#melli doesn't know what hit him
atopvisenyashill · 2 months
genuinely, what do you think happened to daena the defiant after the birth of her son? as much as it sucks that grrm likes writing women off of the page once they gave birth to historically significant people, I think that if he was planning to include her in the build-up to the blackfyre rebellions as a sort of alicent hightower figure, her involvement would've been mentioned in twoiaf.
and even though i'm pretty sure a rebellious girl like her would've been pissed off that she got passed over in favor of her uncle, the fact that she didn't announce daemon's parentage after viserys ii died and aegon iv ascended makes me think she wasn't actually trying to crown her son to vicariously live through him.
so my current theory is that daena died before aegon claimed daemon and that aegon specifically ordered a secret hit on daena (probably a "hunting accident") so that he could claim her son as a potential heir (whether or not daemon is actually his, it doesn't matter as long as he has an alternative to daeron).
Interesting theory!
I more or less agree - I think Daena died before Aegon claimed Daemon Blackfyre and I think Aegon only claimed Daemon after she died because she didn't want him to be claimed by Aegon. I tend to lean towards Daena feeling so scorned after not getting to be Baelor's queen, being locked up for a decade, and finally being passed over that she didn't want Daemon to have anything to do with the crown. Not dissimilar to Rhaenys Velaryon, in that she's just resigned herself to the fact that she's never going to get it. BUT. Unlike Rhaenys, I think Daena was likely happy to be a menace, a sort of living ghost in King's Landing reminding everyone that her claim was set aside despite it being better under normal circumstances than Viserys' (and Aegon's). It's not that she wants the crown, nor does she want to put Daemon in danger, it's that she's just like, deeply pissed off and bitter. If her pissy attitude makes Daeron nervous about her intentions, well, that's his fucking problem as far as she's concerned.
I also think - this is part of my Daemon Ballfyre theory but it works even if Daemon is Aegon's - that Aegon at least marginally respected Daena's choice to keep Daemon out of everything. I'm not trying to blorboify him here, but my read on them has always been that like...Daena is the only relative he's ever respected. She's wild and untamed and rebellious and bitter as fuck, and he's always been enchanted by that part of her, especially surrounded by the very religious and dour Aemon, Baelor, and Naerys. So while he's scheming to overthrow his own son, instead of claiming Daemon, he tries to make his own bastard heir and switches from random women as his mistresses to noble born virgins; I think this is partially a power and control thing, he likes the fact that he's the king and he can bed a noble virgin and no one can stop him. BUT. I think it's because he knows he needs a noble born mother for his bastard heir. Except things with the Brackens blow up quickly, so Aegor is out. Melly gives him an albino ~freak of nature and two girls, so she's out. I think he might have wanted to try with the Butterwells, but they're not quite noble enough, they have all girls, so he gives Lord Butterwell a dragon egg for his troubles and he's out. He's getting old, he's getting unhealthy, Daeron is out here having sons and making friends, so when Daena dies, he seizes the opportunity and just...claims Daemon. Similar to him not implying Daeron was illegitimate until after Naerys and Aemon are both dead, I think Daena would never have allowed this - but now she's dead.
Is he capable of killing her? I mean, it's not unlikely, he's actively trying to get his own son killed, he rapes his sister to death, he potentially poisoned his own father, so sure why not. I will definitely be interested to see what their relationship looks like when F&B part 2 comes out.
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newtabfics · 1 year
first kiss for redeemed ganny and y/n? TT_TT
So I've thought about this one for a bit and it kinda goes in line with the 'confession' part as in it's set sometime after that. like they understand their feelings but haven't made the final leap yet.
Y/N sighed as she stared at the journal before ultimately closing it. Rubbing her face, she tried to clear her head of the memories of the Depths.
"She is mine."
She shook her head, face flushing at the memory of his words. The way he stared down the Yiga before looking at her, as though trying to dissuade any fear she'd had.
"Which one of you was it?"
His anger when he truly saw the bruise on her jaw from where she'd been hit.
"I'm glad to have you back alive," his sigh whispered in the back of her mind as she stood.
"I need air," She muttered, stepping outside her home. Kakariko village was busy as always, with researchers running about and older folks working on their crops.
Grandma Mellie's head perked up as she walked past, smiling at the woman and waving. Behind her, she could see Ganondorf helping with the garden, tending to it under the old woman's instruction.
Her gaze fixed on him long enough to make him feel watched as he looked up and smiled, nodding to her.
Y/N's face went red as she waved before continuing on.
The Gerudo frowned, watching her. "You love her," Mellie chuckled, startling him. "Interesting. The Demon King and the Sheikah. Never would've thought I'd see that."
"It will never happen," He said firmly.
"What makes you so sure?"
"I'm not at liberty to experience such things," he said simply. 
Mellie hummed as she studied him. He had refocused on his task, clearly not willing to accept the idea of it. "I think you're full of it, Ganondorf.'
He blinked at that, looking at the old woman as she studied her plum trees. "Love is a strange thing. It doesn't allow you to choose your liberties. Your heart knows best."
"My heart wanted to kill everyone in sight," Ganondorf grumbled, earning a soft whack to the back of his head. "Hey!"
"And yet. Somehow, despite this quote-unquote, magic amnesia, you found yourself desiring the woman who has done nothing but treat you as an equal. I think it's safe to say the intentions are pure."
He weighed her words and nodded. "Even so…" he hesitated to say this before sighing. "Even if I were to pursue her, I am unsure of how. It's been well over a hundred thousand years. If I ever pursued anyone, I doubt I could now."
"Based on what?"
"How would I court her properly?" He asked, looking at her. At her wheezing laugh, he sighed in defeat, looking away.
"Apologies. It's just, that you really must be lost in your own head if you ever thought Y/N cared for formality. She only became friends with the princess because of her personality." Mellie sighed out the last of her laugh as she studied the garden. "I think you've done enough today. Whether or not you decide to pursue her makes no difference to me, but don't hurt her. She's a strange girl but a good one. You'd make a cute couple."
Ganondorf's cheeks warmed as he nodded, getting up and looking around. Mellie nodded to the stream, letting him clean his hands in the water before leaving.
He aimed for the leader's home as he always did to report in when Y/N wasn't in charge of him. He saw her up by the device dispenser and gulped thickly, watching her.
They hadn't spoken much, if at all, since they left the Depths. Her usual bubbly attitude seemed exhausted by everything. He couldn't fault her for it though, as three days between his arrival and her vanishing would likely exhaust anyone.
He shook the thoughts of her being taken from his head. Likely, if he dwelled on it, he might act irrationally.
Paya greeted him as he entered, listening to his report of the day. "Alright. You're dismissed," she said simply, surprising him. At his hesitance, she looked at him and sighed. "Go find Y/N. If anything, make sure she doesn't get into any trouble."
Y/N studied the dispenser, dropping a Construct horn in to earn a balloon. She blushed as she remembered the way Ganondorf held her and shook her head.
"Quit," She sighed, putting away the strange device as she walked towards the chasm nearby. She only wanted to observe the area around her and take a moment of peace. She hadn't expected as she stared down into the deep darkness to have a hand pull her quickly away. 
Turning, she saw Ganondorf's worried expression. "Oh, hey."
"Why were you standing so close?" He scolded. "What if you'd fallen?" At her shrug, he sighed. His hand was still on her shoulder, as though letting her go might cause her to tumble down. "Are you…alright?"
