#midoriya Headcannons
miriosright · 2 months
Izuku loves to cuddle with you because although he is super cheerful all the time, he is kind of lonely after he lost his quirk. especially when youre off doing pro hero work while he's at home.
"I'm home, izu!" You yelled, taking off your shoes and placing your bag down. As you walked to your shared bedroom, he opened the door and gave you the biggest hug.
"It feels like you've been gone for so long." He whispered as he kissed your cheek. "Izuku! Im all dirty and sweaty, i don't wanna get you dirty too." You squealed as you smiled, pulling away.
"You've been working all day, let's go to sleep" he murmured as he picked you up and plopped you down on the bed. "I can't go to sleep like this izu." You uttered, looking up at him. "okay, i won't hold you back but I'll be in bed when your done changing." he buzzed, crawling into bed.
As you finished changing, you walked back into the room to see him with his eyes closed and arm wide open. You slipped into his hold and he hugged you tightly, his head on top of yours. "y're so warm. I love you." He whispered. "love you too, izu." you yawned, using your fingers to make circles on his back and digging your head into his neck.
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adabird · 2 months
MHA BOYS - headcannons
how they would ask you out!
(I tried to keep this a GN reader!)
(This following passage may have PROGRESSIVE moments, you are responsible for your own internet consumption!)
If there is anything you would like to request just let me know!
I tried to involve as many guys I could think of! Let me know if you want specific characters, and a theme!
all characters are aged up!
Shinsou Hitoshi-
mmmmm.. Shinsou is definitely the “alone” type of intimacy man. He would definitely be the type of guy that would be your friend first, then be your best friend, then be your boyfriend. Like, he would “follow the books” A. K. A. (Aizawa. Knows. All), he’ll definitely go to his dad for advice. But the main way he would confess to you would be at night, and it would start off like this.. He would call you as you two always do, right before bed. He loves hearing your voice and you randomly yap about the class 1-A drama for that day. Now, the time would be late, most likely 2:30 in the morning. He would most likely wait to hear silence, thinking you were asleep to finally say something. But, you weren’t actually asleep you had just gotten up to go pee, so on your way back you heard him say how you were a beautiful, pretty, and kind soul. Of course you respond dumbfounded, with something like a ‘what’ or ‘huh..’. To break the silence he would ask you to meet up at your ‘usual spot’ which was the roof of the 1-A building. From there, he would end up telling you his feelings, his own feelings started to take over when you took some time to process what he had just said. You, of course end up feeling the same. So that night both Shinsou Hitoshi and Y/N L/N ended up dating!
Denki Kaminari
OKAY! SO, Denki and you would definitely be in the Baku-Squad together, and he would definitely confess to you at a convenience store, in the parking lot. It would happen like this.. You, and the Baku-Squad would be going on a late night trip to the local store. Both you and Mina opted out to sit on the curb in front of the doors to the store and wait for the boys. As you two were chatting Denki, had came out of the store with your favorite snack. He gave Mina a hard stare, almost as if they were speaking but with their eyes? yeah. Denki then proceeded to sit next to you watching, no, admiring you while you munched on your snack. He would accidentally let a ‘you’re so cute’, slip out from his dazed mind. He always felt like he was on overdrive whenever you were around. You gave him that zap! Immediately, a blush crawled up your face. He then started to flirt with you cracking jokes, and making comments on your beauty. After about 10 minutes Katsuki came out of the store grumbling about how ‘stupid’ you two look. Kirishima wouldn’t have been too far behind, and seeing your blushed face, and Denkis close proximity to you, he logically thought he had confessed. So of course he said ‘Wow Kami, i’m glad you finally told Y/N you like her, it was eating you up bro!’ AND MANNNN Denkis face went completely pale. After that when you two were finally alone he gave you a bashful look before telling you his real feelings. Both Denki Kaminari, And Y/N L/N started to date that night..
Tenya Iida
Man. Man. Man. Iida would definitely buy you flowers and chocolates. He would end up going to Midoriya for advice, asking how to ‘losen up’. You both would end up dating like this.. It was directly after school on a sunny day when Iida asked you out. You had just got back to your dorm, and changed into comfortable clothes, as well as set up your desk for the THOUSANDS of papers you have to work on, then you heard a knock on your door. By the time you invite Iida in he would have already given you the chocolates, and flowers. And would be really blunt about his feelings, maybe sounding a little unsure, or confused. ‘Y/N, I think you are super pretty, intelligent, heavy minded, and clear sighted. Would you PLEASE consider being my partner?’ This would end up in wide smiles and a group text to all your friends. Of course, Iida would end up thanking Midoriya that night.
Sero Hanta
my man my man. Sero would probably be sitting in the common room when you end up joining him. You two would definitely be friends, and he always pulls this move whenever you’re on your phone, he’ll wrap his tap around your phone pulling it towards himself. He would absolutely adore your flustered and puffed face when you scowl at him. He would end up confessing like this… After he grabbed your phone you would give him a hard side eye, before jumping over to him landing on his lap fighting, creating a war between the two of you in order to get your phone back. He would push you off (gently not to hurt you) and start to run around with it in his hands. He would go into your texts laughing and making you more mad as you repeatedly told him to ‘give me back my phone’ and ‘don’t go through the messages Hanta’, however that would only egg him on more. He opened your chats and clicked on the newest chats, which was a group of girls. He had been reading the text out loud, obviously too involved in making you mad to even realize what the words even said. The chats were all like ‘God 🙏🙏🙏 why did you make Hanta so hot!’ and things like ‘guys! i’m telling you Hanta Sero is the sexiest man alive’. Once he realizes what they say his mouths turn agape. You only stand there in shock, before silently taking your phone out of his hand, and sulking back to your room. However, you weren’t fast enough. He turned you around telling you that you were even more sexy then he could ever be, and he really likes you. You definitely never saw that coming. That day, Hanta Sero and Y/N L/N officially started to date.
Kirishima Eijiro-
MMM. MMMM. MM. Kirishima is the manliest man around. So, when the both of you started to train together, you relished in amazement at how good you worked together. You started to date like this… After a long day of training together you both hit the showers, after spending about half an hour changing, and setting your hero suit for the cleaners, you came out to see Kiri. Kiri was sat on the bench waiting for you. He seemed to be really nervous and engrossed in his phone when you came up to sit next to him. He was startled and when he noticed it was you, he immediately grabbed his phone placing it to his heart, covering the screen. He ended up turning off his phone with a click and turned his body to completely face you. With shaky hand he rubbed his palms on his shorts before making eye contact. He ended up telling you that you were really good today. And of course, becuase you liked him, you exaggerated how well he did that day. Telling him how cool and strong her was. While you were half way through your rant on how cool he was, he blurted out that he liked you. He said ‘iknowthisissodumbcomino frommebutyoursostongandniceandsmellsogoodwouldyoulleasegooutwirhme’ (I know this sounds dumb coming from me but your so strong and nice and you smell so good would you please go out with me) Of course you said yes, and not because he said you smelled good! But because he was such a sweet teddy bear! That evening, Eijiro Kirishima and Y/N L/N started to date..
Both you, and Izuku would be study buddies. So when he finally decided to confess to you it was on a late Friday evening, and it happened like this… Izuku was a wreck, yes he was always nervous around you but now things are different! You’re next to him with your whole kneecap touching! And he’s decided to tell you he liked you today. He’s been wanting to for a while now, but he always chickens out. Not today. Afters about 15 minutes into your study session, you had just got done working out three problems when Izuku grabbed your hand. Naturally you hadn’t thought of it, solely because he has a habit of playing with your fingers. But when he called your name to gain your attention things became a little different. He was holding his breath as he muttered ‘doyouwanttogetdinnerwithme’ (do you want to get dinner with me). of course only seconds after asking his face was a red as a tomato, but you said yes bashfully with a red haze crawling up your neck. That night, the both of you made a pact that every Friday evening 6:00 pm would be for each other. That night, Izuku Midoriya and Y/N L/N started to date..
Tokoyami Fumikage-
Tokoyami by no means is loud. So when he pulled you into a storage closet on a hectic thursday-school day with something on his mind, you offered him your ear. You started to date like this… Tokoyami pulled you in the armor closet that afternoon after training because he ‘must inform’ you about something. Of course, you obliged and met him in there after the 14 minute sharp invite. Tokoyami was standing there, awkwardly, with dark shadow by his side. He started to say something, something around the lines of ‘s-so I just’ uhm ‘I kind of think’. Before he could keep making a fool of himself, dark shadow stepped to you and told you his feelings ‘Y/N you’re so strong and witty he also likes your style.. would you like to go on a date tomarrow night at 6:30 pm?’ of course! of course you said yes, that night both Tokoyami Fumikage and Y/N L/N began to date.
