#me: alexa play some jazz music
roanofarcc · 2 months
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pairing. pete martino x ghost!reader
summary. (requested) in an attempt to help pete woo alberta, you realize your feelings for him may stretch a bit beyond friendship. 
warnings. dead!reader, gender-neutral reader, slightly awkward reader, miscommunication, idiots in love.
word count. 2k || masterlist
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“I think you’re overthinking this.” 
“I overthink everything!” Pete groaned, hiding his face in his hands. A part of you found his fretting endearing, showcasing how much he cared about every single detail of his plan. But the other part of you felt sourness encroach into the pit of your stomach, unfairly so. It had started happening more and more those days, a bitterness twisted uncomfortably where fondness had once sat. If you had been alive, you would have blamed it on a bad meal or a shift in the weather, but your death ruled out both of those options. The root of the issue was unknown, kind of; it was more unacknowledged by you. 
And you’d continue to ignore it because it was the right thing to do, you believed. Instead, you shifted all of your focus onto your friend and his ongoing crisis and crush on Alberta. 
“Come on, Pete,” you said softly, coaxing him out of his fit. “This’ll work. It’s a long game you’ve got to play, but if she feels the same, she’ll realize it sooner or later.” 
“And if she doesn’t?” he asked, a frown pulled on his lips. 
You sighed. You hated seeing him like that, down on himself. He certainly didn’t have the most confidence in himself, but you wished he had more. Pete was sweet, sickeningly so. And you knew that wasn’t exactly Alberta’s cup of tea, but people changed their minds all of the time, especially in death. Maybe all she needed was to see how much Pete cared about her, then perhaps she’d give him a real chance. 
“You’ve gotta have some faith in yourself, okay? Do you want me to talk to her first? I can butter her up and talk you up.” 
“You’d do that for me?” he asked like he didn’t know you’d do just about anything for him. 
You stood up from your seat with a soft smile as you crossed the room. “Of course, Pete,” you said before you slipped out of the room and set your sights on Alberta during her daily ‘Alexa’ time, listening to music in solitude until Sam or Jay needed to use the odd little robot for their questions or to play music that wasn’t old jazz tunes. 
“Knock knock,” you said, peeking your head into the room. Alberta turned around with furrowed brows. She didn’t look as annoyed when she realized it was you, but she still huffed and told Alexa to turn down the music. “Hi.” 
“Hi,” she said. “What do ya’ need?” 
You hesitated, unsure of how to subtly bring up Pete. Maybe the point was to stop being subtle and dancing around the idea of Alberta and Pete. Maybe they just needed to get things out in the open and it was your job to get the ball rolling, for the sake of your friends. 
“Can we talk for a minute?” you asked her, twisting your hands in front of you in a nervous habit. She looked confused but nodded anyway. “It’s about you and Pete.” 
Alberta sighed deeply and rolled her eyes out of habit. “Honey, there is no me and Pete.” 
“But there could be,” you stressed. “I know you used to date people different than him, but you won’t even give him a chance. How do you know he’s not the one for you if you won’t even hear him out?” 
Alberta studied you for a long moment, long enough to make you feel scrutinized under her gaze. Maybe you overstepped, but it was growing tiresome listening to Pete’s longing. You could only handle so much more of it. If he and Alberta just got together, then maybe the sour pit in your stomach would give up trying to poison the rest of you and you’d resort to pouring all of your feelings onto something or someone else inside the mansion. 
“Sit,” she instructed, gesturing to the couch. You obliged, taking a seat before she followed suit. “Have you ever been in love before?” 
Your eyes widened at the question, unsure of why she’d ask such a thing when you were trying to talk about her love life, not yours. “I don’t know,” you admitted. It had been a while since you were alive. The idea of love used to scare you, but you always thought you’d have some understanding of it before you died. Sure, you had crushes in your lifetime and a couple of partners but nothing that ever stuck. Love was a big word with a lot packed into it.
“Well, I have,” she said, a found but sad smile on her lips. “I like Pete. He is sweet but he’s not somethin’ I’m looking for, not when it comes to love. And you can’t force these things. Like or love, it’s not something you can talk yourself or someone into. Pete is a good guy, one of the best, but he’s not the one for me and I’m not the one for him. Sooner or later he’s gotta realize that.” 
You don’t know why you felt relieved at her words. Pete was going to be crushed. You should have been too because all you wanted was to see him happy. But instead, all you felt was a breath of fresh enter your lungs, knocking back the bitter feeling slightly. Did that make you a bad friend? 
She must’ve caught the conflicted set of emotions that shined in your eyes because she reached out, holding your hands with a gentle squeeze. “If I did like Pete, I would tell him. That’s all you can do.” 
“But you don’t,” you said, and she nodded, clarifying once more for you. 
“And you?” 
You blinked, pulling your hands away with an uncomfortable laugh. “And me what?” 
“Come on,” she groaned. “Don’t tell me you’re doing all of this for him because you’re just a good friend? I know when someone’s lovesick. And you’ve got one of the worst cases I’ve ever seen.” 
You scoffed; your gut twisted. “I-I do not!” you protested, shooting up from your seat. “I am his friend. This is what friends do-” 
“Nah-uh. Friends tell friends when they’re pursuin’ the wrong person. If you were just his friend, you would’ve told him a long time ago that I am not the person for him. But you’re so blind and sick with your feelings, that you’d do anything for him. That includes helping him try to win me over when you’re the one crushin’ on him. You’re deflecting, too scared to admit that you like him.” 
You felt exposed, open like a wound in front of Alberta. You crossed your arms over your chest, your skin hot and your stomach in knots. “I-I…” You couldn’t fight back because she looked right through you. All it took was a final, knowing gaze from her to make you crumble. You fell back onto the couch and buried your head in your hands. 
She placed a hand on your back, rubbing soft circles in an attempt to soothe you, but you weren’t sure you could be soothed. That was not supposed to happen. You were supposed to help Pete with the person he actually liked. How were you supposed to face him and tell him not only did Alberta not return his affection but instead you had a stupid, unrequited crush on him that would probably ruin your friendship? You wanted to cry. 
“Hey, look at me,” Alberta instructed and you forced yourself to peer out from behind your hands. She smiled softly at you. “No matter what, you’re going to be just fine. But speak your mind, tell him how you feel. Okay?” 
You felt like you were facing down the inevitable. One way or another, while stuck in eternity at Woodstone, you wouldn’t be able to hide your feelings forever. But you didn’t anticipate having to spill them so soon. 
Walking about the room, maybe you would have garnered enough confidence to broach the subject if you had till the following day; maybe if you had a chance to sleep on it, the idea would have become less daunting. But you didn’t make it but one step out of the room before you came face to face with Pete who was standing stuck in place right on the other side of the door. To say you were mortified was an understatement. 
Your mouth hung open as you two simply stared at each other for a long moment. Finally, you broke through your surprise at his appearance and cleared your throat. “Pete,” you breathed out. “What’re you doing?” 
He too shook himself out of his daze and flickered his eyes between the closed door and you. “You were taking a while and I just…” he trailed off. 
Your face felt hot as embarrassment crept up your spine. “How much of that did you hear?” 
He rolled his lips into his mouth, something he did right before he was going to lie, but he stopped himself and shook his head. “How much did you want me to hear?” 
“None of it.” 
“Oh, right, well���” He answered your question without actually answering it. You wanted to run away, maybe start a new ghost life with the basement ghosts to avoid a rejection you thought was coming. 
“I’m sorry!” you blurted out. “That wasn’t…you weren’t…oh boy.” 
“You like me?” Pete said after a beat, his voice soft and quiet in the middle of the hall. You were sure Alberta was listening from the other side of the room, ready to grab you if you tried to make a break for it. Your silence was his answer. “For how long?” 