"Yeah, why?" She asked as her heart hammered again. She blushed and looked away, staring pointedly at the edge.
After a beat of silence, Ganondorf finally said, "I worry about you. You're practically a magnet for danger because of your innate curiosity."
"Not my fault everything interesting is a danger to me," she said, smiling softly. She flinched when a loud crack of thunder above them made them stop and look up seconds before the downpour began. "Wha–Woo!" She squeaked when he hurried her under the scaffolding for shelter. "Thanks."
"I don't want you sick again," He hummed, looking toward the village. He thought of what would be the best route to get her home quickly before hearing her soft sigh. Looking over, she sat on the ground, lounging as the storm rumbled. Amending, he sat beside her. "Y/N…I…"
Y/N studied him for a moment before moving closer to him. "I think I might love you," She finally said, making him flinch. "And, we don't have to do anything about it unless you want to. I just…think you're interesting."
Ganondorf smirked at that. "And a danger to you," He added before frowning. "Which is why…I hesitate. Should my memory return…and my power, I don't know what I'll do. If I'll hurt you. If I'll save you."
"You mean if your old self will just kill me."
"Stop saying every dark thought outloud," He snorted.
"Well, why wouldn't I? It's the truth, and what you were thinking. You're scared that…your past will kill me. I get it," She admitted. Biting her lip, she adjusted and cupped his face, making him look at her. "What if I said I don't care? That, I'm willing to take the risk?"
Ganondorf gulped as the tiny Hylian stilled. She was letting him choose. He reached up and cradled her hand.
It was at this moment that Farosh dipped its head down, studying them. Y/N was unaware of it as Ganondorf leaned closer. The dragon seemed to purr in approval before pulling away.
It was all he needed. Thinking back on it, it truly felt like a blessing from the dragon of courage as his lips touched hers.
The rain clouded their moment from the world and allowed them the moment to simply be.
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lady-severus-snape · 4 months
More random headcanons and plot bunnies...
🌠 Draco and Harry becoming best friends and blood brothers after they finally get used to their new living situation. Draco opens up on how he was treated as a object, a tool for his father's political games and how he was essentially his birth mother's wife. Harry admits to being beat and treated like a slave. Severus just about blew his cover
🌠 Their abuelita (your mother) calling them her niños and taught them the all-powerful consequences of the chancla. You still laugh at the memory of Draco running to hide behind Severus's towering form only for the chancla your mother threw to completely swivel around Severus and hit Draco. They are convinced your mother is actually a witch (she's not, she's just mexican lol).
🌠 Severus feeling his heart full watching the boys, you, and Ma just hanging out in the yard listening to mexican music and teaching the boys how to dance, including him. He likes how close he can hold you to him while dancing a huapango.
🌠 your group of friends(weirdos) accepting Severus with open arms, accepting him as brother, and playing aunts/uncles to the boys. Severus forgets how old he is sometimes when you all gather together. 45 yrs? What 45, he's 24 :). Picking his brain and going toe to toe with him.
🌠 Severus panicking and furious because somehow Albus tracked him down and showed up unannounced at your job site while he waited in the car, demanding Harry to be returned along with the malfoy heir. He calls you and leaves the phone in his pocket so you can hear the convo.
🌠 Severus is amazed at the efficiency in the way la Familia moved. By the time Albus locates Harry using some obscure tracker, Harry and Draco had already been picked up from Tia Mellie's arcade downtown, transported to another relatives house. Which one? Who knows, there's like 1500 members in the midwest alone, some with underground connections. Also, the last reunion revealed that there are magical members within the family. So the hidey spell is a thing.
🌠 Severus making love to you and actually asking you to marry him. The spare room in the basement had been cleared out and converted so he could brew his potions. You say yes, and by the next morning as soon as the muggle courthouse opens, you exchange vows and him taking your name instead because "prince and snape have done nothing but bring misery"
🌠 Severus thrives with you and your family. His inner child being healed one trauma at a time. He was alone, isolated, and playing spy, and now he ended up with more family members and legit friends than he could shake a stick at. (Once your 70yr old mom pseudo adopted him, it was game over ♥️, he don't get a choice) Tios, tias, primos/primas calling and texting him. He started out with only your phone number and now has over 100 (the family size was at least 5000 and counting but who cares)
🌠 Work functions were hilarious watching the female (and male) coworkers salivate with envy because you (who accordinf to them rank low on the attraction scale) snagged a smexy, tall, intelligent, English guy. Severus still doesn't know how to react to the attention but was very attentive to your needs and openly loved on you (SFW you pervs)
🌠 final face off with Voldemort, Severus made sure to protect his family. He had sold everything and left a will, naming you the benefactor. Just as Nagini opened her mouth to attack, Severus noticed a bright red dot moving across her tongue before the snake exploded EVERYWHERE. Voldemort aims his wand at Severus, his head meets the same fate. Severus staggers back, unable to understand what happened. He stupefied Voldemort body and runs to the main entrance of hogwarts. He is greeted by the most astonishing sight. Death Eaters and other creatures lay dead or dropping faster than the spells being fired. he spots you front and center at the top of the astronomy tower, aiming what looks like a Tommy gun (sniper rifle he means). It's not just you but LA FAMILIA, all 5247 (or was it 5742?) on the balconies, windows, scaffolds, roof of hogwarts. The battle ends before it really began.
🌠turns out Hogwarts recognized the magic in your line, however diluted. The Chichimecca tribe your family line comes from possessed a rare form of earth magic. She allowed you and la Familia entry acknowledging your bond to Severus and the boys. No one threatened your family and got away with it. The M.O.M was in disbelief and unable to comprehend how a bunch of American muggles destroyed the evilest wizard in britain (mexican American thank you very much)
🌠 Severus kissing you desperately and hungrily in front of everyone because he wanted to yell at you, laugh, cry, you name it. You didn't tell him your plan but God damn if it wasn't fucking hot seeing you in battle mode, the dark side he never saw or thought existed. He will absolutely keep you locked in the bedroom until both of you couldn't move an inch and got you pregnant.
🌠Draco parents survived only because you told la Familia that they were cebollita's real folks (they called him cebollita(little onion) because of how pale skinned, fair haired, and light eyes he was). Draco, after several days, and while his birth parents faced trial, formally disowned himself from the line and accepted your adoption proposal, but not before taking every last Malfoy penny left. Harry also confronted those who were supposedly on his side and also made the choice to leave. Harry pulled all his family’s backing and also accepted the adoption.
🌠Severus ended up faking his death at the threat of incarceration because Albus refused to vouch for his role. He made it look like suicide using polyjuice and a golem. He had already sold everything and the things he kept were already back in the US. Gringotts allowed you to formally claim your 'husband's wealth'. Transferring it to the American branch.
🌠One of your cousins set Severus up with a false identity: Imacaxtli (eee- mah-cah-shhht-lee) (your last name) . He was a widow, his 'spouse' died in a mass shooting years ago. It was super normal to bond through the grief support group. It was a mere coincidence that his spouse was a cousin on your dad's side and he had made the decision to take their last name because "I have plenty of brothers to carry my families line"
🌠Severus ditching his whole persona (for the most part). He grew his beard out, gained more muscle and filled out more, wore his hair in whatever style you cut for him (you decided to go back to being a dual cosmetologist/esthetician). He developed an appreciation for muggle ink. His arms and chest tattooed, with more to come. Still wore black but now stuck jeans, t-shirts, etc (basically a modern muggle bad boy vibe) completely unrecognizable. He also mastered speaking Spanish, he even nailed having stereotypical chicano accent.
