#This is rather short so I dont spoil anything
floofballsammy · 11 months
So, after having a few days to calm down from my hype and actually process everything, I'm ready to give my (NON SPOILER) thoughts on the FNaF movie. Spoiler thoughts will be in a seperate post.
[Cutting it off because this is a bit long and I dont want to clutter your timeline! :D]
My overall outlook on this movie is still very positive. I really liked it, and that's not just the hype speaking. I went in with practically no expectations, only having watched Matpat analyse the first trailer (to have atleast some idea of what i'm getting into) and was pleasently surprised in the end. And honestly I think that was the best way to approach this movie.
Yeah, I've waited 8 years for this movie, yeah, FNaF is a big franchise, but it's still, well, FNaF. We weren't gonna get some expertly crafted story that will change our lives forever. Not to mention we've also been so desensitized to dead kids and murder that this specific horror aspect will be somewhat underwhelming for us. So I admit, I was a bit worried where they were gonna take this at first. But they took (in my opinion) the best route, with a simpler story and some good jumpscares mixed in. Ya know, Classic FNaF 1.
This movie was clearly made with lots of genuine passion and love for the franchise. And it's really charming. The decision to go for actual suits and props rather than CGI was the best decision they could have made. The animatronics looked stunning and were a nice change of pace from other movies.
The referrences were also fun! I caught a lot on my first watch, but there are definetly some I missed. The movie also doesnt use these as a selling point or hinges on then, which actually let me focus on the movie itself.
But how is it for non FNaF fans? Good question! I went in with both someone who is a big fan and someone who barely played the first game. Later also meet some people who had only surface level FNaF knowledge. We all generally liked it. The plot wasnt hard to follow along and doesnt require any former knowledge. It all gets explained in the movie, fans will just pick up on things or come to conclusions quicker than non fans. But it's never alienating. So, new fans or non fnaf fans can watch it without having to stress over learning the lore.
All in all, it was a good movie. I went in expecting a FNaF movie and got a FNaF movie. It's not the best movie I've ever seen, but a movie I really like and will positively stay in my mind for a long while. Definetly one of my favourites.
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lakesbian · 7 months
i have had like 10 friends rec worm to me but nobody’s given me a good like, gist of its vibe and what its abt because ‘its best blind’, could u please give a like brief summary and vibe check of it 😭 it’s so long i dont wanna try and invest that much time without knowing much abt it
so, worm is a 1.7 million word long webserial written in 2010. 1.7 million words seems like a lot, but it was also written over a relatively short period of time, which means the writing style is very easy to parse--the ideas aren't without complexity, but the language itself isn't intimidatingly dense. you can get through it at a very decent pace. i agree with your friends that there are vast portions of worm that hit best when you're unspoiled, but the thing is that worm is long enough that giving you the basic plot pitch is in no way spoilers for any of the things that i wouldn't want to see spoiled for someone. i'm actually kind of baffled they're not telling you Any Thing, because it is in my estimation one of the best books i've ever read, but it also Needs a briefing before you get into it for like five different reasons. which i will now provide. i swear to god this is brief by my standards it's just that i am very thorough
worm is a story about superheroes and supervillains, set in a world where superpowers are traumagenic--rather than appearing randomly or innately, some people gain powers after a traumatizing event happens to them. the protagonist is taylor hebert, a 15yo girl who has the power to control insects and desperately wants to be a superhero. and then accidentally finds herself scouted by a team of teenage villains instead. who's to say how she's going to react to all that!
one of the most compelling things about worm is that the superpowers in it serve as visceral, hyper-literal metaphors for the trauma and traumatized coping mechanisms of the characters with those powers. each power is incredibly specific and thematically relevant to the person who has it, and it's incredibly interesting and evocative. it feels so natural and well-done that it comes off like how superpowers are just meant to be written.
the fact that superpowers stem from trauma also means that worm is fundamentally a narrative about trauma. specifically, about traumatized teenagers and the relationships they form as they cling together while struggling through growing up traumatized & mutually coping with an increasingly intriguing, intense, and far-reaching escalating plot. worm's depictions of trauma + mental illness--including unpalatable trauma responses, including traumatized characters who are allowed to be complicated and nuanced and messy while still receiving narrative respect--are deeply real-feeling and impactful, and they're placed in the context of a well-spun + engaging story.
i really do have to stress how excellent the character writing is. worm is fully deserving of being as long as it is. over the course of 1.7 million words of character development, the average reader's reaction to the main characters goes from "sorta interesting" to "okay, i want to see where this goes" to "augh...really likable" to "i am now on hands and knees crying and these characters are going to stick around in my brain forever." wildbow has incredible talent for efficiently conveying complicated, real-feeling, and viscerally evocative characterization. many of the interlude chapters (chapters written from the perspective of different characters other than taylor) are so interesting, fleshed-out, and emotionally affecting that they make you wish you could read an entire novel about just the side character being featured. with that level of characterization for just the side cast, it's not surprising that taylor (& co) are genuinely just downright iconic. and i do not say that lightly--taylor is truly one of the best-written protagonists i've seen in anything. ever.
the other main pitch-point for worm is that it's a fascinating deconstruction/reconstruction/examination of the conceits of the superhero genre. it answers the question of--what would the world have to be like, for people with superpowers to act the way they do in classic cape media? and it does this well enough that it's interesting even if you have only a passing familiarity with cape media. i am not a big superhero media fan, but worm addresses virtually every aspect of cape media that was under the sun around 2010 in a way that's so interesting i still find it incredibly engaging. the approach it takes makes the narrative very accessible even to people who aren't usually cape media fans.
and speaking of the narrative: the end of the story is coherent and satisfying and deeply thematically resonant*. the way worm follows through on all of its main mysteries & plot threads is excellent. you don't have to worry about getting thru 1.7 million words and being dissatisfied by the author shitting the bed at the end, or anything like that. he does an amazing job of weaving together plot events in a way that makes each successive one feel rationally, thematically, and emotionally connected to what came before. there's really only one part where i feel the story stumbles a bit, but i think it was the best option he had for the narrative, and it's by no means a dealbreaker. it's in fact really impressive how cohesive and satisfying worm is for such a long webserial released over such a brief period of time.
*this is subjective ive seen some people who didnt love it but ive never seen anyone who downright Hated it who didnt also demonstrate egregious misunderstanding of literally everything worm is about. so thats a good sign
as for the downsides of worm/things that might put you off:
there is a very long list of trigger warnings for it. if you have any trigger warnings you want you should ask your friends to let you know about the relevant parts, because the fact that it's About Trauma (& about typical cape media circumstances presented very seriously) means that traumatic and violent things & their realistic aftermath are constantly happening and/or being discussed. i would not classify worm as needlessly dark or spiteful to the audience by any means, but it is intense and covers a lot of heavy topics. i do assume if your friends are all recommending it to you, they think none of the material would be too much for you, though!
worm was written in 2010 by a white cishet guy from canada. it's typical levels of 2010-era bigoted, it has a deeply lesbophobic stereotype character, it has some atrociously racist stereotype characters, the author really hates addicts, It's Got Blind Spots. i think worm is generally fully worth reading despite these, but very fair warning that it can get bad. i think what exacerbates this is that worm is generally extremely nuanced & sympathetic regarding ideas such as "crime is a result of systematic circumstance vs people just being inherently evil" and "mentally ill people who are traumatized in unpalatable ways are still deserving of fundamental respect as human beings" and so on and so forth, so it's extra noticeable and insufferable when you get to a topic the author has unexamined biases on and all that nuance drops out. the worst part is that a lot of this is most concentrated in the early arcs, so you have to get through them without being super attached to any of the characters yet. it is worth it though.
worm like. Does have a central straight relationship in it. and it's a very well written straight relationship for the most part and i like it quite a lot. but worm also passes the bechdel test with such flying colors that it enters 'unintentionally homoerotic' territory. which means a lot of people were shipping the main character ms taylor hebert with her female friends while the story was being released. which caused the author to get so mad he 1. posted a word of god to a forum loudly insisting that all of the girls are straight and 2. inserted a few deeply awkward and obvious and out of character scenes where he finds an excuse for the girls to more or less turn to the camera and go "i'm not gay, btw. this is platonic." This is fucking insufferable, and will piss you off immensely, but then you will get to any of the number of deeply emotionally affecting scenes between them, and at that point you will be too busy sniffling piteously and perhaps crytyping an analysis post on tumblr to be mad about all that other shit. also they're only a couple tiny portions out of an entire overall fantastic novel
overall: if those points don't sound like dealbreakers (i hope they aren't they're really massively outstripped by the amount of devastatingly good moments in worm, worm still has a thriving fandom over a decade later for a reason), you should absolutely give it a shot and see what you think. my final note is that you have to read up until the end of arc 8 to really see where what makes worm Worm kicks in, so aim for at least there to see how you feel about it if you're just thinking about dipping your toes in vs fully committing. i hope that was helpful and not too long :)
oh and don't go in the comments section on wordpress if you don't want spoilers. or anywhere else in the fandom at all. you will be spoiled. quite possibly for things you could not even have imagined were topics to be spoiled on.
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missn00tson · 11 months
Yoo Wooin headcanons
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Hi, the Wooin landscape is barren af, so Im here to offer my headcanons abt him.
Hope you enjoy!
He's Bi, or def fruity in some shape or form.
I once read abt him being in a poly relationship and it has been ingraved in my mind ever since.
Def the type of guy to do a lot of pda. He likes to slap your ass in public, a lot. He's not the type of guy to be gentlemanly and open the door for you, but when he does he will slap your ass as he enters after you.
How comfortable he is with you changes a lot about how he acts with you. When you've been a thing or sortof thing for a long time he will get less... annoying? Dont get me wrong, he's still a litle shit but shows more of a caring side of his. It also ups his aftercare, like, he doesn't leave u or kick u out right after sex.
True to the story he's a little shit always up to somthing, and up for anything. He'd prolly not think twice if you suggest to do smth strange or dangerous.
Would spoil u excessively w gifts. I cant promise u theyre pretty (you have seen his fashion style, its not for everyone) but they will be expensive for sure.
Buys you matching clothes and expects you to wear them so he can show you off.
Will ask you to draw anything and get it tattooed. No mater how good your drawing skills r, if u can hold a pen you're good.
He's pretty good at drawing himself, but just like the rest of him his drawing style is rather... unique. He had been interested in becoming a tattoo artist for a while, and would become one if he didnt get as much money from illegal activities as he does.
Would do drugs and other types of substances with you for fun. He especially loves doing it before and after you've fucked.
He has the most obnoxious alarm ever (if he even feels like getting anywhere on time) and takes too damn long to turn it off.
Types with the most incoherent text messages ever. His texts r abbreviations from hell and as short as they can be. The only emojys he uses r 😎 and 🖕🏻
If you use the middle finger emoji tho he'll tell u it means u have a small dick just to annoy you.
