#me being a jerk to Roman as usual.
feel free to imagine a sexy interpretation. Also, I'm going to add a loss of virginity here just for fun. In this scenario, Dream is finally willing to admit to himself that he loves the reader, but he's still not willing to confess (and he's also still a possessive/obsessive jerk), so instead he chases after the woman's dreams, especially until even your wet dreams. And 2 possible catalysts here, either Dream sees that the reader is dreaming about having sex with someone else and becomes insanely jealous or he sees someone flirting with the reader in the waking world and becomes insanely jealous XD. This is so Dream, like a king, he feels entitled to the reader and his time, and while he's trying to work up the courage to confess, he makes sure the reader can't hook up with anyone else.
Petty And Yours
Dream of the Endless x Demon Hunter!Reader
Summary: Somnium Regem, the Dream King, felt a certain kinship to the bondservants of his sister Domina, the Lady, or in the words of the king, older sister, Death. This was because of how closely the family of demon hunters has interacted with the Endless throughout generations. There was a particular member of this family he had a soft spot for, not that he'd ever admit it out loud, unless coaxed.
Word Count: 9k+💀 (why cant i ever just make them fuck and be done with it?)
Warnings: Fem!reader, smut (virgin!reader, biting marking, fingering, oral [f receiving], hair pulling, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, praise kink), Set in the Roman middle ages, dream being stupid, reader being stupid, jealous/possessive!dream, reader, fluff, angst, typos, etc.
A/N: OMG YES. MINORS DNI (the smut is at the end) Let go nonnie we love petty, possessive and pathetic dream UGH <3 also I really enjoyed this universe I made with demon hunter!reader, and i usually don't make p2s for my work, but im giving her at least this because she deserves it and i love her. ok isnt actually a p2, its more of a prequel in fact, so you dont have to read the other demon hunter fic i made, but if you do youre gonna be like OMG SLAY that makes more sense now. also, smut after smut for this reader, get it bestie HAHHA HELP THIS REACHED 8k WTF And just in case its not clear, theyre speaking latin in this but like i only put a few latin passages cos i have no idea if its even right lol HAHAHH this gif of him T_T he's so emo sir calm yourself T_T Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 @sloanexx @julesandro @farintonorth Previous demon hunter!reader fic: "Caged"
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With my thick skirt and cloak gathered in my hands, I stop at the edge of the street, waiting for the donkey cart to pass me.
I release a huff, impatiently, though I end up finding myself smiling at the old man who greets me while he urges his ride to quicken its pace. Once he has passed, I finally move to cross.
I hiss when a bunch of children carelessly run past me. I eye them and call out, "vigilate quo itis!"
Watch where you're going!
"Children," I mutter in Latin under my breath, as I quickly make my down the townsquare.
I run up a flight of marble stairs and huff when I reach the temple at the top. I push one of the massive doors open, and the sound of it echoes in the grand room.
I close the door and call out, "mater?"
I wait. Nothing. I call out again.
When I finally hear my name, I turn and see it was my mother but my brother calling for me. Grin in excitement, not expecting his prescience. I run over to the man who was three years my senior, smiling from ear to ear, arms out stretched.
I jump into his arms. We seal each other in a tight embrace.
"Cassian," I chuckle airily, "it's been nearly two decades."
He hums, "yes, little sister. I've missed you dearly."
I pull away from him and cups his cheeks. I smile at the sight of his face, looking no older than the age of 25, like the rest of us siblings, though we were all on this earth for more that 50 years.
"Where is mother?" I ask.
Cassian grabs my hands, "Domina est ad loquentes."
She is talking with The Lady.
"The Lady is here?" I tilt my head and perk at the idea.
"Apud Somnium Regem."
"With the Dream King!?" I gasp, "oh come on brother, we must meet them at once!"
Cassian laughs as I tug at his arm in excitement.
He and I rush off to where Domina and Somnia were, recounting random stories that we could think of along the way. The moment I spot the two, conversing with my grey haired mother, I release my grip on Cassian and run towards them.
My mother catches me and chuckles, calling out my name in greeting as she opens her arms out to me from the windowsill she was sat upon.
Once upon her, I envelope her in my arms, kissing her cheeks repeatedly.
"Ah, my sweet girl," my mother coos in my mother tongue, "you act as though you did not see me a month ago."
I pull away from her, shaking my head, "I would react the same way even if I saw you yesterday, mater."
She smiles, placing a kiss on my forehead before I turn to the two Endless siblings.
"Domina," I smile, leaning in for an embrace, kissing both cheeks of the dark skinned woman. She chuckles and reciprocates.
"Somnia," I bow my head at the pale man. He smiles and mimics me, and he extends his palm out for me to take. When I do, he kisses the back of my hand.
I chew on the inside of my lower lip, holding back a smile as I pull my hand away.
"Praise to the Lady, Praise to the Dream Lord," Cassian calls when he finally reaches us. My brother takes his time showing his respects to the siblings, then after, kisses our mother's cheeks in regard.
"You finally thought to visit your mother, boy," she says, narrowing her eyes at her second child, "your older sister, Aurelia, might be travelling Constantinople but she oft sends me letters, as do your younger brothers, Amias and Lucius."
I nudge Cassian to further egg him on, and he quickly eyes me in response, though only addresses our mother, "pardon your son, mater. I am here this day, however, to bring you glad tidings."
I perk and raise my brows at his words, "did you capture the archdemon you were tracking?"
Cassian turns to me, brows tensing before relaxing, "no."
"Did you find the Shadow Master?" my mother asks.
"No, mater," he replies, shaking his head, "I..."
My eyes widen at Cassian's hesitation. He was not one to trail off with his worlds or fall flat with them.
"I have a bride," Cassian huffs, lowering his gaze before turning back to our mother with a soft smile.
My jaw drops, my blood stills.
Cassian straightens himself up, "she is Veronica. Her face is brighter than the morning light, and is as temperate and kind as the Lady," he turns to Death when he says this.
I shake my head in disbelief. I turn to my mother who does not look nearly as shocked as I do.
"She carries my child."
A shiver runs down my spine. I recoil at the sight of my brother.
I watch in horror as my mother stands and pouts at her second born, exclaiming, "lauda dominae! My son has come home to me with a family of his own."
I turn to The Lady, who my mother just exclaimed praise to. My face contorts at the happiness written on her face. It was the sight of her brother, Dream's, face that makes me realize this was all really happening. I then watch as my mother stands and walks towards Cassian, sealing him in a tight embrace.
I shake my head at the misplaced affection, "mater, how can this news please you? He is only halfway through a hundred!"
Mater turns to me, eyes taking in my worried and hurt expression.
Cassian sighs, reaching his hand out to me. I evade him, swatting his hand away, "proditor."
My mother calls out my name. I look at her expression and find tears lacing my eyes. She was looking like this at me?
"Sister, please, I-"
"We all promised each other we'd have our own families after a century!" I exclaim, walking away, "and you! You!" I point, "you've betrayed all of us!"
My name is called again, this time both by my older brother and my mother.
"Mater fuit per se propter hoc!" I whine, "and you dare tell her this in the name of glad tidings?"
I am glad I did not choke when I spoke, 'mother lived by herself because of this.' I normally could not bare to recall the stories my mother had after evoking the Right of the Lonely, the right in which the a person from our line would not die because it would kill off the last remaining demon hunters in existence. I could not even stomach the idea of living out a hundred years without companionship.
When Domina calls out to me, I freeze. I watch as she walks closer, reaching out to me to offer me comfort only she was every capable of. But then Cassian calls my name and I'm betrayed all over again.
And so I run. I run out of the temple and lose myself in the city.
If it was so easy for Cassian to betray the promise we swore as siblings not to partake in the world only until after completing our generational burden, then I would do it too!
After all, I laugh to myself as I weave through shady crowds of people in the market place, servicing the earth as a demon hunter for one century was easy, right?!
If the previous generations could do it, I could do it!
If Cassian, who used to be so slow at picking up demon trails, could be so sure he could have a child while continuing service, then by The Lady, I could do it too.
I gasp when I ram into a solid object. When I recoil after collision and do not fall back, I realize it was because my form was being hoisted up by a dark clothed being.
He speaks out my name and the sound finally pushes me into tears.
"Somnia," I whine, gripping his arms tightly.
My lips quiver in despair. I throw my arms over his shoulders, breaking into a sob.
The next thing I know, I am being pushed back and my calves hit something behind me.
I do not wonder what or do not wonder why I am all of a sudden out of the streets. I know it was the Dream Lord's power that brought us here, here in my bedroom. I sit on the end of my cott, beside the King of Dreams, clutching his hands tightly.
"Where were you to go?" he asks, retrieving his one hand from me to wipe off the tears on my cheeks.
I shake my head as I turn to my hands, my hands that were squeezing his large one as though my life depended on it, "nowhere... any where..." I sigh, "somewhere to spite my brother."
He does not retort.
I release him and sling myself back. I crash against my semi-soft cushion, "I curse his existence."
He speaks my name softly.
I close my eyes and feel tears roll down my temples.
Dream of the Endless does not speak to me, does not offer advice, does not analyse the situation for me, and for that, I am always grateful.
I sniffle, reaching out to him without looking, "lie with me?"
Silently, aside from the sound of him shuffling, he takes my hand and lies beside me. My bed is not that large, and so it was a bit cramp. I don't mind though, I know he doesn't either.
I roll on my side, stretching my arm under my head as I turn to him. I blink as he turns to me, body still rigid on his back.
"I do not want to forgive him."
Dream is silent.
I sigh, moving to press my body against his, check pressing onto his chest. The thump of his heart is slow and steady. His arm comes over my back. I feel another wave of tears threaten to crash down on me as I think, "does that make me a bad person?"
He rubs my shoulder, "no."
I sob into his top, trying to hold back my tears, "what does it make me then?"
I take a moment to reply as I calm myself from crying. I turn my head to face him, blinking away salt water, "is it easy for an Endless to forgive?"
I see him close his eyes, "no."
"What does that make you?"
I snort at his words.
He opens his eyes and cranes his neck up. He brushes my hair back and hushes me, "I am here. You needn't ever fear living through the same loneliness your mother did."
I smile softly at his words, pushing myself off him so I could sit by his side. I look down on the man, the man who wasn't, but was sweeter and more thoughtful than any man I had ever met.
I trace the curve of his nose, "would you wait five decades for me?"
He takes my hand in his before I could fully pull away from his face. He proceeds to sit up and press my palm on his chest, "I would wait eons for you."
I chuckle under my breath, shaking my head as I did so, "I don't think I'll live that long."
He does not respond to this, and instead helps me slide to his lap when I shift in my place.
I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder, allowing myself to relax against him.
I brush my nose against his neck and close my eyes, lulling myself into comfort. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer.
Dream smells like a field of flowers, like a warm fire, like perhaps what the stars did.
I shift on him, slowly opening my eyes. I take his cheeks in my hands and lick my lips. I feel my heart thundering in my chest when I lean into him. And then-
I tilt my head up bringing my lips to his, but I don't.
I start when he pushes me away.
He looks at me, somehow bewildered by my actions.
I knit my brows, feeling a bit caught off guard and confused, "what's wrong?"
He speaks my name slowly, arms loosening around me, "I... will always be here for you... but not like this. I cannot give you my heart."
My face contorts at his words. I shake my head, "you cannot give your heart?" I repeat incredulously, "but, my king... you already have."
He pulls his arms away from me. He all, of a sudden, cannot meet my gaze.
I stiffen against him, clenching my jaw as I roughly push myself off him. My nostrils flare in anger and my eyes begin to water. I heave, "why are you here then?"
Somnia keeps his eyes down.
I cannot believe this, "do you not know why you constantly come to me, my lord?"
He, still says nothing.
"Why do you constantly comfort me then?!" I seethe, pointing an accusing finger at him, "why are you even here, if you-" I choke on my words, almost as though my own mouth was not willing to admit this, "-cannot give me your heart? If you think you have not given it to me at all?"
He stands from the bed.
I walk back in response.
"Don't call me that," I quip waving him off, "don't call me your beloved! Not when you claim you don't love me."
He speaks my name.
"What? Have you been leading me on? Have you been passing your time with me because I have not yet aged?!"
"That is not-"
"THEN WHY!" I cry out as my cheeks grow cold and hot all over again because of my tears. I shake my head as I walk all the way back until I could reach my door, "why can't you admit that you love me when I so clearly bleed out my love for you?"
He freezes at my words.
Was he only now realizing this? After everything?
I open the door slowly from behind me.
Somnium Regem is unable to say a word.
I roughly wipe my face, "behold," I scoff, "now I see you are just like any other man."
I turn on my heels and rip the door open, thinking of a place far, far, away as I did. When I hear him call out to me, I slam the door on my way out.
I am gone. I have transported myself away.
I find myself in an army hotspot, where dozens upon dozens of eager, hotblooded men where thirsting at the very idea of companionship, no matter how shallow it posed.
I walked like a regular though it was my first time here. I brazenly sit myself in a table of eight soldiers, looking between them with a bored look, "salvete, milites," I grab the cup of the man beside me, downing the wine in one go. My throat burns at the sour taste and I grunt as I slam the wooden object on the table. I push the cup forward, looking at no one in particular, pulling my lips into a lopsided grin, "et quis ex vobis effundam mihi potum?"
Greetings, soldiers. Will any of you pour me a drink?
The next moment, each man on the table fights to get the ewer of wine.
The moment after that is spent debating my prospects with each Roman militant. One by one, I flirt with them, tease them with my touches and my giggles, taking each one to dance to the muses of a bard and his company.
In the end, the winner, if I could even call him that, was the eldest in the bunch, Fabius. He was still only 27 but the fact he went from Africa and back with the scars to prove it was enough reason for me to choose him.
The perfect criminal to commit a perfect crime with.
Fabius smile as he dances with me, expertly on beat with the lute and the drums.
I'll show them all. I'll show them how I could go against them and break my oaths to everyone, to my family, to the one my heart called for, to myself.
Fabius would do. I would take him and make him mine for the night, or how many nights it would take for my body to bare his seed of mine of vindication.
This soldier was not nice, he was not smart, in fact, he was only rugged. I could tell that all the kindness he extended to me now was only out of his desire to share my bed. It was good enough, considering it was all I wanted or expected from him. And yet he was redeemed by how strong, shrewd, and, most of all, easy on the eyes he was. If he could not give my child compassion and wit, he would at least give his strong nose, soft lips and a warriors stamina.
I pull him near me just when the song ends. He captures me against him and leans down. I whisper on his ear, "would you like to take me home, Fabius?"
Fabius pulls back in disbelief. It is fleeting. He growls and grabs me by the waist, "I'd like to keep you home for the rest of my life."
I feel blood rise up my face at his proposal. I chew on my lower lip and release it from my teeth when he leans in to kiss me.
He is eager and hungry against me. He kisses me with fervor because he wants too, because his body burns in desire for me. He tastes sour, yet again is redeemed by how good he was at kissing.
I could see it now, our disaster. For every wrong he'd do me, he'd have one good thing to show for. It would be an endless cycle of tribulation, and in this moment, the idea of it shined like the stars.
I release a whine when I feel his hands move down to my bottom. This was about as far as I had gone with everyone, and in the next few hours, that would all change.
But suddenly, my head is spinning, utterly confused as to why he pulled away so harshly from me right when I thought he'd whisper the words in my ear.
I only realize what had happened when I see a dark figure faced back away from, sputtering Latin tightly against Fabius.
"Somnia!" I hiss, grabbing his arm, "what do you think you're doing?!"
I tense when he turns to me. I see both the Roman shoulder, toppled on his arse, crawling back in fear, and the blazing eyes of the Dream Lord. His face was truly a fearsome sight to those caught his gaze.
He takes advantage of my stunned state and grabs my arms, pushing me back.
All at once, I find I am pressed against a something, something soft. Dream's ferocious face softens as I am trapped against him, or I then realized, I was trapped beneath him.
No longer did the sour smell of wine tingle my nostrils. In fact, it now smelt like a morning breeze, like a flowery meadow, it smelt like him.
I was now in the Dreaming.
"You are more foolishly impulsive than I could have ever thought," the Dream Lord growls.
I grit my teeth, screwing my eyes shut, not giving him the satisfaction of a response.
"You think you can ignore me?" he quips, "you are in my house, my domain, my Dreaming, pinned under the palms of my hands."
I mask the way my body begins to react to his words, how my throat tightens, how my breath grows taxed, how my belly swirls, and how my thighs press against each other.
"Face me, demon hunter."
"Let me go," I weakly demand.
"I will not set you free after seeing what you meant to do to yourself."
I begin to fume, "Let me go!"
I open my eyes and wrangle beneath him, kicking and pushing him. I then dictate a long spiel of Latin cusses. My whole body burns in fury.
I am powerless against him though. He does not strain where I struggle. He pushes his weight onto me, hands trapping my wrists by the sides of my head, legs clamping mine between his. My face was now also turned to the side as he leaned into me, his hot breath practically searing the skin on my cheek.
Somnia mumbles, "you would give yourself away to a mere mortal on the street? A man who ogles your form, who could not possibly understand the honor you would so willingly bequeath him. His thoughts run wild with ideas of desecrating your being in a vile form taking his claim on you."
"Oh, and suddenly you care?!" I snarl, knocking my head into his, making him pull back in contact, "what does it matter if I chose to be with him? Or even if I chose the devil? The master of demons?! You do not love me."
He calls my name.
"I WAS WRONG!" he bursts. His outburst leaves him breathless and stiffens me into marble.
I choke on nothing and feel my eyes water at the sight of him. His hair is messy, eyes are desperate, lips are quivering. He breaks when my tears begin to fall. He pulls away from me, sitting himself at the edge of his bed in defeat, in retreat.
I breathe in heavily, trying to calm myself down, "it took seeing me with another man to own up to your feelings."
He does not respond.
"Do you think I find that flattering?" I voice, "do you?!"
Again nothing.
"I find it petulant and slow-witted." I release a breath, "I find it offensively aggravating."
I push myself up from where I laid. I turn to the window, lips parting at the beauty of the meadows I knew he called Fiddler's Green. Never had I witnessed his domain like this, never before this moment had I ever even been here with him, flesh and bone.
And yet I tell myself not to enjoy the moment so much. I suck in a breath and scratch my tears away, turning to Dream's wide and hunched over back.
"Bring be back, Somnia," I mutter.
He straightens upon hearing this, head barely turning as he speaks, "what?"
I scoff, in utter disbelief that he is in shock of my words, "I do not want to be around you." I move to the foot of the bed then stand, "take me back home."
Dream looks at me, eyes reddish and glimmering with tears. He opens his mouth and speaks something but I do not hear it.
I huff through my nose, "take me back now, Dream. Or- or I'll never speak to you again!"
I recoil when he crawls over to me on the bed. He sit as the edge, reaching out to me, grabbing on to clothes. He whispers my name as his face hardens in desperation, "I do not wish for you to leave while this is unresolved."
"So," I tighten my hands into balls, "if I leave you now, what does that make me?"
He looks up at me, jaw clenching then relaxing as he opens his mouth to speak, "cruel."
I scoff.
A tear rushes down his face.
"And if you keep me here?!" I coaxed.
He releases me, dropping his head as he leans onto his knees. He voices firmly, "an Endless."
My whole body tenses at his words, grows rigid in anger over his sentiment. I was seconds away from lunging at him, but suddenly, a flurry of sand began to twist around me and before I could think, I was back in my bedroom.
It became painfully clear to me that if either of us wanted to resolve our quarrel, we'd have to first resolve our pride.
It had been seven days since the fact, and neither did I call out to him, and neither did he make attempts to come to me.
That was that then. Good riddance. Good, hard, and cold riddance.
All that's left, of course, was the issue with my brother, and her... brimming with life bride.
The image I had of her was starkly contrast to what she actually was. I thought she would have been one or two months in her pregnancy. I really dropped dead when I spied my brother talking to a woman with such a large rounded belly that she looked like she was about to pop any moment now.
The audacity. The sheer and utter disrespect.
Today, I was going to finally face her because my two younger brothers, Amias and Lucius, were now here to do the same. Aurelia had arrived two days before, and as much as we both confided in each other our ill feeling towards the whole predicament, she was as tender as ever, and laced every complaint with an eagerness to make peace with the matter.
My older sister was wholly compassionate, as always, but my younger brothers were not, and I was excited to meet this Veronica, solely because of the knowledge I would finally not be the only one restless about the situation.
And yet, as excited I was to see Amias and Lucius, bickering at each other the moment they arrived, I was betrayed by how it seemed neither of them were fazed by the gravity of the predicament, in fact, they were-
"happy for you brother!" Amias laughs, "I'm so happy for you! Lauda dominae!" He slaps Cassian twice on the shoulder before sealing him into a tight hug, "I understand that your bride is carrying two babes."
I nearly choke on the bile in my throat upon hearing that. My jaw hangs low. That's why her belly was so big. I hiss under my breath, "two?"
Amias pulls away and raises his hands, "clearly it is a sign from Domina to have at least one of them named after," he slaps a hand on his chest, "Amias the Gallant."
Cassian makes a half amused face at second youngest.
The final born smacks Amias' face and takes his turn to embrace Cassian, "malediceres ipsum esse huius infantis."
Lucius pulls away from Cassian, who laughed at his words, to repeat them with pinched fingers, eyeing Amias as he did so, "you would be cursing the very existence of this child."
"Your face is a curse to the world," Amias rebuts in our mother tongue.
When the boys begin to bicker all over again, I finally snap, "so am I truly the only one that cannot stomach this?"
The three turn to me. I am the odd one out.
