#this is why banks have side by side ATM machines
Ass to vaginal is safe if you clean it off before switching holes.
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The Man 6
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: mob!Lloyd Hansen
Summary: a demanding customer complicates more than your work life.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You stare at your phone. It can’t be. After everything else going wrong, you can’t deal with Floyd. It suddenly makes sense why he was messing around with your phone. Ew, he’s kind of a creep.
You don’t answer and put the phone away. Well. You have no money, you’re about to have no home, and your milk is spoiled. Don’t panic. You can figure this out. You’re an adult, aren’t you?
First, go to the bank. You need milk. Once you have a coffee, you’ll worry about the whole eviction thing. You leave the convenience store and open Maps to look for the nearest bank kiosk. Not too far, one block. At least you’re getting your steps in.
You follow the directions on screen and turn to cross the road. You’re so distracted, you forget to look both ways and nearly get hit by a gleaming bumper. You wave a head but don’t look up. You need to get to the bank.
You come up to the pulsing blue dot and glance around. Huh. You don’t see a bank. You turn around and face the ATM built into the side of the building. Oh goddang! You walked to a bank machine, not a bank. Is it you? Are you the problem?
You drop your shoulders. Alright. You’ll just try again. You scroll to the next location and spin around, nearly colliding with a new wall. Oh, not a wall, a person.
You look up at Mr. Henson as he watches you with a line between his brows. Somehow, you’re not very surrpised. This guy is everywhere. It’s almost like he has no hobbies.
“Oh, hi, sorry, excuse me, I’m just on my way to the bank--”
“Ah, running short? Need me to spot ya?” He raises his hand, showing a black credit card.
“Um... noooo,” you utter in confusion. The other day, you ran off after calling him names. You really don’t believe he’s changed his stripes. He’s still a snarling tiger getting ready to feast. “Thanks, but I--”
“Things are tight. Job market’s trash, housing isn’t any better, and those banks,” he whistles and puts his card away, “they like to fuck around, don’t they?”
You look at him, scrunching your face up.
“Y-yeah. Weirdly, I did just get a notice to...” your voice trails off. “Why are you bugging me?”
“Bugging you?” His brows pop up and he guffaws, “oh, sweet lips, you’re funny, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know few jokes but--”
“Think a little harder, cupcake,” he lowers his timber and stares at you.
You blink and wet your lips, pushing them together. Think about what?
“Look, about yesterday--”
“I’m talking about today,” he insists.
“Sure, uh...”
“Do I really need to spell this out for you?”
“Spell what out?” You cringe, clawing for some hint of what he means.
“Your bank card isn’t working, right?” He asks, you nod. “You’re getting evicted.” Another nod. “You have no job.”
You make a face, “yes, okay. Rub it in. Alright. I get it. You’re some important guy and I’m a loser. Don’t worry. You own this city but I think I’m on my way out.”
He sighs and presses his fingers flat on either side of his nose. He drops them and opens his eyes again, “it was me. I’m the reason you—Don't you understand what I can do to you? I got you fired, kicked out, and poor in one day. What else do you think I could do?”
Your chest hollows out and your stomach lurches. What? Him? He just doesn’t stop.
“Sir, what—why would you—I'm sorry I called you a meanie. I was upset and the coffee, I tried--” You sniffle and shudder out a half-sob, “I didn’t mean to.”
“Yeah, well, you shoulda shut those sweet lips and opened those ears, huh?” He grins, “look, cupcake, you’re not going anywhere. You try to run back to your family, I’ll find you. Your mom’s a good lady, you shouldn’t trouble her. She doesn’t make enough teaching brats to put up with another one.”
“My mom—how--”
He spins his finger in the air, “catch up, honey bun. Alright? This is it. I’ll lay it out real clear for you, right now. You have no money, no home, you have nothing. You are nothing.” He jabs his finger at you, “so, I can solve all your problems and make you something.”
You look around. There’s really no way out. He’s a psychopath. You think. You don’t really know the difference between that and sociopath.
“Are you like CIA or something?” You ask.
He scoffs and flinches, “oh man, you are something else. Really, each time you open that mouth, I’m blown away by the idiocy. Rather just get blown, you get it?”
You shake your head and pout.
“Look, I think we can sort this out, Floyd. Really, I’m really sorry and I understand now. I get it. You’re very important and I messed up. I’m nothing and I did everything wrong. And from the bottom of my heart, I apologise. So, can I please have my life back?” You say, “I think we’d both be happier if we just went on our way and never saw each other again.”
His eyes dart away and he stares into the distance. Exasperation wrinkles above his brow and he looks back to you, hands on his hips, “too late, buttercup. So, let me put it as plain as I can. You don’t get a choice. You belong to me now. Just like everything else in this city. You are mine.”
“You can’t... do that.”
“I am doing that,” he insists. “Another thing,” he raises his hand, showing his palm, “it’s Lloyd.” He emphasizes the consonants of his name, “Lloyd Hansen. You can call me sir or Mr. Hansen. Hell, if we’re getting frisky, you can call me daddy.”
“Ugh,” you groan in disgust and curl your lip.
“Ugh?” He mimick the noise, “I’m about to--” He shakes his hand and sucks in the end of his sentence, “fine. Show, don’t tell. Got it.”
You cry out as suddenly he lunges at you. He grabs you by the back of the neck and hauls you forward down the sidewalk. He marches beside you as you writhe and paw at his large hand. You whimper, helpless as pedestrians move out of your path.
“Your mouth got you into trouble, now let’s see if it can get you out,” he growls.
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icedbatik · 1 year
I was out of town for a few days, visiting relatives, etc. It was a nice trip that included lots of amazing quilts, a quilt shop visit and an evening spent sitting around a fire pit.
Then, Sunday happened.
I decided to gas up my car early, while my kids still were getting ready to go. I stopped at an ATM (the ATM and gas station are on opposite sides of town) to check my account balance. (Four days with two kids and a quilt shop in the vicinity can do some damage.) On the way, my car’s tire-pressure light came on. And a storm was brewing, meaning it was really windy. So, before I stopped to get gas, I stopped to get the air in my tires checked. The guy was great, even gave me new valve caps at no charge.
Then I drove to the gas station. Pulled out my wallet to grab my debit card -- and it wasn’t there. Distracted by the heavy wind and worry about my tire pressure, I had left my debit card in the ATM. So, instead of getting gas, I drove back across town to the ATM, hoping I’d somehow get lucky and find it waiting for me. I didn’t, but ... (Thankfully, they suck it back into the machine pretty quickly after it’s not removed, so it’s highly unlikely it was stolen.)
I then went back to my mom’s house, unpacked my laptop and called my bank. I now have a new card arriving within the next couple of days.
We finally got on the road -- with cash from my mom, who refused to listen to my explanation that I *had* some cash *and* a couple of credit cards and a full bag of snacks and was not in danger of perishing on the side of the road for lack of a few dollars more in cash or even my debit card -- stopping to get gas, of course. Twelve miles up the interstate, we hit the first road construction traffic slowdown. (It wasn’t the last.) Meanwhile, the interstate was crazy-busy with traffic, both lanes full in a way they rarely are in that area. At one point, everyone was doing 60 in a 70 mph zone and I still haven’t figured out why.
About halfway into the drive, we stopped at a drive-through to grab a late lunch. As we were leaving the parking lot, I rubbed the corner of my eye -- and somehow dislodged my contact. I pulled out into traffic, using my one good eye, drove to the next empty parking lot and sat in my car, using the mirror on my car’s sun visor to put my contact back in.
I was beginning to think I hadn’t been intended to return home. Add to all of this the fact that the whole debit card panic had left me starting a lengthy drive home on an adrenaline crash, so I was fighting that the whole way. Meanwhile, one of my kids was fighting off a headache and couldn’t stand the radio being played at a volume loud enough for me actually to hear the music. And both kids were fighting low-grade car sickness from the erratic traffic flow.
It was ... a trip.
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shop-korea · 6 months
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I'M - GOING - 2 - DO - PEN
WHY - WOULD - U - WANT - 2
I - WANT - 2 - SELL
'HOME - ALONE - 4'
I - WANT - 2 - START
WITH - THEIR - OVER - $6,000
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60 DAYS - 2 - ADD - MONEY
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tastydregs · 1 year
AI and robots fuel new job displacement fears
For all the hand-wringing over whether robots will replace human workers, ChatGPT and its ilk — tools known as generative AI — are shaping up to be a big employment threat too.
Why it matters: Robots tend to replace manual laborers, while artificial intelligence threatens knowledge workers — ensuring that people of all education levels can look nervously over their shoulder at the tech gunning for their paycheck.
State of play: Robots' growing sophistication has them starting to work as everything from security guards, window washers and assembly line workers to food deliverers and fry cooks.
They're predicted to soon prove their mettle as warehouse workers, aides to the elderly, pharmacists and more.
At the same time, AI software and large language models (LLMs) — including ChatGPT — may soon be able to do all manner of jobs, blending into society in ways that aren't clear yet.
So far, we know AI can give radiologists a run for their money, and could replace coders, accountants, paralegals, graphics designers and even journalists (eeek!).
Yes, but: For all their potential workplace benefits (like indefatigability), these technologies all have manifold flaws — from serving up misinformation to falling over on the job (hello, sidewalk robots!).
Threat level: It seems clear that automation will continue to erode certain jobs, as it has already done in the manufacturing realm.
The question is whether other jobs will crop up as a substitute — say, in supervising, programming or fixing the robots — and whether workers are equipped to perform them.
Some economists say the threat to people's jobs is real — and the big shame is that vocational training programs aren't steering workers into roles with guaranteed longevity.
What they're saying: Automation "could increase productivity while reducing wages and employment," says Daron Acemoglu, a professor and labor economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
"I'm not optimistic that just the simple process of workers getting displaced from some jobs and doing other ones is going to be enough," says Acemoglu, co-author of influential research papers showing that automation has exacerbated wage inequality and that robots have usurped jobs.
He argues that the "scope is greater" for AI and LLMs to replace human workers — particularly given many companies' desire to trim costs through automation.
The other side: A World Economic Forum report predicts that the "number of jobs destroyed will be surpassed by the number of 'jobs of tomorrow' created."
By 2025, machines could displace about 85 million jobs — but create 97 million new roles "more adapted to the new division of labour between humans, machines and algorithms."
And research shows people tend to exaggerate the job threat from robots.
Optimists point out that ATMs didn't eliminate bank tellers, nor did washing machines make housework extinct.
Robot manufacturers say their products won't kill jobs — they'll just replace boring, dangerous and repetitive roles with better ones that require human judgment.
"We really view robots as a partner to people, not as a replacement," the co-founder and CEO of Agility Robotics, Damion Shelton, tells Axios.
"There are so many tasks that need to be done in a logistics environment," says Shelton, whose company is building a robotic warehouse worker. "Robots can just pick up the stuff that people don't want to do."
The big picture: An epic labor shortage is bedeviling employers, causing some to eye robots and AI as potentially cheaper than increasing wages.
Meanwhile, long-term trends — like demographic shifts and a mismatch between skills and workplace needs — are worrisome to economists, who fear our education and training apparatus isn't oriented toward future needs.
The U.S. has a shortage of skilled tradespeople, for example — carpenters, electricians, plumbers — but community colleges and other institutions aren't offering appropriate programs, Acemoglu says.
One promising solution: Amp up subsidized training programs for jobs that can't easily be done by robots or AI, and funnel potentially displaced workers into them.
In the U.S., "when we adopt robotics, we then lay off workers," Acemoglu said. "But if you look at what happens in Germany, they retrain workers and they create jobs for other workers."
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chimeblogs · 2 years
How to add money to your Cash App Card at ATM.2023
There are different ways to add money to your Cash App Card. You can add money to your Cash App Card through direct deposit, through bank transfer, or by using a Cash App Card PIN.
In this article, we will show you how to add money to your Cash App Card at ATM.
1. Introduction
Withdrawing money from an ATM is simple and straightforward. Today we will show you how to add money to a cash app card atm.
Withdrawing money from atm is simple and straightforward. However, most of the ATMs will require you to have a cash app card in the ATM. Without this card, you won't be able to purchase any services. The ATMs have a link next to the cash app card to add more money.
Secondly, you can find the ATMs near you like this
Sign in to the cash app and click on your cash app card tap on "Add money to card".
You can request to add money to your cash app card at an atm.
Ex: I want to add $250 to my cash app card.
2. Know Your Card ATM Mode and ATM Location
1. The Cash App Card ATM Mode is a great feature that allows you to use your ATM card from Cash App in any physical ATM for cash withdrawals, similar to how a debit card works.
You can check your ATM mode from your Cash App card at the bottom of the Cash App Card card viewer. If you don’t find ATM mode, the cash atm services will not work over the phone or through any online account (the Cash App PoB card will also not work as an ATM card).
2. How to know your ATM cash location. The ATM cash location bar appears on the ATM machine when your Cash App Card has been activated. ATM cash locations are based in each bank ATM cash location’s respective zip code.
You can only see your Cash App Cash Location when you are at the exact location of the physical ATM machine itself.
While you are not near an ATM machine, the ATM cash location could be one of your nearby zip codes or it may be none at all.
The Cash App Cash Location can be improved to your nearest U.S. Bank branch, after you add funds to your Cash App Card.
AZS will appear at the bottom screen during the account setting process. The AZS ZIP code gives you the closest branch to your current location.
Read More : where can i reload my cash app card
You can see an example of this in the video from the guide.
3. Cash App ATM Bank Locations
Cash App is a different kind of app.
It has anything you could possibly need straight on your app.
