#me laughing while drawing this like '....he looks like the dis i've drawn'
violets-and-books · 1 year
I've got it. My fantasy fic. It's here:
The Crows Species(?):
Kaz = Dhamphir
Strengths: Enhanced senses and strength, ability to turn into a crow (there are four respective Dhamphir clans. One can turn into wolves, one can turn into crows (the one Kaz is descended from), one can turn into Snakes, and the others can turn into Ravens), cannot get sick through normal spread of disease (so how did Jordie die, I wonder 🙃).
Weaknesses: Unlike his distant kin he CAN go out in the day, but he will get extremely sick and can die if he is out for more than 48 hours in sunlight without a long resting period in the dark (one night cycle isn't enough).
Jesper = Mistborn
Strengths: Alomancey, essentially.
Weaknesses: Mistborn vs. Mistborn fights can and will get ugly, can be rendered powerless with Aluminum, and is blind in mist or fog.
Wylan = Baros
Nina = Seer
Strengths: Can sense a person's general morality (kind of like "sense evil" in DND), can draw disease out of someone's blood, can speak to the dead but cannot raise them like necromancers. (Aditi was a seer).
Weaknesses: Too much drawn disease without any disposal of it will lead to sickness or death, Seer's become easily addicted to drugs that would soothe you/make you spacey because in order to read people their emotions become heightened and it gets very hard for them to function with too much use of their power, but most of them make their income through using their powers for people; Then it's just a vicious cycle.
Matthias = Thug/Pewterarm
Strengths: Ability to burn Pewter in him and enhance his physical abilities.
Weaknesses: Your typical human weakness.
Inej = Wraith
Strengths: Can go through walls and doors and windows etc., can *poof* into a shadow, doesn't make noise at night, telepathy communication.
Weaknesses: Can be killed if the body is disturbed at night in ANY WAY, can only access most of her powers at night, can't speak at night due to the "not making any sound" thing.
I'll send you a different ask for plot so you don't have a post that's a million lines long 😂
Okay, um, I'm looking at the rest now
Kaz as a dhampir (I can definitely spell that)! That's why his voice is so raspy! He's just fucking sick all the time because he's literally allergic to sunlight
"Kaz, do you want to maybe go back inside-"
Kaz, who's just seen Inej laughing, silhouetted by the sun, in a voice that sounds like it should be coming from a dead body: No, fuck off
Dhamphirs aren't made, are they? They're born, right? Like, from a human and a vampire? That's where they come from
Maybe Jordie was his stepbrother? Like, Jordie was fully human but then his mum hooked up with a vampire (cos you truly do only live once) and had Kaz and then both their parents DIED and then the firepox came and yeah
Idk exactly how mistborns work BUT I'm just imagining Jesper in an all-out fight with another mistborn and having, like, iron or copper or something dripping from his nose like blood. Idk if that can happen but it looks cool!
Again, also imagining Wylan chasing Jesper with a fucking broom or a lute or something like "stop stealing my experiments" while Jesper's running for his goddamn life, a beaker of one of Wylan's alloys clutched to his chest. It's so fucking funny to me. I might just be really tired
With Nina you really have thought of everything. I've got nothing else to say to that apart from OW
"Weaknesses: Your typical human weaknesses" - GET RECKT, MATTHIAS-
Inej's is perfect! I didn't consider the not being able to speak, that's really cool!
This is fucking phenomenal bestie
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marinerainbow · 2 years
THOSE HEADCANONS are all so perfect!!! Ahhhh, it's like I'm reading an in-depth Wikipedia page for themmm. Something I've always wanted!!
I have a lotta follow up questions because I must know more!! But I won't attack you with them XD I will just ask one v v important one-
Has Psycho drawn the other toon patrol members?? And if so, who and what were their reactions? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
(Also I remember you telling me you headcanon smartass and stupid to be family a long time ago, and I still to this day love it ^^ I get those vibes from them when I write them ^^)
Ok first of all, thank you so much!!! I honestly didn't think they looked like a Wikipedia page, but wow! That's a big compliment!!!
And YES, I want ALL the follow up questions!!! How else can I develop them more? XD and because I genuinely want to see your questions!
(Ok so it isn't just me who thinks they are family! XD ^^)
As for your question. Honestly, I can't really see him getting so attatched to the others that he draws them. Aside from Stupid maybe? But at the same time, he did have the best view of all their deaths, so he could see them all die and still laughed on. The others can be argued that they just toon died and they are, technically, still alive, but Smartass' death has no excuse-
But, I love the idea of Stupid and Psycho becoming friends, so I will say he definitely drew Stupid a portrait. As for how Stu reacted, I imagine he at first just complimented Psycho's artstyle, not getting how important I was until after Psycho explained to him. And then Stu started crying and hugging his friend while saying, "I love you too!"
(Then cue Smartass thinking Psycho had hurt his brother and comes running, and that opens up a whole other can of worms)
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ooowyn · 3 years
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a patreon request, this time from @guardianofrivendell !! we were talking about what an older, Erebor/post!quest Fili may look like!
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queenjanai · 2 years
4th fuckery scene. janaya's moonlight scene, if you will, only 1000% more dramatic and tears filled. confusing emotions ahead
For a change of scenery, because Janai can only tolerate the same look of her worn-out makeshift tent so much, they drift away from camp to sit at the edge of a low cliff, their feet dangling into the short abyss from below. For a moment it brings Janai—a bad memory. Maybe not a memory, but an imagining of one, something she dreamed once, perhaps, of being in Khessa's place. Of being flickered into ashes, and falling. But she lifts her face to the night sky, freckled with thousands of shining stars. Janai has never considered it, much, Her faith relied in the Sun. But when you sleep for two hours, at best, at night, one was prone to step outside one's miserable tent and look at the stars. It was inevitable.
"How is Ezran doing?" she turns her head to Amaya, just to fill the silence. They didn't bring any food or water with them, a surprise when all Amaya has been doing was nag Janai to eat and drink until Janai would feel like screaming and instead of doing so, ate or drank whatever was offered to her. Maybe Amaya has finally given up on her. Maybe Janai will be able to return to her quiet life of suffering and self-loathing her days away. Cheers.
"He's been doing well," Amaya answers, bringing a hand from her chin onto her other hand. "I've been getting letters from Opeli almost every week now. They've decided to lay low of a bit, to let our losses heal. Gren has been leading a group supervising the health of our soldiers. Ezran has been getting as many jelly tarts as he ever dreamed of. Katolis is in good hands," she concludes.
"That's good," Janai says, too lame and short in face of Amaya's own answers. Guilt gnaws at her stomach, that she can't bring good news of her kingdom, of her people. She can't even raise their moral. You can't raise what you lack yourself. Hell, a kid is a better ruler than her.
Another thought demands her attention, one that has made itself comfortable inside her head since the first week Amaya was content to stay. "Amaya—" she starts, and the question nearly dies out in her throat. "Why are you here?"
At Amaya's drawn eyebrows and the widening of her eyes, Janai regrets the phrasing immoderately. "Wow, Your Radiance," Amaya draws back from her, unnecessarily dramatic, before Janai can protest. "Ever heard of sensibility?"
"That's not what I meant," Janai signs, already a smile forming on her face—fucking damn her. She drowns in and schools her face, to get Amaya to know she's being serious now. "You have your nephews, and your kingdom, and your army to lead—it still is your army. Why stay here? There are people who need you."
Amaya huffs a sign, looking at the sky, as if forming her answer through the stars. She leans back, hands firmly on the ground, and the night's breeze slips through her hair. "Callum and Ezran never needed me," she shook her head, and not in sadness. "I wasn't around when they grew up; they are stronger at ten and sixteen than I'll ever be. And what has left of our army—it will be fine without me, for a while."
"That's surprisingly not arrogant of you," Janai pushes back, because she can, because any other dynamic between freezes her to the core.
Amaya laughs, but her face softens after the pursing of lips, and she looks at Amaya with those eyes that see right through her, and she asks just what Janai feared she would. "Has that been bothering you lately, Janai?"
Janai is too flushed to scoff at that. Lately. Bothering her. More like, Amaya's entire presence around her has been bothering her, as if the first time she set foot in camp Janai, sleep deprived and arguably not in a good condition, didn't almost blurt out what the fuck are you doing here? All while Janai tried to understand, why here? Why stay here?
"Maybe," she manages, finally, and Amaya just makes it worse.
"Do you want me to leave, Janai?"
Running her Sunforged sword through her chest and making her grasp the blade would have hurt less than this. Janai is stunned by how much the question hurts, actually, making something in her chest clench. "No," she says, and her voice is too quiet and breaking to her ears, something Amaya notices without doubt, despite the darkness. "I want you to stay."
Weeks ago, in what seemed to be another lifetime, Janai would have thought she'd get a laugh and another jab in response, now she gets neither. Not a single sign, a moving of hands, only Amaya's gaze shifting about her face, something about her—shifting, holding back. Janai realizes how close they are, eye to eye, their knees nearly brushing in proximity. She doesn't need to reach far to touch Amaya. The silence as they stare at each other lasts a heartbeat, entire years in Janai's mind, until a hand sneaks around the back of her head, and pushes her into a kiss.
It doesn't seem real, hence why Janai doesn't realize it's actually happening. She wants to believe it's some sort of dream, but Amaya's lips against hers are impossibly soft and warm, something her imagination could never orchestrate by itself. They are pushed against each other, as if confined by space, and Amaya's hand on her cheek is an impossibly real force. Holy shit. Just as Janai comes to her senses and begins to kiss Amaya back, she pulls away.
They stare at each other: Janai confused and mourning the loss of the kiss, Amaya openly terrified and wide eyed.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I should have asked," Amaya's signs are faster than Janai is used to, which is good because she doesn't have any intention to register that or Amaya's full blown panic. Janai simply looks at her, biting on her abandoned lips, the rest of the world forgotten and going to hell, and she tries to understand, simply—
"What took you so long?" she asks.
Amaya's heavy breaths and burning cheeks calm down as Janai's question linger in the air between them. She lowers her hands to her laps, yet her eyes remain the same, looking at Janai who seems—genuinely pissed off? In the few times she imagined kissing her, Janai always looked happy afterwards, mirroring her smile, because Janai was a softie inside whether or not she denied it. But now she looks at Amaya with her brows drawn and her smile turned, as if the dessert she has been waiting to eat all day was stolen. "What?" Amaya asks.
"What took you so long?" Janai repeats.
The coin drops. "What took me—do you realize what has been happening to you for the past two months?" she nearly gets up and leaves. No, she nearly screams and tackles Janai to the ground at her unimpressed face. God, for weeks she has been pining for the world's currently most devastated woman and she gets blame in response.
