#might do this prompt again idk we'll see
updownlately · 4 months
Fic rec for reader not really having a family but then Alessia gets her to meet her own family and they instantly love R?
It can be platonic r x Alessia where she’s like an older sister or it can be romantic, up to you.
Also if you’re not in an angst mood you don’t have to focus on R’s lack of family
Love your work!!
i've loved this idea since the day i saw it reach my ask box and i randomly got the inspo/urge to write this one today!
ofc we had to go with matilda by harry styles as the inspo song!
thanks for the support mate and i hope you like the fic! 🫶
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freetobeeyouandme · 7 months
Been thinking about the The First Shadow spoilers for days and like I obvi wanna watch it myself to get the full picture (the moment a slime tutorial drops I want to be notified please) but it's very funny how it turned me, a major Will-has-powers sceptic, into a huge Will-has-powers truther like...I don't want Will to have powers to solve the plot but if that could cause more problems? That would be delicious actually, maybe. Like I need the full picture but we can cook with that, I think
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I saw this while setting up the FNS and my jaw almost hit the floor.
Thank y’all sooo much for this milestone!! Maybe I’ll try to do some kind of celebration thing idk... I’m really bad at those XD 
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drewbs · 2 months
too lazy to post today; will get to it tomorrow. don't worry, guys, i'm staying sane.
if you have any prompts for me, please sent them...
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Birmingham | Tommy Shelby x Reader (Part 19)
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Previous Part
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: (Y/N) spends some time with the youngest member of the Shelby family before spending the night with the member she's gotten the closest to.
Warnings: language, drinking, smoking
Word Count: 4956
A/N: idk how this many words came out of me so quickly…I’m completely invested on telling the rest of their story now, and I hope you don’t mind the length of the part; I didn’t want to split it and make it have more than 20 parts. This was a fun one to write. Enjoy! :)
There’s one part left! - expect it next week!
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(Y/N) remembered the way to the Watery Lane home from when she'd walked there with Tommy a couple weeks ago. She stopped at the door and raised her hand to knock, but hesitated before she was able to as Polly's words ran through her mind: "come right in when you arrive." She heeded to the words, twisting the door's handle and entering the home.
The house was silent as she stepped into the entry room. A nervous feeling filled her as she worried she was overstepping her boundaries. She walked further into the house despite the feeling, knowing she wasn't going to make whoever was inside aware of her presence if she stayed in the doorway.
In the dining room, she found a kid. Her brows furrowed together as she wracked her brain trying to figure out who he may be. Did one of the Shelbys have a child? "Excuse me?" she decided to ask, making the boy look in her direction. "Is Polly Gray here?" she got right to the point.
"Aunt Polly had to run to the market to get a few things. She said she'd be right back," the boy answered with no hesitation.
His words made (Y/N) nod. Of course I'd come when she's out, she thought to herself while inwardly sighing. "Is anyone else home?" she tried another question. Surely this kid wasn't home alone.
"Nope, it's just me," the boy answered with a smile, speaking in a tone that let (Y/N) know this wasn't the first time he'd been left in this situation.
"Oh...ok," (Y/N) nodded slowly as she wrapped her head around the details she'd been given. "Who might you be exactly?" she decided to stop dancing around the unknowns and ask the boy the question that was on her mind since she stumbled upon him. She felt so silly asking the child such a question.
"I'm Finn," he chirped, the smile on his face telling her that he wasn't at all bothered by her asking.
"Oh, we'll it's nice to meet you, Finn, I'm (Y/N)," (Y/N) smiled politely.
"You work for my brothers, don't you?" it was time for (Y/N) to answer a question now.
"I do," (Y/N) nodded, holding her smile for a little longer. There's another Shelby sibling? she wondered, her mind then going back to when she rushed to tell Polly about Grace's schemes. Finn must've been the boy who was sleeping on Polly's lap.
"I'm working on my maths homework," Finn spoke again, his statement having nothing to do with the previous conversation. (Y/N) wanted to laugh at the abrupt change, I guess the introductions are over, she thought.
"Yeah?" she asked, prompting him to continue.
"Yeah," he nodded, "I wanted to go out and help John, but Aunt Polly told me that I need to finish my work first," he pouted slightly as he explained his situation.
"That's smart of your aunt to say...school's important," (Y/N) agreed with the decision that was made by the older woman.
"But none of my brothers finished school!" Finn protested, his brows furrowing to show his distaste with the situation.
"So then you'll be the smart one," (Y/N) smiled, "is there something I can help you with?" she asked him then, taking a few steps over to where he was sitting.
"I guess," he sighed in defeat once he realized that this lady also wasn't going to let him get out of arithmetic.
"Alright," (Y/N) smiled, walking over to the open chairs so that she could sit down next to him, "let's see what you're working on here," she said, glancing over his paper. She was relieved to see that he was working on simple skills...she didn't know how much help she would be if it were any of the harder applications as it had been awhile since she'd really practiced any of them.
(Y/N) happily got into explaining the properties of the skill that he was working on, using one of the questions to show him how to efficiently do it. Finn was happy to have her complete one of the problems for him. A groan came in response when (Y/N) uttered the statement 'now it's your turn'. She was so invested in helping him that she didn't notice that a certain someone had entered the home through its side doors and was watching the interaction.
"Did I do it?" Finn asked, putting the pencil down and looking over at (Y/N).
(Y/N) checked the problem over before looking up at the boy with a smile, "you did," she told him, making a proud smile break onto his face.
"Thank you for helping me," he politely said.
"You're welcome. Do you think you can do the next one?" she raised her eyebrows, watching as he nodded; a look of determination now on his face.
"Tommy!" the unmistakable voice of Arthur Shelby’s came from the room that was adjacent to where Finn and (Y/N) were.
This made (Y/N) quickly look up and find that Tommy was standing in said room, his eyes already locked onto her. She wanted to gasp at the surprise, but instead stayed silent; staring at him like a deer in the headlights as she wondered how long he'd been standing there for. Tommy didn't remove his gaze; keeping it on her as Arthur walked up behind him. He stood still until his brother clapped him on the back and began talking, which finally made him look away. (Y/N) kept her eyes focused on him, a million different ideas of what to say running through her mind.
"I see you're here already, (Y/N)," Polly's voice came from the opposite side of the room, making her finally break her gaze from the man in the other room to see the older woman entering the room with a basket on her arm.
"I only got here a short while ago," (Y/N) answered, her cheeks heating up as she stood from the table and rushed to make herself useful. She couldn't shake the feeling of the intense gaze that was on her once more. "Is there any way I can help you?" she then offered.
"You can help me start dinner," Polly answered with a smile before she looked over at Finn.
"She was helping me with my maths, Aunt Pol!" Finn smiled proudly.
"That's very kind of her," Polly commented, smiling at the boy before she brought it over to (Y/N), who simply sent one in return. "Are you boys sticking around?" she asked Tommy and Arthur as she led (Y/N) into the kitchen area.
"Business came up," Tommy's response was short, his words making Polly sigh.
"Can't even make a bloody stew around here without having enough mouths to eat it," she grumbled, sending her nephews both a glare. She'd hoped that the family would actually be around for the family dinner.
"We'll get some later, Pol," Arthur promptly assured her.
"Can I go with them?" Finn asked with hopeful eyes.
"You've not finished your maths," Polly pointed out, telling him 'no' without even saying the word. Her response made the boy's shoulders slump.
"You'll come some other time," Arthur said to his youngest brother, patting him on the shoulder as he walked towards the archway.
Tommy followed close behind, moving around the kitchen to get to the door that Polly had just entered through. (Y/N) stood next to where Polly was unloading her things, waiting to be of use wherever she'd be needed. Tommy walked past her wordlessly, instead placing his hand against the small of her back as he went by; much like one would do when they're in close quarters with someone. Except they weren't in close quarters at all. (Y/N) froze up slightly at the touch, shocks running through her skin where his hand had brushed as he went. She watched him go, wanting so bad to say something, but her mind was coming up empty.
It wasn't until he exited the room that she looked at Polly again. She felt her cheeks heat up as she found the older woman looking at her with an expectant expression present on her face. (Y/N) smiled at her, trying to play things off like she hadn't reacted the way she did to Tommy's touch.
But, of course, Polly was too bright to believe the act. "I know all of what happened in Sheffield, (Y/N)," she stated, her lips pursed together as she tried to conceal her grin. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and jaw went slack; a wordless way to ask 'what?'. "Ada shares way too much with me sometimes..." she trailed off, letting the younger woman know that she knew about the elephant in the room.