These are the apps that do bank transfer services.
Their app is a big time saving app especially when using it abroad. Let's have a look at the features that make it so useful.
They have card functions as well as any banks like LV, Wellness, etc.
The app is downloaded about 8 times a day.
This app is available on many devices including Android, IOs, and iOS.
Cash App gives several minutes of security defense on the application.
You need to confirm your login by choosing the walkthrough.
You can select how many credentials to input whenever you use the Cash App.
Cash App also provides many user features.
Why do I want to work with them then?
They have four reasons.
One of them is that they are stable and trustworthy.
I haven't had any complaints about using this app since 2010 and I am still using it.
Another benefit is that it is easy to input different credentials.
There is no preview feature unlike their competitors. This means that it will take time before you can test the input credentials to ensure it's correct.
The next one is choosing merchandise.
You will see the product description on the right side of the screen. Enter the amount and you will get the result.
There is no issue in the merchandise.
4. Load Your Cash App Card From Bank Account
I have been using Cash App for a while now and I've noticed that it can be a little difficult sometimes.
Sometimes CashApp asks for login privacy, and that's when the interface becomes more difficult to use.
However, I would highly recommend that you load your Cash App card directly from your bank account and then use it offline.
This is how you do it.
Logon to your bank account online and select cash app add funds if you want to add money to Cash App Card.
After logging in, you will see a section that says Account Card.
Select the Account Card section from the top of the page, click on view money and make sure to load the card.
Scroll down and tap on the + symbol and it should load your card.
From here, you can use your card online or offline seamlessly.
5. How Much Does It Cost To Load Your Cash App Card?
Starting at $3,plus three cents per transaction, there is no limit to the number of transactions you can add to your card. You only pay a $40 fee plus transaction fees from your credit card company.
You can add the money in the form of either a Direct Deposit, Money Transfer, or with a PIN.
Direct Deposits are the most reliable way to add money to your Cash App Card.
You need to have your bank account set-up to receive deposits through online banking or your online banking needs to allow transfers of all of your associated bank accounts.
If you don’t want to make any complicated change to your online banking, you can always opt for a Money Transfer.
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nsokolow · 2 years
Little Weasel, Big City: Chapter 4
“So, you’re from Bunnyburrow?”
Leilani and Jade stood in the elevator. The meeting was over, and Leilani had finished setting up her cubicle. She was ready to go home and take a warm, relaxing bubble bath.
“Yeah. Born and raised. Most of the population are rabbits, but there’s some weasels, foxes, and ferrets. How long have you lived in the city?”
“I’ve lived here my whole life,” replied Jade, “I have however had three different homes here; first the house me and my family lived in, then my own apartment, and now I have a house again, but it’s my own this time.”
“Oh, wow! I’m hoping I can get a house someday, but I love my apartment!”
“Say…how about I show you around Savannah Central? The nightlife here is unbelievable, and there’s an art show going on tonight!”
“Great! Do you have a car?”
“Is…this what they call ‘abstract art?’” Leilani asked as she and Jade stood in front of one of the many art pieces. The painting consisted of splatters of blue that gradually became darker on the way down.
“I’d say so. I’m guessing it’s supposed to be the ocean.” Jade put a paw under her chin, her golden bracelets jingling down her wrist.
“I love it! It’s a whole new way of looking at the ocean!” Leilani stepped closer to the painting, her nose nearly touching it.
“Excuse me! Weasel!” An otter in a uniform whispered sharply as he ran up to her. “We ask that you do not come in contact with any of the art pieces unless otherwise stated by the artist!”
“Did the artist state otherwise?” Leilani asked, still in close range of the painting, her eyes still focused on it.
“No, he did not!”
“Well, I’m not in contact with it, sir.”
“Why, you little—“
“Hey, warden, let her enjoy the art!” Jade snapped.
The otter grunted and walked away.
“Well, in that case, Leilani, I’m gonna go look at that sculpture over there. I wanna see if it’s made of clay or some sort of metal.”
“Okay.” Leilani continued to stare at the painting.
After looking at a few more art pieces, she mustered up the fortitude to take a break and ask a museum curator where the bathroom was.
“Jade, I’ll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom.” Leilani whispered.
“Oh yeah, I maybe should’ve told you they don’t have a bathroom. Sorry,” replied Jade.
“One of the museum information animals said the closest one is by the bank across the street. That’s where I’m going.” Leilani took another look at the blue impressionistic painting and walked out the doors.
Leilani walked across the street and kept an eye on the large gray building in front of her. She only could see the side of it, a lot which was covered up by tall grass, but she figured it was probably the bank.
As she got closer to the building, she saw, beyond the grass, a copper brown weasel at an ATM.
“No!” The weasel shouted as he punched the machine. He cried out and grabbed onto his paw.
Leilani felt a bit alarmed, but she felt sorry for the guy. Judging by his ill-fitting tank top and the rough condition of his fur, he didn’t seem to be doing too well as far as money went.
Just as she passed by him, she felt an urge to say something to him. Maybe he needed words of encouragement? She walked backwards and saw him hanging his head as he walked away from the ATM.
“You all right there?” Leilani asked.
The weasel abruptly straightened his back. A toothpick fell out of his mouth. “Oh, uh, yeah! I’m okay, honey. Nothin’ to worry about here.”
“Uh…okay!” Leilani entered the bank and headed for the bathroom.
After she left the bank, she saw the same weasel was still near the side of the building. He seemed to be in a much better mood as he looked intensely at the money inside a wallet.
“I see your luck has changed!” Leilani commented.
“Yep. It sure has! The good citizens of Zootopia always make sure of that!” He tucked the wallet in the waist of his shorts. “Glad to see someone sendin’ me good wishes! I’m Duke, Duke Weaselton, or as I like to call myself, the Duke of Weaseltown!” The weasel held out a paw.
“Leilani Musterson, Duchess of…Bunnyburrow!” Leilani shook his paw. She continued her walk back to the museum.
“Wow, you’re from Bunnyburrow?” Duke asked as he walked beside her.
“Yeah, I just got here yesterday!”
“Great! So what brought ya—whoa!”
Leilani saw Duke fall into the tall grass.
“It’s okay; I just tripped,” Duke held a thumb up.
Leilani ran over to him. “Here, let me help you—“
Two other wallets were near his shorts.
“Oh, it’s okay, I got it.” Duke hastily grabbed the wallets and stuffed them in his shorts.
“Wha…why do you have two other wallets?” Leilani took a step back. “You stole them?”
Duke’s eyes widened as he held his paws up. “Shh! Shh! Hey, hey, look, calm down! I can explain!”
“Help! This guy’s a thief!” Leilani just started to run when she felt Duke grab onto the back of her blazer.
“No! No! Please!” Duke pleaded.
Leilani fell backward into the grass as Duke still held onto her blazer.
“Oh, no! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to—“
Leilani sat up. “Thief! Help!”
Just as Leilani prepared to get back up again, something sprayed in her face. A giggle escaped her mouth as positive feelings began to flow through her. “Wait, what was that?”
“I don’t know, Lei-lei-lei, but it got me too!”
Leilani turned to Duke and saw his face was wet as he wiped at his eyes. She pulled apart the tall grass and saw bright green flowers, their petals nearly matching their stems.
She saw the flowers were wet. “Are these the flowers the police mentioned in the—uh oh.”
Leilani woke up back in her apartment. She stared up at the dark green ceiling in her bedroom, the light fixture in the middle of it. She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes.
She was startled by something hard that rubbed against one of her eyelids. She looked at her paw and saw a silver ring adorned with three diamonds, the middle bigger than the other two.
“Wait…when did I buy a ring?” Leilani touched it. “Wow! I love it! I should treat myself more often! I mean, I’m a marketing agent now! I’m gonna be making more money! I should also get something for Jade! I’d say we’re friends now!” Leilani gasped. “Wait! I know when I bought the ring! Those flowers that sprayed me! Derring Do, I think? Well, get sprayed with weird flowers, get nice jewelry!”
Leilani threw her covers off, got out of bed, and screamed.
There were feet poking out of her closet.
“Who are you?” Leilani screamed as she ran over to her bedroom door. She grabbed a stick of deodorant and pointed it at the intruder.
“Uh…where am I?” The feet retreated into the closet. “Ow! My head!”
The owner of the feet walked out of the closet.
“You?” Leilani took a step closer.
Duke Weaselton raised his paws. “Look, lady, I’m just as confused as you, here! Is this your place?”
“Yes! This is my apartment!” Leilani slowly lowered her rose-scented weapon. “What are you doing here?”
“I just said I’m just as confused as you! C’mon! Keep up!” Duke threw his paws in the air.
“Wow! You got a new ring, too?”
“A what?”
Leilani ran up to Duke and grabbed his paw. “There! I got one too! We must’ve gone on a shopping spree after the Derring Dos sprayed us!”
“Oh yeah! From the news! Yeah, that story’s been all over the place for a while now.”
Leilani dropped Duke’s paw. “Well, you’re still a thief, but I’m glad that the worst the flowers did was make us buy expensive jewelry.”
Duke chuckled. “Yeah, I guess so. Well, it’s been real, but the Duke’s gotta head out.” Duke took a step forward and there was a muffled crackle.
“Oh, uh, sorry.” Duke picked up a piece of paper and handed it to Leilani. “I guess you need this.”
Leilani didn’t remember dropping any paper on the floor, either. She turned the paper around.
Her heart dropped.
The top of the paper read: Certificate of Marriage.
The bottom had the signatures of Leilani Musterson and Duke Weaselton.
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tylorlisa · 2 years
5 common way to add money to cash app card at ATM ?2022
How to add money to Cash App card at atm" Cash App Cards Best Bank app Review
Cash App Card is a visa debit card issued by Sutton bank and provided by Cash App to its users. Cash App users can use this card to withdraw money from ATMs and to pay in-stores.
There are different ways to add money to your Cash App Card. You can add money to Cash App Card through direct deposit, through bank transfer, or by using a Cash App Card PIN.
In this article, we will show you how to add money to your Cash App Card at an ATM.
1. Introduction
Withdrawing money from an ATM is simple and straightforward. Today we will show you how to add money to cash app card atm.
Withdrawing money from atm is simple and straightforward. However, most of the ATMs will require you to have cash app card in the ATM. Without this card, you won't be able to purchase any services. The ATMs have a link next to the cash app card to add more money.
Secondly, you can find the ATM's near you like this
Sign in to cash app and click on your cash app card tap on "Add money to card".
You can request to add money to your cash app card at an atm.
Ex: I want to add $250 to my cash app card.
2. Know Your Card ATM Mode and ATM Location
1. The Cash App Card ATM Mode is a great feature that allows you to use your ATM card from Cash App in any physical ATM for cash withdrawals, similar to how a debit card works.
You can check your ATM mode from your Cash App card at the bottom of the Cash App Card card viewer. If you don’t find ATM mode, the cash atm services will not work over the phone or through any online account (the Cash App PoB card will also not work as a ATM card).
2. How to know your ATM cash location. The ATM cash location bar appears on the ATM machine when your Cash App Card has been activated. ATM cash locations are based in each bank ATM cash location’s respective zip code.
You can only see your Cash App Cash Location when you are at the exact location of the physical ATM machine itself.
While you are not near an ATM machine, the ATM cash location could be one of your nearby zip codes or it may be none at all.
The Cash App Cash Location can be improved to your nearest U.S. Bank branch, after you add funds to your Cash App Card.
AZS will appear at the bottom screen during the account setting process. The AZS ZIP code gives you the closest branch to your current location.
You can see an example of this in the video from the guide.
3. App ATM Bank Locations
Cash App is a different kind of app.
It has anything you could possibly need straight on your app.
These are the apps that do bank transfer services.
Their app is a big time saving app especially when using it abroad. Let's have a look at the features that makes it be so useful.
They have card function as well as any banks like LV, Wellness, etc.
The app is downloaded about 8 times a day.
This app is available on many devices including Android, IOs, and iOS.
Cash App gives several minutes security defense on the application.
You need to confirm your login by choosing the walkthrough.
You can select how many credentials to input whenever you use Cash App.
Cash App also provides many user features.
Why I want to work with them then?
They have four reasons.
One of them is they are stable and trustworthy.
I don't have any complaint about using this app since 2010 and I am still using it.
Other benefits is that it is easy to input different credentials.
There is no preview feature unlike there competitors. This means that it will take time before you can test the input the credintials to ensure it's correct.
The next one is choosing merchandise.
You will see the product description on the right side of the screen. Enter the amount and you will get the result.
There is no issue in the merchandise.
4. Load Your Cash App Card From Bank Account
I have been using CashApp for a while now and I've noticed that it can be a little difficult sometimes.
Sometimes CashApp asks for login privacy, and that's when the interface becomes more difficult to use.
However, I would highly recommend that you load your Cash App card directly from your bank account and then use it offline.
This is how you do it.
Logon to your bank account online and select cash app add funds if you want to add money to Cash App Card.
After logging in, you will see a section that says Account Card.
Select the Account Card section from the top of the page, click on view money and make sure to load the card.
Scroll down and tap on the + symbol and it should load your card.
From here, you can use your card online or offline seamlessly.
5. How Does It Cost To Load Your Cash App Card?
Starting at $3,plus three cents per transaction, there is no limit to the number of transactions you can add to your card. You only pay a $40 fee plus transaction fees your credit card company.
You can add the money in the form of either a Direct Deposit, Money Transfer, or with a PIN.
Direct Deposits are the most reliable way to add money to your Cash App Card.
