#metal nut
jefkphotography · 7 months
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A close up photo of a metal nut.
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bigchump1994 · 1 year
You read about Ty Cobb and hear he was a total dickhead on the field and you're like "Alright, how much of that is him being a competitor and how much is just genuine assholishness." And then you see pictures like this
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mrdr4fun · 7 months
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Bro has too much free time
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flowerakatsuka · 30 days
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i'm painted in colors here and there and you, too, are painted in colors everywhere
i'd like to personally thank @brofightiscancelled & @awittlebabbyboy for giving us the most glorious yanaichi feast they've been giving us with their postgrad plan au, ( also for just giving us the au in general, it's so freaking interesting and i love so much about it oh my god?? )
anyways, fellas, is it gay to happily wear the color you associate with your totally platonic roommate?
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rapidhighway · 1 year
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brand new clothes
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silkythewriter · 1 year
*jumps through wall* Hello Metal Family Dee and any others with a S/O who basically is the queen of crows cause I’m gonna tame the crows around my house and I must know. Thanks you and I must tend to these unrelated wounds. *jumps through the wall to leave another hole*
//Author note ( ̄▽ ̄): AHHHH it feels so good to write again this request was a nice starter thank you for the ask I absolutely loved this one! And I love crows too their just adorable❤️❤️❤️\(^ヮ^)/ enjoy!! ;3//
Queen of the Crow’s
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You jumped down the stairs of school while humming a small tune. The sun shined bright whilst it set, you shielded you’re eyes with hand and squinted a bit. You heard Dee’s heavy shoes thump on the stairs behind you as he placed a hand on your shoulder. “You alright?” He asked while watching you nod as you chuckled while continuing to walk. “Say where’s your brother? Doesn’t he stand out here for you?” You asked looking around for the redheaded boy in question. “Yea.” Dee scoffed while pinching the bridge of his nose and shutting his eyes while shaking his head “god knows what he’s probably up to, i should go find him before my parents drag me about losing him” he said with a heavy sigh. You laughed at his stress while he glared at you, “oh cmon it’s at least a BIT funny” you said while smiling. “Yea sure” he said as he punched your shoulder softly, a soft smile appeared on his face which he tried to hide but failed terribly as you already witnessed the adorable action. But you decided, for his sake to hide that fact. And instead focus on walking to your destination, “mind if i crash at your place for night?” You asked as you turned your head back to him. “At this point you live at my house so might as well not even ask” he said grunting in fake annoyance one which you saw right through.
Screaming was heard a few miles away, which made you and Dee simultaneously turn your heads to face what could be causing such screeching. After finding out what the source was Dee panicked in embarrassment as his brother came racing over to him, which caused you to chuckle at the brothers. “Heavy quite down! You causing a scene” Dee said in a hushed but angry voice which made heavy nod quickly before quieting down. Once he glanced over to you making his eyes light up “Hi Y/n!!” He said with a grin as he rushed over to you and wrapping his small arms around your waist little over your hips as he buried his head in your stomach. “Hey my strong guy!” You said as you laughed and ruffled his hair making him laugh in response as he let go of you and grasped your arm stoping you from ruffling his hair any longer “Stop!” He said laughing as he playfully pushed your hand back towards you. “Alright, alright!” You chuckled holding your hands up slightly, Dee only looked at his brother with glaring eyes before he began to move again, causing heavy to sprint towards him and you to walk behind him. “Y/n!” Heavy yelled put to you causing you to hum in acknowledgment, “can you do that thing with crows? You know the one you showed me last time!” He said causing Dee to turn his head to his little brother taking interest before looking at you in confusion. “What crow thing? Y/n CANT do a crow thing?” Dee huffed, hating the fact he was the only one left out of such detail. You only chuckled awkwardly “Nah, Dee probably just wants to go home, he’ll probably think it’s stupid” you said as you looked a Dee with a soft smile “wha- no- I mean, I wouldn’t mind.. I have time to spare anyway” he said stuttering as he looked away from you while kicking an old can of soda. “Oh alright then!” You said with a grin as you speed walked over to both of them before taking the lead infront of them and leading them to the old grave yard, “what are you doing?” Asked Dee as he watched you carefully, “climbing over the fence, what does it look like I’m doing?” You laughed as you hopped down onto the dead grass, heavy landed closely to you leaving Dee the only one to jump. He only shook his head as he pushed open the unlocked gate and walking through it with ease, making you and heavy stand there as you both let out an “ohhhh” heavy only shrugged “our way was cooler” he said as he walked over to the nearest tree housing hundreds of crows.
