#merlin and arthur are twins
lefresne · 1 year
So many of my students have cool medieval names……..
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henryfitzempress · 11 months
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James Purefoy could be... Sir Balin of Northumberland, the Knight With Two Swords.
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niishiki · 11 months
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Morgana let out a sigh and shook her head fondly. “You are a marvel,” She said. “And the marvel is what an idiot you are! You almost died, Merlin! I almost lost my brother! Avalon almost lost its future king!”
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taliesin-the-bored · 21 days
A few things which are “canon” somewhere for people who are worried they’re stretching it too far
Arthur was killed by a giant cat. 
Arthur killed the cat.
Arthur didn’t fight the cat. Kay did.
Kay and Bedivere use salmon as taxis. 
Lucan is half giant, half lion. (This Lucan, Lucano in the original Italian, is evil and not related to Bedivere). 
King Arthur raided the land of the dead.
The human knight Caradoc Briefbras has three half siblings: a dog, a horse, and a pig.
A large portion of Arthur’s troops was killed a while before Camlann by his nephew’s attack ravens in self-defense. Arthur and said nephew were playing chess at the time and neither did much to stop it.
Merlin retired peacefully and went to live in the countryside with Taliesin.
Wherever Arthur walks, plants die. They don’t grow back for years.
Arthur had a spunky (half?) brother who died in battle after making a mysterious oath.
Dagonet is more or less able to run the kingdom when Arthur is gone. His biggest error is overspending on mercenaries.
Guinevere has an evil almost identical twin half-sister.
Hector beat up all the best knights except for Galahad while possessed by a demon.
Gawain plays tennis.
Gawain has used a chessboard as a weapon.
Near the start of his reign, Arthur left Lot in charge of the kingdom and went on a quest with a sassy parrot.
Gawain or Galahad succeeded Arthur as king. 
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captainkirkk · 7 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
The Hunt for Red Emrys by darkbluedark
King Arthur sets out to keep his promise to the spirit of the Druid boy by repealing his father's ban on magic. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done, for reasons including but not limited to the following:
(1) He can't change the law until he understands magic better, but no sorcerer is willing to explain magic to him until he changes the law;
(2) The sorcerers all have some strange obsession with Merlin, which is awakening all sorts of feelings in Arthur that he really doesn't fancy examining too closely;
(3) He is starting to feel like the butt of some Druid-population-wide inside joke involving the mysterious phenomenon called Emrys; and
(4) Oh yeah, Morgana is still trying to kill him.
Thus he embarks on a journey of discovery, diplomacy, accountability, and self-improvement, and maybe even falls in love along the way.
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-Kun
Kalego-sensei is...dead? by IcyPheonix
The Misfits come to school one day to discover that they have, a substitute teacher. They decide that this can only mean one thing; Kalego-sensei, has died.
He hasn't but that's not gonna stop them from pretending he has of course.
The Moon's Beloved Shadow by mofumofu
Shen Qingqiu is a man who hides his twin brother from the world with the ferocity of a phoenix-eyed mother crane.
Shen Yuan is a helpless transmigrator who wishes Airplane-bro had given even a single bit of backstory for this side character he's inhabiting!
Luo Binghe isn't doomed to face the Endless Abyss, but he is forced to confront something infinitely more frustrating: an overly protective brother.
Natsume Yuujinchou
What Colors Do You See In This Monochrome World by mermorgie.
Natori's voice brought him back to the present. "You alright there, Natsume?" The look the exorcist was giving him was warm and a tad concerned. Natsume gave him a small, but earnest smile. "I'm fine, Natori-san. Just a bit nervous." This was the truth. He had no idea why the head of the Matoba Clan invited him this time, but he was sure that the man was up to no good.
Or: Natsume gets invited to an exorcist meeting. He is not too happy about it, but at least the view is great.
Harry Potter
Three's Family by darkbluedark
It’s May 1979 and the Order has just apprehended a pair of mysterious wizards who look remarkably like a Potter and a Malfoy. Naturally, James Potter and Sirius Black are called in to identify the strangely familiar strangers and determine their backgrounds and loyalties.
(This would be a lot easier if their captives weren’t convinced everyone they talk to is dead. It would also be easier if they didn’t spend half their bloody time bickering.)
“Just ask them questions only they would know the answer to,” Malfoy suggests.
“There’s not a single thing that I know about either of them from the first war that any old Death Eater couldn’t find out.”
“How is that possible?” Malfoy huffs. “He’s your father!”
“Am I or am I not famously an orphan?” Potter snarls.
Once More Unto The Boggart by darkbluedark
Professor Lupin let out his breath very slowly. “So this is why you think you’ve been struggling to make progress with the Patronus charm? Because a part of you wants to let the dementor close, in a way, in order to hear your parents?”
Harry nodded again, though more guiltily this time. “I want to let the boggart out, just once, and, er, not cast the charm."
Those Who Have Seen by darkbluedark
Only those who have seen death can see thestrals.
It turns out, thestrals look different for those who have seen Death.
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xxonceuponafuckxx · 5 months
Merlin scowled at Arthur's pompous declaration and maybe he lost his head a bit. Maybe a stray wind tilted the prince's dice off course. Subtly of course. He smiled to himself at Arthur's groan and took the dice into his own hands before pushing his pile of meager earnings into the center of the table. Ducking his head, he shook the dice around in his fingers before flicking them, another small -- almost nothing, he assured himself -- a bit of magic gave him the upper hand and the twin sixes smiled up at the room. "You're quite right, Arthur. Nothing at all wrong with a servant losing to his master." He teased Arthur with his own words and the knights jeered, drunk and happy. "Why don't you take some of my winnings and go buy our friends another round, boy?" He tossed some of the coins towards Arthur, beaming.
Arthur glared at Merlin as he twisted his words against him, but begrudgingly nodded as he collected the coins. If looks could kill, he was sure that look would have been just as deadly as Arthur's hands. But, he was the one to call Merlin's bluff. He normally won, so Arthur was rather cocky that he'd continue to win. Arthur hadn't expected to feel so thrown off, but he couldn't really help it. It was fine, he'd let Merlin enjoy his win.
He went over to the bar, ordering another round of beer and bringing it back to the table. "Having fun over here, MERlin?" Arthur was being a bit of a prat, but he was irritated with Merlin calling him 'boy'.