You need to have your bank account set-up to receive deposits through online banking or your online banking needs to allow transfers of all of your associated bank accounts.
If you don’t want to make any complicated change to your online banking, you can always opt for a Money Transfer.
In the United States, Money Transfer deals with the IRS, so if you are sending money within the US, you should know their requirements.
But if you are sending money from the US to another country, it’s easy and it’s free!
To send a Money Transfer from the US to another country, follow the company’s instructions on how to set-up a Money Transfer.
The other option is to load money into Cash App Card through a PIN number.
For a new Cash App Card, it is $12.95 for USD residents AND a $22.00 for non-USD residents.
6. How to reload cash app atm card and reload cash fund card?
We will show you How to reload Cash App Card and How to reload Cash App fund card at any ATM in India.
It is the most convenient and cheaper way to reload Cash App Card and Cash App Fund Card. You can use these methods to add money to your Cash App Card directly from your web browser. If you need to reload Cash App Card from another often tool like NetFetch, you can also use it to reload Cash App Card with no additional fee.
Cash App Card is issued by Sutton bank. Cash App Fund is issued by Innovative SME Solutions Pvt Ltd. Innovation SME Solutions provides a cash deposit account in 565, 172 locations across 35 cities.
Cash App card can be used with all POS machines, branches of Aadhar effective. But Cash App fund can be used at only few locations.
7 . Where Can I Add Money To My Cash App Card?
You can add money to your Cash App card at a retail shop, POS terminal or via ATM.
Adding money through ATM cards is extremely easy. Cash App’s card users are able to add money at ATM cards via instructions provided at the ATMs either online or in person.
Cash App IP address is Click here to make large ATM withdraw from your card.
To get the ATM PIN, dial 111, from the same number, ask for "cash access". The ATM operator will provide you the ATM card securely.
Please subscribe to Cash App Address Validation & Monitor : https://serviceteam.
8 . How Much Money Can You Put In Your Cash App Card?
The limit of the money that you can add to your Cash App Card using your ATM is $300 and the limit is the same for Cash App Card PIN max and direct deposit.
Not only this, but the Cash App Card can be charged up to $2,400 on an everyday basis depending up on your limit.
null As the name itself says, it provides a way to add money into your Iphone or Lakge go card simply at tm. It support Knowmber card, Bank card, MC/Visa cards. The user has to go to the "Pay with" section from cash app. in above that, there’s a “Add custom amount” option, where they have to make use of the alternate cards and add money on to it. To do that, once they select "Add custom amount", they have to select card number and pin then they will
Can I put ATM travelers checks into my cash app via my account?
No you cannot add money to your travelers checks. There are only three ways to put money into your cash app ATM credit card account
What if I make a cash app transfer to make a payment minus 2% fees?
There are a variety of factors that influence your Choose Auto Payments limit, such as: Within the first 60 days of being a free app, you can use 25K for credit/debit card, 30k for Apple Pay, ID or Sapphire Reserve (but not Apple Pay Cash until 30 days later), and 50K for eCheck.
How do I load money onto my cash app card?
it helps a ton for when you don’t have internet access, your phone probably doesn't have enough storage, or you just need to park some cash around town. It’s perfect for any traveler that doesn’t have cash close to hand. Indy ATMs always install the Card Reader Apps, and many of these ATMs have a touch screen to authorize Debit / Credit Cards. Network cards are also supported....
Cash App charges $3 to reload money?
Cash App is the new Way2Pay iPhone ($3 to reload money) or Android app ($4.99 for reload) that debuts instant reloads on your home screen.
Where can I use my bank loaded cash app card?
I Think That There is No Picture on Your QUICK LINK. Click Here to Go To Cash App Step 1 screen You can Add Money and See The Needed Distributions for ATM card This Guide To Cash App is Very informative so you should read This (Material).
i want cash app charged $. can i get money back?
I'm loving this feature, which allows me to navigate to a nearby store where I can add money to my Cash App Card.
Do cash app loads work at banks other than Citi?
No, Cash App CAN NOT load money into your bank account at ATM's other than Citi.
Cash App is a quick, easy, and secure way to send and receive money. It’s been one of the top-rated apps on the App Store and Google Play for a while now, and for good reason. With Cash App, you can send money to your friends and family with just a few taps, and you can also withdraw your money from an ATM using your Cash App card.
In this article, we’ll show you how to add money to your Cash App card at an ATM. We’ll also give you a review of the Cash App card and tell you why we think it’s one of the best bank cards out there.
How to Add Money to Your Cash App Card at an ATM
In order to add money to your Cash App card at an ATM, you’ll need to have your Cash App card with you.
1 note · View note
jortsaaaaaaart · 3 years
To Be Forgotten Amongst Friends chp1
Omega! Reader x avengers
Hello all! I revamped my story "ikaros" and this is the new story! Also the name is long rip.
Trigger warnings (later chapters mostly)- ptsd, noncon, kidnapping, human experimentation, Stockholm and lima syndrome
The following chapters will be posted on- https://archiveofourown.org/works/33890977     (seriously- may not post here that often cause i hate the tagging system- go check out ao3)
It's a beautiful day in New York and you're a terrible, no good, thief. 
You were considered New York’s very own Robin Hood. Two hundred ATM robberies in two years, the money flying out of the machines and into the hands of people who needed it. The banks, collectively, had lost over $300,000 from the ATMs alone. But of course, it wasn't just the ATMs. A rash of robberies had spread over the East coast. Most were digital, companies funneling their own money to offshore accounts that wanted nothing to do with U.S. intervention. The FBI were notified, then the CIA, and eventually- after a daring cyber attack against the DOD- SHIELD itself turned it's one eyed gaze onto you.
Nick Fury saw something the other agencies didn't. You had certain gifts that made your line of work incredibly easy. Whether they were natural mutations or some sort of superpower, they allowed you to break into some of the most secure networks known to man. He had almost found you when SHIELD fell and his resources vanished. After the dust cleared he was forced to start from scratch. Hunting you and the remnants of Hydra down at the same time wasn't easy, but, in a strange twist of fate, he found someone else that was searching for you too.
New York was filled with so many people. Most of them were good, in your opinion. (Well, maybe half, actually.) You spent most of your off time working on "projects" or walking around the city. You had become a fixture at the local Bodega. Single omegas were extremely  rare, marked single omegas were almost unheard of. The mark gave you certain freedoms other omegas, sadly, didn't have. It drove away most potential suitors and the ones who were particularly bold would be given a taste of your powers. Once the burrow had gotten used to your presence they saw you as a generous person, but a secretive one. Someone who took no shit even with their designation. You gave to the community and different Omega rights groups in the area. After years of watching you quietly go about helping people you had been welcomed into the burrow's heart with open arms.
You loved helping people in your own way. You loved it just as much as you hated corporations and the police, but when you could make an ATM spew it's contents out into the poorest streets of Brooklyn or make Fox News send a million dollars to Planned Parenthood, you could have the best of both worlds.
At least, for a time. All good things had to end, right? That's what you told yourself as the redhead picked her way through the crowd towards you. 
Seeing an avenger in your neighborhood was an odd occurrence. It was a poorer part of town, untouched in the battle of New York, and too out of the way for any super villain origin stories. In fact, you seemed to be the only mutant in the entire block. You'd always thought, if someone was going to come for you, it would be a couple of FBI agents and not the fucking Black Widow. Your brain and heart went into overdrive as you tried to remember doing anything worth the avenger's time. But there was nothing. The DOD hack had been almost a year ago and all you did was release government files showing attacks on civilians overseas. It hardly seemed like an avengers worthy crime, especially when Black Widow herself had leaked government secrets before.
Any hope of her not not looking for you was dashed when her eyes locked onto yours. She tilted her head, asking a silent question. 
The burst of adrenaline sent you careening through the lunchtime crowds. You couldn't feel anyone on the rooftops but there was a large form blocking your path, trying to box you in. They were stronger and faster but you knew the environment. You ducked into Charlie's, your sneakers skidding on the asphalt as you took the sharp turn. The person behind the counter lazily looked up as you walked to the back. They knew you well enough to not care, they also weren't paid enough to care. The alley would open up into a busy side street. More people meant a better chance to blend in and get away. You were almost to the end when the door opened behind you. Black Widow and fucking Captain America stepped into the alley. For a moment the three of you stood in something akin to a standoff. 
You felt wildly undressed for this life-threatening situation.
"We just want to talk, (Y/N)" Captain America told you, hands raised. The unmistakable stink of an alpha radiated from the captain. You were momentarily thankful for your mark dulling its effect on you. Though, the blonde's scent was tinged with something hauntingly familiar. Something you didn't want to recognize.
Behind him, Black widow's free hand went to her ear. "Target is in the alley between 31st and 32nd," A twitch of your finger and the line went dead. Her hand dropped to the gun at her hip.
"I'm feeling pretty under equipped for this 'conversation'," You replied, slowly raising your hands as well, wondering if they could feel what you were doing. They didn't react and you slowly let your power seep from you.
Natasha was the first to react, drawing her gun and spinning around. Steve looked at her with confusion as her wide eyes scanned the alley as if she was seeing ghosts. She was afraid he realized, a cold feeling settling in his stomach. He moved towards her and you took off running. You felt him hesitate then take off after you, gaining on you with an embarrassingly low number of strides. You tried your powers again, stronger this time, but his focus was unwavering. He was almost to you now and you were running out of options. That’s when the alpha in him came out.
“Omega!” He snarled, “Stop!” Your feet slowed down immediately. It wasn’t as strong as your own alpha’s command would be, but the super soldier certainly commanded respect and obedience. You were forced to stand still, eyes burning holes in the asphalt, as the alpha’s footsteps grew closer. You really didn't want to do this but it looked like you had no choice. Your jaw clenched, and you spun around when his hand grabbed your arm. The blonde's eyes widened as you placed a palm to his chest. 
He barely had time to glance down at your hand before the electricity hit him.
The 1,000 volts you sent into him were supposed to stun him or send him flying, allowing you to escape. However, his muscles spasmed just a bit stronger than you intended. In an instant his grip crushed the bones in your arm and sent the two of you careening backwards into a brick wall. Natasha would find you a moment later, passed out on top of the super soldier, a sizable hole in the wall.
You woke up in an unfamiliar bed, a few blurry white shapes milled about in the corners of your vision. You couldn't remember how you got here, or where here was. All your senses seemed to be dulled. Your wrist was throbbing and each time you opened your eyes the room came in and out of focus. You closed your eyes, opting to ignore the funhouse effect and focus on the sounds around you. The beeping of the monitors, footsteps on concrete, and two low voices.
"She's alright, Buck, I promise." Steve's voice wavered in and out of your consciousness bringing with it the memory of how you got into this bed. "She did something to Nat and ran before I could explain. I wasn't expecting her powers to be so strong."
"I should have come with you," Another voice snarled. Your heart skipped a beat at the low growl. You knew that voice. It evoked a sickening combination of need and terror and you couldn't remember why. "She wouldn't have gotten hurt if I had. What idiot doesn't know omegas are fragile?!"
"It was an accident!" His voice raised slightly before sighing. "I know you're worried, but she's fine."
The scent you had smelled on Steve earlier swirled around the room. Metal and burning pine, it affected you just like the voice had, triggering both panic and yearning. You knew it somehow. The memory was there somewhere, tucked away where it couldn’t hurt you. Where it should have been forgotten.
The scent grew unbearably strong as he leaned over you, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. When he pulled back he wasn't expecting his eyes to catch yours. 
His expression softened as soon as he realized you were awake. "Omega," Bucky whispered reverently. Stormy blue eyes stared down at you with love and adoration, watching the color drain from your face. "Doll?" 
Somewhere in the back of your mind you could hear the panicked beeping of the machines and Steve trying to calm you down. But it didn't matter. All that you could feel was the need to get far, far, away from this man. You didn't know how you knew him but you knew he was dangerous. You knew he had hurt you. That's why, as he reached out to gently cup your face, you slapped his hand away. 
"Get away from me!" You gasped, voice breaking. You scooted back and tried to back up as far as possible. Your shaky legs barely held your weight as you slid off the bed. Pure terror coursed through your veins, it was the only thing keeping you on your feet. You found yourself pressed into the corner of the room while the men stared at you in shock. Steve and Bucky gaped like you had just told them the Germans had actually won WWII. Eyebrows knit together, blue eyes wide and frantic, Bucky looked like he was in emotional turmoil.
“(Y/N), doll, it’s okay. It’s me. It’s your alpha.” Bucky reached out to you carefully as a low purr rumbled from his chest.
You felt the purr relax you and dull your senses even more. It was nauseating. “I don’t have an alpha! And I don’t know who the hell you are!” You tried to shout and grit your teeth but the words came out in broken sobs, betraying your weakness. Who was this? Why was he the most terrifying thing you had ever seen?
Your teeth were bared at this point but the man kept coming towards you. The tunnel vision and rapid shallow breaths were the only warnings your body gave you as it reverted to its animalistic omega framework. Bucky watched as, in slow motion, your eyes went blank as your body gave out. 
Your alpha held your body to his chest in disbelief. He had expected some shock at seeing him but this went far beyond his expectations. It had been over three years since he'd last seen you. Since he'd last been able to drink in your scent. He'd figured you might not recognize him at first. He had changed a lot over the years. No longer under Hydra's control his physical appearance, demeanor, and scent had changed. But your body should've known your alpha. 
"What was that?" Steve asked. "Why did she react like that when she has your mark?" The two alphas were on edge. Seeing a vulnerable omega drop triggered their protective instincts. Steve desperately wanted to take you and hold you close, ease you out of the drop. If the alpha holding you was anyone other than his closest friend and packmate he would have ripped you out of his grasp immediately. For now he'd have to hold himself back.