“Watch” was all heavy whispered to his brother as you neared the tree making the crows call out as they all flow towards you, many landed on your your out stretched arms as other landed near your feet, one even landed on your head making heavy chuckle “what the..” Dee said as he looked in wonderment at you and your body basically covered with crows, Dee out stretched a finder as you let one on your shoulder step onto it, Dee brought it close as if to inspect it. “How did you..” he said as his words trailed off being left speechless “they really like me I guess” you said with a laugh causing the crowd around you to squawk as almost in a mimic type way. “Your like their crow queen” stated heavy as he walked over with cupped hands making another crown hop off your head and land into his hands “yea!” You chuckled making Dee shake his head “you like my lil trick?” You asked dee as you let your eyes wonder to him making him nod in amazement
“it’s true you are just like their crow queen..”
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ghostsprobably · 4 months
While I know this will never happen, I can’t help but imagine that because the wizards of the black circle can’t be harmed through direct magical spells, one of the winx just comes into a fight with like, a shotgun.
my knee jerk reaction was musa but i feel like stella would really have fun with this
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autistickaitovocaloid · 9 months
big fan of this noise idk why
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 9 months
Penny asks " now that i am meat person i have to ask. Why is everyone hot?
Ruby: Do you mean, like, warm?
Penny: Oh, no, I understand why everyone feels warm. I was using the Common Term for Physically Attractive.
Ruby: Could you give some more details?
Penny: ... When I am around the others, especially our group, I cannot help but sometimes become distracted by their physiques - Yours included.
Penny: You are very 'cute.' You have a soft, round face and small, round lips. Watching them move as you speak is mezmerizing.
Penny: Weiss is entrancing. The softness of her skin, and the generally hardened look on her face reminds of Winter, but in a way I cannot describe the difference of.
Penny: Blake has what many have referred with the portmanteau 'The BellaBooty' which I believe is in reference to it's large, round, and supple shape.
Penny: Yang has many visible muscles in her arms and back. watching her lift heavy things is nice.
Penny: Jaune is broad chested, and also quite strong. And when he becomes sweaty - I cannot take my eyes off of the perspiration as it trails down his body.
Penny: Ren is very lithe, something I have not seen in many men, with pouty lips and a soft countenance. It is enticing in it's uniqueness.
Penny: Nora is what I believe to be called "A Bombshell." Given her strength, personality, choice of weapon, and the rather ... Noticeable body.
Penny: Is that enough?
Ruby: *Blushing* Uhm, Y-yes Penny ... Uh, that's called 'Sexual attraction' and the fact you feel it towards everyone could mean you fit under a few labels, but we can discuss it later if you'd like, I- Uh, I need to think about what you told me for a bit.
Penny: Oh! That makes sense! I will engage in independent study of Sexuality, and allow you to dwell on what my response!
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gaykornography · 9 months
Deez nuuuuts
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barbie-tings · 1 year
I am SO fucking tired of people giggling and laughing over Miguel’s astv backstory and brushing it off as “teehee funny dude adopted random girl, can adopt spider kids too🤭”
Like can we acknowledge the absolute INSANITY that Miguel portrayed??
Like this man witnessed HIS OWN MURDER, hid his OWN BODY and fucking-just stole this dudes entire life!!??? IS THAT NOT CRAZY? He hid a child’s own father’s death from her and assumed his identity, laying in a bed with a woman he does not know, slowly piecing together the personality and history of the man he pretended to be. Did he break into his wife’s phone, obsessively read messages and private notes to determine what type of husband he was? Did he sneak into his daughter’s room, crack open her journal to craft the mask he needed, carefully putting everything back as it was when he was done? Did he practice the flaws and temperament of this human Miguel in the mirror? How did he explain away his fits of rage, his sudden interest flips, his drug addiction? How many times did he gaslight his own fucking family into thinking they forgot to tell him something or that they forgot an aspect of their dad/partner? How many times did his wife and daughter beat themselves up for forgetting a core aspect of a family member because Miguel convinced them that he always wanted this/had this stance/hated that? Miguel’s daughter faded from existence not knowing that her real daddy, the one who helped her take her first steps, who was there at her first soccer game, who loved and cherished her, was rotting in the fucking ground while the man who went through great lengths to hide this from her, who carried her beloved father out into the woods or the river or wherever to lay him to rest in dishonor, held her with teary eyes, knowing he caused this with his own greed.
That’s literal psychotic behavior at it’s FINEST
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silkythewriter · 11 months
Silky,dear... if you don't mind, could you please do a headcannon for Dee with strawberry s/o. She's so cheerful,kind and understanding ❤️ please. I love your blog,And I've admired you for a long time😭✨
❤︎︎“I love everybody because I love you”❤︎︎
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Warnings: might be a bit OOC! Haven’t written about him in awhile I apologize!
