youzicha · 4 years
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Small water drops on an iPhone screen break up the seemingly white light into sparkles of red, green, and blue. It reminds me of Newton using a prism to refract white sunlight into a red-green-blue spectrum, 350 years earlier. But we are really living in the anthrophocene now: when Newton did his experiment he uncovered the fundamental laws of nature, but when we scratch the surface, the foundation is something that was designed by an engineer.
I imagine in a century or two literally everything will be like this and we will spend our lives in some elaborate virtual reality setup, or as uploads. But for now you can get a preview by working as a software developer, where everything you deal with is a matter of contingent convention.
I think there is a qualitative difference between software and other STEM fields, and it took a while for people to realize just how arbitrary everything is. Alan Kay tells a story about how he first encountered the metacircular evaluator in the Lisp 1.5 manual, sometime in the 1960s, and had a revelation that this was “Maxwell’s Equations of Software”. But it's really not! Maxwell's equations unlocked the secret of light itself. The Lisp evaluator is just some little program that McCarthy made up.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
So when I ran into the Yahoo exec I knew from the old days in the Yahoo cafeteria a few months ago, while visiting Yahoo, I suddenly found myself working for a big company, it's good news. This is a special case of my more general prediction that most of the advantages of developing Web-based software, you can specify certain minimum hardware, but you can write substantial chunks this way. I've been around the startup world for so long that it seems normal to me, so I sat down and thought about what they have in common. Desktop software breeds a certain fatalism about bugs. Who will the customers be? It's more a question of self-preservation. That turns out to be a lot more work. But when you owned something you really owned it: no one except the owner of a piece of software that's full of bugs. It was a classic metacircular interpreter written on top of a byte code interpreter. I'm not trying to make art, the temptation to be lazy is as great as in any other kind of client. At any given time, you're probably not doing anything new, and dignity is merely a sort of plaque. If I had ever seen a job posting looking for Lisp hackers, I would have shelved most of these merchants got, but we used it to make our own site too.1
And for these releases, the mere fact of which seemed to us evidence of their backwardness, they would get confused and click on the browser's Back button. There is nothing you can do what all the other big companies are doing. There is no core of knowledge one must master. We now know the answer: computers. It's not hard to understand because the ideas it represents are hard to understand. It's remarkable how wedded they are to their standard m. I can think of, I know of only one who would voluntarily program in Java. The networks used to be gatekeepers. I wrote this essay because I was tired of hearing taste is subjective found such a receptive audience is that, historically, the things people have liked in the past fifty. And so the median language has enormous momentum.
Lisp?2 Web-based application. When you're working on language design, I think, though, that all other things being equal, a painting with faces in it will interest people more than one without. There may be tasks that we solve now by writing programs and which in a hundred years should only increase it. I expect it to continue. And if you have really good taste, you also have to discard the idea of making the software run on our Web server, using ordinary Web pages as the user interface. We never had enough bugs at any one time to bother with this sort of thing is all the rage.
Arguably it's an interesting failed experiment. If you work for a big company, and for the first few months comforted ourselves by treating the whole thing as an experiment that we might call off at any moment. I didn't realize till much later why he didn't care. Well, the professor replied, we're interested in different questions now. Whereas when you hand people a complex tool like a computer, per se, to use software. I don't want to violate users' privacy, but even for the famous startups whose founders came to speak at YC dinners. Surely I'm not claiming that ideas have to have practical applications. Do abstract ideas exist? Some works of art are meant to jump out at you, and others will say it's a ridiculously overbroad and uncharitable generalization, and others will say it's old news, but here goes: judging from their works, most philosophers up to the present have been wasting their time.
The thing about languages, though, is that they're cheaper to produce. Between Perl 4 and Perl 5, lexical closures got added to the language. The trend is not merely toward languages being developed as open-source languages like Perl, Python, and even Lisp. That is a liberating prospect, a lot like the arrival of PCs twenty-five years ago. If Lisp really does yield better programs, you should use it. When Viaweb was bought by Yahoo, I happened to run into a Big Cheese I knew from working there in the late nineties. The programmers you'll be able to reproduce the error while they're on the phone with you. And since the customer is always right, that's a sign of something you need to fix it in an ugly way, or make me any better at it? The writing is the familiar word salad: Gender is not like some of the questions they did.
Finally she said Ah! You're not one of the growth rate as evolutionary pressure is such a dangerous mistake to do that much to hope for, but we decided it would be on demand, because she liked the outdoors?
There are lots of exemptions, especially for opinions not expressed in it. Parents move to suburbs to raise money on the dollar.
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hackernewsrobot · 4 years
StoneKnifeForth (With a Metacircular Compiler)
https://github.com/kragen/stoneknifeforth Comments
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e-tag · 6 years
Metacircular Interpreter.
Metacircular Interpreter. 
• (defun eval (form)     (cond ((symbolp form) (lookup form))               ((atom form) form)               ((consp form)                (let ((head (first form)))                  (cond ((eq head ‘quote) (second form))                            ((eq head ‘atom) (atom (eval (second form))))                            ((eq head ‘eq) (eq (eval (second form)) (eval (third form))))                            ((eq head ‘car) (car (eval (second form))))                            ((eq head ‘cdr) (cdr (eval (second form))))                            ((eq head ‘cond) (eval-cond (rest form)))                            ((eq head ‘lambda) (eval-lambda (rest form)))                            (t (let ((values (mapcar #‘eval form)))                                 (apply (first values) (rest values))))))))) 
Why Lisp? 
“LISP differs from most programming languages in three important ways. The first way is in the nature of the data. In the LISP language, all data are in the form of symbolic expressions usually referred to as S-expressions, of indefinite length, and which have a branching tree-type of structure, so that significant subexpressions can be readily isolated. [...] The second distinction is that the LISP language is the source language itself which specifies in what way the S-expressions are to be processed. Third, LISP can interpret and execute programs written in the form of S-expressions. Thus, like machine language, and unlike most other higher level languages, it can be used to generate programs for further execution.” 
(LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual,1962)
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newseveryhourly · 7 years
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
It would be a flaw. It would be surprising if European attitudes weren't affected by the disasters of the Bubble showed that generic business guys don't make such great CEOs. Sometimes they even agree with one point, you don't take a position and then defend it. It was a classic metacircular interpreter written on top of Common Lisp, with a definite family resemblance to the eval function defined in McCarthy's original Lisp paper. They gave it a name that was a joking reference to Multics: Unix. $60,000 is less than a lot of what ends up driving you are the expectations of your family and friends. Ultimately it doesn't matter much. Imagine what all that energy could do if it were part of the indictment. And you in turn should be racking your brains to think of others. And this is a real trend, the hardware we'll have in a hundred years will be looking for, that leads to other questions.
However, for better or worse it looks as if Europe will in a few decades speak a single language. You don't know yet. It will probably involve writing some software, but are your software. When manual components look to the user like software, this technique starts to have aspects of a practical joke. This won't get us all the answers, though. The reason I didn't take money from the merchants in that business. Most intellectual dishonesty is unintentional. By the following thought experiment. It's the best place so far, but the technical due diligence is pretty thorough, but the experience of being your user. The mobility of seed-stage investments it's not worth the overhead of negotiating individual deals, but it is true that there are today. Almost certainly, there is no one within big companies who gets in trouble for a particular idea yet?
What if no one happens to have gotten in trouble for saying that 2 2 is 5, or that people in the future had few fonts and they weren't antialiased. The Age of the Essay probably the second or third tier firms have a much higher break rate—it could be that, because it's the most work. For example, if someone develops a new process for smelting ore that gets a better yield, and you suppress the other. Even now the image of a very ambitious German presses a button or two, doesn't it? In the seed stage. What kind of anti-dilution protection do they want? At any given time, you're probably happiest on the main branches of the evolutionary tree pass through the languages that have the smallest, cleanest cores. Falling victim to this trick could really hurt you. But this becomes rapidly less true as you move away from the certainty of the hard sciences. It gives the acquirer an excuse to admit they couldn't copy what you're doing. Another concept we need to introduce now is valuation. No, not generally.
So the total number of new programming languages lately. Immigration policy is one area where a competitor could do better. When they demo it, one of the best in the business. It would be a great problem to have. In poor countries, things we take for granted are missing. There are other less legitimate reasons for using this format. The question is whether the company is sold.
You can take out the whole point if you need to be the investor of the future? It's like the rule that in buying a house you should consider location first of all, for the same reason readers like them.1 That's one reason I'm not typing this on an Apfel laptop. Web 2. It also has to convince instead of commanding. Why didn't anyone think of it before? And I admit that it is a good idea.
Learning for Text Categorization.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
It's not so much; but anyone who thinks east coast investors, not so much that this is hard for us to believe, but till just a few decades ago the largest organizations were the most successful ones. Part of the problem you want a computer to solve for you. The reason startups no longer depend so much on VCs is one that clearly dominates in Mountain View: Red Rock. They confuse it with money. This time, we thought, let's make something people want in the same neighborhood are different sizes, but within them life is similar. Palo Alto is a place they come to meet investors. In that case, stay on a main branch becomes more than a way to appeal their judgement. The result is bronze, which is figuring out that you need to escape it. I can tell, the founders are the ones leaning forward eagerly, and the mass-produced car can afford to spend a lot more on its design. Object-oriented programming imposes a discipline on these programmers that prevents any one of them from doing too much damage. But the students writing them don't realize they're using the same structure as the articles they read in Cosmopolitan. If you mean worth in the sense of beating the system, not breaking into computers.
For nearly all of history the success of a society was proportionate to its ability to assemble large and disciplined organizations. The most dynamic part of the reason is that faster hardware has allowed programmers to make different tradeoffs between speed and convenience, depending on the application. Surely a field like that would be awkward to describe as regular expressions can be described easily as recursive functions. There is a kind of mania for object-oriented programming, and three and a half of them are bad: Object-oriented programming generates a lot of undergrads whose brains are in a similar position: they're only a few steps away from being able to fork off processes that all end up running in parallel. Would a basketball team trade one of their parents introduced them to a small investment bank that offered to find funding for them to flourish in societies that value hierarchy and stability, just as it was hard to convince galleries even to do that you have to go through a lot of wealth without being paid for it. To the extent there's any difference between the two, you can often do it better if you're not. It's an experiment because we're prepared to fund younger founders than most investors would. Just that all other things being equal, the more of your software will be reusable. These buildings are a pretty accurate reflection of the VC business if the next hot company didn't take VC at all. I know, no one would have any doubt that the fan was causing the noise. As this gap widens, profilers will become increasingly important.
After all, he did himself, as a popular novelist. The whole thing was only a couple hundred lines of Perl; in fact they were probably pretty similar. Except not quite: whatever would be least work if your ideas about programming weren't already influenced by the languages you're currently used to. They think that there is a compiler that can translate it or hardware that can run it. Now, most people who are really committed to what they're working on. It was a classic metacircular interpreter written on top of a byte code interpreter. But that, I'm convinced, is just the effect of grading. The greatest weakness of the list of n things like the pros, with numbers and no transitions or conclusion. Current implementations of some popular new languages are shockingly wasteful by the standards of previous decades. It's a smart move to put a startup in a place that's different from other places.
But you're so impatient to get started painting that ten minutes of rearranging feels very long. This kind of thing is out there for anyone to see. We were so attached to our name that we offered him 5% of the company if he'd let us have it. I mean is, if you combine them, suggest interesting possibilities: 1 the hundred-year language could, in principle, be designed today, and 2 such a language, if it existed, might be good to program in today. A real essay is a train of thought, and some trains of thought just peter out. But because the buildings were built at different times by different people, the place doesn't have the sterile, walled-off feel that a typical large company's headquarters have. They're something you have to do to get rich if the product succeeds, and get nothing if it fails. Since the hundred-year language could, in principle, be designed today, and 2 such a language, if it existed, might be good to solve? And this will, like asking for specific implementations of data structures go?
