#midsummer marks the longest day of the year
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Stonehenge, England
Today is Summer Solstice
“The summer solstice occurs in June in the Northern Hemisphere and marks midsummer: the 'longest day' and 'shortest night' of the year.”
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lunar-bat · 7 months
Witchcraft 101: Wicca & The Wheel of The Year
Paganism - An umbrella term for many nature-based and polytheistic spiritual traditions. Note that not all pagans practice witchcraft. Wicca - A pagan, nature-based religious movement. Wicca blends aspects of witchcraft, nature veneration, and ceremonial magic. It places a strong emphasis on honoring nature and follows a duotheistic belief system often known as the Triple Goddess and Horned God. Wheel of The Year The wheel reflects the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth in the natural world and is central to the rituals, spells, and celebrations of many pagan and witchcraft traditions. The Wheel of the Year is divided into eight significant points, which correspond to the Sabbats or festivals:
Samhain (October 31st): Also known as All Hollow's Eve, marks the beginning of the Wheel of the Year and is associated with the end of the harvest season and the onset of winter. Samhain is a time for honoring ancestors, reflecting on mortality, and recognizing the thinning of the veil between the physical and spirit worlds. Samhain is a time to acknowledge the cyclical nature of life and death and to connect with the spiritual realm. Yule (Winter Solstice, typically around December 21st): Marks the rebirth of the sun, with a focus on light, hope, and renewal during the darkest time of the year. Yule customs include lighting candles or a Yule log, feasting, gift-giving, and spending time with loved ones. It's a significant part of the Wheel of the Year, emphasizing the cyclical nature of life and the changing seasons. Imbolc (February 1st): Marks the early signs of spring and the gradual return of light and warmth. Imbolc is associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid and is a time for purification, cleaning, and preparing for the coming season's growth. It's often celebrated with rituals, candle lighting, and dedication to Brigid. Imbolc highlights the theme of renewal and the awakening of life after the winter months. Ostara (Spring Equinox, typically around March 21st): Marks the arrival of spring, where day and night are in balance. Ostara is a time for celebrating fertility, new beginnings, and the growth of life. It is often associated with themes of rebirth, renewal, and the awakening of nature. Common customs include egg decorating, planting seeds, and celebrating the return of warmth and longer days. Beltane (May 1st): Celebration of fertility, love, and the union of the goddess and god. Beltane is often observed with rituals, bonfires, Maypole dancing, and other festivities that emphasize the vitality and growth of life in the natural world. Midsummer (Summer Solstice, typically around June 21st): Also known as Litha, marks the longest day of the year when the sun is at its peak. Midsummer is a time for harnessing the sun's energy, celebrating the abundance of nature, and enjoying outdoor festivities. Common customs include lighting bonfires, dancing, and gathering herbs and flowers for magical and medicinal purposes. Lughnasadh (August 1st): Also known as Lammas, marks the first harvest of the year and is associated with the Celtic god Lugh. Lughnasadh is a festival dedicated to expressing gratitude for the Earth's bountiful harvest and agricultural abundance. Traditional practices during this time involve crafting corn dollies, enjoying meals made from freshly harvested crops, and engaging in various games and competitions. Mabon (Autumn Equinox, typically around September 21st): Marks the second harvest and a time of balance when day and night are equal. Mabon is a festival for reflecting on gratitude, giving thanks for the fruits of the Earth, and preparing for the darker months ahead. Common customs include feasting on seasonal foods, making offerings to the land, and creating altars with symbols of the season.
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esoteric-chaos · 11 months
Midsummer Masterpost - Spoonie witch friendly
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Midsummer, also known as the Summer Solstice.  This day is the longest day of the year. Typically lands around June 21st  (December 21st in the Southern Hemisphere). 
Many cultures around the world celebrate the Summer Solstice in their own ways. Marking a very important event for most.  
Fire is the main association with this holiday as it marks the sun. This holiday also marks the end of the planting season.
Midsummer Correspondences
Light Blue
Bay Leaves
St. John’s Wort
Honey cakes
Mead, Ale, Wine
Ice Cream
Summer birds (Wren, Robin, Hawks, Eagles, Swallows, etc)
Orange or Green Calcite
Tiger’s Eye
Fire, Bonfire, Balefire
Sun Wheel
Summer flowers
Spiritual meanings
Healing & Health
Solar energy
Mint & Spearmint
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Aestas (Roman)
Aine (Celtic)
Brigantia (Celtic)
Venus (Roman)
Aphrodite (Greek)
Apollo (Roman)
Apollon (Greek)
Zeus and Thor (Thunder Gods)
Ra (Egyptian)
Oak King
Anuket (Egyptian)
Benten (Japanese)
Any other sun Gods/Goddesses
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I got you covered.
High energy celebrations 
Fae offerings
Create Fae garden
Weave flower crowns
Perform a phoenix ritual
Create a  Besom
Dance and sing
Leave offerings to solar Gods/Goddesses
Divination work
Any solar energy workings
Low energy celebrations 
Ritual bath
Light a candle in honor
Watch the sunset
Meditate with solar energy
Pray to solar Gods/Goddesses
Create solar water
No spoon celebrations 
If you have a sun lamp bask in it
Watch the sunset
Greet the sun at sunrise
Tell yourself kind words
Remember that it’s okay if you cant do much while you are unwell. That you come first and you simply existing is a blessing.
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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2024 Wheel of the Year (Sabbats) Pagan Wheel
Feb 2 – IMBOLC (also called Candlemas, Imbolg, and Saint Brigid’s Day) It is midway between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. This sabbat reminds us that the light is growing stronger and that the harshness of winter will start to fade. To celebrate the growing light, many Pagans will light candles on this holiday.
Mar 19 – OSTARA /Spring Equinox: light and darkness are in perfect balance on this day. Moving forward, daylight will continue to grow as we head into Spring. It is a time to celebrate balance and the arrival of Spring. It represents new beginnings and the freshness of a new day. What’s past is in the past and past and it’s time to move forward.
May 1 – BELTANE (also known as May Day) (pronounced BELL-tain) This is an exciting and energetic holiday that celebrates sexuality, fertility, and all of the life that comes with Spring. It is a time of great joy and celebration! Feel the creative energy of the Universe. It is a time of renewal and rebirth … a time to grow as a person and reinvent yourself if you so desire.
June 20 – LITHA / Summer Solstice The Sun is at its maximum strength … it is the longest day of the year. This is a season of growth, fruitfulness, abundance, and strength. It’s a great night to perform spells for money, abundance, and financial security … and the strength to do what you need to do to be successful.
June 23 – Midsummer’s Eve: the night before Mid-Summer (June 24). It is considered a night of potent magick. Many Witches will be performing rituals and casting spells on this night. It is also a night when fairies roam the land. If you work with the fairy realm, this is an important night for you!
Aug 1 – LAMMAS (also known as Lughnassadh) the first harvest festival. It celebrates the first grains harvested for baking bread. Celebrate by baking or buying a loaf of bread and sharing it as a celebration.
Sept 22 – MABON / Fall Equinox: the light and darkness are in balance on this day. But it marks the change from the light half of the year to the dark half of the year. Moving forward the darkness will grow longer and the daylight will grow shorter. It is a celebration of the second harvest festival and is celebrated by feasting and visiting with family and friends.
Oct 31 – SAMHAIN (pronounced SAH-win) (as known as Halloween) This is the Witches’ New Year! The veil between worlds is thinnest and the dead are thought to return and visit. It is a night to communicate with the spirits, spirit guides, and ancestors. It is also a night to work with Tarot cards and Crystal Balls!
Samhain is also a time when we come to terms with death and are openly encouraged to let go of our fears of it. It is a time when we acknowledge the hard moments of life that we usually don’t think or talk about. If there are things we need to let go of, Samhain is a good time to release them!
Dec 21 – YULE / Winter Solstice: The real reason that this time of year was celebrated .. before christianity existed. We are halfway through the dark part of the year. The darkness is at its peak…moving forward the light begins to grow stronger and days become longer. You can see why the newly formed cult of christianity, which is what it was at the time, choose this time of year for the birth of christ…the light grows strong and brighter…the Sun is reborn. Yule traditions include burning a Yule log, kissing under mistletoe, and placing an evergreen tree in your home to represent the sustaining of life during the winter.
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amethystsunco · 10 months
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The Summer Solstice is finally upon us, marking the longest day of the year, & the beginning of summer! 🌞💫✨
The Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer, arrives on June 21st, coinciding with the pagan holiday Litha.
This powerful cosmic event brings the energy of abundance, growth, & transformation. It serves as a reminder to:
💫 Celebrate life's blessings & embrace the joy & abundance that surrounds us
☀️ Embrace & express our inner light
🌱 Shed old patterns & welcome new beginnings
🌎 Align with the rhythms of nature & embrace the flow of the Universe
To amplify your connection to this sacred day, I’ve created a fun, but simple spell to make what I like to call 'Midsummer Radiance' spray.
May this Summer Solstice bring you joy, prosperity, and a renewed sense of purpose. Happy Litha! 🌻✨💝
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The summer solstice marks the longest day of the year. Let the light of midsummer illuminate your path into the coming season.
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our-lord-satanas · 25 days
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IMBOLC (CANDLEMAS): (February 1st) a festival dedicated to the goddess of the new year.
