#me and my roommates sometimes cook dinner together and it’s so much fun
cozage · 1 year
Hi cozage,
Congrats for 2k!!!🤧💖
SO, I was thinking about how Sabo would confess his feelings for his beloved one, or like, SHE would confess first? Being so oblivious and occupied with work like he is, maybe isn't crazy imagine that happening 👀✨
I loved the silent treatment one with him lol, I don't see a lot of imagines with him, I miss it rsrsrs
Thanks for lighting up my day with your stories 💖
Thank you! Writing Sabo is always fun, I enjoyed this one a lot :)
Characters: gn reader x Sabo Total word count: 1k
Subtle Realization
You knew you liked Sabo. You found him attractive from the moment you met him. But the second in command of the revolutionary army wasn’t as obvious with his feelings towards you. 
You worked closely with him for weeks, a constant battle between hot and cold emotions from him. Sometimes, he asked about your day, your likes and dislikes, and many other things. Other days, he only barked out orders. It was confusing, to say the least. But there were a few moments that made you realize he was actually paying attention. 
One morning, you were running late to a meeting, and you fully expected everyone to be pissed at you. You didn’t even have time to stop at your favorite bagel shop and grab breakfast. 
But when you slipped into the meeting beside Sabo, he handed you a bagel with cream cheese and your favorite tea. 
“How’d you know?” you whispered. 
“I always see you there.” He shrugged. “Figured I’d just get your order for you since you weren't there this morning. That’s what friends do.”
Friends. That pesky word that he loved so much. He may have done one of the kindest things he had ever done for you- for anyone- but you were still just friends. 
It was only a few days later when he asked you to dinner. 
“We’re both working late, and you’ve been working so hard, I just thought it would be nice to go somewhere and talk away from work.”
“Sure.” Your voice was monotone, but your heartbeat quickened at the thought of the two of you at dinner. Alone. 
It was a nice restaurant, far fancier than what you had dressed for, but Sabo complimented how lovely you looked, and the two of you had a fabulous time. 
He learned about your past, and you learned about his-what he could remember of it, at least. He paid for dinner and even walked you back to your little cramped living space, like a true gentleman. 
“Thank you for the meal,” you said. “Would you like to come in for a bit? It’s not much, but-”
“Oh no,” Sabo said quickly. “Dinner was lovely. We should do it again sometime.”
Were you reading too much into his words? Or was he trying to insinuate that he was feeling something more?
You smiled, trying not to let too much excitement show. “I’d like that quite a lot.”
“As would I.” He tipped his hat to you. “Since we’re coworkers, I think it’s important we get to know each other as much as possible.”
Coworkers. Somehow, it was worse than friends. You tried not to let your disappointment show, but once you slipped into your room, you couldn’t help but burst into tears. 
A few weeks later, you were grumbling about your roommate. The set up was atrocious, and while you weren’t much of a complainer, your roommate and living space were both worthy of complaining about. 
“Why don’t you just move in with me?” Sabo asked, not even bothering to look up from his writing. 
You stared at him for a few moments. Surely you had heard him wrong. “What?”
“Move in with me,” he said again. “You already stay here well past midnight. Sometimes you even crash on the couch. I have a spare room. You should move in.”
You scoffed. “I can’t just move in, Sabo. Its-”
“Why not?” he asked, finally looking up at you. “It wouldn’t be much different than now. Nothing would change except where you call home.”
Home. With Sabo. Surely you were setting yourself up for heartbreak here. But you agreed.
 Three days later, you moved in with him. And while you still referred to each other as coworkers or friends, you also went home together. You cooked dinner together. You shared a bathroom, and worked in the study together. 
You never had a break from him, but you didn’t mind. In fact, on your off days, the two of you often went and did something together. You read books together and talked about them over dinner. You went on walks, and trained, and only when you said goodnight did the two of you go your separate ways. Sabo to the room on the left, and you to the room on the right. 
It was awkward at first, but you quickly found a way to cohabitate. Cooking and cleaning was infinitely more fun with Sabo by your side, and he laughed a lot more in your presence. 
Ten months after you first met him, he finally came to the realization. 
You were sitting at dinner, just the two of you. You had made pasta, and you had managed to get some sauce on your face while the two of you were eating. 
Without thinking, Sabo leaned over and gently wiped it from your chin, and suddenly the entire world simultaneously flipped on its head and made so much sense. 
“Oh,” Sabo whispered, still staring at the place where the sauce had been. “I think I could do this forever with you.”
Your heart was beating so loud in your chest, you were certain he could hear it. 
“What do you mean?” you whispered, scared to be hopeful. 
His eyes darted up to yours. “I think I love you. And I don’t ever want to lose you.”
“Sabo-” you breathed out, but he lunged across the table, connecting his lips with yours. 
He pulled away far too soon, afraid he had ruined one of the only friendships he actually cared about. 
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “I know you might not feel the same way. I just realized and had to tell you.”
Part of you was certain this was a dream. But if it was, you never wanted to wake up. 
“I feel the same,” you assured him. “I just wasn’t sure if you would ever…” You trailed off, unsure how to finish the sentence.
He gave you a slightly devious smile, leaning back across the table to give you another kiss. “Well I do. And we have a lot of lost time to make up for.”
For the first time since you moved in, the two of you didn’t go separate ways for bed.
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Leah’s College Roomate | Twilight headcanon
Link to my Twilight Masterlist
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Being Leah Clearwaters college roommate would look like:
She was a little standoffish in the beginning. Literally whenever you tried to make conversation she wasn’t really interested and would give short answers or not speak at all. But you still were friendly and eventually Leah started to break down those walls of hers. “I’m..sorry. I-I don’t have many friends back home.”
Whether you two were the same major or studying different things, you two would have study nights either in the living room of y’all’s dorm/apartment or hang out in the school library. It was often the latter since you’d get distracted in your place. Luckily if one of y’all already had the class before you could lend each other notes or help with assignments. “I don’t understand this—it’s making my brain hurt.” “Here let me take a look”
It would be awhile before Leah would tell you about her life back home on the reservation. She’d tell you about her parents, her brother, her ex (which you wanted to beat up after she said he broke up with her and got with her cousin), and the few ‘friends’ she had. Of course Leah would never tell you her nature or the pack, that secret would remain forever.
When you two are not in class or doing schoolwork, you two like to have movie/tv show nights where you order take out, put on comfy Pjs, and chill in the living room watching whatever you two decide. Sometimes you guys will spend a whole weekend binge watching a show or movie franchise. Oh and much to Leah’s surprise, she enjoys tuning in every Monday night to watch the Bachelor/Bachelorette. “She better not choose him—he’s a walking red flag.” “Yeah, but who knows maybe red is her favorite color.”
While your room is very chaotic or straight from a Pinterest board, Leah’s is very simple and has a lot of her native heritage spread along the walls and keeps it clean. The living room/kitchen has elements that reflect the both of you so it is a nice blend. There’s a little plant area on the balcony if you have one or there’s fake ones inside.
If you end up going home for winter/spring break, you invite Leah to come with you back home if she is willing or has no plans. At first she was hesitant, but it turned out to be the best trip of her life. She enjoyed traveling and exploring since she never got to do it back home. The next break you have Leah ends up inviting you to come visit her, which you whole heartedly agree and she shows you everything there is about her culture.
You two love to share each other your favorite hobbies, books, movies, art, etc. It took a lot of convincing to get Leah to read your favorite book series, her excuse being she had a lot of schoolwork to get done first, but eventually she gives in and it becomes her whole personality. You two end up staying up a whole night just to talk about the series, its plot, the characters, and watch the adaptation if she hadn’t seen it.
Let’s remember, you two are college students so cooking can be a rare occurance. After a days long of classes, clubs, work if you have job, and any other thing in your daily life, cooking is brushed aside for Uber eats or the dining hall because lets be honest…your lazy to do dishes. However, on weekends you and Leah take turns cooking lunch/dinner. You will Friday nights, Leah Saturday and then both of you will work together on Sunday. “How’s paella sound for Friday?” “Fantastic. I’m thinking pasta or stir fry for Saturday.”
If either of you are in a relationship, you best believe the other is getting the tea. Even if its the ‘talking’ phase or casual dating, you guys will gather in ones room with a bottle of wine and chocolate to discuss the weeks events with whoever your boo thang is. Leah isn’t focused on a relationship and honestly neither are you, but that doesn’t stop you two from flirting or trying to get on someone’s tab when you go out for some fun. “Ugh I swear, Leah, if he just had a sense of rhythm in him when dancing, I would’ve folded.” “mmmh yeah don’t settle for less.”
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lady-charinette · 2 years
Roommates + Fake Dating for Eden Academy AU Twiyor
Usually students didn't get rooms with mixed genders, but the academy heard about students achieving greater academic success with mixed genders so they rolled with it with the higher grades
Yor was excited if she would share the room with one of the girls but instead of any one of them, Loid came through the door with his bags
Loid offered to talk to the staff and change rooms but Yor admitted she felt more comfortable with Loid than she would with Camila, Sharon or Milie (Loid knows its bc they bully her, but he said nothing)
Franky teases the living shit out of them
It's been weeks since they started sharing space, Loid learned and took over cooking so they both didn't die from Yor's creations ("Didn't you say you had a little brother?" "Y-Yes! But he eats everything off his plates!" "YOR,
rumors of different people hooking up with the mixed gendered rooms began circulating around campus
Camila kept making fun of Yor for being so ugly she couldn't even attract a fly let alone a guy from their year
Out of righteous and protective rage for Yor, Loid accidentally let it slip that they, in fact, dated
(Shocked pikachu Eden Academy students)
Yor and Loid were panicking on how normal couples behaved, they rented all the rom-com movies they could find and binged all of them after studying for exams
Students began being envious of them for being such a good-looking couple straight out of (k)dramas
Loid was an oblivious, popular bachelor and Yor was sought after from many suitors due to her beauty (many dared not approach her due to her brute strength, but they were there)
The only one who didn't buy into their act was their history and ethics teacher, Sylvia Sherwood, who saw through their charade but also recognized the early signs of blossoming, genuine affection
Mr. Henderson was their 1# supporter lmao
They didn't know or noticed late how their pretend romantic interactions slowly became a part of their daily life even when away from campus' eyes
Loid would cook them both breakfast while Yor would keep their rooms spotlessly clean and tidy
They would practice self defense together, go out for a morning and evening run
They would practice things couples did but would get easily embarrassed bc these kids are touch-, affectionstarved to death (holding hands? 100% blushing!)
It were the quiet nights when they would have tea or coffee together that they would open up about their families and pasts to each-other
Loid respected Yor for raising Yuri on her own like that and Yor felt nothing but admiration for Loid for living all on his own
Whenever Yor would come home to Yuri, she would invite Loid over for dinner
Little Yuri didn't like him one bit
"Yuri! Please be respectful, he's a very dear senior and friend to me!" Yuri:"But sis, he looks like some shady spy!" "Spy?"
Loid would try to befriend Yuri but the little boy was quick witted, "You just want my sister for other reasons, don't you? I know your kind!" Loid:"What? No! (And you're only 10!)"
Whenever Yor wasn't looking, Yuri would kick at Loid's shin under the table. Loid would have trouble walking sometimes but Yor always either bandaged his leg or helped him get home, much to Yuri's chagrin
Yuri burned every gift Loid would give him
It wasn't until Loid very passionately defended Yor's honor during the ceremony at the end of the semester where he gained Yuri's respect (according to some dumb superstition; young women who lived alone were omens of bad luck ...etc.)
Franky felt like Yor was stealing Loid from him, Loid tried diving his time to spend more time with Franky
Loid would sometimes fall asleep on the couch bc he didn't get enough at night. Yor would always tuck him in and bring him a pillow so his neck didn't hurt in the morning.
A thing Loid never expected when living alone with Yor: she was unexpectedly cute in PJ's
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foenixs · 3 years
CIX as College Boyfriends
note: someone get me a guy like this pls, or a girl, i'm not picky
includes- CIX x gn!reader, college!au, mostly fluff, slight smut + some crack/having fun with the prompt
if you like my fics please reblog them with a nice comment or tag
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comes over to help you study, but you end up tutoring him instead (blanks as soon as he looks at you)
holds your hand during lectures and blushes when someone notices
likes to study in the park, surrounded by nature, but ends up taking a nap with his head in your lap as you read definitions to him and brush through his hair
cooks you dinner (aka ramen) when you're busy studying for midterms and makes sure you stay hydrated and get enough rest
sends you cute motivational quotes when you're apart to help you through your day
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studying? what is studying. would rather go on dates and make out with you than pick up a book
somehow, miraculously passes each semester through the "sheer strength of your love" (his words not yours)
is very corny, but it works to get him laid
goes down on you whenever you're stressed, or whenever he's stressed, or whenever someone somewhere probably is stressed (for good measures)
might seem like a typical fuckboy but ends up being your most loyal and long lasting boyfriend if you can put up with his cocky side
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"hey, babeee, I know you're quite stressed atm so I just cooked you this small, little five course meal. don't worry, it's really not a big deal!"
is extremely selfless and will neglect his sleep and studies just to take some work off your shoulders by doing your chores
he just wants to see you smile and be able to fall asleep stress-free
brings you coffee once an hour when you're studying at the library and offers to tutor you
to your surprise, he turns out to not only be a great househusband, but also a genius at making difficult subjects sound logical and simple
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buys oversized hoodies on purpose and "accidentally" forgets them at your place, hoping you'll wear them the next time he visits
sends you mirror selfies with his dick out while you're studying, then acts all innocent when your grades drop
doesn't like his roommate (at least not as much as you) so he's always hanging out at your place
can't focus on his online classes for 5 minutes before his hands begin to wander up your thigh
he is always either horny or sleeping, either way he doesn't leave your bed unless it is to pee or get snacks from the kitchen
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buys you two matching bookmarks, matching beanies, mathing everything, so noone would ever get the stupid idea that you're not together
leaves anonymous hate comments, like "i can tell you're not brushing your teeth sometimes", under the facebook posts of the professor that gave you an F
scribbles in all of his books and sends you selfies of him suffering in the middle of his lectures
still lives with his parents, but sleeps over on your couch on most nights (is too shy to make a move on you and slip into your bed)
has a lot of friends but always makes time for you, even when his schedule is packed
taglist: @femdomlieeh , @sub-hoshi-enthusiast , @subbyboyhaven
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jatphatones · 4 years
Valentine Vlogs | Charlie Gillespie x Reader
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Valentine Vlogs | Charlie Gillespie x Reader
A/N: this is a request by @babydork10 and a submission for @cherrymaybank Valentine’s Day Fic Party! I hope you all enjoy the fluffy love and I’m sending you love this weekend 💜
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: that good good fluff
“Hey everybody! It’s Y/N here with another unoriginal youtube introduction and I’m joined with my roommate Charlie Gillespie!”
“Did you just introduce me as your roommate babe? I’m your boyfriend!”
You turn to the boy standing right next to you with a playful expression. The sunlight shining behind your camera is doing wonders, making Charlie’s pouty lips seem fuller than normal. You prop your camera on the kitchen counter and relax in front of it while Charlie walks around you. He’s making his infamous pancakes to get you ready for the day. Meanwhile, you busy yourself with making your individual coffees and placing it in his hands with an apologetic peck on the cheek.
“Anyways, as you all know I’m a huge romantic so Valentine’s Day is my time to shine, and I would like to share this exciting day with you! I’m gonna run some errands for the holiday like get baking ingredients, send some cards to my friends, and other things but mainly go to Target because I’m basic and I love Target.” Charlie turns around from the stove and gives the camera a dramatic nod and eye roll from behind you. You bump your butt back against him in retaliation and he just swats you away with the spatula.
“And what about me? I’m supposed to be spending Valentine’s Day with you! I’m coming with,” Charlie declares with another cheeky swat to your backside.
“But I still have to prepare some of my gifts,” you whine. He places a plate of delicious pancakes in front of you and you almost cry when you smell them.
“But I made you pancakes and I need to get some things for tonight’s dinner too.”
“Wow, we are so ready to celebrate Valentine’s day,” you sarcastically hold both your mugs up to each other and giggle at your antics. “Fine. You’re lucky you’re a good cook and that you’re cute.”
“You’re cute too, baby.”
The camera shows you fumbling around as you try to set it up on the car’s dashboard. When you finally have it propped up, it captures Charlie mouthing along to the background music, sipping on a drink. You can see the Target logo just outside of your window.
“So I keep forgetting that we can’t just drink Starbucks while walking around the store because we have to keep our masks on, so we’re both chilling in the parking lot until we finish them,” you punctuate your statement with a loud sip of your drink, “so I thought it would be a great time to do a Q&A with the lovely Charlie Gillespie.”
“That’s me!” your boyfriend obnoxiously screams. The camera perfectly catches your wince just in the corner as he comes right up to the lens with a wide smile. When he sits back down, he still has the same clownlike smile as you lightly hit him with your phone.
“Y’all have asked a lot of questions regarding our relationship and we figured Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to finally answer them.”
“Okay, Y/N, ask away,” Charlie settles down in his seat and eagerly waits for the first question.
“Alright, how did you two meet? Mutual friend at a concert. I was friends with Owen when he lived in LA for his tv show. I saw him with Charlie and we all decided to stand together for the concert. I don’t even remember which concert it was because it was so long ago, but it was so much fun.”
“It was The Band Camino!”
“Right! Oh my god do you remember the taco place we went to afterwards?”
“Oh yeah! Those were so good! We have to go back sometime.” You both take a second to look back on those delicious $2 tacos and then get back to your questionnaire.
“How long have you been dating? Almost four years!” you smile into the camera, “what annoys you about each other? Um, I don’t think I can answer-”
“She sheds hair EVERYWHERE.” Charlie’s rude comment draws out a noncommittal noise from you.
“YOU’RE ONE TO TALK BABE. I WOULD SAY THE SAME ABOUT YOU.” He doesn’t even argue back because he knows it’s true. Your vacuum cleaner can attest to both your statements.
“What’s your favorite thing about each other?” you squint at Charlie, “how about we answer for each other?”
Charlie nods and you lose yourself in thought. You couldn’t think of your one favorite thing because there’s obviously many things that you love about your goofy boyfriend. Like how he’s a great cook, how he’s a phenomenal musician, how he-
“She loves how fucking hot I am.” You give him the perfect death glare while he innocently sips away at his drink, looking out his window. When he slowly turns back to you, your mouth quirks up at the sight of his deepened dimples. You shake your head at him and he speaks up again, “I’m kidding. She loves how passionate I am about everything.”
“And he loves how loving I can be. And how fucking hot I am.”
“That’s right!”
“Alright, we finally finished our drinks, so now let’s waste money at Target!” You both put on your matching masks and leave the car.
As you walk down the baking aisle, you turn the camera back on, bringing it up to your covered face as you search the shelves for ingredients.
“So, I need ingredients for cookies. I told Charlie that I was going to make chocolate chip ones, but I’m making red velvet ones because it’s Valentine’s Day. Okay now where are the…” You get all the ingredients that you need with a few more holiday decorations in your cart.
“While I was shopping, I - surprise, surprise - lost Charlie. He’s probably in the video games section... Really? Another game? You’re literally in the middle of playing one at home right now!” you yell when you finally spot Charlie a few feet deep in the video games aisle.
The camera pans from your amused face to his embarrassed one. Your boyfriend is frozen in place, hand hovering over the shelf with his other one already holding a game. He looks like a deer caught in headlights, which is something you’ve seen him looking like many times before. Knowing that you’re right, he sets it down with a pout and trudges over to you. He places the other things he was holding into your cart while looking through what you grabbed.
“You don’t need another candle. You already have so many candles!” Charlie scoffs, holding up the pink candle to the camera as proof that you’re not any better than him.
“But it’s holiday themed!”
“If you can get a candle, then I get my game.”
“That’s not the same and you know it! Literally $40 difference!”
“Y/N,” he sighs when he sees you raised eyebrows and wide eyes, “ugh, fine.”
He places the candle back in the cart, not able to resist you when you give him your puppy dog eyes. It’s one of the many weaknesses you have on him, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. With him wandering off on you, you’ve been out of his arms for far too long and so he wraps himself around you.
“I’ll make it up to you babe, I promise.”
You give him a tender kiss afterwards. The camera catches his eyes, showcasing that he isn’t upset at all.
The kitchen is now bathed in the glow of artificial lights as you turn the camera back on. The night sky pairs well with the soft music and the glasses of wine sitting in front of you.
“So, I realized that I answered one of the earlier questions wrong. We’ve actually been dating for three and a half years, but I said four because that’s how long I’ve loved him for. Cue the gagging please.” Charlie pretends to gag over the dinner he’s preparing and you thank him for contributing. You’re about to talk again when the oven beeps.
“Oooh! Are the cookies ready?” Charlie turns the stove off and grabs for the camera. He shows you reaching into the oven and pulling out a fresh batch of heart-shaped cookies.
“They look so good babe! She’s going to love them!” Charlie zooms in on your meticulous handling as you place the hot cookies on a cooling pan.
“For those of you who don’t know, our neighbor is a really nice old lady and Y/N always gives her some of the cookies she bakes because she’s awesome like that.”
You send a smile to your boyfriend, offering him a cookie when you find one that’s cool enough to eat. When he tries it, you quickly debate with yourself on whether you should censor the almost pornographic moan he emits.
“Thank you! Can you grab a gift bag for me so that I can give her the cookies? I think there might be one in our closet.”
Charlie hands you the camera and leaves the kitchen to find the gift bag. In the meantime, you try your own cookies and understand why he made such an inappropriate noise.
“Damn, these are good,” you mutter before bringing the camera back up to your face. “Okay everyone, so remember when I caught Charlie trying to get a video game and I told him he couldn’t get it? I said that because I already got him the game as a gift,” you pull out the gift from one of the kitchen drawers (a great hiding place, especially when he’s the cook and you’re not, right?) and place it behind the cookies, “I was planning on wrapping it while I was out by myself but then Charlie came with so I gotta figure something out. I thought he was gonna be upset when I told him no, but he was so sweet about it.”
“You talking shit?” The very same boy you’re talking about bursts into the kitchen, handing you the bag you needed. He goes back to the stove and starts preparing your plates.
“Yeah, I’m talking about your weird food combos, babe.”
“You’re just jealous that you’re not a genius like me,” Charlie throws over his shoulder.
“Sure, babe,” you say, rolling your eyes at the camera, “Anyways, we’re going to have dinner now. I think we’ll stop recording here. I hope you all enjoyed our chill Valentine’s Day. We might do a full Q & A video next week-”
“Orrrrr we might do a video where Y/N tries all my weird food combos!” Charlie butts into frame.
“Orrrrr we can do a Q & A,” you say, fear slightly at the edge of your voice as you imagine the prospect of doing his idea.
“Don’t worry everyone, I’ll get her to do it.”
“He won’t. Alright, if you like this video you know what to do! Until next time, we hope y’all have a wonderful night, and we send you all the love this Valentine’s Day!”
The last thing the camera sees is Charlie placing a loud kiss on your cheek before it cuts to black.
The video continues with a new clip with you in comfortable sweats and a slightly tired look in your eyes. It was obvious that you’re in the middle of editing your Valentine’s Day vlog and needed to put this clip in.
“Hey everyone, I’m in the middle of editing, but I wanted to update and say that I’m so dumb. I forgot to put his present away and it was literally sitting on the counter the whole night. But Charlie, being the sweet oblivious person that he is, never noticed it until I found it and gave it to him. Anyways, I know I probably should’ve put this clip in during the video, but I also wanted to show you what he got me!”
You pull out a set of tea light candles, along with an assortment of bath bombs and oils.
“Charlie got me a small spa set! It doesn’t seem like a lot, but I’ve been really stressed out lately and I have a bunch of projects coming up, so I definitely needed this. He’s so thoughtful and kind. But I also know that he’s going to steal some of these too and then deny stealing it.”
“No, I won’t!” You giggle at the distant indignant voice of your boyfriend.
“He so will,” you whisper, your left hand cupping the side of your mouth as if you’re telling the camera a secret-
Although, with the glint of new jewelry barely peeking out on your raised hand, you could say that you are.
A/N: ugh to celebrate Valentine’s Day with Charlie or literally anybody in the cast would be amazing! Y’all please check out @cherrymaybank Valentine’s celebration Masterlist for great fics and thank you again @babydork10 for the request. If you’d like to send a request or just hang out (because tbh ya girl ain’t spending v day with a s/o sooo), hit up my ask!
Taglist: @aunicornmademedoit @pixiethefirecat7 @badwolf00593 @kinda-really-lost @phantoms-julie @lolychu @n0wornever @s-h-a-d-o-w-s @celestialmolina @calamitykaty @thecharlietomygillespie @everything-is-alright @merceret @teti-menchon0604 @jemimah-b99 @notsosmexy
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
Ah!~ I fall in love with your Takao headcanons! Can I ask headcanons about Takao from best friends to lovers?
A/N: But OF COURSE, you can, the more Takao you guys want, the better for me! ٩( ᐛ )و 
So this will be a continuation from his best friends headcanons I made a while back and for those who’d like to see a spicier version of the more or less same troupe, I linked a similar request I got below! Hope you’ll enjoy this! ❤️
Tags: Takao x reader ✅  fluff ✅  friends to lovers ✅  slight angst ✅
☞ 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟙    ☞ 𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕪 𝕧𝕖𝕣.
