#mega man x 6
poozy3d · 2 months
Top 5 games you’ll never play again
Oh this is a good one!
1. Darksiders 3 & Darksiders Genesis
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2. Devil may cry 2
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3. Final Fantasy 10-2
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4. Megaman X6
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5. Digimon World 2
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m3chanical-rhythm · 2 years
Helmet less Gate if your still accepting!!
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(( i just like the idea that he looks like, a nerdy theater kid who kind of pulls off a prince charming vibe with a little hair gel and effort. ))
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devileaterjaek · 1 year
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flameof · 6 months
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Also, this?
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This needs to be a new response image.
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Prelim Poll 6
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Propaganda here
*Yes they're all names (and appearances) of the same character. In the picture above, the character presents as Amber, she/her
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thank-you-doggo · 3 days
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Guess whos been Watching JOJO lmfao,,, Sgt. Search Signals and Sgt. Insignia Chainlock, both inspired by Signas/Redips and Jotaros outfits.
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sarcasticskyway · 26 days
Choose my next fic!
I need ideas ya'll. Pick the crossover you'd love the most from me! I'm looking to get my boots wet on fanfic writing and I'm not sure what I should do first. I know I want a crossover between my favorites but not which ones exactly. HALP ME WRITE I STG
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fidenciojesusfan92 · 3 months
Megaman, Cammy and Nash
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Team Cannon Spike - the team Special, Capcom vs. SNK (SFIV, SFV and. SF6 vs. KOFXIV and. KOFXV)
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minticecodes · 2 years
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An indulgent mega man zero + digimon AU.
The partnerships are:
Ciel + Zero (Guilmon X)
I didn't draw her with goggles here, but she has them. She uses a visor while researching "digital phenomena."
Unlike the regular Guilmon line, Guilmon Xs' digital hazards are sealed thanks to the X-antibody.
Elpizo + X (Patamon)
Elpizo pushes X to digivolve and become more powerful, while X tries to get him to calm down.
Neige + Craft (Grapleomon) are a different kind of partners.
Neige's a journalist chasing rumours of a secret government division. She's also looking for her old friend--though she can't remember his name or what he looks like. Meanwhile, Craft wants her to stay far away from what he's up to.
More long, rambly (subject to change) plot stuff under the cut:
The secret government division (basically a cross of DATS and Hypnos) has been researching the 'chosen child' phenomena. Wouldn't it be useful, to harness the ability to control powerful monsters? Particularly if you wanted to exterminate this parallel world full of walking nukes, thinks Director Weil.
Ciel either knows exactly what's happening or has men in black style amnesia to stop her from forming a resistance too early. In both options she has a creeping sense of dread/guilt that she's done something terrible and left someone behind.
Zero definitely has amnesia. Ciel first finds him as a hurt Gigimon, plopped out of her computer when she wishes to be stronger to protect others.
Arc 1: Involves Ciel and Zero getting used to a partnership as monsters start appearing in Arcadia city
Half of these encounters are solved without violence. Most digimon are fleeing to the human world for safety--only some elites are seeking to harm humans. Ciel ends up creating a network of digimon in hiding.
T.K. Thoreewon (but much prefers 'Elpizo') is Ciel's lancer, and he's far more ruthless than her. He doesn't have a digimon partner though, despite how he wants to help out in battles.
Occasionally after each battle they catch glimpses of a flickering angel, who repeats the message "stop me."
They eventually do, tracking down the vengeful Holyangemon who's been driving digimon to flee the digital world to escape his reign.
Curiously, Holyangemon (previously Seraphimon X) was once known for his peaceful policies and caring nature. He was one of the few leaders left after a nightmareish red dragon tore apart the world. But citizens whisper he changed after he left for the final battle to seal away that dragon--not just that he lost his X-antibody and dropped down a level. However, no one saw the old human escaping the scene that day when his monster was defeated.
Ciel, meanwhile, has a terrible sense of recognition when she sees Holyangemon's control ring.
Arc 2 involves investigating cases of missing digimon. Ciel has a theory it's humans--though others report a lion general doing the dirty work. At the same time, Elpizo's new partner Patamon rings deja vu...