OSTARA (SPRING EQUINOX): (March 19th-23rd) marks the Spring Equinox, which happens between March 19-23. Ostara is a Pagan celebration of the German Goddess Eostre
BELTANE (MAY EVE): (May 1st) the Gaelic May Day festival, marking the beginning of summer. It is traditionally held on 1 May, or about midway between the spring equinox and summer solstice.
SUMMER SOLSTICE (MIDSUMMER/LITHA): (June 21st) Litha occurs during the Summer Solstice between June 19 -22. More commonly referred to as Midsummer's Night, Litha is believed to be a time when faerie folk pass into the human world at Twilight and offer blessings. Litha is a time to celebrate the abundance and beauty of Mother Earth.
LUGHNASADH (LAMMAS): (August 1st) a Pagan holiday and one of the eight Wiccan sabbats during the year. Each sabbat marks a seasonal turning point. The sabbat occurs on August 1st, which is about halfway between the summer solstice (Litha) and the fall equinox (Mabon).
AUTUMN EQUINOX (MABON): (September 21st or 24th-29th) represents the height of nature's abundance and usually falls between September 21 and 24. It is seen as the height of the harvest season and is a time to celebrate nature's bounty. Many also celebrate the balance in nature during Mabon.
SAMHAIN (ALL HALLOWS): (November 1st) a festival dedicated to the dead and a celebration of the New Year.
WINTER SOLSTICE (MIDWINTER/YULE): (December 21st-25th) a winter solstice festival. The longest night of the year followed by the sun's "rebirth" and lengthening of days. In most traditions, Yule is celebrated as the rebirth of the Great God, who is viewed as the newborn solstice sun. Some Pagans consider Yule to be the beginning of the new year
LUPERCALIA: (February 15th) celebration of bodily autonomy, sexual liberation, and reproduction. Based on the Roman festival of the same name, Lupercalia falls on February 15. In keeping with the ancient tradition, February 13th and 14th are observed as feast days leading up to the actual holiday. What we are translating this to in TST is a "hail yourself" day. This idea offers a parallel to the "others-centered" traditions of Sol Invictus.
HEXENNACHT: (April 30th) occasion honoring those who fell victim to superstition and pseudoscience, whether by. In Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust: a Tragedy (1808), Mephisto and Faust attend the Walpurgisnacht revelry atop Mount Brocken. TST's Hexenacht is a solemn holiday to honor those who were victimized by superstition.
UNVEILING DAY: (July 25th) celebration of religious plurality and shedding archaic superstition. A centerpiece of our religious movement and icon of modern Satanism, the Baphomet with Children statue was commissioned by The Satanic Temple in 2014 and created by Mark Porter with "respect for diversity and religious minorities" in mind. On July 25, 2015, The Satanic Temple unveiled Baphomet to a large crowd of devotees in Detroit, signaling the beginning of the new Satanic era. We observe this milestone in Satanic history by celebrating Unveiling Day.
DEVILS NIGHT (MISCHIEF NIGHT): (October 30th-November 4th) an informal holiday on which children, teenagers and adults engage in jokes, pranks, vandalism, or parties. It is known by a variety of names including Devils Night, Gate Night, Goosey Night, Moving Night, Cabbage Night, Mystery Night and Mat Night.
HALLOWEEN: (October 31st) holiday to celebrate indulgence and embrace the darkness and its aesthetic. Halloween is consistently described as evil, demonic, and satanic by those steeped in religious dogma. Costumes, candy, and facing fears are to be embraced.
SOL INVICTUS: (December 25th) a holiday to celebrate indulgence and embracing the darkness and its aesthetic. The cult of Sol existed within Rome since its early days as a republic, and Invictus was an epithet used for Jupiter, Mars, and Apollo (among others). The festival celebrated these Gods and may have also been used to celebrate the winter solstice.
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magickkate · 1 month
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Hey, lovely witchlings! As the sun reaches its zenith and the earth is in full bloom, we come to Litha, the summer solstice, a time of abundance, vitality, and celebration. This Sabbat marks the longest day of the year and the peak of solar energy, when the sun's power is at its strongest.
A Briefing on the History: Litha, also known as Midsummer or the Summer Solstice (Northern hemisphere: June 20th or 21st; Southern hemisphere: December 20th or 21st), is a magical time when the sun reaches its zenith in the sky. It’s the longest day of the year, and the sun seems to pause, bathing the earth in its warm glow. Our ancestors celebrated this pivotal moment with fire and water, acknowledging the balance between light and darkness. Stone circles like Stonehenge were oriented to capture the rising sun on this sacred day. Early European traditions included lighting large wheels on fire and rolling them down hills into bodies of water. The Romans honored this time as sacred to Juno, goddess of women and childbirth, giving us the month of June.
Ancient Roots: Litha has ancient origins and has been celebrated by various cultures and civilizations throughout history. It is often associated with sun worship and the celebration of light, fertility, and abundance.
Solar Phenomenon: Litha occurs around June 20th or 21st in the Northern Hemisphere when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, resulting in the longest day and the shortest night of the year.
Symbolism: The Summer Solstice symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness, as well as the peak of growth and vitality in the natural world. It is a time of celebration, joy, and abundance.
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Correspondences: -> Symbolism: Life, fire, rebirth, transformation, power, purity -> Colors: Red, gold, orange, yellow, white, green, blue -> Herbs: St. John’s Wort, lavender, rose, peony, vervain, chamomile, chickweed, chicory, sunflower, lily, thyme, and more -> Crystals: Lapis, diamond, tiger’s eye, emerald, jade, and other green stones -> Animals: Butterflies, wren, horses, stags, robins, cattle, phoenixes, dragons, faeries, satyrs
Here are a few ways to honor the magic of Litha:
Rituals and Activities: - Bonfires: Light a bonfire to honor the sun’s power. - Sunrise/Sunset Greeting: Greet the sun at its highest point in the sky. - Create an Altar: Decorate it with sunflowers, oranges, and yellow candles. - Cleansing Herb Bundle: Make your own bundle for purification. - Sun Tea: Brew tea using sun-infused water. - Burn a Bay Leaf: Write intentions on a bay leaf and burn it - Fertility Ritual: Litha is a time of fertility and growth, and rituals may focus on promoting abundance, creativity, and prosperity. Some practitioners may plant seeds or perform fertility rites to symbolize the fertile energy of the Earth.
Modern Celebrations:
-> Community Gatherings: Many Wiccan and pagan communities host public rituals and gatherings to celebrate Litha, inviting people of all backgrounds to join in the festivities and honor the sun's energy. -> Altar Decorations: Altars are adorned with symbols of the sun, such as gold or yellow candles, sunflowers, citrus fruits, and solar symbols like the sun wheel or the Celtic solar cross. -> Feasting: Traditional foods associated with Litha include fresh fruits, vegetables, honey, bread, dairy products, and grilled meats. These foods celebrate the abundance of the summer harvest and nourish the body and spirit. -> Nature Walks: Taking a nature walk or spending time outdoors is a simple yet meaningful way to connect with the energy of Litha and appreciate the beauty of the natural world during the height of summer.
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Recipes: 1. Mead: A honey wine enjoyed by our Celtic and Norse ancestors and many to this day. It is easier to support local experts in the craft of making this than starting up a whole kit of making mead. Choose wisely. (I included a basic starter recipe for those brave enough to venture into the fermentation game. I'll stick to supporting my local businesses!) 2. Sun Tea: If you are unable to drink alcohol or prefer not to, sun tea is a great alternative or a great addition to your Litha celebration! They are called "sun tea" because it is tea brewed from the warmth of direct sunlight! If the weather is cloudy, sun tea may not be the best recipe to try. Common sense <3! 5. Sunflower Seed Pesto Pasta: Cook pasta (such as penne or fusilli) according to package instructions. In a food processor, combine fresh basil leaves, garlic cloves, sunflower seeds, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Blend until smooth. Toss the cooked pasta with the sunflower seed pesto, cherry tomatoes, and sliced summer squash or zucchini. Serve topped with additional Parmesan cheese and fresh basil leaves. 6. Summer Solstice Salad: Mix a variety of fresh greens, such as spinach, arugula, and butter lettuce. Add sliced strawberries, blueberries, and orange segments for a burst of color and sweetness. Sprinkle with toasted almonds or walnuts and crumbled goat cheese or feta cheese. Drizzle with a dressing made from olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey, and a pinch of salt and pepper. 6. Grilled Vegetable Platter: Slice a selection of summer vegetables, such as bell peppers, eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, and red onions. Brush the vegetables with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, and your choice of herbs (such as rosemary or thyme). Grill the vegetables until tender and lightly charred, then arrange them on a platter. Serve with a dipping sauce made from Greek yogurt, lemon zest, garlic, and fresh herbs. 7. Honey-Lavender Lemonade: In a saucepan, combine water, honey, and dried lavender buds. Heat gently until the honey is dissolved, then remove from heat and let the mixture steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain the lavender-infused honey mixture into a pitcher and discard the lavender buds. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the pitcher and stir to combine. Serve the honey-lavender lemonade over ice, garnished with fresh lavender sprigs and lemon slices. 8. Berry Galette: Prepare a simple pie dough or use store-bought dough for the crust. Roll out the dough and transfer it to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. In a bowl, mix fresh berries (such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries) with sugar, cornstarch, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Spoon the berry mixture onto the center of the dough, leaving a border around the edges. Fold the edges of the dough over the berries, pleating as needed. Brush the edges of the dough with milk or beaten egg, then sprinkle with coarse sugar. Bake the galette in a preheated oven until the crust is golden brown and the berries are bubbling. Serve warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.