━━━━☆ ━━━━☆ ━━━━☆
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living with your best friend didn’t change your relationship as much as you thought it would
the two of you were still clinging to each other like leeches, supporting the other during hard times and in general providing a shoulder to cry and lean on when needed
now that you were roommates and not only neighbors you saw Takao every single day and that came with many advantages
you both shared the housework and came up with cooking/cleaning/laundry schedules that made your joint life so much easier
Takao had decided to start working after graduation while you continued your studies (and occasionally worked at a part-time job close to your apartment)
it heavily depended on your individual schedule, but in general, the two of you had agreed that the first one home should be the one to prepare dinner and help the other one out a little
usually, Takao would be the first one home and every time you came back he greeted you like some kind of butler, helping you out of your jacket, taking your bag, leading you to the kitchen where he showed you that evening’s dinner, and lastly he’d conclude his small tour at the bathroom where he had run a bath for you
both of you were so close that all of your neighbors (especially the older ones) continuously teased you, saying what kind of cute couple the two of you were and some even went as far as to ask when you’re wedding was going to be
in the beginning, your and Takao’s cheeks would flush ever so slightly but the longer you lived there the more used to it you got, and in the end, it even reached a stage where you’d counter their remarks with your own witty and comical ones
comments such as theirs didn’t bother you that much, or at least that’s what you thought ...
a couple of months after moving in you invited some members of Shuutoku’s basketball team over for a friendly get-together and a warm dinner
it had been a lot of fun
people were teased, embarrassing situations were denounced as hilarious, compliments fell left and right, and what not
at some point though Miyaji - the club’s former captain - raised the question of whether Takao and you had finally started a romantic relationship
it was just a well-meant question and perhaps a subtle hint and yet your best friend began to deny that so strongly that you couldn’t help but feel aggrieved from his over-exaggerated reaction
the evening was kinda ruined for you and some of them noticed it and felt bad for you
in the end, Miyaji actually came up to you and apologized, saying just how much he’d regretted asking you something that was seemingly a taboo-topic
since then the relationship between your best friend and yourself was quite shaky, you began avoiding too much body contact with him, tuned down your clinginess, and even started avoiding him at times
some people think that Takao isn’t the brightest and assume that he’s quite dense, but you knew better
it didn’t take him even a week to notice that something was wrong with you and before you knew it he waited for you to come back home and asked you to take a seat across from him on the couch
“(Y/N)-chan...I’m aware that something’s been bothering you for the past few days and I know that some topics are better left unsaid, but I really hate seeing you suffer because of maybe something I did.”
his words stabbed your heart like hundred knives and even if you’d planned to keep your hurt pride to yourself, you knew that communication was key in any kind of relationship so with a bitter smile you told him about everything, how his reaction had hurt you more than his captain’s harmless question and how these new and yet unknown thoughts had begun to cloud your mind with masses of doubts
there was a brief break during which Takao’s expression grew unbelievably sad, he had expected anything but this
and then finally after what felt like hours he whispered out your name, got up from his chair, and slowly walked towards you, kneeling in front of your seated figure
“I’m truly sorry...I-I wasn’t aware of how much this actually bothered you,” he paused as he took your hands into his own and continued, “all I wanted was to make Miyagi drop that theme fast since he’s the type to talk about one topic for hours and I really didn’t want to make you uncomfortable since that evening was meant for recollecting and updating each other about our daily lives and not a relationship counseling...”
with a sigh you shook your head and couldn’t help but laugh at just how ridiculous this situation was, Takao joined you not long after
after that small misunderstanding, you two needed a bit until your relationship had normalized, but you’d be lying if you said that everything was back to how it used to be
once the imagination of Takao as your boyfriend had entered your mind you began to realize just how close the two of you truly were
him tending to your needs every time you came back home late, resembled that of a worried father-to-be whose wife was to go into labor soon
the way he always jokingly offered himself as your dinner was a cliché joke and sometimes an invitation one would often see in romance series that once again fell between lovers
and the worst for your heart was how the word ‘personal space’ wasn’t even present in his vocabulary, he’d hug you whenever he could, lean himself on your back and leave his chin in the crack of your neck at every given opportunity, and let’s not mention whenever he had trouble falling asleep (which was basically almost every day)
all those small and seemingly irrelevant gestures which didn’t usually affect you were now the trigger for a deep-red blush along your cheeks and an increased heart rate
and it didn’t help that Takao would constantly tease you whenever he noticed your flushed face
as time went by though you noticed that something between you two had indeed changed
now his mere presence was enough to make your heart thump wildly against your chest
the only comfort you found was that he himself had started blushing more often as well
you thought that nothing of deeper meaning was behind it and just blamed it on your behavior, but what you didn’t know was that Takao was experiencing the same thing as you
for him, it was as if every single touch - no matter how featherlight it was - set his skin on fire
every ever so small and gentle smile or grin you directed his way, immediately brightened up his mood
and let’s not even talk about the small things you do for him, like cooking, preparing some late-night snacks for whenever he has to work on a project until very late in the evening, folding his laundry, ironing his shirts, and so on...
both of you were slowly starting to acknowledge the other as an essential part of your respective lives
on top of that, innocent and sweet thoughts such as kissing each other on the lips, taking a bath together, or just doing silly things such as hiding from the people outside so that you can feel each other’s lips began dominating your minds
and what choice did the two of you have but to bottle these feelings up and hide them from each other just because you didn’t want to ruin your friendship
it was painful of course, but you continued to put yourself through with it, determined to keep this a secret for as long as necessary
unfortunately, Takao wasn’t made out of the same cloth and was slowly but surely feeling how everything was about to explode pretty soon
and then finally one day when the two of you went out shopping together some of your elderly neighbors stopped you yet again and began interrogating you guys as usual
“Have you two dears finally admitted your feelings for each other?”
there it was, their favorite question, that was strangely accurate this time
you were ready to debunk it yet again, but Takao suddenly took a hold of your hand, squeezed it slightly, and announced: “Not yet, but I’m about to!”
three pairs of wide eyes were fixated on the slightly blushing young man who stood beside you and while you were still trying to decipher whether you’d heard him right he faced you and even took a gentle hold of your second hand
“(Y/N)...I feel like this should’ve happened sooner, but my fear of losing you as my constant pillar of support was too big. Your presence was always something extremely helpful and soothing, but as of late I started to truly notice just how much more it was for me and my life. The sheer imagination of me being without you hurt me more than any game my team lost, any missed promotion chance or anything negative for that matter,” he paused and took a deep breath before continuing, “what I’m trying to say is that...(Y/N), I’d like you to become my lover.”
silent gasps could be heard, but you were too overwhelmed to pay any attention to it
the fact that he’d felt the same way and was stuck in the same situation as you were truly unbelievable, but now that you knew it all those small things you’d denounced as an effect of your own unusual behavior made sense
you looked up into the slate blue eyes of the man you’d fallen for and slowly removed your hands from his tight grip, only to then wrap your arms around his neck and bring him closer to you
Takao immediately seized the opportunity to do the same, he was anxious about what you were about to say so he at least wanted to savor what might be his very last embrace from you
“Took us long enough now didn’t it?” was all you said before you confidently took a hold of his cheeks and brought his face closer to your lips until they touched
while you two kissed ever so passionately and drowned in the liberating feeling of mutual love, the two older women next to you smiled while commenting on how they’d always known and how bad you two were hiding it
after you’d finally separated from each other you gave him your obvious answer to which he simply giggled and out of happiness began cuddling and kissing your face all over
this was truly a wonderful moment, it might not affect your relationship all too much but it was nonetheless a step towards a new and yet unknown experience that the two of you would live through while constantly supporting each other ...
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elysianslove · 4 years
Hi! Can you do roommates au for kuroo, oikawa, iwachan and atsumu?
hi!! thank you for requesting i hope you like these!!
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kuroo tetsurō
kuroo as a roommate is both the best and worst thing that’s ever happened to you
for one, you always have a tutor in case you need help 
and he’s really good at keeping you in check
will always make sure u eat, sleep well, manage your time
stuff like that
he’s so messy pls
like every room might as well be kuroo’s room because his stuff is always everywhere 
this is only a good thing when his shirt/hoodies end up in your domain 
bc this guy’s like 6’1? 6’2? doesn’t matter who you are his clothes are comfy whether they fit right or dwarf you 
does not know how to clean
at all
like how difficult can cleaning be??? idk ask kuroo
he’s really good at picking up new habits though so he’s your designated cook
cleaning is on you, cooking is on him
i hope that’s okay w u bc otherwise u will not survive 😃
he’s so big on cuddling 
he’ll ask you to sleep in the same bed constant nights 
at first it’s so ??? weird??? 
like why would u??? 
but then u find that it’s actually kinda nice
it’s a great way to destress bc as soon as ur cuddling ur mind just turns off 
@ the tutor thing 
he’s a really good teacher 
but his notes?
get ur own <3 
literally no one but kuroo can understand them so good luck g 
anyways overall he’s a great roommate good job on scoring this hunk of a man 😻
oikawa tōru
first few months, he completely avoids you
weird i know i know
but oikawa is not someone that just opens up to anyone yk? he’s very selective. it takes a while for him to trust you
but you live in the same house so it’s inevitable 
it’s not that he avoided you per se but he kept your interactions to a minimum 
which had been fine by you! he was respectful of your privacy, did his part to maintain the house while you did yours, etc 
it’s when he starts getting comfortable that’s the problem 
i think it would happen spontaneously and you two would stay up s o late together out of nowhere and suddenly you’d know each other’s deepest darkest secrets 
believes in those roommate bonding activities 
friday nights are reserved for the two of you, and that’s a set rule. only extreme cases have priority over it
can’t cook and can’t clean
but he’s so good at lifting up his legs while you vacuum <3 
literally if you leave for the weekend you come back to an unrecognizable home 
the amount of shit he’s broken bc of volleyball like literally go play anywhere else 
overall he’s a great roommate because he’s both respectful of your boundaries and genuinely really fun to have around 
(so fucking annoying though sometimes you just wanna suffocate him in his sleep hehe)
iwaizumi hajime
best roommate hands down he’s the perfect candidate oh my god 
he will cook
and he will clean
he’ll be respectful 
he’ll help you with your work 
only issue is he’s a bit standoffish you’ll think he hates you for the longest time
until you just straight up ask him “do you hate me?” 
and he’ll be genuinely so shocked like “no! what? why would i live with you if i hated you? what?” 
god he’s so precious 
i see iwa as someone that likes routine 
so it’d be great if you can adapt to that/adapt to his routine specifically 
you two split the work evenly so well
like if he takes care of breakfast (cooks or it buys it), dinner is on you
spring cleaning is actually so fun with hajime because he actually puts in as much effort as you
but also 
you’re blasting some music on the speakers and using the broom as a mic that he can’t help but let loose tbh 
he learns your quips so well overtime it’s amazing he just 
he just knows you so well is he psychic or some shit???
will never force you to like do any bonding activities but i see you two just playing a shit ton of boardgames together, things like monopoly
loser gets extra chores hehe 
god i want roommate iwa in my life so bad
a really good roommate because of the fact that he’s super mature and a really thoughtful person in general
miya atsumu
worst one 
he’s the WORST
like oikawa can’t cook or clean, but he has some redeeming qualities. atsumu?? none ! 
im kidding y’all he’s the cutest i would die to have him as my roommate
he’s so 
your first night as roommates he just waltzes into your room and drags you out to the living room where the tv is already set up, two large pizzas and so many wedges have been ordered, and drinks <3 
spends the entire time getting to know you
he learns to live with you really easily tbh like he adapts so quick
he’s so used to sharing bc he’s a twin, so nothing ever properly bothers him 
he can’t cook, but he does watch you and tries to learn from you
he’ll do very basic things like you can leave breakfast safely to him
after minimum 2 months of practice 
he likes to be very involved and likes to involve you just as much 
he’s not nosy he’s just curious leave him be 🥺
there is always one day a month where it’s just the two of you going out 
to like a carnival 
amusement park
ice skating 
all that stuff. it’s necessary 
i need to clarify that 3 am drives to get mcdonalds take out is a very regular thing with atsumu 
driving up a hill and sitting on the hood of your car while you get some nuggets and stare at the city skyline beneath you
immaculate vibes 
a really fun roommate tbh no regrets with this one you will never feel like shit and even if you do
what are the 3 am drives for amiright 😻
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end note; i hope that was good, and that the requester and everyone else enjoyed that!! like always, requests are open <333
thank you to everyone that’s voted about the smau thing! i’ll wait a little while longer before deciding who won, and hopefully, i’ll have the first few chapters up soon!! mwah <3
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atlafan · 4 years
The Tutor - Part Two
a/n: thank you all for the support on the original one shot. I just really love these guys, so I had to make a part two, and may even go back to them at some point for some other fun stuff, but for now, here’s the second half of fall semester! Read part one here! 
Warnings: angst, we start out with a lot of angst I’m so sorry. Plenty of fluff and smut to balance it out though! Partying, alcohol consumption. 
Words: 18.7K
Part Three
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Harry thought he was going to be sick. There it was, sitting right in front of him on his desk: C-. For the life of him he couldn’t remember the last time he did so poorly on a test. It was for his Conversational French class. Harry knew French well, that’s why he was in a higher level course. Most students needed a full year of a language, but he only needed one because he tested out of the lower levels. It was his own fault.
The night before the test when he should have been studying he was buried deep inside Y/N. The hockey team had won an away game, and she asked him to come over for a little while and he physically couldn’t say no to her. He didn’t think he would end up staying the night, but he did. Y/N had whispered that she wanted to do it again, and she had pinned him down, and he sort of really liked that so once again he didn’t say no. And the way she was riding him and panting his name and looking down at him with her big eyes. Anyone would have stayed the night after that.
He knew he didn’t do his best on the test, but he thought he’d at least get a B, not a fucking C-. He sighs heavily as class ends.
“Monsieur Styles…” The professor makes a come her motion with her pointer finger. He turns around and walks over to her desk. “Normally I wouldn’t be so worried about a C, but you always get A’s on your tests, what happened?”
“I…I guess I didn’t study as much as I should have. Maybe I just got cocky and thought I knew the material more than I did…”
“Harry, you’re always going to the study group meetings, did you not go last week?”
“No, something else came up.”
“Like what?”
“Well…” He runs a hand through his hair. “My girlfriend is on the hockey team, and they just won a game on the road, and…” He sighs. “I know it’s not a great excuse, I’m sorry. I’ll buckle down for the next test.”
“Look, I know having a partner in college is very exciting. You’re an adult, you don’t have a curfew, and you don’t a have a parent telling you to keep the door open, but try to keep your priorities straight. You’re a very bright student, and I hate to see your grades suffer in this course, or others.” She takes a sip of her water. “I’ll let you in on a secret, but only because I thought you were going to wet your pants when you saw your grade. I tend to drop the lowest grades at the end of the semester, so you don’t have too much to worry about GPA wise, but try not to let this continue.”
“Okay, I promise I’ll do better on the next one. Thank you so much.” He smiles and leaves the classroom.
She was right, he didn’t want his other grades to suffer. Harry nearly had a 4.0, and he wanted to keep it that way. He needed to buckle back down, but he wasn’t quite sure how to explain this to Y/N. He liked spending his free time with her, but maybe he was being a little too available. It was almost time for their tutoring session, maybe in the seriousness of the library he could have this chat with her.
Y/N was overly excited to see Harry. She had wonderful news for him. She had spoken with her mom, and they both thought it would be a good idea to invite Harry home for Thanksgiving. He had explained that he just stayed on campus last year and that it was really boring. She bounces into the library looking cute as ever in her sweats, and goes over to their usual table. He was already set up and looking serious.
“Hey you.” She says, kissing his cheek. He gives her a soft smile as she sits down. “How’s your day been?”
“Just alright?” She pouts. “Well, maybe explaining the difference between bonobos and apes to me will add some excitement.” She laughs and takes her books out. “I mean, I sort of get it. One group is super chill and sexual, and the other group is fucking crazy and aggressive. The main difference I noticed is that one group is matriarchal and the other group is patriarchal, so what I wanna know is, why don’t all people study these two groups? I find it to be absolutely fascinating, and-“
“Y/N, please!” Harry snaps. “Why do you even need my help anymore? It seems like you’ve got it.”
“I…well…I mean it’s helpful to talk these things through with you. I need to write a paper about this and I was sort of hoping you could guide me with my outline. Maybe point me to some good sources.” She chews on her bottom lip. “You don’t want to tutor me anymore?” God, he was so fucked for her. How did one girl hold so much power over him?
“It’s not that, I…I mean, we meet up like this twice a week for two hours, four hours total, and then we also meet up to do homework together other nights and that goes on for hours, and sometimes we don’t even end up doing homework, and…ugh, look at this!” He slaps his French test down on the table. She scans it over and gives him a confused look.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“I got a C-, Y/N!”
“Is that bad?” She was genuinely confused.
“Are you serious?”
“It’s terrible! Luckily my professor told me she usually drops our lowest grades at the end of the semester, but what if this happens again?”
“Are…are you blaming me for your grade?”
“Well, I was at your place the night before my test when I should have been studying. You invited me over after you guys won your away game, remember?”
“Yeah, I remember you kissing and touching all up on me. You didn’t mention once that you had a test. If you did I would have told you to go home, or I wouldn’t have invited you over at all.” She shakes her head. “I can’t believe you right now. Just because you have poor time management doesn’t mean-“
“I do not have poor time management.” He seethes. “I have impeccable time management.”
“Well, apparently you don’t, otherwise you would have left more time to study for your fucking French test.” She huffs, and takes her highlighter out to help herself as she looks for quotes in her book.
“I can’t believe that you don’t even care that I got a bad grade.”
“That’s the difference between you and I, Harry. When I see a C, I don’t think it’s a bad grade. Had that been a D-, then okay I would probably be more concerned. You said it yourself, she’s going to drop your lowest grade, so it’s no big deal.” She looks at him. “You’re on the clock right now, aren’t you? I need your help with this.”
“Fine.” He leans closer to her and they work on her outline for a bit. They only talk about things related to the class. When ten of four hits, he starts packing up and so does she.
“You’re being a baby.” She mumbles.
“No I’m not. I have to keep up a specific GPA for the grant that I was given.”
“Yeah, same here, Harry. News flash, half of the students here have to keep up a specific GPA, you’re not special in that.” She slings her bag over her shoulder. “You can blame me all you want for your grade, but that’s on you. Learn some self-control because I will not be made into being a fucking distraction to some boy.”
Before he can say he’s more than just some boy to her and that he’s her boyfriend, she’s gone. Harry slumps forward and knuckles at his eyes. She made a fair point, he shouldn’t blame her for distracting him. He needed to create a boundary. This is probably why he was fine just having a couple of casual hookups last year as opposed to having a girlfriend. It’s much easier to just text someone if they’re up on the weekends, and then focus on school work during the week. With Y/N he just wanted to be in her company whenever he could, and with that came his urge to really be in her company. Maybe he did need some self-control. She had no problem telling him when she wasn’t in the mood or couldn’t come over, he needed to do the same.
Harry: hey, can I call you later?
Gemma: of course! I’m getting ready for bed soon though…
Harry: oh right, time zones, I’ll call you now
“What’s up, H?”
“How do you handle being in a relationship and getting good grades at the same time?” He asks as he heads out of the library, not wanting to disturb anyone.
“Jesus, you’ve been seeing this girl for all of two months. What happened, did you fail a test?”
“No! I got a C- on a French test.”
“You’re freaking out over a class that isn’t even one of your major courses?”
“What if it’s a slippery slope? You had a boyfriend in uni, how’d you manage your time?”
“I just told him when I was busy, and then we found other times to hang out. Usually we’d try to meet up for lunch or dinner if we could.”
“We usually sit with our other friends at lunch…and she doesn’t go to the dining hall for dinner because she cooks with her roommates after her workouts. We’re both really busy in our own rights, so it’s like the second we’re both free…”
“Do you have sleepovers?”
“Gemma.” Harry blushes as he gets into his apartment.
“Harry, I’m not asking you what you’re doing, I’m just asking if you spend the night.”
“Yeah, mostly on the weekends though…”
“And what night does the weekend start?”
“Sometimes on Thursdays…but she usually has early practice on Friday mornings, so-“
“I think you two should define which nights are for sleepovers. So, if you hang out on a Wednesday or something it’s clear no one’s staying over.”
“But I’d feel so guilty leaving after we…you know.”
“Just communicate about that too.”
“I don’t want her thinking I’m only going over there for that though.”
“Harry, I’m going to say this slowly. Communicate.”
“She’s probably so mad at me.” He groans as he gets into his room.
“I sort of blamed my grade on her…”
“I know! I’m an idiot, okay?”
“Well, you better fix it. If you think a relationship in uni is distracting, a break up is ten times worse.”
Y/N was sprinting on the treadmill, she was beyond pissed. She wanted to bash Harry’s head against the table in the library. She hops off the treadmill once her run is done, and she goes into the weight room with the other girls to work with the weight trainer. She was being more quiet than usual as she lifted.
“Take a ten minute break girls, then we’ll work on the deadlifts.” The trainer says.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Ashley asks.
“No.” She looks away.
“What’s wrong?”
“Harry and I got into a fight.” She mumbles.
“Aw, about what? Want me to beat him up?”
“No.” Y/N laughs. “Thanks though. He got what he thinks is a bad grade on some test and he blamed me.”
“What the fuck?” Amanda says, overhearing the conversation. “Why would he do that?”
“Apparently he was at our place the night before his test so he didn’t study the way he should have, but that’s not my fault. He could have left or not come over at all.”
“Y/N.” Ashley sighs. “You’re both right and you’re both wrong. Try to think of it from his perspective, or, like what if the shoe was on the other foot? Like say you spent the night and overslept and missed practice. You’d probably blame him when it’s on you to make sure your alarm is set, right?”
“I guess so.”
“Cut him some slack. What was the grade?”
“Only a C-.”
“Well, if that’s a big deal to him you have to respect that.”
“Alright, ladies! Let’s get back to it.” The trainer says.
Ashley winks at Y/N, and she smiles. She was right, and talking it through calmed her down a little. She used whatever anger she still had to fuel the rest of her workout. Her, Gina, and Amanda all go home, take their turns showering and eat dinner. It was around seven when Y/N sat down to finish up some homework. Harry hadn’t texted, but she hadn’t texted him either. She wasn’t sure if she should give him some space to cool off or not. She never had to deal with something like this before.
“I’m gonna go up and try to FaceTime him, I’ll be back in a minute.” She tells the girls as she leaves the living room. The phone rings for a while, and then he finally answers. “Hey.”
“Sorry if I’m bothering you, I just thought we should talk.”
“Please don’t break up with me.”
Harry had, like, really bad anxiety, and this entire situation flared it up. It probably didn’t help that he was always drinking coffee. He talked with Y/N briefly about it, in case he ever had an anxiety attack in front of her, he didn’t want her to be scared.
“What?! Harry, first of all, I would never do that over a fucking FaceTime, second of all, how could you think I would break up with you at all?”
“I don’t know, my sister got into my head and…sorry…I’m really sorry for snapping at you earlier, that wasn’t fair.”
“I’m sorry for not understanding how much your grade bothered you.” She chews on her bottom lip. “I should have been more sympathetic.”
“And I shouldn’t have blamed you…it was my own fault for not making more time to study. I’m trying to balance you with everything else, and it’s hard sometimes.”
“I know, but if you need to study I don’t want you to feel bad for not being able to come over or something.”
“Well, I could come over…but I can’t always spend the night.”
“It’s just that…it would make me feel guilty if I didn’t.”
“Because if it’s a night we decide to hook up and I don’t stay I feel like you’d be upset. I wouldn’t want you to feel like I was only coming over for that either.”
“Harry, it’s okay. You don’t always have to spend the night afterwards. You have your own life. We can keep sleepovers for the weekends if you want.”
“Yeah, I think that would be a good idea. Things are just going to get crazier as finals creep up. I mean, it’s already almost Thanksgiving for fuck’s sake.”
“About that.” She smiles. “Before you got pissy at the library earlier, I was actually pretty excited to see you.”
“You were?” His face softens.
“Mhm, I talked with my mom, and well…I was wondering if you’d wanna come home with me for Thanksgiving…”
“Really?” He perks up.
“Yeah! I want you to meet the rest of my family, and you said how boring staying on campus was last year.”
“Y/N, I’d love to come home with you.” He beams. “Thank you.”
“Yay! I’m glad you want to.” She beams back. “I love you, Harry.”
“I love you, too.”
“I need to get back to my homework, and I’m sure you do too. Will you be at the game tomorrow?”
“Of course I will be.”
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.”
They both hang up and feel the same wave of relief. Harry gets back to studying, but not before texting his sister to let her know he’s been invited home with Y/N for Thanksgiving. He was too giddy to not tell someone.
Harry goes to Y/N’s game Wednesday, clad in the jersey she had given him. Sometimes he was given looks, he knew they weren’t the most typical couple, but he didn’t really care what other people thought. He sits with Andrew, Billy, Air, and her new boyfriend Scott. Niall and Louis also join, handing Harry his requested hotdog.
“Thanks, mate.” He says to Louis as he sits next to him.
