#melissa barrera x abigail
ikvgai · 5 months
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maycanady · 2 months
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It’s getting awfully close to dinnertime.
ABIGAIL (2024) dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett
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A Beacon in the Dark |2|
Pairing: Joey x Reader
Summary: Joey likes helping people, it's what she's best at. Hunting down the monsters of myth and legend might be the best way to save people.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3.7k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Ana made Caleb breakfast as usual, she helped him make sure all his stuff was in his backpack like usual, and she walked him to school like usual. She tried to keep everything as normal as possible, when she got back home the other night her note was still on the counter and Caleb hadn’t mentioned anything yet, so she assumed he didn’t wake up in the middle of the night. The only thing Ana did differently was she couldn’t help her eyes darting around constantly, looking for you or any more surprises, she also had her gun tucked in her pants, covered up by her shirt. She was supposed to be done with the type of life they would involve her carrying around a gun, especially when she was with her son, she couldn’t believe she was considering your job offer.
Ana couldn’t deny that she was curious. She was struggling to find a job, ideally, she wanted something in the medical field she knew that wasn’t going to happen though. The only way she’d be able to continue helping people that way would be to keep being an underground doctor, but that very thing was what led her to getting captured and almost killed by a vampire. She wouldn’t be able to continue to make enough to live off of if she only helped specific people or didn’t do big injuries where she could potentially kill the patient. She was clean and she had no intention of slipping, but she didn’t want to give herself the opportunity to fuck things up again.
“I have a job interview today,” Ana said as the school got within eyesight.
“Cool,” Caleb mumbled.
“I’m not sure how long it’ll take but I should be done in time to get you from school.”
Caleb just nodded. Ana held in a sigh; she didn’t need Caleb to be excited for her, but he was acting like he didn’t expect much from it. She couldn’t really blame him; he’d seen her spend every day applying and getting rejected by jobs. When Ana did get an interview, she always came home already knowing she wouldn’t be called back.
“See you later,” he mumbled before running off and catching up with his friends.
Ana opened her mouth ‘I love you’ on the tip of her tongue but she didn’t bother finishing this time, she knew Caleb wouldn’t hear it anyway. She stood at the entrance until the bell rang, signaling all the kids that it was time to get to class. She waited there until all the students had filed inside and she finally lost sight of the top of Caleb’s head. Just as she turned around to walk away you pulled up in a Jeep.
Ana rolled her eyes, when you said you’d pick her up after she dropped her son off, she didn’t realize how literal you meant it. You had clearly been watching her, you knew where her son went to school and what time it started, your timing for pulling up was perfect, too perfect. She glared at you when you rolled down the window, smirking at her, your eyes were once again hidden behind sunglasses, but she knew your eyes were on her.
Ana flung open the door and jumped in the passenger seat. “If you try anything, or if this is a trick in anyway,” Ana turned in her seat, glaring into your eyes despite the sunglasses. “I will shoot you.”
“And a good morning to you,” you said, not losing your smirk as you turned to face the road again. You checked your mirrors before pulling out and began driving to wherever you were taking Ana.
“I’m serious,” Ana continued to glare at the side of your head.
“I brought you a coffee,” you looked down at the coffee in the cup holder. “I got it black; you didn’t seem like the type to want a bunch of sugar and crap in it.”
“Do you think I’m joking?”
You let out a small chuckle, but quickly covered it by turning it into a smile. Ana wasn’t sure if you were just that arrogant or what, she was tempted to shoot you just to prove to you she would. “I assure you; I am well aware you’re not joking.”
“So, do you just have a death wish then?”
You let out a humorless chuckle. Ana made a note of that, she had been joking, half joking, but it almost seemed like you did have a death wish. “You’re not going to kill me,” you said confidently. “You’re incredibly capable of that.” Ana raised an eyebrow. “But you won’t kill me, not if you don’t actually have too.”
“Where are we going?” Ana asked, rolling her eyes.
“Out of the city,” you said simply. Ana’s eyes widened; she told Caleb she would be back in time to pick him up. “Don’t worry, you’ll be back before your kid gets out of school.”
Ana snapped her gaze to you, narrowing her eyes. “How’d you know I was worried about that?” There was something about you, something Ana couldn’t quite pin, she knew you weren’t a vampire, there was nothing to indicate you were something more than human, but Ana had a feeling. You knew so much about her, what happened during her last job, about vampires, about her son, and just now, you knew what she was worried about. It wouldn’t be a completely crazy leap to think you could read minds.
“I’m not a mind reader.” That certainly did nothing to disprove Ana’s theory. “You love your son,” you shrugged. “It’s clear you’re trying to makeup to him, you don’t want to let him down.”
Ana continued to stare at you, you nailed it, she didn’t like it when others could read her just as well as she could read them. You continued on driving though, never once glancing at her. She wondered what made you tick, if you were always this calm or if it was only for her. You read her so well the night before, despite having a gun pointed at you, you knew she wouldn’t shoot you. It was the same as today, you knew Ana had a gun on her, you had to have, yet you were relaxed and driving as if the two of you were on a road trip out of the city.
The trip continued until the two of you were well out of the city, driving down a two-lane road lined with trees on both sides. It was a gorgeous drive; however, it was also out in the middle of nowhere. Ana didn’t know who you were, where you were taking her, or who you were taking her to, the only thing she knew was that you wanted her for a job, but even with that you had been vague on. The woods were thick enough that if you took Ana out there, she could be lost forever, no one would know what happened to her.
You turned on your blinker, turning down another paved road. Ana furrowed her brow until, finally, you passed a mansion, it had a long driveway, completely fenced in, and the large house sat all the way back, well away from the road. After a few more minutes, you passed by another mansion, with a similar layout. The mansions in the middle of nowhere reminded Ana of the one Abigail lived in, the place her last job took place, where everything happened, but these mansions didn’t look run down and abandoned.
You kept driving down the road, passing mansion after mansion on each side every few minutes. Ana couldn’t imagine living in a place like this, giant houses, with who knew how many rooms, several minutes apart from the next house. There was complete and total privacy, one could hardly consider them as neighbors with how far apart they were.