"Um, yes, I do realize, having been the fucking center of it, thank you very much, and you're talking to me about—" Janai does actually very nearly yell, but at least it gets her out of her playing-hard-to-get state, which Amaya had a hard time wrapping her head around.
"I didn't want to take advantage—"
"Taking advantages!!" Janai mocks, and Amaya swears to god she can see the mocking by the movement of her lips alone, but she whips her face for Amaya, finally, and Amaya can see how badly she has fucked up—or maybe, how many weeks ago she should have fucked up. "My life has been a living hell for the past six weeks, I've been going out of my mind with grief, do you know how much I would have been appreciated being taken advantage of?" Janai makes insulting quotations in the air, and Amaya realizes in panic that her eyes are full of tears. "How much comfort it would have brought me?" If it was her plan to carry on, Janai doesn't, having her voice choked.
"Janai, you are crying," Amaya reaches forward, stating the obvious.
"I know I'm crying!!" Tears spill freely against Janai's cheeks now, and as she shuts her eyes in an attempt to stop, more just squeeze out. She lets a single sob out, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.
And Amaya gets truly scared, like, more scared than she has ever been around Janai, even when she was madly chasing her while being lava-powered, punching walls and wrecking havoc. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry," she drags herself closer and gets hold of Janai's wrists. When she is sure it wouldn't kill them both, she cups Janai's cheek, wiping the tears away.
"Don't apologize," Janai says, weakly, trapped under Amaya's gaze. The tears are hot against her face, but they are freeing. No one has ever seen her cry since—that was Amaya with her, too. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you."
"No, no, yell at me all your want," Amaya waves in protest, and she smiles. "You deserve to, you've been having a really rough time," she continues, and after a moment, dares to ask, "have you been wanting me do that, Janai?"
"Yes," Janai sniffs. "Have you?"
Amaya nods.
"Since when?"
"Since—after the battle, maybe. You were so cute, holding my hand," Amaya signs, barely even registering the truth in her signs, but they are true.
Which just gets Janai started again, tears pool in her eyes then spill, glistering in the moonlight. Her shoulders tremble as Amaya holds her. "I hate you!" she weakly punches Amaya's shoulder over and over again, and when her fists open, they hold onto the fabric of her shirt, defeated.
"No, no, no, I'll make it up to you," Amaya signs, although Janai is barely even looking at her. She cups her face and lifts it to her, and before Janai can hit her to cry again, presses their lips together, even harsher than before. Janai kisses her back at once this time, wrapping her arms around the back of her head as they sway against each other. Their kisses are chaste and messy, made short by them both needing air. Amaya pecks her lips and brings her closer over and over again, making up for the lost time.
"See? This is better," she signs better them after they pull away, just enough to see each other. Janai is kneeling by her side, and Amaya finds she wants to close the distance between them again, and now.
"Yes, it is."
"For the love of god, Janai, will you smile already?"
Hand on her shoulder, Janai leans back and gains some distance from Amaya. She wipes away the last of the tears, and smiles weakly, then genuinely, the longer her gaze remains on Amaya. It radiates throughout the night, shining brighter than any moon, purer than any sun. She doesn't ask Amaya if it's better now, only leans to kiss her again, gently, slowly, like how she has always wanted to.
When Janai withdraws, she says, "don't think that this was enough," and Amaya laughs.
"No, I know—"
"You have six weeks to make up for," Janai continues, tapping the side of her cheek, the tilt of her head holding Amaya up for a promise.
"And I will," Amaya holds her cheek after she signs, and rejoices in the way Janai leans into her touch, closing her eyes. "I promise I will."
Absolutely spent, Janai drops to lie on the ground with a huff. She buries her face in her hands, in the crook of her elbow for a moment, before moving it under her head, and she takes a breath. Amaya turns to lie by her side, wondering how the world has stayed the same.
But just because they are together now, doesn't mean she's going to stop being the most annoying force in Janai's life. No, far from it actually. She turns her head to Janai and signs, "so you do think that I'm cute,"
Janai looks embarrassed at best and irritated at most, and it already makes Amaya grin. "Oh, Sun, please, don't start."
"I'm absolutely gonna start," Amaya props herself on one elbow, than rises entirely to sit by Janai's side. "The glorious, terrifying Queen of Lux Aurea, thinks I'm cute."
Janai purses her lips, failing to hide a smile. "No, I do not, so don't you dare—" she rises to make Amaya stop just as Amaya leans down to meet her, and the result is another kiss that makes them both shut up. Janai smiles into it as Amaya settles above her, thinking that she is so many things better than cute: she is charming, endearing, funny, a pain in her ass and—a goddamn good kisser. She will tell Amaya all those things, one day, if she lives to. They laugh throughout the kiss, quickly recovering to feel one another again, and the sound of their joy fill the night's air.
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coolkat122 · 2 years
I'm Innocent: FemReader x Naruto/Other (Pilot)❌
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This is a pilot of a story idea that I lost interest in
"How? How could you do this? I'm your sister!" Emerald green eyes stared into my (e/c) ones as a conniving smirk grew on their tan face, she placed a fake sympatric hand over her breast where her heart should be.
"Tch, sorry sis but you know what it's like gonna look out for number one" Her eyes cut to the door before looking back at me,"See ya when you get out though you might be an old hag when that happens" As the footsteps grew closer she quickly waved farewell before jumping off just as the men with guns burst the door open with their weapon pointed directly at me.
I held my hands up in the air in surrender, eyes downcast as I felt the sting of betrayal... by my younger sister who I've done nothing but look after and she pulls this on me of all people she could have backstabbed it was me.
I walked down the hall of the prison I'll be staying at, from what I've heard it's suppose to be the place where all the worlds biggest and baddest were locked up most if not all were going to be here till the day they died and that just might be the same for me as well.
I had no hopes of getting out no one cared enough to prove my innocence and I doubt that I could escape with how locked down this place was, I had finally reached my cell and there were already three people in it... and all of them were male. I turned to one of the guards with confusion.
"Hey wait, their male! you can't room me up with men" They didn't listen to my complaints as they removed my cuffs before roughly shoving me into the room and once I was fully in they wasted no time locking the door.
I quickly turned ready to fight off any attempts of attack but none of them made a move and the one in the corner was moving his arms all weird in a hurried and blurry manner he turned around full speed making his move and I thrust out my fist as fast as I could punching something that didn't feel like a face and hurt like hell.
"Ow/Shit!" I held my bruised fist while he covered his face moving over to the blond who was making something out of clay but it was messed up when the mask-wearing male yanked his arm whining.
"Deidara, Deidara the newbie punched Tobi and Tobi was just trying to be a good boy" Deidara had pulled his arm free glaring.
"Can it TOBI LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" He pointed to his ruined project, "And that was the last of it too, it's going to be a while before they give me some more" Tobi whimpered as he cowered back.
"Tobi sorry, Tobi didn't mean to" I started feeling bad for punching him, he seemed like a-wait no you don't get locked up here without being super fucked up so I still stand by what I did. I was going to turn an head for the empty bed I assume to be mine when I heard the crunch of paper and felt it too beneath my bare feet. I bent down to pick it up and saw that it's what that weird-o drew.
It appeared to be a drawing of these three with an extra person with a question mark for a head that was labeled newbie above them and the three that poorly resembled my cellmates warmly welcomed the new member.... that's..that's suppose to be me, isn't it? I'm the only newbie so it had to be everything pointed to me.
He noticed I picked it up and bounced over to me all rainbow and sunshine like and said in a cheerful voice, "THAT'S THE DRAWING TOBI DREW AS YOUR WELCOMING PRESENT!" I glanced back at it before cutting them back to him.
"It looks..nice...very uh artsy" I heard a scoff mainly from the blond though both of them made some kind of sound of disapproval but only blondie went further by voicing it.
"Don't insult art by calling his poorly drawn drawing" He raised both hands, " 'Artsy' it's an insult to true artist everywhere and we do not appreciate" He lowered them after he was done doing the quotation on artsy but kept the glare as he turned back to his work trying to fix it.
I held back from laughing because I didn't want to get into a fight if he was bad enough to be thrown in here then he must be a force to be reckoned with but I just can't help it and how 'offended' he got over a word and it wasn't a very impactful word either nor held any importance, it was just artsy.
I shook my head and faked a cough so what little laugh I had could escape without sounding like I was laughing then I quickly turned to Tobi and smiled, "Uh thanks for the drawing I'll uh put it up here"  I placed it on the wall but realized I don't have anything to tape it with, "Shit"
"No worries Tobi got this" He turned back to bother the blond again but this time lightly taps his shoulder.
"Un?" He grunted without turning to look at Tobi still focus on his clay.
"Tobi wants his tape back, Tobi promises to be good with it" He placed down his clay turning in his chair to look at Tobi with a raised brow.
"Why do you want it?" Tobi pointed back to me while Deidara leans over to the left to see what Tobi was pointing towards when he saw that it was me he cut his eye back to the mask-wearing male.
"She needs it to hang up Tobi's drawing" He cringed for a bit before further questioning Tobi.
"And where exactly is she hanging it?" Tobi pointed again and I stepped out of the way as Deidara stared at it in thought before humming with approval, "That's out of sight enough so fine" He pulled it from out of his desk but tore the piece off himself instead of handing the whole thing over to Tobi.
"There that should be enough" He placed it back into the drawer as Tobi happily took it and came back over to me, I carefully took it and used it to hang it up then stepped back a bit.
"Yay Tobi's drawing is up" He gets too excited over things even the small stuff I can tell and that's going to annoy me I just know it, I mentally sighed and wished I had gotten a different cellmate.
"Well now that that's done I'm going to go to bed so night" Like I expected Tobi was the only to say it back before going back to drawing and though I tried to sleep I couldn't I didn't trust any of them enough to actually do it, I was up even when they eventually went to bed which if you were curious it went like this.
Deidara yawned before pushing back on his chair getting up and going over to his bed climbing to the top when he sat down up there he called out to Tobi, "Hey it's bedtime stop your 'drawing' and hit the sack already"
"Okay~" Tobi did as told without a complaint and hopped on his bed which was under Deidara's and turned off the light he was using to help him see so he could draw over in the corner.
"Goodnight Deidara, Goodnight Sasori and goodnight new cellmate" Sasori was the last to go which was an hour later after those two, he climbed up on the bunk above mine and went to sleep or so I assume.
Eventually, my lids grew tired and I did fall asleep but I hoped that if they tried anything I would wake in time to stop them, I'm not sure what they might do but I had a guess what they might be thinking and I had no plans on letting them put it to action. It would be over my dead body that's for sure.
