#mentions of noctis ignis prompto gladiolus
fuyoart · 6 months
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picmurasaki · 3 months
Noctis shows off some art, then his boyfriends react...
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writing-oof · 6 days
FFXV Exchange Extras - The Loops
[TW: Brief mention of suicidal ideation, dying, apathy]
Dying does not feel how he expects it to.
His eyes shoot open so wide they almost hurt, a gasp.
Dying feels *exactly* how he expects it to.
"Hey," Prompto says, poking him in the side. Noctis turns further into his pillows, making his breaths come far more even than they feel. He was never good at crying quietly, but he's had almost a hundred days to practice.
"Noct," Prompto whines, poking at him again, harder this time.
"Go 'way," Noctis says, but he doesn't mean it. He never does.
"Nope," Prompto says, sounding unusual about the whole thing. He should probably take that as a warning, but suddenly Noctis feels the bed jolt as Prompto flops down beside him, nearly elbowing him in the process.
"Be careful," Noctis gripes, turning to glare half-annoyedly at Prompto and completely forgetting the very visible effects of crying still stuck on his face. He's reminded, though, when his friend's face goes from amused to concerned in a heartbeat.
Too tired for this--always, *always* too tired for this--Noctis turns to mash his face back in his pillow.
*"Hey,"* Prompto says, poking him again, "Hey, Noct, what's wrong?"
Noctis never thought he'd say this, but he is entirely and completely *sick* of Ignis's cooking.
It had been the only blessing, at first, the only consistency across worlds.
Noctis wakes, the world a slurry of color and light around him.
*Wake up.*
"I'm trying," Noctis hisses, but it's harder than the ghosts seem to think. He remembers being awake, and he's tried to emulate it a hundred times, but it doesn't work any better this time.
Noctis realizes that his body has been resetting by the fourth week.
The world's staying the same, and so is he. On one hand, it's a small mercy. He can just imagine the perpetual horror of having his friends watch him age decades overnight as he dies of old age inside this loop.
Noctis is already running on empty when things really go to hell.
He doesn't know what he has left, at that point. He doesn't know what it means anymore.
"I think it might be easier if I just end it," Noctis admits, as casually as he can.
"Don't worry, I already know: I'm King," Noctis scoffs, because he hasn't forgotten *this* conversation. It lives scrawled into the back of his eyelids, ready to greet him every night when he tries to close his eyes. "I'm not allowed to die."
"Noctis!" Gladio shouts, storming into the room with a wild franticness. "Get your shit, we have to go!"
"It might as well happen," Noctis says, shrugging.
Gladio doesn't even seem bewildered by his sudden shift in behavior. Instead, he just wraps his hand around Noctis's wrist and pulls him up.
"Fine," Noctis gripes, breaking Gladio's hold and shoving his jacket on, because he'd like to pretend to have at least some control over the situation, "We can go, but it literally does not matter."
Gladio's face twitches, but he doesn't say anything beyond a quick, "Don't make me fucking carry you," as he pulls Noctis out of the room and down one of a billion emergency routes through the castle. Noctis rolls his eyes but keeps up until they break into the courtyard.
"Noctis!" Prompto cries, and something in Noctis's chest withers at the look of panic and relief on his best friend's face.
A gunshot rings out half a minute later and Noctis watches as Prompto writhes in a pool of his own blood.
Noctis doesn't know when he stops existing. It's probably some time between letting Ardyn tear the magic out of his veins and that one world where he gets to go to actual high school.
"Hey," Prompto says from his side, nudging Noctis's shoulder with his own. "You awake?"
Noctis rolls his eyes before letting his head thunk back against the wall. "I doubt I'd be talking to you if I weren't," he says, letting his eyes slip closed.
"You'd think, wouldn't you, princess?" Gladio asks and Noctis lifts his head again with a grunt, shooting him an unamused look. He'd kind of thought they were over the whole princess thing, but he figures it might be the kind of bit Gladio carries well past his grave. He can respect that level of commitment, honestly; it still doesn't mean he has to *like* it.
"We're glad to see you're awake. You've been out of sorts all evening," Ignis says, gliding into the room with the sort of regality Noctis never could manage and pressing a warm bowl of soup into his hands. Noctis breathes in the steam, basking in the softness of this loop.
"Out of sorts?" he asks between exaggerated slurps of soup, if only for the way it makes Specs's face twist up in disgust.
The action was right, *finally,* but the question is clearly the wrong one, and he tenses up as a quiet sort of disturbed settles over the group. He looks between Ignis and Gladio, waiting for one of them to break the silence, and he's surprised when Prompto's the one to take a crack at breaking the ice.
"You were freaking out, dude," Prompto says, going for casual and missing it by a mile. He loves his friend, but--as much as he hates to agree with *any* version of Ardyn--Prompto really does wear his heart on his sleeve. "You said nothing was real. You said nothing we did mattered, because none of us exist anyways, and fighting was pointless."
Noctis blinks, waiting for him to get to the unsettling part. Maybe he grew tentacles, or spiders crawled out of his eyes. It wouldn't be the freakiest thing he's done in a loop.
Noctis nods when the silence drags on a bit too long. "...and?"
"You..." Prompto seems to get caught beating around the bush, but luckily Specs finally steps in. "You were crying, Noctis."
Noctis considers that.
"I don't remember that," he admits, but he doesn't really doubt it. He wonders if it was an ugly sort of cry, or the kind that people do in movies. He doesn't really do pretty tears very often, but he doesn't cry much at all either. He might be embarrassed, if sobbing was something that was going to follow him home.
"You're not surprised," Ignis says, like he's reading his mind. For a heart-stopping moment, he wonders if that's what this loop is. If they already know exactly what sort of imposter he is, and they're just waiting to make their move and tear him into shreds for daring to take their friend's place.
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andywinter16 · 2 years
FFXV and Assassin´s Creed AU
This AU is for @versusthirteen. Don´t worry, I will write the bickering fic just need some time (lot of time, because the other asks that I need to post first). But instead have some of my quick headcanons when the two worlds collide :) (I have some more, If you wanted?)
Due to Isu and Astrals shenaningas Noctis with boys ended in other dimension. With their luck, in middle of assault on the assassins. Noctis uses his powers which reacts even more violently in this world. “ Who the hell are you, dudes?” said man with white hood, while covering. “Well, I am -” Gladio turns his head “ Less talking Noct, more fighting.” Desmond and others took boys with them to their hideout, even if Lucy and Shaun were mistrusting at first. 
- there is so many questions about their origin and powers, it was intimidating 
- Noct showed them his arminger “ That is remarkable! Becca, do you think we could replicate something like that?” “ Shaun, I am tech not a damn magician.” “ But with the right equiptment and Isu artefact, it could be possible, no?” Lucy said thoughtfully.