"She didn't remember me." Bucky nuzzled his head into your neck, nursing your mark softly. After a moment he pulled back and gazed at your unchanged features. He couldn't wake you from this drop that easily. He pressed in harder this time, teeth lining up with the scar perfectly, but there was still no change. No purr, command, or bite was waking you up.
"We should let her rest, Buck. The pain meds will wear off soon and we'll try again. . . Bring her to the den. She'll need to get used to everyone's scents sooner or later." Steve laid a hand on his friend's shoulder. It was a gentle but firm suggestion. He knew tensions were high, the den, with it's heavy curtains and plush blankets, would calm down his friend and the omega. With little argument the brunette lifted you up and carried you to the den. It was aptly named and extremely well constructed thanks to Stark. Curtains blocked off all light from the windows, mattresses were inlaid into the ground, and the temperature was always cool. It was one good thing about being in a pack with that narcissist, Bucky thought dryly.
Steve led them into a cozy corner of the room. The captain hummed happily as they moved the pillows and blankets, creating a makeshift nest for the three of them. The feeling of the omega pressing into his chest was addictive. He couldn't wait for you to remember your alpha.
The sooner you remembered your bond with Bucky the sooner the rest of the pack, Steve included, could court you.
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sacredsorceress · 3 years
You? || Peter Parker
pairing: peter parker x telekinetic!reader
summary: peter parker has a crush on you. you have a crush on spider-man. what happens when you learn each other’s true identities?
word count: 2.6k
warnings: mentions of getting shot, blood, fluff
masterlist || request
You stood on the rooftop of the building at the corner of the intersection, watching as a mother and her two young children used the ATM across the street. Despite the fact that there were plenty of lampposts scattered along the road, only the dim light that hung above the ATM was what stood between the small family and complete darkness. With the sun having set over an hour ago, a breeze swept through the dark night and a chill ran through your body as you wrapped your arms tighter around yourself.
A few months ago you had discovered that you had the ability to move things without ever touching them. The first time you had, you thought it was a coincidence. You were standing on a street corner, waiting for the light to turn red so you could cross the street when you looked up and saw a small toddler rush out of their mother’s arms and into oncoming traffic. Without even thinking about it, you threw your arms forward and the child was thrown back into the safety of their mother’s arms and the car that was inches away from colliding him, halted right in its place without the driver ever hitting the brakes.
You had been so shocked that you immediately rushed home, locking yourself in your room. You confirmed your suspicions later that night as objects flew around your room without you ever having lifted a finger.
You never told anyone else about it, afraid of how people would perceive you or even use you, but you also knew that since you were given this power, you were meant to use it to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves the same way.
What you didn’t know was that none other than the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man was doing the same with his own abilities, crouched on the rooftop of the building across from yours, looking out for the same family.
You heard two men’s voices shout from below, causing you to snap out of your own thoughts. When you looked back down below you watched as one of the men pulled a gun on the mother who was using the ATM while the other man stood by his side. Before you could even do anything, however, you watched as  none other than Spider-Man himself swung into the situation.
“Hey guys!” He announced. “Nice try, but I think you need a card to use this machine. So, I’ll be taking that.”
You watched- still standing above- as he shot the man’s wrist, causing him to drop the gun, and kicked the other guy to the ground. With a swift punch to the first man’s face, he was knocked cold and Spider-Man turned back to the family.
What you could see that none of there other’s below could, was that when Spider-Man turned his back, you watched as the second man, still conscious, picked up the loose gun from the ground and shakily pointed it at Spider-Man. As his finger inched closer to the trigger, you shouted.
“No!” You quickly swung your right hand causing the gun to be torn from the man’s hands and to the sidewalk across from where he sat at the intersection. At the sound of the commotion, Spider-Man spun around, watching as your figure levitated down from the roof above.
As your feet landed on the ground below and the man who had just held a gun in his hand scrambled to his feet, you lifted your hand up in the air, throwing him against the nearby brick wall, knocking him out instantly.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come down sooner.” You told him, turning to face the masked Spider-Man.
Shocked and frankly impressed by what he had just watched occur in front of his own eyes, he began stumbling over his words.
“What the... did you just... wait a minute.” He attempted to compose himself, flustered. “D-did you just move that guy with your mind?”
That was the first time the two of you had met- at least as your super-hero aliases. Despite the fact that you and Spider-Man would patrol nearly every night together and became a local crime-fighting duo, the two of you never shared your real names with each other, wanting to conceal your identities.
Little did the two of you know that you also knew each other in “real life” as classmates. Although you and Peter Parker spent time in different circles, you shared a lot of the same classes and would often chat with one another. What you also didn’t know was that Peter had an enormous crush on you, waiting eagerly for that same class every day just for the chance to speak to you. However, you were oblivious because you only had eyes for the boy you spent every night with- Spider-Man.
It was a tricky situation to say the least.
That was how the two of you lasted for months. You had an undying crush on Spider-Man, barely giving Peter a second thought and Peter had the strongest feelings for you, not caring less about the super-powered girl he spent every night with.
Neither of you understood why the other seemed to not care about you when in actuality you did have feelings for each other- just a a different version neither of you were aware of.
The night that you finally uncovered the truth you were both distracted. The Homecoming dance was that upcoming Friday and Peter was determined, yet terrified to ask you to go with him. When you asked “Spidey” what he was so anxious about and he confessed that he had been practically in love with this girl for a while and he was planning on asking her out, your heart shattered. You were right there waiting for him, why would he need anyone else?
You should have been paying attention. You shouldn’t have let your feelings for the famous Spider-Man get in the way of the middle of you patrolling, but you couldn’t help it.
It happened too fast for you to catch it.
The two of you were sat on the ledge of a rooftop of the bank building, watching the sidewalk below. You and Peter had just watched a group of what you thought to be suspicious looking men enter the building. Not wanting to start a commotion and get yourselves in trouble, you planned on waiting to interrogate these men until they were once again outside the building. No sirens rung from the bank and the door remained closed. You didn’t think anything of it. Both of you were so in your own heads about your feelings, that you didn’t notice the man who had walked out the door to the roof you and Peter were sitting on until you heard the gunshot ring in your ears.
As soon as you spun around to see the man, though, you watched out of the corner of your eye as Peter fell with a loud yelp and hit the ground. In an instant, you swung your arm out, catching the perpetrator and threw him against the door he had just walked through, knocking him unconscious.
As soon as you watched the man sink against the door, you dropped to your knees at Peter’s side. He was grasping a wound at his side and you could see the blood slipping through his fingers.
“Shit, Spidey, we have to get you to a hospital.” You told him, trying to move his hands to get a closer look at his wound.
He adamantly shook his head.
“It’s okay.” He told you. “The bullet came out the other side I think. It’s gonna be okay. It just hurts... a lot.”
Seeing him in pain, groaning and holding on to his side nearly made you sick. You hated seeing him hurt.
“Is there anything I can do?” You asked him, wringing your hands.
Peter grunted, throwing his head back, but still managing to nod his head.
“Can you...” He groaned from the sharp pain at his side. “Can you take off my mask? I can’t breathe in this thing.”
Your eyes went wide in shock as you looked at the boy in pain before you. The two of you had never seen each other without a mask- you didn’t even know each other’s real names. You were almost afraid to take off the mask, knowing it would change everything- although not in the way you initially thought. You knew you would continue to love him regardless of who he was without his mask, because it wasn’t the mask or the super powers or anything like that that mattered to you- it was him.
“Are you... are you sure?” You asked him, wanting to be sure he wouldn’t regret his decision.
He nodded again, groaning in pain. “I- I trust you.”
He lifted his head for you to take off his mask. You shakily moved your hands to the end of his mask, gently brushing your fingers against his skin underneath. You turned your face away, still worried to meet the boy who hid behind the suit. Slowly but surely, you tugged at the material and when you finally tore the mask off of his face and held it in your lap you turned to face him.
You immediately recognized him, dropping his mask at your side and throwing your hands up to your mouth in shock.
His face twisted into a cringe. “Do I look that bad?”
You shook your head, taking in his appearance. Spider-Man- Spidey- was Peter Parker. Your classmate Peter Parker who was always tripping over his own shoelaces, whispering to his friend Ned in class about the Lego Death Star they were planning on finishing that night and the same Peter who was always so kind to you in class, helping you with your work. You could hardly believe that the same Peter Parker was fighting crime beside you every night.
You were in love with Peter Parker.
Peter sat up straighter at the sound of his name. He was confused as to how you knew his name, the two of you never sharing that detail about yourselves with each other.
“How- how do you know my name?” He asked, still holding the wound at his side.
“Peter I-”
You didn’t know how to explain to him how you recognized him. You were still in so much shock that you couldn’t find the right words to tell him.
Instead, you slipped your fingers under your own mask, pulling it up and over your face.
You watched as Peter’s eyes now shot open wide, his face going pale.
“Y/n?” He asked before quickly shaking his head and squeezing his eyes shut. “Maybe... maybe I should go to the hospital. I have to be losing a lot of blood if I think you’re Y/n.”
You smiled, placing your hand gently on his arm.
“Peter, it’s me.” You assured him. “It’s Y/n. You’re not going crazy or anything, I promise.” You paused, laughing. “This is crazy.”
Peter didn’t know what to do with himself when it finally clicked in his brain that you- the girl he had been crushing on for the past year- were the same person he had been patrolling with every night. He had been so shy, working up the courage to speak to you every day at school and the whole time he was spending every night fighting by your side.
“Y-yeah.” He chuckled. “I guess it is.”
You clicked your tongue, not knowing what to say next.
“So....” You said. “Who’s that girl you were talking about?”
Peter laughed nervously, removing his hands from his side that had now stopped bleeding. He didn’t know what to say to you. If you had asked that question before you removed your mask he would’ve told you in a heartbeat because he trusted you more than just about anyone. Now, he didn’t know what to do.
Even though he had just been bleeding out in front of you minutes before, he was terrified to admit his crush on you.
“Uh...” He scratched the back of his neck.
“Oh no. It’s okay!” You butt in, realizing the awkward predicament you put him in. “You don’t have to answer...”
“No, it’s okay!”
“No, no really. I shouldn’t have asked. I made it weird-”
“Y/n, really it’s okay!”
“Peter, really, I’m sorry. You don’t have to-”
“It’s you, Y/n!” He finally confessed, cutting you off. “You’re... you’re the one I wanted to ask to the dance.”
The sound of his shouting forced you to stop talking and instead look at him. Peter had a crush on you?
Before you could even help yourself, you started laughing.
Although you couldn’t tell under the dark night sky, Peter’s face flushed red, embarrassed, figuring you were laughing at him.
“I know. I’m sorry. It’s stupid.” He mumbled to you sheepishly, unable to meet your eyes. “You don’t have to go with me or anything...”
Composing yourself from your laughter, you shook your head, grabbing Peter’s bloodied hand. You glanced up towards him smiling.
“No, Peter, I didn’t mean it like that.” You said. “It’s just- I had the biggest crush on Spider-Man. I’ve liked you too this whole time and I didn’t even know it. You have to admit- it’s kind of funny.”
Realizing that you weren’t laughing at him, Peter finally met your eyes, shooting you a smile right back. Then it hit him- you liked him too. Even though you admittedly had a crush on Spider-Man, you liked him. You didn’t like him for the mask he wore on his face, but for the person he was underneath the mask... it just took a while for you to figure out who.
“You like me?” He asked you.
“Yeah! I mean-” You cleared your throat. “I liked Spider-Man, but you’re Spider-Man. Ironically, I guess, I just got to know you better hanging out every night than I did at school, but don’t worry, Peter. I like you- with or without the mask.”
Both of you gazed at each other, smiling, content with finally knowing the face behind the mask. Just as you were about to lean in closer to Peter, you heard a shuffling sound behind you.
The two of you had been so caught up in your own revelations, you nearly forgot about what the two of you were doing in this position in the first place.
Both of you turned to follow the cause of the noise, noticing the man you had knocked out minutes before, drowsily waking up. At once, both you and Peter raised your hand. You picked up the man and held him high against the wall and Peter immediately shot a web at him, holding him against it. The plastic bag holding stolen cash fell from his grasp onto the ground.
You smiled, handing Peter back his mask.
“Felling better, Spidey?” You asked him, slipping your own mask over your head again.
When Peter’s mask was securely covering his face, he pulled himself up from his spot on the floor, chuckling.
“I am now! What about you?”
You laughed, strolling towards the unnamed man to admire you and Peter’s handy work.
“Oh, I’m feeling miraculous, trust me.”
Peter strolled past you, picking up the bag of cash from the ground. Once in his hands, he stood by your side again, watching the bank robber struggle underneath the webs.
“We make a pretty good team, huh?”
You smiled, wrapping your arm around Peter’s waist and resting your head on his shoulder.
“We do.”
Before Peter could say another world, you stole the bag of cash from his hands and swung open the door, leading to the staircase down to the bank. The sound of police sirens grew louder as the cruisers rushed down the street.
You waved the bag in your hands, teasing Peter.
“Last one to get this guy arrested has to pay for Homecoming tickets!”
As soon as you finished your sentence, you rushed down the stairs, the door still swinging behind you.
“Hey! No fair!”
