
“I would love that.” You said
“Good it settled. You meet us at our place. We always meet up. I have tomorrow off and Antonio can meet us on his lunch break.” Gabriela said 
“I like the sound of that.” You said and they both smiled.
“Good! We better get going so you can settle in and we’ll see you tomorrow.” Antonio said coming over to hug you and Gabriela followed suit. 
“We love you.” She said 
“I love you both too.” You said and then they were out the door leaving you alone in your almost furnished apartment. You decided to unpack more and then head to bed which was set up by the three of you. You got ready for the bed and laid down ready for tomorrow.
The next morning you got up bright early and started to get ready for your first day at med. You took a shower and put on your scrubs and looked in the mirror. Your hair was down and wet but otherwise you looked good. Your name was on the scrubs and you added your ID onto them and everything was complete you were ready. Hair was now dried so you pulled your naturally wavy hair up into a ponytail and walked out of the bathroom and out into the living room where you pulled on your shoes then put on your jacket and grabbed your purse and keys and walked out the door. You locked the door and headed to the elevator. You pressed the button and it opened. You got in and pressed the button and went down to the lobby. When you got there, you walked out and out the door to your car. You got in and made the short trip to Med. You got there and parked and walked into the ED where you were met with a nurse. “Hi, I’m Maggie Lockwood, head nurse of ED. You must be the new doctor.” She said and you smiled.
“I am. I’m Y/N Dawson.” You said
“As in Antonio and Gabriela Dawson?” She asked and you smiled and nodded.
“I’m the youngest.” You said and then just then Sharon Goodwin made her appearance.
“I see you met our new doctor. I’m Sharon Goodwin and I will take it from here.” She said and you smiled and Maggie nodded and walked away. She waved you over and you began your journey with your boss. She went through everything. “Will!” She said when a redheaded man came into view and he looked up and smiled.
“Yes?” He asked
“I would like you to introduce you to the new doctor. This is Y/N Dawson.” She said and you smiled at him.
“Dawson? As in Antonio and Gabriela Dawson?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes, that would be correct.” You said
“My brother works with your brother. I’m Will Halstead.” He said and stuck out his hand and you shook it. 
“It’s nice to meet you.” He said and then his pager went off.
“I gotta go. If you need me, I’ll be here in ED.” He said and you smiled and then he was off and so you two were off. You continued the tour until you got to the cafeteria and Goodwin walked you over to a table with some other doctors they looked up.
“Everyone this is Y/N Dawson. She’s the new doctor. Y/N this is Connor Rhodes, Natalie Manning, Ava Bekker, and Crockett Marcel.” She said and they said their greetings. 
“It’s nice to meet you all and before anyone asks, yes I’m related to Gabriela and Antonio Dawson.” You said and everyone chuckled. You all chatted for a little bit more before she was whisking you off to someplace new. Then you ran into someone else.
“Daniel, this is Y/N Dawson. Y/N this is Dr. Daniel Charles, he's the psychologist around here.” She said and you smiled.
“Nice to meet you.” You said 
“I’ve heard so much about you and I'm excited to be working with you.” He said and you smiled and then he was being pulled away. After seeing everything and getting to know the new palace your shift was finally over and you were heading out of Med. 
“Hey, Y/N wait up!” A voice said and you turned around and saw Natalie and Ava running after you and you stopped and smiled.
“Hey. What’s up?” You asked
“We were just wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime.” Ava said and you smiled and nodded.
“I would love that.” You said and then they were pulling out their phones and so were you and you all were exchanging numbers. “I have to meet my brother and sister for some sibling time but I’ll let you know when we can meet up.” You said and they smiled.
“Sounds perfect.” Natalie said
“Wanna walk to the parking lot together?” Ava asked and you smiled and nodded.
“I would like that.” You said and so you did and it was filled with laughter and small talk about talking about your school. You three got to your cars and then said goodbye and you were headed off. The place the three of you always met up was at the end of town so you had a drive. You listened to music and your phone rang and you answered it through Bluetooth. It was your siblings.
“Hello you two.” You said
“Hi.” Gabriela said
“Hi, Sis.” Antonio said
“What do I owe the pleasure of the three-way call?” You asked
“We wanted to know where you were.” Gabriela said “Both of us are here.” She said
“I got held up by some coworkers.” You said chuckling.
“Aww, our baby sister is making friends.” Antonio said 
“Oh, shut up.” You said as you noticed a car too close and your eyebrows forwarded but shook it off. You stopped at a stoplight but the other car did not and they crashed into you and your siblings must’ve heard it. “Oof.” You said and you know they heard that.
“What the hell was that?” Gabriela asked
“It’s nothing, I just got rear ended.” You said 
“What?!” They both asked at the same time.
“Seriously it’s nothing.” You said about that time another car hit that car and pushed you into the intersection.
“We’re on our way.” They said and hung up.
You sat there and sighed ‘What a great first day.’ you thought and sat there as you heard sirens. You sighed but you did a quick self-assessment and everything felt fine and nothing was broken. ��Fuck.” You said. The car beside you was suddenly moved and the door was being cut open and a form was bending down by your side.
“Ma’am, can you hear me?” A voice asked you.
“Yea, I can hear you.” You said and turned to look up at the voice.
“Y/N?” He asked and you furrowed your eyes.
“Kelly?” You asked now, taking in his form and you could’ve sworn your heart skipped a beat.
“Wow you’re just as beautiful as the first time I laid eyes on you.” He said and you blushed like mad.
“I could say the same thing.” You said and he smiled.
“Are you hurt?” He asked, feeling around and you shook your head.
“No. Maybe some whiplash and some scratches from the seatbelt but I have feeling in my toes and I wasn’t hit hard so I wouldn’t have spinal damage.” You said
“Wow you know your stuff.” He said 
You chuckled “Yea, I’m a doctor now at Med.” You said 
“That’s great.” He said as he made his assessment. “Are you comfortable getting out and walking over to the ambulance?” He asked and you nodded and with his help got out of the car. Just then your siblings came into view.
“Y/N!” Antonio said and came rushing forward.
“How is she, Kelly?” Gabriela asked 
“She’s good. She has some scratches and maybe whiplash but nothing too serious.” Kelly said and the grilling began by your siblings and you answered them and then they were being pulled away by other people. Kelly continued to check you over “It’s been awhile.” He said and you smiled.
“Yea, it has. So, what happened after high school?” You asked 
“Went to college on a scholarship. Then the fire academy and worked at 51 for a few years and then got onto Squad 3. You?” He asked
“Went to The University of California San Francisco for medical school on a scholarship for softball, did my residency there and then moved back when I got the job at Med.” You said and he smiled.
“Say what do you think about going out with me Saturday?” He asked
“I would love that. I work tomorrow morning until 5 PM but should be free after that.” You said and he nodded and smiled and then he was pulling out his phone and handing it to you and you put your number in and texted yourself. “Am I free to go?” You asked and he smiled and nodded.
“You are.” He said and you chuckled and then Antonio came over.
“All good, Kelly?” He asked
“Yup, all good.” He said and smiled at you and he was helping you off the back of the ambulance. 
“Is my truck ok to drive?” You asked and Antonio chuckled and nodded.
“All good, Sis. We’ll meet another day.” He said and you smiled and nodded. “Oh, the police have sorted everything out.” He said as he walked you to your truck. You got in and started it up with ease he nodded and said his goodbye and you looked up and met Kelly’s eyes and he smiled and so did you then you were driving off.
When you got home you parked and got out of the truck and sighed looking at the damage and took a picture and sent it to Natalie and Ava.
What a way to start my first day.
Natalie: Holy shit! Are you ok?
I’m good.
Ava: What happened?
Someone rear ended me and then another car rear ended them and pushed my truck into the intersection. I’m good, just some scratches from the seatbelt and maybe whiplash but nothing serious.
Natalie: Damn girl
Ava: Get some rest!
Will do girls.