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shanastoryteller · 2 months
Valentine's Day 2024 Prompts
AVENGERS Three Faced Goddess, Part 4 Three Faced Goddess, Part 5
BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA Secret Identity, Part 20
CHARMED The Once and Future King, Chris, Part 5
CINDERELLA Cinder, Part 3
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Sacrifice is Free, Part 17 Ed and Ling are Betrothed, Part 12 What They Expect, Part 5 Colonel Elric, Part 10 Father Returns, Part 16 Bartender AU, Part 8 What They Expect, Part 6
HADES GAME Living Blood, Part 18 Living Blood, Part 19 Living Blood, Part 20 Living Blood, Part 21
HARRY POTTER Time Travel Drarry, Part 11 SIAT Sirius and Remus Meeting A Slytherin Wife, Part 2 Triwizard Champion Draco, Part 15 Ron the Wingman, Part 4 Founders, Part 6 Draco and the Twins, Part 37 SIAT Narcissa and Lucius New Years Tradition Time Travel Drarry, Part 12 SIAT Lucius and Narcissa Time Travel Drarry, Part 13 SIAT Kingsley and Amelia on Tonks and Percy
MERLIN Lord Arthur de Bois, Part 3 Lord Arthur de Bois, Part 4 Lord Arthur de Bois, Part 5
NARUTO Hokage’s Daughter, Part 3 Hokage's Daughter, Part 4 Hokage's Daughter, Part 5
PERCY JACKSON Rinse and Repeat, Part 2 Momma Hera, Part 43 Rinse and Repeat, Part 3
STAR TREK Jim Sybok Buddy Fic, Part 9
UNTAMED Marriage Assassin WQ, Part 12 Jiang Cheng Time Travel, Part 8 JYL and WQ Engagement WWX and JYL Run Away, Part 18 Jiang Cheng Time Travel, Part 9 Identity Porn AU, Part 7 Jiang Cheng Time Travel, Part 10
YURI ON ICE Coach Yuuri, Part 8
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gayandfairycore · 2 months
Just hold me
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Summary: y/n pendragon, is well protected by the knights of the round table and her big brother but when they’re ambushed in the woods and the capable princess is hurt, Gwaine comes to her rescue. But is he too late to save her?
A/n: I love my Irish husband!! gwaines one of my absolute favourites, I Also couldn’t resist making him reader’s bodyguard ahh so cute!! Princess x bodyguard trope or well Princess x knight. I swear it does end in fluff (nothings ever permanent) Also c/h/n means childhood nickname.
Warning: blood, fighting, reader stabs people, readers kinda savage, until she gets owned, angst, major character death, gwaines a little ooc, grammar mistakes.
The, cool breeze of the forest blew through your hair as the horses continued their trot through the woods neighbouring Camelot, your friends hyper aware of every sound, of every creak in the trees, that blew the leaves. They were wary of every rustling of breeze, and every old muddy footprint.
Everyone on edge since morgana turned a new leaf, and decided her siblings were her enemy and the crown was her life’s purpose, it made a heavy sadness linger in your heart. A great deal of dread that made your skin itch.
Your e/c eyes observed the surroundings, Arthur infront, Merlin beside him, you behind Merlin Gwaine next to you, and the rest of the knights littered all around you all in a protective circle, so that if your sister crawled out from the wood work and decided to attack you they would be ready. And prepared for a fight with the witch.
Out of the both of you Arthur had been taking her betrayal harder than you, he had been sulking in his room with Merlin more than usual and the loss of your father, it was a wound too fresh for the man.
From morganas betrayal, to uthers death, magic seemingly left only destruction in its wake, and Arthur’s life felt like it was falling apart. you were Arthur’s only hope.
the only one he had still on his side. still alive. If the boy was protective before he became even more protective after your sisters betrayal, so protective he assigned gwaine as your personal knight.
Smooth talking, drunk, sticks his hands in beehives, Beautiful, talented, quick witted, gwaine. You never wanted a personal guard but he was talented with a sword, and it helped he looked good in the uniform. So you weren’t too angry at your brother thinking you needed protection, you were fully capable of course you’d been sparing with Arthur since you were kids and beating him for just as long.
But no matter your skills you were defenceless against your sisters magic. everyone was.
You let out a nervous breath at the thought, the hairs on the back of your neck started to stand up your purple velvet cape obscuring your face but still you felt bare, like there were eyes on you.
Whirling your head around your eyes bore into the wooded bush a few meters away looking for any movement or any sign of life, you observed the bush with narrow eyes, paranoid.
“Are you alright Princess?” gwaine asked his horse matching your pace beside you, as he leaned to your ear, his hot breath fanning your face as he whispered. His brown eyes staring protectively at you.
“Hm? oh- yes fine…” you trailed off eyes never leaving the trees, your heart dropped to your stomach as you gripped the reigns tightly in your hands the leather straps rough against your skin as you squeezed tightly.
your twin daggers strapped to your hips, their weight giving you a sense of comfort as your brain started to catastrophize.
“You don’t look alright.” Gwaine pressed, his eyes flickering over your face protectively, You could tell he didn’t believe a thing you said. Ignoring the fluttering in your chest you couldn’t stop looking at the woods around you something felt off.
“There’s nothing there, princess.” The man reassured his voice stern but gentle, his hand placed over yours on the reigns. And his comforting hands over yours made you release your bruising grip on the reigns.
“I know, I just have…a bad feeling.” You murmur, your eyes swimming with worry a mix of familiar paranoia, and intuition.
gwaine was inclined to believe you and your bad feeling when he caught sight of a dark figure hidden behind trees.
The man had been hiding his own unsettling feeling since the moment your group ventured further into the forest, but Arthur appeared unaware of his sister, and her guards paranoia as he commanded the group, “we’ll stop here, let the horses rest.”
Arthur always had a voice that seemingly echoed even if he didn’t want it too, and by his tone of voice he wasn’t taking no for an answer.
Your eyes locked with Gwaines and it appeared the man didn’t have enough energy to mask his emotions this time. Anxiety was present in his eyes. A wave of nausea washed over you.
As Arthur lead the seven of you to a small grassed area surrounded by trees a small stream only a few steps away the soft continuous flow of water hid the shakiness of your breaths as you shrugged your leg over your stallion, your leg leaving his stirrup as you hit the floor, Gwaine already circling around to you his reigns in hand as you lead your horses to the river.
“I have a bad feeling still. and I know you do too. Do not lie to me gwaine.” You pleaded to the man as you lead your horse to the stream and your hands run over your horses back as he drinks beside you. The cool breeze blowing under your cape.
