#mello x mogi
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You know when you ship something but like. As a joke?? And then suddenly it isn’t a joke anymore??? Yeah
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baranedizille · 2 years
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DN sketches all yellow and sunny and starry
Takada in red | Ochre | Violet | Blue | Misa bonus
Separate pieces
omg it’s so dramatic
Mello x Near, and Matt
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Mogi and Misa
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Misa and Light’s hand
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Rem and Misa
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blondiest · 4 months
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basilsflowergarden · 2 months
Matt x Reader - Late night
Contains: Fluff
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You were in the hideout where Matt and Mello were currently located at. The two of you were assigned with keeping watch of Misa and Mogi, the both of you taking turns observing them.
It was late in the evening, with the sun nowhere to be seen outside, with only the glow of the city lights shining inside of the window. The only sound that could be heard was the tapping and clicking of buttons, with Matt playing his game. It was your turn to watch Misa and Mogi, with so far nothing having happened. On one side you're grateful, so Mello wouldn't have to deal with any more problems, but at the other side, it's boring as hell watching Misa and Mogi, as the two of them banter about nothing, while sometimes playing board games.
"Hey, have you fallen asleep yet?" Matt ruffled your hair with a teasing grin as he sat beside you. You were so caught up with observing them that you didn't hear him approaching you. "Not yet, and it's a miracle. If only i could get paid for everytime Misa whined about Light" The both of you laughed at that. "She does look really young. If Mello hadn't told me she was an adult, i would have guessed she was still a teen" Matt said to you. "I know what you mean, she's cute and has those big innocent eyes of a young girl" You replied back.
Matt pinched your cheek before giving it a quick peck. "Though her cuteness can't compare to yours, to me you're the cutest person in the world" You blushed at his words, and the way he was smiling so sweetly at you. "What would i do without you, hm?"
You kissed him back on the lips, cuddling him. Despite the fact that you two are supposed to be spying, you couldn't help but give eachother affection. It was nice to be able to do your job with your boyfriend.
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empressofthewind · 6 months
Analysis of Near's Relationships & Social Skills
fairly long post below the cut :-)
something that i find really interesting about Near's sociability in the manga is the fact that he's immediately presented as a recluse. in his very first scene, he's sitting alone completing a puzzle, and declines Linda's invitation to come outside "for once", without looking up or even remotely entertaining the request. this is backed up by his profile in Volume 13, in which his social skills are rated a 1/10, and it's said that he "keeps human contact to a minimum". yet when we see him throughout the rest of the series, this doesn't really seem to be the case. it's tough to analyse what he's like in typical social situations given that the circumstances under which we see him are quite unique, but he is surrounded by people pretty much 24/7 and seems to be very comfortable in this setting. he frequently asks for the input of his team, he is extremely willing to share his thoughts with them at any given time, and he also empathises with them and encourages them to speak up if they feel uncomfortable at any point (e.g., telling Gevanni he does not have to touch the notebook if he's too scared, and telling the entire team that they are welcome to stay at headquarters if they do not want to risk Mello making contact with them). so it doesn't feel right to say that he's shy or unwilling to talk to others, or that he has limited understanding of/regard for others' feelings; nor does it feel accurate to say that he keeps contact "to a minimum" when it's both shown and confirmed that he functions best with others around him.
the impression i get from him is that he is very willing and able to talk to people, but only when he needs to. he can hold a conversation just fine and he talks a lot when prompted, but he does not engage with people simply for the sake of socialising. he won’t go out of his way to initiate a casual chat just because. he does not conform to social norms, as exhibited by his preference for wearing socks and pyjamas even when meeting the President of the United States, so he won't participate in activities or conversations that he is not interested in just for the sake of earning brownie points with the people involved. he doesn't crave the approval of those around him and would rather be alone than engage in forced social interaction. his manner is also very blunt and he is not above brutal honestly. even his lies are very blunt and bold, such as him pretending that he dialled the wrong number when calling Light to confirm that Mogi was not Kira, or announcing to the task force that Mogi had died - which is a stark contrast to L, who lies often and is generally not upfront about it. i also feel like as much as he is willing and able to articulate his thoughts very clearly and extensively, this isn't necessarily his default. when receiving the news of L's death, for example, his instinct is to remain quiet, and process the information internally before speaking about it. on several occasions during the Kira case, he has to be prompted by the members of the SPK to share his thoughts. so i think it is perhaps reasonable to say he is instinctively a fairly quiet person, but is more than capable of speaking his mind if the need arises.
