#maybe yours(still mine....still hers) is a mini version of her
Ass to vaginal is safe if you clean it off before switching holes.
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pinqueen30 · 1 month
Part 3
*meanwhile, somewhere at Dev*
Peri: Listen, maybe I can help?
Dev: No.
Peri: Why?
Dev: Because I can handle it myself. It's just homework
Peri: You look at one page for 20 minutes
Dev: Leave me alone
Peri: To be more precise, 23 minutes and 43 seconds
Dev: That's enough, I can handle it myself, I'm not stupid
Peri: I didn't say that. I'm saying you need help
Dev: No.
Peri: *sighed* We are walking in a vicious circle *turned around, saw someone coming into the room* Kiddo
Dev: I asked you not to distract me
Peri: Why do you have a doll version of Hazel in your room?
Dev: What? *turned around, looked where Peri pointed* It's not mine. Did you do that?
Peri: No, I wouldn't have asked you then
Dev: *came up, picked up the doll, turned it over* (in his mind) "It's just like a real one, and pretty cute... Wait, stop" *looked at Peri* How did she end up here?
Peri: *shrugged his shoulders*
Plush Hazel: You have such beautiful hands!
*Both of them turned their heads sharply towards the doll*
Peri: What? *stifled a chuckle*
Dev: Eh?
PH: And the eyes, oh, I just love your eyes! Especially when you're not wearing glasses or lenses. And when you don't gel your hair. I like your curls so much, they look like a cloud. You're actually very handsome. And you are so sweet, kind and funny! And you're also smart, and the way you get carried away and immerse yourself in different things as much as possible
Dev: Wh-what? *red*
Peri: So, of course, it's great that you decided to figure everything out, but still take it easy mini version of Hazel, he's going to suffocate now
PH: In fact, I like almost everything about you! I've been wanting to say it for a long time, but I was afraid it would ruin everything. I love y-
Hazel: *run into the room, gasping, all red* WAIT, NO! *Takes the doll away from the Dev, shuts her mouth* COSMO, WANDA, DEACTIVATE THE WISH, NOW!
*The doll disappears*
Hazel: How much did she say, Dev?
Dev: *very red, inarticulate sounds*
Hazel: Dev?
Peri: Kid, you have to breathe, otherwise you're going to die
Hazel: *turned to Peri* How much did she say?
Peri: Well, you interrupted her at the moment when she confessed to D-
Hazel: Understand *blushed very much*
*standing, silent*
Peri: You know, I'm probably not going to bother you, I'm going to talk to my parents... *flying away*
Hazel: *sighed* Dev, I... God, please forgive me for what happened, I thought everything would be different. Well, I mean, I didn't think *starts explaining and talking a lot*
*Dev doesn't hear her*
Dev: (in his mind) "SHELOVESMESHELOVESMESHELOVESME. So, Dev, calmly, you need to think rationally, don't panic. Calmly. Nothing serious happened, it's just Hazel, who we've liked for a very long time, confesses her love to you. She confesses her love to me. Hazel. Hazel loves me. Hazel loves me. Oh my God"
Hazel: And I think I like you, is it mutual?
Dev: (in his mind) "I have to answer something. Something cool and normal"
Hazel: Dev?
Dev: (in his mind) "Devin, you can't just stand there and say nothing. Answer anything!"
Hazel: Is everything okay? I understand this is unexpected-
Dev: Cool, thanks
Hazel: Huh?
Dev: (in his mind) "NOT THAT"
Peri: Dev... *handface*
Dev: What did I just say out loud? *blushed even more* No, that's not what I meant! I didn't want to say it! Forget what I said! Peri, erase the last 30 seconds, I should have said something cool and normal!
Peri: Nope
Dev: What does "nope" mean?! Peri, this moment cannot go down in history like this! It should be anything but not this! You don't tell the girl you like, "cool, thanks"
Hazel: Do you like me?
Dev: Of course, I do! How can I not like you? you're sweet, kind, funny, cheerful, you always forgive me, even though I'm acting like a jerk. I'm acting like this even now! It should have been different...*covered his face with his hand*
Hazel: Hey, it's okay, really! *took his other hand* Moreover, I embarras myself with this doll. I should have told you everything right away
Dev: You didn't embarrass yourself, everything is good! Really!
Hazel: Oh, thanks *chuckle* And besides, it all turned out quite original, don't you think? *smiled*
Dev: *looked at their hands, smiled back, nodded*
*Cosmo, Wanda and Peri look at them with smiles on their faces*
Cosmo: Ohhh, that's so sweet, first love
Wanda: I remember how you and I confessed to each other, it was like yesterday
Peri: Wait, no, let's have you with declarations of love a little later. And let's leave them alone, because it seems to me that we are clearly superfluous here
Wanda: You're right, they still have a lot to discuss
*Leave them alone*
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kit-williams · 8 months
Imagine your yandere astartes as their miniature versions in the husbandry verse. And their darlings are their baseline human companions who fostered them.
See you wanna know what the horrifying thing is. I know for your version of Husbandry they're all mini... mine are all canonical heights aka full blown astartes. Lets see if I can make them work in a platonic setting (spoiler probably not) ((NOT SORRY FOR TULIO))
What is Canon: the "fostering"
Azazel She jumped as the Dark Angel leered around the corner just being a creepy ass Dark Angel. Foster an Astartes it will help with adjustment back to civilian life. They said... "Jesus Christ Azazel. Stop that." She grumbles just pushing past him eager to get this fostering over with.
Dark Angels were notorious in fostering, not because they were human killers... but because they would just up and leave or hardly interact with the human until their allotted time was up. Azazel was like that at first but then he started to stalk her.
She limps to her couch as her leg seizes up slightly... damn nerve and muscle damage. She covers her eyes as she claws the arm of the couch but she soon feels thick fingers against her leg slowly loosening the muscle and she looks to him as she sighs out a thanks not hearing his muttered 'You're welcome.'
Palion She was a MUSE! A darling! A GODDESS! Palion could feel it! The special thing that his human having brothers fawned over. He was certain he felt it for her even if she stayed inside so often. She told him one day as she was brushing his hair that she only did this to try to stop feeling alone after the accident. He bleeds for her plight as her home was so barren and plain it was his job to bring LIFE to it and Palion did.
He beamed over her small smiles and the little victories. Oh he was fostering her more than she was fostering him but this is what he was made for! He was certain of it... had not everything gone to shit he would be some place with a broken muse tending to her.
"Palion... maybe we can go outside for a small walk today." She spoke and he trilled with excitement.
Harram He looked to Farum as he knows he wasn't her first choice to occupy her time as Harram wasn't foolish he could tell she was still in mourning. And he could feel a fledgling bond flutter between them but she was trying her best to keep a happy face even when at night he could hear her sob at night.
Harram simply spoke to her and embraced her tightly as she just needed to be reassured. He would help shore up the fortress of her heart. The siege of death was always a hard one and he was here to help shore up the holes and build a better fortress as that is what he was there for.
Arkyn He picked you up and just nuzzled the back of your head. You have a feeling you've met this Space Wolf once before when you were a young woman maybe a teenager but it doesn't matter as he wraps you up in pelts just burying you in a nest made of pelts wanting to show off how well he has done during hunting season.
She yawns sleepily as the cozy little cabin feels so snug and lived in with Arkyn taking up the lead as hunter letting her focus on other things that when she would do her stints of survival off the grid left her rushing to complete before winter. She enjoyed the way he provided for her in a way she never felt like the world ever could.
Of course this would all probably end by spring time... but it was worth this momentary happiness.
Ghosk "Ghosk you little shit!" His darling said as he cackled loudly his wings folded on his back as he held her phone out of reach.
No date for you! He crooned in Nostraman to her as she tried to climb up him reaching for her phone.
"Ghosk I swear to God-"
"Swear! Swear! Swear!" He laughs repeating the word in a mocking tone.
She seethed as Night Lords were known for their habit of copying words and using it to scare people. She threw up her hands, "FINE you win I won't go out tonight! Happy?!"
"Very." He purred and pulled her into a wing hug.
Sirus He saw his moonlight in the pale moonlight and she broke him of his black rage. He saw her look at him with concern before he was swarmed by his brothers deathly afraid that he was approaching her to kill her. He had to find her after! His brothers were helpful and she agreed to foster him to see if she was wanting a bond with him.
He was so thirsty but no blood he drank seemed to quench him but as he cuddled and kissed her neck he could feel his fangs ache as he just wanted a small taste... a little nibble... and he hears her groan under him as he nips hard enough to draw blood and he licks her skin greedily.
"Si... Si stop." She says breathlessly... covering her eyes with an arm... as she tries to separate herself from the blood angel but he holds her under him as their bond strains to remain a simple bond. Her blood is so addictive... and he tries to resist but he leans her head back as he sinks his fangs in and just drinks a little.
Vauth "Fucking machine." She grumbled as she put her palms against her eyes as she leans back in the seat. She wasn't even suppose to be working she was busy fostering a case of an Iron Hand. He was flagged as a worry to be a human killer... feral Iron Hands were prickly like feral Dark Angels.
Vauth lumbers into her workshop as she is tapping on her machine just googling some troubleshooting. She sighs looking over at him, "Hey big guy I'm sorry about this. No wait what are you doing put it down!" Byte says as she watches how he plugs himself in.
She watches the screen as soon it's no longer stuck on the crash log and suddenly back on the desktop. She cocks her head before looking up at him. "Good job! Thank you! You saved me hours of-"
Byte yelped as Vauth picked her up as he felt it was time for him to get his socializations met.
Zul Zul wasn't a human killer by any means but every decade or so they had to go through a "fostering" to insure feral astartes weren't human killers unless one had a prior "registered" bond. Zul snorted at the logistics that the Ultramarines came up with and how it worked for the most part. Though he wasn't expecting to "bond" with this little darling. She's a bit timid at the world but her gentle hands touching him... the nails don't dig too deeply. She mutters something about getting them removed but she just withers under his gaze.
He picks her up and just lets a rumble slowly meander its way out of his chest... she needs to talk less and just enjoy this. And as usual she stops fretting and just lets him hold her.
Tulio She was confused why he was so anxious as she was told Ultramarines were a haughty breed... confident... but he looks at her like he's nervous. For Tulio he wasn't sure if this is what a bond entailed as suddenly this small humble woman came into his life and he felt like a mess!
He wanted to hold her tightly against him! He wanted to pepper her with kisses! He felt the bond yes but when he saw her his mind raced to something far more then just a bond! He was worried to touch her or be in her presence for too long or else he was certain that he would do something... unsavory. But a part of him hopped... she would reciprocate.
Solos He croaks the same word to you again and again whenever he sees you. You're a skilled enough handler and a semi feral Death Guard was a... challenge. However he seemed to warm up to you rather quickly. Though ever since getting Sol... you've been a bit more tired and weaker but Sol has been happy. You wonder what he calls you... you hope it's not some insult.