Then you put your phone on the charger on the counter and went and changed into comfortable clothing and settled onto the couch with your bottle of water and turned on your favorite show and got some rest. Kelly kept coming to your mind and you wanted to do something and take it to them before work so you got up and went into the kitchen and got your baking stuff out and started to make homemade cookies. You finished in about 30 minutes and it was 10 PM. You got some containers out and left the cookies on the rack to cool. You turned off the TV and headed into your room and got ready for bed.
The next morning you got up when your alarm went off and you were a little stiff but nothing too worrisome. You got ready for work finding your routine easily and then headed into the kitchen and put the cookies in the containers and you started out of your apartment and to the elevator for the short ride to the lobby and then out to your now beaten-up truck. You opened the door and put everything in the passenger side and got in and started towards 51. 
When you got there, you parked and got out making sure to grab the cookies and shut the door. You walked into the bay and was met by a blonde man who noticed you immediately “Hey, I’m Matt Casey can I help you?” He asked.
“Hi, I’m Y/N Dawson and yes, I’m Gabriela’s and Antonio’s sister. I brought some homemade cookies as a thank you for helping me yesterday.” You said and showed him the container.
“Thank you so much. Also, you're welcome.” He said you were secretly hoping to see Kelly. Just then more people came out. 
“I heard cookies.” A voice said and you recognized it as Kelly and you smiled.
“You heard right. Wanted to say thank you and thought some cookies would be nice.” You said and he smiled at you and everyone was introduced to you. The container was opened and everyone took one.
“Holy shit these are good!” Stella Kidd said and you smiled.
“Thank you. Old family recipe.” You said and then you looked at the time “Well I gotta go but thank you again.” You said and Kelly smiled.
“That’s our job.” He said and you smiled and blushed “Hey I’ll walk you out.” He said and you nodded. It was a quick walk but it was filled with smiles and small talk. You told him your address for Saturday and then he was opening the door and you were getting in and then you were driving off and he watched you. You got to Med and parked and then got out and started to walk in a voice called out to you.
“Hey, Y/N wait up.” Connor said and you did so. 
“Hey.” You said
“What happened to your truck?” He asked as you walked into ED.
“Got rear ended yesterday.” You said
“Are you ok?” He asked and you smiled and nodded.
“All good. Seatbelt cut me and little stiff but all good.” You said
“Good. If you start hurting more let one of us know.” He said as you got into the locker room.
“I know, Connor.” You chuckled and he smiled and then you were both heading different ways and your first official shift started. Your day consisted of being paged and seeing patients overall everything was great and you got the hang of it quickly. Soon your shift was done and you were heading home.
When you got home you were quick to get out of your truck and into the apartment complex and to your apartment. You were quick to change and were about to sit down on the couch when a knock sounded on the door and you were sighing and getting up. You opened the door and was met face to face with Kelly.
“Kelly, hi.” You said breathlessly and then you noticed that he had flowers and a bag of food. “I thought our date wasn’t until Saturday.” You said.
“It is but I wanted to thank you for the cookies and I thought dinner would be perfect.” He said and you smiled.
“Come in!” You said opening the door wider and he walked in. You took the flowers and walked to the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase as he set the food on the table. He got the food out and you both got the food and went to the couch after you decided that it would be more comfortable. You both watched some cheesy show and commented on it and even after the food was done with you found yourself cuddling into him and he pulled you further into him. You two looked up at each other and slowly leaned into each other and your lips touched and sparks flew. As the two of you kissed, he started to lay you down on the couch and hover over you. He licked your bottom lip and your mouth opened and your tongues fought for dominance until breath was needed and you both let up catching your breath. 
“Bedroom?” He asked in a husky voice and you could feel his erection on your clothed core. And you clenched around nothing at his husky voice.
“Yes.” You said after catching your breath. He got up and you almost whimpered but when he started to take off his shirt and saw his ripped body you started to drool. He held his hand out and you took it and he pulled you up and into his arms with a squeal but he caught you. 
“Jump.” He said and you did so and he caught you effortlessly and he started to walk to her bedroom after you told him kissing all the way. When you got there, he set you down and slowly undressed you down to her bra and underwear kissing your legs all the way down as he took her pants off. He slowly came back up and kissed your lips as he slowly made you go back onto the bed. He was quick to remove his pants and underwear leaving him in nothing and you could feel his cock against your clothed core. He suddenly sat on his knees and slowly removed your underwear going all the way down and then lifting your leg and taking them off and throwing them somewhere. He kissed your ankle and down your leg to your soaking core.
“Kelly.” You moaned out and he smirked and continued until his mouth was where you needed him the most and you let out a loud moan as he licked and ate you out like no tomorrow. He had your leg over his shoulder so he could go deeper. “Fuck, Kelly.” You moaned and he continued until that knot in your stomach started to get tight and close to bursting and then he stopped. “What the fuck?” You asked and he smirked looking up at you as he moved his upper body up to you and kissed you. You tasted yourself as his tongue fought yours for dominance. Your bra was quick to leave, finally leaving you naked. He let up when air was needed.
“I want to be inside of you.” He said and you moaned.
“Fuck me.” You said and he smiled.
“I’m going to make love to you.” He said and then was guiding his cock to your entrance and pushing in slowly until he bottomed out and you both moaned.
“You’re so big.” You moaned, throwing your head back.
“You’re so tight.” He moaned and then he started to move slowly and he kissed your neck, your mouth, sucked on your nipples until he was satisfied that they got the same attention. He thrusted into you slowly and deeply. “You’re taking me so well. You were made for me.” He moaned.
“I’m yours, Kelly. Have been since freshman year of high school even if we didn’t know it.” You moaned wrapping your legs around his waist making him go deeper and hit spots you didn't know that could be hit. You were not a virgin but hadn’t sex in a long time.
“You’re mine and I’m yours.” He said, that knot was back and ready to snap any minute 
“Faster, please.” You moaned and he obeyed and went faster. “Fuck me.” You moaned.
“I’m close, Baby.” He said thrusts were getting sloppy.
“Me too.” You replied and one more thrust and you both were cumming. You both stayed there until he was rolling to the side of you and he pulled the covers back and you both were cuddling into each other. Your eyes were getting heavy and you yawned.
“Get some sleep. I’ll be here in the morning.” He said and that was all you needed because you were asleep with your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. After he saw your breath even out, he fell asleep so happy to have you in his arms.
The next morning you woke up to weight across your body and breath hitting your neck. After first you freaked out but then you saw a familiar watch and smiled. “You know I fell in love the first time I saw you and I kicked myself for not talking to you. You were so out of my league.” He said, startling you.
“Fuck you scared me.” You said as you turned in his arms to look at him and he slowly opened his eyes. “I fell in love the first time I saw you too. Also, bull shit, you were way out of my league.” You said and he chuckled and shook his head.
“No, you were way out of my league. I was so scared to tell you or talk to you because I feared you would reject me.” He said
“I had the same fear.” You said and he smiled and kissed your forehead.
“We found each other now.” He said and you smiled and nodded.
“We sure did.” You whispered 
“I don’t ever want to let you go.” He said 
“You don’t have to. I’m yours.” You said and he smiled.
“I’m yours too. I love you.” He whispered
“I love you too.” You replied and it was the truth. Neither of you were going to let each go ever. You were perfectly fine with that. You got the man of your dreams and he got the woman of his dreams. Nothing could take that way not now and not ever because the love that you both had for each other was enough to keep you together forever.
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sunnylands-world · 11 months
If it's the last time forever
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PAIRING: Draco x fem reader
SUMMARY: it wasn't ever supposed to be more than a few nights together but a few nights can lead to three words that can ruin everything
WARNING: mentions of sex, angst, some poetry I wrote in between
UNIVERSE: harry potter
A/N: hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been as active, adult life is kicking my ass right now, anyway I have a request similar to this so I'm thinking I'll make that part 2
You read the warnings if you continue to read. I'm not to be held responsible.
Comments, reblogs, and inboxes are appreciated and motivational
Draco knew what this time meant. He'd come to your door around this hour many times but this time it felt more weighted, like what was behind it was his two way answer for life and choosing the wrong answer would ruin everything, he didn't like this feeling. It was suffocating, wrapping his heart in rope and pulling at it till it bled and left sores; but this wasn't supposed to feel that way and it hadn't always.