“Please, Princess. I don’t want to worry you.” Gwaine eventually says his gaze lowered onto the stream at your feet.
“Please gwaine, you know nothing scares me.” You tease bumping his arm with yours but your voice betrays you it shakes as you speaks. you had lied to him you were scared. who wouldn’t be, you may have had the knights of Camelot to guard you but it would do nothing if you were caught by surprised and surrounded. Which was easier to do the longer you waited.
Gwaines gloved hand came out to hold yours in a tight grip, “nothing will happen to you princess I swear.” The dark haired man promises his dark eyes stern with promise.
Before you could reply to the man the whiz of an arrow souring past your head and shouts of your friends alert you to your fears and you whip your head up quickly looking into the trees around you, a large group of 60 men clad in dark clothes surrounded you.
Bandits working for morgana, great.
Sharing a look with Gwaine the man draws his sword and a smug smile graces his lips at the idea of a fight and you can’t help but think he looks really hot but the fight around you snaps you from your daydream and alerts you to pull your daggers from their sheaths.
And they glint dangerously in the light the shouts of your friends in your makeshift camp only a few few feet away, fades into nothingness far too focused on yourself and gwaine to worry for your friends. They had more knights than you and Gwaine did.
But by the sheer volume of bandits around, you and gwaine began to realise just how much trouble you’re really in. gravitating toward eachother you stood back to back as the leering bandits drew closer.
“Stay close Princess I’ll take majority. if they come at you, you know what to do?” Gwaine asked his sword out infront of him protectively
“Kill em?” You look up at the man with a tilt of your head a mischievous look in your eyes and the knight beside you laughs
“Yeah, kill em.” The raven haired man looks at you with a smug, slightly proud smirk on his face and he gentle elbows you to focus,
So you Hold up your daggers to protect your face an equally smug smile draws across your lips and in a blink of an eye the fight begins.
the silver sword of one man goes to come down on you and you parry it with ease holding it away from you as you slash across his chest with your other dagger, as his body leans to the side you plunge your weapon into his chest his blood staining your silver blade, and you watch in morbid curiosity as the man groans and he falls to the forest floor dead.
You don’t bat an eye at the corpse, Instead you find yourself ducking a long sword from another bandit as the whiz of arrows fly around you, you can’t see Gwaine in your periphery too busy avoiding the large man infront of you as he stalks toward you. no matter your height he seems to be giant.
“You’re going to die little dragon.” He laughs his voice like charcoal and his sword held easily in his hands
“No. I’m not.” You sneer spinning your dagger in your hand and planting your feet into the mud more as he goes to slash at your torso you leap backwards out of the way, he’s as slow as he is big but the power of his hits shake the very earth beneath your feet.
And what’s worse his powerful hits are full of accuracy, as he whirls around to hit you again and both daggers go to hold him off, the sounds of your blades grinding together hurts your ears and you grind your teeth determined to not die by this giant.
pushing his sword to the ground you surge forward planting your dagger into an artery by his leg in retaliation the giants blade comes towards you at full force his swing takes you off guard and you narrowly miss his blow that was meant to sever your head from your neck. and in doing so you don’t pay attention to the pain that lands itself in your shoulder.
The adrenaline masks any pain, but you’re angry now the smug smile of the bandit infront of you angers you so much you take your dagger in your hand and fling it into the eye of the giant Infront of you and the sharpness of your dagger embeds itself into his eye socket. His eye makes a horrid squish as blood and juices squirt. And the man drops dead beside you. Bus long sword falling beside him.
You sneer and grab your dagger from his eye and as you pull it from the socket more blood squirts, you exclaim in disgust as his blood stains your face
An angry shout from a small dirty blonde bandit fills the air as he makes quick action toward you his battle cry falling on deaf ears and you go to throw your dagger, gwaine beats you too it his sword lacerate the man’s throat and he falls dead easily.
Breathing a sigh of relief you look to the brunette knight and he nods in respect before going to fight more of the approaching bandits.
The sound of twigs breaking behind you urge you to duck and you narrowly miss a sword meant for your head instead you grab the man’s arm and fling him over you as he hits the ground with a groan, he lays underneath you as you prepare to plunge your dagger in his chest. his legs sweep yours and you too end up on your back beside the man and your weapon lays just out of reach as the man crawls ontop of you.
His hands grip your throat tightly and your eyes blow wide in panic as your claw at his hands it’s useless so your fingers vacate to his face and your fingers lodge into his eye sockets as his grip on your throat tightens
“Come on!” Your mind screams at you as blackness swims in your vision before a sword lodges through the man’s chest and drenches you in his blood Gwaine is there standing above you as he watches you cough desperate for air. His eyes filled with worry as he gives you his hand helping you to your feet as you continue to wheeze lungs screaming for air.
“Are you alright princess?!” His hands grip your biceps as he pulls you to his chest hands holding the back of your head in worry
“I’m fine, pretty boy. Thanks for saving me.” You nod at the man but your hands shake as gwaine hands you your discarded weapons the daggers bring you comfort as you look at the world around you still there are more bandits around you but it appears many have dissipated.
Whether they have retreated, or they’ve gone to cause your friends havoc you aren’t sure but you can’t find yourself to worry for your friends. You’re too busy looking into gwaines chocolate brown eyes, and you can’t help but place a kiss to gwaines cheek when you pull back from his bearded face you catch sight of an approaching man.
“DUCK!” You scream and the knight ducks just in time. You quickly bring one of your dagger to block their sword as they manoeuvre their blade back and then you both fall into a kind of deadly dance pushing further and further away from Gwaine. Your blades mash against each other and you continue to miss his slashes and jabs.
The bandit moves his sword quickly, too quick to dodge and he manages to cut off a piece of your hair and slice your cheek your blood begins to trickle down your face and in anger you jam your dagger through his leather armour and directly into the man’s heart.
His blade falls from his hold and he drops limply. His eyes glare at you the entire time his body fails him. The body collapses onto the bottom of you cape staining the purple darker with blood and you make the decision to cut the latch dropping your cloak so that nothing holds you down.
Your tunic, and pants cling to your body tightly stained with the blood of your enemies, you don’t care not about the bodies littering the forest floor, or the wetness in your boot from stepping through the stream for better ground to fight on. Not about your friends and if they’re fighting an onslaught of bandits. All you care about is not dying.
