#me every time i saw a painting: *literally vibrating*
traumxrei-archive · 1 year
hello. i just got back home from an art museum day. the amount of times the security guards told me not to touch something was. ASTOUNDING. considering i was legit just pointing at the paintings from far away.
BUT OK lemme get through the asks, i updated the list with 23/30, but i did get a few more asks ++ there were some repeats, so i'll ask those who repeated to choose new prompts if they're still available
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tzuyuscloud · 6 months
My Loser Kim M.J x fem!deaf reader
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A/n: This fic took awhile because I have no knowledge of Sensorineural hearing loss (SHL) whatsoever and wanted to get an understanding so I was reading articles and watching videos. If any information is incorrect please don’t hesitate to correct me respectfully. :)
Pairings: deaf!reader x non idol Kim Minji
Scenario: Kim Minji finds you in the art studio alone after being harassed by fellow students.
Warnings: Mention of blood, bullying, horrible parents, ableism (NEVER BE ABLEIST PEOPLE >:| )
Tags: Romace, college au, friends to lovers, angst??, art student y/n, loser Minji
⋆˙⟡ Star ⋆˙⟡
If my tears fall
Down in my universe
Turns into a new world
Time to find my way back home
As a famous artist said, “painting is just another way of keeping a diary.” And that’s exactly how y/n saw her creative process. As painting. She first started painting when she was 12 years old after she felt like her life was meaningless, she felt like she didn’t have anyone who understood her pain, so she spoke to a canvas. Sneaking into her grandfather’s studio and started splashing paint on the canvas, not caring when drops of color stained her freshly washed uniform.
She would come home and get interrogated by her parents as to why she was covered in paint, and she would sarcastically state the obvious, “i was painting, duh.” Thus being the beginning of her artists life when her parents placed her in an art school where she discovered more of her hidden talents with art.
Now as y/n was in her sophomore year of university, majoring in fine arts but focusing on painting specifically, she improved with every new painting she created. Her classmates envied the fact that she was a natural born genius, but the only thing that made her different than everyone else is the fact that she couldn’t hear.
Y/n’s classmates often sabotaged her works so that they wouldn’t be displayed in competitions or recognized by guest artists. They all envied her to the point where they often hurt her as well.
“Oh my, look what we have here” a group of students, led by one of the board members daughter, walked into the studio where y/n stayed painting late at night. Her body tensed up feeling the familiar vibrations of their footsteps causing her to jump when Jimin placed her hand on her shoulder.
“Whatcha painting?” Jimin said as she bent down to your level causing your arm to shakily create a false line on the brightly decorated canvas, ruining the painting. You closed your eyes hoping that they would disappear along with the world, often times when you we’re overwhelmed you would just close your eyes and turn down your hearing aid, because then the world would actually disappear.
“remember she can’t hear you.” one of Jimin’s little minions retorted causing the leader to roll her eyes.
“don’t be fooled, she has an hearing aid” Jimin then taps the device causing y/n to jump and clutch her ear, she angrily faced Jimin with a frown upon her face, looking eye to eye with the girl. “watch who your glaring at before I make you blind too!” Jimin smacked the girl on the head forcing her to look down,
“you think you’re entering the art competition? Ha, funny. You have no reason to be at this school anyways let alone enter into a competition. You will always be lower than everyone else-”
Jimin was cut off by a painful feeling that lingered on her cheek causing her and everyone around her to gasp and stare at y/n in shock. “the only low one is you.” y/n whispered, her voice shaky as she was now afraid of what was to come.
“oh~ how brave of our little y/n” Jimin smiled before grabbing your hair. While the rest of the girls knifed the painting, shredding up the canvas.
“ayo Minji! Make sure to grab everything from out of the locker that is labeled with red tape.”
“bruh, you literally said this already, I got it, I got it. How hard can going into the art building and grabbing your materials be?” Minji groaned on the phone, as she walked towards the entrance of the art building. It was pushing midnight and Danielle needed her art supplies that she had forgotten, but ended up catching a cold and wasn’t able to get them, so Minji being a great friend offered to grab them for the girl.
“alright alright! Thanks again Min, I owe you one!” Danielle smiled through the phone before hanging up. Minji walked through the halls, searching for studio 214A when she heard small noises coming from a fairly lit room. She peaked her head in the entrance and found a small girl sitting on the ground picking what looked like broken materials up while wiping away at her nose.
Once Minji squinted to get a closer look she saw what she was wiping wasn’t snot but blood, causing her eyes to widen and immediately run to the girl. “Hey bro are you alright, your nose-“ As the girl looked up at Minji from the shadow she casted. Minji saw that her lip was bruised and she had a scar on her head as well. “who did this to you?” she frowned. Y/n didn’t respond but just stared up the taller woman with tired eyes.
“can I help you with your wounds at least?” Minji asked again hoping for at least a nod. Y/n then pointed to the expensive hearing device that laid crushed into small pieces on the ground next to her. Minji felt her heart sink into her stomach as her eyes paneled to the broken device to y/n’s bleeding ear in which the device used to sit in.
Minji then squeaked out a small, “y-you can’t hear me?- minji don’t be stupid” before grabbing her phone and typing out sentences.
Who did this to you? Im gonna help you with your wounds if that is okay with you?
She faced the screen towards y/n and gently places it in her hands. Y/n looked up at Minji with soft eyes before typing something back.
Jimin and her friends.
Y/n handed the phone back to Minji and Minji never ran to grab a first aid kit so fast in her life once she got y/n’s consent to help her. She gently dabbed all the scars with cotton balls and places bandaids on them all, before picking up the pieces to the very expensive device and placed them in a plastic baggie for y/n.
Once she helped her clean up everything, including herself she offered to walk y/n home.
Do you stay alone?
Minji shook her head no at the question before softly speaking, “I live with my friend.” she said quietly leaving Minji shocked. She didn’t know the girl could speak, but she also knew very little about the girl and her her disability in the first place.
“What’s your name?” Minji asked and earning silence as she stupidly didn’t type out the question.
What’s your name?
Mine is Kim Minji
Y/n stared up at Minji and smiled, “Park f/n” she spoke. Every time y/n spoke, Minji got excited inside as the girl’s soft voice healed something inside of her. The whole way to y/n’s apartment was filled with Minji asking questions and eventually exchanging numbers where Minji texted y/n all through the night.
Minji still couldn't get the phrase "Jimin and her friends" out of her head. Doing everything she could to try and figure out who exactly Jimin was and why she would ever physically harm anyone.
Minji "Dani I have a question." The bright faced Aussie looked up at her best friend with a smile,
"What's up?"
"Mmm you're in the art department a lot," Minji paused "do you know someone who goes by the name Jimin?" just then Danielle's eyes widened and she let out a small gasp.
"ugh!! everyone knows her! Look I'm not one to talk behind people's backs but she is a bully" Dani huffed out with an animated frown. Danielle was never one to talk badly about people, in fact she spoke to everyone no matter how they came off or appeared, and if she saw someone who was sad, all she had to do was flash her signature smile and suddenly all clouds were replaced with sunshine and warmth. "Why do you ask though, Min?"
"Well when I went to get your supplies last night...there was this girl-erm Park f/n, and she was hurt badly. She said Jimin and her friends did it to her and that they always hurt her." Just then Minji was looking down and picking at her fingers, something she has a habit of doing when she's anxious.
Danielle jumped up from her spot on the sofa, "Wait...y/n?!" she slapped her hand over her mouth causing Minji's eyes to widen.
"w-what? is there something wrong?"
Danielle sat down after calming herself down to make her poor friend less worried, "that poor girl, she's in majority of my classes but I haven't noticed she was being assaulted." tears welled in the younger girl's eyes. "I try talking to her but she just rolls her eyes and looks away. I don't think she likes me"
Minji comforted her best friend as she pouted about the thought of someone potentially not liking her. "Dani"
"hmm?" the brunette faced her friend.
"y/n is deaf. Have you not known?" Minji asked genuinely. Danielle dropped the fruit that was in her hand and slowly turned to Minji.
She didn't know wether to keep her mouth open or close it but she looked like a fish out of water, "Im such a horrible person, everyday I would ask her questions and try to make conversation but- wow."
Minji cut the girl off, "well from what I have learned she can hear when she has her hearing aid, but recently it was broken because of those bitches. And when I catch them I will-" Danielle cut the girl off with a worried stare.
"Hey I know you are worried about y/n but violence does not solve more violence! What we need to do is report this to the school immediately to get justice for y/n." Danielle stood up proudly, while Minji scoffed from her place on the couch.
"Beating Jimin's ass seems like enough justice for me" she mumbled, earning a glare from the peaceful girl.
The older girl stood up, patting her best friend on the back, "well good luck with your peace treaties. Im gonna go take y/n out to eat"
"oh a date?~" Danielle teased causing Minji to blush, "no! she doesn't like me like that"
"But YOU never denied not liking her so, a one sided date, eh?" Danielle urged on, Minji grabbed the nearest pillow from the couch and smacked her friend on the head before running out the shared apartment.
"Ill be back!" she shouted on her way out.
Entering the small cafe, Minji noticed how you doodled in a sketchbook as you waiting for her to arrive.
“Hi y/n!” she greeted waving, silence. Her brows furrowed in confusion going to wave again but then as she walked to take a seat, she noticed that the small pink device was no longer in your ear.
Once she sat down you looked up feeling her presence, flashing her a small smile. You took out a small, cutely decorated notebook that was filled with stickers, and a pen before scribbling a few words down.
Hi!! :) I apologize, I can’t get a new hearing aid until next month. My parents are too busy to ship it to me
What kind of parents are too busy to tend to their own child?! Minji thought to herself. She couldn’t help but wonder why they would brush her off like that.
It’s okay, we can talk like this. Look.
Minji then tapped the table in y/n’s line of sight to get her attention. Her hands then started moving, forming words that were a bit choppy but still clearly showed that she put effort and time into learning.
‘Im learning sign language so you can speak comfortably’ her heart was racing afraid she messed up a few signs, because y/n just stared. She then smiled and looked down shyly trying to contain her excitement as no one has ever tried learning sign language to try and communicate with her, not even her own parents.
Y/n’s fingers swiftly flowed in different directions, speaking freely and comfortably. Although Minji couldn’t catch half of what she was saying, she still gazed at her with bright eyes.
“Thank you” Y/n whispered as she signed so that Minji could learn along with her, “for being nice to me” she said softly, looking up at Minji’s big brown eyes that never left hers.
Minji had ordered their food and drinks, sharing everything she had as y/n told her that she rarely tries new stuff because she is never introduced to anything.
I used to travel and do fun things before…the accident
Y/n gently pushed the book towards Minji as she cutely stuffed her face with fruit, earning a slight giggle from the opposite girl.
“Accident?” Minji mumbled to herself. Y/n let out a “hmm?” as she saw Minji’s lips move.
Minji wrote but then quickly scribbled more,
You don’t have to tell me, it sounds personal
Y/n laughed at the panic writing, waving her hand and brushing it off.
It’s okay, I will tell you another time
You nodded before changing the subject, engaging in conversation that had you both laughing for hours without realizing how much time has passed. On your way back to her apartment, you heard her let out a small gasp and point to the small arcade that brightly lit up the evening skies. She took your hand, pulling you towards the machines as she eyes all of the plushies.
Letting out of the words “I want” slightly below a whisper. Minji couldn’t help but cave into her cute squeals of excitement as she pointed to all of the plushies she eyed. Pulling her wallet out she placed two bills into the machine bringing it to life.
Y/n excitedly jumped to hold the levers and when she thought she had the correct spot, she pushed the button. The claw grabbed the stuffed bunny, bringing it to the drop but dropping the bunny right next to it instead, before powering down.
The girl turned to Minji, puffing her bottom lip out in a pout before turning to walk away. Before she could take another step, Minji grabbed her arm, bringing her to a stop. The older girl then placed more money into the machine, focusing hard on the task at hand as she pushed the button. She hadn’t realized she closed her eyes, hoping that she would win the plush before she was shaken awake by y/n who was jumping around with the pink plushie in her arms.
“Bun bun! Bun bun!” she squeaked happily prancing around Minji who watched with sparkles in her eyes. She wrapped her arm around the smaller girl’s shoulder, walking her home before it got too late.
Y/n stood on her porch with a red tint to her face as she failed to look Minji in the eyes. “m’bye.” she waved, “thank you for winning bun bun” she spoke again and before she turned to enter her home, she quickly gave Minji a peck on the cheek before running inside.
Minji on the other hand, was stunned.
“She wants me bro!” The older girl said as her roommate rolled her eyes, laughing at the description story of their “hang out”
“That’s cute, she sounds adorable I wanna be her friend” Dani pouted remembering the fact that, said girl side eyes her during class. “what about me do you think she hates?”
Minji’s thick brows spoke before she did, “I wouldn’t say she hates you, she just doesn’t let her guard down easily” which confused her since she spoke to you easily. “I don’t know why she clings to me so quickly though”
Danielle laughed, “are you serious Min, you’re literally like a golden retriever. Your aura is so welcoming.” Minji blushed at the compliments,
“you think im a golden retriever girl” she wiggled her brows causing the both of them to burst into laughter. “but on a serious note, I think I like y/n”
The Australian girl looked at her roommate with a ‘duh bitch’ look, “I thought we all knew this?” she said with sass.
“I- goodnight”
Given y/n’s situation, she still had no hearing aid, causing her hell during her lectures as she had to rely on notes from generous classmates. She came from a well off family, growing her her parents would take her and her older brother on vacations and many outings, spoiling them, especially y/n since she was their princess. Treating her to whatever she wanted. Despite being handed whatever as a kid, her mother was still very strict and controlling at times.
You were always sent to every educational lesson after school as well as extracurriculars, and once she found out you had a talent in art, she ran with it and enrolled you in art programs. The life you had before the accident was chaotic, you didn’t enjoy it but you tolerated it because it was better than most. Though after the accident, you were pushed away. You were no longer the “princess” but more so the “burden.” You vividly remember your mother screaming at you to listen to what she was saying, even though you couldn’t clearly distinguish what she was saying.
She was in denial about her daughter being deaf to the point where she refused to tell anyone. Instead she blocked you out from the world, Park y/n had disappeared from the wealthy social circle and sent to study at a well off university. Anything to keep you out of your mother’s sight.
A knock sounded at your apartment door causing your roommate to jump up from her spot at the kitchen table to grab it. You looked up at the shuffles to find your older brother entering the place, smiling as she made conversation with your roommate.
He then looked at you with a smile before signing, “how are you, princess?” as you sat on the couch curled in a ball under blankets. You flashed him a thumbs up. You watched as he pulled a pink bag from behind his back, eyes following his every move as he handed you the bag. You looked up at him with a confused face considering there were no major holidays or birthdays near.
You opened the box and saw a brand new hearing aid. You looked up at your brother before tearing up. “thank you” you mumbled, wrapping your arms around him. Part of you didn’t wanna let go as it felt like that was the only family you had that truly cared about you.
“Of course you know…since I caused it” he whispered as he rubbed his neck. You knew he would forever feel everlasting guilt for what he did.
Summer of 2016
“Wait for me!” scrawny little y/n ran as fast as she could behind her brother and his friends. Her pink sundress flying with each stride, and her bare feet connecting with the grass.
She huddled around the older boys as they all piled fireworks on top of each other in the field. Different kind of pyro tied together and linked by a singular string that would be lit.
“This is gonna be awesome! I can’t wait to see the explosion” Y/n’s brother exclaimed, tackling one of his friends. Y/n was oblivious to what was actually happening, and got easily distracted by the beautiful flowers that coincidentally surrounded the pile of pyro.
She wasn’t aware of the stack being lit until she heard constant shouting from her brother and the rest of the guys. “Y/N MOVE!!” As she turned around she was thrown back as the fireworks went off in front of her. She felt someone pick her up saving her from the rest of the loud explosion.
All she could do was cry as she covered both of her ears. “It hurts!” the little girl sobbed. From the commotion her parents ran outside to see what had happened and was met with their daughter being cradled in her brother’s arms crying. She was covered in burn marks from head to toe.
“What happened?! What did you boys do?!!” Mrs. Park shouted, grabbing her daughter. Leaving no time to explain she rushed off to the hospital with her husband not too far behind with the boys.
Hours spent in the waiting room, the doctor had eventually came bearing the news of their daughter. “Miss y/n is doing fine. She is very brave for her age” he complimented.
Mrs. Park smiled faintly, “thank you doctor, is she healthy?” The man’s smile faded at the question before exhaling.
“Your daughter has hearing loss in both ears, she can respond to some sound but only depending how close she is to the noise. We recommend seeing a specialist for ears so that she can get a proper hearing aid that works best for her.” Mrs. Park threw herself into her husband’s chest with loud sobs.
“What am I gonna do with her now! I can’t let the world know she’s deaf!” she sobbed causing a gasp from the doctor. Y/n’s brother on the other hand felt guilty for what happened never thinking he could look his baby sister in the eyes again.
Moving forward, y/n got left at home and forgotten by her mother. She no longer received attention, not even basic conversations from her mother. She was put in more activities and after school classes to stay out of sight of her mother. The world had forgotten that the Park family had a daughter as she was hidden.
Present day
Y/n and her brother, Kai sat on the couch catching up about each other as Kai took over their father’s company.
“How’s mom and dad? Have they asked about me?” y/n whimpered, hating the fact that her own parents lost love for her, their one and only daughter.
Kai pulled his little sister in for a hug, “Father worries about you, he always talks about how he misses his little princess” you smiled at the thought of your father missing you, the thought warming your heart. “but mother. She’s still a cold hearted b-“
“woah okay okay, I see” You lightly laughed.
Kai then changed the subject, “What about you though sis, how has school been?”
All of a sudden you blurted out, “I think I like someone.” covering your mouth quickly. Kai started squealing like a teenage girl,
“omg omg what’s their name!?” He clapped his hands causing you to burst into laughter.
“Stop being silly, haha. Her name is Kim Minji” you said with a deep red tint forming on your cheeks. “We went to a cafe together and she helped me when I was…stuck on…an art project haha” you laughed nervously. You never wanted Kai to get worried about you if you told him about Jimin and her clan.
“she wants you” He joked, but little did you both know she actually did.
Minji: Would you like to go on a date Saturday evening?
Minji was pacing back and forth her apartment as she panicked at the message she impulsively sent to y/n. “You will be fine girlfriend, I doubt she would say no” Danielle gave the older girl a pat on the shoulder to reassure her.
“But what if she thinks Im some old creep who just happened to win her a plushie at the arcade and learn sign language?!” Minji pulled at her hair causing Danielle to roll her eyes.
“Puh-lease. She would never-“ the sound of the phone going off caught their attention. Minji quickly picked the phone up, reading the message aloud.
“I would love to, smiley face. SHE WANTS ME!” The Korean girl shouted before jumping around the apartment.
Dani laughed as she walked back into her room, “Nerd”
Minji laid in the sand next to y/n taking in the evening sky after a long day of playing in the water and writing in the sand. “I’ve never had this much fun since I was a kid” Y/n whispered turning to face Minji. “Thank you for accepting me Min” The words left Minji speechless at the thought of people not accepting her because of her disability.
Minji sat up, causing y/n to follow as she was concerned by the girl’s sudden movements. “You’re more than what people think you are y/n, and those who don’t accept you don’t deserve you because you are everything anyone could ask for and I-“ Pausing abruptly her heart started racing as she almost slipped up and confessed her feelings to the younger girl.
“You what?” Y/n smiled cheekily, playfully hitting Minji’s arm. Her face turning redder than the sunset as she started fumbling like the loser she was.
‘I like you, y/n’
Y/n’s eyes widened in shock, hoping she wasn’t hallucinating what she just saw you sign to her. “Like…like as a friend or-“
Before she could finish her sentence Minji grabbed her face, finally feeling the softness of y/n’s lips, the softness she had always imagined being on hers since the day she saw you in the art studio. You returned the kiss pulling her closer to you afraid it was all a lucid dream that would fade away as soon as you let go.
“Like you like you, as in I want you to be my girlfriend” Minji panted as she broke the kiss that had you feeling all kinds of butterflies.
“Such a loser” y/n giggled and threw herself in Minji’s arms. “But you’re my loser”
“SHE SAID YES!!” Minji stood up cheering for everyone to hear, “Park y/n is my girlfriend!!!” You couldn’t help but laugh at the action and when Minji turned to face you again, you couldn’t help but notice the sparkle in her eyes.
Pulling her into a hug while burying your face in her shirt you mumbled, “Kim Minji is my loser”
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Hi 🥰 idk if u remember me but im rainb0wdrafts from ao3! Saw on your bio that ure taking request soooo uhmm can I request a fluffy / smutty wanda x fem reader fic based on a song Wanna Be Missed by Hayley Kiyoko? 🥺 or if ure not feeling that particular song, any song that would inspire u from her Expectations album.
P. S.
still cant wait for the ending of Sparkling Scarlett. I’m having mixed emotions about it rn JSKSKSLLSLS
pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: you try to get your mind off of Wanda in a crowded nightclub, and she finds you there and eases your cravings for her.
content warnings: smut, fingering, cunnilingus
word count: 4.3k
A/N: omg hiiii!! i totally hadn't listened to that song before, so i listened to it on repeat while i figured out the vibes and plot line lol. i was basically feeling nightclub vibes with wanda and fem!reader going feral for each other. i hope you like it ◡̈
you literally cured my writers block so thank u 🙏, i really don't want Sparkling Scarlet to end either😭
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photo cred: me, i literally made the photo in photoshop lol. anyways.
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Craving You
The nightclub reverberated with an electric energy that filled every inch of the air. A symphony of pulsing lights painted the space in vibrant hues, dancing in synchrony with a mesmerizing blend of bass-heavy rhythms. It resonated in the bones of those who stood on the crowded dance floor. 
You danced along, your body swaying to the pounding tempo as your feet started to tingle, the vibrations palpable in the stifling air. The atmosphere was a sensory overload, a place where time blurred, and your inhibitions dissolved as your friends brought you yet another shot. 
Shooting down the clear liquid, you grimaced at the taste, attempting not to cough it back up as your friend patted you on the back. Looking up, you saw Kate’s already flushed face as she lazily scanned the room. 
“Just go and find her already,” You said, feeling your senses starting to dull as the vodka left a pleasant burn in your chest. “I promised you I’d be here as a wingwoman tonight!” 
Kate looked over at you, her face giddy with the anticipation of finally talking to her long-time crush, Yelena. You laughed, grabbing the slightly crumpled water bottle from her grasp and uncapping it. Forcing the bottle against her lips, you watch her gulp down the water. 
Hastily pulling the bottle away, you take a few sips before screwing the cap back on. “Don’t gulp it all down Kate, you’ll get sick that way.” You chastised, only half joking. You really didn’t want to spend another night holding Kate’s hair as she spewed her guts into a nightclub toilet. 
Gently shoving her away, you gave Kate a light pep talk. It mostly consisted of complimenting her outfit, as she’d stressed about it all day. You had helped her pick the dress, a stunning knee length fabric that shimmered with each passing ray of multi-colored light. Kate spun in a small circle as you showered her with compliments, before finally turning away and laughing, her eyes scanning the room for Yelena. 
“But wait!” Kate exclaimed, swaying slightly as she gripped your upper arm tightly. She struggled to focus on your face, finally making eye contact. “You haven't had enough alcohol to get your mind properly off of her yet.”
You sighed, letting out a breath into the already warm air. The atmosphere dimmed slightly, the stale air swirling around you as you remembered the true reason you’d let Kate drag you along. In all honesty, you’d never been much of a party girl. You always preferred a night in, sipping tea as you watched a sitcom with your girlfriend. 