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Remember, Litha is a celebration of the sun’s abundance and the Earth’s fertility. Embrace the warmth, dance, and honor the cycles of life. Blessed be! 🌻🔥🌿
Note: This post is a brief overview. For more details, explore the rich traditions and make Litha your own! 🌞🌙
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etherati · 3 months
Taproot - (6/25)
So I guess Wednesdays just aren't a great day for this, so let's call it Thursday and Sunday, going forward! Also gonna start adding music recs for each chapter, but feel free to ignore if you feel like it would be too distracting. Will edit the old chapters to include them.
Content warnings: Canon-typical violence, Sypha and Alucard being on the cover of a romance novel, and a lot of vampires getting melted. HYDROSTORM!!!
🎵 Music pairing: Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons
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Solstice night. The longest night. The sun set hours ago, here on the coast of the Black Sea, tracking its way westward toward the foothills and the mountains beyond them and, eventually, all the rest of Europe. Toward home. 
Will it be dark there, yet? Will the wolves be closing in?
Sypha can’t justify hiding herself away as she waits, not tonight. The waiting has become a desperate vigil, something that recognizes its own futility but refuses to bend under the weight of that recognition. But tonight is important and if she is here, if she must still be here against all her wishes, she will at least be present for it.
She’s cleaved close to the people she cares most about all evening: her grandfather, Lily and Arn, Kiri, the others who kept her family group knit together when outside forces did their best to claw it apart, all those years ago. They eat, fresh bread from the cooking stones and warm rabbit stew, laced with exotic spices from all over their people’s collective range, little pops of heat and sweetness and green earthiness, peppery and rich. 
It’s a celebration meal. Tomorrow morning, the sun is reborn. She knows that isn’t how it really works—has seen the planetary models in the castle library, knows that the sun is a fixed point and certainly neither lives nor dies—but that’s never really been the point. It’s a midpoint, a way to mark time, and the lengthening days mean warmth and easier travel and eventually better food stores.
In front of her, the bonfire crackles, raging mindlessly, consuming its fuel, throwing embers; something about it steals the breath from her lungs for just a moment. It feels something like the weight of sudden, unbearable prophecy, but almost more primitive than that. Inescapable, not like fate is inescapable but like gravity is inescapable.
There’s a shimmering off to her side, and it draws her attention before she consciously acknowledges it. It’s like a heat mirage, rising from the road in midsummer, and it hangs human-sized in the air, obscuring everything behind it. Caught up as she is in the breathless oppression of the fire, it takes Sypha a moment to realize what she’s looking at.
The mirror.
It’s—it’s the mirror. They got the message, they—they’re alive, and they got her message, and this is her passage home— but—
“Sypha?” her grandfather says from her other side, settling one hand on her shoulder. “That is what you have been waiting for, no?”
“It is, but...” 
But something isn’t right. She squints into the shimmer, can make out the far wall of the study, but no one has come through to greet her. What if—what if her message fell into the wrong hands? What if this is a trick? What if—
Then, in the haze: a body flying past in flames, and a very familiar figure following after it, the brilliant glow of the chain whip’s weighted end tearing through the space ahead of him. A hoarse cry. Wood splintering, glass breaking. There’s a splash of blood across the far wall, vibrant and lurid, and was that there a second ago?
In any event: that answers that.
“Okay,” she says, shouldering the pack she hasn’t let out of her sight for days, bracing herself for whatever she finds on the other side. Her boys are in trouble; they need her. “I’m going.”
Her grandfather makes a nonverbal noise, like someone restraining themselves from saying what their heart most wants to express. It’s dangerous. Stay here. Stay safe with us.
“Good luck, my angel,” is all he actually says—or, if he says more, it’s lost to her as she leaps into the breach, sound and vision smearing, reality disappearing up itself in a twisting, sucking inversion that leaves her, momentarily, unsure that the physical world ever existed, that she ever, in fact, had a body—
—then suddenly she’s there, and the shift from quiet night spaces, the calm hiss and pop of the fire, to this cacophony—it sets Sypha’s every nerve on end, her entire body protesting everything about what just happened in waves of churning nausea. She fights it down. Not the time. Not the fucking time. 
Her pack hits the floor hard and she casts around, urgent, taking it all in.
There are at least eight… enemy combatants, in the study with them. They look like vampires but they’re acting more like mindless monsters, with none of the grace she’d seen in their combat against Dracula’s generals. No weapons. No subtlety. Just tooth and claw, and speed, and ferocity. Feral.
They’ve got Adrian cornered against the far bookshelf, swiping and charging from every angle. He has a bloody gash across his face, his hair stuck to the wound, ghoulish. His eyes are wild from the fight, nearly as wild as those surrounding him. He has his sword in hand—not in the air, not aiding him as she knows it can when he’s at his best, but simply slashing inelegantly at arm’s length, keeping the surrounding vampires at bay.
She visualizes a fireball between her fingers, wills it into existence—wastes no time thinking about why he’s having so much trouble, and sends it straight into the thickest knot of them. Demons might resist flame but vampires, she knows with certainty, burn. 
Two of them light up, screaming, filling the air with the acridness of burning flesh—then the Morning Star comes slashing through out of nowhere, ripping one of the feral vampires just about in half even as it embeds itself in the next one over, waves of energy rippling through it to blow the second one apart from the inside out. 
That’s four down. That’s good.
“The mirror!” Trevor shouts to Adrian, and she’s not sure he even knows she’s here yet, as preoccupied as he is with getting the mob off of Adrian. He swings the whip again, a good amount of its length coiled around his fist to shorten the throw in this confined space—lands only a glancing blow, enough to enrage but not really damage, an ugly welt burned across the vampire’s face.
It hisses, furious. Sypha readies another fireball, to back up the missed shot. Trevor smirks into the thing’s face, unaccountably smug.
“Oh, that hurt, didn’t it?” he snarls, swinging the bladed star almost lazily in between them. Taunting. Backing his way toward the door, the staircase leading down. “Come on, I’m a way more interesting target than prince prissy-hair, here.” 
Ah. He missed on purpose—he’s trying to goad them away from Adrian. And it’s working; they’re worked up, agitated, and maybe it’s the smell of Belmont blood so nearby, dripping from his hand where it clutches the whip’s handle, but they’re peeling away from Adrian, easing their predatory, monstrous way toward Trevor instead. 
That’s all the window Adrian needs—with a pained hiss, he phases through the gap they’ve cut for him, right to Sypha’s side. Turns to the mirror without a thought, hair hanging lank and bloodied in his face, red-stained claws working at the mirror’s surface. Working to shut it down, she realizes with a chill—to seal it, so that none of their attackers decides to go barreling through and have Speaker for dessert.  
A lot of things happen all at once, then. 
Trevor doesn’t have a straight shot to the door—there’s one coming up behind him, cutting that path off, and with a shout, Sypha sends the fireball she’s been holding straight into its face. It catches fire, screams and flails, is easy for Trevor to sweep aside and get past, but there are suddenly more of them in the room than there had been and oh, they’re coming through the windows. Right through what should have been impenetrable wards.
Adrian seals the mirror, the Speaker camp fading from the glass. He turns to her, as if he’s just now noticing she’s there. A shrieking, wild-eyed vampire drops from the window behind them, and before she can even summon more flame, the sword in Adrian’s hand has whipped out and cleaved it cleanly in two.
“Sypha,” he breathes, staring; he didn’t even take his eyes off her to make the strike. They’re wide, wild with red, desperate and longing—and before she knows what’s happening he’s sweeping her up with an arm around her waist, pulling her into a kiss that is nothing short of ravenous. He doesn’t even try to be gentle, as he usually is with her; it’s all teeth and  possession, a primal sort of hunger that seeks to pleasure but also to claim, to make her moan and make her bleed, to turn her world inside out. 
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It is, frankly, a fantastic kiss.
But it goes on just a touch too long, in the circumstances—they surely paint an attractive picture, Adrian with his bloody sword held aloft, Sypha with her hands ringed in fire, the two of them locked in the impassioned embrace of lovers too long separated. But they are being just a little bit invaded by vampires, and that fact demands attention, demands focus.
“Okay,” she says against his mouth, putting her hands flat to his chest and pushing; he’s immovable when he wants to be, but he’s learned these cues and he bends to it now, letting her put space between them. “Kill vampires now. Continue that later?”
A flash in his eyes, a sharp-toothed grin, and he swings back into action—maybe not as graceful as he usually is, maybe a little rushed, but no less lethal with that blade, now that he’s out from being cornered.
When she looks, she realizes that Trevor’s gone, off down the staircase already, most of the remaining vampires on his tail, and it’s the effort of a mere thought to fill that corridor with flame, purge the creatures in pursuit of their hunter, give them nothing but embers and ash to pass through to find their way back to his side.