but despite all of this, i do definitely feel like he prefers having people around him. he's perfectly capable of reaching conclusions on his own, at times even faster than he would be when thinking aloud - case in point, the moment when he deduced that Mikami is X-Kira - so it isn't as though he needs to voice every individual thought. in fact, he doesn't really need to have others in the room with him at all, which is once again exemplified by the X-Kira deduction. but he often chooses to be around his team and voice his thoughts anyway, especially when he has strong opinions about something or someone, such as Kira supporters attempting to break into his hideout, or the president withdrawing his support from the SPK. i also think it's worth mentioning that despite him having been alone when he deduced that Mikami was X-Kira, he did invite both Gevanni and Rester into the room individually to ask for their opinions on who stands out to them from the broadcasts, so he could, in his words, use them as a reference. this suggests that he does not just share his thoughts and ask for input because he feels obligated to do so as a member of a team, but that he deems their contributions worth taking into account. it seems to me that he genuinely values the input and presence of his team and recognises that they are instrumental in solving the case; thus he offers them the courtesy of hearing his thoughts at every stage throughout the case, and explaining the logic behind the duties he needs them to perform for him.
once again, though, it's tough to analyse Near's social skills & habits when looking purely through the lens of his interactions with his employees, and there are limited options to investigate outside of the SPK. one thing that is clear to me, though, is that he draws very clear lines between people he does and doesn't respect, and treats them differently as a result. Light is the best example of a person Near does not respect. even before establishing that Light is Kira, Near has no issues telling him to his face that he and the task force are incompetent. after deducing that Light is Kira, Near is snarky with him, calls him out on his lies, and is the only person in the entirety of Death Note who tells Light to his face that he is a mass murderer, not a God. this ties both into Near's bluntness & honesty and his lack of desire for social approval; he has no interest in pretending to like people he fundamentally does not.
the best example of someone Near does respect, in my opinion, is Mello. Near's relationship with Mello is a particularly interesting case to analyse as an outlier amongst the people he interacts with. Mello is the only person we see him engage with (other than the brief exchange between him and Linda) whom he has history with beyond the Kira case, and who is neither a direct ally nor masquerading as one. Mello is actively working against Near, and thus, in theory, Near has no allegiance to him, nor any reason to be polite to him unless he considers Mello a potential threat whom he needs to be especially sensitive towards - which clearly isn't the case, given he makes no effort to appease Mello when his gun is pointed at Near and instead gives Mello permission to shoot him. so the way he speaks about and to Mello is very notable to me. it's abundantly clear to me that Near likes Mello and has a lot of respect for him. he praises Mello on his ability to get the Death Note before the SPK could, and does not hold Mello's crimes against him. Near talks about Kira and his followers with disdain and condemns them for their crimes, but he vehemently defends Mello, and is very quick to justify Mello's actions. he also went to great lengths to protect Mello by contacting everyone he knew of who had seen Mello’s face, and kept his photo protected for five years.
however, Near also puts very little effort into forming any sort of amicable relationship with Mello, as far as we can tell from canon. he accepts Roger's request for them to work together, but does not complain or attempt to stop Mello when he walks out. he does not console Mello over L's death, either, and he makes no attempt to extend his interactions with Mello later in the manga when Mello visits his headquarters and sends Mogi to him so they can conduct a joint interrogation. he never tries to convince Mello to like him and he doesn’t make a big deal about the effort he has put into protecting him. what this shows, in my opinion, is that if Near does have any interest in befriending and/or working with Mello (the latter of which i think is implied, and the former is more so a matter of interpretation), he does not want to force those relationships. he would be willing to align himself with Mello directly, but he does not want Mello to do so out of any sense of obligation. since Mello has made it clear that he has no interest in working with him, Near does not try to persuade him, and is perfectly comfortable to let him follow his own path if that is what he wishes to do. this could also give context to his apparent lack of friendships at Wammy's House, as specified in Volume 13 - if all of this is true, it's possible that there were others at Wammy's House whom he liked and would have been open to befriending, but because of his unwillingness to take initiative when it comes to forming these relationships, he gave off the impression that he was not interested, and would rather be alone.
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lawlietscaramels · 8 months
closed, writing answers
We hit 50 followers. A! Thank you all!!
I picked the title because, well, I'm killing canon to bring it a new life
As promised, here is our event: an ask game where I give canon characters some depth. I'll use the hashtag #death note reborn if you want to look through them all once I've written some! :D
So, pick a character and one of the letters from the list below! I'll run this for about a month? I've never done a writing event before but that seems reasonable :)
Anyone goes except Takada, the members of Near's or Mello's team (Matt is fine), Rem, Ryuk, BB, Ide, Mogi and Ukita. i. do not know them enough.