Ducking your head, you blew some air from your cheeks. “A while.” Somewhere along the way, your friendship with Pete had turned into a crush that you thought you would get over. But it stayed, lingering in your mind as you tried to push it out because he so obviously liked Alberta. 
A let out a breathy laugh of disbelief. “You’re kiddin’ me?” Regret bubbled up in your stomach. Pete was a nice guy and he’d never say something to outright make you feel bad, but you still feared the worst for a moment. 
“But you like Alberta and I didn’t want-” he cut you off before you could fully explain. 
“I thought you were pushing me to talk to Alberta because you didn’t like me!” 
You sputtered for a response; your mouth failing to find the words within the swirling questions inside your head. “What?” was all you could get out. 
“If I would have known you…” Pete trailed off with a heavy sigh. 
With a shake of your head, you recalled when you found out Pete liked Alberta. You had overheard him talking to Sass about it. Since then, you thought your chance was completely gone because someone else held his affection, which was why you tried so hard to help him. You thought you’d been doing him a favor, hiding your feelings and helping him try to win over Alberta. 
“You told Sass years ago that you had feelings for someone in the house: Alberta. You told me yourself after you caught me eavesdropping.” 
Pete’s eyes widened. “I lied! I was worried you overheard me talking to Sass about my feelings for you. So I panicked and said I had been talking about Alberta.” 
“So this whole time you liked me and I liked you but we-”
“-thought the other didn’t feel the same.” he finished your thought, rounding off the sentence with a laugh full of disbelief and frustration. How did that even happen? How did two people who spent nearly every moment with each other become completely oblivious to the feelings of the other? It must have been some cruel joke the universe played on two ghosts already dealt not the best deck of cards. Or maybe and more likely, you’d both been so blinded by your want to remain friends that you completely pushed off the idea the other reciprocated feelings. 
“Oh, my god.” Alberta’s voice appeared as she stuck her head through the door, peering between you and Pete with raised brows. “And now what are you two gonna do about it, huh?” 
You and Pete shared a look, both a little unsure but it was overshadowed by a creeping smile that couldn’t stay hidden. Pete cleared his throat and wiped his hands off on his shorts. “Would you want to go on a walk, maybe?” 
Your smile shined even brighter as you nodded. “I would love to.” 
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haloslips · 7 months
Get to know you game! Answer the questions and tag people you want to know better!
becky @msmargaretmurry tagged me!
Last song listened to: this is a great question. it was something on whatever playlist generated when my mom's bff said 'alexa, play jazz music please'. before that it was something on my step-dad's folk/country playlist that i really enjoyed but forgot to ask him what it was. before that i was listening to empires my beloved <3 the last song i listened to was mb glow?
Currently reading: i just finished the captive prince trilogy by c.s. pacat which i THOROUGHLY enjoyed. i am convinced i will start martyr! by kaveh akbar soon because i loved the first few pages but i am stalling for some reason. i'm also rereading be the one to set me free by @notthequiettype (who also is the reason i was reading the captive prince trilogy) which is just sooooooo so good.
Currently watching: in this exact moment i am watching kraken vs bruins on root sports nw which i suspect will be a painful watch. as far as anything else goes i was watching love island uk at becky's not behest but because we were talking about leon on reality tv. i was not inspired by love island but i AM thinking about leon on survivor now.... i will prob watch some more eps of survivor soon tbh.
Currently obsessed with: almost nothing??? oh no jk i'm obsessed with this phone game called meow tower which is a nonagram/picross game where you solve puzzles to take care of cats that live in this apartment complex you run. it's a joy i'm truly obsessed with it i play it all the time it's almost a problem. i'm spending money on it :weary: if you want to play lmk tho because we both get extras if we share our ~friend codes~
tagging: truly idk who's been tagged but @starmotions and @somewhatinvested and @lisafremonts and @wisteriawatching if you all want to do this !!
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aquoteamusetheword · 11 months
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The Music of My Life
“Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.” ~ Debasish Mridha
I remember when I fell in love with music, rock music. It was when my very cool uncle Lynn returned home from Vietnam. He had a reel-to-reel tape deck and giant headphones (hence the picture). This is when I first heard Iron Butterfly, King Crimson, Yes, Led Zeppelin, Warm, to name a few… I was hooked.
My Mom and stepdad loved music too. Our road trips always included loud signing with the windows down. I will never forget the Christmas when I received my first stereo. I still know my first two vinyl albums; Supertramp ‘Breakfast in America’ (a favorite even today) and John Lennon / Yoko Ono ‘Milk & Honey’.
Many Friday and Saturday nights were spent playing bumper pool in my friend Stephen's basement. We had a car 8 track player wired to a set of speakers. The only 8 track we had was Bad Company ‘Burning Sky’, I still know every word to every song.
Eventually, we purchased a CD player for the house. My mind was blown when I listened to the full digital recording that was Dire Straits ‘Brother in Arms’, I am sure our neighbors enjoyed it too.
In the event that someone under the age of thirty-five is reading this, I have some explaining to do. Here is a brief history of pre recorded music in my lifetime. In my early childhood vinyl LPs were what we listened to at home. The only option for the car was the 8 Track. If you don’t know what an 8 Track tape is, imagine a case twice as wide and twice as tall as your iPhone. It made up for its clunkiness by pausing and changing tracks in the middle of every other song (usually during the best part of the song). Finally, cassettes arrived, they were roughly half the size, played on both sides and you could record LPs on to them (I know the technology is overwhelming). CDs ushered in the digital age.
Believe it or not, we used to hear a song we liked on the radio, actually drive to the music store, browse the CDs, find the one with the song on it, pay $12.99 (if it was on sale), hope the rest of the songs were good, spend and hour recording it on to cassette so that we could listen to it in the car, this was a far cry from “Alexa, shuffle the hits of the eighties…”
I worked at Musicland when I was in college. After school, my first 'real' job was to manage the one in Brookwood Village in Birmingham. This store was the number one Jazz and Classical location in the entire 2000 store chain. We played it every morning and I learned to love these genres as well. David Sanborn ‘Straight to the Heart’, David Lanz ‘Cristofori’s Dream’ and Nigel Kennedy ‘Vivaldi’s Four Seasons’ are all still in my rotation.
It was here that I met the sweetest older man, Stan. He walked the mall a few times a week and he knew and loved classical music like no one else I have ever known. He was in the middle of the long and arduous task of buying CDs to replace his LPs as they were being released. I had his list and anytime a we received one of the recordings on CD, I would give him a call. We often had lunch in the food court, he taught me about classical composers, I taught him about Stevie Ray Vaughn.
Stan stopped walking the mall. I left two messages about new arrivals and he didn’t show. I was concerned and missed my friend. A few days later a man entered the store and asked for me, I introduced myself. He told me that he was Stan’s son and that his father had passed away. I never even knew that he had cancer. I will never forget the next words from his mouth…” my dad wanted me to tell you how much he appreciated your talks and you calling him, and he wanted you to have this.” He handed me an LP wrapped in brown paper. We embraced, he departed. I went to the back, shed a tear and unwrapped a pristine copy of ‘Meet the Beatles’ on Apple records, still in cellophane. I have never even had it appraised, to me it is priceless.
“Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things” ~Psalm 98:1
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davidpwilson2564 · 2 years
Monday, February 27, 2023
Morning doctor appointment. Dr. Chrzanlowski (a name I have spelled with no small effort).  I am lucky to find him (after Dr. A’s semi-retirement).  He is quite thorough.  There is a complication with one of my meds and he is trying to sort out.  
Next: It is Lee’s one hundredth and I have promised to take him out to lunch.  I call him when I’m done with Dr. C. Lee is not quite ready.  Being in the neighborhood I kill some time at the local Barnes and Noble.  Odd feeling, as I have stopped buying books (the shelves are groaning under the weight of the one I possess). Standing there (the place is practically deserted)  I trying reading a few pages of Thomas Pynchon. An early book, more slender than the others...”The Crying of Lot 49″... I’m a couple of pages into it and realize it isn’t for me.  (I have to have something with more of a straight-line narrative.)  