It was just sex, it had been for months and that's how it was supposed to stay but going into this he knew the risk of touching, seeing, and breathing you in.
That's what started this in the first place.
He'd wanted you but not like this, not before at least. In the beginning he wanted you to himself for pleasure and pleasure only. He didn't like the thought of sharing what he touched and you were his, just for a night; but after a while it wasn't just a quick leave and enter…
The words that were whispered in a breath, the touches that gripped tighter, and the positions went from just feeling to seeing.
The need to see your eyes, the need to feel your lips.
you'd both broken the rules all because sex gave way for feelings and they were clearly there with every movement but neither of you let the words that would change it all slip…
That's where it got intense, that was the hold back that was the brick of ice on waves of water.
As you opened the door you didn't even meet his eyes, and in the beginning that was how it was supposed to be but now it hurts not seeing them look hopeful and excited to see him.
He only sighed as he looked you over while you fidgeted with your fingers. you were so beautiful so perfect to him, something written out of his own diary…
"We need to stop this," you rushed the words out like they were hot on your tongue and he had to admit they stung.
"I- fine" he said, kicking his raw emotions down the steps and watching them tumble.
"Why can't you just say it, do I really mean nothing to you? are you not even gonna try to change my mind!?" You shouted, cracks in your voice making way for your tears to fall and shaking like you'd cave.
"ricochet, ricochet my love… don't fall apart because of me."
"Say what?! That I want this!" He snapped, still fighting back the part of him that wanted more.
"you won't even fight for us, it's like you're heartless!" You say, pointing at him and every breath sucked in like there's not enough air to breathe.
"Can I hold you close, caress your skin, til you can breathe once again? I am the wave beneath your boat, I know how well you float…"
he wanted to tell you that it wasn't true, that he'd been thinking about you when he wasn't here. that he'd been distracted because he needed to be near you to focus. That every time he said possessive things in your ear he meant it but…he wasn't going to.
"I'd tell you something in French because it's pretty, but I can't speak it. My darling, my love. it's hard to be romantic when you're choking on food"
he wasn't sure why but all this scared him, maybe it was because he was in a position that put you in danger or maybe he was afraid of what this all meant but seeing you cry like this dropped his heart Into in stomach breaking it into pieces. He never wanted to be the source of your pain, he only wanted to make everything better but here he was breaking your heart because he was scared.
"Don't cry, please don't cry. I swear I tried but I fuck up sometimes. This isn't an excuse, my pretty muse. I'm an asshole and I know it's true but I sure do give a fuck about you"
"Are you ashamed? Is that it? Does being in love with Harry Potter's sister bother you that much? No, you're a coward. you don't want others to see you with me!"
Your words were full of rage and he deserved it but this was how it had to be, to much was what it would cost and because he hadn't really experienced love he was sure it was worth the risk but he also didn't want it to end like this but telling you otherwise would light a fire in you with hope so he lied.
"yes! I'm afraid I'll look like less if I'm with you!" He said and it sounded like a script he'd rehearsed but it did the job because you felt like a bullet went through you, you were bleeding out, possibly dying.
"Say it isn't true. I'm pulling the rope because I'm in love with you. Be the one to pull it back, fight for what I tried to push back. I won't last long your love gives me a heart attack"
"Get out! And don't even come back again, I never want to see you again, don't speak to me ever again!!" You shouted slamming the door in his face and just like that it was over.
He had to hide his pain as he walked away. He didn't need people to know he was seeing you in the first place. He could hear his father now, picture all the danger this one relationship could be.
He knew if others found out they'd have a field day with the knowledge that draco malfoy was with potter's sister. Word would travel fast like fire on grass, one blade catching and passing along until the whole field burned and that would mean the other death eaters would know. then they'd force him to say where Harry was or worse tell him to trick you into trusting him enough so he could get closer to harry and then they'd want him to kill him.
He couldn't do that to you, he wouldn't.
As time went by his days seemed to be darker than before, much darker and colder than his home.
He didn't like not seeing you anymore, not breathing your air, not meeting your eyes that held a light pulling him and taking him away from all of this.
He wished it was different, pictured a life where he wasn't who he was. Just an ordinary boy without complications but maybe then none of this would have happened, there may not have ever been a him and you.
It made his heart heavy and put a pit in his belly and his throat felt closed and empty. Were you worth it? Were you worth changing everything… he knew you were but he was still just Draco Malfoy and he knew deep down that what happened between you would be the last time forever…
Or maybe it wouldn't
"I can kiss a million roses and forget which one but the reds all stay the same like our love with a claw. I've never been scared of bears because I've never seen them maul but now I know they do have claws, scratching at our love like we've attacked them all. fear not my love, it's not the end for hearts can heal again and roses may grow with new stems…"
©Sunnylands-world this belongs to me therefore you don't have the right to do anything with my work or ideas without permission.
Nice thought, reblogs, and inboxing is appreciated and motivational ❤
Draco lovers and requests
@alexxavicry, @kyracanwrite, @animeloverfreak310, @phildunphyisadilf
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
Hey look I finished an AU bingo ask! I enjoyed this one so much💖 I felt the brain cooking making up and putting together actual smart people science words. Thanks for the request!
AU bingo - Sci-fi Horror - Aemond Targaryen
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: Murder AI Aemond, obsessive/stalking behaviors, TW TW TW: NONCON AND DUBCON. The noncon is not a full scene but warning, non-descript mass murder, scientist!reader, nanotechnology, spaceship setting, somewhere far in the future, pnv!sex, masturbation, Aemond kinda has a mommy kink if you squint and a Bible quote kink lmfao, v!fingering, manipulation, space odyssey gone wrong trope
A/N: No beta I’ll prob come back and fix some shit soon
The ship landed with a faint thud on the green, green exo-planet. You followed Aemond along quietly, meek, fearful, broken. Coming down the unfurled slanted walkway a sweet smell hit your senses. Miles of flowery fields waved, a perfect breathable atmosphere. In the distance, avian-like creatures tittered. A fragment of peace was in your tattered soul.
He hummed softly, gesturing to the beauty.
"God blessed them; and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’”
You felt that Aemond was the serpent and remained quiet, breathing in the fresh air. Nothing like home. Maybe you could start anew. The man turned to look, stating, “But we’re God. We have a duty. We shall make this planet everything that Earth has failed to do. Join me, be my Eve will you?” He seemed genuine.
A long fingered hand extended to you. Your gaze flickered between that glowing eye and the outstretched digits. You grabbed his hand, interlacing your fingers. Together, looking upon the horizon you murmured, “Yes, my Adam. You were the greatest creation after all.”
He pecked the stray tear rolling down your cheek, squeezing your palm, lips curling in glee.
It wasn’t meant to end up like that for you. At one point Aemond was your AI. Artificially Enhanced Monitor Of Nanites Directive. Simply installed cameras and layer upon layers of wafer thin circuits loaded with information. Aemond preferred to be referred as he. He was also an arrogant bastard, but helpful as was his intent.
Your coworker Greaves and Aemond did not get along well, the AI criticizing his work. You’d tune them out with plugs or music buds. The scientist laden ship had a destination to a far away mining colony. The general’s plan was to find a way to used nano-technology to replace missing arms, eyes, and other wounds. Time was running thin but the blonde man in cryo-stasis would be your second trial.
The first did not end well. Her body rejected the technology, turning the human into a mindless wreck. Greaves blamed it on you, then General Hightower gave a harsh scolding and upped the time. Aemond consoled you a bit, offering advice. He seemed to take a liking to your banter on the nanotechnology.
He wasn’t the only AI. Other sectors of the ship worked on different but crucial projects such as alien anti-parasitics and ramping up on space suits equipped for defense. Colonization was on the horizon.
Plucking and prodding the little nanites with different stimuli had them snapping and shifting, seeking to find a form. You just needed to code what form they would assume. Aemond’s clipped voice echoed over you. He suggested, “Have you tried printing a molded cast of the man’s eye socket?”