Shoto Todoroki-
OKAY, SO. Shoto is very monotone, but you had known him before UA so you always seem to pick up on his ‘jokes’ and ‘nice’ comments.. He had started to hang out with Momo a lot recently so everyone had shipped them together, so you never told him your feelings since you wanted him to be happy.. You started to date like this.. It was a rainy afternoon after school had ended. Everyone was in their dorms, or in the common room. You, and Shoto went back to his dorm to hang out, but, right when your arrived he was letting Momo out. You would probably act like it was fine, or want to leave but before you could he called out for you. Begrudgingly, you shuffled your way over to him. Shoto had sat you on his bed after he had asked you to give him a moment. He then went to his closet opening it pulling out a bundle of your favorite flowers. He walked back over to you, placing the flowers in your lap, before fishing a crumpled piece of paper out of his back pocket. Only then did he break the silence with the sound of his clearing throat..’Y/N L/N for the past school year I have wanted to ask you this question, together, Momo and I had been working to form the perfect words for me to say to you.. You are such a strong leader, you are compassionate and sweet, you help out the elderly, and have a good sense of humor. Would you please accompany me to a dinner- date this Friday evening at 6:30?’ You really didn’t know he could speak like that, but you said yes and ended up having such a great time. That night Shoto Todoroki, and Y/N L/N had started to date..
Bakugou Katsuki-
OKAY SO I REALLY HAD TO THINK ABOUT HIM BUT… Just like Todoroki both you and Katsuki had gotten really close from the beginning of the year. With the little advice and a big group push from his friends he asked you out like this..It was a cold saturday, both you and Katsuki had gotten done training, and as promised he would cook you a meal right after. Together, you two walked side by side to the 1-A school building. Unfortunately you had spilled an energy drink onto your coat, so, logically he lended you his. It was big on you but kept you extra warm.. after you had arrive back he had immediately got to cooking a soup, and your favorite hot/cool sandwich. You noticed how both Kiri, Sero, and Denki kept lurking around the kitchen at random moments. before getting all up in Katsukis grill whispering in his ear, no later did it make for him to swat them away with a motion of his hand. Mina had came in shortly after but up to you, and not Katsuki. She was all but giggling and laughing at the thought of you wearing Katsukis sweatshirt after about 10 minutes Katsuki had been done with dinner, ushering Mina out of the kitchen so the two of you could have some privacy. After about 2 minutes into the silence he had told you, you did ‘pretty good’ in training. But before telling you that you should eat dinner together more ‘often’, he had obviously been hinting something to you, but katsuki is, again, a very riddled individual. So after a moment he realized he weren’t catching on he mumbled a little ‘as a date’ before making eye contact. Immediately you broke out into a smile shaking your head agreeing. All of baku-squad ended up busting through the doors yelling and whooping. Mina had told you he had been wanting to ask you out for 4 MONTHS. That date night ended with swollen hearts, and a new couple. Both Katsuki Bakugou, and Y/N L/N had started to date..
Neito Monoma-
Monoma would probably get Kendo’s, and MAYBE (of course) Shinsous help. I mean, after all He did help Shinsou get with his now, S/O.. He asked you out like this.. It was the middle of personal training time when he asked you out. The both of you going against Kendo and Shinsou, you two were hiding in a building creating a plan on what to do. Logically, you brought up a good and solid plan to defeat them, but before you would Monoma ‘MUST inform you of something’ about being his ‘love?’ he proceeded to tell you that ‘You’re very lucky to score a guy like myself, I am of the Higher Class physically and I will be rich one day.. I really think you’re okay.. Okay, maybe magnificent and captivating.. When ever your eyes sparkle and your luscious laugh consumes my brain, I know you’re the one. Would you acompay me to a FANCY dinner with me?’ He really wanted to let you know he was going on the works for you, all to impress you.. when the night came he was dressed really nice in a tux with your favorite flowers in his hand. He had taken you out to a nice place, offering you his arm as you looked at the shops around you. You never realized how tentative to detail he is, but only to you! that day Monoma Neito, and Y/N L/N were dating!
Tamaki Amajiki-
THIS MY BOY THIS MY BOY!!! Tamaki would always be really self conscious about himself whenever you were there. Not because you made fun of him or made him uncomfortable! but because you were just so pretty, and strong, and always knew what to say. Tamaki ended up asking you out by… Planning a special day for the both of you, he took you out to dinner, then to the park, then to the hot coco bar, then to the shops. And only then, at 8:48 on a Friday night had he asked you out.. He started off stuttering, not being able to create a coherent sentence, but after your hand grabbed his it was game over. Tamaki had told you all of his thoughts, and only moments after the two of you shared your first kiss. It was a quick peck, not even for 4 seconds.. But Tamaki loved it. Ever since then the both of you started to date, and kiss, constantly.. #Y/N L/N and Tamaki Amajiki forever
Mirio Togata-
FINALLY, THE WALKING BALL OF LIGHT… Mirio wanted this day to be special.. the two of you had known each other for- well forever.. the group started out as You, Tamaki, and Mirio before meeting Nejire! Mirio asked you out first year after getting into UA, just like this.. After the sports festival you felt a little down after receiving 42th place. However that didn’t change the way your performance was, so you stayed in the hero program. Mirio that night invited you out for ice cream. So, on your way home from school you have stopped at a nearby ice cream shop. After receiving your ice cream, you sat on the bench talking about POSITIVE ways to improve on your strength.. Mirio would end up interrupting you, taking your hand telling you he thought you did good.. Even though you weren’t in the top 20, it didn’t change the fact you were determined to become stronger, and work on your quirk more. Mirio ended his speech he would’ve grabbed your ice cream taking a ‘bite’ of it. You actually ended up telling him how you felt first, telling him that he was really ‘cool and strong himself’ he interrupted you as he realized where the conversation was going, he, of course wanted to be the one to tell you about his feelings first!! So, he quickly rushed out ‘I really like you, please go out with me’ even now, whenever he looks at you, he’s so glad he asked you out..
That day Mirio Togata and
Y/N L/N started to date!
I hope you enjoyed this, I feel like my english has definitely gotten better since I started!
Please!!! Let me know if you have any characters, ideas, or themes you would like me to write about, I’m running out of ideas!!!
Thank you for reading!
#Onie out!
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loveriotss · 1 month
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AQUARIUM DATES WITH HIM ⸻ izuku midoriya + katsuki bakugo + shoto todoroki
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INCLUDES — gn! reader, fluff, crack, headcannons, drabbles, smau WARNINGS — swearing + the picture for the posts don’t depict your gender/race/outfit or anything like that, just the pose!
main masterlist — mha masterlist ༊*·˚
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⌗ izuku midoriya 🐢
he is a big aquarium geek!! he WILL get tons of merch from the gift shop…
taking izuku midoriya to the aquarium was like taking a little kid to one. you sigh to yourself as you watch him zip from tank to tank, his face pressing up against the glass panes as he gasps in awe. “y/n look, it’s a jellyfish! apparently this one can..” and there he goes, rambling off about some facts he read about it. you honestly find it cute that he’s fascinated by everything. “izu let’s go check out the turtles!” you say, grabbing his hand as you drag him towards the exhibit. “look at that one!!” he exclaims happily as he points to one particularly large turtle that seemed to be lazily floating near the glass. the day continued on, each exhibit was wonderful but it wasn't until you two passed the gift shop that his enthusiasm reached a fever peak. "wow, look at that!" he exclaimed excitedly. "do you want to go in?" you asked as you giggled at his happiness to which he nods hurriedly. and finally, one whole hour later you two emerge from the shop, his arms piled high with bags. plush dolphins, keychains shaped like jellyfish, and a tiny replica of the aquarium’s most famous fish swayed with each step he took. "i think you didn't get enough stuff" you teased as the tip of his ears went red. ♡
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⌗ katsuki bakugo 🦈
he thinks all the fish are ugly and weak (except the sharks).
going to the aquarium with katsuki bakugo was a whole ordeal. first you had to beg him to come and now you have to convince him that this is not a waste of time! "come on kats, at least pretend you like it here!" you say as you pull him along by his arm, resulting in him just grumbling more. "look at this stingray! isn't it so cute?” “that shit looks like it got run over by a fatass truck-” “KATSUKI!” you yell as you slapped your palm over his mouth before he could spill out more profanities. you give a weak apologetic smile to the mother nearby who had her hands clasped over her little daughter’s ears. “there are little kids here kats, watch your mouth.” you warn. “whatever. can we go see the sharks already” he mumbles back as he scans the area for the shark sign. your face breaks out into a soft smile as you giggle. “if you wanted to see the sharks that badly you could’ve just said so!” you exclaim before leading him towards the shark tank. at least he thought that this fish wasn’t a piece of shit. ♡
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⌗ shoto todoroki 🦀
he likes the touch tanks.
