#Mundungus Fletcher
chwduplemon · 2 years
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“Is anyone going to bother telling me what the Order of the Phoenix— ?”
↳ The Order of the Phoenix: Dumbledore’s #dream team
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do you have heretical thoughts on mudugnus fletcher? i never understood the point of his character.
I do have heretical thoughts about pointless characters.
Name Me a Character Who Has a Fucking Purpose in Harry Potter
Singling out Mundungus is kind of weird when we have equally pointless (yet sometimes treated as extremely important) characters who have either negligible influence on the plot or could have been replaced easily by someone else.
What's the point of Fred and George? In the story they only act as a) funny b) Deus ex Machina on several notable occasions c) Weasley brothers d) a tragic death we can all cry about (where it doesn't even fucking matter which one kicked it.)
Take a look at Charlie, he's even worse, we barely see him to the point where his personality is... earring? Or Bill for that matter, yes he gets to marry Fleur and get mauled by werewolf and work in Gringotts but... does he have any personality?
Does Ginny have any point besides "hot validation girlfriend" for Harry? (I'm not saying that wouldn't be nice, I'm asking if she was written in such a way that she does, because we see her in book two having to be rescued and then... she sort of shows up in book six for a few chapters to be Harry's girlfriend only to be broken up with immediately).
Honestly, I could even point to Ron and Hermione. Do they ever grow as people? Do they, in and of themselves, ever have a large influence on the greater plot or are they there to be Harry's cheerleaders or the friend he's mad at today? Is Ron just "funny friend" and Hermione "smart friend"?
It's just, I agree there's no point to Mundungus, but that's pretty much every fucking character even some of the main ones.
(Is the purpose of Tonks just to be "cool girl" then die tragically off screen after having given birth to godson for Harry?)
That Said...
All of the above isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it's actually quite good in some ways. People love the diverse cast of HP characters and all the zany people we meet along the way even if we only see them for two seconds.
If HP was a video game, I'd give JKR an A+ for side quests and funny NPCs who tell us all about their weird life stories while doing crazy things.
It's one of the things people really like about HP as a series.
But, that does mean pointing out Mundungus is pointless is kind of silly.
"So is everyone."
Thoughts on Mundungus
My spicy thoughts are "whoa, Harry, did you really have to strangle the guy out of nowhere like that?" and "... Huh, we just... never touched on that strangling incident again, did we? We really just let that simmer, didn't even question it, but I guess it's no worse than we let the Cruciatus Curse simmer/having absolutely no comment on that incident, so... in character."
Otherwise, Mundungus does seem to have an alcohol problem, he definitely has a pilfering problem and is known as such, he seems to be in the Order much for the reason a lot of people are in the Order, to round out their numbers for... purposes...
Even if that's a bit ridiculous when they ask him to do things he actually doesn't want to do (see him getting dragged into the Battle of Seven Potters and Moody ending up dead because of it).
As much as this isn't a "guess the author's intent" blog, I think JKR intended for him to be the scapegoat, of sorts, she needed shit to go wrong with the Order now and then (Harry getting attacked by Dementors in Little Whinging and no one noticing, Moody dying, the locket being sold off, etc.) and rather than spread the love among Order members we're supposed to like/think are incredibly competent, it all piles onto Mundungus.
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adekalyn · 3 months
*Order Headquarters on fire*
Sirius: Alright we’re trapped, every man for himself!
Frank Longbottom: Get out of my way! Get out of my way!
Snape: Have you ever seen a burn victim?
Remus: *climbing through the ceiling attempting to escape*
James, his head sticking out a window: HELP! HELP!
Mundungus: *Breaking into the kitchen and stuffing food into his pockets*
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sleepy-sham · 6 months
today I bring you: harry potter/marauders memes ((Big Post #3)). tomorrow? who knows
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I have no idea why the quality on the last one is so bad every time I try to redo it it still saves all blurry:(((((
more HP memes
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pandaanarchy · 9 months
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HP Roleplay | Devon Bostick as young!Mundungus "Dung" Fletcher
— I'm not a thief! You foul little... git! I'm a buyer and purveyor of valuable and wondrous objects.
