#me posting super indulgent stuff about my oc???
ravinoforre · 6 months
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Michael and Leaf Pokemon but they've suddenly been isekai'd to Sylvarant oops
The template @frayed-symphony, @ciryze and I collectively put together.
...also uh 👉👈
there's this
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keeps-ache · 1 year
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girls :3
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bugcatcherkit · 2 months
very curious about your thoughts on a tome teru ritsu shou friendship. you are one million percent correct but i am also extremely curious what you think her individual dynamics would be with everyone in the group, how she starts hanging out with them, and the general vibes of their private minecraft server
oh my god thank you hfhhehvhe i lovee having space to ramble about my interpretations !!!!!! I am trying so hard to make this short and coherent (I didn't sleep at all last night) so bear with me ok. This got long sooo ...
Tome and Teru bond first by virtue of being work besties turned regular friends. Well, work besties as in Teru hangs out there and helps out a lot but would never officially take the job. Anyway they get along great because they can match each other's weird and eccentric vibe while also having an underlying bit of Understanding between them due to the whole "tried to rationalize their isolation with specific escapist fantasies that indulged it instead of addressed it" thing. I think they help each other bridge whatever gap remains from their difficulties in connecting the supernatural/extraterrestrial/super-powered world and experiences with the regular/normal/ordinary world. like theyre a good balance for each other. Theyre both So Much that it kind of cancels out. I just like to think they help ground each other. This is very important for their enrichment.
Some of their enrichment activities include: Tome trying to get Teru to fucking Relax For Once by introducing him to video games like pokemon but it kind of backfires when he gets Way Too Into It (this is where minecraft comes in also). Making a super expansive OC world and continually referencing it to each other much to everyone else's confusion. Trying to cure their intense boredom by hanging out together but never really knowing what to do, so they're just bored together. Their text messages are mostly funny images they found, not actual conversations. Their solidarity with each other is almost unmatched. They have a warriors bond.
Anyway. ANYWAY. I think Tome is just kind of absorbed into the Teru-Ritsu-Shou friend group mostly because of Teru, and partly because sometimes, very occasionally, Shou will be at S&S because of Ritsu, who is usually there only as a favour. Ritsu and Teru do the exorcism stuff and Tome and Shou have to sort the filing cabinets for the 5 millionth time because Reigen is running out of things that Tome can do. Shou does not mind these tasks. I think Teru and Shou both like having little menial tasks to do whereas Tome doesn’t. For Ritsu is depends on the task and who it’s for a think. But ANYWAY. Anyway they just grow closer from there probably unless I think of something better.
I like to think of the Tome and Shou dynamic for similar reasons as the Teru-Tome dynamic (character comparison reasons). Shou craved normalcy and decided to chase it post-canon. Tome wanted the complete opposite. So I don't think they would exactly see eye-to-eye immediately (why would she want to give up that normalcy vs why would he want mundane normalcy). I think Shou might even find her View of Things a little bit annoying, mostly because I think he'd be high-strung post canon and she is just not helping that, as opposed to him actually disliking anything about her. But because they are both quite considerate of other people, they work through these things and become bros. He actually probably really appreciates her Severe Genuineness and (mostly) unwavering will regarding her passions/beliefs. She probably likes his appreciation for simple normalcy and relaxation because it hammers in again that doing stuff like that isn't a waste. They love doing so much Nothing together because they both like to take it easy. I think they would enjoy parallel playing.
When they hang out they have to stop EVERYTHING they're doing to watch an ant carry something 4x its size across the sidewalk because it is so exciting to them. Shou is in on the OC world by the way. Tome and Teru and Shou develop it like they're in the writers room of a high-budget TV show. He updates her on every little thing his hamsters do.
For some reason I found the Ritsu and Tome dynamic like the most difficult to think about out of all of them. They're probably the least close? Ritsu treats Tome as Mob's friend in the same way that Mob treats Shou as Ritsu's friend -- with immense care and consideration, but not a lot of close contact outside of a group. He tries to be sooo polite with her but she Does Not match his energy. So after a certain point Ritsu just kind of gives it up. Then they start annoying the shit out of each other. I do think that Ritsu looks up to Tome based on what he knew about her in middle school and how he knows her post-canon. Because she never conformed to people’s expectations in the way that he did, and she is committed to a Fun and Meaningful Existence in similar ways that he wants to be. My ideal dynamic is a Ritsu who gets Weirder and a bit more childish around her, because he deserves it I think. I know I said they wouldn't be close but this is how they can bond more.
I HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN TO THEIR MINECRAFT SERVER YET. Tome and Teru are the powerhouses of the server because they are so cracked at the game. the only difference is Teru takes it so damn seriously and Tome actually likes fucking around. She's putting herobrine portals around and convincing Ritsu he's on the server. Teru is doing it all he's farming he's mining he's building elaborate builds he's setting up economies because probably has the most consistent resource supply. Where's that post where it describes him and Ritsu as "they keep making more elaborate redstone powered industrial farms" I swear I saw something like that. That is them.
I wouldn't say Shou sucks at survival mode but he probably isn't terribly good at it either. He seems like a "load in a flat world and build stupid things and spawn in the max number of mobs allowed in any given range." He's always asking people for stuff because he keeps dying and losing his. Or he gets lost frequently. He's followed by at least 7 tamed wolves at a time and every time he loses one he makes everybody stop whatever they're doing to come to the funeral he puts.
The only thing stopping Ritsu from basically speedrunning the game is the fact that he is scared of the cave noises/the monsters/the nether. Also him and Mob have to share an account so sometimes he'll load in with nothing because Mob got them killed last time he was on. Tome and Teru both suck at bringing beds with them when they go out on in-game days long adventures and everyone else is soo mad at them. Is this too elaborate. I could probably go on I just haven't played minecraft in a while.
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skyblueartt · 2 months
Can you describe your William and Henry personalities?