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“How the fuck are they getting through the wards?” Trevor mutters; he doesn’t expect an answer, is too busy dodging a wild, animalistic swipe of claws through the space his face had just been in, moments before. He catches the arm on its way by, lets the beast’s momentum carry it face-first into the stone of the staircase wall, taking advantage of it being momentarily stunned stupid to slam a throwing knife through its throat. The body tumbles down the stairs, out of sight.
“They’re old,” Adrian says from beside him, his presence crowding in on Trevor’s, which is comforting enough when he’d thought himself alone, but then—
“They’re not that old,” a familiar voice, one he hasn’t heard in two weeks, sharp and a little flustered and no wonder, dropping into the middle of an assault with no warning.
“Sypha,” he says, sheer relief, and before she can go on a tirade about the fact that wards don’t work that way, they don’t just turn off when they age, something else is going on and he knows, he knows—he reaches out and pulls her in by the back of her neck, presses a quick kiss to her temple, breathes her in. It’s the contact of an instant but in that instant: soft curl of hair against his cheek, smell of salt air and wood smoke, magic shimmering beneath his lips like a second skin.
“I missed you too,” she says, smirking a little as he breaks away, leans to peer around the archway. “But Adrian has your greeting beaten by a mile.”
“Yeah, well,” Trevor says, no patience for mincing words. “That’s because apparently the solstice makes vampires go feral, and in his special case that translates to ‘horny as fuck’.”
“Trevor…” Adrian growls, warning.
“Really?” Sypha asks, something in the tone saying that she already believes him. Trevor spares half a second to wonder what he missed, bailing out of the study like he did. 
“Oh yeah,” he says, hooking the chain whip back to his belt, reaching to unsheathe the sword instead. The staircase is narrow and winding, and anything coming up it to meet them will be in close quarters before they can blink. He edges down the stairs, one at a time, hyperfocused on the space in front of them. “Shame we’re being invaded, this could have been a really fun night.”
Sypha laughs, all nerves, magic crackling around her. “You would have had me miss that?”
“Oh my God, no,” Trevor says, grinning despite himself, despite the situation. Suddenly, everything feels right again; it feels like things can be okay, if they just hold onto their wits and see this through, try not to get sloppy. “You’d have to be here, or he’d wear me the fuck out.”
“If we are quite done discussing this,” Adrian says from behind them, glower audible in his voice; when Trevor risks a glance up and behind at him, he can see that the gash on his face is nearly closed, that his eyes are still bright with blood but not like they’d been before. There’s a focus there now, a clarity, that he’d lacked. Good enough. “Can we consider having an actual plan?”
“What,” Trevor says, “and ruin our perfect record of jumping into things blind and pulling off stunning victories regardless?”
“They haven’t all been stunning.”
“But they have all been victories.”
“Yes, yes,” Sypha cuts in, already sounding exasperated. “Recklessness is very dashing, until it isn’t anymore.”
And Trevor’s about to say something smartarsed in return, then stops himself, wonders for a moment if all this solstice madness is catching, because of course she’s completely, totally right. “Fine, okay. Got any ideas?”
“What do they want?” Sypha asks, voice low. 
Trevor jerks his thumb over his shoulder at Adrian, self-explanatory. “Single-minded, too. Took a lot to get them to go after me instead.”
“I saw some of that,” she says, considering. “So should we hide him, or…?”
Adrian grumbles something disagreeable; Trevor ignores him. “What I want to do is hide him under a rock somewhere, yeah.” That’s what his gut wants, what his heart wants. The screams echoing through the stone walls, vampires breaching their defenses anywhere there’s a window, are a solid reminder of why he needs to listen to his head instead, right now. “What would be smart to do is use him to lure them out into the open and take them all out at once.”
“Can you do that?”
Right, she isn’t up to date on all of their preparations yet. He scrapes the sword lightly against the stone as they descend, hoping to draw out anything that’s waiting for them around the next turn. “If you’re okay with no hot baths for a while.” 
“That was supposed to be an option of last resort,” Adrian protests vaguely. 
“Yeah, well, that was when we thought we had control over their points of entry and assumed we could bottleneck them,” Trevor says, and he can hear the irritation in his own voice. “Some of the variables have shifted. Besides, we hide you away, all that’s going to do is drive them into every nook and cranny in this place looking for you. It’ll take weeks to root them all out.”
“I’m not in favor of hiding—”
“All right, then,” Trevor whispers, drawing to a halt; up around the next bend, the light’s different, brighter. Intersection? Open landing? He almost never takes this staircase. “Do you have another suggestion?”
“We go down to the hall and we fight,” Adrian grits out, still sounding a little breathy, a little wild. “Keep the water as a backup plan, but try to fight them off first.”
Trevor shakes his head, sighs in frustration. “That could rack up casualties. Who’s being reckless now?”
Just a low growl in response, and okay, frustration is no longer the word; Trevor has officially fucking had it with this.
“No,” he says, turning to take hold of the collar of Adrian’s jacket; he tosses Sypha a look that he hopes conveys Cover the stairwell for me while I talk some sense into this idiot. Bright orange lights up between them all as she primes a spell. “You don’t just growl and get your way, that isn’t how this works.”
That seems to shake him—the snarling, bloodstained visage collapses into a mask of shame, flush rising up his face. “I wasn’t trying to threaten—”
“Listen to me, Adrian,” Trevor interrupts, because good God do they not have time for a guilt spiral. “You’re not thinking clearly right now. You’re spoiling for a fight and I get it, okay? I do. But a fight will get people killed. It could get one of us killed. And normally we wouldn’t have a choice but to risk it, but we’re in a crazy position right now—we have a way to take out all of them with minimal casualties, and it would be beyond insane not to use it.”
A huff of breath, defiant. “You don’t have to—they only want me.”
“Yeah, they do. They want you dead, and they want it bad, and they’re not going to have a, a civilized duel with you following the rules of engagement, all right?” Not that the dhampir could even handle that, right now, but Trevor’s not going to push his luck by provoking ego. “Adrian. I need you to trust me, I need you to trust that I know what I’m doing.”
“We have talked about this,” Sypha adds, not looking up from where she’s sighting down the length of her arm, flame at the ready. “We trust each other, and we work together.”
Something about the sound of her voice, so familiar and so painfully absent for the last two weeks, seems to get through to Adrian where his own words have failed—she plucks a chord in him, or maybe just completes one, the dissonance of two notes rounding out into three, and it’s like watching a sleepwalker come back to themselves.
“Of course,” Adrian says, finally, reaching to sheathe his mother’s bloodied sword; in this close, tight corridor it would be next to useless anyway. He draws the knife from his other hip, settles it comfortably in his hand. “Lead the way.”
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Isabel had not been lying when she told the Belmont: she is no commander of soldiers. She had still hoped that, crazed as their attackers are tonight, her thoughtful leadership and the Belmont’s tactical prowess would give them enough of an edge to keep the enemy forces from breaching the castle.
Hope, it turns out, while not completely useless, does not win battles. 
She’s out here with her four ranged comrades, and Belmont had brought them an entire crate of bolts from who knows where; they’re not in danger of running out. But they’re also making little headway. Have they managed to thin the attacking mob? Yes. Have they eliminated it? Not by a long shot. A bigger force than they expected, maybe, but four marksmen just aren’t enough.
So. Fine. There are other ways to go about this.
The crossbow bolts are still whizzing dangerously close as she darts out of cover, gets a running leap off of the stone banister, jumps directly into the fray. The bodies are thickest where the massive doors have started to bow inward, the insane strength of those bodies undirected except for the most basic drive: break down the doors, get into the castle. 
She lands among them, claws three of their throats out before they even register her presence. It’s easy to duck and weave among them, their reflexes dulled by bloodlust and unused to seeing their own kind as an enemy, and so she tries to carve the still-beating heart of the mob out of its chest, winnows and thins them from within.
A crossbow bolt plants itself into a vampire’s eye socket, less than a foot from her own. The sound of metal striking dense, heavy bone echoes in her ears, as does the screaming that follows. In the single moment’s disorientation, she catches a set of claws across her face, splitting her cheek open down to the bone, and without a second thought she takes hold of the arm that did it, snaps it in two, reels the attacker in and drives her own claws into his throat.
And if this is all she can do now, be a whirlwind of claws that rends apart her own people, the ones who would ruin everything she and hers have fought for—so be it. Her people have their orders; they know what they need to be doing. If she falls here, they will fight on.
There’s a horrible screaming of metal, mechanisms twisting under strain, and the doors begin to give way.
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The sudden noise of the door mechanisms failing and the roaring of their invaders is jarring, harrowing, after so much silence and so much waiting. They’ve heard screams elsewhere in the castle, echoing in that labyrinthine way that teases and taunts but is impossible to ever actually track down—and they’ve stayed put, because they are those doors’ last line of defense.
Now, as the doors give way, the attackers start spilling in as soon as there’s a gap wide enough to pass a body through—climbing over one another, fighting each other to get in, some of them already bloodied, some of them injured and healing in front of their eyes. All of them mad.