"Well Sol you're with me for another week and then you're free to go. Though you're free to come and go big guy." She says petting his cheek as he croons back.
Oh Lovie... I aint ever leavin ya. He purrs into your hand.
Nakht She sighs as her Macaw dances on her shoulder before free flying over to Nakht just talking to him in high gothic. Betrayed by her own bird! Nakht had it made as his darling ran a bookstore! And one that could cater to his tastes as it made him a rather important figure amongst his brothers seeking knowledge... yes it gave him power! But he rumbled to her in his honey dulcet tones.
"Oh stop you trying to butter me up!" You pout playfully as he comes over kissing your temple and then stealing a sip of your hot chocolate as he tells her, what she assumes, about some magical theory beyond her understanding and of course telling her all of those probably smart and fancy words she doesn't understand. She just nods and smiles letting him be his big smarty pants self.
Zhur He was spared being "culled" by one of his kin who had bonded with a human. This Dolly woman intrigued him as she was tough and hardly took his nonsense. His brother explained to him the bare minimum he needed to do to simply stay alive. He remembers his prophet talking about how they warped the mind.
He might not feel that overwhelming desire... that anxious energy that seems to overtake his brothers and his cousins but he feels a different sort of bond forming. He shudders as she is so willing to let him hold her close as he is slightly touch starved.
He croons such filthy words to her in gothic as she just sits there listening to him unaware of what he says and he doesn't mind that be the case.
Jihias Word Bearers loved to learn about religions! And Jihias was eager to learn. He grinned at his Lamb, as he was calling her in his mind, she had decided to give him a chance. As he was spared from a culling and he realizes... he was so wrong! He could feel this bond he was told so much about with his Lamb... his precious little lamb. His demon wasn't with him... he couldn't feel him as strongly but if he listened hard enough he could hear its whispers.
And they told him to devour the Lamb. He crooned to her as she was sat by the window drinking her afternoon tea just preaching to her about demons and other things as he still would try to get her to worship the chaos gods but... he also enjoyed this lesser key of Solomon book as well. She smiles against the rim of her teacup before she closes her eyes and his eyes look at her with a different sort of passion then his normal religious zeal.
Nubin Bev pats the older Salamander as he is just content at relaxing with her. He talks softly to her being a bit of a bastard as he was a stubborn old Salamander but protective of her.
"Yeah don't worry old guy I don't think anything bad will happen to you... just remember you can always just come by."
He rumbles softly holding her close as he closes his eyes to nap until dinner time.
Sor, Kazi, & Moremo You originally were only fostering Sor and the other two just showed up. Sor enjoyed having them around so you had stopped trying to separate the flock. Though you made them have a nice roost and a cozy place for the three of them... you wake up as Kazi's head is against your stomach... your legs on Moremo's... and your head on Sor's pectoral. You found yourself being dragged into their nest any time you make the mistake of falling asleep on the couch.
"Boys please I need to get up." You groan but you just feel them hold you tighter... Oh maybe you can just get your morning coffee in thirty more minutes...
Alpharius? Omegon follows his Vixen as she pulls out cans of spray paint as the cold night air nips at her. She leaves her tag as he stumbled upon this darling on accident while on another job watching someone else... she was a hacker, an rebel, a free thinker! She just got trapped in his web! And Omegon wasn't willing to let her go.
He feels her lean against him, "I think I've gotten better at spray painting! Not bad for a novice right?"
He looks and chuckles as it's a highly stylized Alpha legion symbol and pets her head. "Good girl. Lets go before your cuteness attracts too much attention."
"You know that's a lame excuse."
"Its a viable threat where I'm from."
"Right big guy. I think you're just a bad flirt." She says with a laugh as he just laughs softly walking away into the shadows.
Roland She was a Bäckerin! Roland wasn't bothered by the ungodly hour as they walked into the back of the bakery and Roland sighed as it smelt like a warm blanket from his childhood. He let his chest rumble in enjoyment as the scents of freshly baked bread would permeate into his robes and linger in his hair. He could let himself be lazy for a moment just letting himself a slow languid yawn as he feels all warm and fuzzy around her. And a part of him hoped that this good dream would never end... or maybe this was a sign for things to come? He sighs happily.
Tyberos? Ophelia looks at the giant Astartes in her back yard. She swallows softly as she was certain it was a Night Lord stalking her house but a Carcaradon... they're an odd variety of Loyalist. He looks inside of her one story home as he had tapped on her window. He huffs down at her confused as to why he is here but something in his blood moved his feet to here.
She gently touched his hand just trying to soothe him as he doesn't appear or act like a human killer. Tyberos rumbled in his chest as he has been lurking around for awhile and only recently he felt something call to him. She smiles up at him as her words are soft and soothing... And before Ophelia knew it... she was gone from her room and her house. Astartenapped
Taggin ya'll because I know you love the yandere boys @bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty
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She took them off one ending ago, and she questions until now how an omnipotent faceless voice has the ability to reset everything but her shoes. Man, she spent good money on them too...
Here's my entry for @springbon-t-art's "The Missing Co-workers" event! Kinda silly that I drew a TSP self-insert when I haven't played the game(s) myself - I watched it all from afar fhsdjf - but I am and have been a huge fan of them nonetheless!
v Favorite ending(s) + some details about the ref below! v
My favorite ending is either the Real Person or Skip Button endings! Something about their existential themes and the Player fourth-wall-breaking interacting with the world really captivated me, in a way that makes you go "wow, we really do exist in here - and we really are breaking the game" albeit in a in-universe sense. (Maybe that's just the Undertale/Deltarune fan in me talking HFDJSHF.)
And yeah they include the Narrator suffering throughout them now that I realized, but do note I really love Narry + I felt bad for him and Stanley whenever they do suffer under the narratives FHSJDFHD 😭
Some details about the ref include:
The two (out of three, although the Line™ isn't technically counted) custom stickers are of the fandoms I'm currently/still fixating on! The three mini-character heads are of Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake, while the house logo is of Bo Burnham's INSIDE.
The Line™ is just there for the ride DSJFHSD
The number 202 is cuz I like the number two a lot - and that it's half of the error number: 404! Referencing the Player being an "error" blah blah blah
Yep, those blue things on my teeth are braces! Just had them recently this year :D
If you're still wondering, her shoes are those black leather school shoes. Which ending she left them behind is up to your imagination (and mine, I'm indecisive /hj FHJSDFS).
(also in case, here's a flat colored version of the ref!)
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emmis15 · 6 months
Domestic Affairs with Bucky Barnes
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―I used to cut my father's hair while he was working in the lab, so I know what I'm doing― Cass said as she placed a towel over my shoulders and covered my chest.
It was time for a haircut. Steve had told me, Sam had told me, and Natasha had laughed at me because I couldn't always have it in my eyes, and I was fed up with it. Besides, Dr. Raynor had said that maybe a change in my appearance would help me think outside the box and do some exposure therapy to deal with crowded spaces or being touched by unknown beings. I wasn't comfortable with that, and since I urgently needed someone to help me, I reluctantly asked mini Stark for help.
―Just… do it quickly, I don't want to be here for too long― I said uncomfortably.
I looked in the mirror of my bathroom and saw her with a small empathetic smile, touching my metal shoulder, which made me feel worse. It wasn't a part of my body that I loved.
―I want you to know that if you feel pressured or have any horrible Hydra flashbacks while I'm cutting or using the machine, you need to tell me to stop because it won't be good for you to keep that to yourself. Trust me, I know from experience― she said, looking at me through the mirror.
I nodded with little confidence, but we were already here, and I wasn't going to let anyone I didn't know touch me.
―Tell me about what you've learned about the new world recently― she said, wetting my hair with a sprayer, and my skin quickly became goosebumps. I sighed, closing my eyes.
―Steve has been showing me music or the one he started delving into modernity with, but I still prefer 40s music.
I felt the metal blades against my nape, and I was momentarily startled, but Cass's free hand gripped my shoulder, tapping or making patterns to keep me calm, something she did to herself sometimes when there were loud noises or her father talked about her time in Hydra as an experiment. She played with her metal heart-shaped pendant on her chest.
―¿What music did he show you? ¿Pop? ¿Rock? ¿Hip-hop? ¿Rap?― she asked, very concentrated as she cut. I could feel my long hair falling to the floor.
―He showed me a band, Nirvana, ¿maybe? He likes them a bit, but I don't know. I have to listen to more things― I said with a grimace.
―Their albums are on Spotify. Dad kind of likes Nirvana, and I'm okay with their lead singer― she said, her tongue sticking out, too busy to connect my gaze with hers in the mirror.
―¿Is Spotify that round black and green thing in every room of the house?― I asked, confused. I had been trying to be explained things like the screens in every room or the circles that, when touched, showed other things, but it was still hard to grasp.
She let out a amused laugh, stopping cutting my hair to grab the modern version of my flip phone. She liked old things but with a new version for this time, or so she kept telling me when I asked her how a young and beautiful girl could kiss and love an old and broken man like me.
Leaving the scissors on the sink and talking to the house's robot, an old 40s song began to play. I didn't like it much, but it was nice, and I liked how she swayed her hips, resuming work and humming a few things.
―You'll hear the songs that have been left in your personal music registry by Steve and some songs of mine with certain similarities in melody or tempo, so you can find new things without leaving your comfort zone― my hair was getting shorter, and the time to use the machine was approaching, but Cass's sweet and calm voice was like a fog to my mind.
―I still prefer record players― I said.
She laughed again.
―Of course you do― she said, putting the scissors on the white marble and resting her forearms on my shoulders. ―¿What do you think? ¿Shall I start cutting with the machine or leave it like this?"
She asked me, looking into my eyes through the mirror with a little smile.
―Shorter, nothing behind the ears, and little hair on the face― I said confidently.
She smiled and gave me a small kiss on the cheek before stepping away from me and grabbing the machine carefully.
―Let's go carefully, ¿okay? If you feel pressured, if you don't like it, if the noise is too much, we can stop whenever you want― she lightly massaged my shoulders.
I nodded carefully, sighing and closing my eyes and staying with the soft sound of the guitar and violins playing in the bathroom. Cass's soft voice singing along with the woman in the song trying to distract me from the sound of the machine so close to my head was comforting.
―It's called 'The Lakes.' It's from a very calm and deep album by Taylor, the blonde girl I have plastered all over my room― she said near my ear with a calm voice.
―¿The one you spent making bracelets and made me one?
―Exactly, you'll like this album. It's very calming and has very beautiful lyrics, and it helps you sleep because of how sweetly she sings. I have the vinyl, so someday, when you have nightmares, we'll listen to it.
―I always have nightmares.
―And that's why we're going to listen to it tonight― she kissed the top of my head before turning me around to face her.
