#mc: [elbows him hard in the ribs]
What if MC in the Prisoner!AU was the boys’ attorney?
@recklesslycaffeinated au where Don convinced Reader to go into law with him, lol
Mc is a defence attorney who often defends monsters pro bono. It can be difficult for them to navigate the complex human legal system, and she’s there to help.
Sans: They got along well from the start. Sans is charming, smart, and gives off such a harmless aura. Although she got the sense some of his niceness was for show, he was still helpful and polite, and he seemed really interested in the legal processes. As his defence attorney, Mc is privy to a lot of information that not many other people get to see. She digs into his old records in preparation for his trial... and she starts to see some worrying patterns. As such, despite Sans’ persona, she wisens up to what he’s really like a lot faster than her nurse & asylum counterparts. He seems sweet, for sure, but the records she’s digging through paint a portrait of a different monster entirely.
... But she tries her hardest to treat him well, and get him a fair trial regardless. It’s not her job to be the jury. It’s her job to make sure the jury can do their job.
Initially, Sans was sweet to her in the hopes that it would bore her and convince her he’s harmless. The last thing he needed is some human lawyer discovering his past, and stopping his ‘mission’. But... then he started getting attached. Very attached. He started falling in love. Now, he’ll do anything he can to stay close to his little lawyer- and to protect their future together, he’ll do anything to prevent her from finding out just how high his EXP really is, and how deep the rabbit hole of his past goes. 
Red: Their relationship is a somewhat fraught one. He adores her and is a relentless flirt, trying to get her to be his, meanwhile she desperately tries to maintain professional boundaries, unwilling to get involved with the head of a mob. Though she first was intimidated by him, she now just considers him a big (annoyingly charming) nuisance. They met after she defended some of his underlings and successfully kept a few out of jail, without realising just who they were working for, and now anytime it’s his turn to face legal music he ignores all the expensive lawyers his brother wants him to take and goes straight to her.
She’s so cute. He loves her. He loves how she tries so hard to paint him as a half decent guy when taking press statements, he loves the way she glares at him if he starts saying dumb things in interviews. He’s got bribes running through the whole legal system at this point, from judges to juries, he just likes being able to spend time with her during trials. 
Is he committing minor, easy-to-defend crimes, just so he can hire her as his attorney and enjoy taking up her time? Perhaps. He’ll be pleadin’ the fifth on that one.
Skull: The human-eating beast we all know and love. He has very little left in his head- nobody else would take his defence, but she’ll be damned if she doesn’t do her best to help. And despite his... reputation... she decides to take his case. The gory details of it all deeply upset her, but her aim for his trial isn’t to say he didn’t do it- it’s just to successfully plead insanity and get him placed in care instead of in a prison. Sans actually helps her out a little, telling her about how monster Souls can warp after tragedies, which she hopes is grounds for arguing that Skull was under duress and didn’t act with malice or forethought. While his case goes on, he’s held in a specialised facility. She decides to start visiting him face-to-face regularly, just to get a sense of him... tell him about how his case is going. Maybe it’ll help him, if he understands he’s got someone on his side through this.
Their meetings take place with him fully tied down and masked. Animalistic or no, he’s still legally entitled to meetings with his lawyer. Unlike his prison self, this Skull hasn’t been rotting in a cell for years- he’s fresh from his murders, just as powerful, but still sharp. Still aware. Still violent. From the very beginning, he becomes more alert when she’s in the room, he leans forward when she talks. He breathes faster when she’s nearby, and he holds her gaze until she gets shivers. 
At first, she wishes he’d say something.
Then he starts talking. And she wishes he’d stayed silent.
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tti episode 7
“Last time on Total Takes Island! Our campers were put to the test in a battle against their fears. Not all succeeded, but all were very entertaining. Mal and Courtney finally fought out their differences in the ring, and Mal revealed her actual not-so-nice personality and her bad habit of throwing challenges, which ultimately led to her stroll down the walk of shame. How will the team ever bounce back from their inner turmoil and their vicious losing streak? Find out today, on Total! Takes! Island!”
The Flying Fujoshis walk in relative silence towards the beach, where they’ve been summoned for today’s challenge. Now only down to only six competitors, a certain sense of urgency hangs in the air. 
McLovin walks ahead of the group (partly thanks to his long legs) and Ass jogs to keep up with him. “Hey, McLovin!”
“Oh, hey, man,” he says, turning in their direction. “What’s up?”
“Oh, I just thought you might want a walk-friend. Buddy system, right? Haha,”
“Uh… yeah, for sure,” 
Courtney watches from a few feet behind and then stops, putting her hands on her hips and glaring. Sha-Mod crashes into her, his field of vision obscured by the Lighting image. 
“Sha-Hey! What’s the hold up?” 
They seethe. “Look at Ass. Mal’s not even gone one day and they’re already getting all chummy. McLovin was my ally first!”
“Woah, we can’t call dibs on a guy, guy,” Sha-Mod says, standing alongside Courtney as they begin walking again. “It’s not fair to him.”
“They’re such a flooz. They’re flirting,” 
“Sha-are they?” Sha-Mod lifts up the image just a tiny bit and watches as Ass giggles and playfully elbows McLovin’s ribs a little too hard. He keels over for a moment, coughing, and then smiles back. “Damn… they sha-are.”
The two overhear a snippet of their conversation. 
“Stop, MC you are too funny!”
“I call him MC. That was my nickname first!” Courtney shouts before Sha-Mod covers their mouth and shakes his head. 
“Alright, campers! Today’s challenge is simple: canoeing! You’ll be paddling across the lake to Bony Island, where you’ll carry your canoes to the other side of the island, and then build a rescue fire that’ll be judged by moi. The first team to return with their canoes win!
And… well, Scruffy, I’m sure you’ve got this,”
Scruffy stands. “Everyone make sure to not take anything off the island. According to local legend, if you do, you’ll be permanently cursed,”
Everyone looks at each other nervously.
“Now, get a move on!”
“Let’s partner up. Luckily, we have an even amount of members, so this shouldn’t be hard,” Courtney smiles. “Let’s see… Bonnie and Caesar, you two will go together, and… Me and McLovin-”
Sha-Mod and Ass both shout at once. “Hey!”
“What? We’ve been friends since the Awake-a-Thon. Bonnie and Caesar are friends, McLovin and I are friends… it makes sense, doesn’t it?” 
“Don’t you think we should sha-mix it up for once?”
Courtney sighs, watching the Anons set off, Max having assigned everyone a partner already. “Okay, fine. McLovin, go with Bonnie. Sha-Mod and Caesar. Ass, you’re with me,”
No one seems particularly happy about the arrangements, but at least everyone is equally miserable. 
Austin and Kelly sit in their boat, ignoring their oars and simply relaxing in the sun instead. Kelly leans over the edge of the boat, their finger dipping in the water while Austin leans back. 
“How about O, baby?” 
“Oh, I don't know,” Kelly sighs. “He seems a little… neurotic.”
“Most of the people here are, baby. Not Austin, though, I’m cool as a cucumber, yeah!”
Kelly sighs happily. “I like that,”
Max’s canoe paddles by quickly, and he yells as he and Staci pass. “MOVE!”
Staci pants from within their canoe, smiling. “You know, my great-great-great grand aunt Pattie-”
Max pops in a pair of ear-plugs
MAX: “I admire Staci's upper body strength much more when I can't hear them."
Julia and Michael paddle their canoe behind Max and Staci’s, albeit at a much less stressed pace. “Should we go faster?” Michael asks, watching the two ahead. 
Julia shrugs. “Eh, I wouldn’t worry about it. The Fujos are way behind,”
“Yeah, but-”
“Plus, Max kinda has a stick up his ass, you know? I mean, where’s the fire, right?”
JULIA: “and I am not being manipulative, by the way. Michael is desperate for friends, and I could use an ally. It’s a parasitic relationship,” she pauses to think. “Wait- no, that’s not right.”
“We are in the middle of a challenge, and with-”
“Don’t worry about it, we’ll win. I’m pretty confident in our abilities. I mean, yours at least,” Julia smiles. “Think about everyone else on the team- what do they bring to the table? Scruffy is a know-it-all, Staci is delusional, Max is a Smurf… when you think about it, you and I are like, the only good players.”
Frollo and Scary’s canoe floats by as they fight each other inside, Scary biting down on Frollo’s Bible as he holds it and tries to shake her off. Both Michael and Julia watch in silence until they’re out of frame.
“Um… yeah, I guess so,”
Caesar huffs, wiping the sweat off his brow in the scorching sun.
Sha-Mod watches in silence as Caesar turns to look at him, expectedly. A long silence follows as they stare at each other. 
Caesar turns back and sighs. “I miss Bonnie,”
Bonnie and McLovin sit on their canoe in an equally awkward silence, looking back and forth at each other every few seconds. 
“So…” McLovin finally starts up a conversation, looking to the sky nervously. “What kind of music do you like?”
“I don’t really listen to music,” Bonnie says in a monotone voice. 
“That’s cool. I like old school hip-hop and some classic rap. My buddy Joner and I have the biggest collection of Eminem concert ticket stubs in the Midwest,”
“Wow, that’s fascinating,” they put bluntly. “Let me guess, you like superhero movies and cop shows, too?”
“Nah, not really, I don’t watch a lot of TV. I like video games more,”
Bonnie raises an eyebrow and turns to look back at McLovin in the back of the canoe. “What kind of video games?’
Even though Scruffy and O are ahead of everyone but Max and Staci, they’re not faring too well. Every few minutes, Scruffy stops to write something down on their notepad, forcing O to take the brunt of the work as he’s too polite to object. 
O scratches his nose- Scruffy writes- O coughs- Scruffy writes- O checks his B.O.- Scruffy writes. The sound of scribbling is driving him up the wall, and it's taking a lot for him not to jump overboard.
“Hey, man? I don’t wanna be a bother, but maybe you could save the writing until we’re on land?” O asks, teeth gritted as he forces a smile. “Or when there are other people around?”
“Oh… I guess,” Scruffy sighs, putting away their notepad. As they do, a thick fog begins to roll in, shrouding the canoes in a grayish tint and making it impossible to see anything ahead. 
O squints. “Man, where did this fog come in? It was sunny today,” 
“I remember this- we’re almost there,”
The fog clears up a bit, and the figure of a large skull-shaped rock formation on the side of a cliff comes into view. Bony Island- in all its newly cleaned-up glory. A red canoe on the beach appears from the mist, and then Staci and Max as they wait on the sands. 
Scruffy and O dock their boat, followed closely by Julia and Michael. On the other side of the beach, Ass and Courtney pull up, followed by Bonnie and McLovin, who seem to be getting along just fine. 
Max sighs. “I swear to God…”
Just as Caesar and Sha-Mod roll onto the sands, Kelly and Austin follow. “Let’s move!” Max and Courtney yell in unison, prompting the teams to pick up their canoes and start running through the woods. 
Within five minutes, each and every pair has slowed to a walk, wheezing and huffing as their arms shake from the weight of the heavy wooden boats. McLovin hangs limply from his, forcing Bonnie to carry both the canoe and their partner. This time, no one argues to have McLovin on their side. 
“We gotta be close, right?” O groans. 
Scruffy smiles faintly. “Just a few more hours,”
Everyone lets out a loud wail of agony as they continue down the dark, musty path, surrounded by bones. Max and Staci pause for a moment to readjust and Max turns to see Frollo and Scary dragging their boat behind them, full of skulls from the scattered remains around the trail. 
“Um… what is this?”
“We’re going to give them a proper Christian burial,” Frollo states, matter-of-factly. 
Scary giggles. “We’re splitting them 50/50,”
“I think you guys are supposed to carry the canoes over your heads, not on the ground,” Michael says, walking by. Julia is at the back of their boat, looking winded, though Michael doesn’t seem particularly bothered. 
MICHAEL: “Joner was really my only friend growing up, so I spent a lot of time carrying him around. I’m kinda used to heavy lifting- and wrestling, boxing, camping, you know- guy stuff.”
Caesar huffs, looking back at Sha-Mod with disdain, and then to Bonnie and McLovin, and then back to Sha-Mod. 
“Hey, Sha… Guy?”
Sha-Mod grunts in response. Caesar gestures between their canoe and the one adjacent to them. “Tradesies?”
Sha-Mod seems to light up (though it’s hard to tell) and immediately drops his end of the canoe, running over to McLovin and Bonnie- who seems thoroughly relieved as they switch places. 
“Hey!” Courtney and Ass shout as McLovin and Sha-Mod run past them. “You can’t do that! We have to stick with our partners!” 
“Says who!” Sha-Mod yells back. 
Courtney growls, dropping the canoe on Ass, who shouts angrily, to run after them. 
Ass throws the boat off their head and runs too, catching up with the trio just as Courtney blocks their path, frowning deeply. “If we’re gonna share, we’re gonna do it fairly”
McLovin attempts to balance between the two canoes as Sha-Mod carries the center of one and Ass and Courtney carry the ends of the other. 
The balancing act is slow and tedious as Bonnie and Caesar pass, walking slowly and idly chatting. Even Frollo, Scary, and their army of skull-children drag ahead of the four. 
Courtney huffs, and then pauses for a moment. “Did you guys hear that?”
Scruffy walks by, nodding solemnly, and then states matter-of-factly: “Wooly beavers,”
“Um,” Ass says, suddenly pale. “What?”
A rustling from the bushes behind them spurs the entire group to scream and run, pursued by a pack of ginormous rodents. 
Courtney, Ass, McLovin, and Sha-Mod run ahead of everyone else, garnering looks of confusion from their fellow castmates that are quickly replaced by shouts of terror as the beavers pursue. 
O suddenly feels something thunk on the top of the canoe. 
Julia screams in terror: “GEESE!” 
Giant, pterodactyl-like geese swoop down from the surrounding cliffs, attacking the canoes. O screams and swerves his and Scruffy’s canoe sideways, crashing into Austin and Kelly. The four disappear into the brush and tumble down the side of a hill, completely out of sight of the rest of the campers. 
“Bonnie if we die here, there’s something I have to admit,” Caesar whimpers, another thud landing on his canoe. “I’m perfect and have done nothing wrong in my life, ever!”
Bonnie shouts. “I know!”
Up ahead, Michael is taking the brunt of the canoe-handling while Julia ducks in terror, holding her hands around her ears and closing her eyes as she runs. The two pass Max and Staci, who aren’t faring much better. 
“My third cousin’s best friend actually-”
“SHUT! UP!” Max yells, glaring at them behind him before tripping on a rock and tumbling across the path. He groans, clothes a bit torn and glasses skewed across his face. He sits up and holds his head before opening his eyes and coming face-to-face with a giant, meat-eating beaver. 
Michael swerves over, allowing Julia (who still has her eyes closed) to run ahead blindly. “Duck!” 
“They’re GEESE!” Julia shouts, her voice fading into the distance as she disappears down the trail. 
Michael brandishes the canoe like a giant baseball bat, gripping the rims, and swinging it hard, sending a few close beavers flying. Michael hoists Max onto her back and continues running, a determined look on her face. 
“Owie, me nob,” Austin groans, rubbing his forehead. “Where the bloody hell are we?”
Kelly sits up and picks some leaves and twigs out of their hair. “Where’s the path?”
Scruffy stands, brushing off their shirt and looking around the dark, musty forest in which they'd landed, and then at O. “Nice going, man,”
“What? We were under attack, I panicked! It’s a normal, human response!”
“That therapy talk isn’t gonna get you anywhere on this show, dude,” they snap. 
Austin and Kelly both turn to glare at O, too, who frowns. “It was fine when you couldn’t face your fear yesterday, but now you’re getting us involved. Not cool, dude!”
Kelly nudges Austin and whispers. “That’s what Chris says,”
O shakes his head. “It was an accident!”
“Well, accidentally find us a way out, then, baby!” Austin chuckles. "O, behave!"
O stands up, brushing the dirt off of him and looking around. He studies the moss on the side of the trees, licks his finger and feels the cool breeze, and holds his hands up to the sun, measuring it with his thumbs and pointer fingers. 
He then turns back to the group. “I have no clue what to do,”
Julia is shaking, rocking back and forth on the ground with her fingers in her ears and her eyes closed. Staci is kicking rocks around in the sand, and Scary and Frollo are sorting through their skulls as Michael comes running in with Max still on her back. 
As she approaches the beach, she gasps, throws the canoe, and drops to her knees. Michael falls forward and passes out on the ground, flat on her face. Max slides off her back and groans on the sand. 
“Where’s… the fire?”
“I don’t know,” Staci says, completely deadpan. “I was waiting for you.”
“What?” he snaps, eyes narrowing from his resting place on the ground. “Didn’t one of your great uncles invent fire or something?”
“Uh, no, genius. I wouldn’t know because fire was invented, like, a million years ago or something,”
The Fujoshis aren’t having much luck across the beach, either, as Courtney and Ass shout over who’s better equipped to start the fire. 
“Flint and stone!” Courtney insists, their hands on their hips. 
“Hand drill!” Ass yells back. 
McLovin and Sha-Mod stand back and let the conflict unfold as Bonnie and Caesar arrive back at the site with bundles of sticks in their arms. 
O, Austin, Kelly, and Scruffy come running out of the woods seconds later, covered in bug bites, scratches, and dirt. By now, Max is standing, brushing off his blazer and attempting to rally the team. “We need sticks! Stones! Does anyone here actually know how to start a fire?” he shouts, his arms out for emphasis. 
“I hate to say it, but the only person who might know…” Staci starts, pointing down at Michael’s unconscious body. 
Max groans. “Leave her. I’ll figure it out myself,”
MAX: “I don’t “like” Michael. I don’t “like” anyone. I’m like a sailor, married to the sea. Except instead of sailor, it’s camper, I guess. And instead of the sea, it’s the game,” he pauses for a moment to think. “Yeah, I’ll stick with that. Married to the game!”
“What’d we miss, baby?” Austin pants as Kelly leans on him for support, both exhausted. 
O whimpers about twisting his ankle and Scruffy attempts to write something down, holding the pen to the paper but only getting a letter in before collapsing. 
“Not much,” Staci says, shaking their head. “Did you know my great-great aunt Beatrice invented giving up?”
Max pushes them out of the way. “We need fuel! Is anyone here not injured, unconscious, or mentally disturbed?!”
No one says anything. Max sighs and turns to walk to the woods before tripping on something and falling over. “What the-!” he pauses, and picks the object up- then smiles with a faint idea. 
Scary crosses their arms and pouts as Max throws another skull into the fire. 
“Oh, don’t give me that look. You aren’t supposed to take anything off the island, anyway,” Max rolls his eyes. 
“Maybe I like curses, ever think about that?” Scary huffs. 
“Frollo, you’re up!” 
Frollo stands in front of his skulls, shaking his head. “You will NOT damn these souls to hell- I can still save them!”
“Are you sure this is safe?” O asks, cradling his ankle. “I mean… the curse…?”
“I wasn’t told I couldn’t burn the things we find on the island,”
“Oh, you are so getting on my nerves!” Ass yells, tossing a rock which Courtney ducks to avoid. 
“Likewise! All day!” they throw a handful of pebbles back. 
“Listen, guys-?” Sha-Mod starts approaching the two from behind before Ass accidentally swings their sand-filled fist back too far and hits him in the face. The picture of Lighting crinkles a bit and he stumbles backwards. “Sha-not cool!”
Bonnie and Caesar watch the ordeal from where they’re kneeling on the sand a few feet behind the scuffle, both working sticks against the same hunk of wood until a tiny flame sparks up. Bonnie leans closer to blow on it, bringing a small fire to life. 
The once brightly-burning bonfire on the Anon’s side has died down, as the organic matter stuck to the skulls burns away and leaves the charred bony remains behind. 
Max turns. “Frollo, we need more fuel,”
Frollo shakes his head adamantly, holding out his arms over his pile. Max turns and gives a nod to Staci. 
They grin, punching their open palm menacingly as they approach Frollo’s stash, and then begin to chase him around the beach, shouting that their great-great-great-great-great-grandfather invented streetfighting. 
Chris descends on a jetpack and surveys the scene. “Well, well, didn’t see that one coming. The Fujoshi's fire wins!” 
Courtney and Ass, who were in the midst of pulling each other’s hair, gasp and turn to see their teams fire burning brightly as Caesar and Bonnie run back and forth from the forest, tossing sticks and logs and hunks of wood into the flames.
“When did-”
“No time!” Bonnie shouts, running to the edge of the water where the canoes are already set up. 
The Anons follow, paddling as fast as they can with two unconscious team members and three who are too beaten up to even hold an oar handle. 
Bonnie and Caesar dock first, jumping out of their canoe and running onto the beach, followed closely by their team. 
“And the Fujoshis win the game!"
SHA-MOD: “We won, but things are getting pretty heated without Mal around. I hate to say it, but she was keeping the team together- even if it was by sha-sabotaging us,”
COURTNEY: “I guess I let my emotions get the best of me- now that Mal is gone, I just got too comfortable. I’m lucky we won, and- I’m gonna try to be the bigger person from now on. No more internet drama, no more infighting,”
ASS: “Strawberry Shortcake is going down,”
“Anons- you played hard, and lost even harder- but luckily, only one of you losers will be walking the dock of shame tonight,” Chris smiles. “Scruffy, Scary, Max and Michael- you’re all safe. Austin- Juuulia- Kelly, and Staci. Come collect your marshmallows,”
O looks at Frollo and frowns. Frollo stares blankly ahead, completely unbothered. 
“O- you kinda lost your cool back there, man, and took out three other players with you. And Frollo- your delusional mission to save the baboon skulls we bought in bulk from hell cost your team a bonfire. But, only one of you will be going home tonight. And that person- is-
-you’re safe,”
O closes his eyes and sulks, standing up and walking down to the docks without another word. 
O: "So, I didn't win. But I did do a lot! I faced my fear, I talked to new people, and I sustained several mysterious bug bites! My therapist says that experience is what makes us human, but I think too much might make you insane. So I'm not hating my placement!"
Chris chuckles. “Yikes! Who will walk the dock of shame next time? And who will persevere? Find out tomorrow on Total! Takes! Island!”
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alj4890 · 1 year
Right by Your Side
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(Maxwell Beaumont x MC) in a Choices The Royal Romance one shot.
For @moodmusicmonday 's Luck of the Draw with the song
A/N I fell hard for this song while trying to think of something for it. So many different Choices books came to mind for this but then as I listened to the lyrics over and over, I kept going back to TRR book 2 and the mess with Riley's reputation and how Maxwell stood by her from the very start (and of course the running LOL) So, here's what my Maxwell shipping heart needed from the beginning of that storyline.
