#meg may not like poetry
shallowseeker · 7 months
Dean, who sometimes fantasized about being admired, about getting real meaningful attention, like how in Tall Tales he romanticized a love interest saying: “looking at you is like staring into the sun”
God I mean
no one talks like that outside of cheap romance novels probably but but but—
If Cas did get flowery
if he did happen to break out the poetry
Or words like beautiful
Dean would’ve never recovered
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ppnuggie · 2 years
💙💙I AWAKE FROM THE DEAD// I saw you were mainly doing MTMTE so here :)) ||
GN reader with trailcutter, skids, swerve, Megatron and roddy [separate] [headcannons], them reacting to reader flirting with them? fluff, crack do whatever I need my Teebs bro,got me feeling empty 😭😭
achoo see you next year prob idk, happy times💙💙
      MTMTE x gn human reader
    『 trailcutter ,, swerve ,, megatron ,, rodimus ,, gender neutral human reader    』
  -> bots reaction to reader flirting w/ em 🫣
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — yep ! see ya next year ! :D i mean ,, it will be next year when this is posted 💀 but i am writing it on dec.30 rn 🫣 ughh teebs 😞😞 i just got the part where he dies im so heartbroken ,, my mans ,, 😭😭😭 he didnt deserve alla that ,, smh ,, but tysm for requesting 😏 tbh i might not actually be online for this to be posted ,, bc this is in my queue along with many other things to be posted later 🫣 so theres a little update for not having links updated in the second masterlist 🕺
trailcutter ::
• he’d be quite flustered ,, not sure what to say not only because he was most likely super drunk but also surprised you were flirting with him
• any time you compliment him for something ,, his fans will kick on immediately ,, and whenever you’re not around some mechs might coo at him and make smoochy noises ,, mainly whirl
• he may try to return the compliments ,, though he’ll end up tripping over his words and end up more flustered if you say something about it
• primus help this man ,, hes just ,, stuck dealing with these flirty lines and little compliments whenever you decide to just drop them outta nowhere ,, swerve swears that one day he’ll combust if he has to see this sappy romance continue on for any longer !
swerve ::
• he might brush it off as a joke ,, or a dare if anything ,, because why of all people would you flirt with him ? swerve ? the annoyingly loud mech who doesnt shut up ?
• of course you’d have to reassure him that it isnt a dare ,, or just you trying to get something out of him ,, but that you generally like him
• he’ll malfunction right then and there and then ratchet will have to deal with another bot ,, poor ratchet 😞
• he may try to return any compliment with a horrible pick up line ,, but end up think you’re laughing at him and not the worst pick up line ever to be heard in the universe
megatron ::
• megs would be ,, confused but also flustered ,, because have you not seen him ? dont you know of the things he’s done ? hes megatron ! a feared bot throughout many parts of the universe ,, known to kill humans
• and yet here you are ,, sitting beside him as you read his poetry that you somehow persuaded him to show you with your little secret magic hypnosis ,, and now youre calling him cute
• he’d scoff ,, say that he wasnt cute in his mind ,, but not mutter a single word out loud
• he wouldnt know what to do ,, and instead just sit there in silence and listen to your attempts to flirt with the mech
rodimus ::
• he’d return it immediately ,, but with horrible compliments and pick up lines
• one time he said “ nice shoelace “ after you said he looked stunning with the new paint job after his recent mishap on another planet ,, and he keeps thinking back on it to this day ,, wondering why he said shoelace ,, like he even knows what a shoelace is 🙄
• ultra magnus would be so done with you two ,, because roddy would decide to start flirting with you during the meeting and despite you not returning any remarks or even acknowledging you even heard him ,, the mech continues
• even after megs passive aggressively told him to “ stop with the nonsense “ he only continued ,, only 10x worse this time
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starscoffeecreamer · 3 months
Megarod headcanons & nsfw headcanons?
Personally i think Megs has a mommy kink that Rodimus loves because Rodimus spike may be in Megs but Megs is calling the shots.
And for Rodimus when he has that huge spike inside him he’s sucking on Megs tits calling him mommy.
The two lose their minds when Roddy gets sparked and starts producing milk
Megatron lets Rodimus ride on his shoulders/back sometimes (primarily if he gets tired or if he has to say something to a big group)
Rodimus initiates cuddling 90% of the time (the other 10% is when he's overstimulated or something and Megs cuddles him to help him calm down.)
Rodimus 100% uses silly pet names he learned on the internet on Megatron (shnookums, pookie, ect as a joke) if anyone else used these for Megs ever they'd probably get beat up
They have matching normal pet names for each other (sunbeam and moonbeam, Roddy came up with them)
Megatron sometimes gives Rodimus poetry he wrote about him
Rodimus kisses Megatron's hand princess style but gets bridal carried by him
Huge size kink. Rodimus will overload at Megatron's spike even if just the tip is in because of how big it is
Roddy's spoiler is also really sensitive, and Megatron tugs on it a lot during interface
Both are pretty into bondage and like to explore more, they're also switches
Megatron likes roleplay scenarios where Rodimus needs to be "punished" for doing a bad job as captain (Rodimus likes to as well because it ends with him fragged so hard he can barely walk straight)
Very loud. Their quarters have to be soundproofed
Rodimus likes cumflation
Roddy overloads fast and Megs likes to use that to make him overload so much that he's crying
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yesimtrashforit · 3 months
Film quotes I love/that changed my life
Dead Poets Society (1989)
• John Keating: "We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, "O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?" Answer. That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?"
• Neil Perry: "I was good. I was really good."
• John Keating: "There's a time for daring and there's a time for caution and a wise man understands which is called for."
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
• CEO Waymond: "When I choose to see the good side of things, I'm not being naive. It is strategic and necessary. It's how I've learned to survive through everything."
• Alpha Waymond: "Every rejection, every disappointment has led you to this moment. Don't let anything distract you from it."
• Waymond: "The only thing I do know... is that we have to be kind. Please, be kind. Especially when we don't know what's going on."
• Jobu Tupaki: "I wasn't looking for you so I could kill you. I was just looking for someone who could see what I see, feel what I feel."