"Sweet dreams sis"
Yeah I'm probably not going to finish this since I'm just not sure I'm liking the ideas and plots I keep thinking of so far but who knows might change my mind when I legit like an idea I come up with eventually.
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hanamakkiss · 4 years
Pros and Cons
Matsukawa Issei x reader
summary: Being childhood friends with Oikawa and Iwaizumi had few perks, it's all worth it when one of those perks came in the form of one(1) Matsukawa Issei.
Where Matsukawa gets a nickname.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
a/n: yall rmb y/n talking about a hot vb boy? yea also makki is a lil shit but everyone loves him  UPDATE: reuploaded sorry😓😓😓
You had made it a point to visit trainings whenever you were free now.
Always popping up whenever the coaches left, Matsukawa’s eyes were instinctively drawn to you when you entered, not that it was hard, considering how much ruckus you made.
After greeting everyone generally, you spent some time chatting with OIkawa when you head whips around to-
Oh right, this would be the first time you met him after anticipating it for so long. Matsukawa gestures to Makki about your actions and the two of them pause to watch the show.
Prancing over to the cropped blonde, excitement coming off in waves, "Kyouken! I've heard so much about you! I-"
"Stay away from me." he practically growled.
You froze in your tracks.
"Huh?" your head tilts, taking a step towards him.
Another step.
The growling intensifies, "Or else."
"Or else what? What are you going to do to me?"
Another step.
You're standing directly in front of him now, eye to eye. The sound of balls impacting a gym floor has ceased. Matsukawa tenses, holding his breath.
A second passes, then five.
Kyoutani turns and sprints out of the gymnasium.
Jolted by the sound of feet slamming against the floor, you turn around, head resting on your palm, "Oh dear, I don't think he likes me very much. What a pity," you basically spat the last word out. The contrast between your words and your sinister smile sends shivers down his spine.
Wow. He lets out a low whistle, that sure was something. For a second there, you had the same menacing aura Oikawa sometimes sported. He doesn't know if the stuttering of his heart was fear or attraction.
Somewhere nearby he hears Oikawa's laughter get cut off by a yelp and a stern warning. ("I told you to stop influencing her! Now look at how weird she is!")
Makki comments what he thought, “What, the fuck?”
“Amazing, isn’t she? I thought her that mysELF-“ Oikawa is cut off by a blow to the stomach.
“Shut up, stop looking so proud of yourself, Shittykawa,” Iwaizumi scowls.
By this time you had made your way back to them, all smiles. “Sure hope I get to talk to him again someday,”
Makki snorts his water out.
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The morning for the study session arrives.
As Matsukawa strolls to your house, he briefly wonders how the day might go. He figures it might become a little awkward if it was just the two of you, so he's thankful that Makki would be present.
Your house comes into view when the devil himself texts him.
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He doesn't have to wait long before he got his answer. Just as he presses the doorbell, his phone chimes again.
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Ah fuck. He doesn't even have time to curse him before the door is swinging open.
"Hi," you greet him, "welcome, to my humble abode," you usher him in with a flourish.
Ah shit, he takes off his shoes, here we fucking go.
Making his way to your bedroom he takes note of the frankly absurd number of houseplants that filled the place. Every free window, corner and crevice was stuffed with greenery. He vaguely remembers a flourishing garden in the front yard too.
Entering your room was no different, every available space on your desk and windowsill had small succulents and tiny flowering plants. He takes a moment to study while you set up the floor table.
“Doesn’t... having a lot of plants diminish your oxygen level at night...?” Your head whips around, scowl already in place.
“That’s just a myth. Plants don’t produce enough carbon dioxide at night to suffocate, otherwise how would forest animals survive?” The agitation with which you reply clues him in that you got this question too often.
“Also, if that works I would have already died,” you add on as an afterthought.
His eyebrows shoot upwards as he blinks slowly, “Um, alright, good to know?”
You grin in response, patting the floor next to you, “Sorry about the mess, I don’t have many friends who visit,”
“Judging by how much time you spend with us, I was starting to think you didn’t have any others,” he teases, eager to clear the awkward air.
“Eh, that’s true,” you shrug, “you guys are kind of my only friends in Seijoh,”
Oh shit, did he just overstep? He cringes inwardly when you interrupt.
“Why else would I spend so much time with a bunch of idiots?” the playfulness of your tone allows him to relax.
“Considering how well you mesh with us, doesn’t that make you an idiot too?”
Your smile drops, making a noise of indignation as your own joke is played against you. He just laughs as he avoids your smack, opening his textbook.
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The previous conversation still weighing on his mind, he contemplates asking you about it.
“What is it.” You don’t even look up.
“I can feel you staring at me, and your finger tapping is really loud,” looking up, you scrunch your face at him. “If you wanna say something, just say it.”
“Mmmhm alright then, if you don’t mind, are you on bad terms with your classmates?”
You stare back blankly, “Not...as far as I know?”
“Do you not hang out with any of them?” Are you not friends with them? You sense the unasked question.
“Well...” you trail off for a few moments, contemplative, before looking him in the eyes, grimacing.
“It’s... kind of due to Kawa?” at his confusion you rush to explain, “Not that he did anything! It’s more of... us being so close? Even platonically,” you scratch the back of your neck.
“They’re nice until they find out I’m close friends with Kawa and Iwawa. Then they either outright hate me, or get close to me in hopes of a better chance with him. Not all of them are like that though! But, at a certain point it’s easier to avoid that problem entirely rather than sifting through. Some girls look really nice, I just don’t know how to talk to them, I transferred in so late, after all.” you laugh sheepishly.
He hopes he isn’t letting his indignation show on his face.
“Does he know?”
“God no, that’s kind of a bastard thing to do, isn’t it? Hey, did you know I can’t have any girl friends cause they’re all crazy over you? That’s kind of fucked up yea? He can’t even do anything about it.” You wave a hand in the air, dismissing the idea.
“What about Iwaizumi,” he tries.
An incredulous look, “You think he would understand that? He barely even looks at girls! Actually, now that you mention it, a sizeable portion of the girls who befriended me had a crush on him. Guess it’s because he’s intimidating,” you nod along to your own words.
“So you’ve just been alone this time?” He can’t wrap his head around it.
“I haven’t been alone! I’ve got you guys, don’t I? I wouldn’t change that for anything,”
The look of happiness you pin him with causes his heart to flutter, but he’s not entirely convinced.
Sensing his unease you soften, “Besides, there’s only a few more months left, I can handle it,”
He exhales his frustration, letting the topic go. Nothing much he could help with anyway. The only thing he could do now was stay by your side, if you need him.
“Thank you for your concern,” You pat his hand comfortingly, the sides of your lips tug upwards, and you speak the next words gravely. “But,” breath bated, he waits for you to continue.
“sometimes, it really do be like that.”
He attempts to flip the table, causing you to scramble for cover, choking on your laughter as you do.
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The two of you fall into a steady rhythm, asking each other questions here and there.
A few hours pass when both phones chime, breaking your concentrations, “Oh! Makkun’s at the convenience store now, whaddya want?”
He tells you his order and while you type it in, he observes your figure.
You’ve got a thing for nicknames, he’s always wondered about it.
“Hmm? What? Oh, yea, I guess I do, what about it?” Looking up, your gaze is pointed.
“Huh?” Shit, did he say that out loud?
“You said I got a thing for nicknames? What about it?” You leaned towards him, a teasing grin forming.
He feels himself begin to instinctively draw back before forcing himself to still. “Just like Oikawa, was what I meant.”
At this, your grin deepens, “Well, duh. Who do you think he got it from?”
Interesting. He nods in understanding.
“Well,” he drags the word out, mirroring your grin, “you don’t have a unique nickname for me, are we not close enough?”
Your smile turns into an O as you process his words. He’s right, you never really thought about it.
“Huh. I guess not. Do you want one?”
Stupid of him to admit, but he didn’t expect you to ask him that, and he takes a moment to decide. Did he want a special nickname from you? Is that asking too much? Moving too fast? Just as he’s about to reply, you make the choice for him.
“You know what? I’m gonna give you one anyway. Just give me some time to think.”
He just shrugs, accepting, and goes back to doing his work.
Some time passes and he sneaks a glance at you. A cute furrow nestled between your brows, you doodled in your notebook.
“I’ve got it!” You slam your hands on the table, shifting to place more weight on your knees, leaning far across the table now.
His pencil slips out of his hands from the sudden eye contact.
“How about,” you pause for effect, so close now he could count the light freckles on your cheeks, “Issei?”
The sound of his name coming out of your lips causes his brain to short-circuit. He never knew it could sound so sweet.
“Well?” You probe, “It’s kind of a cop out but I like how it sounds,” you sound it out a few more times with different intonations.
He thinks he might die.
“Hey, you okay? If you don’t like it you can let me know, yanno?”
“It’s fine,” he chokes out, “go ahead.”
“Great! Then-“
The doorbell rings.
“Oh! He’s here! Be right back!” You don’t wait for a reply before leaving.
Matsukawa has never been more thankful for Makki’s impeccable timing. Lucifer used to be an angel, he supposes.
He passes a hand over his face, willing his cheeks to cool down.
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He composes himself just in time for Makki and you to enter.
Makki lets out a hum of appreciation, “Mad oxygen in here,”
He turns to you, “Say, isn’t it bad for you at night?”
“Oh my god, do the two of you share one braincell?”
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pixie88 · 4 years
Rory Bear
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A/N: Those who play Lovelink know Rory O’Brien. He recently when grey on me, I miss him so decided to do a FF especially for him! He is one hot dad, who looks like Chris Evans. This might be a one shot piece or I might continue I’m not sure yet.  Let me know if you would like to be tagged or untagged!
Find my other Rory O’Brien FF HERE on my masterlist under Lovelink - One shots.
Comments always welcome!
Word count: 2317
WARNINGS: ⚠️ NSFW & Fluffy fluff
Disclaimer: Characters are property of Lovelink.
Pairings: Rory x MC - Laila
It's been two days since I've heard from Rory while he was washing his car. I don't want to bother him, I know he's busy with work and Amy. So, I get dressed and take Winnie for a walk. It's a sunny winter's day, we spend an hour in the park playing fetch before I grab a hot chocolate from the food van in the park.
We are nearly home when I hear my phone, I pull it out of my bag and the screen lights up.
*Lovelink - Rory has sent you a message*
[Hi Laila, How are you? I was thinking about our last conversation and I have my answer, but I want to tell you in person.]
I reply once I get inside.
[Hey Rory, I'm fab thanks you? How is Amy? Oh ok, I'm glad you've have come to a conclusion.]
[I'm not great tbh. Amy is fine, she has an art show at school tomorrow night.]