aquarium dates with shoto todoroki were always quiet and peaceful until he decides to drop a bombshell on you or tell you one of his outrageous theories. you and shoto strolled through the aquarium, fingers interlocked as you two were now standing in front of a tank that held a particular fish with red and white scales. “look sho! this one is red and white, just like your hair!” you say pointing towards it. “do you think this fish also has traumatic family issues-“ “okay shoto that’s enough, let’s go somewhere else” you say hurriedly before taking him to another section of the aquarium. “no way, they have touch tanks!” you exclaim with excitement as you pull him towards the tanks, peering over the glass to look at the small critters. you look over to your side and see shoto, who’s so close to the water that it’s practically touching his face. “you can touch them you know” you say to him as you slowly put both his and your hand in the water, gently caressing the shell of a little red crab. the touch tank had shoto HOOKED and it took you a while to finally get him away from it. ♡ 
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NOTE — just a silly idea that was in my head :3 lmk if y'all want other characters too! (preferably request 3 at a time). i had sm fun making this aaa
©loveriotss — all rights reserved to me. please don’t try to copy/steal my work. please do not use any of my ideas/translate my work without my permission.
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An AU Where...
A recently graduated Midoriya took All Mights' advice and became a police officer working under Detective Tsukauchi. He's massively successful to the point that his co-workers joke he's their station's personal on-call hero.
A reporter misunderstands a statement made by one of his colleagues after his capture of Stain and writes an article about this up and coming hero! Who might just make it to the top 30!
Izuku wants to hide in a box
His station loses their shit. Especially when they jokingly submit his arrest records to the paper, only for another article to be released, arguing that with his statistics, Endeavor should be a rank lower.
Endeavor loses his shit
A page is started to compare Midoriya's ongoing statistics to those of the current ranking pro heros.
Aizawa wonders how he managed to dodge getting this problem child in his class. Little does he know it's because The Principal got there first.
A recently graduated Shoto loses his shit as social media begins to make meme after meme of his father, as the gap between Endeavor's records and this unknown police officer's get smaller and smaller.
AKA the AU where Detective Tsukauchi is a proud father to a baby officer with anxiety issues who can and will fuck you up. Midoriya has the power of Nezu and 4am quirk analysis on his side.
Personal headcanons for this AU:
Tsukauchi is quirkless, he's just that good at reading body language that people assume he has a quirk.
All Might suggested being an officer not because he thought Midoriya couldn't be a hero, but because he knew just how damn successful Tsukauchi is as one.
All Might is the cool uncle who brings the station snacks after his patrol.
Midoriya works with Nezu and Hatsume to make AFO his very own ✨Quirk erasing bullet✨ All Might is gonna retire in peace if it's the last thing he does.
Bakugo went through his redemption arc during his time at UA and doesn't know whether to laugh or cry as his childhood friend inches closer to the 2nd spot on the hero ranks. He ends up laughing because screw Endeavor.
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111001011 · 2 months
i can't stop thinking about timeskip teacher izuku x writer reader
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like you're sitting on the couch, huddled over your laptop, biting on your bottom lip, wondering what you should be writing
you hear the front door open and izuku calls out your name before seeing you on the couch
you close your laptop and put it to the side before walking up to your husband
"were you busy writing again?" he would ask
"only to fill up the time until you came back home" you would say sweetly, focusing on the lapels of his suit and straightening them out
he would pull you into a hug and whispers into your ear "i'll help you with writing if you help me finish grading my papers"
you giggle into his shoulder and nod before both of you go over to the kitchen to start making dinner
also both of you would totally have those tiny notebooks that fit in your pocket (with matching tiny pencils ofc!)
yours would be filled with tiny scratches of writing ideas and prompts, while his would be full of interesting quirks about his students ("they could be a cool background character!!")
omfggggg izuku sensei my love aughhhhhhhhhhh
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lmk if i should write a full fic of this lolllllll
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doumadono · 1 year
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KVITRAVN (viking!Dabi) - act I • act II • act III • act IV • act V • act VI • act VII
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BNHA boys confessing their love - headcanons BNHA boys & gn!reader dressed as them - headcanons Izuku, Katsuki and Shoto & s/o with a heat dizziness Study like Bakugo! - a brief guide to effective study methods Pro hero Dabi - headcanons MHA villains & their Hogwart houses - headcanons Boxer!Bakugo - NSFW headcanons MHA boys & Valentine's Day - headcanons Pro hero Dabi & intern Bakugo - headcanons Deaf!Bakugo & his daughter - headcanons Dabi & an albino girl - headcanons Corrupt cop!Bakugo - NSFW headcanons Bakugo with intermittent explosive disorder - headcanons Step brother!Bakugo - NSFW headcanons Armless!Bakugo - headcanons
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Carrying his child - Dabi x Reader Another round - Dabi x Reader (NSFW) His attention - Dabi x Reader NSFW Alphabet - Bakugo Katsuki NSFW Alphabet - Shoto Todoroki NSFW Alphabet - Endeavor Aftermath of the fight - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader Whispers from the abyss - merman!Dabi x fem!OC The haunting melody - Himiko Toga x Reader Whatever it takes - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader A missed call - Hawks x Reader The rain - Shoto Todoroki x Reader A little gesture - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader A snowstorm - Dabi x Reader A hostage - villain!Hawks x Reader Little kitten - Shoto Todoroki x Reader Christmas Jumpers - KiriBaku Intoxicated - Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi (NSFW) A birthday gift - Dabi x Reader (Dabi's birthday event) Happy birthday - Dabi x Reader (NSFW) (Dabi's birthday event) Heated argument - Dabi x Reader (NSFW) (Dabi's birthday event) Fitting room - Dabi x Reader (NSFW) An absolution - priest!Dabi x Reader (NSFW) Shoto realising he's in love The boss - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader (NSFW) A first tattoo - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader (NSFW) How to earn your orgasm - KiriBaku x Reader (NSFW) (Bakugo's bday event) Little slice of happiness - Bakugo x Reader (Bakugo's bday event) Surrendered to the hero - Bakugo x Reader (Bakugo's bday event) The alleway release - Bakugo x Reader (NSFW) Manhunt - villain!Bakugo x Reader (NSFW) Interrupted gameplay - Shigaraki x Reader (NSFW) Little heroine - villain!Bakugo x Reader (NSFW) Steamy shower - Dabi x Reader (NSFW) Silent Waves, Silent Wounds - Touya Todoroki x Reader Remote desires - Dabi x Reader (NSFW)
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disclaimer: every link painted in hues other than the default is a blatant shout-out to the fics specially crafted for events/challenges hosted by fellow writers
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moominsuki · 1 year
✎ᝰ. REMEMBER THOSE TIMES WHEN YOU WERE LAUGHING, AND NAKED ON MY COUCH ; — silly sex tropes with the boku no hero academia boys.
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FEATURING: bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shoto + kirishima eijirou.
࿄ ! warnings — f!reader, all characters aged up 20+, suggestive, sex talk but silly all around, crack lowkey. / note. this was fun to write. pls take this as a bit of filler while i finish up my super mega bkg fic. loves ya!
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it was a rare occasion for bakugou to actually want to show up to a hero gala - when you usually caught wind of any formal event, your blond haired man would vehemently oppose going, opting to stay at home and order some food instead. you couldn’t place what spurned bakugou’s sudden interest in attending the annual convention but as you get into your car, all dressed up and ready to go, you understand why.
“come on, they’re not gonna care if we’re a few minutes late,” pleads bakugou when you arrive at your seats, pressing displaced kisses on your done up face and swat him away slightly.
you whine at him to behave, grabbing at the hand groping at your thighs, your breasts, anywhere he can put his big hands on and you always resort to placing his hands back into the culprit’s lap.
unfortunately for you, bakugou knows how easily turned to mush you are by sweet nothings and fondling because it only takes you 8 minutes for you to cave in, inconspicuously meeting your husband at the rendezvous point. it then takes another 5 for bakugou to have your chest pressed against the mirror, lifting up your gown to touch at your most intimate parts.
“tell me how badly you want it,” he grunts, pulling down his own slacks while you grind your ass and whimper at him.