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fanficanatic-tw · 3 years
Thanks for the tag @darknightfrombeyond 🥰 sorry it took so long haha
Get to know me tag game :)
Finally getting around to this - my bad 😂
Reasons why I like/dislike my name: I remember when I was little, I used to say to my mum "I want to change my name when I turn 18" But now? I kinda like it. It's unusual, but not so out there where people question if my mum was high on gas and air when she gave birth 😂 it's spelt different to the original spelling so yeah, I like it. My last name also, I love. I want to keep it when I get married but just hyphenate it. I'm the last "Cameron" from my grandas side as in his only grandchild so yeah I want to keep it.
Star Sign: Capricorn. Boxing Day baby - woo.
Country you live in: Scotland. Bonnie Scotland. The land of sheep, haggis and that iconic video of a drunk guy putting his bank card in the fence thinking it's an ATM 😂 "that's no a bank machine that's a fence". Honestly if you haven't seen it, check it out 😂
Favourite Artist: I don't really have one. I'm the type of person to just listen to songs I like haha.
Morning/Afternoob/Evening: oh evening. For sure. I'm most of the time in nightshift node and good luck getting me up in the morning 😂
Siblings: I have one brother who is 16 years older than me. He's fab.
Sexuality: straight and engaged 🥰
Five fandoms facts about me:
1. I have hypermobility and regularly dislocate my knees and I'm basically a walking disaster because of this 😂
2. I'm obsessed with chocolate milkshakes
3. I'm currently on my second degree.
4. My first car was a Volkswagen polo (my fav my baby)
5. My favourite genre is angst 😂
Thank you 🥰
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Blackouts at the Bank
Summary: You get locked into a bank along with Captain America during a city-wide blackout.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 1348
Square Filled: Locked In with a Cute Stranger
A/N: This *is* a F.R.I.E.N.D.S. plot, buuuut it’s not an AU and therefore this will fill another square.
For @star-spangled-bingo​ 2021.
Star Spangled Bingo 2021 Masterlist
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The bank sucked. Well, you weren’t even really in the bank, just the ATM room. Was there a better name for it? Probably. Your mind drifted off while you waited for the grey haired woman in front of you to withdraw some cash. Did people really use cash anymore? You were only here because you had to pay your grandmother back, and God forbid that she learns how to use Venmo or PayPal.
A glance around the room told you that the majority of the five people, the woman ahead of you and a couple at the ATM next to the right, were at least fifty or older. The only outliers were you and a tall man in the back, his cap casting a shadow over his face, his jacket collar pulled up as well. Oh, God, you hoped he didn’t have any malicious intentions. Tall, broad shouldered, good posture (albeit his efforts to make himself smaller), he, most likely, did not fall into the category of the others in the room.
He shifted and you realized that you may have been staring at him for a bit too long. You turned your gaze back to the woman in front of you and then to the window. It was already getting dark outside, the New York City lights flashing along with the chorus of cars honking.
The grey haired woman finished her withdrawal and you stepped up to the machine. Now, the problem with not using cash is that you don’t really know what you’re doing. Sure, the ATM gives you instructions, but you took your time. By the time you finished, the couple had left and the tall man was reading the directions on his ATM. You had gotten used to his presence and was pretty sure that he wasn’t going to cause any trouble, but you sure as hell weren’t going to be left alone with a strange man.
You walked to the exit, but the moment before you touched the door, the lights went out and you heard the bank’s locks engage. Oh, shit. You pushed on the door, just in case, but it didn’t budge. Great. This was fan-fucking-tastic.
The man you were trapped with was silent, save for the soft muttering. Your eyes adjusted to the dim room and you saw the man leaning against a wall. You moved over to the opposite wall and busied yourself with fishing your phone out of your pocket. You kept glancing at the man. Should you say something? Neither of you knew how long you were going to be trapped in here. Would it make things more or less awkward if you spoke? Luckily you didn’t have to make that decision.
“I guess we’re stuck, huh?” the man said. He had taken off his hat and it took you a moment to place his face, but when the realization hit, you almost evaporated. You were stuck in a goddamned ATM room with Captain fucking America.
“Yep,” you replied after enough seconds to make it weird and nodded. “Stuck.” Why did you have to be so fucking awkward? You fiddled with your jewelry and looked around the room, anywhere except directly at the Avenger.
The sound of a phone ringing startled you and you hoped the Captain didn’t notice. He answered and in an attempt to not eavesdrop, you looked at a poster hanging on the wall next to you. Unfortunately, it was too dark to actually make out the words, but you kept staring at it.
“Yes, I’m okay. I’m just trapped in an ATM vestibule.”
Vestibule. Was that a word? If Captain America said so, then yes. You brought your attention back to your phone when it vibrated in your hand.
Thing 1: u good?
You: yes. just trapped at the bank
Thing 2: We got lots of candles lit. Might cast a funky little spell
A photo of your two roommates with a shit ton of candles followed.
“No, I’m not alone, there’s a girl here,” you heard Captain America say. It was hard to not eavesdrop. “No, Buck, I can’t just break out, it’s a bank. Yeah, okay, bye.”
You: im not alone tho. im stuck with captain america
Thing 2: oMG really?
Thing 1: pics plz
Thing 2: That’s so lucky.
Thing 1: get his #
Thing 2: We’ll cast a spell to help you get his number.
Thing 1: im calling u
You: oh no
“Hello?” you answered your phone ready for the onslaught of questions from your roommates.
“We need proof,” they yelled through the phone. “Talk to him! Get a pic!”
Even though you were on the other side of the vestibule and your volume was relatively low, the Captain glanced at you. Doesn’t he have enhanced hearing or something? Ah, fuck.
“I’m ignoring you now, bye,” you said into the phone before hanging up, completely shutting it off, and shoving it into your pocket.
“So do you want a photo?” He grinned.
“Oh, no, I don’t need a photo,” you chuckled and looked at your feet.
You absolute fucking idiot. Of course you need a photo. You would die for a photo. If Captain fucking America offers you a photo, you say yes, goddamn it. But, of course, you said no. You could always change your mind. If you came out of this without even a photo, no one would believe you.
“Actually, a photo would be wonder-awe-great. A photo would be great, please.” Fuck, fuck, fuck. Stop being so awkward. Please.
He walked over to your side of the room and you heard your rapid heartbeats in your ears. You hoped you looked okay. It’s not like you dressed up to withdraw some cash.
“Uh, sorry, I turned off my phone because, roomies, you know,” you explained and rubbed your palms on your jeans.
“That’s alright. I can always send them to you.”
You nodded and smiled for the photo, trying to not focus on his close proximity.
“Where am I sending the picture?” You gave him your number and began to fidget with your jewelry again. “You know,” he said with a smile. “One would think this was an elaborate way to get my number.”
“What? Oh, no, I-I’m not,” you stopped yourself with a sigh.
“Don’t worry about it,” the Captain laughed. “So,” he paused for your name and you quickly gave it to him. “What brought you here?”
“I needed some cash for something completely legal.”
“Cash is kinda going out of fashion, isn’t it?”
You shrugged and leaned against the wall. “I need to pay my grandmother back, hence the cash.”
Captain America was, what? Technically in his nineties? Older? He would still be used to cash right? But why did he have to come out here? Didn’t Tony Stark have plenty of resources at the Avengers Tower?
“Well, Tony’s birthday is coming up,” he explained when you asked. “And he’s actually quite good at figuring out what you got for him. We all have to be sneaky, some of us have even gotten decoy gifts.”
“My aim sucks,” you laugh at yourself and go to retrieve the hair tie that you had flicked at a poster.
“Well,” the Captain, or as he repeatedly told you to call him Steve, said, drawing out the word.
“It’s fine.”
“Here, let me show you.”
He moved behind you and put his arms around you to help you position the hair tie.
“See, if you place the band higher up, it flies off easier,” he whispered, his breath tickling your neck. “So we aim and we release.”
As the band flew off your finger, the lights flickered back on.
“Oh, well I guess we’re free to go,” you sighed. “I hope we see each other again.”
Steve opened the door, the crisp spring air washing over you. “I have your number anyway.”
He waved as he walked the other way. You got your phone out and turned it back on. The first thing you did was update your phone’s wallpaper to the picture with a giddy smile.
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Dress For Where You're Going, Not For Where You've Been
Day 5:
I have my morning routine down. I used to think I didn't like routine. I equated routines with ruts. But, man I love a routine. I fall in to them pretty quickly. They give me some stability. I find value in doing the same thing for certain things every time. Other things, like driving to and from a place every day, i like to mix that up to chase away the monotony. I find my routine, it just comes naturally, I never force it. I might say, I need to add this or that, but it always works itself out and coalesces into my routine.
I've been drinking this Belizean coffee, Caye Coffee, since I got here. I like it. It's local, well roasted locally. I'm not sure if it's grown here somewhere. There is one coffee, called Gallon Jug, that is grown here, however. That is not the brand I have been drinking. I bought a small bag of the ground coffee to make at the condo, and that's what I have been drinking in the mornings. I also bought a bag of Belize Gourmet Coffee's whole bean coffee, that was grown in Guatemala, which is really just up the street, and a bag of Gallon Jug's whole bean. It will be interesting to see what it all tastes like.
I couldn't remember if we were going to look at condos today or tomorrow. I hit Natasha up, and she said we were doing that tomorrow. So I planned on taking the water taxi to Caye Caulker for the day. I got down to the boat at 1pm, and planned on staying on Caye Caulker until 6:15 when the last boat returning was coming back. Caulker is a little different than Ambergris. It's way smaller, way less people, quieter, way less golf carts, and less busy. Not that Ambergris, and San Pedro especially are "busy." But, San Pedro has more going on than Caye Caulker Village does. I walked a lot. My feet hurt from all the walking I've been doing, and I have a blister on my right foot, which is something that happens when I walk too much in flops that have seen better days, or don't fit right.
(I've been trying to find some new ones, but the size 12s they have here seem too small, and no one seems to have anything bigger)
I got off the boat and wanted to find a place to eat. I didn't want to go to the very first place I saw, so I went past the joint that was right there at the boat dock, and went south a ways. I found a place called Island Magic. They had a really cool seating set up. The table were suspended by ropes, like swings, and some of the seats were too. They had these upstairs tables that reminded me of a tree house. All in all the place was super cool in the atmosphere department. The menu was smaller than I would have liked, but Covid and it being an island, and lobster and avocados being out of season, and the server said they didn't have shrimp either made it that much smaller. I had chicken kebobs that were very good, and they had sinks by the restrooms that had seashells as spouts.
(I don't know if they intended them to look like vaginas or what, but the sure do look like vaginas)
I found this place that has hammocks out under some coconut trees. I need to be a customer to use them, so I go in. They have coffee drinks, and smoothie drinks, and coffee smoothie drinks. But they only take cash. And, I left my cash back at the condo. I didn't want to have to worry about it if I decided to go swimming. I can't grasp why I thought that was going to be a thing, now, but at the time that was my thinking. So, they sent me to an ATM. With some vague directions and just my credit card, because I lost my debit card the other day, I set out to fund a peanut butter coffee smoothie thing and a fucking hammock so I could just hang out somewhere and stay off my blistered foot.
(I already called my bank and stopped my card. The new one should be waiting for me when I get back, or at least soon after. I don't use it as much ass I used to, so it isn't a big deal to not have it, except when I need cash)
I decided to go the opposite direction the barista sent me. Mainly because I'm pretty sure my credit card isn't set up to get money out of an ATM. I seem to remember having an unsatisfying experience trying to do that once. Something about not knowing my P. I. N.
(Here's a bonus: how many people know what A. T. M. and P. I. N. stand for? Well, I'll tell ya. Automated Teller Machine, and Personal Identification Number. So, if you say ATM machine or PIN number, you are being redundant. You are really saying, Automated Teller Machine machine, and Personal Identification Number number. Same goes for a V. I. N. or Vehicle Identification Number, number)
I walk down to what's known as The Split. It is a place where Caye Caulker is divided in two. They used to connect, but apparently, according to legend, a famed 1961 hurricane, Hurricane Hattie hit the island and caused The Split. I find it odd that everything I've found on the subject so far says that people are unsure if that's what caused it of not. How are they not sure?
It's pretty neat in any event. I walked there, and walked around the end and then back up toward the hammocks and the peanut butter thing, only on the other side of the island. It was an interesting walk. Felt a lot more rural than San Pedro. After stopping at a couple of places I finally found the ATM. It was in a bank, and sure as shit, my credit card would not open the door to the little room where the machine was. And, the doors to the bank were locked. They were closed I guess. So, no hammock for birthday boy Stevie D!
I walked back up to the beach to find somewhere to just chill for the next three hours. I ended up back at that place I didn't eat at because it was the first place I saw. They had swing seats that looked out over the beach, such as it is. And, some chairs out on the beach. So, I ordered a virgin pina colada and laid down in the one lounger they had. I decided to get another drink, and maybe move up under the shady patio. This time I sat on one of the swing seats and drank another VPC and a soda water. It was about this time that I realized that I didn't have to wait another hour and a half for the 6:15 boat. I could take the earlier 5:15 boat back to San Pedro. I don't know why I was thinking I had to stay until 6:15.
These four women rolled up and sat at one of the picnic tables out front. They looked like they had been having a good time. They were drinking, not stupid drunk or anything. It became more apparent that some were drunker than others when one of them started freaking out because they only had three minutes to get to the boat to go back to, presumably Belize City. I thought it was funny because the boat pier was literally a 30 second walk from where we were. They could have thrown their mojito glass and hit it from there. This dude that works at this bar told them that the boat wasn't even there yet. As in fact you could look over and see that it wasn't. So they calmed down. I decided I was going to go back on the 5:15 boat. But, at 5:15 it wasn't there yet either.