“No problem. Think this is first women’s game I’ve ever been to, sort of feel guilty.”
“Me too.” Niall says. “Glad we didn’t have a game tonight. Bout time we came to see your girl play.”
Harry chuckles and shakes his head. He bites into his hotdog just as the lights dim and both teams skate out onto the ice. The crowd cheers, and his face lights up when he sees Y/N. Number 21 in all her glory. She assists two goals in the first period, giving the girls a decent lead for the second period. During the second period she gets her shit rocked by one of the bigger girls on the other team, and the wind gets knocked out of her. Harry was frightened when she didn’t immediately get up. A trainer and the coach go out onto the ice to help her up. The other girl gets benched for the rest of the game for unnecessary roughness, and the arena claps for Y/N as she’s helped off the ice.
“Oh my god, I have to, I have to go see if she’s okay!” Harry says frantically.
“Harry!” Andrew grabs him. “They’re not going to let you into the women’s locker room.”
“I know, but maybe I can go wait for her where the trainer’s office is, that’s probably where they brought her, right?”
“He’s right, mate.” Louis says. “You’ll have to wait until they bring her back out.” He puts his hand on Harry’s shoulder to get him to sit back down. “I know it sucks right now, but she’s in good hands, she’ll be alright.”
After what felt like a lifetime, Harry squints and sees Y/N sitting on the bench. Her helmet and all of her other gear was off. All she had on were her warm ups.
“Fuck, I hope she doesn’t have a concussion.”
“They wouldn’t have let her sit out there if she did.” Niall says. “No fucking way, the ice would be blinding her.”
“Bruised rib?” Harry looks at Louis and Niall.
“Har, you’ll find out soon enough.” Louis gives him a reassuring smile. “Try to calm down. She looks fine.”
Harry sighs, his leg won’t stop bouncing as he sits in the stands. The rest of the game goes by agonizingly slow. Luckily the girls won 2-0, so at least everyone would be in decent enough mood. Harry says goodbye to everyone as he nearly sprints out of the arena to wait for Y/N where he usually did down below at the ice near the skate rentals. When he sees her come through the doors with Amanda and Gina, he races over to her, throwing his arms around her top half.
“Harry! Babe, you’re crushing me!” She laughs and pats his back. His hands move to cup her jaw and he kisses her over and over.
“I was so scared! What happened? Are you alright?” His eyes scan over her body.
“I’m fine!” She giggles and takes his hands away from her face. “I got the wind knocked out of me, and they had me sit out for the rest of the game because they put some ice on my ribs.” She unzips her sweatshirt to show him. “I’m fine though, that girl just rammed into me.”
“For no fucking reason.” Gina scoffs. “She’s lucky we didn’t all attack her.”
“Whatever, at least we won.” Y/N shrugs. “Sorry I couldn’t text you or anything, phones aren’t allowed on the bench.” She says to Harry.
“It’s okay, I’m just glad you’re alright.”
“We’re all gonna go downtown for dinner to celebrate. Do you have homework or anything?”
He did have homework. He had a powerpoint he needed to work on. But he so desperately just wanted to be with her.
“Um, I have a presentation I need finish up, so…I guess I should go do that, but text me when you’re back on campus. If I’m done with everything I could come over after.”
“Okay.” She smiles and kisses him again. “Sorry you were so worried.”
“I’m just glad you don’t have a concussion or something.”
“Nope, nothing that serious.”
“Come on, we better get down there before they eat all the food.” Amanda says.
Y/N waves off to Harry and leaves with the girls. It was too bad because he liked getting dinner with the hockey girls, but he needed to stick to what he and Y/N spoke about last night. It’ll be a reward or a treat for him to see her once he’s done with his work. That was all the motivation he needed to finish up his presentation, and get some other homework done.
Harry: hey baby, I just finished everything up…do you still wanna get together? Are you doing hw?
Y/N: maybe tomorrow night, I’m really tired and we have practice in the morning. But I’ll see you at 2, right?
Harry: yeah of course. Love you, goodnight!
Y/N: love you too, night!
Harry sort of felt sad that he wasn’t seeing Y/N tonight, but he couldn’t blame her for being tired. He just wanted to hold her and make her feel better, but he thought of how small her bed was and realized how she’d probably be more comfortable sleeping in it alone. He couldn’t blame her for that either. Just as he’s settling into bed, his phone goes off and he smiles.
“What’s up, babe?”
“Nothing…kinda just wanted to hear your voice…”
“God, you’re gonna make me melt into a puddle over here.” He chuckles. “Are you feeling better?”
“A little yeah. They want me to sleep sort of propped up so I can breathe easier, it’s not very comfy.”
“I’m sorry, baby. Wish I could make you feel better.”
“You are.” She smiles, not that he could see. “So you were working on a presentation? For what class?”
“My anthropology class.”
“Tell me about it.”
“It’s kind of boring…”
“I don’t care, it’ll be like you’re telling me a bed time story. Please?”
“Alright.” His heart was fluttering.
Y/N fell asleep with her headphones in listening to Harry discuss his presentation. Believe it or not, talking through it helped Harry give an even better presentation than he could have hoped for. Maybe this new system will work for them.
Harry was dressed up from his presentation when Y/N met him in the library for their tutoring session. He looked incredibly handsome in his green dress pants, white button up, and floral patterned tie to match.
“Hey.” He smiles and kisses her cheek. “Let’s finish up that outline.”
“Hey, yeah.” She sits down and takes her materials out to show him. She looks him up and down. “How’d your presentation go?”
“Oh, really well actually. Talking it over with you last night actually made me feel more prepared.”
“That’s great! Sorry I fell asleep on you.” She chews on her bottom lip. “Maybe next time I could come over and you could really practice it for me.”
“You did ask for a bedtime story.” He smirks. “It’s fine. How are you feeling?”
“Much better. I took it easy during practice this morning just in case, and the trainers are going to work with me during lifting this afternoon, but I should be fine to play Saturday.”
“That’s good, and that game’s away right?”
“Yeah and we have to leave Friday night because it’s, like, hours away or something.”
Harry nods and looks over Y/N’s outline. He marks up a few spots and lets her get to work on her paper while he works on a paper of his own. He listens as she grumbles to himself and he can’t help but laugh.
“Stop, it’s not funny. I’m not a very good writer.”
“What are you struggling with?”
“I just don’t how to articulate myself professionally sometimes.”
“So write it as if you didn’t need to be professional, and then go back and edit it. Get all of your ideas out, you know?”
“Oh, good idea! Thanks, Har.” She smiles.
“It’s what I’m here for.”
She gives him a quick peck on the cheek and he sighs happily.
“Do you want to…um, come over after your workout. We could have dinner…”
“Yeah, I’d like that. Can I bring all my shit over so I can just spend the night and get up to go to practice? You live closer to the ice arena, it would be perfect.”
“Sure! That sounds great.”
While Y/N is at her workout, Harry whips up some pasta and meat sauce that he knows she’ll like. He makes enough for Louis and Niall as well. They were usually ravenous after practice just the same. Niall and Louis come bursting through the door around when Harry is pulling some garlic bread out of the oven.
“Alright! Mum cooked!” Louis teases him.
“Oi! Go fucking wash up before you start grabbing at the food, fucking animals.” Harry scolds them. “And we’re waiting to eat until Y/N gets here, you’re lucky I even made extra for the two of you.”
“Ugh, fine.” Niall says and the two go down the hall to wash up.
There’s a knock on the door and Harry practically races over to open it. He smiles at Y/N with all her bags, and he lets her in.
“I can bring those up if you want. Go ahead into the kitchen, dinner’s all set.”
“Thanks, babe.” She pecks his lips and hands her things over to him. “Hi guys.” She says to the boys as she sits down.
“How are you feeling, Y/N?” Niall asks.
“Oh, I’m fine. Took it easy today, but I’m alright.”
“I couldn’t believe how hard that girl hit you, it was wild.” Louis says.
“Okay! Everyone can make up their own plates, have at it. Made your favorite, Y/N.”
“Thank you.” She blushes and makes up a plate.
It was like they were having a family dinner, it was sort of fun. Y/N had gotten to know Niall and Louis alright over the last couple of weeks. The boys help clean up with Y/N while Harry puts the leftovers away. The two go up to his room, and she flops onto his bed. Harry gets on and crawls up her body to straddle her. She starts giggling and shakes her head.
“I just ate so much food, I need a minute.”
“Can you even do anything? How are your ribs?”
“They’re fine, but we probably shouldn’t be too aggressive.”
“You don’t have to do a thing if you don’t want to.”
“Harry.” She scoffs.
“We haven’t really been able to makeup since our little argument the other day, I wanna make you feel good.”
“What exactly are you proposing?” She raises an eyebrow at him.
“Well, you know me, I have a bit of sweet tooth.” He grins at her and she bites her bottom lip.
He situates himself between her legs and pulls her sweatpants down. She raises her hips up to help him, and he looks up at her just to make sure what they’re doing is okay. She nods yes, and he hooks his fingers into her underwear as well. He places soft kisses on her inner thigh, working his way to her center.
“Yeah, babe?”
“Would you do that thing where you, um, stick your tongue inside?” She was embarrassed and blushing, but she really liked it when he would do that.
“Want me to fuck you with my tongue?”
“Can do.” He smiles and dips his head back down.
He licks the flat of his tongue up her center and nibbles on her clit for a moment before licking into her. She bucks her hips up from the sensation, and he uses an arm to hold her down. He uses his other hand to rub her clit while he fucks her with his tongue.
“Fuck, oh my god.” She breathes and tangles his hair between her fingers.
He moves his face from side to side so she could catch some of the scruff on his chin, although, he only just started to grow some of his facial hair out. Harry shaved just about every day until Y/N told him once that she sort of liked the way it felt on her. Harry’s facial hair came in sort of patchy, so that’s why he would normally just shave it, but he was willing to grow it out a bit for her.
He rubs on her clit a little faster, and it has her panting and breathing rapidly. Her chest was heaving, and he could tell she was getting closer. She’s a whimpering mess when she comes to her release, and he continues to lap away at her.
“Holy shit.” She breathes as he sits up.
“So good, come here.”
He smiles and hovers over to kiss her. She was so fucked out she didn’t even care that she could taste herself on his tongue. He grinds himself against her and she winces.
“Too many clothes, get naked.” She whines.
Harry chuckles but does as she says. She takes her t-shirt off and sits up. She has him sit up against the wall so she can crawl into his lap.
“I think this’ll hurt less if I’m on top.”
“Whatever makes you more comfortable, baby.” He reaches over to his desk to grab a condom, but she swats it away.
“We’re only sleeping with each other, do we really need one?”
“I just like having it as a backup, as much as I love feeling you. Is that alright?”
She waits for him to roll it on and she slowly sinks down on top of him. He grips her hips and helps her move up and down on his dick. He bites down on her shoulder to muffle his moan when he feels how deep inside her he is. Her hands are tangled up in his hair again as she rocks back and forth on him. He licks a stripe up her neck and just under her earlobe to suck a mark on her. He snakes a hand between them to rub circles on her clit and she gasps.
“Fuck, how do you always know how to do that?” She groans. “Feels so fucking good.”
“I just know what you need, baby girl.” He nips at her bottom lip as he continues to rub her right where she needs it as she bounces up and down on his dick.
Her tongue glides against his, and she can feel sweat starting to pool between their bellies by how close they are. She feels the knot in her stomach starting to form again, and she hides her face in his neck. He keeps his other arm around her, hand gripping her ass.
“Y/N.” He groans, not being able to hold on much longer.
She cries out into his neck, and when her body starts to calm down a bit he comes. She clings to him for a moment before he lifts her off of him. She throws a t-shirt on and goes to the bathroom quickly while he slips into a pair of boxers. She double checks her two alarms, and he sets one on his clock-radio for her as well. He crawls into bed with her and spoons her. He kisses the back of her neck and sticks a leg between hers.
“Can I ask you a personal question?” He says.
“Um, sure?” She chuckles.
“When do you typically get your period?”
“What?!” She turns over and sits up. “Why, why would you ask me that?”
“Well, we’ve been together a couple of months now and you haven’t even mentioned it.”
“I…it’s not something I really wanna share with you, Harry. I don’t know, I probably got it before we started dating, and then I probably got it again before we started having sex, I…I’d have to check my pills to see when I get it next…couple of weeks, maybe?”
“I just don’t want you to think it’s something you need to keep a secret from me, like, if you wanna leave a box of tampons or whatever in the bathroom you can.”
“Harry.” She hides her face in her hands. “Please, this is too embarrassing.”
“Why?” He peels her hands away so she’ll look at him. “I just want you to feel comfortable…”
“It’s gross, that’s why. I wish I didn’t get it all, it’s a nuisance.” She sighs. “But thank you, I may bring some supplies here since you’re saying it’s alright.”
He kisses her cheek and brings her back down to him so they can spoon again. He snuggles her close and nestles into her hair. Y/N was frazzled. She had never met a guy like Harry, and she was honestly surprised he didn’t already have a girlfriend. She didn’t know a college guy could be so cool and chill about those types of things. She grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers, resting it against her lower stomach. He lets out a small sigh before falling asleep.
Y/N jumps out of Harry’s bed when she hears his clock-radio go off. He knuckles at his eyes and sits up as she shuffles around to grab her things. She goes down the hall to do her thing, and sees the bathroom door his closed. One of the boys must be in there. Louis opens the door, shirtless and only in his boxers.
“Morning.” He yawns and gestures for her to use the bathroom.
“Morning.” She blushes and goes in, and locks the door. She washes her face and brushes her teeth and quickly goes back into Harry’s room. She smiles when she sees him typing away at his laptop. “What are you doing?”
“Just answering some emails. I’m getting more tutoring requests with finals approaching.”
“I didn’t think you took a lot of classes that people would need help in.” She says as she braids her hair back.
“Well, I’m a study skills tutor too, so sometimes I meet with other students who just need tips on how to properly study.”
“Like flashcards and stuff like that?”
“There’s some of that, yeah. I explain how to code while reading, how to look at previous quizzes, sometimes they need help just emailing a professor too. I had to go through a training for it last year with the tutoring office. It’s good money so I don’t mind.”
She gets her jacket on and looks at him. She goes over and cups his jaw, giving him some kisses to his lips that were still slightly swollen from the night before.
“When do you leave tonight?”
“Around five, I think. Wanna meet up for lunch at the dining hall?”
“I’d love to.”
“Okay, I’ll see you later.”
“Alright, have a good practice.”
She grabs her things and heads out. She sees Niall and Louis getting their sneakers on.
“Do you guys have early lifts in the mornings?”
“Yeah, and then we have field times in the afternoons. So opposite of you.” Niall says. “Do you want a ride to the ice arena since we’re headed that way?”
“Do you mind? That would be great.”
“Don’t mind at all, pet.” Louis smiles and grabs one of her bags for her. “Your Harry’s girl now, so you’re our girl too.”
She giggles and follows them out to their car. She thanks them for dropping her off and she heads inside. It was a good practice, she was feeling much better. As she was changing after practice she could hear a few people snickering.
“What?” She looks at her friends.
“You and Harry really had some fun last night, huh?” Amanda says.
“What are you talking about?”
“Your neck and shoulder.” Amanda takes her mirror out of her gym locker to show her. Y/N gasps.
“Oh my god…”
“I mean, I like a hickey just as much as the next person, but shit.” Gina says.
“He…does it when he’s trying to be quiet. His roommates were home and sometimes he moans, like, really loud.” She smirks. “It’s cute.”
“Ooo, Y/N’s giving Harry that good good.” Amanda teases with a squeal.
“Shut up.” She nudges her. “I like that he moans, you always hear of guys never making any noise, what’s the fun in that?”
“The complexities of liking dick.” Gina laughs.
“You know what makes you guys lucky?” Y/N says as she pulls her sweatshirt on. “You don’t have to worry about condoms.”
“Aren’t you on the pill?” Amanda asks as they all leave the building to walk up to campus.
“Yeah, but Harry likes using condoms as a backup, which makes sense. Sometimes I just wish he wasn’t so responsible. It hurts a little whenever he pulls out when he wears one, and it kind of hurts for a couple of days after.” Both Amanda and Gina stop short. “What?”
“Do you think you’re allergic to latex?” Gina asks. “Or the spermicide?”
“Oh shit, I didn’t even think of that.” Y/N groans. “What am I supposed to use, sheepskin?” She makes a gagging noise.
“No, I’m pretty sure there are latex free condoms that aren’t sheepskin. We’re going to WalMart after lunch to get snacks for the bus, we can look while we’re there.” Amanda says.
“Good idea, thanks. Harry’s gonna join at lunch, so don’t mention any of this, okay? He worries about every little thing, and I don’t want him to get anxious.”
The girls agree, and they head to their apartment to drop their things off before class. Friday classes should be illegal, but Y/N only had Mind, Brain, and Evolution on Fridays, so it wasn’t terrible. When she finally gets to the dining hall she sees Harry waiting outside for her. God, he looked so fucking good. He had a light blue sweater on with some khakis, and his beanie. She loves the way the ends of curls would peak out of the hat. She throws her arms around him and kisses his cheek.
“You didn’t have to wait out here.”
“I know, but I wanted to.” He smiles and kisses her lips before going inside.
They both grab their food and sit down together at the girl’s hockey table. Everyone greets Harry, and he joins in on the conversations circling around him.
“Do you have anywhere to be after this?” He says to her.
“We’re going to WalMart to get snacks, and then I need to get my overnight bag together. You can come over to help me pack if you want.”
“Sounds good.”
“Are you gonna go out tonight, or anything?”
“Yeah, Louis and Niall have a home game tonight, so I’m gonna go to support them, and then there’s most likely going to be a party at the soccer house, so I’ll probably go to that for a bit.”
“Is that alright?”
“Yeah, I don’t care.” She shrugs.
They kiss goodbye before she hops in Ashley’s car to go to WalMart. She grabs the snacks she wants, and then Amanda and Gina yank her down to the aisle with the condoms. They read the boxes and find a brand that still prevents against STDs, but didn’t have latex.
“Try these and then see how you feel.” Gina says. “I wish we could be more help…” She laughs.
“This is help enough, thanks. I should probably go to my doctor and just have an allergy test done.”
“You two had sex last night, right? How does your vagine feel?” Amanda asks.
“Sore, honestly.” She sighs. “I thought it was just like this because we do it a lot and it’s still so new for my body, but he’s mostly gentle when we’re doing it, I suppose being allergic to latex would make the most sense.” She throws the box in the cart with everything else. “Hey, can I ask you guys something?”
“Of course!” Amanda says.
“Anything!” Gina says.
“When you’re hooking up consistently with a girl, do you ever ask her when her period is?”
“I synced up with a girl once.” Gina says.
“Sometimes it gets brought up, like, a girl has told me when she’s on hers so we don’t venture down south, why?” Amanda asks.
“Harry asked me last night when my next one would be. I just found it to be peculiar that the topic didn’t gross him out.”
“God, every time you tell us something about him, it astounds me how much of a man he really is. I would very much like to shake his mother’s hand.” Gina says. “He’s met Ang, have you met his mom yet?”
“Well, considering that she lives in fucking London, no, I haven’t.” Y/N rolls her eyes.
“You could FaceTime.” Amanda suggests.
“We could, but I’m way too nervous. Meeting a guy’s mom is so much different that meeting the girl’s mom. I mean, it’s just her and his sister, that’s her baby boy, I wanna make sure I make a good impression.”
“He’s also your baby boy, and that’s all I’m saying on that.” Amanda says.
“Yeah, baby girl.” Gina teases.
“I’m not going to tell you guys anything he says to me anymore if you’re going to make fun of us.” Y/N pouts.
“Please! No, don’t take the stories away, they’re too good.” Gina says.
The girls pay for their things and meet up with the people they drove with, and head inside their apartment. Harry comes over to watch Y/N pack her things.
“I don’t think you got enough snacks, think you could use some more.” He says sarcastically.
“We get hungry on these longer rides.”
“You’re only going for one night.” He rummages through her WalMart bags to see what she got.
“Harry, wait-“
His eyes grow wide when he sees the box of condoms. He takes them out and holds them up.
“Why do you need these if you’re going away?”
“I hadn’t put all of my shit away yet.” She snatches the box from him and tosses it in her closet.
“You didn’t need to buy those, babe, I can take care of that.”
“Well, it’s just…you know, it should be both of our responsibility.”
“But,” He grabs the box from her closet, “this isn’t the brand I usually buy. These aren’t even ribbed.” He says as he reads the box.
“No, but…they don’t have latex in them…” She blushes and takes the box back from him. “I think I may be allergic or something.”
“How’d you come to that conclusion?”
“Because I noticed that afterwards…I’m sore for a couple of days, and-“
“Y/N.” He sighs and sits on the edge of her bed, pulling her onto his lap. “Why didn’t you say anything to me?”
“I don’t know.” She looks down as she wraps her arms around his neck. “I thought I was just getting used to you still.”
“But if you were in pain afterwards I’d want you to tell me. Am I too rough?”
“No! That’s just it, you’re not. So…I mean, I was talking to the girls about it and they asked me if I was allergic to latex, so we got those while we were out and I figured we could give them a try when I get back. It’ll be like an experiment.”
“Is that why you don’t always want to use one?”
“Yeah, I’m never sore after we don’t use one.”
“Alright, then we’ll try those. I’m sorry, baby. If I had known we could have bought those sooner.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s on me.”
“I just want you to talk to me about these things, that’s all.”
“It’s embarrassing, Harry.” She groans. “I don’t wanna talk about my vagina with you.” She pouts.
“God, you’re cute.” He pecks her lips. “No, you just like when I lick on you, is that it?”
“Ugh, I don’t have time for this.”
“You don’t have to be at your bus until five, it’s 3:45, think you have plenty of time…if you want, that is.”
“M’sore.” She says shyly. “But…if you did wanna lick on me…I would do the same to you.”
“That sounds like an excellent idea.” He grins.
She stands up and makes sure her door is locked before getting her pants off. He takes care of her first, getting her back to arch off the bed from the sheer force of her orgasm. She practically growls at him when she undoes his pants. She gets between his legs and gets her lips wrapped around his tip in seconds. Her ass was in the air, and he couldn’t help but reach forward and finger her from behind.
“Oh!” She gasps and looks at him. “That’s different.”
“Does it feel okay?”
“Yeah…I just…it’s your turn is all.”
“Babe, we’re just having some fun, it doesn’t matter. I’ll make you come as many times as I can, I don’t give a fuck if I only get one.”
“Oh my god.” She breathes and puts her mouth back on him.
She moans around him as his fingers pump in and out of her, and it makes him buck up into her. She gags for a second but keeps going.
“Y/N.” He grunts. “This would be a little easier if we just-“
“No.” She mumbles with him still in her mouth.
“But if we just-“
“I don’t want my entire ass in your face!” She uses her hand to pump him quickly, and he removes his fingers from her to grip at her sheets. She rubs her thumb over his tip how he likes, and his eyes roll into the back of his head.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna come.” He groans, and she puts her mouth back on his tip to gets everything in her mouth.
She pops off of him and swallows. She was getting more used to that, and the taste didn’t bother her as much. Once his breathing goes back to normal he tackles her down where he was laying and she giggles.
“What are you doing?”
“Gonna finish what I started, love, otherwise you’ll be restless on that bus.” He slips his fingers back inside her and she moans out. “Course, I could be mean and just get you really worked up so you’d have to think of me while you’re in that hotel room of yours.”
“Mm, yeah, you know they make us share beds, four to a room, so that wouldn’t really, fuck, work for me.”
“Really? They don’t make the boys share beds.”
“God forbid.” She grunts as he goes in knuckle deep and curls his fingers up.
“Feel alright? I know you said you were sore earlier.”
“No, it feels fine, really good, actually.” She pants. “Fuck, Harry, oh my god!”
He loved watching her face when she’d come to her release. She always bit her bottom lip really hard and squeezed her eyes shut, and then her mouth would fall open as she’d come down. He retracts his fingers and wipes them off on his thigh before grabbing his boxers and pants to put back on.
“I just need to, um, pee. I’ll be right back.” She almost felt lightheaded as she stood up. She puts her sweatpants back on and goes down the hall to clean herself up. Amanda peeps her head out of her room, as does Gina.
“What the fuck were you two doing in there?” Gina chuckles.
“Um, he just made me come so hard that everything went white, so…”
“Damn, boy’s got a good dick.” Amanda says.
“He does, but he didn’t use it. Just his fingers.”
“Oh shit.” Gina says, impressed. “Maybe he was a lesbian in another life.”
They all burst out laughing, and Y/N goes back to her room. She kisses Harry a few times and then finishes getting her bags together.
“I’ll text you later when we’re at the hotel. Have fun at the soccer game.”
“I will, safe travels. When do you think you’ll be back tomorrow?”
“No idea, but I’ll let you know once we hit the road.”
“Sounds good, love you.” He pecks her lips.
“Love you too.” She smiles and waves him off as he leaves.
The boys and girls soccer teams won, so there was a rager at the boy’s soccer house. Harry pregames with Niall and Louis before going over. He had a long-sleeve black button up on with the first few buttons undone, and a ripped pair of black jeans. He cracks open a beer and sips on it as he talks to some of the guys at the house.
Harry gets a good buzz going, opting to play a few rounds of beer pong, and flip cup with some people he knew in the kitchen.