Little Women (2019)
• Jo March: "Women, they have minds, and they have souls, as well as just hearts. And they've got ambition, and they've got talent, as well as just beauty. I'm so sick of people saying that love is just all a woman is fit for. I'm so sick of it.
But I'm so lonely..."
• Amy March: "Well, I believe we have some power over who we love, it isn't something that just happens to a person."
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence: "I think the poets might disagree."
Amy March: "Well, I'm not a poet, I'm just a woman. And as a woman I have no way to make money, not enough to earn a living and support my family. Even if I had my own money, which I don't, it would belong to my husband the minute we were married. If we had children they would belong to him, not me. They would be his property. So don't sit there and tell me that marriage isn't an economic proposition, because it is. It may not be for you but it most certainly is for me."
• Jo March: "If I were a girl in a book, this would all be so easy."
• Meg March: "Just because my dreams are different than yours doesn't mean they're unimportant."
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
• Charlie: "I don't know if I will have the time to write any more letters because I might be too busy trying to participate. So if this does end up being the last letter, I just want you to know that I was in a bad place before I started high school, and you helped me. Even if you didn't know what I was talking about or know someone who's gone through it, you made me not feel alone. Because I know there are people who say all these things don't happen. And there are people who forget what it's like to be 16 when they turn 17. I know these will all be stories someday. And our pictures will become old photographs. We'll all become somebody's mom or dad. But right now these moments are not stories. This is happening. I am here and I am looking at her. And she is so beautiful. I can see it. This one moment when you know you're not a sad story. You are alive, and you stand up and see the lights on the buildings and everything that makes you wonder. And you're listening to that song and that drive with the people you love most in this world. And in this moment I swear, we are infinite."
• Patrick: "You see things and you understand. You're a wallflower."
Donnie Darko (2001)
• Dr. Lilian Thurman: "Do you feel alone right now?"
Donnie: "Oh, I don't know. I mean, I'd like to believe I'm not, but I just... I've just never seen any proof, so I... I just don't debate it anymore, you know? It's like I could spend my whole life debating it over and over again, weighing the pros and cons. And in the end, I still wouldn't have any proof. So I just... I just don't debate it anymore. It's absurd."
Dr. Lilian Thurman: "The search for God is absurd?"
Donnie: "It is if everyone dies alone."
Dr. Lilian Thurman: "Does that scare you?"
Donnie: "I don't want to be alone."
• Donnie: "How's it feel to have a wacko for a son?"
Rose Darko: "It feels wonderful."
• Donnie to Cherita Chen: "One day everything will be better for you."
10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
• Kat: "You don't always have to be who they want you to be, you know?"
• Kat: "Why should I live up to other people's expectations instead of my own?"
The Holdovers (2023)
• Paul Hunham: "There's nothing new in human experience, Mr. Tully. Each generation thinks it invented debauchery or suffering or rebellion, but man's every impulse and appetite from the disgusting to the sublime is on display right here all around you. So, before you dismiss something as boring or irrelevant, remember, if you truly want to understand the present or yourself, you must begin in the past. You see, history is not simply the study of the past. It is an explanation of the present."
• Angus Tully: "He used to be fine. He was better than fine. He was great. He was my dad. Then about four years ago, he... started acting strange. Erratic, forgetful, saying all this weird shit. My mom took him to a bunch of doctors, and they put him on medication. But that just made it worse. He got more confused. Then he got angry. And then he got... physical. That was it. That was the last straw. They put him away. And she divorced him... without him even realizing it. That's why she wants a whole new life. And it's easy to just stash me away in boarding school. Like half of us are just stashed away there. And I get it. She never has to look at me. Because maybe when she looks at me, she... she sees him. Maybe she's right. I can't keep it together. I lie. I steal. I piss people off. I don't have any friends, real friends. I'll probably get kicked out of Barton too. And when I do, it'll be my own fault. Get sent to Fork Union and maybe to youknowwhere. And nobody will care. The funny thing is... I wanted to see him so bad this whole time. But I also didn't, you know? Because I'm afraid that's what's going to happen to me one day."
Paul Hunham: "You're not your father."
Angus Tully: "How do you know?"
Paul Hunham: "Because no one is his own father. I'm not my dad. No matter how hard he tried to beat that idea into me. I find the world a bitter and complicated place, and it seems to feel the same way about me. I think you and I have this in common. But don't get me wrong, you have your challenges. You're erratic and belligerant and gigantic pain in the balls, but you're not your father. You're your own man. Man, no. You're just a kid. You're just beginning. And you're smart. You've got time to turn things around. Yes, I know that Greeks had the idea that the steps you take to avoid your fate are the very steps that lead you to it, but that's just a literary conceit. In real life, your history does not have to dictate your destiny."
• Paul Hunham: "You know, Mr. Kountze, for most people, life is like a henhouse ladder: shitty and short. You were born lucky. Maybe someday, you entitled little degenerates will appreciate that. If you don't, I feel sorry for you and we will have failed to do our jobs."
Barbie (2023)
• Ruth: "Humans have only one ending. Ideas live for ever."
• Gloria: "It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful and so smart, and it kills me that you don't think you're good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong. You have to be thin, but not too thin. And you can never say you want to be thin. You have to say you want to be healthy, but also you have to be thin. You have to have money, but you can't ask for money because that's crass. You have to be a boss, but you can't be mean. You have to lead, but you can't squash other people's ideas. You're supposed to love being a mother but don't talk about your kids all the damn time. You have to be a career woman, but also always be looking out for other people. You have to answer for men's bad behavior, which is insane, but if you point that out, you're accused of complaining. You're supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you're supposed to be a part of the sisterhood. But always stand out and always be grateful. But never forget that the system is rigged. So find a way to acknowledge that but also always be grateful. You have to never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line. It's too hard! It's too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you! And it turns out in fact that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also everything is your fault. I'm just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie herself into knots so that people will like us. And if all of that is also true for a doll just representing a woman, then I don't even know."
• Ruth: "We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back and see how far they've come."
• Barbie: "I want to be a part of the people that make meaning. Not the thing that's made. I want to do the imagining. I don't wanna be the idea."
• Ken: "We were only fighting because we didn't know who we were."
• Sasha: "You have to try. Even if... Even if you can't make it perfect, you can make it better."
