muppenthings · 4 years
How big is baby Virgil? Compared to a human, for instance
Anonymous said: The sweet baby boy!!! Out of curiosity of size, I’m guessing one of his pectoral(I think that’s the long one) is around the size of an adult although seeing as I am purely guessing is there a comparison? As I’m sure you’ve probably gotten this question a lot because size is very important, but that’s just another guess.
Anonymous said: So how big was that baby Virgil? Was he around the size of a human baby? The size of an average fully grown human?? Bigger???
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For reference, Patton is 5′4″ ;) 
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illogicallyinclined · 4 years
(The app glitched so I'm resending this, sorry if you're getting it twice) The hockey au has become a hyperfixation branching OFF OF my sanders sides hf, and that's the first time that's ever happened to me! So much so that I literally dreamt about the hockey boys last night. It's crazy. Could I have some platonic (or romantic) prinxielogical shenanigans?
!!! glad you’re enjoying these boys and this terrible, wonderful sport. here are some Shenanigans, per your request
tws: mention of Childhood Trauma(TM) 
Logan has a deep, inexplicable loathing for those “is it cake?” Tiktoks, so naturally, Virgil and Roman send him Every Single One that they come across if only to hear him McFreaking Lose It from a room away (because “why? why does it look like a steak?!")
Virgil has a habit of sitting on surfaces that are absolutely not meant to be sat on; having said that, Roman once spent a few hours photoshopping Virgil sitting in increasingly ridiculous places and texted them to Logan one at a time at team dinner while Logan tried his level best to keep a straight face
Logan once watched Virgil and Roman bonk heads and start squabbling when they both leaned down to grab a book he had dropped, and it was, without a doubt, the highlight of his entire day 
Virgil AND Logan (surprisingly enough) have a habit of dog-earing pages of the books that they’re reading, and it drives Roman positively up the wall until he realizes that his desire to keep the books pristine is a result of Childhood Trauma(TM); (the three of them talk about it, and there are Many Hugs to be had from this conversation)
Roman’s a Marvel Stan, Virgil’s partial to DC, and Logan has no idea what Any of This Means, so it’s not uncommon for him to be yanked into the middle of an argument only to end up Lost and Confused 
Virgil’s a Literature Major, Roman’s a thespian, and Logan’s a nerd, so all three of them can quote poetry at each other, and they do so More Frequently than one would think
Virgil and Logan may conspire against Roman in UNO, but Virgil and Roman oftentimes conspire against Logan in MarioKart because he’s been playing it for far less time than they have and he’s winning and it Isn’t Fair
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(Tw all caps)
Laoft has a W I K I ? ! Yeah I don't think I can properly express how much I admire you and your writing.
(Tbh I cried reading it over the fact that Logan and Virgil died "several hundred years after the main storyline". The implications,,,, of Patton and Logan,,, Like, I'm a puddle of tears)
I knew it would happen but I WAS IN DENIAL
alksjdklajsdkl yes a wiki! courtesy of the lovely and oh-so-smart @centrumlumina who is a gift and blessing on my life
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snowdice · 4 years
Hey, on chapter 11 of "gaps in his files", the link to chapter 12 isn't working. Not sure if that's just my phone, or if you already knew, but I thought I'd let you know! I just finished it on ao3 and I freaking LOVED IT. So good omg. (Sorry again if you already knew about the link)
Thanks! I’ll go and fix it. Sometimes tumblr messes up, sometimes I do. Whichever it is, I’ll go deal with it. I’m glad you liked the story!
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tulipanthousa · 4 years
Hold on a hot second, you have a taglist? Oh my gosh can I PLEASE be added to it? Because hot damn your writing is out of this world.
yeah sure no problem! and thank you so much ^.^
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Can I be added to the taglist for The Stowaway's Heart? I'm completely hooked.
Awww yay! 💜 Of course! You're added!
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reddstardust · 3 years
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@maybedefinitely404 headcanon that Janus knows how to play the piano 👁👁
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WIP title tag game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WiPs.
