#merry werewolf christmas
beartoothbarry · 9 months
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World's best hot chocolate in my powerwolf chalice. You take a bunch of little pieces of chocolate (i do 50% milk 50% dark) and melt them in a glass bowl over a pot of boiling water, then slowly add milk or cream a little at a time (whole milk at minimum, no watered down hot chocolate!!!) and mix it in until it gets to the consistency you want. You can also add a tiny amount of cayenne pepper, vanilla extract, and salt to make it taste warmer and enhance the flavor. And I always get the good stuff when it comes to the chocolate, no hersheys or chocolate chips trust me it makes a difference
And then I put a fuck ton of Irish cream in it :)
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sushisusii · 9 months
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Happy Howlidays! From the wuff pack to all. We wish a wonderfully fantastic Howliday season!
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justaregularken · 9 months
Werewolf boyfriend who literally cannot physically get you pregnant still being obsessed with the idea of breeding you because you’re his~
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clovencraft · 9 months
Do you like the snow?
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pan-sonliviy · 10 months
Merry Christmas
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(a little early, but I can't wait to share this art, because I like it so much )
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blackwolfstabs · 9 months
Parker's Secret Santa Gifts🎄for @samcscreams
After an evening playing in the snow, werewolf Sam wants to give Tara an early birthday present.
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fandom: Scream // Werewolf!Sam AU by @samcscreams // (parker's version) characters: Sam Carpenter & Tara Carpenter a/n: sorry if this is completely inaccurate to your au, bear!! i just loved your fic too much :)
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“Alright, Sammy, last one!” Tara called over the stretch of snow separating her from frost-dusted, black fur. Her sister shook the pastel, tie-dyed monkey chew toy she held in her mouth like it was prey, her playful growls making the younger smile. “Come here!”
Sam stopped to look in her sibling’s direction. Her ears stood up, and her golden gaze glowed amongst their snowy surroundings.
“You want me to throw it or not?!”
She bounded over to her. 
The younger Carpenter jumped back to avoid being slammed into. Like anyone would expect from any other dog, her big sister was very frisky in her werewolf form, romping around in the snow like she was just a puppy.
She pointed to the ground. “Drop it.” And the stuffed toy was dropped at her feet. She picked it up and prepared to throw it. However, there was one thing missing. “You know the rules, Sam,” she smirked, “You gotta sit first.”
Sam’s ears retreated, and she licked her lips. Her back end lowered a little like she was going to follow the said-rules, but her excitement got the best of her. Her tail was wagging, spreading more frost into her fur as she watched her toy religiously.
“Sit, Sam.”
She whined.
And she did, her golden gaze wide with anticipation as she huffed.
“Good,” Tara praised. But she had to test her with a few more tricks, just because it was the last round of Fetch for the day. “Now, shake.”
The black wolf raised her paw, nearly going to paw the hand that held what she wanted.
“Okay, now lay down.”
She hesitated, starting to whine again as she tried to get up out of her sitting position.
But her baby sister snapped, “No, Sammy!” She used her free hand to point to the ground, “Lie down.”
She obeyed this time. 
“Good girl!” Tara let her have the win and threw the monkey as hard as she could, “Go get it!”
And Sam raced away. She actually covered enough land before it hit the ground, so she jumped to catch it in her mouth. Her paws hit the snow in a breaking effort that led her skidding to turn around and face Tara, who praised her.
“Nice catch.”
The werewolf trotted over and lowered her head to place the toy into her sibling’s hand. Tara took it, then pet her between the ears. 
“Alright, are you ready to go inside? It’s getting dark.” While she didn’t receive a response that clarified she was in agreement, the younger Carpenter turned her back and took it upon herself to lead them both to the back door. 
Shaking the snow from her pelt, Sam followed her, but she took her time in doing so. The sky was hued pink in its setting state, while the birds flying overhead were only silhouettes. In fact, the winter skies were serene enough to let her spot the first star in the sky. It wasn’t Christmas just yet, but it was a few days before Tara’s birthday.
And Sam knew that there was something special she could show her.
As Tara approached the door, she glanced over her shoulder to make sure her follower was in pursuit. However, her older sister had stopped a few yards away, refusing to go any further. “What’s wrong, Sam?”
The canine blinked at her, staying where she was. Her ears twisted as she looked over a little, giving the illusion that she wasn’t sure she wanted to go inside. 
This made her tilt her head. “What is it?” She pointed with her thumb over her shoulder through the window and shook her head, “You don’t wanna go inside?” She watched Sam bow, like she did whenever she wanted to play. “No, I told you that was the last one. We’re not playing anymore,” she reminded.