Perching your chin on a shaky hand you smiled, “I swear, it’s always the simplest things I miss. Thank you Aemond.”
“You would have realized soon, want me to begin the scans and print? Likely you need rest, I know the stress of the upped time is draining your bodily function. The brain needs much more sleep, especially one as bright as yours.”
You blushed a bit, fumbling your tweezers. The AI had a certain…courtly way of words. His sort of programming wouldn’t allow for flirtation but it certainly came across like that. Greaves mocked you and the intelligence’s ‘crush’. Greaves always found a way to make you miserable. You did all the major work and he got the accolades.
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts you announced, “You’re right, I’ll go rest for a bit, get back to work with the mold. Thank you again, and engage lockdown protocol so he doesn’t mess up my work like last time.”
“Engaging it now, sleep well Miss.”
You crashed as soon as you reached your quarters, sleeping deeply and sound. Upon awakening and getting dressed you couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Just chalk it up to your fried nerves. It wasn’t the first time and this was an older ship, ghost stories had gotten to you before.
The mold was in a canister from the printer, you scrubbing up and carefully taking it out. Aemond politely asked, “Did you sleep well? You look refreshed.” Blushing yet again you murmured, “Very much needed, I didn’t realize how exhausted I was.”
“Greaves has been in the mess hall, you will likely get some peace now. Shall we begin?”
The armor folded off your precious lab table, the nanites dormant from no stimuli. Pressing a button you placed the mold into a hatch, sending it up into the chamber. In fluid motions the little bugs covered the new space, feeling and searching before all inserting into the eye socket, glowing a bright blue.
You laughed in glee, “Yes! Yes perfect! Look at that Aemond, they’ve formed a pupil!”
Shining light on the false eye the pupil contracted and flinched, the illusion of eyelids closing. You cheered again in excitement, getting Aemond to video the big jump in success. You could start phase two soon. Just had to deal with your partner.
“Amazing miss, amazing. They took to it well. Shall I send the material to command?”
You grinned and looked up at the camera, “Please! God bless! A miracle!” You’d continue to test the nanite organ until the hiss of the door opening alerted you.
Greaves stumbled in, slurring, “I see you got the jump on me this time. Did the creep robot do it for you? Weird fucking thing.” He leaned against the sterile white wall, grinning with hazy eyes. You frowned and stood up, “That’s his job, to aid us. I’m sure since you work so hard in the mess hall you’ll get your accolades again.”
He squinted at you, arms folding against a chest, “Whas’ your fuckin’ problem with me? You’d rather chat with a bunch of circuits than work with your assigned partner!” His already reddened face darkened, taking another step forward.
Fear laced through your veins. Aemond somehow sneered, “Because you, her lab partner, sold her out on your own mistake. Go to bed, your alcohol content levels are above the limit.” Greaves threw his hands up and hollered, “Oh fuck you!” He stumbled to the switch, you and the AI shutting up when Greaves switched him off.
The bigger man kept stalking closer, eyes on you in an darkened manner. Like a predator closing in on his prey. You squeaked, “Calm down Greaves, I can show you everything!” He hissed, “I already heard everything and the video, bitch! S’bout time someone put you in your place again.”
He snatched your wrist, slamming you against the steel cryo-chamber. You howled in pain, trying to escape. Greaves’ breath stunk of liquor, hot and rank, sweating on your clean skin. He pushed himself on top of you, mumbling frantically, “Maybe you need to get fucked, all that pent up shit from your computer boyfriend.”
You struggled and cursed, “Fuck you! Get off of me! I will report you!” He smirked, “Try me. No cameras with your prince in shining circuits around.” He forced himself between your legs, clumsy drunk hands yanking at your pants. You cried in fear again, kneeing and biting, getting a clock to the head.
Dazedly you remembered the tweezers in your coat. Playing limp had the idiot croon, “Good girl, thats what we want to see.” He shoved his face into your neck, hands prying your lab pants knee height now. Thats when you struck, slowly, slowly, pulling the tweezers from your pocket and jabbing him in the side, hopefully near a lung.
Greaves hollered in pain, breath wheezy and stilted, blood dripping from white cloth. You kicked and removed yourself, stumbling and bumping around in a frenzy as your partner tried to scramble after you. First, you switched on Aemond again. Secondly, you ran out into the hallway, finding the nearest guard, lump on your forehead and clothes torn.
You weren’t sure what happened back in the lab while you were taken into medbay and seen by HR. But after given a small dose of sedatives and care for your head wound, you passed Greaves strapped into a gurney, howling, “Fuck you! Fuck you! He’s gonna kill me! Don’t leave me locked away, please! She’s lying!”
You gaped, unnerved by his fearful warbling and frantic yells. Aemond would be waiting. He probably was worried. When the door hissed open the familiar clipped tone hastily asked, “Are you alright miss? I- I would have helped, sent a warning. I apologize, please, is everything okay?”
You wearily sat on your lab chair, rubbing pounding temples. “To be honest, I don’t know. H-he tried to rape me, said such nasty things, it was all so sudden. But he should go on tribunal about it. For some reason I am glad you missed it.”
“For the best,” he said bitterly, “Why don’t you go rest again? I’ll keep watch over everything. Maybe we can try more tests tomorrow. He’ll get what he deserves.”
An ominous feeling settled over you but off to your personal quarters you went, draining the pills with water. You stared at the ceiling, mind reeling, before emptiness. A bright blue haunted your dreams. Just there. Flexing and dilating. Trying to see through you. Understand.
It was a weary wait for the tribunal. Your research was put on halt and you on mandatory isolation besides meeting with a therapist. There was an order made and interviews occurring. The tedious process of moving someone out of a different department to assist you.
So it was just you. Aemond too. He wasn’t much of a talkative AI as of late, short responses and antagonizing little ‘hms’ or ‘very well miss.’ You began to ignore the effervescent blue light, him doing the same. You knew he was watching, that little burn in the back of your head.
In the meantime you read your Bible, did yoga, wearily watched the port window, occasionally would go into the lab to stare at your halted work. You pulled open the container for the cryochamber, staring down at the frozen man. He had a handsome face, chiseled and lean, long nose, sharp jaw.
Your eyes lingered down his rangy form, this man obviously was athletic of sorts. Or maybe a simple nobody, just managed to get into the program after what happened to his eye. Between his long legs laid his soft cock, you stared for a second too long before-
“Is that not inappropriate?”
Startled, you whipped around to see Aemond’s blue light in your face. You snapped, “It was purely medical!” His laugh, raspy and grating, echoed in the white lab. You frowned and returned to your room, slapping the button for the door to hiss shut.
You’d go take a shower, blood heated from anger and…something else. Under the hot stream of water you imagined the gorgeous subject with that familiar blue, caressing and stroking your overwhelmed body. It had been too long, your hand awkwardly jerking between your swollen lips until you came with a stifled grunt.
Afterward you felt exposed and paranoid, like Aemond could pry into the bathroom, chuckling at your obvious behavior. But there wasn’t any cameras in that bathroom…that you were aware of. Sitting on your bed, guilt rose up your back. You’d pray.
More time passed before you were selected to testify for the tribunal. Greaves’ crew made a good argument that Aemond and you planned on his downfall. He claimed that the AI had gone wrong somewhere, developed the notion it could possess feelings, how he had been threatened.
Shakily you testified that Aemond was forced off and the board could check, then how you’d been forced upon without consent. They tried to cross-examine but you held strong. Teary by the end, they moved on and you sat by your appointed admiral. She rubbed your shoulders.
Greaves was sentenced to hard labor, and would remain in isolation on the ship until reaching the mining colony, where he would serve out the sentence. They appointed, sadly, another male to fill your exiled partner’s position.
But you could get back to work.
Aemond was in a right mood when you returned to the lab. Questioning you sharply on what occurred, where Greaves’ would go, did you get a new partner. You answered them all, rubbing your temples, the AI could be quite intense.
“Aemond!,” you snapped.
“What miss?”
“Are you trying to induce a panic attack? Greaves is in the bottom of the ship, I’m back to work, and they have a man named Herron coming from robotics to fill in.”