Y/N: just got to the hotel, hope you’re having a good night!
Harry: wish you were here, missing my dance partner ;p sweet dreams baby
“Harry, you’re turn!” Niall shouts and Harry flips his cup effortlessly. He finishes off his drink and grabs another one.
“Well, look who it is.” A girl named Maggie comes up to Harry to make a drink of her own. Harry hooked up with Maggie last semester.
“Maggie, um, hi.” He blushes. “How are you.”
“Good! Haven’t seen you since school started.”
“Yeah, I got busy…with the, uh, tutoring.”
“Right.” She nods and takes a sip of her drink. “You look good, Har.”
“Thanks.” He takes a sip of his own drink.
“So, are you here alone?”
“I came with Niall and Louis.” He points over to the guys as they’re still playing flip cup.
“No, I mean…” She puts her hand on his shoulder and steps closer to him. “Like, you’re not here with anyone?”
“Well…my girlfriend is away tonight, she’s on the hockey team.” He swallows, unsure of what in the fuck was happening. “They have an away game tomorrow, so they had to leave tonight to get there on time.”
“Poor thing.” She pouts at him. “Are you feeling a little lonely? I know how you can be.” She had backed him into a corner and pressed herself up against him. His hands were not on her at all and he just didn’t know what to do.
“Maggie, could you, uh, you’re a little too close.”
“Am I?” She bats her eyelashes up at him. “I don’t think we’re close enough, if you ask me.”
Harry looks over at Niall and Louis, hoping to catch their attention. He didn’t want to be rude, but he needed this girl to step off. He looks down at her and frowns.
“Did you not hear me? I said I have a girlfriend.”
“I heard you say she was gone for the night. Come on, Harry, have a little fun. You’re not married.”
“This isn’t fun for me.” He pushes her away and goes over to Niall and Louis. He tells them what happened and that he’s going to leave.
“Mate, don’t go.” Louis frowns. “Night’s just getting started.”
“I’m not having fun anymore. I used to hook up with Maggie, and we hooked up right when school started. Y/N’s not here, and I don’t feel right.”
“So…what, you’re not gonna come out unless she’s with you?” Niall asks.
“What’s the main goal of coming to a party? Finding someone to hook up with. I don’t need to be here if she’s not here. It’s too dangerous. I’m gonna go home, I’ll see you guys later.”
“Wait.” Louis sighs. “We’ll come with you.”
“No, you guys had a major win tonight, you should stay and celebrate. I’m just gonna go to bed.”
“You’re drunk, H, we should go with you.” Niall says.
“M’not drunk. I can make it back. Please stay, it’s fine.”
Harry makes his way out of the house and bumps into Maggie again.
“For fuck’s sake.” He says to himself as she looks at him with a devious smile.
“Where you going, Harry?”
“Need some company?”
“Not from you.” He shakes his head and she pouts at him.
“Damn, who knew some hockey bitch could have you so whipped.”
He wanted to strangle her, and Harry was not a violent person in the slightest. He just couldn’t believe one female athlete would say that about another.
“You may be alright with trying to fuck up someone’s relationship, but I’m not. Get some fucking help.” He brushes by her and gets out of the house quickly. The cold air hits him a little too hard, and his stomach turns. He shakes it off and makes his way home. He couldn’t believe that even after he said he had a girlfriend that Maggie would still try to pull a move on him.
Harry gets inside and feels so disgusted that he decides to take a shower. Maybe taking a shower while buzzed wasn’t a great idea, but it certainly calmed him down. He was never going to a party without Y/N again. The thing he wasn’t sure about was if he should tell her about the altercation. Maybe if he had been sober he would have waited until the morning to text her, but there he was, towel hanging low on his hips, water dripping from his hair, as he typed out his message.
Harry: baby, I’m home now, I had to leave that party. I know you’re sleeping, but this girl tried to hook up with me, even after I told her I had a girlfriend! Can you believe that?! I got away from her, but she got really close to me. Nothing happened, but I just wanted you to know…for whatever reason. I love you so much, I hope you know I would never do anything to put our relationship at risk. I’m sorry for texting you like this while you’re sleeping, I just needed you to know.
His anxiety had fully taken over at this point. After he hit send he immediately regretted it. He knew he should have waited.
“Fucking moron.” He chews on his nails. Now he had to wait until morning for her to answer. He flops onto his bed and puts his headphones in so he could fall asleep to a podcast.
Y/N rubs her eyes as she wakes up the next morning, and they widen when she sees the massive text from Harry.
“What the fuck?” She says, sitting up.
“What is it?” Amanda groans next to her, sitting up as well.
“Some girl tried to fuck Harry last night!”
“What?!” This wakes Gina up in the other bed. They were also rooming with this other girl Becca who they were pretty good friends with.
“He said nothing happened, and he left right away, but she got really close to him even after he said he had a girlfriend.” She sighs. “Fuck, do you guys mind if I call him quick? His anxiety must be through the roof. He sent this at like one in the morning.”
“Go ahead, Y/N.” Amanda rubs her back as she dials his number.
“Y/N?” Harry says groggily through the phone.
“Hey, I just saw your text, are you alright?”
“M’fine.” He mumbles.
“Did you know this girl prior?”
“She…well…ugh, don’t be made, but I used to hook up with her. Mostly last semester, and then a couple times when school started. It was before we met, Y/N.”
“So…she came up to you thinking you were single, you told her you weren’t, and she still tried to take you home?”
“Yeah, but I got away from her.”
“Where were Niall and Louis?”
“Playing flip cup, they offered to leave with me, but I told them they didn’t need to.”
“What’s this girl’s name?”
“What does it matter?”
“I just wanna know.”
“Maggie…she’s a junior.”
“Please don’t be mad.”
“I’m not…and nothing happened?”
“No! I got outta there and went right home. I’m so sorry, I’m never going out without you again.”
“Don’t say that, you can go out. I want you to have fun, Harry.”
“I didn’t have much fun last night.” He mumbles.
“I’m sorry, Harry. Hopefully that girl has learned her lesson.”
“I know you’re probably gonna be tired when you get back to campus later, but…would you come over?”
“Of course! The second I get to campus I’ll be at your place, alright?”
“Okay…thanks babe.”
“Yeah.” She looks at the girls and she feels terrible. “Did you sleep last night?”
“I listened to a podcast and it helped me drift off, yeah.”
“Okay.” She sighs. “We have to get ready and eat breakfast and stuff…”
“Alright, I’ll be watching the live stream later, so know I’ll be rooting for you.”
“Thanks.” She smiles. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Y/N goes onto Harry’s Instagram to see who follows him, looking for anyone named Maggie. She finds one, and her page wasn’t private, so she was able to look at her photos.
“This girl used to hook up with Harry, and she tried to last night. She’s…like…really pretty.” Y/N frowns, and show’s Amanda. “He said he left right away, but…how could he go from her to me.”
“Y/N!” Gina says. “You’re one of the fucking hottest girls on campus, don’t talk about yourself like that. Besides, he got out of there because he wants you, not her, and because he’s not a fucking dick. Don’t let this bother you.”
The game went really well. The girls won 4-2, and had a nice big dinner to celebrate. Y/N texts Harry the second they’re on the road. He tells her to let her know when the buses are close so he can meet her down at the ice arena to walk her back to his place.
He got some homework done, and spoke to Niall and Louis about how uncomfortable Maggie had made him. They apologized for not immediately going home with him to make sure he was alright. Harry smirks when he sees some of the other significant others waiting down at the ice arena for the girls. It was only around 9:30 when the bus pull in.
“My house, one hour, ladies!” Ashley yells as everyone gets off the bus.
Y/N runs right over to Harry, and throws her arms around him. He lifts her up so her legs can wrap around his waist. She kisses all over his face, and he smiles.
“Hey, beautiful. That was a great game.”
“You watched the whole thing?”
“You’re the best.” He sets her down and grabs her bags for her. “We don’t have to go to Ashley’s tonight if you don’t want to.”
“Do you want to?”
“Well…yeah, but-“
“I’ll go.” He shrugs. “Could use some actual fun after last night.”
“We don’t have to stay long, I just wanna make an appearance.”
“S’fine with me, love.”
They both get ready, and before they leave, Y/N goes into the living room to see Louis and Niall playing video games. She clears her throat so they’ll look at her. They pause the game.
“Do you guys wanna come to the hockey house with us?”
“Sure!” Louis says. “Sounds like fun.”
“Yeah, I’m in.” Niall says.
Harry puts his arm around Y/N’s shoulders as they walk to Ashley’s place. They all get to drinking once they’re there, and it’s a great time as always. Y/N and Harry get into a game of up and down the river with some of the other girls. That game was extremely dangerous, but super fun. Once they’re done, they find themselves in the basement, dancing the night away.
“Missed you so much last night.” Harry says into her ear as she grinds back against him.
“Mhm.” His hands grips her hips harder to pulls her even closer. He starts kissing on her neck and her head rolls back to his shoulder.
“Missed you too.” She turns around to press her front to his and his hands slide down to her ass. “I have some of those new condoms in my bag…” She kisses on his neck. “Wanna go try them?”
“Yup!” He yanks her up the stairs from the basement, through the house and outside. He gives her a piggyback ride back to his place, and she continues to kiss on his neck.
He gets them inside and up the stairs to his room. She rifles through her bag for the condoms and takes them out. He cups her jaw and sticks his tongue in her mouth, and she immediately sucks on it. She tugs at the collar of his shirt, and starts to unbutton it the rest of the way. She pushes his shirt off his shoulders and kisses down his stomach as she gets on her knees to undo his pants. She yanks his jeans and boxers down and gives his hard cock a few licks and kisses before standing up. He pulls her top off and gets her out of the rest of her clothes. He snatches a condom and rolls it on. He gets her on the bed and opens her legs up. He rubs his fingers up and down her slit to make sure she’s wet before pushing in.
“Oh fuck!” She cries. “Harry.” She moans as he rocks in and out of her.
He looks down between the two of them to watch himself go in and out. She grabs one of his hands to put on her breast. He gets the idea and leans down to suck on one of her nipples while he kneads the other one.
“Harder, Harry, please.” She whines.
He sits up a little and puts her legs over his shoulders. He gives it to her hard and fast, and it fucking sends her. Her head rolls back into his pillows and she grips at the sheets. His tip rubs up against her g-spot over and over, and she can feel herself almost ready to lose it. He feels her squeezing around him, and he loves it. He loves being the only one to do this to her.
“Okay?” He grunts.
“Amazing! Don’t stop!” She doesn’t give a fuck how loud she’s being, she feels way too good to care.
He drops one of her legs to rub at her clit, he barely even needs to touch her and she loses it. She cries out, but he doesn’t let up. He continues to thrust in and out of her.
“Come here.” She whimpers.
They’re chest to chest, kissing sloppily, as his thrusts get less rhythmic. She knew he had to be close now.
“Wanna come, Harry?” She coos.
“Want me to?”
“Don’t you want to?” She laughs.
“I could actually keep going.”
“Okay.” She laughs again and so does he.
“Think I’ve got the opposite of whiskey dick.”
“I’m good to keep going.” She bites her bottom lip. “Wanna try something fun?” He nods yes and kisses on her neck. “What if I ride you, but reverse?”
He pulls out of her immediately, and gets them both in position, making her giggle. He lays flat on his back while she raises and lowers on him. She looks over her shoulder at him. His head was thrown back and he was squeezing at her hips. He sits up and she squeals when he starts thrusting up into her. He gets an arm hooked around her, squeezing one of her breasts, and his other hand rubs at her clit.
“Oh fuck.” He groans. “I’m gonna come, oh my fucking god.” He bites down on her shoulder, and this pushes her over the edge, and feeling her release pushes him over the edge. He spills into the condom and cries out into her neck. “Jesus Christ.” He breathes. He kisses on her shoulder as he catches his breath. “Alright, up you go, babe.” He lifts her off and she whimpers at the loss of him.
He gets up to throw the condom away, and she puts on his black button up to go use the bathroom. He uses it after her and comes back to her nearly passed out in the bed.
“M’so tired, Harry.” She whines.
“I know, you’ve had a long day, huh?” He climbs into bed with her.
“Yeah.” She snuggles up to him and he throws his arm around her. “But there’s nowhere else I’d rather be right now.” She kisses on his chest and it makes him smile ear to ear.
Even though a few days had passed from the soccer house incident, Y/N grimaced every time she saw Maggie around. Harry assured Y/N that it really wasn’t that big of a deal, and that they should both let it go. He didn’t even know she would know who Maggie was. Harry said he liked sportier girls, but Maggie wasn’t sporty in the slightest. She was tall and skinny, she could be a model for Christ’s sake. Y/N spots Ari in the dining hall during breakfast one morning, and goes over to her while she’s making a coffee.
“Hey, Ari.” Y/N says shyly.
“Oh, um, hi, Y/N.”
The girls weren’t exactly friends, but they weren’t exactly enemies either. Ari was dating Scott, but Y/N was still the girl that crushed all chances of her getting with Harry.
“Can I ask you something?”
“You’ve been close with Harry for a while…do you remember when he was hooking up with some girl named Maggie?”
“Yes, unfortunately.” She sighs as she adds some cream to her coffee. “They had public speaking together last semester, and I guess it was a debate day and they were on opposing sides, and the next thing he knew he was getting his dick sucked in the custodial closet in Smith Hall.” She rolls her eyes. “They hooked up pretty consistently, mostly on the weekends after a party. I thought he was done with her after this summer, but I guess the hooked up a couple of times at the beginning of the school year. Then you sort of started to take over.” She sips her coffee. “He was very concerned about tutoring you, or whatever. The boys mostly talked with him about Maggie, I didn’t really care to listen. She had texted him one night and he didn’t answer…he said he had a thing for someone else and didn’t want to fuck her anymore.”
“Wow.” Y/N was trying to take everything in. “He really said that?”
“I didn’t take you for the insecure type, Y/N.”
“It’s hard not to be…she’s, like, perfect.”
“Can I tell you something?”
“I honestly only think he was hooking up with her because she had more experience than he did. And I think he only hooked up with her at the beginning of the school year because he wanted to show her how much better he had gotten over the summer or something.”
“Seriously?” She makes a disgusted face.
“Harry’s a great guy, but he’s still a guy.” She chuckles. “Anyways, he’s really into you, you have to know that.”
“I do…I guess I just freaked out for a second. She saw him at a party Friday and tried to make a move.”
“I heard about that. You shouldn’t worry, he got right out of there.”
“That’s what he said.” She smiles at the girl. “Thanks, Ari.”
“No problem.” She shrugs and walks away.
Harry and Y/N were doing homework together in his room one evening. He lifts his glasses and knuckles at his eyes.
“Alright, I think I need a break before my eyes pop out of me head.” He closes his laptop and gets up. “Need a snack? I’m gonna grab some chips.”
“Yeah, that would be great, thanks.”
He nods and leaves to go retrieve some food. He comes back with a couple of sodas and chips, and tosses her a can.
“I’ve been needing to ask, how have you been feeling with those condoms?”
“Oh!” She nearly chokes on her soda. “Um, good. I’m not sore anymore. When I go home go home for winter break I’m gonna see my doctor so she can check me out and test me for the allergy.”
“Good idea. I’m glad you’re not in any pain, I felt really bad.” He sips on his soda and pops a few chips into his mouth. “I’m really excited to go home with you in a few days.”
“Me too!”
“What will the, uh, sleeping arrangements be like?”
“As chill as my mom is, we can’t stay in the same room.” She rolls her eyes. “So you’ll be in my room, and I’m going to bunk with my sisters.”
“And you have a younger sister and brother, right?”
“Mhm, my sister is a senior, and my brother is a freshman.”
“Little guy.”
“Mhm, he was quite the surprise, but he’s super cute.”
“Do they play sports too?”
“My brother plays hockey, but my sister is into theater. She’s applied to every school in New York she could, but also applied here as a backup.”
“Do you two get along or not so much?”
“When we were in high school not at all, but we do now. I think the distance made her miss me. We shared a room when we were younger so we were just always on top of each other. My mom was able to buy a bigger house when the bar really took off.”
“And…your dad?”
“Not in the picture.” Y/N chomps down on a chip. “He sends us birthday cards and shit like that, but that’s all the contact I need from him. I don’t really wanna talk about it.”
“It’s alright.” She shrugs. “We shut down the bar on Thanksgiving and have a big dinner in there with our family, I think you’ll really like it.”
“I’m looking forward to it, babe. What time is she coming to get us Wednesday?”
“She said around nine. You should probably let us pick you up here. I’m sure she knows what we’re doing, but she doesn’t need to see it first-hand.”
“Good idea.”
“Also, since you to know these things…I do have my period, so there won’t be much funny business.”
“Can’t really fool around when we’re staying in separate rooms, can we?” He smirks.
“Please, she’ll be running around the bar at night, I’m sure I could sneak in a blow job.”
“Wouldn’t feel like doing that now would you?”
“Not particularly.” She chuckles and then pouts at him when he makes an offended face. “Just not in a very sexy mood right now. My cramps are killing me.”
“Do you need any ibuprofen?”
“No, I took some earlier, thanks. I think just some cuddles tonight will do the trick.”
“That can definitely be arranged.” He kisses her cheek. “After we finish up the rest of this homework.”
“What are your finals looking like? I have one paper, and four presentations. Four! I mean, I’m glad I don’t have an actual test, but still. It’s a lot to remember.”
“Is the paper for Mind, Brain, and Evolution?”
“Yeah, I’ve already started it. Do you think when I finish it you could give it a once over?”
“I’d be happy to, babe. I have a few presentations, two of them are group projects which is super annoying for a final. I’ll be happy when this semester is over.”
“Me too. I get two weeks off, and then I come back second week of January. We have a lot of games.”
“When does the season end? Do you ever get a break?”
“It technically ends at the beginning of February, but if we make it to the playoffs and championship it could be beginning of March, and then we get a break. We all still go to the gym and stuff together, but I get a couple of months where I can sleep in which is nice.” She grabs her laptop and so does he. “What do you do for winter break?” She asks without looking at him.
“I go home, I’m really excited. I’ve secured a paid internship at a law office. I’ll miss working in the bakery, but I can do that over the summer if I want. This’ll be a way better use of my time.”
“That’s really exciting, Har. Is that what you want to do? Law?”
“I’m not sure, honestly. I’m just trying out some different things. I really like what I’m learning in my ethics class, so I thought maybe law would be cool. It would mean a lot of extra school though, so we’ll see.” He shrugs. “Six whole weeks we won’t see each other, gonna miss me?” He grins.
“Shut up.” She nudges him. “We’ll just have to figure out when to FaceTime with the time change.”
“It’s only six hours ahead, it’ll be easy enough to figure out. I’ll be able to introduce you to all my friends…and, um, maybe my mum too?”
“I’d like that.” She smiles at him and gets back to her work.
The ride to Y/N’s house only takes about an hour and twenty minutes. Harry sat in the back and listened as Angie spoke about how the weekend would go.
“Harry, I hope you don’t mind staying in Y/N’s room. I guess I’m old fashioned that way.”
“Oh! It’s no problem at all. Your house, your rules. I’m grateful you invited me. It was really boring on campus last year.”
“We’re happy to have you, honey.” She smiles back at him and then looks at Y/N. “Your siblings have a half day today, so they should be home around eleven.”
“What are their names again?” Harry asks as Angie pulls into driveway.
“Julie and Cooper.” Y/N says as she gets out.
Harry grabs their bags, and she leads him inside, and up the stairs.
“So, my mom’s bedroom is downstairs, makes it easier for her to be quiet on the late nights, and then all of ours are up here.” Y/N explains. “Here’s my room. My sister and I have a Jack and Jill bathroom, and then there’s another on down the hall.”
She pushes the door open and Harry gazes around. Her room was…shocking. It was a lot different from her room from school. The walls were a light pink, and her bedding was baby blue. She had plenty of trophies, but she also had posters of boy bands. There was a huge Jonas Brothers poster on the wall opposite of the bed. She also had a large poster of Zac Efron, and Tyler Seguin.
“It’s a little outdated in here, I just never think to redecorate.” She shrugs.
“No, it’s, um, it’s cute.” He clears his throat and puts his bag on her bed.
“Here, I’ll show you the bathroom.”
“And I’ll share this with you and your sister?”
“Yeah, but if you feel more comfortable you can use the one down the hall.”
She opens the door and shows him where he can put his things, if he wants, and then she shows him her sister’s room, which was a mess. She had a set of bunk beds, which had clothes all over them.
“Ugh, I told her she needed to clean up in here.” Y/N rolls her eyes. “Sorry about that.” She shuffles him back into her room.
“No worries, looks like any other house.” He smiles.
They both go downstairs and she shows him the rest of the house. Angie was working to whip up some sandwiches for lunch.
“You have a lovely home.” Harry says as he and Y/N sit down at the kitchen island.
“Oh, thank you, sweetheart.” She smile and places two sandwiches in front of them.
“Thanks, mum.”
“I have to go do some work in the office, let Julie and Coop know there’s lunch made when they come in.” She smiles and leaves the kitchen.
“Your mum is really nice.”
“She loves it when she has all of us home, and she loves being a host.”
“I cannot believe you did that!”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!”
“Oh boy.” Y/N sighs. “They’re home.”
“I’m never driving your friends home ever again, in fact, you can fucking walk!” Julie storms into the kitchen and stops short.
“Technically, that’s my car, and I say you have to drive him.”
“Y/N!” Julie smiles and hugs her sister. “Cooper and his friend decided to spill the beans that I have a crush on my friend Brian, and Brian just so happened to be in the front seat of my car.”
She huffs and grabs a sandwich. Y/N puts her hands on her hips and looks at Cooper.
“Why would you do that?”
“It just slipped out.” He shrugs and hugs her. “Oh, yum, mum made sandwiches.” He snatches one and looks at Harry, so does Julie.
“Sorry, this is my boyfriend, Harry.”
“It’s nice to meet you both.”
Julie’s jaw drops when she hears his accent. She goes over to Y/N and whispers in her ear.
“You didn’t say he was British!”
“I can hear you.” Harr whispers and smirks.
“Sorry, um, it’s just…I wish I had known sooner. Our production at school is Mary Poppins, I’m Mary Poppins, and it just would have been nice to listen to you talk so I could study a real accent. I’ve just been watching videos of Julie Andrews.”
“Wow! You’re the lead, that’s so cool. Will we get to see it?”
“Mhm, opening was last weekend, but we always do a show during Thanksgiving break. Friday night.” She smiles and then heads upstairs.
“Clean up the clothes up there!” Y/N yells after her.
“Cooper, Y/N tells me you play hockey too, has your season started?”
“Not until after the holidays.” He finishes up his sandwich. “Not that it matters.” He rolls his eyes.
“Why do you say that?” Y/N asks.
“Because I’m a freshman on the varsity team, I’m gonna be riding the bench the whole season.”
“You made vars for a reason, they’ll let you play.” Y/N assures him, and then he leaves.
“You’re all so talented. Your sister is a lead in a play, your brother’s on the varsity team, and you…well, everything about you is amazing.”
“Harry.” She pouts and then kisses him. “You’re so sweet.”
“So, what are the plans for tonight?”
“Well, my mom is gonna go to the bar to work and to prep some of the food for tomorrow.”
“Does she need help?”
“Nope, she makes a lot of it advance. Most if it thawing in the fridges probably. We’ll hang out here for a bit, and then we’ll go to my friend Max’s house for a kickback.”
“Max, huh?”
“Just a friend.” She smiles and then furrows her brows. “I think you’re, like, my first real boyfriend.” She blushes.
“Awwww.” He squishes her face and kisses her. “I’m honored.”
Harry and Y/N mostly hang out in her room. Julie was mindlessly singing in her room, and Cooper was playing video games in his. Y/N ends up heating up a lasagna that Angie left for them for dinner.
“I need my car tonight.” She tells Julie.
“Max is having a party.”
“Can I come?”
“Why not?!”
“Don’t you have your own friends to hang out with?” Y/N groans. “I’m not bringing you to a party where a bunch of my friends are going to be drinking and smoking and whatever else, plus, you need to stay home with Coop.”
“I’m fifteen, I don’t need a babysitter.” He scoffs.
“Can you both please just give me a break? I’m only home for a few days, and I just want one night to go see my friends.”
“Will you take us Black Friday shopping?” Julie asks.
“Okay, your keys are in the bowl by the door.”
Harry and Y/N get ready in her room, and let Julie and Cooper know that they’re heading out and will be home a little after midnight. She needed to be home before her mom.
“So, how long have you been friends with Max? You’ve never mentioned him before.”
“Known him since elementary school, became good friends in eighth grade, became even better friends in high school. We talk when we can. He goes to a school a few hours away, and we’re both busy.” She shrugs. “Some other friends will be there too: Michelle, Brandy, Ryan, Candace, and probably others. Max has a big basement.”
She pulls up in front of his house, and goes around back to where the basement door was. She walks right in, and she squeals along with some other people. It was hugs all around. She introduces Harry to everyone, and grabs a couple of drinks out of the cooler. There were people vaping, and there were other people smoking weed.
“Y/N!” Max exclaims.
He lifts her up and spins her around, and kisses her cheek. Harry clears his throat.
“Max, this is my boyfriend, Harry. Remember, I told you I was bringing him?”
