#me to my grown ass men ocs
raya-hunter01 · 3 months
Cruising Love Pt. 2.2
Two Shot Request
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Kayla)
Jimmy Uso x Trin
Roman x Black Female OC! (Robin)
Sefa x Black Female OC! (Cameron)
Montez Ford x Bianca Belair
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut,
Thank you for the request and for trusting me once again @royalkay23
Jey has planned a five-day cruise to the Bahamas and Puerto Rico for his girlfriend Kayla’s birthday. Jey is determined to make sure the trip goes smoothly as he’s enlisted his family and friends to help him plan the perfect wedding proposal.
His plans are in danger of going up in smoke as his toxic ex is also on the cruise and is desperate to rekindle their toxic burning flame.
Will Jey give in, or will he stand strong in his love and devotion to Kayla and leave the past in the past?
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Regen Seven Seas Cruise
Nassau, Bahamas
Kayla’s POV
Last night was a pure disaster and after the dinner from hell, Jey and I spent the night in silence. I slept in the bed, and he took the couch, and I made a point to haul ass early this morning before he even woke up.
Now my new problem of the day is sitting in front of me. Colton showed up and is trying to convince me to hang out with him on the island today.
“Are you sure I can’t take you out? I heard there is some good restaurants, we could even do a walk on the beach,” he said with a hopeful smile.
 “Look, I have a great boyfriend, even though he does stupid shit sometimes so no that won’t be happening. Plus, I don’t want to have to attend your burial at sea if he sees me with you,” I said honestly as Colton seemed unfazed.
“You really love him, don’t you?”
“Yea, I do and I ain’t the cheating kind. If I’m with someone, I’m with them, and that’s the beginning, middle and end of it,” I said making sure he understood.
 Suddenly, feeling eyes on me, I looked up and saw the girls.  I waved them over, my smile instantly dropping mid-wave as I saw Jey standing beside them and he didn’t look pleased.
“I think you need to go, Colton,” I said trying to avoid a confrontation because if looks could kill, Colton would be dead right now.
Great, this is all I need him acting a fuckin’ fool.
“Girl, we been looking all over for you,” Trin said as I smiled.  “Yea, we missed you at breakfast, I thought maybe you had gone to explore the island alone,” Cameron said as I shook my head at Jey mean mugging Colton.
“Nah, not yet anyway, I wanted ya’ll to spend some time with your husbands. It’s your vacation too, and ya’ll have babysat me enough,” I said as Colton seemed unfazed by Jey’s attempt to intimidate him.
“We are going on the island in a bit for all of that,” Robin said as Jey cleared his throat.
“Bae, check your phone,” he said as I picked it up wondering why, but instantly cringed reading the messages he had apparently sent after seeing Colton sitting with me.
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“I guess I still had it on silent from last night, so much was going on.”
“Sometimes that happens, and it’s ok to take some time for yourself when that happens,” Colton said as Jey scoffed.
“Aye, didn’t I tell you last night to stay away,” Jey said as Colton smiled. “Yea, you did but I hated to see such a beautiful woman eating lunch by herself.”
“Ah, hell,” Bianca whispered as Jey smirked. “She isn’t alone, she came on this trip with seven other people. Your type of company ain’t needed,” Jey said sitting down beside me.
 “Well, she’s a really beautiful woman Jey. I mean any man would love to be in her presence,” Colton said as Jey took my hand in his as I sighed.  Great, let the pissing contest begin….
“Yes, Kayla is a very beautiful, so I don’t blame you, but she’s my woman. Yea, all this mine and you ain’t her type anyway,” Jey said gesturing to me while locked in an intense stare down with Colton as I looked on in disbelief.
“I was just keeping her company, she looked like she had a lot on her mind. I really meant no harm but what you mean I ain’t her type?” Colton asked as Jey looked at me.
“Like I said, you ain’t her type….. Kayla likes grown men.”
“Don’t do this,” I whispered as Jey pulled my chair closer to his, staking his claim. I should be pissed off, but I’m kinda turned on by the exchange.
“Kayla, I’m just telling him what the deal is. You like grown men, don’t you?” Jey asked as I gulped truly speechless as the girls sat down.
  “Let me clock this tea,” Bianca whispered as Colton smirked.
“I am a grown man Jey, so I’m trying to figure out how I ain’t her type,” Colton said as Jey smirked at me, refusing to even look at him.
“Maybe, but Kayla likes grown ass men that know how to lay dat pipe, and I don’t see you being that type?” he said staring at me intently, almost daring me to say he’s lying.
“Oh, my goodness,” Robin said as I squirmed in my seat not believing he said that no matter how true it was.
“Damn you,” I mumbled as he licked his lips. His passionate, possessive gaze held me captive as he caressed my thigh.
“You ok, princess?” Jey asked as I cleared my throat and nodded. I was unsure of what to say as he continued to talk to Colton while staring intentionally at me.
“Now Colton, you enjoy the rest of your trip, and don’t let me catch you around Kayla again. She’s taken, now if I have to tell you again….I’mma have to get you,”” Jey warned as I gulped.
“Damn, he layin’ down the law up in this bitch.  Pick up yo’ jaw off the ground Kayla, you heard the man,” Cameron whispered as Trin snickered, giving her a high-five.
I remained neutral, but inside I was screaming. I wanted to fuck him right now on this deck for the world to see.
I felt the walls I had built up slowly start to crumble as I got lost in his eyes and I felt overwhelmed and tired.
We needed to squash this shit because I truly did miss him.
“I guess I’ll take the hint and leave. Ya’ll enjoy the rest of your trip,” Colton said getting up as I finally looked at him and nodded.
“It was nice to meet you, Colton,” I said as he smiled. “Likewise, Kayla,” he whispered before walking away as I shook my head at Jey’s antics.
“Damn, did you really just have to put it out there like that?” I asked as his hand continued to caress my thigh as he ignored my question.
“Ugh, Jey, are you gon’ to stay and eat with us?” Robin asked as Jey finally removed his hand from my thigh, grasping my hand in his.
“Nah, I’ll let ya’ll ladies talk, I’m bout to go back to the room and grab a nap. I really hope we can go out tonight, Kay,” Jey said gently kissing my hand before getting up and leaving.
As soon as he was out of sight Bianca reached over and punched me in the shoulder. “Ow! That fuckin’ hurt,” I moaned still feeling a little sore from last night.
 “It was supposed to, now gon’ squash this shit and talk to your man.”
“Yea, we only got a few days left before we back to our busy schedules. Do you really want to spend the rest of this trip mad,” Robin said as I shook my head truly tired, especially after last night.  
“No, I don’t and if ya’ll would have given me a minute, I would have told you I was going to talk to him sometime today.”
“Well, no time like the present so go on,” Cameron said as took one last sip of my drink before l left them.
I took the stairs, wanting a few minutes alone to get myself together. Lost in my thoughts, I got confused as to which floor I was on, so I quickly got off the stairwell and went in search of an elevator.
The last thing I wanted was to be lost on this big ass ship. Rounding the corner, I saw Jey and Danielle engrossed in an intense conversation, so I quietly ducked back around the corner before either of them saw me. 
“Daniell, this ain’t gon’ happen, so why you keep following me?” Jey asked, trying to get leave as Danielle tried to block his path.
“Yes, it can…Just dump her and let’s start over.”
“Why would I do that? Kayla is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I love her,” Jey said without hesitation as I smiled.
“Well, what was the other night?”
“Truthfully, a desperate ex trying to fuck up the one good thing in my life.” Danielle frowned, looking offended as Jey seemed just over the conversation in general.
“Why are you looking like that, you wanted honesty, right? The truth is I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt and not hurt your feelings. When I saw you, I should have left right then.”
“You don’t mean that, you love me. Your actions screamed it.”
“Danielle, I told you I had someone, I told you I love Kay. I stopped you from kissing me. How did any of my actions that night scream that I loved you?”
“Jey, let’s stop with these games and let’s be real.  What can you do for a woman like Kayla? You don’t even come close to being in her league.”
“There’s the old Danielle, I wondered when she was gon’ show up and start spewing bullshit.”
“It ain’t bullshit, and you know it Jey,” Danielle said with a smirk. Oh, this bitch was really a piece of work. I can’t imagine what hell he went through in that relationship.
“You know what? I may not deserve Kayla, but I love her, and I know she loves me. Like really loves me Danielle, not my money, but me.”
“So, do I Jey, look at all we’ve been through. You know that I haven’t stopped loving you,” she cried as Jey shook his head.
“What we had wasn’t love, it was toxic as fuck. It was you spending my money, stealing from me and manipulating me. What I have with Kayla is real, and I ain’t letting her go, so just leave and miss me with that toxic shit.”
“Yea, I ain’t going nowhere bitch,” I muttered wanting to do nothing more than to go over and kick her ass again, but I knew Jey needed to face this alone.
“Oh, so I’m toxic because I love you!” Danielle cried as Jey looked at her shaking his head.
“Danielle, all the shit you put me through had me wondering if I was even capable of being in a normal relationship with somebody. You truly had fucked me up, had me thinking something was wrong with me, when it was you,” Jey said unwavering and strong as listened intently to him speak his truth.
“Well let me guess, through it all Ms. Perfect helped you, huh,” Dainelle said sarcastically wiping her tears as Jey seemed even more unfazed.
“Yea, she did, and I know that probably pisses you off, but Kayla put me back together again after you broke me. Kayla motivated me to be a better man. Kayla did that, not you,” Jey said as Danielle began pacing.
“Jey, how can you say those things to me, like what we had didn’t matter?” she whispered, as Jey ignored her and continued to talk as my heart swelled with each word.
 “Kayla has stood by my side, always had has back and loved me through all the shit I went through. So, when I say I love her, I mean that shit with everything in me, and ain’t nobody takin’ that away from me."
“So, what you sayin’ Jey?” Danielle asked, her voice cracking as Jey walked closer to her.
“I’m sayin’ the same thing I’ve said for the last four years, it’s over between us Danielle. Stay away from Kayla, me, and my family or it’s going to be a problem.”
“How can you say that to me after all we’ve been through?” Danielle cried as Jey rubbed his hand over his face.
“Danielle, it ain’t working, you can turn off the tears,” Jey said as a frustrated scream left her lips as she dabbed at her eyes. “Fakin’ ass bitch,” I muttered to myself as Jey shook his head.
“Damn, I’m fucking up my makeup and I’m losing my touch,” she said now wiping her tears as Jey scoffed.
“Danielle, have a nice life and don’t ever contact me again.” The elevator suddenly dinged alerting them that the doors were about to open.
“I’mma take the stairs, the last thing I need is to be seen with you and more fuckin’ chaos happens. Stay away from my family or I won’t stop Kayla the next time,” Jey said before walking away from a screeching Dainelle.
“You can’t just do this Jey, this is me! Come back and let’s talk!” Danielle cried as I felt the need to make my presence known.
“Hey, Dainelle,” I said casually walking into her peripheral.
“Ugh, what do you want? Look, if you touch me, I’ll call security.” She panicked as I waved her off.  
“Girl, I ain’t gon’ hurt you, but it is amazing what a good ass whooping will do to a person. Nice eye by the way,” I said seeing the slight swelling around her left eye.
 “Yea, it ain’t everyday a crazy bitch attacks me. You were out of control,” she said as I laughed.
“Nah, I wasn’t out of control. I just wanted to give you a preview of what happens when you fuck with me and the people I love,” I said as she frowned.
“Look, you just missed Jey, and he just read me the riot act. I know to stay away from your little group,” she said as I nodded.
 “Oh, well that’s good, I guess I have nothing else to say,” I said walking towards the elevator as she scoffed.
“Oh, and if I were you, I’d stay away from the railings on the deck.”
“Uh, why is that, Kayla?” she asked with an attitude as I looked back at her and smirked.
 “After all the things you’ve done to Jey, I might be tempted to throw yo’ ass overboard if I see you, but that’s neither here nor there,” I said as she folded her arms over her chest.
“I said I get it alright-” Dainelle started as I cut her off. “I wasn’t finished, I also wanted to make sure that you are clear on where things stand with you and Jey. You’re his past, and I am his present and future. Stay outta my way or I will have no problem finishing what I started last night,” I said calmly, making sure she knew I wasn’t playin’ no games with her ass.
“Yea, we’re crystal clear,” she said with a frown etched on her face as I nodded hitting the button on the elevator.
“I’m glad we could talk this through like grown women and come to an understanding. Enjoy the rest of your trip Dainelle and remember my advice,” I said stepping onto the elevator before meeting her cold stare once again.
Yea she was crazy but the bitch ain’t stupid.
Without another word, I watched her storm off as the elevator doors closed.
“Crazy bitch.”
Jey’s POV
I wandered around the ship, for about an hour trying to calm myself down. I refused to take any anger into the suite Kayla, and I shared. I was done giving Danielle and my past power over me.
I had a proposal to get ready for but first I needed to apologize to Kayla.
She was more than right; I should have walked away when I saw her. Then she really got my ass where it hurt last night, and I definitely see her point the more I thought about it.
 I needed to know how she felt and didn’t like it at all.
“A’ight you need to fix this shit, you know you can’t live without this woman. Get a nap, regroup, and find her.”
Opening the door, I sighed in relief, seeing Kayla dressed in one of my shirts, looking through her clothes hanging up in the closet.
“Hey, when did you get back, is everything ok?” I asked as she paused, a sad smile adoring her beautiful face. “I’m fine, I got back bout an hour ago. I realized I hadn’t taken out what I was going to wear for my birthday dinner tomorrow. Plus, I need a nap before we hit the island,” she whispered as I sat on the bed watching her, aching to touch her.
Wait, did she just agree to go out with me on the island?
“Can you wear the dress I got you tomorrow; I want to see you in it.”
 I thought that would get the conversation started but Kayla just silently complied pulling it out and hanging it on the hook by the mirror.
I didn’t know where to even begin, but I knew I couldn’t take much more of this as she moved around the room.
“Kay, I can’t take another day of us being like this. “I miss you,” I whispered grasping her hand stopping her in her tracks as she looked at me with tears in her eyes.
The silence killing me I caressed her hand, nervously biting my lip. “Talk to me Kay,” I pleaded. “I miss you too,” she whispered, as I finally breathed a sigh of relief.
 “Come here baby,” I whispered pulling her gently onto my lap, caressing her face as a few tears escaped her eyes. “You hurt me.”
Those three powerful words breaking my heart. “I’m so sorry baby, I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I whispered wiping her tears as she sighed.
“I know you didn’t,” her beautiful voice said as I held her close. I wasn’t going to let her go without a fight. This was going to be my wife.
Island cove
Bianca’s POV
“Ok, I need the speakers over here and out of view,” I said trying to picture the setup in my mind.
“Man, is Kayla gon’ even go for this while we doin’ all this stuff Jimmy, said as Montez slapped him on the back of the head.
“Aye, stop damn hittin’ me,” Jimmy hissed as I laughed. “Stop sayin’ stupid shit then,” Montez said as Jimmy rolled his eyes.
“I have you know she’s with Jey now, so there,” Robin said as Sefa smiled putting his chairs down.
 “Thank God, maybe this trip can get back on track. No more exes, or fights, just us all having fun before we gotta head back on the road.”
“Don’t forget an awesome proposal, decorated and planned by yours truly. Eww, I don’t like the color of that chair.”
“Well, it’s gon’ have to do because it’s all the folks had,” Sefa said as I sighed.
“It will be fine once we put out the rest of the decorations and I’m ready for tomorrow. I want to see what you’ve come up with because you been holding out on me,” Trin said as I shrugged my shoulders.
 “You will tomorrow because I need your help,” I said as she rolled her eyes.
Everything looked beautiful and didn’t take long, it was simple and romantic. Now with the mood was set, we just need Jey and Kayla on the same page so they could enjoy the cute beach dinner we had set up for them.
The owner also said, he has closed this part off to the public so they will get some needed alone time, so everything was falling into place.
Jey and Kayla’s suite
I didn’t know what to say, especially after witnessing his blow up with Dainelle. Jey had said all that was needed, and I knew where he stood. I also knew we were going to have to talk, but not right now. I needed him and I was tired of fighting it.
We were supposed to be napping, but my mind ain’t on sleeping, especially with him nestled between my leg caressing my hips.
“What are you thinking about beautiful?” Jey asked, as I bit back a moan as he kissed my neck.
“I know we both need a nap, but I was thinking about not sleeping in this bed right now,” I said as he looked up at me with a sly smile.
These past few days forgotten as we released our inhibitions, our lips crashing against one another in desperation.
Our kisses becoming deeper as we yearned for each other, only forcing ourselves to part so we could catch our breaths.
I just want this feeling to last
I'll bet, I'll beg for you to face it
Fears, they change like the weather
Close my eyes, find forever
Gotta be nice on the other side, other side
“I need you; I promise I’ll make it up to you,” he groaned as I moaned, helping him out of his sweats. My heart beating wildly against my chest.
“I need you too, it’s ok- shit!” I gasped as clinging to him as we became one again.
 “Fuck, I missed you, did you miss me?” Jey asked, our lips entangled in a rough sensual kiss. “Yes, I missed you so much.”   
“You were made just for me.”
“Babe….Faster, please, I need it.”
“Who’s making you feel like this? Tell me?” he demanded as he tortuously slow thrusted deeper as I yelped in surprise. “Jey! Shit!”