On the upper landing, at the top of the stairs, Jeanne resettles her grip on her short sword, squares her stance. She stands among humans, but she is no stranger to fighting vampires; they’re always curious about her, always wanting to see how her strength holds up to theirs, how her relative lack of weaknesses will play out in a fight. She is no stranger to sparring with vampires, or with having to forcefully turn away troublemakers at her people’s gates. She has never killed one, never wanted to kill anyone, does not truly believe herself capable of facing an intelligent being and taking its life.
These, though?
These are horrifying. These aren’t people. They’re animals, monsters, slavering beasts. And they were human once—something even she cannot claim—but right now, they are just fodder for her sword and her claws, fodder for the blades and spears of the five who stand around her.  
Tomorrow, they might be different. The morning may find their sanity restored. 
Guilt can, also, come in the morning. Right now, she has a job to do.
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Luca Gregori considers himself a patient man. He is practiced in all forms of acceptance, these days; he is not quick to judge. Alucard of Wallachia, infamously opposed to killing, killed his own father? He clearly had a good reason. The Belmont is more than just a general, to his Lord? The stuff of crazy gossip, maybe, but to him it’s not even worth a second thought. That vampires are not just monsters, that they are as unique as the   humans they once were and as individually responsible for their choices as anyone else—this is a foregone conclusion for him, these days. But it is perhaps for the best that he has never, before now, gone abroad on this night, because this horrorscape is enough to sour anyone on the night world.
He’s bleeding from his shoulder, where one of the beasts got their claws into him. It’s his off arm, so it’s not impeding the swing of his grandfather’s blade, but it throbs and aches and he knows it’s going to draw more of them, and the whole point of being here is to get inside and let the others know that things are going to hell—but they’re going to hell so quickly that it’s all he can do to keep fighting them off, keep the entrance he’s guarding protected.
A pause in the onslaught—a chance to draw breath, halting and rough—then another is there, is leaping clear over him, alighting on the wall above his head, clearly more interested in the window above than in tangling with him directly.
Too bad. The sword becomes a projectile, spearing the intruder through the chest as if they’re made of no more than paper; all that sharpening had a purpose. The vampire tumbles, sword and all, to his feet. Goes still.
Luca doesn’t hesitate—he pulls the blade free, brings it up as he spins back toward the open grounds, anticipating another attack.
Another attack doesn’t come.
The night isn’t silent, not remotely—but the commotion seems, suddenly, to be elsewhere. He can hear a ruckus from around the corner of the castle wall, where the main entrance sits, and he supposes that the defenses there might be falling. He considers the tactical implications of abandoning his post and offering aid.
Then, from the corner of his eye: a flicker of light, in the ruins of the old, burned out estate.
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From the moment his eyes met Sypha’s in the study, from the moment he held her against him and felt her pulse racing and the heat of the fire in her hands and the determination she held in her heart to save them, to save both of them—
Adrian isn’t sure how to explain it. It feels like something that’d been swirling, dangerous and intoxicating, through his brain and his gut has, somehow, settled. It’s still there, glinting in the sediment like gold dust, begging to be stirred back up, tempting the swipe of a lazy, greedy hand. But the water between them is finally clear.
He wonders: how much of this is the blood, how much Trevor’s proximity, how much the primal desperation of longing for an absent lover?
They encounter few opponents on their descent. One of them Sypha impales with a long, deadly spear of ice, one Trevor neatly beheads, and the third falls under the bite of the traitorous blade in Adrian’s hand, screaming and bleeding. And perhaps it is too agonizing a death to inflict on anyone—but they ought not have attacked him and his loved ones, then.
He remembers Trevor saying it, in the field outside the castle: If you even breathe threateningly at me or mine—
This isn’t vengeance, he knows, shaking the blood from the blade and continuing onward. It is self-defense, defense of his home. Defense of their life, of the way they’ve chosen to live, and damn anyone who thinks they have any right to punish him for it.
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When they finally reach the entry hall, when his boots land in exactly the sort of bloodstain he had hoped his new carpets would never see, the scene is utter chaos—and not all that dissimilar to the scene they themselves had broken up when they strode in that front entrance a year ago. A home under assault. Those loyal to its master standing in its defense. 
This time, though, the fighting doesn’t pull to an awed standstill when they enter the room—not that any of them expect it to.
Still, Trevor swears, low. He’d obviously been hoping the doors hadn’t failed yet, that this could be done cleanly. Now, there will have to be a fight, which means there will be losses. Scanning around, Adrian can tell that most of the unmoving bodies scattered about belong to their enemies, ragged-looking in a way that none of Isabel’s people had been, but there is a downed human among them, moaning and clutching his middle and probably not long for the world.
“Have any gotten past you?” Trevor shouts to the small knot of fighters holding the upper landing against the assault. This room was designed to be a funnel, to be easily defensible from this spot, and Trevor had been wise to only station their defenses here, rather than wasting them elsewhere in the hall. If his father’s generals had been half as savvy, the three of them would have had a much harder time taking that first victory. “Into the rest of the castle?”
“No,” a young woman snarls back, blood in her short dark hair, fangs flashing. “They’d have to kill us all first.” She brings her sword around in an elegant arc, takes her attacker’s hands clean off, then lodges the blade deep into the vampire’s ribcage to finish him off. She’s untrained—that much is obvious from the way she handles the blade like an edge and like a point alternately, depending on what she needs, but she’s fast and fluid and far stronger than any of her compatriots, and has a natural fighter’s instincts.
It makes complete sense, given that she’s Isabel’s resident dhampir. Something he’s been asked to accept in passing, as if it were a common thing. As if he’d met another in his life, ever.
Adrian’s self control is already worn to a thin patch, barely there, threadbare. It takes a monumental act of restraint to not just snatch this one up mid-battle and hide her away somewhere safe, if only to be sure she’ll live long enough to speak with him. Because as solid a fighter as she is, she’s getting overwhelmed.
He can’t do that, can’t deprive the battle of her strength. But there are other ways he can help her odds of survival.
“Belmont,” he says, reverting smoothly to formality. He draws his sword again, readies both blades. “Can you handle the water?”
“Can you get those doors closed?” Trevor counters, changing his sword out for his whip, the links clinking at the movement. On the other end of the long hall, the doors are gaping open to the night, their mechanisms stripped and ruined; there’s no one coming through them, which is a pretty good sign that they’re all already in here. Trevor sends the weighted end of the whip whispering through the air, taking his targets out with terrifying precision. “If this is going to be a killing pen,” he grunts between throws, “then we really need to close the gate.”
“I can do it,” Sypha says, looking between them, her gaze settling on Adrian, and it’s like she can see straight through him, right to the core of his anguish. “Go help them, I will handle it.”
There’s a suspended moment there—they are three again, they are together, they are within touching distance and are within each other’s grasp—and then Sypha leans in and embraces them both, quick and hard. 
And then she is, again, gone—headed down the stairs to traverse the sea of bodies that the entry hall has become, dodging and weaving around swords and claws and worse, angling to get closer to the entryway. 
Adrian watches her, watches the fluidity of her movements, the way she skirts danger so effortlessly—then her hands go into the air above her head and a gust of wind kicks up, forceful. The doors slam shut with a resonant thud.
All that’s left to do, then, is give Trevor a significant nod, the man’s hand tightening on his shoulder before letting him go— and dive into the fight.
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Trevor doesn’t know exactly what Sypha had done to seal the doors, once she’d closed them. It’d apparently involved melting the moving parts and rendering them useless as doors, because she claims, in clipped shouts over the roar of fire, that they cannot be opened again now.
Which—shit. It shouldn’t have mattered, he’d all but demanded they be closed, but—
There’s a panel set into the wall here, under his hand, modeled to look like just another stone; beneath it, something Adrian connected up to the same magical—sorry, science—bullshit that lights the torches by themselves. When he presses it, it will cause an ember of flame to burn something, something that very much likes to burn, that likes it so much that it tends to explode; the pressure will tear apart the pipes running through the castle, to a lesser degree the further away it gets. But here in the main hall, it will be a downpour.
There’s a panel under his hand, and when he presses it, holy water will pour down like rain and it will melt away every vampire in the entry hall like the last grey, gritty snow of spring.
There’s also a vampire staring across at him, black braids disheveled and tattered, blood streaked across her face, fierce determination burning in the burgundy eyes. Fucking Isabel. She shouldn’t be here, shouldn’t have followed the attackers inside, the fucking idiot; this is why the status of the doors is, suddenly, important. “Why are you—I told you not to be here, we have   to—”
“Do what you need to, Belmont,” she interrupts, steely, eyes only for the fight. “I was warned; I made my choice. I won’t have any of my people die because you dragged this out for my sake.”
“Fuck,” Trevor says, and then, because once is rarely enough: “Fuck.”
“It’s been an honor,” she says, ignoring his invectives, holding a clawed, bloody hand out expectantly.
And for just a second, Trevor just looks at it—looks back up at the landing, where her people are weakening, becoming overwhelmed, even with Adrian’s help. Looks to Sypha, summoning ice and fire, holding her own effortlessly for the moment but how long can that last?
An honor, she says. And against his best efforts, it has been.
He can’t wait. He knows that. This is their one chance to keep the casualties in their favor, and the window is narrowing. 
His hand rests on the panel. Just another ounce of pressure.
Sypha, twenty feet away, spinning solidity from the moisture in the very air, projectiles that pierce like steel, barriers that protect her like any shield... 