I hear someone call my name from behind. It's Aurelia with that woman, that Veronica that she was now treating more of a sister than I. Aurelia pulls away from her to walk over to me, "let us speak about this out-"
"No!" I dodge her advances. My senses begin to flare at the feel of my siblings staring at me. I heave heavily as I back away from them, "you've all confided in each other about this, haven't you? You and Cassian," I hiss at Aurelia, "and Amias and Lucius."
Cassian calls my name.
"NO!" I shriek, "it's always been like this. It's always you," I suck in a deep breath, "and then there's me. The spare."
"Sister, that is not true." Lucius calls.
I shake my head, chuckling bitterly, "you're right. It's only ever always in my head, is it not?"
Without another word, I storm out of the room, hating myself for the way I was breaking.
I hide myself in the garden, in a secret corner where I basked in my loneliness, except this time, I would truly be lonely all by myself.
Tinges of betrayal flare up in me when Veronica appears out of nowhere.
She starts at the sight of me. I scoff at her pretending to be shocked by my presence. She speaks, "sister, I-"
"I am not your sister," I quip, "did your beloved tell you to look for me here?! To make peace with me?!"
She tenses at the severity of my tone, hand instinctively going on her belly, "I swear it on my mother, I did not know this was your place. I happened to wander here while I was clearing my own mind and found great solitude in the flowers," she says, turning to the said blossoms coloring the otherwise colorless place.
"They remind me of home," she says, "we had plenty of gladioli in our neighborhood."
Veronica turns to me offering as soft smile that makes me want to scream, "I understand they were a gift form your pat-"
"If you want to see these flowers so badly, why not go back home where there are plenty?" I snip, "and take your traitor with you, why won't you?!"
She presses her lips together. Her lightly tanned skin turns a shade scarlet after my cry. She covers her face and nods, "apologies sis-" she cuts herself off, smacking her lips in the process, "I- I'll leave you to your own devices."
My eyes watch her walk off. And very suddenly, as if I am possessed, my voice calls out to her.
Veronica freezes, turning back to me.
What have I done? Why did I do that. I do not want to speak with her.
I turn away, unable to face her, unable to face myself, unable to admit I called her name because I was not enjoying the harshness I was emitting, the harshness I was sputtering to this poor woman who was not even to blame for my emotions.
I'm spiraling, clearly.
I lick my lips, feeling my chest tighten. I huff and shake my head, "I'm not angry at you."
I make the mistake of turning to her. She's just as distraught as I am. I see myself in her in this moment. I sigh helplessly, "I'm not angry-" I curse then sniffle, wiping my philtrum, "I'm not angry at your children."
I wipe my hand on my face, "I'm not even sure if I'm angry at Cassian. I-" I shake my head rapidly, "I'm frustrated that this marks the start of his final years with us. That's he's going to have to... pay... for not completing his hundred years of service."
Veronica visibly reacts to my words. She sighs deeply, rubbing her swollen belly, "I think of that as well. There has not been a day that I have not thought of that."
I deflate. Here and now, it was clear she understood, even if just a fraction, the severity this choice my brother made. If he does not complete a century of demon hunting, then his captives would drag him by his heels into the pits and battle them for a hundred years there.
I look at her as we both begin to cry. I pat the surface I was sat upon, "do you want to sit down?"
She is taken aback by my words. She nods slowly and walks over to sit down next to me.
For a moment, we sit in silence.
"When he told me he would risk his life for me, I did not realize he meant it," Veronica mutters, "not like this."
I am further dejected. I turn to her, feeling my insides get chewed up by the sight of her wailing.
"I at least find comfort in knowing that the love," she places he hands on her belly, "this love we share, here and now is the purest and realest thing I have every felt."
"But how do you know?" I quip on the defensive, "how could you say that so surely?"
It wasn't because I didn't believe her, it was more of the fact I was projecting my own disbelief of love onto her.
I feel a sliver of guilt bite at me for the way in which I spoke, but Veronica was wholly unfazed. In fact, she chuckles under her breath, "because I know him," she smiles, turning to her belly, "and he knows me." She smiles, "it makes no sense, and it's hard to understand, but-" she turns to my side, lips curved in a smile, "I suppose that is what love is like between a mortal and a demon hunter."
I give her a look. She's insane.
Veronica laughs, clutching her stomach, "perhaps I am."
My eyes widen. I said that out loud? "Veronica, I-"
"But is that not how you and your lover feel?"
"Somnium Regem," she mutters, "he sits outside your bedroom every night." She places a hand on her chest, "when I managed to overcome my fear, I asked him what he was doing."
I straighten at her words.
"He told me he was waiting for you to notice him."
I scoff.
"That his pride could not allow him to open your door."
I roll my eyes and shake my head at the thought.
"Yet the same pride could not bear the idea of ever letting you go."
I clench my jaw. Damn him.
"Perhaps that is was the love between a demon hunter and a god is like," Veronica speaks, taking my hand in hers.
"He's not a god," I tell her through an airy whisper, "he is a fool."
And so later that night, when darkness cloaked the sky, I brushed my sleepiness away and rose from my bed.
I tiptoed to my door and slowly creaked it open, soundless. Behold.
I sigh at the sight of the dark figure sitting alone in the lightless hall.
"Do you plan to sit there for half a century?" I speak, actually making him jolt from his place.
Somnia turns to me, eyes wide, lips parted. He takes a moment before responding, drawing out a deep breath, "if that is how long it takes."
I roll my eyes at him, walking out of my bedroom all together.
Dream watches me near him. When I reach out my hand to him, he immediately takes it and stands.
"Is your pride so mighty that you would never risk calling to me?"
He sighs, "I punish myself with my pride. If you could not bare turn to me again, then I did not deserve you."
"Oh, you half-wit. What if," I take his both his palms in my, "I actually make you wait that long for me to forgive you."
He presses near me, releasing a breath, "then I would say it is deserved."
I snort, rolling my eyes for the second time, "alright then," I move away from him, "better start counting-"
"No, wait," he tightens his hold on me, "please don't."
I purse my lips, nodding my head, "hmm. That's what I thought."
The being releases a sigh and hangs his head low, "I apologize for how I acted. It is a struggle for me to accept such emotions, considering how they have served me in the end."
I release his hands to take his cheeks into my palms. I bring my face near, lips ghosting over his, "then how do you plan to make it up to me?"
He brushes his nose against mine, hands coming to my sides, "how would you like for me to make it up to you?"
"A kiss," I whisper, lips curving into a mischievous smile, "on your knees."
I don't have the opportunity to laugh at my childish remark, for his lips finally catch mine, stealing my giggles, my breath, and my remaining thoughts away. I ignite against him. A haze forms in my mind. My body pushes against him, wanting to be closer than I am now.
He is nothing but soft and sweet against me. His mouth is a tender oasis that makes my heart pound and my mind melt. He pushes me back against the walls and my body pulls him into me along the way.
I gasp when he breaks away. I watch as he drops down. I knit my brows at him when his hands grab my hips. I call out his name with caution. He smiles up at me as his one hand scratches its way up from my ankles to my thighs.
I jolt, attempting to pull away, finding I am trapped with the wall behind me.
Somnia coos my name out, "hush. I am only making it up to my beloved."
"What are-" I whine when he lifts my skirt up and throws it over him. I catch his head when he kisses my thigh, "Dream, please, I was mocking you. I-" I let out an unholy sound when he pushes me back and makes an attempt to bite the inside of my leg.
"I assure you," he hotly breathes against my skin, making my entire body tingle with goosebumps, "I will not stand for the mockery of a demon hunter."
I rip at his hair from underneath my skirts. I tense against him when he shifts me onto one leg. The other, where his lips were busy nipping at my skin, its hooks over his shoulder.
"Somnia," I lean into him, gasping for air. My stomach rolls at this obscene image of him beneath me, "someone could see."
The King of Nightmares scoffs. "They would sooner be haunted with nightmares for fifty years before they could even think of beholding your form like this," he hisses against my skin as his one hand squeezes my thigh.
I slap a hand onto my mouth when I feel his nose rub against my sensitive bud. I dig into his hair and garble up the sounds from my throat as his lips connect with my core. My toes curl and my body leans into him involuntarily.
"Dream," I breathlessly speak, moving my palm slightly off my mouth, "please, I-" the harsh sound that leaves me when he nibbles then blows against my heat would have been enough to make anyone who hears it look for the sound in concern.
"I will please you, my dear," he speaks, suddenly pulling away. When his face is revealed to me after my skirt finally drops down, I choke on my breath as the sight of his glistening face.
His tongue swirls around his lips while he stands.
I helplessly watch him as he takes my cheeks and raises a brow at me, "unless you would like for me to stop."
The very thought of asking him to do anything is mortifying to me, yet I managed to shake my head in response.
And normally, I would have been offended by how he chuckles at me like that, but when he drops down again, or rather, I find, crawls down, I only look at him in anticipation. I push myself up elbows and realize I was now lying on a bed, facing a window, beholding the view Fiddler's Green. I was also naked, exposed to him, looking down at an equally disrobed Dream.
My whole body burns.
I do nothing but watch as he takes both my legs and props them on his shoulders before sinking down the middle.
I grunt and tense in my place, averting my gaze when he kisses my center. One of my hands reach out to Dream's dark hair. I whine before ripping at my lower lip. I look down on him as he looks up at me.
"All is well," he affirms, lifting his head up slightly, making me pull my hand away from his hair. He kisses my hand on its way then smiles, "let me make it up to you, beloved." He rubs his cheeks against my inner thighs, placing a kiss there, "calm yourself," he mutters, "I assure you, I will make you very much enjoy this."
"My king," I breathlessly call.
He hums, lips curving upward, pleased by the sound, "let your king do his work."
I bite my lips and close my eyes as I nod. I allow myself to relax against the cushions, though my hands were gripping onto the sheets.
"Valde bona," very good, he says.
My fists tighten and my toes curl all over again when his lips kiss into my heat. This time around, I am painfully aware of the wetness that is pooling and beginning to drip down my flesh. The feeling conflicts me.
Almost as if he was aware of my realization, he laps at me and moans, "so honeyed and sweet. So eager and ready for me."
I huff at the feel of him.
"Do not needlessly worry yourself, your body is exactly how I want it."
With this, I find myself fulling relaxing. I arch my back, as his mouth presses more eagerly into me. I attempt to suppress my squeals when his tongue pushes into me. My hands immediately reach to him and my fingers curl into his hair.
He moans then chuckles. He makes it a point to do this against me as he parts my legs further when I begin to press them close. He calls out my name, making me turn to him slowly. Half of me regrets it, half of me goes wild at the sight of him.
The Dream Lord states, "I find offence in your attempts to suppress your noises. Do not conceal them."
I choke out a whine then his thumb rubs against my nub. I screw my eyes shut again as he continues, "perhaps you need more encouragement."
When he dips a finger into me, a guttural sound rips past my lips. I pull one hand away from him to clamp it on my mouth, but the growl I get in reaction makes me drop my it and turn back to Dream.
"You mock me further by disobeying me?" he huffs squeezing the flesh of by my buttocks tightly, "I should make sure the entire Dreaming hears you scream for its King."
He sinks into me again, only this time, there is a grit from his teeth. I rip at both his roots and mine when he does so, unable to conceal the noises that leave my mouth.
He slowly pumps in and out of me, "louder."
I whine and catch my breath, calling out his name in some sort of plea.
"Louder, I said," he commands as he sinks another digit into me and hastens his pace.
There was no way I could keep silent even if I wanted to at this point.
With his fingers, poking and curling, and his mouth, licking and sucking, it doesn't take long for a strong tension to coil up in my belly. My lips could barely make sense of the words it wanted to say. I fundamentally begin to sputter out nonsense.
"A little bit more," he moans, "give me a little bit- there."
I come undone on him with a cry. My legs force themselves against him as my body spasms. He does not make an effort to push me open, and in fact, he brings his hands on my hips, kneading at them, as if encouraging my actions.
In those tender, body curling moments, I feel warmth and pleasure spread around me. My breath escapes me as I eventually turn into putty.
When he finally pulls away, I turn down to him as he slowly trails wet and hot kisses from my core all the way up my jaw. I take his cheeks in my hands when he kisses my lips. My own cheeks tingle when I see the sheen of my pleasures on his nose and chin. I bashfully swipe at it with my thumb, eager to retreat. And yet, he catches my hand, taking my thumb into his mouth, licking at my finger then pulling it away with a soft pop.
"Well done, my love," he says, smiling at me as he rolls on his side.
I knit my brows as he lies beside me, pulling me near him as he does so that we could face each other.
Dream notices my demeanor. He pushes my hair back, raising a brow, "did I not make you enjoy it?"
My lips part. My face begins to burn at the thought, "no. No I mean yes- I mean- I- I enjoyed it."
He nods, "I know."
I snort at his words, brows slightly tensing, lips pursing.
He smiles, shifting in his place so that he could lie on his chest. When he does so, he pushes me on my back and brings his mouth near one of my breasts. I gasp when he laps at it like a snack, while he massages the other with his hand. My hands dig into his hair, messing it up more than ever.
"Dream," I call.
He does not respond like I want him to and only closes his eyes.
I let out a soft grunt when he sucks at my flesh. I sigh, "Dream, wait."
He immediately halts, lifting his head up, releasing my breast from his mouth.
I lick my lips as I look down at him.
"What is it? Do you not like this?"
"No... I... what about you?"
He takes a moment to respond. He chuckles, pulling me closer to him, "sweet dear," he kisses my rib, "you need not worry about me."
"No, but-"
"I will claim your maidenhood in a moment."
... w... w- he said what?
He raises his brows along with the corners of his lips. A velvety chuckle escapes him, "is that not what you want?"
"Is it not I that you wish to lay claim to this tenderness within you, this tenderness that your humanity puts so much emphasis on?"
I suck in a deep breath and bite my lip tightly.
"Do you want me to have you now?"
"... yes."
He grins, tongue darting across his lips, "then I say, do not worry about me," he kisses my skin, "I know well enough what I want to do with you."
So for a few minutes, the Dream King keeps his attentions on my breasts. He pulls me closer to reciprocate the same treatment to the other after a while.
At one point, he brings his hands to my core again, making my body quiver against him.
When I begin to call out his name in the same dazed manner from a while ago, he lifts his head from by chest and kisses my lips, pulling away again to smile down at me, "you feel ready for me now, beloved."
I bite my lips in anticipation.
"Are you ready?" he asks with genuinity.
I nod, "yes."
He pushes himself up and begins to crawl on top of me. His hands parts my legs to make room for himself and I graciously open myself up for him.
I sigh when he presses against me, hands rearing me by my waist. Dream kisses my check, "yes. You're more than ready, aren't you?"
Our eyes lock. He looks at me in expectation. I nod my head again.
He wraps my legs around him as he slowly rocks into me, making me breathlessly moan beneath him.
He sighs, kissing my jaw, all the way down to my neck, sucking on my skin before iterating, "my soft lover, so ready for me."
"Somnia," I whisper, fingers digging into his shoulders.
He hisses when I meet the rolling of his hips with my own. He nips at my neck, "alright, my love. I would not dare deprive you any longer."
A chill runs down my spine when he lifts up and sinks down into me. The action draws out a prolonged cry from my lips. In response, he peppers my neck with kisses while adjusting atop my body.
"So good," I mumble, "so good inside me."
He groans at my words, hands gripping my hips as he slowly begins to push and pull himself into me, "yes, my precious. I'll make you feel good, even more than a while ago, even more than now."
I sigh as Dream kisses my neck, and gently grinds into me.
After a few moments, I tighten my legs around him and whine, "more please. I want to feel you more."
He moans, immediately heeding my cries, hips bucking into me with more fervor, "in imperio tuo."
On your command.
He kisses my lips, repeating, "on your command, beloved, a slave to your command."
My voice hikes up and loudens when his pace grows quicker. I heave in an attempt to even my breathing. My fingers tangling back into his hair for the nth time.
"My sweetness," he says in between thrusts, "such sweet sounds," he moans, "and all for me."
I moan, calling out his name on instinct.
He hums, kissing my cheek, "better now? Isn't it better?"
"Yes, yes, oh, my lord, yes," I whine, "so much better."
He goes wild with the praise. He drinks it up like cool water on a scorching day. He growls as he finds a delicious tempo, quick and full, snapping in and out of me like it was his purpose.
I begin to recite all the Latin praises I could think of.
When I slowly spiral in my pleasure, I call out his name, and when I hardly find it in myself to speak, I bite into him, gnawing at his flesh like it was my deliverance, not thinking about its consequences, not thinking about how it would feel for anyone but me.
He hisses, pushing deeper into me, poking a nerve in my being that breaks my mind, that renders me boneless beneath him.
All at once, my sweet words are morphed into obscenities. All of the praises in my body are burned into oohs and aahs and throaty cries that I never thought myself of producing.
Dream eats it up like candy, taking in my lips with his, making our pants mix into further lascivious noises.
At one point, I am numb to everything but him. At one point, I was at the fullness of his mercy. He could crush me and spit on my bones and I'd thank him. But he does not do this, he does not desecrate my form, he does not disregard my being. Instead he dives into me with adoration, he treats me with divine regard, he stretches me out with care.
I make no other sound than ones of pure enjoyment as the king begins to shift my legs.
I submit to him, to whatever he wants to do with me, and soon, he pushes my knees to my chest and brings my legs to his shoulders.
Now, I was lost to everything save the tension in my core. After adjusting himself against me, breaking into my being as if intent on binding our forms together, I scream out and thrash my hands helplessly at anything, everything I could get my hands on.
When he calls out my name and praises my body, I'm a goner. The Lady be damned. In this moment there was only one, there was only him, the Dream King. Just him, him, him.
And so I scream it out, I scream out his name as my body crumbles against him. I flutter and crash. I tense and release. I was delivered.
He calls out my name in response. He calls out my name and does not dare relent his motions. Next thing I know, I'm shaking all over again with a vengeance as he spills into me, hot, sharp, and blinding.
Somnia pushes my legs apart, though his movements do not at all slow. He digs into me with his heels and pushes his chest flush into mine, cradling me against him, as if he was scared I'd disappear.
Then slowly, slowly, slowly, he allows his pace to relent. Gently, gently, gently, he kisses me and finally gives me a chance to catch my breath, to feel myself on him, to savor this utter bliss between us.
I mumble nothings as I trap him with my limbs. I pull him into me tightly, not wanting him to leave, only wishing that he'd keep me here like this forever.
And then the wildness fades.
In the aftermath of it all, the sounds of strangled breathing persists. Grunts and mewls catch up with us as well, as we both eventually soften against each other's beings.
I let out taut panting sounds against his ear before I nip at his lobe.
I squeal when he laughs, my body was oversensitive to the vibrating of his chuckle.
He stops himself and offers a kiss on my cheek, "my sweet darling."
I close my eyes, allowing myself to savor his scent, his feel, his taste.
Dream continues my neck again, lathering me with more affection, "have I made it up to you yet?"
I nibble at my lip as I nod. He smiles in return.
"I think... you may have ruined every other man for me."
He tenses. I feel him tense above me real time. He pulls his head back, looking down at me so suddenly with a fury, "you dare mean to say you expected to have another besides me after all of this?"
"Well, I-" I wail, body jolting sharply when he ruts into me in offence over my words.
"This," he hisses, "this is more than mockery. This is treachery, this is treason!"
I let out shaky sounds and piercing shrieks when he does not relent.
He only halts when tears begin to lace the corners of my eyes, after I practically call out his name in a plea for my life.
He ends his retaliations with a huff, nostrils flaring, hand grabbing my jaw, "look at me, little one."
I screw my eyes shut. There is a dread that builds in my belly.
"Must I repeat my punishment to have you look?"
I blink back the tears from my eyes as I turn to him. I let out a weak sigh at the sight of him.
"You shall have to make it up to me for that."
I pant at the rigidness of his expression.
"Do you understand me?"
I huff, nodding my head.
"I asked-"
I squeak again when he thrusts.
"-if I am understood."
"Yes, my king."
He hums, or rather, he bellows, "very good then."
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cato616 · 1 year
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roman roy x fem reader
summary: you've been playing around with his attitude a little bit, however when he asked that question in his office, you froze... what are you going to say to him?
content/warning: +18 here comes the smut lol, masturbation, voyeurism? invasion of privacy, aromantic feelings perhaps
"you fucking want me, don't you?"
You hear those words sinking deep into your brain; you feel your body warmer and harder to breathe, you had to open your mouth a bit to let even more oxygen to fill your lungs. Nothing but eye fucking between each other. You do, you do fucking want it, 'but why, how do I make the next step?'
As soon you were about to say something for yourself, "im kidding, i usually do that" roman laughs while backing up. You looked puzzled, his egocentrism got over himself. "although... i do think you actually want it.." he gazed at you a second time, sitting on top of his desk, smirking.
'He greedy fuck' you think; thinking you should've left already and not being fooled by his tricks of petty little fuck boy over there, and you get too upset.
"i am leaving now" you said pretty calmly, without breaking any pipes. "and im sure im not coming back". You then started to leave the building, with no roman following from behind.
You take advantage of the walk back to work, to think about what just happened. This kind of moment had never happened to you before, and there were so many feelings mixed inside you, although you did want it, the confrontation made you flinch, something confusing about you, how come im terribly aroused and turned on by it all, but at the same time, the intimacy makes me uneasy and have an awkward feeling about it?
Made you feel sad, wishing you didn't have that awkward feeling about it, and wish you would've let it play it out, if i wanted it, then im supposed to get it, right? (you sigh) i guess I'll be good on my own and it will pass... i hope.
You arrived back to the café, looking gloomy. "hey! you're back already, what did they say?" Liza kindly asks curiously, and you directly tell her. "oh, um, nothing much, roman is full of crap that's all". You put your apron back on to start working, you keep doing your day as if nothing happened. "well, if we're talking about him, then makes sense." says Liza
It's closing time and you close up with Liza, you say goodbye to each other and head back home.
