#megaera x Reader
xjulixred45x · 4 months
I was making some drawings with the story of the Trojan War in the background, when I just got to the part of the sacrifice of Iphigenia (Agamemnon's daughter) so that the ships would march towards Troy.
and it gave me a little idea for this little drabble.
Imagine that the reader is a lover of one of the 3 main members of the house of Hades (Zagreus, Thanatos, Megaera) and one day their family tells them to go to a specific place for a matter of EXTREME importance.
Without knowing it, the reader goes to where they plan to sacrifice them to the gods (you decide the reason).
What the family does not take into account when this happens is that using the Aid of the gods, reader calls their lover to help them (could it be possible? I would be upset if it were).
Can you imagine the reactions of each person when they see that mortals want to sacrifice their partner?
Thanatos is definitely against this sacrifice being made with his partner obviously, and he protects them, but he is the most aware of the situation, that if there is a sacrifice, some god asked for it, and he knows that something that would be worse (especially for his partner) than dealing with mortals, would be dealing with a GOD/GODDESS.
Therefore, Thanatos would try to use diplomacy as much as possible, although he would use force if necessary to defend his partner (if they needs it) and would try to fix the situation without bothering any higher entity.
He is the clumsiest when it comes to comforting his partner, but he doesn't want them to feel bad in the long run, so even after the situation is under control, he takes them somewhere nice to make them feel better.
Zagreus is definitely LIVID with anger when he finds out what is happening, I think he would try at first to say that it makes no sense for them to ask for a sacrifice because the gods usually DON'T LIKE THEM (like what happened with Pelops) but as soon as he sees that that It doesn't work, he goes directly to violence.
Do they want a sacrifice to the gods? Well, let them be it themselves. Besides he gets to show off a little with His partner lol.
although he definitely tries to comfort them emotionally after that kind of betrayal while he can be on the surface (or even offer them some time in the house of Hades, if they want). Good and unusual Badass/angry Zagreus.
Megaera....OF...she jumps right into violence. They don't even have to tell her what's happening, she sees her partner in trouble and distressed and she sees RED. brings out her most violent side.
When it's all over she goes to check on her partner and asks what happened and it only makes her even angrier. Of course it was deadly stupid. But he's glad they're okay. she's not as emotionally good as Zagreus, but at least she comforts her partner because she knows what it's like to feel so disconnected from your "family."
She is definitely going to take the time in Tartarus to torment her partner's family or at least she leaves it to her sisters :)
POLY THAN/ZAG/MEG is a weird mix of all of the above. probably having Thanatos trying to make things "right" Megaera and Zagreus try not to go straight to violence. THEY WOULD TRY.
although as soon as they see that there is not going to be a real negotiation, that they ignore them or, gods forbid, they try to kill their partner EVEN WITH THEM IN FRONT OF THEM Zagreus and Megaera will no longer hold back and will go for BLOOD.
Thanatos, seeing that diplomacy failed, would only dedicate himself to checking on his partner to see if they were hurt or if they are feeling well in general. The man wants ANSWERS of how this happened.
When it's all over, probably the three of them (especially Zagreus and Meg) would be much more vigilant with their partner, it was just a big scare. Besides, lots of hugs and cuddles. I don't make the rules.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
This was fun to write:D
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aether-bun · 8 months
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Happy Birthday!
To celebrate my birthday, here's a drabble of assorted Hades characters and how they'd be on your birthday! You are in a relationship with Zagreus in this one :)
Characters: Nyx, Orpheus, Eurydice, Zagreus, Thanatos, Hypnos, Dusa, Megaera, Achilles, Patroclus, Cerberus, Asterius, Sisyphus, Bouldy
Warnings: None! Good wholesome times all around ♡
You wake up to Zagreus kissing your face!!!!
I believe in Zagreus caring deeply for physical touch and quality time your honour. Once you warm him up to it, it's his heaven in Hell. He adores it.
He's very warm, but it's never really been a problem, given the consistently nice temperature of the House
"Good morning, [Y/N]. Happy birthday~" He cooes gently, his voice is smoother than the finest ambrosia and you revel in it, snuggling into his chest.
"What would you like to do today, my dear?"
"Mmh....Is sleep an option...?" Zagreus chuckles at your drowsy response, his chest rumbles pleasantly and you find a contagious smile growing on your face.
"Birthdays only happen once a year, darling...Come on. Eurydice made you some cake."
"She did?"
"Yes! When I told her it was your birthday this week, she jumped to the opportunity."
"Then I suppose I must get up?"
Zagreus kisses your head lightly, and you melt from the tender care
"I suppose you must, yes."
You wake up and get into some nicer robes, and walk out with Zagreus to see Nyx regard you.
"Happy birthday, child. As a token of this occasion, I managed to convince Hades to give everyone a moment off, to greet you." Nyx's voice almost sends you to sleep again, but you're much more awake now, and you feel too sheepishly happy to rest.
"Lady Nyx, you really didn't need to...!" Your voice is as incredulous as you feel. "But...Thank you."
"Of course. I believe Hypnos wanted a word, so perhaps you should see to him first."
You and Zagreus walk over to Hypnos, who is currently not sleeping, which shocks you both, though he looks about ready to knock out for the next week at the minimum.
"[Y/N]!! Happy birthday! Dusa and I made you a little something, here here!" He exclaims, all tiredness wiped from his aura entirely as he hands you a small box.
Gingerly, you take off the lid, and inside you are happy to find a new laurel, woven carefully with your favourite colours and plants. You find yourself beaming at the beautiful heartfelt gift, before giving Hypnos a tight squeeze.
"Thank you so much, Hypnos. The detail is incredible!" You say as you part, and Hypnos giggles with a mischevious grin. "It was mostly Dusa, to be perfectly honest, but I helped weave it, so getting the first hug of appreciation for it feels fair."
You laugh, before Sir Achilles approaches with a calm smile of his own, before placing a hand on your arm.
"Unfortunately, I don't have any gifts for you myself, but I do wish you a happy birthday nonetheless. Do spend today well, yes?"
"Thank you, sir. I'll do my best." You smile, remarking mentally that your cheeks are starting to hurt, but also that you don't find yourself minding.
Next stop is to Meg and Dusa, who are waiting in the lounge with Thanatos. When they see you approach, Dusa is the first to float to you. The snakes that make up her hair affectionately grasp onto your arm as you hold Dusa affectionately. "Happy birthday!" She skitters, almost purring in a strange, Dusa-like way.
Meg is next, though she holds her distance as per usual. She's smiling, and her whip is stowed. "I've gotta hand it to you, [Y/N], I don't usually tend to care for birthdays, never mind my own...but you got me a morning in the lounge. So...thanks for that."
It was a strange way to go about saying happy birthday, but for you, it was more than enough. You nodded. "I can't believe Nyx pulled it off. Surely there are some wretched shades out there being overworked now, no?"
Megaera simply shrugs, but the creeping grin on her face tells you she hopes it's the case.
Thanatos clears his throat, and you realise he's held something out to you. It was a bottle of nectar. You gasp, taking the weighted spherical bottle in awe.
Zagreus squints at it, still by your side, before suddenly looking at Thanatos. "I gave you this bottle of nectar yesterday!" He says, indignant. Thanatos smiles - a rarity on its' own - and simply dismisses the Prince.
"Regardless of where you got it from...Thank you, Than, this...this means a lot." You say, your voice still awestruck by the honey gold liquid you're holding.
Zagreus of course brings you plenty, but even so, its' beauty never ceased to amaze.
You visit Sisyphus, who gives you Pebble (one of Bouldy's brothers, who has a delicately punched smiley face on one side), then you visit Orpheus and Eurydice, who gives you a kiss on the cheek and some cake, then you meet with Patroclus, who takes your hand very hesitantly and prays for you, for your good luck this year. He says he'll see you at the house, and on your way back, you find Asterius.
Zagreus prepares for a fight, but Asterius is unarmed, and he quickly realises.
"Asterius? What are you doing here, without your axe?" He asks. Asterius chuffs.
"Your father gave us a small break this morning, small one. You said something about celebrating someone's birthday last we clashed blades, and so, naturally, I assumed it would be your lover's. Was I correct?"
Zagreus stows his blade and you nod a little. "That's right, Asterius sir." You clarify. "It's good to know he gave even you and Theseus a break, too."
Asterius snorts, though it's not one of amusement or malice, simply a noise. He rifles through a pouch he has, before handing you a weighty box. Inside is a handaxe, crafted by the minotaur.
"You have no weaponry when you wander out here, I've come to notice. This is for when we meet in the stadium. For if you need more than simply the blessings of the Olympians." The bass voice of the bull rumbles, and you hold the axe firmly with a grin. Zagreus chuckles next to you.
"I appreciate this, Asterius. Thank you. Send our regards to King Theseus?"
Asterius laughs.
"I don't think he'd take it well, but I wish you a good day despite."
Asterius leaves, and you and Zagreus are amusedly quick to do the same.
Eventually, after a day of exploration, you cuddle up to Cerberus and thank Nyx on your way through, before laying down with your Zagreus.
"Today was fantastic, dearest." You say. Zagreus holds you close, playing with your hair. "I'm glad. But there's still one present you've yet to receive, my dear~"
It's 1AM right now. Use your imagination.
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blazemourn · 1 year
Thanatos : Huh?! What the-
Zagreus : Cause I'm lost in your eyes!
