#memory's mystic band;
avephelis · 1 year
RISE TWITTER QNA! no major news or announcements, but here's a list of new information and confirmations:
S3 could be brought back as a retro show in the future, but it probably wouldn't happen anytime soon (focus is on mutant mayhem at the moment)
it was never decided whether capril would be friends or girlfriends (due to rise's focus on platonic relationships)
council of heads! they're in power, but a lot of influential yokai (like big mama) aren't easily controlled, and "game the system"
despite not having his dual katana, supposedly f!leo DOES still have mystic powers
ron corcillo would love to see a spin-off focused on the caseys (if rise were ever continued), and likes the potential of a raph + casey vigilante duo
the turtles got their names after splinter's love for renaissance art
big mama's henchman WAS planned to be the missing sister, and rather than venus de milo, she would've been named after a female artist (possibly frida kahlo)
for halloween: raph dressed up as a kitten, mikey as a lion, leo as a rockstar, and donnie as j. robert oppenheimer
the mystic weapons stolen from draxum acted as a conduit to help the boys unlock their innate mystic powers with a "little boost"
they didn't realise mayhem's potential as a character/force until too late, but it could've been fun to do some stories of him being an operative (a la perry the platypus)
there weren't any planned stories for side villains (aside from the foot's cupcake shop), most focus was on the turtles
not much on casey jr's backstory, just that cass and the turtles were fighting the krang and leo raised him as a warrior. casey jr only has brief memories of cass from when he was very young, and was mostly raised by leo
there were definitely six baby turtles (two sisters)! and the turtles were gonna split up to rescue the one with big mama and the one in "the dimension", but they never planned much of it out
there's most likely a time gap between the rescuing leo and the ending scene of the movie, as "after a fight like that, [everyone] would definitely crash and need some recovery time"
there would've been more big mama in future episodes, and stinkbomb was planned to return
since the turtles became known to the public at the end of the movie, they'd have to fight to retain their reputation. this and their reception to criticism/backlash would've become a major arc.
on brother rankings: mikey is definitely raph's favourite, and they all look up to raph
the stronger someone's ninpo is, the greater the drain on their energy is (as seen with f!mikey and karai)
there wouldn't be much threat on villains going after casey jr's future intel, because most of it would've been rendered obsolete
nickelodeon would never give up the rights to rise, but they could license it to a partner company (such as IDW for a comic!)
as previously mentioned, the 2nd sister would've been trapped in "another dimension" and venus/frida would have to be won over by "helping her see that she had been brainwashed [by big mama] as a child" (and redeemed)
given more time, the show would've fleshed out: the hamato story, the hidden city's origins (krang spaceship that crashed into the crying titan being the source of the ooze, its fuel being what gave the yokai mystic powers), and would've used the rat king (who ron corcillo would've liked to be a powerful yokai with rat-like abilities and some form of mind control, who could've threatened the council of heads for power in the hidden city)
as far as we know, the turtles (aside from leo's spanish) only speak english (and even their english is sometimes a bit off)
rise probably wouldn't have ever "gone dark", but after the turtles were publicly known and full-time heroes, it might've had more of an extended plotline
the turtle's casual clothes somewhat reflect their music tastes (r&b for raph, glam rock for leo, techno (and 80s) for donnie and boy band for mikey)
future heights: mikey grew a bit and then shrunk under mystic strain, leo was at least 6ft, donnie a little taller than leo, and raph at least 6'6
mikey's powers could get pretty intense, which could've resulted in some multiverse episodes (ron corcillo would be most inclined to do a 12 crossover, but any could work). while leo portals short distances, mikey's cross space and time (with great effort)
given more time, how the turtles met april would've been fleshed out
in terms of how they take after splinter: donnie and leo have a lot of his cockiness, raph his courage and sense of duty, and mikey senses him missing his family (which is part of the reason of why he tries to hold everyone together)
given more time they would've done more with the transfer of leadership from raph to leo (and originally the plan was to draw that out over S3, rather than the abrupt S2 ending). they would've been co-leaders for a while, and at times mikey or donnie would lead (they aren't really a group with just one leader archetype)
there were plans for april to have more time with the specific turtles other than donnie (like how the gumbus was focused on her mikey and leo)
the cast's mystic abilities would've increased over time, and splinter has a lot of power that hasn't been revealed (as he spent a lot of time in the hidden city in his past)
venus/frida would've been very disciplined and so serious that's she's funny, and the dimension sister would've been "a little kooky"
there weren't really any plans on how the turtles would look in cloaked human forms, just that they'd resemble lou jitsu and may be inspired by their VAs
mikey is the only brother who can fully pull all his limbs and head into his shell (being a box turtle)
any usagi appearances would be a rights matter, and depend on collaboration
on timelines: april is 16 at the start of the series and 18 in the movie, but exactly how much time passes isn't confirmed
ron corcillo would've liked to do more donnie + raph episodes, like one where despite how donnie considers himself smarter, raph ends up beating him in common sense and emotional intelligence
f!leo didn't go with casey jr to the past due to being mortally wounded in his bleeding side
given more time there would've been more flashback episodes with the turtles at various ages
though he'd never admit it, hueso has a close relationship with leo
in early S3 there would've been an episode of setting up the new lair
mystic warrior f!mikey is pretty old (maybe in his 70s), and is strong enough to use basically any mystic power, but at great cost to him physically
no major plans with bishop, but once the turtles became more well-known he could be a bit of a thorn in their sides (like j. jonah jameson to spiderman)
there might've been some redemption from big mama, but also some relapses into her "villainous ways"
given a full season, karai would've been alive for longer, and would've trained the boys for a number of episodes
confirmation that some of early s1 aired in the wrong order (which the writers weren't happy about)
in rise, there's always an unpredictability as to how sentient a mutant will turn out to be
raph probably wouldn't be super uptight about swearing, provided the boys weren't offending anyone
there weren't any plans for romantic relationships (and DEFINITELY never an april-turtles love interest), but if they had ever tried something eventually it would've been with the same species
there were no specific plans for alopex, rita, or rennet, but anything's a possibility
in terms of the 1000 years ago krang/mystic timeline, the spaceship crashed first (possibly spawning the yokai), and other krang followed it, drawing in the invasion
that seems to be about it but if there's any more i'll do a reblog with additions
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Various pieces of information from the Rise Q&A back in July 
1. When asked how the Turtles got their names in Rise it was said that back when Splinter was Lou Jitsu he travelled the world & developed a love for the Italian Renaissance & it’s art
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This might have possibly been hinted at in the show as during the episode Al Be Back, Splinter was shown singing opera when trying to convince his sons to let him join their band.
2. Big Mama’s Assistant was stated to be one of the Turtle’s missing siblings & there were plans to name her after a female artist with Frida Kahlo possibly being the artist Big Mama’s Assistant would have been named after
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The Turtles were supposed to figure out that Big Mama’s Assistant was related to them after various encounters with Big Mama, her personality is said to be ‘so disciplined & serious to the point where it is funny’.
3.  The Turtles had always had the potential for mystic powers & the mystic weapons that they took from Draxum acted as a catalyst & conduit to activating them
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The Turtles are said to have had their mystic abilities inherently but needed something to help unlock them.
4. When asked about Mayhem it was admitted that Mayhem’s teleport ability was tricky to use due to easily being able to get the Turtles out of any serious situation
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However it was stated that it could of been fun to see Mayhem go on seperate adventures similar to Perry the platypus in Phineas & Ferb.
5. When asked about the Raph & Casey friendship which can be seen in other iterations in TMNT it was said that though Raph & Casey didn’t get the chance to interact that much in the show they would actually make ‘the perfect pair’ if they had gotten to spend time together.
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6. It was stated that after the Krang were sealed away the Turtles crashed & needed recovery time
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7. After the events of the movie the public become slightly more aware of the existence of the Turtles
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It was said that there would be a divide between people who feared & people who supported mutants & that the Turtles would have to work to maintain their reputation as heroes
8. When asked about if the Turtles had favourites when it came to their brother it was stated that Mikey was most likely Raph’s favourite & that Leo had a soft spot for Donnie & that Leo, Mikey & Donnie all look up to Raph
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Mikey, Donnie & Leo: Raph! Raph! Raph!
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9. When asked about Future Mikey & why he looked so much older in the future it was stated that the more powerful you Ninpo & Mystic energy are the more potential the powers have to drain whoever is using them
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10. When asked about the heights of the future Turtles it was stated that due to his powers draining him Mikey had shrunk slightly but the Future version of Raph had been over 6ft 6 & the Future Version of Donnie had been slightly taller that Future Leo.
11. Casey Junior is said to have lost Cassandra when he was rather young & only has brief memories of her & that he was mostly raised by the Future version of Leo.
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12. When asked about Splinter’s mystic abilities it was stated that he could do anything any of the Turtles could do if he tried
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We’ve have briefly seen this when Splinter used Leo’s odachi to make portals but it also possibly means that Splinter could have also possibly replicated some of Raph, Donnie & Mikey’s abilities as well.