“be a good girl and take it,” bakugou breathes out gruffly, desire running through his voice and he’s just about to dip inside you-
“i’ve been holding my damn piss in all day - what the fuck? bakugou?!” yells out kaminari and bakugou practically launches himself at the cubicle door to throw the yellow blond out while you’re scrambling to cover up your indecency.
with kaminari sporting a fresh bruise on his jaw as a shameful reminder, you and bakugou vow to never get down and dirty in public spaces. bakugou still adamantly swears to this day that the door was locked.
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you roll your eyes when you hear another pitiful groan come out of izuku, who’s sprawled out on the couch with a bandaged leg propped up on multiple pillows. he has been out of action with a broken leg for a few weeks now due to an unprecedented villain attack at the agency. it’s rendered him useless, and quite frankly bored and horny out of his mind.
that being said, you outright refuse to have sex with izuku now that he has a broken leg but it hasn’t stopped him from pleading with his big green eyes, pink lips pouting as he guilt trips you from across the house.
“please, y/n, you can just sit on it. i won’t even move a bit. you look so pretty, baby,” izuku whines as you rub lotion into his hands and arms. and what kind of girlfriend would you be to deny him in his time of recovery.
it’s rushed the way that you’re both still half clothed; already grinding on his cock and you’re doing everything in your power to make sure you don’t rest even a little bit of weight on his leg. izuku has never been good at preventing the buck of hips when you clench down on him and today is no different.
he starts subconsciously rutting into you - as he does when his orgasm starts to creep up on him - and one tight clench of your walls forces his lower body to jolt and practically throw you on to his right leg… i.e. the leg that is currently out of action.
a howl of pain emits from your boyfriend and you frantically run to your phone to call the physiotherapist, butt jiggling on the way and izuku doesn’t know what hurts more: his leg or the blue balled dick.
the next time you have sex isn’t until the cast finally comes off and no matter how many puppy dog eyes the man lays on you, you stay resolute on the decision. you even so kindly send him some nudes so he finds solace in his left hand instead of you.
izuku vows to never get another injury again; though his incentives might be slightly skewed.
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it is never a smart idea to have sex in your partner’s childhood home. it’s one thing to fuck in their bedroom; but it’s a whole other bridge to cross when it’s in their parents’ bedroom.
that being said, todoroki hates needlessly having to go to his childhood home. however, fuyumi is out of town for work; being that none of his siblings except for him could house sit and that shoto has a soft spot for his older sister, he decided to just suck it up.
luckily for him, you offer to keep him company for the next few days at his childhood home and shoto would never pass up an offer for the chance to be alone with you - considering both your inflexible work schedules and the fact that you both have roommates, shoto knew this would be a once in an annual experience.
so it was inevitable, really, that shoto would come home from a long day of patrolling and to see you donned in sexy, red lingerie, strolling up to him with your manicured hands placed delicately on his chest. and, being the succubus that you are, you both decided to do the deed in the nicest bedroom in todoroki estate: his father’s bedroom.
with every flex of his hips, shoto has you and the bed nearly folded into one being - you're moaning, begging for him to go faster as you grapple pathetically onto his shoulders while he grunts, grabbing the headboard to speed up his movements.
“that's it, pretty girl, just like that,” shoto groans, lifting your thigh to place it on his shoulder and this new position means that you feel it so much more; but it also means that the legs of the bed start scraping on the hardwood floor... and has the headboard always been so creaky?
you get your answer when a snap! releases above your head and you're about to look up when the middle of the bed caves in with a pitiful oomphh. at this point, the duochrome haired man is still snug inside you and he quickly wraps a hand behind your head to cushion the fall. the silence is ridiculously loud until you both look at each other and burst out laughing.
“my dad is going to kill me,” shoto sighs into your neck and you comfort him with a few soft touches to the nape of his head.
naturally, the pair of you continue your romp in other places of the todoroki home and by the time fuyumi comes back, she's met with a raging enji todoroki holding a sketchy, sprawled out note of:
“sorry >:] - shoto.”
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kirishima regards himself as someone with high restraint and while that does dwindle when he's around you, he's still able to control himself, despite the lust-filled glances and borderline sexual touches you throw at him.
today is not one of those times.
he’s already very pent up, extremely touch starved from this three week long mission away from you. yeah, they bagged the villain, as to he expected. but at what cost? he’s found company in two pillows and pictures of you in the meantime but they do little to quell his thirst for you.
it’s around 5am when you pick him up from the airport and even though you’re both tired as hell - kirishima being jet lagged and you not being used to waking up at these ungodly hours, - the way you touch him is not that of an exhausted woman. and given the days, weeks he’s had, who was he to deny you?
throwing his suitcases haphazardly in the trunk of his your car, nary a word is said as he throws you on to his lap in the backseat, touching and fondling every bit of you to relieve himself. the red head is rockhard in mere minutes (no pun intended) and the two of you don’t even bother to partake in foreplay, both pent up from the time apart.
kirishima grunts into your neck, the back of your thighs sat in his wide palms as he hammers into you, “missed this pussy so damn m-much, fuck.” it’s desperate and the windows start fogging as an effect of the rushed ministrations but you can’t find it in yourselves to care much.
kirishima lets go of one of your thighs to hoist it around his hips, opting to place a palm on the window and unknowingly leaving a incriminating handprint.
it was just his luck that the paparazzi caught wind of the heroes that would be leaving this airport, camping outside of the building all morning. it was just their luck that they recognised red riot’s car sat idol in the parking lot. with their cameras set to burst multiple frames a second, they make a beeline to the car… and upon further inspection, they notice the car shaking slightly, as if there were somebody inside.
it’s a shame that all the paps didn’t exactly get the memo of what was going on, with a bright faced obvious newbie giddily taking a photo, flash and sound click on at full blast.
the shaking stops and muffled shuffling ensues. the group of shutterbugs are mortified to see a ragged kirishima exit the car, brows furrowed and lips pursed.
the paps didn’t really lose much out of this equation, though: who even needs those photos when a hefty check was on offer instead?
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࿄ ! — all rights reserved © moominsuki. please do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend my work outside of tumblr. this is strictly prohibited.
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spookilyjaded · 28 days
Scenario drabbles!
How he asks you out:
Bakugou: Probably at the most inconvenient time; such as the training grounds!
Bakugou watched as you flew through the air, your smile radiating from meters away. You were sparring with Denki who was attempting to dodge your attacks. Kirishima noticed Bakugou staring you down, nudging his shoulder playfully.
 “How’s your little crushy-crush goin’, Bakubro?” He huffs, “Nothing’s changed. Its like she dosen’t even fuckin’ notice me!” Kirishima –Being the only one who he had confided in about his little situation– Understood his frustration. It had been weeks of Bakugou pining and you were somehow oblivious to all his feats. 
“It's okay man! Hey, maybe you just have to be straight up with her, we’ve practically tried everything in the book!” Kirishima huffs in thought. “Hm. Maybe you’re right, shitty hair.” Before Kirishima can react, Bakugou starts to flaunt himself near your spar, gaining both you and Denki’s attention. 
He heads straight towards you, stopping just in front of you. “Bakugou, is everything good-” “Go out with me, nerd.” To say you were stunned was an understatement. You stared at him mouth agape. “Is that a yes or do you just have a staring problem?” His question broke you out of your state of shock. “Wasn’ really a question.” You snark back, crossing your arms. 
He growls with a sigh, “Fine! WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?!” you chuckle, gaining his offended attention. “EH?! Why’re you laughing, idiot?” “Your face is red as hell dude,” You meet his vermilion eyes that were frantically searching for an answer in yours, “Yes.”
Izuku: Would probs overthink it but would want to do it somewhere secluded and safe for any outcome..such as your dorm room!
His palms are a bit sweaty as he stands just outside your dorm room, reciting the exact words he had planned on asking you with. As he began to raise his fist to your door, you opened it. 
“Oh! Hey, Deku. I was just about to head down to the common room, what's up?” he brings his hand down slightly embarrassed. “U-um, could I talk to you about something.. Privately please?” Your eyes widened and you quickly moved out of the way. “Yeah of course, come in!” He closes the door behind him as you lean on your organized desk. “Something wrong?” Worry is laced in your voice as you see him fidget with his fingers subtly. 
“No! No, uh not at all,” ‘This was it’ “I was just wondering if you were free tomorrow and if you’d like to go on a d-date?” His eyes are slightly averted from yours, waiting patiently for your response. He suddenly feels your hand on his shoulder. He looks up to see your smiling face, now inches from his. “I’d enjoy that!”