You finally turned down the driveway of one of the mansions. After slowly coming to a stop in front of the large metal gate, the gate was all stone and metal, the tips of the fence pointed so that if anyone were to climb it, they’d most definitely injure themselves. You rolled down your window, staring at the little box without saying a word. A second later there was a loud grinding sound and the gate slowly slid open. You rolled your widow back up and continued driving forward, the gate closing almost instantly after you crossed the threshold.
Ana shoved her hands in her pocket, fiddling around with the candy she had shoved in there. She debated for half a second before grabbing a piece of candy, quickly unwrapping it, and shoved it in her mouth. She caught you glancing at her out of the side of your eye, but you didn’t say anything. Ana straightened her back and continued to stare out the windshield as you continued to drive up the long driveway. Her mouth fell open, nearly losing her candy in the process, as the mansion fully came into view. The house was newer than the one Abigail had, but much bigger. Ana couldn’t imagine living in a house so big, she could imagine having to decorate that many rooms.
You pulled the car around, coming to a gentle stop right in front of the front steps. Ana glanced at her watch; it had taken nearly an hour to get wherever you had taken her. “We’re here,” you said, smiling at Ana before jumping out of the car.
You ran around the car, pulling the door open the rest of the way after Ana opened it. You held out your hand to help her out. She rolled her eyes, stepping out of the car and walking right past your outstretched hand. Ana ignored the small sigh you let out, choosing to continue walking up the steps and waiting for you at the front door. You quickly closed the car door and ran after her, smiling at her as you stood in front of her again. She raised an unamused eyebrow at you.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re just delightful when being interviewed?” you asked, smirking.
“I’m here for your boss,” Ana said, giving you a tight-lipped smile. “I don’t have to be anything to you.”
You let out a small hum and then put your hand on the door handle, giving Ana a mischievous smile before allowing the door to swing open. You made a dramatic gesture with your arm, allowing Ana to enter first. Ana walked through the door, turning in a circle as she took in the high ceilings and the various art and weapons hanging on the walls. Ana jumped, whipping around when she heard the large wood door slam shut. She eyed you as you walked away from the door, she hadn’t forgotten that the last time she was in a mansion, she got locked in and nearly died.
“This way,” you said, nodding your head for Ana to follow.
Ana followed you through a room, then down a long hallway. The mansion was massive, it had items in every room and on every wall, it almost didn’t look lived in though. Everything was clean and perfect but as they passed a sitting room Ana couldn’t imagine someone had ever sat on the couch or any of the chairs in the room, though there were shelves lined with old books, their spines worn from age or years of being read.
You came to a stop outside another rather large wood door. You gave a small knock, but you didn’t wait for whoever was on the other side to acknowledge it before opening the door. You held the door open, allowing Ana to step in first once again. Her eyes widened as she took in the room, unlike the rest of the house, at least from what she had seen, this room had a blonde woman sitting at a desk with five computer monitors in front of her, the wall behind her was plastered with various images, sketches, and newspaper clippings of monsters or reports of strange happenings, from all over the world. Off to the right was a peg board on wheels, with the same thing, news paper clippings, online articles and social medias posts printed out and pegged on, though unlike the wall, the board seemed to be all about the same event, in the same place.
The blonde woman stood up, stepping out from around the desk. Ana looked her up and down, she was wearing some jeans and a simple jacket. If Ana had seen the woman walking down the street, she would never have imagined she lived in a mansion and had the type of money she must have.
“Ana Lucia Cruz,” the woman said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she held out her hand. “My name is Grace.”
“Nice to meet you,” Ana said, giving Ana’s hand a shake. So far, she liked Grace better than you, so she was considering the meeting a success for the moment. “And I would prefer Joey, if you don’t mind.” Grace tilted her head at the request. “For privacy reasons.”
“Of course, Joey,” Grace nodded, giving her a kind smile. “Please, join me,” she gestured to the other side of the room, leading Joey to a set of chairs next to a small table.
“Thank you,” Joey took one of the seats while Grace took the other. You moved to stand behind Grace on her left, as if you were her own person bodyguard. “I have to say,” Joey said, shaking her head as Grace offered her a cup of tea. “You have much better manners than your,” she flicked her gaze up at you, “associate.” Your only response was a smirk.
“What did you do?” Grace turned to you, exasperated.
Joey silently chuckled at the way your face fell. “You asked me to recruit her,” you said, pointing at Joey as you tried to defend yourself.
“Outside my son’s school,” Joey added. “Right after I dropped him off.”
Grace shook her head in disappointment. “How else was I supposed to do it!” you gestured widely with your hands. “This is the first person I’ve ever tried to bring in.”
“No, one else does this?” Joey asked. She figured there weren’t many people in this line of work, but she didn’t expect you and your boss to be the only ones. “Well, don’t I feel special,” she mumbled.
“You are special,” Grace said, leaning forward. “You survived something horrific, something unnatural.” Joey looked up, meeting Grace’s eyes, she saw determination, but she also saw compassion staring back at her. “Not many have the capabilities to survive something like that, it takes a particular kind of person to see a darkness like that and not runaway.” Grace leaned back in her chair. “That’s exactly the kind of person we’re looking for to join our cause.”
“Your cause?” Joey raised an eyebrow. “Y/N told me you experienced something similar to me.”
Grace tensed up, glancing at you out of the side of her eye, making you cast your eyes down to the floor like a scolded child. “I have, it’s why I do what I do. I don’t want anyone to suffer what I-what we have.”
“And you, what, just have so much money you don’t know what to do with,” Joey shrugged. “So, you might as well pay people to go fight the supernatural?”
“I mean it is the one thing that Le Domas fortune is good for,” you mumbled.
Joey’s eyes snapped to you the same time as Grace’s but for vastly different reasons. Your eyes widened as if you just realized you said that out loud. “Le Domas?” Joey whispered. “I recognize that name.” She rifled through her memory; she didn’t know the Le Domas family, but she knew she had heard of them. Her eyes widened when she realized why.
Joey shot out of her seat so fast, reaching behind her to grab the gun in her pants as soon as she was on her feet. “Don’t,” you said. Joey froze, slowly lifting her eyes to see you standing in front of Grace, in the line of fire.