The volume of men have dipped significantly but there are still 4 or 5 of them and one man left is an archer quickly loading his bow and releasing the arrows at yourself and Gwaine, if you two were worse fighters he would’ve loaded quite a few into the pair of you marching toward the man you hold your daggers outward crimson blood drops from the tip and soaks quickly into the squishy mud ridden forest floor. The bandit quickly loads an arrow and lets it fly, you avoid his shot with ease ducking beneath it he knocks another and fires it in quick succession and you find yourself skidding against the mud it coats your pants as you miss his fire and the man is panicked now as you stand up,
And you watch his hands shake as he tries to load his bow, it’s too late, you’re on top of the man. “Please! Please your grace, Spare me. I have children! please” He whimpers beneath you and your heart aches in your chest
As your eyes rake the man’s figure you make the decision to hit him over the head with the butt of your dagger and you don’t spare the man another glance before you walk away.
Turning your back to the archer you observe the carnage, Gwaine had gotten quite a few bandits defeated in quick time, the man now intense fight with probably the best bandit here. he’s quick, and talented with a sword.
But Gwaine keeps his own, and you deem it safe enough to not watch the man anymore instead you find yourself up against the final man he’s large like the man you fought before, but this man is smart.
And his dagger drips with something other than blood, a deep blue, oozing liquid? poison. You quickly realise
And now you’re sure you never want to let this man’s weapon touch you. his stinking grey teeth peak through his lips as he sizes you up, the princess of Camelot, clearly exhausted. Clearly covered in a mix of blood and mud, and very obviously in pain. The giants sword from before had managed to rattle your teeth with his hit but you’d been so distracted it hadn’t even registered. clearly the adrenaline of your other injuries had began to wear off.
And This man is quicker then expected as he hurries to you, his sword cuts through the air like butter and he’s clearly just as skilled as the man battling against gwaine. And looking back on it they seemed to be twins.
the moment his blade comes too close for comfort you’re parrying his strike, and the grinding of blades are deafening in your ears.
the ache in your shoulder swells through you the gruesome cut oozing and it makes your strength falter you move slower the burning pain shooting through your shoulder sends you waves of more then just discomfort.
you feel bile well in your throat but you don’t falter as you slash at the bandit he avoids it with ease, every duck, every twirl, every slice, he avoids.
It’s like he’s been watching you? observing your moves? and it’s abundantly clear even with the exhaustion plaguing your muscles and the slick mud beneath you. It makes you worried.
Springing back away from the man you slash at his shoulder nicking him with the blade and watching as he cringes back in more annoyance than pain. and when his sword goes to make contact with your body you duck away from the man until eventually you find yourself behind him
just when things began to look up, just when you were finally winning.
Until The pained shout from gwaine only a few feet away causes you to lose focus and your gaze is set on the Irish man on the floor his chain mail dirty, his face covered in blood and mud, his hair a mess, and a sword held above the man. In a deadly fashion.
And your body moves before your mind and you find yourself flinging your dagger into the bandits back watching satisfied as the man falls dead over the top of gwaine, letting out a sigh of relief at the sight you completely forget that you were mid fight with a bandit yourself. A bandit with a blade coated in poison.
“Y/n!” Before you can get your bearings in order gwaines shouting Your name
And you turn just in time to see the man drive his sword in your side and you whip your head up to look at the man who just stabbed you a horrid smile on his face, as the sharp searing pain of a sword impaling you burns your insides. your warm blood trickles from the wound around the sword, and you drop your spare dagger to the floor unconsciously you seemingly have no control of your body, and your eyes shine with unshead tears. It’s the worst pain you’ve ever felt in your entire life like the world is spinning and your side feels like it’s on fire.
The man stand carelessly above you smiling a sickly smile as he rips his blade out of you and you don’t muffle your shout of pain, you know you’re going to die when the man brings his sword up to cut you down and your tears fall you can’t bare to look at his face your mind filling with thoughts of gwaine if you were going to die you’d die with the man you loved on your mind.
Shutting your eyes tightly you expect the killing blow, only to feel nothing? Cracking an eye open Gwaine’s sword embeds itself directly in the bandits heart, you watch as gwaine pulls his sword out quickly and rushes to your aid as he watches your knees buckle. And you don’t go to stop your knees from colliding with the mud instead your shaky hands go to hold your bleeding wound, your hand immediately stain with blood when they come into contact with the wound.
Gwaine Holds your bloody form in his arms your hands stained with your blood you feel sick to your stomach, and sweat begins to break on your forehead, you feel like you’re already losing feeling in your feet.
As Gwaines strong arms wrap around you as the knight lifts you up against him, his arms around your knees and shoulders respectively.
He moves quickly to the rest of the knights, and despite the delirius state you’re in from the lack of blood you can only heart your heart beat in your ears but everytime he runs you see a glimpse of his face and you can see he’s screaming.
Your heart constricts in your chest and you whimper in his arms “j-just hold me.”
the man looks down at you with eyes full of tears and that shine with something akin to love. But almost as quickly as the shine came its gone, replaced with fear. It makes Gwaine tighten his grip on you and scream louder
And through the blurriness of your vision you see your brothers scared face break the tree line and b-line to you, as your head lulls to the side you watch Arthur get closer to you and you feel him take you in his arms, sobs escape the young kings as he slumps to his knees you in his embrace “y/n- c/h/n, please don’t do this to me.”
Arthur mutters rocking you back and forth and you see Merlin over his shoulder, face white as a ghost. Hands tightly held over his mouth, and the last thing you see is the servant boy boss the knights around with commands about how to help you, before the darkness takes you.
There’s a guttural ache in your bones from the fight and a dull burning from your stomach it’s accompanied with a hard pressure on your wound that makes you yell out a sickening blood curdling scream and by the feeling of multiple hands holding you down to stop the thrashing it’s abundantly clear Merlin’s trying his best to save you.
Your brothers hands are familiar as they grip your shoulders, holding you down, you’re alive, mentally you’re awake but you can’t open your eyes.
You can’t control your own twitching body, the wet feeling of your sticky blood on your side, but you can hear every little thing around you, and yet you still can’t open your eyes and there’s this horrible wheezing sound.
And you come to realise it’s your breathing…it feels like you’re breathing through sand and every breath you take fills your lungs with sand like an hour glass.
and then you feel that familiar pressure on your wound and suddenly you feel everything, every burning stabbing sensation, all over your body it burns as quickly and as hot as a wild fire and it feels like hours before you finally feel absolutely nothing again.
