#megs is the same in kaon
since i know you like your alien worldbuilding and i’m not really sure if you’ve answered an ask related to this yet, at least for tfp, i’d just be really interested in hearing some of your ideas (if you have any) on what cybertronian beauty standards are, and how most of the main cast would be seen in regards to those standards. do they even have an understandable concept of beauty? i mean obviously shiny paint and buffed finishes would probably be the norm, and different branches of the transformers race would definitely value certain traits over others (velocitron comes to mind) but what other features do you think would be cybertronian society’s general ideals?
Heck yeah, worldbuilding time. Lets gooooooo-
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Cybertronian Beauty Standards
There are a few universals when it comes to beauty standards across Cybertron. Namely well done paint, buffed plating, and unbroken armor. However across regions and castes, there are a few preferences that are rather prevalent.
Amidst high castes, the favored form is flamboyancy and keeping up the latest trends. If one wishes to keep up to standard, they will be required to constantly change their frame, usually in irreversible ways in order to ensure they are up to snuff. The trends always change, so it is near impossible to pinpoint what is seen as beautiful at any given moment amongst the high caste, but a few constants are brighter colors, accessories in abundance, and expressive optics. Its all a way to show off authority and wealth.
Middle caste mecha tend to be more reserved, and as a general rule, a more composed and sophisticated look is the most attractive. A firm frame without any serious kibble, hardy and built to last but still with enough unique accessories to stand out. Duller versions of their high caste counterparts paint selections are often the preferred choice, but often brighter colors are still appreciated most. For the middle caste its all about showing off one's ability to take care of themselves while still standing out in a way that is not obnoxious.
Low caste mecha look for survivability in those around them to determine beauty. A sturdy frame with no serious signs of deterioration, an appealing collection of scars to tell of battles won, and bright but often cold colors are preferred. Shining silver and multiple layers of armor are seen as most beautiful due to the story such things tell. A mech who can withstand everything and still manage to buff out their plating is one who is well regarded amongst the low castes.
Across different city states, these standards largely remained the same but were adapted to the preferences of each area. In the case of Iacon and its similarly wealthy sister cities, all mecha regardless of caste were expected to maintain their frame. Bright colors, slim waists with bulky shoulders and chevrons were seen as the most appealing. Thick pedes were also seen as an expression of grace when combined with thin legs and the overall bulk of the upper body. Additional kibble was not seen as particularly appealing and often a more minimalist appearance was most well regarded since it showed a mech could go without any notable modifications. If one had modifications, they were to be hidden if the mech in question wanted to keep up appearances. Any sort of markings to the frame were looked down upon, especially scarring. Clean plating without blemish was always seen as far superior to any sort of marking in wealthy cities. With that in mind, face preference tended to lean more toward those with polished and flat faces with their most interesting feature being their optics.
Less wealthy but more productive cities like Polyhex and Vos had a whole different set of preferences. Extra kibble was seen as appealing with a particular preference toward doorwings and wings in general. To have such a sensitive piece of additional kibble was put on a pedestal as it spoke of increadible self control to not be hitting everything and everyone or responding to stimuli poorly. Visors were held in high regard partially for the protective factor they offered, but largely due to how they obscured the face, a trait that was in high demand due to the various careers seen in the more bustling cities. Identity was everything, so having a frame with a slim midsection but with kibble almost everywhere else was seen as quite beautiful. Markings were tolerated and even seen as appealing to a degree so long as they were either artistically placed, or in the case of scarring, very minimal. The preference for facial structure was not really present as most instead preferred to focus on their visors as their most notable frame addition.
In poorer cities with a higher concentration of low caste mecha, such as Kaon and Helex, preferences differed yet again. Thick armor, heavily armed, and larger frames were seen as superior in every regard. The larger and sturdier a mech was, the better. A degree of curvage was seen as appealing, but largely the beauty was found in armor structure and useful kibble. Mecha in poorer cities resented any sort of ridiculous flamboyancy and much preferred quieter methods of showing off their grace. Polished but scarred armor was a mark of wisdom and prowess. Cooler colors showed an ability to go into battle without regard for faction or affiliation. Open weaponry showed bravery and honor since they quite clearly knew when and when not to fight. Usefulness was the most appealing, along with more aggressive plating structure. Unlike other cities, smooth and simple plating was not the most beautiful and instead most mecha agreed that spikes or at least extra boxy armor was better. With that in mind, sharper faces were also in higher demand.
Excluding cities, beauty standards fell into an interesting gray area that depended entirely on region. In small settlements, everything depending on environment. Those that lived near the sea were fond of the bulkier mecha since they could withstand the storms. They cared for them even more if their colors were various shades or orange and rust. Mecha from the spire forests were far fonder of tall and spindly frames, those with dark colors of the earth capable of rushing between obstacles without regard for the difficulties of a larger body. Those from the open plains and wastes fancied those more capable of speed so that they could get from point A to B without need for days of travel. Everything depended on region when not in the cities.
While there were outliers and small subcultures with different preferences, this is the overview.
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
🔥 tfa Blitzwing
My hot take is that the actual fucking German language of the Indo-European language family does not exist on Cybertron or anywhere else except Earth. Accents are arbitrary at worst and correlated with Cybertronian colonies and cities at best and I am so fucking sick of seeing people pepper actual German into his dialogue like he's a native speaker.
This take brought to you hot from the fires of my irrational yet blazing rage.
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lonetile · 11 months
I calculated the heights of the DJD
Thanks to this post I was able to get a generally accurate height comparison approved by Alex Milne, the artist for MTMTE. This is that image:
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I found the best image that shows Megatron and Tarn together and generally on the same X plane.
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According to the TFwiki for IDW Megatron is 38'... so. I throw all these into Procreate to start the process...
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Here, I just put in the first picture, nothing special.
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Then, I scale the comic panel to match Tarn's head size and height, as close as I can. I lower the opacity of the image and add Megs, using that comic panel to size him right.
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I add a ruler measuring at 38'ft (I actually used inches to keep the distances equal when adding other lines, wo it's not 100% accurate). I kept in mind that the edge of the image is not the plane they are standing on.
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Then, I add the lines and numbers, and get Megs out of there before he gets killed. Using the numbers and lines, I get their heights. So here's my results:
Vos: 27.25ft
Kaon: 32.5ft
Tarn: 36.5ft
Helex: 50ft
Tesarus: 51ft
You can round up or down if it makes things easier in your writings! Hope this helps with your drawings.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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Cybertronian Liminal spaces ideas: TFP
Tunnels (thru Mts, under cities, etc.)