Her (2013)
• Theodore: "Sometimes I think I have felt everything I'm ever gonna feel. And from here on out, I'm not gonna feel anything new. Just lesser versions of what I've already felt."
• Samantha: "The past is just a story we tell ourselves."
• Amy: "We are only here briefly, and in this moment I want to allow myself joy. So fuck it."
I Saw The TV Glow (2024)
• Maddy: "Time wasn't right. It was moving too fast. And then I was 19. And then I was 20. I felt like one of those dolls asleep in the supermarket. Stuffed. And then I was 21. Like chapters skipped over on a DVD. I told myself, This isn't normal. This isn't normal. This isn't how life is supposed to feel. If you don't think about it, it can't hurt you. I found our hearts and they were still beating. There is still time."
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cozzzynook · 3 months
Hi!! Love all your asks and writing it’s so good and hit all the amazing headcannons I love
May I request something for Megatron finding a long lost adult son, who shares Megatron’s interests, but behaviour wise is a lot more like Rodimus?
Thank you!
Thank you so much 😭
Megatron finding a long lost adult son that looks exactly like him in every single way but frame color would shock the pits out of him.
The large mech is literally his size and frame type which isn’t often as one would think.
The mech doesn’t act a thing like him either.
Acts completely like Rodimus and sounds like a mix between the two down to the low and high frequency of his vocals. Not to mention his extraverted personality as he charms a crowd with ease without being an aft in the process.
The mech left him speechless as he followed him quietly for an entire day just seeing how the mech lives and what he does for a living.
The mech is a medic of all things. Something he wanted to be before the war broke out when he was still a miner. The mech acted kind just as Rodimus did but he didn’t have Rodimus smile. No. Rodimus smile was bright and opened ones spark to the sun. This smile was, different, familiar. It was like looking in a mirror.
The mech had a smile like his own.
It was enough to make him have to sit down in his hiding place as he watched on completely speechless with an open intake.
The mechs name was Megorune (meh-goh-rune) a fitting name even if it felt a bit odd. He did a quick search of what the name meant and found it was an old name hidden in the culture files. It was a name mixed of Kaon and Nyon origins.
The shock he felt at seeing the old inscriptions of his home and the home of Rodimus, he just knew.
Looking at the mech was proof enough but seeing the designation inscription and the meaning behind it.
He just knew.
To rise from the mountains pain.
An old story he once told the mech formally named Hot rod who became Rodimus.
His Rodimus.
He’d gotten sparked during the war and left to have their sparkling who stood before him searching the archives still for an old book that he once enjoyed reading as a young spark.
This mech before him, the mech who held all the books and poetry he once read so many many years ago, with the same eager light in his optics that he once held, was his son.
A son Rodimus had and raised alone during the war.
A son he endangered because of his need for power and fall to madness.
A son Rodimus did well raising and did right keeping him far from him.
This was his son.
His boy who shared the cna of himself and the mech his spark could not do without.
He had a son.
He was standing right in front of him looking concerned because a stranger who looked just like him was standing in shock staring at him.
“Megorune? Megorune did you find the book you wanted?”
That voice…
Rodimus cane from around a corner, optics focused solely on their son with concern until he followed his gaze and dropped a book at the sight of him.
Megorune looked at his carrier confused and concerned before looking back to Megatron with a dawning realization until he too was shocked enough to drop his many books.
“Is..is this my sire, carrier?”
“Yes,” Rodimus hesitated before admitting. His optics were blinking a lot, something he did when he didn’t want to cry. “Megorune..this is your sire, Megatron.”
Rodimus held a shaky servo out towards Megatron who instinctively came to hold it. He’d missed this, missed him for so long.
“Megs..this is Megorune..your son.”
Megatron held onto Rodimus servo to keep himself grounded and his bitty flexed his servos the exact same way Rodimus would when he was shocked or on edge.
“You could’ve let him have some of my personality traits ya know,” Megatron tried to joke as a tear strayed from his optic, “didn’t have to solely rely on him looking just like me.”
The two of them laughed at the exact same time but his sons laugh sounded all of his sires.
It made Megatron smile.
“I’m…words cannot express how happy I am to meet you…your carrier..did more than I could ever hope to describe in raising you…you look…I am not worthy to be your sire but my spark cannot contain itself with how much joy just seeing you brings me.”
He did the one thing he was known not to.
He let his em field shroud the two and only the two.
They needed to know how he felt in this moment and they needed to know he would do whatever necessary to make sure he was able to stay in their lives.
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fabanddrab · 2 months
Indie sleaze
Indie sleaze is back. We're loving booty shorts over leopard print tights ever so slightly covered by a slouchy fur jacket. We're saying yes to electroclash and yes to blow.
Firstly, we have to look at the originals. My favourite 2010s icons have to be Sky Ferreira, Taylor Momsen and probably Effy Stonem. They were pretty iconic. Nevertheless the medicated, alternative and slightly crazy girl has always existed in pop culture. The likes of which include Edie Sedgwick (a personal favourite), Penny Lane and Courtney Love. I guess what makes these characters so alluring is their association with danger, daring and the mysterious. Who wouldn't want to be a "manic pixie dream girl" come true.
Edie Sedgwick a poor little rich girl, torn away from her leering family by Andy Warhol at the young age of twenty two. When the two crossed paths she was Warhol's muse. The focus of his passion, love and creativity. Only a year later the two fell out of favour and Edie spiralled into addiction. She eventually passed from drug addiction after isolation from the Factory and Warhol himself. Living fast but meeting a tragic end. Sedgwick was a star in her own right and passed far too soon and far too unfortunately.
I think there are a some forerunners to this new age of the 2010s. I immediately think of Megsuperstarprincess and Cat Marnell. Two people that some may say are strikingly similar.
You could probably describe Meg as New York's Hipster Star with a blog (on hiatus since 2022) appropriately named Le Hipster Portal. It makes for a good Sunday read apart from her incessant use of le (is it great literature or just actually really insufferable). Either way she's cunty. I watched her vlog recently starring her and a night out in New York which somehow included her set at Swagchella and guess who, the British hipsters!! Now that's swag. The Mr Kratomberg was seen as a brief shadow in a handful of frames!