“Oh, right.” He shakes Harry’s hand. “Nice to meet you, man.”
“Same here.”
Harry looked hot tonight. He had his contacts in, he was wearing his black ripped jeans, and a dark green sweater. He puts his arm around Y/N’s shoulders and takes a sip of his drink. Harry stays sort of quiet as Y/N catches up with her friends, but she never leaves his side. She tells all of them how she and Harry met, and she kisses his cheek. It felt nice to finally bring a real date around her friends. Harry notices how attentive Max is to Y/N. Offering her a new drink just about every time her current one was empty.
They all get into a game of flip cup for a bit, and then someone starts playing really good music so a few people start to dance.
“Did you all party like this in high school?” Harry asks Y/N as he grips her hips.
“God, no! We’d usually just watch movies or hang out down here. We started having parties like this over the summer.”
“His parents can’t hear?”
“They’re not home! Everyone’s down at my mom’s bar drinking. She always does this big special the night before Thanksgiving. No one wants to cook the night before, you know?”
She wraps her arms around his neck and grinds her front against his. They were having a great time.
“Damn, Y/N’s boyfriend is hot!” Michelle says to Max.
“I guess.” He mumbles.
“What are you so bent out of shape for?” Ryan asks.
“I don’t know…I forgot she was bringing him home. I didn’t think things were this serious, look at them!”
“She told me that they love each other.” Michelle says.
“Not helping.” Max groans. “It’s my own fucking fault. Should have made a move last summer.”
“Didn’t you guys make out?” Ryan asks.
“We kissed, and that was forever ago. It was summer before we went for freshman year. She hadn’t been kissed and neither had I, and we both wanted our first kiss to be special, so we got it over with, with each other. Neither of us ever talked about it again, but I wish I had. Now she’s kissing someone else.” He sighs.
And she was. Her tongue was inside Harry’s mouth. Her period was making her extra needy for him. She pulls him back towards the couch in the basement. There were plenty of other people making out, so it wasn’t a big deal. He sits down and she sits on one of his thighs, not wanting to straddle him and risk leaking. She tugs at his hair and attaches her lips to his neck. He gropes at her ass and bites his bottom lip as she sucks on his soft skin.
“Do you think, um, you’ll be able to drive back to my house?” She says into his ear.
“Are you about ready to go?”
“Mhm.” She grins. “But I want you to drive us out somewhere first, somewhere I’ve always wanted to go with someone special.”
He smiles and nods. They both get up and say their goodbyes. Y/N hugs her friends, and gives Max an extra squeeze before leaving. She tells Harry where to go, and they end up parked out on this hill that has a beautiful view of the water and the nearby city.
“Wow.” He says. There are other cars parked and he smirks. “Did you bring me to a make out spot?”
“Maybe.” She grins. “I’ve only ever been here during the day. Wanna get in the back?”
He nods and they both get into the back seat. She kisses on him before inching down his body and undoing his jeans. She tugs his cock out and she starts pumping him. He holds her hair back while she gets her lips around him.
“Fuck.” He breathes.
She swirls her tongue around his tip and then licks around his shaft before sucking on him again. She moans around him and his eyes roll into the back of his head. She bobs her head up and down on him, and he starts to carefully thrust his hips up and move her head. He was fucking her mouth, he couldn’t help it. She was so wet and warm and perfect, and she was just letting him take control.
“Y/N.” He moans. “Feels so fucking good.”
She moans around him again, and he loses it without warning. She gags on him for a second, but she’s able to take it all, and then she swallows. She breathes heavily as she pops off him. She tucks him back into his pants and he pulls her face down to his. He bites and sucks on her bottom lip.
“How heavy is your flow?” He breathes.
“Don’t even go there.” She laughs and pulls away from him.
“Just wanna take care of you, baby.”
“It’s okay.” She smiles. “Come on, we need to get back to my house.”
Harry drives them back to her house, and they get inside. They both do their nightly routines and she gives him a kiss goodnight. She crawls into the bottom bunk of her in her sister’s room and settles in.
“Hey.” Julie whispers.
“Hey.” Y/N whispers back. “Do you always sleep on the top bunk?”
“No, I just thought it would be easier for you when you got in.”
“Oh.” She laughs. “Thanks.”
“Did you have fun?”
“Mhm, I took Harry to the lookout on that hill after the party. It was nice. Are you still upset about the Brian thing?”
“No.” She giggles. “He texted me and told me he liked me too. We’re gonna go out Saturday after the matinee. I’m excited for you to see the show.”
“That’s great! And me too.”
“Is it torturous to have Harry in your bed without you?”
“A little, but I don’t wanna disrespect mom. This’ll be fine for a few days. I have my period anyways, so it’s not like we can do much.”
“What was your first time like?”
“It was…special.” She smiles to herself.
The girls stay up talking until they fall asleep.
The next morning, Y/N crawls into her bed with Harry to have a little snuggle. They giggle and get up eventually. They all take turns showering and getting ready before going downstairs. Y/N drives them all to the restaurant to meet Angie there and help get everything set up.
“Wow.” Harry says as they walk into the bar. “This place is huge.”
“Yeah! We have live bands here and stuff, it’s so cool.” She walks him to the back where food was cooking.
“Smells so good back here.” He says.
“Thanks!” Angie says.
Everyone helps set up the tables and chairs, and family slowly starts to show up. Y/N introduces Harry to her aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents. The long table was full of laughing and loud conversations. Harry really enjoyed the food that Angie had put together. He was happy to see that Y/N came from a really loving family.
They all take a nap after getting home, and then wake up around eleven to go to the mall for Black Friday shopping. They spend a few hours there, shopping for holiday gifts, and head home around two in the morning. Harry had so much fun, never having gone shopping like that before. Saturday, Angie takes everyone to Julie in Mary Poppins for a matinee. Julie was very talented, and Harry secretly hoped she was able to go to school in New York like she wanted. Saturday evening Harry plays video games with Cooper in the living room while Y/N spends some alone time with her mom. Things were going really well until the doorbell rang. Cooper sighs and pauses the game. He looks out the window first to see who it is.
“Shit.” He says and runs to the back of the house where Y/N and Angie were in the office. “Dad’s here.”
“What?!” Angie says. “Christ, he must’ve come to see Julie today. I’m glad she’s out with Brian.”  
Y/N and Angie walk out to the living room, and Angie opens the door, crossing her arms.
“What do you want, Robert?”
“It’s Thanksgiving weekend, I just wanted to see the kids.”
“You don’t have any sort of custody over them for a reason, you need to leave.”
“Y/N? Is that you? How’s school, honey?”
Y/N scoffs and rolls her eyes. Harry isn’t sure what to do expect put his arm around her as they sit on the couch. Cooper sits closely on her other side.
“I saw Julie perform today, she was amazing.”
“Yes she was, and I’ll pass the message along, now please go.” She steps forward and whispers. “I don’t want to have to call the police.”
“I just want to see my kids.”
“You have two other kids, go be with them and your wife. Does she know you drove all the way out here?”
“Robert, get out of here. They don’t want to see you.”
She goes back inside and slams the door shut in his face. She locks it up and looks out the window to make sure he leaves. He sticks an envelope in the mailbox and gets into his car. She sighs heavily and plops down onto the couch.
“I’m so sorry about that.” She more so says to Harry. “He does this around most holidays.”
“It’s alright.” Harry assures her. “Every family has their issues.”
“Well, I don’t know about you all, but I’m pooped, and I need to take you back in the morning, so I may turn in.” She kisses Cooper on the top of his head and goes to her room.
After Julie gets home, and dishes about her date with Brian, Y/N goes to cuddle with harry for a bit. He wanted to ask what exactly happened with her dad, but he didn’t want to pry.
“That was really embarrassing earlier, I’m sorry about that.”
“Don’t be, babe.”
“It’s just…like, ten years ago, we found out he was having an affair. He was shit to us, but amazing to this other woman. He had two kids with her, and was giving all of his money to her. My mom won full custody in court, all three of us said we wanted nothing to do with him, and she had a really good lawyer. It sucked, but we got through it. He ended up marrying her…and…well, we think he had a drinking problem or something, so now he’s trying to make up for lost time. Maybe someday I’ll forgive him, but right now I can’t stand him.”
“I’m so sorry.” He caresses her cheek. “That had to have been really hard.”
“The three of us had to see a therapist together, it was wild.”
Harry wasn’t sure what to say. His parents divorced when he was really little, and he had a decent enough relationship with his father. He really couldn’t relate, but what he could do was sit and listen as she spoke, and gives her back gentle rubs as she continued to explain her trauma.
“Harry, do you mind if I drop you off first, sweetheart? I’m going to take Y/N grocery shopping.” Angie says as they approach the exit for campus.
“Not at all! Works for me.”
“Unless…do you need groceries?”
“I’ll go with my roommates later, they have a car, but thank you.”
He thanks her again for having him for the weekend, and tells Y/N he’ll text her later. Angie and Y/N go grocery shopping and she helps her get everything into her apartment.
“So…” Angie says. “I like him a lot. He’s very sweet, Y/N.”
“Yeah, he is.” They both sit down on her couch. “Thanks again for letting him stay for the weekend. I’m happy he got to meet everyone.”
“You really like each other, huh?”
“Well…we sort of love each other mom.”
“Oh, honey.” She puts her hand over hers. “I’m so happy you have someone that makes you feel this way, but try not to get too wrapped up, okay? He’s your first real boyfriend, and he lives in London when he’s not here, and-“
“We’re nineteen, I’m not saying we’re getting married, can you calm down?” She laughs.
“I just don’t want you getting heart broken when things get hard over the summer when you can’t be together all the time. Winter break is one thing, but three entire months apart…anything could happen.”
“I don’t know if he goes home for the entire summer. Louis and Niall don’t because of soccer. We haven’t talked about it yet. We’re just going with the flow.”
“Alright.” Her mom smiles. “I just worry about you, that’s all. You’re all growing up so fast.”
Y/N and her mom hug before she leaves, and then Y/N goes upstairs to unpack her bags. She gets a reminder on her phone that she needs to register for classes tomorrow morning. She had already spoken with her advisor about it, but she wanted Harry’s opinion on her gen eds.
Y/N: mom’s gone, are you around?
Harry: yeah! Just got back from the store, wanna come over?
Y/N: be there in ten!
Y/N puts her laptop in her backpack, and makes her way to Harry’s apartment.
“Hey.” He smiles and lets her in. “Long time no see.” He says sarcastically.
“I know, feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.” She rolls her eyes and goes right up to his room. “I get to register for classes tomorrow, wanna see what my plan is?”
“I get to register tomorrow too! Yeah, let’s compare.” They each show each other their major courses, and then Harry squints at her gen eds. “Wait, you’re going to take the Art of Film for your creative thought requirement?”
“Yeah, Megan took it and said it was really easy. You just watch movies and talk about how they’re made.”
“I’m gonna take that too! Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:30, right?”
“Yeah!” She can’t help but squeal. “We’re gonna be in a class together? Wow, I bet you’re super sexy in class, all serious and taking notes. I don’t know how I’ll be able to concentrate.” She winks at him and giggles.
“It’ll, um, certainly give us an excuse to do homework together.” He was blushing.
“Mhm.” She closes both of their laptops and moves to sit in his lap. She kisses on his neck and wraps his arms around her back.
“Do you still have your period?”
“No.” She smiles against his neck.
“Thank god.”
Y/N yelps as Harry moves her to pin her down on his bed. He lifters her shirt up over her breasts and he frowns when he sees her sports bra.
“Why’d you even bother with this thing, huh?”
“I wasn’t going to bounce around while I walked over here!”
“But you had a coat on, no one would have noticed, just making things so difficult for me.” He pouts and helps her out of her shirt and bra. “There we are, hi girls.”
“Harry.” She giggles. “Stop being so silly.”
“Can’t help it.” He kneads her breasts and rubs his thumbs over her nipples. He stops and then he looks at her.
“I think…I mean, I know you’re my girlfriend and all, but…you’re like my best friend, Y/N. I can just always be myself around you.”
She pulls his face down to hers. She felt the same way. Harry had become Y/N’s best friend. Things weren’t always sexual between them. They were able to joke around, sending gifs and memes to each other over text, tagging each other in tik toks the each thought the other would find funny. After she’s done sucking on his bottom lip she looks up at him smiles.
“I feel the same way.”
He smiles and dips his head down to suck on one of her nipples, and his hand slips inside her sweatpants. He pets her over her underwear at first, and then slips inside so he can really feel her. She groans as he rubs over her clit and moves to suck on her other nipple. If every moment between them could be like this, Y/N would be happy forever.
Reality was setting in as finals got closer and closer. Harry got busier tutoring other people, and even though he still made time to go to Y/N’s games, they weren’t able to hang out as much. They were able to meet up for a few holiday parties between their various friend groups, and that way great and all, but sleepovers were few and far between. They were able to practice some presentations together, and Harry did look over Y/N’s paper for Mind, Brain, and Evolution, but they both just couldn’t wait for finals to be over.
With finals being over, though, that meant they both would be leaving for the end of the semester. Finals week itself was more chill than the week leading up to it. Y/N and Harry had a sleepover almost every night, and she found herself waking up and crying a couple of times because she was going to miss him so much, and seeing her like that broke his fucking heart. She was such a sweet girl, and only he really got to see this side of her.
“It’ll be okay, baby, we’ll FaceTime and stuff, it’ll go by quickly.”
“I know.” She sniffles. “Just thinking about it makes me sad, though. Campus was so quiet last winter break. It’s boring having nothing to do but practice and go to games.”
“I wish I could stay…I should have tried to find an internship here, or something.”
“No, it’s okay. I don’t want you doing something like that just for me. It’s just gonna suck at first, but it’ll be nice to look forward to seeing you.”
She stayed in his arms as long as she could until Angie came to pick her up for the couple of weeks she’d be home. It was a teary goodbye to say the least.
Final grades came out after Christmas and Y/N nearly passed out when she saw she had received straight A’s. For the first time in her life she was an A student. It had to have been because of Harry. He really was a good study skills tutor. She couldn’t wait to tell him how well she did. She took a picture of her final grades and texted him. He almost immediately called her.
“Babe! What are you doing up? It’s like the middle of the night over there, isn’t it?”
“It is, but I heard my phone buzz, and then I saw your text. Congratulations! I’m so proud of you.”
“It was all thanks to you…”
“No, you put so much work in, that was all you.”
“How were your grades?”
“Sraight A’s, same as you.” He yawns.
“You need to go back to sleep.” She giggles.
“But I like your voice.”
“I like yours too, but we can talk tomorrow when we’ve both gotten some sleep.”
“Okay, baby, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Harry was enjoying interning at the law office, and most days he would tell Y/N all about it. One evening they plan a FaceTime so Y/N can “meet” Anne and Gemma. Y/N was back on campus after the holidays so she didn’t have to worry about her siblings or mom embarrassing her. It was a great chat, Y/N spoke about why she was majoring in business, and what it was like to play hockey, and how she was looking forward to the season ending in a month or so.
“She’s very nice, Harry.” Anne tells him after they hang up.
“I know.” He says, proudly.
“You must miss her a lot.” Gemma says. “What are you going to do about summer?”
“Oh, Harry, please don’t stay in America over the summer.” Anne says.
“Wasn’t planning on it mum. I was sort of hoping she could come here for a visit when the lads and I go out to Italy for our annual holiday.”
“That’s like a three week trip you lot take, you better ask her soon so she can save up for the air fare.” Anne says.
“I know, I’m gonna run it by her when I get back. I didn’t wanna freak her out or anything. I can’t wait to see her. We have a class together this semester, so even if we both get busy we’ll be able to see each other.” Anne and Gemma look at each other and then back to Harry. “What?”
“It’s just nice to see you so smitten.” Gemma says. “Didn’t think you’d want to be so serious with someone in uni.”
“I didn’t either, but she took me by surprise. She’s just very real and herself, and I like that. Some of the girls at school are so fake sometimes, pretending to like things just because I do.”
“Aw, poor thing, it’s so terrible being liked by so many people.” Anne teases him and he rolls his eyes.
“S’not was I was saying. I’m done with this conversation, you both are so annoying.” He groans and leaves to go to his room. Anne and Gemma giggle with each other.
The other teams on campus were basketball and wrestling. A lot of the girls on the basketball team were with a lot of the girls on the hockey team, so Y/N would often go to their parties. She felt a little better about going to a party where there would be more girls, it just got difficult when Amanda and Gina would leave with a girl, and Y/N had to walk alone to her apartment. She knew she was safe, but it was creepy in the winter from it being so quiet. She missed her dance partner terribly.
What Harry hadn’t told her is that since he lived off campus, he didn’t have to follow the confines of the move in schedule, so he, Louis, and Niall, all came back a week early on the same flight. He was planning to surprise her at a home game. He bought flowers and went to the ice arena with the guys. Y/N’s eyes grew wide when she spotted him in the stands.
“That son of a bitch!” She said to herself very excitedly. Now she had to get through the entire game before running into his arms.
They played a great game and won, 3-1. Y/N rips her padding off and runs out into the arena only in her under armor not caring who saw, and she squeals when she sees Harry. His face lights up when he sees her running towards him. He opens up his arms and she jumps into them. She wraps her legs around his waist and slots her lips over his.
“I.” Kiss. “Missed.” Kiss. “You.” Kiss. “So.” Kiss. “Much.” She couldn’t stop kissing him.
“I missed you too.” He giggles. “You’re crushing the flowers I got you.” He snakes them out to show her.
“Thank you so much!” She kisses him again. “Ugh, I have to shower and stuff.” She pouts.
“S’alright, I can wait for you, or I can come to your place once you’re done here, whatever you want.” He lets her down and she smiles up at him.
“Come to my place in an hour, okay?” She takes the flowers from him.
“I’ll be there.”
She runs back into the locker room she can shower and get ready. She was extremely excited to see Harry for multiple reasons.
“Do you want us to go find somewhere else to be for a bit?” Amanda asks as they all walk to their apartment.
“Yeah, we can go downtown for food or something.”
“You guys are so nice. Maybe just stay downstairs?”
The girls nods and giggle as they make their way inside their apartment. Y/N rushes to clean up her disaster of a room. She picks out a thing she knows Harry will want to rip off and puts a pair of leggings on with it. She throws on a t-shirt without a bra, and waits for him. She was getting wet just thinking about the sex they were about to have.
Amanda lets Harry in and he goes right up to Y/N’s room.
“Babe?” He says as he goes in.
She lunches towards him and pushes him up against the now closed door, locking it while she kisses him. He lifts her up and brings her over to the bed. He gets on top of her and grinds against her. She groans as she gets his shirt off. His hands were a little cold from being outside, but she didn’t care. She wanted him to touch her all over.
“Good break?” He breathes as he moves to take her shirt off, attaching his lips to her breasts, leaving hot, wet kisses behind.
“Mhm, you?”
“Can’t complain too much.”
He yanks her leggings down and grins at her flimsy thing. He flips her body over and she giggles as he kneads her bum cheeks. He kisses down her back and down one of her cheeks while taking her thong off. He spreads her legs and licks into her from behind.
“Oh my god.” She gasps and he moans into her.
“So wet for me already?”
“Been like this since I saw you at the game.” She whines. “Please take care of me.”
“I will baby, I will.”
He was surprised she was letting him do this since she didn’t like having her ass in his face usually, but he wasn’t going to question her on it. Once he’s had a good taste he stands up to take his pants off. She pulls him forward by his hips and she wraps her lips around him.
“Christ.” He groans. “Missed this so much.”
“Aw, did the naughty pictures I sent you not help enough?” She pouts up at him, spit dripping down on her chin.
“No they helped in the moment, and then just made things worse because I wanted to touch you.”
“Touch me now.” She nearly growls and yanks him on top of her.
Harry taps two of his fingers on her bottom lip and she opens up for him to suck on. She swirls her tongue around them before he takes them away, slipping them inside her. She reaches for a condom in her desk drawer while he fingers in. She felt like she was going to go cross eyed.
“Shit, Harry.” She pants and then he takes his fingers away. “What are you doing?!”
“I want us to come together.” He mumbles as he takes the condom from her, sliding it onto his dick. “Is that alright?”
“Yeah.” She smiles. “We can fuck all night, though, so don’t feel like this needs to be drawn out.”
“No party?”
“No there is, but I’d much rather stay in and be with you alone.”
He spreads her apart and pushes inside. He nearly nuts right there from how tight she is. He stays there a moment before moving.
“You’re so fucking tight.” He grunts.
“I tried using my own fingers while you were gone, but you do it so much better.” She wraps her legs around him and pulls him even closer, nails dragging down his back. “Feels so good, Har.”
“You feel amazing, been dreaming of this, baby girl.”
He fucks into her hard and quick, rubbing on her clit, and they both cry out as they come together. He collapses on top of her and she plays with his hair before he pulls out. They just snuggle and lay together for a bit, talking about their breaks. Harry kisses on Y/N and holds her close. They end up doing it again, nice and slow with her riding him, rocking back and forth until he can’t stand it anymore and takes over the pace. She throws some clothes and grabs them both some snacks before cuddling back up with her laptop for a movie.
“So, I get you to myself for an entire week?” She asks.
“Mhm.” He kisses her temple.
“Good, I missed your bed.” They both chuckle.
“I have something to ask you…I know it’s a ways away, but every summer since I was in high school my friends and I take this trip to Italy for a few weeks. My friend’s dad has a house on the water, and we rent a boat. We go fishing, and we even go camping for a couple of days. It’s incredible…we usually go end of July through early August.”
“Okay.” She looks up at him sort of confused.
“Well…I know the plane ticket would be expensive, but how would you like to come with me this summer? Sometimes they bring girlfriends too, so you wouldn’t be the only girl there, not that I think you’d care much about that.”
“You’d really want me around for that long?”
“Of course! Be a nice way to break up the summer for us, don’t you think?”
“Yeah.” She smiles. “I’d love to come out there…I’d just have to ask my mom. She really relies on my help during the summer. We get a lot of tourists so we’re super busy…”
“Even if it’s just ten days, doesn’t have to be the full three weeks, as much as I’d like you there the whole time.”
“I’ll talk to her about it for sure. That sounds like a dream!” She throws her arms around him and hugs him tight, kissing his cheek. “I’ve been to England before, you know?”
“How are you just telling me this now?” He laughs.
“I don’t know.” She laughs too. “I went during April vacation in high school my junior year, it was so much fun. So at least I’ve traveled internationally before. I bet she’ll be fine with it. A nice thing to look forward to.”
“Exactly.” He squishes his nose to hers and smiles.
Deep in her heart, Y/N knew she and Harry were still kids. He’d be twenty in a couple of weeks, but they were still so young. She loved him a lot and he loved her, and she knew it would be dumb to think super far ahead about their relationship. Right now, they were having a lot of fun, navigating college life together, and that was enough. It didn’t need to be overly serious. Y/N had a few friends that were seniors, and some of them acted like they were already married, playing house. She didn’t quite know where life was going to take her, and that was okay. She didn’t know where life was going to take Harry either, and that was okay too. They were both living in the moment, and absolutely fucking loving it.
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Blue Book- (11) 
Warnings: anger, stress, y/n briefly wants to murder felix, a lot of negative emotions, headaches, light suggestiveness, britney spears cameo (nah just kidding- or am i) 
Wc: 4.1k (finally a blue book part that’s longer than 2k)
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Stop. Stop thinking about her. Stop thinking about how she’s probably out with Minho right now, having fun and laughing over inside jokes.
Sometimes he wished he could just dig into his brain and remove all traces of you. He simply couldn't think of another way to truly get rid of you, eradicate every remnant that stayed in his brain, reminding him how he’d felt back then. 
Years had passed, and he still wasn't over it. There was a tiny part of him that thought maybe seeing you again would calm him down, and remind him that it wasn't a big deal. You'd changed, and he had too. It was time to get over petty high school grievances.
And yet, when he saw you with Minho again...he realized it simply wasn't possible. You were going to plague him for the rest of your life, and he knew it.
"I know pancakes are a weird choice for dinner but- Are you listening to me? Earth to Chan-"
Chan snapped back to reality, blinking as he stared at Felix, who pushed a plate of pancakes towards him, a concerned look on his face.
"I was asking you where you're staying at right now."
"Oh." Chan nodded thankfully, taking the fork and digging in. He was terribly hungry, and he'd missed Felix's cooking. His pancakes were always so soft and fluffy...a lot like him, to be honest.
To be honest, he didn't quite know yet. He hadn't left his parents on good terms, and now he found himself penniless unless he made up with them. Not one to beg, he'd decided to look around for a job. So far, he wasn’t all that successful. There was a heavy weight on his heart preventing him from truly committing to his work. He found it impossible to focus.
Felix sighed, taking a seat opposite him. " Chan...do you not have a place to stay?"
He shook his head finally, his gaze on the plate as he ate. He'd already told Felix the situation with his parents, somewhat. If his perception of Felix was right, he would be overcome with sympathy.
He was right. Felix wrung his fingers, his thoughts racing. He hated seeing the distraught expression on Chan's face. The words were on the tip of his tongue- the only thing stopping him was the thought of how you'd react.
You'd be pissed, beyond doubt.
Felix swallowed. Then again, this was his apartment. You didn't really have the right to oppose him if he wanted to let someone else stay for a bit. Besides, maybe he'd be able to talk some sense into you?
