#mayday kind of vibe
fellhellion · 1 year
yadda yadda we all have different interpretations of art, but i also feel like "miguel is absolutely retraumatised when mayday crawls all over him and peter is a bad friend for not noticing" just kind of. ignores the intended comedic tone of the scene? as well as the fact miguel has doesn't tense up in the aftermath of baby hold + peter ribbing him. he relaxes.
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linghxr · 9 months
My 2023 in Mandopop/Chinese music (update & recs)
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It’s been too long since I last shared some music recommendations/updates on what I’m listening to! Admittedly, I haven’t been discovering as many new artists because I’m busy listening to 薛之谦 on repeat. But we'll focus on the new.
You can check out my Spotify playlist featuring these songs (plus bonus ones). In addition, I’ve included YouTube links below.
五月天 / Mayday 五月天 is a legendary band, so of course I knew of them and had heard a few of their songs over the years. But I never proactively sought out their music until recently. I still haven’t had time to dive into their back catalog, but I’ve already found some songs I really love.
《我又初恋了》 I actually really didn’t like this song the first time I heard it, but it wormed its way into my brain. It’s just a lot of fun! Non-serious songs can be good too.
《转眼》 My favorite 五月天 song <3. I’m probably too young to fully appreciate the lyrics, but they make me feel so nostalgic and bittersweet, like transitioning to a new chapter of life and leaving the old behind.
《因为你 所以我》 This song didn’t stand out to me at first, but it grew on me! I caught myself humming it a lot. It‘s kind of corny, but it sounds so full of hope.
陈奕迅 / Eason Chan I first started listening to 陈奕迅 a couple years ago after my Album a Day August challenge, but I’ve found that his music has grown on me over time. I believe I’ve only mentioned him once before, so I thought now was a good time to highlight my favorite of his songs.
《之外》 This is probably my favorite 陈奕迅 song. The lyrics convey a sense of hopelessness, but the overall song has a smooth, light sound.
《娱乐天空》 You know a song is good when it’s over 6 minutes long but feels like it flies by! It makes me want to get up, get moving, and be productive.
《烟味》 This song is dramatic, and I love it for that. Also has a hint of orchestral flavor.
《淘汰》 One of 陈奕迅’s most well-known songs—for a good reason. It has big Cpop ballad vibes but is definitely livelier.
白举纲 / Bai Jugang You’re going to notice several mentions of 披荆斩棘 in this post. That’s where I “met” 白举纲. I instantly liked his voice and loved seeing him with his “brother” 高瀚宇 and “dad” 张晋! You may also see his music under his English name, Pax Congo.
《被动失控》 This is the only song on the list you could headbang to.
《Shy Boy》 I love this song because it’s cute and includes a children’s rhyme that I learned as a kid: 找啊找啊找朋友 找到一个好朋友.
苏诗丁 / Su Shiding At some point last year I did a one-month free trial of Apple Music. It was an interesting experience because the recommendations were very different from what Spotify tends to show me. I’m glad Apple Music led me to 苏诗丁!
《LUCIFER(傲慢宗罪)》 All I can say is that this song exudes coolness and confidence. It also has a fair bit of English, but honestly I had to look up the lyrics to tell what some of it was.
《梦幻病》 This song is from the same album. It’s dreamlike but gets more frantic as it builds. Overall, it’s just a bit…unsettling.
队长 / Young Captain I learned about 队长 from a random post on Instagram about his concert in Malaysia. I think these songs might have gone viral on 抖音 or something. I was surprised I liked them so much because they both have some rap (I’m not a rap fan), but it was love at first listen.
《11》 I love how this song builds towards the end. I spend the whole song waiting for the crescendo, and it’s great payoff.
《楼顶上的小斑鸠》 This song is like the slightly mellower sibling of the one above. But I ended up liking this one even more.
金志文 / Jin Zhiwen 金志文 was another artist who Apple Music recommended to me. I definitely need to explore his discography more but haven’t had the chance to do so yet. But he has some good stuff so far!
《自娱自乐》 Smooth and relaxing but in a fun way. Simple and no-frills but will put a smile on your face!
《远走高飞》 This one feels like enjoying the breeze on a beautiful sunny day. I also enjoy the duet with 徐佳莹 version.
163braces 163braces started out as a YouTuber posting song covers. I have watched a couple of her covers, but they didn’t leave much of an impression on me. I was pleasantly surprised by her foray into original music. I look forward to hearing what she does next!
《控制》 The song I would want as my “soundtrack” if I were a video game character. It’s energetic and loud.
《murmur》 Honestly this song is pretty similar to the first one. Sometimes I have trouble distinguishing them. But hey, if ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
小鬼 / Lil Ghost 小鬼 did what I can best describe as “pulling an MGK” by going from more rap to kinda pop-punk? That MGK album was my guilty pleasure when in came out, so I’m all for 小鬼’s new direction.
《Last Day》 This song really gave me MGK vibes. It’s about half in English, but I often don't even notice when he switches between languages.
《不良少年》 I just know I would have loved this song so much in high school. It’s an angsty teen anthem. 
《为明天写封信》 I can totally imagine this song playing at the end of a 2000s teen movie! Maybe while showing a montage of the main characters graduating.
《无所求必满载而归》 by 陈粒 / Chen Li This is technically cheating because I have recommended 陈粒 songs before, but it was at least a couple years ago. I heard this song covered on 披荆斩棘的哥哥 and immediately looked up the original. Honestly I should have known it was a 陈粒 song because you can totally tell it’s her style.
《轻红》 by 曹杨 / Young I keep coming back to this song! It’s from a drama soundtrack. I was super surprised the first time I listened to it because I thought it was going to be a typical ballad based on the first ~45 seconds or so—it wasn’t. There is also another version by 陈雪燃 (the king of cdrama OSTs). But I actually prefer the 曹杨 version.
《时光机》 by 吴克群 / Kenji Wu I was introduced to 吴克群 via 披荆斩棘2. He was instantly one of my favorite contestants after his team’s amazing 《新地球》 performance (check it out). This song is bouncy and a little dreamy. I kinda want to hear a remix with Harry Styles’ As It Was. I just wish it were longer than 3 minutes!
My Spotify Wrapped
I have a tradition of sharing my Spotify Wrapped, and I wanted to continue the streak in some form. So here's a quick rundown.
Top genre: 华语流行音乐 Representative city: Taipei Minutes: 21,750
Top artists
薛之谦 / Xue Zhiqian
林宥嘉 / Yoga Lin
五月天 / Mayday
李荣浩 / Li Ronghao
陈奕迅 / Eason Chan 
Top songs
《木偶人》 - 薛之谦
《狐狸》 - 薛之谦
《骆驼》 - 薛之谦
《转眼》 - 五月天
《后来的我们》 - 五月天
Also, fellow Mandopop fans should check out the Mando Gap newsletter. I stumbled upon it this year, and I know it’s going to be a great resource for discovering new artists in 2024!
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hazbinshusk · 2 months
blitzø x succubus!reader. you're dragged along by a friend to verosika mayday's anti-blitzø party and find yourself drawn to a certain imp as the night progresses. after blitzø's heart to heart with the hostess, he's left stewing in his own mind. when you approach him and offer to keep him company there on the balcony, he may just see you as a sorely needed reprieve from his traitorous thoughts.
anon request. 3.2k
featuring: hurt/comfort, smut, an emotionally wrought blitzø, some stolitz feels.
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Hugging a plastic cup to your chest, you watch the party move around you with wide eyes. You weren’t at all surprised by the level of debauchery – hell, by Lust Ring standards this was actually pretty tame – but by the strange kind of… catharsis you were witnessing amongst some of the other guests. Sure, not all of it was exactly healthy – you were pretty sure playing pin-the-dagger-on-the-dickhead wasn’t therapist approved – but people seemed to be…
Maybe ‘moving on’ weren’t the right words for it.
But, hey, you weren’t here to judge. You’d been invited by a friend to a Verosika Mayday party, and even among fellow Succubi that was huge deal. So, that had been enough for you to put together a poor attempt at a Halloween costume and tag along for the night.
You hadn’t realized that the dress code had a different theme until you had opened your apartment door to see you friend wearing a shirt emblazoned with a crudely written “Fuck You Blitzo”. Now it was easy to tell the two groups apart by their wardrobes – those invited by Verosika herself, and their guests all dolled up in their Halloween best.