“Yea, dats it…Tell the neighbors Daddy’s name like a good girl. Scream dat shit,” Jey commanded.
“Babe!” I screamed clawing at his back as he winced against my lips. “Nuh uh, say my name,” he demanded, masterfully lifting up slightly and grabbing one of my legs, laying it across the other as I groaned at the new position of laying on my side never stopping his powerful strokes.
“Oouu babe, Jey,” I whined, struggling to catch my breath as he groaned, biting his lower lip watching me.  
“Breathe baby, you can do it,” he whispered coaching me through the new sensation as I moaned welcoming the pleasure.
 “Yea, that’s it….Take dat shit, Mmhm.”
 “Fuck!” I exclaimed, unable to keep my eyes open from the intense pleasure.
“Watch me beautiful,” he whispered as willed my eyes to open to watch him.
Don't let it go
Shallow breathing, fade away
I think it's a good time
To fade away
“Yes, watch daddy cause’ he loves watchin’ you. Fuck, you look so gorgeous,” he praised as I moaned in appreciation, caressing his chest.
“Stop holding back, I know you wanna scream. I’m real deep up in dat pussy hittin’ dat shit from the side ain’t I ?” he panted snapping his hips forward, going even deeper.
“Fuck you! Mm, Baby!”
 “Nah, it ain’t fuck me…. It’s I’m fuckin’ you, and I’m doin it real good, ain’t I?” He moaned wiping the sweat from his brow.
“Jey! Jey! Mmm, not yet. Shit, baby, slow down,” I moaned feeling warm all over, that familiar flush washing over me. My senses heightened as he watched me through hooded eyes, never stopping as I tried to cover my face with my hands. It was all too much and I was fighting it.
“Nah, stop hidin’ from Daddy. I told you that I wanna see you,” he moaned caressing my face as I trembled, truly not knowing what to do with myself as I clawed at his arms.  This position had me fucked up in more ways than one.
Please don't push me, I'm on the edge
I don't care too much, but you want it, baby
Let's go through it together
“And ain’t no stoppin’ cause’ I know you close. So, stop runnin’ from dis nut and get dat shit. You know you want it, and you know I’mma always give it to you,” he moaned as I relaxed grasping him by his Cuban link, pulling him closer.
My body welcomed him as we both gasped in surprise as he filled me to the hilt.
 “Uhhh huh, yea, that’s it, baby.  Let daddy all the way in so he can give you every inch of dis dick,” he moaned, slapping my ass as I whimpered, biting my lower lip in concentration, meeting his thrusts.
Maybe it's just peace of mind that we're tryna find
“Mmhm, give it all to me daddy!” I screamed finally not caring who heard me as he moaned smacking my ass again.
 Each second becoming more intense as we continued to watch each other, our eyes glazed over in pleasure and passion as we climbed higher and higher together.  
Jey’s POV
“Yea, be a good girl for Daddy and just let go,” I whispered anxiously knowing at any minute she was going to give me what I wanted.
“You want me to squirt all on dat dick don’t you?” she gasped as her pussy pulsed around me as she clawed at my chest.
“Hell yea, Daddy got her good and sloppy wet. Fuck! You know how I love dat shit, now stop playin’,” I groaned as Kayla shook her head in defiance.
“You want it……Then take it,” Kayla moaned as I growled, her innocent smile driving me crazy. “Mmm, what you say baby?” I asked knowing what I heard, I just wanted her to say it again.
“I didn’t stutter…..Make me give it to you,” Kayla gasped as I grabbed her by the throat, slightly tightening my grip as she moaned in pleasure.
“You ain’t said nothin’ but a word,” I groaned as she took my strong deep strokes like a champ.
Her pussy engulfing me as I went deeper, the sounds of her wetness was music to my ears.
“Yes…. Yes,” Kayla moaned as I felt my own ending near, but I was on a mission, this was all about her.
Don't let it go
Shallow breathing, fade away
I think it's a good time
To fade away
“Oh, you like dat shit don’t you? You like me chokin’ you, huh?” I whispered, claiming her lips in rough passionate kiss. The sound of her wetness and our moans of pleasure filled the room.
“Yes! You know I love it, now make your pussy cum,” Kayla moaned against my lips as I growled, gripping the headboard with one hand, the other still locked firmly around her throat as she screamed in pleasure.
“That’s it, scream for Daddy, I want everybody to hear you.  Tell’em again who’s pussy this is, and you betta scream dat shit.”
“Jey! It’s all yours, fuck!”
“It’s my what? I didn’t hear you baby,” I moaned, never stopping my deep strokes as she trembled in my arms.  
“Pussy! It’s your pussy!” she cried as I growled in satisfaction.
 “Mmhm, damn right, it’s my pussy…. Every inch of you belongs to me and can’t nobody else have you,” I declared as she purred at my words.
“Your mine too,” Kayla she gasped, our lips dangerously close. “I’m only yours, never forget that,” I moaned swallowing her screams as we came together.
 Her essence soaking the sheets we surrendered. Totally spent, fighting to regulate our breathing and regain our senses.
It was always that way, we were always in our own world when we were together and I loved it, I just loved Kayla.
“I love you,” I whispered claiming her lips once again as she sighed in contentment. “I love you too.”
Yea, this is where I belonged, and nothing would ever change that…
More money, more thrills
More satisfied
More pleasure, more pain
Wanna feel inside
Don't let it go
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Island Cove
Kayla’s POV
“Ok, turn on the music Tez,” I heard Bianca whispered as I smiled. They really were working overtime to make sure we had a good time.  
“Girl, go spend some time with your husband!” I yelled as she laughed.
“We did our dinner earlier thank you very much, now we bout to head back to the ship if you get my drift,” she said coming into view as I gave her a hug.
“Oh, ya’ll gonna go do it,” I said laughing as Montez gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“You so messy,” he whispered as I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m just calling it how I see it,” I said as Jey shook his head.
“Girl, goodnight I’ll see ya’ll in the morning,” Bianca said as Montez reached over and shook Jey’s hand. “Guy’s brunch in the morning?”
“Damn, I thought we left that in the states,” Bianca said hugging Jey as he smiled.
“Thanks for everything, sis,” he whispered as she nodded. “It was my pleasure, expect a call early in the morning.”
“What are ya’ll up to now?” I asked as Bianca waved me off. “You’ll see tomorrow, have fun,” she said leaving in a hurry with Montez in tow.
“Aye, stop worrying about tomorrow, let’s enjoy this moment,” Jey said taking me in his arms.
“Ya’ll ain’t slick, but I’mma let it slide for now,” I said he chuckled spinning me around as I laughed.
 “Thank you, now did you have fun tonight?” he asked, caressing my back.
Don't wanna make a scene
I really don't care if people stare at us
Sometimes I think I'm dreamin'
I pinch myself
Just to see if I'm awake or not
 “I really did, dinner was amazing and everything is so beautiful. You have been outdoing yourself Mr. Fatu,” I said as we danced.
“Hey, I wanted everything to be perfect because you deserve it.”
“Everything has been perfect despite everything,” I said as he smiled.
“I can’t lose you; I love you too much,” Jey said as I stared at him in confusion. “Hey, I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere,” I reassured him.
Is it real?
What I feel
Could it be? You and me
'Til the end of time
Never part
Take my heart
Hold it tight, it's true love
You know I gotta be
“You know when I met you, I closed myself off because I had gone through a lot of shit. I didn’t believe you could love somebody like me, but you did,” he said as I smiled.
“Jey, we don’t have to talk about it now-” I started as he kissed me gently on the lips.
“I know, I just wanted to let you know that my past is just that…The past and I will never let that touch us again,” he said as I fought back tears. “I know you won’t, I trust you.”
I gotta be the one you touch
And baby, I gotta be the one you love (I'm telling you that)
I gotta be the one you feel
And I gotta be the one to fill your life with sunshine
 “My biggest fear is you waking up one day and thinkin’ you wasted your life wit me. I know the life ain’t ideal, I’m gone a lot. I uproot you sometimes from your job because I miss you and I bombard you with facetime calls-” he said as I chuckled in amusement.
I gotta be the one you know
'Cause I will always love you so (I'm loving you, girl)
I gotta be the one you need
I'm just telling you that I gotta be
“It's never wasted time; I love to visit you on the road because I miss you just as much.  I wait up for your calls because I want to hear your voice and hear about how the show went,” I said as he smiled. “Really,” he whispered as I nodded.
“Yea, really…..I love keeping you company on Facetime as you drive to the next city because I want to make sure you get there safe and hearing your voice helps me rest easy.”
“Man, how did I get so fuckin’ lucky, he whispered, hugging me close and placing a gentle kiss on the shoulder.
 “We both got lucky, and don’t even get me started on the mind-blowing facetime sex sessions,” I said trying to lighten the mood as he laughed.
“Hell yea, that gets me through them lonely nights. Best damn invention ever,” he said pushing my hair behind my ear as I blushed.
You make me whole, you make me right
Don't ever wanna think about you leaving my life
You make me whole, you make me right
Don't ever wanna think about you leaving my life.
“We’re going to be just fine,” I reassured him with a kiss. “Yea, we are, because you stuck wit my ass now.”
“Promises, promises,” I whispered, sighing hearing the ship’s horn blaring, letting us know we were pulling out in two hours.
“I guess that’s the sign to head back to the ship,” I said as Jey nodded taking my hand in his as we began our journey back.
Jey’s POV
“I have to tell you something and I don’t want you to flip,” I said putting my arm around my shoulder as she wrapped her arms around my waist as we walked back.
“I’m not going to flip; I may actually surprise you.”
“Danielle followed me today after I left ya’ll on the deck,” I blurted out, relieved I said it.  I didn’t want any secrets between us. I waited for the blow up, but I was met with a small smile.
“I know, I actually ran into you guys, but you didn’t see me. After you left, her and I came to an understanding.” 
Sighing, I paused, rubbing my hand nervously over my beard as Kayla turned to face me.
“Kay,I didn’t need you hearing that shit, or having to deal with her.  It’s just a fuckin’ mess-”
“Hey, it’s ok, I’m just glad you got a chance to get that stuff off of your chest. Besides we are in this together, aren’t we?”
I searched her face for any signs of discomfort in the conversation, after seeing none, I continued.
 “Yea, we’re in this together,” I said as she caressed my beard lovingly.
She doesn’t know but I kept the grey in it because I know she secretly loves it.
“You needed that closure, and I’m happy you got it,” she said letting me know she wasn’t trippin’ over it.
That seemed to put my mind at ease as I saw Sefa and Cameron walking towards us.
“Aye, I heard from the place in Puerto Rico. Everything is a go for tomorrow,” Sefa said as I smiled.
“Good looking out, Uce.”
“Ok, now that’s twice tonight, but I ain’t gon’ even ask.”
“Good, cause’ I ain’t tellin’, just know I got this,” I said as she smiled.
The damn line was long to get back on the ship, so it was a good thing we came back when we did.
I felt nervous and excited watching Kayla and Cameron taking pictures.
By morning we would be in Puerto Rico and by tomorrow evening Kayla will be my fiancé.
Yep, this trip was finally back on track, and I am determined to keep it that way.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant @reignsboy19 wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy
One more Chapter left....Pardon any errors, the flu has hit my household and I'm running on empty. Enjoy ya'll!!!
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
Obessed with the idea where you’re just really damn fast in the ghoap serial killer AU.
So Simon and Johnny let you go thinking it’d be a fun little game for them, except— much to their shock— you make them work for it. (Maybe you’re muzzled during this so that you don’t try to scream and attract attention from anyone nearby?)
Just imagining Johnny being giddy with excitement and Simon cocking his head ever so slightly as they watch you disappear into the forest. They’d take off after you, feet thundering against the ground and echoing throughout the forest— and somehow, you seem to speed up even more.
Feel like you would have the advantage of being lighter than Simon and Johnny, letting you gain more momentum, enough to prevent them from capturing momentarily; but I also feel like they’d have shitloads of stamina and their military training to boot.
So maybe in the beginning they take it easy, perhaps underestimating you— something they make sure to not do next time— and just yelling out to you in the forest. Johnny would taunt you with a big shit-eating grin on his face and Simon would say the most ominous shit that would internally freak you the fuck out.
The start to get worried when they notice some smoke and realise some campers or something are nearby.
You notice the same time they do and you take off with them hot on your heels. (Knowing that Death in the form of two men are following close behind you, that these people will likely die because of your choice— knowing and choosing to anyway, praying that they’ll be enough to distract Simon and Johnny long enough so that you can escape.)
Your start to hear sounds, and something stirs in you; but before you can make it another step you’re slammed into the ground and the air is forced out of you. Maybe you’re dazed and can’t focus on anything but breathing at the moment- you don’t even notice when you’re picked up or being moved, can only scream in frustration later when Simon and Johnny have chained you up as punishment.
(Simon ends up putting a leather shock collar on you next time they play so that you don’t get to far— unbeknownst to you of course. You just think that they’re fucking insane and logically, in your brain, said territory just comes with weird kinks on top of that.)
🍋 Anon
Lemon you’re my soulmate
I’m always so torn on how much of a Character to make a reader insert, because I don’t want to actually make an OC. I never describe readers in my WIPS either (so anyone can read them - please let me know if I ever use descriptive words and I’ll cut them out) past having them be AFAB and fem presenting, but the temptation to give them a decently unique background is sooo strong.
I love love love the idea of the Serial Killer AU!Reader being from like, rural southern America (like me lol) and having grown up chasing friends through the forest, so this whole “playing tag with a serial killer” thing ends up being just That taken to its most extreme version. She’s a little bit feral, she’s run barefoot through the woods before, she can do this
The scenario you wrote with the campers has my heart pounding. I could see that going one of two ways
(a) You make it to the campsite. As soon as you spot the smoke you’re off like a shot, and because you’re closer to the campers than Ghost and Soap, you get there first. The poor campers are having a lovely night toasting marshmallows and bam - a naked, muzzled, and filthy woman bursts into the clearing like her ass is on fire.
You try to rush them out - don’t worry about the muzzle you have to fucking go they’re literally right behind you - but they’re not listening, crowding around you instead and prying at the muzzle, at your sluggishly bleeding cuts (from the bushes you’d skimmed). They’re weirdly touchy, and you end up desperately shoving their hands away and near screaming through the muzzle to be heard.
The first one is shot through the head. One second he’s panicking and telling his friends to get away from you, the next his head is just gone - just an explosion of red and brains from a shotgun blast. That gets the others screaming, gets them dashing away from you. But you know it’s too late, can only fall to your knees and squeeze your eyes shut in hopes that it’s over soon.
You only stay like that for a moment, their screams already fading a little with your disassociation, when a rough hand grabs a chunk of your hair and yanks back. Your eyes fly open, and Simon rumbles in your ear, “No, look. Look at what he’s doing to them. Look at what you’ve done to them.” You thrash a little, throwing yourself this way and that to try and get away but Simon’s grip doesn’t loosen at all, and you don’t want him to tear chunks of your hair out. You squeeze your eyes shut to block out the axe Johnny raises high above his head and the screaming girl beneath him, only to feel a heavy smack against your cheek. Simon snarls, his anger radiating through every word. “No. You fucking look. This is your fault, these people wouldn’t have died if you hadn’t fucked everything up. You’re going to watch them suffer, and then you’re going to dig their graves.”
And you do. You watch Johnny decapitate the girl, watch him guy another person and force their head down to see it, watch him strangle a third, bash a fourths head in with a rock. The dirt is more red than brown by the time he’s done, and you can’t hold back the sobs and pained moans, loud enough to be heard even through the muzzle. Johnny sits with you and the corpses while Simon grabs a shovel, reiterates again and again that these people died because you were a fucking idiot, and the three of you are out until sunrise while you dig a grave for them.
Later, Simon bandages your wrecked hands and Johnny coos over you, kisses your palms and apologizes when you whine at the sting. Simon gives you painkillers, and neither of them make you lift a finger until you’re all healed up
(b) You don’t make it to the campsite. Johnny and Ghost have already got you in their sights, and the half second you pause in surprise before taking off to your gives them enough time to catch up. You run with everything you’re worth, sprinting faster than you ever have before to get there before them and pray to God someone has a gun.
You’re almost there, you could nearly throw out a hand and be seen in the clearing, when you’re tackled to the earth. You go rolling, breath knocked out of you and your back erupting in pain as you’re viciously held to the ground. There’s a hand locked around your throat, and body straddling you, and it takes a minute for you to be able to blink past the pain and see that it’s Johnny.
“What were you gonna do, huh? Gonna go running off and beg for help? No one can fucking help you out here, bonnie. We’d slaughter them - might just do it anyway. That what you want? Huh?”
His teeth are bared, sweat dripping from his face to yours and eyes alight in a sort of primal rage. He flips you onto your stomach, fucks you deep into the dirt right there as you stare at your would-be saviors. You scream, cry, beg, and more, but the muzzle muffles you so you’re not even sure if Johnny can hear you. Your orgasm comes just as the first person’s head is blown to smithereens
Love the inclusion of the shock collar again. I feel like it fits more in this AU than the other one tbh
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ladygoth · 3 months
The first thing that comes to when thinking about my icks in Ghost/Cod fanfics is usually the innocent and crybaby persona given to the oc/reader. Like, these are grown ass military men who I highly doubt would take advantage of someone they'd consider "innocent" and no one their age I would imagine would want to date someone highly sensitive and avoid them without any communication. Don't even get me started on the pedophilic undertones in those writings too...