- Ignis ultimately wins them with his cooking. “ Pardon me, but you can´t seriously eat fast food all the time, right?” Becca repairing computer answered. “ Not all the time, we also have some energy bars.” Needless to say, Ignis was horrified. He prepared for all of them 5 course meal. “Ignis, you are the best cook ever, aren´t you in need for a wife?” “ Or husband, If you swing that way.”
-  Ignis and Shaun bicker with each other like a married couple. They even had a three hour debate about “Why is tea better than your stinky muddy coffee, Scientia.” “ I would rather drink mine than your tasteless dry leafes with hot water, Hastings.” IT.WAS.SCARY.
- Desmond thinks of Noctis and Prompto as younger brothers that he never had, of course they are his partners in crime (Wish he could intruduce them to Clay, who would also loved them)
- Lucy shares with them the three tenets of assassins:  Stay one's blade from the flesh of the innocent; draw not attention to oneself whenever possible; and never compromise the brotherhood. “In other words” Des joined in the conversation,” don´t stabby stab wrong people, be good at hide and seek and bros before corruption.”
- “ Hey, Becca, Des wanna hear a joke?” “ Sure, sunshine.”  “ Hit us with it, Prompt.”  “ Okie dokie, do you know without what you can´t spell assassin? “ Lucy, Shaun, Ignis and Gladio side-eyeing him. “Without what Prompt?” inquired Noct. “ Obviously, without ass, sass and sin.” “ And I have all of it!” exclaimed Des. “ Desmond, bloody hell!”
- Rebecca shows boys her “Baby”, which are impressed with her skills. Prompto is allowed to help her.
- Gladio is jogging every morning with the girls. He´s being very supportive and shares fitness tips
- But boys weren´t the only one, who was accidentaly send to this dimension ...
“Oh, well hello there, young man! What a nice abodement you have here.”
Daniel is shocked and pulls out a gun. “ Who the fuck are you!?” The man before him looked so real, was the Bleeding effect kicking in again?
“Now now, young man. Why such animosity? I believe we can fix each other problems.” 
Daniel´s eyebrow quirks. “ What problem?” “ Oh, isn´t that obvious? You´re looking for some trouble maker named Desmond, correct? I can help you find him, but I also want something in return. A little service of gratitude, so to speak.”
Daniel studied the man´s face. He didn´t trust him, but he would lie if he said he wasn´t intrigued. “For the record, I don´t trust you. But I am kinda impressed you´ve got through our security.” which would be fired, when he wraps it up here, “ but I am not the one who you should ask for favour, If if it turns out that you are valuable asset.” 
“ Oh my, so guarded. But believe me, you´re not gonna regret it.” 
The man smiled creepily. Daniel shivered at that. He had unshaky feeling that he just get into some clusterfuck. 
 The man tips his hat.“ Oh, but where are my manners! Let me introduce to you, my name is Ardyn Izunia.” 
Please, read this in Ardyn´s voice. It gets much better XD
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A Day Off
Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy XV.
OC: Lillian Nox Fleuret is the third princess of Tenebrae and the youngest sister of Ravus and Lunafreya. She is an Oracle. Following the attack on the Fenestala Manor, King Regis rescues Noctis and Lillian and takes them back to Insomnia. She and Noctis grew up together in the Citadel before moving to the apartment in their first year of high school. Their friendship blossomed into love over the years, and after realizing their feelings for each other, they began dating.
This takes place two years before the game. Both Lillian and Noctis are 18.
M.E. July, 754.
"Noct... Noct! Get up. We need to clean your room before Ignis comes." Lillian announced after knocking on the still-sleeping prince's door and inviting herself.
Noctis groaned and snuggled deeper in his blanket. He mumbled a few incoherent words then the room fell into silence again. Lillian sighed and refrained from jumping on him and dragging him out of bed, "Wake up It's afternoon, Your Highness." she tried not to trip on the piles of clothes thrown on the ground and went to open the window.
A hand got out of the covers and patted blindly around it. Once he found his phone, he switched it on. Lillian sat on the bed and looked around her. The prince opened one eye, read "13:56," and then put his phone next to his pillow. He sat up after removing the blanket from his face, "'morning, sleepy-head." Lillian chuckled at his bed hair. She let her fingers tangle in his messy locks and started fixing them. He grunted a greeting and leaned closer to her as she gently combed his hair. It was a habit that he loved. Moments like these made him forget all about his responsibilities and bask in her calming scent.
"I told you to sleep early... Have you completed watching season two yet?" He had told her that he had started the second season, and they made a bet whether he could finish it in a single day.
Eight episodes. Each episode is an hour long. It was safe to say that he had won the bet.
With his eyes still closed, Noctis grinned. "Yup. All of it. Slept at four am... I feel like shit, but it's worth it," he finished with a yawn. His voice is still deep with sleep.
The Oracle shook her head at the prince. He can be silly sometimes. "Don't do that again, please. You look lifeless," she removed her hand from his hair, and he pouted in protest, "Now get your ass up. Ignis is coming at five, and we still need to clean your room."
"Right," he sighed, then smiled, "can I get a 'good morning' kiss?" He tugged at her sleeve, his other hand reaching for her face, cupping her cheek.
Lillian chuckled, then planted a soft kiss on his forehead, making his heart flutter. He sighed happily. Truly, nothing made him happier than these peaceful moments with his princess. He watched silently as she gave him a small smile before getting up from his bed.
"Your breakfast is on the dining table. I'll go get the cleaning supplies that we need." She tied her hair up so it wouldn't bother her during the cleaning. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Noctis finally getting up, running his hand through his hair, and stretching. She left Noctis' room and went to the kitchen when she realized her first mission of the day, waking him up, was complete.
Looking through the cabinets, she gathered several plastic bags for all the trash lying on his bedroom floor. Just as she pulled out a cleaning detergent, Noctis entered the kitchen, rubbing his eyes as he sat on the dining table's chair. "Thanks for the food, Lilly," he said with a smile, before eating the pancakes.
"Hm? Oh! No problem, Noct," She said dismissively, waving her hand. With the supplies in her hold, she went to start the cleaning.
"I'll be right there once I'm finished," he called over his shoulder.
"Okay!" Was her reply.
He sat there, chewing on the chocolate-covered pancakes, then his thoughts drifted to Lillian. Ever since Ignis reprimanded and threatened to take him back to the citadel, Lillian volunteered to help him. Well, in this case, help Ignis since he was the one who would usually clean up after him.
"Ignis already has enough on his plate," Lillian said one time, "You shouldn't make his life miserable with your mess!"
Noctis promised her to try to keep his room as clean as he could because he felt guilty and didn't want to be separated from Lillian — who would stay in the apartment while he went back to the citadel. Emphasis on Try... He just couldn't help it! He tried but failed. All the royal training and political reports made him neglect to tidy his bedroom.
Once he finished, he got up and downed the strawberry smoothie. Ignis had asked Lillian to keep an eye on Noctis' dietary habits. He hated vegetables, but he hated upsetting Lillian even more. And so he ate every meal she prepared for him. He also noticed how she tried to make the greens delicious for him. She was constantly coming up with new recipes that included vegetables to make eating them more fun for him.