Still, decent booze, better music, and the intoxicating energy that always radiated off a group of Lust demons this large has your head spinning pleasantly, even if this isn’t exactly what you’d been expecting. You’d grilled your friend on how they’d scored themselves an invite, and honestly, it felt as though you only needed to be tangentially involved with this ‘Blitzø’ guy to score yourself an invite from Mayday.
You weren’t complaining. It beat sitting at home.
The hours pass in a blur of booze and bodies, and you’ve long since surrendered yourself to the fun. An incubus you’ve already forgotten the name of has you pressed against the wall, his tongue in your mouth and his hips flush against yours. You can feel him hard against you, the energy swirling through the party spurring you on. You hook one hand in his belt, the other slung over his shoulder, still holding your half-full cup. He doesn’t seem to be worried about wearing the contents, and his lips move to the side of your throat, his stubble teasing over your skin.
You hum happily at the sensation, rolling your hips into his. An incubus isn’t going to feed you those happy-vibes as much as a human soul could, but even without the power rush your own excitement is an addictive sensation. The incubus grazes his teeth over your collarbone and you gasp, eyes opening lazily.
You cast your gaze across the throng of dancing bodies and upward, following the line of the stairs to the balcony above. A figure wrapped in what looks like a stained tablecloth sits up there alone, feet dangling over the edge. You find yourself staring up at them for a long moment before you feel yourself pushing the other demon away.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’ve gotta go,” you tell him, only semi-apologetic. “Sorry.”
He shrugs, taking it in stride the way only an incubus can, and you step past him to wander up the stairs. Coming to a stop beside the figure… an imp, you realize… you hesitate for a moment.
“Mind if I join you?”
You can barely make out the shrug of his shoulder and you take a seat beside him, swinging your legs out over the edge of the balcony. Discontent is just radiating off of him, and you bite your lip.
“Y’know… you might be the only person here who out even less thought into dressing for the theme than me,” you joke gently. You’re wearing a barely-there dress made of thick black threads woven together to emulate a spiderweb. It left the matching set of black lingerie clearly visible underneath, the hem ending a few inches above your thigh-high boots. “Are you supposed to be a… ghost or something?”
The imp doesn’t answer, and you bit your lip against the sheer awkwardness. You could just take him blowing you off in stride and leave, but there was something so… magnetic about the guy. You take a sip of your drink, holding out the cup in offer.
“You want some?”
There’s a pause, then he reaches out from under the tablecloth to take the cup, his claws brushing against your fingers as he does. He throws back the rest of it, sighing and letting the cup drop from his hand to the floor below, heedless of anyone it might hit. “…Thanks.”
“Sure,” you say, tucking hair behind your ear. “You, uh… don’t seem to be having fun. Did… you know this Blitzo guy?”
The imp is silent for a few moments, his voice barely audible. “He ruined my fucking life.”
“I’m… I’m sorry.”
The imp glances your way, stiffening for a second as he studies your face. “I don’t… did Blitz fuck you over, too?”
He has nice eyes.
You shake your head. “Got invited by a friend. And I don’t think they really knew the guy either. Hell, half the people here are like that from what I can tell. Honestly, this whole thing feels kinda… fucked up.”
The imp stares at you for a few more moments, and there’s something weighted about his gaze. You swallow, fingers tangling in the webbing covering your stomach. Then, he casts his eyes down over the crowd, and he tenses.
“What’s wrong?”
He seems to struggle to decide whether he wants to tell you. You follow his gaze and spot the Goetian Prince you’d heard sing earlier in the night, currently being spun around the dancefloor by an Incubus you’ve seen at parties in the past.
“Ah.” you say. “An ex?”
He nods, almost pitifully. Still, his fists clench against his thighs, an outward show of irritation. Possessiveness.
The two of you watch the couple laugh and dance for a while, and you fight the urge to reach a hand over to him as he growls quietly when the incubus kisses the prince’s neck.
Instead, you swallow, raising your voice over the crowd again. “Hey… did you drive?”
“Did you drive tonight?”
He nods, eyes still glued to the Owl Prince.
“…D’you think you could give me a ride home?”
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The two of you ride in silence, all the way back into Hell and down into the Lust Ring; you only speak up long enough to give him directions to your apartment. His claws are wrapped tightly around the steering wheel, hard enough that his knuckles are pale. His jaw clenches and unclenches, and after a while you reach out over the messy seat of his van to touch a calming hand to his knee.
The imp glances down at it, almost surprised, but his jaw stops tightening.
He comes to an abrupt stop outside your apartment building, mounting the curb and narrowly missing the bench bolted to the footpath. You unbuckle your seatbelt, the awkward feeling hanging between the two of you like so much smoke.
You should end it here, let him take himself home and drink away his troubles or smash shit or send his ex a barrage of texts over what he saw tonight. It’s not your business and you don’t owe the guy anything. So, why instead do you hear yourself say: “Hey, um… d’you want to come inside?”
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On any other day, Blitzø might have scoffed at the idea of a shy succubus, one that treads lightly around his feelings rather than just asking or seducing him into a rough fuck, but tonight he just follows you into your apartment quietly. He still wears the tablecloth like a security blanket, but you don’t comment on it.
Instead, he takes a seat on the couch as you pour the two of you a drink of Asmodean whiskey. It’s not as strong as Beelzejuice but it’s marketed as a nightcap, and it feels more suitable in this moment than a party drink. It burns his throat when he downs half of it, his fingers wrapped almost too tightly around the glass.
You try to make conversation, voice stilted and quiet, and he offers you brief responses that float away like debris in water. All he can see in his mind is Stolas’ happy, carefree smile as that incubus had held him in his fucking arms, and Blitzø just needed his brain to stop.
“You wanna fuck?”
You stop midsentence, caught off-guard.
“I…” you give a surprised, breathless laugh. “I’m… you want to…?”
“Fuck,” he nods decisively. He feels like he should be leaning into you, fixing you with bedroom-eyes or at the very least be speaking in a huskier tone but instead he just sits there, a matter-of-fact. “Now.”
You seem to consider him for a moment before you reach up, and he stiffens as you touch the edge of the tablecloth.
“Depends,” you say, pushing the cloth back away from his face. “Do I have to fuck a ghost?”
He chokes on a laugh despite himself before you lean down to kiss him. He meets your lips almost hesitantly, and it isn’t until later that he realizes that this is the first time he’s kissed someone other than Stolas in months. Your kiss is different, softer and more tentative… there’s no urgency behind it, none of the desperation that’s usually tied to a scheduled fuck. It leaves him cold for a moment, uncertain, but then you cup his cheek gently and slide your tongue into his mouth and he feels warmth bloom in his gut.
He kisses you back, claws curling in the threads barely covering your thigh as the tablecloth falls off him completely. The feel of it sliding over his back makes him shiver, and he wraps his other hand around the back of your neck, tugging you closer and deepening the embrace.
You taste of the sweet nectar of Beelzejuice and something tart like cherries, and he groans, low and reedy into your mouth. The sound thrills you, sends a shudder through the very middle of you, and you scratch your nails over the base of one of his horns.
Blitzø almost purrs at the sensation. “Fuck…”
He inhales sharply as you trail your hand down from his face and over his chest and further… you urge his jacket down off his arms and he shrugs it off, taking your face in his hands. His teeth catch your lip and he tastes the metallic hint of blood, his cock stirring as you whimper needily in response. His eyes roll back behind the lids as you finally palm his cock, squeezing the bulge in his pants as you break apart to catch your breath, forehead bumping against his.
He barely gives you a chance to steady yourself before he’s pulling you in again, because as long as he’s feeling this, feeling you, those whispers in his brain can’t be heard. You’re a balm against the poison of his mind, and Blitzø finds himself torn between the idea of laying you out and pounding your ass into the mattress or splitting you open over his lap.