Joey slowly took her hand off her gun and raised it, showing you her hands were empty. Joey wasn’t one to scare easily but the way your voice changed, the look in your eyes, Joey had missed judged you. You had been friendly with every interaction, to the point it was irritating. However, seeing you stand in front of her now, she saw it, the look in your eye, you would not hesitate to kill her if it meant protecting Grace.
“Guess you really are her guard dog,��� Joey mumbled. She didn’t take her eyes off of you, she noticed the way yours darkened at her comment.
“It’s okay,” Grace said. She stood up, resting a hand on your shoulder to ease you back. It took a second, but you slowly relaxed and moved to stand behind Grace again.
“Whatever you think you know,” Grace said softly. “I promise you, it’s not even close to the truth.”
“Everyone knows the story of the Le Domas family,” Joey said, trying to relax again. She didn’t want you to see how on edge she was. She thought her guard was up before getting in the car with you, that was nowhere near to how on alert she was now. “A very rich, very prominent family, all dead, their bodies in pieces, and it all happened on their youngest son’s wedding night. They couldn’t prove she had done it, though everyone suspected, considering she came from nothing, and they were rich beyond imagination.”
Grace rested her chin on her hand as she nodded at Joey’s words. “They made a deal with a demon,” Grace finally whispered. “I thought I was marrying the love of my life and getting the family I always dreamed of,” she gave a sad smile, letting out a humorless chuckle. “Then they tried to kill me.” She looked back up at Joey again.
Joey slowly sat back down; she saw you take a step back, looking back down at the floor again. “It was a thing of theirs,” Grace continued. “If you married into the family you had to play a game, if you picked Hide and Seek then you hid, while they hunted you down,” she was staring off into the distance, seeming to be talking to herself more than anything. “If they didn’t kill you before sunrise then the whole family was going to die, that was the deal they made with Mr. Le Bail, he was the reason they had their fortune to begin with and in returned he required a sacrifice.”
“And you were…” Joey started but she wasn’t sure how to finish her sentence.
Grace nodded. “I married Alex, then that night he and his entire family tried to kill me,” she gave Joey a sad smile again. “Clearly, I survived,” she looked down at herself. “Mr. Le Bail allowed me to live and though their investigation was thorough, there was no evidence I had killed the entire family, so, since I was technically the last living relative after my marriage, I got everything,” she shrugged.
Joey nodded; she thought her night trying to survive a ballerina vampire had been bad. She couldn’t imagine thinking you were marrying the love of your life only for him to try sacrificing you to a demon his family made a deal with. “And now you use their fortune to help others.”
Grace nodded. “I try, figured the money should go to doing some good.” She cleared her throat, blinking away the tears that had seemed to begun to fill her eyes. “I also use it for payment, it’s how I pay Y/N for jobs, it’s how I could pay you. I assure you, the job may be dangerous, it may be shady at times, but the money is legit.”
Joey nodded, taking all the information in. That was one of the things she was worried about. It didn’t matter how much she could be making from a job, she still had to go through a process to make sure it wasn’t traceable and that it looked legit. Grace’s money was legit, she could pay Joey no problem and Joey could just have it go into the bank, no questions asked.
“And what about you?” Joey asked, looking at you. “What’s your story?” she tilted her head, waiting to see what kind of answer you gave this time.
Even from a distance Joey could see the way your body tensed up at her question, but you looked up, meeting her gaze. “Werewolves,” you said simply.
That piqued Joey’s interest, but it was clear you weren’t going to elaborate anymore. “Look,” she sighed, slumping back in her chair. “I admire what you want to do but I-”
“One job,” Grace said, leaning forward in her own chair. “We can call it a trial run,” she smiled. “On both sides, we can see how you do, and you can see exactly what we do, you can see if this,” she gestured around the room. “Is something you want to be a part of.”
Joey opened her mouth ready to reject the offer, even though she was tempted. “You’ll still get paid of course,” Grace said quickly. “Just one job, just see what we’re all about.”
Joey stared at Grace for a second, she could see the woman hardened by the trauma she experienced but she also saw compassion, someone who wanted to help others despite everything she had been through. Joey flicked her gaze to you, she didn’t know how you came to be with Grace but your loyalty to your boss was clear, she also saw underneath all the jokes and banter was someone incredibly guarded and trying to atone for something in their past, though Joey couldn’t image what for.
“Okay,” Joey said, looking back at Grace. “One job.” Grace smiled at that, which Joey couldn’t help but return. Joey had been curious ever since you approached her, she wasn’t sure she fully knew what she was getting into just yet though.
Taglist: @thinking1bee
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hexdesire · 4 months
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thinking about riding joey’s face, looking down to see that dark, hungry gaze. the way she seems so drunk on your pussy, hungrily eating it like she’s been starved. the little groan or grunt she’d let out every time you’d tug at her hair, or rut your hips into her face. n she’s so fuckin’ sloppy with it, so greedy.. not caring how messy her face is getting, or how how tired her tongue is. asking, sometimes demanding you give her more.. often even after you’ve orgasmed already.
“don’t stop.”
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cloveroctobers · 5 months
JOEY/ANA LUCIA CRUZ — Spring Writings 🩵
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A/N: because I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t get inspired by a horror film. This isn’t anything big since I’m “supposed” to be on a writing break but I’ve been in the mood for something domestic lately so here you go 🙂‍↔️
PROMPT is from HERE & I’m using: 2.       “Why did I let you remodel the bathroom?”
.☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹ .☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹ .☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹ .☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚
Joey’s in a mood.
When she wakes up, she’s already aware of the type of time she was on. The room feels like it’s spinning even when she’s laying in bed, the light from her phone to check the time only makes her head feel heavier, and when she pushes herself up into a sitting position in bed she feels as if she’s going to tipple right over onto the floor.
She figures she’s been coming down with something these past few days but did all the proper care the minute she felt unwell. She was a medic, she knows what to do and what her body should feel like. She also didn’t want her sickness to interfere with any time she got to spend with her son. It was baby steps bonding with her son and not to mention her hard-ass of a mother but Joey made a promise to herself to put in the work.