This done I realize I have not quite killed enough time.  I sit on one of the benches that divide Broadway, just across from where we are to meet. (As Isaac Bashevis Singer used to do.)  In time Lee and I meet. .  Quaint, atmospheric restaurant.  To celebrate his birthday I have a twenty dollar Bloody Mary.  He’s not drinking.  Funny, I played an act he was conducting, Diahann Carroll, in the Catskills, decades ago.  Lee’s pops orchestra arrangements are still being rented out, especially around Christmas.  
Later: Home.  I ask Alexa to play the music of Clifford Brown.  This is gold.  I lament not being able to name some of the tunes.  We used to play this music, back in Knoxville. Not on gigs (jazz puzzled, even antagonized, most of the locals). We were just jamming.  
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greysrocks · 2 years
Alexa daily volume reset
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You can resume the audio book by saying, “Alexa, resume“. You can replace “A Game of Thrones” with the name of the audio book you want to listen to.Īudiobooks are usually quite long, and if you need to pause your audiobook, you can simply say, “Alexa, pause“, and Echo will pause the audio book. If you have purchased an audio book from Audible, you can ask Alexa to read it out to you by saying, “Alexa, Play A Game of Thrones on Audible“. Play Audiobooks from AudibleĪudible is an audiobook service from Amazon, and they have a wide collection of audiobooks that you can play through your Alexa enabled devices. Note: While the Echo can add items to your to-do list, you will have to go into the Alexa app to actually remove the items from your to-do list.Īnother variation of this command is “Alexa, read my shopping list“.Īlexa Commands for Audiobooks 1. You can replace “create website backup” with the task that you want to add to your to-do list. If you want to add tasks to your to-do list, simply say, “Add create website backup to my to-do list“, and Echo will add it to your to-do list. Add Tasks to Your To-Do ListĪlexa can also create to-do list for you. Just say, “Alexa, remind me to buy milk, 4 PM tomorrow.” To-Do and Shopping Lists 1. Just say, “Alexa, what am I doing tomorrow?” Or “Alexa, What’s on my calendar for on Tuesday” and it will show you the events for that particular day.Īlexa can also create reminders for you. I also love the fact that not only I can see my schedule for today but also see the forecast for the following days it I want to. For example, I can say, “Alexa, add dentist appointment on Monday 4 PM to my calendar” and it will create an event called dentist appointment at the exact time and date that I just dictated. You can even dictate specific time and date, and Alexa will make the event at the exact time and date that you dictate. Just say, “Alexa, add “this event” to my calendar”. You can either manually add things to your calendar or just Alexa to do it for you. Of course, to be able to see your schedules, you will need to add events and meetings to your calendar. Other variations of this command are “Alexa, what time is it?“, “Alexa, tell me the time“ and more. This can prove useful in a variety of situations, and if you want to use this command, simply say, “Alexa, what’s the time?“, and Echo will speak out the current time. Get the Current TimeĪmazon Echo devices can tell you the time as well. Other variations of this command are: “Alexa, set volume to 5“, “Alexa, change volume to 50%“, etc. You can use a value between 0-10 in the command to go from 0% to 100%. In such situations, you can simply say, “Alexa, volume 5” to set the volume to 50% of the maximum value. If you use the commands given above, you might have to repeat them multiple times. Increasing or decreasing the volume by the commands given might suffice for some situations, but what if you want to increase the volume to a particular value. Other variations of this command are: “Alexa, lower volume“, “Alexa less sound“ etc. For example, I can say, “Alexa, play Jazz playlist on Spotify” and it will do that. You can also ask Alexa to play specific playlists. Just say commands like, “Alexa, play “insert song name” or “Alexa, play “song” on Spotify” and it will do that. Whether you are using Amazon Music or a third-party streaming service like Spotify, you can use your voice to play songs with Alexa. Using Alexa to play songs is the easiest thing to do with Alexa. Let us start our list with the command that you are going to use the most and that is playing music on your Echo speakers. Check your country’s status by clicking on the links provided in the article. Note : Some of these features are restricted to US only. So, whenever you are ready, here are 70 best Alexa commands you can use to get the most out of Amazon Echo speakers: That’s why we are bringing you a curated list of the best Alexa commands which you can use to get the most out of your Amazon Echo speakers. However, it’s easier said than done as there are just unlimited commands out there.
If you want to take full advantage of your Alexa speaker you will need to keep with the new commands. For me, one of the best things about Alexa is that it’s constantly evolving, with new features and commands being added every other week.
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lordsardine · 2 years
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chloe-writes · 3 years
Hii, I love your vet headcanons and I was wondering if I could get some miscellaneous headcanons for Erwin just random facts or habits or things he does unknowingly
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Erwin Smith Headcanons
— Oddly specific modern AU Erwin headcanons.
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- reads george orwell novels and makes it his entire personality for a month.
- his favorite brookly nine nine is either holt or santiago
- hanji refuses, but erwin somehow still manages to manipulate them into giving him boardwalk in monopoly
- replies with "Ok. 👍" like a fucking boomer
- has THAT samsung alarm (you know which i'm talking about)
- says corny lines like, "it's better to burp and taste it than to fart and waste it," or ,"hold your horses" as if he were written by disney channel
- is a big fan of the show 'jeopardy!'.
- his favorite game is candy crush
- always reads the terms and conditions.
- his shoes are always scrubbed clean
- levi has told him to use nipple tape at least once before (because his milkers are so gigantic that his pink nipples could be seen right through his shirt lmfaooo)
- argues with siri and alexa
- watches 'how to become a tyrant' on netflix
- goes out of the room to fart because he's a gentleman
- uses speakers instead of earphones/headphones
- has a framed picture on his bedside of him holding a big fish he caught by the lake
- used to play tennis
- probably won all the spelling bees in school
- uses a black fanny pack on his waist when he goes out.
- his favorite american president is abraham lincoln.
- never flinches, not even on rollercoaster rides. but his soul left his body watching an fnaf jumpscare falco showed him
- a painfully slow typer
- only listens to classical, jazz, and occasionally country music. sometimes michael bublé too.
- overhears an argument between two people in the supermarket. makes an entire speech in his head with valid points about why both of them are wrong
- a few years ago, the scouts discovered erwin couldn't dance when they challenged him on just dance.
- drinks wine and pretends to be a wine connoisseur.
- looks at the exit plan on the wall every time entering a building.
- calls his s/o 'sweetheart' and you can't tell me otherwise.
- gets his s/o flowers on a regular basis.
- loves giving forehead kisses.
- never wipes his reading glasses with his shirt. he always uses the proper cleaning cloth.
- doesn't know how to use self-checkout at the grocery.
- thinks minion memes are still relevant and funny. puts them in the survey corps powerpoint presentation:
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A/N: I totally imagine Erwin watching Jeopardy! with his s/o.
[ Masterlist ]
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anonil88 · 4 years
Malcolm and Marie live blog
I don't usually do liveblogs for movies but yea.
Spoilers ahead!!
I love that its modern timed but very 70s stylized.
A tune indeed.
When you are high and drunk on success and
How the white critic reacts is why I feel like gatekeeping my scripts. At the same time some things I do make are about race or involve.
Marie sitting on the patio smoking is a mood whenever men are talking.
So he's pretentious and unaware.
Whoever chose the music for this, I feel like we would be Spotify mutuals.
Can this nigga stop pacing.
Also can he stop talking;
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Marie is so tired and unimpressed.
Also little booties matter and are to be bitten.
Oooo the tension and the jazz.
Title Card over mac and cheese.
Shitty boxes mac and cheese but still mac and cheese.
