#meets unstoppable force and they are gonna BLOW EACH OTHER UP
cream-and-tea · 2 months
the thing about danny and apollinaire’s relationship that is vital to understanding burn the stars is that making those two fall in love was the worst thing i could’ve done to either of them
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wallylinda · 2 years
Kyle and Wally are great fun because like they are like the opposite of Barry and Hal, but Hal is a ghost to as to why Wally “hated” Kyle and Kyle wasn’t actually gonna take his shit because Kyle has a lot of faults but taking someone’s crap really isn’t one of them. But they are also like still on the road to becoming actual friends, Kyle is still probably a better friend for Wally because idk it’s a relationship he made as a adult without any baggage of any titans bullshit. And like Hartley, Kyle is fully ready to tell him he’s being an idiot.
Unmovable object vs unstoppable force basically.
(I also find it funny that in the second gen flash-gl-arrow trio. It’s the flash and gl who butt heads, while the arrow tells them off. Oh and the arrow and gl who are kissy kissy lmao not canon but should have been.)
Even without the added baggage of Wally's "you've essentially replaced my Uncle figure and I have so many unresolved issues relating to my Uncles," I'm 100% certain that Kyle and Wally would still be antagonistic friends. Wally, meaning to or not, is rather patronizing to those he deems less experienced or younger to him, probably because he considers his own younger self to be incompetent (i.e. more unresolved issues surrounding the guilt over not being able to save his Uncle). Kyle in turn chafes at being considered irresponsible or kiddish and honestly has a bit of a hair-trigger temper when his buttons are pressed. What a great combination.
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Justice League: A Midsummer's Nightmare #2
For added proof: Kyle and Wally have their memories of being superheroes erased, and upon their "first" meeting, immediately blow up at each other. However, they’re also mature enough to let bygones be bygones and genuinely do have a lot in common once they get past their first disastrous impressions of each other.
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JLA (1999) #66
Which is how you have scenes like the above where you can clearly tell that they care about the other! They’re best friends but neither of them would ever admit it out loud unless they’re on their death bed.
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jamiedc-they-them · 3 years
Being the SHIELD ladies’ best friend would include:
You meet her when she is named Skye.
There is, almost, an innocence to her. One that you want to help keep for as long as you can. So, you play the better cop, not being too aggressive to her. Your kind.
She looks at you without the hardened, protective gaze. It almost softens a little at you.
Seems the term fast friends just got an upgrade
As you go on the mission to get Mike, you go with her to the van. Sadly, to be knocked out.
As Mike orders her to drive, she asks him, “Y/N is ok, right?”
Mike is perplexed but assures her you’re ok.
When you find her at the station, you are quick to intervene and protect her.
When the whole situation is delt with, you go with her and Coulson to make sure Ace is ok.
She then pulls you aside when you arrive to the hanger: “Can you…can you help me unpack the van?”
You accept. Wanting to make her entrance to this crazy, crazy world of SHIELD as seamless as possible.
You give her a sad smile when she calls the van ‘home’.
Fitzsimmons get her to her room, but you visit her, making sure she is ok.
As you go on about more and more missions, you both just seem to act like you’ve been best friends for years.
You can tell by the how attached to you she gets, that she’s always wanted a best friend.
So, you’re damn sure you’re going to make sure you’re the best one she can ask for.
It’s small gestures from both sides that make it unique; checking up on each other after training, sitting on the sofa in the living area together, not even talking, just in each others company; if one of you has a bad day, the other will check up on them.
She’s just as committed to the friendship as you are.
You get hurt on a mission one time, and she sits by you, pretty much blowing off training to stay by your side as you recover.
Ward, in any other situation, would be pissed, but he lets it slide.
She gets you anything you need for recovery, even doing extra training to make sure it doesn’t happen to you again.
“Y/N wouldn’t of been hurt if I had been there to have their back.”
“Skye, it wasn’t your –”
“I know, Ward. It just – it sucks. Seeing someone you care about get hurt like that. I’m done with that.”
So, she pushes herself more and more.
You do get better. And the first thing she does is tackle you in a hug (like, as strong as the one she gave Jemma when she nearly died).
Then you find out why she joined SHIELD, to find more about her family.
You don’t say anything when she leaves Coulson’s office, just sit with her.
She holds your hand for support, and you just give it a squeeze. A silent “I’m here.”
After that day, she trusts you completely. With everything she’s got.
She makes a decision then and there, that you the sibling she’s never had.
Before you ever go off on a mission, she’s always there to see you off. She hugs you tight, just asking for you to be careful and make it back safe.
And when you do return, she hugs you just as tightly. In fact, she’s most likely waiting for you.
Then she gets hurt. She’s near death thanks to Ian Quinn.
The whole time, you don’t really register anything. You are almost on autopilot.
You don’t really remember anything; just finding her and then being in the room with Quinn and beating him senseless.
You go on the raid to save her, to find what can save her, and you’re ruthless.
When you get it and she’s deemed safe, by Jemma, you are sat by her side.
The tables are reversed, and you are covered in blood that isn’t your own, but you don’t care.
Coulson, however, does make you clean yourself up. If not for yourself, than for Skye.
When she wakes, you’re asleep by her side.
She smiles, both at your adorably, vulnerable state, and about how you stayed with her.
She grabs your hand that is on the railing, knowing that you are tactile. With hugs, and what not.
It wakes you up, but you calm down once you see it’s her.
You sit for hours, talking and catching up. You smile so big; your best friend is back alive.
You see how she throws herself into training more and more now.
You both seem to; both out of a general want to be better as an agent, but also to fight better together when it comes to that time.
It just so happens, that she is able to beat you in one of your fights. And you are so damn proud of her.
When Skye gets her badge, you hang back, waiting until it is just the two of you.
You hug her. It’s silent, but there are no words needed.
Then SHIELD collapses.
You’re separated from her when it happens; she goes with Ward, you go with Coulson and the others.
You get a bit banged up in the fight, but make it out.
She approaches you, worry in her eyes as to what is going on and how you are handling it.
After all, you’re whole world has just gone up in flames.
You are tearful in this moment, and she wraps her arms around you, just holding you tight.
The roles are almost flipped at this point.
Now, she is the one who keeps an extra eye on you.
She see’s that you’re repressing some of this, taking out other parts of it on the team and HYDRA.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” She tells you when she takes your badge.
“It’s not your fault, Skye.”
“I know. But, we’re gonna fix it.” She assures you. And there is a firmness in her tone. One that you so desperately want to believe.
As the others go out on the mission to find the escape convicts, you stay with Skye.
Actually, it’s more by her own insistence.
“Y/N is one of my best agents, Skye.” Coulson says.
“I understand that, sir. But…they need a break.” She argues.
Coulson admits the point she has, and so orders you to stay.
That, however, gets you stabbed by Grant Ward.
He leaves you for dead, but does tell you he has left you with a chance.
When Skye finds Eric, her next thought is you. Especially after seeing the message Fitz leaves behind.
However, before she can get to you, she sees Ward.
“W-Where’s Y/N?” She asks, trying to stop the tremor in her voice.
“They’re fine. They said they’d hold down the fort while we go.” Ward says.
She goes to say more, but knows that it’ll raise suspicion.
She leaves with him, but her worry for you only continues as they take off and leave.
Ward then comes clean, in a slip up.
“And Y/N?”
“I gave them a chance, Skye! What they do with it is up to them!” He roars, but then realises his mistake.
“—What?” She asks, shocked.
“I—I did what I had to do. But, I gave them a chance. Me and them? We’re survivors. It’s what we do.” He’s saying it to make himself believe it.
When she gets away and goes to the motel, Jemma tells her where you are.
She goes to your room, seeing you sat on your bed.
She doesn’t know whether to run and hug you, or just sit next to you.
She sits next to you, looking at the wound he has left behind.
If you were spiraling before, this would be the climax of that.
She sees how shattered you are. How much this has worn you out.
So, she does the only thing she can, she grabs your hand and stays with you.
You know you are on your own know with taking HYDRA down. But, you have each other.
When it comes to the endgame, you are with her. And you both confront Ward, together.
“Y/N, I mean it when I say this, it’s good to see you.” Ward says, with some scincerity in his voice.
“You don’t get to say that to them. You just look at me, Ward.” Skye spits, putting herself in front of you more as a shield (ha).
Ward is almost impressed. But, you knew she would make a good agent.
Now you were together, SHIELD partners.
You both get Ace out together.
As time goes in, Skye see’s a difference in you.
You’ve become more determined. You’ve almost become a shell of who you were.
You throw yourself into work more. You don’t talk as much. You’re almost dead serious now.
Skye, knowing that confronting you won’t work, does other things to show her support for you:
Be that leaving food outside your room, staying up late to make sure you’re ok, radioing you when available for a talk (or sometimes so she can vent about something and just have you listen).
She starts to get you out of that shell a bit, with going on missions with you and keeping an eye on you.
Then she meets her father, and now she has a choice: SHIELD or her father.
When She confronts Raina, you run into the tomb with Tripp.
It becomes his. But you’re lucky.
She has the player to push away with her Quaking, you pull things towards yourself.
You both get taken to the home in the middle of nowhere.
It gives you time to both get used to your powers and also get your friendship back to where it was.
And it works. It’s peaceful.
That is, until Gordan others you a place to be. And SHIELD come after for you both.
You both fight a different agent, but you’re in sync like no others. You both slam the bodies of your opponents against each other.
When the bullet goes off and she Quakes it away, she puts herself in front of you to do it, making sure it doesn’t effect you.
When she meets her mother, she swears you to secrecy and lets you know.
You promise to keep it between yourself and her.
It’s on this day that a special event occurs in your friendship.
She takes you to see her parents. At first, they think it might be a dating scenario. But she’s quick to shoot it down:
“This is Y/N…They’re pretty much my sibling.”
You get teary eyed at the admission
However, her parents (while at first, taken aback) seem to welcome you in just fine.
Now, it’s not just her caught between these people who are like the two of you, and those at home that you love.
Her parents make extra effort with you, putting in the work to get to know you.
And, in telling you Skye’s true name of Daisy, it seems the trust has been successfully found with them.
She’s ecstatic when she hears about it.
Then you go to get Lincoln back, someone who has become a friend to you.
And, like clockwork, you’re both in sync, now with your powers in the mix. You’re an unstoppable force.
However, like a rhyme, your world comes crashing down again. This time, apprantly from those you loved back at home.
It’s a mess, with certain agents wanting to take you down, and others wanting to take you in with ICERS.
Daisy Quake’s a bullet back to a agent, not even caring if it’s a kill shot.
When it comes to May, it’s a team up. And, while the woman holds her own, you both take her down.
When you’re taken in and her mother reveals her true plan, Daisy and you know you have to stop it.
So, you team up against the clones; you split them up.
As May pushes Daisy to go for her mother, you give her the nod that tells her to go.
After it’s all done, you embrace her, knowing she has now lost her two parents.
However, she shows you the plan Coulson has for the team of Inhumans:
“I want you as my second in command. Just in case something happens to me. I need you by my side, Y/N. You’re my sibling, not by blood, but by choice, and that means something to me.”
“It means a hell of a lot to me too, Dais. You need me there, I’ll be there. All the way.”
And so, you gain a third SHIELD partner of Mack, who plays big brother to you both.
It’s nice; having this family unit.
Of course, you and Daisy are as efficient as ever. If not more.
You’ve both now had time to hone your abilities and so you both kick more arse with them.
Mack swears you two have telepathy or something. With the way you both seem to know what the other will do without any verbal need to express them before hand.
However, he loves that you both have that gift, and does find it extremely useful in the field.
As Daisy holds the portal open for Fitz, when he jumps into it, you use your power to hold everything else in place.
It nearly kills you both, something Coulson scolds you for. But, it means getting Jemma out.
You both, when being questioned by Coulson, try to comfort him.
As much as he is war mode, he makes a note of the similarities that are eery with you both.
Again, when it comes to the portal, despite how you might actually die this time, you both stay.
You’re partners, to the end.
Of course, you all get out.
It’s not long before that team you’ve been working towards is activated.
Despite some slip ups, you all get through it. With Daisy going one way, you another.
As the rest of the team leaves, Daisy pulls you aside:
“Good team, huh?”
“Gotta admit, they aren’t bad.”
“I’m proud of you, Y/N. And, thanks for having my back.”
“Of course, Daisy. Where you go, I go, right?” She nods.
“Where you go, I go.”
….Then, Hive happens.
You feel the shakes, quickly darting out of your room.
However, it’s Mack who stops you, proclaiming that you’d only get yourself killed.
You, like Coulson, are desperate for anything that can get her back.
When out, chasing a lead, you run into her.
It’s a grizzly fight. It’s not SHIELD approved at all. It’s almost like a street fight with the moves.
It’s not clean. It’s filled with emotion; hate, love, worry.
In the end, she pins you down:
“Stay out of this, Y/N. I’ve told him to leave you alone for now. But, don’t push it. I’m only trying to help you!”
“By pinning me to the ground?”
“By keeping you alive. I’m not losing you, Y/N.”
When she hurts Mack, you desperately try to make yourself not be mad at her.
Hell, even Jemma talks to you about it.
“It’s ok if you are angry, Y/N. She’s my friend too, but…It’s ok to be hurt by this.”
And so, you let yourself be.
You let yourself feel the pain of losing your best friend; your sister in all but blood.
Then she’s back and it’s…different.
She’s drained. It’s almost like seeing how you were after SHIELD fell.
You know that seeing her would do no good for her, so you keep your distance.
You show your support mainly through bringing food.
It’s the small gestures that count.
When it comes to the final fight, you have to hold her back when she goes to stop Lincoln.
She fights against you, but finally tires herself out and instead runs for the radio.
You can only watch as your best friend breaks down completely.
You do, later, in private. At all you’ve been through in the short few years after meeting her.
However, if leaving her to her own devices caused this, you are going to fix that.
So, when she goes to get into her van, she pauses when she see’s you in the driver’s seat:
“What the hell?” She’s angry.
“You really think I’d let you do this alone?”
“I’m not letting you get hurt by another one of my mistakes –”
“I already am hurt by all this, Daisy. I shouldn’t have let you alone.”
So, you both become two majorly depressed, borderline suicidal friends that either ignore your pain or use it to fuel yourself.
You both hurt from one majorly similar thing, and a different thing;
For you, it’s not blame for not doing enough; for Daisy, the team, and Lincoln.
For Daisy, it’s causing you and the rest that pain.
There’s an unwritten rule; don’t talk about it.
There’s not a lot of chatter, unless it’s about whatever “op” you’re running.
Most of the time, one of you ends up with some bad scrape.
But, you both keep pushing.
You need to stop the watch dogs, and yourselves.
When Jemma finds you both bleeding in her new house, she’s both shocked and hurt:
“Six months of nothing, and this is our hello?”
One thing she can clearly see is that you both are not in good headspaces, at all.
She told you to let yourself be hurt and feel it; she just wasn’t aware of how much hurt there truly was.
However, she has a sneaking suspicion that Daisy does know.
She teams up with you, despite knowing the damage you two are willing to put yourselves in.
When you get outed, you and Daisy share a look. You then look to Jemma, who gets ready.
As Daisy slams her hand into the floor, pushing them away, you hold out your hand and slam a few into the ground.
That is your signature move, in a way.
As you are both forced back to SHIELD, you both still only really fully trust each other. Or, rather, let yourself be around the other.
You both still push away help, despite advising the other not to do that. Ironic.
You both share a room now. Both seem to be only interested in wallowing in your darkness together.
However, as time goes on, things start to look up for you and your best friend:
You get reinstated, you get to argue your case, and you go back into the fold again.
You both also, kind of, starting asking for help when it’s desperately needed.
Granted, it’s normally motivated by one or the other being in that type of need, but still.
It’s progress
Then you, her, and Jemma all get plugged into the framework.
It’s a whole other ball game.
You died in this life, like Jemma.
In fact, that’s how Daisy finds you both, having both been in the same grave.
Her heart stopped when she saw you both were dead.
Two siblings to her, both gone, apparently.
But, you were both alive and well and came together as your own trio.
When she used to with you well on your missions for SHIELD, you do the same when she goes undercover at HYDRA.
It’s odd, as Jemma later tells you, how you both seem to constantly flip between who does things like that in your friendship.
You see that Ward is back, and this time a genuine one.
This one even apologises for what the real him did. So, that’s a bonus.
She forces him to know, but this is before she see’s he’s a good guy. It’s actually one of the things that helps her realise it
Then comes space. Jesus, space.
Kasius uses you, like Jemma, as motivation for Daisy.
And it works like a charm.
She fights, putting herself through hell just for the chance of you both making it out alive.
When it comes to the escape, you use your power to drag her opponent away from her so you can deliver a blow to the woman.
You take over for Daisy in the fight.
However, when you’re knocked down, Daisy Quakes her away.
No one fucks with her family.
When she finds out what happened to the earth, she gets told something that makes her freeze:
“Y/N Johnson was never there.”
She keeps this from you, giving you glances whenever you aren’t looking.
It’s one of the reasons she tries to give herself up.
Back on earth, she’s more cautious, yet overly protective of you.
She tries to keep you back at base as much as she can.
She always tries to play it off as needing your help with the tech (which she does fine useful), but you can tell something else is going on.
You confront on it the day before the event:
“Daisy, what’s going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, keeping me here all the time, cooped up?”
“I—I’m not.”
“You know this whole, ‘read you like a book’ thing goes two ways, right?”
You’ve got her there, “…I….” She tears up, just thinking about it.
“Just say it.” You prod, your own eyes welling up as a reaction.
She takes a moment to gulp, to prepare herself, “…I destroy the world…and no one hears from you…no one hears from you before it, or after.”
There, it’s out now.
Your breath leaves you; both at the weight of it, but also how she kept it from you.
“Y/N, I’m sorry –” She goes out to try and comfort you, but you push the hand away in anger.
“You don’t get to do that, Daisy! You don’t get to chose what I should know, and what I shouldn’t!”
“I had to protect you!” She exclaims, desperate for your to see her side of things.
“You’ve done the complete opposite.” You sneer, walking away. Your tears start dropping, as do hers.
Then, the big one occurs.
While Daisy is tortured by Fitz, you are confronted by a darker version of your best friend.
“You know she just gave you that name because she feels sorry for you. You know that, right?”
You shake your head, “That’s not true.”
“Let me guess, ‘That’s not true, that’s impossible?’ Oh, it is very possible, Y/N.”
After the encounter you have (it ends in you having to put her down), there’s a shift.
Daisy becomes more of a hard-ass leader. And you fold into yourself. Your insecurities getting to you.
It leads to you and Daisy butting heads more and more.
It never gets physical, it just gets loud.
The team have to watch as you both pretty much just yell and – at some points – tear each other to shreds.
You’re both angry; you’re both scared; you’re both tired.
However, as you all get ready to confront Talbot, she knocks on your door:
“I know this won’t make up for everything, but I am so, so, so sorry for the things I said…I know I should’ve – I should’ve done something. Especially with what bitch-me said.”
“We both said shit we want to take back. You’re right, it ain’t gonna fix it. But…I’m willing to try if you are.”
Her answer is a hug, one that seems to be the tightest and longest one you’ve shared.
After that, you both start to get to where you were.
In space, there are things that pull you back together. Be that:
Sitting together and looking at the universe,
Getting hurt on a mission and helping the other recover,
Just talking for the sake of it and for comfort.
You slowly get back to being the very tight nit friends you were.
However, despite the small gap there is at this time, one thing is for certain;
She will always have your back, just as you have her’s.
You maybe not be where your dynamic was, but you still love and care for each other.
That was never on the card for either of you: quitting the friendship.
You’ve been through too much shit to let some words pull you apart.
You take the puffs, just like herself and Jemma.
You all…well, you all cause anarchy.
When the guards appear, you and Daisy – surprisingly – do a not too bad job.
Even if she tries to warn you right as you get it (it’s the thought that counts)
You are both confronted with someone that used to be a father figure to you both. And it throws you both for a loop.
Daisy walks out, and you are quick to follow; A) to check on her; and B) Because it freaks you out too.
You both try to avoid the elephant in the room, but you both soon find yourself on the truck together with May.
It’s not idea, but you’d rather go through this weird ass shit together than be apart for it.
After May’s ‘demise’ you now have that to deal with. Along with Coulson coming back.
It’s like you have swapped one parental figure for another.
You both help each other in picking out period specific clothing before exploring said period.
You both end up in the time loop, with you being tested on as well.
It’s a …weird time.
But, it leads to a lot of moments of you looking at each other in exasperation while trying to save the rest of your friends – family.
Then Kora comes around, and it’s a shock to you both.
But, you let Daisy rant as she see’s her mother and now sister for the first time.
She appreciates it hugely.
In the final battle with Malick, it’s Daisy vs Him. It’s something she has to beg to let you do.
“Daisy –”
“Y/N, I need you to trust me here. I need to do this, alright? No, keep Danny boy alive for me, alright?”
Oh, you bet your ass you teased her for her crush on Danny.
You even gave him the “don’t hurt my bestie” speech.
He did take it seriously, comically so.
Even did a scouts honour type thing.
Daisy gets tossed around a bit by him, with your power.
“Being killed by your best friend, must suck, huh?” He taunts her as she gets up.
When he has her where he wanted her, he leaned in close:
“After I’m done with you, I’m gonna make sure Y/N gets a taste of their own medicine. And, I want you to die, knowing that your ability is going to be the thing that kills your best friend.”
