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The Practice of the Wild | Artwork by Tiffen Python
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"An ethical life is one that is mindful, mannerly, and has style. Of all moral failings and flaws of character, the worst is stinginess of thought, which includes meanness in all its forms. Rudeness in thought or deed toward others, toward nature, reduces the chances of conviviality and interspecies communication, which are essential to our physical and spiritual survival." by Gary Snyder
[thanks Leila L'Abate]
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lesserknowncryptids · 3 months
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Lesser Known Cryptid 1/23/21: The Meanest Woman
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fieriframes · 1 year
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[I have a meanness inside me, real as an organ.]
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selfhelpwhelp · 10 days
So today I was on tiktok to avoid some uncomfortably relatable situations in this memoir I was reading and I saw a tiktok reminding folks to not take the mean/cruel/dirty things people do to them to heart because it usually is mostly about them...
And then I had then funniest realization... when people do you dirty often they tell you the things that would hurt them the most. My own recent behavior was the key to this clicking.
I've mentioned before that I wear wigs and that is primarily because I wear my natural hair extremely short(short enough for me to be called "bald headed"). It's cool it's edgy and unusual(especially with my weird head lolz) especially in the predominantly black area I live in(important for later as you can assume everyone I speak of is black). So I pull up the local chick-fil-a blasting my recent obsession (posted below). As I'm making the second turn, which requires passing the folks outside taking orders, I see the uniformed ladies giggling to each other. And when I pull up there's an exchange.
"Wow I love your hair." from the lady, a woman with a slick backed afro puff. (If you're a woman from the south you know the italics is dripping with sarcasm and teasing.)
"Thanks" I'm already wary because of the giggling, my musical choices and I grew up pretty much only receiving backhanded compliments.
She goes on, "I've always wanted to cut my hai- "
And I cut her off with a laugh because we both knew that wasn't true and from the coldness in her demeanor afterwards I was right on the money. But to the point of this essay growing up one of the things that upset me most was being mocked, teased and laughed at. By laughing at her, I felt I'd won a victory which in the way or passive aggressiveness is the first place prize. The same way I'm sure she thought she had an ace in the hole by pointing out my lovely buzzcut.
But the real victory was me laughing it off. It annoyed the hell out of me(because I'm a stickler for efficiency and was picking up food for family) and I didn't let it change/rule my mood. I reacted to her not my emotions on the matter.
And of course maybe I was wrong and it was a real compliment... but I doubt she would have been so mad I had to wait an extra 15 minutes for my food if it were earnest. Hazard lights and all.
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fishalthor · 2 years
~ the most unfortunate thing about losing Mat & Rand on The Hunt is not only Flicker Flicker and the portal stones and Daes Dae'mar but losing the whole Mat hating on Rand during the journey only to ride up in Cairhien all happily when he sees Rand going "IT'S RAND!" as though he'd been waiting to find him again.
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cornsword · 2 years
I watched Amsterdam which whatever but Anya Taylor Joy and Rami Malek are a couple in it and apparently their kid was cut out of the movie but honestly I thought it was inspired casting
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whimsidreams · 1 year
A lot of people tend to prioritize having the last laugh, being quick-witted, getting that gotcha moment, rather than simply explaining things in a civilized manner, encouraging thoughtfulness over reactionary takes.
Sure, there's a buttload of ignorance in the world as well as cruelty that is tiring and frustrating but what if
we tried being nice for a change? Rather than get in their faces about how stupid they are for not knowing something or misinterpreting their words because we can't seem to look past the surface level and recognize the nuance in people.
We're only adding to the ugliness in others if we show ugliness ourselves. Because who would want to listen to someone when they're yelling and/or insulting you? You'd want to gtfo and never associate with them, right?
Yeah, you may be angy but is it really worth sprinkling your salt just to inflate your ego?
I think not.
Kindness is seriously underrated on the internet. Put more effort into nurturing it, even if you don't get any in return but also don't put up with bullshit. It's possible to be kind while not taking shit.
Don't let the harshness of the world harden your softness. It's not weakness; it's strength, perseverance. Kindness is cool af.
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postersbykeith · 1 year
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emperornorton47 · 2 years
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There is more ignorance than malice, but it is hard to tell them apart.
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paintedcrows · 19 days
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Did anyone tell Ford (bonus doodles: Family Movie Night, 70s Classics)
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bugsinthebayou · 6 months
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cunty sukuna
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koobiie · 4 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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savrenim · 3 months
......suddenly struck by the idea for a piece of worldbuilding of "fae don't like iron bc it is the most stable element*"
*as in elements higher you can extract energy via fission and lower you can extract energy via fusion but iron itself there is no excess binding energy to extract at all
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lunar-pantheon · 4 months
i made a grindr and in under 24 hours i got the most insane unsolicited nude to ever exist. hes fully nude on the beach and in his right hand is a black tipped reef shark i could not make this shit up if i tried
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inkskinned · 4 months
please i love you i'm begging you bring back suspension of disbelief bring back trusting the audience like. i cannot handle any more dialogue that sounds like a legal document. "hello, i am here to talk to you about the incident from a few minutes ago, because i feel you might be unwell, and i am invested in your personal wellbeing." "thank you, i am unwell because the incident was hurtful to me due to my childhood, which was bad." I CANT!!!!
do you know how many people are mad that authors use "growled" as a word for "said"? it's just poetics! they do not literally mean "growled," it's just a common replacement for "said with force but in a low tone." it's normal! do you hear me!! help me i love you please let me out of here!!!
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fangs-4-fags · 4 months
remembering the time i drunkenly told a stranger i was a trans man and he started going off about alpha sigma and beta males and how each one was equally important no matter what anyone says and that i shouldn't feel pressured to be a strong alpha male because emotionally intelligent beta males were just as important
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