How bad could it be?
"Chan..." He began, inhaling.
"Do you want to stay here? At least until you find a place."
Chan sighed. There it was. He wasn’t surprised to find out he’d predicted correctly. Felix had been his best friend, after all. He knew him like the back of his hand. "Are you sure you...and your roommate...would be fine with it?"
"I'm positive." He lied, scratching the back of his neck as Chan groaned. 
He didn't really have another choice. Psyching himself up to agree, Chan sucked in a breath and pushed away his intruding emotions.
You knocked on the door, inhaling deeply as you ran through all the different ways you were going to murder Felix in your head. You couldn’t believe it. He really had the audacity to not only invite him over, but also neglect to inform you the same.
Tapping your foot, you rubbed your forehead as the door remained closed. Sighing, you dug into your bag for your keys, procuring them after a few seconds of searching through the crumpled chewing gum packets and loose coins. You really had to clear out your bag sometime.
You entered your apartment, yawning as you shed your coat, heading to the kitchen for a drink. Your throat was dry, your head pounding with stress. Ugh, what a bad day it had been. Marginally better due to the time you’d spent with Minho- but still bad. Chan’s sudden appearance really had put a damper on everything you’d done since then.
As you reached the kitchen, you stopped in your tracks.
Fuck. You turned around immediately when you saw who was sat at the table, an empty plate in front of him as he scrolled through his phone. He hadn’t seen you standing in the doorway. Yet.
Carefully, you started padding away as quietly as possible. Unfortunately, the gods really weren’t in the mood to smile upon you today.
His voice was tired, bare of any emotion whatsoever. You twisted your neck to look at him, opening your mouth and closing it. He was staring at you, his eyes devoid of feeling, his lips pressed in a thin line. You had no clue what to say. Looking at his face again brought back memories you’d much rather forget.
“It’s...nice to see you again.” He mumbled, tearing his gaze away from you.
‘Nice’ was really not the word. 
“Yeah. How have you been?” You managed to ask, swallowing the lump in your throat. He drummed his fingers on the table top as his mind searched for an appropriate response. You watched him, your heart clenching as you remembered the way his hand felt in yours. 
“Fine.” He finally decided to say. “I’ve been fine, more or less.” After all, he was used to lying.
“And you? Having fun with Minho?” There was a slight bite to his voice as he uttered the words, making you raise an eyebrow. Suddenly, the anger you harbored towards him was reignited. What was he implying? It shocked you that he could talk like that, without a trace of apology in his tone. As if it was you who’d betrayed him, and not the other way around.
“For your information, yes. We’re having a lot of fun.” You snapped, turning and leaving the kitchen to go straight to your room. Just read a book, listen to some music and calm yourself down. He’ll be gone soon.
Chan watched you walk away, his hands balling into fists. So you had absolutely no remorse, whatsoever. 
He bit his lip, hating the weird amalgamation of emotions that were gripping him like a vice. He’d felt envy flood him as you said it, rubbing it in his face. Shaking his head, he turned back to his phone, biting his lip.
You knocked on Felix's door, biting your lip in anger as you waited for him to open it. Tapping your foot, you shook your head. Why was he still here, even? He should be gone by now.
"Looking for Felix?"
You started, turning around with a glare on your face.
Shit. He was way too close to you, his face inches away from yours. All you'd have to do is lean in just the tiniest bit, and your lips would be on his...
"He went out. Errands. Won't be back till tonight."
You groaned, taking a step back as you rolled your eyes. "Okay, whatever."
Chan watched you, an amused smile making its way onto his face. He'd flustered you a little, that much was evident. He wasn't quite sure yet if that was something to be proud of...but it was the little victories that counted, right? A part of him was glad that he still managed to have some sort of effect on you, even after all these years.
"You know if it's important, you can always tell me. Is there anything I can get you?"
You scoffed, shaking your head as you backed up further, your hand on the doorknob. "This is my home." you reminded him, his incredulous sentence rubbing you the wrong way.
Chan almost felt bad for you.
Shrugging, he turned to walk away. "Not anymore."
"Huh?" His words took a while to sink into your brain, and you raised your eyebrow in confusion. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Y/n...is that any way to talk to your new roommate?"
No. No way. Felix wouldn't...
"Not forever." He shrugged, his hand running through his hair. "Just until I find a permanent place to stay. Until then though, I'll be here."
This couldn't be happening. The anger was increasing slowly, rage directed to your roommate as well as the man in front of you. 
Chan looked back at you, sighing as he noted the upset expression growing on your face. Did you really hate him that much?
"Look. I'll stay out of your hair." He muttered, his tone clipped. "I don't think it will be that difficult for us to co-exist if we manage to be civil to each other."
You pressed your lips together in a thin line. "Sure. I don't care." You had already planned on remaining in your room for the entirety of his stay, however impractical that would be. You weren’t ready to dig up all that trauma from your teenhood just yet.
Chan gritted his teeth, his eyes searching yours as he thought of what else to say. The atmosphere was tense- too many things left unsaid, half spoken promises lingering in the air between you. It was frustrating, yet Chan held himself back. He was an adult now. There was no space for immaturity or trivial grudges in his life currently- no, he had to stay strong. With his credentials, it would be fairly easy to land a job. He just had to speed the process up, and soon enough he’d be out of this apartment. 
So he took a deep breath and gave you a smile, turning around to go back to the kitchen. He prided himself in his decision, a small first step to eliminating his inability to let go.
You watched as he left, chewing on your lip. Your heart hammered against your ribcage as you turned to go back into your room, grabbing your phone and dialing Felix’s number aggressively.
“Where the fuck are you?”
“Um, I left to grab some groceries-”
“Did you really offer to let him stay at our place?” You asked, your tone calm as you gripped the bed sheets.
“W-well...yeah..” You heard him gulp on the line. “It’s just for a few days, Y/n, till he gets a job-”
“And do you know how long that’s going to take?” You hissed, rubbing your temple as you heard his footsteps in the kitchen.
“I...look, Y/n. You have every right to be angry. I’m sorry, I should have checked with you first before making a decision.”
“No shit.”
A sigh. “Look, I won’t be home till evening. Please um...keep it mature. Again, I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, cutting the call and throwing your phone onto the mattress. It was going to be fine, as long as you stayed away. The apartment was small, so you couldn’t avoid running into him, though...whatever. It’d be fine, you’d be able to hold yourself out for a few days, if Felix was to be believed. You rubbed your forehead, groaning.
You were in dire need of a nap. 
Sighing, you fell back onto the cushy pillows, curling up on the mattress. Your head was throbbing with the beginnings of a headache. You needed a glass of water, but you weren’t going to leave your room today, at least until Felix comes back.
You hated the way your heart was still pounding, your emotions a jumbled mess. It was natural, right? To be this affected? He was your first love, after all. And he’d betrayed you. 
At first, you didn’t want to believe it. There was a part of you that hoped a tiny part of Chan had actually loved you, a part that hoped Minho was lying. But then you’d asked Felix about the ‘bet’, and the guilty look on his face told you everything you needed to know. 
Of course it had been suspicious, the popular guy coming up to talk to you- a lonely new kid who barely anyone talked to, especially when half his friend group were cold to you. But the more time you spent with him, the more you had begun to feel like he truly did love you. Was it even possible to fake emotions as well as he had? Chan was a good actor.
After you left, Chan never acknowledged the message you’d sent him. Not at all. You’d poured your heart out, for nothing. It had been the final nail in the coffin, the final incident convincing you that he’d never truly loved you back.
You sighed and sat up to switch the lights off, flooding the room in darkness as you buried your face in the pillow. There was complete silence in the room for a few minutes, and you let out a peaceful hum, snuggling further into the blanket. Sleep was beginning to overtake you slowly, your eyes closing as you slipped further into dreamland. You slept for about an hour, untroubled.
That is, until there was a loud crash from beyond the door, forcing you to shoot up and rub your eyes, anger coursing through you. You threw the blankets off your figure, storming up to your door and flinging it open. Ugh, fuck this. Fuck staying in your room and not causing trouble. You needed an outlet for this pent up anger, or you were going to fucking lose it.
“What the fuck was that?” You called out loudly, only to be returned with complete silence. Standing in the middle of the empty living room, you furrowed your brows in confusion.
The bathroom door opened just as you were ready to turn around and head back into your room. Swiveling around, you glared at Chan as he stepped out, a rather innocent look on his face. Innocent...nothing like the fact that he was fresh out of the shower, naked except for a towel wrapped around his waist.
For a minute, you were rendered dumb. Your eyes watched as his dripping wet hair trailed droplets of water down his torso, down the ridges of his abs and disappearing into the towel. You didn’t even know he looked like that underneath those clothes...
“Hey. Sorry for the noise.” Chan mumbled, pushing his hair back as he closed the door behind him. “The shower caddy fell down randomly. Don’t worry, I fixed it.” 
His blank expression slowly transformed into something more devious as he shut the door. He smirked as he observed your expression, his ego boosting as he realized he was the reason you were speechless.
“I- well-” You grunted and shook your head. “You fucked up my nap. Thanks a fucking lot.” You grumbled, crossing your arms as you kept your gaze fixed on his face. “Now if there’s nothing else, I’ll be leaving.” You coughed, voice slightly shaky as you desperately tried to conceal your burning cheeks, 
“And...put some clothes on.” You grumbled before heading back. Before you could, though, you felt a hand wrapping around your wrist, pulling you back towards him.
Stopping yourself before you could stumble too close to him, you looked up at him angrily, yanking your wrist away. “What?” You hissed.
“You don’t look too well.” He said, lifting his hand to your forehead. Before he could press his hand to your skin though, you backed away out of his reach.
“I’m perfectly fine. It’s just a tiny headache.” You lied, your head throbbing with a migraine even as you said it.
“Hm.” Chan’s face softened a little as he sighed. “A headache? Do you need water? I have some pills that could help numb the pain.”
You shook your head vehemently. “I don’t want anything you offer me.” You tried to ignore the flash of hurt in his eyes as you said the words. No, Chan wasn’t the victim here, you were. What right did he have to display vulnerability?
“Fine.” Chan opened his mouth, looking like he had more to say. For a second, he contemplated blurting everything out then and there. He wanted you to know the pain he’d been living with through his years...he wanted you to know that despite your betrayal, you were all that was a constant in his mind. And yet, as he continued watching your icy glare, he knew you weren’t in a position to be amicable. 
“Get some rest.” He muttered, anger seeping in again at your coldness, mixing with the concern that was still etched into his heart.
“That’s what I was fucking doing before you woke me up so rudely.”
Ugh. God, he really did have enough of your behavior. 
“Stop being a brat, Y/n. Just because you’re sick doesn’t mean you get to be snippy with me. You have no right to be angry.”
The fuck? Oh, this entitled prick- 
“I have every right to be! This is my house you just barged into, I make the rules here. So shut up and leave me alone.” You spat out, clenching your fists.
Chan felt an unknown urge creep through his being as you continued your remarks, scrunching his eyes shut and trying to calm himself down for a second. Okay, so this definitely wasn’t the sunshiney Y/n he’d once known. 
“Felix asked me to stay, I didn’t barge in.. God, you really are a bitch. I’m a guest here, and yet you’re treating me like-”
That was the last straw. You inhaled deeply, feeling your headache grow worse as your anger amplified. You’d had enough. Biting your lip, you shoved past him and headed for the front door. You couldn’t be in the same space as this dickhead for a second longer.
“Where are you going?” His voice was confused, as he turned to look at you storming out in your pajamas.
“Fuck you. Away from here.” You explained, flashing him one last glare over your shoulder as you slammed the door behind you.
Chan stood in the middle of the room, letting out a deep sigh at your sudden departure. 
What was he going to tell Felix? He’d promised himself that he’d keep it civil. 
He seemed to be breaking a lot of promises lately...
You stood outside of the door, leaning against it and trying to calm down your breathing, chest heaving. Just the sight of him brought back memories you wished you could bury. How could you be expected to live in the same place as him without wanting to tear out your eyeballs?
Just when you’d thought you were finally moving on, he barreled his way back into your life. It wasn’t like you hadn’t tried to be mature. 
You just wanted him to know you were no longer the meek little optimistic girl you once had been. Adult life has a cruel way of opening your eyes. 
Rose colored lenses eventually lead to dismay and disappointment. 
You didn’t realize you were going to Minho’s apartment until you reached his door, hand poised over the door to knock. Breathing in, you firmly rapped on the wood. A few minutes of silence passed, and you tilted your head in confusion. Minho usually answered the door right away, without too much delay.
You waited a bit before deciding to ring the doorbell, heaving a sigh of relief when the door finally opened, revealing a smiling Minho.
“Hey, thought it was you. I was in the shower.” Clearly. His hair was slightly wet and he’d clearly pulled on the first shirt he could find- unless he actually liked wearing 2009 Britney Spears t-shirts around the house.
Why was the universe chucking so many soaking wet boys at you today? At least Minho was clothed.
You chuckled as you pointed out the motif on the shirt. “’Oops I Did It Again’? Really?”
He shook his head, crossing his arms. “Hey, that music video is a masterpiece. Did you know it was released on my birthday?”
You giggled. “Of course it was.”
He smiled, before standing up straighter. “Wait, why are you here?”
You pursed your lips playfully. “Do I need a reason to visit one of my best friends?”
“Of course you don’t. We just spent time together in the afternoon, though. Is there a reason you’re back so early?” He questioned, placing a finger on his chin and pretending like he was deep in thought. “Oh, got it. You can’t get enough of me.” He said smugly.
You rolled your eyes, walking in as he stood aside to let you in. Minho’s apartment was smaller than the one you shared with Felix, but a lot more nicely decorated. You flopped down onto the sofa, sighing. “That’s not it.” You shook your head. “It’s Chan.”
“Oh. Him.” Minho cleared his throat, crossing his arms as he came to sit down next to you. “What about him?” He asked carefully.
“He’s staying with us.”
“What?” Minho wasn’t sure he’d heard right for a moment, his eyebrows raising slightly.
“Yeah, Felix let him stay. Until he gets a job, apparently.” You groaned, slipping off your shoes and curling your knees up to your chest. “I can’t stand being around him. Not after what he did to me. You understand, right?”
Minho stayed silent for a few minutes, swallowing the lump in his throat as he leaned back. “Right…”
You watched Minho, frowning at his expression. “Anyway, as I said, I couldn’t stay there. Um, can I crash here for a few days? He said he’ll get a job soon and move out, so it’ll be quick.”
Minho’s eyes widened. “Oh? Yeah! You can! You can stay.” He blurted, trying not to seem too eager. His ears turned a light shade of red as he watched you nod in relief, snuggling further into the cushions. “I’ll take the couch.” You mumbled, eyes fluttering as you rubbed your forehead for the millionth time.
“No, you take my bed. I’m alright on the couch.”
You opened an eye, shaking your head. “Minho, this is your home. Unlike Chan, I’m a good house guest.”
“Yeah but... I don’t want you out here on the couch alone. This isn’t exactly a nice neighborhood.”
You sat up, sighing. “I’d feel bad stealing your bed while you sleep on this lumpy couch.”
“Aha! So you admit it’s uncomfortable! That’s it, you’re sleeping in my bed. Besides, it’s big enough for the two of us!” 
Minho wished he could take it back almost as soon as he said it. “Um, I mean…”
 You raised your eyebrows, shrugging. “Uh, no, it’s okay. I don’t mind.” You sat up, a little shakily as your head swam. “God, my head hurts.”
Minho shot up to his feet, sighing. “Come on, I’ll take you to bed.” He grabbed your hand gently, taking you to his bedroom and making you sit down on the edge. You hummed in content, eyes still closed as you burrowed under the covers, snuggling into Minho’s pillows that faintly smelled of his cologne. It was comforting, and soon you found sleep overtaking you.
Minho sighed as he watched you fall asleep, sitting on the edge of his bed. He was nowhere near sleepy and had originally been planning on making some dinner before you came, but now he didn’t want to leave you alone.
Groaning, he lay down on his mattress, pulling the sheets over his body and making sure to leave a respectful amount of distance between you.
He watched you for a while, your eyelashes fluttering slightly as you slept, chest rising and falling with your breaths.
He didn’t know what he was feeling, exactly. There were strong emotions gripping his heart, most of them towards you, and yet he couldn’t act on any of them. Hell, he couldn’t even comprehend half of them.
Minho turned to face the ceiling, eyes following the tiny crack in the plaster. He couldn’t deny it any longer. 
Guilt. The heavy weight sat on his heart was guilt. Thick, all consuming guilt, that threatened to swallow him whole unless he came clean.
He knew he didn’t deserve you...not just because of how he’d acted, but also because of what he was keeping from you. He didn’t deserve for you to accept his apologies, not after the way he’d treated you. Not after he’d kept the complete truth about Chan from you.
Was he being an asshole? Chan was once his friend. A close friend, one he spent every day with. And yet he’d screwed him over.
For a minute, he wondered what would happen if he told you that he’d been the one to make the bet. He’d made Chan continue with it despite his reluctance. He’d noticed Chan actually falling in love with you, and yet had brushed it over. 
Would you still be beside him now if you knew?
He doesn’t want to find out. No. 
There was moonlight streaming through his window, illuminating the entire room too brightly. The light, combined with the remorse, ensured a sleepless night.
He glanced at you again. At least he’d have you by his side. For now...
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nicknellie · 3 years
Anonymous requested: roommates Alex and Willie share a bed on the night of a storm and it becomes a habit, resulting with a confession and a kiss. (This was edited/simplified just to make it shorter.)
Sorry this has taken me so long to get round to! I absolutely loved the request and it was a joy to write, especially since I’m so stuck in my JatP feels for the anniversary. I’m always a sucker for a one bed trope too! I really hope you like it, thanks for the request!
Raging Storms and Lovesick Hearts
There were times that Alex wasn’t sure if moving in with Willie was the best decision he’d ever made or the worst. In many ways, it was a decision he would never go back on – living with Luke and Reggie had been fun during the day, but apparently neither of them had ever heard of sleep and decided to make that Alex’s problem, so now that he lived with Willie it was nice to finally know what it felt like to be well-rested. It was also great because he got to spend much more time with Willie, something he’d craved for as long as he’d known him.
But that was also sort of the worst thing about it all.
Being around Willie all the time was beginning to drive Alex a little bit insane. Not in a bad way, it wasn’t like he felt stifled or had grown bored or frustrated by Willie’s near-constant presence in his life. If anything, it was the opposite. Nowadays, he got to see every version of Willie, not just the smiley, put-together version he saw when they met up on odd weekends. Now he got to see tired Willie, just rolled out of bed, still unsteady on his feet from sleep; he saw even more of the kind, generous, fair Willie who offered to do the dishes whenever Alex cooked dinner; he saw the childishly exhausted Willie who crashed on the couch and slept for three hours every time he got back from the skatepark; he saw adorably sleepy Willie at night when it was nearing midnight and he was reluctantly going to bed, eyes already drooping closed; he saw paint-splattered Willie, brushes tucked behind his ears and shoved into his hair, headphones in, working tirelessly on some big piece that Alex admired every stage of; sometimes, he saw a version of Willie that made his heart ache, a broken version of Willie with tears running down his cheeks as he wiped furiously at his eyes as Alex did everything in his power to console him. He saw every version of Willie and he wanted them all so badly, but he couldn’t have any of them.
And sure, he’d brought this upon himself. When the guy he’d been pining over for exactly one year had asked if he wanted to move in, he could have guessed that it would ruin him, and he could have said no. It would’ve been easy.
But Alex had seen the smile on Willie’s face, the excited glint in his eye about the prospect of living together, and his affirmative answer had been out of his mouth before he’d given it a second thought. He was paying the price for his thoughtlessness now, condemned to watch Willie be anything but his for as long as they lived together. Frankly the whole thing was exhausting – he had to wonder if that was adding to him getting a good night’s sleep every night.
There was another reason he preferred nights now, not just because he could rest easily. Night was the only time he didn’t see Willie, the only time he could get a little respite from his aching heart, lie alone in the dark and pretend he was the only person on Earth. Maybe it was a little lonely and more than a little sad to think of things that way, but it was a change from his usual pining at the very least. He thought that having that time to escape his feelings was definitely doing him some good.
Until the night of the storm.
There had been warnings about it all week. Alerts popping up on Alex’s phone, breaking news plastered on every TV he saw, articles about finding shelter and stocking up on food just in case the storm was worse than they thought. It was only supposed to be a passing thing, been and gone overnight, but it was better to be safe than sorry.
It had been raining all day, a dismal drizzle, the kind of rain that was so fine you didn’t realise you were soaked until you felt your clothes sticking to your skin. But around midnight, everything kicked off. Alex lay in bed, toying with a fraying thread on the duvet cover, listening to the rain hammering against the windows hard enough to rattle their frames, the wind whistling as it bled through the streets outside, the claps of thunder loud enough to deafen as they came just seconds after bursts of lightning illuminated his entire room. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little bit frightened, but he curled up tighter in his bed, pulling the covers close, and tried to force sleep.
A knocking sound made his eyes snap open. At first, he wondered if he’d imagined it, or if it was the sound of something hitting his window, but then it came again. And yes, it was definitely a knock. A knock at his bedroom door. A knock on his bedroom door at half-midnight in the middle of a storm. And there was only one person it could be.
Alex stretched as he swung his long legs out of the bed and flicked his bedside lamp on. He pulled open the bedroom door, squinting in the sudden burst of light from the hallway, and was met by a timid-looking Willie with his hair braided back, wearing his pyjamas, fist still sheepishly raised as if to knock on the door again.
“Hey,” Alex said, voice low with fatigue. He tried to stifle a yawn as he scrunched his eyes, forcing the tiredness out of them. “Is everything okay?”
He must have not hidden his exhaustion as well as he’d tried because Willie winced before saying, “Sorry. Did I wake you up?”
“No, no,” Alex assured him, “I couldn’t sleep anyway. The storm is too loud.” Willie nodded awkwardly, casting his gaze around, seemingly trying to look anywhere but at Alex. It was strange – Willie wasn’t the type to avoid talking to someone, especially if it was Alex, who was suddenly left feeling very concerned. “Is it… Is that why you’re awake too?”
“Kind of,” Willie replied, a half-smile on his face that quickly flickered out of existence. He shook his head, taking a few steps back. “It’s silly. Don’t worry about it actually. I’ll go back to my room. I shouldn’t have bothered you.”
“Hey, no,” Alex protested, clutching Willie’s wrist as he tried to turn and walk away, stopping him in his tracks. Willie didn’t turn to face him, but did stop trying to leave, so Alex took that as a victory. “You could never bother me. And whatever it is, I’m sure it’s not silly.”
Slowly, Willie turned back around to face him, some mixture of hope and nervousness dancing in his eyes. When Willie looked down again, Alex followed his line of sight and saw that he still had a hold of Willie’s wrist. He dropped it suddenly, instantly aware that he’d been holding on too long and if he wasn’t careful Willie might take that to mean something that Alex definitely couldn’t have him knowing which would introduce a whole different kind of storm. (But before he let go, he could have sworn he felt Willie’s pulse racing; maybe it was his nerves, but maybe it was something else… something Alex didn’t want to get his hopes up about.)
“It’s just… I’m not really great with storms,” Willie admitted softly, meeting Alex’s eyes again. “They freak me out. I was just going to ask if I could… if I could, you know, sleep in here with you tonight? If it’s totally out of line you can say no, I get it, man, I won’t be up–”
Alex shook his head, not wanting to let him spiral, knowing that never ended up well for anyone. There was a pretty major part of him panicking over the fact that Willie was going to spend the night in his room, but that part was outweighed by the even bigger part of him that was worried and concerned for Willie, the part of him that wanted to protect Willie at all costs.
“No, no, it’s alright,” he said, interrupting Willie before he got too lost in his own head. “Come on, you can sleep in here. I don’t mind.”
It was only as the two of them backed into the room and Alex shut the door, blocking out all the light from the hallway and leaving them dimly lit by just his bedside lamp, that Alex remembered that his room was very small and ill-equipped for impromptu sleepovers. Which was to say, there was only one bed.
His internal panicking doubled in an instant. Because there weren’t many options here. He could make Willie sleep on the floor, which seemed incredibly harsh and unfair considering the state he’d just come to Alex in. He could sleep on the floor himself, which he really didn’t want to do because it would be cold down there and he didn’t like the idea of being able to see underneath his bed. They could relocate to Willie room down the hall where there was a small sofa that one of them (probably Alex) could sleep on, and they’d still be in the same room, but he knew they were both tired and switching rooms sounded like a lot of effort. Which just left sharing the bed, and truth be told, Alex was utterly terrified by the idea.
He was about to say something, ask Willie what he thought the best course of action was, but the words died in his mouth as he saw that Willie was already climbing into the bed. He already seemed much more at ease, the worry lines around his face softening as he closed his eyes. After yet another brief panic, Alex got into the bed again and laid down beside him.
He could hardly hear the raging storm over the incessant beating of his own lovesick heart.
The whole thing felt so intimate even though there was nothing overtly intimate about it. Really it was just one friend helping another, Alex being there for Willie when he was frightened, lending him a bed and a comforting presence. But they were so close, touching all along one side of Alex’s body, their breathing synced, the world around them slowly fading into nothingness until it was just the two of them.