Thanatos : Wait-
Zagreus : *Kisses him*
Thanatos : *Instant blush*
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randoimago · 2 years
Hi there I just wanted to say I like your writing also can I please have headcanons for Zagreus,Thanatos,Megara and hypnos from hades with a gender neutral s/o who is the god of decay like their powers are able to suck the life force/energy out of any living being and slowly kill them and because of that a lot of people fear them and make rumors of them being this destructive/scary God when in reality their actually really nice and kind just kinda quiet and their also kinda lonely and depressed because of their powers and rumors that have been made about them and just wanna have companions/friends I hope this isn't too much to ask for I enjoy reading your writing ☺️💖🤗❤️
Very Sweet S/O Is the God of Decay
Fandom: Hades
Characters: Hypnos, Megaera, Thanatos, Zagreus
Type of Request: Headcanon
Notes: This is a very interesting request, I’ll do my best with it!!
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Calls you a sheep in wolf’s clothing. That’s really what you are when you’re not causing some plague somewhere in the mortal realm.
If he’s ever asked what it’s like dating you because you’re this “big, scary god” then he just gasps and mentions all these horrible, awful things you do. “One time, they accidentally tried washing some colored clothing with white clothes!”
He’s really head over heels for you even if he acts like a little shit at times. If you ask anything of him then he’ll do it (so long as he doesn’t lose his job).
You’re just so precious and always has time for him (unlike his actual family) and so he wants you to feel just as loved.
She understands having others view you as intimidating and unapproachable. She gets that, her sisters get that. You being pretty much the complete opposite is something that throws her for a bit of a loop.
In her mind, if you’re scary then you should work with it and use it to your advantage. You’re just a sweetheart and she’ll kill anyone that dares lay a hand on you.
Meg isn’t really the type to talk about you to a lot of people, but Zagreus and Thanatos know and they quickly befriend you (after they give you a bit of a graveyard talk, that is).
She is hesitant to introduce you to her sisters. Probably shows you Tisiphone first since you two are a lot alike in ways before going to Alecto, who she quickly threatens if she tries to harm you.
He heard the rumors and so he had it in his mind to be the utmost respectful to you as your job can’t be an easy one. And then he meets you and you’re apologizing and asking if he’s okay and if you can do anything to make him comfortable with his visit.
He doesn’t know if he’s ever fell in love that fast. You’re just so pure despite your title. He vows to protect and keep you safe when you two start being together.
Thanatos understands being lonely due to being feared, so he tries to introduce you to Zagreus and Meg as they have been his lights in darkness for so long and hope you can be friends with them. He also secretly hopes his best friends like his S/O.
Definitely talks about you to Nyx before actually introducing you to his mother. Doesn’t really want to introduce you to Hypnos as he knows there’s going to be lots of embarrassing stories, but he still does as he cares for his brother and wants his S/O to meet his family.
Of course he was a bit hesitant when he heard about your title the first time. But then he met you and felt guilt for judging you based on things he’s heard.
You get so many gifts from him. You’re just the sweetest and he wants you to feel treasured because you deserve it.
Is more than happy to tell others that you’re his S/O. He might get asked “aren’t you scared?” and the answer is always “hells no” because you’re amazing and he gladly tells you that all the time.
Zagreus knows so many people, he’ll happily introduce you to them all! He promises that some of them are even nice so you can have friends.
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phyrestartr · 1 month
Rhubarb | Zagreus x M!Reader (WIP!!)
#SFW, reader is a daimon, ik nymphs can't be male but let me have this!!!, reader tends to persephone's decayed garden, hurt/comfort, lots of fluff, COURTING!!!!!
“You wouldn't happen to be the one gifting me all these flowers, would you?” Zagreus asked. 
You cleared your throat as you scrambled for an excuse, a reason, an explanation to give the godling–it didn't feel right to outwardly admit to it (Gods, that'd be embarrassing), and you couldn't find it in you to turn the prince away; if you did that, what would be the point of your bashful little gifts? You wanted to show support, you wanted to try and embolden him when few else would. 
But still–
You tucked some hair behind your pointed ear and cleared your throat once more, never ripping your gaze away from the flowerbeds to look at your opponent. Nope. You wouldn't do it. You couldn't or you'd die on the spot (again). 
“I beg pardon?” You asked, willing your earth magicks to replace that which had withered in the garden. 
You swore you heard him smile. “Those flowers, the ones in my chambers? The ones that renew every night, or–or day, or what have you.” His cindered footsteps ventured closer to you. “Surely you must have some idea.”
“I'm afraid I don't, Prince,” you hummed, stepping away as he followed. “But I can keep an eye open, if you so wish.” 
“Oh, come on. Do you really think you'll be punished for giving me a flower or two?” Zagreus asked.
“Everything can be punished in this house. Anything in regards to the runaway prince, even more so.” And that was true. You'd heard of Megaera and Thanatos being promptly admonished for their inability to stop Zagreus, or their blatant refusal to even try to stop him. Most didn't give Zagreus the time of day. What would you, a mere shade, say in your defense if the lord of the underworld found out about the simple fondness you felt for the prince?
Before you could linger on that dread for too long, a hand caught your wrist, stopping your further retreat. It wasn't painful, nor did it frighten you–but it was odd. So, so odd. You'd not felt the warmth of another for decades. It reminded you of a warm summer's day.
“Look, I–I just want to thank you,” Zagreus said, sounding far too flustered and honest. You couldn't help but turn to him and meet his mismatched gaze, finally.
“Thank me?” You said, dumbstruck. A little because of the brilliant emerald and ruby eyes staring down at you, a little because of his words.
The prince nodded. He didn't release your wrist. “Is that so unbelievable?” He asked with a smile. 
“Not when it comes to you, no.” Your face heated, but you kept your composure calm and collected. “Well. You're, uh, free to speak. If you wish.”
“Thank you,” he said, not hesitating the slightest bit, “For taking the time to…well, think of me, I suppose. These days, it feels like everyone's against me, so the flowers, they--they're a welcome sight.” 
His smile melted your faux frigid expression, and you let the slightest hint of gentility peek through. “I worried they'd be a nuisance.”
“A nuisance?” Zagreus balked. “No, no, anything but. It's what keeps me going most days, if I'm being honest.” 
You raised your brows, despite a smile not following. “Well, that's depressing. To think few others are cheering you on brings a tear to the eye.”
The prince snorted. “Huh. Never knew gardeners could be the sarcastic type.” 
“Seems you haven't met enough gardeners, then.” You clasped your hand over the one holding your wrist. “Truthfully, I don't understand the extent of your quest, but I've no doubt you'll succeed. I wish you to know that I've full faith in you.”
Zagreus’ energy surged tenfold. His smile nearly blinded you, he who had become so used to the dark, and his eyes gleamed like polished gems. Cerberus probably bore the same look when he was a pup, you figured. Did he play tug with the prince back in the day? Probably. Or fetch, perhaps.
“Really?” The prince asked, now holding both of your hands in his and squeezing. “You think so?” 
You swallowed away your shock at being touched again and stared hard at the spot between the prince's eyes. “Well, yes--you're like rhubarb.”
He leaned toward you, leaning down and welcoming himself into your personal bubble. “I've not the slightest idea what you mean, but I'm eager to know.”
You almost smiled. Almost. But you wouldn't let him win, not that easily. 
“Once you accomplish your goal, perhaps I'll tell you.”
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Dad!Eddie x Mom!Reader
Summary: You and Eddie take an evening drive with your little ones.
Warnings: none, just fluff and Eddie being Eddie.
A/n: another short cheesy dad!eddie fic.
Not proofread.
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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧*
Your Saturday mornings used to be filled with you and Eddie sleeping in until noon. Now it's the both of you chasing two little ones around the house trying to get them ready. Your job was to handle breakfast while he got the two of them dressed. Your son was the easiest to get ready if you offered him pancakes.
Your daughter, on the other hand, not so much if she wasn't allowed to wear her Megaera dress with her doc martens she's not doing it. You can faintly hear Eddie in the bedroom desperately trying to persuade her to wear warmer clothes.
"Come on, Lily, I'll get you and your brother McDonald's if you put on some warm clothes." He said, try to bribing her. Shaking her head and crossing her arms, she let out a very stern "no daddy." Stomping off to the kitchen.
You greeted her by picking Lily up and putting her in an eating chair across from her brother. Eddie follows behind not too long after. Sighing in defeat as he wraps his arms around you. He buries his face in the crook of your neck while you try to get everyone's breakfast ready.
"I see you lost that bribe."
"Nu uh, she'll cave eventually." He said, giving you a quick peck and helping set the table. You walk over with pancakes and start getting their plates ready. Lily always had to be seated next to Eddie. While James liked sitting next to you. The table was quiet except for a few burps here and there, both kids swinging their feet back and forth.
That is until your daughter speaks up. "Can you I have more syrup, please, Teddy?" She said, looking at Eddie. He looks at her, raising his eyebrows and chuckles.
"What did you call me?" He blinked a few times.
"I called you Teddy. That's what Mommy and Uncle Dusty call you." She said, taking a sip of milk.
"Sweat pea my name Eddie not Teddy." He corrected her. Well, he tried to correct her, but there is no use for that.
She's stubborn and always right. Eddie likes to say she gets that from you, but we all know that's the farthest thing from the truth. "No, it's Teddy."
"Okay." You laughed at his defeated look as he picked at his food. Your daughter wasn't giving him an easy time today.