Both of us face to face, her eyes shining with excitement with the machine in hand, and for a moment, I remembered that thing passing by me, and I didn't even feel it.
―I have to tap ahead, so I need you to be very still and calm, ¿okay? You can hold onto my waist if something scares you― she grabbed my chin with a smile on her face.
―It's okay, Doll, I promise.
She stopped looking at me and focused on cutting the front part of my hair while my arms were around her hips, watching her from below. Her concentration was the same as when she used to create her machines or when she did things in her laboratory, so she was taking her work very seriously.
―I vaguely remember my mother cutting my hair when I was little― I said, looking at her.
―That's sweet, Buck. For a long time after Daddy rescued me from Hydra, I couldn't get near anything sharp because I wanted to end my life on Earth, so when they had to cut my hair, Dad and Adriana, his assistant, would put on Disney movies for me, and both of them would cut my hair― she hummed a few lines of the song from before from time to time.
She suffered for three years what I did for 50 years, but we were still at the same level of pain and trauma. She was very young, a preteen, and she was already a killing machine, and they not only messed her up mentally but physically with that star on her chest and putting cables instead of veins.
―I'm sorry.
―Buck, everyone has their response to the situation. Mine was wanting to throw myself out the window because of the pain, but now I'm better and ready to help you in everything― she bent down to kiss my lips carefully before turning me around to look at her in the mirror.
It didn
't turn out bad at all; she had talent for this, and it showed by how proud she was of her work.
―I like it, I thought it would look worse― I said surprised as I approached the mirror to see myself; it was weird to see myself with short hair, although I didn't dislike it.
She looked at me incredulously, but it didn't last long as that proud smile appeared on her face again.
―I'm glad you like it, Buck, and I'm very proud of you for overcoming another fear today. You were very brave with me― she looked into my eyes through the mirror before leaving a kiss on my head.
―Thank you, Doll.
―It was a pleasure, my love.
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lyn-js · 5 months
Home Sweet Home | Chapter 9. Call you mine
Rhett Abbott x OC Reader
Summary: Sunny Pritchett decides to move back home, but without a reason why. Once she's back she runs into her childhood best, friend Rhett Abbott. Rhett seems very surprised to see her. Not only that, but he sees she has a small child on her hip. Will Sunny try to reconnect with Rhett and tell him the real reason you she's moved back. Or will her past come back and find her until everything blows up.
Warnings: Mental and Physical abuse, PTSD flashbacks, swearing, fighting, smut 18+
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After you told Rhett about everything that had happened with Gabe, you felt like you could breathe again. You could finally sleep in your bed, with Rhett and Ollie without having a gruesome nightmare about him. Being able to love again, and letting someone finally love you back. And you were so happy it could be Rhett.
You felt so at peace with yourself, never wanting this amazing feeling to end. Being able to wake up next to Rhett, seeing him give a dopey smile as he always looks at you. Seeing him give Ollie so much love, care, and affection whenever they are around each other. Your heart was about to explode with love and happiness with how much he cared about you.
Sometimes you and Rhett would sleep over at each other houses, he would come over to your house, and you would come over to his. So you decided you and Ollie would sleep over at the Abbotts tonight. But first, you both were going to the fair to see Rhett and his bull ride. You both got dressed but you wanted to surprise Rhett with what Ollie was wearing tonight. 
You two were on the phone earlier and you asked what he was wearing tonight. Of course, you wanted to match the colors he was wearing but when Ollie found out you all were going to see Rhett. You watched your baby find a little sparkle in his eye, and he was bouncing up and down so excited to see his new best friend tonight. Your heart melted once again when he asked you “I match Rhetty momma?” you would deny that boy anything in the whole wide world. So both of you got dressed in your matching outfits and off you, Ollie, your mom, and dad to the fair.
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When you all arrive you see Rhett standing in the parking lot next to his truck, where there was luckily an open space, so you park next to him and you can hear Ollie in the back being able to see his Rhetty. So when you go into the space, you put the car in park and unlock the doors so Rhett can get Ollie out of his car seat.
When he opens the door you turn around in your seat to get his reaction. Hey Bubba, what are you-” he stops speaking when he finally gets a good look when Ollie’s out of his seat. Ollie leaps into Rhett’s arms and wraps his little arms around his neck. “I match wif you Rhetty!” wiggling in Rhett’s arms still excited to be near him. You finally get out of the front seat walk over to him drape your arms around his shoulders and give him a quick peck on the cheek. When you are both looking at each other, you see him giving you a smirk.
“What are ya looking at me like that for cowboy?” you ask him knowing already what he was going to say. “Have I said I love you yet Sunny-girl?” he asks moving closer to your face. “I would say maybe… Ten times today.” you both let out a chuckle. “And I’m not gonna stop sayin’ it for a long time baby.” he kisses you on the lips, but that is broken up by Ollie giggling and breaking you two up. “Where did you find this little piece,” he asked while tickling your baby in the belly. “Well, I do remember him saying he wanted to dress like Rhetty. He was begging on his little hands and knees. And you know I can’t resist that face.” You say in a pleading voice. Rhett looks back over at Ollie again, “Is that right little man?” Your baby nods quickly and is still giggling. “Also because he’s a mini version of you baby. I would resist either of you.” Giving Ollie a little kiss on the cheek and giving you a kiss on the lips. You can hear the announcer call up the next rider, and realizes Rhett was going to be up next. So he walks both of you over to the stands and hands Ollie back to you. He starts to fuss a little bit but Rhett tells him he will see him after his ride, ollie just nods and puts his face back into your neck. You wish him luck and go up to the stands with the rest of your family. 
Once again Rhett won, and he beat his record again. Everyone in the stands was cheering and celebrating his amazing win. Everybody was now exiting about the stands, all heading home. You tell your mom and dad that you’ll be staying at Rhett’s and will be home tomorrow. So they say goodbye to you and Ollie, and you see them make their way out. Next, you go and walk up to Cecila and Royal telling them you were going to meet them at their house. They also say goodbye and make their way out, now you have to go find your winning cowboy.
You were trying not to get mixed up and lost, so you waited in the stands until you could get a clear walkway to go and see Rhett. When the fair has died down a little you make your way down and follow the path to Rhett’s trailer. But for some odd reason something didn’t sit right with you. Something didn’t feel right. You turn around to see if anything was behind you. But nothing was there. Just some people closing up different booths and others making their way to their cars. You turn back around and pick up your speed trying to get away and to Rhett as fast as possible. 
“Hey Sunny-girl? Why are ya runnin’ from me.” You stop dead in your tracks. Your body can’t move. You pulverized with fear. “This is a dream. You’re going to wake up and everything is going to be fine,” you thought to yourself. But, you slowly turn around and see your horrifying past staring right in front of you. You want to forget so hard, you were finally starting to be happy again. You had peace, comfort, and protection from the people you love. You had Rhett in your life. But apparently, none of that mattered right now. You can start to feel Ollie gripping tighter to you, balling your t-shirt into his tiny little fists. You can also see him wobble his lip and see tears coming out of his eyes. “So this is what I find when I come here. You whoring yourself around, not being a good mother to your son,” he spits.
You start to back away but Gabe keeps moving forward to you. “W-what are you doing here G-gabe?” you ask him in a cowering voice. “I came to take back what's mine, pretty girl. You and that little bastard too.” He points over to Ollie. You pull him closer to you. “I’m not going anywhere with you, you piece of shit!.” you keep moving backward until your back hits a trailer. “Oh no, Your both going with me, and you are never going to see your precious Rhetty again. Ya hear me?” 
Just as he was about to stand in your space see someone push him back away from you. “You can stay the fuck away from her!” You can see it was Rhett backing Gabe away from you. “Oh, so you're the guys that she’s been sleeping around with. Tell me, man, how long did it take for her to open her legs for you-” He was cut off by Rhett sucker punching him square in the face. You see him fall on his ass, clutching onto his nose, you can see the blood seeping through his hands and falling onto his shirt. Rhett kneels to Gabe's level and speaks to him.
Rhett clenches his fists into his shirt trying to make sure he had Gabe's full attention. A few seconds later we can see Joy walking over to us. “Is there a problem overhear?” You nod quickly and she moves over toward you trying to solve this problem. Rhett moves to stand over to Gabe and makes sure he doesn’t move to go anywhere. “He’s my ex, I have a restraining order against him… he just showed up out of the blue. Just… Just please don’t let him get near us. Please, Joy.” You try your hardest not to let the tears come out. You didn’t want Ollie or Rhett to see you like this, being the coward you once were when you were with Gabe. You were stronger now without him, you just want him out of your life for good.
“If you ever come near her, ever again. You’re gonna be put in the fuckin’ ground. Ya hear me, buddy?” He just nods and Rhett gets up from the ground and walks over to you and a crying Ollie. He makes sure you both are okay, and all three of you start to walk away from Gabe being put in handcuffs by Joy.
When you both are walking away and to each other's cars you can hear Ollie whimpering and see tears spilling down his face. You try your best to wipe them away and soothe him. But he keeps wanting to be held by Rhett, so you cave in and hand him over to him.
So when you get to your car you try and get Ollie into his seat but he’s not having it, he yells for Rhett but we keep telling him we're going to see him at his house. That just sends your baby into more of a fit. You see Rhett take Ollie again, and try to soothe him. “Hey, hey little man. How about I go with you and momma? Whaddya think,” he gives a little nod and gives little hiccups. “Rhett I don’t want you leaving your truck out here.” “Don’t worry baby, I’ll have one of my buddies bring it to the house tomorrow. I just want to get you and the little man home. Okay?” You knew for a fact that you weren't gonna with this argument so you just gave him a quiet “yes” and in return, gave you a quick peck on the kiss. Rhett opened your door and made sure you were buckled in before closing it, and he made sure he had everything from his truck and got into your car to head home.
As Rhett’s driving down the road, you stare out the window just thinking how you were lucky. Lucky to be alive. Safe. happy. You were back home with your family who loved you so much. You had friends you missed throughout the years. You finally had Rhett, he made sure you and Ollie were loved. Every time he looked at you, it looked like you and Ollie hung the moon and stars for him. And that goes for the same for you. But you always have a gut-wrenching feeling in your stomach, you never wanted Rhett to get involved with your fucked up life. But you were already in so deep, and you felt so much freedom, and protection from him, you would never want to walk away. You snap back into reality when Rhett releases his hand from your thigh grabs your hand, and kisses your knuckles. “He looks over at you and gives you a small smile. “Where here baby?” You see Rhett open his door, run over to your side, and open yours. Then, he grabs Ollie from his seat and the go-bag you packed for the night, and walks up the house to call this day a night.