I'll have the most stuff for L, Light, Misa, Matsuda, Matt, Mello, and Near, but anyone not mentioned above is good to ask for!
you can also ask about my OC Rie :>
A: all my thoughts (everything I think about the character, a mix of the below) | L, Aizawa
B: background rewritten (a version of their past with more and/or different details) | Mello
C: change (how do they change, how have they changed, how do they want to change?) | L
D: darkest secrets (what they keep hidden and why) | Soichiro
E: existential crisis (what about existence scares them?) | Matsuda
F: failure (who/what they're afraid of failing)
G: games (do they play card, board or mind games? are they any good?)
H: headcanon list (my top headcanons) | Mello
I: in-depth psychoanalysis (what it sounds like)
J: job (a different career for them)
K: knight in shining armour (what's their role in the mediaeval au, how their character is different) | Mello
L: lei's death note (my headcanons, but those that are present in my au and go against or contradict canon facts)
M: motivation (what's their motivation? what drives them as a person?)
N: number (I list 1 to 10 and something after each; see Matsu's for examples) | Matsuda
O: older (if they lived for another 20 years, what would they be like?) | Mello
P: personality rewritten (turning them from 2D plot devices to 3D characters with emotions + feelings)
Q: question (ask me a specific question)
R: regrets (what do they regret the most about their choices, would they make different ones?) | Light
S: sexuality and gender headcanons (what. what it sounds like.) | L, Light, Mello
T: terrified (what they're afraid of) | L
U: uncertainty (do they ever doubt themselves or their actions? when? why?)
V: versus (I draw them as close to canon as possible, vs. in my style with my headcanons) | Light
W: worldly desires (what do they want in life that's a bit shallow?) | Matt, L
X: x-ray (what goes through their mind?) | Light
Y: you need a diagnosis (what I'd diagnose them with)
Z: zen (what calms them down + makes them happy) | Mello, L
That's it! Send an ask with a character and a letter! Thank you again for all the love and support, my dear followers 💖
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dicenote · 1 month
touta matsuda
omg YES ty! This is gonna be a long, disorganized ramble, so bear with me!
Touta Matsuda. My blorbo, skrunky scrimblo, love of my life, etc.
There are so many things about Matsuda's character that I could talk about. His impulsivity, his loyalty, his uncertainty... All of it makes a very real and very interesting character. And I think that a lot of his traits shine in one of the most horrifying scenes from his perspective: the Yellow Box Warehouse.
Like, let's take a step back and look at the numbers here. On one side of the warehouse, we've got a guy claiming to be L, and the three members of the old Kira Task Force that he brought with him. On the other side, we've got a different guy claiming to be L and three members of the SPK that he brought with him (oh. and the guy from the Task Force that got kidnapped in the mix). Outside, Kira's accomplice is lying in wait. So we've got ten people in all who are ready for the final showdown. The reveal. The evidence that will finally end this years-long nightmare and point to the true identity of Kira.
And of those 10 people, only one of them doesn't have a clue who Kira really is.
Light is Kira. Mikami is X-Kira and finds out who Kira is as soon as he looks in the room. Near and the SPK are all on the same page. Mogi and Aizawa know. Ide's a bit more on the fence but he wasn't completely in the dark. So Matsuda is the only one who goes in totally blind.
If anyone were to re-write Death Note purely from Matsuda's perspective, the Warehouse scene would go from tense to horrifying. To (nearly) everyone else there, this confrontation isn’t meant to reveal an unexpected truth, it’s to confirm something that they already know. But for Matsuda? Near's request to meet at the warehouse is, at worst, a tactic to once again frame Light. Because Light obviously can't be Kira, right? Light will show Near that he's wrong, and the investigation will continue as normal until the real Kira is caught.
But then Near presents that irrefutable evidence, and everything that Matsuda knew for over five years comes crumbling down. Light starts monologuing about how the world had to be fixed and how no one could ever make it as far as he did. Kira and Light are one and the same. Matsuda always thought that Kira was a well-intentioned person who was helping change the world. Ide and Aizawa and Mogi believed that Kira was evil, they were much stronger in their resolve than Matsuda ever could be. But Light had confessed to him once that he too questioned if what they were doing was right. If Kira was doing right.
Light has always been Kira.
And then comes the absolutely tasty part where Matsuda shoots Light. I love how chapter 106 is called "Intent to Kill", because it reminds me of how Matsuda and Light are foils to each other. Better yet, they can be compared against a man they both held such deep respect for, Soichiro Yagami.
See, Soichiro threatens to kill people a good couple times, and even holds a gun to his son's face, but he never has any intent to kill. In fact, he's never killed anyone, as (I think) Mello points out. It's almost kind of silly. Like, Soichiro draws the line at firing bullets or writing full names in the Death Note, and that's it? Everything else is fair game? Weird line to draw, but go off I guess.