Trevor narrows his eyes.
“Fuck that,” he says, smacking Isabel’s hand aside, everything coming together. “Sypha! Need some ice over here now.”
“On it!” she shouts back, and it’s like she’s been listening
in and already knows what he’s asking for—the ice blooms from the air, swirling around Isabel, enclosing her within its walls like something caught in a glass bottle. Trevor finds himself, as always, impressed with both Sypha’s talents and her perceptiveness, with her almost preternatural way of knowing exactly what they need when, in any fight, in any challenge. How did they ever survive two weeks without her?
He slams the panel hard.
A half second of held breath, a building roar, and then: the rains come.
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Sypha thinks, in the split second she has to spare between one task and the next, that she should get a medal for figuring things out, after this fight is over. 
It’s not as if they’d had much time to explain things to her—between the need for vigilance on the staircase and the need to split up down here in the hall, all she’d managed to pick up was that they have some new allies fighting with them, and that Trevor’d had some sort of plan involving a mass dousing. Putting it all together, well—she’s just that good.
“I guess that’s that for this group,” Trevor says, shaking the water from his sleeves, wringing it out of his hair with an antsy urgency. The downpour hadn’t lasted long—a tremendous amount of water, but whatever they did to open the pipes, it had been incredibly effective. Possibly overkill. Definitely overkill in terms of their attackers, and someone with a weaker stomach would probably be turning green by now, overwhelmed by all the strangled screaming and the smell of charred flesh, bodies consumed in blue flame, ashes floating down all around them.
Sypha’s never had a particularly weak stomach. She’s seen worse; she’s done worse.
So, left standing: The three of them, and their human allies up on the landing, and the vampire Trevor had had her lock into ice—the only one of them all not sopping wet from head to toe, and thankfully so, if she’s really on their side. 
“God, that feels fucking weird,” Trevor complains under his breath and to no one in particular, shaking a foot as if that will somehow empty his boots of the water she can hear sloshing in his socks.
Adrian raises an eyebrow at Trevor from the landing, sheathing his sword, his knife. He looks like a very blonde drowned rat, and he’s just as antsy, like he’s been wrapped entirely in itchy wool. And that’s no surprise from him, in the circumstances, but— 
“Does it?” Adrian asks, keenly curious. Sypha narrows her eyes at both of them, wonders if maybe there’s something else in the water, some irritant or chemical that she’s just not feeling yet.
But Trevor just shakes his head dismissively. “Not the time,” he grumbles, reaching for the whip at his side, suddenly all business. “There might be more of them further up in the castle, we can’t let our guard down.”
“Then let me eliminate a distraction,” Sypha offers, pressing her hands together in front of her face. This is not her specialty, so she will have to focus, but it will do no good to have saved their ally only to have her burned by the floor they stand on—and regardless of Trevor’s grousing, Adrian is, she’s sure, legitimately uncomfortable. She summons a gust of air that rises from the space around her, a concentrated blast of dry wind that ripples through her robes, through her hair, stripping the moisture right off of her. 
Once she feels her own hair brushing dry against the nape of her neck, she sends the wind outward, swirling through the hall like a cyclone, pulling the water from skin and hair and clothes, from carpets and tapestries, and carrying it all up and away.
Well. Not away. It has to go somewhere, but she’ll cross that bridge later. 
“Better?” she asks.
Adrian shakes his hair out like the mane of some legendary beast. It’s still got that humidity dampness to it, that extra fluffiness, but it’s an improvement. “Much. Thank you.”
And she’s just about to go start melting their visitor out of her ice cage—she’ll need to get the story from Trevor later, of how exactly a vampire, not a dhampir but a full-blooded vampire, managed to earn such loyalty from him—when a man she’s never seen before suddenly appears through one of the side doors, right behind Trevor, wheezing and out of breath from running. The sword in his hand is coated in dark, stale-looking blood. 
“Trevor!” she shouts, bringing up a fresh fireball, but when Trevor spins to face the intruder, his stance immediately relaxes, hand leaving the hilt of his sword. 
“It’s all right,” he says, one hand out to her to say, stand down. “He’s one of ours. Gregori? What’s going on?”
“It’s—” Wheeze, cough. “They’re—”
“They’re what?” Trevor demands, patience thin.
A prolonged, whistling inhale, desperate for air, and then the man visibly makes an effort to compose himself, to regulate his breathing. “They’re gathered in the ruins,” he manages, then takes a deliberate breath. “Talking about a vault or something. That they’re going to get a weapon that will make them unbeat-able? That’s all I got—I couldn’t keep listening, they would have spotted me—”
“Fuck,” Trevor breathes, glancing at the doors, and Sypha knows: the hold.
“Wait,” Adrian says, holding up a hand, forestalling     Trevor’s obvious kneejerk reaction of running off to defend his family’s legacy without a moment’s thought. “They should have spotted you regardless. Or smelled you. And they acted as if they didn’t?”
“Actually, yeah,” Trevor says, narrowing his eyes at Gregori. “That sounds a little bit like bullshit. Is it bullshit, or is there something else going on?”
“I saw what I saw,” the man says, puffing up in defense of his assaulted pride. “I can’t explain it, but I’m not lying to you.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Trevor murmurs, after a long, considered study of the man’s face. He presses one hand across his eyes, gestures with the other. “Maybe he’s lying to get us there, or maybe they let him get away so he’d bring this information to us, which is also a ploy to get us there.”
“It is a trap either way.” 
“Or they just want us to leave the castle undefended.”
Sypha sighs, fingers twitching restlessly around her magic, half-sigils that she’d trained into muscle memory to avoid accidentally conjuring fire when she’s restless. “But we can’t leave it alone, can we?”
Trevor just shakes his head. “Okay,” he says, after a thoughtful moment. “Sypha, get our frozen bloodsucker off ice. Jeanne?”
A dark-haired young woman turns at the summons, hands braced on the landing’s banister, paying perfect attention. There’s a stillness to her that’s a little unnerving to Sypha, almost like...
“They’re not getting in the front,” Trevor says, clipped, as Sypha carefully directs her fire, melting away the walls of the impromptu ice shelter. “If they come from anywhere it’ll be those little doors on the side there. You think your people can handle that?”
Jeanne looks to the newly freed Isabel, who despite seeming a little dazed, nods sharply. 
“All right,” Trevor says, sounding like a man who has no idea if he’s doing the right thing, is doing it anyway and damn the consequences.  “Good enough. Let’s go.”
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ashabsynthe · 10 months
Embracing the Midsummer Sun: Exploring the Pagan Holiday Litha
As the summer solstice approaches, pagan communities around the world eagerly anticipate the celebration of Litha, a joyous holiday that marks the height of the sun's power and the peak of the summer season. With roots deeply intertwined in ancient traditions, Litha is a time of merriment, connection to nature, and honoring the abundant energy of the sun. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of Litha, its customs, and how you can embrace this radiant festival in your own pagan practice.
Understanding Litha
Litha, also known as Midsummer or the Summer Solstice, is celebrated annually on or around June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere (or December 21st in the Southern Hemisphere). It is a time when the sun reaches its zenith, gracing us with the longest day and the shortest night of the year. In pagan belief systems, Litha represents the height of the sun god's power and the triumph of light over darkness.
Symbolism and Themes
Sun Energy: Litha revolves around the sun's energy and the abundant life force it bestows upon the Earth. It is a time of honoring the power of the sun and embracing its warmth, vitality, and life-giving qualities.
Nature's Bounty: Litha is closely associated with the bountiful harvest and the flourishing of the natural world. It's a time to appreciate the abundance of fruits, vegetables, and flowers, and to connect with the vibrant energy of the Earth.
Balance of Opposites: The summer solstice represents the perfect balance between light and dark, as the sun reaches its peak before gradually waning. Litha reminds us of the importance of finding harmony within ourselves and in our surroundings.
Ways to Celebrate Litha
Sun Rituals: Welcome the sunrise or sunset on Litha by performing a simple ritual to honor the sun. Offerings of flowers, herbs, or handmade sun symbols can be presented, expressing gratitude for its warmth and light.
Bonfires and Fire Magic: Fire is central to Litha celebrations. Ignite a bonfire or light candles to represent the sun's fiery energy. Dance around the flames, practice fire scrying, or perform fire-related spells to harness the element's transformative power.
Nature Communion: Spend time in nature, whether in a garden, park, or the wilderness, and connect with the Earth's abundance. Meditate, picnic, or perform outdoor rituals, embracing the vibrant energy of the season.
Herb Gathering: Litha is an ideal time to gather and harvest herbs at their peak potency. Select plants such as St. John's Wort, lavender, or chamomile, associated with sun energy and healing, to use in spellwork, sachets, or herbal remedies.
Celebratory Feasts: Prepare a feast using seasonal produce, incorporating sun-shaped foods, such as sunflower seeds or citrus fruits. Share a meal with loved ones, expressing gratitude for the Earth's bounty and the nourishment it provides.
Litha, the pagan holiday of Midsummer, invites us to celebrate the sun's radiant energy and the abundance of the summer season. As we embrace the longest day of the year, we honor the sun's power, connect with nature's bounty, and seek balance within ourselves and the world around us. Whether through rituals, bonfires, nature communions, or feasts, Litha offers a vibrant and joyous opportunity to celebrate life's flourishing and the unity of the natural and spiritual realms. Embrace the warmth of the sun, bask in nature's beauty, and allow Litha to illuminate your pagan practice.