Leaves you on read when you dont ask for a specific answer. He wont answer with an "okay" or anything either.
Would randomly call u at 3am and ask u if he was with u last night when the cops ask him for an alibi. It doesnt matter if he did it or not, he'd lie.
Dont expect him to cook. If you're eating at home it's just simple cupnoodles, otherwise he goes to eat out for every meal.
The guy walks so. Tremendously. slow. Like, showing off walking all badassly but walking slow like a SNAIL
Has the most annoying morning alarm ever (if he even feels like getting somewhere on time) and takes an eternity to turn it off.
Doesn't include you in his job, but isnt super secretive or apologetic abt it at all either.
He's total shit at talking about his feeling other than "annoyed" and "horny", same goes for consoling you about yours.
When you're not close yet he will most likely leave you to yourself as he has no clue how to deal with it other than letting it pass. He might offer you to do something you like to put your mind off it.
If you're more of a serious (for how serious it can be) thing he will try to console u in his own way. He will stay by your side, most likely uncomfortably staring in the distance until u tell him what you want him to do.
Strangely so, these are the moments where he's uncharcyeristicallt distant. Usually he's a guy with 0 personal space but then he just lets you be until he gets told otherwise (sounds submissive to me ahEm-)
If your just a bit down (and he has outruled the possibility that you're mad at him, so you wont atack him outta nowhere) he will try to cheer u up with stupid dirty jokes.
Would be into crossdressing. More so himself than his partner, but I can see him wearing a short skirt for shits nd giggles once and realizing things abt himself.
Looooves doggy style. Esp when he tops. He loves watching himself sliding in and out of you while you fuck, it just awakens something inside of him.
Would be the type to push u deeper while youre giving him head.
As an adrenaline junky he loves the idea of fucking and teasing in public. Even better if someone else watches.
Def some sort of sadist. He esp loves hour long edging followed by overstimulation. (I dont make the rules. I do but I dont :)
Loves the idea of phone sex, until he gets too horny and wants to do it himself.
But moments like those r the easiest moments to dom him. Yes, he's a switch, a brat for sure.
Even if he doesnt like to admit it, during spicy time is the only moment ur allowed to order him around and having a chance of him listening.
Dont overdo it tho, if he doesnt feel completely at ease w u yet he'll snap right out of it again (esp when he was planning on domming) and rail u even harder.
His rythm is slow and teasing at first, trying to tick you off, but as his own high nears he rams into you with short but quick thrusts.
Continues to fuck you even after you both came, enjoying the pain it gives him and the strangled moans and grunts tou let out.
Loves it when you beg. He loves feeling superior and being worshipped.
Though when hes subbing. Degradation kink. Im telling you. D e g r a d a t i o n
Hes not a gentle guy, he get turned on by seeing your tear stained face. He'd lick off the drops while he's pounding inside of you, wishing you'd cry more.
When he praises you he'll always degrade you at the same time, often using degrading nicknames. "Such a pretty slut for me" "This pathetic doll is taking me so well, aren't they?"
Loves when you bite and scratch him. It sends him straight over the edge when you scratch his back while he's fucking you.
Especially when he's bottoming he loves it when you leave bite marks allover him. On his neck, hut also his inner tighs make him weak in the knees.
You can bite down pretty deeply. If it draws blood, he'll slightly spread his legs further for you to lick it off.
Loves it when you moan around his cock.
Def a hair puller while recieving head, bobbing your head forcefully up and down making you gag.
He asks you to show your tongue after you've swallowed.
Loves calling you "my good slut"
Enjoys having his hands tied back while you ride him. He loves the way you body bounces while you move atop of him while he strains his hands in his cuffs.
He loves when you use him, ignoring his needs and pleasuring yourself.
The idea of his partners useing him while he's tied up and gagged, unable to stop them from edging and overstimulating him. One on top of him and the other eyeing them like a predator. Man that's maybe even better then drugs for him.
He loves hunting. Whether it's chasing you in a haunted house before taking you against the wall or you chasing him before making him crumble under your fingers.
Even though he's a shit, he knows the importance of knowing what your partner wants, and he'd make sure to get to know your prefrences beforehand. After all, what fun would it be if you're not up to do what he wants?
Aftercare after quickies is rare but when you have played a scene with him he will help you clean up and ask you about your opinion of the scene.
He knows no personal space. He cuddles with you until you both fall asleep, but leaves in the morning after showering and eating. (ofc depending on how close u are. If it's just a one night stand he leaves for sure, unless u put some magic on him. If youre more of a regular thing he'd make himself comfortable until u wake up and leave afterwards)
I have no clue how many words this is, but thank you for reading! :)
IHis lips also look so pink and juicy in the newest chapters, did he buy him some lipgloss or smthh?? I love itttt
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halfusek · 1 year
Irt you post about the archives- Have you read any of the novels? I feel like some of them, like Joey's autobiography, help give a bit more insight to these characters, at least a little.
As for Nathan, I think it's supposed to represent that, unlike Joey, he really was a self made man with good intentions, and that highlights that Wilson was trying to live up to the shadow of his father and instead of being the kind of man his father would have raised, Wilson chose to be as vile as he is.
Memory Joey on the other hand, really is just a representation of this flawed idea people had of the man, only the good parts of Joey that he chose to show. The idealized version of himself that he saw, rather than who he really is. It makes sense to have that contrast there, but he really is just a plot device rather than his own character and it's a shame.
I can't say much for the others, because they feel very lacking. They have a lot of good moments, like the "I'm beautiful." "Always were." scene for example, but outside these moments they feel somewhat empty.
It's unfortunate, because if they had the time, team, and resources, they could have had an incredible story to tell, but limitations with money and staff because of the irl studios layoffs and TheMeatly & Mike Mood making really, really bad choices with their business caused the game to fall short of what it could have been.
we must have read different books because it felt to me like batdr completely ignores book lore
honestly i just feel like the books have been made irrelevant and theyre just kind of telling us stories about these random characters? like adrienne is doing her best to describe these characters but im not gonna lie, as there was some potential to them batdr has been a huge turn off for me for reading anymore (plus that upcoming book is gonna have a yet another completely new character as the main protagonist and im just... bruh how about yall expand upon the characters you already have because this universe is just becoming very messy and full of shallow characters instead of having fewer but interesting ones?? im not against new characters being introduced but they just keep on adding then and then it feels like what we're reading doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things, that sucks)
sure we get an insight to joey... the only character that actually HAS a lot of complexity and screentime in the games so like yea i like joey and i enjoyed his book but again it felt more like an extra rather than anything that helped expanding the story or the world, i dont really understand their strategy for these...
nathan's and wilson's relation is just uninteresting and shallows wilson's character in my opinion, like what he says to you in game makes out nathan to have been some sort of a horrible father and that'd be kinda interesting and would make wilson a morally grey character
but no he's just a spoiled brat or whatever his archetype is supposed to be and we can throw away the entire symbolism about nathan and bockswell lotsabucks (that cartoon cat from the comics) and the fact that there is supposed to be nathan arch junior and senior making it clear that they changed their minds about the plot just to surprise people (even worse, they ADMIT to doing that in the interview that recently came out... as if it was a good thing ToT) but by doing so they just contradicted clues that existed there before that we could have gotten away from the damn books! like this just makes me not wanna buy any other books anymore because its a clear message that it doesnt fucking matter if we read them, theyre just there to tell us stories about random characters that also wont even appear in the games anyways but we will get 200 more audiologs from other randos we wont care for
again i gotta be sorry for being so negative but im just SO disappointed with batdr and with what the archives had to say
like whatever they are telling their story, its not a sin to be bad and scummy at writing (scummy as in not understanding that youre baiting people into buying extra things for understanding the lore and then making sure you surprise people anyway)
so basically
there is no use for theorising because the message is that they just want to surprise us so if we guess where theyre going they will just change the story no matter how much its gonna suck and contradict what happened before
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i cannot comprehend how meatly sees that as a good thing but i guess thats how he wants to tell his stories and whatever makes them happy man
but i find it incredibly shady when you advertise your game as a mystery to be solved and personally this kills my enjoyment of the franchise
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arospecbandgeek · 6 months
The sillies have consumed me.
Give me your BlaireCrash + FlameBomb Hcs, and DONT hold back.
I haven't even posted abt FlameBomb yet, I guess your Hcs will be the first.
Take a spinning Ramsey as Payment :3333
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“don’t hold back” “alr” writes a whole fucking essay worth at 2am
tw: SA, Abuse, Eating Disorders
Blairecrash + Flamebomb HCs
Blairecrash (Blaire x Fred)
The two met through tutoring. Blaire was failing history. Fred wanted to make some extra money.
Eventually some of the side talk turned into actual conversation, befriending each other.
Fred caught feelings first. Blaire was completely oblivious to this.
The two actually got together through a drunken confession. Fred picked up Blaire after she went to a bad party and was too intoxicated to drive.
He even carried her to the front door. Until she confessed. Then Fred dropped her in the grass out of shock.
Fred will make fun of his girlfriend for being “short” even though it’s only by a couple inches.
In reverse, Blaire will make fun of Fred for being less athletic than her.
Fred is teaching Blaire how to draw.
Blaire spoils Fred. A lot. Many of their dates are just shopping sprees.
Fred sucks at dancing. During homecoming, he was completely embarrassing. Blaire would roll her eyes and keep going anyway.
Would 100% fit that “He asked for no pickles!” meme.
Blaire has an entire crying fit whenever the dog dies in movies. No matter how many times Fred has to explain it’s just fiction, she’ll cry even harder.
Blaire’s favorite thing ever is My Little Pony. Any and all generations (Except the 5th one, ew). She keeps this a complete secret. No one knows except for Fred (who probably found out by opening one of her closets and seeing 300 toys)
She feels welcome to talk about My Little Pony, and even wake up early to watch reruns or play with some of the toys.
Fred doesn’t judge her for it. Finds it a bit weird, but loves her enough to go along with it.
Tanner McCroy is an abusive ex boyfriend of Blaire’s.
She was sextorted by him for a year or so. Blaire essentially did anything he wanted.
After Tanner got “bored” of her, they broke up and she was finally able to find someone else.
When Fred realized what happened, it made him angry. A type of angry that he’d never felt up until that day.
So angry that he got into his first school fight for it, punching Tanner square in the jaw.
The effects of Tanner never fully went away. Blaire developed PTSD from the events.
Fred wanted to do something, but beating up Tanner over and over again wasn’t going to fix the bottom line.
The only thing he could really do was be there to support her. No matter what.
Flamebomb (Flamethrower x Valeri)
less bc i don’t know val like that and i don’t want to get it wrong 😭
Val is a night owl and Flame is an early bird (Due to his practices being so early in the morning). This causes the following to happen:
On Friday nights, Flame will tend to fall asleep doing anything extraneous/ comfy past 1am. This tends to happen during cuddling. Val finds that adorable.