Thanks for tagging me @5-falsehoods-phonated :^]
1. Virgil's Death Dialogue
2. Astrophel's Lament
3. Experiments in Lichtenberg & Petrichor
4. miscellaneous remus angst
5. bub
7. On Robotics & the Human Configuration
8. concepts// On Robotics & the Human Configuration
9. Musings
10. A House Full of Ghosts
11. how to never stop being sad
12. But Isn't That Illegal?
13. I'm Dying
14. remus death remus death remus death
15. The Little Mermaid
16. blurghhhghh
I can't think of 16 people right now, so I'm just gonna tag who I can think of:
@eliemo @maybedefinitely404 @remuscore @full-of-roman-angst-trash @babyveeandlittleprince @justmeandmygayships
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tsspromptmonth · 3 years
Soulmate September 2020 Appreciation Post!
Hello Hello! I have been working on this for a while, and it's it fitting that I was able to finish it the same day we get the Remus skirt pic! So to celebrate this monumental occasion, please enjoy my completed list of 2020 Soulmate September posts.
(If I missed one please let me know!)
Thank you again to everyone who participated!
~Raven (Rae)
@ace-in-a-shopping-cart @amalia2003sstuff @anxious-logic @artist-owl @arya-skywalker @averykedavra @bella-in-a-bag @candied-peach @confusedhost @gaylotusthatexists @ghostjellyfishheart @jowritesthingss @just-call-me-the-intrusive-thot @loganscalesaurawrites @maybedefinitely404 @middlingthebest @overunderachiever @pendragonqueen09 @private-snippers @ravens-rambling @roman-sing-despacito @sanders-sides-thoughts @thesentientmango @treeni @typically-untypical @vindicatedvirgil
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thetomorrowshow · 4 years
Slower Than Words Ch. 23
First  -  Previous  -  Next
Hey..... a member of my household just tested positive for Covid-19, and I am displaying symptoms sooooooo hopefully that won’t affect posting but it has made this chapter a little shorter than I had wanted. Basically if the next chapter isn’t out on time that’s why.
cw: b a d parenting, references to trauma
Remus chewed on the end of his pen. Riley, Alberts, Robertson, Robinson, Richards, Allison, Reese, Arlowe . . . something that started with an 'A' or an 'R'. But what? Why couldn't he remember his own last name?
Logan was always saying something about brainwashing and trauma, but Logan knew his own last name! Stupid Logan Sanders and his calm explanations for everything in Remus's life. He didn't want someone telling him how he felt or why, he wanted to move on. He wanted to figure himself out for himself. He wanted out.
The trip to the library a couple weeks ago had been even worse than expected. Logan hadn't even let go of Patton, despite how uncomfy the kid looked. It had to suck to be twenty-something and have your dad drag you around by the shoulders everywhere you go.
Patton had only wanted one book, for some reason. There were so many books in that building, and Logan had pulled like a hundred from the shelves just to show him. He'd signed so quickly about the book that Remus couldn't keep up, but Logan had frowned and talked to the librarian for a few minutes, before eventually presenting Patton with a book—which was probably the one he'd been asking for. His face looked weird after receiving it, happy, but also seriously depressed. It looked pretty old, Remus had no idea why he'd wanted that book.
Rivers, Albright, Abbott, Ramsey, Russell, Reed, Rowell, Austen. . . . Nothing. Not even a smidge of anything. Well, if he couldn't remember his last name, what about the name of where he used to live?
The city came to him almost instantly.
Remus snorted. That was a stupid name for a city. Actually, he could remember joking about it with his brother, about how their mom shared it.
Energy flooded to his limbs with a suddenness, and when the bell rang from the door opening beside him he literally fell out of his seat.
“W-welcome to Chevron,” he said, straightening up. The customer nodded barely at him, making a beeline for the refrigerators in the back. Remus quickly wrote on the scrap of paper he'd been doodling circles onto so far: 'sharon – town and ma'.