OHH sure thing!! It’s like having OCs with less steps LMAOO because we honestly know so little about their personalities before all of the horrors happened! I just make things up lmaooo- kinda just taking my favorite things I’ve seen from the fanbase as well as me just makin up some stuff because why not. I’m still relatively new to this fanbase so ah whatever, fuck it we ball!! Here’s my own personal interpretations of the guys
I’m also at work rn shhhh haha
William- I feel like he is VERY very charming. Eerily charming, even. Smooth talker, can say things that make him appear very personable and likeable. Is it all an act? Probably. Especially after he takes up his new “hobby” after his son dies. I feel like the man is a natural born performer. I imagine that he has a flair for the dramatics and probably has a great stage presence. I mean, he is a performer at the restaurant after all! I also like the idea that William is very egotistical, but deeply insecure. Idk, just think that’s interesting! Also- this guy is VERY eccentric and just an all around like weirdo, like I’m sure he’s very known around town. That whacky British guy who co-owns that chuck-e-cheese place popular with kiddos who is also really fuckin intelligent cuz he makes robots. Like. What a fuckin guy. Even though he’s a bit of a weirdo, since he’s so damn charming, nobody would ever think it possible for him to become this notorious fuckin killer. Terrifying! I also like to think that William has a bit of a strange sense of humor. This is self indulgent because I love dark humor and funny villains 😭
Henry- ah MAN I feel so bad for this guy. I wish we knew more about who he was before the murders! From Fnaf 6, I gather that he’s remorseful, feels guilty, sad, exhausted, and just fucking done. But who was he before everything? Idk! Personally, I LOVE to make him a nice guy who just got every damn thing in his life taken away from him, because that’s just really sad to me LMAO. :( I think Henry could look intimidating sometimes, right, like he’s a bigger guy with a beard and whatever- but he’s actually a really kindhearted guy. To me :’) though he could absolutely beat somebody up and win everytime. For sure. somebody once described him as “the personification of a bear” with how he looks and that’s so fuckin cute. I feel like he’s also got a sense of humor, and I adore imagining that he’s the only Mfer out there to encourage William’s weird ass jokes. He balances Will out, I imagine! Like yin and Yang. Not as sociable as William, I’m sure he’d rather just chill by himself with his robots (bro fuckin loves building robots). But with his loved ones, he’s super kind and funny and just a cool guy- just like, a cool dad or uncle figure. Probably would hug me so tight that I couldn’t breathe, and tbh I love that. Although AFTER Charlie’s death….oh BOY. I headcanon that he has a lot of bad coping mechanisms (alcohol), definitely shut off from the rest of the world, the “color from his life” is gone. Depressed in every sense of the word. I could yap more but I think ya get the jist!! (In my head, it’s fun to imagine Henry and post scoop Mike reconnecting because damn their lives were both ruined by the same guy. Traumatized found family!)
Not my OCs but damn do I treat them like they are😭 they are very fun characters to write and draw!
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13eyond13 · 4 months
do you have any old death note / beyond specifically fics from the time period that bingo is for that you'd recommend? or in general older fanworks like fanart? i've only been into death note since about 2021 but i REALLY want to indulge in stuff from back then- being in a fandom with such a long history delights me and i'd love to understand that aspect better.
This is an excellent question, anon. And I only wish I could be as well-rounded a DN fandom historian as you deserve! I can direct you to a few random recommendations off the top of my head, but please be aware I'm just typing stuff as it comes to me on my phone and will definitely not be an exhaustive list. And I'm going for a time capsule sort of vibe here with these recs rather than anything else. I will give you a few B specific links, and then maybe I'll try to add onto it more over time with other more general old DN fan stuff.
I also encourage other fandom historians to give some recs on this post for the anon!
Ancient B Fan Stuff:
Soooo I feel like if you were to read only one fic ever to get the general vibe of what Death Note fanfic featuring B was like around the year 2008, then you need look no further than "Scarlet Letter" by RobinRocks! I actually remember when this fic was new, lol. Be ye warned that it contains nearly every single problematic thing that is mentioned on that Bingo card, including "jam is used for lube":
Another super old one that always sticks out in my mind for some reason is "Behind Red-Tinted Cellophane." Which isn't a well-known fandom classic or anything, but simply a random fic I found when I was skimming all the old B fics years ago and making up that bingo card. This fic features a hilariously pathetic and downtrodden female OC named "Reject Reborn" who works as a janitor ar Wammy's, so you can now check the "alliteratively named Wammy's kid OC" box off on your card with this one too...
Did you know some dedicated fans back in the day made a full-length movie out of the Beyond Birthday novel and put it up on YouTube and Vimeo, and that it's actually pretty dang good? 😅
Annnnd here is the typical sort of AMV you would come across on YouTube back then by searching for stuff about Beyond:
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bellysoupset · 5 months
hi!! so sorry to know that you’re not feeling well ☹️☹️ if it helps could you tell me literally ANYTHING about max 😭😭 mundane minute details whatever you like ⭐️
Hi star!!
Honestly, tomorrow I shall be well again and collected, but tonight I'm giving myself the grace to lick my wounds and indulge into cheerful stuff.... such as torturing these ocs lol.
Alright some random facts for Max!
He loves being an only child
His father is a high functioning alcoholic. He's sober now, but they did hit a rough patch when Max was 12, when his parents divorced.
His mother is into aaaall that eat-pray-love bs. Does the weirdest diets, definitely tried her hand at keto and paleo, also that blood type one. Max suffered with this as a teenager, none of those were nice diets to his sensitive tummy.
He flunked at his senior year! Then got into Doveport's community college and to this day he's a high key defender of local education. Max still has friends among the college professors
Vince is right, Max's little condo does look like a cave. He's very focused on his job, he really could not care less about his living space.
He is SUPER into camping. Despite hating his mom's hippie ways, he's also very nature focused and he does trails and hikes during his free time. Doesn't like the gym or closed spaces.