At this point, I think some people are also just scared of aging the fem oc/reader and making them mature just because "aging" in beauty standards is looked down upon. They need to stop feeding in to that standard. Aging and maturing is normal and should be looked more as positive than negative. These men would date someone more close in age, that's all I'm saying.
Another thing that comes to mind is just certain wording in the fics. I usually push through and just read but once it becomes too much by putting words like "cunny," "pillowy walls," "sweet nectar," "member," etc. then I am OUT OF THERE. It's worse when they make the characters say the most cheesiest or cringe worthy lines, like no one just says these things in person unless their socially distanced from society and/or addicted to reddit.
This will be too long so I'm just gonna end it off by saying that the misunderstanding trope is overated. Please people be more creative. It's just as bad as the whole "it was all just a dream" trope. It's extremely lazy and I feel we can do better than that.
All love, be sure to rest well and drink lots of water! Have a good day! :)
cod fanfics has a lot of underlying pee door philly a! i have something "nice" to say to them but i'll get mass reported. and with the sensitive oc this is what i mean a lot of people are afraid of making "mary sues" thus they make them into incompetent cry babies, most of them think them having a reader that is mature and knows their shit is too perfect lol.
and i agree with what you say. and sometimes i use member because i dont want to use the same word over and over again, when it comes to writing those smut i turn into azealia banks thesaurus
the misunderstanding trope is funnily over-rated, i can understand some misunderstandings but sometimes it gets onto a modern family level when it just happens all the time. and thank you, i hope you have a good day and drink lots of water as well :)
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rodolfoparras · 2 months
Back on my oc shit ✊😞 god if you can hear me
I can definitely see Price getting pissed off because he just came back from hanging out with some friends, but he's drunk as fuck and is trying to type in a code but keeps pressing the wrong shit because hes got big fingers and the buttons are a bit small and is just
🧍‍♂️🎥 "one of you boys needs to get the fuck out here and let me in" at the cameras until someone comes out and escorts him inside (it will not be Ghost, because he thinks it's funny as fuck)
It's probably Gaz and/or Everett that does tbh, helps the old man inside and gets him all washed up and in his jammies (probably fucks him good for good measure) and then tucks his ass into someone's bed, he's out like a light fs
Everett is a huge cuddle bug when you get close enough to him. So lots of the time, if you're looking for him, you should be looking for whoever's in their room because good chance he's with them in bed
Also they do absolutely fight of parking spots, you're right, sometimes they park in each other's spots just to be petty. Finished Ghost's favorite cereal? Fuck you and your parking spot
Soap's got furr enemies because in the 2009 MW, in Captain Soap's journal, he talks about hating dogs and having a fear of them. So Ghost's pup Riley and Everett's pup are his biggest opps sometimes.
Both dogs are very well trained, so he'll slowly grow civil with them, they help him overcome that fear the longer they're all together, but he still doesn't like them much
Prefers Everett's little fluff balls, a mainecoon and a Norwegian forest cat (they're not little at all but they love Soap because he spoils them)
Once they're all retired, I don't think Everett would use a mask much at home, definitely when he goes out but at home he's pretty okay going without it, Roach and Ghost too. But sometimes Everett will probably wear his bunny balaclava for funsies
If he carries anything in the ears, it's probably lighters or chapstick
Weed smoker 100% after retirement, he gets really bad pains in his face sometimes from the piece of shrapnel and smokes to relieve it, probably smokes with Roach and Soap. The others may or may not join, probably depends on if they're still in the military or not
The boys do call him bunny and bun bun and other cute bunny pet names because they think it's cute 😞 man's a war criminal and missing his eye but he's his boys' bunny
Nsft headcanons 🤭...
(poly141 petplay when?!) ((Everett would probably dress up in white lingerie with bunny ears and a rabbits tail plug because Soap joked about it once and wanted to surprise his boys))
Lots of high and/or drunk sex, they've got so much left over energy now they focus it on each other. Get Everett high, and he's rubbing his pussy on whoever's closest to him
Sex between Everett and Soap is very sweet most of the time in my head, they're both scared of losing the ability to communicate with one another (Soap becoming hoh and Everett going partially blind) and so they're very sweet with each other, lots of cuddle sex, they take good care of one another
They all love to ruin their captain and lieutenant 🫡
4v2 fr, Gaz, Soap, Roach, and Everett all jumping Ghost and Price and melting their brains
Idk if you've ever seen those women who fuck men back?? Like the woman is standing and holding the man's legs against him and then riding him like that?? Idk if that's the best way to describe it, BUT Everett does that to whoever's cis in the polycule, especially if it's Ghost or Price, loves to dominate those two
I could probably go on for way too long about these guys...... Someone's gotta put me down, bruh
Hello I’m kicking my legs and twirling my hair bc fucking price to sleep is a dream yes he’s an old man yes he’ll happily let you fuck him while he sleeps yes he gets lazily half way into riding and wants you to take over for him yes he’ll claim he doesn’t like being pampered bc he’s a “grown man for Christ sake “ but if you happen to forget to make tea for him at night like you usually do or you won’t offer him to put his cold feet onto you he’ll be huffing and puffing
May I also have a cuddle ses with Everett it’s been a rough day my friends 🧎🏻‍♂️
Wait I absolutely love them having petty fights like arguing over silly things like how someone (soap) ended up turning half of the white t shirts into baby pink and he’s like what pink looks great on ghost and Everett 😭
Oh no I forgot soap was a wee bit scared 😭 but also soap having some moments where he’s like “you’re cool…sometimes” to the dogs 😭
Soap having little tea parties with the kitties and talking shit about dogs and the cats are just blinking at him and he’s like exactly!
Everett wearing his bunny mask jst bc he secretly loves when the rest of the guys coo at him
I see price tryinf weed once and being all grumpy about the headache he got and how he’s too old for all this nonsense hallucinations he’s seeing 😭
Oh hello Everett and price dryhumping idk I just see price as someone who absolutely loves doing it especially with a couple of drinks in him
Soap and Everette finding their own ways to communicate just in case something happens 🧎🏻‍♂️
Oh I’ve definitely seen that maybe even imagined pricr doing it to me but that’s another discussion 😞
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Christmas Will Find You Home
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Charlotte Miller (OC)
Summary: After managing to avoid seeing Thomas Shelby (and attending the annual Christmas party) for several years, Executive VP of Shelby Company, Ltd., Charlotte Miller must attend the company party in Birmingham.
Note:  Written for @runnning-outof-time​​‘s K’s (Almost) 2.5k Holiday BINGO! (It’s also my first bingo, so fingers crossed. 
Bingo Categories:
Must Include: A Kiss
Christmas Morning/Christmas Eve
Forced Proximity
Word Count: 5500
“Michael, stop,” Charlotte Miller called after his retreating back. “Get your ass back in this office and finish our discussion like a grown-ass adult.” 
“Not a chance, dove,” Michael called over his shoulder. “We’ll have the same argument about it, and since I’m still your boss, the answer will be the same. You’re going to the damn party.” 
She rounded the desk, hands on her hips as she glared at the smirk on his face. In the five years she’d worked for Shelby Company Limited, she’d always managed to find a way to avoid attending the annual Christmas party in Birmingham. Being hired by the company out of grad school was an incredible opportunity. After a year of working in the London office, she’d asked for a transfer to the New York office. Fortunately, she was damn good at her job, so the discussion had ended in her favor, even if she had agreed to a pay cut. Bastard.   
“I’ll quit.”
She wanted to shove the words back into her mouth as soon as they left her lips. 
Luckily for her, Michael laughed as he turned to face her. 
“No, you won’t. It’s not in you to give Tommy the satisfaction.” 
Her brown eyes narrowed. “This has nothing to do with Thomas Shelby.” 
Michael nodded, smirk on his lips. “Sure, ‘course not. Not like you’ve been avoidin’ him since you came to this office. Not like you insist on keeping a whole bloody ocean between the two of you.” 
“He didn’t hire me. Polly did.” 
Michael snorted.
“Okay, fine, we both know that’s not true, but she did get a vote.” 
“So did Arthur, John, and myself. But, we also both know that if Tommy didn’t agree, you’d not be sitting behind that desk in a corner office.” 
Charlotte shrugged. “Perhaps, but I’d just be in some other corner office making money against Mister Shelby instead of for him. Don’t need him nearly as much as he thinks I do.” 
“Right, and you two can fight ‘bout that all you want at the Christmas party.” 
“I hate you right now, Mickey.” 
Isaiah knocked on the door, a bright smile on his face. “Right, got it all sussed out then? Got the car waiting.” 
“Fuck off,” Charlotte snapped. “I’m not going.” 
Isaiah’s grin grew as he looked up at Michael. “That’s ten quid you owe me, mate. Told you she’d be stubborn about it.” 
“No way,” Michael argued as he led Charlotte out of the office with a hand on her back. “Doesn’t count. Said she’d not go at all; she’s going. She’s just gonna be angry about it.” 
Charlotte tried digging in her heels, but Michael simply pushed more firmly against her back, slid his arm all the way around her waist, and nearly hauled her down the hall, into the elevator, and outside into the waiting Bentley. She ignored Isaiah’s snickering as he climbed into the driver’s seat. 
“I’m not packed.” 
Michael raised an eyebrow at her. Charlotte huffed and crossed her arms across her chest, a deep pout settling on her lips. 
“Don’t be like that, dove,” Michael said, voice softer. He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “You’ll be happy to see John and Arthur.” 
Her resolve to remain one hundred percent upset about the upcoming trip cracked a bit at the thought of seeing the other Shelby men. 
“And you know Polly wasn’t going to let you spend Christmas alone.” 
“So, what, this was all some sort of Shelby family plan then?” 
Michael didn’t respond, but she could see the smirk tucked into the corner of his mouth. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Welcome to Arrow House, Miss Miller. I’m Frances, the housekeeper, and I’ll be taking care of anything you need while you’re staying with us.” 
Charlotte forced a smile onto her face, but it was tight, brittle. She inclined her head, unable to speak. Following behind Frances, Charlotte couldn’t help but be impressed by the house. Old English manor houses held a special place in her heart, and Arrow House didn’t disappoint. She ran her hand along the wood panels and swore she could smell the smoke from the wood-burning fireplaces that once kept the place warm in the cold northern winters. No wonder the whole bloody family lived here. Although, when she’d asked Michael why she wasn’t at the Grand like the rest of the executives, he’d looked at her as though she’d gone mad. 
She smiled at the sound of Polly’s voice. Turning, she returned the hug Polly enveloped her into. Polly placed her hands on Charlotte’s shoulders, pushed back slightly. 
“Let me have a look at you.” 
With a fond shake of her head, Charlotte stood still as Polly’s knowing eyes moved across her face. Since the passing of her own mother two years ago, Polly Gray had become a surrogate mother to her. She wasn’t sure how she would have survived those first few months without Polly next to her, holding her together when the grief threatened to tear her apart. 
“I’ve finally got you under my roof. I’ve half a mind to keep you here where I can keep a better eye on you.” 
“None of that, Pol,” Charlotte teased. Well, she hoped it was teasing. Part of her wondered how serious Polly was about keeping her here in Birmingham. She’d consider staying if they banished Thomas Shelby to the New York office. 
“Christ you’re a stubborn one.” 
Charlotte laughed. “Have to be to work with this family, Pol.” 
“Being stubborn against your own best interests is a foolish way to live life.” 
John’s voice, and his arms wrapping around her from behind, saved her from needing to respond to Polly. For once, she was thankful for John’s timing, and his boisterous behavior. She had no idea what to say to Polly’s words. Words she knew would stick with her through the day. 
When he released her, she turned to face him. His smile was contagious. She pressed a kiss to his cheek as she wrapped him in a huge hug. 
“Pol convince you to stay yet?” he whispered against her ear. 
She shook her head, feeling his shoulders slump a bit. Fucking Shelby’s. 
“Come on, someone needs to keep an eye on Ada.” 
“She’s got Freddy for that.” 
“Let go of her, you muppet,” Arthur’s voice boomed. “We all know I’m her favorite.” 
A laugh escaped her lips as she was passed from one Shelby to the next. Arthur’s mustache tickled her skin as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. John’s question about staying lingered in her mind as she took in Arthur’s familiar scent, one she wished didn’t quite remind her of home. The whole family suffocated her in the best way, most of the time at least. As she took comfort in the warmth of Arthur’s embrace, she allowed herself to imagine her life in England. 
Pulling back slightly, she caught sight of Thomas Shelby over Arthur’s shoulder. He stood in the doorway, long overcoat unbuttoned, slowly removing the leather gloves from his hands. When his eyes captured hers, she knew her heart stopped beating for a second, knew she forgot how to breathe. Maybe it would be easier if he were less attractive. She’d thought distance, not seeing him in person, only being subjected to his perfect face during Zoom calls would make it easier. 
“Givin’ out hugs to the whole family, eh?” 
His voice seemed deeper, richer in person. She hated how much she enjoyed the sound of it. 
“Go on,” Arthur whispered. “It’s Christmas.” 
Before she could protest, Arthur shoved her at Tommy, who caught her in his arms. Her own wrapped around his shoulders automatically, bringing her body flush to his. As with everything related to Thomas Shelby, she wanted to hate it, desperately wished it didn’t feel bloody amazing. Wished she didn’t know how hard his body felt, the smell of his cologne, the texture of his hair.  
“Mmm,” Tommy breathed against her neck. His hands caressed her back before settling possessively on her hips. “Fallin’ into me arms already, love?” 
Her hands tightened in the material of his coat as the rasp of his voice against her skin sent shivers of pleasure dancing along her spine. His thumbs moved in small, slow circles against the sliver of skin he found at her hips. 
“Knew you’d come to your fuckin’ senses, Char, be in me arms where you belong.” 
Charlotte tensed, sighed deeply through her nose. Bastard. No. She should feel grateful. For a moment, she’d allowed herself to pretend. To be entranced by the spirit of Christmas - fucking Arthur - and believe for a moment that he could be anything other than an utter bastard. Removing herself from his arms, she tried not to show her hesitance as his hands slid from her body. The smirk he didn't bother to hide indicated he’d won the opening round of the weekend. 
“God, you’re a bastard. I regret not resigning.” 
Tommy didn’t respond, but she saw his eyes narrow. 
“Leave her be,” Polly scolded as she moved in next to Charlotte, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Come on, dear. I’ll show you up to your room.” 
Had she not still been staring at his face, she would have missed the look he exchanged with Polly. Given the way her shoulders tightened, whatever silent Shelby communication she’d just witnessed didn’t sit well. She followed Polly, felt the heat of Tommy’s gaze on her back until they’d reached the top of the stairs and started down the main hallway. Only then did her shoulders relax. 
“You’re going to draw me a map, right? Drop a pin on my room so I can find it again?” 
“You’re a clever girl, I’m sure you’ll manage.” 
“So, that’s a no, is it?” 
Polly smiled at her as she opened one of three doors in the hall. A massive four-poster bed dominated the far wall of the room. A dark cherry Gentleman’s chest stood on the adjacent wall, a foot locker sat at the base of the bed covered in a knit throw blanket that looked soft. 
“Better than a room at the Grand?” 
“Pol - ”
“No, I’ll not hear a word from you. I’ll not have you here in fuckin’ Birmingham and put you up in a bloody hotel when we have a house the size of a small village.” She paused, eyed Charlotte knowingly. “Tom wouldn’t allow it either.” 
She lit a cigarette, eyes slightly narrowed. “You know it, same as me.” 
“I’m not going to fight with you on this, again. Consider it my Christmas gift to you.” 
“Like that hug you gave Thomas?” 
“Fuck off. That was bloody Arthur being a giant lump of a man, tossing me about like that.” 
“Seemed cozy there in his arms until he ruined it by runnin’ his mouth.” 
Charlotte narrowed her eyes. Spotting her suitcases near the door she moved to them and began unpacking her clothes, ignoring Polly as she did so. She could feel Polly’s irritation, so the sound of the door opening, then closing without a word didn’t surprise her.
Charlotte managed to avoid everyone for the rest of the day, claiming jetlag. Frances had come up to her room with a tray for dinner, something about Mister Shelby insisting she eat. Hunger overcame her stubbornness, and the food tasted delicious. At half past nine, she figured it was late enough to avoid a terrible bout of actual jetlag in the morning. Pulling an oversized t-shirt from the half-emptied suitcase, she prepared for bed. Of course, the mattress felt like laying on a cloud, the soft blankets kept her warm as she fell asleep quickly.  
Sometime later she woke up, throat dry, eyes scratchy from the lingering tiredness she felt. Slipping from the bed, she moved towards the door, out into the hallway. Massive curtain-covered windows cast shadows down the hallway. The wood floor felt cold beneath her bare feet as she padded towards the staircase. Surely she could find the kitchen without waking the household staff. Downstairs, nothing looked familiar in the dark. Picking a direction seemed a better choice than standing in front of the staircase in nothing but an oversized t-shirt. Rubbing her arms to gain back a bit of warmth, she moved down one of the hallways, hoping for a bit of beginner's luck would lead her to the kitchen. Of course, it couldn’t be that simple. She wandered for another twenty minutes, convinced she’d gone down this exact hallway before. In the morning, she’d demand a map from Polly. Or maybe not since she’d then have to explain why she refused to wake the staff. She could hear Polly’s voice now telling her it was what they were paid for, especially when there were guests who were unfamiliar with the house. Guests exactly like her. 