“Not…If…I…Have…Anything…To…Say…About it.” She says, before she releasing all the energy she has in one massive shock wave.
When Kora saves Daisy, it gets her in your good books.
You stay with Daisy, becoming a family unit with the three.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
And neither would she.
You meet Jemma when you are both young, in Primary school.
You become friends quite quick.
She’s the scientist, you’re the creative one whose more…let’s say aggressive.
You’re protective of her (not that she isn’t of you, as she is), but you’re more of the physical kind.
If someone even looks at her wrong, you’re there.
“Problem?” You’d ask them.
As the time goes on, that does get you in trouble.
She, however, waits for you whenever it lands you in that trouble.
“For goodness sake, Y/N, you’re going to get expelled at this point.” She chastises you as you leave the detention.
“Let them.”
“I’m not going to bloody let them do this. You deserve this chance, Y/N. Just…use it. For me, please.”
You are protective physically, she is in a more emotional sense.
After that day, you do try.
You both join SHIELD, just in different places; her with Science, you with the SHIELD Ops.
However, you both make sure to not lose communication. You call whenever you can.
When Coulson is recruiting for the team, he goes to you first, and that is how he just knows that Fitzsimmons will fit right in.
Oh, you know Fitz. You’ve both heard of him to no end, and also met the guy. You like him.
“Agent Y/N is one of the most promising agents, they talked highly of you, agent Simmons.” He tells her when they meet with Coulson.
“Oh, well, if it was the other way around –” She says bashfully.
“You would’ve done it too. They said that.”
It’s how you both reunite fully.
It’s a long hug, one of pure joy.
“Isn’t this exciting, Y/N? We get to be together again. You, me, and Fitz!” She’s giddy. And you can’t help but go with it.
She’s infectious.
When Skye joins, she comes to you, feeling that you are the most “normal” out of the trio.
“So, what’s their deal?”
“What do you mean?” You ask her.
“Like…are they a thing, or…?”
“As far as I know, not a thing.”
“You don’t think they should be?”
“I think Simmons will do what she thinks best for herself. I get it, though. But…I’m not gonna force her.”
“You’re a good friend.”
“She taught me how to be a good one.” Your words are honest.
Jemma always tries to keep you around when she can; be that by playing board games with you; long chats in the evening (normally with beer); or just keeping you in the lab.
She just likes having you around. It’s a comforting presence, like Fitz.
It’s normal, to her. The one thing that is in a world filled with things that aren’t normal.
With you being a field agent, you go out on the jobs.
She always worries about you.
“Please be careful?” She asks, handing you a bag with a sandwich in.
Yours isn’t as special as Fitz’s, but she still makes sure to make sure it is perfect.
You always appreciate her innocence. It’s something you want to protect.
She’s always able to see the good. You the more darker side.
It’s a balance.
You are almost in tears when she is dying from the Chitari helmet.
As everyone leaves, you stay.
“Y/N –”
“I’m not leaving.” You declare.
“Y/N, please. I don’t want the last thing you see of me being –”
“I’m not leaving, Jem.” You place your hand on the glass.
She does the same action.
When she comes back from the fall, you hug her, tightly.
“I’m here. I’m ok.” She assures you, softly whispering it in your ear.
As said, she was always better at dealing with emotional needs for other than you are.
If you do get hurt, she patches you up, but does barrate you, like she used to do in school.
“I was slow, Jem.”
“I’m not blaming you for getting hurt, I’m just saddened that you did.”
“I know, but I’m going to be. But…you’ll always be here to patch me up, right?”
She stops what she’s doing, and meets your eyes, “Always.” She promises you.
Being friends for so long and being through so much, Jemma can read you like a book.
And she can always tell when your insecurities are getting to you. Or you are anxious about a situation.
She’s sutble with her gestures:
A hand squeeze, or a hand on a knee if you’re sat at a table,
An excuse to get you out.
That sort of thing.
She loves you dearly, and just wants you to be ok.
She knows that, with the mental things, she can’t fix it.
And, she’d never tell you, but it frustrates her that she can’t.
However, she still stands by you.
You lash out at her when in an episode? She can take it. Hurt? A little, but she knows you don’t mean it.
You stay in all day? She alerts Coulson (Who takes this stuff seriously) and normally tries to spend as much time as she can with you.
She wants you to know that she’s there and that she loves you.
When the fall of SHIELD occurs, she pulls you and Fitz into a bear hug.
She see’s you’ve been hit in defending Fitz, and worries constantly about you.
“Let me look, Y/N.” She tries, but she knows how you are.
“I’m fine, Jemma.” You insist.
“Y/N, I’m serious.”
“So am I, Jemma. I’m ok, seriously. We need to clear the –”
“Y/N,” Her tone is firm, “I’m going to take you to the lab, and we’re going to look at your wound, do you understand?”
It’s the first time she’d been that firm with you.
It’s the first time you notice just how far you’re best friend has come and how much she has changed.
She’s found a confidence, but also lost a part of that innocence.
So, you let her look.
As she fixes it, she’s as gentle as always, but you can tell she’s holding a lot in.
But, she’s putting on a brave face for you.
When she’s done, you put your hands on her shoulders:
“It’s ok to cry, Jem. It’s been a long day.”
And, so, she does.
You embrace her as she does so. Letting out all this pain and confusion.
One thing she knows for sure, though, she has you. Her best friend that she’s known for – pretty much – her whole life.
And she doesn’t know what she’d do without you.
When Ward dumps them in the ocean and you’re left behind, you are fighting him in desperation.
She screams out your name as the pod goes.
It’s those agonising hours of not knowing if you’re alive or not.
When she reunites with the team, she has to deliver the news.
“Where’s Y/N?” Skye asks, not noticing your presence.
Jemma’s speech trembles, “…We don’t know.”
It’s one of the things and reasons she goes to HYDRA undercover. To find you.
And, she gets lucky. It takes a while, but she is able to find you.
You’re being held as a prisoner.
When Bobbi breaks her out, she makes sure to tell Bobbi about you.
“We need to find, Y/N!” She insists.
“I know. We will.” Bobbi assures her.
When they find you, though, you’re almost a husk at this point.
You have been drained. You look like a corpse.
“Can you shoulder them?” Bobbi asks, taking point.
Jemma helps you up, “I do.”
She encourages you the whole way, trying to coax you awake, and to stop her own worry.
She had found her best friend, in anything but a good state.
When you return, she gets you to medical.
Nothing else matters to her in this moment, just making sure your ok.
It is a long process, but they find what HYDRA have done to you.
It is gruesome, and it makes her want to vomit a few times.
It hurts her, knowing that you have been through so much and she had no power to stop it.
She, like with Fitz, has to…well, kind of adapt.
Your more jumpy now.
Whenever you do, she’s always there to help bring you back:
“It was just a door, Y/N, it’s ok.”
She makes damn sure this time to keep you in her eyes sight.
Is it a bit over protective? Yes. But, she means well.
She’s been away for so long, and everything isn’t how she left it, and so she wants to make up for lost time.
She requests to Coulson that you stay at base more, helping in the lab.
Coulson does agree to send you on missions less frequently, but does want you to see a therapist.
However, during this time, there is like zero possibility for it.
At least, until Andrew arrives.
Now, you are a bit hurt by Skye not telling you about the powers, but you do understand.
And, in one particular nasty moment, yourself and Jemma end up in a heated argument with Skye watching the whole thing.
She watches as you both just get more and more upset with the other, how you both don’t go for each other on a personal level, but with the intensity of the words you say and how you both are with being near breaking point, it comes close.
When Andrew comes in, she asks for him to help you.
He agrees, of course.
“Y/N, I’m Andrew. I know I was brought in for Skye. But, Jemma’s told me that you could use a session, too?” He says as he approaches you.
“Do I, like, have to pay for it?” It’s not meant as a joke. But, he does chuckle and shake his head.
“Not at all.”
So, you have a sitdown with him a private place, and you start to open up (it takes a few attempts from him, but he gets there).
He makes his notes, but you just vent.
You let it all out.
Jemma sits outside the room, keeping herself occupied while she waits.
When you leave, she’s there.
“Hi.” She greets, almost a bit nervous.
You give her a timid smile. And she see’s that you have been crying.
As much as she doesn’t like the look of pain you have. She is glad you’ve opened up to someone.
When “Real SHIELD” approach, some believe you have been compromised.
Jemma, in an instant, gets involved:
“Don’t you dare insist that Y/N is one of them. They’re one of the most loyal people I know. They wouldn’t just turn tail and run unlike some of you, people. Abandoning Coulson while he tries to rebuild SHIELD for…whatever your sick version is.”
She makes sure to keep you extra close when this whole thing is going down.
Anyone gives you a look, she just glares at them until they look away.
Part of her knows that you both have swapped; now she’s the physical one with protectiveness.
Slowly, as she helps ground you and assures you that you are the real SHIELD here, she see’s you start to come back, little by little.
You smile a bit more sometimes when around her or one of the team you guys can trust; you talk more.
She’s proud. So, very proud of you.
She smiles so big. It’s almost like old times with her bright smile.
By the time everything has reached it’s end point with the Inhumans in Afterlife, you go out on the field more.
But now you are in regular therapy sessions (unlike her, despite her needing it too)
However, one key event is always brought up in the session; her disappearance.
You, like Fitz, are desperate to find her.
So, you chase every lead with him.
It’s reckless, but it’s needed to get her back.
You both don’t give up. You can’t. Jemma didn’t on you when she was in HYDRA.
And, anyways, she’s your best friend. You aren’t exactly going to just walk away from this when she could be alive.
That could be keeps you going.
When you do find her, you make sure to stay with her when you can.
When she wakes from a nightmare, she see’s Fitz sat next to her, and you at the end of the bed, laid out.
Two of her favourite people in the world, staying with her.
Just as Fitz does, you listen to the voice recordings she made for you both.
Now, it’s your turn to ground her. And you do your upmost to do it.
If she jumps, your there to assure her it is nothing dangerous.
Then, Ward gets the three (You, Jemma, and Fitz) and holds you hostage.
Instead of Jemma being tortured, it is you.
Ward knows that it will break Jemma and help him get the information he wants.
She does, in the end, almost brought to tears by the fear for you and hate for Ward.
She, however, does threaten him plenty of times; just as many times as Fitz does.
When they get you back, they make sure to keep you behind them.
You and Jemma are held in the tent as Fitz is sent to the planet.
You both sneak out, with you taking point.
Both of you decide to let Lash out. Knowing you’re out of options.
When Hive takes Daisy, you all want her back.
But Jemma see’s a determined look with you. And she’s scared.
She knows how you can be when it comes to people you love.
She’s proven right when you go over board in your attempt to get back Daisy.
It nearly. Very nearly ends in your demise.
It would’ve, had Lincoln not been there to help.
Having an actual doctor on sight helped with her saving your life.
She makes sure to thank him, a lot of times, after.
Unfortunately, you are out of action for the rest of it. Recovering.
She’s quick to make you get back in bed if she catches you even lifting a leg out.
“No, back in bed!” She says as she knocks on the glass.
“But, Jemma –-“
“But nothing, Y/N. Back in bed. Now.”
“As long as you and Fitz don’t make out constantly.”
Oh yeah, they are a thing now.
Your happy for your best friends, and don’t do the shovel talk. You just hug them both.
Jemma does agree to your terms.
When the Swayed Inhumans attack, her first instinct is to get you out of the labs.
So, she takes a deep breath, and goes in. She fires at them, being able to drive them back (with Mack coming in as support) enough so she can get to you and get you out of bed.
“So, cleared for duty?” You ask as she and Mack carry you back to their hideout in the base.
She rolls her eyes, “Not bloody likely.”
It is likely, however.
They need all hands on deck, and you’re one of the best agents they have.
“As long as –”
“As long as I stay near you. I know, Jemma. Those are always the rules when it comes to this.”
“How long have these rules been in place for?” Mack asks out of curiosity.
“Since primary.” You say in sync, “Middle school.” You correct – again, in sync – when he looks confused.
At the end of this event, you have a scar of the time you almost died.
It’s out of sight, but she can tell you are constantly reminded of it in your own mind.
Jemma, however, does her best to keep your thoughts either away from the scar, or tries to give some positive spin on it.
And you appreciate your best friend for it. But, you both know it won’t do anything.
You are promoted, just as she is. However, she is now technically your boss.
It’s a job she takes seriously. So, she’s strict.
But she is still your friend. So, she does her duty, but also does cut you some slack every now and then.
It even comes to a head with Director Mace one time when you slip up.
She, however, does hate that you always go out with Coulson and Mack to find Daisy.
She knows she can’t keep it a secret forever.
You both are there when Daisy reappears in your lives, dragging you into her vendetta.
When she finds out about AIDA, she tells you about it. And it does disturb you a bit too.
That being said, you do train Jemma. Sort of becoming an SO – unofficially, but still.
She wants you to hold nothing back. And, so you don’t.
It ends with one of you needing a plaster or two. But she apricates it.
Is she as good a fighter as you? No, but she’s a good one.
She’s always had that fight in her. You are just helping it have another expression.
When the attack of the LMDs occur, she finds you in the area she – eventually – finds.
She finds you, shit scared. And she is covered in Fi- Robot Fitz’s blood. And she too, is shit scared.
You both point blades at each other, demanding the other stay back. When Daisy joins the room, it escalates.
It’s not until Daisy brings you both into a hug that you know the two of you aren’t Inhumans.
Daisy and you both give Simmons a boost and some hope, before going together to fight the LMDs.
Like her, you are almost killed, but you are both able to hold them off.
Jemma gets you both to the cart, helping you both up the ramp of the Zephier.
You are a teacher in the Framework. And you are the first to make contact with Coulson.
When you see her, despite how she looks, you hug each other.
You had no idea if the other was alive.
When she see’s Fitz kill, you have to drag her away.
You try and comfort her, but you aren’t exactly sure on what to say.
When she kills Fitz’s father, it’s in protection of you. As he attacks you when you try to get the phone off of him.
When she gets taken to Space, you are left behind with Fitz.
She finds items of yours, rusted and almost non-existent.
She fears the worst.
You allow Fitz to see her first, as you know your friend needs some time alone with her.
However, you both do reunite, and hug the tightest you have yet.
She never thought she’d see you again. And you were willing to do anything to get there.
She lets herself have this moment with you. Her best friend is back, and – as long as she has something to say about it – you aren’t going anywhere.
With Deke, you act as another parental/mentor figure to him.
He’s heard stories of you too.
When it comes to the marriage, Jemma asks you to be her best person.
Of course, you agree. You help her with her dress and everything.
You’re just so happy for two of your best friends in the whole world
Sadly, with your past pains, they catch up in the fear dimension.
Fitz has psychotic split and hurts Daisy.
You have a manifestation of your shadow self, and get into a fight with yourself.
You lose, and Jemma finds you a mess.
First, her husband does this to one of her best friends, now one of her other ones has been left in this state.
She, of course, patches you up. But, you can see that she too is shaken by this.
She’s more affectionate this time around; hand grabbing, running a hand through your hair as you go in and out of being asleep.
She just wants you to rest, and to be ok.
Although, she knows that you (that anyone on this team, for that matter) is anything but.
Tragically, you do pass. You do get better, but you sacrifice yourself when saving someone.
She has no choice but to watch. She can’t even scream out your name, she just watches as you drop dead.
Then she gets the news of Fitz.
She’s heartbroken. Shattered. But then hopeful. There’s a younger version of you.
So, she takes a crew to space.
Daisy, being another of your best friends (along with Jemma’s best friend, too) knows that you would want her to make sure Jemma doesn’t drive herself insane.
So, she does. She warns Jemma about the amount of close calls yourself and Fitz had while looking for her.
However, it has the opposite effect, and sends her further in her search.
Daisy, still being the loyal best friend to you both, still reigns Jemma in.
Jemma is reunited with the two of you in the mind prison thing.
It’s a trip, to say the least.
You all go back to different memories of each other. And also see the things that haunt you all.
She’s forced to relive your difficult childhood trauma.
But, she’s with you. At least, until you’re all stuck with your own demons.
When you are all stuck in the containment module, it’s a row where you aren’t even sure on what is being said.
However, the three of you…work through your issues and become the trio you always were.
Even if two of the trio are in a relationship.
She makes sure to help you readjust to the time you guys lost.
You aren’t with her when she changes her timeline with Enoch and Fitz.
So, when you see her again, you can definitely tell that something has changed.
She still acts as your best friend, but there are gaps.
She can’t remember everything.
She instantly knows what outfits to have you wear, depending on the period.
You and Jemma – as Daisy later tells you – were forced to watch each other die a lot of times during the time she had in the loop.
You go with Daisy to get Jemma back when she’s kidnapped.
As Daisy says her speech about Jemma being the sister she’d save, Sousa looks to you.
“I don’t have a speech, just a sister to save.” You say, sitting next to Daisy. The woman gives you a smile.
You’re saddened when Jemma can’t remember anything, but hide it.
For the rest of the time, you stay with Jemma, slowly watching as she gets her memory back.
When it all ends, you both retire from SHIELD.
You become a writer.
Alya Fitzsimmons has also heard a lot about you. She loves you instantly.
Just as you do with her.
You visit your best friends whenever you can.
It’s peaceful.
And you have the best friend in the world who will always have your back and best interests at heart.
Being best friends with Melinda May is an odd thing. There’s a before and after for her.
Before Bahrain:
She’s bubbly.
She’s a really happy person.
Supports you with all your interests and hobbies (might even try one or two of them with you.)
You know Andrew, and get a long with him well.
You also know Coulson well, as the three of you are agents.
Post Bahrain:
She’s closed off.
You and Coulson agonize over how to help her, but neither of you are sure on how.
You are forced to watch as her and Andrew slowly fall out of love and it ends.
It hurts, but you know you will always have her back.
You know, deep down, that she will also have yours.
She calls you whenever you’re on a mission, just checking in.
She worries about you.
She tells you about her day in the more boring, office parts of SHIELD.
But, you understand her reasons for not wanting back in.
You don’t force her back in.
When Coulson gets you onto his team, he floats the idea about May.
“I know, Y/N. I get it, I do. It’s just…and, no offense intended, she’s the best pilot here.”
“Ok, offense only slightly taken. But…ask her.” He smiles, appreciating the blessing.
He uses the fact you’re on the team as a way to get her to consider.
“Y/N will be there.”
“How the hell did you get them to join?”
“I’m their friend too, May.”
“I know. It’s just, I’m surprised they didn’t kick your ass when you wanted me on board.”
“Oh, they nearly did when I said about the pilot thing.”
“You didn’t…?” She’s smiling.
“Oh, I did.” She even laughs.
It’s a short reunion, just a nod with a smile.
But, you’re back together, and Coulson can see if makes you both happy.
The three of you become parental figures to the younger ones.
Especially Daisy.
If she can’t go to Coulson or May, she goes to you.
Your softer than May is. And Daisy appreciates that about you.
With yourself and May, it’s a quiet friendship; filled with silent smiles and times with you sat in the BUS cockpit with her.
As she starts to get back into the field, it’s you and her; partners.
It’s like nothing has changed with yourself and her in the dynamic in the field.
When Andrew comes back, after she goes on the break, you (like him) don’t give up her location.
With yourself and Andrew, it’s a good friendship, just like yourself and Coulson.
When Andrew dies, you instantly try to comfort May, but you see she is trying to hold it all in.
She does, however, appreciate your words of comfort.
When she dies, you’re with her just like with Daisy, holding May’s hand until she goes limp.
With her new ability with her emotions, you always make sure to hug her so she feels the love you have for her.
You help her with them, helping her embrace them and use them.
And she appreciates you like no one else.
She meets you at the Ops.
She takes you under her wing.
She see’s potential in you, and helps you fulfil it.
Through this, you two bond and become friends.
It’s a light hearted friendship, filled with lots of in jokes and laughter.
You train together.
It takes some time, but you end up winning a few.
She’s so damn proud when you do
You’re like a younger sibling to her.
She tells you about Hunter, and you even meet him during one of their many attempts to reconcile their relationship.
Despite everything Bobbi has said, you get along quite well with Hunter.
Mack too.
Bobbi goes undercover to HYDRA, while you go the SHIELD.
Meaning you meet the rest of the team.
You reunite with Mack and he gets you to meet everyone else.
You grow on them quite quick.
You become an older sibling to the BUS trio.
Whenever anyone (namely Daisy) asks you how you’re so good at this, your answer is always the same;
When Bobbi is injured, you try not to leave her side as much as you can.
But, she also pushes you to keep fighting for SHIELD.
Yourself and Hunter do what you can for her.
You even play matchmaker between the two
When it comes time for her and Hunter to leave, you’re the last to leave the bar.
You and Bobbi share one last, sad, smile.
You are then forced to leave your best friend behind, seemingly for good.
You look out for the team both as your other best friends, but also for her too.
When all this ends, you track them down.
You look hardly like how you did when she last saw you.
But she knows it’s you.
She hugs you so tight.
You just sigh and hug back.
It was a long journey, but you made it.
You were home.
It’s a snarky friendship.
And, with Mack as a big brother to you, it’s (mainly through her influence) about him.
She speeds around to get you anything you need. Anything at all;
Water? Done
Tissues? She’s gone and back within a second.
Medical supplies? Same thing.
She cares about you so much.
She’s very open about how much she cares about you;
Hugs, kisses on the cheek, smiles that are beeming.