His eyes glimmered at your answer as he brought you into a warm embrace. After pulling away, he writes down the place and time. “Here. So you know where and when it is!” You take the paper, feeling your grin widen. Soon, he's making his way out of your dorm before curfew hits. As he is halfway out the door, you lean over and press a kiss to his cheek. “See you tomorrow, Izuku!” Last thing you saw was his reddened face as you shut your door.
Mirio: I think that Mirio would bring it up in a Mirio fashion.. Such as a spontaneous date after school and your favorite cafe!
The bell rings as all classes end and the students file out rather quickly to enjoy the weekend. You were on your way out of the building as you heard your name being shouted from afar. Turning around, you see Mirio catching up to you. 
“Hey y/n! Wait up!” A smile graces your face at his determined stature. “Hey, what's up Mirio?” His smile never falters, “The sky! Ha ha! But really, not too much. And actually, I was hoping to change that!” You quirk an eyebrow, “Change it?” A faint blush dusts his cheeks as he rubs the nape of his neck.
“Yeah! With you, if you wanted to of course.” You two usually hung out with Tamaki and Neijire; But alone? “Oh, sure, Mirio! Don’t think I have anything going on later.” His smile turns sheepish. “I mean…right now!” You feel your face heat up at the implication. “Woah uh, yeah actually..lets do it now then! A spontaneous date couldn't hurt!” The words slipped out before you could think. You cover your mouth quickly, profusely apologizing.
“No need to be sorry y/n! You can totally call it that. At Least that's what I'd like to call it.” “Y-yeah! A date.. Sounds sweet actually. Where were you thinking?” His eyes light up, “The cafe that me, you and the others went to last month that had those yummy pastries! I’ve been wanting to try more of their menu recently!”
Your eyes sparkle at the decision. “Oh my gosh, yes! I loved it there.” His confidence heightened immensely, “Awesome, let's head over before the sun falls over the hills!” he grabs your hand, the enthusiasm practically beaming off of him. Maybe the idea of a spontaneous date wasn’t a bad idea after all.
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plooto · 1 year
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ getting touchy in public .
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he’d love to think you knew what you were doing when you left the house in a skirt and thigh high socks.
he’d love to say that he didn’t walk slower than you on purpose just so he can watch your thighs stretch the fabric.
he’d love to say that he didn’t notice the way the boys looked at you with hungry eyes.
spotting the sign that read ‘ public ’ he didn’t hesitate, not even a moment before grabbing your hand and pulling you into the bathroom.
he pushed you against the wall, squeezing and grouping at anything he could reach, anything that found itself in his hands.
not waiting a moment before sliding your pretty pink laced panties to bully his hard cock into you with little patience.
groaning as his tip slid past your tight muscles. panting against him, the only thing you could think about was how big he felt, how big he felt sliding in and out of your wet cavern.
he filled you with his hot seed, using two fingers to push it back and your underwear to keep it in place.
the two of you emerged from the smile, your boyfriend donning a grin that suggested the most devious of desires.
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bakugo , kirishima , dabi , endeavor , kyotani , atsumu , iwaizumi , ukai k. , reiner , eren + any of your favs <3
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hmperil · 1 month
! mha w quirkless s/o:
includes : midoriya , todoroki and bakugo
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midoriya : of course he’s extremely understanding of his s/o as he knows what it’s like to not have a quirk. he’ll always be respectful around you and make sure everyone else is as well, he won’t take any disrespect toward you. he’ll get really get really angry at bakugo if he tries to bully you like he did to him when they were younger, isn’t afraid to get physical if he doesn’t back off. if your ever feeling sad or insecure about the fact you’re quirkless he’ll always be there to comfort you and assure you that you’re the bravest person he has ever met, and that you don’t need a quirk to be a hero and help others.
todoroki : wouldn’t have the same understanding as midoriya but would definitely start trying when you two start dating. He never realised how hard it was being quirkless and the amount of shit you get from random people because of it. usually todoroki is a very calm and composed person but the second someone insults you he looses all of his composure, it definitely pisses him off that people make assumptions about you because of your lack of quirk and he will not hesitate to defend you - even if you are not present. he struggles to express his feelings, making it difficult to comfort people but despite that whenever you get sad or insecure because you are quirkless he will do his best to give you the comfort and reassurance that you need.
bakugo : yeah I think we all know how he acted when you first met him - at the start acting completely insensitive and underestimating you. though the more he was forced to hang out with you (because of mutual friends) the more he began realising how cool you actually were and maybeee developed a little bit of a crush. once you eventually get in a relationship he becomes very protective over you, if anyone says ANYTHING about you he will fiercely defend you - definitely getting physical sometimes… when your upset he isn’t the best with comforting you with words and instead shows you how much he cares about you with actions, even if it’s as small as ordering your favourite food or putting on something that you want to watch on the TV.
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mooluvs · 1 year
Dating Midoriya Izuku would include:
requests open! | Shoto ver | bakugo ver
Warnings: none | Genre: Fluff | Fic type: Headcanons
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Being absolute couple goals
Literally everyone thinks you’re really cute together.
You’re literally relationship goals.
Always supporting each other.
He’s literally so loyal and let’s everyone know how much he adores you.
He starts blushing even thinking about you.
He Is not ashamed to tell everyone this and just how much he loves you.
You literally mean the world to him and have supported him through so much.
Talking about heroes together.
Or more accurately, listening to him info dump about heroes to you.
But he definitely loves it when you join in with him and talk to him about his interest.
Especially if you have theories and analysis like he does.
Will also talk to you about any of your special interests and is perfectly happy to let you info dump to him.
Learns a ridiculous amount of information about your interests just so he can ask you questions and talk about them.
matching notebooks!
Inko absolutely adoring you
She definitely cried happy tears after meeting you and seeing how happy you make her son.
She basically becomes your mum too.
She’s always there to support you and Izuku when she can.
Similarly, his dad Toshinori adores you.
He’s happy that Izuku has found someone that makes him happy.
He definitely encouraged Izuku to ask you out.
The two of them basically become your new parents.
Going on the most romantic dates
He knows you so well.
He literally plans your ideal date without you even knowing about it.
Is happy just spending time with you, he doesn’t need anything big and expensive.
But he’s more than happy to do that if you want too.
He tries to be very smooth and romantic to impress you but he ends up being incredibly awkward.
It’s actually very endearing.
Once his nerves calm down, he’s very sweet and attentive.
Loves things like movie dates and picnics.
Intimate dates, just the two of you.
Him being your number one supporter
He will help you achieve anything you want.
If you wanna be a hero, he’ll help you train you and give you advise.
If you don’t, he’ll support you in that too.
He’ll always be you’re number one supporter.
Any important event, he is right there for you.
He’ll being you little gifts, to remind you he’s always rooting for you.
If you both become heroes together, you’re always teaming up and publicly supporting each other.
It’s really sweet.
In conclusion
All round sweet boy.
Everyone loves you too.
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
How The Two of You Sleep - BNHA
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki would be the kind of guy that would completely deny any kind of affection until he really got his guard down, meaning, he is totally unconscious when he finally grabs you in a cuddle, one you will never escape! Mwahaha!
~ If only you knew how nervous he was! ~ How he didn't want to hold your hand in case he let off an explosion by accident and hurt you. ~ How he wanted more than anything in the world to hold you close to him but he didn't want you to hear how fast his heart was beating. ~ The two of you were sat studying, until you eventually got tired, already in your pyjamas, you grabbed your boyfriend by the elbow and pulled him into bed. ~ As you begin to fall asleep, Katsuki keeps his distance for a while, you were a bit upset, but felt sure he had his reasons, so you left him, choosing to sleep closest to the edge of his bed. ~ Once Katsuki had finally managed to relax, you could feel his arm wrap around your waist, he seemed to do it subconsciously, he pulled you away from the edge of the mattress and into the safety of his arms.
Izuku Midoriya
I can picture Izuku wanting to be as close to you as possible, but would be way to nervous to be able to do so! I definitely think you would be the one to initiate any affection, that includes while you're both sleeping.
~ 'What do I do!?' Izuku thought to himself, as the two of you were lying in bed, him still wide awake and panicking, you slowly drifting off. ~ 'They're really close! Do I try and bring them closer? Would they get upset and push me away? What if I give them space and they get mad and break up with me!? Think I don't want them! What the f-' ~ Izuku's brain rant was interrupted by the person in question. ~ You had gotten even closer, he could vaguely smell your hair, it was lovely! N-not that he was being creepy on purpose!!! ~ Not only had you gotten closer, you had cuddled up into his chest, your arms around his waist, soft puffs of air leaving your open lips. ~ Izuku's panic went away quickly, the warmth of your body calming him down, almost instantly.