She just wasn’t taking the hint. Well, if that was the case, the werewolf didn’t mind taking initiative herself. She broke out of her downward dog and rushed forward, slipping between her little sister and the door to keep her from going inside.
Tara barely had time to turn sound, before Sam’s muzzle nudged her away from the door. She jumped away from the cold, wet nose catching the warmth of her neck. “Sam, what are you doing?!” she squeaked, trying to raise her shoulder to shrug her off.
But Samantha just replied with an amused growl and continued to herd her back into the snow.
“Alright, alright!” the younger leapt away, “I’m not going inside.” She shook her bangs from her face and quizzed her again, “What do you want?”
The she-wolf dropped herself to the ground, low enough to where Tara could get on her back, and shuffled forward. When she met confused chocolate eyes, she gestured her head over her shoulder.
“You want me to get on your back?” Her tail wagged as a ‘yes’, so she grabbed a hold of her scruff and climbed on, like she was a horse.
Sam got to her paws, careful not to rock her rider around too much as she felt her scruff be gripped tightly. She bit back a whimper, but bowed her head to turn it and gently nudge Tara’s leg as in telling her, “hold on tight.”
Tara noticed this and moved one hand to pet her head. “I’m okay,” she assured. She rode a horse before and had been given many piggyback rides by Sam when she was little, but she had never rode on the back of a wolf before. “Don’t buck me off, Sam…”
Her big sister gave a huff and shook her pelt out as best she could with a swish of her tail. She felt Tara’s legs press against her flanks and her fingers curl into her skin, which told her she was ready. So, she broke away, only having to take a few long strides, before she met the fenceline. It wasn’t high of a jump for an 8-foot werewolf. In fact, it was actually not even a strenuous jump, more like she was just leaping over a small stream of water or a narrow ditch. 
After clearing the fence, all that stood between them and the rest of the world was wilderness, forestry that canopied above the earth and a maze of trunks that gave them a challenge.
But nothing in the world could stop the Carpenter sisters, no matter how complicated. They were only chained to each other, which meant they could go anywhere and do anything as long as they were together.
Like she had recalled from horseback riding all those years ago, Tara leaned forward, keeping a partial hold on her sister’s neck as she flew at nearly 80 miles an hour. Everything was a blur in her peripheral vision, and the sting of the winter air was numbing her face. She squinted through the snow flurries that fell from the coniferous trees, hearing Sam’s gruff panting over the wind.
Sam’s paws were in perfect rhythm with her sense of direction. Her eyes were open and alert among the white wild, while her little sister’s body kept the cold from slipping its frosty fingers against her spine. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, but it felt so good to run without any fences or walls to keep her in. At first, she hadn’t been sure of her werewolf-shifting abilities. She thought they were dangerous and nothing more than a curse. However, she had learned that moving on four legs at unimaginable speeds and sustaining enough endurance for a lifetime was the most thrilling thing in the world. It thrilled her more than killing did. There was just something about running, something about beating the wind and lengthening her spine with every stride. It was like a dream, except it was real. 
Plus, Tara never saw her any different from the way she had before she had been cursed. She was still her older sister and her best friend. She just had both a sibling and an incredible pet in the same token. How awesome was that? And now Sam was able to control it…
The black werewolf huffed as the air burned her lungs. She weaved through the trees like a snake through tall grass, leaping over unsteady ground and gaining speed on the straight paths. 
On her back, her baby sister ducked from branches and kept her face close to the bristling fur that granted some warmth to her wind-burned cheeks. Even though this was entirely different, she couldn’t help but be reminded of when they were little. Sam would crawl around on the floor and act like her personal steed, carrying her wherever she pleased.
“Okay, fine,” Sam sighed and got down on her hands and knees. “Get on.”
“Yay!” Tara hopped on her back and grabbed two strands of her long hair. “Giddyup!” she hollered, yanking on her makeshift reins.
But her sister just ducked away, “Ow!” She tried to turn her head to make her let go, “Don’t pull my hair, Tara! That hurts,” she told her. The pulling sensation left her scalp and was followed by an ashamed apology.
“I’m sorry…”
“It’s okay. Just use my shirt or something,” the older offered. She then felt the collar of her shirt be clutched by little hands.
“Okay!” The 4 year-old’s energy was restored as she tugged on the shirt and repeated herself. “Giddyup, horsey!”
And Sam did as she was told. Like a horse did, she jerked her head and pawed the carpet, before she set off. Tara was getting bigger now, so her weight kept her from being able to go too fast, however that didn’t stop her from encouraging it.
“Faster, Sammy! Go faster!”