🌠 Draco and Harry pursuing careers and living life found love in the mexican hometown their abuetlita was from, opting to live in mexico, visiting often. Severus and you had so many children, couldn't keep his hands off you. He was happy being a stay at home dad. He did work, though, aside from potions, he gave tatting a try and found he liked it.
🌠his artwork adorned your skin, his real name etched over your heart and yours over his, rings were cumbersome.
🌠 when you're mom died at 95, the men were inconsolable. You had already lost your dad prior to meeting Sev, you took hers a little better. Severus was so lost in grief. He had lost the only mother who loved him and cared, eileen snape merely gave birth to him. Harry and Draco mourned for their one and only abuelita. They would crawl into her old bed and cry themselves to sleep hugging each other. Sometimes Severus laid in it, sobbing his heart out. The funeral had been huge, la Familia all in attendance as the last elder passed.
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kelpiemomma · 1 year
That post about kayaking got me thinking about something. About Akari living in the Highlands with Ingo close to/during winter where snow is slowly starting to cover the area. About Akari being upset about something but she won't talk to Ingo about it. She insists that she's fine but as her dad, he knows better than that. If he can't help her by getting her to talk about it, then he can help by getting her mind off of it for a little while. By engaging in a snowball fight. She's fairly annoyed at first. Until one of their Pokemon throws one at Ingo in her defense. It quickly turns into chaos and they even manage to drag an unsuspecting Melli into it. Eventually the father daughter duo settle down by the fire to warm up and she's finally able to tell him about what's bothering her.
Akari is so used to the adults just giving her things to do, putting yet ANOTHER responsibility on her shoulders, that while she doesn't expect Ingo to do the same she's like... "well obv i am an adult now and I must keep my problems To Myself" and Ingo is like "darling child, you are a baby" bc Akari is still... idk. 13-15? That melodramatic age all teenagers go through where they think they're alone made worse by people going "also do this or die :)"
And Ingo is so Irritated by it but he doesn't have the power to tell ANYONE putting all these things on her shoulders to knock that shit off, that she's a kid, because she was doing it all before she met hm and he has no "legal" control over her. He tries to put her at ease as best he can but he's unwilling to confide in him bc she's an Adult doing Adult Things and he can't change her mind to ask for help or express her frustration.
So winter hits and she's been spending time with him, Melli over to visit and bug them both (he'd never admit he's been a little lonely, that he sees the warden and his adopted daughter as something like his closest companions in the highlands), and one night a blizzard blows in and covers EVERYTHING nearby in snow. Traveling too far is impossible by foot, and her pokemon are so blasted tired that she can't bear to ask them to take her anywhere. The snow is deep enough that even lord wyrdeer and lady sneasler and lord braviary are like "darling child, fuck no" so Ingo takes Akari with him to clear out the worst of the snow just from where he lives. And Melli is bitching about the cold and Akari is pouting and frustrated and snaps at him that she has too much to do, too much to handle, she can't be WASTING TIME here...
And Ingo throws a snowball at her.
It catches Akari in the face, gentle, but catches her off guard. She's standing still, confused and angered about what just happened, and Ingo does it again. Because he has very few memories, but he DOES remember someone important to him spiraling, and that he needed to help distract them, and so he did something they'd never expect. So he does it to akari. And she starts yelling (not as loud as Ingo can get) and he just throws another snowball and says if she wants him to stop, shes going to have to make him.
And the snowball fight starts off angry on Akari's side because she's stressed and scared and frustrated, so she starts yelling at Ingo except Melli joins in and also throws a snowball at her. She has no choice but to throw snowballs back (the idea of goin back into Ingo's home never occured to her) and at first she's mad, but then Ingo makes a move to dodge one of her throws except he slips, goes pinwheeling into Melli, and they both land in a snowbank. Melli immediately gets up, complaining about being cold, and goes inside to warm up but Ingo and Akari stay out a little while longer until theyre just chasing each other through the snow and laughing. Akari manages to shove a handful of snow down the back of Ingo's tunic, and he retaliates by filling his hat full of snow and slamming it onto her head.
And when they go back inside, the fire already lit with Melli snoozing in front of it, Akari's eyes start to water and then dribble with tears. And as they dry off and change clothes, pulling blankets around them as they sit in front of the fire, she curls up into her dad's side and quietly, fighting back tears, tells him about how scared she is of what she's doing, how she knows she can't say no. Ingo holds her close and promises that if she wants to stop, he'll help her, and if she wants his help, it's always ready to be given. Whatever she needs, if he can provide it he will. And for the first time in what feels like forever she relaxes, takes a deep breath, and lets herself be helped.
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wonderlandinsalem · 2 years
TWST Playing IDV
Part 7! Malleus playing video games??? Well, he's trying his best snsjsj
Heartslabyul × Savanaclaw × Octavinelle × Scarabia × Pomefiore × Ignihyde × Diasomnia
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This is under the assumption that he's already gotten used to playing other games
Imagine this is the first game he plays and he's struggling to decipher 💀💀💀
Anyways, I think he watched Lilia, Silver and Sebek plays before joining in
He would be kinda upset that he wasn't invited but he can't really blame them this time around seeing that they're playing video games
Hunter main because it's easier for him
Still plays as survivors though to join the others
※The game is an asymmetrical horror survival game (4 survivors vs 1 hunter), basically a less gruesome Dead by Daylight
Funnily enough, I see him being a Joseph (Photographer) main despite Joseph's gameplay not being straightforward (as a hunter)
When I say not straightforward, I meant that Malleus somehow managed to figure out how the camera world works
Instead of hitting the survivors and not using the camera at all
His other mains are Jack (The Ripper) and Hastur (The Feaster)
I think I can see him being an Antonio (Violinist) main as well because he's amused by how the music notes can harm the survivors
As a survivor though, I see him being an Aesop (Embalmer) main
Although I could imagine his confusion at the fact that Aesop likes dead people snsns//idkwhatthatmeanseither,don'task
I can imagine him playing as Aesop so he could bring Yuu back to life if Yuu joined the game
Otherwise it would just be whoever he sees first (For example, if he sees Lilia's main first, he'd make it so that the coffin would bring him back if he died)
Rarely revives himself, much to Sebek's dismay
Doesn't know what sui is but joins them anyway
Since this is under the assumption that he knows how to play games (mostly), I think he'd enjoy Black Jack and Tarot (only because he "bullied" the other team's members once and he was having a blast)//basedonmyIDVexperienceIwastheonegettingbulliedtho
His first survivor main is Lucky Guy because he didn't know he could change characters
Doesn't really have a main but he usually plays as survivors to join the others
I feel like he enjoys unconventional characters/characters that are harder to play as so like Kevin (Cowboy) and Melly (Entomologist)
"Melly's bees reminds me of my bats!"
Always body blocks whenever he could so his sons could win
He loves playing as Kevin because he thinks it's funny that he gets to carry other survivors while running away
His interest in unconventional characters extends to hunters as well
However, he does like to bully his sons with Bane (Gamekeeper) who is a simpler character
Lilia: Silver, did you step on my trap?