Speaking of cuddling, sometimes Flame plain sleeps on top of his girlfriend. On accident. Not in a cute cuddly way, but taking up half the bed type of way. Val refuses to move, making productive things more difficult. For example her trying to type on her phone would produce gibberish.
They go on mini crime sprees as dates sometimes. The occasional fire starts.
Like Blairecrash, they sometimes also wake up early to watch Saturday Morning Cartoons and rather cereal in bed, albeit different ones.
Tanner was also an ex of Val. The situation didn’t get as far as Blaire’s, but Val was SA’d.
Flame feels similar about Tanner as Fred does.
When Flamethrower witnessed Valeri’s bulimia first hand, his heart dropped into his stomach.
He tried to stay calm when confronting her about it, staying completely passive and not blaming her for anything. After a couple minutes of her being out of view he completely shut down.
Flame wished she didn’t have to suffer like that. That he could just snap his fingers and make her healthy again. That she’d just be okay. But things didn’t work like that. Things were much more complicated.
Bonus - Double Date HCs
These mostly get planned by Fred and Flame since they’re closer.
Despite being somewhat the opposite of each other, Blaire and Val get along very well.
Their first double date was to a laser tag game.
Everyone got really competitive.
For extra competition, Fred and Flame were on one team, and Blaire and Val were on another.
Fred is actually really good at laser tag, causing Blaire to get targeted and shot multiple times. Because of that, Blaire “swore revenge” on him.
That essentially just means stealing the food off his plate later on.
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^ Val actual ended up doing this to Flame. He got flustered and this was all he could think about for the rest of the day.
After, they went to go pick up something to eat.
It took a million years for them to figure something out since no one was craving anything but was also picky of where they wanted to eat.
They ended up choosing a fast food joint. (Taiga Country’s In & Out equivalent)
Blaire ate half of Fred’s fries.
Unrelated to this, I’d like to think they went on another date where Val blew something up. She would go:
“Whoopsies! Well, anyways….”
And then Blaire would stare at the fire like this
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Disney Month :WAlt Disney Presents I Captured the King of The Leprechauns
For the 9th installment of Disney Month.....We are looking at something weird:I Captured The King of the Leprechauns
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So this 1959 episode of Walt Disney Presents.....Ya know I usually go right into the plot but Imma have to give context
FIrst off Walt Disney Presents,has had various incarnations also known as the Disney Anthology Series, Wonderful World of Color ,etc.The basic premise of the show was it was hosted by Walt Disney,and he introduce whatever the topic of the week is.The show ranged from specials and miniseries (DAvy Crockett first aired on the series ) ,to collections of shorts ,to actually occasionally showing films like Alice in Wonderland and Dumbo,to promoting his theme park Disneyland or behind the scenes for his latest films.This is where most people got to know Walt as personality,or rather his Uncle Walt persona ,as week you traveled to a diffrent part of Disneyland:FRontierland,Adventureland ,Tomorrowland or Fantasyland
Now I have watched a few of these this month but havent reviewed them because....Well the ones I watched while awesome to hardcore Disney fans like myself and I imagine were also awesome at the time to people who didnt know much about behind the scenes stuff I just didnt have anything to say ,the pilot episode which just promoted what he was doing at that time(The making of Davy Crocket with Fess Parker singing the song for Frontierland , the making of a few True Life Adventure documentaries for Adventureland, Ward Kimble talking about a short for Tomorrowland ,a animated segment from Song of the South for Fantasyland, early look at Disneyland and some behind the scenes footage of Sleeping Beauty and 20000 Leagues Under the Sea) and Operation Undersea which is just a behind the scenes look at 20000 Leagues Under The Sea .So I initially watched this one purely for my own enjoyment ...Boy do I have things to talk about
See this was a promotion for Darby O Gill and the Little People,a personal favorite of mine ,and I thought it was just going to be like Operation Undersea,a behind the scenes look at the film.....That is not waht this is,in fact this is kind of a companion movie
Sooooo the premise is Walt Disney is trying to make a film about Ireland ,and with nudging from Irish actor Pat O Brian ....DECIDES TO USE ACTUAL LEPRECHAUNS ,and meets DArby O Gill (Albert Sharpe ) and the king of leprechauns King Brian (Jimmy O'Dea) who in this film are REAL ,and is so taken by their bickering he decides to make the film about their life story and cast them as the leads
OK so I am not too shocked ,I have seen behind the scene where they try to act like th efictional character is real,but not to this degree,this is basically a companion film for Darby O Gill and The Little People and I like that , It is so fun to see more of the bickering between Darby and King Brian(Warmed my heart when they call eachother friends...Also laughed out loud with why they agreed to be in the film ).You also get some Banshee and leprechaun lore (I dont know if its accurate,but Leprechauns being fallen angels who cowered out of fighting the war against Satan is a good backstory ) .The weirdest part is you see WAlt Disney....Acting ,like he is giving a legit engaging performance here .Now I shouldnt be surprised ,at this point he had several years worth of experience hosting television , was an experienced voice actor,being the voice of Mickey Mouse as well as a few other characters and everyone has talked about how good of a storyteller he was,acting out each character ,but it is just so surreal with it being live action and acting in an actual narrative ,combined with the Darby characters it is odd but it is also so fun ,I kind of love it
My only complaint is I think they spoil too much of the film....But then I rememebered .....Spoilers are only very recent,back in the day ,people didnt seem to care about giving away the ending as long as you didnt give away everything
Overall this is a fun curiosity and worth a watch if you like Darby O Gill ,which I do
@ariel-seagull-wings @marquisedemasque @goodanswerfoxmonster @princesssarisa @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz @amalthea9 @themousefromfantasyland @filmcityworld1
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herbolcgists · 2 years
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i ended up being busier than i anticipated and my sleep schedule regulated itself so when im normally up and running at night, ive been crashing early for some reason. i dont have her profile up, but once i do, i will update this with a link to it. i do have a moodboard for her.
❝ i just wanna ruin their day in one particular way ❞ huh, who’s PARK JIHYO? no, you’re mistaken, that’s actually AIDEN MOON. she is a TWENTY-SIX year old HALF-BLOOD witch who is HERBOLOGIST. she is a GRYFFINDOR alum and the child of LILY MOON & MUGGLE. she is known for being SPOILED, SELFISH, EGOCENTRIC, SHORT-SIGHTED, and GLORY-CHASING but also ADVENTUROUS, DEDICATED, LOYAL, BRAVE, and DECISIVE, so that must be why she always reminds me of the song SORORITY GIRLS BY MOMMY LONG LEGS and PINK ROSES IN FULL BLOOM, FLESH FLOWERS FROM A GARDEN, A KITCHEN THAT IS COMPLETELY PINK, PERFECTLY MANICURED NAILS, SLICES OF STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE, BLASTING PUNK ROCK AT THE HIGHEST VOLUME. i hear she is aligned with the ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, so be sure to keep an eye on her.
tw: sickness, illness
now i havent played a spoiled brat in a hot minute and my love of bitches is causing me to go into withdrawal, so that is the main inspiration with aiden. she’s a rework of an old character because as i was building out the then nameless character, she was very close to one i already had.
why lily moon? i find it fascinating that a throw away character name has never been built out besides a last name, it was proto luna lovegood and we have no idea where the fuck she ended up post-sorting. girl wasn’t even respected enough to get an official sorting. so where was lily during the near destruction of everything she knew? it made most sense to have her be rather sick and in and out of school frequently. muggleborn girl, not a lot of connections to the wizarding world, gentle hufflepuff vibes. the poor sick rich girl trope.
post-war was a little easier. never expecting to have kids, lily was loose with the rules of hookups and ended up getting knocked up and not remembering the guys name. didnt matter, she was happy to be a mom.
aiden was born and immediately became her mom’s sun, moon and stars. she was never left to want or desire anything. to say she is spoiled is an understatement. shes used to getting her way and throwing a fit in order to get it. adulting has been showing her that isnt how the world works. doesnt mean she doesnt go crying to mummy if she ever feels slighted, and yes she still calls her mom mummy at the ripe age of 26.
aiden doesnt fuck around. she’s serious and gets shit done. same is true with her heritage of being born of a muggleborn witch and a muggle.
since she was in hogwarts, she had always taken to nature based magic and herbology in particular. magical creatures, herbology, alchemy. but her love is in plants. shes the bitch who’s entire flat is just plants everywhere. she takes great pride in her magic-less grown orchid and it is very much her baby. her name is gucci. all of her plants are named. 
this is what i have so far. ill fill her out more as i get used to her in this setting.
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Sisi und der Kaiserkuß (1991) [Sisi and the Emperor's Kiss]
I watched this one a few days ago as of writing this review, I usually write these on the same day as I watch the films so that its still fresh in my mind and I dont forget anything, but fortunately, this film is absolutely unforgettable
First things first, this was not the comedy that I talked about that I thought it was going to be, I'll see if I can find that one later, and I would also not describe it as a comedy at all but I still thought it was very funny in how strange it was. I dont want to go into detail about that rn though because I really want you to watch this film, and I want you to watch it with as few spoilers as possible for maximum impact, so I wont actually be telling you anything about the movie itself other than the fact that I really love it, its so strange with an almost dreamlike quality while still feeling very grounded in some kind of reality resembling our own and all the performances were really good. But if you do want me specifically to recount some scenes from this movie for you, I basically already did that when I ended up liveblogging this one, you should be able to find them under the tag #sisi und der kaiserkuß (1991) if only tumblr wasnt so broken
However, there is one thing that I can talk about without spoiling anything and really want to talk about, which is also my biggest complaint, and its the lack of Sisi in this film called 'Sisi und der Kaiserkuß'. And I mean, I think it is really good so I dont really think that that wouldve bothered me as much as it does, if it wasnt for the general lack of Sissi in what is ostensibly a Sissi-media marathon. Like, yeah, obviously Ive been watching all these Rudolf-films as well but they were supposed to be more of a bonus, but instead its like. Im having kind of a hard time putting this into words, but basically, this little project has been feeling very Rudolf-heavy because films about Rudolf get to just be about Rudolf (and specifically the Mayerling Incident) while most of the media that Ive categorized isnt really about Elisabeth in one way or the other.