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Reading the Harry Potter series again, fuck JK Rowling. Her nasty views and actions won't stop me from enjoying them. Mundungus Fletcher is such a bad influence on young witches and wizards but I love him anyway.
And despite Rupert Grint being the perfect Ron, I think I'm gonna watch the Max series when it comes out. Just to see if they get in more of the story. Like Peeves, Firenze, Mundungus, Dobby being a house elf at Hogwarts, Winky, (although they shouldn't do Spew if it truly is a metaphor for any kind of civil rights movements) etc. Ahhh, Aberforth, Arianna, show us Dumbledore's family. If they did already I apologize, only saw the last two movies once and it's been since they came out.
Of course, it won't be as gay as the books make it out to be. *cough* Drarry, *cough* Wolfstar....
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redhairedgryffindor · 7 months
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Sincerest apologies. Just a misunderstandin', that's all.
Believe Mundungus
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Scold Mundungus
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regheart · 14 days
Someone I’d love to know how and why joined the Order: Mundungus Fletcher! And happy to hear about his relationship with anyone!
he owes dumbledore something. what could he possibly owe that makes him fight two wars, we can only speculate, but i suspect it might be either his life or his freedom
his patronus is a weasel, because of course it is, and i'd place him in slytherin by process of elimination. his wand is made of ivy (it grows everywhere and spreads too fast) with a dragon heartstring core
he is terrified of moody, because he's famously dishonest ans the first suspect for everything that goes wrong. he finds diggle amusing because he's a huge gossip and very gullible. and he has a grudging respect for dorcas
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starlightingsss · 9 months
mundungus fletcher is literally the biggest opp in the whole harry potter series like..
everyoen else stayed to fight but he pussies out and apparates away to save himself?? EVERYONE ELSE WAS WILLING TO DIE
and he didn't even warn mad eye about it before he apparated, he just left n let mad eye get struck by the killing curse??
he is so digustingly selfish HE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING TO HELP ANYONE?? not only did he let moody get struck by the good ol avada kedavra BUT HE ALSO LEFT HARRY?? TO BE ATTACKED BY DEMENTORS?? and the way he sold black family silver after sirius died?? like u sped little bitch show some respect?? AND IT WASN'T JUST SILVER IT WAS ALSO THE LOCKET AND THE TWO WAY MIRROR?? lorddd harry is better than me cs i would gutted that dwarf ass bitch right then and thereeee
why did bro not js apparate with moody too like he coulda js grabbed him n dipped lowkey
lacking in critical thinking and selfish asf ‼️‼️
bro was nothing except dead weight during the whole ass war and did nothing for the people he was fighting for
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atlasdoe · 10 months
this is the last one i promise (until i cave and do one for the black sisters and their friends)
Class of 1976
Selina Sapworthy is pretty like old hollywood // Bertha Jorkins is pretty like stained glass windows
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Xenophilius Greengrass is pretty like a rainbow // Aurora Sinistra is pretty like space
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Septima Vector is pretty like a waterfall // Florence Greengrass is pretty like old disney
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Emma Vanity is pretty like converse // Mundungus Fletcher is pretty like a city at night
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Killian Gibbon is pretty like the desert
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in-flvx · 10 months
Another person whose relationship to sirius I find fascinating is mundungus fletcher.
Dung works, in my eyes, as a bit of a mirror to Peter. Both have very unflattering nicknames, both are consistently described as small, with odd eyes, and always close to center of what's happening without ever showing too much capabilities or even outright liabilities.
I'll have to look up whether it's Sirius who tells us about him, though I remember it being moody, but I'm not sure.
Anyway - Sirius and Dung have something of an easy camradery going. Dungs first words are that he agrees with Sirius, they're seen laughing together, Sirius encourages him to take and sell what he wants from the house (at least the safe stuff like their plates).
I don't have a coherent meta about this yet, but it's on my mind
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sofiadragon · 3 months
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, chapter 5. Mundungus Fletcher is 110% smoking mj in a pipe. "Acrid smoke smelling of old socks." Then Mrs. Weasley gets all up in arms about it, but just a bit before as Harry comes into the kitchen the room was hazy with tobacco smoke. Excuse me, Harry might not know what the difference is that has Molly upset or why his pipe smells so much different than what was already in the room, but we all know.