In Meg's blog she details her life in New York nightlife stardom, overdrafting all her bank accounts (which her Dad pays off), struggles with mental health and everything hip. Her instagram is a carousel of blasé outfits and fashion shoots or even her latest poetry. Sedgwick and her are comparable, both having an almost waifish figure, these thick drawn eyebrows and heavily experimental styles.
I know considerably less about Cat Marnell but I did watch her VFILES interview and from those three minutes I decided I loved her already. She released a book titled How to Murder your Life, chronicling her story of drug addiction and restarting life after rehab. As I see it Marnell is pretty inspirational.
All in all indie sleaze has returned, it's booming and I love it. As my favourite caption once said, Bushwick, London, Paris.
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animehideout · 8 months
Quick question, may I request? If not, just ignore this<3
💙Random recommended song💙
I already mentioned this in my latest post but anyway, I did an optional homework and got the best grade and in the beginning I felt lowly about my work but after getting the grade I felt so much better about it and myself too.
The problem is that lately I started to get into writing again but can't find the time suddenly. Aaaaand I wanted to kind of celebrate this (I mean that the teacher seemed to like my poem) even tho it isn't a big deal but feels like it and oh God I feel like a lil child :')
Sooo may I request a Magumi x reader fluff, where the reader and Megumi are just chilling together when the reader get a notification saying she got a good grade and they get so emotional that they try to hold back tears, but Megumi senses the sudden change and ask if they are alright? The reader trying the brush it off that "Oh it's nothing special or worth mentioning, just got the best grade on the optional homework we got. Can't believe the teacher liked my poem..." 'Poem-?' Megumi thinks as he heard the last words. He maybe didn't even have a clue that the reader was into poetry and/or that they wrote any, so by hearing this he wanted to read it, but overthinking a bit, he decided on not asking them, even though maybe he should have. But it's late, he waited till they fell asleep and then quietly got up from bed to go and look for their exercise book and read it. After he read it, he puts the book on the reader's desk or somewhere else, not minding to put it back to it's actual place because he plans on telling them his opinion, how much they likes it as well and je would be interested in seeing more of their work. Maybeeee the reader confesses that they've been into poetry for a time now and shows Megumi all of the poems they've written while telling Meg' why they like some of their poems and why they have a few problems with some, then there's Megumi reading them with intrest. Maybe Megumi having a soft spot for poetry IDK BUT NOW I JUST REALIZED THAT BY WRITING THIS REQUEST I COULD HAVE EASILY JUST WRITE THE FANFIC ALREADY TT My bad :')
Anyway, catching up with your lates Gojo posts soon!
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Huggie :3🎀
Megumi Fushiguro X Poet /Artistic Reader
Synopsis: Megumi discovers his partner's talent in writing poems.
a/n: Thank you @megan016 for this request, also CONGRATS for getting the best grade, you did great sweetheart and I'm proud of you 💗. Also I can't wait to read more of your poems and the translated ver. Keep it up. I hope you like this little oneshot tho♡.
Check @megan016 poem here ( I liked it and I had to share it, you are so talented 💌 )
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As the soft glow of the TV illuminated the room, you sat in your boyfriend's arms, Megumi. Engrossed in the movie that was displayed in front of you. The atmosphere was light, filled with soft hums as Megumi played with your hair. The rainy weather outside, added to the coziness.
Suddenly, you phone chimed with a notification. Curious, you picked it up, unlocking it to reveal a message from your school,
{ Dear Y/N, Congratulations, your poem received the best grade. We appreciate your hard work. }.
Your eyes scanned the words, a wave of joy and surprise washed over you even though it was an optional homework the fact that your poem that came from your creativity, that each line you wrote carried within it a deeper feeling and meaning got a proper appreciation from your teacher was able to bring you to happy tears.
Your heart swelled with happiness while clutching your phone tightly, Megumi sensed how your body tensed between his arms.
"Love, is everything okay?" he asked.
Realizing that you haven't told him yet about your passion for poetry, you tried to hide your excitement and brush it off,
"Oh, y-yes I'm fine! it's nothing, just my poem got the best grade in class! Can't believe my teacher actually liked it hehe.." you chuckled awkwardly, trying to act normal as if you weren't holding back your tears from how delighted and proud you were.
"Poem?!" Thought Megumi to himself "I didn't know she's into poetry"
"But yeah– it's nothing special, not a big deal tho, it was just an optional homework" you added bringing him back to reality
"Oh.. I see you did great love congrats" said Megumi kissing the top of your head.
He senses how you were avoiding talking about your poem, so he respected it and just congratulated you he was completely oblivious to the whirlwind of emotions you were suppressing he thought you really wasn't that excited. Deep down, Megumi couldn't brush away the curiosity that grew inside of him, he was interested in reading books, poems and articles so having a partner that happened to write poems excited him to the core.
As the night proceeded, you dozed off beside him. Closing your eyelids, swimming in Dreamland. Sleeping nice and sound, feeling protected with the warm presence of Megumi. He watched you as you slept next to him, smiling to himself as your whole hand cutely held his index finger. Your hand size difference has always brought a smile on his face.
Suddenly, his eyes widened when he remembered about the poem, his eyes scanned the room and finally fell on your exercise book that was innocently put on your desk. Too intrigued by the unexpected revelation of your poetic talent, he couldn't resist the urge to delve into your world of words.
Trying to not disturb your beauty slumber he tiptoed to your desk, gently opening the book , carefully flipping the pages until he found your poem of 14 stanzas.
He was too excited to read it, to read between the lines and analyze the deeper meaning it held. Line after line, he found himself utterly captivated by the beauty of your expressions, the smart choice of words, adjectives and the Poetic elegance that adorned your stanzas. It left him completely speechless, realizing that the love of his life is indeed talented and creative.
"And she said it's not a big deal??" he muttered to himself as his eyes shifted back on your sleeping figure.
He wanted to flip the pages to read more of your writings, to check your other copy books but he resisted that urge, respecting your privacy and deciding to wait till morning to ask you properly about your passion for poetry.
He laid down next to you, eager for tomorrow to discuss with you what now happened to be a mutual passion; while you were interested in writing poems, Megumi was interested in reading, them showing that both of you complete each other.
His arms pulled you closer to his body holding you,
"I'm proud of you my love" he said before dozing off.