13. If there had been a cross over episode with Rise the 2012 Turtles were the Turtles most likely to be used due to many of the people who worked on Rise having also worked on the 2012 cartoon as well
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Mikey’s powers are said to open up the possibility for cross overs with other universes
14. When asked about the Rat King it was stated he could have possibly been an extremely powerful Yokai
15. It was stated that Leo & Donnie both got their confidence from Splinter while Raph inherited his courage & sense of duty 
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It was also stated that Mikey can tell that Splinter misses his old family & works to keep the family together
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galvanizedfriend · 7 months
Klaroline Fanfiction Masterlist
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It's been a minute since I last updated my masterlist so I decided to go ahead and start a new one. Yokan // ▪ Multi-chapters
. The Wolf Series [I, II, III and Outtakes - Incomplete] When Caroline wakes up shackled, powerless and very far away from Mystic Falls, she knows she's in serious trouble. But when a woman named Sophie Deveraux reveals the reason why she's been kidnapped and taken to New Orleans, she realizes things are far worse than she could've ever imagined.
[The Originals rewriting where Caroline is a witch and gets pregnant with Klaus' child. Seasons 1, 2 and 3 complete, season 4 coming.]
. Vice and Virtue [6/6 - Complete] As the second son of a Duke, Klaus Mikaelson has the means and all the time in the world to indulge in every manner of wild activity with very little respect for the regiment of polite society. That is until his brother decides he's had enough of his vulgar ways and gives him an ultimatum. Caroline Forbes is a young debutante in search of true love and adventure. Except her aunt wishes for her to marry a somber Viscount who's already buried three wives. When their paths cross, they realize they might yet strike a deal that could satisfy their relatives and benefit them both.
[AH Regency!AU inspired by Bridgerton and a dozen other period novels I have been reading lately.]
. Pedulum [2/2 - Complete] This is what Klaus Mikaelson knows: death isn't the end for him. From the moment he is brought into the world to his final shuddering breath, Klaus' life is pretty much the same as everyone else's. The difference lies in what happens after he dies: he goes right back to the beginning, a child in London with the memory of dozens of lives lived before. Nothing ever really changes, including the fact that no matter how hard he tries, he can never save Caroline Forbes' life for too long.
[AH/soulmates!AU with a slight magical twist. Technically a one-shot, chapter 2 is just an alternate ending.]
. We'll Always Have New Orleans [3/15 - Incomplete] Caroline wakes up in a world where everything looks exactly the same, only nothing really is. For starters, she's no longer a vampire, and no one else in Mystic Falls has ever heard of witches, vampires or werewolves - no one except for Klaus, who woke up just as human and twice as angry about it. Their search for answers and a way out takes them all the way to New Orleans, and Caroline could never anticipate how much this crazy fake world was about to alter her reality forever.
[Canon-divergence!AU. Set right after TVD 4x18.]
. Speed Dating [3/4 - Incomplete] Klaus is having a bad month, so Caroline decides it's a great idea to drag him along to a round of Speed Dating. Other men in the room do not approve.
AH/AU fluff that was inspired by an episode of House (yes, it is fluff, I promise).
. Gasoline [2/2 - Complete] "He doesn't apologize, of course he doesn't. He doesn't care. He calls everyone love. It's not meant to mean anything. Except it did, once, and it makes Caroline's stomach churn away inside, as she feels Klaus crawling underneath her skin like he never left at all. I've still got you."
AH/Band!AU. Two years after Klaus walked out on his band - on her -, Caroline finds herself in her least favorite place on earth - New Orleans. She really did try to stay away from him, escaping an event just to keep off his radar. He finds her anyway.
. Like It's Christmas Again [2/2 - Complete] As Christmas approaches, Caroline Forbes, a New York-based event planner, is sent to a quaint small town in Virginia to organize their holiday festival. But her plans are momentarily hindered by the presence of Klaus Mikaelson, the Mayor's brother and a grumpy billionaire lacking in any holiday spirit, who's in town to close the sale of his family's manor - the charming estate she was hoping to use as a venue.
[AKA that time when I committed Christmas fic. AU/AH inspired by a Hallmark movie, I kid you not.]
. Spin [5/5 - Complete] Since she was seven years old, Caroline Forbes has been preparing herself to become President of the United States. But before she gets to the Oval Office, she needs to win the election for senior student president at the prestigious Saint Sebastian High - which would be in the bag if only goddamn Klaus Mikaelson hadn't decided to run against her.
[AH/AU lovers-to rivals-to-lovers The Politician!AU where everyone takes school elections way more seriously than they should.]
. How Far I'd Go [2/2 - Complete for now] Set in TVD S6/TO S2. Unable to control Caroline after she turns her humanity off, Stefan reaches out to the only person he can think of for help.
[Slices of moments of Klaus in Mystic Falls while Caroline has her humanity off.] ▪ One-shots
. The Sound of Settling Klaus hates his job at Mikaelson & Sons. He hates wearing a suit. He also hates his brothers constantly butting into his life. Everything will be better once he gets his much desired transfer to the New York branch. Caroline Forbes is the owner of Mystic Café, and when Klaus accidentally wanders into her coffee shop, his whole perspective changes. [AH/Coffee Shop!AU where Klaus is a lawyer. Fluffity Fluff. Lots of Mikaelsons and some Carenzo friendship.] . The Witch Queen Caroline always knew she was different. She was keyed into her own otherness very early on. Strange things happened around the Forbes women. Her mother never really had to spell it out to her, give it a name. Caroline could always sort of feel it, and then at some point the feeling blossomed into comprehension, and comprehension hardened into fact. And with that came an altogether different kind of certainty: this was not a secret she'd be able to keep forever. One day, no matter how hard she tried to hide it, everyone would find out. And when they did, they would come for her.
. Worst Things Have Happened Klaus Mikaelson is a prince with a very dark secret that threatens to destroy his family's legacy. Caroline Forbes is a sorceress whose job is to make sure his secret remains buried. But would it hurt him to put some clothes on? [Royal!AU, with a magical twist.] . The Unexpected Grace of Falling Apart The whole incident was bound to go down as a funny anecdote to be shared among friends, a Oh, you think you've had the worst hook-up ever? Hold my beer kind of story. Provided, of course, that she never had to see him ever and could just wipe him out of her life and memory for good. Given that they live in different time zones, it shouldn't be too much of a hassle.
That is precisely why Caroline is livid when she emerges from the arrivals area at Richmond airport to find Douchebag, in the flesh - sunglasses indoors and all, like the proper jerk that he is - holding up a sign that readsClarisse.
[AH/AU. It's Tyler's wedding weekend and Caroline is back in Mystic Falls for the first time after the most traumatic and depressing year of her life. And it's about to get even worse as she's made to share breathing space with Klaus, The Worst Guy Ever. Except they might have to join forces to save the wedding, and to the discovery that things might not be what the seem. As Caroline teeters on the edge of a breakdown she'd been trying very hard to conceal, an unexpected savior appears to help her through the haze.]
. love, the monster's got me now [Canon compliant. Set in TVD S03E09 Homecoming.]
"Don't run," he says calmly, sounding almost bored, but with a clear warning. "I'm in the mood for a chase. Little spoiler: you can't outrun me." His eyebrows twitch up when he finally turns around to face her, lips curling into an amused grin. "Tyler's girl," he states, gesturing towards the now empty yard. "You missed out on the celebrations, I’m afraid."
[Or: the missing Klaroline scene between "There's your pretty little girlfriend, Caroline" and "There's a whole world out there waiting for you." Klaus and Caroline meet after Homecoming.]
. When It's Gone Suddenly, Caroline hates how nice the bed feels. How soft the pillows are. How smooth and cool and expensive those goddamn sheets are against her skin. She hates the giddiness in her belly, like she's a stupid schoolgirl when she's not allowed to be one anymore. She hates how right the space between Klaus' arms felt, how easily she molded against him. His lips were as full and as soft as they looked, but his hands were gentler and more reverent than they had any right to be, and Caroline hates it. Hates it, hates it, hates it. She hates that it suits her, hates that she wants it, hates that none of it is hers to keep.
[Set after TVD S04E19 Pictures of You. Caroline hears about Klaus' impending departure after a mysterious letter and decides to have some words.] . Wishing Each Sigh Might Be the Last The first time she sees him, Caroline thinks he's an angel.
[Set in 1800s New Orleans. As Caroline lies dying, she prays for God to send help or end her torment and save her soul. She thinks an angel has come for her. But he's no angel at all.] . Feel the Madness Closing In Set in TO S3. Caroline is in New Orleans when Lucien and the Ancestors make a move against the Mikaelson family - and they know exactly who to target in order to get to Klaus. Paranoia sets in, sending him to a very dark place, and Caroline finally learns the price of being loved so profoundly by a monster. . Issues When Klaus' Hollywood career takes a down turn after a nasty divorce and a viral mug shot, his manager decides his life is not yet miserable enough, bringing in a PR company famous for its high-profile damage control cases.
[AH!AU where Klaus is a problematic movie star and Caroline is a PR agent with no time for his BS.] . Urban Legend "I hate myself for saying this, but I have to agree with Little Miss Sunshine," Caroline cuts in. "This is Whitmore. Nothing ever happens here. Least of all a possession that leads to a massacre of slasher movie proportions."