Red Sand Deserts (Rust Sea Similarities)
Large Scale Industrial Sectors (Think big, automated assembly lines; Similar to their factories)
I also feel like truly gigantic cities (Lots of skyscrapers; similar to their cityscapes) would be similar enough to evoke a sense of nostalgia.
Cybertronian Specific Places:
OP - Libraries (the bigger the more nostalgic he gets) and Rome, b/c of the Collusium (I imagine it reminds him of Kaons Arena)
Megs - Rome (Same as OP), Empty Mines, and ruined Forts (even tho their forts 100% looked different, our ruins still give the same effect)
Ratch - Colleges (Academy Days, specifically the long, winding trails from one building to another), Hospital Corridors (If he has a holoform) and Oddly enough, Victorian Houses. Old and creaky, reminiscent of an old era.
Star - The Buj Kalifa (Vosian Remenicent). Sometimes Specific weather patterns, like Hailstorms or Freezing Rain, remind him of the stinging Acid rain of Cybertron. He hates Blizzards too.
Bulk - Construction sites get him. Rome as well (architecture in general, really).
Sounders - Rome, Government Buildings (specifically, the twisting hallways some important buildings have) and castles/forts.
Arcee - Tunnels, Ravines (I imagine she hid a lot on cybertron, cracks in cybs exoplates would be similar to ravines), and old houses (dilapidated buildings, slowly rotting away; similar to one specific spider incident.
KO - Raceways (obv), but also airports (hanger bays specifically) and large scale paint factories. Also, Buj Kalifa (HC that KO is a Grounded Seeker, explaining SS comment in TFP). Maybe medical tents as well? He was a front line medic after all.
Bee - Rocky mountain roads (scouting), ruins like Stonehenge, and ghost towns. Places where life has been destroyed. Also, war ravaged cities and mysterious old paths through the trees.
BD - Similar to Bulk, but add Mines and industrial buildings too.
Smokey - Libraries (not to the same extent as OP tho), old ruins, and abandoned junkyards (similar effect to the transport ship) I also HC that the escape pod made him pretty Claustrophobic. So small spaces are a no go.
Shockers - Labs, research buildings, but also government buildings (Senator days) and hospitals (too pristine/white a room; he slightly panics) HC that Shockers hates the color white with a dying passion.
Jackie - Labs as well, but also hanger bays and random bars get him too. (HC that he basically found Seaspray in a galactic bar.)
Dread/Quake - Old English/French architecture and Rome
Mags - Government buildings, Libraries (somewhat), but mainly offices and conference rooms get this guy.
Arachnid - Dug out Tunnels (insecticon hives), fancy buildings (Senete esch enough; similar to all her targets homes), and out-of-the-way villages (similar to other organic planets easiest targets)
I think that basically everyone (everyone important I think? Cliffs dead so I didn't include him lol).
HOOOOLY FUCK man you put a LOT of thought into this, this is so cool. The bit about lifeless or decayed places igniting that kinda nostalgia in Bee is actually really sad if you think about it.
Man now I wanna see an episode where a relic is found near the remains of the colosseum, and it has a lot of bots on edge.
I feel like the cities with big reflective or iridescent skyscrapers are spot on, especially in the flashbacks. To add to city scenes, in the flashbacks they had huge streets and ramps and freeways that looked a lot like ours too! (Unless I’m remembering wrong and I’m just nuts)
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princesstarfire1234 · 3 months
Random ideas for a hypothetical Scavengers (mini) series
So I made a google doc a few nights ago and filled it with random ass ideas for how a cartoony likely-episodic Scavengers series could go... It was around the same time I wanted to get to animating a Scavs-related thing but no promises there or to this ever becoming more than rambles
Anyways... heres an unorganized collection of my silly thoughts:
POST-WAR!! War’s over, Autobot-Decepticon alliance is great and dandy for everyone except of course the folks who got left behind and forgotten by respective High Commands and have had to make their own dealings in space to get thru life and shit; focusing on the daily struggles of your average low of the low genericons/bots, the Scavengers
Optimus and Megatron are definitely married (trust); we go the IDW MTMTE route but instead of Megs off on a quest with Roddy and gang, he’s with Optimus and they both publicly surrender/call truce or whatever on-video and agree to help repair cybertron instead of squabbling, sending a message to all cybertronians taking refuge amongst the stars blah blah blah its time to go home (pilot should open with this i think, set the worldview up straight from the beginning)
It could either be set in the slums of like some populated city or smthn, like maybe Dead End of Kaon or smthn OR… now consider… Set NOT on Cybertron, literally anywhere BUT Cybertron; the Scavs wander space, at least every few episodes or so would be set in a different planet or smthn, having them do their usual shenanigans and (failing) their supply/scavenging runs, as well as the occasional star station too for like a pit stop i guess; there’d be atleast one episode where they go to earth probably
Main characters (scavs duh, but lemme write some shit down here rq):
Krok - the dutiful, ever-patient (one can of engex away from losing it) leader of the Scavengers; he’s the one that usually has the single functioning brain cell
Crankcase - the skillful pilot of the crew’s beloved Decepticon-hijacked Autobot vessel, always in a sour mood, think TFA Ratchet but up the old man crankiness to 500; really good at fixing things (mechanic)
Spinister - a little stupid… all the stupid actually… but he’s got things rattling in there too, don’t worry! The Scavengers’ medic; would probably be Cybertron’s greatest surgeon if it weren’t for everything else
Fulcrum - Defunct?? Rejected?? Something-class Decepticon, a bit of a coward, found in a dumpster by Misfire; he’s a technician too! Score!
Misfire - ideas are about as good as his aim (which is not at all); the really really talkative and social one; rejected Rainmaker/Seeker (bro didnt pass Decepticon Academy, rip)
Additional members that get added to the crew later on!