"Do you...will you need help with any of the cooking?" (Y/N) tried to deflect, hoping that her flushed nature wouldn't appear too apparent.
Polly looked her over for a moment before she tasked her with chopping up some of the vegetables. The two women worked silently, and (Y/N) was happy that she was able to get past that topic with only slight hiccups...or so she thought. "Thomas doesn't let very many people in, you know," she brought the topic back into discussion. Her statement made (Y/N) look in her direction. "He acts differently when he's with you."
"He does?" (Y/N) thoughtlessly asked her.
"He does," Polly nodded, "you're good for him. He needs someone like you in his life; someone who'll stay by his side," she said in a definitive tone.
"Oh, I don't know, Pol..." (Y/N) began to speak, wanting to say that she wasn't quite sure where she and Tommy really stood in…those regards.
"I do know," Polly cut her off, an assured expression present on her face, "and I'm never wrong in affairs of the heart," she insisted, raising her eyebrows slightly. (Y/N) only smiled at her, unable to think of anything to say in response.
The two women continued on with making the stew, preparing and cooking it, and then setting out on the table for the three remaining people in the house to eat. They were working on cleaning things up when the door to the home opened again. Ardent footsteps sounded off of the hardwood, and soon Tommy was visible as he quickly made his way over to the kitchen.
"Dinner?" Polly asked him, stopping her wiping of one of the dishes.
"No," Tommy shook his head before his gaze fell on (Y/N), "I need you to come with me."
"Me?" she asked in surprise, gesturing to herself as her eyebrows raised.
"Yes," Tommy nodded, haste present in his tone, "I need to take you somewhere," he kept his reasoning vague.
(Y/N) glanced over at Polly for a moment then. The older woman only nodded in Tommy's direction. Seeing that she'd get no help there, she exhaled a sigh and walked to Tommy's side. "Let's go," she stated, sharing her decision with him. Tommy nodded at her and (Y/N) sent one last glance in Polly's direction before she followed him out of the door.
"Where are we going?" (Y/N) asked as they walked to the outskirts of town. The walk was quiet so far; Tommy hadn't shared a lick of information about where their destination was, or why they were even going there.
"I need to check on something," Tommy answered, taking another drag from the cigarette he'd been smoking.
"And I needed to join you?" she asked another question, her eyebrows raised.
"I couldn't come alone," he answered matter-of-factly, "and I can trust you. You won't be on me with questions," he added, throwing his cigarette to the ground before he looked over at her, tucking his hands into his pockets as they walked.
"Oh," was all (Y/N) said in response, now feeling silly for asking questions when the reason she'd been accompanying him was because he thought she wouldn't. But the way he said it didn't make it sound like he was angry that she was.
"We're nearly there," Tommy commented, looking ahead once again.
The two walked up a hill and a graveyard came into view. (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed at the sight, but she stayed silent. There was a reason why they'd come here. That reason came into view as a grave that was marked with the name 'Daniel Owens'.
"Fuck," Tommy breathed, aggravation present in exclamation.
"What's wrong?" (Y/N) asked, hoping to gain some insight as she looked at what seemed to be a freshly dug grave.
"They found them," his answer was abrupt, and it made (Y/N) even more lost. Who found what? "The guns...they've found the guns," Tommy spoke again, making (Y/N) realize that she'd voiced her thought instead of keeping it to herself. She couldn't let herself react though...now wasn't the time to get self-conscious over a slip up.
"What happens now?" she asked, hoping that he wouldn't get even more upset by the fact that she was, once again, doing the exact opposite of what he hoped she would.
"I've lost my bargaining power. This copper...Campbell...it's just me and him now..." he trailed off, exhaling the rest of his breath as a frustrated sigh, "fuck," he said under his breath, looking off to the cityscape as he tried to wrap his head around the change of events.
"I'm sorry, Tommy," (Y/N) spoke up after a few moments passed. Her stomach had been tied in knots since the mention of Campbell. That name alone made her realize what had happened and now the guilt was building up higher by the second.
"About what, love?" Tommy asked her, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"I knew..." she admitted, trying - and failing - to swallow the lump in her throat before continuing, "I knew about Grace; that she was working with Campbell; that she was trying to take your family down, and I didn't tell you. I don't know why I didn't, I...I just figured that..."
"I knew about her, (Y/N)," Tommy cut her off before she could stumble through the rest of her admission. His voice held no prominent emotion; his mind was still reeling from his discovery. "Pol told me; before we left for Sheffield. She said that she was going to deal with it; that you and I should focus on what needed to be done," he explained what he had known for a few weeks now.
"I'm still sorry. I shouldn't have kept it from you," she didn't take his statement and let the topic drop, the guilt still present inside of her.
"It's fine, (Y/N)," he assured her, his eyes slightly wider as he tried to get her to realize that she'd not done anything wrong.
"Yeah, but..."
"Love, let it go, eh?" he cut her off before she could explain herself any further. He had a pointed expression on his face, and its presence made her realize that she wasn't going to get any further on the topic. So she nodded her head, conceding to his request. "Let's go," he said then, not having any other reason to stick around the graveyard any longer.
(Y/N) nodded again, adding a soft 'ok' before she fell in beside Tommy and began walking back into the city.
"I saw you with Finn earlier," Tommy spoke again after they'd been walking for a few minutes.
"Yeah...he's a sweet boy," (Y/N) smiled at the thought of the child.
"He needs someone like you to help him..." Tommy began, glancing over at (Y/N) momentarily before continuing, "me brothers and I are no use when it comes to things like that. Pol tries to help, but..." he trailed off again, tilting his head to the side as he tried to think of the proper words to describe what it was that Polly does. He sighed when nothing came to mind, "yeah...it's good he's got you," he decided to end it there, looking at her again.
(Y/N) smiled at the sentiment Tommy had just shared with her. "I'd be happy to help him," she stated, feeling honored that he felt that way.
They turned the corner then, making the Garrison come into view. "Join me for a drink?" Tommy asked her when they were a few steps away.
"Sure," (Y/N) answered with a soft smile, not seeing anything wrong with the offer.
Tommy nodded as he heard her answer and opened the door to the tavern, letting her enter first before following behind her. The room was basically empty, save for Polly and Harry standing at the bar.
"Here he is," Polly stated, exhaling a sigh of relief.
"What?" Tommy was confused by her unusual greeting, his brows furrowed as he looked between the two.
"I just got word from my brother in Digbeth. He said that there's police coming down from Deritend in numbers and that they're asking for you by name," Harry told Tommy the information that he'd been given. (Y/N)'s throat dried up as she realized what that meant.
"Fuck," Tommy breathed, tipping his head back in exasperation. This day was getting worse by the second.
"You'll have to go somewhere, lie low for the night," Polly voiced a possible plan.
"Where?" Tommy asked no one in particular.
"Come with me," (Y/N) suggested before anyone could say anything else. The rest of the group looked at her, and she instantly felt the desire to shrink into herself; now thinking that her idea was bad.
"That's a good idea. Go with her until the dust settles," Polly agreed with the younger woman's suggestion. Tommy didn't say anything right away. Instead he kept his eyes fixed on (Y/N).
"The police are in the lane, Tommy!" Finn's panicked voice came from the door that he'd hastily opened.
"Go on, go," Polly ordered the two, nodding her head to the building's side door.
Tommy only nodded before turning and walking over to said door. (Y/N) hurried along behind him, following him out the door and into the alleyway. Nothing was said as they quickly made their way to her apartment, making sure to take all of the off streets so they wouldn't be found.
A relieved breath escaped (Y/N)'s lips when they were finally behind her apartment's closed door. "I don't think anyone noticed us," she said once she'd finished locking the door.
"We'll be fine," Tommy responded, not an ounce of worry in his words.
"You'll be staying the night then?" she asked him.
"I'd say I would be," his answer was simple, and a surge of something indescribable shot through (Y/N) as she heard him say it.
She found it ironic that Tommy was now hiding out across the hall from where the person who ratted him out lived. Of course she didn't know if said person still lived there, and she wasn't about to go knock and find out, but the idea of it all just seemed so funny to her.
"It's late, I..." (Y/N) paused, wondering if it would be proper to even announce this to him, "I'm going to go and get changed for the night," she decided to continue on with sharing her plans. Tommy nodded after hearing her statement. It's not like he could have really said no to her...this was her home after all. (Y/N) nodded also before she went to her bedroom and changed her clothing for a sleeping gown and a robe.
