#mediation guru
vjm001 · 2 years
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 11 months
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Every time large groups have transcended together, they experienced profound peace and happiness and as a result, the feelings and behavior of others in society improved. A small group of people practicing the advanced techniques of Transcendental Meditation have been shown to create positive social effects. Higher Consciousness allows society to see more deeply and more clearly the path towards higher levels of achievement, and fulfillment. 
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sassmill · 2 months
*rocking back and forth in the dark anticipating salary renegotiation* you have leverage you have leverage you have leverage
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d4rkpluto · 3 months
ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪᴘʟᴏᴍᴀᴛꜱ
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↳ the group archetype
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♇ diplomats are known for being intuitive [N] and known for their feelings [F]; whenever you see someone who is a diplomat you'll always see an N-F pair together.
for example ⬎
I N F J | I N F P | E N F J | E N F P
diplomats and their nicknames ⬎
INFJ ⟶ advocates, counsellor, the messiah, the sage & mentor.
INFP ⟶ mediators, idealist, storyteller, scribe & quester.
ENFJ ⟶ protagonists, puppet master, guru, psychologist & developer.
ENFP ⟶ campaigners, motivator, hero, optimist & paladin.
♇ diplomats are people who like to look within, understand others and themselves. due to their understanding and empathetic nature, it makes them popular and influential.
♇ they're the type of people to yearn, crave bonds and connections. their nature is to be empaths, kind, generous and co-operative.
♇ most of their intentions come from good-will, and they like to make sure everyone around them is aware of that, so they become very encouraging people, invested in the lives of other people.
♇ due to them having great understanding and belief in people, they have much hope and faith in the future. true believers of peace in the world, sometimes it could be unrealistic.
♇ as they're unrealistic, they become hyper-sensitive people, can even be guilt-trippers when someone doesnt have the same belief in them. diplomats can be indecisive people, self-righteous and single-minded.
♇ diplomats can sometimes find themselves to be day-dreamers. they could have a fixed way of seeing the world, which likely makes their heart broken easily. as they're people who are very much about the principle, they meet a lot of people they butt heads with.
♇ diplomats are the type to day-dream about achieving a goal but do nothing to achieve it. they have big dreams but the type to have their ideas squished because it's not realistic. they're people who have a lot of maturing to do, especially when it comes to understanding how the world works.
♇ as diplomats are usually the dreamers, they are the type of people to believe in destiny. they wear their heart on their sleeves and are likely the people to give their emotions to the wrong people in their life, specifically inconsiderate people.
♇ with them being creative people and like to connect with others. they like to feel like they belong to places, could get really clingy since they have a fear of abandonment.
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azure-cherie · 8 months
Oracle reading
Advice for each nakshatra for February
Hii loves hope you're doing well , please check for your sun , moon and rising. This is based on vedic astrology and nakshatras so check accordingly<33 hope it helps
Masterlist | paid readings | paid readings 2
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1. Ashvini/Aswini
Your advice for February is to connect to your inner self, your child self . Enjoy your days resting and taking care of yourself. Some trips and adventures to nearby places is also encouraged . There's happy energy, visit the doctor if you're having stomach problems .
2 . Bharani
There are various ways to meditate and so should you find ways to even dance and writing are forms of mediation engage in the soft and focused energy that you embody , watch the moon more often . If you're reading try reading up about mythology for February.
3 . Krittika/Krithika
For February speak up , tell people about what you need tell people about what you don't like tell yourself what you're capable of. Get into affirmations and stay away from negative self talk . You're gonna meet new people don't be shy when you need to engage into discussions.
4. Rohini
For this month you need to get disciplined with your body , are you drinking what you need to are you eating what you should . Your body is a temple and you should treat it like it . You don't need to make excuses for others I just saw 1111 , it's a good time to work on your body goals .
5. Mrigashira
Engage into self love this month , you might have a sexual encounter or just feel more energetic towards self pleasure this month , remember that your energy is divine and choose your partners wisely. Appreciate yourself this month you're such a capable being .
6. Ardra
This month choose embodiment are you listening to advice after advice but not trying it out , choose your gurus wisely and take the seriously and try to implement it . It's a good time to engage into creative endeavours and really be in it . Visit a beach .
7. Punarvasu
Study/dance/sing this month with outmost dedication, you're blessed this month , you need to work on your root chakra and be more grounded . If you have a special occasion this month wear the colour red . Okay for some of you , you might get a proposal.
8. Pushya
This month you're gonna be in loveee , I feel the valentine's is going to be very fruitful for you you're getting flowers compliments and gifts . If not you'll be more into loving and pleasuring yourself. You'll be learning new perspectives about love your advice is to appreciate all forms of love around you be it romantic platonic etc.