Blitzø grabs at you, clutching at your hips, your breasts. “Fuckin’ piece of—”
You giggle as his claws tangle in your dress, pulling away to tug it off over your head. Tossing it aside, your breath catches as the imp buries his face against your chest, licking and nipping at the swell of your breasts. He sucks at a nipple through the cup of your bra, and you dust kisses over his horns and his forehead as his fangs graze the hardened point through the silk. He reaches up to tug the cup down, his claws drawing lines against the soft swell of your breast, dark red against the cotton candy color of your skin. He seems to admire the marks for a moment before he brings his mouth to your breast again, curling his forked tongue around your nipple and sucking hard.
The way you arch against him is the closest Blitzø will ever understand as poetry, and he decides right there he needs more of it, pulling you into his lap. You straddle his thighs obediently, grinding yourself once, hard over his crotch. He snarls at the feeling of it, wrapping your hair around his hand and dragging you back down into another kiss, his other claws clutching at a handful of your ass.
The imp’s touch is hot and rough and amazing, so good you’re almost surprised you’re not sucking up a supernova worth of soul energy from the demon. He encourages you to ride his lap with a tight grip on your thigh and your ass, his tongue sliding almost languidly into your mouth.
You unbuckle his belt with practiced ease, lowering his zipper and wrapping your fingers around his erection. The imp groans into your mouth, bucking into the warmth of your hand. You squeeze the base of him with every downstroke of his cock, bending down further to dust kisses over his cheek and the side of his throat. Your teeth graze his collarbone and he curses, claws flexing so hard on your ass that you feel them prick your skin.
“Fuck me…” he groans, and you kiss him again, bracing an arm against the back of the couch beside his horns.
“That’s the idea,” you say breathily and he swats your ass with the spade of his tail. He begins to roll his eyes at the joke but the gesture melts away as you take hold of his wrist and lead his hand between your legs. The imp takes the hint immediately, and you moan quietly as he tugs your underwear aside and slides his fingers against your clit.
“Oh, shit…” you murmur, riding his hand slowly. The imp presses kisses to your chest, reaching behind you unclip your bra. You shrug it off, letting out a drawn-out, broken moan as he guides his cock into you. “Fuck…”
“Fuckin’ Christ…” he agrees, head falling back against the couch. Bracing both hands against the couch on either side of him you corkscrew your hips slowly over his until he bottoms out inside you. He surprises you by leaning up to kiss you again, and you let that linger as you begin to move against him.
You ride the imp’s lap slowly, reveling in the way every inch feels inside you. He thrusts up into you every time you lower yourself again, claws claiming your thighs, just above the top of your boots.
He watches you with wide eyes, his gaze dropping down over your near-naked body before always returning to your face. You shudder with the way he feels filling, stretching your cunt, pushing your hair out of your face so you can press a kiss between his horns.
The way he’s watching you is more intoxicating than anything else you’ve sampled tonight, and when slips a hand between your legs to play with your clit you keen, head falling back.
Blitzø stares at the column of your neck as you tighten around him, your cum dripping down over the base of his cock. He feels your tail wrap around his calf, feels your cunt squeeze around him, and he closes his eyes tight.
The flash of feather and glowing red in his memory makes his brow crease, and he runs his hand over your waist, your thigh, reminding himself of the soft, smooth expanse of your skin. He thrusts up harder into you, retaking your hips to encourage you into a more brutal pace.
You let out an ‘uh’ every time he hits that spot inside you, and he’s cursing and groaning and you palm your breast and squeeze. There’s a furrow between his brows and you can tell he’s trying to hold out, to make this last. His hands are so tight on your hips you’re sure that you’ll bruise, but you don’t care, circling your clit with hurried fingers as you bounce on his dick.
“Yes…” you moan, sparks igniting up along your spine as he angles his hips just right. “Oh, fuck, yes, Blitz!”
“Kiss me,” the imp says just as your second orgasm crests. “Please… fuck. Kiss me.”
You take his face in your hands and bring his lips back to yours and he moans into your mouth as he cums inside you, hands gripping roughly at your shoulders. You keep kissing him until you feel him relax, breaking away to dust soft, slow kisses to his cheek and between his eyes. His hips bump up into yours a few more times as he finally comes down, his chest heaving.
He freezes as you bump your forehead against his and pulls back to meet your eye. “You… how the fuck did you know I’m…”
You raise an eyebrow, the beginnings of an amused smirk playing on your lips. “Your ex is the Goetian Prince and they were kinda burning you in effigy at that party… I took a gamble.”
Blitzø chuckles, the sound half torn between amusement and self-deprecation. “Fuck…”
“Well, hey,” you shrug. “Maybe I’ll have earned an invite of my own to next year’s big Halloween bash.”
He groans, rubbing his hands over his face.
“I’m kidding!” you laugh, taking hold of his wrists and dragging his hands away from his face. “I’m only kidding, I swear!”
He raises an eyebrow at you disbelievingly, and you smile softly, reassuringly.
“Seriously, Blitz. I mean, I don’t really know you, besides the whole…” you gesture down to where you’re still straddling his lap. Your thighs ache slightly with him still inside you. “… y’know… but I didn’t bring you home with me thinking I was going to ‘fix the asshole of honour’.”
“You didn’t?”
“Nope.” you shake your head at his skepticism. “I learned a long time ago that no one expects monogamy from a succubus. And I’m fine with that. I do better without the strings attached. But,” you continue, grinding your hips slowly over his once and making the over-sensitized imp groan in the back of his throat. “I also know you looked like you could use a break from the self-hate for a little while.”
His gaze drops, and you skim a finger down his cheek and under his chin to tilt his face back up to yours.
“Seriously. We’re good here.”
Blitzø sighs, letting his head drop back against the couch. “So, I don’t have to worry about you bitchin’ about me to your friends after this?”
“With dick that good, nah.” you joke, grinning when he snickers despite himself. “Look, I think you clearly need to figure out what’s going on between you and the Prince that’s got you all… how you are. But I also think that if you wanna stay the night, that’s fine too.”
“I don’t…”
You dip your head down to kiss his cheek before he can formulate an answer.
“Maybe don’t answer that offer while you’re still inside me.” you tease, and he smirks weakly, his hands squeezing your hips. You climb gracefully off his lap, unabashed by your disheveled appearance – mussed hair and smeared lipstick, wearing only latex boots and underwear stained in both your cum. “I’m going to shower. And I promise, I won’t be offended if you’re gone by the time I get out.”
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To your surprise, he isn't.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
My audhd brain won't stop telling me to do a full breakdown of the parallels between Percy and Hobie so i will.Alright,let's do this one last time!
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Troubled but good kids
Afro-dominican New Yorker/Jamaican-English(NY and England are where punk first started)
Anarchists,proffessional instigators,always helping out around communities(it's implied Percy participated in Rachel's protests and charities with her)and looking out for the little guy
So they're actual punks instead of just EdgyTM douchebags because they wanna do the right thing no matter what
No masking game autistics
Trans femmes who come across as masc only to normies
Chillaxed and super kind and love cute shit and people but also have major street credit,a huge edge and strong as fuck backbones and the reason they're so kind is that their childhood was beyond brutal so as they grew up they decided to be the positive older figure in younger people's lives they didn't take to have to the point they turned into Team Dad's
The EXACT same sense of humor
Alt music lovers
Expressions are always either super intimidating or meme worthy goofy
Pet supernatural dog(Spidermutt and Mrs O'Leary)
Widely regarded as the coolest ever in-universe and correctly so but they're huge dorks when you get down to it but that only makes them even cooler-They were this cool the whole time
6'something with guitarist hands and described as so attractive it's shocking
Go by a nickname instead of their full name and have a common black surname
Oldest and most experienced heroes in their main casts
Hobie's dad is a deadbeat who left him as a baby to do supernatural shit
'I'm not a role model' 'I hate the a.m,i hate the p.m,i hate labels' 'I don't believe in consistency' / 'Was i a troubled kid?Yeah,you could say that' 'I AM impertenent' 'The sea does not like to be restrained'
'Calling yourself a hero makes you self-mythologizing'Hello???????????