Like, okay, lets look at the Sissi-media we've had so far: Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österreich (1921) was a thirty second short film showing Elisabeth's death; Die Tragödie derer von Habsburg (1928) was about the austrian monarchy falling apart and the way it showcased that was essentially by showing the Habsburgs dying, about half of it was just about rudolf and then it barely focused on Elisabeth's death; Elisabeth von Österreich (1931) was half-about Elisabeth, half-about Rudolf; Sissy (1932) was about Elisabeth albeit in a pretty ahistorical-seeming way but I dont actually mind that because it is a representation of one image of this woman that was floating around in the Zeitgeist at the time, same goes for The King Steps Out (1936) which was of course an adaptation of that operetta; from what I could tell, Erzsébet királyné (1940) was about Elisabeth's impact on Hungary but not really about her as a person, since the actual main character of that one was Ida; the main character of L'Aigle à deux Têtes (1948) was clearly modeled after Elisabeth (or atleast a particular image that people had of her at the time) and the whole setting is very imperial austria-core but its all ultimately fictional; the Sissi-trilogy movies (1955-1957) are all about her, again with dubious historical accuracy that i dont really mind; Elisabeth Kaiserin von Österreich (1972) was about her, but it was also a documentary that only ended up on my list on accident, I did not want to watch any documentaries as part of this because for the purposes of this project, Im not really interested in Empress Elisabeth as a historical figure but rather as a cultural icon.
And then theres also the two Ludwig-films which are technically on my list as Sissi-films because Wikipedia listed them as Sissi-films, which I loved and dont regret watching at all and Ludwig — Glanz und Ende eines Königs (1955) even had one of my favorite portrayals of Elisabeth so far, but yknow, shes obviously not the main character of those, which is fine because theyre Ludwig-movies but idk. To try and sum my thoughts on this up, I think the main thing that bothers me when talking about Sissi-media vs Rudolf-media (and even Ludwig-media) is that you could definitely say that a lot of Sissi-media is not really about its ostensible subject, but so far theres been only two Rudolf-movies that I could say the same thing about, Viza Privati, Pubbliche Virtú (1976) and Der Kronprinz (1989). And even then, you never have the issue where it feels like he has to share his movie with someone else.
Unsurpringly I do have a lot of feminist thoughts about all this media as a phenomenon and what it says about our society's attitude towards women, and unsurprisingly, a lot of them are pretty angry, but I wanna save those for the end of this project, so I'll just cut myself off right there
In conclusion: please please please watch this movie, im obsessed with it, I need more people to watch it, franz joseph spends like half the runtime just hangin out in this weird grimy room full of dirt for some reason, please please please
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lanshappycorner · 15 days
i was rlly hoping that id have coherent things to say over your akuta and akushio threads on twt but i fucken dont have anything except just incoherent screaming and keysmashes /pos running through my head everytime i reread them so im just settling on just to say, one? HANDSHAKING YOU AT MACH SPEEDS I ALSO WANT TO AKUTA BREAKDOWN IN FRONT OF DAY2 BC CMON!!!! (side b tls arent complete but ive been spoiled a bit) but god the amt of breaking points (which i all favorited on eitori as i read along the tls bc why not) i was SO sure wouldve shown akuta outwardly disheartened and then DIDNT happen was just, felt like a damn chekovs breakdown in this instance, just WAITING for the shoe to drop, (which it does seem to, eventually, and im waiting to get absolutely WRECKED once tls for that moment drop) i absolutely love the way you break down akutas incapability of showing vulnerability as a whole bc of this just. notion that if he "breaks character" he'll just. lose the ppl that he has in his life? im bad at verbalizing my thoughts but everything on ur thread just had me pointing like YES, YES EXACTLY!!! i think. like looking back a lot of ppl in the game comment "wow nothing rlly brings akuta down!!! im glad!!" and it just makes me want to hit a wall, i am so so SO sad that hes able to hide this so well??? or at least, just, in a way that ppl around him just go "oh he'll bounce back, this is good ol' akuta, i dont need to worry too much"???? and the specific mention of his um vocal tics? vocal quirks? makes me want to revisit said chapters where his voice does that bc its such an interesting thing that i did notice but cld again never articulate, and how he always leaves- no, rather he tries to get away from people once he gets dejected and loses that rasp in voice and, adopting This into the belief system, him being on the verge of crying (which is such a thought that breaks my damn heart so bad) i remember reading the tl for akutas novel and just feeling my heart absolutely Crumble at the way his thoughts were running once the whole jig was up with sayochan "as long as no one gets hurt, its whatever" and like WHAT ABOUT YOU!!! YOU GOT HURT FROM THIS!!! (and im so so so glad that day2 and the whole of HAMAhouse was angry on his behalf n went to cheer him up and just, good god kid you have ppl who love you they wont leave if you show some vulnerability i promise, fuck) this isnt short anymore i apologize, ,, (1/?)
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HELLO ANON THANK U FOR THE ASK THIS MADE ME VERY HAPPY !!!!!!!🫶🫶🫶 I've been stewing over what to say so it took me a while to reply but . Yeah
ANYWAY SO if you have not yet read side B you are in for a ride ....some of the things he says about himself will have u screaming crying throwing up fr (spoilers i guess but one thing he straight up says is that he's (or rather, his existence is) a nuisance . so thats great <3) he made me audibly gasp in horror.......it probably hits different too because throughout the story he has kept his cool and insists that things don't bother him so when the dam breaks...ohhh...💀💀
(Also speaking of his voice I went back and replayed that chapter where he's in the theater dressed as a crab and you can kinda see that in his voice again😭 and also his usual coping mechanism happens when the mc suggests they wait a while longer for more ppl to show up and he just jokes that his butt hurts from sitting, but his laugh was really weak like he was completely trying to play it off😭 He also somewhat drops the usual raspiness in his voice when he starts to ramble right before the movie but it's not because he's sad but because he's genuinely excited to talk which makes me so 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
BUT SAME THOUGH . HIS NOVEL MADE ME FROWN SO HARD.....he downplays a lot of his own emotions in favor of other people's feelings and he doesn't express his own anger....I'm so glad the ppl in HAMA House are there to support him😭 I hope one day he learns he can be more vulnerable with them because they all care for him and would never abandon him😭😭)
as for the Akushio thread!! I have to agree that their appearances do betray how you'd expect them to be, as with a lot of day2 tbh !! Like a lot of their 1st impressions don't line up with how they actually are/think (i would talk abt it but if I did we'd be here all day so that's for another time💀)
I can't say for sure but I feel like u might be onto smth abt Akuta twisting a lot of stuff ppl say into compliments. Like as long as it's not straight up an insult, he can appreciate that ppl r taking time to talk to him I think
(I agree I hope he gets to talk to taichi although that might be because I'm biased as a taichi akuta oshi)
OOO OKAY so I think that if Ushio ever confessed I think. I think it would break Akuta's brain for a second😭 probably because it's Ushio of all people like rly??? USHIO?? but also he might find himself doubting it for a moment he might think that it was a joke but also he knows Ushio wouldn't joke about that ....so he might have to take some time to himself to think abt this, and he might need Ushio to like. Talk to him in depth abt how he feels abt him😭 (speaking of which I've kinda had an idea similar to an akushio confession but not rly ?? bouncing around in my head for a while now so mayhaps I will draw that sometime...)
NO YEAH IM OBSESSED....Akuta going to Ushio for affection is so cute (although I'm pretty sure he goes in expecting that Ushio would not agree💀) ....I hope one day Akuta goes to Ushio for affection again and Ushio actually does it and this freaks Akuta out so bad he gets really red and nosebleeds or smth idk
Anyway to answer the last part of ur ask, don't worry this isn't imposing or anything I love talking abt my blorbos<3 there's very few ppl who like this ship and stuff anyway so I rly appreciate it, ty for the nice ask anon!🫶🫶
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gavinsmg24 · 2 years
I’m going to skim respond bcuz there was a lot but really it’s just me responding but I may not hit every thing. Anyways! I read everything and I’ll try to respond as I scroll thru what you said. Mainly to start. Yoh talked about what happened recently. Where you cleaned bong and he got upset even tho you did it bcuz you were waiting. How can everything be a problem. Lkke you said. All he had to do if he truly wanted your company was find you and say join me babe. But instead he’s like. You should’ve already been here? Like what’s uo his ass. I dont get treating people short and rude all the time. It’s exactly what you don’t deserve. Hmph. Like your right someone saying something shouldn’t affect your whole day. But when your already a depressed person and your partner is giving you little care or thought then it makes sense how you feel! Maybe you should be less sensitive? But no he needs to be like 2x more thoughtful about emotions. I mean! Whether he thinks it’s dumb or not he’s your partner. Either adapt or work with it. Don’t just get mad or cause problems for no reason. He makes it seem like you cause problems. But really he’s causing problems but it’s not problems to him bcuz it’s not affecting him it affects you. So when you (as a healthy relationship should be) try to talk to him and he’s like. This shouldn’t be a problem that’s fucked!
And it’s like gifts aren’t required but I’m sure you wouldn’t be saying that If he complimented or made time to hang out. Like. Since you moved with him. He should be trying to take you out with his friends or coworkers. Not really but like. For me. Even if the boys didn’t want to hang. I’d try to at least have us all do stuff every once and a while idk. Like it shouldn’t be that way but it’s real life sims! We like interaction and groups!
And yeah that’s what sucks. When people barely congratulate but always judge harshly when things are wrong. That is frustrating grr. I hope you find another job soon princess. Maybe one that’s from home again or a job that’s easily transferable? I just mean that for a worst. Case. If you ever wanted to go elseware that way you’d at least have a job. Anyways. That’s hypothetical and far away. I just want you to have your own cushions to fall back onto if you ever need to.
I just.. I hate how manipulative and toxic masculinity sounding he is.. Im sorry I know I shouldnt say but like. Barely talking to you or secluding self. Like. Alone time is one thing but like cmon! Live in same house interact! I know you do but just off of what you say. Like. Talk when you have nothing to say?! That’s small talk! To fill silence and he says he doesn’t have anything to say? Then shut uo and listen to your rambles! I’d listen to gibberish rather than silence tf. Grr I’m sorry getting riled trying not to.
Why does it matter where you watch stuff! Like if he wasn’t using office who cares! You say he eats fruit and watches YouTube alone. Why can’t you! If he’s not gonna make you smile fuck off! Rawr!
Princess this is the thing I’ve wanted you to always understand and I’m saying this bcuz you said “am I crazy” no! Your not. Everything you’ve written and shared. If any unbiased parted read this would feel the same (someone with our care and morals) like it’s almost your bday and he’s still treating you normal. Like no one’s needs a birth week but cmon. Like oooh babyyyy almost bday. Any things you wanna do? Plans? Maybe he’ll surprise you but idk. You could tell yourself it’s selfish to want gifts but it’s not. It doesn’t have to be a diamond ring. I’d get you those lil toys we used to get (not really but getting that over nothing or something with no thought is different than just getting something expensive. I wish I could go to the mall with you. Give you a price limit and spoil you for a day. Or ask for ideas and wrap them and wake you with breakfast n gifts
Like. Obviously we dated early and younger. And our living arrangements were all over the place. But I just can’t believe how much home work you do. Like. Old timey woman cooks n cleans and he still finds ways to get upset. Grr. If I came home and didn’t have to worry about cleaning I’d be so at peace. Like living with me n 2 bois! Always dishes and I’m doing them the most! (I use the most but still! They use stuff too!)