Giving herself time, she’s out of bed and making her way down the hallway which feels like one of those walkthroughs with the strobe lights at the museum. Now that she’s on her feet, she feels as if her body is about to cave in from rattling against the cold. Her shoulders are turned inwards as she uses the wall for leverage to make it to the bathroom. Joey doesn’t bother to feel for the light and just wants to find the toilet, which isn’t far from the entrance, but she doesn’t see the pair of feet stretched out that sends her flying through the bathroom towards where the shower wall should be, that her hands have to reach out for support as she slams to the floor.
She’s hissing at the pain that radiates from her hip and down her femur. Through half lidded eyes she glances around, fingers pressed into her forehead in aggravation as well as discomfort. “Y/n?! Are you fucking serious? Why are you on the floor in the dark?!”
You’re sitting up now, “I see better in the dark remember? That fall looked like it hurt, you good?”
Joey scoffs, “no! I’m not good, I just busted my ass because of what?”
She listens carefully as you clink a wrench against the side of the toilet and her blood feels like it’s simmering as she recalls the reason for your actions, “…Why did I let you remodel the bathroom?”
“To save us money, duh.” You respond as you get up to head over to the brunette.
You hold out your hand, waiting for Joey to find your hand in the dark so you can pull her up. It’s much quicker than anticipated but you help her to her feet anyway. Now she’s moving around you to flick the dim lighting of the room on and gets a good look of the small space. The tub was no longer a tub—being broken down and leaving a mess all along the floor, there were multiple paint swatches on the wall, the mirror above the sink was still in tact along with the toilet.
Joey blinks, “aren’t vampires supposed to be wealthy? Why not have someone else do it for you?”
You cackle, which always sounds like windchimes.
“My carpenter of a father didn’t leave shit behind for us and always expected us to work for our own…just imagine how disappointed he was to hear that his eldest daughter wanted to be a cellist for a living—which was somewhat satisfactory centuries ago. Then my mother? A complete gambler? it would be a miracle for us siblings to even see a hundred dollars. I have the skill so I can do it and you’ll thank me later once my craft leaves you stunned.” You bounced on your toes with a grin while Joey just shook her head.
She never thought after what happened at the manor that she would ever interact with vampires again. Foolish woman. Yet you came along months later when Joey was trying to get her life together and all of a sudden she had a new roommate. Who happened to be a damn vampire! You tricked her and although her guard should have been up, you swore you didn’t want to drink her dry—stating that you weren’t a fan of AB negative blood—you still threw that threat around that you would although it happened to be a empty threat.
Joey was still aware of the strength that you had. And living with a vampire wasn’t so bad until now, with you renovating and her forgetting the crime scene you committed days ago in this same bathroom. You liked to keep the hunts outside of the apartment since the clean up took up quite a lot of time and the stench stained your nails that you had to stop seeing your manicurist and do it yourself! To put it simply, matters went left that night all because of your fling Klaus and Joey came home a lot sooner than expected! You’ve noticed that Joey’s been under the weather a lot lately, being in a brain fog that she seemed to be forgetting things, cold, and sleeping a lot more.
She didn’t relapse, which was great considering everything she told you one late night when she couldn’t sleep. The pack of lollipops were commonly on the list to pick up but as long as she kept up with her meetings and dentist appointments then there shouldn’t be anything to worry about, right?
I know you didn’t believe that.
“Every time you say that, that always equals another outcome,” Joey’s gripping the sides of the sink now and exhales.
You twist your body back and forth as you innocently say, “not sure what you mean buttercup—
“Ugh, shut up! Don’t do the pet names, it makes me nauseous.”
You lightly ask, “Are you pregnant?”
“What the hell did you just say?” Joey is baffled as her head whips to where you stand.
“Just a thought.” You lift your shoulders, “i thought you hit it off with…shit I’m so bad with names.”
“The guy that you forgot to mention was a fucking mutant? I don’t even know what’s worse a mutant or a vampire?!” Joey growled before taking a deep breath after glancing at you pouting at her, “You don’t need to worry about my love life, what you need to worry about is us having a functioning bathroom!”
You point the wrench in the direction of the said item, “the toilet and sink still work. I didn’t mess with the pipes yet! And as your roommate and best friend you’ve ever had or only had—it’s my job to make sure you’re spicing things up.”
Joey lifts a brow, “you think I need a man of a mutant to do that?”
“…if that’s what you prefer, unless you state otherwise…” you place your hand on your hip in anticipation.
Joey huffs, “I’m not doing this with you this morning—
“It’s one pm.” You inform but pull your lips together as Joey glares at you with her dark downturned eyes.
“Could you leave the bathroom so I can actually use it?” Joey manages to get out, feeling a chill and a turn of her stomach wash over her body.
You nod, “sure! Do you think it’s roughly going to be a five minute sesh or forty five because I can get started on dinner or brunch?”
Joey picks at the back of your shirt, actually lifting you off your feet to walk you out of the bathroom, tossing you a bit into the adjacent hallway wall, before slamming the door behind you.
“That wasn’t pleasant,” you sharply exhale as you fix your shirt and make your way down the hallway.
You pass by the kitchen, through the living room to your bedroom which you leave the door open just a crack as you plop down onto your bed belly first. Reaching for the copper rotary, your fingers rotate against the numbers before the ringing begins in your ear.
“Hammy! How are ya? Are we still on for dinner tonight? My friend is getting worse and could really use your help.” You keep your voice leveled just in cause those senses kicked in too.
No matter what Joey thought, you were friends and you only wanted what was best for her.
This life was just not that, in your opinion.
You had to prepare for the worst before she was even aware of what this all was. However tonight with the visit of Abraham, would open her eyes some more unfortunately.
.☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹ .☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹ .☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹ .☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚
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killyspinacoladas · 4 months
Anyone else losing it over the difference in their hand sizes or is it just me?