And there it was, the one thing you’d been trying not to think about.
Shooting Kate a look, you shook your head. “I don’t think alcohol is going to help much.” She gave you an apologetic look, and you gave her a slightly firmer push towards the dance floor. She turned slowly, and upon seeing a flash of dirty blonde hair, quickly left your side in pursuit. 
Turning back towards the bar, you squinted against the flashing lights, already feeling a headache coming on as the vibrant mix of reds and blues swirled against the walls. Pushing through a tangle of sweaty, dancing bodies, you snagged a seat towards the end of the bar. You ordered a shirley temple (you really did miss Wanda), and sat back against the wall. Choosing to give your eyes a rest from the mass of bodies dancing in an uncoordinated pattern, you let your eyes unfocus as you stared into the dark red of your drink. 
Wanda had unfortunately been called away, her position as head of her company demanding more hours as the summer season hit. She’d left immediately after a late night phone call, grabbing her pre-packed bag and sweeping out of your shared home. She’d promised that it wouldn’t be too long of a trip, and that she’d call you every day. That was three weeks ago. 
She did call you every day, but spoken words weren’t enough for you. You wanted to be held by her, falling asleep in her arms as she laughed along quietly to the sitcoms playing in the background. You wanted to kiss her again, like it was the last time you’d ever embrace her lips with yours, frenzied and passionate. The sound of her voice through a phone, knowing she was miles away, couldn’t compare to the way she would hold you close with your breaths intermingling as you pulled each other impossibly closer. 
Fuck, you missed her with every fibre of your being. 
Shaking off your suddenly melancholic thoughts, you scanned the room for Kate. The mess of brown curls was lost in the sea of moving bodies, and you focused on the first flash of blonde you saw. Upon seeing Yelena, you smiled at the sight of Kate standing mere inches away from her. Your mission was accomplished, and all you had to do was not think about Wanda. 
How utterly disappointing it was, when your thoughts wandered back to her. Back to her soft red curls, slightly frizzy as they splayed across her bare back. You always swore you woke up next to an angel everyday, and Wanda would laugh as she showered you with kisses. Her laugh, flowing from her lips with a melodic grace as her lips danced softly across your skin. Back to her freckles, a constellation neatly scattered across her features that you had attempted to count many times. Back to her waist and hips, the slow curve that you dragged your fingertips over, until you finally reached her…
A hand against your waist startled you out of your thoughts, and you flushed slightly as you turned in your seat. Setting your drink down on the counter top, not wanting to enter into the range past tipsy, you looked up. 
A sea of red curls filled your vision, and your eyes slowly widened as you drank in the sight of Wanda standing before you. She had a hand in her pocket, the other stroking your hip in slow circles as your brain attempted to process. Her vibrant green eyes crinkled at the edges as she watched the multiple emotions you were feeling flit across your face. Her skin was lit with the ever-changing hues of the nightclub, and you started to feel as though you were in a cinematic movie scene. 
“Not a movie sweetheart.” Wanda said, her velvety voice wrapping around your head and sinking you further into a trance. You could hear the undercurrent teasing, but elected to ignore it in favor of staring at her. Staring at her ridiculously attractive cheekbones, at her sharp jaw and shining eyes as she drank in the sight of you.
Jolting out of your seat, finally processing the fact that she wasn’t a figure of your imagination, you wrapped your arms tightly around her shoulders as you sunk into a well-known embrace. Your bodies molded together, and you felt her arms tighten securely around your waist. You couldn’t make yourself pull away, letting the hum of the nightclub fade into insignificance as you attempted to convey the depth of your emotions through your embrace. Wanda nestled further into your arms, your breaths synchronizing as you held each other. 
Breathing deeply, you buried your nose into her hair as the familiar scent of vanilla filled your senses. For some reason, that gave you enough strength to pull away, but only far enough so you could see Wanda’s face. 
“What are you doing here?” Your voice was slightly breathy as you eagerly drank in the sight of her. She gazed down at you, her eyes fitting to your parted lips as you exhaled shakily. She smiled, leaning in closer until her lips touched the shell of your ear. You shuddered. 
“My trip ended a bit later than expected,” Wanda started, her tongue flicking out against your ear. You felt her smirk against you as a shiver ran down your spine. “And I didn’t want to wait until you got home to finally see you, so I came to you.”
A large smile made its way onto your face. Your girlfriend, who had just flown miles back home and who was probably jetlagged as hell, had made the decision to walk into a grungy nightclub in search of you. At the mere thought of how much effort she’d put into seeing you, you crashed your lips against hers. 
Her lips met yours with an equal amount of ferocity, and you felt her dragging you away from the bar as she sucked your bottom lip between her teeth. You followed happily, all of your thoughts invested solely on the woman you were clinging to. She pulled you through a doorway, the security team waving her through as they recognized her well known status. 
You could barely think, a certain fuzziness overtaking your mind as it focused solely on Wanda. You focused on your hands against her shoulders, the way your fingertips brushed against the overheated skin of her neck and tangled in the loose curls that fell around her shoulders. After a desperate tug of her hair, Wanda pulled away briefly to push open a door, before shutting it and pushing you harshly against the solid wood. 
“Hi sweetheart,” Wanda whispered, her lips grazing yours as she caught her breath. Her cheeks held an adorable flush, and her eyes shined as they roamed over your heaving chest and shaky legs. Her hands pressed your hips firmly against the door, and you squirmed slightly as you attempted to pull her closer. 
“I missed you.”
The words flowed from you desperately, and Wanda smiled at the whimper in your voice. She always loved you like this, when you were soft, pliant and so eager to please. She allowed herself to be pulled closer, until the front of her body was flush with yours. You rolled your hips against her, letting out a choked noise from the back of your throat as you relieved some of the aching pressure that had built between your legs. 
Letting her teeth graze your jaw slightly, Wanda focused on marking the soft skin of your neck as you panted beneath her. Her hands stilled your rolling hips, and you whined as she pulled back to look at your desperate form. 
“What exactly did you miss?” She asked, raising a single eyebrow as you struggled to get your brain to work. 
Catching a glimpse of the soft bed behind you, and realizing that Wanda had pushed you into one of the private backrooms of the nightclub, you pushed gently against her shoulders. Allowing you to walk her backwards, Wanda let out a surprised puff of air when the backs of her knees met the mattress. 
Moving to straddle her, you tangled your fingers with her smooth curls once more as you tilted her head back. With your lips against her temple, you breathed in the familiar heady scent that was so wholly Wanda as you murmured, “I’ll show you.”
Wanda’s hands tightened around your waist, keeping you on her lap as you ran your hands over cheeks and jaw, fingers ghosting over her skin as you started speaking. “I missed your annoyingly perfect eyebrows,” She let out a surprised giggle, raising them playfully as you laughed. Bringing a single finger down to her lips, you placed it against her bottom lip. “I missed your lips, so soft and kissable, and the words that drip from them wherever you speak.” 
Tilting your head down, you placed a gentle kiss against her lips, pulling back when she attempted to deepen it. Wanda furrowed her brows as you pulled away, but you smiled softly and placed your finger against her lips once more as she tried to speak. “Hush love, I’m not done.”
Sitting back, Wanda watched your face as your eyes followed the path your other hand traced down her neck. As your fingers ghosted over the column of her throat and danced along her collarbone, she gently sucked your finger into her mouth. Your eyes flew back to hers in surprise, but she simply smiled around your finger, her tongue swirling around the heavy pad as you watched with parted lips. 
You groaned, finding it hard to concentrate as you watched Wanda suck on your finger like it was the best thing she’d had in her mouth for a while. You placed another finger against her lips, and watched in an almost trancelike state as she sucked that one in as well. Her eyes closed slightly as she sucked, and she let out a low moan as your other hand tightened against her shoulder. 
The sound startled you out of your daze, and spurred you on. Reaching down, you removed your fingers from her mouth as you swiftly pulled her expensive blouse over her head. Throwing the article somewhere behind you, you brought your fingers back to her parted lips and sighed as you felt the wet heat of her mouth encircle them once more. 
“I missed your skin,” You said breathily, running a hand over her toned arms as they pulled you further onto her lap. You gasped as your core met her pelvis, and tried not to grind your hips down against hers. Unclasping her bra, she helped you take it off as you ran your fingers over her perspiring skin. Leaning down, you let your tongue drag against her, collecting the slightly salty taste as you traced a path from the tops of her breasts all the way to her ear.  
“I missed the way you feel against me,” You whispered, and she reached up to pull your fingers out of her mouth. In one smooth motion, she pulled your shirt off and unclasped your bra, both items landing somewhere with a soft thump as she maneuvered the two of you towards the center of the bed. 
You giggled slightly, feeling her hot breath against your overheated skin as she drank in the sight of you. She leaned closer, her lips parted as her eyes focused on the smooth skin of your neck, but you placed your hands firmly against her shoulders. Pushing back, you ignored the frustrated look she sent you, shushing her as you guided her to lay against the sheets. 
Your hips still straddled hers, and after sitting back up, you rolled them slightly as you gazed down on Wanda’s form. She lay beneath you, her chest heaving as her eyes roamed your nude chest, her hair splayed out across the dark sheets. 
“I missed your tits.” You said cheekily, reaching out your hands as your fingers pinched her nipples gently. Instead of reprimanding you like she normally would, Wanda let out a soft moan as she squirmed slightly, her hands tightening on your thighs. You felt your breath catch, the heat in your belly flaring at the sight. 
Leaning down, you captured her lips in a searing kiss, letting unrestrained moans into her mouth as she kissed you back with equal ferocity. Panting, you parted from her as you trailed your lips down her neck until you reached the soft skin of her breast. Sucking gently, you placed a few hickeys against her skin, sighing when her hand reached up to tug at your hair. 
Wanda’s hand clenched tightly, bringing tears to your eyes when you finally let your mouth encircle her tight nipple. Letting out a pained noise, you breathed deeply as she glanced down apologetically, her hand relaxing slightly. Flicking your tongue, you pulled more moans from her as you played with her chest. You could feel your bodies sliding against each other as the heat from your desperation built. 
Deciding to give the poor woman some relief, you detached your lips from her chest, admiring her puffy nipples as she groaned. Wanda’s hands became more desperate as you descended her body, tugging your head closer to her overheated skin as your lips grazed the top of her pants. She let out a desperate whine, and your eyebrows shot up at the sound. 
“I missed your hips.” You traced your fingers over the faint stretch marks you found there as you pulled her pants down in a quick motion. Your fingers mapped out a path along her skin as you traced the mole near her belly button, and the soft raised scar on her hip from when she’d fallen out of a tree when she was five. Moving further down, you spread her legs as you knelt between them, letting your lips trace a path from her ankle up to the apex of her thighs. You sighed softly as the scent of her arousal reached your nose, and you nuzzled your face into the soft skin of her inner thighs as her legs attempted to close around your head. 
You shook your head out of the clouds, blinking as Wanda hips frantically raised against your palms. You looked up, watching her heaving chest and admiring her strong jaw as she threw her head back against the mattress. One hand was clenching the dark sheets under her, and your eyes widened at the sight of her white knuckles. The other hand gripped your wrist tightly, her fingers scrabbling for purchase against your sweaty skin as her legs tightened around you. 
Placing your hands firmly against her thighs, you spread her legs as she bucked her hips. Letting her hand tangle with your hair, you chuckled as she attempted to press your face against her dripping center. You admired the wet spot forming against her underwear, blowing a stream of cool air against her core as she writhed beneath you. 
You let out a moan of your own at her plea, before quickly stripping her of her underwear and leaving her completely bare against the sheets. You barely had a moment to admire her pale form against the dark fabric before her hand was tugging your head closer to her once more. 
Placing a gentle kiss against her protruding clit, you smirked as her hips jerked. “I missed your scent,” You murmured, unsure if she could actually hear you over her own desperate moans. “I miss the way you taste against my tongue, and the way you roll your hips when I finally lean in for a taste.” 
Wanda’s moans turned into desperate pleas, her hips now uncontrollably rutting against the mattress as she searched for any sort of release. Taking mercy on her, you finally leaned down and swiped your tongue against her core. Moaning at the taste, you circled your lips around her clit as she babbled incoherently while thrusting her hips against your face. 
The grip of her hands in your hair caused tears to spring into your eyes once more, but you ignored it. Sucking harder, you urged her hips to buck faster against your face as her moans became more breathy. You felt her jerk unsteadily against you, her hips losing their rhythm as she neared her climax, incoherent words streaming from her lips. 
Sucking her clit in between your teeth, you bit down gently while swirling your tongue around it, and Wanda lost what little control she had left. Her legs tensed around your head, squeezing tightly as her body shook. Her clit pulsed on your tongue, and you smirked as a wave of wetness hit your chin. Her head was thrown back, her lips parted as she let out a throaty moan. Her fingers locked in your hair, her hand firmly pressing you against her spasming core as she rode out the last few waves of her orgasm. 
You licked your lips clean after finally coming up for air, her legs relaxing just enough for you to pull away slightly. As soon as you caught your breath, you dived right back in and savored the rich taste of her against your tongue. As you slipped your tongue inside her, you decided that you would do whatever it took to always have Wanda within arms reach. You simply couldn’t fathom being separated from her for an extended period of time again, and you quickly lost yourself in the drug that was Wanda Maximoff. 
A trembling breath brought your attention back to the woman still sprawled on the sheets. Her legs trembled around your head as you slipped your tongue in and out of her still-leaking center. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally locked those viridescent green eyes on yours. As soon as you made eye contact, you smiled against her core as you brought your fingers up to circle her clit slowly. 
Pulling away, you licked the taste of Wanda from your lips as you slipped two fingers into her without warning. You kept your eyes locked with hers as you slowly started pumping your fingers, and Wanda’s eyes lidded as she attempted to keep her gaze on you. 
Smirking devilishly, you licked a slow circle around her swollen clit before placing a kiss directly on top of it. Resting your cheek against her inner thigh, you kept your gaze on her as the sounds of your fingers roughly slamming into her filled the room. Her slick juices spilled onto the sheets as your fingernails dug into her hip in an attempt to keep her hips in place. 
“I crave you, Wanda.” Your sultry voice tipped her further towards the edge, and Wanda threw her head back against the mattress as she let out a stream of curse words. 
You curled your fingers as you stroked that very sensitive spot inside her, pressing firmly into the spongy walls as you sucked her clit between your lips. Wanda’s back arched, and she practically lifted herself off the bed as she reached her climax once again. This time, you hummed against her as she rode out the aftershocks, and her third orgasm snuck up on her and ripped through her body like a wildfire. 
Throughout it all, you were relentless. Your fingers kept up their bruising pace as your lips chased her clit. You were starting to get light headed as Wanda’s legs squeezed your head, the hand in your hair not allowing you to escape her grasp. Wanda’s hips jerked against you, and she let out a few whimpers as the hand in your hair started pushing against your head. 
“Too much sweetheart, too much.” Wanda choked out, panting in relief when you finally pulled away. She let herself relax fully against the mattress, rolling away from the center of the bed when the damp sheets grew uncomfortable beneath her. You emerged from the small in-suite bathroom with a damp washcloth. Hushing her, you gently brought the warm washcloth to her slick skin as you cleaned her up. 
You couldn’t resist one final taste, and after swiping your tongue to collect the juices still flowing from her slit, you finished cleaning your girlfriend and collapsed on the bed beside her. 
“Well.” Wanda said, and you laughed at her inability to speak as she rolled into your side and buried her face against your bare shoulder. 
Pressing a kiss on the top of her head, you breathed in her familiar vanilla scent as she pulled you closer. You wrapped your arms around her as she draped her legs over yours in an attempt to mold her body against you. You let a hand start running through her hair, detangling it slightly as she fully relaxed into you.
“I missed your laugh.” You said, and Wanda hummed against your shoulder. You began speaking again, your words filling the non-existent space between the two of you. “I missed the crinkle of your eyes whenever you smile at me, and I missed cuddling with you and watching sitcoms. I missed the breakfasts that you cook, and I missed putting away the dishes with you afterwards.” 
You laughed then, not believing the words coming out of your mouth. “I mean, who misses doing the dishes?” You snorted, burying your face back into Wanda’s hair. “Only a fool in love would miss doing the most mundane task.”
Wanda tilted her face until she was looking at you, her green eyes shining up at you. “You love me?” Her voice was colored in surprise, and her face turned hopeful. 
Blinking, you realize the words that had just slipped out. “I mean… yeah.” You began, running your fingers through her hair nervously as you met her wide green eyes. “I hope that’s alright, I don’t want you to feel like you have to say it back right now or anything, but yeah.” You trailed off, feeling the blush rise to your cheeks at your accidental admission. 
One of Wanda’s hands came up to rest against your cheek, and she tilted your flushed face back towards her. Her eyes crinkled as she smiled brightly up at you. “I love you too sweetheart.” 
Your heart started pounding, and a wide smile broke out on your face as you excitedly started peppering Wanda’s face with kisses. “I love you too!” You exclaimed as she laughed, her hands wrapping around the back of your neck as she pulled you in for a proper, searing kiss. 
Pulling away after a few long seconds, you rested your forehead against hers as an uncontrollable grin overtook your lips. Time stood still as you both basked in the newfound confessions you’d made. Wanda’s fingers grazed your jaw, her touch gentle and grounding as your mind raced with excitement. 
In that moment, as your foreheads remained gently pressed together, you knew that this was the beginning of an exhilarating chapter of your life. One that Wanda would be by your side in, her hand pressed in yours as you faced the world and conquered any obstacles that may come your way. As you lingered in each other's gentle embrace, the world outside faded into insignificance, and you knew that you had finally found true love.
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hoeforhao · 8 months
Parisian Nights ✨️•Jeonghan Oneshot•
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pairing : model! jeonghan × fem!reader
genre : pwp, absolutely messy smut, minors do not interact!!!
warnings : pussy eating, fingering, nipple play, overstimulation, mean jeonghan, sort of one night stand, explicit language.
word count : 780
author's note : this is an extremely impromptu drop as my account is literally dead for weeks!! what can be a better way to comeback than with some dirty smut! pls bear with my shitty writings and writer's block a bit!
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“My pretty little slut, aren’t you?” Jeonghan’s words vibrates against your folds as his tongue is buried deep inside your hole, his smooth locks brushing against your walls, while his fingers rub gentle circles on your puffy bud. You had no idea how you ended up in this position, under this man you’ve only seen for the first time this evening. The one thing you remembered through the haze of all the orgasms he has already given you,was that you were assigned the job of being the guide and coordinator of the Yoon Jeonghan,the most serene beauty of YSL’s lineup for the Paris Fashion Week.
You were always swayed away by men with more on the masculine side of beauty until tonight, when you saw the most beautiful person you’ve ever laid eyes on, arrive at the venue; long flowy hair strands sticking on his forehead making their way down to his bare shoulders, that were peeking out from under the blades of his black coat, the white tank covering his chest while also giving the most alluring shape to his petite curves. A one time wonder for real…something you definitely can’t miss getting your hands on.
“I asked you something baby” you were instantly pulled out of your recollections when you suddenly felt a sharp sting on your already sensitive clit, slowly realising it to be a slight bite from Jeonghan’s sharp canines, as a gesture for making you speak up….because the last thing he wanted from his fuck buddy was to lay quiet under him…not when he knows how good he was making you feel from his tongue alone.
“Hmm y…yess i am” only shaky breathy moans escape your lips as you try to be stable and vocal under his ecstatic touch, trying not to give in completely to the devil pressed between your legs. As angelic as he looked on the runway, from the moment he laid his hands on you tonight, you came to the realisation of how much of a satanically freak he was with his fingers and words.
“Complete words baby! You’re a what?” Jeonghan surely was enjoying all the teasings, seeing how wasted you were lying under him with your pussy clenching so good around his tongue, begging for its release for the 3rd time tonight.
“I am dirty little slut for you Yoon. Now pls let me, i cannot hold it in anymore” knowing how evil he was, you very well knew your request would go in vain as your sufferings, the constant twitching of your folds in his face, the push of your thighs to completely stuff him between your core was what making his boner grow more painful by each passing second.
“Not so easy, whore” and with this Jeonghan pumps in two of his cold fingers into your cunt accompanied by the unceasing swirls of his tongue inside your hole, lapping up every last drop of your honey juices into his mouth….the prettiest cunt he has ever tasted and will ever do.
Your back arches up from the intense feeling, toes curling up while your fingers grip onto Jeonghan’s still perfectly set hair, in an attempt to somehow hold yourself from coming undone on his pretty face right there…only to earn a tight slap on your swollen bud from him, triggering the last hold you had on yourself as you quite instantly end up painting Jeonghan’s locks and face white with your release.
Cursing under your breath for disobeying Jeonghan, you try to peek at his cum drenched form, still pressed into your core, with the slight hope of being forgiven for the sin. Oh how fool of you to even hope of mercy from the son of devil himself, as he slowly emerges out from between your thighs, white slick dripping down his chin, tongue lapping up your remaining juices on his lips, eyes clouded with the darkest most sinful haze ever known to man.
“You will have to pay for ruining my hair baby” Jeonghan’s cum coated fingers gently travel up your legs, to your tummy and finally on your perked up nipples, smothering them with your own release on the way, landing a tight pinch on one of the buds, while your eyes squint up from the overstimulation.
“What would you like more, my pretty baby…bouncing on my cock the whole night until your pussy is all swollen up and begging to be left alone or gagging on it until your eyes are all teary, face left completely ruined from my thrusts hmm?” Jeonghan’s lips slowly curl up into a devilish grin as he continues to make your insides clench around thin air with his word choices “ Either way I’m gonna be inside you tonight for as long as I desire.”
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voxofthevoid · 1 year
JJK 220: Yuuji's dietary habits continue to fascinate me
The Yorozu vs. Sukuna chapters were fun reads, but this one has got me vibrating again, let's fucking gooooo.
Kenjaku for villain of the year
I love how this motherfucker (...fatherfucker, if we want to get very literal about it) gets more chaotic with every chapter. I didn't think straight-up blackmailing Kogane would be their method for getting those rules added, but I just about lost it when they did it a second time.
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That's just bullying, Kenny.
I also love how unreliable they are about...literally everything. We already know they lied to Chōsō about the Culling Games, and now we know there's no real Game Master as such. Can't wait to see what other bullshit they've fed people!
The new dynamic between them and Tengen is also pretty interesting. Cursed Spirit Manipulation seems absolute in terms of control, enough that it voided Kenjaku's binding vows with cursed spirits when he acquired Getou's body (assuming I'm remembering that part right, too sleepy to go reread Shibuya). But is Tengen still fundamentally Tengen, just not in control of herself and beholden to Kenjaku? Or is it some kind of permanent brainwashed state? Her personality seems unchanged in those brief exchanges at least. I'd like to see more of that, and I'm still hoping there will be a flashback to Kenjaku's history with Tengen.
Yuuji's dietary habits
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When I saw this panel, I was not expecting the remaining death womb paintings to be on the menu, holy shit. I would've liked to have been a fly inside Yuuji's skull (or on a wall in the room whenever he and Chōsō first talked about this because the conversation we see clearly isn't the first) because...just, who came up with this, how did they come up with this, why did they think it was a good idea?
Granted, I do think it's a good (or at least a necessary) next step for Yuuji. I like that this is the direction the plot is taking for him, as opposed to him attaining Sukuna's cursed technique or something (assuming that doesn't pop up as a later development). But for Yuuji to resolve to do this and for Chōsō to agree imply some pretty dire things about their respective psyches and the level of desperation the protagonists seem to have reached, even with the newfound hope of actually unsealing Gojou.