Tbh i always wonder if spouses/significant others get upset when their spouses don't acknowledge them during speeches.
John sounds so much like his dad but I really hope his acting style differs from his dad a lot.
Guilty confession?
He did not profit off of his partners backstory and then not even acknowledge her.....I.....
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If that ever happened to me catch me cussing my partner out during the beginning credits, the end credits, in the car, and at home.
The way I'm excited for Zendaya to give me some, oooo can she work with Regina King. Please on my knees I pray.
Um no that's not your job to coddle your lead.
He's a dick and the type of dick who makes himself look like a good person around other people.
If Sam Levinson is trying to make his viewers more of misandrist, it's working.
I feel like Marie has her flaws probably a lot of them and we will surely see as this continues, but Malcolm needs to learn how to apologize sincerely.
70s vibes! 70s vibes!
Them kissing and talking about criticism and dreams makes me miss a partner. A partner that I've had and haven't had.
Women really are behind every great man.
Yea sir you fucked a happy moment.
Oh visual allegories for looking in from the outside and cat and mouse chasing and looking from the outside in.
She's saying she doesn't feel noticed by you.
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Gas lighter :0 he called her an emotional support dog, bruh.
I would LOVE to co-write or take a writing class held by Sam Levinson. The fights i write are very much in this same realm of reflection and anger and monologue.
Sam.....sam.....are all the sides inside of you doing okay sir?
The ugly side of dating and being in a relationship with someone who struggles with their own demons.
Honestly I could close my eyes and listen to this script being read without seeing these characters visually. Just close my eyes and get a sense of these characters like it was a radio story.
Oh. Oh this is a new wheelhouse of Zendaya acting; a different voice is like breaking through here and her expressions aren't the same we are used to. You can literally hear another character in there....hmm.
Mans is outside really fighting with his invisible demons lmfao.
Selfish ass, how after everything she said you came out of it thinking about your own craft and self instead of how you hurt her.
So she's conditional.
Me: did sam (a white man) say nigga this many times in his script or are the actors adding their own inflections. Not just the lingo used but the topic of race and directing etc. being written by a white writer about black characters is always gonna be a critique when you're writer is a white person.
Alexa play Broken Girls by Saba
He is so hurtful.
A clown nigga a clown look in the fucking mirror you bozo head ass looking like you need some Mehron clown white and a size 16 in clown shoes.
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John is doing a really swell performance and reading of these lines.
He is reading her for her insecurities by bringing up his experiences with other women and that.....is yikes.
Arguments can get messy like this in real life but it takes a lot of maturity and control to either not let it get to this point or have a healthy conversation afterwards.
This film is really shot on some very crisp lenses.
They sitting there like 🚬🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️.
Leftover Mac and Cheese and unfinished cigarettes.
The nyt etc. pay walls are so annoying, but there is a work around look at the articles on incognito or add a period at the end of the url.
He sounds like his daddy so much here, weird, this is the only part I'm eh on the dialogue it feels real but a bit out of pace in how they are bouncing off one another.
Nail scissors? So the end is not the only part he based off of Marie. 🙄
ITS A GOOD REVIEW YOU DINGUS but also its a full review they are going to critique things. She isn't wrong though he did profit off of a woman's story that was not his own to profit from.
Yes Malcolm because unfortunately all marginalized people look through a lens of life that is inherently political because of the world they live in.
He is so mad and upset and had a lot on his chest. But I think he Malcolm and Sam are talking about something thats an issue and a non issue. Being critiqued for you art is hard but also Malcolm is not super self aware. He's like a stand in figure of for example rich depop sellers who wanna be oppressed so badly they yell at others instead of examining their own personal behaviors and ethics.
Oh Marie, when you know the spark is gone and you pick fights because.
He ain't even ask her to read?
One critic I have for most of hollywood actors is they learn their cry and that is it. A change from this is Margot Robbie, I adore her fluctuations of crying being similar but the crying is carried differently for each character. If I had to say any actor that does a cry scene amazing its this woman right here (Amy Adams)
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You stole her story from her and gave it away, she has a right to be upset and angry and a rubber band ball of emotions.
Citizen Kane, not the cinematography, but the story is it even that good? (Unpopular opinion but meh, maybe in my rewatch it will be better.)
But that is what people want authenticity and whatever authenticity means to them. What is real for one is false for another.
To be honest look at the criticism of Euphoria, well earned, but a lot of people were like this isn't real even though he literally wrote about his own life. People said it was inauthentic like....wtf.
Ahh the smoking is just a habit, he quit and she didn't.
CAST ZENDAYA IN A HORROR MOVIE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING. Get Lupita and Zendaya and some more black actors preferably less known ones in a horror movie. One with a interesting script and story, directed by Regina King. Please and thankyou.
I love Marie yep that was amazing.
Behind every great man is a greater woman, one that deserves her credit for how she has stood behind. I wonder the stories of those women, what they have sacrificed or not sacrificed. Their thoughts and feelings when the world is surrounding their partner and views them as a plus one. (I'd write a short script about this but I think do I have the time, can I, or am I equipped ?)
He is a shitty person for bringing up his exes, like she even said I don't wanna know any of that.
Imagine being on anti depressents and rarely having a sex drive and then when you do your partner starts talking about their exes and tearing you apart for all your faults.
I love when you see peaks of Zendaya's cadence in roles.
Tension, what if's and he didn't even bring her up in his speech.
Marie to herself and the audience:
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He is not afraid that he will loose her but as my character says in my unreleased story, "i can't wait til you give me a fucking reason to leave your ass." Malcolm expects everything in order for not even doing the bare minimum and she is only asking him for something as simple as consideration. She just wants him to be considerate. He wants to get married and considers their relationship like rolling down a hill at full speed and he cannot apologize, he cannot be considerate, and he cannot admit his wrongs. He can only offer her I love yous that he probably does mean but he does not back up outside of what he's done for her in the past. The past which was more of her experience than his and he sees his part in it as a burden. He doesn't use his own vantage point of the past to further his career he uses her. He does all of these things without a real apology or thankyou because he is not afraid to loose her.
The restrictions of quarantine and the panorama have made Sam's writing very no frills. I wonder how other films from other directors and writers that are filmed in small contained crews like this will be structured. But this was a very good movie gonna add to my letter box 3.3-3.5
Oh shit this is my song,
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Ratings/overall thoughts:
Script is like a C+, B- : I could go into my heavier big brain thoughts on the script but I don't feel like it. You catch hints of it above it centers conversation on race and privilege, mainly the writers and questions i have that won't be answered but Sam did make me grow disdain for Malcolm over a short time. Which is sometimes hard to do because im one sympathetic person but the sympathy i have for Malcolm is at 0. Maybe a 2 at some scenes but then it quickly goes back to 0. Some parts of the dialogue miss the mark or hit the are off balanced. While some of it like Malcolm's bathroom speech albeit mean is really strong or their conversation when he comes back from peeing really shines for me.
Performances: B+ to A- because they carried the script further than it could of gone with less talented actors. The monologues do well to showcase their current skill levels which are already high af and leave room for anticipation in where these actors go next.
Zendaya holding a knife: A+ with a gold star. That switch on and off and on is delectable.
John being a shitty boyfriend but following Marie like a lost puppy: B+ with a good job written at the bottom of the paper, Malcolm being nervous a frantic dialed up with more realistic nervousness would have sold me completely on Malcolm's anxious waiting.
Cinematography: A and a participation award.
The mac and cheese: A+ for the easy mac. Wish it was like Annie's or Velveeta.
Cigarettes: Participation award and their picture hung up for student of the month. Why the grill lighter? Everytime Malcolm opened up his mouth Marie was like sparks fly.
The music: A++ with a prize. Whoever picked the music probably makes good Spotify playlists.