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baby-alien11 · 5 months
Blurb: Abigail Premiere (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
taglist (open): @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
A/N: this was inspired by the video of some of the Scream cast going to see Abigail and support Melissa, hope you like it
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Ever since Melissa unjustified firing from the Scream franchise for speaking against the genocide in Gaza, your support and love for your half fictional sister increased even more, along side her new projects, specially Abigail since she talked with you about the movie a lot (without spoilers), and when the trailer dropped your excitement for the movie was bigger
When the premiere day of Abigail arrived, some people of the cast including your dad, Matthew, Mason, Tony, Dylan, Liana, Jack and you, and since you love to coordinate your outfits with the ocassion, you chose to wear a long sleeved dress, along with black high heels, your Baby Vamp ring, a black clutch, your hair straightened, a glittery smokey eye make up and red lip gloss
Arriving at the event, none of you wanted to take the attention from the main cast, all of you went direct to the teather, and grab something to eat and drink during the movie
"I can't wait to see the movie", you smiled grabbing your popcorn and drinks, "And I really hope it makes more money than any Spyglass movie"
"Specially Scream 7", Jack mentioned
"Specially that, and I can't believe they offered me to be head of the VFX make up, like, the audacity"
"They were fools thinking you were going to accept it"
"Besides it ended good with the last one, except for the part where you die"
"So you don't care that Ethan would go around killing everyone?", Jack joked knowing your answer
"Absolutely no, Ethan defender for life, it's a Ghostface loyalty, the Ghostface princess needs her Ghostface prince"
"Kids, come on!", Matthew exclaimed from the entrance of the cinema, "We don't want to sit apart from each other"
"We're coming!", you exclaimed back, "I'm bitting my tongue just because I don't want him to block me again on insta"
"It would be like the third time"
"Yeah, and I don't want that"
Entering the cinema both of you spotted the Scream family group sitting with them in the two seats they guarded, and also Skeet with your purse who took it while you were getting the snacks; when the cast went on stage to say a few words about the movie, you filmed the entire thing and cheered the most when Melissa spoke
And at the end, it become one of your favorite scary movies and also gave it five stars in letterboxd
"I'm so fucking proud of you", you said to Melissa after the movie while hugging her, "And I love the movie, like every other project you've been"
"Having your support means a lot to me", Melissa responded, "And I can't believe you watched the entire Club de Cuervos and in spanish with english subtitles"
"I mean, you are in there, and it helped me with my spanish"
"Tell me a phrase you learned"
"Me vale madres", you said with a bit broken spanish
"Okay, let's go to meet Alisha"
"Yes, Matilda's crossover", you exclaimed since you played that character in one of your school plays and she played it in the musical adaptation
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spicywreck · 3 months
Folie à Deux - Ch. 2
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Pairing: Frank/Joey; Adam Barrett/Ana Lucia Cruz Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Gore, Ableist Language, Sexism, Frank Being an Asshole, Past Domestic Assault, Obsessive Behavior Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Soulmates (Natural Bonds is the name I gave this fun little plot device), Sexual/Romantic Tension, Dark Comedy, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Lovers, Joey Being a Badass
The monster stands above him, with her sharp razor teeth and pointy claws, and all the fuck the alpha can think is, And I never even got to kiss her.
Chapter 2: Those Dumb Sorry Fucks In The B-Horror Movie Chapter 1: Adam and Lucia; & Their Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
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f4riedimples · 9 months
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caitlynskitten · 2 months
Joey sharing her candy with Sammy and Abigail? They’re the only two people in the universe that she shares with and they are both very cocky about that fact
Awww the three girlies just licking lollipops together 🥺 The first time Sammy and Abigail asked for her candy she’s like “are you sure? They’re not even that good.” But the girls insist. And so they lick and suck on their lollipops with their mommy ♥️
Joey would leave the room and Sammy and Abigail would spit out the lollipop.
Abigail: She wasn’t kidding what the hell is this?
Sammy: LANGUAGE! Young lady! You might be older than us but I will not have you be so foul mouthed around us!
Sammy: Seriously what the fuck is this lollipop though.
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domripley · 8 days
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jocia92 · 4 months
Melissa Barrera and Dan Stevens behind the scenes of 'Abigail' 2024
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A Beacon in the Dark |1|
Pairing: Joey x Reader
Summary: Joey likes helping people, it's what she's best at. Hunting down the monsters of myth and legend might be the best way to save people.
Warnings: Slight spoilers from the movie
Word Count: 3.8k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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“Let’s go!” Ana yelled from the kitchen. “You’re going to be late!”
“Coming!” Caleb called out. Not a second later he came stumbling out of his bedroom, struggling to get the strap of his backpack on his shoulder.
Ana sighed, quickly helping him straighten out his backpack. She handed him his breakfast burrito before ushering him out the door. They quietly walked down the street towards the middle school. She couldn’t afford the nicest apartment, but she was happy to get one within walking distance of Caleb’s school, especially considering she didn’t own a car.
She finally worked up the courage to say something to Caleb when he suddenly took off running. She looked up to see they had arrived at the school. “I’ll pick you up right here at three!” she called out.
“Okay!” Caleb called out, waving a hand back as he focused on meeting up with his friends.
“I-” she began to yell but her shoulders quickly slumped when she saw Caleb smiling and laughing with his friends, not bothering to look back at her. “Love you,” she whispered to herself.
She let out a shaky breath before digging in her pocket and pulling out a little sucker. Things were getting better, well, she wasn’t trying to survive a vampire trying to kill her, she was just trying to be a mom to her son which was a whole other struggle apparently. As soon as she left the mansion, she cleaned off all the blood and went to her son. Frank might have been an asshole, but he wasn’t wrong with what he said to her. She needed to stop making excuses, stop worrying about being a bad mom, she just needed to show up and be a mother to Caleb.
When she showed up on her ex’s doorstep he only scoffed, leaving the door open as he walked away. Ana hesitantly stepped into the apartment, taking a look around, the trash was full of takeout containers and beer bottles. Her ex wasn’t the best by any means, he drank too much and couldn’t usually hold down a job. It was hard for her to admit but he was still a better parent than she was, at least compared to who she was before. He might not have been an active part of Caleb’s life, but he still managed to be responsible enough to make sure Caleb had clothes to wear, food to eat, and that he got to school.