Finally a boat shows up. The women get up and walk over to the pier. I swear I'm not the mask police, but I feel that if I have to wear one, so do you, and only one of them put theirs on, and they strolled right over to the boat. I finished my drinks and walked over there too. They seemed a little stressed. I'm not sure what was going on, but at least one of them was pretty worried that they were not going to get to where they wanted to go. I asked if this boat was going to San Pedro, and it was, so I gather that they were not going there. I left them and their unmasked faces there. To be fair, no one was saying shit to them about wearing a mask. I think people the world over are pretty much over this whole pandemic thing.
(If there is some spike in Covid cases in Belize, it's because of drunk Americans. Pretty sure)
I get on the boat, they don't. I go sit up top. I am sitting with the muthafuckin' Captain and shit! It was different riding up there. A much better view. More wind tho. I get back, go to the condo, relax a bit, then head out for my birthday dinner. I went to this joint I've walked by tons called Elvie's. I ordered the street corn, and the Mayan Chicken, and a slice of key lime pie. It was awesome. I loved the Mayan spices and the coconut rice. I walked home and sat on the balcony and pondered another year on this planet.
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tanzanite-zircon · 4 years
Collabwithmyself Chronicles: Phoe-nix Chapter 2
                                         Chapter 2: Just an Average Day  
“Put on your Sunday clothes,
There's lots of world out there
Get out the brillantine and dime cigars
We're gonna find adventure in the evening air
Girls in white in a perfumed night
Where the lights are bright as the stars!
Put on your Sunday clothes, we're gonna ride through town
In one of those new horse-drawn open cars
We'll see the shows at Delmonico’s
And we'll close the town in a whirl
And we won't come until we've kissed a girl!”
The Hello Dolly show-tune definitely does not describe the current state of the Earth. The beautiful shades of blues, greens, browns, and whites of the entirety of Earth have been dulled to a murky brown. The atmosphere surrounding the planet is littered with satellites and other space debris. Once you actually penetrate the pea soup-like smog that drapes the landscape, you can make out the outlines of the beautiful mountains … of trash … if you squint. Buried under and surrounding these mountains are decommissioned wind turbines, nuclear power plants, factories, telephone and power lines, and long abandoned cities and buildings. A truly depressing and eerie sight to behold.
The bubbly show tune and the sound of wheels crunching paper, glass, metal, and plastic are the only sounds that can be heard within the sickening silence of the abandoned street as Phoenix skates his way through the pathways, carrying Trucy on his shoulders. Phoenix was wearing dirtied, light brownish-orange jumpsuit with grey sleeves and gloves, had black accents on his arms, and black boots. He also had a pair of goggles resting in front of his spiky black hair that aided him whenever a little, or big, dust storm ever picked up. Trucy had brown hair tied up into a side ponytail and was wearing a little black dress with gold buttons, white gloves and boots, a light blue cape, and a red ascot tied around her neck. Trucy looked like a magician, as she was programmed to know magic tricks in order to entertain children. Trucy had started to come with him to work after a few months of becoming a little family. While she couldn’t really help with compacting and sorting trash, she did keep him company and help find new trinkets to add to their collection back home. Since Phoenix was the only Fen-10 unit with a ‘soul,’ the rest were not much for conversation.
Once arriving at his destination, Phoenix knelt down to let Trucy, who was carrying the small, portable cooler they had for storing new treasures, off as Phoenix removed his backpack-slash-trash compactor and placed it on the ground. He glances at his surroundings, seeing the huge skyscrapers of trash cubes he and his fellow Fen-10 units created over the centuries. Despite many of these trash towers being taller than most of the abandoned buildings, he and the other androids barely made a dent in the sea of trash. This task has only been harder ever since the last Fen-10 broke down nearly three centuries ago. Phoenix couldn’t help but give out a sad and tired sigh as he gently rubbed the side of his face where a noticeable scratch lied. He turned back to the section of trash and fastened his gloves.
“C’mon Phoenix, just do a few more cubes and you’ll be done for today,” he whispered to himself. With Hello Dolly still blazing through his portable radio, Phoenix scoops two armfuls of aluminum cans, paper cups, and other miscellaneous pieces of trash into his compactor and starting it up. The loud sounds of the machinery crushing the trash muted out the song until the trash cube came sliding out once the machine was done. All that was left was to carry the cube to the stack and do it over again, and again, and again. As he and Trucy trekked up the already very tall structure of trash cubes, Trucy noticed a new treasure.
“Hey daddy,” she chimed, “look at this!” Trucy pointed to a silver disk that was lodged within one of the trash cubes as Phoenix began to tug it free. The two androids stared at disk, trying to figure out what it could be used as, when it began to reflect the light of the sun as it began to set, shimmering within its light.
“Wow, it’s so pretty,” Trucy stated in awe, “Can we keep it?”
“Heh, I don’t see why not,” Phoenix replied, “But it looks too big to keep in the cooler with the other things we found. I’ll carry it in the compactor until we get home.” With that, Phoenix places their newest trinket into his compactor before turning off his radio.
“I think this is enough for today,” Phoenix tiredly sighed, “Let’s go home sweetie.” Phoenix put his backpack back on and helped Trucy and the cooler up onto his shoulders. He then activated his retractable skates and carefully made his way back down the newest trash-scraper. The size of this paled in comparison to the others that Phoenix had created over the many years. Countless mountains of trash have been made by Phoenix over the years, and it look that there would only be even more in the future.
The trek back home gave the two androids the full tour of the abandoned city that they lived in. They once again passed the huge Buy N Large Ultra Store that they have become all too familiar with. The store was absolutely massive and used to carry practically anything a person could need or want. It was as a great place to find supplies, tools, or just fun treasures to take home. The android family then passed by the gas station with one too many pumps and then the bank, which had many ATM’s and had the ground littered with abandoned currency. There was even a speaker that was still playing the Buy N Large theme song, as it was solar powered like Phoenix. Next was the ‘hall of advertisements,’ as Phoenix would playfully call it. Nothing but BNL advertisements of varying products and sizes as far as the optics could see. Phoenix and Trucy then made their way up a broken-down escalator, making their way to the monorail system. Phoenix paused as he approached the rail, checking to make sure it was safe to continue. His demeanor saddened as he knew that they would soon be approaching ‘the graveyard,’ the sight where hundreds of other Fen-10 units broke down. It was always hard to come this way, seeing basically himself lifeless. His daughter knew this all too well.
“Will you be okay Daddy?” she softly asked, “We can go a different way.” Phoenix snapped out of his thoughts and turned to her.
“No, it’s alright,” he replied, “This is the fastest way home. I just … need a moment.” He took a deep breath and gently shook his head.
{Just take it slow Phoenix. You’re going to be ok.} Phoenix squeezed Trucy’s hand, letting her know that he was alright. He then reactivated his skates and carefully made his way along the rail. The deactivated androids soon came into view. Large piles of Fen-10 units surrounded the monorail system, with each droid caked in rust and dust. Phoenix tried to focus on the rail or at the sunset, trying to avoid seeing what he would look like if he ever went offline. Suddenly, just when they reached a patch of solid ground, Phoenix’s deteriorating treads finally gave out. Both androids began to feel the quick, shaking movements of Phoenix’s broken treads unevenly traveling on the path. Phoenix carefully came to a stop to check on Trucy and the condition of his treads.
“You alright Truce,” Phoenix asked.
“I’m fine Daddy,” she replied as she slid off her father’s shoulders. Phoenix lifted his ped to inspect the damage, only to groan in frustration at how bad it was. There was no way to fix these treads with the tools back home, they were completely destroyed beyond repair. He needed a new pair to tread boots. His optics then landed on an offline Fen-10 unit slumped to his left, with a pair of tread boots in perfect condition. Phoenix looked between his destroyed boots and the unit’s boots. Phoenix sadly sighed and looked at the downed unit with guilt.
{… I’m sorry}
After switching the boots, Phoenix and Trucy got back on the rail that lead them back to their bunker. Taking equipment or parts from the other Fen-10 units was always difficult, but sadly necessary. The factory where Phoenix was built ran out of parts practically in the first or second century. The plans, equipment, and supplies needed to recreate the parts Phoenix could need were lost or destroyed. This left Phoenix with no choice but to use the countless androids that littered his home. Since there were so many and the droids were built with durability that would make a cockroach jealous, Phoenix practically had an endless supply of equipment and parts that he would ever need. Even though they were never really ‘alive,’ he would always feel a bit guilty after taking the parts. He took some comfort knowing that Trucy will not have to deal with that. The local Tru-3 factory still has parts and they were able to secure the plans and equipment if Trucy ever needed new parts. The android family carefully continued on the rail, passing by abandoned apartments and destroyed factories and equipment, before finally coming to the downtown transit station. As Phoenix skated on the terminal floor, he passed an automatic advertisement that displayed exactly how the human population left the Earth.
“Too much garbage in your face,” the voice asked, “There’s plenty of space out in space! BNL Starliners leaving each day. We’ll clean up the mess while your away.” The advertisement had four individual screens, each showing a different scene when Phoenix moved passed them. The first was just an animated growing mountain of garbage, the second showed the BNL Starliner, the Axiom, soaring past the Earth, the third screen showed two Axioms taking off from their docking points, and the fourth one displayed about six Fen-10 droids doing their jobs as another Axiom takes off in the background.
{I guess it’s more like “I’ll clean up the mess while you’re still away” these days.} Phoenix and Trucy made their way to the end of the platform and pushed through the exit terminal gates. Just then, another, larger screen appeared above them with another advertisement of the Axiom.
“The jewel of the BNL fleet, the Axiom,” the voice exclaimed, “Spend your five-year cruise in style! Waited on 24 hours a day by our fully automated crew while your captain and auto-pilot chart a course for non-stop entertainment, fine dining, and with our all-access hover chairs, even grandma can join in the fun! There’s no need to walk! The Axiom, putting the star in executive starliner!” This advertisement showed hundreds of humans being pampered in a number of ways by all kinds of androids, be it by massages or by cooking hibachi-styled meals. It also showed the captain at the time and his android auto-pilot. Phoenix was always put off by the auto-pilot. He had slicked back grey hair, striking yet cold red and black eyes, and a stern face with noticeable wrinkles, making him look very old. It was almost as if that android could see right through your hardware. Phoenix’s paranoia about the auto-pilot android was interrupted by the image of the CEO of Buy N Large, Shelby Forthright, appearing on the screen.
“Because of BNL, space is the final fun-tier,” Forthright cheered as he waved to another Axiom taking off into the stars.
{I just wish you all would come back from that final fun-tier.}
After a few more minutes, the android family finally arrived back at their bunker. It was set up on an abandoned, half-finished highway with a few deteriorating cars and construction vehicles in front. The bunker was designed as a place where Fen-10 units could power down after work, but Phoenix and Trucy made it into a suitable home over the centuries. Phoenix gained a good knowledge of machinery, electronics, and energy from reading books and downloading memory files, which helped him set up a small, yet sufficient home. Phoenix was able to fix the solar panels on the outside of the bunker to power everything in their home. They had working lights, heating and cooling systems, mechanics, and even an entertainment system with a DVD and VHS player, iPod that functioned as their television screen and sound system, and a few gaming systems. Phoenix was even able to repair a transceiver and screen that was capable of communication with a person in space if it linked with the other signal code. While they have never been able to reach anyone in space, they could still use its screen for their gaming system. Phoenix pulled up to a control panel, allowing Trucy to a lever that activated the door to their bunker. As the door slowly began to open, the sun’s light shown on the multitude of treasures they have collected over the years, be it a chandelier made from miscellaneous junk, a birdcage full of rubber ducks, or even a collection of clocks of varying types and sizes.
{Home sweet home.} Phoenix grabbed a power strip and flipped its switch, activating the lights in their bunker. Phoenix’s mood brightened as he stared at many treasures that he and Trucy collected over the centuries. Each item was a cherished memory he shared with his daughter. Phoenix helped Trucy off his shoulders before zipping off the top part of his jumpsuit, revealing the white undershirt underneath, and tying the sleeves around his waist. Phoenix began to hum the Hello Dolly show-tune as he strolled over to the entertainment system, taking the copy of Hello Dolly on VHS out of a decommissioned toaster to continue watching from the night before.
To say that phoenix loved Hello Dolly was an understatement. While there were other movies or shows that he and Trucy could watch, Hello Dolly had a special place in Phoenix’s core processor. The joyful music, lovable characters, and mesmerizing dance numbers always helped Phoenix and Trucy cheer up after a long day of trash sorting, treasure hunting, and seeing how badly the world keeps deteriorating. Moreover, this was her favorite musical. The favorite show of the Phoenix’s first and only human friend before every person evacuated the planet.
Phoenix placed the tape into the player and adjusted the large magnifying glass over the iPod’s screen, making the image of the town’s people in the scene bigger to see. With the familiar tune playing in the background, Phoenix and Trucy began to sort their new treasures, starting with the silver disk. As Phoenix turned what now appeared to be a hub cap from a car, he turned to look at the screen and took notice of the hats that the towns people were using in their dance number. Phoenix began to turn the disk above his head, mimicking the choreography of the scene.
{Well, that’s one thing we can use this for.} Phoenix placed the disk into one of the many shelves that lined the wall of the bunker. Trucy then opened up the cooler to take out the other treasures they had found throughout the day. Inside the cooler was a spork, a Rubik’s Cube, a hand-powered mixer, a light bulb, and an old BNL lighter. Trucy took out the spork and Rubik’s Cube, admiring the strange objects she found near the Ultra Store earlier that day. She placed the cube in a section that also housed one of her father’s art sculptures, which was a red clay heart with a spiked dog dollar around it on a spring. Trucy then moved to the section next to it to place the spork, trying to decide on whether to place it with their collection of forks or spoons. She eventually decided to put it in between the collections, as it was a fusion between the two. As Trucy placed the spork in its section, Phoenix pulled out the BNL lighter.