You're planning to take a shower, so when you enter your flat, you immediately leave your stuff on the entrance and your phone on a table. 'ding' 'ding'. You get some notification from someone, however, you ignore it, you don't to look at your phone, you want to take that shower right at that instant, take your mind elsewhere.
Your shower time is the most special and private for you. You get to talk to yourself, sing, and sometimes get on with yourself. And perhaps, today are one of those days.
Although you felt a little sad wanting to avoid the cringe images, you did felt some heat of it. That is something you usually don't avoid, and at the moment, where the water was slowly running down your body, you were also feeling your down parts pulsating, aching for some pleasure to be given, and you didn't have any problem at all doing it, since you always have loved to jerk yourself every now and then, although, now you were getting pretty horny when thinking about your early events, so you start closing your eyes, trying to remember every detail from yesterday and from this morning, while gradually placing your yearning fingers over your clit, starting to make moderate circles around it. You put your hand against the wall, the water is still running; you start to imagine, his breathing, when he got close to you each time, when he had looked directly to your eyes; you know those moments where meant to start something afterwards, but it didn't, so now you would have to imagine the what if afterwards. Was he going to start banging you over his desk, or did he was letting you give him a meaningful blow job. You're now pacing faster, either imagining his cock in your mouth or inside you, was increasingly making you more turned on.
While you where taking your shower, you don't notice, but there's a visitor waiting outside your front door, of course, it's roman roy, those were his notifications on your phone. he texted:
hey what's up, it is i, roman
pretty sure you don't wanna talk to me but ummm you left your coat at my office...
and i was guessing i could apologize like yeah whatever, I could go to your place to leave your coat if that's okay and we could talk about fucking feelings and stupid things like that
my bad, i retract myself, not stupid
don't get weird on this, i do already have your address, it's just because of the information we have already on your little shop, your address show up so no im not a fucking stalker
im just leaving your coat, say sorry, and leave. that's it.
He rang your bell, but you were too focused on yourself to notice, plus, your bathroom door were just semi-open. So he starts knocking. Forgetful mind of yours, you didn't exactly close your door, it was very easy to open from the outside, so that's pretty dangerous actually. So when roman began to knock, he sees that he accidentally opened the door just a bit.
shit he says quietly. "Um hello?" his got decently more louder, not wanting to scream. He then sees some steam coming out what was obviously the bathroom.
"oh" he says when realizing, and then leaving your coat on the couch he was standing next to. He suddenly starts to hear some groaning coming from there, some heavy breathing, it wasn't very loud, but he has some very sharp hearing.
"oh" he says more quietly catching on what's happening. Roman was somewhat curious of what was on the other side of that door, and of course that man would be the type of person wanting to take even a glimpse of it. He thinks about his decision first, but he couldn't take his mind off your two other encounters you had. Couldn't help but just hearing your gasping and soft moaning coming from inside. He tried to not take a peek of it, he just kept himself outside the restroom, getting aroused by your noises.
While you didn't know you had roman right next by the door, you kept pleasing yourself; even tho water from the shower was already going down through your thighs, you felt other wetness from inside about to burst between your shivering legs.
You were almost about to cum, your eyes were still closed, hand over the wall and the other one pacing very rapidly on your clit, you lift your hips, standing tip toed on the ground. It was getting really good, you had your mouth open while also gasping for air.
Meanwhile roman was still on the other side, hearing you groan. It was making him feel very much excited. He noticed his bulge was getting even noticable. He couldn't wait any longer. He undid his belt very fast, letting him have a bit of room between his pelvic and his pants, allowing him to slide his hand down to his slick firm cock. He then started to make his way on stroking down to it.
ahh.. You get to moan a little bit louder this time, and outside is roman rubbing his own, firmly and fast.
"fuck fuck fuck" he whispers to himself, got himself very fast near his peak, trying to find your pace.
You were practically sticking your nails into your palm by making a fist, and had your toes curling, you start to quiver, legs unstable of staying steady. You were almost there.
"aahh fuck"
You came loud as fuck. Then started to catch your breath, lowering your whole feet back on ground, feeling satisfied and content. You start to let some water wash over your inner thigh and-
"f-fuck" roman mistakenly came as loud as you.
"what the fuck?" you whisper to yourself; very scared of the situation.
who the fuck was that?
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mickyaltierisgf · 1 year
Part 2 was so fab!
Part 3??? 😝
missing at sunrise studios iii
poly!ghostface romickey x fem!reader nsfw! minors dni
this was going to be the last part but roman said nah so now there's going to be one more.
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Mickey walked through the door, already smiling at you, but halting when he saw the gun aimed at him. He held up his hands. "Y/N? Baby? You okay?"
"Where’s Roman?" you asked, looking behind him without lowering your gun.
"You gonna shoot him?" Mickey asked, still eyeing you with a nervous sort of smile.
You shook your head at yourself, lowering your gun. "No, sorry, I’m just jumpy right now. I got a call from the killer." You explained. "Well, killers. There’s two of them."
"Shit," Mickey said, and he came to sit by you. "What did they say? Are they here right now?" he asked, looking out the partially open door.
"The usual fucking bullshit," you said, choosing not to divulge that they’d claimed to have seen you having sex with him and Roman. "But yeah, I think it’s safe to say they’re somewhere out there."
"You wanna get out of here? I'll let Roman know, and we can go home," he offered, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you into a protective hug.
"No," you said a bit forcefully, but you wrapped your own arms around him and snuggled against his chest. "I’m not about to run home just because of a lame phone call. I’ll be fine."
Mickey kissed your forehead, and you let go of him, letting him stand up. "I just came back to grab this," he says, pulling out a megaphone from somewhere and holding it up with a triumphant grin.
"Is that actually supposed to help anything, or just drive Roman nuts?" You questioned, a half smile curling your lips.
"You saw me jerking him off. Can’t get more of a helping hand than that," he says slyly. "You sure you want to stick around?" He asks one final time as he stands in the doorway.
"Yeah, don’t worry. And maybe don’t tell Roman either. He’s got enough to deal with, especially now that you’ve armed yourself with that," you said, pointing at the megaphone in his hand. He gives a mock salute and turns to leave, and you call out to him again. "Be careful, okay? Don’t go anywhere secluded by yourself, and keep an eye on Roman."
"Don’t have to remind me to do that," he smirks, to which you roll your eyes a bit.
"As in, make sure he’s with you and safe. Not check him out."
"Hey, I can do both," he points out, and you wave him away with a small smile.
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You spent another week dividing your time sitting idly by at home or on set, worrying yourself over a case you had no real leads on and no one who could help. And being away from the precinct meant you weren’t even aware if there were any developments. There could have been more people reported missing, and maybe some of them might’ve happened right under your own nose while you sat in your boyfriends' trailer. You hoped the news would finally report on it, and that would force your Chief to do something. But as long as the studio wanted to keep things under wraps, the press wouldn’t touch it.
And then, as you sat one day and read through your copy of ‘The Woodsboro Murders’, you got an idea. You only wish you’d thought of it sooner. If there was one reporter who would love to get her hands on this story and sensationalize it, it was Gale Weathers. Only hours after your phone call, the case was already being televised on every news channel and broadcast on every radio station in the country. It was a media frenzy.
"They’re citing police corruption," Mickey said, wide grin practically splitting his face as you all sat and watched the TV. "Y/N, why didn’t you tell us you were a dirty cop?"
"I thought you knew. Wasn’t that why you guys started dating me?" You joked.
"Oh, I knew you were dirty, just not in the crooked way," he snarked back.
"This is a mess," Roman said, none of the same humor present on his face. "This might even kill the studio. They have the entire goddamn SWAT team over there, disrupting everything. I can barely get one take done in peace! The producers keep getting pressured to order rewrites, and now the Writer’s Guild is threatening to go on strike! This could set the movie back by months! They’re even talking about shutting down production completely. We’re probably going to get kicked out on our asses and out of a job by the end of this week!" He seethed.
The smile slipped off your face. You knew this was going to have repercussions, and you knew they would affect your boyfriends, but you hadn’t thought things would be quite this severe. You didn’t want all this to impact their careers the way it had already impacted yours.
"We can always go into porn," Mickey answered with a slight smirk.
"I’m not in the fucking mood, Mickey," Roman swore.
"I’m always in a ‘fucking’ mood," Mickey declared, unfazed.
"I’m so sorry this happened," you spoke up, trying not to sound apprehensive. "I wonder how Gale found out, though," you add, unwilling to admit you’d had a hand in this. Best to let Gale take the credit; she certainly wouldn’t mind. You moved closer to him and put your hands on his shoulders. He was tense, and you tried to massage the stiffness away. He didn’t shrug you off, but he didn’t seem to be too receptive to your touch either, which made you pout a little.
Mickey knew just the remedy, as he guided one of your hands to Roman’s belt instead. You wasted no time getting it unbuckled and working on the button and zipper. Roman sighed, clearly still frustrated, but he didn’t try to stop you. When you freed him from his boxers, he seemed to finally relax a bit as he leaned back into the couch. You spit in your hand and pumped it a few times slowly, and before you could bend your head forward, Mickey was already there, his lips closing over the tip. You pouted again but continued to pump the shaft slowly, feeling Mickey’s lips touch your fingers where they wrapped around the base. Roman’s own hand reached for your head, and you felt him gently guide you down so your lips could join Mickey’s. You licked while Mickey sucked and then switched off, and Roman petted your head for a while, making the quietest noises of bliss.
After a while, he gripped some strands of your hair, tugging, and you pulled your mouth off him with a pop. You looked at him in askance. "Bedroom. Now." he ordered. Mickey got up, swooping you up in his arms. You yelped a bit and laughed as he tickled your neck with wet kisses and carried you to the bedroom. He stripped quickly, tossing his clothes away carelessly, and laid on the bed with a huge grin as you joined him. Roman walked in a few moments later, taking his clothes off at a much more sedate pace before joining you.
"Put your hands behind your head and don’t move them," he said to Mickey. Mickey complied, lounging and watching as Roman turned you over, pressing you down into the mattress as he fucked into you. You gasped, your fingers flexing and digging into one of the pillows. Roman pinned you easily in place, one hand on your waist and the other holding your neck down. Your head was turned to the side, watching Mickey and whining uselessly as Roman fucked you as fast or slow as he wanted. Mickey slipped one hand into your mouth, pushing his fingers in deep.
"I told you not to move your arms," Roman gritted out, fucking you even harder as he got frustrated at Mickey. Mickey pulled his hand free, now soaked in your spit, and wrapped it around his dick, smiling defiantly at Roman.
"Should have tied me up," Mickey said, closing his eyes and jerking himself off leisurely.
Roman pulled out of you and batted Mickey’s hand away, laying you out on top of him. Mickey’s dick was trapped against your abdomen as Roman slipped back inside you, smiling tauntingly at Mickey over your shoulder.
"He’s a tyrant," Mickey commented, drawing you into an open-mouthed kiss. You moaned into the kiss and felt Roman drape over your back, his hand gripping your hair and pulling you up, forcing you to break the kiss. You whined pathetically, and Mickey huffed, glaring a bit at Roman.
"Didn’t say you could kiss either."
Before long, you were nearly crying, clinging to Mickey, and Roman was still fucking you through the throes of your orgasm. He finally took pity on you, pulling out and laying you gently on your back. He placed tender kisses on your lips and all around your face. You smiled, kissing his palm as it cupped your cheek. When he pulled away, you stretched a bit and watched as he laid on Mickey next. He wasn’t nearly as gentle, forcefully holding Mickey’s hands above his head. You knew Mickey could probably break the hold if he wanted to, but he stayed in place, letting Roman possess his mouth in a violent kiss.
You heard someone hiss, and as Roman pulled away, you saw blood on both their lips. You weren’t sure who had bit who, as they both smiled. Roman finally let go of Mickey’s hands so he could position himself better between his legs. You watched as Roman fucked Mickey even harder than he’d done to you. His hand wound around Mickey’s neck, closing around his windpipe, but if it was uncomfortable, Mickey didn’t show it. He smiled through it, holding Roman’s arm without trying to remove it and telling him to tighten his grip. You looked on a bit amazed. They had a tendency to get rough with each other, but this was a first, seeing blood and asphyxiation.
You couldn’t deny the sight was arousing; however, you felt a pulse of heat between your legs. Your right hand was snaking down between your legs when Roman’s gaze turned to you and stopped you in your tracks. "No playing with your pussy, Y/N. Show Mickey what a good girl you can be." You moved your hand back up obediently. "Play with your tits instead."
You did as told, though it wasn’t really what you wanted. Roman pulled his hand away, and you heard Mickey gasp for breath. But his breath was stolen a moment later as Roman was kissing him again, and you could see them both coming, white spurting on Mickey’s stomach and Roman’s thrusts turning sloppy. Eventually Roman pulled out, and you made space so he could collapse between you and Mickey. You thought you might fall asleep like this, nestled into his side, but Roman wasn’t done with either of you yet.
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amateurmasksmith · 4 months
The Sides as Guardians: Part 1
(Author’s note: Here we go! Special (brief) appearance of my new head cannon for a sleep-deprived Logan, based on my experience with words being uncooperative at night!)
[Asks: Open]
(also - @loganslowdown4, I saw your ask, thank you! It may be a section or two before I can incorporate it, but I have a bit more setting up to do than I thought!)
Virgil jerked awake, heart racing.
Something was wrong. Very wrong.
He didn’t know what, exactly, but he knew it was bad.
He felt his anxiety kicking in, his heart pounding, his breathing speeding up.
‘No. Not the time, Virge,’ he thought, putting a hand out to the staircase railing to try to ground himself.
Wait. What?
He was… in the living room?
In his usual spot for the videos??
And so was everyone else???
“Is it mor-‘scuse me-morning already, kiddos?” Patton tiredly asked, wiping a yawn off his face.
“You are… technically correct, Patton,” Logan said, buffering in exhaustion, “but two…forty-seven is… far from an …optimum time to start the day.”
”What’s going on, where’s Thomas?” Virgil asked, starting to raise his voice in concern.
“Maybe he’s dead!” Remus chimed in with a gleeful grin.
“Nope,” Roman said, quickly putting his finger in his mouth and holding it up, as if to test the breeze, “we’re in a Dreamscape.”
“No, you idiot,” Remus fired back, somehow having removed the art from the wall behind him and taken a bite out of the corner, “We’re in the Mind Palace.”
“I think I know my way around the Imagination, thank you very much,” Roman extra-d in response.
“Eat this,” Remus said, yeeting a chunk of the art at Roman, “and tell me I’m wrong.”
“What?! No!” Roman protested, as a very confused Logan and Patton looked on. Janus was rather enjoying the chaos, and Virgil just rolled his eyes.
“Dammit!” Remus pouted. “Fine, then tell me who pulled us in.”
“I-well-you-tha… Oh.”
With an otherworldly screech, and a rush of displaced air, a spherical black-and-white portal appeared where Thomas normally stood.
“Nope! Not doing this, we need to get out of here - Roman, do your thing.” Virgil exclaimed, tempest tongue in full effect.
“On it!” Roman said, waving his arm to end the scenario.
Nothing happened. He tried again.
“Wha-I-you-rude!” Still nothing.
“Fascinating!” Logan mused, inching towards the portal.
“Careful!” Virgil warned.
Logan nodded in response, stepping closer to examine the swirling pattern of the portal’s center.
As he stepped closer, an oh-so-familiar sound effect played as text appeared in their collective POVs:
[New Quest: Enter the Portal]
Roman’s eyes lit up, and he strode quickly towards to the portal.
Virgil sprinted into him, knocking him off-course.
“No-one is going in the DEATH BALL!”
Remus snorted as Roman readjusted his sash. The portal let out a small screech.
“It’s not an omen, Virgil-ance Wing, it’s a call to adventure!”
Janus looked around the room as Virgil replied, “A call to the void! Do you know what’s through there?”
“Remus,” Janus deadpanned.
“There are two of them?!” Patton exclaimed.
”Dammit.” Virgil sighed, looking around the room, then facepalming. “No… Remus went through the portal.”
Remus, indeed, was nowhere to be found.
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slytherinlesbians · 8 months
Whumptober 2023, Day 31: Emptiness
fandom: succession | characters: roman roy, gerri kellman | ship: roman roy/gerri kellman | trigger warnings: detailed description of unspecified eating disorder, vomiting | content: roman struggles, gerri tries to help | word count: 913.
“Roman,” Gerri raps on the door to his hotel room sharply. “What the fuck are you doing? Stop jerking off and get out here. We’re going to be late.” 
“Just- just- give me a fuckin’ minute, okay?” he yells to make himself heard from the bathroom. His skin is buzzing frantically. “Just - just one minute!”
He rolls up his sleeves and kneels down beside the toilet. The problem with being at conferences, he’s found, is that if he doesn’t eat with everyone else, he seems rude. Or so his Dad said, the last time he didn’t eat at a lunch meeting. So this time, he braved it, stomached it - probably ate it a little too quickly, in fact, because once he started he found himself enjoying it. As soon as he’d taken his last bite, however, he immediately felt disgusted with himself. He’d sat there, leg bouncing up and down under the table, desperate to get away, counting down the seconds until he could fix his mistake. 
He’d run into one problem that he hadn’t anticipated: He and Gerri were representatives at a different meeting straight afterward. He’d planned to duck back to his room as quickly as possible, but she’d walked with him, shrugging that it was on the way. 
“Not that I don’t love that you’re obsessed with me Ger,” he’d said, trying to swallow his nervousness, “but you could just go on without me.” 
“I’m going that way anyway,” she raised an eyebrow at him. “What’s your problem?” 
“Nothing, nothing,” he’d lied hastily. Once they’d arrived at his room, he said “stay here. I’ll just be a minute,” and left her out in the corridor. 
He’s got to be quick, or she’ll get suspicious. He takes a deep, shaking breath, and shoves his fingers down his throat. Usually he’d be a little more careful - take appropriate steps, etc - but he really just doesn’t have time. He gags violently and begins to retch. The bile comes up and burns his throat, making his eyes sting. After he’s done, he stands up, wipes the back of his mouth with his hand, and breathes a sigh of relief as he flushes the toilet and makes his way to the vanity to wash his hands. He feels better now. He’s breathing normally and feels empty again, thank God. He wants to brush his teeth but he really doesn’t have time, so he throws a couple of mints into his mouth, swirls them around his mouth and swallows. He checks himself out in the mirror, running a hand through his hair. He hates the way he looks, hates staring back at himself, but he’s pretty sure that he looks like his normal self, not guilty or different. He breathes deep again and checks his phone as he walks out of the bathroom. They’ll be there in plenty of time. He clicks off his phone screen as he opens the door and - 
She’s got an eyebrow raised, this look on her face which makes his heart drop into the pits of his stomach. 
“Were you just throwing up?” 
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. 
He forces out a laugh. “I think your old age is really starting to get to you. You’re hearing things now? You should probably get your ears checked.” He tries to make his way down the corridor, but she stops him, hand on his shoulder. He freezes under her touch. 
“Bullshit,” she says. “My hearing is perfectly fine. Are you sick?” 
“Fine,” he acts like he’s conceding. “I just - yeah - I ate too much at lunch, you know how it is. But I feel plenty better now, no need to fret, mother hen.” 
“You barely ate at lunch.” 
Really? It felt like he ate a seven course meal. But now that he thinks about it - there was really only a little salad on his plate, and some bread - jesus. Fuck. 
“Uh, whatever you say, Ger,” he says, trying to smirk at her like she’s losing her mind. Gerri is far too sure of herself though, a quality of her’s he’s always admired. 
“I’m not in a fucking retirement home, Roman,” she snaps. “I know what I heard. What’s wrong with you?” 
He recognises the underlying concern lacing her voice, and on any other occasion he’d be jumping for joy, thinking, I’ve got you now! I clocked you! You do like me! But this is just… Roman wants to give all of himself to Gerri. He’d do anything for her. What started as morbid infatuation has turned into full blown, head over heels love. He wants to give all of himself to her, but not this. Not this. 
“Not now,” he says, hearing the pleading in his voice, knowing he sounds pathetic but unable to bring himself to care. He looks anywhere but her, eyes darting nervously around the hallway as if one of his siblings or his dad is going to jump out and say GOTCHA. “Please, just… not now. We need to get to the meeting.” 
There’s a long, uncomfortable silence, and Roman is aware of every inch of himself, from his sore ankles from standing all day at the shareholder’s meeting to the hairs on the back of his neck that are prickling. 
“Fine,” Gerri says after a moment, her voice low. Roman finally flicks his gaze back to her, and she’s scanning him with an unreadable expression. “Later, though.” 
“Later,” he lies, crossing his fingers behind his back. “Sure.”
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Switched Around
Okay so I know you don't usually do this type of thing but this idea is stuck in my head so may I ask for a Sanders sides fic were there roles are switched around? It could be because of a curse or it could just be like that from the start. The roles and reasons are as follows. Roles: Roman: Anxiety. Remus: Deceit. Virgil: "Good" Creativety. Janus: Logic. Patton: "Bad" Creativity. Logan: Morality. Reasons: Roman: We need more anxious and/or insecure Roman. Remus: IDK just fit. Virgil: We need more confident Virgil. Janus: IDK just fit. Patton: Just Patton accidentally yelling "NOW FUCK!" or something like that. Logan: Just Logan not being able to not show his feelings. - uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none
Pairings: none, light prinxiety?
Word Count: 2045
In one universe, we know the Sides as follows: Patton, ever stringent Morality, Logan, the voice of Logic and Reason, Virgil, Anxiety and sarcasm personified, Janus as doubt and Deceit, and the twins, Roman and Remus as Creativity.
In another...the anxious Side waits for a group meeting to start.