Grimlock - resident Dinobot and the only Autobot on the crew (for now or smthn idk), thinking of either having them find him during the pilot episode or a bit later on?; i think Krok would definitely have a thing where he’s super wary of him until a big character development episode thing happens like in MTMTE #46
Nickel - hmmm idk yet.. Maybe a former high ranking decepticon officer whose position has been stripped from her the more fucked up and bad the faction ended up becoming because she was very vocal about its problems til the current day? (I just don’t think her being connected to the DJD would work here womp womp)
Flywheels (unsure) - some mech that tagged along with them during one random shenanigans episode
MP3 / or some other new human character (unsure) - they have an episode where they go to Earth and befriend silly human… may or may not keep them, maybe they could be an honorary Scavenger but only appears sometimes or stays on Earth but keeps in touch with the Scavs (look I just think having a human on the crew would be kinda silly and funky for the dynamic)
Meanies to the crew (weekly bad guy):
Novastorm - leader of the Rainmakers; has beef with Misfire
Skullcruncher- Krok hates his guts; he’s the TFA Sentinel to Krok’s TFA Prime, probably served together on like whatever the equivalent of a Warworld ship would be in this
Raiders??? Space pirates??? Idk but I’d def make em be related to Spinister’s past or smthn (this was inspired by some fanfic I read a bit ago, I think Fool’s Paradise on AO3)
Needlenose? (Spin trusted him, betrayed copter boy :((( or smthn)
Scorponok - probably the biggest threat of the show (ofc not in universe), but he’d be like IDW Scorponok in that one Scavs issue, all kinda silly and dramatic but def a threat, he kinda reminds me of Dino/BW Megatron a bit
DJD (absolutely unsure, maybe a passing mention or not at all) - would probably have to sillify them a bit (a lot, idk how the hell Cyberverse managed it with Tarn)...
There's more in the doc but they're not fully formed ideas yet... My countless hours scrolling the Scavengers tags on tumblr have also given me ideas for certain kinds of episodes that could happen but again, nothing concretely written down yet
If I have the energy or remember this, I'm def gonna be updating it with some more ideas cuz whether this becomes real or not, its fun!! Maybe I could write it as a fic one day or if someones wants to idk
Okay bai bai for now, I gotta eep 👋
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cozzzynook · 3 months
Hi!! Love all your asks and writing it’s so good and hit all the amazing headcannons I love
May I request something for Megatron finding a long lost adult son, who shares Megatron’s interests, but behaviour wise is a lot more like Rodimus?
Thank you!
Thank you so much 😭
Megatron finding a long lost adult son that looks exactly like him in every single way but frame color would shock the pits out of him.
The large mech is literally his size and frame type which isn’t often as one would think.
The mech doesn’t act a thing like him either.
Acts completely like Rodimus and sounds like a mix between the two down to the low and high frequency of his vocals. Not to mention his extraverted personality as he charms a crowd with ease without being an aft in the process.
The mech left him speechless as he followed him quietly for an entire day just seeing how the mech lives and what he does for a living.
The mech is a medic of all things. Something he wanted to be before the war broke out when he was still a miner. The mech acted kind just as Rodimus did but he didn’t have Rodimus smile. No. Rodimus smile was bright and opened ones spark to the sun. This smile was, different, familiar. It was like looking in a mirror.
The mech had a smile like his own.
It was enough to make him have to sit down in his hiding place as he watched on completely speechless with an open intake.
The mechs name was Megorune (meh-goh-rune) a fitting name even if it felt a bit odd. He did a quick search of what the name meant and found it was an old name hidden in the culture files. It was a name mixed of Kaon and Nyon origins.
The shock he felt at seeing the old inscriptions of his home and the home of Rodimus, he just knew.
Looking at the mech was proof enough but seeing the designation inscription and the meaning behind it.
He just knew.
To rise from the mountains pain.
An old story he once told the mech formally named Hot rod who became Rodimus.
His Rodimus.
He’d gotten sparked during the war and left to have their sparkling who stood before him searching the archives still for an old book that he once enjoyed reading as a young spark.
This mech before him, the mech who held all the books and poetry he once read so many many years ago, with the same eager light in his optics that he once held, was his son.
A son Rodimus had and raised alone during the war.
A son he endangered because of his need for power and fall to madness.
A son Rodimus did well raising and did right keeping him far from him.
This was his son.
His boy who shared the cna of himself and the mech his spark could not do without.
He had a son.
He was standing right in front of him looking concerned because a stranger who looked just like him was standing in shock staring at him.
“Megorune? Megorune did you find the book you wanted?”
That voice…
Rodimus cane from around a corner, optics focused solely on their son with concern until he followed his gaze and dropped a book at the sight of him.
Megorune looked at his carrier confused and concerned before looking back to Megatron with a dawning realization until he too was shocked enough to drop his many books.
“Is..is this my sire, carrier?”
“Yes,” Rodimus hesitated before admitting. His optics were blinking a lot, something he did when he didn’t want to cry. “Megorune..this is your sire, Megatron.”
Rodimus held a shaky servo out towards Megatron who instinctively came to hold it. He’d missed this, missed him for so long.
“Megs..this is Megorune..your son.”
Megatron held onto Rodimus servo to keep himself grounded and his bitty flexed his servos the exact same way Rodimus would when he was shocked or on edge.
“You could’ve let him have some of my personality traits ya know,” Megatron tried to joke as a tear strayed from his optic, “didn’t have to solely rely on him looking just like me.”
The two of them laughed at the exact same time but his sons laugh sounded all of his sires.
It made Megatron smile.
“I’m…words cannot express how happy I am to meet you…your carrier..did more than I could ever hope to describe in raising you…you look…I am not worthy to be your sire but my spark cannot contain itself with how much joy just seeing you brings me.”
He did the one thing he was known not to.
He let his em field shroud the two and only the two.
They needed to know how he felt in this moment and they needed to know he would do whatever necessary to make sure he was able to stay in their lives.
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mychlapci · 5 months
blorbo au ramble
I like to hc that the reason the twins are so endlessly loyal to Megatron (outside of just Honour Code) is that they’ve been supporting the decepticon cause since the very start of it’s inception, and that theyndescend from Kaon themselves
Skyquake risking his life in gladiator rings and dreads doing some other heavy labour jobs, struggling to make ends meet. Suffering at the heels of the council far longer than most due to their age.. and then finally, someone, megs, has the courage to speak up? Yeah, they’re with him immediately. I entertain the idea of them ending up being megatron’s bodyguards very early on too, helping to protest, strike and spread the word whenever they can, making sure the voice of the beat down working class is finally heard..
They still wholeheartedly believe that Megatron they knew is still the Megatron in the modern day, even if it’s very. Very clear to everyone else that it is not.
oOoh that's very cool. Something we don't explore is people viewing Megatron as the same bot he once was, completely blind to what he became... Skyquake and Dreadwing's loyalty being that to the master they've sworn their lives to all those millennia ago, and now they've deluded themselves that this is the same Megatron that once strived for a better future for all of them...
i mean, if they can't believe that, then what do they have left? Neither would ever side with a Prime...