Gwen is the Hazel to Hobie's Percy.She's a younger trans girl with a ghost motif who's a pastel ray of sunshine and runs her mouth as much as they do and has a dead mom,an abusive corrupted figure dad and their own impressive experiences in heroism before meeting them
Nico is another teen Ghostkid who Percy gifted a Ramones shirt and gave shelter to multiple times when he was homeless because Hades/Pluto is as much of a fucking cunt as George Stacy is.Nico is also a Miles kinnie because he's an optimistic softboy who's nerdy,a fast food lover and a lot stronger than he gives himself credit for and Percy is the big brother mentor to him the fandom thinks Hobie is to Miles(Nah fr Hobie and Miles are ambigious but Percy's canonically a grown ass man and Nico's Miles' age,P*rcicos pack it up and get over that your ship only works for transfem Percy proof)
Karl=Jason(the cooler St*ve R*gers,the actual voice of reason on the team but just as unhinged as the rest of them,very nice guy vibes and Hobie's righthand),Riri=Annabeth(Black girl genius who takes no shit but is still written as a person instead of a stereotype)and Mattea=Clarisse(red-coded,rowdy tomboy and war paint)
Mayday and Margo are basically just Estelle and Rachel,Jessica makes a pretty convincing Sally and Miguel reminds me of Poseidon but especially when he's interacting with Hobie
Sarcastic troublemaker smiles i've always found endearing(Rip to Annabeth but i'm different)(Also for Hobie i mean this platonically)
Immaculate rizz that's mostly unintentional but reaches critical levels when on purpose
Cocky asf and self-loathing at the same time
That one scene of Hobie leaving Gwen a Watch with the 'In case it don't work out' note with a lil doodle of him on it after getting her dad's ass/Percy sending the Olympians Medusa's head in a box after slaying her with a note saying 'Best wishes' to spite them
Goofy ahh who are nonetheless taken seriously cause Watch Out
They even both have terrible singing voices
And technically not the same thing but Hobie's also pink-coded so they're cotton candy colors and with Percy's white streak they can be the trans flag too!!
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tarrenterror25 · 1 year
thoughts no one asked for but my mind has no mouth and must scream
At the beach with Miguel and Spider Gang (Miles, Hobie, Gwen, Pavitr, Peter and MJ and Mayday)
Rating: G
Word Count: 1.2K
Tags: Spider dad vibes, beach, food, established relationship with Miguel, GN!Reader, mention of reader in swimwear but nothing specific
Notes: Wrote these up kinda quick!
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Nevermind how you and Peter convinced Miguel to go to the beach with you guys, you're just glad he's open to doing something fun!
Miguel is prepared. He's got a checklist of everything you guys need and definitely keeps a first aid kit handy.
He is supervising that everyone has on their sunscreen, bugspray, and what have you because he'll be damned if you guys head back to HQ and one of you can't function because of a little sunburn. (Lowkey he just cares though.) He even brought infant/toddler specific sunscreen for Mayday.
Miguel's eyes are sensitive to light so he's got his sunglasses on! And Peter forgot Mayday's hat, but Miguel already brought one for her just in case. It's not that Miguel doubts Peter, he just likes to help.
"Oh, darn," Peter says. "Guys, has anyone seen Mayday's hat? It's pink with little flowers and-" "Honey, I think you left it on the couch?" Mary Jane says. "I think you're right," Peter sighs. "Well, looks like you're stuck with me under the umbrella, kiddo!" "Peter." Peter looks to Miguel who's just got that impassive expression of his as he holds out an infant size hat. It's stylized like the classic Spider suit (red/blue with white web motif). Peter smiles and takes the hat and as much as he wants to give Miguel a hard time about being a softie he spares him. This time!
When Miguel sees you come out in your swim outfit (if this is his first time seeing you in it), he's thankful for the sunglasses because he's not taking his eyes off you. Immediately wants to hold your hand, put his arm around your waist or *something*. He needs some kind of physical contact with your body and his.
Miles, Hobie, Pavitr, and Gwen will waste no time getting in the water.
Miguel will take it upon himself to set up the chairs, umbrellas, and everything else. He's not going to ask for help and will just grumble about it the whole time. Of course, you guys step in to help. You and Mary Jane take over bringing the rest of the stuff from the vehicle while Peter and Miguel set up a little pool area for Mayday.
Once everything is set up, the adults can hit the water!
Miguel does not show it often, but he can be mischievous at times. He'll swim underwater and sneak up on you and if you're on a floatie there's a 50/50 chance he will flip you over.
At some point, it's just you and Mary Jane in the water while the others are off doing their thing. Miguel makes it a point to join Peter and Mayday to help keep them company. He actually smiles a bit when Mayday splashes him and he does play with her. You and Mary Jane just watch in amusement.
Mayday hands her dad a little crab toy and hands a shark to Miguel. Miguel makes little "rah-rah" noises and pretends the shark "bites" Mayday and she giggles. Peter lets the intrusive thoughts win and he proceeds to squish the crab revealing that it squirts water and it does so right in Miguel's face.
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"Really, Peter?"
A little while later and you guys are all back on shore; you and Mary Jane catch some sun and relax in the lounge chairs and the rest are making sand castles. Gwen and Miles work together to build one and theirs looks a little clumsy, but they're having fun. Hobie and Pavitr have the most visually pleasing looking sand castle complete with seashell decor. Miguel and Peter are taking this VERY seriously and are making a very large and structurally sound sand castle complete with multiple battlements and a moat.
For food, Miguel made sure to pack a variety of snacks and drinks for everyone to have throughout the day; there's plenty of fruit (he brought some tajin to spice it up!) There's chips, paletas, agua frescas, chicharrones, pan dulce, and what have you. You stayed up the night before packing everything into the coolers and ice chests. For food there's all kinds of fixings for tortas that way everyone can have them the way they like. Miguel packed plenty forgetting that not everyone has the hefty appetite he does, but he also rather he bring too much than not enough for everyone.
Miles is the one who suggests that you guys play volleyball and if you didn't know before, you learn that Miguel can get competitive. Hobie and Pavitr take a turn hanging with Mayday and Hobie jams on his guitar. The teams are Peter, Mary Jane, and Miles versus you, Miguel, and Gwen. If you're not a Spider-person then you and Mary Jane are the outliers among the group. The gang don't even realize they're using their spider abilities to play and it's best if the two of you back away slowly.
The team opposite of you got a point on your team and were gloating a little too much for Miguel's liking and Spider-Man 2099 felt it was an appropriate time to humble them. To say Miguel's serves are aggressive is an understatement.
During the game, Miguel's claws came out, much to his embarrassment, and they popped the ball.
You packed a spare.
When everyone returns to have fun in the water, you stay behind to comfort Miguel a bit. He's still a little sore about the volleyball incident.
Taking a break from the water, you sit under the umbrella on a towel next to where Mayday is and Miguel will come over and lay next to you and rest his head in your lap. You run your fingers through his hair and he starts to doze off for a minute.
He's been very busy trying to facilitate the outing at the beach despite you trying to tell him to hang back and let everyone else help out. He just can't help but take up the responsibilities.
Peter and Mary Jane brought supplies for s'mores!
You guys get a fire going as the sun goes down and enjoy some!
Miguel's never actually made a real s'more. He's had s'more flavored things and always found them too sweet for his liking, but he's willing to give this a go.
"Miguel, you have to leave the marshmallow in the fire longer than that!" You instruct trying to help guide the skewer back into the flames. "Is it supposed to be burnt??" "Just a little," you chuckle. "That's what makes it soft on the inside. It tastes fine, don't worry." You help him construct the s'more and he takes a bite. "Ay dios!" He says with a mouthful of s'more as the marshmallow squishes out the sides and gets on his hands.
As the day comes to a close, everyone helps clean up and bids each other goodbye.
It's just you and Miguel left on the beach and the two of you take a moment to enjoy the quiet of the night, the view of all the stars, and the sound of the waves on the shore before deciding to head back home.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
I was wondering, would Mayday tell the difference between us the the YouTwo?? Cuz from the movie she looks very perceptive and smart enough, so I can’t help but wonder if she could tell when it’s us or YouTwo?
For example; we probably blow on her stomach to make her laugh whenever we greeted her. But YouTwo? She just holds her at arms length and looks at her like she’s a disease
And probably Peter B Parker would know it’s us or not??