One minute, she's very clingy with him. The next, she's pushing every button known to man. You were sure she was put on this earth to test him. Getting up from your seat, you take everyone's plates and start cleaning up before you all head out for a drive. You and Eddie used to love driving around listening to music, never knowing the next destination. Now that you have kids, you both decided to continue it, but as a family.
Eddie got the kids out of their chairs, and by some miracle, he was able to compromise with Lily about her clothes. She was able to wear her Megaera dress as long as she had tights on and a sweater. You knew the only reason she even agreed is because she remembered the bride Eddie gave her earlier. James, your son, on the other hand, had been ready since before breakfast. He wasn't an easy child either. He was the easiest to get ready because he knew he would be eating right after.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
You and Eddie pack the kids up in your car and head down the back roads of Hawkins. Your kids in the back singing along to their fathers choice of music. You with a book in your lap and a nice breeze blowing through your hair. Moments like these took the other stresses about parent life away. Poking your husband in the cheek slightly to grab his attention.
He laughs and playfully tries to bite your finger. "What's up?"
"I wanna kiss." You said, puckering your lips at him. He leans over and gives your mouth a quick peck. From the back of the car, you hear both kids in unison say, "Ewwww." Making you and Eddie laugh watching their little faces scrunch up.
"Teddy don't kiss mommy." Lily said from the back.
"My name is not Teddy baby, it's Eddie. Actually, it's Daddy." He corrected her, trying to stifle a laugh but failing.
Daddy, why do you have soooo many names? Mommy only has one." Your son spoke up with his small raspy voice.
Eddie shakes his head, and you pat him on the shoulder. "Daddy just has one name, and it's Daddy, okay?" You turned to them both. They nod their heads and go back to playing with their toys.
Eddie continues to drive until he gets to a main road heading for McDonald's. He is a man of his word. She put on warmer clothes. therefore, they both get a treat.
Pulling up to the drive-through, you and Eddie decided on a large fry to share while they both get happy meals. Your kids bounce around in excitement once they see two red boxes come through the window. The car smells like fresh chicken nuggets and fries. Lily and James make grabby hands for their food. Knowing them, they'll make a mess in the car, so it's best to wait until you get home to eat.
"Mmmm, these chicken nuggets smell good. Can I have one?" You teased them.
Your daughter was the first to speak up and say no, then your son joined. You playfully make a sad face, and Eddie decided to get back at them. Looking at them through the rear view mirror, he smirked to himself. While you were handing them each a fry. Eddie decided to plot something. Smacking his hand in a happy meal box, he pretends to grab a nugget.
"MMMM, I'm gonna eat all of your nuggets!!" He said in an exaggerated voice. Your kids start freaking out and begin to cry. Your son was the loudest while your daughter wasn't making a sound. Eddie continued to reach out a couple more times, pretending to eat their food. Lightly slapping him on his shoulder, making him stop.
"Eddie thats enough." You scolded him.
He stops and looks back at his two kids. James was the first to notice his dad was only playing, so he stopped throwing a tantrum. Lily, on the other hand, had her bottom lip poking out with tears streaming down her face. She hated it when he would play mean with them. The look on her face made Eddie's heart melt.
"Sweetie daddy was only playing." He cooed at her.
She wiped her puffy eyes and looked away from him. Not bothering to pay him any attention for the rest of the ride home. You look between all three of them laughing. You knew the rest of the night Eddie would try his hardest to win her over. She was wrapped around his finger, and it wouldn't take much convincing for her to forgive him.
Once you arrived home, both kids were fast asleep in the car. Only waking them up to eat and bath time. Eddie spent most of the night with them while you cleaned up. After their baths, they fell into their usual routine. Eddie would turn down the lights in their room, setting the mood up for their story times. You would listen from the other room as he would dramatically tell a story of wizards and dragons.
You'd hear crashing and pounding sometimes, but once you inspected what the noise was. You discovered both kids have tackled their dad to the floor as they beat him up with toy swords. They yelled in victory as they defeated whatever evil Eddie decided to play that night. After Eddie got them all tucked in and ready for bed, he made his way to you. Discovering, you were already lying down waiting for him. He runs to you and jumps into bed.
"I've missed you. " He said, pulling you into him.
"I missed you too. "
You laid there in eachothers arms for what felt like hours as your eyelids grow heavy. Eddie hums and shifts slightly. You can feel he has something on his mind again. But you don't say anything opting to stay silent until he's decided to speak up.
He hums again and squeezes you tighter. "I want another one." He said before finally drifting off to sleep. Your eyes bug out at his confession.
He has said this a few times before. You hope it was the sleep and mcdonalds talking. Sleep finally takes over you, too, eventually. Now you and Eddie lay there in eachothers arms sleeping soundly.
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eanul-rmbl · 4 months
Hypnos x reader modern au headcanon/imagine where he thinks she and zagreus are dating and it's this whole puppy princess/jessie's girl (mostly puppy princess tho; hot freaks forever, babyyyy) scenario.
what up fellow hypnos enthusiasts, i am coping ;)
wc: 500+
(Megaera ship has already long sailed and crashed.)
• When they first meet, he thinks she's cute.
• Her eyes squinted and crinkled with laughter
• She looked at so many things like they're worth the world, like they've enthralled her
• And she’s enthralled him
• After a while, he notices how she treats him
• She laughs with him, not at him
• She makes her own jokes to make him laugh, too; to cheer him up
• When he made a self-deprecating joke, she was worried for him.
• She takes him seriously
• Soon after, he grows anxious.
• He sees that she laughs with Zagreus,
• That the two of them aren't shy to touch (she punches him in laughter, friends do that kind of stuff (he doesn't realize that))
• You don't just ask two people if they're dating
• One day, he even sees them together at the place he works (they're shopping for a gift for Than (he doesn't know that))
• He feels terrible
• But then she smiles at him, jokes with him, and he finds himself soaking it all up
• By the time the two of them leave, he grinning to himself sighing
• It's tearing him apart when he feels her fingers brush against his
• He feels electrified.
• He turns to see her smiling with those squinted, crinkled eyes and that friendly (or perhaps mirthful?) expression of hers that hasn't changed
• His heart leaps, but then he sees Zagreus a little ways behind then, grinning with Thanatos, and he pulls away
• She's confused.
• She thought he liked her back,
• She felt how he'd lean ever so slightly in her direction
• She'd caught him staring at her, with a grin and a quip ready at hand
• She remembered how their fingers brushed the other day; remembered the sparks and fireworks ignited from a single touch
• Goodness, he was so precious
• His hair looked like sheep's wool
• His face was kissed in starry freckles
• His voice could lull her to sleep every night; soft as a whisper, gentle as a lullaby
• She covered her face in her hands and hair.
• She'll ask Zagreus about this later.
(She never ends up Zagreus)
• One day, Hypnos hears something about Zagreus and Thanatos dating, when he talks to Megaera about how terrible he's feeling for advice
• Megaera feels it's like it's weird to ask her, considering both her relationships (Zagreus and Hypnos) didn't work out (she's got a situationship with Dusa right now (“tf you talking about, girl? what about Dusa????” “h- what?” “what?”))
• But anyway she's all “isn't Zagreus dating Thanatos?”
• Huh.
• Huh?
• HUH???????
• When he asks Zagreus about it, it's that Hades game dialogue
• Woah. Really?
• Really.
• Woaaaah…..
• Zagreus asks about her and Hypnos
• Hypnos is all “whaaaaat? thats craaaaazy, hahaha…”
• They're talking as normal, her and him.
• Joking back and forth
• The only difference was the lack of touching; no pats on the back or shoulder, no fingers lightly brushing against each other, no coy gazes at each other
• But, this time, Hypnos lightly brushes their fingers
• She stops.
• (she’s inwardly like “hhhhhhhhhh keep it together, keepittogether!!!!!!!!!!! hhhhhĥhhhhh)
• Hes like “would you kiss the homies goonight”
• And she's like “hhhhhhhhhhwho's the homies”
• And he gives her this look
• And
• ....Yeah.. :)
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people asked and i shall deliver!! here are our brackets - i plan to update each one with the link after they're posted, but do keep an eye on the #powerpolyculeshowdown tag in case im unavailable to do so until later, please!