Right by Your Side
Riley felt numb that first night at Ramsford. Perhaps she was still in shock from having guards drag her away as if she was the most vile criminal ever to come to Cordonia. Maybe it was because everyone had seen pictures of her in her underwear and they would forever be on the Internet.
Or, was it because Fate had stepped in to keep her from having to make a decision?
She flopped on her stomach when the image of Liam standing before her in the hedge maze came to mind.
I don't need to wait any longer to make my choice. I love you.
Was that fear she felt in that moment? Was she afraid of hearing what her heart would say if he were to actually pop the question?
Was it because the man standing before her was not the one who had been by her side all along?
The one who came rushing to the airport to stop her from leaving?
Riley buried her face in her pillow. Hot tears began to stain the satin pillowcase as she muffled her cries against it. She didn't want to answer that. She didn't want to address any of the thoughts going through her mind.
Then why did I tell Bertrand that I was innocent with Tariq but I am in love with someone else?
She knew deep down that was the truth. That was the only good thing to come out of this horrible night.
She'd finally spoken about what was truly in her heart.
The next morning...
Half asleep, Riley mumbled for whoever was knocking to come in.
Maxwell poked his head in.
"Hey blossom."
He walked over and sat down on the edge of her bed. "You okay?"
She pushed herself into an upright position.
"I'm fine, Max."
"Are you fine fine or fine?" He asked.
Riley couldn't help but smile. "I'm definitely on this side of fine fine but not quite there yet."
That dimpled smile of his she adored appeared, lighting up his entire face.
And her heart.
"Good." He crawled across her bed to settle comfortably next to her. "I can't stand to see you with tear streaks."
"It's not my best look." She tried to joke.
He draped his arm around her shoulders and squeezed her close. "You know you're gorgeous, but yeah. Tears and your skin do not go well together at all."
She laughed while gently elbowing him in the ribs. "Thanks ever so much."
"Anytime." He jumped to his feet when they heard an all too familiar throat clear from the doorway.
With a disapproving glance to his brother, Bertrand walked in with a breakfast tray.
"What's all this?" Riley asked.
"Breakfast in bed!" Maxwell told her.
"Maxwell convinced me that when a young woman goes through something traumatic, that she needs rest and ample sustenance." Bertrand explained.
"Guys." Riley blinked back tears. "You shouldn't have gone to so much trouble."
"You are no trouble." Maxwell argued.
"Well..." Bertrand paused when Maxwell glared at him. "It isn't necessarily you, that is the trouble."
"The trouble is the situation." Maxwell added to try to smooth over his brother's words. "Not you."
Riley wiped at her tears. "This is why I should go back to New York. Look what happens when an outsider comes here."
She forced herself to look up at them.
"I don't belong in your world."
"You do!" Maxwell argued, jostling the tray as he sat down beside her again. "You fit in our world perfectly."
"Not perfectly." Bertrand corrected. "But we can fix that."
"How?" Riley asked.
"By teaching you everything a lady of the Royal Court would know." He explained. "Once you blend in with the other ladies, we'll be able to find out who sabotaged your moment to become queen."
Riley paled some. "I appreciate that, but I don't want to be queen."
Bertrand grimaced. "Be that as it may, you'll never truly be free to be with whomever you want if scandal is associated with your name. No Cordonian family would allow it."
Riley blinked as his words sunk in. "I see."
"Plus," Bertrand continued. "The Beaumont name has been tarnished because of our sponsorship of you."
"Oh no." She buried her head in her hands.
Maxwell was quick to comfort her.
"Hey, don't worry about us." He hugged her close. "I've made a mockery of the name Beaumont more times than I can count."
Bertrand rolled his eyes over that bit of family history.
Riley couldn't believe that not only was she in what seemed an impossible situation but that she'd somehow also lost her chance to be with the man she was secretly in love with.
"I'm so sorry."
"It isn't your fault." Bertrand gruffly argued. "But we are going to need your help to right this wrong. And," his stern demeanor softened, "you are a Beaumont."
"I am?" She asked.
"You're stuck with us." Maxwell winked at her. "For better or for worse."
"Definitely for the better." She winked back with a tremulous smile. "So? When do we start the lessons?"
"Once you've had a chance to eat and get ready for the day." Bertrand told her on his way out. "Meet us in the ballroom."
"Yes, your grace." She dipped her head in thanks.
A slight smile appeared on his lips. "Perhaps our training won't take as long as I once thought."
He bowed and left her alone with Maxwell.
"Give it to me straight." She pleaded. "How bad is my reputation and how horrible are these lessons going to be?"
Maxwell hesitated, raising his hands like a scale weighing each option.
"Crap." Riley flopped back on her pillows.
"It won't be all bad." He told her. "I'll be there to help you through it and to find ways to escape the boring lessons."
Riley rose up on her elbows. "That takes care of the lessons, but what about when I am back out in public?"
"Tell you what." He reached for her hand. "The moment it gets too much for you, just say the word and BAM! We run out of there."
"Really?" Her smile grew at the thought. "You'll run away with me when a noble is acting like a jerk or I accidentally mess up?"
"Yep." He squeezed her hand. "On my honor as a Beaumont."
"Then I think I can get through this." She sat up straight and began to pour some coffee into her cup.
Maxwell watched her settle in to the breakfast he and Bertrand had painstakingly prepared with a great deal of relief. His room shared a wall with Riley's and he'd heard her crying off and on during the night.
It was a slash to his heart as he thought of her in here alone, probably blaming herself for everything that happened.
Around four in the morning he decided that he was done playing the simple escort. From now on, he would protect her from the direct cuts and slurs that those of his rank would hurl her way.
Even if it meant irreparable damage to his family name, Maxwell would do anything for Riley.
Madeleine's home...
Riley's stomach churned. She wanted nothing more than to beg Bertrand and Maxwell to take her back to Ramsford so that she could hide there forever. She knew though that if she was to ever have a chance with the man by her side, she would have to find a way to get through this.
Swallowing nervously, she paused in the open doorway of Madeleine's ballroom. Her eyes darted over the familiar faces. Heads were already bent toward each other while fingers pointed at her. The few reporters allowed within the event had their cameras poised to capture the first images of Riley being called out for daring to return.
Just as fear made her legs twitch to run in the opposite direction, Maxwell settled his hand over hers. She looked up and saw nothing but pride in his eyes.
"You're doing great." He whispered, squeezing her ice cold fingers. "Keep your chin up. Here comes, Adelaide."
After the greetings, Adelaide stepped back from the pair, critically studying the way they stood together.
"Don't you make a cute couple?"
Riley immediately jumped on that. "We do, don't we?"
"We do?" Maxwell's eyes widened.
He wasn't certain if he more surprised by Adelaide saying it or Riley agreeing.
"The cutest." Riley added with her first genuine smile of the evening.
Maxwell tried to excuse the conversation as Riley probably needing something to latch on to help stop the gossip of her with Tariq. He didn't mind being the new source that Cordonian's biggest gossip would have spread around before they even walked across the ballroom. If that's the role Riley needed him in now, then he was more than ready to play it.
To prove his point, he kept his hand over the one she had resting on his arm.
"Ready?" He asked when they spotted Liam and Madeleine.
"As I'll ever be." She mumbled, instinctively moving closer to Maxwell. "I really need to talk to Liam and clear things up. Don't you think?"
He hesitated. He knew how much his friend had fallen for Riley. It would hurt Liam to hear she didn't return his feelings. Yet wouldn't it hurt more to wait until he saw her with whomever she was in love with?
"I think you should, just not right now." He barely nodded toward the nobles staring intently at them. "Not with this audience."
"You're right." She released a sigh. "I guess I have to wait. If only he had called me after everything happened, then I wouldn't be so nervous to how he'll react."
What if Liam refused to let her remain in Cordonia? What if he wouldn't let her try and clear her name? She'd never be able to be with Maxwell if that happened.
Lost in her tormented thoughts, she found herself dipping into a curtsy before the royal couple.
"Lady Riley." Liam lifted her hand to his lips, eyes revealing a wealth of adoration for her. "We should talk-"
"To our newly arrived guests." Madeleine finished for him.
"Right." Liam shot a pleading look at Maxwell.
Riley cleared her throat. "Congratulations you two."
Madeleine beamed at her while hugging Liam's arm close against her chest.
"Thank you. Liam is such an attentive fiance."
Riley managed to somehow not roll her eyes. If the countess had any idea that she wasn't wanting him back, then she probably wouldn't put on such a show.
"I can't imagine him being anything less." Riley managed to say with a straight face.
"We really must go greet our other guests." Madeleine told them. "Enjoy the party."
Maxwell released the breath he was holding once he and Riley were left alone. "That went well."
She chuckled. "Honestly I expected her to brandish a scarlet A while screeching for guards to throw me out."
Maxwell's grin brought out her own.
"She'd at least have the decency to wait to do that until they start serving dessert."
"Thank God for small favors."
Maxwell squeezed her hand once more. "Come on. We'll find out seats."
After enduring a brief conversation with Penelope and Kiara, Riley was able to relax for the time being once she was seated between Maxwell and Bertrand. Perhaps she would be able to get through this easier than she expected. She'd hoped to have Hana and Drake on her side, yet they were nowhere to be found.
At least she had Maxwell there to help her wade through this minefield of pompous manners and tradition.
"One night down." Maxwell collapsed on her bed with an oof.
Riley sank down beside him as she slipped her heels off. "Thanks to you."
"Me?" He shook his head. "Tonight was all you, blossom."
"Yeah, but I wouldn't have been able to get through it without you." She argued.
"We make a great team." He quipped.
"The best." She stressed.
The two jumped when there was a knock at her door.
"You think it's Bertrand?" She whispered.
Maxwell shrugged.
She peeped out the door to see a servant with a vase filled with roses. Taking them without a word, she quickly shut and locked her bedroom door.
"Oh!" Riley buried her nose in the fragrant blooms. "How beautiful! Did you get these for me?"
Maxwell hated that he hadn't thought of doing so. "No. Wish I had."
She set it down on the table, admiring the bouquet.
"There's something wrapped around that stem towards the left." He pointed out.
Riley unfurled the paper. "It's from Liam!"
"What's it say?" He got to his feet to read it over her shoulder.
The pair both felt guilty when they read the new king's heartfelt plea to meet secretly upon his balcony.
"I have to go." Riley folded the note and slipped it into the pocket of her dress. "I have to tell him the truth."
Maxwell felt a new slash to his heart. After these past few weeks of having her to himself, he realized he was falling in love with Riley. He couldn't tell her, since she was already having to let Liam down. The last thing she needed was more stress over her complicated love life. He just hoped whoever she loved realized what they had in her.
"Madeleine placed your rooms as far apart as she could." He explained. "You're not going to be able to sneak over there with all the nobles here."
Riley eyed her window. "There's more than one way out of this room."
"We're on the third floor!" Maxwell exclaimed. "You'll get hurt or worse!"
Riley opened her window and examined her path to Liam's room.
"Riley please. When I said worse, that meant death!" Maxwell pleaded. "Don't-"
She climbed out the window, perched on the edge, and winked at him. "Promise I'll be careful."
"Riley!" He harshly whispered.
He stuck his head out to watch her precarious walk around Madeleine's home. His heart was stuck in his throat when she struggled to reach the railing to Liam's balcony. She swayed somewhat until she got a good grip.
Once he saw her climb over safely, he ran to her bathroom and emptied the contents of his stomach. Maxwell had never been more terrified than he was in thinking he could lose her if she tumbled off the wall. He hoped Liam would realize the dangerous path she took and find another route back to her room. He honestly couldn't take seeing her try to make her way along that narrow ledge again.
"Riley!" Liam rushed to her when he heard her land behind him.
"Liam." She stopped him from embracing her. "We need to talk."
"I know." He took her hands in his. "It's just so good to see you again. I need to tell you--"
"Liam, I'm in love with someone else!" Riley blurted out, unable to hear him say anything nice to her.
The guilt was killing her that she couldn't return his love.
Liam froze. He shook his head as if to clear it.
"I'm so sorry." Riley squeezed his hands before pulling away. "But somewhere along the way I fell in love with someone else."
"Is it Tariq? Is that why he was in your room at Applewood?" Liam asked.
"No! I've never felt anything for him. His being in my room was a big misunderstanding." She explained.
"Then who-"
"He doesn't know how I feel." Riley hedged. She needed to tell Maxwell how in love she was before anyone else found out. "And unless I can clear my name, I won't be able to be with him."
Liam folded his arms and leaned against the wall. His lips that had once been in a delighted smile were now in a firm line.
"Then we must do all we can to help you clear it." He decided.
Riley's eyes burned with tears.
"You'd, you'd do that? For me? After I just..." She lowered her head in her hands while shaking with sobs.
Liam gently took her in his arms, softly shushing her apologies.
"Riley, I want you in my life in whatever capacity you allow." Liam admitted.
It hurt to say he would settle for being her friend. He hoped that perhaps she would one day return his affections as time went on. But for now, he'd do what he could to keep her, protect her, and clear her name.
The two briefly discussed what to do during the engagement tour.
"How did you get over here?" He asked.
When she pointed to the narrow ledge, he paled over the danger she'd placed herself in.
"There is a hidden set of corridors through here." He opened a panel in his room to reveal the path servants traveled in the early morning hours. "At the end of the hall there is a door that opens out into the main loft at the top of the stairs."
"Thanks Liam." She hugged him. "And not just for an easier way back to my room."
His lips curved in a sad smile as he looked at her. "No need to thank me. Goodnight, Lady Riley."
Venice, Italy...
Bertrand and Justin were once again telling Riley how to act to continue to win over nobles.
"We're making progress." Maxwell repeated to her. "Not only with your reintroduction to society but in finding clues toward whoever is behind the pictures."
"Do you think she'll be there tonight?" Riley asked.
"It's the biggest event in town. Everyone will be there which means the press will be there in droves." He explained.
Justin wished them luck once they left the limo.
Bertrand went on inside, giving them a moment alone.
"You okay?" Maxwell asked.
"I..." She shook her head with a laugh. "Honestly, I wish we could get out of here. Go enjoy Venice at night."
Riley looked about, longing to be anywhere than on a mission.
"Cordonia is the first European country I've ever visited. Now I'm in Italy and I wish I could experience it as a tourist." She snorted softly. "An average, maxed out her credit card to get here, tourist."
Maxwell laced his fingers with hers. "You want to run away?"
Her head jerked up to look at him. "Could we?"
"Say the word, and we will use all our training to get out of here." He told her.
Riley couldn't help but giggle over the memories of their early morning runs around Ramsford.
Maxwell began to over exaggerate his stretches.
"Stop!" She burst out laughing, feeling all her tension melt away.
"Gotta get limber if we're to run." He explained with a smile, his dimples deepening over being able to make her laugh.
"You're crazy." She teased. "And I am so ready to call your bluff."
"Not bluffing." Maxwell corrected. "I promised you I'd run away whenever you needed us to." He leaned down, nose nearly touching hers. "So, m'lady? Do you need to run away?"
Riley's breath caught at his face so near her own. She could see all the different shades of blue in those ocean colored eyes of his. She could detect the light splash of cologne he preferred mixed with the cinnamon Altoids he was known to munch on whenever nervous.
She longed to lean forward the few inches and kiss him. She wondered what he would do. She assumed he would be shocked at first. Would he participate in the kiss once he got over the surprise? Would he admit he felt something for her?
Or would she walk away in embarrassment and heartache?
Maxwell realized his mistake the moment he got too close. He should have thought through his actions instead of just going with whatever he felt in the moment. Her face, the one he adored, was already hard to keep from staring at. Now he was able to see every single feature that held his attention.
Her eyes, green as the first leaves of spring, shined with warmth. The freckles that dotted along her lightly tanned skin dusted her upper cheeks and bridge of her nose. Her lips, petal pink with the bottom slightly plumper than the top one, parted as if ready to be kissed.
What would she do if he allowed himself to accidentally (on purpose) lean more forward so that his lips could brush hers? Would she gasp in delighted surprise or would she shove him away in disgust?
"There you two are!" Hana ran down the steps to embrace them, unknowingly breaking the sexual tension developing. "I was worried I would have to go in by myself."
Maxwell and Riley forced themselves back from one another. Both knew they couldn't run away now, especially with Hana so relieved to see them.
"Shall we, ladies?" Maxwell held his arms out to them.
The three got in line to be photographed.
Riley somehow managed to get through the dinner without jumping out of her seat to confront the photographer. Maxwell sat across from her, smiling in encouragement each time her eyes met his. He was the only thing keeping her calm. She wasn't certain how she impressed both the Italian noble and Olivia, barely paying attention to what she said in response to the wine and Cordonia joining the EU. Yet somehow, she'd managed to rack up more points in improving her standing in Cordonian society.
If only it mattered in her having a chance to be with the man she wanted.
Bertrand seemed so proud of her performance. Would he still be if he knew she wanted his brother?
Riley longed to bang her head against the table. She was utterly exhausted from playing the part of a proper lady turned secret detective. She was bored hearing the small talk of the other ladies of the Court.
Then Penelope opened her mouth and asked her about Maxwell.
"What?" Riley bit out.
"Do you think Lord Maxwell would be interested in making a match with me?" Penelope repeated.
Riley glared at the model perfect woman. How dare she even think she could be with Maxwell! Didn't she listen to the rumors that he and Riley were a couple? That that was the reason they were always together now???
Riley was ready to tell her to back off. Then she caught sight of Bertrand off in a corner observing her and somehow tempered her answer.
"No offense." Riley tried to control her voice. "But you're not really his type."
"Oh." Penelope's lips formed a perfect pout made for lipstick commercials. "What is his type?"
"Someone gorgeous. Lots of fun." Riley felt her own heart drop over not being his type. "Someone who appreciates his sweet ways and how he--"
"So someone like you?" Penelope interrupted.
"Me?" Riley stared at her immediate sworn enemy. "Um..."
"Shh!" Hana softly shushed them. "Here he comes."
Maxwell bowed his head to the group. "Ladies? If you would excuse us, I need to have a word with Lady Riley."
"Of course!" Penelope beamed at him then at Riley as she followed the others across the room.
"What was that about?" He whispered.
"I'm not sure." Riley couldn't decide if Penelope was as horrible as she thought. "What's up?"
"Things are quieting down, so now would be a good time to find the photographer and do a little interrogation." He explained.
"Okay." She looked around the crowded place. "And how do we do that without drawing attention?"
"Oh, we're going to draw attention." Maxwell's grin turned mischievous. "Just the kind that doesn't let anyone know what we are really up to."
He led her to a less crowded area where a group of the press were near.
"Your call on what we should do to draw their eyes this way?"
Riley looked up at him as she considered a few options. He could always pretend to be throwing her out of House Beaumont or...
"You should propose to me."
Maxwell stilled. His eyes searched hers to see if she was messing around to only see a shuttered almost vulnerable look in the green depths.
With her hands clasped, she quickly told him he could then pretend to be confessing his love for something else, like gelato.
"Okay." He audibly swallowed.
"I'll give you the signal when I see the photographer." Riley added.
"Sounds good."
He cleared his throat loud enough for some people to glance over at them.
"Lady Riley?" Maxwell gently took her hands in his. "There's something I need to confess."
"There is?" She asked.
He nodded, completely serious at this moment. "I should have seen it happening, yet I was blind to what was standing right in front of me."
"Maxwell, what are you..." She trailed off when he swept down to one knee.
The press surrounded them, each trying to snap pictures of the romantic moment.
"I want to shout it from the rooftops." His smile bloomed. "That I love..."
Everyone waited with baited breath.
"Gelato!" He exclaimed.
Riley choked back a laugh as everyone else expressed their dismay.
As the group left them, grumbling over the lack of drama, Riley spotted the photographer.
"There she is!" She whispered, yanking him up.
The woman noticed the two and took off running.
"After her!" Maxwell nudged Riley into action.
The pair dashed out of the restaurant and down the dark streets of Venice in hot pursuit.
"I can't believe we're gaining on her!" Riley puffed, hiking the skirt of her dress higher to give her legs more freedom.
"I knew our early mornings would be worth it!" Maxwell teased.
They cornered the woman and got a credit card number of the one who paid her for the pictures. This only created more questions for them to find the answers to.
"We did it!" Riley launched herself into his arms, hugging him tight.
Maxwell stumbled back against a wall the moment her body collided with his.
They both stilled, save for their excited breaths. Their eyes met and before either could talk themselves out of it, their lips met in a desperate kiss.
Maxwell's hands slipped into her blonde hair as his lips moved over and over hers, memorizing the taste and texture of her mouth.
Riley kept her arms around his waist, gripping him as close as she could.
They broke apart to catch their breaths, hearts racing with more than just the mad dash across Venice had caused.
"Riley?" Maxwell couldn't make himself ask the question he needed an answer to.
"It's you." She breathed. "It's always been you. I fell in love with you with all the dress fittings and early morning wake up calls and--"
She moaned into the heat of his kiss. Her arms slipped around his neck as his hands drifted down her body.
"I love you." He muttered against her mouth. "So much."
Riley sank into his embrace, her leg wrapping around his hip as they kissed.
"We really need to find somewhere else to continue this." Maxwell groaned when she moved against him.
"My room." She stepped out of his arms. "On the train. Now."
He pulled her close to his side. "You're not worried someone will see and hear us?"
"I hope they do." She paused when it hit her that he might not want that to happen. "I'm sorry. I forgot that you can't be with me until my name is cleared."
"What are you talking about?" He asked, nudging her chin up.
"Bertrand said no family would allow me to be with anyone with my name associated with scandal." She reminded him.
"That doesn't matter with me." His smile gave her hope. "Don't you remember? You're a Beaumont."
Her eyes widened. "You mean..."
"It doesn't matter if we ever clear this scandal up." He pressed his lips to hers. "We can be together out in the open because we're Beaumont's. Let them try and say anything."
Tears sparkled in her eyes. They were for the first time in a very long time, tears of absolute joy.
29 notes · View notes
So, I've seen a lot of people presenting their MCs and I thought I'd do the same, though I'm still trying to come up with good enough lore. I doubt what I have is as good as other people's - sounds cringy and really...normal? Idk, but whatever.