And you think maybe it lasts for awhile, but there’s no way to tell time. It’s funny when you can see nothing but the back of your eyelids and the world is dark and you can’t feel the muddy floor beneath your back. you can’t feel the sticks, and the dirt, and the sound of the stream, you can’t smell your brothers familiar scent, you can’t feel the wetness of your boot, or the dried blood on your body, and you can’t see gwaines face.
Or hear his comforting voice, you can’t discern anything but blankness and you half think you’ve stopped breathing. As if your very lungs don’t heave against the poison in your blood stream anymore
But you think whilst you’re trapped in darkness that Your nose bleeds, and your mouth fills with red blood and those who surround your body begin to realise how dire every second is.
Merlin is the only one who can save you. He’s the only one who can rip deaths cold hands from your body and ground you to earth. your chest doesn’t rise.
and those around you know you’re dead. And you can’t feel it yourself, like your spirit is lifting from the cage that is your body up into the sky, ripping through you and part of you is ready to go.
But Gwaine and Merlin will not allow it, Gwaine drops beside your body his hands pumping your chest to start your heart and his lips are on yours pumping oxygen into your lungs.
and it gives Merlin enough time to mutter a healing spell his eyes glow gold and its mere moments that your translucent spirit ripping from your vessel slams back into your body.
Gwaine still continues his assault on your ribs breathing air into your lungs, he ignores the metallic taste from your lips, and he pleads with every god he can that you will come back to him.
And it’s almost as if the gods deem him worthy.
And you wake up gasping for air springing up from your brothers hold your eyes snapping open your chest heaves with effort to fill your lungs and your heart beat is sluggish before beating hard and strong against your chest.
And Merlin’s hands are on your side checking your wound the gaping hole sealed, and Your wound is practically gone. The servant boy quickly bandages your side before anyone can notice but his bandages
Can’t hide the gross greeny purple tendrils that peak out from the off white plaster. Your side feels clean but the blood still sticks to your face and the pain in your side and shoulder still lingers but you can’t bring yourself to care when gwaine gently takes you from your brothers embrace and hold you so gently against him.
“Oh Princess, never do that to me again.” His calloused hands hold you against him tightly and he tries to mask their shaking.
But you don’t care pulling back from his holds Your eyes take his figure and you can’t help yourself, You smash your lips against his and his beard tickles your skin. and it takes him no time to kiss back his lips mash against yours in a feverish kiss. It’s like your lips fit together perfectly and you find yourself wishing to never let go of the knight in front of you.
His tears fall onto your skin and you don’t care, you pull him closer to your body and you don’t care when your lungs burn screaming for air.
You never want to be apart from him.
Not when you just tasted the sour nothingness of death. It doesn’t wait. It’s cold, and uncaring.
And Gwaine feels your hands shake as you pull him closer his heart physically hurts for you he’s sure you’re probably freaking out.
After you pull back from your kisses you look at the faces of your friends around you, Arthur’s blood shot eyes filled with tears stare at you with such fear, such uncertainty.
the ghostly look in his eyes as he looks at you tugs your heart strings. You realise he can’t differentiate if you’re truly here. And alive he had just seen his sister die. And be brought back.
Of course it would be a lot to process.
beside you Merlin his shaky hands and nervous smile his red hands stained with your blood, and his wet teary face that looks so scared as he looks at you with a mixture of nervousness at the use of his magic and happiness you’re alive.
And your eyes flicker to everyone around you from Leon, who you’ve known since childhood- to elyan, and Percival. who you haven’t known for such a long time but still felt their world shake when your heart stopped beating. You were their princess to see you die in front of them…it was heavy.
Your dead body would haunt them for the rest of their days,the cold desolate blue of your lips and the way your head lulled in gwaines arms.
Tears littered everyone’s eyes as your brother and Gwaine were the first to pull you into an embrace the rest of your friends quickly followed, their iron grip on you brought you so much love and peace.
A chorus of “I’m glad you’re alive” to “good to have you back” ranged from your friends before elyan was the first person to suggest moving to a safer area the unsettling feeling of the corpses scattered around you all made you uneasy, it especially made Gwaine the most uneasy, the man couldn’t stop his intrusive thoughts what if it was you they were leaving behind? What if you died and your corpse was left to decay on the muddy floor of the forest no one around to mourn you it made him feel a bit unwell.
So finally you all high tailed it out of there to a new camp well maned by your friends, a camp where absolutely no one could ambush you. Where it was safe enough for Merlin to patch up your friends injuries.
And night fell quickly the stars shone overhead the green grass served as a pillow under your head and the rocks surrounding you like a barrier from bandits.the ruins of an old castle like a comforting shield and The slight hill you all now camped on was far out of the forest of the rival kingdom where you all were ambushed, finally on safe ground.
Merlin had stayed close to you for most of the early evening to ensure you were alright. And that he didn’t seal up any left over poison.
Crickets chirped in the back ground as yourself and Merlin sat in silence staring at the fire. You turned to the boy, speaking gently “thank you, I know what you did.”
You smiled at the boy, a knowing glint in your eye and Merlin felt his heart drop as he shrugged
“It’s what anyone would have done, milady. I’m glad you’re still with us” Merlin smiled kindly he had a soft spot for the youngest pendragon she was always kind to him, and unlike her sister her perception of him didn’t change. Out of every pendragon she was probably the one Merlin trusted with his secrets the most.
You were Always clever and observant, you were definitely someone he’d protect with his life just like Arthur.
“That’s the thing though, Merlin. I was gone…I wasn’t- my heart stopped” you struggled to find the words putting your legs to your chest as you watched the flames
“I was dead. I felt my heart stop, my heart knew what was happening my- my soul? Was leaving my body and something pulled me back in. It wasn’t Gwaines kiss of life although it did help” you chuckled before you became serious again “It was you Merlin.” You spoke your voice shaky but sure of yourself as you looked the boy in his terrified eyes
“Please y/n It’s not like that.” Merlin pleaded, his hand reaching for you and his skin getting sweaty and nervous at the thought of the youngest pendragon knowing he had magic, it wasn’t that he didn’t trust her on the contrary he trusted her whole heartedly but he was always nervous to let people in on his magic it tended to get them killed.
Will, His father, Lancelot… Merlin hated how his magic could save lives but in the end he’s always lose something he hoped this time things would be different.