9. Ashlesha
For the month of February get into creativity more , learn about more forms of creativity it's not just physical like dance and arts but also of your minds and concepts . Learn to let go of limiting beliefs and create your own reality
10. Magha
Take actions this month , if you want something go get it , i hear that no one is coming to save you , you gotta save yourself, don't be scared of anyone you're blessed and protected . Also take care of your documents
11. Purva Phalguni
You might forget something important this month so take extra care . Buy yourself things and work on your sacral chakra energy by cultivating self pleasure and self love . Wear more yellow or just yellow for a specific occasion
12. Uttara Phalguni
Sometimes to attract something we need to become the thing like they say dress for the job that you want you need to be the aim that you are desiring if you wanna be confident don't wait on it rather decide that from the moment on you are
13. Hasta
Be at your home more this month, along with that ground yourself be in the earthy plane , avoid being in your head or daydreaming too much I sense you might get an accident or make a wrong decision if you're too much in your head
14. Chitra
Learn that sometimes we need to adjust for others i know that boundaries are something that one should maintain but sometimes your friend might need a listener more than your 20 hours of rest that doesn't mean an unhealthy sacrifice but a good one where you are helping someone who has helped you .
15. Swati
You're in conception of a new life for yourself this is the month to dream and achieve it all believe in the power of your mind and look for bird symbolism . Pray to the sun and drink from the moons radiant cup.
16. Vishakha
Refrain from any kinds of problematic situations this month , don't argue just detach not everyone understands perspectives and you should just leave them on their own. Work on your anger issues.
17. Anuradha
You're a perfect blend between being soft and nurturing and agressive when required don't let anyone gaslight you into thinking that's manipulation or being two faced, people can be different with different people and that's how it is don't complain don't explain.
18. Jyeshtha
Lean more into prayer and meditation this month , is there someone you have been wanting to worship or a guru you have been wanting to follow this is the time to start doing that , everything starts with small steps you're seeing synchronicities in everything
19. Mula
This is your divine month , you're gonna be dancing in storms with the devil's you're gonna be great at any cost , you took this decision with yourself that you're gonna be happy no matter what and that's what this month is about healing and dancing and rejoicing.
20. Purva Ashadha
Serenity is a place that can be often found in one's mind if you're feeling worry some write things down infact make a list of thing that you allow yourself to worry about if it isn't in the list don't worry about it , believe that nature can heal , hug a tree today .
21. Uttara Ashadha
Softness is beauty softness is virtue , if you're delicate and vulnerable give yourself credit that you are, not everyone can be soft in this harsh world . You're just so appreciated and admired and you don't even know that but you better start believing you are the it girl .
22. Shravana
It's okay to take space you're a human and sometimes things can be overwhelming, know that the right people will stay and be there for you when you can't give anything. Some people genuinely wanna be your friends.
23. Dhanishtha
Nourish your spirit with knowledge and knowing about your own self , write down your good qualities your hobbies your likes and things that you'd like to do in the future every day is a new chance to love yourself more you're transforming in the most beautiful manner
24. Shatabhisha
This month you're literally gonna rise from ashes I see you exploring your qualities and your talents your vibrations are high your mind is clear you are creative . Call upon your ancestors to guide you .
25. Purva Bhadrapada
You're gonna embody love this month , you're gonna be looking beautiful and lot of people will be admiring you and your perseverance what completely shines is your heart and your dedication. Someone notices you always keep working hard and never think you're less than anyone
26. Uttara Bhadrapada
Flow in the direction of life this is the time that the power you believe in has taken hold of your life be more based on observation than action see people as characters rather than problems see things as solutions more than tasks change your perspective you're healing glowing levelling up
27. Revati
Believe that you're in good hands of God and do each task in life as a divine human being a child of the goddess she's over you always protecting you and destroying the evil. Look within yourself is there something that you would like to change ask her to help with it she will show you the right path .
Thank you so much for reading
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Astrology and People
The type of people each house represents
1st house: not technically anyone but your Self 2nd house: bank tellers, sellers of valuable items 3rd house: siblings, neighbors, local community 4th house: mother or anyone who is a nurturing figure to you (could even include grandparents) 5th house: children, romantic partners, artists, casino employees, daycare workers 6th house: naturopaths, personal trainers, colleagues, volunteer workers, pets, and small animals 7th house: spouse or long-term partner, business partners/collaborators, legal opponents or open enemies, mediators 8th house: spouse or long-term partner, benefactors, psychologists, occult/spiritual figures 9th house: professors, tour guides, philosophers, lawyers, teachers, mentors, podcast people like Jordan B. Peterson 10th house: the father figure, authority figures, mentors, bosses 11th house: friends, social networks, groups, organizations (especially humanitarian ones), acquaintances, group members 12th house: hospital workers, prison workers, spiritual leaders or gurus
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empressgeekt · 3 days
You know, since Creek and Branch are cousins, I can't help but to wonder if, somehow, Creek lost his entire family during harvest day befre Trollstice and was raise by Grandma Rosiepuff instead, how would that change him?
Oh that would be an interesting au.
Rosiepuff wouldn't hesitate to take in her youngest grandson after the loss of his family, while her relationship with her daughter was non-existent, she wasn't going to let her baby's baby suffer alone. Creek and Branch would be a little wary of each other, at first, Branch because he had other kids live with him and the left, and Creek because he never had siblings or family around his age. Over time though I think they would get along through drawing and other little kid activities. Branch probably would tell Creek all about his brothers and how one day they would come back to keep them safe. After losing his family, Creek find hope in that.
