#Universe alterations
seldomscilence16 · 11 months
Whumptober day 14:
"Feed me poison, fill me 'till I drown."
Flare | water inhalation | "Just hold on." 
Fandom: Owl House
Prompts used: All
This once again is in the 'who the frick knows' timeline. Where I move things to fit my needs. It's before the day of Unity Fight, but Hunter gets on their side earlier on… yeah idk. :) I kinda wanted to parallel the battle they had in the human realm in season 3, cause ya know *°•☆trauma☆•°*
TW for drowning
Luz pretends she's an open book. She smiles and laughs and puts herself out there like the heart on her sleeve is more than just an illusion. She can pretend everything is fine, that nothing happened ever-
Until she cant.
She stares at the chaos around her, wonders what she should have changed to fix it. Her feet feel numb while the rest of her tingles unpleasantly, she wonders if it will ever fade back to normal or if it's a side effect of being turned to stone. She thinks of Eda, and how that had almost been her fate once, she wonders where she is now. 
A shout reaches her ears before someone crashes into her, when she opens her eyes again she's across the room, a pile of rubble where she once stood.
"What are you doing!? We need to get out of here!" 
"Hunter? Where's everyone else?" Luz duct tapes her spiraling mind together, she's fine.
"They're getting everyone else to safety. I don't know what you've been doing, but we need to get out of here before Belos finds us!" Hunter tugs her along, FlapJack sitting himself on Luz's head. 
Luz can't let Belos see Hunter, she needed to get him out of here, Belos was crazy. She stumbles over her legs but pushes on, they needed to-
"Oh Luzura, we weren't finished yet." That irritating, spine tingling, voice echoes across the space. 
"Miércoles." Luz mutters, pushing Hunter out of the way of a stabby slimy limb. 
"Maybe we should invite your friends-" 
"You won't touch them!" Luz stands in front of Hunter's fallen form, the former Golden Guard still staring at the hole where he'd once stood.
"Oh but they are in my way, why should I spare the traitors?" Belos floats closer, golden robes fluttering behind him, mask still chipped from her hit in their earlier fight. 
"You can feed me poison, fill me 'till I drown in it, but if you hurt my friends, it's over." Luz knows she can't beat him, knows that she helped him get to where he is, but she won't stand by and let something happen to her friends.
"I see. Well, I'm afraid we'll have to revisit this at a later date then Human. When youre more… mallable to my cause. Im sure you'll see things my way then." Its the only warning they get before he slams his spikes into the ground in front of them, the slab theyre on flinging them into the air. 
Luz chokes on her scream as she reaches for Hunter. FlapJack reaches him first, much to her relief, Hunter able to cling to the palisman turned staff and orient himself. Luz watches him shrink above her, looking over her shoulder to see what her demise might be. The foggy waters of a lake are steadily getting closer, she wonders if its swampy/bog water or boiling like the seas, and which would be worse. She wonders if its even deep enough to keep her from splattering apart and joining the liquid. Or maybe its not even a liquid or water, its the Boiling Isles, it could be anything.
She looks back up, seeing Hunter making his way towards her, arm outstretched. Even with Flaps teleportation magic, Luz is falling too fast. She braces herself the best someone falling to what could be there doom can, squeezes her eyes closed and takes a deep breath- 
Like getting slammed into solid concrete by a truck. The breath is forced from her lungs, tingling sensations run down her spine all the way to her toes in waves of numbness to pain, shes surrounded slowly by the lake water unable to get her body to cooperate as her head spins on a stiff neck. She stares through murky water as the light fades away, limp limbs swaying above her. Her lungs ache in a way shes never had, like the thought of her diaphram contracting is the silliest thing its ever heard and would much rather stay a deflated bloom, but dang does she need air- 
A short breath, she chokes as thick liquid invades her nose and mouth, small contractions of the muscles still willing to work as she fights to remove the water and find air. But she is no fish… soon she will be nothing at all. Her eyes slip closed. 
Hunter curses every single thing he can think of as he pushes FlapJack as fast as he'll go. He was utterly useless in that fight, one look at Belos and he'd frozen up, how was he supposed to protect these people if he couldnt even- he plunges into the water without a second thought, eyes squinted as he follows the bubbles down to Luz's limp form. He wraps a careful arm around her back, pulling them all to the surface. 