Anything for her little sister. Samantha braced her back and picked up her pace as much as she could. It must have been enough for the younger, because an excited squeal answered her increased speed. 
Tara giggled, continuing to fidget with her big sister’s shirt as she ordered. “To the kitchen!”
And to the kitchen, they went.
“Sam, where are we going?!” Tara brought herself back to the present as she hollered over the wind. She had remembered always wanting Sam to go faster as a kid, but she never imagined she’d be going this fast without being in a car.
Her older sister kept on, eyes set on the break in trees up ahead. She unleashed a couple of barks to encourage her to find their destination. 
Tara followed her lead, but she wouldn't be sure until she actually saw that it was the end.
The sisters broke out of the forest’s coverage to meet the last bit of sun setting in the horizon. Tara hadn’t realized how much high ground they’d gained through the woods, and while she wasn’t comfortable with being up high, she knew that Sam wouldn’t let her fall. The moon was glowing and the stars looked like tiny fairy lights on an indigo stretch of sky. 
But that wasn’t what caught Tara’s attention.
Sam slowed her pace to a trot and then a walk, before she stopped to let her sister off. She put her muzzle out to keep her from getting too close to the edge of the cliff they were on and gently huffed when she was pet as a ‘thank you’. 
The younger Carpenter jumped off the werewolf’s back with her eyes glued to the assortment of arrayed colors along the northern horizon. They shimmered, like a mere reflection of Heaven on Earth, green, purple, and blue blending into one swivel of art across the world and crystallizing the snow.
Aurora Borealis.
“The Northern Lights,” Tara breathed in awe. She had never seen them in-person before, only in movies, paintings, and pictures on the internet. It wasn’t a dream of hers to see them, so-to-speak, but one thing was for sure… She never thought they would be this beautiful or seeing them for herself would feel so surreal.
Beside her, Sam stood with the cool-coded gradient softening the golden glow of her werewolf eyes. She felt the weight of her sister lean against her, and she gave a soft sigh.
Tara glanced up at her with a small smile on her face. “Is this what you wanted to show me?”
The canine’s ears went back and she gave a gentle whine as she leaned down and licked her cheek. She couldn’t actually speak to her, like she would a human, but if she were to, the words were so simple and pure.
“Happy Birthday, Tara. I love you forevermore.”
But the younger knew the words without them being said, and she closed her eyes to press her forehead against the side of her big sister’s warm face. “Thank you, Sammy,” she whispered into her fur, “I love you too.”
A loving noise that almost sounded like a growl rumbled in Sam’s throat as she nuzzled her, then drew away so her girl could continue to admire the aurora that shined for her.
Anything for her little sister.
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merry christmas!!! you were my first big supporter on my Wolves of Woodsboro fanfiction, and ever since, you have had a special place in my heart. you have been awesome to talk to and be friends with. thank you for all of your love, support, and kindness. here's to you 🩶 stay safe, my love! happy holidays 🎄✨⛄
- parker (BWS)
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dingoat · 2 years
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merr chrismas <3
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enniewritesathing · 9 months
memory management (🛏️4)
⏮️Previous || (📚Previous Stories) || Beginning ▶️
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(Jordan adjusts the knobs on the anesthesia machine, occasionally glancing over at the monitor. They already had a problem with starting John on an alleged heavy cycle because of his stint a while back involving Mark. They'd never seen him so frightened...
So what if he's gained a little consciousness? He's not aware and still immobile and that's all that counts.)
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(Still, the strain on his heart... it's too much too soon. If they didn't know better, Charles was punishing John for it.)
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(Jordan wonders what the data from these passive tests will help with developing a tool for John to use lest he lose control of himself. There's a lot of moving parts -- how long will he have until he crosses that threshold? If he can't administer it himself, who would know? That also requires knowledge of his lycanthrophy and from the looks of it, only one other person knows about it.
It's not any of their business but... he should really tell his boyfriend about it.)
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(The Werewolf's eyes open.)
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(Not to mention, finding a balance that wouldn't harm John is finding to be difficult.)
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(There, that should do it. For now anyway. Hopefully in an hour, John'll--)
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(The shift in the air causes Jordan to look down on The Werewolf.)
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(They move away as John turned his head to look at them. His focus isn't all there yet and he's done this in the past. Doesn't make it less scary--)
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(His amber eyes flits and locks in on Jordan and his breathing quickens.)
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(With a grunt, The Werewolf throws his arm onto the rail; the metal creaks in his grip.)
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(Jordan... can't move.)
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(The Werewolf bares his teeth. The pain's there but it compares to nothing on what he's going to do to his first victim.)
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(Damn, sight still isn't there.)