I'd imagine that Rosiepuff would head straight to work on helping Creek learn respect, and how to care about others, not just use then right away, she won't tolerate that type of cruelty. However she would still nuture Creek's love of nature, yoga and mediation interests. Those are all harmless. It's the condescension and self-centerness that Rosiepuff doesn't approve of.
Creek would be inside of the Pod when Rosiepuff is taking, so he only finds the after math. Laundry half finished and his cousin grey in the yard.
Post Escape the would both end up in the foster system, and Creek would get adopted right away, but Branch would be left in the system. Creek would watch from afar as his cousin who comforted him after the loss of his parents is belittled and pushed away by everyone in the village. He still develops the reputation of a Guru, and tries to help people using his skills, however in the background he tries to reach out to Branch and help him too.
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illuminatedmysticc · 2 months
Hey mystic. How long is this suppose to take? As in, actually Knowing Self. I've seen gurus preech ND, where they mediate for years and live simplistic life to achieve true self.
So should I meditate daily? Or just notice on the go where I am indulging in my daily life chores cuz I can't put a pause on it. Is it enough? I feel like I'm doing something wrong.
I've read somewhere that noticing is instant, I get that. But what abt truly knowing self? Cuz right now I'm reminding myself constantly throughout the day and it feels more like a chore and less peaceful.
I came to know abt this a year ago and made no progress whatsoever. I feel no different, in fact this 'just be' has induced more anxiety to already present problems in life. I'm exhausted running around in circles.
The funny thing about this whole thing is
There is no progress to be made , nothing to achieve, nothing to gain or attain
This whole philosophy is based on Reducing not Adding So learning or seeking is Wasting your time
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mahayanapilgrim · 4 months
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"Son, there are five things that are useless:
These five refer to what is not true Dharma: if you follow them they will lead you to ruin;
1) No Need to Say You are Interested in Dharma if You Have Not Turned Your Mind Away From Samsara;
Unless you feel deep down that samsara is a pit of burning coals, there is no point in saying "I practice the Dharma, I am meditating, I am deep in samadhi".
'Without this profound conviction, you can only go the opposite direction in Dharma. If your practice leads to you getting a good reputation, it will be completely in vain.
With this sort of attitude it is impossible to practice the Dharma properly. You will simply get involved in things like protecting your relatives and friends and getting rid of your enemies; your life will run counter to the Dharma.
Dharma and world activities are like fire and water. If you practice genuinely, you cannot help giving up worldly activities. On the other hand, if you devote yourself to worldly activities, you will never be able to practice the Dharma properly. So cultivate a deep desire to abandon the things of this world and a strong determination to practice Dharma.
To practice the genuine Dharma, you have to counter attachment to samsaric perceptions.
The root of our repeatedly taking birth in samsara is the alternating desire and loathing we have for the objects of the five senses- forms, tastes, smells, sounds, and physical sensations - together with perceptions our eight consciousnesses hold of these sense objects. When we feel attachment or conversely, aversion to the experiences of the five senses, we sow the seed for rebirth in
2) No Need to Meditate on Emptiness if You Have Not Countered Attachment to the Things You Perceive
Meditation on emptiness implies a state like space. There is no occasion for thoughts like "|", "mine", "my body", "my mind", "my name", or "my belongings". This sort of clinging has no place in meditation on emptiness. So if you have thoughts about "my possessions" and so on, there is no way your meditation practice can be genuine.
One meditates on emptiness in order to release one's clinging, believing that things truly exists.
A genuine practitioner does not have this attachment to relatives and possessions, neither does he feel any aversion to enemies.
Unless you are free from this, emptiness is no more than some word - and it is quite useless.
3) No Need to Practice Mediation if You Don't Turn Your Mind Away From Desire
To say "I meditate" and at the same time still have an ordinary mind with desire and attachment will give no result.
Great meditators who end up getting sidetracked by village ceremonies risk dying as ordinary men.
Practioners who have mediated in mountain retreats for a few years are often taken by ordinary folk to be very advanced meditators, an many of them begin to believe the fools who speak of them as great meditators who have reached a high level of realization. They start accepting offerings and reverence from people, and they grow rich. They end up spending their time going from one ceremony to another and behaving in a completely worldly way. This is no use at all.
4) No Need for Fine Words if You Have Not Assimilated the Meaning Yourself.
There are many who are fooled by smart talk about the view, so hit the crucial point of the natural state.
To say things like "everything is void," "There is no such thing as good or bad, virtue or evil,"
"All perceptions are spontaneously liberated as the arise," or "Afflictive emotions are liberated as they arise," without having true confidence in such a view and actual stability in one's practice, is known as merely carrying on the view with ones lips. This is why Guru Rinpoche said to King Detsen, "my view is like space, but conduct must never slip toward the view, for if it does, it will be a wholly demonic view." He said that the view should be as high as possible but ones conduct should accord with the most basic of teachings. So it is important to get the crucial point and master the true nature of things through your own experience and not merely words. And regarding this there is;
5) No Need to Apply the Instructions if You Do Not Have Devotion
If you have great devotion, seeing the teacher as the Buddha himself, and maintain a lofty inner view while keeping your external conduct completely down to earth, all the qualities of experience and realization grow effortlessly.