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I remember this talk I had w/ my sister
I was explaining the story of Mega Man 6 and this how it kinda went:
"So there's this international robot tournament held by some old guy named Mr X"
"Is it Squid Games?"
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chillshantie · 2 years
pov: x buys mcdonalds for everyone at maverick hunters hq bc hes a sweet boi
(he actually forgor his wallet and alia begrudgingly paid for it lol thank you alia😭)
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scrollboss · 11 months
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Today is the 23rd Anniversary of my ScrollBoss site and I've got a big update to celebrate! The new sprites are of Captain Commando (and some of his enemies), Kimberly from Street Fighter 6, Eliza/Elissa and Mary from Final Fight 2, three Robot Masters from the original Mega Man, Green Lantern, Wu-Tang (!), and Shadowcat!
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disrepairhouse · 1 month
DISREPAIR ERROR_422: Chapter 6
Awkward silence.
Five robots and a time traveler sat in the silence far longer than any of them expected as they processed the events of the day, none of them quite sure what to do about it now.  There was a familiarity to the scene they weren’t fully ready to come to terms with, leading them to not wanting to acknowledge it.  Eventually the time traveler could no longer evade the scowl from the taller red robot, though she’d been desperately trying to do so.  His gaze hadn’t moved from her since they returned to the underground base and all it took was one glance his way, hoping his attention had gone elsewhere only to find out it hadn’t, and the silence finally ended.
“You knew I’d be back here.”  The accusation was as sharp as his scowl.
She could only offer a sheepish smile and a shrug, “Not… exactly?”
“In the other world.  Chasing after the ruby.  You asked if-”
“Okay in my defense!” Itara interrupted, though jerked back further against RK when Zero’s eyes narrowed.  “That was right after all of this happened,” she waved her white-streaked arm up and towards her still-damaged entire right side, including the now permanently magenta sclera and paled green eye, “Nothing made a whole lot of sense to me at the time and I’ve intentionally tried not to think about it since.  I saw a LOT of different timelines all meshed together then, I had no idea what was relevant to this timeline, nor did I know when this would happen, either.”
“So how did this all happen this time, anyway?” RK questioned, keeping one arm wrapped almost fully around Itara and tightening his grip ever so slightly.  The unvoiced threat was enough to cause Zero’s expression to drop back into annoyance.
Itara sighed, looking around at everyone present, studying the newcomers carefully before closing her eyes and rocking her head side to side in thought.  “You guys said you were chasing Sigma through some portal, right?”
“Correct,” X nodded, “He reappeared with a considerable army of Mavericks, we were headed to his main base to face him when he activated some kind of portal.  Zero, Axl, and I followed him through, but lost sight of him and when we stepped out… well.  You know the rest.”
“I still find it odd that he reappeared so soon.  But I suppose that’s an issue for later.”  Itara dropped her head to one side and hummed in confusion before opening her eyes again, “The energies in our world have been in flux since the battle with Solaris.  It never fully stabilized, so it's possible we’re simply acting as a midpoint of crossing energies, considering the merge.  We may be permanently tapped into other worlds now, even if it’s slight.  To be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if Sigma ended up here, after all, whether he meant to or not.”  She turned back towards Metal, who was leaned up against the computer console behind them, “Can you run a scan for energies from X and Zero’s world?  We should still have readings for them.  If Sigma’s here, we’re going to want to know.”
Metal nodded and turned around towards the desk, “Who even is this ‘Sigma’ anyway?”
Itara shrugged, “I don’t actually know,” she turned back towards the guest robots, “X told me he was previously a Maverick Hunter like him, but went rogue?”
“He was infected by a virus and turned hostile,” the blue bot frowned, “We’ve fought him numerous times now but he’s always got a backup somewhere that we’ve yet to find.”
