#when i post it
naffeclipse · 1 month
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nanzznanzz · 5 months
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Wip of the gayest Zelda boss 😍!!! Ugly background jumpscare warning
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sepherinaspoppies · 8 months
Only If For A Night (last sneak peek)
“I’m so close,” Aemond panted, his warm breath fanning her sweat filled face. This was the time where he was the most vulnerable, oblivious to what she had in mind. 
She rolled her hips faster and harder. The canopy could have broken just at the speed she was going in, but she paid no mind to it; it was the least of her worries. 
Once Aemond’s hands gripped the fleshy meat of her hips, she grabbed ahold of his jaw, sealing her lips with his own. Aemond was surprised at first, but he soon relaxed into the kiss and his peak washed over him like a harsh tide. 
As her hand trailed up from his chest, she grabbed the empty wine bottle from the nightstand and wholeheartedly smashed the base of the glass into his blind side. 
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This is a snippet from the poly fic I'm currently writing
I'm trying really hard not to get too excited and post it as I go, because for once I'd like to have everything planned before I upload, just so I don't procrastinate and leave the fic unfinished forever
“Dude, shoes,” Steve says, exasperated.
Tommy tsks and plops down on the loveseat beside Billy before he kicks his sneakers off. They flop on the carpet, askew, and Steve grumbles as he grabs them to stow in the entryway. Clearly having had his fill of Hagan’s shenanigans for the evening, if the way that his brows are pinched together is any indication.
Just watching the two of them interact drains Billy’s social bar faster than a mosquito can leave a bite.
“He’s such a nag,” Tommy murmurs. Passes Billy a beer before he sinks into his seat, unbothered by the fact that their shoulders are smushed together. “Should’a thrown a shoe at his head.”
Billy snickers. Sips his lukewarm beer and grimaces a little just as Steve wanders back into the room.
“Want me to get you a cold one?” he asks.
Before the blond can answer, his beer is being nabbed from his hand, and Steve is smacking Tommy over the head as he walks past. Tommy huffs, clearing his throat and sitting up to cough into his fist.
“Fuck was that for?”
“Guests get cold drinks, not ones off the garage floor.”
“I’m a guest too,” Tommy pouts.
He sinks into the cushions more, knee bumping against Billy’s as his shirt bunches up like a toddler’s would when sliding out of a carseat. Shows a sliver of his freckled stomach.
Billy looks at the ceiling.
“Yeah, but you’re over too often.”
The garage door swings open. There’s the faint clack of bottles before Steve is returning and handing Billy a fresh one, the glass slick with cool condensation as it greets his palm. Rather than sitting in the recliner or even the sofa, Steve settles on the coffee table directly in front of the loveseat. Takes a swig out of Billy’s old beer and leans back on his hand.
“So he’s special and I’m not?” Tommy asks.
“Mhm.” Steve glances at Billy over his beer and winks. “Special boys get cold beers. Always.”
“That’s fucked up. I don’t have fridge privileges anymore?”
“I’ll consider giving them back if you start leaving your shoes by the door. Sound fair?”
Tommy seems to consider for a moment. Billy can’t even see his face, he’s slouching down so far.
He must have a goofy expression, because Steve spreads a grin.
The sight stirs something warm in the pit of Billy’s stomach. Makes his insides feel sunkissed, like if he were to open his mouth, light would pour out. It gets worse when Tommy pushes closer into his side in an effort to sit back up. Halfway through, he stops. Stays smushed against Billy at an angle and lolls his head against his shoulder.
“‘Kay, but you have to put ‘em back on me when I leave.”
“I’m not doing that.”
“Would you do it for Billy?”
Steve huffs amusedly and takes another sip.
“He wears boots.”
“Well, they’re easier to put on than chucks.”
“How? They have like a hundred more laces.”
Billy shakes his head as the two continue arguing. He finishes his beer first, leaning forward to push himself up out of his seat to go dispose of the bottle. Only stops because Tommy makes a noise of displeasure when he moves.
“Hmm?” Billy hums, and it’s soft.
Too soft.
That doesn’t phase Tommy in the slightest, if anything he presses closer. Loops his arm around Billy’s and drags him back into his seat so he can nuzzle against him.
This isn’t out of the norm. He gets clingy at random, will find excuses to touch Billy or Steve. Usually Steve. Usually drunk. Or high. Or some mix between the two.
Two and a half sips of beer doesn’t even qualify as tipsy, and yet, here he is. Cuddling into Billy’s side like he’s mistaken him for Carol-shaped. Or, hell, even Steve-shaped.
“You’re gonna leave if you get up,” Tommy murmurs.