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You and Rhett both wake up to the sound of a blood-curdling scream coming from the other side of the room. You wake up out of your daze to see Ollie still lying down in his little bed that Rhett got for him a couple of weeks ago, he’s tossing and turning while still crying. You can see that his eyes are still closed, so he must be having a bad dream. So when you try to go and get up to get your son, you feel a weight on your stomach. You look over and see Rhett already getting up to go get him.
“I’ll bring him over here baby. Go back to sleep.” “You need as much sleep as me, Rhett. We have a big day tomorrow, nudging your head over to Ollie and pointing to the door.
What you found out a couple of weeks ago. Ollie and Amy had the same birthday month, and they were born 3 days apart. So, you decided with the approval of Perry, and of course, the birthday girl if she wanted to have a big birthday party for her and Ollie. The only response you got from Amy was her jumping up and down with excitement, and screaming at the top of her lungs. That got everyone waking up because you asked her during breakfast. So you would assume she was saying yes. So tomorrow while the boys were out gathering some of the horses, you were going to plan the party with Cecilia and your mom. And you wanted this to be a special party, not only for Amy because she only had some people to celebrate with her, but for Ollie as well. This would be the first party for your baby and he has more family with him. It wasn’t just you and him anymore. You have so many people around you to love and celebrate him and Amy together.
But he just gives you a “Yeah I’m winning this argument” face. You just plop back down on the mattress with your hair going askew around your face. But you look up and see Rhett try to sit down on the little bed and soothe Ollie from his nightmare. The harsh crying turned into whimpers again and you saw Rhett pick up Ollie and bring him over to the bed to lay in between you two. After lying down Ollie lays smashed into you and Rhett holds onto your sleep shirt. You start to move your hand around his light-brown curls trying to comfort him more. You hear Rhett speak up. “Do ya wanna tell us what happened bubba? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” There was a long pause, you could hear the crickets outside the windows even though they were all shut. 
“The bad man took us way.” You hear Ollie whisper, I look over to see Rhett already staring at me, I might have an idea who he was talking about. “What bad man baby, are you talking about the man who was with us earlier?” you say to him while still having your fingers through his hair, trying not to get him upset again. He gives a quiet “yes” and leans into you more. “He took momma and me away. We never get to see Rhetty again.” You try your hardest not to let any tears spill out of your eyes, you never want your baby to feel like this ever again. But, you let one singular tear spill down on your cheek and you see Rhett move closer to you and Ollie so he can wipe both of your tears away.
“Look at me both of you. As long as I’m here on this earth, and as long as there is breath in my body. I’m not going to let that bad man get you both. Ever. okay? I need to keep my family safe.” Now the waterworks were starting. You thought this couldn’t get any better, but all of a sudden you see Ollie crawl his way over to Rhett and see him lay his tiny body on his chest and close his eyes. “I love you daddy.” The water works completely stop. You both look at each other with wide eyes. You both sit up in the bed without trying to disturb Ollie from finally going back to sleep.
“I’m so sorry Rhett, If you don't want to be called that I’ll talk to him in the morning.” You stop rambling when a set of lips comes into contact with your own. Your body relaxes a little bit. “Sunny-girl, I don’t have a problem at all. Okay? I love him just as much as you because he’s a part of you. I’ll happily take that title.” You start to cry again You are just so overwhelmed with happiness, your heart might explode with love. “If you're sure, then would you be willing to finally be Ollie’s daddy?” you ask him with a watery voice. “Absolutely baby.” You lean over to kiss him again, but this kiss is filled with so much love and passion that you never want it to end. But the kiss was broken up by Rhett, and he just gives you a cheeky grin. “But you are right Sunny-girl, we do have a big day tomorrow.” You just shove his shoulder a little bit, “Smart-ass” you tell him laying back down on the mattress. “Hey, watch your language in front of our son.” you give him a serious/not serious face but leave your face when he pulls you close to his chest and gives you and Ollie a kiss on the forehead. You lay your head on his chest. And in that moment right there, just solidified your life with Rhett Abbott forever.
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Reblogs are always welcome. Unless you're under 18. I will block you. and comment if you wanted to be added to the taglist.
Taglist: @callsign-magnolia @roosterforme @angelbabyyy99@cornishkat@els-marvelvsp
dividers are by @saradika
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intairnwetrust · 1 year
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So i actually wanted to write something for Elainweek but yeah didn't go after plan. This is FLUFFY, Elain is pregnant, basically Azriel is head over heals for his wife (as he should). Please forgive me for grammatical errors or if things aren't said that way in english, I'm not a native speaker.
I know if Elain heard my thoughts wondering how i deserved to call her my wife, she would scold me.
But as i stands in the doorway of our bedroom admiring my wife i couldn't help it. I could fall on my knees every time i heard her laugh, saw her smile, just saw her. I couldn't quite put it into words but the sight before me was captivating but also puts me at ease in a way that only Elain can do. Seeing her sitting in front of her dresser, the small fae lights and the last sunbeams of dusk casting their soft light upon her while she brushes her hair and humms a sweet melody, she looks like an angel.
I leans against the door frame to continue to admire my wife. She consumes me in my entire being and I love every second of it.
She looks like a goddess of life wrapped in a play of light and shadow.
Before him sits his magnificent wife. His wife who carries our child under her heart. She is life in every way.
Beautiful, lovely, heavenly. How got i so lucky?
"Azriel." She stresses every syllable in my name. Elain has placed her brush on the dresser and is looking at me through the mirror. "You deserve me" she says with a firm and at the same time loving tone.
I blink. Did i say that out loud?
"I know that look." Elain answers my unspoken question, "First, you look at me like I'm the most beautiful thing in the world", this she says with a lovely blush on her cheeks "and then you slightly lower your eyes when you think you don't deserve me or what not", that she said in a reproachful tone.
I can't help the small smile that appears on my face, she just knows me too well.
"Guilty and you are the most beautiful woman in this world" i say as i move towards her.
She slightly turn my way to look directly at me. Eyes that look at me with so much love that my heart is beating faster.
I come to stand behind her and breathe in her scent. Two scents.
"How is our little girl?"
Elain leans into me and lets out a laugh. A sounds like the purest chime. The brightest light, my light.
"You are so sure we're gonna have a girl" still smiling at me she puts her hand on her stomach where you can already see a slight bulge.
I return the gesture with a grin. "Maybe my conviction grew from my desire to have a mini version of you"
She laughs again and buries her hands in my hair. Elain pulls my face down to her and leans closer to give me a passionate kiss. When she pulls away I gently hold her chin with one hand, lifting her face to mine and lightly tug my thumbs over her lips, which moments ago were touching mine.
"Our girl will have your lips, your nose, your eyes, your hair." I give her a kiss on the forehead. "She will be just as beautiful, strong and loving as her mother."
She gives me a tender kiss.
As she starts to pull her hands out my hair I turn the stool on which she is sitting in my direction. She lets out a surprised exhale before i get on my knees before her.
I stick my head under her nightgown and attack her belly with many small kisses. She puts her arms around my head and her legs wraps around my shoulder blades. She laughs brightly.
"Azriel stop that tickles."
I lay my face on her stomach relaxing at her calm breathing and her lovely scent. Their lovely scents. I could stay like this forever simply consumed by her warmth and love. She strokes my head through the nightgown, her legs are still tightly wrapped around me.
"Do you want to stay like this for the rest of the night?"
"I'm good."
"Well I would prefer if you held me in our comfortable bed."
"Your knees will thank me too" she adds.
I know she can feel my smug grin on her belly "Oh really? You certainly weren't thinking about my knees when you begged me to devour your sweet little pussy night ago."
She grabs my hair and I let out a low chuckle.
"As my Lady commands"
I'll grab Elain by the hip. The nightgown slips off my head as I get up holding Elain. She slightly slips down on my body so that she can wrap her legs around my waist again. Elain runs her hand through my tousled hair.
"Hi" she whispers softly
"Hi" i say back with a little smirk.
She leans closer and places feathery kisses all over on my face. I close my eyes fully enjoying the feeling of her touch, her kisses, her love. The tips of our noses still touching as she gently strokes my face with her fingertips. I lean into her touch.
"Shall we go to bed, my love?"
I slowly open my eyes looking at this breathtaking woman who became my whole world. What started with a light touch of fingertips has become an irresistible desire and love.
I nod as i walk towards our bed unable to take my eyes off her. I lay her gently on the bed.
"Give me a second."
I go to my closet and change from my leathers into light fitting pants. I turn around to find her staring at me. She looks at me with eyes full of desire and love. Her eyes wander over my bare chest and trace over my tattoos.
I can't hold back my grin. I love that she can't take her eyes off me any more than I can take mine eyes off her. "Like what you see ?"
"Yes, now hurry up and come to me."
I let out a soft chuckle "My lady is quite demanding today"
"Your lady missed you all day" her soft eyes never leaving mine as i walk towards our bed. I lay down and pull her to me, holding her close. I bury my face in her hair and take a deep breath. Her scent of jasmine and honey, her presence alone make me feel safe and loved in a way I have never had felt in my long life.
"I missed you too"
Elain cuddles up to me and buries her face in my neck bend. She wraps her arms and legs around me. I smile, my clingy wife, but not that i would have a right to complain. To often i wake up and find myself practically lying half on top on her. We don't talk much this night. We just enjoy the feeling of each other. I notice Elain is slowly falling asleep when her breathing becoming shallow.
Sometimes when i hold her like this everything comes crashing down at me, making me dizzy in best way possible. In my arms lies my wife, a woman who took my scarred hands in hers and convincing me that they are indeed beautiful. My wife who showed me how to love myself. My wife who is my greatest support. The woman who makes me whole.
My wife who wakes up next to me every morning. I keep my eyes closed sometimes even though I'm already awake because I know that Elain will wake me up with a kiss and when I open my eyes she smiles at me knowingly and gives me another kiss. My heart starts beating faster just because I can be with her. Whether in our home, in the garden, in the kitchen or just when we walk through Velaris.
My beautiful Elain who looks at me with so much love and understanding.
This fearless woman has searched for the darkest parts in my soul and showed me that even these can glow like gold. She showed me how to love my own darkness.
"I love you Elain" I murmur in her hair.
My wife. My child. My home.
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tgrailwar · 2 years
Tumblr Holy Grail War, Another End: Night 2 (MASTERS FROM BEYOND/Team Avenger)
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Everything felt cold.
The maddening colors and sounds from Foreigner's assault stopped... but so did the sensation of your Servants mana.
They were gone.
The silence permeated for a while longer, before a voice cut through.
???: "Hey. Heeeey. Maaaasters. You alive?"
Two silhouettes, both familiar, stare down at you.
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'Masculine Shadow': "Welp. They're dead. I guess Foreigner will grab the Grail instead."
'Feminine Shadow': "No, they're looking at us. Give them another moment..."
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Avenger(?): "There you are. Don't freak. This is a… safe zone, from Foreigner. She really did a number on the system."