Itara’s brows furrowed, sitting up straight and putting the side of her finger to her mouth, “Then it’s possible the Sigma you were fighting was a backup, rather than the one I sent forward in time.  That could explain why he reappeared so quickly.  If he is here, you need to make sure to destroy this one so it doesn’t cause a paradox when the other one reappears, if that’s the case.”  She looked up again, watching the realization hit the bots from the other world.  Zero’s eyes only narrowed, but X and Axl had much more obvious responses.  Axl, in particular, recoiled in horror.  He seemed to be far more reactive than the other two.  She tried to imagine this fiery new guy running around with the ever-cold, no-nonsense Zero and almost chuckled at the mental image.  Unfortunately, said no-nonsense bot caught sight of her amusement and scowled.
“And what’s so funny about this?  Even after we solve the issues you caused in our world, we’re still somehow dealing with them.”
“Hey, don’t look at me, I didn’t put the Phantom Ruby in your world to begin with.  If anything, I solved those problems by finding it and removing it from your world.”
“Do you expect gratitude?”
“From you?" Itara scoffed, "I’d sooner ask Sparky to give up violence.”
She rolled her eyes but continued, “In any case. You ending up here is far less a mystery than me ending up in the pizzaplex, considering I had nothing to do with getting there. We'll keep an eye out for activity from Sigma or any other fluctuations, but I think we need to go back and examine that building. Did the power ever turn back on?”
“Not while I was still there,” X explained.
“And there's no reading from it still. I tried getting into the surveillance system but the line was blocked,” Metal added, turning back towards them again and crossing his arms, “I don't imagine a pizza shop has enough security to keep me out of it, so it's a safe assumption it's simply still offline.”
“Right. Then we should return… tomorrow. Investigating the building with everything offline may make it easier. No defenses.”
“Why wait for tomorrow?”
“Because its appearance is going to garner attention. If we want to investigate with as few interruptions as possible, it's best to go tomorrow. Sonic and Tails are going to look into it today, with the evacuations handled and I'm not letting you in the same room.”
Metal clicked in disapproval but Itara only shook her head, “Besides. If I've been gone for two days,” her voice lowered as her expression grew wary, “a certain jackal is going to be annoyed with me because I'll have missed our training day.”
“Ah. Right,” RK spoke up, as if realizing something.
“Mama Bear already handled it,” Metal waved the thought away. “The jackal got his training.”
Itara’s expression fell, leaning back to stare up at the echidna, “RK… what did you do?”
“He wanted to train and I wanted to punch something. It seemed fitting.”
“RK it's not that kind of training!”
The warbot shrugged, “He got to use that damn ruby,” grinning, “once.”
Itara sighed and dropped her head to the side again, whining under her breath.  “He’s gonna be so mad at me.  I should go find him and explain-”
“No need.”  She sighed all the more dramatically as the room around them shifted and warped in an all-too-familiar way, causing the others to immediately stiffen, ready to strike, but Itara only huffed and jumped off RK’s lap.  “I’m already here, Demon Child.”
“Infinite, now is not the time!”
“Rich coming from the time traveler.”  The voice seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere, causing the bots clearly unfamiliar with the jackal’s tactics to whip around in search of the source.  However, those who’d faced him once before only looked out, knowing he was in no one direction.  With little else for warning, the entire room tilted sideways, though only enough to throw the hedgehog off-balance and not the much heavier, on-edge robots.  Purple fog covered the time traveler’s feet as she righted herself, floating ever-so-slightly off the uneven ground to keep herself stable.
But no sooner had she righted herself than the floor opened into a deep, endless pit below her, flickering with hundreds of small black and red boxes around the edges.  With a glance down and around at the bots, two of which looked ready to destroy the entire room to find the threat, Itara’s spines crystallized before melting completely into a cloud of purple fog.  The fog dashed down through the opened pit, sparking with a violent purple energy, disappearing only a moment before reappearing from the ceiling, knocking the jackal back into the physical world and down to the floor, shattering the illusion as soon as he hit the cold tile.  The fog followed quickly after, materializing back into the hedgehog as she landed on him with a second thud before he had a chance to recover.  She shook her head to straighten herself out before looking down at the frustrated black and white jackal underneath her, dizzy from the sudden impact but cognizant enough to scowl up at her.
“Get off me.”