"Luz, Luz wake up," he sputters water and wipes his eyes clear as he frazzedly looks over Luz's unmoving form. "Come on, just hold on, y-youre gonna be okay!" He quickly searches her jacket, pulling out soaked glyphs, quick to do what he remembers her doing. 
A fireball to the sky, exploding in brilliant light, a fire made nearbye for warmth, carefully rolling Luz onto her back he braces himself before pushing down on her abdomen, right below her sternum. He cant say he knows what he's doing, but this is the section of the body you push on to help someone whos choking, if it doesn't work-
After only a few pushes shes convulsing and he quickly pushes her onto her side as water- and whatever else- is expelled. He cant help the choked sound of relief he makes, holding her steady as she disolves into a fit of coughs. 
"Oh thank the Titan." FlapJack tweets his agreement pecking at the humans hand. 
She either doesnt notice or doesnt care, soaked hair curling into her face and hiding it from Hunters view, her coughing has finally died down, shivers wracking her form as she slumps into Hunters hold. 
"'M'okay." She looks up at Hunter, eyes wet and lip wobbling.
Something hits Hunter then, a passing thought solidifing before his eyes. 
For all of Luz's joking and poking and prodding, she is still a kid. A kid who apparently just faced Hunters worst nightmare, and probably almost died at least twice. Not to mention every other thing she'd faced since stepping into this world shes now stranded in. 
"We'll get through this." He says it with as much determination as he can muster, just as shadows fall over them from the sky. 
They both tense automatically, Luz's trembling hand already drawing a circle in the mud forming beneath their soaked forms, and Hunters hand outstretched for FlapJack. 
"Luz! Hunter!" Several voices reach their ears, familiar and concerned and the two relax. 
For the secrets the two share, they forget sometimes that they are not alone. It may just take a minute for them to learn what sharing burdens actually meant.
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bajoop-sheeb · 1 year
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Meditation by Yoong Bae
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deadshotghost · 1 year
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imagine writing a scene THIS sinister looking
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js-dragonart · 21 days
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Seeing Ghosts
Coping strategy when something traumatic happened to characters you like: Write/draw fan fiction that´s even more heartbreaking/dramatic/f*cked up. A little HOD short story about Aemond having a vision of his brother when he's at Harrenhal. This is based on the show so it was Aemond who burned Aegon on purpose during the battle of Rooks Rest.
Because I am a sucker for hurt/comfort and bittersweet things, we have regret on both sides, tears and a hug.
I know this is 100% not where the show is going but this is what fan fiction is for.
Delulu sometimes is the solulu.
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iknowicanbutwhy · 4 months
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"You could recite their lines perfectly for them" yeah? Well they can, too
Continuation of this.
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ask-howuuya · 1 month
Do they both work for the port mafia?
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As you know, Chuuya is one of the executives in the Port Mafia and (probably) the next in line to inherit the thang from Mori (the boss) 🤪
meanwhile Howett is part of the assault group 😋 initially, they were under Koyo’s wing in the torture/interrogation department, but then the Port Mafia realised they’re much better on the field 🌸 Also. They’re Elise’s best playmate. Therefore Mori’s favourite babysitter as well
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dreamtwinsxxx · 1 month
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You can find more here ❤️
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ruporas · 2 years
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post ep 11
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fisheito · 4 months
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everyone gets a turn in the ridiculous skintight edmondsuit. or at least, .everyone SHOULD
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pianokantzart · 6 months
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King Booario again! This time with an updated design.
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seldomscilence16 · 11 months
Whumptober Day 22:
"They never saw us coming, 'till they hit the floor."
Glass shard | Vehicular accident | "Watch out!"
Alt. Prompt: no.4 decoy
Fandom: Voltron
Prompts used: All
So this one is a little rushed as well, cause I wanted to put so much but needed to keep it short lol. Like with day 21 I tried to do angst with another character, but Lance still got most of it. I have too many headcanons dudes. Also the lyric was used like an inside joke, I will come up with a moment if someone asks lol.
TW for OC character death and like mentions of Lances near/death experiences.
Space was weird.
They all knew it, each new experience up here reminded them that their life was this crazy mess now. That they had to figure out how to face everything as it came at them, because it could mean the end of their lives or that of the universe if they didn't.
Lance knew this intimately, he'd looked death in the face a few times from different distances, had kissed him once for the briefest moment- though it left a chill in his bones even still. He wonders if Shiro has that chill sometimes, the man never seemed cold, but that didn't mean anything really.