"Thank you, love," Klaus returns brightly. "Very flattering to be validated by you."
"Bite me, Klaus."
"Find me later, after my shift, and we can see to it," comes the shameless rejoinder.
[Or: Caroline tries to navigate life in college having the worst roommate ever, a douchebag who cannot take a hint and a nosy journalist whom she's definitely not attracted to. Never in a million years.]
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genderfluid-insomniac · 3 months
Hear me out!
I had an idea
So remember where Wukong had some memory loss of the present and thought he was in the past? And that he drank a love potion right? Well while tang and pigsy was helping him out, he saw the shy yet sweet female reader ( who was just waiting for them to come back since she was on a look out for thier stuff ) took off her hair tie and does that hair flip and shook her hair alittle before seeing them coming back.
I got this idea by listening to this song called “ might start singing ” by wuvv . I thought the part where wukong just caught her on time doing that sexy hair flip and looks at him smiling ( yes I’m going for those movie scenes where the character falls for the other by a song that plays in the background if that makes sense lol ) I hope this was okay!
This totally makes sense and I love this idea! I hope you like it!
“Love bound” Amnesiac!Wukong x reader (love potion)
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This whole mess you were in felt like a fever dream and the cherry on top was amnesiac Wukong who went to retrieve the kidnapped Tang with Pigsy like the routine shenanigan on Wukong’s Journey. When you, Tang, and Pigsy were trapped in the van and Pigsy shoved the dangerously hot pepper in the sage’s mouth you opted to sit on the edge of the van while the others were getting used to being seen as their reincarnations.
You sighed and put your head in your hands, hoping that Mk and others were having better luck with finding the rings or making progress on your mission. Through one of the little cracks of your hands, you saw movement and lifted your head to pull back in surprise to see Wukong staring at you puzzled. His face focused and his nose scrunched up like he was trying to figure out if he knew you. Probably what the hell some random woman that wasn’t there yesterday was doing on the journey of his.
“Who are you? I don’t remember you being here last night or before that and you’re not a demon.” he trailed off and his eyes glowed gold as if to double-check that you weren’t in fact a demon before going back to their regular shiny gold. Wukong’s head tilted and you snapped out of your trance. “Yeah, I’m Name. I came from a nearby village to help with a mission to save your master,” you said hesitantly and partially lied since it wasn’t entirely false.
He hummed and nodded, looking you up and down before smiling a bit. All of them went back to their attempt at finding Tang, looking at Pigsy and whispering that you were going to stay here with the van and their stuff. He nodded and looked like jealous since he was suddenly snatched by Wukong’s tail and ran off.
You let out a breath and ran a hand through your hair, failing to suppress the blush painting your face and replaying the adorable personality of Wukong’s past self. His lack of attention and similarity to an energetic child was cute. Your crush was pretty evident given you all had been in the van for the past couple of days and your interactions were mostly quiet short ones.
That didn’t mean he didn’t make small teases and small conversations that flustered both of you a tad. It was a while until they got back and you guessed that more than one problem had happened. Tang and Pigsy were arguing while Wukong was looking more affectionate and soft. You took your hair out of your band and flipped it, massaging your roots to fluff it up and ease the strain of the tightness.
You tossed your head back up and made a noise of surprise when Wukong was close to your face, both of you smiling widely with flustered expressions and noticing that your crush had heart-shaped pupils. This only confirmed your suspicions and laughed softly when Wukong wrapped his tail around your arm. Nuzzling your chest and cheeks as he ran his claws through your hair and was seemingly fascinated with it.
“Pigsy? Can you explain why Wukong is suddenly a cuddle bug and lovey-dovey?” you asked and walked over with the mystic monkey still clinging to you. He turned rubbing his eyebrows and sighed. “While we were rescuing Tang Monkey King was eating the scorpions on the table and accidentally ate a bottle of what is probably a love potion. Probably to make Tang stay with the Scorpion queen and all,” he said and groaned, packing up the camping stuff and failing to get Tang from running up the hill to find a bolder for something.
Meanwhile, you and Wukong were cuddled up with each other just outside the van, taking advantage of the situation by snuggling with him and smiling when he started purring. However, it all ended when Pigsy yanked you from getting crushed by a bolder that was meant for Wukong because of “amnesia rules” and thanked him for saving you but couldn’t help the disappointment when he returned to normal.
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ellabsweet · 1 year
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synopsis: in which you’re fooled.
pairing: rockstar!ellie x reader x rockstar!abby
warning: mentions of cheating and drug usage but i believe that is all ! let me know in case there’s anything i just wanted to put this out already because of the traction this is getting which is making me sososo happy thank you everyone i love you <3
authors note: ——
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approximately two years earlier…
“Who’s the pretty girl?” Ellie asks after snorting a line of powder from the small bathroom’s sink, a banging to the door from an urgent adult being dismissed by her and the dealer.
“You’re gonna have to be more specific than that”
“Oh c’mon you know the one. Sad eyes girl who watched the whole show from her seat at the bar like we were a band worth shit, like we’re going to be someday”
“They call her bunny around here. ‘Cause you know, a cute shell for a sex addict, y’know some misogynistic shit. She’s a regular to all The Deadbeats show on this shitty bar, you only want to fuck her now? Get on some fan service?”
“You’re fucking gross, man. I just digged her vibe, is all”
What Ellie meant by that was, she saw her soul reflected in your eyes and it scared her shitless but not enough to go untouched by the exchange, drowning in curiosity and magnetism the drugs made sure to intensify your face in her mind as though a printed sticker inside her brain. What Ellie meant was, she thought God was a girl with sad eyes and skimpy top watching her band in the corner of a loud bar piercing right through her like a Heaven and Hell collision midst a guitar riff.
Daniel took one last sniff of cocaine before he slammed the door open, the yell in his throat setting off a headache in Ellie: “Bunny! Come meet your rockstar!”
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“I like your songs-“
“We’re gonna get married” You errupt in laughter with that, the sad eyes Ellie had attatched to the memory of you suddenly disappearing in bright amusement, she felt as though she could use your happiness as a new kind of high “I’m not joking, I would carry you in my arms straight into a chapel right now”
“Does that line usually work with the girls you go for?”
“I don’t know, you’re the first I tried it on. Is it endearing enough to convince you to elope?”
“You know every single person in this goddamn bar wants to get in your pants after that guitar riff, right?”
“I’m gonna be fully honest with you right now. I’m fucked out of my goddamn mind today, if I stare at you too long from the mix I took you’re gonna start having two heads and still I might dig it. But God, even then you look so fucking sad”
“Jesus” you scoff “alright junkie well I’m gonna go now-“
“You look so fucking sad and I see you. It’s like I’m seeing an angel cry, like I’m watching God in a party outfit wandering around and listening to my band, like a little bunny eyed daydream fucking painting on a museum wall that makes critics bawl into tears listen, shit, what I’m saying is you’re a fucking tsunami and I feel like I’m flooding and we haven’t even kissed and you don’t even seem to like me all that much right now but when I was up there?” Ellie pointed at the stage “You felt it too. My lyrics. You felt my stuff I know you did, like some soulmate shit like you feel my pain too like we’re both just trying too damn hard. I’m not insane yet, you’re something let me be something to you, I think I can be”
You didn’t answer her. You just kissed. Crashed your lips into her like you were coming up for air because something in your booze made something about her nonsense make sense. You thought you saw her in a dream when she first went up on stage, thought her to be one of those blurry faces in good nights of sleep that passed right through you, familiar in a mystical sense, in the stupidest way. Her lips on yours tasted of pure alcohol and it made you dizzy, weak in the knees. She knew her way around your body, waist and neck like a map engraved itself to the palm of her hands and you melted straight to them.
For two months you believed she was right that day, onto something. Talked about grief and music and love and death and space and leace and thought you knew her forever. Then The Deadbeats got more traction, moved to the spotlight. Then you caught her fucking a fan in the studio.
“All of Ellie’s girls think they’re special”
“Listen Abigail I don’t want to fucking hear it so you can fuck right off” You grabbed your bag, tears prickling in your eyes as you did so before the blonde grabbed hold of your shoulder, instinctively having you look back at her, perhaps the first time you truly looked at her all this time.
“But you really are.”
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taglist: @abbysvictim @lottiematthewsceo @sadeyedsugar @digit4lslut @r0ckgoblin @machetegirl109 @scatapple @elliesgirlll @madelynie @emothurman @p1llowthoughtss @scottstre3ted @thatonementallyillsimp @rockyroad-is-bomb @spaceshipellie @toesorhoes @callmewhenyoukan comment to be added!
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fishcat480 · 9 months
Go Timberwolves!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Plus size! cheerleader!reader
Description: You're a cheerleader and Elijah is in the stands. Your friend Jessica notices him first.
Warnings: none
“Who is that?”
Jessica was looking over at the stands and toward a group of guys, all sitting next to each other. They looked hilariously out of place, all seemingly dressed for different events. The one with reddish hair and kiss-me lips was wearing a velvet jacket over a v-neck, three necklaces dangling over his heart. You’d seen him hanging around before, and recognized him as Rebekah’s brother Klaus. How many times had he been watching Caroline from the sidelines during a game or desperately offering to walk her to her car? Doubtful that Jessica didn’t know who that was, or that he was clearly obsessed with everyone’s favorite blonde.