(Ready to fight Ranrok, Rookwood, Harlow and the rest of the world if necessary)
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Her name is Bomi Lee;
She's half Korean, half British, and a Muggle-born;
In Gryffindor, though she would've been okay with any other House;
Discovered she could wield magic when she accidentally got too excited during her 6th birthday party and set the cake on fire instead of blowing the candles - her parents were worried, but chalked it up to faulty candles;
When she was 14, she was on a school field trip, visiting some local castle's ruins, when Dark Wizards started attacking the Muggle children for sport;
Luckily, they were all saved by the teacher, Mrs Phillips (who was a witch), and a few wizards and witches who were her friends and had arrived to help;
All of the children were Obliviated, but during a headcount, the teacher couldn't find Bomi;
She searched for her with a few of the others until she went inside the castle and found Bomi in the throne room, in the corner, sobbing;
One of the Dark Wizards was dead, not too far from her, looking charred and like almost anything but human;
When Mrs Phillips approached her, she jumped, holding her face that was bleeding;
Her teacher quickly gave her a Wiggenweld potion and cast Episkey, but despite everything, the scar on her left cheek remained;
She kept repeating that he had hurt her, then there was a blue glow and then he was dead - that's how she got her scar (she is still somewhat insecure about it, but has learned to think of it as a sign of survival against something no normal person would usually escape with their life);
Her teacher comforted her, knowing that there was something special about her, so she wrote to Hogwarts;
Her parents were terrified and enraged when she returned and saw her scar, but the teacher explained everything, knowing there was no way Bomi would want them Obliviated;
At first, they denied that their daughter could wield magic or that magic existed in the first place;
But they slowly got used to it and even felt relief when the letter from Hogwarts arrived because that meant she'd be safe to practice her magic and learn how to better control it and protect herself;
Professor Fig and her teacher had been in contact as soon as she was assigned to him and soon, he became a grandfather figure of sorts to her as he helped her navigate her way through the wizarding world;
Professor Fig was pleasantly surprised with how fast she learned and caught up with others her age and even more so when her Ancient Magic came to light;
He considered the fact that he managed to connect her being able to wield Ancient Magic and Miriam's research as fate;
Is a sweetheart and people-pleaser (still can't really say no when someone asks for her help);
But can and will kick ass if someone messes with her when she's angry or if anyone hurts her loved ones in any way;
Not against using Crucio, especially in cases like the above;
Can't blush (Sebastian still tries though);
Cries easily when/if someone yells at her, though she tries her hardest not to cry in front of that person and do it in private;
Hates appearing weak and defenceless which is why she trains hard when it comes to duelling;
Dyed her hair several colours before deciding on keeping it a light strawberry pink;
Never really had many friends, so she hoped things would change at Hogwarts;
Luckily, she became fast friends with Natty, Poppy, Sebastian and Ominis and Amit;
Still a bit on the fence about Garreth because he almost burned her robes once in Potions class;
Clashes with Imelda often, but in a fun way that always leaves them elbowing each other in the ribs playfully;
Leander kind of...disgusts her because of how he acts towards her and others, especially Slytherins, especially Sebastian;
Never manages to beat Natty at Summoners Court, but can beat everyone else;
Loves to duel thanks to Sebastian;
Even after everything that went down with Sebastian, she stood by him and attempted to support him and not let him fall into depression;
Whenever Ominis or she would hear from Anne, Bomi would be the one to tell Sebastian - she hoped it soothed his wounded heart a bit;
And she tried to gently rekindle the boys' friendship, but barely managed to get them to sit through their shared classes at the same table;
Whenever she or any of her friends are having a bad day, they go to the Room of Requirement and relax there or in one of the vivariums;
Loves all of her beasts equally and hopes to be able to save them all - Poppy agrees and helps her every time she can;
Though she secretly adores Nifflers and Thestrals;
Calls the Lord of the Shore her big and sweet baby because he loves belly rubs from her;
Her Boggart(s) are a huge spider, like the ones she had to fight, or her dead parents/friends, but sometimes, it would change to one of Death's Shadows that she had to fight during Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial - it was the only trial that really left a mark on her;
Loves reading and tries to do it as often as possible;
Her guilty pleasure is romance novels;
Professor Shah scares her the most;
Besides Professor Fig, she likes Professor Garlick and Sharp the most;
Doesn't know what she wants to become yet, but thinks that she might try to become an Auror or a Curse-Breaker;
Wants to travel the world;
Would love to try and research what Isidora was doing and how to use her Ancient Magic without repercussions, but in a much safer and controlled way;
But wouldn't go against the Keepers' wishes or her promise to Professor Fig if it turned out there was no way of using such power for good without anyone suffering because of it;
Still wants to help Anne, if possible, but wouldn't resort to Dark Magic again;
Pets every cat she comes across in Hogwarts;
When she can't sleep, she sits in front of the minstrel's portrait in the Great Hall and listens to him for hours - accidentally fell asleep there once or twice;
Wishes she could tame a dragon...or more;
May or may not have trouble pinpointing her exact feelings about two certain Slytherin boys - after all, she values their friendship;
0 notes
beelsnack · 2 years
Any hcs for the brothers trying to wake up MC from a deep sleep only to get elbowed/or punched in the face as they wake up? MC didn’t do it on purpose cause they were trying to wake them up. It was just like an accidental reflex and once they realize it they just start apologizing like crazy cause they absolutely didn’t mean to do it
I did this once when I was younger to my dad. He couldn’t wake me up so he started shaking my leg and I elbowed him in the face. So that’s why I was wondering.
(Also it was funny, he didn’t get upset, he was actually laughing cause it was a good hit and reflexes. I think In his mind it meant I could hit really hard which was a good thing to him)
This is too funny, omg. I'm pretty sure I've done this too, honestly.
I'll see what I can whip up for you, Nonnie!!
He thought he was gonna be so smooth
It wasn't odd for him to wake up before the human, but usually he let them sleep. This particular morning, however, he was feeling particularly affectionate (read: needy) so he decided a morning cuddle session was in order
He started slow, gently ghosting his fingers along the skin that wasn't covered by the blankets. When they didn't so much as stir, he changed tactics.
His hand made it's way up to their chin, fingers gently turning their face towards his to -
Receive an elbow to the face.
Of course, touching them didn't make them wake up but his indignant sputtering did.
"Huh...mm? Lucifer? What happened?"
He glared at them with a mix of irritation and amusement while holding his nose. "Nothing," he mumbled. "Just a reminder that touch should be saved for when both parties are conscious and not liable to cause physical violence."
Man is an active sleeper. He flops around, starfish-es his ass across the whole bed, kicks, the whole deal. He's usually the one doing the elbowing.
He wasn't necessarily trying to wake them up, but his tossing and turning "accidentally" resulted in him spooning them. Which resulted in them elbowing him in the gut on reflex when he put his arms around them
Both of them woke up confused. Mammon as to why his ribs hurt and the human as to what weird strangled cat noise woke them up.
They ended up falling back asleep and repeating the process like three more times.
Listen the bathtub is only so big
The best way for the two of them to fit is for the human to lay on Levi's chest, but sometimes they manage to get themself squished between him and the wall of the tub.
One time when this happened, Levi woke up and tried to maneuver them back into the optimal cuddling position. If they woke up with a crick in their neck they would never want to spend the night with him again - they probably were only humoring him anyway, who would want to cuddle with an icky otaku who can't even sleep in a real bed -
With timing so perfect he would have sworn that the human had woken up, their elbow connected soundly with his jaw.
"Ow!" He hadn't meant to yell, but it was a solid hit. The human jolted, looking around blearily before they finally focused on Levi cradling his bruised face.
"Oh man, I did it again, huh? I'm sorry, Levi."
"Why can't you have that good of an aim when we're playing FPS?!"
Also thought he was going to be smooth
He was not
The two of them had been reading on the couch - he had told them that he wouldn't be mad if they wanted to go to bed before him, but they had insisted on staying up with him. And, considering they were currently unconscious on his shoulder, it went about as well as he expected.
He felt bad. Just because he was a chronic insomniac didn't mean they had to suffer alongside him. He placed his book down on the arm of the couch and leaned over to scoop them up
His had hadn't so much as touched the back of their knee before they reflexively kicked their leg out and caught him right in the spleen.
Okay, so maybe that one was on him.
"Mm...Satan?" they stirred, blinking groggily at him. "What are you doing...?"
"Making sure you aren't going to get kidnapped in your sleep."
Completely, totally, utterly deserved, do not feel bad for him
He had been taking a bath, and in the interim, the human had fallen asleep waiting for him to come to bed. Which, considering his average bath took aboujt an hour minimum, he wasn't that surprised.
Oh, but they looked so cute when they were asleep! He couldn't resist.
Giggling to himself, he snatched his phone off of his vanity. He wasn't going to post them on Devilgram, honest! He was just going to keep them for his private viewing pleasure - no, not that kind.
But, hm...something seemed just a little off. The way their arm was positioned looked a little awkward, it would look much cuter if they would -
Asmo barely had time to process before he had to fumble to prevent his phone from crashing to the floor. Quick as lightning, as soon as the tips of his fingers had grazed their wrist, their hand had shot out and smacked him.
...And they didn't even have the courtesy to wake up!
"Hmph! How rude!"
He had forgotten his phone in their room. Which wasn't that unusual, he forgot stuff there all the time when he stayed over. If it was important, they would usually just bring it to him at breakfast or at school, but he really couldn't go to Fangol practice without his phone.
They usually left their door unlocked - mainly for their own sanity because at any given time one of them could decide they needed to come in and would bang incessantly on the door until it was opened. So Beel didn't see any problem sneaking in real quick to grab his phone.
There it was, right on their nightstand where he had left it to charge overnight. He unplugged it and was just about to leave when he happened to glance over at the human.
They had kicked off the blanket in the middle of the night, and now they looked cold. Were they shivering?
Because Beel is a big old teddy bear, he couldn't just leave them be cold. So he reached down to pull the blankets back up over their torso -
And received a kick to the chest.
...It honestly didn't hurt at all, but if he had been a lesser demon it would have knocked the wind out of him. He couldn't help but laugh a little bit, rubbing at the area where their foot had connected.
At the sound, they stirred a little, opening one eye to look at him. "What's so funny?" they grumbled.
"You have good reflexes."
Lol you really think this sleepy bitch is gonna wake someone up?
Okay so there was one time -
They had fallen asleep on top of Belphie's favorite pillow, and he wanted it back. It wasn't because their neck was at an awkward angle and he knew from experience that it would not be pleasant when they woke up or anything.
He didn't beat around the bush. He placed a hand on their shoulder and shook. "Give me my pillow back, you can have any of the others."
They grumbled, but otherwise didn't react. So Belphie shook harder.
"Come on, fork it over."
Still nothing
Belphie was pulling out the big guns.
He moved his hand down to their side, tickling them. The reaction was instantaneous. And also violent.
They scrunched up immediately, flinging their elbow upwards to connect right with his gut.
"Hey!" he frowned. They simply turned over and went back to sleep.
"...Fine," Belphie yanked the pillow a little further out so he had enough room. "At least share a little."
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
To Be a Royal
***Hello Ladies, Lords and Noble Persons of all kinds! Welcome once again to the Hive's Fantastical Ball! I was going to post this one later after a different fic, but I want to make sure I get at least one fic out to you guys, sooo enjoy this one now! This fic was one that I was all too happy to write. It's quite short, but it's sweet and I personally love it. I hope you enjoy it!***
Summary: In honour of their hard work and loyalty in the Devildom, MC has been knighted as Layde MC of the House of Lamentation. The coronation and ball were a sweeping success, but now the real work of a noble person begins. Barbatos works with MC to try and teach them the manners and protocols of being a royal in the Devildom.
You were practically bouncing as you followed Barbatos into the royal study.
It had been a week since you were crowned Layde MC of the House of Lamentation and protector of the human world. Today your training for your new life was finally beginning.
You turned to Barbatos and beamed in excitement. "So what first? Do I learn how to pass regulations? Do I learn my duties in the Devildom court? Am I going to have to learn to ride a horse?"
Barbatos chuckles and places his hands on your shoulders as he leads you to a table that he set up and sits you down. "Those will all come shortly. For now, we focus on the basics: how to present yourself and proper manners and etiquette."
You blinked at Barbatos and frowned. "Wait. You're giving me a manners lesson?"
He sat down across from you in a fluid smooth action and raised an eyebrow at you. "Who else do you think would teach you? Lord Diavolo?" he laughed and shook his head. "I think not. I adore my Lord, however, I can barely keep him following etiquette as it is."
You snorted and hunched over as your shoulders shook with laughter.
Barbatos took in your posture and the very improper chortle that was coming from you and sighed in amusement. "I see I have my work cut out for me," he tapped the table twice to get your attention looked softly at you. "Let's begin, shall we?"
You glanced down at the teacup sitting from of you and casually lifted it with two fingers. "What are you going to teach me? How to stick out my pinky and lift my nose up at peasants?"
Barbatos raised an eyebrow at you as he stood and snapped open a book with one hand. "Oh? So you think this will be easy?" He looked down at the book, and began to read off, "No nagging, bragging, sweating, fretting, slipping, tripping, slurping, burping, twittering or frittering allowed," he smirked as he noticed your shocked expression. "Stay present, stay pleasant, stay proud."
You chuckled nervously as you set down the teacup. "Y-You're...You're joking right?"
Barbatos smiled and showed the book cover to you. "The Devildom's Guide to Royal Etiquette doesn't allow joking, Layde MC. That was only the tip of the iceberg, as you would say in the human realm." his eyes scanned over your sitting form. "For example, as you are now, your shoulders are hunched, you back is against the chair, your legs are casually spread. You are leaning on the table in embarrassment on your elbows, and the way you picked up that teacup earlier was simply disgraceful."
You winced at the blows to your ego and hunched down even more. "Geeze, way to give it to me lightly Barbs."
You jumped as his hand came to rest on top of yours. Looking up, you found the butler affectionately looking down at you. "Fortunately, you are not untrainable like Mammon, my Layde. There is hope for you."
He moved away from you once more and pulled out his chair so that you could see what he was doing. "You must sit away from the back of the chair, your back straight with pride, shoulders back and chin high. Your legs should be closed, as is proper, and tucked at an angle under your chair," you watched as he carefully demonstrated the actions as he spoke of them.
You knitted your eyebrows in concentration as you slowly mimicked his movements until you were mirroring him.
He smiled at the sight and nodded in approval. "Good. Now table manners."
He sat with you for the next two hours going over which cutlery to use when, the proper way to hold a teacup and pour tea, what it means to rest your knife and fork on a plate in different positions once finished, and how to use and lay your napkin. All the while, he kept constant surveillance on your posture and your conversation manners. Eventually, he rose and gestured for you to do the same. He slowly began to walk around you with his hands tucked behind his back. "You did well today, Layde MC. There is still much to go over, such as you posture," you shivered as he ran a hand down your spine before placing slight pressure on the middle of your back. A second hand came just under your chin and gently lifted it. "We have covered a lot today. You can come back tomorrow and we can continue this lesson," his eyes sparkled as his hands dropped and he moved into your line of sight once more. "I must admit, my Layde, I am quite grateful for these lessons and the time that it allows us to spend together," he took your hand into his own and gently kissed the back of it as he bowed lowly. "I shall cherish this time."
Your cheeks flushed as you stared wide-eyed at the charming butler. He casually fixed his gloves, as though he hadn't just caused your brain to short circuit. You took a step towards him. "Barbatos, I-"
He chuckled and met your gaze once more. "Remember your lessons, MC. You are a noble person, and I am your butler and teacher. Although I do admittedly care for you," his expression softened to reveal a look of pure love and adoration; you felt your breath catch in your throat, "it would not be proper for us to become anything more than close friends. You are dismissed for the day, my Layde."
You could only watch as Barbatos scooped up the book from the table and left the room. You blinked at the spot where the butler once stood and rested a hand on your chest. You could feel your heart pounding within the confines of your rib cage.
The noble and their servant. A forbidden love story told throughout the ages, and yet, you had never thought that you would be able to call the story your own.
***Did I just write an entire fic based off of Barbie's The Princess and the Pauper's "To Be a Princess"? Yes. Yes I did. I hope you guys enjoyed the fic and thanks again to everyone taking part in the Ball!***
Taglist: @thegrimgrinningghost @henry-and-the-seven-lords @satans-beloved-riv @cosmixbun @sufzku @pebblesgengar @victoireshaven @obey-mes-treasure @kissed-by-a-dementor @yukihaie @justtiarra @mammoneybb @obeys-world @poly-bi-mf @armycandy10 @burrixino
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GN!MC forcing conquering the demons into Pacts
Quick tags for those some people who reblogged my other post pt 1, I know I have a lot more but these are the only ones with comments on the post. @chalcedear @undertaker-02 @the-mexican-writer @mammonkinnie
You had spent countless hours against Lucifer, trying to fight him and force him into a pact. No matter what you did, it seemed like you failed.
It took you a long time to realize, but you had to train to beat Lucifer. And that you did. You knew how terrifying his power was as all the demons told you, so for a week straight you intensely trained until you were ready.
Lucifer was already on edge noticing you didn’t try anything, but he knew you wouldn’t give up, which was when you decided to strike.
He easily dodged your initial flying kick when he entered the room, but you grabbed onto the door and swung back around, kicking the tip of his head before he backed off.
He was now ready to dodge, believing that tour strategy was only to catch him off guard, but he was wrong.
When you landed, you dug your foot into the ground and threw yourself at him, but as he moved to the right, you used the shelf behind him to catch yourself and kick off it and nailed a kick straight to his head.
It was now or never as you began throwing heavy punches, trying to get him into a chokehold while he was prying you off, struggling a little as you bit onto his fingers or wings. You even bit onto his horn to stabilize yourself and kept punching.
By the end of it, you had quite a few bruises from his harsh grip, but he had a black eye and his feathers were all over the floor, you’ve won.
He probably could of killed you, but he didn’t want that, so he accepted his loss, glaring at you when you dug your heel into his stomach as Satan clapped and Belphie got out a trophy to hand you.
His pact was now your’s and you were going to flaunt it. He’s alright with the fact it was you who forced him into a pact, but it majorly hurt his ego that you were superior to him.
You had recently arrived in the devildom half an hour ago and did not feel welcomed, in the slightest.
You tried to be nice to your guide, but he brushed you off and left you with Levi, or he intended to.
Levi gasped as he watched you tackle Mammon who tried to run off, and elbow him in the jaw. When he fell to the ground you kicked the life out of him muttering out “I tried to be nice to you fucker, if one of us is killed today it’s you.”
Levi was obviously bewildered, but took the chance to tell you to make a pact with him, his biggest mistake in his lifetime, all the poor demons in the future.
Mammon was crying a little as you forced him into a pact, and pulled him up with one hand, making him face Levi himself.
Mammon is 100% nicer to you because you’re scarier than Lucifer, and also because you genuinely treat him with respect now that he’s nice to you, something he’s not used to. Super happy to be the first ever demon you’ve conquered.
You had decided to do things the non violent way and participate in the TSL quiz, until Levi turned into his demon form and tried to kill you.
Taking up his challenge, you fearlessly walked towards him as Mammon was trying to tell you no, and you caught his punch.
It pushed you back a little bit, but you caught it and twisted his arm, and proceeded to beat him up in a one sided battle.
It’s not that he was weak, or others were helping you, but you genuinely managed to fight back and beat him so hard that it looked like his entire left arm was broken.
Lucifer was kinda pissed you broke his brother ngl;; but Diavolo is like it’s self defense?? And Lucifer is just like what human fights a demon across the room in self defense.
When Levi is begging for mercy he is reminded of what happened to Mammon and the rumors, accepting defeat, you make a pact mark with him, he’s kinda pissed though, like highkey.
He thinks that you probably think of him as a trophy or something to collect, based off the rumors. You probably don’t want to have a pact mark with an otaku, you just want to show off your strength.
He soon changes his attitude towards you when you show interest in him. You’re just genuinely a nice person and a caring older sibling figure, but will fight for the sake of peace and safety.
Now he’s just jealous that you spend more time with Luke than anyone else.
He offered you a pact mark easily because he wanted to piss off Lucifer, especially when you tried to give him a black eye from the pillow fight.
Very angry and disappointed when you said no, but then surprised when you said you’d beat the shit out of him instead, fair and square.
He knew you fought well, but are you sure you want to fight the embodiment of wrath himself? And you’re just like yep, the small tiny you, so confident.
He didn’t take it too seriously despite seeing the actual proof multiple times, and he watched you used his messy room to your advantage, even using the bookshelves to help you get air.
His ass was easily kicked even when he was serious. “You know, after facing both Levi and Beel, you aren’t much of a challenge.” You casually said as you formed a pact mark with him.
Slightly irked by the comment but delighted to be apart of your fan club, probably yells “BEAT THEIR ASS!” On the sidelines.
Pisses Lucifer off whenever you two fight and Lucifer gets an injury from you, and asks if Lucifer ever wants ice, just to be a dick.
Diavolo and Satan are in the fan club which PISSES Lucifer off when the two are in front of him discussing how you will one day (undoubtedly) beat Diavolo.
You made a pact with Asmo after accidentally beating him up, he was begging for mercy and you kind of felt bad.
You insisted it wasn’t on purpose and he kind of avoids you for awhile after the pact mark. He’s glad Solomon isn’t like you, otherwise the devildom would cease to exist.
He’s eventually fine with you, and loves to take photos of you and Luke together acting like siblings because it’s the cutest thing. Although demons are scared of you they do kinda admire you, and seeing you soft with Luke is good for his devilgram.
Soon treats you like a friend instead of a monster that just so happened to kick his ass and make him beg.
You’re so tiny that it’s kinda cute and he nearly forgets someone like you is violent and scary so when he took you shopping and someone shoplifted, he was concerned for your nails after you disfigured them.
Will 10/10 treat your tense muscles and let you soak in his tub.
He’s seen you fight before but damn he couldn’t believe it. You’re just so smol?? Couldn’t he crush you?
Lesson learned as he was knocked out after he broke your room. You didn’t want to hurt Besl since he was always courteous with you, so you knocked him out quickly.
He doesn’t remember more than you launching at him and the feel of his wings being tugged and his neck suddenly throbbing.
Mammon who watched beg for Beel’s life on his knees, asking you to spare him. You just nodded and waited for Beel to wake up before making a pact.
When he makes one, you give him some custard you asked Mammon to go out and buy really quick, you said please, and Beel is just so happy!!