“I know magic when I see it Merlin, don’t worry I’d never tell. You saved my life. I should have you knighted” You smiled at the boy, before bumping your shoulders together.
“Oh please don’t-“ Merlin started disgust in his voice at the idea of joining your friends as a knight laughing at Merlin’s horrified face
“Don’t worry, I won’t. But really thank you Merlin. You deserve more credit” you smiled at the boy before pushing off of the ground and making your way to Gwaine over by the ruins watching the stars through the window on the second story lost in thought
“Mind if I join you?” You called, watching as the Irish man jumped clumsily almost falling through the window.
“Not not at all, please sit” Gwaine replied shuffling over sitting beside the man you watched the stars from the window in silence for a moment
“I’m sorry” you both spoke at the same time, swallowing a laugh at the unintentional overlap
“You go” you pressed sitting up and looking at Gwaine intently
“I’m sorry, I’m the reason you died…I didn’t protect you. It was my only job and I let you get stabbed.” Gwaine shook his head the man couldn’t bare to look at you in your eyes too afraid he’d see your lifeless ones staring back in a way he was thankful your eyes shut when you died.
In a way it looked like you were sleeping, only the lack of a rise and fall of your chest showed gwaine that you weren’t just sleeping. You were dead and it was gwaines fault.
The man blamed himself, kept running through the last battle moments over and over in his head. If he didn’t shout, if he was quieter maybe everything could have been avoided, or if he listened to your funny feeling maybe you all never would have even been ambushed.
It made Gwaine start to appreciate his friends “funny feelings” something Merlin and the youngest pendragon both shared Gwaine couldn’t get the thoughts out of his head that he was the reason everything happened.
“Gwaine” you placed your hand over his, “it wasn’t your fault, I know what you’re doing. Stop blaming yourself.” Your grip on gwaines hands tightened trying to reassure him it could have happened to anyone.
“But I should have listened to you. I didn’t and you died! You fucking died!” Gwaine cries, his hands cover his mouth to mask his sob he’s striped himself of his chain mail now he’s left wearing a blue tunic and a leather bangle that clings to his muscley arm you know it’s not the right time but god does he look good.
“Gwaine.” You shout shaking his shoulders so he’ll finally look at you
“Just shut up and kiss me.” You sigh in the silver light of the moon, its only Gwaine and yourself in the ruins and you want to take full advantage of that
“Yes Princess”
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The maths and mental gymnastics I’m doing to try and figure out the Merlin Character’s ages in each season is insane.
This is all I have on them so far,
- The series takes place over ten years 10 years
- Arthur is 20 in episode 1, turns 21 in the Excalibur episode, and dies at 30
- Merlin is younger than Arthur, not sure how much younger but between a year and a half to 3 years
- Morgana is at least a year older than Arthur, possibly more based on Uther’s… moving on before I start ranting about him being shitty
- Gwen is similar in age, she’s older than Merlin but younger than Morgana, possibly same age as Arthur(?)
- Is Elyan Gwen’s twin or older?
-Mordred was maybe 8-10 the first time we see him, 18-20 by the end of season 5. Anywhere in between that is anyone’s guess. He was too young for all the shit he went through.
- Leon trained Arthur or was above Arthur in knight status for a while so he’s definitely older, not sure how much older. 3 or 5 years? Possibly more.
- Lancelot and Gwaine are a year apart, I don’t know who’s older
- Percival is a few years(?) older than Lancelot but similar in age.
- Uther was in his late 20s when he had Arthur
- Ygraine was early to mid 20s when she had Arthur
- Gaius is just old. Not as old as the dragon but we don’t question it. He outlived them all anyway.
If anyone is wondering, I did a deep dive into Arthurian legends, found knights that were similar to the round table from BBC Merlin and am completely guessing the rest. The only thing I know for sure is 10 years and Arthur was 20 in episode 1.
Am I missing anything? Is there any canon ages for them? Please, my fics will thank you for it.
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groundbreakingdot872 · 10 months
merlin, laying arthur down in the ferryman’s boat, tears tracking twin rivers across his face. reluctantly, he pays the price. two gold coins, placed in the well of arthur’s eyes. one for the journey, and one for the return. the same coin paid twice.
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niishiki · 1 year
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“Those people would benefit from remembering that we, the royal family and the aristocracy are first and foremost servants to the peasants, as you so eloquently put it. Without them, there is no kingdom.”
“Wisely spoken, Milady. I said it before and I say it again, you have the makings of a great queen.”
“These are my brother’s words,” Morgana replied sharply.
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oneknightstand-if · 4 months
How would the ROs react if they saw Merlin as MC?
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Confused and somewhat embarrassed (except for Percy where everything is going as expected). If someone sees Merlin as the MC, it pretty much means that the MC's appearance is the cultivation of everything that the RO sees as attractive.
Merlin: Ye-no. That is not what Merlin sees when looking upon themselves. Incubus cooties don't work on incubi.
Adrian: Oh God, why.... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... He's going to ask either Merlin, MC, or both to wear differently colored ribbons around their upper arms or something. (Merlin will be cackling their head off during all of this).
Arthur: Merlin... what in the world art thou doing?! (He's been very confused about all these Asks about Merlin's appearance for awhile now)
Percy: Yeah... perfectly normal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4̵0̶4̷ ̷E̸r̴r̵o̴r̸ ̷N̵o̴t̵ ̵F̵o̷u̷n̷d̸: . . . . . . . . . . . (Yeah, a lot of things would've had to have happened with a serious relationship upgrade to reach this point)
Cassandra: Words cannot properly describe how suspicious she is at this point.
Gwen: ( ✧Д✧) Are you two twin models or something?
Vivian: This is all thy fault Merlin for going whence even water cannot flow.
Lorelei: She admits nothing. NOTHING!
Broderick: Words cannot properly describe how suspicious she is at this point.
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The game will be rated 18+ for strong languages, heavy themes, and the possible presence of explicit sexual content.
Heavy is the crown...
That's the first thing Merlin said to you after you woke up in their tower (right after he told you that you were definitely not what he expected but that “we'd deal with it.” But how much weight can a bruised ego carry in the face of the survival of a Kingdom?)
For generations, your family has been in charge of protecting the Sword of Light, and like every 1st born of your generation, it's up to you to pass it on to its true owner.
And here you are, with Clarent, the twin blade of excalibur in your hands. And according to Merlin that's enough to send you on a quest.