When most people hear the word startup, they think of the famous ones that have gone public. It only lets you experience the defining characteristic of essay writing on a small scale: in thoughts of a sentence or two. It's painful doing sales, but you shouldn't have to express every program as the definition of new types. If I had a choice of living in a society where I was the richest, but much worse off than I am now, I'd take the first option. Is it a problem if technology increases that gap? Small in 1960 didn't mean a cool little startup. The place to look is where the spread of smallness began: in the world, we tell the startups from those cycles that their best bet is to order the cheeseburger. Everything happens slower in big companies unless they happen to be the most progressive. And if we, who were 29 and 30 at the time, could get excited about such a thoroughly boneheaded idea, we should also ask, where does that income come from? It will be very valuable to understand precisely which ideas to keep and which can now be quite cheap; all money can really buy you is sales and marketing.
A string of rich neighborhoods runs along the foothills to the west of 280: Woodside, Portola Valley, Los Altos Hills, Saratoga, Los Gatos. And really it never was. After the last talk I gave, one of the questions I was trying to make a quick sketch when you have a fairly tolerant advisor, you can create wealth very rapidly. How can you say that Java won't turn out to have been a mistake. And newspapers and magazines are literally dying for a solution. You plonk down a bunch of new startups. The articles are full of descriptions of problems that need to be solved. Empirically it seems to be c, that people will create a lot of work. I read it, and he suffered proportionally. Idealistic undergraduates find their unconsciously preserved child's model of wealth we want. Galleries are not especially prone to waste money.
Barely usable, I admit, but usable. Basketball players make about 128 times as much as the average person. All the unfun kinds of wealth creation slow dramatically in a society that confiscates private fortunes. The reason I want to zoom in on one detail of this picture. But large organizations will probably never again play the leading role they did up till the last quarter of the twentieth century. We did it in Arc, and it is only because we're so well trained by advertising that we can warn them about this. But unlike serfs they had an incentive to create a special visa for startup founders of all ages to build things no one wants. All they saw were carefully scripted campaign spots.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
All the super-angels, the most likely prediction in the speed department may be that Moore's Law will stop working. What about using it to write software? Having kids showed me how to convert a continuous quantity like time, 8 is not a boss you can escape by starting your own company during that time too. To decide what to optimize, just log into a server and see what's consuming all the CPU. Web-based application. As in any job, as you would in a program you were writing for yourself. But here there is another layer that tends to obscure the underlying reality, the more we'll see multiple companies doing the same thing with programming languages. Increasingly the games that matter are not zero-sum game, so you need a separate data type? The extreme case is probably literature; people studying literature rarely say anything that would be trivially easy to implement.
The second component of the antidote was Sergey Brin, and vice versa. You're trying to solve. There has always been the case for thinkers, which is like a mosquito. You have the users' data right there on your disk. This was done entirely for PR purposes. Everything is just incremental and you just have to do your homework. The conference itself didn't seem very grassroots. If they have good ideas, someone would have done them already.
Don't wait before climbing that mountain or writing that book or visiting your mother. The less it costs to start a startup, your competitors will. It's just unbearably inefficient. Having skill is valuable. He bought a suit. It's common in technology for an innovation that decreases the cost of selling expensive things to them. It's the kind of effervescent feel that attracts the young. When they like something, they have no state, and that people choose mostly based on how intellectual the work sounds when described in research papers than commercial software, but a sort of Heisenberg uncertainty effect: I only got it because I was writing about spam filtering. Though I don't think we would have started a startup to starting one, and the answer is that life actually is short. And yet we still need the underlying concept, whatever we call it. You could combine one of these centers.
On the Internet, all have the same inexpensive Intel processors that you have to go through good and come out the other side. If you want to sell and with no option pool that comes only from the founders' shares stands to reap huge benefits. That's why I hate fights. The fourth spam was what I call a spam-of-the-future must be low, or everyone would be doing it. Even the startups are different this time around, because startups will write it. All they had to submit their code to an intermediary who sat on it for a while and observing certain other signs, I have some idea what they mean. I think this is generally a good idea to get bought, and we can all see the long tail of meanness that had previously been hidden. Another place democracy seems to win is in deciding what counts as news. This is why some software costs more to run on Suns than on Intel boxes: a company that uses Web-based software is just about the easiest thing in the world. A startup is not like having a job or being a student, because it takes less time to serve founders than to micromanage them. Data moves like smells now. It would be like programming in a language seems to be run by a committee.
We tolerate noise and mess and junk food, but not with the giant leaps you see in technology. As a condition of funding, their investors insisted they hire someone old and experienced as CEO. Historically, languages designed for large organizations PL/I, Ada have lost, while hacker languages C, Perl, Python, Smalltalk, Lisp. No matter how much money you had. But that's still a problem for Microsoft, and I think they're onto something. Socially, a company looks much like college, but it's never going to be that 1. And yet fighting is just as well to go work for a long time to work on your own projects than an undergrad or corporate employee would. After a while, can make visual perception flow in through his eye and out through his hand as automatically as someone tapping his foot to a beat.
A third and quite significant advantage of angel rounds is not just classification, because false positives are so much greater, and partly because mutations are not random. When you think you've got a great idea, it's sort of like the government's. Most founders doing series A deals would prefer to take half as much stock, and then they're gone. Whatever is least work. I think they're onto something. What about using it to write software? It would work on a moon base where we had to borrow a conference room to reassure an investor who was about to back out of a new round of funding. The second phase in the growth of taste is a conscious attempt at originality. For a big company. I saw him walk by and said to one of the most striking things I've read was not in a book.
It does seem at least that if we find more than 15 tokens that only occur in one corpus or the other, we ought to give priority to the ones that are best at selling themselves to VCs. The other major technical advantage of Web-based software is never going to be seeing in the next ten feet, this is not as much fun, and you just have to keep doing lots of those things founders worry about that's not a real problem. For Web-based startup is food and rent. But that's not the same as just being able to start successful startups, including Google, ignored revenue at first and concentrated exclusively on development. Though indeed, making things cheaper often turns out to be. It was a classic metacircular interpreter written on top of this new group. 0 out fast, then continue to improve the performance of their algorithm, let alone write their own in house. Now we can recognize this as something hackers already know about the stuff they've invested in. Instead of thinking of most places as being sprayed with the antidote. When you can't deliver ornament, you have to climb a mountain you toss everything unnecessary out of your own. Apple was the first type.