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(The Werewolf wills himself to sit up, grasping the rail, just like he imagined for months.)
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(He catches himself from going over. There's still enough numbness in his body that it could be a problem. No. There's time.)
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(Enough of this. The Werewolf grasps at the mask before ripping it off. While he's as it, might as well get these things off of his chest. He throws them aside and they clatter somewhere else.)
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(Jordan still can't move. This shouldn't be happening!)
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(Fresh air. With each deep breath, The Werewolf clears the thorns in his veins.)
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The Werewolf: "...y̵̞͚̿̀o̴̪͗̎ͅu̴̡̦̽̓̍."
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(The Werewolf plants his feet on the cold tiling. Finally, he is standing.)
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Jordan: "H-h-hang on! Let's not do anything rash!"
// Next ⏭️
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cynicalstith · 2 years
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Merry Christmas everyone from the Mystfalls gang! (the high school D&D campaign I'm in!) Whether you celebrate it or not, I hope y'all had a good year. ^^
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got a bluey plush AND some kitty paw socks for Christmas
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 21
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 up, I tried to remember why I felt so happy and sad at the same time. Wasn't there a word for that? Melancholy? I sat up, looking at the presents at the foot of my bed.
I got out of bed and went to open them. Hermione had given me a homework planner, Harry had given me a Broom Compass which I loved, Ron had given me Sugar quills. There was a small box that turned out to be from Trang. She'd given me Warheads and two books: The Lost World and Rose Madder. I was glad I had sent her a package for Christmas too.
Sirius and Uncle Moody had given me the same book set that Dad and Sirius had given Harry. They were called Practical Defensive Magic and Its Use Against the Dark Arts. I absolutely loved them and abandoned opening presents for a moment to read through the books.
Dad had gotten me a new book bag. It was a shoulder bag with purple and black colors. There were a couple of Muggle books inside which included: Dealing with Dragons, The Dark Half, and Wayside School is Falling Down.
Tonks had gotten me a pair of shoes with wheels on the bottoms of them. Heelys. I was so excited about them that I put them on immediately.
Fred and George had given me a skiving Snackbox- vomit edition. Good, now I could get out of Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Mrs. Weasley had gotten me hot fudge cakes again (probably because I'd told her they were my favorite thing she'd ever made) with a blue sweater. I put the sweater on with jeans and the Heelys. I put the wheels in so that I didn't fall down the stairs. Then I did my hair into a simple ponytail that hung over my shoulder. Having it in a braid shortened it's length so that it was just past my waist, not past my knees.
I noticed there was no present from Severus- but that was probably he'd proposed last night. I thought it was romantic that he'd done it last night, on Christmas Eve.
Ginny had given me a new quill- flamingo from the look of it. It was probably because I'd said that I liked unusual quills. Two years ago, Hermione had given me a Fwooper quill set and I still hadn't used them because I was keeping them in good condition. I'd have to put the flamingo quill with them.
I went down the stairs and found Harry, Ron, and Hermione were bending down by the boiler cabinet. I rolled my eyes as Kreacher came into the kitchen at that moment and muttered, ". . .out of the house. . . and the nasty little blood traitor and mudblood are in Krachers' living space. . . oh my poor mistress. . . house filled with nasty brats of all kinds. . . werewolf brats. . . and blood traitors. . ."
I ignored him and took a seat at the wooden table. Sirius and Mrs. Weasley were cooking breakfast. Bill was sitting down across from me, reading a newspaper that I didn't recognize. "Merry Christmas Elizabeth."
"Merry Christmas Bill." I said, yawning.
His eyes flicked down to my hand for a moment and then away. I slipped my hand under the table.
"Does it hurt?" He asked casually.
"Only during detention." I muttered.
He chuckled. "So, do the er- others- know about you and your er- cat shape?"
"No. I can't let Harry know either." I said in the softest of voices but he and Ron were chatting away loudly.
Bill looked at me sharply. "Because. . ."
"Voldemort can read his mind." I said, leaning forward as though I was reading something in the newspaper. "he's not possessing Harry but he can see some of his memories so. . ."
"I see." Bill said. "Makes sense to me."
Breakfast was served and there was no more discussion about my hand. I was feeling rather wide awake now.
After we ate lunch, Dad, Uncle Moody, and Mundungus were going to escort us to St. Mungo's. Sirius stayed behind and I nearly thought about staying with him. He looked very lonely but I decided I would go.
I looked around nervously when I got outside. It'd been some time however- nearly a week and a half. Maybe they weren't patrolling anymore. Dad put an arm around my shoulder, sensing my nervousness. I almost forgot that he didn't know about me running into Lucius.