Then there was the youngest of the three. He was dressed pretty normally for a high school football game in a t-shirt and jeans. He spoke animatedly to Klaus, who looked about as thrilled to listen as he would have been to get struck by lightning. His name was escaping your memory, but it was another K name, you were sure of it. Kyle! No…Kal?
All thoughts of K names were stripped from your thoughts the second your eyes landed on Jessica’s mystery man. 
His hair was dark, and his eyes were darker. His features were angular, practically Grecian. He was wearing a suit, which was ridiculous because who wore a suit in Mystic Falls unless they were a realtor or attending a Lockwood party? Somehow, though, he pulled it off so perfectly that there was no question that he should be wearing it. 
Never had you been so struck by a stranger. His eyes scanned over the crowd, and across the field, before landing squarely on you.
You blushed and turned away, heart thundering in your chest.
Elena and Bonnie had followed Jessica’s gaze too, and gave each other knowing looks. You were friendly with Elena but not close. You and Bonnie had been good friends since middle school, though, so you felt no shame sidling up to her and joining her conversation.
“Info on Jessica’s mystery man?” you asked, spreading your legs as you sat next to Bonnie, beginning to stretch. She laughed and gave you a stern look. “He’s Klaus’ older brother. No mystery.”
You bent forward, stretching out your back and Bonnie followed suit. “Off limits?” you ask, trying to seem curious but not invested. 
“Yes.” she said quickly. Elena smacked Bonnie’s thigh. 
“Elijah is not off limits.” she said. “He’s actually the only one out of the three of them I’d say is pretty on…limits…”
Elijah....you tried the name out in your head. Yes, you decided, that was a good name.
You all giggled. “I mean, Klaus is just too in love with Caroline.” you shrugged. “I wouldn’t dream of going anywhere near him.” 
You sat up and bent your neck to the side, eyeing the rest of the cheerleaders. “Hey, where is Caroline?”
“Tyler drama.” Bonnie said conspiratorially. She sat upright, finished with her stretching. “He’s leaving again.”
“Shit.” you said, finishing up yourself. “I don’t really know what she sees in him anyway. He’s always been kind of an asshole. And Klaus seems to really like her.”
“Well Klaus needs to earn her.” Elena said hastily, turning away slightly. You weren’t sure what that was supposed to mean, but if Bonnie’s similarly agitated face was any indication, there was something going on that you weren’t in on. It wasn’t really any of your business anyway, you conceded, so you didn’t harp on it. Boy drama was so not your thing.
There was a fanfare suddenly, as the marching band began playing the introduction music for the Timberwolves. Rebekah stood and called you and the other cheerleaders into formation. 
Once the players began coming out, you’d go right into the classic Timberwolves fighting cheer. 
Just as the first player was making his entrance, a blonde head appeared next to you, startling you. It was as if she'd appeared out of thin air.
“Caroline!” you said, throwing a hand on your chest. “You scared the shit out of me.”
She smiled nervously. “Did I?”
You just laughed and joined the rest of the girls in the Timberwolves fighting chant, shaking your pom-poms and kicking your legs up. 
The game didn’t start out super well for the Timberwolves, so you didn’t have a ton to do for awhile. You spoke to Caroline briefly about Tyler, but she didn’t want to say much, and she seemed genuinely upset about something. You weren’t close enough with her to give her emotional support, so you instead distracted her with a quick game of fuck, marry, kill between the three handsome Mikaelson boys. 
“Kill Kol, Marry Klaus, Fuck Elijah.” Caroline said confidently. Kol! That was his name.
She was speaking a bit loudly, like she wanted someone to hear her. Probably Jessica. 
You glanced up at the stands and noticed Klaus and Kol with their heads bent together. Elijah looked completely nonplussed. 
“What about you?” she asked. 
You glanced up at the brothers again. Elijah was looking in your direction now, almost as if he was listening to your conversation. He was probably just looking at the cheerleaders. He definitely wasn’t admiring you - you were the only girl on the squad who wore a uniform above a size large. 
Still, you couldn’t help but fantasize about the idea of the three of them. Kol wasn’t really your type, so he was an easy kill. Klaus was gorgeous, to be sure, but something about Elijah was still singing through your veins after laying eyes on him that first time. 
“Kill Kol, fuck Klaus, marry Elijah.”
Caroline gave you a wicked smile. “Elijah, huh?”
You shrugged. “He’s incredibly good looking.”
“Poor Kol.” Caroline said, her lip pouting. 
“Rejection builds character.”
You glanced up again, and Elijah looked as if he might be laughing - Klaus too. Kol had his arms crossed against his chest. Weird….
Rebekah shrieked all of a sudden, breaking you out of your thoughts, as the Timberwolves finally scored, and the squad got on their feet to cheer. 
The game ended with a Timberwolves win which you were thankful for - every win meant half price burgers at the grill. You and a few other girls planned to go there after, and you grabbed your stuff from the locker room, hoping to get to your car and beat them there - you were not going to be the fat girl in a mini skirt sliding into a booth full of people. 
Bonnie, Elena and Caroline were all leaving together, huddled in conversation. 
“Half price burgers, ladies?” you asked, walking backwards in front of them. “A Timberwolves win is a win for all of us.” you joked, quoting your incredibly cringy gym coach.
The girls laughed, but shook their heads. 
“Boy drama.”
They’d all spoken at the same time, and you gave them all an incredulous look. “Ladies, I’m heartbroken. Next time if you’re going to break my heart, do it one at a time.”
You gave them a winning smile, and they returned it easily, thankful you hadn’t been upset.
“Next time I’m making you guys go!” you called, still walking backwards as you exited the hallway out of the locker room. You backed into the double doors leading to the parking lot and called a goodbye to them, turning around.
And slamming right into someone.
“Oh!” you cried, toppling towards the asphalt. The ground never came, though, because a pair of hands was holding you steady, and lifted you slowly upwards until you were staring Elijah Mikaelson in the face.
“My apologies.”he said, in a voice that hit that your ears and sent shivers straight to the apex of your thighs. Your jaw dropped, suddenly faced with his nearness. 
“Not at all!” you cried. “I wasn’t looking.” 
Not too far away stood Kol and Klaus. The former was watching you and Elijah, looking like he was trying very hard not to laugh. Klaus, of course, had become distracted the moment Caroline had appeared. He was stalking towards her, and to your surprise, Caroline looked like she might be walking towards him too. Normally she brushed him off completely. 
You focused your attention back on Elijah. 
“Excellent job tonight.” he said, his eyes locked on yours. You felt flushed from the unbroken eye contact, but didn’t dare break it. 
“Thanks. It makes our job a bit easier when the team actually manages to score.”
He laughed, full and bright, and it made your heart soar to hear it. 
“I’m Y/N.” you said, introducing yourself. 
“Elijah. Mikaelson.”
“Nice to meet you Elijah.” 
You offered your hand and he took it firmly in yours, but rather than shake it, he brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of it. Ok, you were officially a puddle on the ground and people were going to have to step in you to get to their cars.
“Hi!” came a bubbly voice, and you glanced over seeing Jessica. Of course she was going to try and stake her claim. 
“I’m Jessica.” she said, sidling up next to you. “I saw you in the stands earlier. You’re a Mikaelson, aren’t you?”
Elijah nodded politely. “My reputation precedes me.”
Jessica smiled her flirty smile and pushed her chest out. “Rebekah and I are good friends. I make a point to know my friends’ families. It’s only good manners.”
You rolled your eyes involuntarily from behind Jessica, who had stepped into your space. When had she ever spent time with Rebekah outside of practice? She was clearly making her claim known, and you huffed, backing off. 
A guy like Elijah wouldn’t be interested in you, anyway. It would have been nice to at least been given a chance, though, before perfect little Jessica had to come in and do her thing. 
You sighed to yourself. That wasn’t nice. Jessica was your friend. It just sucked, sometimes, being the only bigger girl in a group of girls. Things were different for you. 
“Well, I’ll let you two get acquainted.” you said, and Jessica quickly told you not to wait up for her at the Grill. You smiled encouragingly at her, even though you would have rather eaten nails. Jessica did technically see Elijah first, though, so regardless, the rule of dibs was firmly in place. Elijah’s eyes met yours and he looked…disappointed? It was probably nothing. 
As you turned to go to your car, Matt Donovan brushed past you, walking fast. “Sorry, Y/N!” he called, power walking to his truck. You shook your head, laughing. You’d never seen Matt move that fast for anything, not even out on the field.
The other girls had made their way out now, and you caught up with them briefly to let them know you'd be going home instead of out. You weren't really in the mood for celebration any more. They gave you tight hugs and told you to call them in the morning, and you gave them all the finger just to get a laugh out of them.
Bonnie was leaning against her car when you made your way to yours. 
“Why’d you do that?” she asked, giving you a curious look.
“Why’d I do what?” you said, tossing your duffle into the backseat. 
“You just let Jessica take over. You were talking to Elijah first.”