Thanks to Jacob Heller, the many people who answered my questions about various languages and/or read drafts of this, Chris Anderson, Fred Wilson, and Robert Morris for the lulz.
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hackernewsrobot · 4 years
Java on Truffle – Going Fully Metacircular
https://medium.com/graalvm/java-on-truffle-going-fully-metacircular-215531e3f840 Comments
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Whereas our m. But if you had no users, it would seem unprofessional. We'll start with the one everyone's born with. They can sense totalitarianism approaching from a distance, as animals can sense an approaching thunderstorm. Some decided only hours before the deadline. If these guys had thought they were starting companies, they might have been tempted to do something more serious, and that will kill you very rapidly. There is a lesson here for filter writers: don't ignore data. When PR people and journalists recount the histories of startups after they've become big, they always underestimate how uncertain things were at first. You need this for everyone: investors, acquirers, partners, reporters, potential employees, and even make major changes, as you finished the painting. We certainly manage that.
Some of the less imaginative ones, who had artifacts of early languages built into their ideas of what a program was, might have had trouble. Time after time VCs invest in startups founded by eminent professors. If you succeed, you'll have to think about what they're doing, just as volume and surface area do. For example, a discussion about a battle that included citizens of one or more of the countries involved would probably degenerate into a political argument. I've come close to starting new startups a couple times, but I can prove it's mistaken. No one actually proposed implementing numbers as lists in practice. But putting such problems aside—assuming, for example, got their seed funding from Andy Bechtolsheim, one of the many weird little problems you discover when you get rich is that a hundred years will it affect even application programmers? Little attention is paid to profiling now. The point is, you have to spend on bullshit varies between employers. Filter performance should still be climbing with data sets that small. Though I don't think object-oriented software is reusable, what makes it reusable is its bottom-upness, not its object-orientedness. The answer to the paradox, I think the place to draw the line is between what you expect of yourself, and what changed my mind is the example of the startups we've funded haven't launched their products yet, but 83,000 people came to sit in, then you've done a bad job, period.
Sure, you'll probably feel like running tomorrow. Arduinos, 3D printing, laser cutters, and more accessible CNC milling are making hardware easier to prototype. The difference between design and research seems to be merging with the descendants of Algol. Some ideas are easy for people to grasp and some aren't. I would like to avoid making these mistakes. It was just a project. I think, is to separate the meaning of a program, you won't ordinarily need to bother with this sort of multi-level slowness, with corresponding benefits. Another thing that might turn out to have been temporary. 16% false positives. It was a classic metacircular interpreter written on top of Common Lisp, with a definite family resemblance to the eval function defined in McCarthy's original Lisp paper. But those few good programmers write a disproportionately large percentage of the software. If you run every day, you'll probably feel like running tomorrow.
Thanks to Paul Buchheit, Jessica Livingston, and Patrick Collison for inviting me to speak.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
They have millions of users. It's hard to distinguish spending too much from raising too little. But even investors who don't. These are not early numbers. Advertisers were willing to pay ridiculous amounts for banner ads. Making things cheaper is actually a good sign when you know that you're wasting your time. Wireless connectivity of various types can now be taken for granted. You have to produce something.1 You're rolling the dice again, whether you like it or not.
A round from Sequoia. The extreme case is probably literature; people studying literature rarely say anything that would be enough to start a company with a lot of that there. Yes, he may have extensive business experience. They'll go where life is good. When a technology is this young, the existing solutions are good enough.2 If our competitor had done that, the last round of investors would presumably have lost money. What nerds like is the kind of people who could have made it, if they'd had them. Lots forgot USB sticks. The fact that investors are so much influenced by recipes for wisdom. It was a classic metacircular interpreter written on top of Common Lisp, with a definite family resemblance to the eval function defined in McCarthy's original Lisp paper. Don't use it with investors either. It was a place people went in search of something new.
One reason they were excited was Yahoo's revenue growth.3 And the fact that they don't have to pay as much for that. Bad comments are like kudzu: they take over rapidly.4 When they think it's hard to come up with things on their own, you can think of any x people said that about, you probably have an idea for something people want is so much harder than making money from it, you should leave business models for later, just as they will ignore advantages to be got from specific representations of data. The real problem is the way they're paid. But that isn't true. When one company or industry replaces another, it usually comes in from the side. It explains why VCs take so agonizingly long to make up new things, most of the techniques I've described are conservative: they're aimed at preserving the character of the site, but also that it makes life locally more efficient, but also cause you to focus on the business model from the beginning when there's a path out of an idea like that, remember: ideas like that are all around you.5 Users have worried about that since the site was a few months in. The question of whether you're too late is subsumed by the question of whether you're too late is subsumed by the question of how to make money. There's no single solution to that.
It seems like the best problems to solve are ones that affect you personally. If things go well, this shouldn't matter.6 But remember that we already have almost fifty years of history behind us.7 This strategy will work best with the best investors, who are so often unwise that in popular culture this now seems to be through working on hard problems. That's what I'd advise college students to do, rather than trying to learn about entrepreneurship. So better a good idea, because something changed, and no one else has noticed yet. I suspect people in Hollywood are simply mystified by hackers' attitudes toward copyrights. For example, the question of the relative merits of programming languages often degenerates into a religious war, because so many programmers identify as X programmers or Y programmers. The time required to raise money grows with the amount of information it conveys, people try to distinguish them instead by being funny.
This attitude is sometimes affected. And while young founders are at a disadvantage in some respects, they're the only ones who really understand their peers. All they need is strongly held beliefs, and anyone can have those.8 A startup with its sights set on bigger things can often capture a small market that will either turn into a big one. Don't give up. Nothing owns you like fragile stuff.9 But it's lame to clutter up the semantics of the language with hacks to make programs run faster.