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Blurb #9
Pairing- Spencer Reid x Female Reader
CW- none
Author’s Note- this comes from this ask by @leahblackk thanks so much for this love!! it was so much fun to write 💛 also sorry if it looks a little wonky I’m on mobile!!
Word Count— 2K (not really a blurb)
Studies show that the music we listen to at 14 years old is the most influential on our personality and development. Naturally, there’s some exceptions to this. Spencer, for one, tended to listen to classical music or the Beach Boys records his mother had around the house as a teenager. He still can’t listen to jazz without the bittersweet memories of Ethan coming back to haunt him. His music taste, in his opinion, didn’t really develop until Derek made him listen to his CDs on rides during their commute.
It wasn’t until he met his neighbor, Y/N that he learned just how impactful music can be on someone’s life. Spencer, despite Derek and Penelope’s efforts, doesn’t really enjoy modern music. There’s one expectation to that though: Y/N. Everytime she drags him over for late night dinners and movie nights, she always ends up putting a Taylor Swift album on her vintage record player. It’s like a ritual that either comforts her, hypes her up, or softens her heartbreak. Through the months that they’ve been friends, Spencer’s come to enjoy the music nights. There’s something about the way that she sings about love and life that is so familiar to Spencer. The day he realized, it hit him like a ton of bricks. Y/N makes all those magical, heartwarming, Taylor Swift songs make sense.
So everytime he goes over to her apartment, before he knocks he’ll listen for the music. It’s hard to not let his profiling instincts kick when he does this. Thanks to his eidetic memory, Spencer can recognize any of the songs with only a couple seconds of the lyrics.
On a sunny Monday, Spencer listens closely for the record player. He can hear the upbeat, dance tunes of New Romantics. Okay, he thinks. If Y/N is listening to that song, she’s probably happy. So he knocks on the door, a big smile on his face ready to listen to the happiest Taylor Swift songs with the girl he’s pining for and try not to reveal just how much he wants her to love him back.
“Spence! Come on, we’re dancing” Y/N shouts loudly above the music. Spencer doesn’t want to burst her bubble by telling her he doesn’t dance, so he takes her hand and dances his heart away.
In between the jumpy and laughter the song shifts. Y/N must be playing it from her Alexa because the next song is from a different album, Paper Rings comes on next. A song dedicated to the kind of love that probably makes the most sense to Spencer. He’d marry Y/N without any kind of ring- and that’s a terrifying thought.
“I love this song!” Y/N says, closing her eyes and dancing wildly, “You like this one too, right Spence?” she says above the loud music.
Spencer, unable to fully articulate how much he loves this song, decides to grab Y/N by the hand and twirl her around and around. She’s laughing and smiling, happy as she could be. Spencer’s thoughts shift from how beautiful she looks, to how easy this is. How simple loving her could be, but how hard telling her is.
The music slows, turning to Lover, a song that Spencer has dreamt of dancing with Y/N to on a white veiled occasion several times. This must be her happy playlist, Spencer thinks as she pull him close. They’re slow dancing and if Spencer closes his eyes and quiets his mind, he can trick himself into thinking she loves him back. Afterall she holds him like she does.
“I like this one the best,” Spencer whispers, his eyes still closed as he and Y/N sway to the beat of the song, “It’s comforting,” he explains.
“It’s a good wedding song,” Y/N says, resting her head against his shoulder, “like a first dance song,”
“It is,” Spencer says, “It’s actually in the proper beats per second to be a waltz, which is a common dance for a traditional first dance at a wedding,”
“Yeah,” Y/N says, pulling herself in closer to Spencer as she pets small circles into his soft cardigan. The spot where she touches leaves her mark; his heart has belonged to her for awhile now, but Spencer’s ready to give her whatever else she wants, “but dancing like this is also very nice,”
“Hmm,” Spencer says, not trusting himself to say anything else. The music switches again, and Spencer knows the song, probably before even Y/N. Dress comes on and Spencer really isn’t sure how he’ll get through listening to the sultry song that croons about pining after your best friend. Part of him seriously thinks he’s being stalked, because those songs perfectly encapsulate his love and his admiration for the girl next door.
“Oh, I got asked out on a date,” Y/N says, seemingly shocking Spencer out of his daydream, “at the coffee shop. His name is John, he seems nice,” she tells him, sounding a little nervous.
“That’s great, Y/N,” Spencer says, trying to put on a smile for his best friend, but fails to do so, “I’m happy for you,”
“Well it’s, you know. I think I just need to put myself out there and stop waiting around for my wild dreams to come true. Because after all your wildest dreams are just that, dreams,” she says, a little sadly.
“Call me after, Y/N, just to make sure you get home safe,” Spencer requests, he squeezes her hand, in what he hopes can be seen as a friendly gesture, despite him not wanting to let go.
“Of course, Mr. FBI,” Y/N teases, “Alexa, shut up! Hey, Spence, you want to order pizza. It’s been like a week since I watch Long Pond and I’ve got that itch that only listening to This Is Me Trying while stuffing my face with pizza and white wine can fix,”
“Sure, Y/N,” Spencer says, smiling through his heartbreak. He tries to not let Y/N see the tears that prickle in the corners of his eyes when the 1 comes on. It would have been fun, if he could have been Y/N’s “1”. Even in heartbreak, Taylor Swift can capture exactly what Spencer feels.
He almost didn’t bother checking by her apartment because he knew it’s her date with Jake or John, or whatever his name was. Spencer’s not a man to get jealous, he knows that Y/N doesn’t owe him her love just because he loves her. He knows that, but that doesn’t lessen the hurt of her falling for someone other than him.
As he walks by, Spencer’s ears catch the music coming from her apartment. He hears the unrecognizable twangy strum of the guitar and knows it’s going to be back news. Without thinking, Spencer rumages into his pocket, looking for his spare key to Y/N’s apartment. He unlocks the door and is greeted by Y/N’s cat, August, meowing at the door.
“Where’s our girl?” Spencer says, picking up the cat as he slips off his shoes, “hey, Y/N. It’s Spencer. I heard the music and I just thought I’d check in. I thought you were going out on your date?” he asks, finding Y/N curled up on the couch, with piles of tissues littered around her.
“Please, Spence. I’m a mess. I don’t want anyone to see me like this, especially you,” Y/N tells him, mopping her eyes up and petting her lap for August to jump up.
“Hey, hey, honey. You don’t have to worry about being a mess in front of me, I already think you’re amazing,” Spencer says, softly. He tries to gracefully avoid the spoiled tissues, he might be in love with Y/N, but he’s not in love with her used tissues.
“He-he stood me up,” Y/N stutters as a new wave of tears floods her face. Spencer leans over, shutting Alexa off. The sorrow, regretful tunes of Dear John turn off, leaving Spencer with the thought that it probably was an appropriate song to choose.
“I don’t even know why I try any more, Spence” she says, leaning into his body as he puts a comforting and protective arm around her upper half, “it’s useless. I’m doomed to be alone,”
“That’s not true, Y/N,” Spencer says, mumbling into her hair, “not at all. You’re amazing. You’re kind and so smart. You’re beautiful and you have great taste in music. Anybody would be lucky to date you,” he finishes, forgetting himself for a second as he kisses her hair. She smells like green apples and ivory soap.
“You’re just saying that because you’re my friend,” Y/N says. The emphasis on ‘friend’ giving Spencer a little hope at what she is subtly implying.
“What-what if I wasn’t? What if I wasn’t saying this as just a friend?” Spencer asks, daring to be bold and brave for once in his life. He couldn’t be bold and brave for Y/N, then who is he?
She must be thinking, because Y/N doesn’t say anything. Spencer’s mind instantly switches into full gear, thinking of how he’d get out of here all while sparing his feelings.