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 2
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (Please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
Trang and I did not leave right away. I admit, I actually snooped around the house for some time. Harry's bedroom was sparse, though I hadn't expected much. It wasn't like our Aunt and Uncle were people who would buy him anything to personalize the room. 
Still, there was something about seeing the house that felt special. Like a tourist at Anne Franks' house, or something like that. 
"Ready?" I asked Trang about twenty minutes after they had left. 
"Are you okay?" Trang asked softly, not answering me. She was standing in the Dursleys' kitchen, looking at all of the pictures of my cousin, Dudley. Not a single photo of Harry anywhere. Not even acknowledging his presence. 
I wondered, once again, if things would have been different if I had grown up here. If our Aunt would have favored me, treated me better than Harry. Of if because of me, she treated both of us well. She had seemed so sad everytime she saw me since I always reminded her of our mother. 
Would she have treated me like Harry anyways just because she hated magic so much? Would Dudley have hit me just as much as he had Harry? How different would my personality be if I had grown up here? Would I be far more timid and less confident than I was growing up under dad? 
"Sorry." I whispered, wiping my face, realizing tears were come down my cheeks. "I was just thinking about What ifs. If I had grown up here. If things would have been different for Harry. Or if I would have a completely different personality." 
Trang squeezed my shoulder and I splashed some water on my face. "Alright, let's go. We both know the way to Uncle Moody's house in case we get separated. It shouldn't happen, but considering I can't see our futures. . ." I looked over at her. "Do you still want to do this? You're overage now. You could take Hedwig and apparate away and I'll continue the journey myself." 
Trang scoffed, "Don't ask stupid questions. I'm with you to the end of the line Elizabeth and nothing changes that." 
I smiled at that and nodded. "Let's go then." 
Taking one last look around a house I would probably never step foot in again, I shouldered my broomstick, stepping into the backyard with Trang. 
Night had fallen quickly and looking up into the clouds didn't show much. We started a walk, hopping over the fences of the neighbords, steathily treking through their backyards. We finally reached the town and headed for an alleyway without lights to kick off on our brooms. 
Trang attached the cage to her cage while I spoke to Hedwig. "I need you to stay close to us. Preferably, either in the cage or you can sit on the end of my broom. This is very serious Hedwig." 
Hedwig hooted softly and as we flew up into the air, Hedwig settled on the end of my broom. 
Uncle Moody lived a decent ways away from Harry's house. We had about an hour to get there, which was twenty minutes more than what the others had. It would have to be a smooth flight though. 
As we got closer to the Muggle city and their tall office buildings, we started to see flashes in the clouds. Faint bursts of green and red and Trang and I exchanged a nervous glance. 
"We're to close to this." I muttered. "We're going to have to find a detour." 
"Elizabeth, this entire plan relies on us getting to that portkey in time." Trang responded doubtfully. "They're still above the clouds and we're below them. We're on firebolts and they're not. Let's speed up a little." 
We both put on extra speed, weaving in and out of the tall buildings. I was glad that we were in the city now, because no one would be working so late at night and no one would see us. Most of the people on the street would be drunk at this hour or looking down at the sidewalk, not up at the sky. And we were going by to fast now for them to really get a good look at us. 
Besides, they'd probably just claim that we were a UFO. Which worked fine for me. And it's not like the Ministry would do anything about it at this point. Although it might give them an excuse to attempt to arrest me. . . 
We started to hear shouts and Trang and I looked up simultaneously. But I saw nothing. I could hear the cries of the Thestrals now and the roaring of Sirius motorbike. I felt bad that it crashed and I hoped that Arthur Weasley would salvage it. Maybe after the war was over, I'd put it back together. Sirius had given me half of everything in his house and I'd always wanted a motorcycle. 
Dad might kill me though. 
"Look!" Trang gasped, and we saw a body falling down through the clouds. We swerved to avoid getting hit, but I saw it was just an unconscious Death Eater and felt a bit of relief. 
"We're going to have to go lower." I muttered. "Maybe even continued some of this on foot. Do you think you could do Disillusionment charms on us?" 
"Yeah." Trang nodded. 