And back to the locked door and tasks. Like. Cmon. Your partners. No one should be. Punishing anyone. Your not dealing with kids. You talk out problems. Not yell or put down. Yelling happens. But this isn’t normal arguments. This is mind games and lack of care. Not really.. I should stop. I dont want to sway your mind. I’m just responding to what you say. I want you to know your thoughts are valid. Not crazy. Your smart and kind. But to get this to the end. Like what! He forgets his own tasks so it’s like oh you could’ve forgot that. Or if you forgot then he’d notice. Punk 😤 hypocrite. Narcissist, more. Rawr!
Anyways this responds to the longer cont. 1 n 2 next will be most recent. You’re strong and brave. I hope you can find a path that leads you to fun and relaxation soon
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Dating the Obey Me! boys
So I had surgery yesterday and have to be stuck in my room not doing much for a bit so I plan to try and write lots of things and I thought why not start with Obey Me. Hope you enjoy, these are also kinda short since it was so many people! CW: Spoilers and slightly dark
Dating Lucifer is a bit of a struggle at the start
He's headstrong and cruel even to those he care's about so it can be hard to get into a relationship with him
Once that bond is formed however its a different story though he is still blunt and a bit harsh he's more open
He enjoys classic dates candle lit dinners walks under the moon or swaying in his office with his records on
Lucifer adores when you visit him in his office just to spend time with him while he works
Not much PDA but not fully against it will wrap an arm around your waist and might kiss your head if he's feeling really soft that day
Supportive even if he's harsh he wants the best for you in his eyes you deserver the world and then some
Mammon is very open about his feelings
Not good with PDA gets very embarrassed but loves it all the same
Will spend money on you without really thinking about it he wants to you everything and in his eyes money is everything
He gets you involved with many schemes but also does everything in his power to not let you get hurt
If any of his siblings are having a bad day and it gets taken out on you he steps in and will swing if needed
Speaking of siblings they dont treat him that well and though he tends to put on a front you kindness to him means so much he can and will cry
Soft just wants you happy your smile makes him feel special and truly loved so he wants you to feel the same
This is a roller coaster that's for sure
Leviathan is a tsundere on the surface but once in a relationship he's a bit more yandere then one might think
With that Levi is very tameable quelling any jealousy of another he might have is simple just give him affection
He can not handle PDA he blushes freaks out and might even faint if people are around
Indoor dates in his aquarium room and also gaming together or watching anime
Though he's not one to enjoy the outdoors if you want to go on a public date all you need to do is ask
Parise for him is heavenly you telling him he's done well or that he makes you happy means he world to him
Getting into a relationship with Satan is a friends to lovers kinda story he need so much trust to know he can be truly honest with you
Its very give and take he wants this to have the same importance on both side
Café dates often to a cat café and if you allergic dont worry he has a spell for that
Will show off your relationship to everyone
Enjoy soft PDA i.e. hand holding an arm around the waist forehead kisses etc.
Really loves talking with you about books whether about a book you both have read or simply you listening as he goes on about one he likes, Satan also loves hearing you talks about your interest
Hell protect you with his life you're someone who let him feel more then just anger someone who loves him for himself and its all he really wanted
Dating Asmodesu is not easy and there's a chance it will never be a healthy relationship
He's flirts alot and that's something you have to get use to but Asmo try's very hard to never take it to far once your together
Love PDA will always want to be all over you and hopes you feel the same
Shopping dates are a must in his eyes and of you ever feel self conscious he does his best to help
Talks about you non stop to anyone and everyone he's happy your in his life but in the end his sin makes it quite hard to ever be in a fully committed relationship
Spoils you so much, wants you to live in luxury like him after all someone as perfect as you deserves it
The genuine affection and love is something new to him its something he never thought he would have so when you entered his life he felt you could only ever make things brighter and he plans to always be there for you
This is a relationship that develops without much thought
It becomes a habit for Beel to share his food with you or to seek you out just to be with you for a while
At some point its pointed out how you both act and Beelzebub confesses
Dates are common and its often food date going to new and old places he thinks you would like
Not great at planning things but if you have something you want to do or talk about he's all in
Very soft with you though its not often that hell innate PDA or anything he's always up to reciprocate it
A gentle giant who wants you safe and happy even if it means sharing his snacks
This is a full slow burn with his hatred of humans and his lack of trust its not an easy ride
Being with him takes a while starting as just people to friends to maybe more to lovers its a drawn out thing
No PDA he just doesn't handle it well however at the house or alone he's very affectionate
You all go on dates rarely as he's not one for going out and would rather spend quite time with you at home
One of his favorite things to do with you is laze around while you talk about your day or things you've been into lately
Will always make sure you have a good nights sleep if your someone prone to bad dreams he can help with that
Though the relationship with him starts a little rocky he treasures you more then he might admit and he happy you gave him a chance
Another friends to lovers and a little forbidden on top of that but you two make it work
It starts as just him being overly interested in the human world and not so slowly he starts to take interest in just you
Diavolo spoils you when he can you've given him so much and he wants to give back
Loves PDA but knows that he has to reel it in due to him tittle so he settles for just holding your hand
Is a very soft demon for you wanting to make you're as comfortable as you can be
Really enjoys when you visit him even if it just you popping in to say hi it just brightens his day
Being in a relationship wit Diavolo isn't easy it takes alot to keep up with everything but he's never been happier then with you by his side
Barbatos (I love him so much so his is slightly longer)
A slow burn and secret relationship full of its ups and downs yet its something he wouldn't trade for anything
The start of the relationship is slow and honestly it doesn't even seem like your dating he's still closed off only being polite when you two are together
It takes him far longer then you would think for him to realize how much that hurts you he hasn't been wit someone for so long if ever he's not use to it
Once you break that barrier things are smoother he's willing to be open with you alone giving you affection when you ask and even sometimes acting with out you saying anything
Barbatos thinks about you alot when he's working always wanting to know what your up to and how your feeling
Wont want to tell anyone he takes his work very seriously and doesn't want that to ever be at risk but on top of that he knows some people dont like him and if they know about you well he doesn't want to think about that
Refuses to look into your future he knows he wont be able to handle what hell see
It a relationship that takes time and sometime it seems like it might slip away but he's always there and he strives to be with you and make you happy just please give him all your love too
A story tale romance most the time but one that almost seems impossible to keep
He's the perfect gentlemen sweet moonlight date or strolls through a garden, holding the door open or offering you his coat
With that it might seem like you never see the real him just the person/angle that he wants you to see someone perfect
Once you two have been together a few months hell start to really open up letting you see his more mischievous side and even talking about the pain from when the others fell
Simeon will always be there for you and when your down he wants to be someone you can lean on
The two of you in the in his room the soft lighting thanks to the fire with the only sounds in the room being the scribble of pen on paper and quite breathing making the night feel like endless bliss
He knows this relationship is dangerous if he's not careful he could fall but when you look at him eyes shinning with nothing but love he thinks maybe that wouldn't be so bad
An almost tragic love story that much to his glee ends in happiness
He's met you in many lifetimes yet you were never his bit this time this wonderful time you choose him
The most romantic dates with Solomon anything you want he can probably get
Tried to cook for you it didn't go well but man he tried
Helps you study and will partake in your hobbies if you want
Is ok with PDA prefers the simple stuff over anything major
Is such a lovely relationship one he's spent so long waiting for and he's wont let it slip away now
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fearlessleaderslove · 2 years
Looking for RP Partners (Updated)
Hello my beautiful Starlights <3
I'm taking a break from writing for a little while longer because honestly theres a lot going one and its hard to focus on stories right now. BUT! I am looking for an rp partner. FAIR WARNING: my last partner spoiled me when it came to rping because we were best friends. So here's my RP Application:
I WILL NOT rp with minors! I am 29 and I will not put you or myself in danger and I DO VERIFY age.
2. I do work full time so if my replies are slow I apologize in advanced
3. I appreciate quality over quantity. I very much do not appreciate one line replies or very short replies. I would rather you take a little while longer
4. I primarily only RP TMNT Verses (With a few crossover exceptions).
5. I LOVE OC's and love to rp with OC's. That being said, I only allow double ups. So if you would like to use your OC I am 100% okay with that, but its only fair that if you get to use yours, I get to use mine.
6. Equal Spotlight for OC's. I give everyone 3 chances so if you continue to either make shitty replies to my OC or dont reply to my OC at all, I will drop you as a partner.
7. No God Moding please, its makes it less fun for all. Also, please do not try to forced my OC to do anything or make them act a certain way.
8. I am comfortable with LITERALLY anything other than rape, pedophilia, and vore. Otherwise anything is game. I also prefer players who are comfortable with NSFW, lemons, spicy!
9. If you are not gonne be replying for a while (like for a few days) please just give me a heads up. I will also do the same.
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fairestwriting · 4 years
Uwaa i love your writing and I just have to ask one for myself if you dont mind <3 can I request for the octa trio, Malleus and Lilia finding out their fem s/o's bday that same day because she was too shy to tell them? Like they prob just heard it from her friends or smth! Thank you and sorry if this is too specific oop
thanks so much!!!! im glad youve been enjoying my content ^_^
+ ko-fi link, if anyone feels like financially supporting my writing
Azul Ashengrotto
It’s today??? Azul is shocked when he hears your friends talking about it, he’d just walked by them on the hallways now. How didn’t he know that? He feels guilty like he’s forgotten your birthday, even though he knows you never even told him, and it never came to his mind to ask...
Having you go without a present just isn’t something he’ll allow to happen, so he gets to work right away -- He lets Jade and Floyd know they should close up Mostro Lounge early today, and sets apart a table for you two, telling the twins to invite you over at a specific time after closing.
Azul makes you two dinner himself. He can cook rather well, and food is a topic that’s unlikely you two just never talked about, despite your shyness. If he doesn’t know what your favorite meals are, exactly, he’ll just make whatever dish you order at Mostro Lounge the most often. He’ll do his best so you can have an enjoyable dinner!
When you come over, probably a bit disturbed by the twins’ making your invitation into a kidnapping mostly, you see Azul smiling at you near the front door -- He’ll kiss your hands lead you towards the nicest table, right next to the aquarium.
“Happy birthday, dear.” He tells you when you get there “You should’ve told me it was today! I could have arranged something even better, and a gift... still, though, I hope you enjoy the dinner.”
Jade Leech
Oh? It’s today? That’s strange, Jade thinks. He doesn’t recall you telling him about his birthday being today, he stops your friends mid-conversation to make sure the date is right.