Also reminder they're programmed to be posted 1min apart from each other, so from 1:00pm to 1:10pm (EST)
Round 1
part 1 (finished)
Tulio/Miguel/Chel (Road to El Dorado) x Yoo/Han/Kim (Omniscient Reader) Winners: Tulio/Miguel/Chel
Mane 6 (My Little Pony) x Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia) Winners: Sasha/Anne/Marcy
Rey/Finn/Poe (Star Wars) x The Doctor/Rose/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) Winners: The Doctor/Rose/Jack
Cosmo/Kathy/Don (Singing in the Rain) x Ferris/Sloane/Cameron (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) Winners: Cosmo/Kathy/Don
Dave/Jade/Karkat (Homestuck) x Sora/Riku/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) Winners: Sora/Riku/Kairi
Amaryllis/Sir Damien/Lord Arum (Penumbra Podcast) x Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot (High Noon Over Camelot - The Mechanisms) Winners: Amaryllis/Sir Damien/Lord Arum
Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) x Sadie Kane/Walt Stone/Anubis (The Kane Chronicles) Winners: Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi
Star Allies (Kirby Star Allies) x All 1008 Pokémon (Pokémon) Winners: All 1008 Pokémon
Hardison/Parker/Elliot (Leverage) x Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer (The Witcher) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Suki/Sokka/Zuko (ATLA) x Sonic/Knuckles/Shadow (Sonic) Winners: Suki/Sokka/Zuko
Sweet/Cap’n/K_K (Deltarune) x Shiver/Frye/Big Man (Splatoon 3) Winners: Sweet/Cap'n/K_K
part 2 (finished)
Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) x Luka/Adrien/Kagami/Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
Wonder Woman/Superman/Batman (DC Comics) x Megaera/Zagreus/Thanatos (Hades) Winners: Megaera/Zagreus/Thanatos
Dekubowl (My Hero Academia) x Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) Winners: Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters
Bocchi/Nijika/Ryo/Kita (Bocchi the Rock) x Tsukasa/Emu/Nene/Rui (Project Sekai) Winners: Tsukasa/Emu/Nene/Rui
Trevor/Sypha/Alucard/Greta (Castlevania) x Heizou/Kazuha/Scaramouche (Genshin Impact) Winners: Trevor/Sypha/Alucard/Greta
Rachel/Chloe/Max (Life is Strange) x Quanxi/Tsugihagi/Pingtsi/Long/Cosmo (Chainsaw Man) Winners: Rachel/Chloe/Max
McCoy/Spock/Kirk (Star Trek) x Frodo/Sam/Rosie (Lord of the Rings) Winners: McCoy/Spock/Kirk
Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn (Tangled Series) x Vivi/Lewis/Arthur (Mystery Skulls Animated) Winners: Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn
Aizo/Yujiro/Hiyori (HoneyWorks) x Panchito/Donald/José (The Three Caballeros) Winners: Panchito/Donald/José
Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow (She-Ra and The Princesses of Power) x Amethyst/Peridot/Lapis (Steven Universe) Winners: Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow
Bucky/Steve/Peggy/Angie (Marvel) x Hunter/Willow/Luz/Amity (The Owl House) Winners: Hunter/Willow/Luz/Amity
Round 2 (finished)
Tulio/Miguel/Chel (Road to El Dorado) x Cosmo/Kathy/Don (Singing in the Rain) Winners: Tulio/Miguel/Chel
Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia) x Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
The Doctor/Rose/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) x McCoy/Spock/Kirk (Star Trek) Winners: The Doctor/Rose/Jack Harkness
Sora/Riku/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) x Amaryllis/Sir Damien/Lord Arum (Penumbra Podcast) Winners: Amaryllis/Sir Damien/Lord Arum
Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) x Sweet/Cap’n/K_K (Deltarune) Tie!! Both move on!
Suki/Sokka/Zuko (Avatar: TLA) x Megaera/Zagreus/Thanatos (Hades) Winners: Suki/Sokka/Zuko
Fred/Dephne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) x All 1008 Pokémon (Pokémon) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) x Tsukasa/Emu/Nene/Rui (Project Sekai) Winners: Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters
Trevor/Sypha/Alucard/Greta (Castlevania) x Panchito/Donald/José (The Three Caballeros) Winners: Panchito/Donald/José
Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn (Tangled Series) x Rachel/Chloe/Max (Life is Strange) Winners: Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn
Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow (She-Ra and The Princesses of Power) x Hunter/Willow/Luz/Amity (The Owl House) Winners: Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow
Round 3 (finished)
Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) x Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn (Tangled the Series) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
The Doctor/Rose/Jack (Doctor Who) x Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow (She Ra) x Suki/Sokka/Zuko (Avatar: TLA) Winners: Suki/Sokka/Zuko
Panchito/Donald/José (The Three Caballeros) x Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) Winners: Panchito/Donald/José
Sweet/Cap’n/K_K (Deltarune) x Sora/Riku/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) Winners: Sweet/Cap'n/K_K
Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters (Jojo) x Tulio/Miguel/Cher (Road to El Dorado) Winners: Tulio/Miguel/Cher
Round 1 (finished)
Poll 1 Winners: The Doctor/Jack/Rose
Poll 2 Winners: Sasha/Anne/Marcy
Poll 3 Winners: Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier
Poll 4 Winners: Yoo/Han/Kim
Round 2 (finshed)
Yoo Joonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) x The Doctor/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) x Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia) x Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier (The Witcher) Winners: Yoo/Han/Kim (ORV) and Doctor/Jack/Rose (DW)
Round 4 - Quarterfinals (finished)
Tulio/Miguel/Cher (Road to El Dorado) x Yoo Jonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)  Winners: Yoo Jonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja
Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) x The Doctor/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
Sweet/Cap'n/Cakes (Deltarune) x Panchito/Donald/José (Three Caballeros) Winners: Sweet/Cap'n/K_K
Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) x Suki/Sokka/Zuko (Avatar) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Round 5 - Semifinals (finished)
Sweet/Cap'n/K_K (Deltarune) x Yoo Jonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) Winners: Yoo/Han/Kim
Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) x Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Round 6 (March 8th 2pm EST)
Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) x Yoo Jonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Third place!
Sweet/Cap'n/K_K (Deltarune) x Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
Congratulations Hardison/Parker/Eliot for the win!!!!
216 notes · View notes
dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
Midnight Blades {Epilogue}
Aemond Targaryen x princess!reader (Dark!themes) Summary: The final prophecy comes to fruition as this journey reaches its end. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, threat of violence WC: 1318
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five || Part Six || Part Seven || Part Eight || Part Nine || Part Ten || Part Eleven || Part Twelve || Part Thirteen || Part Fourteen || Part Fifteen || Part Sixteen || Part Seventeen || Part Eighteen || Part Nineteen || Part Twenty || Part Twenty-One || Part Twenty-Two || Part Twenty-Three || Part Twenty-Four || Epilogue
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18 Years Later The Princess of Dragonstone woke suddenly and peered around her dark room to find what had disturbed her sleep. She could hear the sea meeting the shore beyond the castle walls but nothing else seemed amiss as she pushed the blankets away and climbed from the bed. The curtains billowed gently with the breeze that carried the scent of salt and she opened them to step out onto the balcony. 
The silhouette of Vhagar lay down on the sandy beach with the smaller body of the Princess’ dragon, Fenrys, not far away. Moonlight cast a glow over the sea and the stone cliffs that surrounded Dragonstone but still she could not see what had disturbed the night. 
Her older sisters, Queen Aedira of Westeros and Queen Selaena of Scythe, had flown off on their dragons after celebrating the Queen Mothers’ Name Day so she knew it wasn’t their jovial songs, that they enjoyed after a few casks of wine, that had woken her. At a loss, she turned back to her bed and spotted him. 
“You shouldn’t be here,” Megaera said quietly, lest her guards outside the door overhear and come to investigate. 
“You said that last time,” Jesper said with a smirk as he stepped out of the shadows. 
“If anyone catches you in my chambers, I-”
“No one will catch me, Meg, but if it comes to it I can always use my charm.”
“Charm?” Megaera laughed. “You Dornish Princes are so deluded.”
He took a seat in her chair and picked up the book she had left on the side and flicked it open as he spoke, “You wound me with that wicked tongue, princess.”
“Jesper,” Megaera groaned as she reached for her book and tried to pluck it from his hands but he moved quicker and moved it from her reach so he could pull her across his lap instead.
“Yes, my sweet?” he asked innocently as his lips caressed her neck.
“My father would have your head if he knew what we were doing.”
Jesper groaned and tipped his head back. “I do not want to think about your father right now.”
Megaera reached up to stroke the prince's dark hair that fell in waves to his shoulders and savoured the scent of cardamom that wafted from the silken strands. “You can’t come here anymore, I’m serious. The Lords of Westeros will be arriving with their son’s for the tourney next week, my mother expects to find my betrothed among the winners.”
Jesper’s hand dropped from her hip in shock as he realised the dreaded day had come and it sent the book tumbling to the side table, clattering into the tea cup loudly. Meg jumped from his lap as the door handle rattled the lock and her guards called out.
“Run,” she whispered quickly as she pushed him towards the balcony. Jesper reached the railing and looked over to the drop that would easily kill a man and he turned back. “What are you doing?”
“If i'm going to die, it will be at your side,” he said stoically as he stood beside her, the guards finally shoving the spare key into the lock and turning it.
“Stars, forgive me,” Megaera pleaded as she pulled Jesper’s sword from his scabbard and stepped behind him as the door burst open. She pressed her knee into the back of his and he fell down hard on them before she held the blade to his throat.
“Well done, your highness,” Ser Pollick praised as he sheathed his sword and smirked at the Dornish Prince on his knees. “Your mother will be proud.”
You woke in a cold sweat as you dreamed of the night you had almost died, or perhaps you had died for a brief moment. The gentle wind blowing through the curtains seemed to whisper the echo of Grammy’s words with each swish of the sheer material, Three Queens.
It had been a long time since you thought of the prophecy but you felt them now as if they were close enough to touch. Unable to go back to sleep, you untangled your legs from Aemond and slipped a thin robe around your body to keep the chill at bay.
You could never have pictured yourself living on Dragonstone after finding Aemond half dead in the dungeons and the brutal deaths that were lost to the island. Yet somehow it had become home in the years since you and Aemond abdicated the thrones for your daughters.
The Iron Throne had become Aedira’s not long after her 21st Name Day. She had been gifted time in a way that you and Aemond had not - she had the years to find love, marry and raise a child of her own before the responsibilities of the crown were placed on her head. Now she ruled justly with the King Consort, Viserys II, and had the support of Princess Jaehaera and Prince Aegon on their council.