“I am literally half your size.  Make me.”
However, as soon as he tried to shove the hedgehog aside, two glowing purple dog-like creatures bolted from the shadows and snarled at both arms, threatening to tear them off should he move an inch more.  Itara only sat, staring with blazing green eyes down at the attacker-turned-prey.  Challenging him.  Much to her amusement, he responded in kind by making copies of her Biters, distracting the original two long enough to throw her off and scramble to his feet, though she was back to hers just as quick.  The two stared one another down for several long moments before Itara blinked, her eyes returning to normal, though she remained cautiously floating still.
“See?  That wasn’t so hard, was it?  Your copies are almost solid again, even.”
Despite the praise, the scowl on the jackal’s face only deepened and his stance remained rigid.  Instead, he hissed out her least favorite new nickname and took another step back.  “You forget our training again and this time have the gall to send your attack dog at me, instead.”
“I didn’t forget and I didn’t send RK to do anything.  He’s also not a dog.”  She eyed him a moment longer before releasing the fog and putting her feet back on solid ground again, dispersing the Biters that were still keeping the jackal at length.  “It’s a long story, but I ended up… elsewhere for a couple days and only just returned.  It’s not my fault you caught RK at a bad time.  You should know better by now not to test him.  Neither he nor Metal have any qualms with destroying you still.”
She watched him a moment longer before determining he wouldn’t attack and turned back towards the other bots to dissuade any further attack, knowing their guests from another world likely wouldn’t understand the sudden appearance.  “Infinite, you remember Zero, right?  He came with me to your world.  He and his friends ended up in the same place I did.  It seems there’s some kind of merge or crossing happening again, which means I may end up needing your help dealing with this.  It seems an ideal time to test your powers and see if they’re stable enough to use.”  She glanced back at him once she reached RK again.
“Why should I help anyone?”
“We would appreciate any help dealing with Sigma,” X spoke up, taking a step forward towards the disgruntled jackal, offering a friendly hand, “He’s dangerous and the sooner he’s taken down, the better for everyone.”
Infinite only stared up at the much taller blue bot with a narrowed eye, though before anyone could respond further, a beep came from the computer, drawing everyone’s attention to it.  The scanner confirmed a reading on the signature, which was concerning enough on its own, but once Metal turned back to the computer to pull up the location of the reading, the air went cold.  There was, indeed, a reploid reading in their world, other than the three present… square in the center of a large forest, far away from any city, in a known Robotnik base.
The silence was heavy once more.  All eyes were on the map, watching cautiously, watching the signature not move, even as Metal zoomed the map in further, switching to a nearby camera he easily gained access to, to confirm that it was, indeed, a Robotnik base.  Itara let out a long, quiet breath with the confirmation.  That was a problem.
“So we know where he is!” Narrowed eyes moved to the previously quiet third other-worlder, “we should head there right now and take care of this!”  Axl looked around at the wary stares, an eye narrowing in confusion, “Right?”
“I guess you wouldn’t know,” Itara frowned, looking at the camera feed again, “That’s Robotnik’s currently active base.  Which means Sigma and Robotnik have met.”  Looking back again, she explained to the still confused robot, “Robotnik is basically our world’s equivalent of Sigma.  He’s… for lack of a better term, an evil genius.  He’s the creator of almost every sentient robot in this world, but uses them for… well, constant world domination plans-”
“Tch, if he uses them at all,” Metal scoffed.
Itara nodded, “He’s brilliant… in a way, he created all four of us, but he only uses that brilliance for trouble.  Metal and RK.  The Phantom Ruby.  Pulled me out of the scepter-”
“Excuse you!  I did that!” Metal interrupted again, scowling, gaining a side eye and a grin from Itara as she waved him down.
“Okay, okay, Robotnik stole the scepter but Metal created me.  Under the doctor’s orders.  In either case, he’s smart and dangerous and if he and Sigma end up working together, we may be in more trouble than I’d hoped.”  Taking a deep breath, she puffed her chest out and put her hands on her hips, standing as tall as she got, “Very well!  I’ll just have to go look into this, myself.”