Light, meanwhile, justifies killing thousands. But only with the Death Note. With the Death Note, his intent to kill becomes a righteous one, another step on the path to becoming God of a New World. The criminals deserved to die. Those who get in Kira's way deserve to die. Because Light isn't a serial killer. He's doing the right thing! Crime is going down, war has stopped, and Light is the only one who could have possibly gone this far and done this much good.
And then we're back to Matsuda. I believe the mafia raid is the first time we see Matsuda using a gun, and we see that he's damn good at it. So good, in fact, that he's able to fire only non-lethal shots to get the Death Note back. (Also, fun tidbit: I'm pretty sure he's the only one who doesn't go into the raid with a rifle, he's just got like, a standard-issue cop pistol with a light on it.) The same thing happens in the warehouse, at least initially. He fires at Light's hand to get him to stop writing. Then he and Light yell at each other for a little bit about (who else?) Soichiro. Light demands that Matsuda shoot the others, because he's the only one who understands Kira. When Matsuda hesitates, Light resumes writing Near's name. Then Matsuda fires again and again and again. Anything to make Light stop. Anything to make it all stop. But it becomes obvious that he's not just shooting Light as a deterrent. What does Matsuda say as he's doing it?
"He needs to die!"
The others literally have to drag Matsuda away before he can execute Light on the spot.
Matsuda is a character full of contradictions. He dedicates over half a decade to fighting Kira, but he doubts the whole time. He tries to follow in Soichiro's footsteps but in the end makes the same justification that Light did when he first started writing in the Death Note. This man is a criminal. He deserves to die. The Yellow Box Warehouse not only exposed Light's true colors, but Matsuda's as well.
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lawtistic · 2 years
edited based on reblogs ive seen
I'm always seeing others complain about how their fandom used to be amazing and how bad it is now, and all I can do is flex how the death note fandom has grown to be an actually decent fandom since it's peak of fandom garbage around 2017 (but its was always bad before that point)
also you guys are old /j
in 2006-2018: -L never died, he actually ran away to marry everyone's OC's!! uwu L never did anything wrong L is just sweet innocent cinnamon roll!! >o< -WARS were waged over mello x matt and mello x near and i will continue to fear shipping either in case i get a knife hurled at me -screw misa and near, they both suck! hate pages and slander CONSTANTLY, and if you stated you like one or both of them aloud you should fear for your life -task force? who? -if you don't like MY headcanon, you SUCK! i'll leave hate comments on your posts on a daily basis. - takada and mikami are HORRIBLE people! ignore the fact they're also written to be morally gray, they suck.
in 2022: - L and light and morally gray characters with morally gray actions, they have made bad decisions in their lives and it's honestly not a hate crime to like one or the other - mello x matt and mello x near shippers are free from their shackles at last, there's mostly mutual respect between these two shippers, bonus points if you ship them as a poly relationship - you're allowed to like misa and near, you're also allowed to not like them. i love misa and near stans, they're awesome people to talk to and be around - a good majority of the fandom ships lawlight, including myself because red flag x red flag is always good for drama - matsuda stans !! soichiro lovers !! there's less aizawa and mogi stans, and ukita and ide fanbases are still as dry as tumbleweeds on fire, but at least they exist in the fandom's eyes at all - you're allowed to have opinions now! yay! that's something i've never seen in any other fandom this year - takada and especially mikami are now recognized as actual characters who have made not so great decisions, but they have actions and inner monologue that reflects who they are as people, you're also allowed to like them.
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saccharinecoffee · 2 years
To all Near enjoyers, I present two of my silly crackship smut fics-- satisfaction guaranteed! (Obvious warning for explicit sexual content.)
Cohersion “Near attempts to make Mogi talk.”
Pairing: Mogi/Near, Mello/Near
Tags: Oral sex, Light exhibitionism/voyerism, PWP
Word count: 630
[Read on Ao3]
Full “Rester and Near have some fun at the office after hours.”
Pairing: Rester/Near
Tags: Anal fingering, Anal sex, Size difference, PWP
Word count: 857
[Read on Ao3]
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eyecicles · 6 years
BxMello and/or LxMogi?? Ty ♡
B x Mello:
1. My take on their canon relationship:
It’s almost touching how much Mello seems to care about B. Because who else does?
And honestly, Mello’s way of describing and explaining B is the main reason I love both AN and B so much (even though they are both trash).
B probably doesn’t even know about Mello’s existence, but I’m sure their interactions would have been pretty... interesting.