Roman curls up in the corner of the living room, hunched around a pillow in the armchair, rubbing his left hand in his lap. His eyes are fixed on the stairs, unseeing, even as he mumbles to himself that the others should be here by now, they should be downstairs, we have to meet about things, did I get the time wrong? What if it was earlier and I missed it? What if it's not even today and I already missed it? What if—
Roman startles terribly, looking over to see Logan standing next to him. He reaches out—slowly, slow enough that Roman can see his intentions and decide whether or not he's okay with being touched—and settles his hand on his shoulder.
"It's alright," he murmurs, rubbing slow circles with his thumbs, "you're alright. It's only me."
"…hi, Logan."
"Hello." Logan tilts his head. "What were you thinking about?"
"Just, y'know, things."
Unlike Logan, Remus seems to relish in startling Roman, or making him second-guess himself (if only for a moment) and it seems today is no exception. Roman startles so badly that he almost knocks the lamp over, glaring at Remus as he appears in his normal spot just next to the stairs. Remus, not daunted at all by the glower, waggles his fingers in greeting.
"I smell bullshit, Roman," he sing-songs, pointing a finger at him, "fess up!"
"Remus," Logan seconds, sounding much sterner than Roman, "there's no need to be cruel."
"Ugh, 'cruel,'" Remus groans, leaning against the railing, "it's fine. Roman's just stuck in his little spirals again, like always."
"Still, there is no need to be unkind about it."
"Yeah, Remus, you don't need to be such a jerk to me all the time."
"Of course I do."
"No, you don't! It's—"
"He's lying, Roman."
"...I knew that."
The way Remus's grin widens says he's just about to crow that that was bullshit too when someone else rises up onto the stairs, making him tumble off the railing with a squeal.
"Sorry I'm late," Virgil says, lounging against the steps and shaking his hair from his face, "got caught up in something."
"No worries, Virgil, not everyone's arrived yet."
"Yup, I can see that." Virgil tilts his head when he notices Logan's protective stance over Roman and the way Remus is bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Roman? You okay?"
"Yep," Roman says, not meeting his eyes, "I'm fine."
Virgil glances back and forth between the two of them, before sighing and reaching out to put Remus in a headlock. Remus squeaks and squirms but Virgil holds on. "Are you riling Roman up on purpose?"
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, what're you going to—" Virgil tightens his hold— "ack! Okay, okay, I give, jeez, you're such a party pooper."
Virgil lets go and Remus splutters, adjusting his costume and sticking his tongue out at a truly indifferent Virgil, already back to lounging on the steps.
"Should've known a knight couldn't resist a damsel in distress."
"I'm not a damsel," Roman mumbles, even though the idea of being saved like one does sound kinda nice…
"On the contrary," says a voice he'd rather didn't overhear that little interaction, "I'm afraid that Roman did indeed fulfill the role of damsel quite nicely in this case."
"Janus," Logan nods, "good to see you."
"I apologize for my tardiness," Janus says, adjusting his gloves as he looks around the room, "but I had reached a crucial point in my thesis and couldn't leave before I'd written it down."
"Ah, how is that going?"
"Better than anticipated." He nods to Virgil. "You were right, once I began writing, the ideas just…flowed."
Virgil tips him a lazy two-fingered salute.
"Is that everyone?" Janus glances at the empty spot by the window. "Oh, no, where's Patton?"
"Dunno. Last I saw him he was in the Imagination trying to come up with a Disney-appropriate version of…oh, I forget which fairytale."
Roman perks up a little. "Disney?"
"Unfortunately not actual Disney," Virgil says, winking, "but something equally as sanitized and, uh, market-friendly."
"Something far more indicative of a greedy corporation looking to squeeze numbers out of the human act of creation," Janus says dryly as Virgil turns to look at him in shock, "what?"
"Never thought I'd see you rise so passionately to my defense, 's all."
"Please." Janus rolls his eyes. "I'm hardly riding to your rescue."
"And yet I appreciate it all the same."
"Sorry I'm late!"
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, Roman thinks idly as Patton appears, glitter glinting off of his shirt and paint splashed across his hands. He fixes his glasses with a grin and claps his hands, sending a shower of glitter everywhere.
"I just got so caught up with work," Patton says, "do you have any idea how horrifying old fairytales used to be? Carving off parts of themselves to fit into glass slippers, ugh, so morbid and gross…whatever happened to all those nice stories?"
"Y'know that fairytales haven't always been, like, just for kids, right?"
"It's true," Janus adds when Patton's mouth opens incredulously, "in fact, a lot of what we consider now to be fairytales are simply collections of stories from other writers that rewrote tales as they saw fit. Many of them have been told and retold so many times that it's almost impossible to determine their original constituents."
"…yeah, I was gonna say that too."
"I'll put you in another headlock."
"Alright," Logan says, raising his voice slightly as the others start to bicker, his hand still warm on Roman's shoulder, "now that we're all here, shall we begin?"
A few grumbles and rustles as the group settles and Roman glances up. Logan adjusts his glasses and folds his hands in front of him.
"Now, tonight is dinner and movie night, as we all know. It is Janus's turn to cook—"
"Did you all fill out the survey for what you want for dinner?"
"Sure did!"
"I did, yeah."
"You didn't put anything else on there, right?"
"No, Remus, I didn't."
Janus pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'll have a look at the results before I start."
"Thank you. And we have yet to select the movie for tonight."
"Ooh," Patton says, clapping his hands, "Disney!"
"We've watched Disney movies for the last, like, four movie nights."
"Indeed." Janus sniffs. "There's only so many musicals I can tolerate."
"Plus," Remus adds, oddly sober for once, "they're boring."
Roman winces as Patton draws himself up indignantly, instinctively turning toward the chair for a bit of protection as the yelling starts.
"'Boring?' I'm sorry, did you just say boring? What about adventure and heroism is boring? What about learning powerful lessons and the value of love and friendship is boring? What about seeing all of these characters grow and learn and come together is boring?"
"It is rather formulaic," Janus says, loathed as he looks to be agreeing with Remus, "good triumphs over bad, the princess—or her archetypal stand-in—finds the strength in herself, the villains are defeated through a combination of genre-appropriate competence and abstract morality—no offense, Logan."
"None taken." Logan looks at Patton. "I…find myself agreeing. I'd rather not watch another Disney movie tonight."
Patton splutters. "Well—Roman wants to watch Disney, right?"
Oh, no, why did this conversation turn to me? I didn't say anything!
"Right, Roman?"
"Hey," Virgil says, sitting up a little bit, "leave him out of this."
"We're all supposed to be having a discussion," Patton says, "I don't see why I can't ask Roman to weigh in on it!"
"That wasn't what you did, Patton, you just volleyed Roman in front of you without asking his opinion."
"I'm asking for it now!"
"Enough," Logan says, reaching out to touch Roman's shoulder again, "Roman? Do you have an opinion on the movie?"
Oh, god. Oh, god, now everyone's looking at me. Everyone's looking at me and they're gonna expect me to have an answer and I don't have one but I need to have one—oh, god, okay, think, think of what movie I'd want to watch—what's a movie?
Roman's head snaps up on instinct as Patton speaks.
"Do…do you want to watch a Disney movie?"
"Don't lie," Remus calls, "I'll know."
He bites his lip and slowly shakes his head. Patton's face falls to disappointment and he scuffs his glittery toe along the now-glittery carpet.
"What would you like to watch, Roman?"
"Um…" He glances around at the other faces. "What—what about The Bad Guys?"
Janus frowns. "Is that the Dreamworks movie?"
"Mhm. It's, um, it's based on a book series and it's about a bunch of animal—well, 'bad guys' that, uh, learn about what it means to be…good?"
Janus hums. "Go on."
"They—uh, from what I've seen of it, it's about them dealing with the prejudice that comes from being the animals they are and how much of 'bad guy' is forced upon them versus what it means to try and be good guys…a-and the animation style's really cool."
The room quiets.
"S-sorry, I know it's really similar to a Disney movie, it's supposed to be for kids, we don't have to watch it, we can just—"
"No, no," Logan says, interrupting him, "I'm… intrigued."
Roman glances up. "From what I've heard…there's also a character that's perceived as 'good' but his—he's not, really. Kind of an exploration there too."
"Ah, yes, I have heard of this one," Janus says, "I think I've seen a bit of it."
"Roman's right, the animation is spectacular. And the story…while a bit simplistic is at least consistent to its own worldview once you get into it."
Roman glances at Remus. "One of the main characters is a snake who lies all the time."
"Sold!" Remus claps his hands. "We're watching this!"
"Well, I suppose that was easy enough." Logan glances at Janus. "How long do we expect dinner to take?"
"About forty minutes, give or take."
"Alright—shall we meet back down here at 6:30?"
"Works for me."
"See you then!"
Roman lets out a sigh of relief as the others begin to sink out. Logan pats him once more on the shoulder before he sinks out too, leaving him alone in the living room.
"Hey, little dragon."
Almost alone. Roman looks over to see Virgil standing up, crossing to the chair and leaning on the back. "Hi."
"Good job," he says, ruffling his hair, "I'm excited to watch the movie."
"That's...that's good."
Virgil chuckles. "You okay? I know how it can feel when Remus starts messing with you like that, you doing alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm…I'm okay."
"That's good."
"U-um—" Roman sits up as Virgil backs away— "c-can I sit next to you for the movie?"
Virgil blinks, then smiles. "Sure, little dragon. I'd like that."
"I—I'd like it too."
"It's a date."
Virgil winks and sinks out, leaving Roman staring at the spot where he'd been standing.
A—a date? Like a date-date? That wasn't what I was asking, why did he think that's what I meant? Do I want it to be a date-date? Wait, what if the others find out? Can I still sit next to him? What if I can't do it? What if he—oh, god, what if he tells the others it's a date-date?
  General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @ultrageekygirl
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blixabargelds · 1 year
can u explain y ppl think roman was sexually abused i feel like that’s gone over my head. as much as that would explain ab him
tw csa//
i don’t feel wholly comfortable with my ability to give this a lengthy competent answer because the subject matter makes me feel sick, but there’s lots of hints to it in the show if you read it that way.
roman’s consistent jokes about sexual abuse are directed at himself as the punchline the majority of the time, combined with his habit of playing essentially two truths and a lie (“i jerked off in gerri’s bathroom”) could mean there’s at least some truth to the ‘jokes’. roman being sent away to military school because he “went weird and started wetting the bed”. when the cruises scandal broke, the use of “no real person involved” to describe the abuse victims vs kendall telling roman he’s not a real person in too much birthday. all three of them growing up around the wolf pack (someone pointed out the connection here with the name romulus which is just. sheesh). roman’s inability to perform sexually; the time he asks tabitha to play dead saying “if we agree on a wrong thing then it’s not wrong”, shiv saying he loves showing his dick to people but one day he’s actually going to have to fuck something, and how he seems to get more upset about this than her usual jabs.
there’s plenty more im sure but i don’t really fancy doing a deep dive into subtextual csa on a friday morning lol. of course none of this is confirmed to be connected to any direct sexual abuse but if you read it that way i think it’s plenty backed up. succession generally lets you read between the lines, although i don’t know if they wouldn’t have been more overt with it by now as there are many scenes of roman’s confirmed past (and present) physical abuse. i will just say towards the end of season three specifically in too much birthday (“he loves fucking me”) and after dickpic gate, logan asking roman what’s wrong with him, i did feel nauseous as fuck like something was on the verge of coming out.
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shsl-fander · 1 year
Blood Stained
Pairing: Logince and Moceit
Tw: Blood, fighting, yelling, bruises, swearing, threats, bullying, homophobia, hospital, Whump Roman
Au: Family/High School
Summary: Roman won't just watch around and let Logan get harrassed by this jerk at their school, but it backfires when hes caught in a severe fight and must be driven to the hospital. @spacedouterri @lavenderfoxboy
"Okay, let me get this straight," Janus hissed, hands gripping tight on his wheel. He drummed his hands against the leather, glaring to his side towards Roman. "My son, gets himself into a fist fight and I have to drive him to the hospital and all he cares about is missing his REHEARSAL?!" He scolds in disbelief.
Roman tapped his cheek, blood staining his fingers as he did so. He tilted his head up in an attempt to sway the dark, red blood dripping from his nose. "I would have called Dad if I knew you'd take me on a guilt trip," he mumbled.
Janus scoffed, shaking his head, "Roman!" he yelled, "You're lucky I agreed to pick you up, Patton would be freaking out on you just as much, he'd just be gentler," he corrects, rolling his eyes. "Care to tell me what happened? Either of you,"he prompts, raising an eyebrow.
Remus tossed a piece of popcorn into his mouth, grinning ear to ear, "I have no fucking clue what happened, for once I'm innocent!" He leans forward, sticking his head between the two front seats. "Roman?" Remus's smile quickly fades upon looking at Roman, who's usual was charm seemed completely drained. "...Ro bro?"
Roman's gaze fell towards the window, watching as they sped past the surrounding cars. A breeze followed their car. "Some asshole was bothering Logan," he muttered, barely audible above a whisper.
"What was that?" Janus blinked, taking a sharp turn onto the hospital's street. Silence lingered in the car, Janus tuning the music off, the only sound being the faint shuffling of the car's wheels against the ground.
Janus sighed softly, "I'm only strict on you because I don't want you to be like how I was at your age," he explained. "I was an amazing kid, smart but got in alot of trouble. I didn't really know how to protest in a good way."
Janus placed his hand over his son's, lips quirking to force a somber smile,"We just want you to be safe. Both of you, " he insists. He perked up as his ring tone blared from his phone, his muscled tensed scrunching his shoulders close together. He exhaled, "It's just your dad, Remus can you talk to him and explain whats happening?" he asks, rubbing his temples.
Just A few hours prior, Roman found himself leaned against his locker, humming softly to himself while he waited for Logan to come over. He knew Logan had a free period and frankly Roman did not feel like going to biology, so he'd agreed to meet up with him for at least a few minutes.
Roman blinked, glancing down towards the clock again with a raised eyebrow. "That's weird, nerd is never late."
He instinctly reached for his phone in his pocket, narrowing his eyes in confusion.
Roman: Hey Specs you coming? Or Did you decide to completely ditch me wowww I can't believe this. 😭😞
He snickered to himself as he typed, though he couldn't ignore the worry welling up inside him.
Minutes began to pass, the worry growing inside Roman the longer he stood in the halls, gazing around to find Logan. This was EXTREMELY out of character for Logan. While Roman found the insistence to keep a schedule for literally everything (even hallway roaming)quite annoying, he certainly didn't enjoy when Logan wasn't being himself. 
Suddenly, it felt as if time stood still, the silence lingering in surrounding air. It was quiet, an uncomfortable sense of quiet before a loud slam echoed through the halls. Roman felt his chest tighten, he jolted up, eyes growing wide. He bolted towards the direction of the noise, praying internally that Logan's sudden disappearance had nothing to do with this.
Roman froze infront of the door, gritting his teeth anxiously. "Come on Roman, you're a prince," he murmured under his breath. "You gotta find out whats going on."
He slowly creaked the door open ever so slightly,peering through the small crack. His breath hitched at the sight of the situation, exactly what he'd been dreading.
Logan was pressed up against the wall, his breathing heavy and quick paced. He gulped, swallowing the spit that was closing up his throat. "I mean what I said, you're a pathetic homophobe who can't even win a debate," he spat, "And your threats are only confirming your lack of intelligence."
The boy, who Roman couldn't seem to recognize at first, glared at Logan. He was grumbling something along the lines of killing him.
Roman pounced up, tossing the door open, thoughts spiralling around his head. Everything in his mind was so blurred, he knew whoever this kid was could probably beat the shit out of him, but he also knew he wanted to protect Logan more than anything else in the moment.
He rushed up behind him, tugging on his shirt an yanking him away from Logan. "Leave him alone," he growled. Once he was face to face with him, Roman was able to properly recognize him in under a second: Adam Dotson. His scraggy, short red hair along with piercing blue eyes were both easy to spot.
Adam cackled, "Oh look here! Your fairy boyfriend came along," he teased, shoving Roman backwards leaving him stumbling to catch himself. "The fuck are you doing here, Adelio?"
Roman narrowed his eyes,"Are you deaf? I said leave him alone, " he fumed, voice stern and low. He felt his heart pound against his chest, heart rate increasing rapidly. He stared ahead at Adam, watching him crack his knuckles and return his glare.
Adam rolled his eyes, kicking Roman in his shin, "You think I'm scared of you?" He scoffed, "Tell your gayass boytoy that he needs to fuck off on talking to me too," he retorted, watching Roman clasp onto his leg.
Roman gasped, foundering backwards once again. He inhaled, folding his hand into a fist and he swore his heart was beating so fast he could hear the thundering in his eardrums. Roman took a breath before stepping forward and swinging towards Adam, his knuckles grazed the side of his cheek.
Adam sucked in a breath, bracing against the impact of Roman's punch before swiftly punching him back, hitting him square in his nose.
A trail of blood trickled down Roman's face, and he winced squeezed his eyes closed for a moment. The pain shot through his entire face, burning against his nose.
"Roman!" Logan shrieked.
Roman spat out a chunk of blood, leaving his mouth with a copper tang taste. He ducked. Roman slammed his fist into Adam's stomach. His knuckles pulsed, yet he still kept hitting as much as he could.
Adam groaned, bending over with a heave. His vision began to blur, barely able to make out the tan arm lunging at him again. He stepped back, cracking his knuckles.
Roman lifted his hand to swing at Adam again before he felt a tight grip around his wrist. Hes swung to the side. Blood swishing around his ears. Roman inhales before pain stings against his face once again, spreading throughout his entire body. His head spun and before his senses regain control, he's slammed against the wall.
All Roman could grasp was the imense pain. His knees shook, wobbling underneath him. Another punch hitting him, faint yelling in the background. A swift knee to his stomach. He kicked at Adam in an attempt to push him away. The air around him felt scarce.
Roman rubbed his head, which was splitting with pain. He swallowed, taking another final swing at Adam before he stumbled back again. Roman blinked, the objects around him finally returning to sight.
"That all you got, Princey?" exasperated Adam, wiping the blood resting on his lips. He lunged forward, leaping towards him. He snarled, grabbing at him.
Roman reached forward to push Adam back. He held his arms up to frantically block his face from all of Adam's swings. He elbowed Adam in his side, the closest possible range without having to remove his defense. An ache in his arms, white hot with pain. An attempted punch towards Adam's face, eventually making contact with his shoulder instead.
The impact wouldn't stop, constant punches against his skin. Roman gasped for air, tensing all throughout his body. He grimaced, bracing for the impact of more burning sensations before Adam was suddenly flung off of him. Roman recoiled, bending over and trying not to throw up. The world around him began to spin, and he felt dizzier than he'd ever felt before. He collasped onto the floor, rest tugging at his eyelids. Blood splattered all over his face, bruises scattered on other parts of his body.
Logan frantically snatched Roman's bag as the teacher escorted Adam out of the room, scolding him as she did so. He searched through his emergency contacts before clicking one of Roman's dads' numbers, a complete gamble at whether he was calling Janus or Patton; though it really didn't matter. He just needed Roman to get help.
Logan ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head. He'd never intended to put Roman in a situation of harm this intense. He slowly approaced his boyfriend, eyes wide with concern. "Are you alright? Can you hear me?" He asks gently, Roman's phone vibrating in his hands.
Roman swallowed, he opened his mouth to speak but a bit of blood began to spill out."I'm sorry Specs," he wheezed. He felt a bit of the tension in his muscles fade as Logan pressed his hands on his wounds.
Roman held a tissue against his nose, bandages now plastered over his knuckles, chin, and parts of his jaw. He felt a lump tighten in his throat, a puddle underneath his eyes. Everything hurt possibly even more now that that fight had finished, adrenaline worn off.
"Wheres my baby boy?!" Patton sobbed, rushing into hospital room where Roman sat, frowningly deeply. "Oh Roman," he huffed, kneeling beside his bed. He softly cuped Roman's face, face worn with worry. "How are you doing?"
A miserable laugh escaped Roman, "Well the doctor said I most likely broke my nose," he answers, "So a prince is thriving," he sulked. "I think I hurt my jaw too, and my arms are all bruised."
Patton rubbed his leg, what looked to be the only part of Roman's body that wasn't covered in bandages. "Your dad told me what happened, or at least what you told him about what happened," he sighed, "But you're gonna be okay, I know it! You're my strong prince, always have been." He insisted, though that was partially to calm his own anxieties. The moment Remus called him from the car while Janus drove Roman to the hospital, he felt sick to his stomach.
Normally, that alone would help ease Roman's worries but right now he just felt even worse. If he was actually a strong prince he'd be able to properly defend his boyfriend, instead of losing miserably against Adam fucking Dotson. But Roman loved his parents, and he especially didn't want Patton to feel worse. So, he cracked a smile,nodding along. "Thanks Dad, I love you."
Patton remained kneeled next to his bed, "I love you too Ro, we all do," he exhaled, "None of us want you getting in fights and hurting yourself."
Roman's smile faltered for a moment, a frown tugging at his lips. The lump in his throat tightened, his voice quivering as he spoke. He shook his head, desperately trying to hold back tears. "Is Logan here?" he asks, he really wanted to talk to him now that he wasn't being punched in the face.
Patton glanced towards the door, "Yeah, yeah he's here kiddo. He drove himself here when he found out you were sent in," he confirms, his voice light and soft.
Roman gaze followed Patton's towards the door, where he could see through the window Remus, Janus, and Logan seated right outside,waiting. "Can you ask him to come in? I royally need to talk to him," he requests, rubbing the bandage sat on his chin.
Patton placed a kiss onto Roman's forehead, gently patting his head."Of course, I think I need to help your dad fill out paperwork anyway, " he watched Roman fidget with his bandages or press his hands against his wounds and he swore his heart shattered.