As the morning light filtered through the curtains, your eyelids fluttered into consciousness. Megumi was already awake, laying on his back, one arm behind his head as his eyes were fixated on the ceiling. As he felt you shifting beside him his gaze turned to you, greeting you with a warm smile.
"Hey sleepyhead, want to tell me about those poems of yours? I had no idea you're poetic genius!!" he exclaimed softly,
You were still half awake, taken by surprise you quickly got into a sitting position,
"You read them??" you asked.
"Not all of them!! only that one in your exercise book! Now I know why it got the best grade" he said enthusiastically.
It was rare for you to see Megumi full of energy early in the morning, so you couldn't help but smile from how much he was interested in your poems. Encouraged by his genuine reaction you started to open up, confessing that you've been into poetry for a while now.
"So? want to show me the rest?" he asked.
Without saying anything, you jumped out of bed. The cold floor touching your bare feet sent shivers down your spine. You quickly grabbed your notebooks and ran back to bed, getting under the warm blanket next to Megumi again, you got closer to him.
"Here they are" you said with a smile.
Anticipating his reactions every time he read one of your poems, the way he read the lines you wrote with passion and care warmed your heart, as if what you write was meant for him to read. The curious expressions drawn on his face whenever he tried to guess the real meaning of your words made you giggle.
After reading most of your poems he engulfed you into a big hug,
"Those poems are amazing Y/n!! I can't wait for more from you. So tell me what inspires you the most? what is your motivation?" he asked too immersed to know more.
A blush painted your cheeks and with a shy smile you answered "Y-you! You do inspire some verses"
"Guess I'm a muse now" he teased playfully trying to hide the fact that he got shy as well.
"Exactly" you giggled.
"What are the difficulties you face while writing though?"
"Most of the time me trying to channel my feelings into words, sometimes certain feelings that I want to write about can't be described by simple words so that's quite a challenge and it takes a lot of effort or sometimes I struggle with motivation even though I do have a lot of accumulated ideas that are waiting to be written" you explained.
You spent the morning cuddled up in your soft bed, sharing ideas and soft random kisses every now and then, exchanging soft touches. Sitting between Megumi's legs as he held your notebooks and continued to loudly read the rest of your poems.
"I love this one Y/n !! Wait is it about us??"
Megumi was too happy to be in that specific moment with you; the moment that definitely inspired you to write another poem that will carry those feelings between both of you forever.
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emachinescat · 5 months
A Year in Book Review: My 2024 Reading Journey 📚
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#23 - The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan
Fantasy / Trials of Apollo #1 / 385 pages / published 2016 / Finished Feb. 16 (reread)
One Sentence Review: Another brilliant installment in the Percy Jackson universe, this book boasts loveable characters - familiar and new - as well as truly loathsome villains, a hilarious narrator, tons of Greek mythology, some questionable poetry, real heart and emotion, and, of course, our beloved Camp Half-Blood.
Favorite Quotes
"Live fully and without fear."
"Aquaman driving / Couldn't possibly be worse / Oh, wait, now it is"
"Seven-layer dip / Chocolate chip cookies in blue / I love this woman"
"Things can turn out differently, Apollo. That's the nice thing about being human. We only have one life, but we can choose what kind of story it's going to be."
"I could feel the magic taking hold, despite the Arrow of Dodona whispering to me like an annoying Elizabethan stagehand, SAYEST THOU, 'PLAGUEY, PLAGUEY, PLAGUEY!' ... FIE! TOO STRONG IS THY PLAGUE. The Dodona Arrow hummed with annoyance. THY CHANTING SUCKETH ... METHINKS THOU HAST BLOWN IT, said the Dodona Arrow, my source of infinite wisdom. MOREO'ER, HIE! TAKEST THOU THE REINS."
"I spluttered something like, 'Nuh-uh, dun-doot!' I may have waved my Brazilian handkerchief with the hope that its magic would destroy my enemies."
"Listen to the trees / The trees know what is up, yo / They know all the things"
"A father should do more - a father should give more to his children than he takes."
My rating: 5/5
A Few More Thoughts (Spoilers):
Like all of Uncle Rick's books, it's fantastic. Of course, the fact that Percy Jackson makes an appearance makes me very happy, but the book is incredible in its own right. Apollo is the best kind of narrator - hilarious, loveably conceited, with excellent growth - and Meg is a joy. It's the perfect mix of action, tension, and humor.
For me, the most surprising part was that Meg was working with Nero and was leading Apollo into a trap. It's not just the betrayal that got me, though. It's the darkness of Meg's situation and abuse, that Nero - her "beloved" stepfather - and the Beast - her tormentor - were the same people, but separate to her.
Anyone can change and grow if given the opportunity, especially if they have someone to fight for, someone to believe in them.
Also, Nico and Will were beyond adorable and deserve the world.
Finally, I need a short story of Annabeth taking care of Percy as he recovers from that nasty head cold!
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star-gxze · 4 months
Dawg let's go! Can you do a gn!reader with mtmte Megatron where they went up to him and asked if he can check a poem they've been working one. Megs reads it and was confused when the poem sounded like it was roasting a certain red and yellow mech. He asked why and reader just said, "just wanna see he's reaction" since he's been pranking them non-stop so it might be funny to write a poem that straights up grilling Rodimus
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Your new paint job ain't that rad,
That's why you're not cool"
MY FIRST ASK (sorry I took so long oh my gosh)
pov: 2nd pov (you yours yourself)
Platonic! ☁️
-Megatron was watching you from afar you were writing something on a legal pad
-You looked up and smiled at megaton he waved back “[NAME] what are you writing?” Megaton asked tilting his helm slightly
“oh it’s just a poem I’ve been working” you responded
-Megarton showed a bit of excitement (not a lot LOL)
he liked to write poetry aswell!! “May I see?”