2. Do I ship them:
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them;
Honestly mainly because I find the very idea so entertaining. They have a lot to bond over and I’m sure their relationship would never be boring. Still, I think they should book a trip to Finland, watch the aurora borealis, do some snowboarding, drink hot chocolate and read some self-help books to each other!
4. Headcanon, if any:
Mello sent B a Christmas card when he was in prison
5. How much do I ship (%):
L x Mogi:
1. My take on their canon relationship:
I’d love to know what exactly Mogi thinks of L, because... I can’t really tell. But L seems to appreciate Mogi’s quiet and confidable nature, which is nice, I suppose. It’s just always hard to tell how much L even cares about the individual members of the Task Force (definitely not much, though).
2. Do I ship them:
Not really, but I still like your hcs about them, haha
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them;
I’m mostly neutral about it, so I’m not sure
4. Headcanon, if any:
L is averse to touch, but he still wondered how it would feel like to get hugged by Mogi
5. How much do I ship (%):
5% because I still can see how it could be kinda cute
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
Could I request L x reader who bakes? One part of my love language is gift giving but specifically giving people things I bake. This can range from cookies baked using pre-made dough to completely homemade by scratch baklava!
Anon I am foaming at the mouth. Was literally about to write something like this <3
(also I bake too so LOL—)
Content: GN reader
Warnings: none
Notes: PURE FLUFF AS AN APOLOGY FOR MY LAST POST IM SORRY also I’m on my phone which is why my format probably looks a little weird
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Okay. So. First things first
This is how you’d get closer to L. Y’know the saying, “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach?” That is entirely true with L.
If you’re baking during the Kira case, I can definitely see Matsuda coming to find you and trying to steal a cookie or two and you gotta smack his hand away
Definitely helps Watari out, too. Watari doesn’t need to spend as much money on sweets or time baking anymore with you around
L gets all happy when he sees you bringing him a plate of cake, and gets even happier when he can feel the plate is a little warm, spotting the steam rising from the slice of the cake.
L loves when YOU take care of his sweet tooth. He’s always wanting you to make something
If he’s not working and you’re baking, he’s gonna come up behind you and hug you until the stuff is ready to eat
If you learn to make chocolate bars and lollipops or whatever, stuff Watari usually just buys at a store, he’s gonna propose to you right there
L hates when you give your baking to anyone else, especially if that “anyone” is Light, Misa or Matsuda. He’s actually kind of okay with sharing the desserts with Watari, Soichiro and Mogi though, but he’d prefer to keep it for himself
If you’re with him before the Kira case, and before Matt and Mello ran off, the kids’ll want you to make stuff for them too
L doesn’t like sharing desserts with them too, but they’re just kids so he’s forced to be quiet about it
His sons end up liking you more than him (Mello especially) and L is all like :/ what the fuck that’s my S/O
Watari will be your taste tester. Usually loves helping you as well. Will also try to help you in forcing L and the kids to eat actual meals (Matt and Near have less of a problem with separating from sweets, whereas Mello and L practically fight you both on it)
L will also love if you get like, cupcake flavored chapstick or any kind of sweet perfume. Cuddling and kissing are about to become a constant if you do that
L will start to call you “my little baker” and “cupcake” and “muffin.” Also, instead of calling you the light of his life, he calls you “the slice of my cake” ???
He thinks it makes sense but it doesn’t
When you gift him sweets, he may cry later about it. Obviously in the moment he wont, but later when he’s thinking about it he will
L is used to people not wanting to be around him, much less give things to him. Yeah he’s got “sons” and Watari acts like a father, but his sons don’t exactly interact with him and two of them grow to detest him. L, in reality, is a very lonely man
So for you to give him something, sweets especially, made his heart swell so much
It doesn’t matter how long you two are together. Every time you give him something, it makes him want to cry later.
He really savors the gifted sweets, eating them slower than usual. He really wants to cherish the moment
It also, strangely, makes him a lot sleepier. So once he’s done eating your gifted sweets, he’ll lean against you and fall asleep
If you gift them while he’s working on the Kira case, the Task Force are all going to be horrified at the little smile L has on his face
Its to the point that Aizawa will fucking hunt you down to make L sweets and gift them to him if L’s been in a bad mood
“I’ll even go buy the wrapping paper right now, just— please, Ryuzaki is verbally beating the shit out of Mastuda and it’s even making me wince.”