Once they give him the information, possibly terrified by creepy-smiled eel that towered above them so suddenly, much like Azul, he’ll get to work right away.
He makes sure to let his “boss” know he’ll be taking the day off to spend time with his girlfriend, since it’s your birthday, and you two meet right after classes are over. He’ll be waiting patiently for you outside your classroom, giving you a kiss on the cheek as soon as he sees you.
“Happy birthday, my dear. I don’t recall you telling me it was today?” He’ll say, and pry a bit as to why you didn’t let him know. He’s not mad, obviously, he’s just curious -- Aren’t birthdays something people are usually excited for? Once you bashfully explain you just didn’t know to bring it up, he understands.
Normally he would have something nice planned for your special day, but since he couldn’t today, he just asks you what you want to do, exactly, promising to give it to you no matter what it is. The one thing he insists, though, is that at the end of today, you two can have a table at Mostro Lounge for yourselves, for a small celebration.
Floyd Leech
Shrimpy’s birthday is today?! Oh, he’s bouncing off the walls already.
He sprints down the hallway to see you as soon as he hears about it. Needless to say, very soon you’ll be greeted by a cheerful Floyd who hugs you as soon as he sees you, picking you up and twirling you around, much to your surprise.
“Shrimpy!!! Happy birthday!!!” He chimes, grinning wide as he presses you to his chest. “Why didn’t you tell me it’s today? We’ve gotta do something fun to celebrate now~”
He’s not bothered by just finding out today, really, he’s not a planner so he wouldn’t have plotted anything for you two to do on your birthday beforehand -- He’ll ask you what you feel like doing to celebrate, though! Do you want a party? Are you craving any specific food? What gifts do you want? He’ll nag Jade and Azul to help him set everything up, just so he can spoil his dear Shrimpy on her special day like she deserves.
You might have trouble keeping up with him, since he’s so excited! He’ll be dragging you around everywhere to get all the things you want, making sure that you two are having plenty of fun today.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus’ eyes go wide as soon as he sees your friends mention it. Your birthday is today? How could he have overlooked that?
Like Azul, he feels a bit guilty, like he should have known before even if you didn’t tell him about it. He has some emotional baggage regarding birthdays, having spent so many of his completely alone, and he doesn’t want you to feel anything like that in yours.
He disappears for the rest of the day to put together a nice celebration. He knows you’re shy, so a big party is off the table already -- He goes over a lot of your memories together, thinking of all the things you two shared that you two enjoyed. He’d make sure you have the best birthday possible, even though he found out about it quite late.
It’s the evening when he shows up again, a knock on the Ramshackle dorm’s door -- Your friends had just left after their little celebration for you had ended, and you were resting on the couch, tired yet happy, and thinking about how you could approach the topic of your birthday with Malleus.
You open the door, and here he was, waiting for you with a small cake of your favorite flavor in a hand, a small, quaint gift box in other. “Happy birthday. You’ve forgotten to invite me to the party.” He says, simply, and for a second you’re almost afraid he might be upset you never told him, but he quickly assures you he’s not -- Luckily Malleus is very observant, he’s guessed your shyness was the reason why he didn’t know about it already, he didn’t mind. He just hopes you two enjoy your personal party now. It’s not much, but he thought you might prefer it like that...
Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia often forgets birthdays exist, having lived for so long he just kind of stopped celebrating his, so he ended up not asking for yours.
He’s talking to your friends when they mention it, and he’s genuinely shocked for the first time in a while, why didn’t you tell him? Your friends assure him you probably just didn’t know how to approach the topic.
Immediately, he wants to take part in their planning of a small surprise party for you -- He’s your boyfriend, he needs to make sure he shows you some love today, too! Whatever they’re plotting, you bet that Lilia will happily join in.
When you’re back at Ramshackle after classes, you’re surprised by your group of favorite people, cheerfully announcing their surprise party. Lilia is right in the middle, hopping off the group to give you a kiss. “Happy birthday! Did you forget to tell me it was today? I’m lucky I have my ways of finding things out...~”
All of you have a nice evening together, your friends picked out your favorite snacks, and they all gleefully watch as you tear open your presents. Lilia couldn’t get you anything since it was in such a short notice, but he asks you later about what you’d like to get, and promises to give it to you tomorrow.
He’s the last one to leave, making sure to wish you a happy birthday one more time, cupping your cheeks on his hand as he tells you how much he loves you.
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Just go with it
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Lewd mentions
Beetlejuice needs you to pretend to be his fiance or he's in trouble
"Babes, wake up"
"Y/n wake up"
Was your first thought as you are shaken awake by the ghost who has made your home his, you mumble out something unintelligible as you grope around for your phone, you cringe as the bright light of the screen blinds you, as your eyes adjust to the light you groan, 4am.
"Beetlejuice, what-"
"Okay, babes, no time to explain but I need you to pretend to be my fiance" despite the odd statement beetlejuice sounded a tad worried.
"Long story short I may have said a few things to some guys, and if we dont pull this off I will be dragged back to the netherworld" the ghoul whispered dragging you out if bed.
"Oh" was all you could muster is your drowsy state.
"So theres a suit from the netherworld waiting to meet you, in your living room, now" beetlejuice continued rubbing the back of his neck.
You sigh and shuffle about your room, slipping on slippers and giving your hair a quick once over, as you reach for your housecoat beetlejuice swats away your hand.
Beetlejuice drops his jacket around your shoulders "this will work much better babes, we need to sell this"
You groan, you were too tired for this, thank god you didnt work in the morning, who knows how long this shit is gonna take, but as tired as you were you couldnt let whoever take your ghost back to the netherworld.
"Okay you're my fiance, I proposed a week ago, and you're head over heels for me, that last part wont be hard to fake huh doll?" The ghoul gives you a wink, you sigh.
"Wait, almost forgot" the ghoul snaps his fingers, you feel a light squeeze on you right handed middle finger.
Upon your finger appears rather tacky, pretty ring, the band was black and white, and resembled a snake, the gem was a brilliant green, you honestly felt your heart squeeze when you saw it, to be honest staring at the ring felt like a dream, maybe because you just woke up? It was beautiful, and the idea of it being for real kinda hurt knowing it was for pretend, but those feelings didnt matter right now, Beej needed you to help him avoid being dragged back to the netherworld, you can think about those depressing emotions later.
The two of you leave the bedroom, beetlejuice takes the lead as you shuffle behind.
As the two of you enter the living room you could help but pause and stare at the 'suit' beej claimed that was waiting for you.
In your little arm chair sat a fairly tall skeleton man, his bones a blueish hue, wearing a lime green suit that looked fresh off the rack, guess not all dead guys wore dirty clothes, in all honesty this was your first time seeing another dead person aside from the maitlands and beetlejuice, they were human, beej was humanish, but this guy looked like he walked out of a cartoon.
"Sorry for the wait, you know breathers, they need to sleep" beetlejuice cackled snapping you from your thoughts "well there's y/n, theres the ring, and theres the door, feel free to use it" beetlejuice snears, wanting to get this whole thing done with, yes he adored messing with you, and with different circumstances this could have been funny, but too much was on the line for him and you were an awful liar, he loved you sure, but theres no way you could pull off lying.
"Y/n I presume?" The skeleton gestures to you, completely ignoring beetlejuice, you nod "its pleasure to put a face to the name, I apologize for the rude awakening, when you've been dead for as long as I have, you tend to lose the meaning of time, my dear this wont take long, we just need to clear up some loose ends then you can get back to your rest" the skeleton gestures you to sit on the couch next to beetlejuice who has already made himself comfortable.
You gently sit down next to BJ who was quick to drape an arm over your shoulders and pull you into his side.
The skeleton pulls out a clipboard from his jacket and flips through the pages
"Lawrence B Shoggoth, y/n m/n l/n, I have requested an audience with you two to clear up some issues with Lawrence's recent updated paper work, not to mention a handful of rumours that need to be put to bed" the ghoul flips through the papers "it says here the y/n you are Lawrence's spouse, is that true?"
You nod
"You see y/n, Lawrence here cant be trusted at face value, so that is why I must converse with you on the matter, so you are his fiance correct?"
"I see, now how long have the two of you known each other?"
"About a year or so" you shrug
"Mmmhmm" the ghoul scribbles down something and continues "now when did he propose to you?"
"Last week" this was so anxiety inducing, for a man with no eyeballs it sure felt like he was staring into your soul.
"Now what drawn you to such a, oh how do I put this, such a man?"
You hear beetlejuice huff out as if he was insulted.
"Well, beetlejuice may be rough around the edges, and can be a dick at times, but he's great company, hes funny, witty, has great taste in movies, and he makes me smile, hes also, well, he's also good looking too" you look away from both parties, as you were clearly embarrassed over what you said, it was the truth, but it still made your face burn.
Beetlejuice leans forward, looking in your direction, eyes wide and mouth a gape, his hair now a bright pink.
"Mr Shoggoth, you look surprised at y/n's words" the ghoul grabs Beetlejuice's attention.
"Heh, you see y/n is the shy type, hearing that type a thing is rare and ALWAYS gets my attention". Beetlejuice slicks his hair back removing the pink and resetting it to its default green.
"Mmmmhmmm" was the ghoul's only response as attention was drawn back to you.
"So y/n you truly are betrothed to Lawrance, you want to be wed to him on purpose?" The skeleton's tone was almost surprised, as if beetlejuice was the most revolting creature in existence and you wanting, out of your own free will to be bound to such a thing, was the most insane thing he has ever herd.
You nod, beetlejuice gives the skeleton a smug toothy grin.
"This isnt a joke, nor is he blackmailing or threatening you?" His tone sounded desperate, as if he needed to prove beetlejuice was lying for his own good.
You only shake your head, while beetlejuice surpresses a laugh
"Ya see bone head? I'm innocent~" he chuckles, squeezing you close to his side.
"Y/n you are aware of what you're doing for Lawrence correct?" The skeleton sounded almost smug, you only stare back, waiting for him to elaborate.
"You see y/n, you are doing Lawrence here a huge favor, when the dead marry the living, they are able to walk the earth like you do, you are granting him life, something he has never had, this is why we must confirm with you, that you understand what he's doing" the skeleton gestures to beetlejuice, the demon only rolls his eyes in response.
"I know"
Attention is drawn to you
"I know all about that life giving thing, beetlejuice told me about it"
"Well you see y/n, this isnt the first time Lawrence has-"
"I know, I was told, by him and the person he tried to marry the first time, small world huh"
The skeleton pauses for a moment then coughs into his fist, as if to regain his composure after being surprised, he continues "I see, Lawrence has been honest with you, I didnt think he had it in him"
Beetlejuice snarls at the comment, tips of his hair turning red.