Fandom: metal family!
Author note: HIHI!!! OMG TYSM?! UR SO SWEET (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃AHH I LOVE THIS REQUEST TYSM!! please request again this was absolutely AWSOME to make
Summary: Your boyfriend Dee, was one hell of sight, but with you happily walking with a cheerful bounce with him you can imagine the stares you get for the contrast. One doll of a person and then the blond who almost looked straight out of the dead with his dark eyeshadow.
❤️Written by silkythewriter Do not steal or repost on any other platform please! <3.❤️
“I love it when you look my way”
The contrast between you and him is like day and light, and when you both come strolling by weather that be passing by the local convent shop. Or making a quick stop to a store that’s peeked your interest, eyes were bound to wonder. The stares were noticeable, but you guys have gotten use to it, cause your love for him couldn’t be dented by a pair of curious eyes.
Your personality peeked his interest, I mean who could be this kind and caring??, no less to just some normal people who haven’t impacted you in any significant way. It just made him…confused? (-∀-💦)
The way your kind eyes stared at him Tugged at his heart in an alarming (at least to him) way! The blush that spreed across his face the first time you gave him a sliver of kindness was to much for him.
Your cheerfulness always brightened him up especially after tough interactions with glam. Railing up and you being the only one to comfort him back to his collected self. And even if he doesn’t vocalize it he is very much grateful <3.
You make it point to make him feel understand-ed and would never make him feel alienated by his interest un like some un kind people. You let him rant about his newly found obsession or just show off a new skill he learnt.
Even small things like you congratulating him on a good score he got, or maybe for remembering the smallest thing, even commenting on his intelligence. It’s not like his teachers, just thanking him for being the only knowledgeable student, but instead asking more questions to learn more about the topic, and really see how much he knows. And though he doesn’t like being bombarded questions he deems stupid, when it comes to you it makes him like seeing the shock and awed look you give him. Can you blame him? Not only is it adorable but he likes showing off in front of you.
He would rather be dead then admit this but he loves the way you smell like strawberry, he would take this to his grave before admitting this he finds it embarrassing ( =ω= )
Let’s you do his eye shadow only because of how delicate and caring you are with it, you always make sure to take your time so you don’t hurt him little moments like that is what he absolutely adores about you!
I feel like he gets easily flustered by physical touch so whenever your get happy just by seeing him and hug him you can look up and see him red as a strawberry (≧◡≦) ♡
Whenever he goes shopping in the off chance he has some money to spend after he’s done grabbing some clothing he always makes sure to drop by your favorite store. Weather that be a cute accessory story, or a small bakery you might have said you enjoyed, either way he always makes sure he has left over money. So whenever he has a bag filled of random darkly colored clothing only to walk into a store and buy you some pink clips for your hair you can imagine the cashiers surprise. Dee though a bit embarrassed doesn’t care much it’s worth seeing your bright smile at the small item.
Heavy absolutely ADORES you! Literally bouncing off the walls when you come walking in with his brother. He was at first taken a back from how much polar opposite’s you and Dee are but quickly got over it after realizing how sweet you are!.
Heavy definitely teases Dee jokingly before running off after Dee’s had enough you get to sit as you see them bicker you find it amusing but always make sure to help Dee calm down! ( ´͈ ◡ `͈ )
Secretly has the same perfume brand you use and sprays it on his bed or around his room at night because it reminds him of you and comforts him but I didn’t tell you that! (▰˘◡˘▰)💦
He gets jealous easily especially when everyone gets so quickly comfortable with you cause of your inviting personality, he dose poorly to hide this but also hates being called out for it especially by his brother.
But just by you hugging him and saying comforting words makes it all go away, you just know how to make him melt in the best possible way.
But with that all said you basically have him wrapped around your little finger. And though he hates to admit it, he wouldn’t have it any other way <3.
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AH WOW IM RLLY RUSTY (๑•́ω•̀๑)💦 I haven’t made head-canons in a hot minute, so I am so sorry if he’s OOC or their not the best, BUT THANK SM THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE ESPECIALLY FOR MY FIRST HEADCANONS IN AWHILE!! ٩(ᐛ)و
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talos-stims · 1 month
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paracord & hex nut fidget bracelet | source
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pettyoddity · 11 months
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lifeispeechee · 11 months
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KoRn at the Adidas Original x KoRn retail activation (Oct. 26th, 2023)
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instantartific · 19 days
I was tracking through some of the NSR AMA compilations that @/cryptidmads did a while back and
What do you MEAN Neon can canonically take every part of his upper half / outfit off???
... This would be a good opportunity to finally draw what I think Neon's body looks like, showing the individual layers of his outfit...
Neon undress game whe—💥
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