You must at all costs reunite the knights of the round table, find Arthur and Morgana and save Camelot (you must also defeat Uther Pendragon, but we'll see about that later...)
Anyway, Merlin has assured you that they will accompany you. They're a powerful sorcerer, right? So what could go wrong?
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Arthur Pendragon/Le Fay (The Young Dragon) He/Him
Everyone portrays the young king of Camelot as fair, loyal and kind, and while your family is no stranger to complimenting the young dragon, they know there is more to him than this bright side. Dark whispers also follow the discussion about the young king among your own. And if every coin has two sides, one can only wonder which one you will meet.
Physical traits will be up to the players.
Morgana Pendragon/Le Fay (The Snake Without Wings/The Elementalist) She/They
You can’t help it. Too many times Morgana has been portrayed as the villain of the story. Envious of her half-brother and dedicated to the destruction of Camelot. Yet the young woman in front of you seems far from this adjectives. She always seems surprised when someone shows her affection as if she wasn’t expecting it. Is it a manipulation game? Will you manage to get rid of the idea you made of her during your apprenticeship?
Physical traits will be up to the players.
Merlin (The Demon Seed/The Keeper of Time and Pages.) They/Them
It is with reverence and wonder that the members of your family talk about their encounter with the wizard. Yours was rather chaotic. As for the reverence, it is Merlin who reserves it for you and not the other way around, as the young man is so sure of your success. But young man is not the right word, the half demon is old and sadness and fatigue are hidden behind their joyful smile. Two factors that impact their magic for their greatest horror as for yours. Can you really believe them when they whisper to you that everything will be alright.
Physical traits will be up to the players.
Guinevere (The Carmelite Amazon.) She/Her
You were betrayed. The Queen of May? That little young woman who looks more like a storm, really? Isn't Guinevere supposed to be sweet and shy? How could things have gone so different?! Not afraid to say what's on her mind loud and clear, wielding a sword with as much or more acuity than any man, Guinevere is the opposite of everything you've been romanticized about her. Some might even say that she is scarier than Morgana. Her hand is never far from her blade when you speak with Arthur. Is she afraid you will insult the future King? Her future King? Are you supposed to be a matchmaker? Or will things take another turn with the Carmelid Amazon.
Physical traits will be up to the players.
Lucan/Lucia (The Twins' Shadow/The Royal Butler/Maid.) He/Him or She/Her
You’re not gonna lie, you had to rack your brain to remember them.  A shame considering they are one of Arthur’s first supporters around the round table. Brother of Bedivère, loyal to the death, they always have a kind word for you. Words they say to you in a voice as sweet as honey. But is their attention to you due to what you are or who you are? And why does the possibility that their kindness is only granted to you because of the sword you bear for the heir make your heart ache?
Physical traits will be up to the players.
Twine Demo (Last update 07/13/2023)
Choice of Script Demo (last update 5/14/2023)
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Arthur x reader - only you
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Merlin x twin! Reader & Arthur x Reader - Merlin's twin confesses their love for Arthur on accident through magic flowers - @mxacegrey 💜
Humming to yourself, you were enjoy the peace outside of Camelot, you were knelt by some plants, looking through them as you picked certain ones.
“Is there any berries?” Merlin called.
Looking up, you pointed to the other side of the bushes and he smiled before going over that way while you carried on with that you were doing.
Coming across a small patch of dead flowers you frowned heavily.
Holding your hand out, you whispered a small spell and watched as they brightly came to life and went into full bloom.
“So pretty.” You mused to yourself.
Standing up, you picked a few and did the same thing, waving your hand over them you whispered a small spell and watched as they bloomed again, letting you pick some more.
You didn’t hear the Prince coming up behind you, or noticed how he stopped to watch you.
Once you were satisfied you grabbed the bunch of flowers and placed them in your basket as you turned around only to come face to face with Arthur.
You beamed happily and padded over to him, grabbing the flowers as you held them out to him with a small, shy smile.
“I Uhm.. I thought you’d like these…” you whispered.
Arthur took the flowers and you skipped away towards your horse while he stood there trying to figure out what he saw.
Since he couldn’t be clear on what happened he chose to ignore it and decided to keep a closer eye on you.
You loved flowers, you were always surrounded by them, and as you stood at the top of the caste a few nights later, you watched as the sunset over the field behind it.
Again, you whispered a small spell and watched as the flowers started to bloom.
“It looks better with flowers.”
Someone walked up next to you making you jump.
“You think?”
The prince smiled at you and turned to the field now covered in flowers and he froze when he saw what they were spelling out.
You turned to them and you felt your heart drop, trying anything you could to stop the spell but it was too late.
Arthur had disturbed you while you were still silently casting the spell, and since your mind went to him the spell decided to take a mind of it all.
“I love you Arthur…” he read quietly.
You felt your blood run cold, not only had the Prince just seen you using magic, you had just confessed your love for him and you had no clue what to do.
You were frozen in place, unable to move as you stared at him in absolute horror.
“You know, I always thought of you as Merlin’s twin, when I first met you.” He mused.
Arthur turned to face you, leaning against the wall with a small smirk on his lips.
“I’ve got to admit though, you’re better than Merlin in every single way.”
Arthur walked over and stood in front of you.
“How long have you been growing them?” He asked.
“G…growing them…?” You stuttered out.
“Yeah you know the things you do with plants to make them grow?”
You quickly nodded your head and swallowed your nerves away as you took this chance to somehow save yourself in a way.
“All spring sir…”
He hummed, nodding his head as he looked back over to them.
“Who put you up to it?”
“N.. no one…”
He titled his head a little.
“You mean… it’s from you…?” He asked quietly.
You slowly nodded your head and took a few steps back away from him.
“I.. I know it’s not appropriate and you’re a prince and I’m not royalty…”
You carried on rambling about why it would never work and everything that would happen if you did get together and every reason why you knew you couldn’t.
Arthur listened for a minute before he walked over, placing a finger under your chin he crashed his lips against yours in a kiss to shut you up.
Your eyes shot open as he wrapped an arm around your waist, the other going on your cheek.
You quickly relaxed into the kiss, wanting to make the most of it even if it could be some sort of cruel joke he was playing on you.
When Arthur pulled away he smiled softly, placing his forehead on yours.
“I don’t care about that… when I’m king it’s going to be you I marry…” he whispered.
“You’re the only one for me…”
You smiled, closing your eyes as you wrapped your arms around his neck, wanting to stay in this moment for the rest of your life.