“What made you want to take this Trucy,” Phoenix questioned, “We must have nearly one hundred of these things by now.”
“Oh, it has something in it” Trucy replied, “I heard liquid inside when I picked it up. The others we have are empty. What do you think is in there?”
“I’m not sure,” Phoenix declared, “I don’t remember reading anything about these in our books or memory files. Let’s just put it with the others we found for now.” Phoenix moved to the end of the shelf and pressed the lowest button on its control panel, making the Ferris-wheel like mechanism begin to rotate the shelves until it reached the one with their collection of lighters. After placing the newest lighter in with the others, Phoenix’s audio receptors picked up a familiar sound. That song was playing again.
“And that is all, that loves about.
And we'll recall, when time runs out...”
Phoenix was always captivated by this song and scene. Seeing the two humans sweetly sing to each other, intertwine hands, and stare lovingly at each other made Phoenix’s core processor swell with happiness, but he also felt hints of jealousy and sadness. Phoenix let out a quiet sigh, surrounded in love and loneliness that Trucy managed to hear. She looked over to the screen, and anticipated her father’s next action.
“That it only,
Took a moment,
To be loved...
As the song began to end, Phoenix intertwined his own hands, mimicking the two humans on screen. There is was. Her father always held his own hands whenever he watched that scene. The scene was beautiful, but it also unintentionally rubbed what the two characters had that her father didn’t: Love.
This was not to say that Phoenix did not love her, extremely the opposite. Ever since Phoenix found her in the landfill her original ‘family’ left her in and re-activated her, he has been the greatest father she could ever ask for. He was always thinking of her and would do anything for her. He helped her recover and cope with her feelings of abandonment, shared with her everything he knew about the world, and would always make time for her for whatever she needed. Phoenix loved her with every ounce of his processor, no doubt about it.
But this was a different type of love. The two characters shared a romantic type of love, and her father did not have someone to share that kind of love with. He would try to hide his sadness over this from her; he did not want her to believe that their bond did not make him happy. Trucy understood how he felt, she did not have someone to share this kind of love with either. While she didn’t feel that strong of a desire for romantic love, probably due to her programming, she could see that her father wanted to experience that kind of love for himself, and not just watch it from movies. Trucy slowly walked over to her father and placed her hand on his arm.
“Daddy,” she carefully whispered. Phoenix slightly jumped at her touch. He looked over to her and then his hands, slowly separating them.
“I’m doing it again,” Phoenix softly mumbled, “I’m sorry Pumpkin, I …”
“Please don’t apologize Daddy,” Trucy reassured as she cupped her father’s face, “It’s not a bad thing to feel sad over this. You told me years ago that we have to feel what we need to feel. So please, if you need to feel sad, don’t hide it. Not even for my sake.” Phoenix held Trucy’s hands and gently pressed his forehead against hers. He knew that she was right. He shouldn’t be ashamed of his emotions. She’s not a naïve little android; she has changed and grown over the centuries. He shouldn’t be afraid to feel sadness around her, but he practically conditioned himself to in an attempt to spare her from feeling any undeserved guilt. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and cupped her face.
“What did I do to deserve the world’s most perfect daughter,” He softly asked.
“Saved me from becoming one of the many trash cubes you have to make,” she jokingly replied.  Phoenix couldn’t help but giggle at her clever comeback. He hugged her close as they turned toward the screen, watching the two characters walk off, hand-in-hand. Phoenix hugged Trucy tighter as the sadness and jealousy seeped back in. Trucy placed her hands on her father’s, staring up at him to see what he would do next. Phoenix sighed and turned his head towards her.
“Trucy,” he began, “I know that you already know this, but I love you. Without you, I’d be so miserable here. But … I wish we weren’t the only two beings left on Earth. I wish we didn’t have to do the same things all day, every day. I’m so tired of cleaning and making trash cubes. I’m frustrated that I’m the only Fen-10 unit still working. I’m angry that I was the only one alive. I hate that there is still so much trash left, and we have to take care of it ourselves. I wish that the humans were back. I wish that there were other androids we could interact with. I wish that…”
“Easy Daddy,” Trucy interrupted, “Don’t overload your processor. Just take it slow.” Phoenix’s voice was getting faster and higher in pitch. Anymore and he might have needed to change his voice box. He took a deep breath to collect his thoughts.
{Easy Phoenix, you don’t have to say everything on your mind right now. Like Trucy says, take it slow.}
“… I want more out of life Truce,” he continued, “I don’t want to sound ungrateful for what we have now. Having you with me, collecting treasures together, making art, … it does make me happy. You make me very happy. … But that scene … it reminds me of what we could have … or what we never may have.” Phoenix knelt down to be at eye level with his daughter, placing his hands on her shoulders. He tried to speak again, but his melting pot of emotions made him stop to think about how he should say what needs to be said. However, Trucy caught on to what he wanted to say.
“I feel the same way Daddy,” Trucy revealed, “I love going with you to work and treasure hunting, but … I also want to do more. I want our lives to change.”
Change. Change is something that many people often fear. After all, fear is the result of not knowing something. But when you have been doing the same things for centuries, you might welcome a change of pace with open arms.
“I want to do the things that the humans in the movies can do,” Trucy added, “I want to meet people. I want to go on picnics, go to the beach, travel the world. I want an ..”
“Adventure,” Phoenix interjected. Phoenix gently sighed, feeling a weight lift off of his shoulders after sharing his frustrations, and remembering that he does not need to hide anything from his daughter. He couldn’t help but quietly laugh at how he fell for the cliché plot of hiding his true feelings to spare another’s; one of the curses of having a human ‘soul’: you have human flaws and make human mistakes. Phoenix pulled Trucy into a gentle hug.
“Truce, I really am sorry for hiding how I’ve been feeling, but I’m happy that you finally got it out of me,” Phoenix apologized, “I should have known that you were feeling the same way.”
“I’ve been hiding it too Daddy,” Trucy replied, “I was worried that I would hurt your feelings if I told you how I was feeling about this.”
“But this …. This is good. It feels good to talk about this. We shouldn’t be afraid to talk to each other about anything like this anymore. Trucy … if you ever feel unhappy, frustrated, or anything, never be afraid to talk to me about it. And I promise to do the same.” Trucy wrapped her arms around her father’s neck, tightening their hug. Phoenix felt his core processor swell with relief and happiness, knowing that the unneeded burden of hiding their true emotions was lifting. He knew that it would take some time to break this habit, but they took the first step. With more open talks and support, they can and will cope with their situation.
{An adventure would be nice. It would be great to do something else, go somewhere new … Wait a minute! Somewhere new!} Phoenix straightened his posture as an idea entered his mind.
“I think I know a little adventure we can have,” Phoenix exclaimed, “There’s a section of the city that we haven’t gone to, not even once! I think it’s called Sector 358, South-West from here. I’m supposed to finish Sector 174 tomorrow, but how about we skip it and go there instead!” Trucy looked up at her father in surprise and excitement.
“Really, a new sector,” Trucy thrilled, “You really mean it?”
“Of course. I’ll still be doing my job, but we’ll have a change of pace. What do you say?”
“Y-yeah! That sounds great! Think of all the new treasures we can find! This is gonna be awesome!” Trucy began to pace around the bunker, happily listing all of the new things she and her father could do and see. She began to speak faster and her voice raised in pitch. Phoenix waved her down and then spoke.
“Heh, take it easy Pumpkin! Now you’re gonna overload your processor. But, I’m glad your excited. Why don’t we plan out what we can do at the sector while we finish sorting our new treasures?” Trucy took a deep breath and calmed her excitement. She then joined her father by the cooler, trying to find a fitting place for the hand-powered mixer.
The sun had finally set and the night sky began to sparkle with the lights of the stars … is what one would see if the smog wasn’t blocking the atmosphere. Phoenix and Trucy had finished Hello Dolly and placed their new treasures in their collection. Trucy was on top of the bunker trying to catch a glimpse of the stars while her father was carefully banging the cooler on the ramp of their bunker to clean out the dirt and dust from the day.
“Hey Daddy,” Trucy called, “The smog is clearing a bit! You can see the stars!” Phoenix looked up to the sky as a grin grew on his face, joyful to see that his daughter was right. It was a small hole in the smog, but it was enough to see the silvery dots speckled across the black darkness of space. The beauty of the sight made Phoenix couldn’t help but think back to the song “It only takes a moment.” The soft lyrics and melody did fit the sight of a calm sky well. Phoenix pulled out a tape recorder and pressed the play button. The song, which Phoenix had recorded earlier began to play as Phoenix continued to stare at the night sky. Phoenix sighed as the beauty of the song mixed perfectly with the calmness of the shimmering stars.
However, the song was only able to play the first line as the smog once again covered the sky. The sound of the song was then replaced with the blaring siren of Phoenix’s alarm system. Phoenix stiffened and gasped at the sudden change of sound and quickly pulled his goggles over his eyes to see what and where the danger was. Phoenix’s line of vision fixated directly in front of him.
“Oh no,” Phoenix quietly gulped before turning to warn Trucy, “TRUCY! SANDSTORM COMING IN FAST! GET INSIDE, QUICK!” Trucy quickly sat up upon hearing her father’s cry and scrambled to her feet. She quickly climbed down the bunker’s side ladder and sprinted into the door. Once she was safely inside, Phoenix flipped the switch on the power strip to close the door. Phoenix and Trucy moved to the back of the bunker, watching the door slowly close. They hugged each other and held their breaths as they saw the storm quickly approach. Once the door finally closed and locked, they let out a sigh of relief.
{These storms are getting more and more common. No matter how many we face, it never gets easier.} Phoenix and Trucy stayed silent for a few seconds, listening to the wind blow around their bunker and the song. Trucy was the first to notice that the song was still playing and began to giggle at the unfitting music after narrowly escaping the dust storm. Trucy’s giggles alerted Phoenix to the song and he couldn’t help but laugh along with her. As he pressed the off button, Trucy let out a yawn. She pressed the button that held her cape together and checked her stats. Her energy was low.
“Heh, it is pretty late,” Phoenix chuckled, “We should get some sleep. We’ve got quite a day tomorrow.” Phoenix and Trucy made their way to the very back of the bunker to their beds. Phoenix was able to hook up Trucy’s charger to her cot so she could be charged when she went to sleep. Trucy removed her cape, gloves, ascot, boots, and pulled her hair out of the pony tail while Phoenix completely removed the top part of his jumpsuit and pulled off his boots. After Trucy settled into her bed, Phoenix strolled over to tuck her in.
“Good night sweetie,” Phoenix cooed as he kissed her forehead.
“Goodnight Daddy,” Trucy yawned. It only took a few seconds for Trucy to power down and fall asleep. Phoenix softly smiled as he made his way over to his cot and pulled the quilt over his body. Phoenix stared up at the ceiling, letting his body relax after the long day.
{Just an average day. … With a few changes.} Phoenix closed his eyes and allowed himself to power down, letting himself drift off to sleep.
                                                       Author’s Note
Man, I did not mean for this to take so long.
As you can see, this au follows the story of the Disney and Pixar movie Wall-e. If you have seen the movie, then you know around 85% of the story’s plot. If you have not seen this movie, then this will contain spoilers for it. But I am adding new scenes to the story to keep it interesting, so I hope you all continue to enjoy it.
The scene with Trucy and Phoenix in the bunker was difficult to write. I wanted to write that scene in a careful, honest, and respectful way. Being someone who suffers with depression, I know first-hand how important it is to one’s health to talk about one’s emotions and feelings. If you are struggling with your emotions and how you feel, please talk to someone you trust or seek out a therapist or councilor. And if you know or see someone struggling with this, please help them in the best way you can. You could save a life. Your feelings and mental health matter, always remember that.
So, can you guys guess which Ace Attorney character is Auto? If you remember what Auto does to Wall-e near the end, then you should get your answer.
And who is this mysterious woman that Phoenix befriends? Who is the woman that Phoenix has the highest regard for? See the next chapter to find out!
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mishavacado · 4 years
Thinking about Cas interacting with just...normal, everyday items. Cas meeting a roomba and trying to feed it popcorn. Cas stuck in a revolving door. Cas bouncing a bouncy ball until Dean gets fed up with the noise and throws it across the bunker (only to have it bounce back and give him a black eye). Cas going to an ATM and wondering why people are feeding it (he asks Dean for cash so he can feed it too). Cas being determined to ride a bike but failing miserably but he really wants to so he keeps trying and eventually he can get a few hundred feet, wobbling all the way. Cas trying bumper cars for the first time but refusing to hit anyone because “he doesn’t want to be mean.”
Cas with an automatic soap dispenser and Cas with a vending machine and Cas with an alarm clock and Cas with a clarinet and Cas with a mechanical pencil and Cas with a jack in the box and Cas with a pizza cutter and Cas with roller skates and Cas with a NERF gun and Cas with vinyl records and Cas with those little solar lucky cats that people put in their windowsills and Cas with origami and Cas with clothespins
Cas with a claw machine in an arcade and Cas with a car jack and Cas with wrapping paper and Cas with a piggy bank and Cas seeing a remote control helicopter and Cas with a cuckoo clock and Cas with a folding camp chair and Cas with one of those animals that you can buy at the mall and Cas on a roller coaster and Cas with a lava lamp and Cas with a paintball gun
Cas with chopsticks and Cas with a pogo stick and Cas with water balloons and Cas with Legos and Cas with a 20-sided dice and Cas with a can opener and Cas with a coloring book and Cas in a drive through and with a music box and Cas with one of those little bubbling fountains that people put on their patios and Cas with binoculars and Cas with a merry-go-round
There’s so many things that he just wouldn’t understand and it’d be so cute to see his puzzled expression while he watches people use and interact with these things.