He tried to kill you and he feels so bad but you’re just so kind!! Wants to protect you so bad but knows you’re just so badass so he instead helps you care for Luke.
You’d definitely be lying if you said you didn’t see it coming. His brothers had already tried to kill you, he was locked in an attic, and not to mention he gave you a weird vibe, you would of left him alone if you weren’t a nice person.
He tells you thank you for freedom and transforms, ready to kill you. No one got in his way and instead said “good luck Belphie” or “Nice knowing you” so he thought they wanted you dead.
Then he hears Beel say “I don’t want you to die, Belphie” and he is so confused? As he aimed his attack and you just end up punching him square in the face.
Afterwards, you kicked him in the stomach and grabbed his tail, swinging him into a wall, and knocking him over and over and over.
He is out cold, so when he wakes up and sees everyone congratulating him on surviving, he puts two and two together.
You were sitting on top of him and demanding a pact mark, and he unwillingly gives it to you after you nearly rip out his horn.
Pissed off and scared of you, slightly, but more impressed by the fact that even Lucifer struggles with you. When he finds out about the sheer amount of pact marks you have he’s starting to wonder when humans got so strong? And it became an endless spiral of him being pissed off.
Don’t worry though!! He eventually gets used to you.
Super happy it was finally his turn!! Like you did it, congrats, wants it you’d like some tea and what kind of attire to wear for his asskicking.
Is absolutely not looking down on you, he genuinely believes you’re strong. Because of that, he’s just so excited to face you. You beat both Lucifer and Barbatos, the majority of RAD, and you’re such a cool person!!
When you approach him you looked so badass. “Aye, prince of kiss my ass, I’m here to claim you once and for all and become the new ruler of this place.” You yelled out as you kicked down the door to his office.
The first time you two fought, he won. You had a lot of bruises, but managed to rip out some of his hair, at least. He finds it admirable how you still kept going despite him clearly hearing a rib break.
SUPER excited to tell Satan about it!! Hopes Barbatos recorded the fight so he could broadcast it at RAD during an announcement or something, but Barbatos rejected that idea.
Poor Diavolo only wanted to be included in this ass beating trend, but super happy when you return three days later and try to beat him up again, you even changed up the way you fight!!
You won’t ever know this, but one day he purposely changed his office’s layout to benefit your fighting style more, so when you finally beat him he was so ecstatic, his lips were bleeding but he was laughing, congratulating you and couldn’t wait to give you a pact.
Oh boy was he SO happy when you flaunted it, and sat in his desk chair with a hand on your chin, giving an order to Barbatos who recorded it, acting as if you really were the ruler of the devildom.
“Could you get some bandages for your former ruler, please?” You asked, feeling accomplished that Luke was officially safe during his stay in the devildom, and Diavolo was just swooning.
The public is 10/10 avoiding you because they are SCARED for their life. The people are convinced you’re like a nuclear weapon against demons.
He knew one day you’d defeat Lucifer, but it was so quick. You only needed a week of prep time?
Steps up his game a bit, because after two weeks of training you approach him ready to fight, and he can sense you’re not the same.
As he uses his tail to put you out of the room, he automatically feels your sharp teeth digging into his tail. He can withstand it no problem, until you literally rip a bit of his tail chunk out.
You didn’t let go even as he flung you off his tail, and you even dug your nails in. He showed no expression, but it was genuinely painful as you climbed his tail onto him, his tail no longer as useful because he was very sure you would rip through it.
His fighting against you one on one went well for him, he could see and easily predict your moves easily, until you head butted him and began every trick in the book.
From kicking, punching, biting, scratching, you name it, you did it. He was finally at your mercy when you were cover in both your own and his blood, while he was sure his tail was missing some pieces, and you were absolutely not letting go.
He’s 100% convinced you’ve gone feral in a span of three weeks, but that’s okay. The only thing stopping you from fighting the prince was now defeated, and he apologised to Diavolo frequently, who was only super excited in return.
Don’t worry you apologised for his tail and helped him with his job for awhile, totally not to also study Diavolo in his natural habitat.
First time you’ve ever seen him smile so soft was when he got his ass kicked so hard by you that his tail went chomp chomp.
Surprised pikachu face.
He understands you beating up Mammon,, and maybe some lesser demons,, but did you REALLY defeat Lucifer, Barbatos, and Diavolo.
Surprised pikachu face as you shrug and say “yeah I guess. I’m the ruler now, do you feel safe yet?”
Lucifer yells out you’re not the ruler just because you formed a pact with Diavolo, but you ignored him and smile at Luke, patting his head.
Luke is just nodding like “I’m safe!!!” While in his head he’s like WOW whaT PLEASE EXPLAIN.
Luke constantly calls you his older sibling now, tells daddy Simeon ALL about it, and brags about you to the demons who even look at him.
Praise this precious baby as he makes you all the sweets in the world. You’ve literally defeated demons of all sorts, even the most powerful, and all you want is to see him smile.
Will probably cry.
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
umpah umpah! smau
↪︎ bokuto x f!reader x iwaizumi
[008] — we meet again!
masterlist | prev. | next
a/n: i was listening to hozier while writing this which explains why both bokuto and iwaizumi is whipped for the mc ✨
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asking if you were okay was a good question. really, it is—too bad you didn’t know the answer to that very question no matter how grossly interchangeable the words were tossed around and scrambled into nuances phrases. if anything, it made your mood turn even more sour as your two best friends tried their best to calm you down. keyword: tried
kaori was too busy dying of laughter as she would tease the glaring look on your face. “you’re going to pop a blood vessel, honey.” she snickered, holding her stomach as it ached under the constant tension.
meanwhile akaashi was still profusely apologizing beneath the latter’s amusement. a sigh left your lips for the umpteenth time in the span of five minutes as your arms braided over each other in frustration. “what the fuck are you trying to get at, keiji?”
a gasp practically escaped kaori as she slapped her hand over her mouth, “(y/n) used your first name, that’s how you now she’s pissed off.”
akaashi could only roll his eyes. it was to his best bet to ignore any of kaori’s quips as she’s known to escalate things just by the power of that witty brain of hers. “nothing!” the editor exclaimed as he turned back to you, “i just figured it wasn’t a big deal since you and bokuto both said you guys ended on good terms. besides, i warned you to check the list.”
“okay, but that doesn’t explain the fact that iwaizumi is here!” it was at this moment that you were glad the music was pumping loudly through the venue speakers to hide over your shouts.
“i told you they work for the same team, but i didn’t know they were friends until i saw who bokuto wanted to invite!”
you groan, “unbelievable.”
“i just don’t think you should let their presence ruin the rest of the night, (y/n).” akaashi mentions flatly.
“i agree,” kaori suddenly cuts in, “it’s your party, you could kick them out if you want.” she suggests with an impish tone and an expression laced in provocation.
“i’m not going to kick them out, kaori��” you’re interrupted then as she swiftly elbows you in the breast, “ouch! what was that for?”
 “sorry, i was aiming for your ribs not your titty.” she laughs briefly before motioning to a familiar figure making it’s way towards you three. perhaps it was his height that triggered a response in you to cause your heart to rapidly thump against your ribcage, but honestly, it was probably his spiked hair with white tips that was the perpetrator. “is that bokuto? oh fuck, he’s coming, act natural.”
great, you thought. you had to fight the urge to just walk away a leave, but you knew it wasn’t going to end well whatever you did. knowing your luck, you were going to stumble upon this man one way or another.
“akaashi, there you are!” bokuto calls out over the crowd, serpentining his way through groups of conversating individuals to reach his best friend. but in all honesty, akaashi knew what this guy was doing. bokuto didn’t listen to a word he said in his text messages as the volleyball player ended up coming over here either way just to talk to you.
you’re over (y/n) my ass, akaashi thinks to himself, feigning from rolling his eyes again because at this point, it was just a matter of time before everything came crashing down.
it almost felt like a target was on you, perhaps a red laser shining right in the middle of your forehead the moment bokuto flickered his attention to you. “(y/n)! it’s so nice seeing you again!”
you nod as an awkwardly smile melted on your expression, “it’s nice seeing you too, bokuto.” despite your meek demeanor, what you said certainly wasn’t a lie. you would be lying to yourself if you said that you didn’t miss bokuto and his warming aura. you suppose it was the sudden meeting that caused your fight or flight response to suddenly kick in.
bokuto’s eyebrows furrow slightly, “bokuto? what happened to calling me kou?”
as if the situation wasn’t already difficult being in, it was as if he flicked another match into the burning dumpster fire of a party. “well... we haven’t seen each other in years, so i thought it was appropriate.”
“ah...” his voice trailed on as a few beats of silence ensued.
“oh shit,” kaori suddenly curses under her breath as she nonchalantly spilled his drink all over her arm. “um, akaashi could you come and help me clean this off?” she asks in faux concern, not bothering to give the guy a chance to answer as she tugged him away.
you couldn’t help but feel a faint smirk forming on your lips as you watched the two disappear into the crowd. kaori was always good at acting herself out of awkward situations that you honestly had to applaud her. maybe later you would teasingly remind her to audition for the webtoon’s live action just to spite her. it was just a little mindless payback for leaving you alone with your ex-boyfriend.
your striking gazes met again as you turned your attention back towards bokuto. at first glance, he looked exactly the same as you last saw him—then again, the last time you did see bokuto was when you two decided to break up on the day before graduation, you couldn’t remember much of him as it was dark under the midnight sky as tears blurred your vision. even when things ended up mutual with no hard feelings, you still couldn’t help but feel a tug at your heart when you recalled the way bokuto looked at you then.
it was hard to sleep that night. 
it was a bizarre juxtaposition of comparing eighteen year old bokuto to him now. rather than appearing before you with messy hair and tears streaming down his face, he was beaming in some contagious lightheartedness. it was a feeling you never thought you would feel so nostalgic in as he still smelt like fresh chamomile. he was much bigger now, more buff as one would say and not to mention taller as well.
perhaps going professional really treated this man wonders as you had to admit how increasingly more attractive he has gotten.
“you look great, by the way.” bokuto says, pulling you out of your thoughts as you realize how long you have been staring.
“thanks...” god, this is awkward. this certainly wasn’t leaving a good impression on your part, “you don’t look too bad either.”
a red tint burned at the tips of bokuto’s ears as he scratched the nape of his neck like it was some kind of nervous tic. he usually doesn’t get nervous meeting people, new or old, yet there was something about the way you look at him even after all these years that would send his heart rate into the extremes. he hated how this all ended due to your differing aspirations. “congrats on having a successful webtoon. love cemetery is amazing and i’m obsessed if you couldn’t already tell.”
“i never really pinned you to be one of my biggest fanboys, you know.”
“i’ve always been your biggest fanboy,” bokuto assured with a smirk, “how about you, are you still my biggest fangirl?”
you playfully scoffed at his statement, “um...”
“um?” he pressed, finding the amusement in your eyes adorable.
“i dunno, i haven’t really kept up with volleyball after high school.” you chuckled, swirling the contents of your drink in your hand. “besides, i think you have enough fangirls drooling over you.”
“who needs all of them if i have you?”
you rolled your eyes as you took a sip from the alcohol in your hands. “you’re flirting again.”
“isn’t that the reason why you dated my in the first place?” bokuto jested, feeling the burning in his cheeks as he couldn’t stop smiling. this was progress to him knowing that this playful banter was enough to surely get you two to reconnect again.
you peered your eyes at him suspiciously, “you’re planning something, aren’t you?”
“you’re making it sound like i’m evil!”
“well, are you?”
“of course i’m not,” said bokuto, “i just wanted us to be friends again.”
“you’re kidding.”
he shook his head, “never in a million years.”
you weren’t sure if it was his words that made your chest feel warm or if it was the alcohol in your system. regardless, you refused to let bokuto affect you so easily in a span of a couple minutes even if you took your alcohol well.
“at least you weren’t kidding when you said you were going professional.” you hummed, leaning against one of the smaller round tables as you stared into the crowd. you were hoping bokuto would do the same, but he’d rather look at you than a congregation of random strangers.
“and you weren’t kidding either when you said you wanted to become an artist.”
“i mean, becoming a webtoon artist wasn’t exactly what i thought i was going to be, but i’m glad where i am now in life.” you answered as your eyes wandered the room.
“even without me in it?” god, what a flirt.
that infamous laugh of yours emitted from your cherry-colored lips. it was the type of laugh everyone found themselves attracted to and never annoyed, in fact, it was the laugh bokuto hadn’t even realized he missed so much until the moment it left you.
his mindless attempts at flirting was catching up to you now as you couldn’t fight the feeling of the heat rising to your cheeks. “well, you’re right in front of me aren’t you?”
“things are different know, though...”
“right but—” you tried to respond, but was inevitably interrupted by yuko.
she came up to you in a slight hurry, calling out your name before apologizing to bokuto. “sorry to cut your conversation so short, but i need (y/n) to come take care of something for me.”
confusion melted upon your expression as you turned to her, “we do?”
“we do,” she huffs.
“it’s alright,” bokuto says while motioning for you to follow suit of your manager. “let’s catch up more sometime, yeah?”
you smile at him, one that’s less mediocre and awkward and a bit more genuine. “of course,” was the last thing you could say before yuko yanked at your arm once again until you were in just another body in the crowd.
despite yuko’s hand firmly gripped around your wrist to ensure you wouldn’t get lost in the sea of people, it was difficult trying to focus at one thing at a time. at first it was the worry about your manager and her sudden interruption, but now it was trying your best not to spill your drink due to all the drunken bodies bumping into yours. were there really this many people on the invite list?
grumbling to your self, you threw your head back as you finished the last bits of drink in your hand while you were pulled through the crowd like a ragdoll. having to pay for a stranger’s dry cleaning due to a spilled drink was the last thing on your mind right now.
“what did you want me to help you with?” you shout over to your manager once she slowed down.
“nothing,” said yuko over her shoulder, “i was watching you and bokuto talk and you kept getting redder and redder i thought you were going to pass out.”
embarrassment flushed through, cheeks heating up again at the thought. “ugh, was it that obvious?” you groaned as your head fell from the utter humiliation that was coursing through your body at that moment—far too distracted that your humiliation could only worsen the moment you bumped into another.
“sorry, i wasn’t looking—” the apologetic tone in your voice subsided as your eyes flickered up to whoever’s chest it was up to a yet another familiar face.
“(y/n)?” he says.
“iwaizumi?” you say.
your names were jumbled up in unison just as much as your thoughts immediately dissipated into thin air. just my luck, huh? you swore you were dreaming. nothing in the absolute world could possibly make such a ironic turn of events as if you were in some melodrama yourself. call it fate or destiny, but bumping into both of your exes within a span of ten minutes was something you never would’ve wished upon yourself.
“it’s um... fancy meeting you here.” you start the second you flicker a look over to yuko as she could only give you a pitiful smile. “it’s been a while, right?”
regardless of the confident aura you were extruding right now, you were completely freaking out for the third time this evening. you knew today was going to affect you emotionally, but you wasn’t expecting it to be like this. you were expecting to get a bit emotional due to the fact your webtoon that you poured your absolute heart and soul into has come to an end and not because two attractive dudes from your past just coincidentally came back into your life.
and yet it didn’t matter, it wasn’t like iwaizumi could see through that little façade of false confidence in your expression as it felt like he was meeting you for the first time all over again. it fit all down to a tee from the way his adam’s apple bobbed up and down in his throat to his breath hitching from the sight or to the infamous monarch butterflies tickling his gut.
“it’s nice to see you too, (y/n)...” his words trailed as you couldn’t help but notice how deeper his voice had gotten since the last time you’ve seen him. granted, he was fifteen back then and had a lot of time to grow up and become this absolute adonis.
iwaizumi certainly wasn’t planning on coming across you this evening either. if anything, you two both shared that internal panic when your eyes briefly met at the start of the party. however, he couldn’t help but feel a bit relieved knowing that in the end you two did manage to cross ways. he supposes that after seeing you and bokuto talk as if you two have known each other for years created an inkling feeling in his gut.
he hates the way you distracted him the majority of the night. it wasn’t like you two were on talking terms especially after years of not seeing each other, yet it felt strange for him to even let himself feel this way.
besides, iwaizumi felt absolutely terrible knowing satomi was trying her hardest to capture his lingering attention by making conversation about anything—literally anything.
anyone who had been friends with iwaizumi in the past know he’s an absolute sweetheart, but at the same time, he’s honest. he’s not the type to hesitate in telling someone the cold hard truth even if it meant hurting their feelings, yet whenever he would look at satomi, he couldn’t bring himself to say that he wasn’t interested in the conversation.
you cleared your throat, pulling iwaizumi back from his thoughts, “so... i heard that you became the new athletic trainer for the black jackals.” the man before you nods as he was stilling taking you all in. was he staring at you for that long? “i thought were living in california, why the sudden change of plans?”
iwaizumi shrugs as he took a sip of his beer, “i ended up getting a better job offer here, so i decided to move back. why? have you missed me?”
the moment those words left his lips, he immediately wanted to slap his hand over his mouth and cringe. why was he suddenly so flirtatious with you? was it because he saw you and bokuto flirting earlier, was that it?
you chuckled in amusement as you nod. you honestly weren’t going to lie that his words did catch you off guard for a second. something like this was definitely not in iwaizumi’s handbook his (more or less) complicated personality, yet you decided to play along anyway. “of course i have, iwa! i’m not soulless, you know.”
iwa? the man before thought to himself, what happened to haji? he shook the thought out of his as he opened his mouth in attempt to speak, but he noticed your attention leaving his and onto the person beside him.
satomi cleared her throat as she looks at him innocently, waiting for iwaizumi to introduce her to you.
“oh uh,” he motions his head to the team’s physical therapist next to him, “this is yahagi satomi, she’s my—”
“—date for this evening,” she cuts iwaizumi off and answers for him, catching him a bit off guard and confused, yet he doesn’t correct her. granted, satomi was his plus one so it made sense.
you purse your lips as you took in her features. she was a bit on the shorter side with her long copper hair pulled back into a sleek high ponytail as her bangs were styled perfectly to fit her face. semi was right, she is pretty. it was then you stuck your hand out for her to shake, feeling who cold her palm was compared to yours. “it’s nice to meet you. how long have you two been together?” you ask out of the blue.
i mean, what’s wrong with a little curiosity?
“oh no, we’re not together.” iwaizumi is quick to answer, not even noticing satomi’s slight change in expression when she parted her lips to answer herself. “she’s just my plus one because bokuto told us to.”
you nod at his words, trying your best to ignore the intravenous relief that was coursing through you at that moment. you realized how long you had been standing there then, failing to notice that yuko was still by your side the entire time. if anything, she was just trying to help you out once again as she could literally feel the rising tension in the air. if you were to talk to satomi any longer, it would surely go wrong knowing your luck. luckily, she spots sugawara’s silvery hair just a few feet away.
yuko wasn’t entirely sure how in the hell she was going to get his attention to save your asses, but it was going to happen one way or another. she was just glad you were too preoccupied talking to iwaizumi and satomi that yuko was able to text sugawara to come over.
she watched sugawara feel the buzzing of his phone in his pocket, observing his every move as he pulls it out and read the text as the screen light shined over his face. he looked up then, eyes scanning the room briefly before landing upon yuko’s familiar figure standing next to yours.
the manager widens to eyes a bit at him like a warning to come over here.
she wasn’t sure what was so hard to understand from the pure helplessness in her expression, but sugawara was taking his sweet ass time.
yuko grumbled to herself. at this point, perhaps she was just trying to save herself.
it was then sugawara was finally making his way over to you and yuko. “oh hey, iwaizumi! long time no see, sorry to interrupt but i need to borrow (y/n) and yuko for a second.”
you gave sugawara a confused look as it washed over your expression. again? ugh, give me a break. however, before you could excuse yourself from the conversation, iwaizumi grabs your upper arm lightly.
“(y/n),” he stops you in place, “we should catch up sometime.”
you open your mouth to respond, but sugawara interjects before you could. “why not catch up now?” he suggests, causing all four of you to snap your head towards him, “i’m sure i’ll just yuko’s help will be enough, plus (y/n) has tons of time to talk to more guests.”
the silver haired man gives you a sly wink before taking yuko with him and leaving you behind. great.
you honestly couldn’t excuse yourself now as it would be obvious why no matter how many excuses you come up with, so you had to power through. besides, what could go wrong with talking with your first love and some random girl that somehow gives you a weird vibe?
“so how do you guys know each other?” satomi questions you, suddenly interested in your relationship with iwaizumi. it sounds suspicious, yet she was genuinely wondering if she was attempting to make moves on someone like iwaizumi was a good idea.
“we went to middle and a little bit of high school together,” you answer as a matter-of-fact. there was surely no need to lie.
her eyebrows rise in curiosity, “that makes sense... you guys must have been really close, huh.”
you flickered a look to iwaizumi, examining his reaction if he was also noticing her off words. “yeah... really close.” his expression melted into confusion then as you placed your gaze back to satomi.
iwaizumi scratched the back of his neck as the words remained at the tip of his tongue. why weren’t you mentioning that you two dated before? it wasn’t like it was a crime nor secret. he hated to think this, but could it be because you regretted your relationship with him?
he shook the thought out of his head quickly. the obvious answer was no as the breakup was mutual, yet after all these years of drifting apart, was that really the truth?
if he recalled correctly, one of the last words you said to him before you inevitably left for tokyo and never looked back was that you love him and would always be there for him no matter what. you even promised to text him as much as possible, yet after months had passed since you moved to your new life, it was as if the promise was nonexistent. however, iwaizumi couldn’t bring himself to blame you. if anything, he had himself to blame considering how many times he had written that same text over and over again, yet never had the courage to send it.
“(y/n) had to move to tokyo after our first year so we kind of drifted.” iwaizumi answers. even now with the chance open for him to mention your previous relationship was out in the open, he was still do cowardly to say it.
perhaps somethings never change.
fun facts! —
iwaizumi wasn’t really keen on using social media back in high school, which explains why he never really found out about (y/n) and bokuto’s relationship
it wasn’t like (y/n) and bokuto liked posting about their relationship either at the time
satomi and bokuto have always been homies after they have gotten closer when bokuto injuredhis knee and had to go to physical therapy, but he never really talked about his past relationships, hence satomi not knowing about (y/n)
taglist: (comment or send an ask to be added!)