After what felt like a small eternity, Charlotte found the kitchen. Thankfully, finding a glass in the cupboards was less adventurous than locating the kitchen. She drank down the glass of water, enjoying the way it cleared the cotton taste of exhaustion from her mouth. Unsure of what else to do with her glass, she rinsed it and left it in the sink. Hopefully, that wouldn’t upset whoever took care of the kitchen. Even with her eyes half-closed, making her way back upstairs was slightly easier than her downstairs roam. The hallway’s familiar shadows welcomed her as she moved towards her door. 
As she crawled back into bed, it felt warmer than it should have, but maybe she’d just become that cold during her wanderings. Temperatures never seemed to work right for her. When everyone else was cold, she tended to be warm. The mattress was just as soft as she snuggled down into the pillow, pulled the blankets up under her chin. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and just on the cusp of sleep, she felt strong arms wrap around her. Ignoring the nagging feeling in the back of her mind, thinking it nothing more than a combination of wishful thinking and sleep deprivation, she drifted off into a dreamless slumber.      
In the space between waking and sleeping, Charlotte sighed, contentment settling around her for the first time in years. Everything felt warm and safe. The pillow beneath her smelled divine, and familiar. Burrowing further into it, she felt fingers carding through her thick hair. Dreams like this made her feel warm. It had to be a dream because she’d arranged her hair into a single plait before going to bed last night. But, dreams didn’t breathe, did they? She was no expert on them, but - 
Those were lips she felt at her ear. Moving her fingers she encountered not the cotton of a pillowcase, but smooth, warm skin. The not-pillow shifted a bit beneath her, and as she moved towards full wakefulness, she felt fingers moving along her skin, tracing idle patterns against her back. 
“Mornin’, love.” 
Unwilling to break the trance quite yet, she simply hummed in response. The body beneath her chuckled, but otherwise made no effort to move her. Breathing in she caught the scent of him, cedar and a hint of ginger. Damn. She wanted to continue to enjoy the feel of him beneath her, the softness of his skin, the warmth of his body. Unfortunately, with full wakefulness, came reality. Crashing over her like a wave, she jerked out of his arms, nearly tumbling from the bed in her haste. His arms caught her at the last moment, saving her from going over the side. 
“What the fuck, Thomas?” 
Her voice sounded shrill as it pierced the silence of the morning. Pressing a hand to her chest, she willed her heart to stop pounding. Calm. She needed to remain calm, keep her wits around her. 
Unable to look away from his naked chest, she watched as he tucked his hands up behind his head, as though putting himself on display just for her. Damn him. She wanted to lick every inch of him. 
“I might be askin’ you that question, Char, but I don’t rightly care.” 
She blinked. His words not registering. 
She mentally rolled her eyes at herself. Narrowed them as she saw the smirk playing on Tommy’s lips. 
“Don’t much care what brought you into me bed in the middle of the night.” 
She blinked. “Your - ”
Scrambling from the bed, she accidentally pulled the sheet with her. Startled, she glanced back at Tommy. Smirk still on his lips, he shifted, drawing her gaze down the length his torso. Her heartbeat might never return to a normal pace. There, in the middle of his giant bed, lay Thomas Shelby - fully naked. Unable to tear her eyes away, she looked at his hard cock, flush against his lower stomach. The sheet dropped from her numb fingers, leaving her in nothing but a t-shirt that just came to her mid-thigh. Her eyes flickered up to him. Given the heat in his own gaze, she might as well be naked.  
“Fuck me,” Charlotte breathed. 
Tommy’s lips drew into a devastatingly charming smile. “Anything you want, love.” 
His hand closed around the base of his shaft, stroked up and down at a leisurely pace. She couldn’t tear her eyes away, even knowing he watched her watch him jack off. She wanted him. As the sleep fully cleared from her mind, she remembered the way she’d felt sleeping in his arms. Knew it would be easy to slip her shirt over her head, climb back into his bed and feel him everywhere. Even as her nipples pebbled at the idea, she couldn’t allow herself to be weak. The devil was nothing if not charming, and Thomas Shelby was the devil. 
Without a word, terrified about what would come from her lips, she turned and ran from the room. A coward's move to be sure, but she’d been a coward around Thomas Shelby from the start. He made her feel unbalanced. Never on firm footing when he was in the room. At first, she’d enjoyed it. Thrilled in his attention. Not anymore. Slamming into her own room, she leaned back against her door, sliding to the floor on legs of jelly. 
Coming to Birmingham had been a mistake.  
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Charlotte wanted to ignore the knock on her door, but knew better. Shelby’s were the stubborn sort. Dress half-zipped, but covering enough of herself to be considered decent, she opened the door. Michael stood in a tailored, jet-black, three-piece suit, one hand tucked into his pocket. Boy could have been a model. He took a pull from the cigarette between his teeth as his eyes roamed her form. 
“Tryin’ to kill him?” 
With a roll of her eyes, Charlotte opened her door wider, inviting him into the room. 
“If you’re going to be a little shit, the least you can do is zip me up,” she said, turning her back to him. 
“Not a word of this to Tommy,” Michael said as he zipped her dress, movements efficient. “He’d bloody well murder me for it.” 
“Don’t worry, Mickey,” Charlotte teased, turning back to face him. “I’ll save you.” 
“It’s no joke.” 
Charlotte’s face settled into a blank expression which caused Michael to sigh. 
“He’s been in a mood all day. Not seen him like this since - ”
Ignoring him, she moved to sit on the bed and reached for her shoes. Wincing at the thought of wearing them all night, she slid her feet into the three-inch stilettos. When she’d seen the silver peep-toe shoes in the shop window, she knew they’d be perfect with her red dress. The dress hung on her shoulders by tiny straps, layers of chiffon and silk flowed down her body to the floor. There was practically no back to it, and the slit in the front was just this side of indecent. When she’d tried it on, the shop assistant had whistled, so had his boyfriend. Needing no further sign that the dress had been designed for her, she’d spent far too much money on it and carried it home with a large grin on her face. 
Facing herself in the mirror, she took a critical assessment of her smokey eye with just a hint of gold in the crease, lips painted red a shade darker than the dress. Suddenly, it felt like a terrible choice.
“Ignore me, dove,” Micheal said as he moved in behind her. “He’s been carryin’ on all bloody day, but you look lovely. Serve him right it will, seein’ you walk down the stairs lookin’ like that.” 
“This has nothing to do with him.” 
“Happy accident then.” 
Charlotte smiled. 
“Now, I know we’re not doin’ presents, at least that’s your stupid fuckin’ rule, but I bought you something anyway because I can.” 
“Me real name, and on Christmas.”
“Christmas Eve.”
“Just shut up and open the box, yeah?”
Mock scowl on her face, Charlotte took the box from Michael’s hand. It was small, blue and she wanted to slap him. Still, she opened the lid and the most gorgeous tennis bracelet lay atop a velvet pillow. With delicate fingers, she traced the platinum band inlaid with diamonds and pearls. 
“I hate you.” She sniffed, overcome with a wave of affection for him. 
“Love you, too, dove.” 
Wiping the tear from the corner of her eye, she held her wrist out. With a chuckle, Michael took the bracelet from the box and hooked it around her wrist. 
“Looks gorgeous on you.” 
She pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Since we’re doing the gift thing - ”
“What a cheeky girl you are, goin’ on ‘bout not buyin’ a bloody thing.” 
“Fuck off.” 
She handed Micheal a box. He raised an eyebrow as he opened it. Inside, sat a 14k gold pre-war Hamilton pocket watch. 
“Bloody hell.” 
“Hush up, you. It’s just a watch.” 
“Right, and that’s just a bracelet, then, eh? Both of us liars.” 
She nudged him with her shoulder, both of them laughing. 
“Shall we?” 
He held out his arm. Hooking her own through his, they left the room. At the top of the stairs, she took a deep breath. Given Michael’s reaction to her dress, she needed to fortify herself for Tommy’s reaction. Not to mention, she needed to prepare herself for seeing him in a suit. Christ. Maybe she could have a headache or a sudden bout of plague. 
“Chin up, dove.” 
Holding on to Michael’s arm for dear life, she allowed him to lead her down the stairs. Stood at the base, arm resting on the banister stood Tommy, his back to her. Arthur and John stood next to each other, messing with Finn’s bowtie. They elbowed each other when they caught sight of her, and of course, that drew Tommy’s attention. She felt the heat of his gaze before she saw him. Without tearing his eyes away, he rounded the banister and met her at the base of the stairs. Hand held out to her, she took it without thinking. Didn’t notice Michael leaving her side, didn’t hear Polly ushering everyone else to the waiting cars. 
Tommy’s thumb stroked the back of her hand before he brought it to his lips. For a moment, they stared at each other. Gently, he drew her closer, dropped her hand so he could encircle her waist with his hands. Goosebumps erupted as his fingers traced the exposed skin at the base of her spine. Her own hands traced the lapels of his jacket. She walked her fingers up over his shoulders, fiddled with the soft hairs at the base of his neck. 
“If we don’t leave now, love, I’ll throw you over my shoulder and put you back in me bed where I can peel that dress from your body and bury myself inside you.” 
As it had this morning, the desire to do exactly as he said swept through her body. 
“Polly will murder us if we both miss your bloody party.” 
“She’ll get over it.” 
“Car’s ready, Miss Miller.” 
She’d never wanted to hug Isaiah quite as much as she did at that moment. What was it about this trip that made her completely take leave of her senses? She pulled from Tommy’s arms, ignoring the dark look on his face as she took her coat from the stand by the door. Throwing it over her shoulders, she hurried outside. 
Arriving at the party alone, she ignored the knowing look on Polly’s face. She could see money exchange between Arthur and John, and would have gone over to slap them both upside the head if she hadn’t been intercepted by Alfie. 
“I thought he’d been lyin’ to me face ‘bout this, right, lyin’ to my face ‘bout you showing up to the party. Didn’t think you’d ever step foot on British soil again, pet.”
“The Shelby’s can be…persuasive.” 
Alfie stroked his beard. “They can, yes, quite persuasive. Just know, right, know I’ve got a nice corner office waiting to put your name on it if you ever come to your senses, yeah?” 
“Merry Christmas, Alfie.” 
He nodded. “Same to you, pet. Now, how ‘bout you let me buy you a fancy drink, eh?” 
Drink in hand, she began to mingle after Alfie’d been pulled into a conversation. She’d been to enough functions like this in New York that she understood it was more about business than not. Fucking Shelby’s having a business party on Christmas Eve. Yet, the room was packed. She knew the moment Tommy arrived because the whole atmosphere of the room changed. Keeping one eye on him to ensure the whole of the ballroom remained between them, she drifted through the crowd. 
“Did you hear Charlotte’s here tonight?” 
The sound of her name drew her attention. A small group of women, some she recognized from working in the main office, stood near one of the windows, sugary cocktails in their hands. She glanced down at the dregs of the Old Fashioned in her own hand. A trip to the bar would be in order soon. 
“No, not possible. She was fucking banished to America, wasn’t she? Something between her and Mr. Shelby?” 
“No, you ninny. She requested the move herself. Took a pay cut and everything.”
That voice she recognized. Made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. Her grip on her glass tightened. 
“What do you mean, Lizzie?” 
“It was years ago,” Lizzie began. “You lot hadn’t started yet, but she was the fresh new managing director. Had offers from nearly every big business in London. ‘Course Tommy made her a ridiculous offer, that beat out everyone else. A few months later everyone knew why he’d wanted her so badly.” 
The ladies all made knowing sort of noises as though they had the first clue about what had happened. 
“Make no mistake, though. Charlotte Miller is fucking fantastic at her job. It’s why when it all went tits up, Tommy couldn’t afford to let her leave the company. Didn’t want his competition making a profit off of his fuck up.” 
“You sayin’ it was his fault?” 
Lizzie paused. “Not sure it’s my place to say, really.” 
“Oh my dear Lizzie,” Charlotte said as she strode over to the group. “Why stop now? You’ve been ever so informative this evening.” 
“Miss Miller.” 
A waiter passed by and Charlotte switched her empty for a glass of champagne. Bringing the flute to her lips, she took a drink and grimaced. Nasty. But, fortifying. Tipping her head back she poured the rest of the drink down her throat. 
“Not enough pillow talk these days, eh, Lizzie?”
“It’s not like that, not anymore. Not since - ”
The universe must recognize a pending breakdown because another waiter came by allowing her to repeat the process of guzzling the alcohol as though it would save her. Not enough to make her drunk, but hopefully enough to dim the edges a bit. 
“Go on then, you were doing so well. Go on and tell them about Grace, about you - because there’s no story, no gossip, without those bits now is there?” 
“I’m not sure that here is the place for this conversation, Charlotte.”
She scoffed. “Being the executive admin for Mister Shelby suddenly given you airs and graces, hm? Wouldn’t want to do anything embarrassing, right? No, wouldn’t want that. Whoring yourself out, well, that’s just business. Making a scene at such a lovely party, well, that would be a true travesty.” 
“Everything alright here, ladies?” Tommy asked as he slid his arm around Charlotte’s waist, tucking her into his side.
She felt each woman’s eyes follow the movement of Tommy’s hand. Most were simply curious, but she knew Lizzie felt blindingly jealous. Good. 
“Come on, Miss Miller. Arthur needs your expertise with the import agreement.” 
“Of course he does. Couldn’t do the adding up if his life depended on it.” 
Without acknowledging the group of women, she followed Tommy who didn’t lead them to where Arthur was indeed talking with the Minister of State, but ushered her outside to a balcony overlooking the gardens. There was a bite to the air which felt refreshing even if it did cause her to shiver. The room had been stifling. Tommy draped his jacket over her shoulders. She pulled it closer to her, catching a whiff of cedar from the cologne lingering on his collar. 
“Wanna tell me what that was about, eh?” Tommy asked as he lit a cigarette.
She watched the smoke waft from his mouth as she contemplated her answer. 
“Women’s business.” 
“Didn’t think you were overly concerned with that.” 
“Oh, Lizzie had it well in hand.” 
Tommy nodded. “Lizzie.” 
“Yes, Lizzie.” 
“That what had you drinkin’ champagne as though we’d run out?”
Adeline wanted to strangle him. “We really gonna have this conversation?” 
“Seems a bit overdue if it’s causin’ you to make a fool of yourself in there.” 
“I don’t know what else there is to say, Tommy.” 
He threw the spent cigarette down and ground it beneath his shoe before closing in on her. She was in his arms before she knew what was happening, her fingers tangled in his hair as he nestled her close to his body. Then his lips captured hers and she was lost. It was five years ago and she was a young fool in love with a handsome man. He held her so tightly there was nothing between them, she could feel the solidness of him beneath her fingers. Felt the way his lips took ownership of hers, as though he had the right. And damn it all, she let him. She allowed his tongue to sweep into her mouth, to ravage her. To her shame, she moaned into it. 
“Tell me you don’t love me, Char. Tell me my touch doesn’t make you wet, lie to me fuckin’ face and say you can’t feel how hard you make me.” 
He growled the words into her neck. Christ, she could feel him. And she was wet. Soaked, honestly, but it didn’t matter. If Lizzie’s words reminded her of anything it was that. 
“I can’t tell you that,” she whispered. “I do love you, Tommy, no matter how much I wished I didn’t. Would be easier for both of us if I could hate you. If I could look at your face and want something other than to fall into your arms.” 
She pulled herself from his embrace, took his jacket from her shoulders. She held it out to him. He shook his head roughly, refusing. 
“But it doesn’t matter how much I love you because I don’t trust you. I can’t. Not after Grace.” 
She saw his jaw tense. 
“You love me.”
His words felt like sandpaper against her skin. 
“It wasn’t enough.” She squared her shoulders. “I wasn’t enough.” 
She turned, managed two steps towards the door before she felt his hand wrap around her arm and haul her back to him. Looking up at him, she could read the pain on his face, buried beneath the anger and desperation. Steeling herself against it, remembering the pain of coming home, finding him in her bed buried balls deep inside Grace…
“Where the bloody hell do you think you’re going, love?” 
“I never should have come to Birmingham. This was a bad idea, Tommy. I’m going home. ” 
“The fuck you are.” 
She closed her eyes. “Let me go, Thomas.” 
He released her. His blue eyes blazed as he glared at her. “You’re not fuckin’ leavin’. Not again.” 
“I am, Thomas.”  
“Don’t do this, love. Don’t walk out that door.” 
“Why not?” 
“You leave now you’re done, fuckin’ done, do you hear?” 
She nodded, heart heavy. “Fair enough. I’ll have my office cleared by week’s end.” 
Tommy didn’t move as she turned and crossed the balcony. At the door, hand on the handle she paused. Glancing over her shoulder she saw him stood there, still as a statue. 
“Merry Christmas, Tommy.”