Mundungus had 'borrowed' a car to travel in. We all climbed in, though Mrs. Weasley hesitated, probably assuming that the car was less borrowed and more stolen. However, her children all pleaded with her and she finally sat between Bill and Fred.
Uncle Moody meanwhile, questioned me about my hand and the Umbridge witch. He wanted to know all about her. Dad kept a stony face the entire time he questioned me.
I had always known Dad hated this woman, especially after he resigned from being Professor at Hogwarts. Every time her name was in the newspaper (if I wasn't around- or he didn't think I was around-that is) he'd let off a string of unpleasant curses and insults. Dad rarely cursed so I had to research what she had done to make him so angry. And then I found out about the law that she'd made and passed so that werewolves had an even harder time getting jobs than they already did. It was why Dad dipped into Muggle jobs every so often. So, naturally, I hated her too. Maybe I'd get a job in the Ministry and undo all the anti-werewolf laws.
We got to St. Mungo's in record time since there were nearly zero cars on the streets. Mundungus pulled the car around into an alleyway and was going to wait for us there. There were other witches and wizards coming in and out of St. Mungo's, but most of them apparated once out of the building.
St. Mungo's- on the outside- looked like an abandoned apartment store. There was a mannequin in the front that Uncle Moody talked to briefly and then we stepped through the glass front. They already knew where we were going because they'd been here before and we headed past the reception desk.
The reception area was very festive with crystal orbs that turned red and gold. There was holly hanging in the doorways and white Christmas trees stood in every corner. Magical Icicles hung from the ceiling and under the entrance to the hallway was mistletoe.
I watched with interest as a witch with a walnut jammed up her nostril pushed past Harry and heard a blond witch behind the reception desk ask, "Family argument, eh? You're the third I've seen today. . . Spell Damage, fourth floor. . ." I noticed the receptionist seemed amused by this.
They led me to a ward where we found Mr. Weasley in there along with two other people. One was a man who looked nearly as shabby and sick as Dad. The other was a very subdued woman with a bandage around her leg.
Mr. Weasley was sitting up and the first thing I noticed was that he looked very sheepish, almost guilty. He set his turkey dinner aside.
"Everything all right, Arthur?" Mrs. Weasley said as we all handed our presents over.
"Fine, fine." Mr. Weasley said heartily. "You-er- haven't seen Healer Smethwyck, have you?"
"No, why?"
"Nothing, nothing. Well, everyone had a good day? What did you all get for Christmas? Oh, Harry- this is absolutely wonderful-" Mr. Weasley said with a bit to much enthusiasm, unwrapping Harry's gift which was a fuse-wire and screwdriver set.
"Arthur, you've had your bandages changed. Why have you had your bandages changed a day early, Arthur? They told me they wouldn't need doing until tomorrow." Mrs. Weasley said with a sort of snap in her voice.
"What? No, no- it's nothing- it's- I-" Mr. Weasley looked quite frightened and then said. "Well- now don't get upset, Molly, but Augustus Pye had an idea. . . He's the Trainee Healer, you know, lovely young chap and very interested in. . . um. . . complementary medicine. . . I mean, some of these old Muggle remedies. . . well, they're called stitches, Molly-" I started to walk away. "-and they work very well on- on Muggle wounds-"
Mrs. Weasley made a sort of snarl and Dad strolled away and over to the werewolf and I joined him. Dad introduced himself and told him that he was a werewolf. The other werewolf seemed very interested and started asking him questions about his life and the difficulties and if there were any good things about it.
I thought dad might've been pretty blunt but he did admit that he would be able to lead a fairly normal life except during the full moon.
"Do you mean to tell me!" Mrs. Weasley's voice was rising steadily louder as she spoke, "that you have been messing about with Muggle remedies?"
"Not messing about, Molly, dear, It was just- just something Pye and I thought we'd try- only, most unfortunately- well, with these particular kinds of wounds- it doesn't seem to work as well as we'd hoped-"
"I think I'm going to go get a cup of tea." I muttered to dad and kissed his cheek. I smiled at the other werewolf and walked towards Harry.
"It sounds as though you've been trying to sew your skin back together but even you, Arthur, wouldn't be that stupid-"
"I fancy a cup of tea too." Harry said. Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, and I literally sprinted out of the hospital room.
"Typical Dad, Stitches. . . I ask you." Ginny said, shaking her head.
"Well, you know, they do work well on non-magical wounds. I suppose something in that sneak's venom dissolves them or something. . . I wonder where the tearoom is." Hermione said.
"Fifth floor." Harry and I said at the same time. No one was surprised that I knew where it was even though I'd never been here before.