Ruler(?): "Um… hello. It's been a while."
Avenger(?): "Yo, Masters. Despite the new look, it's still me-- and this is 'Ruler', but also kind of not."
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Ruler(?): "I'm just a backup that I made in case the gambling mini-game went wrong, but it seemed like a lot more went wrong instead… maybe one hundred three trillion, seventy-three billion, nine hundred fifty-nine million, nine hundred eighty-nine thousand, four hundred and ninety-five Grail Wars was my limit… I'm sorry Masters, I really biffed this. And now my main body has pushed this war to the limit."
Avenger(?): "Technically, one hundred three trillion, seventy-three billion, nine hundred fifty-nine million, nine hundred eighty-nine thousand, four hundred and ninety-four- considering the Archer debacle. But the Grail is full. Again. Since we're so close to the end. Maybe you should introduce yourself. For real this time."
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'Ruler': "…Right. I'm not a Servant… not properly, at least. I'm one of the Overseer's two THGW Terminals, modeled off the Einzbern homunculi, the vessel for the 'Lesser Grail'. I guess you guys can keep calling me 'Ruler'… I've gotten used to it. I'm happy to see you all again... and I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused-- the trouble I am causing. RULER is still out there, after all."
'Avenger': "Same here. I'm the other terminal, modeled off 'All The World's Evils'- or the 'Corrupted Grail'- as a countermeasure to our 'Ruler' here. I'm as close to a recreation of the thing as a digital Grail War can get, so I'm fine if you keep calling me 'Avenger'. Nice to meet you. Again."
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'Ruler': "Right now, 'I'... the current version of 'myself' that's still acting as the Adjudicator of the Holy Grail War, is currently on a bit of a rampage, and Foreigner is too. Best case, some of you will need to keep her busy, and the rest of you have to destroy the Simulacrum Greater Grail… the Overseer's main terminal, and the source of Avenger and I's data."
'Avenger': "Y'know, you really screwed things up, 'Ruler'. That's what you get for trying to suddenly take on a whole Servant's duties. Then again, I cheated my way into being a Servant too, so I can't really talk. Still... I would have wanted to avoid killing Foreigner, but it seems inevitable. But she'll make the data unsalvageable..."
'Ruler': "I know, I know... but we have work to do. Masters. Just know that destroying the Grail... that'll end all of this. Completely. The absolute end of this Simulated Holy Grail War."
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'Ruler': "I've been a bad Ruler, I'm really not cut out for this job… But even as some pathetic backup data, I still have some authority. You have 5 Command Spells left, right? I think that can get you..."
'Avenger': "Hang on. I've still got all three of mine thanks to my Masters. Can you toss that in, too? Verg Avesta and Unlimited Raise Dead are kind of useless at this point."
'Ruler': "Eight Command Spells... I can really do something with that. I'm in charge of developing Spirit Origins for this Grail War after all."
'Avenger': "Hehehe. Told you there was a plan."
'Ruler': "Rider... I can't salvage his data. I'm so sorry... Still, I can salvage the others. Maybe with their memories intact... we'll have to see."
Avenger: "I'm followin' you. So whichever option is in 1st place generates those two Servants at full power with 3 Command Spells, 2nd place does the same, and then 3rd place summons a pair with reduced power. That way we can split ourselves up. Two groups of Servants go to help me fight Foreigner, and the last group goes to destroy the Grail."
Ruler: "Exactly! So, please choose wisely. This will be your final fight as Masters of this Grail War. So survive. Please. I'll be happy to answer any questions you need. My job is to help, after all!"
'Ruler' is using her authority to bring back Servants at the cost of Command Spells!
The results in 1st and 2nd place (costing 3 Command Spells each) will go to confront Foreigner alongside Avenger!
While 3rd place (costing 2 Command Spells) will accompany Ruler to destroy the Greater Grail!
Avenger's skills have changed!
Servant Skills:
Zarich: Right Fang Grinder (C) - Reduce enemy Servant boosts by -5%.
Tawrich: Left Fang Grinder (C) - Gain a +5% attack boost.
Annihilation Wish (A) - When fully healed, gain a -20% demerit to his final score. With one wound, the demerit is reduced to -10%. With two wounds, the demerit is changed to a +20% boost.
Grail Simulacrum, All The World's Evils (EX) - When part of a battle that results in a Servant dying, absorb a part of their essence. Take a random one of their combat skills for Avenger's own use and recover one Command Spell. When victorious, inflict wounds equal to the amount of Servants consumed.
[Grail Simulacrum, SABER] Heavenly Demonic Thundering Eye (EX) - When fighting in a free-for-all, gain +10% to your final score, and reduce their scores by -5%. If fighting a Servant one-on-one, if the gap between scores is above 20%, inflict 2 wounds.
[Grail Simulacrum, RIDER] Armor of the Nine Worthies (A) - When attacked, reduces the amount of the Servant's final combat poll result by 10%.
[Grail Simulacrum, ASSASSIN] Man-Slayer (A) - When fighting a Servant that possesses a wound, gain a +3% boost. When fighting a Servant that possesses 2 wounds, gain +5% instead.
[Grail Simulacrum, LANCER] Rune Magecraft (B) - When fighting in a free-for-all, gain a +5% to combat score results. Additionally, any skills that reduce scores against Avenger will have their effectiveness reduced by 1%.
[Grail Simulacrum, ARCHER] Hero of the Endowed (A) - If fighting an enemy Servant, and the difference between scores is within 3%, take the win.
Avenger has 2 wounds! He has a +20% boost!
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unsleepingtales · 4 months
Finale Time. I have food, I have a drink, let’s do this.
Three whole hours <3
Somehow I forgot about the outfits.
Former emo kid Murph is so dear to me
Lipstick by Rick Perry!
$217 at hot topic would not buy six outfits I hate to break it to you.
They all look great, but. Zac looks really good.
Mazey’s mini looks so cool!
Like some kind of fucked up pokemon
That was spinning for so long oh my god
18 D10????
Holy shit!!!
You’re saying that the shatter stars were parasitically possessing the rat grinders. That’s what you’re telling me right now. PLEASE bad kids hear and process what that means. Please.
Noooo Mazey
You’re telling me Buddy Dawn isn’t absurdly charismatic? Wild.
Oh my god
I’m gonna throw up
Oh my fucking god if Gorgug perma dies I’m gonna. Be upset.
Excuse me?? Is that what he says??
He’s lying girl!!!
Oh god
:( bye kipperlilly
Oh god the hat.
I love the skeleton hand over Siobhan’s pink glove I think that’s fun
FUCK the failed death saves are so bad
God what an incredible turn from Adaine
Someone please incorporate Jace calling Porter ‘Boss’ into their Starbreaker fic
Did not like that sound at the start of Jace’s turn
It really is circus hours you’re so right Ally
Cool hand :)
(Brennan mimics Bigby’s Hand jiggling impotently) god
I will admit that Zac’s casual ‘well that’s fun because I rolled a 33’ was hot. It was.
Awww the song from the first episode <3
That was a sick move.
I’m so stressed guys
Don’t do this to me don’t do this to me actually I don’t care :(
Yeah making the minis kiss is d&d. That’s what d&d is about
And Balthazar!
Mass healing word cast via cortados 😭😭
Awww Fabian’s version of German Shepherd mode!
Kisses and a girlfriend!!
It’s great that you’re wearing a black lip while you’re doing this Lou. It’s great
Oh you’re fucking kidding me
Oh christ
Oh my god
This is what a lot of dms look like yeah
I do love that apparently the big difference is really that K2 lives in a world dmed by Zac Oyama
I’m gonna lose it
I really hope Brennan gets to take a minute
Cotton candy lung?????
(Murph cackling in slo mo)
Some god is having so much fun with Brennan right now
Oh my god
K2 is on earth right now. In England. In Austin. Somewhere.
Oh that’s so upsetting. Brennan is really going through it.
K2 is granted true life. K2 is now a human cleric who has a memory of Kristen’s life but in England.
Just mirrors that anatomy just in a British way.
I’m gonna lose my goddamn mind.
THANK YOU ADAINE <3 Kristen already has sisters!!
Hi Cassandra! Are you just. Back now?
Somehow I don’t think it was Porter saying ‘enough’
We never followed up with them
Oh noooooo
I do not appreciate the paladin hate! Just because this paladin was evil does not mean that the entire class is bad! Fig is also a paladin!
God I’m stressed and there’s still an hour and a half left
Sandra Lynn!! Jawbone!! Lydia!! Ragh!!
One: why does he count as an ally Two: this really is so unhinged at this point
She has faith in her friends and maybe that’s enough <3
Oh that’s so smart. Siobhan Thompson you’re so incredibly smart.
New Gorgug ability!!!
Thank you for not letting k2 get this one
That’s not justice
Love a (potentially unintentional) callback to Fig pretending to be a bouncer in freshman year
God Ankarna is so beautiful
I really love all the mini shots
Oh Emily found her camera for that one
Oh god okay we actually get some emotions thank you
My potential is mine. And I can do with it what I want to do with it.
Goddammit Ally Beardsley. You’re really good at this.
Ohhh god Gorgug and Kristen are the first to find each other. Hold on that’s gotta be its own post.
You don’t wanna kill your mom and get your inheritance though?
Riz Gukgak you kill me dead. Riz Gukgak I can’t.
Oh god if they cry I’m gonna cry
Emily Axford the person you are.
Friends can hurt each other so deeply and it’s so painful.
Please. Let him understand. Let her help him understand.
Oh my god. Maybe this is the one that gets me. The release from parental expectation.
Oh god okay thank you Cassandra’s back that was what I needed.
Now go away. Literally forever.
You crack a cortado???
The purple hair really brings out Beardsley’s eyes. I’m listening to them and what they’re saying and it’s beautiful but also their eyes are lovely.
Rebellion without hope for a dawn is cynical
God they’re mirroring the painting.
They’re married! They’re back together and they’re going to rest
Is SQUEEM Ankarna’s familiar 😭
Wait so who are you bringing back
Arthur Aguefort driving a station wagon
Well dang.
That’s some narc shit 💀💀
President Applebees.
Lucy’s back? Lucy’s back!!!
Okay so they are bringing the rat grinders back. Okay.
Zac Oyama….. hiiii
What are you Talking about
The world does not rest on what college you go to. It just doesn’t.
Bitchy sisters my beloveds <3
Uncle Ray!!!!!!!! I love this I love this for him
Why is Telemaine there
The odds are quite literally one in one hundred Brennan.
They’re comedians!!!! They’re so good at comedy!
The child???
Josh get ready for warrrrr Josh
Awwww yayyyy
Yesss get Riz student gov on his resume!!
Oh Trackerbees. They know each other better than most people and they have love for each other.