All your dear and worried we’re melted away with his arms around you, his breath against your lips and his head against yours.
You had nothing to fear.
Nothing to worry about.
Not right now at least
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ducktoonsfanart · 6 months
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The Donald Duck Chronicles - Donald Duck and Goofy in Kingdom Hearts - Crossover Duckverse - The Secret Life of Donald Duck - My Version
Yes, the first drawing was supposed to be more for Inktober, but well, what I drew is the beginning of my new project, and it will also be related to my fanfictions, but I will write more about that next year. However, somehow I managed to unify what connects Donald Duck, and I showed this in the first multi-character drawing, in which Donald sometimes dreams of being an emperor like Napoleon, and also encounters his other identities in which he is, such as is Duck Avenger (Paperinik), Double Duck and Maui Mallard. And it all represents one character. Yes, I read other fanfictions about The Secret Life of Donald Duck which is more based on Ducktales 2017, but I decided to make my own version, based on Duck comics, cartoons like classic shorts, Three Caballeros, Ducktales, Darkwing Duck and Quack Pack. And while in the middle, Donald Duck is represented through four characters, at the bottom of the drawing are his friends and family members who are superheroes. I also took a lot of this from the Ultraheroes comics. Uno (One), Jose Carioca (Green Bat), Panchito Pistoles (El-Galo-Loco), Fethry Duck (Red Bat), Gladstone Gander (Clover Leaf), Gus Goose (Iron Gus), Masked Tophat (Scrooge McDuck), Daisy Duck (She-Venger, Super Daisy or Paperinika), Darkwing Duck, Gizmoduck, Gyro Gearloose and T-Squad (Huey (Red Shadow), Dewey (Blue Cyclops) and Louie (Green Avenger)).
On the top side, you can see the villains fighting the superheroes and Donald's biggest rivals, which are Due (Two-Un's twin from PKNA), Emil Eagle, Zoster (Evronians), Inquinator, Mad Ducktor, The Raider (although he is more of an anti-hero than a villain), Baron von Sheldgoose, Negaduck (he's more against Darkwing Duck) and Neighbor Jones (Donald's worst neighbor and eternal rival). Yes, I wanted to add more characters, but not all of them would fit in this drawing, but there will be another time.
Yes, I call this "Donald's Chronicles", my new headcanon that I am starting on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Disney as well as the 90th anniversary of Donald Duck and yes, it will be part of my Quack Pack AU, but in an even more extreme level, with more action and comedy for sure . The second drawing is Donald Duck as a wizard where he practices under the wizard Merlin (you know him from the movie The Sword in the Stone, as well as the myth of King Arthur), together with the knight Goofy. Yes, this is my first time drawing Kingdom Hearts, and I certainly know that Wizard Donald is great and that version will also be part of Donald's Chronicles. And music related to this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES9XrjH_XHU By the way, both drawings are gifts for my friend @isabellanajera and @you-big-palooka, who recently celebrated her birthday and who, like me, is definitely a big fan of Donald Duck. And a gift for my friend from Discord, @scroogemcduckair.
I hope you like these drawings and ideas like this. If you have any comments, feel free to say so. Feel free to like and reblog this. And don't use my ideas and copy without mentioning me, please.
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natsu-tte-noodle · 11 months
The “Wait, I Die in this Play??” Tier List
Under the cut for play spoiler purposes :3
Each level of dying in a play overrides the previous ones, so if a character has a role that almost dies AND a role that does die, they’re listed as “has died in a play.”
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For the full rundown of having died in a play (this is game-verse; mankai stage would change some things up--notably Kazu would go up into almost dies thanks to Paul’s new development):
Sympathy for the Angel: Michael (Tsumugi) fades away at the end to nothingness
Stranger: Dom (Banri), Jon (Juza), and Nine’s (Sakyo) fates are unclear after the lab explodes
A Clockwork Heart: I’m counting S (Citron) being deactivated as a death in spirit
Ginji the Wanderer: Yokota (Omi) is killed by Ginji; Ginji himself (Sakyo) and Kojima (Taichi) are both critically injured during fights with Yokota and his men
Nocturnality: Franz (Hisoka) and Reo (Azuma) are both vampires, which puts them in “dead the whole time;” however, Reo being stabbed by Izumi bumps him up to “almost dies”
The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz: It’s implied that the Wizards of the East (Tsuzuru) and West (Itaru) are killed offstage by Dorothy by the end of the play
DEAD/UNDEAD: Red (Omi) and Bill (Sakyo) are dead at the start of the play, but are also killed again; Abel (Azami) is techically? Sort of? Half? Dead the whole time but it’s ok Azami dies in a later play; Roy (Taichi) dies in the beginning and then comes back and dies again, making Taichi the true king of dying in plays
The Phantom of the Opera: Richard (Homare) and Erik (Guy) both don’t escape the fire, but their bodies are never found
Knights of the Round IV: Gareth (Masumi) dies in the battle to free Gwen from her wedding to Arthur; (Merlin is defeated but he’s like. a demon and very clearly alive in the very end so he doesn’t count. I also wasn’t sure about King Arthur’s illness, but I think it’s safe to say Merlin didn’t plan for him to die then so)
Die by the Sword: Tojiro (Homare) has an attempt on his life; Kojiro (Guy) is killed by Musashi in their duel
Fallen Blood: The ending is ambiguous enough for me to feel comfortable saying it’s unclear if Blood (Juza) makes it through that last day
Yin Yang Midnight: Geppaku (Citron) is killed by what amounts to magical recoil; Hisui (Guy) then allows himself to be slain
Stray Devil Blues: Walter (Omi) is killed offscreen; Cliff (Azami) is very much killed onscreen; Mark (Taichi) dies while trying to help Lucifer near the very end
Immortal Crow: Tsugunobu (Misumi) is wounded severely enough to put him out of commission for several scenes; Minamoto no Yoritomo’s (Chikage) fate is unclear after his battle with Kurou
+3Ghosts!: Sora (Kumon), Aoi (Kazunari), and Minato (Muku) are dead the whole play. However I’m not counting fading away after completing your unfinished business and finally being able to move on as a death
Twin Kingdoms: Gilbert (Tasuku) and Sasha (Azami) (and Lutz but Shift isn’t in the tier list) are struck down by the dragon and wouldn’t have made it if Cain hadn’t been able to defeat it
South. Hill. Prison.: Ren (Azami) is dead the whole time
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