“Please don’t say those things, Spencer. Don’t say those things unless you mean it,” Y/N tells him, her voice sounding cold and far off, like she’s trying to put some distance between themselves to protect herself. Spencer’s mind ventures to take it as a good thing, when she doesn’t physically distance herself. She decides to stay with Spencer’s arms wrapped around her upper half and his hands drawing shapes on her back.
“I mean it, Y/N. I really do mean it,” Spencer says, sounding terrified, but feeling braver than ever. “I’d never lie to you about how you make me feel. Not anymore at least,” he explains, waiting for Y/N to respond.
“Can I show you something?” Y/N ask, her voicing sounding an awfully lot like Spencer’s with the mix of fear and tension and love fighting for dominance.
“Of course,” Spencer says, nodding into her hair and letting her go.
He watches and waits as she grabs her phone from the coffee table. Y/N launches her music app, but covers her phone so Spencer can’t see which playlist she’s choosing. Y/N has very curated Taylor Swift playlists kko that help her to either middle through her dark days or celebrate her happy ones.
The music starts and just within the first few notes Spencer can tell which song is playing. “Gold Rush,” he asks, of course getting it correct and making Y/N smile.
“I knew I kept you around for a reason,” Y/N says, scooting in closer to Spencer so his chin rests over her head. “I don’t think you’ve heard this playlist yet,” she says, handing him her phone.
Spencer looks at the phone, reading the playlist title Songs That Remind Me of Spencer, but ends up having to do a double take.
“This song always reminded me of you, Spence. I think it just captures how beautiful you are and how scared I am that you’ll find someone that will make you feel that way. Someone that’s more beautiful and better for you—“
Spencer can’t hear it anymore so he does something that was only a figment of his imagination: he kisses Y/N. He holds her head in his hands, brushing gently on her temples. It’s wonderful and magical, and Spencer thinks that he could kiss her for his whole life. He wants to know what makes her whimper and whine or make her flush. He wants to know everything about her because he is her 1, just as she is his.
“You made a playlist for me?” Spencer says, breaking away from Y/N’s lips to kiss her face. All over her forehead, her cheeks and eyes. He kisses her like he can’t get enough and is only encouraged by Y/N giggles for approval.
“Of course I did, Spence. You’re just everything to me and I couldn’t quite say it myself. So I left it up to the best songwriter I know,”
“I’ll make you one, today. Tomorrow, everyday,” Spencer says, kissing Y/N’s hands and wrists, “I just want to make you happy and know how loved you are. Because I love you, Y/N” Spencer says
“Spence,” Y/N says, not quite able to articulate how much she loves him, kisses his forehead, “I love you. God. I love you so much. And I may or may not have re-written Hey Stephen as Hey Spencer,”
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furby-organist · 3 years
// what’s alexa up to. scouring all sorts of music. what else. clownassery
- i wanted 2 share some food processor music for y’all but this stuff is absolutely unlistenable to me. it’s all NOISE. there’s a good handful of artists who make music like the old arca albums I can recommend if you’re into that stuff, but it’s literally just noise and I can’t get through it.
- ya know who’s stuff I should share? rasmus faber. former swedish house artist/dj who now makes jazz rearrangements of japanese music & anime music. like, he’s rly big! he’s a classically trained jazz musician! his stuff is lovely. it’s not acid jazz, it’s like, legit Actual Instruments jazz. alexa doesn’t know shit about anime or the origins of the music but he owns some of the platina jazz albums bc the album covers have pretty cartoon illustrations and it made him go “hmmmm what the fuck” and it ended up SLAPPIN
- at one pt he curated some nastee music (and less nastee music) for a friend on here bc... curating music is half his job. and got very good feedback on slow, HEAVY BASS music so... expanding his horizons w slow heavy bass playlist! how many unfinished setlists does he have. a million. will this one see the light of day. idk. 
- (he’s been playing it out a record player but stuck a lineout into the headphone jack and is holding it between his teeth like he’s the lineout’s input, and vibrating along. like a deep tissue massage. its one of those big 9mm jacks too. lewd. dude are you trying to get your bones to rattle and degenerate your cartilage to dust??) (his answer is to hold the jack like a cigarette and blow smoke at me.) (he could just play the music out his body radio but its not the same!! it’s not the same as having an external input!!)
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nunc-flore · 5 years
have some concept playlists !!
chill in various moods and genres!
chill in classickal [ when music gets so good u wanna straight up eat it ]
chill in celthicc [ breeng thy begpeipe lass ]
chill in archaic [ enjoy your symposium lads ]
chill in swing [ feelin pretentious today? i got u fam ]
chill in techno [ when the world sucks. no exceptions. ]
chill in arab [ beautiful tunez from the lands of the sun ]
chill in lo-fi [ beep boop bzzt? ]
chill in medieval ballads [ smasheth thou instrumenth, brother]
chill in funk [ funk up lads]
chill in indie [ your raw tenderness starter-pack]
don’t chill in punk [ oi! oi! oi! ]
chill in 80s bops [ what is technicolor if not a digital rainbow ]
chill in norse [ Heill þú farir! heill þú aftr komir! heill þú á sinnum sér! ]
chill in soul [it’s not the waking it’s the rising // nina cried power]
chill in 70s wood-chopping jams (still a stub) [chill, man]
chill in opera [ angelic crowds chanting "he needs some milk" ]
chill in jazz (still a stub) [ sweet music playing in the dark ]
chill in 20s-to-50s music that's not jazz nor swing nor soul [dance and drink like it's the 20s y'all (please stay clear of all the nationalism and the crippling sense of collective doom, thank you) ]
chill in yeehaw [ april is the cruellest month, ain't it? ]
chill in ye olde shanty [ a-hoy captain! ]
and many more, as time goes by!
actual concept playlists
summer indie -��guitar themed tracks about life and death and all that’s in between
ingenium voluntatis - r e d  y e a r n i n g  but make it existential. it starts well but something happens. probably society and its non-sense rules. 
the apocalypse and other related catastrophes, merrily told by yours truly - the world is ending and shit is going down. but is it? are you certain this is the world and not some other unnameable thing? are you already dead? is it the apocalypse you dreamed, the one you’ve been waiting for, or is it too slow-boiled? deathly, rotting acceptance of the end of times, with a hint of child-like storytelling.
gotta go FAST -  it’s 34°C. the streets are a desert. you’re 20 minutes late. run.
daydreaming on main - can we stay like this forever? lost in a neo-classical painting, full of celestial things, and symmetry, dreaming away.
dreamy drum pop - is it a dream? are you in love with a dream, in the street of some ancient, modern city, following their shadow? or are you just having a bad case of hypotension? we may never know.
an evening in beige - cruelly posh but in a classy, bitter, hollow way
ready for the lazarus pit, shaka-brah! - a collection to sell your soul to a demonic entity of your choosing to. mostly dark techno, but with a classical twist.
chillin! - or the "dude put on some good music" playlist - when you’re chilling with laid-back pals and they ask you to put on some music and you need a quick, safe, society-tolerable playlist to hit shuffle on and leave there
sweet music playing in the dark - jazz n stuff, some old gems. also, the songs quoted by Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier.
time. - feel the flow of endless thing going by. the clock is ticking, but what the hell is time, anyway?
audiobooks!! - it’s what it says on the tin, my dudes. including: macbeth, metamorphosis, orlando, the call of cthulhu, iliade, the time machine, the tell-tale heart, the black cat, dr. jekyll and mr.hyde, pride and prejudice, black beauty, treasure island, the phantom of the opera, de profundis, frankenstein, carmilla, beowulf, dracula, the raven
fuck this, keep running - from society. from civilization. it’s just you and your ideas against the world, kid. let’s go give them hell. they will never take us alive. 
oh gee golly what a disaster - oh, this is bad. //  that's so sad alexa play this playlist
a witch in the woods - in the throat of the forest, whispered chants and incantations. it’s the voice of the survivors, the ones that escaped the pyre. hush now and dream.
till the end of the world and back - it’s ride or die. the cavalry's here and it's here to stay. 
italian oldies - italian culture. every italian i've ever met knows every single one of these by heart somehow.