He adored her so much for doing this.
He cleaned his cup and plate, then hurried off to his room. He was greeted with the sight of a full laundry basket containing all the clothes he had tossed around.
When Lillian noticed his arrival, she handed him a garbage bag and said, "I'm gonna put these clothes in the washing machine," she then hoisted the hamper by its handles and added, "This is the last time you bring food here, understand?" She spoke with a stern tone that caused Noctis to avert his eyes sheepishly.
He nodded, "Understood."
Soon after that, she left, leaving him to his task. The young man looked around his room, empty packages of several snacks and bottles of juices scattered all over the floor and the desk. He glanced at the digital clock next to his laptop, "2: 13 PM," less than three hours remained until Ignis arrived. Thankfully, his room was not as wild as it used to be.
He nodded, ready to prove his independence to Ignis and Lillian. With this mindset, he began, starting with the floor, "Let's do this."
Noctis proudly smiled as he admired his now sparkling clean room.
Lillian cleaned everything thoroughly, from the floors to the walls to the windows, and Noctis assisted her.
He turned to Lillian, her keen eyes looking for any spot they might have missed. Noctis draped his arm over her shoulders and pulled her close, side-hugging her, "Relax love," he chuckled, "The room is spotless. Even Iggy would be taken aback by how it looks."
Lillian returned the side hug by wrapping her arm around his back and nodded, "Yeah," she smiled when he kissed her temple and muttered a sweet 'thank you.'
"I promise to keep it as clean as possible. I won't let your work go to waste."
"That's right! Plus, we did it together, Noct," she looked up at him and smiled. She turned to the digital watch, "We still have thirty minutes before Iggy comes... Until then, I'm going to take a shower."
Earlier that day, she had cleaned her room and their living room, not that there was much to clean; she always kept things organized. And now, after cleaning Noctis' room, she was worn out. She figured a nice, hot shower would relax her muscles and clear her thoughts.
The prince smiled mischievously and said, "Mind if I join you?"
He faced her, hands moving to her hips as he pulled her flush against him. She blushed, and he smirked; He loved teasing her.
"No, I don't mind," she said, smirking at his surprised expression. Pushing away from him, she made her way to the bathroom. "You'd better hurry, though. We don't have much time."
Noctis looked at the doorway. He chuckled; she had caught him off guard. He didn't expect her to agree. With a cheeky smile on his face, he rushed after her.
Ignis raised an eyebrow at the flushed face of the young princess and the prince's satisfied smile and decided not to ask about whatever had happened. Something told him that he was better off not knowing.
He nodded in approval after touring the apartment and then placed a folder on the coffee table.
"This is a report on the current situation between Insomnia and Niflheim, have a look at it later," Ignis then turned to Lillian, "Nyx asked me to let you know that he'll drop by tomorrow."
She smiled in excitement, "Alright!" It had been two weeks since she had seen the Kingsglaive, and she had missed him. Helping the Glaives around Insomnia's borders was a job she loved; she always looked forward to it. According to Libertus, she had made their life much easier by taking care of the Daemons and them fighting off the imperial army.
Ignis smiled at her enthusiasm and glanced at Noctis who was looking curiously at a bag he had set down on their kitchen counter.
"I had time earlier and decided to bake some desserts," the advisor adjusted his glasses, "I'll take my leave now-"
He was cut off by Lillian, a frown on her face, "What?! You can't leave just yet! I'm going to make us some coffee and eat the dessert together, so please take a seat," and with that, she went to prepare their drinks.
Noctis looked at the princess, a look of admiration on his face. The sun was setting, and the apartment was bathed in orange rays giving it a cozy atmosphere. A gentle smile on his face as he watched her prepare cups and a plate to display the pastries. The comforting smell of the coffee filled the air, and Noctis exhaled a contented sigh. He wanted to hold on to these moments when nothing mattered and the whole world seemed tranquil.
Ignis cleared his throat, snapping Noctis out of his reverie. They both took a seat at the dining table, and Lillian joined them after bringing them the food.
"This tastes amazing!" Noctis exclaimed as he took a bite, "But something is missing...right, Lilly?"
She nodded, "Yeah, it almost tastes like the one we had in Tenebrae," she hummed in delight and added, "This tastes so good! This is what happiness tastes like," she giggled, and Noctis nodded his head in agreement.
Ignis sighed slightly in disappointment before taking a bite. At least he was close this time. He watched silently as Lillian and Noctis chatted about some series he had stayed up late to watch. He listened to them and made a few comments here and there. The trio kept talking about random topics until Ignis checked his watch and told them that he had to leave.
After wearing his shoes, he turned them, "I'm glad to see that you're doing well. I'll return in two days to go over the report with you."
"Right," the prince said as he leaned against the wall, "Thanks for the dessert, Iggy," he said with a small smile.
Ignis nodded and then addressed the princess, "Be careful tomorrow, alright?"
"I will. Don't worry," Lillian assured him.
"Good. Have a good night, then," and with that, Ignis left.
Noctis locked the front door and followed Lillian into the kitchen.
"Maybe we should leave these to Prompto..." She muttered as she placed the pastries in a paper bag before putting them in the fridge.
He took their empty cups to the sink and washed them. "I'll invite him over for some gaming tomorrow."
The young Oracle sat on the sofa and sighed. She watched Noctis dry his hands with a paper towel before sitting beside her. He opened his arm, and she rested her head on his chest, his arm hugging her frame as he placed his head on top of hers. His other hand sought hers and intertwined them.
"Are you all right?" Noctis spoke softly after a moment of silence.
"Mmhmm," she closed her eyes and listened to his heartbeat. "Just thinking."
He had an idea about what she was thinking and sighed, "... Another vision?"
The Oracle took a deep breath and started, "Yeah, and as you already know, I can't talk about it."
"I know, I know... Is it that bad?" Noctis inquired.
Lillian nodded, and he sighed heavily. He didn't want to think about the future but from how somber Lillian looked every time she had a vision it just made him nervous. But he knew that as the future king, he had to be strong for everyone's sake. To avoid ruining the mood, Noctis changed the subject, asking, "So, when do you think Nyx is coming?" He will worry about their future later; for now, he will enjoy every moment.
When he mentioned her best friend's name, her smile returned, "Certainly around noon. I intend to heal as many Daemons as I can," she stated with a determined tone.
"I know you will," he chuckled, lovingly caressing her hair.
Lillian glanced at the report Ignis had left on the coffee table; they could review it tomorrow. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" It was still too early to go to bed.
"Sure. Any suggestions?"
"I heard 'Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki' is pretty good!"
"If you say so," with that, Noctis and Lillian moved to her room. After turning on her laptop and getting comfortable on her bed, the couple started the movie.
A/N: And there you have it! It took me a while to write this one, and I'm happy with it.