"Just a few more loose ends y/n then you can return to your rest" the skeleton flips through his papers "ah, Lawrence, y/n may have been couched, and since you seem so eager to speak, I do have a few things I need to clarify with you, if the two of you are in love as you say and this isnt a farce, you would know plenty about your future spouse, when was y/n born?" The skeleton snears as if hes caught you two red handed
Beetlejuice snorts out a laugh "easy *birthday day and year* hell I woke them up with some early morning birthday head"
You cover your face in embarrassment at that comment, yet you were surprised he knew the year.
"Correct, and might I saw congratulations on a LEGAL partner this time"
Beetlejuice rolls his eyes at the low blow before grumbling "it was a green card thing"
The skeleton ignores Beetlejuice's comment and continues "what drew you to this breather? And please keep it out of the gutter"
Beetlejuice huffs "spoil sport, y/n here is one of the kindest, sweetest, softest breather I ever met, they let me do whatever I want, they want me around, no stings attached, they got great taste, just look at the company they keep, and let me tell ya, the first time we met they sucker punched me in the jaw for scaring them, and I've been dreaming of that swing ever since"
You just stare at the ghoul, he remembered that? He remembered how he first met you? When lydia locked you in the basement and he jumped out at you, successfully scaring you but earning himself a fist in the jaw, wow. Your face felt hot remembering that, what a frist impression.
The night droned on and on with dull questions the suit had lined up to prove beetlejuice was lying, but every question had an appropriate answer, and the skeleton knew he could not prove anything as the night went on.
Low on patience and time he decided call it quits.
The skeleton pushes his clipboard back into his jacket and sighs "I appreciate your time y/n, thank you for your cooperation, and Lawrence, I look forward form your departure of death, a short vacation from you is the pick me up I deserve" the skeleton raises up from your chair and walks over to a wall on the other side of the room, you watch him draw a door, and knock 3 times, you're livingroom wall opens up to the netherworld. You freeze at the sight, you always felt uneasy seeing the netherworld portal open up, maybe it was a living thing? As if beetlejuice felt your discomfort he pulls you into a side hug, grounding your anxiety, you give a sigh of what feels like relief.
The skeletontirns to face the two of you "Before my departure, y/n I do have one final thing to ask you, can you kiss Lawrence for me?"
"What?" You gawk in confusion
Beetlejuice snorts out a laugh "what? You the type of guy who gets off on watching others get hot and heavy, I mean I feel ya, but if you insist, I can help a guy out" beetlejuice is quick to cup your face "give daddy some sugar~" he purrs puckering up to go in for the kiss.
"Lawrence you misunderstand me, I ask y/n, if you two are truly betrothed, shy or not, y/n shouldnt have any issues kissing their lover" the skeleton gestures to you, without eyeballs or eyebrows he sure wore a smug face, as if he found you two out.
Beej snorts out his nose, great, he's fucked, theres no way you could sell this now, the ghoul had to take the lead and try to steer this away from what this bureaucrat wants "Shy or not, my little sex pot here isnt too keen on others watching, believe me, I tired, the only thing they wont do in the bedroom-"
"Bee, it's fine" you interject, gently grabbing the demons sleeve, he looks at you mouth agape, green slowly blossoming into pink in his face and hair.
"You mind leaning down honey?" You ask softly, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach, yes beetlejuice has kissed you more times then you could remember, and yes, youd be lying if you didnt enjoy them, but taking the lead? That was new, and to have someone watching? Not to mention if you dont make this look good he's gonna take beetlejuice away.
Beetlejuice on the other was practically glowing pink, and vibrating with excitment, not to mention drooling.
You gently cup the demons face, running your thumbs across his stubble, you swore you could hear the demon purring, you take a deep breath through your nose before closing the gap between the two of you.
Beetlejuice's hands find homes for themselves, on in your hair, the other on the center of your back. Your hands move from the demon's face and bury themselves in his messy hair, gently giving his head a scratch, you squeak with surprise as the ghoul lifts you up from the ground, instinct kicks in nd you wrap you legs around his waist, lips still locked with his, you feel his tongue probing at you mouth, begging for your permission to enter, you oblige, his tongue wasnt new to you, you felt it a handful of times, running up the side of your face when the ghoul was trying to get your attention mostly, but in your mouth?
It was long, and big, and kind of cold, it easily took the lead, exploring your mouth.
You push on Beetlejuice's chest to notify him you needed to breath, the two of pull your lips part from each others, a thin line of saliva still connecting the two of you.
"Oh Lawrence" you sigh
The demon now completely electric pink, still holding you up growls before asking "couch?"
You hum out "yes"
Before the ghoul flops backwards on the couch, having you sit on top of him, you give his tie a quick yank and he groans in response.
"Oh doll, you're lucky you dont work tomorrow, cuz I want you to ride me all night~"
The two of you freeze for a moment, beetlejuice snickers at your face, clearly embarrassed, you pause for a moment, swallowing your shame before addressing the ghoul who was still here
"You're still here?" Was all you manged to breath out
"I mean I'm into it, but y/n? Not so much, and they clearly arent into you watching so" beetlejuice snorts, trying to wave the skeleton off so the demon could relax.
"I see, y/n you clearly are attracted to him, and understand all the consequences of marrying the dead, I declare that Lawrence B Shoggoth was, in fact, telling the truth, this should be a holiday, such a rare occasion" the skeleton trailed off as he walked into the netherworld, you only watched as he vanished and the walls of your little apartment rearranged themselves like it never happened.
You sat top beetlejuice for a moment, sighing over dodging the bullet of losing your, very dear friend, you may or may not be head over heels for.
You're reminded of where you were sitting  with a familiar pinch on your butt.
"Hey honey~" the ghoul purrs
You jerk up at recalling the situation you're in, beetlejuice groans at you movement
"Careful sweets, keep moving like that and you'll turn this semi into a boner" he snorts out a chuckle.
You're quick to get off the demon, though he did grunt in protest, before sitting back up and pulling a couch cushion over his lap, despite how crude he was, he did have SOME common courtesy.
As much fun as it would have been for the demon to tease you on your rather hot actions, he noticed how your attention wasnt on him, rather then you were staring at the wall that was once the door to the netherworld.
"So we did it?" Was all you seemed to whisper
"Yup, I got to hand it to you babes, you did quite a good job fooling that stiff"
You turn back to the demon and give him a soft smile feeling completely relieved.
"You know it's funny y/n, you're a terrible liar, and you sure as hell cant act, you got way too many tells, but yet, I didnt see a single twitch nor did I hear a single stutter, why's that?~" you knew that tone oh too well, it was the 'I know something embarrassing about you' tone, it was smug yet made your legs turn to jelly.
"I guess when it comes down to really important stuff i guess i can-" you stammer while fiddling with the hem of your shirt
"I dont think so dolly" beej was quick to interrupt "babes, you've been wearing my jacket the whole time, I've seen you keep glancing down at the ring, and fuck me, the amount of fire in that kiss, someone like you cant fake that" 
You refuse to look his way, this was one hell.of a way to come clean with your feelings, a heavy silence fills the room, though you're pretty sure beetlejuice could hear your heart pounding away.
As if the ghoul could sense your discomfort, he sighs "ya know babes, it's pretty late, and breathers need to sleep, so how bout you head back to bed and I'll finish grilling you in the morning"
Glancing back at beetlejuice you could see the flicks of purple appearing in the pink mess of his hair, you give the ghouls half hearted smile, as you go to take off the jacket he raising his hand motioning you to stop
"Its gonna be cold tonight babes, how bout you keep it warm for me?"
"Oh, alright, night Bee, glad I could help you" you wave off as you head to your bedroom to over think what just happened.
Beetlejuice groans when he hears the familiar sound of your bedroom door closing, he was so close to getting a real confession out of you, but tomorrow morning is gonna be pretty dangerous for you,  he sighs removing the pillow from his lap, he had a more pressing matter to attend too, and with your taste on his tongue and the beautiful imagine of you on top of him yanking at his tie, this 'problem' wont take long to deal with.
The next morning was quite awkward, beetlejuice wasnt kidding about grilling you in the morning, but at least what felt like an interrogation last night, now felt like childish teasing
"Bee, can I ask you something about last night?"
The ghoul beams with excitement at your question "anything you want babes"
"If we would have failed, what would have happened to you, you said you would have been dragged back to the netherworld and" you pause hoping the ghoul would fill in
"Oh, yeah, if we would have got caught I would have had to spend a week in the netherworld with my mother fixing this paperwork and just being chewed out, a nightmare babes, we dodged a bullet" he raises his hand for a high five as if to congratulate you on helping him out
"What, I'm sorry what"
Beetlejuice lowers his hand and frowns at your response
"Beetlejuice I was worried sick, I thought they were gonna take you away forever, i was terrified if i fuck up I'd never see you again, like what am i supposed to do without you?! I dont want you to leave me" you practically screamed
Beetlejuice only started at you, slowly soaking in what you said
'I dont want you to leave me'
His blank stare slowly shifts to a smile, flicks of pink appearing in his hair "dont worry sugar, you're stuck with me"
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sailorshadzter · 3 years
a random one shot in which i twist the entire plot of game of thrones just because i can.
inspired by the prompt: a kiss to your lover's knuckle before a dance.
dont ask me how THIS came from that, it just did LOL
He finds her among the others, dressed in a silk gown of sapphire, made from a bolt of fabric he'd left in her rooms several weeks before. She's laughing, rosy lips curving as she pivots ever so slight, just enough that their eyes find each other's. Her laugh does not fade, but her eyes darken, pink tongue escaping to moisten those lips that only the night before had agonized him in the best of ways. "Your grace," Robb Stark says as he approaches, bowing low before Jon as he falls into place before them. She on the other hand does not move, not at first, smiling as if she holds onto a secret before she sinks into a curtsy, though she never once pulls her eyes from his face.
The Stark siblings have been South for nearly six months now, having arrived at the start of the new year. It was mostly out of peace between their kingdoms- once, their fathers had been at war- now, the sons have taken over and such a war had not been theirs to fight. Cousins by blood, neither Jon nor Robb had wished to shed another drop of family blood. And truth be told, neither had their fragile, broken nations. And so it was peace that was brokered, easily at that, and both Robb, the King in the North, and his sister and heir, Sansa, had come to King's Landing as Jon's honored guests.
"I thought I might dance with the lady," Jon says, beckoning towards Sansa who at least has the grace to blush. Robb casts a glance towards her and then grins as he turns back to Jon. Nodding with approval, he bows again before he makes his way through the crowd, only stopping when he catches sight of the lovely Margaery Tyrell who shines in pale gold damask, a single red rose tucked into the high coils of her hair. Reaching for her hand, he brings it close to his lips, brushing a soft kiss to her knuckles. Such a gesture sends shivers down her spine. "You look beautiful," he says as the music begins again, a slower tune that brings them closer together. They're both aware of the eyes that watch them, the King and the heir to the North, though they pay little mind of any of them watching. Her hand is small and warm in his, while her other hand dares to brush across the nape of his neck. That is what matters, that feeling her touch gives him. "That dress is most becoming."