@moonlightaangel @elianetsantana @k4tiepie @memorableminds @skyguy-peach @suhkusa @kitsunetea @airybby @noeminemi @truly-a-snitch @keichan @cosmicmermaid25 @bap-kingdom @saturnfarie @kwdflash @ennos-baby @dinablossom @chrisrue15 @seikamuzu @nestlevanilla @chasekudo @yammmers @pixcldust @iwaizluv @h0ngh0ngh0ng @emogril @tiredandkindaoverworked @atsunakaashi @underratedmage @bokutosuwus @kellesvt @kaiju-teeth @oh-tapeworm @scrappydaisies @alittlebitofrain @mxngy @tpwkatsumu @atsumuwoah @macchiatoast @dicerawr @kageyamasbabygorl @some-random-stranger-007 @vhskenma @wntrmn @little-plants @stargirlara @kissungjae @je11yfishwriter @sbaepsae
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mxvladdy · 3 years
THE WAY YOU FILLED YOUR FIRST REQUEST SHOOK ME?!?!?!? YOU BLESSED US!? Would you mind also imagining how Mammon, Luci and Belphie would feel with a MC who's guarded with themselves and their feelings to avoid hurt, so they try to keep these brothers at a friendly arm's length as they don't believe the brothers don't really care about them? It would make me so happy, thank you so much!
EEEEK! Sorry for the wait. It took forever and a day to get enough time to seat uninterrupted and then try to edit ;.;
I hope you like it! Apologies if I didn’t get the prompt just right!
He didn’t hide his disdain for his human protection duty when you first met. The fact that you kept him at an arm's length was a devil’s blessing. Good! He is a busy demon after all, he doesn’t have time for some human. At first.
Then he caught the feels and it’s all downhill for him at his ‘cool devil’ act. Not that you ever NOTICED.
He tries to flirt with you. Before you, he thought he was good at it too.
He’s never had someone so civil with his advances. You smile and laugh politely at whatever complement he throws at you. You might even give him a few back in a teasing, but clearly friendly manner.
You stress it heavily whenever he comes on too heavy with his advances. You stamp down whatever feelings he evokes and try to keep your line clean and precise in the shifting sand of your relationship.
He takes you out one evening after school, determined to get an actual answer from you over some made up snack he lied about. You don’t think anything of it, happy for an excuse to hang out. You walk and talk, not taking notice of his steadily reddening face as he keeps making swipes at your hand each time it brushes his.
You make an off-handed (get it) remark about the closeness and offer to walk behind this was bothering him.
He is miffed and throws out all semblance of “coolness”. Just flat out confess. Face flaming hot from embarrassment and sweaty palms now shoved into his jacket.
It was a blink and you’d miss it kind of moment. Mammon’s cheeks start to heat gradually. A staunch look of panic growing behind his eyes.
The words just slip off his tongue. His lips forming a sentence you were dreading. You didn’t quite catch it all; his declaration lost in the wind of the open market. You try to catch his gaze, to make him repeat himself clearly, for what purpose you didn’t know. You don't particularly want to hear it again, yet it would give you time to compose some kind of response.
He refuses to look at you. No matter which way you bob and weave beneath him, he dances around you. His face always looking in the opposite direction of yours. His gaze permanently pointing at his feet. The uneven cobblestone beneath his scuffed boots was suddenly very interesting it seemed. "I'm sorry? I didn't catch that." You ask once more, grabbing on to the crook of his elbow.
He buries himself deeper into the flipped collar of his coat and whispers it again. "I-I like ya, ok? Like like like ya know?" He stumbles over his thoughts.
Now how in the hells were you supposed to dodge this? It had been easier to evade his blatant affections when even he wasn't admitting to them. "No, you don't." You step away with a dry chuckle. "Don't be silly." You back away shaking your head in denial. You were sure Mammon could feel your heart rate picking up. You need some space, more space than the street could give you. Somewhere away from your tall, sweet, white-haired problem.
"Oi!" He makes a grab for you as you turn to flee. He spins you around leaning down to meet with you face to face. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"We are friends Mammon," You try to wiggle out of his strong, yet gentle grip. "You're just mixing up the feelings." Bullshit. With him touching you, your joint pack acted like an amplifier. You very much felt what he thought of you. The yearning from his newfound mental clarity mixes with the panic of your rejection. It makes a bittersweet taste bloom in your mouth, so hopefully yet reserved.
He was not so lucky. Your feelings felt like ash on his tongue, a sour tang of fear and self-doubt building on his sense. You were afraid of the inevitable, or what you presumed to be the inevitable.
  You were supposed to be friends then disappear forever once the school year was up. Him, down here, and you back to being just another nameless soul in the human realm. No need to get the storyline all tangled. "Hey-hey," Mammon speaks in a rush. "It ain't like that, really." He coos shuffling you closer till you are wrapped tightly in his soft leather jacket. He pours more of himself into the pack, opening himself up in ways he never thought capable of from his demonic form.
"I'm stupid." You speak into his chest. The warm reassurance of his unspoken pledge soothing you. It lessens the tight feeling of uncertainty that you had grown accustomed to.
"Ah- now, ain't that supposed to be my job?" The taste in his mouth dissipates slightly as you let out an indignant huff. He flinches as you poke his side hard between his rib cage.
"Told you to stop talking down on yourself Mammon."
The demon hums noncommittally keeping you close. He rocks you both from side to side, oblivious to the throngs of other pedestrians forced to walk around you two. "Guess I forgot. Maybe you could remind me? O-on a date?"
He smiles down at the little sliver of your face and eyes peeking up from the darkness of his jacket. He could damn near feel the smile trying to break from your forced scowl. "Just one?"
"Heh- don't bet on it."
Welcome to the ultimate game of pleasantry chicken. The two of you know this dance by heart, but your footwork isn't synching up.
Lucifer is trying to keep this whole debacle as professional as possible. You are an esteemed guest and pact holder for all of his brothers and himself. This should be business as usual. He totally has his emotions and growing frustration at your lack of interest in him in check.
Yup. He's fine. He's great; glad you two have such an unspoken understanding of your standing in his company and in the house. The same book, same chapter, same bloody page.
You are a good friend. Just. A. Very. Good. Friend.
He breaks first. Not that he will admit it. But the weekly coffee breaks become a bi-daily thing as he tries to court you. He draws these evenings out now. Have you finished your schoolwork? No, allow me to tutor you. Perhaps you would like to listen to this new vinyl with me tonight? It is a complete demon rendition of Wagner's Die Meistersinger. A classic, you’ll love it.
You take it all in stride. Thanking him innocently enough and going along with it. You buffer every little turn of phrase and slightly off-color hint of what he wanted from you with grace. So tactfully done he begins to doubt himself. You couldn’t be misconstruing his intentions right? He hasn’t doubted himself like this in a long time.
Diavolo catches on quickly to the kicked puppy look Lucifer tots around in your presence. He’ll tease, but try to help. He’s a decent wingman truth be told. “How has Lucifer been treating you? I haven’t seen him this happy in ages. He is a great friend to have, yes?” Kinda backfires when you agree that he is indeed a good friend. Oops.
He’ll crack one night over a glass (or bottle) of something strong he pulled from his study. You had slipped into his room unannounced asking for a quiet place to read before bed.  The interruption to his musings leads to him running his mouth and pile driving his pride into the ground.
He can’t say no to you anymore. He really should. You were hell bent on keeping him at an arm's length, so he should too. Lucifer watches you like a hawk from behind his desk. His ungloved fingers swirling the dregs of his drink. The cognac inside of it looking up at him, his scowl reflecting in the rich red liquor. Don’t judge me. He scoffs at himself, was he that far gone that he was arguing with his glassware? Should have switched to the bottle hours ago.
“Luci?” You say again waving a hand in his face. “You forget to sleep again this week?” Your smile was warm, a little twinkle in your eye drawing a heat to his collar that had nothing to do with the spirits. You sit on the edge of his desk in your sleepwear. The baggy shirt and sweats reeked of his brothers.
“No.” He lies pushing his desk chair away. “Did you need something?”
You shrug hopping off the desk. “Not really. Wasn’t feeling movie night. You ok if I hang out here? It’s nice and quiet.” You slink off to the couch in front of the fire before he could answer.
“You could not do this in your room?” Lucifer snips. He tosses back the rest of his drink and rises to his feet. He grimaces at the burn spreading across his throat. “I’m sure it is quiet in there too.” He catches your eyes looking over the back of the lounge. While everything lower than the bridge of your nose was blocked by the black velvet he could feel the frown growing on your face.
“Well, yes. But I still want some friendly company. Just not rowdy company, I thought you wouldn’t mind...”  
Devils. There was that word again. "You assume to know me?" He cannot hide the venom lacing his words. The liquor had dulled his senses enough that he could not hide his rancor.
“I’m-” You leave the chair coming around it to give him your full attention. This wasn’t like him. Not anymore at least. But you were used to the odd mood swings that plagued your companions. "I don’t assume anything about you Luci. But if you want to talk-"
“I don’t want to have some idle friendly chit chat.” He could feel the tantrum coming. “Have I not proven myself capable of-” His jaw snaps shut with an audible click that echoes across the spacious chamber.
A noticeable blush grows on his pale cheeks. “More.” He sighs deeply, he feels light-headed at the admission. Whether it was from the drinks or from going against his nature and swallowing his pride he couldn’t tell. “Am I not enough to be more than a friend to you?”
That takes you by surprise. You had speculated that he harbored feelings for you. Diavolo all but cementing the idea in your mind. But, this was Lucifer. It felt like just yesterday you were at each other's throats, before he recognized you as something other than a threat to his family. You wanted to respect that little bit of trust he had given you. “It’s not like I never thought about it.”
“But?” He perks up slightly hearing the unspoken word in your inflection. He could see your apprehension yet there was a shimmer of something else underneath. Something he could work with.
“I was- I am scared.”
“Finally, a reasonable response from being around demons.” Lucifer snorts.
“Hey! You know that’s not what I mean.”
“No, I don’t. Explain it to me.” He invades your space waiting to see what you would do. Run or stay. He would have his answer either way. You don’t move, instead, you wrap your arms around yourself. Guarding yourself yet standing firm. One of the many reasons why he admired you.
“I feel like we just became friends. I didn’t think you felt the same and I didn’t want to mess this all up.” You confess. “I just thought it would be easier this way.”
Lucifer absorbs your words quietly, nodding at the logic behind them. “Messes are not something I generally like true, but," He reaches for you, careful of your defensive stature to lead you back to the couch. “If you are willing to iron out the bumps with me I’d like to see what we can make of it.”
If it meant he could have you he would take as much time as you needed.
It takes him the longest to notice that you were trying to keep him at arm's length emotionally. It was hard for him to see at first since you still readily accepted his invitations to snuggle and hang out.
He thought he was very blatant with his desire for you and your affections. The head pats and evening is the planetarium or his attic.
The fact that he had apologized for that little murder mishap. He thought that was a big bright neon sign. Yet you always seemed to try to invite someone else along to chill or leave quickly after an hour or so. As much as he loved his twin and tolerated his other brothers he was trying to get you ALONE.
He starts trying to see you outside the house now too. Lunch in the cafeteria? Pffft. You are going to eat and nap with him in the courtyard. After School activities? Could you help him with some council stuff instead?
Yes, he will go out of his way to do work if you are involved.
You are still too closed off though. You act around him like you do around any of the other brothers and it drives him crazy. You are just so friendly and cordial with everyone. How come he is the only one that becomes a flushing mess now?
He becomes your second shadow, almost as bad as Mammon. You start to get an inkling of his intentions when he starts wanting to sleep in your bedroom at night instead of his or the attic. You let him but offer up the couch or split the bed with a pillow.
He snoops when he gets desperate. Did you like someone else? Was that why you were constantly acting like his advances were just him being overly friendly? He doesn’t find anything, you act like this around everyone else too.
He gives up. Stops interacting with you entirely. He is 99% sure he can sleep through the next century without being bothered. Maybe he’ll get over you by then.
“Belphie? You up here?” The demon in question opens a bleary eye to his locked door. He should stay quiet, leave you hanging. Give himself some vindictive pleasure in snubbing you.
“Hai~” He rises from his nest of blankets and pillows. “Hold on.” Unlocking the door he opens it ajar. You smile around the large stack of books and binders in your arms. “What is that?” Please don’t say homework.
“Work you’ve missed sulking up here.” You confirm his worst fear. “Satan and I thought we would spot you a bit though.” Belphegor watches you struggle for a second to pull a folded piece of paper out from the middle of the stack. “We got most of the answers done for you. Now you just have to fill the worksheets in with your handwriting.” You wave the paper expectantly.
Hearing his brother’s name makes him sour immediately. How long had you been hanging out with him now? “Thanks, leave them at the door then.” He goes to shut the door and return to his dreamless slumber but it’s blocked by your foot.
“Ouch.” You wince hopping back on one foot.
“Idiot! Are you hurt?” He wrenches the door open crouching down to take a look at your sock-covered foot.
“Nothing I can’t walk off. Though my arms are getting sore- weak human muscles an’ all.” You hint wiggling the stack in your arms. He takes the work this time, still eyeing your foot. “Relax, I’ve stubbed my toe with more force than that before.” You whisk by him, using his brief moment of distraction to slip by.
“Did I invite you in?” Belphegor eyes you with a frown. He kicks his door close and dumps the pile of papers on his already over-encumbered desk. Hmm. How many days had he missed?
You ignore him plopping down on the still warm sheets. “Nope!” You pop the ‘p’ with a grin. “But that has never stopped you from sneaking into my room. So fair trade all around.” You pat at the bed, clearing inviting him to join you. “Come on. I’ll help you finish that work then we can chill.”
Oh, now you want to hang out. He felt a rush of bitterness wash over him.  “Don’t you have something better to do?” If this keeps up he’ll need another nap, alone preferably. “Doesn’t Asmo need a shopping buddy or something?”
“What’s gotten you all worked up?” You frown, hurt by his accusatory tone.
Belphie shoots you a wounded look. "We never hang out anymore." He sulks. "Alone, I mean. I'm tired of you always inviting Beel or someone else with us."
He glances over to you idly thumbing at one of the books on his desk. It's frustrating. This game of touch and go he accidentally got himself into. Ugh- why did this have to be so hard. "I want to spend more time with you. Just us, so why are you always avoiding that?" 
"I.” You look down at your feet dangling off the side of his mattress. “I’m sorry you feel that way. I just felt like- like things were going off the rails between us.” You weren't oblivious to his advances.
He cocks his head in confusion. "Mmm? What are you afraid of?" You read a flicker in his eyes, a haunting memory of cruel fingers around your neck darken his gaze. "Ah-"
"No! No that's not it!" You panic waving your hands up. Of course, he would immediately go to that. "I'm just worried. I know you like me, and-just what if things don't work out? What if you realize what a mistake this could be?"
Your admission gives him pause. So you knew this whole time? Not surprising; he wouldn't fall for someone stupid. "So, are you admitting to liking me back?" He feels giddy when you nod, covering your heating face with your hands. " Well then, what’s the problem? It’s not a mistake if we both are making it.” He grins slyly. “How can it not work out if the feelings are mutual.”
“But what if you are mistaken?” He wraps you up into his arms, flopping you both over onto his messy bed. He takes one of your hands and places it on the top of his head all while burying his nose in your neck.
“Please,” He yawns, feeling his body grow heavy. “I don’t waste my energy on ‘mistakes’.”
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vagabondreamer · 3 years
After the Fall (5)
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Pairing: Lucifer x Angel! Fem! MC
Word Count: 2.3k
Series Summary: Angel! Fem! MC is part of an exchange program that sends her to the Devildom for a year.
Chapter Summary: MC finds out what Lucifer's been hiding.
CW: panic attacks, attempted murder, PTSD
Author’s Note: Sorry it's been a hot minute; school has been keeping me busy.
Your fingers felt like they were going to fall off and your eyes burned from not blinking. The room was so dark you weren’t sure how long you had been in here. The bright screen was your only source of light, and it was no wonder Levi was so pale. You looked over at him, he was hunched over his controller, his eyes glued to the tv.
“MC are you not even trying?” He exclaimed, a tint of anger in his voice. You looked back at the screen, a giant ‘K.O.’ flashing before your eyes.
“They don’t have these games back home.” This felt like your hundredth loss against him. “You’re just way too good.”
He blushed at the small compliment - not used to the praise. You looked at your DDD to see the time, it was already 3 in the morning.
“Geez! I need to get to bed.”
“Already?” He pouted, not wanting you to go to your room yet.
“Let’s do this again.”
“Fine.” He grumbled, but the small smile on his face was enough to show he wasn’t mad.
You said goodnight to him and his fish - you learned the name was Henry based off of his favorite fantasy novel - and walked out the door into the hallway. It was pitch black, you couldn’t see a thing. Standing still, you tried to let your eyes adjust to the darkness. Barely, you could see the railing of the stairs, and some decorative paintings on the wall. You started walking towards your room when you heard a small voice coming from far behind you. Didn’t Satan say this house was haunted? Surely, you thought he was just trying to scare you. Again, you started walking towards your room - hoping to not run into whatever was making that noise.
“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream.”
The voice was stronger, more distinct sounding. You recognized that it was the same lullaby from a week ago. You recalled that there was a set of hidden stairs, that Lucifer forbade you from going up. Debating whether or not you should risk it, you turned around and headed down the hall. The darkness didn’t help, you couldn’t remember how to get to those stairs - last time, you had found it by chance.
“And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem.”
There it was again! You followed the sound, trusting your ears rather than your sight. It was strange how clear the voice was, considering that you had to walk through several doors and halls to get to the base of the stairs.
“But if I know you, I know what you’ll do.”
If Lucifer ever found out - no - he would never find out. And if he did? So, what. You were tired of obeying him - who was he to you? A nobody. Slowly, you ascended up the spiral staircase. The voice was masculine, yet soft, almost sleepy sounding.
“You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.”
Reaching the top of the stairs, you see a door that is barred up. Peering in, you see a man laying down, lazily humming the rest of the tune. His head turns, feeling your presence.
“Hmph. They went along with the exchange program, I see.”
His aura was strong - purple and luminous - he was a powerful demon. He must’ve read yours as well.
“Who are you?”
“Belphegor. Who are you?”
“MC. What are you doing here?”
“Lucifer locked me up.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing - you absolutely knew Lucifer was mean, but to lock up his own family? That was beyond evil. “You have to help me out of here.”
You took a step back from the bars, taking a moment to think about the situation you landed yourself in. It was no wonder Lucifer didn’t want you up here, but was it justified? From what you had gathered, he was mean but not without reason, right? He insulted you, but only because you were acting like a brat. He was also the same man that saved you, and he was highly respected by Michael - even as a demon.
“Why did he lock you up?”
“I didn’t agree with the exchange program.”
Was that really the only reason? Something as simple as disagreeing could end up in imprisonment? Belphie must’ve seen the look on your face - a war raging inside your mind.
“He’s horrible, you know?” You looked up at him. “He locked up his own brother, and he dismissed Lilith’s death like it meant nothing!”
“Lilith.” You repeated to yourself. You were told she was the start of the Great Celestial War.
“Now that I think about it, I don’t remember you at all.” He eyed you carefully.
“I wasn’t created until after the war. I’m Lucifer’s replacement, basically.”
This statement caught his interest.
“So, you’re powerful; I think you can get through this magic.”
Touching the bars, you felt a powerful magic radiating off of the metal. Lucifer must’ve put a spell on the door, to ensure he’d never escape. He was right, you were a powerful angel, this shouldn’t be an issue, but you were still hesitant.
“What are you going to do once you’re out?”
“I just want to talk to him.” If that was really all he wanted to do then you were ready to let him out.
You closed your eyes, and took a deep breath in, hands still gripping the metal. It had been weeks since you last transformed into an angel, ever since your failure you had been hesitant to even try. Slowly, your white wings sprouted from your back and your magic flowed through your fingertips. The bars began to glow, and gradually disintegrated from existence. A smile spread across his face, and he stepped out for the first time in who knows how long. You transformed back to your normal state.
“Thank you.” He opened his arms, you gladly accepted his hug. You had begun to appreciate how touchy-feely most of the brothers were. His grip, however, was a bit too hard for your liking. You stopped hugging him back, this time placing your hands against his waist trying to push off - but his grip was relentless.
“What are you doing?” It was getting harder to breathe; your ribs felt like they were being crushed.
“I’m doing the world a favor, Lucifer’s replacement.”
He hadn’t bothered addressing you by your name - it suddenly clicked in your head. Lucifer was part of the blame for his sister’s death, and to him you were just another Lucifer in the making. You pushed him and tried to transform but you had exhausted yourself trying to break him out. The trauma from weeks ago was just beginning to heal, and now you were reliving it. You could hardly breathe, but now it was becoming even more erratic - you were having a panic attack.
“Please -” The words were barely coming out. “Lucifer.”
The room was spinning, and darkness crept in.
When you woke up, you were in an unfamiliar room. The bed was spacious, a huge chandelier hung down in the center, and soft music could be heard. You take a deep breath in - you notice the smell - notes of sandalwood wafting in the air. Trying to sit up, a sharp pain erupts in your ribs. Glancing down, your torso is wrapped up - unexpectedly, the memories flash in your mind. You released Belphie, and he tried to kill you. How the hell did you make it?
“MC, you’re awake.” Lucifer walked in, holding a tray of food. “How are you feeling?”
His face held a concerned look, but he was hard to read. There’s no doubt he was upset, he told you not to go up the stairs and yet you disobeyed orders.
“Where’s Belphie?” Lucifer sighed, and put the tray down on the nightstand.
“Why’d you let him go?”
“Did you hurt him?”
The both of you were getting nowhere. Too many unanswered questions and so much distress, you couldn’t take it anymore. You moved to get out of bed, Lucifer tried to help but you slapped his hand away. Standing, you looked him straight in the eyes.
“What is going on here?” Lucifer stood his ground.
“You’re prying. This isn’t any of your business.”
“I almost died. I think it is my business.”
“You didn’t die twice because of me. A thank you would be nice.”
You couldn’t believe him.
“I didn’t ask you to save me.” That was a lie, and he knew it. Your eyes watered up. “I’m capable. You might not see it, Michael might not see it, but I know I am!”
You walked to the door before the tears could spill down your cheeks. You were tired of feeling weak in front of him.
“MC.” You stopped without turning around, waiting for him to continue. “I think you’re plenty capable, but I don’t regret helping you.”