:))))))) - am i happy? am i on the edge of a mental breakdown? have i gone completly insane? gee golly! who knows
stars, who am i? - did someone say existential crisis?
personal hyperuranium - my happy, serene place. when everything is too much close your eyes and listen to this. 
young punks, get off my lawn - wreaking havoc with ur gang  / girl gang.
self torment - me @ myself: why r u like this
razzle dazzle jazzle - you like jazz? 
knightess in a shining armor - heroines with swords, here’s to you
playlists inspired by stuff!
songs to be a flamboyant asshole to - swag walk. i blame anthony jantony crowley for this. 
the mad prophet - loosely inspired by friedrich nietzsche’s theories
the star traveller - laugh hard, run fast, be kind // inspired by the thirteenth doctor
getting to it, that's not the hard part. it's letting go. - i left my heart, 3 friends, and 37 gold bars in the sierra madre // inspired by Fallout New Vegas - Dead Money
pew-pew // (i'm three ounces of whoop-ass) - "Another female operative broke into my house and attacked me." "What did she want?"  "Dinner." | a killing eve playlist
les mis, les amis - those brave fellows. honestly, squad goals.
prince(ss) of verona - inspired by a theatrical performance of Romeo and Juliet, in which the prince of verona was. well. she was powerful.
can't stop, won't stop - healing boost of healthy, uplifting electro music comin your way! ispired by Overwatch’s Lúcio Correia dos Santos 
chloe eliz4bet2 price m0od - hella punk but also hella sad // inspired by chloe price, from life is strange
rachel amber mood - hey i've just met you and this is crazy but heres my number so let's burn down a forest maybe // inspired by rachel amber, from life is strange
musical journeys!
a Comedy. | a musical journey. - someone falls from grace and gets thrown into the world. lands in a forest. confused, resolves to survive at any cost. killing, stealing, partying, fleeing, living. eventually, with time, discovers a gentler, happier way to live. they still throw the best parties. doing no harm, taking no shit.
calliope bae gimme a hand wouldn't ya: a musical journey - a tale of poets: young tragedies and cursed gods; laughs and fights; transcendental roadtrips and hellhounds; parties and their aftermath.
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kocrecs · 4 years
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as we all know kpop is often used as an umbrella term for korean music. there’s actually a lot of sub-genres that fall under it & mix on the same album ! kpop also likes to fuse genres so a lot of what you hear are actually fusions of different elements on this list. I’m gonna make a separate post for concepts in the future, but for now we’re just going to focus on sound. this is in no way a comprehensive list and it may be incorrect in some places, please feel free to do your own research.
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while retro is a “concept” of sorts, a lot of genres fall under this so I decided to group them together. these are the sounds you’ll mostly see if someone wanted to go back in time for a comeback to two. not everything here is strictly “retro” or “old fashioned”, but they came from the 20th century.
HIP HOP - popular in the 90′s. daydream (jhope), uh-oh ((g)i-dle), & and july (heize ft. dean).
SWINGBEAT - popular in the 80′s. lady (exid), paradise (s.e.s), wow (btob), & call me baby (exo).
DISCO/FUNK - popular in the 70′s. dynamite (vixx), lucky one (exo), 1,2,3 (b.i.g), & ah-ah (teen top)
SYNTHPOP - popular in the 70′s-80′s. la di da (everglow), siren (sunmi), oh! my mistake (april), platonic love (snuper), everyday i love you (vivi), i feel you (wonder girls), & sea of moonlight (iu, fiestar).
CITY POP - popular in japan in the 80′s. lady (yubin), cherries jubilees (yukika), love game (iris), & where are you (clc).
DEEP HOUSE - has been popular since the 80′s. free somebody (luna), view (shinee), 4 walls (f(x)), & secret (yuri, seohyun).
R&B - first popular in the 50′s-70′s. automatic (red velvet), sweet crazy love (loona odd eye circle), galaxy (ladies code), thinkin bout you (katie), & mmmh (kai).
JAZZ - first popular in the 20′s. be natural (red velvet), piano man (mamamoo), & bad girl (ladies code).
SWING - popular in the 30′s-40′s. is who (minseo), woowa (dia), & I’m so hot (momoland).
TROT - popular in korea in the 50′s. love tonight (hong jinyoung), the calculator of love (jung haejin), & oppanyong (jina-u).
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electronic dance music (edm) is percussive electronic music that you’ll normally hear in a club should you ever go to one. edm has a lot of different forms, some we have already mentioned above ! they will be reposted, but I’ll definitely find more examples.
FUTURE BASS - always find you (yuri), singing in the rain (jinsoul), don’t leave me (bts), like this (pentagon), thanks (seventeen), & voices (stray kids).
DEEP HOUSE - puzzle moon (gwsn), and there was no one left (dreamcatcher), deja vu (nu’est w), heat (loona), & playing with fire (blackpink).
TROPICAL HOUSE - really really (winner), violeta (iz*one), our summer (txt), why (taeyeon), wag-zak (lovelyz), switch (nct 127), & hola hola (kard).
MOOMBAHTON - bomb bomb (kard), follow (monsta x), rumor (produce 48), & blood sweat & tears (bts).
TRAP - say my name (ateez), cherry (itzy), me (clc), savage (a.c.e), kill this love (blackpink), dumb litty (kard), bon bon chocolat (everglow), & double knot (stray kids).
PSYTRANCE - silent night (dreamcatcher) & side effects (stray kids).
BIG ROOM - sugar free (t-ara) & adios (everglow)
BOUNCE - bboom bboom (momoland), baam (momoland), wifi (saturday), & number nine (t-ara)
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the reason I have noise music as its own category is because all edm is noise music, but not all noise music is edm. there will be overlap, but I’ll try to find more examples. there may only be one or two for this section though.
BASS HOUSE (future house x dubstep) - so what (loona), oopsie my bad (nature), & break all the rules (cravity)
DUBSTEP (brostep x glitch hop) - monster (rv - irene & seulgi), hero (monsta x), & come back home (oneus)
MELODIC DUBSTEP (drumstep x dnb) - hellevator (stray kids)
DRUM N BASS (liquid dnb x drumstep) - intro (dreamcatcher), 0325 (stray kids), & good lil boy (ateez)
TRAP (bass house x hard trap) - how you like that (blackpink)
TRAP (pots n pans) - to the beat (ateez)
TRAP (electro) - numb (cix)
JUNGLE (moombahton x jungle terror) - bomb (alexa) & dessert (hyo)
FUTURE HOUSE (electro bounce x deep house) - bouncy (rocket punch) & it’z summer (itzy)
ELECTRO (chiptune x hip hop) - punch (nct 127)
ELECTRO (electro bounce) - miroh (stray kids)
ELECTRO (trap) - dun dun (everglow)
GLITCH HOP (electro x dubstep) - alligator (monsta x)
COMPLEXTRO (dubstep x glitch hop) - everybody (shinee)
HARDSTYLE (jumpstyle x industrial) - callin (a.c.e)
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davidpwilson2564 · 2 years
Saturday, February 11, 2023
After that talk with Jeff Tallackson (I may have mentioned this) I ordered an Oak Ridge High School class of ‘61 yearbook.  At first I thought it a scam.  But it arrived and I paged through it.  Memories of that time are still sharp and I winced in pain a couple of times.  I had an exaggerated idea of my skills back then.  Oooh.  Confession: I was granted a superlative, a surprise to me.  Most creative.  It couldn’t be just playing the drums.  No, inspired by the Beats (very long story here) I wrote stunningly bad poetry.  (Note: I would estimate that forty per cent, or so, of the class of ‘61 has already joined the celestial choir.  Jeff T. has kept in touch and knows all the stories. Funny how in college, having a dreadful time, I threw out all of my high school memorabilia, yearbooks went into the trash.  I wanted to be a jazz musician; I was too cool to  be encumbered with high school year books.)