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Yuuji might not be attached to his siblings the way Chōsō is, but he's also the kind of person who values life for the sake of it. Even killing Eso and Kechizu weighed (weighs, most likely, just pushed to the background for now) on him heavily, and Chōsō's defining trait is his big brother complex. Going from that to this is sure something:
Their expressions are killing me; I am very normal about this.
Aside from these bits, I'm glad to see the Angel survived, but I'm disappointed that she's essentially out of action and won't even have a role once Gojou's free (please, Gege, let that go off without a hitch, let that man out). At least we now know the Angel and the other sorcerers can't switch hosts and why.
The brief Shouko PoV was interesting, and it's nice to see the students and their allies assembled; I am going to try and not think about how many of them will still be alive by the end of all this.
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subbyyang · 7 months
Don't keep my love on the low low (Keep my love on the low low) - Ten/Yangyang (17/?)
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“You’re kicking me out,” Yangyang whined obnoxiously as Ten pushed him towards the door.
“I’m not kicking you out, don’t be such a baby,” Ten said with a laugh as he opened the door.
“You are, you’re literally pushing me out of the door,” Yangyang tried once more, “without even a kiss goodbye!”.
“You’re so annoying,” Ten replied, turning Yangyang around as he rolled his eyes before pulling him in for a quick kiss. 
He tried pulling away but Yangyang had slyly wrapped his arms around his shoulders, keeping him in place as he dived down for a second kiss. And a third. And a fourth. 
“Enough,” Ten laughed softly, hands pressed to Yangyang’s warm chest as he pushed him away, “someone can see us, baby,” he said softly, eyes locked with Yangyang’s. He leaned in for one last kiss before completely pushing him away, “now go,” he said as he closed the door. 
He felt like a teenager again, cheeks pink and heart beating so fast inside his chest it was making him sick. Leaning against the door, he couldn’t help the giddy feeling bubbling in his chest, a dumb smile on his lips as he thought about their date, it had been absolutely perfect. Ten fished his phone out of his pocket when he felt it vibrating in his pocket, his smile somehow growing bigger when he saw who had just texted him. 
From: Yangie 🥰 | 1:38 pm
i loved our date yesterday ♥️
miss you already 
To: Yangie 🥰 | 1:38 pm
Are you even out of the building yet? lol
From: Yangie 🥰 | 1:39 pm
no 😜
“Oh my god, go home!” Ten yelled with a laugh when he heard Yangyang knock once on his door. He let himself fall on his couch, as he and Yangyang texted back and forth, as if they hadn’t spent the last few hours in a car together talking non-stop. 
— — 
Yangyang had never felt so light, he couldn’t stop smiling as he walked out of the subway station, yesterday’s date playing over and over again in his mind. And then his smile grew shyer, his cheeks burning red at the thought of their night together. Ten could be quite passionate and if it wasn’t for Yangyang asking him not to mark him in visible places, he knew he would be walking around with a bruised neck more often than not. But the night before had been different, something had been different about Ten that Yangyang couldn’t explain. He could try to say it was the alcohol but it wasn’t the first time they fucked drunk. Either way, Yangyang still felt sore and maybe (definitely) a little bruised and he was loving every second of it. 
As he walked down a somewhat empty street, his attention was drawn to a jewelry shop with a big banner announcing their new custom flower bracelet service. He knew Ten’s birthday was coming in about a month and he knew how much he loved bracelets so it seemed like a good idea. Besides, he had some money saved up for some new sneakers but this seemed like a better use for it. 
“Camellias and baby’s breath?” asked the lady in a platinum blonde bob behind the counter after he explained what he was looking for, giving him a polite smile when he nodded, “for a lover, I see…” 
Yangyang didn’t know what to reply. She wasn’t wrong, he guessed, but he couldn’t tell how she had figured that out. But before he could say anything, the lady was moving on, quickly talking about prices and the time it would take for the bracelet to be ready. He couldn’t wait for Ten’s birthday, couldn’t wait to see the way his face would light up when he gave him the gift. He hoped.
— — 
The rest of the weekend went by incredibly slowly. 
Yangyang wanted nothing more than to see Ten again, spend the whole day snuggled up to him talking about whatever came to mind but Ten had told him he needed to work on his painting and no matter how much Yangyang begged to let him come over, assuring him he wouldn’t distract him, Ten wasn’t having it. 
So he sulked at home. And then he sulked some more. At some point he decided to try and do something productive, opening his books and going over his notes but he kept getting distracted by his phone. He went over the photos from Friday night, most of them too dark and blurry to be able really see what was going on but one of them stood out to him. He didn’t even remember taking it. Yangyang had his eyes screwed shut, nose scrunched up mid laugh as Ten kissed him on the cheek, arm around his shoulder, their cheeks and noses tinged a rosy color. God, he wanted nothing more than to post that picture everywhere, show everyone how happy Ten made him. But he couldn’t. Not yet.
He was brought out of his thoughts by his phone vibrating in his hand, looking down to see a notification from Ten, calling him the biggest baby as a reply to the pouty selfie he had sent. 
To: Ten ♥️ | 10:57 pm
i missed you today
From: Ten ♥️ | 10:58 pm
I know, I missed you too
You’re so cute
To: Ten ♥️ | 11:02 pm
*we are
Yangyang smiled as he sent Ten their picture together, not needing to wait long before Ten was replying again, sending so many hearts the chat couldn’t keep up.
From: Ten ♥️ | 11:03 pm
We look sooooo drunk lol
But you’re right, we are cute together…maybe we can do something like this again soon?
To: Ten ♥️ | 11:03 pm
i would love that ♥️
Closing his books, Yangyang slid into bed refreshing his messages over and over again until a new notification popped up from Ten’s instagram. He quickly opened it on his second account, his chest swelling in affection at the picture of Ten, smiling brightly at the camera, yellow paint smeared on his cheek, his painting slightly visible in the background. He could feel warmth spreading all over his body as he read the caption over and over and over again. 
‘ And nothing can go wrong, living a love song’
Yangyang was going to be sick. All day he had felt weird, like a looming presence behind his shoulder watching his every move. He tried convincing himself he meant nothing, he was just being paranoid and when Yongho smirked and winked at him as he walked past he tried convincing himself even harder that everything was okay. And then lunchtime came around.
“Did you hear?” Xiaojun said as Yangyang sat down at their usual table, Hendery and Renjun already sitting across from him.
“Heard what?” Yangyang replied carefully. He had a bad feeling about this.
“Oh God, you didn’t? Yongho didn’t say anything to you?”
“No? What’s going on?” Yup. A really bad feeling.
“There’s a rumor going around that someone saw you with a guy in Busan last Friday.”
“What?” was all Yangyang could say, cold sweat running down his back, his vision going in and out of focus. He was going to pass out, he was honest to God going to pass out in front of everyone. He grabbed his water bottle, taking a shaky gulp, hoping it would snap him out of it.
“It’s bulshit, you were with Kun on Friday, right?” Hendery asked him.
“Yeah, yeah, with Kun.”
In his panic, the look that crossed Hendery’s face went completely unnoticed by Yangyang. He couldn’t believe this. Someone had seen them. 
“It’s going to die down eventually…it’s not like you’re actually gay, and once you find a girlfriend everyone will forget about it,” Xiaojun tried to reason, a concerned look on his face. 
“Unless…look, you know you can tell us everything, right?” Renjun said, lowering his voice and leaning towards Yangyang, hoping to shield their conversation from prying ears.
“I’m not gay!” Yangyang said, ears turning red and voice shaking in anger. Why couldn’t everyone else just mind their own business?
“It was just a question,” Renjun said as he pulled away, sitting back in his chair, hands up in surrender, a conflicted look on his face.
Hendery quickly tried to change the subject and Yangyang tuned out, not hearing another word they said. Some guy , not Ten, they hadn’t said Ten. Did that mean whoever saw him knew him but not Ten? Shit, would they recognize Ten if they saw him around school?? As if summoned, Ten chose that moment to enter the cafeteria, his eyes crossing with Yangyang’s as a smile appeared on his lips. Before Ten could acknowledge him, Yangyang turned his head, pretending not to see him, Ten’s smile faltering in his lips. 
“My - my class is about to start,” Yangyang said as he got up, leaving without another word. He walked towards the building before turning around towards the main gate. 
He couldn’t face them. He was going home.
“Should we have not said anything?” Renjun asked back at the cafeteria.
“He needed to know,” Xiaojun shook his head, “this is fucked up…maybe I could introduce him to some of Karina’s friends?”
“Or you could leave him alone,” Renjun said with a sigh. He could feel a headache forming behind his eyes.
“There’s - actually Karina told me one of her friends has a crush on him, we could set them up,” Xiaojun continued, fully ignoring Renjun.
”I really think that’s a bad idea,” Hendery grimaced, “like you said, it will die down…”
“What if it doesn’t? What if this makes him a target?”
“Jun…” Hendery said with a soft sigh, wanting nothing more than to give his best friend a hug.
“No, don’t Jun me, you both remember how bad it was! We’re not letting it happen again.”
There’s nothing Hendery could say in response to that. He had been there. He had seen what they did to him, how bad the bullying got. He couldn’t fault Xiaojun for wanting to protect him even if he thought he was going at it the wrong way. So he just shut up, finishing his food in silence, hoping somehow things would work out. 
— — 
The next day Yangyang wasn’t in school either. He messaged his friends saying he was sick but they weren’t buying it. The idea of stepping back into school and having all eyes on him left him in a state of panic, nearly hyperventilating every time he thought about the way Yongho had looked at him the day before. And it didn’t help that Ten hadn’t stopped messaging him since the night before. He just wanted to dive into his arms, let him pull him to his chest where he felt warm and safe. How could it be that the only person who could make him feel better was also the reason he was feeling so bad? 
From: Renjun 🦊 | 5:48 pm
You have to stop running away 
It will only make the rumors worse
To: Renjun 🦊 | 5:49 pm
im not running away 
i’m sick
From: Renjun 🦊 | 5:53 pm
Yangyang placed his phone on the bedside table before sliding back into his sheets, cocooning himself inside them. Kun would be home soon and he probably should make an effort to not look like he had been crying all day but he would rather die than leave his bed. So he just pretended to be sleeping, actually falling asleep before Kun arrived. 
Hours later he woke up feeling lost and disoriented, both hungry and nauseated and sweaty. He felt around for his phone as he heard it vibrate on his table, realizing that’s what had woken him up. 
From: Unknown number | 9:37 pm
Hey! It’s Giselle from class~
Got your number from Karina who got it from Xiaojun haha
Apparently you’re sick?
I took some notes for you, maybe I can give them to you when you’re feeling better?
Or maybe come over?
It took a few minutes for Yangyang to comprehend what he was reading. He quickly screenshotted the messages before sending them to Xiaojun, a bunch of question marks as the caption.
From: DJ | 9:46 pm
You’re welcome 😈
To: DJ | 9:46 pm
what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
From: DJ | 9:47 pm
Talk to her
Before he could say anything else, his phone was vibrating again, the same unknown number appearing in his notifications.
From: Unknown number | 9:47 pm
Oh, was that weird? 
I didn’t mean it like that haha
I mean you’re very cute but yeah I just have some notes~~
To: Giselle | 9:48 pm
yeah i got it don’t worry
ill probably be at school tomorrow so we can see each other then?
thank u for the notes
Why did he say that? He didn’t want to go to school tomorrow. Or ever again. Maybe he could transfer? But then he wouldn’t see his friends everyday. Well, they were being annoying so maybe it would be for the better. 
With a sigh he got out of bed and walked out of his room. The living room was empty and he could hear soft music coming from Kun’s room so he just followed it, not bothering to knock before walking in.
“Oh, you’re awake!” Kun said as he got up from his desk chair, walking over to Yangyang and putting a hand to his forehead, “no fever, does that mean you’re feeling better?”
“Yeah,” he quietly replied, slapping Kun’s hand away, “is there something to eat?” 
“Of course, I left it in the fridge, come, I’ll heat it up for you,” Kun said as he wrapped his arm around his shoulder, pulling him along with him. Yangyang sat quietly as Kun prepared his food, going over and over yesterday’s events.
“Yeah?” Kun replied, not turning around as he kept stirring the food.
“If someone asks, I was with you Friday night.”
“But you weren’t?”
“I know,” Yangyang sighed, “please…”
Kun stopped stirring before turning around, brows frowned in concern, “is this something I have to worry about?”
“ Gē… ”
“No, nothing to worry about,” Yangyang said, immediately exhausted by the conversation even though he had spent the last few hours sleeping, “please - just - please, if anyone asks -“
“Fine, fine!” Kun said, interrupting what he knew would be one of the typical Yangyang rants, worry gnawing at the back of his brain, “here, eat your food.”
Kun kept Yangyang company while he ate, eventually telling him to go to sleep as he took care of the dishes. But it would be hours until Yangyang managed to fall asleep, tossing and turning in bed, stopping himself from checking Ten’s messages, knowing that stopping contact was the best he could do right now. 
When the next day came around, Yangyang was once again regretting his decision to go to class. But deep down he knew Renjun was right, it would only be more suspicious if he kept staying home and it would only cause Kun to ask more questions. The last thing he wanted was to have more people asking him questions.
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kwangya-express · 10 months
Dream In A Dream (WayV) - EN
Author: Onyx
Keywords: Ten (Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, NCT-WayV); Max Changmin (Shim Chang-min, TVXQ); Kwangya.
Inspiration: Teaser - Ten (SuperM); Paint Me Naked, New Heroes, Birthday (Ten); Low Low (Ten & YangYang); Truth (TVXQ)
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The dust danced through the air, accentuating the desolation that encompassed every inch of the once elegant space. Amidst the wreckage, Ten, one of the 'visionary children,' now grown into an adult with intensely red-dyed hair and adorned in immaculate white garments, advanced with cautious steps. His eyes revealed a mixture of curiosity and nostalgia as he surveyed the chaos surrounding him. It was evident that the environment was unfamiliar to him. Sunflowers of various colors, crushed and devoid of petals, sprawled across the floor; their once vibrant and cheerful hues now accentuated the aura of prevailing sadness.
In the center of the room, a painting hung solitary on the wall, untouched amidst the chaos wrought by the flowers around it. The light wooden frame created a stark contrast against the fabric that veiled it, a blue so deep and radiant that it brought to Ten's mind the reflection of water touched by light. With deliberate, unhurried movements, he pulled away the fabric to reveal what lay hidden beneath: a depiction of a man seated before an expansive mirror reflecting the same image endlessly, capturing the room in which he was situated. The man's face remained obscured, concealed by a black hat and veil; his body exhibited indiscernible designs, and thick chains imprisoned his hands.
A sense of discomfort engulfed Ten as he stared at it, yet he got lost in the depth of the brushstrokes, seeking solace in the beauty crafted by hands long absent. In the midst of this scene, he found a connection to his past and a potential path for the future, recalling that, much like sunflowers always follow the sun's light, they could indicate the way he and his friends could now tread. As he was immersed in his thoughts, he was startled by a shrill and familiar sound. His cellphone vibrated in his pocket, signaling an incoming call. He retrieved the device and saw his friend YangYang's name on the screen. Ten answered, his voice somewhat shaky as he said, "Hello?"
[YangYang]: Where are you?
[Ten]: I'm on my way, just had a little setback.
[YangYang]: I see... How much longer is it gonna take?
[Ten]: Not too long, I just need to wrap up something.
[YangYang]: Oh no, not this again, man? Just give it up already. You don't need to worry, we're using the Dream Lab, Ten. They can't trace us.
[Ten]: I know. But that wasn't the setback.
[YangYang]: Then what is it?
[Ten]: (long pause)
[YangYang]: Hm. What do you know?
[Ten]: Me? Nothing! (brief pause) At least, nothing that would affect you guys.
[YangYang]: (loud laughter) I'm sorry, but we're all tangled up in this mess together. So, it does affect us.
[Ten]: It's not the best time right now. I need to have some certainties first.
[YangYang]: Dude, what's going on with you? We're in the dream world! Nothing is concrete.
[Ten]: Still, I want to pursue it.
[YangYang]: You've got to stop this hero complex. You know we're with you, bro.
[Ten]: (no response)
[YangYang]: Waiting here. Literally.
[Ten]: I know, I know... I'm on my way.
[YangYang]: Don't forget your passport and ID.
[Ten]: Oh...
[YangYang]: Please, don't tell me you lost your documents again.
[Ten]: Alright. I won't tell you.
[YangYang]: Never mind. I'm coming up there.
[Ten]: No! Leave it to me, I'll sort this out. Let's meet up in 10 minutes.
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Ten quickly hung up the phone and left the ruined room behind, entering his own creative haven: the art studio. The contrast between the two spaces was striking. The change of environment seemed to release a new spirit within him. The walls were adorned with sketches, unfinished canvases, and a rich palette of colors, forming a visual kaleidoscope that mirrored the artist's mind. Almost magically, his clothes transformed. He now wore a blue beret, black pants, a coat adorned with splattered paint flower patterns, and red sneakers. The studio wasn't just a physical space but also a gateway to his true essence, reflecting a glimpse of his soul.Chaotic...
He rummaged through the disorder with determination, searching for his passport and ID. Amidst the search, his attention was captured by an unfinished painting that stood out. It was his own work, an enigmatic portrait. On the canvas, the figure of a man took shape, dressed in a shimmering black long-sleeved shirt and leather pants. The enigmatic veil was still present, but now it enveloped the figure's entire body, revealing only silhouettes and contours. The developing scene in the painting was that of a moonlit beach, its silver sand peaceful under the night sky. The atmosphere conveyed a blend of melancholy and serenity, as if capturing a moment of deep reflection.
Breaking from his reverie, he continued his search, and among piles of art materials and works in progress, a sigh of relief escaped when he finally found a small notepad, next to a rectangular semitransparent red plaque with a striking "V," the emblem of the Visionary Forces, near a paper mask – his first creation.
With a final gaze at the studio, Ten stepped outside, only to be enveloped once more by a sensation of change. His jeans and sunflower-adorned coat vanished like traces of paint being washed away by water, and in the blink of an eye, he was dressed in a canary yellow suit that radiated a brightness reflecting the vibrant spirit of a blooming sunflower. Ten spotted YangYang, also dressed in a matching full yellow suit that harmonized perfectly with his own. His friend's gaze overflowed with excitement.
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"Finally! I thought we were going to miss the trip," YangYang said, as a mutual nod was followed by a knowing smile. They headed out of the building.
"Did you find the documents?" YangYang asked.
"Got everything right here," Ten replied, pulling his passport and identification from his pocket and displaying them for YangYang, who, in turn, retrieved his own ID and inquired, "Did you bring your WayV card?"
"Yeah, I thought it would be wise. At least that way we can avoid more confusion by showing that we're different from the Neo City residents."
"I'm not sure if the higher-ups make, or want to make, that distinction. After all, we're from Neo City too," YangYang reflected.
"Can't hurt to try..." Ten responded, a tone of hope in his voice even as he shrugged uncertainly.
As they walked down the notably deserted street, their plans were interrupted by an entirely unexpected encounter. At the exact moment they crossed paths, Ten experienced an energy that was profoundly distinct from anything he had ever felt before – an energy that evoked the primordial. A man of commanding presence and confident demeanor decisively disrupted their journey, approaching with a certain elegance. His appearance projected an intriguing blend of mystery and resolve. Dressed in a balance between contemporary elegance and classic style, he wore a black overcoat, black shirt, and black trousers. The aura he radiated, like that of a deity from the West, instantly piqued the curiosity of Ten and YangYang. His dark eyes emanated keen intelligence, while a subtle smile danced on his lips as he drew closer.
"I apologize for the intrusion," the man spoke in a polite yet firm tone. "But there's something I'd like to discuss with you." His gaze turned toward Ten. "So, lost child, what have you to say?"
As mutual surprise reflected in the shared gaze between Ten and YangYang, their expressions were an intriguing blend of astonishment and interest. In almost natural synchrony, they halted their steps, allowing the enigmatic man to take the lead and define the new path they would tread. Under the starry gleam that shimmered in the sky, a magical aura seemed to envelop the scene. The journey that followed was unexpectedly brief, culminating in the opening of the first door they encountered at the end of their path.
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Upon entering the room, Ten once again underwent a transformation in attire. His canary yellow suit made way for a checkered ensemble with a vibrant pink shirt and a black tie. His once blonde hair adopted a light shade of orange. The next room they found was spacious, filled with an array of blue hues that seemed to stretch infinitely. At the center, a small dark wooden table held a red telephone and two chairs. One of the chairs was the subject of a camera on a tripod pointing at it, indicating it was on, but at the exact moment the mysterious man took the lead, it turned off, revealing a smile on his divine lips.
"Of course, we wouldn't want any unwanted audience for our conversation, now would we?" he announced with a shrewd tone.
Having said that, the man deliberately chose the seat opposite the camera. This choice didn't go unnoticed by Ten, who was uncomfortable with the situation, as everything indicated he was being led into an interrogation. The pressure was evident; he felt that a wrong answer could seal his fate.
"Where's YangYang?" Ten asked, his concern palpable.
"He is safe, but for this conversation, his presence is not necessary," the man reassured. The trust Ten felt, even without knowing him, was strange. The man's aura was so persuasive that it left no room for doubt, and his imposing nature was such that Ten wouldn't dare challenge it.
"Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier," the man said, showing no sign of remorse, releasing a slight smile. "I am Shim Chang-min, to those close, Max, the Rising God," he proclaimed with grandeur.
"... the bearer of dawn, the guardian of renewal, sentinel of Cassiopeia," Ten automatically completed, and a satisfied smile appeared on the god's face.
"I'm pleased to know you've heard of me, Chittaphon," the god said, and Ten shuddered at hearing his true name pronounced. "It makes our conversation more fluid," he added. The revelation that an entity of such magnitude had knowledge of him didn't put Ten at ease.
"What would you like to know?" Ten asked, revealing his unease. "I don't think I have any interesting information for someone of high position like you."
"Me? About you? Nothing. Nothing of particular importance, really. Just... Explain yourself," Chang-min replied.
"Could you repeat that? I think I misunderstood," Ten asked.
"Ex-plain your-self! Is it clearer now?" Chang-min answered emphatically.
"Why? And where's Xiao Yang? (sheep)," Ten inquired.
"Because it was you who invaded my domain, and today I'm in a good mood, so I'm giving you this chance," Chang-min responded seriously. "As for your friend, unfortunately for him, he was linked to you, but it was you who connected with my domain and left the door open."
"No, sir. I assure you I didn't invade anything," Ten hastened to say.
"Words of mortals hardly convince me, Chittaphon," Chang-min replied. "By the way, be careful with that nickname. There are certain beings who wouldn't react well to hearing it."
"I'm sorry, sir, Chang-min, right?" Ten spoke hesitantly, choosing his words carefully as if weighing each sentence. "We are in the Dream, using the Dream Lab..."
At this moment, Changmin let out a loud laugh, interrupting Ten's words. "You're astute, so tell me, do you really believe you're still in the dream world?" Ten shook his head dispiritedly, denying it.
"Something must have happened," Ten murmured, searching his mind, rifling through his memories for what happened before he entered Neo City. "We tried to synchronize again all together, the mission was vital. We received a signal from others like us, lost in the Dream. Taeyong assured us there would be no more failures this time. My leader, Kun, had no choice." He reflected aloud but realizing he had revealed more than intended, his eyes widened, and concern settled in.
Changmin remained silent for a moment, seemingly pondering Ten's words. The West God arched an eyebrow. "I knew a conversation with you would bear fruit," he said with an enigmatic smile. "You're lucky. If it were my brother, the situation would be quite different."
"Thank you?" Ten replied uncertainly in his voice.