Billy fiddles with the bottle. Glances at Steve, who shrugs and nods.
“One and done, right?” he says.
And, sure, Billy’s been turning in for the night a little early lately, but it’s not because he’s a buzzkill. It’s because he’s been having to cover for Munson at work and drive Max to school. And.
He’s a fucking buzzkill.
Billy shrugs out of Tommy’s hold and instead drapes his arm around his shoulders, allowing for the brunet to curl closer.
“Keep the beers comin’ and I’ll stay as long as you’ll have me.”
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floofballsammy · 11 months
So, after having a few days to calm down from my hype and actually process everything, I'm ready to give my (NON SPOILER) thoughts on the FNaF movie. Spoiler thoughts will be in a seperate post.
[Cutting it off because this is a bit long and I dont want to clutter your timeline! :D]
My overall outlook on this movie is still very positive. I really liked it, and that's not just the hype speaking. I went in with practically no expectations, only having watched Matpat analyse the first trailer (to have atleast some idea of what i'm getting into) and was pleasently surprised in the end. And honestly I think that was the best way to approach this movie.
Yeah, I've waited 8 years for this movie, yeah, FNaF is a big franchise, but it's still, well, FNaF. We weren't gonna get some expertly crafted story that will change our lives forever. Not to mention we've also been so desensitized to dead kids and murder that this specific horror aspect will be somewhat underwhelming for us. So I admit, I was a bit worried where they were gonna take this at first. But they took (in my opinion) the best route, with a simpler story and some good jumpscares mixed in. Ya know, Classic FNaF 1.
This movie was clearly made with lots of genuine passion and love for the franchise. And it's really charming. The decision to go for actual suits and props rather than CGI was the best decision they could have made. The animatronics looked stunning and were a nice change of pace from other movies.
The referrences were also fun! I caught a lot on my first watch, but there are definetly some I missed. The movie also doesnt use these as a selling point or hinges on then, which actually let me focus on the movie itself.
But how is it for non FNaF fans? Good question! I went in with both someone who is a big fan and someone who barely played the first game. Later also meet some people who had only surface level FNaF knowledge. We all generally liked it. The plot wasnt hard to follow along and doesnt require any former knowledge. It all gets explained in the movie, fans will just pick up on things or come to conclusions quicker than non fans. But it's never alienating. So, new fans or non fnaf fans can watch it without having to stress over learning the lore.
All in all, it was a good movie. I went in expecting a FNaF movie and got a FNaF movie. It's not the best movie I've ever seen, but a movie I really like and will positively stay in my mind for a long while. Definetly one of my favourites.
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luckybyler · 2 years
I'm doing a little something for Byler Week. It's neither a fic nor a drawing/illustration, but A Secret Third Thing.
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its-arson-time · 5 months
this post is meant for mobile users
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nikrei · 4 months
I keep seeing people use this image as a reaction to people's original posts:
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Which I think is really incorrect, because with an original post they haven't come up to ur window, u've come up to their window.
So I made this, as a more accurate reaction for original posts:
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theredtours · 6 months
why yes I AM making boop gifs from screen recording
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fosliie · 27 days
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College roommates, lab partners, to basically married pipeline
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karda · 1 month
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taffy-glitch · 9 months
it should be illegal to put ads in apps or sites for solitaire or picross or sudoku tbh. playing classic puzzle games uninterrupted needs to be a HUMAN RIGHT
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doccywhomst · 9 months
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burntblueberrywaffles · 8 months
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[I.D. an edited version of the "is this a pigeon" meme. A man with glasses, captioned "my overstimulated ass" points at a butterfly, captioned "someone making an annoying noise". At the bottom of the image, a dialogue caption reads "is this a crime deserving the death sentence?" end I.D.]
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sunbloomdew · 1 year
do you ever see a person and you are overcome with incredible fondness? and you just think "oh." but not in a romantic or sexual way you are just filled with warmth and it makes you happy, it just does. and you think "i'm so happy you exist. i'm happy you are somewhere out there in the world, doing your thing". it's love but also not entirely
like people are lovely and i feel it in my entire chest like a burning candle that smells like roses and a sunny day
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violent138 · 8 months
Starting to think a cooler headcanon for Clark’s upbringing might just be that the entire town of Smallville collectively decided to just go with it and accept that Martha and John's kid has superpowers, but we don't talk about it.
Someone's tractor gets stuck and nothing can get it out? "Be a dear and run down to the Kents, would you? Ask for Clark?"
"Why Clark, we need a machine--"
"Run along now."
Or if he kicks too hard and the football vanishes into the upper stratosphere, no it didn't, we all collectively saw it land over there *vague hand movements*
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