I like the idea that certain people and especially the more animal-based Spiders can always kind of inherently tell who's who just by smell alone, but also, something I think I haven't utilized in many of my ideas yet is the Spidey Sense. You can lowkey just spidey vibe check someone and kind of tell or sense stuff about them? And like I dunno if I'm misinterpreting the scene but didn't Miles also have certain visions with some of his Spidey Sense episodes like in the first movie, he has visions of the spider being an alchemax spider just before he meets Blonde Peter, or, idk, he saw visuals with his Spidey Sense
Like sidebar but the whole, kind of vision thing, imagine you're extremely stressed and have you know maybe been doing some self harming stuff and Peter B sees you're going through it one day and, you're actually about to open up to him when you experience the Spidey vision/premonition of, you tell him and he immediately goes and tells Miguel, and you realize oh he's kind of a snitching bastard ain't he (but it's for your own good he promises he's just worried about you kiss kiss uncle Pete loves ya)
But no, I was maybe thinking, YouTwo pops up and Reader is going through their 'beginning a depressive episode' shit and you can tell YouTwo is new and freaked out and, well, it's real easy to see yourself in, well, yourself, and you're like "hey I know what it feels like to feel alone, maybe you could, hang out with this friend of mine, just this once" and you give some tips on how to act around them and, maybe the more you get depressed and feel useless, you actually let them take over more and more and it's when they have some decent "power" that they start actively replacing you and messing with you and trying to kick you out and get rid of you for real
Reader, who is also feeling aimless and depressed: hey other me, why don't you go hang out with this buddy Pavitr of mine, he has this healing energy--
YouTwo: *gets along well with Pavitr and he winds up inviting other friends of yours and YouTwo makes their own independent plans with all of them, basically assimilating deep into your entire friend group and giving themselves more opportunities to steal your friends and more people, and also these hangouts become later 'proof' aka "well im the real one and i can prove it, hey Pavitr remember when we--"*
Reader: hmmmm definitely don't like that!
But no just. Picture Peter B one day finds a little bruise on Mayday, maybe a few of them, and he noticed her temperament is a little different. He can just TELL something is wrong and so can her mother Mary Jane, and Peter thinks, well, there's really not many times she's even out of his sight, ALTHOUGH he DID let 'you' babysit a few times. And at first he wants to play it off, "oh you're just inexperienced with babies and Mayday can be a total handful, you probably just made a mistake" and 'you' even lie and say, maybe it was another kid or Spider animal who got to her when 'you' had barely turned your back
But Peter B gets a little tiny baby monitor/listening device gadget, like a little hard plastic keychain that looks innocent and is ultra durable, and he attaches it to Mayday anyways, just to find out definitively what's happening, and he's with Miguel one day making idle chit chat and they can just hear 'you' over the baby monitor, "why does he keep leaving you with me. I don't even like you, you nasty little monster" and Peter B is just sort of like. ":) haha I'm sure they're. They're joking. They're totally joking" and there's just a series of *yelp* "did you just fucking bite me? Little BITCH!" *Mayday cries out and starts bawling* "yeah you're lucky that's all you get, my parents used to do way worse to me--"
Cue Peter B and Miguel bursting into the room because both fathers are understandably ENRAGED because 1. Dude have 'you' been hurting Parker's literal actual baby and 2. This is not the person they thought it was. Oh SHIT is this not the right person they thought it was
Peter B eventually meets up with you, the real you again, because sometimes i imagine Reader just quietly moves to a normal part of Nueva York and you hand your Spidey life over to YouTwo, and youre understandably a little hateful and dont want to talk to him, but he kinda just, deposits his baby into your arms. Hes gonna baby test ya and see if youre the real one. Mayday just is totally relaxed in your arms, which are noticeably much more careful holding her than your double was because Peter B actually showed you how to hold a baby, and she also has a bandaid on her hand from scratching it against something and you're just like "oh no, you got a little boo boo 🥺 why does your DUMB DADDY keep bringing you around places you can get hurt" and Peter B is like "well ok I think that's a little uncalled for but this one is definitely the real one"
Peter B is then at the front of the Anti YouTwo lynchmob because "that fake HURT MY BABY, Miguel!" which of course wins over a bunch of other formerly skeptical Spiders. You think Jess would ever give YouTwo a second chance? Fuck that, she's not gonna trust some temperamental monster around her baby whenever it's born! Meanwhile Spider Cat who can't talk is over here like "yeah well why do you think I kept biting them, they're a fake 🙄 you see this bullshit, Spider Miette" "jail for faker, jail for faker for one thousand years--"
The Spider Society finally 'gets you back' all "and arent you so happy things can just go back to normal again :)" and you're like "uhhh no fuck you guys, I'll live here but only because you don't give me any other option, the only ones of you I still trust anymore are the animal Spiders, the little kids, Hobie the realest bitch in here who never doubted me, and the toys, isn't that right special edition neon funko pop Miles Morales"
One day after YouTwo has replaced you they get too comfortable thinking everyone is always never once going to question or doubt them anymore and some absolutely heinous shit comes out of their mouth and like they get the social equivalent of one of those Telltale or Fallout video game HUDS pop up, "EVERYONE disliked that" "Miguel will remember that" "social karma lost"
YouTwo, not realizing you did one last thing to fuck them over on the way out: oh hey it's that Hobie guy that's been gone for ages, the real me told me the special password to let him know I'm the real one was "blue lives matter"?
the second that shit comes out of YouTwo's mouth he instantly knows as well as literally anyone around who knows Hobie now knows that's the fake you. YouTwo gets some real life ass [YOU CANNOT FAST TRAVEL WHEN THERE ARE HOSTILES IN YOUR AREA] as Hobie and everyone else for that matter instantly goes into full "I can't kill you but I can beat your ass" mode
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
I love hearing/reading your thoughts on all things 911 and Buddie … soooooooo …
What are your thoughts on the episode titles so far?
I think 8x03 No Place Like Home could see Bobby back at the 118. That or they really do the someone bumps their head and we get an AU type universe. Like the coma dream, minus the coma haha.
Hello baby 🩷
Okay, so, buzzkill, obviously the bees they've been hitting and Gerrard killing the vibe. Since we know the perfume launch is the pool emergency, I'm thinking about the sol de janeiro drama with the body butter that attracted spiders (unclear if it actually attracted spiders but it does make it for a nice plot for a drama) I'm assuming the perfume will attract bees and create problems, and as someone who unfortunately keeps attracting bugs, my perfumes are all fruit based, it's an actual problem lol, I hope I'm not right about that one because I hate calls with bugs lol, and the bees of it all is just a misdirect, like the blimp in s6, and we're going to get another major plotline probably more personal, like the Athena one following the blimp (fingers crossed for queer Eddie, but I like the madney wedding reception theories people have going around, let the Han throw a party, and I have henren theories), and no place like home, it feels too obvious but all cliffhanger points involve someone coming home, Henren getting Mara back, Chris wanting to come back, and Bobby getting the 118 back, so I'm betting we're getting at least 2 out of the 3, I don't see Gerrard lasting past the opening arc, so Bobby coming back, Mara going home, and maybe Chris giving some indication he wants to come home (I've been living in a buddie land where Eddie is questioning his relationship with Buck throughout the opening arc, since Eddie's queer arc makes more sense being about Buck, where they're having a moment, and Chris calls and says he wants to come back and Eddie kind of freezes, but Buck is moving around getting his keys and rushing to get out and he reaches the door before he notices Eddie is still in the same spot staring at his phone and Buck just goes "are you coming with me to go get him or are you just to stay there?" kinda teasing and Eddie is just staring at him like he's seeing him clearly for the first time before following him and the episode ends and we get something like 704 for Eddie's queer realization just because the show likes to mirror the 2 of them during 804, also because Buck is the only one who doesn't have a clear hook set up from s7 outside the Eddie and Chris of it all, so putting him in the resolution makes sense).