I hated that I couldn't rely on myself for magic. I knew I would use it if it came to an emergency, but since we were surrounded by Muggle buildings, it would probably set off a beacon for Death Eaters at the Ministry. 
We continued without more problems for a little bit before I looked up again and said, "Cover! Cover now." 
Trang and I landed on the top of one of the Muggle towers- no skyscraper, that's the word. We flattened ourselves down, glad that our black cloaks helped us blend in and that there weren't any lights up here. 
A body crashed to the ground in a small park area in front of the tower. Trang and I peeked over the end to see four Death Eaters down there. 
I put a hand over my mouth so that I kept silent, despite being probably hundreds of feet in the air above them. They were jeering and laughing and it was Uncle Moody's body that they stood over. 
Trang reached out, grabbing my arm. She had tears running down her face and we watched as they took his eye, putting it in his pocket. I felt the anger burn in me. Then, they turned him into a park bench, to forever be sat on by Muggles. 
They didn't take back off for the skies, disapparating on the spot instead, the crack of their disappearing echoing through the air for a second like a gunshot. 
"Elizabeth?" Trang asked after I hadn't moved for a couple of seconds. Hedwig also seemed to sense my emotions, nuzzling under my arm, gently pulling at my robe with her beak. I took in a deep shuddering breath, remembering his words to me. 
"I can't let him stay there." I said, looking at Trang. "Do you think you can untransfigure him?" 
Trang hesitated and then nodded in determination. "What's the spell?" 
"Reparifarge." I whispered. "It's simple enough wand movement. It's like you're making a wide 'u' shape." I showed her with my wand. 
"Understood." Trang said. "What are we going to do when we get him back into. . . well human?" 
I hesitated. It would be to much for Trang to try and transfigure him into something smaller, like a pocket watch or something like that. But at the same time, just trying to tie him under our brooms seemed inhumane. 
"I. . . I don't know." I admitted, explaining the two scenarios. 
"We'll figure it out when we get him back then." Trang whispered. "And we need to hurry. It seems like the fighting is tapering off." 
And it was. We hopped on the brooms, flying down to the park bench. Trang was very nervous, but she managed to change Uncle Moody back. 
It was disconcerting, looking at him dead. Like it was a lucid dream or something like that. His missing eye stuck out and I felt nauseated. I looked over at Trang who looked like she was going to faint. 
"I don't think I can do another spell like that." Trang admitted. "I feel exhausted and your father explained about magical reserves." 
"Another one of those spells and you'll be to burnt out." I agreed. "We'll just. . . have to do it the inhumane way and hope he forgives us." 
Carefully, we fixed his body under Trang's broom, both of us feeling more uneasy about it by the second. This was never the way that I imagined we'd have to do this and I hated every bit of it and wished that I could use magic. 
We took back to the skies and flew higher than we probably should have to prevent muggles from seeing us along with wizards. It would not be as good if they saw a dead body hanging from a broomstick. 
The skies had gone silent and dark and it made my stomach turn. If the others had made it to safe houses, the Death Eaters were going to come down from the sky, and they would see us. 
Of course, Uncle Moody's house was also in opposite directions of several of the other safe houses, but still. . .
We went another long, twenty minutes in silence and something like peace. We were starting to near the end of the city too, when five Death Eaters swept down from the clouds. 
Trang and I turned sharply through the buildings, but someone gave a shout and we knew chase was about to happen. 
"Protego!" I muttered, breaking my magical celibacy. We turned another corner and heard Death Eaters cry out as the smashed into my invisible shield. 
"We need to find somewhere to hide." I shouted to Trang, throwing up more invisible shields all around us- except in front of us. 
"There!" Trang pointed to a construction site. It was plenty dark and we could probably hunker down in there if it came to that. 
We flew inside and landed, crouching down behind wooden boards and slabs of concrete. It was pitch black besides the moon and the shadows of the men on brooms sweeping by were mere shadows. It was good for us- we would be hidden. But it was also good for them. 
I could hear them shouting to each other, but couldn't actually make out the words. 
Suddenly, a pulsing light burst through the entire space and I was temporarily blind, lowering my head into my knees, pushing my knuckles into my eyes. Trang cried out, softly, but just enough to have them on us in seconds. 