“Yeah, but Jessica saw him first. Besides, I bumped into him. It’s not like we talked about anything profound.”
Bonnie sighed. “You wanted to talk to him though.”
You crossed your arms. “Yeah, so?”
“So!” she cried, placing her hands on your shoulders. “So you’re the funniest girl on the planet, and you're beautiful and talented and you deserve to be happy.”
You rolled your eyes. “Shut up.”
“It’s true! You’re amazing.”
“I know, I just wanted you to say more.”
Bonnie shoved at you playfully. “See? Your wit is unmatched.”
“And you’re kind.” you said seriously. “And a really, really good friend.”
Bonnie looked down, her mouth quirked to the side. “Thank you.”
A laugh echoed from across the parking lot, and you stared at Caroline and Klaus standing by Caroline’s car. They were standing close together and laughing, and Klaus’ finger was twirled around a strand of Caroline’s hair.
You hit Bonnie in the shoulder and pointed. 
“Ummmmmm?” You gave her an incredulous look.
“I know!” Bonnie said, coming to lean against your car. “She said she broke up with Tyler. She said she’s done with wishy-washy.”
You smiled happily as the two continued flirting. “I’ve been dying for them to get together.”
“No, literally!” She threw her hands up in the air. “The tension was incredibly cuttable.”
You snorted. “Like, thick enough I think I’d need a chainsaw.”
Bonnie hid her giggle behind her hand. You watched Klaus and Caroline as Bonnie began asking you if you were still going to the grill.  You wished you had a guy to flirt with against your car.
“I’m kind of hungry all of a -”
Bonnie’s voice trailed off, and you tore your eyes away from the happy couple to stare at your friend. 
Her eyes were trained behind you, a small smile on her lips. You followed her eyes, and there was Elijah. His nearness startled you, and you jumped a foot in the air.
“My apologies.” he said, amusement in his eyes. 
“We have got to stop meeting like that.” you responded.
“I’ll see you tomorrow!” Bonnie called, already on the other side of her car and hopping in the front seat. You gave her an incredulous look. 
“Traitor!” you called, as she began to pull out. She looked completely self righteous as she pulled out of the parking lot, Britney blasting on her speakers.
“Well..” you breathed, turning back to Elijah. “Twice in one night? To what do I owe my great fortune?”
He shrugged. “I have a thing for cheerleaders.”
Your jaw dropped. “Wait, are you serious?”
He laughed. “No, not at all. But I saw you from the stands and wanted to get to know you better. So here I am.”
You couldn’t help the huge smile overtaking your face. Elijah Mikaelson wanted to get to know you? 
“What about Jessica?”
He shrugged. “She’s a nice girl. Not really my type.”
“And I am?”
He huffed. “Am I not making myself clear? Shall I fetch a plane and spell it out in the sky for you?”
I shook my head, faux serious. “It’s nighttime Elijah. I’d never be able to see that.”
He snorted - actually snorted. It was the most adorable thing you might have ever heard. 
“You’re a minx, and you know it. Now agree to go to dinner with me.”
“Half price burgers at the grill?”
He smiled wryly. “No, that won’t do. I’m a full price kind of guy. I need candles, roses, the whole chair pulling out thing. Carlo’s. Friday night. Eight o’ clock.”
Carlo’s was like, ridiculously nice. And expensive. “But that’s-”
“It’s what?” he challenged. “Because if you’re suggesting I can’t afford it…”
You shook your head. “No, of course not. I’m sure you can. But I can’t!”
Faster than you could even fathom, Elijah was backing you up into the side of your car, his hands locked on either side of you, face inches away from your own. His eyes were dark and bore into you, making your palms begin to sweat.
“I’m not in the habit of taking women out on dates and having them pay.” His breath fanned across your face. Your eyes flickered down to his lips, and you shivered. His presence was intoxicating. 
“Have I made myself clear?” he asked, and damn if that question didn’t excite you. You nodded, your breath hitching, and he leaned even closer to you for a moment before pushing himself away.
“Good!” he declared, and once he backed off, he took a moment to rake his gaze across your body. Your uniform did little for the imagination, and you were kind of thankful.
“See you soon, Y/N.” He called sweetly, shifting from domineering to polite so quick you had whiplash. You watched him go, a dopey smile on your face.
“Wait!” you called. “Do you want my phone number?”
He paused, then reached into his pocket for his phone. He typed for a moment, then locked the screen and placed it back in his pocket.
Your phone dinged.
Tell Bonnie I said thank you.
You smirked. Of course Bonnie had given him your number. You'd have to remember to get her a thank you gift.
As you started your car and got ready to go, movement from the car behind you caught your attention in your mirror. You struggled to see clearly what it was, but when you did, you were shocked.
There, in the pickup truck Rebekah Mikaelson had gifted him, was Matt Donovan making out with her brother Kol. 
You laughed all the way home, imagining the look on Rebekah’s face when she finds out.
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thefugitivesaint · 5 months
It was 1990, the year the album 'Mystical Shit' came into my life through my strange friend who loved off beat music. His eclecticism, which he had at an early age, exposed me to bands I might not have discovered had I been left to follow my own tastes exclusively. I would love to have him pop his head out to say hello to you dear reader but, unfortunately, he went and got himself addicted to heroin, a relationship that eventually led to his death. I didn't attend his funeral because I didn't know he had died. I didn't know he died because we had a falling out when, somewhere on the path he walked, he got very lost. Somewhere along the way he started to embrace white supremacist bullshit (one among a number of baffling decisions). He knew how I felt about that garbage. The heroin was bad enough, the additional strain of reprehensible politics was the proverbial straw on that poor camel's back. The souring of a very long friendship left associations in its wake that cannot be separated from where and how they were born. When I listen to King Missile* I think of a younger dude with an odd sensibility that was coupled to a wry sense of humor. Before the descent, where I was forced to watch a person gradually erode themselves. Before having to finally admit that there was nothing I could do to help or intervene or stop what was happening. Before having to bid adieu to someone who was part of my life for years. In the divorce I got to keep King Missile and They Might Be Giants and Christian Death and all the other bands this friendship exposed me to. I mourn the loss of who that person was but I also get to celebrate the memory of that person through the music we both enjoyed. (*'Steal Stuff From Work' was a shared mantra and countless zines in Philadelphia in the late 1990s were made for free thanks to the unknown generosity of a former employer. Thanks Kinkos). Anyway, the point here is that this song is a kind of tragedy that also happens to be life affirming. You might lose some friends but you'll get to enjoy some very delicious cheesecakes. Wait, I'm not sure I know what I'm saying here. Look, it doesn't matter, just listen to the song and this last paragraph will make more sense.
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midfilesmagazine · 10 months
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SitaAlexandra Mesmerizes the Crowd at Wales Festival, Ready to Rock the 2024 Festival Season In a whirlwind of ethereal melodies and magnetic stage presence, SitaAlexandra left an indelible mark on the recent festival scene in Wales. With her captivating performance, she cast a spell on the audience, igniting anticipation for her upcoming appearances in the festival circuit of 2024. The Wales festival, known for its diverse lineup and enthusiastic attendees, provided the perfect backdrop for SitaAlexandra's musical prowess. Adorned in her signature bohemian attire, she took the stage amidst a hushed anticipation that soon erupted into thunderous applause. SitaAlexandra's performance was an amalgamation of soul-stirring vocals, intricate instrumental melodies, and an aura that seemed to transcend the stage. Her versatile voice effortlessly navigated through haunting ballads, upbeat anthems, and emotionally charged tunes, leaving the audience spellbound and yearning for more. Her setlist was an eclectic fusion of her original compositions and reimagined classics, showcasing her musical range and depth. From the hauntingly beautiful "Whispers in the Wind" to the upbeat rhythm of "Wildfire Hearts," each song was a testament to her artistry and storytelling ability. Beyond her musical talent, SitaAlexandra's connection with the audience was palpable. Her genuine interactions and moments of vulnerability between songs created an intimate atmosphere, fostering a sense of unity among the festival-goers. It was evident that she wasn't merely performing for the crowd but sharing a piece of her soul through her music. The stage lights danced to the rhythm of her melodies, enhancing the mystical ambiance she effortlessly created. Her band, a group of seasoned musicians, complemented her performance with their seamless synchronization and passion for the craft. As the final notes echoed through the festival grounds, the crowd erupted into a chorus of cheers and applause, unwilling to let the magic dissipate. SitaAlexandra gracefully bid adieu, leaving an undeniable imprint on the memories of those fortunate enough to witness her performance. With the Wales festival as a testament to her artistic brilliance, SitaAlexandra stands poised and ready to embark on the festival season of 2024. Her enigmatic presence, coupled with her undeniable talent, promises to captivate audiences around the world. In anticipation of what lies ahead, fans eagerly await her upcoming performances, ready to immerse themselves once again in the enchanting world of SitaAlexandra's music. As the festival season approaches, one thing remains certain – SitaAlexandra is primed to leave an indelible mark on the hearts of music lovers worldwide. Contact PRESS
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movieswelove23 · 10 months
n a whirlwind of ethereal melodies and magnetic stage presence, SitaAlexandra left an indelible mark on the recent festival scene in Wales. With her captivating performance, she cast a spell on the audience, igniting anticipation for her upcoming appearances in the festival circuit of 2024.