Got arrested for arson during a protest against law enforcement once <3
Max and Luke are the same when it comes to the competitiveness. Sore loser extreme.
A Slut. This is a man who has dating apps downloaded in his phone and posts thirst traps on his insta (CLOSED FROM STUDENTS BTW)
Despite being a very cool teacher and vibing with his students, he doesn't let them in his personal life at all, as it should be.
You bet your ass this idiot has done tiktok dances his kids asked him to do. Put together songs so they could remember the periodic table. He loves teaching, he just really dislikes Parents.
His favorite flavor on anything is green apple.
He hates reading. Sorry, but I have enough bookworms 🙈🙈 (Vince, Luke, Leo, Jonah)
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
So idk if this is weird, but like honestly u are one of the biggest inspirations for me like . big time
like the way u do stuff YOU want to do, not apologizing for things that like, you don’t need to apologize for, being just ‘prideful’ in who you are I guess, that’s so cool to me . like I know I don’t know you so it’s a thing where I’m judging purely off what you’re like online, but from what you’re like here, it’s definitely something that inspires me.
Not to mention your art too— I absolutely adore ur art work and the vibe of all ur art is so perfect . also you drawing sillt little guys in traditional clothing makes me want to do it too because like that’s so cool?? And I’m constantly using your art for reference too, the way you draw facial expressions and clothing and bodies and hair and colour and just all of it is soo useful to me to study
anyway yea hope this wasn’t weird tldr: I think ur super cool and love ur blog and artwork
thats very sweet actually... not weird at all. dont worry. im glad my art can do that for you. !!!
its not far off from what i believe either? wouldnt call myself prideful maybe, but i dont think theres anything inherently to be sorry for when it comes to what i do. its embarrasing to post some things sometimes, as all of my art is at the end of the day self serving and made with myself in mind only, but eeh. there are much worse things in life to be embarrased about than self indulgent fanart... this is something i used to struggle with when it came to my more folk-ish artworks especially (fandom only never be embarrased about ocs in your life ever), which is why they stopped appearing for a while, but its better to just swallow it and draw anyway if it makes you happy. when in doubt, go take a break and remember that its your house
thank you for the kind words!
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signiko · 4 months
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oc art dump in honor of me apparently having this account for 6 years ? i'm sure a lot of yall are following me just for the jrwi stuff (and there's more of that coming!) but these are my favorite oc drawings i've done as of late <3
if you are curious about my ocs (thank u btw!!) here's some basic information since i don't want to make yall deal with a wall of text!
1: Rue (she/her/any) - the goddess of my universe! that's actually a drawing i've redrawn many times, the past versions are on my instagram :3
2: Nadia (left, she/her) & Natalie (right, she/her) - Natalie is the main character of a story i've been working on for 5.5 years! Nadia is a princess & is the twin sister of natalie's eventual girlfriend.
3: Suspiria (she/her) - a royal knight from before Natalie's time, her lore is pretty convoluted but it's cool & i love drawing her so so much <33
4: Peggy (she/her) - a widowed plague doctor who doesn't have too much plot bearing but i love her dearly regardless. this is actually the most recent drawing of this bunch, done for her birthday yesterday (may 26th) :D
5: giving them their own paragraph so it's easier to read !!!
Lorelei (left, she/her) is a D&D character of mine, my lovely lesbian bard <3 since this drawing i've given her a new hairstyle!! i've played her in a campaign that got canceled & im reusing her with the same DM very soon!!
Celeste (middle, she/they/any) basically boils down to my silly self-indulgent borderline marysue character, and is one of them that i draw the most despite having little to no relevance in my actual oc universe. She also got a full redesign like, a week after i made that piece
Penelope (right, she/her) is my outlet for my love of oc x canon and also just one that gets a lot of tropes i love!! not much to say but she's one of my beloveds and i hope to draw her more
i'll probably keep the oc posting here pretty low & save it for ones i'm super proud of!!! if you want to see more of my ocs, my instagram is also signiko & i just generally have a lot more art on there as well :D ty for reading!!!
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arcielee · 1 year
Interview With a Writer
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Here is part 6 of my Interview With a Writer series with the super talented @sapphire-writes ♥ Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions and keep this going!
You can go to this post to review the other amazing authors I have spoken with ♥ Just some BTS of the talented minds on Tumblr and ao3. 
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Name: Sapphire-Writes
Story: Down in Flames
Paring: modern Aegon x Reader & Aemond x Reader  
Rating/Warning: Explicit, sexual themes, 18+. Pay heed to the warnings for each chapter, it gets messy. 
So, when did you start writing? I started writing probably when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I did creative writing throughout my teens but never delved into fanfiction until now!
What was your first fan fiction story? My first fanfiction was for HOTD. I started writing my Aemond x OC story A Song of Flames & Fury and that was the first writing I ever published on here!
Where did the plot for Down in Flames come from? I always loved the idea of a band story, and back in 2018 I was reading A LOT of fanfiction for Bohemian Rhapsody because Roger Tyler had me in a chokehold. So some of the inspiration definitely came from that, but mostly I was just curious exploring the Dance of Dragons in a modern setting.
I feel like bands are stuffed full of drama and just the perfect setting for this story. I definitely knew I wanted the Reader and Aemond together, and I knew the conflict would be around Jace and Luke leaving to support Rhaenyra's side. I knew there would be sneaking around and stuff but other than that I sort of went with the flow, figured out the characters. There were a couple things I had in mind originally that didn't end up working out/making it in.
Do you want to share any of the "cut scenes" or ideas that did not make it in DIF? So originally I planned that Jace would actually cheat on Baela, following the "Sara Snow" plotline. In part 1 that's who offers to buy him a drink at the bar. But I liked them too much together and wanted Jace to be a complete good guy to root for.
Explain your interpretation of Aemond. What drives him? Why is he the way he is in DIF? Aemond is a lot like our show canon Aemond in DIF. I see him a lot as a duty driven guy, trying to keep the band together, supporting Aegon even though he's this vain, self centered front man in the band. I think what drives DIF Aemond is this sense of responsibility, that he can't let his family down no matter what, even if it makes him unhappy.