Logan slowly trotted into the room, creaking Roman's door open and gently closing it behind him. His eyes widened, darting to all of the bandages scattered around Roman, and if his body wasn't damaged it was likely covered by a dark, growing bruise.
Logan sighed softly, approaching him with caution. He cleared his throat, "Hi," he greets shyly.
Roman couldn't help but laugh, chuckling under his breath, "Greetings, Specs," he replies, setting the tissue down for a moment. Luckily the bleeding on his nose had begun to subside, but it was still broken. "Listen I'm sorry, I should have been able to protect you better than I did. I mean I'm your boyfriend and not only that but I hold myself like some sort of prince but I can't even win a fight," he rambled on, tears slowly began to fall as he spoke.
Roman sniffled, frantically shaking his head and wiping his eyes. They wouldn't subside though, streaming down his cheeks.
Logan's frown deepened, he grabbed Logan's hands, rubbing his thumb against Roman's hands. "Roman please," he reaches over with his free hand to wipe his tears. He shook his head, "Don't apologize, frankly I feel physical violence to be a rather immature and arrogant solution to conflict anyways," he began. Logan huffed, "Though you tend to he rather immature and arrogant at times so I suppose your disappointment makes sense," he admitted, gently moving his hand up to card through his hair.
"My point is, you didn't have to do that for me, and even though I know why you did, I'm not remotely upset you lost the fight," he assures the other. "I'm just upset that you got in a fight in the first place." Logan watched as Roman shifted uncomfortably.
"Not upset at you," Logan quickly clarified, "upset at the situation," the hand that still had Roman's placed inside it squeezed his hand, while the other was running his fingers through his hair. "I love you."
Roman swallowed, attempting to blink away his tears. "Not as much as I love you, Nerd," he cooes softly. "It's why I did this in the first place," he explained, "I couldn't just sit around and watch him do that to you! Thats like Flynn Ryder just watching mother gothel hurt Rapunzel!"
Logan snorted, shaking his head, "I am nothing like Rapunzel, Roman," he corrects, rolling his eyes.
Roman groaned, rubbing his temples, "Oh MY GOD Logan, you're gonna hurt my head more than Adam did," he exclaimed in disbelief, paired with a dramatic sigh. "You're so literal. It was a metphor, Einstein." Roman felt a smile tug on his lips, watching as Logan pursed his lips, fighting a soft giggle.
"What'd you even say to Adam anyway?" Roman asked after their laughter calmed. "Bruise his masculinity?"
Logan felt his face flush in embarrassment, "Well he was debating with his friend about the morality of gay people, saying it was gross and a sin," he exhaled in exasperation, "Or really just being homophobic in general, so I corrected him because things he was saying was genuinely incorrect and he started getting all defensive and so I told him he was a pathetic piece of shit," he admits, watching Roman's jaw drop.
"He then began to argue with me and I told him he was being a moron since he couldn't grasp basic concepts of sexual and romantic attraction. "
"Oh my stars Specs, that somehow made you even hotter. "
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skylermadness · 8 months
Warehouse Expedition (Sniper, Medic, and Engineer (TF2) TFs)
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(Original Date of Upload: February 8, 2023)
A gift for my close friend and boyfriend! I've actually been meaning to write a Team Fortress 2 character TF for a few months now, and I kinda did with a ficlet of mine a while back, but I never really got to do one until now! I wanted to write something special for my friends to celebrate something, and considering TF2 was a shared interest of ours I decided to go that route for things. Also my boyfriend kind of got me in the mood for Medic so that had to be dealt with swiftly. Admittedly I was planning for this story to be a bit shorter, but push came to shove and the end result ended up being about 20 pages in the document after I converted everything to Times New Roman. The TFs are still probably shorter than my usual runs though, but that's fine. I just wanted to write something short and special as a dedication to how much I care about my friendships with them! Anyway time to watch both websites I upload this on eat my formatting.
   "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
   "Of course it is, Mike. All of my ideas are good."
   "Arti, this is illegal."
   The sound of three voices reverberated around the narrow walls of a very dusty, dark hallway. A trio of friends; Mike, Arti, and Parker; have found themselves in an… interesting predicament.
   Arti had been the first to suggest exploring some random abandoned warehouse for 'fun'. Neither Mike nor Parker thought it was a serious suggestion, and jokingly agreed to pulling off such an endeavor. They had quickly realized that it was indeed an actual suggestion for how they spent their night as the car they were in jerked into a new direction.
   So here they were, walking inside a supposedly abandoned warehouse in the middle of the night. Mike's current thoughts involved this being the last place they ever walk in, as the darkness proved that this place would be one that would be where you'd go to get murdered.
   "I thought it was a good idea anyway. The place had no fences or guards, the door was unlocked. Seems like a nice place to spend the night really."
   Mike eyed Arti skeptically. "Your idea of 'nice place to spend the night' concerns me."
   "It'll be… fine, probably…" Parker said in an uneasy tone.
   "It'll just be an easy five minute in and out thing then."
   "I seriously doubt that…"
   The three had soon found themselves at the end of the hallway they were walking in, the volume of the space very noticeably expanding drastically as they approached the ending. They were very much nearing the storage section of the place.
   "Guess we're here," Arti said, oddly excited about the prospect of trespassing.
   "Let's just not touch anything," Parker cautioned, Mike nodding in agreement from behind.
   "Yeah, sure. Yeah!"
   Their conversation was abruptly halted once the trio crossed the threshold. The rather sudden, loud sounds of overhanging lights turning on in ordered succession echoed through the walls of the storage area; illuminating the place instantly.
   "I uh, thought this place was abandoned-" Mike said, now very uncomfortable.
   "I mean, power could still be getting routed here…" Parker responded in an attempt to rationalize things.
   Arti turned the flashlight of their phone off. "At least we can see now. Now how about we go look around for a little bit?"
   Mike and Parker, both feeling like they're already in too deep to really refuse, nod in agreement. Although Parker did speak, "Only for five minutes though."
   Arti was the first to walk ahead with Parker and Mike following behind them.
   The trio's steps echoed throughout the room. It looked like a proper warehouse; large, lots of shelves, although most of them seemed empty. It was slightly triggering to Mike's agoraphobia though.
   "God, this room is too big for the amount of nothing it contains…" Mike said with a shudder. He had elected to look downwards for most of the trek, but he flicked his gaze upwards every so often just to check the shelves. They were bare, usually.
   Parker nodded. "Yeah, it does seem a bit… empty?" He was casually looking at each shelf as the three of them walked between them. Usually very dusty, or had some kind of cobwebs. If he was unlucky he'd see a dead bug. 
   "Hm. Disappointing," Arti responded. Yeah, this place was empty. They were hoping for something interesting though.
   Things seem to drone on though. With none of them finding anything remotely interesting it didn't take very long for their group to have navigated two-thirds of the shelves in this space.
   "Perhaps they moved everything out before abandoning it?" Parker said in an attempt to rationalize things.
   Arti sighed. "Eh, yeah. Probably. Kind of wish something would be here though."
   Mike looked up at the back of Arti's head for a second. "We'd be doing this for nothing if the end result was… nothing."
   They all eventually rounded the corner of a shelf to inspect the next row. With the rate they were all going, this would be done in less than the five minutes they agreed upon.
   "Er, why was this place even abandoned anyway…?" Mike asked out of curiosity.
   Arti looked back at him and shrugged. "Dunno. Just heard about it from somewhere and got curious."
   Parker followed up. "That's really your only reason coming here?"
   Arti fully turned around, now walking backwards. "I mean, I thought there'd be something cool here, and I also thought 'hey, why not bring my friends with me as well!' Spur of the moment-"
   Before Arti finished their sentence, the heel of their shoe dug into something hard. Stopping, their gaze moved downwards to find a box. A few boxes, actually. "Did none of you see these?"
   "Nope," they both said in unison. Mike had gone back to avoiding taking in the place's size, and Parker was focused on Arti. 
   The triangular formation the trio had established broke as they proceeded to inspect the boxes. Instead of being on the shelves, the three of them were laying around the ground. Seemingly untouched, unopened, and covered in dust.
   Even more peculiar, all of them had a logo on them. One recognizable amongst the trio. A simple design of a bomb with a lit fuse, the word RED scrawled within the object in fancy lettering.
   "Red Team Logo" Arti said flatly.
   "That's… weird…" Parker knelt down to stare at the box. "Promotional boxes, maybe?"
   "They're still sealed…" Arti said, a hint of excitement in their voice. Their head was full of thoughts related to criminal acts; specifically larceny at this moment.
   The air was suddenly pierced by the abrupt sound of a box being forcibly pushed into by an external force. Arti and Parker both looked at where the source came from, that being Mike who had shoved an elbow into the box. Mike stared at them blankly. "What? I had nothing to open it with!"
   "...I have a multi-tool with a knife," Parker said.
   The knife was passed around between the three, and the boxes were opened properly.
   "Oh my god…" Arti said in astoundment. They rummaged around the box, a few packing peanuts flying up into the air and onto the ground, and pulled out an… exact replica of the Medic's Medi Gun from Team Fortress 2.
   Parker raised a brow, then rummaged around his box. He pulled out a wrench, very likely a replica of the Engineer's melee weapon from the same game. Although the metallic feel to it felt oddly realistic. He hummed, a little confused. 
   Last was Mike, who pulled out a sniper rifle. It was realistic. Too realistic. It was unnerving.
   Arti was having fun though. A 1-to-1 replica of the Medi Gun? Perfect for their collection of Medic memorabilia. "Yup, I think I got something cool…"
   Parker stood back up, inspecting his wrench. "Er, so the only thing in here is just… replica weapons for TF2?"
   "Seems like it…" Mike said as he stood up as well. Although he seemed noticeably uneasy, holding a very realistic weapon and all.
   "It's good though! This Medi Gun almost looks functional."
   Parker then looked at Mike. "Aw, you both got ranged weapons and I just got a wrench."
   "This isn't a weapon, Parker-" Arti corrected.
   "I would take that over a firearm…" Mike said as he continued to inspect his rifle, slowly turning away from the other two. Proper gun safety and all. Speaking of safety, he was checking to see if this thing has an active safety guard, just to make himself feel a bit more at ease. 
   His eyes then widened. "There!" he whispered to himself. Inactive trigger safety. Just have to activate it and… click.
   At that moment a slight shock emitted from the rifle and into Mike's hands, the younger man momentarily shivering from the sudden electrical input. "Woah, what was that…" He was going to investigate, but suspicions suddenly arose at the sight of his hand.
   Was his hand… growing?
   A few seconds passed and his suspicions were confirmed way too easily. It was indeed growing, although it didn't seem to grow too much. He unclasped his other hand from the rifle and lifted it into view, finding it too had looked to gain some additional sizing. 
   Things only got weirder from there. The palms of his hands began to callous. Age started to creep into them while the now slightly thicker fingers blunted themselves. A certain angularity etched into them as well, the changes slowly jumping from his hands to his wrists as they did so.
   The diameter of his wrists expanded, followed by his forearms beginning to shift. Muscles were starting to expand to a more moderate size. Follicles of hair began poking out the skin before quickly dusting the area more prominently. The tone of his skin deepened slightly as well, pale becoming a darker beige.
   His upper arms followed with similar changes as well. Arm hair growth cascading upwards, although appearing not as prominent. Muscles continued to tone, his biceps and triceps increasing in size slightly as well. The short sleeves of his shirt were tightening as a result, although not uncomfortably so. This tightness progressed as his shoulders started to broaden.
   A hand was still grasping onto the rifle, and Mike was staring at the free one. "Whoa, what's… happening?"
   This was definitely abnormal, and if he were to be honest he felt kind of scared. However, it also felt… nice? Really nice! Although casting a glance at his other hand and the rifle within it, he was beginning to connect the dots as to what was happening.
   Meanwhile, his body was widening. Not much, but it was enough to begin straining the split of his shirt slightly. He also felt a pressure in his back, his spine elongating as he was starting to gain an inch or two. This was riding the hem of his shirt upwards, revealing a small portion of his lower abdomen.
   Changes soon started to transition inwards, reaching his torso and unifying at his chest. This was signaled by a momentary gain in strength, his chest pushing out slightly and straining his shirt buttons as a pair of pectorals arose from that area. Hair started to poke out of the skin of his chest as well, slightly more plentiful than it was on his arms. This hair steadily trailed downwards, meeting at the lower portion of his cleavage and running down his midline to make a dusty treasure trail.
   While the trail coarsed downwards to his abdomen, that region altered alongside it. His body fat started to melt away, steadily getting replaced by ridges that creased into his skin signaling a newly forming musculature. Abs slowly emerging, a standard looking four-pack getting solidified. As time progressed the dusting of hair poked from beneath his shirt and moved down into his waist, which had widened to fit his new proportions. 
   At this point Mike was getting curious, the young man now spending a little too long trying to unbutton his shirt with one hand to look at his body. He managed to do so, a little glad he could alleviate his discomfort a bit. But that was disregarded as he started to stare intensely at his torso. His muscles. They weren't the most impressive thing, but they did look nice…
   He squeezed a pec. "Ohhh, that feels… that feels good…"
   He blinked. Did his voice… deepen? "Er, t-testin'-"
   Yeah, it was deeper. And… accented as well. The accent was eerily similar as well. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he let out a deep sigh. "I'm turning inta Sniper, huh?"
   While he came to this realization, his transformation surged beyond his waist and into his legs. They mirrored the changes in his arms, gaining significant tone as hairs speckled the deepening skin. His loose jeans were filling up as a result, becoming oddly snug against this new gain in mass. He could also feel the back of his jeans fill slightly more substantially, his rear getting slightly larger. Whether it was a result of his glutes getting thicker is debatable. All the while, the bones in his legs were lengthening and adding a little bit more to his height.
   His calves flared as everything washed beneath his knees and into the crus of his legs, then from there the changes began to pool at his feet. His shoes were starting to feel smaller as his feet stretched and got larger, slightly thicker. His heel dug into the back of the shoes a bit more, and he could feel the laces and tongue strain against the bridge of his feet. His toes, getting more rectangular and blunted like his fingers, pushed up against the toecap as well.
   "Agh, damn! Things're gettin' tight-" Mike said before his speech sputtered to a caught. His voice was getting more accented; decidedly more Australian with each word. "Feels good though… real good."
   He felt a tickling within his neck, likely his vocal cords fully adjusting while the area got thicker. But shortly after that, a slight itching in his face notified him that the last change was nigh.
   It was more a slew of changes really. The itching was a result of scruffy, grayish stubble running across the sides of his face and jaw. He felt his skull pushing slightly as its shape got slightly thinner and more rectangular. His facial features morphed; eyes narrowing, nose thinning, ears pulling back slightly. His jaw crunched as it lost its roundness, getting seemingly trapezoidal while his cheek fat seemed to fade giving him a more chiseled look.
   The last major physical change came to his hair. Messy and curly at first with a murky brown tinge. However, that brown coloration seems to darken to a more fuller brown. The curliness of it dissipated, straightening out while the overall length steadily shortened back into his scalp. It eventually shortened rather drastically, although not so much that it could be classified as a buzz cut.
   Almost instantly after his physical changes ended, his eyes caught onto his clothing beginning to change. His shirt seemed to go first, its sleeves becoming even shorter until they shrunk into nothing and left it sleeveless. The plain white tone of it shifted to brown, split between a lighter upper portion and a darker lower portion. The material clearly shifted to something more leather, buttons sinking into the material while a zipper formed in the split. A couple pockets emerged in the lower half. The collar remained raised, although the fold dissipated into a single raised portion of leather. 
   Beneath the newly changed vest another set of clothing materialized, red washing across his torso as a new shirt formed beneath it. A collar raised from the shirt's neck, a portion of the split remaining unfastened to show a white undershirt beneath it. Sleeves unfurled from beneath the sleeveless vest, bunching up at the elbows as they were clearly rolled up. A watch manifested on his left wrist with a fingerless glove appearing on the corresponding hand. The denim of his jeans shifted color as they turned to a dark brown.
   Something fastened itself to his belt, that being a pouch containing a canteen. His shoes enlarged to fit his new foot size, laces and cloth smoothing out as they took on a brown hue as well. The topline had also lengthened, but was quickly obscured by his pants.
   Finally in one fell swoop multiple things manifested around him at once. Orange lensed hunting glasses in front of his eyes, a bush hat with a portion of the brim raised up plopping itself onto his head, and a scabbard for his rifle on his back with its strap around his body. With a glow on the sleeves of his new shirt, a symbol of a rifle scope bullseye manifesting onto them, his changes came to an end.
   Mike practically instinctively sheathed his rifle on his back and smiled, inspecting his new form. "Huh, didn't expect this to be happenin'..."
   A brow then raised. If he'd been transformed, that would mean…
   Arti was oblivious that Mike was transforming just a few feet away, as they were still a bit focused on inspecting this Medi Gun replica. It looked so accurate, so real! They'd honestly take it as a real life copy if it were possible to even shoot healing beams like that in real life.
   Arti smiled, an idea crossed their mind. That would mean it wouldn't hurt to just pull the handle down to "activate" it. They put a hand on the object's bottom handle with another hand grasping onto the upper handle. They pulled it back and…
   Their eyes widened. It's…
   "It's glowing…"
   The area around the object shone with an intense red aura, although instead of firing into something it just glowed around the weapon. Actually, wait…
   Their gaze moved from the weapon and onto their arms, then their chest. It wasn't just glowing, it was firing into them?? That shouldn't be possible, but… Arti's smile widened. Who cares! This felt… great, actually! Like it was making them stronger.
   The truth is while they haven't noticed it yet, it was indeed making them strong. Albeit it was bit by bit.
   It started with their hands, since that was the piece of their body in contact with the actual weapon. Their size stretching out to be substantially larger, getting thicker and meatier. Each finger expanding, thickening as well as they gained a more angular look to them. Age was getting poured into them as well, getting rougher and older with each passing second. It didn't take long until their hands became large, with the changes crawling up to their wrists and etching into their arms as well.
   Hair sprouted from the skin of their arms, lightly dusting their forearms as things began to trail upwards. They could feel the sleeves of their coat begin to constrict as well, the muscles within the region warming up and bulking out, trying to reach a proportion adequate to their hands. Nice and thick and muscular, the warm heat of this instant workout surging through Arti's very body.
   "Yes! This feels great!!" they exclaimed, a bit abruptly, although nobody really answered back. They didn't mind too much though, their focus was on this sensation. Feeling their arms amass in strength, their coat tightening against their bulging biceps and thickening triceps. A few rips even pierced the air from its failure to contain their new muscles, although Arti didn't seem to notice. They were more so wondering if this was what steroids felt like.
   Hairs continued trailing upwards, lightly layering the sides of their arms as this newfound musculature settled itself in. Another rip of their coat entered the air as their deltoids started to bulge as well, a sign that their shoulders were beginning to broaden as the changes crossed the barrier into his body. This was exacerbated by a body-wide feeling of tightness as their form began to expand and widen, changes surging in order to make it lose its twink-like body type.
   With this development, everything soon came rushing onto their torso. A tingle cascaded down their back as it began to pressurize and extend, making them taller and steadily bringing the bottom of their coat and undershirt upwards. The zipper of their coat started to pull at itself as their form got wider, easily prompting their attire to lose its previously proper fitting state around their body.
   Things intensified as their very core felt like it lit aflame, hot and intense as the muscles within their chest began to expand. A crevice slowly started forming in the fabric of their undershirt while the zipper of their coat struggled even more than it did before. Beneath them, their pectorals were enlarging. Thicker, bulkier, meatier. Getting larger and larger, becoming like two massive slabs. It didn't take very long for their coat to just give up, the zipper busting off of it and the teeth splitting apart to reveal the now massive set of pectorals they possessed. Their new pecs were cleanly etched into the fabric of their undershirt.
   Body hair began to poke of their cleavage, soon quickly spreading around their pecs before moving downwards. Their abdomen started rippling as the muscles in that region started to shift next. Abs gradually slotted themselves outwards as moderate amounts of hair grew around the midline. It didn't take very long for them to attain a six pack, although the creases that divided it weren't extremely deep. However they were deep enough to etch into their undershirt as well.
   The zipper of their coat continued to break apart against Arti's new musculature. The rips of the seams and tears of the zipper splitting apart were no longer ignorable. They looked downwards at their body, their eyes widening at the sight of their massive pectorals.
   They grinned. "I guess that- that strength wasn't just a feeling after all! O-oh-"
   As they spoke, their voice was slowly starting to alter. It's tone and pitch shifting, a Germanic accent seeping into it. Despite being in its fairly early stages, they knew what was happening.
   "Ohoh, guess this wasn't just a replika after all!" Their grin only seemed to widen at that realization, at this point bordering on the maniacal. 
   Their pants were the next to begin undergoing trouble, the singular button and zipper tightening against their now wider waist. Things were rapidly surging downwards as well, the muscles in their thighs packing on mass rapidly. Hamstrings and quads were growing in tandem at a quick pace, the denim of their pants squeezing up against them in an attempt to contain this bulging strength. At the same time, the seat of their pants steadily filled out as their butt rounded and expanded. A testimony to the size being amassed by their glutes.
   Leg hair sprouted across their legs, around their thighs and jumping down to their crus to sprinkle that region. The muscles there were thickening, calves aflame with heat as they were given an increase in musculature all the same as the rest of their body. The bones in their legs ached for a moment before pressurizing, elongating to increase their height some more. Their jeans continued to attempt to hold together, but the sides were already beginning to split against this raw strength. Their shows soon followed, already rapidly becoming undersized as their feet expanded. Much like their hands before, their feet were getting larger, now to fit their new bodily proportions.