After some time, it was impossible to tell exactly how long, Willie said, “Thank you, Alex.”
Alex sighed quietly, letting his eyes fall closed. He shuffled ever so slightly closer to Willie on the bed and as his tiredness overtook him he lost a little control over his inhibitions. Before he knew it, he’d thrown an arm around Willie’s waist, holding him close, their bodies curled together. When he registered what he’d done, he almost pulled away, but Willie relaxed into him so he let his arm stay where it was.
“Don’t mention it,” Alex whispered to the darkness around them. “I’m always going to be here whenever you need me.”
In moments, they were both asleep, the storm still raging outside.
When Alex woke up the next morning, the storm had all but died. He could still hear the gentle pitter-patter of rain drumming on the windows and roof, but the wind had long since ceased, as had the thunder and lightning that had lit up the night. He exhaled contentedly, relaxing against the warmth on the left side of his body, and nearly drifted off to sleep.
But then he realised what – or rather who – that warmth was.
The events from the night before came flooding back to his with all the ferocity of the storm itself. Willie coming to him in the middle of the night, how frightened he had seemed, how Alex had offered up his room, and how they’d fallen asleep tangled together. Now they had woken up in the exact same way, and Alex had no idea what to do about it.
If he moved, he risked waking Willie and that was a conversation he would rather avoid. But if he stayed still, Willie would eventually wake up and he’d still have to have that awkward ‘remember last night’ conversation. There was really no winning here. Even in a situation where he was cuddling the love of his life, he couldn’t come out unscathed.
So, he went for the slightly immature third option and opted to feign sleep, letting the whole thing be Willie’s problem whenever he woke up.
And eventually he did, not long after Alex. When Alex felt him stir and stretch, he tried to slow his breathing, keep his eyes closed only gently, and even let out a few fake little snores to try and sell the piece. His eyes were closed, so he had no idea if Willie even looked at him, but moments later Willie slipping out from his grasp and Alex heard the tell-tale creak of his bedroom door. Only when he heard it click shut did he breathe a long sigh of relief.
Honestly, he had thought that would be it. One night together and then Alex could get back to his nights of peaceful sleep. Only there were two things in the way of that:
One – suddenly, without Willie sleeping in his bed, Alex found that sleep was much harder to come by.
Two – after that night, Willie slept in Alex’s bed more often than not.
Alex really had no idea how it became so routine, but it did. About a week after the storm, Willie knocked on his door again and told Alex he’d had a nightmare, asking to sleep in his bed again. And who was Alex to refuse? So they’d slept in the same bed again, they’d woken up a tangle of limbs, and Willie had crept out while Alex pretended to sleep.
Then just two nights later, Alex’s resolve had broken and something had possessed him to go to Willie’s room and invite him back to his own. He had made up some flimsy excuse, something about his heater having broken and him needing warmth, but Willie hadn’t questioned it. They’d slept in the same bed again, they’d woken up a tangle of limbs, and Willie had crept out while Alex pretended to sleep.
And the very next night, they hadn’t even discussed it before the two of them just went straight to Alex’s room and climbed into bed together. They’d slept in the same bed again, woken up a tangle of limbs, and Willie had crept out while Alex pretended to sleep.
For something so focused on sleep, it was ridiculously tiring.
After it had gone on for a few weeks, Alex had to wonder if maybe this whole thing meant something. If maybe he wasn’t alone in his feelings. If maybe Willie felt the same, but had similar hang-ups to Alex – he didn’t want to ruin their friendship, didn’t want to embarrass himself by admitting to unrequited love, didn’t even know how to bring it up. Maybe sleeping by each other’s side had become something of a safety net for them, a teetering middle ground on the border of friendship and something else entirely.
And as Alex lay awake, head rested on Willie’s chest, listening to his heartbeat, he knew suddenly that he had to push it. No matter how much that frightened him, he had to take that leap and push them into the uncertain territory that was something other than friendship.
When he sensed Willie waking up, he did not pretend to be asleep.
He eased his head off Willie’s chest and rolled over to lay on his front, watching Willie as he blinked awake endearingly. Alex’s heart was practically beating out of his chest, but he knew he had to do it. He had to take that leap.
“Good morning,” he said quietly.
Willie smiled gently, rubbing at his tired eyes and pushing his hair out of his face. “Good morning, hotdog.”
“I think we need to talk,” Alex said without preamble. It wasn’t the most natural segue into the matter at hand, but that hardly seemed to matter right then.
Willie blinked, clearly a little surprised, but then he nodded. Alex took a deep breath, steeling himself, and let it out.
“I really like you, Willie,” he said, maintaining eye contact even though it was the most petrifying thing he’d ever done. “Like, a lot. So much that it’s been kind of driving me crazy for a year now. I’ve wanted to tell you how I feel for about a year now, but every time I tried all this doubt and anxiety just told me it wasn’t worth it and that you could never like me the way I like you. And I believed it. I never said anything, and I fooled myself into thinking I’d be alright if we were just friends. But after all this, sharing a bed almost every night and then pretending it never happened… it’s proved to me how much I need you. I can’t sleep without you next to me, Willie. I want you by my side all the time. All of you. So, if I’m not reading this whole thing dramatically wrong, then I want to finally ask you to… to be my boyfriend.”
For a long moment, Willie said nothing. He held eye contact, like he was searching Alex’s eyes for the truth, whatever it might have been. But Alex had said the whole truth. He’d let it all out, he’d told Willie he needed him. All he could do was hope that Willie needed him too.
The moment ended abruptly when Willie breathed out and almost silent, “Yes,” and then surged forward to kiss Alex.
He was kissing him.
This was a possibility that Alex had never allowed himself to entertain, a thought he’d never followed up, a scenario he’d never imagined. He had known that once he thought about kissing Willie, he would be ruined if it never happened. But the real thing was better than anything Alex could have thought up in his wildest dreams anyway. It was like a muffled explosion – both harsh and soft, near and far, dangerous and safe.
When they separated, Alex rested his forehead against Willie’s trying to get his breath back and his heartrate under control.
“I’d been wondering if I should say something,” Willie chuckled, stroking his fingers through Alex’s hair. “You beat me to it.”
Alex smiled and pressed another soft kiss to Willie’s lips. “Doesn’t matter. We got there eventually.”
The next morning when they both woke up in Alex’s bed, Alex didn’t need to feign sleep. He pressed a kiss to his boyfriend’s cheek and pulled him tighter. He thought that after months of missed opportunities, they definitely deserved a lazy morning in bed together.
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
your roommate hcs are so cute, can i request for naib, demi, tracy, andrew, kurt, patricia, and victor?
:0 holy crap yes! I’m so glad you enjoyed the roommate hcs!! Me and the other mods hope you enjoy these! Thank you for requesting :))
(i added melly because why not? lmao hope you don’t mind.)
Part 1!
Naib Subedar
This man deadass didn’t know you were living with him
Even when people told him about it, he wasn’t rlly paying attention and didn’t rlly care
Your stuff in his room? He thought it was his or someone just broke into his room and left it there
When he saw you on the toilet however, he just freaked out.
“Why the hell are you shitting in my room!?” “Your room? I’ve been living here for 2 months!”
Once he found out you lived with him, he made sure you knew what was his and what was yours
also, since he’s very protective of his things-- you being one of them-- he would totally get jealous if he caught you tallking to someone that wasn’t him.
he would probably give you the silent treatment and act like a pissy baby
He hates it when you touch his stuff
especially his photos, the photos were special to him because they were of him and his army friends.
You’d sometimes catch him looking at the photos with a longing in his eyes, it was highkey sad.
having you live with him meant lots and lots of training
he made sure you were always prepared for matches and that you don’t get downed early
when you got downed early however, He would scold you but he would still rescue you anyways because he’s soft
“You’re such an idiot, you’d better do better next time! Or else I’ll kick your ass.” 
one time he got cocky while kiting because you were watching him
he forgot to turn on his elbow pads and face palmed into the wall.
“...You saw nothing.” He turned around, a bit woozy from hitting his head on a wall. He flipped the hunter off before stumbling wooshing away
When you first get to know naib, he’d probably come off as intimidating and menacing
but once you get to know him--the real him--, you start to understand that even though he may be tough on you, its because he wants you to be the best
he has good intentions
During matches he’d let you handle yourself and made sure you didn’t rely on him too much
One time you needed to shower but you ran out of your shampoo so you used his.
When he questioned you, you simply responded “What? You don’t need it anyways, you’re bald!”
He didn’t rescue you the next round.
should’ve seen that coming
though he forgives you when you braid his luscious long existent hair for him
Kurt Frank
The amount of times you almost stepped on this man is astronomical.
he would constantly be in his tiny form because he would lose a lot of his things
his tiny form helped him find his things easily
Though when you first moved in with him, you had no idea what his ability was
so when you first saw a tiny version of your roommate you thought he was just a weird doll
until you heard him say a tiny, “Hey can you move your ginORMOUS foot? You’re stepping on my book.”
You fucking screeched and took off your shoe to try and kill him
After he explained to you about his ability you calmed down a bit and spared this tiny man but only this time!
Frank loves books, he probably filled your shared rooms with stacks on stacks of books
You’d often see him tiny, waving at you while you’re decoding
Once you overhead Kurt arguing with First Officer over who was the rightful owner of some sort of treasure map
They fought for days,
kurt would constantly complain about it to you
turns out it was just a game on the back of a Cereal box.
sorry this is short like kurt
Tracy Reznik
Would be a little awkward at first, but the awkwardness slowly fades away when you both make bad jokes
she gives me childhood best friend vibes
Has her doll sitting in the corner of your shared room room, it’s lifeless eyes scare the living shit out of you in the dark you try not to make eye contact, afraid it’ll curse you or smth
if she was mad at you she would move the bot in a way that looked like it was flipping you off you off in your direction before you went to bed.
Always making little robot things that are super fun to play with
Loves sharing her things. Has no problem with it
you wanna wear her clothes? sure
you want to wear her underwear? evEN BETTER-
Pulling all nighters, trying to get her machines to work like how she wanted it to work.
Would live off of kraft Mac n cheese and junk food in the modern day
Pretty hyper, chugs pink monster energy drinks while pulling all nighters, also, in the modern day
would probably be a bruh girl
Her room is a mess, covered with blueprints and scrap metal
her room is practically a safety hazard
Sometimes she dresses her doll up a bit, putting wigs or her old clothes on it (which scares you half to death)
Once she made her doll dress up like her
and you almost went up to it to ask what it wanted for dinner.
Has a photo of her and her dad
You never wanted to bring it up, worried it might make her upset :(
Sometimes she’d feel really guilty about being downed in the first 30 seconds
please comfort her, she feels super bad
She always relies on you to rescue her
She gets really happy and thankful when you body block for her but she still gets a bit concerned when you do it randomly
“i wasn’t even kiting-” “Protecc the mecc.”
Demi Bourbon
Always out at the bar
Smells like alcohol constantly
tipsy 24/7
she’s never 100% sober
You have to hold her hair out of her face when she comes back to your shared room to hurl
Likes bringing back hard vodka or weird flavoured alcohols back for you guys to get wasted try together
Room is bit cluttered, but she doesn’t have much in her room since she’s always out in bars or matches
Usually latches onto you like a parasite when she’s drunk.
it gets a bit awkward when her face is a bit close to yours,
“Are we about to kiss right now-? BLeurghgrhgherrgh.”“...*audible sigh*”
You’d go to her expecting her to heal you like a normal person but no
instead she shoves dovlin down your throat
She likes to do your makeup, and always adds a matching beauty mark
unless you don’t wear makeup, then she’d ask you to do hers 
always loves how she looks afterwards
more than sometimes demi would get into bar fights, 
so you know she’s about to throw hands when she starts takes off her earrings-
10/10 would fight for you <3
She’s gives me cool wine aunt vibes
Probably a lesbian too (check out our Demi smut fic ;))
Or bi, idk
Just straightn’t
She’s really good at hyping you up, especially when you’re taking shots
Andrew Kreiss
Would be very shy at first, opens up a little when you get to know him
Totally a night owl, can’t sleep at night from all the guilt and “what if’”s
if you see this baby awake at night, hug him, he really needs it
You’ve never seen the other side of his face
How does he see with hair in his eyes?
He’s albino, which is super dope
Sometime you fear he’s thinking about burying you
You always see him thwacking Luca with his shovel
Barely talks
Room is moderate
He doesn’t want you to find out too much about him
He may seem bland, but he loves sweet food
You’d bake him cookies and other sweets
He’d act as if he’s not embarrassed and brush it off
“Are you blushing?”“No, I-I’m sunburnt.” “On your face?” “....I stare into the hot red sun sometimes because it eases me.”
to keep his lie going, every time he catches you staring at him he would fry his eye balls by staring into the sun until you left
partially the reason why he can’t see well
When he’s not looking, you stare at him while he’s eating the stuff you made because he looks so happy :’)
One time you found him down in the dumps so you made him a cup of coffee, and when you handed it to him you said-
“Depresso espresso?”
*sniff* ”..are you oka-” “IM NOT CRYING, YOU ARE”
he actually cried
it was such a nice gesture(?), that he started ugly crying
You’d ask him if he wanted hugs during matches when you see him get stressed
He’d be flushed and kinda confused
hug... him? why tho lmao
he’d definitely agree tho, to be fair, with some hesitation 
if y’all ever cuddled in bed, i feel like he’d be a little spoon
poor boy needs the comfort, he wouldn’t mind if you wanted to be little spoon tho
he just wants to be close to you
Victor Grantz
You love playing with his dog, Wick
Super nice and polite, but a little guarded
The type to be too afraid to call people out when they do something wrong but would totally trash them in his head
You write him little letters everyday and leave them on his bed to make him happy :))
He’d a be a little spoon
Wick would always join you guys while cuddling
Kisses would be soft and gentle
Usually sends you the first letter in matches
Loves to cuddle
He bb 🥰
You always get him a birthday present AND a Christmas present
You also get a gift for Wick
He loves giving you surprise hugs
Likes to read with you while cuddling
Literally a cinnamon roll
Once he was eating a cinnamon roll
And you whispered
“C a n n i b a l i s m .”
He was very confused
and kind of scared- were you going to eat him?
Patricia Dorval
Room always smells like herbs
She could literally smoke weed and you’d think it’s some magical healing herb
it magically makes you feel better
Always there to stun the hunter when you’re ballooned
The mature one
Her room is organized, with boxes labeling what herbs and magic stuff that are in them
You were cooking dinner for the day and you accidentally used one of her fancy herbs in your soup
She didn’t realize until she tried the soup
She wasn’t mad just disappointed
She lectured you on how you shouldn’t touch her stuff or use it for cooking
Gotta admit tho, the soup was pretty good
she acts like the mom everyone wishes they had
totally the type to be like, “dude we should think this through.” before doing something risky
and then five seconds later, “cowABUNGA MY DUDES”
one time she caught kreacher leaving the mens washroom without washing his hands
seeing as she was the mother of this manor, she had to protect her children from diseases
so she yeeted her monkey skull at kreachers head, cleanly knocking him out
and everybody cheered.
Melly Plinius
When you heard melly was going to be your roomie, you couldn’t have been more excited.
you finally had a victim for the many insect pick up lines!
So you decided to make some good first impressions by waiting for her in your room.
so when she arrived to your room and greeted you, you happily greeted her back, and slipped in the pick up line.
“Hello, my name is Melly. I believe I will be your ro-?”“Yeah nice to meet you too, say, what do bees make?”
She kinda thought you were a bit rude so much for first impressions
“...Erm, honey?” she replied hesitantly
... okay maybe you weren’t thaaaat bad.
after that she kind of developed a teensy crush on you 
so it was hard living with you because of her crush, since she was constantly flustered 
you loved her reactions, she constantly got red.
it was funny watching her try to keep her cool and fail.
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lionheartslowstart · 2 years
Moved In
Several months back, I wrote a blog post called “Moving In,” describing my fears and feelings about moving in with my boyfriend “Thomas.” My intention was to wait like two weeks after he moved in with me, and then write a follow up post about how I felt once we’d been living together for a while. Then I would publish both entries in immediate succession. Well, he moved in at the end of June, and things have been going so well, I completely forgot to write this entry!
Living with Thomas has been amazing. He’s an incredible roommate. He helps me clean, he’s thoughtful, he communicates well, he’s fun to be around, he’s just a really great guy all around. Living together has been so much fun, and I don’t at all feel suffocated or overly dependent. Sometimes I even forget that he lives with me! Part of that may be due to the fact that, during the week, Thomas gets up at 3 am for a 5 am shift and goes to sleep around 8 pm. Meanwhile I don’t fall asleep until close to 1 or 2 am and I usually wake up around 10 am. While being on essentially completely opposing schedules sucks, it’s also kind of nice to have that built in space from each other. We usually have dinner together and watch some TV before he goes to bed, and we spend a lot of time together on the weekends. We also try to have one “date night” a week. Overall, it’s a healthy balance and we make it work.
Living with Thomas is nothing like living with my ex, “Kevin.” With Kevin, I felt glued to him, like I couldn’t make plans without him, and I couldn’t go anywhere if he didn’t want to. (Which often resulted in me not doing anything or going anywhere because he usually didn’t want to leave the apartment.) But I don’t feel that way with Thomas. Not only do I not have any issues making my own plans and doing my own thing, but Thomas often enjoys accompanying me places and trying new things. It’s been wonderful to have a partner who no only actually wants to spend time with me outside the house, but who also sometimes does his own thing while I do my own thing. (I suspect my clinginess to Kevin was a result of the constant anxiety of him abandoning me and the wishy-washiness of his feelings towards me and our relationship. I don’t have any issues like that with Thomas, so I don’t get anxious when we’re apart.)
Kevin also never helped me clean, and when I asked him to, he accused me of nagging him. I felt like a maid in my own home. Not only does Thomas help me clean, he volunteers to do chores I hate with a passion, like vacuuming or cleaning the bathtub.
And like I said, Thomas is unbelievably thoughtful. He buys me snacks he knows I like when he goes to the grocery store. He makes me coffee and breakfast in the morning on weekends. Sometimes he even writes me little “I love you notes” just because. It’s been two years and I STILL get “good morning” texts from him sometimes. Y’all, he gives me MASSAGES. Without me even asking! What a fucking 180.
Of course, there’s still fear. After living with Kevin for four years, how could there not be? But Thomas is understanding and patient through it all, and just keeps showing me what a wonderful roommate and partner he is. I love our dynamic. I love when we cook dinner together. I love that we go on actual dates like going out for dinner or going to paint pottery. I love that we go on walks down the trail by our building. I love that he lets me drag him to one of my fitness classes every once in a while. I love that I get excited when he comes through the door after a long day of work. I love that I can crawl into bed with him every night, even if it’s only for an hour or two. I love our life together, and I love him.
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kyodzuken · 4 years
domestic headcanons - death the kid
aka; you move in with kid and he’s kinda ooc but also cute so let me have my fun.
- moving in with kid was literally one of the most stressful and yet rewarding parts of your life. lots of boxes falling down the stairs as you and death the kid run hastily to try and salvage your belongings, only to slip on the hardwood floors and fall on your ass.
- he wanted (needed) absolutely everything in your house to be symmetrical, and that was expected, so you left most - if not all - of the decorating to him.
- a lot of compromises,, which eventually turned to kid slowly changing everything into how he liked it
- and you didnt complain, because seeing the soft blush on his face, and a small content smile as he stared at your first house together, that was enough.
- the first week you'd moved in, kid got sick, and you'd spent the entire week locked away in your house, taking care of your boyfriend.
- and the little shit wasn't making it any easier.
- you'd make him soup and he'd refuse to eat it unless you fed it to him
- 'babe! no! i'll get sick!!' you'd whine
- '(y/n), do i look like i care? now c'mere!' he'd state, the temper tantrum breaking through his usually cool and calm tone, as he made grabby hands from the bed, his nose red and his face pouty.
- and even if death the kid was sick, didn't mean he was quiet during your movie marathons - that week settling for twilight as you were sprawled out on the couch, trying your best to avoid the warm embrace of your (sick) boyfriend.
- 'oh my god, did he SERIOUSLY name their kid RENESMEE??'
- 'kid i- bAHAHAHHA'
- his antics were one of the many reasons you fell in love with him, and you genuinely did your best to take care of the reaper boy.
- sometimes when you'd be making some soup or dinner for him, he'd sneak up behind you, before locking his hands around your waist and laying his head on your shoulder, mumbling sweet nothings as he thanked you for taking care of him.
- in the mornings you'd get up to get ready and he'd grab onto your waist and pull you back into bed with him, as you struggled to escape his grasp.
- 'kid, you may be sick but i still have school...'
- '(y/n), in case you forgot, my dad is literally lord death. you can miss a week. and a day. eight days. perfect.'
- you wouldn't even argue with him about it either, because he was just that convincing.
- once y'all had settled in, he made it a mission to cuddle and watch movies every single night.
- 'kid i have homework-'
- '...that doesn't change anything.'
- cuddling with kid is great because he insists that both of you have equal amount of blanket and pillows; for the symmetry, of course.
- he's the type to let you lay on his chest, and he'd play with your hair while you watched so-bad-it's-good romcoms; sprawled out on the couch as he fed himself (and occasionally you) some skittles or popcorn, your eyes too fixated on the tv to notice his fleeting glances at your form.
- sometimes you'd watch a horror movie, just to have the boy jump into your arms during the scary bits.
- 'you can't blame me, (y/n)! pennywise jumped out of NOWHERE! how do you expect me to notice-’
- you two have found yourselves falling asleep on your living room couch one too many times ngl, and you aren't complaining bc falling asleep with kid is when you sleep the best!!
- sometimes you'd forget to fold the toilet paper in a triangle
- you never hear the end of that one
- but you genuinely try your best, and kid sees that, and his heart swells seeing you adjust a painting to be perfecting in line, or see you buy two towels instead of one, so they'd be perfectly symmetrical.
- ngl you've tried dying kid's hair a few times
- '(y/n) i'm literally a shinigami dont you think i've tried already-'
- 'babe, it's a bONDING EXPERIENCE.'
- 'i think we can bond in other ways dont you think-'
- 'no.'
- your parents knew you'd moved houses, and it took you a lil while to tell them it was because you and kid moved in together.
- but he'd met your parents before, and they loved him.
- you were on a call with your parents - facetime to be exact, walking around as you showed them your new house, a collection of 'oohs' and 'ahhs' erupting from your mobile phone.
- that was until kid accidentally (totally not accidentally) entered the room.
- '(y/n)!! what are you cooking for dinner tonight?? also please help me unpack these boxes it's been weeks! oh-OH!'
- and your parents were literally shook
- '(y/n)... is this the roommate you were talking about...'
- you were very scared at first because you thought they'd be mad,
- but no, they literally booked a flight to death city right then and there. like literally on facetime your dad just booked a ticket
- 'mom- dad- no i-'
- yeah,,, needless to say, they're like your number one stans.
- dates are always perfectly planned
- so dinner dates and nights out are not very common.
- kid has to plan everything perfectly; he just loves you so much and would hate for you to experience anything less than perfection, and yet somehow SOMETHING goes wrong.
- like a dog will run past and splash water on your dress
- or he'll get salmonella in the middle of the date from last night's chicken (that HE COOKED LORDD)
- and you'll have to reassure him it's fine and you had a great time, as the boy nearly breaks down in the expensive restaurant he had to pull strings to get into.
- and you wouldn't have it any other way.
- the gang has come uninvited one too many times
- once you two were making out, his hands running through your hair as you shared fleeting kisses in your bedroom, until you heard the (very) familiar
- and you emerged from your shared bedroom like-
- 'PLEASE... what do you want'
- and he didn't answer your question, obv
- and your hair was all messy and some not well hidden hickies were on your neck like
- chile erm... what the hell we gon' do now...
- 'yeah sorry guys i was doing something-'
- 'is *he* something?????' soul asked, snickering whilst pointing to a certain monochromed hair boy behind you.
- who was frantically trying to fix his hair.
- you've also kicked them out one too many times.
- grocery shopping dates are always fun and unpredictable, for kid would have a whole list of what to buy and what quantity, and you'd just be running around like a little kid - eyes glistening at the wide array of candy that stocked the shelves
- '(y/n)- no, you can't ride in the cart i- goddammit.'
- mornings are a whole other story though.
- soft kisses shared as you're entangled in his embrace, the sun seeping through your blinds as you play with soft strands of black and white hair, staring at the sleeping boy infront of you.
- moments like those, where you feel as though nothing in the world matters, they're when you truly realise how whipped  you are for kid, especially when he opens his eyes to mumble a soft
- 'good morning, (y/n).'
- before placing a fluttering kiss on your forehead, as he pulled you in closer.
- once you'd come home, exhausted and on the verge of tears.
- you'd gone out on a mission and your partner had gotten incredibly injured - you genuinely weren't sure if they were going to make it, despite the constant reassurance from stein.
- and kid noticed that, his eyes following your hunched over form as you walked into the bedroom exhausted, tears threatening to spill out any second.
- so he dragged you out of the house for a drive
- which was meant to be for maybe an hour,, so you could get your mind off of things
- but you ended up wandering into the city and just driving
- eventually it was six am
- and you just got home, and immediately fell asleep on the couch
- all in all, moving in with death the kid was one of the best decisions of your life.