L will get upset if you comfort Matsuda while he eats the sweets you gifted him. Matsuda is fucking crying in the corner and you’re hugging him, and L is thinking fucking Matsuda…>:(while eating a cookie you gifted him
Overall this little froggy man LOVES your baking, even if its a flavor he doesn’t particularly like or if its a little burnt. It just makes him really happy knowing that you care so much for him <3
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Okay so nobody asked but THIS is the scene I was talking about in the tags of that post the other day. It makes a lot more sense with context but every time I read this I have to pause for a few moments
What’s funnier is THIS panel the chapter before where the task force is discussing who Mello is most likely to contact (and come to agree that it’s most likely Mogi)
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And Matsuda instantly assumes it will be for romantic reasons??? Or at least it seems like it???? I don’t know what else this could be implying
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mikami · 4 years
so like, why didn't mello kidnap light instead of takada? he knew that light was kira and L and since he was tailing mogi, he should've known where light's HQ was. Why would he kidnap someone who's connected to kira instead of just kidnapping kira directly?
Thank you so much for this ask because for the first time in my whole life, I have understood Mello’s plan. For 12 years now I have been utterly baffled by what it was that Mello is attempting and I got it now. I finally understand the last piece of Death Note that never made any sense to me. THANK YOU.
So let’s trace what Mello knows...
Mello knows that Light is Kira/L and that Takada is connected to him, obviously. He also knows Near’s plan is to have his name written in a Death Note to prove that Light is Kira - but he doesn’t know about Mikami. It is unclear if that means he doesn’t know there is an X-Kira or if he just doesn’t know Mikami is X-Kira. I think it is the latter, because then we can make the Takada kidnapping make sense.
If Mello is aware that Light is not presently using any notebook (as he is constantly watched by the task force), then that means he knows an unknown third will have to write Near’s name. He’s also smart enough to conclude Takada is likely the link through which Light and X-Kira communicate.
The only statement of intent we ever get from Mello is this vague thought: “This woman, she’s connected to Kira... Unless I do this...” We only know he thinks the kidnapping should be a catalyst for something. 
I assume he is trying to catch two birds with one stone - in the triangle of Kiras he kidnaps the one person who he thinks DOESN’T have access to a notebook. The one person he thinks WON’T be able to kill him, but who DOES have enough incriminating information on Kira and X-Kira that it will force both of them to act. And not only will it force them to act, it will force them to act without contacting each other and coordinating with each other. If Kira or X-Kira have an ace in the hole, now both would use it and reveal it to Near.
Where Mello fails is the assumption that Takada won’t be able to kill him. Of course, he takes safety measures by making her take off her clothes, but ultimately he is lenient enough to give her the blanket because he thinks she has no Death Note paper whatsoever.
He certainly planned to force the Kiras to make a move, but he thought that only Takada would be killed while he himself gets away.
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13eyond13 · 3 years
I love your blog and your insights on deathnote! What do you think the biggest differences between manga Mello and anime Mello are?
Hiya! Thank you so much!
Ohh boy, well I haven’t seen the anime in a couple years now. I don’t really feel like I’m actively in the DN fandom anymore tbh, so my insights on such things might not be extremely accurate at this point.
However I do remember back in 2019 that I watched the entire successor arc of the anime and compared it closely to the manga so I could point out the differences between anime!Near and manga!Near. It’s here in this meta post:
Comparing manga!Near to anime!Near: (X)
After I posted that somebody asked me to point out the main differences between manga!Mello and anime!Mello too. And this is what I said while it was still fresh in my mind:
(1) Mello suffered the same bad introduction as Near in the Wammy’s anime scene (I explained what I found weaker about the anime version in the meta linked above)
(2) you don’t get the same in-depth explanations of Mello’s reasoning for certain things in the anime as the manga, like when he’s negotiating with Soichiro at various points he has more nuance to his reasoning in the manga
(3) his relationship with Halle is more in-depth and ambiguous in the manga, and so is his relationship with Near
(4) he has some scenes involving threatening the President of the United States and Mogi and various others over the phone that aren’t in the anime at all
(5) some of his better outfits don’t make it into the anime (where is the deliveryman uniform??)
(6) he does surveillance of Misa and Mogi in the manga with Matt that is cut out of the anime
(7) he is cute and chill with Matt in a surprising way when they talk, and they have some actual conversations lol (I’m pretty sure in the anime Matt doesn’t even get introduced by name until he has already died)
(8) Near spins Mello’s kidnapping of Takada in a hopeful way in the anime and a less hopeful way in the manga (also explained in the meta linked above)
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covered-with-ink · 3 years
For the OTP question meme~
LxNear for numbers 6, 20, and 30? ❤
Also, if it's okay, Meronia for numbers 3, 7, and 24?😍
Pretty please and thank you!
Hi my dear fengsuave123! Thank you for the ask, I tried my best (and maybe even thought too much about some of these) but I hope it makes you happy.