   The neck of their undershirt was getting increasingly uncomfortable as their own neck thickened, but at this point that didn't matter to them. All they could think about was how great this felt! 
   "Zis… zis power is…" They couldn't even find a proper word to articulate it. It was just so good to feel all of this strength coarse through his form.
   "Deific…" they said under a breath, their German accent thickening a bit more. The word was the closest thing to god-like. Although whether or not this was some newfound God complex from just the thought of becoming Medic was beyond them.
   Thoughts were cast aside once they felt pressure wrack their skull. "Ohh, I'm going to enjoy zis!"
   Arti had a pretty rounded face at first, but steadily their skull structure was losing that. Angularity getting introduced, their jawline hardening and getting more chiseled while the overall shape of their face became more rectangular. A small cleft formed an inch beneath their lower lip as well, accentuating that masculinity that was being formulated.
   Aspects of their face shifted as well. Their face was overall developing a more aged appearance. Their mouth seeming to get wider. Their eyes getting larger while their brows thinned and gained an almost stylized crookedness to them. Even their nose flared as it lost its almost button-like shape; reshaping to something wider, concave bridge with an almost pointed base. Their glasses weren't really accustomed to this size, although the new wideness of their skull was already giving them trouble anyway.
   Last to the physical changes came their hair, which was on its way to getting shorter. The black coloration of it lightened slightly, gaining a deep brown tone. However, the hair at the sides of their temples gained a grayish tone, signaling their age a bit more. Hair continued to shorten, rushing back into their scalp as its once neck-reaching length and almost slightly messy style became long forgotten. Their hairline had also receded a bit as well, developing quite the substantial U-shape. What could be considered close to a three on the Norwood scale.
   Still grinning, Arti took a moment to ungrasp the handle of the Medi Gun and feel their jaw. "Ja, this feels great!"
   Although no words could probably explain the pure ecstasy they were feeling. This wasn't just great, this was great! So, so great…
   Their gaze descended back onto the Medi Gun, although their vision was still a bit blurry thanks to the fact their glasses no longer fit. The object was still glowing, pouring red energy into them though, they could tell that. "Hm, handle must be stuck."
   They placed their hand back onto the handle and tried to push it forward. No response. Maybe it had one last thing to change? Hopefully it was their clothes.
   Luckily, their hopes were answered.
   Tightness was being alleviated rather rapidly, all the clothing on their body concurrently growing in an attempt to fit their new form. It was also shifting as well. Undershirt gaining a split while already fastened buttons lined it, the neck raising as well as it formed into a collar. The blue color was shifting into a plain white, it becoming more like a dress shirt than anything else. A red object slithered around their neck and beneath the collar, comfortably wrapping around it as a tie started to hang perfectly from it. Their coat probably endured a more drastic change as what rips and tears formed fixed themselves while the material seemed to alter and become softer. The soft fur of the collar seemed to fade into this material as well. The deeper blue coloration was shifting to a shaded white as well. The zipper slunk into the new material while a few buttons lined a portion of the upper half, steadily buttoning themselves over Arti's now much muscular torso. The bottom of the coat lengthened drastically, quickly going from their hips to their knees, all the way down to reaching the lower half of their legs. A more triangular collar swelled from the now lab coat's neck, and a breast pocket emerged above where the left pectoral would be.
   Their jeans soon followed, getting subsumed by a dark brown color as they seemed to take on a much baggier appearance than before. A belt materialized around their waist, large and with a single pouch already clipped to it. Their shoes gained a smoother shine to them as they dulled to a full black color. The topline raised halfway up the crus of their legs, making their footwear more into boots. Following this, the portion of their pants shoved themselves into their boots, which resulted in their legwear getting a puffier appearance in the lower half.
   The red aura steadily dialed down as the final aspects of the changes came forth. Red latex materializing and covering their hands, hardening into gloves that extended to cover their forearms. Their glasses grew larger, frames thinning as they now better Arti's new facial structure  A sudden weight (albeit one that they could definitely handle) manifested on their back as a massive metallic backpack seemed to have just appeared with straps coming from it, snaking down the front of their body, and buckling to their new belt; all while a hose connected the Medi Gun to the backpack. The final piece was a glow on the sides of their sleeves, a red cross symbol with a yellow background appearing on the upper portion on each one.
   And with that the handle dislodges and the Medi Gun deactivates. The aura fully disperses, leaving Arti with their new body. With a hand on the bottom handle, they lower the object and look down at their body. Their muscular form clothed in a dignifying set of doctor's clothing. "Perfect!"
   Now, the only logical conclusion would be that their friends…
   A few minutes earlier…
   Parker had found himself looking at his other two friends. They seemed to be exploring the supposed replicas pretty well, especially since Arti was practically beaming with euphoria. Although Parker had also noticed Mike's apprehension with the rifle. The other guy seemed to have turned away though, probably to inspect the rifle in peace; all while Arti seemed about ready to test their new Medi Gun.
   Parker looked down at their wrench. It was… large, he supposed. And a bit heavy, although not so much so that he'd be unable to lift it. It looked to be some kind of standard agricultural wrench as well, although Parker wasn't quite sure how he knew that. 
   He fumbled around with it, rolling it around in his hands idly as he thought. It wasn't really the most impressive thing in comparison to the other two, and it felt a bit odd to have a replica wrench of all things. Like, yeah that could be considered Engineer's signature tool, but it's still an odd choice to him.
   They sighed. It's fine at least. Plus, what are the odds everyone decides to take these home with them? Well, for Arti that was 100% but that's whatever. Parker then smiled to themselves, lost in thought and deciding to just casually tap the top of the wrench onto their belly. They weren't sure why they did it. It just felt a bit silly.
   He was unaware that that action alone kick-started his own transformation, alongside those of his friends…
   It was subtle at first, very small amounts of fat beginning to accumulate around his abdomen. A small bit of chub at first, but it didn't take very long for that small bit to increase by a lot. Fat continuously piling on his belly, the area bloating more and more as the hem of his undershirt rode up it, the region just getting larger and softer. It didn't take very long for it to be considered less of a belly and more of a thick gut. And all the while, abdominal muscles had started to form beneath it, although greatly obscured by his sizable tummy.
   It would be hard for such a development to go unnoticed, especially with the chill running across the skin of his abdomen thanks to his shirt slowly becoming more ill-fitting. Parker looked down, eyes wide as he nervously moved a hand towards his belly. "What the heck…"
   The gain in weight only persisted though, moving from his belly to his chest with ease. Mirroring what occurred on his abdomen, a softness filled his chest region as his pectorals pushed out slightly. This was still accompanied by a firmness of muscle mass, giving him a more balanced mixture of muscle and fat in that area. It steadily squeezed up against his shirt, faintly etching his cleavage into the light blue portion of it.
   At this point Parker had started squeezing his belly, then moving that hand upwards to squeeze a pectoral. He winced as he felt something squeeze his spine, him slowly getting taller and his shirt moving even further up his belly. This allowed him to catch onto body hair starting to grow on his usually hairless form, slowly rising up his midline and moving beneath his shirt. Judging by the itchiness on his chest, he could tell he was getting some chest hair as well (although the amount wasn't extremely impressive).
   "Soft…" was the primary thing Parker could think of as he continued to squeeze himself. It was nice and warm, kind of reminded him of all those stereotypical images of a dadbod. An ideal for him, really…
   He didn't notice the few specks of gray entering his chest hair as he thought this. What he did notice, though, was his shirt and jacket getting a little more constricting. It was starting to stretch out, Parker taking a few moments to realize his body was widening as well. The slight discomfort only continued as the shoulders of his sleeves filled up, his own shoulders steadily welling up in size.
   While fat started to spill into his arms, muscle seemed to grow a little more prominent in that area. His delts getting thicker, his biceps and triceps steadily increasing in mass. All with the accompanying feeling of strength entering them, years of hard work being granted in mere seconds. If he were being honest, the newly amassing upper body strength was slowly aiding in making the wrench less heavy than before.
   Things then trickled beneath his elbow and onto his forearm. Muscles growing, getting nice and strong. Hair speckling across the top of his arms with ease, mixed with browns and grays. The area in general was growing to fit his new proportions. However, once the changes reached his hands things began to get stranger, each hand changing on in a different way.
   The right one seemed to be normal. Stretching out larger and getting thicker. Fingers getting meatier. Age creeping into them as the palm calloused, cuts forming and scarring instantly. Even a few fingernails seemed to chip as grime got beneath them. 
   The left one though, the one holding the wrench, that one was the one Parker was focused on. It started to feel numb, the skin upon it looking discolored. An almost metallic sheen coming into it as if the wrench's metal was melting into his flesh. His skin soon started to harden, that metallicness getting more and more prominent. It was consistently getting more inorganic, the fingers segmenting for free movement, hand disconnecting from his wrist as the associated forearm underwent a similar shift to metal. It did somewhat hurt, having his nerves reconnected to the now prosthetic limb, but that was only temporary.
   The shine was only temporary, dulling as grime dirtied up the metal and years of work piled onto it in seconds. He could see assorted dents and gashes emerging as well. It was definitely well worn, but as he casually turned it around he found that it still responded to his every movement. 
   "Woah," Parker started with a smiled, "a-a robotic limb!"
    He blinked his eyes. "Wh-what happened to mah voice… there…"
   He cleared his throat. His voice was getting deeper? And… "Is that a… Texan accent??"
   His cheeks flushed momentarily. It was. It sounded really good though. Deep, masculine, part of him wanted to say 'yee-haw!' just to hear how it'd sound, but he decided to do that later. Once all the changes were done.
   Speaking of, his jeans were beginning to be next on the list of things that were steadily losing their fit on him. His waist had already widened to incorporate his new width, now all that remained was his legs. Slowly bulking with muscles, fat forming around those as well. Thighs getting decided thicker as an end result. He could even feel his butt round out as it swelled up, filling up the seat of his pants.
   The floor started to get a little further, his height increasing a second time with his legs getting a bit longer. The muscles in that area were also gaining in size, although at this point it was clear his leg muscles weren't as worked on as his arm muscles. But they still possessed a substantial amount of bulk to them, at least in comparison to what they used to have on him. It actually felt quite empowering.
   Following this came the changes in his feet. His shoes were quickly filled, before filling out a bit more as his feet grew larger than what his previous shoe size was. Larger, bulkier, heels digging into the back in, ankles digging into the size. The straps started breaking from the Velcro they were attached to, and an outsider could probably see bulges where their toes were. To say their shoes barely fit them was an understatement, especially since they were doing more to attempt to contain the changes rather than try to fit around them like the rest of his clothing had.
   "Agh- darn body bulkin'-" Parker said, smiling in contrast to his complaints. The sound of his Southern accent getting thicker was pleasing, although he wasn't quite sure if the way things were being phrased was him leaning more into the accent or not. "I hope my clothin' changes soon, don' think it'll last too much longer."
   He pulled at the neck of his shirt with his organic hand, his neck having already thickened a bit over the size it'd actually be comfortable in. The scarf he kept around his right arm was also rather constricting, Parker swearing his blood flow there was getting cut off. "That don' sound very good…" he said towards that thought. It was fine though, it was fine-
   Parker shivered as a tingle ran up their spine and zapped into their skull. Pressure started to squeeze into it, him feeling it get squished and molded like putty. His jawline getting squeezed, roundness becoming a little more chiseled and square. Dusty brown stubble prickled out of his face, starting at his chin and gradually working its way up the sides of his face and around his mouth. His eyes got a little smaller, his rounded nose getting more pointed and triangular. His brows even seemed to fade a bit, getting thinner than they were before. The youthful look of his face seemed to harden, aging and weather as his age crept upwards towards middle age.
   The most noticeable change came to his hair. It was long, full, fluffy, but as the transformation seeped into his face that was getting lost. His hair began receding back into his scalp, steady at first before picking up the pace with the rest of his face. Shortening from neck length, retreating consistently as its fullness got lost. His manbun undid itself almost instantly as a result, and his hairline had receded slightly as well. His hair continued to get shorter until the brown reached a point of being more of a dusty brown equal to that of his facial stubble. He was sporting more of a buzzcut now, extremely short and scratchy.
   "Ah hell, kinda wish I'd keep that!" Parker exclaimed, rubbing his head with his human hand. It did feel kind of nice though.
   A rip then pierced the air, the sleeve of his jacket unable to handle this kind of movement with this bulky an arm. Parker let out a nervous laugh, "God damn, eheh- now'd be a good time for some new clothes right about now!"
   His desire was granted in an instant with all the constricting of his clothing steadily fading, everything better growing to fit his size. The hem of his shirt edged downwards, finally covering his belly as the light blue and white coloration of it saturated to a hard red color. The sleeves of it elongated, then rolled themselves up. Meanwhile, the neck lengthened and folded into a collar, a small placket forming in the middle of his shirt to accompany it. A white undershirt seemed to have separate itself from the red shirt as well with it being visible from that placket.
   His jacket was next to follow, although its changes were exceedingly peculiar. The split started to merge with itself on the lower half while much of the upper half seemed to practically dethread itself into oblivion. It promptly, albeit temporarily, disconnected before metallic clips materialized and snapped them onto the changing attire, seemingly to conform it to being a pair of overalls. The coloration of both his jacket and pants shifted, the denim altering to a deep brown. A belt then manifested, snaking around his waist while coming pre-equipped with various pouches and a sheath for his wrench. His shoes then enlarged, blue and white cloth shifting to a normal brown leather, the soles growing more rigid, and the topline raising and going beneath his overalls. All of which was in one slew to change his footwear into a more fitting pair of boots.
   The last fixtures to his attire came in a slew of various materializations. Metallic knee pads appearing from thin air and wrapping around his knees. A yellow and gray glove effortlessly slipping on his robotic arm. A hard hat had even popped into existence atop his head, a pair of goggles slipping from within it and clinging comfortably to his face.
   Any remnant of his old attire that remained was the colorful scarf on his right arm, which just grew to fit the arm more comfortably. With all of that settled, a soft glow emanated from the sides of the sleeves of his shirt, a yellow symbol with a red wrench insignia within it forming and signaling the end of his transformation.
   "Heheh, lookin' good Engie…" Parker said, patting his belly proudly as he sheathed the wrench. 
   He then looked up to speak. "Ey guys, ya see this- oh!"
   His eyes widened beneath the goggles. In Arti's place was Medic, and in Mike's place was Sniper.
   "Parker, my friend! You got transformed as well?" Arti said excitedly.
   "Yup!" Parker slung an arm around Arti. "Glad t' know I ain't the only one!"
   After just a few seconds Mike walked up to the two. "G'day, mates! Guess uh, we all got changed, huh?"
   "Yep!" the other two said in unison.
   "It feels… strange, don't it?" Mike said, pulling at the collar of his shirt awkwardly. "Still tryin' to grasp all of this. Weird feelin's."
   "I do quite like the strength zis body provides, if I do say so myself!" Arti said, their mind jumping to their newly gained muscles. His attire felt quite nice on them.
   "The dadbod I got is quite nice as well, although I do agree with our partner here. This does feel rather disorientin'. Head's been a little achey, a lot of unfamiliar knowledge comin' ta me." Parker explained, rubbing the back of their head nervously. 
   "I can alleviate that easily!~" Arti said with a smile, pulling back the handle of their Medi Gun and shooting a stream of healing energy into Parker. 
   A smile formed on Parker's face, the pain getting alleviated. "That feels real nice, partner…"
   "Glad you two are enjoyin' yourselves. Now, how 'bout we get out of here before someone else decides to come in after us?" Mike said, slightly worried about the prospect of getting caught in here. Although odds are they'd just be seen as very accurate TF2 cosplayers over anything else…
   "Sounds good to me!" Arti responded, with Parker giving a thumbs up in response as well.
   "Great, although…" Mike looked around for a moment, his agoraphobia not triggering for once as he noticed the room looked different. "Does this place look any different to either of you?"
   His friends looked around curiously. Parker was the first to speak, "It does look a lil' dirty. A lot more brown than gray."
   Arti didn't speak at first, but they had a look on their face that Mike could clock as them having a theory. They did speak after a few seconds though. "I think we should take a look outside-"
   Mike and Parker looked each other in the eye quizzically, then nodded in agreement. Something weird was going on…
   After a couple minutes, the trio had found themselves walking through the very hallway they used to get in here. Dust was replaced by dirt, and both Arti and Mike were pretty sure they saw a few bloodstains around, albeit it was long since faded.
   "The hell are we…" Mike said, his deep voice practically rumbling as it echoed through the hall.
   The trio eventually found the door they came through, and Parker was the one to push it open and walk out first. Arti came out behind him, Medi Gun in hand; and Mike seemed to almost instinctively pull out his rifle as he stepped outside.
   The grass crunched under everyone's boots. The sun was hanging high in the air, and the once heavily forested area around the warehouse seemed to have heavily lost much of its foliage. 
   "What in tarnation…"
   "Car seems to be missin' to," Mike observed as he stepped out from behind Parker.
   "Seems like it. Where even are we? This place… looks like where we were." Parker responded. 
   "I have a feeling that transformation changed more than our bodies-" Arti said. Mike and Parker both looked at him.
   Mike was the first to ask, "Mate, what are you tryin' to say?"
   "We done got reality shunted?" Parker followed up.
   "More like time shunted!" Arti corrected, a finger raising to punctuate their point. "I think ve might be in some kind of… alternative 1970s? It's quite convoluted to explain-"
   "Time travel, got it." Unease fading, Mike sheathed his rifle. "I have a feelin' this'll be quite the interestin' week…"
   Parker nodded. "You and me both, partner."
   Arti smiled, placing their hands on their Medi Gun. "So, my friends, how about ve head out and live these new lives we've been granted?"
   Mike was a little perturbed, but a part of him felt… oddly accepting of this. Especially since he's got both of his friends here. "I don't see why not, I suppose. Had to be put here for a reason."
   Parker brought both of his friends towards him and slung both arms around them, the middle aged man smiling. It could be the steady amount of knowledge being hammered into his mind making him think this, but he also wants to think that this is a legitimate feeling he's having. Being in a strange alternative world with his two best friends, planning out some kind of weird adventure. "I think we should as well, partners!"
   Parker's enthusiasm was infectious, Mike softly smiling alongside him while Arti grinned (although with their new facial structure it looked practically devious).
   All tension that was in the air was displaced by a strange buzz of excitement. The trio of friends were still rather confused why this all happened, but all of them came to a mutual agreement that…
   One way or another, they were all going to find this out together.
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powderblueblood · 1 month
lets get pervy. top 5 smut tropes in fanfic
hello sicko! people feel free to use these as suggestions because I don’t see nearly enough of them
dommy secretly loving femme/subby bratty obsessed masc especially if there’s height difference *roman roy voice* yes mommy
voy!!eur!!ism!!! secretly perving and crucifying oneself for it (bonus points if the watched is creeped out when the watcher admits it at first then puts on a show for them when they know they’re watching)
character a (usually top of their game, snarkmaster 5000) being reduced to a whimpering rutting mess because of how much they want character b. edging is probably involved here
male characters jerking off in stolen lingerie ☺️
‘look at me’ especially when they’re coming especially if there’s Fraught Emotional Stakes
ask me my top 5 anythang
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myplasticadversary · 1 year
Sorry to turn your blog into the dog pound ask game but just to offer up an alternative read, while I think there are plenty of times Kendall was not a good or even decent big brother I actually didn’t read the dog pound as super sinister because I think it’s actually kind of (at least conceptually) a common game kids actually do play at that age. While I understand the interpretative view that harmless things that are normal in other families are often twisted funhouse versions in the Roy family, I think there’s a valid reading that this wasn’t one of those times. While S3 was airing Kieran Culkin gave a great interview where he talked about dog pound and described it as something rewritten in Roman’s mind. (“The dog-cage moment, Roman had rewritten it as he had been bullied by Kendall. I don’t think he ever was, but I think there was something in him as a kid that felt like a victim that as an adult he has tried to process and make into something else.”) Apparently, he and Jeremy agreed on that interpretation, and I think that’s a fair way to read it (noting of course everyone is allowed their own interpretation and there is no one/right/best way to interpret a scene). Personally, I viewed the hug and sibling brawl in S4 as variations on a worsening lifelong theme – semi-new steps in a progression as opposed to one-to-one evidence of how the characters behaved in childhood but that could totally just be me…anyway, happy to provide a link to the Kieran interview if anyone is interested. I just feel that in all the dog pound discourse I almost never see anyone reference Kieran’s take on it which I do think is interesting as it really goes to that whole “what even is the past” thing the show likes to play around with but in a slightly different direction than I usually see on tumblr.
Ah right, that's a valid point too. Tbh I think I do tend to pick and choose when I factor an actor's interpretation into my reading, and maybe even some part of me is weirdly overcompensating for being a Kendall girl by fixating on him doing fucked up stuff.
At the same time though, while I do believe things had gotten much worse than they'd ever been after Logan's death because of how he and Roman had both differently felt compelled to fill that hole, I don't really see it as all that unprecedented either. Like, there was him brushing off Roman being upset about Shiv saying one day he's got to fuck something, Kendall saying "he loves it" and that he's probably jerking off over it, there was the "who'd you suck off to get out" when Roman came back from the hostage situation, the famous "you're not a real person", etc.
But also, I think part of how I view Kieran's take is that Roman is recasting Kendall as the primary aggressor in their childhood because he happens to be a safer target of his anger than Logan or any of the other people who may have hurt him or made him feel inferior. After all, he did feel comfortable enough with Kendall as a little boy being taught how to pee standing up. So it's not that he was ever purely an abusive presence in Roman's life, but these things are rooted inside of them and come out whether they mean it or not.
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roseianxiety · 1 year
Always You
As a young boy, Virgil often swooped in to save his geeky and timid childhood best friend, Roman, from his bullies. After years have passed without seeing each other, his friend has come home from abroad and now a completely different person than before, and ready to sweep Virgil off his feet. Virgil, of course, falls head over heels for the other.