Megatron asked a little bit of enthusiasm, you nodded your head.
you gave him your legal pad, he started to read it his optics scanning over every sentence “[NAME]..what…what is this” Megatron rubbed his temples (?) and sighed, megaton looked at you in disbelief
you smiled a bit “A poem for Rodimus”
“This is more like a roast than a poem [NAME]” Megatron looked at you blankly, he rolled his eyes “okay so why are you writing this?” Megaton asked you
“Because that…butthole keeps prancing me so I’m writing a poem to teach him a lesson…and his new paint job sucks” you looked smug, megaton did a grandpa laugh and handed back you legal pad “g-good luck with that [NAME], tell me how it goes”
you gave megatron a thumbs up as you make your way to rodimus.
you heard sobbing an hour later
you snorted
SORRY THIS TOOK ME FOREVER!!! Finals were kicking my ass BUT I’m all done and I passed them all:3
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measureformeasure · 4 months
@lesbiancassius' May Reads
a really good month for reading because I have been stuck at home post top surgery! i read so much carmen maria machado and it was all extraordinarily good.
Tiger, Tiger, Margaux Fragoso
Her Body and Other Parties, Carmen Maria Machado
Beautiful Man & Other Short Plays, Erin Shields
La poupée de Pélopia, Michel Marc Bouchard
Chrysothemis, Meg Braem
Despoiled Shore Medeamaterial Landscape with Argonauts, Heiner Müller
short fiction & poetry
The Husband Stitch, Carmen Maria Machado
its name was Penelope, Judy Malloy (interactive fiction from 1993)
The Lost Performance of the High Priestess in the Temple of Horror, Carmen Maria Machado
I am so in love with you I want to lie down in the middle of a major public intersection and cry, Hera Lindsay Bird
Helen of Troy: From Homer to Hollywood, Laurie Maguire
In the Dream House, Carmen Maria Machado
On writing and the business of writing, Carmen Maria Machado
I read the Rumpus' (K)ink: Writing While Deviant series, my standouts were:
Michael Broder -> "If I am a sub poet, is poetry as a genre my dom?" (on submission and degradation)
Carina Finn -> "there is a sense, too, in which the playwright in writing a play is also engaging in a relationship of consensual non-consent." (on CNC)
Amber Dawn -> "If the writing process can be likened to kink, why can’t the consulting, editing, and publishing be like really good and nurturing aftercare?" (on trauma play)
*Claire Rudy Foster -> "So what? Less is more. I want to destroy you with one perfectly sharp sentence. I want to do more with six words than other writers do with two thousand." (on compression and restriction)
Bottoms (with my butch, in the middle of the night as we stayed up to get to the airport at an unholy hour - the only way Bottoms should ever be watched)
Lisa Frankenstein
X-Men '97 (which I enjoyed regardless of relative goodness, because dammit the nostalgia can get to me a little...)
and I have started watching A League of Their Own
finishing Helen in Egypt and The Death of Vivek Oji and Sarah Berthiaume's Antioche
Kassandra and the Wolf, Margarita Karapanou
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I posted The Thing
For the eventual lesterpollo memoryfuck fic, consider:
I can have Apollo forget he's a god and slowly remember and the constant question in the back of his mind of does he even WANT to be Apollo the more he remembers?
We can have, from Percy's perspective, a mortal with no memories who just remembers hearing about a Jackson and an Artemis and a demigod gremlin (because Meg was clearly positioned by Nero to become Apollo's master) who desperately needs to get to camp. And just.... Percy remembers that. He remembers knowing nothing and clearly this kid has it terrible.
Percy being absolutely *torn* about Lester being left at camp, but it's for the best right?
Lester subconsciously bonding with the Apollo kids. Just gravitating to them and he's such a natural at music and archery everyone assumes Apollo will claim him. Say what you will about Apollo, he was always consistent about claiming his kids.
Then Nero comes and there's Meg's BETRAYAL and that's a horrifying way to find out you are really a god trapped in mortal flesh.
And Percy being so ANGRY when he finds out Lester is Apollo. AND SO CONFLICTED. Because he wants to help Lester but Lester is a god and this was manipulation and soooo much bigger wasn't it?
Lester has a sister out there, somewhere. He only knows her in stories now and prays to her regularly. Artemis is weeping at this boy so much like Apollo when they were children on Delos, long limbed and lanky and barely touching their newborn divinity. And he prays to her about his travels even though he doesn't remember a dam thing about her.
(He still absolutely insists she's the LITTLE sibling, though)
(Him remembering more as the trials go on is all the more painful as he grows to hate himself)
But consider, too, the other option for memoryfuckery.
Apollo at the end of his trials was fixed, just barely. Consider it a band aid, not a cure all. He is stable, but slowly crumbling.
It starts as not being able to divide himself as much as he used to. It starts as forgetting Adamentus's face and Commodus's laugh before the Throne. It starts with a bone deep exhaustion when he shouldn't have any bones.
It starts with actually NEEDING to sleep. It starts with ambrosia tasting a bit too spicy instead of like his mother's cooking.
Then it's mixing up time. He's the God of Prophecy and time tended to get away from him so easily (and heart breakingly) before.
Artemis is the first to realize something is wrong when Apollo can't quite remember the name of the flowers on his balcony.
(He used to go on and on about how Hyacinthus would have LOVED them, and movies, and raves, and space flight, and how despite everything the mortals had somehow made the world kinder and better than the gods ever did, and how he wished Hyacinthus could have met Naomi and Darrin and Lucrezia and--)
The tipping point is Mother's Day.
Apollo may have been a terrible father, but he is a good son. When Leto doesn't hear a thing from him she frantically calls for Artemis to look for him.
She finds him, as Lester. Confused and trying so hard to get to his mother in Florida but not even in the right country. Artemis takes him to their mother and they realize --
Apollo is going to die.
Not quickly, no. He'll grow and grow old, but the bits that made him divine just couldn't hold and soon the divinity fades enough the Mist takes a hold of him.
As far as Lester Papadopalous is concerned, he's seventeen years old and lives at home with his elderly mother in her condo. He has a(n older? younger? twin?) sister who visits regularly and a baby sister(?) in California who calls him her dummy and 'cousins' who go to a camp up north he cares for very much and wishes he could so more for. He likes music and poetry and is thinking about going to medical school. Maybe.
He doesn't understand why his family is always so sad.