"It's amazing to think that there was a time when I still cared about you lost children," Changmin muttered, his voice laden with gravity. "But let's get straight to the point: you children are irreparable errors of the Cosmos, and now I see how powerful you're becoming. Neo City should have never existed." Ten had already imagined this, but hearing it directly from a god made it even more distressing. "The gap between humanity and the Cosmos is shrinking," Changmin continued.
"Theoretically, it's not our fault," Ten tried to defend.
"But the Dream Lab is," Changmin emphasized. "You're creating an opening in the veil that protects Kwangya."
"But we navigate through the Dream," Ten protested.
"It's not that simple. How do you think you arrived in my domain? Or better yet, what explains the inexplicable connections all of you have?" Changmin rose from the chair, emanating total irritation. "Kangta was merciful in allowing the construction of the carriage for you. Otherwise, none of your journeys would be so easily accessible, and the price for staying here would be higher."
"You said 'price,' what do you mean?" Ten sighed, delving into the depths of his thoughts.
Changmin observed for a moment, his dark eyes scrutinizing every expression on his face. "At first? Your memories," the entity replied. "But don't fool yourself, losing your memories means losing your individuality, and losing that in here is a fate worse than death. You would be led to eternal madness, a mind empty and without control. And you humans are the most susceptible. That's why you're our biggest problems," Changmin concluded, his words heavy with gravity. "Even for us, inhabitants of the Cosmos, we can't handle it so well. Just look at what happens to the children of the Mother Tree."
Ten nodded, recognizing the truth in Changmin's words. The complexity and risks involved in their forays into the Dream were becoming increasingly evident. Sitting back in the chair, the Rising God continued, "You have no idea what you're tampering with. The Ether offers endless possibilities, but the fragile human mind could easily get lost in them. Whether it's the carriage or the plane, they shield your minds from collapsing. Your minds are left vulnerable, something easily manipulable. Moreover, the abundant flow of Ether could shatter your minds, which is why our esteemed general created this device to protect you. However, you can't always rely on this protection. Hence, the loss of memories," his tone was taking on a darker nuance. Their gazes met, a silent understanding passing between them. "Why are you telling me all this?" Ten asked.
"It would be imprudent of me not to explain at least the basics before recruiting you, don't you think? Usually, it's my brother who takes care of this sort of thing, but this time you'll be working directly for me," the deity said, a smile dancing on his lips.
"Recruiting?" Ten repeated, seeking clarity.
"Yes, I can't lead you the way you are now. You presented me with a big problem to solve. And since I'm in a good mood today, I'll decide to give you a chance," Changmin commented.
"A chance to save Kwangya?" Ten speculated.
"Oh no, I don't care that much about that. The real issue is that you opened the door to my domain and don't know how to close it. And until that's resolved, you'll be under my command."
Ten realized he had no choice, no power or influence there. He looked at Changmin with frankness, his expression serious. "I accept," he declared. A satisfied smile curved the entity's lips.
"I, Shim Changmin, the Rising God, declare that the group known as WayV is now part of my subordinates," Changmin proclaimed firmly. A stream of something akin to water began to flow before Ten's eyes, intertwining his hands like chains, meeting the palm of the god's hand. "The pact is sealed," he said.
Ten sat stunned in the chair, overcome by profound dread. "I can't decide for my group," Ten rushed to emphasize. The words spoken echoed in his mind as he tried to process what had just happened. WayV's fate was now intertwined with a god of Kwangya.
"You fooled me," Ten retorted.
"I would never do that. It was you who didn't pay attention to my words," Changmin replied. 
"You share the same individuality, that's how it works here. The fate of one affects all," he explained. Ten felt a wave of terror for what he had just committed to, as the understanding of the complexity of the situation deepened.
"Will I remember this conversation later?" Ten asked dispiritedly.
"Maybe. Who knows. I'm not the one who controls the Nexus," Changmin jeered.
As Ten's thoughts plunged into shadows, an unexpected sound cut through the air. A red telephone began to ring, emitting a piercing tone that echoed through the space around them. Changmin looked surprised at the phone and, with a quick gesture, answered the call.
The voice on the other end of the line wasn't audible to Ten, but the expression on the god's face changed drastically. His brows furrowed, and his gaze turned serious. He listened attentively, occasionally nodding or asking short questions. He was engrossed in the call, but he quickly covered one side to avoid being heard. Instead of speaking aloud, his lips moved, saying, "We'll talk another time," and he gestured for Ten to leave.
Something strange began happening around Ten. The colors and shapes around him seemed to distort and blur, as if reality was dissolving. He felt a whirlwind of sensations, as if he was being sucked into a vortex.
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Ten blinked, confused and slightly disoriented. He was back in what he believed to be reality. He rose from the bed, rubbing his eyes as if trying to dispel the haze that lingered in his mind. He approached the window, and as he looked outside, it was as if a veil had been lifted from his eyes. The city before him was a futuristic metropolis filled with gleaming skyscrapers, neon lights, and flying vehicles cutting through the sky. The landscape seemed straight out of a sci-fi movie.
"Damn it," Ten cursed.
Realizing he was in Neo City, Ten grew even more bewildered. He looked around, taking in the sight. The truth finally clicked: He had been in a dream within a dream. All of this had been part of a dream lived within a world he still didn't fully understand. And now, waking up in Neo City, Ten was facing this truth. The idea that the Dream Lab could have been breached and that he had been dragged into this situation was unsettling. The blend of dreams and reality felt almost surreal, and he found himself questioning what was true and what was imagined.
0 notes
todoshotoroki · 3 years
𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙚𝙩'𝙨 𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙝𝙚'𝙨 𝙟𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙨
Warnings: smut, light spanking, heavy degradation, sub f bodied reader x Bakugou.〤 Minors DNI
Word count: 1.7k 
   Katsuki didn't like sharing. He made it very clear, the things that were his were not to be touched. Now, this didn't mean he wasn't good at hiding things. Nobody could have known that you and the great Bakugou Katsuki had been fucking behind everyone's back. So while he couldn't exactly show you off, he had other ways to make sure you'd always come back to him.
   So you should have known better then to start hanging around that fucking nerd.
   You should have known he would have found out, how Izuku Midoryia would walk into the common room absolutely swooning about the wonderful chat you two had together in the elevator just moments before. You had been on your way to class, and happened to pass each other on the way out. 
   It was harmless, really. Izuku was a good friend to you.
   Bakugou had to teach you a lesson. That was why he waited outside for your class to finish, before wordlessly grabbing your hand and pulling you down the hallway that was packed with students. You tried multiple times to avoid eye contact with anyone else, Katsuki was literally holding your hand for the first time in public. Plus, it only added to the suspicion when he yanked open the nearest janitor closet, pulling you inside and slamming it shut. He clicked the lock into place.
   “So are you going to explain, Bakugou? You do realize everyone just saw that right?” Your voice was irritated, and you crossed your arms over your chest. Clearly, you weren't happy. That didn't matter to him though, he wasn't here to make you happy right now. “Don't talk” He said, taking a step forward to grab your backpack, pushing it past your shoulders and onto the floor. “Excuse me? What do you think-”
   His face instantly turned into a scowl, and his hand came up to grip tightly onto your jaw, the pads of his fingers and the tips of his nails digging into your cheeks. “Shut your mouth before I fucking shut it for you” He growled, leaning close to your face to make sure you could hear him clear enough. “You think your so fucking hot, hiding away in an elevator with that fucking idiot. You wanted to make me jealous? That why? Fucking brat” The closet was dark, but his piercing red eyes burned into yours as he pushed you all the way to the back of the wall. 
   “W-What are you talking about? I wasn't flirting with Izuku-” Your protest was interrupted by a harsh slap to the cheek, your face lurching to the side from the impact. “Say his name one more fucking time, I dare you little girl” 
   This was new. Katuski had always been dominant, it was his personality. Though, you had never seen him practically seething with jealousy. Your thighs were already getting sticky. “B-but I really wasn't” You weakly defended yourself as Katsuki’s free hand traveled down to your skirt, shoving it down past your hips. “B-b-but i-i-” He mocked your voice harshly, his fingers reaching behind you to roughly grab at your ass, before landing another harsh smack to your lower cheek. 
   “Your so fucking dumb, you don't even realize the effect you have on people. You need glasses? Huh four eyes? Couldn't see how he was gushing over your little talk today?” His grip on your jaw slowly slid down your neck and across your throat, pinching the sides between his thumb and index finger. Enough to hurt, but air still flowed to your lungs. “Maybe I just have to show you baby. You were a virgin when i first fucked you, my little virgin, right?” 
   “Y-yeah, Katsuki, please..” Your face burned in shame, but you couldn't deny the desperation he made you feel. It was so hot to see him all bothered like this, how possessive he could be. You weren't even publicly dating yet.
   “Guess ill just have to show you that I'm the first and last cock you'll ever fucking have” His hand came down to unbuckle his belt, yanking it off his hips and letting his jeans fall to the floor. “The only fucking one that can make you cum baby” He let go of his grip on your neck, instead placing both hands on your hips and turning you around to press your breasts up against the cold wall. It wasn't cold for long though, because Katsuki’s burning hot hand slithered between your shirt and the wall to grope at your breasts, pushing your bra up your chest.
   His knee parted your thighs, his foot kicking each of your ankles to spread them. “Open your fucking legs” He grunted in your ear, his free hand gripping tighter on your hip. You weren't sure when he took his briefs off, but you could feel the throbbing head of his cock parting your folds to rub up against your clit. “Katsukiii- Just fuck me already” You begged in a small whine, tilting your head back to lean up on his shoulder.
   Bakugou leaned down to press a loud, sloppy, wet kiss to your lips as he began to gently fuck his cock between your thighs. “You want me to fuck you baby girl? You sure you deserve this cock? You've been naughty, so fucking naughty” He growled in your ear as he began to teasingly fuck himself between your thighs, smearing his precum all over your soft skin, painting them white in his milky substance. 
   “Yes, yes please, I want it Suki, I want you nooow” Your whine was switched into a sing-songy tone. You reached between your legs, your fingers dancing on the tip of Bakugou's cock as it rubbed at your clit each time he fucked himself between your thighs. His hard cock throbbed between your legs for attention, and his breathing shuttered at your touch.
    “Naughty girl” He muttered, pulling his cock back just enough to push it as far as he could go into your pussy.
   “Fuck, Fuck, your so tight baby” He groaned, his arms circling tightly around your waist as he felt the weight of your body slack against his at the sudden intrusion of his cock. “K-Katsu- you- you went all the way in-inside” Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes, Katsuki leaned forward, his tongue rolling across your salty cheek to lap up your fallen tears. “Yeah baby, it's because you've been such a bad girl, gotta show you, gotta.. Fuck, gotta teach you to be good”  
   He pulled almost all the way out, just barely emptying you before slamming his cock back into your guts. He instantly hit the right angle, his cock filling you so perfectly and hitting you in all the right spaces. One of the lewdest moans you've ever heard fell past his lips and slipped right into your ear, and you were so thankful his mouth was right next to your ear.
    “Your such a fucking slut, getting my cock wet like this”
“Katsu- Katsuki wait-”
   No, only good girls were able to make demands, and you had infuriated Bakugou Katsuki to the point where even now he was holding back from fucking you too harsh, constantly aware if he was setting his quirk off or not. He almost wanted to say fuck it. 
   Too fast? Too harsh? Too deep?
   “Too fucking bad, your my little bitch right now” He growled, his movements speeding up and causing a new course of pleasure to shoot through both of your bodies. He reached up with his left hand, gripping your jaw and tilting your head to press a sloppy kiss onto your lips, roughly digging his teeth into your bottom lip as the sounds of smacking skin echoed in the room. “You- you’re so mean Kacchan” Maybe he was, but the way your pussy clenched and desperately sucked at his cock told him how much you were enjoying yourself.
   “No, no I think you're the mean one. Letting dumbass Deku think he has a chance with you- no fucking way” His sentence ended in a growl as the hand on your jaw returned to its place around your throat. “Not that he’d ever want you if he knew the truth- if he knew how much you loved fuckin’ creamin’ all over my cock, hah, fuck” His movements sped up, your legs felt tingly and the knot of ecstasy begin to pile in your stomach. 
   “‘M sorry, ‘m sorry Katsuki, please make me cum, please” Your words were weak, pathetic little whines tumbling helplessly past your lips. “M so sorry, I won't do it again, just please” God you sounded so hot. Your voice sounded so hot. The wet sounds the mixture of his dick in your pussy made together were so fucking hot. 
   “Dirty little girl, aren't you ashamed to be cumin all over me? All over my cock?” Katsuki couldn't deny his own release approaching, but he held off for that beautiful moment when you finished together. “No, betcha get off on it, you sick, twisted slut. My cheap little whore” 
   He knew when your head leaned back into his shoulder and your hand reached behind to grab the base of his hair, that you were cumming. As if the tightening around his cock wasn't already enough intel. On top of that, you knew what pulling his hair did to him, you knew, you dirty little succubus- 
   “Fuck baby, that's it, cum all over me, cum all over my cock sexy” His hips sputtered as you both came, his cock vibrating inside your pulsating walls as he shot out long spurts of semen inside of you. “So good ‘Suki, so good inside of me”
   Both of you spent a few moments panting, catching your breaths. Bakugou laid his head on your shoulder, placing kisses along your collarbone. With a breathy chuckle, he was reminded of the hectic hallway just outside. Surely there would be rumors now, rumors that would reach Izuku Midoryia and crush every single one of his hopes and dreams. 
   Slowly, he lifted his head up to smile at you. “Hey, dumbass” He said with a cocky grin. 
   “What would people say if they knew you were such a slut for me?”
𝐼𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑎𝑦 𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑜 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒:  "𝙇𝙪𝙨𝙩, 𝙆𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞, 𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙩”
𝑂𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ♡
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writemekpop · 2 years
Say Yes | Qian Kun
Pairing: Qian Kun x Reader
Summary: Kun wants to propose to you on Christmas... but that's exactly the kind of soppiness you hate. Will this break you up for good?
Genre: Established relationship AU, angst, Christmas special🌲
Word Count: 0.9k
Gif: @wieshenkun
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It was Disneyland on Christmas Eve, and even you could feel the love in the air.
Disneyland wasn’t your first choice of where to spend Christmas, heck, it wasn’t even your fifth. But when you saw the way Kun’s eyes sparkled as he told you about the trip, you couldn’t say no. 
Red, blue and green lights sparkled above the street, painting the crowd in magical colours. Snow fell soft and wet on Kun’s pale blue suit - which he quickly flicked off with a handkerchief.
As you walked, his head kept turning your way - checking if you were okay. Glancing anxiously upwards, he pulled out a sparkly umbrella, as if to open it above your head. 
“I won’t drown in a little bit of snow,” you laughed, refusing the umbrella. 
You couldn’t not believe Kun was 25 - he seemed closer to 45. He was the kind of gentleman that would have fitted in quite well in Pride and Prejudice.
Kun gulped. “W-well, alright.” And then, his lips moved, and you could swear you heard him say everything has to be perfect.
“Where in God’s name are you dragging me anyway?” You smirked. “I could swear this was some scene off ‘Big Fat Proposals’.” 
Kun froze. “And uh… what do you think of that TV show?” 
His eyes were fixed on his watch, as if he hadn’t checked the time one minute ago.
You snorted. “Ha! Talk about vomit-inducing.”
Kun frowned. 
"Kun… please tell me you don’t like that show…” you groaned. “Oh come on, fireworks exploding? A shower of rose petals? The clock striking twelve? Sounds like my worst nightmare! God… I think I’d rather not get married at all then have to face that.”
Suddenly, Kun turned around. His hand grasped yours. “Actually, let’s not go this way. I- uh- saw some delicious looking Churros back there..."
He was trying to pull you back the way you came, but you resisted, planting your boots squarely on the cobbles.
"You hate Churros! Plus, didn't you say you had an amazing surprise for me down there?"
“Please, Y/n. Let’s just leave!” Kun was practically vibrating, brown eyes wide as he helplessly tried to tug you back down the road.
"Stop it, Kun! Why are you-"
You stopped mid-sentence. Because just at that moment, as twelve musical bells declared midnight, the sky blossomed with light.
At least, that's what it looked like. Fireworks in a dozen reds, golds and purples burst into the night... carving into the air: 'MARRY ME Y/N'
The breeze sang the wedding march as every person on the street cheered, "Merry Christmas!"
Your mouth fell open. You literally couldn’t believe what was happening. 
Kun was frantically waving at the security guard, trying to call the whole thing off. 
You could almost imagine it: Kun, his hand cupping the phone as he whispered to firework dealers, repeating the spelling of your name three times, his heart pounding as he counted down the hours to midnight.
You should have laughed at the cliché of it all. You should have sneered at this sexist ritual. You should have kept your heart cool, detached. Safe.
You turned to face your boyfriend. He was half turned away from you, one hand on his hip and another gripping his fringe as he stared down in anguish.
Suddenly, you realised the care he'd put into his appearance. His hair was immaculately gelled, he was wearing a floral white pocket square and a literal waistcoat - he looked so incredibly handsome.
"I hope you can forgive me for my grave mistake tonight," he began, shaking his head. He looked mortified - like he'd run over your cat, not given you the proposal of most women’s dreams.
You spoke, and realised that your throat was tight. "When you turned away at the last moment... you were really going to scrap the whole thing? After all your effort?"
Kun met your eyes, as if realising you were there for the first time. "You didn't like it," he said, as if that explained everything.
Kun did all of that for you. And yet, he was willing to throw it all away if it didn't suit your tastes. His devotion... it made your chest ache. But you had to be true to yourself. 
“No, I didn’t,” you whispered. 
Kun nodded solemnly. “I understand.” 
Then, he turned around, and started to walk away.
Your heart squeezed in your chest. “Wait, Kun!” You ran after him and grabbed his arm.
“You didn’t let me finish,” you said, your breaths coming out in clouds of white. 
Kun stared at you, brown eyes clear and glassy.
You took a deep breath. “I-I… didn’t like the proposal… but… I like you. No, I love you. I do want to be your wife.” 
Kun's eyes widened. "B-but I ruined everything! It was beyond cheesy, you said so your-"
Interrupting him, you squeezed your lips to Kun's. And even though there were Christmas carols decking the air, and fireworks exploding with soft thumps, and snow nestling in your hair... the only thing you could feel was Kun's warm kiss.
For better or for worse. Or in other words, forever.
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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yeoreos · 3 years
avid || jjk (m)
pairing: demon!jungkook x human!reader
genre: 18+, smut
summary: jungkook finds you at a bar and sets you as his night's target
warnings: oh lord smut. lots and lots of smut.
wc: 4k
note: i was kind of lazy to finish it, but hey, its 4k of foreplay; nothing beats that! (also sorry for not posting in a while i was busy with beginning of year exams *cries*)
jungkook first noticed you in a bar. on weekends, it was transformed into a seedy nightclub. he liked to go there while he was looking for something to eat; something to conquer for the night. he discovered a plethora of attractive females and, each with broken hearts and hungry gazes - all yearning for a nighttime lover.
he never believed his eyes when they landed on you. the state you were in was pitiful. he guessed that you had just broken up with this boyfriend of yours, hence the mascara and ruined makeup on your face. or perhaps it was a platonic breakup. despite your state, his mahogany orbs never left your figure. what a cute thing you were.
a pretty face that was exactly his type, the perfect curves of your tits, hips, and ass has his knees weak. if you were to ask, he would give.
of course, his initial plan had been thrown out the window the instant he saw you. you leaned against the bar, accepting an order, with a grin on your lips. It sparked something in him, all the confidence (whether it be from the alcohol in your veins or not, it didn't matter to him) and allure.
he knew your name. how could he miss the way your own name rolled off of your tongue so easily? how could he miss the way your lips formed a smirk after seeing jungkook? how could he miss your scent when you pulled him in to kiss you?
this was jungkook's specialty, depravity. wherever he went, he brought a tale of wickedness and depravity with him, the quality hooking onto him like a magnet.
he was a fallen angel, to be sure. a demon, a fallen angel. to be more specific, an incubus. he fed off of sex and vice, appetites and irrational cravings. he drank often in front of ladies like you, at bars or in beds, whose gazes wracked over him, and he fed off of human energy.
over time, after a handful of centuries, he had gotten bored of playing the same old games in bed. jungkook knew what he wanted, however, he was never able to satisfy that itch in the back of his throat, yearning for something to quench his sinful thirst.
he was tired, watching from atop the hill nearby, where he watched the sun rest for the night. just like you had. the darkness of the night overtook the city of seoul and jungkook knew it was his hour to strike; to feed his thirst.
so, the demon went after you, hovering over your small figure over the pathetic excuse of a bed. the soft rising and falling of your chest and the soft snores that escaped from your mouth once in a while, was all the proof jungkook needed that you were fast asleep.
jungkook extended his hand towards you, brushing his knuckles on your cheek, a tremor coursing through his body as a result of the contact. the energy you were emitting caused every molecule in his body to twitch in response. captivating.
oh how badly he wanted a taste.
when you stirred a little, a small groan leaving your lips, jungkook stilled. had you woken up? however, it was just a small movement you were causing in your sleep which allowed you to further curl up against the pillow.
he grinned.
it was time.
"let's go in that dream of yours, shall we?"
when he opened his eyes again, jungkook didn't expect himself to be in the same bar, be in the same exact position as before. however, this time, you were looking directly at him with your hungry eyes, mimicking his.
ever since heaven had decided to clip his wings, jungkook gave up on the little purity he had left, letting himself follow his heart.
so that's why he felt no shame in eyeing your figure up and down multiple times.
it wasn't necessarily anything that stood out about you, but it was just the aura you were giving off, that sweet feminine scent that lingered near the air around you, that small curve of your lips. but it might have mostly been the way you called for him, despite not knowing his name.
"hello, handsome."
jungkook didn't really have a preference when coming to his targets. he didn't prefer virgins; he always thought that they were inexperienced and didn't know how to give a good head. he didn't prefer the experienced either; he always thought that they knew too much and made the sex too sloppy. it was somewhere in between. and by the looks of it, you seemed like the perfect target. it had his insides churning, a long yearning for a good fuck. he thought he was going crazy.
throughout his centuries of living, he saw empires and clans of royalty fall and rebuild itself, being reborn. he didn't go out of his way to feel good, but he took whatever the universe offered to him. in this case, it was you.
when the surroundings suddenly changed to a much quieter one, where no one was bumping into each other, jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. it did not, however, take him long to notice that you were in the premises of your bedroom, the small plants on your windowsill being a huge clue.
“who are you?” you inquired, your voice scarcely audible. smirking, the man took a step forward. in contrast to his sparkling eyes, the moonlight from the window follows his body flawlessly, giving him a blue tone on his skin. you became aware of his exposed skin due to his lack of clothing. as you took in his powerful body, a flicker of longing tingled between your legs.
the man stayed deafeningly silent. instead, the man crept onto the bed, trailed by what appeared to be a shadow. you kept a tight eye on his every move because you couldn't move. you felt yourself spreading your legs wide as he crept over top of you. you had a tremendous want to feel him and be completely consumed by him.
despite being a demon, a sex demon (literally), jungkook still understood the morals of consent, making sure it was his top priority. after all, he wouldn't want it if he was in your position.
"are you okay with what's going to happen?" his words were like a captivating chime in your ears, quickly relaxing you and making you desire more. you found yourself placing our hands on his shoulders in order to feel his silky skin. how was it possible for a man to be both burning hot and icy cold at the same time? the dampness between your legs was unbearable, and you were drawn to him with all your might. your nipples perked beneath your shirt as you didn’t wear a bra to bed, you remembered. this made sense. something you remembered vividly. just a shirt and panties was all you wore to bed. clearly you must be dreaming, so you may as well indulge without regret.