Nooooo Kristennnnn
Okay that was an unreasonable expectation
I will not understand this for years 😭😭
Hmm. Feeling weird about Trackerbees but what else is new.
Gorgug made Fig an effects pedal. Oh god.
Why are you giving her THAT BENCH
Ooooh Gorgug teaching would be fun
Tip top! [and he turns into birds]
Oh Fig and Sandra Lynn. Oh god.
Aguefort never holds podcasts against anyone
Oh boy oh boy!
What a show. What a time. It’s been an honor to spend the past five months with everybody here on d20 tumblr, and I’ll see you at Basrar’s 💜💜
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foreverisntenough · 5 months
I’ve been here since you posted the first chapter of ”you’re mine” and I just want to say thank you! You’re such a good writer and I really think your work deserves so much more attention.
You’ve been keeping us fed with a new chapter every 3 days it feels like and everytime I come on tumblr I check to see if you posted a new chapter 🤩
During ”You’re mine” I thought that we would get some crazy plottwist where T would turn out to be a psycho or smthn because of the lovebombing but honestly I prefer the lighthearted path you choose. I get what people mean with ”only smut and fluff” but tbh I dont mind it at all. I absolutely loooove the way you write the smut and like you said it is a big part of their relationship and the kind of couple they are. And sure, angst can put more depth into their relationship and the storyline by seeing how they deal with it and react but sometimes its just nice to read something that makes me feel happy and at ease too.
The new chapter had me in tears when Trent and Y/n had their mini speeches to eachother after Teddy was born 🥲 Your writing really makes me feel the emotions behind the words.
Since this is such a developed fic I think you have the space to challenge yourself and explore your talent when writing and try new/different things outside of your comfort because you are a really good writer and I truly believe you can only go up from here. Even if it doesnt hit (which i doubt) we will be here and support and keep reading!
Since last weeks event with T (💔😒) Ive been massively put off from him but I will keep reading your fic regardless cause of how good it is and T in your story is our T.
Im sorry if its a bit all over the place 😅 I just wrote what was in my mind so it might be a bit jumbled. And also English isnt my first language so if anything is wrong appologies 🫶🏼
Youre a really good writer, I hope you know that and never doubt it!
Love ❤️
Okay, this took me a moment to respond to because it was so sweet. I wanted to make sure my response got everything. Firstly, THANK YOU 🥰 This was so kind.
Thank you for noticing my posting cadence. I really like to write and it comes naturally to me but it still does take some time. I hope people like how much I post! I don’t get a ton of engagement so it means a lot when people do! (TY if you do!)
I totally see where you’re coming from but I’m not a twist type person or at least not in this fic! I put a warning for love bombing on ‘You’re Mine’ because I know it was there but it also I kinda like that and that’s the whole story is Trent just completely enamored with this girl.
I will keep the smut. Maybe tone its frequency back but I genuinely think it is an element of their relationship that helps them connect. I think it’s a place where Y/N feels love and happy with her body.
I agree about angst. I do like it other peoples fics. It’s really good but also I like that these two stories are a majority of happy scenarios.
The latest chapter was emosh for me too. I am really happy for them 🥹
I definitely want to keep pushing my self and developing the stories I create. Thank you for complimenting my writing.
Yeah, real life T, is only human. It’s hard when we put someone on such a pedestal. I personally really like the fic version lol 😂
Your English was amazing btw! I appreciate you writing this so much. I loved all your comments. I hope you keep reading the stories. If you ever think of any ideas or have any more thoughts always message me 🫶
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niobe-loreley · 2 years
Heaven Is In A Shortcake {xi}
BEEN TOO DAMN LONG AHJFNHSAEFKJHUN to make up for such a mini hiatus on the fic, I'll be posting two more new chapters because I've got the next three chapters hot and ready to serve!
disclaimer: The Gray Man and the characters are NOT mine, even the reader. I only own the plot and the reader's character lol. Pictures used in the fic are NOT MINE, but only the edited version (u can msg me if u ze owner); credits to the rightful owners and canva + weheartit. Addtionally, I am not a Subic/Zambales native, so my apologies for any wrong locations, descriptions, or languages.
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Six x F!Reader / Courtland Gentry x Female Reader
warning: moderate amount of swear words. some filipino dialogues. slow burn. fluff. trust issues. comedy if you use a magnifying glass. culture shock. word count check or not. slightly proofread/revised.
CHAPTER SELECTION is in the ✨Masterlist✨ Chapter 10 is nowhere here Chapter 11 is the chapter right now
word count: 2.1k (N/N) = nickname *Kiara = Claire *Kurt = Court *cover names = reader doesn't know (except you do know #wreckthe4thwall)
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For an entire fortnight, Court has successfully not asked you. It is hellish to be in this phase, especially when he hasn't experienced it in his lifetime. Sure, there were people who would flirt with him during missions, and he would flirt back if it's part of his staged identity or the mission isn't commencing yet. And sure, he's shared a bed with someone— and he leaves after an hour.
But he has not asked anyone out. Nor has he had any volition to date anyone until you came along.
This is new territory for him, uncharted waters he never imagined he'd be able to venture. And you're almost like an alien; or maybe he's the alien because he doesn't know the first thing in asking someone out. What is being human, anyway?
Oh, yeah.. that’s how far he has spiraled down the rabbit hole.
"Stare anymore at her and she'll turn into a puddle."
Claire's teasing remark pierces through his thick skull and ceases his haywire thoughts.
Court coughs, noisy and awkward. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Now, that's just plain out idiotic and sad."
"Would you rather pay for the meal tonight?"
"I'd pay for our meal if you ask (N/N) out."
"Tha-That's.. that's not what's happening."
"Again, idiotic and sad."
"You're idiotic." he fires stupidly.
"You're mean."
"You're rude."
"You're a moron."
"You're watching Playground Insults live!" you chime in with a laugh, "What's going on here? I just went to get extra tissues and you two are fighting."
The pair beams at you as Claire kicks Court in the shin. You hear it, but don't address it, so you wait for either of them to say a word. But besides the music bouncing around the cafe, there's only Claire's shoes rebounding off Court's leg. And Court is smiling at you like nothing is happening.
You look between their grinning faces, and yours begin to falter. This is getting too weird.
"I'm gonna go," you uneasily say, waving before you glide back to the counter.
"You're gonna lose your chance." Claire singsongs quietly.
“Shut up,” he grumbles.
Seven days pass by like that. Every day Court contemplates and practices how to ask you out, while talking to you through the transceiver every other night. Claire badgers him that she can help, but he doesn't accept it. So instead, she suggests having breakfast and dinner at the cafe during your shifts after one week of Court's no-show-courting. Court comprises by deciding they'll additionally have breakfast on Mondays and dinner on Saturdays.
They did, and nothing has yet to happen.
It’s Saturday again, it now heavily dawns on Court that he is still at square one for two weeks straight. Even though he has no experience, he sure as hell knows it doesn't take this long to ask someone out on a date.
"I'll ask (N/N) out if you don't get your balls together and just do it." Claire snarls with a mouthful of brown rice.
Court is appalled by her vulgarity, but he doesn't chide her for it. If even Claire has reached her frustration limit, he's no longer at square one— he's down to square negative five.
"I'll do it after dinner," he declares, frowning determinedly.
She snorts incredulously. "I'll believe it when it even happens."
You're serving them dessert by the time they finish dinner. "Enjoy our delightful dulce de leche cake roll!" you beam and swivel around, only to turn back to them when Court calls you. "Yes?"
"Can I talk to you in private?"
"Whatever it is you have to say to me, you can say it in front of Kiara!"
He blinks at you. "What?"
You snicker. "She said that you might ask me something, so she told me to say those words to you."
Court glances between the two of you before settling to scowl at the younger girl. "When did you even have time to tell her?!" he demands, unsure whether to feel betrayed, horrified, or amazed.
"Doesn't matter," Claire wolfishly grins.
"So, what is it?" you ask, looking straight at him.
Systems critical— yet his heart starts drumming like it's in a rock concert even though his brain is malfunctioning from having eye contact with you. He averts his gaze to compose himself, quietly breathing in and out, he rises from his seat and stands in front of you.
What a bad decision. You're too close.
"I..." he trails off, reddening. "Will you..?— Um.. you see, I.."
Claire facepalms, both embarrassed and vexed at her surrogate father.
"Are you having a stroke? Just spill it out, Kurt." you laugh.
He notices Claire mouthing something at him—
If you won't ask her, I will.
Court gulps, gazing into your eyes, he tightens his jaw. Here goes nothing..
"(Y/N), will you go on a d—?"
"Honey, I'm home!"
A guy brusquely bursts in the cafe, Court recognizes his voice even though he only heard it once, and you facepalm to hide your pink cheeks. “Para kang tanga, tol. Sabi na huwag kang gaganyan habang shift ko pa,” you chide the guy as he strides to your side.
You’re like an idiot, dude. I told you to not do that when it’s still my shift,
He snickers. “Ba’t ‘tol’ tawag mo sa jowa mo?” and pecks you on the forehead.
Why are you calling your boyfriend ‘dude’?
You frivolously wipe the spot he shortly put his lips on. “Firstly, Erick, you’re not my boyfriend. Secondly, don’t kiss me without permission.” you frown and jab him on the stomach.
Unbeknownst to you and Erick, but knownst to Claire, Court’s world has ruptured with spiderweb cracks. He feels as though he’s the one whom you struck in the gut; he’s kinda debating whether or not he can ask you to punch him in order to wake up from this stupidly horrifying dream. But then Court realizes that if he puts his head through the wall to wake himself up, reality is going to seep in and burn into every crevice of his brain.
And reality is much harsher than the nightmare he thinks he’s in.
He’s a little too late.
“Court, what were you going to ask?”
Your voice, smooth like the silk strangling his throat, reels him out of his daze. Court tries not to focus on Erick’s arm on your shoulders and mulls over what to say. “I was gonna ask if.. there’s still some strawberry shortcake left for a takeout.” he replies with a small, forced smile.
He thought only Claire could see through him. But you stare at his tight-lipped demeanor as though you understand what’s happening.
Nevertheless, you don’t know why.
“Y-Yeah, there’s still half of the cake left.” you say, glancing at Claire, who can’t even muster a fake smile.
“Can I get two slices from that? One for you and me,” Erick chimes in, winking down on you, squeezing you closer to his side.
“Actually, I was going to buy all of the half.” Court interjects crisply.
There’s a heat in his tone that you and Erick sense immediately. You internally muse that it’s either Court is really adamant about having more strawberry shortcake or there’s something else amiss. 
“Forgive my dad.. (N/N) got him addicted to strawberry shortcake.” Claire laughs to extinguish the growing tension.
“Sorry, dude, customers first.” you elbow Erick’s side with a snicker.
“I’ll just ask you to make some,” he coos, aiming to kiss you on the cheek.