“Hold up,” RK jumped to attention before she could get far, “What do you mean look into it?”
The purple fog covered Itara’s feet again as she prepared to sink back into it but she turned up to RK, “I can go in, find out what they’re up to, and come back so we know what we’re working with.  Don’t worry, they won’t know I’m there.  In and out.”
“Check your journal first.”
She blinked a couple times before sighing and solidifying her feet again, “fine, fine.  I will check the journal first.”
“Since when do you go in so quickly without several plans?” Metal questioned, almost sounding offended by the abrupt decision, moving beside RK to nearly hover over the tiny time traveler.
“I was just gonna go look!” she whined, but pulled the black notebook down from the nearby counter, flipping it open and to the next empty page, “I have to go see to make a note of it in the first place, after all.  If I never go…,” her complaint trailed off as she flipped to the final page of notes, her ears immediately flattening against her head.  “Oh.”
“So there is something,” RK frowned, “what is it?”
Itara remained silent for a few seconds, reading through the scratchy, somewhat frantic notes scrawled across the page.  On the one hand, she was glad her powers were stable enough that the notebook was useful again, but the warnings on the page were concerning.  “Apparently I should, in fact, not go anywhere near Robotnik, specifically.”
“What if one of us goes?” Metal questioned.
“The only note is to not go near Robotnik, that I’ll be… captured, if I do.  That’s… concerning.  The implications of that are…,” she trailed off again before shaking her head, “it says nothing about you guys but just to be safe, I think it’s best we don’t chance it.”  She looked to X, instead, “I guess we’re leaving this to you guys.  I can’t promise what you’ll find but I think it might be best if someone more familiar with Robotnik goes with you.  He was hiding in the space station the entire time you guys were here before, you know nothing of his tactics.  He’s crafty.”
“You forget I worked with him several months before even meeting you,” Zero argued, crossing his arms and leaning back against the nearby work station.  “Though I admit, he did fool even me at the time.”
Itara nodded, “Eggman is conniving above all things, especially if you aren’t familiar with this world.”
“Who do you suggest then?”
Itara glanced at Infinite for a moment before shaking her head, watching the insult spread across his face almost instantly before looking down.  Infinite wasn’t ready to face Robotnik yet.  None of them could go.  Kipper was definitely not the answer.  Someone strong enough to deal with anything Robotnik might be plotting and familiar enough with his tactics to not be caught or swayed.
The answer was a little too obvious.
“I have an idea… but I think it’s best if we continue this tomorrow.  You guys can look into what’s going on with Sigma and Robotnik while we look into the Pizzaplex.  I would recommend just sticking to recon or minimal interaction for now, though.  If they’re prepared enough for me to go in there, unseen, there’s no telling what you guys will face.”
“If we know where he is, we should eradicate him immediately!” Axl snapped, but was immediately dissuaded by X, who shook his head.
“No, I think she’s right.  Things in this world are… quite a bit different than ours.  We should be cautious.  We’ll scout the situation out and make a decision from there.”
Itara nodded along with him, glad SOMEONE finally listened to her when they should and set her notebook back on the counter, “You guys can rest here for now, we still have charging stations fitted to Zero’s tech you should hopefully be able to use.  I’ll get in contact with someone who can help you out and tell them to meet us here tomorrow morning to explain everything.  The three of us will head back to the pizzeria afterwards.  Feel free to come back here after you finish scouting or whatever you decide to do.”  She looked back and forth between X and Axl, knowing Zero spent plenty of time at the house already.
She didn’t figure X needed much warning, but she wasn’t sure about this Axl guy and focused on him, specifically, “I don't recommend starting fights you can't finish while you're here.” The warning caught the clearly younger bot by surprise, but his surprise quickly turned to a challenge.  Itara’s tone flattened as she continued, “Zero is familiar with everyone here and what they're capable of and X is too friendly for his own good, but you look like a troublemaker.”  X flustered slightly at the comment while Zero rolled his eyes.  “Just be warned… This world is recovering from a battle of Gods. We're all conditioned to fight… and everyone left are the survivors of a war.  Don't pick fights you won't be able to finish.”  She let the silence sit for a moment, watching the defensive aggression slip from the bot’s face before smiling and tipping her head again, “What you do is your decision, though.  It's no crystals off my spines if you lose a few limbs while you're here.  Just don't say I didn't warn you.”