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cyber-neptune · 8 months
2, 7, 8, 12, 14, 23 for Megatron also
Tee hee^^
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I love how much of a nerd she is. Even warlords can love things like poetry and books. I also love just how interesting she is, the way her and her cause were slowly corrupted and how she just accepts it as her own fault.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I really like how people describe her as "thicc" Ik it sounds dumb but everytime I read a sentence mentioning Megs being thicc I just levitate/pos. Also love it when they make her smart, ofc she isn't the smartest cookie but give her some damn credit!!, girly made a whole plague in tfp!!
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
There's a lot of stuff that piss me off. One of the main thing is people making her an S/Aer, just why??? Megatron may be awful but she wouldn't pull that shit.
Another thing is people making her this creepy/old buff guy that abuses people for shits and gigglea. Now, I AM AWARE that Megatron likes using bots as target practices but she mostly does it (in certain continuities) if you piss her off first!!
Plus, I hate how some people will genderbend literally every character except Megatron and some other characters because they don't look feminine enough. Just say you can't handle a baddie and ill understand dawg.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I personally headcanon Megatron to have BPD and autism. This is basically just me projecting lol but hey, it's my headcanon kek.
Some other headcanons I have are that Megatron can't swim due to being a mining frame and having never been in a situation that required her to swim.
There's also Megatron using he/she and being more on the plump side but that's another thing lol.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Ooooh that's pretty interesting question. There's a lot of clothes i'd put Megatron in but if I had to choose one it would probably be something like old money or ig just either some femme fatale stuff or some lazy cute and soft clothes she's too comfy in to change lol.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Ill probably go with these
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joandfriedrich · 2 years
the March sisters as Greek goddesses? (Beth is Hestia and no one can change my mind)
You just combined of my favorite things together and I am stoked! Also, sorry it took a little while, I wanted to be as accurate as I could in my choices.
Marmee- I am adding her just because, and she would be Rhea, Goddess of the Female Fertility. She is also was the goddess of motherhood and femininity, and was the mother to the Olympians. Marmee has been considered one of literature's best mother figures and Rhea seems to be the best match for her.
Meg- My instinct is to go to Hera, Goddess of Marriage and Women. Meg embraced her femininity, had longed to be married and have children, and actually wanted it from an early age compared to her sisters who never married (Beth), didn't want to (Jo), or marry for wrong reasons (Amy).
Jo- I am sure many people would say ether Athena or Artemis (mostly, I am sure due to their statuses of being unmarried/virgin goddesses) but really, she is closer to Calliope, Muse of Epic Poetry. According to Hesiod, she was the leader of the muses, but also the most assertive, which that is certainly Jo, and her only offspring were two boys, Orpheus and Linus, much like Jo's only children were two boys, Rob and Teddy.
Beth- I agree with you 100%! For those that may not know, Hestia is Goddess of the Hearth, Family, and Home. She is said to be a pretty nice goddess, described as being pure and peaceful, and never married, which ties in my headcanon of Beth being aro-ace. There isn't too many myths about her, but it appeared that there wasn't a god or goddess in all of the Pantheon that had disliked her, which is very true with ho everyone viewed Beth.
Amy- This might be a shock to some people, but her goddess would be Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. As an adult, she displayed her newfound wisdom brilliantly especially to Laurie in Europe, which helped him avoid making a big mistake, and had greatly matured from her childhood into adulthood. Athena is also the goddess of Creativity and was known as a patroness of the arts, which fits the rather artistic Amy.
Mr. March- After some digging, I thought that the best fit is Hymenaios, God of Marriage Ceremonies. Given that Mr. March is a pastor who had served as a pastor for his own daughters' weddings (Meg confirmed, and Jo headcanoned), it feels pretty apt that he'd be this god, though not much else is known about this god.
John- I was not expecting to pair John with Hermes, God of Travelers, but it works. Hermes' main job was a messenger for the gods and goddesses, but has also been said to be the first teacher to the mortals, teaching them letters, science, and how to use their intellect, which makes in a way, a tutor, just like one Mr. Brooke.
Friedrich- Admittedly, this one was the toughest one, but the one I choose was someone I least expected, Dionysus, God of Wine and Festivities. Friedrich has always been known to be a easy going and fun man, but just like the god, he was also incredibly kind and helpful to his fellow men. One of Dionysis' titles was known as the "protector of misfits" as he had been an outsider in the Pantheon, which is very similar to Friedrich being seen as an outsider due to being a German in America.
Laurie- This is another one that was super easy to think of, Apollo, God of Music. A little fun fact is that Apollo was also the god of prophecy, which I couldn't help but to think about that scene in the book where Laurie ponders over the idea of Jo resembling the thorny red rose and Amy the thorn-free white rose, certain that it must mean something, which in the end it did.
How do you guys think I did? Is there any other god or goddess you'd think could work?
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Okay so here's a badly explained explanation of the gay meta rvd ending
so Louisa may Alcott wrote little women and she didn't want to make Jo end up with a man but her editors were like girl you have to so last chapter is a added piece of heteroseuxal propaganda purposes
Anyway in Dawson's creek last two eps are Dawson the author of Dawsons creek own tv show based of his own life that is also bizarre and weird and plot has a lot of little women girls endings happening like Polly's meg ending
Last ep we got the song tell me at the end of ep which was sung by sarosie Ronan aka jo march of the Greta gerwig little women and let's look at this
So here's gerwigs Jo march speech
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And here's Alice and Betty in the ep before this
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It's the same sentiment
Ok so in rvd series finale we are watching jug and Betty the authors of rvd(joey potter is also author in Dawson's creek) like visit the gang in like a Christmas carol esc dreamscape
so what's happening is we are Jug's novel version of the life of the Riverdale kids but this time it's slaps isn't bad or lazy like jugs first novel about the serpents
Betty and jug both have magazines something I presume is true in some way in the irl universe but jug makes Betty the main character because she's the only who like has her bad memories and she's a author and his platonic soulmate bla bla bla
So I think that irl bughead gay siblings probably said a lot of what is in the this ep but also Archie's poem is full of things that happened irl in rvd that are bad memories so clearly jughead or Betty had to write it
Betty who I've said like thirty times is also a rvd author saids a different version of jugs Riverdale's goodbye speech that is reminiscent of Archie's earlier poem
The polycule is something jug wouldn't directly be involved in a sexual manor(at least with Archie) irl he's got issues with his homosexuality but remember hes sees beronica as a part of himself so adding in beronica gay sex while still making it hetero sensationalized idea of sexuality via the polycule thing is a great solution also here's Jen from Dawson's creek words on their core four
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She's calls it incestous so I highly doubt the polycule is like a good thing
Also the reason jarchie isn't really declared is because jarchie is Dawson and pacey and they already got they're gay ending in Dawson's Creek the white boys already got their ending (like in gay coded media history legacy etc)
The show is centered around obviously our authors but also Veronica our latina party girl from new York so the idea that beronica is confirmed but not jarchie because bless their hearts but Archie doesn't make poetry that's groundbreaking and just lacks emotional delveopment and jughead is pathetic but often times correct but primarily out of the necessity of childhood survival stragies and jug is obsessed with his man so naturally arch is portrayed as the bees knees
Sidenote:if you wanted to you could breakdown every detail that's close to what happened irl or is something jug is extrapolating on in his novel for example we know Cheryl is painter and so Jughead gives her a career as painter
Anyway tldr it's Louisa may Alcott core gay
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rayless-reblogs · 7 months
Favorites Meme!