[Oh no, what's wrong? Aww, bless her! Has she made an art piece?]
[I've missed you! I was thinking would you be up for coming? My mom and dad will be there too. So, I understand if it's too much too soon. Yeah, she's done a drawing of you.]
[I can't say I haven't missed you. Oh, are you sure you want me to be there if your parents are? Is this your way of getting me to the art show? Because it's working.]
[Yes, I want you there and so does Amy after you helped her at her dance recital she wanted to do something to say thank you. If it means you'll come then yes haha.]
[Fine, I'll come, but only because I'm curious about this drawing. Plus, I want to see you and Amy! What time does it start?]
[Thank you so much Amy will be so pleased about you coming! It starts at 6 pm but I can come and pick you up at about 5.30 pm?]
[Just Amy? Ok, 5.30 is great. Can't wait to see you both]
[I'm super excited to see you too! Great, I'll see you then.]
(He wants me to meet his parents? Does that mean he's ready to move on? I guess I'll find out tomorrow)
The next day I drop Winnie round to my neighbours house. I'm just finishing up. I decided on a blue blouse undone slightly and black jeans with knee-high boots.
Ding Dong!
He's here! I open the door, Rory smiles "Laila, you look beautiful!"
"Thank you! You look handsome yourself. Ready to go?" I ask.
"Aww, thanks. Yeah, Amy is in the car"
"Great, let's go!" We walk over to the car and Amy smiles brightly at me as we approached the car.
Rory opens the door for me "Such a gentleman"
He smiles "Only the best for you" 
He seems different from the past two dates lighter and more confident. He closes the door.
"Hey, Amy how are you?"
"I'm ok thanks. Are you?"
Rory gets into the car.
"I'm great thanks Amy" Rory starts the engine. It's not long before we arrive at the school.
When we get inside, Rory waves at an elderly couple I'm guessing are his parents. They make their way over to us "Rory, Amy and who might this be" the elderly lady says.
"Mom, Dad this is Laila. She's my date, Laila and Laila this is my mother Philippa and my father, Albert"
"Hi, nice to meet you both!"
"Rory you didn't tell us you were dating again! I'm so happy for you" Philippa says.
"She's beautiful too," Albert says.
"She is," Rory gives me a look that sends butterfly's through my body.
I smile.
"Laila, come on I want to show you my drawing!"
Amy grabs my hand and leads me to her drawing "Amy, this is beautiful!"
"I added Dad on to it. The love heart is you two falling in love"
"Oh wow! What's the rainbow for?"
She smiles "Nothing, I just wanted to add a rainbow"
"Oh ok! Well, it's better than any rainbow I have ever drawn!" We laugh as Rory and his parents appear behind us.
"Do you like it, Daddy?"
"Amy it's amazing, but I thought you said it was a drawing of Laila?"
"It is! There is Laila and there is you and that is you falling in love!" Rory blushes.
We look round at all the other art pieces Rory comes up behind me as I'm looking at a paper mache volcano. I feel his breath on the back of my neck "Are you ok?"
I turn "Hey, Yeah I'm fine you?"
"Laila, I'm sorry about Amy's picture"
"It's cute," I smile at him.
"Well, we have 5 minutes to ourselves can we talk?" he asks.
"On our last date you said you didn't think I was ready to move on," he says.
"I did and I also said you needed to think about what you wanted"
"Yes, you did," he says.
"So, Rory have you figured it out?"
"I did...Laila, I've had a long hard think about it and I'm ready! My walls are coming down for you!" He gives me a cheeky grin.
"Are you sure? I don't want to push you into something you aren't ready for!"
"Laila, I'm one hundred percent positive" His arms wrap around me, and he pulls me in tight.
I giggle "Rory!" I wrap my arms around him "You're like a bear! Rory bear!"
He laughs "Is that my new pet name?"
"It will be!" I laugh.
We de-tangle ourselves from each other Amy runs over excited "Laila, Daddy come on they're announcing the winners" she drags us over to where her teacher is on stage.
"Evening, parents and students I am proud to announce the winners from Falcon class. Third place goes to Isla Johnson. Well done Isla!"
We clap little Isla as she steps on stage to accept her award.
"Second place goes to Amy O'Brien, Well done Amy!"
Amy's face lights up as she turns to us "Yes! I got second place!!"
"Well done Amy!" Rory beams at her.
"Go claim your award! Amy!" Albert tells her.
She runs on stage and accepts her award. She comes back off stage, and we don't even hear who wins first place.
"This calls for a celebration! Why don't Grandad and I take you out for dinner sweetpea?" Philippa asks.
"Yes, please!" she turns to Rory.
"Daddy, can I go? Please?" Amy asks.
"Aren't Laila and I invited?"
She laughs "Daddy, you and Laila should have some time together!"
"Yeah, we'll watch Amy for a few hours. You two go and enjoy yourselves" Albert offers.
Rory looks at me with a look I have never seen from him before "Are you sure?" he asks.
"Of course! We love any chance to spoil our grandchild" Philippa says.
"Ok, but make sure you behave for Nanna and Grandad. OK?"
Amy smiles "Deal! Bye, Daddy!"
"Bye, sweetheart!"
Amy takes her grandparents' hands and leads them toward the exit.
Rory turns to me "Do you want to come back to mine? I could cook us dinner?"
"Ok, sounds perfect!"
We make our way to his car, and he opens the door for me "Thank you!"
He winks, closes the door, and gets into the driver's seat "Amy likes you"
I smile at him "She's a lovely kid! You did a brilliant job!"
He blushes "Thank you, Laila. You know when her Mom died, I thought how am I going to do this by myself and get it right?"
I take his hand "Well, you smashed it!"
He lifts my hand to his lips and places a small kiss against my knuckles.
10 minutes later we pull up to his house, he comes round to my side of the car and opens the door "You know I will expect you to open every door I go to walk through now" I laugh.
"It would be my pleasure!" He winks. He takes my hand and entwines his fingers through mine as he leads me to the house.
He unlocks the door and I step inside with Rory close behind as soon as the door shuts, he presses me against the wall his lips claim mine.
His kiss is full of passion, want, and desire. I'm pressed against the hard wall and his muscular body. I wrap my arms around him, his hands come under my thighs, and he lifts me up.
He starts grinding against my core "Rory" I feel he's stiff against me.
He moves us away from the wall, his lips never leaving mine. He guides us upstairs, kicks open a door and we fall onto his bed. He pulls away a little "Laila, I want you! I'm ready"
I giggle, "I kinda figured that"
His eyes are alight with desire "If you don't want this..."
I cut him off, he gets the hint. He moves from my lips and down to my neck and back up to my ear, his lips brush against it "You're so beautiful!" his hands start to unbutton my blouse his lips feather kisses against my chest.
I push off his suit jacket, pull his sweater vest up over his head and I grab his tie and pull him down towards my lips. He groans as his hand dips into my jeans, he brushes against me and I can't help arch off the bed. I yank his tie off and begin to unbutton his shirt.
I become breathless at the sight of his toned body. I flip us, crash my lips to his and work my way down his breathing shudders as I pepper kiss over his chest down to his abs "Laila!" I unbuckle his belt and he shifts helping me get him out of them.
I trail kisses up his inner thigh I pull him free of his boxers. He's hard I take him in my hand and circle around the tip he bucks up "Ah, ah, ah! Rory bear!"
He hisses in frustration "Christ...Laila!"
I work my mouth against him. His hand tangles into my hair moving me to his rhythm.
"Laila, you have to stop," he pulls me up onto the bed next to him, he moves to hover over me. He pulls off my boots and jeans in one swift manner.
His tongue invades my mouth, his taste still lingering there. His lips kiss along my purse line, my collarbone to my breast he unclips my bra and tosses it to the floor.
His lips cover my nipple "Crap Rory!" He moves to my tummy nipping as he goes definitely hard enough to leave bite marks. His hands pull at the waistband of my underwear until they are gone. He pulls a silver packet out of the bedside cabinet draw.
"Laila, it's been a while so I might be a little rusty" he lifts my legs his mouth finds my centre.
He moves my folds apart with his tongue I cry out unable to hold back a moan "Rory bear, you definitely have......not forgot how to do that!" I clutch his hair and move my hips wanting more.
He works against my clit "Nice to know I haven't lost my touch!" He doubles his efforts I'm barely holding on!
I pull him up to my lips he pulls away enough our lips aren't touching, but his forehead is against mine "Laila, are you sure this is what you want? Me? Everything that comes with me?"
"Yes! I want all of you!" This is all he needs to hear.
He rips the foil packet open with his teeth and rolls the condom on. He brushes his stiffened member against me and pushes past my entrance filling me. His lips forcefully captures mine, he groans. Each thrust he draws out slowly then thrust back fast and hard, I can't get enough of him!
My nails dig into his back, he hisses "God Laila!" His lips move to my pulse line every nerve ending feels electrified with each thrust, touch, kiss I can barely hold back a moan. I flip us both to his surprise "Whoa!" He screams.
"I need a bit of control too!" I start to move my hips riding him.
"By all....means I'm.....willing to....let....you take ohh god....the reins!" He struggles to get his words out.
His hands grasp my hips, and he bucks to match my rhythm "Ooooh Rory bear!"
He smirks "You know I love....this neeew pet name!" He groans.
He sits up placing his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me to his lips. He catches my lip between his teeth as he pulls me tight against his bare chest, "I can't..."
His lips brush against my ear "Let go, Laila! I'm barely holding on myself!" This is all it takes to send me falling over the edge. Rory shudders as he finds his own climax.
We are both panting barely catching our breath. He smiles up at me "Laila, that was...wow just wow!"
I smile "It was amazing!"
He pulls me into a soft kiss we are interrupted by the sound of his phone.
I collapse onto the bed next to him while he reaches for it. He reads the message "Everything OK?" I ask.
He turns to me with a cheeky smile "Just my Mom, she's going to have Amy for the night!"
He lay next to me "You know what that means?" He smirks.
I try to hide a smile (I know exactly what it means by the smile on his face) "What does it mean?"
"Round 2" he pulls me onto him.
"HEY! You promised to cook me dinner!"
He smirks "We'll order in...After!"
He starts laying kisses along my pulse line, and we get lost in each other embrace again.
I’m tagging you because I know your a Lovelink fan lovely @khoicesbyk​
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roselen-mylady · 4 years
In Another Life
Bucky Barnes x reader ° part seven
Summary: Waiting 88 years to find your soulmate? It was cruel. But it was a cruel fate Bucky would have to face whether he accepted it or not. Bucky was a tortured man all his life and he wasn't even granted the solace of having his soulmate at his side. All he had was the promise of one in another life. They were separated by two different times.
