#the sides as guardians
amateurmasksmith · 7 months
The Sides as Guardians: Part 1
(Author’s note: Here we go! Special (brief) appearance of my new head cannon for a sleep-deprived Logan, based on my experience with words being uncooperative at night!)
[Asks: Open]
(also - @loganslowdown4, I saw your ask, thank you! It may be a section or two before I can incorporate it, but I have a bit more setting up to do than I thought!)
Virgil jerked awake, heart racing.
Something was wrong. Very wrong.
He didn’t know what, exactly, but he knew it was bad.
He felt his anxiety kicking in, his heart pounding, his breathing speeding up.
‘No. Not the time, Virge,’ he thought, putting a hand out to the staircase railing to try to ground himself.
Wait. What?
He was… in the living room?
In his usual spot for the videos??
And so was everyone else???
“Is it mor-‘scuse me-morning already, kiddos?” Patton tiredly asked, wiping a yawn off his face.
“You are… technically correct, Patton,” Logan said, buffering in exhaustion, “but two…forty-seven is… far from an …optimum time to start the day.”
”What’s going on, where’s Thomas?” Virgil asked, starting to raise his voice in concern.
“Maybe he’s dead!” Remus chimed in with a gleeful grin.
“Nope,” Roman said, quickly putting his finger in his mouth and holding it up, as if to test the breeze, “we’re in a Dreamscape.”
“No, you idiot,” Remus fired back, somehow having removed the art from the wall behind him and taken a bite out of the corner, “We’re in the Mind Palace.”
“I think I know my way around the Imagination, thank you very much,” Roman extra-d in response.
“Eat this,” Remus said, yeeting a chunk of the art at Roman, “and tell me I’m wrong.”
“What?! No!” Roman protested, as a very confused Logan and Patton looked on. Janus was rather enjoying the chaos, and Virgil just rolled his eyes.
“Dammit!” Remus pouted. “Fine, then tell me who pulled us in.”
“I-well-you-tha… Oh.”
With an otherworldly screech, and a rush of displaced air, a spherical black-and-white portal appeared where Thomas normally stood.
“Nope! Not doing this, we need to get out of here - Roman, do your thing.” Virgil exclaimed, tempest tongue in full effect.
“On it!” Roman said, waving his arm to end the scenario.
Nothing happened. He tried again.
“Wha-I-you-rude!” Still nothing.
“Fascinating!” Logan mused, inching towards the portal.
“Careful!” Virgil warned.
Logan nodded in response, stepping closer to examine the swirling pattern of the portal’s center.
As he stepped closer, an oh-so-familiar sound effect played as text appeared in their collective POVs:
[New Quest: Enter the Portal]
Roman’s eyes lit up, and he strode quickly towards to the portal.
Virgil sprinted into him, knocking him off-course.
“No-one is going in the DEATH BALL!”
Remus snorted as Roman readjusted his sash. The portal let out a small screech.
“It’s not an omen, Virgil-ance Wing, it’s a call to adventure!”
Janus looked around the room as Virgil replied, “A call to the void! Do you know what’s through there?”
“Remus,” Janus deadpanned.
“There are two of them?!” Patton exclaimed.
”Dammit.” Virgil sighed, looking around the room, then facepalming. “No… Remus went through the portal.”
Remus, indeed, was nowhere to be found.
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methoughtsphantom · 3 months
Danny fake guardian angel au
You know how sometimes it’s highlighted how you have to be very careful on what you say in the presence of a spirit because they can twist your words and end up bidding yourself to it?? well uno-reverse-card the spirit also has to be careful on what he says because when Danny had said he owed the dude one for coming to his rescue in a gala Vlad had dragged him to, he didn’t expect that to be taken literally.
danny: wait seriously?? i literally say that all the time!
cw: not after being crowned ghost king, you haven’t
danny: but—but I was also human when I said it. doesn’t that protect me or smth
cw: *shakes his head*
danny: omg this is a nightmare
cue timmy’s brucequest period (cuz he’s the guy) being so high strung and tired, he just wants some company, which is a so low stakes thing to want the deal Danny unintentionally goes sure we can do that and pulls him towards the guy, despite Timmy never outright saying he wants company. (tim always speaks in the sanctity of his own mind, not out loud)
So. random spirit manifesting. Tim going all who the fuck are u
and Danny panicking and saying your guardian angel
Tim not being impressed while Danny promptly blushes like a moron because that did not come off as he wanted it to.