You shove his face away. “And I’ll make you pay for the ingredients.”
“As long as you get to bake me some.”
“I’ll make you pay for the cake, too.”
“You’re a horrible girlfriend.”
“Thank you!”
Erick grumbles about going to the kitchen for free food and strict, workaholic girlfriends. He’s about to turn, but you hop to your tip-toes and peck him on the cheek.
You face the father-daughter duo while Erick becomes a statue as though he made eye contact with Medusa. “I’ll be right back with the cake!” you beam, “Are you gonna pay at the counter or..?”
“At the counter,” Court replies, glancing at Erick still frozen on his spot.
Once the cake has been boxed, you escort the father-daughter duo out of the cafe. The warm air instantly decks the chillness from the cafe, Court wishes he can punch that guy you're dating just as easily. But the one who deserves a broken nose is himself.
This is what he gets for stalling. No matter how nervous and unprepared he is, he should've just asked you out. Because knowing you, you'd understand why he would suck at dating and liking someone. You'll probably laugh at him, but not in any way contemptuous, and reassure him that you can guide him in dating.
The only problem— the reason why Court keeps putting off asking you out— is: would you have said yes?
“See you two next week!” you grin and wave at them like a child.
“(N/N), can we talk later on the walkie? Here’s the channel and the passcode,” Claire hands you a folded piece of paper, trying to sound enthusiastic instead of disappointed. "Tell me all about your boy toy!"
“More like a boy tool,” you roll your eyes.
“Why is that? Are you just dating him for kicks?” Claire questions, quite enthusiastic.
You snort. “Dating is the definition of ‘for kicks’.”
Claire shortly shoots Court a pointed look, practically shouting at him that he still has a chance, and he turns his head away, trying to drown out her silent bellows. If that’s what you think while dating that tool, then what would you be thinking while dating him?
“So,” Claire intones, hesitant. “You don’t like Erick the tool?”
“I like him.. but not enough to say he’s my boyfriend.”
“Will you like him enough to be your boyfriend?”
“Claire,” Court says in a warning tone.
“What?” she snaps.
“You don’t have to answer her.” he informs you reassuringly.
“No, it’s alright. This is a ‘who knows’ situation,” you shrug, regarding Court for a full five seconds, you then turn to Claire. “There’s a chance, but time will tell. Erick knows it as well.”
You suddenly look at Court and Claire as though you’ve had an epiphany. Court becomes nauseated, thinking that you’re already contemplating on marrying the tool you’re dating.
“Hey, what do you know, that rhymes!” you exclaim with a laugh.
Court stands corrected.
“See you next week, (N/N).” says Claire, stifling a grin.
You wave. “See ya’!”
When Court drives the SUV out into the street, he instinctively glances at the cafe and sees Erick taking the tray full of plates from you. He’s telling something to the customers, maybe explaining his relationship with you. The customers laugh and remark it’s sweet, while you’re blushing and trying to snatch the tray back from Erick.
Claire witnesses the scene before Court harshly steps on the accelerator, rushing the SUV away. He switches on the radio, combing through the channels that don’t have any love songs playing, and Claire slumps into the passenger seat, crossing her arms with a sigh.
“This one’s on you.” she declares dejectedly and stares out the window.
Court grimaces. “Undoubtedly so..”
Claire turns to him. “I’m on (N/N)’s side until you realize how stupid you are for stalling,” and smirks.
“I already do realize it.”
“Well, that’s not enough. Unbuckle your seatbelt, drive really fast, and then hit the brakes so hard you’ll fly out of the windshield.”
“Why are you so violent when it comes to me?”
“'Cuz you’re always asking for it.”
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A/N: uh-oh~ you, the reader, have a boyfriend guy you're dating. will you and Erick last long?
ANYWAY~ good to be back! how was the chapter? hopefully yall enjoyed it and don't worry about the next chapter, i'll be posting them later or tomorrow (probably)
Here is the portal to Chapter 12- except it's NOT still in the drafts NO MORE
@kat-thepoet @queenofhellhasrisen @sierrasixwife @vallyb @lyuir @yvxcy @justareaderdude @sortinghats @sortingharryshairclip
*to those who want to be in the taglist, check out the guidelines at the Masterlist pls („ಡωಡ„) thankyousomuch
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dire-kumori · 1 year
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Hmm... Good question XD. You know I am proud of my stories, but I have a hard time picking out individual lines I like best. But here are a few I like from Ever After (since that's the one I'm actively working on):
"The door slammed with the finality of a coffin lid."
(Maybe it's a touch cheesy, but I'm still happy with it.)
"Fredbear’s accusing black eyes bore into him from across the mattress, seeing straight through the lie he'd never voiced."
(This line didn't quite want to work at first and I was so happy when I finally felt like I got it right.)
“EVAN!” Elizabeth screeched, wiping the sand from her face and hair. “YOU GOOBER!”
(I just really had fun writing Ev and Liz being happy, goofy kids and I can actually hear Elizabeth's little girl scream every time I reread that line.)
(I sent this to my friend with limited context. He told me it made him giggle. It still makes me giggle.)
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I dunno if I have any 'wild' headcanons. I mean the FNAF fandom is pretty much held together by the popsicle sticks and glue that are crazy headcanons. Mine seem pretty tame by comparison.
A headcanon I do have that I haven't really done much with is that Mike actually has a different mother than the twins (and yeah, I do headcanon Ev and Liz as twins). In my version of events, Will had a drunken one night stand with Mike's mom when he was either still engaged to or newly married to Evan's and Elizabeth's mom. It did cause some tension, but ultimately Will managed to convince his wife to stay with him. However, she made it 100% clear from the get go that she wasn't interested in raising another woman's child. Will said that he was okay with that, but he had the presumptuous idea that she would change her mind because Michael is his son, his DNA, and she loves him so how could she not love his offspring as well? They fought about this expectation a lot and eventually the tension boiled over. William blamed Michael for the marriage dissolving, but since Michael grew up thinking that Will's wife was his mom, he never realized the true reason. Growing up, Michael assumed she left because of his bad behavior as a kid.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
You know what's funny is when I got that first comment from Kats on my fic, I'd already read and loved By Cain's Own Hand, and I had a mini freak out that Kats liked MY writing. Pretty much everything Kats writes breaks my heart in the best possible way.
Who's written some incredible fics based off of Kats' Silent Protector AU and my Paradoxical Reaper AU. I really love how they adopted those ideas and made them their own!
Okay, so they aren't fanfics, but Honey has written some REALLY cool ideas for the Lonely Children AU which I love to read over and again! I especially love this short snapshot they've written in their reblog of the Lonely Children thread.
I'm still vibrating with excitement over those short WIPs you tagged me in and I'll probably pass out from excitement when you post the final product!
I've had a lot of fun coming over to the FNAF fandom. In a short amount of time I've met a lot of really creative and cool people, including a few I haven't mentioned here.
And now for some non-FNAF fic:
My friend Rosi who I met in another fandom. Even though I'm not so active in the BNHA fandom anymore, I still have a soft spot for the crack ship Rosi and I came up with together and the fics they've written for that fic. Rosi does a lot of short and sweet fics and if you're into Ensemble Stars!, Critical Role, or Persona 4, I'd recommend you find them on AO3 (roserosa).
As for some of my favorite fics (not counting those written by the authors above):
Forever A Lost Boy At Last
at least we're together this time!
Dissatisfaction Brought it Back
Friends, Family, and Frights!
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joy-of-life88 · 1 year
Inked Temptation [a Damian Priest story] 22 Only one thing
Damian POV
I was gently awakened by the wonderful aroma of coffee that rose to my nose. Slowly I opened my eyes and saw my gorgeous wife standing by the bed next to me. With a tray in her hand and in nothing but panties and one of my t-shirts. Her hair still a mess from sleep.
I couldn't help but smile as I sat up.
"Good morning, baby girl. Happy anniversary." I said as she set the tray down on my lap and I gently held her by the upper arms.
"Good morning to you too, love." she replied, giving me a loving good morning kiss.
"You know... there's no need to wish me a happy anniversary every month. You can't do that our whole lives, you know?" giggled Ellie as she snuggled into bed next to me.
"But I can at least try. I've gotten this far. I bet I can make it at least the whole first year." I replied before giving her a kiss on the temple and then handing her her coffee mug.
"As of today, you've made it through the first third. Can you believe that? Ready 4 months." she said with the smile I loved.
"Uhhh... that reminds me.... any special wishes for your birthday? It's not that much longer and you haven't answered my question about it yet, mister." Ellie then said.
"I actually have everything I need with you by my side. You know that besides you there is only one thing we both want... What do you think about it? Do you want to have a baby?" I replied nonchalantly.
"Believe me, I want a baby. But you better give it your all so I can have a mini version of you. Because I came up with the perfect name the other day when we were in New York." she said.
"Really? And what is it?" I wanted to know.
"I'll tell you if and when we're expecting a boy." she grinned at me.
"Hmmm.... you know.... I guess I should hurry up and make you a baby then, because you know I'm not the most patient person." I replied, taking the mug from her hand and placing it next to mine before setting the tray with our breakfast on the floor with a careful, yet quick movement.
Because at that moment I was in the mood for a different kind of breakfast. As I thought about it.... maybe maple syrup would make its appearance that morning after all.
I pulled Ellie to me and pressed my mouth hard and passionately onto hers. She moaned into my mouth as I slowly pushed her onto her back so I could hover over her. Slowly but surely I pushed the shirt she was wearing up until I could pull it over her head.
Even her panties had no chance to hide her from me. With a deft movement I pulled them off her while we continued to kiss. The temperature in the room rose as Ellie's nails dug into the flesh in my back. Forcefully she pulled me on and into her until we were one.
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midknitefox · 5 months
fallout 4 positng again I'm borwd
I'm halfway through a thing of frosting don't. don't come at me bros.
HANCOCK APPRECIATION MOMENT. I have an obsession. stepped on a mine and he went "are you okay? see any more?"
who couldn't love this man your first interaction is him stabbing the fuck outta a guy who tried to scam you. it's beautiful, really. get yoself a man willing to stab someone for u when you haven't even met yet.
slash jay dont
don't stab people pls this is fiction
I think nick is better in a fight. oh god
i died
I killed someone and he said "you handled yourself pretty well, sister"
He fucking stabbed her to death what the actual fuck how did he not die (legendary gunner???? wtf????)
I stole the minigun
perfect for me (Hancock keeps giving me drugs, and he likes when I get hooked on em. I refuse to buy more drugs so until he gives me more drugs I have no drugs. sorry it's not my fault jet is so useful </3)
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Hancock I'm glad you're proud of yourself for getting me addicted to everything under the fucking sun. ily <3
oh I'm overweight now. minigun too heavy </3
throws it at Hancock
does fallout 4 do the same thing as skyrim where if your companions inventory is full you can make them pick stuff up and it'll still work
I dont actually know
Hancock though is now carrying two miniguns (Ashmaker and Junkie's) and a fat man. and I think he has 2 rocket launchers for some reason? not sure.