She has your back, always.
If you disagree, though, jesus, mind out.
It gets heated very quickly.
Mack normally plays mediator between you.
Either that, or someone else on the team.
They know how you both can be.
However, at the end of the day, you’re always there for the other;
Through her hands being chopped off, helping her adjust to her new ones;
Helping her with her confidence when she loses her powers;
Being overjoyed for her when she gets them back.
She loves you like a sibling.
And she’ll always have your back. Always.
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ballad-in-goblets · 3 years
inazuma archon quest (rewrite ? critique ?)
OKay so i’m gonna preface this with i don’t hate the inazuma archon quests ! i quite enjoyed the storyline and everything about it, there are just things that ,,, i'm not so satisfied with. and so i'm gonna go over those here and rewrite it or like. idk offer critique lol something like that !
real quick, @like-that-one-weird-dog-thing here if u want this here's that ramble i was talking about lol (yeah i made a genshin tumblr kSDKGHDFFGD)
i feel like this is a given but;
spoilers for all acts of the inazuma archon quest under the cut
with that out of the way, onto the rewrite ! (quick side note: it kinda turns more into a creative writing piece more than a critique or full rewrite near the end which is not what i meant to do but it still gets my point across so !! it works)
so, like i said, i quite enjoyed the archon quest. the first two acts (autumn winds, scarlet leaves & the immovable god and the eternal euthymia) are perfect, i don't think i'd change anything in those two acts at all. the third act (stillness, the sublimation of shadow) is also wonderful, and i honestly think that's my favourite out of the archon quest acts so far ! it's mainly when act 3, omnipresence over mortals, hits that i think it fell a bit short
things kinda feel... a bit rushed when it comes to this quest ? compared to the slow, steady pace of the prologue and act 1, then the speeding up of act 2, it honestly seems too fast paced and yet too slow at the same time. some parts of act 3 were really fast, like the encounter with scaramouche and the duel with la signora, and then some were... really slow. like the entire bit with the reistance.
on top of that, a lot of characters really fell short for me. it felt like teppei, an unplayable npc, was way more important than gorou, sangonomiya kokomi, kujou sara, basically everyone except for yae miko and raiden shogun. which, don't get me wrong, teppei was important, but i feel like these other characters had a big introduction only to just... kinda exist with no real reason.
gorou and sangonomiya kokomi were played up as big characters due to their status in the resistance - kujou sara was played up as the raiden shogun's right hand woman, and they were advertised as the duo of inazuma - hell, it even felt like kamisato ayaka was going to play a larger role in the final act of the story. and then none of them really did.
gorou only shows up to inform us about the soldiers aging quickly (and a bit near the end, but kaedehara kazuha had more of a role there, with actually leaping towards the shogun). sangonomiya seems important, but her only real action is making us a force captain and then telling us where the delusion factory could be. kujou sara only showed up to talk to the head of the kujou clan then get fucking knocked out by la signora in front of the raiden shogun, who did nothing about a snezhnayan diplomat knocking out her LEAD GENERAL ! kamisato ayaka only appeared for a few moments.
so, now that i've explained some of why i felt the final act fell short, i'm going to offer up how i would've changed things.
first, gorou and sangonomiya should play a bigger role in the story. like, they're the leads of the resistance, and they get less screentime than unplayable npcs... that's kinda weird. kujou sara should also play a bigger role. kamisato ayaka, i think would be fine with not appearing, due to how much of a part she played in the first acts, but gorou, sangonomiya kokomi, and kujou sara should be a lot more present, just in general.
in the 2.1 trailer, there were lines of "peace talk", correct ? i feel like that should've been in the story. perhaps after the traveler meets with sangonomiya on watatsumi island, they hear word of kujou sara wishing to meet. they meet up with her, which is where the peace talk comes into play. the two sides start trying to come up with a compromise. while this is happening, gorou is keeping an eye on things back on watatsumi island... where things start getting strange.
the soldiers start showing signs of accelerated aging. it's concerning, and as far as they're aware, unstoppable. due to this, sangonomiya cuts the compromising short to return to her people and try to help them. perhaps kujou sara could make a jab at this, something like "how do you ever plan to defeat the shogun's army if you can't even keep your own soldiers alive outside of a fight?" which could lead to sangonomiya and the traveler believing that kujou knows something about what's going on (even though she doesn't).
upon getting back, the traveler recognises the delusions. honestly ? i really liked the delusion subplot. i really like the idea of the fatui trying to tear inazuma apart, kind of like they did mondstadt and liyue, so they could get their hands on baal's gnosis. perhaps they had it so that scaramouche was in charge of scattering the resistance forces, while la signora was working behind the scenes with the kanjou commission and the tenryou commission to manipulate the raiden shogun.
i love the part where teppei dies, simply due to how emotional it was. i genuinely cried at that part, lol... but i really enjoyed it. i would say, keep that in. after discovering the delusions, things stay relatively the same. the traveler goes to teppei and watches him die, and then goes to the factory to get revenge, where they meet scaramouche. yae miko still saves them, however...
instead of remaining at the shrine to talk to yae the entire time, i think the traveler would want to go back to the resistance. sure, yae could very much help them defeat the raiden shogun, but the traveler is working with the resistance, who, from what we've seen, can be quite strong... at times. however, as they're about to leave, yae leaves the traveler with these parting words: "be careful of who you trust, child. not everyone who seems like a friend is one"
why ? well, i love the idea of the resistance not entirely being in the right, either. y'know that giant serpent that baal struck down ? yeah, that was watatsumi's protector deity. simply put: watatsumi island doesn't really like the raiden shogun, and i doubt sangonomiya feels much differently. i would love if one of the subplots was about how the resistance wasn't firstly formed to fight the vision hunt decree, but just the shogun in general, and slowly morphed to fighting the vision hunt decree.
after returning to the resistance, the traveler tells sangonomiya what they found. after speaking for awhile, they figure out that the fatui is most likely not just making things miserable on the front of the resistance (via the delusions). how do they figure this out ? the traveler, of course. while wondering why the fatui are in inazuma, the traveler remembers how the harbingers are trying to collect all the gnosis. they make this known to sangonomiya, who guesses that the fatui could be trying to make inazuma a mess so they can get the shogun's gnosis. at this point, the traveler heads back to the grand narukami shrine to speak to yae miko, hoping she'll know more about this, with sangonomiya at their side.
upon arrival, yae miko is speaking to kujou sara. kujou and sangonomiya are immediately.. well, simply put, not happy to be in each other's presence. yae miko calms them down, and tells them all what she was telling kujou. sangonomiya and the traveler were right: the fatui were behind the vision hunt decree. sangonomiya tells kujou what had happened in the resistance, and the traveler tells her what happened in the other nations, with the fatui (specifically la signora) hunting the gnosis. kujou mentions seeing a harbinger, a tall woman with blonde hair, and the traveler connects the dots. it's la signora, and she's in inazuma. kujou still isn't convinced, so the traveler does need to get kamisato ayaka and sayu's help to get the documents.
while waiting for the documents to arrive, the traveler speaks more with sangonomiya, where they learn more about the past of watatsumi island and the serpent deity. perhaps, trusting the traveler, sangonomiya reveals to them why she started the resistance in the first place: to get revenge on the shogun for killing their deity. of course, as time went on, she is now fighting against the vision hunt decree and simply wants to see inazuma united again, though it shakes the travelers trust in the resistance. after all... teppei, their good friend, died for the reistiance, and here sangonomiya is telling them that she started it simply to get revenge on baal for a centuries old fight that was ended... well, centuries ago.
after getting the documents, the traveler meets with kujou sara at the grand narukami shrine. sangonomiya was planning to come, but gorou needed her help tending to more soldiers at the resistance, as some refused to hand over their delusions. things stay relatively the same from here. kujou confronts takayuki, and she goes to speak to the shogun about this. while that's going on, yae miko is speaking to the traveler, giving them a brief rundown on what is going on with the raiden shogun - the one that is actually given in the quest, where we learn more about her puppet and her name being ei and whatnot. afterwards, the traveler goes to face the raiden shogun. they find la signora and kujou sara in a standoff, with the raiden shogun taking kujou's side (they are a duo, after all). la signora moves to attack kujou, but...
before she can land a strike, our traveler runs in, stopping her blow. all three parties present are startled - a wanted criminal in inazuma just stopped inazuma's head general from being attacked. it's not something you see every day. after speaking a bit more, the traveler challenges la signora to a duel before the throne, remembering this as an option due to kaedehara kazuha telling them about his friend. the traveler wins, and as such, la signora is executed... or is she ? well, to the traveler it seems like she is, but some subtle hints clue us in to the fact that something seems off. maybe la signora isn't dead, after all.
however, before la signora is executed, kujou sara steps in. she can tell that the traveler needs to ask signora something, and as they have been helping her, she asks the raiden if they can ask their one question before she executes signora. raiden agrees. and so, the traveler asks... "why?"
"why what?" signora laughs, though it's a pained laugh. "i'm afraid you'll have to be a bit more specific."
"you didn't just take venti's gnosis."
"not like you did zhongli's."
"you were brutal. you knew him."
"what did he ever do to you?"
and then... a cutscene. a story cutscene, to be exact. telling us about la signora's backstory as the crimson witch of flames (after all, this is fully confirmed during the fight). it shows her meeting her lover, and her lover perishing in the war, and her turning into the crimson witch. it shows her blaming venti for her lover's death, and then being found by the fatui. given her cryo delusion so she could appear as a human in a world of humans, and vowing to work side by side with the tsaritsa... as long as she can get revenge on the god that caused her lover to die.
after that, the raiden shogun executes signora. the traveler leaves, and we get that terrifying cutscene of them walking (which, let me tell you, scared the hell out of me. it was wonderfully made, please keep that in). we see the resistance coming up, having decided now was the time to take back inazuma... and then, the raiden shogun appears. not fully attacking the traveler, but she appears, walking on the steps out of a portal, like she did when facing the traveler the first time. kaedehara kazuha, in a moment of anger, lunges forward, activating his friend's vision as he clashes his blade with the shogun. she knocks him back, raising her blade to end him and take his vision when the traveler jumps in again.
and this time, she takes them back to the plane of euthymia.
the fight happens again, and once more, the traveler is not strong enough to win. however, the voice of yae miko rings in their ears: "your ambition alone is not enough to stop ei". words that were said to them right as they left to go find kujou sara.
and in that moment, the visions reach out to them. the stolen ambitions of all these people, gifting their ambition to the traveler. and, in the end of that all, we see the face of teppei. we see his hope, his determination to help the resistance. except, it's not just an illusion, it's a spirit. "help the resistance for me, okay, my friend?"
and the traveler gets the strength. they fight back against the raiden shogun, and they defeat her. they win. they are thrown out of the plane of euthymia, and the raiden shogun is kneeling over, weak. she lost the fight. she lost the fight. she looks up at the traveler, her eyes glowing a bright purple as she takes them in.
"their ambitions are stored within you."
"you really are an exception."
she stands up, and the traveler readies their blade. is she going to attack them again? instead, her blade simply... vanishes in her hands. in a brilliant, electrifying light, what was once there is no longer there. she stands before the traveler, empty handed. just looking at them. the traveler lowers their weapons.
"you are no longer wanted in inazuma. even i can't beat you."
"that's not what i want."
"oh? then what is it?"
"end the vision hunt decree. now."
and the raiden shogun laughs. "you think you get to make that choice?"
"almighty shogun." kujou sara is there, too. had she always been there? the traveler isn't sure. "the vision hunt decree.. it's harming inazuma."
"not just vision bearers," gorou adds. "but the entirety of the inazuman people."
"vision bearers and non vision bearers alike." even sangonomiya kokomi is there. "we have been fighting to end this for two years. people have died on all ends. many lives have been lost. don't you think it's time to end this?"
"after all, it was the fatui's doing." and then, there's yae. and the shogun seems shocked, then angry, then hurt, then... sad. then happy.
"yae. my old friend..."
the shogun takes in the people all around her. she takes in friends and enemies, foes and allies, vision bearers and regular people... and yet, despite their differences, they're all inazuman. they're all her people. they looked to her for guidance, and it failed.
"very well."
the decree is over. visions are returned to the few still able to receive them. the raiden shogun, for the first time in what feels like an eternity, steps out of the plane of euthymia. for the first time in years, the shogun is not who walks the streets, no; it is ei who walks the streets alongside her people. she goes to the small villages, along with her good friends yae miko and kujou sara, and she sees the damage she caused on her people. sangonomiya kokomi and gorou show her the resistance troops, who, at first, almost try to attack, before ei steps down and bows to them, asking for their forgiveness. she sees the damage her idea of eternity inflicted upon inazuma, and she makes it her goal to do better.
after all. she was aware it was the fatui's doing. she knew what the fatui were doing. she knew that two of her three commissions were working behind her back. and she did nothing about it, as it fit well with her goals at the time. she turned her back on her people in a false pursuit of eternity that would only end in loss. she recognises that. she knows what she did was wrong, and she takes the steps towards making things right. she reopens inazuma's borders, and takes down the statue of the omnipresent god.
alongside yae miko, she offers advice to the traveler on where their sibling might be. she suggests they go to sumeru next; the city of scholars might know something. when asked about what they were told by yae, the ei tells the story herself. the story of two twins; baal and beelzebul, makoto and ei. how one lost the other, and took over her identity. much like venti and the unnamed bard.
in the final cutscene, we see how inazuma starts to heal. sangonomiya prays at the watatsumi island shrine, for all the souls lost in the resistance. gorou and kujou sara start working together to mend the relationships between the reistance and the shogun's army. yoimiya, thoma, and kamisato ayaka enjoy a game of hot pot together, with sayu sleeping nearby. kaedehara kazuha leaves his friend's vision at his grave, and he takes his friend's cat with him. behind him, beidou awaits for her friend to join her, and the two walk off together. yae miko looks up at the sacred sakura, it's petals blowing in the wind. we see the traveler walk up to her to thank her for her help, and she simply smiles at them. sakura petals cover the screen... and then we see ei.
we see her walking alone. it's sunset, just about to go dark, but not just yet. it's lightly raining... and we see her kneel down at what seems to be a shrine. she leaves an offering before she stands up and moves away. we see the names engraved on the shrine - makoto. chiyo. sasayuri. kitsune saiguu. her sister, and her old friends. eternally preserved in a shrine created by the one who still cares for them.
and end scene.
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Creature of the night
Pairing: Spike x vamp!reader
Request: 22 off the Halloween list with Spike and reader because I think it be hilarious and adorable Don’t take the requested for swapped though😊, I don’t ever wanna add to my friends anxiety
Requested by: @shy-ginger-in-the-graveyard​
Warning: Blood mention. Swearing.
A/N: The sentence for this was "I can't be a vampire! I'm a fucking vegetarian!" and I hope this is what you wanted !! 🖤🦇
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You woke up slowly. You had slept deep, the kind of sleep where you didn’t know where you were after you opened your eyes. Deep and somewhat satisfying. Your joints were stiff as if you had been in the same position for a long time. You sat up slowly, as if you were wading through a thick liquid. Your senses telling you to rest, you felt dizzy. Strange. Something was off. You felt like someone was watching you. It almost made you shiver.
You had been lying on a beat-up couch. One you recognised. Spike’s place. You sighed, relieved. At least you knew where you were. That was something.
“Finally - You’re up! Thought you really had gone and bloody died there for a moment, pet” His familiar British accent rattling around your brain. He had eagerly been waiting for you to awaken.
“Wha-?” You asked, rubbing your forehead “Why do I feel…”
“Like you’re on top of the bloody world? Like you’ve met the face of salvation?!” He smiled, moving closer so he could put a hand on your shoulder. He had been checking on you every so often, anticipating this moment. He had dug up your grave himself. Didn’t want you to have to contend with your own coffin. Some may say it was a vampire’s rite of passage. But he didn’t necessarily care for tradition. It was pretty nasty and he wanted to shield you from certain horrors. And introduce you to more delightful horrors.
“I was gonna say queasy…” You muttered, managing to haul yourself into a more comfortable sitting position as he moved his hand. A light frown on his face as he watched you trying to navigate your body as if it was something alien to you.
“What do you remember, pet?” he asked, there was something beside him, but you were still getting used to your sight.
“Uh… y-you offered me a new life” You said, squinting at the fuzzy figure in confusion before meeting Spike’s face again.
“And..?” he asked, holding back an eyeroll at how slow this was going. Your eyes widened, you remembered it all so suddenly. The face. The biting. His arm cradling you as you collapsed against him, losing consciousness.
Vampire. Spike, the man you had gotten to know had revealed himself. As a vampire. And that must mean…
"I can't be a vampire! I'm a fucking vegetarian!" You scream at him suddenly, not able to believe what had happened.
“Yeah, you’ll get over that, pet” he shrugged, he hadn’t expected that to carry over to your death, “Try this” he added, shoving the once fuzzy figure onto your lap. The figure became clear. It was a man. A man with a weakening pulse. With blood leaking from his neck. You stared down, blinking hard in case your eyes were deceiving you.
“I don’t want to try that!” you exclaimed, still staring as you heard his heartbeat slow to a stop.
“See? Dehumanisation. You’re already half-way there!” Spike smiled, a hint of pride as he patted your shoulder and left the corpse draped over your lap.
He watched you for a while, concern and something you didn’t understand yet in his eyes. He didn’t really comprehend why you weren’t so excited. Being turned had been a true revelation for him. His deliverance from the mundane. He had thought that was what he was giving to you. He stared at you for a while, you weren’t really doing much. You were just sat there letting the corpse which was still draped over your lap go cold.
He moved from where he had been sat opposite you, kneeling before you and looking you directly in the eye. Maybe he should explain. Maybe he should prove the care he had harboured since he had first seen you as a human almost half a year ago now. Your eyes cast back to the ground, the body slid off your lap and Spike never moved his eyes from your face. He didn’t care for the body but he did care for you, which is what he was willing you to understand.
He looked up at you, still kneeling as his hands rested on your thighs. He rubbed his thumb softly as he paused, trying to find the right way to phrase what he felt.
“I chose you… I saw your potential. I’ve never done this for anyone before, only you” He insisted, pulling you to look him in the eye, “I’m falling for you, love… can’t you see? Together, we’ll be unstoppable. You just have to trust me”
You frowned but nodded, sliding a hand over his. He had always made you feel safe. But currently you were unsure. You had agreed to it but you hadn’t quiet understood. You hadn’t thought it through. You didn’t eat animals, let alone humans.
It was a few hours later and you were pacing around Spike’s crypt. At least it made more sense as to why he had never gotten a real house. You had just thought he was cheap. How stupid you felt now. How naïve.
Was every human like you once were? Willingly stupid. Happily ignorant.
Spike offered to take you out. To stretch your legs. He wanted to teach you some things. To show you the wonders of what being undead could show you. He slung an arm around your shoulders and he smiled to notice it was the most relaxed you had been since waking up. Your feelings hadn’t changed. You had whispered affection and both hinted subtly of your love for the other.
“Let the night consume you. Feel it. Enjoy it” He said, his arm stretched out as as if he were showing you something amazing. The hint of glee in his voice that faltered once he saw your facial expression hadn’t changed. You were frowning. Confused. You were staring around the town as if you had never seen it before.
It was Halloween. Neither of you had realised until you saw all of the costumes surrounding you. You faltered slightly as he did. He should have turned back but he shrugged, asking you what you wanted to do. Saying you could pick anything you wanted.
You chose to crash the Bronze. You attend the Halloween party that always somehow ended in a disaster you managed to miss. He had rolled his eyes, but stopped short of saying something belittling. He wasn’t the biggest fan of the place, but for you he would go. It meant he was on hyper-alert, checking around from any threat.
The band was loud, louder with your heightened sense, and you felt it vibrate through you. Rather than a heartbeat, the only beat inside you was the heavy bass of the music.  You closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling. A ghost of a smile on your face. He smiled at you, he had always loved your smile. You couldn’t help staring at you as you looked around as if you had never experienced life before. As if you had never been to the Bronze. As if you had never heard music.
He liked watching you enjoy yourself. He offered a hand to you, and lead you onto the dance floor. He pulled you into him and you danced close. Swaying together in the centre of the dancefloor. Not caring about what anyone felt or thought about the pair of you.
You leaned in further, you found you were enjoying yourself. It was still him. You and him. You found yourself encased in his smell, it was stronger than you had ever remembered. But you allowed yourself to get lost in the smell.
That was until Spike abruptly stopped dancing. You saw his frown and started to ask what was wrong. His jaw tensed and then you sensed it.
You turned, confused. You smelled her first. She smelt so sweet but there was a little bite to her scent too…
You turned completely, coming face to face with the Slayer. Spike had immediately stepped in front of you. He knew he had to ensure your safety. You were new to all of this. You were inexperienced. He wanted you by his side. He couldn’t lose you – you had just started your unlife together. From behind Spike, you couldn’t help staring. Your stomach started to grumble and you rubbed it in a circular motion.
You were entranced by her. This Slayer. She made you hungry. She made you angry. You scowled in her direction, an involuntary act. Your hands balled into fists. Spike traded insults with the woman, who was dressed as a fairy tale character you no longer cared to recall. You stepped forwards, so that you were beside him. Buffy raised her eyebrows at you and muttered something derogatory. You lunged forwards, but Spike pulled you back. He smirked approvingly, stroking your back soothingly. Now you were getting it. You were finally getting it.