Yes accidental dead tired where the dynamic goes from Tim trying to shake this probably demon that somehow latched to him being all like ??? dude leave me alone, and Danny being there like bitch i’m trying
huh. im actually being protected by a spirit like he said he would. he’s strangely an idiot but also he’s overpowered and just never leaves my side which he says it’s an angel obligation but I think it’s bullshit but also hoping it’s not because it appeals to my crippling fear of abandonment (anyways he really seems to take after those little cartoon angels that poof into your shoulder to keep from me doing wrong decisions) translate into my future boyfriend seems increasingly appalled to what i am up to
meanwhile danny
Bitch you better thank your god I’m dead because otherwise I would already been killed. I did not sign up for a assassins what the fuck I thought you were a normal civilian not a literal superhero and omg that is a fruitloop. no no back off you wrinkly raisin this is my emotional support idiot you can’t have him and what do you mean you’re messing with time whatever this way I can get back to clockwork—
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hyakunana · 4 months
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"My friend, my partner… my Guardian."
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 66
Danny and Damian are twins.
Danny does not excel at majority of training. He does excel at stealth. One day he overhears a discussion regarding how there could only be one heir.
He knows he can’t defeat Damian. He also just doesn’t want to. They are by no means close, but it’s still his twin. So right there and then he plots.
Danny fakes his own death. Lighting a fire “accidentally” to “dispose” of his corpse. No risk of the pits bringing him back.
This leads to him in amity park. The Fentons were strange enough to take him in. A son story about how his family wants him dead. Jazz had always wanted a little brother.
Over time Danny realizes just how toxic the league was. Jazz helped a lot. He feels guilty about leaving Damian behind. And for having Damian “kill” him. Sneaking into the league is out of the question so he stews in guilt. Then the accident happens. 5 years later.
So he does go back. Damian isn’t there.
He ends up at a gala with Vlad or sam.
He sees Damian. Danny shoots his shot. Just popping up by him. Apologizing for using him to fake his own death and asking if he managed to realize how bad the league was.
All while dodging Damian’s attacks.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Help is just a click away
Danny was bored, it's not something new, the Infinite Realms were not the epitome of fun and the portals had been closed after the fight he had with his parents. It was safer that way, no one could get hurt, humans or ghosts.
That didn't mean the halfa couldn't miss them: his family, his friends, or the life he had before. All he had left were the ghosts, which was fine, but it wasn't enough. He felt unbalanced, unwell.
Clockwork told him it was because of his obsession, his obsession to help and protect was being fulfilled but only halfway. He had enough ectoplasm to last a lifetime but Danny was a human too, he needed to see the stars, to help people. He needed it desperately.
Clockwork noticed this and seeing that the boy could not return to his original dimension, he gave him permission to travel to the DC universe as long as he was careful. It was unlikely that they would attack the halfa there, they were all "special" and Danny would go unnoticed. But the boy still wanted to help.
So he formed a small business. He created a simple app and granted help to anyone who made a request. From saving a kitten from the trees to transporting very heavy packages.
It worked wonders and lowered his stress levels greatly. Danny thought he could get used to it, until people started making stranger requests and before he knew it, the so-called "Justice League" was at his door. Of course, he escaped, although that probably didn't help sell his innocence.
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nellasbookplanet · 2 months
The fandom god discussion is interesting, but I feel it’s sometimes hindered by an unwillingness to separate gods from mortal society, or even a sort of over-eagerness to project our own reality onto them, which simply doesn’t work. I've seen the gods referred to as rulers or tyrants demanding worship (which I kinda understand because it’s something Ludinus says in-game, though it’s funny to see fandom corners confidently repeat the inaccurate talking points of the antagonist) but more interestingly I've also seen them referred to as a higher/the highest social class, as colonizers imposing themselves on mortals, the raven queen specifically as new money. Overall these comparisons tend to talk about the gods and their actions regarding Aeor in the past and predathos/the Vanguard in the present less as if they're about saving their own lives and more as if they want to preserve their powerful position.
The gods, by their very nature, are above mortals. They cannot be compared to any mortal ruling class because they didn’t choose or strive for that power and cannot feasibly get rid of it/step down/redistribute it (nor do they actually in any sense rule; killing the raven queen, unlike killing an actual queen, will not end the 'tyranny' of death), they simply have it by virtue of being gods. Saying that’s unfair or unequal and that the gods should be killed because of it is akin to saying it’s unfair a mountain is bigger than you and demanding it be levelled, except the gods, unlike mountains, are living, feeling beings who shouldn’t have to die because some people can’t stand the idea of not always being top dog. Thing is, the gods themselves ultimately understood this power imballance and that they can't help but hurt Exandria the way humans can't help but step on bugs, and thus removed themselves from the equation by creating the divine gate. Saying this isn’t enough and that they're clinging to power is just demanding they line themselves up to be killed.