You could sense she wanted the best for Aegon. ♥ She definitely did. And she realizes in the end that its not about her, that its about him, and we love that growth!
Was there anything in specific that inspired your Reader portrayal? I think I definitely was a little self indulgent, as I feel always happens as an author. I really wanted the Reader to be this person who wanted to save Aegon, she really wants to help him get better and that's just not how it works out. So definitely some savior complex stuff, but I also wanted to balance it with her being really human, if that makes sense? Like she wants to leave him, she knows she deserves better but she loves him at the same time!
Do you feel your Reader compliments Aemond well? I think in the beginning of their relationship her fire really matches his, and as they start their relationship, I think she really softens Aemond's edges. I think she really drives Aemond crazy because she does what she wants and it’s all the choices Aemond would never want her to make, like dating Aegon!
Do you think you'll return to this HotD AU? Maybe a sequel? I will definitely return! I have some drabbles/one-shots planned because I know people are curious about this group. I just really wanted to wrap the main story before burnout occurred and while it was so clear-cut.
What is next for our author? Right now I'm working on a couple things! I have a modern!Aegon story Thin Ice, I have to finish my Aemond x OC, I still have An Ego Thing ongoing and now a new Daemon x Rhaenyra x Reader The Au Pair!
Do you have a personal favorite story you'd like to share? (Yours or other?) My personal favorite story I've written I think is Dragon's Bane (it’s still unfinished). As for someone else’s, I'd have to say Burning Jasmine by @scalyfreaks​. It’s an Aegon x OC and its so incredible!
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astridthevalkyrie · 1 year
soph, have you seen the diskhorse? 👀
if you mean the x reader stuff, i've seen the og post and anything my mutuals have reblogged, although i saw it pretty late (relatively) because i only found it last night before i went to bed.
(if you didn't mean that i'm so sorry lol because this post is really long)
idk i have thoughts here and i'm sure people have already articulated things better than i could, but there's two separate points the post is talking about—how a reader character is described looks wise (+ gender), and then everything else that makes up them up, ie personality, backstory, skills. there was also something about a mary sue, i think, about how most readers have not been trained as super soldiers or aren't celebrities and so they become hard to relate to.
so! here is things i think factor in for people when deciding whether a chracter is a reader or an oc. feel free to disagree, these are my thoughts and how i classify them. i'm gonna try to avoid saying "imo" this whole thing is my opinion lol.
1. giving the reader a name
i've seen both sides of this now. some people are completely taken out of a story seeing y/n or f/n or just ____ while reading, and others (like me) are taken out when they see a name that the author has assigned. authors can also do a range of things when it comes to name, and there's a difference between, say, the story starts with the reader meeting the character while eating a cookie and so he calls them cookie the whole time (any pet name, sweetheart or darling or whatever is in this catgeory as well) versus the character just being named avery.
the former is much easier to read for me because, y'know, that could still be me, someone could call me cookie if they saw me eating a cookie (sidenote if anyone called me cookie i would jump off a cliff) but my name's just not avery in any way shape or form so it suddenly becomes really hard to self insert (and reminder that the entire appeal of x reader fanfics for most people is to imagine they're the one in the story).
both things are valid! now that enough people have expressed their fondness and disdain for both, they clearly have their merits to different readers and it is completely up to someone which they prefer. anyone making complaints about either (usually the name crowd talking about how much they hate y/n from what i've seen) or anyone who says "y/n isn't me" or "katie isn't me" is just not reading fics that make them happy. in a subgenre all about making yourself happy and being self indulgent, you're letting yourself be taken out of a story by something that will keep other people very invested in it.
have your preferences. indulge in them. surround yourself by them!
SO. a reader being named does not make them an oc (and while i don't think people need to tag it, it would be nice if they did) until we get to the second point.
2. first person vs second person vs third person—and POV!
first person gets a lot of bad rep in fanfic, even when it's NOT an x reader fic. why is that? aside from how it's associated with wattpad one direction stories ("i woke up and threw my hair into a messy bun"), reading first person to many many people feels like reading out of someone's diary. even if it's from the reader's point of view, there's a disconnect that's there that simply does not let people self insert because it reads too much like the self insertion is meant for the author only. and because of the aforementioned connotation people have with it, it comes off as childish or cringy.
STILL. first person does not an oc make (didn't expect the wiseness here didya). i feel bad because first person takes me out of a story too and there are definitely more than several first person stories that aren't childish or cringy at all, BUT here's where i think the first and second point start to meet.
first person pov with f/n—still an x reader fanfic. first person pov with a named character—oc.
the same goes for third person. i've written third person reader and though i tried to avoid saying the reader's name at all (it becomes exceptionally awkward in third person), i did still use f/n everytime it came up.
second person pov is the only one that works with a named character and is still an x reader fanfic.
excuse me! someone calls out. what if i write from the character's point of view and not the reader's?
i'm so glad you asked! pretty much the same rules apply. this is when we get into how second person can be used without us seeing the reader's thoughts, and fanfic authors do it all the time. "he wanted to kiss you so bad, he thought of nothing but your lips the whole week" and "'i want to kiss gilda so bad,' he groaned, thinking of you" work, while in the same vein "i wanted to kiss ashley so bad" or "he wanted to kiss martha so bad" doesn't work.
the character's pov is easier to write in some ways because:
3. reader's personality
there is much much MUCH less to worry about when writing from the character's POV now that you don't have to write the reader's thoughts. (third person omniscient writers, y'all are so brave.) of course that's why smaller headcanon or sexy posts are easier to write (which doesn't make them any less enjoyable or valid), it's because they center on the character and how they would act while having very little to do with the reader. they do well on tumblr because tumblr favors shorter posts that are easy to consume, not because they're particularly better. if you ask people what their favorite reader fic is, most will give you a fic in which the reader most certainly has a personality.
it is highkey impossible to write a fullfledged story without giving the reader a personality, even if you write from the character's POV, which no one should feel obligated to anyways. everyone has already said this, but yeah, it is also impossible to create a character that will relate to anyone.
but do they have to be super competent or kickass or the biggest flirt or a ninja warrior gymnast superhero?
uh, yeah, they kinda do. here's where the hard truth comes in—these fics are meant for readers to self insert, but they're primarily meant for the authors of those fics to self insert into. you might not want to read a story in which everyone and their mothers think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread, but escapism is different for everyone. if someone following the pov and name rules i mentioned above, their reader could have all the personality in the world, coupled with a tragic backstory and a career that would put barbie to shame, and it would still be a reader fanfic, and "personality" does not need to be tagged. it would be extremely goofy if it was.