She’d be lying if she said the brief look of unease on the bot’s face wasn’t entertaining.  Sometimes she missed being able to vaguely threaten people, watch the different emotions play out on their faces as the gears clicked in their heads.  It was fun.  But she tried not to do it as much anymore.  She’d overcome her fear of Sonic through the years, but Shadow would forever feel like a looming threat, should she step too far out of line.  Even more so since her new release from the scepter.
But with the warning given, she stood back up straight and turned for the stairs, “I’ll go contact someone who can help you guys out, you should make sure the charging ports are compatible!  RK can help you out if things need to be adjusted.  Infinite, meet me in the woods nearby and we’ll do a short bit of training.”  She listened long enough to hear RK shift towards the computers while X moved to help him out, as well as a quiet grumble from Infinite before he vanished from the basement.  She continued up to the main house where she would make the call.  She didn’t want Metal or RK to hear who she was talking to.  It would be precarious enough when they came to the house tomorrow.
AO3 Series
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jooheons · 1 year
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spider-man 2099 / miguel o’hara reading guide 
miguel o’hara was a young genetics genius employed at mega corporation alchemax, in the future city of nueva york of the year 2099 (a future universe where all superheroes got wiped out). he became spider-man when one of his experiments to replicate the powers of spider-man is used against him, his dna is rewritten and became fifty percent spider. 
essential reading:
spider-man 2099 (1992), #1-10
spider-man 2099, #11-14
spider-man 2099 annual, #1
2099 unlimited #1-3 *
spider-man 2099, #15
ravage 2099, #15 *
x-men 2099, #5 *
doom 2099 (1993), #14 *
punisher 2099 (1993), #13 *
spider-man 2099, #16-22
spider-man 2099, #23-33
2099 unlimited #8 *
ghost rider 2099 #7 *
spider-man 2099, #34-38
spider-man 2099 special #1
spider-man 2099 meets spider-man #1
2099 unlimited #9-10 *
spider-man 2099, #39-46 *
2099: world of tomorrow (1996), #1-8 *
2099: manifest destiny *
* in early 1996, editor joey cavalieri was fired. it led to the cancellation of the 2099 titles. for spider-man 2099′s case, peter david (creator and writer) chose to resign in solidarity with his editor, finishing his run with issue #44. the last two issues of spider-man 2099 were done without his input and the series ended with issue #46.
* cross-overs are optional reading, they’re grouped together with the original spider-man 2099 issues because it’s part of their collection. 
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non-essential reading (crossovers):
fantastic four 2099 (1996), #4, #6, #8
captain marvel (2000) #27-30
exiles (2001-2008), #72 *
exiles #75-99 
exiles annual #1
timestorm 2009-2099 (2009),  #1–4 *
* exiles!miguel is a variant (not the same from his 1992 run), he’s from earth-6375 here. 
* timestorm!miguel is a variant, he’s from earth-96099 here.
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semi-essential reading (main marvel universe):
superior spider-man (2013),  #17-21
superior spider-man #22-26
superior spider-man annual #1
superior spider-man #27-31
superior spider-man annual #2 
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essential reading (spider-verse event):
spider-man 2099 (2014) #1-5
amazing spider-man (2014) #1
amazing spider-man (2014) #9-15
spider-man 2099 (2014), #6-12
spider-man 2099 (2015), #1-5
spider-man 2099 (2015), #6-10
spider-man 2099 (2015), #11-16
spider-man 2099 (2015), #17-21
spider-man 2099 (2015), #22-25
spider-man 2099 meets spider-man (1995)
amazing spider-man (2018), #32-36
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semi-essential reading (back to 2099):
spider-man 2099 (2019)
spider-man 2099: exodus alpha (2022)
spider-man 2099: exodus #1-5
spider-man 2099: exodus omega
spider-man 2099: dark genesis #1-5
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other media:
spider-man: shattered dimensions (2010, video game)
spider-man: edge of time (2011, video game)
ultimate spider-man, the spider-verse: part 1 (2015, animated series)
spider-man: into the spider-verse (2018, film)
spider-man: across the spider-verse (2023, film)
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this reading guide will be updated should any upcoming projects arise! 