Shoto Todoroki
Once again, I feel like Shoto would be super nervous about sleeping with you, even if the both of you know, it was JUST sleeping, but the thought of being so close to you, when the two of you had barely gone further than a peck on the cheek and holding hands, was making him a bit anxious…
~ Picture this: Shoto lying stock still in bed, wearing more clothes than usual, so as not to freak you out (I feel like because of his quirk, he would sleep shirtless, boy runs hot!), as you lie virtually on top of the poor thing, moving your head on his chest to either sit on his hot or cold side. ~Shoto would be the best to sleep next to during any season, he could tell when you were too warm or too cold and would adjust his body temperature to make sure you were comfortable. ~ It would take him a while to get used to the feeling of you being SO close to him, he could feel your breath against the skin of his neck and was sure you could hear his intense heartbeat. ~ But once he did get accustomed, he would gladly accept any affection you can give him, poor touch-starved baby, he would hold you as tightly as he can without waking you. Bonus! Shoto would wake up first every morning, making sure not to move you until you had gotten to sleep in, at least a little while, he would wake you up with little kisses all over your face, changing his temperature, tickling you with chilly smooches!
Eijiro Kirishima
Big Man Eijiro! Biggest cuddle bunny, he would definitely scoop you up and cuddle you, just because he wanted to! But he would also take 'No' for an answer, if you wanna be alone, he would leave you alone! Consent is super manly!
~ Eijiro could see you were feeling down, he wanted to make you feel better in any way he could! ~ "Babe!" He called, causing you to turn your head and gaze those sad eyes up at him. He walked over to you and picked you up, bridal style of course, most manly way of carrying his precious cargo. ~ "Let's go take a nap, been missing ya!" ~ With that, he takes you to whoever's dorm room is closest. ~ Eijiro sits on the bed and keeps you in his lap, his strong arms keeping you as close to him as possible. ~ Every time you try and lift your head, to protest or question, he gently places his big hand on the crown of your head and moves you back to snuggling up against his shoulder. ~ Eventually you got to sleep, your hands softly gripping onto your boyfriend's shirt. ~ Smiling at your peaceful expression, Eijiro settled down to sleep with you, making sure not to jostle you too much.
Denki Kaminari
No shame! Absolutely none! He will pull you away from conversations, hang up on your parents when they call to check in and get in the way of your studying until you're forced to nap with him! It's his right as the boyfriend!
~ "Baaaaaby!" ~ You could hear Denki calling you, sighing with a smile and already closing your Heroic History textbook. ~ You got up from your desk, making a nest of pillows so you could at least be comfortable when you were tackled. ~ Speaking of which, your boyfriend has found you… ~ Denki had opened the door to your dorm room, "You ready for this?" He asked with a smirk, trying to be flirty, wound up looking like the most adorable dork ever. ~ Rolling your eyes with a grin, you raised your arms, ready for the hug you would be receiving whether you liked it or not! ~ "YAY!" Denki shouted, before tackling you onto the bed, nuzzling your neck and trying to get as close to you as was physically possible, he was on top of you, your legs tangled with his, as the two of you settled into a nap.
Bonus! I can picture Denki getting either too comfortable, or too excited around you, especially when sleeping, that he would get a bit sparky. Tiny shocks have woken you up before, but you couldn't get mad when your boyfriend looked like he was practically purring!
Hitoshi Shinsou
Tired boy! Needs cuddles! Sort of like a mixture of Denki and Eijiro, he would steal you away for secret naps, especially after Aizawa's training sessions. You were going to nap with him, dead or alive… Sorry, too dark?
~ Hitoshi was getting more and more frustrated, upset that he wasn't able to find you and he'd looked everywhere! ~ He'd bothered your friends, your family, but seemingly didn't search the obvious place, the place you met up, literally everyday. ~ His dorm room… ~ "There you are." He was always a bit blunt when it came to the end of the day, he was way too tired for formalities, but he still greeted you with a light kiss and you guys chatted for a while, before he made his move. ~ He shifted you into his arms, happy with the way you were settled in his lap, against his chest, he was against the mountain of pillows and blankets on his bed. (You can't tell me he wouldn't have the comfiest room, other than Aizawa…) ~ He would get comfortable and be asleep in minutes, this was the moment you had been waiting for. ~ Hitoshi would never let you touch his hair, even though he loved it, it seemed too intimate to him, at least whilst he was awake, he was happy to let you do it when he was unconscious. ~ And you did, happily running your fingers through purple candy floss strands!
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vampcubus · 2 years
Hi, I really like your writing (especially your Rengoku headcanons.) Also, your page looks so aesthetically pleasing, I think it's really cool.
Can I request some headcanons for Tokoyami with a s/o who's love language is biting? (It can be fluff or smut or both, it's your choice)
If you don't want to write this, that's okay too, have a nice day!
sure can! and thank you sm for the compliments, got me blushin’ n shit 😳 i also decided to tack on more characters for this prompt!
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 : fumikage, izuku, katsuki, and eijirou.
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : vaguely nsfw, projecting my biting kink onto all these men tbh.
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— Fumikage’s probably the most startled by your love bites for sure. He’s still getting used to your kisses, so you can bet he’s jumping a mile into the air when he feels you sneak a nip to his shoulder. He’s so flustered, beak tipped down to his chest in embarrassment. What was that for? Were you teasing him? An intrusive thought perhaps?
— When you explain it to him, it endears him to you even more. You were biting him because it’s how you expressed your love? He wished he’d known sooner.
— He definitely writes romanticized poetry about how your teeth feel on his skin. 
— Knaw on him all you like, he’s yours to chew on as you see fit — so long as you promise to kiss the bites you leave afterward.
— Poor guy gets teased endlessly for the bite marks he’s got all over, somehow them being inherently non-sexual makes it worse. He feels dirty when his friends make unsavory jokes about them, but it’s not like he’s going to tell you that you can’t sink your teeth in just because he’s embarrassed.
— He notices that you tend to do it even more when you’re excited about something, nicks of your teeth interspersed with your enthusiastic smooching. 
— He should have expected your habit to emerge in the bedroom, yet it still incites a shaky gasp when you sink your teeth into his neck and shoulder as you take him inside you. 
— Don’t tell anyone but he likes the pain, particularly when it mixes with the pleasure of you claiming him.
— He traces your bite marks when he’s thinking of you <3
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— There’s nothing cuter than the pitched gasp he makes when your teeth nip at his ear for the first time. At first, he thinks you just wanted to mess with him so he pouts, rubbing at the red mark you left behind. 
“That hurt you know…” he huffs, bottom lip sticking out.
— That is until he realizes that you’re doing it mindlessly like you weren’t giving it a second thought. 
— When your lips press a kiss to his shoulder in passing, he’s conditioned to tense up in case you decide to take a bite out of him on a whim.
— It’s not an unpleasant feeling, but he has a habit of being vocal about his approval. The last thing he wants is for you to sneak a bite when he isn’t expecting it and he moans out loud when other people are around.
— in short, he likes it. a lot.
— He’s your personal chew toy as far as he’s concerned. Still, his curiosity compels him to ask you about it.
“So I’ve noticed that you uh… bite me a lot? Is that like… a conscious thing or…?” he inquires one day, and the way your face practically bursts into flames should be enough of an answer on its own.
“Gosh I’m so sorry if that’s weird—“ you blubber, fanning your burning cheeks as he watches in fascination. You’re so cute when you get flustered like that, he muses.
“No, I like it!” He states a little too loudly and then rushes to amend his enthusiasm, stumbling over his words as his own furious blush flares up. He was outing himself. “N-not in a weird way or anything. I just think it’s cute!” 
— And when he makes the connection of you biting him = loving him, he’s over the moon about it.
— Has a thing for being marked as yours, so your habit goes hand in hand with that desire. 
— Sink your teeth in until his skin dots with blood, he doesn’t care, cus no amount of pain could take away from the dizzying pleasure he feels at that moment.
— Encourages you to bite him harder <333 he's no weakling, you know you can be rougher with him, don't you?
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— As expected, he is less than understanding about it the first time you leap into his back and chomp his shoulder.
— Calls you a freak 😔 honestly he can be so mean </3 
— However, this can be amended by confessing that your compulsion to bite him was a sign of love. Watch his cheeks get all red, hand covering his face as he leans away from your scrutinizing gaze — because you’ve flustered him. 