Thanks for thinking of me @deemoyza! I love this kind of thing.
Favorite painter: I say I love this kind of thing and then I don't pick a favorite. When it comes to figure-based art, I love the well-known classics, Alphonse Mucha (just lush and gorgeous), John William Waterhouse (softly cluttered, often a little unsettled) and Philip de Laszlo (fiery and opalescent). If we're talking animal art, I love the equine illustrations of Wesley Dennis (powerful nostalgia), all the shaggy warm creatures of Rosa Bonheur, and Theophile Steinlen's endless snoozing cats. And then with landscapes, there's John Brett (airy pure blues), Frederic Edwin Church (ethereal), and Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis (otherworldly, surreal).
Favorite poet/writer: That's even harder. Let's focus on just poets because it's narrower. I once heard Emily Dickinson described as terrifying in her spare use of language, and that's always resonated with me -- and it's something I've tried to angle towards in some of my own poetry.
Favorite band: Am realizing I don't connect as much with bands as with solo artists, so while there are lots of individual songs by bands that I like, I don't have a big pool to draw from. I've always liked the Something Real album by Meg & Dia -- very mid-2000s rock with a lot of cluttered lyrics. But I don't know enough about them overall to really say I'm a fan of them.
Favorite meal & drink: My family's macaroni and cheese recipe, which is kind of weird and atypical (it has cheese, but not an actual cheese sauce) but so cheddary and hearty and good. When I was learning to cook, mastering the macaroni and cheese was a big milestone. And then for drinks, a really good hot chocolate. One of our local restaurants has an amazing one with an enormous homemade marshmallow. For stuff in a packet, I love Starbuck's salted caramel version.
Favorite outfit aesthetic/style: I would maybe call it low-key romantic? I wear a lot of skirts, and I typically always put on jewelry when I go out. I like dark colors (though I've been branching into brighter colors and pastels), some light goth and medievaly elements. I like airy flowy lines, but I also want structure and shape. Am a huge fan of boots with skirts. Current favorite outfit is a dark floral corduroy mini over black leggings, black tee, and a long open-knit burgundy sweater. And of course boots. Adding a cameo necklace or pin gives it a little bit of Victoriana.
Favorite singer: Right now, it's a lot of Tori Amos. She has so many good stand-out lines, beautiful melodies, and also just so much music I still haven't even listened to, even after being a fan for well over ten years. Recently discovered her song "The Maids of Elfen-Mere" and may have to check out the album.
Favorite item you own: Hard to pick one. The year I finished writing The Price and Prey of Magic, someone, without knowing what was in the book, got me a pendant with stag antlers for Christmas. Stags are a big motif in the novel, and it felt like such a lovely, special coincidence. The person has since died, and so wearing the necklace is extra meaningful to me now; I wore it for my first book signing.
Favorite perfume: I don't wear perfume regularly. But my favorite scents are fairly straightforward -- vanilla, orange, rosemary and mint -- pretty simple stuff.
Thank you again! As for tagging, if you see this and would like to do it, go for it!
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nomiyakazehaya · 8 months
2, 7, 8, 12, 14, 23 for megatron^^
2. where to even begin… for one, the ever imposing leader of decepticons likes to write poetry? just, the fact that such an aggressive and terrifying warlord known for so much destruction and violence has a sweeter, softer side deep down somewhere has me kicking my feet and sobbing… 🥲 which also stems my love for how much more gentle and noble megatron originally was. (i know this is case-by-case depending on continuity, but you get the picture)
7. absolutely love when people give megatron she/her pronouns! idk, i just resonate with it so much and enjoy projecting my own gender on her :) (but i absolutely support he/she/they megs too!!)
8. i think i share this sentiment with most people, but please stop making my babygirl a rapist or sexual assaulter of any kind!! or comparing her to hitler and nazis, and saying they're the same! like, i know megs is a warlord and has committed countless war crimes, but Please. why are you saying she did things she absolutely did not do and Would Not. do 😭
12. maybe a super unpopular headcanon, but i like to headcanon that while in the public eye or in front of others, megatron would, of course, prefer to be in full control and shown to be indomitable, but when she's behind closed private doors and with her significant other, she likes to let loose, let go of the reins and let her partner take care of her, be a little submissive, even. always being in constant control gets tiring and stressful, after all! :)
14. i… may be just a little (a lot) biased, but i love to imagine megatron in east asian traditional/oriental clothes, like a korean hanbok or kimono. or silky, flowy fashion. those kinds of threads just have such a graceful and elegant air to them, and i think they suit megs so much. like, i just absolutely love imagining megatron with all kinds of flowing sashes and ribbons on her… 🥺 bonus points if there's a futuristic/cyberpunk twist to the dresses. but a really, really close second fashion aesthetic would be techwear. megatron would absolutely rock the techwear look. hell, in an au of mine, i quite literally put her in a fusion hanbok with techwear mixed in. my tastes certainly show 😂 more projection, tee hee
23. my personal favorites have to be these two bc like. girl, what business do you have making that kind of devious expression 😭
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this very particular and specific one frame i happened to catch of her is also an all-time favorite because the way she looks like she's grimacing and judging sends me 😂😂
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