When she returned to the main room, she found Tommy sitting at the table with a glass in front of him. "I hope you don't mind," he stated, motioning to the bottle sitting on the table.
"I see you found my stash," she grinned at him, moving over to the cupboard to grab a glass before she sat across from him, "I don't mind, you just have to share with me...you promised me a drink, remember?" she reminded him, holding the glass out to him. He got to pouring, filling her glass up halfway.
Silence fell between them then as they stared at each other. (Y/N) kept her hand fastened to the glass, unable to break herself from the trance she felt like she was being sucked into. Why did his eyes have to be so mesmerizing? Why did his gaze have to be so intense? It was like he was sizing her up; his eyes combing over every inch of her face.
Tommy was waiting for (Y/N) to take the lead in the conversation. He knew that she was grappling with something; he could see it in her eyes. He was desperate to know what was on her mind, but he didn't want to force her into saying it.
"Have I done something wrong?" (Y/N) was the first to speak, finally blurting out the question that had been circling her brain since their tense interaction at the Garrison yesterday.
"What?" Tommy questioned her, his brows now furrowed. He didn't expect that type of question from her.
"Yesterday, at the office. That was the first time I saw you since Sheffield, and you seemed closed off towards me. It made me wonder if I...that maybe I did something wrong, or that maybe we did something that you regret," she explained herself, her voice trailing off at the end so that the last eight words were uttered at a lower volume.
Tommy heard them loud as day though. They made him think; wondering why she was caught up on their interaction...why she was second guessing what had happened between them before they left Sheffield? Why would she think that he regretted it? He'd be waiting to do that for so long. "(Y/N), I don't..."
"Police, open up!" a loud voice and incessant knocking interrupted Tommy before he could quell her worries.
The knocking continued as (Y/N)'s eyes widened, realizing that they were surely looking for Tommy. "You need to hide!" she whisper-yelled to him, dramatically pointing to the door of her bedroom. Tommy nodded, still a little too calm for her liking.
She then realized that she was going to have to speak to these coppers. Shit. She walked to the door after a deep breath to contain herself. "Can I help you?" she asked once she opened the door to see two police officers. She hoped that she came off as composed.
"We're looking for Thomas Shelby, have you seen him?" the one officer asked in a gruff voice while the other peered around her into the apartment.
"I've not seen him," (Y/N) shook her head, hoping the interaction would end there.
But of course, it didn't. "You work at the Garrison, correct?" the copper asked another question.
"Correct," (Y/N) gave a brief answer.
"And you've not seen him?" the second man jumped in, his eyebrows raised.
"No, sir," (Y/N) answered with a shake of her head, feeling much more composed now, "I am merely an employee at his establishment." The man who asked the question raised his eyebrows, looking as though her answer wasn't sufficient enough for him. (Y/N) caught that and happily added on, "you don't see your boss and keep tabs on his whereabouts every single day, do you?" she raised her eyebrows right back at him, annoyance seeping into her words.
She was met with silence from both of them. Clearly they couldn't dispute her statement.
"I thought not," she said with a single nod, pleased with the outcome, "it's late, and I'm clearly in my sleeping gown. Are there any more questions you need to ask me?" she asked them, her tone flat as she raised her eyebrows once more.
"No, ma'am," the first officer answered, sounding defeated.
"Good. Goodnight, officers," she said her farewell, not even giving them enough of a chance to respond before she shut the door on them.
A sigh of relief escaped her lips once she was behind the partition again. She was happy that she was able to keep up an innocent front while answering their questions.
She was still taking a moment to herself when Tommy emerged from the bedroom. In her absence, he'd taken off his coat and shirt, leaving him in an undershirt and trousers with suspenders holding them up. Seeing him just about made her melt. He looked so different now; more comfortable and, dare she say it...content.
"Thank you, (Y/N)," he said to her as he walked out into the living area.
"You're welcome," she sent a small smile in return. Silence returned to the room again, and it made (Y/N) remember where they'd left off on their conversation before the officers came to the door. As much as she was wondering what was on his mind, she didn't know if she could take anymore excitement for the evening. "It's, uh...it's getting late. You can use my bed tonight," she broke the silence, offering him a place to sleep.
"No, I'll stay on the couch," Tommy turned down her offer with a slight shake of his head. He didn't want to take the bed from her...that would be very ungentlemanly of him.
"Then I'll stay out here with you," (Y/N) was quick to say, her words noticeably catching Tommy off guard, "in case anymore visitors come knocking," she added, hoping that adding reasoning improved her grounds for saying it.
"Expecting someone?" Tommy questioned in a tone that (Y/N) couldn't quite decipher. She wasn't sure if he was kidding or being serious. She hoped it was the latter.
"No, but I am harboring a fugitive," she decided to go the joking route, poking fun at him as she cracked a smile. She was relieved when he chuckled at her statement.
"Fair enough," he nodded his head, a smile breaking through on his lips. (Y/N) took reverie in the sight.
"Shall we?" she awkwardly asked after a few, quiet moments had passed, wanting to kick herself for how she then motioned to the couch in the room. Her question made Tommy's smile widen though, so she took it as a victory.
They both moved over to the couch. Silence fell around them, once again, but this time it was comfortable.
"I don't regret anything that happened between you and I, (Y/N)," Tommy was the one to break the silence this time. His words made her eyes snap in his direction. He saw her surprise and decided to continue, "there's a lot happening...with the races coming up, and now Campbell finding the guns. My mind's full, but I don't regret what happened between us."
"I..." (Y/N) trailed off, her mind going too fast for her to keep up. She was hoping for him to say something like this, but now that he did, she didn't have a clue of what to say back. "Thank you for letting me know," she lamely said, wanting to kick herself yet again for going the awkward route.
Tommy opened his mouth then, looking like he was about to say something as his eyes searched her face, but after a moment he decided against it and exhaled a slight sigh, looking off to the wall again. "Do you mind if I smoke?" he asked her.
"I don't," she answered with a soft smile, all the while wondering what it was that he was going to say at first.
Tommy nodded upon hearing her answer, standing from the couch to fish his cigarettes out of the pocket of his suit jacket. He then moved to the opposite side of the room, not wanting to be on top of her as he lit up a match. His mind was reeling with all of the things he wanted to say to her. He wanted to tell her that he needed her, that she was important to him, and that he felt that things would turn out fine as long as she was by his side, even moreso, things would be good if she was. But he couldn't...he just couldn't get the words out. And so he stared out the window as he smoked his cigarette.
(Y/N) busied herself with a pamphlet that was sitting on the side table. She tried to focus on reading it rather than the millions of questions that were rushing through her mind. Somehow he quelled her one worry and created ten more. What was he going to say to me?! she wanted to scream to the heavens. But she couldn't, and so she just quietly sat and 'read' over the paper in her hands.
Tommy came back over to the couch once he was finished. By that time, (Y/N) had placed the pamphlet back on the table and had relaxed across the couch. "I'm sorry, I got comfortable," she apologized as she noticed Tommy standing in front of her.
"Don't apologize, love," he brushed her statement off, watching as she hastily sat up and opened a spot for him.
"Here. Sit," she motioned to the open cushion, a sheepish smile on her face as she watched him sit down. He sent a smile as a silent thank you, and got comfortable on the couch again.
(Y/N) yawned, and not much more was said as she twisted herself and tried to get comfortable again. All the moving around probably annoyed Tommy, but the end result most certainly didn't. She finally got comfortable when she rested her head on his shoulder. By that point, she was too tired to care of the formalities, and drifted off to sleep.
Tommy stayed up for most of the night...not because he wasn't tired, but rather because he wanted to savor the moment where he felt like all of his worries were miles away…thanks to the beautiful woman who was sleeping next to him.
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Next Part
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
prompts 5, 36, and 38 for the spy please?
(sorry if i alr sent this lmao)
Idk what prompt set you mean so I did mine. Thank you @okchijt as always for helping me :) They've done this plot awhile ago but I never got to it until now. Me and them both struggled on a plot with what we were given so I'm sorry if you don't like it :(
Yandere! Spy Prompts 5, 36, 38
"Manipulation? No, dear, I'm just encouraging you!"
"I'd hate to hurt you but... if you keep this up I might have to."
"My life has been so barren without you...."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Possible OOC Spy, Manipulation, Threats, Death, Mentions of "Respawn Machines", Jealousy, Touchy behavior, Different from my usual fics, Blackmail, You can imagine darling is part of a different team than RED and BLU if you want, Forced relationship.