I keep going back to the 119 as a call to a set not an alternative reality, but I can see it being the thing with episode 2, because I'm more intrigued about the way we got the titles for episodes 1 and 3, but not for episode 2 and I don't know if you saw the way I was talking about the way s7 is structurally s2, there's even direct parallels visually from the scene with Gerrard to the scene where Bobby comes back in s2, so I keep going back to an arc that's going to work like the tsunami but follow s5 blackout rules, since s7 also has a lot of triggers that are similar to s4. Both sink or swim and desperate times have a certain intensity that I can see them trying to recreate and an alternative reality/coma dream/hallucination could be a way to add some that in. BUT there's the kid going missing aspect, and the council woman plot makes me 👀 at Denny. Because he's the only one of the kids who didn't have a major "I'm in serious danger" plot yet, May tried to kill herself and she also has the mayday plot, Chris was in the tsunami, Harry was kidnapped and closed into a wall, and I'm ignoring Jee because they wouldn't do that to a toddler. While he had the Eva plot, we know Eva wouldn't actually hurt him and he was unharmed during the lab explosion and with his father, and considering the amount of trauma they keep dumping on Chris and everything about Harry, they're not above hurting the kids and this is a situation that could bring Denny into the middle of the mess and the Mara storyline has a lot of opening to put henren in a similar position Buck was during the tsunami and Athena was during the blackout.
So, so far I'm thinking: Eddie questioning his relationship with Buck leading to a feeling realization because I don't think they'll make Eddie gay, I think they're just gonna have him acknowledge he's in love with Buck, Bobby and Athena dealing with the house burning down and getting Bobby back to the 118, Henren trying to get Mara back and maybe something happening to Denny to further that, and parallel to that, the Mara plot triggering a Madney second kid plot. I'm also thinking maybe they can use madneys backyard in the same way they used to use the Grant Nash one and have madney throwing a party. Is it a wedding reception? Is it celebrate Bobby coming back? The adoption going through? Who knows. And getting a parallel to May's graduation party where Madney leaves because Maddie figures out she might be pregnant with Buck and Eddie leaving to go get Chris in a similar vision like the one described up there.
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kitkatpancakestack · 2 months
Aw man now I'm on something. nobody asked and nobody cares but here it is anyway.
My personal ratings of each 9-1-1 season!! Because why not!!
Season 1: 7.5/10. Tonally different than the rest of the show (also visually different, yikes re that god awful saturation) but some memorable episodes, I really liked the edginess they played around with even if a couple of the plotlines weren't my favorite. Connie Britton was in it so obviously that's a plus. just a really solid foundation for the character journeys to come. Gets a 7.5 for episode 1x04 alone tbh.
Season 2: 10/10 flawless no skips legend you already know how I feel about this queen
Season 3: 6/10. ppl rate this season higher for nostalgia I think bc 1) many fans started watching this season and 2) the buddie of it all goes crazy. But tbh aside from the tsunami arc and the train derailment it's kind of mid. madney pregnancy reveal at the end bumps it to a 6 from a 5 bc I love them sm.
Season 4: 7/10. lackluster start but they gained mad momentum when Future Tense aired. some bumps probably due to shorter COVID season but this shit is a banger. Also the introduction of Ravi?? Best character add-on since Maddie and Eddie. And the Shooting Arc® speaks for itself.
Season 5: 8.5/10. I know I love to bitch and moan about 5a but personal feelings aside this is an objectively solid season. they toyed with darker themes similar to s1 vibes and it worked for the most part. Flawless execution? No, but we got Boston, we got Eddie breakdown, we got Mayday, we got another wave of fandom racism and Buck stan uwu-ism so u know it was doing something right the seamless and beautiful way the season circled around and brought everyone back together at the end. They almost hit that s2 magic but nobody can be s2 as we know.
Season 6: 4/10. wtf happened this season tbh. Buck got struck by lightning. Tomorrow was an amazing episode. I think I hallucinated Buck's sperm donor storyline. literally I'm asking genuinely what happened this season lol. end of FOX era good riddance goodbye.
Season 7: 7.5/10. Really it deserves an 8 but that finale was such a letdown I didn't see coming lmfao. Bathena cruise ship disaster amazing all the way around. Buck is a boy kisser speaks for itself. Other storylines I'm not so pumped about. It was a shorter season tho and other things are in flux, but I think it did a halfway decent job setting the groundwork for what could be a really good s8.
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forest-wolfie · 3 months
I've been thinking about this for a long ass time but fuck you I'm dropping my Spiderverse headcanons!!! I need this shit out of my system because I think about these movies a normal amount. Also be warned this is a long ass post, but enjoy my silly brain thoughts if you decide to read!!
Miles and Gwen are both trans, and later on form a t4t queerplatonic relationship together. (post movies) Rio and Jeff are both supportive of the two while Gwen's dad is a bit suspicious of Miles being from a other dimension, but he trusts his daughter to keep herself safe.
Miguel is a stealth trans man, and has been transitioned for years now! No one in the Spider Society knows besides Peter B, once they finally start dating much later on. Technically Lyla knew from the start, but she still keeps it secret (mostly acts as his reminder to take his t shots.)
Hobie has heterochromatia, but not the typical kind. He has sectoral hetero chromia, having a segments of brown in golden colored eyes. It's kind of splotchy looking, not truly a perfect cut color. Most people like to comment they look like Tigers eye stones, which he finds flattering.
Hobie also just labels himself as queer. He would technically be considered to be on the aromantic spectrum, but he's very open and will really just kinda go around with any friends of his if they're comfortable with it. He really prefers to have deeply formed bonds through platonic means, even if it's sexually (which he really does often.) That type of bond is much more fulfilling to him.
Peter B is in fact bisexual, and ended up divorcing MJ which is what lead him to getting with Miguel much later down the line. MJ was the one to also initiate the divorce too, Peter's life as Spider-Man was simply just too much for her and it only caused her way too much stress on top of her current job being a journalist. They still have shared custody of Mayday and they both get to see her often, making sure she is properly cared for.
Adding to that last one, Miguel also helps raise Mayday when she's with Peter and as she grows up she tells people she has a mom and two dads. Usually people's first reaction isn't always positive until she explains it but Pete finds it both very funny and very adorable that she considers Miguel a second father. It also gives Mig a chance to be a dad again after already losing his own kid previously, so Mayday kind of acted as an opportunity for him to heal from his grief.
This is less of a headcanon and I guess a general agreement but to me its a headcanon- I think Spider-Man Noir specifically is the oldest of the main group. He's been in the Spider Society for many years now and my estimate is he is about in his mid 40's by the time Across the Spiderverse takes place. Mig and Pete are both in their mid-early 30's, Hobie is 20 and Pav is 18, and the Miles and Gwen are both 15 and 16 respectively. Ages are all vague in the movies so I honestly just go based off of voices, behaviors, and general vibes for this one.
Since Noir is the oldest one of the group as well, he typically ends up being the mentor for any rookie Spider-People looking to learn some moves in combat. He is a very skilled fighter even for using a gun, he still knows how to defend himself an throw some punches. If Miles wasn't treated like a literal outlaw in the Spider Society, Noir would have mentored him and taught him some more proper fighting techniques so he can become stronger as a young Spider-Man. Miles has experience of course, but Noir sees much better potential in that boy that he would like to bring out in him.
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grimowled · 3 months
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i present to you ... grimm's very many and messy thoughts on the latest ep.!
QUEEN VEROSIKA MAYDAY. she unquestionably ruled over this episode, even though it was mostly blitz focused. other than just being effin' fabulous, gorgeous, just slaying and owning every scene she appears in, her growth is just a joy to see - and though it may be shitty to organise a blitzø hate fest, how I see it is that in some way, she is helping people who have been spurned / abandoned / experienced heartbreak by growing them into a community, giving them what they need: a way to hash out their feelings, cry, dance, drink, make out, get together and relate, and move on. like some kind of blitzø anonymous community.
verosika inviting stolas to the party as the latest ex to have his heart broken? how did she know ? did stolas make it public ? I love this little detail. let me know the theories !!
verosika greeting stolas with a smooch and just being so lovely to him, offering him support without prejudice??