Wiping the tears away, you turned to look at him. He was seated on his bed, elbows rested on his legs, looking down pensively. You walked to him, standing directly in front of his form. The sleeves on his dress shirt were rolled up, and the top buttons were undone revealing his collarbone. The locks of his hair were messy, like he had been consistently running his hands through it. Subconsciously, you raised your hand and began to smooth out his hair, putting each strand back in its rightful place. He looked up at you, curiously. His eyes were sunken, the darkness underneath visible to you from your proximity.
“I’m sorry," you whispered.
Ever since your arrival, you had become another burden to Lucifer. Before coming to the Devildom, you had a preconceived notion that he was the reincarnation of all things evil, but it didn’t take long to realize how complex the man in front of you really was. Your internal battle with yourself didn’t help, and you were taking it out on him. And now, with Belphie’s appearance, there’s no doubt in your mind that Lucifer would never forgive you.
“I just wish you’d understand I have your best interest at heart.”
“I guess it takes a near death experience to see that,” you joked. “Thanks. For both times.”
You fixed the last strand out of place, framing it against his temple. Your fingers lingered, tracing down to where his jaw curves. It was as if an electric current ran from him to you.
“You’re welcome. Both times.” He went to grab your hand, but you removed it yourself.
“Does everyone know what happened?”
“Yes. You’ve been out for a few days, and everything’s been taken care of.”
“School, home, here. Everything.” He got up from his position, leaving you little time to take a step back, his chest is nearly touching yours. “I’m not letting you get hurt again.”
He placed his hand on your shoulder, and in that moment you felt so small. You vowed right there and then to be less of a burden to Lucifer. You had already caused so much damage, now you were going to make things right.
“Michael wants to speak to you.”
“What? You’ve spoken with Michael?” Oh, crap.
“No, Simeon has. Michael requested you take a brief trip back home after you wake up.”
“I’ll open a portal, if you’re ready?”
“You can open a portal?”
“Yes, can’t you?”
“No…” Guess Michael decided you weren’t good enough for that ability. “I’m ready.”
Lucifer performed his spell, which allowed a little portal to open up. You thanked Lucifer once again, and stepped in; a bright, white light blinded you. The portal had transported you to right in front of Michael’s office. You gave two knocks before being called in.
“MC. Who knew it only took sending you to the Devildom for you to finally learn how to knock.” You laughed dryly. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I -”
“What happened?”
“Well -”
“Don’t answer. I already know.” Ah, so you were here to be reprimanded. “Why are you causing so much trouble? Did I not tell you that you represent the Celestial Realm?”
“Yes sir, but -”
“I don’t want to hear any excuses. It’s embarrassing that I even have to do this.” You bite your lip, too afraid to make him angrier. “You’re going to go down there and apologize to Lord Diavolo and Lucifer. And you’re going to stop causing trouble, do I make myself clear?”
You opted to nod your head, not trusting your own voice. As quick as you had gotten there, you were sent away just as quickly. The portal reopened back in Lucifer’s room, he was standing there waiting for your arrival. You wanted nothing more than to be alone.
“What did he say?”
“He said I need to apologize to you and Lord Diavolo, but can I please do that later? I just - I need to get out of here.”
“MC…” He reached out to you.
“No, I’m serious - I feel like I can’t breathe.” It was happening again. You could hear your own heartbeat in your ears, and you saw the room spinning. Why was this happening?
“MC!” Lucifer held the sides of your face. “Okay, you’re okay. Let’s get some fresh air.”
His words were going in one ear and straight out the other. He held you in his arms, and you could feel him moving, but your dizziness made it hard to decipher what was going on. It wasn’t until he sat down, you were still being held by him, that you became aware of your surroundings. Somewhere deep in the forest lay a small lake, and a singular bench. The air was fresh, and the serenity filled your soul.
“I come here when it feels like everything is falling apart.”
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After the Fall Tag List @ptv-hades @everyday-girl9041-blog
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beelze-bae · 3 years
Movie Night at the House of Lamentation
Our MC has convinced the boys to settle down for a movie night! The living room will be converted into the perfect movie nest...but what are the brothers up to?
(Obligatory tag for @lovelesslovers because you're the one that inspired this jfkdlsa;fd)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LUCIFER is.......apprehensive. Why do you need so many blankets and pillows? Do you have to do this in the middle of the house instead of in someone's room? Who's choosing the movie? He'll acquiesce if he can be convinced to be quiet and just enjoy a night off, but you'll have to really wheedle him into leaving the paperwork in his office. He can't quite let go of his job as leader, snapping at the boys for bickering, moving too much or not enough, and generally being his usual stuffy self. He might need reminding every once in a while to shut up and let the experts handle everything, but when everything settles and the opening scene starts to roll, he'll be pleasantly surprised by how nice it is to sit down with his brothers and enjoy an hour or two of peace and quiet. (And if he has a chance to watch you without his brothers catching him in the act, it's even better, as far as he's concerned.)
* MAMMON is absolutely hYPE about this whole situation. When you invite him to join them for a movie, he's absolutely THERE for it. He'll even help cart almost every blanket and pillow in the whole House into the living room to build the biggest, bestest blanket fort in the history of the Devildom--human world forts ain't got nothing on what the Great Mammon can build! Of course, he bickers over the movie choice, and even more over catching Levi trying to put an arm around you (only because Mammon was trying to do the same thing) but with an elbow or two to the ribs and a threat not to invite him to the next gathering, he'll settle down and cuddle close to you, only to jolt you here and there when he gets too into the plot.
* LEVIATHAN is the kING of having a great time while staying inside--and he's unofficially become the leader of this escapade as a result. He's the one ordering Mammon where to arrange the pillows and how to hang the blankets to offer the greatest and coziest amount of darkness needed to watch the movie, and griping with Satan about what the best movie choice should be. He nearly gives up and goes back to his room at east once, but with some reassurance from his beloved Henry, he'll be right back in his groove. He insists on being close to you as the film starts, and aaaaaaamost gets the courage to put his arm around you like one of the anime leads he's always dreamed of being...until his hand smacks into Mammon's as the second brother tries to use the same cheesy excuse to keep you close. Snuggle into him while you watch and he'll forget all about his embarrassment, though it might send his soul to another dimension in the process.
* SATAN is absolutely fascinated. He would usually rather spend time engrossed in a new book or walking through the Devildom streets alone with you, but a chance to change things up isn't out of the question. He has several dramas and films to suggest for the occasion, even--if he could just convince Levi to hand the remote over and choose anything but the weird anime special he keeps going on about. He pouts a little when the others keep him from sitting next to you, but he perks up a little when you offer for him to bring that stuffed hellcat you won for him in that silly claw game, sitting near enough to you that you can whisper back and forth about plot holes and acting choices. He's even surprised when Lucifer shuts up and relaxes for a little while, which makes it that much easier for the fourthborn to flick popcorn kernels at the back of his head.
* ASMODEUS thinks this idea is absolutely adorable! He'll help turn your blanket fort into a palace fit for royalty, complete with the spare bedding set and throw pillows he won in that Majolish flash sale. He doesn't care as much about the movie as he does about the cute pajama selfies he tries to cajole you into, but it is pretty nice to see those worry lines fade from your face as you let loose and have a little fun. He's right next to Satan, happy to try to unriddle the plot or complain about poor writing as he toys with your hair, the back of your clothes, anything his fingers can reach as he goes. Having fun for the sake of having fun is something he doesn't have as much experience with, but he's more than happy to let you teach him how to enjoy something without making it a Major Event.
* BEELZEBUB is absolutely down for this. Movies? Pillows? Snacks? There will be snacks, right? While the others are setting up the living room, he takes it upon himself to get all of his favorite movie theater foods together--though you might have to supervise to make sure there are things that humans enjoy, too. Devildom delicacies can be a little...left of center. He lets you prop yourself up against him as he tries to munch quietly, engrossed in the movie more than he expects. Like Lucifer, he's happy to see his brothers spend time together without a major crisis to deal with. It's something he hasn't seen in a long time. One of the others might ask why he's smiling so much, if they notice, but he plays his cards pretty close to his chest. This memory will quickly become one of his favorites.
* BELPHEGOR is honestly a little surprised that you invited him to join. He'll cite that he's too tired, that he doesn't want to be around everyone in such close quarters, but he won't be too hard to convince. He'll help Beel with the snacks if he's feeing up to it, but it's more than likely he'll just sit on the couch and watch the chaos unfold in front of him. He'll be impressed when everything comes together without too much trouble, insisting on leaning on you as he watches the movie. If you start to run your fingers through his hair as you watch, he won't mind too terribly...and he'll enjoy it all the more with the jealous glances he'll receive from Mammon and Levi for the trouble. He could get used to this...but he'll suggest that you guys have a private movie night sometime later, where he can relax a lot more easily.
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perriewinklenerdie · 4 years
Let it snow (Ethan x MC)
Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x MC
A/N:  Hi guys! PB keeps serving us and we sure are eating good, huh? After reading the chapter for the first time (some of you know that I've read it four times now {watch me replay it again before the next one}), I wasn't sure what to write. If you ask me, they skimmed over that scene, kinda rushed it when we all know they have the ability to do better (imma be watching you, PB, step your game up, man). 
{@terrm9​ I told you it be sooner than you think ;) hope you don’t mind the tag)
Anyway, at first I wanted to do a rewrite to do this scene justice. But after asking my gang (you know who you are, my ride or die bitches) if I should do a rewrite or a round two, they were kinda in agreement that round two sounds fun. And now we're here :D
We have some light fluff, Claire pointing out a thing or two to Ethan and smut. Let the sinning begin
This work is NSFW, you have been warned, proceed with caution.
Tag list: @paleweasels | @kittykatchoices | @valiantlychaoticbarbarian |   @radlovedreamer | @usuallyamazinglyaverage | @awhmilkywey |   @cordoniaqueensworld | @princess-geek | @faithhasnowords | @mightyfangirlofthefandoms | @drakewalkerfantasy | @timmagicktoad  @laceandlula | @greywitchyshots | @llamasgrl |  @gingerjane15 |    @marywrites-things | @ethanplaysfavorites | @mfackenthal | @betelgeusebee | @simsvetements | @owleyes374 |   @aworldoffandoms | @l822 | @cream-ray| @silverlitskies | @justendlesssummerfeels | @togetherwearerapture | @desmaranj | @edgiestwinter | @friedherringclodthing | @waytooattuned | @choicesgremlin | @lapisreviewsstuff | @writerapprentice | @chasingrobbie |      @choicesobsessedd  | @x-kyne-x | @thisperfectmemory | @drakewalker04 | @rookie-ramsey | @jlynn12273 | @thepinknymph |  @dr-brianna-casey-valentine | @a-i-n-a-a-s-h | @justanotherrookie |  @mvalentine | @starrystarrytrouble | @akshara16 |  @maurine07 |  @natzz-b |  @aylamreads  | @openheartthot | @tsrookie​ | @takemyopenheart​ | @mrsramseyy​ | @blossomanarchy​ | @thegreentwin 
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Summary: Chapter 14 rewrite. Staying away from each other is going to be challenging, but while the storm is still raging on outside the window, they don’t have to worry about it just yet. (Or: round two because they can’t keep their hands off each other)
Enjoy! <3
Ethan ran the back of his fingers over the rise and fall of Claire’s back, wordlessly basking in the afterglow of their rise of passion. He’s not sure how much time has passed, the only indication being the growing layer of snow that slowly covered the view out the window. His eyes followed the trajectory of the snowflakes, watching how they danced on the wind before disappearing.
Claire stirred in his arms a bit, falling deeper into his embrace. Their naked bodies were still pressed against one another, barely covered by the soft blanket that helped them to maintain at least a little bit of the heat. Her hand was resting comfortably right over his heart that was still pounding, its pace mirroring how fast his chest was rising and falling. Their breathing felt much louder than they actually were, silence providing a stark contrast.
“That was…” she searched for the right word to express her thoughts. To encapsulate all the emotions that roared in her mind and made her heart swell. “Different. I know it happened before, but… there was something else here.”
He nodded, deeply considering what she said. It’s like she read his mind. “I agree. Different, but in a good way. In a way that I wanted it to be for a long time now.”
Moving slightly to grant himself more freedom of movement, he leaned onto his elbow. His thumb traced her cheekbone, watching from under lowered eyelids how fire cast shadows over her face, making the usually soft lines more refined, casting a spell on him.
“Is this what you want, Claire?” he asked, vulnerability in his voice so clear and evident. Finally, after what felt like years in confinement, he freed himself from the cold grasp of his rules and fell into the warmth of her embrace. Now, he never wanted to leave, and he waited for her answer with a bated breath.
“I want more nights like tonight. Just you, and me, and nothing in between us to keep me away from you.” she confessed, muttering each and every word as she stared into his eyes, lively glimmer in her emerald irises. Delicately, she brushed back a lock that fell onto his forehead, running her fingers through his hair soothingly. “Whatever is going on between us… I don’t want it to stop.”
“I feel the same way.” Trailing away from her face, Ethan ran his hand up and down her arm, smiling softly at the effect he had on her. He held her closer, staring at the ceiling. “We’ll have to be careful, especially around June and Baz.”
“You mean no making eyes at each other across the gurney? No sneaky hand-holding beneath the diagnostics room table?” Claire grinned at him teasingly, her words causing him to look at her again in surprise.
“In what world would that be happening anyway?”
“Oh, so that part isn’t subject to make-believe?”
“My personality? Not really.” He replied, unable to fight the smile that pulled on the corners of his lips. Claire shook her head, turning in his arms and nuzzling her nose against the column of his neck, kissing him everywhere she could reach.
“Then I’ll just have to enjoy the moments when no one else is there to see us.”
“I’d like that.”
“Even if June and Baz already suspect something.” She added, waiting to see his reaction. His movements halted, breath getting caught in his throat. She didn’t have to look at him to know that he was waiting for her next words with panic in his eyes. “You’re not as smooth as you think you are.”
Noticing humor in her words, he relaxed almost entirely. “Excuse me, I like to think I’m very good at ‘being smooth’” he laughed, offended by her insinuations. Her giggle made her whole body shake.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” sneakily, she moved her hand slowly, then pinched his ribs, causing him to jerk away with a shriek. He stared at her with mock betrayal, attacking her right back, tickling her mercilessly until tears ran down her face from laughing so much. “Okay, okay, stop!”
They took a moment to let their breaths get back to normal again, all the while keeping their eyes locked on each other. The atmosphere in the room gradually changed, morphing into a more serious one when he sighed heavily, contentment mixing with something more muted.
“I meant what I said at the start of the year.” He began, leaning away so their eyes could meet. “I won’t jeopardize your professional development. Or your reputation.”
All traces of humor were gone, seriousness palpable in the way he spoke, in the way he looked at her, in the strong comfort and conviction in his hold on her. Holding his face in her hands, she stroked his cheeks as she spoke.
“I don’t want you to suffer, either.” All the unsaid words and unexpressed emotions were flowing between them, through them and around them. No words had to be spoken; they both felt it. “So when we’re at work, we’re nothing but colleagues. And when we’re alone, we’re…” she trailed off, smirking suggestively.
“Whatever we want to be.” He finished, choosing this exact word combination. It wasn’t a confession, at least not exactly, but they had time; they’d get there. He’d get there.
Claire pecked his lips a few times, playful and carefree. His fingers caressed her chin as the kiss deepened, slowly but surely stealing her breath. His body pressed against hers hard and with clear purpose, the kiss breaking when a shuddered moan escaped her.
“You don’t seem tired.”
“That’s because I’m not” Ethan grinned, grabbing her hips and helping her roll on top of him, their bodies brushing against each other once more. Laughter that was there when he moved her has now vanished, focus occupying her features. Steadying herself with her hands on his shoulders, she looked down at him fervently.
“Then we should do something about it. God forbid you losing sleep at night.”
“You make it sound like it’s a bad thing.” He panted, letting his hands run up her sides, cupping her breasts. His thumbs brushed against her nipples, eliciting a soft sigh from her, the sensation making her whole body come alive. He pinched the sensitive skin just to get a reaction out of her, her mind kicking into a higher gear when his hips rose up to meet hers, nothing between them to quell the feeling.
“I like losing sleep with you.” Claire whispered, the only thing she managed to do when he was stimulating her in so many ways. Ethan’s grin could light up the room alone.
“False humbleness isn’t a good look on you.”
She grabbed his shoulders more firmly, pulling him up so he’d sit. Their hips met with more force than either of them anticipated, groans that slipped past their lips mixing into a symphony. With new position came new possibilities. Ethan didn’t waste even a second of their time, licking around her right nipple, continuing ministrations on the other breast with his hand.
Claire’s head fell backwards, fingers twisting in his hair in an attempt to keep herself grounded. Grazing his teeth over her skin, he continuously sent sparks through her that reached the farthest ends of her body. His mouth latched onto her, working her without letting her catch a break. Pushing her further and further, their hips rolling and pressing against each other in a tantalizing manner.
“Ethan…” her high-pitched moan bounced off the walls, sending a shiver down his spine. Ethan hummed, vibrations enhancing the pleasure he was giving her.
“I love it when you say my name.” he leaned away enough to speak his mind, then immediately went back to his previous task, determined to make her come, again and again. He wrapped his unoccupied arm around her, pressing her down onto him, willing himself not to fall with her just yet. With so much time on their hands, they could have their fun all night.
Her hips were moving against his frantically, chasing the release that was so close that she could almost taste it. She pulled on his hair, her grip vicelike, making him groan, seemingly helplessly. Red-hot desire surged through her veins when she came, a broken string of loud sounds falling from her lips before she could stop herself. Ethan helped her ride it out, abandoning teasing her breast in favor of watching her face as she said his name, over and over again.
Eventually, she fell forward, her forehead resting against his, her breathing elevated yet again. His hands stroked the skin of her back, soothing the places in which he was holding her close to him. When her eyes opened, he saw cheeky spark in them.
“I’m not done with you yet.” Claire said smugly, twirling a strand of his hair around her finger. He nodded, enchanted with her words. In that moment, she could ask him to jump into the fire with her and he’d do it.
“I don’t intend on the night ending here either.”
Her hands slid down his body, grazing his skin with her nails as she went. Muscles contracted at the sensation, his breaths getting shallow, the anticipation of what was going to happen next driving him wild.
Claire lifted her hips a bit, making room for her hand to trace the lines of Ethan’s legs and hips. She massaged his thighs, her knuckles brushing against his length from time to time, slowly but surely making him lose his mind. He was about to protest, to beg her to touch him, when she palmed him delicately.
A choked grumble filled the room, his hips snapping up to press her closer. Claire shook her head, smirking at his impatience, then pressed downwards to keep him in place. Her intention didn’t matter though, because he achieved exactly what he wanted, reveling in the feeling of her fingers against him.
She grabbed his chin and turned his head so they were face to face, then slammed their lips together. At the exact same moment, she wrapped her fingers around him and squeezed him gently, his hiss of satisfaction getting drowned out in the kiss that only climbed in intensity, taking them both higher.
Slowly, she pumped her hand, up and down, establishing a punishingly intense rhythm. At first he tried to control his reactions, but his reason soon flew out the window, triggered by the way she twisted her wrist with each stroke.
Needing to do something to distract himself and prevent ending it all too quickly, he nudged her legs, prompting her to open them wider, and brushed his middle finger against her folds. Initially, she jerked away from his touch, still sensitive from her last high, but after a few of his touches, she began to match the movement of her hips and her hand on him with his ministrations, synchronizing them into a deliciously torturing sensation.
Up until this point, they both managed to remain relatively quiet. Then his thumb brushed over her clit, back and forth, in circles, and a moan slipped past her lips. Determined to hear that sound again, and again, he ran the tip of his finger along her entrance, then pushed it inside, teasing her just enough to make her want to combust. Pressing the rest of the way, he moved it a bit in a variety of directions, guided by the sounds she was making, stimulating her further with insistent touches applied to the bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs.
His actions inspired her own, her strokes becoming hurried and intense, her thumb caressing the tip in just the way that made him groan in appreciation. They wouldn’t last long like that; of that he was sure. He felt her inner muscles contracting around his fingers, a clear indication of just how close to the release she was, but the look on her face spelled out resolve. Resolve to make this last, even if only for a moment longer.
She broke the kiss, then pulled him by the strands at the back of his head, making their eyes meet and lock in an intense gaze. Guiding him to her entrance, she muttered his name, waiting for confirmation, that that was what he wanted, to appear in his eyes. Mixed with desire, she saw longing and tenderness; that, accompanied by a firm nod he gave her, was the confirmation she needed.
Ethan moved his hands to her hips, stroking her hipbones as she sank down onto him. His lips parted slightly, panting heavily at the heavenly sensations she was subjecting him to. The sounds Claire was making were bordering on being mute, at least at first, as she still tried to keep her voice down. Ultimately, they both failed, as their last-ditch effort to remain quiet fell short after a few seconds.
Her first movement is anything but slow and cautious. With how worked up they both are, it’s a miracle that it hasn’t ended the moment he entered her. As soon as they’re both comfortable, she begins to rise and fall, assisted by his hands, rolling her slightly from side to side every time she goes down. The lock in which their gazes were up until his point is broken when she presses him closer to her, gripping his hair tightly and pulling on it with every thrust his hips make, meeting her halfway.
“Don’t stop.” He growled, attacking her neck with hot and lingering kisses, biting her skin and soothing it with his tongue. Claire grinned, moaning his name louder than before, rising and then slamming all the way down with full force. And again, repeatedly pushing them towards the sweet release that began to dance at the tips of their nerve endings.
Her free hand skimmed over the pronounced muscles of his ribcage, then slid onto his shoulder blade. The pleasure was beginning to overwhelm her, at the same time being not enough. His lips attached to her pulse point and sucked, gently at first, then more insistently, making her almost sure that there would be a mark. In return, partially caused by the way his hips thrusted at a new angle, her nails dug into his back, leaving red skid marks when she moved her hand lower.
Pain enhanced pleasure, pushing him even closer to her and to the tipping point. His fingers gripped her long hair and pulled on it as the strands wrapped around his wrist, allowing his kisses to return to her lips, a futile effort to keep their cries at bay. He should have known that with the amount of time that they were apart for, and with her by his side, there was no way either of them could keep quiet.
As her inner muscles contracted around his length, it became apparent to him that it was all going to be over in a matter of moments. Unable to hold himself back any more than he did up until this point, he broke the kiss so that he could look at her when it all fell down.
“Look at me.” he pleaded, holding his breath until she opened her eyes, irises so dark and enticing, making it impossible to look away. Nose to nose, they stared into each other’s eyes, racing towards their climax recklessly.