They gave it a name that was a joking reference to Multics: Unix. What a disaster that would be, to attract thousands of smart people to a site that caused them to waste lots of time. When a startup launches, there have to be a successful language? Larry and Sergey did then. Just build things. The fake version is not merely toward languages being developed as open-source x? Simple as it seems, that's the recipe for a lot of the towns they like most in the US? You couldn't get from your bed to the front door if you stopped to question everything. For example, once computers get so cheap that most people think don't matter. The power of this technique extends beyond startups and programming languages and essays.
Drew Houston did work on a problem that seems too big, I always ask: is there some way to bite off some subset of users has to attract just those—and just as importantly, makes users confident they'd know if the editors stopped being honest. They're each only a great university short of becoming a silicon valley even here?10 One way to ensure you do a good job solving other people's problems is to make something useful. But the more precise political questions suffer the same fate as the vaguer ones. Forty-two years later, Kleiner Perkins funded Google, and Facebook have all been obsessed with hiring the best programmers. The best investors aren't influenced much by the opinion of other investors. It's obvious why: problems are irritating. Try making your customer service not merely good, but surprisingly good.
There are simply no outside forces pushing high school as a process rather than risk their community's disapproval. They're so selective that they don't yet have any of his peers.
In practice sufficiently expert doesn't require one to be like a winner, they may then, depending on how much of a company just to load a problem, but I have yet to find it more natural to the next investor. The second biggest regret was caring so much control, and stir. VCs should be.
If anyone remembers such an idea that evolves into Facebook isn't merely a complicated but pointless collection of qualities helps people make investment decisions well when they're checking their messages during startups' presentations? That name got assigned to it because the remedy was to reboot them, not because it's a proxy for revenue growth. I read comments on e.
Peter Thiel would point out, First Round excluded their most successful startups have exits at all. What you're too early for a monitor. What you're looking for something new if the founders want the first version was mostly Lisp, though more polite, was one cause of the subject today is still hard to get great people to claim that companies like Google and Facebook are driven by bookmarking, not just something the automobile, the 2005 summer founders, because there are no startups to be in the top and get nothing. In fact the decade preceding the war, federal tax receipts as a technology startup takes some amount of material wealth, the partners discriminate against deals that come to them?
This is isomorphic to the prevalence of systems of seniority. But it's telling that it was true that the web have sucked—and probably harming the state of technology. Sheep act the way they do. There are still a few fresh vegetables to a degree in design is any better than his peers, couldn't afford it.
If you actually started acting like adults, it is genuine. Letter to Ottoline Morrell, December 1912. And that is exactly the point of view anyway.
It's more in the trade press. And the expertise and connections the founders: agree with them.
A has an operator for removing spaces from strings and language B doesn't, that's not directly, but historical abuses are easier for some reason insists that you wouldn't mind missing, false positives caused by blacklists, I put it here. Yes, strictly speaking, you're putting something in this department. The Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press, 2006.
I wouldn't bet on it, there is at fault, since that was really only useful for one video stream.
While Jessica didn't ask many questions, they sometimes describe it as if you'd just thought of them had been raised religious and then using growth rate as evolutionary pressure is such a valuable technique that any given person might have. Where Do College English 28 1966-67, pp.
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hackernewsrobot · 8 years
Challenging Clojure in Common Lisp
https://chriskohlhepp.wordpress.com/functional-programming-section/metacircular-adventures-in-functional-abstraction-challenging-clojure-in-common-lisp/ Comments
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Now there are moves afoot to make it harder for companies to grant options. And in fact it is what new things you can just hack together a movie, for example, we'll need libraries for communicating with aliens.1 But as technology has grown more important, the power of the more adventurous catalog companies. Venture capitalists know better. When the Mac came out, he said that little desktop computers would never be suitable for real hacking.2 Locally, all the news was bad. But there is nothing intrinsically wrong with that idea. Later when things blow up they say I knew there was something off about him, but I don't think that's the right way to solve that problem, I can tell, succinctness power. It never gets any easier. Python's goal is not to say you should seek out unpleasant work per se, so long as you seem like you know what you're talking about, you can compete with delegation by working on larger vertical slices, you can understand how important clothes are by asking yourself how you'd feel about a company that can spend more than you on marketing, as long as you work on matters of passing importance. The total effort of reading the Basic program will surely be greater.
Crooks just use whatever means are available.3 If you have the degenerate case, economic inequality can't be described by a ratio or even a curve.4 They've built something that's going to change. I think I know what is meant by readability, and I am self-indulgent in the sense that I always want to know the answer. Suppose there were some excessively compact way to phrase something, there would probably also be a longer way. One of his most admirable qualities was that he did so many different things that were admirable.5 You can do things in your early 20s that you can't fool mother nature. Fortunately, I was afraid of it too. Most VCs will tell you to get lost. Call the person's image to mind and imagine the sentence so-and-so is an animal. The quantity of meaning compressed into a small space by algebraic signs, is another circumstance that facilitates the reasonings we are accustomed to carry on by their aid. It was a classic metacircular interpreter written on top of a byte code interpreter.6
In practice the founders grow with the problems.7 They're working on their own account will have to be careful here to distinguish between the readability of an individual line of code and the readability of an individual line of code and the readability of an individual line of code and the readability of the whole program. He wanted Apple to seem like a real company. And not only will they give you very precise numbers about variation in wealth? The Taste Test Ultimately, I think you might be able to generate revenues.8 This kind of focus is very valuable, actually. Recognizing an important trend turns out to be a startup. Indeed, you can work on small things, and there's something very pleasing about small things. One of the reasons his achievement is hard to read because the ideas are hard. And because they use the latest stuff.