I liked that she didn't kick blitz out but gave him a chance to see it all. it showed maturity on her part and a will to find understanding between them.
their little chat - kicked me hard in the feels, especially at the end. for both points of view. closure for vero, and new beginnings for blitz, a path to romantic redemption and introspection. I am so happy for verosika, getting the apology and the feelings catharsis she deserved, whilst helping others cope.
the 80s retro synth vibes?? the purple hues? the VIBESSSS
the tunes in this one !! fantastic lyrics and great interpretation from the voice actors.
the cameos and background characters!! the designs just rocked. I want and need to see more of them, like a spin-off series for each and every one of them. if you make rp accounts, please send them my way I will adore them.
that sexy imp dancing and making out with stolas. unf
look at the variety of smokin' hot ppl blitz's been with, even pulling celebs like vero and royalty like stolas. the sheer gorgeousness in one room ... he may be an incorrigible heartrob but this is just a testament to the charming and handsome KING he is.
blitz's stages of his breakup grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) his feelings ... lil jealous fit at the end as he watches stolas enjoy himself with another guy, then the resignation ... just everything blitz this ep killed me. I love him so much, I want him to heal and be happy but also I love that he's a mess and a disaster. I am a slut for toxic ships
stolitz - blitz seeking stolas out was pleasantly unexpected for me. starting the ep off with him still trying to pursue stolas despite having obtained a legal way to travel to earth without his grimoire and being thrown out--telling him he needs to EARN it -a blatant excuse to keep seeing him, not accepting stolas is the one to break it off. it broke my heart.
STOLAS. his arc, his growth, him continuously serving cunt in that posh lil robe and being tall and leggy and just royally stunning.
his tiny slutty waist.
THE SONG!! he owned it. I love that he is a songbird and the performance was so emotional it messed me up good.
stolas being a cute messy af drunk.
stolas being SUMMONED-- YES my canons, my heart. needless to say, MY stolas portrayal greatly enjoys those summoning parties but he does like cake with his sacrifices lmao.
more to come ...
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traincat · 1 year
What are you favorite versions of spider-man? For me, it's main Peter for classiness, Ben since he's the first clone, Miles because he can eletrocute people and get invisible, maybe Gwen since she's a ballerina, Spider-ham since he's an anthropomorfic animal and therefore sillier and Noir because he's dramatic. Penny too, if only because she's more tech involved.
My favorite spider-people are definitely 616 Peter, Kaine, Ben Reilly (Ben comes in third but there's no shame in bronze), Miles Morales, Cindy Moon, and I have a weird fondness for Mattie Franklin I can't quite explain. I think it's just because she's so mistreated by the narrative. I've never really managed to click with Spider-Gwen because I think the foundation of her universe was never set up well enough to really support in depth worldbuilding -- it needed more of an Ultimate Spider-Man touch and instead it leaned very heavily, like a lot of more modern comics, on vibes, and vibes do not support an entire universe. (I kind of wish she wasn't in 616.) (I really want a 616 Gwen resurrection revenge story like let her go full Jason Todd.) I love Noir Peter, but more the version of him in the first two Noir Spider-Man storylines, Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Man Noir: Eyes Without a Face. I don't view anything beyond Eyes Without a Face as canon. The version of him in Spider-Verse is really fun but he can't beat the original for me.
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I also like Mayday Parker a lot! Next generation stories can be kind of hit or miss but MC2 Spider-Girl has a lot of charm to it and hits the right balance.
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vitaminwaterreviews · 2 months
Suho - 1 to 3
I initially decided to check out this album because someone on Reddit described it as “scratching my Beatles itch,” and I gotta say, I am not disappointed. I didn’t totally get Beatles out of it, but it’s way more of that British rock vibe than like, 99% of anything else in kpop. It did still sound quite modern though, a lot of synths in places where the Beatles wouldn’t use them, the vocals were so clean in a way that the Beatles just never did. But then, nobody’s saying that this is Beatles-y except for that one commenter, so analyzing it as imitation Beatles is probably not a good-faith analysis.
I really enjoyed the album sonically. Like, every song was pleasant to listen to; nothing demanded too much of me, and nothing was too boring either. Admittedly, a lot of the songs were kind of boring structurally - but then, the same can be said of Beatles music too. I appreciated how the Wendy feature was more of an actual duet, rather than just giving her a few lines. And I also appreciate the actual guitar solos; kpop tends to shy away from instrumental solos, since the focus generally is on the singer.
Average score of 8.4 which feels maybe a bit low, but I’ll stick with it. Really good listen, definitely give this a shot.
- Mayday
Lol okay what is this movie trailer intro
Mkay and now we’re kind of garage rock
And now his vocals are just Pretty
I’m not typing much bc I’m vibing so hard
This is like, totally the stuff my dad would like, and I happen to really like his taste in music
1 to 3
The guitars in my left and right ears are slightly different and that’s a neat effect
Not much guitar at all in the verse, heavy bass though
Yeah, same thing in the chorus with the different guitar lines in different ears
And in the post-chorus, one half of the harmony in one ear and the other half in the other
8/10, could’ve done with a little more variety but really enjoyable nonetheless
My feelings about Wendy are well-documented
And that harmony in the intro was really cute
Notice all the piano when Wendy comes in
I hope she sticks around for the rest of the song, but knowing SM, that’s unlikely
There was Goodbye Summer I guess
Oh okay, she’s got some ad-libs in the post-chorus, that’s nice
Heyyy a proper guitar solo, we don’t get those very often in kpop
Okay yeah, her voice is present throughout the song, that’s really great
Wishful Thinking
Haha the “DUN DUN DUN DUN” that’s great, love that
And now it ushers in the prechorus, probably
Or is this ahhhh part the pre-chorus? Or was that the chorus?
This song has a lot of building left to do
But it’s already halfway over and I’m not sure it’ll build to where I want within the next minute
Okay, this bridge/outro/whatever is really nice, not quite as much as I was hoping for though
8/10, love the sound, underdeveloped though
This is another song which is more about the sound than the song
Like that adorable guitar riff in the intro is basically the whole song
Oh I just adore vocals alongside instrumentals though, really pretty
Alright Alright
I didn’t expect his voice to go so high here in the chorus
This feels kinda generic though, with the ‘ooh’s and stuff
Oh wait, who is Giriboy
I don’t know Suho’s voice nearly well enough to tell who’s singing
Oh nvm this is a rap section, so this must be Giriboy
Good song, a lot of it did feel kind of generic and forced to me though
Zero Gravity
Again with the movie trailer intro
And now it’s all cute and pretty with a soft acoustic guitar?
He has such a pretty voice in the chorus here
That same distortion again in the post-chorus, I really want this song to Go somewhere
I mean, it is and has been going somewhere, so hopefully it builds even more
Mkay yeah, this is more of what I wanted
9/10 but I could see this becoming an all-time favorite one day
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Unpopular Hobie takes/opinions
Him and Gwen actually have pretty good romantic chemistry and if it were up to me they would've been canon instead of Ghostflower with Miles having moved on from Gwen romantically and Gwen thinking of him purely platonically from the get-go
But also,they work just as well as found siblings and NOT parent-child because even with the interpretation of adult Hobie,he has Dad Friend vibes,not Actual Dad ones.The one thing i would change about romantic Ghostpunk also is making Gwen a half white afrolatina since Hobie would be poc4poc for obvious reasons
The trope of him being a popular target of thirst on Earth 138 thanks to being in a band is honestly kind of stupid because yes he's objetively handsome as fuck(/platonic)but also he's also a black person living in 1970s England.Speaking from the experience of a biracial homecountry raised afrolatino who grew up with the white side of his family only and went to predominantly white/nonblack poc schools,he definitely gets a lot of comments on his apperance but not positive ones and the best he'll get from most is a backhanded compliment
He dosen't listen to indie music but he loves indie games since part of anti-capitalism is supporting small bussiness and creators
Him and Noir wouldn't be all that close-Obviously they'd like eachother because Noir's based but i can't see him ever being into him romantically,even disregarding that he looks exactly like Peter B which would make dating him So Fucking Weird
He hates being theythemed-No shade to people who headcanon him with any pronouns or do actual respectful nonbinary rep with him but i find the idea that Hobs being nonbinary means he'd use only they/them to be just reinventing the gender binary as a genderqueer person who largely perfers he/him even if he's got they/them in his pronouns set too
He's jamaican(Honestly not entierly sure if this is in unpopular but i looked for content and found only a small amount of posts)
Related to the above,i fucking HATE the weed jokes because oh yeah,of course the jamaican guy is a stoner hahaha NOT you guys aren't funny
His favorite color is pink and that's why he turns pink when he's happiest(Around Miles because babyboy is CRUSHING and around Mayday because again,Dad Friend so obviously he loves babies)
He's not really a sexual person including his humor and tbh i find very creepy how often he's assumed to be based off his flirtations because y'all,Gwen's a MINOR and SO IS MILES and the crop top is to be gnc,stop making it weird,this is a kids movie!Plus that's not even getting into black male stereotypes
I don't like the idea of him and Miles G or Pavitr together because no hate Chaipunk shippers because i truly do think it's a good ship but all the feminization of Pavitr has ruined it for me and it's not helped by me not seeing anything between them in the movie and just casually shipping them and i think it's better if our Miles gets a Hobie and Miles G gets a Ganke seeing as our Miles was robbed of his thanks to the Mcu so it's equal.Also Prowlerpunk shippers are always so fucking goofy,STOP drawing Hobie without his beautiful black features other than his melanin
Him and Jessica have a mother-son relathionship that parallels Miles and Peter B's,including that Hobie has an actual mom but diffinerating in that he actually views her as a parental figure(while Miles sees Peter B as his older brother)-Purely headcanon based but that little interaction between them at the end screamed that they're close so she knows his attitude
Margo is one of his best friend's because obviously she is,i don't even need to explain why and Margobie/Siblings!Punk Byte both have way more of a basis than Noirpunk
His counterpart in Batman crossovers should be Stephanie Brown or Duke Thomas,not Jason Todd because they share some similarities but Stephanie and Duke are almost exactly like him(Including names regarding him and Stephanie and i've even nicknamed her Stephie so there's that)
And also,he's a Percy Jackson and Katara kinnie
Rio and Jefferson would actually fucking love him because guess what,it's stupid and transparently antiblack to automatically assume a black couple would see a black boy who's unbelivably sweet-looking but brand him as a thug who's out to abuse their child just because he's alt and isn't a fence sitter about oppression-In fact,they'd tease Miles about someone as dorky as them pulling someone as cool as Hobie and there should be gags about them loving Gwen as a person but being SO relieved he's not actually dating a white girl
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onmyownside1 · 1 year
Just Rewatched ITSV. Here are some thoughts
Pssst! Here’s the link to my ATSV analysis thing
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the parallels
so many ducking parallels
both in scenes and in lines
When Jeff sees Uncle Aaron and he assumes it was spider man, but then he sees that spider man is actually a really good guy and changes his mind “Do you know who did it?” “I thought I did..”