Another splurge...bought an Alexa (a while back I bought one for Kenichi...he liked it).  Fun asking Alexa for the weather, etc.  A more ambitious request: I asked for Debussy piano music.  “She” replied that she would shuffle some Debussy piano “songs.”  Songs.  I love it.  (Just one more note:  when I took it out of the box “she” began describing the things she could do.  Told me a joke [I didn’t get it]...but this little intro did bring to mind the scene with Hal in the “Space Odyssey” movie.)
to be continued
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lightfiltersin · 4 years
so idk if this has been done before, sorry if it has (I have awful memory) but I've been listening to the rent soundtrack a lot recently and
the old guard rent au
where booker is roger, nile is mimi, joe is collins, nicky is angel, andy is maureen, quynh is joanne, and I guess copley can be benny but I won't talk about him much (or at all)
ok and this might be kinda ooc to fit the rent universe but whatever. cw for talk of the HIV crisis and rent spoilers
so booker and joe are roommates. booker is a recovering addict. he and his wife were both heroin addicts at one point and they both got HIV. his wife dies of HIV. after that booker gives up music (let's say he's a musician/song writer)
booker and joe meet in a bar, after booker's wife's funeral and he goes to drown his sorrows. joe helps booker get clean, takes him to an HIV clinic, pushes him to go to NA and all that jazz
joe is an art teacher by day, artist by night. one day on his way home from school, he gets jumped and mugged. he gets the shit beaten out of him and he's left alone in an alley
nicky finds him there, patches him up
nicky is a street drummer. he also has HIV, but he doesn't let it hold him back. he's used it as a sign to live and love freely
from this moment on joe and nicky are inseparable. they fall in love, they talk about leaving New York and starting a restaurant in Santa Fe (alexa play I'll cover you)
andy is an activist, the can't be tamed type. she's gorgeous and bisexual, attracting the attention of all men and women. she used to date joe before he realized he was into men, but now they're just really good friends. she's now dating quynh, a lawyer for some good cause (my brain isn't working enough to come up with a cause but there is one)
so nile has recently moved to new york, she lives the floor above joe and booker. she stops by one day because the building's electricity got cut off and she needs someone to light her candle
nile is confident and flirty, leaving booker fairly speechless. she's 19 and working as a stripper to pay her way through community college
booker struggles with his attraction to her, not wanting to put his baggage onto her. so he shuts her out and keeps her at an arm's length
it's Christmas and they're celebrating andy's most recent protest. nicky got a huge tip for his drumming and uses the money to treat the group out to dinner
nile confronts booker for ignoring her and pushing her away when they both leave the restaurant at the same time. booker has been nervous about telling nile he has HIV, but it turns out that she also has it. they find out since they both left to take their AZT medication. so they talk it out, booker is honest about his past and how he feels and nile accepts it all
andy proposes to quynh, and everything seems happy until it rapidly starts going downhill
at their engagement party, quynh catches andy flirting with multiple waiters and waitresses and they have an explosive break up
booker really can't see why nile wants him and continues to push her away. he doesn't want to hold her back
nicky suddenly starts getting sicker and sicker (angel is supposed to die and killing off nicky makes me sad) but let's say nicky dies
joe is heartbroken and sets up a small funeral, paints a dozen portraits of nicky. the group is somewhat fragmented, but he asks them all to be there for nicky
of course that's not how things go and there is arguing
joe confronts booker telling him to get his shit together. that nile loves him but she's getting sicker
booker goes to find nile and finds her on the floor after she collapsed. they take her to an HIV clinic
eventually nile does get better, and while she was recovering booker picked up his guitar for the first time in years and writes her a song
yeah idk how to end it anymore. i don't have the time or energy or skill to flesh this out but this au lives rent free (haha) in my mind
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chiwoopsie · 3 years
ohh i know what you mean!! however there's nothing like the 10 minutes of pure happiness when i'm unboxing my kpop albums 😭
wow ok so first of all I think your opinions are definitely very much unpopular!!
re: hybe; i am somewhere in between you and the majority of this fandom like i hate hybe big time but i also don't think it's all that bad like it surely has some benefits to be a part of such big corporation, however renewal came as a surprise to me if i'm being honest but i guess it's another topic
re: hao's laugh; AAAA I 200% AGREE WITH YOU nothing like hao's giggles!!! heavenly sound
ok your questions!!! so no i have never seen them perform live unfortunately, but it is a big wish of mine <3 have you?
OK BUT PERFORMANCES I'D LIKE TO SEE LIVE!!!! i'd be good with anything if i'm honest but here's a few that come to mind
who - i just simply think it's their best choreo to this day (another unpopular opinion??) i would love to see it in front of me iykwim 🥴
un haeng il chi - i love it when hhu goes feral
light a flame - no explanation needed
habit - or any other vocal unit song !!
snap shoot - or any other freshteen song but this one is just the biggest serotonin boost for me!!!
ok i really don't think i have these uhhh great visions and inspirations and ideas of what a great/fun concert would be like, i'm easy to please all you need to do is sing/perform, so i'm good with whatever as long as they're there
anyways, the game i mentioned !! it's really nothing special but: put svt's discography on shuffle and write your first impression vs current opinion on the first five songs
- 💎
omg i really hope you get the chance to see svt live someday in the future!!! just for mentioning who, un haeng il chi and habit alone!! like your 5 song setlist is FIRE and i would pay to watch that in a heartbeat and it's basically 2017 caratland 👏😂👌 I did see them once during their an ode tour, it was my last concert i went to 😭 'twas a super fun time, i remember losing my mind when they did adore u and pretty u heh
1. 24H - not as good as their previous jpn releases but following up fallin flower is a steep task anyhow, definitely a new but not totally different side of svt though -> 24H choreo makes this song period. still ranks in the middle/bottom half of their jpn songs for me tho..
2. Chuck - omgggg what a funky lil fave from the l&l album! don't really get the whole 'thumbs up' choreo they had going for this one but whatever fits i guess haha -> very nostalgic now that i'm listening to it again. Chuck isn't really my style overall, albeit one of the top tracks from this album. It fits in with their whole energetic funky debut sound (rock, ah yeah and shining diamond comes to mind)
3. Back It Up - SIREN SIREN WEEWOO WEEWOO 🚨🚨 what a banger!! -> first impression still stands but i do hafta say that back it up doesnt rank suuper high within an ode, simply bc all the songs in an ode are 10/10 but if im in a mood, alexa play back it up! also i always forget that this is a hhu song lol
4. Home; Run - confused as to why the mv concept was a heist instead of a baseball game 😔 not to mention that the song has a lot of big band jazz in there and i wish they did a musical theater concept not unlike thanks-ish -> i really want to love this song more bc i think it's the perfect song for the theater kids of kpop but it still doesnt resonate with me for some reason :(( their james corden + mama performances were ironically the perfect stages imo and helped me appreciate it more
5. Good to Me - good first impression, fits with the season/you made my dawn concept -> hate to be a party pooper AGAIN but i dont really get how hyped some folks get about good to me lmaoo like it's fine?? and the choreo is secsi for sure but yea it's just okay...full disclosure that the ymmd albums are at the bottom of my svt albums list so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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audliminal · 4 years
Me: asks the alexa to play jazz
Alexa: *plays Christmas Jazz*
My brother: asks the alexa to play smooth jazz
Alexa: *plays smooth jazz*
Me: Asks the alexa to play electroswing
Alexa: *plays music from some band that has the words "electro" and "swing" in the name*
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