The Wales festival, known for its diverse lineup and enthusiastic attendees, provided the perfect backdrop for SitaAlexandra's musical prowess. Adorned in her signature bohemian attire, she took the stage amidst a hushed anticipation that soon erupted into thunderous applause.
SitaAlexandra's performance was an amalgamation of soul-stirring vocals, intricate instrumental melodies, and an aura that seemed to transcend the stage. Her versatile voice effortlessly navigated through haunting ballads, upbeat anthems, and emotionally charged tunes, leaving the audience spellbound and yearning for more.
Her setlist was an eclectic fusion of her original compositions and reimagined classics, showcasing her musical range and depth. From the hauntingly beautiful "Whispers in the Wind" to the upbeat rhythm of "Wildfire Hearts," each song was a testament to her artistry and storytelling ability.
Beyond her musical talent, SitaAlexandra's connection with the audience was palpable. Her genuine interactions and moments of vulnerability between songs created an intimate atmosphere, fostering a sense of unity among the festival-goers. It was evident that she wasn't merely performing for the crowd but sharing a piece of her soul through her music.
The stage lights danced to the rhythm of her melodies, enhancing the mystical ambiance she effortlessly created. Her band, a group of seasoned musicians, complemented her performance with their seamless synchronization and passion for the craft.
As the final notes echoed through the festival grounds, the crowd erupted into a chorus of cheers and applause, unwilling to let the magic dissipate. SitaAlexandra gracefully bid adieu, leaving an undeniable imprint on the memories of those fortunate enough to witness her performance.
With the Wales festival as a testament to her artistic brilliance, SitaAlexandra stands poised and ready to embark on the festival season of 2024. Her enigmatic presence, coupled with her undeniable talent, promises to captivate audiences around the world.
In anticipation of what lies ahead, fans eagerly await her upcoming performances, ready to immerse themselves once again in the enchanting world of SitaAlexandra's music. As the festival season approaches, one thing remains certain – SitaAlexandra is primed to leave an indelible mark on the hearts of music lovers worldwide.
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selffindermagazine · 10 months
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SitaAlexandra Mesmerizes the Crowd at Wales Festival, Ready to Rock the 2024 Festival Season
In a whirlwind of ethereal melodies and magnetic stage presence, SitaAlexandra left an indelible mark on the recent festival scene in Wales. With her captivating performance, she cast a spell on the audience, igniting anticipation for her upcoming appearances in the festival circuit of 2024.
The Wales festival, known for its diverse lineup and enthusiastic attendees, provided the perfect backdrop for SitaAlexandra's musical prowess. Adorned in her signature bohemian attire, she took the stage amidst a hushed anticipation that soon erupted into thunderous applause.
SitaAlexandra's performance was an amalgamation of soul-stirring vocals, intricate instrumental melodies, and an aura that seemed to transcend the stage. Her versatile voice effortlessly navigated through haunting ballads, upbeat anthems, and emotionally charged tunes, leaving the audience spellbound and yearning for more.
Her setlist was an eclectic fusion of her original compositions and reimagined classics, showcasing her musical range and depth. From the hauntingly beautiful "Whispers in the Wind" to the upbeat rhythm of "Wildfire Hearts," each song was a testament to her artistry and storytelling ability.
Beyond her musical talent, SitaAlexandra's connection with the audience was palpable. Her genuine interactions and moments of vulnerability between songs created an intimate atmosphere, fostering a sense of unity among the festival-goers. It was evident that she wasn't merely performing for the crowd but sharing a piece of her soul through her music.
The stage lights danced to the rhythm of her melodies, enhancing the mystical ambiance she effortlessly created. Her band, a group of seasoned musicians, complemented her performance with their seamless synchronization and passion for the craft.
As the final notes echoed through the festival grounds, the crowd erupted into a chorus of cheers and applause, unwilling to let the magic dissipate. SitaAlexandra gracefully bid adieu, leaving an undeniable imprint on the memories of those fortunate enough to witness her performance.
With the Wales festival as a testament to her artistic brilliance, SitaAlexandra stands poised and ready to embark on the festival season of 2024. Her enigmatic presence, coupled with her undeniable talent, promises to captivate audiences around the world.
In anticipation of what lies ahead, fans eagerly await her upcoming performances, ready to immerse themselves once again in the enchanting world of SitaAlexandra's music. As the festival season approaches, one thing remains certain – SitaAlexandra is primed to leave an indelible mark on the hearts of music lovers worldwide.
Contact PRESS
Tim Davies
Filmzo Crisis PR
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marcoventico · 10 months
In a whirlwind of ethereal melodies and magnetic stage presence, SitaAlexandra left an indelible mark on the recent festival scene in Wales. With her captivating performance, she cast a spell on the audience, igniting anticipation for her upcoming appearances in the festival circuit of 2024.
The Wales festival, known for its diverse lineup and enthusiastic attendees, provided the perfect backdrop for SitaAlexandra's musical prowess. Adorned in her signature bohemian attire, she took the stage amidst a hushed anticipation that soon erupted into thunderous applause.
SitaAlexandra's performance was an amalgamation of soul-stirring vocals, intricate instrumental melodies, and an aura that seemed to transcend the stage. Her versatile voice effortlessly navigated through haunting ballads, upbeat anthems, and emotionally charged tunes, leaving the audience spellbound and yearning for more.
Her setlist was an eclectic fusion of her original compositions and reimagined classics, showcasing her musical range and depth. From the hauntingly beautiful "Whispers in the Wind" to the upbeat rhythm of "Wildfire Hearts," each song was a testament to her artistry and storytelling ability.
Beyond her musical talent, SitaAlexandra's connection with the audience was palpable. Her genuine interactions and moments of vulnerability between songs created an intimate atmosphere, fostering a sense of unity among the festival-goers. It was evident that she wasn't merely performing for the crowd but sharing a piece of her soul through her music.
The stage lights danced to the rhythm of her melodies, enhancing the mystical ambiance she effortlessly created. Her band, a group of seasoned musicians, complemented her performance with their seamless synchronization and passion for the craft.
As the final notes echoed through the festival grounds, the crowd erupted into a chorus of cheers and applause, unwilling to let the magic dissipate. SitaAlexandra gracefully bid adieu, leaving an undeniable imprint on the memories of those fortunate enough to witness her performance.
With the Wales festival as a testament to her artistic brilliance, SitaAlexandra stands poised and ready to embark on the festival season of 2024. Her enigmatic presence, coupled with her undeniable talent, promises to captivate audiences around the world.
In anticipation of what lies ahead, fans eagerly await her upcoming performances, ready to immerse themselves once again in the enchanting world of SitaAlexandra's music. As the festival season approaches, one thing remains certain – SitaAlexandra is primed to leave an indelible mark on the hearts of music lovers worldwide.
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108 notes · View notes
What do you think a REN wedding would be like?
I feel like there would be one! Possibly two!
REN enthusiasts have been blessed with some absolute gems of fanfics that I've adopted as my own personal canon on this topic, making me very fond of Emma learning about weddings from the books' in Grace Field's library and immediately thinking of course she and her two best friends should have one. They've been inseparable since she arrived at the house, and she can't imagine her days without either of them, so the only solution is for all three of them to marry each other.
I adore the way Ray's chapter of Between Your Fingers, Between the Lines by honeynpeaches opens when he's around six years old and Emma dropping flower crowns on the boys' heads, declaring they'll be wed that very day.
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Everything about this little snapshot is perfect. Emma walking onto the scene framed in the imagery of a halo. Norman being an adorably smitten baby going on the fritz for the first few minutes of the entire conversation. Ray being an amalgam of emotions held together with a rubber band on the verge of snapping. His reaction to Emma's quick and casual defiance of whatever she deems arbitrary is a wonderful blend of comedic and heartbreaking. The pure frustration at her flippancy born out of a deep and endearing love that trumps his fear of the whatever consequences result from confronting Isabella.
But he sees how Emma and Norman smile, and he can’t deny them. He’s never been able to. Not really. Not when it matters most…He’d give anything for them, and he already knows it.
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Down to the more minute gestures of Norman moving to calm Ray after he's calmed himself down in a familiar, reassuring rhythm
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(Chapter 28 Bonus Comic about Chapter 14's flashback)
with the gentle placement of his hand over the other boy's, and Emma taking his other hand to move close to her heart to subconsciously convey how much it would mean to her to be able to reify their bond through such a ceremony, even if it's only pretend.
For how their play wedding goes, I love what @carnivorouswillgraham does in w.a.m.s. that I've already gushed about here
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But aaah do I love the idea of the music box Emma received from Isabella as her gift being the musical accompaniment to their ceremony.
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 1 Q&A)
In addition to them just all being adorable little babies enjoying the chance to recreate such an important ceremony between all three of them, even if just pretend.
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Baby Ray going through an existential crisis but still trying to be present for his bffs/soon-to-be spouses and genuinely finding some solace in these moments with them that will solidify his resolve to confront Isabella in just a few days.