Versus Gwen’s dad in ATSV who was under the impression that Spider Woman killed Peter Parker, and even after learning that Spider Woman was his daughter still tried to arrest her. Who couldn’t see past the murder of his daughters best friend.
Prime definition of good cop bad cop except this ain’t no interrogation
When Miles blasts Kingpin away with his electricity and when he does it again to Miguel, except in ATSV he’s in a much worse position. No one he thought he could trust was actually trustworthy. He felt totally alone. And desperate. Versus in ITSV when all of his friends had left him with the knowledge that he was fit to be spider man, that he could wear the mask, and even then, he had his father with him. He was knocked down again and again and he always managed to get back up because someone was in his corner. Versus is ATSV when he was cornered.
a bit more funny but when Miles is about to jump off the building but takes the stairs, his dad does the same thing during The Spot fight in ATSV.
Miles is such a loser (affectionate)
Peter B Parker is also a loser (degrading)
”We miss you Miles!” “You miss me? I still live here!” “Wait, you miss me?”
Miles “Ultimate Rizz” Morales lmaooooo
Gwen literally plays out Peter’s story. She goes to school, and gets a job at a science-y company, whips out her Spider - Woman powers, etc
Peni losing her robot hurts a lot more when you remember that it was her dad’s robot.
Honestly I see parallels between Spider Noir and Ben Reilly’s (?) behavior, except Noir is less brooding and more mysterious lol.
I honestly don’t like Peter B. At least, I’m not super fond of him. He was kinda giving Miguel vibes for the first part of the movie but he was just more pathetic.
I’ve said before that I don’t appreciate when Spider-People are sarcastic for no reason.
Like for the sake of a villain fight it can be funny but when they’re sarcastic (like overly) on the daily it just sounds plain rude.
Humbling Reality Spider- Man indeed.
Idk if I’ve stated this before but Angel doesn’t like Peter B either. Mostly because of the “no cape” thing but also for the reasons listed above. These traits get better in ATSV but I imagine he kind of gets annoyed with his whole “old man” thing.
Like she loves Mayday but sir, I do not want to see pictures of your child.
ummmmmm that’s all
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mellatoninsstuff · 1 year
So, in the most recent episode, Blitzo reconciled with Fizzarolli. This tells me that this season may possibly be more focused on reconciliation and Blitzo owning up to his mistakes, starting with the biggest one: the fire that killed his mother, disabled fizzarolli, destroyed his circus and tarnished his relationship with his sister. He also obviously sees that reconciliation feels GOOD and may decide to apologize to others because it’s healing for both him and the others around him.
We also have the official season list, the remaining episodes are as follows. (I will highlight the ones that will come into play in my theory):
I believe that Apology Tour will focus on Blitzo’s former relationship with Verosika Mayday. We might delve into what happened with Verosika, and why Blitzo left her.
I’m also getting the vibe that Ghostf**ckers will finally address the humans knowing and having proof that demons exist.
“ok but Mel what does this have to do with the theory” this:
I believe that I.M.P. is going to partner up with various characters that blitz knows and reconciles with during a possible final battle against D.U.M.B.
You’ll notice that a lot of these characters have extremely powerful connections or are extremely powerful themselves (Fizzarolli and Ozzie, Stolas, etc). Verosika is a succubus, which are canonically the only hellborn species able to transport from Hell to the Mortal Realm, thus making succubus the most powerful of the hellborns. It’s also shown in Springbroken that they have the ability to heavily influence humans and their actions.
This will all come into play, and I.M.P. will have a LOT of powerful people on their side if blitzo successfully reconciles with them.
I think there’s also a chance that, if D.U.M.B. decides to target I.M.P. and demonkind, Moxxie might try to create a truce with Crimson, as crimson is the head honcho of the mafia in Hell and therefore has EXTREMELY powerful connections, in exchange for Crimson’s support in the fight against D.U.M.B., or Loona may have Tex and Beelzebub join the fight too (like I said, very powerful and well known connections).
anyway anyway thoughts??? opinions??? anything y’all wanna add???
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hauntedradiotower · 1 year
what does your rid15 fix-it au you’ve mentioned look like… mine feels more like an entirely separate thing based off only the broadest of strokes bc rid15 is. honestly extremely difficult to work with for me bc of it’s weird sequel but doesn’t really act or feel like a sequel 99% of the time vibes 😭
Hey hey thanks for asking!
I’m still putting the plot pieces together honestly. I have a few themes and a vibe.
THE VIBE This was easy; it will be like the Iron Giant. Many beats are similar between that movie and RiD: the start of the show being some guy yelling “Mayday!”, the kind robots who turn into mindless killers when their eyes go red, the lonely kid raised by a single parent in a 50s-diner-looking-setting, hiding robots from society/government, the scrapyard dilf who thinks trash is treasure, etc. RiD has additional plot pieces, but it’s missing any sort of emotional substance. It’s all formulaic. Put these bad guys back in their prison cans forever. It sometimes hints at themes that could be higher or deeper, but doesn’t follow through.
THE THEMES 1. Fear of being useless or incompetent (Fixit’s fears about being discarded as scrap, Bee’s fears about being good enough to fill Optimus’ shoes, Denny’s fears about not being a good dad to Russell, etc)
2. Fear of The Other (Autobots fearing Decepticons and vice versa, humans fearing robots and vice versa) and how to overcome it (kindness? Violence? Understanding?)
3. The inherent value of a living thing (yes even Minicons, YES even Decepticons)
4. Found Family YAY
MISCELLANEOUS I do know the main characters would be Fixit and Russell. Optimus would probably not be in it, aside from flashbacks and/or visions. The Decepticons would be characterized with traits beyond “generic evil/destructive evil/plotting evil”. Maybe they’d be allowed to start their own society on a different planet, just not earth. Bee wouldn’t be confidently settled with a job as a cop at the start, he’d be more listless and directionless. More like Bootleg Hotrod*, but longing for a higher cause again. Sideswipe and Strongarm would probably not be in it. Windblade though…
All of this is subject to change, I haven’t even finished S1 yet. But that’s the bones of it. I’d love to hear more about your AU!
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