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transformers-mosaic · 10 months
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Transformers: Mosaic #557 - "Loyalty Rewarded"
Originally posted on November 15th, 2010
Story - Zac DeBoard Art - Kei Tomoe Letters - Franco Villa Edits - Juan Pablo Osorio “Chopper” design - Andy Short Whirl design - Paul Vromen
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005 | BotTalk
Later revised and annotated for Transformers: The Lost Seasons
wada sez: The last of three Sunbow-version-of-Animated-character strips. On the Machine Wars Starscream color scheme used for Scrash, DeBoard said on Seibertron: “I believe Scrash's coloring was a way to differentiate between he and Skyquake (even though they were pretty much consdered to be the same character), as well as being a shout out to MW Screamer.” Onslaught’s seeming death here appears to be an choice, as he’s alive and well later in the Sunbow timeline—but Cattleprod points out that the Combaticons first appeared reduced to personality components after a failed coup, so presumably this is intended to lead into that, with Onslaught just heavily damaged but alive. The blue character is an OC based on the Diaclone helicopter who, in later official sources, would variously be given the names "Fumes", "Rotorbolt", and "Skyklik"—the creators of The Lost Seasons apparently used a common fan-name at the time, "Chopper". I've tagged him as Rotorbolt, because of the Wreckers connection. On the strip’s ending, DeBoard said: “Personally, I love ol Luggy and I just assume that while his body may have been destoyed, his spark survived....like they put it in a machine like they have a Garrus 9 or something.” He explained the strip’s plotting as follows: “Again, this is just "in my head" but Megs was probably obsessed with The Autobots on The Ark (at least for the moment) and didnt bother to take attendance, so to speak, and therefore didn't notice Lugnut. Another thing to keep in mind is...we were kinna working within a set continuity and trying to fit stories and characters where we can. Obviously Lugnut wasnt in G1 originally so it's a tricky thing to do. I just kinna thought it was a pretty neat way to introduce him and explain his "absence" from the show. Believe me, I try to take all of this stuff into account when I write, but if I overthink it, I'd never get anything written! Hehe. As for the faces of the "transplanted characters. It seems to be harder to translate the facial features of the TFA bots into a G1 style (for instance, I felt Lockdown's face in the Drift mini was just horrific), but I think Lugnut came out very well in this. [...] We are floating around some more stories featuring G1 Lugnut so hopefully he will be fleshed out more in later stories. Personally, I hope to bring his personality closer to the fanatic he was in TFA, which is what made him one of my favorite characters. With the space limitations of the Mosaic, we really didn't get to do a lot of it (though it was more prevalant in the script).” This strip evolved from an earlier script of DeBoard's, which went unused: “Unfortunately, I realized there was already a Mosaic piece essentially telling this same story. This one however was set in the G1 universe”—I’ve reproduced the full text below, alongside the usual Italian translation. The earlier strip with a similar idea was “False Saviour”, in case you were wondering.
Before I was little more than a thug.  Making a living by robbing those less fortunate than me.  Feeling I was destined for a greater purpose, I had applied numerous times to the Cybertron Military Academy only due be denied due to what the Head of the Academy deemed was an aggressive attitude.
This would haunt me in my future endeavors as I could find little work.
Eventually I found the Arena.
It was there than I unleashed my aggression and anger, my strength was unparalelled and I became known as the Kaon Crusher.
And, as quickly as I embraced my newfound outlet, I soon found myself longing for more.
Was this all I was meant for?  Mindlessly destroying mechs for little more than a thrill?
Blastburn lies defeated at my feet and I feel nothing.  I walk away, feeling just as beaten as my foe.
"Your designation Lugnut?"
I nod.
"It is."
"My commander has had an optic on you for over a Vorn.  He has seen your indifference and longing."
"What do you or your commander know of me?!"
"He believes he can provide you with a sense of purpose--a new life, if you will."
The blue mech (Soundwave) has my attention.
"And what do you call your glorious leader" I say to him mockingly.
"His name is...Megatron."
At the end would be a close up of Lugnut's single red optic, with an image or a shadow of G1 Megs in it.
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toomanybrainrots · 11 months
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Optimus Prime, previous designation: Orion Pax, is the Autobot's fearless and brave leader, one chosen by Primus itself to be a Prime.
Of course, he's not all stoic and metal! Inside he has a heart — well, spark — of pure, earth gold! He would do anything for his team and the Autobots, even if it cost him his spark.
Elita's crew(?)
Hot Rod
Elita's crew(?)
Origins and Story
Before Optimus Prime was, well, a Prime. He was Orion Pax, a humble middle caste archivist that always longed for more in his mundane life. He was under Alpha Trion's command, and was usually seen wandering the halls or in the archives.
That was his life, the same usual and oh so boeing routine in the city of Iacon. He wished for more. And he got it when he heard of the new uprising gladiator, Megatronus he called himself, and his speeches.
He got it from a holovid, given by Ratchet, a well known party ambulance friend of his, to him. He couldn't help but resonate with Megatronus' words, feeling a sense of kindling within him as he watched his speech, all his focus on the gladiator.
From there, he continued to watch holovids of Megatronus' speeches, documenting everything in his own personal archive. Shockwave, a colorful and lively senator, often commented that he was like a little fanbot of Megatronus'("Geez, Orion. It's like you're his number one fanbot!").
He never thought he'd actually get to see one of Megatronus' speeches in person. That was, until his close friend Hot Rod, had found him watching one of his holovids. Orion hadn't noticed until Hot Rod had plopped down and taken a seat next to him. The speedster had told him he had been there the entire time("Oh, I've been here the entire time." "You WHAT?!")
Orion, understandably, had felt embarrassed. Hot Rod didn't humiliate Orion, thankfully. Instead, he offered Orion a front row seat to one of Megatronus' speeches. It didn't surprise Orion that Hot Rod was close with Megatronus, he was close with everyone.
Once he saw the gladiator's speech in bot. It felt like he had seen it for the first time, he felt it resonate within him like it did with the first speech he watched.
It was then that he decided to ask Hot Rod for Megatronus' comm number, and sent him a comm message(O: Your message has reached Iacon.)
And nearly got his frequency blocked by the gladiator.