AO3 - Part 1, Part 2
Content Warning: Swearing, Slight Bullying, Mild Angst
Author's Note: I used Google Translate for the Italian so sorry in advanced if there are any errors.
Chapter One
"Piggy! Piggy!"
"Eww, you're disgusting!"
"Oi, get away from him!"A young boy, looking no older than ten, shouted at the three other young boys who were making fun of his friend. "Leave him alone!"Virgil exclaimed as he stormed towards them. The bullies immediately scattered away as soon as Virgil approached them.
Virgil took advantage of this to grab Roman's wrist. Virgil dragged Roman out of the way, pulling the younger boy with him. He sat Roman down on one of the benches outside the school. Virgil bent down to face his friend.
"Are you okay?"
Roman nodded but tears were already rolling down his chubby cheeks. His freckled face was splotchy red as he clutched his stomach, struggling to breathe through hiccuping sobs. "Am I ugly, Vee?".
Virgil sighed and put a hand on Roman's shoulder. "You're not ugly, Ro.". "Then why are they so mean to me!?" Roman wailed, his whole body trembling.
"They're just being dumb jerks, don't listen to them. If they keep picking on you, then I'm here for you and I'll beat them up, alright? So stop crying now!"
"Pinky promise?"Roman sniffled as he reached out his pinky finger towards Virgil. Virgil wrapped his pinky around it and shook it firmly. "Pinky promise.".
Virgil quickly woke up from his slumber when he had fallen off the bed, his whole body hitting against the wooden floor, creating a loud thud. He groaned before groggily getting up from the floor and plopping back on the bed. He yawns and stretches his arms above his head. He glances at the clock on his nightstand.
It was 9:34 am, surprisingly earlier than the time he usually wakes up.
He got up from the bed again and slipped on his fuzzy cat slippers before heading out of his room for breakfast.
"You're awake early today, sweetie."His mom chirped when she saw her son. She was currently cooking up something, Virgil had no clue on. Virgil rubs his eyes as he waddles his way to the kitchen, sitting himself on a stool. "Fell off of bed, that's why.".
His mom giggled softly at his words before turning around to give her son a quick kiss on the cheek then going back to what she was doing earlier. Virgil hums at the kiss, smiling slightly.
"By the way, sweetie, there's some pancakes I left for you. It's in that container near you."His mother stated.
Virgil nodded quietly and grabbed the white container and opened it, the smell of pancakes quickly wafting to his nose. He reached for a fork before finally digging in.
"Are you going to work this afternoon?"His mother asked softly, plating the food she just finished cooking.
Virgil shook his head in response, "No, why?". He queries with a mouthful of pancakes.
She hums as she reaches the top cupboard to get something. "Remember that childhood friend of yours that lived across from us?". Virgil nodded his head at her question.
"Well, he just came back from Italy and moved to that same house. He looks and acts like a different person now, such a charming young man."Virgil's mother continued. Virgil swallowed his bite before nodding slowly, unsure what to say. "So did you like, invite him for brunch or something? Assuming you're cooking a lot more than usual."He asks.
"Oh of course! And it's best that you two have your little reunion after years of not seeing each other."His mom answered.
Virgil nodded before continuing to eat his pancake while listening to his mother talk about his childhood friend.
Virgil just stepped out of the shower in newly cleaned clothes, drying his soaked hair with a dry towel. He walked downstairs to find his mother preparing the table and decided to help her when the doorbell suddenly rang.
"Deary, can you get that door for me, yeah?"His mom called out from the kitchen. Virgil sighs and responds to his mom in agreement before heading to open the door.
As Virgil was opening the door, he saw a towering man smiling down at him. He was utterly starstruck. No man can be this handsome and sexy, like damn. This couldn't be... Could it...?
"Roman?" Virgil's voice came out quieter than intended. Virgil cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure.
The taller man's, or Roman's, face brightened and the grin on his face got wider when he recognized who the other man was.
"Virgil, is that you, mio amico!?"
Roman cried out happily, his Italian accent dripping in his words like thick honey. He pulled Virgil into a tight bear hug, almost crushing Virgil with his strong arms.
"I-I can't breathe."Virgil wheezed out. As he tried to catch his breath, he heard Roman gasp and pull back, only then realizing that he was squeezing Virgil too tightly.
"Mi dispiace, sorry, Virge. I've missed you so much!"Roman exclaimed excitedly, still clutching Virgil by the shoulders. "It's nice to see you, too, Ro." Virgil replied, unable to form coherent sentences due to– well, circumstances.
"Wow... uh, you've changed. A lot."Virgil commented as he took in the rest of his friend's appearance. Roman had an extreme growth spurt, he used to be shorter than Virgil but now the tables have turned. And, God, those muscles... Virgil blushed at this last thought as the realization set in that he has been staring at his friend's biceps.
"O si, and so do you! You've grown as well! Though, not to offend, but why are you puny? You were so much taller than me."Roman said, cocking his head sideways.
Virgil shrugged and averted his gaze from Roman. "I dunno, I guess I didn't have a growth spurt as much as you did.".
Before they could even continue their conversation further, Virgil's mom popped out from the kitchen, interrupting them.
"Oh, Roman! You're finally here."She cheered. Roman smiled brightly at Virgil's mother before taking a step forward and embracing her in a warm embrace for a bit.
"Good morning, Mrs. Barret. You look beautiful as ever."Roman greeted politely with a smile, pressing a soft kiss on the back of her hand. Virgil's mother, Mrs. Barret, chuckled lightly. "Such a sweet young man. You flatter me too much, child.".
"Anyway, brunch is ready. You two follow me to the kitchen."She said as she motioned to the two boys and headed to the dining room.
"You know, you used to be timid and shy. What happened to that?"Virgil spoke, glancing at Roman. Roman gave Virgil a soft smile. "Life changes people,"Roman said simply.
"Yeah, I guess they do..."He said before following after Roman.
"What is it like in Italy, Roman?"Mrs. Barret asks curiously as she places another slice of meatloaf on Roman's plate, who only smiles thankfully at her.
The man replies eagerly while taking a small bite on the meatloaf, "It's lovely there! The weather is always perfect, there are gorgeous cities like Rome with the most beautiful views! The people there are so kind! They have wonderful food as well. È fantastico!".
Virgil watched as Roman practically swoons over Italy, talking all about the country which has become his home. Roman's smile never faltered even once during his entire long story about how living in Italy was.
"Oh I just can't wait to bring you two there! I'm sure you all would love it!''He exclaimed excitedly. Mrs. Barret giggles as she waved him off, "Oh that's sweet of you, dear, but I'm not one for traveling. But I'm sure Virgil would like to.". She then glances at her son.
Virgil, who was busy devouring his own meal, nods slightly and says, "Italy seems cool, so yeah I guess.".
Roman gives a triumphant nod and exclaims, "Yay! That settles it then! I'll make it happen soon!".
"Oh I remembered, Virgil, you haven't told me anything new about yourself."Roman said nonchalantly as he ate, clearly oblivious to the way Virgil stiffened.
"Uhmm..." He trailed off. "Well I dropped out of college and I work at a nearby coffee shop... Nothing's really new about me.". He responded awkwardly.
"Why did you drop out of College?"Roman inquired curiously as he put down his utensils, leaning forward towards Virgil slightly.
But instead of Virgil answering, Mrs. Barret interjects, "He wasted so many opportunities just to take care of sickly and pathetic me.". She sighs sadly.
Both Roman and Virgil frowned at her. Virgil placed a hand on his mother's shoulder and squeezed gently. "Don't say that, mom. You're not pathetic and it's my duty as a son to take care of you.". He reassured, his tone softening significantly.
A small smile appears on his mother's lips as she nods, giving her son a thankful glance.
Roman smiles gently at the scene, placing a hand under his chin to rest his cheek against it. His eyes twinkled with amusement as he observed the interaction between mother and son.
"Anyway, I think I should rest now. You two continue while I go take a nap,"Mrs. Barret said as she got up from her chair. "And sweetie, will you tidy the table for me if ever you're done, yeah?"She added, softly patting Virgil's cheek before heading out of the dining room.
Virgil smiled and nodded obediently. He looked back at Roman, who was staring at him. "What?"Virgil asks, raising an eyebrow out of confusion.
"Niente, I just thought it was quite cute."Roman admitted with a shrug. He then gets up from his chair and takes his empty plate plus the utensils but Virgil stops him.
"I'll take care of that, you can go and relax,"Virgil insisted.
Roman shook his head and went to put his plate on the sink, "Shush, I'll help you tidy up."He retorted.
"But you don't have to-"
"Chiuso, I insist on helping."
Virgil let out a groan in defeat before grabbing the rest of the dishes and carrying them to the sink.
"If Italy was so great then why'd you leave?"Virgil asks Roman while they were washing the dishes together. Roman hummed in thought before replying, "I simply missed my hometown.".
"Hmm, what about your parents?"Virgil queries.
Roman's smile fades slightly before responding. "They..well, they passed away a few months ago... now it's just me and my brother.".
Virgil winced in sympathy at Roman's reply. "Oh.... I'm sorry about that.". Virgil said guiltily. Roman merely waved his hand, shrugging nonchalantly. Virgil's eyes narrowed slightly and he asked, "Do you wanna talk about it or not?".
Roman purses his lips into a small smile, "Some other time maybe.". Virgil nodded in understanding and continued washing the dishes. After some time they finished washing the dishes, and Virgil placed the plates and utensils back in their place, Roman helping him as well.
Once everything was tidied up, Virgil led Roman to the front door. "Thanks for visiting, by the way. It's nice to finally catch up with you."Virgil says with a warm smile. "It's no problem. It was great catching up with you too!"Roman said enthusiastically.
"Can I perhaps get a farewell hug with you?"Roman requested sheepishly, spreading his arms out as an indication.
Virgil snorted with laughter and said playfully, "Okay, okay, hugs it is.".
Roman beamed happily before pulling Virgil in for a tight warm (and also suffocating) hug, which Virgil gladly returned.
"Okay, let go, you're suffocating me again."Virgil laughs out. Roman released Virgil immediately, letting out a light chuckle. "Sorry, you're just so tiny and huggable!". He laughed.
Virgil rolled his eyes, swatting at Roman's arm with a light grin on his face. "Okay now you're insulting me.".
"No, It's a compliment!"
Soon then, they finally said goodbye to each other and Roman left, but not after giving Virgil a bear hug for the last time.
Virgil let out a soft sigh as he closed the door behind him and headed to the stairs, deciding to go to his room.
"Roman already left?"
Virgil felt like his soul left his body in surprise and was about to go into fight mode when he realized it was just his mother.
"Jesus Christ, mom, you scared the absolute shit outta me."Virgil hissed, placing a hand over his beating heart. His mother chuckled apologetically. "Sorry dear, didn't mean to scare you.".
"But yeah, he already left."The man said with a long sigh, calming himself down. "I see, so did you two catch up on each other?"His mother asks, smiling fondly at him. He just shrugged in response. "...Yeah, we did. He also told me that his parents passed away.".
"Ohh, poor boy... Is that why he moved back here?". She inquires.
"He didn't particularly say why he moved back here, he mentioned that he just missed our hometown,"Virgil explains. His mother merely hums and nods in response before finally coming down from the stairs, "Hmm, I hope things will go well for that kid.". Virgil hums back at her in agreement.
"Also, didn't you say you were going to take a nap? It's still 3pm."Virgil queries her as he begins to walk back upstairs.
"I did, it was just a short nap."His mother replied, already headed to the kitchen.
Virgil smiles softly and shakes his head, going to his room to rest.
Writing Taglist: @cutebisexualmess (please tell me if you want to be added or removed in the tag list)
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One Chance To Make A First Impression
Chapter One
Chapter 6/6:
Remus hadn’t done much in regards to considering his soulmate since getting together with Janus.  He hadn’t stopped thinking about his soulmate entirely, but he was also perfectly content with their current plan of “we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”  Janus was what he’d wanted for a very long time, he wasn’t going to not enjoy that because of someone he hadn’t met yet.
So he’d wait and see.  He’d stopped having expectations about his soulmate a long time ago, anyway.  His soulmark read “Are you sure?” which was so generic it could mean just about anything.  Heck, Remus had been asked that a couple times before it turned out the marks didn’t match up.  So he was reserving judgment as best as one really could when it came to these things, and just enjoying his life as it was for right now.
Going on dates with Janus were one of the highlights nowadays, though hanging out with Virgil had started to become a highlight too (Roman and Janus were right, he did love him).  But both of them were fun just to walk around and make fun of people with, which is why when the three of them did stuff together they didn’t plan anything specific, and why today they were just walking down the street together, in an area they weren’t as familiar with, waiting to see what would happen.
And today, what ended up happening was Remus spotted a tattoo parlor, grabbed Janus and Virgil’s arms, pulled them both close, and turned them towards it.
“Guys,” he said.  “There.”
Janus glanced over at the shop, and turned a raised eyebrow back at Remus.  “What?”
“I want one.”
“Just… out of nowhere, like that?” Virgil asked, sounding a little baffled by it.
“Well, I mean, you and Logan told me you want to cover your soulmarks and Roman asked me for help brainstorming ideas, but also yes.”
Janus laughed a little.  “Alright, fair enough.  Though I’d recommend waiting a while to consider what you want before you get the first thing you lay eyes on permanently etched onto your skin.”
Remus turned and gave Janus a very firm look, then walked over to the tattoo parlor and slammed opened the door.
“I want your wildest, craziest, least popular tattoo permanently etched on my skin,” he announced to the shop, currently empty except for the very pretty person behind the counter, who was staring at Remus like he’d grown a second head.
Before Remus could say anything else, or ask why the person looked like he was reevaluating his whole life, the person asked, “Are you sure?”
Remus brushed past his soulmark like usual with a nod, and started towards the counter, pulling the book there with the example art towards him.  Janus and Virgil walked up from behind him, and Remus was about to slide the book over and ask for opinions when the tattoo artist grabbed his hand suddenly, and Remus glanced up.
“Sorry,” the person said instantly, pulling his hand back.  “I uh, yours is probably a bit more generic than mine, huh?”
Remus stared at him.  “What are you talking about?”
The person turned his hand over and presented his wrist to Remus, and Remus looked down to see the words he’d just said a minute ago written there.
It took a minute for it to process, but once it did, Remus yelped in surprise and jerked backwards.
His soulmate moved backwards too, and held up his hands in a clearly placating way.
Remus looked back at Janus, who now looked nervous but almost seemed to be doing an okay job of hiding it.  Virgil, on the other hand, despite being less involved, was now looking between Janus, Remus, and Thomas in a very obvious way.
Remus opened his mouth but nothing came out.  Then he turned back to his soulmate.  “Uh… fuck.”
His soulmate’s gaze turned slightly curious, and Remus felt a spike of nerves.
“Do you want us to leave?” Janus asked.
“No,” Remus said instantly, turning to Janus and Virgil both.  “Fuck no.  You��re staying right here.  I uh—” he turned back to his soulmate.
“Okay, uh.  So.  Fun story.  I’m Remus.  You’re my soulmate…”
“Thomas,” Thomas said, still seeming confused.
“Thomas!  Cool!  This is my friend Virgil.”
Virgil waved nervously.
“And this… is my boyfriend!  Janus?” Remus said, with a tense smile and a gesture back at Janus.
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t for Thomas’ eyes to widen slightly before he slumped against the counter and sighed in what sounded like relief.
“Oh thank god,” he said, and now Remus was the one confused.
But Thomas did then smile up at him in relief.  “Sorry, I just… I’ve kinda been worrying for a while about explaining that I don’t want to date you right away just because we’re soulmates.  But now I’m thinking you probably get that.”
Remus blinked.  “Oh.  Oh, yeah!” he laughed a little in relief.  “Yeah, that… that’s cool.”
“Very cool,” Janus said with a smile of his own, and Virgil gave a relieved sigh, mostly seeming glad they weren’t going to cause a scene.
“I mean, I wouldn’t mind getting to know you, if you don’t mind that,” Thomas said, rubbing the back of his neck.  “But I’d like to do that first.”
“Totally.  Yes, please, let’s do that,” Remus said, starting to grin.
Thomas grinned a little too.  “Awesome.  Here, let me…” he grabbed a piece of paper from somewhere under the counter, then slid it across the counter.  “That’s my phone number.  Whenever you’re ready.”
Remus tore off part of the paper and wrote his own phone number down, then slid it back across to Thomas.  “Back at you.”
Thomas smiled, and gave a mini salute.
They left shortly after, meaning it turned out that Remus wasn’t going to get a tattoo that day, but he did end up getting a lot to think about.
He and Thomas met up for coffee not long after, sans Janus and Virgil this time.  According to Janus, the coffee shop he and Roman had used to meet Patton had good coffee and good vibes, so they went with that one and got a table by the window.
“Would Janus be okay with us meeting without him?” Thomas asked when Remus told him Janus wouldn’t be coming.
“Oh yeah,” Remus said.  “There’s not much he wouldn’t be cool with as long as I let him know first.  He’d be cool with us dating if we decide to do that.  Janus and I are both very poly,” Remus said.  “Janus has two soulmates, and one of his soulmates has two boyfriends who aren’t his soulmates, so we’re all kinda…” Remus waved his hands around in a vague loose motion.
Thomas laughed a little.  “Fair enough,” he said.  “So, uh… tell me about yourself, then.”
“I’m an artist!” Remus said with a grin.  “I draw and I spraypaint.  I’m pretty good too, if I do say so myself.  Definitely better than my brother Roman.”
Thomas laughed again at that.
“Never done tattoos before though,” Remus admitted.  “I’m sure it’s relatively the same, right?”  He grinned wide to make sure Thomas knew he was joking.
Thomas snorted.  “Oh, yeah, very similar.  Definitely no chance for severe bodily harm or anything.”
“That’s what I thought!”
Thomas rolled his eyes, luckily seeming more amused than irritated.
“Okay but honestly, tell me,” Remus said, leaning forward.  “Why tattoos?  What do you like about it?”
“Oh, well at first I hated it.  It scared the shit out of me,” Thomas said with a shrug.
Remus blinked.  “Uh, what?  Why become a tattoo artist then?”
Thomas looked down at his wrist and shrugged again.  “I felt like I had to,” he said.  “My wrist was telling me that if I wanted to meet my soulmate and be happy, I had to be a tattoo artist.”
Remus stopped smiling.  “Shit.  Oh shit, I’m sorry.”
“What?  No,” Thomas said, giving him a surprised look.  “It’s not— you don’t need to apologize.  First of all, you’re not responsible for my choices.  Second, I appreciate what it taught me.  I wouldn’t have the values I do without being a tattoo artist.”
“Oh?” Remus asked curiously.
“You meet a very specific kind of person more often than in any other profession,” Thomas said.  “People come to me to get their soulmarks covered.  I had to get really comfy with it really quick.  And it wasn’t all bad stories either.  Some people do come in because their soulmates turned out to be assholes, but not always.  Some soulmates came in together because they didn’t want the permanent reminder of their meeting.  Some didn’t want soulmates, or wanted to be with someone other than their soulmates.  There’s all sorts of reasons, and it helped me think a lot about what I wanted too.”  Thomas chucked a little, mostly to himself.  “I also got good at my job and it stopped scaring me so much.”
“Huh,” Remus said, considering that.  “I guess I haven’t thought about that before.”  He looked back at Thomas.  “Could I potentially bring you some people who might want their soulmarks covered?”
“I mean, not for free, if that’s what you’re asking,” Thomas said with a slightly teasing smile.  “But of course.”
“Cool.  Might do that, then,” Remus said.  “But anyway, that’s neat.  Honestly my story’s a little less interesting.  I just got so used to hearing my soulmark over and over in regular life that I kind of stopped expecting it.  My perspective on soulmates shifted much more because of Janus.”
“Yeah, how’d you two meet?” Thomas asked, leaning forward and resting his chin on his hand like he was very interested in what Remus would say.
“Janus is my brother’s soulmate,” Remus said.  “They met first.  And I liked him too, but I just kinda figured, you know, Janus has Roman, so why would he need me?  Which was ridiculous in retrospect, because Janus and Roman already had another soulmate, so it’s not like they were against multiple partners, I just,” Remus shrugged.  “I dunno.”
Thomas nodded.  “I get that,” he said.  “Soulmates can be bullshit.”
Remus smiled a little.  “True that,” he said.  Then his smile widened, despite himself.  “I like you, though.”
“You’re not so bad yourself,” Thomas said with a returned grin.  “Enough about soulmates, though.  I want to hear about stuff you like.”
Remus brightened.  “Well, like I said, I’m an artist.  I acted a bit in high school, though Roman took to that far more than I did.  I prefer more improv stuff.”
“I acted in high school too,” Thomas said with a bright smile.  “I’ve always wanted to try voice acting.”
“What’s stopping you?” Remus said, throwing his arms wide with a beaming smile.  “Let’s make a story podcast!  And you can voice all the characters!”
Thomas gave a startled laugh.  “All of them?”
“Why the fuck not!”
Thomas laughed again.  “I’d be very down,” he said.  “I might hold you to that.”
“I’d love it if you do,” Remus said with a grin.  Thomas was fun, he’d just decided.
Remus left that day feeling that if Thomas did want to date, he’d be down for it.  But just hanging out with him was proving pretty good too.
Logan decided to turn his soulmarks into constellations, and Virgil covered his with storm clouds.  Remus wasn’t close enough to Logan to be there for the first, but he was there for the second, meaning he was treated to Thomas’ adorable concentration face.  At one point he stuck his tongue out just slightly between his teeth, and Remus decided about that time that he badly wanted to kiss his face.