(although, a lot of fandoms DO tag features their reader has in case you want to block them out on ao3—think mha with their "reader has a quirk" tag.)
and finally, the most hot topic issue.
4. giving reader a set look/reader's gender identity and pronouns
yes. "your pale skin" takes me out. "your slim waist" takes me out. "your blue eyes" takes me out. pronouns that aren't mine take me out. any descriptor that wouldn't apply to me takes me completely out of a reader fic. unlike personality, it's not impossible to write a story without putting physical traits on a reader.
....that's not to say it's not hard, though. i hope people recognize that. if you're writing other characters interacting, flirting, kissing, or having sex with your reader, there's going to be at least some instances where "she looks up at you" just has a different effect than "she looks at you" and you don't wanna not include people who are shorter than the character and sometimes you have to sacrifice the picture you're trying to paint for inclusivity or vice versa. many authors are picturing either themselves or an oc in their heads as they write, and it's extremely difficult to check yourself after every sentence to ensure that absolutely no physical description is present.
(in a much smaller picture before i go on, i'd like to specifically mention the word "blush" because people bring it up a lot. unpopular opinion, but i really don't see a problem with the word, mostly because i think despite its dictionary definition, blushing is not limited to cheeks being red, it's synonymous with blood rushing to your cheeks, which can happen to anyone. my skin tone is dark enough that people can't tell if i blush, but i do blush regardless, just, y'know, discreetly. it becomes something else if the narration or a character points out a reader's cheeks are red, but otherwise i really think anyone can blush. if people want to avoid it as i mostly do to just not ruffle feathers, i usually stick with "you feel your cheeks heating up" and that has about the same effect.)
so, yeah, it's difficult. it's also not wrong—and i don't think it creates an oc. people can write a reader that looks like them and have it still be self insertable to other people or even have their works read by people who don't mind physical descriptions when reading x reader fics.
obviously there is an issue with how poc are treated in fandom and representation in general with the lack of dark-skinned readers and male readers, which is, as pointed out by others, because there are simply more white female authors. so what's the solution, so as to not alienate poc or ppl with pronouns that aren't she/her who are reading fics that contain afab she/her readers or descriptors?
(ik that's wordy, shh, i'm tired.)
tagging! everyone cries simultaneously. tag your stuff!
yeah, pretty much, exceeeeept. it's one thing for people to tag their fics with black!reader or afab!reader or variations of those, and it's an entirely different thing to say white!reader. you know why you don't see that? because it would leave the same bad taste in people's mouths if, say, netflix had a category about white empowerment. with basic historical and social context, it's not a great idea.
the better idea is probably to tag something like "Reader Has A Physical Description" or something along the lines that someone else could word better than me. then either in the tags or in the author's note (in the beginning) mention the types of descriptors, i.e. "reader will be described as having pale skin." that's it! go ahead and make the reader pale to your heart's content. pale readers and people who don't care will be able to read and others who hopefully make the effort to read the tags (always read the tags!) will just scroll and find a fic they like more. on the opposite side, "Reader Has No Physical Description" could also work as a tag to assure people that your reader will not have their physical traits described. that covers skin color, eye color, hair length and texture, height, etc.
and if something does not exist for you, if you want more amab readers with they/them pronouns or if you're like me and you're south asian and want a reader that jams out to bollywood music then you're always, always free to write one of your own or request from authors who allow it. as most poc readers know, having someone who is of the same race or ethnicity as you write something with their experience clearly woven into the story can be very personal, as it is for them to write.
so! tldr: pov matters a lot when determining oc or reader, and names, personality and looks less so, but everything is about what shapes your experience and preference. tags are important, as is keeping in mind that x reader fics are meant for self insertion both for the author and the reader. write what you want, but let's be conscious of alienating people who are already lacking representation in fandom. happy reading, happy writing, hope those characters love you like you deserve!
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bramble-mouse · 2 months
Bramble's Big Stinkin' Roleplay Ad
I am a 29 year old they/them wierd-ass writer/roleplayer that loves g/t and vore probably way too much.
First and foremost: You MUST have your age in your bio! If you do not disclose your age or are a minor, I will not RP with you.
With that out of the way, let me get to the good stuff.
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Likes: -Vore (oral only please!)
-Borrower universes
-God/human interaction
-Gay shit. So much gay shit.
-Cute g/t scenarios
-Enemies to lovers/friends
-Big funky mythical giants
-NSFW stuff for the sake of it. If we have OCs that bond over time and it makes sense for them to bang, I'll be open to it! But horby things just for horby are a no for me.
-'Messy' vore associated kinks; scat, piss, vomit, etc.
-Cruelty for no reason; Most of my characters don't really have casual cruel streaks, but can either play the role for your OC for fun or may slip into that role if they are protecting your OC. Also, killing off your OC immediately doesn't do much for an ongoing story.
-RPing opposite OCs that are Minors. This is something that makes me incredibly uncomfortable.
-Straight up IRL self insert. I will not RP as myself, full stop. I have been asked to do this in the past, or RP with someone else who is just playing them self and I am super not ok with it. OCs only.