Peaky Blinders Master List
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ofmermaidstories · 10 months
ur post about oc fic and reader insert fic made me think about how every time i see a post dragging x reader it's kinda just... thinly veiled misogyny.
like i don't wanna get super deep or whatever but a good chunk of x reader writers (myself included) are just women or people socialized as women that have felt unloved or under appreciated in their lives because of their looks or their personality or their skills in things that women/feminine people are expected to excel in and i think that oc/reader insert stories give women a really important space to make themselves (or a version of themselves) the most desired thing which is something that they often don't experience. it's a space where women can feel comfortable and loved in a world where they're under appreciated and tossed aside because of things out of their control and it drives me up a wall when i see people shitting on these spaces and these works because these are just safe spaces for marginalized people PREDOMINATELY CREATED BY MARGINALIZED PEOPLE!!
n e ways this was a long rant oops..
omg see the thing that gets me about the occassional x reader/oc drag is that—the call is coming from inside the house LMAO. like, okay maybe original characters in fics aren’t a niche thing, but x reader sure the hell is, so you have to like, know internet culture/fandom to be aware of it let alone to start using it like an insult, you know? and i would argue that fanfic tends to be a hobby that attracts marginalised identities as you say, so like, why are we clowning on ourselves? LOL. it’s like a mathlete bullying the horse girl of their class, like, buddy—we’re both losers!!! get over yourself LMAO.
i think my favourite dig at x reader (specifically) that i’ve ever seen is some rando on tiktok saying it was fanfic for people who were popular in public school—i think it’s so telling of how other fans might view oc/reader content? like, “oh that’s just some straight girl shit, they’re not putting any effort into it/they’re stealing our precious ship boys for their pORN/they’re ruining the canon story by inserting themselves into it”. and idk—part of it is just human nature (we are always going to shit on things we don’t like, that is a fact) and part of it might be fandom/internet culture at large at the moment (the purity aspect/policing) but at the end of the day all we can do is tell them to eat dog shit when they sprout up in our spaces and ignore ‘em.
idk! it drives me bonkers though, because it does feel like these spaces/niches do get targeted unfairly for it—if it’s not for the simple crime of writing a love story with your favourite character, then it’s like… being old and doing it! because god forbid you be over the age of 18 and still enjoy engaging with fiction! don’t you have a mortgage to go pay? like—i never see that attitude (within a fandom space) directed at the grown-ass men and women and gender neutral pals who play like, Dungeons and Dragons. No one (within a fandom space!) tells them they’re weird for forty-hour long campaigns where they fight and fall in love and idk, put dragons in some dungeons or something. no—it’s the blatant love stories that get picked on. the ones written by girls (gender neutral).
romance—and falling in love—is one of the most universal feelings/acts in the world. we want to fall in love with everything! in every world! we wanna—fall in love and be loved by superheroes and the villains they fight and the monsters in the dark and the good guys that rush in with swords and the cute barista at the coffee shop down the road. if other fans wanna get hung up on the fact that a tiny fraction of others want to insert themselves in these incredible worlds and experience everything they want to (having powers; being saved. saving someone else—saving yourself) then that’s their problem lmaoooo. im sorry you can’t have fun and create whimsy for yourself by drawing an oc who wins the sports festival and saves bakugou from being kidnapped—but im built different. 😌 and im gonna have fun while im here.
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
A Girl Lives In a Bookshop: Love Looks Good On You
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Fandom: Prospect (film)
Pairing:  Ezra x f!reader (established, continuation from A Girl Walks Into A Bookshop)
Rating: T. 
Warnings: Playful flirting. Ezra’s a menace as usual.
A/N: I was wondering when the Writer Wednesday prompt would spark a visit back to the Bookshop. Obviously, I was missing them. I would say you’d probably need to be familiar with the series to enjoy this one, especially since it involves two of my favorite Bookshop OCs: Kincaid (Tinker’s friend) and Arlo (Ezra’s brother).
(Thanks to @autumnleaves1991-blog​​  and @clydesducktape​​  for all that you do for Writer Wednesday!)
Summary: A quiet, cozy morning; Arlo comes to visit.
The first thing you see when you wake is a large Arcadian Glory in a glass jar on the nightstand, its vibrant colors popping in the reflection of the morning sun and pulling an adoring sigh out of you.
When Arlo told you he was moving to an office on Arcadia in order to service this arm of the independencies, the first thing you’d said had nothing to do with how close he’d be to Kassiot. Instead, you said, “I’ve seen pictures of Arcacadian Glories. Apparently they grow wild everywhere there. I’ve always wanted to see one in person.” And if Arlo didn’t take it as a hint to bring you one, you’re certain Ezra would have made sure of it.
Doubly-so, since you came back from the market yesterday and nearly knocked him off a ladder where he was balancing a handful of books for shelving.
“Were you going to tell me that Arlo was going to have feet on the ground and that he and Kincaid were coming for breakfast tomorrow? Or was I just going to wander out into the kitchen in my skivvs and give them a show?”
He merely laughed down at you, hugging his arm around the ladder when you playfully jostled it, “Why should I deprive two grown men the pleasure of witnessing your–?”
“Because one of them is your brother, and the other is like a father to me. Why–” you swatted his ass on his way down with a growl, “--am I learning this from Kincaid the day before and not from you a week ago?”
“I am truly sorry, Keepsake. I admit that in my concentrated efforts to reorganize the fiction shelves, I forgot to relay the information. A project does tend to occupy a man. For what it’s worth, I was put in a trickle to tell you an evening earlier this week but then, well, you made the bedroom a more wantsome place to be and you cannot fault a man for pushing all thoughts to the void when the object of his wanton lust–”
Stopping his mouth with yours, you laughed into his lips, giving him a little extra when he grabbed you by the hip and demanded it. “Don’t you dare blame this one on me. I’ve got just enough time to put together a sweet yeast dough to be ready for buns in the morning. You’re lucky I remembered to pick up coffee.” You tsked him, throwing a condescending glance on your way to the back of the shop. “Imagine forgetting to tell the woman you love that your own brother is coming to visit. Who does that?”
He called out after you, “I still maintain that anyone would benefit from partaking the beauty of the morning glow from all your heavenly places!”
“I don’t forgive you!”
But of course you would and of course you did. His side of the covers lies crumpled and hollowed like a shelled husk of where he’d been. And the presence of the Glory means that guests have arrived.
A long inhale tells you that Ezra put the rolls in to bake and brewed some coffee. And a look around the room tells you that he went out in his sleep pants, just as he was when he woke.
You too take only a moment to throw on another pair of Ez’s sleep pants–the cuffs falling sloppy and soft over the tops of your bare feet–and one of his comfy cardigans over your camisole. Making sure your hair isn’t a complete disaster, you find your way to the living space.
A whole bouquet of Arcadian Glories bloom full and riotous from a canister on the kitchen table. If their colors were music, it would be a symphony, like the old Ode to Joy. If their scent were a texture, it would be flysilk and polished gold.
Three men are relaxing in chairs out on the balcony, engaged in contented chatter, cradling steaming cups of coffee, and squinting in the morning sun. Three smiles widen when you join them. Three kisses, one for each cheek–the smooth jaw of a fashionable bureaucrat, the grizzled, furred one of an old friend, and the beard you prefer over all others, patchy and shot with gray beneath unkempt chestnut curls and a shock of blonde.
“Sweet buns–” Ezra scans you over, the lines at the corner of his eye deepening as he notices his clothes on you, “--are in the hotbox. They should be just about ready.”
You shoot him a warning smile. “You boys relax. I’m on it.”
It’s a pleasant hour, a lazy morning spent soaking in sunshine and conversation. Ezra is in full form as he is whenever family comes around, yanking his professional sibling down to his rowdy level to laugh and jibe with him. Kincaid, meanwhile, smiles at them from beneath his beard, pulling short puffs off his pipe, all soft blue smoke matching shining blue eyes.
At one point when Arlo and Ezra are arguing about a finer detail of a boyhood memory, you lean over to the side and whisper into Kincaid’s ear as you refresh his coffee. “Love looks good on you, ‘Caid. How long is he staying?”
A chuckle churns and grinds in his chest. “Got him for a clutch. Might let you have him for a dinner. Or two, ‘cause I like you.”
“Nobody will believe you.”
“Like hells they won’t.”
Kincaid only leans back contentedly in his chair. While his mouth is busy dragging from his pipe, he employs his eyes to smile for you.
On their way out through the kitchen to the stairway, you thank Arlo for bringing the Glories.
He has the same warm grin as his brother. “I’m glad you like them. I can’t take all the credit though. Ezra made me; said you deserved as many as I could carry. I disagree. Or I would have more hands.” Taking one of the many flowers out of the bouquet and handing it tenderly over to Kincaid, he explains to you, “You’ll find that they last a long time, even when cut. By the time they start to wither I’ll be able to bring you some more.”
Standing cuddled in the front doorway of the bookshop, you are the one to wave them off, since Ezra’s arm is otherwise occupied around your waist.
As his brother and your friend wander down the street toward the market, you catch Ezra staring off after them, a happy thought dancing somewhere behind his eyes.
“It’s nice that he’s closer now,” you hum. “Kincaid says he’s here for a week. Are you disappointed that you won’t get to see more of him this time?”
Ezra only gives a small smile and pulls you closer as he watches them disappear around a corner together. “No. Not in the least, tinker girl.”
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glowingbadger · 7 months
My favs of my work let's go
Okay this might be weird but while I'm so busy with other projects and sort of letting my writing battery recharge (getting small things done here and there but not stressing about it overly), I wanted to reshare some of my personal favs of my own work, just to like, idk... hype myself up and congratulate myself for once lmao. We creatives need to be a bit self-indulgent from time to time.
So yeah, if you're bored while I get my shit together and write again, maybe take a peak at these, or wander around my masterlists in my pinned post for something I might have done in the past for a fav of yours.
Lorenz & Ignatz & Reader threesome - starting with what I suspect will be a trend with these because I'm a contrarian at heart, so when I realize a character I love isn't popular, I double and triple down and become determined to write them the hot, hot smut they deserve
Claude - Arranged Marriage - I really enjoyed doing an AU, and I'd def love to do more of them in the future. Plus Claude is the most fun and interesting of the main lords fight me about it.
Lorenz - Arranged Marriage - okay last Lorenz one but........ I'm just saying, he's a good boy y'all just can't acknowledge a glow-up when you see one.
Felix & Sylvain & Reader threesome - this is a short one but I just love the vibe and the dynamic between these lads it was so fun to write.
Seteth - Guilty Masturbation - I'm just such a sucker for repressed men dealing with their persistent lusts sorry not sorry
Seteth - Reader gets Aphrodesiac'd - okay I'm happy with this piece but also it holds a special place in my heart because for some reason, the porn bots are CONSTANTLY liking this thing specifically and I have no earthly idea why, they're just drawn to it.
Okay just one more Seteth thing it's the Priest x Succubus one - which I'm super happy with and I still sometimes think about writing a continuation for it because priest kink goes brrrrrrrrr
Things other than FE3H
Volke (FE 9/10) messy hookup - Volke is such an absolute man and it was such a joy to have an excuse to write him. Fandoms as a whole need to thirst for more sexy grown ass adults.
Reyson (FE 9/10) in heat - though this is kind of tied with the in heat one I did about Tibarn, which I also love. Bird men in heat..... that's what's up.
Kaeya (Genshin) w/ praise kink - Kaeya def remains my Genshin fav, and no amount of "Hoyo finally figuring out how to model an adult male body years into the game's run" will change that.
Luxord (Kingdom Heart) consensual non-con - it's just so rare that I get to write for my Org XIII lovelies and it's just so fun to write sex dialogue for such a resolutely sexless series lmao
Kurama (YYH) giving oral - I've written quite a lot for Kurama at this point (on here, mostly shorter drabbles and headcanons) and it's still always a pleasure, and I'm particularly fond of the subtle playfulness in this piece.
OCs! Shaeliegh and Terry - angsty hookup - I had SO much fun writing OC stuff for once and it's totally fine that others aren't as inclined to be into it, but I personally think it's some of my best work and enjoy rereading it frequently~
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genevievemd · 2 years
Like the Leaves
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure), F!MC (Genevieve McClure) x M!OC (Ryan Ozwell) Word Count:  Rating: T Category: angsty fluff Trope(s): and they’re with someone else (sorta - in the past), and there’s a birthday
Summary: Gen discovers that not everything is like it used to be.
Warnings: language
A/N: For the longest time, I’ve wanted to do a fic where we see G with Ryan and then with Ethan in a similar situation and see the difference and now here we are. I felt like today, Gen’s birthday, was a great day to do it lol 
Submitting this to @choicesficwriterscreations for Naughty and Nice (prompt in bold) and @choicesmonthlychallenge​ for Picktober (flufftober - forehead kisses and falltober - pumpkin) 
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October 14, 2011
Autumn had finally descended on Pennsylvania. The trees on Genevieve’s college campus had slowly begun to change into various, and beautiful, shades of red and orange. Though, the beauty of fall at UPenn was nothing compared to her hometown in Maine. 
She’s been hoping to be able to go home for a long weekend for her birthday tomorrow, but with the workload of her second year of undergrad, it would be impossible. But maybe, she could bring a taste of home to Philly for her 19th birthday and convince her boyfriend of almost a year to go apple picking with her. They could even get pumpkins to carve and have the full seasonal experience, with the man she was almost certain she loved. 
Genevieve walks across the courtyard towards Ryan’s apartment, textbooks and outfit change in hand, knocking on his front door a few minutes later. 
“You’re late.” He opens the door without hesitation, walking away without another glance in her direction. 
Gen quickly follows him into the apartment, dropping her things onto the kitchen table. “I know, sorry. My class ran over. Well, technically it didn’t, I just stayed behind to ask my professor about the —“ 
“Yeah, I don’t really care, Velvet. Go make yourself decent for the party.” 
“I told you, I don’t like that nickname.” 
“And I told you, that I don’t care, I’ll call you whatever the hell I please.” Ryan smirks, kissing her cheek before slapping her backside, with more force than she likes. “Now, go get ready. Don’t make me ask again.” 
“Okay.” She nods sheepishly, walking into the bedroom to change. 
She hates going to parties with his friends, they were crass and always drank too much. Treating her more like a maid or waitress rather than Ryan’s girlfriend. She sucks it up and goes, mostly to avoid a fight with him and always with the hope that he’ll do something like that for her. Though record shows he probably won’t. But that won’t stop her from hoping, praying and doing whatever she can to try and get what she gives in return. 
“So, you know how my birthday is on tomorrow?” Gen calls out as she finishes putting on her dress, zipping up the side and checking herself in the mirror. 
“What about it?” 
“I was wondering if you’d go apple picking with me? Or maybe we can get pumpkins to carve? I used to at home every year and since I can’t go back to Portland this weekend, I thought —“ 
“Are you serious?” Ryan enters the room, eyebrow raised in disbelief as he leans against the doorframe. “Are you five?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Grow up, Velvet. That shit’s not cute, or fun for a grown ass adult. I’ll take you to dinner if I don’t have plans, but there ain’t no way in hell that I’m taking you to and wasting my Saturday at a fucking apple orchard.”
“Oh,” She does her best to hide the disappointment on her face as she finishes doing her makeup. The way her stomach twists at his words. “Is it really that childish? I see couples that do it for dates on pictagram all the time. I just thought…”
“Pictagram isn’t the real world. Gotta step outta that fantasyland you keep getting stuck in. Grown men, with any ounce of self respect, don’t do that shit. Now, get your ass ready so you don’t make us late like always.” 
“Forget I said anything.” 
Ryan laughs, turning towards the living room, “I wouldn’t have to if you keep those stupid thoughts to yourself, honey.” 
“Yeah.” Gen looks back at her reflection, wondering the thousandth time why she ever bothers to speak or think. 
Things are always better when she doesn’t, and it’s not as if she ever comes up with anything worthwhile — at least that’s what Ryan says and he's usually right. 
9 years later, October 15, 2020…
Ethan opens the door to his luxury apartment, stepping to the side to let Genevieve in before following close behind her. 
As far as birthdays go, this one has been a top favorite. Ethan surprised her with dinner at a diner that served poutine that could rival her beloved grandfather’s recipe and then an escape room with a Hocus Pocus theme. Not to mention the bouquet of her favorite flowers that he’d given her before they left the hospital. 
It was more than any boyfriend had done for her birthday in a very long time, and made her all the more thankful to have someone as thoughtful as Ethan. 
“Do you want a drink? I may have gone against my better judgement and bought you a bottle of rosé.” Ethan guides her into the kitchen, a gentle hand resting on the small of her back. 
“Did you really?” Gen sits at the kitchen island, watching as Ethan moves towards the fridge. 
“Of course. Anything for you, G.” He smiles wide, closing the refrigerator door and moving to the liquor cabinet to grab them two wine glasses. 
“Is that why you agreed to dress up as the Prince Charming to Cinderella for my party on Saturday?” 
“Absolutely.” He hands her the wine glass, his playful smile melting into something softer as he raises his own glass. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.” 
“Thank you.” Gen clinks her glass against his before taking a sip, blushing slightly when he doesn't take his eyes off her. 
“So, aside from this costume party, is there anything else you want to do this weekend?” Ethan grabs her hand, gently leading her to the couch. 
Its then she remembers a conversation from years past, with another man – whom she thought she loved – about her birthday. The way he dismissed her and teased her. Demeaned her every thought and desire and couldn’t be bothered to even take her to dinner on a day she so adored. 