But the pain in their lives were connected.
Y/n had been alone ever since she could remember. All she could depend on was the soulmate that was destined to be at her side. Yet when the snap occured she lost him.
And Bucky never got to meet her.
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The diner was quiet, despite the time of day. Light chatter echoed around them but Y/n could hardly notice, her gaze and attention all focused on the large, green man before her. 
Bruce Banner was another idol of hers. He was one of the only brains to compete with hers, aside from Tony Stark, and she admired his work. It was his work after all that had attracted her full attention in that diner. 
The once timid looking man who stood small and nervous during lectures now sat confident and relaxed upon his chair, shoveling the biggest portions of food she had ever seen into his mouth. 
When Steve and Nat mentioned a genius her mind had immediately come to the much more civilized Hulk, but he wasn't their first stop. No, when they pulled up at a small cabin outside of the city, she was confused. 
It was secluded so it was easy to convince herself that they had arrived at Bruce Banner's home but that idea was thrown out the window when a familiar figure stepped away from the small tent out front. She recognized him in an instant and sunk back into herself once realization struck that she was at Tony Stark's home. 
"Who's the new girl?" He asked, curiously sending a glance Y/n's way as he adjusted his hold on the girl in his arms. 
"Dr. Y/n L/n. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Stark." Her voice cracked slightly but he didn't seem to mind as he reached out for Y/n's hand, shifting the small girl to his hip. 
"Iron Man fan?" He questioned, his grip on her hand soothing in a way. Y/n offered a short shrug, sending a warm look to the girl Y/n assumed was his daughter. 
"More of a 'Tony Stark the philanthropist' fan." A shy smile caked her face and Tony found himself returning it. It was new to him, the way someone admired his true persona rather than the superhero he had made himself to be. It was a welcomed feeling. 
"Well, Doc, since I've got you here-there's this pain in my neck." Tony slipped his hand from her own, moving to rub a spot on his neck. His daughter let her fingers entwine with his own as he did so and the heartwarming smile he gave her reminded Y/n very much of her own father. 
It seemed forever ago since she last saw his proud grin and she allowed herself to wonder what he would think of her life. What would her mother think? Would they be proud? Or would they share the same disappointment she now felt in herself for lying and cowering for so many years? 
"I'd recommend a chiropractor, I'm afraid I'm a PhD type of doctor." Her tone was strained, Steve being the only one to notice it. He knew she was thinking of her past. It was a look he had seen on too many people. A look of loss. He just wished she'd finally let down her walls. 
"I feel like I know you." 
Tony's statement sent a chill down her spine but she did her best to ignore the feeling, allowing yet another smile to grace her lips. 
"I wish." Y/n gave a short giggle, forcing away any suspicion Tony might've had. His eyes lingered on her for a moment but ultimately turned away, carrying on with their reason for visiting. 
Despite their pleas, Tony rejected their idea not that they could blame him. And while Y/n would've loved to work with him, she had just been ecstatic to meet the famous Tony Stark she looked up to all her life. 
He was the reason she took such an interest in science and technology. She was once trained to be the next Tony Stark after all. It was interesting seeing how different their lives had ended up, Tony choosing a life away from people while she chose to help them. She still admired him and she absolutely fell in love with his daughter, Morgan, an innocent replica of her father. 
There had once been a time when she imagined her and her soulmate having the stereotypical suburban life; married with kids. However when the snap occured, any hope of that life died with her soulmate. 
Yet this didn't stop her from pondering an alternative. She wondered if she and her soulmate did have a life together, what it would be like? What would he be like? Was he funny? Was he kind? Was he charming? Were his eyes really blue? 
"About what we were saying…" Steve said, capturing their attention once more. Scott wore a baffled and angry look after the whole picture interaction and Y/n couldn't help but be amused as he sat next to her with a pout. 
"Right. The whole time travel do-over? Guys, it's outside my area of expertise." Bruce explained. Y/n's heart sank and she sighed, her eyes subconsciously searching for Steve's. His eyes were still hopeful and he turned away from her trying to convince Bruce to help. 
"Y/n said she could get it started. Couldn't that help?" He questioned, almost desperate as Y/n shared a look with Bruce. She could tell he wanted to help just as much as the next guy but their entire plan rested on something that came straight out of a movie. 
"Steve, leading an experiment like this would be impossible if I don't even know where to start." Bruce tried to explain gently. Nat stared at Bruce, her expression unconvinced and even a little encouraging as a soft smirk twisted on her lips. 
"Well, you pulled this off. I remember a time when that seemed pretty impossible, too." She replied. Bruce fell silent, looking down at himself as he contemplated the decision. It would be risky but they didn't really have much else to lose, right? 
Bruce had come back with them to the compound and after explaining the strategy she'd come up with, Y/n set off to find Steve. 
He'd been quiet since she'd asked him the truth about Bucky. She regretted it, having pushed him so far. But she was also kind of relieved. 
Finally she understood how her life had fallen apart. Understood why the man she feared had done what he did. 
She even understood why his eyes had looked the way they did that day. The pain and suffering within them made sense and the eyes that accompanied her nightmares only filled her with heartache. 
Would the guilt ever fade? Or would she just continue to find more things to feel guilt for? 
After a bit of searching, she found Steve in his room, leaning against the headrest of his bed. The room was neat and if it hadn't been for the few personal effects on the dresser she would've argued it wasn't lived in. In a way that was true since a majority of his nights were spent at her apartment whether it be movie nights, game nights or simply nights spent together doing their own things. 
Steve looked up from his sketchbook when she softly knocked on the door frame, leaning on it as he set down the book. 
"Come in." She wordlessly padded over, climbing up to sit next to him. Their shoulders brushed and the calming effect that came with her presence uplifted his spirits causing him to look over at her with a tender smile. 
"Let me guess. You wanna know what's wrong." He acknowledged. Y/n studied his thoughtful eyes, shaking her head with a brief exhale as she turned away. 
"You have a way of staring into someone's soul. Did that come with the serum or has it always been like that?" She asked him, her tone teasing yet a little genuine. He shrugged letting out a small laugh. 
The sound out her at ease, telling Y/n that he wasn't angry. At least not at her. Their interaction in the car had hurt both of them and Steve didn't want to continue it any longer. 
"I don't know. I guess I've always been a little intense." His smile faded slowly, allowing his gaze to fall back on the sketchbook. He'd been drawing a familiar sight, unable to get his best friend out of his head. 
Y/n followed his stare, landing on the drawing scribbled onto the page. Respectfully reaching over and picking it up, she looked up at Steve. He made no effort to stop her, watching as her finger traced the curve of the face upon the page. 
It was a rough drawing due to Steve's lack of time to really add the details he wished to but Y/n had seen plenty of his art so he didn't mind as much. Her lips parted but she didn't speak instead creasing her brow as she intently stared at the page. 
Steve had drawn Bucky plenty of times before but shamefully most had been of the Winter Soldier. He used drawing as a way to drag certain images from his head and nothing haunted him more than the monster HYDRA had made his best friend into. 
Yet this drawing was different. He drew him the way he remembered Bucky, from before the snap. When he was getting better. 
On the page was a tired man, a man she'd never seen before. There was a permanent crease in his brow, decades of pointed stares and menacing expressions having worn it into his very features. A bit of stubble had grown on his face and his hair was long like she remembered. Even his expression as exhausted staring back at her with a weak smile. 
Y/n wondered what moment Steve had drawn this from. What had happened to make Steve catalogue this within his memories. She wondered what had caused that look in his eyes. 
The eyes that stared back at her were completely different from the ones she remembered, though she knew they belonged to the same man. These were kind yet weary: eyes of a man who had broken by war and hate but still felt things like compassion. A man who saw the worst of the world but still chose to protect it. . 
"This was him?" She mumbled softly, meeting Steve's uncertain gaze. 
He nodded, watching as she looked away from him. 
This picture seemed to be her breaking point. 
All the rage and all the terror, all of it melted into the already overflowing pool of self hatred. How could she bear to think about the grudge she'd held against a man who despite everything that the world had done to him, still fought Thanos that day when the world ended. 
Today she had learned all at once the man behind the one she feared and all the hate she once felt was unjust. And as much as she wanted to hold onto it, she just couldn't. 
It was wrong. 
"You can keep it if you want." Steve offered once she had handed him back the sketchbook. She began to shake her head, trying to reason it meant more to him than to her but Steve had already pulled out the page handing it to her. 
"To remember who he really was." He reasoned. 
Y/n held it tenderly in her hands, taking care to lay it in her lap as if touching the page in any rough manner might damage the man displayed on it. 
When the silence came it didn't feel as suffocating as before. They sat there on his bed for an hour in that silence. Y/n was grateful for the time to think, trying desperately to come to terms with everything she'd been told. 
And it wasn't until Y/n was about to get up and head home for a change of clothes that Steve spoke, breaking the silence. 
"I know why you came." Steve said suddenly, making her lift her head to peer up at him. Shame flushed over him and Y/n could feel her heart drop. "You want to know why I wanted you to stay so bad. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" 
"You think keeping me around was a mistake, don't you?" 
Steve's expression morphed into shock and he instantly shook his head at her assumption. Allowing him to take her hand in his, she felt a bit ashamed for how hurt he was by what she had said. 
"No. Never. I want you here because I sincerely believe you can help us. You can help me." Y/n sighed, her eyes landing on their outstretched legs. She let him idly circle his thumb along the back of her hand, trying to fight the urge to argue. 
"I want to help, Steve. And I think I can, just..." She trailed off. "This is your thing, Steve. Not mine. I'm not equipped for this. I wish I was, I really do." 
A frown tugged at his lips and his lashes brushed his skin briefly as his eyes fell on his lap. He knew it was unfair to her to bring her into this and it certainly wasn't okay to keep her against her will but he needed her. 
"I know. And I'm sorry. Just-" He cut himself off, shifting on the bed to face her better. She watched with an unsure gaze as he took both of her hands. "Ever since I could remember I've done what I thought was right and for a while it worked. But the past few years, I've ruined so much." 
His voice was hushed and Y/n could see how troubled he was by his furrowed brow and clouded eyes. His eyes were trained on their intertwined hands, her touch filling him with a familiar ease. One he'd known all his life. 
"Things have gotten too hard. Being Captain America isn't white and black anymore and when we lost, I didn't see a point. But then I met you and things were easy again. I didn't have to be Captain America, I could just be Steve." He confessed. 
He felt guilty, not that his words weren't true. If anything, this was the most honest he had been with her. But the guilt that seeped into his heart came from Bucky. He hadn't just failed the world, he failed all of his friends, all people he would fondly consider his new family. Could he really risk losing again? 