-Saying creepy shit to me OOC. Please don't be weeeeeird.
-Use of AI art for OC refs. Picrew, hand drawn/commissioned or even just a written description are what I like to see!
What I am looking to RP:
-Vore (primarily non-fatal, but I am willing to discuss a one-shot fatal vore scenario to RP )
-G/t (I like the beeg and the smol)
-Semi-literate (This doesn't have to mean a big novel of a post but I am looking for RP partners that intend to advance a story, even if its just something casual/slice of lifey)
-Borrower/Giant based plots (i.e. my OC finds yours is living in the walls, my OC finds yours lost in the woods). I don't mind cliche plots when I'm writing self-indulgent size content LOL. Or, if you have a really cool scenario you'd like to suggest, I'd love to hear your pitch! Let's just have fun!
-Straight up boning will probably not take place unless I feel it makes senses between our characters. Boning for the sake of boning is just not really my style :U
I would like to write one of my giant OCs! Bramble, a they/them giant wizard in training. Chill af, tends to be good for slice of life scenarios. Kind of a gremlin. They are an artist, a writer and love to do crafts. More playful and willing to pretend to be mean. They have a bioluminescent belly! Well suited for slice of life, borrower themed RPs and modern fantasy. They are only for a platonic RP as they are married. Frio, a very pretty he/him frost giant hermit who studies magic. Very gentle and sweet, very scared of hurting tiny folks, constantly fighting his rather gluttonous instincts. He's good at knitting, loves animals and cooking/baking. Good for a fantasy RP, slice of life or something with horror elements! He is good for romantic or completely platonic bonds! Aine, a she/her storm giantess archmage and magic teacher. A goofy mom type with a big laugh, a tendency to tease and be playful, but ultimately loves spoiling tiny folks and doting on them. She's silly and can be a bit careless sometimes with her play but always makes sure to check in with her tiny friends if she goes a bit far. Aine suits fantasy stories, both modern and high fantasy, as well as slice of life. She is perfect for mentor/student type stories, as an adoptive mother figure and also for romance if that is what suits the characters. Good for platonic relationships!
-I am willing to write one of my tiny OCs but it'd have to be with the right giant OC (and be non-fatal scenarios ; -; I'm bad at being mean to my little guys). If you are interested, please ask and I would love to tell you about them!
I am also totally willing to write canon characters!
My current muses are: F/FXIV: E.met-selch, G'rah.a Tia, E.stinien, Y's.htola, Hy.thlodaeus S/tardew Valley: E.lliot, F.armer Protag (they/them), S.ebastian B/aldur's Gate 3: K/arlach, A/starion
I love anything remotely D/&D universe so I am completely willing to write this world! I have a few OCs I can offer up for this that I don't have profiles set up for, but I can blab about them for you if you'd like to write this!
I'm currently watching the D/ragon Prince and A/aravos already has an ironclad grip on me. Once I'm caught up, I'd be willing to write him! (no spoilers please! I'm midway through season 3 as of writing this, and will update this section once I'm finished)
Please DM me on here if you are interested!
I tend to prefer writing through Discord channels! If you aren't comfortable giving me your Discord, I have absolutely no problem figuring out another way to write with you.
I have no expectation for how often you post. I completely understand that life and writing inspiration can be tough to balance out! I have chronic health things and a neurotype that can make me wander a bit, so I get not posting daily. Never feel pressured to match my post lengths either! Sometimes I get stoked on a post and need to barf out a bunch of stuff.
I do prefer you post a decent amount, but only because I need something to work with. Even just a few lines of dialogue and your character making a cup of tea are totally fine!
If you've read this far, thank you and I will offer you a thimble full of choccy milk. You're fantastic, bud.
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gr1evance · 5 months
making a post about some of my miscellaneous pool toy and plane ocs/designs, since i mentioned doing so over on my main! i imagine all these guys living in a world where living planes and pool toys (maybe other objects?) are common, but i don't actually have any real worldbuilding for that or anything, it's kind of just a placeholder for me to do whatever with. i don't really have a set thing for these guys!
rest will be under a cut, because i suspect this will be a long post lol
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starting with my sonas! this is sugarsqueaks- he can't talk, but he WILL drag you into the pool with him. i think he's pretty laid back, he just likes floating around the pool, but i imagine when he's frustrated or excited he'll bap his paws against something or stomp on the ground. (cute!) and i'm always torn on if i think he should be scented like sugar/candy or if he should just have the classic vinyl pool toy smell
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my plane sona's name is cloud nine!! i love him, he kind of sucks at flying and doesn't do it very often, but he's super excitable and has a personality that definitely makes up for it. he gets himself into a lot of injuries while trying to fly, he's very much a klutz, but he REALLY wants to be good at doing plane things. he's younger and a bit smaller than most of his group, and he'll.. probably grow less clumsy with time.
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my boyfriend!! or, well, i almost exclusively call him my boyfriend out of habit but he DOES have a name. it's razzle dazzle :) he's based off the pool candy unicorn and he lives in my room! in my self indulgent thoughts, he's pretty softspoken, but very affectionate. i go between him being drawn as anthro and as just a pool ring, those are both very true in my mind. he's kind of just whatever i want him to be! i most often imagine him paired with and hanging out with captain starburst (me!) but that's not canon to starb's stuff at all.
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wanderlust is a pool toy AND a plane, and loves exploring (hence the name)! i'm not actually sure if he can fly or not, he probably can't? i doubt that would stop him from getting his plane friends to carry him around, though
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this is snail mail!! he's kind of another design i have that's on boyfriend tier to me, lol.. he's a mail carrier! he's definitely big, but i'm unsure if he's actually big enough for the houses and trees on his back to be people-sized. most likely not, but that may change. i think he's dating (or at least romantically talking to) cloud nine, i think they're a pair of cuties :3
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i like collecting holiday themed designs and characters, so here's my halloween and christmas themed pool toys! the cat's name is jackie lantern, he's another one that im romantically inclined towards LOL. but i've been trying to think of what he's like more.. i think he spends most of his time "sleeping" (can pool toys even sleep?) or just generally relaxing. the other one i don't have a name for yet or any real ideas, but i REALLY like the design (thank u theooo)! definitely lives in a colder environment and enjoys that, despite pool toys.. y'know, being in the pool and stuff.