However, with a lot of convincing from Hot Rod to Megatronus("Come on, megs! He's not so bad for a middle caste." "That's not rare coming from you." "Yeah, maybe. But we should let him in on this. He genuinely cares, megs. With the right teaching from a certain gladiator...he could help us." "...I will ponder on it."). The gladiator responded, though he was very passive aggressive.
Megatronus taught Orion everything he knew about Cybertron's corruption, from the pits of Kaon to the pollution of Tarn, to the negligence of Nyon, he thought him everything that was hidden away from him. They grew close, almost like brothers in a way. Orion helped Megatronus' influence in Iacon, and Megatronus helped Orion in return. It was symbiotic.
Then, they started to plan to confront the High Council about this. Hot Rod helped them, and Shockwave did aswell. With two mechs with great influence and strong ties from bots of the High Council and from bots everywhere on Cybertronian, Orion almost thought that they were prepared.
He didn't expect the proposition that Megatronus during their confrontation though.
The gladiator wanted to overthrow the High Council, and it almost sounded like he was demanding himself to be named Prime, atleast to Orion that is.
He didn't understand why his friend wanted to do that, and so he offered a different proposition. He offered negotiations, peaceful meetings instead of the force that Megatronus suggested.
The High Council seemed to like his proposition, enough to make him a Prime. He didn't want that. If anything, he wasn't worthy to be one, Megatronus was. But his friend stopped him. And Orion could tell he wasn't happy that he got named Prime, even if he said otherwise.
It went good for a while. Orion had weekly negotiations with the High Council, and everything seemed to be going good for Orion.
Until the Autobots were formed on the High Council's command.
The Autobots were made to stop any more riots and protests from happening. And they used force to do it. He remembered the first time he saw it happen, the amount of bots laying on the ground, either dead or unconscious, some of his allies mixed amongs the ones layed down or those that were apprehended.
Megatronus demanded that Orion take action, as he was now a Prime. Orion didn't, he wanted to wait, to play the long game. Megatronus was furious, and ended up going no contact for a while. ("How is...Megatronus? Is he doing well?" "He's alright." "Then, can you please tell him to comm me? I'm—" "He. Is. Fine.")
Then, when he finally heard of Megatronus. It was too late.
There were riots and attacks everywhere, killing innocents and destroying Iacon and cities. There were rampages, energon spilled, and so so much violence.
He pleaded with Megatronus to stop this. To stop this massacre. His friend did not listen, he continued. And he was forced to fight his old friend.
That was the start of the war, where many cities fell. And where he made his most regretted decision and mistake, right before he boarded the Ark, and crashed on Earth.
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bluereo · 1 year
Trio of Chaos!AU
Sorry in the beginning. This turned out more serious then I intended but I want to create some surroundings for future crack.
Memes at the end
Backstory more or less part 1
Megatronus and Soundwave meet eachother in the arena. Sound held the title of chempion for some short time before he was chalanged and overthrown by Megs. Still the fight was toughter then both expected. Finding themselves nearly equal in battle they started to form very slowly their friendship.
They build trust and understanding between eachother. Soon they were inseparable. They always had eachother backs. In the arena or not. Megatronus got along with cassettes too.
They discovered through Megatronus poems that their political views were similar too. Megatronus started writing a lot more in his free time then. Between matches and trainings he always stayed at his quarters preparing essays and poems usually with Ravage or Laserbeak as his companions.
Soundwave beeing the technological master he is soon found a way to publish his essays online.
In the matters of days and weeks more and more bots started to read and talk about Megs works. Mostly in lower castes but not only. Of course he used a pseudonym to not be recognized by someone of higher standing immediately.
They never expected that their works would ever reach someone of wealthier middle or higher cast. Until one day they got a message on their private communication Chanel with they both used.
Soundwave was always confident about their security soo the moment they saw unknown message from encrypted com they were kinda stunned.
"Your words reached even Iacon. Though you need to be careful. Those words can get you killed - O.P."
This message woke up something inside Megatronus. He was heard by someone above. His words were spreading and listened to even by bots of Iacon, the capital of north half of Cybertron.
"And who are you secret messenger? Are you perhaps trying to warn me that someone already chosen to snuff my spark and i should watch my back? - M."
Reply came almost immediately.
"Of course not. I'm intrigued and interested about your other political views. Also, I would like to discuss some unclear details in you last essay. Of course if you are ready to chalange? - O.P"
Megs smilled to himself when Soundwave siting next to him confirmed that no one was spying on them.
"Then bring it on, let's see what you have to say - M."
And that was the start of the longest debates in Megatronus live. Days and night he was writing with secret O.P. who never introduced himself. He found someone who chalanged his views in constructive way.
In the matter of weeks they went from using their initials to full names. Mysterious O.P. was an archivist Orion Pax who worked in the Hall of records under Alpha Trion. There was something in the way they talked, that instantly made them fully understand eachother. Their views complemented and soon Orion started to be an editor of megatronus works. He gave him more words to use, more materials to work on and much more motivation to write.
They were working together something around two months when Megatronus invited Orion to Kaon. They both craved meeting in person and ability to discuss everything without long long messages. Soundwave on the other hand chosen to use safe distance for now. He too was amazed by the archivist and his dedication to their work but chosen to be safe rather then sorry if something bad happened.
When they finally met, something just clicked and Soundwave, Megatronus and Orion become much more then ally. They become friends. Orion turned out to be a truthful person who, even with his higher standing, could see the pain and misery of those below.
Orion stayed in Kaon for whole 3 days. Cassettes loved how, even when he was working, still payed them a lot of attention and could listen to their stories without a problem. He could fully concentrate on two, three and sometimes even four things in the same time.
The  the time came for Orion to return Soundwave needed to separate his minions from archivist who was one minion tear way from staying another day.
Their thrived around eachother. Need for change in the system become their focus. Soon Megatronus started presenting his speeches after won matches. Orion spent days and night making sure that there were good enough to present, he even pulled some political strings and few contacts to make sure about pits beeing safe for time beeing. Soundwave carefully made sure that no Master of Pits tried to help Megatronus dissappear and started to use some contacts to find a safe place for meetings of more and more mechs who started to listen and follow them.
In matter of weeks their work started to pay off. They were able to get real medic to do health exams on bots living in the Pits poorest around. They were able to get some datapads and even teach some mechs how to read and write. Of course hunger among them was still a thing but with time and some strings pulled they managed to get few allys who supported their movement from the shadows.