You had then ruled Scythe with Aemond until Selaena matured and you both decided to retire to Dragonstone so that neither Queen was far away on dragon back. Selaena had yet to marry but she was content to rule on her own though she still hoped to change her title to King one day.
Your thoughts drifted to your youngest daughter, a woman in her own right and no longer a child. You could see the longing for adventure in her violet eyes every time you caught her staring out across the sea from her balcony. She was most similar to you, though like her sisters she looked like her father, and that was perhaps why you weren’t ready to unleash her on the world just yet.
The clash of armour pulled you from your thoughts and you were already opening the door to your chambers as the guard ran towards you.
“The princess-“
You didn’t wait to hear anything else as you sprinted to Megaera’s room, swiping the soldier's half sword as you passed him. The door to her room was already open as you shoved the guards aside and found your daughter with a blade to the throat of the Dornish King’s eldest son.
“Meggy,” you sighed in relief as you saw she was unharmed.
“Thanks for waking me, love,” Aemond growled with a sleep-laden voice as he caught up a moment later, his breeches callously buttoned and his shirt missing as he rested the flat edge of Dark Sister on his shoulder. “What trouble do we have here?”
“Prince Jesper of Dorne by the looks,” you said as you saw Megaera’s hand tremble as it held the blade over his skin. “You’re certainly a long way from home.”
Megaera’s eyes darted around the room that had been filled with armed guards and you saw her breaths coming in short bursts as panic creeped in.
“You can let the sword go, sweetheart,” you said softly as you took a step closer.
She shook her head and the prince hissed as the sword nicked the skin above his clavicle. An apology formed on her lips but she bit them back and Aemond chuckled as he mistook the refusal to release the blade as bloodthirst to end the prince herself.
“The punishment is yours to give,” Aemond said. “You captured him in your chambers, not even the Dornish King could refute the claim for his life given this situation.”
Meg was close to tears as she looked to you for guidance.
“The choice is yours,” you assured her with a nod, “whatever you choose to do with the Crown Prince, we will support you.”
She let out a shaky breath as she dropped the sword, the metal clanking loudly as it hit the stone floor. “Mother,” she whispered as the prince looked up at her, not an iota of retribution in his eyes. “I wish to marry him.”
Author’s Note: thank you so much to everyone who has followed this story, I love you all so much and appreciate every comment and reblog that motivated me to keep going. You are all beautiful Queens and I hope you know it 💕
Taglist: @hopebaker , @xcharlottemikaelsonx , @eddiemunson17 , @ninjabritches , @solacestyles , @hideing , @missusnora , @marrianena , @jonsncws , @dudfahsn , @queenofterrasen418 , @naeviahope , @averagethottie , @evilcherries , @delusionsofnostalgia , @le-who-zer-her , @readsalot73 , @thewew , @m-indkiller , @blackundertaker , @insxgtt , @adoringanakin , @dark-night-sky-99 , @hiatuswhore
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femd-archive · 6 months
May we ask for some sub!Heracles with Dom!Megaera?
hello ~ thank you for the ask ^^
i did some research, because i didn't know who megaera was, and i think she's from the videogame 'hades'? i haven't play the game, but her design is so pretty!
unfortunately, i only write sub!character x femdom!reader, so i don't think i'm able to write that :( besides the fact i don't know anything about the character :/
though i hope i can write some megaera x reader in the future! ^^
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
estaba haciendo unos dibujos con la historia de la guerra de Troya de fondo, cuando justamente llego a la parte del sacrificio de Ifigenia(la hija de Agamenón) para que los barcos marcharan hacia troya.
y me dio una pequeña idea para este pequeño drabble.
imagínate que lector es amante de alguno de los 3 miembros principales de la casa de Hades(Zagreus, Thanatos, Megaera) y un dia justamente su familia les dice que vayan a un lugar específico por un asunto de SUMA importancia.
sin saberlo lector va hacia donde planean sacrificarlos a los dioses(tu decides la razon).
lo que la familia no tiene en cuenta cuando esto ocurre es que utilizando el Aid de los dioses, lector llama a su amante para que los ayude(¿podria ser posible? estaria cheto si asi fuera).
¿se imaginan las reacciones de cada uno al ver que los mortales quieren sacrificar a su pareja?
Thanatos definitivamente esta en contra de que se haga dicho sacrificio con su pareja obviamente, y los proteje, pero es el mas conciente de la situación, de que si hay un sacrificio, algun dios lo pidio, y sabe que algo que seria peor(sobretodo para su pareja) que lidiar con mortales, seria lidiar con un DIOS/DIOSA.
por lo que Thanatos trataria de usar mas la diplomacia en lo posible, aunque usara fuerza si es necesario para defender a su pareja(si lo necesita) y tratara de arreglar la situación sin molestar a ninguna entidad superior.
es el mas torpe a la hora de consolar a su pareja, pero no quiere que se sientan mal a largo plazo, por lo que aunque sea después de que la situación esta bajo control, los lleva a algun lugar lindo.
Zagreus definitivamente esta LIVIDO de ira al enterarse de lo que esta pasando, creo que trataria al principio de decir que no tiene sentido que pidan un sacrificio porque los dioses usualmente NO LES GUSTAN (como lo que paso con Pelops) pero en cuanto vea que eso no funciona, pasaea directamente a la violencia.
¿ellos quieren un sacrificio a los dioses? bien, que lo sean ellos mismos. aparte de que tiene la oportunidad de presumir un poco con su pareja lol.
aunque definitivamente trata de consolarlos emocionalmente despues de ese tipo de traición mientras pueda estar en la superficie (o incluso ofrecerles un rato en la casa de Hades, si quieren).buen e inusual Badass/enojado Zagreus.
Megaera....OF...ella salta directamente a la violencia. nisiquiera tienen que decirle que esta pasando, ve a su pareja en apuros y angustiada y ella ve ROJO. saca su lado mas violento.
cuando todo termina va a checar a su pareja y pregunta que fue lo que paso y solo la pone aun mas furiosa. por supuesto que era una estupidez mortal. pero se alegra de que ellos esten bien. no es tan buena en lo emocional como Zagreus, pero al menos consuela a su pareja porque sabe lo que es sentirse tan desconectado de tu "familia".
definitivamente va a tomarse el tiempo en el tartaro para atormentar a la familia de su pareja o minimo se los deja a su hermanas :)
POLY THAN/ZAG/MEG es una mezcla rara de todo lo anterior. probablemente teniendo a Thanatos tratando de hacer las cosas "bien" Megaera y Zagreus traten de no ir directamente a la violencia. TRATARIAN.
aunque en cuanto ven que no va a haber una negociación real, que los ignoran o, dioses no lo quieran, tratan de matar a su pareja AÚN CON ELLOS DELANTE Zagreus y Megaera ya no se contendrán e iran por SANGRE.
Thanatos viendo que la diplomacia fallo solo se dedicaria a checar en su pareja para ver si se lastimaron o si se encuentran bien en general. el hombre quiere RESPUESTAS de como esto paso.
cuando todo acabe, probablemente los tres(sobretodo Zagreus y Meg) estarian bastante mas vigilantes con su pareja, simplemente fue un gran susto. aparte, pilas de abrazos. yo no hago las reglas.
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me to Pyrrhus: I can fix you
*make him worse.*
Aka please can i have some male reader x Pyrrhus?
So Let Us Sway.
Male reader x Pyrrhus (WMFTD)
Word count: 3.6
Warnings: Dark, toxic thoughts/behaviors, insanity, violence, non-graphic sex, no beta.
Notes: well, you certainly did something anon. No idea if this officially canon for WMFTD yet.
Please heed warnings.
It shouldn’t have been that easy to kill a person, let alone this many.
But it was.
And you couldn’t find it in yourself to be sorry.
With a shaky inhale of black smoke that nearly choked you and the tacky blood pooling under your feet, you took a step forward.
Right into damnation.
A thick fog rolled past crumbling stones, over the quiet whispers and the occasional pained howl of an unfortunate shade that caught the eye of one of the fury sisters. 
The damp chill never left, causing phantom aches in bones that no longer existed. Shadows danced and twisted the harsh green lighting, making the mind play cruel tricks of watchful eyes and uncanny faces. 
The vivid songs, the solemn poems didn’t do this pit of despair justice. 
With eyes down on your task and sitting far away from the others, the needle threatened to crumble between your fingers. It was made of such fine bone that it was a miracle it could be used at all to weave the tapestry.
A tapestry that was already fading to dull, ugly colors, the edges fraying apart. 
Faintly you heard the creek of wooden wheels moving as it was used to pull a shade apart. You didn't look up.
It was when you were almost done with the row that the needle broke in half, the sharp ends jabbing into your fingertips. You hissed, sticking a finger in your mouth out of habit to suck the blood away.
Pebbles shook closer to you, the telltale rumble of Sisyphus’ failure echoed out though the pit.
The tapestry curled and blackened like it was devoured by fire even though there was none. The loom cracked then shattered as it fell apart. 
Slumping against the wall, you watched as your hard work crumbled into gray ash, staining your bare feet. 
Once, you would have screamed and wept, enraged that one thing that brought you peace in life gave none in death. Now you watch with bored eyes, knowing soon that a new needle and threads will form before you. Like it never happened.
Your task anew once more. 
Nothing changed. Everything was the same. 
It was as it always had been and always will be.