We walked down the corridor and I paused as they went up the stairs. I could've sworn... but no, the Death Eaters weren't stupid. I was being paranoid. I quickly followed them up the stairs. That hint of blond hair could've been anyone's. It wasn't necessarily Lucius Malfoy.
The portraits on the walls shouted out different diagnoses that we had. One wizard was so concerned about Ron that he traveled through other's portraits after him telling him that he must have a bad case of spattergroit.
"And what's that supposed to be?" Ron asked angrily.
"'Tis a most grievous affliction of the skin, young master, that will leave you pockmarked and more gruesome even than you are now-"
"Watch who you're calling gruesome!" Ron said, the back of his ears turning red.
"The only remedy is to take the liver of a toad, bind it tight about your throat, stand naked by the full moon in a barrel of eels' eyes-"
"I have not got spattergroit!"
"But the unsightly blemishes upon your visage, young master-"
"They're freckles! Now get back in your own picture and leave me alone!" Ron said angrily. He rounded on us, all of us trying our best to keep straight faces. "What floor's this?"
"I think it's the fifth." Hermione said.
"Nah, it's the fourth. One more-" Harry said.
However, at that point, a familiar adult came out of a ward that said: SPELL DAMAGE. Upon further inspection, I found that it was none other than my second year Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Gilderoy Lockhart.
"Blimey!" Ron exclaimed.
"Oh my goodness, Professor Lockhart." Hermione said, sounding extremely breathless all of a sudden.
I rolled my eyes.
"Well, hello there! I expect you'd like my autograph, would you?" Lockhart said, beaming around at us.
"Hasn't changed much, has he?" Harry muttered to Ginny and me.
"Er- how are you Professor?" Ron asked, sounding guilty. That was probably because it was his wand that had caused Lockhart's memory loss. I felt no guilt whatsoever. I was to busy trying to save Ginny's life.
"I'm very well indeed, thank you! Now, how many autographs would you like? I can do joined-up writing now, you know!" Professor Lockhart exclaimed exuberantly, pulling a peacock quill out of his pocket.
"Er- we don't want any at the moment." Ron said.
"Professor, should you be wandering around the corridors? Shouldn't you be in a ward?" Harry asked.
The smile faded from Lockhart's face and he asked, "Haven't we met?"
"Er. . . yeah, we have." Harry said a bit awkwardly. "You used to teach us at Hogwarts, remember?"
"Teach? Me? Did I?" Lockhart looked a bit unsettled as though this news was going to push him over the brink of insanity. Then his smile reappeared and he said, "Taught you everything you know, I expect, did I? Well, how about those autographs, then? Shall we say a round dozen, you can give them to all your little friends then and nobody will be left out!"
I snorted at the words 'little friends'. All of us, Ginny being the exception, were nearly as tall as him.
A different voice said, "Gilderoy, you naughty boy, where have you wandered off to?" A motherly looking witch with a smiling face came on over to where we were and said, "Oh Gilderoy, you've got visitors! How lovely, and on Christmas Day too! Do you know, he never gets visitors, poor lamb, and I can't think why, he's such a sweetie, aren't you?"
For all you would've thought, it was almost like he was her son.
"We're doing autographs! They want loads of them, won't take no for an answer! I just hope we've got enough photographs!" Lockhart said with another gleaming smile.
"Listen to him." The healer said, looking fondly at him. "He was rather well known a few years ago; we very much hope that this liking for giving autographs is a sign that his memory might be coming back a little bit. Will you step this way? He's in a closed ward, you know, he must have slipped out while I was bringing in the Christmas presents, the door's usually kept locked. . . not that he's dangerous! But, bit of a danger to himself, bless him. . . Doesn't know who he is, you see, wanders off and can't remember how to get back... It is nice of you to have come to see him-"
"Er actually." Ron started but I stomped on his foot. I trailed after the healer witch and I heard Ron mutter, "Let's not stay long."
We came to a ward call the Janus Thickey ward and the Healer pointed her wand at the door and said, "Alohomora."
"This is our long-term ward for permanent spell damaged, you know." the healer informed us. "of course, with intensive medical potions and charms and a bit of luck, we can produce some improvement. Gilderoy does seem to be getting back some sense of himself, and we've seen a real improvement in Mr. Bode, he seems to be regaining the power of speech very well, though he isn't speak any language we recognize yet. . . Well, I must finish giving out the Christmas presents, I'll leave you all to chat. . ."
She drifted away. "You can put them in envelopes. I am not forgotten, you know, no." Lockhart said, singing the photographs and throwing them into Ginny's lap. "I still receive a very great deal of fan mail. . . Gladys Gudgeon writes weekly. . . I just wish I knew why. . ."