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here's a few more pool toys, some less developed ones but ones i really like nonetheless! their names are finny, cherry pit, and candy zone in that order. finny is polite and reserved, just very kind and cute. cherry pit is my newest addition to all these guys and i don't have too many ideas about him yet, but i LOVE him. definitely feels like a pool party kind of guy to me. candy zone is very chill but VERY much a worrywart. they also have a partner that's a cute plushie dragon that i've yet to draw!
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and here's three more planes! aerodyne, chocolate delight, and powder. aerodyne is the biggest plane in the group, and their job is to be the big kind of airliner that carries people or cargo you most often see! a real gentle giant. chocolate delight is kind of aloof, but pretty nice once you get to know them. and powder is the smallest of the group, he's a little fighter jet. he can be kind of abrasive and has a lot of energy.
if you read all of this, uhhhh... thanks lol! i hope you like my silly object guys. i mostly post about my stories and stuff like that on here, but sometimes i really do just like having characters just to hoard them or have silly thoughts about them or whatever. maybe i'll post about them more after i revamp the tags and stuff on this blog!
a majority of these designs were done by my friends @apotheoseity and @pbjpuppy. some extra designs are by @citripede, shrillard, and jamsbunnies. other art is by @lame-4-u and feraljayce!
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glowingbadger · 10 months
My favs of my work let's go
Okay this might be weird but while I'm so busy with other projects and sort of letting my writing battery recharge (getting small things done here and there but not stressing about it overly), I wanted to reshare some of my personal favs of my own work, just to like, idk... hype myself up and congratulate myself for once lmao. We creatives need to be a bit self-indulgent from time to time.
So yeah, if you're bored while I get my shit together and write again, maybe take a peak at these, or wander around my masterlists in my pinned post for something I might have done in the past for a fav of yours.
Lorenz & Ignatz & Reader threesome - starting with what I suspect will be a trend with these because I'm a contrarian at heart, so when I realize a character I love isn't popular, I double and triple down and become determined to write them the hot, hot smut they deserve
Claude - Arranged Marriage - I really enjoyed doing an AU, and I'd def love to do more of them in the future. Plus Claude is the most fun and interesting of the main lords fight me about it.
Lorenz - Arranged Marriage - okay last Lorenz one but........ I'm just saying, he's a good boy y'all just can't acknowledge a glow-up when you see one.
Felix & Sylvain & Reader threesome - this is a short one but I just love the vibe and the dynamic between these lads it was so fun to write.
Seteth - Guilty Masturbation - I'm just such a sucker for repressed men dealing with their persistent lusts sorry not sorry
Seteth - Reader gets Aphrodesiac'd - okay I'm happy with this piece but also it holds a special place in my heart because for some reason, the porn bots are CONSTANTLY liking this thing specifically and I have no earthly idea why, they're just drawn to it.
Okay just one more Seteth thing it's the Priest x Succubus one - which I'm super happy with and I still sometimes think about writing a continuation for it because priest kink goes brrrrrrrrr
Things other than FE3H
Volke (FE 9/10) messy hookup - Volke is such an absolute man and it was such a joy to have an excuse to write him. Fandoms as a whole need to thirst for more sexy grown ass adults.
Reyson (FE 9/10) in heat - though this is kind of tied with the in heat one I did about Tibarn, which I also love. Bird men in heat..... that's what's up.
Kaeya (Genshin) w/ praise kink - Kaeya def remains my Genshin fav, and no amount of "Hoyo finally figuring out how to model an adult male body years into the game's run" will change that.
Luxord (Kingdom Heart) consensual non-con - it's just so rare that I get to write for my Org XIII lovelies and it's just so fun to write sex dialogue for such a resolutely sexless series lmao
Kurama (YYH) giving oral - I've written quite a lot for Kurama at this point (on here, mostly shorter drabbles and headcanons) and it's still always a pleasure, and I'm particularly fond of the subtle playfulness in this piece.
OCs! Shaeliegh and Terry - angsty hookup - I had SO much fun writing OC stuff for once and it's totally fine that others aren't as inclined to be into it, but I personally think it's some of my best work and enjoy rereading it frequently~
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bythenineshards · 11 months
You asking me not to encourage you makes me want to encourage you even more. Tell me more about Dr. Cavendish, what’s she like? what does she look like? Is there aaaaanyone she likes *blinkblink*? I am lying in front of you like we are at a sleepover and kicking my feet and looking at you so sweetly like I’m asking you about your crush. Come oooon, come ooooooooooooon~
(Don’t actually come on if you don’t want to but if you feel like… you need permission or interest to post self indulgent oc stuff *gestures* I love OCs! I wanna hear all about the little fellas you all make)
I have no self-control, lol. Honestly, interest and permission is really nice. I'm right there with ya with the sleepover image. Got on my jammies and everything. It's high school all over again. Which was the last time I fell for an evil clown. Man, I have had zero character development.
Syre is between 28 and 32 in age, fairly short and petite, fair skinned, brown eyes with cotton candy pink hair. I know lots of characters have pink hair in One Piece but I just can't picture her with a different color. I tried. The style is cropped short and curly. Her bangs are one large curl that swoops from one side and spirals at the other. Sorta like jigglypuff but to the side? When I have art of her, it'll be posted here. Shamelessly. Her typical outfit is inspired by a plague nurse or doctor. I haven't quite settled on the colors. I'm drawn to white or cream and gold. But idk...