Then you heard the loud clanking of chains near you. Odd, they usually don’t come close to you since you learned not to kick up a fuss. You were quiet and obedient, the perfect example of a shade that learned his painful lessons.
The crack of a quick whip and a low pained grunt told you that one of the fury sisters had a new victim. Poor bastard. You mused, kicking away some of the ashes. But it wasn’t you, so it wasn’t your problem.
It took a few more moments before you saw them.
The ever lovely Megaera narrowed her eyes when she saw you, and you lifted your ashes stained hands to show her that you were working. She scoffed, unimpressed by your expected failure. 
Effortless, she yanked on the chain behind her and brought forward a shade with shocking red hair. You blinked. 
You have seen red hair before but this shade’s hair looked like liquid rubies, like real fire and it took some effort on your part to not reach out to touch. He didn’t look up, his head bowed as Megaera dragged him into your cell. 
Without saying a word to you, Megaera shoved your new roommate down on the ground. Her foot pressed down on his head in a warning to not move. Then she turned to you, her foot still on the unlucky man.
“I better see a needle in your hand the next time I see you, no slacking understood?” Her voice was sharp as a whip and you offered the fury your best princely grin.
“Of course, my lady.” You said, eyes darting toward the pinned man. “If I may, who is this?”
“This is your new roommate. Both of you are such arrogant fools I imagine you will have plenty to talk about.” Megaera spat out the insult but you didn’t mind. You had been called much worse, it was a compliment at this point to just be called a ‘fool’.
Megaera chained the red haired shade to the wall and left without a word.
It was clear this shade had been a warrior once, lithe muscle flexed under smooth,  pale golden flesh. The thin rags they gave him wasn’t enough to hide his broad shoulders. 
Something told you this shade used to be a leader but now the prideful line of his back was bowed.
You waited for the shade to beg to be freed or to scream at the unfairness of it all like so many others. He stayed quiet.
So a broken man then. What a shame considering those flaming locks of his. 
The needle appeared by your ashes coved feet, shiny and new. Another lie. 
You picked it up and began your task once more.
Eventually the furies brought the other shade his tools of punishment. You wanted to watch, curious what this man;s punishment would be, however you kept your head down, fingers brushing the loom’s rotting wood.
You had no wish to bring the sisters’ attention upon yourself.
The shade finally lifted his head which allowed you the first good look at his face. 
You were surprised at how beautiful he was. His strong jaw, the gentle bow of his mouth with full lips and proud arch of his red eyebrows spoke of his fine breeding. The son of a king, no doubt. 
For a single moment, you meet his eyes.
They were so blue, unlike anything else you have ever seen. Sapphires were nothing compared to the brilliant colors in those irises. Your fingers twitched. 
Whoever this man was, he was a rich tapestry of gold and precious stones. You used to create your own thread, carefully making the dye for the perfect color. Your whole body ached with the desire to recreate this beautiful creature, knowing even if you could, it would pale to this beauty before you.
Then The furies were done. 
At first, the bed appeared to be completely luxurious, calling one to lay their weary body and rest. Thick, fluffy pillows with what looked like pure silk bedding. It was a dream come true.
But you've been around long enough to know there was a cruel trick to it. 
Acreco moved so quickly, you didn’t see the kick that sent the shade across the bed. You winced at his pained scream, realizing what it really was. A bed of countless nails, each one sharp as a blade and now you saw the heaviness of the pillows, stones were most likely inside those pillowcases. 
“Pyrrhus, fallen son of Achilles.” Megaera spoke, her voice like cool silk in the damp air. Your eyebrows shot up, surely not that Achilles? You paused in your work, not able to look away.
“As Master Hades, Lord of the Underworld had decided for you, wretched shade, you will never find solace in dreams. Never again, will you know the warm embrace of Sleep.”
You sucked in a breath, even of most shades would get a moment to close their eyes, to blissfully forget the hell pit they were in. You wondered what in the world did Pyrrhus do and to whom.
Fumbling and wounded, Pyrrhus managed to fall off the bed, his chained legs keeping him from getting too far from his prison. He panted harshly, his hands curled into tight fists, so tight that you saw well defined tendons.
“How does it feel, O fury sisters, to be the needy bitches of the gods?” His voice was rough, like he needed water. You were fascinated anyway, there was something elegant in the way he spoke. 
It was Tisipohone who hit him this time, her whip shot out and cracked across his face. You bit back a gasp, pity blooming in your chest. 
“Take a long, good look at yourself first, red blood.” Acreco snarled. “And tell me who is the bitch.”
Pyrrhus spat at their feet, his teeth bared. That only made it worse and you looked away as the beating started. 
Your tapestry, ugly with dull brown and gray, mocked you as the pained noises got louder. The needle between your fingers cracked, just moments away from becoming ashes.
Just like everything else.
Eventually the beating stopped and you waited and waited until you were sure the furies were gone before you looked toward Pyrrhus.
His ruby red locks hid his face away but you saw the wounds, and could hear his ragged breathing. You tried to wipe away any dust and ashes on your hands but with little luck.
With a sigh, you made your way over to him but stayed well out of reach. You waited for a response but he didn’t acknowledge you.  You didn’t touch him as you knelt next to him. 
“First lesson, don’t piss off the sisters. You don’t want to know how creative Acreco can be. She enjoys her job a little too much.” You told him bluntly.
“Fuck off.” Pyrrhus snarled, curling up on himself.
With one last glance toward his ruined back, you did just that.
At some point, Pyrrhus became your new normal. 
You never meet someone as stubborn or sharp tongue as Pyrrhus. You would have been impressed if it wasn't so hard to watch. His beatings also became a new routine, one that Acreco took special delight in. 
Other shades paused by, curious about the disgraced child of Achilles, but you usually could chase them off with a warning. That or Acreco turned on them, bored of her chew toy. 
Even in rags and beaten, Pyrrhus was beautiful. You never resented the dull colors of your thread as you did now because you had taken up trying to recreate Pyrrhus. The browns and grays were insults to his rich beauty.
Sometimes you caught him staring at you, especially when he thought you weren’t paying attention. Eventually he will learn that you saw far, far more than you ever should.
With his back toward the bed. He said nothing but you felt the weight of those deep blue eyes. You muttered a curse when you realized that one of the lines was lopsided, not that it mattered since it will burn to ashes anyway. 
“Why are you doing women’ work?” His voice was sharp, full of disdain for you. He wasn’t the first man to judge you. You debated telling him but decided against it. Pyrrhus was beautiful and you may have a weakness for pretty things; but you liked to think you were smarter than that.
“It’s relaxing.” You said with a toothy grin. “Maybe you should try it sometimes. I think even those gorgeous furies are getting bored of beating you over and over.”
That made those blue eyes narrowed at you, reminding you of a deadly snake. It just made you want to push more, to see if you could charm the snake into dancing just for you. 
You kept working, the less bothered you seemed, the less a snake will act on its instinct. “Tell me, Pyrrhus. How did the son of Achilles, one of the greatest heroes to ever live, end up here?” 
Pyrrhus scoffed, “Like I would ever tell you.”
You just smiled.
You were deep in your task when you heard a loud sound, it was the sound of chains rattling. You looked up only to see Pyrrhus being dragged toward his bed. He managed to resist for a little bit, his lean muscles tensed as he braced himself. 
A part you couldn’t help but admire even if you knew it was futile. It reminded you of dying lions, fangs gashing as their blood pooled into the dirt.
Stunning blue eyes meet yours. 
Pyrrhus’ chest rose and fell rapidly, never looking away then with a snap, he was hauled back. 
Screams filled the pit but not of pain. It was filled with rage.
Impossibly humongous, the grand tapestry covered the whole sky, chasing away the dark with shining, exquisite colors. Some you have never seen before. 
The three fates’ hands weaved ever shifting rainbows, telling the grandest tale ever to be told. 
You tried to speak, staring up at the skies. 
They called you insane as you worked and worked, fingers stained with dye, fabric covering the floor. 
How could you be so? When you finally understood everything. There were no secrets that the world could hide away from you now.
You saw everything. 
Everything but yourself. 
Funny thing about a place like this, it had a way of making a man or a god realize just how impossible it was to understand the complete scope of infinity.
You woke up to the sounds of a titan weeping. You weren’t sure which one it was, the rivers of tears flowed over the crumbling stone, washing away the piles of ashes around you. 
With a sigh, you stuck your feet in the swallow parts and got cleaned up.
“Are you actually washing yourself?” Pyrrhus snapped and you spared him a glance, tears dripping from your hair. 
Time had left it mark’s on Pyrrhus, with dark circles under his bloodshot eyes. Exhaustion was starting to take its toll on him. The chains left deep marks on him, his back a ragged mess from his bed. 
It should have looked horrible and maybe it did, but you liked it on him. The red blood vessels only made the blue of eyes sharper, clearer and the bruises reminded you of dusty amethysts.
The tapestry that was Pyrrhus only grew more colorful, more beautiful.
“Water is water.” You replied. You finished cleaning yourself up, then went to find something to carry the tears in. You found a vase, the top of it broken off, leaving jagged edges. 
Broken but it could still serve its purpose.
You ignored Pyrrhus’ curious stare, scooping up the water then picking up an old rag you found a long time ago. You stood in front of him, smiling faintly.
“Here, since you can’t move from your spot.” You said, placing them on the ground.
You weren’t sure what to expect but you weren’t surprised when Pyrrhus scoffed at it. 