The series Noctis was watching was "Alice in Borderland." I was watching the 2nd season- which was a masterpiece by the way, then thought to myself to include it here.
'Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki' is one of my favorite films, and I figured that it was the perfect movie for them to watch.
I'm planning on writing more one-shots of Lilly and Noct's life together before their journey.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a fantastic day/night!
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sageteapost · 1 month
Hi! It's the same anon that requested the expanded dating hcs and I LOVED it 🤩💕
I'm hoping you don't mind me requesting more 😭 This time headcanons with all the Chocobros (separately) about their protectiveness levels? Maybe how would they react if someone threatens/ poses as a threat to their s/o or anything like that 👀
Tysm in advance and have a great day! 💖
| Protectiveness With the Chocobros HCs |
[ Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia x GN! Reader ]
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Content: Self-explanatory! Mentions of violence, though not in graphic detail. Very small spoilers for a small piece of dialogue at the end of Episode Gladiolus, but nothing too significant. (All established relationships. All separate parings. Gender neutral reader.)
author's note: HEYYY ANON!! I'm so glad you like the headcanons for the Noctis post. And no worries!! I'm always happy to post about these boys. I love them dearly haha. If you wanted me to talk more about the threat being something towards their relationship/jealousy, let me know and I can do a separate post about it since that in itself is a different can of worms.
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Poor guy. The thought of that even crossing his mind makes him reel.
He's the Prince of Lucis, and while that helps in terms of security it still makes him very anxious. People who may not have the highest regards for him could go after you to get at him, which scares and angers him.
However, if someone or something made a threat against you for any reason, he's going to be pissed.
Majority of the time, he's going to get the Crownsguard on that person's ass for it. They're not getting out of this easily and Noct is not afraid to use his position.
Though he's not opposed to throwing hands himself, but you didn't hear it from me.
Protectiveness levels: Very High
Let's get this out of the way first, if someone put you in a dangerous situation, he's abandoning what he's doing and probably his regard for his own safety to help you.
He's panicking, unlike Noct who's the prince and could easily get the help he needed instantly, Prompto would have to find it. Likely will drag in the guys (who will help him in return).
Compared to Noct, he doesn't have much of a reason to be extra protective since he's not royalty or born of a line of nobles like Gladio or Ignis.
He's less on trying to get any revenge on the person who did it, but more focused on how you're doing.
So, unless that person did something so damning, he's not going to tear them to pieces. Probably.
Protectiveness levels: Medium to Low
Silently fuming and trying so hard to maintain his composure to not find them. And no, he's not going to kill them. Unless on the very rare circumstances he loses it, he won't.
Yes, he will try his best to remain calm and take the situation with caution, though part of him says otherwise.
Since he was Noct's caretaker when he was younger and swore to protect him, he had the experience of receiving threats like that. While that got personal sometimes, when it happens to you it's a whole different feeling he's not accustomed to.
Similar to Prompto, he's immediately tending to you first. Reassuring you (and himself) that you're okay and safe. But unlike Prompto he will definitely get people involved to bring that person to justice.
It's better for him and everyone in the end, just to preserve his sanity and integrity. Though he won't be opposed to be involved in some "personal" investigations.
Protectiveness levels: High
Really hope whoever did threaten you knows how to defend themselves.
You know how Prompto mentions in Episode Gladiolus how he saved Noct from a bully one time and beat them up? Yeah, he's gonna rip them to pieces.
Not only is he serious when it involves being Noct's shield, but yours as well. Whoever dared to threaten you is not coming out without a black eye or some other injury because holy shit, he's furious.
You'd have to plead with him not to accidentally kill them or hope the guys are there to hold him back from going any further. Only then, thanks gods, he might back off.
He'd still be very upset afterwards and the harsh words from Cor will not help. But eventually with your presence, he'll cool off and apologize to you for seeing him like that.
Protectiveness levels: Very High
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wishmasters-muse · 6 months
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Noctis is the most relaxed driver. That doesn't necessarily mean he's the safest though. He's prone to being distracted by small things. I,e: passing cars listening to music he knows, a nice car model, the perfect fishing spots. He plays with the seat positioning so he can feel laid back, ALWAYS leaving a hand draped over the door when the Regalia's convertible is down.
Ignis is obviously the safest driver. He doesn't risk driving at night, being careful to read every road sign twice to be sure he's going the right way. In traffic he has a nervous reaction of tapping the wheel in rhythm to the music Prompto always demands is on.
Prompto is the worst driver. He breaks too hard, oversteers every corner slightly. Being the shortest he always positions the seat SOO close to the wheel. He always has to pull the sun visor down because his short ass is always directly in the sun's path. As previously mentioned, he ALWAYS has the music on. He also has a bad habit of fiddling with various switches and dials which Ignis has to correct later. He is too nervous to drive at night.
Gladiolus is the most reckless driver. An opportunity to drift the Regalia is always a corner away. He is more then happy to drive at night and is often having to use his charm to talk himself out of speeding tickets. He has to re-angle the rear view mirror due to being the tallest. His hair almost always brushes against the roof of the Regalia when it's up, and for that reason, he will only drive in good weather.
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linkemon · 5 months
Mayhem (Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader) [Soulmate AU]
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you’re interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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"ꜱʜᴇ ᴡᴀꜱɴ'ᴛ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴘᴀʀʀɪɴɢ ʀᴇꜱᴜʟᴛ ʙᴜᴛ ꜱʜᴇ ᴋᴇᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀ ᴘʀᴏᴍɪꜱᴇ. ꜱʜᴇ ʀᴏʟʟᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ʜᴇʀ ꜱʟᴇᴇᴠᴇ, ʀᴇᴠᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴀᴛᴛᴏᴏ ᴏɴ ʜᴇʀ ꜰᴏʀᴇᴀʀᴍ. ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ʟɪɴᴇ ꜰᴏʀᴍᴇᴅ ᴀɴ ᴏʀɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ 'ꜰᴀʀᴇᴡᴇʟʟ'."
ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: 1. ᴍᴀᴊᴏʀ ꜱᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀꜱ ʀᴇɢᴀʀᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛꜱ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ. 2. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ꜱᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴀᴜ, ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴍᴏꜱᴛ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ (ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɴᴏᴛ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ) ᴀʀᴇ ɢɪꜰᴛᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛʏ ᴛᴏ ꜰɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ꜱᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ.
— You lost! Show it! — Gladio shouted right next to [Reader's] ear.
— You cheated — she gasped, clutching the wooden sword.
— All's fair in love and war!
— We're not at war, we're just doing training exercises — the little girl replied.
She wasn't happy with the sparring result but she kept her promise. She rolled up her sleeve, revealing the tattoo on her forearm. The black line formed an ornately written "Farewell"
— I was hoping for something better.
— Do not get smart up. You don't have the skill yourself yet.