“Yeah, okay I get it! you do it cus you like me or whatever but it hurts you know. Can’t just do it out of nowhere…” he grumbles, avoiding your sparkling eyes. Because that sounded like a stamp of approval to you.
— He’ll fuss most times you do it, but only before guiding your teeth to the place he wants them. Cus if you’re gonna bite him you might as well go for the throat where he likes it.
— Can’t help that his cock throbs whenever your breath grazes his jugular, anticipating the sting of your teeth pulling the tender skin between them.
— Going in for an affectionate chomp in other places just gets you an annoyed hand shoving your face away — especially if you’re around other people. It’s almost pitiful how your face drops when he does as if he’s the bad guy. What a joke!
“C’mon, don’t give me that look. You can chew on me later.”
— He’s all too aware that you do it to distract him, so he won’t always tolerate it if he’s genuinely busy. 
“I know you’re just tryna distract me. You aren’t slick, you little shit.” he’ll hiss, though the truth is he just doesn’t wanna work with a boner.
— If you bite someone else he is IMMENSELY jealous. Those teeth are only for him dammit. And that realization just makes him even more embarrassed, because fuck you’ve infected him with your weirdness. He wasn’t supposed to like it too!
— He bites back in retaliation so watch out!
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— He’s a tough guy, and obsessed with you, so chances are he’s not going to bat an eye if you wanna take a lil chomp every now and then. In his mind, you must think he looks tasty enough to eat, and he’ll take that as a compliment thank-you!
— That said, he does notice, and that you only do it to him specifically. His heart squeezes at that. I’m special. I’m special to them. Playing in his head in an endless loop as he stares at you with that lovesick puppy look.
— Eijirou wants to reciprocate but with teeth like his, he’d be too nervous about breaking the skin. That longing being there means something.
— He knows to pay attention to you when you nip him, lest he’d like to see how much harder you can bite. And he really didn’t wanna have to explain to Katsuki why he’s got an angry red bite mark at the base of his neck. (Truthfully Katsuki would notice but not say anything about it, equating it to his best friend getting mad pussy, which he is already plenty jealous of.)
— In a perfect world Eijirou would sit with you in his lap while you sucked dark marks into the flesh of his throat all day long.
— The more chomps you take out of him the more he desires to return the favor, imagining what your reaction would be. Would you like it? Would you let him do it again? Do you even realize you do it? Those questions bubble anxiously inside until he musters up the courage to ask.
“Hey uh, would it be totally weird if I bit you?” he slides it so casually into the conversation you almost miss it. But he can tell he’s piqued your curiosity when your eyes dart from the tv to his own, side-eying him but not fully acknowledging the question. “Like… how you love nip me sometimes — which is very cute by the way — I wanna do the same to you.”
“I don’t ask before biting you, why should you? Just bite me next time, K? It would be totally hot but you’ve ruined the element of surprise, you see?” You return to your dead-eyed stare at the tv, munching away at your snack as if nothing happened.
He stares dumbly at you for a moment before he processes that as both acceptance and a challenge.
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sweet-honey-tears · 8 months
▪️I am Your Safety▪️
Villain Deku x Quikless!Fem!Reader
OverView: Villain Deku with a quirkless reader who ends up calling on him for help.
Warning: Swearing, kidnapping if you squint
Inspiration: I recommend watching this short! Give them some love! It’s very good.
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It was a mistake, a rookie, quirkless mistake. One that could leave you dead, hurt, or worse. To leave the safety of your home for a pointless ingredient for dinner, one you could easily go without but stubbornly won't. Ginger root, a simple ingredient for stir fry, had led you here. Barely 5 minutes from your home, yet in a completely new area.
Hidden behind your cozie apparent laid a maze of buildings, dark alleys weaving between their roads. It wasn't the best part of the city. But with what you could afford, it was the best for you and closest to your work. It was lucky you even found housing in the bustling city of Musutafu. Tho, with the constant casualties, maybe not so much. It seemed the city took an odd turn when pro-heroes DynaMight and Deku left hero society. Intern, causing considerable other heroes from their graduating year to also leave. The news turning many of the streets, especially yours, into less-than-stellar areas.
"You shouldn't live there; I could pay for you to be where the stars are." Izuku had told you, his green eyes shining against his dark circle.
"I'll be fine Izuku! Plus, I know you'll be there to protect me!" you had cooed. It was dangerous, both to live in that area but talk to the leader of the 'New Age' with such a teasing tone. Anyone else would be dead, but not you. Izuku signed, placing his hands on your sides and looking down at you. He searched your face, trying to find any possible crack he could talk you into his idea.
You'll be the death of me, doll." he groaned dramacitly. His wild green eyes glanced back down at you. "Just don't leave the house at night, okay, doll? Promise me." "I promise ZooZoo!" you had so gleefully said, finger fixing his red suit tie.
The old conversation rang in your head; that was before you both got into a heated fight. One that caused you to leave the house in despair.
He had called you weak, and a joking argument turned heated quickly. "I'm not helpless, Izuku!" "buy you are!" It'd been a lonely few days at your small apartment. Sitting on the decrepit couch that had begun to seem too big. Maybe it was your depressed stupor that led to this rooky mistake.
"Fuck fuck fuck!" you whispered. What was the point of getting an ingredient for a dish if you'd never get to even make it back home? You had been too stubborn, and it was only dusk at the time. You had time to run down to the store and grab it before it turned dark, you debated. You had managed to grab the ginger, quickly cashing out and beginning your trek to your apartment. “Come on… come on…” you whispered, begging the sun to go slower. "C'mon!" your feet picked up their base.
"Hey, pretty!" a voice called from the ally.
"Crap". Your feet picked up their pace.
"Come on! We just wanna talk." you waited for the sound of Izuku's voice to help you, to tell them you're both busy, and flash his neon eyes, but there was only silence. Right, he was gone.
"Sorry, I need to go. Have someone waiting for me." it was a lie, but a hopeful one. Maybe if they knew you were expected somewhere they leave, you'd have someone looking for you; you weren't worth the trouble. You were wrong.
"Oh, cmon I'm sure they can wait a bit."
Your eyes squeezed shut as you pressed your hand to the brick wall. In your panic, you had lost track of where you were, instead ending up in a place you knew nothing about, in an ally with a dead end. "Fuck fuck FUCK!" you cried, palm slamming on the wall as you slowly slid down. Tears burned your eyes as you sat on the ground, watching the predators creep ever closer to its prey.
The scruffy ally light above you barely made the two men visbale. You watched one's arms turn sharp as skin-colored blades as he inched closed with a sickening grin. The others, you couldn't tell what their quirk was, if they had one at all, but he held a gun tightly. That was deadly enough to a quirkless user civilian like you.
"Now come on pretty, just come with us peacefully, and ya won't get hurt. I'm sure your family will pay to get you back." "and if they don't, well, take great care of you." you had long dropped your canvas bag and, ironically, the ginger root you ventured out for. Yet they hadn't stopped for the bag, and considering neither held it, their intentions had never been to get the bag. Your body shook, and Li quivered, face becoming hot with fear and horror. You watched as they inched to you, your body caving in more. "Izuku…" you whispered as though a small prayer.b "Izuku!"
You screamed, your throat raw from tears and its pitch. The men seemed to pause at your sudden outburst before appearing to become angered at your choice to yell. "Fucking whore- shut it!" "Izuku!" you wailed, body caving as you waited for pain. "IZUKU," you flinched as you heard a loud pop and felt something small shower your body. The dingy ally light shattering as something sharp and quick hit it. Another boom sounded, a shriek leaving your lips at his proximity to your head. Green light slammed into the wall behind you, sending cracks up the foundation. "Doll…" "Zoo-coo" you rasped out. You opened your eyes, staring at the ground below you, watching it light up with the lumination of green flicker lighting. Slowly, your body sat up, your tears blurring the gory sight before you. He stood there, dressed in a suit vest and shoes, green hair not even out of place. He seemed more displeased and worried than angered.
"I-km sorry! You were right!" you shuffled, body caving again as tears raked your body. Fear still gripping every bone. "I should have listened! I'm sorry I left! I'm sorry I yelled!" you cried. The realization of how helpless you were fully settled itself upon you.
"Sh shh, Dolly, it's okay."
His body bent forward as he effortlessly picked you up. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you squished yourself closer. "I've got you." he calmly coded, kicking a limp arm out of his path as he walked you both out of the ally. "You're moving in with me tonight." it was firm, a demand, no room to argue, not that you could or would. Your tearful state leaving you in hiccups. "I need to keep my doll safe, and you're only safe with me."