Personality-wise, she's fairly soft spoken and kind. Her upbringing has led to this prim and proper manner of being and it leds itself well to bedside manner. She's not a pushover though. I have one scene where she's trying to help just Buggy's head and he's being difficult. She flicks his nose and wrestles his head into being pinned. Spending time with Buggy gives her the freedom to be more open, shameless and bubbly. She also can't lie to save her ass.
You and I both know she's head over heels for that clown. He doesn't say that he cares about her in front of the crew but when they're alone, he shows it 😏. The crew has pieced it together. More often than not, I imagine her walking about and his hand will be in hers or at the small of her back.
After he figured out who she was, he took to teasingly calling her "Princess" just to make her scowl at him.
Buggy makes her feel free. Her home life is stressful. The pressures of upper-crust society and a constant spotlight make her feel trapped. She's not super boisterous in general but she likes the option he gives her. She loves his nose. It makes him unique.
I like to imagine that the Straw Hats have "rescued" her a few times but haven't put it together. They're like "boy it sure is weird that Buggy has kidnapped you six times in the last year..." And she's just like:
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
as someone who has watched literally nothing about mlp but had always had an interest in it and its fandom like xenofic bugs in a jar, im living for this new pony tangent. what are your favorite and least favorite brony tropes, when it comes to the fan media they make?
you and me ngl lol i’m both surprised and not surprised at the response to my mlp posting, the mlp and warriors community feel like they’d definitely cross over lol
also good god this got long
I feel like I have to preface that the community was a huge inspiration to me and the sheer amount of creativity that people put into their pony projects is still amazing. It’s so clear that a lot of the songs, animations, literature, and general fan creations came from a place of love and a lot of that inspired me to try new things! For all the bad press “bronies” got (and let’s be real, a lot of media outlets just wanted to mock them), it’s clear that a lot of older fans were having a blast creating. I still listen to a lot of the songs from the community and watch lullaby for a princess or rise the moon from time to time because of how much they still hold up.
I guess lore is a double edged sword? Because on one hand, I love reading too deeply into media that does not call for it. I loved reading the analysis on class divisions in mlp and I really liked the critical side of the community, it helped me really develop my own skills as a kid and helped me question a lot of the stuff that I was consuming. I loved watching reviews of episodes or hearing what my favorite artists thought! I think a vocal community can definitely be a double edged sword, but it really did encourage me a lot in speaking up about my interests.
But I don’t know if that’s a trope lol so I guess…definitely the sociopolitical analysis of pony society. The ones that picked at the show and what it intentionally or unintentionally would say. I love that stuff, it’s super fun to dig into. But on the other side, lore was something a lot of people held up as the best aspect of the show, and there was this sort of clamoring for the writers to dump more and more. Which, look, a lot of the original lore was weaved within dialogue or conflicts, it wasn’t quite “dumped” on the audience as it became in the newer seasons.
But there was this sort of fascination by some on war and the military in the pony universe. This obsession with royal guards and political conflicts, and I guess in some ways I get it? But also, look, it was peddled by a lot of self-proclaimed military bronies. It does not help the show did in fact do a little pandering with one of the episodes actually featuring an alternate universe where the ponies go to war and we get to see them in full armor 😭 like there was this big fascination of the princesses killing and leading battles and it just was not for me.
Hm….maybe nextgen stuff? I always did like the idea of seeing what happened next and all the various pairings. Though sometimes that did give a lot of artists the chance to be edgy and admittedly a bit inappropriate for the pony show. Like with lore, double edged sword I suppose. Can’t complain too much, I was a pretty edgy kid and loved angst and edge and drama! Still do but I keep it for my uh older audience OC’s.
Hm let’s see….fascination with side characters. Maybe because the show indulged them a little too much. I can’t blame the fandom for everything when the writers weren’t exactly tempering expectations. But that’s the same reason why I enjoy it! I loved seeing people provide full on backstories and character to ponies who were mentioned once (someone gave the idea that Woah Nellie is an outspoken activist and i still love that).
But yeah! Honestly? The ultra violent military obsession has always just been the weird one for me. It’s fine and I get why some people would be interested in the social and politics dynamics of a pony military, but I think the people who really liked it just liked the idea of the ponies going to war with cool weapons and fancy armor and not much else (gotta show how MANLY mlp is amiright guys)
I feel like there’s others but nothing is coming to mind rn other than the insane amount of sexual content.
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bennyden · 11 months
rules, warnings, and stuff
heyoo i finally made a tumblr blog to accompany my ao3. thought i'd use this blog to post more short-form smut stuff if it ever comes to mind.
rules for my blog i guess?
no minors/ageless blogs. y'all know the rules of the internet. none of the stuff i write is realistic or safe, so stay away.
pls let me know if i should add tags to my posts! i try to tag everything, especially disturbing content, but i know i'll inevitably miss something
i don't really do requests. sometimes people will comment ideas that happen to catch my fancy enough to write them, but that's about it
i'm just a smut blog. i write self-indulgently and share my ideas in case there are other weirdoes like me who'll enjoy them. don't expect a lot from this blog
stuff I like and will post about that others might find icky (so basically, my blog content warnings):
Yandere and yandere-aligning behaviors like stalking, possessiveness, obsession, etc
Rough and super unrealistic sex, ie. no prep, cervix poking, lots of cum, huge wieners, etc
Monsters and other non-humans, but not so far as furries. I keep it humanoid (in my brain, a werewolf is a hot muscular guy with wolf ears and a tail)
Power imbalances, bit of dom/sub stuff
rules for my fics, art, and ocs:
you don't have to ask permission to:
draw fanart of my fics/ocs
write a spinoff of one of my fics
write a fic based on a concept, character, au, etc. from one of my fics
I'm generally pretty chill with anyone who wants to write/draw stuff based on my works, just so long as you credit me for it!
it would also be cool if you could share your fan works! I'm always interested to see different people's interpretations of things
(Oh yeah and my header image is a screenshot of Samuel Seo from the Webtoon Lookism lol one of my fav characters)
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