Experiences and realization in fact come through the spontaneous devotion you have, so when they occur, they are truly due to the teacher's kindness..."
-Dilgo Khventse Rinpoche
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alteredsilicone · 8 months
One reason i kinda want to learn how to write is because there are certain aspects of characterization you cannot get through just drawings.
Was thinking how Viri's behavior is affected by her Perrin teachings.
She slips into "customer service" voice when she's mediating and I also like to imagine that Corpus have a certain way of speaking (which sounds like they're trying to sell you something, which in turn is why most people hate Corpus); the Perrin are trying to be better at it, but they sound like some overly positive self-help gurus which also makes people find them annoying.
In general a lot of people are wary of Perrin because they sound "fake", despite their good intentions. Being overly friendly and kind in a ruthless world often sets alarm bells in most people's heads. Also an unfortunate side-effect of Corpus culture is that people do not acknowledge their feelings or talk about them openly, which makes for a bad mix if you want to be an open, honest trader. Once again - the Peace Trader is trying to sell something to you, he just knows to toss in a few coupons and freebies.
Artemis constantly teases Virgo when she tries to talk down to her in her "Peace Trader" voice and Virgo becomes a little self conscious. Am I in too deep?
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penaimaji · 1 year
Hallo kak Pena!
Suamiku ketahuan chat chat perempuan lain di salah satu media sosial dan disembunyikan nya dariku, suatu hari ketauan lalu kami bertengkar. Aku marah dan tidak terima, kita baru menikah setahun. Sekarang aku sangat terluka apa yang harus aku lakukan?
Hai, pasti sakit banget ya rasanya cemburu? Tenangkan dulu, istighfar. Hati-hati membuat keputusan saat sedang marah. Kalau itu disembunyikan darimu dan isi chat nya ada semacam perhatian atau flirting, coba dibicarakan baik-baik aja dulu
Gak usah ditanya alasannya apa, biasanya kalo uda niat jelek ya pasti ada aja alasannya, dan disuruh berbaiksangka. Harus tegas, ada kesepakatan, yang namanya batasan tuh sampai mana? Setiap orang punya batasan yang berbeda2, dimana sudah bisa dikatakan selingkuh
Buat kesepakatan, buat batasan, kalau bisa cari penengah dan penasihat yang netral (misalnya dari seorang ustadz), juga minta pertolongan sama Allah
Kalau itu cuma prasangka aja, coba divalidasi perasaan sendiri, apakah punya trust issue? Minta ditunjukkan sama Allah. Pokonya semua hal yang di luar kendali kita itu minta sama Allah; minta ditunjukkan mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk
Kalau ternyata dia tidak berubah, bye. Selingkuh dalam hal kecil itu membuka pintu-pintu perzinahan lebih dalam. Siapapun bisa terkena fitnah, bahkan yang sudah belajar agama sekalipun
Suami juga bisa diingatkan baik-baik, saat ia berbuat dosa, akan berpengaruh juga ke perilaku istri/anak nya. Atau bisa diingatkan lewat mediator tadi
Btw ada pengalaman lucu saat awal menikah. Aku suka cemburu sama suami, karena ada beberapa akun teman perempuannya yang story nya dia lihat. Sampai banyak yang aku unfollow, padahal dia gak ngapa-ngapain juga. Tapi aku tetep nggak rela suamiku liat sana sini. Ternyata aku memang punya luka masa lalu yang tumbuh jd trust issue. Sesakit itu rasanya. Sampai akhirnya bisa berdamai dengan itu
Saat berkunjung ke rumah mertua, ada temannya suami (dia juga seorang guru) yang mengundang ke rumahnya dan meminta untuk mengajakku. Tapi tidak ada tanda-tanda suamiku mengiyakan. Trus aku bilang, "aku kok nggak dikenalin sama temenmu ini, mas?"
"Nanti aku salah lagi, nanti kamu marah. Cemburu lagi", jawabnya. Wkwkwk. Aku jadi sadar, ya Allah kenapa aku bisa se-naif itu. "Gapapa kenalin aja, biar aku nambah relasi", kataku saat itu
Suami kita itu hanya manusia, mungkin pernah berbuat salah sama seperti kita. Doakan lah agar ia punya rasa takut kepada Allah, dimanapun ia berada. Tetaplah menjaga hubungan dengan Allah, insyaAllah nanti Ia juga akan menjaga hubungan kita sesama manusia. Yang lalu biarlah berlalu, jadikan itu pengingat agar selalu ingat dan meminta kebaikan pada-Nya
Allahu a'lam
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scottishcommune · 2 months
So profoundly does dualism inhere in our mental operations that when we consider the immanent striving of life-forms toward various degrees of freedom and self-awareness, we often slip into explanations involving supernature rather than nature itself, reductionism rather than differentiation, and succession rather than culmination. Hence the present revival of the “reverence for nature” that the nineteenth-century Romantic tradition so poetically cultivated, a “revered” natural world dissolved into a mystical “oneness.”