He stares at the mess before him, ears ringing, cheek pressed against the cold floor- where was his helmet?- and shards of glass- the space equivalent anyway, he couldn't recall the name- scattered everywhere he looked. He moves his arm across the floor, the drag of something in his arm stinging something terrible, to help push himself up. He had things to do, he had to make sure the team was okay, there were bad guys to beat.
His body protests every movement, but as he gets his knees under him, gets his bearings, what he's supposed to be doing comes back to him like a hammer to the gut.
"Quiznack. Alright Lance, you have a job to do."
Standing is hard, but he handles it with a spite like determination, his helmet is nearby, the view screen cracked and pretty beat up, but necessary for his mission. The comms are wrecked, a squeal in his ear, static, a word or two, and more feedback than anything, he switches it off.
"Looks like I'm on my own." What's new?
He adjusts his armor, grimacing at the red color, so used to the familiar soothing blues, but it's temporary, it had a purpose. His wrist HUD is a little glitchy, and he finds a large shard of glass sticking out of his arm, but his directions are visible and the shard- shars probably- is fine for now. Something about pulling it out seems like a bad idea without bandages- a bitter thought about how his original armor definitely had bandages in it crosses his mind but he pushes it away.
"Alright, big bady shouldn't be far, just plug in the device, get his attention and run. You got this, you can handle this." The building- the one belonging to the overlord of this planet, the overlord they are trying to overthrow to free the people- is surprisingly neat and guard free as Lance makes his way through the halls towards the grid he's supposed to plug the device into. "Keith better appreciate this."
It's even more worrying to find the very important server room where the grid lays to also be unguarded, but he's gonna take what he can get. Once the little light on the device Pidge gave him turns green, he leaves the room, seals the door, and begins part 2.
"Alright, Mission pretending to be Keith to distract the bad guy is a go." He mumbles.
Pulling his bayard out he takes a deep breath, and runs.
Keith paces the length of his cell, fury burning in every nerve. He can't believe he got captured, and he wasn't even on a dang mission! He was just shopping! But he'd asked about Voltron- he just wanted to hear how they were doing- and someone had heard and suddenly he was being interrogated by some huge guy who hit like a quiznacking truck, and they wanted the Red Paladin, but Keith was a Blade now, Lance was the Blue-Turned-Red Paladin and he wouldn't freakin tell this snoz where Lance was.
But now he was alone, with at least a broken rib if the wheeze in his breathing meant anything, with no way out unless he could get this dang darn door to-
The door just, opened. No one outside of it, he hadn't done anything to it- besides kick it, but his foot just hurt from that so- and now it was-
"Don't have all day, dummy." A voice- oh so familiar- comes from the electric lock pad on the door, Pidges little gremlin hacker head laughing on the screen.
"Pidge, how did you guys even know I was here??" Keith steps out of his cell, looking around the deserted hallway.
"Kolivan noted your absence and didn't tell us he was worried, or to come find you, nope."
"And you guys came to find me? How'd you hack in remotely?" Keith is touched that not only did Kolivan contact his team for him, but that his team came for him at all.
"Keith, I will literally answer all your questions if you can get out of there alive. Lance is distracting the big guy-"
"What!? The really big dude that hits like a truck!?" Keith feels panic swirl in his aching gut, but Lance was probably distance fighting so it was fi-
"He'll be fine, he's being you, now get out of their numbskull."
"What do you mean, being me?"
"Seriously Kei-"
"Pidge! The guy has been looking for the Red Paladin, he beat the quiznack out of me for information. Please tell me Lance isn't-"
"Keith." Shiro's voice filters through the small speaker, "Get out of there, and Lance will follow the plan."
"The plan, Shiro please tell me you didn't purposefully send Lance-"
"He's the Decoy, because you are the Red Paladin Keith-"
"You did a whole damn show about how I definitely wasn't the Red Paladin anymore! Shiro this guy has no guards, he doesn't need them, tell me where Lance is or so help me-"
"No! You didn't tell us any of that!! Keith he's in the East wing of the building! Hurry! We lost contact after his pod entered the premises!"
"Shit!" Keith takes off down the hallway, telling his protesting body to shut up, he had to get to Lance!
Lance is beginning to think the universe is telling him something. Like yeah, it has been telling him a lot of things- he's working on it- but this 'always close to dying' thing was getting old. Like, he gets it, he sucks, but chill.