#critical role#cr3#downfall#nella talks cr#ultimately all these 'ruling class' comparisons are simply flawed and don’t work when under the slightest bit of scrutiny#gods arent rulers or tyrants bc they don’t rule and can't be deposed#they are representantations and guardians of (mostly natural) concepts#and those concepts won’t go away bc you killed the gods. death and nature and the fucking sun will still remain#they aren’t colonizers of mortals (wtf lmao) who demand they be worshiped and mortals live according to their oppressive rule#again did you watch calamity? not even before the divine gate did the gods demand worship or even respect#they were never less respected than during the age of arcanum and still they were just chilling#(until someone released the betrayers and they had to step in to stop the ultimate destruction of exandria)#technically you could argue they were colonizers against the titans but even that feels like a stretch#the titans to me feel less like people and more like representations of the chaotic and deathly side of nature#being angry they were killed sounds like being angry someone stopped a hurricane just bc the hurricane was there first#I'm sorry but that hurricane would've flattened you. it wouldn’t appreciate your support bc it isn't a person#and 'a higher social class' fucking NEW MONEY? this is just blatant projection#I'm sorry but not everything more powerful than you is a stand in for oppression#sometimes it’s a narrative stand in for nature and i promise nature isn't oppressing you
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selcidia · 1 month
Suggestion: Give Failsafe a walker
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I just think she deserves access to heavy weaponry. Surely House Light could let us borrow one. Or else show us how to hijack one from the enemy.
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royalarchivist · 11 months
Cellbit: Yeah, [Bobby is] our son.
Roier: What?
Cellbit: He's our son, no? Or not? Am I not?
Roier: I mean… he's already dead. [...] By the time we got married, he was no longer around. So in theory, in theory-
Cellbit: But in my heart, he is my son.
Roier: Oh, that's fine, in your heart, yes. In your heart, yes. But actually-
Cellbit: He could have been my son, he could have been.
Roier: But actually, he is my son and Jaiden’s.
Cellbit: Yes yes, definitely, of course.
Roier: [Smacks him] Exactly. Well, you're the step-father, you know?
[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Cellbit: Hey Tina, have you met Bobby? I don't think you did, right?
Tina: I met him a little bit earlier, he's so cute!
Roier: Aww
Tina: I told him I like StarBobby.
Cellbit: Yeah, it's our son.
Roier: What? But-
Cellbit: He's our son, no? Or not? Am I not?
Roier: I mean... he's already dead.
Cellbit: That's true, that's true.
Roier: By the time we got married, he was no longer around.
Cellbit: That's true, true.
Roier: So in theory, in theory-
Cellbit: But in my heart, he is my son.
Roier: Oh, that's fine, in your heart, yes. In your heart, yes. But actually-
Bagi: Am I the auntie?
Cellbit: He could have been my son, he could have been.
Roier: But actually, he is my son and Jaiden’s.
Cellbit: Yes yes, definitely, of course.
Roier: [Smacks him] Exactly. Well, you're the step-father, you know?
Bagi: So I don't think I'm your auntie, sorry. Unless you want to!
Cellbit: Yes, fake dad, fake dad. Fake father.
Roier: But it's ok. It's ok.
Cellbit: It's ok, it's ok.
Roier: It's this dumbass' fault he died anyways.
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thesummerestsolstice · 4 months
Whenever Numenor experienced a plague or outbreak, Elrond came, without fail, to treat the sick and offer the people of the island comfort. He did it for many reasons– to honor the legacy of Elros and his descendants, because he sometimes considered the Numenorians more his people than either elves or men, because he was a healer who believed deeply that all life had value.
Of course, treating mortal plagues is a hazardous business– especially for a part-human medic who is just as susceptible to the disease as his patients.
Elrond, never one to be dissuaded from trying to save lives, tries to find a way to protect himself from the infection while being able to treat his patients. No one in Middle-Earth knows exactly how mortal diseases spread, but it's clear that it spreads from the healthy to the ill– through bad air, coughing, infected blood, or some other means. So, Elrond has to find a way to not make contact with or breathe the same air as his patients. While treating them.
Eventually, he settles on a set of robes that leaves no inch of his skin uncovered, along with heavy, opaque veils and a mask of his own design for his face. The mask– full of athelas flowers to purify the air– is fashioned in the shape of a bird as an homage to Melian, who was said to have healing powers. He made the main piece mask with his own hands, carved it from dragon bone– sturdy, and thought to have protective powers against against diseases and curses. The eyes are made of dark tinted glass that glows faintly– a gift from Celebrimbor.