Not only does this “reverence” preserve and even foster a nature-society dualism; it restores to evolutionary theory the very dualism that underpins hierarchy and the view of all differentiation as degrees of domination and subordination. A “revered” nature is a separated nature in the bad sense of the term — that is to say, a mystified nature. Like the deities that human beings create in their imagination and worship in temples, mediated by priests and gurus with their incantations and rituals, this separated nature becomes a reified and contrived phenomenon that is set apart from the human world, even as human beings genuflect before a mystified “It.” “Reverence” for nature, the mythologising of the natural world, degrades it by denying nature its universality as that which exists everywhere, free of dualities like “Spirit” and “God.”
- Murray Bookchin, Freedom and Necessity in Nature: A Problem in Ecological Ethics
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hello-nichya-here · 1 year
What's the problem with the idea that the Avatar is actually an outdated thing the world would eventually no longer need? I don't like it either, but I could never put it into words.
Simple: the Avatar exists for a reason. MANY reasons, actually, that we see all through the show.
A symbol of hope/figure of authority
While there had never been any wars in the world of Avatar to level that we see in the show until Sozin decided to be THE worst, we see that there absolutely have been smaller conflicts before, and that the Avatar has acted as a mediator so much that people were constantly just expecting Aang to fill that role - even he sees it as one of his duties, and is constantly afraid of failing people since they're often placing all of their hopes on him, not just for stuff like the war itself, but even for "smaller" things like Ba Sing Se, or helping refugees.
That makes sense since the Avatar is not only more powerful than any other human, but also a more "neutral" authority figure, since, while each Avatar belongs to one of the four nations, they are not said nation's rulers (usually) and also are...
A bridge between the four nations
The Avatar has to go to many places in the world to master all four elements, which usually takes years. Inevitably, that leads to them learning from other cultures which can help solve conflicts or even prevent them all together - for exemple, we see Aang absolutely loving the Fire Nation and it's culture, even though it's rulers have spent a whole century destroying the world AND were responsible for the genocide of his people.
In episodes like "The Swamp" and "The Guru" the show basically tells us that the separation between the nations is basically an illusion since, in the end, humanity is ONE group, even with all of the differences between everyone. The finale solidifies that, by having all nations celebrating Zuko's coronation and therefore the end of the war, symbolizing the union between all of them.
"But didn't Roku say the nations were supposed to remain separate?"
Yes. And he was wrong. And Aang, another Avatar, corrected his mistake because...
The Avatar Cycle allows the past Avatars to correct their own mistakes
Not a single human being is perfect, and that very much includes the Avatar. However, unlike ordinary people, the Avatar not only reincarnates, but can interact with it's past self and even allow it to "take over" for a moment.
Koh clearly feels animosity towards Aang because a previous Avatar tried to kill him, and even says to Aang that they will meet again - but considering how he also said "you've come to me with a new face" which in this case could also be seen as "in another life" - implying that maybe it won't even be Aang who will fight him.
Roku full on says that the war is his own mistake, and that sadly Aang has to be the one to fix it - but they're also the same person, or rather, the same spirit. A spirit that is always learning, always getting stronger, always becoming wiser - and is practically immortal. The Avatar spirit isn't "set in his ways", unable to change to better do it's job. It is constantly adapting to the world's needs.
Looking at it that way, the Avatar would naturally become better at it's own role in every incarnation, which would make him even more respected, more capable, and even more necessary, especially when we look at a situation like Kyoshi taking over Aang's body during a trial for a murder commited by her/them in a past life - but she doesn't do it to defend herself but as a way of correcting a mistake/deliberate historical lie.
This shows us that the Avatar Cycle not only allows the Avatar to correct it's own mistakes, but also as a way of acting as...
A permanent access to knowledge that has been lost
Aang is the last airbender, and that meant that he was the last hope of air-nomad culture eventually being rebuilt. However, even if the Avatar had been from one of the other nations, said Avatar would have still been able to talk to it's past lives - some of which were air-nomads, and others who had lived in a world where they were still around AND were their sifus.
We also see Aang interacting with Koh, with Avatar Roku's animal guide, and even with a lion turtle that existed before the Avatar cycle (and perhaps humanity as a whole) even existed. His mission also makes him go after Wan Shi Tong, as well as and the sun warriors and the last surviving dragons.
All of these give him crucial information. Information that, maybe, someday, a different Avatar will need. And even if the world is radically different by that point, with every record of everything that Aang knew being gone, that Avatar will still be able to turn to Aang himself for help. And if, once again, years down the line the situation repeats itself, a new Avatar will be able to just turn to either of them for advice too.
To me, this confirms that not only would the world NEVER reach a point in which the Avatar is no longer needed, but in fact it's importance will likely only grow as the years go by, because things tend to just naturally be lost to time, even if they are super important - and a way to reach that knowledge could literally save lives.
Well, all of that already shows just how freaking important the Avatar has always been and always will be, but this list would not be complete withot the fact that the Avatar is...
A bridge between worlds
There are A LOT of spiritual shenanigans in Avatar, plenty of which have humans in danger - often because someone fucked up, either by pissing off a spirit or by neglecting the spiritual side of the world.