Now he just had to figure out which state sounded the most familiar, and if Sharon was a city there. He'd spent days just driving around town with friends, he probably still knew his way around.
The customer paid for a few jugs of Gatorade, then left, dust puffing up behind his truck as he pulled out of the parking lot. Remus sat back down, scratching his mustache with his pen. He could google the city when he got home, then. . . .
Then he'd figure out how to tell Patton and Logan he was leaving.
Patton sighed, flipping through the first half of the book again. Summer, it was called. This copy looked almost identical to the other one. He closed his eyes and ran his fingers along the slightly indented title, like Virgil would. He'd had it for almost two months now, asking Father to renew the book instead of allowing it to be returned. He really wanted to finish it, after all.
Not that he could ever get himself to read past around the middle.
Patton's notebook was almost full now, but he couldn't ask Remus for another. Not after how much Remus was already doing for him. The pages were filled with studying mouth movements, bad jokes, and journal entries that mostly were about Virgil and what they'd do when they were together again. In tiny, cramped handwriting was a detailed recollection of everything Patton could remember that Virgil told him about where he lived—which wasn't much. It was hard to hold on to any memories from there. His therapist said it had to do with trauma memories being stored incorrectly, and said he might have flashbacks about it. So far, none had happened, but sometimes he wished one would—just so he could see Virgil again.
He wasn't good at drawing, but here and there in his notebook were vague sketches of Virgil. Some days, Patton woke up not sure what he looked like. He couldn't forget him. Patton would never forgive himself if he forgot the lovely mistiness of Virgil's eyes, the way his hair fell into his mouth and made him sputter, the stark paleness of his face against his black hoodie. . . .
Patton wrapped the hoodie around himself. He needed to think about something else, or else he'd start crying again. Crying made his head and ears hurt, which his doctor said would probably always be the case. So he mostly did his best to not cry, ever.
Patton cast his mind around for something new to think about, and landed on the trip to the library several weeks ago. The trip wasn't . . . optimal?
No. The trip sucked.
Father wouldn't let go of him, which just made him feel like a toddler having to be guided around. It was bright, and had a lot of people, and was a little startling, but Patton was sure he could have handled it. Why didn't Father trust him?
It wasn't just that. Father made him go to bed at a specific time every night, wouldn't let him have any say in what he ate, wouldn't even let him pick what to watch on the TV. It was . . . it was stupid! It was awful, it was embarrassing, it was demeaning! It made Patton feel worthless, like he wasn't even a proper member of society! He wasn't a boy anymore, he had even had a job back at the Haven, he wasn't helpless!
Maybe soon, with all that he'd been learning, he could prove to Father that he was capable. And if Father wouldn't believe him, well . . . Patton would have to make him.
Again, that anger was right at the surface, ready to spill out into the air. At least he had the book.
Somehow, Logan had let Remus convince him that he didn't need to go to every therapy appointment with Patton, so Logan was at home alone. For the first time in months. He was exhausted, but he did not have time to sleep.
Patton was hiding something. Logan was undeniably certain of it. And when Patton hid something, he hid it under his bed.
Logan didn't get up immediately. This was a matter of privacy, after all. He understood that he was likely being a little too restricting with his son, but who could blame him? He'd almost lost him. So if Patton was hiding something, it was likely best to know what it was. Patton didn't seem to realize the amount of danger he was in. It wasn't his fault, he was just a child. Children weren't supposed to worry about this sort of thing, it was their parents' jobs to care for them. So, naturally, he had to make sure that whatever Patton was hiding wasn't going to bring harm in some way. If it was, he could gently confront him about it, and explain why it was not acceptable.
With that plan in mind, Logan stood from his desk and made his way to Patton's room. His door was always open, even when he was inside—it made sense, all things considered.
The room still had almost precisely the same setup as Logan had put together, down to the making of the bed. He'd told Patton that he was allowed to customize his room and ask for personal items, but so far he had done neither of those things. The only difference was that the small closet now had a few more pieces of clothing in it.