"y-yes." you dropped your hands to grasp your shirt and pull it over your head to display your nakedness while looking into the man's eyes. with a hunger for your every move, he kept an eye on you. as he glanced over you, his throat vibrated with a palpable growl. you noticed he was completely hard as your gaze slid down your body with his. in a humble tone, you inquire, "is this real? this isn't a dream, is it?"
the man's grin makes your entire body twitch. you feel him quickly remove your underpants and fling it somewhere off the bed. you become acutely aware of the excitement between your legs as well as the heat emanating from his body. he lowers himself still more until he's right up against your door.
“would you prefer to be dreaming... or would you prefer to be here with me?” the man inquires, his tone innocent but with a sinister undertone.
when you reached for your thighs to give yourself some relief, there was nothing there. as your eyes scanned your surroundings, all you could feel was the chill of your own flesh. red. your vision was completely red. it was almost as if someone had brought in a red mood lamp and shone it throughout the room. it was entirely painted in a bright crimson color. your epidermis. the walls on all four directions. it was all red.
everything seemed hazy and perplexing, and you wondered where you were. you were in a new environment. some may even argue it was a living hell.
you sat up and wrapped yourself in the nearest blanket you could locate before standing up. warm wooden floorboards greeted your bare feet. “what?” kneeling down, you firmly pressed your hand on the wood once again to be sure you weren't hallucinating, but then again, what's to say you weren't hallucinating the whole thing?
'im not a lunatic... you thought to yourself as the warm sensation of the wood stretched across your palm. you straightened up and looked about your flat, trying to figure out what you could do about the red. you stood up straight and began to look around your apartment to see if there was anything you could do about the red. nibbling on your lower lip gently, you stood up straight and began to look around your apartment to see if there was anything you could do about the red.
the door to your bedroom squeaks open just as you were ready to turn on the light switch. the sound reverberated throughout the room with such eerie intensity that you were nearly persuaded your tv had turned back on and was showing yet another horror movie. then something happened. from your room, a man who could only be described as the devil strolled in as if he owned the place. you would be fascinated by this man's beauty if he hadn't just walked in like that. a scar runs from the left side of his jaw all the way down to his neck, giving him a strong jawline. his delicate yet sharp-looking features are caressed by soft wild hair, and his adorable small head is adorned with two pointy horns. it was the eyes, though, that drew your attention.
not the fact that he emerged from your room shirtless. nor the fact that he had claws and a commanding tail swishing back and forth. no, it was those soulless black eyes that were piercing right through you. your very being. you were in some type of trans as the mystery man - no, not man - thanks to those black coals. devil. That sounded more like it.
you couldn't take your gaze away, but as your feet shuffled you further away from this entity, they did all the thinking for you. it only appeared to encourage the beast to keep going before you pressed up against him and the wall. as you summoned the strength to speak up, your grip on the blanket trembled a little. “wh-what are you looking for?” your voice faded away quietly.
the devil had smirked at your frailty and little dread before running a clawed hand through your unkempt hair “i'm starving, my love.” before leaning in and drinking in your aroma, it spoke in the lowest, almost infantile voice. “won't you feed me nice and well, love? after all, you did want this to be real, right?” you weren't sure if it was the tone of his voice or the proximity, but you nodded in accord.
he grabbed your neck and ran his tongue across his lips before taking you into a harsh but passionate kiss. soft cherry red lips ravished your lips in a ravenous embrace while his hands roamed across your body, grasping and groping everything it could find.
a deep moan emerged from both of you as you felt the tightness of his jeans against your leg, causing a burning feeling. the burning of want burned through your skin everywhere he touched, everywhere he invaded with his mouth, hands, and body. it was almost a nasty, twisted euphoria that made your cunt clench around nothing in eagerness.
as the unnamed monster looked you up and down, an almost animalistic growl exited his throat as he took a deep inhale, you gasped for air. “love, you smell so fucking amazing for me.” he spoke in hushed tones through little pockets of air. “you're so delicious that i could devour you whole.”
the very thought of doing so appeared to amuse him, as he let out a brief but malicious laugh before narrowing his focus to the blanket still clinging to you.
with a scowl on his face, he clasped his larger hand around the one holding the blanket in place before yanking at it, only to have you keep it in place. the devil, with his head cocked to the side, gazed at you, perplexed, as if he didn't understand what you were doing.
“it's just that,” you murmured, tightening your jaw at the gaze those empty eyes gave you like a chill up your spine, "i feel comfortable like this...” you muttered the last bit, swallowing any spit you had.
but there was no justification or apology for him, so he raised his claw into the air and cut the blanket, ripping it open wide.
fear, as well as the lust racing through your veins, were clouding your judgment once more. the notion that his claws were so near to slicing you terrified you and turned you on like nothing you'd ever experienced. it gave a sense of how perilous it was to be so near to this creature, which was part of what made it so thrilling.
"baby, nothing is safe when i'm around."
those words, on the other hand, did it for you. you reached out to him as soon as you dropped the tattered blanket on the floor, exposing yourself to him. you drew him back into another intense kiss by wrapping your arms around him and springing up to wrap your legs around his waist. as he grasped your thighs to keep you in place, he was caught completely off guard by your sudden bravery.
each passing breath spent on one another battling for control, hips sliding up against each other as your damp panties rubbed up against his encaged dick, which was most definitely pressing painfully against the denim trousers he was wearing, made the kiss more hungry and animal-like. the cool contact of skin moving up against your back and down your underwear made you whimper.
despite his animalistic state, you always thought he was beautiful, a rare creature. "you're beautiful," you murmured, oblivious to the fact that you were saying it aloud. he laughed with his head tilted back. his neck was big and thick, but it was the raised markings that went all the way around it that caught your eye; they were woven together like chains, as if he had been choked with scorching metal.
the demon kissed you long and hard, barely pausing to breathe. His tongue was lengthy and had a split down the center. it was a novel experience that was strangely addictive. you became engrossed in the way it encircled your own. with his fangs, the monster simply paused to tug on your lower lip. as his hand moved down to your thigh, you let out a faint little groan.
he sang, “such a good girl,” as he drew you up into his arms. Jungkook snatched you up like feather. as you placed your legs around his tiny waist, his arms bulged. before he entered your room, he gave you a lengthy, scorching kiss. you had your arms around his neck, sliding your fingers through his hair and scraping against the base of one of his horns as an experiment.
the devil looked down at you as you lay on your bed, his crimson eyes flashing in the dim light. only those eyes and the white-tipped base of his horns could be seen with the moon blearily seeping through your blinds. it felt as though the monster beneath your bed had arrived to devour you. slowly, he moved his hand up the wall, flicking on the light and bathing you both in a golden glow.
you eventually let your gaze drift away from his, focusing on his toned chest, tight waist, and muscular thighs. when you noticed the bulge yearning to be freed from his pants, you licked your lips. he finally went closer, his lips brushing against yours as he crept between your legs. his hands crept up to the band of your shorts, the heat of his palm scorching and heavy on your bare thighs.
he yanked your shorts down your hips and flung them behind him as he kissed you. he tore through your shirt even quicker, softly cursing as he saw your naked breasts. you yanked on his shirt, trying to get a better look at him and to touch every scrap of exposed flesh you could discover. he sat back and yanked his shirt off, displaying golden skin stained with crimson ink and muscular abs that rippled with each breath. you were so focused on his appearance that you almost missed the expression in his eye as he glanced down at you.
“fuck, you look like an angel,” he said, reaching down to rip your panties apart, only to shred them. your moist lips were exposed by the chilly air as you gasped. at the sight, he bit his lower lip and groaned. “very gentle and plaint." slowly, he ran his hands down your body, starting at the rib cage and working their way down to your thighs.
his fingers became hotter and hotter along the way, till they were on the verge of burning. until he came to your knees and quickly shoved your legs apart and up, crimson streaks remained on your skin. smirking at your hiss of pain, his palms pushed your thigh back till they touched your chest. “so ready to be used,” he states.
"please do."
“well, angel, since you asked so nicely,” he leaned very close to your cunt and licked a lengthy strip. his forked tongue slithered inside your slit, relishing in the lengthy groan that came out of your mouth. he swirled above the opening for a minute, then slipped just the tip of it inside when you finally relaxed against him.
jungkook gradually started penetrating your pussy with his tongue. the warm, slithery appendage that slithers in and out of you with increasing ease, flicking at your g-spot and making you whine in delight. you exhaled with relief when he licked up to your clit, only to scream when he clamped his mouth over the delicate nub and sucked hard enough for you to see stars.
moans and groans emitted from your lips and the demon could have sworn he had never heard anything prettier. his mouth salivates against your lips, only causing him to dip down near your entrance and trail his tongue back to your little nub. oh how sweet you were.
"my angel's already close to cumming?" there was no denying that. he had already noticed you were quickly approaching your high by the way you tugged on his locks and the way your moans became higher in pitch.
the demon took two of his long fingers and slipped them into your pussy, a squelching noise emitting from the action. you tugged so hard on your lips that it was plump and swollen, the irony blood almost spilling from them. he quickly started pumping his fingers and curling it, sending you seeing stars. he wanted you to get ready for the real deal (aka his cock).
"god, please fuck me, please please i'm so close to cumming but i wanna cum on your cock, please," if it weren't for you sounding so pretty and desperate for him, the demon would have prolonged the foreplay.
“there is no ‘god' here,” he hissed, sliding two fingers inside your pussy and sucking hard on your clit as you almost shouted in delight. his fingers curled within you quickly, drawing you closer to the brink. your fingers ran aimlessly through his hair, yanking it back to keep him near. you scratched on one of his horns with your nails.
it wasn't until another orgasm crashed upon you that the demon stopped.
you were spent; messy hair, hazy eyes, drool dripping down your chin and onto your neck and some parts of your chest.
as sly as a fox, you felt jungkook pressing his heavy length on your clit, the warmth and hardness of it evident in the way it pressed up against the little nub. jungkook evilly rutted against the bundle, sending sharp pleasures erupting from the mere action.
you thought he would stop at a few thrusts, however, jungkook had other plans in mind. those being seeing you completely helpless underneath him (not like you weren't before).
with one more came a push, your insides clenching and squeezing the head of his cock like a vice. jungkook stills above you; only the tip in and you're already this tight? he allows a shaky breath to reveal itself from his throat, the sound coming out a little more strangled and choked that he intended it to be.
you took him inch by glorious inch. the two of you reveled in the pleasure, drinking off of each other's moans and heat.
the rest of the night was spent in each other's arms. it wasn't romantic, but it sure as hell was full of pleasure.
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mikalara-dracula · 3 years
Rainy days with their s/o
ft. Yuma and Subaru
Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor.
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Well, since he can’t garden that day, he’s quite bored and out of ideas as to what to do.
He’d be kinda grumpy about it, especially if he was planning to plant something new that day.
“Man, out of all days it has to rain today.”
“You say that every time it rains. It’s mother nature’s way of doing things. You can’t change it.”
“Tch! What does she know?!”
He’d eventually get over the fact that he can’t garden and would sit down and watch a little TV with you, however, he’s always judging everything that’s on.
For example, if a movie or show is on and he doesn’t really like it, he’ll criticize the characters he finds stupid.
“That guy’s an idiot. That’s not how you get a girl.”
“Oh, and I suppose you know?”
“How do you think I got you, little pig.” He’d grin, making you hit him playfully.
On days like this, he tends to get clingy because he has nothing else to do.
Basically, without his garden he’s lost on what to do and will constantly tease and bother you throughout the day.
For example, since it’s rainy outside, you figured you’d make yourself a nice hot chocolate since it corresponded well with the weather.
However, as you were drinking it in the kitchen, he came in and decided to bother you about what you were doing.
“What are you drinking, little pig?”
“A hot chocolate.” You’d smile.
“Oh good, maybe you’ll gain a little and it’ll go where I want it most.” He’d grin while reaching behind to clutch your ass xDD.
“Yuma! Is that all you care about?!”
“Hey, this little pig’s ass belongs to me, so I get to decide how big I want it.”
If you two are cuddling on the couch, he absolutely refuses to let you go. He literally treats you as if you’re his body pillow.
“Yuma, let me go.”
“Fight your way out of it, little pig.” He’d grin, finding your struggle funny.
Since there isn’t much to do on days like this, he might allow you to style his hair any way you want and might even do yours.
Believe it or not, he's an expert at braiding. His favorite style is a fishtail braid and he thinks it looks beautiful on you.
His talent for braiding is so versed that even his brothers might comment as to how pretty it looks on you.
"It looks so . . . nice, Y/N." Azusa would comment.
"Wow little maso-kitty, it looks great on you. Did Yuma do that?" Kou would add.
"As expected, Yuma's known for such styles. You display it well." Ruki would admit.
“Yeah, only the best for my little pig.” Yuma would smirk, a subtle boast in his tone, causing you to blush at his statement.
He likes giving you piggy back rides throughout the house, but he’ll pretend to drop you just to scare you because he’s an asshole.
With all this boredom, Yuma might even get into asking you a few dirty riddles.
"Hey little pig, what's six inches long, goes in your mouth and is more fun if it vibrates?"
"Damn, little pig, I didn't know you could be so dirty-minded. I'm just talking about a toothbrush."
"Well it certainly didn't sound that way."
"My god! How could you think such a thing?” He said, acting oh-so innocent, a smirk soon appearing on his face, showing his true colors. “Oh, I get it, you wanted it to be something else."
“What are you-,”
“C’mere, little pig.” He’d say, tackling and pinning you to a nearby couch, starting to tickle you.
"No! Stop!'' You'd squeal, Yuma still continuing to tickle you as you laughed beneath him.
At one point he might grow fed up with the rain and decide to go outside anyways.
"Y’know what, this is stupid. C'mon, little pig. We're not gonna let a little rain tell us what to do." He’d say, taking you by your wrist and dragging you behind him.
"Yuma, wai-,"
He’d continue running and drag you outside in the pouring rain, making you get soaking wet as he picks you up into his arms and spins you around, his lips melding onto yours as he’d hungrily kiss you. He’d soon pull away and put you down, a scowl on your face due to him getting you drenched in mother nature’s tears.
“Yuma! You got me all wet!”
"Damn, I tried to make this romantic and you're complaining about getting wet?"
You’d sigh, “Getting romantic doesn’t mean getting wet!”
“Oh really?” He’d smirk. “Then how come my little pig gets wet every time I-,”
“Shut up!” You’d say, hitting him playfully, causing him to laugh.
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Doesn’t care if it’s rainy or not since he doesn’t really go out.
However, if it’s raining at night time and he wants to go in the rose garden, he might be a little irritated about it.
And since he doesn’t have any hobbies, this is a little hard on him.
Plus, since he’s a tsundere, he'll act pretty annoyed in general, even going down to being a total ass.
Compared to Yuma, he gets clingy in a different way--that is, he secretly hopes that you’ll spend time with him since he can’t go out to the garden.
If you’re busy doing your own stuff tho, he’ll attempt to get involved but will act like he’s disinterested in doing so.
But it’s not like you mind him getting involved--that is, if he’s being genuine.
For example, you were once sitting down at the table working on your homework late at night, finishing up the last thing for your assignment when he walked in and came up behind you.
He placed his head in the crook of your neck, being curious about what you were doing as his gaze traveled to the assignment you were working on.
“What are you doing?”
“Homework.” You’d answer.
“Tch! What a pain.”
“It’s not so bad, I’m almost done.”
���Why don’t you just take a break?”
“Subaru, there’s really no point since I’m close to finishing.” You’d say going back to your work, but of course, the white-haired vampire had to persist.
He lifted up his face from the crook of your neck and took notice of your exposed bra strap. A smirk grew on his face and being the tease that he is, he’d take his fingers and use them to pull on it and have smack against your skin just to annoy you and throw you off guard.
“What the hell?”
“It’s not my fault it was right there, you should hide it better next time.” He’d smirk.
If the atmosphere is quiet and he sees you’re busy but doesn’t want to bother you, he’ll just watch what you’re doing whilst you’re busy working and shuffling around doing your stuff. With watching the way your body moves and the look of concentration on your face, it builds up a lot of sexual tension as he'd stand by with his arms crossed in hopes that something intimate happens or is initiated.
Oh the things this bby car imagines xDD.
He’ll also try to get involved in other things you’d be doing as well, such as crafts.
After finishing your homework, you decided to do something a bit more productive, so you decided to go work on a painting you had been working on. You’d get pretty focused and concentrated, that is until Subaru came up behind you and decided to intervene.
“What are you up to now?”
“Tch! Lame.”
He’d just continue to stand there, his figure still looming over yours. An idea soon hit you. You knew he was bored, so you decided to make painting time a little more fun.
Turning to him, you’d ask, “Hey, why don’t you help.”
“Help me with the painting.”
“Do I look like Picasso to you?” He’d sarcastically remark.
“Subaru, it doesn’t matter what it looks like in the end. What matters is the fun you have when painting.”
“Tch! That’s stupid.” He’d retort.
“Alright, then. Suit yourself.”
Since he didn’t want to, you turned around and began painting again.
Deep down, Subaru secretly found your offer to be sweet since he really didn’t mind helping and wanted to spend time with you, but because he has a hard time expressing his emotions through his tough exterior, it always came off as if he didn’t care.
The white-haired vampire sighed, feeling torn between the feeling of wanting to do something memorable with you versus him getting caught doing something crafty by one of his brothers, but because you were more important, he decided to help.
“Alright, where do you want me to begin?” He’d say picking up a brush and sitting down next to you.
Taken back by his sudden decision, you’d say. “Oh, um, you can start over here.” You’d say, pointing to a blank space on the canvas. “Just paint it blue for now and then I’ll tell you what to do from there.”
He said nothing and began to do what you asked him, both of you working hard on the masterpiece.
While working, you’d occasionally sneak a few glances at him, seeing how his progress was going.
You honestly had to admit how attractive Subaru looked when he was concentrated on something, the way his eyes angled themselves as they narrowed in on the area he was working on, a few stray locks being in his face, his lips being ajar and lurid in the lighting as he continued to work.
To be honest, you definitely had to ask him to paint more often with you.
He definitely looked busy, an idea striking you again but in a more playful aspect. Since he looked so concentrated, you dipped your finger into the paint and smeared some on his cheek.
“Hey! What the hell?!”
You honestly couldn’t help but laugh, leading him to grin, “Oh, you think that’s funny? Then how about this?”
He’d be quick to dip multiple fingers in the paint and smear it all over your face. Accepting his challenge, you were quick to dip your hand in paint and smear it all over his face as payback, but this was far from over.
This ended up becoming an entire paint war, you and Subaru’s laughter echoing as you chased each other about the room and continued to smear and splatter paint on each other, both of you becoming a colored mess as the walls became vandalized in the process.
“I’m gonna get you, Y/N. You’re gonna look like a rainbow by the time this is over.” He’d grin, his hand fully loaded with paint being ready to rub it on you.
“Catch me if you can!” You’d tease sticking your tongue out, whilst running away from him.
It was all fun and games however, until Reiji came in and saw the mess, leading him to scold you two.
“What is the meaning of this?”
You both would be quick to blame it on each other as you’d talk over each other in unison, but Reiji didn’t care to hear excuses.
“Please see to it that this is cleaned up, otherwise I’ll have to discipline the two of you thoroughly.” He’d say, quickly taking his leave as you both laughed about what happened, soon cleaning it up together.
On rainy nights, he might show a bit of a soft side.
However, bear in mind that he will be quick to lean back into his tsundere side if he thinks the moment is getting too soft.
Likes to lay in his coffin with you if you both want to relax. He’ll act annoyed the entire time due to him being a tsundere, but secretly, he loves the fact that you’re next to him.
Likes to have you sit in his lap, while you’re reading, having a blanket draped over the both of you, whilst he’d rest his face in the crook of your neck. He honestly loves being so close to you, but he’d never admit it.
Here, he might take the opportunity to either place a soft kiss on your neck or bite your shoulder if he’s feeling thirsty.
He likes to cuddle and lay on top of you, but won't let you leave to do anything else because he's so clingy.
"Subaru, let me go."
"Not a chance."
When he’s not being soft, you two are bound to bicker about the stupidest things--like heights, for example, leading him to become a total mess.
"You're not taller than me, Y/N. We've been over this."
"Oh no?" You’d sass, stepping onto his coffin, being slightly taller than him now. "How about now?"
He scoffed, a grin appearing on his face as he’d playfully grab you and pin you onto a nearby wall, giving you the greediest and lustful kisses as you both kept laughing in unison.
Might let you style his hair, such as putting it up into a ponytail or style it in some other way.
You once put bows in his hair and he was so annoyed by it at first, but he eventually started to find it funny and began laughing with you, but that was all until Laito came in and took a picture of him with his new style.
“Fufu~, love the new look, Subaru. I’ve gotta say it suits you.”
“Why you!” He’d hiss, quickly running after him to make him delete the photo and beat the living crap out of him for doing that and seeing him in such a state.
On rainy nights, be prepared for a lot of fun and games because apart from paint wars, Subaru can take things to a whole new level.
Since it was raining and you couldn’t go anywhere, you decided to try out a new makeup style.
And of course, he’d have to get into your business and tell you he finds it stupid.
"Tch! Why do girls even wear that shit?!"
"Oh shut up, you boys like it. Don't lie.”
“Whatever.” He’d retort, saying nothing else.
You sighed knowing he was bored, so you asked the unthinkable once again to help him cope with not being able to go out because of the rain.
“Do you want help?”
“Help? With what?”
“With this new makeup style.”
“Tch! Seriously?”
“All you have to do is add the eyeshadow and lipstick. I’m not asking you to do anything crazy.”
Sighing and knowing it was better than doing nothing, he’d say, “Fine.”
He’d turn you to him so he could have better access to your face to apply the makeup.
“Just don't make me look like a clown.” You’d warn closing your eyes, allowing Subaru to put on the eyeshadow.
This is when he was struck with a mischievous idea, an infamous smirk twisting on his lips as he applied the makeup to your face.
And after what seemed like quite some time, he finally finished.
“Okay, it’s done.”
You’d sigh, “Finally, I can’t wait to see it. I’m sure it looks amazing.”
“You bet it does.” He’d mutter under his breath, it not being loud enough for you to hear.
Opening your eyes, you looked at your reflection in the mirror and screamed. The makeup looked so bad, maybe worse than a clown.
“Ha! What a face!” He’d scoff.
“Ass!” You’d hiss, chasing him around the room as he’d laugh.
Now because you couldn’t let him get away with what he did, as payback you decided to draw a mustache on him while he was sleeping.
When he woke up and saw his reflection in the mirror he grew shocked, and instantly knew it was you who had done it.
(Ik vampires typically can’t see their reflection in a mirror, but I’m not sure about DL here, but let’s just assume that he can considering it hasn’t been mentioned (maybe I’m wrong here??); and also because Reiji implied that some human-made vulnerabilities don’t apply to them, so this might not).
“Payback's a bitch isn't it?” You’d giggle, standing a few feet away from him.
“Now, you're gonna get it!” He’d say, chasing you around to no end, only leaving you to laugh as he kept running after you.
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diazactually · 3 years
if you’re still doing the sleepover: buddie + first ‘i love you’
you know what i’m literally gonna write a little ficlet for you about that😌
it’s a mess, since i wrote this in like one sitting but it’s just for fun and the idea wouldn’t leave me alone🥰
buddie + first ‘i love you’
fluff, established relationship
He was standing in the kitchen by the sink, working his way through the dirty dishes which despite his best efforts kept sneakily piling up during the day. He didn’t understand when or why Christopher picked up the habit of using a new glass each time he wandered into the kitchen to drink during a quick break from playing video games with his friends, this was the fourth one and he literally did the dishes last night. He will have to have a conversation with his son about that. And on top of that, it wasn’t even his turn to do the dishes. Buck volunteered to do them after breakfast and then disappeared without a word, which, rude. It’s been over an hour.