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nattaphum · 9 months
November 30
🔥 Mile, Apo and Bible met at the airport (here)
Mile, Apo, Tong and Bas did a video message for Harper’s Bazaar (link)
December 1
Mile and Apo with the presenter of the Srichand live (link)
MileApo’s promo video for Bento (link)
🔥 Man Suang Tour in Singapore (link, link, link,link,link, link, here, here)
Pond posted a throwback video of him with Mile at Disneyland (link)
Apo went out for a walk with May (link)
December 2
Apo’s selfies at the Decorum SG (link)
Mile went to a guitar shop in Singapore (link, link) and took a photo with the owners (link)
🔥 Mile and Apo at the airport in Singapore (here, link, link, here, here)
🔥 Mileapo through Apovision (here)
🔥 Apo posted a throwback selfie (here)
December 3
🔥 More Mileapo moments from yesterday (here, here, here)
Apo’s IG post on the Singapore trip (link)
Mile’s IG post with the best moments of the Man Suang Tour (link)
May did a best memories video of their trip to Singapore (link)
🔥 Mile went to Club Luminaries, Apo’s friend’s shop (link)
December 4
Apo posted a throwback video of him eating tofu pudding (here)
Apo made an IG post on the Man Suang Tour in Singapore (link)
🔥 Mile and Apo at the airport (here). Mile’s mom is with them (here)
🔥 New photo of Mileapo x Bento (here)
Mile posted pics from their last trip to Saudi Arabia (here)
Apo posted a throwback pic of their last trip to Saudi Arabia (link)
December 5
May posted a pic of Apo and the team in Hong Kong (link)
MileApo’s arrival @ Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Jeddah (here)
Apo’s weibo promo video for Bento (link)
Mos adjusting Mile’s belt (link)
🔥 Apo’s IG live with Mile (here)
🔥 Mile and Apo at the Red Sea International Film festival Day 1 (here, here, here, here, here)
Mile and Apo made a post on the Red Sea International Film festival (link, link)
December 6
🔥 Mile made a post on the first day of RSIFF and Apo commented (here)
Glimpses of Mileapo today (link)
🔥New photos from the first day of RSIFF (here)
Pond’s IG story with Mileapo having lunch (link)
🆕🔥 Mile and Apo at the Red Sea International Film festival Day 2 (here)
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December 9-10: Bento Grand Opening in China (Foshan City, Guangdong)
December 11: Bento Mega Sales with Mileapo
December 31: BOC Countdown party
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141 notes · View notes
satoshi-mochida · 5 months
Some games that are currently stuck on older consoles that I hope get rereleased in some way, Part 5:
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
Pandora's Tower
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The Last Story
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Unchained Blades
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Deadpool(putting this here as a technicality since it got removed from digital platforms for licensing reasons)
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Liberation Maiden
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Jeanne d'Arc
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Drakengard series
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Shadow of Destiny(Shadow of Memories)
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Ray Gigant
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Michigan: Report from Hell
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The older Deception Series games
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Disaster Report Series before 4
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Breath of Fire Series
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Xblaze 1 and 2
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Blinx 1 and 2
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Pokemon Conquest
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Higurashi Daybreak(hopefully a newer version would preferably based on Higurashi Daybreak Portable Mega Edition, maybe add even more characters to it)
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Under the Skin
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Dragon Quest IX
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Namco x Capcom
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Project X Zone 1 and 2
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Time and Eternity(I know it's kind of divisive, but I liked it's style. Battles in Ray Gigant have a similar look, though not the same feel.)
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Mega Man X Command Mission
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Yakuza: Dead Souls
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Yakuza: Kenzan
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Albert Odyssey
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Twilight Syndrome series/Moonlight Syndrome
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65 notes · View notes