It was a wonder how she’d gone from that to this. To someone as kind and thoughtful as Ethan, who even knowing her past treats her like a precious jewel, a gift. Someone who indulges every thought she has, no matter how childish or silly it may seem. 
“G? What is it?” Ethan’s brows furrow at her silence, head titled with concern. He places his wine glass on the coffee table then reaches for her hand, thumb stroking it gently. 
“I… I was just thinking.” 
Three months had past since she told him about Ryan, since she sobbed on this very couch feeling unworthy and tainted, and she still hesitates. Is still scared that with every detail she shares, Ethan may grow to regret his decision to stay. 
But, she knows she has to lean into the trust she’s placed in him, the unspoken love they share and continue to be honest about herself. 
“My birthday, nine years ago.” Gen swallows down the rock of anxiety that begins to form in her throat, shifting to place her glass beside his on the table. 
“That would have been when you were with that bastard, Ryan Ozwell, correct?” 
“Yeah.” Unconsciously, she moves closer to Ethan, looking down at their still joined hands. “I had asked him to do something with me, for my birthday because I couldn’t go back home, and he told me it was stupid. And maybe it is, but I still want to do it.” 
“And what’s that exactly?” There’s a patience in his voice, so rare that it forces her eyes up to meet his own. 
He’s so different with her than he is with the rest of the world, as if leading with his heart makes him softer, kinder. Offering a version of himself that only the most deserving of souls gets to see. 
“He was right, it’s stupid and childish. You’ll probably laugh at me too.” 
“Never.” Ethan offers her a smile, letting go of her hand. He pulls her into his lap, letting her settle before gently cupping her cheeks in his warms hands. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, myself included, you’re safe with me. Whatever it is just tell me, I highly doubt that it’s as juvenile as he had claimed it to be.”
“Okay,” Genevieve nods, resting a hand against his heart. “I want to go apple picking, and then get pumpkins and carve them.” 
“That,” He blinks rapidly, letting go of her face. “That’s what you want? That’s what he said was childish?” 
“Yeah. You agree, don’t you?” 
“Rookie, the day I agree with anything that man has ever said or done to you is the day the world ends. He has the cognitive abilities of a rock.” 
“So, you’ll do it? We can have an apple orchard date?” 
“Of course, I haven’t gone since I was a kid, I think it will be fun. Actually, I’ll even add to your desires and when we get home after we can turn the apples into a pie, roast the pumpkin seeds and watch our favorite Halloween movies.” 
“Ethan…” Despite herself, she can feel her chest warm with hope, the tiny ember getting larger with every word said. Feel her eyes well with tears of joy and surprise. 
Everyday, he proves all her worst fears wrong, shows her that every thought her ex had placed in her head was wrong. That, just like the leaves of Ethan’s favorite season, things change and become even more beautiful than they were before. 
He was turning her once dull and grey world into a kaleidoscope of bright reds and sunny yellows, and hopefully she’s doing the same for him. 
“Thank you.” Her words are no more than a whisper, too overwhelmed to utter them any louder than that. 
Ethan pulls her impossibly closer, arms wrapped tightly around her small frame, kissing her forehead gingerly before his own against it. “Always, G.”
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A/N: And then they go the day after her party and have the best time. Look at our girl, having all her dreams come true. You love to see it. 
tagging separately 
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scienceoftheidiot · 1 year
I was tagged by @shutterbug-12 thank you !!! Weirdly we do share a show, how surprising 😁❤️
Here's a thing : I do not watch that many shows. Partly because I don't have time, partly because I am bad at watching shows because I need to be emotionally invested to get into them, and once I am ???? I can only watch that show in particular, on repeat. Yeah I'm a grown ass adult fight me.
Ripper Street : end all be all the best show on this list that is not at all in order of good from bad for real but this one tops everything. Period drama, awesome characters, delicate treatment of issues we are still struggling with nowadays with actually sometimes more decency from these 19th century Victorian men than 21st century people 🙃. Also misery misery misery feels and a fine dry humor that makes it the perfect match. Oh, and. Dead bodies and gore happens. Also there is something to the dialogue than I just absolutely love.
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Daredevil (netflix) : of course this one has to be on the list, and I love it, and I love Matt and Karen and Foggy, and I wish S2 didn't exist. All this can coexist, you know (and I love Elektra and Elodie Yung she is absolutely NOT the problem). Please do not talk to me about She Hulk or the Disney reboot, thanks (gif to make people watch it, I like my men sad and guilty they can't save everyone and covered in blood, thank you). So yeah overall a show I love and have rewatched many times but nowadays... I feel kinda bad about it and it makes me sad.
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Band of Brothers/The Pacific : you know me, you know why I like these shows (no it does not stop at "men in uniforms"). We did a rewatch of BoB recently and I think it's an easier watch than the Pacific, but I think I like the latter better even if everytime it makes me feel so bad. Anyway a gif of Webster because (hard to chose between him and Leckie I admit)
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Doctor Who : just. Love it. Especially RDT era. Can't chose between 9 and 10 but the best is Jack Harkness
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Good Omens : I need a rewatch. Just love it. I have nothing more to say, it's great.
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Scrubs : probably one of these shows I shouldn't rewatch in case I cringe a little but when we first got together with Benj 11 years ago we just watched Scrubs on a loop. I don't especially like the characters but the show itself, which is kinda weird for me (except Dr Cox. I love him)
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The Sandman : last show that blew my mind. Just love everything in it. Can't wait for S2. I had read some of the comics and loved it, too. Just realized that it's the second Neil Gaiman thing in this list (3 if we count that he wrote for Doctor Who lol) and I guess it says stuff about me too
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Pushing Daisies : I have loved the contrast between the whole death thing and the colourful and happy sets and stuff. This show is cute and dark and funny and I love it and I need to rewatch too when I can. (Also? Tall cutie that meddles with the dead and bakes awesome pies? did I use Ned as a template for my OC without realising ??)
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I don't think it counts as a show since it's an anime so it's a bonus but if you've been following me the last 6 months, you need to hear about Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood but not necessarily excluding 03. At all. Just watch it back to back. That'll do it. I love both.) (Yeah oddly enough I'm not crazy about the title character there but about THEM and of course you must have noticed)
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I tag @heirsoflilith @rancid-butter @qs63 @littleragondin @dairogo @musing-and-music @magipies @goneadrift @smoothshine if you want to do it !
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sweetestpotatoes · 1 month
Another topic that i also wanna cover is [shipping](we all know what's that)
About that...idgaf, really. Although the comic doesn't fit this theme, i still don't care. But i'm not really the type to do any OC x Canon czz everyone in this comic(including my Oc) is clinically insane🫶. (Despite half of the cast being grown ass men)
I just don't feel like drawing my character making out with some1, but i like hearing hcs bc i love different perspectives, like we humans r so different and it's fun for me(⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)!! *As long as they're innocent hcs if someone's having fun*
. . . . . .
(In short: she's too busy surviving than having to fw someone lol)
Anyways i love you all and you're free from my yapping sessions:3333
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i-did-not-mean-to · 1 year
Fire on fire
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@linasofia has been so good to send this one in! My dear, dear friend, it was a pleasure and an honour to be writing this for you!
🥳Happy Birthday🥳
Prompts: Coworker AU - Firefighter - Sick/Injured
Words: 1.95
Characters: Thorin x OC, Fíli, Ori x OC
Warnings: Fire, injury, danger
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“Old man,” Fíli muttered under his breath, “this looks nasty. Do you not want to take the day off?”
Thorin merely cocked an eyebrow at his oldest nephew—he was still not convinced that he liked the fact that both of his esteemed sister’s sons had followed him into his rather dangerous life as a firefighter. He also knew that he should have been a role model and agreed with Fíli; he’d never want the boys to put themselves and their colleagues into harm’s way because they were too stubborn to accept that they were not up for it.
Nonetheless, he shook his head and retracted his foot from the stool on which he had rested his sore ankle.
It had been such a minor accident—a mere slip on the treadmill—and he had earnestly tried to simply walk it off, but, as the day progressed, his ankle kept swelling and the pain did not abate.
“No, I am in charge, and I cannot leave you lot to your own devices,” Thorin replied, forcing a light, humorous note into his strained voice—he knew better than this and yet, he could not bear to leave the station to mope in his empty apartment.
Not when she was on the roster.
Fia, as she chose to be called by her colleagues, had joined their station recently and, even though Thorin had initially given her a hard time, she had turned out to be one of the most reliable and skilled firefighters he’d ever met—level-headed and calm, her apt assessment of the situation had saved their asses more than once and her gentle, friendly nature had quickly made her one of the favourites of the team.
Of course, Thorin had to admit as he forced his foot back into its boot and tried not to groan, she was also gorgeous.
Had he always known? Probably. Looking at the members of his team in such a light went against his own moral and professional code and so, Thorin had done his best to deny the way her hearty laughter and her steadfast courage made him feel for as long as he could.
When she had come in on her off-day though, her dark hair open and fragrant and her twinkling blue-grey eyes accentuated by a discreet hint of make-up, he had been unable to keep up that flimsy charade of disinterest anymore.
As the head of the team and the uncle of two grown men, Thorin was far past the point where he was supposed to let a silly crush bring him to his knees and convince him to act recklessly but, this much he was certain of, he would never have behaved so foolishly if she had been merely beautiful.
It was her spirit and her innate strength that had convinced and impressed him first and, as the months went by, he had realised that he enjoyed her company—her dry humour and her wickedly impish streak—more than he was ready to concede.
He had ever been unlucky in love, which was the reason why he had accepted to risk his life every day—there was nobody except his sister who would be devastated if he ever succumbed to the potentially lethal threat inherent to his job.
Thus, he was not surprised when the first woman to catch his attention in an eternity was one he could not have without risking the integrity of his whole life—he was frightened and excited in equal measures by this unexpected, rather late second spring, awakening debilitating desires and fantasies within his cold, rational heart.
“Please, tell me you’re not staying because you’ve got the hots for the other Fifi,” Fíli grinned and clapped his broad, calloused hand on his uncle’s shoulder playfully. “I am sure she’d be delighted to take you home and tend to you—have you seen her results in the first aid run? And I am not saying that because she’s a woman; I simply bow to my superior, she’s destroyed us!”
Obviously, Thorin remembered the first aid drill they had undergone a few weeks prior in which—as his nephew so correctly recalled—Fia had outperformed all of them with her calm efficiency and the gentle skill. How could he forget the light in her eyes as she generously shared her tips and insights with the others?
“Really, uncle,” Fíli tried again but was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Ori.
“The house,” the flustered ginger exclaimed, “it’s on fire. I’ve seen it from afar and I thought I’d come here first. My love, she might still be in there.”
Forgetting all about his ankle, Thorin sprang up and ran towards the garage, all the while bellowing commands.
“I’ve got you,” Fia replied, already pulling up her overalls. “Kíli you take care of the civilian, Fíli you get the gear ready. Engine 13 is prepared.”
She had just been cleaning and checking that particular vehicle when Thorin’s loud voice came booming through the space, startling her considerably—she had seen Ori around before and she liked the mousy little accountant just fine. As far as she had understood the matter, he was a distant cousin of the boys which explained why he and his girlfriend regularly brought food and other treats to the station to “keep their spirits up”.
At the thought that the shy woman with the furtive eyes was cowering in a smoke-filled room, Fia’s mind grew sharp and empty. There was no margin for error and her whole body stilled in anticipation of the inferno that was awaiting them.
A single glance at Thorin, her venerable captain, and his firmly set jaw made a surge of iron determination well up in her—she would be his right-hand woman, going in by his side and watching his back as he scanned every room for survivors.
“One civilian,” Kíli’s grainy, unsteady voice came from the speakers. “Only her. Get her, Thorin, we’re counting on you.”
“On it,” Thorin barked back. His boys, for all the children in the neighbourhood were his in a way, were his first priority and he’d never let any of them come to harm if he could avoid it.
“Uncle, your foot,” Fíli piped up nervously but was shushed by a tempestuous side-glance from his uncle. “Be careful!”
As soon as Thorin hit the brakes, they were out of the engine. The fire was contained in the back of the house and the hydrant on the street was easily accessible and in good condition; this would be a routine intervention if they handled the situation well and quickly enough.
"I’ve got the lines,” Fíli barked. “Here come Bofur and the others.” He took a breath, waiting for Thorin’s instructions.
“I’m going in to get the girl,” Thorin replied calmly, pulling on his helmet and checking his gear perfunctorily.
“Don’t go alone,” Fíli urged, his eyes so reminiscent of the young boy he had been not too long ago that Thorin paused for a precious second.
“I’ve got you, cap,” Fia reiterated and dug her fingers into Thorin’s belt. “Go ahead.” She would not let go of him until they were both out of the burning building again or he told her to fan out.
“On 3,” Thorin articulated painstakingly and marched forward; his ankle was screaming and protesting, but he did not slow down for the fire was eating its way voraciously through the ground floor now and every second lost would allow it to gain more and more traction.
Calling the young woman’s name in his sonorous voice, Thorin delved into the thick smoke and unbearable heat fearlessly.
“Here,” came the weak call. She had made it to the stairs and stayed there, frozen between the awareness that she had to get out of the carpet of asphyxiating smoke and the fear that she’d be trapped on the first floor.
Dimly, they all registered the crackling sound of water hitting the side of the house, but they couldn’t dwell on that.
“Jump, baby,” Thorin called, extending his arms. “I’ve got you.”
The frightened lady trusted him enough to do as she was told, Fia realised, awe and respect surging within her instinctively.
“Let’s…” She didn’t get to finish her sentence though because Thorin had buckled and collapsed on the floor, his body protectively wrapped around Ori’s girl. Flashes of the conversation in the truck came back to her and she shook her head—Thorin was injured, and he should have let her handle this!
“Take her out!” Thorin commanded, sitting up and leaning heavily against the banister behind him. “I’ll be with you in a second.”
“Come here,” she said to the woman and guided her to the door. “Civilian retrieved,” she cried at the top of her lungs. “She needs medical attention!”
Before she had finished her bellowing directive, other firefighters swarmed to the door, unmindful of the mud that splashed around their boots on account of the water that ran across the front yard in dirty rivulets.
“I’ve got her,” Fíli promised. “Where is Thorin?”
“I’m going back now,” Fia answered tersely. “He seems to be injured.” The unwavering resolve in her voice and face brooked no argument and so, Fíli merely nodded as he lifted the young victim into his strong arms.
“We’ll need another stretcher here,” he told Bofur who came to meet him with a paramedic on his heels. “Let’s go, people!”
Fia meanwhile plunged back into the house—the fire had spread, and time was running out fast.
“Cap?” she called and coughed; she knew that she was not supposed to take out her mouthpiece but how else would she get Thorin to tell her where he was.
“Haven’t moved much,” he chuckled, his voice raw and thin from smoke inhalation.
“Oh, you fool!” she cursed as she ran towards him, ducking and dashing as wisps of burning curtains flew past her. He had pulled himself up and was in the process of hobbling towards the exit.
“Trust me,” she said in a tone that made it very clear that this was an order and not a plea. “You can write me up for insubordination later!”
When he nodded, she took off her oxygen tank and chucked it into the general direction of the front door.
“What are you…” Thorin exclaimed angrily.
“Shut up!”
Squatting down, she grabbed his arms and pulled them over her shoulders. “Hold on,” she grunted and then, she made for that blessed rectangle of fresh air and blinding light as fast her own legs would carry her.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl around them, but Fia would not take her eyes or mind off that window to life and freedom.
“Thorin! Fia!” Fíli ran towards them as soon as he saw them appear. Later, he knew, he would mock his uncle relentlessly and mercilessly for having gotten what basically amounted to a half-assed piggyback ride from a woman, but in that second, he was simply relieved that both of them had made it out alive.
“I told you!” he screamed even as he was waving his hands frantically to get the medical personnel to attend even faster.
“I know,” Thorin wheezed. “This was entirely my fault, and I shall admit as much in my report. Never worry about that.”
“Later,” Fia grunted, wiping the back of her hand across her pale brow—the smeared sweat and ash made her look even more imperious and disapproving than Fíli’s flashing eyes ever could. “Right now, we’ll go to the hospital for a check-up and then, I’ll take you home and we’ll see what can be done for that foot of yours!”
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@fellowshipofthefics Here is the first one for May then :)
Lots of love from me
-> Masterlist
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A Princess Among Basterds 👑| Inglourious Basterds Imagine (700 follower celebration)
Takes place during right before chapter Operation Kino in IB
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My IB masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Female!Princess OC x The Basterds (platonic), slight Female!Princess OC x Wilhelm Wicki if you squint.
Content warnings: graphic injury to hand, implied violence, profanity, blood, mentions of death and hate crimes (read with caution), inaccurate history to go with the story | Female OC (she/her) | wc: about 5k
Premise: The Basterds were about to receive the mission of their lives when they were summoned to General Banks of the OSS. The goal: blow up a cinema that several of Hitlers top associates would be attending. But what the Basterds did not expect in their meeting with Banks would to be face to face with a member of a royal family who is on a path for revenge against one of their targets.