Logan bent to his hands and knees beside the bed and peered beneath. Sure enough, there were items underneath the boy's bed: a battered blue notebook, the singular book that he had wanted from the library last month, the jacket that had belonged to the other other prisoner. Logan reached for the notebook, grunting when his back popped.
He pulled himself onto Patton's bed to open it. It was confusing, at first, some jokes in his son's handwriting, rather poor sketches of an unfamiliar face. Then. . . .
That—that was bad.
Logan took a few deep breaths, then flipped another page, then another. More of the same. This wasn't good. This was not good at all.
These diagrams and instructions, clearly for lip-reading? These would get Patton taken away from him. These would hurt him. These would make Patton want to leave the safety of home.
These were dangerous.
Taglist: @enragedbees @gotta-love-alejandra @bunny222 @basiic-emo @patt0n-sanders @rosiepupper @fangirlgeekandfreak @dn-fan21 @that2000skid @remy-the-lemon-berry @itsadastraperaspera @xionbean @sanderssides-angst @hell-yea-we-gay-tonight @maybedefinitely404 @broken-pencils @thewhimsicallibrarytech @doomllily @hereissananxiousmess @judyismydog  @arodynamic-enby @at-that-one-nerd @therapysides @awkwardandanxiousfander @thekitchenpan @im-an-anxious-wreck @larkiaquail
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(Tw aggressive love in all caps)
Is your spotify name Violet? Because if so, I think I found your LAOFT playlist and DUDE THE VIBES ARE FUCKING IMMACULATE!!! I'm absolutely vibing over here, like bringing-tears-to-my-eyes in love with it.
Continuing from last ask, but each song in this playlist has me fully captivated, like picturing revels and our besotted protagonists. I'm receiving the maximum dose of dopamine at this moment. I can't put into words how much I love it.
alksdjlaksj yeah thats me! i still fiddle with it every now and again, im glad you like it!!
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maybedefinitely404 · 3 years
Moi: hm, not feeling so great
Moi: Welp, time to go back and reread all of maybedefinitely404's tss soulmate September works
Moi: :D
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starlocked01 · 3 years
WIP title tag game (Repost, do not reblog)
WIP title tag game (Repost, do not reblog)
Thanks for the tag @ace-in-a-shopping-cart ^_^
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WiPs.
Wips:(these are the ones with writing)
Pushing Daisies Ripoff
AtLA Zukka, QPR Mailee
Korrasami endgame Probending AU
Sock Wrestling
Glitter and Glare
Remus mbmbam flirt bit (this needs a wip title yikes)
The Teacher's Soul
Title Here
Tagging: @marshymoop @logans-library @thishappens30timesaday @maybedefinitely404 @malecacidd and @ anyone else who wants to get questions about their work 💜
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thatsoftpunk · 4 years
8: (truth) If you could go on a date with any of your mutuals, who would it be and what would you do? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to one of your four “Biggest Fans” on tumblr.
This. I love this.
Truth- uhhh given that a lot of my mutuals are taken or uninterested, and then pretending travel and the fact that I live in Ireland isn't an issue... @maybedefinitely404, Ly, cus they're wonderful! Honestly, I'd probably take the day out with them if I could, do the zoo and an aquarium with a picnic in between, get ice cream on the beach cus here the aquarium is right on the beach, then back to the house for movies and grub and to warm up, cus we bond a lot over animals, and I feel like we could just talk for hours. Love you boo <3
Dare- whoa that's a big one! On it :D
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evergreenstringbean · 4 years
It...It’s done. After almost three years, Roundabout is finally complete. Please read the end notes for my sincere thanks and details about the art contest.
Tag List! 
@frog-candy-bee @ollyollyoxinfree @deathbybotany @patton-cake @maybedefinitely404 @the-melody-of-eliza @aizawa-without-depression
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Hi!! Can I be added to your general writing taglist?? I love your writing so much
sure can!
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