"You wrote some books." I said in a bored voice.
He ignored me and said, "I suspect it is simply my good looks."
I grinned.
Harry was looking around at the different wizards and witches in the ward. There was a wizard muttering to himself in a nearby bed. There was a witch who was covered in fur. I leaned over to Harry and whispered, "She must've attempted to become an Animagus. There are no reversals for half human half animal transformations if the Animagus potion goes poorly."
"Here you are, Agnes. See, not forgotten, are you? And your son's sent an owl to say he's visiting tonight, so that's nice, isn't it?" The healer asked, giving Agnes a couple of presents. Agnes gave several loud barks.
"And look, Broderick, you've been sent a potted plant and a lovely calendar with a different fancy hippogriff for each month, they'll brighten things up, won't they?" I gave a curious glance at the potted plant and froze. Wasn't that Devil's Snare?
"And- oh, Mrs. Longbottom, are you leaving already?"
I froze. Oh crap.
"Neville!" Ron exclaimed and I turned to look at Neville.
Neville had jumped and cowered as though someone had shot the killing curse at him.
"It's us, Neville!" Ron said brightly and a bit stupidly. "Have you seen? Lockhart's here! Who've you been visiting?"
Harry and I exchanged a panicked look.
"Friends of yours, Neville, dear?" Neville's grandmother asked, looking each of us over. Neville's face was turning purple and wasn't making eye contact with any of us.
"Ah, yes. Yes, yes, I know who are you are, of course. Neville speaks most highly of you." Mrs. Longbottom said, holding out a hand to shake Harrys.
"Er- thanks." Harry said, shaking hands.
"And you two are clearly Weasleys. Yes, I know your parents- not well, of course- but fine people, fine people. . . and you. . ." Mrs. Longbottom paused, looking between Hermione and me after shaking hands with Ron and Ginny and then turned to Hermione and said, "You must be Hermione Granger."
Hermione was surprised and shook Mrs. Longbottom's hand.
"Which means you are Elizabeth Kane." Mrs. Longbottom turned to shake my hand as well and I was just as surprised as Hermione. His grandmother also gave me a searching, almost suspicious look and I wondered if she was wondering if I was Harry's secret sister. I knew despite Neville's seemingly 'stupidity' that his grandmother was sharp as a whip. But she said nothing and simply continued to address everyone. "Yes, Neville's told me all about you two, especially you." she nodded to Hermione. "He's a good boy, but he hasn't got his father's talent, I'm afraid to say. . ." she jerked her head back towards the ward and I looked down at the floor.
"What?" Ron looked amazed and I wished I was closer so that I could stomp on his foot. "Is that your dad down the end, Neville?"
"What's this? Haven't you told your friends about your parents, Neville?" Mrs. Longbottom asked sharply. Ron was still trying to get on his tip toes and see his parents. I darted behind Harry and stomped on his foot. He winced, bending down to grab his foot.
"Well, it's nothing to be ashamed of! You should be proud, Neville, proud! They didn't give their health and their sanity so their only son would be ashamed of them, you know!" Mrs. Longbottom said.
I'd never felt sorrier for anyone than I did for Neville at this very moment.
"I'm not ashamed." Neville said quietly
"Well, you've got a funny way of showing it! My son and his wife were tortured into insanity by You-Know-Who's followers."
Hermione and Ginny clapped their hands over their mouths and Ron stopped rubbing his foot, looking mortified.
"They were Aurors, you know, and very well respected within the Wizarding community. Highly gifted, the pair of them. I- yes, Alice dear, what is it?" Mrs. Longbottom said as Neville's mother came out.
I gasped in pain, suddenly, my hand flying to my heart where my locket was. I'd finally put it on after keeping it off for months and I pulled the chain away from my chest. "I'm going to go to the bathroom." I said quickly, running out of the room. I ran back to the first floor and asked the receptionist where the bathroom was.
She pointed me down a hallway and I hurried in, locking myself in a stall, and sat down on a toilet, grabbing my head. I saw many flashes of things. Azkaban breakout, Devil's Snare, Harry on a date with Cho, a new Educational reform decree, Harry's Occlumency lessons, and several other small things.
I puked a couple times and then left the bathroom, feeling very pale but didn't bother to look in the mirror before I left.
"There you are!" Harry exclaimed. "Are you alright?"
"No. I need to go back up to the ward." I said, running up the stairs. I could hear the others footsteps behind me. Bill, Fred, and George met us on the third landing and stopped Ron to ask where I was going, and he said he didn't know, so they too joined me.