She squeezed him again, coming a second later, crying his name into the stillness of the night. His frantic movements expressed just how desperately he searched for release, while he helped her ride out the bursts of energy that sent her into overdrive. Claire never ceased to move, even after the initial sensation subsided, gripping his face with her hands and slamming their lips together.
“Come, Ethan.” She muttered against his mouth, letting him guide her in the direction he needed her in. Growling her name, his voice filled with need and adoration, he finally followed her, moaning frantically with each blinding spark of pleasure.
He fell into her arms, spent and out of breath, pressing sweet kisses to her collarbone lazily. Claire brushed his hair back, gazing wordlessly at the wall. The contrast between the atmosphere in the room now and only moments ago is astounding; she wouldn’t believe anything happened if it wasn’t for her racing heart, heavy breathing and the warm buzzing feeling in her whole body.
“Let’s hope Baz and June aren’t nearby. We weren’t exactly discreet.” She muttered, reminiscing how not-quiet they were, right after deciding that they had to be careful around the two doctors they worked with.
“Practice makes perfect.” He replied in an equally muted voice, somehow managing to put some humor into his it, despite words blending together from how tired he was.
Ethan retreated onto the bed, pulling out before gathering her in his arms, keeping her head at the same level as his so he could kiss her at any given moment. She stroked the side of his face, smiling softly at how comfortable they both were in their new reality.
“This is more than normal plus, you know?” she joked, making him laugh lightly. Gazing into her eyes, he could imagine thousands of nights, just like this one, that they had ahead of them. At the same time, he didn’t know how in the hell was he going to keep his wandering mind and impatient hands at bay when she was so near that he could touch her, but so far because of all the people around them that could see it.
“You’ll never get anything less than that.” He promised, pulling the covers over them and letting her warmth and the sound of hear breathing lull him to sleep.
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So, if it's not a lot, can you please do a first year boys reaction (headcanon) to an new student (MC) who has angel like beauty, like she's very beautiful please; this is very random but it just popped up in my head
It is no trouble at all.
Fufu, a beautiful girl, is it? The description reminds me a lot of a TW OC of mine, based on Shindan Maker results. She is a Pomefiore student with a similar angel-like beauty, but an awful personality. Cruel, manipulative, spoiled rotten...basically, the worst.
With that kind of image lingering in the back of my mind, it was pretty funny for me to think about how differently these scenarios might have turned out if the angelic-looking MC had the same kind of nasty personality as that OC.
 In any case, please enjoy.
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Ace Trappola Headcanons:
“Dude, check her out. That chick’s pretty cute, right?”
Ace would nudge Deuce in the ribs with his elbow and not-so-subtly jab a thumb in the general direction of the new student. A girl--unusual for the all-boys Night Raven College, but even more unusual was how heart breakingly angelic she was.
Ace would then proceed to go over and introduce himself to her (and by introduce himself to her, I mean he would mercilessly tease her). He would make some dumb remark about how she looks like she fell from heaven.
He keeps this routine up whenever he sees her around the campus. Ace doesn’t seem to know any other way of demonstrating his interest, the poor lad.
Deuce Spade Headcanons:
After brushing Ace off with a cool, “When Grim said a ‘chick’ was cute, that ‘chick’ turned out to be Epel”, Deuce would watch Ace approach the new student in utter horror.
He’d rush right up and pull his friend away, frantically bowing his head to the new girl and apologizing all the while. (”Please excuse my friend, miss! He’s just an idiot!” “Oi! Who are you calling an idiot, idiot?!”)
If he sees her around later, Deuce might wave or give a shy greeting. He’ll offer to help the new student with things that demand a lot of strength or endurance, since he sees her a soft and fragile.
Jack Howl Headcanons:
Jack has seen plenty of “pretty” people in his life before. His birth place, the Land of Pyroxene, is known for having those sorts of flashy people. Plus, he’s friends with Vil and classmates with Epel, both of whom are beautiful in their own rights.
But he’s never seen anyone quite as angelic as the new student before.
He will be wary at first, as he knows better than anyone that looks can be deceiving, and just because someone is pretty on the outside doesn’t mean they are also pretty on the inside.
If Jack finds that she is a good person, he will become somewhat protective of her--even more so than Deuce. He’ll growl at anyone giving the new student a hard time and wag his tail when she praises him.
If the new student is ugly on the inside, well...Jack will warn the other first years that she is trouble and that they should stay away.
Epel Felmier Headcanons:
Epel gives a polite hello and doesn’t speak much to the new student.
He’s on his guard to begin with--Epel thinks that she resembles a softer version of Vil, and we all know how rocky Epel and Vil’s relationship is.
He seems the most distant of all the boys, and the most suspicious and the least willing to try and get to know the new girl.
It will take a lot of time and interactions with him to get him to open up. When Epel finally does though, he and the new student are close friends, initially bonding over the fact that everyone puts expectations on them based on their outer appearance. Some refer to them as the “Pretty Stepsisters”.
Sebek Zigvolt  Headcanons:
Having met many fairies in his life, Sebek is accustomed to seeing ethereal beauty. He won’t be as taken aback by the new student’s looks as the other first years were.
If anything, Sebek would be curious and ask if she has any fae ancestors or relatives.
He will be excited if she does, but not disappointed if she doesn’t. Sebek is well aware that some people are just born more lucky than others, and he doesn’t resent the new student if she is that way. 
Sebek will sternly remind her that she must work hard to earn her keep and to not solely rely on looks to get through life!
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If it's alright can I request a story for Helena and MC, whereby MC is forced to result to violence and killing to protect Helena?
WARNINGS FOR: Violence Blood and Gore Some Language Helena’s abuse Spoilers for Route.
Written by @evoedbd
The ground was ash. Sodden with blood and sweat, forming mountains over the bodies of the fallen. Heat clung to Kya’s body, thickening the air in her lungs as she desperately tried to claim one more breath in the chaos. The horizon was aflame with the only consistent splash of colour, deep and raging ember oranges against the backdrop of dull greys and blacks. Smoke billowed from what had once been wagons filled with grains and long-lasting supplies for the starving Capitol. What once had been fields growing crops and hosting cattle were now a remnant of what once was. Battle echoed around her, clashing steel ringing around disembodied cries and coughs. Some were strong and hearty, those men might survive if they fought well. Others were weak, somehow wet in the dehydrated desert of death. These men wouldn’t make it. No matter how hard their fingers dug into the ground as they blindly crawled in search of clean air and their salvation.
It had all happened so fast. One moment, Kya had her arms wrapped around Helena’s waist, head on her shoulder as she dosed behind the saddle. The next, explosion. An attack so vicious Kya hadn’t even registered falling from the saddle, only the screaming. Only Helena barking orders between spells, trying to protect those who were unarmed, to protect the supplies for the poor villages near the Capitol.
Everything was merely white noise in Kya’s ears, a dull swirl of chaotic sound which served as an undercurrent for a pounding heartbeat. A heart raging against reality as it shattered her bones with every jarring beat. How was she to survive when the act of breath was a war within itself? What choice did she have? The heat against her bare palms was nothing compared to the worn grip of a jagged sword. She could feel the dampness of sweat, along with the smoothed tracks where leaner, longer fingers normally grasped. A familiar knick in the grip allowed her to understand how the callused palms of its mistress has come to be. A mistress resting several feet away.
Helena Klein was battered, a vestige of war, pillaged by blade and blow. Each breath was short, a slash of a blade or chop of an axe instead of serenity. Each rattled, as if the broken bones of her ribs might be coming up her chest, ribs she desperately attempted to hold in place by tucking her right arm tightly to her side. The majestic blues of her tunic parted like the seas, giving way to a landscape of soft, snowy flesh mixed with rivers of fouled blood springing forth from a nasty gash. The touch of a blade had begun at the curve of Helena’s shoulder, caressing down to the crook of her elbow, a path Kya’s fingers often followed. Only Helena’s grimy bracer held her sleeve together, protected her forearm from the same fate. The bracer Kya had tied with a gentle smile not an hour prior. One might think it yet another physical representation of how different the loves of Helena Klein truly were. The Queen’s affection was the battlefield, the agony, the desecration of body and soul.
Just like when she was in the Queen’s service, Helena was brought low, left to support her weight on her only uninjured arm, fingers splayed in the slippery mud which oozed through them, trying to swallow her hand. Bedraggled hair hung around her flushed face; white gold tainted to mousey brown by the blood of her foes. A representation, perhaps, of what each life taken meant to her gentle soul. Stains. Darkness. The evil she defied, fixating her icy glare at her hands in rebellion, even as she tamed her trembling body, harnessed her adrenaline and pain into stillness by her sheer willpower alone. Her refusal to let the leering soldiers break her, even with their blades prone to pierce to her vital organs.
The sight of Helena in such a position set something off in Kya’s chest.
Her heart rebelled, pounding even more ferociously within the weak confines of her chest. Drums. The feeling of speakers at a punk rock concert, shaking her entire foundation, filling her with nothing save her screaming morality wrestling with the concept of mortality. She’d failed. Failed. Failed. Failed. She was meant to protect Helena, to never let this happen to her ever again, yet Kya was stuck watching those soldiers prod and taunt the Sorceress, keeping her pinned like a feral creature. The dog The Queen had forced Helena to be. That thought hurt. Kya ached. Rage and helplessness spread beneath her skin, leaving her with a physical sensation of fingers pressing against her flesh from the inside. Filling her, making everything so tight, as if she might simply explode. Shadows played across moonlight as one of the soldiers lifted his sword, mouth moving as he delivered an undoubtedly smug line. Kya didn’t hear, couldn’t hear, over her own blood rushing.
“-No! Please! Helena! Stop him! Oh god, he’s going to kill her! I can’t! Gotta move. Gotta move. Get the FUCK AWAY FROM HER! Fucking MOVE Kya!-” Her mind could only work in snapshots of a thought, missing everything save the panic. Loss pounded at her mind, threatening to take everything she cared about. Her soul sunk, falling into a blazing heat that travelled through her veins to every needed muscle. She was so tense it hurt, as if she were slowly snapping every strand of her being. She sprung into desperate action. Her hand tightened around the hilt of Helena’s blade as she leapt, rushing the man with his weapon raised.
The cry would have been worth alerting the soldiers she was charging, yet no sound escaped. It was nothing more than a shriek echoing within the confines of her mind, burning in every fibre of her existence. Try as her body might, it couldn’t force out even a single sound in the seconds it took for her to cross the distance. These fuckers couldn’t have her! They couldn’t treat Helena like some animal! Couldn’t put her down like a feral dog for biting an abusive owner. Couldn’t bridle her! Nobody had that right, and Kya was not about to let someone take it. Helena was her warcry, everything redirected to a singular purpose. To protect her very heart and soul from these fiends following a tyrannical Queen. The name caught in her throat, wheezed out in a silent burst of determination as she swung the blade with all her might. She couldn’t even care where it hit, only that she needed to save Helena.
She had seen a thousand movies involving beheading a man, where the dashing hero swung their blade and off went someone’s head. It was in a crushing moment of reality she registered that, yet again, the modern world of media had lied. Majorly.
The blade buried itself halfway through the man’s neck, grinding to a halt against bone as the soldier cried out. His gloating never met completion, the final words hanging on his tongue as blood replaced them. It dribbled down his chin, mixed with spittle, only to mix with Helena’s hair and the mud between her fingers.
“Kya!” Helena’s voice was rough with strain, yet the intensity of her command was sharper than any knife. Sharp enough to slice through the fog surrounding Kya’s mind, through logic and reason, and straight to Kya’s body. A single cry held a thousand reminders, a thousand little meanings that neither could ever put into words. Only action. Kya’s body was driven into action, even as her mind wandered further into the protective haze of mist and confusion. With a groan of effort, Helena pushed herself forwards, launching to extend her only good hand even as her shoulder and ribs came down hard into the mud. Kya was already moving, scrambling to grab Helena’s second blade, running straight for the soldier’s Warhammer. He brought it down in a deathly arc. Steel met glyph, casting sparks across the invisible dome Kya was dashing for like a child in a McDonald's playground. It was instinct to duck under Helena’s spell, slithering through the opening the Sorceress had provided. Just as Helena had taught her. This time, however, Kya abandoned her teachings of digging an elbow or a hilt into the soft underarm. Instead, she thrust with all her weight, pushing Helena’s blade until steel pierced the Soldier’s undershirt.
Again, Hollywood failed her. The blade did not slide in smoothly with a graceful thrust. Instead, it jerked with the man’s body, it met the resistance of bone, bouncing off it before sliding through flesh. For one terrifying breath, Kya hesitated. Not out of remorse or pity, but for the shock of resistance. The shock of what she had managed to do. What had she done? Oh gods, what had she just done? She’d stabbed a man. A man who’d left Helena bleeding… Her hesitation vanished. He’d cut Helena. Kya pushed harder, forcing the steel as deep as it could go. He’d tried to kill Helena. Kya clung tighter, twisting the blade was not as easy as Hollywood made it look. She didn’t expect the gush of heat over her unsteady hands as her awkward weight tore the opening of the wound wider. Nor could she have prepared for the sheer slippery yet grittiness as blood covered her hands. All she could do was cling to the hilt, allowing her body weight to fall with the soldier into the mud.
Hot stickiness coated her body, clinging to her linen shirt as she fell against the Soldier’s armor. The collision, along with the clash of hot and cold left her nerves caught between tingling and prickling in confused agony. Breath was banished from her lungs. For several seconds, the world was nothing but too much. So many sounds and feelings, a blur she couldn’t make sense of. Groaning, she forced herself to lift her head, to survey the battlefield, to make sense of what she saw.
The pink figure of Altea dancing across the battlefield, staff in hand as she yelled spell after spell at the dwindling enemy forces. The dashes of green as Isuel masterfully wove around the edges, his arm moving as a blur as he unleashed a volley of arrows to match a battalion with lethal accuracy. A dark shadow melting high and low as Searys unleashed his demonic strength upon any who drew close, indifferent to the fact they were covered in steel as his fists left dent after dent. August, a silver knight who lunged in and out, clashing with foes masterfully, cutting them down in waves with the determination of his swings. Then, the blazing red glory of Reiner, leading his Retainers with precise commands as his crossbow sung, ensuring victory every time his finger closed around the trigger.
The realisation that reinforcements had arrived was slow to dawn on Kya, yet not as slow as when she looked down to her hands.
Blood. There was actual blood on her hands, obscuring her pale skin with smears that almost reminded her of soy and chilli sauces mixed together. Then spread thinly over her skin. Had she been wearing her armor, would she have felt that at all? Stupid. She had been so, so stupid! Why hadn’t she anticipated an ambush with everything they knew? She’d been napping, not thinking at all. She’d let everyone down, including herself. If she had just worn her armor, she wouldn’t have to deal with this stickiness. Wouldn’t have to feel the blood on her hands. Wouldn’t have to see…
“O-oh god.”
She couldn’t stop seeing. Her eyes fixated on the man beneath her as she frantically pushed up to her knees, trying to flee the sight. His death had not been something graceful, with lingering peace across gentle lips. Instead, his face was twisted with horror. His lean jaw and full lips were contorted into a forming scream of absolute agony. Deep brown eyes stared listlessly back at the world, lacking the spark of life Kya was so used to seeing in everything. As soot floated down across his face, it gathered on those unblinking eyes, slowly obscuring their colour as Kya watched with a growing horror and a gurgling in her gut.
What had she done? What the actual fuck had she just done?!?
“Kya!” Helena’s voice was the closest to frantic Kya had ever heard, wavering at a higher pitch. A shrill shriek, filled with an immeasurable amount of fear. Fear more than Helena had ever felt. Helena, who had seen hells that rendered a nation extinct. Who had been tortured beyond instinct, to the point she defied the very laws of nature. Helena, who’d begged for death a thousand times over for the horror she’d endured, screeched her worst for Kya. It was a sobering footnote in Kya’s consciousness. She couldn’t hold it, couldn’t even hold herself as she collapsed backwards. Helena was there, skidding through the mud to catch the love of her life. To gather Kya into her chest, greedily pulling the smaller woman into each of her injuries in an effort to keep her there. To protect her. Once again enduring pain in silence. Helena’s desperate hands wrapped around Kya’s jaw, around her tender throat, trying to guide Kya’s gaze to meet her own. Even in her adrenalized state, Helena’s hands remained gentle, cradling Kya as if she might shatter in her palms. Worshipping, despite the chaos surrounding them. When Kya surrendered to that guidance, she found herself falling into pools of obsidian-tinged sapphire, watching the magic swirl and fade as Helena regained control of her emotions.
Helena’s eyes were so beautiful. So alive. The depth of love and need that underlaid every emotion drew Kya in, drowning her an indescribable heat that threatened to consume her if she didn’t look away. The passion there was scorching, eradicating everything save the thick veil of devotion in those lively eyes. The haze was soothing, somewhere she could simply watch from as her body moved with Helena’s gentle touches. That gentleness was not spared for her clothing. Helena’s hands were weapons once more as the Sorceress literally tore Kya’s shirt open, running that one good hand though the blood, searching for the cause. Even as that hand ran, her injured arm cradled Kya’s head, keeping her upright, preventing any chance for fluids to drown the smaller American. Then, she was lifting a vial to Kya’s lips, pressing just a little too roughly, too desperately. Glass bounced against Kya’s teeth in a shaking hand, almost causing pain as she retreated, meanwhile flailing her own hand to reject the vial.
“I’m fine! It's not my blood.” Kya dismissed the tender touch as if it were a normal occurrence, her voice completely casual in her instinctual effort to reassure Helena. The Sorceress stopped, breathing rapidly as her gaze fixated upon Kya’s once again, realisation dawning in icy eyes. Realisation. Understanding. Guilt. Horror. Regret.
What had she done?
“It's not my blood…” the second time it escaped Kya’s lips was bitter, a lowered mumble as her body caught up with the fact. She’d killed someone. No, not just someone. Two someones. She’d taken two lives without any hesitation, without any mercy. They’d tried to take from her and that had been enough for her to mindlessly take those two lives from others. Just like so many had done to her with Helena. What would those lovers care for reasons when their arms were cold and empty? What would daddy’s crimes matter to the little girl waiting for him to come home? What words could soothe a mother missing her baby? What families would get letters saying their brother, father, son or lover had fallen in battle? Was the Queen even merciful enough to have someone notify the families of her dead? Would those families spend years waiting for answers? Never knowing if their loved one would return. Would children wonder what they did for daddy to abandon them? Would…
Kya tore herself away from Helena, falling onto her hands and knees as the pressure in her stomach exploded out her throat, a warm mush that coated the ground between her hands. Mouthful after mouthful of vomit came up, each punctuated by an impossibly loud wretch. It stunk. Everything absolutely stunk. Nothing had prepared her for the strong stench of blood, the almost delicious smell of cooking flesh for a split second before disgusting burning hair.
Soothing fingers ran against Kya’s scalp, gathering up the sweat-soaked raven locks in adoring hands as Kya’s vomit became bile, the contents of her stomach emptied. It left her feeling weak, so weak her body trembled with the effort to hold herself even somewhat aloft from the mud. Everything was covered in a layer of fleece, making everything distant to her senses. Even that distance couldn’t banish the warmth of Helena’s arms as they wrapped around Kya, bringing the exhausted girl into the safety of the Sorceress’ chest. Helena’s arms became her bedrock. As the world crumbled around her, Helena’s strength and comfort held true. She couldn’t find her perverse enjoyment of Helena’s chest, nor relish the powerful flex of muscles. All she could do was find solace of the touch.
“Would that I could spare you this pain.” Helena’s voice was laden with sorrow, weighing her tones down along with Kya’s heart. Even then, Helena’s mind was on comforting as she lifted her own sleeve to Kya’s lips. The Sorceress lovingly cleaned the trails of bile from Kya’s chin, delicately tracing the soft material over quivering flesh. Her brows furrowed in guilt as she leaned closer, resting her forehead to Kya’s in an attempt to dull the pain. To flood the girl with reassurance and acceptance. Neither woman jumped at the tickle of the tip of their noses bumping, though Kya let out the softest groan of protest.
“I stink.”
“The discomfort of your pain is far worse than any fouled breath.” Helena retorted calmly, her voice near a whisper as she leaned closer, forehead to forehead. Kya’s eyes drifted closed, as if she might defy the reality of what she had seen. She couldn’t. It burned behind her eyelids. Lifeless bodies. Blood. Helena’s terrified face when she had first gathered Kya into her arms.
“I am here, Kya, for whatever you would ask of me. Please, allow me to bare this with you.
It was the gentleness in Helena’s voice which finally undid Kya. The girl broke, tears streaming down her cheeks as she buried herself within Helena’s embrace. She nuzzled, squirming into the comforting scent of parchment and herbs, of magic, of Helena. By now, Kya had smelt many a mage, many a warrior, yet none were Helena. None could make her heart race and settle simultaneously. She couldn’t help but press her lips under Helena’s jaw, to relish the feeling of a fluttery pulse at the gesture. Alive. Helena was alive. She was alive because Kya had acted, had sacrificed morals. If she hadn’t… they’d have done the same. They’d have taken Helena’s life for their Queen not to take theirs.
“I killed people. They were going to kill you, and that should make it easier but…” Kya tried, swallowing back the empty feeling of vomiting. Her throat closed up, tickled and thick at the same time, as if she might gag. As if she might choke on the blood she’d shed.
“I don’t feel sorry I killed them. That’s easy. But their families… the people left behind will suffer when they did nothing wrong.”
“It is the price of war, Kya. If only I could have protected you longer, that you would not endure such a torment now.” Helena sighed, tightening her arms around Kya for a breath before she relaxed, allowed Kya to withdraw a little. Kya’s lips fell open, disbelief etched across her face.
“Don’t. Helena, you cannot take the blame for this. You didn’t attack first or make any of this happen. Existing doesn’t make it your fault.”
“You killed to protect me.” Helena laid it out, her casualness leaving Kya reeling. How could Helena even think that? How could she so calmly blame herself for a choice Kya had so readily made? No. It hadn’t even truly been a choice. Losing Helena was unfathomable. Blaming Helena for such a thing felt like blaming her for the existence of death and pestilence. It was not Helena’s fault, no more than it was that the seasons changed. Yet of course, Helena would claim the blame before it could be laid upon her, or worse, before accountability could slip away. Before she could escape her responsibilities. Helena’s magic allowed her the power to do the unthinkable, to defy nature itself. For her to see Kya suffer, of course she would take it as a personal failure. As something she was meant to prevent. There was that touch of nobility, that spark of absorbing every problem and taking blame.