L x Near
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner's? (I'll go with outer features this time.)
L likes Near's hair the most. He will never say it out loud, but it's showing. He touches it, holds it in his hand and sometimes rubs the hairs together. He's also doing it when he is worried, it acts as an autistic stimming for him. Near doesn't really like it, but when L is not on his side he starts to notice he misses this kind of touch. (Maybe thats why Near is twirling his hair so much in canon?)
From Near's side, he has no favorite feature. He always wanted to be like L, so he finds him perfect the way he is. He likes to notice all the small details on his face and body, he counts all the little birthmarks just to know him even better, but he has no favorite.
20. What their family/friends think of their relationship?
The Task Force thinks pretty ambivalently when it comes to this. I think, since L treats it as an obvious and unquestionable fact that Near is his partner, they don’t talk about it much.
When L is around them, he usually focuses on work but when he does starts to talk about his relationship with Near...
Soichiro and Aizawa (while Soichiro doesn't get uncomfortable with the topic) will be the firsts to try to get the genius detective stop talking and actually doing something useful. It's just unrelevant to them.
Mogi and Matsuda are more likely to joke around with the fact that L has a partner. Especially, when they find out how...similar they are and sometimes how unsufferable they can be together.
Watari, as a good father figure, is glad that someone finally has a good effect on L, although he never would have thought that person will be the little Near...
And Roger just doesn't get it. No matter how obvious L makes it sometimes, he will still andress them as friends or as a mentor and a pupil.
From the SPK, Gevanni cares the most. He was always worried about Near, because he acknowledges that Near is just a child with a too big puzzle to solve on his own. He likes to make sure that Near and L are okay, to see if he can trust in their way of managing problems.
30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it (-your broken heart).
(I've never thought about this one before.)
From the very beginning Near appeared in L's dreams whenever he actually fell asleep, no matter the time. Now that they are together it's not frustrating for him anymore, because he knows the other is with him in his memories when he gives up control over his mind (I think L defines sleeping as something like that.).
Meronia (Mello x Near)
3. Most common argument?
Mello hates it when N handles problems completely emotionlessly.
Although he rationally knows that it is not true, but in such cases he cannot dispel the idea that maybe Near is secretly that emotionless against him as well. He never says it. He just starts making small but surely annoying comments on Near's method of problem solving. In the end, it makes the problem they faced at the beginning even bigger.
7. What's the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Near notices first, but he does nothing about it, and waits. He had previously considered this possibility. When he first notices that his feelings are mutual, he his lips are starting to curl into a small smile really often. He known.
Mello, on the other side does starts acting differently, he is more kind to him, but the inner changes are more interesting. Being rivals, Mello always made himself believe that he is better than Near, making him appear worse than himself. When he falls in love with him, those feelings suddenly disappear. Without those feelings, Mello is able to see Near as his ecqual which amuses him.
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the others ear during inappropriate times?
It's mostly Near. Mello would love to do that, but usually he just too focused on what they are doing at the moment, that he forgets to. Near, on the other hand, likes to tease him with it. Most of the time Near times his little comment right before Mello has to speak up. It makes Mello's voice shake with a kind of tension Near rarely hears.
I hope there are not so much spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Forgive me, am really tired.
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fireember345 · 4 years
Twin of Kira Prompt
A Death Note Prompt
Do not own Death Note
Anyone can use the prompt
 Light x L (Formerly)
Light x Touta Matsuda
Light x Teru Mikami (one-sided)
Innocent Light
Blind Light with Shinigami eyes from birth
Twins Light and Taiyō Yagami
If Shinigami bleeds and their blood touches the unborn, it grants them the eyes, but instead half of their lifespan lost but their sight completely
Light was the only one to obtain the eyes from birth, he learned that if he concentrates hard enough he can see with the eyes, but only faces as well as their names and lifespan, everything else is darkness
The doctors are not certain what causes this strange anomaly to his eyes as they believed it some this new form of mutation to humans
Light is still the perfect student, good-looking, charming, and gifted in sports with his brother as he is an inspiration for conquering the darkness he sees and, suffers from
Taiyō is protective and supportive of his brother as he helps Light when he needs him, wanting to make a better world for his brother to be safe with
Taiyō is the one to take the death note
He learns from Ryuk about why his brother has the eyes and the Shinigami needed to stay away from Light’s radar
Taiyō only writes in the Death Note when Light is not around
When Kira first surfaced, Light wanted to catch him
Since Light could not write, he used audio tapes to speak of his investigation as he tries to figure out the mystery