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Just continue to fucking gut me.
For adulthood, I'm half and half of whether they'd have one, but if they do and Emma regains her memories, I imagine it playing out very similar to how it does in @salsae's to have and to hold, which I've gushed about a bit already here.
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All of their friends and family gathered together at one of their homes or whichever quiet venue could accommodate such a large gathering, some of their siblings walking them down the aisle as Nat plays the piano, Emma in relaxed summer attire befitting or her kind and free spirit, incorporating the paper cups as part of the vows and the galaxying braining of turning it into a REN thing rather than solely an NE one, the trio taking turns crying out of joy (because ofc they can't all cry at the same time), Ray somehow getting roped into catering his own fucking wedding…it all comes together in such a beautifully brilliant way that I can't really think of anything to be altered except Alex walking Emma down the aisle.
If Emma doesn't regain her memories, I'd still imagine something similar playing out with it being a lowkey event in someone's backyard, but there's less chance of Ray prioritizing getting NE together separate from him (for a while) because in his mind they're forever classified as a matching set that he's not a part of
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(2020 Exhibition Interview)
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And more of a chance of them officially getting together as a trio to start off due to both the search for Emma leading Norman and Ray to grow closer in her absence (while holding off on progressing further in a relationship until reunited with their third) and then all three of them navigating her memory loss.
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depressedraisin · 1 year
Parklife (1994) and Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino (2018): What does it mean to be an album of the times?
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At face value Blur’s third studio album Parklife, released in 1994, and Arctic Monkeys’ 2018 release Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino, their sixth, are very very very different albums. One the Britpop classic, the other a widely divisive experimentation -- they don’t even seem like they could hang out in the same sentence together. Then what the fuck am I on about?
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Both albums are individually iconic in the respective band’s discographies -- with Parklife Blur conquered the heights of the Britpop war and firmly cemented its place in British music history while TBH&C marked a pivotal turn in style for the Monkeys, which in my very humble non-musician opinion, will make it historic sometime in the future. If you have spent as much time as I have overthinking the lyrics and pondering over interviews of another British rock band you are hyperfixating on though, you might see something more connecting these two albums. Written about 20 years away from each other, in wildly different times,  the two weirdly enough, have these faint threads tying in their themes and subject matters. 
Damon Albarn, the principal author of Parklife, described the album to NME as, “a loosely linked concept album involving all these different stories. It's the travels of the mystical lager-eater, seeing what's going on in the world and commenting on it."  Rings a bell? That’s extremely TBH&C coded! That one has often been called a concept album based on a luxury hotel and casino on the moon with various eccentric characters and their stories, wryly commenting on issues plaguing life in the 2010s. 
Parklife was a kind of a study of middle class English life of the mid-90s. With an extremely catchy pop soundscape and cheeky-cockney-laced lyrics about London parks and bank holidays, it became a quintessential symbol of Cool Britannia. They say the album never took off in the States because it was so British. In the years since, however, the band has described it more as sarcastic critique rather than a celebration of Britishness. Going through the lyrics with a fine toothed comb  with that in mind then, you can feel the impatience a bunch of 20s somethings were feeling with the ideal 9-to-5 picket fence lifestyle as well as exhaustion with the hedonistic decadence of youth in the backdrop of an unpopular Conservative-led economy in decline. A similar, if updated for 30 year olds in 2018, sentiment can be sensed in the absurd surrealism of the lyrics of  TBH&C. What do you do when you are fed up with tribulations of life and the ghosts of mistakes you’ve made along the way-- you fuck off and escape into whimsy of science fiction. 
The political context of the time when Parklife and Tranquility Base were released does matter. Opens up another perspective to reading the album.  It’s quite a stretch but bear with me.  
 The 90s in the UK began with Thatcher resigning and the Conservative government which dominated the 80s, becoming increasingly unpopular. There was a recession plaguing the early years of the decade. Britpop happened smack dab in the middle of this, and it was all about reacting to grunge and shoegaze and bringing back what is essentially British back to its music scene. Oasis, Suede, Pulp, Elastica (Justine Frischmann is the queen of Britpop btw) -- and ofcourse, Blur, were reviving guitar pop, singing in working class accents and about working class life and bringing back memories of the Swinging Sixties. Though each drawing from a wide variety of influences, these bands were becoming the face of a wider movement in music, art and youth culture.  The political scene took note.
In the mid-90s, the Labour Party led by Tony Blair quickly aligned itself with Britpop and Cool Britannia. Noel Gallagher and Damon Albarn were being courted by politicians , label execs getting party membership invites, headlines went like “What’s the Story? Don’t vote Tory”. Britpop soon acquired nationalist undertones --- never forget Brett Anderson showing off his twinky waist with Union Jack in the background and “Yanks go home!” headline. 
By the end of the 90s, when Britpop had begun crumbling, the economy had recovered and Tony Blair was in Downing Street.
TBH&C and the Monkeys in general, perhaps have less political currency. When they burst onto the scene with their Sheffield accents and garage rock riffs in the generally stable pre-2008 economic climate, the Arctic Monkeys did occupy the space in British pop culture left vacant by Blur and Oasis in the wake of post Britpop, at least for a time. Their debut broke the record of being the fastest selling one, which used to be held by Elastica previously. The Monkeys were indie rock darlings in the UK and with 2013’s AM, became darlings in the US (and Tumblr) as well. Tranquility Base though, came out in a whole different world. 
2018 was a fucking atrocious time, to put it mildly. The world was in total freefall inching rapidly towards disaster, which ultimately culminated in the pandemic of 2020. Trump had been elected in 2016 and 2018 was arguably one of the peaks of his shitshow. Over in the UK, Theresa May and her Conservative Cabinet were deep in the quagmire of Brexit negotiations. (Gotta note that Turner has said he voted against leaving in the referendum. Albarn is of course, a very vocal critic of Brexit.) Right wing governments were coming into power everywhere it seemed like, the climate crisis took on a new sense of alarm among the larger public - and things only spiralled in the years following. I can’t think of another album which could accurately capture the sheer fatigue of seeing outrageous headline after headline, how desensitised we had all become, how disillusioned with life- in a mason jar like TBH&C has.   
That’s what makes an album legendary doesn’t it? You listen to it and immediately remember what living at the time was like. Even if 1994 was 10 years before I was born. 
Now that we have gotten that out of the way, let’s look at the two albums a little more closely. 
Some lyrics which give me very similar vibes: 
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sexual hedonism // start treatment (tbh&c) and girls & boys (parklife)
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mundanity of relationships // four stars out of five (tbh&c) and end of century (parklife)
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the performativeness of middle class activism/social work // tranquility base hotel and casino (tbh&c) and parklife (parklife)
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losing friends and losing touch // the ultracheese (tbh&c) and badhead (parklife) - now these aren't really similar, but i feel a connection. in my bones trust me bro. the whole "i'll grin and bear with it" thing about badhead is very reminiscient of the sense of insouciance about life that haunts tbh&c....almost??
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the myth of america // the ultracheese (tbh&c), golden trunks (tbh&) and magic america (parklife) - magic america is making fun of reagan era the american dream while a disillusionment with the glitz and glam of life in la is pretty much consistent throughout tbh&c
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a pathological dependence on technology as escapism // jubilee (parklife) and start treatment (tbh&c) - digital cameras and the internet and tvs were taking baby steps into invading our daily lives back in 1994, and by 2018 we were all fully under the vice grip of tech addiction. this parallel i find particularly funny so.
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astronomical references // far out (parklife) and star treatment (tbh&c) - alex james, the blur bassist wrote and sung far out about his love of space. it's a pretty nice parallel hey.
For the last one, let's talk about Tracy Jacks from parklife. I couldn't really draw a direct parallel with a song from the other album, but that song spiritually fits right in I feel. An average Joe in the throes of a midlife crisis, teethering so so close to the edge and one day just snaps - that's a character one would expect dwells in the lounge of the Tranquility Base Hotel to drown themselves in the decadence and escape from all their shit, when all is said and done.
Now what's the concluding point of all this rambling. I don't know lolz. Y'all just read a thousand words of nothing.
Just kidding. Actually I read somewhere Damon Albarn was inspired by the 1989 novel London Fields, a science-fiction adjacent black comedy set against the backdrop of an impending nuclear crisis, while writing Parklife. That kinda rung a bell. (Yes, I did wonder if Alex has read this)
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I just wanted to see if we can find any interesting connections parrallels or references between Parklife and Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino. I dunno if I've been successful in getting any point across, or it's just pointless waffling on. But one thing that did get confirmed to me once again, these two albums are really the Albums of Their Times. Captures the zeitgeist in such a specific but unique in their own ways, it's really wonderful.
And also studying the legacy and impact of AM with reference to other musical outfits is always fun. I think we can all safely say that AM is well on their way to capturing a seat in the pantheon of great British bands, where somewhere in a corner Blur also sits. Damon Albarn is a fucking legend of course -- from the pretty posh boy of Britpop he has gone to becoming one of the most versatile, experimental and prolific songwriter/composer in the contemporary music scene. He is apparently working on the music for an Goethe's fragmented libretto of Magic Flute Part 2. How many rockstars do you know have composed operas - how fucking dope. I wanna hope that we'll get to see Alex exploring crazy paths in music like this, he definitely has the potential. This whole exercise would probably have made more sense with one of Damon's post-Blur works, his first solo record Everyday Robots or even Blur's last album The Magic Whip, but I started this essay so had to finish it.