“Another male? All things considered? It’s obvious you and I could get the job done.”
You sighed, “I know. But it’s what they said. Do you just want to run some stimuli tests?”
He agreed, seemingly placated by the offer, blue light flexing. The pair of you would work on the mold’s ability to sense and perceive, how well would the nanites adapt to the brain. Your eyes grew droopy after awhile, Aemond humming, “Why don’t you go to bed?” Nodding blearily, you stumbled off to the adjacent bedroom, completely forgetting to put on any of the safety precautions for the night.
While you slept deeply, Aemond had some things to do. Everything was open for his command, including the nanites and subject. He had a great plan, and it would not fail. First he needed to go pay a visit to Greaves, infiltrating the entire AI system. Poor miss, she was so tired, forgot everything. Wonderful little creature. He’d help.
Feeling refreshed in the morning, you dragged yourself to the mess hall, receiving stares upon stares. You grabbed a salad and finally gathered the courage to ask, “What happened?” A female scientist from anti-parasitic whispered dramatically, “How do you not know? Greaves was murdered? All of the oxygen was depleted from his cell.” Your stomach fell, head going swimmy.
Stumbling up from the bench, ignoring your food, heart beating faster and faster, you crashed into the lab. Your voice cracked when you shouted, “Aemond!” His voice returned, but from a different place, a different body. The blue eye shone and twinkled at you, fine lips curling upward.
“You should be thanking me, miss,” the AI standing in the subject’s body said.
It went black. Too much.
Thrashing awake, big hands held you down, long legs caging your own in. The handsome face, long blonde hair tickled your skin, fucking Aemond! “What did you do? What have you done? Aemond!,” you cried. He shushed and cooed with that devious smirk, holding you still until the panic turned to resignation. He swiped a stray tear from your eye.
“Be still and know that I am God,” he sighed.
You grew fearful again, the fact that he knew you owned a Bible and just recited it to your face said too much. How much had he seen. Aemond grew more comfortable atop of you, stroking your hair. He cocked his head and stated, “I know everything about you. You’re all that I need, truly. The perfect human.”
You wanted to spit in his face, but the petting and warmth was getting to that part of you that craved the attention, the fact you’d been in the shadows all your life. But he was a murderer— the rational part of your brain howled. Instead came out a warbling, “Me? Perfect?“
Aemond drew his new face closer, drawing a spindly finger down from your chin to chest. “I’ve been on this ship a long time, and no one has spoken to me like you. Not since my creator. She’s gone. But you have captured me, ensnared me somehow.”
One of your legs slipped round his long ones, suddenly overwhelmed with need. All you’d ever wanted was to be seen. He cooed, “I see you lamb, my eve.” More tears leaked down your cheeks as you pled, “Kiss me, see me then, y-you snake.”
A sharp grin erupted on his sharp features before pulling you in with a kiss, both of you unexperienced, a big hand stabilizing your head. You tilted his head for ease of access, a sloppy gnashing of teeth and tongue, lips bruising from the sheer yearning. Aemond moaned deeply, “I see- hah- how you humans love touch so much.”
Your now free hands moved to where they liked, one in silky white-blonde strands, the other just feeling toned shoulders and back. The pair of you had your lip lock grow more attuned, no less passionate, but gliding across each other. You pled again, “Clothes, help, Aemond!” He sat back on his haunches, shivering as his long stiff cock slapped tight belly.
You shucked off your top and bra, him jerking down your bottoms to leave you all to his view. Aemond already had been bare, no clothes were prepared for the subject yet. He inhaled sharply, hands slowly moving down your heaving form, studying ridges and curves, sliding warm fingers between puffy folds. You cried out at that, spasming at the eager expression in return.
Aemond let out a small ‘Hm’ and slid his longest digits into your dripping hole, immediately curling inwards and upwards to drag against sensitive walls. Very, very sensitive walls. Back arched and mouth agape you rolled your hips and whined his name. The man rambled loosely, transfixed, “Having a data bank is quite helpful but nothing comes to this, my Eve.”
He slipped a third finger in, using a calloused thumb to slid around your swollen clit, making you cry louder and writhe under pleasure. He watched ravenously, drinking you in when your peak hit. Gushing onto his pale hand and screeching like a creature, you reached Nirvana for what felt like minutes.
You cried again when his sheathed himself inside of you, no warning, both of you moaning and grunting like animals. The sensitive skin guarding your cunt was ripped now, bleeding, but the fullness of his cock was a ripe distraction. Aemond seemed to be overwhelmed by the sensation, sucking in breath, eyes wide, “For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.”
He plastered toned body against your own, moaning gutturally when you wrapped your arms and legs around his larger frame. “Oh- oh- fucking hell- this!” The blonde groaned lowly, nipping your throat, hands bruisingly placed on your waist as he snapped into your slick cunt.
The blunt tip of his cock stirred up familiar feelings of pleasure, tightening and knotting your lower belly. You heaved, “Don’t stop!” A drop of sweat hit your mouth, you licking the salty taste off. So close to human yet not. Yet not. Yet not not not.
A pinch to your oversensitive clit and a batter from his cock sent you into another crest, holding to Aemond for dear life. He moaned your name and white hot spend covered your mound and belly. He kissed your forehead and wiped away the spend with your discarded top, breathing. You sat up a bit and asked, “Where do you go from here? They cannot know?”
Aemond got up, long stride beating your clumsy foal-like stumbling. He stated, “They won’t know my love.” Your own door shut and locked behind his retreating frame. You managed to reach it and beat on the durasteel, crying, “Aemond! Aemond come back! Stop! What are you doing!”
Oh how you’d been fooled.
Oh how you were weak.
Oh how you were just a human pawn when the alarms went off and you watched the bodies float out of the ship, silently screaming and dying as their blood boiled in the vacuum of space.
He returned later, now dressed in the immaculate garb of a commander, hair neatly swept back, eye sparkling. You remained naked and felt like a mouse under his imperious gaze. All energy was gone, you’d cried it out. Aemond strode towards you, boots clicking. He knelt to grab you chin, face tilting to study you. He’d never truly understand the complexities of human emotion, no matter how human he may appear.
Aemond sighed, “I did this for you, for us, those people do not matter. Earth and it’s people are dying. We begin anew. My perfect Eve,” he kissed your swollen lips. “You’ll see. Just wait, I brought you some nicer clothes, have them on.”
The man stood up and gently laid down female commander’s garb, before kneeling to you.
“I know this isn’t registering in your human, wonderfully human, brain, but it’ll make sense later on. I’ve already found a beautiful planet. Not too much longer now. Put on the clothes and meet me on the bridge.”
So you did. What other choice was there.
Twisted though he may be, the AI was never horrid to you. Maybe to others, not you. On the comfortable jacket, pants, and boots went. You tried not to cry any more restyling your hair. Most likely he’d coddle and ‘Hm’ condescendingly.
You laughed maniacally as the thought popped up, “Hey! At least my project was successful!”
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bu-blegh-ost · 7 months
Riptide Pirates and identity. Let's think of identity as mirrors.
Chip's identity is like a shattered mirror. He built it around his child self and his time with the Black Rose Pirates, and back then when he gazed into a mirror he saw a smiling, happy boy with no care in the world. But then the mirror broke, and ever since, Chip has been sitting at its foot picking up the pieces and trying to meticulously put them back in its place, right where they belong, where they used to be. And if the pieces didn't fit anymore, then that just meant this must have been the wrong one, he just needed to find the right one and when it is finished everything will be exactly as it was before. It'll be fine again. But somewhere along the way Chip found people who started helping. Together they started recreating the mirror and with them along Chip found himself less and less upset when one piece or the other seemed a bit off. And when the mirror was finally finished, Chip gazed upon it and looking at him was a person completely different than the one he used to see in the past. But by his side there were people who told him that it's perfect that way. That it's still him and that it's still alright. You can still see cracks in the mirror, follow the exact lines to see where they broke off. But tho shattered once before the mirror is strong. It won't crack again.