Note: so I had an idea of making this a series originally but I have so many ongoing series right now I need to finish that I just changed it to suit a single imagine. This could eventually become a miniseries depending on the feedback but right now I don’t have future plans to make it one (or at least until after I finish my top gun maverick and dark phoenix series)
Thank you so much for 700 followers !!! I started this blog back in January and can’t believe it’s grown in so little time! I appreciate all the love and support and thank you for the kind words and feedback on my works ♥️🥹 I have so much planned and can’t wait to share with you all!
“Raine, you better have a goddamn good explanation for the shit show you just pulled out there,” are never the words one wants to hear as they enter a meeting with their superior.
For Lt. Aldo Raine, it was becoming a habit.
General Banks, leader of the Office of Strategic Services for the United States Army, was less than pleased when the Basterds made their way to camp after weeks of being in enemy territory. It wasn’t like they weren’t doing what was expected of them….it was just they gave no warning in advance.
Aldo shrugged sheepishly, “just doin’ ma job, sir.”
“Yeah I can tell. You know, I’ve chewed your ass out more than any other man I have under my command. You’re lucky what you’re doing is working, otherwise I would’ve had you on the next plane back to America.”
With his hands on his lips, Aldo bit back a smile. Behind him the other men shuffled awkwardly though few like Hugo, Donny, and Wicki appeared amused.
“I got a new assignment for you gentlemen,” the General announces, slapping a file down on the table for Aldo to pick up. “Recon in the Village of Nadine. This is a joint effort with the Brits.”
Immediately there’s groans from the audience, Donny muttering, “Not the Tommy’s.” With one look from Banks they shut up. Aldo flipped through the file lazily before dropping it back down, “What’s the plan?”
“Well for the next two weeks you’ll be scouting the area. Get a feel for it until it’s time for the mission. The Brits will let me know when they’ll be sending in their spy.”
“What’s the point of this mission?,” Donny asks from the side, stealing the file to see the words ‘Operation Kino,’ written in bold on the Manila colored folder.
“To put it simple,” Banks pauses to light a cigar, “blowing up a cinema full of Hitler’s Third Riech.” Now that had their attention. The folder nearly spilled from Donny’s hands, and Hugo dropped the knife he was sharpening.
“You’re serious?” Hirschberg couldn’t help but slip out.
“As serious as the war happening in our backyard,” Banks puffs out smoke from the cigar. “Goebbels is hosting a premier for one of his propaganda films in Paris. Many of Hitlers associates will be in attendance, so what better way to take them all out than crashing the party by sending you in. A German film star turned allied spy is the other contact, she’ll be joining you on the planned rendezvous. Word is she will arrive in Nadine the night before the premier.”
“Well butter me up like a French baguette,” Aldo clapped his hands. The other Basterds had blinked out of their shock and were also celebrating the news. It was an exciting mission at first glance. One that would surely go down in history.
Before anyone could say anything else, a young soldier bursts into the room, stands at attention to salute and in one breath says, “Sir, I just received word from the infirmary that—,” he is abruptly cut off when a woman—who looked to be in her mid to late thirties—pushes past him despite the yells of protest behind her.
All the Basterds stagger back at the sight. The woman’s dark hair was a mess, clothes dirty and tarnished, and there was a nasty cut to her temple that was dripping blood down her face, not to mention a bruise forming on her jaw below a split lip. The most shocking was the fact a knife was impaling her hand. Utivitch had to look away, moaning like he was about to spill his guts.
“Ma’am, we need to get you back to the infirmary,” a medic and soldier flanked the unknown woman’s side. The medic had gauze in his hands, shouting angrily, “You cannot just barge in—!”
“It’s alright,” Banks raises a hand, drawing confusion from everyone minus her. The woman, now standing a few paces from the table, remained stoic as she stared at the general. He takes another puff of his cigar, “See to her in here.”
“B-but, sir, I-I don’t have my materials.”
“Then go fucking get them,” Banks said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Blushing, the medic scurried away while the remaining soldier stood awkwardly. “You can go back to your post, soldier.” The young man, though hesitant, salutes and exits, leaving only the general, the Basterds, and the woman in the room.
“Quite the entrance don’t you think,” Banks glances her over, shaking his head at her estate. He should’ve known sending her out would be a mistake, but she was persistent. With a curse he asks, “What the fuck happened? I told you to lay low, get what you needed and come back.”
“And I did just that,” her voice had a thick accent to it that raised many eyebrows. It wasn’t British for one thing and it wasn’t French or German. So what the hell was it?
“And nearly got killed from what I can see.”
“Please,” she scoffed, offense all in her tone. “This was just a scratch.” That’s when her eyes traveled over to the eight men standing against the wall. There was a mix of expressions ranging from shock, confusion, and curiosity. Her lips curled up in a smirk. “You should see the other guy.”
At that moment the medic returns with a first aid kit. The poor guy was like a fish out of water, not really knowing how to act as if it was his first time tending to an injured person. With a roll of the eyes the woman pulls out a chair, sitting down and tilting her head up so he could work on bandaging her forehead.
“Don’t you want me to remove the knife first?”
She returned the question with a pointed look, “Do you think you have the guts to do it at this moment? I didn’t think so. Fix this first so you can mentally prepare yourself so I don’t have you fucking puking all over me. ¿Comprendido?” It was obvious he didn’t understand the last phrase and the woman let out an annoyed sigh. “Oh Dios mío—just get to fucking work.”
Though the Basterds didn’t know what the phrase translated to, they were able to pick up on the fact it was Spanish the woman was speaking. Now the accent made sense.
But the question remained: why the fuck was a Spanish woman at the camp and what was she to Banks.
They all watched as the woman slightly flinched when the medic pressed a cloth to the open wound to stop the bleeding. Pain consorted her face, but she fought it and turned her attention back to the general.
“What did you find out?”
“I assume you already know,” eyes flickered to the file on the table. With a narrowed expression she asks, “Would you have told me if I hadn’t found out?”
Banks appeared conflicted, tightening his jaw when he refused to meet her eye. “Not so sure I would.”
“We had a deal,” she hissed angrily, throwing a glance to the medic when he didn’t warn her he was about to clean the wound. But her anger was directed at Banks, betrayal in her eyes at his honest truth. The medic shuttered, muttering an apology that went ignored. The Basterds looked in between her and Banks, wondering what the hell kind of a deal she was referring to.
“Yes, we did,” Banks walked around the table so he was directly in front of her. “But I recall that deal going out the door if something like this—,” he pointed a finger at her state, “occurred or it interfered with my men. Which is what this mission details. So now I have two valid reasons to put an end to this revenge fantasy you have.”
She grows quiet for a moment, but the rage is evident in her eyes. “Thought you were a man of his word, General.”
“Let’s not go there.”
Her head tilts in challenge, pushing the medic away with her non-injured hand when he went to dab her lip. “You will not get in my way. I’ve helped you Americans for three years now—three years! I have gathered information, using my name and title as a means to do your dirty work. If you think I am going to just stand down when I am so close to finishing it once and for all—.”
Banks startles the room when he slaps his hand on the table, “I will not be the one to tell the King of Spain his daughter was killed because she was stubborn enough to go on a suicide mission!”
It became so quiet even the medic had to pause his work at the jaw dropping revelation. King of Spain? But that meant….
“Wha-wait a damn minute,” Aldo was the first one to break the silence, eyes flicking between the two. Behind him the Basterds were conveying the same level of shock. “Did I hear that right?”
“King of Spain’s daughter,” Omar whispers, but it is heard by everyone. “But that means…” all eyes drift to the woman clenching her jaw, refusing to meet one's eye.
Banks sighs, wiping the sweat that had gathered at his hairline, “Gentlemen, may I introduce you to her royal highness—.”
“What did I tell you about titles, Banks?”
“—Princess Josefa María Carmen Concepción Barbón of Spain. Eldest child and only daughter to the King and fourth in line to the throne.”
It was almost comical by the reactions of the seasoned war soldiers. Shooting krauts left and right was easy, but this was not what they expected when they signed up for war. Hell what were they supposed to do when in the presence of royalty? Let alone someone who was in line of succession to the throne? Do they kneel? Do they bow?
“What the fuck,” Hirschberg breathed out which earned him a hard nudge from Smitty and look of disproval from Wicki.
“Yer the princess of Spain?” Aldo asked more to himself, still trying to process the news. “Like the country Spain?”
Josefa makes a sound, snapping the medic out of his daze which has him going back to work. It was obvious the poor guy was buzzing with nerves. He was treating a princess and couldn’t believe he had raised his voice at her when chasing Josefa to the room.
She waits until the medic removes the blood on her lip to answer, tone full of resentment. “Technically I’m not anymore. I relinquished my title when I went against my family and government to marry my husband.” Her eyes go to Banks, narrowing slightly, “So you don’t have to worry about informing my father of my fate if I perish, General. I doubt they even believe I’m still alive after finding out the Germans invaded France.”
“Even if that’s the case, as a father I would want to know if my daughter was dead even if there was bad blood between us. I would feel morally obligated to inform the King.”
The Basterds still couldn’t wrap it around their head. Donny, feeling confident and mostly curious, takes a step forward, “Hope you don’t mind me asking, uh—,” he scratches his neck, “What do we call you? Princess? Your highness—?”
“Josefa, is just fine,” she raises a polite hand, wincing when she realizes it’s the one with a knife through it. The pain was excruciating, but the high emotions she was feeling kept her distracted. “Please, I would appreciate it if we disregarded the formalities. I’m not a Princess anymore, I’m a spy and a damn good one at that if I must say.”
A few guys smile and Aldo exchanges a glance with Banks, who nods at Josefa’s claim. The Lieutenant mutters, “well I’ll be damn. The princess of Spain is a goddamn spy for ‘Murica.”
“What was it you wanted to ask, sergeant?”
“Oh! Uh forgive me if this is too personal, but why is it you are working for the allies? Or is that classified information.”
“It is classified,” Banks interrupts.
“Not anymore it isn’t,” Josefa fires back, lifting her elbow onto the armrest so her injured hand was displayed. There was a scared look from the medic as he eyed the knife producing from the skin.
“Backing down now, soldier?” Her brow raises, gesturing to her hand. Again, Smithson and Hirschberg had to look away. Which was ironic since they could stomach scalping Nazi’s no problem. But a knife through the hand got them turning away like school girls.
“I’m just not sure how to go about it, ma’am—uh princess, I’m sorry.”
Josefa closes her eyes, trying not to snap at the poor medic who she was well aware was feeling all kinds of stress. But her hand was on fire and at risk for infection if it was removed at that second.
“For God’s sake,” in a flash her free hand came up, gripping the handle of the knife and yanking it all the way until it was removed from her flesh. Josefa grunted, blood spattering onto her lap and onto the medic’s uniform. Hugo lets out a whistle, Donny muttering a ‘damn,’ while both Wicki and Aldo look on impressed.
And the medic? The *thump* that echoed in the room as his body dropped to the floor signaled he was out cold.
Banks tsked, “kid was new. Just got in last night.”
“Wonderful,” Josefa hissed, gripping the wrist of her bloody hand to keep it up.
“Let me,” Wicki approached the Princess, sporting a cigarette in his mouth. Of the Basterds, he was the most knowledgeable when it came to first aid and could handle injuries. He bent down to grab the gauze and motioned to the bottle of whiskey on the corner of Banks’ desk. “Do you mind, general?” The man just waved in response and Wicki grabbed the bottle. When he turned back to Josefa, he offered it to her, “You may wanna take a quick swing. This is gonna hurt.”
Taking the bottle, she tilted to him in a cheer before downing a shot of the burning alcohol. Again, the Basterds were impressed when she didn’t so much as flinch. Handing it back to Wicki, Josefa adjusted herself in the chair and allowed him to douse her hand in the liquid. A grunt escaped her when he did that, squeezing her eyes shut. It felt like her hand was on fire but it soon soothed as he gently did his best to clean it.
“When is this mission, Banks?” Josefa broke the silence, aiming to distract herself from the pain.
Banks gave her a look that read, ‘Are you serious?’ “None of your concern.”
The rage ignited once more, “Banks I swear to God—.”
“I’m not having this conversation. Stop trying to entertain it, or I’ll have you escorted off base and on the first train to Barcelona.” That shut her up, though it did not stop the glare burning a whole through his head.
Josefa wanted to argue that he technically had no authority over her. Easily could she sneak off in the night to Paris and wait for whoever he sends out to Nadine. From the information she had gathered on her recon, the informant told her that Goebbels was hosting a premier in Paris and it would be sometime in the month. And as she was coming down the hall she overheard bits of the conversation about the rendezvous.
And by the looks of it, the Basterds were in on it.
It got her thinking, so Josefa surprised Banks and kept her mouth shut. Little did he know, she was conspiring.
“Fine.” The simple word had Banks do a double take, as if he couldn’t believe she was relenting. With a satisfied huff, he gathered the file and handed it to Aldo. On his way out however he leaned close to the Lieutenant and warned (ordered) Raine to not let any details they discussed leave that room. Banks also made it clear Josefa was to not be told either.
With one final look of warning to the Princess, Banks took his leave. Wicki was just finishing up wrapping Josefa’s hand when she took the bottle and brought it to her lips. “Thank you, Corporal,” she told him, putting the bottle—a little harshly—-down on the table in front of her.
“It’s my honor,” he softly replied, though it was a bit muffled from the cigarette in his mouth. She gestured to it, “You have another you can spare for a lady?” Chuckling, Wicki cut the gauze and secured it before reaching into his pocket for the pack of cigarettes and lighter. Josefa took one, brought it to her lips for him to light and thanked him when he pulled his hand away. They held each other’s eye, the Princess raising a brow in challenge which had Wicki smirk.
He returned back to the wall, leaning against it next to Hugo—who the small interaction did not go unnoticed by. The blonde nudged him, amusement etched in his face, but Wicki pushed him back with a shake of the head. Josefa chuckled under her breath, letting her eyes drift over to Donny as she remembered what he had asked earlier.
“To answer your question, Sergeant,” her voice went low, but it captured all the men's attention. “My apologies for getting side tracked, but the reason I’m working for the allies is I’m after someone—someone very close to Goebbels who’s the reason my family is dead.” She took a puff, letting the smoke draw out before continuing, ignoring all their curious eyes that held sympathy. “As I said before, I had relinquished my title when I fell in love and married my husband. He was everything my family disapproved of: French, Jewish, and a commoner. They gave me a choice and I chose him. I moved to Paris, we had a couple kids and lived what was supposed to be a happy life. But then the Germans invaded….” She trailed off, face tightening as the memories replayed in her mind.
“Four years ago my husband and I decided we should migrate back to Spain. He thought I should attempt to get back in good graces with my family, but I knew damn well they would not welcome us. So, with the bit of my fortune I had and earnings from selling valuables to keep us afloat, I traveled to Spain alone to find us a place to settle. We thought it would be the safest option while they gathered all the necessary things to leave. My identity was concealed ages ago with fake papers, but I always kept my real ones hidden. I was not gone long,” her voice wavered slightly, “But when I returned they had already been discovered.”
The men all had similar reactions. Most were frowning, pity and anger for the Princess in their gazes. Even Hugo appeared solemn.
Josefa finished the cigarette and threw it into the ashtray on the table. “I found out who sold them to the Gestapo. My neighbor—who was a good woman and knew who I was—took pity on me.”
“And that’s who’re after,” Aldo stated, putting his hands on his hips. There was no doubt he felt for the woman. If he were in her shows he’d be on the hunt for the bastard who sent his family to a death camp. At Josefa’s nod he asked, “You said they're close to Goebbels. Mind tellin’ us who it is?”
Josefa’s eyebrow raised in challenge, “On one condition, Lieutenant.”
Yeah he saw that coming. There was no way she would just lay it all out and not expect anything in return. She was on a mission. One he respected. “Hit me.”
“If I tell you who it is, then I come with you boys to Nadine.” He didn’t know how Josefa knew about the rendezvous in Nadine, but he wasn’t going to question her when it’s been established she’s a spy. That could have been what she was doing before showing up like she went three rounds in a boxing ring. Which reminded him, he really wanted to know what happened to cause her those injuries. But that could wait for the time being.
What Aldo should have said was, “Banks ain’t gonna like that and I don’t need another chewing after the one I just had.” This was a fucking Princess for crying out loud. If anything happened to her, regardless of her estrangement from her father, the King would surely have his head.
But instead the Lieutenant found himself walking up to Josefa so he was standing right in front of her. With a small smirk on his face, Aldo paid a glance to his men and saw they matched his expression. “Ya know how to shoot a gun?”
Josefa leaned back into her chair, lip curling up, “I prefer a knife but I shoot well.” When he briefly glanced to her hand, Josefa rolled her eyes, “that wasn’t my knife and I although it was in my hand, I used it against the fucker with a simple,” she lifted her palm so it faced him before turning it fast before he could blink. The movement had Aldo realize she slit the Krauts throat with the way the blade had impaled her.
Damn that was impressive. It was also something to hear a member of a royal family curse so openly.
She would fit in just fine with the Basterds.
“Just so you know,” she brought him out of his thoughts, “besides my native Spanish and obviously English, I’m also fluent in German and French, not to mention a bit of Italian. One of the many great things of growing up a Princess was having to learn many languages for the times diplomats would visit.” She pauses to nod her head to the two men against the wall, “I know you already have two German-speakers amongst your ranks but there’s no harm in having a third. And may I ask if any of you know French?”
“We don’t,” Also sniffed, a little embarrassed since they had been in France for nearly two years and not one of them knew a lick of the language.