I barely got a shield up before the spells started flying, still trying to blink the sun out of my eyes. It burned and I could still see the imprint of the spell on the back of my eyelids. I was so stupid. I should've realized that was a spell they were going to use. 
There was another spell that sent me flying off my feet, feeling like there was an Earthquake. I fell backwards, my arm scratching against something. I heard Trang give another cry, this time in pain. 
Of course. We were on an open construction site. It might've been a good place to hide, but it was detrimental to our health to fight in. 
I sent a few stunning spells, the figure in front of me sending the stunning spells off to the side. . . strangely stunning his own side. Hope blossomed in my chest for the first time tonight, continuing to try and stun only him, while the spells continued to fly towards his friends. I couldn't see Trang, though I could hear her fighting too. 
Finally, it was just that man and he slowly lowered his wand, taking his hood off. For once, I was not wrong in my hope. 
I nearly shouted his name, but decided to look around me instead. Trang was sitting up against a concrete pillar, but the Death Eaters around her were all stunned. And one wasn't even moving like he might've been dead. 
"Trang?" I asked gently as Severus started to tie the Death Eaters up and chuck their wands out of the building. 
"I'm okay." Trang gasped. "I hit my head on something though. It might be bleeding." 
"I'm bleeding somewhere too." I admitted. "Don't know where though." 
"You've got glass shards in your face." Trang breathed a laugh. 
I went to touch my face, but Severus was there, grabbing my hand before I could. He gently picked each of them out with care, before kissing them and then kissing me on the lips. I closed my eyes, sinking into the kiss. 
"Sweet. Really sweet." Trang grunted, pushing herself to her feet and the two of us broke apart. "But we really have to go." 
"I know." I whispered, unable to take my eyes off of Severus' warm black ones. "Remus is absolutely wonderful, just so you know. He's getting so big." 
"Good." Severus whispered, brushing his lips against mine once more. "Stay safe." 
He let his own wand roll under the table into the shadows like I hadn't seen it, sitting down against the Death Eaters, giving me a meaningful look. I nodded, binding him to them and then stunning him, tears mixing with blood on my face. 
"Go." I said to Trang, looking around. Hedwig came fluttering down, landing on my shoulder. 
Trang and I immediately took off for the skies. 
We made it to Uncle Moody's house with no problem other than Trang was starting to feel light-headed with blood loss, I was also feeling faint and- we'd missed the Portkey by about fifteen minutes. 
"Dad must be so worried." I whispered as we stepped into the house. "And the protections have to have dropped here if he's dead." 
We laid Uncle Moody carefully on the couch. I didn't even really notice the interior of the house, which was kind've sad because I would never see the inside of the house ever again, probably. 
"What now?" Trang asked. She'd grabbed a kitchen towel and was applying pressure to the wound, but I knew I needed to get her to the others quickly. She needed proper medical attention and I wasn't going to be able to provide it. 
"Okay." I murmured. "I need an object that we can use for a portkey." I whirled around, looking for such an item. It was very hard to create a portkey and it was the first time that I felt doubtful ever performing a spell. 
"Here." Trang murmured, pushing over a baseball bat of all things. I smiled a little at that. I had never known that he had liked baseball. 
"Okay." I murmured. I focused on the Burrow, focused on the time, and focused on the object. "Portus." 
It glowed blue and I nearly sank to my knees in relief. As it was, I nearly fell over as I approached Trang. This wasn't good. Both of us were to light-headed, we had to get to the Burrow now. 
"Just hold on Trang." I whispered, sitting down with my back to the couch. I kept my grip around it firm. I pulled my broom in my other hand, placing Uncle Moody's dead hand on the broom as well. I nearly smiled as Hedwig put a small talon on it too. 
Then we were pulled into nothingness which did nothing to help with me trying to not black out. 
It was silent for a second and Dad's voice broke the air first. "ELIZABETH? TRANG? IS THAT YOU?" 
"ELIZABETH?" Harry and Hermione's voice's joined in. 
"TRANG?" Ginny shouted. 