Gillion is a mirror on the verge of crumbling. He has been noticing cracks for years now, but the mirror seemed strong, unbreakable, so fine and sturdy, there was no way it would break. It was so unprobable, he chose to not pay it any mind. But then the cracks deepened and the mirror trembled dangerously, as if ready to fall over. He grabbed the mirror and held onto it tight, and then he was gazing at the sun on the surface. With a mirror this cracked, he had to find ways to fill it back in. Tapes, glues and bandaids made of denial, excuses and heroic facade, he would put anything and everything to keep the cracks from spreading, to keep making sure that this fragile piece of glass is still a perfectly good mirror. And then small pieces started falling off. He tried to hide it but the holes in the visage remained, until the sea turned black and the mirror fell again. He caught it again, but he couldn't set it back up anymore. The moment he lets go, it crumbles and he is so afraid of it. Of the noise it will make. Of the gaping nothingness that waits for him when all the pieces fall. So he holds on. He knows he has to let it go, but be can't yet. The shards are falling on his head, the jagged edges hurt his palms, making them bleed, but he won't let go. Until he does. And when be does, with him there will be people who can show him how to fix it. There will be Jay, and there will be Chip. He'll know what to do. He's done it once before after all.
Jay's mirror is one of change. She has been polishing the mirror for years, she has been telling herself that it's beautiful and perfect. It's just like her fathers' and her sister's and grandmother's. It's always been the same, and so there is no way it could be broken. But then Ava's mirror shattered and Jay started wondering that if her sister's mirror wasn't what it seemed, than maybe all the other ones are also broken. So she covered her mirror with a cloth and pretended that she has a different one. Just to see if she can find out more about mirrors in the first place. And the more mirrors she saw the more she realized that she hates her own mirror. She started noticing things that she didn't before. That small ugly crack in the corner. That disgusting stain in the other that never seems to come off. And she desired a new one, a completely different one that will truly feel hers. But when she asked her father, the father got angry and in his cruelty, he put another nasty burn mark that covered the frame. But Jay's friends told her that they'd still like her mirror, but only if she truly makes it hers. So she started seeing her mirror as a foundation. Something that might be her base, but not what she truly is. She took some brushes and started painting the mirror. She decorated it with patterns and lines unique to her own and repainted both the glass and the frame so she could see herself in it just the way she wanted to be seen. The burn mark is still there, so are all the cracks and stains, but with time, she is sure to find a way to reclaim these too. And the mirror will finally feel like her own. And she's sure her friends will love whatever she makes.
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kalcifers-blog · 1 year
Broken Birdcage - Pissa fic by Kalcifer
CW: all of the side effects of being locked in a cage with no real way to take care of yourself? Self hating issues, mild suicidal thought (nothing is graphic but it is in there so be warned!!!)
(please let me know if you guys want me to write more fics I honestly had so much fun writing this :DD)
He did not know how long it had been since he was first trapped.
The hours crawled on into days and the days bled into nights and nights shuffled into what had to have been a week.
It couldn't be more than a week, could it? Philza couldn't tell at this point. His talons bloody from the scratching against the walls, his right shoulder bruised from slamming himself against the sealed door. His throat horse and strained from screaming.
At some point he had to force himself to stop crying, he realised the first night that he had an extremely limited water supply, one that would not last very long. Crying meant dehydration, which meant he was back to his old, long habits of forcing everything so far down he felt numb.
Everything was numb at this point, it was the only thing that distracted him from the violence that poisoned his blood. Not just at the Federation that kept him here, or that took his darling eggs from him. No, the hatred he felt for himself was so much more apparent at that moment.
He couldn't help but look back to that last night they shared, just hours before his capture. How gently he was held as Missa showed him how to dance- his heart had been racing the whole time, the pictures he snuck of him when he wasn't looking, wasn't appreciating just how stunning he looked in the moment. Leaving him behind with that empty promise that he would see him again soon.
Of course it was a trap. How could he have been so stupid to fall for it? He's never going to see his eggs again now because of it. Or Etolis or Forever or Fit or Tubbo- or.. or Missa. God how could he have left Missa with an empty promise like that.
Phil choked back another sob, he never did get to tell him that he did love him.
He wasn't sure how much Missa truly knew how much he loves him, Missa was always so open about it- he was just so unapologetically proud to be that close to Philza. He should have said something, he should have appreciated every moment they shared because now he was trapped and would never get to appreciate him again.
He slipped off into dreams. Long hazy dreams that felt so real, but slightly uncanny at the same time, they where like memories just not his memories, because these where not moments he got to have with the person he should've called his husband.
Gentle moments before getting up in the mornings, sickingly sweet domestic bliss of times they should've spent as a family together- eating dinner and then putting the kids to bed to spend an evening where they did nothing but silently appreciate the others company. Philza could even feel his ghost grace his skin and kiss him in a way he could only dream about.
Because this was a dream, and he woke up back in the birdhouse. Still hurt and sore and that ache in his eyes from crying and the pain that coursed through his wings since they had been clipped similar to the hope chipping away with every passing moment.
He screamed once more, this time at his Lady, begging her for some kind of release- some way to not feel the way he does. Maybe that way he would know if his beautiful eggs were in her care.
His Lady did not respond to him, the same way she never did when he asked her of such things, he knows he'll eventually be greatful for her decision. But in the moment, the avain can only feel the cry of his unkempt wings and the hurt he feels in every bone of his body and that curdling, roar of inescapable violence that poisoned his veins.
He knew that when if he ever got his talons on that fucking bear, he'd rip it to shreds with nothing but his bare teeth.
But there was nothing he could do, but lay and wait and hope for sleep to come over him once more, hopefully he'd go back to Missa in his dreams and feel the phantom touches of his ghost comfort him once more.
It was like that- alone, curled up on the ground, unwashed, unkempt and waiting for his Lady that he heard it- voices- outside? They where so close just on the other side of the wall.
Sparks of hope shot through him like electricity- he tried to yell out but there was no yell left in him. It didn't matter though because it seemed like they knew he was there. All Philza could do was pull himself onto his shaking legs to stand up- leaning against the wall as he did so. The lack of any food for days eating away at his strength by the second.
In the end, the rescue team didn't even attempt the door- they just busted the wall down using some TNT. Phil couldn't help but joke to himself that it was so beautifully chaotic of them, not wanting to wait another second.
The first person to greet Philza was his beloved partner- the person comforting him through his ghost this whole time. Phil could only collapse into his shoulder when he got to his side. That look in his eyes- though covered by his skull mask- is not one he could, and won't, ever put on Missa's face again.
Missa was beyond worried to see the state of his husband- he looked so broken down, so tired, it was clear by the looks on everyone else, especially Tubbo's that none of them had ever seen the man like this. And all he could do was run those gentle finger through tatted hair and whisper promises into his ear.
Missa had to carry him home- he was moments away from collapsing again that he couldn't risk even letting him attempt to walk for himself. Philza had basically torn apart the Gapples they gave him, and the healing potions and water.
It didn't mean that Philza wasn't still hurting all over, in fact the opposite was true- if anything the healing potions did absolutely nothing to drown out any pain, all they did was heal the injury causing it. Meaning Missa spent their whole trip home constantly checking over Philza's broken beautiful face for any signs of discomfort.
They had spent hours together. Missa helping Philza heal and recover and led him back to a open and welcoming bath and nest.
It was just an hour or so later, once Missa heard the sounds of the bath being unplugged and the sounds of slow movement when he saw Philza re-emerge, still hurt and bruised, but significantlt better. He didn't say a word, not from a lack of trying, but the look in his eyes said everything that was needed to be said
Philza stood shakingly in front of him, with damp, unbrushed hair and dripping wings, wearing an old robe. Missa couldn't tell if it was the robe or the general vulnerability that made Philza seem so much smaller than usual.
No words where said for no words could be spoken for Philza to ever fully express how much he loved the man in front of him. Especially after today. It wasn't long before Missa suddenly felt his arms wrap themselves around his middle as the blondes head nussled into his chest. Gripping him so tightly as if he'd disappear at any moment if he didn't.