I'm so glad I have NO AMMO.
I'm out of 10mm, .44, and the only weapon I can use rn is basically my deathclaw hand
which isn't bad but it's up close and personal . in a gun fight.
I have a shit ton of .38 and .45 (755 and 489 respectively) but no guns for those :/
and now that I think about it I'm out of ammo for both my flamer and cryo thing so idk why I'm carrying them wtf
maybe I'm overweight from the
50 fucking mirelurk eggs
unrelated but I watched the show the other day. so good.
genuinely it felt more like the game than anything else I've watched
like . tlou was good. but it didn't feel like the game. fo felt like the game. there were moments that were just. perfect.
random radaways around, the time slowing down slightly in battle feeling like vats, so good
ok rant over (I would love to rant about it more if anyone wants to chat I'm lacking people to talk about it with other than my mother and that's kinda sad)
I had to step back from a fight due to low hp and Hancock walked up next to me and destroyed them with the minigun I gave him
so real ❤️
I sploded. rip
I picked up a coffee cup and got too much weight
no I refuse to drop the deathclaw hands and hide I lug around
I feel like this is fo4's version of the dragon scales and bones from skyrim </3
..maybe a little lot less heavy . but come on where else do I put em
"I didn't say we were finished" in the middle of battle
I'm so gay
advanced lock vs a skyrim veteran with 90+ lockpicks, who will win
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sobs violently
I can't believe I'm being forced to drop junk on the ground I'm so sad
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ok but
I have so much jet...... Hancock I love you
consequences of my actions (i had to drop more junk)
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....... I blame the castle.
God I can't handle the dlcs being glitched.
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PURPLE GUY!?!??!!?
sobbing. fr
I'm about 2/3 of the way through this frosting send help
I need to put it away
I was fixing my blanket and I didn't pause the game but hancock started doing knife tricks
losing it.
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hate this dlc (not really)
fuck mirelurks
I have mirelurk trauma (the castle quest)
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"not a lot of folks would travel with a ghoul, not even one with my charisma" i would any day yes pls ily
"just say the word if you wanna take a little Chem break" I WOULD LOVE TO.
I went to talk to him and i hit "talk" and he went "for you, any time" or something and I'm losing my shit
"seems to me like you're my kinda trouble" when I hit relationship 🥰
random but I love his voice it's just
idk something about it is really nice to me even though it falls into the category of voice types that I usually don't really like
this has become me obsessing over Hancock holy fuck
you've gotta be fucking kidding me
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halfway through her hp bar took about 200 bullets
........I don't have enough ammo for this like genuinely
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themwordcic · 7 months
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I’m not sure if everyone’s friends with their internal voice, the inner you that acts as your guide and conscience. That little voice in your head makes you question everything and at times seems louder than ever. If so, maybe mine is faulty and I need to return it, as mine doesn’t feel like an extension of me. There are no mini Me’s dressed as an angel or devil sitting on my shoulders. There is just her, and everything she says is meant to hurt. It was always a razor cut of a statement, one made with malice and laced with poison. I don’t have a Kiera Knightly moment from Love Actually. This voice, this supposed side of me, is unpleasant. Perhaps it’s karma from a previous life. Karma has a habit of catching up with you. It’s a superstition that brings you face to face with the consequences of your actions whether you meant them or not. If karma works like death wearing a familiar face and all that, I must have really annoyed someone in some version of this life or the previous one.
Transparency is good, however, there’s a fine line between being brave and sharing your hardships and small negativities with the world online and… well oversharing to be completely honest. I’m not quite sure where this fine line appears from, or what mystical council has the overall authority to brandish you with the ‘Brave’ or ‘Over-sharer’ title. I’m never quite sure if I’ve overstepped the mark, or if I just look like some random girl complaining with the most recent teenage angst haunting my very being at the time. I’ve written about the death of childhood relationships, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and, of course, how the ‘New Year, New Me’ thing is utter rubbish. But I’m not sure if I write for you, as a reassurance that if you’ve ever felt those things that you’re not alone, or if I selfishly write to make myself feel better and offload these things taking up space in my somewhat vulnerable mind. I’ve never been a fan of countdowns unless something good comes out of them. The idea of seconds vanishing into the void gives me anxiety. Like sand running through the hourglass, the feeling of it being unavoidable and unstoppable is not something that entices me or amazes me. I fully admit it panics me, the idea of time marching on whether you’re on board with it or not. And yet as the finish line for 2021 come’s closer, a countdown has practically become my best friend. For the past 22 days, I’ve been counting down the days, even at times the hours, until Midnight and we welcome 2022.
For some reason I’ve had the insane thought ‘if I get all of my negativity and self-hatred out now’, my New Year won’t have any ‘bad mojo’ associated with it. I never thought my internal monologue would be so negative, but I have paragraphs and paragraphs of calling myself horrendous names and pointing out all of my flaws with a microscope. Comparing myself to people I’ve never met. Lifestyles I’ve never lived. Rereading a passage I wrote mere hours ago terrify me. How can my brain think all of these things about myself? And people say, “Oh but it’s just what happens at that age”, but is it? If I saw anyone else think like this, write such vile things about themselves, I’d worry about them, and yet I can’t bring myself to worry about myself. Instead, forcing myself to get it all out now, in the hope that next year these poisonous thoughts won’t resurface. But it’s just teenage angst, isn’t it?! Teenage angst? What is it? What does it mean? Teenage angst is essentially a long-winded and complex way to say worry or dread with lashings of insecurities and anxieties on the side. So, at what point do we grow out of this? Is there just a day we wake up and no longer feel the overwhelming sense of doom if we don’t act right, or don’t look right? Teenage angst as a term is still somewhat new. In fact, it’s only made it into the urban dictionary (meaning older generations or whatever organisation decides the importance of words only see’s the term as slang), but I would hazard a guess that this feeling, this growth period has been around for years, decades even if we didn’t talk about it. There is a fine line between being brave and sharing your hardships online and well… oversharing. Half the time I’m completely blind to said line until after the fact. I think I’ve resigned myself to the fact that nobody is going to come to save me from this negative theme in the extremely depressing show called “my life”. There is no knight in shining armour on a white horse coming to save me. I have to do it myself, as lonely as it sounds. I’m the only person who can hear my inner thoughts, and, so, it’s up to me. I need to have faith in myself, believe in myself, and remember that, just because the voice says something pessimistic about my appearance or my mental health doesn’t make it true.
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taxfraudhousewife · 7 months
i wish i had a red and yellow cheongsam that fit me
one that hugs my unmistakably southern lack of curves
i wish i’d had one made to span the measure of ox shoulders and dog ribs
i wouldn’t have even had to pay for it
if only i hadn’t hated myself so much
that id sooner welcome sweet jaws of death before letting some elderly cantonese woman take the measure of my waist
does everyone have to think they’re dying before they stop hating their body
i like smoking in a tight dress and the sound of my ribs tearing a few seams
i like the slender view of the mirror from the side and the bear like broadness i always forget to expect from the front
i got grubby little retard hands just mini versions of those of brave cossack cousins
extremely specific facial fat distribution so i can never escape my mom and her sisters
i look just like luka or rather he looks like me
i always worry that luka will turn out like me
i know it’s not the same but i’m racist so how can i not worry
something feels dutch angled when i forget i’m asian
but it always filters back in albeit painful slowly
maybe it’s cause those ancestors never haunted me like the white
they don’t claw and clamour over each other
they don’t bawl or beg to not be forgotten
maybe i just need to take the time to understand
to know what makes the river yellow and the soil sweet
to follow the blood money back to before money
all the autism in the world can’t thrust me far back enough to really know it
or at least think i know it
maybe i’ll find my leftist messiah along the way
maybe i’ll find the last camp we made before we parted ways
maybe we can stay in our cozy little yurt in the buttfuck middle of bronze age mongolia
it took two seconds to come up with that scenario and i already know it’ll haunt me forever
what a netflix writer level contrived way for your life and mine to be planted in the same dirt
why can’t we
can’t even have an ethnicity crisis without dragging my sticky brain across the thought of muslim jesus
still why can’t we
no ethnically specific checkpoints no sterilized sisters no chinese spies in the attic
it would be quiet and simple and willingly mundane
lovingly average
just one big happy family and you and me and some steppe horses and a fire
i just want to witness you witness the sublime
might the golden light of god burn the sick out of you
might it’s warmth on the grass and on you bring even two seconds of comfort
i know neither of us would last two seconds in bronze age mongolia
you’d say we’re built for being smart not strong
but im neither and now you and me in bronze age mongolia is all i want
i’d keep you safe
you’d make fun of me if i said that
and you’d make even more fun if you saw my sorry current state
it’s getting worse and i feel like a piece of shit for not pursuing anything medically
it makes me think of how paranoid you were how privileged i am to not refuse treatment because they bugged the hospital
i know i should tell someone but i don’t know what to say
other than you shouldn’t starve yourself during puberty
maybe we’re exactly the same cause i can’t even admit to a living human that i’m not good
but i wouldve to you
maybe i’m just going crazy from lying in bed for too long
it hurts so bad to breathe and it makes me think of you and every faint and dry heave and low oxygen burp makes it worse
if it made me this small and weak and vulnerable what the fuck did it do to you
is that and worse how you spent your last months on this planet
honestly i just wanna crawl back into bed with you where we can both die in peace
i can handle the fainting and heaving and burping if at least you’re warm and well fed
last night i dreamed i had a man warm in bed with me
there was some sort of sexual connotation that i refused to investigate
he looked some type of brown like my dumb brain doesn’t even really know your face anymore
even in dreams it’s always the sexual connotation in place of the thing you’re supposed to know years before that
as if i could learn how to be an adult when i don’t even know how to be a human
i got scared my subconscious liked incest so i played with the thought
grateful to have found it funny and gross and absurd
maybe that’s what happens when men don’t learn to use their words
when fleeting moments of touch are all you have to cling to
i never learned to use my words to say i love you and you look like shit and im worried
still can’t say i miss you and i long for you and im going crazy without you
can’t say how we’ve maybe spent a combined hundred and forty four hours in each others presence
and maybe half of it i was too young to know
it’s stupid but anything good in me came from you
you gave me anger and sadness with a definitive source
not an age old curse not physiological misfortune not inherent wrongness rooted deep in my bone marrow
is that a stupid way of saying you introduced me to basic marxist theory
words for anger and sadness i couldn’t place
words that insist there is still something worth saving
i’m gonna hit a blinker and listen to the aaron bushnell audio
you’d say it’s a big deal
he said this is what our ruling class decided will be normal
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