For exemple, we have Hei-Bai kidnapping people because the Fire Nation burned down his forest, Zhao killing the moon and thus making the waterbenders powerless to protect the North Pole, the people of a Fire Nation fishing village not only being sick and poor because their river is poluted but also no longer being able to interact with the spirit of said river that was caring for them, the people of a Fire Nation fishing village not only being sick and poor because their river is poluted but also no longer being able to interact with the spirit of said river that was caring for them etc.
As the Avatar, Aang was able to either fix some of these situations by himself, or to greatly assist people until the problem was fixed. He managed to appease Hei-Bai so he would not only stop lashing out but also set free everyone he had kidnapped. He and the ocean spirit joined forces to make sure the Fire Nation wouldn't be able to take over the North Pole. He helped Katara impersonate the Painted Lady to make sure the fishing village would no longer be exploited/polluted and then helped clean the river which allowed the real Painted Lady to protect her people.
We can also not forget that while Koh was totally trying to steal his face, he also warned Aang about Zhao's plan to kill the ocean and the moon, and gave him a hint as to what form they had taken in the human world - can you imagine him helping out if anyone other than Aang had turned to him for help?
The Avatar isn't just more powerful than the average human due to his connection the spirit world - he has the respect of plenty of said spirits AND of humans, which we see Aang use to help people because the Avatar's duty is to the world - ONE world that is a combination of both - to keep peace and ballance.
Without the Avatar, spirits and humans would always be either at war or completely separate, which harms both sides. And this reminds me that...
BONUS RANT: Spirituality has always been and always will be a core part of the world of Avatar
That's right, people. You get to see me bitch about TWO tropes I hate.
One of the reasons I believe people misunderstand the role of spirituality itself (and it's "messiah" in the form of the Avatar) in the story, is that they look at it like it's just a religion most people of that world seem to share, and wrongfully assume that it could just stop being significant or even present at all in their world if every nation just collectively "stopped believing in it/taking it seriously."
That could not be further from what we see in the show. The spirits and their world, the Avatar, chakras, chi, bending, meditation - all of these things are not part of a religion, they're just a fact of life. In "The Swamp" we are full on told that EVERYTHING is connected. People, spirits, animals, nature itself. It's all one big thing that it's sort of broken down in smaller categories.
Spirituality in the world of Avatar can never be seen as the same as say, Christianity. Something people can convert to or leave, believe or not believe. Humans can literally travel to the spirit world, and many spirits chose to stay in the human world. There's no "not believing" in it, or "choosing not to engage with it."
The biggest proof of that is the Fire Nation itself. It has distanced itself from spirituality as much as any society in that world ever could. Yet they still have temples, the sages have many simmilarities to clergies, and even the princess is taught by two creepy twins that clearly have some weird spiritual shenanigans going on. Hell, Ozai, a prince, married the Avatar's grand-daughter. Her ancestor's reincarnation was literally being hunted down as public enemy number one, and she was still seen as worthy enough to marry a prince - one that became Fire Lord, and whose children had the Avatar's blood. And, of course, Sozin started the war by using the power of comet-enhanced BENDING. Again, that's the nation that distanced itself from spirituality the most.
This isn't a matter of Progress VS Tradition, Science VS Religion. Spirituality and science are one in the same in the world of Avatar.
"But the Fire Nation is the most technologically advanced and it distanced itself from religion the most!"
Yes, but all of it's cool war-ships, zepplins, and even the drill were using pretty simple stuff to work: burning coal, hot air, boiling water, etc. All of these already easy things were made A LOT easier by having firebenders around - and once again, bending IS part of the spiritual side of the world, showing that even the Fire Nation cannot distance itself from it completely, and in fact constantly needs it to achive it's goals. Hell, we even see them having to use the power of earthbenders to get the material they'd need to keep all of their new toys running, so even their claim that they are superior to the other nations feels hollow.
Spirituality is a feature of that world, not a bug. It is not an insignificant detail that can changed or deleted, and the story would be radically altered and make less sense without it. And the Avatar is very much included in that list of super important aspects of the narrative and themes.
It's almost like that's the name of the sow for a reason or something...
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banana-sims · 10 months
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The Bennett Legacy - update post!   
Hi! This is where I'm going to update stats for my legacy :) I'll also periodically update the family tree as seen above!
I'm currently on generation three, playing with Romeo as my heir (he's like 25 years old right now). It took me forever to decide who to choose but I've realized I love his little family so much that I can't resist.