“You expect me to wash myself with this?” He snapped and you lifted an eyebrow. 
“It will heal those wounds on you.” You said easily. “I suspect that the reasons the furies let whoever that Titian is cry, so we can feel fresh pain.”
That didn’t seem to convince Pyrrhus which was fair.
“Also this might be the only chance you will have to get clean for who knows how long.” You said with a shrug. Pyrrhus’ arrogant expression shifted, realizing that you were right.
“Fine. You may wash me.” He said, tossing his red hair over his shoulders. His tone was so reasonable that you weren’t sure you heard it right at first.
Then you laughed, saw his insulted frown and laughed harder.
“I think you forgot you are not a prince anymore. Down here, you are just another shade.” You said, wiping your tears of amusement away. 
“I am a prince, I was raised by the gods themselves. I feasted at their tables. And what are you?” Pyrrhus snapped. “A nobody.”
“A nobody?” You said softly. Your low tone caused Pyrrhus’ eyes to narrow, his face weary.  With a fluid grace, you knelt on both knees in front of him, between his strong legs. 
Your hand dipped the rag in the tears, and wrenched the fluid out. Your other hand cupped Pyrrhus’ jaw, your fingers pressed lightly into golden flesh. You began cleaning his face, removing the build up of dirt and dried blood. 
“I was somebody once upon a time, Prince Pyrrhus. I had people waiting on hands and feet for me, I had everything the world had to offer. Just like you.”  The rag was dirty quickly, so you dipped it back in the vase. 
This time, you went over his mouth with the rag, the fullness of his lips brushing against your fingers. His blue eyes were like unholy ice, so cold it could burn you alive. 
“Who were you?” Pyrrhus rasped, his hand grabbing your wrist. His nails dug into your flesh, but you didn’t mind. You welcomed the pain.
“I was a beloved prince. Then I saw something no moral ever should.” You closed your eyes, the vivid colors of the Fates’ tapestry flashing in your mind’ eye. The beauty haunted you, just as Pyrrhus did.
You opened your eyes and smiled. “And what about you, my prince?” 
His face changed into something unreadable. “I tried to kill someone.”
“Who?” You leaned closer, your hand cupping his face, an imitation of a lover.
“Someone that my enemy loves.” He said, mouth thinning in disgust.
You hummed, knowing not to push your luck, and resumed cleaning his face. 
This was more for your own pleasure, getting to touch something beautiful after so long.
Just this once.
Tisipohone was your personal fury, her green skin twisted and her eyes never blinked as the whip cracked across your back. 
You swallowed your moan of pain, and just tried to breathe through it. Everything ends, this will too. Over and over until you felt like every single part of your body was breaking apart, that you might die once more was when she finally ended it.
You crumbled into a heap, shivering and panting. You kept your eyes closed tightly, not wanting to cry. There was a child inside of your soul, one that called out for his mother but you didn’t voice it. 
Without meaning to, you passed out.
When you came to, it was with Pyrrhus frowning at you. He had moved closer, as much as his chains would allow him.
You licked your lips, and offered a weak grin. “Can’t say I’m used to waking to a disappointed face, I like to do a good job after all.”
It took Pyrrhus a moment to realize the lewd meaning behind your joke and his glare of disgust made you laugh. Only for you to choke a second later. 
“She was upset, normally she doesn’t target you.” Pyrrhus said but you heard the question in his tone. 
Time was meaningless but Pyrrhus had been here long enough to learn the Fury sisters' behaviors. 
“Yeah.” You agreed, not moving. You just wanted to rest. You did manage to glance at Pyrrhus’ face. The lack of sleep marked his face, deep circles marked under his eyes, his broad shoulders slump.
Yet he was still beautiful, like a jewel left forgotten in the earth. 
“Close your eyes.” Pyrrhus scoffed, turning away from you. It might be the kindest he's ever been. “You need it.”
Before you could say anything else or make a joke to ease the odd tension, exhaustion won over.
Threads came out people’ bodies as you watched with dazed eyes, some long and golden reached to the skies, some short and colorful that bounded to earth like wild flowers. Red connected others, black around their vulnerable neck-
“I could see the fates’ works.” You told Pyrrhus out of the blue one day.
He stared, not understanding. 
“This is why I have to do this.” You gestured to your burning tapestry, ashes marking your bare feet. “I saw everything, I knew what the fates designed me for. I chose another path or tried to. I killed my family so they wouldn’t sacrifice me.”
You waited for his horror, for his rageful hate but it never came.
He gave you a slow nod.
“Good.” Pyrrhus rasped. “I’m glad you killed them. I hope they suffered.”
Your heart fluttered. 
Then Pyrrhus spoke once more and he told you everything. He told you about the beautiful god of sleep, his Father’s chosen son and the honey coated voice of Mania.
You had moved closer, your hands and chin on his knee as you listened to him. His voice was hoarse and precious as you took in every word. 
“Your father chose the wrong son.” You told him afterwards, “It should have been you.” 
Pyrrhus swallowed. “I just want to know why pick him over me?”
“Because Achilles is a fool.” You told him, cupping his face between your hands. You made those sapphire blue eyes meet yours. Your thumb caressed his cheekbone, his features so fine, so sleek that you wanted to devour him.
Only Pyrrhus striked first.
The kiss was brutal and violent. Strong hands fisted in your hair, holding you down like prey. You felt your bottom lip tear under his teeth but you just parted your mouth with a moan.
You didn’t let yourself become a meal for your family, for your gods or the fates. But you would allow this beast of a man to devour every morsel of you. You were a rabbit that placed its head in the mawl of a starving lion.
There was no lovemaking. It was painful and ugly just as nature intended for willing prey. Yet you never felt more alive, more perfect than with Pyrrhus’ rough, hot breath on your neck, his teeth and claws digging into your flesh.
Later, much later. You laid there, Pyrrhus’ head on your shoulder, your fingers slowly working out the knots in those ruby red locks, you began humming a soft melody.
“That sounds nice. What song is that?” Phrrhus asked, his hand on your hip. One of his fingers tapped along, following the tune effortlessly.
“Dunno, just heard it one day at the markets.” You lied.
You resumed the song, the memory of the beautiful and deadly snake swaying to the sounds, trapped without even knowing it’s doom, made you smile to yourself in the dark.
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blazemourn · 1 year
Zagreus : Hey did you know Thanatos said I'm scary?
Megaera : Scary? You're more like a short little kitte-
Thanatos : *Grabs Megaera by her collar* Listen to me dip shit! That boy you see over there is the scariest warrior alive. Or I'm gonna make you wish you were never born!
Megaera : *Sweating* Of... Of cource!
Zagreus : Rawr!
Megaera : OMG So scary! Please have mercy!
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randoimago · 2 years
"Giving gifts" prompt + Dusa, Athena, Megaera and Alecto = ??? Could you please write it?
"Giving Gifts"
Fandom: Hades
Characters: Dusa, Athena, Megaera, Alecto
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: The face I made because this looks like a math problem and math makes me upset 😣
I did do a bit of research for this just because I wanted to see if there was any specific gifts that would be given depending on the deity. It was more so for my curiosity than for the request.
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Is very suspicious when you give her the “gift”. She’s not a god that you can tempt with things to get some kind of boon in return. Why are you wasting this on her?
You can explain that it’s a present and she’s still suspicious. She takes it but doesn’t really do anything with it until she deems that, yeah this was done to be sweet and not trick her.
Won’t really give you anything in return. She’ll see things and think that you might like them before making a face because you’re worth more than some junk that doesn’t have lasting value.
So Alecto will give you her thanks and that’s really it. The present will stay on her mind for a while as she’s probably overthinking things and then getting mad for thinking of this for so long.
She is a goddess so she’s used to receiving things from her followers. Statues, shields, tomes, just things like that.
You giving her a gift causes her to smile and give her thanks as she does with others. Athena isn’t one to show favoritism as she still offers you guidance or something in exchange for your present.
It’d have to be something very meaningful for Athena to break from the usual response she’d give when it came to presents.
Even then, she still tries not to show you favoritism with what she gives back in exchange, but you can tell that she has so much appreciation.
Oh you got her a present? You really shouldn’t have! She appreciates it so much, but feels bad because she didn’t get you anything in return.
You can tell her that she doesn’t owe you anything, but she’s going to offer to clean your room or do any chores that you have. Just something to make you happy too!!
If you ever go to where she stays then you’ll see your gift constantly clean as it was just given to her. She takes very good care of it as she sees the present as a treasure.
You can expect Dusa to be happy for the rest of the day after receiving the present. Absolutely gets flustered if someone points it out, but it’s not enough to ruin her good mood!
Thinks it’s some kind of trap or bribe. You get her a present so you must expect something in return?
She doesn’t think anything less about your character, but she just expects some kind of strings attached when it comes to this stuff.
Does make sure that she gets you something in return. It might not be as good as what you got, but she still tries her best (not that she’d admit it) to get you something you’d like.
Might just offer you to sit and have a drink with her. Enjoy each other’s presence as she asks you about the gift. What inspired it, how long it took you to acquire/make it. Things like that.