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Your grip on the gun shook as you pointed it towards the enemy Spy. Your teammates were gone, held hostage by a sabotaged respawn machine. It was just you... and the Spy in front of you.
"I suggest you listen, dear." Spy warns, looking at you with a smug expression. "I can easily have your team gotten rid of permanently unless you listen. Those respawn machines are important, we both know that... and they're offline."
"You're lying...." You seethe, gun still aimed for the Spy in front of you.
"Am I?" Spy grins, cigarette in hand. "Would you really want to take the risk and doom your team? I thought you cared for them... unfortunately." Spy grimaces, watching you as you take in his words.
Spy only approaches when he sees you freeze and lower you're weapon. He circles you with a predatory grin as he plucks the weapon from your hand. You watch as he tosses it, settling behind you with his hands on your hips.
"Aren't you tired of fighting?" Spy whispers, leaning into you. "I could easily put an end to all of this unless you comply. You see... I have so much info against you and your team. Hate to have it all leaked, no?"
Spy's smile never falters when he sees your breath hitch. He has you exactly where he wants you. He's been waiting for this moment. He has been pretending to play the part of your team member... only to reveal himself as a traitor.
This was his job, after all... gain information and take out those who resist.
"You know what I'm talking about, dear. It's against the rules to have romantic relations with a team member, is it not? I could tell the higher ups about everything... you wouldn't want that."
Spy chuckles when you freeze, knowing he means the conversations you've been having with your "coworker"... aka Spy. The real coworker you adores was dead and gone. Spy made sure not even a respawn machine could help them.
"You trying to blackmail me?" You answer, squirming when Spy pulls you closer. "Manipulate me into doing... what exactly?"
"Manipulation? No, dear, I'm just encouraging you!" Spy hums. "But with me, you don't have to hold your feelings back anymore. I adored our little chats. We can still make this work... I can even bring back that team of yours if you just give yourself to me, my beloved. Our little secret...."
"Don't mock me!" You yell, breaking out of his grip. You try to pull out your secondary but the Spy is faster due to years of experience. He plucks the weapon out of your hand before tossing it again. You then feel him hold you still, a frown on his face.
"I'd hate to hurt you but... if you keep this up I might have to." Spy sighs, sound hurt. The sudden change surprises you. What scares you about Spy... is the fact you can't read him. Spy chuckles, seeing the gears turning in your eyes.
"We'll be seeing each other a lot more often, won't we?" Spy smiles. "After all... you want this little secret of yours to stay quiet no doubt. In fact... once those respawn machines are up and running again, I'm sure you'll be seeing me tonight, love."
He traces his gloves fingers across your jawline, smiling with half lidded eyes.
"I plan to make you mine tonight, dear... better wear something nice." Spy whispers. "I want you to act like you're mine, after all, I'm turning these machines back on because I love you. Don't forget that."
Spy then lets you go, stepping away as he watches you stare him down. You're terrified, frustrated, but unable to do anything as of now. You're vulnerable and he adores it.
"My life has been so barren without you...." Spy announces with a wave. "I'll never let you leave me now."
With that, he activates his watch and disappears from sight...
Leaving you alone with the consequences of your actions.
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Prompts 4, 5 and 6 with Jason
I really wanna make a breakfast sandwich rn I think I might do that after the next part idk we'll see
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It's easy to say that hes scared you've somehow got hurt or worse when you need to run out to town. But imagine being left alone in the cabin waiting for Jason to come back. Whether it be his first rising from the dead or his tenth, you never really get used to it. Theres always a lingering voice in the back of your mind that hes finally been done for, only for Jason to rise again. It's a rollercoaster and no matter how much you love the man there's only so much your heart can take. You are quite literally sacrificing your life waiting for him to come back because you know he likely will come back, and that's with months to years between him dying and coming back if we're being accurate to the movies... really this prompt can be its own post and I might just explore this there
You have it, and Jason has no idea what's happening to you. One day you're fine and the next you seem.. a little sick.. and you only seem to get worse as the days turn into weeks. Hes truly convinced you're going to die, and hes here trying his best to save your life with the resources he has. Its cliche, but you confess as you're about to succumb, only for the two of you to be shocked as your condition seems to better itself rapidly. You're still weak, if course.. and while Jason is ecstatic that you love him back, your health is his top priority. You two end up talking about it when you're better..
Now this one is interesting, even if I don't have an explanation for how it happens! But hey if theres a canon character with psychic powers in F13 then who's to say other stuff cant happen? its.. interesting.. for one Jason isnt at all used to being in such a small body, regardless of how tall or short you are. Jason always makes you look tiny. Speaking of, you might. Accidentally bump around and knock things over. Though.. the idea of Jason running around in your body doing his job to keep the camp empty is a little funny, though he might sit this one out until everything's back to normal. He doesn't want to leave your body in a bad condition after all
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gallavichthings · 10 months
Gallavich Things Events Calendar
Hello, lovelies!
The poll I made last week isn't closed yet, but it's clear to see where it's heading. Therefore, and to ease everyone's anxiety, here's the calendar with the events this blog will be hosting FOR THE NEXT YEAR (with more details about each event after the cut):
1st or 2nd week: guidelines and prompts for the Kinktober will be posted.
1st or 2nd week: guidelines for the Masquerade posted/sign-ups open
1st week: sign-ups for the Masquerade close
2nd week (exact day TBD): Masquerade
also 2nd week: guidelines for the gift exchange posted and sign-ups open
2nd week: Deadline to send guesses about the Masquerade (possibly extended if there's a large number of fics);
also 2nd week: Sign-ups close for the gift exchange and prompts are posted
14th: gift exchange (possibly taking over more days, depending on the number of participants)
My birthday lol; jk, we rest. We rest, ok? And you can participate on other events posted by other blogs. But if you want to send me birthday gifts, I'll accept. XD
Spring cleaning again??? Or we rest some more, idk.
Gallavich Week themes revealed
2nd or 3rd week: Gallavich Week
We rest again? Go outside? Enjoy the summer?
A.U.gust again? Rinse & repeat?
And now for more details:
About the Kinktober, I probably won't be doing a theme per day because I feel like that might be tiring. Also, we just did that for A.U.gust and I saw another Gallavich blog posting something like that for September, so I figured we give people a bit more freedom this time around. I'm thinking of either just a list of prompts that you can post whenever, or a bingo, or one ample/general theme per week... But I'm open to suggestions.
About the Masquerade: Yes, I know most people voted to have it along the Kinktober, but there was also a quite significant amount of people who said they'd rather have it after it. I figured the people who voted to have it alongside Kinktober would still participate it if I had it later, but the opposite was likely not true, so I figured this was better. Also, I will be requesting sign-ups, but they're just so I can organize everything, so the deadline will be quite close to the posting day. Posting will likely be on an AO3 anonymous collection (I'll have to test that first), and the guesses will be made through a Google Form. One more thing: I think it would be nice to have fanart/videos/gifsets as the prizes (preferably about the Masquerade fics themselves), both for the person (or people) who manage to guess the most authors correctly and for the author who manages to "deceive" more people (still deciding on that, but anyway...), so if you make any of this and would like to volunteer, let me know.
About the gift exchange: it was postponed for next year for three reasons: 1) there was no set event in February, so I figured this would be cute and fit the theme of Valentine's Day - instead of secret Santas, you'll have secret admirers ;) ; 2) it gives people more time to participate, since most other fandoms have their gift exchange events at the end of the year; 3) it leaves the Masquerade at the end of the year, which is an event with lower stakes (no one is expecting people to produce anything, so it's easier to cancel their participation if something happens). I reserved actual Valentine's Day for it, but I believe it'll actually happen throughout the week. The format will be the same as in the last couple of years, with participants picking the prompts they'd like to fulfill.
I assumed we'll be doing A.U.gust again next year, but that's not set in stone. Spring Cleaning is also a possible event, but we'll see. Gallavich Week will be happening, as always.
I hope this has helped! If you have any questions,suggestions or comments at all, feel free to send me an ask.
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fallingforel · 1 year
heyyyy!!! how are you? :) could you do prompt 53 with Alex turner please ?🫶🏼
A/N hey my lovely I'm good thank you for asking of course I can and here it is on with the showww Idk what it is about Paris and my alex prompts but it's another one where they're in paris. sorry it's short I was struggling a bit.
PROMPT 53: “I’ll keep you safe.”
words: 1,192
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It was a hectic day for me I didn't stop, this morning Alex was gone for soundcheck waking up to an empty bunk on the tour bus so I decided to go and sight see keeping my mind off of him because I'm an ultimate worrier that something happened to the ones I love the most.