Eddie was considering calling Sophia just to have some company until he’s done with his chore when he heard the front door suddenly open and close with probably a bit too much force. About time, he thought, as he quickly dried his hands with the kitchen cloth, turning around just in time to see Buck enter the kitchen with a wide grin on his face and two cups of coffee in a holder in his hand.
“Well, well, well. He lives! I thought I would have to sick Athena on you,” he said as he folded his arms over his chest, settling against the kitchen counter.
At that Buck stopped, taking in the situation. Eddie saw the exact moment he came to a conclusion after his eyes went from Eddie’s raised eyebrow to the half-done dishes in the sink and his expression turned sheepish.
“Sorry. I had to go and pick up something real quick.’ he said with an apologetic smile. ‘But! I come bearing beverage!” he added as he pulled out one of the takeaway cups from the holder and presented it to him with a bow, his smile turning teasing. This goof. “Black, just like your heathen self likes it,” Well.
“You cannot talk. You drink sugary milk with a tad bit of coffee,” he deadpanned but decided to take the coffee as a peace offering.
“Lies,” Buck replied while taking a sip of his own cup before setting it down on the counter. “Anyways! Let’s move on to more pressing topics! You and Chris are free tomorrow, right?” his boyfriend asked excitedly, eyes sparkling, giving the perfect imitation of a golden retriever puppy wagging it’s tail.
“Uh, yeah. I was thinking maybe we could set up the inflatable pool in the garden. Chris has been pestering me about it and it’s not really a one-man job,” It’s not like he can ever say no to Chris when he wants to try something and they bought the pool in the beginning of the pandemic but never got around to setting it up. The only person who might be even worse at denying Chris’s wishes is Buck so it’s not like they ever really stood a chance. Eddie can’t seem to feel bothered by it though.
“That’s great! But actually I was thinking something else,” Buck grinned, basically vibrating with excitement as he pulled something out from his pocket and trusted it in Eddie’s face who amusedly took one of the three somethings from his boyfriend so he could actually see what it is. And when he did he almost choked on his own spit.
“Are these—?”
“Tickets for the aquarium!” Buck exclaimed, doing a little hop he always does when he is overjoyed. “Chris has been talking about it nonstop saying how several new exhibitions had been added while it was closed for the pandemic. And you said how you wanted to take him to the reopening tomorrow since it’s much safer now but they were sold out of tickets in minutes.” He remembered the heartbroken look on his son face and how much he wanted to do anything to make it go away. “Both of you were so heartbroken about it that I couldn’t let it go and so I had an alert set for the websites people go on to sell their tickets if they decide not to use them. I didn’t have high hopes because the aquarium gave out such a limited amount of tickets but guess what! I managed to buy three tickets so we can all go tomorrow!”
“You did?” he asked softly looking up to take in his boyfriend.
“Yeah, but don’t tell Chris! It has to be a surprise! He deserves it, he’s got an A in most of his classes so this could be the perfect opportunity to celebrate,” Buck said as he began reading the text on the backside of one of the other tickets, starting on the research that inevitably will follow later.
Eddie barely even registered reaching a hand out to cup Buck’s face to turn it up so his boyfriend’s gaze met his, surprise painting his features. And for a second he only stared at him. The need to just pull him into Eddie’s arms and cherish him forever was overwhelming as he leaned in to softly press their lips together. He just stayed there for a moment, breathing in the sweet scent of Buck’s cologne, tasting the sinfully oversweetened coffee on his tongue, just taking it in, all his senses focusing on Buck, Buck, Buck, before he pulled away and leaned back to look the other man in his beautiful, stunnigly blue eyes.
“Gosh, I love you,” he said, sweeping the stray locks off Buck’s forehead, running his eyes over his features as the other man gave off a choked sound. He loved Buck. He thought of how this realisation sneaked up on him slowly, moment by moment as they spent time together. There wasn’t any other possible outcome, they were headed here all along. Every conversation they had where day by day the topics became deeper, every selfless act of service which they did for the other without having to be asked, ever since the beginning, every movie night which forged their little family unit of three.
He was brought out of his thoughts by smooth lips pressing to his and his face being cradled so gently. Seems like somebody caught up as well.
“You love me,” Buck breathed after they pulled away but only barely, their lips still brushing as they formed words. His voice barely a whisper, full of wonder.
“I do,” he said, moving his other hand up to tenderly slide his thumb over his boyfriend’s temple.
“You love me!” Buck said again giddily, sounding more sure now, understanding the words for what they are and letting them settle over him.
“Yes, I’m aware,” Eddie chuckled.
“You said it first.” God, he was such a dork. And Eddie couldn’t do anything but love him all the more for it. He was hopeless, but when he was with Buck that thought didn’t scare him, when he was with Buck he wasn’t filled with dread over being vulnerable because he knew that no matter what came, Buck would catch him.
He felt hands on his face, felt them pulling it backwards so he was forced to look into the eyes of the man he adored and he was met with a blinding smile and a softness in his boyfriend’s eyes that he knew his own reflected perfectly. “I love you too,” Buck said, giving Eddie’s lips a gentle peck, his fingers running through his hair. “So much.”
And they stayed there, holding each other while trading soft kisses and even softer words, as the dishes sat in the sink, long forgotten.
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t-lostinworlds · 3 years
Dear Santa (Tom Holland)
a/n: this made me want a baby, preferably with tom but anyway. here’s my gift to you lot for the holidays! i hope you enjoy this one <3
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pairing: dad!tom holland x female!reader trope/genre: Dad AU; slight angst; fluff summary: It’s a yearly thing for Tom and your daughter to write letters to Santa together on what they want for Christmas. Only this time around, it was over video call given that Tom was miles away from his two—three, including Tessa—beautiful girls. Santa did get the letters though... warnings: tom being such a dad (which is a warning in its own right), a dash of ‘missing you’ angst, it’s so fluffy that i died a couple times, bad pun/dad joke & a lil steamy in the end. word count: 7.2k+
masterlist in bio & pinned post
"Hello, angel," Tom gushed, heart warming up ten times over as he looked right at his four-year-old daughter's beautiful and chubby face. Her little hand waved enthusiastically while she sat on the tall chair in the dining area, her beam turning brighter at the sight of him. "How was your day?" He slid himself in the little nook he had in his trailer, placing his laptop on the table in front of him and getting himself comfy as he listened to her tiny voice babble. Some of her words were mispronounced, sentences cut short and randomly stringed together but Tom listened to every single one of it with much interest.
"What?! She didn't," he gasped exaggeratedly when she talked about Tessa sitting on her while they played in the living room, the pup barking soon after to make her presence known.
"She did! 'N Tessa so heavy dada."
The young lad heard your sweet giggle next and his whole body softened even more at the sound. He leaned back on the seat with the brightest smile he could ever wear. Although Tom could feel the sting in his chest gradually grow when you came into view.
The curve on your lips was tender and sweet, one that he could never get enough of even after years of seeing it, one that he's so dearly missed seeing in person. Tom felt his heart ache the more he stared at his two precious girls, both looking at him with smiles. But still, he can see it, the tiny specks of sadness in your eyes all because he was thousands of miles away, five days before Christmas.
He would absolutely do anything to be in the same room with you two right now. Hell, even to just be in the same country but alas, work and duties. Tom has been away for roughly five months and the last time he's seen you two in the flesh was two months ago when you came over and visited him on set. Now, it was the holidays and he's still not home. And Tom can attest that it's one of, if not the worst feeling in the world.
It wasn't in his plan to be so far away at this time but his schedule is ever changing which led him to still be at work nearing Christmas. He'd done the best he could to try and make it before or on the 25th but it wasn't set on stone. No real and solid plans until the actual day which was very gut wrenching.
It was the first Christmas he's away, after all.
But at this moment, Tom has been lucky enough to have a few hours off this afternoon given that night shoots were the agenda of the day. And even though he should be using this time to get a few hours of sleep in before a very long night, of course, Tom took this opportunity to video call over instead. He just got done eating lunch but it was already dinnertime back in London, and he so badly needs to see your beautiful faces before you went to bed.
"Thalia, sweetie, go wash your hands for a sec, yeah?" you hummed, running your fingers gently through her curly hair, one she got from him. Although her eyes, her smile and overall beauty? It was all you, Tom thinks so at least. Well, except for that cute nose that she got from him as well. The more she grows, the more it shows how she's the perfect mixture of her parents, and it honestly makes his heart soar. Thalia is the reminder of the love you and Tom have, one that's pure and strong that blossomed into this joyful, precious and beautiful little girl.
She looked up at you with a soft pout, pointing towards the screen as she shook her head. "Bu—"
"I'll be right here pumpkin, don't worry. Listen to mummy," Tom chuckled softly. Upon seeing the apologetic smile you flashed him, he knew that you saw the flicker of sadness that crossed his features. You always do see right through him. He shot you a small reassuring nod, a silent way to tell you it was okay.
"No go anywhere," Thalia warned, narrowing her eyes at him.
Tom felt his heart break even more but he flashed her a wide grin, crossing his finger over his heart and said, "I promise."
Thalia reached a hand out for you to take, a sweet smile on your face as you curled your fingers around her tiny ones. "There you go," you said, helping her off the seat.
"Thank you," she hummed, tugging your hand to urge you to lean down. A lovely giggle vibrated in your chest once Thalia placed a wholesome smack on your lips, the sight making Tom's heart skip a couple beats.
"You're welcome, angel," you said. Thalia disappeared from the screen, Tom assuming she had swiftly made her way over her little stairs that he had built for her a couple months back, just so she could reach the sink. "Careful," you called out, the soft grunts of the little girl echoing in the kitchen along with Tessa pitter-patters on the tiles. Tom knew she was in a rush up the stairs, eager to get her hands clean so she can go back to talking to him. He doesn't know if the thought made his heart soar or break a couple more pieces.
You turned back to look at him through the screen, a shy smile erupting on your features the moment you saw him already gawking at you with the proudest grin on his lips. He just can't help but admire the goddess before him. You just look so stunning and gorgeous in a simple knitted sweater, you, his wife.
That alone was honestly enough to make Tom combust with the love that fills him up ten times over. But then, by the heavens above, you're such an amazing mother. He genuinely doesn't know what to do with himself. You make him feel like he's on top of the world. Both you and Thalia make him feel so, so happy.
"Damn, how did I get so lucky," he gushed, gaze locked with yours with adoration coating his orbs. "I mean, look at you, the fact that I get to call you my wife? Whew." He shook his head in pure disbelief, blowing out his cheeks in the process. You let out a bashful laugh with a roll of your eyes, his smile only growing at your reaction. It makes Tom's heart melt whenever you get all timid when he showers you with compliments and affections, all the more reason for him to keep doing it as often as he can.
"All clean!" Thalia exclaimed as she climbed back onto her seat with your guidance, showing her palms to him with a bright smile.
"That's my girl," Tom said proudly, shooting her a wink with a grin to match.
You moved the laptop farther so Tom could see both of you clearly. Disappearing for a moment, Tom heard you speaking to Tessa, handing the doggo her dinner he presumed. You came back into view soon after with two plates on hand, placing one in front of Thalia—to which she adorably clapped with a soft 'thank you'—and setting yours right beside hers. Tom simply watched with a smug smile as you handed the young girl her utensils before you sat yourself down. Your little girl waited for you to get situated without touching her food. Then you and Thalia locked eyes, lifting your spoons and taking a bite at the same time with giggles coming out of you both.
The amount of times Tom could literally die and resurrect at the adorable scene before him was immeasurable. He was unable to wipe the love-struck grin painted on his lips, cheeks hurting but totally worth it.
"Oh, that was a very big bite," he commented when Thalia took another spoonful. Tom adjusted the sleeves of his flannel shirt, pulling it up his forearms for him to easily prop his elbow on the table, resting his chin on his palm as he admired his two precious girls.
"Hmm, so good!" Thalia nodded enthusiastically, eyes all squinted with her cheeks puffed out as she chewed her food as thoroughly and as carefully as she could. Although a little bit of it still managed to stick to her chin, Thalia quick to clean it up with the napkin you placed right beside her plate.
God she's growing up fast.
Tom felt his eyes sting at the thought of his little girl growing to be not-so-little anymore. Not long ago he was the one who'd wipe the little crumbs and mess off her face, but now she can do it all on her own. He could honestly cry.
"You know what, I'm so jealous of you young lady," he huffed, leaning back with his arms crossed and a deep crease on the middle of his brows. "It's unfair how you get to eat mummy's cooking every day."
"I sent Sam some of my recipes, didn't I?" you asked, amusement laced in your tone as you furrowed your brows at him.
"Yeah, but it still isn't the same when it's you cooking because then I can give you hugs and kisses during the process." Tom pouted. "That's one of my favourite parts aside from eating."
"Ew, dada, cheesy."
Tom's mouth fell agape as his gaze snapped towards Thalia and then at you—to which you only shrugged with a giggle—and back to his daughter. "Okay, who taught you that?" he asked with narrowed eyes.
"Uncle Haz!" Thalia exclaimed proudly, nodding her head as she continued eating.
Tom shook his head disappointedly as he locked eyes with you. "I've been telling you, love, Harrison is a bad influence on her," he grumbled, jokingly of course.
"Oh hush, it's not like what she said was a lie," you pointed out with a knowing smile.
"Hey!" He pouted.
Thalia giggled at his reaction. "Dada cheesy," she repeated.
Tom sighed, shaking his head but the smile never did leave his lips. It never could whenever his eyes are on you two. He was going to confront Harrison about that though; makes Tom wonder what other things that blonde lad has taught his daughter.
"How was your morning, bub?" you asked with a soft smile.
Tom relaxed in his seat as he proceeded to recount the events that happened earlier all while you both continued to eat your dinner.
"—and then we got to visit the children's hospital and gave out presents, which was nice."
"They met Spider-Man?" Thalia queried.
Tom gave her a nod with a wide smile on his face. "Yes, they did."
It's still surreal to him how he's managed to now have the fifth movie of the franchise. It was the last installment which was somewhat bittersweet on its own right. Nonetheless, Tom was very thankful with the run of his career as the famous web-slinger. Lucky and blessed would be huge understatements to describe his life. Even more so now that he's got a wonderful, beautiful daughter and an amazing, gorgeous wife.
"Dada a real life superhero."
Yup, he definitely couldn't get even luckier than this.
Tom let out a coo, bottom lip jutted out as he looked at you and then at Thalia with a little gloss in his eyes. "I could literally burst into tears right now. You own my heart, darling," he gushed. Eyes glancing back at you, he sighed, "You both do."
The warmth and love you held in your eyes glowed some more, his smile widening at the beautiful sight as he tilted his head at you sweetly. Turning back to his daughter, Thalia flashed him a wide smile, setting her spoon and fork down with a satisfied hum.
"Finish already?" Tom asked.
She nodded enthusiastically. "It's letter time!"
Tom can't help but chuckle. It's been a yearly thing for him and her to write their letters to Santa every 20th, always the same schedule which was after dinner. Thalia has grown accustomed to the tradition real quick despite only doing it for only a few years. Well, she is just four.
"Alright, alright, why don't you help mummy clean up while I'll go get my pen and special paper," he said with a wriggle of his brows. The young girl clapped cheerfully as she grabbed for your hand before hopping off her seat, gently taking her plate from the table and carrying it to the sink.
"She's getting so big, love," Tom breathed out, looking at you with his bottom lip jutted out.
"I know," you sighed, eyes on Thalia before you tilted your head at him with that gorgeous smile of yours, nothing but adoration coating your orbs.
Smile turning into a mischievous smirk, he wriggled his brows at you. "Should we make another one?" he purred, voice low and guttural but quiet.
"Thomas!" you hissed as softly as you could. You looked at your little girl briefly and Tom literally saw the relief that washed over your face before you turned back to him with a death glare. "She hasn't asked about that yet and I swear if you're the reason why she starts now—"
"Tessa, not the spoon!"
Your head whipped towards the direction of that little voice before you turned back to Tom with narrowed eyes. "You behave yourself, Mr. Holland," you warned, raising a brow at him and then walking off screen.
"Love you, Mrs. Holland!" he called out with a chuckle.
"Dada don't peek!" Thalia gasped once she saw Tom craning his neck teasingly. She glared at him as she covered her paper with her little hand, which was honestly the cutest thing ever.
"I'm not, I'm not," he chuckled, going back to writing his letter.
He wasn't really asking for presents. Well, realistically, he doesn't need to. Of course he could pretend and not write anything at all but he feels a little bad lying to his daughter. So, he resulted to jotting down the things he already has rather than asking for more. All of his yearly letters had consisted of nothing but gratefulness as he lists down what he's been blessed with and was so thankful for, you and Thalia always at the top of that list.
The party has been moved to Thalia's room now, the little girl fresh out her bath and was wrapped in her PJs. The laptop was right on the little desk she had in the corner where she practices her writing, reading and even drawings.
It was where they always write the letters. The previous years, Tom would sit right beside her in one of the tiny chairs as he helps her write. But now, instead of side by side, they were looking at each other through the screen, which honestly makes Tom's heart ache. To add to that, she was writing on her own too, a bittersweet feeling coursing through his bones. Because as much as how he feels so proud to see his little girl know—slowly but surely—how to write, there's always going to be a part of him that clings to the memory of her little hand encased in his much larger ones as he helps her navigate the pencil around the paper, letter by letter.
God, she needs to slow down on growing up. Tom can't honestly handle it.
"You peeked again!" she squealed when she saw Tom lift his brows with widened eyes as he tried to get a look at her paper. Thalia quickly glanced over her shoulder, pointing at the screen with a pout, so obviously telling on him which made him let out a hearty laugh. You came into view right behind the little girl, toys on hand which Tom knows you got off from the floor. There's always so many of them littered around her room. Well, he admits, he does spoil his little girl, sometimes.
"Dada, no peeking," you scolded playfully, raising a knowing brow at him, Tom's heart melting at the seams at your use of the nickname.
"I didn't see anything, I promise." He threw both his hands up in surrender, scrunching his nose at Thalia who only stuck her tongue out at him in response. You disappeared from shot again, continuing what you were doing, Tom assumed. He turned back to his daughter. "Now, write your name at the bottom so Santa knows who it's from. And then put it in the envelope and give it to mummy," he instructed.
Thalia scribbled a few more lines before taking the paper in hand, folding it up as best as she could—all wonky and uneven which is so darn cute—and then carefully sliding it in the envelope provided for her. She then lifted it up to you once you made your way back over to her desk. "Done!" she exclaimed proudly.
"Great job, angel," Tom commended. "Now, time to brush your teeth."
Thalia nodded before turning behind her to catch your eyes. "Mama, help please." She pointed towards the laptop as a way for her to say that she wants to bring it with her, never wasting any time to talk or just see him. Again, Tom doesn't know if his heart could melt or break at the thought.
You nodded with a hum just as she rushed towards the bathroom across the hall, you right on her tail as you carried the computer in your arms.
"Ugh, my heart literally soars every time I hear her call you mama," Tom groaned as he shook his head. "Never gets old."
"Stop being so adorable when I can't kiss you right now," you muttered.
Tom smirked, shooting you a teasing wink to which you only responded with a playful roll of your eyes before you placed the laptop by the sink. Thalia was back on screen again, already brushing her teeth like a pro. Tom knows he's being a broken record but she genuinely needs to stop growing up too fast.
It's not good for his dad heart.
"Smile, sweetheart," Tom hummed once she saw her finish, the little girl showing her rows of teeth at him proudly. "Very pretty," he cooed.
"Thank you," she said with a cute giggle. The little girl bounded back to her room and climbed on the bed, you following suit with the laptop in hand. You gently placed it at the foot and on an angle so Tom could see you both clearly as you tucked her in. "Tessa!" Thalia squealed, tiny fits of giggles escaping her lips soon after as the pup circled around to find a comfy spot before settling right next to her.
The lovely doggo has become Thalia's best friend, personal cuddle buddy, and bodyguard. Wherever she goes, Tessa is always in tow. They always, always sleep beside each other every night and it's honestly the most wholesome thing in the world.
The room became dim when you turned off the main light, leaving the lamp on as Thalia wiggled a few more times before finally settling down. "Story, dada?" she yawned.
Tom nodded with a smile, leaning over the table as he switched up his voice a little. "In a kingdom far, far away..." he started, Tessa resting her head on the little girl's tummy as if she wants to have a piece of the story as well. His smile widened when you sat beside your daughter, your fingers caressing through her hair lovingly as you listened.
Tom can't help but pout at you, missing the way those same fingers feel against his scalp as you run them through his hair. You shook your head with a soft laugh, raising your brow to urge him to keep going with the story.
Gasps and giggles escaped out of Thalia as she listened to him all throughout his impromptu fantasy world. She made sure to throw in her two cents, turning the story to how whatever way she sees fit.
"...and then the princess climbed on her dragon with her new found freedom as she flew into the sunset. The end," Tom finished, his little girl letting out another yawn with her eyes now barely open. He can't stop his heart from melting at the sight. "Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you," he cooed.
"G'night dada. Love you too," she hummed, eyes fluttering close as she threw her arm over Tessa.
"I'll see you soon my princesses," Tom whispered, eyes flickering over at his pup and daughter with a bittersweet smile.
Tom caught sight of the stars that circled around the room when you switched off the lamp and turned her night light on. You flashed him a smile as you took the laptop in your hand and ventured out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar behind you.
"How about you, my love, what's in your letter for Santa?" Tom asked as you settled yourself down on your shared bed, back against the headboard with the computer on your lap. The screen really doesn't do you much justice on how gorgeous you look, especially now when you got changed and opted on wearing his hoodie.
"I just want you home," you whispered, hand going over your mouth in realization that you said it out loud. Tom saw the guilt spread across your features once you locked eyes with him.
"I'm trying, darling," Tom sighed, hand running through his hair dejectedly, ache coursing through his chest at the sound of longing in your voice.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry," you rushed.
"No, nothing to apologise for, love," he said, flashing you a sad yet reassuring smile. "It kills me too, being so far away from you both. But I'll see what I can do okay?"
You shook your head, brows furrowed in worry. "You've already done all that you could, Tom."
"But I feel like I should be doing more," he admitted, frown settling on his lips as he held your gaze. Oh how he wished he could take the sadness away from your orbs, to feel your warmth as he pulls you into his embrace. He wants nothing more than to cover you with kisses, to whisper sweet nothings onto your skin to replace your frown with those giggles he adores. "I miss you so much," Tom sighed.
"I miss you too—"
"Tom—oh, hey, Y/N."
You smiled softly. "Hi, Harry."
"I hate to be the one to say this but they need you on set now," Harry said in dismay, shooting you and Tom a guilty smile.
Tom looked at the clock, shock befalling him on how fast time had passed. It didn't even feel like he's been sat in this little nook for five hours, didn't feel like he's talked to you enough at all. He thought he had a few hours more, not a couple minutes left.
His eyes landed back on you briefly and you only flashed him a small smile. Tom turned to his brother with a nod. "Yeah, okay, I'll be right behind you," he said.
"Tell Thalia her favourite uncle said hi," Harry said to you with a proud smile.
Tom shook his head at his brother's bold claim given that Thalia hasn't said that at all. She hasn't shown to have favourites, nor does she have anyone who she likes to spend time with, more. But being competitive lads, it was natural for his brothers—which includes Harrison, Tuwaine and Jacob—to compete for the title of her favourite uncle. She's just spoiled to bits really.