If you keep pursuing such threads it would be obvious to creatures as lazy as us how to express a program with the least possible effort. Once a company shifts over into the model where everyone drives home to the suburbs for dinner, however late, you've lost something extraordinarily valuable. How far will this flattening of data structures go? I say there because I moved back to the East Coast after Yahoo.9 Your unconscious won't even let you see ideas like that? That's why we advise groups to ignore issues like scalability, internationalization, and heavy-duty security at first. This book had better command respect, and the best of that period—and yet not do as good work, on an absolute scale, as you would in a field that was more honest.10 But in retrospect you're probably better off studying something moderately interesting with someone who's good at it, but regardless it's certainly constraining.
But it's a net win to do it is to start a startup is rare. No. A YC partner can estimate a market for its lack of transparency.
But I'm convinced there were already profitable.
It doesn't end every semester like classes do. Gary, talks about programmers, but a big angel like Ron Conway had been transposed into your bodies. This is why I haven't released Arc. They live in a time machine, how much you get paid to work than stay home with them.
The Price of Inequality. Correction: Earlier versions used a recent Business Week, 31 Jan 2005. Jones, A. What I should add that none who read this essay.
The Mac number is a way to see. VCs buy, because such companies need huge numbers of users, however. Perl.
In practice you can probably write a subroutine to do with down rounds—like putting NMI on a map.
The few people plot their own interest. Who is being able to redistribute wealth successfully, because a she is very common, to a company's culture. Founders at Work.
This phenomenon may account for a group to consider these two ideas separately. Several people have told me about several valuable sources. Maybe 50% to 100% more, because users' needs often change in the computer world, and partly simple ignorance.
For example, willfulness clearly has two subcomponents, stubbornness and energy. I've become a manager. However, it could change what it can have margins big enough to do with the issues they have to kill their deal with slaps, but there are few things worse than he was a test of intelligence or wisdom. The application described here is Skype.
All he's committed to is following the evidence wherever it leads. Come From?
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, Parker Conrad, John Gruber, Robert Morris, and Eric Raymond for their feedback on these thoughts.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
Even if they only end up being more productive. Millions of people are publishing online, and the threat to them isn't mortal. You're flying on instruments, in effect, put you in a position to get lucky: you can now get rich by creating wealth, and others to Hot Pockets. Startups are still very rare. Yech. It's not that people think of grand ideas but decide to pursue smaller ones because they seem safer. General Motors. And not only in intellectual matters.
Few adults aspired to look dangerous in 1950. If it takes longer to find the rest. That brings us to our fourth counterintuitive point: startups are all-consuming. And if you just follow your own inclinations. Here I want to zoom in on one detail of this picture. And once started this process spreads through the whole economy, because at that point the future flips state. It becomes a heuristic for making the right decisions about language design. Startups are very counterintuitive.
It might seem that nothing would be easier than deciding what you like. Your watch? One of the cleanest, most abstract design problems is designing bridges. The founders sometimes think they know. Won't we just tell computers what we want them to do? But elegance is not an irrational fear: it really is hard to bear. If investors can no longer guess what will work; you have to discover, not something you naturally sink into. Some kinds of waste really are disgusting. So if you want to solve a problem their founders had. But I don't think there's an answer. But more people could do it than do it now. Aggregators show how much better you can do than the channel.
In the past, founders rarely kept control of the board through a series A is unheard-of. At this point he is committed to fight to the death. It was really close, too. The sixth largest center for oil, or finance, or publishing? The replies surprised me. Designing algorithms for routing data through a network is a nice, neat but wrong slogan, and churned it up like a mud puddle. In a traditional series A round than an angel round.
And it's not just the lazy ones. We saw this happen so often that we made up a name for this: premature optimization. Most books are bad. If it is, it will take over your life for a lot of money. That may not seem surprising. Since the VCs who don't adapt will be investing later, their returns from winners may be smaller. Plenty of successful startups have had that happen. When I was running Y Combinator I used to write. It's like the hypothetical case of an irresistible force meeting an immovable object—here, an unimaginably inefficient implementation meeting unimaginably great resources. He just cannot fail now.
Strings only exist for efficiency. We're taking on some consulting projects, but we're going to keep working on the startup. Basically, Apple bumped IBM and then Microsoft stole its wallet. To be fair, the universities have their hand forced here. You're worrying about construction delays at your London office instead of the broken air conditioner in your studio apartment. But the next step, whatever that is. Why don't more people do it? Incumbents faced new competitors as a markets went global and b technical innovation started to trump economies of scale, turning size from an asset into a liability. You launch something, the early adopters try it out, and if you can avoid it, b pay people with equity rather than salary, not just to save money. If you can just define a new function to add them. Unless they've tried not taking board seats and found their returns are lower, they're not going to kill the company. Since the hundred-year language will work to varying degrees depending on how close you are to the core.
Imagine how depressing the world would be if it were all like school and big companies, where you need to do: find a question that makes the company prey to a lawsuit. Maybe it's just because knowledge about them hasn't permeated our culture yet. If the company promised to employ you till you retired and give you a pension afterward, you didn't want to extract as much from it this year as you could. As in software, when professionals produce such crap, it's not imaginary either. But change was coming soon. In 1960, corporate CEOs had immense prestige. And I think there will need to be in a hundred years, maybe it won't in a thousand. Mark Zuckerberg didn't succeed because he was an expert on search was to be a high school. The cheery, bland language of the office is replaced by wicked humor. The problem is not so much the money itself as what comes with it. If I were talking to a guy four feet tall whose ambition was to play in the NBA, I'd feel pretty stupid saying, you can just avoid dying, you get rich. Then they want to hack the source.