After sight seeing I went and got some lunch racking up some hunger as I hadn't had breakfast either we were in paris at the minute so I went to a sweet little cafe with a view of the eiffel tower and ate outside as the weather was nice too.
Then after lunch I made my way to meet Amelie a friend who I hadn't seen in years, she had moved out here after uni after a lack of PR jobs available and we had both got so wrapped up in our lives that we didn't have time to see eachother but she was free too so it felt right to see her.
"Y/n how are you sweet?" Amelie exclaimed as soon as she saw me come into view running straight up to hug me. "I'm good! I'm good!" I say reciprocating the hug. "What are you doing in paris mon cheri? surely you've not moved here." She asks breaking the hug now just holding a grasp on my shoulders. "No! No! I haven't moved out here, just visiting." I say concealing the truth. "Well! we must go shopping then go out tonight. There's a concert I'm going to tonight, they're big! You'd love it. You're not here on your own are you? Being a girl out here on her own can't be easy." she asks. "No, I'm not out here on my own. I'm actually with my boyfriend and his friends." "Invite them! We could do with the extra hands to hold our bags" "errr... It's not that easy Am, they would probably be down to go out tonight though, just not to the concert, maybe after?" I say once again concealing the truth that my boyfriend is in a big band, and they're performing in a stadium tonight, the concert she's going to. And the fact that they'd be bombarded by fans, if they were to just wander the streets with us.
"Why isn't it that easy" "errr well you see, my boyfriends in a band, they're touring at the minute, that's why I'm in paris." "Oh. You mean YOU'RE the girlfriend all the arctic monkeys fans are talking about" "shush shush. no need to shout. But yes, yes I am." "Oh my god! Why didn't you tell me Y/n, this is huge news. First you have a boyfriend, next you're like in with a famous circle. You'll have to introduce me to him because he clearly means a lot to you, I remember when we were in Uni and you said you'd never date a famous person. He clearly must be special"
"Alex and I don't like to say he's famous makes him too pretentious, he heard us talking one time on the phone and thought you sounded pretentious" "It's what the paris lifestyle does to you, It makes you pretentious, everyone here is. too glam for my liking" "that's what I said"
"yeah, well you'd be right, I'm missing the U.k" "You'll have to come to sheffield with us, It'll humble you so much. Might be the break you're looking for, we'll be back that way in a few months." "I wish I could but emille needs me here, to look after the house, he's away too much and we're not rich enough to afford housekeepers." "Fuck Emille you know he's not good for you" "Yeah, I know. I'm leaving him when he comes back next month I caught him cheating, I'm just waiting for an apartment to come available" "Oh! come back to the UK live with me in London, My apartment is rarely ever used since I'm always with Alex, Rent will be super cheap aswell. PR jobs are super available now, I know the whole reason you moved out here was the amount of PR jobs that weren't available, but I've been looking for myself ones that I can work from home on due to being on tour with Alex and Theres tonnes available," "really?" "really Am!" "oh you are such a doll. I love you" "I know. but seriously, I'm gonna be back home in a few months I'll stay with you for a few months make sure you're settled and you know the area and then I'm off again" "I appreciate you so much thank you"
"No worries, come see Alex with me?" "Absolutely, wouldn't dream of not coming. Let's go shopping for some outfits for tonight" "let's hop to it" ⋆。°✩
We shopped for a few hours before returning back to her flat and we got changed before heading out to the stadium in a Taxi. "où les filles?" (where to girls) the taxi driver asked "stade de france s'il vous plait" (stadium of france please) I replied making amelie laugh "what?" "nothing, You've changed I wasn't even aware you could speak french and you sound so different in french a lot less than your scouse accent." "well, Alex has been teaching me french, we've decided we're residing here when he's finished with tour, and People change Amelie" "yeah well it suits you." "thank you" I said looking at her with a smile on my face.
It doesn't take that long until we're there and I'm running around the back to go see Alex. "Y/N, BABE!!!" Alex shouts waving to me "Alex, I missed you, this is Amelie. My bestfriend from Uni, she lives here" "Thats nice, ravi de vous rencontrer, je suis le petit ami d'Alex Y/ns, à quoi ça ressemble de vivre ici ?" (nice to meet you I'm alex Y/ns boyfriend, whats it like living here?) "Oh no, I can speak english, I'm not fully french. Nice to meet you too though, I've heard a lot of great things about you from Y/n, and it's okay makes you a bit too pretentious though" Amelie says shaking Alex's hand when he offers it. "Yeah, told her a lot about you. She's just been cheated on so she's moving into my apartment when we get back to england. I'll stay there with her for a few months or weeks depends on how long she takes to get settled, then we're moving in together." Alex just nods along to what I say, I think he's just too buzzed about going on stage to care right now.
"come on Amelie I'll take you to get a drink and then to the bus to get some merch" I say "I'll come with you two too." Alex says grabbing my hand with me stepping to my left, while Amelie is on my right.
We get to the bar and all of a sudden there is crowds around us, making my claustrophobia highten. And Alex just squeezes my hand tighter pulls me into his chest and whispers in my ear "Dont worry darling, I'll keep you safe, I've got you"
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koinotame · 6 months
hi! it's me, nana / koinotame!
if you're wondering why i went inactive and then deleted, my mental health kind of (really) tanked... and i ended up deleting my blog in a fit.
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it's getting better bit by bit though! and i've been wanting to get back into writing (and talking abt my unhinged/yan ideas i can't really talk to anyone else abt), so. here i am! for now, at least
as for my previously posted writing, there's some good news and some bad news: the bad news is that everything i wrote directly into tumblr (99% of snippets, a lot of ask answers, most exact content warnings, etc) is gone. the slightly less bad news is that iirc there were very very few posts of mine that weren't reblogged by anyone at all, so they're probably still out there? feel free to send them my way if you find any and i'll rb them. @/midnight-remembrance also has reblogged a couple of them! there's a couple snippets i have saved in some places, so i might repost those on my own as i find them, but there's very few of those. the good news is that anything longer (proper writing — oneshots, hcs, yan alphabet responses and so on, prompt responses, etc) is safely backed up where i originally wrote it! some of it is also on my ao3, which is the same username. feel free to send me asks about any you'd like to see again and i'll repost them! i might not post them if i feel too embarrassed about/wish i hadn't posted them, and i might rewrite/heavily edit some of them, but i think there's only a handful that fall into the former category and none of them were particularly popular. either way, no harm in asking!
as for some other updates: i'm a little divided on whether i want to keep posting explicit nsfw or not so we'll see. i might just keep it out of main tags. idk yet. regardless of what decision i make, this blog is still strictly 18+ and that will not be changing. since we can reply from sideblogs now, this is a sideblog and not my main now. why? sometimes i prefer to check up on a blog frequently instead of following them for a couple of reasons, but this felt very awkward when they were following me. so this being a sideblog relieves a bit of that stress. if this makes it sound like i have severe brain worms, it's because i do. to that effect though, if we interact every so often feel free to consider us mutuals regardless of whether or not i'm actually following you =w=b tbh i.............. am not really into genshin anymore. i might post about it here and there but i just Do Not (really) Care about it anymore. scara aside to some degree i also have no clue what's going on post inazuma lol whatever projects or commitments to writing or etc i had made beforehand. i forgot all of them so just pretend that never happened ok? ok i'll also probably be posting more sparsely, but we'll see! and (this is obviously the most important bit) i have no clue where i put the mika edit so we're back to my og classic pfp. the header scales terribly and is temporary, please ignore that too
all that aside, as a treat for anyone who sees this in time,
*roughly 6/22 done, but fairly quick to write. roughly one paragraph per character (sneak peek line: "it's not too hard to be discreet with his unique magic when someone really deserves to fall face down a flight of stairs. or three. oopsie. odd they don't remember it, huh? well, he had nothing to do with that.") **more realistic isn't quite the right word(s)... probably won't post this one to the main tags regardless. won't be doing all of the characters (only important/relevant ones) and won't be writing more about/expanding on, so this one is just like. a one off experiment sort of thing. overall less violent than most takes on the au + leans a bit (or lot, depending on how you look at it) more on the religious aspect of self aware aus. i wrote a couple paragraphs a while ago, then rewrote them, but i'll only finish/post them if there's interest for it (sneak peek line: "aether has deluded himself and cast You aside entirely on his own—and when You finally grace them with Your real presence, zhongli is certain aether will be the first to fall from Your grace.")