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war-of-heirs · 1 year
Traditions and Festivals of the Empire
The Empire of Vorla has a rich tradition of festivals and celebrations, with many events taking place throughout the year to mark significant moments in the empire's history and culture. Here are some of the most important traditions and festivals in Vorla:
The Harvest Festival: The Harvest Festival is held every autumn to celebrate the end of the farming season and the gathering of crops. The festival includes feasting, dancing, and music, with many towns and villages holding their own local celebrations.
The Feast of the Goddess: The Feast of the Goddess is a religious festival held in honor of the Church of the Goddess and her seven servants. The festival is celebrated on the last day of the year and involves feasting, prayer, and the lighting of candles to signal their devotion to the Goddess.
The Midsummer Festival: The Midsummer Festival is held at the height of summer to mark the longest day of the year. The festival includes bonfires, feasting, and dancing, and is often accompanied by the singing of traditional Vorla songs.
The Tournament of Champions: The Tournament of Champions is a grand martial competition held every four years to showcase the best warriors from across the empire. The tournament includes jousting, sword fighting, and archery, and is a popular event for both nobles and commoners.
The Festival of Lights: The Festival of Lights is a magical event held in the depths of winter when the nights are at their darkest. The festival involves the lighting of lanterns and candles and is said to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck for the coming year.
The Day of Remembrance: The Day of Remembrance is held on the anniversary of the founding of the empire. The day is marked by solemn ceremonies and the laying of wreaths at monuments and memorials to honor those who fought and died to create the empire.
In addition to these major festivals, there are also many local and regional traditions and celebrations throughout the year, such as the Blessing of the Fleet in coastal towns, the Spring Fair in farming communities, and the Fête de la Musique in cities and towns across the empire.
Overall, these festivals and traditions play an important role in Vorla culture, helping to bring people together and celebrate the empire's rich history and traditions. Whether it's feasting, dancing, or martial competition, there is always something to celebrate in the empire of Vorla.
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memento-morri-writes · 5 months
Happy World Building Wednesday!
We're approaching that time, so does your work have any kind of solstice festival? Or New Year's festival? What are the traditions?
Hi TC! Thanks for the ask! This is actually a really good question!!
So, in the world of ATQH, there are a few different festivals that take place every year. The ones that I mention in the story are:
Midsummer / Summer Solstice (relatively similar to Midsummer in the real world), which happens on a date equivalent to June 21st.
Harvest Festival (somewhat analogous to "OctoberFest"if your location has such a thing. But also has some elements of Halloween and Thanksgiving mixed in.) which happens on a date equivalent to October 31st.
Winter Solstice (somewhat equivalent to a combo Christmas and New Year's, but doesn't have religious origins), which happens on a date equivalent to December 21st.
Midwinter, which happens on a date equivalent to February 21st.
I'll talk about the traditions for each under the cut, since I worry this is going to get rather long. (I'm focusing on Anvia and Anvia's traditions and celebrations, since that is where the story takes place, and if I were to talk about traditions and holidays in Oraine and Oryn, we'd be here til next year.)
Midsummer / Summer Solstice
Most commonly referred to as just "Midsummer", this is generally a very cheerful and happy festival, held to celebrate the longest day of the year. The celebration involves feasting and dancing. Small towns or villages will have one massive town feast where they put tables outside and everyone is invited. Larger towns will have more concentrated or divided celebrations, kind of like block parties, I guess. In rural areas, it's traditional to light a bonfire when it gets dark out. Music and dancing is a huge part of the tradition, and there's usually nonstop music from the time the party starts until it's end.
Floral decorations are very common, as well as bright and colorful fabrics. It's common to see houses with colorful ribbons hanging from their eaves, or wrapped around fences. It's generally considered a bad idea to wear dark and dour clothing to a Midsummer celebration, since it is a celebration of life and growth. Colors like yellow, green, as well as floral colors like light pinks, purples, or blues are most common.
At the Palace, there's always a ball held on Midsummer, with a feast held before it. The general air is a bit more formal, as it always is when royalty and nobles are involved, but the air of joy and celebration remains.
Harvest Festival
Harvest festival happens at the very end of the harvest season, once every crop has been harvested. It is also celebrated with a feast, with every farmer in a village donating a portion of their harvest to the meal. Ale is also a common part of the celebration, as well as perhaps wine among the more "upper class" folks. Less dancing for the common folk for this one, and more of just a celebration of being together. (Though dancing is still likely to happen.) A person is liable to have at least one drunk relative crashing at your place by the end of the day, which can be good or bad, depending on the relative.
It's a celebration of being thankful that the harvest has been successful, and marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of preparations for winter. Decorations include taking down your scarecrows and dressing them up in silly clothing, as well as using excess produce you are unable to preserve as decorations. (Some things like gourds, pumpkins, etc. will be carved for decorations.) Extra animals that might not survive the winter or would be too expensive to feed are killed and prepared as food for the feast. The idea is that as little should go to waste as possible. If it cannot be saved or preserved for winter, then it will be used for for the harvest festival in some way.
Every year, the Palace holds a masquerade ball for the Harvest festival. The exact origins of the reasoning for the masquerade are uncertain, but this tradition has been ongoing for at least a century at this point, and it's a beloved tradition.
Winter Solstice
Winter solstice takes place near the end of the year, on the shortest day of the year, and is somewhat of a combination between Christmas and New Years in our world, I suppose. It is traditional to exchange gifts with loved ones on the Solstice. It is also traditional to light candles as the sun begins to set, and at the end of the night, around midnight, each person blows out their candle and makes a wish.
It's a celebration of looking back at the year, reflecting on what has happened, and having hopes for the future. It's also general a more cozy and relaxed holiday, in comparison to the potentially raucous or overwhelming celebrations of Midsummer or Harvest.
Aside from the candles, traditional decorations include winter-growing plants. Another tradition is the making and eating of Solstice Cookies, which come in many shapes, and are usually elaborately decorated. (However one of the most common shapes is that of a stylized sun.)
Midwinter happens early in the new year, at the point when the worst of winter is supposed to have passed. It's a celebration of having made it through the worst of it, and that spring will soon be here. (Its origins are among farmers, relieved to have had enough stores for the winter, and that their animals have survived, etc.) It's one of the smaller celebrations of the bunch, with the least defined traditions. But it's generally a very happy and positive celebration.
While each individual family might celebrate it in their own way, the Palace traditionally holds a ball on Midwinter. In rural areas, people might pull out the best of the food they have, or splurge and bake a cake or other fancy dessert.
(Side note: While Midwinter isn't a very defined holiday in terms of traditions, it's probably the most important one in my story, seeing as it's the night that Lavinia attacks Fallon...)
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vanilla-cigarillos · 11 months
Litha Info Post
Litha is a time of celebration and rituals that have been observed since prehistory, as it marks the summer solstice. On the Wheel of the Year, it highlights the time when seeds have been sown and grow abundantly until Lughnasadh.
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Litha (also known as Midsummer) occurs on the summer solstice, and celebrates the true beginning of summer. Celts celebrated Litha with hilltop bonfires and dancing. Many people attempted to jump over or through the bonfires for good luck. Other European traditions included setting large wheels on fire, and rolling them down a hill into a body of water.
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, and in some traditions, Litha is believed to be when a battle between light and dark takes place. During this battle, the Oak King and the Holly King are in combat for control. Throughout each solstice they battle for power, and the balance shifts. The Oak King, who represents daylight, rules from the winter solstice (Yule) to Litha. During this time, the days steadily get longer. However, during Litha the Holly King wins this battle, and the days get increasingly darker until Yule.
In the Northern Hemisphere, Litha is observed during June 20–22; while in the Southern Hemisphere it is celebrated December 21–22.
Common Litha Symbols -
Colors: Green, yellow, purple, baby blue
Foods: Homemade bread, rhubarb, lemon and other citrus fruits
Herbs: Nettle, St. John’s wart, fennel, chamomile 
Flowers: Chamomile, sunflowers, 
For those who practice the Wiccan religion, Litha is the fifth Sabbat of the Wheel of the Year. As such, the holiday is marked with rituals to celebrate the longest day of sunlight in the year as well as the warmth it brings. 
Common traditions include baking your own breads, going swimming, worshipping sun deities, creating sun water.
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coinandcandle · 2 years
The Summer Solstice
The time for the sun to beat down at its most powerful is upon us. In other words: Summer is almost here! Read more to find out about the Summer solstice and its history!
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What is the Summer Solstice? 
Coming from the Latin sol (sun) and stare or sistere (to stand or to stop), the solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice a year; one being the Summer Solstice, the other being the Winter Solstice.
In the Northern Hemisphere, this Solstice takes place on June 20th or the 21st. In the Southern Hemisphere, it’ll take place on December 20th or 21st.
The Summer solstice is the longest day of the year. The Sun travels the longest path through the sky, causing this day to have the most daylight. 
Holidays on or around the Summer Solstice 
This is not a complete or absolute list of Summer Solstice holidays, these are the most common I’ve found while researching. Feel free to comment if you know of any more!