"I don't know if that even makes sense but I need you here. I need to be Steve." He dared to take a glimpse at her, fearing she might condemn him. Instead a warm smile graced Y/n's features, patient and kind like Bucky always was. 
"Okay." She whispered, her heart clenching as she forced the simple word. She couldn't shake the feeling that her luck hadn't yet turned. Everytime she tried to help, it destroyed everything around her. She couldn't let that happen again. "I'm gonna go get some stuff from the apartment then you have my wholehearted assistance."
Y/n carefully tucked the picture into her pocket before climbing off the bed, standing next to it as Steve swung his legs over the edge. "Do you want me to go with you?" He offered. She shook her head, pulling her hair up and tying it. 
"Nah, I'll be ok. What, you scared I'll run away?" She attempted to lighten the mood. Steve chuckled as she walked over to the door running her fingers along the wall before pausing. He watched her small frame hesitate before shooting a short glance back at him. "Hey, uh- just…don't do anything stupid till I get back." She pleaded, earnest concern in her tone as he pushed off the bed. 
A soft smirk came to his face and he lifted a shoulder in a lazy shrug. "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." He replied instantly, not giving it too much thought. Y/n scoffed, rolling her eyes and letting her fingers wrap around the doorframe as she stepped out into the hall. 
"Grandpa's got jokes now." She offered a genuine laugh, her smile lingering upon her lips. 
Then she disappeared down the hall, leaving him standing silently in the now empty room trying in vain to brush away the painful overlap. 
When she got back to the apartment she packed a bag of essentials for herself, making sure to stop by Steve's room and pack a few extra clothes in case he needed them. Speaking of the man, she scoffed looking at the full sink. 
"Steven Rogers, I swear." A long sigh filled the quiet apartment as she set about washing the dishes he'd promised to take care of. While she was at it she took care of a few other chores since she wasn't sure when she would be back again. 
There wasn't much to be abandoned at the apartment other than a few plants but they'd been dead for a couple days at that point. She never had been one to have a green thumb but Steve claimed having them around gave the apartment some life. 
The walk back to the compound was peaceful even in the constant gloom of the city. Knowing there was a shift in the atmosphere filled her with a new type of feeling, one she hadn't experienced in a really long time.  
There had been people on the street, going about their business. Everything was dulled compared to life before the snap but she hadn't noticed until she knew there was something to be done. How many times she had gone about her life while something was happening behind the scenes that she had been so painfully oblivious to? Perhaps that was why the Sokovia Accords had been created in the first place. 
There were so many close calls the Avengers prevented that the public didn't even know about until it was on the news. Though she didn't agree with the Accords she understood the government's wish to be more aware and even in control. 
Once reaching the compound, Nat let her in through the gate and Y/n began her trek to the building. Tugging her hair free of the hair tie, it fell loose around her face and she cringed at the grease starting to build on her scalp. Moving through the halls of the compound, she let herself really explore. 
Despite years of friendship she hadn't really been at the compound for longer than a few hours at a time, most of the visit being spent in the training room with Nat. Steve explained he wanted to keep his friendship with her separate from his life as an Avenger and since she had been doing everything in her power to forget her past, she appreciated the separation. 
As she continued to wonder, she hoped there'd be a shower somewhere on the large complex. But before she could ask anyone, her silent venture was cut off by the sounds of very frantic voices coming from a door to her left. Hesitantly she stepped through, finding herself in a large open space with a very odd scene. 
 The horrid van had been brought in and the back glowed while what looked like a portal swirled inside it. A baby, she assumed to be Scott, stood on wobbly feet in a crudely made suit as everyone turned to her with alarmed expressions. Y/n dropped her bag and rushed forward, pushing Bruce aside as she pointed for Nat. 
"When I say kill the reactor, kill it!" Y/n demanded, adjusting the calculations on the panel as Nat rapidly walked over to the reactor. 
"Kill it!" Y/n called. Nat's frantic hands quickly pulled down the knob, turning off the reactor before looking back over to the van. Scott had returned to his position and normal age, his face contorted in shock and confusion. 
"Somebody peed my pants." Scott proclaimed making Nat sigh, walking over to them. Y/n let go of her own sigh of relief, stepping away from the control panel. Bruce looked over the work she'd done, his eyes widening for a split second before returning to Scott. 
"God, I leave you guys alone for one hour! I told you not to do anything!" She cried, sending an aggravated look at Steve. He cowered under her detested glare, bringing his hand to the back of his neck. 
"But I don't know if it was 'baby' me or 'old' me...or just 'me' me." Scott elaborated, earning an annoyed stare from Y/n. However Bruce did not share her agitation, holding up his hands dramatically. 
"Time travel!" He announced, a proud grin on his face as he looked to the others for the same enthusiasm. Steve refused to reply instead shaking his head and stalking off toward the exit while Y/n tried to calm her racing heart. She made them promise to wait for her. She knew something like this would happen. 
"What? I..I see this as an absolute win!" Bruce called after Steve. Nat and Y/n looked at one another before moving to check on Scott. He was fine other than some wet pants and suit which Y/n painfully took knowing they'd need the suit for another test run, one she knew she'd be leading. 
"Here, Bruce." Y/n tossed him the suit. He caught it with a scrunched nose, holding it at arm's length with a disgusted expression. 
"That's what you get for not waiting." 
Part eight
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Horror prompt: Yugi has always heard the rumors of his house being haunted but he never took them to heart until unexplainably eerie things start happening and one day he realizes the reflection in the mirror isn't truly his. (It's Yami)
Who’s up for some Cheese™
(Read on Ao3)
Yugi loves his house.
It’s a lovely bungalow just a few minutes outside Domino City, painted a dark red that aged beautifully. Everything has that vintage feel, even after Yugi modernized it. It has two bedrooms for when his grandfather or friends visit, and his own bedroom is just the perfect size. He’d gotten it almost criminally cheap.
Granted, people have died in the house. Yugi honored their spirits. But when he was told the house was haunted, well. He’d laughed.
He’s not laughing now.
Because his house is haunted.
It started when his grandfather visited for the third time. At least, that’s when Yugi started believing―there had been a few flickering lights and odd scratching noises before then, but he’d ignored them like an idiot―because, as always, he and his grandpa dueled. Unfortunately, Sugoroku’s assistant called and he had to leave right in the middle of it. Yugi saw him out, leaving his cards on the coffee table.
When he came back, there was a new deck in place of his grandpa’s, and his own deck was shuffled.
Something cold ran up his spine. And now, a day later, he’s looking at Magician’s Valkyria and two face down cards. A hand of three cards are hidden behind them.
Yugi didn’t know ghosts played Duel Monsters. Then again, the last tenant died only five years ago.
That thought sinks in. He gulps.
“U-um…” What should he do? Should he say something? Should he play?
After a few panicked seconds, he kneels in front of the table and draws with shaky fingers. Dueling is what he’s better at, and if the spirit wants to play, well―if he puts the cards away, he risks angering the spirit. No thanks.
“I-I play Silent Swordsman Level 3,” he stutters, voice echoing far too loudly, “a-and then I place two cards face down. Um. Your move?”
The lights flicker. The temperature plummets.
A card is drawn.
“Attack,” whispers the wind.
“M-Mirror Force!” Yugi calls, flipping over the card.
A card is flipped. “Trap Jammer.”
Yugi plays his own Jammer. Valkyria is destroyed. He waits to be stabbed or possessed or―something.
Instead, there’s an eerie chuckle in his ear. “End turn.”
And Yugi draws.
Gradually, he gets lost in the game. The ghost is good, really good, and Yugi hasn’t played against a decent opponent besides his grandpa (no offense, Joey) in a while. Although they’re invisible, he enjoys playing against them. Which is just weird.
The ghost wins, but it’s a close game.
And Yugi realizes all over again just who he was facing. Or, not facing? Technically, there was no face.
His hands are shaking again as he gathers his cards. The opposite deck starts shuffling itself. “Um. That was, um. Fun…?”
Another hissing chuckle.
Then, another card is drawn.
Yugi bites his lip.
They’ve been dueling two weeks. Whenever he has free time, Yugi wanders to the coffee table. Without fail, the duelist’s deck readies itself. They take turns going first.
In the meantime, Yugi starts finding things he’s looking for in an almost disconcertingly short time. Things he’d thought he’d lost in the move suddenly turn up. One time, when he needed a paper towel, the whole roll was thrown at him.
Granted, whenever a nosy neighbor comes by, the ghosts drops the temperature. Whenever the neighbor goes off to use the bathroom, they end up running out the door screaming. But when Yugi runs to where they’d come from, he finds nothing.
But other than that, he’s pretty sure he’s made a friend.
On Halloween Night, Yugi’s pulling on his Dark Magician costume. He bounces into the kitchen, excited. An inhuman hum teases at his back.
He’s learned to decipher every sound. “I’m going to a costume party! My friend will be here in about ten minutes.” He rubs the back of his head. “I’ve never been to a party before. Not one that’s outside of my house, anyway. Or bigger than a few people. I’m excited, Spirit!”
Another, happier hum.
A voice, clear and strong, says, “Since you have some time, may we speak?”
Yugi whirls around.
“Forgive me for borrowing your appearance,” the Spirit says, “It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to manifest. I've―forgotten my original form.”
While Yugi can see the resemblance, the Spirit’s taller, his features sharper. Not to be a narcissist, but he’s handsome. Really handsome.
“Hi,” Yugi squeaks. He quickly clears his throat and says in a much deeper voice, “Hi.”
The Spirit laughs, rich and loud. “Hello, Yugi. The veil is thin tonight, so I thought I would take this time to thank you.”
“Thank me? For what?”
The Spirit’s smile softens. He looks sad. “For dueling me. For talking to me. You’re my first friend in…a very long time.”
Slowly, Yugi reaches out to him. The Spirit’s hand is solid enough to grip, though he can’t hold it too tightly. He beams. “You’re my friend too. I’ll admit, you scared me a little at first, but―I really enjoy dueling you!”
The Spirit’s smile brightens again. “And I you.” He looks at their joined hands. “Yugi…can I ask you something?”
“Sure, anything!” This is so cool!
“Will you…will you always be my friend?”
Yugi takes his other hand. “You bet―oh, wait. What’s your name?”
The Spirit grins. “I can’t remember, but―but thank you. Thank you so much.”
A motorcycle roars outside.
“Ah, that’s Tristan.” Yugi smiles at his friend. “I should be back in a few hours. Will I be able to see you?”
“I believe I can maintain this form until dawn.”
“Then I’ll see you later, Spirit!”
Yugi’s exhausted when he comes back, but he changes into his pajamas and runs to the coffee table. The Spirit smiles at him.