He ducks under another swing, keeping his breaths short as he bends, and comes up to shoot at the hulking aliens back. His skin sizzles and he roars, but he simply turns to come at Lance again.
"You've got issues dude." Lance pants, head spinning.
“Perhaps, but one will be taken care of as soon as I am through with you.” He growls back, taking Keith’s luxite blade from his waistband and raising the dagger threateningly.
Lance gives his own growl,
“That doesn’t belong to you.”
“What, are you going to take it?” He taunts, giving no time for a retort as he lunges.
Lance grits his teeth, his blaster changes last second, flashing into his sword form as he counters the downward strike, twisting just enough to fling the blade from a meaty hand, however, it does not stop the bulldozer from hitting Lance. He grunts, back hitting the wall, sword pinned between them.
“Your time is through, Red Paladin.”
“They never saw us coming,” Lance gives a bloody grin to the confused tyrant.
“‘Till they hit the floor.” Keith’s voice is a growl to join the club, his blade- now elongated- slashes across the aliens back.
Like Lance's shot, it only has the alien lashing out in anger, but Lance is free to join Keith.
“You were supposed to run.” The Cuban comments.
“And let you have all the fun?” Keith gives him a once over, glaring at their opponent angrily at the damage done, “Nice sword.”
“You’ve missed a lot.”
“Then let’s finish this sharpshooter, and you can tell me all about it!”
The battle is on once again, though this time they are on the offensive. Fighting side by side like they’d been doing it all their lives, their team would probably be shocked. Lances bayard changes forms fluidly, Keith hadn’t even known it could take so many for one Paladin, he really had missed a lot. They have the alien tyrant beat, he’s finally swaying on his feet, another blast to the knee and a cut to his ankle, has him going down hard.
“Ha! ‘Till they hit the floor!”
Lance's face, obscured by blood as it is, lights up in a way Keith realized he had missed very much. In the few video calls home he’d made during his time with the blade, the team had seemed different, Lance had stood on the edges, a frown on his lips that unsettled Keith. He never wanted this smile to leave the Cuban again. He moves closer, hand outstretched, to say something, when the smile falls,
“Watch out!”
Keith is shoved out of the way, as Lance takes the charging alien in his stead. Everything seems to blur as time slows and speeds forward at the same time somehow, Keith’s ears ring, his feet feel like he’s running through sludge, there’s a shout, a noise, the tumbling figures stop moving.
“LANCE!” He shoves at the lifeless form, dead weight taking all his might to roll off. There’s a smoldering hole between his eyes, and Lance is wheezing but alive.
“S’ry mullet, gonna need yer h’lp ag’n.”
“I got you, sharpshooter. Just stay with me.”
“Yer bad at math too.” His mumbles taper off, his eyes sliding closed.
Keith doesn’t remember getting him to the Castle, doesn’t recall getting him into a pod, but he's stationed before one now, refusing to leave Lance's side until it spits him out, because he knows Lance hates them. Shiro, or rather his lookalike, is in stasis in another pod, Lotor too even further apart from the Cuban. Things had gone to shit, but they could handle it… together.
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lex-munro · 1 year
[Princess-verse Scrap] .waltz.
blame Silvarbelle, because when you give a mouse a cookie…he’s going to write like 5K+ words of semi-connected domestic batjokes kid!fic epilogue.  Warnings for brief discussion of mental illness, pharmaceuticals, and side effects, plus mature language and sexual references (including consensual violence).
following up on Bruce finding a ten-year-old on his doorstep…  Joker’s first dance as a free man living in the Hall of Justice.
When they were getting ready for bed that first night (after tucking Damian in), Joker hesitantly opened a little bag and started to set out pill bottles on the bedside table.
“Are you embarrassed?” Bruce asked gently.
“I used to talk a big game about them being a waste of time…”  Joker shrugged.  “…but it turns out if it’s the right ones in the right amounts, they actually help.  I don’t go away so much, and I don’t get that feeling like my skin is trying to crawl off my body, and I don’t wanna beat people bloody for no reason.  And I’m not sad all the time like I was every other time the pills sort of worked.  But I get tired sometimes, and I still forget things, and sometimes I feel like I’m not…me…”
Bruce touched his elbow carefully.  “Jay?”
Joker shook his head.  “It’s worth it.  If I can be out here, and have cake whenever I want, and kiss you whenever I want, and see Damian whenever I want, I don’t care what kind of fucked up side-effects they have.”