L learns of the twins and have surveillance on them
This begins the hypothesis that one twin is innocent while the other is Kira and using his brother as a shield to go undetected
L learns of the tapes and listens to every single one and sees that Light is heavily invested in trying to find Kira
Taiyō sent a message that Kira has two faces, the Face of Rot that punishes and the Face of Innocence that gives, unaware of the first face
When Taiyō been trying to throw off L’s surveillance, Light was disgusted by the pornography in his room and scolded him for not setting high standards for himself while Taiyō points out that he’s only human and that Light is only saying that because he’s attracted to men
Soichiro Yagami was then requested by L to bring a medical record of Light, wanting to learn more about his blindness, believing it has something connected to Kira
This becomes useful later as the second Kira appears with the same ability as Light
L has Light’s eyes looked as he wants to see any strange anomalies to them
Using only Soichiro’s face to look at him, Light describes the feeling, the eyes and every other detail as they scanned his eyes
L asked Light to help him as he believes that Kira’s powers may have been the reason why Light is blind as Soichiro now has a vendetta as he blamed Kira for blinding Light
Light was surprised that Misa was his twin’s girlfriend but does some light teasing as Misa enjoyed Light as a brother in law
Taiyō lied about Light being the second face of Kira and the true God of the world he wanted to give him to Misa as she agreed to protect his brother as long as he’s her boyfriend
Rem accidently meets Light as his eyes can see her
Rem tells him the truth about his eyes as he was blinded by Shinigami blood and warns him to never use the power that Kira has or he would be tainted like him
After his brother’s, father’s and Misa’s confinement and ruse, Light and L become close and started dating
L gets close enough to Light to want him as his successor and wants him to be the one to take care of Near and Mello, who Light promise not to tell anyone about him, including his brother and father
Light fears the Death Note as he didn’t want to be corrupted like Kira
Rem asked for Light’s forgiveness after she writes L’s name
Light vowed to find Kira as Taiyō felt safe as his brother was his moon eclipsing the sun, hiding its true intention
During the four-year time skip Light loves again but with Touta Matsuda, they then were wed on the fourth year as they barely got his father’s blessing since both were detectives and both agreed not to have kids
Near meets with Light as he was the one known as L
Mello kidnaps both Sayu and Light as one of the mafia members cripples his legs with a bullet permanently
Mello had Light under care to keep him alive as he had negotiations for the notebook
Light knew who Mello was and Mello knew who Light was as he told him about L and how much he loved both Mello and Near to the point he wanted Light to be his protector and caregiver
Mello asked him questions about the death note and his eyes as Sidoh made his way for his notebook
While Sayu was returned for the Death Note, Light was kept a prisoner and threatened to kill him if he returned
Taiyō feared he would have to kill Light as he was a prisoner
Light wanted to protect Mello, though Mello wanted him to hate him, for paralyzing him and for traumatizing his sister
Though Light admit he was mad for his impulse, but he promised that he would never hate him
Mello told Light that he didn’t need him to take care of him and could take care of himself, though he asked to look after Near as a secret favor to him
Light wanted to see Mello’s face with his Shinigami eyes and treasured that memory of his face like L’s
Light was given painkillers from his wound and often sleeps
When the task force came to the rescue, Touta finds him, drugged with pain killers and carries him to safety
Light felt his father die as the doctors take care of him and cries in his sleep
His brother tells him but Light already know as he felt it
Light was then given a wheelchair as Touta felt guilt for what happened
Near has Light and Aizawa investigate Taiyō
Taiyō promised Mikami to have his “Pure Face’s” hand in marriage when this is over as Mikami felt honored to marry a God
Light saw Near’s face and name as he felt content to know both boys as Near promises to bring in Kira as Light helps him
Around Christmas, Light sent gifts to Near and Mellow
Light was devastated for Mello’s death but received a message from him before he died, thanking him for meeting him
Light stayed with Near and Mogi as Light needed to be certain that his brother is Kira or not
Light told the task force that he had Near wear the mask himself as he told them that L had him be his guardian before he died
After Taiyō is revealed to be Kira, everything was revealed, including his arrange marriage to Mikami after they were all dead, he told them that he did this for his brother and give him and everyone a better world and make Light a God
But Near tells him that Taiyō just uses his brother as a shield, taking everything for him as a price to make the world for him, though he may have started off as trying to protect his brother, he in the end betrayed him
Matsuda shoots him before Taiyō could right a name, shouting that he drove his father to his death, crippling his brother and destroying their families lives
After Taiyō is found dead, Light decided to step down as L and become Watari for Near
Near tells Light at his brother funeral that his brother died long ago, Kira was nothing but a ghost of him
Matsuda joins them, acting as a second Watari as they left for England
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