“You bet! Since it’s Halloween, ghosts first.”
He gets another laugh for that.
The Spirit wins again, but Yugi gets to hug him afterwards. He ignores the cold until it freezes his chest.
The Spirit holds him tightly. “You promised. You will always be my friend.”
“N-n―” he can’t breathe, he can't―
“My name, Yugi,” the Spirit murmurs, “you asked for my name.” He kisses his hair. “It is Atem.”
Yugi falls.
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ace--jace · 7 years
i've always thought "daniel in the den" by bastille would be awesome to base a jason fic on.
Hey, y’all, guess who’s back?? (it’s me, Imback, hello) I adore Bastille, thank you nonnie!Word count: 719
And you thought thelions were bad
It’s not that fear is uncommon; in fact, Dick has told Jasonmany a time that even he has nightmares. Of experiences as Robin, of hisparents, of things that still happen. With his work in the police force and hisadventures as Nightwing.
But Jason isn’t like Dick; or at least, he didn’t think hewas. He grew up on the streets, seeing stuff Dick probably never saw; womenwithering away, children dead or dying, men with more bone than meat… He’d seenpeople at their lowest, crimes that were gruesome and damaging…
But there’s something about the night, with a looming Batmanand a colorful Robin, and the torturous visages in the shadows, laughing andlaughing… It makes a shiver run down his spine, the way Harley calls Joker puddin’and the green of Riddler’s suit is in his nightmares.
Jason fears a lot…
Well they tried tokill my brothers
Cold, but warm, and the warmth—liquid—makes him colder;there’s something cold against his skin, which either breaks it and draws morewarm liquid or makes Jason want to cry out. But he bites his tongue, he closeshis eyes, he goes someplace else…
He flies, like a bird, while a monster tortures him andRobin burns in a fire.
And for every kingthat died
Dick isn’t there to receive the call; he’s out on a missionas Nightwing in Russia. He works hard, sleeps little, and is ever so happy tobe back home, stepping off a plane in Bludhaven. He slips into his car with hisbaggage, turns on his phone for the first time, and turns the ignition; as he’sexiting the parking garage, his phone goes off multiple times, overrun bymissed messages.
“Master Richard,please contact us as soon as possible.” Alfred’s voice cracks, and Dickfrowns; that’s not like the composed butler. “I truly hope you are well.”
There are several other messages from Alfred, each moreurgent, and Dick grabs his phone when the anxiety climbs too high; he dialsAlfred, and the butler answers almost immediately.
“Master Richard,”the man answers; he sounds strained, tired…
“Is everything alright, Alfred?”
A pause; his breath shudders, and the traffic light turnsred. The next words that leave Alfred’s mouth cause Dick to drop the phone andhis body goes numb; it’s a terrifying sensation, if familiar, and suddenly Dickis back on the trapeze except this time it’s his little brother falling andDick wasn’t there to catch him.
Oh they would crownanother
“Hi,” the boy says; he’s wearing familiar colors, a newoutfit. But the symbol is the same, the meaning and representation.
Nightwing can only stare; his mouth parted, his mind blanks.He knows there’s another outfit, same colors, collecting dust like a legacy—ora warning… Either one, it’s turned ever more sacred than a representation ofDick’s mom and dad.
Now it represents a body buried beneath dirt, like Dick’sparents, but small and young and tortured; a name etched in stone, like Dick’sparents, and he wonders if the position is cursed… Will he lose this one too?
The boy looks away, as if ashamed, and shifts his grip onthe bostaff in his hand. “I’m Robin.”
And it’s harder thanyou think
Dick goes home and cries the night he meets the new Robin;he sits at the end of his bed, head buried in his hands, and weeps.
Telling dreams fromone another
There’s blood on his face; there’s scars across his arms,marking every place on his skin. There’s a white strip of hair, stark againstthe rest of his head, and there’s air in his lungs; being drawn in through hisnose, breathed out over his chapped lips.
And Dick sometimes can’t tell if this is reality or not, ifit’s true that his brother is here, back, alive and whole and well; he’sdreamed of it so many times, he can hardly believe Jason is real and alive andsleeping on his couch in his apartment.
Whether it’s just a super realistic dream or not, Dick haschosen to enjoy the moment of peace and wholeness.
And you thought thelions were bad,Well they tried to kill my brothers…
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thegirlwholied · 7 years
So I've been reading your posts about Rebel Rising and the inconsistencies are driving me crazy. I just can't see her having been adopted by a family and her NEVER thinking about them after they're killed. And of course they had to give her a love interest. I literally can't imagine her having romantic feelings for anyone before Cassian, or even having an emotional connection to anyone until she meets the R1 squad. Does she actually fall in ~Love~ or is it just a passing attraction?
Very Telling here is that I didn’t even mention that Jyn’s Temporary Found Family dies… but you immediately Knew It To Be True.
And it is.
Here’s the rub with Jyn never thinking about them after they’re killed, though-
RebelRising!Jyn thinks about them again. Plenty.
Novelization!Jyn doesn’t, and we’re fully in her head, but she maybe wouldn’t have reason to.
Movie!Jyn, our only insight into her thoughts is the acting, the dialogue and how it’s delivered, and how of course we then take it. There’s more backstory-room.
But STILL there’s inconsistencies, which I’d describe as:
RR!Jyn’s characterization doesn’t feel in line with movie!Jyn and comes closer to directly contrasting Novelization!Jyn.
Small but specific example of what I mean:
RR!Jyn has a “bit of luck” in that the stormtroopers inspecting her mistake her kyber crystal necklace for a bit of glass.
Novelization!Jyn ‘managed to keep’ her necklace, smuggled into the prison when she should have ‘been worried about weapons or a comlink.’
Movie!Jyn has the necklace; we don’t know why; either works but the two are pretty incompatible as presented, both Factually and Characterization-Wise.
More overall example:
RR!Jyn, while she of course has her canon combat skill set, avoids fights whenever possible, after Saw leaves her. She never starts one.
Movie!Jyn, on a covert mission, when somebody just bumps into her:
…That is not the face of someone who is not looking for trouble, but okay. It’s not… factually incompatible.
Novelization!Jyn, chapter 1, as we’re introduced to Jyn on Wobani and who she is as an adult: considers rising a second time ‘solely to irritate’ her cellmate (who is threatening to kill her), but decides against it only because “If she was going to pick a fight, better be awake enough to enjoy it”.
“It’s not a problem if you don’t look up” - Novelization!Jyn explicitly says this just to hurt Saw. Felicity’s acting suggests the same in the movie- and maybe partly that she’s trying to convince herself, but her heart’s not in it.
RebelRising!Jyn legit comes to believe this and stews a lot about the Rebels drawing the Empire down on people who might otherwise be left alone…
The Inevitable YA Love Interest is honestly the least of things I took issue with, my friend. But let me break it down for you, so as to answer your actual question, under the cut:
We make it 213 pages - over half the book! - without a love interest.
This was refreshing, and I say this as someone fond of a strong flavor of romance in my plot (Empire Strikes Back style, say, or Raiders of the Lost Arc - childhood favorites that probably set the tone of Things I Like).  
Attraction was largely not even on Jyn’s radar. She was busy, being Saw’s surrogate daughter, training to trying to be included on missions - not that she ever gets sent on many, for the ‘best soldier in his cadre’ - working on her forging skills (the development of Jyn’s forging skills was my favorite part of the book by far)…
But this is YA, a YA book fully intended to be a bestseller and have all the bestselling YA things, so I was waiting for it.
Every single newly introduced character near Jyn’s age, I considered like I was playing mental Clue.
-Could it be young Rebel group leader Reece Tallent with his YA-romance-ready name and blue eyes?
-Could it be one of the Partisans Jyn asks after in the novelization, who all show up here?
(Note: the YA-sounding scene referenced in one line of the novelization, Codo trying to kiss her and then not speaking to her when she refused, is Not In This Novel.)
-Could it be the Imperial Lieutenant Colonel with the perfectly chiseled face Jyn “felt inexplicably drawn to” and is struck that he doesn’t say the “Empire was already wonderful, just that it had the potential to be”?
(Note again: I thought he might be the novel’s central villain when he again shows up on a news report, now missing an eye. No, this is just a character introduction that goes absolutely nowhere but is just kind of episodic.)
-Could it be the young man Jyn grabs to get off a planet under bombardment, since she’s got the forged clearance codes to get by and he says “I work transport; I can fly anything”?
…Who immediately opens a potentially interesting Rogue One esque dialogue by saying, racked with guilt, “We could have saved someone other than ourselves”?
(A Note of Nope: …don’t get your hopes up on this dynamic. They might scrape through near-certain death together but Jyn never even learns his name.)
I was pretty pumped by Jyn’s first post-Saw team-up. She gets a temporary job with a woman freighter pilot who ships for the ‘little guys’, family-run mining companies, not corporate or goverment…
…But winds up just moving into this woman’s house where she immediately meets her son, the first character all book described as:
“a boy about Jyn’s age.”
Anddddddd before I even made it to the next line, I knew, we have a winner.
His name is Hadder Ponta, and he’s fine.
And yes, I’m sure he’s “fine” as in “hot”, though the writing’s solid enough we don’t need that kind of direct descriptor, we get, “same dark brown skin with red undertones that [his mother] had, and the same black hair, though his was cropped to chin length”; later we get that Jyn’s attracted to him because it’s “very distracting” when he runs his fingers through his hair and the “silky locks fluttered around his ears. He needed a haircut…”
But I mean “fine” in the general sense. He’s just a boy, who really likes Jyn.
…I mean, his mom brought home a cute mysterious girl and put her in their house one wall away from him, and then just the two of them hang out while his mom’s off-planet doing her job; if other people their age are around we never meet them, so…
The most interesting thing about him is probably his dead sister, and I don’t mean that in a mean way -
Tanith Ponta, the real Tanith Ponta, died because she had bloodburn, a new!canon disease that impacts pilots, and actually, she overdosed on the addictive treatment for it. This is… a lot of interesting information, for a plotline that is otherwise irrelevant, but, tangent, odds in favor that bloodburn is what  killed Shara Bey? I’m not aware of any other diseases existing in the Star Wars universe likely to carry off a young fit pilot when her son is six.
The purpose for this is that Hadder’s mom is afraid it runs in their family and won’t let him fly, though he and Jyn secretly take out a shuttle together.
in other words his main personality characteristics are
wants to be a pilot but parental figure won’t let him
thinks being a Rebel sounds like a good idea but has no concept of the fight/gray areas
just wants to get away and see the universe
admires strong women
… wait why does that sound famili-
Tumblr media
…I’m actually fine with this, but the execution of the concept was a little lackluster.