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fanficriter · 1 year
Dating the BNHA Boys!
Warnings - None
Characters - Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Tamaki Amajiki
Notes - Isn’t my best work but oh well :3
Gender Neutral Reader
Izuku Midoriya
- Silly lil guy
- Took him a LOT of courage to confess to you
- Just kinda stood there dumbfounded when you reciprocated his feelings
- Poor boy is lowkey insecure
- He’s silently insecure about his scars :(
- If you kissed his scars i think he’d go insane
- Will probably cry
- He has little notes about how pretty you are in his quirk journal thingy
- Will go in rants about how amazing you are to his friends
- “Y/N is just so perfect and i love them and i don’t know what id do with out them they’re always there for me and-“
- If you have long hair, he always keeps a pack of hair ties incase you need them 😭
- When you tell him about something you like, he will write it down so he remembers
- Was soooo nervous when he first held your hand
- Always blushes without fail
- His hand are rough, but also rlly soft? (i need to make hand hcs holy shit)
- Doesn’t really like sparring with you bc he doesn’t want to hurt you, but he will if you rlly want to
- He will train together tho!
- He loves giving you tips, and watching you use your quirk
- Likes setting up little picnics with you bc he’s quite literally the perfect man ever
- He is a CUDDLIER
- Absolutely loves cuddling with you
- Loves it when you face him and dig your face into his neck
- Definitely talks in his sleep
- He loves taking you on dates to a bunch of different restaurants and such
- Gets so nervous when kissing you
- He loves it but he gets flustered way to easy
Katsuki Bakugou
- Malewife fr
- Will cook for you, though he acts like it’s a chore, he loves your reaction to all his different meals
- Deaf bakugou hc is my favourite thing ever i’m sorry
- He can still hear, (kind of) but he needs to wear a hearing aid
- He knows sign language, but really only uses it around his mom bc he’s embarrassed😭
- If you know sign language, you’ll win his heart IMMEDIATELY
- You were definitely the one to confess first
- Actually rejected you at first (he still liked you at the time)
- But after a few weeks, he confessed to you
- “I actually feel the same way or whatever… just didn’t wanna feed your ego to much…”
- Knows how to style hair weirdly well
- Will always make excuses to do your hair
- “Oi, c’mere, your hair looks like shit.”
- He’ll never admit it, but he LOVES head scratches
- Will lay on your thighs without warning, expecting you to scratch his scalp
- Sparring together is a MUST
- Don’t expect him to go easy on you
- Isn’t to big on PDA, but he’ll kiss you in private all you want
- The first few times you guys held hands, he was kinda scared that he would accidentally explode you 💀
- Doesn’t really take you out for dates a lot, it’s usually just movies and popcorn in bed
- But on the rare occasion when he DOES take you on a date, it is at the fanciest restaurants known to mankind
- Or hiking, he likes hiking
- It took a while for him to be comfortable with cuddling, but he loves spooning you, or holding you as you bury your face into his chest
Shoto Todoroki
- Confessed to you pretty soon after he realised his feelings
- Straight to the point
- “I’ve recently developed feelings for you.”
- Has a small smile when you said you liked him back
- He stares at you a lot
- Loves admiring you
- Also gives the weirdest compliments?
- “You have a nice facial structure, it suits you”
- “Thank you??”
- Will pick flowers occasionally and give them to you
- Literally buys you everything
- With his Dads credit card (You have no idea)
- You see a pair of shoes you like? BOOM. They are yours in 0.5 seconds
- He just buys everything bro CALM DOWN
- Loves taking you on fancy dinner dates
- You have to meet his siblings btw
- Mainly bc his sister WOULD NOT SHUT UP AB MEETING YOU
- She loves you
- So much
- It’s actually a bit concerning
- Doesn’t necessarily not like PDA, he just doesn’t feel the need to initiate it
- He can be a bit oblivious, so if you want PDA, just tell him!
- He has no problem with it
- Not really a cuddly person, but he will cuddle you if you want!
- Your relationship is definitely based on a lot of communication 😭
- As time passes, he will start to do those things without you having to ask, he just needed to get used to it
Tamaki Amajiki
- oh my god okay
- He confessed first but it took him SOOOO long
- Needed so much encouragement from his friends
- Then he just blurted it out while he was at your house one time
- “I- I love you!!”
- Almost died when you said it back
- Actually saw god when you tried holding his hand the first time
- CANNOT do PDA i think he would die
- Definitely an act of service man, he is too shy to do anything else
- Can’t reach somthing ? he’s on it. Your bathroom need cleaning? Consider it done!
- Also likes making you random little gifts
- Kiss him on the cheek i dare you
- He will EXPLODE
- Your always helping him calm down in public
- “Y/N i wanna go home”
- Further into the relationship he will slowly get used to physical affection
- I don’t think he will ever not get flustered tho
- He loves taking you out too eat
- Really likes picnic dates
- I feel like he meditates often to try and clear his head (there is a lot going on in there 😭)
- Will always invite you to meditate with him
- He actually really likes cuddling with you
- He almost dies every time but
- Loves when you spoon him
- Also loves laying on your chest (or the other way around)
- Absolute chef in the kitchen
- Always cooking u meals
This took my life 3 weeks to write i kept putting it off so it’s not as detailed as i’d like it to be but oh well
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daisydaphne · 1 year
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 - 𝐁𝐍𝐇𝐀
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Characters: these three dumbass.
Warnings: pregnancy mentions, established relationships.
Midoriya Izuku:
• Such a warm heart.
• He literally cried the whole wedding, and afterwards too. He swears that he doesn’t have any tears left to cry but it’s such a lie.
• He’s not that husband material as it is said. Yes, he does everything, but 50% of the things are completely wrong. He cooks! But he breaks the glasses. He also clean the house! But breaks the expensive vase your mother gifted to you.
• Honey, he’s so spoiled. Since you’re an excellent lawyer, you always gift him the best suits and expensive things. He swears he feels bad, but always goes to work saying “this??? Oh, it’s a gift from my wife”.
• Well, it is well known that this man would be a perfect father. It was a mistake, but you got pregnant after 2 years of marriage.
• When you told him the news, he couldn’t stop crying -happy tears- for almost 10 hours. After that, he just bought so many baby items that were imposible to count.
• He truly loves his baby boy. Izuku swears with his heart to protect you and the little boy no matter how. He has never been happier than this.
“honey, I think it’s time to have the chat with the baby.. “ Izuku told you unexpectedly. “He needs to know how amazing All Might is!!!”
Katsuki Bakugo:
• He is the most loyal/dumbass person you know.
• Since the first day, he knew you would be his wife. Something inside him woke up the moment he saw you.
• He is INDEED a well mannered husband. The first weekend of every month, both of you eat in a 3 star Michelin restaurant just to spend time together.
• Since both are excellent business workers, you always gift him nice items and so does he. He bought a pair of baby shoes, but never told you about it.
• Your baby was planned. Katsuki just wanted to have a family with you, if you were comfy with. You were happy about it, and after 2 months, it happened.
• When you told him the news, it was the first time he cried for so long. He couldn’t believe that he would use that baby shoes for the first time.
• He swears he doesn’t care if it is a baby girl or a baby boy, howeeeeeever, he only buys girly things.
• When he knew it was a baby girl, he felt so proud and now worried of the world.
- -
“Stop being so stubborn! It’s time to grow up, little girl” Katsuki is angry because his little girl just broke his new lamp.
“You are a stubborn with 40 years old!! It’s time to grow up, daddy”
Oh boy, you just had two Katsuki Bakugo in the same fucking house.
Shoto Todoroki:
• He’s kinda chaotic.
• He truly doesn’t know anything about established relationship. His life has been chaotic, but he’s a fast learner.
• He doesn’t know a shit about a calm place and true love, so little by little he’s getting used to. He only wants to be happy by your side.
• He doesn’t care about expensive gift, so please invite him to your place to eat something and watch a movie.
• He realized that he wanted to marry you when he woke up next to you. Something inside him felt right and in peace.
• But kids ???? No, not a chance. That is the opposite of his beliefs.
• However, it was a crazy night and you got pregnant. He was in shock, and left for 2 hours.
• You didn’t know where he went, or what happened during that period. He arrived home with pampers and baby things.
• He knows that he can be better than his dad, just needs a little courage, you know?
- -
“What a surprise, I wasn’t expecting two babies…”
He was truly in shock when he saw two little humans being exactly like him. One baby girl and one baby boy with his eyes fully opened, watching his daddy with excitement.
“I hope I can make both of you happy”.
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