— It won't be easy to find a soulmate with something like that. I hope my skill will be better.
The girl didn't want to admit it but she was thinking exactly the same thing. Many people were given simpler instructions. She has always dreamed of a timer or a red thread. They didn't require much attention. Meanwhile, she was given a word that anyone could have said to her.
— Maybe I'll hear my soulmate say goodbye to someone? Or will this be a slogan describing our entire relationship? You know... we'll be such a nice couple that we won't want to be apart?
[Reader] stared at the three friends who had come to the training ground. She was glad Noctis wasn't with them.
She thought no one would come here in the middle of the night. She had been able to avoid meetings over the past few days but it seemed like that wasn't the case this time.
— I don't want to talk to you.
She swung her sword, practicing the sequence.
— Listen, you can just sit here for me but he doesn't want to go anywhere without you...
Gladiolus didn't finish his sentence because Prompto kicked him in the ankle with all his might.
— How can you say such things to a girl? — Prompto was outraged. — Sorry, I have to send a text message quickly. — He took out his phone.
Ignis looked at the other two and sighed. He adjusted his glasses. He felt the need to do this whenever he got irritated.
— Why are you avoiding the prince?
— Damn it! We all know why. We are not making idiots of ourselves.
King's Shield was tired. He wanted to put the whole trip behind him. Altissia was far from Insomnia. They had a long journey ahead of them and he felt like he was babysitting Noctis instead of preparing for it.
The prince insisted that he wanted to see [Reader] at his wedding to Lunafreya. He proposed it to her and she awkwardly excused herself and they haven't seen each other since.
— Wait... so we know why she's avoiding him? — Prompto frowned in concentration.
It took him a few seconds to understand what Gladiolus was talking about.
— Aaah... That's what you mean... — He tapped his forehead lightly.
— Let's end this circus. You're coming with us. Even the king said it was a great idea.
— He didn't give me an order.
[Reader] knew she was arguing like a little child but she had a hard time hiding her reluctance.
— Stop being so selfish! — Gladio knocked the training sword out of her hand.
He did it easily. He surpassed her in terms of physical strength. Not to mention his skills were next level.
He froze the moment he saw her face. The moonlight helped him see tears in the corners of his eyes. She turned her head to wipe them gently.
He felt guilty.
They had been friends since childhood.
— Damn it! — He pinched the bridge of his nose. — I'm sorry, okay? I'm just... fed up with it.
Ignis didn't say anything. He looked at him reprimandingly and Gladio realized that he was in for a good sermon. Ignis took an embroidered handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to the girl. She accepted it gratefully.
— It's not your fault... none of you... Let's be honest, neither is it Noctis's fault. But so what? Should I be a bridesmaid at a wedding I don't want to see? Watch someone I've been in love with for so many years get married? Congratulate my rival with whom I never stood a chance? I want Noctis to be happy but... that doesn't mean I have to watch it all.
The girl felt all the emotions she had been carrying since the announcement of the engagement slipping away. Grief gripped her heart and the words stuck in her throat. Her fingers tightened around Ignis's handkerchief. There was a deafening silence, broken only by the night chirping of crickets.
The friends looked towards the entrance. She followed their gaze.
He stood there.
— We'll leave you two alone — Prompto suggested.
He hoped [Reader] wouldn't find out that he was the one who notified Noctis via text message. Otherwise he would be in big trouble.
— I think we need to talk — said the prince.
— You didn't overhear everything? — she asked bitterly.
Blue eyes stared at her intensely.
— I want you to tell me about it properly now.
— NO. — She sat down on the stone wall. — Do you know why? Because it doesn't make sense. I won't change anything.
— You know...
— I know! You are responsible for Lucis... And you will be king one day... And you love Lunafreya... And we need this marriage...
Noctis looked at the brightly shining moon above his head.
It was as if in its light he could no longer hide anything.
He felt he had failed as a friend.
He knew for a long time. He just never wanted to let that thought come to the fore. It was easier to push it to the bottom of his mind and tell himself it was just a delusion. He was afraid to face a feeling he didn't reciprocate.
— [Reader], if you had told me earlier...
She felt a pang in her chest. He had no soulmate skill. Fate didn't decide for him. He chose Luna of his own free will.
— I wouldn't change anything. You love each other and I want you to be happy but please — she took a deep breath — don't make me go there. My heart can't bear it.
In her imagination she saw a beautiful bride. Blond curls were tied up in a high bun and the white dress rustled with every step. The Oracle held a bouquet of her favorite blue flowers as she looked for her fiancé.
Her fingers gripped the stone tightly.
He could give an order if he wanted.
— Then stay... but promise me our friendship won't end like this.
The prince felt that the thread that had connected them for a long time was breaking. He wanted desperately to save it, even though he felt it was over. All the years they spent together were gone.
— I promise that I will come after the wedding, together with your father, when I get myself together a bit. — She headed towards the exit.
— Farewell — he said with a slight smile.
She glanced briefly at the tattoo that had been with her for many years.
She didn't answer him.
— What is it about? — Noctis asked.
Ignis entered the room with a newspaper in his hand.
— Read it.
The Fall of Insomnia , said the headline. Gladiolus read it aloud, feeling growing anxiety.
— Is this some joke?
The prince wanted to tear out the newspaper and make sure he had heard correctly.
— There was an attack. The Imperial army has occupied the capital — Gladio continued. — The Treaty Room flashed brightly. Explosions were also heard. When the smoke cleared, the king was found... dead. — Gladio looked up.
— No... But... Wedding... Altissia...
— I know. That was the plan but... all the headlines in town can't be wrong.
Ignis looked at Noctis with regret. There was no way there could be a mistake.
The boy felt his heart beating fast and a cold sweat break out on him.
— Liars! — he shouted. — We have to check that.
— Shall we turn back? — Prompto assured.
— Yes.
— Betrayal! Protect His Majesty!
[Reader] managed to kill three opponents before she fell to the ground. Lights flashed all around and a loud explosion deprived her of hearing.
She put her fingers to her chest in surprise. A red, sticky liquid flowed from the deep wound. She tried to make a sound but was interrupted by darkness.
— Maybe these will be the last words you hear from him? He'll see you and decide it's time to say goodbye or something — he laughed.
— Gladio, I'm going to kill you!
— I'd like to see you try — said the new, short, dark-haired boy.
He poked his head out from behind one of the pillars and curiously walked to the middle of the training ground.
— I think it's time for me to introduce you to the spoiled prince. Noctis Lucis Caelum and his titles that I don't feel like listing...
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zzpromptosides · 6 months
i believe that prompto being different from gladio, noctis and ignis is just always there in ffxv, if it isn't mentioned until near the end of the game.
(some of these reasons may be quite out there or make no sense lol)
ffxv spoilers under the cut!