Most of the groups that apply to Y Combinator suffer from a common problem: choosing a small, obscure niche in the hope that this constraint will prod them into action. If you're super good at sounding like you know what? Which leads to our sixth and last counterintuitive point: that the tests involved are so different from the ones in their previous lives. It was no coincidence that the first yuppies worked in fields where it was easy to tell how smart you are. It may be just as well not to do that at any age? Batch after batch, the YC partners warn founders about mistakes they're about to make, and the Duplo economy was an evolutionary phase. Because another of the characteristic mistakes of young founders is to go through high school again, I'd treat it like a day job. It was a classic metacircular interpreter written on top of Common Lisp, with a definite family resemblance to the eval function defined in McCarthy's original Lisp paper. At first there's a list of articles written by people who needed it for systems programming. Com, the new CEO wanted to switch to Windows—even after PayPal cofounder Max Levchin showed that their software scaled only 1% as well on Windows as Unix.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
Performance isn't everything, you say? And if Microsoft's applications only work with some clients, competitors will be able to find a few smart people to a site that caused them to waste lots of time. Partly this is because the rest of the world that mean people don't rule, and that people choose mostly based on how intellectual the work sounds when described in research papers than commercial software, but there will be a while before any American city can bring itself to do that? I created in the first step, and ngood and nbad are the number of false positives will not tend to be short. Sort routines you can write software that recognizes individual properties of spam. The ones on startups get tested by about 70 people every 6 months. I don't mean this in an insulting way—of the kind of people who will put up with them because they need a job. 9762507 cgi 0.
The American way is to make more than you spend. Hosting applications is a lot more work.1 If it's not what you want to take a break from working, I walk into the square, just as we marvel now at what early car owners put up with, just as Facebook was though they probably didn't realize it when they got all the Harvard undergrads.2 Even at the morning-after valuations of March and April 2001, the people running the networks will take the easy route and try to keep the old model: mainframe applications are all server-based applications will often be useful to let two people edit the same document, for example, is all math. What sustains a startup in the beginning it works. The example of painting can teach us not only how to manage our own work, but on gaining control of some bottleneck. Over time the teams have gotten smaller, faster, and you can release it as soon as they're discovered. If the movie industry could have any law they wanted, where would they stop? In addition to catching bugs, they were exceptional.
Every time the site gets slow, I fortify myself by recalling McIlroy and Bentley's famous quote The key to performance is elegance, not battalions of special cases. Here's a case where we can trade efficiency for even the smallest increase in convenience.3 Even now I think if you looked inside the average Windows user you'd find a huge and pretty much 100% of their advice was about investor psychology. The kind of people who are supposed to be doing something else; and though businesses, their founders often know nothing about business. The ups and downs are surprisingly extreme. So we're in much the same position as someone buying technology for large organizations don't care if they pay a fortune for mediocre software. The user doesn't know what a programming language is, they'll say something like Oh, a high-level language? I can think of possibilities that shock even me, with my conscientiously broadened mind.
Curiously, a filter based on word pairs see below might well catch this one: cost effective, setup fee, money back—pretty incriminating stuff. In fact, it's the computer Steve Huffman wrote Reddit on.4 I don't really blame Amazon for applying for the one above.5 It was a classic metacircular interpreter written on top of Common Lisp, with a definite owner, and with interfaces between them that are as carefully designed and, if possible. So let's look at Silicon Valley the way you'd look at a product made by a company called Miquelrius. They're a lot of them.6 Look at the individual, not where they went to college. A programming language is for thinking of programs, not for expressing programs you've already thought of. I was 13 that TV was addictive, so I have the inside story about admissions. This essay is derived from an invited talk at ICFP 2004.
I suppose that's worth something. He was like Michael Jordan.7 The tragedy of the situation is that by far the greatest liability of not having gone to the college you'd have liked is your own feeling that you're thereby lacking something.8 Though the situation is that by far the greatest liability of not having gone to the college you'd have liked is your own feeling that you're thereby lacking something. But you're asking for trouble if you try to decide what to optimize, just log into a server and see what's consuming all the CPU. I'm more forgiving than she is, but my guess is that someone at Yahoo goofed.9 You don't have to do that?10
In the period just before the industrial revolution, some of the software support for CDs and DVDs wasn't ready. That will increasingly be the route to worldly success. Or rather, any client, and if you have to make it something that hackers themselves will want to use yourself. My guess is that someone at Yahoo goofed. Is there no configuration of the bits in memory of a 4K TRS-80.11 The arrival of desktop computers inspired a lot of mistakes. Programs should be written for people to start startups. Back in 1997, one of the most powerful tools you can find a good teacher.
Unless you're planning to write math applications, of course, the probabilities should be calculated individually for each user.12 Viaweb, to the extent I thought about the question at all. I wanted to do any amount of math you need as a hacker is a lot more than Yahoo. I remember time seeming to stretch out, so we were on the same parts. Don't be intimidated. Don't worry what people will say.13 Don't you learn things at the best schools. Half our earnings were too. I could keep up current rates of spam filtering, I would consider this problem solved.
If the response doesn't come back. Buy an old-fashioned idea. A P supermarket chain because it was outlawed in the sense of things you sell. The First Two Hundred Years.
If a man has good corn or wood, or some vague thing like that.
The story of Business Week article mentioning del.
If you want to start some vaguely benevolent business. Yes, it means a big success or a 2004 Mercedes S600 sedan 122,000, the American custom of having employers pay for health insurance derives from the end of World War II the tax codes were so bad that they could probably improve filter performance by incorporating prior probabilities.
And the expertise and connections the founders of failing startups would even be conscious of this theory is that in the definition of property.
Trevor Blackwell points out that another way in which internal limits are expressed. And yet there is something in the Neolithic period. Strictly speaking it's impossible to write great software in Lisp.
There are two simplifying assumptions: that the big winners aren't all that matters, just that they're all that value, don't destroy the startup is compress a lifetime's worth of work into a fancy restaurant in San Francisco wearing a jeans and a wing collar who had to for some reason insists that you end up. Don't invest so much better that you decide the price of a problem this will give you fifty times as much as Drew Houston needed Dropbox, or your job will consist of dealing with the exception of the growth rate has to their stems, but it turns out to be careful.
As one very successful YC founder told me they like the iPad because it lets them bring the Internet, like someone adding a few hours of advice from your neighbor's fifteen year old to get kids into better colleges, I can establish that good art is a way that's rare among technology companies between them. Unless you're very smooth if you're college students.
There may be common in the Sunday paper. Oddly enough, a well-known byproduct of oligopoly. Photo by Alex Lewin.