Well, that was putting it kindly, before Ana left Caleb with his father, she asked the nice lady across the hall to make sure Caleb was okay and to call if anything happened. The woman was sweet to everyone, she actually had her shit together, Ana wasn’t sure how many times she ended up so high she’d be late for getting Caleb from school and the woman would walk him home after picking up her own daughter.
The neighbor didn’t hold judgement in her eyes when Ana dropped Caleb off with his father, there was just disappointment. She’s been through a lot in her life but seeing a stranger look at her with disappointment because she couldn’t take care of her own son was the most painful thing in her life.
“Mom?” Caleb had asked. She had been in the apartment less than a minute and was already turning to face her son.
Ana opened and closed her mouth a few times. “Hi,” she finally settled on. “I-I’m back,” she gave him an awkward smile. Caleb didn’t say anything, he just gave her a sad smile and walked back to his room.
It took everything in Ana to not break right there. “I’m here to take him back,” she said, turning to her ex.
“Now you want him,” her ex scoffed. “Whatever, take him,” he gave a dismissive wave of his arm.
As Ana turned to go down the hall to Caleb’s room her ex spoke again, “I want him every other weekend.”
Ana slowly turned around meeting the stupid smirk of her ex. “Fine,” she said through gritted teeth. She didn’t want him to have anything to do with Caleb anymore, but she didn’t have a right to keep him from his son. As much as she wanted to, she knew if she tried to fight him, he could go the legal route and with her past, there was a chance she’d lose Caleb forever. Her ex might have been even more fucked up than her but on paper he came off a lot better.
Caleb didn’t argue when she asked him if he wanted to come live with her. He didn’t seem overly excited about that idea, but it seemed that he definitely didn’t mind leaving his dads. There was a part of Ana that thought Caleb probably thought he didn’t have a choice, that he was always going to be stuck doing whatever his screwed-up parents wanted. Ana was trying though, she wanted to prove to herself, but mostly to her son, that she could provide for him and offer him a good life, even if she was a little late.
She made sure to thank the neighbor that took care of Caleb before they left, offering to repay her. The lady refused to accept any form of payment and told her to ‘not fuck things up this time’ and Ana assured her that she wouldn’t. It also hurt the way Caleb ran up and hugged the woman as Ana took him away. Caleb hadn’t hugged her since before she left the first time, he hadn’t said I love you since then either.
It had been a couple of months since the whole incident with Abigail and since reuniting with her son. She had an apartment, she walked him to and from school every day. It took over a week for Caleb to begin talking to her, to finally ask her for something. It had been a small victory but a victory, nonetheless. Over the weeks they only got more and more comfortable with each other, Caleb seemed sad to go to his fathers every other weekend and would almost lighten up when he got home to Ana’s. He still didn’t fully open up to her, she heard about his classes and sometimes he’d mention his friends, but he didn’t provide her with too many details. She broke his heart and his trust when she left, she didn’t deserve his forgiveness, but she would work tirelessly to get back whatever he’d give.
“Ana Lucia Cruz?” She heard someone ask, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked around, realizing all the kids had gone inside but she was still outside the school.
She turned around, furrowing her brow when she saw you standing there. She had never seen you before, you didn’t look like you belonged there, your eyes were hidden behind dark sunglasses, and you didn’t seem to be dropping a kid off either. “Who are you?” She asked.
“My names Y/N,” you held out your hand to her.
She kept her hands in her pockets, only sparing your outstretched hand a glance. “How do you know me and what do you want?”
You dropped your hand, tilting your head as you wore a small smirk on your face. “I’m here with a job opportunity.” Ana shook her head giving you an eye roll. “My boss thinks you’d fit in perfectly our…” your smirked deepened. “Particular line of work.”
She scoffed at that. “Not interested,” she brushed right past you, refusing to give you another second of her time.
“The pay’s good!” You called out but she could tell you hadn’t followed her.
She only bothered to give you a wave with the back of her hand. She almost flipped you off, but you weren’t being over barring, so she decided not to be rude. She didn’t care how good the money was, she didn’t care if she was struggling, she knew what you were asking, and she didn’t do that kind of work anymore.
“I’ll be at the diner two blocks over later tonight,” you shouted as she continued to walk away. She shook her head; you were persistent and rather arrogant it seemed. “Just in case you change your mind… Joey.”
Ana stopped dead in her tracks, her entire body froze at the simple code name. That had been her code name on the last job. Everyone who knew her by that name was dead, besides Abigail and her father, Lazar. When Ana turned around you were already gone, not a trace of you insight.
Ana quickly walked home, looking over her shoulder the entire time way, though she never caught sight of you again. The only way you could have known she was given the code name Joey during that job was if you were connected in some way. Abigail did say ‘see you around’ so there was a high probability you worked for her. There was also the chance you worked for her father, Lazar hadn’t exactly wanted to let her go, maybe sending you was a way to keep an eye on her. There was also the smallest chance you worked for Lambert, and you knew about the job before and with everyone else dead you were coming to Ana now.
The only thing Ana was sure of was that you weren’t a vampire. You had approached her outside, in the middle of the day, though you wore sunglasses that wasn’t exactly the most uncommon thing in the world. You also approached her right outside her son's school, right after she had dropped him off, meaning you had been watching her before you decided to approach.
When she got back to her apartment, she instantly plopped herself down on the couch, like she always did now after dropping Caleb off. She opened up her laptop, going straight to her email like she has every day since her last job. The first thing her eyes saw was the little blue dots showing all her unread emails, each email started with ‘we’re sorry’ or ‘unfortunately’ a few even had ‘application has been rejected’. She let out a tired sigh as she began going through all the rejection emails.
She was trying to go straight. No hospital wanted to hire her with her military record. Despite her years of exemplary service, it only took one mistake, one huge mistake. She couldn’t even get a job at the pharmacy in Walgreens or even at a coroner's office. Her only options were seeming to be an at home caretaker, which she’d rather not, she wanted more consistent hours to be able to spend more time with Caleb. That left her with a standard minimum wage job, food service, retail, maybe she’d be lucky, and she could get a job at a 911 call center or something, at least she could be helping people there.