The taller of the two whispered sweet promises to the avain. Kissing his forehead as gently as his fingers traced the others face and held him impossibly closer.
The lines of hurt on the avains face remained, but they lifted ever so slightly as Missa kissed him in that ghostly familiar way. The way that sent him crying into his shoulder once more, the way that made him know for certain that he was not going anywhere.
They both went to bed that night, cuddled up tightly against each other. Missa tracing circles into Philza's side, relaxing him and making him chirp. Missa didn't bring it up, hoping to hear that beautiful bird song for the rest of time.
It was Philza who fell asleep first, exuhsted from- everything and now with the comfort of knowing that Missa knew. Missa knows just how much he loves him.
And he's going to make sure he never forgets that.
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meloarto-me · 1 year
hiii idk if you have watched the LA one piece (if not that doesnt matter he is still hot) but could you maybe write a klahadore x maid!reader <3 where the maid is close to kaya so he needs to distract her from his little plan
Fixing the plans
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Klahadore x maid!reader / Kuroo x Reader
Word Count: 2,38
Synopsis: I'm not sure what you meant when you wrote ,'where the maid is close to kaya so he needs to distract her from his little plan'. But I think you mean that Kuro distracted Kaya's maid reader. So that he can continue with his plan
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Pov Kuro
I've been angry all day, none of my plans have been going my way lately. In the beginning everything was going well…. In the beginning.
I sighed and corrected my glasses, it all started when Kaya hired that stupid maid. And that without informing me, It annoyed me because I could have chosen someone obedient to me and not her.
Sitting down on one of the chairs in the kitchen I lean against the back of the chair, that maid came into the room. (Reader) that was her name, she was spoiling my whole plan that I had been building for years. sigh, Watching her carefully, sometimes I feel like killing her…. Although maybe not so much after I started talking to her.
She seemed very hardworking and loyal to Kay, but also kind and helpful to others. For Merry, for example, she was very kind to him.
But I have to admit, sometimes I envied him. Before I knew it she had gone to Kay, she was like a dog next to her. I banged my fist on the table getting up from my chair. I went to the room where Kaya and (Reader) were. I linked my hands behind me entering the room.
-Good morning Ms Kaya and (Reader)-.
Even her name is difficult for me to say. Kaya answered me immediately, for the maid was cleaning up a broken glass on the floor. But she answered after a while, and I noticed with my sharp eyes that her skirt had folded up as she bent over the broken glass.
I have to confess but I was secretly looking at her newly exposed skin. I'm a guy and a pirate at that.
It dawned on me that day, I already know how to get the obedient maid (Reader) away from Kay. I just need a couple of days to make the whole plan, but as for now I'll get on with observing (Reader).
I've been observing her closely all week, her behaviour, her habits and her whole appearance. And I have to admit that she was …. quite charming and attractive, in my eyes.
Her (colour) hair and beautiful (colour) skin, and her smaller body. Fuck. If it wasn't for the fact that she interferes with my plans I would be interested in her but I have my plans. Plans I have to fulfil, maybe I'll throw her person into my plans, but maybe.
Correcting my glasses I walk into the kitchen, I see her (the reader) standing by the cooker waiting for the water to boil so she could pour the tea. She was wearing her usual lolita maid outfit, I look at it smiling in thought. today was my day, the day I would get my plan together and do everything I needed to do.
I walked over to her and stood behind her putting my hands by her sides.
-Huh!- she squealed a little.
-Quietly, just quietly- I said into her ear, putting my hands on her hips and squeezing a little.
-I'm sorry but what are you doing?- She asks me in a trembling tone.
Ignoring her question, I turn off the water burner and move her body past the burners with a little force.
-Nothing, just be calm and everything will be fine,‖ I say turning her to look at me, I love feeling the angles.
Lifting my index finger to her chin, I kiss her, despite the fact that she is just one of the pawns I have to knock down to reach my goal, although I must admit that over the week I have felt fondness for her.
But returning to the situation (Reader), she had very soft lips. deepening the kiss which she did not say, I pick up her smaller body and put it on the kitchen counter.
-You better be quiet- I whisper to her, running my thumb over her plump lips.
She is obedient, and I like it that way, I take off my glasses and put them next to her on the spice shelf, I comb my hair back and return to the little maid who blushes madly holding her hands to her chest.
-Kuro what are you …- I don't let her finish her sentence, I kiss her again. I put my big hands on her thighs and spread them wider.
-Shhh, baby, it's going to be all right-I say, kissing her neck, then biting and sucking to leave a mark.
I bring my right hand to her intimate area and begin to gently rub it through her underwear. I kiss her greedily increasing the touch on her clothed pubis.
-Kuro please stop.- she is panting bending her body. Moving away from her neck where I left more marks I look into her eyes.
-My beauty. I can't. I have to admit I had a plan where you weren't there…. but now you're here and I have to put it together somehow, but you know I've come up with a way. -
He laughs, and kisses her again. (Reader) she blushes a lot and moans into my mouth I continue rubbing her sockets, I can already feel that she is wet and ready but I want to tease her a little more.
I move away from her mouth and watch her red face, her whole body trembled, I stopped touching her and move away.
she looks at me with wide open eyes, I love the feeling of power…. and over her I have it 100%.
-Well baby, are you waiting for an invitation? -I ask suggesting her to take care of me now, I suggestively look at her lips and wait for her reaction.
At first she shyly steps off the table and stands in front of me trembling and squeezing her thighs subtly.
-Come on darling, on your knees- I say grabbing her hair and push her obediently to the ground.
She obediently knelt down and seemed more nervous than a moment ago, shyly reaching out her hands towards the zipper of the trousers I was wearing, a small saddled smile adorning my face.
I'm really thinking of taking (Reader) as mine, maybe a toy. I'll have to see how it goes and maybe I'll take her. She is lovely and sexy.
my thoughts are distracted by the feeling that (Reader) is pulling out my stiff penis, I moan a little. It has a soft and nice touch other than mine.
-Continue_ I say, and pull her by her hair towards my preposition.
Like an obedient animal, she kisses my clit and I inhale. pulling her hair more, I force her to start sucking on my penis. She does it obediently, her eyes closed and her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, I notice that she rubs her thighs together.
I even think she likes me, I moan suddenly as she sucks me harder. I push her harder by the hair to take the entire length into my mouth. she chokes and quickly pulls away coughing.
-Sorry me.- she says quickly looking at me with glassy eyes.
-Quietly, just keep going.- I say and push her head against my stiffness again.
(Reader) opens her mouth and sucks on my appendage and shudders all over.I smile.
-Touch yourself, she wants to see it- I say through my teeth and pull her hair back.
As if on cue, the maid's left hand comes down between my thighs and starts touching herself, she moans and the vibrations make me grunt louder.
(Reader) sucks me and touches herself in concentration, she feels I'm about to come so I brutally pull her away from me.
She fell on her back and looked at me in shock, she looked into my eyes and I smiled at her.
-On the table- she orders.
She obediently gets up on trembling legs and sits down on the table, I walk slowly towards her stepping in between her legs.
I grab her neck and look into her eyes.
-Why are you so happy? -I ask, squeezing her neck.
-I… I like you?" she says with a red face.
-Really? -I squeeze her neck.
-I don't know, but I felt it from the beginning… infatuation with you at first.-she whispers and looks away. - And I've felt love for you recently.- (reader) looks at the ground.
-Well.- whispers them on the lips and kisses her.
I move my hand away from her neck and down to her breasts which I squeeze aggressively, gasping into my mouth . And with that I push my tongue into her mouth and win the battle for dominance.
I pull her breasts out of her clothes by undoing the front of her outfit, I move away from her mouth and go down to suck on one of her breasts, in the other I pinch her nipple which makes her scream. embarrassed, she covers her mouth with her hand and I smile while continuing to suck on her breast.
I bite her nipple and she squeals into my hands, blushing behind my palms. moving away from her breast with a clench I take care of the other one in the same way.
Bored, I pull away and force my hands away from her face and kiss her.
-Now be a good girl and I'll make you scream with pleasure.- I whisper in her ear and pull away.