Silver: I didn't see it...
Only joins sui with his sons, otherwise he would only join if invited
Fave side games are the racing side game and Black Jack
His first survivor main was Kurt (Explorer)
Survivor main because apparently he fell asleep while looking for survivors as a hunter once 💀💀💀
Lilia had to play for him as well so his morality points wouldn't suffer
I feel like, although he enjoys playing as Andrew (Grave Keeper), he prefers playing as survivors who could directly stun the hunter
So like Qi Shiyi (Antiquarian), Ganji (Batter), ect.
However playing as these kind of characters do come with its risks so I do see him getting chaired first and even dying first shsjsj
Doesn't really care for sui but only joins for Lilia and the others
His first survivor main was Emma (Gardener)
Survivor main because he finds it more satisfying to escape than to "kill" survivors
I guess it's just his brain telling him that if everyone escapes, he can somehow emulate that IRL and save Malleus if something like this were to ever happen
I think he struggles with the more difficult characters which is a bummer for him because he wanted to play as Ada ("Psychologist")
So he settles with Fiona (Priestess) instead, hoping that at least someone is close to Malleus or if Malleus could answer his portal summons so he could be near him at all times
His other main is Martha (Coordinator)
Always body blocks for Malleus dndnd
Played Tarot with Malleus once and their team lost
Was inconsolable dndnsn
Silver: Calm down, it's just a game
Lilia: I think we need to stop this here
Doesn't enjoy sui but only joins for Malleus
Funnily enough, his fave side game is Tarot
His first survivor main is Emily (Doctor)
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Not me struggling how to spell asymmetrical 😭😭😭
Guys, English is not my first language/gen
Also I've been DYING to write that little bit in Sebek's part cghgh
I just KNEW he would be soo upset over that round of Tarot that Lilia had to stop that "family gaming session"
Also I'm not getting that Club Wear Lilia,,, I'm on my 57th pull, I believe and he still didn't come home AAAHHHHH
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Some Legendverse PLA thoughts ( a lot of it is based on discord talks)
The Clans have more agency than they do in the games. They don't require the Galaxy's Teams help all the time, nor do they have the Galaxy Team make all the calling shots. The three operations are all equals here, or (if anything), The Diamond and Pearl clan have more power due to Hisui being their home and as their home, they know more shit about it than the Galaxy Team ever has. Yes they will use this knowledge against them if needed.
No more of the whole " your tradition makes you wrong" approach. Melli has a right to be more faithful in his tradition than what the Galaxy Team has to say.
Also! If we really want to make the frenzied nobles more of a threat to both people and pokemon, make it clear. Maybe the energy that they were hit with is too much, even for them. Some lose themselves to the frenzy, like how Lord Kleavor did, hurting people and pokemon. In the case of Lord Avalugg, he still did nothing to harm people, but the energy that was stirring inside ended up hurting him. He was getting sick. He was dying. The only reason the player/Sakura had to fight him was because he was at a point where he couldn't hold back that energy anymore( Also! This would have been a good place to introduce Lady Zoroark and Michi. Lady Zoroark may know that Lord Avalugg is not well, making Michi involve herself into the plot more).
I want someone else to coin the name Sinnoh for Hisui. Yeah, I know Kamado doing it is him 1) actually believing the culture of the diamond and pearl clan and 2) an act of redemption? I guess? But as someone who likes Kamado's character ( not what he represents), he shouldn't be the one who remained Hisui. I think Adaman and Irida should have.
CHARACTERS ACTUALLY TALKING TO EACH OTHER. Like the lack of character interaction is baffling.
Okay some character stuff:
Adaman is the leader of the Diamond Clan by name. If you were to ask the Clan who they would listen to, however, it's Mai.
I think Adaman's willingness to stray a little bit from his clan's traditions to find more solutions may weaken their opinion of him. Or keep their view of him the same as the Clans " Brother" rather than " Leader". Again, Mai is often favored when it comes to leadership and making decisions. Does this hurt him? Oh yes definitely. But he tries to hold a " whatever happens, happens" front, possibly to ease tension.
Adaman is an excellent leader btw. His ideas and ways of thinking are really good. It's just that almost no one in his Clan can see past " Big/Little Brother Adaman".
Irida's situation is the opposite. She values and sticks to her clans traditions, which is not a bad thing, but it then becomes her clan expecting her to continue these traditions, regardless of her emotional input. This is what caused the rift between her and Palina- an act of betrayal between sisters.
Irida is known to put the Clan before herself ( again, not a bad thing), but I feel like she also learns to let go a little. Be a little selfish. Embrace ideas that don't exactly fit with her culture and traditions.
As for Adaman, his arc is a bit more rough. He does, eventually, get tired of being belittled by his Clan ( I don't think it's intentional, they all love him, but he's still a leader and he wants to be treated as such), so he, in a way, tries to act more like how Irida did during the beginning of the game. It doesn't go over well, since his Clan members act more like family than anything. To put a distance between that weakens morale. Adaman does get his chance to vent, and the two sides reach a better understanding!
I don't want Ingo to have that much of a big role in pla, but more than what he was given in the base game.
He mostly spends his time with either Michi, helping with their search and rescue ( some more hopeful than others) and in Jubilife Village. Oh and the general pearl clan. AND with Melli I want them to be friends.
Because of this, I want him to learn different perspectives. Talk to different people, get to know them, learn what they think about the different events that goes on in Hisui. I think he would very much enjoy learning about the Pearl Clan's traditions, even if some don't exactly trust him.
He does act like an uncle to others. It's in his blood/j.
Even if Ingo isn't talking he's listening. I think he's really good at that.
He has to hold back Michi from going for Kamado's neck ( he's pissed too, but he rather not have bloodshed)
.....I think Cyllene should have become in charge of the Galaxy Team after the main plot. I don't want an " everything goes back to normal" stuff with Kamado, even if he apologizes and understands what he did was wrong. It's just not right, to me, tohim go back to a position of power. One which he clearly abused when he was feeling paranoid. So yeah, I think Cyllene is probably the new head of the Galaxy team. She's still in charge of the Survey Corps of course. That's her true passion.
Idk what would happen to Kamado. Maybe he quits the Team and learns to cook and make tea with Beni and Zero idk.
There's so much more I could say but this is getting long/ I'm getting lazy hgvhvgvgvcg.
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lackuraphi · 1 year
Angel wings au)Chapter 10:Arrowroot and Wisteria(Conflict)
The arrowroot and the wisteria were intertwined.
I used a translator
This is the Fan fiction
It’s different from the original
Pokemon doesn’t appear(Except for one)
All Trainers have angel wings
This AU includes discrimination
Hisui is modern in this au
Content Warning:sharp objects, violent, character gets a little mentally unstable
There are so many different talents in the world.
Lian has a talent for analyzing things in detail. Sabi has a talent for hit targets accurately. Akari has a talent for doesn't give up easily. Rei has a talent for fast to acquire skills.
And Melli is… He is a very talented person who makes others angry… —————————————
Ingo was in a small hospital in Jubilife Village, where he was being examined by Pesselle, who was working there.
