#mental health is an all time low
kudos-2-you · 6 months
My inner turmoil right now
Me: Hey you have like three other fics you need to write right now. get to it!
Also me: *depressed and anxious as shit and using A Hundred Year fic to cope* uuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhh
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areyoualexander · 2 years
my tumblr isn't even a blog, it's just a hideous amalgamation of all my hyperfixations from the last decade.
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acatpiestuff · 2 months
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My Commissions are open again because I am trying to move out and don't currently have a job
I also have a Kofi, if you'd like to donate but right now I need to save up some more money if I even hope to leave this house. I do want to mention that I finish sketch commissions a lot faster than any of the other types of commissions.
Here is the link to my prices
and some samples of my work below the cut.
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writer-room · 5 months
Isn't it fun how everyone saw what terrified them most, but Nya's was so "unbelievable" that she broke out instantly? She was shown the one thing that was supposed to terrify her, make her spiral. But of course it wasn't real. It's Jay. If there's one thing she never once doubted, its that Jay is absolutely smitten, so of course he'd never forget her. What a silly thing to think, to be afraid of. She went through so damn much for this boy, and him for her, and we know how she is. Wouldn't it be petrifying if all that work, all that emotional turmoil, that clawing for love, could be forgotten just like that? Its quite a feat, really, that she can finally be confident in knowing such a fear is irrational.
It was easy to break free from such a place. It was only ever meant to scare her, and she has nothing to be afraid of. Right?
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kingdomsaurushearts · 4 months
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Still kickin.
Just exhausted 😩
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strawberrinoz · 4 months
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i habe a type.. oops ,
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morverenmaybewrites · 12 days
Morveren! Long time fan here. Just wanted to ask to see how the edits for the next chapter are coming...? This isn't a rush thing, this is a "I need to make sure my schedule is clear for the new chapter" thing...
Regardless, I can't wait for what's coming!
Thanks for clarifying anon! It's actually rather sweet that you're trying to clear your schedule for a chapter. 😅
It either comes out tomorrow or the day after that!
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call-me-copycat · 16 days
I just need to be told "You Can Do It" right now.
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Howdy, folks
[see below for my updates/excuses]
The last month I was working in the hospital which are some long ass shifts. My last shift of the month was yesterday and I feel less than human☠️ in case that hadn't been enough I also have the flu so i am just #thriving.
So, I think I'm going to take a break. And I know it probably feels like I've already been taking a break since I've been MIA lol. I'm gonna keep writing while away so I'll return Oct 1st with things to share and hopefully a fully recharged battery💜
Also, I again want to emphasis how much y'all's messages mean to me. I know I don't always have the time/energy to respond publicly, but I'll read and re-read messages all the time. Sorry and I love y'all so so much!!
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I'm gonna pray to God that nobody wishes you a Happy Birthday on your birthday.
this already happens to me every single year
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wavebiders · 19 days
Seriously considering diving into comics again... please somebody yell at me not to I can't do that to myself
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kudos-2-you · 6 months
I need song recs
I'm trying to get out of my writer's block funk and music helps get me in the mood. Who has some music that they just play in the background when they're creating that gets them in the groove?
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pallanophblargh · 1 year
I think part of me expected this burnout would last a long time, but it’s drawing close to a year now. I have a strong reason to suspect medications are prolonging it. Granted: I have no intention of stopping medication, but I suspect I may need to make some changes. It’s been nice not to feel burning rage/crippling despair/panic most of the time, but I also miss being able to actually... act on things! Start things! Feel some semblance of motivation, as fleeting as it is. Mostly my reaction to prompts of any kind are “nah, don’t wanna” or “so what?” which isn’t terribly conducive to anything more than day to day life. (Y’all, I can’t even reliably plan my vacation and that’s pretty terrible.)
I’m saying this in part as a sort of explanation as to why I’ve been so slow to respond to anything, or post any art, or even re-open commissions this past year. I just... generally can’t make myself do anything that isn’t a part of my daily maintenance routine. Knowing that making art (even personal art) takes 3x times as long to complete is a standout reason I’ve been refusing to reopen commissions especially, since I’d be unwilling to make clients wait more than a few months for even something as simple as a sketch. People were patient enough with “Old Me,” I don’t think most would hold out for “New Me.”
Thankfully I’m speaking to my doctor tomorrow regarding my experiences on the current medication, and maybe I can find something that works a little better. I feel like I’ve been pretty fortunate so far, all things considered, and my side effects have been fairly mild. (Though I have suspicions it’s also thinning out my hair something fierce... probably time for supplements for that issue!)
Hopefully I’ll figure it out sooner rather than later? Either way, I’m learning to accept things as they are these days. 
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peaches2217 · 2 months
Shit. Fuck. Please send me your fluffiest headcanons or questions/prompt requests or your favorite cat pictures. I am in ruin right now. 😂
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ragweed-babey · 2 years
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AU where they are also Learning 👀
I kind of referenced this idea in my first drawing of Claire further down my page but I love it so MUCH -
I imagine they have a more friendly relationship with each other than the main 3 ? But they aren’t usually as chipper as they are in the actual episode - they’ve just spoken with the Carehound too much to feel anything but the joy of employment :)
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i know it’s a stupid thing to whine about and i’m sorry but the low engagement in my fics lately is super bumming me out, plus the wildfires means there’s no sunlight rn and that uh. is generally bad. for my brain. so i’m going to take a break for a bit?? for at least tonight. i need to sort my shit out and do some writing practice to figure out what i’m doing wrong. FRF is definitely still on and queued for tomorrow, and i haven’t decided about wip wednesday yet (not even sure if i’m continuing that bc so far that’s been a flop) so i’ll let y’all know :) be safe and stay healthy everyone i’ll be back soon
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