Spike was going to walk away, knowing that it was best to have a plan before taking on the slayer and he had only been wanting to show you a good time tonight. He should have known better than to leave the crypt on Halloween.
He decided to steer you away, whispering lowly to wait it out. To spend the night getting used to your new life. To each other. He didn’t want you to get ahead of yourself. You nodded. The girl started to turn away, wanting her night off and deciding she would deal with the both of you when she could be bothered. She was sure of herself and knew she would catch up with the both of you eventually.
But as she turned, you caught her scent so strongly it made you hiss slightly. It was primal. It was strange but you couldn’t feel embarrassed over it. It was a part of you now. You were slowly learning this.
You ran straight at the Slayer, your hunger for her blood overtaking your once understandable reservations. Spike’s eyes glinted with pride as you started matching blows with the slayer. You were a quick learner.
When he saw her inevitably take the upper hand, he stepped in. Protecting you. He kicked her full-force in the stomach, leaving her stumbling backwards as you shrugged off the humans that were trying to subdue you. He took your hand and pulled you as fast as he could out of the Bronze. You ran through the streets, checking behind you every so often.
That really was enough for one night. He wanted to teach you more before you stepped up to the slayer again. He wanted you to learn to preserve yourself first, maybe let him take on the slayer. He didn’t want to risk you. He wanted to get to know you more intimately. But this told him he had chosen correctly. That the potential he had seen, the love he had wasn’t unfounded.
Now, all he had to do was make sure he got you safely away from the Slayer before he lost you as soon as he found you.
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cablesscutie · 3 years
34. “I just want to be there for you.” Zutara, For the fluff prompt list please ☺️
Hello!! You sent me this a very long time ago and then my brain was bad and ground to a screeching halt, but I have been thinking about it this whole time! And now my brain has finally allowed me to make words again these past few weeks, so here it is:
PART 1 \\ PART 2
Even after seeing pictures of Zuko convinces Katara to tentatively agree to Ty Lee’s hairbrained scheme, she still tells herself that she has time to bail. If she really decides that she doesn’t need a date after all, she can just cancel on him and tell Aang her date had food poisoning or something. If worst comes to worst, she can claim that she has food poisoning too and escape the entire mortifying ordeal altogether. Zuko is just an option.
This is the constant refrain in her mind week after week as the date of the wedding approaches, and Katara gets somehow less enthusiastic about it with each passing day. She thinks it as she lets Suki shove her into a fitting room, laden with figure-hugging dresses. She thinks it as she scrolls quickly past Instagram posts counting down the days, politely liking them faster than she can process the sight of fairy lights and mason jars. She thinks it as she impulsively adds a leg waxing to her bi-monthly spa day with Toph. Zuko is just an option.
Just an option with arms that look like they would feel strong and secure around her, and a shy smile, and who’s sweet and playful with kids. Katara lets out a long, frustrated groan and presses her forehead to her desk, rolling it back and forth in a futile attempt to rub out the impending headache of a Friday afternoon. A moment later, she hears the telltale rattle of Suki’s office chair, and then her friend is rolling to a stop beside her.
“You good?” she asks, brushing aside Katara’s hair so she can see her face.
“No,” she sighs, annoyed.
“Is it the rehearsal dinner? Because if you don’t want to go, I can just say you got held late at work.”
“No, no. That’ll be...fine, probably. It’s this whole wedding date thing.”
“Oh do not tell me you’re still being all wishy-washy about it.”
“It just feels like a weird thing to do! I’m just going to show up at my ex’s wedding with this random dude? How will that look?”
“Um, probably like you’ve moved on? Which you have. Objectively. You even had a whole other relationship.”
“Really? Because I think it’ll look like I’m jealous and trying not to be.”
Suki fixes her with disbelieving eyebrows and a laugh. “Trust me, babe. Nobody is going to think that you’re the one that left that relationship pining. You were basically his mom. If this was Jet’s wedding...eh, maybe? But you tend to settle.”
Katara isn’t quite sure if Suki is trying to insult her or compliment her with that statement, and she isn’t sure if her kneejerk, “Hey!” is out of a desire to defend her judgement, or her past partners’ character. Regardless, she doesn’t have much after that to refute the point. Aang seems like a functional enough adult now, a few years out of college, but when they had dated, the “teen” in his nineteen years definitely showed. As for Jet, her much more recent cut, he was...vibing.
“Hon, you’re gonna be fine. I’ve heard Ty Lee and Mai talk about Zuko before, and he sounds like a decent guy. At worst, you have a meh date and escape some social awkwardness, but-” the upward tilt of Suki’s voice had Katara on edge, knowing what was coming next.
“Please, no -”
“- it could be good.”
“No, it can’t be.”
“Ty Lee seems really confident about you two, and you know she’s got a creepy good love radar. After all, she’s the one who convinced me not to block your brother when he slid into my DM’s. Even you told me to block him.”
“She does not have love radar. I love her, but the girl is an unstoppable meddler; she was bound to have a hit once,” Katara dismisses. It’s true that Sokka and Suki are adorable now, and perhaps evidence of the existence of soulmates, but Katara maintains that Ty Lee is a hopeless romantic who believes anything could be the start of an epic love story.
“Fine, be a cynic then. But you’ve already acknowledged that he’s hot, so just go to the wedding with him, and maybe finally rebound from Jet.”
“Hmm,” Katara hums noncommittally.
She’s something of a serial monogamist. She’d left her first real relationship with Aang intending on a summer fling to cleanse her palate before going back for her senior year. After a whirlwind month with the mature and worldly Jiang, she’d been looking into online classes, all but ready to move onto her houseboat and sail away into the sunset. Until Suki pointed out that it was an insane plan, and the ultimately parted ways as planned when Jiang set out to sea again. From there, she had fallen in with Jet as a friend with benefits to blow off steam through her last year without leaving herself open to distraction.
He wasn’t the kind of stable presence she could see herself settling down with, but wasn’t looking to be babied either. No, Jet was more of a feral creature. He knew he was dysfunctional and was fine with it, because function was the system and the system was bogus. Then, she got to know him, and realized that he kept people at a distance for much the same reason she was always pulling them too close. Suddenly, she had grand dreams of showing him the healing power of love, and both of them breaking free of their pain, never needing to fear being alone ever again. He cheated on her, and even as she was shouting at him, she’d known deep down that they had both just repeated their same bad habits all over again.
Now, there is Zuko. Zuko, with tragedy in his scarred eye, and sadness in his smile, but gentle hands on little legs resting on his shoulders. Katara thinks she could make many bad habits out of Zuko, and she is not too proud to admit that it terrifies her. Her stomach turns, and she thinks it might not even be a lie by the time she tells Zuko she’s suddenly too sick to attend the wedding.
The nausea gets worse at the rehearsal dinner, when she walks in to find Jet there, grinning at a bridesmaid. Suki hauls her over to Aang to give him a dressing-down for inviting him, and Katara is somehow reminded in the span of five minutes why she is extremely glad to be rid of both of them.
“I didn’t think it would be a problem!” Aang says, his usual defense. “And he is my friend - we go rock climbing together.”
“Small world,” Suki snarls, and Aang goes wide-eyed, leaning around her to look beseechingly at Katara.
“I swear, I didn’t think you were avoiding each other! After all, we’re exes, and it’s my wedding, but that’s not weird. So I figured you wouldn’t have a problem being in the same room as your other ex.”
Katara grits her teeth behind glossy lips that she forces into a smile, and despite Suki’s murder eyes and the voice in her head telling her not to - to swallow her embarrassment and tell the truth - she finds herself falling back on those old bad habits. “It’s okay, Aang. You had good intentions. We can be adults for one day.”
“Thank you so much Katara,” Aang gushes, lunging forward to wrap her in a hug that pins her arms briefly to her sides. “You’re the best!”
Suki shakes her head in disappointment as he bounds away. “You made your bed,” she reminds Katara. “Guess now you have to decide who to lie in it with.” She glides away to join Sokka at the bar, leaving Katara standing dazed and confused.
“Katara, hey,” an all too familiar voice greets her almost immediately after, and Katara closes her eyes. Suki totally hung her out to dry, and she can’t even be that mad because she’s right.
“Jet,” she says evenly, turning to face him. This shouldn’t be hard for her. While she doesn’t forgive him, she’s also very over him and understands that she’s an idiot for not making Aang ask him to leave. “How are you?”
“Not bad, not bad,” he says, bobbing his head. His clothes are formal but rumpled by disdain for their formality, an effect which once had a liquifying effect on Katara’s insides, but now just feels rude. “I was actually coming over to ask you the same thing,” he says, as though it is a profound inquiry and not the root of all small talk. She opens her mouth to offer a brusque reply and make an excuse to join Sokka and Suki at their table, but he knocks the wind out of her sails with his next words. “Ex’s wedding and all. Brutal.” He gives her a look that she is all to familiar with: his I-see-your-pain look. It was another thing about him that used to push all the right buttons on her, but now she just feels insulted at the presumption that she needs or wants his pity.
“Aang is actually a very dear friend,” she says, trying to sound as impenetrably chipper as possible. “Like a little brother.”
Jet is not deterred, leaning closer to her, his hand just brushing her elbow. “I feel bad about how things ended between us,” he says softly. “I should’ve done better by you.” Katara is momentarily stunned. Is she actually getting a sincere apology? “Which is why I think we should go to the wedding together. I just want to be there for you.”
It’s like a bucket of cold water down her spine, dousing both the fire of her anger and the tiny kindling warmth in her stomach. Katara pulls her shoulders back, straightening her spine, and snaps, “I already have someone to be there for me.”
Jet blinks and rears back a little. “Alright. I’ll, uh. Be looking forward to meeting them then.”
As he slinks away, she feels a moment of deep satisfaction. Only to nearly aspirate her sip of wine as she realizes she has officially painted herself into a corner. Zuko is coming to this wedding.
Thank you! If anyone wants to send me a line or prompt (from this list or your brain) I'll keep it going!
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dancingdeacyy · 4 years
Rebound (Roger Taylor x Reader)
Hello everybody! I’m here with a Roger Taylor one shot, yayyy!!
I want to know if you would like to be in a pemanent tag list and if you like this part, imma write a second one about their relationship.
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Warnings: mentions of cheating and alcohol, nothing serious.
Having a broken heart sucks but you’re better than that, or at least that’s what you keep on remind yourself, your boyfriend, Mark, cheated on you last week, your heart was obviously broken but what hurt you the most was with who he cheated on you, your best friend thought it would be fun to shag your boyfriend.
However, your heart stopped feeling empty when you were around your brothers, well brothers from another mother, the guys that knew exactly how to put a smile on your face but they loved you like a little sister and you knew they'd probably kill him, that’s why it remained a secret.
The guys invited you to a club tonight and of course you said yes, you loved clubbing with them.
You didn’t like one night stands but you thought it will work tonight to keep your mind off of Mark, that means you’ll have to use an extra hour to get ready, just in case. 
The guys were already outside of your flat, as soon as you stepped out, Roger started honking, Freddie started cheering and Brian and John clapped their souls out, you started modeling to their vans, waving for hips and blowing kisses, they made you happy.
“We look stupid at your side, y/n” Roger said after greeting you. ”You’re a god damned model”
“Keep those compliments to your girlfriend, Taylor” you said winking, you have never said it out loud but you didn’t like Roger’s girlfriend, Mila,  she gave you some ugly vibes and it makes you worried. “Where are the girls?” You said, all of them had girlfriends and you loved them all, except Roger’s but that’s a secret.
“They are going to Mila’s house, they’ll meet us there.” Brian said. “Ready to go crazy?”
“‘Course love” I said winking. “As always”
“Darling, you’re dressed to kill.” Freddie sassily said. “Where’s your man?” Oh, there’s the question, ‘Helter Skelter’ began playing on the radio and it was the perfect way to end the conversation. 
“Damn, turn it up!” you screamed, partly because of the question.
All of you started singing (Screaming), your cheeks were hurting from smiling and your heart felt full and happy.
When you arrived at the club, music blasted and people were grinding against each other, it was a weird atmosphere but the guys were with you, that made you feel safe.
The girls were already there, you went to say hi, but surprisingly, not really, Mila completely ignored you, apparently she didn’t like you either. 
The couples went to the dance floor after taking a couple of shots, Deacy saw you pouting and drinking shot after shot, he offered you his hand smiling, you looked at Veronica, his girlfriend, she nodded.
You took Deacy’s hand and went to the dance floor, he was a great bassist, an awesome friend and an incredible dancer, he was smooth and unstoppable. 
You danced with him song after song and you enjoyed it so much you forgot about the other guys.
You looked at them, Fred, Brian and the girls except Mila were talking and drinking. Roger was pouting and playing with his glass of SoCo.
“Deacs, what happened with Rog?” You asked and stopped dancing.
“Wanna go with him?” He asked you and you nodded giving John a peck on his cheek as a thank you.
You walked slowly until you were standing in front of him, he lifted his head, his blue eyes were sad and his smile looked forced. 
“May I?” You asked him softly, he nodded and you sat by his side, he put his head on your shoulder and you caressed his hair softly. “What happened, love?”
“Look at the bar, love” He said, closing his eyes. 
Mila was there, shoving her tongue down a man’s throat, why are you not surprised?
“Wanna go out for a bit, Rog?” You asked, looking softly at Rog, he nodded and took him outside, you sat on a bench. 
“I don’t understand, y/n” he said looking at you. “What am I doing wrong?”
“You’re not doing anything wrong, Rog.” You told him. “I know what you’re going through”
“No you don’t, y/n, no man could ever cheat on you, you’re bloody perfect” he told you, frustrated and raising his voice a bit. 
“Actually... “ You started saying, scared of saying something wrong. “Mark did, with my best friend, ex best friend i guess”
“What?” He said, now angry at your confession. “I’ll fucking kill him” 
“Rog, stop, this isn’t about me-” You tried to say.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” He asked with a pout.
“I don’t want your pity, and I knew you and the guys would probably kill him, so…” you answered laughing trying to lighten up the mood. “So yeah, i know what you’re going through” 
I patted his knee “Let’s go inside, let’s prove her you’re more than this” 
He took your hand and walked inside with you. 
“Wanna dance?” He asked you.
“I’d love to” He took you to the dancing floor and placed his hands on your waist, Twist and Shout started playing and you screamed in joy. 
“This is your favorite, darling” you nodded and put your head on his chest.
His hands on your waist swayed it to the rhythm of The Beatles.
“I’ve always liked dancing with you.” Roger said and smiled.
“You hate dancing, Rog, stop jo-” You started saying but Mila pushed you aside, Rog quickly grabbed your waist to avoid you getting hurt.
“Why are you dancing with my boyfriend, y/n?” she said, getting close to you, trying to intimidate you.
“I’m not your boyfriend anymore, Mila.” Roger said and gestured to you to go and sit with the rest of the guys who had already noticed what was happening.
“Guess who’s a cheating asshole?” I asked while sitting next to Brian and Chrissie.
“Everyone knows the answer, darling.” Freddie said, and laughed. “Cheers” he said sarcastically and drowned a shot. 
Roger came back and sat next to me, his head was again on my shoulder and stole Deacy’s beer.
“I guess we’re the singles of the group” He said laughing and the guys turned to look at you both. 
“y/n is single?” John asked and you closed your eyes and sighed 
“Mark cheated on me, last week, but please, let's not talk about it” You said and stole Roger’s beer (Deacy’s).
“Guess we should date now” Roger said giggling and his breath tickled your neck. 
“Yeah” you laughed and looked down at him. “I guess we should”
After that night at the bar, your relationship with Roger grew stronger, your ex’s were forgotten and you went out with Rog and the guys (Sometimes only with Roger) every sunday, after 4 months of a heartbreak, your heart felt stronger and happier.
Today you were planning a picnic to celebrate Valentine’s day. 
The guys couldn't make it because they were spending the evening with their girls, it was only Roger and you. 
You baked a pie, packed some beers and a bottle of wine, Roger found a perfect spot to see the sunset, he was going to pick you up and take you there, you were wearing a sundress and some stilettos that you loved, it was soft but pretty, definitely something you would wear. 
Roger honked and you went to meet him, you could see he was wearing a white shirt and a pair of old jeans, he looked perfect, that's something a friend would say to another without developing feelings, right?
“You gonna stare at me the whole day or are you coming?” He said opening the car door for you. 
“I was waiting for you to open my door, like a gentleman” you said sitting and dropping the picnic basket in the back seat 
“Shall we?” He said pointing his head to the road
“We shall” you said patting his knee an giggling 
The car ride was fun, as always, we were singing (screaming) every song on the radio, Roger rolled down the windows and our hair was messier than ever, you felt free and alive, it's funny how you always get to feel like that when you are around him.
Roger took your hand and put it under his on the gear stick.
You looked at him and smiled, you felt something new in your heart, love? maybe, but you were sure Roger would take care of your heart.
That’s pretty much it haha, I really hope you like it, if you do, don’t forget to ask for the second part! 
I really loved this one and im so excited to continue writting it.
Don’t forget to repost, like and share!
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bluebellhairpin · 3 years
Never Forget, Never Regret (2/?)
Levi Ackerman  X Reader (Except it’s kinda not?) 
A/N: Here it is! - Nemo
Summary: Titan shifters are appearing left, right, and center. Betrayal is on the tip of your tongue, you just didn’t know how close the shifters were hiding to you. 
Warnings: Injuries. Character death. General AoT themes. 
Listening to: ‘I’LL SHOW YOU’ by K/DA - ‘You know the darker the day, the more you shine.’ 
Series Masterlist
Titans had apparently breached Wall Rose. A squad was trapped in a castle - of all places - and the Scouts had survived. Some casualties aside. 
Despite the morbid nature of the situation, you had to laugh. Nerva was refraining from scolding the Cadets, for not defying their superiors and grabbing equipment that would've been useful - namely odm gear. She couldn't understand why they 'weren't allowed' to have any. 
You supposed only dead men could answer that now. 
Everyone was getting ready to leave, or settle somewhere that isn't on top of a sixty-foot-tall wall. You noticed a couple Cadets - Eren included was hanging back, and looking a little shady too.
"Hey, you lot," you yelled, waving them over, "Get moving. We have places to be you know." 
They stared at you, before the two furthest away shared a look. Frowning, you realized you knew that look. It was the same kind you'd share with Nerva - namely when you were going to do something reckless and/or stupid. 
"I don't know what you're doing but -" You said, stepping forward and then freezing. Steam. Coming from their injuries. Like Eren. 
Eren. Titan. Shifters. Armoured Titan. Colossal Titan. Steam. Eren. 
Your eyes flicked back up to there's, meeting the blond's scowl. 
At the same time, three things happened. 
You turned around to tell the others, setting the alarm that there was a titan - screaming at the top of your voice for everyone to get down, and setting off a red flare. 
Mikasa Ackerman lunged forwards, attacking the blond, and cutting them off from reaching Eren - at a cost.
And then the two transformed, releasing a powerful blast of hot air that sent many scrambling for their footing, and completely blowing the red smoke from your flare away. 
You shot off, using your gear to maneuver down behind the wall before resurfacing further away from the Armoured and Colossal Titans. Nerva was at your side in a moment.
"You good?" she asked. You nodded. "Eren and the Ackerman girl, where are they?" You swallowed and pointed towards the front of your group, where Eren looked ready to transform too.
The rest of that event passed by you rather quickly. 
A group trying and failing to kill the Colossal Titan, Eren trying and failing to overpower the Armoured Titan, and both titans escaping with Eren and Ymir - an apparent titan shifter as well. Then there were the injuries, yourself included. You'd gotten away rather unscathed, some scratches and burns, but Nerva was currently nursing a knock to the head - which was bleeding a little - and some nastier burns to her arms and face. 
"I think it'll scar." You said. She scoffed, reaching up to lightly brush her fingers across the bandage. 
"Yeah, that'd be great." she said, looking out at where the Titan ran off to. "Erwin better get here soon. If we leave it too long there'll be too much distance to cover, and too many titans. We won't make it to them in time." 
"Don't say that." You turned to see Mikasa standing behind you both, an almost deathy scowl on her face - like even suggesting not getting them back was a death sentence. 
"Why not?" Nerva said, humming, "It's not like not saying it will make it less true. And we’ll get him back anyway. Eren is a valuable asset to regaining the walls, we can't do it without him, so the Commander will scrape us by if he has to."
You couldn't help but nod, reaching over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. She stiffened, then softened, greatly. 
"Erwin would sooner sacrifice half the people here before letting Eren get away." You said, practically whispering to her. "We know that. We trust that Erwin, as Commander, will do what he needs to. The question is, do you trust him too, and will you work with us as a team? As one?" 
She hung her head, before nodding with an approved grunt. You smiled at her, before noticing something from the corner of your eye. You turned her around, and pointed.
"Speak of the devil, and he will appear." 
Levi was, noticeably, not among those getting ripped to shreds by what seemed like a hundred titans. 
While many of them were occupied with the Armoured Titan, there were still too many focused on you tiny humans. Left, right, and center were people being picked off one by one. 
Despite your efforts, your work seemed to only slow the inevitable. Nerva wasn't doing much better either. She'd devoted herself to keeping the titans away from Erwin - who was suffering a lost arm - and a select few others, ever loyal to her Commander and higher-ups. But from her head injury earlier, she seemed to be moving slower through the day’s haze, needing more and more breaks. 
One slip up and she'd be stuck between titan teeth too. That could happen any moment now.