i have one other new thing immediately ready for posting that'll get posted in a couple of days but that one's pretty silly
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rescuefield · 2 months
i am once again coming here with an announcement, and this time nothing could have ever prepared us for it 💀 ( perhaps i'll add this to my rules too idk we'll see )
let's talk about leon(s). i'm a thousand years old, grew up watching my cousins play the ogs, my views are influenced by the way i was exposed to the plot through them and then i got to make my own opinion when i had the chance to play myself. when it comes the canon storyline i do believe that claire & leon are basically that "not platonic, not romantic but a secret third thing ( so devoted the lines blur )" meme, but also i have common sense and don't shove it down anyone's throats.
i never give for granted that interactions with any leon are based on a shipping level - i always write claire acting platonically and eventually if the other mun comes to me asking about it then i can give it some thought ( which is basically what happened with savvy almost a year and some ago, how time flies! ) so i would like writers to have the same regards toward me and not outright send me shippy / nsfw prompts on the basis that i "write it already with other leons".
we say not one character is the same even when it comes to the canon ones, so i don't see why me interacting with another blog of the same character means i have the same identical plots even with other blogs. so please don't try to force ship or guilt trip me into it, because it's not cool.
on another note, because i've been lowkey vagued about it and i saw even though i let it slide... i have a leon which i'm affiliated with, and of course when i mention cleon adjacent things you can rest assured it's about them. this is also written everywhere on my carrd, by the way, so it's not something i revealed today. if i write with a leon blog but i'm shipping with my affiliate, it doesn't mean the first blog is there just to "collect muses". it means my claire and your leon are just friends ( for now or forever ) and we can explore other type of stories. i understand some muns might feel bad about it but at the same time we all write with more variants of the same canon muses, so i don't understand why this is a topic to make a scene about.
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otakugoddes · 2 years
Hi hun I saw your angst prompt list and idk if you're still doing those but if you are can I have prompt 1 or 6 for Sanemi?
If you don't wanna do it, it's fine!
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Angst Prompts "Maybe in another life we'll be together" + "I'm not her/him/them. I dont think I ever will be"
Warnings: Mentions of death and violence; mutual pining and one-sided relationship; mild profanity; gender-neutral reader (they/them and you).
A/N: Your request is my command! Thank you for my first ask! I'll do you one better...I'll do both! Though it might not be what you're thinking.
Sanemi never imagined himself falling for someone, there were very few people who he actually opened up to and trusted. Most of the time his dedication to his job was seen as his downfall.
Even as a Pillar, there was no guarantee of life in this job.
He knew that, though he was reluctant to the aspect of trying himself down to a domestic life, especially since there was a chance he could leave that person. Not by natural causes either.
"All the more reason to live life like you're dying right? Since we don't know when we'll draw our last breath...its obvious we have to living fulfilling lives until then!" You had told him, and you just pissed him off.
You were reckless.
Spitting Death in the face.
Only to look at him smugly every time when you returned from a mission, bloody and bruised, with that devil-may-care grin. "Well, looks like I'm stuck seeing your ugly mug again!" You smirked at him.
Everyone knew of the tension that resided between the two of you, the underlying feelings that made your cruel words meaningless when compared to your actions.
Sanemi was in denial.
There was no way he was in live with you.
He couldn't be.
You were just someone who happened to get on his nerves, and someone he happened to be protective of when things were cutting it too close.
You were more in tune with your feelings though.
Aware that the wind Pillar hated you more than anything, but utterly and irrevocably in life with him yourself, hiding it under airs and smirks you knew would piss him off. So, it was probably because of his pride that he refused to notice your actions being anything beyond trying to annoy him. Or his head was too far up his ass like his ego.
So it took one mission.
One mission out of how many that you were paired together. Years of "rivalry" only to come down to one mission.
Sanemi was on your left, chest heaving and bleeding.
You were holding your nichirin blade, looking as messed up as Sanemi felt. This demon was proving to be a problem, two hours of fighting it to turn up with no results and no way of killing it.
"This is pointless! Fuck!" He grunted.
You looked at him.
Sanemi was the kind of person who'd fight till the end, never letting up once, that's what you admired about him. He didn't want to tell you but, he was so bleeding so badly he would soon die. Instead stubbornly insisting to fight, despite his fatal injuries.
"Hey! Sanemi!"
"We gotta kill this thing!"
"I cant move!"
It must have been the look in your eyes, because his widened, you activated your (breathing technique). Stepping in front of him, "Live Sanemi!"
A few seconds later there was a flash of light, and he heard the sound of bone and sinew crunching.
He looked up to see the demon fade, and you on the other side, but he knew there was something wrong when you turned towards him...with a pained smile.
"(Name)! Hey! You idiot! Why'd you do that? That form is dangerous?!" He yelled at you, catching you when you legs threatened to buckle and held you close.
As he scolded you for being reckless you removed your hand from your torso.
Blood seeped into your haori, and you put your hand on his cheek to stop him from yelling.
"Shut up for five seconds!"
"What the-?"
You smiled again, this time a real one. And Sanemi started to tear up, he could fe your body growing cold...could hear the last beats of your heart.
"Why wouldn't you let it strike me? You're a fucking idiot!"
"Don't waste tears on me Sanemi!"
You leaned upwards, and he craned his head towards you, "I love you, Sanemi. I have for a while now. But I guess the universe says we're not meant to be!"
He wasn't fazed in the slightest by your confession, more the finality of the tone, "No! Don't talk like that! I'll drag your ass to Shinobu and she can help!"
You shook your head, "I'm beyond saving!"
"You want to leave me now...is that it?! God, I get everybody dies...but you cant fucking leave me now! Not after saying that!" He yelled, gripping you tighter as if that would keep you there...honestly his grip started to hurt.
But you did nothing to stop him, the hurt felt better than his denial to accept that you were leaving.
"Are you going to say it back so I can die in peace?" You grinned, it was painful to do but worth it when his face scrunched up.
He scoffed, amusing you.
"Hey...you can have my blade!" You laughed and handed him your nichirin blade.
"STOP! Stop talking like that!" He was crying but laughing in the same breath, as if delirium caught up with him.
"Maybe in another life we'll be together! I love you...," You smiled, kissing him with bloody lips and suddenly...your body went limp in his grasp.
He choked back the sob...whispering "I love you too" back to a corpse as he gripped your lifeless body.
A few years later, he got married. While he loved his wife, he still mourned your loss, a love that he never got to pursue because if his own stubbornness.
But he was fulfilling what you told him.
To live.
And by that, you meant have a life, fall in love and get married. You knew your death was coming, so one line from you and he was doing as you asked.
He had told his wife about you, not the part about where he had been catastrophically in love with you...and still was after all these years.
His wife always got the feeling that there was something he wasn't telling her.
In another room of their estate he had your sword displayed along with your shrine, and while he never said to not to touch your blade...she always got the feeling that she shouldn't touch it.
One night...her curiosity got the better of her.
She went into the room and knelt by the shrine to pay homage before staring at the beautiful blade, that she had often seen her husband tend to daily like a ritual.
She observed it and noticed that there was ribbon around the hilt with a small piece of paper hidden.
She took the paper out and read it.
Sanemi seemed to notice her absence from bed and decided to look for her, finding her in the shrine room and asking, "What are you doing up so late?"
She handed him the note with a sad smile, he instantly recognized the handwriting and looked back up at the woman who loved him so much...who he was doing so wrong by being in love with another. It was his stupid fault.
He couldn't even look at her.
She laughed softly and put her hands on his cheeks, "I'm not them, Sanemi. I dont think I'll be ever in your eyes!"
He looked down and whispered, "I'm sorry!"
She nodded, leaning up on her toes to kiss his forehead, "I know...me too!"
As she walked out of the room, he sank to his knees and cradled your blade, feeling like love was lost altogether.
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seldomscilence16 · 8 months
Whumptober day 14:
"Feed me poison, fill me 'till I drown."
Flare | water inhalation | "Just hold on." 
Fandom: Owl House
Prompts used: All
This once again is in the 'who the frick knows' timeline. Where I move things to fit my needs. It's before the day of Unity Fight, but Hunter gets on their side earlier on… yeah idk. :) I kinda wanted to parallel the battle they had in the human realm in season 3, cause ya know *°•☆trauma☆•°*
TW for drowning
Luz pretends she's an open book. She smiles and laughs and puts herself out there like the heart on her sleeve is more than just an illusion. She can pretend everything is fine, that nothing happened ever-
Until she cant.