“It’s up to you, babe,” Bruce assured him.  “But I’m glad they’re helping.  You need any help setting them up?  Cases for dosing?  Timers?”
He shook his head again.  “Thank you.  I got it.”
“Proud of you.  Gonna brush my teeth; yell if you need me.”
He made it three steps before he had a boyfriend attached to his waist.
“Love you, Batsy.”
He stroked the arms wrapped around him.  “I love you, too, Jay.”
Joker hooked his chin over Bruce’s shoulder.  “Dance with me?”
He could never seem to say no.
He turned, stealing a quick kiss as he arranged their hands and led them into a lazy waltz.
Something about dancing—waltzes in particular—had always had a euphoric effect on the Joker.  As long as Bruce had one hand between his shoulder blades and the other cradling slender fingers, he was pliable as warm paraffin.  Turning slowly through the bedroom, bare feet making soft sounds on wood planking and the ornamental rug.
Joker ducked his head with a little laugh.  “Sorry, sorry—” he mumbled, schooling his expression.  “I just realized you’re dancing to Sleeping Beauty.”
He was.  “How do you always know?”
“You always think of Tchaikovsky if there’s no music playing.  And you never slow down Swan Lake or Nutcracker, so if it’s a drowsy sort of waltz, you’re thinking of courtiers with flowered garlands.”
“Sometimes you still surprise me by knowing me so well.”
Joker leaned into a turn with a beaming smile.  “Your head is a very cozy place, darling.  Much nicer than mine.”
“I know I already said it once tonight, but I’m so proud of you.  We agreed on a goal and you went after it with everything you had.”
“The drugs make it easier,” he admitted.  “I don’t do so many things by accident now.  I can stop and ask myself if I can accept the consequences.  So a lot of it’s just…little flitting thoughts.  Passing fancies.  Sometimes, I still—I—”  Joker made a complicated gesture with the hand on Bruce’s shoulder.  “—destroy stuff.  But I can decide what to destroy.  It doesn’t have to be the first guy I see that I don’t give a shit about.  I might still be rough with you sometimes…we like it like that, right?  A kiss with a fist, et cetera.  But you can handle it.”
An easy concession.  “Sure,” said Bruce.  “And if you want to dance—any time, any place—say the word.”
“Hah!  Wouldn’t that be something…”
“I mean it.  If you barged into a board meeting and said, ‘Dance with me right now,’ I would spin you around the conference table while those stuffy old farts gaped and complained.”
Joker was surprised right out of his laughter.  He just blinked, wide-eyed, and kept following where Bruce’s hands directed him.  “Promise!” he demanded with teeth bared.
“I promise, Jay,” Bruce said firmly.
They spun to a stop as Joker slowed.  “Brush your teeth later; I want your mouth on me.”
“Spoiled,” Bruce muttered, but immediately bit a beautiful bruise into Joker’s shoulder.
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heroesspirit · 1 year
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HW Link in aus, reblog if u agree
In order from left to right: Linked universe, bonus links, ageless soul, limited hero, hazy horizons, fractured timelines, heroes spirit, linked maze
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juanasunfall-blog · 2 years
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Always rooting for the Anti-Hero  ~ Happy Birthday, Professor Snape
A new phoenix-themed robe design for AU postwar/headmaster Snape. After the snake theme, the phoenix theme is my favorite one to include into any robes I draw for him. I think it’s kinda fitting, like one big „f*** you“ directed at the ones who made his life miserable, including the late Dumbledore; 
„See this? You were the one with the pet-phoenix, but I’m the one who survived your bullshit-schemes, got your job, my freedom, and the trust and gratitude of the boy you deceived and raised to die.“
Ah yes. The power of fanfiction. 
Fun fact: The robe is inspired by a dress Taylor Swift wore for the Reputation stadium tour.  
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js-dragonart · 5 days
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Choices - A prequel to "Seeing Ghosts"
I have decided to make the sappy fluff drama AU Comic into a little series. It will have four parts, with "Seeing Ghosts" ultimately being the third part chronologically.
Honestly, I have no idea where the pink color scheme came from when I made this part, but it looked nice so I rolled with it (It´s also the reason why their eyes don´t look properly purple lol).
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witchiestwitch · 1 year
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'and wouldn’t it be the biggest joke if he was brought back from the dead to be the only alive thing in this entire world?’
From you are what you love by regional_catastrophe !
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