After getting through all the emails she went job hunting again. She spent the hours while Caleb was at school like she did every day, scrolling and clicking for job post after job post, applying for everything she qualified for and all the ones she was overqualified for. She knew they’d come back the same as all the others with a big ‘REJECTED’ at the top of each application. She didn’t technically have a criminal record; she had never actually been caught doing any of her various jobs over the years but stealing drugs from the military was a way to be instantly blacklisted from any legitimate establishment. She was hoping if she applied to enough places, if she wasn’t picky, then someone would take a chance on her, and she could prove herself. She didn’t care what it was, she would start at the bottom and work her way up again if that’s what it took to give Caleb a better life and become the mother that he deserved.
A loud beeping made Ana nearly jump off the couch. She looked around until her eyes finally landed on her phone, where her alarm was going off. “Shit,” she mumbled. She quickly turned off the alarm and ran a hand through her hair before making her way out the door again, it was already time to get Caleb.
She got to Caleb’s school a few minutes before they let out. She set an alarm every day so she wouldn’t forget when she got caught up with something. She got there early in case anything ever delayed her, she never wanted Caleb to walk out of school and think she abandoned him, again.
With where she was waiting, she had the perfect view of the glowing sign for the diner at the corner just two blocks away. It was a restaurant that had been around forever, open 24 hours 7 days a week, it was where you said you’d be waiting. A part of her wondered if you were there now, waiting for her to show up. It annoyed Ana like no other that you said you’d be there that night, as if you expected her to change her mind.
“Mom?” Caleb’s voice came, cutting through Ana’s thoughts.
“Sorry,” Ana said, smiling down at Caleb, who managed to offer her a small smile in return. “Ready?” Caleb only nodded.
The rest of the night went on like all the others, Ana walked Caleb home, she made dinner, and sat next to him as he did his homework. She wanted to be available to help with his homework if needed, though he never asked. After Caleb finished his homework, he went off to his room to play video games and talk to his friends while Ana stayed in the living room. She usually took the rest of the night to apply for a few more jobs.
When she opened up her laptop again, she saw she had already heard back from several of the jobs she applied to earlier, all of them rejections. She slammed her laptop closed a little harder than she meant to, burying her head in her hands as she gripped her hair tightly. She had money stashed away from previous jobs, she opted to save most and get a cheaper apartment, that way she could have it for an emergency or preferably for Caleb to go to college if he wanted, even if that was still around six years away. She picked up the occasional job from her previous line of work, small stuff, such as removing a bullet or stitching up a knife wound. She was trying to go straight, she only accepted simple jobs to continue getting by, but once she found something legit, she would get out of the life fully.
Ana shot up from the couch, quickly walking down the hall to Caleb’s room. She cracked open the door, peeking her head in to see Caleb sprawled out on his bed, half hanging off but completely passed out. She closed the door as quietly as she could, then made her way back to the kitchen. She slid open one of the drawers, reaching in and feeling around the top until she felt the cool metal of her gun. She pulled it out and looked it over before grabbing a clip; after making sure it was full she inserted into the gun and slipped it into her waistband, making sure to hide it with her shirt.
She scribbled a quick note, sticking it on the counter in case Caleb happened to wake up before she got back. She didn’t bother lying, writing that she was simply going to the diner a couple blocks from his school. It was probably a bad idea, she was trying to get out of her previous life, and if you were connected to Abigail or her father in any way, you’d surely be dragging her right back in. It didn’t seem she had any other option though, she needed to at least hear you out and if things went sideways at least she could shoot you.
After a quick walk, Ana pushed open the door of the diner, the little bell at top jingling as she did so. “Welcome in,” one of the girls behind the counter greeted, not looking up as she wrote something on her notepad. “Sit wherever you’d like.”
Ana did a quick scan of the diner; it seemed the only staff was the woman at the counter and the man in the back cooking. The diner wasn’t busy, just a guy at the counter, who seemed to be a trucker based on his hat and the way he was downing a cup of coffee and a few more people scattered, all seeming to be minding their own business, all exhausted from the long day of work. Then there was you, sitting in the far corner of the diner, in a booth, giving you a complete visual of the place and the front door, still wearing your sunglasses.
Ana put on her work face before making her way over to you. The only move you made was to bring the cup of coffee in your hand to your lips. Ana dropped into the booth, sitting across from you. She kept her face neutral as you continued to not say a word, enjoying the long sip of your coffee. “You came,” you said, setting your cup down.
Ana tilted her head, not missing the slight smirk on your face. “I’m leaving,” she said, she could feel the arrogance radiating off you and she wasn’t dealing with that again.
Ana was halfway out of the booth when you spoke again, “Aren’t you curious how I know about you, Joey?”
Ana froze, half in the booth, half out of it, you said that name again. She clenched her jaw before slipping back into her seat. “Who sent you?” she demanded.
“My boss,” you said as if it was obvious. “I told you; they want to offer you a job.”
“Who’s your boss, Lazar?” You only scoffed at that. “Abigail?” Your smirk got bigger. “Lambert?” She raised an eyebrow; she was running out of people who you might work for. You only rolled your eyes at his name. “Then who?”
“Can’t say yet, they prefer their digression, I’m sure you understand.”
“It doesn’t matter anyway,” she rolled her eyes. “I’m done with that life, I’m going straight.”
“How’s that working out for you?” You leaned forward, resting your arms on the table.
Ana only glared at you, she should just walk out of the diner, she didn’t need whatever mess you’d surely bring into her life. “The job I want you for is not what you think,” you said, ending her debate about leaving.
“It’s not something illegal?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. There was no way you knew anything about what happened on her last job without you being involved in similar activities.
You bobbed your head back and forth. “We’re not exactly above board.”
She knew it. Ana nodded and then moved to stand again, she just needed to get out of there as quick as possible. “Wait,” you said, reaching across the table. Your fingers only grazed her arm before she was back in the booth, this time pointing her gun at you from under the table.
“Easy,” you said, slowly taking your hand off her. She knew you had heard the click of the gun. “Let’s not cause a scene.”
“Then let me leave,” Ana said.
“Just hear me out,” you slipped off your sunglasses, raising your hands in surrender.