Their "headquarters" was safely hidden underground in old cavern of unknown use. But Soundwave was nearly sure that this place is remnant of secret tunnels to hide bodies of those who perished in the ages when rust plague thrived, but never actually been used. Those tunnels provided them with a lot of space and safe ways of going in and out.
This was normal to see there Orion surrounded by young sparkling begging him to tell them another story. Pax thanks to beeing an archivist remembered a lot of those, especially about first primes and their legacy.
Normal was also finding Megatron in company of his loyal followers who offered their help and ideas on next steps.
Normal was that Soundwave allowed his minicons to roam free around. He knew they were safe and there was nothing that could hurt them here. They were among those who would always help them.
Okay so that's the first part of backstory. It came out serious but I focused on main events. I will post some separated post with more silly situations after I finish backstory more or less.
If you saw any mistakes in my writing pls message me.
But for now some new memes
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It's actually super interesting to compare how MTMTE Megatron's and TFP Megatron's past differ when it comes to their times in the gladiator pits or in the mines.
In mtmte, he's always had the same name. But in tfp, Megs has went through a few notable name changes, from D-16 to Megatronus to Megatron. Mtmte Megs came from Tarn, while in tfp he's from Kaon.
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annabelle-creart · 12 days
Ok, so
As you saw in the last post of the resume of my head's mood
I'm thinking of this Humanformers: Mafia Au, I literally just created it like less than an hour ago but imagine this typical movie scenario where, yes, most of the TF characters are in this criminal scenario, between, the rescue team, who aren't the rescue team (but I wanted to add the Burnses and all the human characters of Aligned Continuity)
But what's the point? Of course, discounting the mafia shit? Someone of the big elite was killed and Chase wants an answer of who was
So, this is a combination of Murder Mystery, cyberpunk, Arcane vibes, I'm not into crimes or murder mystery gender but I found this format funny because it remember me a lot of Shattered glass, but, like, WOW
Whatever, as far as I have:
An Elite organization of criminals are dealing with the fact that one of their members is dead, a old woman who wanted to inherit all her things to them, but before making it right, she was killed, she was a beloved person for Chase, and due to this, he decides to investigate what happened with her, while trying to mantain his dirt buisness because someone told the police and they are investigating more of the criminal word of Kaon. And all the Elite are suspicious
And yes, gladiators still exist, Meg is one of them
Lightwave "Borealis" is one of the suspicious, she directs drugs, technical assistence, technology, inmigration and murders on her places, she inherited the buisness thanks to her father, she was the only daughter he had with his real wife, her 3 siblings, Heatwave, Shockwave and Soundwave were bastards but she took them and made them part of the buisness
Bulkhead is another suspicious, most of his buisness is the same of Borealis but he doesn't deal with tech
Also, do you remember that post of the cute couple prompt where Heatwave is an assasin who was sent to kill Boulder but stayed with them and couldn't? This is the secundary story, Boulder was the one who confesed (by accident?) and Bulkhead had to hide them, but due to this, Heatwave was sent to kill Boulder but just... couldn't
Megatron is also a suspicious, he used his fame and position to monopolize the gladiator buisness, Chase doesn't mess a lot because Meg doesn't need it, but it is rumored Meg is having a romance and definitely will use this as a threat to get more info from him (the secret rommance is Sound)
I'm not sure who will be the rest, so, I'll talk about the other characters
Chase is the investigator and a member of the Elite, the old woman was like a cool aunt who taught him about everything he knows, now, he is a mafia boss but mostly, he works as a bodyguard for other mini-bosses who work for him, like, he gives them security and sometimes money, and gets payed for it, and also owns some buisnesses but they're directed by other people
I'm still unsure about Knock Out because I don't know if to make him a procurer or an ilegal tech dealer but he works for Chase, that's for sure
Breakdown also works for Chase but he is a weapon and drug dealer, noneteless, for Chase's ask (is his chief, he can't do much) is much flexible than other dealers and in part, thanks to it, benefits the whole thing, because happy customers are more clients who pay well
I DIDN'T WANTED TO ADD CHARLIE BUT THIS IS PURE ANGST AND IS BEAUTIFUL, Charlie was a corrupt police officer who accepted what he could get to mantain his kids, but due to all the bad things he had done, Kade and Danni took Graham and Cody away, actually, he works with Chase, only because Charlie is like a father for him 😭
Blades is maybe the best doctor of one of the four hospitals that works for criminals on Kaon, directed by Ratchet, who is also on the Elite, and the hospitals have medicaments and supplies like machinary thanks to Doc Greene's hand and his team, and also thanks to a tiny terrorist organization directed by Blurr and Salvage, they're the best dealers and thiefs the organization has, they take trucks on the middle of the night or at midnoon and do great performances to steal the trucks and take supplies to the clandestine hospitals, and are so good on it that they even take the truck to a place and inspects it to see if they're being followed and then use the pieces to repair other trucks, I mean, these two are the fuck on their own buisness, everything thanks to Denny Clay's Vintage Salvage Depot for the Discriminating Nostalgist that is actually a facade of him and the twis Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, who are also members of the organization Blurr and Salvage own (so, yes, Sideswipe is dating his chief)
And that's all that I have by now, bye
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brandwhorestarscream · 10 months
Cybermorph ideas!
So? We got the whole reproduction ask thingy from before. Maybe, a queen can choose where the transfluid goes? Like maybe they can retain it? It's possible in snakes, why not wacky aliens.
Also, Megs just panicking in a field because EGGS is such a funny image. Imagine the second time it happens, he does feel some obligation to return to them, dragging somebot with him, trying to figure out why he wants to return this time. Only for the eggs to "latch on" to the bot. Imagine his horror. He doesn't know his own workings. To learn how eggs work would be chaos for him.
Ooooh now I've got THOUGHTS
So... this is a little difficult. We established previously that Megatron isn't able to asexually reproduce until he's much older, with an established hive. Which means, if these eggs he's just laid are going to hatch, they have to have a sire. Cybermorph queens can hold onto transfluid to fertilize eggs later, right? Hear me out, then: it's not something they do consciously. It's smthn their body just performs on it's own, and he has no control over it. Just a natural happening of the reproductive system and there's nothing he can do about it short of a sterilization surgery.