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yandere--stuck · 3 years
Yandere Megaera x Shade Reader, submitted by @faeleas (idk if i did it right, but hope you like it regardless. and im sorry it's a little long >_<")
it had taken so long for you to sneak back into the entrance to Asphodel to catch even a glimpse of the powerful fury without her detection, but now that you had your spot behind on of the pillars far off to the side, you stayed put, kept silent and didn't blink lest you lost one second of Megaera in the fullness of her element.
she was a blaze of glory, her strength vibrating through the air as she snapped out her whip again and again at the prince, slicing the very breath from your lungs as you gazed in awe. how wonderful and powerful she was to behold, and how enthralling it always would be to watch her fight, to see her wicked smile cut into her teal cheek as she overflowed with the desire to cut the Zagreus down and stop his progress.
you could almost feel the faint impression of a thundering heartbeat in your chest, and that sensation only swelled when Megaera caught Zagreus by the ankle with her whip and tossed him high into the air above her. you gaped, eyes on her alone and in your shock, your duty to silence fell away, the quiet suddenly broken with your small gasp.
Megaera was just about to deal a finishing blow to the haughty prince who'd dared challenge her again, who was so proud to believe he could best her in her own domain, when she heard it. she heard you.
time seemed to stutter as her gold eyes darted to every corner of the entrance to Asphodel, searching through the dim glow of flickering firelight for the source of the sound that broken her focused rage. after a second, her brazen gaze locked on you hidden in the shadows in the corner of her arena, hands clasped over your mouth and eyes wide with... something. as far as she knew, it should be fear. no shade had ever gotten this far away from the House of Hades, let alone made it inside this forbidden space, and yet, there you were, trembling as you held her narrowing gaze still.
why? what kind of foolishness mightve brought you to her? what a silly, brazen little shade you must be to even try, but before Megaera could consider any possibilities about what you might be made of, a searing pain tore through her lower back.
a gasp clawed out of her gut, dragging up with it a small splatter of blood that coated her lips. as Megaera tore her eyes from you to her stomach, she found the tip of Zagreus's sword lodged right through her waist.
"y-you... wre-etched... " she choked, then coughed again. with the little time she had left, Megaera looked over her shoulder at the young determined prince and snarled a smile full of bloody teeth before she spat, "next time, i-i will... have you... kneeling before m-me... Za-agreus."
the fury was beginning to fade, but with the very last moments of her current awareness, she threw a burning glare at you, daring you to try anything near her again.
Megaera snarled as she came to and pushed herself to her feet in the resurrection pool of blood, snatching her whip from the shallow beside her and quickly marching out, shaking the sticky blood from her hands and raking it out of her long lilac-blue ponytail. You were all she xould think about: the shade who had snuck in, distracted her, watched her get outmatched by that smart-mouthed prince of Hades. she had to find you and punish you as she saw fit.
blowing off Thanatos before he could say anything to her, not that her blazing rage that licked at the air around her like coughed up sputters of lava from a volcano didn't do enough to stop his attempt anyway, the Fury snapped out her one sharp wing and took off, rushing back to her domain in hopes that you had been petrified where you stood. when she landed with a thunderous crash and found you there still, a bubbling snarl rose to her throat.
"You." Megaera prowled towards you, cutting her whip through the air just to make you flinch, and just as you opened you mouth to apologise and explain, she roared and unleashed her weapon, the force of the wind caused by it's movement alone knocking you back into the very pillar you had been hiding behind. not a moment after you'd caught the breath knocked from your lungs did you find it firmly restricted once again, Megaera's whip binding you securely to the marble pillar itself.
Megaera stood with her arms crossed for a moment, her endless rage sparking under her teal skin, brightened by the gold ornaments that gleamed around her arms and waist and neck. she watched you squirm in the tight coil of her whip, a grin stretching across her rouged lips as your panicked eyes eventually met hers. you knew all she could do, and you could tell from her easy cadance walking close to you that she knew it also.
"Tell me, you impudent shade, why were you in my domain? for what reason would you think you could be here and not be discovered?"
Megaera purred, but her voice was devoid of warmth, promising that the wrong answer would only end in pain. she kept sauntering closer and closer to you until her iron breath caressed your face, then placing her hand beside your head on the pillar, the fury ran her tongue across her teeth, leaned over you and finished, "What made you think you were that clever to enter the arena of a Fury and escape unpunished? Do tell."
now you knew you had a heart, since it thumped hot and hard in every corner of your being. you couldn't pull your eyes from hers even though everything in you screamed to. you swallowed hard, knowing there was no way out of this so with a sigh, gave in and told the truth.
"I-I... I s-saw you once, in the lounge. I'd h-heard about you but... I just wanted to see you- to watch you fight, i mean."
Megaera frowned at your words but inside her, something was turning. "Is that so?"
you nodded quickly, then instantly shivered it when you watched the burning anger in her gaze reduce to a contained simmer, gold winking in the light of the fires around you both.
The Fury watched you, the hot blush in your cheeks, listened to the thundering of your heart in your chest, could almost taste the terrified awe in the air around you, not that she wasn't used to it. But... you thought she was incredible.
Megaera thought back to the fight with Zagreus, the moment she'd met your gaze, how wide and full of.. adoration it had been. it wasnt disgust, or disdain, or fear. it was... shock, awe maybe... something else.
"How long have you been watching me?" she whispered, leaning closer, pulling on the end of the whip and purring a smile when you whimpered.
the leather of her whip burned as it pressed into your throat, the hissing sting snatching every thought from your mind. after finding your breath, you tightly confessed, "I've... seen you fight Prince Z-Zagreus... 13 times. I didn't mean t-to intrude. I just.. wanted to see you fight for myself."
Megaera blinked twice quickly. 13 times. it took at least a week for Zagreus to get through all of Hades and reach the surface, so for 13 weeks you had been watching her, not in disgust, or disdain, something else that made you come back.
again the Fury pulled the whip tighter, and again it dug into your body, making you gasp as you blinked through the stinging pain, but as it subsided, you looked up into her honeyed gaze with desperation and honesty, muttering with embarrassed timidity. "I... think you're... really cool. Incredible, even. T-That's all."
a pulse flickered in Megaera's bottomless core. No one had ever used such a word to describe her in... longer than she knew. those words settled deep in Megaera's heart faster than she could stop them, and once they were there, everything in her clung to them like they were the only thing keeping her alive.
What were you that such simple words could elicit such a profound internal symphony that almost sent her shivering with shock? how could she have not known such power existed? when you looked at her with that pleading gaze, with eyes that were so raw with truth, full of goodness, of... something, it was impossible to lokk away. in your eyes was something that was more than respect, more than fear, more than adoration... love was the only thing more than all three.
yes, that must be the only explanation. You loved watching her, you loved seeing her fight, loved seeing her, loved her. You loved her. how fickle, how very mortal of you... and yet...
Megaera huffed a laugh as she stepped back to look at you, all of you that apparently loved all of her. The Fury couldn't believe it. a simple shade had risked everything to tell her, to show her that they loved her. how enrapturing.
the lilac haired punisher of jealousy was quickly overcome with something that, in the scope of all that had just happened, must felt like love too, but she wanted it for herself alone. this pulse of heat within her because of you and the way you looked at her, it was for her, and it would always be hers. anything that threatened to take it away would be destroyed. it had to be.
with that resolve fluttering inside her, Megaera gently brushed your cheek with the back of her fingers, then lifted your chin with her finger. when you flinched at her cool touch, she grinned and cooed sweetly, "Hm. Oh, my curious little shade. If you love it so much, then you will stay here to watch me. You will be able to witness my greatness for as long as you want, as many times as you want. Yes, you will stay right here, but if you betray this trust, there will be consequences. Have I made myself clear?"
As you nodded, likely out of fear of saying otherwise, Megaera's heart tightened once again. Yes, you loved her, and now, she would fight to show you how much that love meant, to prove that she was the only one you needed to love, to make you love her even more. It wouldn't be hard.
No one else would take your eyes from gazing upon her. Not Zagreus, not her sisters, not even Lord Hades himself. Your endless gaze was hers now, and by extension, so were you.
I'm so so sorry I only posted this just now but. Oh my Goddddd this is incredible holy shit!!! Thank you so, so much for submitting this I'm 👀👀👀👀👀 Ms. Megaera......
Thank you so so much again, I love your writing and prose, and I'm sorry for only getting to it now, the app doesn't show me notifications for submissions, just asks ;w;
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Hi!! Thank you for writing such awesome imagines!!!! Im stuck on mobile, couldnyou direct me to your faq? :0
Hello, love! I’m actually a fairly new blog (I came around December 1st), and I haven’t accumulated my FAQ yet! But I don’t mind telling you anything here! (while I work on my FAQ/Guideline, that’s a good idea--)
✧ I write both SFW and NSFW content!
✧ I write drabbles, headcanons, and one-shots! (you can ask for both SFW and NSFW for the same request!)
✧ There is no limit to how many characters I’ll write for one request, you can ask for 1, 3, 5, or all the Olympian and Chthonic gods and goddesses! (might affect the quality/length of the post, but I will write for as many as you put!)
✧ I write for any and every gender upon request! If it’s not specified in the request, I try to lean gender-neutral to make it fair to everyone!♡
✧ I accept polyamory, and write polyamorous requests!!
     ✧ This is a reader insert blog, though, so I won’t be focusing on ships, but rather a healthy polyamorous dynamic.
✧ I think the only thing I won’t touch is hard noncon, but I don’t mind dubcon to an extent!
I hope this answered some of your questions, sweet anon! If it didn’t, feel free to message me (I think my messages are open?) or just send in another ask♡ Thank you so much for stopping by!! -- Ryan
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