"Is your headache okay now?" "Yes. Pesselle. I don't feel any pain now." "That's a relief! You can leave the hospital now Ingo!" "Really? Thank you so much! Pesselle! Thanks to your treatment, I was able to survive!!!" "Heck!" "Oh dear..My voice was too loud..I apologize…" "No, I'm fine Ingo, now I'm going to remove the bandage."
Pesselle removed the bandage from Ingo's head. The impact of the impact on his head with a sign was treated without a scar, except for a dark blue bruise.
"You need to be careful until the bruise is gone for a while." "Can I still continue with Apprenticeships training?" "No… You need to rest like now." "…I see. okay. Pesselle."
Ingo put on his black hat, which he had taken off because of the bandage, bowed politely to Pesselle, and then left the small hospital.
'First of all, I have to go to Training Grounds. I'll ask Zisu to train Apprenticeships. …and I'm worried about Rei. He's the only Apprenticeship person who didn't come to visit me.. It would be a relief if he couldn't come to me because he was busy training..'
And he went to the Training Grounds to tell Zisu to ask her to train Apprenticeships for the time being, and also to see if Rei, who had not seen him in a few days, was really busy with training.
"Here we go!!!" "you're slow☆" "Ha!!!" "It will take hundreds of years for your strange-looking blade to reach the end of the beautiful hair of the Great Guardian angel Melli!"
When Ingo arrived at Training Grounds, Akari and Melli were exchanging attacks and playing practice matches. To be exact, Melli avoided all Akari's attacks, so Akari only cut into the air.
"Everyone, what are you…" "Oh Come on! Gee..! MELLI!!!" "Sabi and Pearls Lian must be faster than you~ I know why you're still Apprenticeships, unlike kids~" "What??? Ughhh..!! MELLI!!!!!!!" "I can avoid your attack with my eyes closed☆" "AHHHHHH!!!! MELLI!!!! Take a bite out of this!!!!!!!"
At Melli's provocation, Akari was blinded by her anger and swung a holly Weapon in the form of a sword at Melli. Melli also eluded all of her angry attacks with easefully. If they keep going like this, the practice match would turn into a real fight or Akari would be in danger of being exhausted.
"Please forgive the unscheduled stop! Melli! Akari! practice match is over!" "Ingo?!" "Ingo..!?"
Ingo was forced to step in between the practice match that escalated into a fight between Melli and Akari, threatening them with his clawed holly weapon, stopping their practice match.
"Akari! Are you okay?!"
Ingo first checked Akari's condition. Akari was in good condition except she was breathing heavily because she used up a lot of energy with the practice match just now. After checking Akari's condition, Ingo pressed Melli.. No, He got angry and started scolding Melli
"Melli! What have you just done to Akari!" "Me? I was doing a practice match. As you do." "It was never a practice match! It almost turned into a real fight!"
Melli also raised his voice to Ingo and countered.
"I heard that it's your way of teaching to train like it's real, I just trained that girl in your own way as if she were actually fighting! I did nothing wrong!" "I taught them at least by checking their skills!" "I heard in Master level class that you use all your skills and that girl is Master level class, right?" I just acted in accordance with the Master level class!" "To show all my skills, I meant to scare them! Actually, I hide my skills a little bit in that Master level class!"
Before he knew it, Ingo forgot why he came to Training Grounds, and began to argue with each other, exchanging hurtful words.
"You are not best teacher! You are just a sham teacher!" "What?! You have a great talent for upsetting others!" "Huh? Are you kidding me?! Guardian angel from another region!" "Why did God choose you as a guardian angel! You have no warm and clean heart at all!" "Ha! How funny! I presume from that frown you always make, and your heart is also not warm and clean at all!" "It was a big mistake for me to choose you as my partner! I should've just ignored you being alone from the beginning! Why didn't I change the track after hearing Leader Adaman's warning! I regret it!" "Hahaha! That's ridiculous! Hey! If I wasn't there, you were attacked by a gruesomely smiling black angel and then left unattended, and you're ingoing to the underworld as it is!"
Thus, their quarrel spread so loudly that it was no use for people around them to stop them, and Meli scratched Ingo's pride greatly.
"The way you check and train Apprenticeships, isn't it actually because you're weak and you're trying to hide it?" "Melli. What did you just say to me…?" "I said you were a guardian angel with weak combat skills!" "…….Melli." "Huh?"
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"You are indeed… You have an amazing talent for annoying others. Melli."
"….!!!!" "MELLI!!!!" "……."
Ingo, unable to contain his sudden rage, lost his temper and attacked Melli with holly weapon. The attack was a blow full of anger, like the black angel's attack that toppled Ingo.
"Melli! Are you okay?! Melli!" "…….." "Melli! Melli! Wake up! Melli!" "Don't worry Akari, holly weapon can't kill others" "Zisu… But Melli is…" "He just fainted in surprise, so he's gonna wake up soon.. Please, he needs to wake up soon…"
Akari and Zisu did not blame Ingo. It was Melli who brought it on himself.
"…oh dear..What have..I done..?"
But Ingo, who soon calmed down, blamed himself.
"I can't believe.. I lost control of myself and knocked Melli down…" "Melli just fainted for a moment." "His clothes are just ripped, but his body is fine." "What a shame… I'm doing something terrible…" "Ingo.." "Melli was right.. My heart is not clean and not warm…" "Ingo…!"
Ingo flew away with a rush of guilt
'I'm no different from the smiling black angel who is very much like me who attacked me a few days ago.. I also inflicted pain on innocent angels…'
And he flew through Hisui's sky without a destination.
This is Mistralton City in Unova, It's called the hub of delivery angels who deliver various mails from various regions.
"This is sent to Galar..This is sent to Johto.. And this is…" "Skyla! We're running out of people to deliver mail to Hoenn, can you help us?" "Roger! Winslow! Please wait a moment! I'll be ready for the flight as soon as I'm done sorting!"
Skyla worked as a deliverer in her hometown of Mistralton City, delivering mail quickly, accurately and fresh with her flying skills, which she had excelled since childhood. (So she was always voted outstanding employee of the month.)
"This is sent to Kanto..Huh? This is a letter from Elesa, And the recipient is.. Let's see… Guardian angel Ingo…? Oh Dear! Hisui, where he's staying, is not a place where anyone can go! What should I do? Hisui is a rural village, so it's not easy to contact him…" "Skyla! We're leaving for Hoenn soon!" "Well, I'm going to finish the urgent delivery first! Roger! Winslow!"
Skyla packed her delivery bag full of mail and began flying to Hoenn with other deliverers.
Ominously, the sky road to Hoenn was sometimes windy that day, making it dangerous to fly.
"Aah! suddenly wind!" "Skyla! Be careful! You could break out of the ranks!" "Don't worry, Ewing! I'm a veteran!"
Skyla, a veteran deliverer, often experienced strong winds, so the strong winds were familiar to her. But this time the veteran's composure was poisonous to her. Skyla, who had been on her guard for a while believing in her skills, was swept away by the strong wind as her colleague feared, leaving her far from the ranks.
"Aah!" "Skyla!!!!" "I'll follow you soon!"
As Skyla tried to rejoin the ranks where she had left, a flap of wings was heard behind her, and someone whispered to Skyla in a small voice.
"Hi. It's been a long time no see. A hypocrite." "….!"
Before Skyla could turn her head to hear his voice, someone whispering to her struck Skyla hard with a creepy smile on the sign he was holding.
"Skyla? SKYLA!!!!!!"