Maybe another day eh.
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bitchysoulwasteland · 10 months
No one but you.
Bucky Barnes X Vamp!Reader
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A/n: my Queen obsession once again reveals itself, but, hey, I’m happy, so who cares?
You and Bucky had known each other back in the 1970s when you had been the front woman of Queen. Back then, of course, he was the Winter Soldier and you were an unknown singer when you met in 1968 with a struggling band desperate to find a frontman and a bassist. It was just you, Roger Taylor and Brian May back then. You were all still college students in your final year in the band ‘Smile’, which was before Freddie’s flamboyant changing of the band’s name.
You had met the Winter Solder at a pub in London. You had brought him a drink after you saw him outside, looking physically beaten up. From then, he hung out with you and the band. He had been there when Freddie and Deacy joined. When you had recorded your first song. When you had left Trident Studios and joined EMI.
But, he then disappeared. He was gone without a trace which left a gaping hole of longing within your soul itself.
This was when your songs started to be discarded from albums. They began to not even be recorded. You had lost your muse, seemingly your reason for life itself. The lads in the band noticed this before anyone else did.
It was a few years of heartbreak before everyone lost you. More than metaphorically, of course.
It was 1975 when you disappeared. You wrote a note to the band, apologising for your absence, resigned from the contract with EMI and moved to America.
You had given up with your life, so you were pray to those who would try to harm you. You were vulnerable and loved a good alcoholic drink, so it was easy for the sod that turned you into a vampire to do so. You didn’t really remember it, but you did know that you had been fending for yourself since then.
The only good thing to come of it, was that you no longer had to worry about how your soldier left you. You didn’t have to. You pushed it to the back of your mind and tried to forget about it.
You had your mansion, your alcohol and your memories of Queen to get you through. You had also befriended a vampire called Damon Salvatore and another called Stefan Salvatore who lived a few roads away from you.
It got to the point where you were basically living in their place more than your own. You and Damon often got blackout drunk and would go around Mystic Falls just for the hell of it, which would then result in Stefan having to clear up your mess.
Present day: Mystic Falls
The Quinjet landed in a field beside a mansion. There had been a system failure, so Steve had to land it. The Avengers walked out of the jet, Bucky at the back. They walked to the door and Steve knocked on the oak.
Inside, you got up from the sofa and answered the door, somewhat shocked the Captain America was there.
“Win?” You said, seeing the soldier behind Steve.
“Y/n? You’re alive?”
“Un-bloody-fortunately, yeah. Come in, all of you.” You said, letting them in.
“I thought you’d died, doll.”
“I couldn’t do it after you left.”
“Do what?”
“Queen, life, any of it. I gave up. I wrote the lads a note before I left…. It hurt Win. It hurt so fucking much.” You said as Bucky wrapped his arms around you.
“I’m sorry, doll.” Bucky said, slightly tightening his embrace.
“It wasn’t your fault. With the whole Hydra and mind wipe thing I knew it would come eventually. Just maybe not so soon.”
A knock came from the door. “Y/n, I brought Jack Daniels.” It was Damon, there for the monthly drown your sorrows meeting you two would have.
“I guess you found someone else, huh doll?” Bucky said before letting go of you and walking into the living room as you answered the door, letting Damon in. You left the door open and vamp speeded to Bucky.
“It’s not like that, Win. It has never been like that. Not with him and not with anyone else, alright? And if you don’t believe me, you can ask him.”
Bucky looked you in your eyes. “You sure, doll?”
“There’s no one, Win. No one but you.”
Bucky smiled, embracing you once again. Damon stood in the doorway, happy that you had found Bucky again.
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Adventure: Storming the Door of Death
Having long used the energies of sundered souls to perform their rites and rituals, a coven of necromancers now seeks to create a portal to the underworld by gathering as many ghosts and other haunting spirits in one place as possible. As their experiment reaches critical mass, the sinister energies have even begun leaking into the land and sky, threatening to spill out across the land.
The town the party is staying in is buffeted by a supernatural storm, thunder sending ripples of unnatural fear through the populace while spectral figures stalk through the sheets of rain. Even as the bruise coloured clouds dissipate, the danger is not lifted, as the torrent seems to have brought with it an infestation of ghosts. With the local temples overtaxed putting the dead to rest, an apprentice level adventuring party could make reasonable coin ousting shadows from abandoned houses or attics above taverns, and wrangling furniture and other objects gone rogue through poltergeist activity.
While hunting a beast that’s been digging up the local cemetery, the party encounter a chipper young mystic who’s wandering through the plots collecting wayward soul wisps in an ornate lantern. She’s all too happy to talk, explaining that she’s part of a group called the order of the veils who want to help those spirits left behind by the church find peace. She’ll offer to show the party how to construct their own lantern, which will be of great aid to them should they encounter any more wayward spirits. Should the party end up “filling” one or more lanterns, she encourages them to travel to a particular clearing not far from the local crossroads and leave the lanterns hanging there for one of her fellow initiates to collect.
Several nobles and wealthy merchants with aging or sick loved ones have been surreptitiously approached by the Order of Veils for patronage, offering to one up any of the local clergy with promises regarding the afterlife: Why wait years to see your loved ones when you could have them back within your lifetime? These whispers have reached the ears of a cleric of the Raven Queen who wants the party’s help investigating this outwardly pious band. Apparently a prominent official was funding the construction of a public grave temple to honour the memory of his departed wife, but abruptly cut off his charity after the veils convinced him that his money was better used elsewhere. 
Background: Unlike other necromancers, many in the order of the veils really do believe (at least in part) that they’re doing something good,  providing succour and sanctuary for souls that’ve gone unclaimed by the divine or lost on the path to the afterlife. Their leadership has grander ambitions however, as the (self appointed) Deacon Maudry and her inner circle grow ever closer to opening a door into death itself. With such a portal, they imagine they will be able to step across the threshold of mortality with ease, not only able to return endlessly from death but to extract kingly ransoms from those who wish to do the same.
 On paper their scheme is surprisingly sound: hauntings have been known to create “lowspots” between the land of the living and the dead, and portals have spontaneously formed between the two realms when the conditions were right.  Get enough ghosts to induce the sinking effect, throw up some dimensional and necromatic wards, and it seems like you’d have a ready made portal into death. However, Maudry and co are brainpoisoned by a) reading nothing but necromancy literature for years b) being up their own asses and have failed to realize that once their chosen gateway ( a grand country manor abandoned after terrible murders took place) begins sinking into the shadowfell, they won’t be able to stop it, and will very likely drag them and everything within a few miles down with it and possibly create a new dread realm in the process.
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obioveria · 10 months
In a whirlwind of ethereal melodies and magnetic stage presence, SitaAlexandra left an indelible mark on the recent festival scene in Wales. With her captivating performance, she cast a spell on the audience, igniting anticipation for her upcoming appearances in the festival circuit of 2024.
The Wales festival, known for its diverse lineup and enthusiastic attendees, provided the perfect backdrop for SitaAlexandra's musical prowess. Adorned in her signature bohemian attire, she took the stage amidst a hushed anticipation that soon erupted into thunderous applause.
SitaAlexandra's performance was an amalgamation of soul-stirring vocals, intricate instrumental melodies, and an aura that seemed to transcend the stage. Her versatile voice effortlessly navigated through haunting ballads, upbeat anthems, and emotionally charged tunes, leaving the audience spellbound and yearning for more.
Her setlist was an eclectic fusion of her original compositions and reimagined classics, showcasing her musical range and depth. From the hauntingly beautiful "Whispers in the Wind" to the upbeat rhythm of "Wildfire Hearts," each song was a testament to her artistry and storytelling ability.
Beyond her musical talent, SitaAlexandra's connection with the audience was palpable. Her genuine interactions and moments of vulnerability between songs created an intimate atmosphere, fostering a sense of unity among the festival-goers. It was evident that she wasn't merely performing for the crowd but sharing a piece of her soul through her music.
The stage lights danced to the rhythm of her melodies, enhancing the mystical ambiance she effortlessly created. Her band, a group of seasoned musicians, complemented her performance with their seamless synchronization and passion for the craft.
As the final notes echoed through the festival grounds, the crowd erupted into a chorus of cheers and applause, unwilling to let the magic dissipate. SitaAlexandra gracefully bid adieu, leaving an undeniable imprint on the memories of those fortunate enough to witness her performance.
With the Wales festival as a testament to her artistic brilliance, SitaAlexandra stands poised and ready to embark on the festival season of 2024. Her enigmatic presence, coupled with her undeniable talent, promises to captivate audiences around the world.
In anticipation of what lies ahead, fans eagerly await her upcoming performances, ready to immerse themselves once again in the enchanting world of SitaAlexandra's music. As the festival season approaches, one thing remains certain – SitaAlexandra is primed to leave an indelible mark on the hearts of music lovers worldwide.
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