Book-wise, it wound up being not quite I was Here For - I was hoping for some more of the ‘disorderly conduct’ and ‘escaping custody’ and ‘creating a public nuisance’ promised by her charges in the Rebel Dossier (I still thought that would be coming, but uh, yeah, that never happens)…
But here we get about 100 pages of Jyn trying to live a settled life in a nice place for ~ a year with these nice people who remind her what the word family means again, obviously both the Empire and Rebels show up and there is crossfire and the Inevitable again happens…
But, while Hadder’s kind of boring, he’s fine, and I *can* see Jyn going for someone naive and genuinely caring at this point in her life, and part of me is like, whew, okay, it’s nice to see Jyn grab ANYTHING nice for herself, especially for her strongly implied first time and when Rebel Rising is drilling home that her life is A Series of Unfortunate Events.
The word ‘love’ is never thrown around, except once, by Hadder: he goes “Copy that, love” and I mentally go… “wait my default America reading accent may have been a mistake here”. The word “forever” is, in Jyn’s thoughts, and I was pretty bummed we never get older her reflecting back more cynically on how likely that would have been, even if he lived…
But no we don’t get that, and this becomes her big losing hope/’maw in her heart’ event/feels she doesn’t deserve good things and then the remaining 100 pages of the novel have so many Imperial collaboration issues, still seeming sixteen when she’s supposed to be her movie-age now, that I barely had a groan to spare for Hadder being something of a Lost Lenore.
But yeah he is, so it teeters pretty close to “L” on that scale you were asking about- but still, for me, fell pretty evenly in between “Could’ve Been Worse” and “Could Have Been Better”.
The big question, for me, which pushes it more one way:
Is that line I’d seen circulating Tumblr before I read Rebel Rising - of Cassian seeming “familiar” but she can’t place it- meant to imply, as we’re finishing the book, that he reminds her of Hadder?
(Hadder does have a “We need to do something” line at one point, she sees something “steely and fierce” in his dark eyes that Jyn thinks would make him a hero in the Rebellion, he’s the only character I can think of getting a laugh out of people… this is not a book with much in the way of humor…)
…so while that’s thankfully left open, there really isn’t much in the way of other in-book contenders she might be thinking of, that is a solid “probably” on intent there.
In summary of my whole long explanation: believe me when I tell you, even though there are some really good scenes in this book and aspects I like a lot… when I say Mistakes Were Made, Jyn’s teenage love interest and how important or not he remains to her, not even registering on my scale of frustrations. 
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defunctzombie · 7 years
Greetings, sorry for the sudden ask, ummm.... Can you summarize tamago no hi volume 3 please~~? I've read the translation for vol 3 chap 1&2 but I can't seem to find anything beyond that and I'm dying to know what happens after Weiss proposing to platin for them to disappear from the rests for a week.
Okay. I don’t know if you have access to any pictures or not, so I’ll just repost the summary of the whole book I wrote a few years ago. I was at one point working on the spinoff of this title Gravitation (and summarizing bits of this to at least get the story out there; this isn’t my title), but I got hit with the worst luck in the world and developed a lot of medical issues and had to put translating on hold. But I can at least give you an idea of what’s going on with this story. :D
(I apologize in advance if I’m not romanizing the names the same way as you are used to, or if this summary is a little different that what you’ve read.)
Tamago 3 starts right at the end of Tamago 2. In vol 2, after the mermaids, there’s a chapter about Jade. That little baby he picked up (back in the first volume I think) is still following him around and calling him mama. After a big monster fight, Weiss asks Jade to make a contract with her. But something happens, and his egg like, explodes. Or says he’s dead.
Volume 3 opens with them scrambling to get Jade back to the egg source. They teleport using Platin’s power and get there, but Platin collapses from the strain (this is important for later). Jade’s egg is either healed or replaced, thanks to the little baby, and there’s a little ‘good-bye’ moment. :( He comes back out of the egg tank looking like an older man. He makes his promise with Weiss, and is turned out to be a silver wolf (that looks EXACTLY like Koma from Yami ni Toge, tee hee). Platin is worn out, and keeps out of the next monster fight, but wakes up and says “Where is Jade? Who’s this old guy?” and there are some laughs. This is where the 4koma I put on tumblr is from. (When I find the post, I’ll link it here.)
The last 2/3 of the book are a storyline called Privacy. Remember how when Or met Weiss, he thought she was his dead mentor? Well we get to see a little more of that story. The group is having a battle, when Platin seems more worn out than usual. Or is helping him when a monster attacks, but Weiss steps in the way triggering a flashback of Hori, Or’s mentor. We see that Or was basically a suicidal hellion, but Hori made friends with him and ended up giving his life to save Or. Meanwhile, Platin storms off.
Weiss finds Platin in a hot spring, and because she’s a nut ball, rips off her clothes and joins him. She gets freaked out when she sees blood in the water, and runs over to Platin thinking he’s injured. In one of the funniest panels in the book, Weiss feels Platin all over and discovers that he “doesn’t have one”. (You know, down there. XD ) Just as Jade shows up thinking he’s going to catch a peek at Weiss bathing, Platin transports himself and Weiss away to his secret place, the lake where he was born.
Platin tries to swim away and hide, but Weiss demands an explanation (you know, about the lack of certain parts and bloody water). He says no and buzz off, she says she’ll just go tell everyone that Platin is really a woman. Platin explains that’s not the case, but he admits he gets a period and had to get away from where the others were because they would be able to smell the blood. (Remember kiddies, Japan is not afraid of making period jokes on TV or in comics.)
After Jade can’t find Weiss, he goes back and tells the others. He shows them a bloody piece of Platin’s clothing, and of course Or freaks out thinking they were attacked. Or guesses that Platin used his power to teleport them away to safety in Platin’s homeland, and the crew decide to go after them. Or has to ride on Atrum’s back, though, because he never made a promise with Weiss and couldn’t transform (there’s something about promising Hori here, and how they all question why Or lives if Hori died).
There’s a flashback to how Or and Platin met at Platin’s home lake. Platin is drawn without a mask, and looks like a prettier Rakamu (from Doku no Aji). Or notices his purple eyes, and passes out from an injury, noting that his first words to Platin were “beautiful”. Platin explains to Weiss that he is NOT female, but instead an XXY male. There are no women in the dragon species, only XY and XXY. XXY can get pregnant, but there aren’t very many of them (something like one every 20 years). Platin knows that he’s going to be attacked by the XY dragons, and right on cue one does.
The XYs name is Mercury, and he and Platin seem to know each other, like maybe they fought before. Mercury insists that he will take Platin’s first child, but Platin adamantly refuses and they fight. At first, Mercury thinks Platin is refusing because he likes Weiss, but then Or and the others show up. Or wants to know what’s going on, with that creepy Naono smile that says “tell me or you’ll get it”. Mercury starts taunting, realizing that Platin likes Or. Or tells Platin that Platin belongs to him, while at the same time Mercury says “you are my woman”.
Or gets wide-eyed, and says “woman?” right before Mercury knocks Or’s skull open. It sets Platin off into a rage, and Platin agrees to battle Mercury in a few days (for some reason Mercury is perfectly fine with waiting). Meanwhile, Weiss and the others retreat to take care of Or. Once he’s back awake, Weiss explains the whole deal. Or seems depressed, and goes to talk to Platin in Platin’s lake. Platin initially refuses to come out, until Or orders him. Or wants to know why he kept all this a secret, and Platin says it has noting to do with him because they can’t be mates. Or agrees that it’s probably not possible, but the whole time his mind is lamenting how he can’t be with Platin anymore. He notes that their last words were that they can’t be together.
Or then goes into a slump, staring out the window like he’s lost. Jade wonders why they’re just sitting around when Platin could be getting killed, to which Or answers that it’s not any of their business because they’re not dragons and this is what Platin wanted. Weiss flips out, questioning Or if it’s fine for Mercury to rape Platin, and that Or is seriously thick headed if he could go all these years without realizing how Platin felt. Or snaps and says he can’t give Platin a child so he has no right to be by his side. Weiss and Jade squabble over Gaito having babies, and Weiss starts flipping on Jade for forgetting about Rouge, her son (see volume 1). Atrum steps in and reminds her that it’s Gaito -men- who can’t have babies. Or remarks that it doesn’t matter anyway, because Platin is a dragon. Jade makes a comment about how Platin can’t do it anyway because he has no parts (I love the new Jade).
Weiss reminds Or that having babies shouldn’t matter because the two love each other, and Or remembers how he made Platin cover his eyes so that he’d be safe while they travel (I guess purple eyes are rare and can cause trouble). Or admits that Platin is his everything, and the group transport off to save him.
When they get there, they find Platin half dead and about to lose, because Platin absolutely refuses to mate with Mercury. Mercury starts taunting Or (before realizing he is there) and how Platin is weak for holding onto someone who just left him. Mercury says that Or has no right to interfere in the dragons’ affairs, when Or speaks up and tells him he’s right. But he does have a right to interfere in Platin’s affairs, and changes into a golden bird. Turns out he was able to make a promise with Weiss because she got Hori’s egg (I think, it’s a little vague). After a battle, Mercury admits defeat and leaves. Platin is shocked, but grateful. Weiss then reminds him that he is loved.
Two weeks later, Weiss is looking for Platin and finds him being spoon fed by Or. Or is very lovey-dovey now, and Platin is a little embarrassed. Weiss wants to talk to Platin in private, but Or says no, telling her that there are no more secrets between the two. So Weiss blurts out that Platin is pregnant. She goes into a long winded talk about how Platin was still female when Or saved him, and that Gaito sperm are some kind of super sperm that can conceive with other Gaito and dragon people (and there’s an actual drawing of sperm and eggs, more crazy Naono humor). Needless to say the boys are all stunned, except Or who just goes over to Platin and takes off his blindfold. Platin admits it’s true because he didn’t revert back to male right away, and Or just hugs him in what has got to be the cutest panel ever. He then says that above all else, he’s thankful for Platin being alive.
The book ends with some humor, with Weiss calling the two “mamatomo”, kind of translates into mama buddies, and Platin revealing that the baby will take 3 years to be born. They leave to return to Weiss’ hometown, this time making Jade carry all Platin’s luggage. When Jade complains, one of them says “What? Elderly abuse?”. Atrum comments that Weiss smells good, and she blushes and yells that it’s only the soap.
So the two oneshots “Tamago No…” and “Tamago no Hanashi” probably make a lot more sense now. I kind of like how nowhere in the book is it mentioned that the two slept together, just BAM! pregnant. Reminds me of a Disney movie, except with men. XD
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