You couldn't help but think of how much easier it'd be if Levi were here. Or even if your gear still worked. He had to stay back, his ankle still being a pain - to him and now you - meaning he'd have a handicap if something like this were to happen. 
Lo and behind it did. 
You were unlucky enough to have been caught in the hand of a titan, which wasn't unfamiliar to you. But the titan hadn't grabbed you, rather your gear, and scrunched it like a ball of paper, before flinging you into a tree. Thus far no titan had seen you, even if one was making obscene eating noises below you, which made bile rise in your throat with every sickening crunch. 
You knew that person. 
And something weird happened - Eren yelled.
Well, technically that wasn't weird. That was actually rather normal, but what happened after? Freaky. All the titans drew away from you, from the humans that they loved to eat so much, and turned on one other titan, and the Armoured Titan. 
You all had a chance to escape. Boy, did you take it. 
Over the course of your life thus-far, you'd gained a reputation with Nerva by your side. 
The Duo. 
Whenever anyone in the any Military faction was talking about the Duo, they were talking about you and her. Of course, you had your moments when you outshone each other, like when you managed to pull a double kill. But in general, you were a set. Never one without the other, and one was never far away from the other. 
A time came when that changed. 
Nerva was needed somewhere else, investigating someone's whereabouts, and you were sent off with Levi on the Historia and Eren mission. Without Erwin there, and at Levi's discretion, you were split up. Where you were going, not having Nerva there would keep whoever you were fighting against on edge - if anything happened to you, she'd be close by to come for them. 
The only difference between reality and what they thought, was that she wasn't actually here, and instead helping Erwin and his schemes. 
Currently you wished she were here. Even if Levi was at you one side, and one of the 104th at your other. You sure felt you were going to die - if not blown away by the burning steam then crushed by the cave you were in.
"Eren's taking too long to decide." Levi said, eyeing the boy, "I'm gonna give him a talk in three seconds."
"Levi, really? -" you said.
"Yes really. Eren!" He said, yelling the boy's name. 
You spaced out after that, instead looking forwards at the huge mass of hot flesh that seemed to grow bigger by the second. It disgusted you to think about how selfish someone had to be in order to do that. You'd hate to know where he would go.
You had no idea what entered Rod Reiss' mind to make him want to become that 'thing', but you sure did know that it wasn't good. 
A time came for you to say goodbye to Nerva. 
When faced with an immovable object once must become an unstoppable force. The Beast Titan was not moving, and your Duo had yet to be stopped. But when those two things actually meet? 
When Levi proposed to Erwin to lead the remaining Scouts to their inevitable doom to serve as a mere distraction, Nerva stepped forward. 
"Don't bother," she said, stance firm and already resolved, "I'll go. I'll distract him. (y/n) can come too, if they have to, but I won't force them. No use having everyone die when only a few lives need to be taken instead." 
Levi looked at her, then over to you with softening eyes, and finally at Erwin.
"Your choice Commander. Give up on your dreams, lead those kids straight to hell, and die; or watch her do it for everyone instead." Levi spoke, then turned heel and left. You saw Nerva and Erwin share a look, before following after Levi. 
You were going to go with her, that's what you told yourself. But one look into Levi 's eyes - a man you'd known for years - and you knew you wouldn't. Not this time. This is where your paths forked. 
You chose between a war-ridden soldier you loved, and one of your closest friends who could hold her own. 
Just like that, the Duo was no more. 
The chaos you both called odm moves, and plain old experience meant Nerva knew what she was doing when she went out alone. With the weight of a hundred eyes on her shoulders. 
Watching from back at the wall, you felt a little helpless. But then again, anyone watching would. 
It was a gamble on Erwin's part - one of the biggest all day, as far as resources went, and by more personal means. She meant something to him too. All it would take is a stray rock and Nerva would die, leaving Levi exposed. But she was calculating, collected. You wouldn't have been that calm. She was the quietest you'd ever heard her in your whole life. Beside you Erwin let out a shudder. 
"It's eerie." he said. "Like a bad dream." 
“Living in these walls is like a bad dream.” 
And a bad dream it chocked up to be. 
No sooner had Nerva used her odm gear to fling herself up at the titan, then he had decided to swipe a long arm across at her. Her wires didn't retract in time, and got caught on his arm. You could pick two things she could do from there; cut the wires and fall to her death - a self-sacrificial means - or ride it out and see what the titan would do. She chose the latter. 
Your stomach lurched forward, and you almost wished you didn't pick Levi.That you went with Nerva. But if you hadn't, you would've gotten in his way. 
As a bright light flashed ahead of you, a new titan formed - and you found out you would’ve gotten in Nerva’s way too. 
Series Taglist: @miss-consulting-timelord​ @regalillegal​
Taglist is Open! 
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sunflowerfinch · 3 years
Drabble Idea?? Just a general thing but
Michael and Tommy would absolutely try to fight each other, no hesitation
Oh they absolutely would and with their tempers they would be so hard to control. both sides are like no do not fight them and they just do not listen.  but uh wow this got away from me. a lot less lighthearted than i planned it to be. this takes place in the au world where dsmp lore is canon so uh.. theres no way theres not gonna be some angst. whoops.
Michael whipped around glaring daggers at the kid across the clearing practically screaming his head off about who knows what. He had tried tuning out the boy about an hour ago - he was use to doing that with Gavin all the time. But this wasn't the weird squeaking and yelling of the older Brit or the stupid little cooing over some animal, no this was just downright infuriating.
 Tommy was cocky as shit for some 16 year old brat, mouthing off to his family, constantly challenging others.  He was some sore of unstoppable force- he didn't know when to give up. 
"Oi! Tommy. Knock it off!” 
The call comes from up above them, the little balcony that Geoff and Jack had taken the time to dig out from the natural shelf that had formed in the mountain they lived in now. He could see Geoff laughing next to the man- Philza, or Phil, he had called himself-  who was leaning over the edge, wings spread out wide to balance himself and clearly puffed up in irritation as he yelled at his gremlin of a child. “Whaaaat?! I’m not doing nothin’ wrong!” Tommy screamed back without so much as a glance up, rolling his eyes. He practically bounced back to where Jeremy was sitting,, gearing up for a bit of sparing with the man in that freaky boar skull mask- Technoblade. 
"They're just too scared to fight a big man like me!" 
"I'm gonna fuckin' hit him" His mumbled words came out in a snarl, tightening his grip on the axe he had been using to help clear some of the trees out with Gavin. He could feel the wooden handle giving way under the pressure but didn't register it until Gavin was bumping into his side. 
"You can't hit a kid, boi.  Wouldn't be right would it?" 
It was Michael's turn to roll his eyes looking from the Brit beside him to Tommy, lip curling up in a snarl. 
"Watch me. He's worse than you, and that's saying something." 
Gavin's squawk of protest was drowned out though by Tommy's yelling, and at this point Michael had more than enough. “Would you just shut the fuck up already!? “
The blond Brit  locked eyes with Michael now, and was storming his way. “Oi! Bear boy! got a problem with me?!” “Maybe I do!” He growled out and as he took a step forward with fists balled tight  he couldn’t help but smirk at the small flinch, that slight hesitation in the boy's step. But he was stopped for a moment by Gavin grabbing his arm trying to tug him back. It was half hearted, both of them knew Gavin couldn’t hold Michael back, not physically. The hybrid yanked his arm away and continued on the two on a path to meet in the middle of the clearing. “Do something then! Or are you too pussy to fight me!” Michael was seeing red at this point, frustrated and tired from the kids incessant yelling and challenges and really, just wanted to knock the boy down a peg. Without a word he took off in a sprint, claws out ready to strike. He didn’t even see the panic on the boys face or see him freeze in place. But he didn’t get to Tommy, instead his claws hit the blade of netherite that had been swung in front of him to block the blow. That seemed to snap him out of the snap decision he had made. 
“You don’t get to lay a hand on my brother.” Techno was towering over him, glaring down from behind the mask, teeth bared. “He started it.”
“Yeah, well I'm ending it now… You try this again and I will make sure you regret it.” He’s pushed back hard but he stays on his feet, just barely with the help of Gavin coming up behind him. There was a large shadow above them when Techno started talking and only now did he realize it was Phil, black and grey wings blotting out the sun for a moment before he made it to the ground, to Tommy's side. Geoff was slower down to the situation, no wings to help him of course. “Techno back down, it's fine.” 
Michael turned away from the others, ignoring even Gavin as he tries to walk away mix of guilt and lingering frustration hitting him all at once. That wasn’t just trying to knock the kid down a peg he could have fucking killed the poor kid. Sure he was annoying and seemed like he was trying to piss everyone off that day, but he didn’t want to kill the kid.
He had barely felt in control and that scared him.
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ink-on-parxhment · 4 years
Your love, it feels like home
Prompt: a breathless "kiss me", and what happens after
It's the eighth month of cycle 12. This world was at war when they landed, and doesn't seem keen to stop even in the face of a global catastrophe like the Hunger. They've done their best to stay out of the in-fighting, keep to themselves and search for the light alone, but they don't always get so lucky.
Barry doesn't know how they get into these situations, he really doesn't. It would be more of a concern if it was a thought he had other than when they were fighting for their lives.
He dodges out of the way of a charging golem, keeps his head down until sees the familiar swish of bright red fabric beside him. Safe in the knowledge that someone in this ragtag family has his back, he looks up.
Lup is backlit by the golden light of the sun and the world is glowing in the blazing light of the flames pouring from her hands. She's smiling so sharp it's a snarl, every grit tooth visible as she spins to rain fire down on more incoming enemies. She's unstoppable in that moment, more powerful than he can ever imagine, and he falls a little more in love.
There's a discordant note as Barry's forehead rests on the piano keys. They've been in this room for going on ten hours, and he doesn't know if he remembers what sunlight or fresh air feels like. He glances up, sees that most of Lup's hair has escaped its bun and has to catch his breath. They've been playing the most beautiful piece of music he's ever heard, together, for months, but the sight of her slumped over her violin is more breathtaking than any of it.
She blows out a breath, strands of hair flying everywhere. Her eyes narrow at the sheet music in front of her, and for a moment he can feel the anxiety creep up that something is wrong with the piece, but that's her irritated face, not her distressed one.
"What if they don't like it?" He asks, temple still resting on ivory keys.
Her head whips around to look at him faster than even he anticipated, more hair slipping from the band keeping it together. She's got bags under her eyes and she looks a bit like she will fight the world if this doesn't go well.
"They're going to love it, Barry. They have to." She says it like its inexorable, like she can speak it in to being.
He thinks maybe he could chalk it up to the thousands of hours they've spent practicing. But really, he thinks it's just her. It's just the way she moves through the world, confident in the way he will never be.
She's got hair spilling across her shoulders and fire in her eyes and he knows without a doubt he's in love with this woman.
"Taako won't do it."
She doesn't sound surprised, but she is obviously upset. Her ears are flat back against her head, a line drawn deep between her brows. She's keeping her hands still by her sides, something he knows she only does when she's trying not to fidget with them, and he resists the urge to draw one of them into his own.
He licks his lips, pauses just long enough to find the words. "You knew there was a chance he wouldn't when you told him. This is a- It's big deal, doing this. There's no going back, if we do it right."
He doesn't mention what might happen if they do it wrong.
He swallows, meets her eyes. "Are you rethinking?"
"No." Her answer is immediate. "I know what I want. This is our best chance to make it out of the cycles, to make it out of this. We're gonna see the other side of this war."
She steps closer to him, leans her forehead against his for a moment. He takes a second just to breathe her in. Peace like this doesn't come around very often. "You're what I want, after all this is over, Barry Bluejeans."
They aren't married, not in any custom of any of the worlds they've been to, but he knows in that moment he will spend forever with her.
They're new to lich bodies. Lup shimmies her hands and sheds magic when it becomes too much, and Barry acts like he's brushing off non-existant lint, shaking off bright red sparks all the while. Together they are a force to be reckoned with, even more so than they were before. They orbit around each other like celestial bodies, and Taako, to an extent, because of their bonds to him.
It's new, and they are thriving.
Lup falls first of them, rising again just as quickly with red magic energy racing along her misty form. He covers her as she blasts a tendril of the Hunger apart, and then they're racing to the Starblaster. He has to fight back a smile when he hears her laugh.
The world is ending around them, but finally they know they will survive.
The first time his body dies and the memories hit him, the only thing he can see for whole minutes is memories of her face, her kindness, the way she laughs. The loss hurts more than the fall that killed him.
The world is actually ending, this time.
But he found Lup finally, so he can't really complain.
She's glorious even as a specter, guarding Angus as he burns spell slots far above his age. She's shooting pure energy at the Hunger, and he cannot help but wish he could shed his body just so he could match her, just so he could hold her.
He can't though. They're all already in enough trouble with the Raven Queen. He's not going to make it more of a problem for Kravitz.
Her body comes out of the tank, and she's as beautiful as she has always been. Her hair spilling across her shoulders, and her eyes are sparkling like he's never forgotten.
"Hey, Barry?" She says, and her voice is the same as it's always been. He wants to listen to it forever.
"Yeah?" He's already moving toward her. He hasn't held her in years.
"Kiss me."
He takes that final step, and does.
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madiiko12 · 4 years
Tumblr media
new york’s very own madison ‘madi’ ko was spotted on broadway street in chanel sneakers . your resemblance to kim chungha is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-first birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being obsessive , but also ambitious . i guess being a virgo explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be glittery eyes, dangling earrings, & chanel draped in pearls.  ( cisfemale & she/her) + ( kale, 20 , she/her , est. )
hi honeybuns !! im back and with child. there is a brief mention of an ed under the cut but i block it off with a tw start & end.    if you’d like to plot pls leave a like and i can dm you or hit you up on discord !! my discord is kale#3079  
haneul madison ko was born september 18, 1999 to two immigrant parents from S.K. her birth name is haneul, but she went by the name madison since it was easier to pronounce + madi began to almost detest her culture??
it was just that growing up she would sometimes get bullied for looking different at her school, for the way her packed lunches smelled/looked, the way people would stare if she spoke korean to her parents, how other kids would make fun of her english since she didn’t pick up on vocab/grammar as quickly since she didn’t practice at home with her parents. she just became SO insecure about it that she rejected her culture. she wouldn’t bring her mom’s food to school, if her mom ever forced her to take it she’d throw it away  and choose to starve instead. she wouldn’t speak korean back to her parents in public, barely even in private (which reeaaallly upset her parents). this also REALLY destroyed her korean language skills. she can understand still, but she can barely hold a basic conversation anymore.
as she grew up, and continued this sense of distancing herself from her culture, she ultimately distanced herself from her family. which left her feeling -  - alone often, even though it was all due to her own choices. in this loneliness, she found her escape in music. she would wear headphones constantly through the halls, in car rides, in her room when her parents yelled at her to turn the music down. she just loved music. she saved up the money her parents gave her whenever she worked at the nail salon (her parents owned it!!) to thrift an old keyboard. she became self-taught by trying to copy melodies of songs she’d listen to, thrifting piano lesson books, staying after school with the music teacher learning to play. sometimes she’d even skip lunch to sit in the chorus room with her choir director and play.
it’s not that she had a LACK of friends growing up, maybe just that she lacked a best friend. she had a lot of friends, but no one that she felt so connected to in the way she felt connected to music. perhaps, she was addicted to her loneliness.
she spent a lot of time playing the piano and dabbling in writing music that her grades started to fall (not that she was ever the BEST student) and her parents literally took away her piano. they said it was a waste of time because they wanted her to focus on doing well, so she could get into a good university, and then live a good life. music was just a distraction
but that didnt work
she would sneak out into the city to go to concerts and poetry readings. she’d sneak out and go to indie songwriters scenes while her parents thought she was at the library with one of her school friends
This underground scene had her full heart!! she was surrounded by likeminded people who just lived for music. she was hearing all of these incredible people who were all looking for their start. maybe not looking for anything at than just to sing their songs. tbh i think this was the point she was happiest. she was completely enveloped in music, just for the sake of music. There wasn’t any pressure, just music. Just the songs. she was wide eyed looking at this whole underground scene of artists. So maybe some plots from these underground charas?!
she’d perform some songs at karaoke nights and the indie sessions, and a producer took a keen interest in one of her songs. basically im kind of stealing halsey’s career start, but she posted a song Came in Close on SoundCloud and just blew up overnight. in the morning, she woke up to a record label asking her to fly to LA for a meeting.
and thus, Madison Ko began a career as Madi Ko where she’d release her debut album, Honey, a few months later. (DISCOGRAPHY HERE). her music is very 80s synth inspired!
new album that is most definitely CRJ’S EMOTION is coming soon...
right off the bat, madi is an absolute firecracker!! she’s loud, bursting with personality, has a lack of inhibitions that CHAOTICALLY mixes with her spontaneity
part of this is projecting her insecurities. she felt lonely as a child but doesn’t want to be seen as that to the world. it’s not so much a persona but an exaggeration of who she was. 
she likes to show off her glam bc it, once again, hides her insecurities. 
she just kind of is dramatic anymore
like everything about her
her persona as Madi Ko, upcoming popstar underdog, is like DUNKED in glitter, over the top stages and sets, draped in couture. basically her stages/outfits/dances/mvs are like Chungha’s but with Pale Waves and Carly Rae Jepsen VC. ex: 1, 2, 3, 4
also bc im obsessed with chungha’s famous diamond wink, IT’S GONNA BE MADI’S THING TOO. so basically madi has trended on twt a few times bc of her signature diamond wink bc she effing glues rhinestones and glitter under her eyes for performances !! she said fuck corneas !! ex: 1, 2, 3      ....god chungha is magical
so while madi is like a brand hypebeast n never shuts up, she can also get,,, easily annoyed. and heavily perceives ppl on first impressions despite that being the reason she felt misunderstood a lot growing up. 
definitely argumentative!!! will blow up arguments for no reason n then later questions why she made it such a big deal but cant own up to her mistakes
when she decides she doesnt like you, SHE DOESNT LIKE YOU. it’s done. bridge is burned, she’s not keen on second chances
fame has definitely given her a bit of an ego problem --- she’s a bit more aggressive, self-obsessed while intrinsically insecure, is too busy flaunting her material possessions and trendy life that she can...lose touch of reality. basically most of her high school friends cant stand her. HC that her high school bf broke up with her bc she was no longer was the madison ko he knew!!! so if anyone wants to be that ex lmk !!! she’s written songs about them!!!
definitely the type of girl who is so hype at a party, dancing in fallen confetti, standing on the fireplace mantle, but then midway realizes she’s lonely. sad at a party. 
she kind of always had body image issues growing up, but it was very off and on, but once she got signed and being by surrounded by cameras became normal she formed a full fledged ED. she’s passed out at concerts a few times bc of her ED, but they always brush it off as “not enough rest” or “she wasnt feeling well that day but pushed to perform anyway as to not disappoint the fans”
so feel free for ur muses to point it out !! she’ll get really defensive like “i eat i just work out a lot” and yeah it’s true she works out a lot but she...doesn’t really eat
it’s also one of the causes of her irritability ...
idk why this is so long
always up for mischief! 
does love a good prank. asks weird hypotheticals 
is not scared of an ouija board
will get wasted off a few shots and drunk madi is UNSTOPPABLE 
one time drunk madi cried bc her siamese cat (MOCHI !!!) wouldn’t ever get to go to school and would never know chemistry..... the dramatics.....
she is sensitive and despises it. she does everything she can to not come across as sensitive
however, she’s so obsessive. so deep in feeling. when she feels something she FEELS it. when she is mad it boils through her. when she is in love it is all she knows. when she is sad it covers her like sweaters and blankets on rainy days. she doesn’t know how to half-feel. everything she feels stops her in her tracks.
HOWEVER she’s the most obsessive with her own insecurities — so in relationships she’s kind of known for tapping out early. she just gets scared and the fleetingness of her career and that she’s at her very core, lonely and disappointed in herself, makes her want to run away thinking that letting down her walls and being vulnerable could only be disappointing for her SO. so maybe she ghosted ur chara or gave some lame excuse
Kind of obsessed with how she’s perceived
terrified that at any moment her career could be thrown away, her deemed irrelevant, and she goes back to being Madison Ko, daughter of nail techs in Koreatown. and then her parents would have been right all along, music was a waste of time.
she’s just my little fallen angel who flew to the sun (fame) and it constantly eats away at her girlhood, at her heart.
anyways this is all i got rn <3 come love me sorry i kind of didn’t shut up this is long
an ex from before she was famous who broke up with her because of how she changed!! PLEASE i have ideas for this. plus,,, you get a lot of songs about ur chara!!! could be from high school, maybe someone in the music scene she frequented before she was signed, anything!!
anothr ex/fwb/undefined relationship i’d love is one when she was first famous who just introduced her to everything. something like a whirlwind that was exciting and magical. she’s written songs about this person.
exes in general. 
romantic plots. pls i have songs who need meaning. friends to lovers, one sided (either way), slowburn, ANYTHING. love cruel summer plots, anything lover by tswift
PR relationships -- would LOVE one where she falls in love with the other despite how clearly defined they made their relationship
love triangles in general just get me going
best friend!!!! the one’s who know how the other feels just by looking at each other. they have countless sleepovers. tell each other everything. cry together on bathroom floors. pregame together. 
ex friends. for whatever reason -- maybe madi did smth shitty, maybe they did. maybe there was backstabbing, maybe madi sacrificed friendship for a career, maybe she made moves on their romantic partner/interest despite being fully aware. idk. gimme
People she knew from the underground/indie scene before they were famous!! they’d have bonded over their love for music, little indie dreams kind of vibe. just imagine a group of dreamers !! Would love if they made some kind of pact!!!
party friends
collabs !!
pranks. mischief. gimme
enemies. gotta cook up some drama, yknow
GIRL GANG. god i just want this so bad like make a girls dream come true
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chchanging · 4 years
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I wrote too much about Lily being dead, and it made me sad—here’s an alternate universe where things aren’t as bad but are somehow just as bad (this was supposed to just be cute, I’m sorry skfsjdfk)
MC: Rossi Mayhew, the one who ruins everything
“I love our job,” Lily stands amidst piles of ashy vampire remains, stroking her crossbow lovingly as if it were a cherished pet rather than a deadly weapon. Fangs flash through her bright grin, adding a wicked glint to her otherwise childlike glee. “Have I mentioned lately that I love our job?”