1. prompto is the character in the group with the lightest hair colour
- noctis and gladio have quite dark hair colours. ignis has hair lighter than theirs, but its not as bright as prompto's
- people are more drawn to look at brighter things, so they'd be drawn to looking at prompto because of his bright, blonde hair. prompto's attention is drawn more than the other character's because he's more 'bright'.
2. prompto's personality is also more 'bright' and different than the others.
- prompto is more of a 'brighter' person than the rest. they're all more laid back at times, whilst prompto is there singing, humming tunes and just spouting on about something.
- prompto's brighter personality makes players be caught off guard when the game reveals his backstory. his story is a contrast to his personality a lot - like light vs dark. this, again, highlights how different he is from the rest of the group.
- prompto also focuses on women in game like aranea and cindy. this could be him trying to fit in with the rest of the group and trying more to be normal, even though he doesn't know his past yet.
- prompto also mentions in episode prompto trying to fit in im pretty sure ? even then he was trying to fit in, which shows that he wasn't the same even when he didn't know that he was an mt.
3. prompto's choice of weapon
- prompto's main weapon in game is some type of firearm. everyone else uses a blade. yes, noctis can also use firearms, but the weapon he has first in game is a blade and the players ultimately decide what they make noctis use anyway.
- if memory serves me correct, the only other people who really use firearms in game are the 'bad' guys and antagonists. again, i could be wrong. but, this does ultimately show that prompto isn't the same as his friends. he's using the same weapons that the 'bad side' use.
4. prompto's name
- this is kind of out there, but the ending of prompto's name is also different (like him).
- noctis, ignis and gladiolus all end in 's'. noctis and ignis end in 'is'. prompto's name ends in 'o'. nobody else has their full name end this way.
- also, prompto's full name translates to quicksilver which is also a firearm thats in ffxv and also other final fantasy games. his name is about his gun.. which again brings me back to the whole weapon point.
hope anyone who read this enjoyed the ramble lol. i'd love discussing anything else related to prompto or ffxv - just drop it in the asks :)
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Mutare: Vampire!Ignis Scientia x Reader
A call had woken you in the night.
From dreamless, floating sleep you awoke to the ringing of your phone on the nightstand, the vibrating rattling the wood and buzzing in your head uncomfortably. You squinted in the darkness, eyes blinded slightly by the bright light of your illuminated phone next to you.
You grabbed it, annoyed at whoever it was on the other end for ruining your sleep. You relaxed, your shoulders dropping in contentment seeing it was Ignis who was calling.
He needed to stay late to greet diplomats and other high-ranking officials to prepare for some royal ball coming up. Something about some party for a different prince or something, you couldn’t really put together what Ignis was saying as he rushed out the door, stopping to give you a quick kiss goodbye like he always did.
You raised the phone to your ear, humming instead of saying hello.
But it wasn’t Ignis’ voice on the other end.
“(Y/n), you need to get here.” It was Gladiolus. In the background, you could hear Noctis and Prompto freaking out. “There’s been an accident.”
You nearly dropped your phone.
It felt like a spike had shot through you. Your chest ached, you suddenly felt cold despite being wrapped in the luxurious blankets your fiance had just bought. You were surely awake now.
“What happened? Where’s Ignis?”
Your voice wavered, if the royal shield noticed it, he didn’t mention it.
“It’s too much to give over the phone. You need to get here, he’s in a bad shape.”
The phone cut off in your ear, leaving you in the still silence of the apartment. For a moment you just sat there utterly stunned. You sat and stared into the empty void of darkness sitting in the apartment, and for a moment, you felt all alone.
You sprung out of bed, fear now controlling you like a puppet, you threw on shoes and a jacket and rushed out with keys in hand, still in your pajamas. The elevator ride down was suffocating, time seemed to drip like honey but it also felt like you were wasting it standing in the descending box.
The doors opened with the usual chime and you dashed out, nearly plowing over some people in front of you.
In the car, you struggled to breathe correctly. Each breath was shakier than the last, your eyes were prickly with tears. You sat in silence in the car, your foot slowly growing heavily on the gas pedal. You were sure you ran a stop sign or two, but at this point, you didn’t give two shits. The radio was off, you listened to the vehicle hum beneath you, afraid that any music or even breaking news over the radio would make you break down.
You saw distant flashing lights, red and white and blue lights racing towards the grand Citadel standing tall maybe just a mile away.
Your heart ached, your hands shook and clutched tighter to the steering wheel. You wondered what would break first under the pressure; Your knuckles now light or the steering wheel creaking.
You were forced to stop just a little ways away from the Citadel, police had blocked off the roads, ambulances were filed neatly in front. You saw medics running stretchers up and down the towering stairs.
You booked it, weaving through the crowds that had formed and ducked under the barricades. You managed to get to the base of the stairs when you were stopped by two officers.
“Get off of me! My fiance is in there!” you cried, attempting to somehow wiggle your way out of their grasps.
“Let them in!” you heard a voice boom. The three of you looked to the top of the stairs to see Cor hurrying down the stairs, Prompto was right behind him. “Let go, officers.”
“But Marshall-”
“But nothing! I said: Let go.”
The Marshall towered over the two officers, he had the coldest gaze that would put Shiva to shame. The two officers let go of your arms and Cor put a surprisingly comforting hand on your shoulder.
Prompto came to your other side, gentle hands stroking your shaking back.
“What happened?”
“I’ll explain, but we need to move.”
“Where’s Ignis?”
“He’s inside,” Prompto murmured.
The normally bright and cheerful man seemed to want to tuck into himself and disappear. He looked so nauseous and scared like he would vomit the moment you mentioned something gross to him.
As you three ascended, your eyes never left Cor’s face.
“It was an attack. A Nifilheim diplomat. I knew something was wrong with him the moment I laid eyes on him. I only wish I had stopped him before he entered the Citadel.”
“An assassin?”
Cor paused for a moment.
“Something else. We’re not sure of his motives. He’s in captivity under the Citadel, however.” You three reached the top of the stairs were officers, Crownsguard, and Kingsglaive all stood. Two Kingsglaive immediately pulled open the doors and stepped out of the way. “Gladiolus can explain to the rest. I need to finish here.”
As if he was called, the towering shield rounded the corner. Prompto ushered you forward, leaving Cor behind. The halls had diplomats all either scared out of their minds with makeup runny and expensive clothing ruined or dirtied, or being taken care of by medics and Citadel nurses. There was a bit of blood splattered across Gladio’s hands which were balled at his sides.
It was a little tough to keep up with Gladio’s long and powerful strides, but you somehow managed.
“Where’s Ignis?” you questioned as soon as you got into a quiet hallway. “What happened?”
“Niflheim sent a vampire,” another voice stated.
Looking down the hallway, you saw Noctis approaching. His expensive suit was torn at the arms, his hair you knew he took care of so meticulously was now a mess.
“You’re supposed to be with the King, safe and away from this,” Gladio stated plainly. “How did you get past my father?”
“He’s with Drautos in the cells.”