In all fairness, Elrond did not realize how creepy the bone white mask and fully-black outfit was, especially given his general aura of strangeness ad birdlike mannerisms. He had bigger concerns at the time. That said, his outfit, which kept him from getting sick even during the worst of the outbreak, was soon adopted by many of the Numenorian healers. Over time, the story of the plague doctor shifted became part of Numenor's legend– that healers dressed in such strange outfits to frighten disease away. In that way, the odd, birdlike appearance of the plague doctors soon became a comfort to the Numenorians, rather than a fright.
As gifts for helping with various outbreaks over the years, Elrond also got several plague doctor masks that were decorated, more for style than for purpose. He wears them at fancy elvish events sometimes, just to mess with everyone. And whenever he heads off to Numenor, he always makes sure to bring his full plague-doctor regalia, just so the people there will know he's always there to protect them from any lurking plagues.
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a-driftamongopenstars · 4 months
that scene with the child in the Last City and the Ghost made me think.
little children running around, they love Ghosts! they're playful and funny or thoughtful and patient, so many personalities. children run after Ghosts and laugh.
and one day they say, "i love Ghosts! I want one too!"
and then the whole dread of that universe comes down on you.
because do you. do you really.
and it's so sad.
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nemainofthewater · 1 month
These characters are rays of sunshine and we love to see them! Not only that, but they are intensely loyal - truly man's best friend <3 I can practically see the tail wagging when they're told they've done a good job...
Write-ins, propaganda, and images are welcome!
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amateurmasksmith · 7 months
The Sides as Guardians: Preamble
(Author’s note: …I need a better name for this, lol)
[Asks: Open]
(yes this is an askblog/fic/thing - it’ll make more sense as we go!)
Thomas and Virgil jumped as a knock came from the front door, signaling the arrival of Thomas’ food.
Thomas peeled his headset off and made his way to the door as Roman got up from his spot on the couch, dramatically proclaiming: “Thank Zeus! I thought we were going to starve!”
Logan, sitting closest to the door, muttered something under his breath about that being “highly improbable,” as Thomas made his way back inside with the food.
“I’m just glad we found a new place on such short notice!” Patton chimed in cheerily.
“I hate short notices,” Virgil grumbled, peeking over Thomas’s shoulder as he unpacked the food, “And long notices… Change in general.”
Roman gasped melodramatically, saying “But variety is the spice of life, my friend! Would you have our dear Thomas spend his days trudging through the same dull routine ‘til the end of his days?”
“Did you see the Cinnamon Challenge?” Virgil deadpanned. He sighed, then said “But, no, I wouldn’t… because” (*points*) “you’d go stir-crazy and make us do something stupid.”
The sides continued to bicker and banter as Thomas enjoyed his food, then went back to playing Destiny 2.
It was a fun game, he thought (a distraction) - With a lot of different elements, that sometimes seem so different that they shouldn’t work, yet they somehow come together into a cohesive whole…
Even though, admittedly, it could be overwhelming at times.
Rather fitting, that.
Eventually, though - Despite how much fun he was having - He had to go to bed. Acquiescing to Janus’ request, he turned off the game - Then he walked around his apartment, turning off lights and doublechecking locked doors.
The sides all sunk out to their rooms as Thomas trudged upstairs to his.
As he fell asleep, he couldn’t help but think back on his day of gaming; All the worlds he’d seen, all the enemy types there were, all the armor he’d collected… It was so cool! He almost wished he could live in that universe instead!
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waterfall-art · 4 months
help me celebrate by supporting me and my art!
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please reblog!!!
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hyakunana · 3 months
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No epiphany intended 🤷‍♀️
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sadtimbitz · 1 month
butthead was only worried about one thing in this ep
(song is moves by suki waterhouse *instrumental*)
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kagooleo · 9 months
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the zine’s officially out, so I can post my contribution for the @extraordinaryzine :D!
my piece is an interpretation of the caverns on Iron Island 🏝️ so I wanted to incorporate more of the water surrounding it by creating a sea cave to have light spill inside (akin to the modra špilja/blue grotto)
the focus of the zine was on the daily lives of trainers and their pokemon, so Riley uses a spot inside the caverns like this to meditate with his team, although any new Riolu he trains can’t resist wanting to jump into the water to play υ´˶ ・ﻌ・ ˶`υノ”
this piece alongside a ton of amazing artists can be found free to download digitally here! (and lastly some closeups bc I liked getting all the little deets down)
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