I'm going to do a bunch of posts about everyone and everything that's happened to catch you up, plus you'll get a much better look at them :)
Friend of the Animals, Bodybuilder, Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Painter Extraordinaire (G3), Musical Genius, Bestselling Author, Master Actor, Master Maker, Lady of the Knits (G1), Successful Lineage (G2), Big Happy Family (G2), Super Parent (G2), Master Chef, Master Mixologist, Fabulously Wealthy, Mansion Baron, Renaissance Sim, Nerd Brain, Computer Whiz, Archaeology Scholar, Academic (G2), Serial Romantic, Soulmate (G3), City Native, Beach Life, Mt. Komorebi Sightseer, Freelance Botanist, The Curator, Angling Ace, Outdoor Enthusiast, Jungle Explorer, Eco Innovator (G1), Country Caretaker, Joke Star, Party Animal, Friend of the World (G2), World-Famous Celebrity, Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, Zen Guru
Artistic Prodigy (G3), Rambunctious Scamp, Social Butterfly, Whiz Kid, Mind and Body, Playtime Captain, Creative Genius
Drama Llama, Goal Oriented, Live Fast, Admired Icon
actor, astronaut, athlete, business, civil designer (G1), conservationist, critic, culinary, detective, doctor, education (G2), engineer, entertainer (G1), freelance writer, freelance programmer, freelance artist, freelance fashion photographer, gardener, law, painter, politician (G2), scientist, social media, secret agent, style influencer, tech guru, writer, salaryperson, interior decorator, any part time job
own/run a vet clinic, own/run a retail store, own/run a restaurant
Art History, Biology, Communications, Computer Science, Culinary Arts (G3), Drama, Economics, Fine Art (G2), History, Language and Literature, Physics, Psychology (G2), any distinguished degree (G2)
Brindleton Bay (G1), Britechester (G2), Copperdale, Del Sol Valley, Evergreen Harbour (G2), Henford-on-Bagley, Mt. Komorebi, Newcrest, Oasis Springs, San Myshuno, Sulani, Tartosa, Willow Creek (G2), Windenburg
ambitious, cheerful (G1), childish, clumsy, creative (G3), genius, gloomy, goofball, high maintenance, hot-headed, romantic, self-assured (G1), squeamish, unflirty, art lover, bookworm (G2), dance machine, foodie (G3), geek, loves outdoors (G1), maker, music lover (G1), recycle disciple, active, adventurous (G1), child of the islands, child of the ocean, freegan, glutton, green fiend, lazy, materialistic, neat (G2), overachiever, perfectionist, slob, vegetarian (G2), animal enthusiast, bro, cat lover (G3), dog lover, family-oriented (G2), good (G2), hates children, insider, jealous, loner, loyal (G3), noncommittal, outgoing, party animal, proper, self-absorbed, snob, socially awkward
toddler angelic trait (G3), toddler charmer trait, toddler clingy trait (G2), toddler fussy trait, toddler independent trait, toddler inquisitive trait (G3), toddler silly trait (G4), toddler wild trait (G3)
infant cautious trait (G4), infant sensitive trait, infant calm trait, infant intense trait, infant wiggly trait, infant sunny trait
good manners trait (G2), bad manners trait, responsible trait (G2), irresponsible trait, mediator trait (G2), argumentative trait, compassionate trait (G3), insensitive trait, emotional control trait (G3), uncontrolled emotions trait
charisma (G2), comedy, cooking (G1), fishing, fitness (G2), gardening, gourmet cooking (G1), guitar, handiness (G1), logic (G1), mischief, mixology, painting (G3), piano (G1), photography (G2), programming, rocket science, video gaming, violin, writing, herbalism, baking (G3), wellness, DJ mixing, singing, dancing (G2), bowling, parenting (G2), veterinarian, pet training, archaeology, selvadoradian culture, flower arranging, acting, media production, robotics, research & debate (G2), fabrication, juice fizzing, knitting (G1), rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding, cross-stitch, entrepreneur
male heir (G2), single mom/dad heir, blended family (kids from both previous partners), queer heir (G2), have 1 kid in the generation, have 2 kids in the generation (G1), have 3 kids in the generation, have 4 kids in the generation (G2), have 5 kids in the generation, have twins (G1), have triplets, adopt a child (G2), one night stand pregnancy, broken engagement, marry a childhood friend, marry a coworker, marry someone who was once your enemy/rival, marry someone famous, never get married, have a cat (G1), have a dog (G1), have kittens/puppies
Extra things/collections
live in a tiny home, live off-the-grid for a season, live in an apartment (G2), live in a 3-storey home (G2), live on a farm, sell craftables on plopsy (G1), make/sell candles, have bees/sell honey, craft/sell fizzy juice, reach 5-star reputation for odd jobs
have a child do scouts, have a child do drama club, compete in E-Sports, compete in soccer, join cheer team, join chess team, join computer team, join football team
omiscan treasures and omiscan artifacts collections, city posters collection, snow globes collection, feathers collection, seashells collection, postcards collection, elements collection, mysims trophies collection
GEN 1 FOUNDER - Willa Bennett - Adventurous, Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured / Eco Innovator + Lady of the Knits
SPOUSE - Damon Napier - Music Lover, Self-Assured, Cheerful / Friend of the Animals
Living in: Brindleton Bay
CHILD #1 - Lyra Bennett - Creative, Foodie, Goofball / Musical Genius
CHILD #2 - Dawson Bennett - Cheerful, Neat, Bookworm / Academic
GEN 2 HEIR - Dawson Bennett - Cheerful, Neat, Bookworm / Academic
SPOUSE - Jack Sanders - Good, Family-Oriented, Vegetarian / Friend of the World
Living in: Britechester, Evergreen Harbour, Willow Creek
CHILD #1 - Nora Bennett - Bookworm, Unflirty, Hot-Headed / Renaissance Sim
CHILD #2 - Romeo Bennett - Neat, Loyal, Foodie / Soulmate
CHILD #3 - Bea Bennett - Animal Enthusiast, Cheerful, Dance Machine / Friend of the World
CHILD #4 - Sage Bennett - Goofball, Genius / Musical Genius
GEN 3 HEIR - Romeo Bennett - Neat, Loyal, Foodie / Soulmate
SPOUSE - Makenzie Thompson - Creative, Vegetarian, Cat Lover / Painter Extraordinaire
Living in: Willow Creek
CHILD #1 - Felix Bennett - ?? / ??