On the landing, I knocked on the ward again and the nice healing witch opened the door. "I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over." She said, sounding extremely sorry.
"I'm not here to visit. The plant that you gave Bode is Devils' Snare and you need to get rid of it before it kills him." I said, gasping for breath. I wondered if she'd even made out what I had said through my heavy breaths.
"I think your mistaken, the plant that Mr. Bode received is a Flitterbloom, not Devil's Snare. Why would someone send him Devil's Snare?"
"Because he's an important person!" I exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, but we would never let something so dangerous into the ward. Now, I need to take care of my patients. Have a nice Christmas." and she shut the door in my face.
"What was that all about?" Bill asked.
"I- I had a vision." I said, turning to him. "When I was talking to Neville's Grandmother. I need to relate some of it to Dumbledore. . . looks like there's going to be another breakout of Azkaban. But I saw that Bode got Devils' Snare, you'll remember him Harry, remember? He works in the Department of Mysteries? We met him at your trial! We saw him at the Quidditch Cup!"
Harry stared at me blankly and then, "Oh yeah, Mr. Weasley said he's an unspeakable."
"So. . ." Hermione said quickly. "If someone's trying to kill him. . ."
"Let's go downstairs." Bill said with a voice of authority. "Tell dad, Lupin, and Mad-Eye, maybe they can do something about it."
We raced down the steps and hurried into Mr. Weasley's ward. Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley had stopped arguing and they, along with Dad, were deep in conversation and they looked up, smiling and then dropped their smiles.
"What's wrong?" Mr. Weasley asked. They all looked at me and I explained what I'd seen.
"But she won't let me in!" I said, my anxiety growing. "They know he's getting better, that's why the Death Eaters sent it! I don't know what he saw but as he works in the Department of Mysteries and that's-"
"Shut up." Uncle Moody growled. "I'll go see if I can take care of it. Which ward?"
"Janus Thickey. Fourth floor." I said quickly and watched him stump out of the room.
"I'll go with him." Bill said quickly and darted after him.
"Eliza." Ginny said. "You said you saw a lot more than that?"
"Yeah." Fred said, "You mentioned another Azkaban breakout?"
"Another one?" Dad asked sharply.
I nodded, "I don't know if Dumbledore can do anything about it but-"
"Did you see who's going to escape?" Dad interrupted.
"Ummmm" I closed my eyes again, searching. "Nine. . ."
"Nine?" Mrs. Weasley asked in horror. "Who?"
I was concentrating but when I came over Antonin Dolohov's face, I went further, like a speed record until nearly two years in, he was on the Hogwarts ground. . . a sort of battle was going on. I could practically feel the vibrations. . . or was someone shaking me?
I woke up in dad's arms on the ground. My body had been convulsing and dad's face was pale. "It's alright Elizabeth, stop looking into the future." He said quickly.
"I only saw Antonin Dolohov." I said, sitting up. "But I don't know when the breakout is."
Mad-Eye and Bill came back.
"Did you get the plant?" I asked, getting to my feet, and dad stood up with me.
Bill shook his head. "She said she'd throw it out, but we don't have authority or proof and I figured you'd rather not have everyone know about your visions. All we can do now is hope that she throws out the plant."
"I think she will" Uncle Moody growled. "I gave her a good and proper lecture."
I smiled half-heartedly. Mrs. Weasley was kissing Mr. Weasley good-bye and we were getting ready to go.
"Elizabeth, can you stay behind an extra second." Mr. Weasley said. Mrs. Weasley and the others left. Uncle Moody and dad followed them out too. "I just wanted to thank you for the book you got me." He said with a smile. "And er- I knew Bode. Whatever he was mixed up in, he would most definitely be an important wizard if You-Know-Who got his hands on him or doesn't want someone else to get their hands on him. I'm sure Molly or Lupin or Mad-Eye will do it, but write to Dumbledore and try and tell him everything he saw. Maybe he can convince St. Mungo's if the healer didn't get rid of the plant."
"Sure thing Mr. Weasley." I said and left the ward with a last Merry Christmas. I dashed down the hallway to catch up with the others who had already exited out the window panes. I went through the glass and looked around for them. I started over to the alleyway and then I felt hands grab me from behind. 
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vincentlopez · 9 months
Still wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to everybody
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sushisusii · 9 months
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😈You better watch out, i'm coming for all you naughty ones
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artistcaptainbendy · 9 months
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Merry Christmas everyone! The Christmas werewolf brings many gifts to you all!
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clovencraft · 9 months
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Werewolf wives indulge in a little too much eggnog...
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Happy Holidays :) (16)
Artist: @spemmort
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