Trang stumbled, falling to her knees. The kitchen towel was still in her hand and was blood-soaked. I felt like crying, but I kept it together. I used my wand to levitate Uncle Moody's body, then got Trang to put an arm over my shoulder. With a purpose and destination in mind, my head seemed to clear some. Hedwig flew upwards and towards the Burrow. I dragged the two broomsticks in the same hand as my wand. 
Dad and Bill came running and Bill caught Trang just as I stumbled, nearly dropping everything. 
"You have Mad-Eye?" Bill asked in a hushed whisper. 
I nodded. "Yeah. H- He fell right in front of us." I started to cry. The emotional stress of the trip had caught up to me. "And Death Eaters got to us near Uncle Moody's house and we fought them off. We wouldn't have made it, except Severus was with them and he helped me fight them off. And the portkey was gone and-" 
Dad pulled me into a tight hug and murmured, "It's okay." 
"I couldn't stop him." I sniffled, looking up at dad. "I begged him to take someone besides Mundungus. Or for him not to go himself. But he wouldn't listen." 
"It's okay Elizabeth. C'mon." Dad murmured and shouted for Tonks and Mr. Weasley. 
Inside the house, Mrs. Weasley and Dad tended to mine and dad's wounds. Neither were bad, it was just the loss of blood that had been detrimental. 
Some of the others like Kingsley had already left and Dad was busy letting him know about Mad-Eye and what not. 
"So?" Fleur asked in an impatient voice. "Who is the spy?" 
"I don't know." I whispered, shaking my head, which hurt. I didn't think there was a spy. All I could really see was Severus talking to Mundungus, planting the idea of the seven Potters' in his head. But I didn't think that made Mundungus a traitor or a spy. 
"Its' fine. Don't think about it right now." Dad instructed. Uncle Moody's body had been taken away. Trang was already fast asleep on the couch that was adjacent to Georges' couch. I couldn't look at him without feeling guilty. 
"Go get some sleep." Dad kissed the top of my head. 
I went upstairs to the bedroom, finding Remus was awake in his crib. I picked him up gently in my arms, cradling him as I looked out the window at the stars. 
"There's a new star in the night sky." I whispered in his ear. "And soon, there will be more stars there. More than we will ever need."
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iamnmbr3 · 8 months
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lmao what a description.
also i don't get why anyone likes Mundungus. Why is he even in the Order?
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overlord-of-fantasy · 5 months
Hermione does not believe in prophecys
Hermione: I don´t know who needs to hear this right now, but rocks don´t have magic powers!
Mundungus: Have you ever tried crack?
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missnight0wl · 2 years
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Woah, Perry! You’re so bright it hurts my eyes! Wait, no... It always hurts to look at you... Never mind!
Alright, let’s see what we’re dealing with this time.
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It’s truly amazing that Jam City still manages to make him look creepy as hell... while he’s laughing...
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Not as serious as MURDERING TEENAGERS, though.
Yeah, yeah... I know. It was all Rakepick. Whatever. I’ll believe you when hell freezes, but let’s play your game for once. Still...
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Exactly, Perry. Why would you turn your children’s lives into nightmares? Why would you do something like that?
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I know for certain that you SHOULDN’T tell him anything.
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Good. Your help is the last thing I want or need.
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Oh, I know he knows everything. I simply also know he’s not gonna tell me anything. Or rather: he’s not gonna tell me the truth.
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Okay, but when Uncle Dung calls somebody “shady”, you know it means something. And to be clear, it means that Perry is a piece of shit.
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You might call me overdramatic or whatever, but I honestly think is the stupidest MC has ever been. Like... how fucking naive you have to be to expect that Peregrine will answer any of these questions truthfully? 
“Yes, of course I know Olivia! And it was me who tampered with her memory because it’s what I do the best!”
And yeah, sure, tell him about our meeting with Rakepick in Azkaban! Tell him she called him a tyrant and whatnot! Give him more reasons to try to kill her!
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Look at this honest face! Don’t you just wish to... slap it with a chair?
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I think everyone knows what I’m about to say...
You’re disgusting, Peregrine.
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Well then, it seems that this marriage really had A LOT of problems.
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Oh, yeah. I’m sure Jacob has some thrilling stories about all those years he spent in the bloody portrait. So exciting!
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Yeah... That’s not suspicious at all...
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