“A vampire?” your eyebrows raised. “Niflheim has vampires now too?” The pit in your stomach suddenly grew deeper. You looked back at Gladio with nervous eyes. “Don’t tell me-”
“Ignis was attacked.”
“Is he alright? Where is he?”
Gladio guided you down another hallway, avoiding rushing nurses and maids. Down the hall stood a large elevator, metal shining brightly.
“You need to see him,” Gladio nervously rubbed the back of his neck. Looking to Noctis and Prompto gave the shield nothing, suddenly the shield was no longer confident in himself to tell you exactly what happened. “He’s still here, we can’t let him leave on an ambulance,” was all he said as he pressed the button to summon the elevator.
The four of you piled into the regal elevator as Noctis pressed multiple buttons on the panel. The descent was quiet and cold, none of you made a noise until the doors finally opened. It was all blank and dull, the hallways painted a few shades of gray and the floor cold stone was dark.
“What is this place?” you looked up to the shield.
“They go with the cells, medical rooms,” he didn’t look back at you.
His unruly eyebrows were knit together in mixed emotions;
Somewhere between discomfort and regret.
Gladio lead the way for the three of you, twisting down a corner and following the corridor down until you finally came upon a door that had a ring of light around it.
The hallway was empty. No nurses, not even any carts in the hallway. Only a small pool of blood at the closed door before you four. Gladio pushed the door open, eyes wide with shock.
“He’s not here.”
Peeking into the room, you could confirm that it was empty. There was a mess, however. The bedding was rumpled and thrown to the foot, the IV was toppled over and fluid was all over the floor, there were blood droplets all over the bed from where the cords were yanked out.
The three entered the room to see if there were any signs of a struggle when you heard the faint sound of glass shattering echo down the hallway followed by a soft moan. Almost as if you were drawn by the noises alone, your feet carried you down the hallway until you could peek around the corner. All the way down the hallway stood a glass door now opened, shattered pane in the center with blood around the hole.
You stepped into the hallway and carefully stepped forward, trying to stay as quiet as possible as you crept up to the door. The closer you got, the more you could make out a tall and shadowy figure through the glass. You could hear glass moving, drawers opening, metal bending.
It was like you were in a trance. The closer you stepped towards the door, the harder it was to reason to yourself to stop, to shout out for them. Next to the door was a damaged card reader, no longer sparking. There was a sign for biohazards in black and yellow.
You placed your hand on the door, careful to not touch the shards of glass that remained. You could feel the presence of the person, the air around you was thick with dread, you were suffocating. You slowly pushed the door open just a bit, just enough to let a little more light into the room.
Suddenly, your back struck the wall behind you, the air was knocked out of you, your head suddenly grew fuzzy. You whimpered and gasped as slender fingers harshly wrapped around your throat to keep you pinned under fierce strength. It was only when you unscrewed your eyes from the pain did you feel your world come to a hard stop.
He stood before you.
Glasses obstructed, skin paled and clammy, hair a mess now falling before his eyes. But what were once emerald green eyes were now dark and reddened. His lips were pulled back to reveal sharp canines, capable of puncturing holes in your neck without resistance.
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ao3feed-noctluna · 1 year
from eos to valisthea
by karmaisakhaleesi
"Eikon? You mean the Astrals, right?"
Clive's face twisted in confusion, "First you tell me you're the Princess of a place that's never existed, and now you're calling the Eikons Astrals?"
As the older sister of Noctis, and future Queen of Tenebrae through an arranged marriage with Prince Ravus Nox Fleuret, it was your duty to keep your younger brother and heir to the throne safe. Even if it means being sent to another world not too dissimilar to your own.
 sorry i suck at summaries!
Words: 2597, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XVI, Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Clive Rosfield, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Cidolfus Telamon, Cindy Aurum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Iris Amicitia, Benedikta Harman, Nyx Ulric
Relationships: Clive Rosfield/Reader, Ravus Nox Fleuret/Reader, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret/Noctis Lucis Caelum
Additional Tags: FFXV AU, Dimension Travel, Protective Clive Rosfield, King Noctis Lucis Caelum, Mentioned Noctis Lucis Caelum, reader is the older sister of Noctis, slight /ravus nox fleuret, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Slow Romance, Eventual Smut, Smut, Angst, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Happy Ending, Mentioned Ravus Nox Fleuret, Past Ravus Nox Fleruet/reader
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48684769
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ffxvficrec · 6 months
by dollgutzz Following the sudden death of his father, Noctis develops severe insomnia due to night terrors. Prompto tries to stay up with him and give comfort, but it starts wearing him down as well. Eventually, Noctis suggests a very physical solution. Words: 5623, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Prompto Argentum , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Ignis Scientia , Gladiolus Amicitia Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort , Angst and Hurt/Comfort , Insomnia , Anxiety Attacks , Night Terrors , brief mention of nausea , Prompto is doing his best , Making Out , Literal Sleeping Together , and the sex kind of course , Frottage , Hand Jobs , Nipple Play , Spanking , Whining , Multiple Orgasms , Anal Fingering , Sleep Deprivation , Anal Sex , writing Noctis super slutty as per usual , Blow Jobs , Anal Fisting , Overstimulation , Happy Ending , Top Prompto Argentum , Bottom Noctis Lucis Caelum
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tenebriism · 1 year
Ship Bias: Ignis
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Ignis x Gladiolus (the camera pans, slowly, towards @strictomiles , with a sign above her head that says ' It's My Fault. ' )
Ignis x Noctis, OBVIOUSLY.
Ignis x Ravus.
Ignis x Cindy
Ignis x Prompto
Honorary mention of Ignis x Gilmore because of Rissa again. They were literally made for each other and I quickly became obsessed with them.
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ao3feed-ignoct · 1 year
When Dawn Breaks
read it on AO3 Here
by Valkrian
“Ignis, can you… sense light?”
“To a degree, yes.”
“So when dawn breaks, you’ll know it.”
“I should.”
But he'll know, because Noctis isn't there.
Or, Ignis reflects on all the things he misses about Noctis in place of a rising sun.
Words: 1917, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum
Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum
Additional Tags: Post-Game(s), the sun made me sad, Blind Ignis Scientia, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Mentions of Death, camping but gay, ignis drinks bad coffee, Polyship Roadtrip
read it on AO3 Here
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sageteapost · 1 year
| Chocobros Dating Drabbles |
[ Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia x GN! Reader ]
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TW & CW + Tags: None. No major spoilers mentioned. [All separate pairings. All established relationships. GN! reader.]
Summary: Quick little dating drabbles with each of the chocobros, just overall cuteness and fluff.
[(A/N): Hey hey!! My first FFXV piece. Not requested, but I REALLY wanted to make these since I've started playing recently. No major spoilers please!! I'd appreciate it a lot. As always, enjoy!]
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Noctis loves, and I mean LOVES sleeping. Or napping. He feels at peace in this state and he can rest from the chaos of the world, even for a bit.