So. Megatron is operating under the assumption that these eggs are sterile. The nesting instinct made him withdraw from Kaon and he ended up slinking into a crack in the planet's surface, somewhere dark and secluded where no one would bother him. After the clutch's arrival, he assumes that they're not fertile, same as the first batch. His last time interfacing with someone was a quite awhile ago, waaay before he started to feel eggheavy. He doesn't feel any connection to them, and so just... leaves.
He returns home a few days after nesting, checking in with his parents to let them know he's back. They freaked out pretty bad when he suddenly vanished the first time, so now he makes sure to tell them he's not dead.
And this is where it gets a little wonky. He has very few cybermorph friends: they are the first generation, after all. None of them have experienced any egg cycles, and they're all operating under the false assumption that cybermorph conception is the same as cybertronians: that the fertilization happens exclusively during sex. They don't know it can happen out of order, that there can be large gaps between the actual interfacing and the fertilization of eggs.
I mentioned previously that the war eventually starts when the cybermorph population has swelled considerably, quality of life in the south plummets, and the north side of the planet clings to a strict segregation lockdown. Said lockdown was put in place almost immediately after the first gen of cybermorphs popped
I have a point here, I swear. Stay with me, this is gonna get long. I gotta talk through this or the final conclusion will make no sense
The first generation of cybermorphs were of course heavily influenced by their hosts. Ordinarily, xenomorphs are born and grow rapidly, and are incredibly aggressive, vicious, with the main primary goal of eliminating other species and propagating their own. But they've always been fully organic species: crossbreeding with inorganics resulted in some previously unseen traits. The possession of a spark, for one
The xenomorph embryos mutated rapidly when implanted in their cybertronian hosts, having to very quickly adapt to energon and spark energy radiation to survive. The little ones that come out are half and half, obviously, but their spark is really what matters. Newborn xenomorphs are loyal only to their queen and their hive. But these newborn cybermorphs don't have either. What they do have, however, is alien blood and physical souls in their chests that are linked to their cybertronian carriers. And their carriers are alive. They're bonded to these mecha from birth, can feel their emotions and hear their thoughts, just like any other sparkling. The bonds are incredibly strong, due to utter lack of a queen to imprint on and only growing stronger when their host parents deign to raise them.
Because they possess sparks and energon and have carrier-creation bonds, they're largely judged to be cybertronian. Or at least, cybertronian enough to avoid slaughter. The Senate can't order them killed, because their emergence makes international news, and even if they are incredibly freaky looking, they still possess a soul. Killing them would be infanticide. People would riot. Begrudgingly, the Senate allows the newborns to live, but the trade off is total segregation. No warframes may leave the southern half of the planet without rigorous medical exams and quarantine procedures, and the cybermorphs grow up in designated safety zones Just In Case. The Senate is constantly monitoring them, whether they know it or not (they don't).
Now, going back to Megatron's clutch. The first eggs really are sterile. He leaves them in that little nesting spot and never goes back for them. The Senate, however, does. They send someone to retrieve the eggs for testing, also assuming them to be sterile. They're filled with the cybertronian equivalent of water, a lifeless, perfectly clean oil that has no genetic code in it. Curious.
The second batch, though... not so much. Megatron thinks they're sterile, and so do the ones watching. Another retrieval team is sent in, except this time, they get the facehugger treatment. From what I've read, being implanted with an embryo causes a bit of short-term memory loss (or at least, it did with the first victim), so when the incubators awake in the nest once more they see that the eggs are destroyed and report back to the Senate. They were too late, the eggs have already hatched.
Now, for one reason or another, the retrieval team isn't permitted to cross the border. That's either because of quarantine procedures or because they're warframes that already live there, but regardless. They're still on the southern half of the planet when the morphlings pop out of them
This time, however? These babies don't feel any connection to their host, because they already have a(n unknowing) queen. Megatron is their carrier, not their incubators. He can sense them, in his spark, as well as instinctually, and he goes off on the prowl to hunt them down. He doesn't really know what he's looking for, at first, not until he finds his first cute little sparkling
Or well. "Cute". Cute to him. If they're anything like actual xenomorph newborns they're kinda long and wiggly and wormlike, but nyeh. We can figure that out later.
Regardless. Megatron finds out the hard way that those eggs weren't sterile, and he's very confused. He knows he didn't have any intimate relations whe the eggs were forming, so what gives? And also, how the HELL is he going to manage his morphlings? What if the Senate tries to take them away? What if he can't feed them all? What if- what if-
Anyway. I'm gonna call it here because holy shit this got long. Let this be the beginning of Megatron’s first Hive 😌 their existence has just opened an entirely new chapter for all the cybermorphs and literally no one knows what's going on
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train-fans-anonymous · 10 months
Ah yes, unreliable tumblr notification. An old friend (tumblr didn't give me the notification that you answered my ask -_-) but anyway, I've got some answers, same color format btw
"do you think they might even gain some followers FROM their empurata?"Its definitely a possibility, it's not common but that is something that can and has likely has happened.
"Do you think there’s be essentially a body/hardware trade"
In short, yes. It's not uncommon for mechs to acquire replacement pieces and trade them off with other mecha that can't get them for whatever reason or another. In the pits the trade is a heavy thing, they take usable parts from dead/or comatose mechs and give them to the most profitable fighters. You mentioned possibly selling emotions, and that is a possibility. It's a very hard thing to do and most mechs would rather offline than remove their emotions. However it is a possibility to copy the code used in a processor for emotional functions, it is again a very hard thing to do and is not considered a moraly ethical practice.
"Do you think if a bot were to be born nearer to like the helex they’d develop differently or have different knowledge than someone from protohex?"
Location does almost nothing in regards to what knowledge a new spark inherents from the planet. You could be born in Kaon or be born in the pits, and you will likely get practically the same knowledge. Environment for their early years are what effects the knowledge and potential powers they get.
"what about Cybertron’s moons? Do certain areas of Cybertron have a higher yield for outlier sparks?"
I don't know much about its moons, but in the case that a new spark is born on one they still gain the basic knowledge. They have much less of a chance of being an outlier, and tend to have to learn most things by themselves or later in life.In regards outliers, it is somewhat random but not quite. The way one can become an outlier is with often and close contact with the Well of the all sparks.
In cultures that value outliers and their powers they may take up camp or even permanently move closer to the Well of the all sparks. There are nomadic groups that move back and forth from the well when the season of birth comes around. The cultural significance relates to the stronger religion and relationship with Primus, and high class mechs tend to live as far away from the well if they are raising a new spark that they want to keep "un-tarnished".