And Skyla, who was directly attacked, fell unconscious. When the deliverers went to rescue Skyla, someone with an eerie smile had already left.
'Yup! It's more exciting and verrrrry fun to hit someone than to hit a sandbag! Especially when hitting a hypocrite. Good night. hypocrite. And don't wake up forever.'
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askandrewkreiss · 1 year
Andrew, you may have forgotten what you were going to say.. But why don't you tell him how you feel?
Everyone seems to have moved away from the stage. Anne and Ganji seem to be looking at the rest of the equipment to see if it's in some way faulty, Joker has walked away to the dressing room and Melly and Andrew are sitting down in their chairs close to the stage. Andrew holds the gauze applying pressure to his head.
MELLY You know... you're a fine actor when we act the scenes in the script, Andrew, but, I'm afraid I can't say you're a good improviser.
"I forgot what I was going to say." really? Why don't you just tell him how you feel?
ANDREW (Blushing furiously, clearly unable to hide his embarrasment) It-it was the f-first thing that came to my head, which I remind you got hit really hard by a piece of metal. (Silence) I can't make things weird...We are co-workers.
MELLY (Sigh) This movie is a mess, the script doesn't make any sense and for some reason we're filming this without any staff, It's already weird you should at least get something out of this poor circumstances.
ANDREW I'll think about it.
Melly nods then gets up from the chair.
MELLY By the way you should answer the fan mail, It's in your dressing room's table.
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hopeful-hugz · 7 months
☕ at hope, teal, fir, and melly <3
Send me “ ☕ “ for my muse to drink tea uniquely flavored after your muse, and I’ll tell you what my muse tastes || Accepting
A lemon ginger tea with honey? Well, that's definitely what it tastes like... but something is off. It makes your throat burn and your lungs stutter. Just for a moment, it's hard to breathe and then comes a calming, tired haze. Someone has spiked this tea with something akin to Amytal and you get the feeling it wasn't the person who served this to you.
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"I... think I need to talk to the staff and see who messed with this... I get the feeling this isn't their fault though..."
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No complaints from him; the calm and dizzy feeling is almost welcoming. A warm, inviting embrace that makes a promise; Teal doesn't have to think anymore.
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Fir's happily sipping away, sitting off on her own for some much-needed quiet time. Seems the poison doesn't affect her in any way. That or she isn't letting it show.
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The tea is drank no problem, she gets through her snack just fine and pays the bill. Getting up to walk out of the shop, it hits her hard; the burning, the sudden dizzy haze. She's tired... So tired... Melody knows this feeling a little too well. No- no it can't happen again! As if she has a say, she'd accepted the poison the moment she drank that tea. The AI collapses, soon falling into an still-conscious sleep mode. She should have been more careful, but now nothing will be her fault... right?
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lostnloveco · 1 year
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atopvisenyashill · 26 days
Aegon the Unworthy AU Aegon actually leaves Naerys the fuck alone after Daeron is born but still is randy old goat carrying on with all his mistresses, makes his bastards, but chucks them off to be raised by other lords. Never recognizes Daemon but legitimized them all the same
okay so the thing you can say about aegon in comparison to our other main randy king, robert, is that aegon actually does attempt to raise his kids. idk if it was actually aegon or someone else (i’m sure we’ll get more details in f&b2 or a dunk & egg story) but we know aegon visited aegor in the riverlands, he allows melly to raise her kids at court, he hands over a dragon egg to the butterwells, etc - i’m not saying he’s dad of the year or anything but to me there’s this possibility that aegon at least materially provided for his bastards and made sure they were getting a proper education of sorts. (it’s a very weird and fascinating quirk imo!!)
so if he does this, but otherwise doesn’t claim daemon, and doesn’t force anymore kids on naerys - for one thing, likely naerys outlives him and having a dowager queen around is always a fun dynamic that doesn’t happen very often in asoiaf. for another, it means daeron has to make peace with dorne differently - even legitimized, i’m unsure maron would accept a great bastard as a wife. i think this likely means daeron asks elaena to marry maron instead of ronnel penrose. that gives a big boost to the dornish faction at court because i can’t see elaena just leaving for dorne the way daenerys does; imo whereas daeron sees daenerys as a child (she’s the same age as his sons!) and her politicial mind doesn’t come into fruition until she gets to dorne, elaena has likely been a boon to daeron throughout aegon’s reign. i think daeron probably reaches out to some cousins to make marriage matches - rhaena and baela’s family specifically, with the loss of daenerys and elaena marrying someone else. i don’t know that naerys would remarry after aegon dies; it’s possible daeron is the sort to ask her to remarry but given her health issues, i do think he would see some sense in just keeping her around and single as this sort of Mother Above type figure at court.
but The Daemon Of It All. if he’s never claimed by aegon, that really cuts his rebellion off at the knees. he has no symbol of legitimacy in blackfyre, a keep, or a rich wife, and what’s more, daeron is NOT letting him call himself legitimized. he’s daena’s bastard, not aegon’s, and he remains Daemon Waters. And if Aegon also isn't putting any effort into raising him the way he does his other kids, that leaves a bit of a vacuum of influence with Daemon. This doesn't mean that Daeron is necessarily going to be actively hostile to Daemon - he could get the Brynden treatment and simply be kept close by. Maybe without a rebellion forming up around him, he could fall in with Elaena, turning to her for maternal comfort or familial bonds and eschewing a more martial role for a more scholarly one - something Daeron could find much less threatening.
At the same time....legitimizing all those bastards willy nilly is just, a lot. There's nothing stopping anyone or the other from declaring themselves king as Daeron's popularity takes a few hits in the beginning of his own reign. It's possible Daemon falls in with them anyway, but in more of a support role like Aegor does, than as the king claimant out front.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
I am LOVING this brainwashing shit, but I have to hand you: What if Kuroaku and Akari got yeeted to Hisui before shit REALLY got big with the Chaos Team's plans. Maybe just after people figured out that Kuroaku is Ingo and Akari is Dawn, for the extra hurt. Imagine dropping a whole ass evil team commander and his niece into ancient Sinnoh!! Especially if they're still separate at first. Imagine Kuro hearing about Akari, seeing her out in the wilds and just. Yelling her name and running to her.
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absolutely amazing. incredible.
Okay, so I raise you- Kuroaku gets amnesia, and Akari does not. She's found on Prelude Beach by Laventon, without any of her Pokemon on her. This is... not a good situation, definitely. She has no idea where she is, or how she got here, or where Uncle Kuro is. He fell with her, right? So for the moment she decides her best option is to play along with this... Professor Laventon he said his name was?
It's not so bad. There's a roof over her head, and food. She even gets paid! And all she has to do is fight catch Pokemon. Great! She loves fighting Pokemon! Definitely better than when she lived on the streets, which is definitely something that happened! Except she keeps getting flashes of stuff that tell her otherwise? She’s pretty sure she never knew her mom, so who is this woman that looks so much like her? Why does her heart hurt when she thinks about her?
Meanwhile Kuroaku is spat out in the Highlands, and wakes up with amnesia. He’s unable to recall anything but his name, but even that feels... strange. He’s certain it’s Kuro, and that he had some sort of important goal he was striving towards... but what was it again? He does have his Pokemon on him, and he immediately sets to figuring out where he is. He sees other humans, and spies on them for more information, but doesn’t show himself. He steals supplies from Melli, without ever encountering Melli. He manages to live in the Highlands for maybe three weeks on his own before he’s found by a strange tall Sneasel.