“Yes.” Kya agreed, nodding before she continued.
“That doesn’t make it your fault, Helena. You never asked me to fight, you did not force me to act. They hurt you! They were going to kill you, Helena, and I just… I had to protect you, no matter the cost. Just like you’ve always protected me. That does not make it your fault.” Kya had to take a breath. Gods, Kya loved her. She loved this noble woman so much it hurt… but curses if it didn’t frustrate her. If she didn’t want to cut down everyone who’d beaten Helena into this place. Who’d taken her nobility and weaponised it into self-sacrificing tendencies. Kya could only lift a hand to Helena’s cheek, a silent rebuttal to Helena’s brewing guilt. Something she’d soon find the words to address in-depth, once her own agony dulled, once her tongue wasn’t so heavy in her mouth. Kya stared into those deep blue eyes, lost in what she saw there. Helena understood. She understood too perfectly, even without more words exchanged. It was the price being so close to her she’d constantly warned Kya of.
“I didn’t think of any of it. I just killed when you were in danger. So many people might have moral reasons to kill you, and if they did, I’d kill them. I couldn’t be moral if you were hurt, Helena. I love you. My reason for killing those who hurt you would be moral, as would their reasons be for hurting you. As would anybody who hurt me as payback. When does it end?” Kya pleaded, looking to Helena for an answer. Violence begets Violence. That had never made as much sense as it did the moment she saw the dullness in Helena’s eyes, the exhaustion. The answer the sorceress didn’t want to give. And why should she be forced to? This cycle had been Helena’s curse since before puberty. Violence to survive, earning violence in return. A currency exchange of flesh and soul. An exchange the Witch Queen had indebted Helena so heavily to that it was doubtful she’d ever escape again. That she’d ever be truly free so long as she walked this world.
Helena could only give a sad curl of her lips, a silent expression of utter helplessness even as she pulled Kya back into her embrace, as if her arms might shield Kya from these harshest of truths. As if the world might take pause from its corruption of the tender soul cradled so close to a sullied, blackened heart.
Silently, Kya allowed her head to fall to Helena’s shoulder once more, relishing the closeness. The life. The moment of stillness. She understood now, why Helena had been so fearful, so guilt-ridden for her feelings. For her affections. Not for feeling, but for the burden such things rested upon Kya’s shoulders. It was enough to almost make Kya cry again. Here Helena was, pleading to take a burden that she’d shouldered alone for so long. A burden Kya found herself willing to carry. Able to. She had to.
There was no going back, no button to undo her actions. To rewind and alter history. The innocence Helena had fought to preserve was gone.
It was as the Sorceress said. Such was the price of war.
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lunarmessenger · 3 years
Hard Regrets - 707 x MC (Part 2)
Part 2 to that little short that a precious anon had requested! I said I’d post after new years but my depression has me weirdly inspired JGELHGEH probably because this is a negative situation ^^;; pls enjoy getting your heart broken hahahaaaaa - luna 
warnings: angst, depictions of graphic injuries
word count: 1.6k
(pt. 1) (pt. 3) (pt.4)
He woke up in a cold sweat, chest heaving as he gasped and grabbed on to his black sheets. His brows furrowed as he sat up, wiping the sweat from his forehead as he took deep breaths. The image of the wind howling, rain pounding against the asphalt as the blue and red lights flashed. The image of MC being put onto a stretcher, her limbs mangled and face matted with blood as she remained still.
“Snap out of it, Zen.” He mumbled, throwing the sheets off of himself as he ran a hand through his silver hair. Nimble fingers gripped his knees for a second as he tried to remember what he saw, the fear and panic still trying to leave his body. Deep down he knew that he couldn’t just “shake this off”. It was one of his prophetic dreams; he just knew it.
“She was right by the theater; why would she be there?” He sighed as he stood and walked over to his kitchen, grabbing a beer out of the fridge as he sniffed. Thankfully he didn’t have rehearsal tomorrow, and he deserved a drink after seeing MC like that. He opened the can with a resounding snap as he picked up his phone, opening the familiar app to reach MC. He knew that she’d been having a rather rough time; that jerk Jumin had assigned Saeyoung yet another project.
His red eyes darkened as the memory of what happened last time Saeyoung was assigned a project by Jumin; MC had shown up in tears because her own boyfriend had yelled at her for interrupting his work. He knew that Saeyoung worked hard, and that he needed all of his focus to do his projects; but that didn’t give him a free pass to treat his girlfriend the way he did.
“Ha...I don’t understand how she’s still with him.” He grumbled, taking a sip of his beer as he tapped on MC’s contact. He sent her a private message, sure that she would be up at this hour as usual. She couldn’t sleep unless Saeyoung was with her, and lately she would call to listen to his voice just to get a couple hours of sleep. The thought of it made him smile; he would treat her so much better if given the chance. A few minutes passed by and he hadn’t heard a response from her yet, his brows furrowing as he decided to call her.
The tone rang over and over until it went to voicemail, her familiar voice cheery as she told whoever had called to leave a message. His heart sank at the realization of why she might not have answered his phone, knocking his beer off the table as he rushed back to his bedroom. He grabbed a pair of jeans and shoved them on, shrugging on a T-shirt and his leather jacket and his boots before grabbing his motorcycle keys.
“No, no no,” He hurriedly ran out the door and cursed at the rain; no way he could ride in weather like this. “The theater. She was by the theater!” Within seconds he was sprinting, boots splashing in the different puddles as his hair became matted to his face.
“Please just be a dream, please just be a dream...!” His eyes became cloudy as he saw the blue and red flashing lights, a drunken man being placed into the back of a police car as he shouted that he didn’t mean to do it. His gaze switched over to the paramedics that were on the street and immediately he felt his entire world come crashing down. There she was; just like in his dream. Her long hair was spread out around her, gray cardigan stained dark with her own blood.
Her feet were bare and bruised, one of her bones from her right leg sticking out of her skin and gushing blood. Her face was covered in small cuts, glass surrounding her as she remained unconscious. He staggered towards her, the closer he came the worse her injuries were. His eyes widened when he saw the large piece of glass that was lodged underneath her rib, the bandages that the paramedics had placed already soaked and needing to be changed as they moved her to a stretcher.
That’s when it’d really hit him.
“MC! MC!” He shoved through the onlookers, even pushing away a police officer that tried to keep him away from the scene.
“Get off of me! That’s my girlfriend! She’s my girlfriend!” He screamed, the veins in his neck bulging as the officers looked at him. His lie worked as they let him through, running to the paramedics and begging them to let him ride in the ambulance. They obliged, allowing him inside as they continued to patch her up as best as they could.
“She’s going to need surgery,” One of them mumbled as they gently swiped alcohol across her face. Zen wasn’t even paying attention, his eyes focusing on her motionless body. She didn’t even look like her; bruising all across her face and body as they’d ripped open her shirt. He switched his gaze to her face out of respect of her; she looked horrible. He hadn’t even realized that he was crying until one of the paramedics asked if he had been part of the accident.
He barely shook his head; he couldn’t even come up with a small lie to tell on why she’d been out in the rain by herself. He was in complete shock, his hands shaking as he tried to wrap his head around it. This wasn’t a dream. It actually happened. His fingers twitched as they reached for her still hand, Zen clearing his throat as he looked at one of the paramedics checking her vitals.
“Can I...?” He was given approval, easily sliding his warm hand over hers. She was cold, and that was enough to send him over the edge as his body was racked with sobs.
“Please MC...Please be okay. You have to be okay.”
He’d been at the hospital for over four hours, running his hands over his face as he nervously tapped his foot against the linoleum floors. He was all to familiar with the smell of the chemicals, the too clean look of the place. After all, this was the same hospital he had been in when V had saved him. The cleanliness of the place and cheerful posters didn’t mean a damn thing to him; people died here.
And he was scared that MC was going to be one of those people.
After sitting for another hour he’d grown restless, pacing endlessly between the few chairs around him. Finally a doctor had started walking towards him from one of the halls, Zen quickly meeting her halfway as he clasped his hands together.
“Well? Is she okay? Please tell me she’s okay—”
“She’s just fine. We had a couple of scares while working on her, but she pulled through. But I must warn you; the glass punctured one of her lungs and it collapsed. She lost a little too much oxygen to her brain and...Mr. Ryu. She’s in a coma. We don’t know when she’s going to wake up.” He brought a hand up to his hair, his eyes stinging with tears once more as he shook his head.
“But...but she is going to wake up? Right?” The surgeon nodded.
“Yes, she is. We just...we don’t know when.” Zen sank into one of the nearby chairs, sticking his head between his knees as the surgeon sat beside him.
“I usually don’t allow this but...seeing as she is your girlfriend. It may help that you see her. Try talking to her. It could coax her to wake up sooner. Visiting hours are long over, but I’ll give you an hour.” He quickly looked up as he nodded, following her to one of the patient rooms. She stopped at the door, allowing him inside.
He immediately walked through the curtain, a small gasp escaping as he choked from the sudden inhalation. A bandage was wrapped around her head, the bruising on her face having gone from yellow to a deep purple as she lay silent. Her leg was propped up and wrapped in a cast, her arms limp beside her as she slept.
“Oh, oh God...” He stammered, reaching out to touch her. He stopped; he felt that she was just too fragile. Like if he’d made the wrong move she would fall off the ledge that she was already on the edge of. He instead brought one of the chairs over, sitting down and placing his elbows on his thighs as he leaned forward. His eyes wandered each injury, and they widened when he noticed some cooling patches placed on reddened parts of her skin.
“Were you burned...?” He leaned forward even more, and he noticed that one of the bruises on her arm faintly outlined a hand.
Saeyoung’s hand.
Rage instantly filled his blood as he brought out his phone, pulling up his contact and ready to tell him to come to the hospital so he could beat him until he was in just as bad shape as MC.
But then he stopped.
He looked at MC one more time; he didn’t know what Saeyoung did this time, but it was enough to send her running in the rain instead of enduring it at home. He didn’t want him to come, he didn’t want MC to see the man who’d caused her to run off in the first place. But...he is her boyfriend. Zen would want to know if she were his girlfriend. Should he tell him? He looked at his phone, then MC, then his phone one more time. 
He put it back into his pocket. 
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faustian-familiar · 4 years
Not Tonight, Sweetheart
Pairing: Julian Devorak x Female Apprentice
18 +. THIS ONE IS ABSOLUTELY FILTHY. Julian decides that MC is going to be the sub tonight. Light bondage. Light dom/sub. Manhandling. Spanking. 
Julian and I clamber into our house, supporting one another as we stumble through the door shrieking with laughter. The Rowdy Raven had lived up to its name tonight, and we were both boisterous from the alcohol. We fall together onto the couch, and Julian pulls me into his lap, wrapping an arm around my waist.
“You are brighter and more beautiful than the moon, my love!” he slurs, sweeping his other arm out in a dramatic flourish. “The bards sing in palace courts of your radiance!”
“Oh no, Julian! Are you going to sing for me?” I’m overcome with a fit of giggles and push him playfully. He feigns innocence, looking shocked.
“Me? How did you know? I’ll have you know I’m an excellent singer!” He strikes a ridiculous pose and belts out a long, loud note.
“OHHHH Wrap your legs ‘round me and dig in your heels, for the closer we get, oh,  the better it feels!”
I dig my fingers into his shoulders and shove him down onto his back. He laughs heartily, and a light blush paints his cheeks as I pin him.
“Is that supposed to discourage me?” he teases. “Because it only makes me want to do it more.” He grins up at me, wiggling his eyebrows. “The birds they were singing in the bushes and trees, and the song that they sang was ‘she’s easy to please!’”
His eyes are sparkling with mischief as he sings. There’s only one way to shut him up when he gets like this.
I grab a fistful of his hair and yank his head to the side, exposing a tantalizing swath of pale neck. Julian’s voice dies in his throat as I lower my head and bite down on him hard. I feel his lanky body squirming in pleasure between my legs. I release the pressure for a moment, then clamp my teeth down again on the same spot, making Julian whimper.
“Oh,” he breathes, his hips rolling up to meet me. “No encore, then.”
I sit up and unbutton his shirt, pushing it aside to reveal his broad, toned torso.
“I’ll find something else for you to do with your mouth,” I reply.  
I call on my magic, gathering electricity in my palms, and lay both hands flat on his chest. Julian’s back arches as he sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth. His hands slide up my thighs, massaging my hips, and drift under the hem of my top so his cool fingers graze my bare skin. I slide my hands down his chest, relishing the way it rises and falls so rapidly at my touch, and work the sensation down to his stomach. His cock is already stiff against his thigh, making an unmistakable ridge under his pants.
I lift my hands off of his body to dispel the electricity, then raise the temperature in my hands until they are burning hot. I reach out with a single finger and touch it to the dip above his belly button. He moans earnestly, and when I lift my finger, a small, crimson circle raises on his skin. I draw a circle around his belly button, emboldened by his urgent moans, then brush my searing fingers over the bulge in his pants. Julian tosses his head back and cries out in pleasure. I grip him over the fabric and slide my hand up and down his length. He lifts his head to gaze up at me, biting his lip, completely undone by my ministrations.
“Mmm,” I murmur. “Look at how hard you are for me already.” I squeeze his member and it throbs once in my hand.
“I’m going to make you beg for it, Julian,” I say. He gives me an inscrutable expression - a glint appears in his eyes, and he lifts one eyebrow. When he speaks, his voice is low and smooth.
“Not tonight, sweetheart.”
Before I can try to guess his meaning, his hands have darted up my sides and grip me under the armpits. In one quick, fluid motion, he lifts me off of him and tosses me backwards, so I land heavily on my back, insulated by the couch’s cushions. I look up at him, eyes wide. His smile is shamelessly wicked as he positions himself above me.
“Tonight, my dear, you’re going to do as you’re told.”
He descends on me, sliding a hand under my neck to cradle my head, his lips locking with mine in a deep, passionate kiss. He kisses me over and over, each taste of his lips raising the heat between us, each small, muffled sound he makes stoking my desire. His body moves against mine with slow thrusts, so that our loins rub against each other through our clothes. He’s taking his time with me.
I tangle my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck and run my other hand up his arm until I’m cupping his face. I’m not expecting it when he reaches up and clamps his hand around my wrist.
He tears my hand away from his face and breaks off the kiss, sitting up and stretching my arm above my head. He takes my other hand and stretches that arm above my head, joining my wrists.
“You want to know the wonderful thing about sailing?” he purrs. “You learn all kinds of knots.”
He holds my wrists together and reaches into his back pocket with his other hand, producing a length of red silken rope. He hums to himself as he goes about binding my wrists, and when he’s finished, I tug experimentally at the rope. I’m completely at his mercy.
“That’s not too tight, is it?” he asks.
I grin at him. “After all the things I’ve done to you in bed?” I laugh, then soften at his worried expression. “I’ll tell you if anything is wrong, Julian. I want this. I want you.”
He reaches down and scoops me up, lifting me into a sitting position. He arranges himself on the couch, his long legs spread nonchalantly, and then pulls me over onto his lap. I’m on my knees and elbows, with his erection poking into my stomach. He smooths his hand over the curve of my ass.
“You want me, huh? I’m afraid it’ll take a little more convincing than that if you want my cock.”
He pushes the hem of my skirt up so it bunches up at my lower back and exposes my haunches, then hooks a finger in my underwear and yanks them down. His hand caresses the round, pert muscle for a long moment, and then I feel his hand move away and come back down with a hard smack.
The jolt of pain surprises me, but what surprises me even more is how it seems to travel straight to my clit. He spanks the other cheek, the sound ringing through the room, and I whimper for him, prompting a low, satisfied sound from him.  
He gives my buttocks three hard spanks in a row, and then runs his hand over the raw flesh.
“Look at how rosy you’re getting,” he says. “I can see my handprint on you.”
He strikes again, making my toes curl, then traces his fingers down and between my legs. His middle finger slides along my slit, spreading my lips apart and coating his finger in my arousal. He massages my clit with languorous strokes.
“Ohohoho, what’s this?” he remarks. “You’re so wet, my dear. Is this because of me?”
I swing my head around and open my mouth to say some barb in response, but Julian quickly embeds his finger deep into my cunt, so all that comes out is a lewd noise. He kneads my bud with his thumb and works his finger in and out of me, making exhilarating waves of pleasure kindle inside me.
“Mmmm,” he says, watching my face with a lusty expression. “How I’d love to ravage you right here and now.”
He never stops working my clit as he reaches down and gathers up a large fistful of my hair, tugging my head back.
“But I don’t think you’ve earned my cock just yet.”
“Oh, Julian,” I moan. “Tell me what you want me to do.”
He chuckles, increasing the pace on his expert fingers.
“That’s more like it,” he quips. “No wonder you enjoy doing this to me. You’re coming undone with just a finger. Imagine what you’re going to feel like when I’m buried to the hilt inside your cunt.”
My walls shudder around his thrusting appendage. I feel the spring between my thighs tightening, my breath becoming shallow. Julian apparently realizes what’s happening, and pulls his hand away from my sex. He uses my hair as a rein, turning my face toward him so I watch as he plunges his wet fingers into his mouth, his steely grey eyes staying on mine as he licks up my juices.
His fingers come out with a wet pop, and the next strike to my buttocks lands hard, making me squeal and nearly jump out of his lap. My pussy is drenched, the slickness spreading over my thighs, as I watch Julian’s eyes rove over my body, and he bites his lip.
He releases my hair and slides his arm below my body, so his forearm is under my ribs. Without warning, he quickly stands up from the couch, spinning me in his arms and hefting me over his shoulder. He hooks his arm across the back of my knees, leaving my top half hanging helplessly down his back.
“I think I’m in the mood for another beer,” he says casually. He carries me to the kitchen and retrieves a cold glass bottle, pausing to take a long swig. We make our way to the bedroom, where Julian tips forward, dumping me onto my back so I land on our mattress with my legs hanging over the side. I stare up at him with wide eyes, at his smoldering stare, the flush of desire on his face, his open shirt and the pants straining against his member. He regards me silently, taking in my body hungrily as brings the frosty bottle back up to his lips, enjoying a long drink without taking his eyes off of me, as though he were drinking me down instead. He approaches slowly, standing between my legs as a devilish smile grows on his face. He grips the bottle by the neck and presses it to my inner thigh. I yelp at the sudden cold, and feel my walls throb. He lifts the bottle and takes another sip, then places the side of the bottle against the side of my knee and slides it up my leg. My muscles contract automatically at the icy feeling as I whimper. It quickly becomes a gasp when the bottle finishes its journey and nestles on my flower. The shock is euphoric, making my hips buck up and grind my clit against the smooth, wet surface.
He pulls the bottle away, and I feel how cold my skin is - especially when Julian drops to his knees and seals his hot mouth over my clit. My hands strain against my bonds, but the rope doesn’t even budge. Julian grips my thighs and pushes them apart, plundering my depths savagely with his tongue, working my pleasure into a frenzy.
I try to squirm under him, to meet his mouth with my hips, but his fingers dig into my flesh hard enough to sting, pinning me to the bed.
“Julian...oh gods...”
The orgasm consumes my every nerve, making all thoughts vanish from my mind until all that exists is my bliss and the presence of the man that gave it to me.
The pulses of my walls are beginning to subside when Julian stands and bends down, grips me by the neck, and pulls me up to sit on the edge of the bed. His need, making a tent at the front of his clothes, is apparent before my eyes. His teeth are bared into a snarl. He curls his fingers into the hair at the back of my neck, pulling my face into his bulge. I’m giddy with pleasure, and rub my cheek affectionately across the hardness in his pants. I wrap my lips around the engorged head and lap at it with my tongue, tasting fabric but desperate for his cock.
“Do you want me to fuck you?” he growls. “Can you take it?”
I lift my face to stare up at him in awe, nuzzling his crotch.
“Please, Julian,” I whimper. “Please fuck me.”
He lowers his voice to a rumble, rubbing his length against my face.
“Beg me.”
My tongue darts out of my mouth, stroking him through his clothes and leaving a large wet stain on the fabric.
“I’m begging you, Julian. I’m begging you to fuck me.”
He undresses in front of me, revealing his massive, glistening member, and puts both hands on the back of my head, tangling his fingers into my hair.
“Come here,” he says. He brings me close enough to suck on the head, which I take greedily into my mouth and swirl my tongue around. Julian groans fiercely, his knees buckling for a brief moment before catching himself.  He lowers my mouth onto himself inch by inch, until my nose is pressed against the flat of his stomach. He slides in and out, holding my head and thrusting into my throat, keening at the sensations my mouth is giving him.
He pulls himself out of my mouth with a moan, his face pink with desire, his lower lip caught between his teeth. He is quick to push me onto my back and scramble on top of me, lining himself up between my legs so the head of his cock presses against my drenched lips. He holds my attention with his eyes, which seem to shine with a passionate fire.
“You’re going to take every bit of it.”
He snaps his hips forward, plummeting his entire length into me. We cry out together in satisfaction, my slick pussy offering no resistance as he arches into me. His eyes flutter closed as his mouth drops open, the sound he utters so primal my walls pulse automatically around him.
He begins to thrust in and out of me with deep, powerful strokes, his brow knitted together in an expression of euphoric intensity.
He ruts into me faster, our bodies moving together of their own accord, too far gone to ever stop now.
“Take my cum,” he grunts.
“Julian, yes...”
Every muscle in his body seems to contract at once, his breath hitching in his throat, as his cock starts to pulse inside me. His eyes squeeze shut as he ferociously grips the sheets by my head, screaming my name as jet after jet of hot seed fills me, his momentum pushing me down into the mattress. His hipbones are flush with my thighs, as deep as he can bury himself in my depths. He collapses on top me, finally breathing.
We lay together in the glow of contentment for several minutes, catching our breath, and then Julian lifts himself up to untangle the knot that binds my wrists. He tosses the rope carelessly to the floor, then lays his head gently between my breasts. His body, normally so tightly wound, practically melts into me. He turns his face up to me, looking into my eyes with love. He brushes his thumb softly across my cheek.
“Did you like that?” he murmurs.
“Like it?” I exclaim. “Whatever got into you, I hope it gets into you again.”
He smiles. “I’m glad to hear that.” He sighs, settling back down.  “Now I believe I was trying to sing you a song when you interrupted me...”
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