You let out a laugh, though it was a faint one, smile not as wide as you nodded at the twin. "Will do, Harry."
Harry flashed you one last smile before he turned to give Tom a curt nod, hand coming up to give his shoulder a comforting squeeze. Tom smiled at him gratefully, patting his hand before the younger lad made his way out of the trailer. Turning back to you, Tom felt his heart drop to his stomach.
"Darling, please don't cry," he whispered, hand instinctively reaching for you, a harsh foot stepping on his heart when his fingertips only got as far as touching the screen.
"I'm not," you muttered, blowing out your cheeks as you leaned to the side, so obviously trying to wipe your tears off screen. Tom still saw it though, and even if he didn't, he knows you like that back of his hand. The smallest change in your voice could tell him all.
Tom did his best to keep himself together, flashing you a small, comforting smile once you met his gaze again. "I'll see you soon alright?" he said. "I love you so much, darling."
You nodded, frown settling in your lips as you sighed, "I love you too, Tom, oh so much."
"Goodnight, my love." Tom tilted his head at you with a knowing grin. "Dream of me," he teased, earning a small giggle from you.
"Is dada not coming home, mama?"
It was the 24th of December and your heart could do nothing but ache at your daughter's question. You tried your best to not let your frown be so prominent while you tucked her to bed.
"We don't know yet, lovie," you sighed, hand caressing her cheek tenderly. "But maybe dada will be here the moment you wake up tomorrow," you added, shooting her a knowing wink despite the sharp stab in your heart given that it was still uncertain.
Tom hasn't called at all the whole day. He only sent you a text earlier this morning explaining that he was going to be busy, hence why he won't be able to call. Strings of apologies buzzed through your phone even despite telling him over and over that it was okay. You know that guilt is eating him up whole right now, know for a fact that he's beating himself up black and blue by still not being home on Christmas Eve.
Thalia flashed you her sweet smile and a nod in response, not pressing anymore about her father's absence.
She's really smart for her age, so you wouldn't doubt it at all that she understands why Tom is away right now. You did tell her that her dad wasn't going to be joining dinner this time and she simply said, ''S okay. Dada is a superhero and superheroes are very busy.' And it honestly took everything in you to not start bawling at the dinner table.
"Story time, mama," Thalia hummed, taking your hand in hers as she tugged you closer.
"Okay, scoot a little you two," you said, both Tessa and Thalia making room for you to sit on the edge of the bed. "Once upon a time..."
With Thalia fast asleep, you treaded towards the door, leaving it slightly open—for Tessa in case she has businesses to attend to in the middle of the night—behind you and made your downstairs, turning on the little lights on the steps in the process. You went inside the living room, walking over to the wooden stool by the Christmas tree to take the plate of cookies and the glass of milk. You emptied the glass as you made your way to the kitchen, placing the cookies back in the jar and then putting the dirty dishes in the sink.
Venturing into the guest bedroom, you took out the bag filled with the few gifts you had wrapped up the day before. It wasn't a lot, just a couple of toys for both Tessa and Thalia. The little girl really hasn't asked much this year aside from a few toys she saw on TV or at the mall. And what she had on her letter...it was a bit difficult to get.
You slipped back inside the living room, placing the gifts under the tree along with the few sweets inside the stockings. Once you've turned off the electric fireplace, you went over to the tree lights next. But before you could even get to the plug, you suddenly heard the creaking sound of the front door opening and then closing, making you shoot straight up and freeze in your spot. Your heart pounded against your chest, hands trembling at the thought of a break in. Your mind ran a hundred miles per hour as you thought about what to do, ready to sprint upstairs to get to your daughter. You felt your breath hitch when you saw a figure emerged in the entryway.
But then you saw that it was him.
"Tom?" you gasped, eyes wide and glossed up, mouth opening in closing in pure shock as you stared right at your husband.
His face was now in full view as he pulled the hood of his hoodie down. A loving smile played on his lips, one you missed seeing in person. Your heart stuttered as you held each other's eyes, so many emotions swimming in those brown orbs but the love and satisfaction outshined everything else.
"Hi, darling," he sighed in pure content, that voice you love so dearly clear and real, not muffled by the poor quality of the laptop speakers. "Do I not get a welcome home hug?" he teased when you stayed in your spot, unmoving and simply gawking at him. Tom opened his arms wide for you to easily jump into.
Once you've got a hold of reality, you just ran to him full sprint, a sob escaping your lips as he caught you right in his embrace. Tom wrapped his arms around you with a shaky breath, squeezing you oh so tightly as he rocked you side to side. You breathed him in, nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck, hands fisting the material of his hoodie from behind as your body raked with soft sobs.
Tom pulled away briefly to cup your face in both hands, thumb wiping away the tears that sat on your skin. He smiled at you all adoringly, eyes turning glossy before he swiftly pressed his lips right on yours. You let out a whine as you melted into the kiss, fingers taking home in the mesh of his curls on the back of his head as you held onto him, to physically feel him, just to make sure that he was actually real.
"I fucking missed you so much," Tom groaned against your lips, arms back around your waist to pull you inhumanely closer. His warmth was quick to coat you both inside and out, the feeling of his lips on yours familiar but never fails makes your head spin. His embrace felt like home and oh how much you've missed it.
You pulled away to give into your lungs' needs, but only just a little, both of you in dire need to keep each other as close as possible. The tips of your noses brushed against each other as your chests heaved, though the smile on your lips never did waver.
You stared into his brown orbs, your brows furrowed lightly in question. "But how—"
"Once they gave me the go I took the first flight home," he said, pressing his forehead against yours as he stared right into your eyes with utmost love and the widest grin on his lips to match. You placed your hand on his cheek, Tom turning his head to press his lips against your palm briefly before he leaned into your touch.
"I can't believe you're actually here," you whispered.
"I couldn't miss spending Christmas with my two—" Tom stopped himself when he heard the pitter-patter of paws down the stairs. You turned to see Tessa bounding towards your direction, jumping right at Tom as he crouched down to greet her with a chuckle, "Right, three favourite girls."
Then a small voice spoke, "Dada?"
Tom's head shot up, his handsome face glowing even more, remaining crouched on the floor as he spread his arms. "There's my sweet pumpkin."
Thalia ran to him as fast as her little legs would let her. Laughs came out of the young girl, the sweet sound echoing around the room as Tom lifted her up and spun her around.
"Yay! Santa got my letter!" she cheered, both hands up in the air.
Tom settled her in his strong arms with a soft furrow of his brows. He looked at you confused.
Later, you mouthed.
Tom nodded as he turned back to his little girl. "I missed you so much, my princess," he said, littering her face with loud kisses to which Thalia squealed and giggled in response.
You wrapped your arms around yourself with a satisfied hum and a wide smile on your face. To see Tom be such an amazing and loving father never fails to make your heart grow twice its size, never fails to make you fall even deeper for your man, your husband.
The lovely sight of him and Thalia made your body tingle in more ways than one, a thought crossing your mind, a feeling in your bones telling you that it was the perfect time. It made you smile wider, heat dusting your cheeks as you tilted your head at your husband and daughter.
Tom caught you staring, a proud smirk erupting on those lips of his as he shot you wink. You can't help but roll your eyes at his smugness.
Of course he knows the effects he has on you, knows how him being such a dad makes your heart flutter. But also, how it makes your body fill up with heat and want that you'd have to resist the urge to pounce on him. It probably was obvious in the way you look at him, easily sees it in your eyes because he knows you, he is your husband after all.
But then again, maybe he knows because he's just the same, if not much more intense. The amount of times he's gushed over and over how he wants to put another baby in you whenever he sees you taking care of Thalia goes to prove that point.
It's an equal reaction really, both of you just as whipped for each other.
"Come here, darling." He beckoned you over with a sweet smile, resting Thalia on his hip as he held a hand out for you to which you gladly took. He pulled you closer, giving you a soft peck on the lips before snaking an arm around your waist. You wrapped your arm around the small of his back, chin on his shoulder as you looked at him with utmost love. He shifted his eyes from you and Thalia as he sighed, "It feels so good to be home."
It was such a picture perfect moment, a pure family in love. There was nothing but wide smiles on all your faces, happy to finally be in each other's embrace after so long. Plus, Tessa sat right in front looking at her humans lovingly with her tail wagging enthusiastically.
Thalia's head fell onto her father's shoulder as she let out a loud yawn, tiny fists rubbing over her eyes before she wrapped her arms around his neck. Your heart melted at the adorably sight, a soft coo escaping your lips as you reached over to brush the stray her that landed on her face.
Tom chuckled, turning slightly to give his daughter a kiss on the forehead. "Let's get you back to bed yeah?"
Tom came inside your shared bedroom just as you slipped the envelope inside your drawer. Closing it, you leaned back against the headboard with a smile, eyes landing back on your man who stood still in his place.
Tom had his back pressed against the closed door, staring right at you with his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
"You going to join me in bed or are you just going to ogle?" you teased, raising your brow at him with a tilt of your head.
Tom chuckled, pulling himself off the door and sauntering over to you all while slowly stripping off his clothing, starting with his hoodie to his shirt and leaving them across the floor.
He's lucky you miss him too much to call him out on that, willing to give him a pass since he did just got off from a flight. He'll probably pick them up tomorrow though. If not then, he'll definitely hear from you.
By the time he's reached your side, he was left in nothing but his boxer shorts.
"She asleep?" you asked, looking up at your husband lovingly as he towered over you, standing on your side of the bed.
"Mm-hmm." He bit his lip with a smirk as he leaned down, hands on either side of your thighs that were hidden under the covers. "I've got such a beautiful wife huh," he muttered, brushing the tip of his nose against yours all adoringly before he captured your lips in his with a satisfied hum.
You giggled between the kiss, fingers lost in his hair as you pulled him closer, lips moving in sync like they've never been apart for so long. Tom nibbled at your bottom lip, a low groan erupting in his chest when you let him in, your tongues meeting as his hand landed on your thigh with a hot squeeze. You basked in his taste for a few moments more, letting him explore your mouth just to feel him closer, especially after months of being deprived from each other. Your hands slid down to rest on his broad shoulders, giving them a squeeze before you pulled away.
"Before you get too excited, I suggest you read Thalia's letter first," you said with a soft giggle.
Tom let out a hearty laugh, nodding in agreement and giving you once last peck before he jumped over you as threw himself on his side of the bed. The whole mattress bounced due to his weight, earning a pointed eye roll from you. Always a dork no matter what.
He slipped himself inside the covers, settling back against the headboard just as you rummaged through your drawer. You handed him an already opened envelope before you laid your head on his shoulder, slinging an arm over his naked torso as you snuggled to his side. Tom took out the piece of paper, a smile erupting on his lips once he unfolded it, eyes catching sight of his daughter's messy handwriting.
His strong arm wrapping around your shoulder, Tom pulled you closer, giving you a tender squeeze before he read the letter out loud:
Dear Santa,
Please bring dada home.
Me, mama and Tessa miss him so much and I don't want mama to be sad anymore.
Thank you, Santa.
Tom tore his eyes off the paper to look at you with a pout, brown orbs glossing up as he placed the paper back in its envelope and set it aside. Snaking both his arms around your form, he gave you a loving squeeze. "Such a sweetheart with a big heart, just like her mother," he hummed, leaning down to give your forehead a sweet kiss.
"I read that at the mall when I did last minute shopping. I had to rush to the bathroom to get myself together. I got so stressed because I don't know if you were coming home or not. Which would then go down to explaining to her that Santa didn't get her letter and I really didn't want to break her heart like that," you elaborated, Tom's fingers caressing your arm comfortingly. "And then I was walking past this comic book store and saw this life size cardboard cutout of you as Spider-Man with the mask off. I was really contemplating if I should just get that instead," you laughed.
"You should've," Tom chuckled.
"And creep her out? No." You shook your head with a giggle. You pulled away from him slightly, his hands sliding down to rest on the small of your back once you did so. With your palm flat against his toned chest, you gawked at his handsome face with nothing but love. "Yet here you are, always here to save the day," you hummed.
Tom smiled widely at you, hand coming up to cup your face, his thumb stroking your cheek fondly before he pulled you down for a passion-filled kiss.
"Now," he murmured against your lips, hand sneaking down and under the covers, fingers hot against your bare thigh. He gave it a pointed squeeze before he pulled away slightly. "What do you want, my gorgeous wife?" he purred, a certain glow in those brown orbs as his smirk grew.
With a quick peck on his lips, you release yourself from his grasp for a second so you can reach inside your drawer. You gave him another envelope, a sealed one this time, Tom taking it with a confused look on his face. Lying down on your side, you propped your head up with your hand as you waited for him to read it.
Brows furrowed, Tom opened it and pulled out the letter, pupils moving slowly as he scanned the words. You can't help but giggle once you saw the shift of emotions on his face, his eyebrows rising as he stared at your handwriting wide-eyed.
Dear my lovely Tom,
Thalia is due a younger sibling, don't you think?
Love, Y/N ;)
Never have you ever seen Tom move so fast in your life.
Your sweet laugh echoed around the room as he immediately pulled the covers off your body so he could get himself on top of you without any hindrance. He hovered above you with a wide smirk on his lips, strong hands gripping your thighs as he threw them around his waist, body slotted in between your legs with ease.
He didn't waste any more time as he swiftly dipped his head to capture your lips with utmost love but also, need. The kiss was hot, rushed, a little messy and filled with absolute fervour.
Arms taking home around his shoulder, you pulled him closer into you, your heels digging into the small of his back, both of you groaning at the familiar closeness, bodies fitting perfectly together like two puzzle pieces.
Tom slipped his tongue in your mouth with ease when rutted his hip once which earned a gasp from you. He did it again with a low growl, to make you feel just how badly he needs you. And oh you can feel it alright, feel it really hard. There was the obvious desperation coursing in you both; it's been months after all.
Pulling away for a moment, Tom wriggled his brows at you with lust-filled eyes and a love-struck smirk. Your chest was heaving as you stared right into those brown orbs, ones that turned even darker as his hands took hold of the hem of your—his—shirt. He was ready to pull it off of you but not before saying,
"I guess Santa isn't the only one emptying his sack this Christmas."
♛ Overall/Everything Taglist: @theunwantedomega @badreputatiom @fallinfortom @disneysamara @avengersficwriter @musicalkeys @apatheticanvas67482 @camimndess @tom-hlover @jjandreidsgirl @caramelscoffee @thenoddingbunny-blog @sarcasticallywitty15 @call-me-baby-gir1 @miraclesoflove @tanakaslastbraincell @itstaskeen @hollanddolanfangirl ♛ Tom H. Taglist: @hollandfanficlove @averyfosterthoughts @2018shawn @darlingspidey @namoreno @spacebitch2 @keepingupwiththehollands @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @unbelievableholland @kittenruby @sunkisseddreamer @worldoftom @quaksonhehe @big-galaxy-chaos @clara-licht @dummiesshort @imanativeofswlondondahling @sonofabitchstyles @peaches-parker​ @geminiparkers​ @parker-hollandx​ @arivera-30​ @rebekkah4766​ @particularnarry​ @iwannabekilledtwice​ @prettyintopeerpressure​ @spideyspeaches​ @givebuckyhisplumsnow​ @asoftie4bucky​ @dandelionxgal​ @peterspideysstuff​ @zspideyy​ @lmaotshollandd​ @sluttytears​ @likearainbowinthedark @hommyy-tommy​ @madz-holland​ @becicamina​
just let me know if you want to be removed from the taglist hun! <3
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jinkicake · 4 years
Iwaizumi, Kita, Terushima reacting to their s/o squirting. 
Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader
Kita Shinsuke x Reader
Terushima Yuuji x Reader
Enjoy, Anon~~ I usually am really fair with my writing and make each scenario and shit relatively the same amount of words but,,,,,,, today..... I was not able to that..... I apologize. Anyway, I am never going to stop writing about getting eaten out by Terushima so take that. 
WC- 1,645
Iwaizumi Hajime
Truthfully, I was only going to write Kita and Terushima…. I had the entire writing done and then I went to Tiktok for a break and saw a beautiful clip of my baby boy Hajime and then decided I must write for him
So,,,, here we are. THE Iwaizumi Hajime who has everyone falling in love on spot, the original hottie, the best ace who I would destroy the entire world for, my sweet baby boy
Iwaizumi is so shy and blushy even though we know damn well his dick would change your entire life, he tries his hardest to be gentle with you but he is still oh so soft
Iwaizumi is the type to go feral if you squirt, only because the idea of it is so hot to him
Like if you squirt for him,,,, Iwaizumi is going to have your legs bent over his shoulder before you can even blink as he fucks you for hours
Have we ever discussed the stamina that Iwaizumi has? I think that out of all the haikyuu characters he has some of the best stamina like this bitch is simply not quitting after one round 
I know boys suck and can only cum like once in one sitting but NOT Iwaizumi,,,, he can cum at least three times… if you can keep up then he has no problem unleashing his true potential 
Iwaizumi Hajime. Quirk : Fat C0ck. Wrong anime sorry 
I trailed off,,,, didn’t I? 
Anyway, Iwaizumi would seriously leave you dickmatized, and whenever you want to squirt homie pulls up like dw bbyg I gotchu and scene.
“Oh, Hajime~“ You moan loudly as his hips dig up into yours. At first, Iwaizumi had you on all fours, that was until he decided he needed to feel you. Now, one of his strong arms is wrapped around your waist to hold you against his chest while his hand is holding the front of your throat. Every now and then he will cut off your flow of oxygen, just to hear that sinful whine leave your lips. 
Iwaizumi Hajime does not mess around when he fucks you. 
His strong body feels so hard underneath your touch that you can’t help the way you press back into him, you love feeling Iwaizumi because it seems like every single touch of his is meaningful. 
“Right there, ah,” Iwaizumi tilts his hand down to rub circles into your clit. He always tries to be soft with his touches, he tries so hard but it only lasts so long before his fingers begin to move at a pace you can’t seem to understand.
“Keep squeezing around me, sweet girl, just like that.” Iwaizumi chuckles lowly, which breaks off into a moan at the way you clench around him. His hand squeezes the sides of your throat and one particular thrust inside of you makes you see stars. 
Iwaizumi looks over your shoulder, watching with greedy eyes the way your hips grind against him. How you so desperately try to meet each stroke of his cock into your tight cunt. His fingers are stimulating your clit so furiously that you aren’t able to hold back.
You completely soak his hard cock, the deep sprays paint his hand in your essence and Iwaizumi pinches your throat harder. 
“You like that, don’t you? My filthy girl likes to be choked?” He asks lowly, not once letting up his thrusts or the assault on your clit. “Let me see you do that again.”
Kita Shinsuke
Kita is just so…. Wow, over the last month I discovered this character I fell in love yet again,,,,
I wasn’t expecting this and I genuinely thought I was going to be a Suna bitch but I proved myself wrong…. Something about Kita’s personality gives me such a sense of security LOL
Yes, hello, I am back with the Kita Daddy™ agenda,,,,,, I won’t let it go
He’d be so shocked when you first squirt for him,,, like this mf’s jaw will drop and he will just stare at you like holy shit 
I think the messiness of it all would really turn him on like it will make his dick sooooo hard
Bruh Kita would find out all the ways to make you squirt so he can see you do it again, this mf is going to put you in so many positions 
It’s like a science experiment, how can Kita make his s/o squirt for him? 
Please, Daddy Kita will want to fuck you so hard like he will ache for you…. He wants to cum so badly
I think you could genuinely have Kita in the palm of your hand in this instance, his overall need for you will seriously cloud his mind and you could do anything you want with him
But you know Daddy Kita will only let you get so far~ POWER BOTTOM KITA 
“Ah, baby slow down.” Kita moans as his eyes flutter shut, with the way you are bouncing on his lap there is no way he is going to last long. His large hands grip your waist tightly and he tries to hold you flush against him, anything to break his focus on your tight warm walls sucking him in. “If you keep doing this, Daddy won’t be able to last.”
The warning goes straight to your clit and you giggle foolishly, a loving smile appearing on your face as you stare down at your boyfriend who is withering underneath you. 
“But if feels so good, Daddy.” You tell him and moan loudly when his cock rubs against that spongy part inside of you. “Especially, right. there.” You whimper and toss your head back, rubbing your clit against his harsh pubic hairs. The sensation feels too good and you eagerly reach down to relieve that tension. Kita snaps his eyes open and pushes your wrist away. 
“No.” He warns and you bounce in his lap angrily, much like a little temper tantrum. Kita growls lightly before bringing his fingers down to your clit, using four digits he rubs your little pearl back and forth as you grind into his lap. 
Kita can never be soft with you, he loves to please his baby girl and will do anything he needs to do to accomplish it. He has never had such a lack of control over a situation but, he can’t find it within himself to hate it.
“Yes, y-yes,” You hiccup and arch your back, letting go all over his hard cock as you squirt in his lap. The liquid sprays all over his abdomen and hand, a sight that Kita never wants to forget. Kita purposely moves his fingers faster to get you to squirt all over him, letting you completely drench his skin.
“Keep going baby, I know you have more.”
Terushima Yuuji
You know,,,, YOU KNOW I HAD TO DO TERUSHIMA HAHHAH >:-) He is just so damn fine 
Can we acknowledge the piercing for a moment like I know there is no reason to do so but,,,,, have you thought about Terushima’s TONGUE piercing today? Oh, you haven’t? Well… now you have </3
Terushima will literally rearrange your guts, destroy your insides, his dick will cause you to go through an identity crisis ….. too much?
When you squirt for Terushima he is going to become the cockiest mf ever
He will quite literally almost cum in his pants, he just seems like the type to think it is the hottest thing ever
He’d want to see you do it again and again and again, please he is going to work your body
If you squirt while he is eating you out,,,, Terushima will fall in love.
Please he is already so arrogant and this will fuel this ego to a point of no return 
He will act like he solved world peace or something like he did the most amazing thing ever….
I mean giving your s/o who you love more than life itself a mind-blowing orgasm does deserve a reward 
“That’s it, give into to me.” Terushima chuckles against your clit, the vibrations of his moan send your hips flying up into his face. Terushima has had you like this for hours, he has been eating you out for so long you don’t even know how he can even stay focused anymore. His chin is soaked and shines in the light with your release, the entire sight makes you feel hot inside. 
When Terushima pokes his tongue out to wet his bottom lip, the silver piercing catches in the light and you can only think about how badly you want him to eat you out for another handful of hours. Terushima spoils you, he really does and it’s to the point that you sometimes wonder just how deep his feelings are for you. Not like you’ll ever speak up on it. You don’t have enough time to continue your thoughts because Terushima begins his ministrations once again. 
Two slender fingers prod at your entrance and you whine in frustration, you just want him to stuff you full even if it is just with his fingers.
“Yuuji, fuck me!” You grip his dyed hair and yank it harshly causing the boy to nip at your clit, the feeling against your swollen bud sends your eyes rolling to the back of your head. At the exact moment, he thrusts two of his fingers up into you, shallowly curling along your walls and hooking on a spot he knows too well. 
Much to his delight, and utter surprise, you cum again. It happens so fast this time that he barely had to touch you. However, what surprises him the most is the way you squirt on his fingers and even on his chin. Terushima doesn’t even know how to react but he continues to thrust his fingers, just to hear that squelching noise echo throughout the room. 
“You are the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” His voice is low and he speaks in amazement, even you’re too shocked to say anything, because that has never happened before. “I’m never letting you go (Y/N)."