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sugar-kisser · 5 years
No Harm List - Choi San
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Warnings: Violence, mafia affiliated acts, cursing
It was almost a normal day. You had just picked your son up from your mother’s house after running your few errands. Your son’s birthday is tomorrow and you needed to get the last few presents on your list in order for him to have the best third birthday he can.
You’re needing to run to the bank since you picked up your paycheck right before getting your son. By luck the ATM machines outside were all getting maintenance work. So you find yourself inside, waiting in the short line. Your son sits on your hip as you hold him in one arm, the other hand filled with just about everything else. 
A bank teller finally opens up and you take you first couple steps before several loud crashing noises cause your body to freeze an almost tumble over. You look over your shoulder and watch as five men walk in. Bodies covered in black; automatic guns and large empty bags in their hands.
You maneuver you and your son quickly off to the side of the bank counters. You curl your body around your son who begins to cry. You quietly and quickly hush him, holding him close.  Two men approach the counters, one man heads to the other side of the bank to yell at the people over there to look down and shut up.
The fourth man approaches your side of the bank and you immediately look down and continue to shush your son who continues to cry.
“Shut your kid up or I’ll shoot you both,” he growls cocking his gun, the cries of your son slightly raising because of the scary man.
“Shhh, shhh, shhh, Byeol,” you whisper into his hair, “you’re okay.”
“I said shut it up,” He hollers and something hard comes into contact with your head, knocking you over. Byeol falls onto the ground, his cries immediately getting louder. You turn to face the man, to protect your son, and the man raises the gun and points it at you. The three other armed men gasp. One of the other robbers comes up behind him, but before he could pull the trigger his partner knocks his hand upward.
The gun fires off and the bullet flies out of the window behind you. You let out a breath of air you don’t realize you’re holding in.
“Are you fucking stupid?” His partner yells, “she’s on the no harm list! We’re as good as dead now!” You stare at both men before all four of then scramble out of the bank with money. You stare ahead of you for a brief moment, lost in space before the sound of Byeol’s cries reach your ears.
“Byeol!” You yell. You turn around and pick your son up, looking him up and down for any cuts or bruises. You pull him tight against you and his cries muffle against your shirt.
The police show up and they eventually take you down to the station after the whole scene with the no harm list statement. After three hours of questioning you’re finally released. You carry your son as you walk out of the police station.
“Ah, my beautiful lily,” a light almost-child-like voice calls out to you, stopping you in your tracks, “I have found you~.” You close your eyes for a moment and turn to the man you had loved all those years ago.
“What do you want?” You ask, a voice in a low growl.
“Now, Y/N, is that anyway to treat me?” He laughs lightly, stalking towards you. You notice a mask covering half of his face, to hide his identity from anyone near by, more so the police inside the doors your just exited.
“I heard about what happened today,” he tells you, his joyful teasing tone gone, “I just want you to come with me to see if you can recognize the guys. I think I’ve caught them.”
“No,” you answer immediately, “my son and I need to go home. I do not want him around what you do.”
“Oh this is your son?” he asks, his eye brows slightly raising. He turns towards the little boy, his eyes slightly closing, a sign he’s smiling. “Hi little buddy,” he slightly waves, “what’s your name?”
“Byeol,” he mumbles.
“Ah, Byeol? You’re a little star. The star of your mommy’s life?” he asks and Byeol nods his head. “Do you want to help me catch the bad guys?” Byeol nods his head again.
“Even your son thinks you should catch them,” he tells you.
“No. I do not want to go back there,” you tell him.
“Just come and identify them. I won’t make you stay,” he promises you. You stare at him for a long moment before sighing.
“Okay, but I’m holding it to you,” you warn. He nods his head and walks you to his car.
You walk past the grand doors that still haven’t changed since the day you left.
“Byeol can go with Seonghwa while you identify the possible suspects,” he tells you. You’re eyes widen and the grip on Byeol tightens.
“My son is coming with me,” you state.
“You really want to traumatize him?” He looks over his shoulder at you, coming to a stop and turning around. You huff, knowing damn well he’s right. You hear several different pairs of shoes hurry down the stairs.
“Y/N,” three boys gasp. You turn around to face Seonghwa, Yeosang, and Wooyoung. 
“Boys,” you greet with a small smile. You turn to your son and set him down. You crouch down to his level, all four boys watching you. “Mommy needs to go with a friend. Will you go to Seonghwa?” Byeol looks down at the ground, nodding shyly. You kiss his cheek and his forehead before pointing to Seonghwa who crouches down to meet the boy at his height.
“Please be careful with him,” you tell Seonghwa who nods his head, understanding.
“Follow me,” you follow the boy with black hair, his red streaks in his hair fading, but it’s still different from the black hair he had all those years ago. It was something different and you quite liked it. Fit his personality, well the personality you thought you knew. 
He opens the door and let’s you enter in first. Jongho, Mingi, and Yunho stand inside. They stare at you with wide eyes and you quickly bow your head to them before turning and facing the four de-masked and beaten up men who all sit in chairs at the other side of the room.
“Do these men look familiar?” He asks.
“I don’t know. They wore masks. I heard three of the four voices,” you explained to him. He looks over at the three boys who nod their head together and walk over to the men.
“We’ll give you one chance to say something. Say it loud and clear or we’ll get ugly,” he warns. You look over at the man you use to love; his eyes are cold and lifeless, the exact same as the day you left him. The first three men speak and you could only identify two of them. You wait for the last man to speak. You heart races, anxiety rising with every second longer you’re having to be in the room. The man speaks in a low inaudible mumble.
The slight tilt of your head didn’t go unnoticed by the four boys in the room and Jongho roughly shoves the man’s head forward. 
“Speak up for the lady,” He demands. Again the man mumbles, just a little louder but you still couldn’t hear him. Jongho hits his head this time and repeats himself. You move closer to him to hear him better, the red and black haired man following in suit. When the criminal raises his head, he meets your eyes, slightly smirking. In the blink of an eye the man spits at you, his saliva landing on your hair and face. You watch as he’s lunged at and attacked viciously.
“San!” You scream out of horror, stopping him from beating the man to death. San stops looking over at you, his mask had fallen off his face, and you watch as his eyes quickly break out of it’s cold, lifeless color and back to the man you knew. He climbs off the criminal and makes his way over to you and quickly guides you out of the room.
“Take care of him,” San orders before closing the door and turning back to you. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, his hand reaching towards your face. You body freezes, but just as you remember his touch is soft and gentle. He wipes away the spit before wiping it on his pants. His hand reaches back up to your face, you thinking he didn’t get it all the first time. But his hand gently caresses your face and he stares into your eyes after a quick scan over your features.
“I’ve missed you,” he whispers finally. He drops his hand from your face and turns away. “But I promised... you can take your son and leave.” San begins walking and you follow and he takes you to Seonghwa and Byeol. Seonghwa smiles and points at you, your son looking over at you then San and he just stares at he mann standing beside you.
“Da-daddy?” Byeol asks, your eyes widening. San’s widen as well and Byeol runs over to him and hugs his legs. “I found you!” He giggles. San mouths ‘dad’ to himself, his eyes focused straight ahead at the wall.
“Byeol?” San asks looking down at the boy, and the small little boy looks up at him, “what is your surname?”
“Choi!” Byeol giggles, his little dimples popping out. San slowly looks back up at the wall in front of him and then over at you.
“I have a son?” San asks, his eyes slightly watering. You bite down on your lips and close your eyes, slowly nodding your head. “Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice breaking, causing your heart to shatter even more.
“I was,” you answer quietly, “but then I saw what you were doing to that man and I ran. I didn’t want my kid around that.” 
“I still could of protected you and him from everything else. From what happened earlier today,” San’s voice breaks on every other word, a couple tears running down his face.
“I’m sorry,” you tell him. San takes a couple deep breaths before wiping his eyes and picking up Byeol, smiling for the little boy.
“Hey buddy,” San smiles, holding the little boy close. Byeol giggles and rests his head on his shoulder.
“Tomorrow is his birthday,” you blurt catching San’s attention, “we’re throwing a little party at my mother’s house. If you guys want to to come you can. So you can get to know your son.”
“I would really like that,” San smiles, his dimples easily matching his son’s. He hugs Byeol tightly for a moment before handing him off to you.
 “I’ll have Hongjoong drive you back,” San tells you. You slightly smile before watching him leave the room.
“You finally told him. How do you feel?” Seonghwa asks causing you to sigh.
“I feel better about it I guess. I shouldn’t have kept it from him. I know he would never bring that life around us,” you start, “but that still doesn’t mean other things weren’t going to go wrong… I was also scared that night. I had never seen that side of San before, and I don’t know if I could ever get use to it... But he deserves to know his son. I shouldn’t have deprived him of such a bundle of joy.”
“He changed after you left, you know,” Seonghwa walks over towards you, “he became a monster, but just today alone he changed. He seems so much happier. When you two dated all those years ago, that was the happiest I ever had seen him. He bent over backwards just to make you happy. For a time our whole ordeal was going to fall apart because he was so in love with you. I think now he’d grow stronger…. what I’m trying to say is give him another chance. Let him prove that he can protect you and give you the life you both deserve.” You avoid looking at Seonghwa and look at Byeol who rests his head on your shoulder, falling asleep.
“Y/N,” Hongjoong pokes his head through the door.
“Promise me, you’ll at least give him a chance tomorrow?” Seonghwa calls out to you before you leave the room. You look at him and nod your head before disappearing behind the door.
You tied the last set of balloons to the chairs as you prepared for the birthday party.
“Y/N? Are you sure about this?” Your mother asks you as she brings out food from the kitchen.
“I think? I just want to give him this chance. It is his son,” you explain to her as you take the bowls from her hands, “nothing can hurt from just a birthday party right? Byeol already knows about who is dad is. I raised him telling him stories and showing pictures, I can’t deprive him of this either.” Your mother sighs before leaving the room and heading back to the kitchen.
“Mommy!” Byeol calls. You walk into the living room and watch as your son looks out the window. You look and noticed the large black SUV and a group of boys pile out, each one holding a gift.
“Are you excited?” You ask Byeol, your hand running through his black hair.
“Yeah!” Byeol jumps off the couch and tries to reach for the door handle. You laugh, open the door and the gate door for him, and he runs out.
“Daddy!” He yells and run right to San who instantly crouches down, opening his arms. San hugs the boy and picks him up once he’s in his arms. You smile watching the two who talk with such enthusiasm to one another. Each other the other boys greet you and you let them all into the house.
“Y/N,” San greets and Byeol waves to you.
“Hi San,” you smile. He allows you to walk inside first and closes both doors behind him.
“Ah, boys how are you?” Your mother walks in, a smile plastered on her face. They all greet and answer your mother and she invites them into the living room. They all take a seat somewhere in the room. You take a seat, on the floor, next to San and your son, who is showing him all the toys he has. You smile and the boys all converse with each other or would comment on the toys Byeol would show him.
“You did an amazing job,” San whispered in your ear.
“You think so?” You ask as you watch Byeol playing with a few airplanes with Yeosang and Wooyoung.
“I mean look at him. He’s the sweetest boy and he never stops smiling,” San smiles.
“I’m sorry,” you look over at him.
“What are you sorry for?” San asks.
“I never told you. You missed his first everything,” you explain, looking down at your hands in your lap, “I should of told you. But I was scared.”
“I understand though,” San answers, “I was up most of last night thinking about it. I don’t blame you. We all lost people close to us over this… but I have you both again… only if you allow me back into your life.”
“I don’t know,” you answer honestly, “I just don’t want to put him in harms way. I still don’t know exactly what you do or if you can keep us safe from everything.”
“I can sure try. There is a reason you’re on that no harm list. He’ll also be put on it when I get back to my duties,” San explains, “but the second something goes wrong I’ll make sure you guys are sent away and safe. I would never put you in danger. Never in my life.”
You look over at San and smile. “I know.” You look at his serious face and you almost feel like a joke for smiling during a conversation like this. You bite down on your lips and look away. “I don’t think it would hurt to try.” You look over at him and his eyes are slightly wide.
“Are you serious?” San asks and you nod your head. He breaks into his little cheesy smile and pulls you close to him. “Thank you.” He whispers into your hair and you smile. Byeol runs over the two of us and hugs the two of you to join in a on family hug and you laugh.
“You know what we can do that would be his first?” You ask as San pulls away from you. His head turns to the side and he pulls Byeol into his lap as he still plays with his airplanes. “A family picture.” San almost breaks into his biggest grin.
“Jongho can you grab the polaroid on the coffee table and take a picture?” You ask the boy. He stands up and grabs the polaroid and approaches the three of you.
“Byeol you gotta put your planes down we have to take a picture with daddy,” You tell him. He hands you his toys and you place them to the side before scooting closer to San. You lean up against his chest and his left arm wraps around your torso and his right holds Byeol in his lap.
“Ready? Smile!” Jongho calls, “One! Two! Three!” A bright flash blinds all your eyes for a moment and the small polaroid pops out of the top of the camera. You take the polaroid and wait a couple minutes for it to develop before you show San.
“Picture Perfect.”
No Harm List Part 2
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