She laughs, soft and twinkling, and once again those lips curve with a smile. "It is only because of this fine silk," she insists, though even she has been unable to do little else but admire the gown she's crafted for this night. Though quite unlike the styles of the North, she has retained some of her roots, for her red hair remains woven into braids, although it shimmers with a gem covered netting gifted to her by Margaery. That and the pendant she wears around her neck was stamped with her House sigil, worn once by her own father.
He twirls her out and then back in, closer than ever before, though she's uncertain as to how they could ever be closer. But then she snickers, recalling in fact, they could be much closer. As if Jon senses what she's thinking, it's his turn to chuckle, dipping his head down low, so close that his breath tickles her ear as he whispers what he's thought many times that evening. "I do wonder what it looks like upon the floor of my chamber, though." She blushes deep to the core of her hair, but she's breathless all the same. She likes it and he knows it. He loves that she likes it, truthfully.
Sansa Stark had come to King's Landing after a dark, somber period in her life. Once the spoiled, pampered princess of the North, she had been left alone in Winterfell with her youngest siblings, protected by the bitter cold and a small armed force. While her father had been in King's Landing, plotting against Jon's father, Rhaegar Targaryen, her mother had been with Robb on their way to join Ned in the South. What could not protect Sansa nor her siblings was the traitor Bolton House, that swept in upon hearing of Ned's death in battle and took Winterfell for themselves. Sansa was locked away in chambers and never again saw her siblings- Arya lost to the Northern wilderness, the boys certainly smothered in their chambers while they slept.
When Jon's father and Robert Baratheon was found dead after the last fight in what would now be called Robert's Rebellion- he and Robb met on the battlefield. It was Jon who spoke of peace and Robb who asked for nothing but to have help saving his sister from the unspeakable suffering she endured while held prisoner by Ramsay, the bastard born son of Roose Bolton. And save Sansa they had. Riding in at the head of an army, Robb and Jon swooped in and took Winterfell back in the name of House Stark.
Back then, she had worn her black gowns as armor, keeping to herself for the first few weeks of their arrival. Jon had assigned to her a few handmaidens and one in particular, Shae, certainly had found her place as Sansa's confidante. And then there was Margaery Tyrell, the beautiful and wealthy heiress to the Tyrell family. She had been the first to bring Sansa from her shell, the first person Jon had seen make her smile in the first six weeks of her stay. And then... One day... One day she had found him, all alone, in the quietest corner of the massive gardens. She had blushed, stammering an apology, turning to go before Jon could stop her. Two weeks later, they met again in similar fashion, though this time it had been Jon who happened upon her. They met here among the flowers nearly every day after that, hidden from prying eyes by rose bushes and fauna of the brightest green, side by side on the small stone bench.
That simple stone bench had been the place of their first kiss, a soft kiss that left him tingling long after she'd gone. Jon can't really remember when he'd begun to realize the depth of his feelings, but it was sometime between her falling in love with Ghost and Ghost with her, he really never could figure out which came first. But in truth, seeing her sink to the floor in his chambers to hug his neck, or to find the wolf asleep in her bed was all he'd needed to know the truth of how he felt. He loved her. He loved her beyond anything else in his entire life.
"The song is over..." It's her whispering and he jolts back to reality, realizing that indeed the song has ended and they still yet stand together. Springing apart, Jon offers her a most regal bow, his hand reaching for hers as he had done at the beginning. "Jon..." She calls him by name as the music strikes up another tune, this one quicker, though neither of them are thinking of dancing now.
"Meet me, in our usual spot," he murmurs over her knuckles before he drops her hand and disappears into the crowd. Sansa remains where she stands for several long moments more, her hand still yet warm where his lips had touched.
[ x x x ]
He hears her footsteps as she approaches.
There on the stone bench, he waits in silence for her, knowing without a doubt that she would come. She does not hesitate as she once might have, rather she sinks into her place at his side, silk skirts rustling with her movements. From above, the clouds shift, exposing her to the moon's pale light- though he cannot believe it, she's even far more beautiful with moonlight woven into her hair. He swallows, reaching out, hesitantly, to trace the length of her jaw with trembling fingers. "Jon..." Once again she calls him by his name and her hand reaches up, taking hold of his. This alone is enough to comfort him, to give him a sense of courage he's not even felt in battle before.
"Marry me," he says these words simply, without the hesitation from moment's before. She blinks, staring at him as if she's not heard him correctly. Before she can say a word, he's falling down to a knee before her, there on the stone bench, still yet clutching her hand. "Marry me, Sansa," he goes on, smiling up at her, those blue eyes wide in her ivory features. "It is the one thing in this life I have ever wanted-" to be a prince and then a king? It was not his first choice in life, but if he was going to do it... He wanted it to be with a woman he truly loved at his side. And despite the short time he's known her, he knows there can be no other. That there would never be another. This was not a king asking a princess, a noble, it was a man asking a woman. Nothing more, nothing less.
She cannot believe him when he speaks and yet... His dark eyed stare is so poignant, his words so very heartfelt. And truth be told, her her skips a beat at the realization of what he's asked of her. To marry him... To be his wife... Was it not what she dreamed of, if only in the privacy of her own mind? There is a warmth spreading through her and she finds herself to be nodding, over and over again nodding as she smiles brighter than she's ever smiled in all of her life. And then finally... She says what he's been waiting for.
When he rises up, she rises along with him, her heart singing as his hands slide into place against her cheeks. He could have spent forever right there in those gardens with her, if only time would allow. But he knows soon they must return to the ball and then to a new life they would build for themselves.
A happy world, a perfect world.
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fireemblems24 · 4 years
hey if you uh 👀 wanna share that essay on dimitri 👀 i'm sure more than one of us will be happy to read it... 👀👀👀 (dont mean to pressure you or anything! just joking around but in all seriousness your metas are 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼)
This feels a bit like someone asking me to indulge in my favorite food.
I’m a bit stuck right now with no new content for Dimitri, and with that shocking personality turn, I’m dying to know where this all goes, and you bet there will be some massive Dimitri analysis coming. 
But for a “short” breakdown of why he’s my favorite so far:
He’s that kind, empathetic, diplomatic lord I always go for, but avoids being too vanilla because he’s allowed to have faults. It’s also so nice to see a character who goes through trauma and see it realistically affect them, and not just in a romantic tool kind of way either. You see it in literally everything Dimitri does and how he interacts with everyone. It’s an excellent case of “tragic backstory” done right.
It’s almost unfair how many complex relationships Dimitri has on the other main characters. It takes the Byleth pandering edge off a lot when he’s got these deep, rich connections to Felix, Dedue, Ingrid, Rodrigue, Sylvain, Gilbert, and even Annette and Catherine. It’s such a leg up on the other main characters that he gets to skip over awkward intro C-Supports and jump right into the drama. 
He surprises you. I fully expected Dimitri to be kind of boring, but instead he just made me . . . fall in love with him? Like, I’m closer to 30 than 20. I have not done this over a character since high school. Like what is this?
The trauma is interesting and well-done and all, but even without it Dimitri’s a character who I would’ve gone for. He’s so awkwardly adorable and gets so easily excited when you talk about his favorite sword or whatever. But then he’s also so composed and confident at times.  
I also love how traditionally “feminine” his strengths are. He’s kind, empathetic, wants to compromise rather than punch his way through his problems, and he’s still totally a guy. Many times these “softer” male characters are written super feminine, but it’s nice to see these traits in a character who is still traditionally masculine. It’s refreshing because it shows these things don’t have to be one or the other. You can be a guy’s guy and still be emotional, considerate, and caring. Like his hobbies are swordplay and sowing, and he’s allowed to just like both and no one makes a big deal of it one way or the other.
Dimitri embraces his leadership role. You can tell it takes a toll on him, and that he’d probably really rather not have to take on all this burden. But he does. I’m so sick of entitled leader characters play the “but I never ASKED to be XXXX!!!” Dimitri just embraces it and wants to use it to help others. For all of Dimitri’s trauma and how center-stage it takes, you literally never hear this guy complain about anything. The headaches? You know know because of Felix and Dedue. Same with the sleeplessness. Dimitri never says a word because he’s just so ingrained to take on all the burdens and lead everyone else. It’s to an unhealthy level, but oh my God it’s so refreshing after dealing with so many heirs and chosen ones that come across like spoiled brats. 
There’s a few key moments in the story that Dimtiri really stuck out to me too. 
Post-Lonato - This was the scene where his character really caught my attention. So often fantasy glorifies war. Kings and chosen ones fight for their ideals against some dark overlord and it’s all rah, rah!!! And it’s all good and fun, but I can’t ever help but wonder what any of these stories look like from the common man’s POV. Dimitri gets that. He’s not about some high and might cause. He’s always focused on how the common man is getting hurt by their leaders. He does this with Miklain too. Of all the lords, he’s the only one who noticed how Miklain mistreated all the nearby commoners. That was what he talked about. It’s what he’s always talked about. And it really resonates with me. Leader characters with admirable ordeals are a dime a dozen when you read as much fantasy and historical fiction as I do, but ones who set that all aside and their ultimate goal is to serve the people - now that’s interesting. 
Post-Jeralt - This was one of the few times I felt kind of self-inserted in the game. I don’t care too much for Byleth or Jeralt. But after Jeralt did his thing, I got Edelgard’s harsh treatment, than Claude’s complete disregard, and I was honestly feeling so put out. I really expected the game to play this up given how much they love to pander to Byleth. I was especially shocked to see Edelgard be so dismissive of Byleth’s feelings when she’s so hung up on Byleth. It’s like Claude and Edelgard ask so much from Byleth - both openly wanting to use Byleth to achieve their own goals - and the single time Byleth shows weakness, is faltering, neither care enough to bother. By the time I got to Dimitri, I expected nothing. But when he showed up instead of Alois (sooner than the other two), I was a bit taken off guard. And then I finally got to see someone really care about Byleth for Byleth’s sake, and not only what they thought Byleth could end up doing for them later. He was so kind and considerate. He didn’t belittle Byleth for grieving, he offered to cover for anything Byleth needed. And it really got to me, because we’ve all been there. We have people we think we’re good friends with, but when you need them they’re just . . . not there. And then that one person who is there just really ends up sticking out so much more. 
I really expect this list to get so much longer after seeing the time skip. He’s clearly going to get some massive character development, and I’m so excited to see all the sides of Dimitri explored - even - especially - the not so good ones. So it’s slightly torturous that I’m stuck replaying the route I saved over and not seeing anything new and smarts even worse because Dimitri’s (and Dedue who coincidentally is another favorite) are literally the only characters I’ve seen 0 final supports for and I’m just . . . really dying over here. 
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