“Well, thank God I’m here.”
“Now, now hold on,” he raised a hand with a chuckle, “I didn’t say yes just yet, Princess.” He laughed again at her scowl, but composed himself and became serious. “This is more than likely a suicide mission ya know?”
“I’m well aware, Lieutenant,” she sighs, exhaustion taking over. The woman had had a long week and was dying to sleep. She would need her energy to heal and for the mission, but at the moment she needed to secure her place on it. “I’ve accepted that I may not survive this war. But if I die, It better be because I achieved my goal.”
“You’re really serious about this?” Donny questioned from the side.
Josefa nodded, determination in her eyes. “She and I have unfinished business.”
“So it’s a she,” Aldo hummed, a little surprised by the revelation.
“Yes,” Josefa hissed, pushing off the chair so she was now barely chest to chest with the officer. “And I will finish what I set my mind to all those years ago. I let my family down once, I will not do it again. Even if you try to stop me, I already know where your little rendezvous is going to be. I’ll just scout every inch of that village until you arrive and sneak my way into wherever it is held. It would be wise of you to let me find out what I know, help in any way I can since I could be of great use, and then we go our ways to complete our goals. So, Lieutenant,” her uninjured hand came up, “do we have a deal?”
Stretching his neck a bit and clicking his tongue, Aldo simply said, “fuck it.” Their hands came together in a firm shake. “Welcome to the Basterds.”
“It’s a pleasure,” she smirks, releasing his hand and dropping it back to her side.
“You gonna tell us that name now?”
Josefa straightened a bit, a flash of anger spreading across her face. “Francesca Mondino.���
“Where have I heard that name?” Donny said aloud, brows furrowing in thought. A few others exchanged glances, wondering the same. Josefa answered for them, “She’s Goebbels interpreter and mistress.”
“And she sold yer family to the Gestapo?” Aldo tilted his head. It was hard wrapping his mind around it. “Goebbels' mistress?”
“Before she was stuffing her mouth with his cock and translating French and German, Francesca lived two doors down from me in Paris. We never liked each other, hardly ever spoke but the few times we interacted were anything but friendly. I won’t get into details, but she knew I was gone when she called the Gestapo. The whore made sure to leave town before I returned.” Few of the guys had to bite back laughter for they too were just as shocked to hear a lady like Josefa use terms like whore and cock.
“So why spy for us?”
“It was my way to track her. Gather information and figure out where the hell she went. The first two years I was at a loss, then I met Banks and offered him a deal. Of course he didn’t believe who I was until I showed him the papers and news articles from Spain that had my picture on it. Once he realized I was indeed the ‘lost Princess’ he agreed to keep my identity secret and listened to what I had to say. The deal was I would spy while he worked on finding information about Francesca so long as it did not interfere with his men and I remained unharmed.”
So that’s why Banks refused to let her continue her plot any further. Not only did she show up to base beat up with a knife through her hand, but this mission that would ultimately give her Francesca tangled up with them. He understood Banks' decision, but also Aldo felt for Josefa and believed she deserved her revenge.
“This Francesca,” Aldo leaned back so he was pretty much seated on the edge of the table. “You know for sure she gonna be with Goebbels at that premier?”
“Of course,” Josefa scoffed like it was the most obvious answer. “She’s always by his side. When he’s not in need of translating her mouth does other things for him to pass time.”
Aldo let out a snort, “What’s yer plan to get to her?”
“I’m working on that,” she crossed her arms. “It won’t be easy, but I have some ideas. I need to find out more about the cinema first so I know its layout.”
“Hmm,” Aldo nodded, not wanting to question anymore with the risk of Banks walking in at any second. They needed to get going so Josefa could follow them without getting caught. Pushing off the table, Aldo gestures for his men to follow him, “We head back into enemy territory tonight. I’ll leave you to get whatever the hell you need and meet us at the drop off point. Think you can handle that on your own.”
Josefa waves her injured hand up and motions to her bruised complexion, “I think I can handle a lot on my own, thank you very much, Lieutenant.”
“That’s for damn sure,” he laughs, removing his tin of snuff from his pocket. He snorts in each nostril before putting it back and nodding to Josefa. “Well see you soon then, Princess.”
As the Basterds file out, they all bid a nod and even some smirks to Josefa who returns them all the same. Donny gives a mock salute which has her roll her eyes but it ignites a laugh. Even a wink is thrown at Wicki who bites his lip to stop from chuckling.
If there was one thing for sure the Nazi’s were not ready for when when they signed up for war, it was they would meet their end with a Princess among Basterds.
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the-whispers-of-death · 3 months
more titbits about my ocs
Hazzard became radio active due to an unfortunate stint in Chernobyl. the merc group was getting paid hella cash to hunt down some people and said people didn't want to get caught so they booked it in a random direction that just happened to be radioactive. the groups commander was the type of man to care more for results and money than his soldiers so he ordered them to advance anyway (while they had no protective gear against the radiation) Hazzard in all his wisdom went after them and of course got their asses but spent just a little too long in there and the radiation got him. now he didn't really get sick or anything (i have an au where he got cancer from it and that's the reason Romanas joined tf 141, to pay for treatment) but the radiation stayed on him. the thing that saved him was probably his height (205 cm) and density (man is built like a brick tank). Romanas, who was on the mission with him spent three days throwing up from the radiation (and stress from almost loosing Hazzard but he won't tell anyone that). Johan made fun of him. so yeah it's not fully fleshed out and i might rework it but that's the main idea on how Hazzard became radioactive (there's also a version where it happens because of a lab accident but idk because most of Hazzards backstory is a lab lol)
now Void is a different egg. you see i have the "now" and "after" of his story figured out but the "before" is beyond me. i was of the mind that the fact i don't have much of a backstory for him only adds to the whole "nobody knows anything about him" bit. i was planning on making him a lab experiment gone rouge (since commander did find him in the woods eating a deer carcass. after that the guy just appeared in the groups base) but idk about that. what i am certain on is that his tongue and vocal chords were removed surgically. who did it and why we may never know (i have like two certain story points for his backstory but i think the lack of it kind of adds to it y'know? he's Void just Void nobody knows anything about him)
also Selga trying to feed people has everything to do with the fact that food depravation was a common punishment under commanders rule so literally everyone in that group has food anxiety
also all of my ocs are very touch starved and very cuddly with eachother but they hate outsiders touching them or who they consider "theirs" (if they accept you be prepared for hesitant and testy touches and if you allow it or encourage it you'll have several grown men laying down on you like you're a bed, grumbling into your ear while they nuzzle your cheeks and under your chin) they also take group naps in cuddle piles. sleep is very important to them due to some stuff with..... "training" so sleeping and napping is among their favorite things to do once commander is no longer in charge
Since I've gotten so much information, this response probably won't be lengthy. But know that I adore what you've typed.
Stone was originally an OC where no one was supposed to know much about him (I still think Johnny & Gaz don't know too much about him) but then I got excited about his backstory and told literally everyone. So I'm rocking with the fact that not much is known about Void's backstory.
Selga trying to feed people because they all have food anxiety hurts me deeply. I hope the commander's dead. He deserves to be dead.
We love cuddle piles here, The Lions share barracks because they like to cuddle.
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azzo0 · 3 months
The following is a snippet from Reunite.
Pairing: Dabi x OC
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As Taro scrubbed the bathroom clean, Yami took over the kitchen and made some sandwiches and plain rice. She took the tray out in the living room, where the three men sat huddled together, watching an old movie on the TV.
"Make some space for me," Yami said, and Nori shifted a little so she could sit between him and Taro.
"I wanted sandwiches too," Ryosuke sulked when Yami handed him his bowl of plain rice.
"They're not good for you. You just threw your intestines out," Yami reminded, "Also, finish the damn electrolytes."
Ryosuke shot her a glare and brought a spoonful of rice into his mouth. At least she'd made them soft so he wouldn't choke on dry rice. After dinner, the dishes were discarded on the table, and the assassins finished the movie they were watching. Nori took up the most space as he slept, so Taro decided to sleep on the floor by the couch while Ryosuke slept on top of Yami, whose legs lay in Nori's lap.
When Yami's phone buzzed under the couch, she was off to a deep sleep to have noticed it.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Yami's eyes fluttered open to her alarm. She tried moving, but Ryosuke slept on top of her, heavy as a log. Yami smacked his head as he snored loudly, effectively making him go quiet. She wriggled her hand under the couch and took her phone out. She checked her notifications to see two missed calls from Toya. He'd called when she was already asleep, so she didn't get to attend it.
"Ryo, move." Yami whispered in order not to wake up Nori and Taro, "Oi, Ryosuke."
Ryosuke moved slightly, letting Yami out from under him. She went into the kitchen and pressed the call button, bringing the phone to her ear as she waited for him to pick up.
"Hey," she was greeted by a low and deep voice, stirring awake butterflies in her chest.
"Hey, Toya. Sorry, I didn't attend last night. I fell asleep," she said as she brewed herself some coffee. There was a moment of silence over the line.
"Come home. I have to tell you something." He said, hanging up. Yami furrowed her eyebrows. Couldn't he tell her over the phone?
Ditching the coffee, she grabbed her keys and helmet. She rode back home, fishing her pocket for the keys to her apartment. She clicked her tongue when she remembered they were in the pockets of the uniform she left at Ryosuke's house. She knocked on the door instead.
Dabi swung the door open to find Yami. Her hair was up in a lazy bun, a few strands falling to her face. His eyes trailed down to her clothes. They weren't hers. They fit a little loosely on her figure. His jaw clenched, eyes snapping up to her face again. He wanted to ask her where she spent the night, but it wasn't really his business.
"So... am I allowed into my home?"
He stepped aside, holding the door open and looking away. She hummed, stepping inside and hanging the keys. Dabi watched her hop over to the couch and fall on top of it. She seemed happy. His fist clenched, smoke threatening to rise as he thought of where she might have been last night to come home so cheery in another man's clothes.
He almost hated himself for caring where she was. She was a grown-ass woman. Just because she let him stay at her place and gave him her keys didn't mean she couldn't be with other guys. He made it clear they were friends, nothing more. Then why was he throwing an internal fit?
"Toya, I can smell smoke." Yami frowned, glancing behind her shoulder to see his fist steaming, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, don't worry about it." He said, joining her on the couch, spreading his legs as he sat.
"You said you wanted to talk?" Yami brought both her legs up, hugging her knees.
"Just wanted to meet you before I leave."
"Huh?" Yami's body turned towards him, tilting her head in confusion, "leave for where?"
"I joined the league last night while you were..." He trailed off, giving her a glance. He watched her eyebrow arch skyward, not entertaining his assumptions.
"So what does that have to do with leaving? Why didn't you tell me you'd leave after joining them?!"
"Their hideout is a little far from here, sweetheart. Besides, I've stayed here for long enough. As for your question," he leaned a little closer, "you don't tell me stuff either, do you?"
Her eyes flickered down to his lips and back up at his eyes again, "So that's what you're worried about? That I slept with another man?" she scoffed, crossing her arms.
"Oh, no. What you do and do not do doesn't concern me." He said, colder than he wanted to. Yami glared at him, baffled. Was he acting like a cocky brat all because, in his head, he thought she spent the night with another man?
Dabi watched a muscle in her jaw flicker. Other than that, her face showed no signs she was pissed off. What irritated him even more was that she did not talk about where she was. Her stern gaze on him made his stomach twist and turn. What was wrong with him?
"Why are you being like this?" She snapped, "All because I forgot to call you and tell you where I was last night? So you went and assumed I was out fucking someone?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." He said dryly.
"Don't go playing so oblivious," she sneered, "I was at Ryosuke's place with my friends because he was fucking sick. Just because I let you fuck me once doesn't give you the possessive boyfriend pass."
Yami's breath hitched when his fiery cerulean eyes snapped up to her. She expected to see anger or rage on his face, but there was none. His eyes did all the talking. Faster than Yami could blink, his hand was behind her neck, pulling her in for a rough kiss.
Her mind went blank for a moment as Toya roughly slammed his lips onto hers. Her hands trembled in her lap as her heart waltzed with butterflies. Her shoulders relaxed, and she closed her eyes, giving in to him. She felt his tongue in her mouth and leaned into him, feeling the metallic taste of his staple.
He pulled away a few inches, a line of spit connecting his lips to hers. He watched her eyelashes flutter open, looking at him with her face flushed a deep red. He wanted to kiss her entire face, pull her close and devour her whole. He couldn't. If he allowed himself to dive in, his heart would be in a bigger mess than it already was.
"See you around, doll face." He said, standing up. He picked up the shopping bags he'd thrown his few belongings into. He glanced back to see her staring at her legs, not bothering to give him a glance. He put his hand in his pocket and took out the key she gave him, hanging it on the cat hook. With that, he stepped out of Yami's abode.
Yami let her head hit the cushion, her heart hammering in her chest. She buried her face in the cushion. It smelt like him. She was confused, both because of Toya and herself. She vowed she would never let herself fall for anyone, and yet here she was, conflicted with her own feelings.
How could he be so casual about the whole ordeal? Even after they had sex, he acted like it was nothing and flung her into the friend zone. Now, he kissed her goodbye and went away like it was nothing.
"He's so unfair," she muffled into the cushion.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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wonbinisbabygurl · 1 year
Chapter 1 | Vanilla
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-> Parings: Park Jaechan (his character is kind of a bastard) x Black Reader (non-Oc )
-> genres: illegal- Street racing, fast paced relationship. smut related, mature theme and elements., non -idol /non-actor au.
chapter 1/40
synopsis: Park Jaechan a top mechanic works for one of the best illegal street races in town where all the top rich elites and yes even bastards who've done a lot of horrible things attend in order to bet or receive a shit tone of money. But there is one thing that is forbidden in the establishment which are never tell the public or causing any sort of trouble.
As the nightclub blasted with music, the sound of glasses clinked in the air.by Jaechan and his two male friends, along with some girls they recently met at the street race later that day. 
" Another win, Another victory! " The blonde-haired boy yelled.
Jaechan gripped and swirled his cup of whiskey in his right hand.
"You've been quiet today, is that all right?" the blonde-haired man said again before switching seats with one of the girls Jaehan was sitting next to, then he snapped his fingers and motioned for the girls to give the grown men some privacy. 
Jaechan then ruffled his hair in irritation, "That asshole is asking for more cash and some more financial aid for his new family. "
" Who, your father?"
Jaechan glared at his friend with an "I'm going to beat your ass" kind of look. 
"Who else would I be talking about, huh?
Hwi began to be quiet as he seemed to be a bit imitated by Jaechan's attitude and personality. 
"So, are you finally going to cut all ties with him or not?" asked Hwi. 
Before Jaechan could respond, his phone buzzed as he reached into his black and red biker jacket that was placed on the end of a black loveseat, he read the caller ID, it was his girlfriend, her name was April, he gave a calm voice before speaking to her.
"Babe, it took you long enough to answer, do I need to come over tonight?" he said while licking his lower lip.
April yawned on the other end of the phone, "Not tonight, I'm too tired, how about tomorrow, okay?"
"Stop bullshitting me, I may have been your little boy toy for the summer, but not this time," Jaechan said angrily, making his both of his friends look at each other before they left with their keys and phones. 
"Well shit, I'm sorry I'm not the perfect girlfriend or the girl who gives you her pussy every day of the week, motherfucker!
Instead of Jaechan venting his anger in a public place, he ended the call with April that night.
He texted April that he was breaking up with her, blocked her number, and paid for his and his friends' entire fucking drinking bill for the day before heading outside to the parking garage to get on his motorcycle, but before he could he heard someone screaming for help, "Let me go! " You screamed from the other end of the garage. "I ain't got time for this shit," he muttered before getting on his bike, " Fuck it," he said as he ran over to the person, seeing a woman on the ground who seemed to be crying as he ran over, punching both men and drawing their guns, "If you ever touch my women again, I'll feed you to my pet lizard, Jefferey," he threatened before the men fled. He helps the women to their feet as You throws your arm around his broad shoulder for support. "Thanks," You whispered softly. Jaechan teasingly pretends to put his hand to his ear to pretend to be mute: "Heh, I couldn't hear what you were saying. "How about we go get a few drinks to thank you for helping me with those weirdos?" Jaechan didn't want to get sober, but since you was a pretty girl, he couldn't resist saying no to you: "Sure. Jaechan and the unknown women walked side by side to where his brown and white motorcycle was parked. You looked at Jaechan's cool bike in awe, "Nice bike. I wonder what you do for a living?" Jaechan then coughs to avoid the question and hands the woman a helmet that was in his backpack, "How about we talk over a cigarette? " I don't smoke," You sighed in annoyance and crossed your arms. "Oh well, then I'll just drive you home," Jaechan starts his bike and asked you to get on. You looked slightly at the bike, then at Jaechan in an uncertain way. "It's late and I'm really tired, are you getting on or what?" Jaechan complains. You hop on the bike as Jaechan rides the bike through tunnels, highways and even in busy city traffic. You then stop Jaechan, "I'm sorry to say this on the last mile, but I have no place to stay."
(I Plan completing this chapter another day I was feeling slightly unwell, and I decided to not make y'all wait that long ik it sucks but hopefully it's okay I'm not an advanced writer but I'm trying to get there one day sorry for the short chapter though :( )
,special taggs:.
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