Vestalia, an ancient Roman holiday to celebrate the Goddess of the Hearth, Vesta. One the first day of Vestalia, married women would be allowed to enter the temples of the vestal virgins and give offerings to Vesta.
Kronia, an ancient Greek holiday to celebrate the God of harvest/agriculture, Cronus. One this day slaves would be allowed to join in festivities with the free folks, all equal under the sun for one day.
Midsummer was, and in many cases still is, celebrated by Baltic, Slavic, and Celtic folk. 
Many indigenous peoples across the world have their own holidays associated with the Summer Solstice, but these celebrations vary by region and community.
Holidays involving St. John have many different names, but all celebrate the life of St. John the Baptist.
In Jewish tradition, Tekufat Tammuz is the solstice of the month of Tammuz.
Litha celebrates the beginning of summer and the summer solstice and is often celebrated by modern pagans as well as Wiccans. Wiccans attribute the holiday to their Horned God, consort of the Wiccan Triple Goddess. 
Ultimately, you can call this holiday whatever you want and celebrate it however you want, just be respectful of what other people call and celebrate it!
Lore, Legends, and Traditions
In ancient Greece, the solstice would mark a one month count-down to the Olympic Games.
In China the Summer Solstice was associated with Yin, or feminine force, the people would have festivities that pertained to earth, femininity, and yin force.
Bonfires may have been held by ancient Slavic, Baltic, Celtic, and (possibly) Nordic people to either represent the sun, help the sun gain more power, or to banish negative energy/beings. 
It was also thought that bonfires could lead young women to their future husbands.
Vikings would often gather around Midsummer to resolve issues and talk about legal matters.
The Celts believed that the solstice was the best day to catch a glimpse of the Fae. 
It's been said that the Druids would gather specific herbs on the night of the solstice, believing that they would gain certain magical attributes on the shortest night of the year that they wouldn’t usually have.
Modern Summer Solstice
Many people still celebrate the Summer Solstice, though the celebrations have become more eclectic over time as cultures and people merge.
Keep in mind that this is by no means a complete or absolute list. This is just what I’ve found while looking into the Summer Solstice. 
Wear flower crowns or wreaths or otherwise adorn yourself in flowers
Decorating your space with flowers or foliage
Go berry picking
Go on a walk and appreciate nature
Go Swimming
Rituals and Practices
Do spells involving success or abundance
Tarot or other divination
Decorate your altar with Summer Solstice-associated items (you can look at the list below this section for ideas)
Offerings or Devotional Acts
You can give or dedicate these offerings/devotional acts to deities mentioned above, Summer associated deities, local spirits, or whichever beings you think you should offer to!
Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables
Lemonade/other citrus beverages
Citrus flavored baked goods
Tend to a garden
Tend to houseplants
Light a candle (or many, just be careful!)
Watch the sun rise or set (or both)
Feel the sun on your skin and soak in its energy
Deities and Divinities
Vesta, Cronus, Freyr, Aine, Damia, Aestas, Theros, Apollo, the Great Summer God (夏大神), Hine-Raumati (the personification of Summer in Māori mythology), Miochin (summer spirit or god in some Native American mythology), and many other Solar Deities.
Do your research before offering to a new deity!
Golds, yellows, oranges, reddish-pinks, deep greens, and sky blue.
Bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and dragonflies.
Herbs and Plants
Sunflowers, basil, bay leaves, mint, thyme, lemongrass, rosemary, calendula, and chamomile.
Citrine, tiger’s eye, sunstone, and amber.
Citations and Further Reading
Scientificamerican.com Why We Celebrate the Summer Solstice
History.com History of the Summer Solstice
Timeanddate.com June Solstice Customs
Summer Deities and Divinites - Wikipedia
Britannica - Midsummer’s Eve
A Midsummer’s Celebration by Mike Nichols
Sun Lore of all Ages: Chapter IX by William Tyler Olcott
The Midsummer Solstice as it was, or was not, Observed in Pagan Germany, Scandinavia, and Anglo-Saxon England by Sandra Billington
Post edited for accuracy.
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aroallowitch · 4 months
The Wheel of the Year
[plain text: The Wheel of the Year]
The Wheel of the Year was created by Gerald Gardner, in part based off what was known about ancient Celtic festivals celebrating the year passing, and he named the festivals - some what were known as the names the Celts and Germanic people used for them, some he invented himself. As such, it is a big part of Wicca, but many other witches use it throughout the year (and there are plenty who don't!). The dates listed below (with Gardner's names for the festivals) are for the Northern hemisphere, as the seasons pass oppositely in the Southern hemisphere, they are usually celebrated the other way around.
Samhain (31st October/1st November)
Yule (20-23rd December)(date of the winter solstice varies)
Imbolc/Candlemas (1st February)
Ostara (21st March)(spring equinox)
Beltane (1st May)
Litha (21st June) (summer solstice/midsummer)
Lughnasadh/Lammas (1st August)
Mabon (21st September)(autumnal equinox)
notes: Lughnasadh and Lammas are two separate festivals (historically) that happen on the same date; despite this, many people use the names interchangeably though they are not the same thing. The names Litha, Ostara, and Mabon have no properly verifiable historical basis and most likely have been made up by Gardner.
The two "main" holidays are considered to be Samhain and Beltane, often considered to be the two times when the veil between worlds is at it's thinnest.
Samhain can be linked to Halloween/All Hallows Eve (31st October) and All Saints Day (1st November) as well as Dia de los Muertes (1st/2nd November), reflecting how many cultures viewed it as a time with more spirits/saints/ghosts around. For many, Samhain is considered the "Witches New Year" and is the start of the Wheel of the Year. It marks the beginning of the darker half of the year, as shown in many stories surrounding the Wheel of the Year such as the Goddess and the Green Man, the Oak King and Holly King, and the cycle between the Wiccan Horned God and Triple Goddess.
Beltane happens at the opposite side of the year, and is also called May Day, traditions such as maypole dancing are commonly done at this time of year. It is a spring festival, the beginning of the lighter half of the year, and often associated with fertility and creativity.
Imbolc/Candlemas, also known as St Brighid's Day, is the midpoint between Samhain and Beltane, with Lughnasadh and Lammas being the midpoint between Beltane and Samhain. Imbolc is often associated with the saint Brighid, and happens at the same time as the Christian event Candlemas, although some people call Imbolc Candlemas without following the Christian traditions associated with the holiday. Lughnasadh was originally a festival associated with the Irish sun god, Lugh, and Lammas is originally a Christian holiday also referred to as "loaf mass day", which is where the tradition of baking bread on the 1st August comes from.
The solstices and equinoxes are minor holidays, with the equinoxes being the most minor. Yule is perhaps the most well known of these minor holidays, as Christmas is often referred to as Yuletide, due to the overlap in the Germanic regions and parts of Scandinavia where Yule was most commonly celebrated. Yule is the winter solstice - the time where the days are the shortest, and Litha (aka Midsummer) is the summer solstice - the time when the days are the longest. Ostara and Mabon were less commonly celebrated, hence the need for Gardner to come up with names for these holidays.
This concludes my (not so brief anymore) overview of the Wheel of the Year, my next long written post will likely be my personal usage of the Wheel of the Year and the issues with some of Gardner's names for the holiday (we do not have time to get into the issues with Gardner in general and plenty of people have summed it up a lot better than I can)
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helioark · 9 months
the sun was a spilled glass of water
in the valley, late that day. the longest of all; the high sun, the creaking of a wooden door as it swung open. it only opened once in a year.
the air smelled of pine-knives and sweet, toothy heather, and it was so warm the amber had scarcely the time to cool itself, instead running lazily down barken bodies and stickying the ground. cicadas sung their same song, loud and throaty. beneath all of it was the quiet, faraway speech of that old river, rambling on about the past.
the cabin at the bend of the cliff nearly leaned itself down into the rapids, so aged it had become. still, the wooden boards bore their marks and their scars with pride, and inside, a broom was set to a leaning standstill with a sigh.
a man with gingerish hair and a pair of oaken antlers hesitated briefly on his way out, glancing over his shoulder despite himself. back at the inside of the shop-- the counter, barren of its usual tools and half-finished projects; the fireplace, lit so often beneath a mantel which had born the weight of so many gifts. a table where countless of sariel's meals had been enjoyed. the window overlooking the water.
and the man thought to himself that a charmed life was any life where enough time was taken to count each good thing in front of you, and immortalize it, in whatever shape you can muster. amber is a funny thing, like that.
the door swung shut, and somewhere beyond hill and stone, the long grass of midsummer whispered home, home, home.
I am unsure of who remains of my old mutuals and followers from this account, but hey, it's the author. I've decided I'm going to slowly put this character to rest and refocus this blog onto the things I've grown fonder of in the last few years-- my nearly-finished degree in creative writing, my personal projects in philosophy and poetry, and my personal journey with spirituality, christianity, and myth. Everyone who helped me make the Warden who he was, thank you. Everyone who ever purchased something from the shop-- it was me you helped, I hope you know. For old time's sake, if you ever ask for an amber trinket, you'll get one. The woods remember.
tagging @inneskeeper and @cryptotheism to thank them in particular for inspiring this blog and its character. May the road rise up to your feet.
Slán go deo, a chairde.
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