She takes one look at him, and before he can stop her, she’s shoving him in her basket and carrying him off somewhere. Oh, it’s some kind of nest. There’s a tent nearby, which is much better conditions than he had been living in previously. She points at the tent, and then points at the clutch of eggs. He thinks she’s saying she’ll let him live in it if he looks after her eggs? Fine. Fair deal. She seems strong anyways, and he respects that. Strength is important above all else.
(...is it? That sounds both wrong and right, but his head hurts when he thinks about it.)
Irida literally finds him there a few weeks later and realizes that somehow, Lady Sneasler found herself a Warden. Also this might be the guy who has been stealing supplies from Warden Melli for weeks now. He says his name is Kuro... probably. He has amnesia, and he thinks what he does remember is mixed up aside from that. The elders of the Pearl Clan recommend he should be removed by force- Lady Sneasler’s choice be damned, but when they send Gaeric to do it, he absolutely annihilates him in a Pokemon battle. Iridia’s pretty sure no one could make him leave if they tried.
Okay. Guess Lady Sneasler has a new Warden now.
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heartshapedbubble · 2 years
HELLO! I too am an Andrew and Eli enjoyer! if you can, what’re your h/c’s for one or both of them? B) (and do u have favourite skins for them B) )
Hope u have a great day / evening! :D
TASTE!! i love andrew's upcoming logic path and my favs for eli are night owl/recluse ! have a good day too🙏
andrew kreiss & eli clark random/general hcs🕸🦉
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andrew kreiss🕸
179cm (around 5'11), thin and muscular, his posture ain't the best either but hey it's what comes with his profession
has a bunch of scars similar to the ones on his face on his body, most of them caused by him accidentally hitting himself with the shovel
he prefers lurking to joining in the crowd during events, could also stalk someone he wants to be friends with but with no ill intent he's just v shy
he's german and his accent often kicks in when he speaks. he mostly speaks quietly but his voice is soft
has this feeling that he doesn't belong here in the manor and often wishes he could fit in easily - although, as time passes, he ends up fitting in and realizing the other survivors enjoy his company
best friends with emma and melly! they garden together in the manor's garden and they share their love for various flowers!
has a vast knowledge of flowers too, he learned what each of them mean by heart
kind of out-of-touch with modern humor and slang that the other survivors use,,, actually nvm he's out of touch with almost everything. he likes to learn though
used to be in the church choir growing up and often hums to himself while working
has a daily routine that he strictly follows
he tries to keep his cool and not panic when he's in matches but his anger often takes over, especially when the weaker survivors get tunneled
...like slamming mary with a pallet really hard to the point her head rolls over to the corner of the map
talks to himself while he's about to rescue or go for a save/escape - it helps him cope with his anxiety and fear of disappointing others
"come on andrew, if you manage to get tracy off the chair, you'll get a draw since you still didn't use up your tide! come on, andrew! you can do this!"
worries a lot - he's always asking the rescued person if the hunter hit them too hard, if they're okay or if they took a rest before the match
he's not literate so he draws on post-it notes instead of writing on them
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eli clark🦉
literally the most sweetest person you could stumble upon in the manor
he's always welcoming newbies and showing them the rooms and the garden
he's 175cm tall (5'9) and a bit chubby, has pretty good posture and will often remind you to stand up straight (caringly)
has chubby cheeks and if you squish them he's gonna be blushing for the remaining 15 minutes
shares his meals with brooke rose
his voice is deep but he's soft spoken and gentle
he can't see without his owl so he often runs into walls or shelves if she isn't on his shoulder
he's pretty touchy in a caring way - like coming up behind you and massaging you if he sees that you're stressed or running his fingers through your hair
loves hugs and will use every opportunity he gets to either give you one or get one. wholesome bastard smh
he has the same variations of his original robe but with different patterns,, like a pale blue variation with stars on it that he uses as pyjamas it's kind of funny
remember his christmas b tier robes? violetta made them out of an old festive tablecloth
has no fear of the hunter side of the manor - he knows they hate his guts and that they ban him in almost every match but he's still very polite and nice towards them
^ actually goes over there casually just to pet ann's cat and give it food
secretly organizes most of the fun events at the manor but he's too humble to say that it's him
since he can see the future and the inevitable doom, he often feels depressed because he deeply cares for everyone in the manor
that's why he made his duty to make everyone's time here more enjoyable - he wants everyone to be able to experience a happy life, at least for a short time
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Warden’s Ingo and Emmet unintentionally flirting with their s/o
Like you just got here with no memory either but hero is Hisui has a job. Then you get to the highlands and for some reason the wardens keep hitting on you and you don’t know if they know what they are doing, You mean it feel right and you can almost feel a fuzzy memory coming on from it, but still
oooh i love it, two amnesiacs flirting with their also amnesiac partner.

The 'Twin' Wardens of the highlands were both undoubtedly handsome, if not a big scruffy. Adaman basically had to deal with Emmet barging in during his discussion with you and Kamado about how to handle the frenzied Lord Electrode with the Warden's eyes glues on you. Whatever his complaints were had be been lost from your presence. You were walking out of the building when he caught you, Adaman giving him a strange look. "You're verrrrry strong looking... Yep! I like you!" Emmet declared with a nod before walking out. You tilted your head a degree a Rowlett would be proud of. Adaman apologised for Emmet's behaviour and rushed after him.
Meeting Ingo and Irida at the training grounds resulted in a dark blush on the Warden's face as he looked at you. It went unaddressed until Ingo accidentally spoke, "My, you're so beautiful..." He immediately stiffened up and apologised over and over again for his slip up before walking away with Irida.
Both seemingly switched out who was guiding you through the highlands, Ingo getting through a cave that a Diamond Clan member had decided to sabotage by removing the torches. Emmet was waiting on the other side. He looked none too happy when informed about the torch incident. A growl of Melli came from his mouth as he stomped off. Ingo gently grasped your hand and asked would you like further escort. He didn't seem aware of the gesture at all. You accepted.
At some point, an alpha pokemon blocked the way, so Ingo moved to handle it. Emmet slid down the side of a cliff with a bright grin. He rushed over and tackled you into a hug. It was constrictingly tight. His nose rubbed against yours before he stopped. His arms immediately released you. "Oh! I am sorry. I have no idea what came over me," Emmet smiled sheepishly and stared at Ingo. "He needs help. I will help." He walks away and sends out his Ariados.
Emmet walks your through the ancient quarry. Much too close to you. He refuses to budge from your side, carefully watching the Bronzong. Somewhere in there, his hand grabs yours, and he leads you along. Out of the underground area, he grins at you. "Safe and sound! I will keep you safe!" His comment goes over his head, but he hugs you again before leading you on to where Ingo is waiting.
A battle quickly ensues. Emmet watches you both from the sidelines, thoroughly amused by how intense it gets. The match is as close as when the two Wardens of the highlands battle. Ingo still loses, however. His eyes close for a moment. "I could marry you," he unconsciously says, "That was truly special; I must request another battle against you sometime." You blush.