She spins around lightly to face her two companions, the inhuman grace of vampirism woven into her every move after spending a whole year among their ranks.
One of the others—a supermodel-tall, amber-skinned woman with long dark braids falling down past her shoulders where her bun had come undone—yanks savagely on the hilt of her sword. The blade comes lose, spraying blood from the chest cavity of the woman it had previously been buried in. With a dying yowl, the injured party crumbles into nothing more than a pile of dust.
Rossi stands triumphantly, shoulders heaving with effort, and tosses a tired, amused look towards her best friend.
“I’m glad you’re having fun.” She titters good-naturedly, “Frankly, I’m getting a little tired of clean-up duty.”
With every supervillain, there were sure to be those few blindly devoted followers cropping up like weeds just asking to be plucked—at least that’s what Lily had pointed out after Rheya had been defeated and Jax had been laid to rest. It had only taken a little bit of investigating to prove her right. Neither Adrian nor Kamilah had been content to just let them be, to stir up trouble wherever they please—but both have been increasingly busy as of late.
Luckily the great majority of Rheya’s remaining followers had been none too bright, and therefore rather easy to track down. Lily had been all too pleased to put together her own little strike team, setting out to put an end to any potential danger while the other two held things down on the home front.
“Yes, such a shame that ‘Senator Raines’ was too busy to join us this morning.” Their third pipes in, brushing the coating of ash off of his hands. He bends down to retrieve his sword from where it had been knocked to the ground, sliding it back into place in its scabbard. “It was wise attacking in the daytime, when they had nowhere to run—that does not mean I have to like it.”
Lily gives him a sarcastic smile, “You’re on evil vampire probation, Gaius, you don’t get to choose jobs that you like.” Gaius clicks his tongue in response and rolls his eyes, but doesn’t argue. She has a point, after all.
He’d been surprisingly well-behaved all this time, save for the occasional snark. Given how rough things had been when they’d worked with him the first time, Rossi had expected some friction. She’d been hesitant, but Kamilah had pulled her aside the night they’d decided to let him live.
We can’t just let him go out in his own and trust him not to fall into...old habits. She’d said, rather tightly. Rossi knew that the decision had been hard on her, but as much as she knew that, she also couldn’t just ignore how wrong it would’ve felt to sentence him to death after he’d played such an integral part in Rheya’s defeat. He’s tasted the Blood of the First, and we haven’t seen how much of that power he still holds. If he goes off the deep end again you’re our greatest contingency plan.
Rossi hadn’t minded the idea of playing babysitter—she was the main reason he was allowed to live, and it wasn’t a problem if she had to take responsibility for that. Not to mention he is unstoppable in a fight, which had worked in their favor more than once since these little excursions had begun. More than once she and Lily had been forced to admit they’d been glad to have him along when things got messy.
She glances over at him, watching has he rolls his shoulders and neck to loosen up his muscles. He’d long since ditched his old-timey getup for something more modern—slim, dark pants and a grey long-sleeve v-neck. It suits him, she’d decided—and keeps deciding, often while her eyes are lingering on the muscles of his forearms where he’d rolled up his sleeves, or on the defined line of his collarbone.
He’s smirking like the cat who caught the mouse, pleased with himself after what was no doubt another overly simple battle. There’s a little extra color to his cheeks, and a lively light in his eyes. He can complain all he wants, but she knows that he is fully in his element, here—looking more alive than he had even after Rheya’s demise.
It takes a little too long for her to realize that she’d been staring—long enough that she isn’t the only one who does. Lily watches her with an incredulous brow raised, a hand on her hip. Rossi balks, swallowing hard and averting her eyes from the both of them.
Lily’s gaze weighs on her for a few more moments before she finally clears her throat. “I’m gonna check the rest of the place out—see if these guys were in touch with any other pro-Rheya groups.” Gaius nods at her, and she disappears into one of the back rooms of the dingy little hideout this particular group of insurgents had chosen for themselves.
It’s little more than a shack in the middle of the woods a few hours outside of the city. It’s dark, the walls creak with the slightest breeze, the windows are terribly drafty, and the whole place reeks of mold and mildew.
Unable to focus on much else now that she isn’t preoccupied with being attacked, Rossi can’t help but wrinkle her nose.
“Ugh,” she grunts unhappily, “why can’t anyone ever start an evil goddess cult in a five star hotel? This place sucks.”
Gaius scans the room as if making sure Lily isn’t about to pop out of the room right this second, and once he seems satisfied his face softens into a genuine smile. It’s gentler than Rossi is used to, even now.
He gives her a slow once-over, noting her rumpled clothes and disheveled hair.
“That would make our being inconspicuous a little more difficult, don’t you think?” He asks lowly, amusement in his tone. She rolls her eyes.
He approaches her slowly, a fondness in his eyes that makes her heart skip a beat. She notices belatedly that she’s holding her breath.
“Ah,” She begins, watching him closely, “we know all about being inconspicuous, don’t we?”
Her teasing tone earns her a rumbling chuckle. The sound of it warms her, makes her smile without really meaning to. He comes to a stop right in front of her, eyes sparkling, and extends a hand to her with his palm up.
“Here.” He says plainly, voice soft.
She glances down at it, then looks back at him, grinning quizzically. She lays her hand in his, the warmth comforting. “What?”
There’s a spark of confusion that flits across his face, his smile growing infinitely wider. He looks like he’s just been let in on the world’s greatest joke, and he couldn’t be more delighted. “I...was offering you the hair tie.” Her eyes blow wide, shooting back down to where she still holds his hand and finally noticing the black band he wears around his wrist.
More often than not he ties the majority of his wavy hair up in a stylish knot, so she can always count on him to have extras if she loses her own.
She feels her entire face heat up with a blush so intense she could probably fry an egg.
Of course...
She refuses to meet his eyes even once in the time it takes her to accept his offered hair tie and redo her previous bun, just stares holes into the ground as the embarrassment eats her alive and silently curses herself for being an idiot.
She hears his breathy laugh, feels him step a little closer.
“I liked your idea better, though.”
Her cheek tingles under his touch, his fingers tracing softly along her skin until they hook under her chin. He lifts her face, waiting patiently until she finally gives in and meets his eyes once more.
“Such a shy little thing, aren’t you?” He murmurs, voice smooth and sweet like honey. Indignation flares, and she opens her mouth to tell him off quickly and cleverly. She would have, too, had she not been promptly distracted by his lips brushing lightly against the corner of her mouth.
Righteous anger forgotten, she attempts to turn her head and catch him in a kiss of her own, but he is already pulling away before she can get a better angle. His eyes fill with a tender amusement while hers linger on his smile. The pad of his thumb stops her from leaning back in, his hand still warming the spot beneath her chin.
“Not here, lovely.” He rumbles, sounding as though he wants it as much as she does. “Inconspicuous, remember?”
Rossi lets out a mighty groan, pouting up at him without shame.
“Gaius Augustine, you’re nothing but a bully!”
It’s more than a chuckle, this time. His laugh is light and melodic in a way that sends the butterflies in her stomach fluttering. He looks so uncharacteristically happy right now that it warms her heart even as she frowns petulantly up at him.
Their relationship had been a rather recent development. When others are around he keeps mostly to himself—polite but distant with everyone—but it had seemed that even someone such as himself craved companionship, because Rossi had noticed that when left on his own he often sought her out.
She doesn’t suspect it had started with any romantic intentions. Gaius had spent the previous millennia surrounded by those he considered friends, family, and even lovers—it only made sense now that he’d be a little lonely. Rossi had been the one who’d shown him kindness, who’d vouched for him back when she’d had no reason to. Not only that, but her argument for keeping him alive is likely the only reason he still is. She must’ve seemed like the safest bet.
But days turned into weeks turned into months—the more time they spent together, the more they found they genuinely enjoyed each other’s company. Rossi didn’t treat him like the plague, and Gaius didn’t treat her as though she were an old glass doll ready to shatter at the slightest provocation.
In their down time he’d told her stories of the past, and she’d shown him her favorite spots around the city. He’d trained her, and slowly he’d learned what it was like to live a normal life, again.
“Come, now, none of that.” Once more, he dips his head down. Their lips meet, a searing, passionate kiss that leaves them both breathless despite its brevity. He hums as he pulls away, cheeks pink. “You know all my weaknesses.”
Rossi giggles, light-headed.
“We’ve got a two hour drive back home—we should take what we can get.” She rises up on her toes for just long enough to give him another peck.
He huffs, rolling his eyes and frowning. “Lily’s going to make me drive again. She’s realized I can’t argue once she brings up my ‘probation’.” With a heavy sigh, he lets his forehead rest on her shoulder. Rossi laughs and strokes the back of his neck. “If you had all just killed me that night, at least I wouldn’t be stuck with all the grunt work.”
“Ooooh, poor baby!” Rossi trills, endlessly entertained by his dramatics. “If you’re really that tired, I’ll drive back.”
He turns his head just enough to peer up at her from the corner of his eye. “Truly, you are the best of us, Rossi Mayhew. I know not what I would do without you, only that it is too bleak to even consider.”
She shoves him off, watching as he stumbles with a pleased little smile on his face. “Lily! We’ll be waiting out in the car!” She shouts back towards the door Lily had disappeared behind, flipping her lover the bird all the while. She hears a muffled shout of acknowledgement in response. “Hurry, before I string Gaius up in the sun for a laugh!”
“Never have I known a kinder soul than you,” Gaius croons, wrapping his arms around her waist as she turns her back and heads for the door. “Your mercy knows no bounds.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she deadpans, stifling her laughter. “Just hand over the keys.”
Rossi knows Lily too well to believe the silence they drive in is benign. She’s been tapping away at her keyboard ever since they’d started the long drive back into the city. Nothing unusual about it, save for the fact that she hadn’t said a word the entire time.
It had been an hour and a half, Gaius was reclined in the passenger seat with his arms folded over his chest and his head resting off to the side. The slow, steady rise and fall of his chest led her to believe he’d fallen asleep. He’d relaxed as soon as they’d returned back to the safety of tinted windows and luxury leather seats—a gift from Adrian to Lily when this had all started to make her job a little easier.
Rossi’s eyes keep drifting back to him during the more boring parts of the drive. His head is turned away from her, but every once in a while she can just slightly see the way his eyes flutter in a dream.
Her lips quirk up a bit when it happens again, and she turns her eyes back towards the road.
“So, what is it with you two?”
Lily’s tone isn’t accusing, not even a little betrayed, but there’s a little edge there that’s almost akin to panic. She’s noticed how close they’ve been, and she’s begging Rossi to make it make sense.
Rossi winces imperceptibly, keeping her eyes on the road instead of meeting Lily’s in the rear view mirror. She’s afraid of what she might see there, but not really all that surprised that the cat is clawing it’s way out of the bag.
For as long as she’d known her, Lily had always been the smartest person in the room, regardless of said room’s size and/or population—that’s always been a fact. It had just never worked against Rossi, herself, before.
“What do you mean?” It’s painfully obvious, even to herself, that she’s stalling. She hadn’t expected this little fling to happen in the first place, so she hadn’t spent much time coming up with a reasonable explanation in the event that one of her friends so happened to stumble upon the truth. She doesn’t know what to say, or even if there’s anything that she could say at this point.
Lily scoffs quietly, “Girl, don’t insult me, ok?” Rossi expects to see anger in her eyes when she meets them, but really she just looks tired. “You two aren’t nearly as subtle as you seem to think you are. Maybe I wouldn’t have noticed if we haven’t been spending literal days together at a time. We spent those couple days investigating that tip in Jersey and you guys were holding back so hard I thought one of you was gonna sprain something...”
Rossi bites her lip, chewing at it nervously.
“Honestly, at this point I was just waiting to see how long it was gonna take for you to tell me.”
She glances guiltily over at the passenger seat, muted surprise tingling at the edges of her mind when she sees that Gaius’ eyes are open. She wonders how long he’d been awake, but now isn’t the time to bring it up.
“I’m...I’m so sorry, Lil, I just...”
She doesn’t want to admit that she’d been the slightest bit ashamed, especially not when he is awake to hear it.
But she had been, hadn’t she? Why else would she have struggled for so long to keep it a secret. She can’t deny how he makes her feel—whole, and happy for the first time since Jax had died. They’d been in a strange place since she’d come back from the dead—and Rossi’s stubborn refusal to admit to herself that anything had been different had ensured that they’d remained in that place without closure up until the moment he’d turned to ash.
Had that been what she was running from all along? Was she just hiding away from it in the arms of someone new?
Does she love Gaius? Or does she like the way he lets her forget her guilt?
The silence that permeates the car is heavy, oppressive. Rossi doesn’t know how she planned to finish her apology, and she doesn’t continue. Whatever she says right now, with her thoughts and feelings in a jumble like this, will be terribly hollow. Too hollow for words between best friends. Between sisters.
Her eyes sting, but she blinks a few times to clear them. Gaius says nothing, grip on his own arms tightening as his brows knit together in discontent.
She knows she’s letting them both down, right now. She can’t give either of them what they want; she can’t give them a clear definition of her relationship with him. Can’t explain what it is she hopes to gain.
Lily sighs heavily when she resigns herself to the fact that she won’t be getting an answer today. “Don’t worry,” she promises, “Adrian and Kamilah won’t hear a thing about it from me. But for the record? You should talk to him. He’s not just some guy, Rossi—not after what he’s done.”
Rossi’s grip tightens on the wheel. Lily is right. Of course she is.
Dread settles heavily in her gut, its home there already well-established. The conversation that awaits her at home is not going to be an easy one.
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angelofthequeers · 5 years
Hold Me By Both Hands: Chapter 19
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
Of course I damn well redesigned Rena Rouge’s suit. If I’m known for anything, I hope it’ll be for female suit salt.
Chapter 18 | Chapter 20 | AO3 link
“Master?” Ladybug’s saying as Chat Noir enters the room for their weekly meeting. Master Fu hums and nods for her to continue. “Why don’t we ever…no, don’t worry, it’s silly.”
“There’s no such thing as a silly question, Ladybug,” Master Fu says.
“I was just wondering…” Ladybug trails her fingers over the Fox necklace in the open Miracle Box between them, then the Bee comb. “Why don’t we hand out more Miraculouses?”
“I was wondering the same thing,” Chat Noir says. Ladybug smiles at him when he crosses over to sit down next to her. “We’re not the only ones learning how our Miraculouses work. And there’ve been a few times where we could’ve done with a bit of help, especially when I’m the one hit by the akumas.”
“If the Lucky Charm indicates that you need the help of an ally, I’m willing to allow you to choose one,” Master Fu says. “But I already took an enormous risk by putting two Miraculouses into circulation, especially the two that Hawkmoth is after. More Miraculouses in the world gives Hawkmoth more chances.”
“Well, Chat and I haven’t lost ours,” Ladybug says. “And we’ve had some close calls because we had to figure things out as we went. If we do eventually need an ally, wouldn’t it be a good thing to have one who’s already got experience?”
“Ladybug’s right,” Chat Noir says. “If we throw someone into battle with us for the first time, it’d make it easier for Hawkmoth to get their Miraculous.”
“We don’t even have to let them keep the Miraculous like we do,” Ladybug says when it looks like Master Fu is wavering. “We could give it to them when we need them and then take it back after each battle. Or each time we train them.”
“Don’t get me wrong, Ladybug and I are an unstoppable team,” Chat Noir says with a grin at Ladybug, who smiles and nudges him in return. “But we’ve got timers and we seem to have less experience than Hawkmoth. It couldn’t hurt to train up a few people in case we need help every now or then. Or in case Hawkmoth does something big.”
“Hmm…” Master Fu strokes his grey beard. “Both of you raise excellent points. I’m just wary after the last time I made a mistake…”
“You’ve mentioned that mistake before, but what was it?” Ladybug says. Master Fu looks her and Chat Noir straight in the eye, and Chat Noir swallows at the ancient heaviness behind Master Fu’s eyes.
“The destruction of the Guardians’ temple and the loss of every Miraculous except the ones I have here,” he says. Ladybug and Chat Noir blink.
“Oh…” Ladybug says softly.
“Master,” Wayzz says. “If I may?”
“Of course you may,” Master Fu says. “You know you’re always welcome to speak, Wayzz.”
“I think that Ladybug and Chat Noir are correct,” Wayzz says. “There will come a time when they need help, and it would be best to have prepared themselves for that eventuality. You know that they wouldn’t hand out a Miraculous to anyone they didn’t trust with their lives. And…you can’t keep allowing one mistake to haunt you to this degree, Master. It was over a century ago, and you’ve seen and learned so much since then.”
“We’ve proven that it wasn’t a mistake to trust us with these Miraculouses,” Ladybug says.
“Now, let us prove that you can trust us with others as well,” Chat Noir adds.
For a long while, Master Fu simply stares down at the Miraculous Box, his face completely unreadable to Chat Noir. It feels like an eternity before Master Fu looks back up at them and smiles.
“You’re right,” he says. “You’ve proven that you can both be trusted with the two most important Miraculouses, and it would be foolish to throw a new hero into a battle with a stronger Hawkmoth. Pick a Miraculous and an ally you can trust, and I will allow you to introduce them tonight, should they accept. They may also keep their Miraculous, as the holder’s bond with their kwami is vital for ensuring they are as attuned to their powers as possible, but the responsibility to retrieve the Miraculous if the need arises rests entirely on the two of you. If this ally works out, I will eventually entrust the other two within this tier to you.”
“I think we should pick the Fox and give it to Alya Césaire,” Ladybug says immediately.
“That…was quick,” Chat Noir says. “Any reason why?”
“Oh!” Ladybug’s cheeks pinken. “I’m sorry, Chat. I should’ve asked you.”
“No, no, I don’t mind. You’re the one with the killer instincts, milady. I’m just curious.”
“Well…” Ladybug chews her lip. “Alya’s the Ladyblogger, right? She’s already familiar with our job. And she loves us, so I know she’d never betray us. Also…maybe she’ll have a new appreciation for our secret identities if she’s got one of her own?”
“Makes sense,” Chat Noir says. “But why the Fox? Alya’s a pretty forceful person…from what I’ve seen.”
“Trixx is a crafty kwami,” Ladybug says. “I think he would be a good influence on Alya and help balance out that forcefulness. And the Fox corresponds to wood, right? That push to grow and hang back to get the facts first could be just what Alya needs, especially after why she was akumatised into Lady Wifi.”
“Huh. I never thought about that,” Chat Noir says. “Well, milady, I’m totally on board.”
“Excellent.” Master Fu removes the Fox necklace from its slot and carefully places it in a tiny box, just like the one that Chat Noir’s ring had come in. “Good luck, both of you.”
“Well, even if it flops, it’s better than being at home after the day I’ve had,” Chat Noir says.
“Poor kitty,” Ladybug coos and reaches out to scratch Chat Noir’s head behind his fake ears, making a loud purr rumble in his chest.
“Have you been talking to Marinette?” he complains. “Because it’s so not fair that you know my weak spots too.”
Ladybug giggles and scratches particularly hard and Chat Noir nearly lets out a mrow in response. Jesus Christ. If he ever actually does that in front of his lady, someone please end him.
“She seems happier when I see her now,” Ladybug says. “I take it that’s your doing?”
“Well, of course,” Chat Noir brags. “My charms are irresistible. I’m quite the cat-ch.”
“God help me,” Ladybug mutters. Although he’s sure that she’s just teasing him, Chat Noir can’t help but wonder…
“Is that…okay with you?” he says slowly. “Being close friends with a civilian? I still remember how you were when Lila said you were besties…”
“Of course it’s okay with me,” Ladybug says. “Lila was trying to use me to boost her own status and act like we were openly friends. You seem to genuinely like this Marinette girl and I know you wouldn’t do anything to endanger her and she wouldn’t spread the word just to make herself look good. And from what I’ve heard about your life, you could do with a good friend.”
“Aww, no one will ever replace you, milady,” Chat Noir teases, flopping across her lap. She rolls her eyes but thankfully continues to pet him, while Master Fu watches with a twinkle in his eyes. “But honestly…I’m happy you approve, Ladybug. Marinette’s really special.”
There’s something odd in Ladybug’s smile but, for the life of him, Chat Noir can’t possibly figure out what it could be. “I’m glad, kitty. She definitely sounds special.” With a sigh, she pushes his head off her lap and climbs to her feet in one graceful motion, then pulls him up. “Come on, Chat. We’ve got a baby superhero to meet. Thank you, Master!”
“But petting!” Chat Noir whines, though he still follows her out of the parlour.