Ana studied you for a moment, you were calm, much calmer than someone should be, considering she had a gun pointed at you. “You have two minutes.”
“There is another world within our own,” you lost your smirk and had gotten serious. “One full of monsters, which you’ve seen firsthand.” Ana shifted in her seat; her eyes remained unblinking as she watched you. “You survived; you have the skills my boss is looking for to help others.”
You shifted in your seat to lean across the table. Ana’s entire body tensed for a moment, but she leaned closer when you gestured for her to. “There’s a lot more out there than just vampires,” you whispered into her ear.
Ana’s eyes went wide as she moved away from you, leaning back against the seat. “How do you know about that?”
“My boss does their research, this is what they do, they search and scour, listening for unusual reports,” you glanced around as you talked quiet enough for no one to overhear. “Looking for people that get caught up in something they never should have.”
“And you, what, save them?” Ana let out a little scoff. The idea of someone going around and fighting creatures of the supernatural world seemed rather ridiculous.
“We try to, sometimes we’re to late.” Your eyes dropped to the table. “The overall goal is to stop these monsters from continuing to hurt people.”
“So, why me?” Ana gestured with her hand that wasn’t holding the gun, slumping back in the booth.
“Because you survived,” you looked up, emphasizing the last word. “The only ones who understand what we’re up against is the ones who have already survived it.”
“Your boss has been through this?” Ana’s eyes widened.
“Not vampires but she’s certainly been through something similar.”
“And you?”
For the first time since Ana walked into the diner, she saw your entire body tense up. It was only for a second before you leaned back, trying to make yourself look more relaxed. “We all have a history,” is all you said.
“So, what do you want me for?” Ana relaxed her hand that had the gun, she was considering no longer shooting you.
“To offer you a job,” you said again. “It’s not conventional, there might be some slight law breaking,” you gave a little shrug. “But we’ll be doing good, stopping very bad people from hurting innocents. Look, just meet with my boss, she can explain it better.”
Ana tapped her fingers on the table as she took in everything you said. She wasn’t getting a normal job, despite what she would like. What you were offering sounded to good to be true, but she did witness the world you were talking about herself, she knew vampires were out there now. If you were telling the truth, then joining you would allow her to truly help people.
“When would this meeting be?” she asked. Your eyes instantly lit up, leaning forward excitedly as you opened your mouth to answer. “I’m not committing to anything yet,” she held up a finger, giving you a pointed look.
“Of course,” you said. “Tomorrow? I can take you to her after you drop your son off at school, you’ll be back before he gets out.”
Ana let out a long sigh, she still didn’t like the fact that you knew where her son went to school. “Okay.” There was no harm in a meeting after all and if things went sideways, she could still always shoot you.
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freakoutgirl · 6 months
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(P.S. this isn't an invite to argue about who "counts" as a scream queen, just have fun)
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iamnotathornbird · 5 months
"Alisha Weir and the wider cast of the new film 'Abigail' have paid tribute to their co-star Angus Cloud, the Irish American actor who passed away just weeks after filming wrapped.
'Every single cast member was so incredible, and Angus brought so much joy to the set,' Dublin native Weir, 14, told the PA last night, April 17, at the Los Angeles premiere of 'Abigail,' in which she stars.
'Every single day he would make everybody smile and I’m so so honoured and so grateful, not just to have worked with him, but to have known such a beautiful person who is so amazing and beautiful inside and out.
'He shared that with every single person on the cast.'
Cloud, whose father was from Co Meath, died on July 31 at the age of 25. The Alameda County Coroner later said he died of acute intoxication following an accidental overdose.
Full name is Conor Angus Cloud Hickey, the actor previously said that he was preparing to move to Ireland before he was scouted to feature as Fezco in HBO's hit series 'Euphoria.'
In 'Abigail,' Cloud plays a kidnapper, appearing alongside 'Scream' star Melissa Barrera, 'Downton Abbey's' Dan Stevens, 'Big Little Lies' actress Kathryn Newton, and 'X-Men' star Kevin Durand. 
Speaking on the red carpet on Wednesday evening, Stevens described Cloud as 'unique,' adding that he had never met anyone like him. 
'He was like all of our little brothers on set, and we loved him very much, and we miss him very much,' Stevens said. 
Stevens added that 'Abigail,' which was filmed in Ireland, features a tribute to Cloud at the end of the movie. 
'I love that this film has a tribute to him at the end, and he would have loved this; he would’ve laughed his arse off,' Stevens told reporters. 
Durand, meanwhile, said everyone spoke of 'how good they felt' when they talked to Cloud on set. 
'It was just so nice to meet someone who was just so real,' Durand said on Wednesday. 
'He wasn’t concerned with being famous; he wanted to be a good person. We all loved him very much and are all very proud of what he did in this film. I hope he's really happy with is.'
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lovecharged · 1 year
not me fc shipping but i am in need of... (bolded is my preference)
camila morrone x sam claflin
lily collins x sam claflin
riley keough x sam claflin
zendaya x tom holland
mimi keene x asa butterfield
emily blunt x john krasinski
jack wolfe x kit young
odeya rush x fivel stewart
cillian murphy x annabelle wallis
maude apatow x zendaya
jonathan bailey x matt bomer
jonathan bailey x simone ashley
andrew scott x phoebe waller-bridge
will harrison x suki waterhouse
michael cimino x george sear
michael b jordan x tessa thompson
michael evans behling x greta onieogou
sophie thatcher x courtney eaton
sophie nelisse x ella purnell
felix mallard x antonia gentry
felix mallard x katie douglas
corey mylchreest x india amarteifio
jack quaid x melissa barrera
david corenswet x mia goth
calahan skogman x danielle galligan
zane phillips x froy gutierrez
zane phillips x ben levin
rish shah x camila mendes
taylor zakhar perez x nicholas galitzine
ray nicholson x olivia scott welch
leo suter x frida gustavsson
rafael silva x ronen rubinstein
ben hardy x sydney sweeney
phoebe tonkin x margot robbie
paul mescal x daisy edgar jones
danny griffin x abigail cowen
chris evans x ana de armas
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