Just before Emmet lets you into the Moonview Arena to settle Lord Electrode, he beams at you and demands a battle. No hold back either! He's even more vicious than Ingo, utterly determined to win. He doesn't, alas. Though, the pure affection that fills his eyes when you emerge victorious is certainly special. "I love you!" he declares and presses a kiss to your cheek. "I love you, too, Em!" you automatically reply and wrap your arms around him. The warmth of his body strangely familiar. He hums before pulling away.
Ingo, observing from nearby, hears this and pouts deeper than his usual frown. "My dear... I love you, as well! Please!" his hands grip yours tightly, silver eyes staring deeply into your own. "Ingo... I love you, too!" Looking down to your connected hands for a moment, you realise something.
"Are we all... wearing matching rings?" Ingo gasps while Emmet looks something between mortified and elated.
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 2 years
WELL. I just had a 7 or so hour plane flight and played more PLA. I found Ingo! Or, he found me.
Please enjoy the liveblog I kept in my notes app as I played :)
"The bit with paralleling Irida to Growlithe? OUCH
Ooh nobles are descended from a hero's team of ten Pokémon?
When I saw him I did poke my girlfriend and gesture wildly at my switch. And got a picture lol. Yeah, game, sure this guy is ???. Yup. Yeah. You got me.
I'm not at a level high enough to go on the mission boooo but I did try to go to the training grounds to see if Ingo was there anyways lol he isn't XD
Arceus smote me (autocorrect changed my typo to 'Arceus DNI' lmaooo) I was at the epicenter of a distortion and lighting hit my dude alsjskdkfk
I must have terrible shiny luck bc I haven't seen any aside from the ponyta the game gives you. Fun fact I have never found a random shiny in a mainline game. Or in Pokémon go, I've only found the ones that are more common on community days!
oh I have so many screenshots I am an insane person
I am totally normal over this guy. I am. (They said, like a liar.)
Volo! Hi dude! I know you're not the best in canon but I love you anyways. Ingo's slight passive aggressiveness at him is fucking hysterical tho
... I fought and defeated two of Ingo's pokemon with my crobat named Ingo lmaooo then his gliscor decimated my boy. Cain instinct? XD
I didn't see his sideward glance when I won the battle because I was focused on not dying but. I know he does that and it kills me.
Sneasler LAUGHED at me!!! I love her so much.
This is where I paused bc the plane was descending lmao. I have so many new ideas and locations to play around with for the Hisui era now... yesssss
I want you all to know I played this part on a plane thousands of feet up, wearing my Emmet hat, clutching ThirdRail the joltik, and sniffling :,) "
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feroluce · 2 years
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(part 1)
If their roles were reversed...
The scenes between Melli and Ingo would be so fucking funny with Emmet instead. This man knows Melli can't do shit against him. He has zero fear and gives zero fucks. I think Emmet would lose a lot of his spark being forcibly separated from Ingo like that, but it doesn't make him any less blunt, now he just says shit with less energy behind it haha. This is why Ingo had to be the one to get isekaid- Emmet would have just straight up called Melli a bitch. Can't have that in a pokemon game! ☆
I tend to see Emmet as having a lot of drive and ambition? Like if he wants something, he just kind of goes for it (challenging White, eavesdropping on Bianca, clearing the tunnels of Pasio just for Ingo, etc). And he's pretty self-aware, he knows what he wants and why he wants it.
But now, dropped into Hisui with no memories, that's a lot harder to decipher. Emmet suddenly doesn't know what he wants. It's that feeling of craving a snack, but no food sounds appetizing, except on a much grander and more profound scale. Emmet wants serious battles, but battling is barely even a THING in Hisui, let alone serious ones with anyone who could even hope to challenge his skill. So he doesn't even realize that's what he needs, because between Hisui being as it is and his own amnesia, he has no point of reference.
All of this ends up with Emmet frequently spinning his tires, throwing himself at wall after wall and nothing ever quite. Sticking. I think routines are very comforting for him (a focus on repeated safety checks, "What I do. What I say. Always the same."), so I could still see him being Lady Sneasler's warden and following a strict schedule with her, but. He doesn't know what to do with himself outside of that job. He develops a whole system for the tunnels, setting up torches to line the paths, marking dead ends and wrong-ways, putting warnings where alphas tend to nest. He carves handholds into the cliffsides, climbs up them to test them, then goes back down to tweak them and does it all over again. He takes up just about every kind of hobby one could have, with varying degrees of intensity and success.
It helps, but none of it truly satiates him. It's like trying to fill your stomach without realizing you have a tapeworm. Emmet is constantly hungry, consistently craving.
He keeps looking for ways to spend his time though, because if he's not doing anything, the emptiness starts crawling in. Emmet feels like there is something he should be doing, someone he should be taking care of. There's a void there at his side, and if he's not careful, it'll make its presence known by drilling straight into his chest cavity and chilling him from the inside out. He'll slow until he freezes, his skin will go numb with the frostbite.
He hates it. He learns to live with it.
Emmet doesn't speak much anyway, especially as the years drag and start to take their toll, but he finds that he likes listening to OTHER people talk. It eases the feel of the void. Irida is kinda chatty and she doesn't much pull her punches or edit her words (keeps calling Palina "Lina," makes her disdain for the player clear, fully admits when she's proven wrong, etc)- Emmet becomes her rubber duck. He speaks to her bluntly so she doesn't have to worry about deciphering him, and he's extremely helpful, especially with anything requiring strategy. They're both in mourning for people neither fully know or remember, too. Irida for a mother that died before she even spoke her first word and Emmet for a person he's not even sure existed, but whose absence he feels like a black hole in his heart. They get along well.
By the time the player meets him, Emmet has long since hit burn out and burnt himself down to nothing but a puddle of wax and wick. But just being around someone in a similar situation helps.
"I think I remember... I had a dear partner. Another one, before Crobat here. Don't know the name anymore, but. I know it was a constant companion. If it were here, I bet it would stick through this with us, galvanizing our resolve..."
"And there was...a man, we looked alike. A man of great strength and character. Worthy of admiration. We'd battle a lot. We'd talk a lot. I remember him saying 'There is no terminal called End in your life!'"
Emmet holds onto those words like a life raft.
And as soon as Emmet realizes being around the protag, and especially battling them, helps his memories, he pursues that thread RUTHLESSLY. He starts making frequent trips into Jubilife, something he used to do out of instinct to be around people, but had been doing less and less often as the depression settled in. He has a lot more purpose for it now, now he battles at the training grounds (almost always with Akari) and it's during these battles that villagers start to get drawn in by the spectacle. Because Emmet is flashy, lively in a fight, he's finally enjoying himself and obviously so. And people gathering round and some of them even cheering for one side or the other sends such a jolt through him, because that's what Emmet loves to do! That's what he used to do! Even if the memory is blurry, he can just feel it! He loves to put on a show and entertain people! He loves winning more than anything else!!
The memories start to trickle back in more and more after that, leaky faucet, steady little stream, it explains so much, why he sends his pokemon out two at a time, why he's always subconsciously preening over Lady Sneasler's kits (assessing them-), the way he talks, the way he moves, the void ever present at his side-
He finally has a name for it. He cracks and cries when he realizes, because he can't believe he ever forgot it. He forgot Ingo.
So when Ingo finally Falls to Hisui, too, it's right into the open arms of an Emmet that already at least partly remembers him. He already has a place in the world and a home waiting for him. ♡
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