“Behave yourself and I’ll give you all the petting you want later,” Ladybug says as they leap through Paris towards Alya’s house.
“Hmph. I’ll just go to Marinette for pets.”
“You do that, kitty.”
When they land on Alya’s balcony, she’s thoroughly engrossed in whatever she’s doing on her computer; probably some Ladyblog stuff. But Alya’s always had a sixth sense for superheroes, and as soon as their feet graze the balcony, her head whips up and her eyes start to glimmer at the sight that greets her.
“Ladybug! Chat Noir!” she cries when she bursts out onto her balcony. “What’s wrong? Is there an akuma? Do you need my help?”
“Not now, but we’ll need you in the future,” Chat Noir says cryptically. Ladybug rolls her eyes.
“Ignore him,” she says. “Mind if we kidnap you for an hour or two? This could change your life.”
“Um, yes!” Alya dances from foot to foot. “You can kidnap me anytime! And getting to help you guys? What’s going on?”
“How about we snatch this fair maiden first?” Chat Noir says, and Alya gives him a thoroughly unimpressed look and pointedly holds her arms out to Ladybug, who smirks and scoops her up. Then they’re off, bounding through Paris towards the Eiffel Tower, and Alya lets out a shriek of laughter and whoops as the wind whips through her hair and blows her curls all over the place. Once they’ve finally landed on the tip, safe from the view of Paris, Ladybug sets Alya down and laughs when Alya tries in vain to tame her windswept hair.
“So,” Alya says when she’s finally given up on fixing her wild curls. “What’s up, you guys? Do you need me to do something on the Ladyblog?”
“If this works out, you can’t breathe a word of it anywhere near the Ladyblog,” Ladybug says. “You can’t tell anyone. Not the Ladyblog, not even your friends or family.”
Alya’s eyes widen. “Whoa. That’s heavy. What is it?”
“Stop scaring her, bugaboo,” Chat Noir grins. “Like she’s gonna say no.”
“I’m just making sure she understands the responsibility that this entails!” Ladybug says.
“Okay, not that I’m not up for some Ladynoir banter,” Alya says, “but it might help if you guys actually tell me what’s going on.”
Ladybug sticks her tongue out at Chat Noir, then swipes the top of her yo-yo to open it up so that she can reach into the pool of bright light and extract the little Miraculous box. “Alya Césaire,” she says, holding the box out to a wide-eyed Alya, while Chat Noir silently sulks at the fact that his baton can’t do that, even though his suit has pockets when Ladybug’s doesn’t. “Here is the Miraculous of the Fox, which grants the power of illusion. Should you choose to accept, you will use it for the greater good whenever we need your help, then return it to us when the mission is complete.”
Chat Noir shoots her an odd look. Hadn’t Master Fu said that Alya could keep the Fox? Oh well, Ladybug’s always got a plan for everything, so he just has to assume that this is another plan of hers. And if she’s come up with it on the spot, he can’t very well ask her without tipping off Alya.
“No way,” Alya breathes. “For real? Me, a superhero?”
“Of course,” Chat Noir says. “Ladybug and I both thought you’d be a natural fit.”
“But your identity must remain a secret,” Ladybug says. “If we hear that you’ve told anyone then we won’t be able to give the Miraculous back to you. Unless the circumstances were unavoidable, of course. Accidents happen.”
“Of course not!” Alya says, once again bouncing from foot to foot. “I mean – of course! I won’t tell a soul!”
“Then welcome to the team, Ladyblogger,” Chat Noir grins as Ladybug indicates that Alya can take the little box. “Tonight’s just an orientation, but we’re gonna try and give you a few training nights so you’re not shoved into the thick of things like we were.”
“I will actually have both your babies for this,” Alya blurts out.
“I think that’s scientifically impossible with two uteruses, but sure,” Ladybug says with an amused little grin. Alya rolls her eyes, then snaps open the box and gasps and shields her eyes from the bright orange light that pours out of it.
“What is that thing?” Alya gasps. When the light fades to reveal a little orange fox kwami with mischievous violet eyes, her own eyes practically bulge out of her head.
“I’m not a thing!” Trixx says. “My name is Trixx and I’m your kwami!”
“Mind. Blown.” Alya feverishly examines Trixx from all angles. “You’re what gives Ladybug and Chat Noir their superpowers, right?”
“Not bad,” Trixx remarks to Ladybug and Chat Noir.
“She’s an expert,” Ladybug says.
“That’s one word for it,” Chat Noir says. Alya shoots him a very dirty look.
“So, what do you say?” Ladybug says. “You ready to become a superhero?”
“Do you even need to ask?” Alya shoots back.
“Then you just need to say one thing,” Trixx says. “Trixx, let’s pounce!”
“Trixx, let’s pounce!” Alya is enveloped in the same orange light that had introduced Trixx, and when it fades to reveal her fox outfit, she squeals and twists and turns to look at every little bit of it. She’s wearing a baggy, cropped orange jacket with a white chest, open over a tight, white-torsoed orange suit with a high black collar, along with white-palmed black gloves that look like they rise underneath her jacket sleeves. Her orange suit stops at her knees, meeting her orange-mottled black boots with orange fox paw prints on the white soles. Her black collar tapers into a sharp point where the fox tail of her active Miraculous rests, and there’s a wide strip of material wrapped around her waist that falls behind her in a black-outlined orange and white fox tail. Topping off her outfit are fake black-tipped orange fox ears with white insides, a mask that’s orange on the top half and white on the bottom half, a long flute strung across her back, and white-tipped hair that’s pulled back into a bushy ponytail. The more Chat Noir stares, the more he realises that it’s not just a ponytail; each thick bunch of curls forms a fox tail, with nine in total, giving her ponytail the illusion of extra volume.
“You know, milady,” Chat Noir says, “you’d better ask your kwami about a suit change, ‘cause Alya looks pretty damn cool.”
“And just what is wrong with my suit?” Ladybug huffs, crossing her arms. Chat Noir raises his hands.
“Nothing, nothing! You know I’ve got a thing for spots.” He winks. “I just don’t know you’d go for such a…plain suit if you were given the chance of a lifetime to be a superhero.”
“My suit is practical, thank you very much!” Ladybug says.
“So’s mine. But I’ve got a bell.”
“Yeah, because you’re a whipped kitten!”
“Ooh, burn,” Alya cackles, her head swivelling from Ladybug to Chat Noir to follow the argument.
“Her suit’s practical but still cool!” Chat Noir points at Alya.
“Hey, whoa, keep me outta your lover’s spat.”
“I’ll so take that Miraculous back off you and give it to Chloé Bourgeois if you call it a lover’s spat again,” Ladybug mutters.
“Hey! Low blow!” Alya clasps her heart dramatically.
“Shouldn’t we be introducing Alya to the nightlife?” Chat Noir says with his usual smirk. Ladybug pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Just…pick a superhero name and jump off the Tower already,” she sighs. Alya squeals and jumps again.
“A name! I get to pick a superhero name!”
“Yep, so make it count, ‘cause you’ll be stuck with it, foxy,” Chat Noir says.
“Call me foxy again and I’ll claw your eyes out,” Alya says. “Hmm. My name’s…Rena Rouge! Yeah! Rena Rouge!”
“Not bad,” Ladybug says. “Okay, now jump off the Tower.”
“…You were serious about that?” Rena Rouge says. Ladybug smiles sweetly.
“Of course. You want to be a superhero, right? Go!”
“I’ll accompany you, foxy,” Chat Noir winks, then jumps off the Eiffel Tower before Rena Rouge can follow through with her threat of gouging his eyes out. But at least it gives her sufficient motivation to forget the fact that she’s jumping hundreds of metres down to the ground, since she growls and hurls herself after him seconds later, catching herself with the metal beams and sliding down the Tower directly when necessary to slow herself with the friction, then launching herself back off.
It’s so not fair. Why can’t Rena Rouge hurtle through Paris or get whacked off a pole-tightrope on her first day like he and Ladybug had? Damn foxes being a damn natural at this.
“Oh my god,” Rena Rouge gasps when her feet hit the concrete ground seconds after Chat Noir lands, with Ladybug bringing up the rear. “I just jumped down the Eiffel Tower!”
“And you doubted my instincts, kitty,” Ladybug says with a smirk.
“Please, milady, you insult me if you think I ever doubt you,” Chat Noir says.
“This is so cool! I can’t wait till my first battle!” Rena Rouge then grimaces. “I mean, not that I want someone to get akumatised – ugh, you guys know what I mean!”
“Yes, yes, you’re just an overexcited douche rather than an insensitive douche,” Chat Noir says. Rena Rouge sticks her tongue out at him.
“I hate to cut this short, but we didn’t exactly tell Alya’s parents that we were kidnapping her,” Ladybug says. “This’ll have to be a brief orientation. But next time will totally be longer.”
“I will commit every second of this to permanent memory,” Rena Rouge whispers with starry eyes.
“One last thing before we end our little soirée,” Chat Noir says. “Try using your power.”
“My power? Oh, right! Like Ladybug has Lucky Charm and you have Cataclysm!”
“Yep,” Ladybug says. “Yours is Mirage. As many illusions as you want for five minutes, no matter how big or small. It should be easy enough to make and hold the illusions –”
“– but it’ll take pawractice to make it look purrfect,” Chat Noir says. Both Ladybug and Rena Rouge glare at him.
“Feel like being my new partner?” Ladybug says.
“Damn right I do,” Rena Rouge says.
“Hmph,” Chat Noir says. “As if you could live without my ameowzing puns. But it does seem a bit unfair that Rena’s gotta work on perfecting her illusions when the others get straightforward powers – make a shelter, stinging others…”
“And that’s why it takes a clever mind and a fast learner,” Ladybug says. “And we know Alya’s both.”
“Sorry, Chat Noir, but you’re just gonna have to shove off and let me make out with Ladybug,” Rena Rouge says. “She called me clever and a fast learner!”
“Don’t go getting a big head or anything,” Chat Noir says sourly.
“Besides, imagine the chaos of having unlimited illusions everywhere without a timer once you’re more experienced,” Ladybug says. “You wouldn’t know what’s real or what’s not. The Fox is suited to hanging back and annoying the enemy, remember?”
“Hanging back? That doesn’t sound like me at all,” Rena Rouge says.
“Which is why we picked you for the Fox,” Ladybug says. “It’s not always about what power you’re best suited to, but what that power can teach you. I get the feeling that you’ll benefit from learning how to be a true Fox, especially since you wanna be a professional journalist someday. Hang back, gather information, confuse your opponent, then get out of there. Even if you prefer to be in the thick of things, it’s all about learning how to use your wits under stress. He did say that aggressive foxes were a thing, didn’t he?”
“Yeah, if I remember correctly,” Chat Noir says.
“Actually…that does sound pretty cool,” Rena Rouge admits. “Especially the part where I can create literally any illusion I want. Okay, I’m in. How do I use my power?”
“Just picture the illusion you want to create, play your flute, then say, “Mirage”,” Chat Noir says. “First illusion will start your timer, then you’ve got five minutes to either use that one illusion or make more.”
“But the more you have, the harder it is to focus on them,” Ladybug says. “Which is where experience comes in.”
“Right, right. I think I’ve got it.” Rena Rouge’s brow furrows, then she unslings her flute and raises it to her lips to play a short tune. “Mirage!” She flings the orange orb at the end of her flute and when it hits the ground in front of her, a small group of people appear in a flash of orange light.
Wait. Why is Chat Noir looking at himself? Well, not technically himself, but his civilian self. Adrien. And Marinette, and Nino, and a few other people who he assumes are Rena Rouge’s parents and sisters. Except that they’re slightly fuzzy around the edges and very obviously not real.
“Guess what, guys!” Rena Rouge crows. “I’m a superhero! I’m Rena Rouge! Me, Alya!”
“Oh my gosh, really?” Illusion Marinette bounces on the spot. “That’s so, so cool, Alya!”
“We all know how much you love superheroes, especially Ladybug!” illusion Adrien says.
“I’m so proud of you, babe!” illusion Nino says.
“Our daughter, a hero!” illusion Mrs Césaire says, and illusion Mr Césaire beams and hugs her.
“Super Alya! Super Alya!” the illusion twins chant.
“Not bad, sis,” illusion big sister says. Rena Rouge’s necklace beeps and loses a tail segment, so she sighs and reaches out to touch illusion Nino, and the group of people disappear in another flash of light and the faint sound of flute music.
“Rena?” Ladybug says softly when Rena Rouge says nothing for a few moments. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah.” Rena Rouge turns to face them, and Chat Noir’s stomach lurches at the sight of her glossy eyes. “I just…had to tell them somehow. At least I’ll have that memory with me.”
“You know we’d love nothing more than for you to be able to tell your friends and family, right?” Ladybug says. “But all it would take is one brainwashing or mind-reading akuma…”
“Not even Ladybug and I know who each other are,” Chat Noir says. He slips an arm around Rena Rouge, and she smiles and leans into his embrace. “Considering how many hits I take for her, that’s probably a good thing.”
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack one of these days,” Ladybug mutters as she joins the embrace, sandwiching Rena Rouge between herself and Chat Noir. They stand there in silence, squished together, ignoring Rena Rouge’s Miraculous when it beeps again.
“You know,” Rena Rouge eventually says. “I never would’ve put this on the Ladyblog, even without you guys asking me. I don’t care about the world knowing who I am. I just want my close friends and my family to be proud of me…”
Alya considers Adrien to be one of her close friends? Chat Noir can’t help but squeeze Rena Rouge tighter after that, not that she’ll know why.
“I think they already know just how miraculous you are, even without superpowers,” Ladybug says.
“God, I’m such a fucking sap,” Rena Rouge mutters, squirming until Ladybug and Chat Noir release her. “Alright, alright, break it up. I should get back before my family comes to check on me and thinks an akuma stole me or something. How do I detransform?’
“I think it’s “let’s rest”,” Chat Noir says.
“Let’s rest.” Rena Rouge’s costume vanishes in a whirl of orange sparkles, leaving Alya standing in her place with Trixx floating above her head. Alya looks up at Trixx, bites her lip, then ever so slowly reaches up to unfasten the necklace, as though she’s prolonging the inevitable.
“Thank you, Alya,” Ladybug says as she accepts the Fox Miraculous from Alya and returns it to its box. “For proving that we could trust you.”
“It was super tempting to keep it, not gonna lie,” Alya says. “But you wouldn’t give it back if I did, right? And I’d be an idiot to make an enemy of Ladybug and Chat Noir. I figure if I get to be a hero sometimes, at least it’s better than never.”
Ladybug smiles widely. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” she says and holds the box back out to Alya, whose eyes bulge. “I wanted to make sure that we could trust you enough to relinquish your powers when asked. Good job passing our test, Alya.”
“You mean your test,” Chat Noir says. “I had no idea what you were doing. But hey, bugaboo always has a plan.”
“Stop calling me bugaboo,” Ladybug says, though her lips twitch.
“Are you…serious?” Alya breathes. “This isn’t another test to see if I’m gonna be greedy and snatch it or something?”
“No,” Ladybug says. “You’ve earned it, Alya. We offered to take it back each time, but Mas – the person who gave us our Miraculouses said that the bond between holder and kwami is vital. You do know, though, that Chat Noir and I are entirely responsible for you.”
“So, you’d better not seriously mess up, yeah?” Chat Noir says. “But no pressure or anything.”
“Yeah, no pressure,” Alya says sarcastically, taking the Fox Miraculous back out and clasping it around her neck again, then tucking it under her shirt. Trixx reappears in a flash of orange light and gives Alya a rather shark-like grin. Or should that be a fox-like grin? “I can’t wait till the next akuma fight!”
“Actually, we don’t want you out there just yet,” Ladybug says. She holds up a hand before Alya can protest. “Hawkmoth doesn’t know for sure that there are other Miraculouses in Paris. The minute we reveal you, we lose that element of surprise.”
“We gotta be sure that you’re not gonna get downed in two seconds before we let you out there,” Chat Noir says. “You saw how bugaboo got flattened on our first day.”
“Excuse me?” Ladybug huffs. “Mr ‘Oops-I-didn’t-listen-to-my-kwami-and-used-Cataclysm-like-an-idiot’ wants to imply that he was the better one of us?”
“I’m with Ladybug. At least she used her Lucky Charm right.” Alya sticks her tongue out at Chat Noir while dancing from foot to foot, while Trixx watches with an amused gleam in his eyes and Chat Noir pouts at her. “And that makes sense, about making sure I’m prepared. Even if I’m literally about to wet myself both out of excitement and to see if this is just a dream.”
“Please don’t,” Chat Noir says. “Or Ladybug will have to Lucky Charm a –”
“You’d better not finish that sentence, Chat Noir, or I won’t pet you for a month,” Ladybug says. Alya coughs rather suspiciously behind her hand at that. “Thanks for understanding, Alya. I know it must be super tempting to rush out there and get in the action.”
“Oh, don’t worry your pretty little head,” Alya says. “I’m totally cool to be your secret weapon. And it will be secret ‘cause this isn’t going anywhere near the Ladyblog. At least, not until my first battle. Just promise me that I get to break this scoop, right? And I get to Peter Parker this shit and throw people off our trails?”
“Of course,” Ladybug and Chat Noir say together, and Alya beams.
“Damn right. Now, take me back home before you guys are reported for kidnapping and end up on the run to prove your innocence.”
“A shame, really, that we can’t keep you,” Chat Noir deadpans as Ladybug scoops Alya up. Alya smiles sweetly at him.
“Damn right, furball.”
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glapplebloom · 5 years
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Well, if the comics are gonna continue why not let these two meet?
(image  by sonigoku)
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Let's pretend that IDW hired me to write a script for a crossover between My Little Pony and Sonic the Hedgehog. Can this actually happen? Well on the Middle Ground we do host Ghost of the Future by Evan Stanley. But that would be like Rooster Teeth hiring me to write an episode of Red Vs Blue because I'm a researcher of Death Battle. Chances are very, VERY small. But in this hypothetical situation, what if I get that shot. For this crossover I'll be following the guidelines of how I presume what Sega allows for IDW. I'm also going to ignore the comics from both sides since I'm going with the assumption people are going to buy this because its a crossover and not because they're fans of said comics. And this will be basically the ideas behind it, nothing concrete. It'll take place after the Coordination and Sonic Forces.
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Issue 1 – The Set Up
It begins with Eggman working on a portal with the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic and crew (this being Tails, Knuckles and Amy) coming in to stop him. In one last attack, Sonic knocked Eggman with Cubot and Orbot into the portal, which explodes. Sonic looks worried but Tails reminded him that he was in a similar situation way back and came back. So this isn't likely the last time they've seen him. On the other side, Eggman turns out to be in Discord's realm. Seeing his computers picking up nothing but Chaos Energy all around him, he begins his next big plan. A few moons later, Discord and Fluttershy were having a tea party. Discord doing his usual thing. But the things he creates don't seem to have the same energy they used to. Worried, Fluttershy suggest they go to see Princess Twilight. (Since Discord's realm is so big and he just teleports from his house to anywhere, I doubt he would notice Eggman.)
At the same time, Sonic has been a little restless since there's still no sign of Eggman. Tails told him to relax when Rouge comes in. She asked for their help with Shadow, who is not feeling 100%. When they get there, Shadow still acts cocky but Tails uses his technology to discover Shadow's Chaos Energy is diminishing. If it keeps going like it, he will lose everything. Sonic then makes the connection that Eggman maybe behind this. He's hiding in some dimension where he's draining the Chaos Energy and is likely planning something bigger. So they vow to find Eggman and stop his latest plan. In the Pony World, Twilight discovers the same thing is happening with Discord. And if he doesn't have Chaos Energy, he's going to disappear (like in Discordant Harmony). Discord still has enough magic (with the help from Twilight) to open a portal to his world. Twilight thinks this is something the entire crew have to take care of.
In Sonic's World, Tails manages to recreate the machine and use the Chaos Emeralds as well as a bunch of generators to open the portal to the Chaos Realm. Sonic, Shadow, Amy, Knuckles and Tails will go in to solve the problem while Rogue, Omega and Cream make sure the portal stays open for as long as it can. Because if it closes, its likely they may not come back. With the Ponies, the Main Six are gathered and Twilight and Discord opens the portal. Discord is going to stay behind because as soon as they fix it he can open it again without trouble. Twilight has delegates to keep watch of Canterlot while she's away. Because whatever is happening to Discord can possibly affect all of Equestria. So Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Spike enter into the Chaos Realm. And as soon as they get in, they are right across Team Sonic.
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Issue 2 – The Fight
(Image from Amy Vs Pinkie)
Before the comic, you see a random city background. Then suddenly a big crack appeared. Back in the Chaos Realm, Applejack wonders if those creatures are normal for this world. Fluttershy, who frequently visits Discord, never seen them before in her life. Tails scans them and finds that the seven creatures have the exact opposite frequency of the Chaos Emeralds. That's more than enough for Shadow to go for an attack on them. Shadow goes for a kick but Applejack dodges. This begins the two sides fighting each other. They fight randomly until eventually the party splits up. Sonic takes on Rainbow Dash and after some impressive speed feats one is impressed with the other. Rainbow Dash is impressed someone could keep up with her and says its a shame he can't fly. Sonic then does an impressive stunt and tells her that even without wings, he can still fly.