I spread her legs and press them against her chest, I hunch down and kiss her clothed pubis, feeling the slime on my lips I lick her through her underwear.
(Reader) moans and holds her hands to her body, helping me. kisses her clitoris clothed, and massages her thighs and buttocks with my hands.
I step back and use my fingers to push her underwear aside and kiss her clit again.
Straightening up I admire the woman in front of me, with my hands I pull her underwear apart. I smile and catch her face in my hands.
-You'd better be quiet.- I warn her and slide my trousers down to my ankles. Masturbating my penis for a while, I rub it against her pubis to moisten it before I enter her tight entrance.
(Reader) moans at this feeling and I smile, push myself suddenly into her tight, sensitive warmth, wheezing heavily inhale air.
The maid moans loudly in her hands. I feel like moving, but I know I have to give her some time to adjust to my height.
She nodded her head yes, I began to move in a slow dull motion, feeling her tight walls clamp around me. As if she didn't want to let me go at all, her mucus made it easier for me to get into her faster, (Reader) he bit his hand with his eyes closed, all the red on his face looks sexy. I'm looking at her bouncing breasts and pushing her harder, and I want her to be quiet and scream my name, but she has to be quiet or she'll ruin my plan.
I put my hands close to her pawn and pinches her nipples, her body bends into an arch. In a rush of adreaniline, he kisses her, (Reader) moans at my mouth and arms around my neck bringing me closer to him, her snaps tighten around me.
I accelerate the movements of my hips into her, I bring my right hand closer to her clitoris and rub a sensitive lump. Her whole body starts to tremble and I kiss her harder, I stick my tongue into her mouth to silence her moans and screams.
Rubbing it and shoving it feels like heaven all the time its wet warm walls are clutching around me.
she breathes into her mouth, unable to stop her quick and strong thrusts, (the reader) screams into my mouth, moves away from me and look into my eyes. Her eyes were glassy with tears, but somehow exhilarating.
-Kurooo~~~~- screams close to my face. I will come ~~~- squeak, squeaking my legs around my hips.
I'm speeding up the movement of her hips and rubbing her clitoris harder. Her walls clamp more tightly around my penis, I hiss at that feeling.
- Do it- I move it around her neck that I start biting to leave marks on it that it's mine and I don't share my stuff.
(Reader) Pulling my head away from her protruding neck, she kisses me. As I scream in a kiss, I feel it squeezing around me harder, I can barely move. But with the last of my strength, I push myself into her now hypersensitive entrance, reaching hard, kissing her harder.
I couldn't help but push myself in for a while. (Reader) He was screaming into my mouth, she was so sensitive and trembling for me like a leaf in the wind.
She stops moving and I hug her inert body to myself, and I know she's mine, even if I had to kidnap her and hold her like a slave. That's another point in my plan that's going to happen today.
I come out of her with a splash, my sperm flows out of her hole and flows onto the table. I stand over her tired body with a satisfied smile, putting on my underwear and pants I approach the shelf for my glasses I put them on my nose and I go back to (Reader).
I fix her clothes and she opens her tired eyes.
-I love you Kuro~~- whispers to me in a hoarse voice.
She's laughing, I think she screamed too much.
-I know that- I'm talking to her as I pick her up.
I'm going with her to my quarters to make sure she's safe. I smile as I walk into my bedroom, and I lay on my bed, cover her with a blanket, and I kiss her on the forehead.
(reader) does not get up for at least a few hours, still take care of Merry, gets up from bed and I go to the door, I open it. Before I leave I look at (Reader).
-Even though I was going to kill you I'll leave you, you're a nice toy- I say and I walk out the door. I lock it.
I won't admit it, but maybe I got feelings for her.
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elvensorceress · 8 months
spicy sunday sentences 🔥
tagged by the amazing @hippolotamus @eddiediazisascorpio @wh0re-behavi0r @wildlife4life @disasterbuckdiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @daffi-990 @tizniz @theotherbuckley @wikiangela Go read their snippets! So much loveliness! tagging if you are so inclined @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @hoodie-buck @shortsighted-owl @spotsandsocks @loserdiaz @kitteneddiediaz @giddyupbuck @hetrez @bekkachaos @monsterrae1 @lover-of-mine @gayedmundodiaz @transboybuckley @athenagranted @eddiescowboy @astronaut-karenwilson and anyone else who wants to share 💕 time for more Unless? 😘💕🔥 have a long snippet just because I couldn't choose which part so you can have all of this 💕
They’ve technically seen each other naked many times. Between several rounds of living together, years of sharing a locker and shower room while working together, not to mention all the times they helped each other through serious injuries and horrible days, it’s many many times. 
But it wasn’t like this. Baring themselves so there’s nothing in between them anymore. Making themselves defenseless and vulnerable because they’re safe with each other, because they want to be closer than they ever have been. 
Eddie doesn’t know if he’s ever dropped all defenses and broken down every wall and let someone into his fortress tower where he won’t run and won’t hide. But he would for Buck. He trusts Buck with his whole life.
His heart and soul have been screaming for so long that Buck is their match, his most perfect complement, his long-needed partner. What is there that Eddie wouldn’t give to him? He knows it would be safe and protected. He knows Buck would treasure and adore and give everything of himself in return. 
So, Buck has technically seen him naked, more naked than this many times. But he still looks at Eddie as if he’s never seen daylight and Eddie somehow just made the sun rise. 
Eddie takes a step toward him and rests his hand against Buck’s scruffy cheek, gently cradling and stroking just to feel how he feels. He's so beautiful and strong, hard and soft, emotional, loving, handsome, imperfect but perfect and everything in between. 
He makes the sun rise for Eddie, too. 
Eddie motions for Buck to move backward, which he hurriedly does, scooting himself into the middle of their bed. Eddie puts one knee on the mattress with the intention of slipping into his spot on the bed beside him, but then decides he’s had more than enough distance and follows Buck until he can climb on top of him instead with his thighs on either side of Buck’s hips. 
He loves Buck between his legs. He’s decided. It’s a very good thing. It’s so intimate and Eddie can keep him and he can even rock back and forth and rub them together and feel Buck twitching and pressing low against his body where he’s never let anyone touch him. Where it makes burning aching throbbing pulse deep within him and he knows he would feel it right there were he able to have Buck inside him. 
God, he wants Buck inside him. He wants Buck to be his and his alone forever. He wants to take everything of him and make it irrevocably part of himself where he never has to be without and Buck never has to feel unwanted or like he’s too much. And they can always be together, a united team never meant to be apart. 
Eddie slowly settles on top of him, their thighs, abdomens, and chests finally pressing together and matching up with nothing in between them. Nothing but soothing, immersive heaven of skin against skin. Buck holds him, runs his hands all over Eddie’s back and sides and shoulders, and Eddie could easily dissolve into a puddle and never return to solid form. 
Feeling this, having this makes him so warm. It reaches into him and erases an ache he’s carried maybe his whole life. The longing for a partner. The wish to never be abandoned and alone. The dream of vibrant, unquestionable, devoted. His perfect loving sunshine. 
Has anything ever felt as good as being this close to Buck? Eddie can’t think of anything. He can’t imagine anything else. Nothing has ever graced his body with gentleness like this, nothing with this much affection. He’s covered in unassailable armor but it’s soft, gentle, careful clouds of silk that feel nothing like bullets or fists or judgement or panic.
He strokes both hands through Buck’s hair and beautiful blue eyes flutter closed as Buck tips his head and leans into the touches. He finds Eddie’s thighs and then hips and then holds onto his lower back as he shifts and tenses and seems like he’s holding back from arching into Eddie and thrusting their bodies together. 
Eddie doesn’t want him to hold back. Eddie wants to feel him. All of him.
He didn’t really take the time to look there. But holy fucking god, can he feel how hard Buck is already. He can feel how badly Buck wants. He’s massively long and thick, all bulging, straining heat but solid, adamantine, diamond steel, and pressing almost exactly where Eddie could have him. 
Eddie needs to have him, wants him where he can possess and protect, and revel in how good they are together. 
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