She stares at the chaos around her, wonders what she should have changed to fix it. Her feet feel numb while the rest of her tingles unpleasantly, she wonders if it will ever fade back to normal or if it's a side effect of being turned to stone. She thinks of Eda, and how that had almost been her fate once, she wonders where she is now. 
A shout reaches her ears before someone crashes into her, when she opens her eyes again she's across the room, a pile of rubble where she once stood.
"What are you doing!? We need to get out of here!" 
"Hunter? Where's everyone else?" Luz duct tapes her spiraling mind together, she's fine.
"They're getting everyone else to safety. I don't know what you've been doing, but we need to get out of here before Belos finds us!" Hunter tugs her along, FlapJack sitting himself on Luz's head. 
Luz can't let Belos see Hunter, she needed to get him out of here, Belos was crazy. She stumbles over her legs but pushes on, they needed to-
"Oh Luzura, we weren't finished yet." That irritating, spine tingling, voice echoes across the space. 
"Miércoles." Luz mutters, pushing Hunter out of the way of a stabby slimy limb. 
"Maybe we should invite your friends-" 
"You won't touch them!" Luz stands in front of Hunter's fallen form, the former Golden Guard still staring at the hole where he'd once stood.
"Oh but they are in my way, why should I spare the traitors?" Belos floats closer, golden robes fluttering behind him, mask still chipped from her hit in their earlier fight. 
"You can feed me poison, fill me 'till I drown in it, but if you hurt my friends, it's over." Luz knows she can't beat him, knows that she helped him get to where he is, but she won't stand by and let something happen to her friends.
"I see. Well, I'm afraid we'll have to revisit this at a later date then Human. When youre more… mallable to my cause. Im sure you'll see things my way then." Its the only warning they get before he slams his spikes into the ground in front of them, the slab theyre on flinging them into the air. 
Luz chokes on her scream as she reaches for Hunter. FlapJack reaches him first, much to her relief, Hunter able to cling to the palisman turned staff and orient himself. Luz watches him shrink above her, looking over her shoulder to see what her demise might be. The foggy waters of a lake are steadily getting closer, she wonders if its swampy/bog water or boiling like the seas, and which would be worse. She wonders if its even deep enough to keep her from splattering apart and joining the liquid. Or maybe its not even a liquid or water, its the Boiling Isles, it could be anything.
She looks back up, seeing Hunter making his way towards her, arm outstretched. Even with Flaps teleportation magic, Luz is falling too fast. She braces herself the best someone falling to what could be there doom can, squeezes her eyes closed and takes a deep breath- 
Like getting slammed into solid concrete by a truck. The breath is forced from her lungs, tingling sensations run down her spine all the way to her toes in waves of numbness to pain, shes surrounded slowly by the lake water unable to get her body to cooperate as her head spins on a stiff neck. She stares through murky water as the light fades away, limp limbs swaying above her. Her lungs ache in a way shes never had, like the thought of her diaphram contracting is the silliest thing its ever heard and would much rather stay a deflated bloom, but dang does she need air- 
A short breath, she chokes as thick liquid invades her nose and mouth, small contractions of the muscles still willing to work as she fights to remove the water and find air. But she is no fish… soon she will be nothing at all. Her eyes slip closed. 
Hunter curses every single thing he can think of as he pushes FlapJack as fast as he'll go. He was utterly useless in that fight, one look at Belos and he'd frozen up, how was he supposed to protect these people if he couldnt even- he plunges into the water without a second thought, eyes squinted as he follows the bubbles down to Luz's limp form. He wraps a careful arm around her back, pulling them all to the surface. 
"Luz, Luz wake up," he sputters water and wipes his eyes clear as he frazzedly looks over Luz's unmoving form. "Come on, just hold on, y-youre gonna be okay!" He quickly searches her jacket, pulling out soaked glyphs, quick to do what he remembers her doing. 
A fireball to the sky, exploding in brilliant light, a fire made nearbye for warmth, carefully rolling Luz onto her back he braces himself before pushing down on her abdomen, right below her sternum. He cant say he knows what he's doing, but this is the section of the body you push on to help someone whos choking, if it doesn't work-
After only a few pushes shes convulsing and he quickly pushes her onto her side as water- and whatever else- is expelled. He cant help the choked sound of relief he makes, holding her steady as she disolves into a fit of coughs. 
"Oh thank the Titan." FlapJack tweets his agreement pecking at the humans hand. 
She either doesnt notice or doesnt care, soaked hair curling into her face and hiding it from Hunters view, her coughing has finally died down, shivers wracking her form as she slumps into Hunters hold. 
"'M'okay." She looks up at Hunter, eyes wet and lip wobbling.
Something hits Hunter then, a passing thought solidifing before his eyes. 
For all of Luz's joking and poking and prodding, she is still a kid. A kid who apparently just faced Hunters worst nightmare, and probably almost died at least twice. Not to mention every other thing she'd faced since stepping into this world shes now stranded in. 
"We'll get through this." He says it with as much determination as he can muster, just as shadows fall over them from the sky. 
They both tense automatically, Luz's trembling hand already drawing a circle in the mud forming beneath their soaked forms, and Hunters hand outstretched for FlapJack. 
"Luz! Hunter!" Several voices reach their ears, familiar and concerned and the two relax. 
For the secrets the two share, they forget sometimes that they are not alone. It may just take a minute for them to learn what sharing burdens actually meant.
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nyxlaufeyson · 11 months
The Devil's Apprentice
Main Masterlist
POV: Third
Ship: None, focuses on Original Female Character & The Avengers
Type: Character building??? Idk what to tag this is. Ig fluff?
Wordcount: 1144
TW: None
Synopsis: Matt Murdock has to go out of country for a mission, so he leaves his apprentice with the Avengers.
A/N: So I decided to participate in AU-gust, but no strings attached so I'm only going to do what I feel like doing because I don't want to stress myself out.
This is an idea that floated in for Day 1: "Sightless," and I enjoyed toying around with it a bit. I might do something with this OC in the future, but we'll see. I didn't want to write too much, so here's a shorter version of what was floating around in my mind.
This isn't my best work, but still putting it out here for those who will enjoy it <3
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“Is she just going to sit there and stare at us like that?” Tony whispered to Matt, causing the girl on the couch across from them to roll her eyes. 
“Just because I cannot see does not mean I can’t hear, Stark.” She stated, crossing her arms as she continued to ‘stare.’ 
“Serafina, why don’t you go ahead and introduce yourself to them.” Matt said with a sigh, setting his stick down beside the couch.
Serafina didn’t change her posture, but she did begin to introduce herself. “I’m Serafina. Yes, I was blind at birth. Yet do not mistake me for weak, as I could easily kick any of your asses.”
Tony scratched his head before turning towards Matt. “And why are you two here again?” Tony asked, flicking his eyes from Matt to Serafina. 
“Serafina has been my apprentice for several years now, and she’s exceeded at training.” Matt said, before pausing for a moment. “I need to go across the world for something, and I cannot take her with me.” 
Steve raises an eyebrow, seeing where the conversation was headed. “So you want her to stay with us?” He asked, and Matt nodded. 
“Why can’t she go with you again?” Tony inquired and Matt hesitated before answering. “Due to the nature of where I’m headed and why I’m going there, I do not feel that she is ready for this sort of mission.” Serafina scoffed at his words, but didn’t say anything.
“Where is it that you are going?” Clint asked, curious as to why he was traveling so far. “I’m afraid I can’t disclose that information right now.” Matt said, and Tony rolled his eyes.
Steve stepped forward in the room towards Matt and his apprentice. “Is she up for missions?” He asked, and Serafina smirked. “I’m always up for a mission, Captain.”
Matt nodded, confirming Steve’s question. “Yes, she should do fine.” He said, before hesitating. “Although, she isn’t too fond of teamwork.” 
“Well, we’re a team, so that might be a bit of a problem.” Tony said, pointing out the obvious. Serafina leaned back into the couch, not making a comment. 
Steve looked between Matt and Serafina. “Do you think you can work with us if need be?” He asked, and Serafina appeared to consider the question. “I suppose I can.” She finally said. 
“Perfect.” Matt said, patting Serafina on the back, making her mildly annoyed. “Then I need to get going.” He said, grabbing his stick and bringing it to his side. Matt turned to Serafina, giving her a small smile. “If you need anything, call Foggy, because you won’t be able to get in touch with me.” 
He began to leave, but then he turned back around. “And, Serafina?” Matt said, prompting her to turn towards him. “Behave.” 