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder
2K notes · View notes
bangtangalicious · 3 years
the glow up | kth (4)
pairing: taehyung x reader
summary: after going off to college, you & your best friend committed to working out. a year later, the results show, and you cant wait for your hot hometown friends to see you. now all you wanna do is wild out and have lots of sex, and enjoy it without feeling insecure
genre: smut, childhoodfriends!au weightloss!au (is that a thing) friends-to-lovers!au
word count: 2.2k
warnings: tittie sucking, fingering (dubcon bc jungkook is an ass), misogyny/sexism, public sex (locker room), creampie, unprotected sex, slight slut shaming, body image issues (please remember that there is no ideal body type and every body is beautiful)
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7                                                    masterlist
“Hey y/n” You were startled at his use of your name as opposed to his endearing princess. He was dressed nicely in a black hoodie with his glasses on, but his expression was tense.
“Tae” You acknowledge him as you got into the passenger seat. You really really liked his car now. “Listen, you don’t have to be sorry about anything”
“No, I really do though. I could have just shut up and let you and Jimin have your happy ending” He huffed, “We both know it’ll ultimately work out that way anyway, I just added drama and I’m sorry”
You wondered exactly when Taehyung got so mature, or if he had always been this way and you just never noticed.
“Anyways…I hope its okay, but I invited Hobi and Jungkook to lunch with us” Your face dropped slightly, and he noticed. You hated that he was being awkward. You wanted to feel all the amazing things you had the other day all over again. Taehyung was a drug. You had a hit and now you wanted more.
“Tae…” You whispered, grabbing his hand and bringing it to your chest. His jaw clenched as he made contact with your heaving breast. “Please” You made pleading eyes at him allowing him to squeeze your tit slowly.
“Hood of the car. Now” He exhaled sternly. You did ask requested, finding yourself in a similar position, back over the headlights, legs wide open, licking your lips in anticipation.
“Sit up” He ordered as he pulled you towards him so that he was standing in between your legs. He pulled down your shirt color until he had access to your clothed breast, moving your bra cup aside and allowing his mouth to trail kisses from your neck—“Mmm you smell good”—to your collar—finally kissing your nipple.
He looked up at you with lust shot eyes as he flicked his tongue across before enveloping it into his mouth. He sucked like a baby, moaning into you, the vibrations from his deep voice stimulating you even more. It was a sigh to behold, as he gripped your hips to hold you against him and sucked you.
You cried out, breathing heavily with the way his tongue was splashing around in circles causing waves of heat to come over you. You liked the ways his lips felt around your nipple, and the way his tongue drew circles around it-you took note. So I’m into this. Huh. You were very aware of how damp your underwear was getting, as yoou ran hyour hands through his hair, clenching as you tilted your head back and moaned.
“You’re fucking delicious princess” He remarked, breaking away finally to admire how he had made you swollen. He ran his thumb over his work, giving one last pinch, making you squirm before he fixed your clothing, “But…we’ll have time for this later. Let’s get going” His eyes had a playful glimmer as he winked at you, riled up and unsatisfied.
Fucking tease.
You arrived at a small urban cafe in the more happening part of town. Hobi and Jungkook were already at a table outside, with tall mimosas in front of them. Jungkook had on flashy sunglasses but lowered them as he saw you approaching, giving you a flirty look and smirking slightly as he watched you walk. Taehyung pulled a chair out for you and you took a seat by Jungkook after giving Hobi a quick back hug.
“Cute outfit y/n. I love the baggy look” Hobi commented. Your face reddened, realizing it was probably really obvious you were wearing Jimin’s clothes.
“She looks hot as fuck.” Jungkook thirsted, shamelessly glancing at your breasts were faintly imprinting against the fabric. He downed the last of his drink.
As you guys shared a meal, you enjoyed conversing openly with Hobi and Jungkook about their sex lives. You appreciated how open and candid they were as you continued to attempt to understand your own desires more.
“Y/n how does it feel to be part of that crowd now” Hobi asked. You tilted your head in confusion. “You know...now that you’re the sexiest girl in town I bet everyone’s been making moves.”
“Yeah I’ve definitely been getting a lot more attention from guys. Shows how fucking shallow half of them are”
“You girls are all hoes though so it doesn’t really matter. Why else would you try so hard to look sexy, yanno? Like I could be hooking up with the same girl and no one else but I still wouldn’t date her because she’s probably gonna dip for the next best dick she can get.” Jungkook added. Taehyung rolled his eyes and kicked him under the table “Hey, I’m just being honest. Why else would you go through a glow up phase? We all did it at some point, we were like yeah I wanna get laid so I better bulk up”
“No Jungkook that’s what you did” Hobi chuckled. “Hot girls aren’t all hoes, and hot guys aren’t just hot so they can get laid. I don’t agree with that. But I do think that everyone needs to fuck around a bit before they settle into a serious relationship or anything. I think it’s healthy when people go around for a bit and then finally are like, yeah okay I’ve seen what’s out there so I can say for certain what I want” Hobi commented, changing the topic. He delved into some details of a recent relationship of his but unfortunately his words did not register with you as you suddenly felt a hand slipping under the waistline of your sweats.
You knew it had to be Jungkook, Taehyung would never touch you without asking. You mouth formed an O as his hand traced along your aroused folds, still wet from Taehyung’s quick tit suck earlier. You gulped, straining to keep your mouth shut as Hobi continued on. You glanced at Taehyung who was observing you very carefully, clearly aware of what was likely going on.
Jungkook slid a finger into your cunt and it sucked it in welcomingly. You bit your lip as he slowly retracted it, allowing you to hear the faint squelching of your tender muscle. 
He repeated his motions, causing you to move forward until you were barely hanging on the edge of the chair. You gripped the table tightly, knuckles whitening with the pressure. You wouldn’t dare look at Jungkook, knowing that seeing his face would probably send you over the edge.
He pumped his fingers in and out and you couldn’t help but feel a strange mixture of dread and enjoyment. Yes you were horny, Taehyung had ensured that, so being fingered felt great. But a ball turned in your stomach at the unwanted intrusion from your friend. Were these guys really like this to all the “attractive” girls they hang out with? Do they just constantly flirt and grope them? Ugh.
Taehyung pursed his lips tightly before he finally snapped. “Fucking Christ, just go ahead and fuck right here why don’t you” He folded his arms over his chest, shooting both of you a disappointed glare.
Jungkook slowly pulled his finger out of you and put it straight into his mouth,  and you finally made eye contact with him as he licked your arousal off of himself. 
“Y/n we’re leaving. God Jungkook did you even get consent you prick?” Taehyung spat at him. You got up and Jungkook slapped your ass playfully.
“She’s one of the hot girls now, might as well treat her like one. Text me babe” He sent an air kiss your way and you shuddered slightly. Taehyung gently took your wrist and led you away.
It was later that evening. Your heart was pounding, and a slight sense of dizziness overcame you as you sped the treadmill up even faster. Taehyung had agreed to accompany you to the gym and you had been sprinting as fast as you could for almost half an hour trying to blow off steam from the events that had happened at lunch. 
Jungkook’s words stuck with you, and in a fucked up way you felt like he was trying to prove a point. You felt the air in your lungs escape as your chest tightened. You were overdoing it. You knew that, but you wanted to feel numb. Wanted to feel the bliss of the aftermath of a super intense workout.
Your mind wandered to the biggest issue on your plate. Jimin. You wanted more than anything to go to him. To tell him what happened and get his advice. But you messed that up, and now you were no longer sure if it was worth messing it up. You had never been so conflicted in your life. Your bones screamed at you that your pace was getting too much, pain shooting up to your knees as you pounded your feet with every step. 
Talk about running away from your problems.
“Y/n!” Taehyung came over from where he had been doing weights and turned off the treadmill, bringing you to a rapid halt. You panted, sweat soaking you head to toe. Taehyung grabbed your arm to help you stay standing as you began to sway side to side with lightheadedness. You could see black spots paint your vision. He wrapped his arm around you and helped you walk into the locker room where luckily there was no one.
“I don’t wanna feel it Tae…I don’t wanna feel anything. This is all too much. I am so fucking confused. I miss Jimin, and what Jungkook did today I…” You held back a sob, “He’s right. This is what I want isn’t it? So why do I hate it so much. All you guys do whatever you want to these girls you usually get with and sexualize them so much and I’m just not used to it but that’s what I wanted right?”
Taehyung sighed, stroking your back, “Look princess…Jungkook and I aren’t the greatest people. After getting to college, you know how it is, we kinda all became fuckboys. The people we hang out with literally breathe to get off. Everyone fucks everyone else. And I’m no saint at all. I fuck around even more than Jungkook does, albeit I’m a bit more respectful about it, but it’s all the same game to us. I understand that this is all new for you but…I just want you to know that for me, I’m not treating you any differently because of this weight loss thing. I promise. They way I fuck you, the way I treat you…I would have done it just the same a year ago.”
“You say that but”
“I’ve wanted to have sex with you for years okay. I knew you before all of this fucking hook-up culture. I wanted you because I liked you. I still like you, even though we rarely see each other anymore. Not just because of your body. It happened now because you initiated it. I don’t know how else to get it through your head. And by God, what the fuck were you just doing? Were you trying to make yourself pass out? Why would you run that fast?”
“I just needed to relieve some stress okay”
“Then let me help you” His voice was husky and low. Time slowed down as Taehyung carefully leaned closer to you. He trailed his fingers down your sides and around the waist of your shorts, tugging the fabric ever so subtly. He remained still, breathing heavily with a heartbeat drowning out everything. “You can say no. Any time. Even if you realize later that you don’t want to do this anymore you can stop me. I won’t ever get mad and I won’t ever judge you” His voice was quivering before he grabbed your waist and pressed himself up close to you. “Do you want this princess? Can I take care of you?”
You nodded your head as Taehyung leaned down and kissed you while gently pushing you back against the lockers. He quickly pulled off your tanktop, not minding the sweat as he inhaled sharply. He lifted you so you could wrap your legs around him and began to slowly rock his body against yours.
He moaned into you mouth as he felt the impact of your bodies colliding. He spread your legs out wider and began to grind against you faster. You held back screams as he grabbed your breasts. Taehyung licked his lips and kissed you harshly, biting down your lips before mumbling “You’re so fucking hot princess”
“Taehyung” You finally moaned, giving him all the motivation he needed to grind faster. He slipped his hands under your sports bra and began to caress you. You cursed in pleasure.
Suddenly the two of you heard footsteps coming into the locker room. Taehyung allowed you to slide down as he quickly backed away. He took your hand and led you to a far corner of the room before sitting on the locker room bench and pulling your body down on his lap. You looked at him with concern, but Taehyung ignored it completely.
“Tae...you make me feel so fucking good”
“Yeah?” He grinned
“Aren’t we going to get caught?”
“I don’t care” He quickly tugged down your shorts as well as his own revealing his thick cock, with precum budding furiously at the tip, aching to be released. He helped you lower yourself onto him before he gripped your hips and began bouncing you up and down his length.
“Scream my name” He demanded, whispering darkly into your ear “you’re doing so good”
You whimpered, “Taehyung” you cried out as you felt yourself peaking, “Taehyung oh my god don’t stop,” You begged. He was shaking you so violently that you finally were pushed over the edge. 
You screamed his name louder than you meant to, feeling Taehyung smile against your neck. He let you get up off of him while he fixed his shorts. He was still aroused, but he didn’t mind. He just wanted you to feel good.
“Is everything okay we heard screaming?” One of the gym staff members walked in just as you had managed to get decent.
“Yes sir, everything is fine! She just saw a spider, poor thing” Taehyung pulled you back into him so you could feel his still hard cock against your asscheek  as the staff member nodded and left.
You waited until the footsteps seemed more far off. You turned around and couldn’t suppress your big smile as you made eye contact with Taehyung, who also grinned widely. He grabbed your waist and began to undress you again quickly.
“Hey that’s not fair. I wanna see your shirt off too” You pouted. Taehyung smirked, obeying you and pulling it off effortlessly. You traced the muscles on his chest that formed a perfect 11.
“Like what you see?”
“Jimin has a six pack soooo” You teased as you tugged on his waistline, helping him slide off his shorts again. Your eyes scanned him as he became naked and you licked your lips, “Yeah…” You met his eyes and giggled, “I like what I see”
“Yeah you better” He teased before attacking you with kisses again.
Taehyung slid back inside of your tight pussy while maintaining eye contact with you. He began sucking your neck playfully. He watched you carefully as he began to move in and out of you slowly, picking up the pace as he saw your positive reaction. Taehyung nuzzled his face into your breasts. 
“You’ve been waiting for this all day haven’t you” You teased.
“Yeah and what if I have” His voice was raspy, full of lust. The sound send chills down your spine and turned you on more. Taehyung could tell. “Oh you like that huh?” He continued to talk in that voice, grinning as he trailed kisses back up to your mouth.
Taehyung shifted you so your back was on the bench. He spread your legs and entered you slowly. You tilted your head back and just took it all in. After some pumping Taehyung lowered himself closer to your body and looked at you deeply.
“You close?” You asked him sincerely. Taehyung nodded, moaning slightly into your shoulder. You were unsure what to do to help him at that point, your orgasm earlier leaving you too spent for another one. So you decided to just tease him. “What was it that they say in pornos...oh right. You’re doing so good baby” You felt Taehyung’s hips buckle at your words, “Will you please cum for me? God you’re sooooo hot mmm, just like that” You played your most seductive voice and Taehyung knew you were messing around but it still turned him on. 
He kissed you chastely, hands grabbing your ass tightly as he came. He cursed under his breath & eventually fell into your lap in exhaustion.
<------previous                                                                   next-------->
A/N: im tired man idk
taglist: (lmk if you wanna be added!!) @honeyspillings @hollowtree10
148 notes · View notes
miss-smutty · 3 years
The Destructive Secret
Chapter 6
Summary- Has Karma finally caught up to you?
Word count- 2.1K
Pairing- Chris Hems x You x Liam Hems
Warnings- Smut, cheating, swearing
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 21st July 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings
The Destructive Secret Masterlist <<<
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He turns on his side, looking at you, his leg wrapping around yours. Holding you close, afraid to let you go.
"I want to be able to take you out and show you off, instead of hiding away in hotels rooms. I want everyone to know you're mine, not Liam's." 
You struggled to sleep that night, tossing and turning while Chris slept like a baby next to you. You couldn't stop thinking about the many possible outcomes of your secret being out in the open, while you knew it was going to have to happen sooner rather than later, there would be no way you could avoid the utter turmoil that would follow. You couldn't think of one possible outcome that wouldn't cause complete destruction for everyone involved which understandably left you feeling completely anxious.
Your phone buzzing on the bedside table, roused you from the light sleep you'd finally managed to fall into. Tiredness washed over you like a thick lead, your eyes heavy and blurred as you blinked at the screen of the phone and realised you hadn't called Liam like you said you would.
You answered the phone quiety, getting up to go into the bathroom, your usual tactic of running the water while you spoke but this time hiding your voice from Chris not Liam.
"Hi babe." You whispered. Stepping over the piles of clothes scattered across the room, glancing over your shoulder to make sure Chris was still sleeping.
"Why are you whispering?" Fuck.
"Sorry I've just woken up." You said in your normal tone, whincing at how loud your voice sounded in the peaceful room. Cringing even more when Chris woke from his sleep, his eyes opening, sitting up and spotting you across the room. Realisation flashed before his eyes as you put your fingers to your lips, gesturing for him to be quiet, cursing yourself for not making it to the bathroom in time.
"Sorry, you're usually awake at this time. I just phoned to make sure you were ok, you didn't call last night." Liam says.
"I know sorry, I was shattered and fell asleep more or less as soon as I laid down. I didn't sleep well though. How are you?" You turned your back on Chris, not being able to stand the faces he was pulling.
"Aww you never sleep well in hotels do you? I remember that trip to New York, we didn't sleep all night." 
"Yeah I remember although that was for different reasons." You could hear Chris stirring behind you, getting out of bed.
"That's true, we need a trip like that again soon, where we spend the whole weekend in bed." He laughed, you rolled your eyes at the irony, little did he know that's exactly what you were doing at that moment in time. Chris confirming it when he slid up behind you, his naked warmth pressing against you, the heat of his morning glory resting against the swell of your ass. 
"Yes we do, anyway I'm going to have to go I'm going to be late for this conference." You could hardly concentrate as Chris began planting feathery kisses all across your shoulders.
"Ok babe, I'll speak to you after. Love you." Liam says.
"Love you too." Chris pulled a disgusted face at you, his expression contorting his handsome face, before taking your phone from your hand, ending the call and discarding it on to the bed.
"Who do you love?" Chris asked needily, his breath heavy in your ear while he pushed your knees apart so his hand could slip in between, stroking your wetness with the pads of his fingers.
"You." You sigh as his thumb meets your clit, circling slowly. 
"Good girl. Now back to bed, i intend to make the most of our last full day together for a while." He slaps your ass as you move to the bed, squeeling as you fall down on to it.
He falls down next to you, making you squeel again when the bed bounces you up and then his hands are all over you. Gripping and squeezing all your curves while his lips attach to your fever hot skin.
You lift yourself onto him, straddling him, your wetness soaking his thighs.
"Sit on my face." He says excitedly, his face lighting up at the prospect.
You move to hover over his face, while his tongue reaches out to lick smoothly up your folds, flicking against your clit and making you moan with pleasure.
"When I said sit on my face I meant literally clasp your thighs around my head and smother me with that perfect fucking pussy."
You whine at his words, grinding yourself against the roughness of his beard. Leaning forward to hold the headboard as Chris's tongue dips into your opening, swirling around, his nose adding friction to your swollen clit. He groans against you, the vibration sending you to the edge as you lean back, your hands resting on Chris's hips, your thighs clasped tightly around his face. From this position you can see him perfectly, his expression locked with lust as he eats your pussy so good. Your legs shake as the gripping rises through you, tingles throughout your body as you come so hard on his tongue.
A hum of approval from Chris as he laps up your juices, smiling triumphantly while you pant, biting your bottom lip, your legs still trembling. You roll over next to Chris, cramp seizing up your muscles due to the intensity of your orgasm.
"Fuck Chris, you're too good at that." You pant, laying on your back in the middle of the bed, Chris lying beside you his hand gently tickling your arm.
"Fucking too right, I'd eat your pussy every day if I could." 
"Well if that isn't a reason to tell Liam, I don't know what is." You laugh, turning to face Chris. Hunger still flaring in his eyes.
"You're so fucking beautiful." He says while squeezing your thigh. "Shower? I've got unfinished business to attend to." Tipping his head towards his straining erection.
You'd barely made it to the shower before he's already bending you over, muttering in your ear about how hot you are. One hand cupping the nape of your neck, the other gripping onto your hips as he shoves his dick deep inside your tight walls.
Your hands slipping down the wall of the slick shower, trying to find something to cling on to while he relentlessly pounds into you from behind. His thighs slapping against your ass, the sound of skin connecting echoing around the tiled room.
Watching his cock dipping in and out of your greedy cunt, mesmerizes him, his thumbs digging into your cheeks as he pulls them apart for a better view.
He groans when you tighten around him, your muscles gripping against him as the sensations travel through your body like fire. Your head dizzy, full of only pleasure as you gush around him. His hand smooths up your back, tangling around your hair as his thrusts get sloppy, smashing against you with a grunt. Satisfaction washing over you both as he finishes with one last thrust.
"You're a machine. Fuck.". You pant, resting against the cold tiles.
"I aim to please." He stands under the water, washing himself. You're hypnotised watching the water drip down his body, drops resting on the ridges of his toned stomach.
He looks down at you, his hands smoothing through his wet hair, his mouth slightly open as the water runs off of his face. Proud of the way your legs are still like jelly, that just fucked look still painting your face.
"Shall I order room service? I've definitely worked up a appetite after that." 
"I'm gunna wash my hair and then I'll join you. Order some pancakes." You slapped Chris on his taunt ass as he stepped out the shower, winking at him as he turned around with a faked shocked face before leaning in to kiss you.
"Anything for you."
You took your time washing your hair, enjoying the bliss of silent thoughts. Finally lost in the moment and enjoying your time with Chris without having to think about all the other things. This is how it should be all the time, easy, nothing to worry about, this is how you wish it would be.
You wrapped a towel around you, the steam in the room making you lightheaded. Holding on to the sink to steady yourself, you caught your reflection in the mirror. You studied your face, noticing how the stress had started to age you, little lines by your eyes that weren't there before. 
The thought played in your mind as you left the bedroom, freezing in shock when you realised you weren't alone.
Talk about bad timing, you'd walked out of the bathroom at the same time room service was delivered. The tall, dark hotel worker still stood in the doorway as Chris closed the door behind him. You saw his eyes light up when he saw you, recognition flash through his eyes when he saw your shocked expression. He knew exactly who you were and exactly what you were doing here, half naked in Chris's room. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Chris, what the fuck? You could've warned me not to come out." 
"I shouted through to you, did you not hear? Relax, he won't say anything. It's company policy." 
"Fuck. Do you think he cares about fucking company policy with the measly rate of pay he gets?" You start to panic, of all the things to go wrong this was probably the worst. You couldn't help thinking it was karma getting its own back, finally catching up to you.
"We'll be fine, he probably didn't even recognise you." Chris was calm, nonchalant as usual.
"He definitely did, didn't you see the look on his face?" You saw the look in his eye and knew what it meant.
"You're paranoid. Relax, we're fine." He pulls you into his arms, his hands travelling up your towel. "Do we need this?" He pulls away your towel with a frown.
"Chris how are you so calm?" You stand up, pacing the floor in front of him.
"Damn, you look sexy as fuck when you're angry." He sits back on the bed, admiring you as you glare at him then holding his hands up in defeat. "Ok, ok but would it be so bad if we were found out?" 
"Yes. Yeah it fucking would. I don't want Liam finding out like that and why would you?" 
"I'm at the point where I don't care how he finds out as long as he does, I just want this everyday. You. I can't stand giving you up again after this weekend and having to wait weeks to have you back." 
"Yeah I know but not like this Chris. You need to go track him down and give him some money or something. Please." You plead, tears prickling your eyes.
"Fine, told you I'd do anything for you and I meant it but can we eat first?" He raised his eyebrow, patting the bed next to him.
"Hi it's Mr Hemsworth in the penthouse suite, is it possible for you to send the guy who just delivered our... I mean, my room service, back up to my room please." Chris said, on the phone to front desk.
"Of course, is everything ok with your food Sir?"
"Yes fine, I just forgot to tip him." He rolled his eyes at you.
"No problem, I'll send him up for you now Sir." She laughed.
"She's sending him up." Chris said to you, putting down the phone and sighing.
"Shall I hide?" You ask, unsure what to do in this situation.
"Well yeah, he might not've seen you in the first place." 
"He did." You say over your shoulder, already making your way to the bathroom.
You stand by the door, it open a little so you can hear them talking. Your heart beating fast as you waited patiently, leaning against the wall with your ear to the crack in the door when you hear a knock and Chris's heavy footsteps going to answer it.
"Hi, I forgot to tip you earlier. Let me just get it for you, come in." Chris says.
"Oh it's fine Sir, you don't have to tip me." 
You peeked your eyes through the crack in the door, spying the guy stood awkwardly by the door while Chris went through his wallet.
"I hope you will respect my privacy and I can rely on your discretion?" Chris said while handing the guy a huge wad of cash, looking like he was making some kind of dodgy deal.
"I'm not sure what you mean Sir but thank you." 
"I think you do." Chris glared at him, his face expressionless making the guy uncomfortable, looking at his feet.
The guy turned to leave before looking back over his shoulder at the door, his hand on the door handle.
"If it makes any difference I would choose you over your brother any day." He winked as he left the room.
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