More notes on that, high class mechs that wish to raise a new spark that is not cold constructed tend to have a lower class mech be sent to pick bitlet that fits whatever requirements they had set. (Cold construction is a frowned upon thing for upper class mechs)
Let me know if doing this in ask form isn't the best option, not sure what would work for this kind of thing.
Anyway, ya thats that! Glad you like my world building so much <3333
It’s time. CAST INBOX ANSWER SPELL!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️💥💥
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“However it is a possibility to copy the code used in a processor for emotional functions, it is again a very hard thing to do and is not considered a moraly ethical practice.”
With the idea of selling coding do you think it can form or influence someone’s decision making and or thoughts? That when you implant someone else’s code it might spawn new branching code? For example say you’re missing happiness in life and you’d decide to buy some else’s code? Can their code contain preferences that you did not have and change some of your thoughts?
“In the pits the trade is a heavy thing, they take usable parts from dead/or comatose mechs and give them to the most profitable fighters”
How many parts of gladiators do you think are their original parts, more specifically how many parts of Megs do you think are from his original frame? (I mean in Prime it’s shown that Megs has no problem casually swapping his arm with that of a dead prime xdd)
“Environment for their early years are what effects the knowledge and potential powers they get.”
Interesting to see that they’re all born (created?) with the same knowledge as it further dissolves the lines between high and low class mechs. The only difference the two have is the environment they grow up in with the nobles having opportunities to pursue a career vs lower class mechs having to learn to survive.
Outlier and other lore:
cold constructed mechs being frowned upon sadge :( religion seems to be a sorta big thing here, is it frowned upon because they aren’t made from primus? (playing god by creating life)
How do they determine what bitlets fit their ideals? (How do they tell what qualities a bitlet has?)
The idea of innocence or purity being “tarnished” what actions might constitute as “unholy”?
In some cultures outliers are considered valuable.. are their some abilities considered higher than others? What is like for mechs who live in areas where outliers are less welcomed?
What causes the (distance from) the well of all sparks to impact outliers and powers?
Thank you for sending me so many answers and indulging the brain worms. I have a fun time looking thru and reading these ALSO asks r fine dw!!!
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saltysaltdog · 2 years
I think people who make humansona megatron (aligned/tfp) a man who conforms to nearly every gender norm are missing a LOT of context.
People like Megatron, but everyone outside of Gladiator Kaon finds him really unsettling. Like, Orion can be harsh and call everyone working with Megatron mechs who'll die in the gutter, but Megatron can't even say "my friend" without everyone thinking he's super suspicious and probably going to kill someone.
And while you can say "caste tension" and drop it, I think you can add more nuance by making Meg "caste-abberant," defining him as outside the norms physically within functionalism.
—For example: you may have noticed the mining vehicons are slightly smaller than the eradicons/ fighting vehicons. You can see this in background shots, with them being half Megatron's height, or in the scene where wheeljack startles mining bots while running from predaking– but that the eradicons are slightly taller than him/ taller than Starscream.(Some of this is hidden by weird framing tricks but the mining vehicons have more visors than the fighting ones though they both have weapons.)
So mining bots have a certain image. Small. But Megatron is very much not that. Whatever reason you want to make up for it (size gain like a lobster upon aging, just build different, etc) he is huge.
This in and of itself isn't what makes people uncomfortable. Optimus is tall but adored. Ultra Magnus, omega supreme, tall but trusted. It's not a height thing. It's a caste thing, specifically someone who doesn't fit neatly into a box.
Like, Have you ever seen a dude driven nuts bc a girl is taller than him? As if he thinks being a man is a title given to the "manliest" people around and if you aren't your man card gets revoked. And then to protect his "manhood" he starts trying to muscle in and prove himself but just makes himself look pathetic and insecure?
It's like that for Megatron.
People get that way for guys too. Where men act like someone having feminine traits or hobbies, as a man, attacks manhood itself and is trying to bring everyone down. Making men "look bad" or weak.
Or its attacking the notion of heterosexuality by having "womanly" features they find attractive. Thus they think the guy with features they like is actively trying to "turn them gay" and start lashing out in defense to that imaginary attack, while the guy is actually just living his life. And of course the reverse where a lady with "manly" features is doing the same as above.
There's so many examples of this discomfort with gender ambiguity/difference that trans ppl or people who's appearances don't fit euro-centric beauty ideals have catalogued that I won't go on with them.
I think the innate discomfort bots have with Megatron in exodus comes from something like this, or at least Orion's discomfort with him, since orion also instantly mistrusted Ransack for 0 reason on Velocitron in Exiles, probably because he was a three wheeled racer, where Override was a car. (Though it may also be a manners thing for that one. Since OP is a huge snob in those books.)
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spark-gem · 2 years
TFP Shockwave x scientist Mech reader scenario?
The reader is one of the best scientists on Cybertron, haveing knowledge of basic first aid. He met Megs in the Pits of Kaon. When the war broke out he sided with Megs, and put him in charge of trying to start Project predacon without Shockwave.
This leads to many sleepless nights and one experiment after the other all in failure.
(Megatron doesn't mind cuz of course the reader is making better progress in the lab then Starscream in anything-)
But when Shockwave is on board he sees all this progress, just overall impressed that the reader made it this far with only a hand full of old notes of his lol.
Thay start working together and thay just fall for eachother (Predaking totally ships it-!)
Im so sorry this is so long-
I just really excited cuz i found someone who writes for transformers! And im just gay for tall handsome robots lol
You can choose to ignore this if you wish, tho i would love to be your 🇨🇱 Anon.
The emoji got lost from mobile to desktop translation but yes! You can be my Chile anon.
Sorry if this is short though ^ ^;
TFP Shockwave x Scientist!Mech reader
Shockwave read through the notes of his lab partner, continuously impressed by the intelligence of their efforts.
The datapad was encoded with Shockwave's notes but scribbled in the margins was S/o's writing on random anecdotes regarding Project Predacon.
The scientist stopped in his reading when he felt a presence come up from behind. Casually holding onto Shockwave's arm, and lowering the datapad so S/O could read their own notes. They make a disgusted noise at the writing before taking note of an anecdote.
"What if we try combining this with the data from the previous experiment? See what data we could yield in making a more effective Predacon."
Shockwave stared down at the bot.
A being after his own spark.
"I have come to the same conclusion." He gestures for them to return to their lab.
"Let us begin."
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