With you in his life, expect to be pulled into multiple cuddle sessions with him. On the couch, in a bed, or even in the Regalia. Doesn't matter. If he's going to bed, he's dragging your ass to sleep. And he's not afraid to pout and whine a bit if you refuse.
He's usually the bigger spoon, but he doesn't mind being the little spoon as well. Or any position really. As long as he senses your presence, he'll sleep like a baby.
To Noctis, these are special and soft moments to him. The feeling of your bodies close to one another feels so intimate, yet so sweet. He feels safe and it relaxes his mind to know that you're in his arms. Safe and sound.
Oh Iggy. First off, if you ever ask if you could accompany him by helping in the kitchen, he'd happily agree. How could he not. Don't know how to cook? Don't worry! He'll teach you every you'll need to know.
He appreciates hearing constructive criticism or ideas for a new recipe. Not only does he find it helpful, but it also lets him know that you care about him and his interests.
Something Ignis has grown to love over the course of your relationship; is simply spending quiet time together. Reading books quietly, or you resting your head on his lap while he reads a story out loud to you.
You make him feel at ease. Although it doesn't look like it, being on the road makes him tired. And if he can at least get some quiet, alone time with you, Ignis is a happy man.
Look at this giant and lovable golden retriever. Gladio can be and looks like a tough guy, but he's a softie and a romantic at heart.
Always teasing you. Lightheartedly. He loves seeing you flustered and that man is not afraid to make you do so. But he's also the king of giving you compliments that'll make you swoon.
Gladio would watch Disney movies with you if you asked him to do so. He at first denies that he likes them (secretly loves Beauty and the Beast) but eventually he breaks and will start singing along to the songs.
No matter what, he'll protect you always. He may be the King's Shield, but when it comes to you, he'll keep you safe from any and all danger. Even if it costs him his life.
Aww, the little chocobean. Prompto is literally like a ball of sunshine. He strives to make you smile and laugh, even if he uses bad corny jokes to do so.
Will ask—no, beg you to come to see the chocobos with him. Race with them, feed them, and definitely take a couple of pictures together while you're there.
Speaking of taking pictures, if you let him, Prompto always take snapshots of you whenever he finds the perfect spot to do so. One time in Lestallum, he snuck a quick kiss to your cheek and caught your surprised expression on camera. Needless to say, it's his favorite shot of you.
At the end of the day, he loves you dearly. You bring him so much happiness into his life and give him another reason to keep going. The only thing he could ever ask is this; don't break his heart and leave him behind.
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wyverncult · 1 year
also 001 final fantersy 003 sabin even if i know neither :)
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: *RUBS MY HANDS TOGETHER* sabin, freya, cloud, ignis, bartz, faris, minwu, tidus, auron, kain, aymeric 🫡 im playing ffviii rn and i also like laguna and seifer. honourable mention for my bff gilgamesh too
Least Favorite character: estinien from ffxiv.... he's annoying sorry LMAO, i'm hoping he gets better later. i cant really think of anyone else. edge ffiv was a disappointment but im hoping he's better in the after years
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): faris/bartz(fartz lol), cyan/sabin, edgar/setzer ... actually i dont have many ships, yuna/tidus gladio/ignis prompto/noctis cloud/zack are a given. i also don't particularly ship them but i do like the canon pairings :]
Character I find most attractive: Auron.....
Character I would marry: oh man idk. maybe sabin he'd be great
Character I would be best friends with: TIDUS YOU AND ME LET'S BE BESTIES. or sabin again he's great :)
a random thought: im not far enough into ffxiv to know whether yoshi-p's writing is truly fantastic but i think his obsession with realism & realistic battle system etc. wrt XVI is a bit strange. im still gonna play the game but ?
An unpopular opinion: I HATED FFXIV ARR so much. i know it's not an unpopular opinion but it took forever to get into ffxiv that i was genuinely concerned i wasnt going to like it. if you want to play the game just get the free trial. also the way people treat tifa wrt cloud makes me feel insane
My Canon OTP: not exactly an otp but tidus and yuna are SO cute :[ i do also like celes and locke a LOT though
My Non-canon OTP: FARTZ!!! and cybin :]
Most Badass Character: IGNIS!!!!!! episode ignis makes me feel insane. i actually didn't care that much for him until after i played the game and was like wait hes actually amazing
Most Epic Villain: as for EPIC its gotta be kefka for sure. he has the best OST and best fight for sure. i also LOVE kuja and ardyn but theyre not particularly "epic" i think
Pairing I am not a fan of: cloud/sephiroth, terra/anyone(except maybe celes..), ignis/noctis(though it might be growing on me? shrug)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i could write an essay about ffxv. lunafreya deserved more screentime & from what i read what they had in mind for her was REALLY interesting and im excited to read her chapter in the novel. gladio was a bit better in episode gladiolus than the actual game... but he wasnt awful either. also, not FF, but all of the kingdom hearts portrayals of all the ff characters is HORRIBLE.
Favourite Friendship: i know yuna and tidus are a couple but they're ADORABLE friends too :[ i love them together. also prompto and noctis! zack and cloud are cute too
Character I most identify with: ohhh *scratching my head* maybe faris! with his whole thing LOL
Character I wish I could be: I NEED TO LOOK LIKE SABIN IRL 👍
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: HES MY ALLTIME FAVOURITE FF CHARACTER all the characters in ffvi are so good but i just looove sabin and it doesn't help that soraya saga put so much love into writing him and edgar LOL
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: cyan of course... i've also seen people shipping him with vargas which is good too but i haven't thought that much about their dynamic
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: EDGAR OF COURSE their whole thing makes me. grrr. GRRR. how horrified was sabin to find out his brother formed an allyship with the very people who murdered their family. yet they were so happy to see each other once again when they reunited :[ i miss them. also edgar trying to convince his TWIN brother that he was a completely different person was hilarious. aside from him GAU!! sabin's dedication to encouraging him to reunite with his father because he couldn't have the same thing for himself & yet it was never possible grrrr. Grrrrrrr. also i think they're just hilarious LOL. despite that he doesn't exactly interact with the other characters but imagining anything with all the other FFVI cast is really fun. i really like the one DFFOO story where shelke and llyud asked sabin about edgar and he basically encouraged them to host a lengthy investigation on him all day long LMAO.
now i want to rp...
My unpopular opinion about this character: HE LOOKS BETTER WITH THE BEARD
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: in general i wish we got more content in ffvi! i wish we'd get a proper remake! or even a novel or something! if ffvi got the ffvii treatment we'd get so much more content on all the characters :[
Favorite friendship for this character: OK so i heard he's friends or acquaintances at least with shadow... but.......... i killed shadow before the WOR and i havent wanted to look up his cutscenes before my replay so i haven't thought about his relationship with him past the phantom train.... i guess favourite friendship would have to be with his brother LMFAO.
My crossover ship: none! still playing DFFOO though so maybe something will crop up 🤔
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