And then the next second, a voice in the back of his head whispered: You never want to kiss Janus’ face that much.
Remus blinked, startled.  That… so what?  Relationships with different people look different.
Remus shook himself with a roll of his eyes, and turned back to watching Thomas give Virgil his tattoo.
It wasn’t long after that when Thomas finished, and gave Virgil his instructions on how to take care of it, and then told them goodbye.
“Aww, you don’t want me to stick around Thomathy?” Remus asked, leaning in and waggling his eyebrows.  “I can think of some things to do if you don’t want the fun to end yet.”
Thomas gave him a look.  “I have other customers who’ve made appointments, Remus.  I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
Remus blew a raspberry, but left with Virgil.
“Your tattoo looks sick by the way,” Remus said to Virgil as they walked out of the shop.
“I know, right?” Virgil said with a grin.  “Thanks for finding your soulmate, dude, it really helped me and my life.”
Remus snorted.  “Hey, anytime.”
“This was such a great idea,” Virgil said, beaming down at his wrist even though it was technically bandaged for now.  “Logan’s looked good, but mine, fuck.”
“I imagine that’s why Logan didn’t get yours,” Remus said.  “Considering you both have different tastes.”
“Shut up, this moment is too amazing.”
Remus laughed.  “I’m really happy for you.”
“I’m really happy for me too,” Virgil said with a grin.  “Thanks for coming, by the way.  It was nice having someone else there.”
“Yeah, sorry Logan and Patton couldn’t make it,” Remus said.
Virgil shook his head.  “I’m okay with that.  We’ve never really made our soulmates a huge part of our relationship, unless you count the meetings back in high school.  I didn’t need them to be there, I just didn’t want to go alone.”
“Well, I’m happy to be a standin then,” Remus said.
“Oh shut it,” Virgil said, shoving Remus’ shoulder.  “You’re not a standin for someone else, you’re my friend.”
“I am.  Wow, you’re so lucky,” Remus said, and Virgil laughed.
“You’re pretty lucky too, you know,” he said after a second.  “Thomas isn’t bad, as soulmates go.”
“I’d say he’s pretty good, actually,” Remus said thoughtfully.  “I think I wanna kiss him.”
“Oh hell yeah, go for it.”
“I mean, I also think I might ask first,” Remus said, ignoring Virgil sticking his tongue out.  “But yeah, I will ask.  I mean it’s pretty low stakes.  Janus said he’s cool with us dating, Thomas seems fun and I like him, and even if he doesn’t want to, we get to be friends.  I’m gonna go for it.”
“You do that,” Virgil said.  “Also, give me half of your confidence, please.”
“Ha, no.  But I might loan it occasionally.”
“I’ll be taking you up on that.”
Janus said he was cool with it, meaning when Remus met Thomas after work the next day, he was holding flowers arranged to look like a skull (because Thomas had to know what he was getting into if he said yes).
Thomas smiled at Remus when he noticed him, and then the smile turned confused and fond at the same time when he noticed the flowers.
“Uh, are those for me?” Thomas asked, pulling his jacket off the hook it was hanging on as he walked over.
“They are!” Remus said, shoving them out in front of him.  “Thomas Sanders, if you would be so inclined, I would like to take you on a date.  Zero pressure, please know I appreciate your companionship no matter the context, and I will give you a flower back guarantee that I will not make things awkward if you say no.”
Thomas laughed.  “That sounds really fun,” he said, and to Remus’ delight, he accepted the flowers.  “Where are we going?”
“Have you ever been to a rage room?” Remus asked with a grin.  “They’re super helpful when you’re angry, but also it’s just fun to break shit!”
Thomas blinked, and seemed to consider that for a second.  “I have not done that before,” he admitted.  “It sounds fun, though.”
“It is!” Remus said.  “I have emergency outfits in the back of my car that I don’t care about getting dirty or messed up, so I can loan you one!”
“You have emergency outfits in the back of your car?” Thomas asked in surprise.
“Yep!  Emergency mess outfits, emergency drag outfits, and one emergency formal outfit that Roman put there without my permission and insists I keep there.”
“That’s an interesting thing to insist on,” Thomas said as Remus opened his trunk.
“Well, I got to put an emergency drag outfit in the back of his car in exchange.  I actually think he kind of wanted one though, so it was really an unfair trade, so I also add a strange object every couple months without ever telling him I’m doing it.  I’m pretty sure he thinks his trunk is haunted.”
“…You said you guys are brothers?” Thomas asked with a small smile.
“Hope it’s obvious enough,” Remus said, handing Thomas the emergency mess outfit and then heading around to the front of the car.
They made it to the rage room just in time for Remus’ reservation, and luckily the people at the front desk knew him well enough that they just waved them both back to Remus’ favorite.  They knew him first from his attempts to get out all his anger and sadness at not being able to be with Janus, and then, after his life improved significantly, they grew to know him as “that weird guy who still likes to break shit.”
Remus’ favorite is a room with a ton of fake skulls, which is an additional reason for the skull themed flowers that thankfully he can tell Thomas is noticing as they walk in.
Remus offers Thomas a bat and a second bat with spikes.  Thomas considers them both for a minute and then picks the one with spikes, with a comment about how if they’re here to literally rage this feels like it fits the theme better.  Remus decides right there that he’s absolutely going to ask to kiss Thomas’ face off when they leave here.
Remus takes off first and starts whacking at the skulls, and though Thomas seems a little startled by the intensity at first, eventually he gets into it, and eventually they’re both whacking the fake skulls on the pedestals against the wall.
Thomas seems a little out of breath by the time they’re both done whacking things around, but that’s relatively understandable for a first time, and they’re both bright-eyed and grinning at each and Remus wants to kiss him so badly it’s kind of making his chest hurt.
Remus looks at him for a moment, and then Thomas turns to him with a bright grin, and Remus is about to open his mouth and ask if he can kiss him, but then an employee sticks his head in the room and says they’re going to need to clean up for the next person soon.
Thomas smiles and nods at the employee, then reaches out and grabs Remus’ hand, grinning at him as they both walked towards the exit.
“That was amazing,” he said as they walked out the doors.
“It was,” Remus said, grinning right back.  “It really looked like you were having fun.”
“I was,” Thomas said.  “Man, there are so many times I could have used that when I was younger.”
“You and me both,” Remus said, beaming at him.  “And now we can come just for fun if you want.”
“I do want that,” Thomas said, turning to face him with a wide bright smile.  “When do you want to come again?”
“I don’t know, when do you want to come again?”
“As soon as physically possible!”
“I think I can hook you up!”
“Awesome,” Thomas said with a wide grin.
“It is, isn’t it,” Remus said, bouncing back and forth on his feet a little.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes, I want that please!”
Thomas reached out and pulled Remus in, and they kissed right there in the parking lot, ignoring everyone who was walking past them.  And Remus felt sparks flying, and he pulled Thomas in closer, and even though they weren’t really doing anything more than putting their lips together, Remus felt lit up.
Thomas pulled away a second later with a still-bright smile, and Remus grinned back at him, already excited about the prospect of doing this again.
You never do that with Janus, hissed a voice in the back of his head.
Remus’ heart dropped to his stomach.
Wait.  Wait.  Shit.
Okay, so the thing is, relationships do look different with different people.  Remus knows that.  Obviously you don’t have to kiss someone to be in a romantic relationship.  He and Janus are less physical, and that’s fine.  They’re both comfortable with it.
But the thing is… Remus has never felt quite that sparky romantic ‘oh my god he’s amazing’ vibe with Janus.  Janus is amazing.  But the vibe with him has always been closer to ‘I want you in my life and I want to be close to you.’  Is that different?  It feels different.  Why does it feel different?  Why can’t he explain why it feels different to himself?
So now Remus has a big humongous ginormous problem.  Because what he’d said to Virgil about asking Thomas if he could kiss him being low-stakes?  Totally true.  In fact, so low-stakes that Thomas asked him first and Remus rolled with it immediately.
Talking with Janus about how his relationship with Thomas felt different and he maybe didn’t want to date anymore but also did but in a different way?  Super high stakes.  The highest of high stakes.  Potentially life-altering in a super negative way high stakes.
How did he even explain “I want to date you but not really?”  “I don’t want to date you anymore but I don’t want to go back to being friends?”  “I want to be close to you and important to you like we are dating but also I don’t want to date?”  That didn’t even make any fucking sense.
The other problem was, however, that Remus was really, really bad at hiding things from Janus.  That’s probably been made pretty clear at this point.  So as soon as realized something had shifted in his relationship with Janus, Janus noticed.  And with the whole thing they were trying to do now with communication, it definitely wasn’t going to be long before he brought it up.
So, Remus went to his best potential option for weird relationship stuff.
“So, to be clear, you want to tell Janus that you want to date him but also don’t,” Virgil said, sounding just as confused as Remus felt.
“I know it doesn’t make any sense,” Remus groaned, leaning back on his bed.  “I just— it feels different.  I don’t even know how to explain the difference, it’s just— a vibe.”
“Feelings are stupid,” Virgil said with a sagely nod.
“I just— what do I say?  How the fuck do I explain that this doesn’t mean I care about him any less?  I don’t even really want things to change, I feel like I just want to label shit differently!  How do I say that?”
“Uh,” Virgil said.  “Like that?”
“But I don’t want him to think he’s done something wrong!” Remus exclaimed.  “Or that I don’t want him around anymore!  I don’t— I don’t want to lose him, Virgil.”
“Hey,” Virgil said, moving to sit down on the bed next to Remus.  “You love him, right?”
Remus nodded.
“And you two have been communicating better, right?”
Remus nodded again.
“Then ask him to hear you out and reassure him your feelings haven’t changed,” Virgil said.  “I think it’ll go better than you’re thinking it will.”
“Really?” Remus asked nervously.
“Really,” Virgil said with a smile.  “It’ll work itself out.”
Remus took a deep breath.  “Okay.  Yeah, yeah you’re right.”  He pushed himself up into a sitting position.  “I can do this.  I can communicate my feelings like a healthy adult.  It’ll be fine.”
“That’s the spirit,” Virgil said, patting him half seriously on the back.
“Will you still be ready with celebratory-slash-eat-my-feelings-away cakes just in case?” Remus asked, giving Virgil a nervous look.
“I’ll make one with Roman,” Virgil said, giving him a thumbs up.
Remus took a deep breath.  “Okay,” he said.  “Then let’s do this.”
“Janus?” Remus said, poking his head into his room.  “Can we talk?”
Janus seemed to pick up on the subject of the talk from the tone of Remus’ voice, but he didn’t acknowledge it as he glanced over from his desk.  “Of course.”
Remus walked forward nervously, stopping before he got too close to Janus.  Janus turned, looking concerned now.
“Is everything okay?” he asked.
“Yes!” Remus said immediately.  “Everything is good and you haven’t done anything wrong and nothing has changed!”
Janus looked alarmed now.  “Remus, what’s going on?”
Remus bit his lip.  “I kissed Thomas,” he said.
Now Janus just looked confused.  “Remus, I already told you I was okay with that,” he said.
“No, I—” Remus took a deep breath.  “I’m gonna say something that’s going to sound worse than it is,” he said.  “Can you hear me out until the end without making any assumptions?”
Janus nodded.
“It felt different,” Remus said.  “My relationship with Thomas feels different than my relationship with you.  And not just because you’re different people.  I think the nature of my feelings is different.”
Janus didn’t know quite what to say, but Remus kept talking.
“Not in a bad way,” he said.  “And not in intensity.  You are just as important to me as Thomas is.  I mean heck, right now you’re probably more important.  I’m still getting to know Thomas.  But… I don’t think my feelings for you are… romantic.  Or, not all the way?  I don’t know, that doesn’t make sense.  I don’t know what they are, because they’re not platonic either.  Or— not all the way,” he said weakly.  “And I don’t, like I super don’t, want my relationship with you to change.  I fucking love what we have.  I want to be just as important to you as I am right now.  I still want to make a life with you, for as long as you’ll have me.  I just… I don’t know if I want to say we’re dating anymore.  I have a problem with the semantics.  I don’t know.  Sorry, I really don’t think I’m making any sense.”
But Janus starts shaking his head, and a light seems to go on behind his eyes.  “No,” he said quietly.  “No, I get it.  What I have with you feels… different.  From what I have with Roman and Patton.  Or even Virgil.  Not less important, just… different.”
“You… you get it?” Remus asked in amazement.  He hadn’t even considered that as a possibility with this conversation, that Janus would just understand.  He thought he’d have to explain away some hurt feelings, that he still loved Janus just as much and wanted him in his life just as much.
“Yes,” Janus said, looking back at him.  “I… it’s not as… charged, with you?  And I don’t think we flirt as much, amazingly, which is weird now that I think about it, because I see you flirt with people all the time.”
“You get it,” Remus said, feeling a little bit like he was floating.  The thing he’d been most scared of losing was how effortless his relationship with Janus had felt since it started, but if Janus just got it, were they not going to have that problem?
Janus smiled a little at Remus, and nodded.  “Yes,” he said.  “I do.”
Remus found himself beaming at him.  “We don’t have to date anymore?”
Janus shook his head.  “We can do something else,” he said, standing up and walking over to Remus, taking him by the hands.  “Though— I’ll admit I have no idea what I want it to be.”
“I don’t either!” Remus said happily.  “Let’s figure it out!”
Janus smiled wider and nodded, and Remus threw his arms around him, picking him up and spinning him with a laugh.
Janus started laughing too, and they both ended up laying back on Janus’ bed, giggling happily like a couple of kids.
“This went so much better than I thought it would,” Remus said with a grin.
“I’m so glad it did,” Janus said, smiling back.  “I cannot wait to figure out what we are together.”
“Let’s fuck up their perceptions of relationships!”
“We do that already,” Janus said with a grin.
“Then we have loads of practice!”
Janus laughed and pulled Remus in for a hug, and Remus hugged him back tightly, and both of them laid there for a minute and squeezed.
“Hey Jan?” Remus said after a second.
“Do you want to come have celebratory cakes with Virgil and Roman and I?”
“That sounds amazing,” Janus said happily.  “You should bring Thomas.”
Remus beamed at him and laughed joyfully again, then scooped Janus up and spun him around again, laughing in delight.  Janus laughed too, and Remus got the feeling neither of them were ready to leave each others side yet.
In fact, they’d end up being a little late for the cake, but it was very much worth it, when Remus got to walk in with his boyfriend and his Janus, and whatever they’d all end up being.
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Rotating a Cardinal Sins scene around my head like a rotisserie chicken.
Thought I'd share a couple of lines:
Roman tucks his hands under his elbows, arms tightly folded across his stomach. The music plays across the clearing, but he only sinks deeper into his own thoughts - how will he ever integrate back into human society now? How does Aspen do it? "It's actually really sad that Dea is having more fun than you right now." Roman jerks slightly, lurching up off the tree to crane his head upwards where Aspen's voice had sounded. "The first time I met you-" "I remember," Roman replied glumly, his eyes going back to the floor. "You were so drunk, I carried you home." "And Dea?" "She was taking photographs of trees." Roman had often wondered what had drawn Aspen to the two of them - they are, after all, very different people. Usually, it was his job to be the life of the party. Dea, more social anxiety than anything else, was currently giggling whilst being twirled around by Mercury. He supposes now he has his answer. It wasn't who they were at all, it was a what. What lingered, dormant inside them. Even his friendships were fashioned by the manipulation of the Forest and its puppeteering tricks. "If it's troubling you-" Aspen starts, its tone unobtrusive and uncharacteristically gentle. "I'm fine." "You're not." Roman closes his eyes and sucks in a breath. He's not.
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saint-cecilias · 1 year
Re: Shiv and Roman, doesn’t Shiv also frequently make jokes about Roman wanting to f*ck both their mom and dad? I always kind of thought it was just how they are with each other. Rome def took it too far this ep, but I think the audience (and Shiv) know that it’s a coping mechanism, which is why he was so shockingly OTT before the funeral, bc it was him at his lowest point emotionally (see also the comment about f*cking Marcia on the way up). Doesn’t excuse it, but I think that’s why it didn’t make a lot of noise — plus we’ve seen him make jokes like this before but we haven’t seen him break down like that, so it makes sense why that was the main take away for people, I think. :)
lol see i'm not really trying to rationalize why Roman said what he said. i'm dealing with WHAT he said. and the fact that it was disgusting. point blank.
as her big brother, his go to response to her confiding that she was pregnant to Kendall and him was to say that he was gonna jerk off at the sight of her breast-feeding her newborn. also inferred that they should have sex??? and that he should knock her up. lol i mean......
saying it was a 'coping mechanism' is making excuses for remarks that are inexcusable. lol like tee hee some brothers sexually harass their sisters a little just to cope.... with the death of a father. the death of a father they ALL lost. not just him.
and Shiv was uncomfortable with his remarks. she was already reticent to tell them about the pregnancy and then to have THAT be one of her brother's reaction must've felt super shitty on the way to their father's funeral. in fact, she was upset enough to the point where Kendall had to step in and stop Roman from continuing with ~jokes~.
and just cause Shiv usually gives as good as she gets and is "used to Roman being like that" doesn't mean she should be subjected to that kinda bullshit.
and this whataboutism re: Shiv making jokes about Roman's oedipal tendencies doesn't hold water for me cause Roman has openly talked about how he wants to fuck his mother figures whether it be Marcia or his actual mother. he has NORMALIZED it.
as i said Roman breaking down was heartwrenching. Kieran made me weep in that moment. and i'm pulling for him to win best actor for his work this season. it's been incredible.
but ALL of the siblings are hurting right now. Roman being in an emotionally fraught place doesn't give him carte blanche to be gross to his sister. she is also dealing with the loss of their dad, a troubled marriage AND she is pregnant.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 2 years
Life In The Fastlane |2| Fast Saga
She held him up and he held her for ransom
"Let the girl go now." Sargent Tanner said his eyes on Brian who couldn't tear his eyes away from his little sister. Roger shook his head and dug his gun deeper into Sophie's back.
The younger O'Conner sibling whined and tried to jerk away from him.
"Stop moving now." Roger hissed.
“You know if the cops weren’t here, you would be dead right?” Sophie spat, unable to help herself. “Vince and Dom will kill you.” Sargent Tanner perked at that, she knew the Torettos had seen her in several of the severalance photos and started working out how he would be able to use this against Sophie and get her to work with them. She was young and still had time to turn her life around. “And they will never find your body.” 
Brian looked between the cops and his little sister, every ounce of him crying out to pull her out of harm’s way and back to where she would be safe but at the same time, he knew that she probably wouldn’t react very well to him being there especially after he was there when Roman was there and she had been taken into custody. 
"I am okay Jan." Sophie returned, holding her hands up and offering her a shaky smile. She was anything but fine, she just didn't want her to worry more than she already was.
“Well maybe I should leave a pretty little corpse for Dom and Vince to find. Or better yet your older brother.” Roger dug the gun into her side painfully again. “He won’t care.” The blonde said, her voice shaking slightly, “he chose his career over me. How do you even know about that?” “Because pretty, we have been listening to what you talk about in your down time.”
"But why would you care what we talk about during our downtime? I get that you want us to leave it at the door but why does it matter? We are trying to give each other some stability." Janice asked. "Because they are involved with the mafia." Sargent Tanner answered, "they think you would be selling trade secrets." "We don't know shit. And Sophie doesn't know anything! She just started like 6 months ago."
Brian's eyebrows raised in surprise, he wondered exactly what happened from the time he left Barstow until now. And how his 18-year-old sister ended up working at a shady ass strip club with connections with the mob.
Roger shook his head and thumbed the trigger lightly enjoying the way Sophie yelped and flinched away from him. He yanked her back and reached his free hand up to smooth her hair back away from her face. For her part, she didn't cry out or let the terrified tears that welled up in her eyes out.
"See, we knew this was going to be too good to be true. And especially when she came waltzing in here." Janice shot a panicked look to her friend then to the officers then back. "We knew that she was going to be the end of all this.' Roger said, what he was saying wasn't necessarily true, his partners thought nothing of Sophie and thought she was a good hard worker. It was him who had the conspiracy theory going on.
Sophie was going to be the end of them all.
And he wasn't going to go down without a fight.
"Release the girl now," Tanner ordered again, he had enough of listening to this man's rambling, they had come to shut it down and it had turned into a full-blown hostage situation.
"Over my dead cold body." Roger returned as he squeezed the trigger, sending a bullet into Sophie's side. She cried out and collapsed onto the ground causing Janice to rush to her side. "Soph?" The blonde didn't answer, instead she pressed her hand into the wound that was starting to bleed, shocked that she had actually gotten shot.
There were several loud bangs followed by a dull thud of Roger's body hitting the ground. "Sophie! Answer me! Are you okay?" Janice asked, her stomach clenching violently at the sight of blood and Roger's dead body. She usually had such a weak stomach when it came to this kind of stuff but she wanted to help take care of her friend. The only one that really seemed to make an effort to do anything with her or anyone. All the girls wanted was a family and she was just looking for it in all the wrong places.
"I am okay. Am okay." Sophie muttered as Brian dropped down next to them and pushed Sophie's bloody hand off of her wound and covered it with his black-gloved hand. He looked down at his sister’s face and saw that she was unconscious. He pulled off his face covering and sighed. “You are her brother!” Janice exclaimed. ‘I am.”  “Why didn’t you speak up? You could have stopped this from happening!” “You don’t know the full story ma’am and it would have put her more at risk.” Janice glowered at him as the paramedics came into the room with stretcher. “Is there anyone we can call for her?” “Mia Toretto, she is her emergency contact. If she doesn’t answer, then one of the others will answer. Especially since they are waiting for Sophie to show up at the garage.” Janice said, hugging her midsection. “Thank you. We will take you down to the station so we can ask you some questions.” 
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