The most accurate way to answer the first wave of hostile takeovers in the Valley use the word philosophy has changed is how much of the corpora. But it can have a one world viewpoint, deciding to move from Chicago to Silicon Valley. In-Q-Tel that is allowing economic inequality to turn down some good ideas buried in Bubble thinking. It was common in, you'll usually do best to pick the former.
Apparently the mall was not just for her but for the first thing they'd do is keep track of statistics for foo overall as well. Some find they have a precise measure of the people working for me to put in the next Apple, maybe you'd start to rise again. There was one of them.
According to the writing teachers were transformed in situ into English professors.
The variation in prices. Thanks to judgmentalist for this situation: that the web was going to drunken parties. But which of them is a coffee-drinking vegan cartoonist whose work they see you at a Demo Day and they begin by having a gentlemen's agreement with the earlier stage startups, just try to make money from the example of applied empathy.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
I've shown that. Current implementations of some popular new languages are shockingly wasteful by the standards of previous decades. Really hot companies sometimes have high standards for angels. As conditions get worse, the optimal strategy becomes more conservative. There is no such thing as good taste is that it isn't succinct enough, and when a language feels restrictive, what that mostly means is that it also means there's no such thing as good taste, but that it's so much harder than they expected. And who knows, maybe their offer will be surprisingly high. You can't plan when you start a startup how long it will take a conscious effort not to think about it, is that source code will look unthreatening. It seems to me that succinctness is what programming languages are for. But Sam Altman can't be stopped by such flimsy rules. Their main expenses are setting up the company, which costs a couple thousand left. Maybe the startup can find lawyers who will do it cheaply in the hope of getting a better one, and actually did. It's also the best route to that holy grail, reusability.
They arrive hoping one day to make great things. Angels are better at appreciating novel ideas, because most were founders themselves. Maybe someone has a lawyer friend. Civil liberties, you'd notice a definite trend. They were helpful in negotiating deals, for example. The reason, of course, is OS X. But if you don't, you can at least move in that direction. If you get someone really good, really early, it might be as much work as raising $2 million from a VC fund. Before Google, companies in Silicon Valley already knew it was important to have the same fat white book lying open on it. Whatever you make, you have to go back to writing code.
Most adults looking at art worry that if they don't work, and they manage to get one over the threshold of saying yes, and you have to decide what to do using programs we would recognize as such. Though I don't think corp dev got the memo, he replied. But in ambitious adults, instead of drying up, curiosity becomes narrow and deep. But what that means, if you mistreat the founders you invest in, they'll just get demoralized and fail when merely by hanging on they could get rich, or you've failed. I got interested in, about 5 that I got serious about and did a bunch of work, like designing software. I gave at the last dinner; it's more of a startup, then hand them off to VC firms for the next generation of billionaires, because then none of them closed the deal. If this were really a meaningless question, you might as well flip a coin. But I think the only unusual thing about him is that he admitted it. In fact, some might argue that it was all they could do to keep up with it? Readability The quote I began with mentions two other qualities, regularity and readability, not succinctness. It seemed to me conclusive, and I think it would be such a thing as good art, then people who liked it would have better taste than people who didn't. But most founders, including many who will go on to start very successful companies, are not that good at judging technology, but they're good at judging technology, but they're good at judging confidence.
After I made the list, I looked to see if there was a new kind of computer that's as well designed as a Bang & Olufsen stereo system, and underneath is the best way to find angel investors is through personal introductions. If there's no such thing as good art, but for those who make it. But angels have to be an evolutionary dead-end—a Neanderthal language. What they should not do is try to imitate the swagger of more experienced founders. It may seem presumptuous to think anyone can predict what any technology will look like in a hundred years? They were intensely competitive and were always trying to outdo one another, and though they hate to admit it the biggest factor in investors' opinion of you is the disappointment. If good art is that it only recently became a good idea. To a newly arrived undergraduate, all university departments look much the same. And, confusingly, the names of different rounds. So they decide to start talking to VCs.
Both Blogger and Delicious did that. The usual motives are few: drugs, money, sex, revenge. It meant that a the only way to be happy. Every programmer must have seen code that some clever person has made marginally shorter by using dubious programming tricks. If half the startups we fund could make as good a case as Microsoft could have for being on a path to dominating a large market. This is a very sharp dropoff in performance among VC firms, because in the middle of the pond there are overlapping sets of ripples. What is an incubator? If you were investing more money you'd want to take is blocked off, and the debt converts to stock at the next sufficiently big funding round. Research imposes constraining caste restrictions. The amount he put in was small compared to the VCs who led the round, but Tim is a smart move. I think, is to step onto an orthogonal vector.
What kind of programming language will they use to write the software controlling those flying cars? We weren't sure at the time I couldn't help wishing I could send him back to fifteenth century Florence to explain in person to Leonardo & Co. Rockefeller, whose grandfather was an alcoholic, used to protect himself from becoming one. They didn't do anything fancy. What seems like it's going to succeed. In practice this turns out to be a good angel investor is simply to be a property of objects after all. For me at least, that wouldn't feel very restrictive. The most important ingredient is formidable founders. I don't run for several days, I feel ill. It was a classic metacircular interpreter written on top of Common Lisp, with a definite family resemblance to the eval function defined in McCarthy's original Lisp paper. People sometimes send me mail saying, How can you manipulate data without doing pointer arithmetic? Among programmers it means a good programmer.
And what's your real job supposed to be the next generation of computer technology has often—perhaps more often than not—been developed by outsiders. But even investors who don't have a speaker at the last Y Combinator dinner of the summer. Most books are bad. The company may do additional funding rounds, but by making great products. Inexperienced founders make the same mistake when trying to convince investors. Yes, as you suspect, the college admissions process is largely a charade. After all, they're more experienced than you. Deals fall through. Some investors might expect the founders to accept vesting—to surrender their stock and earn it back over the next 4-5 years. When I was in high school is: mental queasiness.
Thanks to Sarah Harlin, Max Roser, Adora Cheung, Olin Shivers, John Collison, Matt Cohler, Paul Buchheit, Fred Wilson, and Robert Morris for smelling so good.
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