If you want to play like this yourself, the template and info is all here!
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seerofaspects · 3 months
The Knight of Heart.
There was another post on reddit asking about aspect stuff. This time it was roll two 12 sided and dice with each number representing a class and aspect.
The Knight is an active class which is going to use, exploit, and weaponize their aspect. They also tend to be fairly knowledgeable of their aspect from the get go which allows them to use their aspect rather well.
The Heart aspect seems to be about emotional connections, the soul, and identity. The Heart aspect very much has to do with connections one would have to their self as well as connections that others would have all together. The Prince of Heart with Dirk is shown to be someone who destroys alternative versions of himself to make progress in the session but also can cause the destruction of other peoples soul's and identity as well. While not canon, I saw a fan animation of Nepeta displaying what they thought a Rogue of Heart could do, and it was to 'borrow' aspects of other people's identity, allowing her to borrow Equius's strength temporarily. Meulin doesn't have a whole lot of stuff going on with her thanks to her being a rather minor character in the story, but we do know that she's very knowledgeable about romance to the point where she is thought of to be a 'shipping guru' which leads me into thinking it's not just about the individual soul but also how it interacts with others too. I bring up these canon examples and this fan interoperation as I think they both do a good job showing what is going on with the Heart aspect.
The Knight of Heart is going to be someone who is able to take advantage of everything their identity has to offer, the identity of those around them, as well as any emotional bonds that may come up between the two. An example of the Knight of Heart is someone who is overly charismatic and is able to get what they want out of other people by just being charming and wooing them over in various ways. They could be someone who can approach another person with a lot of empathy to form a bond with that person and use it towards them. Maybe they take advantage of how a character thinks about them (love or hate) and is able to take advantage of those feelings. Maybe the Knight's own identity is used at all, and the Knight is using other people's relationships to take advantage of a scenario. The Knight of Heart could be a mediator or an instigator between two people, all with the intention of counting on them interacting in a certain way that helps accomplish the Knight's goal.
I wrote up a Knight of Heart a long time ago and the character was a seductress type who used their good looks and high charisma to get people to do things for them. She would form bonds with those to take advantage of those for when they were needed. As Knight's tend to come with insecurities that have some relation with their aspect, she was pretty much insecure that people only thought of her for her looks and her charming words but never really wanted to know the 'real her'. I figured this was a straightforward way to do the Knight of Heart as this aspect was very much linked to strong emotional bonds and romance in the past, and having a character exploit the hell out of relationships felt like a good 'base' for the Knight of Heart.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
What is the most effective way of meditation for beginners according to Hinduism?
Although meditation is the foundation of Hindu spiritual practice it has been totally neglected and there are very few acharyas and guru that actually focus on teaching this practice. But it is our great good fortune that the Buddhists have preserved and technique and actively propagate it. So for beginners I suggest you join a vipassana mediation group in your local city to learn the basics.
The key text which deals with meditation is the Yoga sūtra of Maharishi Patanjali. Meditation is also addressed in the Gītā in the chapter entitled Dhyāna Yoga. What is termed “meditation’ in English has four stages, the preliminary of course being sitting in a comfortable posture (āsana) and practicing synchronicity of breathing (praṇāyāma).
pratyahāra — sitting in a comfortable posture with the spine erect one begins to withdraw one’s attention from external stimuli while paying attention the breath. Every time the mind wander you bring it back to the breath. One can also use a mantra like so-ham or even om-shanti to regulate the breath. The breath is connected to the mind so to quieten the mind one needs to regulate the breath.
dhāraṇa — means a focusing of the now quiet mind by using a mantra or any other device to center the thoughts upon. In Tantra the recommended technique is to use the images of the gods and goddesses or an image of one’s tutelary deity (iṣṭha-devatā) visualized within the heart or above the head. Christians can use a pleasant image of peaceful Jesus — remember what you meditate upon you become, so the purpose is to achieve an identification with the deity. Using the image of a wrathful or suffering deity has its consequences unless under the direction of a competent guide. Muslims can use the image of throne (arsh) while reciting the names of Allah.
These two stages are the active part of meditation the 3rd one is passive. i.e. it happens
dhyāna — when one become completely focused on the whole process like a sportsman or a cyclist or squash player when one becomes merged with the flow and is unaware of anything else - sportsmen call it “being in the zone”.
samādhi — means total absorption and this comes only after a very very long time of regular practice of the first three stages - it can take many years to achieve.
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