- mwah i hope u enjoyed xoxo
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Welcome once again to the weekly read post! This week, the book club got together to read a fic about roommates, broken ankles, and swimming pools. Now, I know what you’re thinking, but there is only one (1) reference to Rear Window, and it’s a good one. 
This fic, a prize for rotten judgement by sarcasticfishes is, in one word, stellar. In several more words, the book club was thrilled by the characterizations, by the lovely hurt/comfort vibes and by the author’s phenomenal prescience about the effects of isolation. 
Rating: Explicit
Summary:  “You’d drive each other crazy. You sit together at your office all day, and then you’d be commuting home together, eating dinner together, watching TV together, going to bed — well, not together, but you get it, right?”
It doesn’t sound so awful to Shane. There are worse people he could be spending all his hours with than Ryan Bergara.
Book Club Thoughts: 
it was a really fun twist on both "they're living together" and "they're dependent on one another". the best possible combo: a deliberate choice with some stress-inducing implications, and a little bit of a situational power imbalance!
What I love most about this fic (aside from Protective!Shane and the general hurt/comfort) is the insight into Shane’s inner world. Sometimes the real Shane reacts to things in strange ways, but here everything makes sense because you understand where he’s coming from and it’s all out of love for Ryan
i think ryan wanting to learn how to cook for shane really settled warmly inside of me as i was reading, bc im not one to be in the kitchen voluntarily, but knowing he enjoys it bc it was something they could sit and consume together when it was all done
i wanna add that it's really all the little ways in which both of them care for the other through the story, like ryan driving for shane so he won't get stressed, and the foot wrapping so ryan can swim again, that keep building up the domesticity and it's so wonderful and i love it a lot.
This fic just makes me ache with it's mutual pining and heavy denial
i fucking adore this fic and I always manage to slightly forget how much until I reread it and then I'm like pump it directly into my bloodstream
i quite like it when fics take these two dudes who are by their own account almost pathologically non-confrontational and just pushes their buttons with external circumstances until they blow up
i loved the emphasis throughout on how they are both comfortable being vulnerable with each other
So much of their friendship was in there. That chemistry that just makes them work. It’s so extra satisfying because for the first time in a long time this period of Not Rightness had been hanging over them. The sex is cathartic to read
i also loved the bookends of the opening and closing scenes, because like they said, while things have changed they actually havent changed all that much, which i think is really the shyan thesis statement? like, they’re the same, just with smooching and a hundred percent more sex
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lovelyirony · 4 years
@rhodee for you
When Tony had gotten back from Siberia, he hadn’t been able to see anyone for a long time. 
But people had been to see him. 
He wasn’t expecting Rhodey to come and see him for a variety of medically-related reasons, but he was hoping for an email or a phone call, at least a message about Tony being a “dumbass.” 
And then he asked Pepper how Rhodey was doing, and she tenses up. 
Pepper has never been a good liar to Tony, not since they got drunk together for the first time and she told him every single tell she had for lying. They could never hide from each other after that. 
“He’s...knocked out, still.” 
Tony raises his eyebrows. 
“So, he’s not knocked out, something happened to him.” 
“Tony, he...he doesn’t remember.” 
“What, the fall? I wish I couldn’t remember that either, but I’m betting that that’s not what you’re talking about.” 
“He doesn’t remember any of us. He doesn’t remember anything except for his freshman year of college. All of this information is...overwhelming for him.” 
Tony freezes. 
He and Rhodey didn’t live together freshman year. Hell, they didn’t even know each other freshman year. They became sort-of-friends near the beginning of sophomore year, and that meant... 
Oh god.
Rhodey wouldn’t remember three important things: 
1.) He’s bisexual.
2.) He’s an accomplished man who has achieved much in his lifetime and has grown comfortable with himself with years of help.
3.) He married Tony. They’re married. 
For a long time, Rhodey didn’t really want to admit that he liked guys. It wasn’t something he ever talked about, nothing he ever wanted to discuss. He didn’t mind that Tony had an attraction to men, but he always seemed to put himself at a distance when Tony brought someone over for dinner or a study session. 
Rhodey didn’t want to come to terms with it at first. He was very adamant that he would marry a nice girl and settle down, and Tony hadn’t contested it, hadn’t challenged him on it. That could have very well been the situation. 
It wasn’t until the end of sophomore year--into the summer, actually--that Rhodey even wanted to tempt to talk about what attraction would even mean for him. 
They had gotten together senior year, and Tony has a picture framed in their bedroom of Tony dipping Rhodey into a kiss (and dropping him after the picture was taken) after graduation. 
“They had to take off his wedding ring for the surgery, but I wasn’t sure what to tell him. The doctors said to avoid bringing up any information that would surprise them, and I remember that you talked about it once...” 
“Yeah,” Tony says thickly, his chest hurting from more than just a frisbee-toss gone wrong. “Okay. Yeah. Let’s, uh...let’s just transfer him over to the headquarters. I’ll just...I’ll figure something out.” 
He can’t tell Rhodey he has a husband. He can’t. The reaction alone would be terrible, if he’s knowing what he knows. 
So he doesn’t. 
Tony welcomes Rhodey into the compound after taking down every single romantic photo, briefing everyone who still lived there that Rhodey had lost his memory, and praying to whoever would listen that Rhodey didn’t find out until he was comfortable with it. 
“I don’t go by Rhodey,” was the first thing off of his lips. Not a hello, not a smile. “I go by Jim.” 
“Right,” Tony says, smiling in that flashy way that Rhodey usually told him to stop, because it creeped him out because he knew what that smile was actually all about. “Jim. Nice to see you back.” 
“I wish I could say the same, but I’m not exactly sure I remember you. Your face looks really familiar, though.” 
“Well, that’s what nearly twenty-five years of knowledge can do to somebody,” Tony says quickly. “Let me show you to your room. Sorry about the lack of decorations, we didn’t really want to overwhelm you with anything.” 
“I’m fine,” Rhodey says, clearly annoyed. “It’s just weird knowing that I’m way fucking older and apparently I graduated college and managed to make something of myself and I can’t remember any of it.” 
“I can’t say I understand, but I can say that it sucks,” Tony says. “But, lucky for you, I kept some of your stuff.” 
“A friend kept my stuff?” Rhodey asks. “Why?” 
“Because I’m annoying and you pretend like you hate me, when I am the best thing that happened to you,” Tony says, smiling. 
He then turns when he can see Rhodey’s--Jim’s--expression turn sour. 
“Ah, anyway,” Tony says hurriedly. “You just...keep stuff sometimes.” 
(He’s not going to mention that it’s because they shared an apartment. Or a house. Or a room. Or, on occasion, a bank account.) 
“Dinner is gonna be at seven, feel free to come down,” Tony says, smile wearing thin. 
Jim doesn’t come down. 
Or he did, but he came down early. 
Because he doesn’t want anything to do with Tony. 
“It’ll just take time,” Pepper tells Tony over the phone. “Give him some space.” 
So Tony does. 
But it’s hard giving your amnesiac husband space when you’ve never done it before, not really. 
Tony has always been around Rhodey, always been invading and crawling into his space, and Rhodey really only complained when Tony’s hands would sneak around his chest when the nights were dark and cold. 
Now they’re at a distance, and Tony doesn’t know how to bring up any facts about their life. 
So far, all Jim’s been doing is catching up on history. 
“We fought Captain America?” he asks, gaping at the article about finding Captain Rogers in an iceberg. “Why?” 
“He likes putting his foot in his mouth a lot.” Tony says. “And both sides have been notoriously bad at keeping their cool.” 
“Oh. So we just...I  fought him? Because I’m just friends with you?” 
“Yeah,” Tony says, quite uncomfortable with the insertion of the word “just” in that sentence. 
“The future’s crazy, honey-bear.” 
Jim looks up. 
“Why do you call me that?” 
“Call you what?” 
“Honey-bear. It’s weird.” 
“Inside joke we have,” Tony says, chest tightening. “We thought those couples that have the lovey-dovey nicknames were ridiculous.” 
“Oh. Gross.” 
“Yeah, it is,” Tony says. “But kinda funny. One time you called me ‘sugar-tits’.” 
Jim laughs at that one. 
“Oh god, that’s...rough. What else did I call you?” 
Baby. Honey. Love of my life. Darling. 
“Uh...” Tony says, pretending to think. “I think love-muffin was also an option.” 
Jim throws back his head and laughs. 
“How did we...how did we become friends?” 
“Well, it all started with a dining hall and you trying to steal an entire painting without getting caught, and my valiant rescue...” 
“Why do I get the feeling that that’s not true?” 
“Because it isn’t,” Tony grins. “Just making sure your bullshit-detector is working again. It is. We met because we weren’t supposed to be roommates but they fucked up and the rooms filled up, so you dealt with me as best you could.” 
“Oh,” Jim says. “What do we do for fun?”
Go on date nights. Talk about how stupid we were as kids. Debate who asked out who. Cook together. 
“Uh, we used to...shoot hoops.” 
“You don’t seem like a basketball kinda guy,” Jim says. 
“Oh believe me, I wasn’t,” Tony responds with a laugh, “but you were, and you always liked kicking my ass on the court.” 
“Good to know that I can still probably do that,” Jim says, smug and self-satisfied. “Hey, where did Pepper go?” 
“Oh, she’s busy with a contract this week, what do you need?” 
Jim puts his hand on the back of his neck in that nervous habit he always got (that Tony only knew about because every single time he would walk into the room after he realized he liked him in that way, Rhodey would do that). 
“Um, just want to ask her something. About my life.” 
And Tony can’t breathe. 
He doesn’t know and that’s...that’s everything. 
“She’ll be back for dinner,” Tony says. “In the mean time, I’ll be in the lab working on some stuff, feel free to do whatever.” 
“Thanks, man.” 
Pepper stares at Jim, who for so long has been one of her best friends and is now asking if he had anyone who he was involved with romantically. 
“Did I have a girlfriend or anything?” Jim asks. “Because, um, it’s going to kind of suck if I didn’t.” 
“You had a girlfriend sophomore year,” she answers carefully. “That lasted for about three months or something. You’d have to ask Tony more about it, he knows more about you than I do.” 
“And you said we’re...friends? We didn’t date?”
“Yeah, we are friends, no we didn’t date,” Pepper says. “We get lunch on Thursdays if you’re in town.” 
“I’m in the army, right?” 
“About to retire, too,” Pepper says with a grin. “You were really happy, you were planning on taking Tony on a trip.” 
“I was?” Jim asks, frowning. “We’re...that close?” 
“Well yeah, you’re-” Pepper pauses for a moment. “You’re best friends. You always like spending time with Tony.” 
“Oh,” Jim says. “Okay.” 
He knows that they’re lying to him. He gets why: if he learns too much, it could cause some sort of damage. And according to Friday, “Colonel Platypus” (whatever the fuck that means) keeps his personal life intensely private. 
He doesn’t know why he’s done that. Why he’s kept everything so private. It’s not because of his military status, he thinks. Unless, of course, they put him on all sorts of secret projects. That could definitely be a thing. 
Tony keeps almost calling him Rhodey. It’s a weird nickname. He doesn’t know why he apparently loves it. It sounds...stupid. Weird. Jim works just fine. 
Pepper also said they were just friends. And she sounds like she means it. And Tony says they’re just friends, but he doesn’t sound like he means it. 
But that doesn’t mean...? 
No. Of course not. There would be pictures and rings and all of that sappy, gross shit that comes with weddings. 
...would there be? 
“Hey Friday?” he asks. 
“Yes, Colonel Rhodes?” 
“Um. Is gay marriage legal?” 
“Yes, Colonel Rhodes, it is. Would you like further articles about the decision?” 
“Uh...sure. I guess.” 
He keeps reading articles (with reading glasses) and learns a lot about what’s been going on. 
He’s just interested, obviously. In current events. 
It’s a week later when he asks Tony about it. 
“So...did you remember the whole legalization of gay marriage thing?” he asks Tony, who pauses at his coffee. “I, um. Read an article where they said you were bi, so I wasn’t sure if you-” 
“No, I am,” Tony says. “I remember it really well. I celebrated well that day.” 
he grinned as he looked at Rhodey, and swore to rent out the entire metropolitan museum of art, just for him. he would do anything for him, anything at all-
Jim looks at him. 
“What did you do to celebrate?” 
“Well, there were quite a lot of people at gay bars. We danced. I drank a glass of champagne. And then we danced again.” 
“Someone was with me?” 
“You were,” Tony says. “You were here when it happened, and it was...it was a good day for us.” 
“I’m not gay though,” Jim says with a frown. 
“Doesn’t mean that you can’t celebrate,” Tony says, eyes holding something in them that makes him look like he might cry. “Some people’s triumph can be a momentous occasion.” 
It can the occasion where your marriage is finally recognized everywhere. It’s where you get the iconic photo of mashing cake in your partner’s face, and all of the guests are grinning and you’re happy, and--
Tony shakes himself out of that train of thought. 
“Yeah, I guess,” Jim says. “Just...please tell me that you didn’t get any embarrassing pictures.” 
“Oh I did,” Tony replies, grinning maniacally. “Would you like to see yourself in a feather boa or a flamingo floatie?” 
“Oh my god,” Jim moans, throwing his hands to the dinner table. “No...” 
“You looked a dream, gorgeous,” Tony teases. “And I have the pictures to prove it. I’ll get them out another time, I promised Dum-E that I’d help him pick up his mess.” 
“Who is he?” 
Tony grins. 
“He’s our baby, metaphorically speaking. We built him on a half-drunk, half-dare kind of situation,” Tony says. “He’s a disaster.” 
Jim thinks about it for a moment. “Can I...can I meet him?” 
Dum-E hasn’t seen his dad in forever. He’s wheeling around Rhodey, beeping and nearly running over his feet. 
“Great, your return has pushed back any build-up coordination training we did,” Tony scolds, although his tone doesn’t sound serious at all. “Dum-E, your father and I agreed to help clean, although methinks that Jim will be a great surveyor for us.” 
“What’d you spill?” Jim asks. 
“Couple of glass stuff,” Tony says. “He’s been really into stained glass recently, I think he was trying to make his own.” 
“He can think?” 
“Yeah,” Tony says. “His coding, by the way, was like sixty percent you. That’s why he’s so damned stubborn and also why he puts motor oil into smoothies, genius.” 
“Hey, that most definitely was you,” Jim says. “You didn’t grocery shop that day, so I was weak and malnourished.” 
Tony stills. 
“You...remember that?” 
Jim pauses for a moment. 
“You...you were supposed to go grocery shopping and I made a list,” he says, smiling fondly. “And you didn’t take the list because you said you had an eidetic memory, but you still forgot the lemons, so I don’t believe you.” 
Tony throws back his head and laughs. 
“Glad to have a memory for you, Rho-Jim. You want a glass of water or anything?” 
“Water sounds fine.” 
Jim watches as Tony works around Dum-E, obviously used to his quirks and mannerisms as he banters and threatens with nothing backing up that threat. 
He smiles as he wheels himself over, grabbing a dust pan on his way over. 
“Figured we’ll need this,” he offers. Tony accepts it with a smile. 
“Thanks Jim.” 
“You can-you can call me Rhodey. If you want.” 
Tony looks at him for a moment. 
“But is that what you want?” 
Jim pauses. 
“Yes. For now.” 
“Okay,” Tony says, smiling. He’s not showing how fucking happy he is, how ready he is to leap for the moon and bring stardust down on his way home. “Thank you.” 
Jim nods. 
“I think I’m gonna turn in for the night.” 
“Have a goodnight, Jim. Let me know if you need anything.” 
He lies awake in bed that night. 
“Hey, Friday?” 
“Yes, Boss?” 
“I...I’m not being told everything, am I?” 
“Information can potentially be triggering to the current state you are in, Colonel Rhodes.” 
“Are you being paid to say that?” 
“I don’t get paid,” Friday says. “Although if I did, I would not want to take the money.” 
“So I am missing something,” Rhodey says. “I just...I don’t know what.” 
“It will come with time, Colonel Rhodes.” 
“And if it doesn’t? If I have to relive life all over again?” He asks, growing agitated. “If my memory doesn’t come back, Friday...I’m not sure they’ll ever tell me anything.” 
“It is already a good sign that you remembered Dum-E. He was missing you quite terribly.” 
“Can I...can you show me a picture of me with him?” 
“Sure thing, Boss.” 
Rhodey has a sharp intake of breath. 
Right there. 
Right on his left hand. 
A wedding ring. 
And then he looks at Tony, Tony who is looking fondly as Rhodey and Dum-E are reenacting some stupid thing, and there’s a-
A ring. 
On the left hand. 
That wasn’t there before. 
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bokutosworld · 4 years
tonight | akaashi k.
pairing: akaashi keiji x f!reader
wc: 1.9k words of fluff and love confessions. written in 3rd pov.  
summary: a typical college au where akaashi finally confronts his hidden feelings for his roommate. 
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it wasn't unusual for akaashi to spend his weekends at the apartment. especially now that he was a college senior, he spent extra time on his studies and internship work. he recently signed up to be a junior editor for a known publishing company, and because of his natural knack for writing, his superior trusted him with more transcripts to review and edit.
usually, he would be holed up in his room, seated on his desk for hours as he read through pages and pages of words. whenever he was in the zone, he had a bad habit to forget eating or drinking water. and if it weren't for his roommate who was always generous enough to check up on him, bug him to take a break, and bring him deliciously-cooked food, he was sure that he would have passed out sooner.
however, tonight was different. final exams in university just ended and all the students apparently made plans to take the night off and head to the bars.
'hey, keiji, are you sure you don't want to come with us,' she plumps down to his bed, swinging her socks-covered feet over the floor. he swivels his chair to look at her and sees that she has dressed up for the evening. and for a minute, he swears that his breath was caught in his chest as takes in her appearance. after being so used to seeing her in hoodies, shirts, and sweatpants in the dorm, he was always struck with her beauty when he saw her prepped in outside clothes.
'i'd love to come with you, y/n,' she lights up at his answer, however, sensing that he was about to follow up his statement with a but, she lowers her head in defeat and raises her hands. 'no, don't say it. you're gonna turn me down again, aren't you?' at this, he smiles, 'i am swamped with deadlines for my internship and i want to finish it as soon as possible.'
she sighs and stands up, making her way to his desk and ruffles his hair. 'alright, just don't forget to eat dinner and text me if you need anything.' with a final nod from his end, she retreats to the living room where she picks up her bag and shouts a goodbye to akaashi. this is going to be another long and lonely night, he thought.
11:51 pm, at club evanescent
the girls were currently having the time of their life, dancing the night away to the tunes played by club's dj. admittedly, y/n has had one too many drinks of alcohol that she feels more confident to sway to the beat and laugh freely with her friends. from time to time, she feels her phone vibrate in her pocket, feeling giddy inside as she knows it's probably her cute roommate checking up on her.
back in the dorm, akaashi has just finished his mountain of work and was currently pacing around his bedroom as he waits for a reply from y/n. whenever she was enjoying a night out, she never failed to send him messages, updating him of her whereabouts, and sometimes even sending photos of whatever she found amusing at that time. he didn't know why, but he always appreciated these texts as it put him at ease. but now, she wasn't texting him, not one mail since she left the dorms and it was putting him on edge.
akaashi lays down on his bed, tossing and turning around for a few times as a voice nags him in his mind. why do you care? it's not like you're her boyfriend. this was an internal debate he's been having for the past year. often, he would rebut himself and say that he's just doing what every other nice and kind roommate would do. it's not like he has actual feelings or anything.
but somehow, somewhere in the constant visits to his room, lingering glances shared in the hallway, and unplanned all-nighters watching studio ghibli movies in the living room, a seed of emotion has been planted in both y/n and akaashi's hearts - only he was oblivious to it or so he forced himself to believe.
'y/n, i dare you to get a guy's number tonight,' her friends laughed in harmony around her, their eyes full of playfulness, teasing her as if she couldn't do it. she snickers, 'what? you think i'm gonna back out from this dare?' immediately, she scans the dimly-lit place, searching for someone who looks friendly enough not to reject her. she pauses and gasps when she thinks she spots a familiar face. her friends don't miss this and look over to where she was staring, 'what's got you looking like a deer caught in headlights? did you see akaashi here?' another fits of giggling erupts from them and she stands astonished.
her friend nini speaks up, 'you don't have to deny it. we know you like him.' in an instant, she is flustered, hands waving around in the air as if to fan the hotness in her cheeks, 'i don't know what you guys are saying.'
'please, y/n. we haven't missed the way you've been looking at your phone all night and grinning when you read his message,' another friend pipes up. 'honestly, we're surprised you guys haven't confessed to each other yet, after living together for so long.'
she thinks it was the alcohol. she blames it on the way she's let herself drink too many vodka on the rocks, because now she was trying to stop her tears from falling as she thinks of her crush on the said boy. her friends became frantic, surprised to see that she was a cryer when drunk. 'i don't know what to do. he's always so busy, and honestly, i admire keiji for being a hard worker but sometimes i wish he would rest and spend time with me, you know,' she was now bawling, almost screaming as she lets out her frustrations about him. her friends found it amusing, if they were being honest.
they all exchange a glance, knowing the fun night has come to an end and that they needed to get their friend home. as they waited for a cab to take to her apartment, she continues her outburst of emotions, 'you know, akaashi's a good cook.' she smiles as she clings to nini, telling her stories about him. 'one time, when i was sick, he made me a porridge, and it was so delicious, i felt my fever go down in an instant.' silly girl, nini thought, look how lovestruck you are.
on the taxi ride home, she calmed down and lay quietly in nini's lap. she was y/n's designated caretaker as they both lived in the same apartment complex. as nini stared idly at the window, she was stroking her friend's hair to bring her comfort. this gesture seemed to put a content smile to her face, but what shocked nini was what y/n muttered, 'that feels nice, keiji.' she couldn't wait to drop her home and tease him.
12:58 am, at the apartment complex
the incessant buzzing of the doorbell seemed to wake akaashi up from his nap. he looks at the time on his desk clock and sees it was almost one in the morning. the ringing continued as he made his way to the door, revealing a sleeping y/n leaning to her friend, who he recognizes as nini for support.
'what's up,' she greets. 'sorry, did we wake you up? your roommate here enjoyed herself too much and drank more than her limit.' akaashi makes a move to hold her by the waist as the two of them bring her to the couch. 'thank you for bringing her home safe. i was getting worried when she wasn't replying to my texts,' akaashi said as he bowed in gratitude to nini.
nini chuckles, 'if you were that worried, you should have just come with us, akaashi.' she reaches out to his shoulder, 'y/n would've liked to have you there.' he looks over her peaceful figure and lets out a subtle smile, 'i'd have liked it too.' and though he thinks he was being discrete with his feelings, nini notices this and takes it as her cue to leave. 'well, i should get going. good night, and good luck with your mutual feelings.'
akaashi hears this and was about to say something when the door shuts close. he tries to wake her up, hoping that she can at least change out of her clothes before dozing off for the night. he shakes her lightly, 'y/n, wake up. you'll have neck pains if you sleep here in the couch.' minutes pass by before she stirs awake, akaashi exhales and helps her sit up. he gives her a glass of warm water to help ease her hangover for tomorrow.
'can you walk to your bedroom,' he asks. still out of consciousness, she looks at him and blinks once, twice. without a word, she raises her arms up like a child and akaashi assists her in standing up. the walk to the room was quiet and he swears he can feels his heart beating at their closeness - with her arms wrapped around his torso, his on her waist as he tries to steady her. he sits her down on the bed and brings a change of clothes from her drawers. 'hey, change into your pajamas for me, will you? i don't want you sleeping uncomfortably.' thankfully, she nods and akaashi quickly makes a beeline to the bathroom to give her privacy and as well get her some mouthwash.
he returns to see her still sitting on the bed, slowly nodding off to sleep. he quickly catches her just before she falls face down on the floor, calling her name sweetly, 'ok, just one more thing before you sleep. can you quickly rinse with this mouthwash?' she nods and lifts her head to let akaashi give her the mouthwash. she rinses for a few minutes before spitting it back in the glass. like a good friend, he doesn't mind it and retreats to the bathroom to dispose it.
when he comes back, she was already lying down, her head resting in a weird position on the pillow. akaashi notices this, and proceeds to tuck her properly to bed. when he wraps the blanket around her, he lets himself adore her for a few minutes, staring at the way her eyelashes fall on her face and how her hair covers her forehead. unconsciously, his hands move to brush away some of the loose hair, moving to caress her cheeks, and he misses the way she opens her eyes and looks at him.
'your eyes are beautiful, akaashi,' she mumbles quietly that he almost misses it if it weren't for the fact that that they were a breath's away from each other. he was so lost in her gaze that it takes him by surprise when she says, 'i think i am in love with you.'
and in that moment, everything finally clicks to akaashi. he finally gets why he would feel warm inside whenever the both of them would cuddle on the couch, he finally gets why he would smile and laugh at the most mundane things that she would do, he finally gets why he would always look forward to her daily reminders for him not to overwork himself, and he finally gets why he felt worried and empty the whole time during this particular night.
he hopes she'd remember this when she wakes up tomorrow morning. but even if she didn't he wouldn't mind repeating it until his feelings were conveyed, 'i'm in love with you too.'
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