Tails and Twilight are opponents and while they seem to have a battle of blasts, the fight eventually ends with Twilight commenting on Tails technology. To her, its all theoretical but Tails begins to talk about how it can be done. Applejack takes on Knuckles and between the two of them they're too stubborn to stop fighting each other. Fluttershy, since she's free, is the one who convinces the two of them to stop fighting. Amy takes on Rarity and Spike and she does pretty well against them. Their fight stops when Rarity begins to compliment Amy's outfit. She's flattered and even is open to having modifications done by Rarity. That leaves Shadow to take on Pinkie Pie. Between her own randomness and Shadow's weakened state, he doesn't do well against her. Luckily before he can manage to land a blow, Sonic stopped him. By this point, they got a better understanding of each other and stopped fighting. Shadow reluctantly doing so.
They begin to introduce themselves to each other and agree to work together. Meanwhile Eggman had his security system notice the newly formed team. Eggman has no real concern, but feels he should do something about it. Since he controls the Chaos Energy, he's using Discord's powers to create an army of robots instantly. Cubot and Orbot finds a journal that they think Eggman would like. In it is Discord's plans for Season 9. So with this information, he creates three Metal Versions of Chrysalis, Sombra and Tirek. He gives his three new generals a small army of Badniks and command them to destroy Sonic and his friends. Fluttershy leads the group as they continue to exchange information. Pinkie Pie wonders how one guy can control Discord's Magic and Sonic tells her that Eggman has a lot of experience with Chaos Energy. Then the Metal Villains attacked.
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Issue 3 – The Mid-Bosses
(Image from @derangedhyena-art)
Before the comic, a bunch of random islands background. Another big crack appears. Back in the Chaos Realm, the three Metal Villains attack. Metal Chrysalis has her changeling powers, but its more like transformers than magic. And instead of changing into others, she changes into various parts of Eggman robots. Twilight, Spike, Amy and Tails take her on. Spike, Amy and Twilight provide cover as Tails try to hack her. Metal Chrysalis realizes the plan and tries to attack Tails. Twilight stops her with her magic. She's struggles as Tails tries his best to break through her programming. Sadly, its in a chaotic mess and he can't find any sense in it. Before Twilight could lose her hold, Amy jumps on Metal Chrysalis and decides to smash her head off her body. Metal Chrysalis is defeated.
Metal Tirek instead of absorbing Magic he absorbs life energy. Rarity, Knuckles, Applejack and Pinkie Pie take him on. He grabs Pinkie and slowly drains her life energy but a combined punch/kick from Knuckles and Applejack stopped that and restored her. Rarity notices the details of Metal Tirek's designs and instructs the two Muscles to target those parts. They happen to be weak points that help take down the machine. Metal Sombra is basically Sombra. Sonic, Rainbow Dash, Shadow and Fluttershy take him on. To deal with the smoke, Sonic and Rainbow Dash uses their speed to keep him solidified. And with a combination Light Speed Dash and Sonic Rainboom, Sonic and Rainbow destroy Metal Sombra. Shadow wanted to fight but he is growing weaker, so Fluttershy kept an eye on him.
Eggman sees the machines did their jobs: they distracted them long enough for him to complete his latest invention: the Egg Draconequus. With it, he'll finish absorbing all the Chaos Energy in the realm and use it to conquer his world. And eventually all other worlds. The others recover from the attack and try to come up with a strategy. But then they begin to notice the cracks forming around the realm. Twilight theorizes that since Eggman is messing with the Chaos Energy its affecting not only their Chaos Fueled Friends but also other worlds. If they don't stop Eggman, other worlds will be messed up or even destroyed. With this knowledge, they resolve to stop Eggman. Shame for them that they're suddenly teleported to Eggman in his now completed Egg Draconequus.
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Issue 4 – The Final Boss
(Image by Combatkaiser)
Random locations, cracks shown. In the Chaos Realm, Eggman begins to show off his powers. He removes the wings and horns off the ponies and Spike, the tails off Tails, makes the hammer too heavy for Amy, Knuckles into a paper cut out (think Thanos to Drax in Infinity War) and Sonic, Shadow and the Earth Ponies stuck in something sticky. Eggman continues to boast saying he is truly unstoppable. But Twilight tells him a friendship speech that activates their Inate Elements of Harmony Powers. With those powers activated, everyone is restored to normal. But that doesn't stop Eggman. If he can't control them, he'll destroy them. This leads to a comic long fight between Eggman and the Heroes, with Eggman eventually getting the upper hand. After getting them all in one spot, Eggman goes for one last blast. But to his surprise it was stopped.
The heroes were protected by a Diamond Shield. The Equestrian Girls Seven (in their human forms) showed up to help. They're not the only ones as Blaze also arrives to attack Eggman's Machine. The comic ends with a splash page of all the Heroes united.
Guaranteed to be in it:
Equestria Girls – Seen above.
MLP Generation 1 – The original classic series. Definitely Twilight, Applejack and Firefly. Others maybe.
MLP Generation 3 – The last Generation.
Sol Dimension – Blaze specifically.
The Future – Silver specifically.
Not sure:
Classic Dimension – They got to have some representation since we're going to have the Classic Generation of Ponies. But if not...
IDW Sonic – Whisper and Tangle to represent the IDW Sonic Comics.
Not likely:
MLP Generation 2 – They don't really have a canon. They just have one PC Game. And even ignoring that, that'll give MLP one more dimension unless we include...
Sonic Boom – For some reason, Sega doesn't want to reference this in IDW. So I doubt they'll allow it.
SatAM – As in just SatAM and not Archie. Super doubtful they'll allow this to be referenced again.
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Issue 5 – Endgame
(Image by Dragnmastralex)
All of them fighting the Egg Draconequus. Insert various interactions between generations and interdimensional pairings. Twilight eventually realizing that their best chance is to combine the Magic of Friendship to overcome the Chaos Energy. So the Main Six and the EQ Seven combine their Magic for one blast. But Eggman counters and the two are in a beam struggle. Tails then realize that just because Eggman's machine is absorbing Chaos Energy doesn't mean no one else can use it. So he gets Sonic, Shadow and anyone capable of using Chaos Energy to absorb as much as they can. So we get a bunch of Super Forms from the Sonic Side and Burning Blaze for good measure. With their combined power, alongside the Magic of Friendship, they defeat Eggman. The Main Six offer to give him the stone treatment, but Sonic refuses. Eggman is their problem and they should be the ones to deal with it.
It ends with each pairing giving a goodbye. Sonic saying they hope to meet again and Twilight assuring friendship will last.
And these are my ideas for a proposed IDW Crossover between MLP and Sonic. Think it would work? Do you have better ideas? 
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anders is @whump-sprite ‘s oc.
They saw him with Lux, when Lux was accosted by those cops and arrested. Other magic users saw it. And they were appalled, enraged, by how Emory did nothing.
“If you cared about your boyfriend, you would’ve taken a bullet before letting him get dragged away for those cops to take a piece of him.” The warlock flicks his hand, and Emory jolts back against the wall with a grunt, hands going to his stomach. It feels like he’s just been kicked, hard.
“I got him back, he’s okay -” Emory’s cut off by another invisible blow, to his side, even though no one stepped close to hit him. He can’t see where they’re coming from. He’s seen things on TV, heard stories and warnings all his life about how violent magic users are, but he never felt right believing it. Magic, though, he’s learning at present that it can be unpredictable and terrifying.
If you try to run, they’d said, when they first cornered him, we’ll make you explode. Blood and guts and limbs hitting the walls and the pavement. I snap my fingers and you’re dead.
“You called the cops on him, didn’t you?” A witch snarls, young and furious and indignant. “You betrayed him as soon as you found out he has magic, didn’t you?”
Another invisible blow makes Emory’s head crack back against the wall, and he slides down to the ground with a groan. He looks up, hands raised in surrender. “I didn’t, I love him, I - I got him out!”
“The non-magic hero. Like we haven’t heard that before. You’re watching him, you’re reporting to someone, you’re trying to get us all killed!”
Emory tries to duck down and make himself small, but of course, it’s magic hurting him, not physical blows. Still, as his head is forced by magic to snap down and crack against the pavement, as he shoves his arms between his forehead and the ground to prevent that happening again, he feels pity for his attackers. They aren’t paranoid about Emory betraying Lux for no good reason. They’re afraid. A non-magic person grows close to a warlock, and the others panic about what Lux will tell him, how many others will be exposed, how many could die as a result. This is justice, to them, not random violence. Emory wonders if any warlock would stop this, if they saw it. Like when, as Gramps describes it, those hurt by oppressors in the past rose up in small bursts, and it felt like vindication, like violence might be fair revenge. Emory gets that.
His head is bleeding. His body aches. He wants the attack to stop, he wants to say I understand, I know why you’re angry, but please stop, I’m not like you think. But they won’t stop, he’s sure. How many times has Lux been beaten up like this, alone and powerless? How many times was he certain he’d die? Because Emory doesn’t have magic, and as much as he sympathizes with the warlocks’ struggle, he’s also starting to sympathize with non-magic oppressors - because this is the fear they feel. When magic seems dangerous and invisible and inexplicable - everywhere, and unstoppable.
They flick their fingers and hands, and more heavy blows meet his body, making him grunt and moan, curling up with his arms over his head. Emory suddenly gets scared that if they see his fingers out and exposed like this, they’ll be snapped with magic - he balls his hands into fists and takes another blow to his back. How far can their magic go? Can it do damage inside him, without the simulation of a punch? Will they explode him? How will he die? Will there be a body for Gramps to identify?
“Please,” Emory croaks, huddled up and hiding from his attackers. “Please, I don’t - wanna die.”
“None - of - us - do!” One of the warlocks bellows, driving waves of force into Emory with each word. It feels like he’s being slammed into the wall, but he’s still on the ground. Emory wheezes and coughs, blood spraying onto the pavement inches from his face. The coppery smell makes him dizzy.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Someone says, angrily, forcefully, and Emory’s brows furrow in confusion. The blows stop, but there’s more magic, flying around. Things crashing. Emory feels magic surround him, compact and close - he cries out and makes himself smaller. It will hurt him. He peeks out from behind his arms to see some kind of forcefield around him, a faint green glow from it making his brown skin look sickly. There’s more yelling, and fighting.
“Do you want them to fucking kill us in the streets?”
That voice is familiar. Emory’s eyes widen when he recognizes Lux’s friend, Anders. He’s fighting the other warlocks and witch with magic of his own. These magic users attacked Emory because of seeing Lux get arrested - Anders threatened Emory about keeping Lux safe. I kill people who hurt him. I’ve done it before. Choked his last boyfriend to death, and I enjoyed it… if you’re not the guy he thinks you are, if you fuck him over, I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again.
Emory didn’t protect Lux from those cops. Anders is here to kill him.
He hides his head again, a bit haunted by how much he’s acting like Lux right now. If Lux is always jumpy and hidey like this, does he always feel like he could be hurt, like a blow could land? Anders is gentle and patient with Lux, would he still kill Emory after seeing him this scared? The Anders Reyan that threatened to kill him didn’t sound like he’d half-ass a planned murder.
The fighting stops, all his attackers fleeing and Anders still standing. The force field disappears. Emory keeps his arms over his head, even though he thinks Anders would tell someone to ‘fucking look him in the eye’ before killing them.
...Emory may have had a nightmare or two about failing Lux so badly that Anders comes to make him pay for it.
“Hey. Emory. It’s Anders. Lux’s friend.” Anders audibly lowers himself to check on Emory - audibly, because moving that leg he limps on makes him huff out a breath in discomfort. Or maybe he’s just winded. He did just fight off four young, pissed off warlocks.
“Don’t kill me,” Emory pleads, voice muffled from hiding. He wonders if the blood in his hair is visible, and if it makes him a better target, or if it’ll earn him any sympathy. Not only does he have no magic, but he’s injured as well. He really poses no threat, that has to be obvious.
“I’m not going to kill you. Come on, get up. I’m taking you to Lux.”
With a disbelieving sound, Emory looks up, lowering his arms and trying to sit against the wall instead of being curled up around his folded legs. “To Lux… you’re not gonna kill me for - ohhhh I don’t feel so good.” He sways after sitting up, one hand going to his head. It’s bleeding at the back, and from a cut above his eyebrow.
Anders pulls him up so they’re both standing, with a grunt of effort. Emory sways worse. Everything’s blurry, and he’s seeing double. Anders is twice as scary, now.
“You’re fine. You can walk. Lean on me.” Anders gets them moving toward the end of the alley. His grip is steady, but not rough. “Sorry. About those assholes. We’re not all like that.”
Emory laughs in a short, disjointed burst. “I know. Lux isn’t. That’s enough to convince me.”
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3laxx · 5 years
Trainwreck - Chapter 1
Crazy AUs 2k19, am I right? Man... I wrote this AU in 2016, I think, and didn't dare uploading it because it was just too crazy, honestly. It's like, what, 3 AUs in one story? Or something? And basically a crossover of the movie Unstoppable and Miraculous? xD Just, don't question it. I want these 8k something words out and be done with it, have it off my chest. Read at your own risk xD
(Also yes the title is a pun this fanfic is about a trainwreck and IS a trainwreck)
Nobody knows, Marinette and Adrien are secret agents of the Police special forces Miraculous to hunt the underground organization of Akuma under their leader, Hawkmoth. Not even they themselves. To cover for her secret identity, Marinette took a job as an emergency doctor, also to keep track of the victims of Hawkmoths attacks, but mostly to have a helicopter at hand when she needs it. Her friend Nino, the pilot, though, isn't exactly informed about her secret activities. When someday, a train begins speeding towards Paris, for the ultimate attack at the Parisian train station, Marinette jumps into action without thinking, putting her secret identity, her job and the lives of her friend and herself on stake, to save Paris from a blow it might not recover from.
Ao3 / FF.net
Alya pouted as her best friend and boyfriend stood up, grabbing their jacket.
“Mari, Nino, you really have to go now? C’mon, stay with us a bit longer.”, she pleaded but the young woman just laughed and gave her a little peck on the forehead.
“Sorry Alya, but just because everyone is free tomorrow doesn’t mean we are. We have to get up early. See you tomorrow?”, she asked, now addressing all her friends around the table. It was almost all of their classmates, meeting up here every evening on the weekends.
Alix, Kim, Rose and Nathaniel grinned and nodded, Adrien laughed and waved and Nino put on his jacket along with Marinette, but Alya still didn’t like it.
“Yeah I’ll see you two tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean I’m not sad about it.”
“Alya baby, maybe you’re a bit drunk?”
“Nooouuuuh…”, she slurred, grinning.
“Yeah I know babe, see you tomorrow.”, Nino laughed, kissing his girlfriend lovingly, “You guys take care of her? Adrien, my bro, I’m counting on you!”
“Of course.”, the blonde laughed, doing his best to not stare at the blue-haired girl that winked at Alya and turned to leave then, after throwing a last goodbye to her friends. Ever since graduation he had realized how beautiful she had become. Of course, she had been pretty since he was allowed to go to school but after graduation, he really began to see her.
“Take care, Mari!”, he pressed out, right when she came back again to pull Nino out on his collar, forcing him to part with his girlfriend. She blushed when she looked at him, then smiled.
“Of course, like every day.”, she smiled, now finally turning around and leaving.
She and Nino were emergency doctors and as far as he knew, they flew with the rescue helicopters to bring heavily wounded people to the hospital. Sometimes, it could be really dangerous and he didn’t want them, her, to be hurt – or worse.
He leant back and Alya patted his shoulder.
“Mari and Nino know what they’re doing. They’re the best at their job.”
“I know, I’m just worried.”
“Adrien Agreste, the great model and face of his father’s company, is worried about a mere baker’s daughter! What a line!”
He laughed, knowing a few of her journalist’s senses were activated. She was working at Le Monde, the biggest newspaper Paris had.
“Stop teasing Alya, she’s my friend, not just a mere baker’s daughter. And Tom’s not just a mere baker!”
She laughed along with him, taking another sip of her drink.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry. But you know me.”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”, Alix suddenly smirked, holding back Alya on one arm.
“We all know how Alya can get!”, Kim now teased, making Alya face him.
“Yeah, if you don’t stop teasing me I’ll punch you all!”
“That’s exactly what we meant…”, Nathaniel mumbled, grinning into his own glass.
The next morning, Adrien was up early. He had a photoshoot this morning but it was not scheduled until ten o’clock, so he still had time, considering it was three hours before.
He yawned and got up, going to the kitchen to make himself a coffee, because he knew he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep anymore. He took a sip from the delicious dark liquid and smiled to himself.
Weird, his first and his last thought every day were about his old classmate, the blue haired girl that seemed to catch his eyes every time he saw her. He gulped, feeling a weird pressure on his chest. No, he was in love with Ladybug, the badass undercover agent he worked with against the Parisian terror group AKUMA, led by Hawkmoth.
He couldn’t think about her, it would be… He felt like cheating on his lady, even though he didn’t know her identity.
Adrien shook his head, grabbing his phone from the counter. He would call Plagg, his coordinator, to ask if Paris was save. Maybe he could see his lady for training tonight? He was sure, Plagg could talk about this with Tikki, Ladybug’s coordinator, if he wasn’t making out with her instead.
The blonde model chuckled while it dialed.
“Okay Nino, steady now!”
“I know, Mari! I’m flying this thing for a few years now, after all.”
Marinette rolled her eyes at her friend’s and pilot’s comment while he was supposed to be landing instead of sassing her. She held onto the injured man’s shoulder when the helicopter touched the ground as gently as if Nino was kissing it. Quickly, she nodded over to Tia who jumped out at her signal, taking the litter’s other end so that the young woman could carry it inside with her. She showed Nino a quick thumb up to kill the engines, then hurried inside with the patient. The doctors took the man from them after they barged in through the doors, leaving Marinette and Tia panting and patting each other’s shoulders.
“You did good for a greenie.”, she chuckled, straightening herself as she walked back to the helicopter, the younger girl with blonde hair right behind her.
“Hey, I’m doing this job for a year now, and you’re here for only two years longer.”, Tia laughed, softly slapping her friend’s side of the head.
“Oh no!”, the young woman suddenly cried out when they stepped out on the roof where Nino just now emerged from the helicopter, “I’m wounded! Nino, greenie slapped me! I’m gonna faint…”
To make her point valid Marinette swayed a bit and held her head, only to be caught by Nino with one arm when he rolled his eyes.
“Mari, you’re only fainting when Adrien’s around. I don’t see him anywhere, so I suppose you must be lying.”
She chuckled and got out of Nino’s arms, playfully slapping his shoulder.
“Well, I see him!”, Tia suddenly spoke up, looking towards the door where Marinette and she just came from. In an instant, the young woman jumped and looked around frantically only to find Tia had lied.
“Oh greenie, you gonna get it! You wanna get pushed out the helicopter this badly, huh?”, she grabbed the girl by her shoulders and forced her under her arm, ruffling her hair. The girl squirmed and laughed along with the two older people but soon stopped when Marinette let go of her and straightened her back, fixing her gaze to the woman that approached them.
“Ma’am, Emergency Helicopter Henry 2, reporting back.”
The woman nodded and Nino and Marinette relaxed a bit while Tia tried to fix her hair as inconspicuously as possible.
“There is another emergency, on the N3 between Claye-Souilly and Meaux. A truck driver lost control over his vehicle and crashed into the oncoming traffic. There are five injured so far, two have to be transported to the hospital by helicopter, the other three are in ambulances and already on their way. I want you to get these two and return as fast as possible. Got it?”
“Yes, Ma’am!”, all three shouted out, but before Tia could turn and follow Marinette and Nino to the helicopter, the Ma’am’s gaze pinned her down.
“Are you alright, greenie?”
“Yes, Ma’am!”, she nodded and Tia growled internally. Everyone kept calling her ‘greenie’!
“Well then, join your team.”
She nodded and ran back to the helicopter that Nino had already started. She retrieved her helmet from Marinette and put on her safety belt.
The young woman had put on a grim face, as always when they were sent to a difficult mission. Of course, it wouldn’t be difficult to collect the two injured and get them back here, in fact, they would be able to make it in about ten minutes, but she had seen too many patients die on their way back already, in the three years she was doing this job already. She desperately hoped it would be a success, like most of the times.
They had retrieved the two injured, a married couple that looked to be in their fifties. She tried her best not to let the tears spill, because she already knew the woman fought against death. The man looked slightly better but she was afraid for him, too.
Nino flew as fast as he could, but round about two minutes before they reached the hospital’s roof, the woman’s heart stopped beating. She was her patient. And Marinette hadn’t been fast enough. They would need three minutes to get her into the operation room. The woman wouldn’t wake up as the person she was before – if she woke up at all.
Marinette lowered her head as Nino slightly slowed down to not miss the landing platform. In that moment, her radio went off, startling her.
“Yes?”, she answered.
“You okay, Marinette?”, Tia asked, a concerned expression on her face.
“The woman’s heart stopped beating.”, she whispered and the greenie’s eyes went wide. She nodded, then clenched a fist. Marinette knew that gesture. Be strong until they’re in the doctor’s hands. Be focused. End the mission first. The young woman sniffed and nodded back when the helicopter landed.
They rushed inside with their patients and she told them about the woman, only then, when she was back inside the helicopter again, she let her feelings overwhelm her. Nino was with her, as well as Tia, and he pulled her on his lap, tucking her head under his chin without asking. It was their comfort pose, when something went wrong or when another patient died. Tia laid her head on her chest and hugged her around Nino’s arms as well and only then, Marinette allowed her tears to flow.
Let me know if you liked it?
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