Serafina rolled her eyes. “Yeah, whatever.” She huffed, turning back to the group of superheroes in front of her. “Could one of you show me to where I’ll be staying?” She asked, and she heard one of them stand up.
Natasha walked towards her, grabbing one of her bags to help carry. “Sure, It’s near my own room.” She said, and Serafina followed her over to the elevator. 
As the elevator began to ascend, Natasha tried to strike up a conversation. “So, you have heightened senses like Matt?” She asked, and Serafina nodded. “Yeah.” She answered, scratching her head. “Matty’s are a bit better than mine, but we’re working on it.”
“So did you train your senses? You mentioned you were blind at birth, so were you already born with these capabilities, or…” Natasha asked, letting her curiosity get the best of her. 
Se rafina tilted her head downwards. “To be honest, I think it’s a bit of both. I definitely already had better senses than most, except for, you know, my sight, but it was definitely something I had to train to get to where I am now.”
Natasha nodded at the explanation, still slightly confused. “Could it be the result of something supernatural?” She asked, and Serafina shrugged. “To be honest, I don’t know, and I don’t really care.”
The elevator made a dinging sound and opened, prompting Natasha to lead Serafina towards her new room. Once Natasha opened the door, she handed Serafina a keycard and set her bag down. “If you need anything, I’m in the room to the left. Also, don’t hesitate to ask JARVIS, the tower’s AI system, for directions or anything else you might need.”
Serafina nodded and thanked Natasha for the help, setting her other things down as she got a feel for the room. She wasn’t ecstatic about her stay at the Avenger’s Tower, but she could only attempt to make the most of it. 
~~~Several months later, because I ain’t writing a whole long ass fic sorry~~~
“Loki, catch!” Serafina yelled, throwing the briefcase towards where she could hear his feet hit the ground as he ran. He grabbed the briefcase as Serafina turned around to attack the people chasing her, now with two free hands. 
She heard Natasha over her earpiece, checking in. “Loki, Sera, how far off are you from the jet?” She inquired, and Loki replied for them. “We ran into some more agents, I’m headed towards you with the package right now while Sera is covering me.” 
“Serafina, do you need help? I can head your way.” Bucky offered, but Serafina declined. “No thanks, Buck, I’ve got this one.” She said, elbowing her last assailant in the forehead.
She made her way to the quinjet, pulling off the black silk from over her eyes before collapsing into the seat. “You good?” Natasha asked, and Serafina just nodded. Loki grabbed two water bottles, passing one to her as she muttered a ‘thanks.’
It had been several months since Matt had left her with the Avengers, and Serafina had only gotten one phone call from him saying he was alright, and just to put up with the team for a bit longer. She kept contact with Foggy, but he didn’t tell her much other than the fact that Matt was okay. 
Serafina didn’t mind her stay as much as she imagined she would have, and actually began to bond with some of the team members. She even began to dread the thought of leaving them. 
She was unsure what she would do in the event that Matt came back and offered to continue training with her, but she knew that he would support her if she were to stay at the tower. That was, if the team was okay with it. 
She was fairly sure they wouldn’t mind, though, because most of the team had grown to like Serafina. 
“I’d say that was some pretty kickass teamwork, team.” Tony said, and Steve sighed. “Language.” He muttered, but gave the team a smile. “But yeah, great work team.”
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hannaswritingblog · 1 year
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OKAY so about that suggestions. I have few, but in case u won't accept it, I just send it all in one ask. If there is anything u like, then I will just send another ask with only that one request or something <3
(oh and im everywhere seeing reader as she but u can make it non binary or sth if you would like!!!)
Neville Longbottom (HP, 5 year) x reader - with prompt "Do you find me brave yet?". I have that idea that reader comes to him after that fight ("The Battle of the Department of Mysteries") and his nose is still broken and he feels sorry that that propercy was destroyed bc of him, and Reader comforts him and maybe,,, idk, maybe he says something ala "do you at least find me brave now?" and reader says that she always thought of him as brave bc he is Gryffindor after all and she knows him since second year,,,, or something like that :D
Penguin (gotham) x reader - it would taking place in season 2, when he was still at the top, and reader would be a second most important person to him after his mother, anddd he would go to her and ask her to go to his place on a dinner and he would just, ya know, flash his well-being to reader, and to her it would be silly and cute and there would be smooch on the cheek from reader bc hes the best heheh
Jim Hopper x reader - it would take place somewhere after season 1. He and reader are fbw, and fic is about Jim visitng him, but this time with flowers and wearing his fabulous flanner, and asking her on a date in a 'hopper way' (whats that mean? idk maybe 'if I read the signals wrong then you won't see me again." bc he wants to sacriface himself all the time omg). cute cute
Susan Pevensie x bestie!reader - its day after valentines and both girls are talking about all these chockolates susan got from boys, while eating the same chockolates. Susan probably would feel little bad for eating them, bc she doesnt feel anything to these boys but reader is like 'nah, we dont want to waste them right" and so on
Edmund Pevensie x gf!reader - they are going on a costume party, and at the moment are still at home, and edumnd is going as a king, and reader as a queen and Edmund says something cheesy like "you would be perfect queen for me" or idk just,,, I mean he would think that he would take her as his wife in Narnia when he was a king there, right, and would somehow say that aloud. ANYHOW they would end up beeing blushy mess bc it was so sweet
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maybe you will like something hehe
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It's actually good that you send me all the suggestions in one ask - it would be okay too if you send them separately, but I probably won't be linking the asks in suggested fics anymore, so I don't need them that way, and it'll be easier for me to have this just one post. So don't worry! And you don't need to resend anything later (unless you have any new ideas, you can send those!!! haha)
For the reader's gender, I decided I'll write with the female reader more often so it's okay if you see it this way too, but there will be exceptions and I can already see one of your ideas would be an exception. We'll get to that in a while though :D
For the ideas, I really love number 1 and 3-5. Those suggestions are therefore accepted. :D I was going to go into detail why but I feel like I'd be just repeating myself. So yeah, I'll just say that. I'll put them on my to-do list in a moment. ;)
For suggestion 2, I think I'll have to reject it. As much as I love Penguin and Gotham... I don't know, I don't really feel it at the moment. I might come back to it later but not now. This is the idea I'd likely write the gender neutral reader though - coding the specifically as female would feel wrong to me. I won't go into much detail since I don't want to spoil things for you, but people who have seen season 3 probably know what I'm thinking about.
But yeah, 4 out of 5 suggestions are accepted and I actually feel inspired for them so that's good. I should work on everything in the next few days, as well as on my own ideas. As I said, if anything else crosses your mind, you can also send it later and I'd love to give it a thought. :D ILY too 💜
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kisscara · 1 year
Ok ok uh here's the prompt I told u Abt uhhh idk if this will be good writing yandere isn't my forte so wish me luck
You and scaramouche we're both well known to be academic rivals as you might say. Both of you will always make a big fuss about who's getting the highest grade in class, who's getting the lead role in plays you name it. But a secret of Raiden "anything you can do I can do better" scaramouche is that he likes you, no it's more than liking you he loves you and he will do the extreme to make sure you'll love him back whether that will be now the next day, the next week, the next month or the next year he will make sure that your eyes catches no one better than him. And if little annoying rats get a bit too close to you, he'll make sure to deal with them properly. One faithful day you and scaramouche we're bickering again about the school band loosing a guitarist then that argument went somewhere unexpected.
"Why would the school band accept your single ass" he glares at you after the sentence.
"oh yeah! I bet I can get a boyfriend whenever I want to, I just choose not to." You reply to his banter
"pft- what a joke I bet you'll be single till you're like 30" scaramouche bets
"oh yeah bet!" You say
"ok bet if we're still single when you're 30 you're going to marry me!" He confidently answers
"why would I want to marry your pathetic self" you mock
"you backing down from the bet? You mean you admit being single because nobody wants you?" He teases
"hell no! Fine then if we're both single ti'll our 30's we'll marry each other! Ok see I agreed to your stupid bet." You Respond, this bet thing of his is stupid anyway
"well then goodluck, getting a partner while being so arrogant and annoying will be a challenge" he winks and walks away
Little did you know this was in scaramouche's plan and you just started it. Now all he has to do is keep you single ti'll your 30 one way or another, he will do anything to make sure of that.
Hdnhsjjsjsnd idk how I feel about this prompt and yeah uhhhh I ran out of terms for reply srry Abt that uhhhh this is kind of trash and my first yandere stuff so yep constructive criticism please.
-dreaming ミ✭
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